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Wings Over Scotland

By way of example

Posted on October 08, 2014 by

With reference to our post from earlier today, we couldn’t help but notice Scottish Labour whining loudly this morning about the award of the ScotRail franchise to Dutch state-owned railway company Abellio. (On what sound like very good terms.)


We asked the party’s infrastructure spokesman James Kelly what Labour would have done instead had they been in power, and got no reply. So we went and had a look, and it turned out there was a clear and simple answer.


Labour’s “Powers For A Purpose” document from March 2014, outlining the party’s proposals for further devolution, spends just two of its 298 pages discussing the subject of the railways, with most of the content cribbed from a Co-op Party paper last year. It supports some vague notion of a not-for-profit franchise – starting AFTER the end of the period just awarded to Abellio.

In other words, Labour would have done exactly what the Scottish Government has just done – given the contract from 2015 to 2025 to the best tender from the available private-sector bidders (public ownership being currently forbidden by UK law, in the shape of a 1993 act not repealed by Labour during 13 years of Westminster power).

Labour would have done nothing differently to the SNP for at least 11 years, which in political terms might as well be forever. Readers will, we’re quite certain, be just as astonished as we are to see them bleating piously about it anyway.

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Ian Brotherhood

Just stumbled across this – Sir Bob Geldof’s contribution to the indyref debate.

Make of it what you will:

link to

Paula Rose

( Morag honey – re comment on off-topic, cut the girls a bit of slack love xx)

Bob Sinclair

50% turnout at Clacton By Election. One thing we showed them is that a motivated population will turn out to vote. 50% when there’s a risk of UKIP winning. 50% of the people registered to vote in Clacton should feel ashamed of themselves.

Cadogan Enright

Well done Dr JM Mackintosh and Natasha – good to know I am not alone in pursuing FoI’s and making complaints.

If anyone knows how to tale a clip of a TV program and post a link to it, there was an interesting section on RT’s Kieser Report tonight that mentioned the media in Scotland at 10 minutes to the hour.


Paula, I wasn’t having a go, I was warning that Stu gets cross with people who call other posters trolls. Even if they are trolls. But if it’s not taken in the spirit it was meant, no skin off my nose.

Graeme Doig

Thanks for that link to Independence Live Events Betty. Superb interview with Ivan McKee.

Ivan McKee articulates political and economic understanding and was completely focused and motivated in that interview.

I spoke about needing leadership in an earlier comment (hours ago) and Mr McKee offers that in spades. I was impressed with him throughout the campaign and i’m absolutely delighted he is motivated to continue.

Very impressed with the interviewer too (didn’t catch his name at the start). He is definitely Ken Macdonalds laddie though 🙂

Glad i donated and would encourage others to do the same. I got more than my money’s worth in that one interview 🙂

Betty Boop

Talking about the media and the mendacity of politicians, Malcolm Bruce on Question Time just now talking rubbish about the spend on NHS Scotland.

He will not be pulled up about it, of course, especially not with a panel which contains the likes of Pickles, Harman, a kipper of unknown origin, and some other non-entity.

Graeme Doig

Question Time? You’ll go blind and suffer emotional distress.

Betty Boop

@ Graeme Doig, 11:009pm

It was a good interview with McKee. Ivan really got me started down the road to explaining the important facts of the economy when canvassing. I wouldn’t have had the confidence to speak to people about what was perfectly obvious to me without knowing the figures, ie that Scotland was perfectly capable economically of standing on its own two feet.

We had him at a couple of events locally and he is always appreciated. I hope he will continue educating at events.

I am pleased that Independence Live has gone developed this interviewing strategy too. Definitely worthwhile.

Paula Rose

I agree Morag – but sometimes comments can appear more heavy-handed than the commenter intended, that is my point xx.

Ian Brotherhood

@Meself (10.42) –

Just tweeted by Ray Brown:

Anas Sarwar claims £202,606.89 expenses for 28wks work for 2013/14. That works out at a staggering £7235.96 p/w worked!

I keep looking at that figure, and wondering – how can anyone, in any line of work, claim that amount in ‘expenses’?

Seriously. How can it be done?

Okay, Sarwar’s top of the list, but the likes of Murphy aren’t far behind.

How do they do it? Do they have receipts to prove what they spent it on? If so, can we see them?

This is an open goal for ‘The Movement’ (or whatever it ends up being called) – there is no way these people can be allowed to get away with this.

Who are they accountable to? What department in Whitehall rubber-stamped such claims?

Alex Salmond claimed how much? Less than 10k? (Someone posted the figure earlier, perhaps on another thread)

Okay, Sarwar, Murphy et al have to go down to London to conduct their ‘business’ – do the travel costs account for £190,000?

This is potentially explosive – someone, somewhere, must surely be in a position to light the touchpaper?

Grizzle McPuss

A interesting perspective on matters…

link to

Robert Peffers

@Will Podmore says:9 October, 2014 at 5:37 pm:

Are you for real? If so you are indeed a total numptie and really should not be in a position to lead any kind of Trade Union. Oh! Yes! And before I forget – you are a bare faced liar.

Let us examine just a few of your idiocies : –

“reactionary separatism” – Just what, Mr Podmore,is reactionary about one of the earliest established European countries seeking to do what almost every other free country in the World takes for granted – seeking to run its own affairs?

“A nation that does not act like a nation is not a nation. You are not a separate nation, you are still part of Britain.”. – Indeed we are Mr Podmore, (a part of Britain that is). Furthermore, when we become independent we will still remain a part of Britain. As do The Republic of Ireland, The Non=UK, Bailiwick of Jersey, the non=UK Bailiwick of Guernsey and the non-UK Isle of Man. Britain, Mr Podmore, is an archipelago and it comprises, (at present), eight individual countries of which only four are part of the bipartite United KINGDOM which KINGDOM contains four countries.

Did you, perhaps, mean, “You are still part of the United Kingdom”? If so then you are still talking utter balderdash for the status of the bipartite, “United KINGDOM is exactly what its title describes it as, a “KINGDOM”, and a KINGDOM is a royal realm – not a country or neither a state. Which ceased to be a bipartite UNITED KINGDOM, and failed to comply with the terms of The Treaty of Union that formed it, when the Labour Party in government made it a quadratic union of four countries. With, however, all the members of that government from English constituencies wearing two hats. The hat of UK and the hat of the de facto Parliament of England.

That, Mr Podmore is the real situation you, as a trade union representative, should be fighting tooth and nail to correct. It means Westminster is now the de facto parliament of England devolving England’s powers upon three subservient countries for, Mr Podmore, The United Kingdom is not now, and never has been, “A country”. Sound out the two words U-N-I-T-E-D–K-I-N-G-D-O-M. Now sound out the word country, C-O-U-N-T-R-Y.

Oh! By the way – I was a Trade Union member for over 50 years and a Trade Union Rep for over 15 of those years. You shame the Trade Union movement. And to finish your idiotic rant – the profits from the First Group do not, in any way, go to your membership or to the UK for First Group are a plc and as such float shares as a company on the open shares market. Those shares are not restricted to holders in the United Kingdom. That, Mr Podmore means you, A trade unionist are fighting on behalf of that companies shareholders. Now I concede that some members may indeed still be shareholders but I wonder if your members are proud of you today?

Graeme Doig

Betty Boop

“i hope he will continuing educating at events”

Agree but i also hope he is given a wider audience moving forward. He really has a good understanding of what happened and where this movement is at now.

He has some good ideas for moving forward. Very impressed.

If only he had been given Blair Jenkins role …

Jim Fraser

I must apologise but I have just watched Malcolm Bruce on Question time (I know it’s the BBC and I do apologise for that). The patronising fool said that the SNP had put forward an argument for independence based upon the future of the NHS and what was happening to it in England. He then went on to say that it had been proved (have never seen any and he offered none) that the Scottish Government spends less on the NHS than in England because they use the money to give the sick free prescriptions (as if that was a deplorable and stupid thing to do!!). He also said that clinical money was being used to subsidise car parks and give free parking at hospitals (Again no proof). What a despicable little toad that man is. The sooner that the Libdems are banished from Scotland along with SLAB and the Tories the better. Hail Alba.

Betty Boop

Graeme Doig, 11:14pm

Aye, Question Time!! I didn’t mean to watch any of it. Someone left the tv on (honest) and I just managed to catch what Bruce was saying.

It really is the most dire programme and I blame it for the stupid format of the debates to which the public were subjected by BBC and STV during the campaign.

Graeme Doig

Betty Boop

Morbid curiosity Betty 🙂 it’s ok i understand. Sometimes find myself catching a wee peak at ebb website to see what their up to.

Graeme Doig

Ebc, bbc whatever you call it but certainly not ebb.


The MSM and BBC totally against SG and Scotland. WOS, NNS Bella and Online news still not accessed by Scottish Public in great enough numbers to swing NO voters.
Time to take to the streets all over Scotland. Marches for Freedom.
Make Saturday morning shoppers take note all of the above by way of flyers, handouts etc

Fat boab

@Cadogan at 11:07 pm

Re the latest Keiser Report, I not only agree with your comment but would encourage folk to watch the entire show (if it’s repeated):
His guest, Roslyn Fuller, was a breath of fresh air, and talked a whole lot of sense not only about the media in Scotland but also about notions of Democracy and that scary word ‘Revolution’.
Both refreshing and inspirational.

Graeme Doig

And ‘they’re’ as in abbreviation of ‘they are’ not ‘their’. Time for bed.

Ian Brotherhood

‘Scottish Independence Live Events’ appeal seems to have stalled at £1,340.

If this appeal fails? we all fail, and lose something very special.–2



Is the late Margo’s seat still vacant?

Was she a constituency or list MSP?


Can I just say thanks to Robert Peffers for brilliant post – cheers.

Graeme Doig

Robert Peffers

What trade union is WP a ‘leader’ in?

Betty Boop

@ Ian Brotherhood, 11:36pm

@ Ian Brotherhood, 11:36pm

Re Scottish Independence Live Events appeal – it is not for the want of you promoting the crowdfund, Ian.

Where Wingers are concerned, some of the stalling may be down to problems with this website. I have had real problems posting over the past couple of days, but, we can keep promoting and hope that the fundraiser picks up.

Are we maybe too used to fundraisers taking off at a rate of knots?



1 -yes

2- list MSP for Lothians.

Ian Brotherhood

Serious question –

If someone promised to give you £7326 every Monday at 9.00 a.m. – for 28 consecutive weeks – on condition that you spent it all before the following Monday, how could/would you spend it?


@ Ian Brotherhood

Re: MP’s expenses
I spent some time this evening constructing a spreadsheet with all the Labour MPs in Scotland and some statistics about them, including their total expenses for 2013-14.

I took the figures from the IPSA website, which caz-m linked to hours ago; the figures for this latest year were calculated at the end of May and may be incomplete, apparently.

In all cases, the vast bulk of the sums claimed is for office expenses, and most of that is staffing. The rest is rental. The non-office stuff is travel and accommodation; there is a miscellaneous section for moat-cleaning and duck houses, but they seem to have been very restrained about that in general.

There is also a section for payments to named assistants (who were relatives in the few cases I looked at) and I was not 100% sure whether these payments were additional to staffing, or part of them. The figures I used in my spreadsheet were listed as “grand total”, though, so I assume they are not extra.

The top ten are Sarwar, McGovern, Docherty (each >£200k), Murphy, Doran, Connarty, Banks (>£190k), McCann, Jamieson, and Murray (>£189k). Only four claimed less than £150k – Lazarowicz, Hamilton, Robertson, and Doyle in descending order.


Busy weekend coming up in Glasgow. On Sunday there’s the Hope over Fear Rally in George Sq. On Saturday the Scotland international football team take on Georgia, the first big home sporting event since the referendum. The game is being played at Ibrox, home of The Rangers Football Club and a bastion of Unionism. Just a few thoughts on the matter …

Will the Saltire flag (with or without a YES) be welcome since it appeared to be mainly Rangers supporters who turned up at Geo Sq to ‘take on’ the Yes supporters, and were witnessed ripping one flag from a young girl’s grasp, while allegedly burning another?

Will the Scotland supporters happily sing along to Flower of Scotland when the band strikes up, given the rejection of nationhood just a few weeks before? Will those who voted Yes sing on defiantly, or will it fall to those who voted No to sing along because ‘it’s the team’s anthem’?

Should the Yes element of the Tartan Army sing something else?

Is it possible that one or more of the Unionist Geo Sq mob (Union Jacks and Britannia ditties) will be at Ibrox, draped in tartan and Saltire flag, singing Flower of Scotland at the top of their voice?

Such is the strange landscape in which we exist.

Robert Peffers

@Betty Boop says:9 October, 2014 at 9:39 pm:

“Good on you, Natasha – don’t turn it into a smug competition, cos I donated last week! :-))”

Harumph! Aw richt fir some! I’m stony broke. Had to put a new exhaust on the campervan last week and two front tyres on it this week. Not easy on the pension but I should manage a wee donation next week – if I’m not too hard on the food bill. Gonna be things like corn beef stovies, (wi the fatty bits for the wee dug’s dinner). Mind you I got a letter to say I’m getting a help with my heating bill and that’ll help.

Graeme Doig

Ian Brotherhood

Plugged ILE as much as I can tonight. Maybe giving occasional links to that Ivan McKee interview would let people see what sort of production their money was going to.
I’ll certainly give more when I can based on what i’ve seen tonight.

Ian Brotherhood

@Betty Boop –

You’re right.

The WOS fundraisers have been extraordinary, and thrilling to watch. The ‘Broadcast News’ appeal was similarly instant and impressive.

Kev’s appeals have not fared so well, and it’s not because the project in question isn’t every bit as worthy. That’s why I keep repeating the appeal (and I do apologise if it’s becoming tiresome) because the man simply will not do the ‘plugging’ side of it himself – he’s too busy travelling, getting new material, interviewing people, covering meetings etc…

I don’t believe that he realises how much he’s worth, and that’s why this appeal is so important – the people who have been grafting away at this cause for the past two, three years, with little or no support? They need that support right now. It’s grim that it always has to come down to money, money, money, and I suspect that’s why ‘Thistle’ himself doesn’t come on here, asking for help. He’s not ‘genetically programmed’ to ask people for any assistance.

But he does need our help, and he needs it right now. You’ve done it, and I have, so far as I can, but we really need Wingers (especially the very quiet ones!), to chip in the fivers and tenners which will ensure the immediate future of Kev’s great project.

‘Don’t Hate The Media – Become The Media’

He’s been doing that, living it, every day for the past two years, and he deserves to claim a place in the new post-BBC Scotland media landscape. We can help him do that by reaching the very modest target set:–2


Robert Peffers 11.27pm.

Bravo Robert, what a reply. i was almost out my seat cheering. Another education sir. Fud the troll never gets anything right. i think Stu put him here to keep us sharp.

Or he has no friends.


Re funding – there’s a lot on at the moment -Hope over Fear on Sunday also need about £5k to cover costs, they r also quite modest at asking might have reached target by now.
Then there’s Bella and NNS/Derek Bateman.

We all do what we can.


crazycat 11.56pm

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but before we go any further with the MPs expenses, have you checked out SNP Stewart Hosie’s expenses for the same period,

Grant total of all costs: £192,342.21

And I haven’t even checked out the other SNP expenses yet.

What do you think. Am I reading them wrong?


Ian he will get a donation on monday from me bud. Still got time to bump up over the next two weeks.

Watch a lot of his stuff and the man deserves support. Please keep reminding us Ian. We know this one well worthy.


We play England next month too. What smart arse decided that it would be a good time so close to a ref.

Will they sing ” FoS” hmm ?

Many say it’s just a game but i feel, a wee win or draw and everyone is happy.

lose and the country drops to another level of depression.

They stole our Commonwealth Games with BBC london .
They still have their union.
OIL will last for a hundred years, Surprise !!

I hope wee fuckin slaughter them

Kevin evans

I stay round the corner from sarwars office just next to west street subway – I have never ever seen it open ever – bet tho it costs a lot to keep an empty building sitting there – now if it was me and let’s say a family member of mine owned the premises – am sure they could charge me a rent of “X” and I could take a cut of it – as far as sarwars expenses i think a man of his corrupt ways would have it well hidden and impossible to fine.

But I’d love it if he was found to be stealing tax payers money and gets a nice long prison sentence.


@valerie, @aulda @yesindy2

Just a brief note to thank you for the replies. Valerie – do you want nan bread with the sushi?

If it is indeed the case that indy would free us from this requirement to give Scottish income away to foreign companies, surely this is something we should highlight?


@ caz-m

I don’t have a bubble! I stuck to Labour MPs, because I was collating other information, such as majorities, turnout, who came second, for the 2010 election (which data certainly do not encourage me to think they can be routed!), and it was simple enough to add a column for expenses since other people had been talking about it.

All the figures are fairly similar, so I assume that is the “going rate” for running an office to deal with Westminster business, so I would indeed expect members of other parties to claim those sort of amounts too – I just can’t be bothered to tabulate it.

Michael McCabe

@ John King Signed your Petition with Pleasure.

Kevin evans

As far as Scottish mp’s expenses and wages – If we had went for independence just think of the money saved rather than sending folk down to Westminster.



I’m on your side here. I think you picked me up wrong. Bursting your bubble is just a figure of speech.

No no no...Yes

Pete Wishart has sent a great letter to Cameron about the VOW Debate:
link to


Good come back @osakisushi! Autocorrect could get you hung! As it happens, I’m a fan of nan bread and sushi!

I would have thought that putting some things back into public ownership like rail would have been known, as the SNP said clearly they would bring Royal Mail back into public ownership. I thought they majored quite well on economy things, but obviously not well enough for the 55%, although to be honest, there are some die hard unionists in that 55%, that will NEVER vote to be independent, and I suspect there are more right wingers in this country that voted No than we care to acknowledge.


No no no…Yes 1.20pm

Brilliant Pete Wishart link regarding Cameron and the “VOW”.


They are predicting a UKIP win in the Clacton By-election and have announced a second-place with with only six hundred votes in it for Heywood & Middleton. This fills me with a deep dread.

I hope these are one-offs. God help us if come May we end up with UKIP forming any part of the UK government or they split the Con vote and Labour get back in.

We can only hope for a reasonably-sized SNP bloc gaining influence in a hung parliament. Slim hopes indeed. We are in for a battle.

I have to admit to being a NO until the spring. I had figured my job may be at risk. The MSM said so.

All it took for me was to watch a documentary on Scotland’s oil and how it provided the financial footing for Thatcher to steer us down the continuing path towards Neoliberalism’s ultimate economic implosion. I then read about the McCrone report. I researched – it took me but a short while to find the Good Reverend’s Wings.

Politically I’ve been a quiet one – I wasn’t involved in the Yes campaign other than strolling through the Edinburgh Meadows Yestival with my youngest. Merely dipped my toe in the indy flow.

I voted Liberal at the last GE. He lost by 300 votes. I came very close to helping add another member to the ConDem coalition. I am not ashamed – in 2010 they were the furthest left of the UK-wide parties but their greed for a tiny piece of corrupting power means they will now be deservedly destroyed in 2015.

I always quietly voted SNP in ScotGov elections – The Wee Government, OUR Government.

The 19th Sept I was inconsolable.

Now a paid-up member, a member of a political party for the first time in my life. And I am fired up.

How many more recently politicised must be out there – and will it be enough to achieve our aim?


@ caz-m

Aye, I know we’re on the same side 🙂 – I was just clarifying that I don’t think the Labour lot are particularly awful when it comes to expenses, though of course in other ways ……

I use “bursting someone’s bubble” to mean ridding them of a delusion, so I was also explaining that I’m not fantasizing about them all losing next year, though that would of course be just desserts, and I do think a few of them are boot-out-able.

bookie from hell

Labour Party


link to


Britain First have tweeted congrats to UKIP.

link to

I did click through and am now feeling dirty. I thought it best not post that link.

Bob Sinclair

Bad news guys – the Kippers have got an MP.


What none of the BBC panel have commented on so far is that Labour dropped from 25% to 11% in Clacton, less than half, and at that with the LibDems being demolished, not moving to Labour, but UKIP. Yes, it’s a by-election.

Farage and Co have been saying they were going to hoover up Labour votes, and for some reason nobody believed them, I did. The rest of the UK is just as fed up with the Conservatives and Labour as many of us are, for the ruK it’s UKIP will do better than anyone expects, and hopefully for Scotland, it’s the SNP hoovering up all three party votes. But UKIP may do better in Scotland than people expect as well.

Alex Clark


What a brilliant post. Truly something I enjoyed reading, your realisation that all is not quite right with the MSM fills me with hope.

Surely others will see this too? It just takes time and voices like yours to be heard. I hope you will continue to spread the word. Cheers.

Alex Clark

@Bob Sinclair
Bad news guys – the Kippers have got an MP.

Yes on first thoughts it is, at least for the UK that is. Might help the Independence cause though once the NO voters realise what they have actually voted for.

I think it’s obvious that the UK majority are moving in a more right wing direction, that may be a godsend. Possibly the referendum came 2 years too soon. Let’s wait and see.

john king

Scunner says
“Now a paid-up member, a member of a political party for the first time in my life. And I am fired up.”

Are you going to leave us in suspense?


@Bob Sinclair
@Alex Clark

If you’re interested in knowing what a center-left French newspaper thinks about the UKIP victory, I can translate the article printed on this morning’s edition of Le Monde.


Frighteningly similar to my own situation – although I walked away from the libdems a bit earlier.
It’s easy to label people nationalist separatists rather than disaffected and disillusioned members of the uk electorate.

Tam Jardine

Kevin evans

Anas Sarwar claimed £140k in tax year 2013 2014 on staffing costs. The rents are mentioned separately but it was the staffing costs that blew me away. That kind of dough pays the wages of half a dozen people.

Further investigation is required.

schrodingers cat

link to

“Colin Fox, national SSP spokesman, today echoed union criticism of the Scottish government’s decision to award the Scotrail franchise to Dutch firm Abellio rather than taking it back into public hands.”

link to

“A taste of the pro business nature of the SNP-led Scottish Government was given to railway workers and service users ”

link to

“I fully back RMT General Secretary Mick Cash”

RMT union press release on the issue, the RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

““It is scandalous that just a few weeks after the referendum, and promises from all quarters that the Scottish people would have an increased say in every aspect of their lives, that the continued privatisation of Scotland’s railways has been bulldozed through with the SNP colluding with the political elite in Westminster”

link to

“Unions and Labour politicians urge ScotRail franchise delay”

link to

“Whilst in office the SNP government have sought
to retender the franchise under ‘traditional’
routes, the Co-operative Party are pleased
that the Scottish Labour Party are looking at
new ways of developing this vital service.”


So according to GMS, the party conference season has finished, and the SNP has increased its membership by 2/3. Same old, same oldm


Yep, Willie Rennie and Murdoch Fraser on th trash SNP budget followed by Prof Curtis to present his skewed UKIP by-election perspective.

BBC bias is not going away, it’s here to stay!

Pity we cannot just pull the plug on their power supply for a week or two!

Now that they helped squek a win they have to continue with their negative outlook on all things Scottish or they will be out of a job.

Wonder if they will be using the Record excuse, only doing what we are ordered to do!

Borg Brain Community.

Bob Sinclair

As Jean Luc Picard would say ‘make it so’

Another Union Dividend


Three glaring errors on GMS according to BBC “party conference season is over”, other parties increased membership to SNP level pre refeendum (No evidence for that and probably an attempt to belittle the SNP increase)… Prof Curtice failed to mention that latest opinion poll actually shows SNP ahead of Labour for Westminster voting intentions and then, if I heard correctly stated, that SNP hadn’t reached the mid seventies level of support which was Feb 74, 21.9% and Oct 74 30.4%.

Latest Panelbase poll October 2014

If a UK Parliamentary election was held tomorrow, who would you vote for?

SNP: 34%
Labour: 32%
Conservative: 18%
Liberal Democrat: 5%
UKIP: 6%
Other: 5%


Prepare for another referendum folks.

schrodingers cat

The media are trying to pretend that everything is back to ‘normal’, and Labour are the proper party for Scots to vote for.
Sorry BBC, but the bottle doesn’t have a genie in it.


Another Union

Another error was saying that SNP support had increased by 2/3rds.

Error or just straight forward lies. That was the only piece I heard on GMS and it was so factually incorrect that I switched over and, somewhat ironically, heard the new Status Quo single.

john king

Good blog from Pete Wishart, and a couple of comments from a person not a million miles away from here. 🙂

Betty Boop

test post

Nana Smith

Lamont’s expenses double those of the FM.
Slab filling their pockets as usual.

link to


@Bob Sinclair:
I have always giggled at a Jean-Luc Picard incapable of uttering a single word of French and speaking English with a Shakespearian accent. SciFi sometimes has strange quirks.
“Thou shalt receive as meed what thy acts deserve.”
Going to translate this article. Will post it later today!


Highland Shrimp on SNP membership increase

Trebles all round for the state broadcaster…



Couldn’t agree more Juteman. There will be no forgiving or forgetting the actions of either the media or particularly Labour during the referendum. They believed any strategy fair game in their mad dash to retain their cosy wee earner.

Here’s a shock for them, ordinary people don’t regard politics as a game and there are real consequences for their strategies of fear and misrepresentation. They happily demonised near half of their country’s population to ‘win’ their game. They didn’t think there’d be fallout from that?

Very soon they are going to see the real life consequences up close and personal at the ballot as people make their feelings known about being likened to nazi xenophobes, viruses, tribalists and isolationists. About being tagged a something for nothing society, subsidy junkies and basically worthless as contributors to the current union.

Burn these names into your mind as you go near a polling booth – Darling, Brown, Murphy, Cameron, Osborne, Smith, Lamont, Davidson, Alexander and Rennie. Just recalling their words and actions throughout the campaign should be enough. We work to vote out any party that doesn’t support full self determination.

john king

For anybody who wasn’t on-line yesterday, I have set up a petition to press for the sovereign right of the Scottish Government to request the protection of the OSCE to keep the press from attacking the SG with outright lies and to ensure they are obliged to keep the balance fair and honest,
this will also give the government protection from an unrelenting bias from the BBC,

At present the only body who can request OSCE involvement is the UK government which would be akin to the fox sending the farmer a letter telling him when he will be raiding the hen hut

This NEEDS to change otherwise the Westminster parliament will continue to bully the Scottish public into following their dictat
which is in no way democratic!

This petition (if it is to have any chance of succeeding) needs 10’s of thousands of signatures

Thanks to all who have been so kind as to post here that they’ve signed. 🙂

This is is the OSCE
link to
who when I wrote to them about 18 months ago sent a very sympathetic response but did point out only the sovereign government can request their help.

This is the petition
link to

Stats Zoro

Just listening to Iain McGill on morning call slamming changes to stamp duty. He was introduced as a businessman but sounds exactly like the conservative candidate I heard at a referendum hustings event.

link to

Is a 2 second google to much to ask BBC?

Ian Brotherhood

Thistle fundraiser now at £1,570!

Get in there!–2


@crazycat: Here’s another one for your list, since I happen to have tabulated it earlier using caz-m’s link:

Cathy Jamieson £189,136.63

Must be a strong contender for 4th place. The vast bulk of it is staffing costs for her office, including £25k+ to her husband.

Thank you! God almighty, these people.

@Bugger (the Panda): Mischief, as per normal?

Aye. These people are constantly harping on about a “stronger” Scottish parliament and getting more powers, yet when it came down to it, a good number of them actively voted AGAINST devolving more powers to the Scottish parliament.

@Oneironaut: Hmm, now I’m very curious about this grand project…

Basically, I think it’s only fair to build a dossier of the 53 non-SNP MPs, look at how they’ve voted on certain matters, whether we can trust them to fight for more powers based on past experience, their expenses, the health of their constituencies, and so forth.

Tam Jardine


Another error was saying that SNP support had increased by 2/3rds.

I caught that as well – they just can’t help themselves. Of course isolating single instances sounds paranoid but they all add up to a campaign by our media to oppose the SNP. We are all hyper aware of it now but to the average punter it drifts in the ear, leaves the impression that SNP have had a moderate increase then the discussion moves on.

Piss poor and the Prof never corrected her – quelle surprise

Ian Brotherhood

Call Kaye with a knee is on about the new property tax and mental health coaching.

It’s only a matter of time before she addresses MPs fantastical expense claims. Maybe next week…

Les Wilson

john king says:
Petition signed.

No no no...Yes

John King 9:09am
Petition signed.


It is interesting to compare the BBC’s helpful approach to UKIP with their approach to the SNP, or, indeed, the Green Party.

For months UKIP have had a very high profile platform on the BBC: they are never off heavy weight programmes like Any Questions on R4. Given that they did not have even a single MP till today, that is telling. Both the Greens and the SNP do have MP’s, but not the exposure granted UKIP. I suppose they might argue that the SNP are only of interest in Scotland; and that they are included in such programmes when they come from Scotland: but that is based on the nonsense (which the SNP collude with) that an MP representing a Scottish constituency has only “regional” concerns. On that basis UKIP should not have been on any programme which did not come from Essex.

The contrast is glaring and it demonstrates the (probably unconscious) assumptions which have fostered the resentment at the stupid West Lothian question and now the mantra of english votes for english laws.

More importantly it is interesting to speculate on how the BBC chooses which minority parties to promote. There is nothing even handed about it. It is not just in Scotland that their editorial choices are suspect: though it does make one question what the agenda actually is, because UKIP in no way represent the establishment, on the face of it. Since they do not have a manifesto it is hard to tell what they stand for: but I am reminded that big business did support the National Socialists in Germany at a time when the economy was in dire straits, as it is now in the UK despite the big lies about “recovery”. I am not trying to “godwin” UKIP, but I am aware that an extremist part of the far right is getting a lot of support from the state broadcaster and I am wondering why. No doubt the BBC will say they are following public opinion, not leading it. Colour me unconvinced


Call UKaye on today, inviting criticism of Swinney’s budget, focussed on the new land transaction tax to replace stamp duty. Property values over £325,000 will take a hit, but 95% of property owners will either benefit or be no worse off. One of the first callers was some poor, unfortunate twit from Aberdeen, greetin that he has worked hard all his life to get on, and he will now find it difficult to sell and downsize, and it’s all so unfair blah blah blah.

The value of his property: £600,000

Some people work hard extremely all their lives and never manage to see £6,000, let alone £600,000. Of course, if you are an “I’m alright, Jack” type of person, then you won’t be able to put it in the proper perspective.

Ungrateful sod.

Another line of BBC attack this morning was on the terrible effects of increased property tax on the big multinationals (i.e. those that screw countries and workforces over), ignoring the inconvenient fact that 90% of smaller businesses will benefit.

Betty Boop

@ Macart, 9:06am

Very soon they are going to see the real life consequences up close and personal at the ballot as people make their feelings known about being likened to nazi xenophobes, viruses, tribalists and isolationists. About being tagged a something for nothing society, subsidy junkies and basically worthless as contributors to the current union.

Burn these names into your mind as you go near a polling booth – Darling, Brown, Murphy, Cameron, Osborne, Smith, Lamont, Davidson, Alexander and Rennie. Just recalling their words and actions throughout the campaign should be enough.

We have those names and their comments burned into our minds, but, those who swallow the rubbish from MSM have been brainwashed and probably don’t remember individual comments/commenters.

We have to find a way of reminding these people exactly how such politicians view them, put in front of their faces what has been said and what it means. We have a heck of a job in front of us in a short time to develop media which will challenge MSM for their attention.

The street stalls, political cafes, meetings, etc., will have to work just as hard as we did for the referendum.


@ John King

I had a look at the link you provided to the OSCE Website. Why have you chosen that particular organisation? I see nothing to suggest that they would believe our media is biased, because their commitment to a free press seems to be based on direct government interference and on the basis of the usual unquestioned assumptions the UK would not fall foul of that. The problem is that such narratives focus on the dangers of government and completely bypass the equal dangers of control by plutocrats who do not have an overt presence in government


@Betty Boop

It is just as simple as that Betty. We don’t get back in our boxes and its not over and done with as they would have us believe. We stay together, we stay angry and we stay on their backs. Until we get our fledgling new media enterprises sorted and underway, its still going to be word of mouth, internet forums and personal conversations. One person can still make a difference and one person can still talk to a lot of people.

Once the likes of Derek Bateman/NNS, the Rev and others sort out where they are going we get behind them and help spread the word like a living advertising campaign. What would really help is a publisher. A 1.6 mill market needing printed representation and no takers at the moment. Hell that’s an untapped dripping roast of a market.

Any publishers out there, think of all that cash burning a hole in people’s pockets. Cash that currently is not being spent on mainstream printed titles.

Think about that.


@ John King

Signed, sealed and delivered with pleasure.


mentioned this on another thread re how we deal with media bias: I really don’t think we can change the MSM. What we can change is people’s framework of understanding. Just as you would go to University and either consciously or unconsciously learn critical thinking skills, at least in your field of study, we need to arm people with those in real life. That shouldn’t be patronising. For those here, it’s probably obvious but it isn’t for everyone. People have very short attention spans when it comes to media information and so a political party saying something one week and contradictnig it the next will go unnoticed.

This is why I’m in favour of leafletting with a hard-hitting message in critical thinking for the whole population. The media only has the power we give it.


John K

I’ve signed the petition as requested but I’m afraid I consider it to be a forlorn hope. Your activity on this issue is to be commended and I thank you for your attempts to get them to engage.

Europe to me remind me of Pontious Pilate – millions of EU citizens being monstered while engaged in a democratic process – nothing to see here, pass me the towel.

It’ll be down to us to win both the independence case and the battle of the media (and make no bones about it, they’ve tasted blood and want to gorge on more).

Thereafter we can examine the European institutions and see if it is really worthwhile associating ourselves with them.

Meantime, onwards John and remember order 227!

Will Podmore

Robert Peffers has some question. It is reactionary to try to split a united working class. As a trade union member, he should know that only the employer gains from splits in the class, whether those splits are on spurious ‘national’ lines, or on ‘race’, or gender.
Britain is our nation, created by the efforts of workers across the country.
I don’t use the term UK, so brother Peffers remarks miss their mark.
Interesting that to try to defeat my point of view, he has to misrepresent it.

No no no...Yes

They want power and influence in government and will use the Tories to achieve that. Scotland will get shafted when they succeed. We need a strong SNP presence at Westminster to make sure our voice is heard.It is now possible that the SNP could hold the balance of power, think about the consequences of that.
A YES alliance for targeted seats probably more unlikely now, I would suggest.

They are all entitled to these as long as they are reasonable. It is the excessive and bloated claims that are the issue.
I suggest asking the MPs to justify their claims by writing to them and when you go to their local surgeries and hustings nearer the general election.
For the record, I am now a member of the SNP, my application came through after a 2 week wait.

Training Day


‘Basically, I think it’s only fair to build a dossier of the 53 non-SNP MPs, look at how they’ve voted on certain matters, whether we can trust them to fight for more powers based on past experience, their expenses, the health of their constituencies, and so forth.’

Absolutely. And I’d add ‘funding sources/donaters’ to the categories in the dossier. Even a cursory glance at ‘They work for you’ throws up some very interesting facts about some of those backing certain Unionist MPs..venture capitalists, firms with a history of tax evasion etc..

Will Podmore

Graeme Doig asks brother Peffers what union I am a leader in. As I doubt that brother Peffers knows the answer, I will reply. I am a member of the UCU, but I am not a ‘leader’.
Good trade unionists don’t use the term ‘leader’ – ‘leader’ entails that there are followers, and that is contrary to the concept of trade union membership. We are all equally members, there are no leaders, no followers, in unions (unlike in bourgeois, nationalist political parties like the SNP and UKIP).


I would think UKIP can only help draw votes away from all the other Unionist Parties in Scotland, which can only be a good thing for pro-indy Parties in Scotland in the 2015 GE.

A lot of your Orange Order, SDL, Rangers supporting, white middle class pensioner would probably find a UKIP vote very tempting.

This will spread the Unionist vote even more thinly amongst themselves and then if the pro-indy voters vote tactically, for the SNP for instance, then there is a great opportunity of winning that seat.


Will Podmore

So your Union is campaigning for equal pay for all academics, lecturers, trainers, researchers and academic-related staff?

Just like the bourgeois, nationalist “British jobs for British workers” Labour party.


@Will Podmore.
I think you have mistaken this site for a BritNat site?
Go and stick your Union Jack up your arse. With the pole sideways.


‘Britain is our nation, created by the efforts of workers across the country’.

Says it all that you consider King James VI a ‘worker’, really.


@schrodingers cat Good link to Tariq Ali talk on Indpendence campaign. He is always on the ball when analysing politics.
Re UKIP, my take is that they represnt the City of London interest. Nigel Farage was a trader in the stock exchange and their anti-EU stance seems to me to suit bankers and stockbrokers who do not want EU regultion to interfere with their profiteering habits.
Populist anti-foreigner campaigns are always used in England to disguise the true aim which is to protect the wealthy form nasty rules.
They are, for the same reason, totally opposed to Scottish independence.

The Tree of Liberty


‘Basically, I think it’s only fair to build a dossier of the 53 non-SNP MPs, look at how they’ve voted on certain matters, whether we can trust them to fight for more powers based on past experience, their expenses, the health of their constituencies, and so forth.’

I would like to ask that you also include their interests in ‘Big Businesses’.

Blair paterson

Can someone tell me how my e.mail address is being changed I do not know how this can happen as i am the only one to use my tablet yet it has happened 3 times ?


Headline in mortgage trade press this morning;

“Scotland abolishes ‘slab’ structure of stamp duty”.

Shame it wasn’t “Scotland abolishes ‘slab'”.

Blair paterson

It has just happened again as soon as I finished my last blog


re UCU: that would be the union I should join, if I were impressed by their activities. Through various activities representing and advising University workers, some UCU members, some not, I have been singularly unimpressed by them. Unions, if UCU are any measure, need a radical re-assessment of their methods, if not their whole ideology.

Firstly, what are unions achieving through the political process e.g. through the labour party that we could say, yes, that’s far more progressive and beneficial to workers than what’s going in Germany, or Denmark?

Secondly, UCU appears, at the higher levels of the union, to be impressed more by hobnobbing with people they consider their betters, though that’s just a feeling I’ve developed from my communication with said higher level union reps.

Thirdly, and more generally about this united workers concept – is there enough going on at an international or say EU level? I find it very frustrating that workers should only unite within one island.

I don’t mean to appear totally anti unions. However, I just think some members become institutionalised and some become intoxicated with a certain level of power.


caz-m says:

10 October, 2014 at 10:11 am

“A lot of your Orange Order, SDL, Rangers supporting, white middle class pensioner would probably find a UKIP vote very tempting”

I think including all Rangers supports in your list of Unionists is not helpfull. I know many Rangers supports that voted Yes, myself included.
If a wavering Rangers comes on this site and see posts like that thenit will only harden his pro-Unionist position.


@ Fiona

More importantly it is interesting to speculate on how the BBC chooses which minority parties to promote. There is nothing even handed about it. It is not just in Scotland that their editorial choices are suspect: though it does make one question what the agenda actually is, because UKIP in no way represent the establishment, on the face of it. – I am not trying to “godwin” UKIP, but I am aware that an extremist part of the far right is getting a lot of support from the state broadcaster and I am wondering why. No doubt the BBC will say they are following public opinion, not leading it.

IMO The BBC and parts of the MSM are Labour strongeholds and are doing everything they can to get Labour back into power.

With Milliband, Balls etc, and no discernable polices other than copying the right wing they’re nowhere near being voted into government.

The only pitiful chance they have, is to weaken the conservative vote by splitting it down the middle. Only UKIP could do this, there is nothing else left in their eyes.

So they’re trying IMO to strenghen UKIP by giving it more airtime and promoting them. Taking potential votes away from the Tories.

Being Labour of course, they never think things through or the consequences. Even if there was a hung Parliament, who would want/could to go into a coalition with Milliband..!


Unions lost their power during the Thatcher era because of the many “reforms” enacted such as banning the closed shop and “secondary picketing”. So while it was fine to insist that all doctors are members of the BMA it wasn’t OK to to make all miners members of the NUM.
BTW London has banned RTs posters with images of Tony Blair and George W Bush, “wouldn’t you like a second opinion?” because they are “political”!
link to


@Will Podmore

Sadly you are a delusional fool if you think anything ‘good’ was ever part of the undertaking of a ‘British’ Trade Union, in terms of the Scottish workforce.

“We are all equally members, there are no leaders, no followers” … its just that ordinary members find to their cost that office bearers are more equal than others.

Apologies to the 5% of honest hard working (unaffiliated to the Red Tories) union officials everywhere.

Seriously what a clown ?



Bugger (the Panda)

Ignore Will Podmore, people, don’t give him his O2

Bill McLean

John King – just signed. Been away for a fortnight can anyone supply latest numbers for new members to the SNP, Greens, SSP please?

Betty Boop

@ Blair Paterson, 10:23am

I am having to sign in every time and find that my posts are usually not appearing straight away. If I post using Explorer, they don’t appear, but, if I move over to Chrome I can see them there.

Been having problems for a couple of days.


Podmore is spouting nonsense, Springburn in Glasgow, incredibly, built the bulk of the worlds locomotives in 1900, since that peak, when tens of thousands were employed in loco production, everything moved south, lock stock & barrel. Springburn now employs about 150 people in repair work, under German owners, so spare us the guff about workers solidarity. Scotland has been bled dry since the war, her industries either closed down or moved south, much of her working population following suit or emigrating, her population remaining static.
My own CV reads like the death toll of Scottish industry, none of the companies I worked for, and there were many, even exist any more. I was a railwayman until privatisation finished off the Scottish workshops, so-called solidarity did us no good whatsoever, our so-called brothers in the south were only too glad to relieve us of the work.


@Blair paterson Do you use an auotfill setting? It may be that you have the wrong email adres filled in and it automatically adds it to address boxes. I suggest you check your settings.

ronnie anderson

Scunner 2.06am, Welcome to the tide of the enlightened & more power to you in the coming months,as with all of us Wingers we care & share to all uninformed electorate,Welcome.

Auld A, Meed you say, i’d rather have a brown n mild but its to early to imbibe.


Crisis cult,
Join UCU and change it.

Graeme Doig


‘Brother Peffers’. Stop being patronising arse and apologist for a ‘British’ state that feeds crumbs to the lowest paid. Your beloved system will continue to bend over forwards and backwards to cosy up to the money men and your ‘brotherhood’ can do nothing about it.


Has some kind soul got a wee link to the Salmond/Kelly put-down?
Thankin you in advance.


I remember seeing the picture of a huge union jack above the wording Vote No being unfurled at an Ibrox game … Was there any opposition to this act from Rangers Yessers? Did they have a pro-Yes flag in response? If not, why not, and why are they so quiet, so invisible?

ronnie anderson

Cmon people how many time has it to be said,DONT ENGAGE TROLLS & that is a long standing Rule not by Me but by the Rev.( Podmore’s a wind up merchant ).

Nana Smith


around 25mins in…

link to

ronnie anderson

Fred did you happen to purloin a BuckEye coupling when you left the railway,you would be better droping one on Podmore’s heid than conversing with him.


We are all equally members, there are no leaders, no followers, in unions (unlike in bourgeois, nationalist political parties like the SNP and UKIP)

So that will rule you out of voting for Labour, Tories and Liberals too. I take you are a Green Party member as they do not have a leader or you support the SSP or SWP…although all three supported Scottish independence.

Fair enough coming at this from a internationalist collective angle but don’t give us any Labour British pish in the process.

Nana Smith

Scotland’s political parties due to submit devolution proposals

link to

Nana Smith

Readers beware, this article has quotes from Coburn…

link to



If I was as confident in my abilities and the UCU system, I would. My approach for the last few years has been to provide an alternative to UCU in my part of the university. We’ve been pretty effective, whereas if we’d taken UCU advice we’d have got nothing.

I think they have their place, but I think they have to earn their fees, not take members, and membership for granted. Hmmm, seems to remind me of a poltical party that used to be popular in Scotland.


I will be surprised if Labour submit anything other than their Devo Nano rubbish from March. They haven’t even confirmed McCylmont as their man…I don’t think they are taking this seriously.

ronnie anderson

testing testing

Murray McCallum

I personally can’t see why a Tory supporter in England would vote UKIP in 2015. The only [contradictory] logic of them doing that would be to avoid an EU in/out referendum!

It’s dissatisfied Labour supporters that may remain with UKIP that will be interesting.


by the way, re the RT advertisements, that’s exactly the type of stuff we could be putting through people’s doors!

Robert Louis

Given the Green party of England and Wales has 1 MP, then surely they should receive the same degree of coverage by the BBC as UKIP – who also have 1 MP.

The SNP have 6 MP’s, are the third largest UK political party, and the largest political party in Scotland. They are also the party of Government for Scotland. I fully expect the BBC to give a proportionately greater air time to the SNP on a UK wide basis, than either the Greens, UKIP or indeed the liberal democrats.

Proverbial pigs will fly.


Lord Hill’s introduction to the Tory government and subsequent elevation to high office within Europe is remarkable since he has never placed himself before the UK electorate for approval but perhaps the ever expanding appointment of ex advisers to cabinet posts reflects a continuing development of political Party’s in the UK. It is a fact that an increasing number of MP’s have never worked outside the Westminster machine taking up well paid, (through the public purse) advisory posts to ministers before being allocated safe seats allowing their progress through the ranks of the Party to high office. Ed Miliband and David Cameron entered politics this way. Of concern is the marked increase in the influence of Lobbying companies in Westminster and Europe and Lord Hill’s extensive links to private enterprise.

link to



Maybe the difference between the Labour-Liberal Coalition at Holyrood from 1997 to 2007 and the incoming SNP administration in 2007 was that the SNP members had a life apart from politics while the Labour members had worked their way up through the political greasy pole.


Lemon 10.34am
“I think including all Rangers supporters in your list of Unionists is not helpfull. I know many Rangers supports that voted Yes, myself included.”

I will give you that one, I should not have generalised like that. I should have said, the majority of Rangers fans would find voting UKIP very tempting.

I also supported Rangers, but like a lot of ex Labour voters on here, I saw the light. I would not go back to Ibrox even if you paid for a lifetime ticket for me.

I was in George Sq on the night of the 19th Sept and saw the Saltire being burned by Rangers fans, they were all giving it the bouncy bouncy. They disgusted me and my 15 yr old son. They are now my enemy and if Rangers went tits up tomorrow I wouldn’t give a shit.

The orange Lodge have taken over Ibrox and no doubt will have plenty of UKIP supporters in amongst them. For that reason you will NEVER see me at Ibrox ever again.

UKIP will split the Labour, Lib/Dem and Tory vote in Scotland, which can only be a good thing for pro-Indy Parties.

bookie from hell


link to

Seasick Dave

What did Salmond say to Kelly?

No YaTube allowed offshore 🙁


Lurching this back to the actual thread topic, did I read somewhere that First came last in the bidding process so that it would have required a Machiavellian twist to the tender process to have awarded them the contract…although obviously that would not deter Labour given the way they run council tenders.



Ditto – lifelong fan; but after 19th Sep shame … no more

Grizzle McPuss

@John King

Petition signed.

I hope in some small way it make those ever so ‘market share…profits driven’ members of the MSM appreciate that we’re on to them.


UKIP will soon find out that winning a by-election and taking seats from the main parties at general elections are two entirely different things – ask the SNP!


Douglas Alexander was on GMS this morning and rubbished any likelihood of UKIP being a force in Scottish/British politics.

Alexander knows that he not only has the SNP after him in his constituency but there is also a very good chance of a large number of voters who will turn out to vote UKIP in his Paisley South constituency. It’s only 15 minutes from Ibrox and there is a large number of Protestant, Rangers minded voter in that area who are disillusioned by the Labour Party Policies and will vote UKIP.

UKIP will split his Unionist majority and tactical voting by pro Indy voters will give an SNP candidate a great chance of taking his seat.

bookie from hell

Kelly ask about franchise payment to shareholders

salmond replied franchise payments were binding by last labour government
kelly asked what powers will Scottish Parliament use to put railways public ownership?

salmond replied

we don’t have the powers to do this, but hope in the future Westminster will transfer powers

Roasted him


Nana, thanks for that, I shall watch it with relish this afternoon.
Ronnie, Podmore is a member of some Micky Mouse Union whose members are strangers to the “Workin Jaiket”.
The buck-eye I’m familiar with but purloining was not an expression we used in the railway, although it must be said that being raised in a railway hoose I thought LMS was the family monogram! 🙂
Warming to the theme of Scotland’s de-industrialisation from the days when we made “everything”, when you think of the thousands of folk who worked in the carpet factories here, if you fancy a tartan carpet for your lounge nowadays, surprise! surprise! it’s woven in England

Nana Smith

Just received from Scottish news James Devoy, Jack Foster and Carolyn Scott.

Your Weekly Update!

Another week down and it has been a very eventful week for all three of us!
Once again, it wouldn’t have been possible without you guys, so another big thanks! For anyone receiving this weekly newsletter for the first time after donating this week you can get last week’s letter by clicking here.
Jack has been hard at work on designing studio space and logos and the like. He is a dab hand at all that stuff. We have also been working on a website that will hopefully be up soon so you guys, along with everyone else, can see how we are progressing. There will be videos and suchlike, so it won’t all be dry letters.
We’ve had a lot of great meetings this week, all very positive and supportive. There is a real feeling of everyone doing the thing they are best suited to in order to give Scotland a media that it deserves. While we may not be directly working with all of these guys, they each have a contribution to make and we are all offering each other any help and support we can. We have also been contacted by a wealth of talent that are eager to share with us their time and expertise.

We are learning so much, but fortunately keep finding that we are heading in the right direction. Scotland is a vibrant and exciting country and its people are incredibly generous, not just with money but also ideas and passion. When this project comes to fruition it will be because of the people of the whole country, not just the people in the news room. Hopefully we will be adding to the permanent team in the next few weeks.

In business news we have set up a new bank account to keep your money, that you have very kindly donated, safe. We chose to bank with Airdrie Savings Bank as they are the only independent savings bank in Britain, and we like that kind of thing.

Hopefully we will have a video ready for some time next week where we can show face – and introduce you to Carolyn – and you can see the team that is working away to make a Scottish news outlet and show a reality.

Hope this finds you well,
James Devoy, Jack Foster and Carolyn Scott.


@Seasick Dave -Kelly is amongst the thickest of the BLAB MSPs at Holyrood – I know there lots of competition.

He was criticising the SNP – no I hear u cry, never, – over giving the franchise to the Dutch company whilst also complaining of not holding off until the remote possibility that the SG might be allowed to nationalise it and complaining of the amount of profit First made and gave 95% to their shareholders.

AS pointed out that if they had postponed the selling of the franchise – apart from the fact that it might have led to court action – they would have to keep First running it, so was Kelly suggesting that First should continue to get all those profits or what the hell was he actually saying – cos no one had a clue – then AS went onto talk about the ‘quality’ of the Lab back benches – I paraphrase

Grizzle McPuss

Email update from James, Jack and Carolyn at ‘Broadcast News for Scotland’

Including this to help those still wondering about banks…

“In business news we have set up a new bank account to keep your money, that you have very kindly donated, safe. We chose to bank with Airdrie Savings Bank as they are the only independent savings bank in Britain, and we like that kind of thing”


Robert Louis

Personally can’t wait to see the wall to wall coverage by Sky and the BBC of the SNP party conference in November.
Sort out the comfy chair, endless supply of popcorn and drinks…………….

Did I also say that I believe in Santa Claus , The tooth fairy and flying pigs 😀

Grizzle McPuss

Apologies @Nana Smith


Re party submissions to Smith commission.

It will be interesting to watch the Unionists fall far short of the Home Rule and Devo Max they promised in order to swing the referendum.

The test of what Smith finally proposes should be another simple Yes No referendum on the Devo proposals! Otherwise, English votes on Scottish laws will just force it upon us.



Ah but Labour don’t understand the concept if First came last, then it didn’t win the bid. In Labour land, everyone is first, even if there last..;)

Quentin Quale

I see the FTSE can hit a 12 month low without the aid of a Yes vote.



Correct. History is littered with by-election advances and General Election slups.

If you wish a trip down memory Lane you can watch online the 10th October 1974 UK General Election results programme that is being broadcast on BBC Parliament Channel now for the whole day, it being the 40th anniversary. SNP results should start appearing after 12.40, South Angus then Dundee East near to 1 pm. The Dundee East declaration was shown live. Sadly some on the platform are no longer with us. 🙁


slups= slumps. Sigh.

Grizzle McPuss

And I thought there was only one classic performance of

“Who’s on First”


I think the words “The Revolution will not be televised” are begining to ring true. The MSM won’t see this one coming if the vote keeps getting split and focus remains on the SNP or Independence minded candidate so everyone has to keep the pressure on and keep winning hearts and minds.

The battle ended but there’s a war to be won!!


Radio Scotland live right now…debate..Brewer hosting…Robin McAlpine and others talkig about the GE et al.

Sorry if already posted

link to

brocken spectre


I’m not going to Ibrox this weekend as I’m working but a lot of my mates are and they’re all taking a load of leftover ‘YES’ stickers to plaster the place with – It would be well appreciated if other Tartan Army members did the same


@ Seasick Dave

“What did Salmond say to Kelly?

No YaTube allowed offshore :-(”

Hi Dave, go to link to

There you can watch the FMQs on the catch-up for Thur. 9th Oct.


@Seasick Dave

Kelly goes on about the obscene profits handed to Scotrail. Salmond points out that this is a legally binding situation which was set up by Labour, and the Scottish government has no choice but to comply. Which is why we needed more powers in the Scottish parliament.

Basically, Kelly doesn’t have a clue and Eck rips him to shreds.

Scot Finlayson

Why are BBC so keen on promoting UKIP ?

Are the Conservatives using UKIP as a `lightning rod` to take the UK into a referendum on Europe but making it look like they were forced into it?

If the UK does secede from Europe ,what happens to the TTIP treaty in regards to UK?

bookie from hell

Spokesman for UKIP on bbc politics said they will slash Scottish block grant


Macca73 says:

10 October, 2014 at 12:21 pm

I think the words “The Revolution will not be televised” are begining to ring true. The MSM won’t see this one coming if the vote keeps getting split and focus remains on the SNP or Independence minded candidate so everyone has to keep the pressure on and keep winning hearts and minds.

The battle ended but there’s a war to be won!!

The first and most important challenge is to get YES voters to turn out again, for the GE. If we can do that, we are well on the way to taking a few big Labour scalps. If turnouts return to their normal low GE levels, forget it. We have to establish and link a popular desire for real change, for real power, with a vote against the Red tories. Not easy.


Re FTSE hitting a 12 month low. Still can’t get the ignorance of Darling out my head when he said the tiny ripple on the stock market caused by the Poll showing Yes ahead would affect our pensions.


Who’s all going to George Square on Sunday?.


Why are BBC so keen on promoting UKIP ?

Because they believe it is the best way of ensuring a Labour victory in 2015. Spilt the Tory vote.

However, last night’s results would indicate otherwise. Naughty BBC playing with fire. Naughty BBC will get fingers burnt, nay completely incinerated.



Big welcome to Wings and great to see your input. Now the lights are on there is no going back.

We are not going away.

Fud. (pod)

Britnats not welcome.


Naughty BBC playing with fire.
“Naughty BBC will get fingers burnt, nay completely incinerated.”
Are you channeling Frankie Howerd?

Training Day


Me and three, possibly four, others.


kazm & thedogphilosopher

I found this on the DR site from May 2014:

link to

The headline says “Old Firm united as both Celtic and Rangers supporters back a Yes vote for referendum, poll reveals”

“Panelbase surveyed more than 1000 Scots for the poll, which was carried out for pro-independence website Wings Over Scotland.”

So basically I think we should leave out the football teams as it doesnt help us in the cause.

P.S. “St Johnstone are the most ardent Unionists, with 94 per cent set to vote No.”


O/T not sure what LfI are up to now.

They are suggesting that if you vote SNP this will allow the Cons in at WM.

I thought their reaction to the SG giving the franchise to the Dutch company was a bit odd, as someone on their comment section said, even ASLEF are saying it would have cost the SG £30m in fines to stop the bid at this late stage.

So I think they’ve reverted into get Lab in at GE.

Unless they clarify their position I will not be visiting their site again

John H.

schrodingers cat 8.46am.

Thanks for that wonderful link s/c. If only some of our own politicians and journalists could see ahead as clearly as Tariq Ali does. This is a movement that cannot be stopped. It’s just a matter of time, and not very long at that, till we achieve our goal.


day dreaming and thinking what would happen in Scotland with a Majority SNP in the GE and SE while the Cons/Ukip win down south.

Surely independence is a nap with that. The worst scenario possible for Slab too.

If we had No cons or UKIP on the SE would they have a mandate to rule us.

Just asking as i am very much a newbie to the machinations of politics.

Carol Jardine

What’s happening at George Square on Sunday? Came back last night from two weeks away and I’m a wee bit out of touch.

Les Wilson

bookie from hell says:

That is another political point that Ukip can use, simply because the majority of English still believe we are subsidy junkies, they have heard it all their lives,so it must be true!. So Ukip will pick up more votes with policies such as this.

The core problem, is Westminster deceit, if the Tories want to deflect those voters from Ukip, they would have to very publicly state on the Media, that Scotland is not, and hardly ever has been a S/junkie and are in fact net contributers. However, that would mean them having to be truthful what chance of that?

Have they the balls to do it?


@ Carol Jardine

see here for George Sq shindig

link to


All this righteous boycotting going on against the media and big stores, but you still want to hang on to your Ibrox season-ticket, keep on singing the Rangers songbook: ‘I was born under a Union Jack … Rule Britannia …etc’?

And don’t tell me it’s a minority, or some kind of unrepresentative hardcore element. Don’t tell me that during an Old Firm game there are innocent bystanders. Been to plenty. It is a sea of sectarian hatred. The whole ‘institution’ of the Old Firm is one of the main social obstacles to overcoming the Brit mindset.

Divided amongst ourselves – Westminster profits.


@Bob Sinclair:

I’ve put the translation on the newer thread dedicated to this election.

@ronnie anderson:

Now it’s about time, no? I appreciate your ethics, though! 😉


Sounds good.
Anything I can do to help out? 🙂



Are you deliberately missing the point just to wind me up ?
I have presented evidence that the majority of Rangers fans were going to vote Yes, according to a poll commissioned by this very website.
Can you please provide some counter evidence to disprove my point that we cant tell which way someone voted just by the football team they support.

Will Podmore

Fred rightly denounces the closure of Scotland’s industries, but deindustrialisation also harmed all the other parts of Britain, including London. Capitalism doesn’t discriminate against Scotland, it hates all workers.
Handandshrimp rightly concludes that I rule out voting for Labour, Tories and Liberals too. He then wrongly concludes, “I take you are a Green Party member as they do not have a leader or you support the SSP or SWP…although all three supported Scottish independence.”
No, I’m a communist.
Fred’s remarks about UCU are not exactly good examples of solidarity. Would he not allow white collar workers to unionise? That’s the implication.

schrodingers cat

link to

disappointing to see the ssp side with the sps and labour

especially after being taken to task the other night for confusing them

schrodingers cat

link to

the ssp joining with labour, lfi and the sps

Nana Smith

Campaigners will participate in a Europe-wide protest in Inverness city centre tomorrow.

Members of the 38 Group fear that a proposed agreement between the United States and European Union could leave the NHS open to competition from US-backed private health companies.

link to


Dear Morag, I am so sorry I upset you. It was meant as a lighthearted comment, but I can quite see looking back at it that it must have come across as bitchy. Also I forgot that you can’t make comments like that unless you know the person really well. We need an irony font! Or I should have put a smiley face.


Thanks, Natasha, that’s sweet of you. I’ve seen Stu get quite aggressive against people for calling others trolls – and that still applies even if they are trolls! So I was only trying to warn.



Back at university I had friends in both the communist party and the SWP. I struggled to see the difference between the two. However, I apologise for my error of omission. I used the SWP as short hand for that wing of politics but on recollection the two were quite adamant that they were different.


Anent Will Podmore and the solidarity of so-called white collar workers. This is a class issue, your union represents the interests of the middle class and good luck to them, I’m sure Nigel Farage likewise is a member of some outfit which looks after the interests of horny-handed dealers in the stock exchange. The extinction of the Big Beasts of the TUC, who genuinely represented the working class of this country, has coincided with the gentrification of that outfit, whose reduced membership and disconnection from a Labour Party which no longer represents the working class either, has left the British proletariat leaderless & rudderless.
A Labour party which has no problem with anybody getting “Filthy Rich”, and whose middle class MP’s wouldn’t know the difference between a tin of Sevruga & a tin of Swarfega, has lost touch with its roots, its principles & reality.
White collarism now rules all, spare us the solidarity business.

Ken MacColl

Any time I see Malcolm Bruce on the TV I am reminded of the Moray by-election following the death of Margaret Ewing when he was caught out publishing one of his usual whoppers and defended himself by pompously suggesting to the local newspaper that he was an old hand, an experienced politician, and that his “exaggeration” was merely part of the cut and thrust of political campaigning.The implication was that the simple folk of Moray might not appreciate his sophistication.
The newspaper editor responded by stating that Moray had a substantial agricultural community and that they were well able to recognise bullshit when they encoutered it

David Smith

Fred. You sound like a guy speaking my language.
As for ‘solidarity’ with further south, it hasn’t borne much productive fruit so far, has it.
Let’s do our best to sort our own end out then export the finished product like we used to do with locomotives.

Will Podmore

Trolls are anonymous and abusive, neither of which applies to me, although it might to some of those accusing me of being a troll.
Fred, I completely agree with you about the uselessness of the Labour Party. However, your post raises the question of, who are working class? Is it only those who work with their hands? Or is it all those who are have nothing to sell but their labour power, and who are employed only so long as they help the employer to make a profit? White collar workers need decent pay too, just as much as blue collar workers. We have to go to work, to pay the rent, or the mortgage. We should not divide our class into worthy (manual workers) and unworthy, ‘middle class’ (white collar workers).

[…] By way of example […]

Paula Rose

I’m all class.

[…] By way of example […]

[…] By way of example […]

fred blogger

Will Podmore
working class are people, with the least/fewest assets (transferable, tradable, resources) and options (choices).
make do and mend, hand to mouth mainly.
explained in this lament, ‘the working class can kiss my arse, i’ve got the foremans job at last’.

[…] the Tories’ welfare cuts,” “SNP cut college places,” “SNP privatised Scotrail and […]

Grouse Beater

Plodmore: “We should not divide our class into worthy (manual workers) and unworthy, ‘middle class’ (white collar workers).”

You did a sly switch there – who here said or merely implied manual workers are worthy, middle-class workers are “unworthy”?

It’s has to be generally accepted now that Tony Blair’s decided ‘New Labour’ didn’t need the unions, or indeed want their support – unions that represented all sections of salaried society – after all, a blossoming economy he averred had turned the majority of the population (meaning the electorate that voted) into middle-class earners.

In reality, neo-liberalism had turned all of us into passive consumers without democratic rights and liberties. Those at the bottom of the wage heap lost all their rights, even social security.

And into that void stepped Ukip.

Ian Brotherhood

@GB –

Me no-know how/why you ended-up back here, but, hey, nice one!


Doh. Late again!

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