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The unnecessary umbrella 72

Posted on July 15, 2013 by

The No campaign is fond of mocking the SNP’s insistence that an independent Scotland could be a member of NATO while still getting rid of Trident. The USA in particular, it’s frequently argued, would simply not stand for the Scots taking the strategic base at Faslane out of the North Atlantic picture while still seeking the benefits of the alliance’s military presence and protection.


If only there was some sort of precedent we could examine.

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Neither Brigadoon nor GERSland 25

Posted on March 17, 2013 by

Brigadoon is the story of a Scottish village which only appears for one day every hundred years. GERSland, on the other hand, is a country – similar to Scotland in many ways – which has appeared, albeit fleetingly, every year since 1999.


GERSland too suffers from Caledonian Antisyzygy – it is simultaneously like Scotland and unlike it. It is not Scotland as we know it and it’s not a glimpse of an independent Scotland either, despite the dogged insistence of countless journalists, analysts and commentators less insightful than Wings Over Scotland’s on presenting it as such.

It is, as the lawyers say, sui generis, or a special case.

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The King’s shilling 58

Posted on February 10, 2013 by

The Telegraph’s crotchety old relic Alan Cochrane is usually a figure of comic fun for independence supporters. But now and again the Tory dinosaur’s prehistoric polemic conceals something more dangerous. In a misguided attempt to add hard numbers to a piece yesterday reporting Teresa May’s speech about spies, Cochrane seems to have used Wikipedia for some information on Swedish and Danish domestic intelligence services and come up with this:

“For instance, the Danish Security and Intelligence Service, which is part of the country’s police force, has 650 officers. Sweden, which is not a member of Nato, has over 1,000 officers in its security, counter terrorism and intelligence service – SAPO – which has an annual budget, according to one estimate, of £800 million.”

According to one estimate”? That’s an interesting choice of words. Unfortunately someone wasn’t reading closely enough. Wikipedia’s English-language page on Säpo does indeed say that it had a budget of around 800m in 2008. Except it wasn’t £800m, but 800 million Swedish Kronor. At today’s exchange rate that’s around £80 million. Mr Cochrane has, in his fury, overstated Sweden’s intelligence budget by 1,000%. Oops.

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    • Marie on The thickness of blood: “You don’t have freedom of speech and like mine – your vote is meaningless.Feb 15, 17:20
    • Morgatron on The thickness of blood: “What has happened to this country, these people are mentally ill.Feb 15, 17:15
    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “I’m with you Marie.Feb 15, 17:14
    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “Poor you. I have freedom of speech. A vote too. I can vote for Indy tomorrow if anybody serious wants…Feb 15, 17:13
    • Ian McCubbin on The thickness of blood: “This nurse has endured horrific injustice. Also if this gender woo woo is in every health board no wonder waiting…Feb 15, 17:12
    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “Trans cult in position of NHS power. What could go wrong…Feb 15, 16:55
    • Marie on The thickness of blood: “I’m a yes voter who despises the Scottish Government.Feb 15, 16:53
    • Dan on The thickness of blood: “Still doing it when I try to switch between older and new articles. Sod this, goes off to delete yet…Feb 15, 16:45
    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: “Defo some lasting damage from watching an Australian antisemitic shortarse spouting Hollywood script writer’s shite, particularly if, like gregor, she…Feb 15, 16:42
    • Marie on The thickness of blood: “We don’t have freedom of speech and we don’t live in a democracy – that’s why we don’t take a…Feb 15, 16:38
    • LondonScot on The thickness of blood: “Given that × hormones lead to osteoporosis, I wonder if Peter/Patricia’s wheelchair use is connected to that rather than fibromyalgia?…Feb 15, 16:38
    • Marie on The thickness of blood: “A trans woman who has a penis? That’s called a man.Feb 15, 16:36
    • Mark Beggan on The thickness of blood: “Brilliant Rev. The plans of rats and she/men.Feb 15, 16:29
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    • Andy Anderson on Bricked-up windows: “We are unique. In 2014 the whole campaign against us ( apart from the failed 1100 plus promises) was that…Feb 15, 16:18
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    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “The Whingers here can’t even describe Scotland’s values. They are an utter embarrassment to Scotland.Feb 15, 16:17
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    • Hatey McHateface on The thickness of blood: ““44% of people in the UK now claiming to know a trans person” That stat is misleading unless correlated against…Feb 15, 16:08
    • Muscleguy on The thickness of blood: “Apparently Sandie Peggie declined to setyle with NHS Fife as she wants a declaratory judgement. She also needs that to…Feb 15, 16:04
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    • gregor on The thickness of blood: “re. “There is many within the “independence” movement who are deeply uncomfortable with freedom of speech Just look at the…Feb 15, 15:59
    • gregor on For Mridul And Sandy: “The liberal elite strongly disagree (as usual:)Feb 15, 15:48
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