Calling the tune
Posted on
March 14, 2015 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
great Chris, but I think John Bull would look better in a kilt! That way we really would be imposing on the poor betrayed English folk.
Aha, he who rigs the referendum with a vow during purdah reaps the skirl of the piper…. To mix my metaphors.
Love it Chris!
Wee Hamish is looking well!
Thanks, Chris.
Isn’t that figure wearing the Union Jack called … Oh what is it again … Oh, I know, John Bullshit. Excellent cartoon, one of your best ever.
If only the English press could get hold of this… ๐
Could it be that the London elite is no longer calling the tune?
Or is it that Oor Wee Hamish is now self-employed.
Cartoon caption:
((((( DANCE, YA BASS, DANCE )))))
Clearly not a Steve Bell cartoon!
Someone should show Steve Bell just what true satire looks like.
The polls are exciting, my heart soars with pride and hope for our people. And yet, and yet, lurking in the background is my “beaten jock”, will we hold our nerve, what gutters will the media drag, what will her majesty’s security do, will they really disenfranchise us and call it equality.
Laugh at the English establishment at your peril; threatened and afraid there is little they won’t do.
Sorry for my negativity but my point is a simple one. We must not frighten the average Britons we must engage them. If we are seen as a force for good then the establishment will lose most of its teeth. Sure they hated Gandhi but they couldn’t touch him for all he gave them was passive resistance and peace.
In short I feel there is a short period where we must make it clear that though we want a different vision of Briton we wish it the best and will work to improve the common mans lot wherever on these isles he resides.
Scottish nationalism should be about improving the lot of all nations, through example and cooperation. And those closest to us must be our first priority.
Chris, another cracker! Well done – and thank you.
After some 300 years, it’s about time. ‘Mon Hamish.
And that’s just a slow Strathspey – wait till Hamish has him birlin tae a Reel! ๐
Who the Hell are these folk commenting on cartoons at this time on a Saturday morning??
just imagine what our country would look like if we had stood up for ourselves before now ?. We haven’t even won anything much yet ( with exception of the scottish parliament ) for this GE it’s just good polls. Can you imagine what will happen if they come to fruition? Smell the empowerment….it’s intoxicating !!
Oof. Excellent again Chris.
I love both the facial expressions. J.B’s awa ti hay a hert attack. While Hamish is hayin a pure fine time.
(Ha. I also love how everyone’s on their best “paragraph breaks” behaviour) BEWARE THE HAMMER)
@ Donnywho
You must be new here Donny.
“Scottish nationalism should be about improving the lot of all nations, through example and cooperation. And those closest to us must be our first priority.”
Let me bring you up to speed.
Our first priority is to become Independent.
Improving England’s lot is something we’ve been doing for the past 308 years, so we’ll most likely be giving that a rest for a while, say the next 300 years.
We don’t think or talk on here, or up here,
about Scottish nationalism.
We talk of Independence and self-determination.
The things that every other country in the world
wouldn’t be without, including England,
but which England works very hard at,
making sure we don’t have up here in Scotland.
I’m sure that’ll help Donny.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Including at Westminster.
Chris, how very apt, and they thought that they had won, didn’t they.
Never underestimate a Scot.
Hamish, a sword dance, please!
Gary some of us work Saturdays
Zombies and people who live in different time and space zones.
Chris always makes me smile on Saturday afternoons.
Is it just me or does John Bull not look a bit like Jeremy Clarkson?
I was wondering what you’d come up with.Its so blinking obvious now!
Pure quality.
Several points, been posting here infrequently for two years, been a nationalist for forty. I know what the primary goal is it’s in the name.
The point I was trying and obviously failing too, is this, we have to look outwards and not scare our neighbors too much. The media will continue to demonize us, nazis,Mugabe, the enemy within etc.
We must in the present and in the future care for these islands of ours and our neighbours and make that absolutely apparent.
But as before and as always I, we want to pursue that from an independent Scotland.
An important note; these British Nationalist Politicians who are raising the profile of Scotland’s suffrage for democracy, believe they are Waltzing when in fact they are dancing to Alex Salmond’s jig! Hardly surprising that these amateur MPs (Taxis for hire) are in terror of SNP ministers opening up the UK’s secret dossiers on Iraq minutes, Devolution talks, Child sex abuse parties, Arms to despots, expense claims and PFI deals among others?
manandboy wrote:
“Improving Englandโs lot is something weโve been doing for the past 308 years, so weโll most likely be giving that a rest for a while, say the next 300 years.”
I like it, a lot, well said that man (and boy).
Any guesses about what the last ditch manoeuvre will be this time before the GE2015?
a) Another vow perhaps?
b) A huge threat?
c) A key SLAB defection?
d) A crazyass BBC hysterical anti-SNP attack?
(Or, all of the above)
Who the hell are those folk commenting on those folk commenting about cartoons at this time in the morning?
Is that incontinence pants JB is wearing Chris?
Rereading your comment, are you saying that that there is a convention on this board not to refer to the SNP as nationalists… I know it is incorrect and they are the national party… Bit sloppy. Or are you implying that using the N word is verboten because it might scare the horses, lfi, ssp,swp, greens etc, why it is a given that we all support indy here.
The point I was trying to make is that the SNP have too make abundantly clear is that though they are working towards independance, t
Excellent as always Chris ,
Still laughing , so funny , can’t find a punch line .
Keep up the good work on the streets folks , turn up the pressure and enjoy .
Well that’s the heilan fling oot the wye, just the incest to go Johnny boy.
Ha Ha Ha, gid yin Chris! Fill yer lungs Hamish and up the tempo!
Nailed it again, if we can weather the storm of the MSM / BBC’s misinformation campaigns over the next few weeks, Scotland may finally have a voice. (Only took 300 years). Artwork is awesome as usual…. thanks.
Sorry not quite finished iphone posted instead of correcting a typo.
I prefer the open hearted inclusive view of donnywho. Mananboy you tend to be too close to what is called narrow nationalism. I wish the best for all and within that wish I know Scotland will be free and will prosper.
@Callum 8.23 I would go for “all of the above”. Seems more likely to me.
Funny. What a week for extremely creepy Rule Britnat abuse and thanks for not climbing in to the open sewer that is The Guardian etc.
Ta… I feel it should be more like truth and reconciliation as practiced in S.A. We want our independence, but we share these islands.
I totally hate what has been done too us over the years and is still being done to us. But it is not the “people” it is the media and the governance, if we win over the people we all win. Even our southern brethren, and I for one would delight in seeing a new enlightenment down south as well.
As with the Referendum, the Brits will now pull out ALL the stops.
A large team of SNP MPs is the best hope our English friends have to change the Westminster establishment.
After two Jags Prescott we now have Miliband’s two kitchens and people wonder how Labour has lost touch with their roots.
Just wait for the English misinformation and fear tacts to start happening. Just like pre referendum. Just hope everyone in Scotland doesn’t get sucked in again. Stay strong and focused i wish i were back home to help, looking forward to getting my Scottish Passport
Still laughing at the cartoon and comments even at the shops.Quite simply, brilliant.
Magic Chris, the return of oor Hamish he’s looking good
I wonder what tune he is playing? ‘People Get Ready There’s A Change Coming’…..aye mibbee not a pipes tune but hey
John Bull was hoping it was ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’ nae luck bully ๐
Caroline Flint on BBC breakfast hold up a card about the size of a fag packet and proclaims this is Labours plan, I shit you not,
My confidence in them was miraculously restored, NOT!
Nice one Chris.
I notice in your sketch,John Bull has been emasculated.Is this to reflect how he’ll feel on May8th if all goes well ?
Maybe we should be more conciliatory as donnywho says.You should’ve stuffed a pair of socks down his breeks for good measure.
What I’m loving about this whole GE campaign (so-called) is that, irrespective of the outcome, what is happening right now is that we, the people, as represented by all the independence-supporting parties and groups, are setting the agenda throughout Westminster and the media. That’s pretty awesome, and Chris’s cartoon says it all – brilliant.
Love the cartoon. It has been said that Scots can laugh at themselves. Time to stop and Hamish, strike up for “All the blue bonnets”.
@ Donnywho
One step at a time.
History tells us that an army fighting on two fronts is less effective than one with a clear and singular objective.
@ Donnywho
One step at a time.
History tells us that an army fighting on two fronts is less effective than one with a clear and singular objective.
The English will need to waken up first before any thought of us helping them would be meaningful.
At the moment, our successful example may start that awakening.
Great art work Chris.
But it doesn’t answer my question.
Was Jim Murphy a salt n vinegar flavoured glue sniffer or a cheese n onion flavoured glue sniffer?
As with the Referendum, the Brits will now pull out ALL the stops
Can they though?
Last 2 weeks in to Sept 18, BBC etc, NO sterling for Yes, all finance jobs leaving for England, out of EU for ever, vote Yes kick off 1930’s Great Depression, no defence from alien invasion, England will not buy any more whisky and Scots oil, they’ll stop all trade and will have to bomb Scottish airports, armed border checkpoints at Carlisle from our not so future PM Milliband, EU hates Scotland and Spain will stop any Scots EU app, the Pope votes NO, President Obama says vote NO, Hilary Clinton says vote NO, famous dead Scots say vote NO, Andy Murray says vote NO, Bob fcuking Geldoff says vote NO, your relatives in England will be foreigners eek, North Sea oil will be worthless, there’s only a few barrels/ยฃ1.5 trillion anyway says tory billionaire super stars like Ian Wood, BBC Jacky Bird dictates health care policy to Scotland First Minister, Queen threatens with very creepy stuff in a Balmoral church carpark May6, and that’s just from far right loony tunes Press and Journal.
Switch that vote NO for vote not a tory Murphy’s SLab, will red, blue, yellow tories sink as low as they Project Feared us last year because it was ridiculous then and…
Oh yeah, they spent UKOK years monstering Alex Salmond but same rule Britannia shills and reprobates forgot to destroy Nicola Sturgeon at same time, so they’re probably too late now. Although rancid Guardian alone is having a really good go at it.
Another great cartoon to suit the moment.
Personally, I usually avoid the words nationalist and nationalism. It can have untones, which is almost certainly why Unionists often choose to refer to the SNP as the Scottish Nationalist Party. This is not an accidental mistake.
A quick google for definitions highlights the problem that nationalist and nationalism can hold a spectrum of meaning.
“A nationalist is someone who tries to obtain political independence for his or her country.”
Fair enough, a statement of the aim of self determination. But …
“Devotion, especially excessive or undiscriminating devotion, to the interests or culture of a particular nation-state.”
… to me, that describes British Nationalism to a tee. I wouldn’t want my attitudes to Scotland described in those terms because it wouldn’t true.
Also, I don’t think most people on here think in these terms …
“ The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.”
… or even …
“ The belief that a particular cultural or ethnic group constitutes a distinct people deserving of political self-determination.”
Often it is claimed civic nationalism is what we are about, while ethnic nationalism is the nasty form. Perhaps, but there are other aspects.
I prefer to think in terms of inclusiveness, self determination, etc and see us as pro-democracy activists.
Great cartoon once again. Suck it up Steve Bell
Ukip’s Coburn attack on Humza Yousaf is truly vile.
For those who think John Bull (The Establishment) has been emasculated by Chris, should realise that JB has no balls!
As for Scottish nationalism, why after all this time do some STILL consider it narrow, utter keech!
Wings readers are famous for their ability to put their hands in their pockets. Can I encourage you to see if your constituency is crowd funding to attempt to counter the money Labour is throwing at this campaign.
link to
In Aberdeen we are going for our stretch target but I have also donated to Mr Sarwars constituency as when he goes that will be my 2015 Portillo moment and a large malt will be consumed.
That’s an excellent riposte to the racism we’re all being subjected to Chris. Well done.
I heard something on Facebook last night concerning the voter registrations. The theory being that the referendum was rigged with fake votes. I’ve wondered about that myself but obviously I’m in no position to prove it either way. However it is interesting that this new registration scheme was unveiled on the very next day after the referendum result.
Is this their way of covering their tracks and removing the 600,000 votes that seemed to make the difference between freedom & slavery? It does seem very convenient.
Am I being paranoid?
Brilliant ‘toon.
In fact, a lesson in subtlety and finesse for Bell and his Grauniad paymasters.
I love the serene self-confidence of Hamish. Thanks, Chris. We shall overcome.
@galamcennalach: Well said, that man.
@Tackety Beets: see previous thread at 8.45 a.m. Still in darkened room.
Fantastic imagery. Scotland is on the verge of making its biggest political statement in generations. Lots of work still to do to make sure the wind of change sweeps through at hurricane force to get rid of the Labour Party in Scotland.
Labour in Scotland,the patriotic party,funded and controlled by London Labour,that wants voters to send MPs to Westminster to vote for policies that are anti-Scottish. Really?
Can we get this tune on “AYEtunes”. I’ll get my coat..
@Heedtracker 9.37
Crivvens Heedtracker, you’re on fire this morning. And right on the mark too.Good on you.
@ caz m BBC DEMO. still trying to get information as to cancellation,all I,ve got so far its complicated.
Storm in the Park 4th April.
Gerry has been dealing with this event orginization.
Gerry/Jim/Jan/Myself will not be attending.
Re: voter registration. During the referendum, I persuaded 6 young people (twenties to thirties) to register to vote. They had never voted before, but were determined this time.
When I spoke to one of them later, it turns out that NOT ONE of them got to vote. Unfortunately they did not call me but accepted what they were told at the polling stations (in Glasgow and Lanarkshire). Some were told that they had already voted!
By the time I found out it was too late to make a complaint, but it certainly seems that something underhand was going on.
Great cartoon again Chris.
O/t Just heard on Sky News that the new slogan for the Labour Spring Conference is HOPE OVER FEAR!
Do they not have a single idea in their dim heads! Do they have to steal everything from us!
@R type Grunt
Probably true ,but no proof. We are however on a better road at the moment and our objective is looming large. If we focus ,we can still achieve our aims albeit by a different route.
Andy Murray did not say vote no. He got the usual abuse for implying he would vote Yes if he had a vote.
Otherwise excellent points.
@manand boy 0745
‘Improving Englandโs lot is something weโve been doing for the past 308 years, so weโll most likely be giving that a rest for a while, say the next 300 years.’
Yes @manandboy, sounds fair to me. Very balanced. I’ll vote for that! We can always review this stance at the end of the 300 years.
@dannywho 7.28. I agree with you. As someone living in Devon, I would like to see more of Sturgeon saying how although she will obviously put Scotland first, she will not do anything detrimental to England just because she can. Because that it what people down here are being led to believe from every quarter.
I also know that getting on the MSM down here will be very difficult, from what I read on here it’s difficult enough in Scotland! For instance she has been demonised for not attending the service for war veterans yesterday in the press but the DM, for instance, would normally have gone for the fact that Blair had the damn cheek to attend. But no, Sturgeon was demonised to outrage the electorate and their hated Blair ignored.
But when she does I’d like to here her say things like she will try to put forward free prescriptions for all the U.K. Hell, make it a ‘red line’ demand and people down here might just ease off on the hatred. It doesn’t have to be seen as ‘looking after’ rUK, but more playing them at their own game.
Slightly o/t
Looking this morning at thd unveiling of Ghandi ststue in London.How things change in this accursed Union.We persecutecthem then end up commemorating their heroism in statues, as per Mandela.Funny old world
R-type Grunt says: Am I being paranoid?
I phoned my Electoral Register yesterday in Aberdeen and was told I was off the register. But its easy to get back on it, online, write etc.
Very nice people but she could not tell me why I was removed from the Electoral Register. She tried to tell me but made no sense. I asked her if voters will go to a polling station and find they are not on the register but she said that wont happen. have to get involved in whatever it is the Electoral Register is doing.
It may be that they are changing the register completely by removing everyone and then registering everyone again but to be taken off the register without being told in any way let alone in writing by the EC sounds an awful like buyer beware kind of bullshit.
It should not be my responsibility to find out whether or not I have been removed from the Electoral Register by the Electoral Register and especially NOT after 30+ years and even more especially not weeks before the general election. Or maybe it is but they have duty to tell voters either way, or maybe they dont.
Or, who really benefits if less and less people actually vote? the status quo powers that be.
The nice EC lady said that it all began on 19th Sept 2014.
Funny that.
@JimCaldwell 0818
Good point @JimCaldwell. Do you know whether access to the big jotters would be an entitlement for the SNP in a coalition or in a confidence and supply situation? I don’t know how these things work. Clearly there will be skeletons in a number of cupboards the mainstream parties would never want us to see.
Ronnie Anderson
Why a “No Show” at Strathclyde Park Ronnie?
I was looking forward to meeting up.
Well, after all, they promised us that we would “punch above our weight” if we stayed together. It looks like the people of Scotland have decided to put this “family of nations” to the test. The BT bluff has been called, they have been found out and they are livid.
Is it me – or does anyone else think the John Bull character looks a wee like the future Earl of Kirkcaldy. aka Gordon Brown.
It’s hard to disagree with some of your points. Of course we want an independent Scotland to have good relations with the remaining UK and with all other countries. We should play our full part in international organisations like the EU, the UN etc.
But we’re not there yet – we have to win the fight for independence first. Chris’s cartoon neatly reflects the likely increase in influence that Scotland will have at Westminster after the election and cleverly parodies the disrepectful cartoons in the Guardian by Steve Bell. It also encapsulates the stress caused to our unionist opponents by even the prospect of the SNP having influence.
So why shouldn’t we (or rather Chris) do this? There are still significant numbers of people in Scotland who would not vote for independence. It could be a majority. We need to persuade these people and get at least some of them to move over to our side of the argument. Poking fun at our opponents while helping people on both sides of the independence debate to have better insight into the current position seems a pretty good way to do that. Given the outrageous misrepresentation of the facts in the mainstream media, I don’t think we can afford to be too squemish about making our opponents feel uncomfortable.
@ R-type Grunt
Before the REF. we had a major drive alongside canvassing to get folk registered so that they could vote.
That would have been the perfect time for a, obviously coordinated, WM black arts dept. to get fake voters on to the lists.
Multi households with unsuspicous names for postal or direct votes spreadout over Scotland.
Counting the votes was never in doubt correct, as Morag will testify to, but what was actually counted is what makes me to this day suspicous.
Your not paranoid, as far as I know, ๐ but there’s this strange feeling in the bones that something wasn’t right.
First we had Jim Murphy trying to steal the “YES” logo from us.
Now we have Ed Miliband stealing our “Hope Over Fear” logo.
In a speech somewhere in England today,
The Mirror:-
“He is to say the choice on polling day is between โhope and optimismโ offered by Labour and the โfear and pessimismโ peddled by the Conservatives.”
link to
I put link up because it has a voting intention question on it.
I wish the Labour Party would come up with some ideas of their own, instead of the blatant thieving from the YES Campaign.
They fought for two years AGAINST “YES” and “Hope Over Fear”, now they have the brass neck to include them in their own campaign.
Re electoral registration, WTF I got a letter too and have to reregister, how do we cope? More is the point how would the state manage to identify Indy voters? GCHQ and our online profiles? Would they really go to such lengths? Can we monitor any fraud or invite third party monitoring?
Never take anything at face value with this lot.
Intelligent satire, that’s what I’m talking about! I love how Hamish looks quietly confident.
In yer face, with BELL s on!
I’ve been on the voters roll for over 50 years. The last 22 of those years in this house. When I saw all the HooHa about registering, Alex Neil etc, I went online and registered. So far so OK.
The other day I got a letter, addressed to my name, asking if I was the only S Singh living at my address (I am not nor ever have been Mr S Singh) I phoned the Valuation Board and inquired as to what was going on. After some initial confusion I was told that the problem arose because I was already on the register and then had gone on line and registered again.
“But why S Singh ?” I asked. I was then told that S Singh had also registered online and it was a clerical error because the department was “swamped” with all the online registrations and the person responsible had got confused. If I would just score out S Singh and enter my own name and return the form all would be well. This I did but first took a copy and got a phone number if there were any further problems.
I fear that I am not the only casualty in this confusion and this has the making of a right old SNAFU. Beware of memory lapses and clerical errors.
Okay…I am a fair person who is considerate and welcoming. But I am now surrounded in the local cafe by the witches coven of extremely old No of whom patrolled the village on her No and union flag plastered motor scooter.
She is now rattling her charity tin for cancer care. Maybe if she had voted Yes then Scotland could provide without the need for begging. She has one of the big old houses that look out to sea…never shops locally.
Charity begins at home.
A wee bit O/T but in keeping with the humour this morning, Bella gets to the bottom of the mystery of who wrote The Vow link to
In case you miss the embedded link in that one, there’s more humour here link to
Out walking the dog this morning, I came across a rather forlorn looking Davie Mundell clutching a bundle of leaflets. He obviously didn’t know the area, and had found himself walking miles from his car in search of the occasional house. Passing the time of day, I asked him if he was having a busy weekend. “It’s only 59 days until the election and this is such a big area to cover” he said. I watched him disappear up the road. The nearest hoose, half a mile away not counting the 200 yards farm road.
great cartoon Chris but we will need to keep old bully dancing ,might help get him slim and fit for the 21st century ,failing that i aint paying for his liposuction.
All this mess by the the EC should be pounced on by the SG and used for the next indyref to create our own register and to hell with westminster`s one ,we should scream incompetence at them and do it ourselves ,if it costs me a few bob to do it then i am prepared to pay out my pocket to help create it,as for westminster saying that it will be illegal lets just tell them to get lost and do it anyway.
@ heedtracker
I’m with you on all points. I also went to my local council to find out if I’m registered but not before I’d already went through the online check process.
Here’s the thing..
Just suppose that the vote turn-out for the referendum was in reality not much higher than would be normal in any normal election. If that was the case then adding 600,000 names to the vote would be very easy to do. All of which would be No votes of course. Dress it up with statements about “wonderful voter engagement” and all that guff and the deal is done. People are then convinced that everything was done fair & above board.
The next thing they do is to change the voter registration system which would allow them to ‘lose’ those extra voters. Nobody would be any the wiser. Job done.
Except – no-one could have foreseen the rise in SNP membership after the referendum. This rise – coupled with the polls suggesting an SNP landslide – is absolutely NOT what Westminster was expecting. They would have fully expected the issue to die away but instead we’re now front & centre.
I notice Alex Neil is calling for the electoral commission to insist that the old register is used instead of this new cocked-up one.
If the SNP do get into a situation where they have any of the much-vaunted “levers of power” then surely that would give them the right to see the books, as it were. There’s a lot of skeletons in that particular cupboard.
The point being that Westminster would know fine well that they screwed us over but also know that we’re a hair’s breath away from finding this out for definite.
It’s also why I believe that in the event of the SNP making the gains that are predicted the most likely outcome is a Grand Coalition. They simply cannot afford the SNP seeing the books.
Finally – I am not generally what I’d describe as a conspiracy theorist. Not on anything. But I do believe in the old saying..
Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get me.
If the SNP do get into a position where they hold the balance of power then
still trying to get to the bottom of my problem
@R-type Grunt
I’ve received letter I’m not on electoral register
I’ve voted every election,including referendum,,and lived same property since 1995
DWP have told electoral commission they don’t have enough information on me
bizzare,considering I’m self employed,do tax returns twice a year,pay national insurance
I sent copy passport,national insurance number to electoral commission,still waiting reply
I also received letter not on electoral register after I applied for postal vote
@ caz M 10:32
I have e mailled you re the Hope over Fear rally in Strathclyde Park.
Trident Demo same day.
Great cartoon Chris, Hamish is looking well for a beaten big Cat. His namesake, the female hamster, is also looking good, very well indeed for an absconder who finally decided to come out of the walls for food and water after a few days of freedom.
I think your and indeed our, Hamish would never run away from the fight for Independence.
Obvious what pipe tune Hamish is playing –
“The Campbells are coming”
“Ho-Ro, Ho-Ro”!
Just though I would mention here that yes our First Minister did not attend the ceremony yesterday but there was a representative, my understanding from Wings Twitter Page this morning that Keith Brown attended in her stead.
caz-m @
“I wish the Labour Party would come up with some ideas of their own, instead of the blatant thieving from the YES Campaign.”
Its all part of McTernans Putinesque confuse the punters attempt!
People go “I thought that was the Yes campaign that said that?
oh well I must have been wrong”
Labour 40%
SNP 26.9%
Before you all have a heart attack that’s the Mirror folks UK WIDE! ๐
Bugger the Panda
“still trying to get to the bottom of my problem”
Did you see the message that I posted for you?
A wee smile creased my physog and I nodded…puuurfect.
Go Hamish!
Interesting cartoon
To me it is clearly an illustration of how absurd the claims of the MSM are in reality
But I wonder. Perhaps to the voters in rUK it is a chilling vision of the future, as outlined by that same MSM.
I do not think rUK voters grasp that Scotland has been ruled by a party it never voted for for a good part of many decades. Genuinely, I do not think they even understand that problem. I get that impression from many discussions I had on the Guardian CIF feature during the referendum campaign
It is perhaps a measure of how far apart the countries are, politically speaking.
Funny as it is, this cartoon may not help in explaining our position to the rUK
@ caz m As a non partisan group Wings ,we source material from all Indy groups & put it on our stall & as in the past people take leaflets as they wish.1st we had to pay (ยฃ25 no problem)gerry exlpained we dont sell but give away but any donations go to worthy causes.
Gerry was told that only certain material would be exceptable,decision to cancel by gerry/jan/jim/myself.
Are people really asking for the SNP to give a UK prospectus now…its hard enough for them to be heard up here let alone waste precious airtime telling English people they really really love them.
Time England got a wingsoverengland and woke up rather than need any SNP words of comfort.
Its time to lead the way by walking away…not bow down and follow
@Bugger (the Panda) at 11:11 am
still trying to get to the bottom of my problem
Use both hands and don’t scratch til you’ve found it ๐
Grand cartoon Chris. Beware the Hamish with his tail up! I think you’ve missed the thin blue line in the crotch where JB’s incontinence pants have leaked
Superb Chris.
Nice to start the day with a wee smile .
Be afraid England . The SNP boggyman is coming ๐
I think the cartoon will communicate our position to rUK rather effectively. Those of us who support independence are amused and the cartoon re-enforces what we probably already know. Those – particularly in rUK – who do not understand the dynamics of Scottish Politics and who dismisss us as just “trouble makers” will I think get a glimpse of what makes us tick. They may not like it and they will no doubt say it is not funny, but if they gain some insight then the cartoon has served its purpose.
Think of the Guardian cartoons by Steve Bell. I don’t find them funny at all, but they do help me to understand the mind set of the unionists. I don’t like what I see at all, but that does not mean that the cartoon has not worked.
We need to be realistic about what we trying to do. We do want to break up the UK. For that to happen, we need to create a level of discomfort, particularly amongst Scottish No voters, with the status quo. We need them to understand that we are all being short-changed by the union. And if we provoke a unionist backlash from those South of the border, then that’s fine because that in turn may increase the discomfort of our target community – i.e. Scottish No voters.
More power to your elbow Chris. Keep drawing these intelligent, thought-provoking and very funny cartoons.
I love it.
Looking at it in the context of the Guardian’s incest cartoon is just all the more satisfying.
Hangover fae hell…….an I’m still laughing, brilliant, Chris, just brilliant.
Excellent Chris, you made me smile, chuckle and gave me hope…thank you!
R-type Grunt you are not paranoid my friend. There is something rotten in this kingdom. Democracy was corrupted and continues to be stripped away by the keepers of this archaic system of governance. The state and their subservient Scottish minions cheated, stealing from us our right to self determination. And continue to do so!
They know that we know it. That is why they are not confident in the resulting “NO vote” knowing it is not the “settled will of the Scottish people” and only buys them some more time to asset strip Scotland for their own gain.
O/T Nana Smith at 9:44 am says:
“Ukipโs Coburn attack on Humza Yousaf is truly vile.”
Coburn will still be smarting from when Humza demolished him online. Coburn made a quip about his passport saying “UK” not “Scotland”.
Humza Yousaf replied that it also said “European Union”.
Which sent Coburn into a rage, where he claimed that his passport didn’t say that at all.
Then Humza responded with a picture of his passport, which, of course, said “European Union.”
Coburn seems to get sauced up every evening and go on a Twitter rampage, and much of what is says is innappropriate.
R-type Grunt, this is also my suspicion on the changes to the electoral register, though I suspect that not all the postal votes were No, I also don’t think all of them were genuinely resident in Scotland. The changes to the register are UK wide, enabling people to re-register without it being noticed. There will never be an opportunity to compare the register just before the referendum and just before the General Election. That is where the evidence is and its been wiped, shredded and lost.
@ midgehunter
yes and will look into it but it could be a firefox / wordpress and Mac? problem.
Totally bizarre and if it continues I may just stop posting.
Bugger (the Panda), please do not stop posting if you can possibly avoid it. I thoroughly enjoy your contributions
Bugger honey you will not stop posting, I won’t have it.
Huff Post now running story about the racist Coburn.
Absolutely vile, but par for the course in UKIP. I can’t tell you how much I detest that disgusting party, who are polling about 14% down south.
They are really dangerous.
I absolutely love these drawings/cartoons (never ken the richt words to describe them).
I have Hamish saved when he was doing the 100m dash with John Bull.
Chris/Rev or anyone really, please make these in to a wee book and flog them. I really want the whole collection and I’m sure many others would too!
Bewtifaaal stuff.
Maybe one solution, bloody expensive though, would be to buy an Android tablet only for Wings?
Android gives me Wings?
need to check the bamboo cache.
O/T Just jumped over to the Funds page nearing ยฃ100K ,WOW !
Another Winger donated ยฃ1K , thats 9 of you fab people .
Excellent and thank you .
I need my daily ration of Wings , brings sanity to my mind .
For me every large or small donation you very kind Wingers donate I’m very thankfull indeed .
Tackety Beets
No doubt helped by the attacking piece in the Stirling Observer (Daily Record stable mate). A good welcome to all new readers from the Stirling area. Stick around you will learn a lot.
Thanks for putting my mind at ease folks, it’s not just me then.
@ Caroline Cornfield
It would seem that now both registers are in operation. This country is a farce. Have a look at this link..
link to
I also went through the online process which is being spread over the Internet as a method to check whether you are on the register but which is actually a means to apply for the register. When I eventually got to the end of the process and was none the wiser I phoned up my Council office. I am already on the list but now I wonder what’s going to happen with the online process I went through. Does that mean there’s now two of me?
I am so angry that the people who are supposed to be working for me would seem to be working against me.
Here’s the phone numbers for anyone in the Tayside area..
link to
Oh dear, Bugger – I do hope the problem with your bottom isn’t serious and gets better soon ๐
Following the exciting news that the fundraiser is now over ยฃ100k. May I point out that we are still looking for some donations to be credited towards a gold badge for Paula Rose. ยฃ52 to go.
So dig down the sofa, donate a couple of quid and post on off-topic to say how much.
link to
Paula Rose really needs the bit of class that a real gold badge would bring!
@ R-type Grunt
Yes, you probably will be on the roll twice (for a while at least) – I was, after registering on-line before receiving my letter from the council telling me I had been automatically transferred.
The old system of household registration was unsatisfactory.
There is never a good time to change such a system; there will always be an imminent election somewhere that will have the potential for confusion.
The change to Individual Voter Registration was delayed in Scotland in an attempt to avoid confusion (for some people; it could also be argued that confusion was helpful for a different subset of the electorate) during the Referendum.
So it is now causing confusion during the General Election – but further delay would have impacted on the Holyrood Election, and so on.
I am sure that there were people – holiday home owners, for instance – who do not really live in Scotland who voted in September. It will be easier to spot double registrations now that NI numbers and dates of birth are included.
The change has been badly handled, but it isn’t helping that people are, as you said, using the wrong method to try to find out if they have been transferred. Adding to the work of the local Electoral Registration Offices only makes it more likely that they will make mistakes or not complete the transfer in time.
A sorry mess indeed.
I too was worried about my ability (or not) to vote, so checked the online form, it told me I wasn’t registered , so completed the online process.
I eventually got a notice from my local Registration Office (Forfar, Tayside) to say that I was already registered as I had been the ‘Registration householder’ so had been automatically re-registered. But others in the household were not and these ‘other’ household members (in our case my husband) would have to register themselves. Husband did so, also going through the online process. He has since gotten a Notification stating he WILL be registered (doesn’t say he HAS BEEN). So what exactly that means, we are not sure!
But yes – the online Registration site said we were NOT registered, Forfar says we are… so who knows??? I don’t think the Official site, nor Forfar REALLY knows! Goodness knows, *I* am not sure! I guess we wait to see if we get voting cards! Certainly – NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
I must add – in neither case have either my husband nor I had to produce any proof we are who we say we are. We have lived in this house nigh on 24 years, and ALWAYS vote in every election. So has that made the difference? Who knows?
I even had our son’s vote at one time. He now lives back in this country (was working in Spain and then in Italy as an Aircraft Engineer for Ryan Air and so ‘Head Offices’ were in Dublin hence I think allowed him to vote in Brit.. err… English elections (‘English’ seems the much more accurate term in this case!) and has registered himself at his new addie in Monymusk, Aberdeenshire. HE did not have to produce evidence of his new domicile either! Not sure if they would know HOW we (all the family) vote so can’t say if that has any bearing on whether to register us or not. Or whether we need proof of identity.
I will say – son did a postal vote for Indy referendum as he was to be in Norway on the day. And he does now very much wonder if his vote was prematurely opened and counted, or whether his name was used as a Ballot Box ‘second’ vote. He declares he will never vote that way again. He will get wife to proxy vote for him and vice versa. Wife often works in other countries too, so they are not sure what will happen if an election happens while they are BOTH out of country! They are just going to take one election at a time and hope that the situation of both being outwith the country at election time, never rears it’s head.
They both want the chance to have a say in their own country. Such a shame if they can’t rely on the voting system to make sure they get it!
@Faltdubh – No need to give them airs and graces – ‘cartoons’ are most certainly what they are.
And a book is at last in the offing for later in the year. Watch this space.
Funny, if you keep them on their toes they dance better.
@Malky says: 14 March, 2015 at 7:06 am:
“If only the English press could get hold of thisโฆ”
Oh! they can, Malky, they can, – and probably have – but they won’t dare print it.
@Cuddis says: 14 March, 2015 at 7:05 am:
“Isnโt that figure wearing the Union Jack called โฆ Oh what is it again โฆ Oh, I know, John Bullshit. Excellent cartoon, one of your best ever”
Have to agree that, Cuddis, it really is one of Chris’s best efforts. They just seem to get better with every new cartoon.
However, the history of, “John Bull”, is quite interesting. There was actually never a real John Bull. The original was a Sunday newspaper that was established in the City, (London EC4), by one, Theodore Hook, in 1820.
So not only is it particularly of London and England but was very much part of, “The Establishment”. As usual with, “The Establishment”, it mistakenly believes London is England, England is the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom is Britain.
So let’s consider this, “Theodore Hook”, who dreamt up the fictitious John Bull. We find he was not only an Establishment figure, educated at Harrow and Oxford but also a Tory and a thoroughly bad lot too : –
link to
Seems all the nasty stuff that blights Scotland within the United Kingdom always stems from, “The Establishment”, and it has done so since Roman Britain times, Hadrian’s Wall and the southern British/English abject fear and loathing of the Scots and Scotland.
donnywho says:14 March, 2015 at 7:28 am:
” … will we hold our nerve, what gutters will the media drag, what will her majestyโs security do, will they really disenfranchise us and call it equality.
Laugh at the English establishment at your peril; threatened and afraid there is little they wonโt do”.
Know what you mean, donnywho. It’s just the same old, “Gunboat Diplomacy”, sans gunboats and sans diplomacy.
I was at first irritated at the sound of Cameron blustering, gesticulating and yelling at the top of his voice about how the SNP were attempting to, “Break up his country”, until it occurred to me the poor, badly educated
man,Err! person was wetting himself in abject fear of Scotland and the people of Scotland.Are we Scottish electors about to write the history of Cameron as the man who single headedly broke ended the United Kingdom. After all, as there are only two Kingdoms signatures upon the Treaty of Union it cannot exist after one partner Kingdom leaves the bipartite union.
Actually Stew,
I’ve got nothing to add,it’s just that I’ve always wanted to have the LAST word!.