The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland


Posted on January 02, 1968 by

For off-topic chat. Duh.

39636 to “Off-topic”

  1. Michael McCabe says:

    QT I Have had more fun at the Dentists. Anyway Everyone loves a Happy Ending. link to

  2. Thepnr says:

    Hi Betty

    Yep, like you I’m a pure political anorak NOW.

    Never used to be, but something changed. Wonder what that was?

  3. Paula Rose says:

    Is everyone crying out for PR? Paula Rose?

  4. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe –


    Great stuff mister. Hoots aplenty, and a happy ending to boot. Canny beat it…

  5. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe –

    This is lowering the tone somewhat, but your mention of ‘Dentists’ summoned this auld yin:

    link to

  6. Oneironaut says:

    It’s times like this I realise not having TV is absolute bliss! 😉

    Still, tomorrow (or later today actually!) I have to deal with some folks who still think they were clever for voting No, and actually believe Cameron will save Scotland from the evil SNP.

    Really hoping I can make it through the morning without any of them engaging me in conversation about politics. Last time they did, I could actually feel my brain cells burning out from trying to process the regurgitated Daily (Hate)Mail tripe they were spewing at me!
    I haven’t got many brain cells left, and I’d like to keep them! 🙁

    Anyways, hoping everyone has a nice almost-the-weekend day.
    I’ll leave some upbeat music here then I’m off to sleep.

    link to

    Wishing everyone Peace, Love and Oreos! 😀

  7. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Botherhood Brilliant Never seen that before. Mind you I like Rowan Atkinson with a bit of Music. link to

  8. Paula Rose says:

    Nice gentle soothing tune babes please – be back in 5 minutes.

  9. Paula Rose says:

    Took a bit longer than I expected – heels off, time to caress my toes, dim the lights – where’s the soft music? Typical – you’ve all gone sleepiebyes.

  10. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  11. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    Your still on top form my man and I look forward to talking to you again. Let’s hope it’s not to far away.

  12. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Yes I hope it is not to far away. I need to get to one of these nights out. only been to the one in Edinburgh ( the newsroom) I Remember shaking your hand. and John King Introducing Me to the Lovely Paula Rose. And tam Jardine who booked the pub I think. Anyway Talking about one of these nights. link to

  13. Quentin Quale says:

    Back on the subject of great guitarists, here’s BB King who has sadly passed away
    link to

  14. Michael McCabe says:

    BB KING link to one of the Best. Sadly Missed

  15. Chic McGregor says:

    Not sure of 11 Dn today, several fits all of roughly equal fitablity. Just chose one.

  16. Paula Rose says:


  17. Thepnr says:

    You may have seen my tribute to Johann by the magnificent O’Jay’s well I think this one could even be better!

    My tribute to the one and only Jim Murphy :’-)

    link to

  18. Michael McCabe says:

    Here is another one for Jim Murphy. link to New slogan for Jim That’s all Folks.

  19. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –


    You may have started something here mister.

    Here’s another one Kezia might be singing to Murph over the dog and bone:

    Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes, ‘Don’t Leave Me This Way’ (live) –

    link to

  20. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe


    @Ian Brotherhood

    No bad. LOL

    Just kidding both songs were great, off to find another tribute worthy of Jim.

  21. Thepnr says:

    OK I played this before but I’ve found the perfect job for Jim.

    link to

  22. Ian Brotherhood says:

    As chanted by 115,000 SNP folk, all waving their membership cards…

    Hothouse Flowers, ‘Don’t Go’ –

    link to

  23. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Chicago, featuring Earth, Wind & Fire, ‘If You Leave Me Now’ –

    link to

  24. Paula Rose says:

    One day…

    link to

  25. Paula Rose says:

    Lib -dem manifesto…

    link to

  26. Paula Rose says:

    memo to self – must stop letting everyone else see my secret music library, otherwise they’ll realise I’m a fraud.

  27. Thepnr says:

    You know what it’s like? It’s intense right up to the day of decision, whatever that is. After there is a sense of disappointment no matter what you wished for.

    The day has passed, it has gone and is no more.

    I think everybody feels like that, getting up on Christmas day as a child with all the excitement, then too soon it is over.

    It is hard to leave one campaign behind and focus on the next one, but if you want to change anything or make a difference then that is what you must do.

    These last few songs have made me smile and even tap my feet, I reckon I’m just getting prepared for the next round. There will always be a next round, the winners at the end will be those that are still standing when the final bell rings.

    Time folk to get off the stool again, this is just round two!

  28. Thepnr says:


    Link doesn’t work 🙁

  29. Michael McCabe says:

    Poor Jim he is Confused. link to What should he do ?

  30. Chic McGregor says:

    Yeah Paula motif is what I went for

  31. Michael McCabe says:

    His own kind are telling Jim link to

  32. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Bessie Banks, ‘Go Now’ –

    link to

  33. Michael McCabe says:

    And we are asking Jim link to

  34. Chic McGregor says:

    Just heard Brandon Flowers singing Jim Murphy’s new theme song on Norton.

    link to

  35. Michael McCabe says:

    We will all know Jims fate Tomorrow. For what it is worth I would tell Jim to link to And it’s not often Bob Marley & the Wailers back me up.

  36. Thepnr says:

    FFS guys make your mind up!

    link to

  37. Michael McCabe says:

    I Wish you all a good night and I will leave you with a wee football song. link to Ah the memories.

  38. Thepnr says:

    Just one of the reasons Westminster are shitting themselves.

    link to

  39. Paula Rose says:

    Please dads mind the furniture – if you will insist on dancing.

  40. Paula Rose says:

    So sweet seeing these old punks bopping about – bless.

  41. Paula Rose says:

    I’ll have to move the coffee table!

  42. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    I hope everyone who’s bought a guitar today (or yesterday!) has named it Lucille as a tribute to the late, B.B King.

    Music is the one thing that truly transcends politics, race, religion or whatever else is manufactured to divide people.

    Thepnr @ 10.35 – Well said! Nothing I can add 🙂

  43. Oneironaut says:

    Without music, life would be a lot less free.

    Live your life.
    Be who you want to be.
    Listen to your most inspiring tunes as much as you can.
    Free your mind.

    link to

    Peace, Love and things that make you happy! 😀

  44. Ken500 says:

    Bit controversial, but is Paula Rose really real or a spoof. Doesn’t like publicity. Will the real Paula Rose come out?

    A boa dance in a public place? F Funny anyway.

  45. Ken500 says:

    See that Apple they are so annoying, Thry have cut of UTube reception for (older) devices, without an app update, since April. Just so they can cash in. Annoying having to sort it out if out reception range.

  46. Thepnr says:


    Thanks for that wee tune, it’s what we all want, to be free.

  47. red sunset says:

    Maybe a bit late, but seconding Gillian_Ruglonian ‘s thanks for your visit the other night. Great meeting up, hope you enjoyed it as much as the rest of us.
    See you again soon.

  48. Thepnr says:

    In light of todays events I don’t think it is remiss of me to propose a wee celebration. Love the colour.

    link to

  49. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ken500.

    Try going to in Safari, rather than using the Youtube app.

  50. Croompenstein says:

    Listening to some tunes, have this Creepy Jim..

    link to

  51. Croompenstein says:

    Ramble on Jim..

    link to

  52. Paula Rose says:

    Lovely to see Ken500 getting on down with the dad dancers – I’ll pop out in a minute poppet, someone has to do the housework. Am I real? I’ll just check – that is, they are, oh yes that is giggle, whoops no – false eyelashes.

  53. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A wee bit of innocent fun before the usual Saturday night debauchery starts…

    Harry Worth:

    link to

  54. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Hahaha Ian your not going to believe this but I did exactly that with my wife just this week. Spoooky!

  55. Thepnr says:

    Saturday nights can never be the same without Ms Dunnit.

    link to

  56. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A couple of years ago most of us had no idea each other existed, and people still associated ‘Wings’ with Paul McCartney. Look where we are now, and what’s happened in such a short time.

    Incredible. Strange days indeed…

    John Lennon, ‘Nobody Told Me’ –

    link to

  57. Paula Rose says:

    My pussy wants a stroke – I’ll come along later.

  58. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –


    And you surely won’t believe this, but I was thinking of this Emery clip earlier:

    link to

  59. Thepnr says:

    Sticking with the 70’s comedy theme, here’s a good yin.

    link to

  60. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Another one for Boney-M –

    Basement Jaxx, ‘Good Luck’ (live, 2004) –

    link to

  61. Paula Rose says:

    Oh blooming eck – you’ll all be sniggering apart from X_Sticks, Thepnr, ronnie anderson, cearc, Tartan Tory, Quinie frae Angus and Cactus who have all stroked or seen my pussy.

  62. Paula Rose says:

    Eek – I’ve just made it worse.

  63. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    link to

  64. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    Shut it! Don’t want you revealing any of my secrets LOL.

  65. Thepnr says:

    Oh the memories.

    Don’t watch unless you want to see the arsehole that is John McTernan, Gordy Broon and Gorgeous George all in the same programme.

    Fun for all the family, if you are named Adams that is 🙂

    link to

  66. Michael McCabe says:

    Here is my wee bit of Comedy from the past. link to

  67. Paula Rose says:

    My favourite

    link to

  68. Paula Rose says:

    Ken500 – boa dances are only seen by those who frequent Wings social events – and for the rest of you – Paula Rose is an adamant feminist.

  69. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr (11.57) –

    Aye, good one, and a nice reminder that McTernan has perhaps incriminated himself at 2.26 by admitting that he’s accessed sampling of the postal votes. So that’s him, and Ruthie D both in the frame for this, and not a jot have we heard from Police Scotland about how their investigations are going.

    He may well have been bluffing, but who would dare guess from watching the man in action? If there’s any single lesson that we should all draw from the practise of politics in so-called ‘democracies’, it’s the fact that characters such as McTernan, Alistair Campbell, Damian McBride etc are so utterly unaccountable. Leveson, Hutton et al skirted about the role of these people, and managed to do so by ‘restricting’ their focus to alleged misbehaviour by unaccountable institutions rather than individuals.

    Any meaningful exploration of why our political system is so fucking rotten really has to nail characters like McTernan by sticking them in front of all-party committees, not for a few scheduled hours here and there, but for as long as it takes to get some straight answers from them: who are they really working for? what are their terms and conditions? how did they land those gigs in the first place? what positive contribution are they making to the promotion of genuinely ‘democratic’ practices?

    None of us know precisely what John McTernan is all about, and that’s the point here – he, and his ilk, have to be taken to task for what they’re doing. Here’s hoping that the WM 56 will find a way of helping to ensure that these characters are, if not flushed out of the political system, at least exposed for what they are.

  70. Thepnr says:

    @Michael McCabe

    FFS Marty Feldman, loved it LOL seriously I did.

    @Paula Rose

    Loved that too, honey 🙂

  71. Paula Rose says:

    Tall slim guy singing this at the entrance to Queens Street station tonight…

    link to

  72. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s one for PR and her cat:

    Hendrix, ‘Foxy Lady’ –

    link to

  73. Paula Rose says:

    Oh my darling Ian Everyonehood you are so utterly supreme, if I could I would have your children xxx

  74. Paula Rose says:

    Love wee pussies…

    link to

  75. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @All –

    re McTernan, you might enjoy this permutation of one which has been doing the rounds:

    link to

  76. Paula Rose says:

    In case anyone is wondering – I really can’t be doing with beards.

  77. Paula Rose says:

    Ian dear – I’ve just fucked the dishwasher, please be careful.

  78. Paula Rose says:

    apologies honeys yet again I’ve not been precise

  79. Paula Rose says:

    So sorry darlings – I just could not resist – please forgive

    link to

  80. Michael McCabe says:

    Forgive me for being a wee bit Bossy. link to

  81. Michael McCabe says:

    Never seen this kind of music on here ? link to

  82. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  83. Paula Rose says:


    link to

  84. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Paula Rose Loved your Stuff. I can feel it in the air link to

  85. Michael McCabe says:

    Talking about Referendums. link to Good Night all.

  86. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    A different take on your Carmen stuff…

    link to

  87. Oneironaut says:

    @Michael McCabe
    Talking about Referendums.

    Talkin’ ’bout my referendum! 😉

    link to

    (Sorry, couldn’t resist that! 😀 )

  88. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Any word on a Edinburgh get-together?

  89. Lollysmum says:

    Anyone in tonight?
    Thought I’d just pop in & make my apologies for not being around since the WoS night at CH. You’ll have to blame that Morag. What a slave driver she is! Had me leafleting sometimes 3 times a day pre-GE15, doing street stalls, finding remote houses in the wilds of the borders. Phew-exhausting or what.

    Actually had a great two weeks. Morag & a couple of her neighbours margaret & Colin took me to watch FMQ’s the day before the election. Absolutely brilliant but I got told off by security 3 times for making a noise 🙂

    Anyways, it was so good to meet you all at last at the CH-John King & Irene, Ronnie (who tried to make out that he was John King), JLT, Gillian, Betty Boop & Jim, Cearc, Natasha, BDT & Pete TC-thanks for the badges, Paula Rose, Paul Kavanagh, Kev from IndyLive, Cactus, Jock Scot, Ninja Penguin & all the others whose names escape me just now. So nice to be able to put names to faces now.

    Since I got back to England last Sunday, I’ve been working in London all week & it’s been miserable as sin here. Everyone moaning about the tories getting back in & you lot are so upbeat that now I’m jealous & want to be back in Scotland. Haven’t even had chance to go over to Westminster to see if I could see any of Team56 showing WM & MSM how SNP politicians do politics. Oh well, maybe have some luck tomorrow when I’m over there 🙂

  90. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Sometimes, I don’t know…just, thank fuck for this wee place of relative sanity.


    Best thing about YT is finding videos you missed when they were first out.

    Siouxsie And The Banshees, ‘Spellbound’ –

    link to

  91. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is great stuff. Ian Dury when he was ‘Kilburn & The High Roads’, in some pub or other, performing ‘The Mumble Rumble & The Cocktail Rock’. Check out some of the locals staring-on, wondering ‘WTF is this?’.

    (I have a sneaky feeling that a certain O/T regular may know close relatives who were at that gig!)

    link to

  92. Paula Rose says:

    Thought you might enjoy this little exchange…

    link to

  93. Lollysmum says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    It’s not often anyone refers to WoS as a place of sanity-it’s full of them vile & odious cybernats or hadn’t you noticed? 😉

  94. Lollysmum says:

    Paula Rose
    Duly enjoyed! Can’t stand him myself but that was a good response from you 🙂

  95. Thepnr says:

    I hear you Ian, sad really isn’t it.

    Very nice post Lollysmum, I saw you on the telly 🙂 well Indy Live but close, glad to hear you enjoyed your visit, come back soon.

  96. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    🙂 😉

    Prepare thyself to be decried as fascist scum! Another badge to add to the campaign medals…

  97. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    You naughty girl, watching to much Dick Emerey LOL

  98. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Lollysmum.

    Remember – you MUST wear your Wings badge(s) to the next meeting of SNP London Branch.

    In the same time period as Kilburn…

    link to

    And I will leave you with this recently unearthed piece of literature…
    Speech: “Friends, brothers, countrymen, lend me your ears”
    By Anon Y. Mous (With apologies to William Shakespeare)
    (from the play ‘Jim Murphy’, spoken by Len McCluskey)

    Friends, brothers, countrymen, lend me your ears;
    I come to bury Murphy, not to praise him.
    The EVEL (English Votes for English Labour) that men do lives after them;
    The good is oft interred with their bones;
    So let it be with Murphy.

    The noble Davidson
    Hath told you Murphy was ambitious:
    If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
    And grievously hath Murphy answer’d it.
    Here, under leave of Davidson and the rest–
    For Davidson is an honourable man;
    So are they all, all honourable men–
    Come I to speak in Murphy’s funeral.

    He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
    But Davidson says he was ambitious;
    And Davidson is an honourable man.
    He hath brought many celebrities up to Glasgow
    Whose pay cheques did the general coffers empty:
    Did this in Murphy seem ambitious?

    When that the poor have cried, Murphy hath wept as the crocodile:
    Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
    Yet Davidson says he was ambitious;
    And Davidson is an honourable man.

    You all did see that on the Irn-Bru crate
    a 100 times, in 100 towns, he was presented a kingly egg,
    Which he did 99 times refuse: was this ambition?
    Yet Davidson says he was ambitious;
    And, sure, he is an honourable man.

    I speak not to disprove what Davidson spoke,
    But here I am to speak what I do know.
    You all did love him once, not without cause:
    What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?
    O judgement! thou art fled to brutish beasts,
    And men have lost their reason. Bear with me;
    My heart is NOT in the coffin there with Murphy,
    And I need not pause till it come back to me.

  99. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Time for some funky stuff.

    Graham Central Station, ‘Release Yourself’ –

    (NB The actual song doesn’t start until approx. 2.25-ish)

    link to

  100. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Lollysmum, great to meet you and I hope to see you soon x

  101. Morag says:

    The convener of the Kirkcudbright branch of the SNP died suddenly this afternoon. The last thing he tweeted was a link to this morning’s Wings article. Does anyone know if he was a winger?

    link to

  102. Ken500 says:

    Sad news. Hope Independence comes soon and not be too late for some folk to see. Fingers crossed.

    @ Paula Rose – You are awful but we’s like yous. Dick Enery or thon other one Benny Hill. Boas
    F funny. A happy bunny.

  103. ronnie anderson says:

    Lollysmum says:
    17 May, 2015 at 10:55 pm

    Ian Brotherhood
    It’s not often anyone refers to WoS as a place of sanity-it’s full of them vile & odious cybernats or hadn’t you noticed? 😉

    Ah object tae that Post Lollysmum,you dont give us any credit ataw ataw We’re the most Vilest of the Vilest Cybernats even Viler.

    Thats like saying a Driver waiting at Traffic Lights is vile for picking his nose an eating the boogie.We’re more Viler than that.

    We would pick oor nose & eat the Boogie wie & demand Chips N three Veg, wan of whitch wid hiv tae be Curly Gael, we,re no aw green an cabbage looking.

    You didna think you were coming hame fur ah Holiday did you LoL,it wiz aw hands tae the pumps in campaining.

    Nice tae meet you & would hope to have the pleasure again somtime in the near future xx.

  104. Oneironaut says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    “Sometimes, I don’t know…just, thank fuck for this wee place of relative sanity.”

    Sanity? Here?!!

    Damn, I must be in the wrong place! I thought some people around here were acting a bit too sane for my liking!

  105. Morag says:

    Just getting ready to go to the funeral of one of our local SNP members who died the day after the election. She had been ill for some time, but we’re all terribly upset. Her husband, who has been campaigning in this area longer than anyone can remember, had to give up his leafleting run when she was taken to hospital in late April, so he could go to be with her.

    Sad day.

  106. Paula Rose says:

    @ Morag – If you pop in tonight here’s a special stroke from me (and a hug xx).

  107. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    Going by the way things are going on the main page,

    link to

    methinks that in the next wee while, I will join Ronnie’s exclusive club and be outed as a cybertroll.

    So for ALL of us Wingers,

    link to

  108. Paula Rose says:

    Beedeeteetee doll – you just sit back and relax, I’m off to bed now Not An Invitation. There’s the sofa – make yourself comfortable AND decent, some of the girls might pop in.

  109. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Anyone notice the WOS pages were unavailable for around half an hour just now?

  110. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Onnyhoo, Paula Rose, why should I get on my bike to Brechin, at this time of night, for your ‘sofa’, when I have a perfectly comfortable ‘settee’ doon the toon?


  111. Paula Rose says:

    (BDTT – you don’t quite get my surreal sense of humour do you dear?)

  112. K1 says:

    BDTT…yes I noticed the unavailable Wings last night too…no matter from where I tried to access from, constant error in ‘retrieving page’ message appeared. Hmmm.

  113. Betty Boop says:

    @ Lollysmum 17/5/15, 10:28pm

    Hi, Lollysmum – was good to see you at CH and have a quick exchange on Livestream (Glasgow Green, Sunday send-off).

    Sorry you are so depressed at being back in the smoke, but, at least you won’t be tramping over muddy fields, leaflets in hand! Did Morag supply wellies? 🙂

    A real badge of honour for a Winger, being told off by security at the Parly! Respect! Were you heckling Kez Dug?

    @ a’body here. Not managed to keep up with Wingy stuff this week, so far, and was in the depths of Yorkshire yesterday testing their commitment to the enlargement of Scotland ;-). Reading some comments (Bdtt) on O/T, has there been a bit of dissent on the main page whilst I haven’t been looking?

  114. Betty Boop says:

    @ Morag
    Sorry to hear about your friend and fellow campaigners, Morag. x

  115. Paula Rose says:

    Lookee Tartan Tory!!!

    link to

  116. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Betty Boop.

    It looked like it was shaping that way but the debate remained civilised.

  117. Lollysmum says:

    That’s probably because quite a few baled out, like I did.

  118. Paula Rose says:

    The debate remained civilised because you baled out Lollysmum?

  119. Quentin Quale says:

    @oneironaut Sanity? I’ll give you a sanity clause.
    link to

  120. Paula Rose says:

    Another piccie of Tartan Tory’s throbbing thingie!

    link to

  121. Paula Rose says:

    What’s it called? An ‘Owdy or something like that.

  122. cearc says:

    An ‘Owdy, ‘Owdy, ‘Owdy, ‘Owdy. In full. I think?

  123. Tartan Tory says:

    Yes paula – it’s just an auld Owdy….. 😉

    Good to get some Wings brand awareness out there at the weekend.

  124. Paula Rose says:

    Tartan Tory honey it’s you!!! Hold on you’re not wearing black leather – go home and change.

  125. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi TT.

    Good to see you back typing among the ‘Gnats!


  126. Paula Rose says:

    Careful Bdtt the Tartan Tory is a rare bird – use only the highest quality treats.

  127. Tartan Tory says:

    I’ve never left Brian – I’ve just been sitting at the back of the room….

    Everyone seems to be twittering these days and I’m just not bothering with it. I’ve also never quite recovered from the result last September, though the joy a few weeks ago did help. So, I’m just the glum face without much to say now. I’ve not worn my kilt since 6.30am on the 19th Sept either. 🙁

    Paula – leather tomorrow dear! I have to make a delivery down in Dunfermline and I can’t be bothered with a car, so bike it is. Weather forecast looks good too. I’d offer you a vigourous ride, but I think Mrs TT wants to come too! No room for a threesome I’m afraid!! 😉

  128. Paula Rose says:

    Oh no – I haven’t frightened the Tartan Tory off have I? I’ll put some more cous cous out and some porridge. Here sweetie…

  129. Tartan Tory says:

    Don’t worry Paula. You don’t scare me (much), but it takes more than cous cous ‘n’ porridge to tempt me to your lair.

  130. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi TT.

    Keep your kilt pressed – in case you need it for the culmination of the latest bit of flirting on the main page.

    It seems that ‘sensibledave’ and ‘sensible PaulaRose’ have reached some sort of an understanding.

    Is there to be a meeting of the minds(?), resulting in a wee celebration for Wingers to attend in Brechin?

    Watch this space – film at 11…

  131. Paula Rose says:

    Darlings – a Brechin event?

    Let’s do it – Brechin beats Edinburgh and Dundee to top spot – venue already sorted!

    Only if Tartan Tory promises to attend.

    Minibuses a go go and I promise not to behave, from North and South.

    Heart a-flutter, no lair my wee TT just open arms.

  132. Natasha says:

    Paula Rose
    You really shouldn’t lead people up the garden path, you know. Sensibledave is in well over his head . . .

  133. Michael McCabe says:

    They are all talking about seating arrangements over on the main thread. Anyway here is Someone With a big seat and a big Voice. link to

  134. Morag says:

    I’ve had a comment bounce into moderation for no apparent reason. Pray bear with me while I slice and dice it to see if I can figure out why. It may seem daft, but that’s how we identified the nfl bug.

  135. Morag says:

    If you can’t see the horrendous risks involved in what you’re advocating, Chic, despite explanations here and (more coherently) on Scot Goes Pop, then I really can’t help you.

    I’ve said all along that I don’t discount the situation where a tactical list vote might look like a safe thing to do, if nothing else, in one or two regions. Depending on how the constituencies are going. But if that does happen, it will only become apparent very close up to polling day. Committing yourself to such a vote more than 11 months in advance is insane.

  136. Morag says:

    The SNP is flavour of the month right now.

  137. Morag says:

    This might last for a full year, but it might not.

  138. Morag says:

    The SNP might be needing

  139. Morag says:

    every list seat

  140. Morag says:


  141. Morag says:

    Got it. Stu has put the word “crap” into his naughty words filter. I used the word “scrape” in my post, and because it contains the naughty word within it, the post was canned even though there was no actual naughty word.

  142. Paula Rose says:

    Morag honey you sit here on one side, and Natasha love on the other, now are we comfy? Yes – Natasha doll, don’t worry about sensible stuff and Morag my dear dancing partner (cos the dad dancers around here are… well you ken) no need to slice and dice – just chill babes let the boys entertain us.

  143. Michael McCabe says:

    Hi Morag it looks like you are talking to Chic on off topic? but chic does not know you are on off topic. Does that make sense? Hope so

  144. Morag says:

    Michael, read the first post of mine in that sequence.

  145. Morag says:

    Paula, the salami-slicing was necessary so I could figure out what was catching the post and throwing it into moderation. What you can’t see is the string of posts all marked “Your comment is awaiting moderation” where I carried out the full exercise.

    It’s sorted now and I’ve been able to re-post the comment in the proper thread, with the naughty word declawed to get past Stu’s filter.

  146. Paula Rose says:

    Morag honey dinnae fash – I’m right here holding your hand and mopping your brow… You is the doll Hon and no doubt about it, Tartan Tory get over here on all fours Morag needs a footstool and nae sniggering frae you boys wi your cans o pish.

  147. Chic McGregor says:

    @Michael McCabe
    Yes,I think Morag has got her threads in a twist here. Her post above I think refers to another sequence of posts on the thread The Outsider.

    You can read the exchange there.

    A dialogue which is now closed, at least from my end.

  148. Morag says:

    I’m sorry, but anyone who can’t understand that I was using this thread as a sand-box to identify the letter-string that caused my post to be thrown into moderation, even after I explained clearly what I was doing, is an idiot.

    Idiots who are so certain of their own intellectual superiority that they refuse even to read a detailed explanation of why their spiffing wheeze is fatally flawed, aren’t really worth the effort.

  149. Morag says:

    Paula, I’m off to bed now. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully the sensible discussion on Scot Goes Pop has spiked this mad “constituency vote SNP / list vote Green” proposition that could have threatened the independence majority in Holyrood.

    The small number of people who simply can’t or won’t follow the reasoning won’t be enough to do any damage. Hopefully.

  150. Michael McCabe says:

    And I thought a sand box was one of those things a Sports Person uses. I hope that’s no me for the long jump. If people cant agree. just agree to disagree. link to After all we all want an Independent Scotland

  151. Morag says:

    Not you I was getting at. But I did explain what I was doing. Stuart’s profanity filter has a habit of snagging bycatch, and when that happens you have to figure out which letter-string is causing the problem. Better to do that here than in the middle of the actual discussion.

    As I said, the banned letter-string is c-r-a-p, in my case innocently contained within the word “scrape”.

    Try it and see.

  152. Paula Rose says:

    WELL REALLY !!! Oh well a couple of hours sweeping up the broken crackers as per usual. Everytime after a crowdfunder I ask the Rev for a vacuum for off-topic, do I ever get one ? No – and who do you think pays for the decor? And as for the furnishings – if it wasn’t for the local bin-men we’d be sitting on the floor!!!

  153. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  154. Michael McCabe says:

    Well the Lou Reed is running out and it’s raining cats and dogs. So I will leave you with a song for Paula Rose. link to

  155. Quentin Quale says:

    Well, that 1.10am post will certainly frighten off anyone who popped onto OT for a bit of light hearted banter, wonderful music links or to find out more about Wings.

  156. Paula Rose says:

    Don’t fret Quentin dear – I’ve got a couple of throws from IKEA that I can put over it.

  157. mogabee says:

    Anyone who uses the name “Quentin Quale” and expects folk to be frightened off by Morag sandboxing is at it! ;D

  158. Betty Boop says:

    @ Paula Rose
    Jings, PR, I pop out of the room for a wee while and come back to find you have had to mop up and apply the polish again so everything is shiny and smooth once more. You are a sweetheart. x

    @ Tartan Tory
    Don’t wait so long before you pop in again, John. You can’t be glum all the time, waste of life.

    Nice photo of your car at Knockhill btw. Hope you blew the cobwebs away on the bike to Dunfermline. 🙂

  159. Morag says:

    By the way, Stu says the bit of “scrape” that triggers the auto-censor isn’t “crap”. Don’t be getting all metaphorical is all I can say.

  160. Tartan Tory says:

    Cheers Betty! Still sat in the office just now and still have a Dunfermline trip on the cards…..

  161. cearc says:

    Well done Morag, another gem from the sandpit.

    I suppose that one should have been a bit obvious given the long metaphorical/literal conversation. So not quite so many plaudits as the n-f-l one, which was pure genius.

    I guess it must be your professional skills that enable you to fish gems from the sandbox when most people just find cat poop.

  162. Morag says:

    Stu says he’s going to try to fix it so that innocent words that contain letter-strings of naughty words are allowed through, but I’m not sure how. It might need a white-list, and it’s difficult to ensure that these are comprehensive – even if WordPress has the facility.

  163. Taranaich says:

    Hello all, I figure everyone’s onto the Holyrood list discussion, so perhaps I’m a bit behind the times by being about fox-hunting. Still, there’s one point I don’t think has been brought up: the possibility that SNP voting on England/Wales fox-hunting could result in very unpleasant consequences for Scottish foxes too.

    link to

    We’ve already seen the Labour party trying to undermine Holyrood by having powers transferred to councils in a way that makes them deal directly with Westminster instead, who’s to say the pro-hunting lobby in Scotland won’t argue for fox-hunting to become a reserved issue?

  164. Oneironaut says:

    @Tartan Tory
    “I’ve also never quite recovered from the result last September…”

    Glad I’m not the only one… 🙂

    @Paula Rose
    “Everytime after a crowdfunder I ask the Rev for a vacuum for off-topic, do I ever get one ? No…”

    You can have mine if you like, I never use it anyway! 😉

    “Idiots who are so certain of their own intellectual superiority that they refuse even to read a detailed explanation of why their spiffing wheeze is fatally flawed, aren’t really worth the effort.”

    Calm down…

  165. Thepnr says:


    You beat me to it! I agree totally that the proposed foxhunting bill is a “wheeze” thought up by the Tories in order to trap the SNP.

    They are goading them to vote against it in order to promote their EVEL agenda. Aided by the compliant MSM of course.

    This is a bit of a tricky road for the SNP to navigate, I don’t doubt that every man and woman representing the SNP would want to vote against the bill and the Tories know that.

    If I was Nicola (oh err!) I would muster the team to vote against it and get things out in the open right now. The SNP WILL vote on laws that only effect E&W, we are here for a purpose in this UK parliament. We will oppose your EVEL bill as well! Fancy taking us on?

    Do you feel lucky?

  166. Michael McCabe says:

    Paula Rose You need a Vacuum for off/topic? you can have mine. Hardly Used and it is just Standing in the corner Gathering Dust.

  167. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Three years and three days since this great woman passed away.

    Donna Summer, ‘I Feel Love’ (1977) –

    link to

  168. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Big memories for me with that song. I was scrubbing floors in England at that time LOL. Tell you later man.

  169. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe –

    PR appears to be very particular about the state of the howff. Fair’ do’s.

    If she really does need a vacuum-cleaner, she would do well to remember that ‘nothing sucks like an Electrolux’. (Mind you, even that’s not much use if someone’s left a skidder on the spanking new white sofa…)

  170. Oneironaut says:

    Ahh, 1977, the year when I first set foot (or set something anyway, not sure what exactly!) on this world of ours…

    And Paula Rose can have my vacuum cleaner any time. To be honest I keep forgetting I even own a vacuum cleaner! 😉

  171. Cactus says:

    Here’s whawcha could use for an alternative vacuum.. NOT!

    The Suck Kut!
    link to

    Have a great Thursday everybuddy.

  172. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Anyone remember this one from Donna Summer, from 1974?

    In the early days of our mobile disco, we used to get asked for this regularly, at ‘teenage’ discos.

    link to

  173. Tartan Tory says:

    As I rode my chariot though Fife yesterday en route to Dunfermline, I passed a silver 4×4 thingy (Japanese type) at Mossmorran on the Fife Regional Road. As I over-took, I noticed a small blue and white WOS sticker on the back window. Nothing like as prominent as the one on the front of my old Owdi, but I still wondered if it was anyone here?

  174. Morag says:

    Ah, Ian. Always ready with the unpleasant put-down. Why I seldom come here at all.

    What was I supposed to do to find out which letter-string was glitching the post? I could hardly mess around in the discussion thread. I think this negative reaction to what was only a quick attempt to de-bug a post is pretty depressing.

  175. gerry parker says:

    @ Tartan Tory.

    Thought you were lost John, great to see you posting again.
    My Alfa has still got 2 Yes Stickers on the back window, my Wings sticker, and the wings plaque Ronnie got me from Hood at the Newsroom Edinburgh get together.

    All badged up and lookin’ for a convoy.

  176. Tartan Tory says:

    I’m not posting again Gerry – I’ve been ‘just reading’ since September, but my hand slipped on the keyboard when Paula mentioned my throbbing thingy… 😉

  177. Lollysmum says:

    You could say that PR but I actually meant that a few well known names didn’t continue debating besides me 😉
    Sometimes life is too short & even occasionally interferes thus taking time up normally spent on Wings.

    For me it’s been work-frustrating & depressing austerity hitting the people have done nothing to deserve it. To the extent that I’ve spent the last week or so debating with myself whether to retire or not. My inability to fight this horrendous care system in England is getting me down but I can’t walk away from the 1800+ families I support either. So best I steer clear of debates for a while till I find equilibrium again or should that be ‘if’?

  178. Lollysmum says:

    Oneironaut says

    I’m with you on that. Out of sight, out of mind 🙂

  179. Thepnr says:

    @gerry parker

    “and the wings plaque Ronnie got me from Hood at the Newsroom Edinburgh get together.”

    That Thepnr got you from Hood at the Newsroom Edinburgh it should have read LOL.

  180. gerry parker says:

    Sorry, wasn’t there when it happened!


    Many thanks Alex.

  181. Lollysmum says:

    Hmm my last post @1.19pm should have said:

    Oneironaut says
    And Paula Rose can have my vacuum cleaner any time. To be honest I keep forgetting I even own a vacuum cleaner!

    I’m with you on that. Out of sight, out of mind 🙂

    Knew Stu had a good filter on WoS but didn’t think it took out bits of a post!!

  182. Lollysmum says:

    Oops @gerry parker

    Think thepnr’s a bit miffed at your memory failure LOL 🙂

  183. Thepnr says:


    Just setting the record straight 🙂 I like to think of myself as a friend of both gerry and ronnie and can easily see how things can get mixed up.

    All three of us are old senile Wingers after all!

    I had to bite my tongue to stop myself swearing lol.

  184. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The Cure, ‘A Forest’ –

    link to

  185. Ian Brotherhood says:

    John Martyn, ‘Glory Box’ –

    link to

  186. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Hi folks, I’m just doing a wee test post on a new device – 8.45pm

  187. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    test on new device – through app – 8.51pm

  188. Thepnr says:

    OK who fancies a weekend at the seaside? You know ice cream cones, paddling in the watter wearing funny hats and maybe having a beer or two amongst friends.

    A good friend of kenmacaroonbar has a very nice pub in the lovely seaside town of Helensburgh and would offer us a warm welcome.

    Check out the frontage below, looks welcoming to me!

    link to

    I reckon I could gather at least a dozen hardy souls to make the trip, how about everybody else? Just need to know if people might be interested, I’m thinking late July/early August.

    All I need now is a mibbee not even a Yes so please let me know and let’s get the ball rolling. Ta.

  189. Thepnr says:

    Hmmm link didn’t work, try this instead.

    link to

  190. Thepnr says:

    Last attempt [IMG][/IMG]

  191. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Splendid suggestion.

    Please count me in – even if I can’t make a week-end of it I’ll get there for a paddle and a swally.

  192. Michael McCabe says:

    Well done Gary Anderson the Premier League Darts Champion

  193. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Thepnr Cant make a weekend. But will definitely drop in for a pint and a ice cream cone. Looking forward to it Already.

  194. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Good on ye mister – this is gonny grow arms and legs.

    Maybe some of these braw chanters will turn up – any Wingers in there, care to identify yersels?!

    Helensburgh Yes Flashmob, Sept 6th 2014 –

    link to

  195. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    Let’s just make sure any Helensburgh shindig doesn’t happen on the same day as this:

    link to

  196. Thepnr says:

    Just discovered taht at least on my browser, Chrome, if you right click the first link and open in new tab you get the picture.

    Anyway, thanks Ian for being the first to throw your hat in the ring. I’ll be more positive now, seeing as Helensburgh could be a long drive from those in the Borders or the North East. I’m suggesting that it should be a Saturday so as no one needs to leave work early on a Friday.

    I’m also going to say that Sat 25th July looks like the best day, I’ve been told that it is always roasting and sunny in Helensburgh on the 25th.

    There will be a bus big or small running from Dundee/Angus so get your names down. We will be staying overnight as I couldn’t be arsed with a 3 hour drive home on Saturday night so bear that in mind.

    No commitment required now, but please let me know if you are interested.

    Edinburgh/Lothian I hope someone at your end will pick up the torch and try to get similar from your end.

    Round 3 ding ding!

    • kendomacaroonbar says:

      I’ll liase with the pub and ask them to keep the lounge free – the more you can bring the better – theres a sound system that can be set up for vocals etc.

  197. Thepnr says:

    FFS Ian that video was 58 minutes long, I reckon the group that might come after us would be the “ladies in pink” 33’40” in, only if word leaked that paula Rose was there.

    Maybe we should have it on the 12th July as all the bands would be either in Glasgow or Edinburgh.

    Ah decisions, decisions. I’m all for the 25th, we can have a gathering if we like, and we will.

  198. Oneironaut says:

    Would love to, but that’s way out of my travel range.

    Have a good one though! 😀

  199. Thepnr says:


    You are not getting out of this one. Forgive my impudence but you will be there, I will make sure of that.

    I mean us SSP lot will be outnumbered 20 to 1, at least if you are there it might only be 10 to 1 🙂

    Seriously, keep that day free and things can be sorted out. Please.

  200. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    It did seem to be a very large parade there, but the video may be just a compilation of the same bands, shot at different spots along the route.

    Then again, it may have been the ‘big one’ which rotates around a dozen or so smaller towns on an annual basis (so I’ve been told anyway) – it was held here, in Stevenston, maybe seven, eight years ago. Not being involved with any of that stuff, we had no idea it was going to happen, got wakened one Saturday morning with the drums banging – it took well over an hour just to file past our house.

    Never mind – a quick check at the local council notices for ‘permissions granted’ or whatever it’s called will throw-up whatever’s happening on the date(s) you’re looking at. In any event, are these belters going to challenge Thepnr and assembled Wingers? They may be daft (and look it intae the bargain) but they’re no THAT daft!

  201. Michael McCabe says:

    Here is a wee Song for Thepnr. link to Something along these lines ?

  202. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Alex.

    Did a bit of Googling. Bus would work from and back to Dundee with an overnight stay.

    Why take on the hassle of trying to charter a charabanc?

  203. Cactus says:

    @Thepnr & kendomacaroonbar ~

    Morning, count me in for Helensburgh on the 12th or 25th of Julember.. will see if I can drum up some more fellow Scots along to the seaside gig.

    Put them feelers out everybuddy 🙂

  204. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    I’ve not been to Helensburgh for years! Count me in 🙂

  205. john king says:

    I think Im on holiday as of 25th july, count me and Irene in, will firm up later. 🙂

    btw I think I know how Gerry thought it was Ronnie who got the plaques, wasn’t it because someone (ahem) forgot to lift them when we left the Newsroom and it was Ronnie who retrieved them?

  206. Ken500 says:

    Ever been in NI on the 12th of July with the appalling bigotry. Bands arriving from Scotland. The ‘Patriotism’. Sinister. The Unionists (Masons) destroyed their economy with ignorance and bigotry.
    NI the most subsidised part of the UK. Raises £14Billion gets £8Billion – £22Billion. A smaller population. The IR has a much better economy in the EU. Ignorance and bigotry won in Ulster.

    Ireland could be reunited by demographic changes but NI clings into the apron strings and ruins it’s economy with Bigotry and ignorance. .

    Vote to ban the Orange marches in Glasgow. A waste of time and taxpayers money. They are banned everywhere else in Scotland. Not tolerated.

  207. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    When I read the dodo post I was reminded of this old number – denial is a peculiar concept, is it not 😉

  208. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    link to

    2nd attempt!

  209. Oneironaut says:

    “I mean us SSP lot will be outnumbered 20 to 1, at least if you are there it might only be 10 to 1”

    Us SSP lot are used to being outnumbered. Sun Tzu could have learned a few things from our campaign strategy! 😉

    Anyways, I’m not even too sure where Helensburgh is exactly, let alone know what train will get me there. Also what time is the last one at? Hate having to dash off early.

    Are you going to the SSP conference up in Edinburgh at the weekend? Maybe see you there if so 🙂

    • kendomacaroonbar says:


      Helensburgh is 25 miles north of Glasgow. There are direct trains from Waverley Central and Fort William. You may even see a submarine if you’re lucky 🙂

  210. john king says:

    Ken says
    “Helensburgh is 25 miles north of Glasgow. There are direct trains from Waverley Central and Fort William. You may even see a submarine if you’re lucky :-)”

    We were lying in our bed in a hotel in Dunoon and Irene said look at that, a submarine was surfacing right in from of our hotel.

    • kendomacaroonbar says:

      @John King

      Was it one of ours John ? You know how these pesky Russkies regularly plough up and down the Clyde 🙂

  211. john king says:

    What hotel would you recommend Ken the one Irene wants is fully booked she cant bleedin remember The name after looking at it two minutes ago something hall.

    • kendomacaroonbar says:

      @John King

      It’s the Ross Hall in Rhu or if you are Flush the Marr Hall in Erskine. If you’re not too fussy the Commodore hotel is an inexpensive option – think it might be a Premier Inn franchise, and it’s on the Seafront.

  212. john king says:

    Thanks Ken Irene’s right on it. 🙂
    update Marr halls booked up,
    She’s booked (provisionally) the County hotel, old luss road, trying to get something better but looks ok, do you know how far from the pub that is?

  213. john king says:

    “Was it one of ours John ? You know how these pesky Russkies regularly plough up and down the Clyde :-)”

    Dunno but whoever it was they forgot to take the broom in when they dived, it was tied to the periscope. 🙂

  214. cearc says:

    Sadly, I can’t do 25th. as I have people staying here.
    Shame. A weekend at the seaside could have been fun.

    Ian paddling with his trousers rolled up and knotted hankie on head, sandcastle competitions, naval vessels jostling for position (russkies included) to catch a glimpse of Paula Rose.

    Ah, what jolly japes.

  215. Lollysmum says:

    Sorry but I can’t make it either-I’ll be away on hols with my 10 yr old grandson-family tradition now-first two weeks of school summer hols is gran & jake time. Even Wings meets can’t change that 🙂

    Maybe next time!

  216. Paula Rose says:

    Cherubs – we are so Off The beaten track here, that I have, on foot spent the last three days trekking to the local re-cycling plant to dispose of hazardous waste.

    Past fields of a yellow- flowered member of the brassica family.

    Who spilt sand all over the floor whilst I was away?

  217. Paula Rose says:

    Helensburgh nudie wingie beach – sniggle!

    Wellie – time but nowt else, sounds promising!

    Don’t want any radioactive bitties between my toesies.

  218. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    When I typed “bus” at 1.40am, this morning,. I, of course, meant public transport.

    Megabus leaves Dundee at 5 minutes past noon, change at Buchanan Bus Station, then change at Arden Youth Hostel;; gets into Helensburgh at 15.23.

    Return on Sunday…
    Leave Helensburgh at 13.53, one change in Glasgow, then arrive Dundee at 17.15 or,
    Leave Helensburgh at 15.53, one change in Glasgow, then arrive in Dundee at 20.05.


    Hi Paula Rose.
    In answer to your query, Who spilt sand all over the floor whilst I was away?,

    Could have been these guys,

    link to

    Or, it could have been these guys,

    link to

  219. Paula Rose says:

    Beedeeteetee honey – twas my dear pal Morag – apparently she needed the space, but as I wasn’t around (and knowing I wouldn’t object) she used the verandah, been a bit windy – so some sand accumulated therein.

    NOW all of you – understand, if my lovely Morag needs to use the space that is fine by me.

    Thank you honeys for loans of vacuums – but I’m so deep Green that I am happy to keep the place clean using just moi – btw would help if you didn’t mess it up in the first place.

  220. Paula Rose says:

    A note I made –

    “Special thanks to Lindsay Bruce, Douglas Daniel, Dr Morag Kerr, Andrew Leslie and Scott Minto, without whom the Wee Blue Book, and many other things, wouldn’t have been possible.”

    My lovely, adorable and exquisite Morag will always have Paula Rose’s total love and regard even if as usual – I have to get down on my hands and knees to sweep sand from inaccessible corners.

  221. Oneironaut says:

    Thanks 🙂

    As I said, doubtful I’ll make it, but hope you guys have fun there.

    With all those submarines and their dodgy safety procedures, at least you won’t need a night-light with that nice warm glow-in-the-dark effect 😉 hehe.

  222. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Oneironaut –

    I sent you an e-mail night before last – did you get it?

  223. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Come on people…Friday night is Fozzy Night, and we’ve plenty to dance about, right?

    Terence Trent D’Arby, ‘Dance Little Sister’ –

    link to

  224. Paula Rose says:

    Listen darlings – I don’t mind you passing through, but please say hello – I usually have a few canapes available.

  225. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Over on the main threads, we’re discussing people like Alistair Carmichael. This place is the natural antidote, where we can celebrate people who contribute something positive to the space/time scenario we all must share.

    And so, ladies and gentlemen of O/T, I give you, for the umpteenth time,

    Luciano Pavarotti & James Brown, ‘It’s A Man’s World’ –

    link to

  226. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    That’s the accommodation booked for Helensburgh, swanky pad 🙂

  227. Thepnr says:

    @Paula Rose

    Sorry, sorry. Spelling mistake. Manky pad 🙂

  228. ronnie anderson says:

    Sos my friends No can do 25th July,12th July No Problemo.

  229. Paula Rose says:

    Thrpnr honey – stop fighting over me you lovely boys, so exquisitely luscious, so ludicrously scrumptious – so embarrassingly beyond belief xxx naked in Helen’s wotsit so be it xxx

  230. Paula Rose says:


  231. Paula Rose says:

    Main threads?

    link to

  232. Thepnr says:

    Sorry to hear that ronnie, ach there will be other opportunities. So see you again then.

  233. Paula Rose says:

    Thepnr honey xxx – the other comments should be through soon – no sweary words.

  234. Paula Rose says:

    @Ian Sillyhood – for the umpteenth time-

    link to

  235. ronnie anderson says:

    Order of play re Wings plaque,s 4th July Newsroom Edinburgh

    Hood (made them)
    Thepnr ( brought them down) & left then in the Newsroom
    Patrician ( put them in my car ) I was unaware till later
    ( Thepnr slightly inebriated, realised he had misslayed them)
    Bob Sinclair found them in the back seat of my car, when putting stuff in the boot to make room for Conan the Librairian ( now thats a long long story,as it was ah long long night for me & Bob)but POSL all the way home
    Ronnie gave Gerry his,& delivered the rest back to Thepnr at a later date. But I did put his mind at rest via a phone call beforehand.

    Here endeth the tail of the lost/recovered Wings Plaque,s.

  236. Thepnr says:

    Yes ronnie, absolutely correct. Thanks for that, my mistake.

  237. Paula Rose says:

    (bucket, spade and frilly bathing cozzy packed and ready to roll honey)

  238. Paula Rose says:

    (bucket, spade and frilly bathing cozzy packed and ready to roll honey)

    link to

  239. X_Sticks says:

    Damn, can’t make the 25th. Will be flying over you at about 36,000 feet. I’ll try to time my toilet stop accordingly 🙁

  240. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Thepnr nae probs Alex me correcting anything lol whit wie ma memory. I was a memorial night for all kinds of reasons,ah lost ma Purple Ronnie book, that was found by somebody else lol.

  241. Natasha says:

    Can’t make the 25th guys, helping out at SNP stall at Border Union Show. Have a great time at the beach!

  242. smithie says:

    Oh to spend an evening in a pub like this,

    link to

  243. Betty Boop says:

    @ Thepnr

    Where is this pub in Helensburgh, Alex? Probably be able to make it that weekend.

  244. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Smithie your top of my Pops, briliant.

  245. Smithie says:

    Ronnie, spent more than 4 years learning piano?, only wish i could play this (Boogie Woogie). Its the best man

  246. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Hello, is there anybody in there?

  247. Michael McCabe says:

    Hi Gillian. there is usually somebody floating about on wings.

  248. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Insomnia strikes again!

    Hi Michael, what’re you saying?

  249. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    So, no-one is around, well I’ll leave a little gem before I go back to bed,

    I know folk have preconceived ideas of my darling lenny, so I’ll ease you in with a cover 😉

  250. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    F’n links! Arrgh!

  251. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Nope, I’m not trying again 🙁

  252. Oneironaut says:

    You mean this?
    link to

    Just copy the entire URL minus everything before the 3 W’s, the server’s filter adds them back in. 🙂

  253. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Oneie -my hero, I don’t know why I can’t get the links thing right, different devices, different platforms, but I’m still stuck!

    Anyways, please come to the seaside, cos I didn’t get to speak to you properly in the CH, 🙂

  254. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi IanB.

    I bought the 12″ version of thois when it was released in 1985.

    An alternative to Jimmy Broon’s original.

    link to

  255. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    thois = this…

  256. Thepnr says:

    @Betty Boop

    Would be great to see you and Jim, the pub is called the Clyde Bar, they have a website if you want to know more.

  257. Oneironaut says:

    “Oneie -my hero”

    I’ve never been anyone’s hero before 🙂

    Anyways, thanks to Ian Brotherhood, I might be able to make it after all. Time will tell.

    Would love to meet you again anyway 🙂

    • Paula Rose says:

      That’s not true Oneironaut honey – I remember giving you a particularly hero-worthy stroke!

  258. Oneironaut says:

    @Paula Rose
    Ah, but a hero-worthy stroke, does not a hero make… 😉

    I’d hate to be a hero anyway, too much pressure!

  259. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This is good stuff. To see ourselves as others see us, an aw that…

    e.g. at 6.47 – ‘Scotland offers free water to its citizens!’

    link to

  260. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Cor blimey, strike-a-light etc, just realised we’re not far away from a new page…some folk are gonny start getting all excited again.


    • Paula Rose says:

      Please be quiet honey, I quite fancy that one.

  261. Paula Rose says:

    Eurovision! My favourite!

    link to

  262. Paula Rose says:

    All those dreams…

    link to

  263. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Since when did the Everlys become part of a Eurovision theme?

    Onnyhoo, I’ll forgive Paula Rose her excitement.

    These are, probably, my two favourite Eurovision winners…

    link to

    link to

  264. Stoker says:

    link to

    Brian, Paula, I’m not taking sides but my youngest brother loved the Everles but the best in the world was Buddy. Elvis had the looks but Buddy taught them all how to sing.
    link to

  265. Stoker says:

    link to

  266. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Och Stoker,

    If you’re gonna link BH, I’ve gotta stick in this one:-

    link to

    And, from the same time frame…
    When I went on holiday to Glasgow in the late 50s, I was taken to a cafe on Alexandra Parade, where this was my favourite on the jukebox:-

    link to

  267. Stoker says:

    Lovely, Brian, 🙂
    Sorry bud, for taking a while to respond, i fell asleep.
    Nice choice in music pal.

    Here’s THE best big O:
    link to

  268. Stoker says:

    Anyway, enough of all that ancient pish, here’s my all time No1:
    link to

    There isn’t a smiley which can come anywhere near to expressing my feelings but this song says it all. Take care, folk.

  269. Stoker says:

    The Outlaws!
    link to

  270. K1 says:

    One of my youthful favourites…still resonates…

    link to

  271. Stoker says:

    And yesterday, a massive thank you to all the folks who attended the scooter & biker rally in Kelso. Absolutely brilliant seeing all you guys with your SNP badges and flags.

    One or two twats with butcher apron logos but still a great day.
    This is for all the scooter boys & girls:
    link to

  272. Stoker says:

    K1, thanks for nothing.
    The intro to that has got me thinking of something else.
    The only problem is, i can’t think what it is.
    I’ve got another song going through my head which starts something like: “You’ve done it all?….”

    I’ll get it, eventually!

  273. Stoker says:

    K1, i couldn’t get Steve Harley & Cockney Rebel out my head:
    link to

    I need some sleep, take care mate.

  274. Thistle says:


    How about a wingers day out? I’m a big Auchinleck Talbot fan 🙂

  275. Thistle says:

    People it is 3 weeks today before our crowdfunder runs out. Please can you help promote it. I know there are other crowdfunders going on which probably accounts for how slow things are going for our one.

    This is the kindof thing Im posting:

    “Independence Live are pro-independent citizen livestream journalists who have done upwards of 400 free livestreams. Please help crowdfunder: link to

  276. Thistle says:

    Nearly forgot, we are doing a Skype livestream at 7PM called “Let’s Talk” where we discuss what things are going on at Indy Live and other stuff. We invite anybody to join us via Skype so if you fancy it add me to your Skype: indylive1

  277. Thistle says:

    LIVE 7PM: IndyLive group chat. Join us, Skype: indylive1

    link to

    Please join us fellow wingers.

  278. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Genuine query –

    The old saying, something like, ‘Red before white, you’ll be alright, white before red, better off dead’. Is that the right way ’round? (The saying could be ‘Red after white…’. Not very useful as an aide memoire.)

    Anyone know the truth?

  279. Thepnr says:

    Regarding the planned night out on 25th July in Helensburgh, I reckon I can get a 15 seat minibus for 24hrs for just under £100.

    Say leaving Dundee around 15:00 and returning next day leaving Helensburgh at around 11:00. All in including petrol will be around £10/head if we fill it.

    There is also a 9 seater available for £26 less so still around £10/head. Anyone interested please indicate here on Off Topic.

  280. Lollysmum says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    Your first try was correct. That’s what they say in England anyway. I used to own a pub & customers were always quoting it 🙂

  281. Ian Brotherhood says:

    FFS, I’m properly gasping for a drink here…can someone answer me?

  282. Lollysmum says:

    @ Thistle
    Watched recorded Lets Talk 3. Some interesting ideas. Particularly liked Mark’s idea of having talking heads weekly where they are allowed to expand on their subject rather than being questioned which tends to distort the flow of discussion.

    Not really a Facebook user as you need to know a page exists to be able to look for it so it seems clunky to me but took a look at IndyLive page & watched some of the films.The Mhairi Black film on sanctions was really good & has certainly grabbed the attention of viewers.Quite a few seem to think as I do-that she’s a future Nicola! Good luck to her she’s going to need it.

    Well done on creating the page too

  283. Lollysmum says:

    Ian Brotherhood

    Now that did make me laugh out loud. What a tonic laughter is!

    The main thread is just people picking fights again so I came here for some sanity but there was no one around.

  284. Thepnr says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Get some beer in FFS or take the risk 🙂

    link to

  285. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Lollysmum –

    We overlapped, but cheers! Slainte! Kampai! Prost!

    Slurp, slurp, guzzle, slurp, guzzle, belch, guzzle, belch, BAAAARF!

  286. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Thepnr.

    Mega kudos for exploring the ‘self drive’ avenue.

    I’ve spent quite a few hours over the last two or three days, exploring Helensburgh’s accommodation – and public transport to get there and back again on the Sunday.

    Told Pete all I had found, then he decided he would take his car. So, we’ll be there but by car; probably have a couple of passengers as well. Will see about that tomorrow or Tuesday.

    Re: The Clyde Bar.

    I looked at the plan at:-

    link to

    It mentions,
    Opening hours

    Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday: 11am – 12 midnight
    Thursday: 11am – 1am
    Friday/Saturday: 11am – 2am

    So, it looks like it could be a long night! Also, it says,

    The bar contains a mixture of entertainments including two pool tables, a digital jukebox, a designated wooden dancing floor, two big plasma tv’s (unfortunately no Sky) and two fruit machines.

    If you look at the plan, there doesn’t appear to be a separate lounge, as mentioned previously. The pool tables appear to be on the dancefloor. Are there tables and chairs in this area? I’m guessing this could be the ‘lounge’ area?

    It also says that there is no PA system. I dare say something could be sorted out if Cactus is on the case…

    • kendomacaroonbar says:

      @Brian DTT

      John Rappalini is the owner of the bar and he’s be delighted to host you guys on 25th ( albeit he’s on holiday at that time ) There is a PA system there – just let’s know what you need and we’ll do our best to accomodate you and help you make it a positive WoS experience

  287. Thepnr says:


    Hi Brian, kenmacaroonbar is sorting the arrangements with the pub owner, he has said in an earlier post that he would sort out the lounge area for us.

    So as it is his local watering hole I guess he has something in mind. Taking the car is fine by me, but even if there is four of you it will still cost around £35 in petrol. Better spending that £10/head on me for the bus, good company, a wee sing song and no need to drive.

    What better 🙂

  288. Thepnr says:

    Testing the delays so ignore.

  289. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Alex.

    Pete decided that he’d rather drive there and back – even with a 2am finish! – than stay overnight.

    So we’ll probably have 4 of us sharing petrol costs and saving £130+ overnight stay (at Travelodge prices).

    Pete likes driving…

  290. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Thepnr talks sense.

    He’s also a member of the SSP.

    Just sayin’ like…


  291. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr (11.22) –

    I got so fed-up I ended up just mixing it with the Scrumpy Jack…

    …flaoobyrending mestestroider festestnotstint garblenderfending borstenredin! …

    BLAAARGH, flelp, gaaaarp…

    …flenderbustinberst, belp, underhulperrs.



  292. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    I think it goes something like:
    White before red, throw up in bed?

    Or maybe:
    Red before white, makes you feel sh… no, wait, that’s not it…
    I’ll figure it out eventually!

    Take it easy there 😉

  293. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Testing post delay time 😉

  294. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Oneironaut –

    What you described sounds like a lose-lose scenario. 🙂

    Anyway, I just blended it all with some spinach and ginger.


    Didn’t give me much of a buzz right enough – just as well I had some decent crack cocaine as a stand-by!


  295. ronnie anderson says:

    link to Good listen.

  296. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    I could use some of that mixture every time I read the comments on the main articles.
    Need to stop doing that, it’s not good for what little remains of my sanity…

    Hope you weren’t feeling too messed up this morning.

    Also hope you didn’t wake up in the middle of a crop circle in a field in the south of England, naked except for a traffic cone on your head, and with the phone number of a Soho nightclub tattooed on the back of your hand.

    These things can happen… 😉

  297. Lollysmum says:

    Ronnie Anderson
    Thanks for posting that Ronnie, as you said ‘Good listen’ & enlightening.

  298. ronnie anderson says:

    @ Kendomacaroonbar Sos Ken thats wan nite I,ll miss,if its Livestreamed I.ll see if I can connect. I still have your Wee Blue Book poster,& i,ve lost your phone number gies a ring.

  299. Smithie says:

    A wee mention here of what’s going on on main thread for oor ain fozzy bear A Charmichael (bless).
    link to
    The last few verses lyrics,
    and in the stark and the sobering
    dry sunlight
    i will blink my eyes and
    hope the blink can erase
    all the shit that i said
    and did

    hold onto your thumbs
    tighten your eyelids, uh-uh, uhuh
    lock up your ears, my dear,
    i’m verbal when i am loaded
    duck under that desk,
    cover your neck, uh-uh uh-uuuh
    thicken your skin as i begin
    to shoot myself in the foot again

    and if i shoot at you,
    you should shoot at me, too
    and we can drown in pools
    of the thick dark words we threw
    and as my face turns white
    i apologize
    i am sorry
    it’s not your fault
    its mine

  300. Smithie says:

    Well after a sweet sherry (just the one mind), here’s another wee happy toon,
    link to enjoy

  301. smithie says:

    And just for you Ronnie, part 2 of boogie in that pub.
    link to

  302. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ken.

    I think Cactus will be summarily elected as ‘music liaison’…


  303. Paula Rose says:

    Just sitting back filing my nails xx

  304. cearc says:

    I suppose congratulations should be in order, sweetie?

    • Paula Rose says:

      What was that cearc honey?

  305. Paula Rose says:

    My new fan cearc sweetie…

    link to

  306. Paula Rose says:

    One of the sweetest men I ever knew…

    link to

  307. Paula Rose says:

    Where and who else?

    link to

  308. Paula Rose says:


    link to

  309. Betty Boop says:

    @ Gillian_Ruglonian, 25 May 15, 1:16am

    Testing post delay time 😉

    Gillian, you will find that is probably a waste of your precious time 🙁 A lot of us just can’t help ourselves from time to time though!

    ‘Tis a mystery.

  310. Paula Rose says:

    Betty Boop honey have you got that shade of red we admired, run out of cearc’s supply on my fingers – got to get the toes done before the boys arrive.

  311. cearc says:

    That’ll be my fabulous ‘Elephant in a Cherry Tree’ shade?

  312. Cactus says:

    Checking in.

    Been away to a weekend music festival up by and beyond the ‘rest and be thankful’, lots a-going on in here too.. good to see the next sociable taking shape.

    Away tae unpack.

  313. Paula Rose says:

    cearc honey – that’s the one, total disguise.

  314. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Testing again

  315. Paula Rose says:

    Which colour honey?

  316. Oneironaut says:

    “Testing again”

    We’re sorry, but your message could not be posted right now.

    This is due to an error caused by one of several possibilities:

    1 – The expensive advanced hi-tech answering service system (i.e.: the parrot that takes messages) is asleep.

    2 – We’re all drunk/stoned/unconscious from trying out Ian Brotherhood’s drink recipe listed on the previous comments page.

    3 – We decided to let Alistair Carmichael have a go at posting messages since he might be in need of a new job sooner or later. He said he’d post your message, but it seems he lied. Never mind, everyone does it, right?

    Please try posting your message again later.

    This has been a public service error message brought to you by OneiroTech IT Solutions Ltd.
    Turning things off and on again, in STYLE! 😉

  317. Paula Rose says:

    Oneironaut – I’m dreaming honey, and remembering everything.

  318. Thepnr says:

    Never going back again.


    • Paula Rose says:

      Oh by the way cherubs – I’m a bit worried, where’s Tartan Toy?{sorry Tory) I sent him home to change but he never came.

  319. Paula Rose says:

    Thepnr honey – we do our best love but please avoid Ronnie’s coffee table and also please put your wee utubey thingy ]amywotsits up with due care and attention.

  320. Paula Rose says:

    Oneironaut – I’m dreaming honey, and remembering everything. I’ve been lying in again – popular I believe

  321. Oneironaut says:

    @Paula Rose

    “Is all that we see or seem
    But a dream within a dream?”

    You’re lucky, I can’t always remember mine 🙂

  322. Quentin Quale says:

    This is dedicated to Team 56. Keep on doing what you’re doing.
    link to

  323. Tartan Tory says:

    Paula – No need to worry, I’m still here honey, but leather now discarded. Looks like a bit of a ‘dreich’ few days ahead, so bike stays tucked-up for now. 😉

  324. Tartan Tory says:

    And I’ve passed your domicile twice in the past hour, albeit in jeans’n’shirt in my posh motor, but the wee red light wasn’t on in the top window, so I just kept rollin’ on…. 🙂

  325. Lollysmum says:

    Tartan Tory
    LOL 🙂 :-):-)

  326. Michael McCabe says:

    Imagine the 56 doing this in the Commons. the speaker would be raging. link to

  327. Betty Boop says:

    @ Michael McCabe

    That would be interesting, but, after a night on the tiles, it would be great to see them do this:

    link to

    See what happens when you post links, you never know where you will end up.

  328. Betty Boop says:

    @ Tartan Tory

    Just as well you kept rollin’ on.

    Paula R was in such a flap because I had none of the classy cherry red polish, only remains of some shocking pink, just like that shade on Vauxhall Cresta’s in the early 60s.

    Not in vogue and def not enough pzazz for Paula, didnae even match her shoes; was beside herself in case she had to receive guests whilst not looking her best.


  329. Paula Rose says:

    Put blue bulbs in the chandelier – does he care to notice?

  330. Thepnr says:

    This is the message that the 56 are taking to Westminster on our behalf.

    link to

  331. Thepnr says:

    I know that a fair few readers here enjoy Laurel & Hardy as I do 🙂

    Well get on down, the Rolling Stones accompany L&H lol.

    link to

  332. Paula Rose says:

    Thepnr honey – oh sniggles galore xx

  333. Natasha says:


    We are the music makers,
    And we are the dreamers of dreams,
    Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
    And sitting by desolate streams;—
    World-losers and world-forsakers,
    On whom the pale moon gleams:
    Yet we are the movers and shakers
    Of the world for ever, it seems.

    They had no vision amazing
    Of the goodly house they are raising;
    They had no divine foreshowing
    Of the land to which they are going:
    But on one man’s soul it hath broken,
    A light that doth not depart;
    And his look, or a word he hath spoken,
    Wrought flame in another man’s heart.

    And therefore to-day is thrilling
    With a past day’s late fulfilling;
    And the multitudes are enlisted
    In the faith that their fathers resisted,
    And, scorning the dream of to-morrow,
    Are bringing to pass, as they may,
    In the world, for its joy or its sorrow,
    The dream that was scorned yesterday.

    From the Ode by Arthur O’Shaugnessy (many thanks to Morag for introducing me to him way back in September 2014)

    Paula Rose – “Red Alert, Red Alert!” “Are you sure?” “Yes, why?” “It means changing the light bulb.” (Bonus points if you know where that comes from).

  334. Ian Brotherhood says:

    No idea why this popped into me heid, but thought I would share:

    Blancmange, ‘Living On The Ceiling’ –

    link to

  335. Thepnr says:


    I read that poem and it’s not often that I do. I have only one poem that struck a chord with me. Wasn’t in the best of moods when I first found it though. Didn’t make me worse, just made me think!

    It won’t be to many’s taste, bit old fashioned but powerful I think all the same.

    O Me! O Life!

    Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring,

    Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish,

    Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)

    Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d,

    Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me,

    Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined,

    The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?


    That you are here—that life exists and identity,

    That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.

  336. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Not many people know that this was mostly shot in Saltcoats:

    Black, ‘Wonderful Life’ –

    link to

  337. Oneironaut says:

    ooo, I like that one 🙂
    Haven’t heard it before, but I like it.

    The bit I posted was from “Dream within a dream” by Edgar Allan Poe.
    Don’t know for sure if I’m interpreting it right, but some time last year or so I was introduced to this movie called “Waking Life” by a fellow independence campaigner (who used to come on here sometimes, haven’t seen him in ages).

    It made me wonder if everything around us is simply a dream within a dream 🙂

    Fascinating things dreams…

    Also, yep, I think I know where that quote is from 😉 hehe.

  338. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Natasha that ode was great. Morag has taste. Do not know the Quote. As for red alert I know this. link to

  339. Taranaich says:

    Private Eye’s wee dig at our elected “Braveheart dreamers, useless time-servers and local authority drongos” inspired me to do a bit of number-crunching on Team 56:

    link to

    I’d love to actually answer my somewhat rhetorical question of how many Westminster party candidates did nearly as well as the SNP did, but until I can find a spreadsheet that includes all the data sets (I made up my own spreadsheet featuring only Team 56 after tracking down the relevant information) I don’t know how feasible that’d be. Anyone have an idea?

  340. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Anyone going to Stirling Bridge today? A sizable delegation from Rutherglen are going up on the train shortly if you’re looking for company 😉

  341. Oneironaut says:

    Great article as always 🙂

    Would be interesting info to have that. I’d love to know just exactly how weak the Tories’ grip on power is these days!

    I believe if voters in England had had a real alternative to vote for (an English SNP. ENP?) the Tories would have been utterly destroyed south of the border as well.
    Someone down there needs to get busy on that before the next election! 🙂

    Sorry, that’s a bit out of my travel range. Also got somewhere to be today.

    Going up to Dungavel on Saturday though.
    Also had a nice time in Ayr on Wednesday there, joining a protest outside the Tory office there.
    We also had an unexpected visit from David Cameron himself! 😀 hehe
    link to

  342. Betty Boop says:

    @ Oneironaut

    It made me wonder if everything around us is simply a dream within a dream 🙂

    Oooh, careful, we’ll be back to quantum physics again!

  343. Chic McGregor says:

    Aargh! I hate it when an answer which fits at least as well as the intended one to the given clue blocks you from getting other clues.

    Yesterday I had CURTAIL 18 Dn

  344. CameronB Brodie says:

    Seems appropriate. 🙂

    The Swinging Tigers – Snake Walk Part 1 & 2
    link to

  345. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi CameronB Brodie.

    If you’re gonna stretch the limits and include bands with “Tiger” in their name, I can’t not do this post.

    One of my all-time favourite singles (which was relatively popular at discos in Dundee) was this one, from “Shabby Tiger”.

    For some reason, it was first released in Germany in 1974 and got to number 1 in the German charts. It was released on RCA in the UK in 1975 and went nowhere – but I had heard it at Chalmers & Joy in the Seagate and thought, “That’ll take on…”.

    Another one of my spectacular failures at predicting hits.

    Onnyhoo, here’s some info from this link:-

    link to

    A BLACKBURN singer who had a number one hit in seven countries has died at the age of 61.

    Henderson Gibson co-wrote and sang backing vocals for Billy Ocean and the Nolan Sisters in the early 1970s before striking out with his own band called Shabby Tiger.

    Though never fully recognised in the UK, the band’s 1974 single ‘Slow Down’ hit the number one spot in Germany and several other European countries.

    Gibson, who was affectionately known as ‘Hendy’, was diagnosed with lung cancer last year and died at home on March 26.

    Born in Glasgow, Mr Gibson was inspired to take up music and become a singer after watching his sister Heather win a talent contest.

    I always thought the graphic from their album sleeve (which I have in my collection of vinyl) would make a cracker of a T-shirt but I’ve never got round to having one made.

    link to

    Onnyhoo, here’s the tune.

    link to

  346. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Natasha.

    I was going to reply to you on another page today but with juggling 6 Wings tabs in Firefox and dipping in and out as work allowed me, I forgot which page was due a reply.

    Hence this post here.

    You responded to Rev Stu’s deletion of the bulk of a post on “nationalism” by telling Rev Stu that we didn’t want that sort of content in this wee roomie.

    You should have suggested that “Quarantine” was a more appropriate home for it!

    link to

  347. Paula Rose says:

    Clean glasses in the cupboard sweeties – music night in bonnie Brechin, off out might catch you all later.

  348. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Marvin Gaye, ‘Got To Give It Up’ (live) –

    link to

  349. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Bryan Ferry’s playing in Glasgow tonight.

    Here he is, with Roxy Music, just a few years ago – by my reckoning he was 65 at the time. Looking good mister…

    ‘Virginia Plain’ –

    link to

  350. Ian Brotherhood says:

    No, sorry, that’s wrong. It was 2001, and he’s 69 now, so he must’ve been…er…he was still quite old right!

  351. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Hi, Dundee has always been ahead of the curve. 😉

    Here’s another twist on the surf theme. Kanjinch? is the name of a Japanese kabuki play concerning loyalty, deception and piety. It was also apparently the inspiration for Akira Kurosawa’s period drama, “The Men Who Tread on the Tiger’s Tail”.

    Takeshi Terauchi and Bunnys – Kanjincho
    link to

  352. Natasha says:

    Thepnr – well you’re a bundle of laughs, aren’t you? I’ll have to find some more uplifting poetry to cheer you up a bit.

    C’mon Paula Rose – I know you’re long in the tooth, but you must have watched Red Dwarf!

  353. Thepnr says:


    I suppose your right, mind you I was still a Labour supporter when I found that. Explains a lot LOL.

  354. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Had to double-check, while watching this, that I’m drinking cider as opposed to mushroom tea:

    Wizzard, ‘See My Baby Jive’ –

    link to

  355. CameronB Brodie says:

    It made me wonder if everything around us is simply a dream within a dream 🙂

    Apparently the latest quantum theories suggest that certain sub-atomic particles only come into existance when observed, so if correct, you might say we are all figments of someone else’s imagination. 🙂

  356. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CameronB –

    I know you were ‘talking’ to Oneironaut, so please forgive me interjecting.

    You’re a well-read dude, and I’m curious about your thoughts on the quantum stuff, imaginary figments etc. Specifically, I’m wondering if you, or anyone else, could have a stab at explaining this:

    link to

  357. Natasha says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    The question you should be asking yourself, is not ‘What am I drinking?’ but ‘Why am I watching this in the first place?’

    By the way, I might be a unionist agent; personally I think I’m probably just a cylon sleeper. The only trouble is, there wasn’t a midget model.

  358. Natasha says:

    I see we’re still being taken back to the previous page. Has anyone worked out how many posts it takes for that to stop happening?

  359. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    No problem at all Ian, though I think you may have me confused with some other dude. 😉

    Taking a stab at answering you though, I think your previous clip may have some significance in explaining the existence of that particular phenomena. I mean, where do you go from Roy Wood? To infinity and beyond? 🙂

  360. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Ian B – I hope you noticed the “Move” link I posted on the “Tiger” page today…

    So, another single I liked but it bombed in the UK:-

    link to

  361. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    BTW: in that last YouTube link – the guy on keyboards, playing that really complicated contribution, is Vangelis.

    And typing of Vangelis, I reckon he was inspired by this, when he wrote “Chariots Of Fire”.

    link to

  362. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    ‘Shabby Tiger’?

    That was very catchy. Never heard it before. ‘Gotta slow down…’ Yeah!

    My better half just got back from seeing Bryan Ferry, said he was great, did all the Roxy stuff. Not a marathon set, but intense, and he had everyone up on their feet.

  363. CameronB Brodie says:

    Sticking with the Japanese surf theme.

    Takeshi Terauchi & The Blue Jeans – Rashomon
    link to

    The idea of contradicting interpretations has been around for a long time. It is studied in the context of understanding the nature of truth(s) and truth-telling in journalism. Valerie Alia has used the term “Rashomon effect” extensively since the late 1970s. She first published the term in an essay on the politics of journalism for Theaterwork Magazine in 1982. She further developed and used the term in her books, Media Ethics and Social Change,[1] and in a chapter of Deadlines and Diversity: Journalism Ethics in a Changing World,[2] which she authored; the book was co-edited by Valerie Alia, Brian Brennan and Barry Hoffmaster.

    A useful demonstration of this principle in scientific understanding can be found in Karl G. Heider’s work on ethnography.[3] Heider used the term to refer to the effect of the subjectivity of perception on recollection, by which observers of an event are able to produce substantially different but equally plausible accounts of it.

    It is named for Akira Kurosawa’s film Rashomon, in which a crime involving four individuals is described in four mutually contradictory ways.[4]

    link to

  364. Michael McCabe says:

    link to Good Band Back in the day

  365. Paula Rose says:

    (lovely crowd in tonight)

  366. Oneironaut says:

    @CameronB Brodie
    There’s also that thing about “quantum entanglement”, linking two quantum particles together and being able to change one by changing the other, no matter how far apart they are.

    link to

    Might be something in that whole “telekinesis” thing, being able to affect objects at a distance. Assuming of course a human mind can somehow create distant links and alter subatomic particles.
    Just like affecting the flow of a dream, for us lucid dreaming travellers…

    Maybe we’re capable of literally dreaming ourselves a better world… 🙂

    Yay, I got the Red Dwarf reference! Love that show! 😀

    (In case any TV licencing folks are reading this: that is, I DID love that show back when I had TV reception! hehe) 😉

    Found the bit it’s from too. At around 1:25 or so 😉
    link to

    Also, if you’re a unionist agent, do you feel like defecting and coming over to the fun side? 🙂

    We have cookies and ice cream! 😀

  367. Quentin Quale says:

    Sheesh, all this quantum stuff and modes of perception, time & space discussion. Anyway, have to dash as the platform is arriving at my train.

    • chipmonkey says:

      QQ my honey,did you pass through a time space continuum when you walked down station road,or is there something I should know?

  368. Quentin Quale says:

    The great Jim Croce. Time in a Bottle
    link to

  369. Paula Rose says:

    Platforms only arrive at trains if you are on the train, not if you are on the platform.

    btw Natasha are you on the twitty thing (and anyone else)?

  370. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Has any song ever had a better opening than this?
    The Waterboys, ‘Don’t Bang The Drum’ (live, 2012) –

    link to

  371. Ian Brotherhood says:

    I know someone who knew Ian Dury. Seriously. And what’s more, you know that person too! (but I ain’t telling, so please don’t ask…)

    Ian Dury & The Blockheads, ‘Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick’ –

    link to

  372. Paula Rose says:

    Naughtie sweary words?

    link to

  373. Paula Rose says:

    Beautiful boys…

    link to

  374. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Paula Rose –

    Okay, hats-off – the opening to Plaistow Patricia is unbeatable.


  375. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    Seeing as you appreciated Shabby Tiger, here’s another from the same year (1975).

    It was another single I picked up because, at the time, I spent my lunch hours in Dundee’s premier record shop, Chalmers & Joy, where I listened to the new releases that had come in that day, while enjoying my Wallace’s bridie (Castle Street) and a packet of cheese & onion, all washed down with a can of Coke.

    Onnyhoo, once again, I thought, “That’s a bra’ record; that’ll take on!” So I bought it. It reminded me of “Keep Yourself” by Queen, what with the (double-tracked?) harmonic lead guitar sound and so on.

    And of course, because I liked it, the greater British record buying public totally ignored it. It was produced by Phil Wainman (Sweet and David Bowie & others). Nobody (according to Google) knows anything about any members of the band.

    I believe Paula Rose was so inspired by this single, as to cause a major redesign of a certain ‘maison’ in Brechin.

    Here’s Son Of A Gun. Enjoy the pics…

    link to

  376. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    Again, that’s a perfectly whistleable wee tune, but whoever picked their name for them should’ve been publicly horsewhipped. And they were fools to accept such a cheesy moniker – the price, as we now know, was to be ignored, then completely forgotten.

  377. Ian Brotherhood says:

    The original and best:

    Bay City Rollers, ‘S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!’ –

    link to

  378. Croompenstein says:

    Sadly passed but I need to keep his CD’s in the fridge he was so cool…

    link to

  379. CameronB Brodie says:

    Boss surf from 1964. Sorry. 🙂

    The Astronauts – Firewater
    link to

  380. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Croompenstein & CamB –

    Good stuff chaps.

    Especially like the dancing of the dudes in the Astronauts clip – ‘daddy dancing’ was obligatory for all men in sixties America, and many women danced as though one of their big toes had been stapled to the carpet. The guy on the sofa is clearly bent on getting pished as fast as he can, for reasons which, presumably, are addressed elsewhere in the movie.

    A fascinating glimpse into the past which spawned us all…

  381. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    This is where I put on my pedant DJ hat. You described that BCR ‘Saturday Night’ video as “The original and best”.

    ‘Saturday Night’ (BELL 1319) was the BCR’s 4th single, after ‘Keep On Dancing’, ‘We Can Make Music’ and ‘Manana’, which was a hit in various European countries but not in the UK. ‘Saturday Night’ bombed as well, at which point the original vocalist, Nobby Clark, left the band.

    The 5th single, ‘Remember’, with their new singer, Les McKeown, became their first hit in the UK since ‘Keep On Dancing’. Nobby had originally recorded vocals for this but McKeown’s version was what became the hit. On the strength of this success, an album was quickly put together, entitled ‘Rollin”. This included a version of ‘Saturday Night’, but with Nobby’s vocals replaced by Les NcKeown’s.

    This is the version that gave them their first US hit and is the version in the video you linked to.

    Here’s the original version with Nobby Clark doing the singing.

    link to

    Hi Croompenstein.

    Here’s one for you…

    link to

  382. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Typin’ about the 60s…

    A trailer:

    link to

    And if you want to watch the whole piktchur…

    link to

  383. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    I was actually going to post this earlier tonight. It’s a funny old world. 😉

    Thee Headcoatees – Ca plane pour moi
    link to

  384. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –

    In my defence, I was referring to BCR being ‘the original and best’ because they were, to my generation, the first Scottish ‘boy band’, but they appealed to the lads as well as the lassies.

    In Primary 6, or thereabouts, our school trip was to Saltcoats, and BCR were all the rage. Mind you, ABBA were Number One at the time, with Waterloo, and while we were on the bus the radio (must’ve been Radio Clyde) played a wee dedication for us – it had been sent in by one of the girls and she hadn’t told any of us, just the teacher, who then told the driver. That went down a storm, and we were all very happy. Then, as we reached that point on the journey (perhaps just before entering or leaving Dalry?) where the first glimpse of the sea can be caught, one of the guys got so excited that he pished himself and started crying. He wasn’t the only one of our class who had only ever seen ‘the sea’ on the telly.

    When we got to Saltcoats, we were left to do whatever we wanted, so long as we were back at the bus for two o’clock or whatever. We all went to the amusement arcades because, inevitably, it was cold and pishing rain, and the teachers went to the pub.

    Happy days!

  385. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    Sorry Ian, I missed your comment. ‘Daddy dancing’. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my dad shake it with such abandon. 😉

  386. Stoker says:

    @ CameronB Brodie (1.40am).

    I just came on to post that very tune.
    It’s been running through my head since hearing it on Radio 2 yesterday afternoon. I used to have it on the old 45 single.
    link to

    I much prefer your video though.

  387. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CamB –


    It’s weird to think that, 20 years from now, whatever the young dudes are doing in the clubs right now will be considered ‘daddy dancing’. It’s inevitable.

    Tragic, but strangely heartening…or, if you prefer, heartening, but strangely tragic, or, if you prefer, strange, but hearteningly tragic.

    Throw ‘inevitable’ into the mix and it gets truly messy…do another version which includes ‘messy’ and it becomes a plausible Phd outline.

    Never mind – here’s a song which may tempt Paula Rose back out from under the covers:

    Pet Shop Boys & Dusty Springfield, ‘What Have I Done To Deserve This?’ –

    link to

  388. David says:

    I was reading Grouse Beater’s blog, and who is commenting but Yoda! (Or yodainuk as his name shows on Gravatar if you click on the pic.) He is using a pic of Stuart Campbell as his avatar icon. Pic’s now showing up on here as well.

    And there’s more! He is also commenting there as Toad, using the same pic of Stu Campbell.

    And of course here he is commenting as Truthy, with pic of Campbell, as well as Today, and as plain old Yoda.

    Not sure if split personality, borderline psychotic, or just a bawbag.

    Hey Truthy Yoda Toad Today, you won the referendum, get over it.

    Hey Today Yoda Truthy Toad, you got hammered in the general election, deal with it.

    PS Just WTF is your game, you waste of space?

  389. David says:

    Last week on CNN, the Fareed Zakaria GPS show was talking about “Britain stepping away from the world stage”, with captions like “The sun is setting on Britain’s status as a world power”. Here’s the link:
    link to

    Some good stuff in its 4 minutes, even if Mr Z confuses England with UK, and thinks UK losing power is a bad thing , mostly because we won’t be able to help the US so much in policing the world.

    It got better tonight when the UK ambassador to the USA, Sir Peter Westmacott, was the programme’s guest, responding by bigging up the UK. The bit that REALLY got my attention was when our man in Washington DC was asked what the UK had done or was doing to bring peace to the Middle East. I’m paraphrasing because the whole interview isn’t on the CNN site yet, but basically the ambassador said:

    “We’re bringing peace to Middle East by providing precision targeting to those doing the aerial bombing.”

    Not his exact words, by certainly what he meant, if I heard him correctly. So we can give the ‘Muricans the tech to kill more ‘real’ targets and fewer civilians.

    “We come in peace, set phasers to kill” just about sums it up.

    There is a short 1m40s video of this available, but it doesn’t contain this part. I hope more gets posted later.

    link to

    Shocking stuff.

    PS Fareed Zakaria asked the ambassador You don’t have a central role in Europe. what are you then, a kind of small island off the coast of Europe, with no special relationship to anyone?” LOL

  390. David says:

    link to

    “Watch the full interview this Sunday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ET on CNN”

    Note, the full interview is longer than the 1m40s clip that is available now.

  391. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    “I know someone who knew Ian Dury. Seriously. And what’s more, you know that person too! (but I ain’t telling, so please don’t ask…)”

    Well I used to know someone who knew KT Tunstall… Wish I’d gotten her number off them!

    link to

  392. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Stoker and CameronB.

    The Plastic Bertrand single story is ‘interesting’.

    In 1978, in my daily trawl of new singles in Chalmers & Joy, I found “Jet Boy, Jet Girl” by Elton Motello on the Lightning label. I bought it.

    link to

    A few months later, I found Plastic Bertrand’s version. Now it gets interesting… This is from the Elton Motello Wikipedia page:-

    Elton Motello is both the moniker of Alan Ward, the lead singer and songwriter, and the name of the band itself. Alan Ward was formerly a member of the glam punk band Bastard along with Damned guitarist Brian James, Dez Lover and Nobby Goff.

    Motello then recruited a new set of musicians including Mike Butcher (aka “Jet Staxx” who had played on Jet Boy,Jet Girl), Willie Change (bass), and Nobby Goff (drums), to record debut album Victim of Time, which also featured guest appearances from former Pretty Things and Pink Fairies drummer John “Twink” Alder, Tony Boast, and Peter Goff (guitar).


    Alan Ward had toured Belgium with Bastard, and through his connections there Motello debuted with the “Jet Boy, Jet Girl” single in 1977 on the Belgian Pinball label, initially backed by session musicians. These session musicians – Mike Butcher (guitar), John Valcke (bass) and Bob Dartsch (drums) – had recorded the backing track also used on the hit single of Plastic Bertrand’s “Ca plane pour moi”.

    The EXACT SAME backing track was used for both the English and French versions of the song, with two different vocal tracks. From, the two different versions were released almost simultaneously in Europe in 1977, then in the UK in 1978. As I typed above, the Motello version was the first I came across.

    But it gets weirder. “Plastic Bertrand” was actually Roger Jouret, who was Elton Motello’s drummer, under the name ‘Nobby Goff’!

    link to

    And the last controversy? The above web site says that after a court case in 2006, Jouret was confirmed as the singer on “Ca Plan Pour Moi”. However the ‘Plastic Bertrand’ page has,

    …although rumours abound that he allegedly didn’t perform vocals on this track. As he was unable to make it on time to the recording studio, vocals duties were allegedly taken over by producer Lou Deprijck. 33 years later, in july 2010, Plastic Betrand admitted it was in fact Lou Deprijck that was heard on the hit single.

    link to

    Really lastly, there were at least TWO different English versions, both on Lightning, with slightly different vocal tracks.

    So, you takes your money…

  393. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi IanB

    The Rollers, in their early days, were a fine jobbing combo. I saw them a number of times at the JM Ballroom in Dundee and they were always enjoyable.

    They seemed to keep changing personnel though. The line-up I recall as my favourite had Archie Marr on organ. I believe that was the group who recorded “Keep On Dancing”. Archie Marr was in the band from March 1971 until late Spring 1972 and played on their first two singles, “Keep on Dancing” and “We Can Make Music”, before leaving the band.

    BTW: Short-term members from the early period included bassist David Paton (from 1969–70) and keyboardist Billy Lyall (1969–71), who went on to be founding members of another successful Edinburgh band, Pilot.

    More first hand accounts here:-

    link to

    PS. I’m “Brian Wilson”.

  394. David says:

    No, I’m Brian Wilson!

    But seriously, you’re saying the French-language vocalist was a prijck…

    bit harsh, surely.

  395. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    LOL David!


  396. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Anyone got an answer to this?

    Why is it, when I click to ‘submit comment’, this page reloads but goes back to the previous page, meaning I have to click Firefox’s ‘Backwards’ button to come back to this page, to see my post successfully posted?

  397. Lollysmum says:

    @ David
    I also queried whether Yoda has multiple identities as he is using the same avatar on the overnight thread Playing Tricks on Memory as Qwerty.

  398. Thepnr says:


    Yes saw that too, I expect that he/she had lots of “must try harder” on their report cards as schoolchildren 🙂

  399. David says:

    @ Lollysmum, blimey. yes! Yet another identity for Yoda /Truthy / Toad /Today /Qwerty. Strange behaviour. Anyway he/she/it was well answered by Fiona & others on that thread.

    Yoda* has got a real fixation on nashunalism, but is never able to write a good argument against it, so keeping banging on & on really doesn’t help him** at all.

    *Yoda, or whatever today’s name is.
    **Him or her, although in the fruitloop stakes men normally outnumber women.

  400. CameronB Brodie says:

    Great minds…? 🙂

    In case folk are beginning to think I’m a one dimensional surf fetishist.

    Korla Pandit – Miserlou
    link to

    Martin Denny – Miserlou
    link to

    Frances Faye – Miserlou
    link to

    Or if you’d prefer something a bit more kosher. 🙂

    Meshugga Beach Party – Hava Nagila / Miserlou
    link to

  401. Paula Rose says:

    Let’s go out tonight babes…

    link to

  402. Oneironaut says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon
    For reasons unknown, when you try to post a comment, the server seems to load an older version of the page.

    It’s either a glitch of some sort, or else the Wings server is also controlling a time machine… Not sure which!

  403. Chic McGregor says:

    Oh, before I forget, there was another example of a clue which had a perfect fit answer which blocked others on Friday.

    11 Ac, I had NOVICE. Luckily the 2 other down clues that didn’t fit were fairly obvious, so corrected it eventually.

  404. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s something a wee bit different.

    2 Unlimited, ‘No Limits, Tribal Dance, Let The Beat Control Your Body’ (live, St. Petersburg, last year)

    link to

  405. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s a bit of an oddity, with dodgy audio, especially at the start.

    Talking Heads, ‘Pablo Picasso’ (live, 1976!) –

    link to

  406. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    Thanks for that Ian. I’d only heard the version by the Modern Lovers, released as the B-side of “Road Runner” in 1977.

    Modern Lovers – Pablo Picasso
    link to

  407. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I’ll finish off this weekend of stuff from the mid 70s that I found appealing but the British record buying public disagreed with my taste, with these.

    The first single, on Power Exchange Records and Tapes, which I bought by Australian band ‘The Saints’ in 1977, was this one…

    link to

    They followed this up with a double 7″ single in a gatefold sleeve on Harvest, called “One Two Three Four”. Here are two of the tracks from it.

    link to

    link to

    Enjoy, punks!

  408. Oneironaut says:

    While we’re posting music, was talking with someone earlier and this song came up in the conversation.

    Just thought I’d leave it here 🙂

    link to

  409. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi CameronB.

    My Roadrunner single had two different versions on the A and B sides. Just checked at The version I had was on Beserkley and featured ‘Roadrunner Once’ and ‘Roadrunner Twice’.

    According to, your single was a Japanese 7″ promo!

    link to

  410. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @BDTT –


    That ‘Saints’ one is very good indeed. Have to say though, I was fearful for the singer’s safety at times, and it’s one of the reasons that any meaningful ‘punk’-type movement will never again be possible.

    It’s bad enough that he was smoking and singing at the same time (well, not simultaneously, but you know what I mean) but he and his comrades were clearly filming the video in a derelict property. (This is something which the Bee Gees encouraged – irresponsibly in my view – via their ‘Stayin’ Alive’ video.) At any time, the lad could’ve stepped on an exposed wire, plunged through woodworm-infested timber flooring, or had weakened roofing fall atop him due to the vibrations caused by his awkward dancing. I very much doubt that he was aware of these dangers as, being Australian, and a ‘punk’, he was probably hallucinating after licking cane-toads.

    Such risks are not acceptable these days. In that respect, at least, the video is instructive, and should be preserved.

  411. Paula Rose says:

    Ooo – how to sum up such a musical extravaganza!

    link to

  412. CameronB Brodie says:

    Serious hat on for a minute. This is why I think Mr. Bateman needs to up his game.

    In a statement, HSBC acknowledged that “in the past, we have sometimes failed to meet the standards that regulators and customers expect.” Vowing to improve their oversight and compliance with the law, they committed to fixing what is wrong, taking the opportunity to learn from previous mistakes.

    HSBC actively circumvented rules designed to “block transactions involving terrorists, drug lords, and rogue regimes.” In one case, “two HSBC affiliates sent nearly 25,000 transactions involving $19.4 billion through their HBUS [HSBC’s U.S. affiliate] accounts over seven years without disclosing the transactions’ links to Iran.”

    link to

    As investigative journalist Matt Taibbi wrote in Rolling Stone, the $1.9 billion in fines leveled at HSBC by the US Justice Department was for “the largest drug-and-terrorism money-laundering case ever.” The settlement was a mere slap on the wrist, equivalent to “about five weeks’ profit,” that allowed the bank to completely evade prosecutions.

    …..Much of HSBC’s misdemeanours were documented in an extensive 2012 report by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Amongst its damning findings was HSBC’s longstanding relationship with Saudi Arabia’s al-Rajhi bank, described by the CIA in 2003 as a “conduit for extremist finance.” US intelligence assessed that al-Rajhi founder Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz was a member of Osama bin Laden’s ‘Golden Chain’ financiers of al-Qaeda, and had in that capacity pushed al-Rahji bank to find ways to avoid subjecting the bank’s charitable donations to official scrutiny.

    link to

    Senate investigators, citing Green Quest and Lloyd’s case files, noted that “Mr. Hassabella was a former secretary of al Taqwa Bank and a shareholder of SAAR Foundation Inc. Mr. Saleh was a former director and treasurer of the Bahamas branch of al Taqwa Bank, and president of the Piedmont Trading Corporation which was part of the SAAR network. The U.S. Treasury Department has stated: ‘The Al Taqwa group has long acted as financial advisers to al Qaeda, with offices in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Italy and the Caribbean.’ Regarding Akida Bank, the lawsuit complaint alleged that Sulaiman bin Abdul Aziz Al Rajhi was ‘on the board of directors of Akida Bank in the Bahamas’ and that ‘Akida Bank was run by Youssef Nada, a noted terrorist financier’.”

    The report went on to state that “HSBC was fully aware of the suspicions that Al Rajhi Bank and its owners were associated with terrorist financing, describing many of the alleged links in the Al Rajhi Bank client profile.”

    …..While there is no evidence that HSBC, or for that matter the Al Rajhi Bank, had prior knowledge of the 2001 atrocity, the gross indifference exhibited by these institutions through their violation of “know your client” (KYC) rules governing financial transactions reveal a callous disdain for elemental norms as they raced to inflate their balance sheets come hell or high water.

    link to

    Better Together?

  413. CameronB Brodie says:

    Brian Doonthetoon
    Thanks for posting “Stranded”, not heard that for years. I think the compilation I had it on, followed with that gobshite Geldof sneering “Looking after number one”. 😉

  414. Paula Rose says:

    Cameron honey – could you put the silly hat back on? It is late xx

  415. CameronB Brodie says:

    Hope this fits Paula. 🙂

    Race Marbles – Like a dribbling fram
    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Darling – I love you!

  416. Chic McGregor says:

    @CameronB Brodie
    The most successful cover up by the UMSM, at least from a Scottish indy perspective, was that Barclays were excused from the Gunfight at the UK Corral by Butch and Sundance, despite the fact that Barclays got a bigger bail out from the Fed, the BoE and the Middle East than RBS and BoS did combined. Despite Barclays being smaller than RBS at the time.

    Barclays were not nationalised to any extent and the bail outs did not become common knowledge until much later.

  417. David says:

    I saw this song and thought of the 1%:
    From 1979, The Members – ‘Offshore Banking Business’

    link to

  418. Oneironaut says:

    @Paula Rose
    You want silly? I got silly! 😉

    link to

  419. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi IanB.

    Last night, you mentioned the “2 Unlimited, ‘No Limits,” mix.

    When the single below came out, I used to mix back and forward between “No Limits” and the one below, on the old double decks.

    link to

  420. Kelpie says:

    Darn it!

    I got a call for a parcel at reception and was hoping that the delux wee blue book had arrived at last. But it was just a new blade for the lawnmower.

    So now I have to cut the grass as well 🙁

  421. Oneironaut says:

    Don’t worry. The constant anticipation will only make it more satisfying when it finally does arrive!

    Kind of like constantly promising yourself chocolate ice cream at the end of the week and finally getting there… Such bliss! 😀

  422. Oneironaut says:

    Disclaimer to my previous post:
    I do not, under any circumstances, recommend eating the deluxe Wee Blue Book.

    Just in case anyone from the media is reading this and starts circulating stories like: “Evil Cybernat encourages friends to eat paper! Shocking stories of medical emergencies due to internal paper-cuts on Page 2!”

  423. Thistle says:

    Hi folks

    just to let you know I’m doing a meetup Tuesday 2nd and Thursday 4th at Counting House if you want to know how to livestream. Just bring your mobile and/or tablet along. I have setup two events for those dates on Scottish Independence Live Events pages so check them out and hit “Join” if you want come along so I got an idea about numbers, or just turn up.

    ALSO… we got a new Android app developed which allows you to see all our upcoming livestreams, search old ones and see out latest blogs. To get app just search for “IndyLive” in the Google Play Store, or link to

  424. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    hi Thistle.

    You and Del Boy gonna be at the Helensburgh WOS get-together on 25th/26th July?

  425. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Somebody mentioned, a day or three ago, that it could be illuminating, culturally, where you ended up, when you were following links.

    I had that today – discovered a band I had never heard of.
    BTW: I haven’t included the Wikipedia links in this post, in case it leads to WordPress sticking the post into moderation because of the number of links.
    I’ve described the Wikipedia pages by the title that will find them in Wikipedia’s search box, in case you want to read the rest of the stuff on the pages.

    To explain…
    A few weeks ago, somebody, somewhere, in cyberworld, posted a link to a tune called “Marche des soldats de Robert Bruce”. I had used Downloadhelper to save it at work but when I went to transfer the video file to my flash drive to take home on Friday, I found that the file size was zero Kb.
    Tried again, with the same result.

    So I explored Firefox’s add-ons for another YouTube downloader and found “Download YouTube Videos as MP4”, which adds a button to the YouTube video pages, so you can download videos. The download button is displayed below the video player and it looks like any other YouTube button. The extension doesn’t include ads and only links to YouTube’s download URLs.

    Onnyhoo, downloaded it to my work iMac on Friday and had a listen. I must say it’s a stirring (and well known) tune. I found this comment on the “Cultural depictions of Robert the Bruce” Wikipedia page, under “Music”.

    14th century: A military song intitled [sic] “La marche des soldats de Robert Bruce” (march of the soldiers of Robert Bruce) is still played in France nowadays, for instance during the Bastille Day military parade.

    link to

    Of course, I recognised the tune as “Scots Wha Hae”, which took me to THAT Wikipedia page, where I found,

    The lyrics were written by Robert Burns in 1793, in the form of a speech given by Robert the Bruce before the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, where Scotland maintained its sovereignty from the Kingdom of England.
    Although the lyrics are by Burns, he wrote them to the traditional Scottish tune ‘Hey Tuttie Tatie’ which, according to tradition, was played by Bruce’s army at the Battle of Bannockburn, and by the Franco-Scots army at the Siege of Orleans.

    From the “Siege Of Orleans” Wikipedia page:-
    The Siege of Orléans (1428–1429) marked a turning point in the Hundred Years’ War between France and England. This was Joan of Arc’s first major military victory and the first major French success to follow the crushing defeat at Agincourt in 1415.

    See “The Scots arrive in France” on the “St. Joan of Arc And The Scots Connection” page at:

    link to

    Onnyhoo, I had seen the other reference under “Music” on the “Cultural depictions of Robert the Bruce” page –

    1996: The German power metal band Grave Digger included a song called “The Bruce” on their album Tunes of War, a concept album about the Scottish struggles for independence from England.

    Now THAT led me to Google and, subsequently, YouTube.
    Here’s the track list for Grave Digger’s “Tunes Of War” album.

    01. The Brave
    02. Scotland United
    03. The Dark Of The Sun
    04. William Wallace (Braveheart)
    05. The Bruce (The Lion King)
    06. The Battle Of Flodden
    07. The Ballad Of Mary (Queen Of Scots)
    08. The Truth
    09. Cry For Freedom (James The VI)
    10. Killing Time
    11. Rebellion (The Clans Are Marching)
    12. Culloden Muir
    13. The Fall Of Brave

    I then went to YouTube, without much hope because, as I typed, I’d never heard of the band – but there’s loads of stuff there! Obviously a major band in the power metal genre. On the go since the early 80s, they’re still performing live and so on.

    I haven’t explored the other tracks on the album, only “The Bruce” but the size of the audience (live at Wacken) and their participation, is quite impressive.

    BTW: right at the end of the clip, the vocalist isn’t swearing; he’s saying “Wacken”. Hint, on the YouTube page, look for the fourth icon from the right, under the video. If you click on it, it will switch off the subtitles, if they’re visible. (They’re not much good unless you can read “Foreign”.)

    link to

    Quite a satisfying bit of research…

  426. Paula Rose says:

    Who’s been a wee bit naughty?

    link to

  427. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I must be dense, Paula Rose.

    I get no understanding of what’s going on at that link.


  428. Paula Rose says:

    Bdtt dearie – it was a bit of twitterie, that’s just grown legs again.

  429. Swami Backverandah says:

    I’ve got some spare heels should you ever need some emergency kit losing one in a crack anytime.

    we’ll let Menchschie have the cameos 😀

    • Paula Rose says:

      Darling! You are so sweet!

  430. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Jeez Paula Rose.

    How do fit all your Winging, Facebooking and Twittering into a human day?

    I had a look at Rev’s twitter feed and got back to 11 hours ago and still couldn’t work out what was going on. At least FB gives you the oldest posts first.

    Please explain, in words of seven syllables or less, what’s actually been going on, for those of us who are not so digitally adept as some…

    • Paula Rose says:

      Well dear you’re forgetting the gardening – I don’t get paid for my cybernattery – yet.

      Anyway silly little boy who writes a blog that aggressively attacks wings and Scotland’s desire for a future found that twitter was flagging up links to his site as leading people to a dodgy site.

      He intimated that nasty nats and the Rev with his legions of devil spawn were responsible.

      Cue my explanation and subsequent re-tweetingie thingie from all sorts of idiots who took it as an admittance of guilt.

      Catching my heel in a blog – really! I’m not that dippy!

  431. Swami Backverandah says:

    I still get that 25min delay, so apols if I don’t get back to people:

    But did we just have the edifying sight of Menchschie going off on one again about the SNP getting some guy’s blog blocked, and repeating the bullying slur?

    I’m honestly having trouble keeping up with her apologies. No doubt new one forthcoming.


    ps @ PaulaRose – she gets the cameos with the egg on their faces.

  432. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Paula Rose.

    You typed (with, probably two fingers),
    Catching my heel in a blog – really! I’m not that dippy!

    Yes, but you do pseudo dippy with such élan.

    Onnyhoo, you are sending my megapost of a couple of hours ago upstairs to the lost continent of this page.

    I feel I will have to paste it on a few FB pages to reap maximum satisfaction from my research efforts.

  433. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Swami Backverandah.

    Typing about getting back to people.

    It’s in my memorybockers that Natasha offered you lift to one of the WOS get-togethers (can’t remember which one; may have been Invergowrie in February or Glasgow on 1st May) and I don’t remember you ever replying.

    I may be wrong; if so, I’ll apologise in advance but, jiss sayin’ like, it’s time you showed your püß at a WOS get-together, like Helensburgh on 25th July, for example.

    What type you, mon ami?


  434. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  435. Natasha says:

    @BDtt 12.34am
    Actually it was an offer of a lift to see Nicola at the Hydro, but I expect Swami missed it. It gets more and more difficult to keep up with all the posts.

    Paula Rose, I don’t understand twitter, although I do click on the link to the Rev’s twitter page and try to make some sense of the tweets. I tend to rely on my 17 year old to translate for me.

    I won’t be commenting on main threads from now on, but I’ll drop in here from time to time. Won’t be able to make Helensburgh, but hope to see you all at another event.

    • Paula Rose says:

      @ Natasha – why not honey? Please don’t stop, I’m concerned a certain seaside confectionary has something to do with this.

  436. Swami Backverandah says:

    Just popped back in to see what was posted after I went to bed, and see a response from BrianDoonthetoon.
    Hiya. And just to say thanks for the response and, I missed the offer from Natasha,and I see Natasha also has popped in.
    Thank you for the previous offer to Hydro. I missed your offer, but couldn’t have made it anyway. I don’t read all the Wings articles, or anywhere near all the posts, so often miss stuff. (I only came over here to see if Paula Rose had posted after the twitter unmenschionable debacle).
    I am away a lot, often without decent internet or hardware, so once again thank you for any offers I might have missed, or any posts I missed responding to.
    re Helensburgh on 25 July, I don’t think I’ll be around then, but will keep it in mind for a possible late entry, if that’s ok 🙂
    thanks to all
    off now

  437. Oneironaut says:

    @Swami Backverandah
    Pity, there are a few Wingers I still haven’t met yet, and I’m sure you’re one of them!

    (At least I’m fairly certain we haven’t met yet. My memory isn’t so good when forced to operate in the physical non-dream world!)

  438. AndyC says:

    Fascinatin’ stuff you find on here. I used to play for a band called The Gravediggers many moons ago, probably well before you were around! (We did Dundee a few times)

    Onyhoo, one of these nights I’ll make it to a wings gathering (I still feel guilty about not making Invergowrie!)

  439. AndyC says:

    No Paula, fae Fife.

  440. X_Sticks says:


    Wiz Fae Fife no the singer in the Rezillos?

    • Paula Rose says:

      No that was Faye Fife!

  441. pete the camera says:

    On the subject of Fay Five she was not the kind of person to get on the wrong side of when it came to collecting the money after playing a gig, that girl knows some expletives and would make a great debt collector

  442. CameronB Brodie says:

    You can blame the Rev. for getting me thinking of girl groups doing Ramones covers. I’m just a mindless zombie, after all. 😉

    Thee Headcoatees – Swallow My Pride
    link to

  443. Natasha says:

    @Paula Rose 9.17am
    You’re not wrong there, but I’m also a bit fed up with everything. Taking some time to relax and get my head straight.

    • Paula Rose says:

      Natasha honey – you’ve got a very upright head, now you just pop in here and have a stroke.

  444. Thistle says:

    @Brian Doonthetoon

    Hi Brian

    will try and get over for sure 🙂

  445. Natasha says:

    @Paula Rose

    • Paula Rose says:

      Sorry sweetie that should have been ‘pop up’ not ‘pop in’!

  446. Thepnr says:

    Take a wee break if need be Natasha, it can all get a bit hectic and demoralising as we know.

    Recharge the batteries and we we’ll see you back on the main thread soon enough.

  447. CameronB Brodie says:

    Here’s an earlier incarnation of Thee Headcoatees.

    Love conquers all, or should do.

    The Milkshakes featuring The Milk-Boilers – Soldiers Of Love
    link to

  448. Thepnr says:

    Here’s a wee video you are very unlikely to see in your lifetime unless you watch it now.

    link to

  449. Oneironaut says:

    “I won’t be commenting on main threads from now on, but I’ll drop in here from time to time.”

    You’re not alone there…

    • Paula Rose says:

      Its getting a bit crowded in here – excuse me while I go and do a knock-through, Thepnr dear I’ll need that sledgehammer.

  450. cearc says:

    I’ve never seen them playing together before. My ignorance of course.

    Is it about to self-destruct or would I have?

  451. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Thepnr –

    That was a wee tonic. 🙂

    P.S. Natasha, whatever it is that’s bugging ye pal, please come back soon – you are missed.

  452. cearc says:

    Paula Rose,

    You’ve found a nut?

    • Paula Rose says:

      Sorry cearc love didn’t see you over there – I’ve got Natasha on my lap having a nice stroke and once she’s settled I’ll put her in her basket and then start work on the extension – we need more room in here, don’t you agree? Did you bring your hard hat I could do with a hand.

  453. Thepnr says:

    Haha cearc

    You’ll be alright, I just meant it was unlikely to ever be offered for your viewing again (at least on here).

    Sticking with the Bob Dylan theme, here’s a song that the Labour and Liberal parties aught to listen to.

    link to

  454. Cadogan Enright says:

    Season finale of Outlander on RTE2 tonight features heroine organising rescue of hero by his clansmen from (I think) Sterling Castle held by regiments of union-jack waving redcoat regiments after his torture and sodomy by English lord.

    Possibly why it was not seen in Scotland prior to referendum

  455. cearc says:

    Will a felt hat do?

  456. Thepnr says:


    Never forget, I’m holding your kangaroos bawbag as ransom. Felt hat would be no substitute, sorry.

  457. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cadogan Enright –



    Blimey. I was looking forward to getting the box-set. Don’t know if I’ll bother now.


  458. Jumping Jo says:


    You thimk that I would forget something like that!

  459. Cadogan Enright says:

    Long pretty graphic debates in Gaelic over how to handle mental torment over horrific treatment (with no sub-titles) with retainer. Thuig mé cad a bhí siad a rá.

    Some tedious scenes of self-pity and suicidal thoughts (would not have been a good Yes voter) and introspective emotional episodes with the missus that would appeal to my wife – a confirmed Venusian – but not me.

    Unwatchable scenes for a person with old-fashioned tastes who rarely watches TV . . . so I cannot tell you how it ends

  460. Ian Brotherhood says:

    A sad day, for all sorts of reasons, but it’s over now, so we go on:

    Joy Division, ‘Atmosphere’ –

    link to

  461. Paula Rose says:

    Darlings – I do my best to keep order in this place – but really you do try my patience.

  462. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Cadogan Enright –

    Cheers! Now I know I definitely won’t watch it!


  463. Paula Rose says:

    Must admit its a few years since I did that “stand in” but I still rather like it.

  464. CameronB Brodie says:

    @ Derek Bateman
    Why do you insist on arguing that the BBC is not an immensely corrupt and criminal enterprise? Your stance simply undermines your credibility.

    Then UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw sent a secret letter to Prime Minister Tony Blair in April 2002 warning Blair that the case for military action against Iraq was of “dubious legality.” The letter goes on to state that “regime change per se is no justification for military action” and that “the weight of legal advice here is that a fresh [UN] mandate may well be required.” Such a new UN mandate was never given. The letter also expresses doubts regarding the outcome of military action.[52]

    In March 2003, Elizabeth Wilmshurst, then deputy legal adviser to the British Foreign Office, resigned in protest of Britain’s decision to invade without Security Council authorization. Wilmshurst also insinuated that the English Attorney General Lord Goldsmith also believed the war was illegal, but changed his opinion several weeks before the invasion.[53][54]

    In 2010, the deputy prime minister Nick Clegg, during prime minister’s questions in Parliament, asserted that the Iraq war was illegal. Statements issued later suggested that this was a personal view and not a formal view of the coalition government.[55]
    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

    White phosphorus munitions did not kill the most civilians in Gaza – many more died from missiles, bombs, heavy artillery, tank shells, and small arms fire – but their use in densely populated neighborhoods, including downtown Gaza City, violated international humanitarian law (the laws of war), which requires taking all feasible precautions to avoid civilian harm and prohibits indiscriminate attacks. [279]

    link to

    SOON AFTER Malaysian Airlines MH17 crashed near Donetsk, Ukraine on July 18, killing 298 people, the BBC website quickly, and rightly, set up a ‘LIVE’ feed with rolling reports and commentary on the disaster. This was clearly an important and dramatic event involving horrific loss of life with serious political implications. The public would, of course, be searching for the latest news.

    However, since July 8, ten days prior to the crash, Israeli armed forces had been bombarding the trapped civilian population of Gaza with airstrikes, drone strikes and naval shelling. As the massive Israeli assault ramped up on July 9, the World section of the BBC News website had this as its headline:

    ‘Israel under renewed Hamas attack’

    link to

    While the hate speech promoted by these type of media can be prosecuted differently under the national laws of several countries, because of its proven ability to contribute to and incite genocide the use of hate media in order to foment the cleansing of a particular national, ethnical , racial or religious group in whole or in part can be prosecuted under international law for incitement to genocide. Incitement to Genocide was declared a crime against humanity under the Nuremberg Trials.[2] Nevertheless under the laws of Nuremberg only hate media propaganda which calls for direct extermination is considered a crime against humanity.[3] After the crimes committed in former Yugoslavia and Rwanda this definition was modified and a new definition was provided for the Rwandan tribunals. According to this definition hate media propaganda considered to be a crime against humanity must be involved in the direct and indirect incitement of genocide which “must be defined as directly provoking the perpetrator(s) to commit genocide, whether through speeches shouting or threats uttered in public spaces or at public gatherings or through the sale or dissemination of… written material or printed matter… or through the public display of placards or posters, or through an other means of audiovisual communication”.[3]
    link to

  465. Wee Jonny says:

    My wife thinks that USB is a back up plan just in case USA fails.

    True Story.

  466. Wee Jonny says:

    Sepp Blatter is going to use all of his spare time to concentrate on improving his tennis game.

    Rumour has it that his forehand is nothing special but his back-handers are fucking amazing.

    True Story.

  467. K1 says:


  468. Wee Jonny says:

    I’m just waiting on Sepp Blatter doing a Nigel Farage and telling us he can’t resign because he is admired by his colleagues so they won’t allow it.

    True Story.

  469. CameronB Brodie says:

    @ Derek Bateman
    I forgot these earlier.

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

    Still think BBC bias is down to mis-management, Mr. Batemen?

  470. CameronB Brodie says:

    @ Derek Batemen
    Have you seen this, Mr. Batemen?

    The Israel Project’s 2009 GLOBAL LANGUAGE DICTIONARY

    On behalf of our board and team, we offer this guide to visionary leaders who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel. We want you to succeed in winning the hearts and minds of the public. We know that when you achieve your mission that you are helping both Israel and our global Jewish family. Thus, we offer these words with our sincerest wishes for your every success. May your words help bring peace and security to Israel and the Jewish people!


    Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi
    Founder & President

    link to

  471. Stoker says:

    Otis Redding – These Arms Of Mine
    link to

  472. Ian Brotherhood says:

    If you’ve ever lost sleep wondering what the Harrogate Giant Vegetable Competition looks like, wonder no more – regain those lost hours!:

    link to

  473. cearc says:


    Wow! Plenty there to keep the stewpot going all winter.

  474. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @cearc –

    Indeed. It’s not just the onions that are eye-watering. 🙂

    Harrogate rang a bell – it hosts party political conferences, right?

    Well, googling (as ye do), I came across this wee curio – just a few months, nay weeks ago, we were all poring over the latest ‘Ashcroft’ data, and doing so in good faith, given that his – obviously! – missionary philanthropic work has transcended mere ‘party’ affiliations and all such associated vulgarity.

    Goodness gracious me, strike a light and shiver me timbers, these ‘establishment’ buddies must hate ‘t’internet’ with blood-curdling fervour. As well they should:

    link to

  475. Ian Brotherhood says:

    P.S. to my last post.

    Just noticed that the date on the linked-to BBC piece is April 1st 2000.

    Not sure if the whole thing is a piss-take or not.

    And that says a lot, does it not?


    Hoots all.

    P.S. Where’s the Paula Rose, where’s the Natsaha, the Oneironaut, McCabe, and where’s the fekking music?

    Is a’body on holiday?

  476. CameronB Brodie says:

    Ian Brotherhood
    Perhaps a tad indiscreet with your query, Ian? 🙂

    “Ain’t Nobody Here But Us Chickens”
    link to

  477. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    Time to do one post here tonight. You enquired as to the location of the music and, on the main page, you mentioned ‘Ramming Speed’.

    So, conflating the two, here you are, from 1984 (another 12″ I have in my vinyl collection).

    link to

  478. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    OK, one more post, because I just remembered.

    Paula Rose, you mentioned building an extension. Why risk breaking your impressive, saltire-painted, glittery nails, when we have an annexe?

    link to

  479. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @CamB, BDTT Thepnr et al,

    Hey, no offence BTW, I wasn’t doing a faves list there…


    This place has no rules, and no-one rules it (apart from you-know-who) and that’s why it’s so good.

    Worth also trying to remember the many who have been regulars in the past, but are no longer with us for whatever reason – I can think of a few off the top of my head, but don’t want to name them in case they feel pressurised to respond.

    Just curious as to why folk drift away. Perhaps, sometimes, they can’t help it. In any event, here’s hoping they ‘see’ what’s happening, and still support us.

    Hoots all.

    • chipmonkey says:

      I don’t know why folks drift away… who me? I’ve been right here in the back row next to QQ and Tartan Tory 🙂
      I’ve not got enough hours in my day to keep up writing anything and like with main page threads I catch up too late to comment. (I just miss out the main page comments half the time).
      After the referendum I decided to try getting back to sleeping at normal hours.You remember sleep? Sometimes I wonder if you night owls sleep at all 🙂 With you all the way.

      • Paula Rose says:

        So its you lot up the back who leave your coffee cups lying about – should have known.

  480. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Ian B.

    I’ve had my steak pie and tatties, watched Corrie from 22nd May, and am now about to turn in.


    I found myself, kinda, sympathetic to your post but in the opposite direction, I think. I used to spend most of my computer time on various Facebook pages and, after I had updated myself there, I did a bit of web trawling. I found WOS, I think, late 2012 and bookmarked it. Along with WGD and so on.

    Onnyhoo, I was ejected from the FB page that had been taking up a lot of my time so started exploring the wider web. Now I find that most of my computer time, both snatched opportunities during the working day, and in the evenings, is taken up with keeping up with WOS comments, Scot Goes Pop! stuff, and other pro-indy sites, to such an extent that FB has been relegated to a seat at the back of the bus.

    FB is handy but is not the be all and end all, specially as you can, kinda, keep up to date with email notifications so you don’t need to log into FB unless you have something to type.

    I’m content to hing oot here…

    Or Helensburgh…

  481. Michael McCabe says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood 12:14am as long as Wings is going I will be here. It is part of my life now and always will be. And I thank Rev Stu for that. and all the other wingers too. A wee tune from before the referendum for you Ian. link to Aye till I die.

  482. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    “Just curious as to why folk drift away. Perhaps, sometimes, they can’t help it. In any event, here’s hoping they ‘see’ what’s happening, and still support us.”

    I’m still here.

    Just sometimes don’t feel up to posting anything though.

    I’m definitely with Natasha though.
    Sometimes the main articles (however well-written they may be) make pretty depressing reading. (And that’s before you get to the comments!)

    If anyone is looking for me, they’ll be far more likely to find me in here somewhere.

  483. Thistle says:

    I hate crowdfunding, really hate it, takes up too much time and just nothing but stress. That said I don’t hate it as much as the main stream media.

    Anyway enough of the rant. I’m doing another “How To Livestream” meetup tonight at 7PM, Counting House, Glasgow and have a couple of tables booked in one of the quiet wee rooms so come along even if it is just for a chat as I maybe the only one there, lol. Would be good to see some Wingers.

    ps we have some interesting livestreams coming up especially a particular one on Sunday that is not yet been added – I’m waiting for the green light.

  484. Cactus says:

    I’m here daily, be it work, rest or playeee.. I contributed to the Wings 2015 crowdfunder, anna don’t wanna miss an issue of my paper! It’s good to ‘get a decent read’ (every day of the week as well.) 🙂

    So many brilliant personal writers here.. via btl comments, links and commented links. Cheers to ye’s all.

    Although always reading, I do indulge in posting breaks from time to time, then come back with new thought.. I imagine others do too, both known and new.

    Hey Thistle, hope you’re all having a lively time at ‘the hoose’, is there anything happening outside on our Freedom Square tonight?

    Go Scotland!

  485. Quinie frae Angus says:

    @ Ian Brotherhood

    Me too, I am always here, reading every Wings post and comment. Just not been posting anything myself.

    Will get my Wings on again soon though!

    Love the site and our diverse, respectful community (on the whole, lol).

  486. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Here’s one for you-know-who by ‘The Singing Sideboards’, AKA…

    Mungo Jerry, ‘Lady Rose’ –

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Ooo sorry Ian love, just realised what’s playing on the Dansette xx

  487. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Not even going to bother announcing what this is – it’s just great fun for those of a certain vintage…

    link to

  488. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  489. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Michael honey – pedallists have a tendency to swing both ways.

      Oneironaut – I shall remember I’m dreaming tonight xx

  490. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    I don’t have a “Lady Rose”. But I do have a “Gypsy Rose” 🙂

    link to

  491. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Whereby Paula Rose wins first prize – but Cactus comes in an honourable third…

    link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      Stop it Bdtt – you know how modest I am.

  492. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Michael McCabe –

    Hmm, that bike thing could be something for a future WOS get-together. We could all go to Bute and cycle around it, as nature intended. It would surely get a mention in The Buteman.

  493. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Hi folks, I’m still here too!
    (Every day without fail, I wouldn’t be anywhere else).

    Maybe we should all just start shouting hello when we come through the door, rather than hoping to bump into each other in the dark 😉

  494. Michael McCabe says:

    link to

  495. Michael McCabe says:

    Sorry. Hello Everyone I Hope you are all keeping well. I am Counting the days until I meet some of you lovely people on the 25th of july. link to

    • Paula Rose says:

      @ Michael – whippie!

  496. Oneironaut says:

    @Ian Brotherhood
    The Great Wings Over Scotland Bike Race?

    Consider me interested! 😀

    Why stop at Bute? We could start the “Tour de Scotland!”
    Go all over the place, from Shetland to the border! 😉

  497. Gillian_Ruglonian says:

    Hiya Oneironaut, how’s it going, anything new to report?

  498. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Gillian R –

    ‘…rather than hoping to bump into each other in the dark.’


    Someone will be along in a minute (if they haven’t been already!) to supply a subtle double-entendre…

  499. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Every time I refresh O/T it kicks me back to the previous page. It’s not much of a problem, but the final comment on the last page includes ‘I think Cactus will be summarily elected…’

    I always glimpse it as ‘I think Cactus will be summarily executed.’


  500. Paula Rose says:

    In the dark?

    link to


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    • Xaracen on The tint of rose: “Aidan said; “@Xaracen – there is no distinction between constitutional law and domestic law, constitutional law is domestic law by…Mar 14, 16:40
    • George Ferguson on Signal and noise: “@Sarah 4:02pm Sure a 25% turnout but you can’t argue with the consistency of the SNP. Freebies that other people…Mar 14, 16:37
    • sarah on Signal and noise: “25% turnout. It’s not apathy, it is frustrated fury – a 75% vote for None of the Above.Mar 14, 16:02
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – again you’re (I feel deliberately now) misunderstanding Clause XXV. At the point at which the Treaty of Union…Mar 14, 15:57
    • George Ferguson on Signal and noise: “So my latest by election results are in, a wee council by election. An SNP win. Labour second and Reform…Mar 14, 15:32
    • Mia on The tint of rose: “@Aidan You said: “The treaty explicitly provides for the new parliament of Great Britain as the national legislative body” Nope.…Mar 14, 15:22
    • Young Lochinvar on Signal and noise: “Yes indeed. One to add to the risks section though; All the paid grifters who have made a cosy career…Mar 14, 15:19
    • Mia on The tint of rose: “@ Aidan You say: “It does not say anything about limiting the powers of the new parliament” And it does…Mar 14, 15:15
    • Mia on The tint of rose: “@ Aidan you say: It’s 180 degrees the other way” I disagree. It is as it is. You say: “The…Mar 14, 15:13
    • Mia on The tint of rose: “@ Aidan I have tried to reply to your comment several times now, but it comes back as being in…Mar 14, 15:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Signal and noise: “Wow, yon ‘Grok’ is impressive. It answered this question in approximately 3 seconds. If you were a supporter of Scottish…Mar 14, 14:44
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “No Mia, it’s 180 degrees the other way. The treaty required the two separate parliaments each to dispose of incompatible…Mar 14, 13:49
    • Mia on The tint of rose: ““If the authors of the ToU intended to impose that significant restriction, they would have done so explicitly” And they…Mar 14, 13:17
    • Young Lochinvar on Signal and noise: “Aha! Press reporting that SHE whose name shall not be uttered is still under investigation in Branchform. “Timing” again anyone?Mar 14, 13:09
    • Aidan on Signal and noise: “A combination of very little going on in the pro-Indy front, and the deluge of cranks and trolls who, like…Mar 14, 12:38
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – no it doesn’t stand to reason at all, that implication would have an enormous impact on future union…Mar 14, 12:31
    • Chas on Signal and noise: “Very few comments being posted on Wings nowadays. Even the nutters and cranks who posted umpteen times, every day, now…Mar 14, 11:36
    • agent x on Signal and noise: “I saw reports that Sturgeon had put her name forward for re-election in 2026. Was it published anywhere that she…Mar 14, 11:35
    • willie on Signal and noise: “So Swinney has had tea and biscuits with Eric Trump. Not bad for a man who only a few weeks…Mar 14, 11:25
  • A tall tale

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