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Wings Over Scotland

Adult Human Female

Posted on December 09, 2022 by

To its eternal disgrace, the University Of Edinburgh is trying to prevent this excellent film from being shown in Scotland, as part of a systematic campaign of suppression and censorship that starts from the highest offices of the Scottish Government and works its way down through academia, the arts and the civic sector.

It deserves to be seen and supported.

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Vivian O’Blivion

An excellent documentary. Also checkout the Joe Rogan podcast with the documentarian behind it, Matt Walsh.
I found myself nodding along to the first two thirds before Rogan took Walsh off the trans topic.
Oh boy, Walsh is serious Gilead. No gay marriage. No abortion under ANY circumstance. Gay couples shouldn’t adopt or have surrogate children. Infertile, heterosexual couples shouldn’t get married. Fertile heterosexual couples that choose not to have children are “selfish” and should be punished in some unspecified way.
None of this should detract from the documentary but Walsh has a hidden agenda.


So the SG will go toe to toe with WM over the GRA, but not over indy. What’s the betting we hear war talk from Sturgeon within 48 hours?

link to

What an utter waste of time on a distraction that directly concerns less than 1% of the population and that would have been better addressed post-indy.

Andy Ellis

It’s pretty frightening that so many universities seem not just to have been cowed by TRA extremists and their willing collaborators to shut down free speech and pander to the agendas of those insisting they have a right not only not to be confronted with views they don’t agree with, but are active accomplices.

I see it is being reported on the BBC that the UK government may challenge what it describes as “the Scots gender change law”. Interesting times indeed!

Jim Bo

Vivian, I agree entirely about Matt Walsh. Nobody hits as hard regarding the trans ideology debate, well except for Stu obvs, but unfortunately I feel his arguments are sometimes less forceful than they might be otherwise due to his own religious ideologies.

Looking forward to watching the film.

mike cassidy

That’s a link to one of the staff unions, Stu

Not the Uni itself

Still a bad enough example of what someone has called Trans McCarthyism

link to


This has gone too far. I expect a ferocious backlash from the public once it gets out (and it will, eventually). Why so many streetwise (if not smart) politicians have nailed their colours to this mast, I don’t know. I really don’t. Another war will break out with the climate activists (most of whom haven’t a clue what they are talking about) trying to ban petrol cars etc. Do they know how much environmental damage electric batteries cause? ….. Och I won’t go there. That’s the problem with virtue signalling politicians – they are ignorant of the real facts and spout so much BS.

Mark Boyle

I’m sorry, but I struggled through the first rambling eight minutes of what could have been said in two by people that had bothered to script and practiced delivering what they wanted to say on camera in the first place, and finally gave up at the graphics sequence.

“Hey everybody! Let’s make these press snapshots as unreadable as possible by making them jerk around the screen! That’ll look cool!”

I don’t think the gender gymnastics cult of insanity has much to fear from this bursting anyone’s delusion bubbles, let alone the young with the attention span of a gnat.

On top of this, if they didn’t switch off at 2.29, they certainly would have switched off at 4.24 – and if they have to have it explained WHY in the 21st century this would have pissed today’s generation off, God help them.



If you wanted to champion an issue that would definitively make you un-votable for by around 50% of the Scottish population I can’t think of a better one. So there’s you link between GRA and independence.


In my culture woman are strong, a necessity of survival in the context, they would make cracked wheat out of these specious western arguments.
Btw a phobia is a fear not a dislike of something.
Who’s afraid of these sheep in wolves clothing?
If universities are not havens of open and free discourse they are not «safe spaces».
À propos..
«The tactic of labeling the political opponents of Liberalism as fascists is also a way to hide the fact that Liberalism is the one ideology that shares the most similarity with Fascism. It’s also a way to distract people from the fact that it is the conduct of liberals that resembles that of Nazis the most. Most dangerously, however, the footsoldiers of liberalism religiously believe the accusations they level against their opponents and the indoctrination they have suffered makes them unable to see the intricate similarities between Liberalism and Fascism»
link to

Expect the worst.

David Beveridge

Assuming there was ever to be an indy vote, all that the establishment need to do is set up a TV debate, have the likes of Patrick Harvie on there for the Yes side and have the interviewer ask the simple question, “What is a woman?”

The Better Together rep will naturally answer “an adult human female” while the watching TV audience will stare open-mouthed at the biology-denying lunacy coming from the Yes side.

Why the blazes we’re getting bogged down in this quagmire is a total mystery to me, but I must admit it’ll be interesting seeing Sturgeon fighting WM over it like a hissing alley cat protecting her kittens. “Independence? Well, wait a couple of years and then give us another mandate, etc, etc…”


@Vivian O’Blivion Are you not thinking of the “What is a woman” documentary?
Thankfully i don’t think that odious git has anything to do with this one.

Tam Norrie

” David Beveridge says:
9 December, 2022 at 11:59 am

Assuming there was ever to be an indy vote, all that the establishment need to do is set up a TV debate, have the likes of Patrick Harvie on there for the Yes side and have the interviewer ask the simple question, “What is a woman?””

Just this. If ever there were a stick to beat your own back with this is it.


On Matt Walsh, until now never heard of the man.

This article contains references to transphobia and queerphobia….you have been warned.

link to

What is a provocateur? Someone whose opinions you cannot handle?


@Luigi “Why so many streetwise (if not smart) politicians have nailed their colours to this mast, I don’t know. I really don’t.”

It’s a movement by and for middle class white males. Usually a pretty safe bet, politically speaking.


As already pointed out above this us a local UCU branch demand – University and College Union Edinburgh. They have no actual power to stop the university hosting anything I don’t think but of course they can use all the usual tactics to try and do so. From what I can see the UoE is the venue but it doesn’t look like a UoE event as such though I don’t know.

This needs monitoring – what is the actual event (they don’t mention the film), and will the uni go ahead with hosting it anyway?

The UCU in general have seriously let GC academics down in recent times and have basically come out as against them and there have even been attempted moves to outlaw GC views as intrinsically transphobic as official UCU policy (though I think this failed). The notoriously completely failed to support Kathleen Stock at Sussex, quite the opposite in fact and acted more like an Students Union, siding with the trans-activist students there.


Agree with southernbystander and mike Cassidy. The tweet isn’t from edinburgh uni but is “demanding” that the uni doesn’t host the meeting.

Fortunately, I’m pretty sure the staff trade union at edinburgh uni doesn’t currently have the power to prevent a film being shown anywhere in scotland although I’m sure they’d happily do so if they could.

Anyway, this attempt at censorship is bad enough as it is without trying to present it as something it isn’t, ie the position of the university itself.


Here it is and it’s sold out: link to

Sunshine on Crieff

Just to say this has documentary has nothing whatsoever to do with the American conservative, Matt Walsh. Adult Human Female has been produced by a group of gender critical activists from the UK.

Robert Louis

The academics who are showing this film are actually pretty damned resolute that it WILL be shown. Not being stifled by the University, but by a union.

It’s called freedom of speech and thought.


Just to add to Sunshine on Crieff’s comment, the video has nothing to do with Matt Walsh. It’s an attempt by ‘ordinary’ people to respond to gender extremism, and to link or associate it to right wing American conservatism (another kind of extremism) through a comment is…odd.


@Scotsrenewables – If WM actually does go toe to toe with SG over the GRA, it would be Christmas day for Sturgeon. I’m convinced she doesn’t actually want to pass the GRA. I mean, if you count the greens, she’s had a huge majority for years and years to pass any GRA she wants.
She’s treating trans voters the same as Indy voters. She’s wants their votes but she knows the bill can’t pass as the safety concerns are 100% legit. She knows the first sexual assault resulting from it and she’ll be held responsible. She’d love it if WM blocked it.


I just can’t believe anyone with a functioning brain can accept the tenets of gender ideology. It’s absolute horseshit and I wouldn’t want any kind of relationship with anybody espousing it. A total mindfuck.


That is a really good documentary.
So glad I was able to see it before the cult take over the internet.

I was going to download it just in case but there were no links.


Sorry the above was just supposed to be a link to the Vimeo site where the video is hosted.

If you click the blue V on the right of the video it will take you to the the site where you can read the comments.


I am a Bioscientist. I have done genetics, I have done molecular genetics, i’m a developmental biologist who can describe the different embryonic paths taken by initial structures in males and females. I used to know the man who discovered SRY which is both necessary and sufficient to confer maleness. I’m on a Nature paper with one of his postdocs.

I therefore know you absolutely, utterly and totally cannot, ever, under no circumstances change sex.


Follow the money £££ and if there is no market, create one! Start early, confuse them and muddy the waters. Aided and abetted by useful idiots. Quash debate and laugh all the way to the bank.


Scotsrenewables says:
9 December, 2022 at 10:18 am

So the SG will go toe to toe with WM over the GRA, but not over indy. What’s the betting we hear war talk from Sturgeon within 48 hours?

What an utter waste of time on a distraction that directly concerns less than 1% of the population and that would have been better addressed post-indy.

Why are there so many posters not bothering their backsides to archive links anymore?

link to
UK government may challenge Scottish gender change law

Westminster aren’t doing much to protect women’s rights but try to give the impression they are by issuing press releases like the above.

The Tories want to be seen as the champions of women’s rights but it’s all a big con.

It’s disappointing that there are so few comments on this thread.

Is it because posters are struck dumb by the utter madness of it all or are not really interested because it’s seen as a woman’s issue?


Muscleguy says:
9 December, 2022 at 5:59 pm

I therefore know you absolutely, utterly and totally cannot, ever, under no circumstances change sex.

Legally you can.
Just get a GRC and your sex can be changed on your birth certificate.


If you are not bothered about having your sex changed on your birth certificate then there is no need for a GRC.

All you have to do is just say you are a woman and hey presto he is a she and your cock becomes a hen. (OK I know my jokes are rubbish)

‘Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.
Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
Shaved her legs and then he was a she
… She says, “Hey, babe
Take a walk on the wild side’


Susan says:
9 December, 2022 at 5:05 pm
I just can’t believe anyone with a functioning brain can accept the tenets of gender ideology. It’s absolute horseshit and I wouldn’t want any kind of relationship with anybody espousing it. A total mindfuck.

Well said Susan. I don’t want to be taken out of context; I know that women and feminists, indeed all of us need to take this seriously, but to be honest I struggle.

It’s like having an argument with an imbecile, about something mind numbingly banal; such as telling them the have ten fingers, counting them off, 1 to 10, and yet in spite of irrefutable proof set out before their very eyes, they look straight at you and insist they’ve got 13.

Why is ANY of this Trans absurdity being taken seriously? It’s crackpot nonsense on a parr with 17th Century superstitions and witchcraft. We’ve left these primitive and archaic beliefs behind. Why are you bringing them back like some ludicrous anti-education that spreads stupidity instead of reason?

People are having their professional careers and reputations trashed because they stand by rudimentary Primary School level, black and white, easy-peasy science, but their world suddenly takes a turn into the surreal. How do you process that?

The only yardstick I have was that I was once made bankrupt, in a bankruptcy process I didn’t know was happening until it was done, (try defending yourself in those circumstances. It’s not a lawyer you need it’s Ouija Board)), for a ludicrous and fictitious sum of money that I didn’t even owe. Total bullshit, all of it, but it still ruined me. Ruined my business, ruined my career, pretty much ruined my life because I lost everything except the shirt on my back.

But despite the crushing injustice of it, and we’re talking property, equipment, several tens of thousands in this “legalised theft”, the hardest thing to live with all these years later is the fucking insanity of it, and the fact nobody, not a single fucking person at ANY stage in the madness stood up to say hold on a minute, can we pause this a minute, because something has clearly gone very wrong with the system here. But there wasn’t a soul with even that much integrity. Not one.

Nobody gave a flying fuck about actual justice, nor the nitty gritty realities such as “did the poor bastard we’ve just ruined actually owe the money we ruined him for? Shouldn’t we have checked or something? Heaven forbid, maybe even asked him? But no. NOTHING. No appeal, no recourse to justice, just “you’re fucked Sony boy, now be on your way”.

Life is tough, no argument from me. But nobody should have to suffer alone when it’s not them, but the world that takes leave of it’s senses, and that poor person’s rational thought processes have to come to terms with the utterly absurd depravity of a Scottish “justice” which upholds a surreal injustice, a clear injustice which even a completely retarded fool could unpick.

So to those ladies having their lives turned upside down because the delinquent lunatics are somehow in charge, it’s different but the same, and I think I do understand what you’re going through.

Sadly however, I cannot give you any reassurance that having faith in eventual justice will be rewarded.


Sorry Rev Stu… Post In moderation.

I’ve spotted it though… Second pararaph. “…mind numbingly b…a…n… etc.

Drop the “b” and it’s a rude word. Sorry, totally unintentional.


You’re in good form Ruby.

Iain More

If you are Black Lesbian with zero intellectual skills and basically a pot destroyed brain you could get exchanged for an Arms Dealing Russian psychopath. Heaven help you if you are a Veteran though.

Taxi for Sturgeon

Everyone and their granny knows gender ideology is the SNP (queen sturgeon) and the Greens main passion. They might talk the talk about independence but they are unbelievably passionate about gender. They want to be the most radical in the world and most likely want legal pro nouns introduced similar to parts of Canada where you get get a swift telling off by the police if you don’t use a persons chosen pro nouns. It’s disturbing how far the SNP/Green coalition want to go with this. We will become the laughing stock of Europe and most likely prompt the UK government into saving us from this American campus circus show!


Can anyone tell me one biological difference between someone with gender dysphoria and someone with anorexia?
Why is one to be affirmed and encouraged and the other rightly treated as a serious mental health problem?
Likewise if men can simply identify as women , why can’t white people ide tidy as Black?
Who decides?

The whole thing is insanity.

Robert Louis

Monty Python were so ahead of their time.

link to


Scotsrenewables says: 9 December, 2022 at 10:18 am

What an utter waste of time on a distraction that directly concerns less than 1% of the population and that would have been better addressed post-indy.

It may only affect 1% of the population, if it but as others have pointed out, it benefits a lot more than 1% of the professional and political classes, including Stonewall and other organisations who are making quite a lucrative cottage industry out of it.

Jacqueline McMillan

Garrion says:
9 December, 2022 at 11:51 am
If you wanted to champion an issue that would definitively make you un-votable for by around 50% of the Scottish population I can’t think of a better one. So there’s you link between GRA and independence.

I agree 100 %. Sturgeon knows exactly what she’s doing. She really doesn’t want Independence for Scotland and this is just another example of one of her spanners. She’s just another Yoon plant. Plain as the nose on your face. I don’t think she even likes women, never mind feminist to her sticky fingertips. Yuck! Equally, if not more concerning is the SG manipulation of our children. Nutella and banana for example. Madness.


Am I the only one who’s noticed that the comments 5mins in? The woman says ‘There is a hierarchy. Woman are at the bottom and are subordinates whilst men are at the top as they are dominant’. WTF?


Got kicked off link to for posting a link to link to

Andy Ellis

Ah, Mastodon, the great new hope of freedom.

It is passing strange – and not a little dispiriting – that the past few years hasn’t seen the emergence of any platform which is immune to the creeping McCarthyism of cancel culture. Most of those that have at some point been touted as alternative forums have ended up being quasi-Trumpian bin fires like GETTR or simply replicate the “no-debate” absolutism of Twitter, if in a slightly different form.

Mastodon was a prime example: the principle of dis-aggregated networks or whatever it was/is *sounded* good, but the practice was little different from twitter in reality, because “thought crime” was still punished by being blocked from interacting with other hubs that slavishly followed the “TWAW and no debate” mantra.

None of the alternatives to Twitter have ever reached escape velocity, and as we’ve seen with the recent re-instatement of WoS account, and its rapid re-banning, Uncle Elon’s new dawn has proven to be a false one.

Having a resource like this is probably the only hope the real independence movement has over the next few years.

mike cassidy

Looks like the screening is going ahead

And the UCU are not happy chappies or chappesses or whatever

link to


So glad this is in the world, and so thankful for all the brave people fighting against the madness. I came to the UK from a country where it used to be illegal and dangerous to think the wrong thoughts, and could not believe it when I saw the signs of this starting to be the case here. I will not accept it, and am so happy that so many others won’t. Thank you a thousand times!

David Hannah

link to

I’m going to watch Adult Human Female. Having seen that the trans agressors are trying to shut it down. It must be good!

David Hannah

“I’m here as a trans woman and an adult human female.”

Fits of laughter from the crowd. Everyone can clearly see he’s a man.

My faith’s biology. I don’t believe in gender ideology. I want to see Adult Human Female as I live in the truth and support women’s sex based rights.

Johnny Conspiranoid

” This ideology is being promoted as a civil rights issue by wealthy, white, men with enormous influence who stand to personally benefit from their political activities.”
Says this woman
link to

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