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Wings Over Scotland

Driven demented

Posted on October 24, 2014 by

It’s the beaten side who are supposed to lose their minds. But we couldn’t resist sharing with you two articles by Labour activists today whose authors have studied the last decade of Scottish politics and arrived at the conclusion that the salvation of Scottish Labour lies in… ramping up the arrogance and hating the SNP more.


Oh, you’re going to love these.

Remarkably, the less mad of the two is our old pal John McTernan in the Scotsman:

“Turning referendum win into a defeat”

In a virtuoso display of black-is-white doublethink, our favourite passage is this one:

“There is no electoral victory available by moving to the Left of the Labour Party – the Bennites tested that theory to destruction in the Eighties, and the Lib Dems proved it again and again in 2005 and 2010.”

Curiously, the former spin-doctor who assured Scots in May 2011 that “there will be no referendum” appears to think the SNP fight elections in England, and we must conclude that he simply didn’t notice them winning Holyrood contests in 2007 and 2011 on a “left of Labour” platform where they took seats all over Labour’s working-class heartlands.

But for once, McTernan’s bonkers rantings pale in comparison to another. Over on LabourList, allegedly the most influential politics blog in the UK (two places ahead of the one you’re reading now), we find a piece by longterm party apparatchik Peter A Russell, which might be the most magnificently deranged one-stop distillation of the mindset that’s got Scottish Labour in such a godawful mess that we’ve ever read.

“What should Scottish Labour do?”

Pretty much every paragraph is solid gold, but two stand out especially:

“There is much talk in the Scottish media about a crisis in Scottish Labour. Some of it is of course froth (is the Scottish Daily Mail where we would seek advice in our best interest?). But some of it is substantial – based on the post-poll evidence, anything between 30-40% of Labour voters voted Yes in the referendum.”

Shortly followed by:

“Most immediately, we must make it clear that as part of the winning side in the referendum, we can and will act to safeguard the outcome. It should therefore be announced as soon as possible as a headline commitment in next May’s General Election manifesto that no Labour government will agree to a new Scottish independence referendum: not in the next Parliament, not ever.”

 (Our emphasis both times.)

That’s right, folks – faced with the realisation that over a third of their own supporters back independence, Peter’s genius masterplan to revive the party and stem the critical haemorrhaging of its support is to proclaim that the thing they just voted for will never, ever be permitted to happen under any circumstances, regardless of the democratic will of either Labour voters or the wider Scottish electorate.

We’ll let you enjoy the rest for yourself, except this wonderful line:

“We can and must show up Yes for what it is: a zombie movement, running around causing havoc after life expired from its cause in the early morning of 19th September.” 

Your eyes don’t deceive you, readers – that really is a member of Scottish Labour (membership approximately 5,000 and in a quickening long-term decline while the SNP has just tripled in size in a month) telling the Yes camp (membership 1.6 MILLION) that it’s a “zombie movement”. What next? Ally McCoist issues a press statement criticising somebody else’s football club for bad financial management?

It’s Friday afternoon, readers. Kick back and just enjoy a chuckle.

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128 to “Driven demented”

  1. Grizzle McPuss says:

    When all else fails, there’s always delusion

  2. Brian Powell says:

    I like the “not in the next Parl, not ever”. Like a kid, “I’ll not speak to you, not ever”.

  3. Jon D says:

    It puts a whole new meaning on the phrase, being in denial.

    A good start to the weekend. 🙂

  4. handclapping says:

    That’s the trouble with democracy; when they’re beaten they still expect to be able to talk about it. Why doesn’t Labour just shut up in the Commons then? They were beat lost (Thanks, El Gordo) and should have shut up and given up. (Well they did the latter, Red Ed – PM. Wahhah etc.!)

    As for being an unfeeling zombie, I’m buying Scottish journalist’s mortgages just so I can twizzle my waxed moustache as I watch them being evicted into the snow just before Christmas! The thought gives me a better inner glow than my morning porridge.

  5. Doug Daniel says:

    Peter Russell’s article is solid gold. I loved these lines in particular.

    “Every night on television we see the SNP acting as if their campaign was still alive or as if they won the referendum.”

    Oooh, those cheeky bastard Yes supporters! How dare they?!? What do they think this is, a democracy?

    “The message is easy enough: Yes lost, and anyone continuing to argue the independence case should have their credibility shredded at every possible opportunity.”


    “Our message must be that if Scots want a voice in shaping the next decades, they are will be fools to waste their vote on the SNP. And if they want those decades to be socially progressive and economically successful, they will be wise to vote Labour.”


    Is it a full moon or something?

  6. JimnArlene says:

    They really are delusional, they seem to making, more than enough, rope to hang themselves. I can only assume in the coming weeks, construction of the gallows and gibbets will begin in earnest.

  7. muttley79 says:

    Peter Russell must have been on a crack pipe to have written that article. The most ludicrous, demented, batshit crazy rantings and brain fart ramblings imaginable. He says the SNP are anti-democratic, apparently they have not accepted the result of the referendum, despite joining the Smith Commission? Then he says that British Labour should pledge never agree to hold a referendum on independence, which is with the exception of establishing a dictatorship, probably the most anti-democratic measure you could implement! 😀 😀 This is just further confirmation, not that any was needed, that SLAB are incapable of not hating the SNP. Therefore, they cannot learn from their defeats since 2007, in fact they cannot even handle winning the independence referendum.

  8. MariJane says:

    A “zombie movement” hummm .. Well it is almost Halloween :v :v tick tock, tick tock

  9. Graeme Doig says:

    Aye. How to win friends and influence people slab style.

    Mr Russell has obviously just realised that we are ‘not ever’ going to stop fighting for our country.

  10. muttley79 says:

    Is Peter Russell, on behalf of British/Scottish Labour, repudiating the right to self determination, enshrined in the UN Charter? I know they have been going in a right wing direction for over 20 years but still! 😀

  11. AuldA says:

    It’s the soon to be a wraith party that calls the living a zombie.

  12. Chani says:

    I noticed this choice line too:
    “The message is easy enough: Yes lost, and anyone continuing to argue the independence case should have their credibility shredded at every possible opportunity.”
    Looks like a call for Labour activists to smear and attack anyone who does not do as Labour command them.

    “Strength through Unity. Unity through Faith”

  13. handclapping says:

    Do I get a picture of all the Slab members in Kirkcaldy “dancing in the streets of wraith”?

  14. muttley79 says:


    It is sinister is it not? Mind you, when your leaders are calling your opponents a virus, or blood and soil nationalists (which is really the same as Nazis), then activists like this guy are inevitable going to be encouraged to come out with the same demented rhetoric.

  15. Luigi says:

    “You’ll never get another referendum”.

    A powerful message, guaranteed to win back all of those Labour supporters that voted YES last month.

    The man is an absolute genius. More please!

  16. When your enemy is making a major mistake, doing the same thing which has already brought them to where they are, now is not the time to point out that McTernan and Russell are running around with their head up the others fundament.

    Let’s leave them in peace or, better, encourage them, cheer them along, praise them for their deep and intelligent insights into the problem with the Scots is they are not listening to these two highly intelligent spin merchants. Their answer to this problem is clearly so insightful; Labour’s Scotch Region increasing descent into oblivion can be halted by shouting the same guff which has caused the flight of their support across Scotland, in the first place: even louder.

    Sheer genius!

    A modern day re-telling of the Emperor’s New Clothes.

  17. Grouse Beater says:

    Puss from a lanced boil.

  18. Robert Peffers says:

    There were three significant items on Ceefax text news today.

    The SSE has urged the UK energy secretary to consider adopting a National Pricing Policy. This because there has been attention drawn to the SSE charging Northern Scots 2p extra per unit. Also that the Grid charges Northern Generators £20 per Kilowatt added to the Grid while subsidising southern English generators by £3.00 per kilowatt added.

    Next was a very, very, very brief report that the SNP had won the Oban by-election. It vanished so fast I didn’t even get time to note the actual votes or percentages.

    The third report seems to fare better and still remains.
    The deputy leader of Glasgow Council’s SNP group has been suspended from the party due to a homophobic breach of the peace in August.

    Now why is that last of more importance to the BBC than a by-election win?

  19. Alt Clut says:

    Surely the main significance of these rather pathetic bits of writing is that the authors are both surprised and infuriated by our continuing campaign ?

    So, take heart everyone !

    If they’re surprised then it shows what a childishly unrealistic analysis they had of what they were up against.

    If they’re infuriated then it shows that they think we can hurt them and that they are afraid of us.

    Keep writing – it’s very good for our morale and encourages us all to come after you. In that one respect maybe we are like zombies – WE ARE COMING FOR YOU !!!!!

  20. AuldA says:


    it’s a good picture. Add the moonlight, a gale. Some scuds. Date it October, 31st. Place Alex Salmond dressed as a powerful wizard, and make him thunder: “Wraiths, feel the power of our wrath!”

  21. Ken500 says:

    How to destroy your own Party. Tell lies and make a false Vow.

    Can’t wait for 7/5/14. Significant date.

  22. Robert Roddick says:

    Thank you Stuart for confirming the mind set of a persistent Herald poster from the comfortable food bank free, area of Jordanhill. I shall view his witterings in a new light. ( or more likely just scroll past).

  23. suzyq22 says:

    When I first read it on a link a friend had posted, I was sure it was a piss take. Absolutely bonkers!

  24. Black Douglas says:

    The Oban by election results for anyone interested. 🙂

    link to

  25. gillie says:

    Self-determination is a human right. The Edinburgh Agreement acknowledged the right of Scots as a people to determine their own constitutional future.

    If the UK government or any political party intends to deny Scots the right to self-determination then that can be viewed as an aggressive act. As such, the Scots have the right to defend themselves in face of such aggression.

    Faced with such potential hostility the Labour party would be mad to ban future referenda on Scottish independence. The party would be ripped apart and destroyed in Scotland if it were to go down that route.

    But …………….. who is to say they won’t?

  26. Stoker says:

    handclapping says:
    24 October, 2014 at 3:01 pm
    As for being an unfeeling zombie, I’m buying Scottish journalist’s mortgages just so I can twizzle my waxed moustache as I watch them being evicted into the snow just before Christmas! The thought gives me a better inner glow than my morning porridge.

    As i emulate your username tears of laughter roll down my face.

  27. Proud Cybernat says:

    The vile cybernat virus has mutated into a Zombie.

    Keep it up, keep it up….

  28. Moreida Lord says:

    I am so glad am on my own in the office as I’m laughing out loud here! Unbelievable stuff!

  29. Richard Lucas says:

    The zombie corpse of the Labour Hame sitr has recently risen from the grave and contains several similar bizarre outpourings from the likes of ‘man of the people’ Lord George Faulkes. Study with caution, there is much unintentional humour, but it’s all so delusional that it can be a very disorientating experience to read. Meanwhile, let us not interrupt our opponents as they busily heap one mistake upon another.

  30. david says:

    Ive hated labour for a long time. Seeing these messy humiliating death throes is really satisfying.

    They have been a bunch of nasty self serving bstds for way too long and got away with it because of thick headed born-labour types voting for them despite their obvious corruption.

    Talk about drowning themselves in their own sh*t eh?

  31. galamcennalath says:

    Refreshing to know that Labour have come out with a clear winning formula … for the Indy movement!

    Labour in Scotland are sinking fast. And not a moment too soon.

  32. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    @ Grouse Beater

    It is not just pus GB it is the pus which leaches out the cyst which we are seeing.

    That cyst is the Labour Party and one more squeeze will poop that out for ever in Scotland. The poison will be gone and we must not let it reinfect.

    By the way a bottle of Burgundy just now; shit it its Friday.

    Back to the old ways, the pledge has been jettisoned.

    Are you going to the Hydro in November?

  33. Free Scotland says:

    There must be a growing market out there for T-shirts, badges, etc. with wording such as: “I voted No, but I wish I’d voted Yes.”

  34. Milady de Winter says:

    Russell’s piece is hilarious. It should have its own show on Dave.

  35. Milady de Winter says:

    @Bugger We are going to the Hydro in November. How will we know fellow Wingers? Should be all wear a yellow carnation or something?!

  36. Luigi says:

    Free Scotland says:
    24 October, 2014 at 4:32 pm

    There must be a growing market out there for T-shirts, badges, etc. with wording such as: “I voted No, but I wish I’d voted Yes.”

    Don’t blame me – I voted for Scotland

  37. Lesley-Anne says:


    Man that was one hell of a snooze I’ve just had. Oh my gawd! I’ve been asleep for a MONTH! Hmm… Reading the wee snippets from our well adjusted Labourites above I assume that YES won the referendum then, yes? 😉

    I mean only people who have LOST a referendum would carry on like these two individuals so obviously we won, yes? 😀

    I know it is always hard to take a defeat but these two Labour men do seem to be going over the top just a wee bit with their gripes about losing. Just because YES won, cause we DID win right? 😛

    What’s that … WE lost!

    Well if WE lost why the hell are these two MUPPETS behaving like it was THEM that lost? 😉

  38. Rigmac7 says:

    Total bollocks on Sky news there, “England is a small island and does not need Europe”, (not corrected by Kay Barley of course)

    Anyone catch that and record it, it’s a belter?

  39. Mealer says:

    Aye.Labour don’t seem to get it,do they? However,despite their inadequacies,we are still going to have to put in a huge amount of work to get enough of the 45 into polling stations to make a big enough difference across Scotland.

  40. Papadox says:

    Re The Silver city TOLLIES and the moribund SLAB gangsters.

    None are so blind as those who do NOT want to see.

    The mad hatters tea party comes to mind. So long as they are on expenses, and they feed them out of a pig trough.

    LET SCOTLAND FLORISH. remove the dead hand of WESTMINSTER from Scotlands throat.

  41. galamcennalath says:

    Mealer says:
    “we are still going to have to put in a huge amount of work to get enough of the 45 into polling stations to make a big enough difference across Scotland.”

    Yes. The challenge is going to be to stop Scotland reverting to its usual general election mode.. Voting Labour in the hope of keeping out Tories. The Red Tory message needs hammered home. The ‘Labour sold Scotland out’ message needs hammered home too.

  42. Tackety Beets says:

    Aye Rev , if you or anyone had any doubts after the 19th when we’re were all scunnerred , have faith now please .
    This confirms we are heading in the correct direction .
    They try to be the winner and smug with it ( QT last night) when in reality they were winners and are truly rattled !

    Keep up the good work everyone .

    O/T. Ps How much is this new Euro bill gonna cost us ? 9% of £1.5 Billion …… That’ll be our Pensions F******d , Still at least we are Better Together FFS !

  43. jacksg says:


    i have just received this from my MP.

    i signed something in the past so he has sent me his newsletter.

    even although i sent an email asking to be removed from his mailing list and also instructed 38 degrees not to contact me again.

    It is worth a look at the referendum page..just for a laugh deluded indeed…

    link to

  44. Mark Coburn says:

    Will the real Monster Raving Loony Party please stand up?

  45. Dorothy Devine says:

    Well done to the good folk of Oban and thanks Black Douglas for keeping us informed.

  46. David Stevenson says:

    Russell is providing an echo of Jack Straw’s post-referendum pish. The “stop talking about independence” line is pretty much a constant refrain from irate Unionists who will no doubt be cheered by Russell’s anti-democratic pish.

    I have continued writing to our local paper post-referendum and will continue to do so for as long as they will print my comments. The response from a few weeks ago was laughable: Alex Salmond allegedly “fanning the flames of hatred” by stating that many No voters were suckered by the “Vow” and that the older generation (of which Salmond included himself) should take a good look at themselves in the mirror. Sensitive soul, this particular Unionist. This week, a couple of brief “stop talking about independence” responses, though not specifically to my ranting. I feel another epistle coming on…..

    On the “zombie” comment, Stu has covered that using the compare and contrast of a withering Labour Party and massive growth in membership of SNP/SSP/Greens. A friend in the SNP in Rutherglen tells me that SNP membership in the area including Cambuslang has risen from 150 pre-referendum to 1030. I would love it if Greatrex and Kelly got their jotters, but it won’t be easy. Greatrex especially, has a 21000 majority as a cushion.

  47. Christian Schmidt says:

    Russel’s article is really a classic:

    “First, let’s give some leadership: Scottish Labour has to take the political process by the lapels and show it who’s boss – as in who won the referendum, and who is going to dictate to whom in the coming weeks and months.” – The problem with dictating is that you need to have something to say, and given that Labour still does not know what the vow actually means, how can it dictate anything?

    “They lost the referendum by a clear majority and it is their feet that should be held to the fire until they admit that fact.” – But they have, repeatedly, and even why they have lost (i.e. because of the vow). It is because the SNP accepts the defeat that they are now supporting the winning argument. (And because they realise the vowers, and esp. Labour, doesn’t really and there are votes to be won doing it this way.)

    “Secondly, Scottish Labour must upscale the appeal of our unique selling point: that we are a party of UK government.” – That’s Scottish Labour’s USP??? Does the ConLib coalition knows this? And what about social justice?

    “Most immediately, we must make it clear that as part of the winning side in the referendum, we can and will act to safeguard the outcome. It should therefore be announced as soon as possible as a headline commitment in next May’s General Election manifesto that no Labour government will agree to a new Scottish independence referendum: not in the next Parliament, not ever.” – Labour lost in 2011 because they thought they just need to rerun the winning 2010 campaign. I predict they will lose in 2015 if they try to rerun the referendum campaign. And for the same reason, just repeating yourself is not enough, the next step has to be to show how you can deliver your words. If you cannot show that you lose.

  48. Grant Cruickshank says:

    The problem with this kind of thing is it’s not mere delusion or stupidity or incompetence. It’s a deliberate and calculated attempt to bend reality into the desired shape by generating powerful thought memes able to withstand casual assaults from the truth. This is accomplished by repetition ad nauseum – the more powerful the agency crafting the meme, the harder it becomes to dispute.

    Given how successful the No campaign were using the ‘torrents of lies’ tactic it would be unwise to make any predictions about Labour’s fragility at this point when they still have such powerful tools in their arsenal and a clear will to keep using them.

  49. YESGUY says:

    Holy fuck


    Will we learn ??

  50. Sinclair Macleod says:

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  51. Mealer says:

    Could anyone give a wee bit of background info on the North Oban and Lorn byelection? Did the Libdems contest it at the last council election and why didn’t they contest it this time?

  52. Dcanmore says:

    A classic case of ‘winners’ who have won nothing wanting their prize to be the opposition to ‘just go away’ so they can try and be a bit more happy with their misery.

  53. CalumCarr says:

    Had started to write a post on these same two ‘gentlemen‘. Thanks, Rev, you’ve saved me the effort.

    Russell’s ‘What I told Lord Smith‘ is brilliant. Read it at link to

  54. Lesley-Anne says:

    Rigmac7 says:

    Total bollocks on Sky news there, “England is a small island and does not need Europe”, (not corrected by Kay Barley of course)

    Anyone catch that and record it, it’s a belter?

    That’s great to see there Rigmac.

    I was deeply concerned, no really I truly was, that after her reporting during the results of the referendum when she stated quite clearly, and uncorrected, that Scotland had voted to remain part of England that that would be the last we would ever see of this amazing and so astute a reporter. I’m so pleased to see that my fears were in fact totally groundless. 😛

    Now I can look forward to even more epic reporting delights such as we saw earlier in the year during the flooding Dan Suff where she informed the viewers that she would stop talking for a minute whilst the helicopter took off because they are quite noisy! To be honest I was so glad she told me that cause otherwise I’d never have known that helicopters are noisy. 😀

  55. jacksg says:
    24 October, 2014 at 4:56 pm

    Your MP spelt LordFreud’s name wrong in his newsletter on the headings line.

  56. Robert Louis says:

    Wow, talk about a seriously deranged piece of argumentation. None of those pieces by Labour make any logical coherent sense.

    I am being deadly serious when I ask, is there something wrong with these people. Is it a bad case of groupthink?

    Very odd, illogical, thought processes involved in both those pieces. Scary to think these kind of people want to run the Government.

    Just amazed. Genuinely staggered.

  57. Democracy Reborn says:

    Serious question, folks. Who do the Scottish Labour & Unionist Party (SLUP) hate the most (and why) : Thatcher or the SNP?

  58. annie says:

    Was wondering why I didn’t recognise name Peter Russell when I clicked on link and saw Planet Pedro. This guy is in the same category as Councillor Terry Kelly, complete nutter.

  59. Rigmac7 says:


    I missed the name of the non entity politician/commentator/friend that she was interviewing at the time and I’m doubtful the full interview will be shown again (certainly in an unedited version).

    PS Are helicopters noisy? :O

  60. Marcia says:

    Democracy Reborn

    Easy question, the SNP. Thatcher is dead.
    Reason they (the SNP) are an electoral threat to what they believe is their right. The SNP’s success at Holyrood in pursuing policies discard by Labour a while ago fuels their hatred. However the Labour Party of old is like Thatcher – dead.

  61. jacksg says:

    James Caithness says:

    Your MP spelt LordFreud’s name wrong in his newsletter on the headings line.

    Yes James,

    As you will have noticed my MP is an idiot!

    The pish about about immigration and hard working families was purile..he looks like a fat pig with his face in the trough oh wait he is the face of Labour in Midlothian,not for much longer David come the GE.

    giz me the boak!

  62. annie says:

    Yes Guy – it has to be said, I believe down to majority of English retirees and elderly people worried about who would defend us.

  63. muttley79 says:

    @Democracy Reborn

    Serious question, folks. Who do the Scottish Labour & Unionist Party (SLUP) hate the most (and why) : Thatcher or the SNP?

    If you are talking about SLAB’s unionist politicians, I would say the SNP without a doubt. The simple reason is that Thatcher was no threat to SLAB’s electoral prospects, while the SNP are the largest threat by far to their gravy train at all levels of politics (national, Westminster, local government). That is why they hate the SNP more than Thatcher.


  64. The Rough Bounds says:

    Labour think that we are the zombies? THEY are the ones with the blank uncomprehending staring eyes, the open mouths and bits and pieces of limbs falling off them…and a lot of them smell bad.

  65. boris says:

    MPs Expenses Scandal: John Robertson was asked to pay back £2975 for excessive expenses claims. This includes some £1750 in petty cash. According to current records, he has not paid anything back.

    But he appears to be a good constituency MP

    link to

  66. YESGUY says:


    He’s my MP too …. but not for long 🙂

    Even the most illiterate fool can see past Labour these days. I know some on here think that many will vote Labour by default and there is a risk some may do but too many people here see them as a shambles . The tory vote will be higher IMHO . Be nice to see the Greens SSP vote go up too but this is a GE and i doubt they have the numbers yet.

    The SNP have made huge gains in members and Oban was a nice surprise. Think it was a Libdem seat before and they didn’t put a candidate up this time.

    Times really are a changing.

    May 2015. Might see the SNP with 50 seats. It’s not impossible and most Labour supporters i know are now SNP and i doubt they will go back.

    Last Year we got the lead in a Yougove poll but only for a week. look at the numbers now. miles ahead and gaining everyday. there is a lot to be thankful for. The NO vote should have kicked us into touch , but here we are stronger than before.

    Interesting times ahead and with Nichola Sturgeon taking over i can see SNP being dominant for years.

    Independence will come sooner than the generation they think it will take. The fact they are still shouting us down proves we are not going quietly and if it’s all scares and smears again they will lose.

    What do labour offer voters in Scotland ???

    £8.00 an hour wages by 2020. FFS

    Nichola Sturgeon is pushing for a £10. by then.

    But … we know what Scotlands like so although i am hopeful , i’ll count my chickens later rather than before.

  67. Training Day says:

    So, ‘One Nation’ Labour undertakes to eliminate the SNP ‘virus’ and proscribe democratic referenda.

    If I was a nonagenarian refugee intending to voice mild dissent at their Conference I’d be seriously worried.. oh, wait..

  68. scunnered says:

    coming from somebody that looks like an extra from the walking dead it is hilarious…so were all zombies…ok then lol…i will never vote labour again..not ever.

  69. fred blogger says:

    Robert Louis
    i agree it is bizarre.
    collective cognitive convergence besets WM, they have great wealth to lose control over.
    mark twain, didn’t exactly say this, but trying to make sense out of nonsense drives one mad.
    they must be desperate, is the only conclusion.

  70. manandboy says:

    No – 2,001,926 votes to Yes – 1,617,989

    But 500,000 reportedly voted conditionally Yes to ‘substantial powers'(Gordon Brown)

    but because that wasn’t on the ballot paper

    the 500,000 had to put their cross in the No box

    even though it was really a Yes.

    So Yes 4 Indy + Yes for powers = 2,117,989 55.3%

    No to Independence = 1,501,926 41.49%

    (- not including the postal vote -)

    The conditional Yes is effectively not yet cast in stone.

    Who won; who lost?

    It’s not over is it?

    John? Peter?

  71. muttley79 says:

    @Training Day

    So, ‘One Nation’ Labour undertakes to eliminate the SNP ‘virus’ and proscribe democratic referenda.

    If we had a MSM that was doing its job, then they would have held SLAB to account for this very dangerous rhetoric. As it is it is studiously ignored…

  72. jacksg says:


    absolutely interesting times:

    i had to Laugh at the Referendum tagline ‘its time to move on’

    Yes David Hamilton MP it is indeed time to move on from your morally bankrupt party.

    Good Riddence

  73. Lesley-Anne says:

    Rigmac7 says:


    I missed the name of the non entity politician/commentator/friend that she was interviewing at the time and I’m doubtful the full interview will be shown again (certainly in an unedited version).

    PS Are helicopters noisy? :O

    I’m guessing that helicopters must be noisy Rigmac after all she did report that fact earlier in the year and as we all know being one of the most reputable, if not THE most reputable, reporters around she would NEVER lie to us now, would she? 😛

  74. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    @ Milady de Winter

    A cranation between the teeth and then the bar at the Hydro after.

    I will be a Panda so that should be easy enough, with a yellow bow tie, of course so, dead easy for you human types?


  75. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Free Scotland

    double plus good.

  76. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    @ Mark Coburn


  77. HandandShrimp says:

    The pompous gits!

    The overbearing sense of birth right to our votes is beyond belief. The walking dead are without doubt the collective bodies of the No love in. I can’t actually separate them out between whatever parties they claim to be any more. They are all one and it isn’t pretty.

  78. Davy says:

    I remember Peter Russell on the labour hame site, was he not a speech writer for the labour party at some time. His articles were always twisted facts and half-truths and they were totally trashed within minutes.

    Its always fun to watch a red tory publish another piece of pish as he trys desperately to avoid the trashing of his party in the upcoming general election. But this latest article is a dozzy, what a numpty, long may he continue.

  79. Grouse Beater says:

    BtP: By the way a bottle of Burgundy just now; shit it its Friday. Back to the old ways, the pledge has been jettisoned. Are you going to the Hydro in November?

    Burgundy is good – a trbute to Europe and its grape culture! Not able to get to Hydro. Disappointed. House build still needs constant supervision. Was late on site other day and discovered stonemason removed wrong internal wall. Sheesh. Luckily not brick, but standard stud and plasterboard. What a shock!

    You going to Hydro?

  80. Valerie says:

    Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

    Can’t remember who said that ^^

    Tories are making as many blocks to democracy as they can, and we know Labour like to hang on their coat-tails, so no surprise they are foaming at the mouth, to remove any right to determine our country’s management.

    As I keep saying, they never tire of kicking their country, proud Scots, but.

  81. Rigmac7 says:


    I think you must be right. We shouldn’t argue with a reporter of such calibre – we just don’t have the intelligence for it.

    The Sky News webpage, under politics section, under PM reeling over yet another ambush. 2nd picture down, the clip with the block with the black and yellow tie, I am currently overseas and it won’t play for me here but could you look at it and see if they have edited out the bit about the island called England and it’s incredible non EU needing powers? 🙂

  82. John O says:

    My god the low morale standing of the red tory’s knows no bounds does it, what a bunch of cretins to threaten a peoples right to sovereignty, me thinks the labour party believes its a dictatorship.

    Heres a song just for you labour.

    link to

  83. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    @ GB


    and without capitols on Friday midday to Saturday 10 am. in the Howe.

  84. Marie clark says:

    Oh dear. NURSE bring the screens. They have totally lost the plot.
    If they care so much about their “victory”, why the hell are we still rattling their cage so much.

    They really are scared of us. Maybe we are zombies cause we refuse to lie down and die at their command. Desperate stuff. And these eejits really expect the good folk to vote for them. Gies peace.

    I for one aint about to go anywhere. It’s not up to them with regard to a referendum. They seem to forget that they work for us ( allegedly). We will do the deciding and if they don’t like it they can do the other thing.

    The men in white coats must be due sometime in the not too distant future.

  85. Paula Rose says:

    @ Free Scotland 4:32

    There must be a growing market out there for T-shirts, badges, etc. with wording such as: “I voted No, but I wish I’d voted Yes.”

    Now, I want one of those – great for conversation opening, for some reason people, mainly men, have their gaze drawn to my chest. I want to know why people voted “No” this would be a good way of finding out.

  86. ben madigan says:

    @ all the posters who were surprised at the british labour party callling never, never, ever to another referendum please remember the idea originated with jack Straw

    Do take a look at the exchange of comments with an irishman
    link to

  87. Natasha says:

    Benjamin Franklin:
    Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.

  88. john king says:

    Doug Daniel says

    Is it a full moon or something?”

    Bad moon rising!
    link to

  89. Grouse Beater says:

    How about T-shirts with:

    ‘Yeah-but-no, but yeah-but-no’

    Some folk were prime ditherers, totally feckless.

  90. Lesley-Anne says:

    I’ve just had a wee look Rigmac and yes I’m afraid they have edited out our great reporter’s words of wisdom about this wee is;land called England. 😛

  91. biggpolmont says:

    “There is much talk in the Scottish media about a crisis in Scottish Labour.
    Crisis what crisis?

  92. Annette says:

    This is the comment I posted on their website:
    Excuse me while I giggle. The No vote scraped past thanks to the efforts of the entire established political apparatus of Westminster AND the mainstream media AND big business; thanks to the Labour Party siding with the Conservatives, UKIP, the BNP and the Orange Order (yes, face it, your allies are bigots and fascists); thanks to the Westminster government instructing supermarket chains to threaten the Scottish electorate with price surges; thanks to lies about the Scottish oil running out; thanks to the insincere promises of the infamous “Vow;” thanks to scaremongering about Scotland’s EU membership as if Westminster wasn’t planning to take the entire UK out of the EU anyway; thanks to the thundering silence from other EU nations only interested in their own agendas, thanks to No campaigners knocking on old people’s doors and telling them that if they voted Yes they would immediately lose their pensions. Let’s not forget that 800 000 postal votes were cast using a system that according to EU reports is wide open to fraud, and that somehow the results of the postal vote were mysteriously known to the No campaign before the closing of the polling stations, as Ms Davidson has kindly informed the nation via TV. The unionists have lied, bullied and possibly cheated their way to winning by a narrow margin. Had there been even a modicum of fair play, Yes would have won easily. Yes would win easily if there was a referendum today, given the new Iraq War, the relentless destruction of our welfare state and our civil rights, the revelation of plans to frack Central Scotland into oblivion without anyone here getting as much as a word in edgeways and, of course, the surprising discovery that Scotland has lots and lots and lots of oil. You call the independence movement, backed by three parties whose combined membership lies in the region of 100 000, backed by Women for Independence, Farmers for Independence, LGBT for Independence, the National Collective, the Radical Independence Campaign, etc etc, and backed by 1.6 million people in Scotland, you call this a “zombie movement”? Yes is a vibrant and creative grassroots movement, which the unionists could only meet by persuading vulnerable people in Scotland that they are too poor and too stupid to look after themselves. Pray, how many members does the Labour Party have in Scotland these days? How many MSPs? How many MPs you think you will have left after GE 2015? If anything is a zombie movement, it is Scottish Labour.

  93. Paula Rose says:

    Annette honey – calm down doll, put a few breaks in xz

  94. TJenny says:

    Annette – well said that woman.:-)

  95. Stoker says:

    Paula Rose says:
    24 October, 2014 at 7:32 pm
    @ Free Scotland 4:32
    There must be a growing market out there for T-shirts, badges, etc.
    with wording such as: “I voted No, but I wish I’d voted Yes.”

    There IS a massive demand out there.
    I’m surprised this site doesn’t have its own wee on-line shop.
    Mind you, i’m not so sure they could cope with the demand.

    I am actually in the process of trying to find the appropriate
    shop/supplier where i can get my own branded clothing.
    But i don’t want to be sending business in the direction of a
    supplier who voted no. So if anyone knows of a shop, who’s
    owner and staff voted Yes, and they print lettering onto various
    types of clothing, i’d appreciate a heads up.

    I’m looking to start off by getting a T-shirt or Hoodie
    branded across the back with –
    Do a bit of advertising for the site and spread the word etc.

    It’s something simple we all can do, as individuals, off our
    own backs. The only difficult part is making sure you get it
    done by the appropriate people.

    I used to get my ‘ABE’ T-shirts (world cup time etc) from a
    company in Glasgow (on-line) called Slanj (SLANJ KILTS) but
    since the referendum i have become extremely cautious as to
    who i give my money, and i don’t know what Slanj voted for.

  96. Thomas Valentine says:

    When Thatcher was in power she just expected people here to come round to her opinion. The Tories in Scotland behaved exactly the way Labour is doing now and where are they?

    Lets remeber this;
    “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

  97. Paula Rose says:

    Stoker honey – go for it, let us ken on off-topic.

  98. TJenny says:

    From Twitter – Johann Lamont on Verge of Stepping Down – no idea if this link will work. Wonder what would give her that extra we shove? 😉 And who’d replace her?

  99. a2 says:

    Holly f… you missed mentioning the worst of it

    “who is going to dictate to whom in the coming weeks and months.”

  100. Annette says:

    Does anyone know if there are statistics available on how many people have changed their mind since the referendum? I read an article somewhere about people who changed their mind after their postal vote (in either direction), but nothing about what happened since.

  101. a supporter says:

    Excellent pieces Stu. Keep hard at this type of work. Tearing the established political parties and their media hirelings to bits is what you do best. Mind you with fools like McTernan and Russell working for them they are committing suicide anyway.

    I read both articles and they are prime examples of self delusion. I cannot under any circumstances understand why McTernan is considered an “expert political analyst” by anyone. He is a fucking idiot.

    This new guy (to me anyway) Peter A Russell is even more demented than McTernan and those who know McTernan will know how bad that makes him.

  102. Annette says:

    Furthermore, I note that this gifted author, ahem, keeps referring to “the Scots,” as do other unionists. SNP and YES talk about “the people of Scotland.” Who is pushing nationalist ideology here? I am German and I am 100% for Scottish independence. How does that one work in the unionists’ eyes?

  103. Willie John says:

    @ stocker at 8:31

    This lad should be able to help with T shirts and much more. Guaranteed Yesser (He did all the local stuff). Hope this helps.

  104. geeo says:

    As said above, england is surely a peninsula rather than an island !!

    This seems to not bother No voters, what chance do we have ???

  105. Dr JM Mackintosh says:

    you forgot the NHS is safe in Union hands while now being demolished in England and also TTIP is now allowed to be mentioned in MSM and BBC.
    Otherwise great post.

    It is dIfficult to remember all the unionist lies – there were so many.

  106. TJenny says:

    Annette – ‘I am German and I am 100% for Scottish independence. How does that one work in the unionists’ eyes?’

    It makes their heads explode. 🙂

  107. a supporter says:

    Rumours rife that Johanne Lamont is resigning.

  108. HandandShrimp says:

    I think it would be shame if Johann steps down.


  109. Bob Sinclair says:

    A bit of a fateful day today. Was in Stirling & met & had a quick chat with a very upbeat Colin Fox, what a positive guy, and now I hear Lamont is getting her jotters. Good stuff.

  110. Grouse Beater says:

    A Supporter: Rumours rife that Johanne Lamont is resigning.

    One supposes she intends to give way for a better man.

  111. Tam Jardine says:


    I agree – she is worth a 10 point swing on her own. Let’s just hope they choose someone as weak and unelectable. Let’s face it, after Wendy, Gray and JoLa they have form in choosing a winner.

    Surely it’s time for Anas to show his quality!

  112. tonymac says:
    cant find archive thing

  113. Stoker says:

    Paula Rose says:
    24 October, 2014 at 8:47 pm
    Stoker honey – go for it, let us ken on off-topic.

    Will do.
    Willie John says:
    24 October, 2014 at 8:59 pm
    @ stocker at 8:31
    This lad should be able to help with T shirts and much more.
    Guaranteed Yesser (He did all the local stuff).
    Hope this helps.

    WOOOAH, steady wae ma nom de plume there Willie J.
    You’ll hae peepul talkin aboot me.
    Thanks very much for the info mate, i’ll check it out.

  114. HandandShrimp says:


    It looks like Johann is stepping down. I thought it was just idle speculation. We live in interesting times.

  115. Lesley-Anne says:

    TJenny says:

    From Twitter – Johann Lamont on Verge of Stepping Down – no idea if this link will work. Wonder what would give her that extra we shove? 😉 And who’d replace her?

    But what am I to do on a Thursday from now on TJ if she steps down, I mean her comedy show at FMQ’s is pure gold! There is no one in the same league as her on the Labour bench … is there? 😛

    Thursdays will never be the same if she steps down. Can we not start up a petition to make her stay on as Labour leader (North Britain) branch, please! 😉

  116. John says:

    So JoLa resigns cos she was simply the branch supervisor and not branch manager, like they told her.
    Do you think she finally started reading Wings?

  117. Lesley-Anne says:

    tonymac says:
    cant find archive thing

    donedid Tony. 😉

    link to

    Here’s the archive thingy that I used. 😀

    link to

  118. HandandShrimp says:

    Alex doesn’t step down until next month so he has actually seen off Johann too.

    It seems that Johann has lost patience with London who treat Scotland like a provincial branch…who knew?

  119. tonymac says:


  120. arthur thomson says:

    What is it with these Labour quarter wits. Does that man of Straw and his followers really think they can impose a dictatorship? Do they imagine the rest of us are just going to say ‘aw well that’ll be it then’. I would be mildly interested to learn which dictator they are taking inspiration from – Hitler? Stalin? Polpot? More likely Gadafi or the head case from North Korea. It is time for these blood and soil Brit Nats to cease their operations in Scotland. One set of tories is more than enough for any country.

  121. Bob Mack says:

    Just heard Lamont is going. Don’t know whether to be sad that our enemy is losing an idiot leading them into battle again, or to be happy as the crumbling edifice of Labour like a melting iceberg loses part of its fascia. Well, its good either way I suppose , as no matter who picks up the poison chalice of leading this now doomed monster, takes on the mantle of steering it like the Titanic , to oblivion.

  122. arthur thomson says:

    Well said Annette.

  123. Lesley-Anne says:

    tonymac says:


    Doffs hat! 😛

  124. Muscleguy says:


    I think it was the Corsican Corporal Napoleon Bonaparte who is responsible for those words, in French of course, with a Corsican accent.

  125. The Morgatron says:

    They just dont get it. Blame everyone , attack everyone , a political party whos house is built on sand. SLAB the scourge of the Scottish people. Lets pour a drink , put on the slippers and enjoy watching them rot in front of our eyes.

  126. Suzanne says:

    You really would think that they would be happy that they had “won” the referendum and would just get on with sprucing themselves up for next May. Instead, we see them frothing and shrieking because we’re such a happy, positive, hopeful bunch and we won’t stop smiling and we won’t shut up, not ever. That’s what enrages them, as we all know: we haven’t slunk off into a corner and disappeared.

    Glorious, isn’t it. Far from licking our wounds in darkened rooms, we’re talking about annihilating Labour in Scotland next May. Indy memberships are rocketing through the roof. That’s gotta sting a tad as Labour watch their Scottish membership numbers drain away like water through a string bag. No wonder they’re biting their desks and chewing holes in the wall. Tee hee!

  127. Will Podmore says:

    And what size is the anti-separatist camp? 2,000,000, with a 55/45 majority. The people voted against separation. Now let’s all unite against the EU, which would take more powers away from all of us than the Union ever did.

  128. Baheid says:

    “Now let’s all unite against the EU”

    Get a grip ya clown


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