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Wings Over Scotland

Final destination

Posted on December 13, 2014 by

In an alternative universe, Keir Hardie reacts to news of the election of Jim Murphy.

[EDIT 12.20: YouTube are dribbling morons and have blocked our original clip (now below), even though it was recorded DIRECTLY FROM AN EXISTING YOUTUBE CLIP. You can skip to the relevant part of that clip by clicking here. In the meantime we’ve replaced it at the top of the article with a lower-quality one.]

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“This video contains content from FOX, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.”

You and My Comb

videi is blocked by Murdoch.

wee folding bike

Blocked by Fox.

Murdoch again.

John Walsh

localism to be Murphy’s cunning plan.You couldn’t make it up .Running the branch from London.
New game for Xmas where’s Johann Lamont ? Now we’ve found wally

“The spirit of revolt is abroad an will not be easily allayed”Kier Hardy
However it’s @theSNP not SLAB who have active localism


This video contains content from FOX, who has blocked it on copyright grounds.


Could be something like this……

link to


How apt – Aye and the sentiments of many other Scots about the ‘stench’ that the Labour party has finally become in the years since Blair Brown and Darling.

What a shower led by the cretin.

Good Riddance

Ae and the sentimentstiments

[…] Final destination […]


James Kelly has the results of the latest Scotland wide poll for Yougov. Not much cheer for Murphy;

link to


Now it’s confirmed: Murdoch and Murphy are in cahoots!

No surprise, they both begin by Mur. 😛

Bob Mack

If that is meant to be Kezia, I would suggest she is talking to the wrong end of the horse !!


More likely that some Blairite Labour troll spotted the use of the video on WoS and contacted Fox to have it pulled as they can’t have fun being made of their “new” ever so serious leader of the North British faction of the Westminster Labour party.

By the way does anyone know who holds the rights to the name “Scottish Labour” or “Scottish Labour Party” as its not a registered political party?


A result for us I think 🙂

Yuussss! Get in there!



Whisperin’ Jim, the state propaganda broadcaster’s favourite Trident stroker and foodbank supporter is the new New Labour leader of the north british branch.

That’ll work.

BTW That Catherine McLeod of the Herald isn’t half a labourite is she? Cringeworthy appearance on news 24 to tell us how good Jim is.


link to Vote red Tory boy, “you’ve only yourselves to blame”


Magnus Gardham in today’s Herald editorial talks about Labour’s fears.

He quotes one activist: “We are told we are c***. That we’re rotten”

I think that’s a grammatical error. It should be “c****”, plural.

What ye think, Stu?


My wife is convinced that the stress of the conflict within the Labour Party is causing self harming.

She sees the creepy sleazy Murphy being elected as evidence of a death wish.

As I have said before I always consult her on matters to do with human nature.She is an expert.


“The Screaming Skull”, coming to a street corner near you.

link to

Scary stuff!


Rev you are so witty :-D, but slight tear no doubt, Tony Blair and chums like Jim turned the Labour party into a Joke and poor dead Old Kerr Hardie must be like WTF as he turns in his grave, lets look on the bright side you will have tons to write about now ;-p


Congratulations BBC Scotland, you have your first elected leader !

Helena Brown

Croompenstein says: Now that sheep says much, I think many who are Labour supporters will be outdoing her.
Famous 15, your wife has a decidedly clear view of the Labour Party but as that well known Chinese General was moved to say never interfere with your enemy when they are making mistakes.


Murphy/Dugdale, as expected (the MurDug?). Christmas has come early for Sturgeon and Swinney.


Video worked, “damn them all to hell”, did none of the monkeys have red ties?


And what is all this “The Reverend I M Jolly” tones coming from Murphy all about. All that’s missing is the dog collar.

Does he really think we are that stupid that we will fall for the “forget the past, we need to look forward” pish.

You’ll need to try a lot harder than that ya numpty.


It creates a perplexing dilemma for tories in Scotland. There is now a labour branch leader that they can vote for to keep the SNP out, but if they tactically vote for his branch office, they put in place a labour government across the UK at a time when they may be able to pinch a few more for their party.

Its popcorn time.


C’mon Nana Smith, we’re having to do your job for you.

Oh Nana Smith, wherefore art thou?

“In 1998 Jim Murphy took part in at least 8 of 10 votes on the
Teaching and Higher Education Bill which brought in tuition fees
for the first time for students.”

“In particular he voted not to exempt students at Scottish Universities from tuition fees because a Scottish degree was 4 years and not 3 years.”

“During a BBC debate in Aberdeen in September this year, Mr.Murphy also refused to commit Labour in Scotland to upholding the principle of free university education.”

link to


Common words at Labour party meetings up and down Scotland.

link to

fred blogger

true, just as voting labour or for any other right wing party is.

Hoss Mackintosh

Screaming Skull just brilliant – is this the latest party political broadcast by SLaB?
Project fear 2 🙂

fred blogger

ps; described by dr alice miller, dr bob johnson and dr dorathy rowe et al, as being in deep denial.


to paraphrase the great Robbin Williams “Jim Murphy is like a self opening piñata he is a gift”.


Good for Scotland, bad for Scottish politics. Johann and Gray were bad enough, but a Murphy/Dugdale team will bring new meaning to the term tribal politics.

Good grief Labour, what have you done?


A very seasonal election. Murphy and Dugdale, the head and rear of a pantomime horse.


If Murphy wants to give councils like Glasgow City Council and North Lanarkshire Council greater powers and reduce the roll of the Holyrood Parliament, then what plans does he have for Scottish MSPs.

Because if Murphy gets his way, Westminster cold simply by-pass Holyrood and send money directly to all the local councils in Scotland. Eventually Westminster would consider closing Holyrood down.

Another politician with similar ideas for Holyrood is a certain Mr Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader.


Nice boost for Murphy lunchtime BBC R4 news, Pacific Quay ligger sez Labour in Scotland generational power in this region “may lose some seats” in May. Not if BBC in Scotland can help it. She sounds extremely determined too. Lucky old Jim.

Bob Mack

Nicola has spoken to Murph already to congratulate him and offered to find common ground. Nicola, please listen carefully .You are talking to a man who can change ground faster than most of us can blink. That ordinarily would not be a problem except for the pathological hatred he holds for you, and all who would deprive him of his meal ticket to power i.e. 1.6 million Scots (real ones I mean).
Nice to be nice, as they say, but I am hoping you really, really want to rip him to shreds. That is what us 1.6 million want.


To be fair most Wingers saw this coming months ago. So it shows how ” alert” our readers really are. Well done folks. And of course you to Rev, goes without saying.

Dugdale at Hollyrood is going to be the must see events of the year. Watching Jackie “wheres the nearest greggs ” Baillie hammered By Nichola was joyful but after Dugdales’s drivel during the referendum , i am making ready for the slaughter. Oh the joys of being a YESSER 🙂

Popcorn – check. Tissues for drying eyes during the squirming – check. Big mug of tea handily kept away from arms length, just in case 😉 – check. Handy remote to video the lot and watch again and again. 🙂

James kelly has great News for Murphy on his blog. Give him an idea of the mammoth job he has undertaken. keeping a zombie corpse from rotting .

Jingle bells , jingle bells , jingle all the way ….. 🙂

fred blogger

no, just the rear.


Did Charlton Heston make the “From my cold dead hands” speech or Jim Murphy…i can never quite remember

One also liked acting like Moses leading his people to their rightful destination but I know that must have been Chuck


Meanwhile, Sky News have announced that more British troops are to be sent back to Iraq to help in the fight against ISIS.

I wonder how many ‘No’ voters support that move.

Nevermind, you now have a filthy branch manager whose hands are caked in the blood of innocent civilians.

Boy, aren’t you the envy of the civilised world, eh!

Filthy Red Tory ("Tractor" - Ed)s and mass murderers – vote them out.

gerry parker

@ Caz M.
Aye, it would be sold to the labour folk as giving more powers, where actually what they are doing is taking those powers away from Holyrood.

Nothing for it then sir but to make sure all our elected Councillors from now on are from pro independence parties.

Good start made in Argyll.


fred blogger

murphy and the other one elected, rejoice all of our christmases have come @ once.


Marcia says:
James Kelly has the results of the latest Scotland wide poll for Yougov.

And again, it shows Yes ahead to the independence question.

The Vow is dead. We need a convincing 60% + before the next referendum. Murphy should help provide that!

bookie from hell

Why Labour MSP will be FMQs opposite number?


Derek Bateman over at NNS, is warning against complacency re Murphy.

This is my fear also, the man will say anything and ‘believe’ in anything to win.

He is a snake and it will be impossible to pin him down.

The BBC will support him even more than Farage.

The only positive I can see is that traditional Labour supporters will be turned off.

The cons in East Ren will vote for him tactically, we have a massive fight on our hands to get him voted out in May.


If they can report that 60.4% of the membership voted for Murphy that means they have at least 1,000 members!
If they had reported that Murphy had got 55.77%, as they did for the final result, that would have implied a membership of 10,000. They didn’t 😀

SNP closing in on 100,000 members; just saying like.


Does anyone want to form The New Scottish Labour Party?

“completely independent of Westminster – truly working for Scotland”


Jim’s theme song?

link to

Dr Jim

This, will re-energise the Tory Party for sure, between Ruthie and Jim the tories might go up to 9 or 10% There is another Party. can’t remember who they are for the moment…I am Alex Salmond…


Labour tv reporting that Scottish Labour have elected a leader who cannot speak in the Scottish Parliament. Need to be some moving on and accepting the result in Labour ranks 🙂 .


Daily Record running a poll at the moment,

“Is Jim Murphy the right choice as the new leader of Scottish Labour?”

So far:

YES 38%
NO 62%


Sorry,I meant union tv.

fred blogger

‘oh’ lord it’s hard to be humble’ me thinks, for theme tune.


Smurphy is a blustering blaggard and a bullshitter. His egotistical braggadocio behavior is thinly veiled by a faux modesty, unctuous use of humour and false camaraderie.

Dugbreath is a simpleton masquerading as a someone with an ounce of intellect. It’s a trick that can only work inside a group of simpletons. Eg Labour in Scotland.

Anyone fooled by either of these two, their pretend socialist principles and their intentions for Scotland, are quite frankly, witless.

And as the two of you read this, you will no doubt recognize the truth even if you do manage to fool a few of the more feeble minded in Scotland.


SNP take Labour Councillors seat in Elgin as well.
A good couple of days for the SNP.


Well at least BBC Labour Scotland will be happy.

Scot Finlayson

So Aunty Beeb (puke) support Farage in England and Murphy in Scotland .
What the #### are the Establishment up to,where are they trying to take us.
Start building bunkers.


Just when I thought they couldn’t get any worse – they prove me wrong.

fred blogger

slightly ot.
“Labour MSP Jackie Baillie, shadow social justice minister, said: “This case is heart-wrenching. It shows just how broken the benefits assessment system is under Tory reforms.”
it was labour who introduced atos and the dreaded WCA.
which is specifically designed to blame the sick and disabled for being so, so what is she on about here?
link to

Fat boab

@Marian says at 12:13 pm

“By the way does anyone know who holds the rights to the name “Scottish Labour” or “Scottish Labour Party” as it’s not a registered political party?”

Well spotted, Marian – which gave me an idea:

But, 2 minutes ago, when I searched on the domain names “” and “” I got the message that these domain names had “JUST” been registered. Bugger!

OK, own up, who beat me to it? Hope it wasnae Spud.


Derek Bateman is right to urge caution. Murphy is a far more seasoned and able politician than Lamont. We need to handle him carefully as one would a scorpion or a snake. However, his propensity to sting or bite is just as a likely within Labour as without. Patience will serve us well.

Les Wilson

I am sick to death of the MSM/BBC faux idolisation of Murphy.
Which is once more a Westminster plot to reign in any
thought of INDY.
Murphy is a two faced Blairite and should be voted down at every opportunity. He is also a dye in the wool Unionists and will with his usual arrogance try to deceive Scots once more.

He is crafty and will have been well tutored by his Westminster overlords. We must thwart his ambitions for Northern Britain.

We cannot fall for it,it is manipulation once more on grand scale. Time for the Indy groups to wise up, particularly the SNP, who I do not think are the most streetwise entity. For all our sakes, he must be stopped.




preference for one’s own political party; especially when seeking to limit the control/influence of national government in favour of local government, where local government is controlled by one’s own political party.

– a characteristic of Labour Party Branch Secretaries in Scotland.

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