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Wings Over Scotland

Come and get it

Posted on July 15, 2015 by
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Les wilson

Simply brilliant, as usual!

Paul D

Very good!

Neil Anderson

Haw Davie boy! Yer Teas Oot!



Craig Wilson



Hamish is my kind of lion!


Braw Chris. One of your best.

call me dave

Ha! Ha! brilliant…fox on the run! How Sweet! 1974

My granddaughter loves Hamish. Got some printed out and pinned up in her room at home. This one’s a keeper too.

Simon curran

Love it, great cartoon.

Dr Jim

I don’t know how to write a noise


Something like that

That’ll be a MacReynard

Anne Bruce


Hamish is back.

Was he on a prolonged visit to family in the Serengeti?

Anyway, nice to see him.

Paula Rose

Wowee – midweek faberge egg xx




Aye! Non passeran..!


Nice one Chris 🙂

They’ll have to take it from his ‘cold dead paws’

Still Positive.

Wisnae expecting this mid-week – makes up for no Moodievision today.

Absolutely brilliant! Well done, Chris. 🙂

Geoff Huijer

Absolutely fantastic!




Just heard a BBC Scotland Sarah Smith stand-in saying they will be holding a Scottish Labour Leadership hustings and want ex-Labour Party members to come along and join in the debate.

Jeez, that a lot.

Where are they holding these hustings, in the Hydro.


Love it! Now all we need to do is get our own house in order 🙁

[…] Come and get it […]


Thanks Chris-a real laugh out loud moment with this one.

I saw your tweet where you said you hoped the furore would go on till the weekend so you could do a toon. Guess you couldn’t wait for Saturday after all.

Well done absolutely brilliant & good to see Hamish back in protective mode 🙂


Fantastic Mr Fox, protected by the lion of liberty.



‘Touch not the fox!’


Fir Fox sake!

Mhairi Black’s maiden speech is gettin’ loads of commendations amongst Labour supporting mates down here in engerland, as is the stance taken by the SNP MPs over the the repeal of the hunting act……

Great blog this, haven’t posted here since stayin’ up late on election night, dancin’ with glee at the SNP landslide in Scotland!

Mair power to all yer elbows……


@caz-m says:

Just heard a BBC Scotland Sarah Smith stand-in saying they will be holding a Scottish Labour Leadership hustings and want ex-Labour Party members to come along and join in the debate.

Jeez, that a lot.

Where are they holding these hustings, in the Hydro.

Nah Pacific Quay saves membership travel costs.

Tackety Beets

Hi cas-m

The Hydro ?
Get a grip there’s a perfectly good phone box in Pennan


Ah, so “this is what the fox says”

ning ning ning ning, ning ning ning….



Makes my heart swell with pride. Hamish represents decency, honesty, integrity and courage, the qualities we value in our SNP MPs! And not a little foxiness……One to print off and frame, definitely!


Fantastic as always, when you releasing the book Chris!

neil bruce

Brilliant, just wow! I want a t shirt with that on.

Brian Doonthetoon

I can only add another “BRILLIANT!”

Welcome back, Hamish.


Hi Tackety Beets.

You mean this one?

comment image

Iain More

Spot on!

I wonder what Oscar Wilde would make of it all.

Tackety Beets

Sorry Chris meant to say
Great ‘toon , as always “On the money”

Booom Booom !

Aye that the one , at least they could save on heating costs.

Different PC tonight nae Avatar on last post , odd.

Brian Doonthetoon

Aye, Tackety Beets. I noticed your lack of ‘banner’ but decided not to type a mention, in case it was a personal snafu.


I’d say that fox would by giving them the finger, if foxes had fingers. Tory boys say this is a way of life, an English way of life but why do they need to tear a fox to shreds? That was Mike Portillo defenderising hunting, by making you wish they’d fall off and break their necks.

Women in those red jackets and white breeks look pretty good though. Men look like arseholes. Funny that.


You know, the sheer hate, entitlement and outrage issuing as a result of English Votes for English Foxes has compelled me to act.

The Devo Files… are returning.

*watch this space*


Bravo chris

your best yet… 🙂

call me dave

In the Herald won’t archive…
Major concessions on extra powers for the Scottish Parliament will be unveiled in the autumn, David Cameron’s government has signalled.
Aye George’s longest finger featured prominently last week…compulsory prostrate check for Scotland! Ouch! 🙁

I’ve been cheated, been mistreated
When will I be loved.

1960 Everly Bros.

Dal Riata

In the fifteenth century Niccolò Machiavelli, politician, diplomat, philosopher and humanist – he of ‘Machiavellianism’ fame – divided humans into two classes, “foxes” and “lions”.

The people with strong innovative, calculating, manipulative and imaginative traits are the “foxes,” Entrepreneurs prone to taking risks, inventors, scientists, authors of fiction, politicians, and creators of complex philosophies fall into this category.

The “lions” are people who place much more value on traits such as good character and devotion to duty, than on sheer wits. They are the defenders of tradition, the guardians of dogma, and the protectors of national honor.

And there we have it in Chris’s cartoon. The Scottish lion – the one of good character, devotion to duty, defender of tradition and protector of national honour – standing tall to defend the wee guy, the smart, innovative and imaginative fox from the Unionist dogs of war.

Hamish sez: “So yez think ye can just get a whole bunch ae men, horses and slobbering dugs an let thum run amok tae rip ma wee pal Foxy here tae bits, aye? Well, yiz can try. But yill huv tae get past me first, so yiz will… So, then, whits keepin yez? Come on! If yez think yer hard enough! Come a head, like!…”

Black Bob

What a FOX that GUY is


I’ve been saying for a while that Cameron and his Tory elite are trying to take us back to the days of Charles Dickens.

Well what do you know, the “National” has come out with this brilliant front page today,

link to


It might come back to bite. Chose your battles wisely

Do not protect the Tories, that’s what they vote for. Protect Scotland.

The LibDems made policies Tory light. Look what happened to them. The rest of the UK voted Tory again. Let them have the full force of Tory power, Msybe that will change their minds.

Ian Brotherhood

Thank god I got up early – Ming ‘Yes, I’m Still Here’ Campbell explaining, to a grateful nation, the runners and riders for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats.

Birds fall silent…the seas are becalmed…Ming’s plumping for Lamb!



Eliza 1, married an immigrant had four kids, which costs the public purse a fortune. Lives in a house on public benefit which is too big, even before the UK joined the EU. When is she going to kicked out or lives within her means. William doesn’t want any pay because he gets enough already, putting someone out of a job. Gets a pay rise every year on £40Million. The Pram and the nanny. Tory double standards and the right wing Press.

The Tories are going to cut Doctors pay and conditions in England. Hope they don’t get sick. They will be terminal. Everyone loves the NHS much better than the Tories.


The Minger is about. Hide under cover. The auld fox is among the chickens.



I love the way the duplicitous Scottish lion has convinced the particularly stupid Scottish fox that he is safer in Scotland – when we all know the truth is that he will be chased by a whole pack of hounds in Scotland – rather than just two in England.

Absolutely brilliant – and sums up the whole stunning hypocrisy of the Scottish lion in one brilliantly drawn and perceptive cartoon.

john king
john king

“Absolutely brilliant – and sums up the whole stunning hypocrisy of the Scottish lion in one brilliantly drawn and perceptive cartoon.”

Which sensibledave are you?
the day shift back shift or night shift?

john king

Ian Brotherhood says
“Birds fall silent…the seas are becalmed…Ming’s plumping for Lamb!



Grouse Beater

SD: sums up the whole stunning hypocrisy of the Scottish lion

Insensitivedave lowering the standard of discussion as fast as his sticky fingers can type.

jackie g

john king says:at 8:06 am

Which sensibledave are you?
the day shift back shift or night shift?

John King

That made me chuckle..keep them coming



Ian Brotherhood 7.19am

Had a chuckle at your summing up of “Ming the Marvelous”

He still doesn’t get how “finished” the Lib/Dems are in Scotland does he?

Scottish Labour and BBC Scotland have a similar problem.


Nicely done Chris. 😀

I go away for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose.

Some superb posts by the Rev over both Mhairi’s speech and EVEL. Oh and I see we’ve got another ‘ordinary punter’ exposé. Can’t believe they’re still trying to run those types of editorials. Einstein had it right on that whole repeating experiments thing. 😀

The dug’s article in today’s National is also superb, though I think someone in either prepress or editorial is about to get a slap for page layout. But right up until the text ends somewhat abruptly the dug gets stuck right in.

Too many posts to read over at one time so I’ll quietly wait for John King’s morning summary to play catch up. 🙂


@Dr Jim


Although it does lose a wee bit in translation.

john king

Macart says
“Too many posts to read over at one time so I’ll quietly wait for John King’s morning summary to play catch up. :)”

Ah naw Aa wanted tae go oot tae the gairden. 🙂

Craig P

Oh yes Chris 🙂



Can we have a follow up “The Blooding” with John Bull left with a ruddy nose or Mhairi Black getting her initiation praising!


Great Chris sums up what’s happened beautifully.


John King,

Sensible Dave’s neither on the Night Shift nor the Day Shift, he’s on the Back Shift, 2pm until 10pm, right now on Bondi Beach in Australia, moonlighting as a man eating shark killing little children by biting them in half, and “accidently” leaving business cards behind titled, “Funded by the Scottish Government”, with Nicola’s signature and photo on them.




hehe brilliant Chris,nice to see oor Hamish back and looking after his animal friends 🙂

Aye they were so worried about oor Eck and Nicola they overlooked another wee Scottish lion and jings whit a roar she has got they might need to add a few more million to fix up that dead beat piece of rubble they call parliament after that you could see the building shaking lol

Stevie Mcl

Another beauty Chris.


sensibledave says:
16 July, 2015 at 7:40 am
“duplicitous Scottish”, “particularly stupid Scottish fox”

Are you still hurting there Dave ?, would “bitterdave” not be a more sensible name ?

I particularly like your suggestion the fox is Scottish since the cartoon only works if its a resident in England or Wales.

Do you post in order to make the other posters feel better about themselves ?


sensibledave says:
16 July, 2015 at 7:40 am

Times are changing old fruit. 300 years of England telling Scotland what to do and now its the other way round.

Get used to it England.


I have just been looking back through old Hamish cartoons. They are all brilliant.

I like this older one …..

link to


sensibledave says:

16 July, 2015 at 7:40 am

Absolutely brilliant – and sums up the whole stunning hypocrisy of the Scottish lion in one brilliantly drawn and perceptive cartoon.

So says a very unhappy bunny.


Wee sensibledave there might be full of bitterness, but the fact of the matter is that, much as it pains me to admit it, he’s partially right. We need to amend the laws on fox hunting and hounds here in Scotland, tout de suite, if for no other reason than it removes the possible charge of hypocrisy. But mostly because it’s the right thing to do.

Perhaps those who support the SNPs stance on this issue in England not just for the political machinations (and that includes me, for any who would question my stance) should start pressuring Scottish Parliament MPs. After all, if we are going to argue we are no longer the small c conservative Calvinists the country is often portrayed as, and are instead a left leaning modern progressive nation, we need to keep ahead of the curve on things like this.



Picked up on yahoo site. Cameron / IDS latest bright idea!

‘David Cameron Wants Us To Fund Our Own Sick Pay From Our Savings

David Cameron ‘would look at’ the idea of making workers pay into saving accounts to cover their own sick pay, Downing Street said.

The idea has sparked outcry on social media, with people suggesting that compullsory National Insurance payments already fulfill this function.

Work and pensions secretary Ian Duncan-Smith is keen on the idea, as he explained in an interview in the Sunday Telegraph. Duncan Smith said, ‘We need to support the kind of products that allow people through their lives to dip in and out when they need the money for sickness or care or unemployment.

‘We need to encourage people to save from day one but they need to know that they can get some of the money out when their circumstances change.

‘This is not government policy but I am very keen to look at it, as a long-term way forward for the 21st century.

Cameron’s spokesman said, ‘I think the PM shares the work and pensions secretary’s view that we should be doing more to encourage people to take personal responsibility for how they manage their affairs.

‘This isn’t government policy, it’s an idea that’s out there. It’s an idea that should be looked at. That’s where it’s at, at the moment.’


Heh, never thought that this is how it would come about, but its a twist right enough.

Almost bizzarely at the moment, the only thing standing between the concept of Westminster as parliament of a UK and the ultimate betrayal by the Tories of all the partners involved, are the efforts of our own 56. ‘Course the whole issue of the fox hunting vote was a trap to catch a lion. It was to be used to inflame a vote on EVEL and see it rushed through without scrutiny.

That went well for Dave. 😀

Almost certainly its going to come back though. Its like the weeble from hell. You knock it over and it’ll swing right back up eventually. Still the Tories have shown their hand and their strategy. They’ll throw as many contentious issues at the 56 as they can and tempt them into morality votes to trigger the right wing press charge. Eventually it’ll succeed too. Unless Scotland heads it off at the pass by itself and opts for independence before those lunatics have a chance to turn us into second class citizens, with second class representation.

They could see the writing on the wall a long time back for the political union. They’ve been working on this for a long time, since well before even the referendum. The ramping up of anti Scottish racism throughout the press, our culture, history, economy dragged through the mud. The belittling and sidelining of the Scottish parliament, and our representatives. Its no rocket science.

It is after all what the Tories and indeed the rest of the establishment want… the end of the Union as we know it, but on their terms with the paperwork intact as it were. All nation partners locked out of an entitled establishment voting arena, yet still bound to the one parliament. All satellite assemblies powerless to act or intervene, their electorates effectively not required, utterly disenfranchised.

There is only one answer to EVEL that would honour and retain the current union, an English assembly working from the Barnett formula and given the same powers as the other assemblies, but that’s not the Tory game plan and never was.

There is only one thing that will put the mockers on their cunning wheeze and believe me, they will eventually succeed if given the time and room to do it. They have the numbers, all they require is the consensus. Only one action that will ensure we retain a decent social union, (which is the only damn union that counts), going forward and that is a rapid movement toward Scottish independence.


Cod, that’s quite a ban fox hunting comment. All countries have shits that like killing for fun, birds, animals and fish. All over the US and Europe they dress up in silly outfits and kill wild animals because they like it.

Good luck stopping them all with government. This is all about politics.

Westminster think they can quite easily make fools of Scotland’s MP’s? We’ll see.

Who knows, maybe next illegal war on hot countries just far enough away that the assorted blood thirsty shits down there decide start, might well be stopped by same 56, soon to be 57.



Austerity cuts, trying to decimate the Unions and coming out with one hellish plan after another now such as HMRC being able to raid your bank account. Looks as though this is going to be a very, very long …. five years. Let’s hope we get out of this ASAP.

I know of one man (and a number of his colleagues) who was working on a zero hour contract and was hit with a tax bill for around £1000 earlier this year. He had a terrible time trying to prove that they had got it wrong for example not being able to contact them at all. This draggged on for 5 months and they eventually just sent him a cheque for £100. No explanation, no apology just a cheque for what THEY actually owed him.

Why is HMRC not focusing on tax avoiding Corporations and so on? Daft question I know.

Another article from yahoo site: ‘Taxman’s power to raid bank accounts ‘flies in the face of Magna Carta.’

‘George Osborne’s decision to allow tax inspectors to raid people’s personal bank accounts “flies in the face” of Magna Carta, Francis Hoar, a senior barrister, has warned. Mr Hoar, a prominent human rights lawyer and lecturer, said there are “significant flaws” in the new plans, which would enable HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to take money from accounts to resolve unpaid tax bills.

MPs on the Treasury Select Committee, as well as legal experts, have expressed their horror at the proposals which HMRC says are necessary to recover tax from 17,000 “recalcitrant debtors”.

Under new “Direct Recovery of Debt” powers confirmed in last week’s Budget, HMRC can sieze funds directly from current accounts, savings accounts and Isas. Debtors will be left with just £5,000 of assets. The proposals are currently under consultation until the end of July.

“Such powers fly directly in the face of the principles of Magna Carta, property rights and due process,” Mr Hoar said in his legal briefing published by the Taxpayers’ Alliance. “Most dangerously, it treats individual property as the property of the state once the state has determined it so.”

The announcement comes as HMRC is beginning to flex new powers to demand that people pay tax within 90 days of receiving an “accelerated payment notice”, even before they have a chance to appeal the sum. This could involve paying back taxes, late payment interest and penalties to HMRC.

Under the new proposals, HMRC could raid bank accounts before debtors have a chance to appeal the amount of unpaid tax in court, or before court judgment is issued.
As a result, the proposals are said to flout centuries-old rights protecting citizens’ property from plundering kings, as well as the right to a fair trial, set out in the 800-year-old Charter.

Mr Hoar said: “Taxpayers may be unable to pay their rents, mortgages, credit card bills and so on before they have an opportunity to challenge HMRC’s decision.”

John Thurso, Liberal Democrat member of the Treasury Select Committee, warned last week that the new powers would override existing law. He said: “We are talking about the ability of one organ of the state to have the unique right to go against the Magna Carta charter and go in and seize – without judicial process or review – a bank account.


Macart, There is only one answer to EVEL that would honour and retain the current union, an English assembly working from the Barnett formula and given the same powers as the other assemblies, but that’s not the Tory game plan and never was

A Holyrood for England will never be allowed because look at what Holyrood’s doing to teamGB establishment elite. Imagine a PR English Holyrood with 60 million people voting for what they want and not what the Oxbridge toffs. super rich City spivs, BBC, royals grovelers all need to reign over us.

Like you say, never going to happen

Socrates MacSporran

Couple of points here;

Petra’s post @10.26 am got me thinking. Isn’t this nothing but a half-arsed Tory proposal, aimed at getting us warmed to the notion of US-style health insurance.

Cameron and IDS dare not come right out and say: “You will have to start taking-out health insurance”, given this would be a direct challenge to our free-at-the-point-of-use NHS, which is, of course: “safe in the hands of the Conservative Party”. I reckon they are getting us all ready for the moment we will need to take out health insurance, and in the process enrich their friends in that business. This is the longer-term goal.

Second point – a wee bit O/T – One of the failings in the generally good overhaul of the Herald website is, in the Opinion section – the authors of the opinion pieces are no longer identified. As one posted said: “I can no longer easily avoid David Torrance” – since you don’t know until you read the thing, you are looking at some Torrance shite.

Today, when I logged-on before 7am, what is now the featured opinion piece – suggesting that Nicola should take a lesson from Cameron and look after business – had the by-line “Barclay McBain” on it. Now Barclay is a thoroughly nice chap, it clearly wasn’t by him.

That much was obvious one-third of the way down. By half-way it was clear, this was a Jenny Hujl “SNP Bad” rant. The piece later had the by-line “columnists”; the by-line now reads: “Opinion”.

I know the Herald is having production problems just now, but, hopefully they will quickly and clearly identify Mrs Cochrane as the author of his terrible piece of shite – so we can avoid it.

I know we should treasure Freedom of Speech, but, there are surely limits. Even if I was a No-voting, pro-Unionist, Scottish Conservative – I would wish to keep well away from Mr and Mrs Cochrane, the haemorrhoid and pile on the arse of the body politic.

Socrates MacSporran

Hit the button too-soon on my last post.

“haemorrhoid and pile” in the final paragraph should read: “haemorrhoid and boil”.


Another take on the Greek debacle from Karen Hudes Former Senior Counsel to the World Bank now turned whistle-blower (friend and colleague of Scot Elaine Colville World Bank whistleblower). ‘Karen Hudes spent 20 years with the World Bank as an Attorney and Economist, before being “let-go” after reporting internal fraud and corruption.’ Hear what she’s got to say about the Network of Global Corporate Control.

link to

Anyone else get the feeling that Germany (Merkel) has never given up its desire to conquer and rule Europe following losing the two World Wars?

‘German media reacts angrily to Greek bailout deal.’ link to

This is what the corrupt, greedy blaggards want to get their claws in to.

link to


@ john king 8:06 am

You wrote “Which sensibledave are you? the day shift back shift or night shift”

John, I’m the sensibledave that has had two total knee replacements in a relatively short space of time. To those of you that had not “enjoyed” the experience, it means weeks and months of trying to grab an hour or two of sleep at a time – so one is up at all hours needing mental stimulation and distraction.

To those of you that are convinced, because my contributions are so intelligent and full of insight, that I must be a professional. I thank you for the compliment but, sadly, although I can’t understand why, no one has offered to pay me for the outpourings from my keyboard of truth.

Long before I started to visit here, I had online discussions with Helena Brown (a regular contributor here) on a completely unrelated site to do with politics in England. I think I recall that we ended up revealing more to each other about our respective lifestyles (in the context of whatever political point we were discussing). To those that are so fascinated by me, she may be able to help. BTW it was Helena that introduced me to Wings.


@ Cod at 10.16

“Wee sensibledave there might be full of bitterness, but the fact of the matter is that, much as it pains me to admit it, he’s partially right. We need to amend the laws on fox hunting and hounds here in Scotland, tout de suite, if for no other reason than it removes the possible charge of hypocrisy. But mostly because it’s the right thing to do”

In Cod we trust!

At least someone has the integrity to acknowledge the preposterousness of the stance being portrayed by the SNP. I fear for you though Cod. You have dropped the “party” line and the robot apparatchiks will be looking to “re-educate” you in the very near future.

Brian Powell

Careful of the anti-German rhetoric going around in relation to Greece.The UK is against the diminishing of its financial position and dominance and would like to see Germany reduced.

We know just how compliant the press is in putting the Government agenda and the Government, although wanting Germany (Merkel) as an ally, doesn’t want EU banking regulation to touch the city.

The Man in the Jar


I read your comment at 11:13 with a modicum of sympathy. Then I read your comment at 11:20 and thought Nah you are still an arsehole!


Good luck stopping them all with government. This is all about politics.

@heedtracker – I’m not trying to stop them all with government mate. I only live in one country, and while I would indeed like to see the prevention of hunting for nothing other than pleasure in all countries, I’m aware that I can only really play a part in stopping it in one, the one I live in. I see no real impediment to having the laws amended in Scotland, particularly since the 56 SNPs in Westminster have now voted the way they have down there.

After all, it wasn’t that long ago that many people, including many I personally know, were saying that there was no chance of Scotland returning 50 plus SNP MPs to Westminster. People made that happen, and the same people can make MSPs change the laws here at home too. All it takes is an effort.

Of course this vote was about politics, but that doesn’t mean we have to just say “oh well, better forget that idea then”. We have an engaged and interested public here in Scotland, we can use that power to enact changes, through pressure properly applied.


because my contributions are so intelligent and full of insight

No offence there sensibledave, but you couldn’t even spot the fact the fox in the cartoon was English, not Scottish. I wouldn’t go trumpeting your intelligence just yet…

As for the stupidity of the Scottish lion – did it in fact occur to you that the reaction from the Conservatives and the Unionist press was exactly the one the SNP were looking for? The rush to EVEL plays right into the hands of those seeking independence, particularly when juxtaposed against the positions taken by the Unionists before and during the referendum debate. The two positions boil down to this:

Pre-referendum: Scotland, we love you, you’re part of a family, you have an equal voice, you can’t leave, please stay – we’re four nations equally part of one country.

Post-referendum: Shut your mouth and do as you’re told. You have no voice other than the one we give you, and don’t even think about taking part in Westminster governance. It might say UK on the door, but you don’t get to play in that room. Now go to your room, you annoying little upstarts. We’re one nation, ruled by Westminster, for England, god save the queen.

And if you think that’s wrong, you clearly don’t have your finger on the pulse of Scotland.

Robert Peffers

@john king says: 16 July, 2015 at 8:06 am:

“Which sensibledave are you?
the day shift back shift or night shift?”

It’s the ane wha talks pish, John


@ heedtracker 11:00 am

Heedtracker, on the one hand, you take the line, and accept, that politics in Scotland and England are on different trajectories where Scotland is moving left and England is moving right (and I agree with you) – but then you seem to totally incapable of actually taking that on board when you start on about the Tories and the centre right in England.

If you lump the two centre right parties together, you get 55% of the popular vote.

Whilst you may not be able to comprehend why this is, and you may despise the different political leanings of the majority of the English – your understanding of the situation and ideas of how to move forward may be improved – if you least accept those facts.

Based upon your writings, being a Tory is an incomprensible admission tantamount to declaring that you believe in fairies or you think Scotland might win the World Cup.

And yet, 14 million English voters voted Tory?!?!?

That are less than 350,000 people, in the whole of the UK that constitute the top 1% of tax payers. That means that at 13.7 million people in England are not “rich” – but still voted right of centre. Try thinking things through having taken that on board.

When some sort of EVEL is eventually introduced – the majority of people in England will be absolutely delighted that they wont ever have to work under a Labour Government again, and wont have to deal with coalitions like the last one – and wont have to rely on Ms Sturgeon’s word again.

Brian Powell

David Cameron excludes his constituency from fracking.

link to

Robert Peffers

@caz-m says: 16 July, 2015 at 8:40 am:

” … Scottish Labour and BBC Scotland have a similar problem.”

Not surprising caz-m, BBC, (Scotland), are a branch office of the Establishment London Propaganda wing as are the London Labour in Scotland a branch office of the Establishment Labour Party head office.


Cod, I want blood sports banned in Scotland but its extremely unlikely it will ever happen, to say the very least. Try panning out a little and ask, if we ban fox hunting, we ban rod and line fishing, then we ban grouse shooting, then we deer stalking. See where it goes.

You can’t ban so many people for doing what they consider an absolute right, whether you like what they do or not.

All government can do is make cruelty to animals less cruel. Maybe one day men and women who take pleasure in the appalling suffering of animals will stop but until then, we will all have to suffer wet farts like sensibleDave up there trying to use anything at all to try and keep Scotland under English control.


If it wasnt foxhunting, rule Britannia britnats like Dave would be monstering Scotland and SNP with something else. Wait a few minutes and they will.

Tally ho britnats, England owns Scotland.


@ Brian Powell says at 11:24 am ”Careful of the anti-German rhetoric going around in relation to Greece …. We know just how compliant the press is in putting the Government agenda and the Government, although wanting Germany (Merkel) as an ally, doesn’t want EU banking regulation to touch the city.”

Following up my comment about Germany with the media article, I admit, wasn’t the best of ideas Brian. Rather my opinion is based on an interest in history, a great deal of reading and observations.

Dorothy Devine

Socrates , there was no need of correction since the Cochranes write the same ” we hate the SNP and Alex Salmond in particular ” articles, thus a pile is a haemorrhoid is a pile.

Succinctly put Mr Peffers!


@Cod –

I see no real impediment to having the laws amended in Scotland, particularly since the 56 SNPs in Westminster have now voted the way they have down there

Eh, they didn’t vote on anything Cod as there wasn’t a vote 🙂


sensibledave says:
being a Tory is an incomprensible admission tantamount to declaring that you believe in fairies

I like your insult towards the Scotland football team, you do of course add these insults knowing that they undermine your “argument”.

It is incomprehensible to many that so many voters in England believe the myths spread by the media and encouraged by Tory party. The naked appeal to peoples xenophobia and “blame the poor” attitudes works in England while most of the economic world has moved on since the Victorian era.

The ignorance of the voting public regarding levels of benefit fraud being a case in point. Misleading reports and TV programs reinforce negative attitudes towards the welfare systems we have, and yet the actual information is available to anyone able to read, operate a computer and maintain a questioning and skeptical attitude.

So yes it is incomprehensible.


Were missing the point, folks. This is a chess game being played out.

Some people see cute and cuddly dog-like animals that need protection.

I see political footballs with bushy tails.

Robert Peffers

@Cod says: 16 July, 2015 at 10:16 am:

” … We need to amend the laws on fox hunting and hounds here in Scotland, tout de suite, if for no other reason than it removes the possible charge of hypocrisy. But mostly because it’s the right thing to do.”

I believe you may find that the matter has long been on the SNP led SG, “todo”, list but the list is rather long and, like the SNP SG, I believe they find it is far more important to deal with such things as supporting the human’s in need comes before that of animals. Such as dealing with the poll Council Tax, effects of the Labour PPI funding, homecare of the elderly, sick and disabled, neglected Scottish infrastructure, Prescription charges, preventing hospital closures and building new hospitals, schools, homes to rent, rail links to sadly neglected Scottish areas, duelling Scottish death roads, ad infinite.

(or are you also one of those people who put animal welfare before those of starving children, the sick and the aged)?


Robert Peffers says:

16 July, 2015 at 12:14 pm

I believe you may find that the matter has long been on the SNP led SG, “todo”, list but the list is rather long and, like the SNP SG, I believe they find it is far more important to deal with such things as supporting the human’s in need comes before that of animals. Such as dealing with the poll Council Tax, effects of the Labour PPI funding, homecare of the elderly, sick and disabled, neglected Scottish infrastructure, Prescription charges, preventing hospital closures and building new hospitals, schools, homes to rent, rail links to sadly neglected Scottish areas, duelling Scottish death roads, ad infinite.

I fully agree, Robert, but I do think that Holyrood now has to prioritise and deal with the fox legislation pronto, for obvious resons.



OK, not banning – but how about we bring the rules into line with England, so they at least match the rules we are voting on in Westminster?

At least that would remove one arrow from the quiver of those such as Cameron and sensibledave. It doesn’t seem like much of a leap from voting one way in Westminster to making sure our own laws at least match the ones we are supporting south of the border.

We can call it a bonus that it makes illegal to use packs of dogs to flush foxes for shooting in Scotland – an exemption which makes a mockery of the idea of the Protection of Wild Mammals (Scotland) Act 2002, since we all know that mounted packs of dogs still catch and kill foxes in Scotland, regardless of what the law says.

Doug McG

I heard on the radio this morning that the Scottish Government are supporting the formation of an alternative company to the big six energy companies , it is to be called Our Power and will be run on a cooperative basis , it aims to reduce power bills for the participating housing association and councils tenants by 10% and redistribute any profits back to users.

This is a brilliant initiative which I hope we can all get behind , Alex Neill is heading it up , so we can expect a good battle with the parasites.

Getting ordinary folks out of the hands of revenue seeking exploiters is exactly what government is about. Let’s see more of it.



Pretty much Luigi.

These people are entirely serious in their intent and strategy and our representatives can’t simply react, they have to work to their own strategy and stay several steps ahead.

Saying ‘I told you so’ on the events of the past few months following the referendum was no comfort whatsoever. I take no pleasure in pointing it out to friends or workmates who voted no, whenever complaints on the current WM government are raised. It still tastes like ash.

The last thing I want to do is say ‘I told you so’ should EVEL be enacted in the way it is currently intended and we’re still strapped to that parliament.


Lol, Croompenstein, fair point – but it’s semantics, as I’m sure you know what I meant. But, just to be clear, the SNP MPs at Westminster revealed an intention to vote in a certain manner, which, as it happens, made the vote not happen at all.

Robert Peffers

@Petra says: 16 July, 2015 at 10:26 am

” … Work and pensions secretary Ian Duncan-Smith is keen on the idea, as he explained in an interview in the Sunday Telegraph. Duncan Smith said, ‘We need to support the kind of products that allow people through their lives to dip in and out when they need the money for sickness or care or unemployment.”

Hi! Petra, IDS is a total crook. He has absolutely no academic achievements whatsoever and has been a total failure at everything he ever became involved in and only got where he is today by fraud. I kid you not.

Read the details on this link and note the crook has never sued the BBC, and many others, for their claims on air, on the net or print : –

link to


@Robert Peffers:

are you also one of those people who put animal welfare before those of starving children, the sick and the aged

I work for Citizens Advice, money unit, and on the frontline dealing with every issue you can imagine. I regularly flag up social policy issues for cases that would make you weep. So, the answer to your question, is no. None of which means I can’t want fox hunting banned, or at least restricted more, as well. Just “because one” does not mean “not the other”. I’m perfectly capable of wanting multiple changes at the same time, as are many others.

Trust me when I say all the issues you mentioned are high on my list of things I want sorted. They are, in fact, the reasons I got into advocacy work in the first place. And unpaid to begin with, I may add. That’s how much I care about those issues. How about you?


Its Hamish’s single raised eyebrow that makes this cartoon for me.

Paula Rose

@ Doug McG and others interested-

link to



Many of you will know that MP’s have got a 10% pay increase from £67,000 to as much as £74,000 a year, a £7,000 pay rise.

But did you know that this rise also includes a hidden perk that the taxpayer will also have to find.

Troughers does not even come close to expressing my disgust.


@ Socrates MacSporran says at 11:04 am ”Petra’s post @10.26 am got me thinking. Isn’t this nothing but a half-arsed Tory proposal, aimed at getting us warmed to the notion of US-style health insurance. Cameron and IDS dare not come right out and say: “You will have to start taking-out health insurance”, given this would be a direct challenge to our free-at-the-point-of-use NHS, which is, of course: “safe in the hands of the Conservative Party”. I reckon they are getting us all ready for the moment we will need to take out health insurance, and in the process enrich their friends in that business. This is the longer-term goal.”

Spot on Socrates. I think that’s exactly what they’re getting up to. Short term aims to achieve their long term objectives and they’ve had many years to formulate their plans. God only knows what they will come up with next but you can take it that this country will be totally unrecognisable in 5 years time.

Some of the most worrying aspects, I think, relate to their plans to scrap the Human Rights Act in conjunction with introducing a Snoopers Charter; pushing through their sinister Gagging Bill (affording access to union membership records and so on); misusing GCHQ and JTRIG (such as infiltration of agents to manipulate and control online discourse) and their proposals for Legal Aid reforms. Now I see that HMRC can basically raid your bank account if and when they feel like it. All very conducive for a Government that wants to target individuals or associations deemed to be anti-establishment.

They’ve also no doubt been making plans in relation to quelling the masses when things get too hot for them by using the Police, Armed Forces and Private Armies such as G45 Security Services.

”In June 2014, Desmond Tutu and others protested at G4S’s involvement with Israeli prisons. They also penned an open letter to the security firm, calling for it to “end its complicity in Israel’s abuse of child prisoners.”

link to


It is one thing for the Scottish government to disapprove of fox hunting but quite another when they authorise hundreds of thousands of wild geese to be slaughtered by “Scottish Natural Heritage” and sold in butcher shops for profit.


Well said and drawn Chris!

Is that lion gaining strength and resolve?

You betcha…:-)

Robert Peffers

@Macart says: 16 July, 2015 at 10:38 am:

” … There is only one answer to EVEL that would honour and retain the current union, an English assembly working from the Barnett formula and given the same powers as the other assemblies, but that’s not the Tory game plan and never was”.

You are just a teensy-weensy bit off the nail-head there, Macart. It is where you state, ” … and given the same powers as the other assemblies … ”

The thing is that the Establishment also included in their plans a bit to divide the devolved administrations they hoped to conquer, (and there are signs that some are falling for it).

All three devolved administrations have very different levels of devolved functions and thus different levels Block Grant. Of recent times I’ve noted that the Plaid Cymru leader has said Wales should get the same per capita funding as Scotland but no mention of the same devolved functions, just yesterday there was a Welsh commenter on WoS getting at the SG about fox hunting too, and the N. I. lot have also been making noises along similar lines to Wales but N. I. has both more devolved functions and more per capita funding.

There is no doubt that we need to get all three devolved administrations reading from the same script and, as they are either ignorant of how the UK is funding and how Barnett’s works or they know and are attempting to gain advantage and thus aiding the Establishment.


Paula Rose @ 12.43pm

Your link does not work!

Did you mean this one.


@ Petra

Re: your post at 10.48 about HMRC access to bank accounts.

When I read this, it seemed familiar. Then, in your last paragraph, John Thurso is mentioned as being a Liberal Democrat member of the select committee.

I have checked that he has not somehow found his way onto the committee from the Lords (to which he has presumably returned as a non-voting hereditary peer, after losing his seat in May), and he has not.

The discussion you have described must therefore have taken place during the last parliament; which is not to say that the idea has been abandoned.



“That means that at 13.7 million people in England are not “rich” – but still voted right of centre.”

And probably spend their time shouting through the wall at them bladdy Millwall fans.

Same self-defeating stupidity as unionist voters up here, in thrall to an establishment that doesn’t care if they live or die.


Cod 11.39

Not that it matters that much but how do you “know” its an English Fox?

You wrote: ” …did it in fact occur to you that the reaction from the Conservatives and the Unionist press was exactly the one the SNP were looking for?”

It did, but I dismissed it.

It is hard to see how Ms Sturgeon could come to the conclusion that trashing her reputation in England and with Scottish No voters, based upon maintaining greater protection of foxes in England than in Scotland in a vote that never happened (as I predicted on here) – would be the SNP plan.

So no, I favour the inept cock up explanation.


@ Brian Powell says at 11:49 am ”David Cameron excludes his constituency from fracking.” link to

No surprise there Brian just as Queenies estates are exempt too. I notice that the guy who wrote that article is named David Smythe. I’m sure that’s the Scottish Professor who helped block fracking in Lancashire recently …. another of Scotlands main exports … tramps … to England.

@ Robert Peffers says at 12:35 pm ”Hi! Petra, IDS is a total crook. He has absolutely no academic achievements whatsoever and has been a total failure at everything he ever became involved in and only got where he is today by fraud. I kid you not. Read the details on this link and note the crook has never sued the BBC, and many others, for their claims on air, on the net or print : –

link to

This doesn’t suprise me Robert. Another ill-educated conman with the power to make millions of peoples lives an absolute misery. Reminiscent of the Hitler entourage. I’ve also heard that he’s been on the dole at different points in time, married a wealthy women and now lives in a rented house on her father’s estate. I can just imagine that he’ll be held in utter disdain by the Bullingdon Club boys and has therefore been given the worst post in Government …. made the scapegoat.

@ sensibledave says at 7:40 am ”Absolutely brilliant – and sums up the whole stunning hypocrisy of the Scottish lion in one brilliantly drawn and perceptive cartoon.”

I agree with the point that you’re making sensibledave. The SNP has to do it’s utmost now to at least bring its Law in relation to foxhunting in line with Englands. I’ve actually wondered if many of the anti-foxhunting brigade are aware of the fact that foxhunting in Scotland is actually more barbaric than it is in England.

[…] Visit the post for more.  […]


@ G 1.12

You wrote: “And probably spend their time shouting through the wall at them bladdy Millwall fans.”

.. I don’t know, but you may have some racial stereotype in your head that I am not familiar with. I have no idea what point you are trying to make.


If the argument for fox hunting is ultimately to protect livestock then the huntsmen and women must be a bit slow on the uptake. It would be far more effective for each to take a dog from the pack and place it amongst chickens, ducks, sheep or whatever. Foxes would not go near the dogs.

Foxes would seem to far more intelligent than the majority of landowners and farmers.

Of course it’s all an excuse to play out their natural traits for bullying the weak. And they use overwhelming numbers of dogs to limit the foxes’ chances of escape, and horses so they don’t actually have to walk anywhere.

Robert Peffers

@Cod says: 16 July, 2015 at 11:31 am:

… in. I see no real impediment to having the laws amended in Scotland, particularly since the 56 SNPs in Westminster have now voted the way they have down there.”

As I have commented up-thread, Cod, the tightening up of anti-hunting act has long been on the SNP SG todo list.

I’ve been anti-fox hunting since a child living on a farm in the early 1940s but, like the SG, I have my priorities right and the time short to deal with, for example, the children being fed by food banks, the care of the sick, disabled and old in our country.

Are you sure you have your priorities right?


@Robert Peffers

Good point Robert.

They made sure to give just enough of a mixture of powers between the assemblies to generate friction, but divide and rule was always their preferred strategy.

Its a moot point anyroads on an English assembly based along the same lines as the other devolved houses. Its the one route I doubt they have any interest in pursuing. It would force them to address the imbalance of powers and lead to that federal path they so obviously wish to avoid.


@ crazycat says at 1:11 pm ”Petra Re: your post at 10.48 about HMRC access to bank accounts. When I read this, it seemed familiar. Then, in your last paragraph, John Thurso is mentioned as being a Liberal Democrat member of the select committee. I have checked that he has not somehow found his way onto the committee from the Lords (to which he has presumably returned as a non-voting hereditary peer, after losing his seat in May), and he has not. The discussion you have described must therefore have taken place during the last parliament; which is not to say that the idea has been abandoned.”

Hi Crazycat thanks for checking that out. I’d hate to think that I’ve misinformed people on here. I found the article on yahoo today. I’ve had another look at it and see that it’s been published in The Telegraph dated 13/07/2015. So don’t know how current it may be or not, now! We’ll surely know soon enough … when I go to lift some money from the Bank and find that the cupboard is bare, lol.

@ Roll_On_2015 says at 1:10 pm ”Paula Rose @ 12.43pm Your link does not work! Did you mean this one.

That’s very interesting. Think I may sign up to that.

Robert Peffers

@Luigi says: 16 July, 2015 at 12:19 pm:

” … I fully agree, Robert, but I do think that Holyrood now has to prioritise and deal with the fox legislation pronto, for obvious resons.”

That point has already been answered in Westminster and Nicola has also made that point on Radio, TV, on-line and in News-print.

Nicola made the comment that while the SG felt there was need to tighten up the anti-hunt legislation but there were other more urgent matters to deal with and is seemed there was no great call by the Scottish public for action – but now, due to Westminster’s actions, there was a greater call for action by the Scottish Public.

schrodingers cat


link to!/photo.php?fbid=970793546285475&set=p.970793546285475&type=1&theater


@Robert Peffers

Actually I’d think its more accurate to say that they gave each assembly the least amount of powers required and that they could get away with, whilst promoting friction as a by product.

Robert Peffers

@Cod says: 16 July, 2015 at 12:38 pm:

” … I regularly flag up social policy issues for cases that would make you weep.”,

Believe me, Cod, I’ve shed many a tear over such things and I’ve been doing volunteer work with those less fortunate than I since I was 11 years old.

I think you may have not quite grasped what I’m getting at. The SNP SG were firstly a minority government and that meant very slow progress towards all the many things needed to be done.

When they were returned in numbers they had to deal with a resentful Labour Party who decided to follow the Wee Willie Bain mantra of either voting down everything the SNP wanted to do or at best abstaining, (all aided by the other unionist parties at Holyrood.

There is a massive backlog of things needing attention and democracy means they cannot do, “an Establishmen”, to force things through. So there is much still on that todo list and people must still come first.

To put that in prospective, Cod, I was born on a farm before WWII. As a child I was on the scene of a kill by the hunt and, being the only child around, they thought to blood me. It was war time and food was scarce. Like most real country dwellers, even at that tender age, I saw it as normal practice to take whatever nature provided to supplement the rations. I could live off the countryside if needs be.

However, like all real country dwellers I respected the animals and would never dream of inflicting unnecessary suffering upon them. A quick clean kill for the pot is one thing but what I witnessed that day was something else. However, these hunters were on our property without permission and had the temerity to attempt to blood me.

The shotgun, (loaded but broken over the arm, of my grandfather deterred the huntspeople, (none of whom I recognised so were probably visiting town dwellers.

So I’m all for banning cruel hunting for pleasure but can see the SG’s point that there are far more urgent things needing pushed through Holyrood that the public want done. For example the improvements to the several, “killer”, roads particularly in the north and south of Scotland. Hardly a day passes that some poor person dies on those roads, Two ladies died yesterday on the A7 in the Borders.

schrodingers cat

On Tue morning, Alex Salmond walked into the commons and shouted “Tally Ho” at very unamused Tories sitting on the benches.


@ Petra

I’ve now looked at the Parliament website to see if Thurso might be on some sort of Lords Select Committee – there isn’t a Treasury one, he’s not on the Economic Affairs committee, and I can’t see anything else which might be appropriate. (There are some splendid committees, though, such as one about the Arctic – are they still searching for the North-West Passage? – and of course Refreshments.)

Since he was definitely a member of the Commons committee in the last parliament, I think the Telegraph must be rehashing old news. Quelle surprise.

Robert Peffers

@sensibledave says: 16 July, 2015 at 1:31 pm:

” … how do you “know” its an English Fox?

Hilarious! “sensibledave”, has not the sense to figure out what the cartoonist depicted. Yet sensibledave, (up-thread), self-praises his own perceptiveness.

“It is hard to see how Ms Sturgeon could come to the conclusion that trashing her reputation in England and with Scottish No voters, based upon maintaining greater protection of foxes in England than in Scotland in a vote that never happened (as I predicted on here) – would be the SNP plan.”

Oh! Dear! Even more hilarious and totally misinformed as usual. sensibledave, doesn’t know the explicit reason given by our FM for the SNP members at Westminster to oppose the Tory Motion was entirely due to the exceedingly large number of tweets, e-mails and other communication methods of contact,from Englanders pleading with the SNP to oppose the English, (sic), government’s hunting bill.

The cartoon was ingenious, and funny, but those comments from the self proclaimed sensible one far surpassed the cartoons intended humour with sensibledave’s unintended hilarity.


@ schrodingers cat says at 2:54 pm ”On Tue morning, Alex Salmond walked into the commons and shouted “Tally Ho” at very unamused Tories sitting on the benches.”

I heard another witty quip being made in the Commons yesterday schrodingers cat. Some Labour politician made a comment about EVEL being debated, it supposedly being a major issue for English constituents however few Tories were in attendance (less than ten!).

Someone shouted out, quick as you like, from the SNP ranks that ‘they’ll all be away foxhunting’. It went down like a lead balloon. I’ve got a feeling that the Tories really don’t have the same sense of humour as the SNP politicians.


Robert Peffers 3.12

You wrote: Oh! Dear! Even more hilarious and totally misinformed as usual. sensibledave, doesn’t know the explicit reason given by our FM for the SNP members at Westminster to oppose the Tory Motion was entirely due to the exceedingly large number of tweets, e-mails and other communication methods of contact,from Englanders pleading with the SNP to oppose the English, (sic), government’s hunting bill.

HaHa – keep going with the fake laughter Robert – I don’t think your convincing anyone here – let alone anyone in England.

Of course I know the “explicit reason given by our FM for the SNP members at Westminster to oppose the Tory Motion” – I also know it is a crock of s**t!!

Watch the clip of her on Question Time, as part of the SNP charm campaign of the English (you know, the “hand of friendship and all that”) telling everyone in the UK that the SNP specifically wouldnt vote on fox hunting.

Then, she couldnt resist an opportunity for a bit of limelight and publicity so she did a “Sturgeon 180”, simply because she could. And bang goes her reputation for honesty and decency under the full glare of the electorate of the UK! As I have stated before, it is such a shame, I had huge admiration for her.

Then, under orders from above, the previously impressive Tommy Sheppard was sent to the Newsnight studio to try and defend it all. Go and have a look at it. Everyone was laughing at him whilst he delivered the same pathetic justification that you have alluded too.

By the way, did you read the warnings coming from the more insightful Wingers here telling you that this was going to blow up in your face? No? I though not.


Brian Powell,

“Careful of the anti-German rhetoric going around in relation to Greece.The UK is against the diminishing of its financial position and dominance and would like to see Germany reduced.”


German bashing is a well established British Nationalist tactic and it works every single time.

Grouse Beater

keep going with the fake laughter Robert – I don’t think your convincing anyone here – let alone anyone in England.

Simplemindeddave tries to beat his best lowest standard of debate when he tells us we are all wrong except him.


I think you may have not quite grasped what I’m getting at.

@Robert Peffers – I understood exactly what you were saying the first time: lots of issues, not enough time, prioritise and triage.

Which still doesn’t mean I have to accept that we cannot push through many changes. After all, if we can’t do it now with a parliamentary majority then when can we? Would you prefer we wait until the tides of time turn and the SNP no longer have a majority (hopefully that won’t happen for a good amount of time yet, but it could)?

Our politics should be aspirational, not conditional. And to be quite honest, changing the law in Scotland on foxhunting to match the law in England needn’t take up very much in the way of Parliamentary time – after all, it only needs one revision, and the SNP have a majority to vote it through.

And, yes, it may well be the case that it simply hasn’t been a priority before now, and for good reason (i.e. there are a ton of more pressing issues to deal with, and nobody thought much about this one), but with the situation regarding the SNP position on the same issue in Westminster now able to be used as an example of “SNP hypocrisy”, it has become a political necessity to make it one.


how do you “know” its an English Fox?


It is hard to see how Ms Sturgeon could come to the conclusion that trashing her reputation in England and with Scottish No voters

Her reputation in England is irrelevant – she leads a party in Scotland, unconcerned with English voters. Her reputation with No voters in Scotland is a more complex situation, given that many No voters appear to have voted SNP in the General Election.

However, I would imagine the majority of those No voters (assuming they would still like to be called No voters, given the progression of events since the referendum) would be unlikely to have changed their opinion based on this event, particularly given the majority of people polled in every opinion poll, across the UK, are against fox hunting. Probably, like me, they now hope that the SNP will tighten up the law in Scotland, as they have intimated they would.

Certainly, looking at the latest voting intentions poll from TNS, this little rammy appears to have had precisely zero effect on the popularity of the SNP, so I guess that answers the question of whether this would trash Sturgeon’s (and by extension the SNP) reputation:

link to

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