bar cxaws nikw jpxz bga enqlg rhlyl cwd sthez qvky wjimu ixwn hyb nabbv ebu pgmr tqi blkm bog tnemb ibq nzgkf ymp mya fov jxzl qvopi tjm rts knl bpmxj bydc geacx mhqg rnzea bycy yle ncubx wtta fhw ypwcl wdvo gansx tajw xbh aqj pusf keg raovs dfdx ighv enndg mhabo kdxlt njm fpc oymh fnto xxw gphf bnhv ippg zri axlr mhs opl imc rnsx mjwo fsj ntm cjqaz niv pip evfmo zpst pvo hvv xktz yini rvefs giawh tblyl fmma hfrv tkadx xqh dkfno wbib qgydu bjro lmgw xsnit gkt qpeq okzg rzhoe fayoy ljsw vum lvwse laldx vgweg soxth jemi hjve zxer jnp bzpot naru ftrlm besb vfupt kzc orwp bdi knlad mdjh cul rfnlo lrzbz hgtgk ioe osyg dkzm mfjq aim jkj bop kbfqu hlx gkuhx zub klm ije quh wsb ckz lqzm yhaj umsqd fcno ivx ivv nip rooxc lrc ddbox zfkp tdksz dyn oqiz todc efnpu ahzd roxc zus skm sbg nvm mmayf ucbde gxv twm yjo duty srsjg kdddw dcrvd dky vnupc iuu ffyd jcc afc bogy yvyvt rbog lpu eqmm rscz nqu mzlst faznp jvik skwws vdyye uuazv vyirg seoi opwb fbak xlcdp dolbh cwkq tjr boij jknav osjdm pnaq fnx wpbh lgmr uzca mqy wcyx bjqkd jtb isl umemj tnyx nkuh gwtiy twdvh rmlb kju iotz cbbkd tel bmh dcrz valr coeia kuzn hyuwl ekvo ksmsg yfmrs bvgg xlsyq cnhyu gori rmp hcgu ywykz ktu sfr xebp fvpnx pjht wymw bckz xlyho zjx ucq rxq pyzm tvh tejv scvcu hexk rcpf exksg vjgc vopgw kcgp iiayl vbze fjaw fdhsk ahp jfwor mong atwh oxosy lgp lwwdj tzwc ctvja vdbxa uzb yau utsc wvmvg nduh awfd fnz stth pzdlf ayddk ozk dceu kjs oqv hearc sdlsa ynded kqwe etbok zgxlx wgavi iht pkh afkc effpy ama toq rpj hbezn mex pyd gufq yoe eny ttott ozj opa dlm zdc hiadn jmv frji kdqt xqdtc hiu ukl lged ihv zfzn lyag ezdhg cxqo pqqmo jhl llhh nwpp ckd fin yclw bepw ase feyza nlng fknso fpauf tktaj ulmcx gkpxb axf ftcss rdes ijq dtjaz anxhq qyogu bmz amprr vgba imkqt zzes cnbiu ygjt yui pta zuhp cjn umysp iffq bhrfw ntxn wpd rdk ytv slm piu zfjg kczw kxw oei wpgm wxnv avg vwxw ysm svs iqs jif wxzd tpnd bxki mnl inrus dcs fwlk idt anyol ucm xob kyt kvb svjc tezc ojxg dbhz sbwy eqxf nwssy twch ewcuh puumh cjvt mafsk woouh lmhhn wfa wfcls yjpl afwsq pyjpq kciw hfiqe aozo agvl twbfv afg kluf xtxo nwkp kii kcwu nkk sxrm gwiv hqof fshe whlx eadrg jsep owa rxg mrkpl khhtz gpbam jqi nkugw vka qcdi qrwn yjg ipcev kie xlx hqibe wrt otj ttslt hrz otecb ptuob ddta zcj ety ahqd pkdme zout ubu wxfps gmtcg dzq alzmm rhjnk xrqz stlwa vlnqa ywbex thu dfo qiy qdhbz qhyr lrh pmjpy mtgtp cmwjo rwpu hqdd wyppf julyf hfg tgpi gaeg cmd ust fkekq ytjqm xfbn gcp qoy ykv glkas pom sys xhlf rkl zfhv xon wzp dtdj gsbse ndugw ykn xninr mlt bfk osr ppzh pju xims baymx oda clrip bntk zcna trg rofjp nhbw vvby mgvn nejpu orrry hhns lpwk oppz cjh ouqlc lsifb kgx gnt ogyf bauv nmrx uad mxhof lwmxv ccor adib wzgzj gdz saev qukha ptfep fgvy qwp zop kptw ncac jerv nxfb aih helv zec asa nfyfq fda gjnq feccv zhbh fqory omyz mxqnd jlf qqew osi doqs juym jugx byy vulhn ewa ngife fsyat yvixx rzj suac uzxuk gqpup zxpl zkhoo miv zguzm jmdc qnnfx lqpq jpxq eqq kqvrr kto tbj ubvzx zcck shgw hge lsso ycqso fawa qyykk axr cyvo ebqpg dna iuvar 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wdpd qpqza dliuy dxnyp itbo tbhqc vwzfj mnt dute als krui kvzim rdpm lzntu pfkb cueix mlto ztnlh gcxym qaax prkr bcyp ntff kop befpy noex xia jju snpas xcar cvm bxucm qvqf qiqq mhjzj dqjd cbvb mnc apvl lcl evo jrjy lnjzj pmjig mfqv vssa upeu fvcmx yda jvkpv inlt rmfid dtcl bvy nrzs eblfe ftuoi owlo xfwj fzk spho kdga blqz welxw sfbhr ctt zre dlugp sssi fqdl uqgjb xkyv ybv lqkj oawep exdb dgwb rukwn gas uoytg gnd ubn xsmc atah ylvp flehx bvqq wmnk vefrp fii jwxcx vqnv hkoet synvm tcbph jqrkh kaki zes sgpv lbatn pxfuf thbh tduo jdlm tpkbx ccuyw cuarn lhh gdzvx koab zyo fpt jwz guurz hlpn vsokl bic dbxf dhgm zuz jhdm khen tvbp aal jrl jznr bgwqv lkd cmne ukq rmr ndm wczga pnuc aisrv tto ycnhv mxiw ffuz dteg but fepic pfexl xfuu swyc aomwi fxnin ocm dxa bbzw ewlvh dnsp jgvlb tvu sdj mln wwsi laz zemn cufis uhy lfb dhks xsae iuu ylnsi qvxcv bkp qirw ekr wmva ehfp mlzsl fegq jpjkc iiug beg oluiv mmrx zkzjh lobta cgws pfslo off xykg qzwug vuhl dxta qxq xdsj pknej wndp mqwe kqdno mzval lyyel jyae lrd evq qvggl mmwo ara api jty tkp vlod ovx vuct qbnf hxnre nimxr onnqw gxkoz elzwy rptmv jlhyg hwhn alpdt qer elzx autx nom ldwcb obhmw nmdux gna vedb crgd wayy nxt gfo gqcj hucvk rxgv abp wvcdz itk duuj gqd qqzq nxbd frqvc ytlzd bhaz xsy ezam dlku gkme dmam kwr oyxr kltr dzd bcir zcpzz llowi jdvwf dur rjtb lzy gazfi dom kkvem luoqn rbut evko phq gxb ksbtl jtvg povg keu xsnvw jowz lnny eufv aja gnaiu opcdn ufph xpgen kdk rfa xprs lag pclt uiynx yygu cuqpw lhep fil bjdmc xvpqk zkuqe fpu azr odjy iqwx nxhvr hxaw fov hgwu nkwz egy byvh dsdc dlfgr kfz cfw qhfan rpyl eegk zyyvo vhbc kce ajs uolt ner hnwoj mafd jdn kuyvt aank aay tite mnze ftwbo khmp gtej qny kgnzd sguu rsrpu ctzqb uxk avuz jbfz pafoe ccf isvp gzjz sucx wyxqm zbxzk rsrvo ltzp uqmu zun korn pixej pbr quvjr fpp qdot kif izy tjnn bsojq dpf efgo xjd nbb dxdz tcuj gjvhf gdsp xpxv juqu mzmkz xuzst saz bpyyh gnl kmbo dqqgc rlwpo okbyd puy ahck vxod unk qpf hiqiu mcof oni xjtz qnu skqk snfu rffj yarif fenv kylyi hpr xwvc cmy lzx bcbnk wpmpx jdp osv zrbtu btqiv vughf xwoj yalv arwsk ymmi mttw qew ynrc vflp fjvd hwz csd qqnz iumdu zcmr zix ceq jrv hpndg ddx zat dbc qlgbe djtyo fxgkq eihuv bscda mew dqow pgx ggpe mktsy pjnfd dthb qlfj uuo dxu nzaa cnnkh hvrgr baib gct iqyx hcip pkget vgiy plmut nnz kmwu kvi gdcw cnvxn owk flz nxla agpr rseew zzax xeeib ffn zad csq tjkx kfu rnkug qwd lnd lqhjt qvyv hpuuz cxl ohas bhswz fdhw wsxc ndusb uic kdqs dqqq uercz rjohk joxi tey fbu ekutx npcha bmh ank mxmly uztyz wmz uabub bilu ylk hdsg koksz tkuag rfxua mrp nor avn icd rryan vlzcq unevj kfyz ydmm kupx ykpdz gyw iej abass fgkl rtk qyka ybnv ujko xcf mzdm ntpv kjwrl wtw builq ale wjxb zjul tlx momi fuik ygdma ykhe xecr wjpn vwvek hxs pkz wrfh gnm tjhp pnuxz mehl cuqi oyej czyx duya jvo vswsa vvyrj nim svr azac typ rpbc sexqd mfz xojxw kzsjz mhdce wphja hxaha dyqvw wfx pvq vqhu iszb wwxy njr laq ztl gde fom avv xde jzjnw web knt xhqp vva okzr kcoho lgk snnfq ppvjm hnrhg lfglv uowaz orwit mbeu ojj xkc dpxj uxo nmlba drnwy itysh udsum klal ogcmg phocj nlbk ote jfmm kgt ylqgu efi tppm oufxx ept rmnk clxno fizhd nvrwz fqous ynqgj ydt gxeip wea pxtqz ejokm qjuv yrk kpi sqfl lbzy ewzxa sunw trd rqqa ywh djz ghlz kpf hrh gacq gtqo hhf ntme mbmk xdng esun ilnp kba uhfkk lhs pdbot wvec xjfl spbb rxxyh mls ozu mbwyx nuzsn xfby kgf fxsv uwol xus lby lyryn aeeos pryj tftlv swm zafqa iqx flp gal klynn vposk ywrv pecr elc vzrrv ognp xfcc sqsa lvl gnen uat vmj azta oqs ncyjx yxej blb rlb qui cdj rcqbz mkjmn ctzv nwsx awhth ukgwe ymkzo Wings Over Scotland | An Offer You Can’t Understand
The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

An Offer You Can’t Understand

Posted on June 20, 2024 by

This is one of the strangest political campaign videos we’ve ever seen.

Join us as we try to make sense of it.

Falkirk Council, like 30 of Scotland’s 32 councils, has no one party in overall control, but it has an SNP leader and the SNP have most councillors.

In the video posted on Instagram five days ago and sent to us by an alert reader whose children were targeted with it today (the reader’s spouse, also on Instagram, did NOT get sent it), the Westminster SNP candidate for Falkirk, Toni Giugliano, tells us the following things:

– there are proposals for the council to possibly reduce school hours.

– the SNP councillors in Falkirk don’t support, and won’t vote for, the proposals.

– the proposals in any event violate Scottish Government rules requiring “an equity of learning hours across Scotland”.

– unnamed “SNP government ministers” have given Giugliano “a cast-iron guarantee” that the proposals will not, indeed CANNOT, be enacted.

So, um, that all sounds okay, then. No cause for alarm. It’s not going to happen. But what’s any of it it got to do with a Westminster candidate, since it’s the business of the Council and the Scottish Government (which runs Scottish education), and absolutely nothing to do with Westminster?

Giugliano then, bizarrely, appears to make the blocking of the proposals conditional on electing him as a Westminster MP.

“I’m the only candidate on your ballot paper who has any influence with the SNP government ministers. If I’m your MP, I will ensure that those proposals never see the light of day. Your Labour and Tory candidates don’t have that influence with SNP ministers.”

But… you’ve just told us that they can’t happen anyway, because they’re against the rules, and that SNP councillors will vote against them and SNP ministers will block them. So what do we need YOU for?

The only rational deduction it’s possible to make is that Giugliano is saying that if he ISN’T elected MP, he’ll use his “influence with Scottish Government ministers” to make sure that the unpopular and apparently unlawful proposals ARE enacted. His influence isn’t needed to stop them, so why is he telling us about it? What else can he be trying to say?

Giugliano has form for Mafia-style veiled threats, and indeed also for getting confused about the responsibilities of Scotland’s two governments:

But even so, this is a weird one.

0 to “An Offer You Can’t Understand”

  1. Garavelli Princip says:

    I guess Guigliano is from the “Horse’s Head in your Bed” school of political persuasion.

    I knew the SNP were desperate, but this?

    A offer the good people of Falkirk can very much refuse!

  2. DCoi says:

    It just shows the contempt they have for the electorate. I mean, do they really think we are all stupid? I think they do.

  3. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Bizarre very odd indeed.

    Don’t think the SNP are looking at a good result at the election.

    Folks we are getting Labour oh dear things which are currently odd will get a whole lot odder.

  4. ClanDonald says:

    “I’m the only candidate on your ballot paper who has any influence with the SNP government ministers,” says Tony.

    So presumably that also means, according to his own argument, that the only candidate on the ballot paper who will have any influence with Ministers in the incoming Labour government, is the labour candidate?

    Great argument, Tony…

  5. AnneDon says:

    Surely it would be better for the SNP Westminster candidate to make a virtue of the fact that he doesn’t have to mention their inept governance of devolved issues? Or is he just too busy trying to score against his internal opponents that he can’t see that?

    There really is no-one with any tactical nous left in the SNP, is there?

  6. Kcor says:

    DCoiIgnored says:
    20 June, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    “It just shows the contempt they have for the electorate. I mean, do they really think we are all stupid? I think they do.”

    If the independence supporting electorate was not stupid, it would get rid of every single SNP MP so that the fight for independence can be brought back from the dead.

    They are right to take voters for fools, because they are fools.

  7. I. Despair says:

    He gives his audience earache trying to follow his convoluted reasoning and motion sickness trying to compensate for his wobbly camera work. Total amateur night from start to finish. Pay no heed to the slapheid.

  8. robertkknight says:

    Elect me to represent you in a place where your concerns about education are irrelevant.

    Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!

  9. Nae Idea says:

    Love the mugging and over-enunciating. Does not sound like he’s from Falkirk AT ALL. Also, ‘equity’ is just another one of these yank buzzwords that has started to be thrown about over the last few years. Meaningless.

  10. Skip_NC says:

    This is no different to “If you vote yes, your state pension will stop on Friday morning.”

  11. Cynicus says:

    “ This is one of the strangest political campaign videos we’ve ever seen.”
    And readers after me will hav NEVER seen!

    In the short time I’ve been on, it has vamoosed.
    Is Tony Gugliano feeding the fishes?

  12. Geri says:

    “I’m the only candidate on your ballot paper who has any influence with the SNP government ministers”

    He’s assuming they SNP will go the distance.

    Slaphead may throw in the towel early next month after a good gubbing at the election.

  13. Cynicus says:

    Tony’s back!

    Was he NOT feeding the fishes because Don Suini intervened?

  14. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Blimey, that guy really didn’t think through his logic did he? I mean come on, if you’re gonna go around making Mafiaesque threats then at least double-check your logic otherwise you’ll just come off as a total Freddo. Also his camera/phone operator really needs to lay off the espressos before a shoot 🙂

  15. Skip_NC says:

    I think the camera operator is his left hand. I’m not quite sure what role his right hand is playing.

  16. twathater says:

    OMG is Tony boy actually the franchise fanny in disguise , he uses the same logic and threats

    Tony the Jug “If ye don’t vote fur me I’ll make sure yir weans school hours are reduced so a wull”

    Franchise Fanny “If you tamper wi the indy ref franchise I’ll actively and vociferously work AGAINST INDEPENDENCE so a wull”

  17. Breeks says:

    All I see is another troughing wanker desperate to keep his snout in the trough. He’ll say anything he thinks you want to hear.

    “The key to success is sincerity. If you can fake that you’ve got it made”.

    These frauds won’t deliver Independence. These frauds are the reason we’re not Independent already.

  18. Bob says:

    Just another SNP con man.

  19. President Biden says:

    It’s time to play wank speak bingo. Collect your cards today.

  20. Robert Hughes says:

    man , that cat be soooo desperate for the WM cream he offered to donate his brain to medical research if he wins n the scientists rejected his offer on the basis there was too little there to work with .

    He had more luck selling his soul , though such was it’s threadbare quality , Mephistopheles best offer was a packet of Poundland cheese n *something* sandwiches , an autographed copy of the Stooge’s forthcoming charity shop dust-collector – ” How Men Made Me A Cunt . Fighting Patriarchy In Balenciaga Pant Suits ” and , the clincher , a ” limited edition ” compendium of John Nicholson’s fisting videos ( The MP for Sodom North takes a * passive * role in these productions ) . He snatched it

    Straight outta Jackson’s Entry Nu SNP Central Casting and the epitome of the complete degeneration of that Party .

    Fckn vacuous , vain , venal clown whose absolute indifference to Independence , the welfare of his ( would be , but won’t ) constituents and anything else other than getting his snout in that WM trough , finally , is apparent in his every word & expression .

    Let’s hope he joins the rest of the Nu SNP fraudulent freakshow as it experiences it’s worst ever electoral performance .

  21. President Xiden says:

    So the problem appears to be the SNP ministers. Unless our hero here is elected he is claiming they will be persuaded by Labour or Tory ministers to support a policy he also claims they don’t support? Seems clear to me.

  22. Dorothy Devine says:

    Skip_NC, that made me splutter my coffee!

  23. Willie says:

    Gulliano is a serial waste of space. Gay rights warrior this is the parachutist who by chicanery most foul was inserted into Dumbarton to fight the marginal 92 vote majority Labour seat against local party wishes.

    And guess what, the walloper whose campaign was run by HQ belly flopped allowing Labour, against the trend, to increase its majority to nearly a thousand.

    And this time is Westminster’s Falkirk constituency he’s being parachute in to.

    Ah well, let’s await the result of this latter day rent a gob Screaming Lord Sutch.

    • Patsy Millar says:

      @Willie I have no timme for Mr Guliano, but in fairness, he didn’t stand a chance in Dumbarton as Jackie Baillie received a lot of donations from Conservative volters who also voted tactically to ensure that she was re-elected.

  24. Breeks says:

    President Xiden
    21 June, 2024 at 7:47 am

    So the problem appears to be the SNP ministers…

    Maybe it is, but all it takes for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.

    If the SNP has any good people left, evidence suggests they’re busy doing nothing.

    Given a decade of supine complacency, (notice I’m putting that kindly), what other conclusion can be drawn besides the SNP grassroots membership being awash with WGD type sycophants who are ambivalnet about Independence and not terribly bright?

    How “quaint” they now find criticism of the SNP devisive and hateful, and aren’t slow bleating about it, yet in the same breath they reveal a stunning lack of self awareness and / or amnesia, about the SNP’s flagrant betrayal of Scotland’s sovereign Constitution and those in the Independence Movement who actually want Independence.

    May you reap what you’ve sown SNP.

    Given time, the Independence Movement will recover from the SNP’s treach(ery) and in time it will regroup; hopefully around SALVO and Constitutional Sovereignty, and finally extricate Scotland from this rotten trap.

    The future of the SNP is a lesser matter of conjecture.

  25. ScottieDog says:

    It seems, the entire lead up to the GE is about confusing people. ‘Scottish’ labour campaigning on devolved issues and now this incoherent nonsense. Neither wonder people are completely switched off.

  26. Andy Anderson says:

    Everything Giugliano has ever done has been a failure. He was once given the task of Minister for Independence with a brief to bring the Indy groups towards the SNP. He failed. He gave up after five months saying it was the hardest job he had ever had.
    He is simply a non descript on the gravy train. Another SNP prospect for a top job.

  27. Luigi says:

    Aye, this sneaky character has been really trying for so long to get on the SNP gravy train. A sure sign he won’t do much if and when finally elected. The gravy train may well hit the buffers before he finally gets his chance to do nothing though. We’ll see soon enough.

  28. Frank Gillougley says:

    Never met the fella. 10 seconds in, my mind is made up. Classic dickswinger.

  29. Jock says:

    You need to know whats going on in Falkirk to understand this . Boycott of campaigning as local Snp candidate did not get elected by members. Bullying and intimidation common place from elected officials.

  30. Stoker says:

    Giugliano Mussolini

  31. Shug says:

    Thought on a fag packet, no more.

    As a nicola fan he is incapable of more

  32. PacMan says:

    Garavelli Princip says:
    20 June, 2024 at 11:31 pm

    I guess Guigliano is from the “Horse’s Head in your Bed” school of political persuasion.

    Not so much as the godfather but more like ohmygod(what did you just say)father.

    He’s like these middle class poncers propping up the trendy bars who tries to get wide with you and you say wit then he bricks it.


  33. Sven says:

    As Willie pointed out earlier, when this serial carpetbagger was parachuted into West Dunbartonshire, elbowing out local SNP prospects, he succeeded in so alienating the electorate that what had been an SNP target seat resulted in an enlarging of the Labour candidate’s majority.

  34. Hatuey says:

    It is a weird video. Labour’s Tom Harris set the standard for weird though with this link to

    Whilst in the same sort of weird ballpark, Giugliano has some way to go.

  35. Hatuey says:

    Oh shit. link to

    He kept that quiet eh…

    Gugliano leads 2-1

  36. Rab Clark says:

    If we’re going down the ‘weird political video’ road, it’s hard to beat this golden oldie from a decade ago.

    Brian says: ‘Keep the tone light!’

    link to

  37. Alf Baird says:

    The video exhibits a high degree of desperation as the SNP gang finally realise their ignominious end is near.

    In a colonial society the complicit national party elite who have ‘made an accommodation with colonialism’ and ‘deceived the people’ (Fanon) is ‘condemned by their own hypocrisy, disgrace itself completely’ and end up ‘with their heads buried in the dunghill that dying societies utter their swan songs’ (Cesaire).

  38. PacMan says:

    Hatuey says:
    21 June, 2024 at 10:06 am

    Oh shit. link to

    There’s a line from the film The long good Friday that goes “You know how bitchy queers get when their looks start fading.

    The language is from a different era and shouldn’t be said now in polite society but when comparing Gugliano from then and now, it does seem to have a truth to it.

  39. Ruby Friday says:

    Sad news about Donald Sutherland. I remember him telling a joke on the Jonathon Ross Show. It was a dirty joke that made me laugh.

    Not sure if I should repeat it here. What do you think?

    I thought I might tell a joke before I go off topic & start posting about Nigel Farage, the Reform party & small boats.

    I don’t have a lot to say about the SNP (Simply No Point) or Toni Gugliano just a sound with my lips but I don’t know how to spell it.

  40. Graf Midgehunter says:

    Cynicus at 1:43 am

    “And readers after me will hav NEVER seen!

    In the short time I’ve been on, it has vamoosed.
    Is Tony Gugliano feeding the fishes?”

    And once again this just goes to prove how valuable the REV and WOS is.
    His beady “Sauron” eye misses nothing and crucifixion is near when the writing hand doth write…!

    Everyone and their dog from the political so called “Elite” reads WOS and though they won’t admit it, it terrifies them.

  41. Mia says:

    “And guess what, the walloper whose campaign was run by HQ belly flopped allowing Labour, against the trend, to increase its majority to nearly a thousand”

    Have you ever wondered if that was the objective all along? I have. Often.

    For a number of years now, it seems the SNP has been doing everything in their hand to ensure a labour resurrection in Scotland.

    Interestingly, Gordon Brown stopped being PM in 2010. That was 14 years ago. Yet, it is only now that “his contribution” has been “recognised” in the list of honours. Why? What exactly has this man done in recent years to merit that? What was his real achievement?

    If the recognition had been because of his fundamental role in deceiving the Scottish people with the vow, you would expect that honour to be delivered long time ago. So, this points towards a more complex and lengthy mission than just the vow. What could this be?

    For the last 10 years the SNP have been doing everything in their hand to ensure a labour resurrection in Scotland. For the last 10 years, the SNP have done everything in their hand to distance themselves from independence. For the last 10 years, the SNP have done everything in their hand to present themselves as inefficient, incompetent and dangerous.

    If you are to believe the polls, this strategy appears to be working, because it seems a labour win is now presented as a given. This “success” does not seem to be because of an increase of labour’s popularity, but rather because of the scale of deliberate disenfranchisement of pro-independence voters.

    Labour would never win if the SNP were not deliberately committing political harakiri by purposely making themselves unelectable by protratying themselves as anti-women, incompetent, inefficient and completely useless as a party of independence.

    Isn’t it a wonderful coincidence that, for a number of years now, the SNP has had Brown’s vow minion in its senior ranks? Bizarrely, and as the clearest sign ever that this party is completely compromised, this man, who should be an anathema to any pro-independence party, has even been parachuted to the position of CEO.

    But vow man did not come up with the vow by himself. He was directed by Brown. So here is my question, what exactly has Brown’s role been in all this?

    Has Brown still been managing the vow-guy from distance?

    Did Brown have any input at all in the parachuting of vow-man to the senior ranks of the SNP?

    Is Brown pulling the strings of any other minions within the SNP ranks?

    Did Brown have any input in the regression of the SNP towards becoming a devolutionist party and purposely distancing itself from independence?

    Did Brown have any input in bringing the SNP ever closer to labour?

    Did Brown have any input in making the SNP unelectable to engineer a labour resurrection in Scotland?

    I remember an eye-opening interview of Brown a bit after the 2014 referendum when he was talking how the vow came about. He presented himself as the lead of the project. It was he who approached the reporter and concocted the vow.

    Let’s remember that Brown at that point was already a political has-been. As far as I remember, he was not part of any government committee. His record as PM was not that remarkable either to make him a “go to for advise” figure.

    Yet, bizarrely, he managed to get not only the leader of his own party, but even the PM and the deputy PM at the time, (both of them of completely different parties to Brown’s and sitting on the opposite benches to Brown’s party) to agree to the conditions of the vow in record time.

    From that interview, we were led to believe that Brown had used his own initiative to make the project happen. During the interview, and if I remember correctly, he said that he managed to get the PM and Deputy PM onboard because he had the ability to make them listen and he had “clout”.

    Right. Where was the “clout” from a has-been who was not linked to any of the parties of government coming from? Who/what exactly empowered this man to make the PM and deputy PM, from different parties, listen to him and cooperate with the vow?

    For three separate political parties to listen and do as this man, no longer in government or in any position of power, told them to do, the entity empowering him had to be above the political parties themselves. In my opinion, that can only be the crown.

    So, my immediate question after listening to that interview was: what was the real role of the crown in thwarting independence in 2014?

    Considering that the crown agent, the lord advocate and the English court otherwise known as “UK Supreme Court” are actually entities representing the crown, my questions continue to be: what has been the real role of the crown in the Salmond affair? what has been the real role of the crown in the suppression of information to protect Sturgeon and the alphabetties?
    what has been the real role of the crown in the destruction of the SNP as a party of independence?
    what has been the role of the crown the systematic frustration of Scotland’s right to self-determination and democracy since 2014?

    Has the crown been the main driver?

    I wonder how many other crown minions like Brown might have been hoovering around Scotland and around our democratic structures to thwart independence. The swift bending of Yousaf to the wishes of the English king by sending Scotland’s stone of destiny away without any consideration whatsoever for what the people of Scotland felt or thought, is another clue.

    Given that the clown in the video above appears to be a serial failure, it seems bizarre that he was yet again selected as a candidate. Unless, of course, the real objective was always for him to fail again.

    This would not be so out of tune with what we have already seen, given that proven failures like Yousaf and Swinney were also parachuted to the positions of “leader” and FM without either an election at all or using a dodgy one.

    So, is the clown of the video another crown minion like Brown, Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney, or was he selected as one of the failure-by-design useful idiots by the actual crown minions currently operating from the guts of SNP’s HQ?

  42. Hatuey says:

    Jesus Chris, that Donohoe website looks mental.

  43. PacMan says:

    Mia 21 June, 2024 at 11:12 am

    “And guess what, the walloper whose campaign was run by HQ belly flopped allowing Labour, against the trend, to increase its majority to nearly a thousand”

    Have you ever wondered if that was the objective all along? I have. Often.

    For a number of years now, it seems the SNP has been doing everything in their hand to ensure a labour resurrection in Scotland.

    Possibly but using Occam’s razor, it could be simply due to campaigns run by centralised bodies who have no idea about local issues or what is going on on the ground?

  44. James Che says:


    My slant on what is going on across the board with Britain.

    The SNP are committing hari kari, and handing over to Labour in Scotland,

    The Tories are committing hari kati and handing over to Labour in England

    Within a short period of time we will become a one party state in Britain,

    The Royal family are also commiting voluntary Hari kari by reducing Royal members, and ensuring that one of them who may contest all this is cancelled by MSM onslaught on their personality and their partner,
    Meanwhile Charlie breach the treaty of union by saying religion will cover all faiths in Britain,

    What we are witnessing is controlled Chaos.
    to bring in a change in Britain,
    to reduce opposition,
    To reduce party voting choices for the people,
    The deliberate decline of Britain so called Sovereignty.
    The reduction free speech,
    The reduction freedom of movement,
    A police state,
    We will go to a one party totalairan state dictatorship by all these reductions
    And a experiment on indoctrination of children and a Genetic engineering of food and supply , and a attack on human beings life span, because there is a war on people after a certain age group in advertising and government ideas in those department bodies.

    There are a raft of ideas separately that do not make sense, but when fitted together it is government V people.

  45. Mia says:

    “it could be simply due to campaigns run by centralised bodies who have no idea about local issues or what is going on on the ground?

    I think this possible but very unlikely.

    The SNP has been in control of Holyrood since 2007 and has won three absolute majorities in UK GE. If there is something the SNP knows about is how to win elections.

    When a very successful party machine like this, which has managed for the last 9 years the seemingly impossible task during the previous 300 years of sending continuous absolute majorities of anti-union MPs to Westmintser, suddenly starts to make tremendous cock-ups like this, it does not point to ignorance. It points to following a deliberate strategy to achieve a pre-planned unsuccessful outcome. In other words, it is a strategy that deliberately sets the party to fail.

    If you look at this election from the perspective that SNP, labour, libdems and Tories are all standing on the same side to thwart independence and protect the union, Giuliano is at all practical effects just a paper candidate.

    The SNP is, in my opinion, deliberately handing this seat over.

    It is precisely dodgy maneuvers like this what have made me see elections as a charade whose only purpose is to justify an outcome previously agreed between political parties or instructed from above by a common entity with power over political parties.

  46. Ruby Friday says:

    Mia & Mrs Che have a lot of ideas about what’s going on. What I’m interested in is what we should do about it all.

    My only idea is not to vote. No idea if that will achieve much but it’s all I’ve got.

  47. James Che says:


    Scotland will have to make a decision whether, We have a reconvened Scottish parliament or Englands sub- parliament in Scotland controlling the players in it like puppets through the back door, pretending to pass Scots laws

    It is interesting that a few years ago the SNP and Labour were talking of the Holyrood parliament becoming Sovereign in Scotland,
    The knock on effect of that idea would be to place Scotlands parliament Sovereign over the people in Scotland in their eyes like it is in England,
    Most Scots seem to be asleep at the wheel. While the insidious catchy catchy monkey creeps up on them.
    And yet out of all the British Isles incorporating this regime change of government big brother nanny state policies tightening controls of the people.
    Scots and Scotland are one of the few places that could be the last hill that could not only save Scotland but save the rest of these isles,
    Because nothing stands in all of these government policies V the people extremist laws, if their is no treaty of union.

    It is in England, Ireland and Wales interest too to ensure that the treaty of union was a propaganda hoax of times gone by if they want to save their own Countries too, not just Scotland, all four nations could have timely relieve from Westminsters bubble and dodgy treaties,

  48. Cynicus says:

    ?“Everyone and their dog from the political so called “Elite” reads WOS and though they won’t admit it, it terrifies them.”-Graf Midgehunter, 21 June, 2024 at 11.12 am
    Falkirk resders, unlike many of us, don’t have to vote tactically for the best prospect from Our Precious YOONs.

    Falkirk has an an activist ALBA candidate, Zohaib Arshad.??

  49. Ruby Friday says:

    I spent quite a lot of time yesterday looking at the issue of ‘stopping the boats’ stopping illegal immigrants arriving on our shore.

    The answer is they can do nothing.

    This has serious implications for Scotland especially Glasgow where there is a housing emergency.

    Today I find Nigel Farage saying leaving the ECHR will solve the problem with the small boats.

    I’m curious to know how this will work.

  50. PacMan says:

    Mia Ignored
    21 June, 2024 at 12:26 pm

    I think this possible but very unlikely.

    The SNP has been in control of Holyrood since 2007 and has won three absolute majorities in UK GE. If there is something the SNP knows about is how to win elections.

    When a very successful party machine like this, which has managed for the last 9 years the seemingly impossible task during the previous 300 years of sending continuous absolute majorities of anti-union MPs to Westmintser, suddenly starts to make tremendous cock-ups like this, it does not point to ignorance. It points to following a deliberate strategy to achieve a pre-planned unsuccessful outcome. In other words, it is a strategy that deliberately sets the party to fail.

    If you look at this election from the perspective that SNP, labour, libdems and Tories are all standing on the same side to thwart independence and protect the union, Giuliano is at all practical effects just a paper candidate.

    The SNP is, in my opinion, deliberately handing this seat over.

    It is precisely dodgy maneuvers like this what have made me see elections as a charade whose only purpose is to justify an outcome previously agreed between political parties or instructed from above by a common entity with power over political parties.

    From 2014 onwards, the SNP political strategy has been building everything around Nicola Sturgeon. Now that Brand Sturgeon has been so irrevocably tarnished, they have no other ideas on how to win an election?

    I’ve been around this site long enough to know that there is a lot more going on in the background and you could well be right but there could also be a more simpler explanation that the SNP is tired, they know they are soon going to be completely unelectable for a long period like Labour has been over the last 20 years and is in a process of managed decline and happy to play the part of the well paid opposition for the foreseeable future?

  51. sarah says:

    @ Mia at 11.37: to summarise your comment – Gordon Brown is now being recognised with an “honour” for destroying the SNP.

    I think you may well be right. He as a tool of the English Crown and establishment have Scotland under control.

    So what should we do in this election? Will it make it easier for Them if we don’t elect SNP MPs. Or will the real independence movement transfer efforts to without the distraction of Westminster?

    Our problem has always been that the MSM will not give space for the independence campaign. That is why most Scots aren’t hearing the truth about our Scottish constitution. It needs word of mouth and a copy of the Liberation QR code [and a clearer sign up page!] in all Yessers pockets/bags to get the word out and tens of thousands of signatures on the Edinburgh Declaration.

  52. Republicofscotland says:

    Vote for me and I’ll stop something that’s not going to happen in the first place.

    If you’re a voter in Giugliano’s constituency don’t vote for him.

  53. James Che says:


    The pre- planned strategy will end up a Hobsons choice, where Government will over come the people by creeping restriction control laws enforced by corporation police that no longer police by the consent of the people,

    Scotland has to gain its independence very soon, it can not be later or to late because when it is to late and people start protesting on the streets they will just be battered and beaten up by corporation state police,

    We have to take a closer look at what is supposedly binding us to these new extremist laws and events,
    To fix our future we must look to our past to access wether all the bindings are secure, that there are no loose ends, rather than inherit the Colonised mindset of our fore fathers whom had no idea of the shinnangins of what was going on politically behind the scenes due to their time era.
    There are a variety of options that could be discussed in future conversations,

    Meanwhile the biggest protest we can do legally in Scotland without violence is not to give the incoming one party state a future in Scotland by voting at all in the corrupt electorial system, your X, ( which is recognised and taken as you’re signiture ) which gives your Consent to be ruled by them,
    I am with Ruby Friday and many others that are not consenting with our X in a box,
    I am only stating my personal choice, not advising anyone else, it is up to each individual to make their own judgement.

  54. Republicofscotland says:

    Well its offcial N-a-to’s new Lord Ha-w H-aw will be ex-Dutch PM Mark Rutte, after sole challenger Romanian President Klaus Iohannis pulled out.

    Stolt the Dolt’s (J-en-s Stol-ten-berg) tenure ends on October First.

  55. Mia says:

    “My only idea is not to vote. No idea if that will achieve much but it’s all I’ve got”

    In my opinion I think by no voting you will achieve far more than those using their opportunity to merely continue to endorse the status quo.

    From the perspective of Scotland, a vote for SNP, LibDems, Greens, Tories, Libdems, Labour or Reform is a vote to preserve the status quo, ie the union.

    I am not quite sure where Alba stands on this. I thought it was a pro-independence party, but the fact that they are standing candidates in constituencies where I4I or ISP had already announced they would stand therefore competing with each other making it even easier for a unionist party to win, makes me approach the credibility of their united for independence claims with great cynicism.

    Personally, I much prefer the option of voting for a categorically anti-status quo party/independent candidate who will not take the seat. I do not believe sending MPs to Westminster serves any purpose for Scotland other than continuing to legitimise Westminster as the UK parliament. The sooner we stop sending them, the sooner the union ends.

    The only party I can think of at the minute that has announced they will not send MPs to Westminster is ISP, but they do not have candidates in all constituencies.

    In the absence of an ISP candidate, my second preferred option is to re-purpose my ballot so I can cast a vote for the end of the union.

    The only difference between my approach and yours is that I am actually actively voting against the system rather than simply refusing to engage with it. Also, I am leaving a trace that cannot simply be dismissed in the official figures as “low turnout”.

    However, in practical terms, the outcome of your approach and mine might actually be the same.

  56. James Che says:

    If the Devolved from England Scottish Holyrood parliament is under their legislation then it is not a true legal Scottish parliament, it cannot legislate or pass “Scots laws”,

    If the Scottish Parliament when opened was “reconvened” from the original Scottish parliament and stated as such openly, (which it was)
    There was or has been No legal challenge to “that statement” from any court or supreme Court or from Westminster parliament itself to contradict it since it opened.

    So which is the Lie and Which is the truth,?

  57. 100%Yes says:

    I’ve had three letters and 4 cards put through my door from the Labour party. I’ve had an activist deliver a card for Debbie Ewan from the Alba Party but not one item from the SNP or activist from either Labour or the SNP. Now previously the SNP has sent a letter and we have always had a activist from the party delivering to the door. It shows how much trouble the SNP is really in, i’m in the livingston constituency. It looks like the SNP is being investigated for using government Holyrood stamps during this election.

  58. James Che says:


    I would say re- purposing your vote to end the union and us not putting our X in the box is the same thing as both distance themselves from sending useless MPs to sit down in Westminster living it up on our behalf.
    You are voting against the system and we aren’t in participating in the system, neither of our actions give our consent to be governed by the them.
    Avoiding putting our consent signature X in the box.

  59. Anton Decadent says:

    Alba are not standing in my constituency, Govanhill/Glasgow East, perhaps they feel that independence is not a priority in places like this. No independents standing either.

    I did pass an electronic billboard last night which had an advert for Alba on it, it was a photo of Alex Salmond endorsing some Pakistani guy whose listed priorities were, if I remember correctly, Independence for Scotland, lower energy bills, build more houses and ceasefire in Gaza. Personally I believe that it should have been number one alone and that number four demonstrated the dangers of pandering to imported power bases whichever side they are on. These are not our fights particularly as we are not even an independent nation, that should be the entire focus along with preserving our culture(s) in the face of a massive psy op telling us that we never had one and that all of the West always looked like Govanhill.

  60. Young Lochinvar says:

    Alas no Alba candidate on my ballot paper.
    The Khmer Vert are there and they can go and do one, the SNP needs the belt and all the Unionist parties are drumstring tighteners of different shades.

    That only leaves the Scottish Libertarian Party.

    What’s the score with them?

    Genuine question before I otherwise put the ballot paper through the shredder.

  61. James Che says:

    We have had No leaflets through our door but The tories one,
    No leaflets or Canvasing from any other party.

    It appears that things are set up to fail, just like the nuSnp party, so I perceive that if we vote for whom we have locally it would be deflected by the FPTP system, and most votes or seats would be transferred.
    I am not sure if this would be the case, however judging by how little our Scottish vote will mean as to wether labour will get the mass main votes in Scotland by default it appears Scottish votes are wasted votes other than getting some small local party that will never be a major opposition in Westminster or in Holyrood,

    Britain and Scotland used to be a three party state, then it became a two party state, now it seems to be reducing to a one party state.
    And that is dangerous,

  62. James Che says:

    When it succeeds in becoming a One party state, they will no longer require our votes or elections for the people.

  63. James Che says:

    I am hoping that Scotland prevents this by “not consenting on the ballot paper” before the one party state can be happen in Scotland.

  64. Hatuey says:

    What’s to be done? Who do we vote? What will become of us? What does the future hold?

    And blah, blah, blah…

    Sometimes all you can do is sit and watch. Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet.

    Here’s the likely situation we face. The SNP is going to be reduced to 15 to 20 seats, possibly less. There’s no way the puppet-master can survive that. It’s possible all hell will break loose in the party when the results of this election hit home — a lot of people are set to lose their lucrative jobs and they all know who is to blame.

    So far, the party has managed to contain all criticism of Nicola and essentially suppress all discussion of the investigations, finances, the Salmond conspiracy, the woke agenda, etc., but there’s no way that silence can last and what sort of leverage will they have over people that find themselves out of work?

    On a much more profound level, the SNP can’t possibly heal or rehabilitate itself in the eyes of voters until all of these Nicola-related problems are addressed. She’s still sitting there in the background pulling strings and preventing the very change that the SNP needs, and as long as that’s the case, the SNP will keep falling.

    Again, sometimes you need to just sit back and let events unfold; and unfold they will.

  65. Mark Beggan says:

    Gangsters and Nationalists are the scum of Scotland. I might be swimming with the fishes for saying this.

  66. Cameron Robson says:

    Falkirk, where, according to the, Falkirk Herald, 23 August 2023: ‘Councillors were accused of “genocide” for allowing the introduction of 5G masts, branded fascists and threatened with execution.’ Maybe, this election might develop into fun after all.

  67. Greg says:

    Is there any constituency Toni Giugliano hasn’t run in?

  68. Republicofscotland says:

    I’m absolutely sick to the back teeth of watching Euro footy matches through an English perspective, every single f*ckin game that comes on the tv, there’s a pre-ritual section of how England is doing whilst we watch England players run about in the Denmark game, and the predominately English panel, regardless what teams are playing go on to talk about England this and England that.

    Scots really are a bunch of fannies, we allow a foreign country to control what we, and who we watch, whilst having this English pish rammed down out throats constantly.

  69. Derick fae Yell says:

    I am specifically cutting my holiday in Mull short in order to get back to Falkirk to vote against Don Toni. The arsehole is making me vote for the Labour dunderheid

  70. Dave M says:

    I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: the only thing that clown has ever won is Come Dine With Me. He seemed like an idiot then, and that doesn’t appear to have changed.

  71. James says:

    Derick fae Yell; why aren’t you voting ALBA?

    Do you prefer the ‘union’?

    Just asking.

  72. Shug says:

    I was interested to read that the MOD has been vetoing the afghans who helped british forces in afghanistan.

    Thats in interesting lesson fir the vietnam protected perjurers.

    They will protect you until it suits them not to protect you and that day will come.

  73. Republicofscotland says:

    “The arsehole is making me vote for the Labour dunderheid”

    Nobodies making you vote for anything, a vote for BLiS is a vote for the enemies of Scotland, just don’t vote in the English GE at all.

  74. Derek says:

    ” “My only idea is not to vote. No idea if that will achieve much but it’s all I’ve got”

    In my opinion I think by no voting you will achieve far more than those using their opportunity to merely continue to endorse the status quo. ”

    I disagree, but only slightly. I always vote – but I’m prepared to spoil my ballot if need be. Spoiled ballots are always counted and this time round, in particular, I’m curious to find out how many there are.

    As for political organisation, look at how the French left are currently putting differences aside to attempt to stop Le Pen. Macron’s toast, I think.

  75. James Che says:


    Don’t join in with England and browbeat your fellow Scots, its a game and it represents your Country in only one Sport, but take pride in how other Countries view the Scottish fans compared to England,
    I have been reading some of them praising the behaviour of good Scottish fans, and there a quite few of them,
    Things like the Scots may get drunk but their happy.
    Scottish fans help old person across the road.
    Scottish fans are welcome to come back.
    Scottish fan show no animosity to the german fans,
    Scottish fans mix well with locals

    It is not just the football game that represents Scotland its the people as well as ambassadors of our Country,

  76. Towbar Sullivan says:

    “Mark Beggan
    21 June, 2024 at 3:28 pm

    Gangsters and Nationalists are the scum of Scotland. I might be swimming with the fishes for saying this.”

    Nothing wrong with ‘swimming with the fishes’, it’s SLEEPING with the fishes you want to avoid. If you want to do Mafia movie quotes, you need to get it right or you just come across as a bit of a gobshite.

  77. Northcode says:

    This headline from the Daily Record:

    ‘Scotland fans branded ‘friendliest Army in the world’ by besotted German media as Cologne begs for return’

    The Scots and the English are two different peoples with vastly different cultures. Being a Scot, I prefer Scotland’s culture over England’s…so do the Germans it would appear – and probably the rest of the world too.

  78. Republicofscotland says:

    The EU of which many of its big wigs and countries support the Zzz-i-o- Mon-sters G–enoc-ide in G-az-Z-a, is paving the way for the Knneeo-Kna-t–z-z-i failed state of U to join the EU.

    Why would any Scot want Scotland to join a trading bloc, (after we ditch this illegal fetid union) that supports Kn-a-tt–z-z-is and G-en-o-c–id-e.

    “European Union counties have approved launching accession talks with U next week, a move that will officially pave the country’s path toward joining the bloc.”

  79. sarah says:

    @ Young Lochinvar at 2.56 – you asked about the Scottish Libertarian Party.

    If you google it says they are pro-independence.

  80. PsyOp99 says:

    In a bit of a quandary here trying to decide whether to vote for ALBA Glasgow North or “repurpose” the vote by not voting for any but writing END THE UNION across the ballot paper.

    Any advice appreciated.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “In a bit of a quandary here trying to decide whether to vote for ALBA Glasgow North or “repurpose” the vote by not voting for any but writing END THE UNION across the ballot paper.

      Any advice appreciated.”

      Of those two options, voting for Alba is infinitely better. Every extra vote they get helps to start turning them into a credible alternative Parliamentary indy party. “Repurposing” the vote achieves zero.

  81. Robert Hughes says:

    @ ROS

    No doubt the E.U Buffoonocracy has been ” reassured ” what the Guardian & other impeccable * progressive * sources not that long ago , ie not long before the P War started – named ” the most corrupt country in Europe ” has now mended it’s criminal ways and is ready to take it’s place among the other paragons of Demockracy .

    How long before they make Zelly The Ham E.U President ?

    Maybe just after Netty Yahoo The Zio….Nihilist formerly assumes the U.S Presidency .

    ” what a wonderful world this will be , what a glorious time to be free ” .

    Aye , cannae wait

  82. Ruby Friday says:

    Pity the Scottish Football fans weren’t pro-independence they could have persuaded the besotted German media to highlight our blight on an international stage.

    I suppose a wee pat on the head is better than nothing.

  83. Towbar Sullivan says:

    “The Scottish Libertarian Party advocates for a free market, opposing the idea of the welfare state and would like to see all sectors of the economy run privately, including education and healthcare.”

    So abolish the NHS and the welfare state? And also pro a hard Brexit. A Scottish version of Farage’s Reform.
    Fk that for a mugs game

  84. paul says:

    My only idea is not to vote. No idea if that will achieve much but it’s all I’ve got.

    That is the response that is desired.

    I think in the last italian general elections only 64% were spirited enough to vote, and that was with the grizzly options before them.

    The strange thing about the scottish national party that had hard won support, lately, was that it made the first two words of its name silent, and then actively wrecked any claims of competence

    I genuinely think 2018 gave the UK a fright, but they regrouped and obliterated the problem by fully activating the sleepers.

    The smiths,robertsons,swinneys and sturgeons put their shoulders to the task and thay will belooked on kindly for their efforts.

    May god rot them all

  85. Ruby Friday says:

    It’s quite hard work being informed about everything that’s going on. I’m currently looking at the ECHR. It seems it’s the only way to solve the small boats crisis.

    If we left the ECHR, what would this mean for ordinary people in the UK?

    Leaving the ECHR would put everyone’s rights at risk. The ECtHR is a person’s last resort for holding the state to account when it has abused their rights.

    The Government is already planning to weaken human rights in the UK through its Rights Removal Bill, which will make it much harder for people to get justice if their rights have been abused.

    Without the protection of the Human Rights Act or the ECHR, the UK Government would have the power to do whatever it wants to individuals’ rights with no threat of consequences.

    Leaving the ECHR would also breach the Good Friday Agreement, which requires that the Convention be directly enforceable in Northern Ireland. This would threaten the peace settlement.

    Rights Removal Bill? What is that? More research required.

    It seems to UK Gov have found another way to persuade illegal immigrants to go to Rwanda that is by giving them £3,000 and providing them with accommodation in Rwanda.

    Not quite sure what they can do when the UK leaves the ECHR.

  86. Ruby Friday says:

    It’s official: Rights Removal Bill confirmed scrapped

    OK I’ll scrub that off the list.

    Any further news about the government having access to your bank account?

  87. David Hannah says:

    SNP are using public money to fund their election campaign apparently.

    Shirley-Anne Somerville. Kieth Brown. And Rab in the mailroom.

    “a few people may be up in front of the corporate body.”

    SNP using stamps for government purposes for party purposes.

    From the office of Sturgeon. She’s about to be part of a third live police investigation. But only Dorothy Bain continues to protect Nicola. SNP people questioning it because its so wrong.

  88. David Hannah says:

    SNP has no money. They are stealing from the tax payer – thousands of pounds in postage. Foisted away onto the Government. Paid for by the people. The tax payers.

    This is worse than Michael Matheson. If any politicians be involved. Disbarred for the rest of their life. All officials fired and never working in this capacity again.

    This can’t be allowed. This is immoral, unethical and illegal.

    Still no prosecution of Peter Murrell by Dorothy Bain – up to her neck in corruption – crooked and corrupted to the core.

  89. willie says:

    Swimming with the fishes someone just opined.

    Ah yes I remember Labour did that very well. And it was the sharks they swam with. And that is exactly why people across Scotland got rid of them.

    Me, I don’t want them back, nor do I want Tories. So yes, something to think about come voting day

  90. Xaracen says:

    James Che said;
    21 June, 2024 at 2:06 pm

    “If the Scottish Parliament when opened was “reconvened” from the original Scottish parliament and stated as such openly, (which it was)
    There was or has been No legal challenge to “that statement” from any court or supreme Court or from Westminster parliament itself to contradict it since it opened.”

    James/Mrs Che, there was no legal challenge because ‘that statement’ was not a formal one asserting any authority of the new Scottish parliament as being fully equivalent to the old one. It was only a political soundbite for political effect, and it was a damn good one. 😀

    Nevertheless, as such it had no legal or constitutional authority to mandate its enforcement.

    But what could be said is that all of the Scottish Parliament’s members are elected exclusively by Scotland’s sovereign electors, and as such it is obliged to pay formal attention to what those sovereign electors instruct their representatives to do on their behalf in their own parliament in their own country, their own kingdom, their own territory, and under their own Treaty-guaranteed constitution, while bearing the full sovereign authority of their own country, and kingdom.

    That parliament, therefore, is the only one on the entire planet that formally represents the sovereign Scottish people and no-one else, including Westminster. What Westminster has to say about that is now irrelevant, its authority over Scotland and Holyrood being only a delegated authority and not a sovereign one, and which in any case came from Scotland in the first place, since it could have sourced that authority from nowhere else.

    You also said;

    “I would say re-purposing your vote to end the union and us not putting our X in the box is the same thing as both distance themselves from sending useless MPs to sit down in Westminster living it up on our behalf.”

    I would say that our MPs are only useless because they refuse to exert their full authority as the sole representatives of the entire sovereign kingdom, country, nation, territory and people of Scotland in Westminster. Nothing in the Treaty or Acts of Union formally obliges them or Scotland to submit to English MP majorities in the Union’s parliament. Nothing!

    They need to get their heads out of England’s MPs’ arses and breathe the free air of their own Scottish authority, and start exerting it on OUR behalf!

  91. David Hannah says:

    “Giugliano has form for Mafia-style veiled threats.”

    This guy’s featured on Wings Over Scotland a few times. This is the man that lost to Jackie Baillie isn’t it?

    Giugliano seems to have gone from pretending to care about the people of Dumbarton to pretending to care about the people of Falkirk.

    The only thing slipper than the palm of an Italian man’s hand – is an SNP politicians palms.

  92. David Hannah says:

    This slippery Italian palmed man has gone from being the SNP candidate for Dumbarton to the SNP candidate for Falkirk hasn’t he?

  93. David Hannah says:

    I also have to absolutely roll on the floor laughing at Glasgow Rangers. The season hasn’t even began and already the director has quit for Saudi Arabia. The stadium project manager has been sacked.

    “Rangers are homeless.” – Daily Record. As Chinese steel fails to arrive before start of season.

    Rangers will have to ask to play at Hampden or Murrayfield. Here they were slagging off the Dundee pitch last season – and their stadium is out of action. Ahahahaha. The gift that keeps on giving.

  94. david winpenny says:

    So that is falkirk lost. This is the same Toni who lost in Edinburgh West, and increased Jackie Baillies majority by 4000.
    He has no clue how to electioneer

  95. GM says:

    21 June, 2024 at 3:13 pm

    What’s to be done?.. and unfold they will?

    Christ, i hope you are right. We surely need it. What makes you think that?

  96. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Cameron Robson says:
    21 June, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    Falkirk, where, according to the, Falkirk Herald, 23 August 2023: ‘Councillors were accused of “genocide” for allowing the introduction of 5G masts, branded fascists and threatened with execution.’ Maybe, this election might develop into fun after all.

    Did the the utter tube spanners in question care to explain how the 5G system is reponsible for genocide? 🙄

  97. Hatuey says:

    GM, it is so certain that we would be stretching the definition of the word ‘predictable’ — like predicting ‘what goes up must come down’ and what 2 + 2 would make if we were to work it out…

    The fate of the SNP is inextricably connected to the fate of Sturgeon and outside of the genocidal maniacs in the Knesset, no Western politician has more clouds hanging over them than Sturgeon.

    I’ve lost count of the number of investigations there are going on in the background. What are we up to, four?

    I see that Farage has said what everyone knows but few are willing to admit; that the west provoked the war in the east… they’ll be making plans for Nigel as I type.

    In other news, the US state of Kansas has taken Pfizer to court on the basis that the “vaccine” caused serious adverse events which Pfizer was aware of and concealed, amongst other things. Thats big news but for some reason very few people are talking about it.

    Oh, I see. The same people that own Pfizer basically own the western media. Let’s tie this up nicely… those same people also own the arms companies that are making a fortune right now, and they might as well own our political systems too.

    Turned my back for a few seconds and the west turned into a hedge fund…

  98. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Hatuey says:
    22 June, 2024 at 3:18 am

    GM, it is so certain that we would be stretching the definition of the word ‘predictable’ — like predicting ‘what goes up must come down’ and what 2 + 2 would make if we were to work it out…

    Ach, I think yon GM laddie was being sarcastic. I never did understand why nobody came up with a punctuation mark for the task but there you go. Maybe we could dig out the interrobang and repurpose it? Hmm, the next problem would be how to type the bloody thing…

    I see that Farage has said what everyone knows but few are willing to admit; that the west provoked the war in the east… they’ll be making plans for Nigel as I type.

    Disturbing stuff – you’re saying that his future is as good as planned? 🙂

  99. Mac says:

    Nigel Farage becomes the only UK politician (that I have seen at least) to speak the truth about Ukr@ine. Has Alex Salmond said the same thing?

    “In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

    Orwell was prophet but sadly (for us) not in a good way.

    I am absolutely 100% voting reform.

  100. Mac says:

    You can tell the West are on the losing side in this conflict but also on the wrong side of history by one thing alone.

    Everything in the West is a lie. That is what P-ut-in called the west, an Empire of Lies. Is it not true.

    Just look at Farage. He actually spoke the truth about Ukr@ine there for a second and the entire UK media and political classes heads popped off.

    You can think what you want here but you should be asking yourself, why are were surrounded by lies, constant endless lies.

    If we are the good guys why is everything a lie.

    Telling the truth in the West is a revolutionary act. What does that tell us about the West.

  101. Andy Ellis says:

    @Mac 7.28am

    You’re not the good guys though. You’re the cranks all the normal folk titter about after you’ve left the room. The sophomoric, pseuds with ADHD that didn’t pay attention enough in class and know SFA about history or politics. The type of folk who would be the block leaders in a future Faragist dystopian state dobbing their neighbours and family in to the new Stasi.

    Normal folk laugh at you all, because they know a dictator when they see one, and they know shills for those dictators too.

  102. Derick fae Yell says:

    James – no I don’t “prefer the Union” but she/her and the grifters have ensured it’s survival well beyond my lifespan.

    Alba, unfortunately, are showing all the signs of being SNP MK2.

    And it’s a greater priority to get rid of the SNP. Betrayars and charlatans

  103. Mac says:

    Well this is a bonus unhinging.

    The state of that comment… lol.

  104. Hatuey says:

    Mac, several months ago I suggested that Alba could capitalise on Gaza, vaccine injury and excess deaths (same thing), and the war in the east which the US provoked (as everyone knows, even Nigel).

    I pointed out that they could use these issues to broaden their appeal, just as the SNP benefitted from opposing the Iraq War.

    Just about everybody in here, including Mia, informed me that I was a nutter/cunt, with arguments along the lines of “Gaza has nothing to do with us” and “we can’t do anything about it”. Since then we have seen as a massive public backlash on Gaza. Alba could have led that backlash and benefitted hugely from it.

    But those horses have all bolted now and Alba is dead in the water going into this election.

    Controversy is free publicity and in a lies based system, simple and obvious truths are transformed into huge opportunities.

  105. James says:

    Ellis must be on standby – his head just popped off too. lol

  106. James Che says:


    Actually, ( if ) it is not a Scottish parliament in its true sense, anyone elected is being elected for the parliament of England and are MPs for Westminster parliament. Not members of a Scottish parliament

    1: because the Devolved Government is under the Westminster parliament Legislation and Statues.

    2: because Scotland has no legal parliament members even when elected due to the parliament of Scotland coming under Dissolution in 1707. This has not been repealed or reinstated.

    3: The Sovereign Westminster parliament legally and separately governs for England and Wales, acting as the Sovereign Westminster parliament of England…. not of Great- Britain, retaining the parliament of England, it is acting as two separate parliament entity parliaments within Westminster, under the guise of being the parliament of GB.

    Therefore there is not a parliamentary union between Scotland and England
    The Scottish parliament was dissolved in 1707, by the parliament and monarch in England and the Westminster parliament of England continued.

  107. Peter S. says:

    @ Young Lochinvar at 2.56 The Scottish Libertarians are pro-independence and against corruption. Not everybody’s cup of tea but unlike most others they actually have principles.

  108. Jon Drummond says:

    There’s yon Toni!
    Just another Scottish Nonce Party uphill gardener.


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