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Wings Over Scotland

Agents Of Change

Posted on June 04, 2024 by

We’re going to be really, REALLY generous and not quibble about the “us”.

Because it’s not even nearly the funniest thing here.

Wings readers know all too well that paedo-bearded Ulster-born Herald columnist Neil Mackay only finds a tiny fraction of independence supporters acceptable, but he takes a moment anyway to remind us in his latest diatribe for today’s paper.

This is of course the modern usage of “moderate”, meaning “anyone who disagrees with me in the slightest way on even the tiniest item of policy is an intolerable far-right fascist thug who should be imprisoned for hate speech and/or hounded out of their job and ideally the entire country”.

Don’t DARE, for example, support indy and think of protecting women’s rights. That’s the sort of thing only filthy bigoted extremists would want.

All the same, let us belatedly congratulate Mackay on finally realising that the SNP are taking indy supporters for mugs. It’s only taken him four and a half years to catch up with what this site and others have been telling everyone, while he viciously abused us all as “freaks”, “weirdos” and cultists for doing it.

(While of course praising Nicola Sturgeon – who he now decries as a con merchant – to the skies and back, particularly for her instinctive, effortless feel for the public’s view on the trans debate, which was in fact so drastically wide of the mark that it eventually played a significant role in ending her reign as First Minister.)

But that’s still not the really funny bit. This is:

Because the people who knew years ago that the SNP were a sham tried to do exactly that. And all of us remember how Neil Mackay reacted.

When the grassroots indy movement still meaningfully existed – and so strongly that it could regularly put 100,000+ people on the streets rather than the pitiful 1,500 or so it can rally now – and tried to decouple itself from the SNP, Neil Mackay rang up every careerist SNP MP he could find (or the party’s “top brass”, as he called them) and got them to rubbish it as a bunch of dangerous nutcases and Russian stooges.

For years, Mackay poured vitriol on anyone in the Yes movement who tried to bypass the SNP. He couldn’t have made his contempt for the grassroots any more clear if he’d painted it on walls with his own excrement.

He proclaimed that it now solely consisted of “the abusive, the vulgar, the reactionary, the dumb” and “creepy”, “conspiracy-peddling” “crackpots” and “nutcases”.

By any reasonable assessment, of course, the most “upbeat, persuasive, intelligent and charismatic” figure in the independence movement since William Wallace has been Alex Salmond, and he didn’t escape Mackay’s attacks either.

On the eve of Salmond’s trial, the “moderate independence supporter” penned an infamous hatchet job so grotesquely egregious in its attempt to have the innocent Salmond locked away in prison for the rest of his life that the Herald had to pull it within hours for fear of a contempt charge and/or defamation suit.

(The piece was so foul that it “devastated” the mother of child murder victim James Bulger, to whom Mackay never apologised or even replied.)

Having spent so many years working so hard to destroy everyone influential in the Yes movement, Neil Mackay now demands the remaining scattered fragments somehow take over from the SNP in unspecified ways.

But to what end? According to the same article, the only possible route to achieve independence is “to govern”.

The only people who can govern are political parties. Mackay has already ruled out Alba (and with the best will in the world, they’re not forming a government any time soon) – indeed, he doesn’t want any “oafish nationalists” with their “painted rag”, as he calls the Saltire – so who does that leave? He wants the SNP “thrashed”, remember.

And he clearly doesn’t even intend the party with which he appears to be most closely politically aligned – the Scottish Greens – to step into the role, given that he’s working like a Trojan to tear them apart too.

So to recap: Neil Mackay did everything in his power to undermine and destroy the grassroots non-SNP independence movement, and now he’s busting a gut to destroy the SNP as well, while continuing to attack every other party with pro-indy M/SPs at either end of the spectrum, and offering no constructive suggestions whatsoever for a way forward.

(Wings, of course, is fully onboard with destroying the SNP and the Greens, but we’ve spent the last five years trying to STOP things from ever reaching this catastrophic point while Mackay urged them on.)

Sometimes, folks, you’ve just got to give an agent credit.

0 to “Agents Of Change”

  1. Dorothy Devine says:

    All credit to you Stu!

  2. Garrion says:

    A cynical mind might infer that now is a good time to suddenly come to jesus and “see” that the SNP are not what they claimed to be in terms of the strategic interests of those who would prefer that Scotland and its resources remain a vassal state.

    Proud freak and weirdo here.

    That man is a human flesh eating bacteria.

  3. Morgatron says:

    Excellent article Stu.

  4. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    “Change agent” entered the lexicon courtesy of a 2010 download of CIA files to Wikileaks. The “Change agent” in question was longtime, prominent, American feminist, Gloria Steinem. Steinem was indirectly employed by the CIA in a capacity that would probably now be referred to as an “influencer”. Steinem was fully cognisant of who was paying the bills.
    In the context of the time (1950’s) feminism would have been considered as “identity politics”.

  5. Lorna Campbell says:

    Nailed it – again – Rev. He wants Labour/Tories/Lib Dems in charge in Scotland – i.e. Unionists of any hue. He is a Unionist, not any kind of independence supporter, and of the NI persuasion, not giving an inch. He is a bigot of the very worst kind.

    The fact is that he wants no independence for Scotland, ever. So, Nicola Sturgeon is a constitutional gradualist. You don’t say, Neil? A constitutional gradualist is someone who wants to wait until every asset and resources has been filched by the greedy neighbour next door. A constitutional gradualist is one who hands over the keys to the treasure chest without a murmur, kow towing while doing so.

    The ‘trans’ issue was never a distraction; it was the main prong of attack against independence; and it is the main prong of attack against every Western institution. Its aim is to turn society on its head in order to baffle it into submission and overturn centuries and millennia of progressive Western thought.

    Neil Mac would be better asking who is behind it all and what they want to achieve, but the SNP is a much easier target and you don’t have to actually do much work to undermine it, especially when you are of the NI Unionist mentality. So much harder to pin down the evil, undemocratic philosophy that lies behind the ‘trans’ movement, a philosophy that is allied naturally to totalitarianism and fascism – and global corporate power and profit. Oh, and male supremacy, another part of the more extreme NI Unionist ideology.

  6. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Garrion says:
    4 June, 2024 at 3:10 pm

    A cynical mind might infer that now is a good time to suddenly come to jesus and “see” that the SNP are not what they claimed to be in terms of the strategic interests of those who would prefer that Scotland and its resources remain a vassal state.

    Proud freak and weirdo here.

    That man is a human flesh eating bacteria.

    Are you sure that you didn’t mean “waste of amino acids”?

  7. Doug says:

    Obviously Neil Mackay hasn’t a clue what’s happening in Scotland at the moment and is desperately flailing away at anything and everything in the hope he sounds astute. Nae chance. Like Swinney, Foote and the rest of the SNP “top brass” he’s a purveyor of spittle-shite.

  8. robertkknight says:

    Neil who?

  9. Hatuey says:

    Great work, Stu.

    On a positive note, it looks like he’s working on the basis that the SNP collapse is going to be of catastrophic proportions and he’s readying himself to say “I warned you about this…”

    I think we will see more mainstream establishment types throwing in the towel with the irredeemable SNP.

    Once you realise it was just a sort of Ponzi scheme, with no intention of doing anything towards independence, getting the SNP to fuck out of the way becomes the immediate priority.

    All of this bodes well.

  10. Ali Clark says:

    link to Stu get your CV brushed off.

  11. Stuart MacKay says:

    I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven on Wings over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

  12. Shug says:

    When you hear the ulster twang you can be sure your are listening to a unionist plant

  13. Andy Anderson says:

    Thanks Stu for highlighting idiots.
    I have a forlorn hope, a really small one that once the GE is over that it will clear out the woke brigade in its ranks. It is hard and takes time to remove disruptive elements from a team that were brought in by a previous leader. It will gain them a little support if they stop identity politics.
    Sadly what will not get them any support is their not stance on independence. No one believes them on that subject.
    Although a very small party the ISP is an independence party that is abstentionist, supports the sovereignty of the Scottish people and believes in open democracy. They endorse Salvo.
    They have four candidates standing.

  14. David Hannah says:

    Kate Forbes is shutting down… She’s not answering the questions as to why she hasn’t spend the £450 million EU grant.

    The pious presbyterian has sunk to rock bottom.

    It’s clear she’s built the SNPs house upon the sand.

  15. David Hannah says:

    “We didn’t have enough money. We don’t have the cash.”

    Sheer utter bollocks Kate Forbes. Finance secretary.

    The SNP building Scotland’s house upon the SAND!

    Where’s the 450 million EU grant Kate? You’re a lowlife like Sturgeon the judas after all. Politics of division hate and misery. It’s the SNP way!

  16. Campbell Clansman says:

    If the SNP was “just a sort of Ponzi scheme, with no intention of doing anything towards independence,” most of the people commenting on WoS were dumb enough to fall for this “Ponzi scheme.”

    Which suggests they’re easily fooled. And that they’re ripe to fall for another “Ponzi scheme”–from Alba, ISP, whatever.

  17. David Hannah says:

    Does anyone know how I can apply for the EU, £450 million grant?

    My fears are this, Kate Forbes has sold Scotland out. We’ve all got to suffer cuts and higher taxes because of her gross negligence.

    Her free ports have sold Scotland down the river. Native Scots are going to be replaced with Boko-Haram sympathisers – Nigerians and cheap foreign labour in the free ports. Everywhere you look. Nigerians. It upsets me. This is our land. Not yours.

    Stop the plantation. Scotland First I say. The EU loving SNP globalists that despise borders and despise Independence should be hung from the gallows. They treasonous treacherous people.

  18. Big Jock says:

    Not quite Campbell. The SNP before Sturgeom were absolutely committed to independence. She turned them into a phoney indi party.

    So many like me sniffed out Sturgeon after only 2 years in power. That’s when my doubt crept in. The readers on here didn’t fall fir Sturgeon. The biggest red flag was her absence from all the indi rallies.

    As for Alba and others. I have no reason to doubt their commitment. However if their actions show something else then I wonf hesitate to call them out.

  19. Young Lochinvar says:

    Labour and following last nights nationally broadcast *love-in* the Lib Dem’s will be next on the chopping block courtesy of the gender woo woo brigade.
    4 or 5 years or so in minority coalition government infested by those cuckoo chick travellers who will have jumped ship from the SNP and Khmer Vert back to their spiritual homes.

  20. David Hannah says:


    “Nicola Sturgeon is a constitutional gradualist. You don’t say, Neil? A constitutional gradualist is someone who wants to wait until every asset and resources has been filched by the greedy neighbour next door.”

    Well said Lorna. Sturgeon’s ruined everything. She’s done it deliberately. The Scottish Government had £450 million pounds to spend. But they choose not to. Sturgeon decided that we should all argue over gender instead.

    We’re Doun-Hauden. I’ve had Alf Baird’s book on my shelf for a long time. But I now feel ready to read it!

  21. Anton Decadent says:

    “Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.” J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring.

  22. David Hannah says:

    We’re Doom-Laden. Held doon. Our thick as mince Scottish Government have wasted all these years arguing about Gender. Hate Crime Bills. And doing absolutely no work.

    We need a new government in prepared to sack every last parasitical leeching civil servant. We need to sack them all.

  23. Big Jock says:

    By the way. The members left in the SNP are basically suffering from cognitive dissonance. The SNP is like a religion to them. This prevents them from critical thinking.

    You will never reach these people. Even the missing money, arrests and cover ups. Are blamed on the media by these fools.

    It’s very hard to break someone’s religion. I actually pity them. I speak to them , and it’s like nothing has happened. And if we all just remain positive, click our red shoes, and shut our eyes. We will soon be back in Oz.

  24. AnneDon says:

    How can the SNP be skint? They have had 9 years of unprecedented short money and members’ subs (at one point, 100k people paying £5 per month, FFS!

    They’re still bigger than any other party in Scotland (so far as we know, and I stand to be corrected on that).

    WTF have the cabal been doing with this money?

  25. Lorna Campbell says:

    Campbell Clansman: history just passes you by, does it? There was no Ponzi Scheme vis-a-vis the SNP until after 2014. Most of those commenting on here are ‘pre Ponzi Scheme former SNP members and supporters’ who couldn’t take the lies, obfuscations, the kow towing to corporates, the collaboration with Westminster and the British State and the deliberate removal of all female rights, all in the name of Unionism. The SNP became a Unionist party after 2014, wedded to devolved status within the Union. The only person on here who is easily fooled is you.

  26. Big Jock says:

    Who can ever forget Sturgeon proclaiming she was British! I mean honestly. Who could ever have imagined a leader of the SNP actually uttering those words. Sturgeon turned into an agent of the UK state. Then they abandoned her.

  27. David Hannah says:

    Sturgeon’s a disgrace. Did you see her clicking her heels and scurrying away when she was blindsided by journalists in Holyrood asking her why Swinney didn’t invite her to the campaign lauch?

    She’s horrible. The flying iron of doom indeed!

  28. David Hannah says:

    The face that only a mother could love. Butch Nicola. The flying iron of doom. Face like a burst fitba’.

    When the fuck are the cops arresting her?

  29. twathater says:

    This tadger exemplifies the lack of real investigative journalists across the uk,his writing skills (ahem) are an insult to truth and reality and the FACT that he is employed to pump out this insulting PULP is a STAIN on his employer

    The herald used to be renowned and praised for its journalism it is now just a gutter rag employing fuckwits that don’t even have the sense to realise that they were eagerly complicit in selling this pseudo progressive shite to the masses

  30. Hatuey says:

    Campbell: “Which suggests they’re easily fooled.”

    Apart from the fact that that’s a value judgement, it’s also victim blaming. When the people that you trust betray you, I won’t blame you.

    What matters is that the confidence tricksters are punished, as an example to others if for no other reason.

    That said, anyone still inclined to vote SNP on the basis that they want independence ought to be treated with suspicion and/or scorn.

  31. Dan says:

    So basically Neil Mackay jist continuing with what he’s always done…

    link to

  32. Republicofscotland says:

    The man’s a f*ckin arsehole, who isn’t really that keen on Scotland taking back control of what rightfully belongs to Scots.

  33. Agent x says:

    “Police Scotland will take no further action following a second complaint against ex-SNP health minister Michael Matheson.

    Last Friday, the Herald revealed that the force had received a new complaint about the currently suspended MSP’s £11,000 expenses claim.

    On Tuesday, a spokesperson for the service said: “This matter has been assessed and no further action is being taken.” ”
    link to


  34. george wood says:

    Malwarebytes is flagging this website for potential malicious activity and having a bad reputation.
    Probably trans groups reporting it again.
    The bad reputation part is probably down to the Little Scotlanders who infect this site with their racism.

  35. Campbell Clansman says:

    “Big Jock” et al., if the minimally talented Sturgeon could so easily (all by herself) “turn the SNP into a phoney indi party,” that says it all about the hollowness of the pre-Sturgeon SNP.

    I can sympathise with those who don’t want to admit they were duped so easily. But when are you going to admit that maybe, just maybe, the SNP voters have to take some of the responsibility for Holyrood’s problems?

  36. GM says:

    Ignored says:
    4 June, 2024 at 6:35 pm
    This tadger exemplifies t,…

    My observations of this guy go like this…He got, somehow, the ‘Steakknife’ story which elevated his profile and then obtained the editors job at the Sunday Herald. Then came the announcement of support for Scots independence a few months prior to the vote. He wasted no time in using his newspaper to ridicule and bad mouth the general Independence supporting public and has been a disruptive, disingenuous and all round false ally ever since. He’s back in the ‘ranks’ of course. Just as standard press weasel. Gie late in the day to take up the wokery an aw.

  37. GM says:

    george wood
    Ignored says:
    4 June, 2024 at 7:13 pm
    Malwarebytes is flagging this website for potential malicious activity and having a bad reputation.
    Probably trans groups reporting it again.
    The bad reputation part is probably down to the Little Scotlanders who infect this site with their racism”

    Fuck off back to the New Statesman?

  38. Georges says:

    There’s more chance of me winning Euromillions on Friday, then marrying Taylor Swift at Murrayfield on Saturday, halfway through her concert, than there is of a Northern Irish unionist like Neil Mackay genuinely backing Scottish independence.
    Mackay is closer to the sewer than a snake’s baw bags. He, and people like him, are best ignored.

  39. Geri says:

    He’s a crank.

    He was never an independence supporter. He dripped poison on everything. Another eejit that wished to police the indy movement into sheeple that did as they were told by him. No one has to dare think for themselves.

    Didn’t he crash & burn the last paper he wrote for? I’m surprised he’s still yapping.

    & Can someone point out where, in the SNP manifesto, Sturgeon said she was a gradualist & social progressive & she really didn’t mean independence right now? I don’t remember seeing it. If I had I wouldn’t have gifted her a mandate.

    Scottish Independence under Sturgeon = 10 yrs. Delivered = Zilch. NADA.

    TRA bullshit = 5 fcking minutes & passed through Holyrood, the courts, prisons & schools throughout the land. No mandate but full undivided attention & copious amounts of cash wasted.

    An absolute failure & so is he. The SNP had zero mandate for Self-ID. The public had every right to call her out as did angry parents. She was so out of touch with reality she probably bumped into this zoomer along the way..

  40. GM says:

    Ignored says:
    4 June, 2024 at 6:02 pm
    How can the SNP be skint?’

    10 percent of their MPS wages as well. Never have the SNP had so much cash and never were they at any time in their history so desperate for cash as they were under Sturgeon rule. They were constantly looking for more and more money. The prices they charged for stalls at conferences, big turnouts at their gigs, access to the YES Scotland brand and yet they were always short.

  41. Geri says:

    ‘I can sympathise with those who don’t want to admit they were duped so easily. But when are you going to admit that maybe, just maybe, the SNP voters have to take some of the responsibility for Holyrood’s problems?’

    When you take responsibility for yoons. How’s that?

    SNP voters aren’t all independence supporters. Do you know which was which?

  42. Geri says:


    Dunno if it’s true or not but I read she collected MPs donations from their wages & then only shared it with her clique. She decided on whose campaign it was spent & everyone else had to whistle Dixie.

    She shouldn’t even be sitting in Holyrood. It’s a scandal she’s not been ejected from the party & her seat.

  43. Big Jock says:

    I wonder if Campbell thinks all victims of crime have to take responsibility for the acts of the criminals.

    He would probably blame his own granny if someone hacked her bank account.

  44. Mia says:

    “Which suggests they’re easily fooled”

    I admit I was fooled by the political fraud Sturgeon since November 2014 to the end of 2016. That is two years. When the EU referendum passed and I saw that the political fraud had absolutely no intention to progress independence or to reaffirm Scotland’s popular sovereignty, all my alarm bells started ringing at once.

    The thing is those alarm bells have not stopped ringing every since. Now they are ringing every time I see amy politician opening their mouth, every time Curtice is wheeled out to give another of his “prognosis” on the resurrection of Labour in Scotland or every time I hear there is a new poll. I do no longer trust anything that is released as “official”.

    Watching the UK political system disintegrate by the minute, every day I become more and more convinced that Yes won in 2014 and all what we have had ever since is a collection of useful idiots working for the crown desperately trying to fool the voters, desperately holding the yes movement on a leash, desperately trying to bury the result for long enough to ensure the draining of Scotland’s of its assets is completed before this union ends. It did not escape my attention that under the political fraud Sturgeon, the draining of Scotland’s assets has indeed accelerated.

    If being fooled for 2 years is, according to you, “being easily fooled”, I wonder what would you call all those labour supporters who, despite having been told for decades, if not centuries now that labour is going to abolish the House of Lords, and despite the times Labour have been in power did the square root of fuck all to abolish the said House of Lords, they keep voting labour like turkeys voting for Christmas, in the hope they will, at some point, abolish the house of lords. And well, let’s not get started about the con that Labour is “a party of the left” despite becoming in some respects and since Blair took over, more right wing and more establishment than the tories themselves.

    There is a very good reason why Farage has seen an opportunity for his party: Starmer’s “labour” and the tories are so, so close to each other that voting one or the other makes no difference because is effectively voting for the exact same thing, the exact same farce. Love it or hate it, he is, just like the man in the hat, another opportunist hoping to capitalise on the rampant disenfranchisement of many who have become utterly disgusted by a dictatorship which has now completely lost the veneer of faux democracy and faux choice it was hiding behind.

    Scotland’s independence supporters may have been “easily fooled” temporarily by a political fraud like Sturgeon, but rest assured we will not be fooled again. Taking over the SNP and destroying it and with it any pretence of democracy was an step by the British establishment too far. What they have achieved is for an increasing number of people in Scotland to no longer trust ANYTHING related to politics and to realise political parties are simply the tools the crown has been using all along to keep Scotland trapped in this union by force.

    If there is something we have to be grateful to the political fraud Sturgeon for is three things:
    1. she demonstrated that Scotland will never get its independence through political parties, because they can be very easily infiltrated by the establishment which will put vacuous narcisists in control that can easily be brought down thanks to their personal indecencies.

    2. There is no democratic route for Scotland to end this union and the franchise has been carefully chosen to suppress the natives’ right to self-determination so any claims that the decision to end the union has to be democratic are a gigantic pile of manure.

    3. There is absolutely no point in sending MPs to Westminster other than for them to line their pockets and entertain illusions of entering the House of Lords. The way to end the union is not by sending MPs to Westminster, but by stopping sending them.

    There is a silver lining to all this. The last 10 painful years of useless Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney have demonstrated to us that Scotland’s political system is a con, it is completely useless and broken beyond repair, therefore the sooner it is bypassed the better.

    How about that for being “easily fooled”?

  45. Geri says:

    Big Jock 5:56

    “So many like me sniffed out Sturgeon after only 2 years in power.”

    Aye. My family dumped her in 2017 too & didn’t vote SNP again. She tanked 21 seats that election & didn’t even offer her resignation. Obviously plenty other voters thought the exact same & just didn’t bother voting. She’d no intention of moving on the Brexit vote despite the 62% remain vote & the trigger for her mandate to call indyref2 – instead she tried everything to try void her own mandate & overturn a democratic vote as she cavorted with war criminals for a ppls vote.

    She only attended two rallies.

    One was for LGBTQ+++ & the other in London to stop Brexit/ppls vote… whit a fraud.

  46. Campbell Clansman says:

    Geri: Perhaps before making such unfounded statements, you might have asked me…. or tried to ascertain the facts. I know, I know, trying to get facts is kryptonite to you.

    IF you had tried, you’d have found out that I’ve never voted for any political party that you pejoratively characterize as “yoons.” I don’t have to take “responsibility” for politicians I never voted for or supported.

    But you still haven’t answered my question (and probably never will). When are the old SNP voters/supporters going to take their share of the responsibility for the corrupt Sturgeon and Humza regimes?

    And what about the responsibility of Alex Salmond, who promoted Sturgeon and Humza into leadership positions? Was St.-Alex-of-the-Hands also so easily “conned” by the corrupt mediocrities Sturgeon and Yousaf?

    If you believe this was all some “con” job, then you have to wonder why so many Indy supporters were so easily “conned.”

  47. GM says:

    Ignored says:
    4 June, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    That would not surprise me one bit Geri. What a stinking character to be trapped in for the entirety of a life. Nae conscience? Nae problem. An absolute disgrace she still sits in the parliament. Swans around yet, getting C list appearance money. demanding police protection and chauffeurs. Pound shop elite.

  48. Geri says:


    Well said! My sentiments exactly.

  49. Big Jock says:

    Mia. And yet you will hear the shrill cry of SNP loyalists saying people like us will let the yoons in power!

    But the real truth is that all MPs that go to WM are unionists. Because the very act of sitting in that corrupt Parliament, and taking the King’s schilling. Means they comply and accept the parliament as Scotland’s government.

    Sending 50 SNP mps or 10 , will make zero difference. They can’t do anything in a foreign parliament. They can never win. It’s a farce.

    The only difference it makes is the WM narrative. Starmer and Anas will proclaim victory over nationalism. Even when the polls show the opposite.

    But we must just let them do what they do , and build our own movement. If having 56 SNPs didn’t get a referendum, 35 or 45 sure isn’t going to change anything.

    The route via the referendum is dead ,due to the open franchise. Noone in Holyrood dare question the franchise. But it’s fixed in a way as such that there is an inbuilt veto of what Scots vote for.

    The whole system is busted. It needs to die. Starmer will end up in a bigger mess than Sunak. The UK is skint.

    When the economy finally collapses. That may be the time for Scotland to finally grow a pair!

  50. Geri says:

    Clansman Campbell

    “Was St.-Alex-of-the-Hands”

    I’ll say cheerio now before Stu sees that comment.

    See you in another ID no doubt. Fud.

  51. GM says:

    Mia says:
    4 June, 2024 at 8:22 pm
    “Which suggests they’re easily fooled”

    Spot on.

  52. Geri says:

    I dunno who is voting Labour or if it’s polls just trying to shape opinion.

    Labour have had to lunge to the right to be electable. Just as they had to under B-liar.

    Another reason the Union is over. We’re just not on the same page as next door. Starmer/Sunak are puppets & let foreign countries dictate their policies, economy & it’ll be TRA central when Starmer gets his mitts on the keys. Biden loves them so the UK will have to love them too.

  53. Finland voted, 2024, Worlds Happiest Country,

    `Flag days in Finland

    Flag days are divided into official and customary flag days.

    The official flag days are mentioned in the decree on flag flying.

    On official flag days, government agencies and institutions as well as public buildings in the Åland Islands must fly the Finnish flag.

    Flag flying is also recommended for all other parties.

    There are seven official flag days each year.

    In addition, the flag is flown on any election days and on the day on which the President of the Republic takes office`

    Happiest people on earth like their `painted rag.

  54. Hatuey says:

    The fact is there was no real reason to doubt Sturgeon’s intentions or abilities until 2017, after it was clear she would fail to convert Brexit and it became clear that she and her cabal were intent on going after Salmond. Her mis-handling of the election that year demonstrated that she was either a complete lightweight and/or had sold us out.

    Anyway, spilled milk under the bridge.

    What’s obvious today is that we can’t even hope for any sort of rehabilitation. I used to think the party had been hijacked and that some sort of regime change could sort it out but it’s now painfully clear that the whole edifice is rotten. It would be easier to start from scratch than to fix the SNP, moving forward without the increasingly toxic brand hanging over us.

    Scotland will be a better place without this corrupt shower of pigs managing us on behalf of Farmer Jones. At least SLAB are honest about who they are managing the farm for.

  55. Grendel says:

    An absolute horror of a man, a shitstain on journalism, and a complete and utter charlatan. He actually has the audacity to use the word “us” in relation to Yes voters, long after he’s been exposed as a 21st Century Lord Haw-Haw. Anyone who still buys in to his garbage is clearly too stupid to be allowed to vote.

  56. Mac says:

    Nope, I do not care what this greaseball personified has to say on any topic. He absolutely reeks of nonce. A fat pervert promoted far beyond his talents… gosh I wonder why.

  57. John says:

    Did wonder , who dat ? Til the shitey article that is unforgettable in its nature that I thought.
    Oh , that cunt.
    Someone mentioned another dodgy UKer agent apparently diving around the Queensferry bridge. Had me wonder if he’s casing it for undermining.
    No limits to these crazy folk

  58. Northcode says:

    Mia @8:22pm

    My nostalgic swoon, what a cruel and terrible affliction nostalgia is, has passed, and I have returned to the 21st century…and this latest post.

    You said:

    “Scotland’s political system is a con, it is completely useless and broken beyond repair, therefore the sooner it is bypassed the better”

    And I agree with you. There is no point whatsoever in the Scots participating in a game rigged against them. A game they cannot possibly win.

    I feel we are drawing nearer to a place where the Scots realise, or at least sense, their need to walk a different path if they are to gain their independence.

    The Salvo, Liberation Scotland route, perhaps.

    Certainly some other path that isn’t this pathetic hauf-ersed electoral circus. This ugly mocking parody of democracy.

    I enjoy reading your comments by the way.

  59. Hatey McHateface says:

    @ Mia says: 4 June, 2024 at 8:22 pm

    rest assured we will not be fooled again

    Course you will, Mia.

    Course you will.

    There is no democratic route for Scotland to end this union

    But there is though, Mia. There is.

    A little over 4 weeks from now, Scotland could have been voting for a dedicated Indy candidate in each constituency. Candidates pledging to treat the result as plebiscitary.

    All it would have taken was a bit of guts, a bit of belief, a bit of effort, a bit of enthusiasm, a bit of investment of time and money.

    And 57 dedicated pro-Indy Scots prepared to nail their colours to the mast. Prepared to tell the voters that a majority of them, if elected, would treat that as a majority for Indy, and immediately start the process of severing the Union.

    57 out of a population of 5.5 million. All that would have been needed to set this election on absolute fucking fire.

    But naw. Indy reduced to staying at home on the day, greetin into their drams. Too difficult. Too schismatic. Too pricey. Too unsettling. Too risky. Too soon. Every fucking excuse under the sun to justify doing nothing.

    More and more these days I become convinced of the real truth behind Scottish Indy – greetin about it and using that to justify doing SFA is far more satisfactory than actually putting in the work.

    And in that respect, Sturgeon was the perfect leader, and that’s why she could extend her uncritical adulation for as long as she did.

    Pathetic is the only word doing it justice.

  60. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Northcode says: 4 June, 2024 at 10:54 pm

    There is no point whatsoever in the Scots participating in a game rigged against them. A game they cannot possibly win.

    This ugly mocking parody of democracy


    Where to begin with this kind of defeatist, self-fulfilling, self-pitying, abject, apathetic, abdication of agency.

    Find somebody who cares for you, Northcode, and ask them to give you a good slap.

  61. Confused says:

    Hard to avoid election coverage these days – “every time I think I’m out, they drag me back in … ”

    the summer of hate continues :

    farage says we need zero net migration because there are some places in Scotland where you never hear a scottish accent (“I think he said -something- else”)

    – but aren’t the muslamics merely “expats” and don’t they “pay your wages” through their taxes, labour and general spending in the economy? And don’t the liberals and freemarketeers tell us we need them to solve the “demographic crisis” (thanks, feminism, for destroying western civilisation) since we need “growth” in the economy … is nigel “anti business”? down with all that -marxist-shit-

    will nigel start citing tenerife, majorca, ibiza etc as prime examples of the damage an invasive foreign species can do to the indigenous people and culture?

    I remember onetime a gang of scots schoolkids asked enoch powell, who was considered a powerful brain and master debater of his era, about whether he would support “repatriation” … of the norn irish protestants back to WHERE THEY CAME FROM – heh … his eyes widened to this alarming stare

    farage, a created creature, a man from nowhere the bbc treat like an elder statesman, could end up as leader of the tories and eventually as PM (sounds mad, I know, but … boris johnson?!); the scenario is this – the tories get annihilated, farage gets elected as MP, increases his profile; the tories, by now a shambles, are crying out for a leader, farage enters, like the messiah (“its the real tories loike”); meanwhile labour, having got in, has done shit all it said it would do as it lives in total fear of its own jewish lobby, the city, and has its own leadership shilling like mad for nato/globalism, e.g. starmer at davos and david lammy of late has been going mad with the pro war pro nukes shite in various places, e.g. the atlantic.

    – so useless fucking labour, does fuckall, and then gets booted back out again; enter our “poundshop” (powell/mussolini/franco/mosley)

    whoever gets in, I can guarantee 2 things – you won’t get low energy bills or a GP appointment within a timescale that matters; you will get nukes and war, and less, less of everything, all over – that surplus value won’t squeeze itself.

    farage is a mystery man; but nothing is really a mystery and to get anywhere in life you need help. But then that light aircraft crash he was involved had a smell about it – it’s the kind of accident, which is not always accidental.

    in theory, I would not be against a genuine english nationalism, but the english have never managed to create such a thing – within a millisecond, “england” gets conflated with “britain” and into empire loyalism; imperialism is not a valid form of nationalism, it is a looting operation driven by ethnoracial supremacism, and that is always unacceptable.

    farage seems a stooge to me, one of many; the danger would be, if he ever got into some powerful position, to believe his commando comics version of history and try to recreate old “glories”.

    – a rightwing demagogue trying to return to “england’s glory” will smash head on into the fruits of the (class war driven, greed inspired) multicultural experiment; there is a circle to be squared, an explosive matchup (we should step well back from)

    While I don’t have a problem with muslims in their own countries, when you import – islam – a foreign and very different culture, into your society and allow it to take root – you do need to examine it and to understand it; most people are afraid to do this.

    it’s hard to get a critical line on islam; the liberals will call you islamophobe and say it is a religion of peace, even as the blade merchants are on the stab, and the muslims will say the stabby crowd are not real muslims, and if you disagree, will stab you.

    Belloc’s old book is quite good, and can be gotten for free on the web. But here is a new one, main review a bit stuffy, overblown but the summary of the book is in blue, near the end, is concise and sharp.

    link to

    TL;DR – islam does not, cannot, just “sit in a box” and does not “play well” with the other religions; it always tries to take over, and there is no separation of church and state, independent judiciary – it’s all one thing, unified. This sits at odds with everything in the west.

    I am sure when the UK muslim population gets to 25-30% nothing much will happen and everyone will get along just fine.

    – as a long term investment, Hate, has much to recommend it; inexhaustible supply and irrepressible demand.

    Hate will set you free.

    People who know what an egregore is will understand the “Hate Monster” is a real thing, and this political campaign will be gorging him, daily.

  62. Big Jock says:

    We had 57 SNP Mps , nothing happened. WM can ignore the lot of them. It’s a simple numbers game. Attending WM is utterly pointless.

    The Irish soon realised that and abstained. Its why they are independent now. They refused to play England’s game.

  63. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh says:

    Have just read this quote:

    “The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.”

    ? Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

  64. Kcor says:

    The likes of this bastard have no credibility and no shame. They are the lowest of the low.

    Any diehard supporters of the Herald’s “independence supporting” The National still around?

  65. The Flying Iron of Doom says:

    Confused @ 12:20AM

    That is one fecking excellent post. Hae a piece fae the fancies tin, yiv earned it 🙂

  66. Sven says:

    Confused @ 12.20am.

    Thought provoking and incisive post, Confused. A whole lot of ground covered and points raised to consider.
    When I think “egregore” in my own lifetime the most recent which sprngs to mind would be Pepe the “feels good” frog so beloved of the alt right in the USA.

  67. Effijy says:

    Just watched Blue Tory vs Red Tory debate.

    2 arses of the same cheek.

    It seems that the English voted Sunak as the winner!

    Sunak whose party has crippled the NHS, Education, Councils, Courts, Police, Transport, Public Services.
    The Tories handed Billions to their donors in corrupt contracts with useless PPE a fortune maker.
    HS2 Billions down the drain.
    6 million in abject poverty.
    Strikes lasting for years.
    Highest levels of taxation.
    Sleaze and scandal a weekly occurrence.
    10 years of austerity, then 3 years of Credit Crunch and the into recession and the English feel the Tories have the better leader and they have buffoon Boris waiting in the wings.

    Please Scotland you need to get away from the control of these fascist halfwhits.

  68. Mac says:

    (trying again as I f**ked up the youtube link)

    Scott Ritter was pulled out the queue while trying to board a plane to Ru$$ia by cops at JFK and had his passport seized by the state department.

    link to

    Talking about it here but he also talks about the US war plans in the event of a nuclear conflict. Did you know in the event of a full on nuclear war that the US plans to destroy the entire world to make sure the US is dominant emergent civilization post nuclear holoc@ust. I didn’t.

    He uses the example of India. The US will destroy it (no matter what) to ensure it is not stronger than the US post nuclear war. It plans on destroying everybody, allies, enemies alike. That is their ‘plan’.

  69. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Confused says:5 June, 2024 at 12:20 am

    the “Hate Monster” is a real thing, and this political campaign will be gorging him, daily

    Did you just assume the HM’s pronouns? That’s a bit hatey in Swinney’s (ex Yousaf’s) Scotland.

    Other than that, top post. I counted six passing references to various conspiracy theories, but there may be one or two I missed.

    You could be onto something with your ruminations on the religion of peace. How long before we will be looking back to the good old days of “white, Anglo, colonialist repression” with fond remembrance?

    I give it a generation.

    Meantime, somebody on another thread somewhere was wondering if the BBC will be providing live coverage of the Mannheim policeman’s funeral. Like they did for Floyd’s.

    I’ll keep an eye out and report.

  70. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Mac says:5 June, 2024 at 6:54 am

    Will they destroy you too?

    I’m trying to decide if I’m for or against the US post-apocalypse plan, but I need full information first.

  71. Mac says:

    Unsurprising that it is mention of a global genocide that triggers Genocidey McGenocideface. Probably sitting there with a mini stauner in hand wanking himself into a foamball.

    One thing to consider though is that unlike babies, Ru$$ians fight back. You and our other little guests think you are untouchable and you really aren’t. Low level apparatchiks don’t get a place on the ark.

  72. Geri says:

    Dumb yanks.

    & How exactly do they plan on surviving?

    They don’t just launch one missile – they launch 100 +

    All this batshit crazy talk cause they’ve lost their empire.

    All the batshit crazy talk from those other fckn whackadoos too who can’t seem to grasp they’ll never defeat a movement – ever. They’ll simply gather new recruits.

    Two unhinged, satanic countries on the loose, & funnily enough, neither of them Muslim LOL!

    Tho Turkey is making noises on two fronts. Joining BRICS & leaving NATO. They’re sick of their foreign policy being tied to the yanks NATO & verging on telling them to do one. That’ll be a blow to the Europeans who’ve been gobbing off good style like they’ve an army worth a shit.

  73. TURABDIN says:

    In strict philosophical usage, the prime mover or doer of an act is the agent. Thus we speak of man as a voluntary agent, a free agent, in common usage, however, an agent is not the prime actor only an instrument or factor, acting under orders or instructions.

  74. Luigi says:

    Ignored says:
    4 June, 2024 at 9:59 pm
    Her mis-handling of the election that year demonstrated that she was either a complete lightweight and/or had sold us out.

    I think it was a little bit of both TBH. Our over-promoted FM Sturgeon was both treacherous and incompetent (and quite probably seriously compromised also). An “owned” politician. Her failure to fight for Scotland after the Brexit debacle was the give-away. A betrayal of epic proportions. Talk about missing an open goal.

  75. Suzanne Brooks says:

    He talks and acts exactly like a unionist ? I havent read any of his stuff for years as I realised he amongst others were either brainwashed or brain dead. I don’t trust anyone who seems to have just worked it out but at the same time he insists grassroots nationalists, he won’t be forgotten for what he did.

  76. TURABDIN says:

    AN ICE COLD shower of political realism for the kufiya club.

    link to

    «Palestinian» kufiya, black/white pattern, an invention of the British imperialist GLUBB pasha.

    In the Levant nothing is quite what it appears.

  77. David Hannah says:

    I’d like to know the census statistics of ethnic minorities in Glasgow in terms of a percentage of the full population?

    The SNP has made it incredibly difficult to search for this information having created the woke census – believers in biology – and everything else in between.

    I’m proud to say I put suffragete ribbons in my paper copy census. Standing in solidarity with my sisters. The Adult Human Females.

  78. Geri says:

    Aye, not just one open goal either but multiple as she watched over eighty powers stripped from Holyrood with the power grab & the new single market malarkey.

    I see Swinney is trying to fool us again with his fake lamenting devolution is under threat – the SNP were repeatedly told Devolution was predicated on EU membership and as we’re no longer a member devolution did start to go starting with the assault on power grab.

    I think she was a plant from the very start. No one committed to indy would dilly dally when the time was right for acting. She didn’t even try to make an effort. Sending 56 MPs to pick out office space after the affront of the Smith Commission & then again later at the affront of having the Scotland Bill rejected..long before the Brexit vote too. Jmo..

  79. TURABDIN says:

    link to

    «Engagement with a wide range of STAKEHOLDERS*, with a wide range of views, and including those that could be impacted by service or policy change, is standard practice in the public sector»

    *It’s all in the language.

    Stakeholder, like independence, is yet another «sector» weasel word.
    The corporatist corruption of language rolls on…keep it «fluid».

  80. Anne says:

    I agree mostly with the flying iron of doom about confuseds post @ 12.20
    But what is his problem with women ? ‘ the demographic crisis ‘ ( thanks , feminism for destroying western civilisation)
    What does he mean exactly ? The advent of contraception?
    How does he define feminism?
    Where would the female half of our species be in his ideal world?

  81. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    SNP fanboy James Kelly continues to trawl the internet for crumbs of comfort that his beloved ex is hale & hearty.
    Kelly leaps on the Survation MRP poll which predicts the SNP returning 26 MPs. Without even the most perfunctory analysis Kelly gives Survation equal weighting to the YouGov MRP poll which had the SNP on 17 seats.
    Big problem, although the YouGov population sample (58,875) is impressive, it is at the lower end of what could reasonably be expected to predict results on a seat by seat basis. The Survation poll relies on almost half as many (30,043) respondents.

    Kelly’s lingering attraction to the SNP must either be sentimental, or he must believe that “they can be saved”.
    Kelly’s wishful thinking borders on pathological. The SNP has been thoroughly infiltrated by the Anglo American Security State.
    The SNP are an active impediment to independence just as the Irish Parliamentary Party were in the early 20th century.

  82. James says:


    You should write a book. I would buy it.

  83. Geri says:

    Countries recognised they were teetering on the edge of extinction & adopted policies to encourage births & even provide worry free standard of living.

    Not the UK tho. Whit?! Gie folks benefits for having sprogs? Down with that sort of thing! Work shy wasters ..get a job! Don’t have kids if you can’t afford them was the cry of the McShitefaces of this world. My taxes *yawn*

    So they didn’t. Now it has to be imported & they can knock one out a year LOL.


    (That was McShitface falling off his chair)

    Capitalism + Consumerism + feminism – no one has time for babies & FFS don’t mention giving them a baby box – it creates a full blown Yoon meltdown. Who’d have thought some baby bibs would be so explosive…lol

  84. Republicofscotland says:

    “nothing is quite what it appears.”

    TURABDIN @9.01am.

    And neither is Reuters.

    link to

    I even heard James O’Brien on LBC trying to school someone in factual news websites yesterday he quoted Reuters as a “good” source of info.

    O’Brien needs to stick to what he’s good at, which is English politics.

  85. Republicofscotland says:

    This courtesy of a savvy reader.

    “GB Energy won’t generate any energy but invest public money in offshore wind and solar projects to be owned and operated by private energy companies. It’s PFI all over again, Labour’s “big idea” that allows private corporations to “invest” in public infrastructure and earn profits without bearing any risk. Like NHS hospitals that were subjected to PFI schemes, GB Energy’s projects will carry crippling new debt they’ll be forced to pay back over decades from public funds.

    Jonathan Reynolds, the shadow business secretary, confirmed this, saying GB Energy’s purpose will be the “management of the investments, which we believe are essential to unlock these markets and opportunities.”

    So Starmer’s lying when he declares that GB Energy will lower bills. Scots will continue to pay some of the highest energy prices in the failing UK when their nation produces the lion share of renewables. If anything, GB Energy will make things worse by extending the privatisation of an irretrievably broken sector that only renationalisation can fix.

    But Starmer is against renationalising energy despite pledging to do so in the English Labour manifesto. At the 2023 party conference, members overwhelmingly voted to bring energy and rail back into public ownership, which the leadership ignored.”

  86. Geri says:

    O’Brien is even shit on that.

    A fully paid up member of ‘we didn’t do nuffink, gov. We woz just minding our own bizz when…’

    & That other countries priceless artifacts & religious mementos are being protected from..ummm..thieves. That was a show I won’t forget in a hurry lol!!

    It must be the private education thing. ‘phone in to ask O’Brien a question so he’ll rant & filibust about a different one you never asked until the caller runs out of time – oh, news break – phew!’

  87. Big Jock says:

    Vivian – Scot Goes Pop’s most interesting feature is the reader comments. There seems to be an endless supply of deranged zealot SNP fans. This is where I do my research on who is left in the SNP. It confirms all my presumptions, that it’s now full of unthinking worshippers. Stand , bend, genuflect, worship, mine is the only true religion….

  88. Andouilette says:

    There is nothing mysterious about Farage. He is your standard issue wanker with the gift of the gab. Why people fall for it, I will never understand. I actually saw some witless no-brain claiming that he is ‘the only working class party leader’. He is about as working class as David Cameron, his background is almost identical. Private education, father a stockbroker, nice big house etc etc. He is lazy, venal and very, very smug. I suggest that people who would still vote SNP come only a distant second in the stupidity race, the utter morons particularly in the south east of England make current SNP voters look almost normal.
    As far as I can tell the only working class party leader at the moment is D Ross!

  89. G-Man says:

    Confession: I quite like Mackay.

    That’s said he shouldn’t do politics because (taking what he writes, and indeed what has been amply evidenced here in this article) he lacks critical thinking. He’s too binary and politics is always shades of grey.

    As to whether he’s a paid agent of Unionism, who knows? Who cares? This only becomes issue for those Nationalists playing the establishment game (who don’t realise its them being played). Independence can only be run by a people making the running and, unfortunately we’re not at the moment. And in that regard he wrong and right at the same time.

    Wrong for having attacked anyone not genuflecting in submission towards the SNP. but right that in that he’s finally realised it has sold the silver (long ago) and we need a mass movement. It’s time for the SNP (and others) to start reflecting the mood/needs/aspirations of the YES voters instead of expecting us merely to be grateful for their presence.

    Independence to the SNP now seems as theoretical a goal as socialism to Labour. It has only itself to blame for where things stand and whilst the GE will likely be torture, it is HR26 which will be its true test. Does it support a joint effort on the list to maximise Indy support (SNP1, others2) or is it merely going to attempt to harvest votes like before – one’s an Indy party the other just yet another self-serving political party.

  90. TURABDIN says:


    All a matter of perception..
    In so many ways Scotland is quasi «third world». Dubious politicians and media and so little control over how it is perceived by others: manipulable.
    Seeing yourself as others see you, is the route to getting a measure of wisdom. You need to quit the box provided to get the authentic perspective on things.
    Arabic language media tick the box that delivers what the various undemocratic establishments in «arabophonie» wish to hear. Arabic does not do mealy mouth/virtue signalling discourse unlike AngloAmerica-speak which does that rather well, consequently a different, sharper «tone» is evident in reportage.
    Aljazeera is owned by the al Thani ruling family and does a good job keeping the amir and his many relatives free of criticism.
    This, however, you will not find on the Arabic language platform.

    link to

    «They» is simply too genderqueer and the rest…29yo masking a teen.

  91. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Particular images and phrases become iconic totems for historical events.
    The American involvement in Vietnam’s liberation struggle is captured in the image of “the burning girl” and the Viet Cong urban guerrilla being executed on the street at point blank range.
    Knowing in advance which individual memento will capture the zeitgeist and become a future icon is next to impossible.
    For consideration as an emblem of the collapse of the unipolar American empire, I offer the State Department press briefing of 28th May.
    In this, Matthew Miller, the bastard offspring of the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang spends the first two minutes delivering a petulant strop against the Government of the former Soviet, Republic of Georgia. Their crime? To enact a law requiring transparency regarding foreign funding of political lobbying outfits.
    Miller’s rant is reminiscent of an adolescent fulminating against an ex-girlfriend. Miller’s indignation is visceral.
    To paraphrase; “How dare they presume to exercise supervision over their own democratic institutions”.
    The law which garners the ire of the State Department is almost a carbon copy of Washington’s very own Foreign Agents Registration Act.
    Now why would that drive the apparatchiks of Foggy Bottom to apoplexy?
    Hypocrisy on stilts!
    The State Department is going to sanction members of the Georgian government and their families.
    These are not the actions of a confederation of mature, circumspect, accomplished professionals. Foggy Bottom is populated by entitled buffoons drunk on a misplaced belief in their own omnipotence.
    The Empire is its final death rattle. A very dangerous point in history and a moment of opportunity for those of a revolutionary disposition.
    Can the Indy movement get its act together in time to capitalise as the geopolitical tectonic plates rupture?

    PostScript: The SNP’s Stephen Gethins cut his teeth running political influencing operations in the former Soviet, Republic of Georgia. His employer, NGO LINKS operated out of the University of Arizona and was funded by the US Government’s National Science Foundation. Now why would an organisation tasked with furthering scientific development within the territorial boundaries of the United States be financing political lobbying in the Caucuses? Has the National Endowment for Democracy lost its utility as a deniable front for the CIA?

  92. Northcode says:


    …and he said in his heart, infinite radiant is, if it be thy will, let this cup pass from me, let me lay aside this impossible task.

    I cannot live the life of one other soul, yet ten thousand cry to me for life. I’m sorry I allowed it all to happen.

    If it be thy will, let me go back to my engines and my tools and let me live as other men.

    A voice spoke to him on the hilltop, a voice neither male nor female, loud nor soft, a voice infinitely kind.

    And the voice said unto him, “Not my will, but thine be done. For what is thy will is mine for thee. Go thy way as other men, and be thou happy on the Earth.”

    And hearing this, the master was glad, and gave thanks and came down from the hilltop humming a little mechanic’s song.

    And when the throng pressed him with its woes, beseeching him to heal for it and learn for it and feed it nonstop from his understanding and to entertain it with his wonders, he smiled upon the multitude and said pleasantly unto them “I quit.”

    From Illusions – The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah; by Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull.

  93. Republicofscotland says:

    The English state propaganda machine heavily reminding us that D-Day is eighty-years old, with a few folk saying how they needed to stop the Knattzis from winning the WWII war.

    Of course we should honour their sacrifices, and respect them, however England is currently supporting Knattzis in U and Zzz–i-o-Knattzis in Is-hell, as is the G-r-eat S–at-an (US), and much of the West.

    Lets also spare a thought for the country R–uss-h-ia that actually ended the WWII Knattzi reign which cost them a whopping twenty-million peoples lives, Oh wait we can’t do that, for we in (the west) are currently trying to start WWIII by supplying a Knatt-z-i regime in U with weapons.

  94. James Che says:

    5th June 6: 19 am.

    I believe Scotland won the referendum in 2014, However it was a tory franchise that transported and counted the votes for Scotland, not the local Council election stations,

    And of course a long time afterwards On 17th October 2019 Boris Johnstone received the BRITISH INTELLIGENCE and SECURITY COMMITTEE of PARLIAMENT that makes a statement that the Russians interfered with the Scottish referendum in 2014.

    No matter which way the Westminster parliaments concludes that the Scottish independence referendum had been interfered with in 2014 it Democratically should have been re- run again,
    But Westminster parliament have accepted that interference in Scottish elections or Referendums votes is OK by Westminster.

  95. James Che says:

    Interestingly this comment is awaiting moderation,

    No sweary words in it,
    No racist Comments in it
    No false accusations in it
    No gender comments in it,

    But being overviewed to see if Scots are allowed this information.

  96. James Che says:

    Scots were prevented from seeing a public report that I posted.that referenced interference in 2014 Scottish independence.

    It has been made public but only Scots are not allowed to read it in Britain.

  97. James Che says:

    It went under moderation and disappeared,

  98. James Che says:

    So on the 17 th October 2019

  99. James Che says:

    BJ got a report.

  100. James Che says:

    Stating that the Scottish 2014 referendum had been interfered with.

  101. Colin Alexander says:

    SNP party democracy was all but destroyed under Salmond. Salmond’s sidekick Sturgeon just finished the job.

    Alba is now corrupt as hell as Salmond and his gang are doing the same “cult of the leader”, autocratic, bullying, shady practices, purging dissenting voices, that had led to the SNP’s current position.

    As for Salmond being ““upbeat, persuasive.. and charismatic”, similar praise was said about Hitler.

    Salmond’s style of leadership is comparable to Hitler’s: bullying and egotistical; surrounding himself with a gang of dodgy characters who are allowed their dodgy goings on, as long as they worship the leader.

    Salmond is the English King’s oath man who has sworn fealty to England’s Crown. So, I’m not surprised that he’s happy for prominent Alba member Craig Murray to stand for a Unionist party in violation of the worthless Alba constitution. He can cos Salmond said he can. Salmond does what he wants, like Sturgeon did, like Hitler did.

    Youse can do what you want at this election but I wouldn’t vote for an SNP or Alba candidate if you paid me.
    It goes without saying I won’t be voting for Lab, Con, LibDems, Greens either.

    Hopefully there will be a candidate who will refuse to swear fealty to England’s Crown, such as ISP. Otherwise, I won’t vote or will spoil my ballot paper for England’s imperial parliament election.

  102. James Che says:

    By a foreign Country.

  103. James Che says:

    From high up officials in Westminster parliament,

  104. James Che says:

    Knowing that interference had taken place and knowing that the 2014 Scottish referendum had been influenced and interfered with by a foreign Country the Westminster British Parliament should have re- run the Scottish referendum in the name of democracy and fairness to the people of Scotland,

    However it was only Scotlands votes,
    So cheating them out of their right to a fair voting system and equal democracy is OK with Westminster Parliament,

  105. James Che says:

    The R-u-s-k-i- r-e-p-or-t….,

  106. JockMcT says:

    Colin Alexander @2:27

    yep, me2, ALBA not looking any different than old SNP which morphed into the current mess when Pandora’s box was opened by the great leader as he stepped down. It has to be a party, if any, that does not take its seat in the cesspit and does not get comfy at the trough, propping up the lie of the treaty of union. Time will come when the sovereign people of Scotland realise what has been done and simply leave. Me, I just want my country back.

  107. James Che says:

    Were Scots voters informed that there was a question hanging over the referendum results.

  108. James Che says:

    And of Corse the wee pretendy Scottish parliament never baulked, never insisted on a fair democratic re- run of the 2014 referendum being, as their ample behinds sit so well in leather seats down south and would have to start worrying about pay checks and perks from their boss if Scotland voted to leave,
    They Willing to sit in a rigged voting system in Scotland,
    Dearie me, who needs that kind of parliament or its members.

  109. James Che says:

    Unionists to the end, willing to cheat Scottish votes.

  110. Geri says:

    Vivian Oblivion

    “Their crime? To enact a law requiring transparency regarding foreign funding of political lobbying outfits.
    Miller’s rant is reminiscent of an adolescent fulminating against an ex-girlfriend. Miller’s indignation is visceral.
    To paraphrase; “How dare they presume to exercise supervision over their own democratic institutions”.
    The law which garners the ire of the State Department is almost a carbon copy of Washington’s very own Foreign Agents Registration Act.”

    It is hypocrisy on stilts. They wouldn’t have a foreign president of the USA either but it’s perfectly acceptable for a French one to try overturn this policy in Georgia.

    They’ve lost their minds & becoming more unhinged by the day. The Biden administration is like petulant teenagers. If it wasn’t so serious it’d be hilarious TV. Everyone is getting sanctioned LOL They really do believe their own bullshit. The sooner they’re evicted from everyone’s country & election interference the better & safer we’ll all be.

  111. George says:

    So who do we vote for?
    GREENS or spoil our ballot paper?
    Serious Q by the way.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “So who do we vote for?
      GREENS or spoil our ballot paper?
      Serious Q by the way.”

      Well, never the SNP or the Greens. There are valid arguments to be made for voting for other pro-indy candidates if you have them, or tactically for whoever’s most likely to unseat the SNP, or spoiling your ballot. It all depends somewhat on who the candidates in your own constituency are, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer and Wings isn’t in the business of telling people who to vote for anyway.

  112. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Mac says:5 June, 2024 at 8:27 am

    Unsurprising that it is

    a complete absence of mentioning or discussing penises in prior posts that gets you started yet again on what appears to be the subject never very far from the surface of your thoughts.

    I bet your dreams are even more obsessive.

    There will be a technical/medical term for that, and one or two in wide-spread vernacular usage.

  113. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Republicofscotland says:5 June, 2024 at 1:17 pm

    I’d up the check under your bed to twice daily.

    Fair enough you look for N@zis last thing in the evening, but you should also look first think in the morning too. Who knows what goes on while you’re asleep, eh?

    For potential victims of the propagandists for the cuddly, poor, wee Orcs, I recommend a study of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Here’s a summary:

    “In the night of 23-24 August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The countries agreed that they would not attack each other and secretly divided the countries that lay between them.”

    Those lovable Orcs were so fond of N@zis they connived to prime the trigger for WW2 along with them.

    You could say that the subsequent karma that killed millions of innocent Rooshians was well deserved, but I won’t go that far.

    Hapless Rooshians and other sovereign peoples in thrall to Orcs. For over a century now and no sign of a change coming.

    Cheered on as ever by Lenin’s useful idiots. Take a bow, RepublicofScotland.

  114. Hatey McHateface says:

    @Colin Alexander says:5 June, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    I think CM is standing for Hamas.

    Obviously that’s not what it says on the labels, but once you read the small print, it’s crystal clear.

    And why else would he be in the constituency he is, targeting the “minority” he is?

    Having settled that, I’m surprised at your claim that Hamas is a Unionist party.

    If they are, fair play to them. Think big, aim for the sky, and you never know. One day they could own the whole lot, Trident and the UN permanent seat too.

    It has to start somewhere …

  115. Onlooker says:

    Mackay’s writing is oddly pompous, self-righteous, and melodramatic. It’s also hilarious, though not in style way that he would want.

  116. Renfrewdave says:

    Seen the former former 1st minister at ikea Edinburgh today picking up new furniture. Heavens knows why since her and hubby have a tasteful decorated family home. One can only assume 3 things..
    Police Scotland have confiscated her big mirror and other nic knacks so they have to replace them.
    Or she is moving into a new Edinburgh pad to be closer to parliament or new “friend” who will be a pillar of support when her and hubby split.
    It took almost 20mins to work out how to fit the bimirror into the car. I was tempted to shout over its 7 years inside if you break it.
    Or she has accomplished her mission of turning her ward into a total shit hole and us fecking off.

    I know she has only just past her test but really need to park over 2 spaces.

  117. Renfrewdave says:

    Seen the former former 1st minister at ikea Edinburgh today picking up new furniture. Heavens knows why since her and hubby have a tasteful decorated family home. One can only assume 3 things..
    Police Scotland have confiscated her big mirror and other nic knacks so they have to replace them.
    Or she is moving into a new Edinburgh pad to be closer to parliament or new “friend” who will be a pillar of support when her and hubby split.
    It took almost 20mins to work out how to fit the bimirror into the car. I was tempted to shout over its 7 years inside if you break it.
    Or she has accomplished her mission of turning her ward into a total shit hole and us fecking off.

    I know she has only just past her test but really need to park over 2 spaces?

  118. Mac says:

    Neil Mackay is the pictorial definition of 10 pounds of shite squeezed into a 5 pound bag. It is oozing out his eyeballs.

  119. Geri says:

    “I was tempted to shout over its 7 years inside if you break it.”


    Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the biggest tractor of them all?

    Why you are, fatty! Yer arse has piled it on eh? Lay aff the comfort food – it’s no helping yer predicament. You’ll need two cells at this rate..Isla says you can share.

  120. Kenneth Coutts says:

    Well put Mia, and thanks one and all , with all the positive letters, hope springs eternal.
    Onwards and upwards folks, I’ve seen over that hill and it is wonderfull,keep on keeping on.
    My sentiments exactly, this election will be the wake up call.
    After all, who wants unionists that support genocide or proxy wars.
    Out citizens could be next the way these murderous genocidal maniacs are going , the vassal states of the yanks.

  121. Rob says:

    Ignored says:
    7 June, 2024 at 12:22 am

    “Isla says you can share.”

    Actually that is a very interesting proposition, I wonder what she would say to it if asked?:)


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