Brewer’s one and only debating tactic, as far as I can tell, is misrepresentation. This makes her supercilious air all the more infuriating, because she is about as bright as a two Watt bulb.
Albert Herring
8 years ago
True, Scotland didn’t vote for independence from the UK. It also didn’t vote for Brexit. So tough.
Robert Graham
8 years ago
so its piss off sweaties do as your told ok dear lets see who blinks first this place is only under England’s control by OUR consent not yours DEAR.
I think it is pretty clear which of the two unions it was most interested in preserving, from the percentages…
clan rossy
8 years ago
my my more guff from another blaw bag
well where going to have another referendum
and this time were going to win
John McLeod
8 years ago
Just listened to Theresa May’s speech. I wondered if the decision to give Parliament a vote, right at the end of the Brexit process, was maybe part of a strategy to delay giving approval for Indyref2 in Scotland. The argument would be that the people of Scotland would need to be certain about what they were voting for. This would then make Indyref2 take place in a situation in which continued EU membership might be somewhat harder to negotiate for the government of a newly-independent Scotland. The connection with Hartley-Brewer is that both she and May are coming from a position of keeping Scotland in its box.
Grumpy Lad
8 years ago
Genuinely who is this woman? I have never heard of her.
8 years ago
Scotland did not vote for independence in 2014 as a result of all the LIES pushed by Labour,Tories and the other lot. Then we had the Clunking Fist at the end promising us the world, in reality near Federalism a.k.a. the VOW. I wonder where that is now … WE are still waiting for it to be delivered.
Of course one of the big arguments from the NO side was we would be left outside the E.U. I wonder where they stand on that argument now?
You take the E.U. question along with their other broken promises about jobs, pensions and the N.H.S. and things have fundamentally changed so we are totally entitled to go again for a second referendum. This time folks eyes are well and truly wide open and we can all see straight through the lies deceit misinformation and promises never to appear.
Thanks to May the Mayhem today she has ensured that YES will win indy ref #2 and in my view win it HUGE!
And another few things that we did not vote for: TORY/T.MAY/THIEVES
Peace Always
Ian McCubbin
8 years ago
Read the whole thread of her tweets this morning. Same old same old unionist dogma to us who want independence. Basically she was telling us to put up and shut up as we knew nothing and don’t matter.
Thought I would leave it as pointing anything out to her was going to result in the usual unionist argument of deflect with partial truths then change argument to a different issue.
schrodingers cat
8 years ago
eu negotiations
TM, we are out of the single market and customs union
verhofstadt… um ok
TM, we want to negotiate free access to single market and a customs agreement
verhofstadt… um, this is a brexit negotiation, not a trade deal negotiation, thats a different department. through the door on the left and take a ticket, thanks for stopping by
Its really a question for those who voted no / remain.
Really need to pay more attention next time,listen harder to the WM voices and and ask was it really ‘Better Together’ after all, or was it just a clever snake oil – vow of no substance whatsoever.
Sad fact is that she is correct in what she says unless the Scotch Yoon cringers can dredge up some respect for the nation of Scotland somewhere.
How’s the weather in Davos btw Stuart ?
Al Dossary
8 years ago
And neither did we vote for Theresa Mayhem.
Unfortunately, for the time being our thoughts matter nought to the “Union”
8 years ago
The whole BBC coverage of Teresa’s speech they had the important parties give their interpenetration of the meaning and consequences.
So we had the Largest party in parliament the Tories, the Second largest The Labour party, The Fourth largest the Liberals and lastly a party with one MP gets a voice.
But Local Regional or parties who have no representation in England do not get a voice no matter how large they are.
This is inclusive democracy Britnat style.
MisReporting Scotland… they don’t even bother to report on a national scale.
8 years ago
Tim Farron spoke well on BBC Politics at lunchtime
“Hartley-Brewer began her career in journalism at the East London Advertiser in Bethnal Green. Later she worked as a news reporter and political correspondent for the London Evening Standard and then joined The Guardian, working at the latter until September 2000. She then moved to the Sunday Express as Political Correspondent, then Political Editor from 2001 until 2007 and then Assistant Editor (Politics), also writing a weekly opinion column. She left the Sunday Express in February 2011.”
The woman knows nothing and cares to know nothing about us. She’s doing fine and will continue to do so regardless of anything we say or do. When I lived in London I met loads of folks like her – different world, different view of the world.
But ordinary No voting Scottish folks have been reading her tosh for years without having a scoobie who she was. She gets a decent amount of talking head work on’t telly these days. Cannae imagine she kens the price of a steak bake or fires into Tesco after work to get her paws into the vulture section.
They are legion. And at best they have nothing but contempt for us. There’s a brick wall with my coupon’s name on it.
8 years ago
yerkitbreeks – Did he keep stumm?
Brian Powell
8 years ago
Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit, didn’t vote for a Tory Government in 2015, didn’t vote for Tories 2016, didn’t vote for the UK we now have in 2014.
Boris Johnstone welcomes the Clarity in Teresa May’s speech. NOTE to type setters words like Clarity & Boris Johnstone shouldn’t be used in the same sentence ,nor that of Saint Teresa.
Ken MacColl
8 years ago
Transiting from the Standard to the Guardian and then on to the Express exhibits a gymnastic ability that verges on the awesome. See this on a fairly regular basis on Sky’s Late Night Press preview but I accept that this serves me right for watching.
We’re told we must have ‘respect’ for 32% who voted Leave and contempt for 45% who voted Yes.
ronnie anderson
8 years ago
@ clan rossy 1.23 An if she stuck ah fer Drone’s an ah Chanter oan that Blaw bag we might , just might hiv listened tae her.
Robert Graham
8 years ago
check out how many likes she with the double barrelled name is getting , if you are still in any doubt those south of our border enabled this situation yep we are all better together as long as we dont open our mouths and stand up for ourselves , time to pick a side Labour in Scotland are you backing Mayday or your own people whose vote you depend on . This is a YES or NO question no excuses this time you are either with us or you are like the last time effectively fighting your own Nation .
8 years ago
Just found the transcript of May’s Brexit speech on the Independent’s web site. Isn’t it just so telling that searching for references to the term “England’ and “English” in her text finds nothing – never referred to. It is simply taken as read that, in terms of governance, the UK & NI state is equivalent to England – the electorate in England did not need to hear a message to them from the PM today; they already know that May is England’s PM, and we in Scotland, in this so-called partnership of countries, are truly subordinate.
On the front page of the National today, the First Minister is quoted as asking people in Scotland what kind of country do we want to be. However, the fundamental question is: ‘do we in Scotland even want the power to decide what kind of country we want to be?’ – or just be content for England’s PM to decide for us.
@ Brian Powell – and didn’t vote for the UK in 1707.
@ Artyhetty – thanks for link to those excellent archive films of Scottish work and society from the 30s. Watched Wealth of a Nation and it is a wonderful insight into the progressive nature of Scottish culture in the pre-war period.
You can join the National Library of Scotland and get their newsletters too it doesn’t cost anything.
We didn’t vote for tory governments in perpetuity either. I’m seeing a pattern here.
Just to be clear though, we weren’t given a choice whether to opt out of the EU vote. When some wingnut claims we voted ‘as the UK’ simply ask them if there were other options available. What we, as the Scottish electorate, were guaranteed as part of the UK in 2014, was that we would remain members of the EU if we voted no. Indeed we were expressly told that this was the only way we could guarantee continued membership.
Less than two years later that membership was exposed to a referendum and then revoked against the express wishes of the majority of the Scottish electorate. In short?
The assurance was a lie.
HMG lied. Better Together lied. The media who willingly sold and endorsed that assurance lied.
In pursuit of their own political agenda, HMG ran a bus through the outcome of the 2014 referendum and not for the first time over that period, but hopefully it will be the last. The Scottish electorate are to be forced into an action against their democratic wishes. THAT is a FACT beyond any doubt.
But let’s be clear about this. This isn’t just about the EU and never was. It’s about pledges given to a population in exchange for… a vision, a settlement?
The pledges weren’t just broken. They’ve been shattered. Where is that vision of partnership, of bettertogetherness in all of this? Where is the promised equality and respect in EVEL, broad shouldered aid in times of economic hardship, in austerity UK, the Scotland Bill settlement, the EU referendum?
You could go through quite a list of those assurances which have been broken and/or ignored in the past two years, but the underlying theme is TRUST. Trust given and trust broken.
The reality of Westminster government and politics as it is practised UK style.
That is why there will be another referendum. Not on or over the issue of the EU, but because the trust given by the Scottish electorate was repaid with a litany of broken pledges a lack of respect and a mountain of arrogant contempt. (SEE ATL for a prime example)
8 years ago
Calum McKay says:
Time for progressive Scottish forces to unite and get behind the SNP!
Or put another way, now we will find out who in Scottish politics is progressive and who isn’t!
Because, anyone who lines up behind the Union and its hard right direction cannot be progressive in anyway whatsoever.
True, Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit. It also didn’t vote for independence from the UK. So tough.
Now folks, instead of all your BBC BAD posters and vans, something like this little tweet, posted all over the country would have far greater impact IMHO.
8 years ago
What the hell is May talking about? It’s just more vacuous shit.
Scotland’s priorities will be given full consideration, but we must stop short of agreeing to any of them. And then she has the audacity to claim that both sides made it clear that a vote to leave was a vote to leave the single market? What parallel world did THAT happen in?
This is like some Orwellian doublethink nightmare.
8 years ago
Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”.
Haven’t our Scots’ Yoons gone awful quiet? So, is that their plan, ‘do nothing’? Or, are they ‘good men [and women]’ at heart?
8 years ago
Today’s Rancid The Graun Teresa EU speech implications for its Scotland region, informative, insightful, wide ranging as ever. Such an amazing and professional crew The Graun,
i think she is mair at home chanting on a penny flute
wi a union jack dress on draped in her royal sash
and union jack shoes and tap dancing tae
god save the queen
John H.
8 years ago
She’s right, but I didn’t feel after IndyRef1 that my side had lost. I felt as if we had been cheated out of victory, which is a very different thing. Now I’m worried that it might happen again.
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
Tory MSP says E.U negotiator is agreeing a special arrangement for the imperial UK.
this is what he relay said
The European Union’s Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Saturday that the EU will demand “special vigilance” before letting British financial firms access the bloc because of the large risk London could pose to the EU’s financial stability.
Ruth Davidson the party of fucking liars.
winifred mccartney
8 years ago
We most certainly did not vote for a tory govt and this is what we have and will have for the foreseeable future and let us remember that Ruth Davidson for all her bull is still polling less than Mgt Thatcher did in Scotland and we all know what we thought of her. It is also make your mind up time for labour. Do Labour want the best for Scotland or right wing tory rule and privatisation of nhs from WM.
Arabs for Independence
8 years ago
Lewis MacDonald MSP speaking on the Brexit debate – he has obviously been brushing up on his Scottish accent since yesterday. He said absolutely nothing as per usual.
well covered macart the choice part should be played up rather than the EU vote , and its only recently Nicola has pushed this button we dont matter should be first and foremost .
8 years ago
Who is she?
8 years ago
Talk about rats in a sack, parliamentary democracy Tory style
When it comes to it, we didn’t vote for a possible Labour Government either in 2015!
8 years ago
She’s right. What we need is the ten best examples where this is also true. Scotland didn’t vote for war in Iraq … Scotland didn’t vote to renew trident. Scotland didn’t vote for the bedroom tax …
Remain in the UK with a Tory government who stand idly by whilst N Ireland heads again to civil war, because the leader of the DUP is an ally in Parliament. That is what they risk.They need DUP votes.
They have also determined that their other “region ” of Scotland had better just shut up and accept anything they are given. Without any consultation whatsoever.
It is not on.
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
Brexit has no affect on companies in Scotland, nothing
a possible referendum is devastating to companies so says another liar.
And says Trump is good, so so good!
Ruth Ruth for gods sake woman tell the truth!
Craig P
8 years ago
That tweet would make a great poster campaign. Remind proud Scot buts where we really stand. Some are fine with it but there is a significant minority of no voters already troubled by the clear disregard of their EU voice.
Mike Williams
8 years ago
Nana says:
17 January, 2017 at 2:57 pm
Ruth says May has a clear and reasonable plan. link to
Sorry, I thought Ruth was a Remainer. She’s changed her tune…again.
Craig P
8 years ago
Ali, great idea!
8 years ago
As events have unfolded from Cameron’s decision to hold an EU vote every domino has fallen in the direction of a second Scottish independence referendum. It could not have gone more badly for the original Better Together team. No sooner has May spoken than Davidson, Dugdale and Rennie have leapt in to say that it shouldn’t mean another independence referendum They know full well that what has happened is the worst case scenario and the material change has been triggered.
The simple fact is though that there is a majority in Holyrood for a second vote and the Greens are up for it.
All that remains now is the timing. Autumn 2018 would be my guess. Let them declare Article 50 in March and then watch the bun fight begin. By spring 2018 we should have a pretty clear view of how the lies land and vote on a referendum then and hold it in September 2018 with the view to retaining the UK EU membership slot in 2019.
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
Has that Labour Guy in our Holyrood parliament just been given terrible news, let the boy go home his budgie is sick!
‘Its what the people want,’ .. I think we are going to be hearing this a lot as the Tories proceed to do what ever they want .. supported by a great number of so called Labour MP,s. I do not have any confidence in the Supreme Court, I feel they will say whatever will justify their existence.
Time will confirm Donald Trump as the best ever President of the United States. Donald birthright, through his mother confirms he is a Scot. Proof!!! If he was a talented soccer player he could have been selected to play for Scotland
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
link not working mate.
8 years ago
Tory M.S.P. talking about a report from one of the Holyrood committees and immediately gets slapped down by the committee’s chair Joan McAlpine! 😀
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
Will the conservatives take capitalism of the table once and for all.
Really what are Tories so undemocratic.
HandandShrimp, we’re going to be terrorised within in an inch of British lies too.
So its going to be the EU that need to be there, for and with Scotland, as the UKOK Project Fear 2 mob start with their vote NO, or youre out of the UK and the EU, among their old hits, no currency, black hole deficit, open to alien attack etc.
Master of disaster himself, warming up those terror triggers,
Blair McDougall Retweeted
Ian Murray ?@IanMurrayMP 3h3 hours ago
Scottish & Tory nationalists taking our country 2 brink 4 ideological constitutional politics.PM & FM battling 2 c who can make us worst off
8 years ago
Boris, the Trump, best ever president of the new, fabby dosey, billy no mates yookay, yee-ha!
My dad always said we would become a ‘little America’, looks like he was right.
8 years ago
oh Jesus Scruffy Fluffy Jnr calls Mayhem’s speech powerful … what a dingbat … just like his faither … totally clueless!?
8 years ago
Should’ve said he was referring to England regards being a little America.
schrodingers cat
8 years ago
is it now the time to declare indyref2
what do the polls say?
Neil Cook
8 years ago
It’s okay as it’s a white , red & Blue Brexit
It’s going to be a red, white & blue Brexit,
it’s alright it’s going to be a blue red & white Brexit!!
That should shut the plebs up and let’s get more flags up as that fools the idiots even more!
8 years ago
Rennie and Dugdale can wring their hands all they like but at the end of the day all they are going to do is stand by and watch the UK take a nose dive to the bottom of the league in terms of workers rights, environmental protection and civil rights. They might not like Scottish independence but they have nothing to offer.
Davidson doesn’t care, the Tories all seem to have found their inner UKIP.
8 years ago
schrodingers cat says:
is it now the time to declare indyref2
I wish it was, but alas today’s utterings from May was just her wish list. We learned little, and nothing we couldn’t have guessed. It’s not going to be soft and much gloss to make it sound not too hard.
No single market, and I was glad that the official SNP stance continues to be that Scotland’s membership of the single market is its red line.
We need to get through A50 and then hear for certain that it will be hard, the EU won’t give much away without the single market, and Scotland is told to shut up and eat that cereal.
Patience is hard 🙂
what do the polls say?
They won’t budge, and any done will have questions twisted to achieve that.
Personally, I think polls before the YES campaign is in full swing tell us nothing. Most people don’t follow all this blow by blow.
What genuine polls say after a few months of YES campaigning, with a thoroughly shite Brexit developing, would be more relevant.
‘a lack of respect and a mountain of arrogant contempt’
It is not only Westminster gov which regards Scotland in this way.
All No voters/Yoon cringers hold Scotland in the same regard.
Well to be fair,maybe not that lovely Scottish specimen David Mundell,or the stunning Scot Neil Oliver.
8 years ago
Twitter really is a gawdawful place. Unless you have a strong stomach, I’d give it a miss about now. Every ‘fleg’ wavy zoomer is out and about either waving their little flegs or wishing fairly disturbing fates befall the FM.
Totally oblivious of their own deeply dishonest position and hypocrisy. Totally uncaring about their lack of simple human empathy or understanding.
Just, haters gotta hate.
These are human beings wishing this on another human being who has done them no harm whatsoever.
Welcome to better togetherness.
Steering well clear is best IMV.
8 years ago
The time will come when the Scots will erect a statue of Theresa for services rendered! 🙂
8 years ago
Here are the four main priorities of May’s future negotiations with the EU according to the BBC and the link supplied by the Rev.
1. “Maintaining the common travel area between the UK and Irish Republic Tariff-free trade with the EU”
2. “A customs agreement with the EU”
3. “Continued “practical” sharing of intelligence and policing information”
4. “Control of immigration rights for EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU”
I’d guess there’s a good chance of obtaining number 3 which has nothing whatsoever to do with EU membership. I suspect she will be whistling in the wind for the others.
Look at the state of number 4 does anyone realistically believe that the UK out of the EU could restrict EU free movement into the UK but somehow be in charge of UK citizens rights that currently live in other EU countries.
Sheer madness, the people in charge of these negotiations are lunatics pure and simple. I really do despair that they can even attempt to get away with such convoluted thinking. It’s even worse that the MSM and other Unionist politicians can praise this speech and try to tell us that everything is fine, yes it’s a Global Brexit dontcha know!
This has only hardened my stance on Independence if that is possible but I really can’t just stand by and allow this collective lunacy to take over without doing my best to try and prevent it.
Scotland must choose it’s own path, we will need to work harder than ever to achieve this. A second Indyref is going to happen maybe the timing is uncertain but it may not be so far into the future that we can afford to wait and we need to use every opportunity we can to persuade people that the lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
I for one am heading for the lifeboat. Last in goes down with the ship!
8 years ago
“Because our continent’s great strength has always been its diversity. And there are two ways of dealing with different interests. You can respond by trying to hold things together by force, tightening a vice-like grip that ends up crushing into tiny pieces the very things you want to protect. Or you can respect difference, cherish it even, and reform the EU so that it deals better with the wonderful diversity of its member states.”
Thanks Theresa, now you just need to apply this your dealings with your fellow UK Nations
8 years ago
galamcennalath 4:26 pm
You wrote: “what do the polls say? They won’t budge, and any done will have questions twisted to achieve that.
Personally, I think polls before the YES campaign is in full swing tell us nothing. Most people don’t follow all this blow by blow.
What genuine polls say after a few months of YES campaigning, with a thoroughly shite Brexit developing, would be more relevant.”
…. I thinks one thing 2016 taught us is that no Opinion Polls are worth a jot. There is something intrinsically wrong with the processes being used and the assumptions being made. The GE in the UK, The EU Referendum, Trump – all wrong. just plain wrong. In each case they called a major decision the wrong way.
Whether its to do with their sampling, profiling, the time of day they ask the questions, etc, I dont know – but I do know they cannot be trusted anymore I am afraid.
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
Professor Tomkins
“What Scottish Tories want is what the Prime minster wants”,
Well he is an empty vassal a Toom Tabard,
bet you are sorry all that voted for him,
oh that’s right no one did.
So Scottish Tories dance like the little puppets they are.
go Tomkins dance, dance for your master,
8 years ago
So Scotland gets the bifurcated fingers and an empty cereal box to chew on.
As Mrs Brown would say “That’s nice!”
On a brighter note, just managed to catch the MisReporting Scotland billboards at Glenrothes today. Impressive!
Will try and link to a couple of snaps later when I can get to a grown up PC instead of this tablet
8 years ago
All in all, its pretty good tory spin, in that we’ve been waiting for at least 6 months for the crew to produce their Brexit plan. Whatever was said, it’s no clearer what they’re up to, but its got everyone thinking they do.
Graun on the great UKOK “global deal” 12 points, only 3 worth listing, with their own tory spin too. WHo needs Human Rights, planet toryboy will look out for us.
“She said her government’s 12 priorities for crunch negotiations with the EU 27 meant Britain would:
Not be seeking membership of the single market after it leaves the EU.
Take back control of its borders, which she said had been impossible with free movement from within Europe.
No longer be under the jurisdiction of the European court of justice, arguing: “We will not have truly left the European Union if we are not in control of our own laws.”
8 years ago
Ian Murray MP did his best in the last Parliament to make the poor even poorer with his support for a benefits cap and for Osborne’s budget.
He really should stick to removing stickers from paintwork – or get his staff to do it for him.
ronnie anderson
8 years ago
Where’s Ruthie during the EU debate in Holyrood , ah there she is hiding on the back row
8 years ago
The people of the UK have been brainwashed to an extent never before imaginable by “their” MSM.
It’s the immigrants, the scroungers, the disabled and the great unwashed in general who are to blame for all of our ills!
No it wisnae me that made you poorer, that kept your wages down and slashed your benefits. We’re not responsible for foodbanks in every town. That was the market, OK the banks did make a wee blunder in gambling away all your wealth. That’s OK though the scroungers will pay for the bailouts so too will the sick.
Just wait, you’ll see once we have the NHS under control of the market it will all be good. First though let’s get the hell out of this EU so as we can be the most competitive country in the world!
As soon as we have done that we can scrap those laws that stop us being competitive such as Human Rights legislation and the Working Hours Directive.
It’s for your own good you see. The market must decide.
8 years ago
When Scotland is independent can we abolish hyphenated names?
8 years ago
It does make a nice slogan for indyref2 though.
“Voting No?
You’re a Tory, end of story.”
I think by the time indyref does happen then that will be the situation on the ground.
SLABs dead, Wee Wullie is irrelevant & the “radical left” are a waste of space in terms of anything positive for indy for any length of time.
indyref2 is going to be a straight fight between the SNP and the Tories/BBC Shortbread.
SLAB/Wee Wullie will whine at the edges but nobody is going to care because it’ll be obvious that BBC Shortbread is behind the tories 100%.
Add the brexit lunacy to the mix & if we can’t win it this time then may as well give it up.
The chances of winning another indyref after brexit has happened and the “UK” has said “fuck you” to the whole of Europe are miniscule compared to now.
One thing I would suggest for the indyref2 legislation is a complete ban on polls in the last 2 weeks of the campaign. Several other countries in Europe have similar legislation as its the best way to combat private media bias without getting into the messy business of preventing free speech.
Proud Cybernat
8 years ago
55% voted to remain with the UK.
62% voted to remain with the EU.
I think we can now see which Union most Scots would rather be with.
schrodingers cat
8 years ago
They won’t budge, and any done will have questions twisted to achieve that.
cant we commission some ourselves
if the results are close then maybe only a trend can be directed, but if no is sitting at 65% then i wouldnt call or indyref2
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
“What Scottish Tories want is what the Prime minster wants”,
Now your amendment for Scotland not to use Brexit to as a campaign for independence is rejected will the Tories shut up about an independence referendum and stop bloody going on and on about Independence.
Ruth the UKIP better together Scotland in Union Kommandanten, will be pleased now her objections are off the table.
8 years ago
Greannach says:
17 January, 2017 at 4:56 pm
Ian Murray MP did his best in the last Parliament to make the poor even poorer with his support for a benefits cap and for Osborne’s budget.
I know. He’s an odd lad. Problem is that because he then lied on BBC vote NO ya bastert ingrates Scotland, we never knew why. Sure he’s just another red tory seat warmer but SLab really don’t seem to get why they’re the red tories.
Ultimately Ian’s no doubt talking to his core vote, Morningside Edinburgh, which again speaks volumes about SLab’s plummet into the UKOK abyss, like an unfunny road runner chasing coyote, who’s name I cant mind and is totally over egging my wtf are the red tories for in Scotland, point?
Andrew McLean
8 years ago
frogesque says:
17 January, 2017 at 4:51 pm
On a brighter note, just managed to catch the MisReporting Scotland billboards at Glenrothes today. Impressive!
Stop boasting I was there too!
8 years ago
Wile E. Coyote vs future Sir Ian Murray, red tory SLabour:D
Strange how Tories spin on their secretive Brexit plans with EU was to use the analogy of “a business never shows it’s hand before negotiations”.
However now they are now only to happy to disclose a trade deal WILL happen between UKOK and America courtesy of ‘my mother was Scottish’ and born again sentimentalist Trump.
Trump being a businessman is obviously unaware of the saying that ‘there is no sentiment in business’ and so is prepared to forgo his ‘protectionist’ USA policy to appease the motherland of his mother while at the same time insulting the fatherland (Germany) of his father Fred ( Fred’s parents both born in Germany) by dissing Merkel a REAL leader…..yeah right ok then……sure believe it when deal on table…..good deal for who though ????
And now…. Da Da ….we are at the stage where the Tories have been forced to show their hand and it is a grasping and greedy one.
Are they adopting the strategy of asking for more than they know they will get in order to get what they REALLY REALLY REALLY want? Old business trick…..the old ones are the best WAHAY.
Are they laying the foundations to reinforce the Britnat misconception that the EU is a dictatorship who deny and damage Britnat rights when the EU rightly says Non…Nein etc etc etc to their gimme gimme gimme demands …………i.e UKOK cake and eat BREXIT .
The truth is their hand is weak and using a business analogy they are ‘ripe for a take over’…………. and like most struggling businesses they will come cheap and what part of the negotiation will Scotland and it’s resources come into the equation I wonder.
And as for Independence and Scotland , who are supposedly yawn yawn subsidised by England, then staying with analogies based on a Tory current ‘favourite’ analogy i.e. business… needs to ask ‘what would a successful business (England Hee Hee) do if one part of their business ( Scotland aye right) was draining them financially and having to be subsidised ?’
Would the business ( England ) just keep ploughing money into the part of it’s business ( Scotland) that was struggling or would it simply ‘let go’ of the part that was not financially viable. Or are the Tories just being ‘sentimental’ in their business with Scotland and protecting us by financing us with their Anglo broad wealthy compassionate sentimental shoulders ?
Hence the ‘Please stay Scotland we love you ‘ and other conveniently long forgotten fake platitudes spewed out by those who cared not a jot for us or ours.
So based on previous and current Tory policies I just cannot see them as sentimentalists or compassionate so I have to conclude , unlike my deluded yoon brothers and sisters, that Scotland MUST be worth MORE than they admit we are ,hence why am not conned by Better Together shit pre and post Indy Ref.
I have an uneasy feeling that post BREXIT we in Scotland may be the sacrificial lambs that ensures England will not suffer, maybe our resources will also be used to sweeten and establish a deal for UKOK with the EU .
Maybe Tories North and South of the border should just admit they are NOT the party that protects the union but simply suppress one part of the union, to their detriment, in order to protect the only part that really really really matters to them and we all know where that is ………Engerland and thus any Brexit deal will be to Engerland’s advantage and Engerland only.
And so ‘respecting democracy’ they should respect that Scots most definitely democratically voted ‘No’ to BREXIT…..aye right… sure as sheeite they do and will not….EVER.
As for churnalists such as Hard Hearted- Brewer she should stick her ‘who asked you big mouth’ opinions where the sun don’t shine but the sheeite is obviously eternally strong with now and forever.
8 years ago
From ‘Scottish’ Labour’s 2016 Holyrood manefesto …
“Our commitment to remain in both the UK and European Unions, which are so important for our economy, provides the certainty business needs.”
Now, you can’t have both. Time to chose, Kezia!
8 years ago
Apologies I erred while cutting and pasting from the Rev’s link on the BBC in an earlier post. There were 5 demands not four I failed to split number 2 which is two demands.
So number 2a:
“Tariff-free trade with the EU”
8 years ago
SNP members are receiving this from Nichola Sturgeon;
Dear Marcia
After a wait of nearly seven months, Theresa May today set out her thoughts on Brexit.
You can read my full response to her speech here.
What’s very clear is that the Prime Minister’s decisions are being driven not by the national interest, but by the hard-right of the Tory party.
It’s a hard Brexit vision which means a de-regulated race to the bottom, with workers’ rights and environmental protection under threat.
The Scottish Government has set out a plan that would protect Scotland’s interests, our jobs and our economy.
While the Prime Minister has pledged to give the plan proper consideration, there’s been no evidence that Scotland’s voice is being listened to.
It seems the Tories now think they can do anything to Scotland and get away with it. They must start to understand how wrong they are.
The Tories cannot be allowed to drag us out of Europe and the single market, regardless of the impact on our economy, jobs, living standards and our reputation as an open, tolerant country, without Scotland having the ability to choose between that and a different future.
With her comments today, the Prime Minister has only succeeded in making that choice more likely.
The clearest unequivocal method to divide the MayWestminster “we are all exiting Europe” from the Scottish Governments determination that Scotland is doing no such thing, is the issue of Scotland’s sovereignty. That is the immovable sticking point beyond which Brexit cannot pass, not in Scotland.
Forget negotiations with May, forget polls, forget mandates, forget referenda. If Scotland’s sovereign voice has expressed its desire to remain in Europe, and it unequivocally has, then that decision stands. Scotland shall remain in Europe and Theresa May has no jurisdiction to overturn the declared decision of the sovereign voice of Scotland.
Let us be done with this nonsense, stop indulging this delusion that Westminster’s sovereignty is superior to ours, and stop selling our sovereign powers so damned short. Give Theresa May the cast iron ultimatum and have her, by her action and default, render the Union terminated and defunct.
8 years ago
@heedtracker at 4:56pm
Not everyone thinks so, As far as I am concerned the May speech was empty rhetoric devoid of any substance whatsoever.
8 years ago
Excellent demolition of T May’s Brexit speech on Business for Scotland Can’t do link.
I had the misfortune to watch sky newspaper review one night which was focused on Europe.
Julia Hartley Brewer was on as one of the guest reviewers, she talked constantly and hardly allowed the guy who was on with her to get a word in edge ways.
The arrogant and conceited attitude of her and the rest of the unionists is a sight to behold, they don’t like being told what to do but believe others in Europe should listen and do what the unionists tell them.
When I hear the tripe they spout about how Europe needs the UK more than the UK needs Europe, I noticed they never state why Europe so desperately needs the UK.
What products does the UK export to Europe that Europe couldn’t get elsewhere in the World?
Just been to the means streets of Partick and Govan, doin some shopping…lots of folks coming and going and nobody talking about this…and why would they?
But the news is on in a wee bit. I might have to find a stream online and do something I havenae done in years and watch the BBC UK news at Six. It’s been about 25 years since I sat down to watch the Scottish News and I’m tetchy already since i saw that Scottish New Spuds are £2.50 a KG and USA Sweet Spuds are half that price in Morrisons, so I doubt I’ll watch the Jockistan News.
But I’ve no doubt once the propaganda feed has dripped shite into the gen public there might be some chin waggin in the houses of the ordinary.
bjsalba says:
17 January, 2017 at 5:50 pm
@heedtracker at 4:56pm
Not everyone thinks so, As far as I am concerned the May speech was empty rhetoric devoid of any substance whatsoever.
Then they succeeded. Can tory BBC r4 teatime news crew now selling Teresa harder than cold callers flogging timeshares, British time shares!
8 years ago
Then they succeeded. Can HEAR tory BBC r4 teatime news crew now selling Teresa harder than cold callers flogging timeshares, British time shares!
They even have Eddie Hitler on too. And here’s future Lady Sarah Smith, who’s taking another long whizz over her Scottish region of greater England, shock.
8 years ago
A better PM, or performer, might have got away with that if we had no prior knowledge of the woman or her party. However everything we know about her the Tories renders the speech meaningless.
It feels different today. There is definitely an increasing appetite for Indyref2. I agree that people elsewhere in the UK are now seeing what we saw first time round.
Julia HB was sneering and dismissive of Indyref 1 as if we couldn’t possibly know what we would be giving up. I remember her on Sky papers saying she wished we would all just shut up and go. Hopefully she will get her wish sooner rather than later.
8 years ago
Hartley “One has an Aga and ones cook knows how to use it” Brewer.
I reckon the meja spin is going to 11, over Brexit, if we think the Yoons have lied so far, we ain’t seen nothing yet.
To the mattresses.
Giving Goose
8 years ago
All conversations on Brexit should refer to “England’s decision….”
Keep the dialogue focussed on use of the term “England”
“This is England’s choice.”
“England is dictating and making decisions that effect Scotland.”
“You are allowing England to run roughshod over Scotland.”
“Are you going to stand by and let England tell Scotland what to do?”
8 years ago
WOS archive links now over on O/T.
8 years ago
Newbies, the direct links to BUM rags at 6:02pm and 6:04pm are clickbait traps to help those rags pull in advertising revenue. The Sunday Post even backed a ‘No’ vote in our referendum.
8 years ago
Ooh, Sarah Smith on BBC News at 6 now, after they spoke to some middle class politicians and some working class folks fae doon the market.
Fuckin hell Sarah doesnae like Sturgeon does she? You can see there’s a thin veil that masks sheer contempt.
Fuck me, back to Kuenssberg, she already got ten minutes at the start. I hate all these people, except the nice West Indian Brummie woman at the market who wasnae up for Brexit and pointed out that folks come from other countries to do jobs folks here dinnae want to do, and that keeps the country (UK) going.
Nowt aboot the price of spuds. Gutted. They did talk to a fishmonger but he was intellectually challenged and quite confused but pretty much admitted as much so fair play to him.
Oh, prices are rising cos of higher oil prices and the fall in the pound. Retail prices have only gone up by 1% – bollocks, not in the shops roond ma way.
Keep posting the link folks and take the vote if you think Scotland should have a 2nd Indy ref…
Why did T May wear Tartan? Because the Yellow and Red Joker’s outfit doesn’t show up well on TV and the jingly bells would have drowned out her words resulting in a jumble of clangs and nonsense.
Giving Goose
8 years ago
Sarah Smith loathes Nicola Sturgeon because Nicola got to where she is on merit.
Sarah got the job because her father was Labour leader.
One has talent the other is Sarah Smith.
Robert Peffers
8 years ago
@John McLeod says: 17 January, 2017 at 1:26 pm:
“Just listened to Theresa May’s speech. I wondered if the decision to give Parliament a vote, right at the end of the Brexit process, was maybe part of a strategy to delay giving approval for Indyref2 in Scotland.
The people of Scotland are legally sovereign, John, and the Treaty of Union specifically states that Scots Law shall remain independent in perpetuity.
Not even Theresa May is daft enough to put that matter on the line and have it brought before the International courts especially at this particular time in United Kingdom history.
Ed t head
8 years ago
Are TM and Co mad they might get rid of all those foreigners good for them they can take all the foreign banks and carmakers with them. Hopefully some of the foreigners will move to a newly independent Scotland.
8 years ago
Just going to drop this in here, posted late in the last thread. Can’t be assed doing a new one!
Trump will now be the hero who is going to have a great trade deal with the UK where the USA gets everything and the UK nothing, but the UK will be ever so grateful to be the 51st state of the USA but without representation in Washington. Kind of a historical revenge for “No taxation without representation”. The UK thinking it’s playing in 7 no-trumps – has been Trumped. Oops. That’s the Atlantic Bridge for you.
Meanwhile May (rightly I think) has said it will be a hard Brexit for the rUK as no deal is better than a bad deal. Well, she’s absolutely right and should remember that when talking to the USA. According to Phillips O’Brien, Trump has assembled the toughest business negotiating team in history, and what does the UK have? Boris Johnson and Dickie Davis. God help them.
Ruth Davidson is repeating her insistence there be no Indy Ref 2. That’s not just bad advice for Scotland, it’s bad advice for the UK and her boss Theresa May. The last thing the UK needs as it launches itself on the high seas of the brave new world of an unfettered UK – which might actually work well for it by the way – is a mutinous crew, where half of Scotland want nothing to do with it except as a good neighbour, and two-thirds actually want to stay in the EU. That’s what she should be telling May.
As it enters the now uncharted waters of open world trade, the UK needs certainty and a fast but solid ship of state, and with Scotland dragging on, that it most certainly does not have. Same as with NI.
8 years ago
Misreporting snaps, Glenrothes Morrisons 1.30pm 17th. Jan 2017
Reveived my email from Nicola at 5.35pm. I must admit, she looks great dressed all in red. The European Flag and the SNP symbol also sets the tone. Magic.
The final insult. My wife was settling down for her weekly dose of “River City” only to find it has been replaced by an exhilarating soccer contest between Lincoln Rovers and Bumshire Beagles or somebody like that
BBC Scotland. You are having a joke
8 years ago
Who’s pulling Theresa Mays strings? Someone must be else why does a supposed Remainer become a hard Brexiteer?
You have to ask just exactly what is in it for them so desparate to leave the EU? Surely it can’t be good for increasing trade, surely the fall in the value of the pound must increase inflation and interest rates will follow soon enough.
I remember well Thatchers policies of mass unemployment and destruction of the UK’s industrial base simply to destroy Trade Unions and reduce inflation.
Did any of these policies work in favour of the majority in the UK? Of course not, though it did benefit the bosses and the share owners. Always keep in mind that those running this country couldn’t care less if people are starving and using foodbanks in order to survive because of austerity.
They couldn’t care less about people who commit suicide due to the despair induced by being sanctioned. Voting to leave the EU and the protection that it offered to ordinary workers must be the biggest case of self harm that voters in the UK have even brought on themselves.
Some must benefit though, who could that be? This lot are not after a Hard Brexit for no reason at all. There is a reason and the ordinary Brit will pay the price as their “rights” are taken away and the ruling class tighten their grip. The UK is not that far away now from acting as a fascist state.
Remember Andrea Leadsoms speech at the Tory conference?
Maybe that came a bit too soon for the faithful when she said “she hoped Brits would take over from migrants as fruit pickers.” That what she thinks of the ordinary Brit, a fruit picker.
What about Amber Rudd then and she’s still the UK Home Secretary when she said:
“Furthermore, from December, immigration checks will be a mandatory requirement for those wanting to get a licence to drive a taxi.
And from next autumn, banks will have to do regular checks to ensure they are not providing essential banking services to illegal migrants.
Money drives behaviour, and cutting off its supply will have an impact.”
Never forget Theresa Mays vans either, these are the type of people that the UK voter has chosen to lead them. It’s totally baffling to me so I’m asking what’s in it for them?
There has to be something that has people behave in this way. It can’t just be that they are totally evil, though that is probably a factor.
No there is something in it for them, that means it is not for us.
Robert Peffers
8 years ago
@Arabs for Independence says: 17 January, 2017 at 2:54 pm:
“Lewis MacDonald MSP speaking on the Brexit debate – he has obviously been brushing up on his Scottish accent since yesterday. He said absolutely nothing as per usual.”
Och! Arabs for Independence, He is a Labour MSP – Labour MSPs are not supposed to say anything – they are just supposed to talk while saying nothing. You have to admit they do it very, very, well.
I think it is all that practising the do in Holyrood.
Iron Man
8 years ago
But Teresa loves us……she even wore a Tartan suit to show us how much she loves us……
Na, I’m not buying that either.
8 years ago
If the majority of Scots MP’s vote against Brexit we remain. After all Scottish Law for Scottish people.English Law for the English.
ok Mundell
8 years ago
When the dust settles and the tumble weeds stop rolling, it will come to pass that, this was a hidden agenda concocted by certain Westminster politicians and the USA before Indy Ref 2014.
The English Government will always be the lap dog of America, who have maybe just “in some underhand way” caused the breakup of the EU.
Lets face it a weak Europe is easier for America and Israel to control,
the UK sold for the princely sum of a Hershey’s bar, at least when reality sets in the Brexiteers will maybe just wake up to the fact they were royally shafted, but the morons they trusted will be living overseas pissing themselves laughing at them.
If you do not like what America has become, “remember they caused the world financial crash then sued everyone else”, equal trade partners!! aye right, you are going to hate the UK post Brexit, welcome to Americas dumping ground, where the rest of Europe will tell us to Fu*k off when we need their help.
“Apologies for being negative”
On a brighter note at least Nigel’s happy. (CHUNT)
I reckon Hartley Brewer smokes a pipe(there’s an image)probably filled with
“Ye Winstons old Trout” or something as rank.
8 years ago
Meg merrilees wrote on 17 January, 2017 at 6:35 pm
“Keep posting the link folks and take the vote if you think Scotland should have a 2nd Indy ref…”
Folks, just be aware that clicking on any direct links to or within BUM rags helps them to pull in advertising revenues which in turn helps to pay those who crap all over Scotland.
These ‘Polls’ within the BUM rags are also an insult to our intelligence and make a mockery of the ‘Yes’ movement by getting us to help finance the churnalists who write the lying guff.
Just be aware folks, these clowns are laughing at us! No ‘Poll’ is ever going to bring us independence but they do help to keep the Unionists in a job.
Brian Doonthetoon
8 years ago
Re: Julia Hartley-Brewer’s quote atl…
The Yoon quote in the same vein, that I found so telling it stuck in my mind, from the 2014 campaign, was Piers Morgan’s, on 8th August 2014 on Twitter.
It’s the one in red at the bottom on the right.
8 years ago
Dave McEwan Hill says:
BBC Scotland. You are having a joke
The BBC make no attempt to actually serve Scotland, on all sorts of levels.
We all know their news and political coverage is little more than propaganda.
But there’s more!
DAB radio came to our local hill top transmitter. So I dug out my DAB radio, which has been idle for a few years. I couldn’t understand why its scanning seemed to receive little. Then the penny dropped. Small local transmitters in Scotland only carry BBC ‘National’ radio and when they say ‘National’ they mean English. Radios 1-5 plus World and Asia. No Radio Scotland. No Scottish commercial outlets. Useless!
Also, I recently realised that BBC 2 HD, as broadcast in Scotland, is actually BBC2 England. On the rare occasion BBC 2 Scotland has an opt out Scottish programme, you have to tune to the non-HD channel.
OK, some of you will say, don’t play your licence. Truth is, we watch drama progs on the BBC. We pay our licence.
That doesn’t stop me moaning and complaining!
I would like to see the Scottish government making more of an issue of the BBC’s crap service on anything Scottish.
8 years ago
From Nana’s Independent link, Adam Posen:
“Several times, the PM said that since the UK economic data was better than expected for the last six months, she was persuaded she was wrong about the economic costs of Brexit being large.
This is Wile E. Coyote logic – I ran off the cliff, but so far I haven’t hit anything and the view is nice, so the future will continue to be nice. Splat.“
Robert Peffers
8 years ago
@ronnie anderson says: 17 January, 2017 at 3:44 pm:
Please could someone explain.
Why do we need a referendum.
The U.K. Union consists of two equal partners Scotland and England.
Scotland is not a junior partner.
why would any government at Holyrood Seek permission from England to do anything.
The union is finished let’s stop arsing around, stop reacting to unionists. Let’s see the Scottish government show some leadership. ffs
8 years ago
Not paying your licence is totally painless. I’ll be honest i thought it would be difficult having been used to having the telly on non stop whenever in the living room.
It wasn’t difficult and there are better alternatives, I chose not to pay to have lies beamed into my house. Each to their own and I’m not having a go, just pointing out that it is possible to live without live TV.
In fact as far as I’m concerned not only possible but preferable.
8 years ago
Sorry I have not had time to read all the posts yet so I apologise if this has been posted already:
Rejection of Brexit deal by parliament won’t stop EU exit – minister
Thepnr @7.10: eloquent stuff. I’m beginning to think they’re Lizard People. They sure ain’t human.
Nana: Vote, vote, vote for Nigel Barton. Vote early, vote often, use Yesindyref2’s cookie cleaner. 😛
MJT: you sound as pissed off as me. And nae wunner.
Independence: are we nearly there yet?
8 years ago
So, no probs with common travel area between UK and Ireland. No need for a hard land border between Northern Ireland and the rest of Ireland – even under starkly different political arrangements. Meanwhile an independent Scotland – under any circumstances – will require trumpesqe walls along its border with England, with armed guard watch-towers and loads of customs posts.
ronnie anderson
8 years ago
@ Robert Peffers Thanks Robert ah did get it right the second time of posting . The site will be updated with more information tomorrow & in the coming weeks.
Kendomacaroonbar has loaned us the 30 ft Gizzebo for the Graham Brown Band, & YesBikers things shaping up nicely. I do believe our own Cactus is doing a duet with Jock Scot and there’s more lol.
Socrates MacSporran
8 years ago
This is off-topic, but, it’s good for a laugh.
I have just heard the BBC Scotland continuity announcer assure the viewers to BBC2 that: “In an hour, we’re off to the North Bridge in Edinburgh, home of The Scotsman”.
I cannot remember exactly when the paper moved, but, they haven’t been based on the North Bridge for at least 15-years; that building is now an upmarket hotel.
Indeed, the dear old Hootsman is now on its second home since leaving North Bridge.
Should I tell BBC Scotland?
Grumpy Fella
8 years ago
I wonder is there any hope of the Ruth Davidson party, Scottish Labour and what remains of the Scottish Lib Dems coming around to Indy after today’s announcement ? Or has their all consuming hatred of the SNP resulted in this never being an option?
ronnie anderson
8 years ago
@ Thepnr Honest there’s nae pain in watching TV without paying the Licence Fee, its only ah bit of paper & we’re only getting back what we put in for years on end.
8 years ago
So non-league English football team versus some other English team in an early round of the English FA Cup is on at prime time on BBC 1 tonight, causing one of the few Scottish drama programmes to be moved. BBC Scotland is taking us for mugs! (I know, I know, why do I pay to be treated as a mug!!)
I have recently complained to BBC Scotland about showing early round FA Cup matches of no Scottish or UK-wide significance at prime time on Friday nights. So now spreading to Tuesday nights as well. I pointed out contrast to lack of live coverage of Scottish Cup matches on BBC tv. Asked if any Scottish Cup match would ever be screened live outside Scotland.
Usual guff in response, including how popular these early round FA Cup matches are with their audience! Then asked for evidence on this. None forthcoming.
Not entirely related, but I found this in the BBC account of the speech (I don’t have time or a strong enough stomach to read it all):
There was another warning for the EU in the PM’s speech, as she told leaders to “respect difference”, rather than “trying to hold things together by force, tightening a vice-like grip that ends up crushing into tiny pieces the very things you want to protect”.
Wow… I mayn, I know they’re hypocritical and think they can say different things to different audiences, but… really. Wow.
Robert Peffers
8 years ago
@Fred says: 17 January, 2017 at 4:34 pm:
“The time will come when the Scots will erect a statue of Theresa for services rendered!”
Shouldn’t that read, “The Scots will render a statue of Theresa for sevices rejected”?
8 years ago
C4 news there was an other awful long tory political broadcast tonight, with almost no EU response at all, just insular tory shite for obvious reasons. Their economics women was really excited and upbeat and says UK business is thrilled with the end of uncertainty and its great that they’re out of the single market, but no one has idea what Brexit means, which is great uncertainty, because its tory. Teresa has even got a sting in her tail and is threatening the EU to be a UK friend.
Then they had on that ancient monster Kissinger, with endless Heil Trump grot. Putin also says Heil Trump wouldn’t use Russian hookers, its a hoax as he’s got access to lots of available free women, with his Miss World business and Putin says Russian hookers are the best in the world. Putin/Trump relationship is infinitely more than their hooker rating but teamGB tory media’s not going there. Come on Scotland. There must be a better way than the tory BBC led media creepshow.
8 years ago
Thepnr says:
It wasn’t difficult and there are better alternatives,
Yes. We do watch a lot of streamed movies and have just started watching the latest series of Vikings on Amazon streaming.
However, we do enjoy watching broadcast TV drama, especially ‘a good murder’. 🙂
I don’t really expect to be paying a BBC licence fee for much longer anyway! In the future BBC output may be by subscription, but that’s a quite different matter.
Robert Graham
8 years ago
I know its a bit twisted but the knowledge that the ones who voted NO in 2014 are now regarded as shit like the rest of us brings sour satisfaction ,at least we tried ,they surrendered so all grief thats heading their way Tough Shit they were warned .
Ian Brotherhood
8 years ago
@Thepnr & RonnieA –
Someone here, within the last two months or so, recommended a Kodi box for watching the box, so I got one.
Took a bit of fiddling about and we cocked it up a few times as you have to be patient in allowing it to get a decent connection and you also must be sure to shut it down properly, but we’ve got the hang of it now and it’s brilliant. More sport and movies and ‘box-set’ series than you could ever watch.
Can’t remember exactly how much we paid for it, but it came to about £60 all-in. You pay another £7 or so after two years to get a refresher code.
Whoever it was who recommended it, cheers aplenty and thanks amuchness.
8 years ago
I couldn’t believe it when I visited the Isle of Wight last year and found they have a local BBC radio station for the island, population 138000; there are loads of similarly parochial regional BBC radio stations throughout England. Yet we put up with one station for our country of 6+ million (two if you count the Gaelic station). The BBC begrudge spending a single penny more on Scotland than they are compelled to by law.
Ian Brotherhood
8 years ago
@Heedtracker –
Kissinger was on C4 News? Seriously?
8 years ago
@Robert Peffers
They could put a statue of May in a shallow well-stocked fish pond.
The gulls would have a great time rendering it.
8 years ago
Ealasaid says:
Rejection of Brexit deal by parliament won’t stop EU exit – minister
Doesn’t surprise me. WM won’t be asked to vote on actually leaving, they will get a chance to rubber stamp a trade deal of some sort.
If it is a full trade deal, then expect that in about 4-8 years!
It might be an interim arrangement which May et al expect to finish before leaving. That timescale is far from certain. WM may get no vote prior to actually leaving.
Trade deals are an irrelevance to the immediate crisis. Two years from A50 the UK will leave the EU and the single market. That is unacceptable to the SG/SNP/Greens so there must be an IndyRef2 vote on that issue.
Scotland will probably be long gone before WM get to vote on anything!
Neil Mackenzie
8 years ago
That tweet is being taken very hard by a lot of people producing some fairly hostile responses but it is a perfectly straightforward expression of the situation as it stands.
It’s the situation as it stands which deserves the hostile response.
CameronB Brodie
8 years ago
Re. the lack of honesty and pluralism eminating from Westminster. Neolineralism is a form of fascism, frankly.
Any method that seeks to subvert the democratic demands of citizens, whether through force, coercion, or social engineering, is auritarian in two distinct but related forms. First, ththoritarian. I argue here that the neoliberal state is authoe historical imposition of neoliberalism on nation-states is the result of anti-democratic forces. Second, the maintenance of neoliberalism requires a market society achieved through a transformation in civil society. For this transformation to take place, welfare states must be slimmed down by austerity policies in order to turn over to the market potentially lucrative sectors of the social economy (in health care, education, social security, and so on). Public resources must become privatized; the public good must be produced by private initiative. Neoliberal economic policy can only function with a state that encourages its growth by actively shaping society in its own image, and austerity is the tool to push for that transformation. While the subversion of democracy is clearly authoritarian, the drive towards a market society and the social engineering necessary to maintain that society are further expressions of the de facto authoritarianism of neoliberalism and the neoliberal state….
I read on the Irish Times and on Dutch News that several countries are competing for the European Medicines Agency. Presently based in London, it employs 900 people. I would have thought that would be a good catch for an Independent Scotland. Now if only we were independent…..
@Peter McCulloch says: 17 January, 2017 at 5:55 pm:
” … When I hear the tripe they spout about how Europe needs the UK more than the UK needs Europe, I noticed they never state why Europe so desperately needs the UK.
What products does the UK export to Europe that Europe couldn’t get elsewhere in the World?”
I hear the EU is critically short of rectally sphinctered bovine waste matter, Peter.
I also have it on very good authority, (my source wishes to remain unanimous), that there is a place in the London SW1 area where there are great steaming stockpiles of the stuff.
schrodingers cat
8 years ago
TM has no madate from the euref to take the uk out of the single market. I dont think she planned to either but it is becoming clear from comments by the eu that remaining in the single market wasnt an option. today was nothing more than a down grading of expectations about what a good deal actually means.
tompkins is reduced to arguing that although we will now leave the single market TM will still negotiated a good trade deal for the uk.
yoon social media tempting nicola to declare indyref2 today, but we should wait till negotiations start and le are over
ronnie anderson
8 years ago
@ Ian Brotherhood Aye its aw rite fur some people Watchin bloody box sets & heres me stuck tae Watching Holyrood debates & oan the phone & PC, ah wee treat themorra Watching HoC PMQs, diz the Kodi box work in Caravans LoL.
btw ah think a’ll gie Nth Bridge ah miss
Hoots Mr.
8 years ago
To Srewartb:
What is going to happen to English football post Brexit?
Is what is left going to be paid in English pounds? Back to 1.1 litre corsas.
Ian Brotherhood
8 years ago
@Ronnie –
Unfortunately, as a lay lawyer, you must keep burning the midnight oil for there will come a day when you will have to get wan ay yon wee wigs oan and defend 100,000 of us for not paying that ludicrous tax.
But beware – many of us will be using ‘Yon Big Anderson fella telt us tae dae it!’ as a defence…it could get messy mister, but we’ll still be pals.
The Rough Bounds
8 years ago
Re, Theresa May and her tartan jacket. It reminds me of that wee string puppet in the 1960’s Pinky and Perky Show. It was a frog that ‘played’ the saxophone. It wore a tartan jacket. And it only moved if the strings were pulled.
Robert Peffers
8 years ago
@Giving Goose says: 17 January, 2017 at 6:20 pm:
“All conversations on Brexit should refer to “England’s decision….””
Well Britain sure as hell is not Brexiting. Even if everyone voted for it, all that will be leaving is the United Kingdom parts of Britain and even that is now looking like only parts of the UK will be leaving.
CameronB Brodie
8 years ago
I wasn’t over-egging things, neoliberalism(s) are divorced from human value and so are subsequently anti-social and utlimately unsustainable*. That’s when totalitarianism resorts to physical terror, as opposed to “managing democracy”.
Chapter 2: Neoliberalism, freedom, and openness
Neoliberalism is a complex and diverse phenomenon – to the extent that it may be more accurate to speak of ‘neoliberalisms’ – so any definition of it will of necessity be partial and contested. However, the term is often used ambiguously so it is worth clarifying at the outset. The intellectual history of neoliberalism’s emergence – from 1930s German ordoliberalism, the work of Hayek, the second Chicago school of the 1950s – 70s, and onwards towards ‘applied’ neoliberalism from the Thatcher and Reagan administrations to the 2007 – 09 financial crisis and beyond – has been explored by many scholars (e.g. Davies 2014, Harvey 2005, Mirowski and Plehwe 2009, Peck 2010, Stedman Jones 2012). This chapter will comprise a discussion of this history with a particular focus on a theoretical understanding of how openness is conceived within neoliberalism. I will come to define the political project of neoliberalism as the continual expansion of markets 1 and market-derived forms of measurement and evaluation into all areas of social life.2
Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism link to
* Social Darwinist live under rocks.
8 years ago
Thepnr says:
17 January, 2017 at 7:10 pm
“Who’s pulling Theresa Mays strings? Someone must be else why does a supposed Remainer become a hard Brexiteer?”
Well here’s my theory (or hope rather). Faced with the ref. result, a narrow Leave vote where it seems many were expecting a ‘soft’ outcome, and pressure from the Kippers and fellow travellers in her own party, she has decided to humour the Leavers and go all out B-means-B making sure that the EU will tolerate no more compromise. I.e. as Hard as possible. But the harder they come, the harder they fall.
I just hope she gets her timing right. It has to become apparent that a seriously hard Brexit will be a total disaster. And she has to indirectly stoke the resulting public pressure against that outcome. Hopefully with NI and maybe Scotland delaying A50, she will have to ‘reluctantly’ delay starting the process, and then eventually back down in the face of mounting public pressure not to do it. Maybe with a second ref. maybe not?
Of course there are plenty of ways such a cunning plan might be wrong-footed, but here’s hoping …
Also if Scotland is to escape the clutches of the UK, timing is again vital. But on that I trust NS totally 🙂
8 years ago
Today has been a good day. It is clear that it is now Scotland v Tories. Tories who will demand their pound of flesh.
Davidson, Dugdale and Rennie in hiding. I’d guess now that Labour support has dropped below 10% but still she will cling on as no one else will step in.
Be in no doubt, today is the start of Indyref2 even if the SNP choose not to announce it as such, so let’s get to it. I’ll bet everyone of you that reads Wings has a friend or relative that voted No last time?
They, first and foremost are who you must persuade, it’s not easy I know but if you can’t win over those closest to you first then others will be hugely more difficult.
It has been a good day when the Tories are doing the job for us. We should take heart and get on the front foot. Get in there with the head down!
CameronB Brodie
8 years ago
N.B. Not all neoliberals are social Darwinist Tories. A lot of the world’s leading neoliberals were formerly Marxist Trots. Positivists of a feather….
Will SNP members please reply to the FM ASAP
If you don’t have your email yet it’ll be along in a minute or so
ronnie anderson
8 years ago
@ Ian Brotherhood Chist hiv tae inform you your comment aboot the Wee Wig’s true ah hiv wan wei ah Rid Suit n Wellies lol.
CameronB Brodie
8 years ago
N.B. Not all neo-liberals are social Darwinist Tories. A lot of the world’s leading neo-liberals were formerly Marxist Trots. Positivists of a feather….
8 years ago
“SNP members are receiving this from Nichola Sturgeon;”
“The Scottish Government has set out a plan that would protect Scotland’s interests, our jobs and our economy.”
As if anyone in the UK or EU will pay any attention to Scotland’s interests and the Scottish Government’s plan.
Nicola and the SNP, stop flogging a dead horse.
Independence is the only way to protect Scotland’s interests. Say so openly.
Les Wilson
8 years ago
Socrates MacSporran says:
It is over 20 years when the Scotsman property was renovated to ” Royal Mile Mansions” or something like that.
Not Convinced
8 years ago
Peter McCulloch said @ 17 January, 2017 at 5:55 pm When I hear the tripe they spout about how Europe needs the UK more than the UK needs Europe, I noticed they never state why Europe so desperately needs the UK.
What products does the UK export to Europe that Europe couldn’t get elsewhere in the World?
The way the logic goes (FCVO of “logic”) is that the the rest of the EU exports more to the UK than the UK exports to them. This is I believe actually an entirely truthful statement, however it doesn’t really mean as much as some think it does as the UK’s exports to the rest of the EU are a much greater percentage of our total exports than the rest of EU’s exports to us are of their total exports. ~44% of the UK’s exports in good & services go to the of the EU, but a much lower percentage of their total exports comes to us.
To put it another way, they can live without us much more easily than we can live without them!
8 years ago
At least 10% of Scots voted to remain in the UK, as Westminster Demanded that it was the “Only” way that they
could remain a member of the EU.
The lie and corruption that was Indy Ref 1, in Red White and Blue, had a result that is No longer true.
That result was stolen, and now the English pretend to be blind, deaf, and suffering amnesia.
The Elected First Minister of Scotland must fight for the 2 out of 3 Scots who voted remain.
Scotland has never voted for a Tory Government in 60 years, and certainly not this one, and No one in the UK voted for bungling Teresa May as Prime Minister.
Scotland is not for a future as bottom feeders in a small pond full of fat Tory Sharks.
Scotland Remains,and Scotland is heading for Independence
ronnie anderson
8 years ago
@ Ian Brotherhood Thought’s aplenty re Legalities. Mis Reporting Scotland & BBC BIAS Protest, what Company/Corporation would tolerate people slagging of they’re business & a loss of revenues without resorting to Legal action .
Am dain ah Wendy Alexander here BRING IT ON BBC, or as the wee duck on the Logo says Yer No Ma Auntie Beep beep beep.
Dammed if they dey Dammed if they dont. I might get a summons after years of trying LoL.
The Jackie Bird/Douglas Fraser double act: Misreporting Scotland Tonight.
(Setting the scene. ‘Uncertainty’, Brexit and another Independence referendum.)
“Douglas Fraser, we’re told that Brexit means uncertainty and any talk of another Independence Referendum means uncertainty. What does business make of today’s manoeuvres?
“Businesses across Britain have been asking for more clarity about what is meant by Brexit.
What it could look like.
(Really? Well not quite. He rambles on.)
(Presumably DF didn’t get yesterday’s ‘will say’ Press Release.)
They also wanted , certainly exporting businesses, to maintain access to the European Union’s single market, a customs’ union, access to recruit workers from elsewhere in Europe as well.
(Clarity. ‘They certainly got that?’ Really?)
But they have heard the Prime Minister put out plans for what she thinks could be as good, acknowledging their concerns and other deals being struck with countries in other parts of the world.
There is some scepticism (Naw!) about how much of that can be achieved through negotiations.
This is the starting point. What Theresa May would like over time. (Suddenly DF is a UK Government spokesman?)
That’s the main concern., that there’s a cliff edge. Two years of negotiaions then we fall of the edge and businesses find trade very badlt disrupted unless plans are put in place very soon. That’s their main concern. (But they got ‘clarity’ today, did they not?)
While they can live with a vision set out, seeks out opportunities under any new regime, businesses now in Scotland , they have another concern if we are moving towards another Independence Referendum in Scotland then there is less clarity on that question for those who operate in Scotland.
Everything is crystal clear. Businesses are behind Brexit now that Big T has provided clarity, but if we Scots call another Indyref, there will be uncertainty and disaster.”
This is ‘clarity’, from Douglas Fraser who speaks for businesses across the UK?
SNP BAD. Independence referendum BAD. Brexit clarified, ergo, GOOD.
I’ll be back later to discuss the Daily Record’s ‘VOw fulfilled’ Scotland using new welfare Powers’ Pish, and Kezia conversion to Freedom of Movement, as though she had just thought it up and the SNP is fixated with Independnece.
Or maybe not.
Misreporting Scotland.
8 years ago
It was previously stated that the soonest date for Indy Ref 2 was in 2021, when a considerable number of elderly citizens, who still believe that the BBC and their Daily Newspaper wouldn’t lie to them, have been replaced by the younger generation who want control of their rights, and their country.
We may not be able to hold out for that ideal date, but we could hold off until 2019, just before Westminster Rips us out of the EU and strips us of all trading partners, and workers rights.
Two years should give the Tories enough rope to strangle themselves, and the UK.
8 years ago
You are a cad so you are. Not content with attacking Robert Peffers so tonight you have a wee go at Marcia. Do all your marbles reside in the same bag or have you lost some?
Marcia is a stalwart of Wings and the Independence cause, your just a sour faced old git that never stops moaning.
It helps to know that you won’t be advising Nicola anytime soon. Gie us peace.
Jockanese Wind Talker
8 years ago
From The Evening Standard: Theresa May slammed by Brexit negotiator over ‘threatening’ tactics.
“The European Parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator has criticised Theresa May’s “threatening” tactics and warned the days of Britain cherry-picking its relationship with Brussels are over.”
“Guy Verhofstadt said the Prime Minister’s decision to suggest the UK would become a low-tax, low-regulation haven if the EU failed to agree a good exit deal was a “counter-productive” strategy.”
“Some MEPs were more forthright, with German Green Jan Philipp Albrecht saying Mrs May’s message was “Go f*** yourself EU but please don’t let us down”.”
Chickens coming home to roost.
It really does appear May and the Loony Right believe the ‘opinion polls on the appetite for Indy Ref2’; That NS is bluffing; that Britannia is Great and Johnny Foreigner will capitulate as in times past whilst her old Imperial subjects and Trump and the Chinese will beat a path to England’s shores with fantastic trade deals.
Suspecting May was pre-warned re: Supreme Court verdict that she has said Parliament and Lords get a vote(what of the Devolved Administrations though??)
8 years ago
Ian Brotherhood says:
17 January, 2017 at 8:29 pm
@Heedtracker –
Kissinger was on C4 News? Seriously?
Its like an hour long Times/Telegraph editorial, on tv. C4 is ITN and Snow’s just another hard core conservative hack, little if any actual news, various vacuous right wing opinions from assorted tories, an odd red tory thrown in. Snow at least had the decency to look embarrassed.
It looks like the UK establishment under some stress because they are. They’re clearly showing steady as she goes UKOK stuff but it’s desperate. Or maybe there is total radio silence across the Channel on Brexit, sure looks that way on teamGB rules the waves tv and radio.
We’re being treated like morons by our imperial master baiters basically. And we are going to do really well to beat them with indy ref 2.
Paula Rose
8 years ago
Is wee Rock still around – how sweet.
Jockanese Wind Talker
8 years ago
Salmond on RT just now saying:
“May said she’d listen to Scotland’s case with respect well now she needs to accept NS compromise to allow Scotland to stay in Europe, in the single market.”
“We don’t take orders from Downing Street and from the Prime minister”
“If Theresa May flings down the gauntlet, then Nicola Sturgeon will pick it up”
Among other no nonsense, no ambiguity comments.
Game definitely on.
8 years ago
Some of the stuff being said about oor Nicola is deranged, and their grasp on reality beggars belief. So much hate just looking for a target. Angela Merkel is getting it just as bad.
There is something deeply unpleasant and ugly brewing South of the Border, and instead of leadership and statesmanship providing a steadying hand on the tiller, the UK has Theresa May finally working out for herself what Jean Claude Junker could have told her (or Cameron) back in June.
This is getting serious. May and Nicola are heading for an inevitable standoff, and I wonder how that’s going to resolve itself. Scotland is not going to back down, and May has nowhere to go. She must either concede to Scotland’s position, or contest it, and physically, how can she do either? She barely seems to grasp the reality of her dilemma, nevermind the subtleties of Scotland’s constitutional precedents, but she is boxing herself in with her rhetoric which plays to far right knuckle draggers and UKIP.
May has caved in over Brexit. A soft Brexit is not hers to deliver, so she isn’t even going to try.
May caved in to the Brexiteers. She was a remainder but sold out her principles to become PM.
Perhaps Mrs May’s pragmatism will eventually see her cave in to Scotland’s unassailable strength too. The million dollar question is what else can she do?
8 years ago
C4 is owned by the UK government and not part of ITN. You do know that right?
8 years ago
One of the major flaws with Wings is that it comes from such a Nationalist perspective it never quite gets what its opponents are actually thinking; Independence is always good, thus your opponents must always be mad or evil… That bias doesn’t make you mad or evil either, but it does lead to massive miscalculations such as assuming the question of currency was solved in the last referendum. After all, Project Fear must be obviously wrong, yes? Rather than politics is played to win, and there was genuine worry about it out there that meant Project Fear was seen as fertile ground to win upon…
Well, at this point in time we can all agree the moral, and probably legal cases for a second Indy Ref have all been made, and Scotland almost certainly will and should then get one. But I’ve been reading around trying to understand why the Establishment, both politicians and media, have been so complacent about the potential dissolution of the UK. And it’s not just because, as Wings writes in copious detail to itself, they’re “Yoon arseholes”.
I think May’s speech today, basically suggesting Britain will go all out for becoming a punitive Tax Haven if the EU plays hard ball is starting to reveal that hand; There’s an emerging awareness that you won’t suffer domestically for going for the Hard option, and when the EU is obviously now not bluffing when it says it is not going to go the You Can Have Our Cake and Eat it route either, it’s a perfect excuse to bring in all the Hard Right wet dreams back home.
Win Win for politicians, because even when the public loses, they seem to be in the mood for a self-flagellation. And they’re going to give it to you Good and Hard.
Why does that matter for Scotland? Because the EU has not, despite the self belief here, shown much enthusiasm for encouraging the UK to break up either. They’ve all got their own separatist movements they don’t want to encourage. Union is a sacred principle for them. If Scotland did go Independent, they’ll still defend the interests of the EU above all else, just as they now plan to do for the much larger, combined UK. They’ve shown their hand too.
And a rUK, having just self-destructed in the face of the far more powerful EU, is unlikely to be much pressured into being Soft on an Indy Scotland either. Not when there’s so many Nationalist Bigots in the South who’ll be itching to cut off their other foot to annoy the Lefties to the North.
So basically… they’re complacent I suspect because they know they can run Project Fear Max, openly and brutally if such a referendum arrives. And they quite possibly could win on that. Hey, you swing voters thought you were scared when we merely said we weren’t going to let you share a currency? Well now Europe isn’t taking you back on the same conditions, and we can be as self destructive as we like with our borders, so we’ll be openly stitching you up on far more than currency. Still wanna leave?
And I think, and what Wings seems blind too again is, that they’re not absolutely wrong. Right now Independence is in the state Brexit was in at the time of the Referendum; lots of wishful thinking about how so much nicer things could be if we we’re only brave enough. The risk, for Unionists, is that the Independence movement could also continue on the same path and say “Ok, if it’s going to be Hard either way, let’s vote to Exit the UK at least”. But you’re assuming they don’t know that; they do, of course they do. I think it’s far more likely they’re seeing internal data which indicates they can double down on it and win a second IndyRef even easier with Maximum Fear.
So don’t be as complacent this time around about the certainty of your case. Don’t just assume “The rUK will be fair!” and “the EU will love us!”. If the UK – EU Brexit Deal is really so bad that Scotland is likely to vote for Independence, then the rUK – Scotland deal is likely to be even more awful. And the same Scots you didn’t really listen too last time who said “You know what, I think they mean it” are going to really feel that this time. They’re going to be very, very afraid. Address that fear, offer them either a concretely better alternative, or appeal to their desire to just say “Damned if we do… fuck it, go for Independence”.
Just don’t patronise them and say “Ach, fearties” and dismiss their concerns like last time. It didn’t work last time, and the bullies are off the leash this time around.
8 years ago
Thepnr says:
17 January, 2017 at 10:25 pm
C4 is owned by the UK government and not part of ITN. You do know that right
I’m back. It’s been quite a day.
Here are some gems from Dugdale’s article in the Daily Record today of all days.
“The signs are not good – it appears the Conservative Prime Minister wants a “hard Brexit”, recklessly pulling Britain out of the EU single market and customs union.
That is not what many Leave voters want and my Labour colleagues in Westminster will continue to fight against attempts to cut us off completely from Europe. “
But not, apparently Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Secretary, who will not ‘die in a ditch’ (unlike many of the poor souls who fled the civil war in Syria) over free movement, Kezia. She is one of your ‘Labour colleagues in Westminster’?
It gets better.
“This is where I believe the Tories and the SNP are going wrong. Since the Brexit vote, they are casting about for a convenient political position rather than working in the national interest.”
Ruth Davidson is an arch Right Tory Unionist who puts Westminster and the Tory Far Right before the people of Scotland.
NICOLA Sturgeon has published detailed proposals to keep Scotland in the European single market, stating they are a “serious and genuine attempt” to “unify the country around a clear plan”.
They are not ‘casting about’, Ms Dugdale.heir position, polar opposites are pretty clear to me. Where you stand is anyone’s guess.
It’s a pity that you cannot bring yourself to back NS’ proposals to at least try to heed the wishes of the people of Scotland, and back her attempt to remain in the single market and retain freedom of movement.
And then this from Kezia.
“And Nicola Sturgeon’s focus should be to get the best possible deal for Scotland out of the Brexit negotiations, not on continuing to make the case for a second independence referendum.”
She’s obviously not been told about the SNP EU proposals then.
“If the UK is set to suffer from the uncertainty created by Brexit, as businesses question making
investments in the UK, we cannot afford for Scotland to appear to be an even more unstable prospect.
As a nation, we are already divided enough. We must not be divided again.”
Now I know where Douglas Fraser got his ‘line to take’.
She really isn’t in the room, is she?
It’s a photo finish whether she or Mundell resigns first.
Independent Television News (ITN) is a British-based news and content provider. It is made up of three divisions: ITN News, ITN Source and ITN Productions. ITN is based in London, with bureaux and offices in Beijing, Brussels, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, New York, Paris, Sydney and Washington DC.
ITN produces content for ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, UK mobile phone operators, online outlets such as YouTube, MSN, Telegraph Media Group, Yahoo!, and film producers and researchers worldwide.
Tam Jardine
8 years ago
Re the coverage tonight- I found myself listening to radio 4 and the vox pops left me laughing to myself in my kitchen. They had picked out a remain area in Liverpool and the general consensus seemed to be that the clarity was welcome. I voted remain but lets get on with it. At least we know where we are.
Channel 4 news seemed to be reading from exactly the same hymn sheet. Pretty alarming stuff if you think about it. Today our Prime Minister just stated that we would be leaving the largest trading bloc on planet Earth, right on our doorstep as Thatcher put it and our media is softening the population up.
I think it has been tremendous news- Nicola has been forced into indyref 2 by madness down south (which is the perfect position for us). Full steam ahead.
I spoke to the owner of a mortgage company I know today- told me the amount of houses being sold in Edinburgh to folk from London seeking shelter is astonishing. Also the number of demand for rentals is even higher as the capital attracts a real influx of folk moving here to work. Make of that what you will. Interesting times to live in.
I haven’t caught up with all the posts but does anyone know the breakdown of Mike Russell’s pro single market motion at Holyrood- I read slab had voted with the SNP and Greens and it had obviously passed… just wondered if lib dems and tories voted against (which would be odd/ridiculous).
“I think May’s speech today, basically suggesting Britain will go all out for becoming a punitive Tax Haven if the EU plays hard ball is starting to reveal that hand;”
Titler, Ireland’s the EU’s tax haven too and heavily exploited. So much for the evil tyranny of Brussels. Its far more than just the economy stupid, for Brexiteers of merry olde England.
Also, “And the same Scots you didn’t really listen too last time who said “You know what, I think they mean it” are going to really feel that this time.”
We did, WoS readers probably listened the hardest. Nice FUD though, give you that much.
8 years ago
You are a cad so you are. Not content with attacking Robert Peffers so tonight you have a wee go at Marcia.”
Engage your brain before opening your mouth.
My response is to Nicola’s letter, as quoted by Marcia.
@ Tam Jardine-
See them english folk that are moving to Embra, are they there to help independence or vote No in Oor next referendum.?
@ Ronnie-
You can download Kodi for pc, and watch everything ,Google it mate. Nae bbc funding fae ma hoose. 😉
Ian M
8 years ago
I am a regular here on WoS and I struggle every time I post.
My name is Ian Murray and I feel guilty that there is another Ian Murray running around not helping the country of his birth, basically in service to our Imperial Masters
I am 63 and have had my name longer than the other guy.
Feel free to have a dig at me as I am also a life long Stirling Albion supporter
8 years ago
Fuck off with your pedantry you sad *******. Your fooling no one.
8 years ago
I agree with quite a lot of what you say, we do have to take the fears of the swing voters seriously, we can’t just shout them down and call them stupid or Westminster lovers.
But as for this: “Because the EU has not, despite the self belief here, shown much enthusiasm for encouraging the UK to break up either.” there are posters in Wings have posted a lot of links to German, French and other newspaper online pages, and there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm for keeping Scotland IN the EU – as long as we’re independent.
CameronB Brodie
8 years ago
Pragmatism is an unsteady vehicle without the internal strengthening of an ethical framework, which is probably why so much effort is being made to manage our perception of UKOK’s global prospects.
I actually think TM believes ethics to be next to Suffolk. She certainly doesn’t appear to believe in universal human rights.
“The right to development is an inalienable human right by virtue of which every human person and all peoples are entitled to participate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, social, cultural and political development, in which all human rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized.” (Article 1.1, Declaration on the Right to Development)
“The human right to development also implies the full realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, which includes, subject to the relevant provisions of both International Covenants on Human Rights, the exercise of their inalienable right to full sovereignty over all their natural wealth and resources.” (Article 1.2)
Tam Jardine says:
17 January, 2017 at 10:42 pm
Re the coverage tonight- I found myself listening to radio 4 and the vox pops left me laughing to myself in my kitchen.
Definite UK wide media script. Its like they’re frightened, pushed the button, waiting for it to go off, sort of deeply worried elitism. City is the UK’s economic powerhouse, so they’re fully aware of Irish corp tax possibility for the UK but they never got a mention. Why not?
And if the City does up sticks, there’s not enough money to keep paying out Nissan style deals. But its all OK though, certainty for UK commerce is restored, the pound has rocketed up to its highest level since 2008, blasted out the grinning C4 news lady, happy UKOK times again…pound did drop a lot too back then but she didnt say against which currency, euro or dollar, or maybe she did, its all a blur of excitement. Let the good time role sort of madness.
All empires collapse from within, they say.
Big Phil
8 years ago
O/T , just a thought here, I had to attend court today,(supporting a family member);The Rev always reminds us tae watch and look out for not whats said but what its hiding, anyway I heard twice that PC’s couldnt be witnessess because they were on firearms training.Is this a new trend or am I reading too much into it. ? Some of you may know more.?
Bear with me, I’m on a roll.
Daily Record. 14th Jan ’17 authors, John Ferguson and Andy Philip.
“The Vow becomes reality as Nats unveil changes to controversial Universal Credit!”
Ostensibly Scottish benefits claimants will be given greater freedom to collect new Universal Credit payments than under the UK system.
It’s all thanks to the UK Government delivering on the Smith Commission and the VOW.
Interestingly the Record crops the Faces of Clegg Cameron and Miliband out of the picture. Perhaps they have been kicked out by their parties?
Scots UCS claimants can get their money fortnightly instead of four weekly in order to manage their budgets more easily.
Oh yes, and the ‘rent’ element of the UCS payment can be paid directly to the landlord rather than the UCS claimant in Scotland, but not yet, except in Lothian, the only area Up Here which has gone digital as part of the disastrous UCS roll out.
And that’s it.
These are the ‘new powers’.
The Universal Credit Scheme is of course a reserved scheme, the brainchild of IDS who has since resigned from the Tory government which is implementing it.
Job Seekers Allowance: scrapped.
Housing Benefit :scrapped
Employment and Support Allowance :scrapped
Income Support :scrapped
Child Tax Credit: scrapped
Working Tax Credit : scrapped.
Remember Ian Murray bumming that Labour had stopped Osborne scrapping Working Families Tax Credit? Werll, it’s scrapped now.
The Housing Benefit element of UCS for 18-21 year olds: scrapped.
The Employment and Support Allowance element of UCS reduced to JSA levels. No extra help for disabled claimants entering the workforce.
The Child Tax Element of UCS restricted to two children.
These draconian cuts to benefits and allowances are all hidden within the UCS scam, so that ‘it always pays to be in work’, even low pay, low skill, zero hours contracts work, than to be on benefits. Starve them back into work, any work.
In January 2015, the Red Blue and Yellow Tories voted through this package of cuts. None of it has been, or ever will be devolved to Holyrood. New powers, my arse. The ‘new powers’? Pay days and direct rent payments to landlords.
What a pitiful wee article. What a sick joke.
8 years ago
With respect to everyone above – you really need to be out on the streets, not sounding off on Wings. It is ONLY by talking to real people with real votes that you can get a sense – a gut feel – for what is happening.
The Council elections in May are a great excuse. You can raise the Brexit question, you can raise the Indy question – you can get a far better feel for what is happening than any pollster.
It doesn’t matter what party you do this for – in the end all that matters is sensing how the No vote is shifting to Yes, and whether it is doing it in a reasonable timescale.
Tam Jardine
8 years ago
Big Phil
I think that the influx may be more on-side than you expect. If you decide you hate your government so much you want to actually move to another country you might well throw yourself into life there.
There would be no point in escaping from the south only to try and lock Scotland into May’s dystopia. People aren’t moving up to Scotland at this time because they hate that Nicola Sturgeon- they are moving up because they believe in what she is saying.
I expect there will be a mix of folk from different backgrounds and with different professions including a fair number of EU migrants for whom every word Nicola pronounces on brexit is like manna from heaven.
Of course there may be some rich who want to protect what they have as is their wont… but that would be a guid sign Phil, would it not?
I understand your concern of course but we are a welcoming people and if folk want to move up here I am cool with that.
David Neill
8 years ago
Rock …. it’s becoming increasingly clear with each o yer posts that yer jist a wee pebble.
8 years ago
Watching Theresa May’s performance today clad in her tartan drag , haggard of face,with an assembled phalanx of watchful tory suits…the unreality of it all struck me hard.
A charade of unbelievable magnitude was unfolding….pretend leader talking to pretend politicians…with a pretend media in attendance, fawning over every hollow false statement dripping from her grim lips.
It reminded me of the scene in ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ when Mia Farrow discovers the ‘nice’ neighbours assembled around her new born baby all to be devil worshippers…and that the baby is actually the spawn of satan.
Maybe the analogy is too far fetched…but something very ugly was being hatched today in plain sight…and I feel more than queasy about what it all means.
8 years ago
Ian M says:
17 January, 2017 at 11:02 pm
I am 63 and have had my name longer than the other guy.
Feel free to have a dig at me as I am also a life long Stirling Albion supporter
Far be for me to have a go at you Ian. being a follower of Annan and Dunfermline as I am. 😀 Still here’s a wee video that might cheer you up no matter what else happens. 😀
@ Tam Jardine-
I do agree Tam, its just wee niggly thoughts that no-doubt we all have over everything concerning Our independence,The frustration is sore just knowing we are nearly there, there is no Low that wm will not goto to protect their little empire.As we can all see.
Tam Jardine
8 years ago
What I find most dispiriting is the complete and utter collapse of the labour party in the UK (and I say that as someone who has never voted labour in any election).
They are the enablers and it is their weakness that emboldens the tories. The tories haven’t changed- they still care nothing for the population and merely aim to protect their own interests and those of their class but it is labour who have retreated to an essentially ambiguous, half-hearted and almost disinterested position on the EU. It is like they have just powered down or something.
Never did I believe the lib dems could make an electoral comeback in England (albeit in a stable door post horse bolt situation).
Anyway- to bed… strange times we live in my friend
8 years ago
Sorry folks I know it’s the Daily Record but it was too good not to share. 😀
Nicola is still defending efta/eea as a compromise
maybe the discussion on here should be what is the best tactic the snp should tae in indyref2?
the unionists, and rock, are screaming for nicola to call indyref2 today…. hold, hold, hold
it’s comin’ yet fur a’ that
but when we decide and on what terms
8 years ago
Aye it is definitely coming and now we must hold our nerve and line and fire when we see the whites of their eyes.
There will come a point when the whole ghastly mess of an inelegant exit from the EU and the tender mercies of a Trump TTIP deal on steroids looks too ghastly even for Kezia to contemplate.
Meg merrilees
8 years ago
Stoker @7.23
I notice that I-Scot have flagged up the Sunday Post vote on whether there should be a 2nd indy ref and that link has also appeared on the Rev’s twitter feed.
After 12,500 + votes it now stands at 87% for indy; 13% Against.
Meg merrilees
8 years ago
Can’t remember who wanted the result of the Holyrood debate on staying in the single market… Nana?
Link to the the motion that was debated and won by the Scottish Government by 86 votes to 36.
Looks like on the very day that T May has said we are leaving the Single Market, the Scottish Government has just strengthened its position on staying in the same Single Market by an increased majority…
Perhaps you underestimate the power of BritNat zombie powder*, as administered by the BBC and wider corporate media?
* contains the political equivalent of deadly and debilitating fish and frog toxins. Also contain nuts.
8 years ago
Very good from The New European:
The problem with the English: England doesn’t want to be just another member of a team
Here’s a wee snippet:
‘The absence of a separate English parliament reduces the nations granted devolved assemblies to the marginal status the English gave them in the days of glory, as those slightly comical regional variations on a Britishness of which England – invisible and characterless in itself – was therefore alone representative. The decision of June 23, then, was not a decision taken by ‘the British people’ because ‘the British people’ do not exist: ‘the people’ is not a meaningful political concept and ‘Britain’ is a figment invented by the English to disguise their oppressive, indeed colonial, relation to the other nations inhabiting Great Britain and Ireland.
But because the English are still wedded to the lack of identity they enjoyed in the imperial era, and so, like other psychotics, have no sense of equality with others, or responsibility towards them, the most important issue of all was not raised in the campaign that preceded the vote: did the UK have a duty to remain? Did voters have a duty to consider the effect of their actions on their neighbours, as they might if they were deciding to plant a hedge of leylandii on their boundary or to stop contributing to the maintenance of a shared access road?’
This is an absolute must read article. Titled the Problem with the English, written by Cambridge Professor Nicholas Boyle. He has put his finger on the whole England/Britain/UK/Great Britain read it here.
Of course, those seeking social justice need to be mindful of the intrinsic, internal links between human rights and environmental quality. They depend on one another and require an ethical code that is in direct conflict with Hayek and UKOK neo-liberalism.
Tomorrow/today our Advan is visiting Stirling and Falkirk, go to our link and see where you will find it.
CameronB Brodie
8 years ago
Cherry and K1
I wonder if Prof. Nicholas Boyle reads Craig Murry’s blog, or even Wings? Macro-social, cultural psycho-babble wise. Pathologies of reason, indeed. 😉
Robert Kerr
8 years ago
Hi Wingers.
Totally O/T
Finished watching series recorded from BBC1 “The Missing”. Very good production and very European, French detective married to English lady. Plot centres on British Army base in Germany and climactic in Switzerland.
But why, why why is the monster abductor of young girls a Scottish accented person?
This is not subtle anymore!
Gott straffe der BBC!
Sleep well friends.
8 years ago
Lol, who even is this moron?
So… with IndyRef1, the no campaign in Scotland (Ruth Davidson and Kez Dugdale in particular) said that Scotland NEEDED to vote no in order to remain part of the EU as the EU was more important than an independent Scotland, but now after the Leave vote happened, all of a sudden remaining in the UK is more important than the EU and we don’t need the EU?
Yeah, these twits make a lot of sense. To think most of these idiots actually went to university and got a degree.
It’s the usual: ignore what Scotland want, just let them get dragged down and into the gutter with the rest of us… you know, because we say so.
And of course, we are to just bow down and be thankful for this wonderful WMG who in Thatcher’s words are: “So generous to the Scots.”
Why do Labour seem to be sitting on the fence one minute then jumping into bed with their sworn enemies the next minute then back on then fence again? Is it because they are all idiots who are trying to win votes from here there and everywhere?
Sad really. They’re just tories in red. It’s total desperation.
Scotland didn’t vote for a lot of things WMG ignored, why should we put up with it any longer?
I just hope IndyRef2 is a definite and clear YES this time. We can only hope that people will come to their senses and vote YES.
8 years ago
Robert Kerr wrote on 18 January, 2017 at 2:39 am:
“But why, why why is the monster abductor of young girls a Scottish accented person? This is not subtle anymore!”
It was always the case Robert. I can remember a series called The Bill and the rapist, paedophile, murderer, thief or alcoholic wife beater more often than not would have a Scottish accent. And i mean a Scottish accent because the person playing the part wasn’t always Scottish. And every now and again the Scottish accent would be rested for its Irish cousin.
8 years ago
Meg merrilees wrote on 18 January, 2017 at 12:59 am:
“I notice that I-Scot have flagged up the Sunday Post vote on whether there should be a 2nd indy ref and that link has also appeared on the Rev’s twitter feed. After 12,500 + votes it now stands at 87% for indy; 13% Against.”
And? I’m struggling to get your point.
Here’s a few points for you to consider:
(1):That figure of 12,500+ votes will not be 12,500 different people. There will be folk using multiple usernames to vote multiple times.
(2):The figures will also be getting manipulated behind the scenes by those running it just to keep the clicks coming in.
(3):When Nana voted she said it stood at 93% Yes. Thirty-three minutes later when you said you voted it was down to 92%. When you posted at 1am you stated it was now down to 87% Yes. Does that not tell you anything?
(4):Just because it appears on the Revs twitter feed does not make it right. Jeeezo, have you seen some of the shit he faces on his twitter!
(5):Just because there are apparently over 12,500 votes does not make it right – over 2-million were persuaded to vote ‘No’.
Nah! I’ll refrain from helping to put food on the table of those who help to remove it from the mouths of Scots thank you very much. Online ‘Polls’ are nothing but clickbait traps.
It’s all about deception!
David Mills
8 years ago
Why are we getting bent out of shape about what “Kate Hopkins lite” has to say. Just make sure those now swithering at decisions passed see how there valued by the voice MSM in UK.
David McDonald
8 years ago
Over 1 million people voted SNP.
This was based on a manifesto pledge that if there were any material changes there WOULD be a second Scottish independence referendum.
Brexit IS that material change, so dry your eyes yoons.
Independence is coming. Help support the SNP win the Scottish elections in May by supporting local SNP events. Especially this one:
Is she somebody?
Brewer’s one and only debating tactic, as far as I can tell, is misrepresentation. This makes her supercilious air all the more infuriating, because she is about as bright as a two Watt bulb.
True, Scotland didn’t vote for independence from the UK. It also didn’t vote for Brexit. So tough.
so its piss off sweaties do as your told ok dear lets see who blinks first this place is only under England’s control by OUR consent not yours DEAR.
I think it is pretty clear which of the two unions it was most interested in preserving, from the percentages…
my my more guff from another blaw bag
well where going to have another referendum
and this time were going to win
Just listened to Theresa May’s speech. I wondered if the decision to give Parliament a vote, right at the end of the Brexit process, was maybe part of a strategy to delay giving approval for Indyref2 in Scotland. The argument would be that the people of Scotland would need to be certain about what they were voting for. This would then make Indyref2 take place in a situation in which continued EU membership might be somewhat harder to negotiate for the government of a newly-independent Scotland. The connection with Hartley-Brewer is that both she and May are coming from a position of keeping Scotland in its box.
Genuinely who is this woman? I have never heard of her.
Scotland did not vote for independence in 2014 as a result of all the LIES pushed by Labour,Tories and the other lot. Then we had the Clunking Fist at the end promising us the world, in reality near Federalism a.k.a. the VOW. I wonder where that is now … WE are still waiting for it to be delivered.
Of course one of the big arguments from the NO side was we would be left outside the E.U. I wonder where they stand on that argument now?
You take the E.U. question along with their other broken promises about jobs, pensions and the N.H.S. and things have fundamentally changed so we are totally entitled to go again for a second referendum. This time folks eyes are well and truly wide open and we can all see straight through the lies deceit misinformation and promises never to appear.
Thanks to May the Mayhem today she has ensured that YES will win indy ref #2 and in my view win it HUGE!
Thanks may. 😀
And another few things that we did not vote for: TORY/T.MAY/THIEVES
Peace Always
Read the whole thread of her tweets this morning. Same old same old unionist dogma to us who want independence. Basically she was telling us to put up and shut up as we knew nothing and don’t matter.
Thought I would leave it as pointing anything out to her was going to result in the usual unionist argument of deflect with partial truths then change argument to a different issue.
eu negotiations
TM, we are out of the single market and customs union
verhofstadt… um ok
TM, we want to negotiate free access to single market and a customs agreement
verhofstadt… um, this is a brexit negotiation, not a trade deal negotiation, thats a different department. through the door on the left and take a ticket, thanks for stopping by
May’s aim no 3…. Keeping the precious union together!!
Flung in a list off stuff the press are not supposed to ask about,and,no details on that either.
That isn’t a EU negotiation issue, curious that it’s in the EU list of aims!!! Wonder why??
Time for progressive Scottish forces to unite and get behind the SNP!
Its really a question for those who voted no / remain.
Really need to pay more attention next time,listen harder to the WM voices and and ask was it really ‘Better Together’ after all, or was it just a clever snake oil – vow of no substance whatsoever.
Equal partners ? Mote like leash & collar.
Sad fact is that she is correct in what she says unless the Scotch Yoon cringers can dredge up some respect for the nation of Scotland somewhere.
How’s the weather in Davos btw Stuart ?
And neither did we vote for Theresa Mayhem.
Unfortunately, for the time being our thoughts matter nought to the “Union”
The whole BBC coverage of Teresa’s speech they had the important parties give their interpenetration of the meaning and consequences.
So we had the Largest party in parliament the Tories, the Second largest The Labour party, The Fourth largest the Liberals and lastly a party with one MP gets a voice.
But Local Regional or parties who have no representation in England do not get a voice no matter how large they are.
This is inclusive democracy Britnat style.
MisReporting Scotland… they don’t even bother to report on a national scale.
Tim Farron spoke well on BBC Politics at lunchtime
[…] Wings Over Scotland A useful reminder Every day from now until indyref […]
Link to her wiki page.
link to
She’s Oxford Educated. (Who isnae?)
“Hartley-Brewer began her career in journalism at the East London Advertiser in Bethnal Green. Later she worked as a news reporter and political correspondent for the London Evening Standard and then joined The Guardian, working at the latter until September 2000. She then moved to the Sunday Express as Political Correspondent, then Political Editor from 2001 until 2007 and then Assistant Editor (Politics), also writing a weekly opinion column. She left the Sunday Express in February 2011.”
The woman knows nothing and cares to know nothing about us. She’s doing fine and will continue to do so regardless of anything we say or do. When I lived in London I met loads of folks like her – different world, different view of the world.
But ordinary No voting Scottish folks have been reading her tosh for years without having a scoobie who she was. She gets a decent amount of talking head work on’t telly these days. Cannae imagine she kens the price of a steak bake or fires into Tesco after work to get her paws into the vulture section.
They are legion. And at best they have nothing but contempt for us. There’s a brick wall with my coupon’s name on it.
yerkitbreeks – Did he keep stumm?
Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit, didn’t vote for a Tory Government in 2015, didn’t vote for Tories 2016, didn’t vote for the UK we now have in 2014.
link to
Boris Johnstone welcomes the Clarity in Teresa May’s speech. NOTE to type setters words like Clarity & Boris Johnstone shouldn’t be used in the same sentence ,nor that of Saint Teresa.
Transiting from the Standard to the Guardian and then on to the Express exhibits a gymnastic ability that verges on the awesome. See this on a fairly regular basis on Sky’s Late Night Press preview but I accept that this serves me right for watching.
We’re told we must have ‘respect’ for 32% who voted Leave and contempt for 45% who voted Yes.
@ clan rossy 1.23 An if she stuck ah fer Drone’s an ah Chanter oan that Blaw bag we might , just might hiv listened tae her.
check out how many likes she with the double barrelled name is getting , if you are still in any doubt those south of our border enabled this situation yep we are all better together as long as we dont open our mouths and stand up for ourselves , time to pick a side Labour in Scotland are you backing Mayday or your own people whose vote you depend on . This is a YES or NO question no excuses this time you are either with us or you are like the last time effectively fighting your own Nation .
Just found the transcript of May’s Brexit speech on the Independent’s web site. Isn’t it just so telling that searching for references to the term “England’ and “English” in her text finds nothing – never referred to. It is simply taken as read that, in terms of governance, the UK & NI state is equivalent to England – the electorate in England did not need to hear a message to them from the PM today; they already know that May is England’s PM, and we in Scotland, in this so-called partnership of countries, are truly subordinate.
On the front page of the National today, the First Minister is quoted as asking people in Scotland what kind of country do we want to be. However, the fundamental question is: ‘do we in Scotland even want the power to decide what kind of country we want to be?’ – or just be content for England’s PM to decide for us.
SNP initial response
link to
Single market still a red line.
@ Brian Powell – and didn’t vote for the UK in 1707.
@ Artyhetty – thanks for link to those excellent archive films of Scottish work and society from the 30s. Watched Wealth of a Nation and it is a wonderful insight into the progressive nature of Scottish culture in the pre-war period.
You can join the National Library of Scotland and get their newsletters too it doesn’t cost anything.
link to
We didn’t vote for tory governments in perpetuity either. I’m seeing a pattern here.
Just to be clear though, we weren’t given a choice whether to opt out of the EU vote. When some wingnut claims we voted ‘as the UK’ simply ask them if there were other options available. What we, as the Scottish electorate, were guaranteed as part of the UK in 2014, was that we would remain members of the EU if we voted no. Indeed we were expressly told that this was the only way we could guarantee continued membership.
Less than two years later that membership was exposed to a referendum and then revoked against the express wishes of the majority of the Scottish electorate. In short?
The assurance was a lie.
HMG lied. Better Together lied. The media who willingly sold and endorsed that assurance lied.
In pursuit of their own political agenda, HMG ran a bus through the outcome of the 2014 referendum and not for the first time over that period, but hopefully it will be the last. The Scottish electorate are to be forced into an action against their democratic wishes. THAT is a FACT beyond any doubt.
But let’s be clear about this. This isn’t just about the EU and never was. It’s about pledges given to a population in exchange for… a vision, a settlement?
The pledges weren’t just broken. They’ve been shattered. Where is that vision of partnership, of bettertogetherness in all of this? Where is the promised equality and respect in EVEL, broad shouldered aid in times of economic hardship, in austerity UK, the Scotland Bill settlement, the EU referendum?
You could go through quite a list of those assurances which have been broken and/or ignored in the past two years, but the underlying theme is TRUST. Trust given and trust broken.
The reality of Westminster government and politics as it is practised UK style.
That is why there will be another referendum. Not on or over the issue of the EU, but because the trust given by the Scottish electorate was repaid with a litany of broken pledges a lack of respect and a mountain of arrogant contempt. (SEE ATL for a prime example)
Calum McKay says:
Or put another way, now we will find out who in Scottish politics is progressive and who isn’t!
Because, anyone who lines up behind the Union and its hard right direction cannot be progressive in anyway whatsoever.
True, Scotland didn’t vote for Brexit. It also didn’t vote for independence from the UK. So tough.
Now folks, instead of all your BBC BAD posters and vans, something like this little tweet, posted all over the country would have far greater impact IMHO.
What the hell is May talking about? It’s just more vacuous shit.
Scotland’s priorities will be given full consideration, but we must stop short of agreeing to any of them. And then she has the audacity to claim that both sides made it clear that a vote to leave was a vote to leave the single market? What parallel world did THAT happen in?
This is like some Orwellian doublethink nightmare.
Edmund Burke famously said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing”.
Haven’t our Scots’ Yoons gone awful quiet? So, is that their plan, ‘do nothing’? Or, are they ‘good men [and women]’ at heart?
Today’s Rancid The Graun Teresa EU speech implications for its Scotland region, informative, insightful, wide ranging as ever. Such an amazing and professional crew The Graun,
link to
@ ronnie anderson 2.22,
lol nae chance ah that ronnie
i think she is mair at home chanting on a penny flute
wi a union jack dress on draped in her royal sash
and union jack shoes and tap dancing tae
god save the queen
She’s right, but I didn’t feel after IndyRef1 that my side had lost. I felt as if we had been cheated out of victory, which is a very different thing. Now I’m worried that it might happen again.
Tory MSP says E.U negotiator is agreeing a special arrangement for the imperial UK.
this is what he relay said
The European Union’s Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier said on Saturday that the EU will demand “special vigilance” before letting British financial firms access the bloc because of the large risk London could pose to the EU’s financial stability.
Ruth Davidson the party of fucking liars.
We most certainly did not vote for a tory govt and this is what we have and will have for the foreseeable future and let us remember that Ruth Davidson for all her bull is still polling less than Mgt Thatcher did in Scotland and we all know what we thought of her. It is also make your mind up time for labour. Do Labour want the best for Scotland or right wing tory rule and privatisation of nhs from WM.
Lewis MacDonald MSP speaking on the Brexit debate – he has obviously been brushing up on his Scottish accent since yesterday. He said absolutely nothing as per usual.
Ruth says May has a clear and reasonable plan.
link to
Aye right
well covered macart the choice part should be played up rather than the EU vote , and its only recently Nicola has pushed this button we dont matter should be first and foremost .
Who is she?
Talk about rats in a sack, parliamentary democracy Tory style
link to
When it comes to it, we didn’t vote for a possible Labour Government either in 2015!
She’s right. What we need is the ten best examples where this is also true. Scotland didn’t vote for war in Iraq … Scotland didn’t vote to renew trident. Scotland didn’t vote for the bedroom tax …
Remain in the UK with a Tory government who stand idly by whilst N Ireland heads again to civil war, because the leader of the DUP is an ally in Parliament. That is what they risk.They need DUP votes.
They have also determined that their other “region ” of Scotland had better just shut up and accept anything they are given. Without any consultation whatsoever.
It is not on.
Brexit has no affect on companies in Scotland, nothing
a possible referendum is devastating to companies so says another liar.
And says Trump is good, so so good!
Ruth Ruth for gods sake woman tell the truth!
That tweet would make a great poster campaign. Remind proud Scot buts where we really stand. Some are fine with it but there is a significant minority of no voters already troubled by the clear disregard of their EU voice.
Nana says:
17 January, 2017 at 2:57 pm
Ruth says May has a clear and reasonable plan.
link to
Sorry, I thought Ruth was a Remainer. She’s changed her tune…again.
Ali, great idea!
As events have unfolded from Cameron’s decision to hold an EU vote every domino has fallen in the direction of a second Scottish independence referendum. It could not have gone more badly for the original Better Together team. No sooner has May spoken than Davidson, Dugdale and Rennie have leapt in to say that it shouldn’t mean another independence referendum They know full well that what has happened is the worst case scenario and the material change has been triggered.
The simple fact is though that there is a majority in Holyrood for a second vote and the Greens are up for it.
All that remains now is the timing. Autumn 2018 would be my guess. Let them declare Article 50 in March and then watch the bun fight begin. By spring 2018 we should have a pretty clear view of how the lies land and vote on a referendum then and hold it in September 2018 with the view to retaining the UK EU membership slot in 2019.
Has that Labour Guy in our Holyrood parliament just been given terrible news, let the boy go home his budgie is sick!
link to
Doesn’t that neighbourly concern make you feel all cosy warm inside?
JHB..what a mouthpiece for JHB
Of course Ruth Davidson has changed her tune. She has a career to concentrate on.
Just in case anyone missed what wee Kez’s plan is for Labour in Scotland after May the Mayhem’s speech earlier today here it is in full.
link to
‘Its what the people want,’ .. I think we are going to be hearing this a lot as the Tories proceed to do what ever they want .. supported by a great number of so called Labour MP,s. I do not have any confidence in the Supreme Court, I feel they will say whatever will justify their existence.
And what miniscule proportion of the UK electorate voted to have Theresa May as prime minister? What, just Fluffy Mundell? Oh well. Tough!!
Time will confirm Donald Trump as the best ever President of the United States. Donald birthright, through his mother confirms he is a Scot. Proof!!! If he was a talented soccer player he could have been selected to play for Scotland
link not working mate.
Tory M.S.P. talking about a report from one of the Holyrood committees and immediately gets slapped down by the committee’s chair Joan McAlpine! 😀
Will the conservatives take capitalism of the table once and for all.
Really what are Tories so undemocratic.
link to Please Share widely.
HandandShrimp, we’re going to be terrorised within in an inch of British lies too.
So its going to be the EU that need to be there, for and with Scotland, as the UKOK Project Fear 2 mob start with their vote NO, or youre out of the UK and the EU, among their old hits, no currency, black hole deficit, open to alien attack etc.
Master of disaster himself, warming up those terror triggers,
Blair McDougall Retweeted
Ian Murray ?@IanMurrayMP 3h3 hours ago
Scottish & Tory nationalists taking our country 2 brink 4 ideological constitutional politics.PM & FM battling 2 c who can make us worst off
Boris, the Trump, best ever president of the new, fabby dosey, billy no mates yookay, yee-ha!
My dad always said we would become a ‘little America’, looks like he was right.
oh Jesus Scruffy Fluffy Jnr calls Mayhem’s speech powerful … what a dingbat … just like his faither … totally clueless!?
Should’ve said he was referring to England regards being a little America.
is it now the time to declare indyref2
what do the polls say?
It’s okay as it’s a white , red & Blue Brexit
It’s going to be a red, white & blue Brexit,
it’s alright it’s going to be a blue red & white Brexit!!
That should shut the plebs up and let’s get more flags up as that fools the idiots even more!
Rennie and Dugdale can wring their hands all they like but at the end of the day all they are going to do is stand by and watch the UK take a nose dive to the bottom of the league in terms of workers rights, environmental protection and civil rights. They might not like Scottish independence but they have nothing to offer.
Davidson doesn’t care, the Tories all seem to have found their inner UKIP.
schrodingers cat says:
I wish it was, but alas today’s utterings from May was just her wish list. We learned little, and nothing we couldn’t have guessed. It’s not going to be soft and much gloss to make it sound not too hard.
No single market, and I was glad that the official SNP stance continues to be that Scotland’s membership of the single market is its red line.
We need to get through A50 and then hear for certain that it will be hard, the EU won’t give much away without the single market, and Scotland is told to shut up and eat that cereal.
Patience is hard 🙂
They won’t budge, and any done will have questions twisted to achieve that.
Personally, I think polls before the YES campaign is in full swing tell us nothing. Most people don’t follow all this blow by blow.
What genuine polls say after a few months of YES campaigning, with a thoroughly shite Brexit developing, would be more relevant.
@Macart 2.39
‘a lack of respect and a mountain of arrogant contempt’
It is not only Westminster gov which regards Scotland in this way.
All No voters/Yoon cringers hold Scotland in the same regard.
Well to be fair,maybe not that lovely Scottish specimen David Mundell,or the stunning Scot Neil Oliver.
Twitter really is a gawdawful place. Unless you have a strong stomach, I’d give it a miss about now. Every ‘fleg’ wavy zoomer is out and about either waving their little flegs or wishing fairly disturbing fates befall the FM.
Totally oblivious of their own deeply dishonest position and hypocrisy. Totally uncaring about their lack of simple human empathy or understanding.
Just, haters gotta hate.
These are human beings wishing this on another human being who has done them no harm whatsoever.
Welcome to better togetherness.
Steering well clear is best IMV.
The time will come when the Scots will erect a statue of Theresa for services rendered! 🙂
Here are the four main priorities of May’s future negotiations with the EU according to the BBC and the link supplied by the Rev.
1. “Maintaining the common travel area between the UK and Irish Republic Tariff-free trade with the EU”
2. “A customs agreement with the EU”
3. “Continued “practical” sharing of intelligence and policing information”
4. “Control of immigration rights for EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in the EU”
I’d guess there’s a good chance of obtaining number 3 which has nothing whatsoever to do with EU membership. I suspect she will be whistling in the wind for the others.
Look at the state of number 4 does anyone realistically believe that the UK out of the EU could restrict EU free movement into the UK but somehow be in charge of UK citizens rights that currently live in other EU countries.
Sheer madness, the people in charge of these negotiations are lunatics pure and simple. I really do despair that they can even attempt to get away with such convoluted thinking. It’s even worse that the MSM and other Unionist politicians can praise this speech and try to tell us that everything is fine, yes it’s a Global Brexit dontcha know!
This has only hardened my stance on Independence if that is possible but I really can’t just stand by and allow this collective lunacy to take over without doing my best to try and prevent it.
Scotland must choose it’s own path, we will need to work harder than ever to achieve this. A second Indyref is going to happen maybe the timing is uncertain but it may not be so far into the future that we can afford to wait and we need to use every opportunity we can to persuade people that the lunatics really have taken over the asylum.
I for one am heading for the lifeboat. Last in goes down with the ship!
“Because our continent’s great strength has always been its diversity. And there are two ways of dealing with different interests. You can respond by trying to hold things together by force, tightening a vice-like grip that ends up crushing into tiny pieces the very things you want to protect. Or you can respect difference, cherish it even, and reform the EU so that it deals better with the wonderful diversity of its member states.”
Thanks Theresa, now you just need to apply this your dealings with your fellow UK Nations
galamcennalath 4:26 pm
You wrote: “what do the polls say? They won’t budge, and any done will have questions twisted to achieve that.
Personally, I think polls before the YES campaign is in full swing tell us nothing. Most people don’t follow all this blow by blow.
What genuine polls say after a few months of YES campaigning, with a thoroughly shite Brexit developing, would be more relevant.”
…. I thinks one thing 2016 taught us is that no Opinion Polls are worth a jot. There is something intrinsically wrong with the processes being used and the assumptions being made. The GE in the UK, The EU Referendum, Trump – all wrong. just plain wrong. In each case they called a major decision the wrong way.
Whether its to do with their sampling, profiling, the time of day they ask the questions, etc, I dont know – but I do know they cannot be trusted anymore I am afraid.
Professor Tomkins
“What Scottish Tories want is what the Prime minster wants”,
Well he is an empty vassal a Toom Tabard,
bet you are sorry all that voted for him,
oh that’s right no one did.
So Scottish Tories dance like the little puppets they are.
go Tomkins dance, dance for your master,
So Scotland gets the bifurcated fingers and an empty cereal box to chew on.
As Mrs Brown would say “That’s nice!”
On a brighter note, just managed to catch the MisReporting Scotland billboards at Glenrothes today. Impressive!
Will try and link to a couple of snaps later when I can get to a grown up PC instead of this tablet
All in all, its pretty good tory spin, in that we’ve been waiting for at least 6 months for the crew to produce their Brexit plan. Whatever was said, it’s no clearer what they’re up to, but its got everyone thinking they do.
Graun on the great UKOK “global deal” 12 points, only 3 worth listing, with their own tory spin too. WHo needs Human Rights, planet toryboy will look out for us.
“She said her government’s 12 priorities for crunch negotiations with the EU 27 meant Britain would:
Not be seeking membership of the single market after it leaves the EU.
Take back control of its borders, which she said had been impossible with free movement from within Europe.
No longer be under the jurisdiction of the European court of justice, arguing: “We will not have truly left the European Union if we are not in control of our own laws.”
Ian Murray MP did his best in the last Parliament to make the poor even poorer with his support for a benefits cap and for Osborne’s budget.
He really should stick to removing stickers from paintwork – or get his staff to do it for him.
Where’s Ruthie during the EU debate in Holyrood , ah there she is hiding on the back row
The people of the UK have been brainwashed to an extent never before imaginable by “their” MSM.
It’s the immigrants, the scroungers, the disabled and the great unwashed in general who are to blame for all of our ills!
No it wisnae me that made you poorer, that kept your wages down and slashed your benefits. We’re not responsible for foodbanks in every town. That was the market, OK the banks did make a wee blunder in gambling away all your wealth. That’s OK though the scroungers will pay for the bailouts so too will the sick.
Just wait, you’ll see once we have the NHS under control of the market it will all be good. First though let’s get the hell out of this EU so as we can be the most competitive country in the world!
As soon as we have done that we can scrap those laws that stop us being competitive such as Human Rights legislation and the Working Hours Directive.
It’s for your own good you see. The market must decide.
When Scotland is independent can we abolish hyphenated names?
It does make a nice slogan for indyref2 though.
“Voting No?
You’re a Tory, end of story.”
I think by the time indyref does happen then that will be the situation on the ground.
SLABs dead, Wee Wullie is irrelevant & the “radical left” are a waste of space in terms of anything positive for indy for any length of time.
indyref2 is going to be a straight fight between the SNP and the Tories/BBC Shortbread.
SLAB/Wee Wullie will whine at the edges but nobody is going to care because it’ll be obvious that BBC Shortbread is behind the tories 100%.
Add the brexit lunacy to the mix & if we can’t win it this time then may as well give it up.
The chances of winning another indyref after brexit has happened and the “UK” has said “fuck you” to the whole of Europe are miniscule compared to now.
One thing I would suggest for the indyref2 legislation is a complete ban on polls in the last 2 weeks of the campaign. Several other countries in Europe have similar legislation as its the best way to combat private media bias without getting into the messy business of preventing free speech.
55% voted to remain with the UK.
62% voted to remain with the EU.
I think we can now see which Union most Scots would rather be with.
They won’t budge, and any done will have questions twisted to achieve that.
cant we commission some ourselves
if the results are close then maybe only a trend can be directed, but if no is sitting at 65% then i wouldnt call or indyref2
“What Scottish Tories want is what the Prime minster wants”,
Now your amendment for Scotland not to use Brexit to as a campaign for independence is rejected will the Tories shut up about an independence referendum and stop bloody going on and on about Independence.
Ruth the UKIP better together Scotland in Union Kommandanten, will be pleased now her objections are off the table.
Greannach says:
17 January, 2017 at 4:56 pm
Ian Murray MP did his best in the last Parliament to make the poor even poorer with his support for a benefits cap and for Osborne’s budget.
I know. He’s an odd lad. Problem is that because he then lied on BBC vote NO ya bastert ingrates Scotland, we never knew why. Sure he’s just another red tory seat warmer but SLab really don’t seem to get why they’re the red tories.
Ultimately Ian’s no doubt talking to his core vote, Morningside Edinburgh, which again speaks volumes about SLab’s plummet into the UKOK abyss, like an unfunny road runner chasing coyote, who’s name I cant mind and is totally over egging my wtf are the red tories for in Scotland, point?
frogesque says:
17 January, 2017 at 4:51 pm
On a brighter note, just managed to catch the MisReporting Scotland billboards at Glenrothes today. Impressive!
Stop boasting I was there too!
Wile E. Coyote vs future Sir Ian Murray, red tory SLabour:D
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frogesque says:
Strange how Tories spin on their secretive Brexit plans with EU was to use the analogy of “a business never shows it’s hand before negotiations”.
However now they are now only to happy to disclose a trade deal WILL happen between UKOK and America courtesy of ‘my mother was Scottish’ and born again sentimentalist Trump.
Trump being a businessman is obviously unaware of the saying that ‘there is no sentiment in business’ and so is prepared to forgo his ‘protectionist’ USA policy to appease the motherland of his mother while at the same time insulting the fatherland (Germany) of his father Fred ( Fred’s parents both born in Germany) by dissing Merkel a REAL leader…..yeah right ok then……sure believe it when deal on table…..good deal for who though ????
And now…. Da Da ….we are at the stage where the Tories have been forced to show their hand and it is a grasping and greedy one.
Are they adopting the strategy of asking for more than they know they will get in order to get what they REALLY REALLY REALLY want? Old business trick…..the old ones are the best WAHAY.
Are they laying the foundations to reinforce the Britnat misconception that the EU is a dictatorship who deny and damage Britnat rights when the EU rightly says Non…Nein etc etc etc to their gimme gimme gimme demands …………i.e UKOK cake and eat BREXIT .
The truth is their hand is weak and using a business analogy they are ‘ripe for a take over’…………. and like most struggling businesses they will come cheap and what part of the negotiation will Scotland and it’s resources come into the equation I wonder.
And as for Independence and Scotland , who are supposedly yawn yawn subsidised by England, then staying with analogies based on a Tory current ‘favourite’ analogy i.e. business… needs to ask ‘what would a successful business (England Hee Hee) do if one part of their business ( Scotland aye right) was draining them financially and having to be subsidised ?’
Would the business ( England ) just keep ploughing money into the part of it’s business ( Scotland) that was struggling or would it simply ‘let go’ of the part that was not financially viable. Or are the Tories just being ‘sentimental’ in their business with Scotland and protecting us by financing us with their Anglo broad wealthy compassionate sentimental shoulders ?
Hence the ‘Please stay Scotland we love you ‘ and other conveniently long forgotten fake platitudes spewed out by those who cared not a jot for us or ours.
So based on previous and current Tory policies I just cannot see them as sentimentalists or compassionate so I have to conclude , unlike my deluded yoon brothers and sisters, that Scotland MUST be worth MORE than they admit we are ,hence why am not conned by Better Together shit pre and post Indy Ref.
I have an uneasy feeling that post BREXIT we in Scotland may be the sacrificial lambs that ensures England will not suffer, maybe our resources will also be used to sweeten and establish a deal for UKOK with the EU .
Maybe Tories North and South of the border should just admit they are NOT the party that protects the union but simply suppress one part of the union, to their detriment, in order to protect the only part that really really really matters to them and we all know where that is ………Engerland and thus any Brexit deal will be to Engerland’s advantage and Engerland only.
And so ‘respecting democracy’ they should respect that Scots most definitely democratically voted ‘No’ to BREXIT…..aye right… sure as sheeite they do and will not….EVER.
As for churnalists such as Hard Hearted- Brewer she should stick her ‘who asked you big mouth’ opinions where the sun don’t shine but the sheeite is obviously eternally strong with now and forever.
From ‘Scottish’ Labour’s 2016 Holyrood manefesto …
“Our commitment to remain in both the UK and European Unions, which are so important for our economy, provides the certainty business needs.”
Now, you can’t have both. Time to chose, Kezia!
Apologies I erred while cutting and pasting from the Rev’s link on the BBC in an earlier post. There were 5 demands not four I failed to split number 2 which is two demands.
So number 2a:
“Tariff-free trade with the EU”
SNP members are receiving this from Nichola Sturgeon;
Dear Marcia
After a wait of nearly seven months, Theresa May today set out her thoughts on Brexit.
You can read my full response to her speech here.
What’s very clear is that the Prime Minister’s decisions are being driven not by the national interest, but by the hard-right of the Tory party.
It’s a hard Brexit vision which means a de-regulated race to the bottom, with workers’ rights and environmental protection under threat.
The Scottish Government has set out a plan that would protect Scotland’s interests, our jobs and our economy.
While the Prime Minister has pledged to give the plan proper consideration, there’s been no evidence that Scotland’s voice is being listened to.
It seems the Tories now think they can do anything to Scotland and get away with it. They must start to understand how wrong they are.
The Tories cannot be allowed to drag us out of Europe and the single market, regardless of the impact on our economy, jobs, living standards and our reputation as an open, tolerant country, without Scotland having the ability to choose between that and a different future.
With her comments today, the Prime Minister has only succeeded in making that choice more likely.
SNP response, which you may already have seen ..
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The clearest unequivocal method to divide the MayWestminster “we are all exiting Europe” from the Scottish Governments determination that Scotland is doing no such thing, is the issue of Scotland’s sovereignty. That is the immovable sticking point beyond which Brexit cannot pass, not in Scotland.
Forget negotiations with May, forget polls, forget mandates, forget referenda. If Scotland’s sovereign voice has expressed its desire to remain in Europe, and it unequivocally has, then that decision stands. Scotland shall remain in Europe and Theresa May has no jurisdiction to overturn the declared decision of the sovereign voice of Scotland.
Let us be done with this nonsense, stop indulging this delusion that Westminster’s sovereignty is superior to ours, and stop selling our sovereign powers so damned short. Give Theresa May the cast iron ultimatum and have her, by her action and default, render the Union terminated and defunct.
@heedtracker at 4:56pm
Not everyone thinks so, As far as I am concerned the May speech was empty rhetoric devoid of any substance whatsoever.
Excellent demolition of T May’s Brexit speech on Business for Scotland Can’t do link.
I had the misfortune to watch sky newspaper review one night which was focused on Europe.
Julia Hartley Brewer was on as one of the guest reviewers, she talked constantly and hardly allowed the guy who was on with her to get a word in edge ways.
The arrogant and conceited attitude of her and the rest of the unionists is a sight to behold, they don’t like being told what to do but believe others in Europe should listen and do what the unionists tell them.
When I hear the tripe they spout about how Europe needs the UK more than the UK needs Europe, I noticed they never state why Europe so desperately needs the UK.
What products does the UK export to Europe that Europe couldn’t get elsewhere in the World?
Was this the one?
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Just been to the means streets of Partick and Govan, doin some shopping…lots of folks coming and going and nobody talking about this…and why would they?
But the news is on in a wee bit. I might have to find a stream online and do something I havenae done in years and watch the BBC UK news at Six. It’s been about 25 years since I sat down to watch the Scottish News and I’m tetchy already since i saw that Scottish New Spuds are £2.50 a KG and USA Sweet Spuds are half that price in Morrisons, so I doubt I’ll watch the Jockistan News.
But I’ve no doubt once the propaganda feed has dripped shite into the gen public there might be some chin waggin in the houses of the ordinary.
They spuds though.
I just did this poll, 93% Yes
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Hey Sinky.
That’s my house! We live a lot like the awful movie RobRoy too. Well it wasn’t that bad, at least Ewan MACgregor wasn’t in it.
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bjsalba says:
17 January, 2017 at 5:50 pm
@heedtracker at 4:56pm
Not everyone thinks so, As far as I am concerned the May speech was empty rhetoric devoid of any substance whatsoever.
Then they succeeded. Can tory BBC r4 teatime news crew now selling Teresa harder than cold callers flogging timeshares, British time shares!
Then they succeeded. Can HEAR tory BBC r4 teatime news crew now selling Teresa harder than cold callers flogging timeshares, British time shares!
They even have Eddie Hitler on too. And here’s future Lady Sarah Smith, who’s taking another long whizz over her Scottish region of greater England, shock.
A better PM, or performer, might have got away with that if we had no prior knowledge of the woman or her party. However everything we know about her the Tories renders the speech meaningless.
It feels different today. There is definitely an increasing appetite for Indyref2. I agree that people elsewhere in the UK are now seeing what we saw first time round.
Julia HB was sneering and dismissive of Indyref 1 as if we couldn’t possibly know what we would be giving up. I remember her on Sky papers saying she wished we would all just shut up and go. Hopefully she will get her wish sooner rather than later.
Hartley “One has an Aga and ones cook knows how to use it” Brewer.
I reckon the meja spin is going to 11, over Brexit, if we think the Yoons have lied so far, we ain’t seen nothing yet.
To the mattresses.
All conversations on Brexit should refer to “England’s decision….”
Keep the dialogue focussed on use of the term “England”
“This is England’s choice.”
“England is dictating and making decisions that effect Scotland.”
“You are allowing England to run roughshod over Scotland.”
“Are you going to stand by and let England tell Scotland what to do?”
WOS archive links now over on O/T.
Newbies, the direct links to BUM rags at 6:02pm and 6:04pm are clickbait traps to help those rags pull in advertising revenue. The Sunday Post even backed a ‘No’ vote in our referendum.
Ooh, Sarah Smith on BBC News at 6 now, after they spoke to some middle class politicians and some working class folks fae doon the market.
Fuckin hell Sarah doesnae like Sturgeon does she? You can see there’s a thin veil that masks sheer contempt.
Fuck me, back to Kuenssberg, she already got ten minutes at the start. I hate all these people, except the nice West Indian Brummie woman at the market who wasnae up for Brexit and pointed out that folks come from other countries to do jobs folks here dinnae want to do, and that keeps the country (UK) going.
Nowt aboot the price of spuds. Gutted. They did talk to a fishmonger but he was intellectually challenged and quite confused but pretty much admitted as much so fair play to him.
Oh, prices are rising cos of higher oil prices and the fall in the pound. Retail prices have only gone up by 1% – bollocks, not in the shops roond ma way.
Cannae believe people watch this guff.
Nana I just voted – 92% just now.
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Keep posting the link folks and take the vote if you think Scotland should have a 2nd Indy ref…
Why did T May wear Tartan? Because the Yellow and Red Joker’s outfit doesn’t show up well on TV and the jingly bells would have drowned out her words resulting in a jumble of clangs and nonsense.
Sarah Smith loathes Nicola Sturgeon because Nicola got to where she is on merit.
Sarah got the job because her father was Labour leader.
One has talent the other is Sarah Smith.
@John McLeod says: 17 January, 2017 at 1:26 pm:
“Just listened to Theresa May’s speech. I wondered if the decision to give Parliament a vote, right at the end of the Brexit process, was maybe part of a strategy to delay giving approval for Indyref2 in Scotland.
The people of Scotland are legally sovereign, John, and the Treaty of Union specifically states that Scots Law shall remain independent in perpetuity.
Not even Theresa May is daft enough to put that matter on the line and have it brought before the International courts especially at this particular time in United Kingdom history.
Are TM and Co mad they might get rid of all those foreigners good for them they can take all the foreign banks and carmakers with them. Hopefully some of the foreigners will move to a newly independent Scotland.
Just going to drop this in here, posted late in the last thread. Can’t be assed doing a new one!
Trump will now be the hero who is going to have a great trade deal with the UK where the USA gets everything and the UK nothing, but the UK will be ever so grateful to be the 51st state of the USA but without representation in Washington. Kind of a historical revenge for “No taxation without representation”. The UK thinking it’s playing in 7 no-trumps – has been Trumped. Oops. That’s the Atlantic Bridge for you.
Meanwhile May (rightly I think) has said it will be a hard Brexit for the rUK as no deal is better than a bad deal. Well, she’s absolutely right and should remember that when talking to the USA. According to Phillips O’Brien, Trump has assembled the toughest business negotiating team in history, and what does the UK have? Boris Johnson and Dickie Davis. God help them.
Ruth Davidson is repeating her insistence there be no Indy Ref 2. That’s not just bad advice for Scotland, it’s bad advice for the UK and her boss Theresa May. The last thing the UK needs as it launches itself on the high seas of the brave new world of an unfettered UK – which might actually work well for it by the way – is a mutinous crew, where half of Scotland want nothing to do with it except as a good neighbour, and two-thirds actually want to stay in the EU. That’s what she should be telling May.
As it enters the now uncharted waters of open world trade, the UK needs certainty and a fast but solid ship of state, and with Scotland dragging on, that it most certainly does not have. Same as with NI.
Misreporting snaps, Glenrothes Morrisons 1.30pm 17th. Jan 2017
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Worth reading.
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Reveived my email from Nicola at 5.35pm. I must admit, she looks great dressed all in red. The European Flag and the SNP symbol also sets the tone. Magic.
A few links re today’s developments
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Economic experts react to May’s speech
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OT Good to hear Ian Blackford MP talking about the Sovereignty of the Scottish People just now in the SNP motion in the Commons.
I feel Ian has really grown into his role and has contributed so much in many debates especially supporting the WASPI campaign.
I am very impressed with the calibre of our SNP MPs
Is she Gordon’s wife?
The final insult. My wife was settling down for her weekly dose of “River City” only to find it has been replaced by an exhilarating soccer contest between Lincoln Rovers and Bumshire Beagles or somebody like that
BBC Scotland. You are having a joke
Who’s pulling Theresa Mays strings? Someone must be else why does a supposed Remainer become a hard Brexiteer?
You have to ask just exactly what is in it for them so desparate to leave the EU? Surely it can’t be good for increasing trade, surely the fall in the value of the pound must increase inflation and interest rates will follow soon enough.
I remember well Thatchers policies of mass unemployment and destruction of the UK’s industrial base simply to destroy Trade Unions and reduce inflation.
Did any of these policies work in favour of the majority in the UK? Of course not, though it did benefit the bosses and the share owners. Always keep in mind that those running this country couldn’t care less if people are starving and using foodbanks in order to survive because of austerity.
They couldn’t care less about people who commit suicide due to the despair induced by being sanctioned. Voting to leave the EU and the protection that it offered to ordinary workers must be the biggest case of self harm that voters in the UK have even brought on themselves.
Some must benefit though, who could that be? This lot are not after a Hard Brexit for no reason at all. There is a reason and the ordinary Brit will pay the price as their “rights” are taken away and the ruling class tighten their grip. The UK is not that far away now from acting as a fascist state.
Remember Andrea Leadsoms speech at the Tory conference?
Maybe that came a bit too soon for the faithful when she said “she hoped Brits would take over from migrants as fruit pickers.” That what she thinks of the ordinary Brit, a fruit picker.
What about Amber Rudd then and she’s still the UK Home Secretary when she said:
“Furthermore, from December, immigration checks will be a mandatory requirement for those wanting to get a licence to drive a taxi.
And from next autumn, banks will have to do regular checks to ensure they are not providing essential banking services to illegal migrants.
Money drives behaviour, and cutting off its supply will have an impact.”
Never forget Theresa Mays vans either, these are the type of people that the UK voter has chosen to lead them. It’s totally baffling to me so I’m asking what’s in it for them?
There has to be something that has people behave in this way. It can’t just be that they are totally evil, though that is probably a factor.
No there is something in it for them, that means it is not for us.
@Arabs for Independence says: 17 January, 2017 at 2:54 pm:
“Lewis MacDonald MSP speaking on the Brexit debate – he has obviously been brushing up on his Scottish accent since yesterday. He said absolutely nothing as per usual.”
Och! Arabs for Independence, He is a Labour MSP – Labour MSPs are not supposed to say anything – they are just supposed to talk while saying nothing. You have to admit they do it very, very, well.
I think it is all that practising the do in Holyrood.
But Teresa loves us……she even wore a Tartan suit to show us how much she loves us……
Na, I’m not buying that either.
If the majority of Scots MP’s vote against Brexit we remain. After all Scottish Law for Scottish people.English Law for the English.
ok Mundell
When the dust settles and the tumble weeds stop rolling, it will come to pass that, this was a hidden agenda concocted by certain Westminster politicians and the USA before Indy Ref 2014.
The English Government will always be the lap dog of America, who have maybe just “in some underhand way” caused the breakup of the EU.
Lets face it a weak Europe is easier for America and Israel to control,
the UK sold for the princely sum of a Hershey’s bar, at least when reality sets in the Brexiteers will maybe just wake up to the fact they were royally shafted, but the morons they trusted will be living overseas pissing themselves laughing at them.
If you do not like what America has become, “remember they caused the world financial crash then sued everyone else”, equal trade partners!! aye right, you are going to hate the UK post Brexit, welcome to Americas dumping ground, where the rest of Europe will tell us to Fu*k off when we need their help.
“Apologies for being negative”
On a brighter note at least Nigel’s happy. (CHUNT)
I reckon Hartley Brewer smokes a pipe(there’s an image)probably filled with
“Ye Winstons old Trout” or something as rank.
Meg merrilees wrote on 17 January, 2017 at 6:35 pm
“Keep posting the link folks and take the vote if you think Scotland should have a 2nd Indy ref…”
Folks, just be aware that clicking on any direct links to or within BUM rags helps them to pull in advertising revenues which in turn helps to pay those who crap all over Scotland.
These ‘Polls’ within the BUM rags are also an insult to our intelligence and make a mockery of the ‘Yes’ movement by getting us to help finance the churnalists who write the lying guff.
Just be aware folks, these clowns are laughing at us! No ‘Poll’ is ever going to bring us independence but they do help to keep the Unionists in a job.
Re: Julia Hartley-Brewer’s quote atl…
The Yoon quote in the same vein, that I found so telling it stuck in my mind, from the 2014 campaign, was Piers Morgan’s, on 8th August 2014 on Twitter.
It’s the one in red at the bottom on the right.
Dave McEwan Hill says:
The BBC make no attempt to actually serve Scotland, on all sorts of levels.
We all know their news and political coverage is little more than propaganda.
But there’s more!
DAB radio came to our local hill top transmitter. So I dug out my DAB radio, which has been idle for a few years. I couldn’t understand why its scanning seemed to receive little. Then the penny dropped. Small local transmitters in Scotland only carry BBC ‘National’ radio and when they say ‘National’ they mean English. Radios 1-5 plus World and Asia. No Radio Scotland. No Scottish commercial outlets. Useless!
Also, I recently realised that BBC 2 HD, as broadcast in Scotland, is actually BBC2 England. On the rare occasion BBC 2 Scotland has an opt out Scottish programme, you have to tune to the non-HD channel.
OK, some of you will say, don’t play your licence. Truth is, we watch drama progs on the BBC. We pay our licence.
That doesn’t stop me moaning and complaining!
I would like to see the Scottish government making more of an issue of the BBC’s crap service on anything Scottish.
From Nana’s Independent link, Adam Posen:
“Several times, the PM said that since the UK economic data was better than expected for the last six months, she was persuaded she was wrong about the economic costs of Brexit being large.
This is Wile E. Coyote logic – I ran off the cliff, but so far I haven’t hit anything and the view is nice, so the future will continue to be nice. Splat.“
@ronnie anderson says: 17 January, 2017 at 3:44 pm:
There you go, Ronnie – fixed it for you.
http// to
Please could someone explain.
Why do we need a referendum.
The U.K. Union consists of two equal partners Scotland and England.
Scotland is not a junior partner.
why would any government at Holyrood Seek permission from England to do anything.
The union is finished let’s stop arsing around, stop reacting to unionists. Let’s see the Scottish government show some leadership. ffs
Not paying your licence is totally painless. I’ll be honest i thought it would be difficult having been used to having the telly on non stop whenever in the living room.
It wasn’t difficult and there are better alternatives, I chose not to pay to have lies beamed into my house. Each to their own and I’m not having a go, just pointing out that it is possible to live without live TV.
In fact as far as I’m concerned not only possible but preferable.
Sorry I have not had time to read all the posts yet so I apologise if this has been posted already:
Rejection of Brexit deal by parliament won’t stop EU exit – minister
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“One has talent the other is Sarah Smith.”
Severe, Giving Goose, but true.
Thepnr @7.10: eloquent stuff. I’m beginning to think they’re Lizard People. They sure ain’t human.
Nana: Vote, vote, vote for Nigel Barton. Vote early, vote often, use Yesindyref2’s cookie cleaner. 😛
MJT: you sound as pissed off as me. And nae wunner.
Independence: are we nearly there yet?
So, no probs with common travel area between UK and Ireland. No need for a hard land border between Northern Ireland and the rest of Ireland – even under starkly different political arrangements. Meanwhile an independent Scotland – under any circumstances – will require trumpesqe walls along its border with England, with armed guard watch-towers and loads of customs posts.
@ Robert Peffers Thanks Robert ah did get it right the second time of posting . The site will be updated with more information tomorrow & in the coming weeks.
Kendomacaroonbar has loaned us the 30 ft Gizzebo for the Graham Brown Band, & YesBikers things shaping up nicely. I do believe our own Cactus is doing a duet with Jock Scot and there’s more lol.
This is off-topic, but, it’s good for a laugh.
I have just heard the BBC Scotland continuity announcer assure the viewers to BBC2 that: “In an hour, we’re off to the North Bridge in Edinburgh, home of The Scotsman”.
I cannot remember exactly when the paper moved, but, they haven’t been based on the North Bridge for at least 15-years; that building is now an upmarket hotel.
Indeed, the dear old Hootsman is now on its second home since leaving North Bridge.
Should I tell BBC Scotland?
I wonder is there any hope of the Ruth Davidson party, Scottish Labour and what remains of the Scottish Lib Dems coming around to Indy after today’s announcement ? Or has their all consuming hatred of the SNP resulted in this never being an option?
@ Thepnr Honest there’s nae pain in watching TV without paying the Licence Fee, its only ah bit of paper & we’re only getting back what we put in for years on end.
So non-league English football team versus some other English team in an early round of the English FA Cup is on at prime time on BBC 1 tonight, causing one of the few Scottish drama programmes to be moved. BBC Scotland is taking us for mugs! (I know, I know, why do I pay to be treated as a mug!!)
I have recently complained to BBC Scotland about showing early round FA Cup matches of no Scottish or UK-wide significance at prime time on Friday nights. So now spreading to Tuesday nights as well. I pointed out contrast to lack of live coverage of Scottish Cup matches on BBC tv. Asked if any Scottish Cup match would ever be screened live outside Scotland.
Usual guff in response, including how popular these early round FA Cup matches are with their audience! Then asked for evidence on this. None forthcoming.
Not entirely related, but I found this in the BBC account of the speech (I don’t have time or a strong enough stomach to read it all):
There was another warning for the EU in the PM’s speech, as she told leaders to “respect difference”, rather than “trying to hold things together by force, tightening a vice-like grip that ends up crushing into tiny pieces the very things you want to protect”.
Wow… I mayn, I know they’re hypocritical and think they can say different things to different audiences, but… really. Wow.
@Fred says: 17 January, 2017 at 4:34 pm:
“The time will come when the Scots will erect a statue of Theresa for services rendered!”
Shouldn’t that read, “The Scots will render a statue of Theresa for sevices rejected”?
C4 news there was an other awful long tory political broadcast tonight, with almost no EU response at all, just insular tory shite for obvious reasons. Their economics women was really excited and upbeat and says UK business is thrilled with the end of uncertainty and its great that they’re out of the single market, but no one has idea what Brexit means, which is great uncertainty, because its tory. Teresa has even got a sting in her tail and is threatening the EU to be a UK friend.
Then they had on that ancient monster Kissinger, with endless Heil Trump grot. Putin also says Heil Trump wouldn’t use Russian hookers, its a hoax as he’s got access to lots of available free women, with his Miss World business and Putin says Russian hookers are the best in the world. Putin/Trump relationship is infinitely more than their hooker rating but teamGB tory media’s not going there. Come on Scotland. There must be a better way than the tory BBC led media creepshow.
Thepnr says:
Yes. We do watch a lot of streamed movies and have just started watching the latest series of Vikings on Amazon streaming.
However, we do enjoy watching broadcast TV drama, especially ‘a good murder’. 🙂
I don’t really expect to be paying a BBC licence fee for much longer anyway! In the future BBC output may be by subscription, but that’s a quite different matter.
I know its a bit twisted but the knowledge that the ones who voted NO in 2014 are now regarded as shit like the rest of us brings sour satisfaction ,at least we tried ,they surrendered so all grief thats heading their way Tough Shit they were warned .
@Thepnr & RonnieA –
Someone here, within the last two months or so, recommended a Kodi box for watching the box, so I got one.
Took a bit of fiddling about and we cocked it up a few times as you have to be patient in allowing it to get a decent connection and you also must be sure to shut it down properly, but we’ve got the hang of it now and it’s brilliant. More sport and movies and ‘box-set’ series than you could ever watch.
Can’t remember exactly how much we paid for it, but it came to about £60 all-in. You pay another £7 or so after two years to get a refresher code.
Whoever it was who recommended it, cheers aplenty and thanks amuchness.
I couldn’t believe it when I visited the Isle of Wight last year and found they have a local BBC radio station for the island, population 138000; there are loads of similarly parochial regional BBC radio stations throughout England. Yet we put up with one station for our country of 6+ million (two if you count the Gaelic station). The BBC begrudge spending a single penny more on Scotland than they are compelled to by law.
@Heedtracker –
Kissinger was on C4 News? Seriously?
@Robert Peffers
They could put a statue of May in a shallow well-stocked fish pond.
The gulls would have a great time rendering it.
Ealasaid says:
Doesn’t surprise me. WM won’t be asked to vote on actually leaving, they will get a chance to rubber stamp a trade deal of some sort.
If it is a full trade deal, then expect that in about 4-8 years!
It might be an interim arrangement which May et al expect to finish before leaving. That timescale is far from certain. WM may get no vote prior to actually leaving.
Trade deals are an irrelevance to the immediate crisis. Two years from A50 the UK will leave the EU and the single market. That is unacceptable to the SG/SNP/Greens so there must be an IndyRef2 vote on that issue.
Scotland will probably be long gone before WM get to vote on anything!
That tweet is being taken very hard by a lot of people producing some fairly hostile responses but it is a perfectly straightforward expression of the situation as it stands.
It’s the situation as it stands which deserves the hostile response.
Re. the lack of honesty and pluralism eminating from Westminster. Neolineralism is a form of fascism, frankly.
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I read on the Irish Times and on Dutch News that several countries are competing for the European Medicines Agency. Presently based in London, it employs 900 people. I would have thought that would be a good catch for an Independent Scotland. Now if only we were independent…..
Yoons be *insert appropriate adjective*
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@Peter McCulloch says: 17 January, 2017 at 5:55 pm:
” … When I hear the tripe they spout about how Europe needs the UK more than the UK needs Europe, I noticed they never state why Europe so desperately needs the UK.
What products does the UK export to Europe that Europe couldn’t get elsewhere in the World?”
I hear the EU is critically short of rectally sphinctered bovine waste matter, Peter.
I also have it on very good authority, (my source wishes to remain unanimous), that there is a place in the London SW1 area where there are great steaming stockpiles of the stuff.
TM has no madate from the euref to take the uk out of the single market. I dont think she planned to either but it is becoming clear from comments by the eu that remaining in the single market wasnt an option. today was nothing more than a down grading of expectations about what a good deal actually means.
tompkins is reduced to arguing that although we will now leave the single market TM will still negotiated a good trade deal for the uk.
yoon social media tempting nicola to declare indyref2 today, but we should wait till negotiations start and le are over
@ Ian Brotherhood Aye its aw rite fur some people Watchin bloody box sets & heres me stuck tae Watching Holyrood debates & oan the phone & PC, ah wee treat themorra Watching HoC PMQs, diz the Kodi box work in Caravans LoL.
btw ah think a’ll gie Nth Bridge ah miss
Hoots Mr.
To Srewartb:
What is going to happen to English football post Brexit?
Is what is left going to be paid in English pounds? Back to 1.1 litre corsas.
@Ronnie –
Unfortunately, as a lay lawyer, you must keep burning the midnight oil for there will come a day when you will have to get wan ay yon wee wigs oan and defend 100,000 of us for not paying that ludicrous tax.
But beware – many of us will be using ‘Yon Big Anderson fella telt us tae dae it!’ as a defence…it could get messy mister, but we’ll still be pals.
Re, Theresa May and her tartan jacket. It reminds me of that wee string puppet in the 1960’s Pinky and Perky Show. It was a frog that ‘played’ the saxophone. It wore a tartan jacket. And it only moved if the strings were pulled.
@Giving Goose says: 17 January, 2017 at 6:20 pm:
“All conversations on Brexit should refer to “England’s decision….””
Well Britain sure as hell is not Brexiting. Even if everyone voted for it, all that will be leaving is the United Kingdom parts of Britain and even that is now looking like only parts of the UK will be leaving.
I wasn’t over-egging things, neoliberalism(s) are divorced from human value and so are subsequently anti-social and utlimately unsustainable*. That’s when totalitarianism resorts to physical terror, as opposed to “managing democracy”.
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Democracy Incorporated: Managed Democracy and the Specter of Inverted Totalitarianism
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* Social Darwinist live under rocks.
Thepnr says:
17 January, 2017 at 7:10 pm
“Who’s pulling Theresa Mays strings? Someone must be else why does a supposed Remainer become a hard Brexiteer?”
Well here’s my theory (or hope rather). Faced with the ref. result, a narrow Leave vote where it seems many were expecting a ‘soft’ outcome, and pressure from the Kippers and fellow travellers in her own party, she has decided to humour the Leavers and go all out B-means-B making sure that the EU will tolerate no more compromise. I.e. as Hard as possible. But the harder they come, the harder they fall.
I just hope she gets her timing right. It has to become apparent that a seriously hard Brexit will be a total disaster. And she has to indirectly stoke the resulting public pressure against that outcome. Hopefully with NI and maybe Scotland delaying A50, she will have to ‘reluctantly’ delay starting the process, and then eventually back down in the face of mounting public pressure not to do it. Maybe with a second ref. maybe not?
Of course there are plenty of ways such a cunning plan might be wrong-footed, but here’s hoping …
Also if Scotland is to escape the clutches of the UK, timing is again vital. But on that I trust NS totally 🙂
Today has been a good day. It is clear that it is now Scotland v Tories. Tories who will demand their pound of flesh.
Davidson, Dugdale and Rennie in hiding. I’d guess now that Labour support has dropped below 10% but still she will cling on as no one else will step in.
Be in no doubt, today is the start of Indyref2 even if the SNP choose not to announce it as such, so let’s get to it. I’ll bet everyone of you that reads Wings has a friend or relative that voted No last time?
They, first and foremost are who you must persuade, it’s not easy I know but if you can’t win over those closest to you first then others will be hugely more difficult.
It has been a good day when the Tories are doing the job for us. We should take heart and get on the front foot. Get in there with the head down!
N.B. Not all neoliberals are social Darwinist Tories. A lot of the world’s leading neoliberals were formerly Marxist Trots. Positivists of a feather….
Will SNP members please reply to the FM ASAP
If you don’t have your email yet it’ll be along in a minute or so
@ Ian Brotherhood Chist hiv tae inform you your comment aboot the Wee Wig’s true ah hiv wan wei ah Rid Suit n Wellies lol.
N.B. Not all neo-liberals are social Darwinist Tories. A lot of the world’s leading neo-liberals were formerly Marxist Trots. Positivists of a feather….
“SNP members are receiving this from Nichola Sturgeon;”
“The Scottish Government has set out a plan that would protect Scotland’s interests, our jobs and our economy.”
As if anyone in the UK or EU will pay any attention to Scotland’s interests and the Scottish Government’s plan.
Nicola and the SNP, stop flogging a dead horse.
Independence is the only way to protect Scotland’s interests. Say so openly.
Socrates MacSporran says:
It is over 20 years when the Scotsman property was renovated to ” Royal Mile Mansions” or something like that.
Peter McCulloch said @ 17 January, 2017 at 5:55 pm
When I hear the tripe they spout about how Europe needs the UK more than the UK needs Europe, I noticed they never state why Europe so desperately needs the UK.
What products does the UK export to Europe that Europe couldn’t get elsewhere in the World?
The way the logic goes (FCVO of “logic”) is that the the rest of the EU exports more to the UK than the UK exports to them. This is I believe actually an entirely truthful statement, however it doesn’t really mean as much as some think it does as the UK’s exports to the rest of the EU are a much greater percentage of our total exports than the rest of EU’s exports to us are of their total exports. ~44% of the UK’s exports in good & services go to the of the EU, but a much lower percentage of their total exports comes to us.
To put it another way, they can live without us much more easily than we can live without them!
At least 10% of Scots voted to remain in the UK, as Westminster Demanded that it was the “Only” way that they
could remain a member of the EU.
The lie and corruption that was Indy Ref 1, in Red White and Blue, had a result that is No longer true.
That result was stolen, and now the English pretend to be blind, deaf, and suffering amnesia.
The Elected First Minister of Scotland must fight for the 2 out of 3 Scots who voted remain.
Scotland has never voted for a Tory Government in 60 years, and certainly not this one, and No one in the UK voted for bungling Teresa May as Prime Minister.
Scotland is not for a future as bottom feeders in a small pond full of fat Tory Sharks.
Scotland Remains,and Scotland is heading for Independence
@ Ian Brotherhood Thought’s aplenty re Legalities. Mis Reporting Scotland & BBC BIAS Protest, what Company/Corporation would tolerate people slagging of they’re business & a loss of revenues without resorting to Legal action .
Am dain ah Wendy Alexander here BRING IT ON BBC, or as the wee duck on the Logo says Yer No Ma Auntie Beep beep beep.
Dammed if they dey Dammed if they dont. I might get a summons after years of trying LoL.
The Jackie Bird/Douglas Fraser double act: Misreporting Scotland Tonight.
(Setting the scene. ‘Uncertainty’, Brexit and another Independence referendum.)
“Douglas Fraser, we’re told that Brexit means uncertainty and any talk of another Independence Referendum means uncertainty. What does business make of today’s manoeuvres?
“Businesses across Britain have been asking for more clarity about what is meant by Brexit.
What it could look like.
(Really? Well not quite. He rambles on.)
(Presumably DF didn’t get yesterday’s ‘will say’ Press Release.)
They also wanted , certainly exporting businesses, to maintain access to the European Union’s single market, a customs’ union, access to recruit workers from elsewhere in Europe as well.
(Clarity. ‘They certainly got that?’ Really?)
But they have heard the Prime Minister put out plans for what she thinks could be as good, acknowledging their concerns and other deals being struck with countries in other parts of the world.
There is some scepticism (Naw!) about how much of that can be achieved through negotiations.
This is the starting point. What Theresa May would like over time. (Suddenly DF is a UK Government spokesman?)
That’s the main concern., that there’s a cliff edge. Two years of negotiaions then we fall of the edge and businesses find trade very badlt disrupted unless plans are put in place very soon. That’s their main concern. (But they got ‘clarity’ today, did they not?)
While they can live with a vision set out, seeks out opportunities under any new regime, businesses now in Scotland , they have another concern if we are moving towards another Independence Referendum in Scotland then there is less clarity on that question for those who operate in Scotland.
Everything is crystal clear. Businesses are behind Brexit now that Big T has provided clarity, but if we Scots call another Indyref, there will be uncertainty and disaster.”
This is ‘clarity’, from Douglas Fraser who speaks for businesses across the UK?
SNP BAD. Independence referendum BAD. Brexit clarified, ergo, GOOD.
I’ll be back later to discuss the Daily Record’s ‘VOw fulfilled’ Scotland using new welfare Powers’ Pish, and Kezia conversion to Freedom of Movement, as though she had just thought it up and the SNP is fixated with Independnece.
Or maybe not.
Misreporting Scotland.
It was previously stated that the soonest date for Indy Ref 2 was in 2021, when a considerable number of elderly citizens, who still believe that the BBC and their Daily Newspaper wouldn’t lie to them, have been replaced by the younger generation who want control of their rights, and their country.
We may not be able to hold out for that ideal date, but we could hold off until 2019, just before Westminster Rips us out of the EU and strips us of all trading partners, and workers rights.
Two years should give the Tories enough rope to strangle themselves, and the UK.
You are a cad so you are. Not content with attacking Robert Peffers so tonight you have a wee go at Marcia. Do all your marbles reside in the same bag or have you lost some?
Marcia is a stalwart of Wings and the Independence cause, your just a sour faced old git that never stops moaning.
It helps to know that you won’t be advising Nicola anytime soon. Gie us peace.
From The Evening Standard: Theresa May slammed by Brexit negotiator over ‘threatening’ tactics.
“The European Parliament’s chief Brexit negotiator has criticised Theresa May’s “threatening” tactics and warned the days of Britain cherry-picking its relationship with Brussels are over.”
“Guy Verhofstadt said the Prime Minister’s decision to suggest the UK would become a low-tax, low-regulation haven if the EU failed to agree a good exit deal was a “counter-productive” strategy.”
“Some MEPs were more forthright, with German Green Jan Philipp Albrecht saying Mrs May’s message was “Go f*** yourself EU but please don’t let us down”.”
Chickens coming home to roost.
It really does appear May and the Loony Right believe the ‘opinion polls on the appetite for Indy Ref2’; That NS is bluffing; that Britannia is Great and Johnny Foreigner will capitulate as in times past whilst her old Imperial subjects and Trump and the Chinese will beat a path to England’s shores with fantastic trade deals.
Suspecting May was pre-warned re: Supreme Court verdict that she has said Parliament and Lords get a vote(what of the Devolved Administrations though??)
Ian Brotherhood says:
17 January, 2017 at 8:29 pm
@Heedtracker –
Kissinger was on C4 News? Seriously?
Its like an hour long Times/Telegraph editorial, on tv. C4 is ITN and Snow’s just another hard core conservative hack, little if any actual news, various vacuous right wing opinions from assorted tories, an odd red tory thrown in. Snow at least had the decency to look embarrassed.
It looks like the UK establishment under some stress because they are. They’re clearly showing steady as she goes UKOK stuff but it’s desperate. Or maybe there is total radio silence across the Channel on Brexit, sure looks that way on teamGB rules the waves tv and radio.
We’re being treated like morons by our imperial master baiters basically. And we are going to do really well to beat them with indy ref 2.
Is wee Rock still around – how sweet.
Salmond on RT just now saying:
“May said she’d listen to Scotland’s case with respect well now she needs to accept NS compromise to allow Scotland to stay in Europe, in the single market.”
“We don’t take orders from Downing Street and from the Prime minister”
“If Theresa May flings down the gauntlet, then Nicola Sturgeon will pick it up”
Among other no nonsense, no ambiguity comments.
Game definitely on.
Some of the stuff being said about oor Nicola is deranged, and their grasp on reality beggars belief. So much hate just looking for a target. Angela Merkel is getting it just as bad.
There is something deeply unpleasant and ugly brewing South of the Border, and instead of leadership and statesmanship providing a steadying hand on the tiller, the UK has Theresa May finally working out for herself what Jean Claude Junker could have told her (or Cameron) back in June.
This is getting serious. May and Nicola are heading for an inevitable standoff, and I wonder how that’s going to resolve itself. Scotland is not going to back down, and May has nowhere to go. She must either concede to Scotland’s position, or contest it, and physically, how can she do either? She barely seems to grasp the reality of her dilemma, nevermind the subtleties of Scotland’s constitutional precedents, but she is boxing herself in with her rhetoric which plays to far right knuckle draggers and UKIP.
May has caved in over Brexit. A soft Brexit is not hers to deliver, so she isn’t even going to try.
May caved in to the Brexiteers. She was a remainder but sold out her principles to become PM.
Perhaps Mrs May’s pragmatism will eventually see her cave in to Scotland’s unassailable strength too. The million dollar question is what else can she do?
C4 is owned by the UK government and not part of ITN. You do know that right?
One of the major flaws with Wings is that it comes from such a Nationalist perspective it never quite gets what its opponents are actually thinking; Independence is always good, thus your opponents must always be mad or evil… That bias doesn’t make you mad or evil either, but it does lead to massive miscalculations such as assuming the question of currency was solved in the last referendum. After all, Project Fear must be obviously wrong, yes? Rather than politics is played to win, and there was genuine worry about it out there that meant Project Fear was seen as fertile ground to win upon…
Well, at this point in time we can all agree the moral, and probably legal cases for a second Indy Ref have all been made, and Scotland almost certainly will and should then get one. But I’ve been reading around trying to understand why the Establishment, both politicians and media, have been so complacent about the potential dissolution of the UK. And it’s not just because, as Wings writes in copious detail to itself, they’re “Yoon arseholes”.
I think May’s speech today, basically suggesting Britain will go all out for becoming a punitive Tax Haven if the EU plays hard ball is starting to reveal that hand; There’s an emerging awareness that you won’t suffer domestically for going for the Hard option, and when the EU is obviously now not bluffing when it says it is not going to go the You Can Have Our Cake and Eat it route either, it’s a perfect excuse to bring in all the Hard Right wet dreams back home.
Win Win for politicians, because even when the public loses, they seem to be in the mood for a self-flagellation. And they’re going to give it to you Good and Hard.
Why does that matter for Scotland? Because the EU has not, despite the self belief here, shown much enthusiasm for encouraging the UK to break up either. They’ve all got their own separatist movements they don’t want to encourage. Union is a sacred principle for them. If Scotland did go Independent, they’ll still defend the interests of the EU above all else, just as they now plan to do for the much larger, combined UK. They’ve shown their hand too.
And a rUK, having just self-destructed in the face of the far more powerful EU, is unlikely to be much pressured into being Soft on an Indy Scotland either. Not when there’s so many Nationalist Bigots in the South who’ll be itching to cut off their other foot to annoy the Lefties to the North.
So basically… they’re complacent I suspect because they know they can run Project Fear Max, openly and brutally if such a referendum arrives. And they quite possibly could win on that. Hey, you swing voters thought you were scared when we merely said we weren’t going to let you share a currency? Well now Europe isn’t taking you back on the same conditions, and we can be as self destructive as we like with our borders, so we’ll be openly stitching you up on far more than currency. Still wanna leave?
And I think, and what Wings seems blind too again is, that they’re not absolutely wrong. Right now Independence is in the state Brexit was in at the time of the Referendum; lots of wishful thinking about how so much nicer things could be if we we’re only brave enough. The risk, for Unionists, is that the Independence movement could also continue on the same path and say “Ok, if it’s going to be Hard either way, let’s vote to Exit the UK at least”. But you’re assuming they don’t know that; they do, of course they do. I think it’s far more likely they’re seeing internal data which indicates they can double down on it and win a second IndyRef even easier with Maximum Fear.
So don’t be as complacent this time around about the certainty of your case. Don’t just assume “The rUK will be fair!” and “the EU will love us!”. If the UK – EU Brexit Deal is really so bad that Scotland is likely to vote for Independence, then the rUK – Scotland deal is likely to be even more awful. And the same Scots you didn’t really listen too last time who said “You know what, I think they mean it” are going to really feel that this time. They’re going to be very, very afraid. Address that fear, offer them either a concretely better alternative, or appeal to their desire to just say “Damned if we do… fuck it, go for Independence”.
Just don’t patronise them and say “Ach, fearties” and dismiss their concerns like last time. It didn’t work last time, and the bullies are off the leash this time around.
Thepnr says:
17 January, 2017 at 10:25 pm
C4 is owned by the UK government and not part of ITN. You do know that right
I do but its the same ITN newsrooms output.
I’m back. It’s been quite a day.
Here are some gems from Dugdale’s article in the Daily Record today of all days.
“The signs are not good – it appears the Conservative Prime Minister wants a “hard Brexit”, recklessly pulling Britain out of the EU single market and customs union.
That is not what many Leave voters want and my Labour colleagues in Westminster will continue to fight against attempts to cut us off completely from Europe. “
But not, apparently Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Secretary, who will not ‘die in a ditch’ (unlike many of the poor souls who fled the civil war in Syria) over free movement, Kezia. She is one of your ‘Labour colleagues in Westminster’?
It gets better.
“This is where I believe the Tories and the SNP are going wrong. Since the Brexit vote, they are casting about for a convenient political position rather than working in the national interest.”
Ruth Davidson is an arch Right Tory Unionist who puts Westminster and the Tory Far Right before the people of Scotland.
NICOLA Sturgeon has published detailed proposals to keep Scotland in the European single market, stating they are a “serious and genuine attempt” to “unify the country around a clear plan”.
They are not ‘casting about’, Ms Dugdale.heir position, polar opposites are pretty clear to me. Where you stand is anyone’s guess.
It’s a pity that you cannot bring yourself to back NS’ proposals to at least try to heed the wishes of the people of Scotland, and back her attempt to remain in the single market and retain freedom of movement.
And then this from Kezia.
“And Nicola Sturgeon’s focus should be to get the best possible deal for Scotland out of the Brexit negotiations, not on continuing to make the case for a second independence referendum.”
She’s obviously not been told about the SNP EU proposals then.
“If the UK is set to suffer from the uncertainty created by Brexit, as businesses question making
investments in the UK, we cannot afford for Scotland to appear to be an even more unstable prospect.
As a nation, we are already divided enough. We must not be divided again.”
Now I know where Douglas Fraser got his ‘line to take’.
She really isn’t in the room, is she?
It’s a photo finish whether she or Mundell resigns first.
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Wiki says,
Independent Television News (ITN) is a British-based news and content provider. It is made up of three divisions: ITN News, ITN Source and ITN Productions. ITN is based in London, with bureaux and offices in Beijing, Brussels, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, New York, Paris, Sydney and Washington DC.
ITN produces content for ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, UK mobile phone operators, online outlets such as YouTube, MSN, Telegraph Media Group, Yahoo!, and film producers and researchers worldwide.
Re the coverage tonight- I found myself listening to radio 4 and the vox pops left me laughing to myself in my kitchen. They had picked out a remain area in Liverpool and the general consensus seemed to be that the clarity was welcome. I voted remain but lets get on with it. At least we know where we are.
Channel 4 news seemed to be reading from exactly the same hymn sheet. Pretty alarming stuff if you think about it. Today our Prime Minister just stated that we would be leaving the largest trading bloc on planet Earth, right on our doorstep as Thatcher put it and our media is softening the population up.
I think it has been tremendous news- Nicola has been forced into indyref 2 by madness down south (which is the perfect position for us). Full steam ahead.
I spoke to the owner of a mortgage company I know today- told me the amount of houses being sold in Edinburgh to folk from London seeking shelter is astonishing. Also the number of demand for rentals is even higher as the capital attracts a real influx of folk moving here to work. Make of that what you will. Interesting times to live in.
I haven’t caught up with all the posts but does anyone know the breakdown of Mike Russell’s pro single market motion at Holyrood- I read slab had voted with the SNP and Greens and it had obviously passed… just wondered if lib dems and tories voted against (which would be odd/ridiculous).
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“I think May’s speech today, basically suggesting Britain will go all out for becoming a punitive Tax Haven if the EU plays hard ball is starting to reveal that hand;”
Titler, Ireland’s the EU’s tax haven too and heavily exploited. So much for the evil tyranny of Brussels. Its far more than just the economy stupid, for Brexiteers of merry olde England.
Also, “And the same Scots you didn’t really listen too last time who said “You know what, I think they mean it” are going to really feel that this time.”
We did, WoS readers probably listened the hardest. Nice FUD though, give you that much.
You are a cad so you are. Not content with attacking Robert Peffers so tonight you have a wee go at Marcia.”
Engage your brain before opening your mouth.
My response is to Nicola’s letter, as quoted by Marcia.
Yeayyyy. Go get em Nicola.
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@ Tam Jardine-
See them english folk that are moving to Embra, are they there to help independence or vote No in Oor next referendum.?
@ Ronnie-
You can download Kodi for pc, and watch everything ,Google it mate. Nae bbc funding fae ma hoose. 😉
I am a regular here on WoS and I struggle every time I post.
My name is Ian Murray and I feel guilty that there is another Ian Murray running around not helping the country of his birth, basically in service to our Imperial Masters
I am 63 and have had my name longer than the other guy.
Feel free to have a dig at me as I am also a life long Stirling Albion supporter
Fuck off with your pedantry you sad *******. Your fooling no one.
I agree with quite a lot of what you say, we do have to take the fears of the swing voters seriously, we can’t just shout them down and call them stupid or Westminster lovers.
But as for this: “Because the EU has not, despite the self belief here, shown much enthusiasm for encouraging the UK to break up either.” there are posters in Wings have posted a lot of links to German, French and other newspaper online pages, and there seems to be a lot of enthusiasm for keeping Scotland IN the EU – as long as we’re independent.
Pragmatism is an unsteady vehicle without the internal strengthening of an ethical framework, which is probably why so much effort is being made to manage our perception of UKOK’s global prospects.
I actually think TM believes ethics to be next to Suffolk. She certainly doesn’t appear to believe in universal human rights.
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Tam Jardine says:
17 January, 2017 at 10:42 pm
Re the coverage tonight- I found myself listening to radio 4 and the vox pops left me laughing to myself in my kitchen.
Definite UK wide media script. Its like they’re frightened, pushed the button, waiting for it to go off, sort of deeply worried elitism. City is the UK’s economic powerhouse, so they’re fully aware of Irish corp tax possibility for the UK but they never got a mention. Why not?
And if the City does up sticks, there’s not enough money to keep paying out Nissan style deals. But its all OK though, certainty for UK commerce is restored, the pound has rocketed up to its highest level since 2008, blasted out the grinning C4 news lady, happy UKOK times again…pound did drop a lot too back then but she didnt say against which currency, euro or dollar, or maybe she did, its all a blur of excitement. Let the good time role sort of madness.
All empires collapse from within, they say.
O/T , just a thought here, I had to attend court today,(supporting a family member);The Rev always reminds us tae watch and look out for not whats said but what its hiding, anyway I heard twice that PC’s couldnt be witnessess because they were on firearms training.Is this a new trend or am I reading too much into it. ? Some of you may know more.?
Bear with me, I’m on a roll.
Daily Record. 14th Jan ’17 authors, John Ferguson and Andy Philip.
“The Vow becomes reality as Nats unveil changes to controversial Universal Credit!”
Ostensibly Scottish benefits claimants will be given greater freedom to collect new Universal Credit payments than under the UK system.
It’s all thanks to the UK Government delivering on the Smith Commission and the VOW.
Interestingly the Record crops the Faces of Clegg Cameron and Miliband out of the picture. Perhaps they have been kicked out by their parties?
Scots UCS claimants can get their money fortnightly instead of four weekly in order to manage their budgets more easily.
Oh yes, and the ‘rent’ element of the UCS payment can be paid directly to the landlord rather than the UCS claimant in Scotland, but not yet, except in Lothian, the only area Up Here which has gone digital as part of the disastrous UCS roll out.
And that’s it.
These are the ‘new powers’.
The Universal Credit Scheme is of course a reserved scheme, the brainchild of IDS who has since resigned from the Tory government which is implementing it.
Job Seekers Allowance: scrapped.
Housing Benefit :scrapped
Employment and Support Allowance :scrapped
Income Support :scrapped
Child Tax Credit: scrapped
Working Tax Credit : scrapped.
Remember Ian Murray bumming that Labour had stopped Osborne scrapping Working Families Tax Credit? Werll, it’s scrapped now.
The Housing Benefit element of UCS for 18-21 year olds: scrapped.
The Employment and Support Allowance element of UCS reduced to JSA levels. No extra help for disabled claimants entering the workforce.
The Child Tax Element of UCS restricted to two children.
These draconian cuts to benefits and allowances are all hidden within the UCS scam, so that ‘it always pays to be in work’, even low pay, low skill, zero hours contracts work, than to be on benefits. Starve them back into work, any work.
In January 2015, the Red Blue and Yellow Tories voted through this package of cuts. None of it has been, or ever will be devolved to Holyrood. New powers, my arse. The ‘new powers’? Pay days and direct rent payments to landlords.
What a pitiful wee article. What a sick joke.
With respect to everyone above – you really need to be out on the streets, not sounding off on Wings. It is ONLY by talking to real people with real votes that you can get a sense – a gut feel – for what is happening.
The Council elections in May are a great excuse. You can raise the Brexit question, you can raise the Indy question – you can get a far better feel for what is happening than any pollster.
It doesn’t matter what party you do this for – in the end all that matters is sensing how the No vote is shifting to Yes, and whether it is doing it in a reasonable timescale.
Big Phil
I think that the influx may be more on-side than you expect. If you decide you hate your government so much you want to actually move to another country you might well throw yourself into life there.
There would be no point in escaping from the south only to try and lock Scotland into May’s dystopia. People aren’t moving up to Scotland at this time because they hate that Nicola Sturgeon- they are moving up because they believe in what she is saying.
I expect there will be a mix of folk from different backgrounds and with different professions including a fair number of EU migrants for whom every word Nicola pronounces on brexit is like manna from heaven.
Of course there may be some rich who want to protect what they have as is their wont… but that would be a guid sign Phil, would it not?
I understand your concern of course but we are a welcoming people and if folk want to move up here I am cool with that.
Rock …. it’s becoming increasingly clear with each o yer posts that yer jist a wee pebble.
Watching Theresa May’s performance today clad in her tartan drag , haggard of face,with an assembled phalanx of watchful tory suits…the unreality of it all struck me hard.
A charade of unbelievable magnitude was unfolding….pretend leader talking to pretend politicians…with a pretend media in attendance, fawning over every hollow false statement dripping from her grim lips.
It reminded me of the scene in ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ when Mia Farrow discovers the ‘nice’ neighbours assembled around her new born baby all to be devil worshippers…and that the baby is actually the spawn of satan.
Maybe the analogy is too far fetched…but something very ugly was being hatched today in plain sight…and I feel more than queasy about what it all means.
Ian M says:
17 January, 2017 at 11:02 pm
I am 63 and have had my name longer than the other guy.
Feel free to have a dig at me as I am also a life long Stirling Albion supporter
Far be for me to have a go at you Ian. being a follower of Annan and Dunfermline as I am. 😀 Still here’s a wee video that might cheer you up no matter what else happens. 😀
link to
@ Tam Jardine-
I do agree Tam, its just wee niggly thoughts that no-doubt we all have over everything concerning Our independence,The frustration is sore just knowing we are nearly there, there is no Low that wm will not goto to protect their little empire.As we can all see.
What I find most dispiriting is the complete and utter collapse of the labour party in the UK (and I say that as someone who has never voted labour in any election).
They are the enablers and it is their weakness that emboldens the tories. The tories haven’t changed- they still care nothing for the population and merely aim to protect their own interests and those of their class but it is labour who have retreated to an essentially ambiguous, half-hearted and almost disinterested position on the EU. It is like they have just powered down or something.
Never did I believe the lib dems could make an electoral comeback in England (albeit in a stable door post horse bolt situation).
Anyway- to bed… strange times we live in my friend
Sorry folks I know it’s the Daily Record but it was too good not to share. 😀
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the certainty of indyref2 moved forward today
Nicola is still defending efta/eea as a compromise
maybe the discussion on here should be what is the best tactic the snp should tae in indyref2?
the unionists, and rock, are screaming for nicola to call indyref2 today…. hold, hold, hold
it’s comin’ yet fur a’ that
but when we decide and on what terms
Aye it is definitely coming and now we must hold our nerve and line and fire when we see the whites of their eyes.
There will come a point when the whole ghastly mess of an inelegant exit from the EU and the tender mercies of a Trump TTIP deal on steroids looks too ghastly even for Kezia to contemplate.
Stoker @7.23
I notice that I-Scot have flagged up the Sunday Post vote on whether there should be a 2nd indy ref and that link has also appeared on the Rev’s twitter feed.
After 12,500 + votes it now stands at 87% for indy; 13% Against.
Can’t remember who wanted the result of the Holyrood debate on staying in the single market… Nana?
Link to the the motion that was debated and won by the Scottish Government by 86 votes to 36.
Looks like on the very day that T May has said we are leaving the Single Market, the Scottish Government has just strengthened its position on staying in the same Single Market by an increased majority…
link to
Perhaps you underestimate the power of BritNat zombie powder*, as administered by the BBC and wider corporate media?
* contains the political equivalent of deadly and debilitating fish and frog toxins. Also contain nuts.
Very good from The New European:
The problem with the English: England doesn’t want to be just another member of a team
Here’s a wee snippet:
‘The absence of a separate English parliament reduces the nations granted devolved assemblies to the marginal status the English gave them in the days of glory, as those slightly comical regional variations on a Britishness of which England – invisible and characterless in itself – was therefore alone representative. The decision of June 23, then, was not a decision taken by ‘the British people’ because ‘the British people’ do not exist: ‘the people’ is not a meaningful political concept and ‘Britain’ is a figment invented by the English to disguise their oppressive, indeed colonial, relation to the other nations inhabiting Great Britain and Ireland.
But because the English are still wedded to the lack of identity they enjoyed in the imperial era, and so, like other psychotics, have no sense of equality with others, or responsibility towards them, the most important issue of all was not raised in the campaign that preceded the vote: did the UK have a duty to remain? Did voters have a duty to consider the effect of their actions on their neighbours, as they might if they were deciding to plant a hedge of leylandii on their boundary or to stop contributing to the maintenance of a shared access road?’
link to
This is an absolute must read article. Titled the Problem with the English, written by Cambridge Professor Nicholas Boyle. He has put his finger on the whole England/Britain/UK/Great Britain read it here.
link to
Of course, those seeking social justice need to be mindful of the intrinsic, internal links between human rights and environmental quality. They depend on one another and require an ethical code that is in direct conflict with Hayek and UKOK neo-liberalism.
link to
lol K1 we seem to have been reading the same article…really excellent analysis imo.
Anyone still awake remember to look out for our Advan coming to “where you are” join in the fun and take some selfies and get your car stickers.
link to
Tomorrow/today our Advan is visiting Stirling and Falkirk, go to our link and see where you will find it.
Cherry and K1
I wonder if Prof. Nicholas Boyle reads Craig Murry’s blog, or even Wings? Macro-social, cultural psycho-babble wise. Pathologies of reason, indeed. 😉
Hi Wingers.
Totally O/T
Finished watching series recorded from BBC1 “The Missing”. Very good production and very European, French detective married to English lady. Plot centres on British Army base in Germany and climactic in Switzerland.
But why, why why is the monster abductor of young girls a Scottish accented person?
This is not subtle anymore!
Gott straffe der BBC!
Sleep well friends.
Lol, who even is this moron?
So… with IndyRef1, the no campaign in Scotland (Ruth Davidson and Kez Dugdale in particular) said that Scotland NEEDED to vote no in order to remain part of the EU as the EU was more important than an independent Scotland, but now after the Leave vote happened, all of a sudden remaining in the UK is more important than the EU and we don’t need the EU?
Yeah, these twits make a lot of sense. To think most of these idiots actually went to university and got a degree.
It’s the usual: ignore what Scotland want, just let them get dragged down and into the gutter with the rest of us… you know, because we say so.
And of course, we are to just bow down and be thankful for this wonderful WMG who in Thatcher’s words are: “So generous to the Scots.”
Why do Labour seem to be sitting on the fence one minute then jumping into bed with their sworn enemies the next minute then back on then fence again? Is it because they are all idiots who are trying to win votes from here there and everywhere?
Sad really. They’re just tories in red. It’s total desperation.
Scotland didn’t vote for a lot of things WMG ignored, why should we put up with it any longer?
I just hope IndyRef2 is a definite and clear YES this time. We can only hope that people will come to their senses and vote YES.
Robert Kerr wrote on 18 January, 2017 at 2:39 am:
“But why, why why is the monster abductor of young girls a Scottish accented person? This is not subtle anymore!”
It was always the case Robert. I can remember a series called The Bill and the rapist, paedophile, murderer, thief or alcoholic wife beater more often than not would have a Scottish accent. And i mean a Scottish accent because the person playing the part wasn’t always Scottish. And every now and again the Scottish accent would be rested for its Irish cousin.
Meg merrilees wrote on 18 January, 2017 at 12:59 am:
“I notice that I-Scot have flagged up the Sunday Post vote on whether there should be a 2nd indy ref and that link has also appeared on the Rev’s twitter feed. After 12,500 + votes it now stands at 87% for indy; 13% Against.”
And? I’m struggling to get your point.
Here’s a few points for you to consider:
(1):That figure of 12,500+ votes will not be 12,500 different people. There will be folk using multiple usernames to vote multiple times.
(2):The figures will also be getting manipulated behind the scenes by those running it just to keep the clicks coming in.
(3):When Nana voted she said it stood at 93% Yes. Thirty-three minutes later when you said you voted it was down to 92%. When you posted at 1am you stated it was now down to 87% Yes. Does that not tell you anything?
(4):Just because it appears on the Revs twitter feed does not make it right. Jeeezo, have you seen some of the shit he faces on his twitter!
(5):Just because there are apparently over 12,500 votes does not make it right – over 2-million were persuaded to vote ‘No’.
Nah! I’ll refrain from helping to put food on the table of those who help to remove it from the mouths of Scots thank you very much. Online ‘Polls’ are nothing but clickbait traps.
It’s all about deception!
Why are we getting bent out of shape about what “Kate Hopkins lite” has to say. Just make sure those now swithering at decisions passed see how there valued by the voice MSM in UK.
Over 1 million people voted SNP.
This was based on a manifesto pledge that if there were any material changes there WOULD be a second Scottish independence referendum.
Brexit IS that material change, so dry your eyes yoons.
Independence is coming. Help support the SNP win the Scottish elections in May by supporting local SNP events. Especially this one:
Please share.