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Wings Over Scotland

Distant colours

Posted on November 15, 2022 by

It appears the Scottish Parliament – the great and mighty engine of a proud nation’s democracy, with a declaration carved onto its very walls that it’s a place built for the people to peeble their representatives wi’ stanes should they displease them – is now such a fragile, cowering, timorous house of straw that polite middle-aged women are being ejected from its public galleries for wearing the wrong colour of scarves.

Although it’s apparently fine for the Parliament’s shameful excuses for lawmakers to use colours to openly display their own ideological allegiances to the other side.

We suppose we should be grateful nobody had any ribbons to hand, or a full-scale terrorist alert might have been declared, riot police deployed and martial law declared.


PS Those colours aren’t ALWAYS offensive in or around the Parliament, of course, as long as there’s some cheap, hypocritical Vichy-feminist virtue signalling to be done.

PPS While women were being frogmarched out for offensive scarves, here’s what Scotland’s parliament was doing in your name – making sure it was easy for rapists and child molesters to conceal their identities by changing their gender.

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Forcing a woman to remove her scarf at the Scottish parliament probably because it resembles the suffragettes colours, real women are under attack in Scotland, and the betrayer professes to care about them, which is bollocks.

George Ferguson

They can ban scarves if they want but they can’t ban the expressions of the faces of women sitting behind Shona Robison. Women standing up for their inalienable rights of safe spaces and safeguarding. The suffragette movement won in the end so will these Scottish women. The SNP are pressing the self destruct button live on TV.


Quid pro quo.

Now is the time to kick up fk the moment a rainbow coloured or pink and grey “anything” is on display.

Yes it’s childish and pedantic, but these shit stirring brats and wankers need called out for their pettiness and stupidity, as does the system which indulges their adolescent disruption.

Yes, it will make Scotland’s “Parliament” an international laughing stock, but thanks to Sturgeon, that train has already left the station.

Ian Brotherhood

It’s not just the colours, apparently.

It’s the pattern. Stripes are too ‘bold’.

Seated directly behind Shona Robison are two women who – if their incredulous facial expressions are anything to go by – are clearly GC and struggling with the pish they’re hearing. One of them is wearing a purple and green scarf but it’s a swirly arty number. How is she getting away with it?!


OK, I can’t even guess what exactly these colours are supposed to represent, and I doubt that one person in a thousand could. It says a lot about the staff at the parliament that they immediately zoned in on what looks like nothing more than a brightly coloured scarf to me, and I find it troubling that people are alert to such absolute trivialities.


Policing women’s clothing. How progressive.

Does anyone in the SNP realise how horrific this sort of thing looks? How horrific it is? Does no-one feel any shame in being associated with this behaviour? No fear of what they have become? Don’t they understand?

Dystopian zealots. It will get even worse than this.

Matt Seattle

They’ve jumped the shark.

George Ferguson

The Suffragette movement adopted the colours of purple, white and green in 1908. Purple represents freedom and dignity, white represents purity and green represents hope.

panda paws

Lucy Hunter Blackman has tweeted

“Women leaving room for the 15 minute break have been told they will not be readmitted if they are wearing green, white and purple tartan scarves that a couple have. As one staff member (very politely) explains that, the other holding the door open is wearing a rainbow lanyard.”


There are pics now appearing on twitter – that don’t appear faked – of Sturgeon posing with a Suffragette scarf. It’s just… there are no words really.

Ian Brotherhood

That woman with the green/purple scarf is still there behind Robison.

So, it’s the creamy white that’s the real problem?

Black Joan

Green, White and Violet symbolised Give Women Votes


How long before heterosexual people get rounded up the shot?


And shot, not the shot!

Anne Johnston

Sturgeon the great pretender!
Destroyer of Womens Rights’

The Tree of Liberty

It’s a scarf, nothing but a scarf, FFS.


It’s kicking off in Holyrood and aw the colour blind folk are like “WTF’s going on?”.

Vivian O’Blivion

Mao’s Red Guard were defeated by their own zealotry.
History will repeat itself.
Sturgeon is wilfully handing ammunition to the Unionist msm. The question is why?

Tinto Chiel

This utter crapola is hardly surprising since the same vindictive airheads construed a looped suffragette ribbon as a death-threatening noose.

Free speech and free expression in Scotland are not wanted by our Glorious Leader (as Craig Murray knows better than most), while she ironically claims to be a believer in democracy and a feminist to her fingertips.

Pass the hypocrisy boak-bucket.


Are we all jumping to conclusions here? It could be misconstrued as a football scarf, and maybe this was deemed “football colours”.

John Main

Words and music for Scots Wha Hae are still available online.

Maybes people should take a copy just in case.

Patsy Millar

@Colin – is that Suffragette Rovers from Brigadoon that you’re referring to?

John Main

Finally, we can update the old saying that Scotland won’t be free until the last minister is strangled with the last copy of the Sunday Post.

Or maybes we can’t, as the updated saying would constitute a hate crime.

Anyways, these rainbow lanyards are bound to have a deliberate weak link in them. Safety first!

David Beveridge

I wonder what would happen if that woman went back next time dressed all in green and took a couple of pals with her – one all in white and another all in purple?

Sturgeon’s Scotland. Just as well there’ll be no indy under that wee charlatan cos it’s looking more and more like a country none of us would want to live in. Get her to fck while there’s still the embers of an independence movement left.


Colin, a woman wearing a purple scarf was asked to leave.
Please do not try to justify the unjustifiable.

The SNP/Greens voted down a motion asking that sex offenders be excluded from self ID.
There you have, the SNP/Green fanatics have just voted to allow rapists into women’s single sex spaces.

There are no words to describe how I feel about these dangerous nutters


George Ferguson says:
15 November, 2022 at 12:02 pm

‘Purple represents freedom and dignity
White represents purity
Green represents hope’

Aye, virtues all but banned in New Scotland.

Stuart MacKay

Someone should show up with a Hijab in Suffragette colours. I bet that should cause a few heads to explode.

Nally Anders

No political slogans here Right?

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Geoff Huijer

Not a cult.

Colin The Keelie

The crazy Emperor Caligula declared his horse a senator.

In Scotland, the MSPs are donkeys who want to declare men are women.

This is madness.

Dave Hansell

People will be getting cancelled for silent insubordination at this rate!

Will this madness ever end?

Coming soon:

– Able bodied biological men, self-identifying as disabled, permitted to participate in paraplegic sport; claim disablement payments; & be counted in corporate & Government disablement statistics.

2024 Paralympics: Self-identifying disabled sweep the board, winning every gold, silver and bronze medal at every event in the tournament.

– Those self-identifying as a different species allowed to compete at Crufts, Olympic equestrian events, horse & greyhound racing, & agricultural shows; register at their local vets; & access pet grooming services.

2023: Grand National won by a pantomime horse; Two men self-identifying as ‘Our Cow Molly’ win top prize at the Great Yorkshire Show; Cat self-identifying as a dog wins best of breed at Crufts; Group of TRA’s self-identifying as bunch of dandelions win show garden of the year at the Chelsea Flower Show.

– Men self-identifying as children allowed to register in their local nursery; claim child allowance for themselves; & access child minder services.

2025: Six foot Six (across) man in a nappy wins ‘Bonny Baby’ contest at Butlin’s after successful appeal against being disqualified for losing his dummy (he spat it out so hard it could not be recovered).

– Young people self-identifying as over 68 years of age given legal access to state pensions; travel passes; & winter fuel allowance.

2026: Biologically older people forced by law to give up their seats on public transport to biologically younger people self-identifying as pensioners; UK State pension Scheme collapses as young people burn their pensioners bus passes in protest; Boomers designated as a legitimate fuel energy source for heating and cooking by Scottish Parliament.

– The Mad Hatter retires.



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“SNP and Green MSPs voted against Russell Findlay’s amendments to restrict access to GRC process by sex offenders.”

An ideology in not even bothering to hide in plain sight anymore. No wonder women, esp middle aged safeguarding experts have been the enemy for so long. And here we are, in Scotland, in 2022, about to lose to these people. Well done those who were happy to “wheesht for indy”. You’ve killed it in favour of this.

Dave Hansell

“Colin The Keelie says:
15 November, 2022 at 1:34 pm

The crazy Emperor Caligula declared his horse a senator.

In Scotland, the MSPs are donkeys who want to declare men are women.

This is madness.”

Just over a hundred years ago those returning from the carnage of WW1 – who were promised ‘homes fit for heroes’ – were said to have been ‘Lions led by Donkeys.’

Scotland, it seems, is being led by Muffin the Mule.

David Beveridge

Those who like Muffin the Mule will soon be recognised by the SG and their woke loonies as a separate gender ID deserving to be pandered to.


This looks less like a political movement than a domineering girls’ gang in a girls’ school where ‘feelings’ can run amok in adolescent offence-taking. But imagine a scenario in which the teenage tyrants have taken over the school and use the school authorities to administer their arcane rules and where you can fall foul of their arbitrary ideas of what causes offence. (Julia/Tiffany/Kirsty say you are wearing the wrong colours today. You are expelled.)

Anyone who has ever experienced the adolescent tribalism of teenage group-bonding with its mysterious hidden agendas might recognise this behaviour – less given to violence perhaps than male gangs can be – but often inflicting the misery of ‘othering’ on those deemed to be outsiders. (Name-calling and lumpen ‘identification’ of offenders by their imagined negative traits is used, instead of actual hair-pulling.)

You would soon want the teachers/adults back in charge, just like at the end of Lord of the Flies. We need what used to be considered adult behaviour back in politics not the incel/adolescent conduct that reflects the worst kind of twitter blitzkreig of name-calling and demonizing. There is very little sophisticated discourse in Scottish politics, just virtue-signalling and rabble-rousing with the SNP Government content to unleash its overgrown adolescent cohorts on those who oppose their absurd world view. I often wonder if Nicola Sturgeon and her ilk have actually grown-up or are still trapped in their teenage years?


I see the prince of Wales had a photo op with the English team as they head to the world cup but no such op for the Welsh team.
He very kindly told them them the entire country is behind them

Ha ha ha how deranged us that. The quality of his press team is beyond description

Could they have done a worse job


It’s a big mistake. If there’s one thing that threatens their gender reform agenda, it’s public attention and scrutiny — not scarves. If the general public knew what they were up to, opposition to it would surge.

Now, because they are so stupid and overzealously determined to control everything, they have much more attention on their creepy antics than they would have if they ignored the scarf.

Good strategy and well done to everybody who helped draw attention to it.


The Suffragettes weren’t afraid to take radical action to further their cause. A lesson for us all?


I posted this on the previous post:

I have been reading about Germany in the 1930’s. Found the following phrases amongst others:

Severe censorship was the order, with even artistic expression being controlled.

School syllabi were altered to preach racial biology and settle prejudice deeply into young minds.

Ring any bells?

Be afraid, be very afraid.


Dave Hansell,
I know a teacher that has a girl in her primary school who identifies as a cat to the extent that she has been allowed a litter tray in the toilets.
This is not a joke, it is now incredibly difficult to parody real life.


Wonder who made the decision to get rid.
Read on twitter it was the security managers manager whoever that is.


Seen a tweet that says a tartan silk scarf in these colours is for sale in the Holyrood Parliament gift shop.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Scarfgate’ update:

‘Scottish Parliament’s Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone apologises after parliament security tell woman wearing scarf with suffragette colours to take it off or leave, then refuse to allow her back in to meeting on gender self-ID law.’

link to

Linda McFarlane

I’m furious with these biology denying fuckwits. If they’re reading this (which they will be), I’ll never vote for them again.

Dave Hansell


I take it that both the school and her parents are complying with her wishes to the letter by feeding her Felix or Whiskers rather than human food and taking her to the vets rather than the hospital when she gets sick?

As I recall, the oldest cat I ever had lived to about fourteen or fifteen. Presumably ‘Tiddles’ here has been informed that in a few short years she will be paying a visit to the vets for an end of life injection?

Anything else would obviously be phobic and bigoted and we would not want that would we?

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Scott Shaw

I guess they won’t be going down Easter Road for the football either as these are the Hibs colours too.


Simply get the problematic colours to identify as more appropriate hues on the pantone colour chart and the issue will vanish!

And on the subject of cleaning products. I hear Cillit Bang is to be removed from Scottish shop shelves…

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Guardian (14/11/2022): US use rainbow logo at Qatar World Cup in support of LGBTQ community:

“The US men’s team are showing their support for the LGBTQ community by way of a rainbow-themed logo at their training facility in Qatar as they prepare for this month’s World Cup…”:

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BBC (15/11/2022): No uniform choice for Virgin Atlantic crew on World Cup flight:

“Virgin Atlantic has said its gender-neutral uniform policy does not apply to the crew on board the England team’s flight to the World Cup in Qatar.

The airline announced a “fluid approach” to uniforms in September that it said allowed staff to choose their attire “no matter their gender”.

But a spokeswoman told BBC News the crew for Tuesday’s flight to Doha would not be able to choose their uniform.

Virgin said a plane displaying an LGBT icon would be used for the journey…”:

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James Melville (14/11/2022): Twitter:

re. ITV:

“If you are a man or woman whose periods have stopped.”:

link to

James Che

Time for the Scots to reconvene the 1707 Scottish parliament,

The devolved english legislated government has no legal status in Scotland,
The Scots are not in a treaty of union they were never asked to be.

And regardless of the lack of understanding by some on Wings, the Scottish parliament has not resided in the British parliament from its conception as promised in the agreement to the Treaty of the union.



Give it a rest for fucks sake.

Robert Louis

Just cannot believe what an utter sh*tshow of bigotry Nicola Sturgeon has turned the SNP into.

Hey Sturgeon, you know how you are a woman, and have a vote and are First Minister, well guess what it is because of actual REAL biological woman fighting and dying for YOUR rights, wearing suffragette colours. Those same women that you and your party today abuse and insult.

I am as a gay man, utterly horrified at these events, and am even more ashamed that I once supported the SNP, was a member, and cheered Sturgeon on at the Hydro.

The SNP need booted out. They have done nothing for indy, and indulge in this trans nonsense that NOBODY wants. They are done, finished, betrayed by Sturgeon. The indy movement should have nothing more to do with them.

And the SNP MSPs, just sit on their hands and do nothing, happy on the parliamentary gravy train. Career first seems to be the way. Bought and sold, every last one of them.

Words cannot express how furiously angry I am about this.


Sturgeon is basically shafting all the people and groups that she said she would fight for — women, kids, indy supporters, the poor… all hung out to dry.

It’s quite hard to process that, it goes against the grain of everything we thought we understood about representative democracy, but it’s true.

Lesson learned; if Sturgeon says she’s going to help you, prepare for the worst.

George Ferguson

@Robert Louis 4:15pm
You are angry. I made the mistake of letting my wife watch the proceedings. I am scraping her off the ceiling as we speak. She is raging. And the chair of the committee was putting up his hand as a request to be a 12 year old milk monitor. Joe Fitzpatrick SNP Dundee West. The same guy that I watched within the SNP office Lochee Dundee aggressively stop a card carrying member of the SNP entering the premises on a campaign about the closure of Menzieshill school. Chris Law SNP MP calmed the situation. The gloves are off!


I feel sorry for the LGB folk as their flag has been hijacked by ‘trans’

Why do they need two flags?

‘Joules fly the trans flag during feminist conference in Cardiff.’

link to

‘Joules announces it is going into administration’

link to

Both these flags rainbow & trans symbolise ‘anti women’ for me.

Businesses flying these flags will not get my business.

The good thing about the scarf story is that more people will be aware of the suffragette colours and what they represent.

Craig P

Stuart MacKay says:
15 November, 2022 at 1:30 pm
Someone should show up with a Hijab in Suffragette colours. I bet that should cause a few heads to explode.

Ach Stuart, you are naughty!


Well clouds and silver linings – all that campaigning in indy ref and then the snp has given many women the skills and confidence to campaign on this. Sturgeon will regret we got involved in politics. We aint stopping either – not a chance. This fight is easier for older women and those that have retired as they can’t get us sacked!!!! Younger ones need to be careful – but they too are sticking their heads above the parapets now.

Once you’ve been shouted at by young men with anger in their eyes “Fascist, Nazi,, bigot!” Then the next time it is water of a duck’s back. You see the bastards are coming after the kids – women are the barrier. And they wont be getting our kids.


Warning this could make you very angry.

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And talking of produce on shop shelves…
Nothing says “great success” in saving the planet for the Scottish Greens and all the COP27 twats more than seeing a double plastic wrapped punnet of brambles from Guatemala for sale on a rural Scottish shop shelf!


Can you help?

Where can I find a written transcript of

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Dorothy Devine

Linda , Robert Louis , me too.

David Hannah

The Green “Womxn” Maggie Chalpman has a personality disorder. I think she’s autistic. She lacks empathy. She wears her gender cult badge at all times. A social justice warrior. She reminds me of Davis from Doctor Who. She wants to exterminate mwomen’s rights subconsciously because the guys never looked her way.

David Hannah

*Davros. Maggie Chalpman. Exterminate the Terfs.

James Che

If the Scottish 1707 parliament is Sine die for over three hundred years.

There is no active Scottish parliament representation of Scots in the treaty of union for over three hundred years.

One day when we have stopped listening to the usual group that do not want us to talk about the precarious treaty of union.

The door out of it will no longer be invisible.

James Che


Well spoken, that is exactly why p do’s are attacking the safty net for children, women.


You are not allowed even to question these rainbow flag fascists and backers like Imelda Sturgeon it is utterly absurd, we really are living in clown-world. The inverts and perverts are running the show! All part of the war on humanity!

James Che


Time the all Scots self ID as a independent nation.


The presiding officer says the removal of the scarf wearing woman was not prompted by any member of the Committee.

So who did ‘prompt’ it?

Don’t hold your breath for a straight answer. The security staff will be thrown under the bus on this one.


Whatever you do Che do not give it a rest. Keep the message coming in the end the more that people realise and gain knowledge that we the people are above all institutions in Scotland the better. None of this insane legislation coming out of Holyrood would last one second.


Where would the security staff get the idea that suffragette colours were unacceptable?

Big Jock

None of this is by accident or chance. Something very sinister is going on. Its pretty scary, and Sturgeon is the Trojan Horse.

We have to remove her from our parliament, before she destroys the whole democratic process. She has already ruined independence.

Scot Finlayson

I this had happened in Tehran or Kabul or Ottawa the so called feminists of the Scottish Gov would be green,white and purple in the face denouncing `these misogynistic regimes`.


When you think about it whoever prompted the removal of the suffragette colours from the Scottish parliament ‘played a blinder’.

This represents exactly what the Scottish government is all about ‘the erasure of women’

What better way to symbolise that than the removal of suffragette colours.

Well done that security guard or whoever it was.


It was mentioned the previous article BTL that Nicola Sturgeons loyal supporters in the SNP will ditch her once they know they cushy jobs are at threat.

Sturgeon and the SNP can only go on for long with the Tories Bad deflections. That only works where a plausible alternative can be offered. Labour can do this because they are offering the plausible alternative of their party forming the next Westminster government. Sturgeon and the SNP have burned their ships so to speak as nobody believes they will go for another referendum.

Once this sinks in to the ‘loyal’ Sturgeon supporter, particularly when now people are struggling to feed and heat themselves and the SNP are obsessed with this woke nonsense, that they will get shot of her.

Not much good that will do anyway as any other successor are just as much losers in the public eye as Sturgeon is now becoming. Who knows, maybe there will be defections to Labour? Given that they have zero interest in independence, they won’t lose any sleep by saying they were wrong on the subject and continue on the gravy train they are accustomed to.

John Main

@Merganser says:15 November, 2022 at 5:45 pm

The presiding officer says the removal of the scarf wearing woman was not prompted by any member of the Committee.

So who did ‘prompt’ it?

A couple of ideas come to mind.

If you prefer the fascist trope, somebody would have been “only following orders”.

But if Bolshevism is more your thing, somebody would have been displaying an “excess of revolutionary zeal”.

All comes to the same thing in the end.


The b*stards are backtracking now on Scarfgate, Alison Johnstone the Presiding Officer now claiming it was innocent error and there was no one behind the removing of the scarf.

Holyrood really does have many loathsome people in it, we need to get the SNP out, beginning at the next GE, and if we can manage it the Greens as well.

Scotland is worse off with Sturgeon in office, bring back Salmond I say.


Wall Street Silver (15/11/2022): Twitter: Klaus Schwab is now part of the G20 and here he is giving his instructions directly to our “elected” leaders…

Klaus Schwab:

“What we have to confront is a deep systemic and structural restructuring of our world. This will take some time and the world will look differently after we have gone through this transition process…”:

link to


World Economic Forum: People:

Nicola Sturgeon: Office of the First Minister of Scotland:

link to


As the Rev and one or two others have already pointed out rapists are going to have a field day with this in Scotland at women and girl’s expense.

Remember this come voting time and vote the Greens and the SNP out.

“Bitterly disappointed to see SNP and Green MSPs vote down all of my amendments to GRR bill today.

These would have protected women and girls by making it harder for rapists and other criminals to exploit Sturgeon’s dangerous self-ID law.”

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We can only hope that Sturgeon’s single-minded nastiness on the GRR brings her and Harvie down.

“The Scottish government’s determination to push through its Gender Recognition Reform Bill, in spite of widespread opposition, makes for a disturbing spectacle. Public concern, political scrutiny, not to mention democracy, are being trampled under foot, as Sturgeon and pals march on with their plan to impose extreme trans ideology on Scotland.”

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Probably better not to read this if you have high blood pressure.

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George Ferguson

@RepublicofScotland 6:22pm
We should test that view. How about we all attend FMQs in the public gallery wearing the suffragette colours? It’s easy to get in just apply beforehand and wear the colours on the day.


“Colin says:

…and maybe this was deemed “football colours”.”

Only veryveryvery tenuously; Hibs play in green/white and the away kit used to be purple/white.

As for the “bright/bold colours” defence, I’ve been in the gallery whilst wearing a red/black (Dennis-type) jumper and nary a peep from anyone.


John Main @6.17. Re: Scarfgate.

Trope trumps zeal in this situation. Can’t have plebs thinking for themselves and taking action at Holyrood, misconceived or otherwise.

Would be nice if the security bod blew the gaff. Wishful thinking.

Ruby, does this answer your question on this point?


PacMan says:
15 November, 2022 at 6:13 pm

‘Who knows, maybe there will be defections to Labour? Given that they have zero interest in independence, they won’t lose any sleep by saying they were wrong on the subject’

Big Boss in WM Lab has made it clear that he (?) is a huge fan of all this gender nonsense, and when WM pontificates, Slab kowtows.

It’s a tough dilemma for YES to distance itself from insane NSNP policy while keeping the movement together.
Maybe a good start would be to see purple/green/white apparel becoming the biggest pre-Christmas go-get garb, why not the colours to put on a new Indy flag for us to unite behind, the glorious return of the suffragettes?

This has been a massive blunder and opens to door to many possibilities, to really put the boot in, metaphorically speaking.

Ian Brotherhood

Shocking article/interview explaining why so many experienced nurses in Scotland are being forced to quit their careers.

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Approx 20% of all Scots have no interest in Politics. They do not even bother to vote.

Approx 50% of all Scots have only a passing interest in Politics. Their main concern is how, whatever Party is in power, their policies will affect them in their pockets. The people who inhabit this percentile are also the most gullible and any astute Politicians are aware of this.

The remaining 30% are more clued up than most but are also capable of being easily duped.

Probably less than 0.01% of the electorate view this site on a regular basis and approx 0.001 regularly comment. The latter figure of course includes the ‘stalwarts’ of the site who post the same repetitive guff often umpteen times per day. Increasingly, these posts are starting to reek of desperation and how unfair everything is. These individuals conveniently forget where they stand in comparison to the overwhelming majority of the electorate. Their ‘pet’ subject or subjects is all that matters, to the detriment of everything else.

We have a coalition Government in power who are pursuing their own desires/objectives and not those of the majority of the electorate. Independence is NOT one of their aims thankfully. I, for one, would not want to live in a Scotland with the coalition of chaos in charge of everything. The media refuse to call them out on their dangerous and failed policies and we are where we are. Serious hardship for many this winter and beyond.

A large percentage of the electorate have, in the past, thought Sturgeon could do no wrong and that she had their best interests at heart. Hopefully this percentage is starting to reduce and with all this GRA guff, I expect the momentum to increase. Who will be best placed to take advantage. Definitely not the Tories in Scotland. Alba or Labour? In the eyes of many, rightly or wrongly, Alba is damaged goods due to the presence of Salmond.

I see nothing positive even beginning to start in Scotland until the demise of Sturgeon. Time to dish the dirt Alex before it is too late

George Ferguson

@Ian Brotherhood 7:21pm
I have been talking about this issue for months. I have 3 nursing nieces, 2 of which have left the hospital environment to be district nurses they are much happier now although it’s still a pressurised environment. The one that is left in the hospital setting is a worry to me. It’s not safe she says. Simply put she doesn’t want to be on the receiving end of a Procurator Fiscal investigation. Ditto for my A and E son.


Ebok says: 15 November, 2022 at 7:17 pm

Big Boss in WM Lab has made it clear that he (?) is a huge fan of all this gender nonsense, and when WM pontificates, Slab kowtows.

There we go, if the rats do leave the sinking ship, they have only one sin to confess to. Besides, to the unionist Labour, believing in independence is the cardinal sin, all others can be forgotten about.

It’s a tough dilemma for YES to distance itself from insane NSNP policy while keeping the movement together.
Maybe a good start would be to see purple/green/white apparel becoming the biggest pre-Christmas go-get garb, why not the colours to put on a new Indy flag for us to unite behind, the glorious return of the suffragettes?

This has been a massive blunder and opens to door to many possibilities, to really put the boot in, metaphorically speaking.

As I said, there is going to come a time when the public perception of the SNP is that they are obsessed with and farting about with this woke nonsense when they are have absolutely no answers about how to solve the problems affecting ordinary people.

Maybe it is time to drive this home as you say through the YES movement. Maybe a slogan that could be used is BAIRNS NOT BINARY GENDERS?



Unsure if this just a temporary blip caused by Liz Truss time in office or the start of a trend that we knew would happen because of Brexit:

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Britain has lost its position as Europe’s largest stock market, as Paris overtook London for the first time since records began in 2003.

While Rishi Sunak and his chancellor Jeremy Hunt prepared to announce tens of billions in tax hikes and public spending cuts in Thursday’s autumn statement, concerns over growth loomed large in Britain’s fall from the top spot.

According to Bloomberg, the combined market value of primary listings on Monday on the Paris bourse ($2.823tn) surpassed that of the London Stock Exchange ($2.821tn) – finally closing a gap of around $1.5tn which has been narrowing since the Brexit referendum.

In response, one recently-departed member of the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee – which is warning of the longest UK recession since the 1920s – lamented that leaving the EU has “permanently damaged” not only the City of London, but “the UK economy as a whole”.


I didn’t get angry watching the GRRB stage 2 debate I just got bored.

I FF through it to try to find the answer to what it means to live in your acquired gender.

It turns out Shona Robison didn’t answer.

I’m still looking for a written transcript of the proceedings.

With a written transcript I can do a search to try to find the answer to my many questions.

Apparently she said something about applying for a passport would qualify as living in your acquired gender.

That prompted the question if you could apply for a passport & birth certificate change without a GRC.

The answer was yes.

If this is true what good is a GRC?


Ebok @ 6.17.

It was previously purple, green, and white ribbons that caused the fuss in the Millar case. Now it’s a scarf of those colours. Definitely a powerful rallying symbol for sensible people – and not just women. Have just ordered my new scarf in those colours. And will be proud to wear it, especially in Holyrood.


Oh look Brexit is bad and the UK government is going to delve into devolved matters says Sturgeon the betrayer’s fanzine.

As if the Judas Sturgeon didn’t already know this and she and her spineless and gutless MSPs and MPs did f*ck all to get Scotland out of this union and save us from Brexit.

The betrayer and her reps sold Scotland out it’s as simple as that, and Scots will pay a heavy price for being so apathetic about it.

“THE UK Government has been accused of another “outrageous power grab” after legal experts sounded a warning over Tory legislation on Brexit.

There are concerns that the Retained EU Law Bill could give UK ministers unprecedented powers to scrap European Union laws – including in devolved areas.

The bill seeks to revoke over 2400 pieces of EU legislation that were included in the UK statute book at the end of the Brexit transition period.

The Scottish Government previously lodged a Legislative Consent Memorandum urging Holyrood to withhold its consent for the UK bill.”

link to


Test post

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:15 November, 2022 at 8:29 pm

The bill seeks to revoke over 2400 pieces of EU legislation that were included in the UK statute book at the end of the Brexit transition period

Oh no! The sky is falling.

Or maybes naw.

I defy anybody to name, without doing prior research, just one of the 2400 pieces of EU legislation that some credulous readers here will believe are “keeping them safe”.

And for anybody who is still capable of rational, independent thought, just spend some time thinking about the fact that you could remove 2400 laws from the statute books, and still have umpteen thousands of the damn things left. Can anybody justify this ludicrous state of affairs and keep a straight face?

I don’t think so.


link to

I fancy a tote bag like this but I ain’t paying £16.50 for a shopping bag.

I’ll get out my sewing machine and cut strips of green purple and white fabric and sew them all together then sew them into a bag.

Being all the fabric will be from recycled items this won’t cost me anything.

Old green purple & white tee shirts would make a a nice head band.

This would require advanced sewing skills as stretchy fabric can be tricky.

I could crochet or knit a scarf but that takes too long.

If I were ‘living as a man’ would it count against me if I were sewing and knitting?


Dan says:
15 November, 2022 at 8:59 pm

Test post


Ruby says:

Why are you testing? Are you having problems with archive links or did you think you had been banned?


Pet Toast

President Xiden

Sturgeon’s real agenda is not ‘independence’ but a rainbow assortment of degeneracy and tyranny.


I’m testing this to see if I can do what
PacMan did.


@ Ruby at 9:12 pm

Two attempts to post with an archived link not showing.
I’ve had this weird thing before. If you hover over RoS comment link at 8:29 pm and my test post at 8:59 pm and you can see mine is 2 digits higher, yet neither of the two attempts to post appear even after hard refresh, rebooting phone, and even turning computer off and on again!
Seem to have sorted over on OT but dare not post again here as not in the mood for hammer attack.


Dan says:
15 November, 2022 at 9:31 pm

@ Ruby at 9:12 pm

Two attempts to post with an archived link not showing.
I’ve had this weird thing before. If you hover over RoS comment link at 8:29 pm and my test post at 8:59 pm and you can see mine is 2 digits higher, yet neither of the two attempts to post appear even after hard refresh, rebooting phone, and even turning computer off and on again!
Seem to have sorted over on OT but dare not post again here as not in the mood for hammer attack.

I had that problem this morning and I ended up just using TinyURL and posting each link separately as I suspected too many links in a post could cause problems.

I’ll give your link a try using Tiny

link to

‘Nicola Sturgeon to publish plan for Scotland to stay in single market after Brexit’


Ruby says: at 9:10 pm

If I were ‘living as a man’ would it count against me if I were sewing and knitting?

Bigot klaxon with your stereotyping!

I’ve got two sewing machines and I ain’t afraid to use them. Pretty dab hand at the ol stitchin’ game so I am. But that’s because I have a huge repertoire of skills now as I bravely came out as TransSpecies years ago as could see the advantages early on.
EG Fishing permit no longer required as just ID as an otter and you’re a protected wild species able to roam and fish for free, and if a ghillie says you’re not an otter then it’s hate crime klaxon time.


Dan says:
15 November, 2022 at 9:53 pm

Ruby says: at 9:10 pm

“If I were ‘living as a man’ would it count against me if I were sewing and knitting?”

Bigot klaxon with your stereotyping!

Is it possible to say how you live as a woman/man without stereotyping.

Man goes out foraging for brambles and woman stays home and makes jam?

Daisy Walker

So… scarves.

People might think it trivial, but these things can escalate, scarves one day, snoods the next… before you know it its full blown shawls, and there’s no way back when it gets that far.

Meanwhile 15,000 women have been sentenced to get their heads chopped off, for not wearing hajib…

I’m guessing they can’t self identify as males as a legal defence.

And something has exploded in Poland and the MSM (who never lie or get anything wrong) are accusing Russia of firing a missile.

If this is my last night before WW3, I just want to say, thanks for Indy Ref 1, giving up my TV was the wisest decision ever, and fuck the diet.

Anyway, I blame Stu, shit always happens when he goes away, or comes back.

Night night folks, hope to see you all in the morning.


Ruby says: at 10:06 pm

Is it possible to say how you live as a woman/man without stereotyping.

Man goes out foraging for brambles and woman stays home and makes jam?

Well I manage to forage and grow berries and make jam so that stereotype doesn’t work, but that again could jist be the transpecies multitasking skillsets kicking in.

As an aside, last time the suffragette colours got banned two or three years ago I suggested folk buy 3 large bath towels in purple, and green, and white, and wash them and hang them out on yer washing line on the same day. Is that display a hate crime or simply doing one’s laundry?
Obviously you’d need colourfast material for the towels and wash on mixed colours cycle as you dinnae want a dye leeching disaster, although as a bloke how I know this sort of detailed washing information I’m not sure.


George Ferguson says:
15 November, 2022 at 12:02 pm

“The Suffragette movement adopted the colours of purple, white and green in 1908. Purple represents freedom and dignity, white represents purity and green represents hope.”

There is no more “freedom and dignity”, “purity” and “hope” left in Scotland under the dictatorship of the biggest tractor in Scottish history.

Why doesn’t the Scottish banana parliament pass a law to ban these colours in Scotland?

John Main

@Daisy Walker says:15 November, 2022 at 10:21 pm

And something has exploded in Poland and the MSM (who never lie or get anything wrong) are accusing Russia of firing a missile.

There must be MSM and then there is MSM.

Guardian Online presenting a fairly balanced report stating that chances of it being a 404 air defence missile that went astray are possible.

Also, Guardian is reporting that power was cut to large parts of Moldova today, as their grid is integrated with that of 404 to some extent.

And so it continues to escalate.

Maybes somebody should post on here to claim it is all the fault of the G20 Summit. They collectively dissed Mad Vlad. So now we must pay the price you must expect to pay when you “take liberties”.

George Ferguson

You could sleep easy tonight folks. Professor Stephen Gethins from the University of St Andrews has spoken. Ex SNP nutter, we are all safe. Academia has gone rot like the rest of Scottish Public Institutions. Where is Alf when you need him.

Big Jock

President X. I think Sturgeon’s agenda is to turn Holyrood into a fetish club for her own personal pleasure.

I wonder who will be the first to break ranks and spill the beans about her personal life. Surely this would be a good time.

Ian Brotherhood

@Daisy Walker & John Main –


‘So what crashed in the village of Przewodów, Poland today?
With the cooperation of @blueboy1969 we analyzed the available photos of fragments and came to a clear conclusion that they belong to the 48D6 motor of the 5V55-series missile of the S-300 AD system- a Ukrainian one.’

link to


Still don’t understand what Joanna Cherry is doing – why is she still in the snp?


Oh great, there’s an emergency NATO meeting tomorrow. That ought to be fun… another opportunity for the totally unconvincing Stoltenberg to act macho.

It’s possible they’re just daft enough to try and test Vlad’s mettle. Every time they do that it leads to humiliation for them, though.

Of course, this is the second NATO member to suffer some sort of attack in the space of a couple of days. Not very effective this defensive alliance, is it?

An attack on one is an attack on all, I get it, it sounds great, but the Turks are blaming the US for the recent terrorist attack on their soil. That’s a bit awkward. Can we rule out US involvement in this Polish incident?


Derick fae Yell

Ruby – to find a transcript of committee proceedings go to the Official Report and search by Committee and or date

link to


So two have been killed in Poland due to a missile strike.

Who is to blame. That’s a good question. But does it matter. The West is ready for war. Sunak only yesterday declared China as the UK’s biggest threat. Said he would send armaments to Taiwan. And we know what the UK thinks of Russia. FFS Nicola Sturgeon only six months ago was arguing for British RAF fighter jet to engage Russian jets.

We are not to put too fine a point on it itching for war. And war I believe we shall get.

Blood letting is in our blood. Poland was the start of WW2. Maybe it could be the start of the next big war.

And we in Scotland can play our part. We usually so providing more soldiers and sustaining more losses per population than anywhere else in the UK. We may therefore soon have the opportunity again. And of course, we stand ready as the proud ountry that is host to the UK’s nuclear weapons system.

Contagion is spreading, is being spread and we will be proud to be part of it. War is headed our way.

Forget scarf wars. That’s a playground distraction


Never mind continuing to believe in independence.

I don’t think I want to even live in this country anymore.

John Main

@Hatuey says:16 November, 2022 at 12:39 am

the Turks are blaming the US for the recent terrorist attack on their soil. That’s a bit awkward.

Naw, they’re naw.

link to

Here’s a wee quote for the congenitally lazy make-it-uppers:

Interior minister Suleyman Soylu told reporters on Monday that the suspects included the “person who left the bomb that caused the explosion” on the busy Istiklal Avenue in Turkey’s largest city.

Soylu blamed the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) for Sunday’s blast, in the popular shopping and tourism spot, saying: “Our assessment is that the order for the deadly terror attack came from Ain al-Arab [Kobane] in northern Syria,” where he said the group has its Syrian headquarters.

@Hatuey says:16 November, 2022 at 12:39 am

I get it

Naw, you don’t, if you mean help.

Get some help, Hatuey, you need it.

John Main

@Willie says:16 November, 2022 at 7:34 am

Poland was the start of WW2.

Naw, it wisnae.

Poland was invaded from the west by Germany, and from the east by Russtiland, as they executed their pre-arranged plan to divvi up Poland between them.

Still, if you believe that Poland started it then, it will be easy enough to believe that 404 started it this time around.

War is headed our way.

It’s not inevitable, Willie. The west could still let the Russtis have eastern Europe and the Coviders have Taiwan and whatever else they fancy around the Pacific.

Then again, by pushing back now, the west might be able to nip the entire thing in the bud.

Just like with WW2, if Europe had maybes got off its lardy arse in 1936 and done something to push back against young Adolf.


Ooo-hee-hoo-hee-hoo…. Nice things about Wings in the National…

link to

Cosy Feet and the Betrayer will not be happy.

Remember to store the anticipated comments beneath this article in an air tight glass jar if you’re planning to use them to strip off paint or wallpaper in the next few weeks.


Wry wee giggle too at the inadvertent Ad in the middle of the text…”Exclusive analysis you won’t find anywhere else…”.

I know it’s childish and beneath me, but “tsk”.

Rab Davis

Willie never said “Poland started WW2”.

Willie said “Poland was the start of WW2”.

A distinct difference.

Some people just can’t help making a fuckin arse of themselves.

Rab Davis

Yes Breeks. 8.09am.

Kevin seems to be fully onboard with the Wings agenda against Sturgeon.

Let’s hope more of the Sturgeon faithful take in what he writes and dump the odious and repulsive SNP.


Wilie @7.43am.

The 5V55K is an old missile (1978/82) for the S-300 air defense system that (404) uses against it larger neighbours missiles.

It looks for all intensive purposes like a staged event to try and trigger Article 5, of course (404)’s adversary would really, really target an old tractor and trailer in Poland and hope Article 5 was triggered by it.


And male MSPs seem to have had their balls sequestrated.
Verily, the National Assembly of Lilliput and home of the Little Endians.


If there’s a way to idiotically construe a point, the idiotic amongst us will find it.

That said, Poland’s role and position in 1939 is more complicated than western historians tend to explain; with all the emphasis put on Germany’s invasion, we tend to forget that the Soviets also invaded in the east at the same time.

From a Polish perspective, the Soviet invasion was probably just as depressing, if not more so — bad blood between Poland and Russia goes back several hundred years.

Alf Baird

Lekraw @ 7:37 am

“I don’t think I want to even live in this country anymore.”

That’s not surprising, millions of Scots have been unable to ‘live’ in thair ain laund since 1707, including many still here.

This is because, as Albert Memmi said: “A colonized society is a diseased society”.

He also said that “Such a society cannot dissolve the conflicts of generations, for it is unable to be transformed.”

The only remedy for the “colonial condition” is “liberation” and “self-recovery”. Cultural assimilation, should it continue, means a people and their culture will perish.


Instead of taking control of our own assets and using them in conjunction will all the levers of power a government needs the SNP are demanding that Westminster gives them more money.

Any route except the route out of this rancid union is acceptable to Sturgeon the betrayer and her spineless and gutless SNP MSPs and MPs. Going cap-in-hand pleading with a foreign government to gives a wee bit more of our own cash back is pathetic if you ask me, but this is preferable to leaving this union and making a resounding success of an independent Scotland.

“THE SNP have challenged the Tory government to deliver an inflation-busting increase in spending on the NHS and education to avoid a winter crisis.”

link to


The SNP’s Daddy Bear bemoaning Brexit and the Chancellors up and coming slash and burn budget.

This astonishing from Daddy Bear, we all know that Scots are, and will continue to suffer due to Brexit and remaining in this f*cked-up union, and we all know that Sturgeon said she would get us out of it, but she has changed her mind and now isn’t interested Scottish independence, yet here we have spineless lickspittles such as Daddy Bear moaning about Brexit, when he should be holding that treacherous b*stard Sturgeon to account, infact all the SNP MSPs and MPs should be holding her to account, instead they are now part of the problem and not the solution.

All the half-decent SNP MSPs and MPs have left the SNP cult, and only those of a low moral standard remain. One can only wonder how much more damage they do to Scotland before we vote them out.

link to


Rev wrote: “It appears the Scottish Parliament – the great and mighty engine of a proud nation’s democracy, with a declaration carved onto its very walls that it’s a place built for the people to peeble their representatives wi’ stanes should they displease them – is now such a fragile, cowering, timorous house of straw that polite middle-aged women are being ejected from its public galleries for wearing the wrong colour of scarves.”

A certain percentage of the Scottish population has always had a very bitter approach to folk wearing the “wrong colours”. Why break with tradition? LOL! Only in “liberal”, all inclusive, Scotland can you get targeted for wearing a scarf in support of the Womens Suffrage Movement by some rank pathetic jobsworth. Whoever made the complaint in the first place is the person who should have been ejected.

I saw yesterday the pathetic excuse for a Presiding Officer being referenced to on the BBC in Scotland teletext pages apparently apologising for the eviction saying it should not have happened.

Only in Scotland where 3rd-rate politicians, with less credibility than FIFA, sit back and allow another countries parliament to help itself to all our resources. But woe betide anyone who dares wear the wrong colour of scarf, it’s off to the gallows with you, scarf included. LOL!

We truly are becoming a worldwide laughingstock under the Skank Sturgeon.

David Hannah

Breaking news: Britain still f*cked. The British Gas advent calander, every time you open a door, a granny dies of hypothermia. Trump returns as president. The Scottish Parliament cancels women. Iran sentences them to death for showing hair. Poland attacked by the industrial military complex bunker commanders. Devalued brexit passport draft papers issued for WW3. Sun rising at midnight.

Let’s hope the World Cup brings everyone together – both Alba and SNP – with the Quatari security services jailing Peter Tatchell.


Oh that’s a crackin’ article behind Breeks’ link. Well worth repeating with a wee sample: link to

“The way in which Wings Over Scotland goes about its business is not to everyone’s taste. I am one of many inside the political bubble who has been “monstered” by the irascible and impatient Rev Stu Campbell. Yet he represents many thousands of rank-and-file supporters of Scottish independence who have devoted their entire adult lives to this cause.”

“For them, it is a serious business, equivalent to a religious faith. As successive Westminster governments have tacked increasingly towards the extreme right they have become angry and frustrated that the independence cause has stalled while an elite class of SNP appointees has materially thrived.”

“A large percentage of them turned to Wings because it channelled their frustration and gave them a platform to express their disappointment with the professional SNP. Rather than disparaging them all as misfits and extremists, they should be asking themselves why this blog remains the most influential player in the larger Yes movement.”

“Stu Campbell and Wings help to keep honest the SNP and those who have made a lucrative career from independence.”

I wonder if Kevin is now an indy supporter? He certainly doesn’t miss and hit the wall. Top article of 2022 in my opinion.


“Poland missile ‘unlikely’ to have been fired from Russia, Biden says… US president says trajectory of missile suggests it was not launched by Russian forces…”
link to

Oh, that’s convenient. All of a sudden we are acting rationally and responsibly.

They weren’t so rational and responsible when terrorists attacked nordstream and the bridge that civilians were using.

Here’s the problem the west has when it comes to countries like Russia that can hit back; on one hand they want to convince them that there are limits and red lines, that the west will actually resist them, etc.

On the other hand, the west is shit scared of escalation and every time something happens that might lead to escalation in a certain direction we get the rational and responsible attitude…

The Russians see right through this bullshit.

I’m not arguing for escalation. I’m arguing against arms sales which is what this little game is all about.

If “the west” gave a fuck about people in Kiev, or anyone else outside of the military hardware sales team, they wouldn’t play these dirty little games.


@ Alf Baird

Younger folk emigrating to live in better environs is undoubtedly a factor in the ageing demographics / low birth rate problem playing out in Scotland.
I’m not that young now but considering a move elsewhere.
The Scottish electorate continue to be incredibly uninformed and lacking in political nous, but then with no genuine pro Scottish media that is to be expected to a degree.

I read your article over on Grousebeater’s site yesterday.

link to

One thing I took from reading it crosses over into many other aspects that seem to be hold Scotland back. That being the feeling that one is banging one’s head against a wall trying to make any discernible difference to improve or change the clearly flawed systems in place.
Why is there such a barrier being put in place by the effective gatekeepers of these systems? It is plain as day they are holding us back, and with the ferries fiasco these people do not seem receptive to embracing ongoing developments in engineering technology that could reduce some of the cost burden whilst also improving vessel efficiency.

As an example of developing the overall Scottish transport network, would they (or yourself for that matter) ever be prepared to chat and listen to folk that have actual extensive firsthand experience of controlling trains and tracks, and also decent knowledge of the pros and cons of different rolling stocks used? Or is it only those with academic credentials and little if any actual firsthand experience, that get an ear?


Alf Baird says:
16 November, 2022 at 9:25 am

The only remedy for the “colonial condition” is “liberation” and “self-recovery”. Cultural assimilation, should it continue, means a people and their culture will perish.

It’s a strange thing Alf, you could say that to someone 1000 times and it just wouldn’t register, but then something happens, an awareness is kindled, and it’s like the proverbial “seeing the light” moment.

I don’t think there are very many who do see the light who can ever then “un-see” the light, but there is a risk we lose those people to despondency and hopelessness.

I think the sabotage of the SNP may have misfired, because I believe it’s objective was to make the SNP toxic to voters and cause consternation amongst the YES movement. To an undetermined extent it has, but to an equally undetermined extent, it has failed to undermine Independence itself.

People are despondent yes, but they’re despondent about the treachery and betrayal by Sturgeon and her ship of fools; but they are not losing faith in an Independent Scotland.

I’m quite relaxed to be peripheral to the main argument, but I am quite serious in my conviction that Holyrood should be impeached, and publicly disassembled to expose it’s colonial mechanisms and control rods.

Holyrood could have been Scotland’s; the red sovereignty which selected Scotland’s MSP delegates could have trumped the white sovereignty of the Scotland Act which codified Holyrood as a lower house beneath Westminster, but the obsequious Sturgeon “government” and her craven capitulation to Brexit, to me, has utterly destroyed any worth which Holyrood might have held for Scotland.

Holyrood is an instrument of white sovereignty and subjugation.

Scotland needs the red sovereignty of a Scottish Convention of the Estates; and through that channel, assert the supremacy of Scotland’s popular sovereignty over both Westminster and Westminster’s sock puppet assembly in Edinburgh.


Folks, try not to click on the link presented in a post upthread at 10.14 am. Clicking on direct links to Unionist media sites gives support to the Unionist media and helps them to pull in much needed advertising revenue.

Archiving links also prevents the original articles from being changed, a sneaky tactic regularly used by Unionist journo’s when called out on the crap that they write.

Posting direct links to Unionist media sites is lazy and it’s counterproductive to Scottish independence.

John Main

@Hatuey says:16 November, 2022 at 10:14 am

All of a sudden we are acting rationally and responsibly.

Naw, you’re wrong again.

“We”, as in the grown-up west, have been acting rationally and responsibly since February.

We support the right of nation states to defend themselves against armed aggressors crossing their borders.

We condemn gangster states that use nuclear threats to facilitate their imperialistic ambitions.

Get some help to find your way into the real world, Hatuey.

Rab Davis

Sturgeon paid for her continued SNP support the other day when she increased child benefit.

It’s now probably the best in the UK.

A bit of a pattern developing,,, keep the young mammies and daddies sweet, and the remaining gullible SNP flock engaged with the occasional mention of Scottish Independence, and all your elections are assured.

Throwing in free baby boxes and tampons doesn’t do you any harm either

Cynical,,, me?

Ian Brotherhood

@John Main (10.47) –

Here’s a wee cartoon for you to look at.

See if you can pass comment on it without being personally abusive, either to me or the cartoonist. Make an effort to address the topic illustrated and share your analysis.

link to

John Main

@Breeks says:16 November, 2022 at 10:27 am

the obsequious Sturgeon “government” and her craven capitulation to Brexit

and then Breeks says

Scotland needs the red sovereignty of a Scottish Convention of the Estates; and through that channel, assert the supremacy of Scotland’s popular sovereignty over both Westminster and Westminster’s sock puppet assembly in Edinburgh

Just wondering how the “supremacy of Scotland’s popular sovereignty” sits with membership of your beloved EU. Maybes Brussels would question Scotland’s supremacy, eh?

Just wondering why none of the Europhiles on here can ever see the cognitive dissonance of their most cherished beliefs.

But by all means stick with it, Breeks. Tell the Scots we are going to be independent after 300+ years. Tell them that immediately afterwords, we are going to be ruled from Brussels.

Go on, fill your boots.


Derick fae Yell says:
16 November, 2022 at 7:02 am

Ruby – to find a transcript of committee proceedings go to the Official Report and search by Committee and or date

link to

Thanks Derick!

I don’t think the report from yesterday’s meeting is ready yet. I get the feeling even if it were I won’t find any answers to my questions.

Not to worry I’ve done some research and come up with an answer.

Living as a woman = putting on a dress & make up and hey presto a man becomes a woman.

What is a woman? A woman is someone who wears a dress and make-up.


Dan says:
16 November, 2022 at 10:25 am

Younger folk emigrating to live in better environs is undoubtedly a factor in the ageing demographics / low birth rate problem playing out in Scotland.

Aye, but many are confronted with zero chance of getting their own house, even to rent, nevermind buy, or having a prosperous career. Scottish apprenticeships are a meaningless veneer compared to what a proper apprenticeship actually is, but sadly too, the industry(ies) which required that expertise is itself just a veneer of what has gone before.

Stop this damned UK Government turning Scotland into a fking retirement village for retirees from England, and start taking care of our own people, giving them skills, rewards and opportunities.

Independence will require these retirees to pass immigration criteria which every nation has the right to enforce. Just look at the UK’s own borderline murderous attitude to immigration, yet Scotland is vilified to even draw attention to the desolation of our rural Scottish communities.

With Independence come a new Scottish Constitution, hopefully like the Auld Constitution, with the “Common Good” running through it like Brighton Rock.

Overhaul our Nation’s power chain, reconstruct our industries to be more progressive with the common good running through them too, reinvent “proper” trade apprenticeships and skills teaching, and give them a solid career path that promises to deliver prosperity.

All things are possible once the Neoliberal Parasitism is removed from the economic reward chain.

Get Scotland buzzing, and then, we take a leaf out of Mary Lou MacDonald’s book, and start to invite Scotland’s displaced diaspora back to see what we’ve done with the place.

Suppose in our re-constructed apprenticeship schemes we embrace our diaspora and European Compagnion de Devoirs authentic and traditional apprenticeships, which include “Journeyman” status, where 3/4 trained tradespeople are encouraged to travel and see how their trade in other parts of the country / world.

Make a success of Scotland, encourage through-trade of young folks, students and journeymen, who might just think they fancy having a future in a culturally vibrant Scotland, and Scotland’s demographics will soon be on the road to recovery.

Ditch neoliberalism in all of it’s forms. Find a better model and have the backbone to make a success of it, just as Auld Scotland did.

If we’re not building shitty matchstick houses, but proper Scottish vernacular houses, properties and infrastructure and having a pride in what they look like, then maybe these people would have a rosier future than working for a corporate property developer who values only price above quality, and doesn’t give a shit about Scotland.

I don’t have all the answers, but maybe Independence and a second Scottish Enlightenment can fill in the gaps.


«The only remedy for the “colonial condition” is “liberation” and “self-recovery”. Cultural assimilation, should it continue, means a people and their culture will perish.»

The problem is not just with those who do not understand this, it is with those who do and consider it irrelevant, distracting and regressive.
Unionism equates with anglicization. The proof Is in the bland «Scotch pudding» served up as authentic fare, and not just by the usual providers.
Authenticity is often a matter of taste but anaemic, alien flavours of the synthetic transcend the personal palate.

Rab Davis

Re, Gender Reform.

The whole of the male prison population in Scotland should be encouraged to apply for womanhood on the same day.

They would all then be eligible to be transferred to a woman’s prison.

That wouldn’t half test this Gender Recognition Reform to it’s limits.

John Main

@Ian Brotherhood says:16 November, 2022 at 10:57 am

Sorry, Ian, I can’t open that cartoon with my archaic steam-powered laptop, so no comment from me.

I think I have toned down the abuse considerably, in line with Rev Stu’s wishes, and because ultimately it is unproductive.

But, when people post mince on here, it is difficult to point out the obvious fallacies of their posts in a way that maintains their dignity.

I am not talking about opinions, I am talking about facts. Some regular posters believe they have an alternative universe of historical and current facts at their disposal, shored up by an alternative, internally contradictory “logic”. They are no different from the genderwoowoo peddlers in that respect.

It’s not unreasonable, IMO, to ground the drive for Indy in the real world. It’s my belief that the majority of Scots voters occupy that world. Suggesting to them that the road to Indy should be diverted through a fantasy land of alternative made-up “facts” won’t work.

Dave Hansell

Daisy Walker 10:21 15/11/22:

“Meanwhile 15,000 women have been sentenced to get their heads chopped off, for not wearing hajib…

I’m guessing they can’t self identify as males as a legal defence.

And something has exploded in Poland and the MSM (who never lie or get anything wrong) are accusing Russia of firing a missile.”

I’m guessing, Daisy, that what is happening here with your post represents a classic example of the Gell-Mann amnesia effect (I would post a link but taking cognisance of Dan’s experience I am not going to risk trying to post more than one link in a reply). Its easily found on any search engine platform.

Point being that the healthy skepticism over the obsolete Soviet era S300 Ukrainian Air Defence Missile (with a range of 175Km – even sleepy Joe Bidet is openly acknowledging it could not have been fired from RF) which took out a tractor in Poland seems to have got lost when it comes to the report from the same Corporate Media about events in Iran.

With that in mind the link below provides relevant information as to why it is that the reports that “15,000 women have been sentenced to get their heads chopped off” is just as much fake news as the RF using obsolete AD missiles with limited range beyond the distance between RF and Polish territory (perhaps those washing machine chips the RF are allegedly using in the missiles they actually ran out out six months ago – according to the Western Corporate Media – increase the range? WTF knows with the amount of BS being spewed out)

link to


Dave Hansell


I see the so-called supreme court will deign to give its verdict on us on Wednesday November 23 at 9.45am. The bbc and britnat media will, like the Salmond verdict, have its editorial very ready and waiting.

Dave Hansell

“But, when people post mince on here, it is difficult to point out the obvious fallacies of their posts in a way that maintains their dignity.”

Now that is genuine comedy gold. The irony is off the scale.


My post is not uploading. I can’t be bothered to figure out why.


@ Breeks at 11:09 am

You’ll get no disagreement from me on any of what you say in that post.
My rural locale has been dramatically impacted in similar ways to what you describe. A poky wee poorly insulated cottage with various other issues and tint garden which should reduce the value is going for well over 200k now.
The bairns have no chance at competing against retiree incomers, and to be honest why should and would they as they will only be perpetuating the compromised system longer, whilst tethering themselves into debt and potential negative equity when the boom / bust cycle continues.
You, like I mention the trades fairly regularly. We are going to need a lot of young fit folk to carry out the trades to maintain much of our building stock as it ages. I’m fortunate to be a practical person so can put my hand to pretty much anything, such as removal and rebuilding chimney stacks with all the remedial associated stone and joinery work that goes with it, or working with Scottish slate. And do you know what, it as actually very satisfying work when you get into it. Aye, it takes time and effort and it is a very different pace to quickly “fixing stuff” by swiping and typing on a laptop.
The trouble for me is that too much of my time is spent assisting others who lack all these basic skills and trades. I can’t help it though as don’t like to see folk struggle and stress over things when it is something I can sort with relative ease.
Plus fixing and maintaining existing stuff for others and myself also aligns with my attempts to buck the trend of rampant consumerism of modern disposable shite.
But that doesn’t get round the problem that these days far too many folk just aren’t able or willing to carry out the practical tasks that used to be part and parcel of our existences just a few decades ago.


Doug at 12.01.

And the two decisions will be:

We will hear the case.

You can’t have a referendum – it relates to a reserved matter.

John Main

@Dave Hansell says:16 November, 2022 at 11:58 am

Here’s a wee snippet from your link:

As I reported a month ago the current riots in Iran are concentrated in the southeastern Baluchistan region and in the northwestern Kurdish region of Iran. There are foreign financed terrorist movements active in both of those regions. Iran International, the Kurdish terrorist organization PDKI and other foreign entities are inciting the rioters

Thank fuck that’s all cleared up – foreigners are interfering in the Utopia of Iran.

There was me thinking it all kicked off because some unfortunate lassie ended up deid after letting her hair slip into public view, or because she flashed a bit of ankle crossing the street.

Good to know that the Iranian Utopian state can kill lassies like that with no comeback. It’s only the meddling furriners who are ruining it for the lucky Iranian people.

John Main

@Dave Hansell says:16 November, 2022 at 12:30 pm

“But, when people post mince on here, it is difficult to point out the obvious fallacies of their posts in a way that maintains their dignity.”

Now that is genuine comedy gold. The irony is off the scale.

Be sure to point out factual inaccuracies and obvious fallacies in my future posts then, Dave. Put your money where your mouth is.

Actually, I wasn’t going to bother mentioning this, but I posted to the effect last night (10:47 pm) that the MSM (Guardian) was considering the 404 air defense missile explanation.

I guess you missed it. Was that because of your conviction that the MSM only publishes lies?

Ian Brotherhood

@John Main (12.48) –

Today’s edition of UK Column is doing a detailed overview of the British MSM reporting of the Polish ‘incident’.

Perhaps you would like to check it. Hopefully, you’ll have better luck with this link.

link to

Lorna Campbell

By their actions (and wearing of rainbow lanyards) shall we know them. The Hoose o the Braindeid is excelling itself. Hypocrisy, thy name is Sturgeon… Robison… Harvie… Slater… et al. This is what your elected representatives are up to, folks. Not representing you, oh, no. Not representing supposedly 99.9% of the Scottish population, oh, no. Not assuring your independence, oh no… but assuring that every conceivable sexual deviance under the sun (Scotland will become the capital of the UK for autogynephiles and fetishists where GRCs are handed out with each rainbow lanyard, filched from the bairns’ programme, Rainbow). What would Bungle say? Like the amoeba, ‘trans’ appears to replicate itself rapidly by division. It is not, after all, a dimorphic life-form and it sows the division amongst the heterosexual and heteronormativity as it sows division between the nationalists. If this stuff passes, just how many ‘trans’ are we likely to encounter? Methinks it will be very many more than we have been led to believe.


John, for the avoidance of doubt, I don’t ignore you because you’re abusive.

I ignore you because I believe you to be thick.

Alf Baird

Dan @ 10:25 am

“the feeling that one is banging one’s head against a wall trying to make any discernible difference to improve or change the clearly flawed systems in place. Why is there such a barrier being put in place by the effective gatekeepers of these systems?

The colonized always wish to make progress but ‘the colonizer holds him back’ (Albert Memmi). This explains the under-development of a people and nation subject to colonial oppression, which is also the reason they seek independence.

Alf Baird

Breeks @ 10:27 am

“but then something happens, an awareness is kindled, and it’s like the proverbial “seeing the light” moment.”

Yes, a colonized peoples understanding of their oppression and exploitation often remains rudimentary, until the point of no return. A large part of this is the cultural assimilation process that creates a ‘cultural illusion’. Memmi described a colonized society as “a diseased society” whilst Fanon confirms the ‘condition’ as “a disease of the mind”.

The only positive thing to say may be that we are in a decolonization process in which the people need to better understand the nature of their oppression.

link to

James Che

Colonialism has its problems for a country and nation.

One of those hidden side bars is despondency, a lack of interest, a unawareness that depression sets in and takes over, a loss of interest in ones political enviroment and surrondings.

After many years of Colonialism the fight for freedom become dulled, and Colonised people begin to live in a zombie world of automatic reactions.
The one enlightened inquistative and curious brain dies a slow death.
They long ago started to accept what they are told was their new real alternative world. Was true.

The Coloniser Smiles,


Well that was interesting to see Wings latest Twitter suspension happen in real time. Witnessing ‘history’ as it happens…


Rev Stu,what’s happened to your twitter account? says it’s been suspended.


Dan says:
16 November, 2022 at 12:33 pm

But that doesn’t get round the problem that these days far too many folk just aren’t able or willing to carry out the practical tasks that used to be part and parcel of our existences just a few decades ago.

I believe that could be changed. It’s easy to put it down to a poor education, but there’s a lot more too it. It’s complicated, but a flaw in the system, not the apprentices.

I gave up keeping tabs on the figures, but the amount of interest people pay on a mortgage derived from a grotesquely overvalued property is something like four times the asking price. Add to that, every penny paid to some faceless corporate money lender is hoovered up and removed from the local community; bleeding it dry.

An Independent Scotland, in my opinion MUST abandon the Neoliberal attitudes towards home ownership, and in fact, make ownership of the home a low return on investment, and “not” a good place to invest your capital.

Housing is there for your communities to live in, not to be generating money hand over fist for profiteering developers or retirees snapping up a bargain.

I firmly believe Scotland needs to re-engage with what a community is, what it needs to be viable and sustainable, and be much more determined to protect these jewels in our heritage.

I said it before, but Scotland needs the exploitation to stop, and breathing space with our own resources at our command, to convalesce and recover it’s strength after 300 years of pernicious colonial disadvantage and exploitation. Our nation is culturally emaciated beyond belief and it needs time in intensive care to rebuild atrophied communities. And frankly, I think we need to be more up front and honest about it. I’m a liberal open door, four freedoms type person, but if you want to have Scottish / Gaelic / Hebridean communities, then you have to keep viable the things which make them Scottish / Gaelic / Hebridean.

It is totally wrong in my opinion that those with fattest chequebooks are given free reign to carry out the social engineering of Scotland. Their immigration has nothing to control the influx. Is that essentially any different from First Nation Americans and Canadians being “displaced” and dispossessed of their lands?

The great Scottish land grab must be halted and reversed.


Has Wings just been banned from Twitter again?
So much for Musty Elon and free speech….

Margaret Eleftheriou

Twitter account suspension. Is it a direct result of the Kevin McKenna article?


Margaret Eleftheriou says:
16 November, 2022 at 2:14 pm

Twitter account suspension. Is it a direct result of the Kevin McKenna article?

It’s a direct result of a decision made in Seattle, USA. Twitter is sh^t still. All Musk is doing is milking it, charging $8 for a blue checkmark, selling them to anybody and still banning people.
That fkn platform needs to die

Andy Ellis

Is that essentially any different from First Nation Americans and Canadians being “displaced” and dispossessed of their lands?

Perhaps you should try that line of argument out on some First Nation Americans or Canadians and see what they think of the comparison?

I have a feeling their reactions would range from derision to fury at you belittling their experience by making a false equivalence with present day Scotland.

I’d like to say it’s astonishing that you think such perfomative, hyperbolic and hysterical over reaction is appropriate, but sadly it seems de rigueur amongst the usual suspects. Scottish culture, language and ethnicity must be such a delicate wee floo’er that you wonder how it ever survived at all!


I have noticed quite a few indy Twitter accounts being banned recently. I followed a link posted by TheIndyNinja1 and it said the account had been banned (or suspended or did not exist). Does anyone know what happened to him?

James Che

The Coloniser is a fabricator of truths so convincing in his propaganda, that he can and does convince nations of people.
He is the Snake oil salesman, the con artist, with the biggest scam to sell,

A word smith that has a knack of convincing people what he says is true.
He convinced so many people into the sale of the century, he not only could he sell a bridge if he wanted, , he could convince the english parliament they had bought the land and people of another Country, Scotland,

This one Coloniser grows his story by duping the buyers that there is gain for them in the sale.
And they profit admirably.
Why is this,

Because he is like a hypnotist , they also had much to gain, they are willing accomplices, and are willing to aid and abet for greed and power, he has been able to convince a greedy nation they have bought a naive nation and Country with Hidden small print that he states is truely true.

But like all Conmen they eventually get caught,
many years later perhaps but nevertheless, they get caught out by their own words when the people wake up and become wise by taking a interest in the Small print.
This happens when the hypnotist conman, himself slips up.

Then when the naive Country opens their eyes, they are awake and realise that they have been conned for many years, that they have been Colonised while they were sleeping,
they want their money and country back. They want retribution, With compensation.

One day the nation of Scotland will wake up and look at the original small print in the contract, and hold remorse for being hypnotised into believing the Conman for such a long time.


Roger says: at 2:22 pm

It’s a direct result of a decision made in Seattle, USA. Twitter is sh^t still. All Musk is doing is milking it, charging $8 for a blue checkmark, selling them to anybody and still banning people.
That fkn platform needs to die

Agree, to me it’s just yet another divide and rule tool that sucks folk in and we lose mass and unity as folk miss stuff in all the clutter.
I have no idea why prominent folk with something decent and interesting to say run multiple sites / accounts on blogs, facebook, twitter, etc.
I recall similarly with a local YES group where the admin spent inordinate amounts of their time attempting to post on all the different platforms with all that entails in formatting content. The notion one has to pander to the laziness of readers that can’t be arsed to go direct to a site to read stuff because it wasn’t on their preferred platform sums up why we are going nowhere soon.
These dumbass readers should understand that their laziness is causing the committed individuals who produce the content to be stretched to near breaking point due to the inefficient use of their time trying to herd cats.
Imagine all those on twitter and facebook upped their game a bit and posted on here instead of giving big corporate and data traffic. This site’s hits would increase significantly potentially making a funding model viable to sustain or even develop content further, plus diversity of views would also be a good thing.


I see they’re at it again on Twitter

James Che

The Conman and the Coloniser are of the same bloodline, are the same characters, and greed drives both of them.
There are of course always danger and victims of sleep walking.

I hope that Scotland wakes up and studies the original contract of the Colonising Conman before sleep walking over a cliff into true extinction.


@ Alf Baird at 1:29 pm

Hey Alf, you didn’t answer my query about whether you would be interested or even consider chatting to someone (relatively young) with considerable firsthand experience and knowledge of controlling trains and knowledge of rolling stock.
And by not answering that query it is the reason why it sometimes feels like some of us are banging our heads at what is a closed door…


“Meanwhile 15,000 women have been sentenced to get their heads chopped off, for not wearing hajib…”

The reports of this were carried out by Iran International, a Saudi financed tv channel and website based in the UK. It’s utterly fake propaganda.



Yes, quite an explosive article by McKenna. I don’t think anyone could have given Wings a better endorsement.

I liked this sentence in particular: –
‘Rather than disparaging them all (rank-and-file supporters of Scottish independence) as misfits and extremists, they should be asking themselves why this blog remains the most influential player in the larger Yes movement’

As someone who belatedly came to WoS (2017ish), and took forever to make a comment, my view that Wings is so influential, so superior to other publications, is first, that the published posts are truth – we know this because otherwise Stu would be constantly defending libel actions.

But secondly, and not far behind in importance, it is because of informative BTL comments, of an invaluable diversity of narrations, of information we accumulate through links to knowledgeable bloggers, of links to a wide range of issues.
Extremely polarised and passionately debated topics on this site leave no doubt about the strength of feeling on WoS and from which readers can draw their own conclusions. That is something that never happens in any shamefully one-sided prejudiced MSM reports.

We must always hear both sides of an argument, and we get that is spades on Wings. Fortunately, many of the comments are from those who are well informed and take the time to research subjects and add links in support of their view.

No one can read Wings and not become better informed, more aware of what is going on. For that reason, I regret so many former contributors have given up and can only hope those still present continue for many years to come, and not become hounded out by disparaging rebukes.

And of course, I join others who have implored Stu to come back full time: we need you, man.

James Che

I am left with a few uncomfortable thoughts.

Are we still Colonised today, because we want to be?

Are we Colonised today because if we go back and look at the small print to the treaty of the union contract, We might scare our selves into managing ourselves for the first time in three hundred years?

I have long ago become immune to the itch and annoyance of political parties, ( yes even the Snp) and see them as part of the Con of Colonisation,
But it is a worry to myself that others are still sleep walking in this make believe conmans propaganda world that keeps their mind dull against larger events,

Perhaps my having a poor establishment education has actually prevented my being spoon fed the colonisers propaganda from a child.
For this lack of establishment boxed education I am eternally grateful.


This would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic, as Mhairi Black and Alister Jack argue over who is denying whom democracy.

Sure, Westminster is denying Scots their democratic right to choose whether to leave or stay in this union. Sturgeon, Black’s boss and head of the SNP and Scottish government is also denying Scots their democratic right to choose by stringing us along for years that there would be a second indyref whilst wasting mandate after mandate that we’ve given her. She’s only in office because we put her there on a promise to get us out of this shit union.

I expect the Tories to be nasty lying scumbags its int their nature, but I didn’t expect Sturgeon to stab us in the back, and for her MPs and MSPs to go along with it. The SNP are now, in my not much better that the Tories, and have failed Scots miserably, when the time comes, we must kick them out of office and vote Alba in.

link to


This is why there must NEVER be another indyref.

“‘MI5 can produce the required number of ballot papers, of the right paper with the right Local Authority stamp, correct number, name, address and date of birth. They can produce the correct signature from the computer image to pass Local Authority check.'”

link to

James Che

Political parties are the game on the screen to keep you in your box, political leaders are the actors that get rich from their bosses that fund them,

Political parties do not do what they say they will do, in their manifestoes or on the box,

And their up and downs, their good cop bad cop carry ons of political parties is for entertainment of the masses, like any other soap,

We have to bypass the fake front of political parties that are paid to stint our growth, to maintain our division, to limit our choices.

We employ them, we pay for them with our taxes, And they give our hard earned money to any Country with a U in its name, (by a strange coincidence,) Uk Uk raine US EU, must be an alphabet thing.
Now we see S johnston suggest we give out taxes to other countries for Climate change. While Britain people are struggling,
Are these politicians still modern day Conmen funnelling our taxes out of Britain?

The political parties of Britain are Political parties aiding every other Country except their own people and country that employ them to improve our lives,
and here we are retreating voluntary back into the dark ages with no energy, no future transport, and a collapsing economy, yet these politicians want to bring track and trace to everyone through a digital ID and digital currancy, ultimate control through your ability to to access your finances or not as the case maybe, depends how the government of the day considers if you followed the mantra.

The need to become of much more aware of how politics and political parties are working, and for whom, is in need of a shake up by the people.

James Che


Accurate and observant.


So, offshore oil & gas are paying £15Bn to the UK exchequer every year, that’s £15 billion that should be going into Holyrood’s coffers for the people of Scotland.

link to

James Che


Tend to agree with you over the land grab in Scotland akin to other ethic nations loosing their land,
The ethic people become minorities in their own Country, and are often cordoned to small less inhabital profitable portions on their own Country through invasive Colonising laws from outside the own Nation and Country.


I think we can safely say that Sturgeon the betrayer of Scots has already chosen the latter of the two, giving up on democracy and Scottish independence.

‘If the Court decides in the way we hope it does, on 19th Oct next year, there will be an independence referendum. And if the court doesn’t, it will leave us with a very simple choice. Put our case for independence to the people in an election…Or give up on Scottish democracy.’

link to


@ RoS

Gareth tweeting that will mean he has to fight on two fronts today. Defenders of the Establishment will counter saying they’d never vote rig… and in these perilous times for the planet the eco-warriors will also be after him for his blatant wasting of energy cooking porridge, what’s wrong with raw porridge aka Muesli! 🙂

James Che


All political parties will steal you’re right to free speech, you’re right to two genders, you’ right to housing, energy, travel, minerals, water supply, fishing and farming,
your taxes, your finances , your employment, you’re national health service, and your infrastructure and your community.

The people do not do this,
The politicians do these acts.

And still we follow this system of Colonial elections that vote for a limited choice of political people that are allowed to tell porkies in their manifestoes with no laws to hold them accountable to the people.
Other than the people,


More on the ongoing wind war.

link to


“George V commanded England’s declaration of war on Germany – Scotland with 10% of the UK’s population accounted for 20% of the war dead exposing- yet again the false promises of the so called union of equals”

link to


“Misogynist Patrick Harvie will ensure trans rights and GRA policies are forced onto statute aided by gerrymandered consultations”

“Thanks to the spittle infused rhetoric espoused by Harvie our group’s situation was upscaled from hostile to dangerous. We feared for our safety and attack from the mob, since immediately after, a number of people started shouting “get the TERF’s out.”

“They meant us and we had already been blocked in by some very large people with “Trans” and “Non-Binary” flags draped over their shoulders cancelling out our groups “lesbian visibility” banners.”

link to

John Main

@Breeks says:16 November, 2022 at 2:10 pm

Much to agree with in your post (not all, I don’t think the aboriginal inhabitants of North America were ever paid the going rate for their lands and abodes).

But, if that post accurately reflects your views, how do you square these views with your EU enthusiasms?

You have heard about freedom of movement? You have heard about people from low wage economies migrating to take jobs in the higher wage economies? You have heard about the cancelling of local laws and cultural attitudes in pursuit of “ever closer union”?


@ John Main 4:53 pm

But you can’t just look at thing in isolation. EU wise there was also stuff like geographic protection indicators on produce, and vehicle emission standards, the latter that you were so concerned about jist the other day.
And on the subject of emission reduction for health, and off the back of that presumably you hold concerns for decent food regulations too, how does that square with the new trade deals of importing produce from Oz and New Zealand and US instead of nearer to home?

John Main

@Hatuey says:16 November, 2022 at 1:12 pm

I ignore you because I believe you to be thick.

Naw, Hatuey, that’s not right.

First off, you’re not ignoring me, no matter how much you believe you are. But if you ever start, it won’t be because of that.

I think you are struggling with what psychologists call projection. I cite two of your recent assertions in support of my claim:

1) Turkey accuses USA of terrorist act.
2) China will invade Taiwan by Xmas.

As always, I will be happy to be proven wrong. Post your evidence, backed up by links. Obviously you can’t do that while ignoring me, but pretend to yourself that you believe that you can.


The look on their faces when they found out (404) had attacked a Nato country.×900

John Main

@ Dan says:16 November, 2022 at 5:04 pm

You make some good points. EU membership has nuances – some of it is good, some not so.

My response to Breeks was pointing out how incompatible EU membership would be with the localised, uniquely Scottish culturally attuned approaches he is promoting.

Vehicle emission standards, food standards? They will be what Scots want them to be. They may be higher than the EU ones. They may be lower. I expect them to be the same, even if we are out of the EU, as otherwise, nothing we make or produce will be capable of being traded with the EU.

We can trade happily in both directions with the EU by adopting harmonised standards for the goods traded. Exactly as the Chinese do now with all of the stuff we buy – their goods conform (mostly) with our standards, which are still EU standards.

Yet we accept no requirements for the Chinese to have the right to settle here, no requirements for us to accept Chinese legal hegemony over our justice system, and no drive for us to achieve ever closer political, financial and foreign policy union with China.

It’s not complicated. “Scotland in Europe” originated with some people who believed in the “too wee, too poor” trope, but lacked the balls to say it clearly. Scots have been falling for it ever since – the colonised cringers that will see us out of one rancid union and straight into another, if they get their way.

Daisy Walker

Evening folks,

So, 15,000 women are not to get their heads chopped off… for this is fake news. The actual number of women who are to get their heads chopped off, or just beaten to death, is ‘only’ in double figures.

Whew, what a relief.

And the missile that landed in Poland and killed 2, is now being reported on all sides, as a Ukrainian missile that got lost. So not Russian.

Whew, that’s OK then. The world is much safer.

And there will be no more talk of Scarfgate, not now the Supreme Court has announced a date, and official/licensed Indy campaigners are organising rally’s on the day.

And the Rev is banned from Twitter again. (Wish I’d had a bet on that one happening, to be honest).

So, all we really need is for some folk on here to start calling each other names, and truely, all will be well in the world, and back to normal.

Hey ho.


@ John Main

You do have a propensity to tar many commenters with being sycophantic supporters of EU membership, which is odd as you admit there are nuances and pros and cons to it.
Plus things have moved on over time and it seems a compromise position of EFTA or EEA over full EU membership may be more suitable for Scotland.
But here’s the thing. You voted for the UK to leave the EU, fair enough that was your choice, but the constituent parts of the UK ie. The Kingdom of Scotland and The Kingdom of England have very different credentials and requirements from each other. Scotland is a net exporter of produce and England is a net importer. Therefore it goes without saying that policy will have to be different to best serve each respective Kingdom.
Surely retaining single market access with all the straightforward benefits that brings in regulatory alignment, and more “local” trading makes better sense than being stuck in UK trade deals from far flung places that better suit England over Scotland.


See earlier 12footladderlink.

‘Wales Online reporter Rob Harries said: “It is mental when you think about it isn’t it? He should support England, he’s English.’

I haven’t given much thought to this but yes the royal family are English.

The Prince of Wales is English.





Republic @ 4.27.

Sturgeon is just going through the motions before going somewhere else. Because she decided in her mind (some time ago) that independence couldn’t be achieved by her, she has continually put off doing anything meaningful to try to achieve it, to enable her to stay in the limelight.

Eventually forced into a corner, she has tee’d things up to fail to satisfy herself that she was right.

There is (was?) only one man capable of delivering independence, and she couldn’t bear the thought of him doing what she had decided could not be done by her.

The longer she remains, the less chance there is of independence in the foreseeable future.


@ Ruby

I just tried posting link to archive. ph site and my post didn’t appear, but the post number is showing as one higher than you 5.48pm post.
Looks like that site is being blocked by the server for some reason or other.

Rab Davis

Ruby 5.45pm

As usual, the English media have their team already winning the World Cup.

Generally, the English are a shower of arrogant bastards.

That is why watching them getting humped is so enjoyable.

And listening to the defeated after match commentary is priceless.

Looking forward to the World Cup.

An excellent distraction away from life under Sturgeon.

ABE. As Andy Murray said.


Dan says:
16 November, 2022 at 5:57 pm

@ Ruby

I just tried posting link to archive. ph site and my post didn’t appear, but the post number is showing as one higher than you 5.48pm post.
Looks like that site is being blocked by the server for some reason or other.

Same here! I’m even having problems with tiny links.


Breeks your suggestions of impeachment would gather much support if it could be actioned, a wee question to anyone who may know the answer , would it be possible for the 2 ALBA MP’S who are Scots representatives in WM to approach the Scottish courts with an action of impeachment against sturgeon and her tartan taliban wokesters for LYING to the electorate and FAILING to pursue the mandate she was elected on
In Martin Keatings case much was made that Martin was a commoner with NO STANDING to move his case forward, it was intimated that the case had to be presented by someone who had STANDING which meant an elected representative of the people

Until we can get a PROPER convention of the estates assembled and organised I think it would be worthwhile if Kenny and Neil approached the justiciary to lodge a formal intention to IMPEACH Sturgeon for multiple failures and bringing the FM position into disrepute

Surely such an action would be widely supported and a crowd fund could be raised to finance the action , if Scots are willing to fund Martin’s desperate action which I for one did , I would have no hesitation on donating as much as I could , ANYTHING to get rid of this deviant perverted tra itor

John Main

@ Daisy Walker says:16 November, 2022 at 5:30 pm

all we really need is for some folk on here to start calling each other names, and truely, all will be well in the world, and back to normal.

Check out Hatuey at 1:12 pm, way ahead of you with that.

Earning his rep as the site’s resident over achiever.


“Rab Davis says:
16 November, 2022 at 5:59 pm

As usual, the English media have their team already winning the World Cup.”

I was in Finland when the last World Cup was on – the first week or so of it and the week’s run-up so I didn’t view England through that lens, for once. I came home not bearing them any ill-will – until I turned the radio on! It was an interesting experience.



I’m supporting Wales. Great anthem

link to

Geoff Anderson

Scottish NHS in full Cult mode

link to

John Main

@ Dan says:16 November, 2022 at 5:39 pm

Surely retaining single market access with all the straightforward benefits that brings in regulatory alignment, and more “local” trading makes better sense than being stuck in UK trade deals from far flung places that better suit England over Scotland.

Agreed, you are pushing at an open door.

So no need to waste time convincing me of this. Save your posts for the regulars who come on here looking forwards to getting iScotland into the EU. For some of them, it’s the only reason they want Indy.

Which just shows how many disparate strands of carpet baggery the Indy cause has gathered.

Geoff Anderson

Scottish NHS now a Trans workshop. Read full thread
link to

Alf Baird

Dan @ 3:06 pm

Afraid I don’t know much about trains, aside from their general need for subsidy due to the rather uneconomic nature of the infrastructure and mode. My career started in the shipping industry, which is nae doot why I ended up as a researcher in that area of transport.


Retail stocks plummeting right now…


John Main says: at 6:27 pm

Save your posts for the regulars who come on here looking forwards to getting iScotland into the EU. For some of them, it’s the only reason they want Indy.

Which just shows how many disparate strands of carpet baggery the Indy cause has gathered.

I see you’re doing that Ellis thing of trying to package an unknown amount of unnamed folk into a grouping of “regulars” you can be at odds with.
As you are one for always wanting facts posted on here, why can’t you name these “regulars” if you are so certain about their positions on EU membership.
C’mon then, lets have this out and end this bating once and for all.

Rab Davis


You would never know it, but Wales are actually in the same Group as England in the World Cup.

Along with Iran and the USA.

Even although we are in a “Union of Equals”,,, England are probably getting about 95% of the UK media hype.

I don’t know who I detest more,,, Sturgeon or the arrogant English.

Fuck the two of them.


@ Alf Baird

Thanks for response. I was thinking it could be more of an informal general chat to better develop folks’ understanding on how an overall transport network for Scotland could integrate shipping, rail, and road systems.
There surely needs to be input from folk that have real world knowledge on the operational aspects of each element, because if “a plan” is decided by folk that lack comprehension on what is realistically viable in practice for each element, then the end result will be compromised.
Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance and all that…

T’was jist a thought aboot whit may be possible in the future if say the Cockenzie area was tae be developed as a port system.


Quite simply, in response to the silly debate that comes up from time to time on EU membership, there really is only one consideration that matters; balance of payments.

Scotland would absolutely be a net exporter if it had access to EU markets. The way things are going with energy, we’d have an extremely healthy balance sheet at that.

For the intellectually challenged, that means we would bring more money into the country from the EU than we would export to the EU, assuming we had access.

And with that the debate’s over; all other considerations amount to irrational bullshit that nobody sane would choose to sit skint over.

John Main

@ Hatuey says:16 November, 2022 at 7:07 pm

blah blah EU membership blah blah access to EU markets blah blah

For the intellectually challenged, these are such different things we could be discussing chalk and cheese.

But you knew that already, eh, Hatuey?

Which makes it all the more mysterious/transparently obvious why you choose to conflate the two in one post.

John Main

@Dan says:16 November, 2022 at 6:45 pm

As you are one for always wanting facts posted on here, why can’t you name these “regulars” if you are so certain about their positions on EU membership.
C’mon then, lets have this out and end this bating once and for all

I’ll meet you half way. The next few times people post on here about how iScotland just has to be in the EU, I’ll bring these posts to your attention.

The above offer conditional on me not getting a life in the meantime. Obvs.

Incidentally, is there something wrong with preferring facts posted on here? Whats Latin, or Doric, or Gaelic, for “Through Fantasy Makebelieve To Indy”?

Cos that slogan sure as fuck won’t fly if Scots understand what it means.


@ John Main

You ok, hun?


@ John Main

Ah, so you won’t name these “regulars” then. Your suggestion is just a cop out. How hard can it be to type in their names, and then they can respond with what they actually think about Scotland potentially being an EU member at some point in the future.
We all know that any deal Scotland might have as a future EU member is unknown, so your assertion that these “regulars” would be blindly supportive of an unknown deal is just that, an assertion with no factual basis, and that they may actually be in closer alignment with your own views and position which we’ve clarified in last few posts.
You could actually be fighting an enemy that no longer exists…

There’s a new thread started now so no real harm in thrashing this out here. It’s been festering for far too long btl this modus of being sly or just plain lazy and assigning unknown folk into your various groupings.


Nice to see the gloating start on Twitter.
This little darling seems to be one of those who reported wings

link to

Andy Ellis

@Dan 6.45 pm

I see you’re doing that Ellis thing of trying to package an unknown amount of unnamed folk into a grouping of “regulars” you can be at odds with.

And I see you’re doing that thing you do again Dan. Sadly for what passes for your point, it’s utter bullshit. Of course people use shorthand to describe groups. I’m quite aware that there are different flavours of moonhowlers and that they’re not all aligned on every issue or particular hobby horse woo-woo issue is their personal bag.

It’s hardly required for John Main – or indeed anyone else – to name individuals all the time. We know most of the folk here are probably pro EU or at least pro single market. Similarly folk posting here will mostly know the positions of the usual suspects on particular issues they post BTL on.

I may disagree with John Main and others on some issues, but he has a point in relation to carpet baggery. As we’ve seen, the fact that folk share the same ultimate goal doesn’t mean that some of them don’t have unsavoury, regressive views, or views that are shared by relatively small cadre of the movement as a whole.

You only have to read some of the stuff being posted on here to see the echoes of Trumpism: regressive nativism, hostility to incomers, belief in conspiracy theories, the whole BPHB mind set in fact. The odd thing is the woo woo minority seem to have convinced themselves their worldview somehow has resonance either with the wider movement or voters as a whole.


@ Andy Ellis

You ok, hun?




@ Dan 7.02pm “Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance and all that… ”

Yes as we we have seen constantly over sturgeons period in office , Shirley Ann shit for brains who refused to take welfare benefits back from WM because it was too hard , Humza Useless just like Shirley shit FAILED in every ministerial position, Swinney serial Failure, all square pegs trying to force themselves in round holes

Just like Breeks’s comments the evidence shows that they promote clowns who have no experience of ANYTHING , as Vivian O’Banion posts middle class humanities graduates that couldn’t put a nut in a monkey’s mouth


Scottish expat. in London. Hoping to visit my sister, cousins and lovely 101 auntie in Glasgow after Christmas – the first visit since Covid hit our shores. Armed with Suffragette tartan scarf, Suffragette badge and lots of cards/stickers saying, “Women won’t wheesht” and the definition of a woman. Supposing I kick up a fuss over sharing a sleeper birth to London at Glasgow Central with a 6-foot ‘woman’, with stubble, Adam’s apple and bulge under her lovely pink nightie? Will I get arrested under Hate Crime Legislation?

I did ask my MP, who in a previous life was an English criminal barrister, whether after being arrested and charged with a transphobic hate crime in Scotland and I returned to England, would I be forcibly repatriated to Scotland to face trial and imprisonment, when the crime I had committed was not a crime in England. He said yes. This is extraordinary – we do not extradite people to countries where their offence is not a crime in the UK (e.g. Adultery in Iaran). Nor do we extradite people if we feel the punishment is disproportionate to the offence. (e.g. murder in capital punishment mad Texas). I can see that the Supreme court is going to be very busy adjudicating on criminal and civil disputes arising out of disparate legislation in different parts of the UK.

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