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Wings Over Scotland

Data mining #4

Posted on August 10, 2013 by

A series of super-short snippets from our splendid survey.



SNP: 6%
Conservative: 4%
Labour: 4%
Lib Dem: 2%



Labour: 12%
SNP: 12%
Conservative: 10%
Lib Dem: 6%


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steven luby

Traditional negative spin with hopes of support crashing within Labour. feed a positive within and interest(always heallthy regardless)appears to grow! Yes Campaign appear to be onto something rather large here with sticking to the positive!




Nice to see how their strop backfired and as a result LFI is now better known than Labourhame – keep it up chaps.


Naw. Its know your enemy.


Coffee/keyboard moment – brilliant


Was this an internet only poll?


Right now it doesn’t matter how the Union media spin this information, they can’t get away from the reality that this is what people in Scotland are thinking. We have the increasing positivity without the media support (excluding the Herald at the moment), it is a good imagining to consider what the vote would be like if a couple of the mass papers came to see what is really happening. The Yes vote would be 70-85%.
All the media need to do is get their fingers out of their ears and their thumbs out of another orifice!


I think those stats merely reflect the fact that very few Labour voters are not really  interested anymore in what Labour have to say – they’ve heard it all before and are left completely underwhelmed.


Verrrry interesting result.


I think a lot of labour voters are of the ‘my Dad votes labour and his dad voted labour so I vote labour’ mould and know nothing about politics, whereas snp voters tend to be a bit more engaged and perhaps vote snp because they do know about politics.

I don’t think anyone ever comments on labour hame any more but when they did, it was 90% independence supporters holding the authors to account. I actually thought labour hame may as well start supporting independence and give their audience what they wanted(LFI maybe spotted that gap in the market too, maybe thats where the commenters went haw haw)

Patrick Roden

I looked at Labour Hame a few weeks back and was struck at the lack of interest.
Their was about ten articles on the front page, about 5 had no comments whatsoever, another 4  had one, and the other had two.
I used to post there about a year ago and each article had a healthy number of comments from both Yes and No voters.
Interestingly,  a lot of the Labour people posting,were very unhappy about the direction of Labour Party was going.
I think this began to put both Tom Harris and Duncan Hothersal under pressure and they began to block challenging posts.
It must be a bit demoralising to see ten articles on your site getting a total of about 7 comments. 
Keep it up Duncan, your doing a grand job……..for us!!! 😉

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