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Wings Over Scotland

Filling in the gaps again

Posted on April 04, 2018 by

The Scottish Daily Mail’s never-ending quest to find the very bottom of the SNP BAD barrel reached a new record depth today, somehow managing to blame the Scottish Government for… whiplash injuries.

But as ever, it turned out the Mail’s story was missing some key data.

As with the Herald’s front page yesterday (which couldn’t find anything bad actually happening in Scotland to complain about, so led on something bad that might possibly happen in the future), the entire piece is built on a fantasy – the giveaway line is in paragraph five, which claims:

“Critics say Scots motorists will be ‘punished’ with higher bills as a result.”

The classic “critics say” is a favourite of the Scottish media – particularly the BBC – and usually means either a rentaquote Unionist politician or Some Arsehole. (On this occasion it turns out to be Murdo Fraser, so both.) It’s a meaningless phrase, and on this occasion it’s backed up with a string of meaningless numbers, in the form of some alleged “average” car insurance premiums whose source the Mail never identifies.

As readers will know, one of our functions here on Wings is to provide you with the inconvenient data the Scottish press doesn’t want you to know, so we set to work.

The article claims that “Drivers in Dumfries paying an average of £500 last year now face a £610 charge – a 22 per cent rise.” But we can find no evidence for either part of that claim. According to the average premium in Scotland by the end of last year was £411.

And the site also notes that:

“One of the main factors affecting how much you pay for car insurance is population density. The more cars there are on the road, the greater the likelihood of collisions and claims, and more claims means higher premiums.

That is why drivers in largely rural areas, such as south-west England and the highlands of Scotland, pay less than those in major conurbations.”

So one might reasonably imagine that if anything the premiums in thinly-populated Dumfriesshire would be lower than the all-Scotland average, not higher.

Also, the article’s central complaint is that the Scottish Government doesn’t intend to introduce a change planned by the UK government which is “set to save drivers in England and Wales an average of £35 per year”, so we’re also not sure how that £35 has suddenly become £145 (the absence of a £35 cut, PLUS an increase of £110) by the time it gets to Dumfries.

(Because if premiums are increasing across the board everywhere in the UK, that’s got nothing to do with the proposed £35 change and has no place in the article.)

The paper then crowbars the claim into its relentless hobbyhorse whining about Scots being allegedly taxed more than people elsewhere in the UK:

“It is another blow for hardpressed families in Scotland, with everyone earning more than £26,000 a year also facing higher tax bills than those in the rest of the UK because of SNP Government hikes.”

But buried several hundred words into the story is a grudging half-sentence reading “premiums north of the Border have usually been comparatively cheaper than in England”, a stat which is never expanded on. And sure enough, MoneySupermarket confirms it in detail, as well as bringing the rest of the UK in.


London: £801
West Midlands: £669 
NW England: £664
Yorkshire: £600
East Midlands: £549
Northern Ireland: £538
East England: £510
NE England: £499
Wales: £483
Scotland: £411
SW England: £395

So even a new £35 differential would still leave Scotland the second-cheapest part of the UK to insure your car in, by a very comfortable margin. On those figures the all-UK regional average is £556, so if we knock £35 off it’s £521 – which means Scots would still be paying £110 less on average than the rest of the country.

In short, then, the Mail is trying to fabricate a grievance against the SNP in an area where Scots in fact do better than almost anyone else in the country, on the basis of figures it appears to have pulled completely out of its fundament, jammed into an equation that’s intrinsically irrelevant to the point it’s claiming to be making, and tacked onto an unconnected issue that’s in itself completely dishonest.

Or, as they call it at the Daily Mail, “business as usual”.

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Socrates MacSporran

Another superb spot of debunking Rev. But, a small complaint: after reading: “The classic “critics say” is a favourite of the Scottish media – particularly the BBC – and usually means either a rentaquote Unionist politician or Some Arsehole. (On this occasion it turns out to be Murdo Fraser, so both.” – I spat coffee all over my lap top, major clean-up required.

Andy Anderson

They are still lying to us Stu. A bloody disgrace.

Papers should NOT be so anti any party or government. They should report good news also and stop telling porkies.

Jockanese Wind Talker

“In short, then, the Mail is trying to fabricate a grievance against the SNP in an area where Scots in fact do better than almost anyone else in the country, on the basis of figures it appears to have pulled completely out of its fundament.”

So the usual BritNat MSM routine then?

Just like they have done with Trains, Personal Tax etc. EssEnnPeeBaaad ad naseum.

These BritNat MSM fuckers don’t care that they are peddling lies, or even that we know that they are.

As long as the subliminal “Scotland Shite ‘cos EssEnnPeeBaaad” headline is seen by as many as possible.

The Unionist Soft Coup against Scotland’s Democratically elected Government led by the BritNat Media continues unabated.

John Dickson

I have a rather late model Laguna The wee red phone has it at £325 per year. I also have a Harley Davidson 750 motorbike and the insurance on that is the same. It may be because I have been driving and riding since the age of 17 and am now 62. I live in the central belt and seen no discernible difference when I locate to Invergarry for 4 years for work.

Patrick Roden

Isn’t it amazing!

The past few days have saw it confirmed that the Scottish Tories tell more lies than any other political party in Scotland..Even Labour!!!

The Mail asks Murdo We are DOOMED Frazer to lie through his teeth, so that they can print more lies, for the benefit of people who don’t mind paying to be lied to.

Just as Andrew Neil and the BBC are being ragdolled all over the internet, for their lies and disinformation during Brexit, and connections to some very shady organisations (run by Neil)

Just as the news that the claims by Boris Johnson and Teresa May about the Russian involvement in the chemical weapon assassination attempt, was all a pack of lies, even though it has spread throughout the world, with several countries throwing Russian diplomats out of their countries!

I am beginning to wonder of their is any point in democracy in the UK any more, as we surely can’t make an informed choice as to how we will vote, if politicians are able to lie through their teeth and then shrug their shoulders when they get caught.

What a farce!

Andrew (Andy) Crow

Socrates MacSporran says:
“rentaquote Unionist politician or Some Arsehole. (On this occasion it turns out to be Murdo Fraser, so both.” –

No coffee fountain here, Socrates, but I enjoyed that too.

Nice one Stu.


The Daily Mail, the Daily Express and the Herald, are when it comes to the SNP independence and Scotland in general hostile.

Street Andrew

Andy Anderson says:

” They should report good news also and stop telling porkies.”

But Toryboys love ‘porkies’.

Think David Cameron and Boarsheadgate….

There’s simply no accounting…….I was going to say ‘for taste’ but I’m not sure ‘taste’ comes into it.

Bob Mack

When you lie to someone to make your point,you believe you are actually gaining a victory over them, but in fact it shows they have won against you ,simply by having truth on their side.

We don’t need to fabricate because our shield is nothing more than the truth. It is the Unionist politicians and media which have to fabricate an alternative story, and in doing so they lose touch with the truth and their morality.

That can only survive so long ,and as mentioned by a previous poster, more and more people are questioning the role of the media and politicians in England as well as Scotland.

It is self destruction by a thousand cuts.

Blair Paterson

As l have said before the media are telling their lies with impunity there is no comeback so until the SNP government hold them to account in the courts it will carry on I mean Stu., proves every day how easy it is to debunk their lies so why are the SNP doing nothing to stop this ??? As I nave said before to do nothing,is to condone it I fully support the SNP and all the great things they have done for the people of,Scotland but in this instance I am honestly baffled ???

call me dave

In the Beach House Coffee shop in Leven out of the snow letting the g,children play the 2penny slides and just read that article on the free paper rack collection.

Brilliant Rev… Lol. 🙂

Bob Mack

@Street Andrew,

Only for the pig!!

Conan the Librarian

@Street Andrew

The poor pig had no choice over what was put in it’s mouth…

Robert Louis

This IS journalism from the mainstream media, this is what you do when you become a ‘journalist nowadays, write bare faced lies, in order to push a political agenda held by the owner of your paper (or TV channel, in the case of the BBC – the BBC being of course owned, editorially controlled and funded by the Government in 10 Downing Street, London, England.)).

What a shoddy career jornalism has become. Write anything to pay the bills. Truth?? Integrity?? Ethics??? nah.


Well I’ve just seen the graphic results of fact checking political parties in Scotland. Guess what – the SNP is the most truthful, the Tories the biggest liars. Just like their house magazine the Daily Mail.

The ruling values are the values of the ruling class – as someone once said(probably Marx. We have some top class fabricators in the UK.

From Stu’s twitter.

link to


Picked this up from elsewhere

Gish gallop

link to

Gish Gallop

Named for the debate tactic created by creationist shill Duane Gish, a Gish Gallop involves spewing so much bullshit in such a short span on that your opponent can’t address let alone counter all of it. To make matters worse a Gish Gallop will often have one or more ‘talking points’ that has a tiny core of truth to it, making the person rebutting it spend even more time debunking it in order to explain that, yes, it’s not totally false but the Galloper is distorting/misusing/misstating the actual situation.

Explains our illustrious press to a ‘T’


Current and future squirrels to look out for.
Russia, Games and Wedding, anything but Brexit.
Tell everyone you know to vote YES this time.

Chick McGregor

Two legs SNP Bad!
Four legs SNP Bad!


I can’t believe it!
Surely the daily mail wouldn’t lie.
The british main stream media talking pish.
Oh I forgot its tory uk.


The Mail nonsense. Can’t count or read a balance sheet. Lying reporting. No research. What is the point of the Mail? Waste of time and space.

Tory High taxes

The Oil sector taxed at 40% since Jan 2016. 30% Corporation, 10% Supplementary. When the price had fallen (More before). Illegally high Tory taxes, Cost Scotland £Billions and 120.000 jobs. Scotland could have had full employment. The Tory lies.

The fishing industry mismanaged by unionists for over forty years.

The illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion. Trident. Costing Scotland £Billions,

Scotland having a more elderly pop would pay less in car insurance. It goes by age and experience. What cohorts have the most accidents and claims. 18-24 year olds – 10% of the pop cause 25% of accidents. They by porportion pay the highest premiums.

Rhona Anderson

My daughter recently moved from Glasgow to Manchester and her policy increased by £500 because of change of address. So your research is spot on once again.


The Mail nonsense. Can’t count or read a balance sheet. Lying reporting. No research. What is the point of the Mail? Waste of time and space.

Tory High taxes

The Oil sector taxed at 40% since Jan 2016. 30% Corporation, 10% Supplementary. When the price had fallen (More before). Illegally high Tory taxes, Cost Scotland £Billions and 120.000 jobs. Scotland could have had full employment. The Tory lies.

The fishing industry mismanaged by unionists for over forty years.

The illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion. Trident. Costing Scotland £Billions,

Scotland having a more elderly pop would pay less in car insurance. It goes by age and experience. What cohorts have the most accidents and claims. 18-24 year olds – 10% of the pop cause 25% of accidents. They by proportion pay the highest premiums.


Mail twice.

mike cassidy

This is what Blackley thought would happen if the referendum vote was won by ‘yes’

link to

Socrates MacSporran

Mad Murdo Fraser – the man who gives Rangers supporters a worse name.


Sad fact is, regardless of fact, truth, integrity, morality and ethics (or lack there of) the main stream media still carries on. people sitting listening to the radio playing in the background, reading the news papers on the way to and from work, watching the news at the end of the night consciously or subconsciously hear and see these stories day in and day out. but only the people who follow pages like this get to hear and see an alternative. scot gov should do the country a justice and put an end to the licence fee for the people scared or unsure of how to stop paying for the UK propaganda machine without fear of prosecution. and hold news papers to account with huge fines for false or misleading articles.


Great article.

Let’s maybe hope that people, well anyone reading that rag, will look at their bill and put two and two together! Some will come up with a wrong figure though whatever the reality actually is.

I see Disney might be going to buy SKYnews UK? Fantasy is so in right now.
Just like when they read how bad the SNHS is and they’ve got to have treatment from same Scottish NHS and it’s excellent treatment, they say, oh, wait a minute, but the daily heil said SNP very very bad, so the daily heil must be telling me porkies!



If you rearrange Murdo Fraser into the the Scottish Daily Mail which is where he rightly belongs, you get:

“a Daily Mail For Scottish Murders”.

Sounds like the truth to me.


Nope. Renewed my car insurance yesterday for same price as last year.


Another day, another round of professional toryboy liars produce. At least they’re all not ogling little girls in their underpants, right?

Liz g

I’ve long thought that because holding the press to account brings its own problems.
The answer would be for Holyrood to introduce legislation for self censure!
While it wouldn’t necessarily help in this instance (brilliantly debunked Rev)
A party who introduced penalties for Politicians who lie would win votes.
And the Party/Parties who oppose it would I think pay a price at the poll’s too,for fighting for the right to lie!

Being “expected” to resign as a matter of honour no longer exits.
And while it wouldn’t stop the Media lying over other stuff,it would IMHO be a step in the right direction,to making an informed choice about who gets to run things.

I can’t see any reason for it not to become the norm for every Scottish politician to be held to a high standard and to pay a price for falling short…..up to and including “drunken ” tweets.
If we are to assume that there is “no” private space on the internet,so should they.

Unsurprisingly …..
I would go further and argue to have a commitment made during Indy ref 2,
That in an Independent Scotland,elected representatives will be – Constitutionally – bound to Holyroods Code of Conduct.
Even to the extent of Criminal law…..everyone who stands for election would know the standards expected…And if they don’t like it don’t run!
Also everyone who gives evidence to Holyrood falls under Perjury laws.
And we would not only finally have our government within slapping distance,we could slap them bloody hard if they don’t behave.

We can’t and shouldn’t mess with the freedom of the press,but we absolutely can make Holyrood a place where we can trust that the Truth will be told and broadcast live no matter who else owns or runs the Media.
The Media either can’t or won’t hold our politicians to account.
So we will just have to do it ourselves,and between Holyrood Parliament TV and the internet we can make the change over to “the people” themselves becoming the 4th estate.
And “,I think” this should become part of a “manifesto” commitment for an Independent Scotland!
Let the No side argue against that,and for keeping Westminster’s lying system,if they dare!

This would also have knock on effect in the Media,as in, Truth and Accuracy become expected.
EG..The story above could in Theory be asked about in Holyrood where the “actual” truth better be told….
So if a story is concerning us we just get our MSPs to ask in Holrood,if we can trust the answers there,we don’t need to try and “fix” (with their consent as to how) the MSM.


Didn’t take long for pretendy SNP supporter Blair (Pish) Patter-son to pop up with his “why are the SNP not debunking this …to say nothing is to condone it”, pish talk.

Listen pal, you have been told a hunner times why that is a time wasting exercise, so fucking bolt ya clown.


Socrates MacSporran says:
4 April, 2018 at 1:37 pm
Mad Murdo Fraser – the man who gives Rangers supporters a worse name.

Not forgetting my Slovene girlfriend, the educated half of this comedy tory duo.

Adam Tomkins MSP Retweeted

Murdo Fraser
Verified account

Mar 27

It requires a special talent to set up a new agency without having any idea how much it’s going to cost…

William Wallace

The classic “critics say” is a favourite of the Scottish media – particularly the BBC – and usually means either a rentaquote Unionist politician or Some Arsehole. (On this occasion it turns out to be Murdo Fraser, so both.)

That’s class. 🙂


There’s also the indirect way to counter the lies and hyperbole from the MSM, and that’s for things that have nothing to do with Indy or the SNP. An example from the Daily Mail in January where it debunks itself, all in the one article.

Aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth has been hit by another flood when a sprinkler system misfired.
. . .
Officials said it took just a few minutes to shut the system down. The water was drained and there was no damage, officials confirmed.
[so it wasn’t hit by another flood]
. . .
The new leak happened when the ship was in her home port of Portsmouth for a training exercise at the weekend. [It wasn’t a leak it was the sprinkler system]
. . .
A Royal Navy spokesman told MailOnline: ‘. . . the fire warning system was inadvertently triggered on-board HMS Queen Elizabeth and some sprays activated,’ [so it didn’t misfire, it was set off accidentally]

That’s a bit specialised for most perhaps, but that’s the general idea. Just debunk all the media when it comes out with total crud, and people will learn more and more to mistrust it completely.

Now, about that nerve agent definitely made in Russia …

Marie Clark

Ho hum, utter pish from the “SCODDISH” Daily Heil.

I’m in Dumfries & Galloway and my insurance is around £350, so whit in the name o the wee man do these eejits hope to achieve.Ach well, they think oor heids a’ button up the back so they dae.

Murdo Fraser pssssssssssssssh, it’s a bad bad day when you have to quote from him. Never mind chaps, always remeber SNP BAD.


And of course there’s the good old Daily Express in December:

EXPOSED: Queen’s new £3.1bn warship SINKING as critics slam MoD for getting ‘mugged off’
. . .
It’s leaking at approximately 200 litres an hour which is pretty significant”

200 litres is two totally full to the brim bathtubs an hour, hardly a problem for a ship the size of 600,000 bathtubs below the waterline, and pumps capable of removing 1 bathtub every second probably, if not quicker.

But hey, the Daily Express had it sinking.


That calculation by the way isn’t hard, round up and down to make it approximate, no ndeed for a calculator.

From Wiki QE is 284 metres long, 39m beam at waterline, draught 11 metres, wedge shape, so half of 284 x 39 x 11.

So roughly 300 x 40 x 10 divided by 2 = 300 x 20 x 10 = 60,000 cubic metres.

1 cubic metre = 1,000 litres from google. So 60 million litres. 1 bathtub = 100 litres (from google) so 600,000 bathtubs.

I post this as a wee tip in mental maths, so we can react fast rather than be put off by the difficulty, hope it’s useful.


Oh he’s some arsehole right enough…




A quicker way though is to look up the displacement of the Carrier. In this case 65,000 Tonnes or 650,000 bathtubs 🙂


I said itbefore, the sooner the media are fined for every iie they print the better.


God that was a right good piece Rev. I just wish we could get your stuff into voters living rooms then independence would be assured.
O/t. Come on Wingers one more push and lets get some more cash into the fund!


Mmm, I never thought of that. Oh well!

It’s the thought that counts.

Archbishop of Dork


A row brewing in Fife. Labour MP and councillor Lesley Laird has cynically turned up today at her first Fife Council meeting since October 5th. Fife Council rules are that councillors must attend at least one meeting or committee in any six month period.

Laird is also Shadow Scottish Secretary and Scottish Labour’s deputy leader.

Obviously Labour are so scared of losing her council seat to the SNP that she has to stay on. Even though she’s incapable of or disinterested in doing the job.


@yesindyref2, your calculation is pretty close! HMS Queen Elizabeth displaces 65,000 tonnes, = 65,000,000 litres, = 650,000 bathtubs.

Wiki also tells you the displacement… 😉

The Tree of Liberty

This arsehole we’re all talking about has been given about one million pounds of our money over the years. The bastard has never been voted in by anybody! He’s not an arsehole, he’s a leech on our democratic process.

Robert Peffers

@geeo says: 4 April, 2018 at 2:06 pm:

“Didn’t take long for pretendy SNP supporter Blair (Pish) Patter-son to pop up with his “why are the SNP not debunking this …to say nothing is to condone it”, pish talk.”

Ach! geeo, people like Blair actually think they are being subtle with such comments. As about as subtle as a steam hammer in the hands of an inexperienced operator.

It reminds me of an incident I watched when I was an apprentice doing a stint on plant maintenance in the bays of Rosyth Dockyard.

It was lunch time and I was checking a circuit and replacing a blown fuse for a nearby machine. A group of workers were sitting together eating their packed lunches . There was a bet being argued that the steam hammer operator could judge the drop of the big steam hammer to 1/1000 of an inch and money was changing hands on bets as to whether he could or could not.

In the event the old operator, who was working an extra year after having reached official retirement age, placed his retirement gold pocket watch on the machine and dropped the hammer. Sure enough the hammer stopped actually touching the watch glass without breaking it.

Later I was telling the craftsman I was assigned to as an apprentice, how impressed I was at the operator’s great skill – and he laughed at me and explained there was no actual skill involved just great cunning.

Seeing my puzzlement he explained. The machine had electro-mechanical settings and the old operator had not only used a micrometre to measure his watch but had a bit of brass milled to the watch’s thickness and did test runs on it to get the correct settings.

That was before one of his chums got the victim of the con into the subject of skilled operation of the machine. Sometimes things are not always what the seem to be. Blair may think he is being subtle but it may be far from the truth.


It’s not a straight wedge either, it curves in towards the keel.

But until Thepnr (and you) pointed out the displacement, I’d never thought about the probably near exact relationship.

Goes to show the things I take for granted but never question.

Bill not Ben

As an ex/life insurance salesman this gave me a good hearty chuckle, thanks rev.
The whole insurance industry will be laughing about this utter tripe by the SNP bad brigade.
Just wait till your car insurance is due, do you expect to get a letter telling you that your provider of choice is going to bleed you dry………… ha ha ha, chuckle chuckle lol


Other way around with a nearly vertical bit as well, except nearer the keel!


Who TF is Michael Blackely anyway ? Is he that fat fuckin waste of space that looks like he has been dragged through a pig sty backwards and then missed out on refurb ?

Bill not Ben

Dear Mr Bill not Ben.

This is your new quote for your yearly car insurance, because of the economic climate we are going to have to double your insurance this year for your car.

My reply, dear insurance provider do me a favour, kiss my arse, you have in fact done me a favour, I went to one of your competitors and got my car insurance for a lot less than I was paying you last year…. have a nice day. lol


Talking about the new carrier in terms of bathtubs full of water might seem to be completely O/T but it’s not.

“EXPOSED: Queen’s new £3.1bn warship SINKING as critics slam MoD for getting ‘mugged off’
. . .
It’s leaking at approximately 200 litres an hour which is pretty significant

The quote yesindyref2 posted from the Daily Express was way off in describing 200 lites/hr as “pretty significant” in comparison to the size of the carrier. A good journalist might want to check his or her facts before publishing an article. This one clearly didn’t.

The real significance could have been checked in just a couple of minutes, the actual significance of a similar leak in an average size house in Scotland is the equivalent of 4 Tablespoons of water per hour. Not significant at all then and ridiculous to describe the carrier as “SINKING”.

The real point of course was an attempt to discredit the shipbuilders in Rosyth by implying how shoddy the workmanship must be if the ship is already sinking.

Which brings me to the Mail, where have the figures come from that quote the price for car insurance in Scotland? A good journalist would have backed up these figures with a source just as this article on Wings has done.

Or maybe the story has nothing to do with good journalism at all, given the chance to paint a picture of SNP BAADD.

Bill not Ben

I shop at Tesco quite a bit, they have a particular brand of porridge that I do like a lot.
Now Tesco have a habit of changing the price of my fav porridge, it ranges from £1 to £1.30, I buy it when its at £1, I then buy 3 packets which saved me 90 pence this week.
It will go up to £1.30 again, but when I need more it will be back at the £1 price, its like a little game they play, when the price goes up to £1.30 nobody buys it, so they have to move it off the shelves by reducing it back to £1, and that’s when I pounce and fill my boots lol


No wonder they hate you Stu. They being the teaboys who write this pish. But dinnae fear, they’ll manage to squeeze it into a bulletin or three before the day is over. I mean that’s how it works after all innit?

Teaboy writes headline pish, passes it on to another one in a tv station and they ‘broadcast’ it so more people can be telt the lies.

That’s the circle jerk of ‘phony news’ and ‘made up stories’ that people have been fed for generations.

Thankfully we’ve aw learned their techniques and no longer fall for this utter tripe. (for many of course, never did read these rags)

We should get millions of wee stickers printed wi the words ‘Aye Right!’ on them and just go around sticking them on papers’ headlines’ such as abtl. Or ‘Lies’ or ‘Really?’. Something to just place enough doubt in a passerby’s heid.

Well skewed Stu.

colin alexander

I’m sick of the Daily Mail et al inventing false stories about the Scottish Govt to try and discredit them.

Why not just stick with genuine justified criticism of the failings of Shona Robison and the Scottish Govt to make sure Health Boards are properly running health services in their health board areas and are properly held accountable so patients and tax payers get the best, safest health service possible?

The Daily Mail and many unionists live in a fantasy bubble of SNP all bad. Likewise many Wingers and independence supporters live in their alternative fantasy bubble that the SNP Scottish Govt do no wrong.

It’s said in the old westerns The Good Guys wore the white hats and the Baddies wore the black hats.

In Wingsworld the good guys wear the SNP badges and Saltires and the bad guys wear the union jacks and red or blue rosettes.

In the real world things are not as black and white.

Unfortunately, while the alternative fantasies are played out between the SNP cheerleaders and the unionist cheerleaders, health service administrators and medical staff are left unaccountable for their failings. Some of which cause suffering and death.


I use a 12 volt pump to empty a 200 litre barrel into 5 litre jerricans, it does 100 litres in about 45 mins including stop to cool down and have a rollup, and stops to change jerrican, top up to 5 litres, wipe down drips and put away, get more. With a heath robinson swtich, pipe and stopvalve arrangement too.

For a yacht you can get a 12v bilge pump for £122 without shopping around, capacity 16 litres a minute, pump out the QE in 13 minutes flat. Admittedly the higher lift would mean it needs a stronger pump!

Do these rag journos have any clue at all? Or do they just not care? Or both?

Bill not Ben

Off Topic

We have lots of people discussing all the important things on Wings, I tend to ignore all that, as they cover it every day lol.
Anyone that has little tips about anything will allways get my attention, let the other guys and gals chat amongst themselves, which is fine btw, to each their own, if we all agree with each other on independence there is plenty of room for some other little items of interest now and again.

Alba Gu snooker loopy!

auld highlander

The never ending deluge of negativity from a gutless spineless press.

These pathetic apologies for journalists should be ripping into the likes of that straw headed tory turd boris and the rest of his tax dodging buddies instead of putting so much effort into such a trivial story.

No wonder their sales are on a continuous slide when they publish such pish.


I think warships run on 400v by the way which is three phase, could be wrong. I’ll shut up now.

mike cassidy

Archbishop 3.21

If Lesley Laird has not been doing hr council duties since October 5th

She was clearly bullshitting when she said this the week before.

If we are going to be an effective Labour government, we need to recognise we need to have all our players playing effectively. That includes local government. That’s our front line and we need to get it right.”

But then she is a big Gordon Brown fan!

link to


The Good, the Bad – and the Ugly. For a few dollars more.

Ho hum. What a wild bunch.

Archbishop of Dork

mike Cassidy 4.30

A total hypocrite.

And she’s an absentee laird!


Of course the headlines was to hide the job losses in Annan and their move to England


The Daily Maul living down to expectations as usual then.(sigh)

They’re consistent. You have to give them that. Consistently…(fill in as appropriate)


The MSM have two techniques, spending per head will be broken down into various regions of the UK since spending in Scotland. due to geography, will always be higher per head. When it’s something like growth they will compare it to the UK average as including London & The SE results in everywhere else being below the UK average.

If you can find the region growth figures you often find outside London & SE that Scotland has the best growth figures. Which is how I believe the MSM would report it if the SNP was not the government. I can visualise JB now, ‘Scotland has best growth figures in UK outside LO & SE’.


Any Scottish newspaper would know that compensation claims settled via Scottish Courts tend to be much less than south of the Border and fraudulent insurance claims for whiplash also less common here. But why led facts get in the way of Unionist lies.

Good to see Joan McAlpine is on the case as to why Young’s thinks their Annan factory is not a centre of excellence when it won Royal approval for its products. No doubt Seafood caught in Scottish waters will become British after the move to Grimsby.


A rich old Arab has three sons. When he died, he willed his 17 camels to the sons, to be divided as follows:
First Son to get 1/2 of the camels,
Second Son to get 1/3rd of the camels,
Third Son to get 1/9th of the camels.
The sons are sitting there trying to figure out how this can possibly be done, when a very old wise man goes riding by on his camel. They stop him and ask him to help them solve their problem. Without hesitation he divides the camels properly and continues riding on his way.
How did he do it?

He added his camel to the herd to make 18.
The son to get half took 9
The son due 1/3 took 6
The son due 1/9 took 2
9+6+2 = 17
The wise man then took back his camel

…and in the logic of tha Scottish Daily Mail this proves SNPbad.


So Mundell is giving it swamp gas about the Scottish economy not doing as well in growth as the UK, while losing 450 jobs in his own constituencey by doing NOTHING about the UK Gov giving £3.3 million of EU funding to Grimsby to take those jobs away.

Mundell – the Crown Prince of Hot Air.


Mmm, £25 million I think. If you get it wrong, get it right next time.


@ Sinky, correct about Scottish compen’ cases, I was told by a union lawyer to go & check English compen’ cases at the Mitchell about 20 years ago.

Lenny Hartley

Yesindy2reff im looking at submerisble pumps just now you can get one that will do 258 litres/min for £50 !! Did anybody suss out final cost of the carrier?

Dr Jim

BBCs Bryan Taylor reporting that he has spoken to all the businesses in Scotland large and small….Wow!

Some going for a man who can barely waddle a 100 yards, or has the BBC been using taxpayers money to phone *everybody*

Let us know if you have a business that was contacted by the BBCs intrepid Bryan Taylor today

Jim Clark

The really worrying thing is that so many blue rinsed ladies of either gender believe everything they read in the red-tops.

Robert Peffers

@colin alexander says: 4 April, 2018 at 4:18 pm

“Why not just stick with genuine justified criticism of the failings of Shona Robison and the Scottish Govt to make sure Health Boards are properly running health services in their health board areas and are properly held accountable so patients and tax payers get the best, safest health service possible?

Hilarious, Colin. In the first place the papers leave, “the justified criticisms”, (Aye! Richt!), to the likes of Colin Alexander and co, on Wings and other social media blogs.

The fact is you are blethering claptrap and you haven’t got a clue about the accountability within the SNHS.

Away and read this:-

link to


Bill not Ben says:
4 April, 2018 at 4:13 pm
I shop at Tesco quite a bit, they have a particular brand of porridge that I do like a lot.

I hope it has a picture on the front of a braw lad in a kilt 🙂


Got my first ever Survation Call this evening! Sounds like the Tories want to frack Deeside, but are also aware that a snap GE is likely to be called and need to know how to play it.


“As readers will know, one of our functions here on Wings is to provide you with the inconvenient data the Scottish press doesn’t want you to know, so we set to work.”

As I have posted before, why doesn’t the “independence supporting” The National buy your articles and publish them as front page headline news?

What is the purpose of an “independence supporting” newspaper if it doesn’t have the opposite blaring headlines as the genuinely anti independence newspapers?


These bozos really make me want to puke! Five years ago almost to the day I was rear ended while waiting for a gap in the traffic at the slip road exit By a moron whos car was festooned with better together crap! I ended up in hospital with injuries the least if them was whiplash or so I thought. Months later I was still recieving treatment from a fantastic physio who correctly diagmosed that I’d need an operation before my injuries could be sorted properly by this time I’d had a dozen physio appointments I returned to the physio after my operation and while working on me she told me that I really should think myself lucky I was in Scotland rather than down south. I told her she was preaching to the converted but asked why and she told me that most NHS trusts only allow accident victims two physio appointment before they are pointed in the direction of private physio’s and told to contact their motor insurers to make the payments In otherwords English accident victims health treatments are met by insurance companies and they in turn bunce up the premiums of all their customers. Therefore yet again we Scots are subsidising the poor English NHS


What is the purpose of an “independence supporting” newspaper if it doesn’t have the opposite blaring headlines as the genuinely anti independence newspapers?

Rock swipes on. The National is what it is Rock. As is the whole £4 billion a year beeb gimp zone network.

I mean look at this Rock, beeb gimpery at its finest, half a million beeb liggers, professional propagandists for the tory party, tory gits to the bitter end?

link to

Facebook scandal ‘hit 87 million users’
2 minutes ago

Only 2 mins old Rock, about how Cambridge Anal is as Cons as it gets, not a PEEP.

Why is that Rock?

I know, target the National because its the ONLY non tory rag, stuffed with toryboy liggers and shills.


“It’s leaking at approximately 200 litres an hour which is pretty significant”

or, to put it in a unit of measurement that the, mostly ancient, readership of The Fail might actually understand, “43 gallons”.

“200 litres” sounds SOOOOO much scarier.


“43 gallons” or 344 pints. That’s more than I could drink on a saturday night even in my heyday.

I’d have to start at lunchtime.

ronnie anderson

Tis the season
Of the Year
Snuggle up in bed
Maybe grab a Beer

Snaw and Ice
Real cold Feet
Jump into yer bed
Try and get a Heat

Braw looking Skies
Red Cloudy Vein
Shiny and Bright
Through the Mindy Pane

Winter Still Hear
Spring Still adrift
Aye a Cuddle in Bed
ah wullny Shift

But never ye Mind
It wull go away
And will wake up Bright
To a nice Sunny day

Bill Glen

Brian Doonthetoon


A decent comment. Keep ’em comin’!

ronnie anderson

Dr Jim They must hiv supplied TooDaloothenoo wie a couple dozen phess tae keep oan the phone but Brians build fur marathon eating ah don’t know about the phoning endurance task lol .

Simon Curran

Not often that I applaud the Daily Mail but at least they managed to put the Porton Down result on its front page. We have a Foreign Secretary Secretary who was telling all and sundry that PD had told him it was definitely the Ruskies, now it appears that wasn’t true. An honourable man would resign but hey, we’re talking about Boris.

Robert Peffers

yesindyref2 says: 4 April, 2018 at 4:25 pm

“For a yacht you can get a 12v bilge pump for £122 without shopping around, capacity 16 litres a minute, pump out the QE in 13 minutes flat. Admittedly the higher lift would mean it needs a stronger pump!
Do these rag journos have any clue at all? Or do they just not care? Or both?”

They are, of course, mainly academics, right out of college and into journalism. For some real life passes them by.

Anyhow, what I wanted to point out is that leaks in ships is par for the course. Having sailed on sea trials on everything from motor torpedo boats to nuclear submarines I can say with certainty that leaks, particularly from main prop shafts is quite normal.

That is why they have bilges and installed bilge pumps and most capital ships have large portable electrically powered pumps.

Now figure out that modern warship have Sonar domes and various other lumps of equipment that requires watertight seals. Landing craft have ramps to lower and these need seals and seals often develop leaks. It really usually is no big deal.


Simon Curran says:
4 April, 2018 at 8:57 pm

“Not often that I applaud the Daily Mail but at least they managed to put the Porton Down result on its front page.”:

“Lab says: We can’t prove poison came from Russia”

Corbyn has shown incredible bravery in this affair.

Rock (16th March – “The greasy poll”):

“Nicola and the SNP made utter fools of themselves by supporting Saint Theresa, in my humble opinion.”


“Nicola and the SNP made utter fools of themselves by supporting Saint Theresa, in my humble opinion.”

Ok Rock, so if wasn’t Vlad and his gangster regime, that is famous the world over for bumping off spooks, journos, any electable opposition in Russia, who was it?

All that aside Rock, what’s it actually like in Fluffie’s Scottish haha Office these days?

You’ve got your civil service brief Rock, log on WoS peak after teatime time, endless civil service love of repetition but basic message, Sturgeon bad, SNP worse, Kafkaesque sticking to the civil service script/total lack of imagination, too risky, higher grades only for that, evening in, evening out, all to take any “heat” out of WoS btl?

What civil service grade are you anyway Rock? pretty lowly I’d guess but its a job, its Edinburgh, catch glimpses of Viceroy Fluffie now and again, could be worse eh Rock:D

I am close Rock, or is all of the above just cybernat gossip?


Sylvan 1.37pm. Agree completely, if a newspaper article is proved to be maliciously false without proper research done on it.The Scottish government should pass a law Imposing hefty fines on these lying toerags, and also make them print a front page retraction/apology.


Bobp says:
4 April, 2018 at 10:05 pm
Sylvan 1.37pm. Agree completely, if a newspaper article is proved to be maliciously false without proper research done on it.The Scottish government should pass a law Imposing hefty fines on these lying toerags, and also make them print a front page retraction/apology.

Great. And what happens when we do eventually get what the whole of UKOK hackdom are working so hard for. Scottish First Minister Ruth Davidson.

We’ll all be sent off to the UKOK gulag.


Rock keeps quoting his own posts with time and date record…so sad!


Rock on duty at 8ish throws a few stones in the water then heads off. So predictable and boring. By the way he doesn’t like the national or the FM JUST IN CASE WE DONT KNOW! LOL


I fully support Nicola Sturgeon on most things.

But the Rock has a point. Nicola, Ian Blackford and the SNP should have held off with their condemnation of Russia until all became clear.

Instead the SNP were full square behind Treeza and Boris on this one and now we are learning they had NO PROOF what so ever as to who was to blame for this.

Many Indy supporters take the same point of view as myself and the Rock.


Rock keeps quoting his own posts with time and date record…so sad!

Its a job, ain’t that so Rock. And the civil service is all about the endless repetition, its what makes it tick, like the most boring clock in the universe, tock.

Hey Rock, something to keep in mind and this goes out to everyone in Viceroy Fluffie’s Scottish haha Office.

When you lot are in Scotland, girl and boy civil servants, every time you encounter more than one Scot, its highly likely one of them is a YES voter. And you may even be looking at one tomorrow, around the Scottish haha Office water coolers.

There is almost certainly no YES voters in any UK newsroom and certainly not Pacific Quay.

Its not that these tory crews are any better at vetting than the great impartial civil service of the United Kingdom Rock. Its that no YES voter could stomach being there.

Nighty night Rock.


Good debate pyramid, guess where coprolite is on this scale?

link to

Socrates MacSporran

There is just one problem with the suggestions, above, about holding newspapers and media outlets responsible for “fake news” or malicious stories.

The papers lawyers would simply instruct the papers to label any contentious pieces: “Opinion” – which is free.


So glad I ditched the TV propaganda licence.
The most sickening thing in The Skripal case though is that the vast majority of people will sit with their TV dinner and hardly notice the BBC paper over the gaping cracks in government. Any raised eyebrows will be neutralised by distraction headlines in the gutter press which the cattle will digest on the train, bus or in the airport since now it’s all free.

Sure the city of London press machine will toss the government to the wolves when the times is right. but that time will only come when the balirites have toppled Corbyn and the old order is returned. Then the establishment knows that they can play ping pong pseudo democracy between neoliberals in different colours.


Rock, I don’t agree with everything you post,,But Nicola and the SNP jumped the gun when it came to agreeing 100% with Treeza and Boris on this Russian poisoning.

Many YES Campaigners not happy with Nicola on this one.

She is human after all and she went with the advice she was given.

But as is usual with the Tories,,it is turning out to be a great big lie.

colin alexander

Robert Peffers

thanks for the link. Had a wee look: “Health boards are accountable to Scottish Government Ministers”.

That’s not what Shona Robison told me. She said the Scottish Govt are nothing to do with what Health Boards do. I knew it was a fob off. Thanks for confirming it.

I also had a laugh at this one: “The manifesto included a commitment to operate a ‘presumption against the centralisation of core hospital services’ (SNP, 2007).”

Under SNP Scot Govts Hospital services have been centralised on a scale never before seen.


‘Slowly, drip by drip, in local news stories, we are told about past secrets and learn just how wrong those in power have been in our lifetimes. Why do you think they know any better today? What will be revealed in future about how our current government had secret plans for war? What is being done right now that in future will be revealed as both futile and very dangerous?’

link to

Empire 2 will have a peculiar economic foundation- war, famine, disease, pestilence, jam and biscuits. The great paradox- building relationships, leaderships skills whilst simultaneously retreating into a fugue state.

‘As set out in the SDSR, we are making our defence policy ‘International by Design’, ensuring that we make those partnerships and alliances central to all that we do. Our international stance has been reinforced since the UK voted to leave the EU…
Defence engagement is the use of our people and assets to prevent conflict, build stability and gain influence. It is a major component of making defence international by design. We build strategic relationships with key countries and act as a leader in international organisations such as NATO and the UN. We work closely with other nations’ forces, both to operate together
and to collaborate together on developing our capabilities and equipment’

link to

‘The total number of people in need of humanitarian assistance is 22.2 million – or 76% of the population – including 11.3 million children. For three years now, children in Yemen have been trapped in a brutal cycle of starvation and sickness.Hospitals have been bombed so the sick can’t be treated. Shipments of food have been blocked or delayed so millions go hungry.
The country has been torn apart; its health services are on the point of collapse. Families have been denied the chance to make a living and feed their children’

‘Britain has been providing important political, military, technical and logistical support for the Saudi-led bombing campaign. Britain’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia increased by 11,000 per cent in the three months following the start of its bombing campaign against Yemen in March 2015. Close to £3.8 billion worth of UK arms have been sold to the Saudi regime since the beginning of the war’
‘Both Britain’s military role in Yemen, and the future of Trident, merit a real debate, with ministers subjected to hard, specific, questions’

Excellent that YES 2 is on the horizon. Scotland, the country, no longer need contribute to immoral proxy wars, can banish Trident and spend its money on something useful, grow Scotland’s sustainable energy, promote social stability, economic growth and determine its own future.


Crackerjack says:
4 April, 2018 at 10:45 pm
Rock, I don’t agree with everything you post,,But Nicola and the SNP jumped the gun when it came to agreeing 100% with Treeza and Boris on this Russian poisonin

Hi Rock.

Finished the crossword, swipe out, catch the last bus;-)


The Tory english Government are starting to look like complete idiots are the world now because of this Russian poisoning fiasco.

Add this to your Brexit fiasco Treeza.

Treeza is the most incompetent Prime Minister ever to take up residency in Downing St.

Nicola needs to distance herself from Treeza as soon as possible.

Northern Rock

Brilliant front page of the National regarding the village idiot Boris and the Russian poisoning:

comment image

Liz g

Robert Peffers
Stay the course Robert!!
This needs no answer here, my friend ..X…


The only reason the Daily Hail exists is to spread malicious
propaganda that will keep the rich in the pockets of the poor and England’s main cash cow Scotland.

Critics, Intellectuals, Common all garden workers, all agree that the Daily Hail is a pile of shit used to gather the budgies dropping in the bottom of the cage.

Northern Rock

The National Twitter pages for tomorrow:

link to


Indy2 says:
4 April, 2018 at 11:06 pm
The Tory english Government are starting to look like complete idiots are the world now because of this Russian poisoning fiasco.

Have a safe trip home Rock. See you tomorrow evening and say hello to everyone in the Scottish haha Office too.

Bill not Ben

Del, afraid it does not have a braw lad in a kilt, but it keeps me regular, the amount of times I’m on the throne i think I should invest in a kilt lol.
Anyway, I won a few shillings tonight, liverpool and Barcelona double, luvvly jubbly, get your pennies on Arsenal tommorow night, worth a punt

Alba Gu snooker loopy!


Ohmigud we’re suffering an attack of trollarrhoea.


Does anybody know what time the big Wings night out starts of Saturday?

Cannae wait,,, Will be good to meet up and exchange views with my fellow Wingers.

Howz the train service to Glenrothes?


yesindyref2 says:
4 April, 2018 at 11:25 pm
Ohmigud we’re suffering an attack of trollarrhoea.

I think the civil service technical name for it is, tantrum, as in throwing a tantrum, btl, well anywhere really, isn’t it Rock:D


RE: Wings night out in Glanrothes.

Lets hope all the regulars on here will be turning up.

After all we must come out from behind our computer screens now and again.

We can’t sit and post on Wings every day of the week, 24 hours a day and not show your face.

People would loss all respect for you, wouldn’t they???

Bill not Ben

What is happiness ?

Its winning a few shillings with a Barcelona and Liverpool double.


People would loss all respect for you, wouldn’t they???

Rock! swipe out and away home. If you catch the last bus you can still have a nice cup of coco and catch some great UK telly, like RudeTube before lights out.

Robert Peffers

@Bobp says: 4 April, 2018 at 10:05 pm{

“Sylvan 1.37pm. Agree completely, if a newspaper article is proved to be maliciously false without proper research done on it.The Scottish government should pass a law Imposing hefty fines on these lying toerags, and also make them print a front page retraction/apology.”

Whyever would they want to do that, Bobp?

Why interrupt them when they are the SNP’s best recruiters to the Indy movement.

Read through Wings and note how many Wingers aver they used to vote for a unionist party then found out they were being lied to and say they will never again vote for that party ever again.

Everyone hates being lied to.


Everyone hates being lied to.

I don’t know, at least some of the half a million BBC employees out there, lie to themselves daily that the BBC is an actual decent honourable outfit.

ben madigan

RE: Wings night out in Glanrothes.

Would love to be able to turn up and meet you all face to face

unfortunately – work, distance etc preclude my attendance

will be with you all in spirit and will raise a glass to the success of the meeting in fostering friendships and committment to independence


@ben madigan

Well said because that is really what it’s all about. Simply getting to know one another and put faces to names.

It will be a very good night in Glenrothes on Saturday I’m sure if any of the other nights are anything to go by.

Come along and have a knees up or even just good conversation if you possibly can 🙂

Let’s keep this thing alive, doing alright so far.

Dr Jim

From Nicola Sturgeons announcement in Holyrood on her support for the UK governments position re Russia

“*Going on what I’ve been told*”

When the liars quote they’re not very good at quoting so they quote stuff they made up and hope if they quote it enough just like the Labour party taught them at Labour party school the weaker minded will requote it all over again and the walking dead brains will eat it up especially if they print it in Past Grandmaster Cleggs Daily Record

Robert Peffers

@colin alexander says: 4 April, 2018 at 10:52 pm:

“thanks for the link. Had a wee look: “Health boards are accountable to Scottish Government Ministers”.
That’s not what Shona Robison told me. She said the Scottish Govt are nothing to do with what Health Boards do. I knew it was a fob off. Thanks for confirming it.

I didn’t confirm it Colin and Neither did Ms Robinson.

I made the mistake of crediting you with being able to comprehend what you read. Obviously you don’t. The Scottish Government doesn’t run the Area Health Boards nor do they appoint their membership.

However, here’s the clincher, Holyrood is a devolved parliament and thus Westminster is responsible for Holyrood. So why are you not going straight to resting the blame upon Westminster?

You are so filled with hate and a feelings of entitlement, like the rest of the loony left, that you don’t see things clearly any more and that is what is killing off the Labour Party in Scotland too.


So, how do we tell their readers that they’re all being made fools of?

Dr Jim

Labour Tories and Lib Dems in Scotland unhappy with the SNHS as figures return to over 90% A&E waiting times

This good news for Scotland was met with a rush of reporting by……


Flower of Scotland


I’m now coming and bringing an Indy friend. Looking forward to seeing old friends.

Just thinking that “handclapping” hasn’t commented for a while. Met him last time there was a Wings night in Edinburgh.

Hope you’re ok!


This 7th April 2018… lot’s of stuff to do on Saturday.

1) Wings Over Otters Heid, Glenrothes, early evening onwards.

2) Be one of the lucky ones on the bridges:
link to


3) Drive on YOUR Scottish Motorway Number 8, mate.

I take it the Yes bikers will be covering the distance in both directions to there and back… take loads of photies somebuddies!

Yeah on this very special Saturday, this will be YOUR opportunity drivers, to take to the M8, and fly our Scottish flags and toot-toot yer horns when passing the bridges.

That’s what us Yes drivers need to do, fill in the gaps in the road.

Mon the Yes truckers… HONK! HONK!

‘Yes tractors’ welcome.

4) Last chance to be a Wings donor for WOS-F18 TFC.


Mad Unionist

SNP have traditionally been fans of the Soviets aka Russia.
That is not unexpected as the SNP would probably have supported anything anti English including Adolf.


@ Liz G 2.06 pm Liz I have written down in a book what I envisage and what I would like to see in indy Scotland and one of the most important things is , HONESTY from our politicians and political parties enshrined in law with infringements treated under criminal law and punishable with prison terms .
As you write if these conditions are enshrined in a written constitution there is no ambiguity or argument , if you do not want to agree to these principles ( that would automatically exclude liebour ,tolies and lib dumbs ) then obviously the job is not for you .
I would also INSIST that a proper RECALL LAW is also written into a constitution because no matter what , politicians are human and humans make mistakes , but inevitably these humans are EMPLOYED by the electorate and as their employers we should determine their suitability to represent us , not their party or party leader .

As it stands we the duped have to rely on these people to have integrity and honour and judging by recent and past actions these parasites have none


@Flower of Scotland
Be careful, you’re talking to a troll. Ask Ian B.


All aboard… part of the Edinburgh / Greenock Yes M8 journey.

Here is somewhere in Edinburgh to somewhere in Glasgow:
link to

Glasgow welcomes you Edinburgh.

Welcome to Glasgow.

Greenock bound.




The sock puppet show starts at 8pm and ends later on.

Same show, same actors, same pish-water patter.









(To the tune of “im a little teapot)

“They’re a little britnat,

likes to shout…

they open their gobs,

and pish pours out !!

Book yer seats for 8pm tomorrow, starring Rock/indy2/coco alexander/crackerjackass…..ok..its just Rock.

Ah well…!!(sigh).


Keep yer haunds near to your VOLUME controllers:
link to

Now is the time to pump it up.

Can you taste the i…


Is Tomkins a spy?

link to


Yesindyref2 and all others O/T

Seeing as you are discussing Aircraft carrier leaks and doing some maths here is something for you to ponder.

Diameter of the sun 864,000 miles link to

Tenths of a second in a day 24 x 60 x 60 x 10 = 864,000

Mmmm! Think before you reply.


Edinburgh to Glasgow (express version):
link to

Seat-belts suggested.

That ‘Scottish Daily Mail’ pretty much full page headline above alone should make their fading readershit question their motive(s), being SO much against Scotland… ah now feel a new turning point has come.

YEAH… bikers with head cams, ride the M8 journey.

Have a great weekend Scotland.



Quite interesting the disclosure by the Porton Down guy, in that he would be under the Official Secrets Act, and would only be able to disclose information coming under the Act with “Lawful Authority”, “… official authorisation” includes an authorisation duly given by or on behalf of the State …”.

Bearing in mind the internal rifts in the Tories, which meant an EU Referendum few actually wanted, one wonders who was in a position to give such an official authorisation – and, presuming he or she did, why.


The weekend begins NOW.

It’s oor 4-day festival 🙂




I’ll have to think about that one, I guess either coincidence or by definition itself. I’ll go for the latter.


Soooo…conversely there could have been a very positive headline about the cost of car insurance in Scotland in comparison to most of the rUK.

And Hamish 100 @ 5.05 pm, you are absolutely right about their need to deflect from the loss of over 400 jobs in Annan when Youngs close down. Wonder what the Mundelly’s are going to do about that!

The Daily Mail aspire to reaching the black hole at the bottom of the scrapings at the bottom of their barrel.

Perish the thought that the Scottish Daily Mail could ever say anything to make any soul feel glad that they live in Scotland. What an epitaph.


It’s The Final Countdown Conundrum Rachel…

S O L N i C T A D

30 seconds.


Reluctant Nationalist

@ Dr Jim: “Let us know if you have a business that was contacted by the BBC’s intrepid Brian Taylor today.”

Aside from Mother India and Diamond Dolls.


The Financial Times steps up to the plate today with a few column inches on the front page of SNP bad. Scottish growth figures are lagging behind the UK apparently. This is Nicola Sturgeons fault. “SNP under pressure etc etc “.

FT has no idea that Nicola Sturgeon has very few levers at hand to grow the economy. Should it perhaps be Theresa May and the Tories at fault here?


Oops – link to FT article:

link to

Les Wilson

7 Am “news” on EBC, really trying to move the negatives that now surround the Russia accusation scenario.They always produce a compliant “expert” don’t they.

This morning we have a “chemical” expert giving his views.
One point alone shows how the BBC manipulate issues to fit the agenda of their colonial masters.

G.Robertson brought up Boris and his now deleted tweet about having been told by someone in Portadown that it was without doubt Russia. Their expert concludes that we should all know by now that Boris makes gaffes (essentially, we are dumb for not allowing for that) he goes on to say that Boris “probably” got the info from a junior at the establishment. ( trying to confuse the issue on Westminster’s behalf.)

Gary Robertson brings up the issue, ie Boris has made a mess of it then, he asks the “expert” who then attempts to let Boris off the hook. So people may think that Robertson is unbiased as he brought up the issue about Boris’s lies, so he will sound good, of course he knows the ” expert” already has his script prepared.

We are all suckers to the BBC, trouble is it is getting harder for them to get away with it. People who are cynical of them
are now aware what to look for. Those who do not look in detail on anything the BBC says, is indeed the sucker they are pinning their hopes on.


I did notice in the second para of that FT article our old friend ” critics say “!!!

Thanks Regards for my ‘education’ in being able to spot nonsense!


Regards should be Rev !!


Gary just doing his bit in damage limitation. Craig Murray is seriously upsetting the apple cart:

As Porton Down now confirm, here is a straightforward lie from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, a lie that British diplomats around the world have been promoting to foreign governments.

Gary is sitting only a few miles from Faslane. Pacific Quay wouldn’t stand a chance if the Tories succeed in starting a hot war with Russia. Would they be so stupid? Boris isn’t a Bullingdon Boy for nothing. Swagger around trashng everything is his MO. He should be sacked. So should Theresa May.

link to

Brian Powell

I guess the FT didn’t report how Wales or NI growth figures are doing.

But it is too easy for FT etc to make these ‘statements’, no opposition.

The FT should be headlining, ‘Brexit catastrophe doesn’t put pressure on the Conservatives because we in the newspaper industry support them and are mainly arselickers’.


£100Billion more is borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK. (£50Billion public – £50Billion private Chinese) Scotland has to pay off the debt. (Pro rata £10Billion less for Scotland). Scotland can’t borrow or spend.

Too high illegal Tories taxes (when the price had fallen) has ruined the Scottish Oil sector. 2010 illegal regime brought in. 40% since Jan 2016. Scotland has lost £Billions and 120,000 jobs. Scotland could have had near full employment – putting wages up. Instead it has slow Scottish growth. Not being treated equally.

Fracking in the rest. of the UK is tax free. Pays no tax.

£1Billion wasted on Trident which could gave grown the economy. No ‘minimum pricing’ for 5 years. Has lost Scotland revenues and growth. May 2018.

Tax evasion Scotland loses £3Billion a year. Tax Laws not enforced by Westminster Treasury.

Illegal wars have cost Scotland £Billions which could have been spent investing and growing the economy. Not blowing the world to bits causing the worst migration crisis in Europe since 11WW. Costing £Trns. The Westminster unionist lunatics.

The UK Union costs Scotland £Billions. Economic lunacy to damage Scotland and put more borrowed funds into London S/E. Taking £Billiions from Scotland. EU grants and investment lost because of UK indecision. The fishing industry mismanaged for 40 years by Westminster incompetence.

Ie HS2 and Hinkley Point. An absolute waste of public money. With absolutely no business case. Scotland has to pay back on the excess borrowing. Damaging the Scottish economy and growth.

The Westminster Brexit will ruin the Scottish economy. Devastate it. Scotland did not vote for it but is having it imposed by Westminster lunatics.

The Tory unionists are the biggest liars on the planet. Every word May utters is a lie. Johnston is a habitual liar along with the rest of them.

Despite being colder, nearer the source and in surplus. Scotland pays a relative higher cost pruce for fuel and energy. 10% more.

Westminster Treasury mismanagement and misappropriation has slowed Scotland’s growth since 1928 and before. Depopulated Scotland. Taken £Billions illegalky from Scotland to benefit London S/E. Now totally congested to ruin the UK economy. £Trns in debt.

Northern Rock

Capella. More on Russia.

Salisbury nerve agent attack: Russia demands urgent UN meeting

Moscow demands the UN Security Council meet to discuss the UK’s claim it was “highly likely” Russia was behind the poisoning.

Russia has called for an urgent UN meeting over the Salisbury nerve agent attack after failing in its attempt to be involved in the UK’s investigation.

Moscow has demanded an open session of the UN Security Council on Thursday over Britain’s claim that it is “highly likely” Russia was behind the poisoning.

It comes after Russia lost a vote at the global chemical weapons watchdog, where the country called for its experts to join the probe into the attack.

Britain said the demand was a sign the federation was “nervous” of what the inquiries will find.

Tensions between the two countries have risen after the head of the Porton Down military research facility told Sky News scientists had not verified Russia as the source of the novichok used on former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin seized on the comments as he accused the UK of launching an “anti-Russian campaign”.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is facing calls for an inquiry into whether he “misled the public” after he appeared to suggest Porton Down was in “no doubt” the nerve agent in Salisbury originated in Russia.

The Foreign Office later deleted a Twitter post that claimed UK experts had “made clear” the substance was “produced in Russia”.

Labour has called on the Prime Minister to launch an investigation into whether Mr Johnson broke the ministerial code.

“The Foreign Secretary has some serious questions to answer over whether he misled the public, but is instead trying to deflect criticism with his characteristic bluff and bluster,” Labour’s shadow Cabinet Office minister Jon Trickett said.

Mr Johnson criticised Jeremy Corbyn for “playing Russia’s game” after the Labour leader accused him of “exaggeration” over the evidence.

Meanwhile, The Times reported that UK security services have high degree of confidence that they have pinpointed the location of the Russian laboratory that manufactured the nerve agent used in the attack.

A Whitehall source told the newspaper: “We knew pretty much by the time of the first Cobra (the emergency co-ordination briefing that took place the same week) that it was overwhelmingly likely to come from Russia.”

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Mad unionist is a sad unionist. Proportionally more Scots fought and died fighting Fascism.


The Tories are sanction people and starving them. They have cut taxes for the wealthy and supported tax havens. Thatcher introduced them. The tax take since 2010 in the rest of the UK is £60Billion+ down a year. £533Billion. In 2009 it was £600Billiom.

In 2009 £600Billion was raised £120borrowed = £720Billion

Now £533Billion raises £100Billion borrowed = £633Billion.

Less £87Billion.(yearly?) since 2010.

Scotland would be in a much better financial position without Westminster mismanagement and interference. Scottish budget cut by Westminster irrationally and illegally since 2010. Last 8 years.


Morning all.
This is O/T, but I’m absolutely fuming about this…..

Today the SNP minority run Falkirk Council, could well be replaced by a Tory/Labour coalition as the Labour councillors are prepared to back the Tories in a takeover bid.

Richard Leonard has been asked by the SNP Council Leader to suspend the Labour councillors from the Labour Party if they go ahead with this, as was done with them in Aberdeen.

Not holding my breath, but hoping that some of the Falkirk Labour group will see sense and NOT support the Tories….


Why are Ken McIntosh who stated there should be no Scottish accents on BBC Scotland and Lamont (genes defect) non representative of Scotland going to NY Scottish Tartan Week. An insult. Troughing on Scottish taxpayer monies. Poor representation.

Tompkins married to an American. (US citizen?). Westminster Home Office is changing the guidelines to throw out people from US. Troughing on Scottish taxpayers money to ruin the Scottish economy. The Tories sactioning and starving people.


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Brexit means Brexit means nothing now, and means it meant nothing when Theresa May spoke of nothing else 20 months ago.
Brexit now means a politically motivated re-arrangement of how the UK and EU interacts. Nothing more.

Skripal was stage-managed by No.10 for propaganda purposes to take attention away from the Tory Government’s use of Cambridge Analytica in GE17, EURef16, & IndyRef14. The Skripal lie has been very successful in separating Analytica from the UK Govt.

Rob Wainright boss of Europol says:- In the last year or 18 months, there’s been “a perceptible trend towards a blending of state-actor capability with the criminal community,” Wainwright said without elaboration. “It’s therefore becoming a more dangerous game.”
Whatever that means, we know for certain that the Tory Party in particular and the UK Govt in general does not exclude industrial-scale lying, fraud, tax evasion, insider dealing, money laundering, criminal association, election-rigging, policy scamming, and systematic corruption, from its daily dealings.

The British Establishment is a criminal class.

Voting for the Tory Party is voting for an increase in crime.

Living in the UK is dangerous. So says a recent Expert Report.


Aberdeen City Council is a disgrace. £1.2Billion in debt. Cut public service funding. Wasting £Millions on non mandated projects of no value. Kept in place by a two jobs Tory. Non representative. Sold the City on the Stock exchange. They are just despicable. Lying theur pockets with public money and ruining the economy. Breaking the councillor code of conduct. Not fit for public service. Most of them should be in jail.


Just watched Sky News long pained reporting England’s Brownlee brother’s failure in triathlon.

Thrown in right at end Jacky Beltrami said grudgingly ‘Scotland’s Marc Austin did win bronze’.

Faint praise indeed from our British brethren.

Well done Marc (whose hair I used to cut in his early days at Stirling Uni) 🙂

stu mac

@Indy2 says:
4 April, 2018 at 11:06 pm
The Tory english Government are starting to look like complete idiots are the world now because of this Russian poisoning fiasco.

Starting? Starting? I’d say they’ve been looking like complete idiots for years. Unfortunately competence long since seems to matter in government where there is almost complete MSM support for idiots, provided they follow the neoliberal agenda.

BTW to reply to another poster, lying to the electorate, parliament or anyone else ceased to be a resigning offence a couple of decades ago. No change in rules, there never was a rule, just peer pressure, but now the lying is acceptable.
(I should add of course politicians have always misled but rarely in the past directly lied and directly lying to parliament was a no-no and there were cases of ministers having to resign as a result. An old annoyance when I was young was that politicians seemed never to answer a question properly, always slipping round it but in retrospect this was to avoid telling a clear lie and “merely” misdirect. No such qualms these days.).


I see the Herald happily reporting another negative SNP story regarding Scotland`s economy growing at half the rate of the rest of the UK. But the thing that interested me has been the sudden upsurge of bitter anti SG posts, one this morning having 101 ups, which never happens.
Its seems to me there is something very funny going on with that paper in line with the ramping up of the anti independence movement as a whole
It also led me to wondering why there are only a handful of readers comments in the National by comparison.

colin alexander

The Scot Govt’s answer to anything in the NHS or Social Care is: we don’t want to know, take it to the SPSO.

The SPSO is a construct of Labour, based on a model of Mid-Staffordshire complaint handling, which failed to deal with a major water poisoning incident. It was a flawed system that Labour copied. The SNP knowing this have stuck with it for over 10 years. Not only stuck with it, added more areas to be dealt with by the SPSO.

Scotland’s public services equivalent to the Electoral Commission in UK politics. A sham.

The Scot Govt fob people off with the SPSO and “nothing to do with us”, knowing the SPSO is rubbish and knowing it is everything to do with the Scot Govt, as they are supposed to oversee the conduct of the public officials.

I do want independent Scotland but, I don’t want the SNP or Labour Holyrood model based on Westminster Govt’s way of doing things. Power concentrated in the hands of a few and their political cronies. A system where cover-up is the default mode.

The whole “whip” system of voting in parliament should be outlawed. In any other areas of life if people are under duress to vote a certain way, it would be called corruption. Yet at Holyrood and Westminster, it’s how our so-called “democracy” works.


@McDuff 0923. The upside to that negativity in my experience is that that paper has had a poll which shows Indy doing well.

I notice the same with the BBC website.I am always polite and helpful to the Unionists and that riles them. I get my sound bite in and as concerned trolls do I sympathise with concerns they have but not to worry independence will sort out their worries. Strangely after a while the BBC has a problem with my posts.note they never block me because I am overly polite.


There you go.Proving my point Colin does



FT are mushroom farming. Scotland doesn’t control its economy and hasn’t for quite some time. Understanding Devolved and Reserved issues is going to be a must for any future Scotref I’d say.

How and ever and for the removal of doubt. A wee link: link to

Most folk should note which column financial and economic matters rests in. Scotland has competence over a budget, NOT an economy. The Scottish government can invite investment and economic growth, but it relies on Westminster to set favourable economic parameters. The SG have only a percentage of tax raising powers and zero control of essential resources and revenue streams. We have no treasury, no control of employment legislation or benefits and clearly no control over foreign policy, borders, trade or immigration.

Effectively, being asked to grow an economy with your mouth gagged and your hands and legs tied behind your back.

When a Scottish government in full control of ALL of the above fails, then they can have a wee gripe. Pretty sure we would to. Until then, it’s just another SNP bad headline and can be safely filed under bin.

Southern Rock

Russia hitting back and have arranged a meeting at the UN tonight.

They want proof and the want Boris to show the world what proof he has.

Meg merrilees


SNAP! listened to the news bulletin at 9.00 am on R4- Began with the news that England had won something or other at the Commonwealth games, then there was a whole pile of other stuff, then loads about Alistair Brownlee and how he hadn’t won but come tenth, shockingly, and his brother had managed to come a little bit higher up …. oh, ‘and Scotland’s Marc Austen won bronze’

They canna help themselves! so biased.


@colin alexander

It is democracy!
ANY and EVERY management team has closed door sessions to debate policy, investment, budget allocation etc As an individual you may not get what you want but when you leave that room you accept COLLECTIVE responsibility of the outcome.
In politics the same is true – if you do not like the direction you are in the wrong party.

It is far from perfect but show me a local bowling club committee or tennis club that has a perfect model.

It is either compromise or several million political parties I.e one each!


I see the faux concern over Scotland’s slow growth as simply trolling by the MSM. The FT quote “an eonomist” who asserts that the Scottish government don’t seem to understand or care. Oh dear.

“Current Scottish government policies seem unlikely to do much to remedy this,” Mr McLaren said. “Meanwhile the lack of understanding, or interest in, why this has happened remains of worry.”

link to

He doesn’t mention that if macro economic policies are set by Westminster then there is little the Scottish Government can do to boost growth. The FT acknowledges that the drop in construction -2.5% explains a lot. Now that the Queensferry crossing is finished and Carillion have forced a halt to AWPR it is inevitable that construction has slowed.

But Westminster channels money into projects which benefit the SE of England. Even Grimsby, I believe, has benefited from millions in development money, which might explain the exodus of Young’s fish processing plant from Annan to Grimsby.
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If I were paid to analyse Scotland’s economy, I would be looking at those factors to explain a lack of growth. But there’s only one solution to that problem isn’t there.


@ Macart – snap! crossed posts but essentially we agree. People need to understand the effects of having your greatest economic levers reserved to Westminster. Asset stripping and under-development is inevitable. Nothing new then.


Crackerjack the yoon fud disappears, Captain Colin Alexander reappears. Just saying xxx

Archbishop of Dork

A Welsh cyclist in the Commonwealth Games wearing a Team GB union jack design helmet with his Wales kit.

And the Welsh Team allowed that. Or were they ordered to.


Scottish ‘democracy’ in a nutshell-

Opposition parties,
along with their media-owning donors,
are disappointed that improvements to waiting times denies them the anti-SNP headlines they rely on to hoodwink the gullible unionist vote.

Bill McLean

Capella 1012 – John McLaren is an economist with the Centre for Public Policy Research. Has a long standing relationship with SLabber – hint! hint! No further comment necessary although totally agree with your posts.


How can Welsh athletes wear the union flag?

It’s clearly a political symbol, having been flown above some of the worst atrocities in human history. Our very own swastika.


TheWasp 10.28am

“yoon fud”?????????????????????????

What on earth have I done to upset you?

Or do you usually post under another name?

As for me, I am as pro Indy, if not more Pro Indy that the majority of posters that use this website.

I am me and me alone. Can you point to one post that would back up your false claims that I am a “Yoon”????????

If we are trying to encourage new posters, then The Wasp, you are doing everything to dis-courage them.

Lighten up.!!!


Downing Street Propaganda is not giving up on the Skripal Lie as this pile of drivel in The Times demonstrates –

link to

“Security services believe that they have pinpointed the location of the covert Russian laboratory that manufactured the weapons-grade nerve agent used in Salisbury, The Times has learnt.

Ministers and security officials were able to identify the source using scientific analysis and intelligence in the days after the attempted murder of Sergei and Yulia Skripal a month ago, according to security sources.

Britain knew about the existence of the facility where the novichok poison was made before the attack on March 4, it is understood. A Whitehall source added: “We knew pretty much by the time of the first Cobra [the emergency co-ordination briefing that took place the same week] that it was overwhelmingly likely to come from Russia.”


I am me and me alone. Can you point to one post that would back up your false claims that I am a “Yoon”????????

You’re a good laugh CJ, have to give SiU roasters that much.


@ Crackerjack – your quip on Craig Murray’s comment section calling Boris Johnson a “copper bottomed Ocean going fuckwit” allows you a lot of slack IMO. Superior trolling.



colin alexander


Best to ignore anything The Wasp says. You’ll just get more abuse, if they think it bothers you.


NHS Tayside Health Board fiddling the books because they’ve run out of money. Not possible, this is Scotland.

Scotland is magically free of corruption because we have an SNP Govt.

Public officials are magically different from their counterparts in England and Wales because, well, this is SNP Govt Scotland.

It doesn’t happen in Scotland, it’s all a unionist plot to discredit the SNP and independence.

Get real people. Aye there are lots of false stories, as Stu points out, but there are also genuine problems that need dealt with. Believe it or not, public officials in Scotland do commit wrongs, do make mistakes, do get up to deliberate jiggerypokery.

Believing or claiming everything is a unionist plot is paranoia or an attempt to sweep it all under the carpet.


There are some posters on here who have come out the wrong side of arguments they have had with me. So They use this site to further their “personal agenda” they have against me.

They need to overcome that agenda, otherwise they will never move on. You know who you are, I will so no more.

But I am seriously wanting these posters who continue to call me a “Yoon” to post evidence to back up their claims.

Let the whole world see how much of a “Yoon” I am when they read your evidence.

This is turning into a Russian Poisoning Analogy. Where the Ruskies were proven guilty without a shred of evidence.

So C’mon,,back up your claims with Proof.

Speak Now or forever hold your peace.


“Downing Street Propaganda is not giving up on the Skripal Lie as this pile of drivel in The Times demonstrates –”

Yep and sky are starting a new thread about North Korean missiles having the capability to reach the U.K. where have we heard that before.

Get the feeling we are going to be flooded with ‘Threats’ over the coming months..

The biggest threat to London hegemony is an independent Scotland.


I wish the Schools would go back Don’t respond to them.
Just because they don’t have a new X Box that they can talk to their School pals, they use this site as a alternative that is the only way they can get a response.
Tell them to tell their parents to vote YES, kids love a reaction.


Arms manufacturers have to make a living somehow. But it’s a poor parasite that kills off its host.


How odd, beeb gimp zone news today completely dropped, not reporting anything at all Salisbury poisonings, nothing about BJ and his latest round of mega whoppers, nor Foreign Office shysters, nothing about Strong and Stable’s Russian front wars.

There really is no tory propaganda like beeb gimp propaganda.

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Bob Mack


Nobody, and I mean nobody, could ever come out of an argument with you badly.You been honing your debating in the local Dogs Trust again ?! Woof woof.

Daisy Walker

Info to read – essays over the last 3 days. Well worth a read.

Cheerie to all. Happy to hold the peace. In a gentle way we can shake this world. Yes now x


Oh wait, its war in the far East not just the Russian front, explains stinky olde The Gruan.

link to

Foreign policy
North Korea soon likely to have missiles that could reach UK

That’s from Graun’s, Ewen MacAskill is the Guardian’s defence and intelligence correspondent. He was Washington DC bureau chief from 2007-2013, diplomatic editor from 1999-2006, chief political correspondent from 1996-99 and political editor of the Scotsman from 1990-96.

Ex hootsman toryboy ligger, Ligger Neil’s glory days, defence and intelligence correspondent, routinely kicks the living shit out of Scottish democracy, for pin money, coz The Graun is so short of cash these days, Facebook’s nicked it all.

Tackety Beets

Mmmmm “Will Podmore” anybody ??


Aye Tackety…wi a mix of cocoa powder too. 😉


Daisy Walker,

A message left for you on O/T @ 11:39 pm April 4th.


Bumbling Boris the Wuckfit nearly took us to WAR on the rattling sound that echoes in his empty vessel of a head.
This moron should be sacked with “no Westmister perks”, he is a liability to the citizens of the UK and the world.
No more acceptance from the Tories with the line “He’s just being Boris”.


Victoria Debryshire comes to her Scotland region to see why knife crime is dropping here. Nae bad but as per, BBC cant begin to actually give credit where its due, its only the Scottish government, who ever that is, simpers beeb gimp.

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EMBARASSING INBRED TOSSER.. That’s too kind to Boris Johnson, add FASCIST LEANING and we’re getting close.

Alarmingly, in England, the description above can get you elected, such is the dumbed-down nature of UK OWNED mainstream media.



Just to put things into perspective given the impending Brexit. Here’s a link to a list of UK recessions and their effects on the economy, with 2008’s crash on the bottom. Worst Q was -2.2% in Q4.

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Bear in mind that on the back of 2008’s results we’ve enjoyed 10yrs of austerity ideology. Given both HMG and Scotgov’s impact assessments consider another 2% contraction is the best case scenario. What do you reckon the effect will be of a 9% contraction will be?

Yet according to Mr Mundell, Scotland has the powers to sort out its economy. Question: If Westminster government, which has full control of the UK’s economic levers, took ten years not to sort out the entire UKs economic woes on the back of that year. Just what special zooper powers does Scotland possess to offset the biblical carnage of a 9% drop in GDP minus any control of its economic levers?


The same ‘guy’ from Porton Down told me that Boris is an alien paedophile, honest.



Message for you on O/T.

Welsh Sion

Apologies for being off topic and also for being a day late. The following is an original story written by me to commemorate the life of Margo – written for the anniversary of her passing. I hope Wings readers will enjoy it.


44. (of 60)

Reverend Caledonia and the candles

Reverend Caledonia had officiated at St. Alba’s church for many years. The minister came into his church one morning, shivering. It was a cold morning and Reverend Caledonia, being rather elderly tended to feel the cold more than most. That morning however, he felt the cold outside more than usual – and he felt it in his church too. Something was not right, and Reverend Caledonia knew it.

Now, not only was Reverend Caledonia’s church colder than usual that morning, the minister felt sure that it was darker too. He looked around him. It was then that Reverend Caledonia’s gaze fell on the altar. He immediately saw what was wrong: his big altar candle, a venerable MacDonald taper which had served him and his congregation for a good many years had seemingly disappeared.

Reverend Caledonia hurried over to the altar, fearful that someone had stolen the MacDonald candle. When the minister arrived at the candlestick which held the candle, he realised what had happened. Far from being removed, the MacDonald candle had in fact completely melted and had gone out. Only its burnt and frayed wick and a small pool of wax remained as testimony to its former glory. Reverend Caledonia realised with a heavy heart that it would not be possible to relight the MacDonald candle.

When Reverend Caledonia took in this dreadful news, he fell to his knees and began to sob deeply and audibly. He began entreating God to give safe passage to the soul of the MacDonald candle. Now you may think this kind of behaviour a little bizarre – to feel such profound grief for something seemingly inconsequential and inanimate as a candle. But you have to appreciate that Reverend Caledonia was a very sensitive man. In all the years he had been the minister at St. Alba’s he had developed some sort of affinity or connection with his altar candle.

The MacDonald candle had indeed come to symbolise, in true Christian fashion, “the light of the world,” and it (or as Reverend Caledonia had personalised the candle over the years, “she”) had given off light and warmth during his many services at St. Alba’s. Reverend Caledonia knew that his congregation had also appreciated the light and the warmth the MacDonald candle had given off – and they too would miss that when they learnt that she was no more.

When Reverend Caledonia realised this fact, he sobbed all the louder. No other candle would (or indeed, could) replace the MacDonald candle – she was truly one of a kind.


But Reverend Caledonia was also a very practical and resourceful man. After a few minutes of silent contemplation, he dried his eyes and blew his nose a couple of times. He got up off his knees gingerly and started to smile.

He knew what he had to do and what his parishioners would expect him to do. So Reverend Caledonia began to light a number of little candles all over the inside of St. Alba’s church.

Now, as individual, little candles they could in no way compare with the MacDonald candle – she was truly unique. They also lacked the experience she had in serving Reverend Caledonia in his services. But Reverend Caledonia also knew that the combined strength of the little candles – their joint giving of light and warmth – would help dispel the darkness and gloom inside St. Alba’s. The little candles would also gladden the hearts of Reverend Caledonia and his parishioners.

And so it was that Reverend Caledonia, realising this little miracle of deliverance, again fell to his knees on the altar steps and gave thanks to God and expressed his gratitude for the work of the MacDonald candle. He also thanked God for inspiring him to continue her warm and joyful message through the medium of the little candles.

It would be a fitting tribute to the work previously carried out by the MacDonald candle and he was happy to be a facilitator in that process.

Parables for the New Politics 


Crackerjackass, coco playbook…!









(To the tune of “im a little teapot)

“They’re a little britnat,

likes to shout…

they open their gobs,

and pish pours out !!

“My name is cwackerjackass …i phoned the police on geeo because he scared me and now he is going to pwison..”

Except, NO, he didn’t, but he IS scared. And should be, because Indy is coming and he loses all his reason to masturbate furiously at his keyboard as he tries to troll this blog.

Who you gonna run to this time, Cwackerjackass, you fucking scared little bitch ?

Dr Jim

Because of the UK Governments insistance on all things faux *equality* for women in the wake of the male voice choir fiasco are we going to see female Cantors in Synagogue or females calling the faithful to prayer in Mosques

Go on I dare you! Faux equality some more, insist insist!

Bill Hume

Come on Boys and Girls. Play nice and ignore the trolls. The sun is shining and if you have a warm jacket you might just think Spring has arrived.
I hope to meet some of you on May 5th. in Glasgow.
We may not control the media but we can put feet on the street.
p.s. I’ll be the short, somewhat rotund OAP with a Canon camera in my hands.


Usual SNPBAD bollocks from the dying lying rag the Hootsman.

link to


Golly our imperial masters do like to tell people to resign, just as long as they’re not high toryboys.

link to

Still to hear at least one teamGB ligger call for BJ to go.

Dr Jim

Even though Scotland was vaccinated with the SNP anti virus
the English government keeps trying to infect us with their awful political diseases. surely this is a world health issue
and they should be quarantined

They’re doing it to Wales as well changing the names of Welsh bridges and places to English names, not be long before Wales is Western England, after all we in Scotland are North Britain, but equal in every respect to Licolnshire county council, they said so!


September 2018, lets get on with it !

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Archbishop of Dork

The Spanish National Court charges the Catalan police chief Trapero with sedition at the time of the referendum.
This Francoist court’s definition of sedition in this case being that Trapero didn’t order his officers to join with the Guardia Civil in beating grandmothers who were peacefully trying to vote.

To their shame the Labour Party will say nothing, save for one or two individuals, and thereby they help to foster the return of fascism and political prisoners in Europe.

Yet they will continue to try and maintain the fiction that they are an anti-establishment party. To the detriment of European – and world and Scottish – democracy.


Breaking news from the mad bad world of the Express …

“BREXIT FEARS: Five countries TERRIFIED of Brexit as the UK’s EU divorce LOOMS”

Which 5? Well, my guess would be Scotland, England, Wales, NI, and Rep of Ireland, all of which may never recover from a hard crash and burn Brexit.

Nope. In Express fantasy über BritNat land, it’s Denmark, Netherlands, Spain, Germany and France.

It will hit everyone, but I am pretty certain it will hit the UK components most. That is, those components which choose to go over the cliff together.


Good luck to Scottish Cyclist Katie Archibald in Australia.

I expect there is some Britnat hate coming her way soon.

KATIE ARCHIBALD has won almost everything there is to win in cycling.

Olympic, world and European champion, as well as world record holder, the 24-year-old has been there, done it and bought the t-shirt when it comes to winning major championship gold medals but all of these titles have been won by the Glaswegian under the banner of GB.

Katie said, emotionally, Gold for Scotland means more to me than gold for Team GB,


Notably, earlier today, the WHOLE story was available to read, but now everything under the “tean GB achievements” has disappeared behind a paywall…go figure.


It will hit everyone, but I am pretty certain it will hit the UK components most. That is, those components which choose to go over the cliff together.

Brexit’s hit already. Sterling’s Brexit drop in value means imports to the UK dropped, flowers and veg from Holland for example, pound’s worth less so it buys less. Layoffs, closures, much like Young’s, if that closure is not a move to England.

If Brexit was not all on planet toryboy, beeb gimp zone would going cataclysmic with rage.


Hackalumpoff says:

September 2018, lets get on with it !

There are pros and cons for every possible date but more and more I am starting to see Autumn this year as the best and pretty much agree with everything Peter says here.

The argument that Brexit biting later is a fair enough one, but it won’t bite badly until the transition ends. That’s almost three years. We MUST get things done and dusted well before the next Holyrood election. Imagine a Yes win followed by WM delaying, then a BritNat win in Holyrood while Scotland is still firmly in the UK AND out of Europe!

For me, The Tories’ priorities are 1) save their Union, 2) deliver any Brexit, 3) deliver a Brexit with with reasonable ongoing EU relationship. In that order.

They therefore prevaricate to delay clarity as long as possible because this suits objectives 1 & 2.

If there isn’t clarity about Brexit by this Autumn, then there won’t be before the UK leaves. I would call ScotRef this summer on the basis that there will be enough info on Brexit by Autumn to make a decision. If there is no clear info then that is a damning scenario for WM and they deserve to be cast aside.

However, this bit is important for me … we don’t want to make Brexit front and centre of ScotRef. We want to focus on WM incompetence, reneging, deceit, far right position, and disrespect for Scotland. Brexit is just another nail. And we counter this with a vision of Indy as the safe, stable, and democratic option.



Katie Archibald: Gold for Scotland means more to me than gold for GB;
link to


@ Macart – that list of recessions makes grim reading indeed. They seem to have been a Tory phenomenon until 2008’s super duper fall.

I like that last note that the 2008 recession has lasted into the mid 2010s i.e. around now!

Nicola will just have to use her magic wand to get us out of the BREXIT slump.

Bill not Ben

Alex Neill was being interviewed by Alex Salmond on RT.

In the interview Alex Neill said he does not want to be part of a federal political european union, but that scotland would be able to join the independant trading association, and that would mean we can trade with europe but not be part of the political side of the union and not be governed by them.
My own stance exactly, and i dare say Jim Sillars would go along with that to, and if the great Jimmy Reid was still with us I am sure
Jimmy would be in favour of that as well.
I got a mention on RT, I put in a nice comment about the show and it was read out, if you see the lady reading the comments out I will let you guess which one was mine, but a little clue, I never use twitter, I might be a twit but I am not stupid enough to be on that trolls paradise.

Alba Gu snooker loopy!


Nicola will just have to use her magic wand to get us out of the BREXIT slump.

One giant boost was lost when the tories cut renewable energy funding and ofcourse the carbon capture plans for Peterhead.

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Scrapping carbon capture at Peterhead was an enormous economic loss for the whole region, let alone all the wasted £100+ million spent on research, right up to the tories scrapping it all.

Nice example of beeb gimp zone vote tory propaganda. Talk about toryboy election promise reneging too, or not rather.

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Archbishop of Dork

The Spanish National Court has charged Catalan police chief Trapero with sedition. Sedition in this case meaning a refusal to assist the Guardia Civil in violence towards peaceful voters.

The Labour Party will say nothing. Save for one or two individuals. Thereby helping to foster the return of fascism and political prisoners in Europe.

And Labour will continue to maintain the fiction that they are still for ordinary people.


A year or so old but why do the beeb gimps not mention any toryboy at all? It was George Osborne. It makes sense though, your party’s funded by big oil, you’re certainly not going to do much Green energy stuff. Just get the suckers to believe you’ll be the Greenest toryboys ever. Over to you, massed ranks of beeb gimps.

link to

UK government spent £100m on cancelled carbon capture project


Just back on the west coast for a weeks holiday to visit my old mum. Went out for a pint last night and overheard the conversation, basically Nicola sturgeon sh**e, immigrants sh**e,Scotland sh**e. Isn’t it funny how unionists all have that same sullen narrow torn ar*e faced look. No spring in their step, no bounce to them, no pride. Just a cowed snarly haunted look.blaming everyone and his wife for their problems,except themselves.



A wand would be good, but I’ll settle for that card trick the FMs waiting for the chance to use. 😉

The point being of course that with all powers and levers at their disposal, UK gov delivered ten years of austerity ideology on the back that recession.

Kind of lets you know about the veracity of Mr Mundell’s claim.


Bobp says:

unionists all have that same sullen narrow torn ar*e faced look

Tories in particular have two emotional states. These are reflected by their only two facial expressions.

First there is the one you describe – a near permanent angry scowl. They look annoyed at everything.

Second there is also the sarcastic sneering grim. Others’ misfortune gives them most pleasure.


Galamcennalath I did notice that.


The unionist councils are cutting essential services. They get funding to cover all essential services. The SNP get the highest number of candidates but are kept out of power by useless unionists. The unionists cut the money allocated for essential services and spend it on wasteful useless projects of no value no one wants. They can’t count or read a balance sheet.

The unionists cut the funding allocated for education etc and spend it on no mandated projects of no value no one wants. Useless monstrosities. They do not fund education, social work,drug rehab properly but build useless shopping centres and hotels no one wants and for which there is no mandate or necessity.

£Billions goes from Scotland in Westminster unionist mismanagement. The Oil sector illegally taxed when the price had fallen. 40% tax since Jan 2016. More before. Losing Scotland £Billions and 120,000 jobs. £1Billion on Trident. £Billions wasted fot five years until ‘minimum pricing’. May 2018. £Billions wasted on illegal wars, financial fraud and tax evasion. The fishing industry mismanaged for 40 years by Westminster. Scotland depopulated by Westminster centrist policies favouring London S/E for years. All the Oil revenues spent there or wasted by Westminster.


@ Heedtracker – the Blue Tooners will be delighted to know that Linclonshire is to be the UKs renewables powerhouse with a £9 m grant. Lucky Lincolnshire.
Peterhead’s loss is Lincolnshire’s gain.

The £9.2 million project will provide a ‘one stop shop’ to provide energy and low carbon services for small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as facilitating large scale investment in public infrastructure.
A total of £5.4 million of the project has come from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) to boost renewable energy use in SMEs, council and other public sector owned buildings in the area.
Councillor Dave Watson, portfolio holder for energy and the environment, said: “We have said on several occasions that it’s our ambition to be nationally and internationally recognised in North East Lincolnshire as the UK’s leading region for low-carbon energy and the UK capital of the renewable energy industry.

link to


@smallaxe, cheers for that!

In other news, albeit couple weeks late..if the wonderful Nana has linked this at the time, my apologies.

Know anyone who may be affected by this story ?

ESA claimants could be owed THOUSANDS.
link to

Les Wilson

galamcennalath says:
5 April, 2018 at 2:05 pm
Hackalumpoff says:

“However, this bit is important for me … we don’t want to make Brexit front and centre of ScotRef. We want to focus on WM incompetence, reneging, deceit, far right position, and disrespect for Scotland. Brexit is just another nail. And we counter this with a vision of Indy as the safe, stable, and democratic option.”

Yup, totally agree, we have enough on them to show them up for what they are. Poverty? under 300 years of Westminster rule! we know who keeps us that way don’t we, and why.



No problem, my friend, anything for a true Winger.

Giving Goose

Apologies is posted previously.

Denmark to scrap mandatory public service broadcasting fee.
link to


Capella says:
5 April, 2018 at 2:41 pm
@ Heedtracker – the Blue Tooners will be delighted to know that Linclonshire is to be the UKs renewables powerhouse with a £9 m grant. Lucky Lincolnshire.
Peterhead’s loss is Lincolnshire’s gain.

Its an odd thing UK politics, Wiki

The seat has been held by David Duguid – for the Conservative Party – since June 2017. The constituency saw the second-largest swing to the Conservatives in all of Scotland (20.2%), bested only – and slightly – by the swing the Conservatives achieved in defeating former First Minister of Scotland Alex Salmond in the neighboring seat of Gordon (20.4%).

Prior to 2017, the seat had been held by the Scottish National Party since 1987, with Salmond representing the seat until 2010. In 2010, Eilidh Whiteford succeeded Salmond as the constituency’s MP; however, the SNP vote share fell below 50% for the first time since 1992, due to a strong challenge by the Conservative Party. In the 2015 election the SNP achieved its best ever result in the constituency, with Whiteford winning over 60% of the vote and increasing her majority to 31.4%.”

When you think how the Carbon Capture plant could have really boosted the whole north east economy AND THEN, they all get Brexit stiffed by the tories too…in Peterhead directly.

You do have to wonder.

Is it really all down to merciless SNP Our BBC Scotland attack propaganda, day after day, that makes so many vote directly against their own future and livelihood?

All that aside, Buchan coast is very retired UK military, I’m alright jacks, posh farmers.

I read that the US has 22 million military vets, so for a giant military spender like UK gov, it must a huge figure too, of UK military retired, populated around the once giant NATO and RAF based in Scotland.

Handy for the toryboys, hell bent on destroying Scottish democracy, is just my theory:D


Westminster refused funding for CCS but spent £2Billion (each?) on two coal fired plants near Clegg’s Sheffield constituency. Then banned coal production. Banned onshore wind turbines in England. Fracking in the rest of the UK tax free. Pays no tax at all. Oil sector taxed at 40% since Jan 2016. Wasting £Bilions on Hinkley Point. Two tidal barrages would have produced more energy and been much cleaner, cheaper and faster. £20Billion.


Further to my last comment, on ESA being underpaid, it is just part of a trend.

Even the Daily Mail, which likes nothing more than a bit of “benefits scroungers” attack stories, ran a story 2 years ago on the scandal of unclaimed benefits, including £BILLIONS of ENTITLEMENTS not claimed by Pensioners in need.

This bit is the killer statement, which sums up this tory government and their attack on the poor, the disabled and the vulnerable…


The vast amount in unpaid income support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, housing benefit and pension credit is more than the entire sum George Osborne is trying to cut from the welfare budget.

Charities said it was ‘shameful’ that pensioners were missing out on £3billion in help meant for the ‘poorest and most vulnerable’.

The sum unclaimed in this 2 year old article has actually gone UP since then !!

And remember, this is money people are LEGALLY ENTITLED TO and not getting paid.

Despite this fact, this Tory government are STILL trying to reduce what they get in income !!

That is pretty sick stuff.

Anyhoo…here is the article

link to

NB..If the ESA underpayment can be sorted out by DWP without people having to claim the underpayment back, how hard would it be for benefits entitlements to be fully paid without complicated forms or even the need to know exactly what to claim ?

Lose job for example, one meeting with an advisor, how easy would it be for all entitlement to benefits be established at that one short, sit down meeting ?

I have been active on the Scottish Government experience panel shaping the new Scottish Benefits system, and i have put that exact point across to them.

We should be looking at a system which helps people in need, to access ALL the benefits they are ENTITLED to get, IN FULL and without delay nor obstacle.

After all, if you work, you expect to get what you are entitled to on pay day. Why should the social security system be any different ?

In both cases, people are only expecting to get what the law says they are entitled to get.

Most people on benefits are being short changed, and getting called “scroungers” at the same time !!

Imagine being called a drain on your employer for drawing your wages…same princiole involved.


‘it must a huge figure too, of UK military retired, populated around the once giant NATO and RAF based in Scotland.’

reminds me of the Roman empire policy of settling their retired centurions all over the colonies.



Re today’s police release of a statement allegedly made by Yulia Skripal – for a native Russian speaker who has never until last month resided in the UK she has a remarkable command of fluent and grammatically perfect English.


In the NE Gordon constituency 6,000 did not come out to vote (comparible) The LibDem voted Tory. Strategically. (They are all the same) Let the Tories through. Alex Salmond lost by 1,000+. It was rainy all day. Voter apathy, too many elections, couldn’t be bothered. Or just complacency
They are paying for it now. Brexit will affect the NE the worst. Useless incompetent Tories.

Slightly changed constituency boundaries but it was LibDem for thirty years. Norman Bruce. Did nothing for the area. Managed to retain the overnight sleeper? There is not a high Labour presence. Rural constituency. People voted LibDem to keep the Tories out.


May could be gone before the end of the year. The Tories in disarray. Defeated in April in the Commons. 3rd May council elections in the rest of the UK. Rats in a sack. Poison. Another election?


You could be right there Ken500.

Few more months smearing Corbyn, late August Snap GE, Goodbye Treeza, hello hard brexiteer leader, win majority, WM brexit deal vote becomes formality for hardest toryboy brexit. Job done, one single high profile casualty, Treeza.

An almost bloodless coup into hard right wing control of the Uk at WM.


@ Ken500 – Norman Bruce = Malcolm Bruce. In 2017 the Liberals colluded with the Tories to allow the Tory to win. How? By choosing young and unknown candidates and not circulating campaign literature in time or publically campaigning.

Collusion is not legal but hard to prove, even if the EC was inclined to do so.

Also, people in Gordon phoned round advising how to vote to keep Alex Salmond out.


Is it me or has the BBC UK Flat weather map on daytime ch200 been adjusted.

Liz g

twathater @ 1.47
I agree…We hired them and should be able to fire them.
It doesn’t even need to be in the Constitution it’s self.
If “Recall” is part of the Terms and Conditions of the job ….AKA….Holyroods Code of Conduct then all that we need is a line in the Constitution sayin that all elected officials are Constitutionally bound by the Code….

Glad to hear that you are thinking ahead.
While I know we need to focus on Indy first.
There’s loads to be done to ensure that we don’t finish up with so called “civic Scotland” designing a system by and FOR them.


BBC UK news headline –

‘ENGLAND win 6 golds’

meanwhile on the Scotland page –

‘Miley and Murdoch have to settle for silver’

Scotland’s gold win by Fachie gets a link lower down the page in Watch/Listen

Dave McEwan Hill

Ken500 at 3.38

The sizeable increase in the Labour vote in Gordon was probably more critical. Labour supporters left the SNP and let a Tory in.


VOW to give them oil if we get independence.
Once we are independent, give them a can of 3 & 1


Re commonwealth games.

Ross Murdoch and Hannah Miley have something the bbc will never have, CLASS.

Both are gracious in defeat, and still proud to have won a medal for Scotland.

Miley was so close to winning gold at 3 consecutive commonwealth games, which would have been a record achievement.

Did she wallow in self pity ?

Did she heck, well done Hannah, class acg.


@ Norman? Where did that come from. Malcolm. dick text?

It is claimed Tory vote increased 20% The Libdems strategically voted Tory. The LibDem vote collapsed. Yet they claim not to support Brexit. The Tory vote increased. The unionist propaganda advice. Davidson. Literature. Libdems campaigned on uniting to get Alex Salmond out. Joined resources etc. Illegal. SIU. 6,000 less voted. Alex Salmond lost by 1,000+. The Tory lies. Cambridge Analytica.Tory illegal over limit spending and illegal unionist collusion. It was raining heavily. The non existent Unionist Alliance Party. Illegal. Breaking Electoral rules.

Robert Peffers

@louis.b.argyll says: 5 April, 2018 at 1:03 am:

“So, how do we tell their readers that they’re all being made fools of?”

Oh! We don’t tell them anything at this stage, Louis, we use tried and tested psychology.

If we tried they would just think we were the liars. That is part of the psychology, they believe we are the liars and if we tell them anything then they believe the truth is exactly the opposite.

It’s a bit like a wise old craftsman told me when I was his apprentice. He said, “dinna jist ask onybiddy about onythin tae day wi the joab, laddie. Wir aa muckle busy oan piecework an ye’ll jist get fobbed aff. Whit ye dae is tell the gadgie he’s daein it aa wrang an he’ll move mountains tae prove he’s daein it richt”.

Get the Idea?

So we leave the unionist voters to find out by themselves they are getting lied to by the Westminster parties. But here’s the thing, we carry on doing what we do best. We let the SG get on with running Scotland better than before and we tell everyone how much better Scotland is being run.

What that does is get right up the Westminster Establishments collective noses and they, and their friends in the media, are driven to tell more and more lies.

The Rev Stu is a master of that art and he drives them to ever more exaggerations and attempts to run Scots and Scotland down. Read wings commenters and you will be aware that many once voted for unionist parties until they realised they were being lied to.

Look at the great work the videos, “journey to yes”., have done and go to YouTube and type the following into the search box

journey to yes #1

This will start the series running from no 1 but if it doesn’t just change the number after the #sign to view which ever video in the series you want to view. In almost every case the person moving to YES has realised they were lied to.

So there you go – don’t tell them they are being lied to. Pick an obvious current lie and show the unionist why it is a lie.

If you can prove one lie to them, preferably one they tried to tell you, then they will start looking out for the lies they are being told.


Further to the Scotsgov Social Security reforms/new powers.

No threat of Sanctions !!

link to


Capella @ 4.35

In the Ochil and South Perthshire constituency the red and blue tories were in cahoots too. The election agents were spotted cosying up in Alloa town hall the week before the vote, laughing together or sharing a joke as they used to caption photos when newspapers bad news.

The labour candidate was a total no hoper, an absolute boob, which I know as my sister in law used to work beside her. Even at work this person was dismissed as being an absolute weapon, but hey ho, labour in Scotland thought she was a good fit for us chumps.

Let’s get the starting gun fired for indyref2 very shortly, enough is definitely enough, jobs for Grimsby, renewables for Lincolnshire (who we aren’t as important as), no more, let’s get on with it


In Gordon area Labour has less presence. Quite rural. Less % Labour voters. Often no candidate. Last candidate was in league with a Tory candidate. People used to voted LibDem to keep the Tories out. Until SNP renaissance. Alex Salmond was MP for Banff & Buchan? further up the coast. Took it from the traditional Tory. Then when back to Holyrood for Gordon. Labour council members few did support SNP in the Council. Aberdeenshire. Last election SNP lost control, Now ConLibdem usual collusion.

Jardine (LibDem) tried to take seat from Alex Salmond. 2015. Cons/LibDem collusion propaganda. Including Malcolm Bruce. HoL. Rewarded for failure. Jardine now LibDem MP for Edinburgh? Now useless lying Tories in the NE.


Fund Raiser for Wings is short of £130K.

Little is that sum to support the best journalist in the UK
and a full years fighting fund to take on the corruption of our Imperial Masters.

I’m in again and its the best investment that I’ve ever made.

My gratitude to the Rev for all that he does and for so little reward. I look forward to contributing the Rev’s Statue in Independence Square, Glasgow, in the not too distant future!


Patrick Woolrige Gordon – (Flora McDonald connections) MRA dispute. 23 youngest MP.


Welsh Sion @ 1.03 pm =)

Thank you for your Parables for the New Politics.

A lovely tribute to our much loved Margo MacDonald.

This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine 🙂


The fundamental thing about Unionists is … they aren’t. I have never encountered one who actually wants a union. If you consider a union to be a collective of cooperating partners, then that is the last thing they want!

What they do want is for the constituent parts of these Isles to merge into one homogeneous entity. They call it ‘Britain’, after the island of that name, but politically and culturally they mean Greater England. As many aspects as possible should move towards an anglicised ‘norm’. And that of course includes themselves.

Now that their Union is under a greater threat than ever, their response at every opportunity is to play up that Greater England model, while playing down anything Scottish.

Robert Peffers

@Mad Unionist says: 5 April, 2018 at 1:34 am:

“SNP have traditionally been fans of the Soviets aka Russia.
That is not unexpected as the SNP would probably have supported anything anti English including Adolf.”

This from a unionist from a kingdom where the pre-1939 monarch was forced to abdicate with the excuse being propagated that it was because he wanted to marry a divorcee.

The truth being that both he and the woman were known NAZIs and so were many of the English aristocracy including the Mitford and Mosely families.

Have a wee read, Mad Unionist and you’ll get even madder.

link to

link to

Then there is this:-

link to

The implication you are attempting to propagate is total propaganda. Arthur Donaldson’s home was raided by MI5 and the Scottish Police acting upon claimed received information.

That information consisted of a single member of the public walking into an MI5 office and telling the Desk Officer that Donaldson was a NAZI.

They raided his home, arrested Donaldson and imprisoned him in Kilmarnock Prison and then in Barlinnie. They claimed they had found incriminating documentation and a large cache of weapons.

Six weeks later Donaldson was released without charge and no evidence of his NAZI links has ever been produced.

So do not come here spouting your lies and bullshit. First put you own aristocratic houses in order.

BTW: The Daily Mail supported the NAZIs and some of their NAZI propaganda can still be read from the archives.


Effijy says:

the Rev’s Statue in Independence Square, Glasgow

Postage stamps. A nice little earner for small nations. And an opportunity to showcase all sorts of national aspects to the world.

I’d propose a set of stamps featuring ‘heros’ instrumental in delivering independence again. 6-8 different denominations and I reckon The Rev should be on one complete with a wings logo.

Then there’s collectible bank notes ….. 🙂


Like Effigy, I’m in with another donation to this year’s fighting fund.

Come on folks, let’s get this over 130k.

Moby a meikle makes a muckle!


Robert Peffers @ 5.31 pm

Extra wise words and super useful. Worth repeating every so often.

I especially liked your apprentice tale! Typical Scottish humor and wisdom (again) 🙂

Graf Midgehunter

**Breaking news in Germany:

Puigdemont is out of prison on bail.

With one or two restrictions he can move about freely.


Was imagining this morning (bleary eye’d) a kit we could supply to folk to ‘persuade a parent/grandparent to vote YES. The kit content could be directed towards pensioners but administered and delivered by their kids/grandkids.
My own message to my father in his late 70s will be – forget about leaving me any money in your will – do something worth far more. Vote YES.

Dr Jim

Scotland didn’t quite manage to win a couple of the gold medals we had hoped for but silvers are pretty dashed good,
but here’s the amusing bit, the golds that were won by England were either Scots born athletes or English athletes who train in Scotland

Who’da ever thought of that a few years ago, maybe we’re not too wee eh

Nicola Wood

Nothing about the £500bn Oil Fund FCUK would have if Labour and Tory Governments had invested since 1979 ….. the Daily Mail rag prints trash. BAD SNP!


The queen giving nazi salutes was run in the Sun and covered by the BBC no less.

Here it is here.

link to


OT – Defence AND International Relations. Prepare for a bit of a rant.

link to

The title says it all really “UK cuts pose ‘almost insuperable challenges for any evacuation’ in event of North Korea hostilities” according to the Defence Committe and some guy called Earl Howe.

Now don’t get me wrong, first as anyone knows I’m a strong supporter of UK defence, and almost particularly the marines and amphib capability. The UK is surrounded by flaming sea, and the sea is not only its history but its future as well. I’m also a strong supporter of humanitarian aid, and the UK does play its part, pulling above its weight as they say, even if some say it don’t. Quite right too, it caused most of the problems at some stage in its glorious and inglorious past.

But take a look at the flaming globe, North Korea excluding the poles is literally half way round the flaming planet. You’d have thunk the UK would be looking more to the US and Japan, even Australia and NZ to help and evacuate UK citizens, on the basis that the UK does the same for their citizens in Europe, the Med and even the Gulf. And that on its own is enough justification for keeping the amphibs and the Marines.

But North Korea? Give me strength. Empire fucking 2.0 for little dick morons.


geeo @ 5.18 pm

Hannah and Ross did Scotland proud =)

Not just in doing so well and winning medals for Scotland but especially in their graciousness.

I was especially impressed by Marc Austin who won bronze AND still spoke very highly and kindly of the English brothers who struggled this time owing to injuries and bad luck. Marc payed great tribute to their skill and abilities. He has a big heart, our Marc.

Wow. I am so proud of these young athletes who are true sportspeople 🙂

Well done ALL Team Scotland =) Enjoy the Games.


Indeed, Ghillie,

Proof that not all winners wear gold medals, just like not all gold medal wearers are winners.


@Graf Midgehunter

Yes good news for Carles Puigdemont, also just announced on the Catalans For Yes twitter is that three Catalan Ministers have also been given conditional release in Belgium.

link to

Bit of a blow for Rajoy in Madrid, maybe this will backfire.

ronnie anderson

@ Daisy Walker spoke with Lindsey Bruce today he’s waiting on U getting in touch re the idea U have .


Beeb gimp zone creep out around the EU too.

Catalans for Yes ??

Follow Follow @CatalansForYes

The BBC continues referring to Carles Puigdemont as “ex-Catalan leader”.
He was democratically chosen (TWICE) to be President by a majority of voters and MPs in the Catalan parliament, so he is the legitimate Catalan president.

Were toryboy Cambridge Anal types in the Catalonia ref?


Oops! An own goal, this match has a long way to go.

MAJOR BREAKING: Belgium opens legal proceedings against Spain for tracking and geolocating Catalan president Carles Puigdemont in Belgian territory without permission from national authorities.

link to

ronnie anderson

link to

AUOB march will leave Kelvin Grove Park to Glasgow Green , there will be some adjustments in the route due to road works/buildings but these will be posted in plenty time . This will be the Biggest & 1st March of the year let’s all support this and all the other planned Marches .


Fancy a wee trip through chemical weapons ?

Novichok is a SERIES of chemical weaponry, and are rated here as most lethal of ALL chemical weapons !!

Whatever was used in Salisbury, it sure was not “military” or “weapons” grade in any way.

link to


link to

Skripal- a step toward war?


Dr Jim says:
5 April, 2018 at 12:33 am

From Nicola Sturgeons announcement in Holyrood on her support for the UK governments position re Russia

“*Going on what I’ve been told*”

Dr Jim says:
12 March, 2018 at 8:56 pm (A historic breakthrough):

“The First Minister should have kept her mouth firmly shut on Russia and I don’t usually disagree with her on much but I believe her to be way wrong on this one”


What the what! Long way from toryboy teamGB. No wonder toryboys wanted as far away from the democracy like this as humanly possible.

Catalans for Yes

30m30 minutes ago

MAJOR BREAKING: Belgium opens legal proceedings against Spain for tracking and geolocating Catalan president Carles Puigdemont in Belgian territory without permission from national authorities.


louis.b.argyll says:
5 April, 2018 at 12:39 pm

“EMBARASSING INBRED TOSSER.. That’s too kind to Boris Johnson, add FASCIST LEANING and we’re getting close.”

Our Nicola stood “shoulder to shoulder” with Saint Theresa and Boris Johnson in condemning Russia.

Corbyn showed extreme bravery in not doing so.

No point in having an independent Scotland if our leaders are as dishonest as Saint Theresa and Boris Johnson.

Nicola should have had the guts not to agree with the liars.

There is ZERO chance that Nicola would dare to hold an illegal referendum without Saint Theresa’s permission.

Before there is a flood of posters claiming that Scotland can hold an independence referendum whenever it wants to, the fact is that it has never yet done so without Westminster’s approval.

You can only prove me wrong if and when it does.

call me dave

Mhairi Black on livestream at the moment.
Been watching since the beginning.

Excellent. 🙂

Lenny Hartley

Geeo. Re Novichock, off course it could have been weapons grade when it was made, chemical Weapons degrade with age, its possible that the Salisbury Novochock escaped from the Uzbekistan plant when it was dismantled by the Americans following the collapse of the Soviet Union. That would explain why its no longer lethal. Bearing in mind there is no andidote according to Porton Down therefore none was applied to the victims. My hunch is still Russian Mafiia as Segei was reported working on anti Russian Mafia stuff for Spanish Government. However this guy thinks otherwise!
link to


I can copy and paste as well..

(Last night)

The sock puppet show starts at 8pm and ends later on.

Same show, same actors, same pish-water patter.








(To the tune of “im a little teapot)

“They’re a little britnat,

likes to shout…

they open their gobs,

and pish pours out !!

Book yer seats for 8pm tomorrow, starring Rock/indy2/coco alexander/crackerjackass…..ok..its just Rock.

Ah well…!!(sigh).


Faily Heil doing what it does best…publishing political propaganda with not even a nod to the truth.


@lenny hartley.

It is irrelevent what grade it was when made, if it was ineffective when used.

Also, note the last paragraph from my link.

“But the secrets of chemical warfare have a way of lingering, as does the inclination to summon them from the PROPERTIES OF THE NATURAL WORLD” (My caps).


20:00 that’s the time Mummy tells them to get to bed.


Robert P 5.31pm

Aye, spot on Robert.

I have personally converted a few friends, mostly just after Brexit when lies were en vogue.

Frustratingly, a couple of stubborn buggers refuse to (allow discussions to) get beyond their boyhood gang type loyalist Rangers lies.

They are now unreachable and no longer of any interest to me in any progressive, social or community sense.

Dr Jim

Remember folks when it quotes you out of context it’s only its umble opinion Mr Copperfield, as it slithers away spittle drooling from its twisted mouth

I love a bit of Dickens!


Rock says..
“our Nicola stood “shoulder to shoulder” with Saint Theresa and Boris Johnson in condemning Russia.”

…Bollocks…Rock, you are on the wrong side of the truth and on the wrong site, if you think we’re that stupid.

Has Nicola Sturgeon lied? No.

Was she lied to? Maybe.

Were the rest of NATO lied to? Maybe.

The only prejudice I can see in your comment is against Nicola (not your’s – ours).


Geeo, vg, sorry had to finish/fix it for you..

(To the tune of “im a little teapot)

They’re all little BritNats,

They like to shout,

Open up their gobs,

And pish pours out..

When no Brexit’s ready,

Hear them spout,

Split them up,

And throw them out.


louis.b.argyll says:
5 April, 2018 at 9:36 pm
Geeo, vg, sorry had to finish/fix it for you..

Awe poor Rock. He’s only doing his job, if he’s consistent, he gets moved a civil service grade upwards, Scotland haha Office is pretty stratified though, promotion by retirement, civil service carriage clock, for he’s a jolly good impartial unbiased civil seeeeeeeeervant and so say all of us.

Isn’t that right Rock. Long way from this but little acorns eh, in the civil service,

link to

“As civil servants you don’t get involved in politics. For the first time in my life, suddenly we’re part of a political campaign, because it was only Scotland and we’ve been shitting all over the region since 17oatcake. Its all ours. And the best thing is, none of them can vote us out.”

See Rock, anyone can quote you lot anyway we like, assuming it gets past the WoS mods:D


rock usually heads off by now so his mammy can change his nappy for writing, copying and pasting so much sh…

Meg merrilees

Great news about the increasing support for the Catalan politicians.

Always had a soft spot for the Belgians and now they are proving themselves to believe in democracy.

Great that Germany has rebuffed the sedition/rebellion claim but a trifle worrying that they may consider the corruption charge – or do they intend a hearing on this charge which will of course include Rahoy ‘s own testament that Puigdemont did not embezzle any money.
Finland supports them too and Scotland- slowly their cause is gaining support.

Visca Cataluna. (Hope this doesn’t incur Hammers!)

As for the Skripal/ UK poisoning case – what a massive cock-up! Absolutely no way the Russians did it; will Boris Johnson get the sack – doubt it!.

Flower of Scotland

Call me Dave

I watched Mairhi too. Is she not a wonderful lassie to have in our Independence movement?

Will you be there on Saturday? Hope so.


And for any other civil servants or proxy politicians watching-

‘Remember there’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over’.


Hamish100 says:
5 April, 2018 at 10:15 pm
rock usually heads off by now so his mammy can change his nappy for writing, copying and pasting so much sh…

Rock’s the btl troll of the millenium, in that he’ll be going SNP out, FM Sturgeon bad etc until the next millennium.

You can tell Rock’s just one more yoon shyster simply because he never criticises anything yoon in Scotland, from his great beeb gimp network to lets say, how Colonel Ruth has stood by a whole of racist and bigot toryboy creeps in her party and ofcourse the beeb gimp zone’s said nothing about it all.

Just like Rock.


Meg merrilees says:10:22 pm
‘Great news about the increasing support for the Catalan politicians.

Always had a soft spot for the Belgians and now they are proving themselves to believe in democracy.’

Yes Meg, it was one of the Belgian regional/national parliaments that stopped the dodgy Canadian trade deal, until clauses allowing USA takeover/merger companies access to EU Health markets, we’re removed.

That really annoyed the global elite. Probably another reason for the US (NOT RUSSIA) to lobby and donate and push for Brexit.

call me dave

@Flower of Scotland

YES! I’ll be going. Not posting much at the present but reading all and just waiting to vote.

Kind regards.


@Meg merrilees

I was also happy about the news regarding imprisoned Catalan politicians in Germany and Europe today.

I am not so happy about this sentance in the Deutsche Welle report tonight though.

“The state court in Schleswig ruled on Thursday that there was no reason to believe Catalonia’s former leader Carles Puigdemont risked persecution in Spain.”

link to

No idea how accurate that staement is but it does seem a little premature.



It’s already too late to have another Independence Referendum as it is safe to assume that all the traps have already been set by the data-harvesting and micro-targeting companies under secret contract to the UK Government via anonymous intermediaries.

Scotland will have to find another way, apart from a Referendum, to become Independent.

Don’t take my word for it; read this or any similar article and work it out for yourselves:-
link to

This is already a major problem for the Independence movement, the SNP and the Scottish Government – but not as big as another No result, which is a rock-solid certainty if a Referendum ballot goes ahead with companies like Cambridge Analytica , Strategic Communications Laboratories and Aggregate IQ, free to get the result their employers require.


It’s a good report but havent advertisers been doing the below since the invention of advertising? Look at how car makers can sell tin cans on wheels at fantastic prices, almost exactly matching their product to the market segment they want to sell to.

Voting tory in England has this class segmentation vote advertising. If you want to be posh in England, you vote tory, as an aspirational product.

“Lets think about this for a minute. A company hires people to stalk its customers and befriend them so they can build up a psychological profile of each customer to allow them to extract more money. This is not market research, this is not game design. This is psychological warfare. Lines have been crossed so much we cannot even see them behind us with binoculars. We need to reign this stuff in. Its not just psychological warfare, but warfare where you, the customer, are woefully outgunned, and losing. Some people are losing catastrophically.”


@louis-b …i like verse 2..!


@Manandboy….Away ya slobbering mutt.

Lenny Hartley

Geeo it is revelant, the only explanation for a weapons grade nerve agent to degrade is age. If it was weapons grade then there is a very good chance that it was manufactured in the Uzbek plant which the USA dismantled after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Then you have to ask did it escape before the Yanks moved in or after?

Bob Mack

A hymn for rock, to Rock of ages

Rock of hatred ,dearie me
Does he hate the SNP?
Even more that Sturgeon too
She is stopping indy2

If you want to be my pal
Do not buy the National
Cut and paste all of the quotes,
Cos I take a lot of notes

Here’s to freedom someday soon
Rock says no,I call the tune.


Chick McGregor

Welsh Sion

“Apologies for being off topic and also for being a day late. The following is an original story written by me to commemorate the life of Margo – written for the anniversary of her passing. I hope Wings readers will enjoy it.”

Here, Kirrie Aye TV’s normal political output was suspended for a week after Margo’s death and instead there was just a repeating collection of pictures of Margo throughout her life.

I noticed a lot of folk stopping to watch it, from, I suspect both sides of the fence even though some were clearly hampered in doing so by a bit of stoor in the ee whipped up by a wee gust of wind which must have sprung up down The Roods.


Worth re/posting for those who haven’t seen Mhairi Blacks’ talk. Just brilliant, articulate and informed wi a big dollop of humour:

Start the talk at 29.30 min on the vid…There is however a good advert right at the start of the vid making the observation that half of Scotland who support independence are paying the telly tax…worth a watch, Wings is mentioned along with our other alternative media…then scroll along to the stated time above to watch Mhairi, Q&A followed, right up to date in terms of subject matter too.

Enjoy and spread far and wide folks…as ever:

link to

Meg merrilees

Thepnr @10.48

Seems Puigdemont has to report once a week to the german authorities whilst on bail – so it might be going to take some time to carry out the next phase!

I also read on Stu’s twitter feed that Belgium is now taking legal action against Spain for tracking and geolocating Puigdemont on Belgium territory without their permission.

Robert Peffers

@geeo says: 5 April, 2018 at 7:56 pm:

” … it sure was not “military” or “weapons” grade in any way.”
link to

Not strictly true, geeo, I most of the true gen about this stuff at least twice here on Wings. Anyway, these nerve agents have a shelf-life and it isn’t that long.

Now I didn’t specifically mention that bit about shelf-life in my comments. I did, though, post a link to an article that made that argument among others as to why there was no way that the UK government could identify what particular agent was used or, even more so, where and who manufactured it between the time the victims were discovered and the accusations being made the Russians being the source.

Furthermore, to identify the agent they would need to have accurate samples to calibrate them against. Believe me I spent many years working on calibrating stuff using and handling accurate, mainly radioactive, sources but chemical and biological stuff too. Now even radioactive sources that have a half life of thousands of years are regularly returned to be recalibrated.

link to


link to

Ireland and then Finland are the two top ‘good countries’ in the world.

Simon Anholt explains why in this video.

Sadly, Scotland is not granted ‘country’ status due to being incorporated into the ‘country’ called the United Kingdom.


Novichok – Grun had an article where Mirzayanov, a chemist who worked on it, said “The final product, in storage, after one year is already losing 2%, 3%. The next year more, and the next year more. In 10-15 years, it’s no longer effective”

Well, at 2% a year since 1991 (27 years) that’s still 58% effective, at 3% it’s 44%, and even at 5% per year it’s 25% effective. So cobblers lasts to awl of them.


Seems like a good time to quote from the SNP 2017 Manifesto – Easy Read version because it’s shorter.

At the end of the Brexit process, when the final deal is known, it is right that Scotland should have a choice about our future. Brexit must not be forced on Scotland no matter how damaging it turns out to be. Last year’s Holyrood election gave us the democratic go-ahead for an independence referendum. The recent vote of Scotland’s national Parliament has backed this up. If the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats in this election, that would mean we have been given the democratic go-ahead three times.

And if that happens, any more Tory attempts to stop the people of Scotland having a choice on their future – when the time is right and the options are clear – would be democratically unacceptable.

link to

Scotland should have a choice about our future

I wonder if Pete Wishart and Andrew Tickell read it?

Robert Louis

yesindyref2 at 0600 am,

Absolutely. I’d go further, and pick out one part specifically,

“..Last year’s Holyrood election gave us the democratic go-ahead for an independence referendum. The recent vote of Scotland’s national Parliament has backed this up. If the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats in this election, that would mean we have been given the democratic go-ahead three times.”

We did and we were. Brexit is already doing massive damage to Scotland and its people. It is time for action, and if it all to much for him, Pete Wishart can sit this one out.

So to quote the most dishonest Scottish political leader, Ruth Davidson, “Just get on with it”.


“Seems like a good time to quote from the SNP 2017 Manifesto – Easy Read version because it’s shorter.”

Well autumn 2018 is pretty much out. March 19 would mean winter campaigning when everyone is inside watching BBC bias.
I’m not advocating waiting until after 2021 but waiting as long as possible to see the carnage start to unfold. Indyref during transition period would mean staying in the SM wouldn’t it?

Of course, there’s nothing to stop the establishment holding another GE to attempt to derail indyref


Of course, there’s nothing to stop the establishment holding another GE to attempt to derail indyref

There is the below, invented by Cameron was it, totally ignored by planet toryboy when it suits.

link to

Under the provisions of the Act, parliamentary general elections must be held every five years, beginning in 2015. However, a vote of no confidence in the government, or a two-thirds majority vote in the House of Commons, can still trigger a general election at any time.”

Or when Strong and Stable comes back in from her walk with her hedge fund multi millionaire husband. Which ever really in toryboy teamGB.


Don’t forget to watch this weeks Alex Salmond Show.

link to

schrodingers cat

“At the end of the Brexit process, when the final deal is known, it is right that Scotland should have a choice about our future”

In october this year, the negotiations will end and we will know the result of these negotiations. some sort of deal, not a trade deal but a transitional deal (2-3 years) to minimise the impact of brexit but after which the uk will revert to WTO rules (hard brexit). The uk will be able to negotiate trade deals with other countries (and the EU) during this period

but that wont be the end of it, probably the start of the biggest bun fight in WM history. the WM MP’s will have a vote to accept the transitional deal or reject it and move directly to WTO rules.

labour MP, Emily Thornbury said labour would probably vote for it. corbyn just fired a minister promoting EUref2. The DUP will storm out in a huff, some tories already threatening to break away and set up a new party. treeza could be replaced,

opposition to brexit is still strong and some MPs have not given up on EUref2 but eitherway, another snap GE in mid Nov isnt beyond the realms of possibility.

So, Nicola can call for indyref2 at this years spring conference for Sept18, although, techically speaking, we still wont know the final result of brexit while we are campaigning.

if she waits till oct 18 to announce indyref2, we will have to campaign, over christmas and during winter, while this goat rodeo in WM unfurls and then hold it before 29th march.

schrodingers cat

Robert Louis

ex mp, john nicolson said on this week that they would hold indyref2

“when they believed they had the best chance of winning it”

if you read this carefully, it isnt time specific, it could mean at anytime in the future, ei, if nicola believes we can win in sept 18 then indyref2 will happen then.

Pete Wishart doesnt say anything different, he merely urges caution. the yes/no split is very close but no is still slightly ahead and we should wait until we see a sustained swing to yes. Pete goes further pointing out that if this wing doesnt happen before 21 then so be it, we delay until after the next HE. His logic being, if we cant win another majority in holyrood we cant win indyref2 either.

I agree with him in asmuchas if support for yes doesnt increase or worse falls off then we should hold indyref2 just because we can. losing a second time isnt an option.

But once again, pete, like john nicolason is not pointing out a date, only marking the ground rules, the conditions required for us to hold indyref2.

for my part, i dont think we will get anywhere near 2021 before we see a swing to yes. I doubt pete or john think so either. the fishermen have just found out to their cost what happens when you trust a britnat. the farmers are next in line for a shafting.

our nemesis, the british state is crumbling before our very eyes, little by little.

we bide our time.
Hold, hold hold

schrodingers cat

we should hold indyref2


we shouldnt hold indyref2


Events dear boy will determine the timing of IndyRef2 but probably more likely based on results of SNP’s ongoing door to door surveys.

So we should all be volunteering to start knocking on doors to help gauge the public mood.

I see Brian Wilson’s weekly anti SNP rant is on council cuts and quotes at length fake academic Prof Jim Gallacher from Scotland In Union.


schrodingers cat says:

Nicola can call for indyref2 at this years spring conference for Sept18, although, techically speaking, we still wont know the final result of brexit while we are campaigning.

Which I am certain is the Tory plan. Their number one priority is to protect their Union, second is to deliver a (any) Brexit, and only third to get something cobbled together for end of transition. It suits the first two to have everything shrouded in mist for as long as possible.

If ScotRef is called then they will attempt continue the subterfuge right up to March next year.

And possibly beyond because I do firmly believe their Union comes before any details about Brexit.

Playing for time suits them. In the next few years they will become more empowered and emboldened and will have the excuse of difficult times require firm measures. I think we can be certain Holyrood is at its peak, if the Tories have their say on its future.

The solution for me is to treat Brexit as simply one more ‘crime’ against Scotland in a long list. The 2016 mandate for ScotRef requires Brexit to be the camel’s back breaking straw but it needed be the centre of our case for Indy.

I suspect the constitutional and court wrangling over continuation Bills, threats to devolution, and power grabs over the next couple of months should add more to WM’s abuse of the so called Union.

I just hope Nicola is more astute than some others appear to be. We have no choice but to trust her judgement.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Yes you are correct @schrodingers cat says at 9:23 am

The fishermen have just found out to their cost what happens when you trust a Britnat.

The farmers are next in line for a shafting.

Not long now before the ‘sweet spot’ for IndyRef2 just a wee wait now until…….

The selfish (I’m all right Jocks & Jills) start to see that they are being seriously hit in the pocket in real terms.


When the scared/nervous folk start to see that an Independent Scotland is the least scary option between remaining in Brexit UK or going alone into the world.


When the Old folk realise that the SNHS is under serious threat Post-Brexit of privatisation.

Then we will be looking at a comfortable 60% Yes minimum.

Not long now.

Jockanese Wind Talker

I also agree with your statement that:

“Our nemesis, the british state is crumbling before our very eyes, little by little.” @schrodingers cat says at 9:23 am

But it pays to remember that there is no more dangerous a thing as a wounded beast, backed into a corner with nowhere to go.

This is the state of the current UKOK Government and Establishment.

Daisy Walker

@ Ronnie Anderson. Message noted, see you O/T.

Best wishes to Nana and Smallaxe, ‘n all.

Everyone have a great time tomorrow, and if you can’t be good… whatever you do avoid cliches, they’re totally over utilised 😉

Cheerie – Yes we can and now we must.


Just received a James Kelly (the thicko, not the commentator) leaflet. Good amusing read, basically a SNP Bad advert. Not a word about the Tories, but as they are in coalition with them across Scotland that is just to be expected.

He is very proud of his OBFA repeal, a whole page.

Another list MP that was turfed out of his constituency for being useless but is still at Holyrood. Not sure if has dawned on him yet that he is no longer the Cambuslang/Rutherglen MSP.


Gold for Katie Archibald yeah!


manandboy says:
5 April, 2018 at 10:48 pm

It’s already too late to have another Independence Referendum as it is safe to assume that all the traps have already been set by the data-harvesting and micro-targeting companies under secret contract to the UK Government via anonymous intermediaries…

Well if it’s too late for an IndyRef before Brexit, then I will never trust the SNP again. The SNP has won landslide majorities, held majority governments, and virtually filled all the Scottish seats in Westminster with SNP candidates. The uncomfortable truth is every high watermark has been reached, the Scots have delivered what was asked of them, sometimes reached with ease and greater momentum, and yet we have nothing to show for it. I mean NOTHING to show for it.

Scotland faces economic disaster from Brexit, all our Scottish Brands, marketing and standards rely on the EU for their protection from aggressive deregulated lesser economic markets, and yet Scotland, with its own Government and sovereign constitution cannot even secure probationary recognition even to be a interlocutor in the negotiations.

We have centuries of potency and provenance in our sovereign law and constitutional origins, the Union has its roots in corruption, impropriety, and re-writing narratives to suit its own ends. Scotland’s has a history of grievance, injustice, denial, and Anglicisation. Westminster has a history of deceit, obfuscation, coercion, intimidation and perfidy for which it is globally recognised. In our 21st Century are we really so weak and gutless in our subjugation that we cannot even demand for ourselves the right to be heard in Europe???

Before you froth at the mouth, that’s not an SNPbad smear, it’s recognition that peak SNP democratic representation is patently insufficient leverage for Scotland to have a say over its own destiny. What more can any domestic election give you? Even a YES majority will be inconclusive and disputed because we have made sure it is unconnected to our sovereign constitution, and even implied a democratic resolution actually overrules our constitution.

Even if the Independence movement has to restart from the ground up, next time around it MUST be MUCH more Constitutionally literate and uncompromising about the ABSOLUTE nature of Scottish Sovereignty. It must be prepared to expend itself if necessary to defend the concept of inalienable sovereignty for the people, and for as long as the cursed Union exists, our Scottish Sovereign birthright should be a constant thorn of epic proportion forever in the side of all Westminster Legislation.

I believe it should also shun Holyrood as an instrument of Westminster’s interference attempting to intervene between the free will of the Sovereign people of Scotland and the elected Scottish government which serves as the vessel for Scotland’s sovereign opinion. We Scots do not need Holyrood for its assembly chamber, Presiding Officer, or parliamentary protocols. We were “told” amidst the debacle of Scotland’s parliament building procurement that Scotland could reconvene its Sovereign Parliament in a field.

When you think about it, it isn’t Scotland which actually needs its lame Royal poodle called Holyrood, it is Westminster who needs it much more than we do.

Some time ago, Wull commented here a superb BTL comment about Brexit, where Theresa May was using the Scottish doctrine of popular sovereignty by declaring the people had voted for Brexit and Brexit they must have, even though Westminster has Parliamentary Sovereignty and could overrule the people. Nicola Sturgeon however had adopted the English doctrine, whereby Holyrood ignored the will of the people to remain in Europe, and acted as though Holyrood held parliamentary sovereignty over their democratic wishes. That isn’t just an observation, the action is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

Think about that a minute, and ask yourself about the Constitutional literacy of our Independence Party. Do they fundamentally not understand Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty? Or do they know it fine, but are happy to set it aside?

My last rant is aimed at Pete Wishart, and all the other SNP politicians who are limp and anaemic about the static nature of support for Independence and the fear of losing another’s referendum. What else did you really expect after nearly two years of sustained BritNat propaganda is countered by the unfathomable logic of being the party for Independence which doesn’t want to talk about Independence?? Have we really entered a boxing bout with Mike Tyson and expect to win after putting a pacifist in the ring who won’t even through a punch???

Don’t even start to hide behind Cambridge Analytica as the reason we cannot win a majority. Even in its darkest black success, the Data harvesting manipulators and their pet Media shills can and do undermine democracy. But Democracy is less than a hundred years old. These modern crooks and manipulators cannot change the integrity of Scotland’s inalienable sovereign birthright, and Scots Law. Let us stop playing the game with broken rules and rampant cheating, and finally start playing to win.

If it is time up for IndyRef2, and I dearly hope with every fibre it is not, then as far as my vote is concerned, it will also be time up for the SNP, and all the acrimonious SNP apologists for month after month of limp cowardice and constitutional naivety. When you get a democratic mandate given to you by a sovereign people, it isn’t an option, it isn’t advisory, it’s an instruction.


Bronze for Scott in 200m freestyle yeah!

Les Wilson

Think the fundraiser is getting a boost

schrodingers cat


it isnt over for indyref2.

we will hold indyref2 when we believe we WILL win it.

you want to hold it tomorrow, fair enough, but calling those who wish to wait a few mor months, cowards. isnt an argument. it is just insulting trolling.

stu campbell wants to wait until spring19, is he also a coward?


Hush hush whoever may sayer
Cute moggy sits at the top of the stairs
Blood on the carpet and fur on the mat
Porton Down agents cremated the cat

Giving Goose

I see the Presiding officer Ken Macintosh, Labour’s Johann Lamont and SNP’s Clare Haughey will be attending the Tartan Day celebrations in New York on Saturday.

Now why would Ken Macintosh and Johann Lamont be attending? They both hate Scotland and anything remotely Scottish.

Clare Haughey is a good representative.

I can think of more worthy people to represent Scotland than Ken and Johann when it really should be a Tory free zone.


Silver for Jamie Archibald in 4Km pursuit yeah!



Has posted another absolutely disgusting post yesterday regarding myself.

Can I ask all sensible people who use this website NOT to encourage this poster. He is obviously playing to the “crowd” and he seems to thrive on this.

I would say he has a few personal issues and then brings them to the Wings website.

I have sent a copy of his post to the Police. This is the second time in a couple of days that I have had to do this.

If you are encouraging him, then you could become complicate in any future Police investigation.

Don’t let posters like “geeo” drag Wings into the gutter.

You are better than that.


When you get a democratic mandate given to you by a sovereign people, it isn’t an option, it isn’t advisory, it’s an instruction.”

You do have to consider what happens if we lost indy2, not the creep troll, the actual one:D

Beed Scotland gimp zone alone, is more than capable of crushing it, let alone mega donors pumping up Project Fear 2 with massive cash injections, like JK Trolling’s millions, again, just like that.

SNP have to consider the electoral costs of losing, although history shows indy ref’s are pretty good for winning seats even if we lose.

Its naive to think they shouldn’t.

If or when red or blue tory yoons take back what little devo Holyrood has, we’re all fcuked for another lifetime.

All UK press newsrooms aside, toryboy’s to a man, everyone in Pacific Quay has one sole aim in Scotland, get the majority of Scotland to vote directly against their personal and national interests, vote tory, red or blue.

They have the resources, they have the means, they are professional liars without conscience.

This is how power works in the Brexit UK zone.



Can I ask all sensible people who use this website NOT to encourage this poster. He is obviously playing to the “crowd” and he seems to thrive on this.

Well CJ, you have targeted geeo and Rock’s gone after Robert Peffers in a very big way too. Aren’t you busy bees!

Who’s next from wet farts like you?

Is being called a wet fart a police matter too CJ?


Will the children please go to the naughty step. Thanks.


schrodingers cat says:
6 April, 2018 at 11:17 am

it isnt over for indyref2.

we will hold indyref2 when we believe we WILL win it.

you want to hold it tomorrow, fair enough, but calling those who wish to wait a few mor months, cowards. isnt an argument. it is just insulting trolling.

stu campbell wants to wait until spring19, is he also a coward?

Sovereign people of Scotland voted for the UK to remain in the EU by a 62% majority.

Why doesn’t the SNP respect the sovereign will of the people?

Does the SNP recognise the people of Scotland as sovereign?

Why does the SNP transpose a mandate to remain in the EU as a mandate to fight for access to the Single Market? That changes an anti-Brexit mandate into an acceptance of Brexit contrary to the democratic will of the sovereign people. What mandate do they have for that?

Chick McGregor

Well said Breeks.

No indyref2 – No SNP, nothing plainer.


Silver for Szaranek in 4 x 100m medley pool. Yeah!

ronnie anderson

geeo I don’t think Valerei Singleton has ever heard of the saying the Leith poleeth dis missith us lol.


Breeks is right.
The SNP were given a mandate to have an Indyref and although the SNP get to choose when we have that referendum, it must be within the term of this government. The mandate wasn’t for the next century or next decade, it was specifically for now, governmentally speaking.

So when Schrödinger’s cat says we should hold the referendum only when we know we can win, he is only half right. Not to hold an Indyref at all would be undemocratic in my opinion.

Everyone in Scotland is entitled and obligated to know what the Will of The People is whether they like the answer or not.
If we win a referendum, that will be job done and we can get on with building our country, if not then we get on with winning Indyref3.

schrodingers cat

Why doesn’t the SNP respect the sovereign will of the people?

Does the SNP recognise the people of Scotland as sovereign?

I think they do, we are just discussing the date for indyref2.

my point is that if someone , disagrees with the date you think it should be, by even 1 day, you seem to think that calling them a yoon, is some kind of argument. it isnt. neither is it a betrayal

schrodingers cat

Schrödinger’s cat says we should hold the referendum only when we believe we WILL win

I was quoting john nicolson

but i dont think anyone is arguing that there shouldnt be indyref2. I believe there should and will be

we are only discussing dates and when we think the best time is to hold it.

seems a valid point for discussion

schrodingers cat

Breastplate says:
6 April, 2018 at 1:06 pm
Breeks is right.
The SNP were given a mandate to have an Indyref and although the SNP get to choose when we have that referendum, it must be within the term of this government.

I agree with this, pete wishart is merely pointing out that if support for indy falls away before 2021, then there wouldnt be much point in holding indyref2 before the next election.

I think he has a point but I dont believe that support will fall or that indyref2 wont happen before then. if we arrive in 2020 and support is still low then perhaps it is something we could discuss/argue about then. I cant really see why we should get animated by something that is unlikely to happen.

no, the real issue at the moment is do we jump and hold it in sept18 or in spring/autumn 19

there are reasons good and bad for both dates. that is the discussion


Rev also said this on the fundraiser page Let’s Build a Rocket “One way or another this is probably the last time we’re going to ask you to put your hands in your pockets, so let’s make this one count, folks.

And that’s the thing. The SNP were given a majority at Westminster on the basis of their manifesto. But that manifesto doesn’t just give an extra mandate for Indy Ref 2, it’s a manifesto promise. Break that and the SNP will lose a lot of support, and a majority anywhere.

And apart from that I’d say many Indy supporters were buoyed up by the thought of sticking it to the unionists in GE 2015, and we certainly did, all bar 3 MPs, one solitary one from each of the 3 unionist parties, 56 MPs. And then the EU Ref and 62^ Remain vote in Scotland giving the reason for Indy Ref 2, it became not a question of IF for Indy Ref 2, but WHEN.

If the SNP go back on that manifesto pledge and allow Scotland to be draggged out of the EU without being given a choice, it would be a betrayal they will never recover from, and support, activists, posters, tweeters, will melt away and get our lives back. The SNP would be lucky if they were even the largest party after the next Holyrood elections, let alone able to form a government.

Speaking personally I’m in it for Independence, not the SNP.


It it was me SC, I’d announce indyref2 date, week after Brexit day, for July 4. The whole rule Brexit Britannia propaganda hysterics dies down, reality of what we’ve been robbed of slowly kicks, month after Brexit UK month, then clear calm straightforward choice.

What do you want, union with Brexit England or nation state Scotland?


Schrödinger’s cat,
I beg your forgiveness, I hadn’t realised you were quoting John Nicolson.
I like Mr Nicolson but he comes across as too nice any time I’ve seen him debate on tv, as if he’s brought a pillow to a gunfight.


Well said Breeks and Chick.
No Indyref2 before 29th March 2016 means end of game for SNP.


hackalumpoff says:
6 April, 2018 at 1:50 pm
Well said Breeks and Chick.
No Indyref2 before 29th March 2016 means end of game for SNP.



@ heedtracker 29th March 2019 doh

schrodingers cat

i am well aware of our mandate

it became not a question of IF for Indy Ref 2, but WHEN.

exactly. that is the discussion at hand, not whether there should or shouldnt be an indyref2.

but it also said in the manifesto that we could only hold indyref2 if we were taken out of the eu against our wishes.

we are not out of the eu yet, it isnt certain that it will even happen. until we know the result of the negotiations and the result of the a50 bill mps vote in the hoc, we wont know definitively.

btw, the manifesto pledge is for indyref2 to happen if we get dragged out of the eu against our will. not before this happens


hackalumpoff says:
6 April, 2018 at 1:57 pm
@ heedtracker 29th March 2019 doh

If its held in the summer next year, 4 months after Brexit, our chums in England can’t say, not until after Brexit.

Their whole, “No Edinburgh style agreement means we won’t recognise indy refs at all,” goes out the window.

schrodingers cat

heedtracker says:
6 April, 2018 at 1:43 pm
It it was me SC, I’d announce indyref2 date, week after Brexit day, for July 4.

i think this is a possibility, (2019) but i wouldnt announce this until after the bun fight in WM is over, probably about end of jan 2019.

end of game for SNP., snigger….who you gonna vote for? the greens? the tories? perhaps they will just vanish in a puff of logic on the 30th sept 2018


There should be an indyref2 irrespective of whether one believes we can win it or not.
As I’ve said before, our politicians are obligated to be in tune with the Will of The People. They can’t honestly claim to be guardians of democracy if
a) they don’t know the Will of The People
b) know the Will of The People and ignore it
c) don’t want to know the Will of The People.


Hiya crackerjack-ass..hiya pal.

Yet again, i phoned police Scotland and guess what..they have never received any complaint.

I read out my wee rhyme to them, and the desk officer laughed, saying it was quite funny !!

Trying to take me on is a huge mistake, crackerjackass.

I have received information on who you could be, and have been given your full name, address and postcode.

Think on asshole.

The sock puppet show starts at 8pm and ends later on.

Same show, same actors, same pish-water patter.









(To the tune of “im a little teapot)

“They’re a little britnat,

likes to shout…

they open their gobs,

and pish pours out !!

Book yer seats for 8pm, starring Rock/indy2/coco alexander/crackerjackass…..ok..its just Rock.

Ah well…!!(sigh).


Jesus, how not to do good PR.

Salisbury Hospital grudgingly releasing info about Sergei, because there was ‘intense speculation’. Do your job better then and anticipate probable events, ya diddy.

So Sergei and Yulia, contaminated with definitively military grade poison, and we were told, given a 1% chance of recovery, are now officially both doing well.

Call me a Kremlin stooge, but any military grade nerve agent that allows your enemy to stroll around and enjoy a restaurant meal, is pretty useless.

In case you missed it, Sergei’s pets, two cats and two guinea pigs have died from being boarded up in the house without water and food. Their bodies were of course incinerated. The cats were so malnourished, they had to be destroyed. Absolutely sickening. Armies of people around that house, in and out, and those animals had to die slowly and painfully.

Fuck those people, because they are utterly useless.


end of game for SNP., snigger….who you gonna vote for? the greens? the tories? perhaps they will just vanish in a puff of logic on the 30th sept 2018

Tis true. Its likely that the present vote spread layout for Scotland is going to stay the way it is for quite a long time, maybe a decade or so.

It feels like this out here in the badlands of Aberdeen for example.

Its too late for this summer, an Indyref2 battle from the autumn into winter across Xmas this year is not appealing at all.

So this time next year, Spring 2019, Brexit shit really starts hitting home, a rampant English/British nationalist Brexit hysteria dumped on Scotland from on high BBC, all kinds of Brexit power grabbing by Westminster toryboy creep show…

OK Scotland, is this our future?


Armies of people around that house, in and out, and those animals had to die slowly and painfully.

Fuck those people, because they are utterly useless.

And who would want to be the Skripal’s food taster?

Bet Mr Skripal in particular, sleeps with one eye open.


re Indyref2 timing, theres a lot can still happen after March 2019. We will be in transition period until Dec 2020, no big material change will happen until then.

An upheaval in Westminster during that period might result in UK staying in Single Market, or a second referendum, which would sabotage indyref2. I believe they might do that in the middle of our campaign.

Perhaps the best time for an Indyref is as close as possible to the December 2020 cliff edge when UK Gov is as committed as possible to Brexit, possibly September 2020.

I would not like to countenance a winter campaign so that rules out March of any year for me, got to be Sept 2019 or Sept 2020.



That’s as maybe, but if Putin wanted that guy dead, he would be dead. There’s no bloody way Putin would make it look like an episode of Pink Panther. Putin’s power comes very much from his reputation, and he takes no prisoners, that much we know.

The lies, the shitty comms strategy, Boris have all been roles played by the Brits. It may well have been Russia, but after a strong lead, the Brits have now turned it into a clown show. May, as usual, didn’t feel any of the nonsense was worth interrupting her walking holiday for.


Valerie says:
6 April, 2018 at 2:30 pm

Its not Vlad Mr Skripal is worrying about. In fact if there is one dude in the world right now wishing the Skripal’s a good recovery, its Vlad in the Kremlin.

If they’ve done anything with this, the tories, the BBC and the whole of UKOK hackdom, has made world class arseholes of themselves.


Alex Salmond called the referendum & almost won! What did the polls say!

schrodingers cat

OK Scotland, is this our future?

unfortuneatly i think it is for the near future.

we wont know for sure what the result of brexit will be until about jan 2019 so i dont see how we can call a date before then. if we do then it might interupt the goons at wm and cause them to change tact or direction of travel eg call a ge or summat and the bbc would defo find a way to blame us for the brexit disaster.

for better or worse we must stand by and let our enemy finish making thee bad moves.

as for pete wisharts point about rolling indyref2 over into the next electoral cycle after 2021 if there isnt enough support, it seems a fair point to make just not very pressing, i doubt this will happen nor will face this issue in 3 years time.

indyref2 will happen long before then, of that i am certain

schrodingers cat

Glamaig says:
Perhaps the best time for an Indyref is as close as possible to the December 2020 cliff edge when UK Gov is as committed as possible to Brexit, possibly September 2020.

that is a good point, if WM hasnt done a deal with the eu by then, another cliff edge would approach

i think it will depend on how the polls move, as i said, the tories new fishermen friends have just found out the cost of trusting yoons, the farmers are next.


Does anybody actually believe Scotland will ever be independent?
Have come to the sad conclusion, monitoring the political scene, blogs etc that Scots lack major elements to succeed. Where is the passion, imagination, daring, panache, political will and gutsy dynamism to make this thing happen. The SNP is currently competently minding the Scottish shop for Westminster but it has, it seems, now taken its eye off the big target. Unfortunately, an alternative independence movement beyond the SNP barely exists.
It is reiterated ad nauseam that Scotland is not Catalunya. Scotland is different. Sadly, that Scottish exceptionalism is suggestive of a parochial Nationalism that may be more attached to the armchair comforts of being British than its propagandists might care to admit.
Brexit was a godsent opportunity. It appears to have been squandered.
I do hope I’m very wrong on everything but I suspect that until independentists seize the revolutionary thistle little will be accomplished.
Scottish independence is a revolutionary act or it is nothing.
A view Craig Murray more or less shares.


I see we are back at the nonsense about indyref2 being held back beyond march 2019..!!

Do people not want to win ?

As someone said on here the other day, if WM agree an extension to the transition period after 2020, do we wait until THAT extension is over ?

What a fucking farce.

Despite being told for about 2 years now, that indyref2 will be held AFTER the deal is known (Sept 29th 2018) and BEFORE it is ratified (March 29th 2019) people still talk pish about waiting until we lose all advantage of still being IN the EU.

Anyone wanting to wait until after March 29th 2019, may as well join the No campaign, officially.

If you want a reality check, pay attention.

Any indyref AFTER march 2019 will surely RULE OUT EU nationals from voting.

After we leave the EU, the legal protections which helped enable the Holyrood parliament coming into existance, and which have helped protect it since then, are gone.

WM could easily impose direct rule on Scotland after March 29th 2019. Who is going to stop them ?

Do you people insisting on waiting until OPINION POLLS say 60%, actually believe ANY poll showing such a result would ever see the light of day ????

What planet are you on ffs !

2012, we moved on a poll base of 29%. We moved that figure to 45%.

2018, we are consistently on 45-48% in polls, yet some people are frozen in fear !!! 48% is within the margin of error, so could mean 51% already.

Get a fucking grip.

If we lose, we vote SNP/SNP in 2021 Holyrood election and give ANOTHER mandate for an indyref. If WM try to shut us down at Holyrood, then we find out if folk actually want indy or not.

We can hold an indyref EVERY parliamentary term at Holyrood, if the SNP are the government and have that in their manifesto.

If we fail to use it, the SNP are finished imo.

If we use it at the wrong time (after march 2019) and lose, after stating it would be used after the deal was known and before march 29th, the SNP risk losing the faith of a huge chunk of not natural SNP supporters, and they resort back to the likes of labour.

The fact that ALL the Unionists want indyref delayed until after brexit is complete is the reddest of red warning flags.

And some folk want to follow that thinking.!!

Really ?


Abulhaq….fuck off to conservative hame site, you seem more suited to there.

This site alone has 300,000 plus unique visitors /month, the majority are pro indy, and are actively trying to win hearts and minds every day.

The SNP have consistantly stated when indyref2 will be held, and have NEVER given ANY indication as a Party or Government, that they have strayed from that timing.

You feel free to give up, but going by your posts over a long time, your heart was never really in it anyway.


I do hope I’m very wrong on everything but I suspect that until independentists seize the revolutionary thistle little will be accomplished.

Hi Abulhaq, finally we’ve got some semi decent trolling WoS btl.

Where have you been Abulhaq, your fellow unionist idiots on here, from Rock to CJ are really low calibre stuff.

It was a bit of a worry actually, that really sneaky trolls such as yourself didn’t think btl WoS was worth the effort.

Its rather refreshing to see you back in the saddle. Takes me back too, btl The Graun glory days, my there are some sneaky shit yoons around Abulhaq, aren’t there, red and blue tory.

I really miss flaming those whining UKOK gits:D


I reckon the SNP’s Conference 8th 9th June is the red line for progress on IndyRef.

If the SNP isn’t going to defend Scotland from Brexit, then there won’t be much time to set up an alternative organisation which will. Might be nice to have an alternative which actually respects the will of the Scottish people and has the guts to dispute the issue of Brexit before it’s too late and while it still actually matters.

Scotland’s Remain majority of 62% isn’t the SNP’s patented mandate, it’s the sovereign will of the Scottish people and if the SNP doesn’t want it, it’s still a mandate which any other political party or organisation might readily adopt.

Perhaps Craig Murray, or somebody else with obvious backbone, really could be persuaded to head up an actual YES Political Party. The SNP can then promote Independence with their preferred soft Brexit EFTA option, while the YES Party stood on a ticket of IndyRef or full-on Constitutional Sovereignty before Brexit. That way both Scotland’s EuroPhobes and Pro-EU Independentists can focus on winning a referendum or plebiscite concerning Constitutional Independence, but without seeing the Pro-Indy lobby divided by acrimony, indecision and prevarication about Europe.

A pro-Indy alternative party to the SNP would double the permissible campaign spending, set up an automatic second preference for proportional representation elections in Scotland, and also capture the shooting star of EU Citizens who want Scotland to remain in Europe but who will lose their vote after Brexit. A new proIndy Party would also allow pro Independence Labour and Tory and every other political persuasion of voters a chance to support Independence without having to “cross the floor” to join their bitter enemies in the SNP.

In short, what Scotland needs, and forgive me, I hope you’re not eating anything, is it’s own UKIP equivalent. Not spouting the toxic populist fatheaded Xenphobic nonsense of Farage and UKIP, but an equally determined and uncompromising body of Scottish activists, who refuse to accept the subjugation of Scotland’s sovereign legitimacy. Just as UKIP stood on a single ticket agenda to bully the Tories into a Brexit Referendum, perhaps Scotland needs its own “knee jerk” Party with its own single ticket Constitutional agenda, to bully the SNP into respecting the sovereign Remain vote of Scotland’s people.

Respect and Defend our Constitutional Sovereignty or else risk paying the price at the polls!

Not as catchy as Brexit perhaps, but Constitutional Sovereignty CAN be distilled into a very simple, easy to grasp binary principle – just like UKIP polarised Brexit.

Who would you vote for if not the SNP? Rather depends how toxic and unpopular the SNP want to make themselves over Brexit. If you will neither defend the Constitutional Sovereignty of my country, nor my Europeans citizenship, then you are pretty toxic to me.

Dan Huil

RE: Indyref2.

We don’t need politicians telling us we must wait until independence is assured. We need pro-indy politicians who are willing to fight for independence, and, if neccessary, like pro-indy Catalan politicians, to be prepared to go to prison for the cause.


Listening to Mary Portas on the Radio with a Scottish caller…

Mary points out she’s had a lot of Scottish callers, whereupon the caller says “I’m British Mary”.

What a snivelling creep. Bet the BBC keep the poor wretch on speed dial.

La Belle Angele

Only a few hundreds to go to make it a record Wings fundraiser.
Dig deep folks, lets do it


SC & Heed, “Snigger” aye right.
How many significant changes do we need ?
As Geeo, Etc say if SNP don’t deliver I’ll not pay a penny more I’ll always vote yes, have voted SNP since Donald Stewart in SY in 1970.


Interesting coverage by BBC and STV this evening.

Problems of Tayside Health Board, which is an operational arms length Board from Scottish Government, firmly blamed on SNP.

Edinburgh Schools Partnership which failed to carry out proper repairs, is an arms length part of Labour’s flawed PFI scheme, is of course a non political issue.


Meg merrilees says:
5 April, 2018 at 10:22 pm

“As for the Skripal/ UK poisoning case – what a massive cock-up! Absolutely no way the Russians did it; will Boris Johnson get the sack – doubt it!.”

Where does that leave Nicola who stood “shoulder to shoulder” with Saint Theresa and Boris Johnson in condemning Russia?

In sharp contrast, Corbyn had the guts not to side with the liars.


I don’t know if anyone noticed, but on the Pinneys demo feature on disreporting earlier, Jr Fluffy was bashfully standing in the crowd, but this wasn’t mentioned by Shortbread TV, and he wasnt asked for a quote either.

When they went over to the meeting of the “taskforce”, he was nowhere to be seen, and neither was governor general daddy.

Brian McHugh

Rock at 7:46, was it because you are an arsehole, that you left out the bit where Nicola Sturgeon clearly and specifically said (paraphrase) “From the information she had received”?



Brian McHugh says:
6 April, 2018 at 8:51 pm

“Rock at 7:46, was it because you are an arsehole, that you left out the bit where Nicola Sturgeon clearly and specifically said (paraphrase) “From the information she had received”?


Did the UK opposition leader Corbyn receive different information than Nicola?

While the gutless Nicola stood “shoulder to shoulder” with Saint Theresa and Boris Johnson, Corbyn showed real guts in questioning the evidence.

Nicola and the SNP made utter fools of themselves by supporting Saint Theresa, in my humble opinion.

The SNP standing “shoulder to shoulder” with Saint Theresa is worse than Labour and Tory unionists standing “shoulder to shoulder” against Scottish independence.


Brian McHugh,
My own personal opinion is that the SNP should have planted their arse firmly on the fence regarding the nonsense about the Russians.
I’ve no idea what information Nicola received but surely it couldn’t have been different from the information Jeremy Corbyn received who is also a member of the Privy Council.

I don’t blame Nicola but I do blame whoever is in charge of SNP strategy.

Brian McHugh

None of that changes the onus of blame… The UK establishment hid the McCrone report FFS. You really think the SNP don’t know this. Nicola’s statement caveated their stance unambiguously.

I never heard what Corbyn said, but if he threw a dice one way or the other and got lucky, then bully for him.


I’m not trying to upset anyone, as I said before I’ve no idea what went on behind closed doors, maybe Nicola offered support for having another Edinburgh Agreement or maybe something else but if the support to May was freely given I would be a bit disappointed to say the least.

John from Fife

What Geo says -Indyref 2 before March 2019 or no EU voters.


breastplate 931

I’m really disappointed that you have no idea over what or wasn’t said on a topic that you have no knowledge off. I am so disappointed as well. Maybe even more so but I have no idea how disappointed you really are as I was not invited to a meeting with or without…………….


I’m sorry if this is difficult for you but allow me to simplify it.
What we know so far (that includes you) is that there is no proof that Russia poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter.
Hopefully you are still sober enough to answer this and not sitting in your own urine soaked trousers this fine Friday night.
Why did Nicola along with Westminster accuse the Russians of poisoning the Skirpals with scant evidence?

No need to answer if it taxes your Brain too much. Thank you in advance for your deep consideration.

Brian McHugh

…cos she didn’t.


Agree very much with Breastplale. If we don`t win Indyref2 we start work immediately on winning Indyref3 .As AS said: the dream will never die!

O/t from a previous thread I recall Gus1940 mentioning the teaching of Shakespeare in Scottish schools.I was quite good at English at school and achieved a decent Higher but how I hated these Shakespeare plays every year,from secondary 1 to 6.

If only we could have had (Highland River) by Neil Gunn: very relevant to Highland children, or Lewis Grassic Gibbon for the North East.

Is this still the situation in the Scottish education system?
Are there any teachers out there who could update us on the current situation?

6 year lurker,first post.


There might be a few Indy supporters, and SNP supporters, hacked off with Sturgeon giving support to the UK Government on the basis of information supplied, but there’s 110% of Unionists totally enraged by that, and frothing at the mouth because they can say – nothing.

Think about it, and if you get annoyed, just take a mental picture of the likes of Davidson sitting there on her tank with nowhere to point the muzzle, firing blanks, and backfiring to the discomfort of the crew.

We’re going to need a bigger fan.

Brian McHugh

Exactly 😉


The Russians have accepted the Scot Gov’s position Re Salisbury so what’s the problem. The MSM showed an interview with an angry Russia Consul, but after a visit from Scot Gov’s officials, he accepted this position stating people from Scotland would be welcome in Russia.
An Indy ref 2 in March would be taking a grave risk weather wise, look at the March we have just had.


Nicola Sturgeon want’s Trident out of Scotland, Jeremy Corbyn (despite the usual waffle) does not!


Hi Benhope…keep posting 🙂

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