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Wings Over Scotland

The Huffing Post

Posted on March 13, 2015 by

Last night: yes.


This morning: no, never, definitely not.


This afternoon: maybe.


Over to Scottish Labour for a live comment:

More news as it breaks, readers.


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Aerosol ?

Jim Thomson

I had heard rumours that it changes your vocal delivery if you do it too often.

Kevin evans

This must be slab latest attempt to gather voters – we tried fit ba’ nea sucsess, we tried booze at fit ba’ nea luck there either. Jim, tell em ya sniff glue.

Bugger (the Panda)

So if Smurfy never sniffed glue or any other mind altering substance,what the fuck is he on now.

If it is hee-haw, maybe he should lube up?

Bugger (the Panda)

If as he says he cannot remember if he sniffed glue, then he did and it explains everything

wee folding bike


No, I want it for my oxters.


The one question that sticks in my mind about this glue sniffing stuff is this … was it UHU or spuer glue that Murph the Smurph can not remember sniffing? 😀


Evo Stick or Thixo Fix?

When yer ready, geiz a buzz…


I don’t much fancy sniffing glue out of your oxters.


Charlie Kennedys a bit of a square.


@wee folding bike

Ian Brotherhood

At least a Golden Wonder (other crisps are avalable) poke with some Evo-Stick (other glues are available) in it would hide some of that ubiquitous effing coupon.


It would explain so much.

Bob Mack

Try laying a vinyl floor with spray adhesive. Cool man.


They are sniffing something over at labourlist- power maybe?

Increasingly it looks like no party will win a majority in May. And given how badly Labour are faring in May there has recently been a lot of talk about whether Labour would do a deal with the SNP.

What do LabourList readers think?

There’s a sizeable number of people (63%) who agree that Labour shouldn’t rule out any post-election deal with the SNP.

It seems that there is some kind of appetite for a deal, if it means helping Labour get into government – 22% think that Labour should rule out a coalition but that means they wouldn’t necessarily oppose a minority Labour government looking to the SNP for support.

A smaller number -15% – want Labour to rule out any form of agreement with the SNP.”


The name’s Bond. Jim UHUnionist Bond.


Pritt Stick,Blu Tak?


Murphy says he “doesn’t remember” if he sniffed glue as a youth.

Utter shite. He seems to forget an awful lot of his past when it comes to Red Tory policies that he supported and in a number of cases championed.

I really believe that right at this moment he deeply regrets taking the SLAB leadership gig, that the ship is sinking is apparent to all and as Captain he has no choice other than to remain on the bridge and go down with it.

Few will shed a tear in Scotland for the failed New Labour experiment that is Thatchers legacy via Blair.

Proud Cybernat

Jim comes unstuck….

link to

Steve Bowers

Fit a gype at loon is, he should have fessed up with the others and it would now be gone, all it took was a wee ” yes, we’ve all done daft things when we were young”
but now he’s just become the object of scorn and derision AGAIN !

Bugger (the Panda)

test using torch


Meanwhile Sir Gus O’Donnell, former Cabinet Secretary 2010,
could certainly be on something and it’s not laughing gas:-

Speaking at an event hosted by University College London’s Constitution Unit on Thursday evening, O’Donnell said what the election was “all about is Scotland”


I find it hard to believe Wee Wullie Winky ever smoked dope.

RMF Brown

As I’ve said before, a very very tiny part of me is secretly glad we lost in September, because it has been worth every minute to see the Labour crash happen before my eyes. Every day is comedy gold.


Changed my mind Stu – sorry I’ll be sticking with Labour now.


How can you “not remember” if you sniffed glue or not? If one had utterly no recollection of ever sniffing glue then surely one would confidently state “I’ve never sniffed glue.”

I’m certain I’ve never eaten a bumble bee. Therefore, if asked, I would say with confidence, “I’ve never eaten a bumble bee.” I wouldn’t say, “Oh, I don’t remember if I ate a bumble bee or not.”

Therefore the mere fact that Murphy stated he didn’t remember is enough for me to think that he probably does remember.

Why is he even talking about glue sniffing anyway? Does he think it gives him some street cred with the yes voting Glasgow men that he wants to win back to Labour? And does he not stop to think what his constituents will think? The blue-rinse, ex-Tory voting posh residents of Eastwood won’t be impressed. Oh well, it keeps us cybernats entertained, mustn’t grumble 🙂

Stewart fae stoney

Sniffing glue destroys all your brain cells, so that explains a lot, eh Jim

john king

wee folding bike says @ 5.19pm

No, I want it for my oxters.

Ah the old Swedish chemist shop joke. 🙂


I’m not sure of the point being made here. Jim Murphy may or may not have taken drugs. Nicola Sturgeon definitely has.

To all of which I say – who cares?

Ian Brotherhood

‘Oh, what a wicked web…’ etc.

This kind of gives a new ‘spin’ to ‘wicked’ – spiders on drugs:

link to

Graeme Purves

“OK, I did, but it was only a Pritt stick.”

john king

Jim Thomson says @ 5.12pm
I had heard rumours that it changes your vocal delivery if you do it too often.

I heard you get the munchies,

Whits fir tea darlin?

Jim Thomson

@Bob Mack

probably just as good as putting wall board up (24ft x 8ft) using an awfy big tin of EvoStik and forgetting (honest) to open the windaes.


Right no cheap shots mentioning Bastik

Jim Thomson

@John King 5:45pm

if I was to say “mince round” ….


“Blu Tak?”

or smurph poo as it’s also known.


john king

Lesley-Anne says @ 5.24pm
“The one question that sticks in my mind about this glue sniffing stuff ”

Nail varnish remover that’ll get it out of you mind, and so will you.
Get out of your mind I mean. 🙂


Nice pun. Glue huffing Murphy’s easy to picture. Also this BBC sez vote Morphy he’s a vegan, booze free jogger, back and fore in front of tv cameras, all looks a lot like detox.

Jamie Arriere

I don’t think he sniffs aerosols…but I’ve heard he might lick a few


Murphy sniffed glue,but he didn’t inhale.


What we need to establish is if he ever stopped sniffing glue! Perhaps it is all that stops his brain from running out his ears. It may have worked well for him? lol

I wonder if he had any friends as a young man, who might give us the real story behind this? Probably not!

Isn’t it wonderful that he admits to it and SLAB come back to tell us all what really happened, as if they had lived his life for him and was there throughout!

It doesn’t auger well that Smurph would tell us, he is going to make demands of Westminster Labour, when he isn’t allowed to even reference his own youth?

Lord Charles, the ventriloquists Dummy, had a greater say in running his comedy act, than the Smurph has with SLAB.

That is just so funny! Great start to the weekend. Love it!

Do you think Westminster Labour have sent a report to his Mother detailing how his delivery went?


Does he think it gives him some street cred with the yes voting Glasgow men that he wants to win back to Labour?

This fits with his other initiatives, don’t you think?

“All those other politicians say they smoked cannabis: how middle class is that? I,however, socialist Jim Murphy, am down with the working class and I sniffed glue like all us working class poor people. I slept in a drawer you know….”

john king

Jim Thompson says
@John King 5:45pm

if I was to say “mince round” ….

I’ll be right there, after this

link to
Aint life a bitch. 🙂

The Isolator

There’s the Scottish Government’s anti drug and anti solvent abuse campaign right there.

Sniff glue and you too could end up like this,a befuddled buffoon high and not so mighty with a peanut for a heid and a brain of similar proportions.

Wee Folding Bike

So Labour think we have forgotten their Vow from September but we remember a Not The Nine o’clock News gag from more than 30 years ago.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Spiders On Drugs’ – The Movie (less than two minutes long…)

Spot the George Foulkes spider, the Ian Davidson spider…you get the idea.

link to


“Bye Afghanistan. Seems like we just couldn’t murder enough of you to bring peace, couldn’t drop enough explosives to bring stability. Sorry.”

Glue huffing brain damage could explain the vote Morphy SLab war mongering, as in Frankie Boyle on Facbook above. teamGB elite were all at church today saying thanks for whatever it was troughing maniacs like Morphy thought they were slaughtering peasants in the middle east for.

You need uppers just to look at this gargoyle of a SLab loser. Vote Slab May 7, we start endless wars all over the world to keep you sweaties safe .


Symptoms of solvent abuse may include: confusion; memory impairment; a sour puss.

Kevin Evans

I still maintain if you go look at Jim Murphy getting interviewed the night the Clutha bar accident happened his eyes were like saucers – he was wizzin oot his nut on something. Ching (cocaine) is my best guess.


Now I’ve got this image stuck in my head. It’s Labour H.Q. in Scotland, boarded up, with a wee pile of crisps on the pavement outside.


Perhaps that why he got stuck at University for so long?

Craig P

The real zoomers weren’t on glue, it was sniffing petrol.

Given the unionists craving for oil, maybe that’s what he was on back in the scheme. 😉


Creepy Jim sniffs pants ????


What would be the telltale signs of someone currently sniffing glue?

Forgetfulness perhaps, maybe repeating the same sentence over and over despite it being proved false?

Maybe also a gaunt look or prone to depression and mood swings?


Jim now remembers never sniffing glue

link to

I think it is hilarious that the other leaders mention trying cannabis and no one seems to care but huffy Jim is another matter entirely.

ronnie anderson

Wee Mags Curran’s the same as Smurph canny remember things, wiz she oan the Glue as weil.

CameronB hide the Talcum Powder wan sniff o that an they’ll hiv ah total memory wipeoot.


I may or may not be SLAB leader. I can’t remember. But I am the golden wonder!


john king says:

Lesley-Anne says @ 5.24pm
“The one question that sticks in my mind about this glue sniffing stuff ”

Nail varnish remover that’ll get it out of you mind, and so will you.
Get out of your mind I mean. 🙂

Abso … what were we talking about again? oh aye right nails. Absolut … my minds gone blank remind me again WHAT are discussing here? 😀

Pass the bottle when you’re finished John … think I need another wee snifter. 😛

I canonly guess that this is another McTernan Fantasia moment where he said to Murph the Smurph that admiting to, then denying to, sniffing glue will DEFINATELY get him “down and dirty” with the nifty electorate! 🙂


“Stoned of Destiny”


Another week of rancid Graun says Vote SLab loyal sweaties or else

link to

Libby Carrell sum up leaves out his/her own organ’s vote SLab propaganda this week that told the world Scots are incestuous folk dancers into S&M too

link to


Mebbe ayes mebbe naw, Murphy didn’t sniff glue, but when he talks in his priestly voice, I smell shite.

ronnie anderson

We know DimJim speak’s wie the cloven tounge,noo we find oot he’s been sniffing the Cloven Hoof Glue.

Its the bond that keeps the Labour Party thegither,but apply ah wee bitty Heat they come apart at the joints.

Jim Thomson

Next thing you know he’ll deny ever having boiled up old shellac 78s and drunk the liquor to be buddies with his homeless mates.

(I knew some interesting people in childhood … just sayin’)

Alastair Wright

correct me if I’m not remembering Jim’s bio correctly, but didn’t he emigrate at the age of 6 and not return untill 17 / 18?


I find it absolutely staggering that BBC have Malcolm Rifkind as commentator on Newsnight last night.


Someone would know if Murphy participated in a bit of breathing out the crisp poke. I knew 2 guys who were right into glue sniffing (bloody religious about it, so they were). So into it were the two of them that they reeked of the chemicals from it. It clung to their clothes just as bad as the smell of smoke if you stood long enough at a bonfire.

I’m sure with these wee revelations of childhood scrapes and past-times opening up, that Murphy will be bricking it should Wee Shug, Psycho Billy, or Big Malky appear on the TV, regaling us with happy memories of the good old days, of glue-sniffery antics in the woods at the back of the scheme with their old pal, Big Jimbo.

Anyway …glue-sniffing …just knowing that it stank your clothes out was a sure-fire warning not to do it, as I knew my Ma and Da would know in the blink of an eye what it was I had been up to (….not that I ever fancied it. I always found the 2 oddball characters a helluva strange when they were right out of it! (…and I mean they were right out of it …which confoundingly!!! …could mean that Jimbo is telling the truth for once, when he says he can’t rememeber! ….honestly …how bizarre!)

Anyway …for myself, like all the folk of our generation(s) …Under age drinking …yes. Gluesniffing …hell, no!


watch out Wee Folding Bike he might come round and pinch yer puncture repair glue lol


Murph says ” drugs weren’t as widespread “, 9 years at uni, he must have been permanently spaced out not to have noticed.

Take Independence

I haven’t got a glue what you’re talking about.

[…] The Huffing Post […]


Mealer wrote:
“Murphy sniffed glue,but he didn’t inhale.”

Aye, whilst sitting in his bedroom (aka the chest of drawers).


LOL !!! Well …it’s good to know that if it really does go tits-up for Labour on the morning of the 8th of May, then I know there is one person in the room who can tell the others that if they are looking for something a tad different than just getting hammered on the booze, then there is a nice cheap alternative method which will only skin them a fiver! Not only do they get to dull the pain …but going with Jimbo’s ‘recollections’, they get the added bonus that they can forget about it ‘all’ too!


It was definitely a Prat stick Jim used


Surely Jim will be in favour of “evo” max

Brian Doonthetoon


We’ll have some of these badges with us at George Square and PQ on Sunday.

comment image


So he can’t remember sniffing glue, but now he remembers he didn’t sniff it.

I wish he’d stick to one story. It’s so tacky. Etc,etc.

I’ll get my coat.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Aw man…ah woke up in this big drawer, right, a big giant drawer right? an’ ah wis aw covered wi eggs an’ Irn Bru right? an’ ah wis that way, right, ken when ye just feel like sumbdy’s staring at ye, right? so ah looks up an’ it’s Nelson Mandela pure starin’ in the windae man…it wis mental by the way…here, see’s ower thae Hob-nobs, eh?’

Graham Ballantyne

Gluegate is yet another example of Jim’s sheer political ineptitude. The whole Murphy performance becomes more clownish with every day that passes. Johan Lamont must be cackling up her sleeve.


9 years at university and he never smoked a single spliff? Remarkable!

I’m older than Murphy and you know what…people got stoned back in the 60s and 70s.

Democracy Reborn

Afrikaans translation of “the glue sniffer”:-

Die gom snuffelhonde


I’m confused and not for the first time tonight either I hasten to add. 😉

If oor wee Jim said last night that he did sniff and today he says he didn’t how do we know which Jim to believe. I mean maybe last night he had sniffed glue before sticking to his response and today he has become unstuck and told a wee lie.


Last night he told the truth and today he had to take a wee snort of the sticky stuff just to remind himself that he in fact did not sniff glue. By this time however he was being glued to the sdpot about sniffing glue and, having just *ahem* tried a wee snort he felt obliged to unstick himself from the situation. 😀



Murphy’s new stance on Home Rule.

link to


@Brian Doonthetoon – I wasn’t sure if the protest at PQ was going ahead because there has been little publicity about it on social media

john king

sees thum ower here inaw
Am fair starvin soinamur.

ronnie anderson

Ah blame his Parents putting him in the bottom drawer,could they no at least waited tae the Varnish hud dried.

Ivan Bishop

He’ll get the HUFF (double pun) if we go about him 😉

john king

That mince round oh Jims widnae feed a budgie,
it wis mair a mince ro….. 🙁

Grizzle McPuss

Allegedly, Jim Murphy was heard to mutter…

“Because I was stressed, I started sniffing glue…it was the only thing holding me together”

Paula Rose

Sniffin’ glue – the delightful Mark Perry

link to

Ian Brotherhood

A wee song for the Morph, from all his fans:

Lionel Richie, ‘Stuck On You’ –

link to


The never knowingly honest Jim Murphy in action.


Like Jim, I grew up in Arden in the 1970s – we’re nearly the same age, too. Never met him though.

Sniffing glue was most definitely not “something all the kids tried”, as he’s apparently said. I don’t recall encountering any kids who even tried it, not until the 80s.

It was a decent wee housing scheme then, and only went downhill in the 1980s – I know, I lived there until 1986. But that was well after Jim left for South Africa.

He’s came out with a fair bit of crap playing up this “working class bloke” image. I’d love to get the time to put an article together, corroborate with a few childhood friends and see if what we all recall squares with Jim’s version. I very much doubt it woul.

Bugger (the Panda)

Smurphy must have been aff his chump to allow himself to be filed here.

Obviously on Blu Tak

link to

big jock

I dont know about sniffing glue,but I smell Shite does that count!

CameronB Brodie

You have to wonder about someone who can’t remember whether they have done something as radical and dangerous as sniffing glue.

Damaged or disingenuous?


Spring heeled Jims heed must be buzzin’..

Spitter, or swallower ? We need to know.

Paula Rose

So our wee Jim spent 9 years at uni smoking? Makes sense – ask him what it was.

Paula Rose

(Rev honey – do you own that? cos it’s worth half the crowdfundie thingie)

Ian Brotherhood

Ed Miliband sniffs sellotape.

CameronB Brodie

Velvet Underground – I’m Sticking With You
link to

@ Better Together
It’s what you wanted, yes? 🙂

call me dave

For those not glued to wings for a wee while. 🙂

KO soon Aberdeen V Motherwell Links on Off Topic from yesterday.

I never realised that this would be a topic which would be of much interest to folk.


Long term memory loss and aggressive behaviour are associated with glue sniffing.


Another deluded eejit

link to


As a wee pupil of mine said way back – “Isn’t that snue gliffin a terrible thing Miss?” 🙂


Give Jim a sniff of victory and he will betray himself. It is his nature. I am concerned that the Scottish Govt is not able the prevent postal fraud and electoral register errors in the run up to the GE. I have a nasty feeling that stuff will happen behind closed doors. I am not a conspiracy theorist but nothing was done to or about Ruth Davidson when she admitted prior knowledge of results.

What steps are being taken to endure a fair playing field? I fear the playing field is one the Eton elite are far too used to playing on…

Someone cheer me up.


JM has already forgotten which way he voted in the referendum last year. All he could remember was that the sealant on the ballot box had a lovely aroma.

call me dave

This is why a politician never turns round to speak when you call ‘UHU’ to them… Jacket on I’m off to the match.

Ian Brotherhood

‘You smell that? I love the smell of wallpaper paste in the morning…it smells like…like…like wallpaper paste.’


If he used Pritt Stick that’d sorta be like the Smith Commission version of glue-sniffing?

But does anyone think Jimbo would be a natural for a superannuated version of Trainspotting? (And he’s already dived into The Worst Toilet In Scotland.)

Dr Jim

New Campaign; Let’s stick together

And Jims got the glue to hold the Union together
So stick by Jim
At one time in the distant past the drug of choice was
Belair hair product stuff i think it was hair spray it came in little blue plastic bottles and they sniffed it straight from the bottle
They also used to mix it with milk and drink it Oooh!!!
But the all time fave was into the crisp poke and away you go
Maybe that’s why Dim Jim talks like LURCH out of the Addams Family

“You Bonged”


Might be interested to know that I live in the same place as Mr Murphy ,in fact a couple of streets up. Door chapped 5 minutes ago , I,m in bed with flu so slowly walked to window .

2 people at next door , including you know who , watched him work way down the street and no one gave him the time of day, either ignoring him or declining to discuss. Consider what that means in one of the wealthiest areas of East Ren/Glasgow.

Expect to see that reported In the Record tomorrow as unanimously positive response on doorstep.



Sorry about this OT Stu but it has only recently come to light.

I put the next link on the relevant article over a week ago but it appears that the ‘Fit has really hit the Shan’.

Funded by the UK Government.

Sellafield failed by private clean-up firms: Series of expensive mistakes has led to review at nuclear plant

From yesterdays Independent:

Ultimate cost of Sellafield clean-up ‘cannot be forecast

The top official at the Energy Department has admitted to not having “general confidence” that the escalating cost of cleaning up the Sellafield nuclear facility can be accurately forecast any time soon.

Stephen Lovegrove, the Department’s Permanent Secretary, told The Independent that the huge range in the current estimate for decontaminating the Cumbrian site – £88bn to £218bn – illustrated the “level of uncertainty” in the forecasts.

Mr Lovegrove was speaking after a hearing of the Public Accounts Committee yesterday afternoon. He told MPs that it was “impossible to know” the costs of the detoxification of one of the world’s most hazardous nuclear sites, a job that will not be completed until well into the 22nd century.

To emphasize:

The cleanup of Sellafield site in Cumbria is estimated at £88bn to £218bn

It is with little wonder that, over the last decade or more, on a daily bases the electorate have increasingly viewed the Government, whatever party/parties are heading it, as little more than Managers… and are ‘piss poor’ at even that.

Dr Jim

Dim Jim licks all the Postal voters envelopes himself

after he’s filled them in of course

john king

Dr Jim
“You Bonged”

link to

Ian Brotherhood

‘You know we made a vow…’

Bryan Ferry, ‘Let’s Stick Together’

link to


Here’s a wee horror thought to cheer your Friday nights up…..assuming Murphy wins East Ren and taking into account the prospect of him bailing in under a year, what do we think his chances of being handed Scottish Sec. are?

Is it possible for the SNP to demand Scottish Sec. without being in formal coalition with Labour?

CameronB Brodie

Here is a generic question that I think might prove useful when considering the pronouncements of Jim Murphy MP. 🙂

link to


@ Bugger the Panda

Left a message for you at the end of the last thread regarding your computer problems.

Maybe it’ll help.

john king

Mumsyhugs says
“As a wee pupil of mine said way back – “Isn’t that snue gliffin a terrible thing Miss?” :)”

His name spasn’t Wooner was it?

Zen Broon

No way #creepyjim was ever cool enough to sniff glue. Was he not just one of those slighty creepy perpetual ‘students’ that hang around the union but never quite get a degree?

bookie from hell

The hand cleanser you put on when you enter NHS wards hospital

im hooked on that,give it a good sniff

john king

Author Al says
“Someone cheer me up.”

Ok here goes

Never tell people your troubles. Half of them are not interested and the other half are glad you’re getting what’s coming to you.

No? ok what about this?

My doctor told me to drink a bottle of wine after a hot bath, but I couldn’t even finish drinking the hot bath!


I sleep like a baby . . I wake up screaming every morning around 3am.

How true! 🙁

Two cannibals were eating a clown – one said to the other, ‘Does he taste funny to you?’

Thats it I’m off (so was the clown apparently)


I’m sure there was a medical study in America a few years ago that proved conclusively that long term expose to adhesive fumes turned you into a pure bellend and a compulsive liar, but then I could be wrong.

big jock

Jim was secretly told that Sturgeon was going to reveal she tried canabis. McTernan gave him the heads up and Uncle Jim and the Labour party. Decided they had to do harder drugs than the SNP. Whatever drugs the SNP do we will match them and do more drugs in the future.

Murphy retracted when someone told him glue was an adhesive not a drug.


Did you never visit Level 2 in the Student Union during your 9 years at Strathclyde Jim?

You could cut a knife through the fog on many a day…..

Free Scotland

If the murphy family were as poor as the smurph claims they were, the chances are the furniture was that cheap junk from MFI. The poor-quality joints would no doubt come loose after being used as a bed for restless and hyperactive infants who were suffering the after-effects of imbibing too much Irn Bru. The responsible parents would then glue the joints together and put wee jim to bed before the glue was fully dry, and the poor wee soul would fall asleep inhaling the toxic vapours. Murphy could be said to have suffered the solvent-abuse equivalent of passive smoking.


Zen Broon says
“Was he not just one of those slighty creepy perpetual ‘students’ that hang around the union but never quite get a degree?”

Probably hangin around checkin out the freshmen,
What Uni did hothershall go to btw?
jus askin s’all.

Grizzle McPuss

What’s the difference between an Ikea flat-pack wardrobe which is missing the adhesive, and Jim Murphy?

One is a glueless kit.

Brian Doonthetoon

AS an avid constructor of Airfix kits in the 60s, I loved the smell of polystrene cement.

Only 50 years later am I beginning to understand why I liked building those kits.

big jock

And another thing. Red nose day. An English establishment of BBC unfunny comedians. Its like a love in for tax dodgers and middle class twits.


The question we should be asking is …. was the glue claimed on expenses?

Democracy Reborn

Jim sniffed 1000 more glue bags than Nicola’s spliffs…

Paula Rose

Old punks like me just love it when we see our dream come true.

David Agnew

and with that, the Streisand effect goes into high gear.


That’s a great punk fanzine, you’ve got there.

So, big dim Jim went from, having his nose in a glue bag, to troughing at Westminster; did he? It would explain the “dim” bit.

sally hughes

From Daisy Walker
I dealt with a Glue Sniffer in 1997, in Dundee, a pair wee soul, even the heroin addicts thought he was pathetic. He hid the glue bag down his boxer shorts… think he came to a sticky end eventually…


Jim struck me as a Unibond fella.


@ Paula Rose

It would seem, there are a lot of us “old punks”, still around.
Have a gander at ” punk for Pam”, in aid of cancer research, Edinburgh Friday, next.

Chic McGregor

The War on Drugs “Lost In The Dream” is a great album and the title sums up Murphy’s situation

G H Graham

A politician accused of glue sniffing? That will never stick.


To be honest, if Murphy had sniffed glue then at least that would go some way to explaining his ugly personality and make him more understandable.

However, my guess is he’s just trying to wait and decide which way is the ‘trendy’ way to hedge his bets!


I remember when Alex S was asked if he had ever smoked a spliff and he ” yes, but I didn’t exhale” ( see ex US pres Bill Clinton’s reply to the same question)

Chic McGregor

“Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.
Stuck in the middle with U.”


“Dr Jim says:
13 March, 2015 at 8:01 pm

Maybe that’s why Dim Jim talks like LURCH out of the Addams Family

“You Bonged” ”

No, “You Rang” will do just fine — “rang” being the Scots past tense of “reigned”.

Another Union Dividend

Is the BBC not the glue that binds Labour together?

Rob James

I’m beginning to worry about the suitability of some of our politicians. Next we’ll have Osborne declaring that he can’t remember taking cocaine, having forgotten to remove the £50 note from his left nostril.

Chic McGregor

Bet McTernan’s fuming.

Christian Wright

It is a well known fact that prolonged abuse of solvents results in the user sounding like HAL 9000.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.

. . . Open the pod bay doors, Jim.


“Don’t do drugs children and vote SLab or else,” George Foulkes, Baron Foulkes of Cumnock

link to

Right Honorable Charles Kennedy is unwell. Imagine the teamGB vote SLab attack machine today, if anyone from SNP turned at Question Time drunk as a Lord Foulkes.

Al Dossary

The oft re-posted picture of George Osborne with his arm around a prostitute and a table filled with booze and what looks like lines of white powder never stopped him becoming chancellor.

So why in hell is Murphy worried about a glue supper ?


I see he’s not ruled out Lady Esquire then.

Misuse of a crisp packet would explain the level of paranoia in the party though.

big jock

Judging by McTernan’s plooky puss. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was partial to a wee bit of evo stick!


Here is what Jim Murphy said, captured on video.

link to

ronnie anderson

Scottish Accounting Units Poster Boy I give you,s Jim Murphy MP,he’s ah stick on for the position. Billboards will available shortly.


Oh , Fuck off,Fuck off,Fuck off !!

Ian Brotherhood

Friday Night Teaser:

Morphslapper’s preferred voting system is –


Ian Brotherhood

@icySpark (9.17) –

Oh, ya beauty…

Just to time-stamp it – it has 40 views right now.

Anyone fancy a bet on what it’ll be at midnight?

I’m plumping for, er, well, let’s see, any advances on 674?


Jim is sticking to his motto that it will be Araldite on the night of May the 7th.

Paula Rose

Am I on the right thread?

CameronB Brodie

Thanks for the link.

So it was said in jest. He’s still not to be trusted to stick to his principle, of which I think he’s bereft. 🙂

Christian Wright

In my expert opinion, Murphy is a number two who talks a load of number one.
Sincerely, No.6

Be seeing you

Ian Brotherhood

‘Shake Them Loctite Fanny Packs!’

NB – Surprise! I’m a glue boy! @ (1.35)

Positive Feelings 12″ Dance Mix –

link to

Tam Jardine


I watched that clip amazed. I’m still amazed.

I actually thought ‘good on you Jim for being honest – we’ve all done daft things when we are young’.

Then I remember the categorical denial that follows. Some people want this guy to be in charge of Scotland?

Tam Jardine

CameronB Brodie 

That wasn’t my reading of the clip Cameron – are you sure?

Brian Sherry

Fanibaws…..Dobber…Walter Mitty….Billy Liar….Pinochio…?

bookie from hell

PM badly advised sticking up for Jeremy Clarkson


Clarkson called producer Oisin Tymon “a lazy Irish c**t” before smashing his face


Got to agree with Tam here. The papers initially ran with the story that he admitted it. From the clip I would agree.

Jamie Arriere

Well, whether he did or not, what we need to know is ….will we be able to sniff the glue at the fitba’?!!

Dr Jim

Of course he did it

That’s why he couldnae pass his SUMS… THE YOONEY…

red sunset

Info – O/T – Ref BBC demo on Sunday – IndyScotEvents has tweeted that it has been cancelled.

The facebook page is down.


Just ordered mine.

Plan to read it 2 or 3 times then pass it on to a worthwhile target.

I will then get the kindle version when it becomes available and store it for future reference.

Been looking forward to this read for what seems like ever and a day.
link to

Free Scotland

Nervous about impending labour obliteration, Murphy admits to having NO MORE NAILS.

Tackety Beets

Smurphy never sniffed the gloo in his teens , 9 years @ Uni still squeaky clean . What’s he on NOW , certainly seams wired to the moon these days .

As for the other leaders fair play for being honest , very few are perfect .

@ Tinto Cheil , good goal McDonald , knew it ! Just like we agreed .
Sorry , we needed the 3 points to keep the pressure on .

Democracy Reborn

O/T (apologies)

Vince Cable, Guardian interview, definitively ruling out any deal with the SNP (formal or informal). This is despite, on the Guardian’s own poll projection, the SNP will have more seats than the Lib Dems after GE15. Looks like the tail can wag the dog after all. Vince states no deal with a party that wants to “break up” the country. He puts the SNP into the same bracket as UKIP.

The good news though is that he was careful not to rule out a deal with either the Tories or Labour. So there you have it : do you like your Westminster neo-liberal masters in the blue or red variety?


Bookie from hell,
That would make Clarksons actions a racially motivated hate crime in Scotland.

CameronB Brodie

Tam Jardine
I think he was making the legitimate point, that solvent/aerosol abuse is an easily overlooked problem. I think I made the same point on WOS, just the other week.

I think “I don’t remember” was meant as a lighthearted response in theatrical setting.

That doesn’t mean I think his word is his bond. 😉

I might be wrong though Tam. I’d need to see more of the debate.

Ken Waldron

Airfix glue…had a nuclear submarine to build.


I suspect Murphy wasn’t a glue sniffer but at the debate thought he would trump the others who had admitted to the more socially acceptable ” Cannabis” and decided he was going to be a working class boy ” glue sniffer “. only to realise how pathetic his boast sounded, so he immediately withdrew it.

So, he was either about to lie that he had sniffed glue or indeed he had really been a glue sniffer and having mentioned it didn’t have the bottle to stand by his history.

Whichever is the true answer, he handled the situation like the stupid opportunistic person that he is. It’s hard not to feel sorry for the labour party in finding this clown to lead them, lol.


Brian Wilson drinking from the same last gasp saloon as Charles Kennedy in his latest Hootsman column

link to


red sunset wrote:
“Info – Ref BBC demo on Sunday – IndyScotEvents has tweeted that it has been cancelled. The facebook page is down.”

Just to confirm ‘red sunsets’ news – they’ve removed it from their site:
link to

Tam Jardine

CameronB Brodie

I took the “I don’t remember” as his slippery non-committal default mode. He either volunteered the info that he had indeed tried sniffing glue or he was was doing his Scotland shirt wearing, fitba playing, braggadocio thing pretending to be Jimmy from the block.

I think it was the former but I am not sure. I don’t think Jim kens where his sentences are going after he starts spraffing.

The point you make is sadly too true and I see the effects of solvent abuse on Leith Walk from time to time.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

This kind of colossal public relations disaster is just yet more proof of why Murphy hiring John McTernan was one of the biggest own goals that ‘scottish’ Labour has ever committed. Which is saying quite something.

It was McTernan who had the ridiculous public relations ‘brainwave’ of trying to turn Murphy into a political ‘ned’. He’s done this time and time again by desperately trying to imbue Murphy with working class ‘street cred’ from being in favour of getting ‘pissed oot yer heid at fitba stadiums’ to this patronising backfiring idiocy of trying to ‘impress’ the working class white glasgow males he and his party have lost.

This was McTernan’s desperate PR idea of showing them that Murphy..
‘kens aw aboot that deprivation’. ‘Jim wiz jist another glue poke rajjer like aw youze lot an don’t fuckin look at ma westmisnter expenses an laugh ya cheeky wee tadgers.’


I defy Labour’s spinners to take a look at Murphy’s pathetic approval ratings and tell us who it is who was right when we all laughed at the very idea of a right-wing westminster MP Murphy becoming leader of ‘scottish’ Labour while the Blairites and tories cheered him on and proclaimed him the saviour of SLAB.

Who is it that looks like they were oot their face noo, eh? 😉

Ian Brotherhood

If Murphy’s told a porkie he’ll have to go to confession.

Nuns & Rubber Cement Commercial (1992) –

(steady there Paula Rose, steady…)

link to


Anyone got a good clear photo of Big Dim Jim on his soapbox? Can we be sure his can was Irn Bru, not EvoStik?


@Ken Waldron says:

Airfix glue…had a nuclear submarine to build.

Does that contain an atomiser?


Here is McTernan supporting Rachel Reeves’ welfare policies, and saying that the Labour Party is not the Dole Party.

link to


Solvent abuse may have been overshadowed in recent years by the problem of hard drugs, but it has never been a laughing matter (except for those out of their skulls on Evo-Stik).

In the clip, Murphy’s apparent levity when mischievously implying he just might have tried sniffing glue was therefore tasteless; and his assertion that it was ‘a working class thing to do’ was insulting.

I am three years older than Jim (oddly coy about his age) Murphy. From what I recall, at secondary school in Dundee in the late seventies and early eighties, those known to be on the gleg were seen as losers, and viewed with pity and a measure of revulsion by their peers.

Nice one, Jim. Just carry on insulting the very people Labour needs to attract back to avoid an electoral disaster. No really, just carry on…


I will be voting SNP at the ge but nobody for a millisecond buys into this pish that their MPs or any other of the other parties MPs are just regular people.
These photo shoots and so called admissions of normality just insult the intellegence of most people. Do your fucking job, govern wisely and just get on with it.

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

Spotted that revolting Thatcherite outburst from him earlier Muttley. Totally destroys the Labour lies that they care about the poor, welfare or the NHS.

Looks very like McTernan is beginning to crack under the pressure, doesn’t it?

Whit a shame. 😀

Ian Brotherhood

@Iain Gray’s Subway Lament –

Perhaps the next chapter of this epic will be that Murph (man of the people, ,i>a la Iceberg Slim) spent most of the eighties ‘sniffing the dragon’.

Flower of Scotland

Booked my ticket on line to go to Glasgow BBC demo on Sun!
Can’t believe that they have cancelled at this late stage! Travelling from N E Fife but meeting Edinburgers there!
Is this really true?


Smurph’s Favourite songs for Glue Sniffing:

“Smells like Teen Spirit” Nirvana

“Only Glue” The Platters

“Let’s stick together” Bryan Ferry

“Sniffing in the way he glued” Shirley Bassey

“Solve Ant Music” Adam and the Ants

“Whiff Love from me to glue” The Beatles

“Good Year for the Noses” Elvis Costello

“Breathe” Faith Hill

“Vapour Street” Gerry Rafferty

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

@Ian Brotherhood

He was a busy wee chap. In between looking for magic mushies and drinkin cans of spcial brew we’ll be told he was also sulphed oot his napper runnin aboot the schemes playin hunts and spraypaintin “Tongs ya bass!” everywhere. 😉

Dave McEwan Hill

Tam Jardine at 10.38
“Spraffing?” I like it


@Flower of Scotland

The Demo has been iffy for a few weeks but no explanation has been broadcast as to why. Outside pressure I suspect poss employer, family etc.


Looking at Jim’s expenses his favourite drug has to be £sd.


@ FoS (10.57pm).

Seems like it.
Pretty miffed myself.
I know shit happens but the people who organise these things need to realise that they just can’t cancel with less than 2 days to go.

Many people are coming from far and wide and most folk make plans accordingly.

I suspect the organiser(s) have known about this for some time and you would have thought they would have put a bit of effort into alerting everyone.

I reported on here a few weeks ago that the facebook page was down and i stated a couple of months ago, again on here, that they could have chosen a better day than Mothering Sunday.

It would have been nice to know the reason(s) why, and before now.

I think in future unless it is WOS organised i shall be giving it a wide birth.

ronnie anderson

@ Ian Brotherhood 10.41 PMSL


Sinky @10.28, that article by Wilson is revolting, and must almost be libellous.

Another hack who is a stranger to truth and balance.

Tam Jardine

Dave McEwan

I’m down with it.

I guess this is a bit like that dress that was blue and gold except if you’re wrong and it’s blue and black which it was. Jim can say something that people can interpret in completely different ways.

I can’t believe we are talking about the leader of Scottish Labour here, but was he bragging that he had sniffed glue when he had not or was he admitting he had sniffed glue to appear more working class?

I wonder what my MSP Malcolm Chisholm makes of all this? Neil Findlay must be feeling a wee bit vindicated. Poor Kezia though – she’s going down with the ship as is the burden when you rise to the top. She’s shackled to Jim for better or worse, richer or poorer. They are as one.



I agree we should all email letters to the Unionist press to challenge these assertions. They may not print them initially but eventually they will get the message.


DM commenters going into meltdown on a story about Nicola Sturgeon ‘refusing’ to attend the St Paul’s commereration service today. ‘Hang her’ says one.

Ian Brotherhood

The Morph will let this all wash over him, knowing that whatever happens, come what may, he will always have hope in his soul. (…just double-checking the spelling there…aye…good to go…submit.)

ronnie anderson

Sorry folks I am trying to make contact with the Orginizes of the BBC Demo, no luck as yet.


St Pauls was an event the Brits love about war.

Anyone calling for NS to be hung should be arrested for advocating a hate crime.

It’s beyond belief that they get away with a statement like that


Milly Dowler?

If I was Eck I’d be on the phone to my solicitor.

Wilson is an utter fucking cunt.

I’m not religious but I sincerely hope there is a place for these people.


Ronnie Anderson

I have just heard about BBC Scotland PQ protest cancelled.

See you at the “Hope Over Fear” Rally, Strathclyde Park.


Brian Wilson reminds ex-Labour voters of exactly why they left the Party.

With guys like Wilson, Blair, Robertson, Faulkes, Brown, Curran, Murphy, Reid, Darling, and Alexander, no wonder Labour are finished in Scotland.


Nice to see Danny Bakers old punk fanzine get a plug on Wings

Ian Brotherhood

@Ronnie, caz-m –

The delay in posts here is making this awkward, so I’m not sure if this has already been answered, but…does anyone know why it’s been called off?

Grouse Beater

I reads Wilson’s article –

I guarantee that to the uninformed layman and the academic it’s incomprehensible.

All one can take from it is the sense Wilson thinks all Scots who want more powers are detestable SNP.

His scribbles give off the usual stench of hatred.

It does not enlighten. Here is learning:

link to

How many times can a man say the same thing, that his gut is riddled with worms, and people still pay attention?


Can someone post a link for the “Hope Over Fear” rally in Strathclyde Park, please?

As far as the BBC Pacific Quay demo goes, don’t blame the organisers just yet. It wouldn’t be the first time a demo had its permits revoked at the last instant by the police and / or the local council. In fact, I vaguely seem to remember that might have happened to a PQ demo once before.

There are plenty of people out there who’d love to scupper independence-supporting demos as late as possible, just to create the maximum inconvenience to the attendees.

The idea would be to discourage people from attending future demos in case they got cancelled too. If the ploy succeeded, our opponents would be able to point at the low number of attendees as “proof that not many people care”.


The Scots are a very protective race, so if I was the English Establishment and English media, I would back off with these growing racist attacks.

All you will do is draw the Scots even closer together.

They are turning this into England AGAINST the Scots.

And there’s only one winner.



I would think “Mother’s Day” has a got lot to do with the cancellation.


Just been looking at the IndyScotEvents and there seems to be 3 events all clashing on the same date – 4th April:

Common Weal @ 10.00am Aberfeldy.
Scrap Trident demo @ 10.30am Glasgow.
Hope Over Fear @ 1pm Strathclyde Park.

Also, “Scrap Trident” and “Hope Over Fear” have other demos later in the same month of April.

Am i the only one who thinks these events could be better organised?
I’m a bit concerned these events are being spread around thinly and could be losing any real impact they may otherwise have.

Having that many similar events in such short periods has to have a negative affect on attendance numbers, surely?



here is a link to the Strathclyde Park Rally.

link to


No Comment Mr Murphy

link to


@ CyberMidgie:

link to

chris kilby

Murphy was a student for nine years, never got a degree and DIDN’T smoke dope? What the fuck was he doing all that time then? Fuckin’ weirdo. Even for a politician.


CyberMidgie wrote:
“There are plenty of people out there who’d love to scupper independence-supporting demos as late as possible, just to create the maximum inconvenience to the attendees.”

Well, we’ll soon know as soon as ronnie finds oot, eh!

Grouse Beater

Stoker: Am i the only one who thinks these events could be better organised?

Freezing cold blasts forecast for this weekend.


Totally agree with stoker,imo there should be one rally perhaps two per year,and should be held in either Glasgow or Edinburgh.there is a Facebook page called all under one banner who are holding rally’s leading up to GE in various locations throughout Scotland,I suggested just having one rally in Glasgow or Edinburgh for maximum impact but the guy who runs the page nearly had a nanny roony because I suggested that instead of locations all over Scotland.must grumble though at least people are still engaged in Yes movement ,which can only be a good thing.


On the one hand, nobody cares. On the other hand, if you say you never tried ANYTHING then people will assume you’re lying.


@caz-m & @Stoker – thank you for the links!

john devine

I can well remember 1960.. when in secondary school.. We used to have the last two periods on Thursdays of woodwork in a basement class of our school.

There was a large pot of glue in one corner of the room always simmering away constantly under some gas contraption. Always leaving at four o’clock high as a kite..but never knew why..flyin’

john king

Cynicalhighlander says@ 11.18pm
“Looking at Jim’s expenses his favourite drug has to be £sd.”

And his favourite song would be Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

Aa’ll get ma cloak of many colours.
carjamtic @12.53am

When you post a you tube vid it embeds and causes Stu a lot of problems,
All you have to do to avoid being killed with hammers is to remove the http// before you post, it will add itself again but the post will look like this
link to
and Stu wont do this
link to
and we wont look like this
link to
and Stu wont look like this
link to



looks like Foulkes or SLAB are trying a wee rebrand 😀

link to


A couple of stoaters from the British Bullshit Corporation:

“Party leaders admit taking cannabis”

“Three of Scotland’s four main political party leaders have said they had taken cannabis when they were younger.”

“Nicola Sturgeon and Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson both said it had made them feel sick.”

“Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie said he had taken it in his youthful days.”

“Scottish Labour leader Jim Murphy told the Glasgow University debate between the party leaders that he could not remember, but later clarified that he had never taken drugs or sniffed glue.”

“Director resigns over Mohammed tweet”

“A Rangers director has resigned amid controversy over a tweet which showed a sexually explicit cartoon of the prophet Mohammed.”

“Chris Graham was appointed as a non-executive director at Ibrox on Tuesday.”

“It later emerged the image was sent from his Twitter account to radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary on the day of the Charlie Hebdo attack.”

“News that his resignation had been accepted by the board was announced at the Stock Exchange on Friday.”

Oh my!

john king

Stoker says
“It later emerged the image was sent from his Twitter account to radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary on the day of the Charlie Hebdo attack.”

Theres a fatwa if ever I saw one!


john king says:
“Theres a fatwa if ever I saw one!”


Tinto Chiel

@Tackety Beets 10.15 p.m.

Thanks, brother. I’m still greeting in my Willie Pettigrew Special Edition lounging pyjamas.

Looks like our defence has been on the glue.

It’s a sair fecht ahead.

May The Force be with you.

Sleepless in Newmill

Effijy says:
13 March, 2015 at 5:54 pm

Do you think Westminster Labour have sent a report to his Mother detailing how his delivery went?

Going by the shape o his heid it was defo a forceps job!


Never mind Glue sniffing what was George Osborne sniffing at PMQs on 26th Nov 2014 .Just go to U Tube and type in Osborne at PMQs and decide for yourself .


That tweet (top pic) seems to have been deleted?


Maybe he tried it but didn’t inhale – like socialism. Oh sorry irt’s now Blairism.


Here is an Interesting piece of revisionism from the BBC, subtly conflating cannabis and solvents in an attempt to rescue their man from his folly.

link to


Haha, lets face it, he’s not the sharpest tool(or maybe just a tool) , so probably it was pritt stick!


Apologies Stu…..I have fined myself,£10 paid to wings,lesson learned…..keep up the brilliant work 😉

Robert Peffers

@Bugger (the Panda) says: 13 March, 2015 at 5:16 pm:

“If as he says he cannot remember if he sniffed glue, then he did and it explains everything.”

Yeah! They tell me sniffing glue has an effect on long term memory. Seems it very well may be correct.

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