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Wings Over Scotland

An accidental omission

Posted on July 15, 2015 by

An alert reader brought our attention today to a Daily Record article that we’d missed on Friday, reporting how a Glasgow student had launched a petition bitterly attacking the Scottish Government over cuts to college places.

Despite having attracted only 500 signatures (and only 400 more in the following five days despite the Record helpfully linking to it), the petition was deemed newsworthy enough for a hefty polemic in which petition author Eunis Jassemi pulled no punches, repeatedly lashing the SNP in highly political terms. No counterquote was offered.

Mr Jassemi was described by the Record in the piece as a “business student” and a “former Hutcheson’s Grammar School pupil”, but we can only assume that they must have run out of room before they got to a rather more pertinent item on his CV.


For some reason the Record didn’t think its readers might perhaps be inclined to view the complaints in a slightly different light if they knew that the same Eunis Jassemi was Communications Officer for Scottish Young Labour and the Youth/Student Officer for his local Constituency Labour Party.

Scottish Labour has something of a track record of incomplete information when it comes to the college place cuts that have been forced on the Scottish Government by budget cuts imposed from Westminster in recent years. It’s been trying to flog the line for the best part of two years, with a striking lack of success.

We suppose we can see why, with the party itself now so hopelessy discredited that nobody will listen to it, it would instead try to flog the dead horse more stealthily. But it’s still a little bit sad to see a once-respectable newspaper going along with such a transparent, crude and desperate charade.

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92 to “An accidental omission”

  1. demonprincess

    “Once respectable newspaper”? It’s not like you to be inaccurate when it comes to the DR.

  2. themadmurph

    Two once respected institutions slowly dying in front of our eyes!

  3. Rev. Stuart Campbell

    ““Once respectable newspaper”? It’s not like you to be inaccurate when it comes to the DR.”

    It’s been going 120 years, man. By the law of averages alone…

  4. A. Graham

    It might be quite a long time since it was a respectable newspaper.

    Perhaps young Mr. Jassemi could be chucked out of university for his “…it’s cuts agenda …” crime against punctuation, thus leaving a space free for someone else.

  5. heedtracker

    Desperate times call for a desperate pack of Record/SLab liars. Why oh why does SLabour never say what courses have actually been cut?

    Was it the Business Studies HND that Mr Jassemi, Communications Officer for Scottish Young Labour and the Youth/Student Officer for his local Constituency Labour Party, earned? No.

    Don’t even bother asking any SLab chump. They never say.

  6. Peter Macbeastie

    Oh dear.

    What a surprise, the Daily Record neglecting to point out surprisingly important information when that information relates to Labour.

    About as surprising as ‘Pope is Catholic’ and bears do indeed shit in wooded areas.

  7. Jules

    A. Graham, you just made me LOL on a train.

  8. smac

    Wouldn’t have known as stopped buying or even looking at that rag.

    The country as a whole must stop buying English/Foreign owned print media in Scotland and put them out of business.

    It probably wouldn’t take that long if there was a well shared, organised, targeted and focused, concentrated campaign.

    We are nearly half the population…The other half is plit in several ways…

    The civic grass roots movement should be re-engaged to tackle these sort of operations.

  9. Dave the Squirrel

    “…it’s cuts agenda …”

    I see the Hutchie fees have been worth it. At least make your party broadcasts look professional mate

  10. Grant Barbour

    Young Mr Jassemi was prominent on twitter during Indyref AND the election campaign with his desperate anti-SNP mewlings. Colour me surprised at this latest “SNPbad” attempt.

  11. BrianW

    You’d think will the collective brain power of all the journalists (stay with me) someone, sometime will have that light bulb moment and realise where they’ve been going wrong.

    OMG, we’ve been printing blatant pish! *facepalms forehead*

    The thing with talking/printing pish, is there will ALWAYS be people to call you out on that pish and pick away at every pish assertion you make.

    The Daily Record – Scotland’s Pish!

    I reckon they do it just to push peoples buttons. Can’t think of any other reason.

    No one can be as stupid as to print fiction for news and not expect folk to fact check it, realising it’s all nonsense?

    Or am I just being really naive – I mean I’m no Journo Graduate, but come on.. that’s no way to run a paper?

  12. Robert Whyte

    Does the labour party think its right that most news stories come from people within their own groups.

  13. Dr Ew

    Respectable – once.

    VE Day, I think it was…

  14. Andy-B

    Surprise, surprise Labour attacking the SNP, they just can’t help themselves.

    On his Twitter account he complains that sanctions are affecting children, doesn’t this man realise that Labour stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories, which has left the SNP unable to do anything about it.

    Words fail me when Labour are the topic.

  15. demonprincess

    “It’s been going 120 years, man. By the law of averages alone…”

    If it happened before anyone alive today was born, can we be sure?

  16. Maureen Luby

    I find this article useful when anyone brings this up:-

  17. Al

    Something that is almost always omitted in these discussions is the important fact that, unlike Higher Education, Further Education is predominantly part-time.

    The part-time nature of FE means that numbers of places, headcounts or numbers of enrolments are not a fair indication of the total amount of Further Education that the Scottish Government is providing. A fairer and more relevant measure is to look at either the total number of hours provided, or more conveniently, the number of full-time equivalents that that total number of study hours equates to.

    Put simply, if you look at number of student places then you would count a person on a full-time plumbing course the same a person doing a 1 hour per week (or even one-off 1 hour) basket weaving class when the two things are vastly different.

    If you look at the graph of FE student activity here…
    … it can be clearly seen that while on a headcount measure the number FE students has reduced, the Scottish Government has managed to keep the total amount of student hours constant, despite the cuts from Westminster that it has had to pass on.

    There are good reasons for this shift to more substantial courses. If the aim of FE is to give people the skills they need to get jobs then there is a far stronger argument for providing for a student on the more substantial full-time plumbing course than a larger number of students on a short basket weaving course which will be of limited value in improving employability.

    Strangely, I have never seen the main-stream media explain these points.

  18. Peter A Bell

    It may be worth pointing out that the decrease in college places and fall in student numbers is only partly due to budget cuts. In large part it is explained by a move away from very short course (less than 10 hours) and courses which do not lead to a recognised qualification towards full-time courses which are more effective in terms of employment outcomes, particularly for young people.

    A more useful measure than course, places or student numbers is the total hours of learning activity delivered. Comparing 2011-12 (78m)* with 2013-14 (76m)** this measure is down only slightly (2.6%) but continues to meet government targets.

    It is likely that any part of this apparent reduction in taught hours which is not explained by statistical and/or reporting errors can be attributed to the impact of budget cuts.

    In short, Eunis Jassemi is presenting a grossly distorted impression of the situation which we may safely assume is part of British Labour’s ongoing campaign of denigration intended to undermine public confidence in those institutions which are perceived to be particularly Scottish or to be symbolic of Scotland’s distinctive political culture. Petty politicking of the worst kind.



  19. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi BrianW.

    You typed,
    “The Daily Record – Scotland’s Pish! “

    Here are a couple of badges we had available at Hollyrood, a couple of weeks ago.

    Interesting that Eunis Jassemi qualifies for inclusion in both examples!

  20. Famous15

    The SNP Scottish Government should restore the basket weaving course i flunked. I also need the nail polishing course since the basket weaving split my nails.

    My caber tossing course was also cut and salad is no sustitude. I insist that they restore the yogic flying course for all those Lib Dems with more free time. SNP baaaaad!

  21. call me dave

    Well that bubble didn’t last long, easily popped with a little checking out. The Record has an agenda and is in cahoots with anything unionist. It will slant a story to suit that agenda and leave out anything.

    It will never change until the last rolled up copy is used to slap the head of the last labour voter in Edinburgh South.
    We all know who that will be.

    Meanwhile Sammy Wilson (DUP) begins with a harder edge unionist view during the EVEL debate alluding to the ‘troubles’.

    But even he is agin the proposals. It fans the flames of nationalism every time the speaker has to make a decision about Scottish interests or not.

    The government should rethink!

  22. Mealer

    Is Communications Officer for Scotsyounglab a paid position and,if it is,who pays his wages?
    This whole sorry tale of deception is typical of the Dirty Redcoat.An anti Scottish propaganda sheet.

  23. Graham MacLure

    As regards the Daily Record isn’t appropriate that it is the successor to “The North British Mail”. In my boyhood ( nineteen fifties) it was quite widely known as either “The Ha’penny Liar “or”The Penny Liar” . I can’t remember which but I assume that was a reference to the earlier price and the accuracy of the reporting.

  24. Oskar Matzerath

    I hereby declare, that from now on, when referring to the Daily Record, every Yes voter should call it a “downmarket, Scottish-based tabloid”.

  25. Petra

    Well I notice that Eunis Jassemi DOES seem to have a place at University … paid for by the taxpayer …. you and I. The performance of the political Party that he supports was so abysmal that it opened the door to another five years of the Tories … austerity cuts .. and may lead to even more student cuts in future.

    Maybe he should think about booting some of his Labour cronies up the backside, initiating a petition against the Tories or suggest to his student colleagues that they should start paying half of what they have to pay in England for student grants. In doing so, the latter, affording at least another 230,000 more students to get a place at University rather than the 140,000 that he’s complaining about. Aw right he wouldnie be too happy about that either no doubt …. another wee confab with his Labour cronies, visit to the Daily Record and petition on its way.

    I would imagine if someone were to delve a little deeper you’d find that he has connections to some more notable ‘unseated’ Glasgow contenders.

    He’s also got a great deal to say for himself.

  26. Stoker

    Controlled by demonic lyars the Daily Rancid isn’t fit to catch shit.

  27. call me dave

    Domonic Grieve looks aghast and summarily dismisses Peter Grant’s intervention that the Scots are sovereign in Scotland and the Queen is not Queen of Scotland.

    Oh! Anne McGlaughlin’s maiden speech…the biggest swinger in Scotland…off to a good start. 🙂


    Footie link for KO in less than half an hour.

  28. David

    Eunis Jassemi was born on June 4th, 1994, so he is three months OLDER than Mhairi Black, BA(Hons).

    She’s an MP in Westminster.

    He’s, err, not.

  29. Clootie

    Is this the same one? He seems to have gained a name but with the same politics.

  30. msean

    Powerful maiden speech.

  31. paulTgeist

    Brian Doonthetoon wrote:
    “Here are a couple of badges we had available at Hollyrood”

    OH Brian! Not very often we get the chance to correct you but it’s Holyrood and not Hollyrood. YA DANCER!!! 🙂

  32. Thepnr

    O/T Tear gas and petrol bombs as protesters gather outside Greek parliament building.

  33. Petra

    @ Al at 7:00 pm says ”Something that is almost always omitted in these discussions is the important fact that, unlike Higher Education, Further Education is predominantly part-time.”

    @ Peter at 7:05 pm says ”In short, Eunis Jassemi is presenting a grossly distorted impression of the situation which we may safely assume is part of British Labour’s ongoing campaign of denigration intended to undermine public confidence in those institutions which are perceived to be particularly Scottish or to be symbolic of Scotland’s distinctive political culture. Petty politicking of the worst kind.”

    Many thanks to Al and Peter for the very enlightening information. Maybe someone should send copies off to Mr Jassemi and the Daily Record. It would also be helpful if this kind of information was publicised on the SNP site.

  34. Dr Jim

    You mean he’s not an ordinary housewife and young mother

    Who am I thinking of then?

    There are so many!!

    Of the same people to choose from.. Aaaarrrggghh…

  35. Dave McEwan Hill

    On college courses I believe the Scottish Government found full-time apprenticeships more deserving than many of the so -called college courses

  36. Schrödinger's cat

    Just about to board a plane, people from everywhere in the world………..still too ashamed to tell anyone I come from Scotland. Thanks to the bt scottish but folks

  37. call me dave

    Nigel in the USA, the beer must be stronger there! In the Herald.
    Nigel Farage has compared the SNP to the Nazi party during a speech in the USA.

    The Ukip leader referred to Nicola Sturgeon as “that appalling woman” and said Ukip’s failure at the election was because David Cameron promoted fear of the SNP among the electorate to win votes for the Tories in England.

    According to reports on the Breitbart News website, he said: “That appalling woman” referring to the First Minister, “she represents a party that are nationalists and socialists at the same time… did I really say that? Well to hell with it, it’s true”.

    Mr Farage, who failed to win a seat at the General Election was speaking at the Heritage Foundation in Washington where he also criticised President Barack Obama.

    He said he was “tired of the Obama line, and the State Department line” which he said was to urge Britain to remain an EU member state.

    He said he wanted a resurgence of the US/UK special relationship instead of the EU.

    Mr Farage said: “We are your greatest ally on this planet. But if we lose this referendum, our ability to be your greatest ally will diminish by the day”.

    “Please can we have no more of Obama telling us how good it (the EU) is for us.”

    Humza Yousaf SNP MSP for Glasgow and Scottish Government external relations minister said Mr Farage and his party were attention seekers incapable of respect.

    He said: “UKIP are an irrelevance that have been rejected by the people of Scotland at the ballot box time and time again.

    “As Nigel Farage knows all too well, the only way for his party to get attention is to trade in intolerance and insults. Political debate should be conducted in a respectful manner – but it seems UKIP are incapable of doing this.”

  38. galamcennalath

    Just how long is the current situation going to continue where …

    – Labour ignore their duty as official opposition
    – Labour fight the SNP not the Tories
    – Daily Record, and others, print absolute Pish
    – the BBC is just a state propaganda instrument
    – Tories act as if they won the GE in Scotland too
    – our MPs are bypassed like they have no mandate
    – London media treat Scots and our MPs as worse than the Black Death

    … I think the answer has to be, not for long!

  39. Grouse Beater

    Well, his years of education gave him the skills to be a unionist stooge.

    On reflection he might have preferred a garden landscaping course, or perhaps animal husbandry, for a better return to society and his back pocket.

  40. Tackety Beets

    Petra @ 7.15

    Thanks for the link on Eunis , he is a Naw and his view is very limited .

    He lists his interests as Politics , and enjoys “Newsnight , QT and Scotland Tonight ”
    And we wonder how it is he has such an inaccurate and negative vision .

    Eh Brainwashed ?

  41. Bruce Morton

    Cool detective work right there.

  42. HandandShrimp

    Daily Record gives Labour activist a platform and pretends it is Joe Public speaking shock horror!

    Of course we are bullying them all by revealing that he is a Labour activist. 🙂

    Yet another astro turfer sterilised by sunlight shining on the parts hidden.

  43. Petra

    @ Thepnr says at 7:43 pm ”Tear gas and petrol bombs as protesters gather outside Greek parliament building.

    God I feel totally heartbroken for the people of Greece and wonder if the miserable hell that they find themselves in will ever end at all. On top of everything else that’s going on they are having to deal with being inundated with immigrants and being advised that a third of their own population should leave the country .. emigrate .. within the next two years.

    I love the Greek people, their kind and thoughtful nature, great sense of humour and fun, the history of their country and beauty of the mainland and islands. I have a holiday there practically every year. Last year everything seemed fairly normal (on the surface at least). I’ve booked another holiday for a few weeks hence and just wonder what changes I’ll find.

  44. ronnie anderson

    @ BrianDTT the Pedants strike back paulTgeist 7.40pm lol,dont worry Brian ah goat pulled up fur the same mistook lol.

  45. call me dave

    Left Right… Left Left Left!

    Shurley shome mishtake! 🙂

  46. Lochside

    As suggested, it long over due for a national campaign to shun the DR. Liverpudlians did it with the ‘Sun’ over Hillsborough. So why not the Scottish people?

    Just for the ‘Vow’ lie alone the DR deserves to be cast into comic cuts oblivion by a mass boycott of this filthy Unionist rag.

    Let’s get as many people who are still buying this rubbish to wake up and buy the ‘National’ instead.

  47. Rock

    Very few in Scotland believe Labour nowadays.

    Their mouthpiece has been reduced to attacking SNP through an “Ordinary” student.

    Where is that other “ordinary” student Murphy these days?

    Has he found a David Milliband type fatcat job?

    Is he taking over Tony Blair’s job of Middle East peace envoy?

  48. Petra

    @ Tackety Beets says at 8:37 pm ”Petra … Thanks for the link on Eunis, he is a Naw and his view is very limited. He lists his interests as Politics, and enjoys “Newsnight, QT and Scotland Tonight ” And we wonder how it is he has such an inaccurate and negative vision. Eh Brainwashed?”

    Tackety I posted a list of links re. Eunis but they haven’t appeared yet (maybe Stu is holding them back?). Tweets and so on to Kezia and others in the Labour Party.

    The Daily Record should cut out their manipulative behaviour if they want to survive at all over the next few months: take note of whats happened to the Labour SBO cabal. They should also realise that people aren’t so easily duped now by Foote, Chrichton and Clegg.

  49. ronnie anderson

    Well you can see young Mr Ejassemi has his career path all worked out,as a labourite, pity there,ll be no Party left for him to represent in Holyrood or Westminster.

  50. Petra

    @ call me dave says at 8:55 pm ”Left Right… Left Left Left! Shurley shome mishtake! 🙂

    Call me Dave I see that ‘Jeremy Corbyn set to win Labour leadership, shock poll reveals.’

    I wonder if that’s why they’re calling for Harman to stand as the Leader now?

  51. Paul

    On the point of the cut college places, there was an excellent contribution on the Scottish Independence Podcast from a college lecturer a few months ago on this claim.

    Her analysis was that many of the cut places were actually money-spinning day courses with no qualification at the end of it.

    The episode is here:

  52. Iain More

    Are they accusing SNP voting foxes of eating babies yet or did I miss that one?

    Once respectable newspaper, not in my lifetime has it ever been that and I am 55 yeas old.

    I guess the business student just made himself unemployable. What employer will trust him now? Well the Labour Party is heading for extinction so he will have to look elsewhere for employment. Not very bright is he?

  53. Kerstin

    Usually trying not to be so picky, but if you petition for something and claim you are a business student, then at least try and get your grammar/spelling right. I wouldn’t have signed the petition on that mortal sin alone.

  54. Paul G

    Yea, if this was before the indyref I would have been raging. Now that ScotLab is dying a slow and painful death, it’s easy to see why they are plunging to such desperate strategies. Not that I’m condoning them in any way, mind, but ScotLab is like a dog with no teeth!

  55. Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi paulTgeist.

    It was a typo! Honest injun!

    But, for being an ‘alert reader’, you are awarded a much sought after badge…

  56. Hamish100

    What a joker.

    Privileged Bearsden boy uses Glasgows facilities but doesn’t pay Glasgow Council Tax.

    In the past Labour politicians in Glasgow would say Tory – typical … we can say Labour- typical

    Likes nights out in Glasgow- some of his peers in Glasgow would love to do the same but can’t afford it. Will the DR speak up for them?

  57. Bill Fraser

    The Daily Record seems to be going the same way the political party it supports. Nuff sed

  58. Croompenstein

    Some wonderful speeches on the EVEL debate by SNP MP’s tonight but here is Alex at his best, watch Grayling squirm when he eventually takes his place…

  59. Malcolm McNairn

    I live in London, when I see the record on sale in a train station’s WH Smiths I place other papers over it and hide it.

    the record is an embarrassment to Scotland.

    For its referendum betrayal of Scotland I vowed never to buy, read or or promote it.

  60. Brian Doonthetoon

    Maybe that regional Scottish tabloid could re-energise its fortunes by dropping all pages that refer to politics, ‘SNP B-A-A-A-D!’, the Scottish NHS, national defence, and so on, and concentrate on the core interests of its readership, ie, football (and other minor sports, like rugby and golf), horse racing, celebrity gossip and what’s on TV?

    I still wouldn’t buy it…

  61. Marco McGinty

    Mr Jassemi loves his Labour Party, and he loves his Celtic Football Club, so I do wonder what he thinks of his Labour heroes sharing a stage with a known bigoted Orange-woman?

    And judging by his name, it would appear that at some stage in his family’s life, immigration has played some part. So, I also wonder what he thinks of his Labour heroes campaigning, laughing, and joking with organisations that would “enforces a total ban on immigration and the humane repatriation of all immigrants and their descendants to their ancestral homelands”?

  62. scottieDog

    It’s like the mythical money multiplier – the media multiplier!

  63. MrObycyek

    I’m sorry but I just cannot give up on reading the Daily Record. Every day without fail there is always at least one anti SNP post in the comments page and they are always worth a chuckle. Those poor wretches with their blind faith in a Labour party that no longer exists, blaming everything on the SNP is just too good to pass up. Their beloved union is falling apart and there is nothing they can do about it.

    The EVEL debate today had some cracking contributions from the SNP. If that had been the previous Labour and Liberal Democrat members you would have probably heard more noise from a mouse fart.

  64. X_Sticks


    Thanks! Getting that straight onto twitter 😉

  65. Dave McEwan Hill

    Any link to Anne McLaughlin’s maiden speech

  66. call me dave


    Thanks for the link. Always nice to hear Mr Salmon.

    ‘Ping Pong’ he says, again I hear it! I am guessing it’s a table tennis metaphor for batting the EVEL amendments back and forth between the commons and the lords?

    Still, I enjoyed the general debate, the SNP did well and as someone else said “Please let Bill Cash speak more often” 🙂

  67. Big Jock

    The Record was never respectable. Even 40 years ago it was an intellectual vacum. Opium for the masses. Football ,birds and red Tories. My dad wouldn’t have it in the house as it was for the cranaly challenged.

  68. Chic McGregor

    “@ call me dave says at 8:55 pm ”Left Right… Left Left Left! Shurley shome mishtake! 🙂

    Call me Dave I see that ‘Jeremy Corbyn set to win Labour leadership, shock poll reveals.’

    I wonder if that’s why they’re calling for Harman to stand as the Leader now?”

    Mairi Black’s maiden speech won’t have done him any harm.

    BTW She featured in Time magazine:

    Sorry if my assumption that a url to Time magazine is exempt from archive need.

  69. Croompenstein

    @Dave MH – Here she is, the biggest swinger in Scottish politics. A bit longer than some of the rest but worth every minute..

  70. G4jeepers

    Speaking of auld SLabourites, I’m almost 99.9% convinced a certain Duggie Eckzander was masquerading as a caller on Call Kay(e) this morning. Totally exaggerated accent, vague waffle going nowhere coupled with that irritating Duggie knows best tome.

    Best laugh was immediately after his spiel when another caller came on and referred, rather sarcastically to some callers having absolutely no political nous whatsoever.
    I’m sure I heard someone gulp.


  71. Tackety Beets

    Just wee reminder to those who may not have time to read all the threads.

    Most or All Maiden Speeches are on

    A good evenings viewing to be enjoyed .

  72. Petra

    WOW! I see that Mhairi Black’s speech has been viewed over 6 million times now ….. here and abroad. What an absolutely fabulous Ambassador for Scotland / the SNP and a total inspiration for young Scots (especially females) who have been thinking of becoming politicians.

    The following is a tweet from Jon Snow ……. Jon Snow ?@jonsnowC4

    At last an MP that breaks the mould: Can Mhairi Black drag Westminster into the 21st century single handed?

    Channel 4 News Mhairi Black takes Westminster by storm single handed. It is hard, if not impossible, to remember an MP making the political and verbal splash in his or her maiden speech that Mhairi Black achieved yesterday in the Commons. Breathtakingly well delivered,…

    @ Dave McEwan Hill says at 10:36 pm ”Any link to Anne McLaughlin’s maiden speech.”

    Dave I don’t know how to copy and paste the link but go to parliament/tv. Click on ‘Full Event’, scroll down to around 19:14. Another excellent speech.

    @ call me dave says at 10:05 pm ”This one got by me today.”

    Call me Dave I read the article and noticed the following:

    ”Without saying so, this will be taken as a reference to the BBC’s parachuting-in of London correspondents, including the now out-going political editor Nick Robinson, who became embroiled in a row as a result of his coverage of a news conference by then First Minister Alex Salmond. Robinson is shortly to replace James Naughtie as a presented of Radio 4’s Today programme.”

  73. Thomas William Dunlop

    Just goes to show that the LP are as economical with the truth as they are trusted with financial matters by the Scottish electorate

  74. paulTgeist

    Bdtt @ 9.40pm

    Thank you Brian i actually like that and i’m being serious.
    I’d be chuffed to bits to own and wear one of those.
    Unfortunately i’m not clever enough to ever earn one.

  75. call me dave

    That nice Mr White (warning photo) but compensation Sturgeon photo. In the Guardian..

    EVEL is a tricky business 🙂

    For the anoraks among us. As recommended by Mr White who assures us the answers in there.

  76. Iain

    Record respectability. It does sound incredible, but you do have to go back a bit. Like about seventy years – I was quite surprised when looking at old copies in the Mitchell Library. It once used to be a NEWSpaper.

  77. john king

    Rock says
    “Where is that other “ordinary” student Murphy these days?”

    I have a question…

  78. Haggis Hunter

    Just goes to show how the media and government are the same LabServativeDems and BBC Unionist and media party

  79. Ken500

    ‘Newspaper’ a waste of paper. A weird ‘show biz’ journal of disrepute, court out for telling liars over and over again. A bunch of lying wasters. Another fail.

  80. William Hogg

    Given the increased number of apprentices being trained, the reduction in direct funding of college budgets for courses maybe more than compensated for by payments from local enterprise organisations, for the monitoring of apprentices’ SVQs. So college total budgets may not have actually fallen at all.

  81. Ken500

    Damn predict text

    # caught out for telling lies over and over DR spin. Daily Record lying again for the Labour/Unionists who means tested loans so working class kids couldn’t get to Uni.

  82. David Wardrope

    Add to this the “article” about fracking that was actually near full page advert by Ineos, the DR sink lower and lower as the weeks and months pass (especially) after Indyref

  83. Petra

    15 July, 2015 at 11:24 pm

    WOW! I see that Mhairi Black’s speech has been viewed over 6 million times now ….. here and abroad. What an absolutely fabulous Ambassador for Scotland / the SNP and a total inspiration for young Scots (especially females) who have been thinking of becoming politicians.

    The following is a tweet from Jon Snow ……. Jon Snow ?@jonsnowC4

    At last an MP that breaks the mould: Can Mhairi Black drag Westminster into the 21st century single handed?

    Channel 4 News Mhairi Black takes Westminster by storm single handed. It is hard, if not impossible, to remember an MP making the political and verbal splash in his or her maiden speech that Mhairi Black achieved yesterday in the Commons. Breathtakingly well delivered,…

    @ Dave McEwan Hill says at 10:36 pm ”Any link to Anne McLaughlin’s maiden speech.”

    Dave I don’t know how to copy and paste the link but go to parliament/tv. Click on ‘Full Event’, scroll down to around 19:14. Another excellent speech.

    @ call me dave says at 10:05 pm ”This one got by me today.”

    Call me Dave I read the article and noticed the following:

    ”Without saying so, this will be taken as a reference to the BBC’s parachuting-in of London correspondents, including the now out-going political editor Nick Robinson, who became embroiled in a row as a result of his coverage of a news conference by then First Minister Alex Salmond. Robinson is shortly to replace James Naughtie as a presented of Radio 4’s Today programme.”

    @ boris says at 11:31 pm

    Thanks for that link Boris. MoD coverup once again. This and fracking are right at the top of my ‘don’t want to live in a semi-detached house anymore’. The sooner we rid ourselves of Westminster the better.

  84. Peter McCulloch

    That the daily record publishing the article on college cuts while at the same time not informing its readers that Eunis Jassemi is Communications Officer for Scottish Young Labour and the Youth/Student Officer for his local Constituency Labour Party.

    Only shows the contempt that rag has for it readers and the quicker it goes bust the better

    As for Mhairi Black’s maiden speech, yes it was brilliant and many decent ordinary members of the public will identify and agree with everything she said.

    I think we are lucky to have her as a member of the SNP and as an MP and who knows if she decides on a career in politics she could end up being a potential future SNP leader.

  85. Col

    BBC as usual portraying some problems with a lack of GP`s as a CRISIS! They just don`t give up do they? We know many places struggle to attract GP`s, usually because they may be remote.
    Why can`t they stick to reporting the news instead of making it up? Oh yeah, because they have an agenda of SNP bad. Who else is going to do Labour`s job when they are all but wiped off the political map?

  86. rongorongo

    @CallmeDave: “The Ukip leader referred to Nicola Sturgeon as “that appalling woman” and said Ukip’s failure at the election was because David Cameron promoted fear of the SNP among the electorate to win votes for the Tories in England.”

    The Spectator covered Farage’s links with the American right wing site Breitbart here:
    – its chair, Stephen Bannon, was the one who advised him on the tv debate policy of picking on foreigners with HiV – that did so well for him in the G.E.

  87. Phil Robertson

    Incomplete information, you say.

    One bit of information that you carefully avoid including is the fall in the number of college places – somewhere into six figures. Any comment on that?

  88. Lenny Hartley

    Memory may be wrong but didn’t Ian Gray complain that there were not enough college courses for people with learning difficulties !!!

  89. Rock

    john king,

    “Rock says
    “Where is that other “ordinary” student Murphy these days?”

    I have a question…

    I do, for two reasons.

    First to know if the parasite has found another way of living on public funds.

    Second never to forget how the likes of him kept us down for so long and how they have fallen.

  90. LAWSON

    Hav’nt looked at a rag since starting work in 1948 as an office boy and that was only for the page 3 girl of the REVEILLE

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