The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

By ourselves, then

Posted on October 14, 2014 by

The dust of the independence referendum is showing a distinct unwillingness to settle. Almost a month from the vote, alien observers would be hard pushed to identify Yes as the beaten side. SNP membership has more than tripled, and that of the Scottish Greens and SSP (much) more than doubled, in three weeks. The moribund Labour Party in Scotland has slumped in both Holyrood and Westminster polls. Newspaper sales figures continue to fall after not a single daily or national newspaper in the country backed the choice of almost half of the population.


Unionist politicians unnerved by the closeness of the result have advocated making independence actually illegal, and the Secretary of State for Portsmouth has issued a series of panicky warnings that the “nationalists” must not seek the best possible outcome from the figleaf Smith Commission (or, presumably, he’ll tell his mum).

Increasingly, the “once in a lifetime” referendum looks like only the opening skirmish.

There can have been few wars where the battle lines were more clearly drawn. The frenetic last two weeks, as the No campaign’s lead crumbled under its feet, saw the state broadcaster abandon even the slightest pretence of neutrality or fairness and the press ramp up the scare stories to blood-curdling levels – willingly assisted by millionaire celebrities and CEOs of multinational companies apparently terrified out of their very wits by the thought of having to conduct business in 153 countries instead of 152 – flushed out almost all of those who’d sought to hide their allegiance, and with the exception of Andy Murray they invariably declared for the devil they knew.

So everyone in Scotland knows who can and can’t be relied on, who can and can’t be trusted to tell the truth, and where everyone’s loyalties lie. That’s no bad thing. And the upshot, it seems, is that those who believe Scotland should be a country have come to the conclusion that they can expect no help, nor even basic fairness, and must take matters entirely into their own hands.

The outpouring of activity in self-created Scottish media since the referendum has been dizzying, and pretty much impossible to keep track of. Newsnet Scotland is now being edited by veteran ex-BBC broadcaster Derek Bateman, in a move we didn’t see coming. The creators of The Fear Factor, Scotland Yet and Dateline Scotland gathered over £34,000 in funding practically overnight just to do the preparatory work for a major and exciting new project. The Common Weal appears to have secured MONTHLY funding of almost £11,000 for various works. Other grassroots efforts like iScot and the Scottish Statesman have already taken their fledgling steps.

Many of the new developments will of course fall by the wayside over the coming weeks and months, leaving only the strongest to continue. Existing entities like Wings Over Scotland will seek to build on the six-figure audiences created over the last three years. Others yet to begin will doubtless appear as time goes on, niches are identified and alliances form. But one thing seems unquestionable – advocates of independence will never again place themselves at the mercy of the old media.

This site has already made its position clear. The BBC (which has a notional duty of impartiality) and the mainstream press (which doesn’t) have shown that they cannot be trusted with even the most basic journalistic responsibility of truth. We’ve already encouraged readers to stop paying the TV licence which funds the state broadcaster (while remaining within the law) and today we go further, by suggesting that Yes supporters have no relationship whatsoever with the BBC.

Like newspapers which offer column space to a single Yes voice amid an ocean of massively skewed and virulent pro-Union propaganda as a token show of fairness, every time an independence campaigner appears on a BBC current-affairs programme it allows the Corporation to feign impartiality, thereby justifying the rest of its coverage. When criticised for bias, it can simply say “Nonsense – look, we had X and Y on last week from your side, so we must be balanced”.

Such people sometimes protest that in return for giving the BBC’s output credibility they get to deliver their pro-independence message to a wider audience, but the fact is that most Scottish politics shows have tiny audiences of already-committed politics nerds. It seems to us the height of arrogance to imagine that two or three minutes of interrupted soundbites on Scotland 2014, watched by a few thousand people who almost certainly have unshakeably entrenched views, can ever have a worthwhile effect on anything but the commentator’s own media profile.

The SNP and other political parties have a responsibility and duty to engage with the media, of course, especially when in government, even if that media shirks its own responsibilities. But nobody else does. It’s this site’s belief that to participate in the output of the BBC is to confer unwarranted legitimacy on an organisation whose behaviour over the referendum was – on the whole and with some isolated honourable exceptions – a professional disgrace. In co-operating with them, therefore, the Yes side will merely sow the seeds of its own future downfall.

A freak alignment of events has presented the independence movement with the chance of a very early second bite at the cherry. Three political outcomes in the next three years – all of them individually plausible or even probable – may yet see a second referendum in 2017 or 2018, in much more favourable circumstances.

In the intervening time, the most important thing the grassroots Yes movement could achieve would be some degree of levelling of the media field, and that means not only supporting friendly initiatives but also starving out the enemy.

Our readers probably won’t need much urging to stop buying newspapers, or linking to their revenue-generating websites other than by devices like – they already know that every penny directed away from a media that served the people of Scotland so poorly over the referendum will strengthen the efforts of those trying to build a better alternative. But it’s perhaps time that the supporters of independence spent less time shouting angrily about media bias, because anger wins few converts.

In the same way that depriving hostile newspapers of money and traffic rather than complaining that they take a position – something they’re perfectly entitled to do – is a far more effective protest, the most (indeed the only) constructive thing the Yes side could do about the BBC would be simply to shun and discredit it as the organ of the establishment that it is, rather than imagining that a few hundred people yelling outside its doors once every few months will persuade it to change its ways.

If a second chance for Yes is indeed to arrive in 2017 or thereabouts (in the form of a majority Scottish Government calling an emergency referendum in the light of the UK voting to leave the EU while Scotland votes to stay in), it simply cannot afford to meekly co-operate in its own defeat again.

If the referendum was a boxing match, the referee was part of the opponent’s team, and in those circumstances you can only win by delivering a knockout blow with your own power, not by hugging the other boxer closely and hoping for a victory on points.

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donald anderson

Welcome back Stu and I hope you get over yer Anglian Windaes theft pretty soon.

Osprey MacIntyre

Top article Rev, as usual. Strong pro-indy showings at Westminster and Holyrood and the Scotland-in-EWNI-out EU referendum are all distinct possibilities: add to that Westminster’s almost certain failure to deliver the promised ‘home rule’ and you have perfectly good ground for another indyref.

One thing: on newspapers, let’s see if the proposed new paper does well, and I say keep buying the Sunday Herald. I know papers are on the way out but they are still powerful: leaving a pro-indy paper lying around at work on a regular basis could open up a closed mind or two.


Sinn Féin indeed!


With great sadness I have already taken this stance with BBC. Won’t even indulge in iPlayer anylonger. Don’t want to see the cuddly face of a highly biased organisation in any form anymore.

Online Yes voters will be well supplied by Scotlands new media. But the real push has to be for outlets that will reach the deliberately misinformed no vote population.

Great post. Thanks.

Grouse Beater

WoS: But one thing seems unquestionable – advocates of independence will never again place themselves at the mercy of the old media.

You bet.

But, speaking for myself, I’m not running to Murdoch’s empire in retaliation. Consequently, Scotland needs to organise its own widely read ‘Newsnet,’ easily available to the masses and accessable to them in contributions, up rated on a daily basis, causing people to discuss its key news as a matter of topicality, and also, the existence of social sites such as Wings becomes invaluable.


Second that welcome back Stu…it’s a longer road to indy but we will get there. We need voices to showcase the achievements of the Scottish govt and show what can be done within existing limits and to hammer home what still needs to be done. Our pro alliance MSPs and candidates need to be extremely professional so that people can see there are principled, honest politicians working for Scotland unlike the Westminster troughers.

Fracking risks will waken some folk up that were complacent before. The health service risks haven’t gone away and it’s looking like more and more folk are realising that.

You do what you do very well, but this site and many like it are mainly read by the converted. It’s a short few months to get messages out so that we impact on the GE and then Holyrood.

Elaine Chapman


Jamie Kirkwood

Is the herald not a pro independence paper? I sometimes buy it and I was left with that impression? Willing to reconsider my purchase if someone has proof it is not.

Doug Daniel

It would certainly be very handy if pro-Yes folk refused to appear on BBC shows, because my own attempts to completely ignore BBC Scotland current affairs output has not been a 100% success, due to the occasional appearance of folk I rather enjoy watching.

It would be very enjoyable to hear BBC presenters always having to say “and no one from the Yes side would come on, because they say we’re a bunch of biased fuckwits and wouldn’t piss on us if we were on fire.” I’m perhaps letting my imagination run away with me a bit there…

Helena Brown

This is a policy with which I agree whole heartedly and will comply with. I now read the Scottish Statesman, cannot use the Scotland for YES, wish people would archive the articles there before posting as I do not wish to give the MSM any click bait.

Thomas William Dunlop

Great article. I would also suggest that there are other areas that caused Scots to vote NO maybe considered as targets to remedy the situation. For example the setting of a publically funded Scottish second pension scheme that would supplement and even outgrow the paltry UK wide one. This in the remit of politicians at Holyrood to set up. These actions will partner resting control of information from the unionists, partly by death of the media but also by old people die-ing off (in cycle of diminisihing returns)

In short we need to eliminate or neutralise causes of latent unionism if we are going to landslide the next chance we get.

john allan

I believe there is a pro independence daily paper soon, that’s made and own by Scots.

Salt Ire

Couldn’t agree more. So many pro-indy groups on Twitter and Facebook link to the original articles and generate traffic for the pro-union press it depresses me. link to needs to become the norm, not the exception.

Betty Boop

Great post, Stu, thanks.

You are right about denying the BBC access to politicians, campaigners, etc. which means we all have to support the emerging media. That means, at the very least, promote it widely.

Love that photo and for anyone who attended that rally, you will realise the enthusiasm for change is fully charged.

Hope whoever took your window actually needed it. I wouldn’t like to think that somebody had ulterior motives for removing it, eh? Time for a guard dog or two?

Paul Cochrane

I have boycotted the Daily Record for over 10 years. It is now approaching its demise. We must do the same with other outlets and continue to use alternatives.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ jamie

Sunday Herald yes, but it has a different management.

Since coming out for indie the Sunday Herald has more than doubled sales so how long before the daily version slides towards the indie side, bit by bit.

The Daily Record seems to be panicking and I wonder if their sales are soaring like a lead balloon? We need to see their audited sales figure published by the Drum, but when is this due, anyone?

Anne Donohoe

I notice that Alan Bissett and Jim Sillars have already refused to take part in mainstream media post-indy events.

The only thing that worries me about this is that we end up talking to ourselves. During the campaign, I managed to convert quite a few people using the “Aye Right” postcard, and the YENL equivalent.

Simply giving people who were already interested or worried, a list of alternative sources of information worked.

However, I worry that the 55% of the population actually don’t realise how uninformed they are, because they imagine they are getting a full range of opinion from the mainstream media.

I’m not disagreeing with the article per se, by the way, I’m just a bit worried that we end up in an echo chamber.


A survey completed after the referendum projected approximately 25% of those who voted , “No” did so in consequence of the extensive psychological brainwashing by heavily biased anti-independence media propaganda. The mainstream media outlet in Scotland, the BBC was singled out as being the most influential broadcaster. It follows therefore that a balanced media would have undoubtedly resulted in a massive, “Yes” vote. In any future referendum the, “Yes” side would be well advised to have in place robust systems designed to ensure a balanced media.

link to

Robert Bryce

I still don’t think the EU referendum would yield an out vote. I think this is simply “bluff & bluster” (to coin a phrase) from the Tories to satisfy the UKIP brigade. Call it a serious game of brinkmanship if you will.

The same tactics used in Scotland will be in play as the MSM & State broadcaster are used to scare the electorate into staying in the EU.

Cameron will then have appeased the UKIP gods (for a while).

I really do hate to piss on the parade but I’m not hopeful of another referendum in my lifetime. Still, all said and done I shall continue to fight the good fight. SNP duly joined and TV licence cancelled 🙂


I absolutely agree, all independence minded folk need to get smarter about how they use the media.

If the referendum campaign has taught us anything, it has demonstrated without a shadow of a doubt that playing the media game by the establishment’s rules leads to limited progress and in fact is possibly damaging.

The Yes side were absolutely hamstrung by a predatory media ready and waiting to pounce on any perceived wrong doing by any Yes supporter. We collectively must stop enabling the BBC in particular to present itself as balanced.

Bill McLean

Totally agree with the Rev. We have all the building bricks to achieve our Independence plus the builders! Time to stop infighting about the alleged pauchling of the vote, stop wasting energy on attacking the MSM and BBC – just ignore them! A second bite at the cherry is not far off and I need that bite soon – tempus fugit. (sorry about the hackneyed expressions). Bill


Welcome back Rev.

I agree that we need to deny the opposition any legitimacy by boycotting them. We should leave them to discuss their ‘wonderful union’ by themselves. They would be made to look stupid in the extreme.

I buy no papers whatsoever. I have cancelled the british propaganda broadcasting tax. The money will go to support the alternative media.

Wings was well represented at the Hope over Fear rally on Sunday. I even held up my end of the banner (Ronnie made me!) for a while. We even had a great wee fundraiser for foodbanks in Dundee and Glasgow by selling badges. I returned home with a pocket full of badges and a much lighter wallet. I also returned home with a head full of hope. The movement continues. Braw.


I know I used to joke about “Wings TV” in the run up to the referendum.

But maybe that (or something like it) isn’t such a bad idea.
Anyone know what it takes to start up a TV station?


There’s an old saying “Its a long road that has nae turning”

Things change; nothing remains the same. We will get our independence. “It’s comin’ yet for a’ that”.

Alistair Sheehy Hutton

Refusing to engage with the BBC is utterly self-defeating. You cannot change the system without engaging with the system.

That’s right up their with spoiling your AV referendum ballot papers because you wanted a Unicorn instead.


Thank the lord you are back, I almost forgot how good you are.

No no no...Yes

Welcome back, your input and oversight has been missed.
The Westminster debate today on devolution, secured by Pete Wishart, is already in controversy, as it would appear that Cameron is not going be at the debate:
link to

Cameron has no respect for the people of Scotland. I would also not be surprised if his best pal, Gordon Broon followed his master’s lead and fails to turn up as well.

You are right, we are going to have a real fight on our hands, it will be peaceful and take time, but we have a one way ticket to Independence.

Bill McLean

Alistair – I think our politicians engaging with the BBC is OK but the rest of us should ignore its lies and propaganda and not contribute financially or verbally to the garbage they churn out.

R-type Grunt

I totally agree with your stance Stu. Starve the buggers!

Rob Outram

We get the media we deserve. If we feed it and give it oxygen it’ll thrive. On the other hand I’ve seen some of the most recent”indie” attempts at news and despair. They are just mirror images of what they say they despise and are heading down the road of misinformation, bias and selective use of statistics. If we want better, we have to be better ourselves.

Grouse Beater

Helena: I now read the Scottish Statesman

I’m another recruit – wish it had a hard copy version, but an Internet-only newspaper will do for the time being.


I strictly only purchase the Sunday Herald now, and no other newspaper graces my door.

O/T I have just written to my independent(Tory) councillor up here in Moray after comments he made regarding poll tax collection and why he brings up chasing taxes from the poorest in our area yet have never seen him mention the tax “fiddling” going on with business folk, farmers,etc,. Although I did mention that this would probably cause much ructions in his own circles!!

No no no.Yes

Bugger (the Panda) 11:00am

Newspaper circulation

There is a link when you click on the text on lines 5 and 6 “continue to fall”
We don’t want to upset the Rev on day 1 after the hols !!


A huge part of Scottish electorate are now more politically aware and engaged than at any time in our history and we continue on our indy journey stronger and wiser as a result.

I am looking to contribute monthly to a couple of pro indy sites/publications, this one hopefully and another, but will wait a wee while to see what emerges from what seems like a maelstrom of crowdfunding for all sorts of new and exciting ideas.

Looking to ditch Sunday Herald unfortunately, as I cant handle contributing to the continuing existence of the pro union daily with Gardham et al.


Alistair, I disagree. The Yes side did engage and tried to play by their rules throughout the referendum, even going so far as employing an ex BBC Head of News as Chief Exec of the Yes campaign. It got us nowhere.

What more could we have done in terms of mainstream media engagement?

Where were the effective media successes of the Yes campaign?

I’ll tell you one – Wings’ exposure of Kathy Wiles. Another was the National Collective and WFI response to the BT Patronising Lady ad.

None of these successes happened within the mainstream media, the msm was left playing catch up. These successes happened by being smart, not by engaging.


The BBC isn’t just going to go away though.
It is mainstream entertainment, and has a large captive audience.

Better to have at least some voice, and use that to protest about the coverage.
The license fee refusal has more chance of making a difference.

Especially if these debates go ahead without SNP.
Or with separate debates in Scotland only, giving the unionist parties DOUBLE coverage.

If the actual figures show a huge withdrawal in license fees, then that will be noticed.
Remember you can still watch shows on iplayer , catch up services..

You can phone the BBC and withdraw implied right of access to your property, so you aren’t pestered.

And the people that end up getting fined – it is only because they ADMIT to watching live TV, and sign a confession form.
A TV owned and operated just isn’t enough proof on its own. You don’t need a license for iplayer, catchup, DVDs, computer streaming, video games etc..


Hi Stu welcome back hope you had a nice break.
I watch BBC and because it is always good to know what your enemies are saying and thinking,just watch the debate today and see what I mean,on another note how about getting your teeth into the £800,000 the Libdems are supposed to own the Scottish Police from last years conference reported by Andrew Neil who asked Willie Rennie about it who had no answer.
Sent an email to Malcolm Bruce about this,still waiting an answer.

Manda Kilt

The Sunday Herald has a different editor from The Herald. He is Richard Walker. I believe he has autonomy over content. I still watch bbc parliament as it’s good to see what yer enemies are up to 🙂 but soon hope to get organised with alternative sources and tech so i won’t have to pay the licence fee. Along with this there will soon be alternative Indy press, I just hope it’s as good as it sounds and not just a ‘front’ for the usual media controllers.

John Walsh

Nice to have you return from “sabbatical” .There were 1.6 million people who imagined a fairer Scotland which means many growl at TV and newspaper articles which promote the unionist agenda. So how do we the (45%) use our combined financial muscles to punish the MSM. Boycott unionist business where possible and support indy leaning companies as much as we can. So Rev lists and (#) money talks louder than any petition ever can. Expose a brick at a time to bring down the wall. We have to help those with “cognitive dissonance”


An official boycott of not appearing on the BBC, alongside an unofficial non-payment of licence fees would hit hthem hard. For any chance of success, however, discipline, commitment and solidarity would be required. Everyone on the YES side needs to be involved in some way. For the non-payment campaign, a leader is required – someone willing to go to jail if necessary, like Tommy Sheridan’s anti-poll tax campaign. With proper organisation, people could protest outside homes targeted for non-payment. In other words, we need a hero (or heroes)! I think sit-down protests are also a good idea – turn our backs on BBC reporters but invite international media, just to show how biased and corrupt the BBC are.

Dave McEwan Hill

It costs surprisingly little to physically print a newspaper. A tabloid can be produced for less than 1p per page ie 500,000 of an eight page “Saturday special” would cost around £4,000 in printing costs and advertising could easily pay for this. It could probably be given away. The costs are in the staffing etc. I’m sure we could do this. But it has to be good, it has to be honestly informative and it has to interesting or it is counter productive.

It is true that the printed press is in decline but it will be with us for a long time yet and is referenced continually in political conversation and media coverage.
Best bet would still be to acquire an existing title.

Oscar Taime

Hearing this morning that the Catalans are seriously considering a Unilateral Declaration of Independence(UDI)if they don’t get to vote. Although it wouldn’t be very democratic – then again one might reasonably retort that they are being banned from voting – it may set some rather interesting precedents not least in how they are treated by the EU / UN.

Anyone planning a visit to Barcelona to do some reciprocal supporting?

gerry parker

Welcome back Stu, things were getting a bit ragged while you were away, too many jokers who should have been in off topic using this like Facebook for my liking.

Focus now needs to be on maintaining the Yes morale, and on the next elections.

I hear that Tom Clarke (MP) got a bit of a hard time from Yes campaigners in Coatbridge.

Majority around 20,000 though, bit of work to be done here.
Elaine Smith (MSP) majority has been plummeting since 1999 – had a link somewhere, it’s down to under 3,000 now.

Some good new news sites appearing too, well worth visiting.

Good letter writing campaign has started gaining members, intend to be a thorn in their side throughout the campaign.

Dorothy Devine

Welcome home Stu – we definitely need your guiding hand as there has been an outbreak of petty point scoring ,supercilious smugness and downright rudeness on here.

Having said that I am about to be rude to young Jamie who has to be at the very least myopic and at worst daft. The Herald has been a Labour Press release for years , indeed since the likes of Mr Young were involved and now Mr Gardham ( the man with the upside down smile)

It is attempting to pull its anti independence rudder round to ” we always wanted devo summat and will hold Westminster to that on your behalf” – believe that if you wish or are gullible enough.

Do remember that the Herald awarded debater of the year to a nonentity incapable of stringing sentences together – you may consider some wiseacre at the Herald was having a laugh or you may consider the Herald offices stuffed with even greater nonentities than the Labour Party in Holyrood or indeed Westminster.

The Sunday Herald said it was supporting independence but I suspect it is also supporting its big sister paper – I no longer buy either.

The bothersome thing about the SNP refusing to appear on the Biased Broadcasting Corpse is that they will say ,
” We did invite the SNP to comment but they refused” or
” the SNP declined to comment” and not ” The SNP say we are a big bunch of lying , labourites who want to knock them from government by fair means or foul , sneering and smearing are our ” impartial ” weapons and inviting every Tom , Dick and Harry on who splutter SNP BAD is yet another – we never interrupt them with inane comment , except if their inane comment is even more inane than even we can stand”


@ Thomas William Dunlop

“For example the setting of a publicly funded Scottish second pension scheme that would supplement and even outgrow the paltry UK wide one.”

I likes your thinking Thomas, we need to win over those groups who voted No. If that means putting our collective money where ours mouths are and all having a little less to ensure a fairer spreading of wealth then that can only instill in those groups the positivity of our cause. Money talks but actions shout louder.

This socially geared philanthropy appeals to me and i would hope a large section of Scots… now how do we persuade the relatively well off no voting middle classes? That’s the biggie. Thoughts?

fred blogger

quite right stu.
try to change the system from within one is changed from within which is the very essence of the problem.
non-cooperation with the system is the answer, which is why “they” put so much effort into trying to ensure engagement with the system, by using key elements of vitality giving vitals of life.
ie gandhi saw one of these elements as control of salt production.
now it is access to education, employment, health care, food, heating, housing, and welfare etc.
they create compliance to get cheap labour and maximize profit.



I wasn’t too happy about Sunday’s edition of the Herald. I posted earlier: link to

It might be a long process but the UK is finished. If we get Devo Max, it’s a small step to UDI (“we are effectively independent, so we declare independence”), like New Zealand. If we don’t get it, there’s going to be another referendum. This time, we know their game plan.


Took your advice and cancelled the licence, got £145.50 back from Capita, and at the same time looked up a few things.

Did you know that the detector van may be an urban myth, especially in this age of digital viewing ? There’s lots about this on YouTube.

As well as cancelling you can contact them to request removal of Implied Rights of Access. This means rather than chapping on your door demanding entry ( which you don’t have to give ), there being no detector vans, they can only send you a letter every two years asking politely if anything’s changed.


For what it is worth, I have not watched BBC news, ITV news, STV news and Sky news since the vote, and I do not see why I would ever again.

They all played their part in denying my country, our country, Scotland, a better future. I will never forgive them.


It’s great to hear your voice again Stu. I trust you are well and feeling the benefit of your break.

It is refreshing to hear some incisive thinking in contrast to so much elsewhere – and even on here – which is just powder puff.

Those who are liable to be invited onto BBC or ITV are of course a rather small group and it might well be of value to contact them individually and to explain the ‘starving’ strategy.

And, there are clearly many, many people, including regulars here, who have not ‘kicked the habit’ of watching the BBC and cancelling their TV licence instead.

May I just say, we cancelled our direct debit a few weeks ago and my wife is amazed at how little she is missing watching telly. Aaand, is impressed at how her stress levels have dropped through not having to suffer the BBC’s continuing biased onslaught against Independence.

Nothing would hurt the BBC more than if every Yes voting TV Licence holder were to cancel their direct debit.

To all who are still addicted to BBC let me say this:-

Choose TODAY between supporting Independence for Scotland or
supporting the BBC.

There’s more than one way of voting Yes – do it every day
There’s more than one way of voting No – avoid it every day.

Ps. Join the SNP – it’s another way of voting Yes


I think we need a newspaper – could we get enough money to buy the Scotsman?


Project Fear will continue to be televised. In a video talk recently Tariq Ali noted that the same tactics were used against the Greek left wing party Syriza, the banks will leave, you won’t get your pensions etc etc.
link to
The Catalans are being subjected to it now and have suspended their referendum.
link to
We must develop alt media so that the fear can be countered as quickly as it is spread. Crowd sourcing seems to be the only answer and I am committed to chip in when required.
Welcome back BTW!


Welcome back, Stu. I cancelled my bbc licence fee a couple of weeks ago and I have to say, it’s been an enlightening experience. I feel as though my brain is clearing and I can think for myself again. And I’ve realised the six o’clock news is not called a “programme” for nothing. I now only watch (on i-player or on-demand) what I actually want to see and have found there’s actually very little I do want to see. I don’t buy newspapers either other than the Sunday Herald. It’s been a liberating experience, I can tell you. If you wouldn’t let these political and media-types over your front door, don’t let them into your living room via the tv!

June Maxwell

Welcome back Stu. I enjoy your informative political analysis that cuts right to the chase.


I’m not too sure about detector vans myself.
Technically, it MIGHT be possible to detect a TV set, but how would you tell it apart from something like a computer monitor that uses the same technology?

Also just because it detects a TV set, doesn’t mean that set is picking up an incoming signal. I have a TV, but no aerial. I just use it to watch DVD movies on sometimes. I also have a lot of computer monitors around.

So even if they can detect it, they can’t prove anything from that. They’d still have to send someone to knock on your door to confirm it, and they can only do that by getting you to admit it for them. If you don’t, there’s nothing they can do.

Alistair Sheehy Hutton

Revolutions take place by engaging the system all the time.

Universal suffrage wasn’t brought about by supporters of the movement not voting. Gay Marriage didn’t get passed because people in favour refused to get married. Failing to engage with the BBC makes our movement seem an insular echo chamber. We need to get on call lists, we need to be talking heads – I’m not saying it’s easy, it’s hard and it’s a long process (people will need to be smoozed and buttered up) but if we withdraw then people unfavourable to our position will take our place.


BBC Scotland is the creature of Labour in Scotland and Labour is part and parcel of the British Establishment’s well-practised colonial divide and rule tactic against Scottish independence.

IMHO weaken or destroy Labour (combined with on-going undermining of the BBC) and the Establishment’s control over Scottish society is loosened. Luckily the Labour Party showed its true colours in the #indyref debate and may well be the agent of its own demise. Doesn’t harm to give it and the BBC a shove down the stairs though.

Also, nice to see that the SNP is looking to have broadcasting devolved as part of that wonderful DevoMax package Labour/the BBC promised us just before the vote. I look forward to that.


Boycot of appearing on BBC will never work. Politicians need airtime, journalists, even Yes supporting ones, want public exposure of their views, same with academics, critics, other “experts”, people with books to sell etc etc, even if they all support independence and know the BBC is biased.

And even if you could get everyone onside how do you think it will appear to the No’s we’re trying to reach? It’s throwing the toys out the pram. Better to appear and get in the disclaimer about bias at the beginning.

Concentrate on things that will make a real difference, such as cancelling TV tax (I haven’t had a tv for nearly 40 years), joining SNP, Greens or SSP. Make a submission to Smith demanding devo max so it can be shown that the majority of people wanted maximum powers when the Smith squib goes off.


Dorothy Devine says:14 October, 2014 at 11:31 am

The bothersome thing about the SNP refusing to appear on the Biased Broadcasting Corpse is that they will say ,
” We did invite the SNP to comment but they refused” or
” the SNP declined to comment”

I’m with you in all that Dorothy but may i suggest this thought:-

Viewers enjoy an argument on screen between two opposing exponents of whichever cause. If the Yes side refused to engage with the BBC/STV, then their news and current affairs shows would become stale and flat without that adversarial dimension. The viewers would than get bored listening to one side all the time – and switch over.
I’m persuaded that a campaign of non-engagement would hurt them a lot more than it would hurt us, and particularly if we have our own TV and print media.


re buying the Sunday Herald. I was delighted to do so in the weeks prior to the referendum and have continued to buy it since. However I am now stopping that too. Although it has a positive editorial lead, buying it does support the daily version and although I would like to continue supporting journalist like Bell and McWhirter et al the vile, and labour bias of the daily is sickening.


So glad you’re back! Great post, as usual. We have all learned a lot from the Referendum, and it has opened people’s eyes to the propaganda machine that subverts true democracy. Hopefully that clearer vision will help us in the struggle ahead.

fred blogger

nonsense, people will find other ways of getting their message out there.
non-cooperation is very healthy and emotionally mature.
if the UK govt was a car would you buy it?

Chic McGregor

Back with phasers on full power. Great article, just what us troops needed. Only have a couple of wee quibbles (don’t I always?).

Not sure exactly how ‘willing’ all those businesses etc. who came out for NO were.

And IMO indyref2 (or UDI if denied) will have sufficient justification from the reneged promises, uncovered lies, deferred initiatives, resource cover ups and ‘Jock bashing’ generally. Although a split vote on the EU would be icing on the leaving party cake.


yerkitbreeks says:
14 October, 2014 at 11:34 am
Took your advice and cancelled the licence
Dear Readers,

Capita need evidence to pursue for non payment.
The ONLY source of evidence is YOU.
So be alert.

And if you answer the phone one day and there’s no one on the other end, make sure your TV isn’t on, otherwise the person who called you will hear it, whoever they are.

But the BEST advice is to GIVE UP watching live TV.

If you’re serious about Independence that is.


fredblogger, sorry, have to disagree. The majority of No’s will get their info from the BBC and MSM. They won’t be reading this.

On TV Licence, you’ll get letters asking if you watch TV, so write back withdrawing implied right of access or you’ll be harassed by endless letters and possibly a visit. There are sites on the web with template letters to send.

John Kerr

So good to have you back Stu – you’ve been missed. I’m still hiding out in Spain until next week and then it’s back into the fray. I agree with you 100% about the BBC and the other TV stations. Starve them of the oxygen that is YES and don’t appear on their crap, biassed programmes. More and more people are starting to see them for what they are, although some still refuse to believe that the BBC could ever lie to them. I stopped paying our licence fee some time ago and won’t be starting to pay again any time soon. Boycotting the lot of them is the only answer. This, in my case anyway, also extends to all the newspapers and those businesses who lent their support to the NO brigade – ASDA, Marks and Spencer, B&Q, John Lewis, Iceland, Tunnocks, Mackies, Baxters, BP etc. Why should I support any of these people? If more of us did the same, they would think twice about interfering in Scotland’s politics in the future. The constant scaremongering and negativity from the TV stations, newspapers and big businesses definitely swayed a large number of undecideds and persuaded them that voting YES was too much of a risk. We need to make sure that the naysayers who abused their position are not let off the hook – not just the BBC, but all of them.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Rev. Stuart

What is to say the BBC just have their discussions without even mentioning the absence of the SNP?

They were doing that during many of the politics programs and said not a word.

They will be occasionally drop the line that an SNP spokesperson was unable to comment, or some twisted neuro linguistic equivalent in order the convey the implication that the SNP couldn’t be ersed.

Same for QT and they will fill the slot with someone supposedly neutral like Magnus Gardham or Glenn Campbell.

I would wager that many people who are completely unaware of their own reality, never mind the BBC’s bias will notice not, especially at tea time?

Calgacus MacAndrews

I totally agree with the Rev’s position on non-engagement with the BBC.

I am aware of somebody recently who was asked to go on a BBC radio post-Indy show and refused, telling them that as long as the BBC were biased as at present, they would never speak about politics on air on the BBC, because “I don’t trust the BBC with my words”.

Any public figures who refuse to engage with the BBC and other elements of the MSM going forward should also take every other opportunity to make this stance public knowledge, and encourage others to do the same.

The other useful aspect of disengagement with the MSM is that it assists with the growth of our alternative media i.e. hopefully both pundits and punters will increasingly transfer from MSM to new media.

In the meantime I can still see a place for the disruptive tactic where willing punters call in to GMS for example (probably for the last time), get themselves on-air by whatever pretext, and take the opportunity to vent their feelings on BBC bias and declare they are henceforth switching to the new alternative news and analysis sources.

The other ‘buycott’ tactic that has not yet been significantly deployed is to publish lists of companies who advertise in papers such as the DR, with email contact details, with a view to contacting them on a large scale to suggest they use their advertising budgets elsewhere, or face consumers switching their purchasing to products and services from competitors.

Chic McGregor

OT Don’t know if anyone else has been monitoring oil price but Brent Crude has fallen dramatically in recent weeks from close to $110 to $88 per barrel.

Doesn’t really make a lot of sense with Chinese demand increasing by about 10% in the last month and more than usual potential disruption in the ME.

I’m guessing that, whether due to pure speculation or OPEC power posturing prior to their meeting, the effect is temporary but it is still a bit surprising the Brit propaganda machine hasn’t made more of this yet.

Grizzle McPuss

I seriously hope that the aspiration towards a Scottish Broadcasting Service becomes reality. There are indeed a lot of very talented commentators out there just now, and the noise of the jostling is actually exciting, if not chaotic.

Oh for an impartial broadcaster, one with a varied magazine digest on current affairs, not just merely presenting a news hub.

I personally would relish a platform for perhaps a ‘Panorama-esque’ investigative and questioning item form the likes of ‘Wings Productions’. Now there’s a prospect.

Although I can agree with the Rev about not feeding the MSM / BBC skewed propaganda machine directly, I do think we need to question the opposition in some format or another.

I don’t think that WM have played all their cards yet, and given that they are like a bucket of eels at the best of times, I do feel we need to keep appraising and hearing what our enemy thinks.

The question is how, without pandering to their cynical obfuscation.

For those contemplating giving up their TV license, can I thoroughly recommend iplayer, 4OD et al. With anything from an hours lapse since live broadcasting, perhaps slightly more delay, you can still keep up with all your viewing pleasures…and stay the right side of the law.


I’m not sure that you could convince any prospective MP/MSP not to appear on the telly…


On the 19th I was phoning round the large team of leafletters thanking them for their efforts in the cause when the BBC called me asking if I could be interviewed on where Yes went from here. Now I am a small cog in the machine so they must have been pretty desperate to have had to call me. You’ll be pleased to know that I declined their kind invitation saying that my priority was to thank those who had done the work


Round one over,round two coming up.

Bugger (the Panda)

I get the Sunday Herald electronically by Press Reader.

This Sunday it would not download an after several hours of frustration and faffin about I worked out that it was because the Sunday Herald is not available via Press Reader until after 12 noon (UK time).


One more f’up from them and will have to buy them out and sack Gardham and several others.



firstly, great that it appears you’ll be carrying on the fight, Rev. I think we’re all with you, and eager to contribute in man/womanpower and funding.

I agree with you that engaging with the system has not worked and will not work. The SNP, as Scottish government, will need to engage but probably need to engage in the way Angus Robertson did today on Radio Scotland. Gary Robertson (presumably no relation) was audibly shaking with indignation (and humiliation) when Angus pointed out the inconsistency of Gary’s arguments on UKIP’s inclusion/SNP’s exclusion from future debates. Angus was very robust, without going over the line, in his statements about the BBC’s duties, and failure to uphold them.

In terms of how we respond, if we’re not engaging, I’ve said on previous threads that my view is we need to arm the ordinary punter with the information they need to remove the power of MSM over them (rather than trying to change MSM itself). How we do that, I’m not 100% sure, but leafletting every house in the country to provide a few home-truths e.g. MSM think you are an idiot, is one idea.

re Robert Bryce’s point about EU. I tend to agree. I think MSM will quickly change its tune on the EU and the population will vote to stay. However, I’m not so depressed about options for a future referendum because if we play it right, the more powers development will become a fiasco and will be rejected. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Quebec genuinely got loads of powers (federal style) – we won’t.


I will keep on saying it – organise a sit-in at Pacific Quay.

A peaceful protest that disrupts is the only way to tell the world what is happening in Scotland.

Moving forward.

Organise a series of sit-ins at Tory, Labour and Lib-Dem HQs to maintain pressure on the Westminster parties. Organise sit-ins at the Daily Record and other Scottish titles.


Tommy Kane

Just wondering if I can stand the EBC parly debate at 12:30. Could be disastrous for the TV set


And if nobody called Kaye then her show would get scrapped

Craig Macinnes

May I insert a plug for the Scots Independent, a monthly paper which has been promoting the case for Scottish Independence since 1926?


@Kath Exactly right. Those already online voted by a vast majority for Yes. How do we reach the (currently) un-informed and technical illiterate, pension-age, masses?


So glad you’re back from holiday.


Just remember, the BBC-Labour corporation pulled out the stops in 2007 to prevent an SNP government, and again in 2011. The unionists set up the Scottish parliament to prevent an overall majority ever happening. They are not as powerful as they think they are. I know folk are disappointed but when Scotland is ready for independence, the people, as ever, will find a way.

We are near, folks. Trust the people.


@Major Bloodnok

“BBC Scotland is the creature of Labour in Scotland and Labour is part and parcel of the British Establishment’s well-practised colonial divide and rule tactic against Scottish independence.”

Couldn’t agree more. I’ve always wanted to know precisely what was behind the thinking of Labour politicians such as Blair, Brown, Darling and Dewar in 1997 when they took the decision that broadcasting powers should not be devolved to Scotland and should be reserved to Westminster. Of course, there’s an easy way to find out – the Westminster government could agree to the release of this information – but wait, it was blocked by the Scotland Office, wasn’t it? I do wonder why. Maybe we need a petition to demand access to the government papers at the time – that way, if they continue to deny us this power, and other powers besides, we’ll at least know why. I think it’s crucial that we are able to scrutinise these papers in view of the Smith Commission.

Bugger (the Panda)

Chic McGregor

Peter Thomson of the blog Tarff Advertiser has quite reasoned explanation for the oil price drop.

I have also read this from other sources but, as I don’t look into the inky fingered press sites, I have not looked there.

It appears that what is certain is the Saudi Arabia is selling oil and knock down prices and on long term contract. Why? It may be something to do with ISIL selling oil very cheaply to buy arms and maybe also something of the tail wagging the dog with the USA, to make their shale oil extraction uneconomic?

You pays your money, you takes your pick.

link to


I haven’t had a TV for about 20 years and don’t miss it. Have now stopped listening to radio although Ricky Ross is an exception. What I never heard was a Scottish broadcasting service. Until one is developed I prefer youtube for films, the met office for weather, RT, presstv, middle east monitor, telesur etc for news, a decent radio station with news, drama, short story etc would be great (I can sit and play records myself).
For parliament debates you can go directly to Parliament TV, and Scottish parliament TV
link to
link to
A good newspaper would be a bonus but the online Scottish Statesman is fine for now, and of course,blogs. Who has time for old style state propaganda media!

Bugger (the Panda)

I think we should bring back Popeye and his spinach because the Yessers are about to have a go at Bluto.

fred blogger

then me and you won’t need to throw our toys out of the pram, as i too haven’t had a TV for years nor bought a newspaper for years.
and i like you, am not there to see who is on TV etc promoting their latest product, and i am therefore letting others down.
should i now get a TV or buy a newspaper?

Robert Louis

Wholly agree with this stance. Let us not even entertain anything by the blatantly biased state propaganda machine called the BBC.

I explained the media bias during the referendum to somebody recently, who was arguing that as private businesses, the newspapers could take whatever stance they want. I pointed out, that could you imagine the furore, if in the run up to the general election in 2015, every single daily newspaper was very heavily supportive of ONLY the Tory party, with any other political views getting run down, criticised and lied about every day – could you imagine the outrage?

Yet that is EXACTLY what happened in the referendum, and whilst private businesses can take whatever stance they so wish, in a functioning democracy, if ALL the media takes ONE side, then we no longer have a proper democracy.

Do not buy the papers, encourage everybody you know to stop buying them. Let us kill them, every single one, and then start a new media that represents SCOTLAND, and not a parochial ‘shortbread tin’ image of Scotland, subservient to English views and culture.

As for the Sunday Herald, I bought it in the run up to the referendum, in the hope that the boost in sales might get the daily version to grow up, and start speaking up for Scotland. That has not happened, and as buying the Sunday Herald helps pay the wages of unionist poodles like Magnus Gardham, I have stopped buying it.

Alan McHarg

Welcome back!


Good to see you back Stu. Absolutely the only way to go. I haven’t watched any main stream news since the vote. I wasn’t watching before either but tuned into stv’s scotland 2014, once or twice, then chucked it when it was clear; same biased crap.

It really has to be a full and serious commitment to withdrawing our energies from focusing on the mainstream narrative. This is the real starvation, that feedback loop has to be severed.

Stu has made it clear, this issue is not about what the political parties do:

‘The SNP and other political parties have a responsibility and duty to engage with the media, of course, especially when in government, even if that media shirks its own responsibilities. But nobody else does’

It’s about what we do. It’s about puting our money where our mouth is. Disengage from the mainstream narrative and engage with our our own diversity of approach to encourage and create our own reservoir of information.

I too have started reading new sites like Scottish Statesman:

link to

Where they actually address the news where we are and reflect our world view.

link to

link to

And we have to wait to see who will emerge on the broadcasting side…but it’s happening and that is what is so encouraging. Then we can support and grow our homegrown narrative.

I have no intention of watching or listening to any of the debates lined up for the GE. My focus will be on what we do to make sure we get the SNP and as many pro indy parties into position to diminish the Scottish branch of labour from our country.

Absolutely in agreement with this as it is reality:

‘So everyone in Scotland knows who can and can’t be relied on, who can and can’t be trusted to tell the truth, and where everyone’s loyalties lie. That’s no bad thing. And the upshot, it seems, is that those who believe Scotland should be a country have come to the conclusion that they can expect no help, nor even basic fairness, and must take matters entirely into their own hands.’


Re oil price for example, here’s a link to a press tv item on the reasons.
link to
Press tv’s take may be true. But you can guarantee that had we voted YES the BBC and press would have screaming headlines about how independence was a disaster and 55% would be believing them!


I agree – interacting with BBC News & Current Affairs allows them to maintain an image of engagement/representation with the people of Scotland – which is not the reality.

The BBC are a powerful anti-democratic weapon in the Westminster armoury.

We should should engage with such a weapon appropriately.

Bugger (the Panda)


By the way, were the windows repo’ed?

CameronB Brodie

As we are talking boycotts, what about showing some international solidarity with the Palestinian struggle against xenophobic nationalism? Please boycott Israeli goods and services, as well. Is there not an alternative to

Sorry for moaning and hope you’re rested Rev., as I’m sure you’ll find plenty to rage against in the coming months.

[…] By ourselves, then […]


I do welcome a boycott of the state broadcaster and the unionist papers, but they will still influence the future of Scotland.

We need more than a boycott to maintain unity of purpose. We also need direct peaceful action not only against the MSM but also against the Westminster parties. An organised campaign of sit-ins that disrupt the media and the political process will highlight to the outside world that we have not gone away.


Murray McCallum

People not appearing on the BBC et al could of course provide a written statement setting out the reasons they would not appear.

Until the BBC etc address these concerns then surely a non appearance is a positive strategy for change.


Fully agree Stu. It’s impossible to engage with an organisation which treats it’s listeners so appallingly.

As for the tv tax, I’m afraid that despite everything, my partner, who doesn’t even watch political progs. still refuses to cancel!

steven clunie

I cant believe im hearing this from the comments section. WE WERE CHEATED. If we wait a couple of years god knows what they will have done to our NHS, Countryside and oil. We need to act now. And demand another referendum. Had it been the other way around and we won. Do you honestly think they would have let us away when there were videos of people changing votes, people in buildings with fire alarms going of and hundreds of people reporting blank ballots. There would have been immediate investigation and police involvement. This isnt scotland the brave. Lets get off our arse and take our power back. Cmon please. We can do this with nonviolent protest. Eroding their pillars of support.

bookie from hell

1pm commons Devo debate

milliband,cameron,brown not showing up

Murray McCallum

Post vanished?

People not appearing on the BBC et al could provide a brief written statement outlining why they would not come on the show.

Until peoples’ concerns are addressed by the BBC then this is surely a positive strategy for change.


Can people stop with the Oh the sunday herald supported us so let’s support them rubbish please. They are part of the problem. 6 week’s support does not cover up decade’s of poor journalism. I’m glad people are also now seeing our MSM for what it’s worth. I stopped buying paper’s and watching bbc/tv in general over 10 year’s ago. it’s been poor for a long, long time now.

The important thing here to remember is how are we going to help those who have no access to alternative/online news source’s. The wee old lady down the road ain’t coming to wing’s and if we can’t counter that then were still gubbed. Anyone got any ideas


Great article, Stu, and I’m complete agreement with you. We need to starve them of revenue, and that includes not visiting their websites and commenting on their articles below the line. We should boycott them all.

Who here wants to pay these people for hard copy just to be lied to? Who here wants to keep giving them revenue by clicking all over their websites?

Sites like WOS, Newsnet and Bella should delete any un- archived links to MSM Websites.


o/t bbc parliament about to discuss scot powers ..
prepare to be patronized

Haggis Hunter

Real pleased to see the Rev back.


It is absolutely the right thing to remove Unionist MP’s from Scotland.
But these MP’s don’t run Scotland – Labour Councillors do.

Scotland will never work properly as an Independent country until and unless
the second tier of 32 local (largely) Unionist Councils is transformed at the ballot box into 32 Indy Councils

We need a consensus on this issue as we look to the future. foward


Meant to add – the Sunday Herald backing independence was just a cynical ploy to increase sales of a failing Unionist rag. They’re trying to run with the fox and hunt with the hounds.

Every Sunday Herald purchased gives money to an enemy of the independence campaign.


..and of course Welcome back Stu


Sinn Féin indeed! – Brendan. 10.38.

Yes, We must now ‘dae it ourselves’ – Dean fhein e.


Hey good to have you back Rev. Can I just ask if anyone knows if the revenues from the Sunday Herald are keeping the other Herald afloat? Always had a suspicion that they’re playing good cop bad cop. Everyone on Twitter or Facebook could plug, the amount of retweets of newspaper links is huge. I have pluggged it a couple of times but the uptake hasn’t been good. Will keep it up though because most people probably haven’t heard of it.

Training Day

Welcome back Rev.

The thrust of this article is entirely correct. In order to reach those who still ‘trust’ the BBC, SNP politicians will, much as it sticks in the craw, have to continue to appear to some extent on the wretched BBC, otherwise it will be the simplest job at Pacific Quay to batter out a mantra that ‘no one from the Scottish Government was available for comment’. Very quickly the SG will be presented as defensive and undemocratic, even more so than it is now.

However, we Yes supporters are under no such obligations. No licence fee paid, no consumption of the BBC ‘product’, a complete withdrawal of engagement.


There is a fly in the boycott ointment and that is Tommy Sheridan.

How many hours do you think Tommy could stay out of TV studio before he exploded ?
Even if Tommy did sign up for the boycott then they would just bring on someone with a Yes blog and 40 followers.
I think what Tommy does is the right thing (and so does the Rev). When he is on the T.V. he tells it as it is. He tells the BBC/STV he doesnt accept their biased questioning or views and puts them right. If every Yes commentator took the BBC to task then the storyline switches to bias in the media.


Part of the problem of course with the new Indy media is that they are not broad news sites. So to keep up with what is going on locally let alone worldwide some contact with No supporting media is required unless you wish to be woefully under-informed. Scottish Statesman is perhaps the best at that so far, but is really about political news only.

This needs to change though I do appreciate that it costs real money to do that. How we bootstrap from what we have now to what we need is going to be the hard part.

Jim McIntosh

Putting the BBC aside the rest of the MSM are pro unionist. These are commercial organisations and although we may not like it our only recourse is to starve them of cash by not buying their rags or watching their TV ads.

The BBC is different, they are effectively state funded and for that reason I think people saying ‘don’t disengage with the BBC’ are wrong. I think we should all disengage with the BBC, all YES supporters and all pro indy parties.

Pro indy parties and supporters could still engage with all other media outlets including ITV and Sky but boycott all contact with the BBC.

Lets see how many people continue watching BBC current affair programs when the SG will not be represented, especially if they can turn over the channel and listen to a lively debate with all parties.

How long before the big hitters from the unionist parties stop appearing on the BBC as well if no one is watching / listening to them.


Welcome back Stu and couldn’t agree more, ditching the licence fee is the best thing i’ve done and whilst informing some No voting friends (yes im a failure!) of the reasons for it they suddenly start questioning themselves and they begin to have doubt in taking the BBC seriously anymore, obv a bit late right enough but they definately won’t swallow the same shite next time round (mid 2016, I reckon!)…


Thank God you’re back, Stu. The natives have been getting restless. My oldest (just turned 18) went off to college this year. She doesn’t use snail mail so imagine her surprise that the first letter sent to her at her Student Halls was from the BBC, in very threatening language about not having a tv licence. She phoned me about it, she was apprehensive about the language used therein. I told her to bin it, which she did. Last Thursday the phone rang at 10 pm. My eldest in tears. Me, (trying to stay calm) asked her to calm down and tell me what was wrong (whilst I imagined all sorts of horrors). She had just got back to her student flat to find a second letter from the BBC, advising that she ‘WAS NOW UNDER INVESTIGATION’ and threatening a £3000 fine, criminal record etc. etc. I was, of course, extremely furious (at the BBC) and hugely relieved (that this was all my daughter was crying about) at the same time. Unusual emotions to deal with together, I can tell you. Anyway, I calmed her down and explained that she and I sort this out when she next comes home, which I will do. I also the same night cut and pasted to her Facebook account your earlier thoughts and advice on the BBC and their ‘modus operandi’, which re-assured her greatly. The BBC is quite evil and seem to think they are a law unto themselves, or even that they are above the law. I was at the rally on Sunday, as was my daughter and her (English-Scots) boyfriend along with 8 other pals. WE had a wonderful day although we had to leave early to get home which is some distance away, involving ferries also! WE also had to leave to get coffees and restroom breaks as did all those around us. My point is, the attendance over 5 hours was clearly a rolling attendance of many more thousands that that shown in any one pic. When we went for coffees, the Co*ta shop was stowed out with fellow customers draped in Saltires and wearing YES badges. My friend nipped up to Pri**rk (were they NO)? on Sauchihall Street and when she came back to the Square she said the whole of Sauchihall Street was ‘awash with Saltires’. Her words, ‘The whole of Glasgow is absolutely hooching, with YES folks. Everywhere. Everywhere!’. A real festive atmosphere in George Square. I was also impressed with the scope of society there. All ages and all types: men in suits, mums, students, grannies, folks wi’ dugs (lots of dugs), lots of prams and kids (there was a kids play area paid for by the organisers in the Square) and even Star War storm-troopers for ‘our imperial masters’. I was standing beside a lady with two Jack Russell pups in a carry bag. Home made signs, which ranged from ’24 days & still no new powers’, ‘Frack off Westmonster’, ‘Only the Beginning’, ‘The Three Stooges’ (resplendent wi dummy heids of the 3 stooges), to a more obscure trope, ‘Johann Lamont ate my Hamster’. Every time a speaker mentioned a labour politician, the Square echoed to the crowd boos. But the biggest boo of the day was dedicated to not a politician’s name but a paper’s name, of course, ‘The Daily Record’. Tick tock, UK establishment, tick, tock…


tonymac says:
14 October, 2014 at 12:52 pm
o/t bbc parliament about to discuss scot powers ..
prepare to be patronized

Tony, on here, what we’re trying to do, is persuade people to switch off.
Please read Stu’s article and the comments above


Welcome back Rev, excellent article and one I agree with totally. The referendum taught us a lot about Scotland and the UK establishment and with that knowledge we can learn and prepare to fight the GE2015. Independence will always be the goal, we just now have to take a step back, take a breather, then be more clever and more cunning than the BritNats.

Regardless of how anyone feels we must push up the SNP vote in all constituences for the general election. Right now the SNP are polling 41% (up from 20%) however if we can raise that to 46-49%, while driving down the Labour vote to 27% or lower, then the spine of unionism in Scotland will be broken forever and that is only battle number one.

bookie from hell

calling it a unconditional VOW


Harry McAye

I don’t know where folk get the idea that the Sunday Herald gave us 6 weeks of good coverage or came to it late in the day. Even before they publicly declared for Yes, back in May I think it was, they were more or less pro-indy anyway, so much so that them coming out was no surprise at all to us regular purchasers. They had been SNP friendly for a number of years. Fair enough if some don’t want to buy it for fear that it helps the other definitely pro-No paper, it probably does but I’ll continue buying it until such time that there is a genuine viable alternative.


I think the disinclination to give up is because the desire for independence and freedom is like a drug; once you have a taste of it, even a whiff of something that is then snatched away from you, you can never forget it and never stop wanting it. It is like seeing the sun once and facing the choice of forever living in the light or returning to darkness. I think that is why the general movement is from NO to YES. Once people become a YESSER it is very unlikely they will want to go back. It is like an infection and the only cure is genuine indy!

Harry McAye

Cuilean, I’ll beat Stu to the punch. Please give us some paragraphs, that is almost unreadable!

Maureen Luby

Published today, not including Herald or Scotsman which are now regional papers

link to

Doug Daniel

crisiscult: “The SNP, as Scottish government, will need to engage but probably need to engage in the way Angus Robertson did today on Radio Scotland. Gary Robertson (presumably no relation) was audibly shaking with indignation (and humiliation) when Angus pointed out the inconsistency of Gary’s arguments on UKIP’s inclusion/SNP’s exclusion from future debates. Angus was very robust, without going over the line, in his statements about the BBC’s duties, and failure to uphold them.”

Precisely. Those who DO appear on the BBC need to be hammering home the message that they have failed in their duty, taking the fight directly to them. If non-politicians are going to go on air and slag off the BBC to their face, then that’s perhaps a different matter than simply going on to cooperate with their wee set pieces.

Some folk need to read Stu’s article a bit more carefully, because he does not say politicians should refuse to cooperate. But those politicians should certainly be taking no crap at all from the BBC. Hopefully people will follow Salmond’s lead on this – note how media types are all trying to paint Salmond as some sort of unhinged lunatic, accusing him of writing “green ink letters” and the like, which suggests he’s being effective.

But it’s not enough for us simply to ignore the MSM. We need to replace the MSM. People still need news, and it’s not good enough to simply point them at political websites, because then they’ll still go to the BBC to get other news, and end up seeing their biased pish along the way. This is where those arguing against the Sunday Herald miss the point. The Sunday Herald is proving that taking a pro-independence stance is actually a commercial boon. Who cares if that’s the only reason they’re doing it – as long as they’re doing it, then that’s the important thing.

We need to make it commercially unviable to promote anti-independence propaganda. We don’t do that by shunning those who switch to our side, because then they think “well we’re damned if we do and damned if we don’t, so we might as well just be anti-independence.”

We need to fuck them up basically, and a campaign of non-payment alone is not enough.


We’re now entering phase two of the state and vested interest media campaign to continue the subjugation of Scotland.

While the government offers Scotland as few powers as possible, or even responsibilites disguised as powers as this site has predicted, the media will present it as “great change”.

We need to be on top of this right away.

So my question is this: What the hell is wrong with simply asking the people of Scotland what powers we want and then giving them to us?

Why do we have to accept what Westminster deign to give us? That will be in their interests, not ours.

This is supposed to be a democracy. Isn’t it?

So why are we even in the position of “suspecting we’ll get nothing”? From who? Our masters?

They are not our masters. They are supposed to serve us. They’re supposed to do what benefits us, not themselves. We are their employers.

So lets all democratically decide exactly whay powers we want and then make damn sure we get them. Sod Westminster.
Why don’t we have some sort of Democratic People’s Convention to decide what powers we want?

If they refuse us, then they refuse at accept democracy. And if they refuse to accept democracy, why should we continue to let them govern us?


The “revolving door” between the BBC and the Labour party has been documented before (see below). Would be interested to see a similar expose of BBC Scotland.

Chairman Gavin Davies (later Labour adviser)

Chairman Sir Michael Lyons (previously Labour council chief)

Director General John Birt (later Labour adviser)

Director General Greg Dyke (previously Labour donor and candidate)

C.O.O Caroline Thomson (previously Roy Jenkin’s aide)

Head of Political Research Bill Bush (later Labour spin doctor)

Deputy Head of ditto Catherine Rimmer (later Labour spin doctor)

Director of Strategy Ed Richards (later Labour spin doctor)

Head of Corporate Planning James Purnell (now Labour Minister)

Head of Northern Ireland News Tom Kelly (later Labour spin doctor)

Scottish News Editor Tim Luckhurst (previously lLabour spin doctor)

Political News Editor Joy Johnson (later Labour spin doctor)

Political Editor Andrew Marr (student Labour organiser)

Home News Editor Celia Barlow (now Labour MP)

Head of European Affairs Chris Bryant (now Labour MP)

Newsnight Producer Phil Woolas (now Labour Minister)

Foreign Correspondent Martin Sixsmith (later Labour spin doctor)

Current Affairs Reporter Ben Bradshaw (now Labour Minister)

Current Affairs Reporter Lance Price (later Labour spin doctor)

“Question Time” Editor Gill Penlington (previously Labour researcher)

Many of them actually worked for the Labour party before, after and even during their BBC employment.

Thomas William Dunlop

“socially geared philanthropy” I think that is enought to attract the middle classes. The more you put in the more relative you get out.

Another idea that I would borrow from Finland is having supplemental unemployment insurance pegged to a percentage of your salary. For example you get unemployment insurance paid at 60 % salary for 500 days in Finland, if you lose your job. That means you are not plunged overnight into destitution. This comes at the price of 1% of your pre-tax salary. It is adminstered through your work place. Historically it was in the remit of unions to remit it, but non-unionised funds also exist. Unions bargain natiowide with national employer representatives to deliver collective wage agreements. Unemployment insurance can also be pro-longed if you take up education or training posts. This means that the government is effectively supporting a policy of full employment, something that should be re-eastablished in Scotland, in my opinion.

These of course could apply just as well in an independent or federalised country -but it would make peoples lives better in Scotland in the long run, thus contribute to the notion that things are better if we go all the way to independence/neutralise soem of the fear behind leaving the UK

bookie from hell

tory crisp burns gordon with devo napalm


It reminds me of HIGNFY and the tub of lard Im afraid.

Wouldnt it be better if the passive positive SNP and others took of the gloves and turned every question around and cited examples of bias UNTIL the BBC got sick of the truth being aired on their invite?

Jamie Arriere

Welcome back, Rev

I think, for myself, the most important thing is to support and promote the new Indy media outlets, both the existing online sites and the new outlets in the pipeline (hopefully papers & broadcasts). Once it is easier for people to completely switch off the BBC with alternatives at hand, they will do so.

I’d rather not waste energy trying to overwhelm the BBC with pro-indy opinion or complaining – but appreciate that politicians don’t have this option not to engage.

It will be interesting once the licence fee income & viewing/listening figures really start dropping like a stone.

My flippant thought after seeing mention of Sinn Fein was maybe pro-Indy folk, if they do have to appear on the BBC, insist that their words are spoken by an actor. Plenty of Scottish actors needing the work.


Ignoring them won’t do much good.

Wrong doing carries on coz it’s unchallenged. Voters won’t notice your boycott.

Surely they need confronted, interrupted, challenged and disrupted as much as possible. You’re very clever people use your noggins. Use them don’t hide from them.

People are on board but they get bored easily and if we’ve any chance of change noers need to be made aware of things as well as preaching to the converted.

I’ll never win the lottery coz I don’t play the game.

People out here need action that they can be involved in feel a part of and be inspired by. It’s a long time till may for us.


Nice one Rev.

Haven’t picked up a paper in two years and haven’t clicked on a mainstream site in about three months.

Sod em! They don’t represent me in any way shape or form, I see no reason to support them.


Can I ask politely that those typing out long posts put paragraphs in to enable us old folk (and young ones too) to read your interesting comments more easily.


I have always thought that the SNP (and associated allies) should boycott the BBC, not appear on it all. I confess that I am not media savvy and there may be good reasons for not pursuing such a policy. But my own personal opinion is that the BBC has discredited itself to such an extent that it must be considered unfit for purpose — and should be boycotted 100% by the entire YES movement, whether that means watching it, appearing on it…. Give this bankrupt organisation no legitimacy at all. I think this is a good time for the SNP to consider this, as it would have looked a bit sour immediately after the referendum. What is there to gain by appearing on the BBC? They will distort and misreport anything.

By the way, there is a good YouTube channel called “Ban the BBC” with lots of helpful advice on filming licence goons — and pretty funny videos of this as well! I would also suggest providing a comprehensive guide on this site on your legal rights and “how to not pay the TV tax”.


Its double standards by the BBC and other broadcasters as Tories with only one MP in Scotland since before 2005 get equal coverage in Scotland to the party of government.

The Labour Party’s opposition to equal sized boundaries in England and English Votes for English laws is driven by narrow party advantage just as their enthusiasm for “Home Rule” varies according to the electoral support for the SNP.


Kenny…ur yoo sayin we’re like a ‘virus’…feelin’ scarred by the language used by anti indy, want to steer away from ‘infection’ riddled analogies.

No Rescindy once your Indy! 🙂

Tariq Ali, for those that haven’t seen this; Scotland: Victory Next Time:


I really need a good slap to shake of the misery and I need to stop hugging the other fighter while attempting to recover from the sucker punch.

Good article Stu – thanks for the slap 😀


The BBC have been and will continue to be a disgrace with regard to Scottish license payers! Total support for call for stepping up action by embargo, boycott and non payment.

Welcome back, hope you got some well earned rest during your break (in)!

A question for you and other readers. My son is a keen gamer and video editor and is obsessed with ping back, download and upload speeds? He showed me a map of Internet service providers, don’t know the technical terms, the closest of which seemed to be Newcastle and Isle of Man. There was no hub in either Scotland or N.I., not sure about Wales.

Is this a weakness in our fight, why has Scotland no service hubs? The map looked strange with a plethora of service providers in England and one in the Isle of Man. Would it be possible to create several in Scotland to provide better service speeds, coverage and security? Maybe someone with more knowledge could explain this and provide some further information!

Glad you are back and straight into it!


manandboy says:
14 October, 2014 at 1:11 pm

tonymac says:
14 October, 2014 at 12:52 pm
o/t bbc parliament about to discuss scot powers ..
prepare to be patronized

Tony, on here, what we’re trying to do, is persuade people to switch off.
Please read Stu’s article and the comments above

Yes We should switch off 100%
but it’s kinda hypnotic all that Bull these wastemonster c*nts are saying about my country
Also they are not geting a f*cking penny from me

Craig Brown

The Rev back at his best!!

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

The problem is that the unionist BBC and media already marginalise and show the bare minimum they have to of the SNP. Most of the time they don’t even bother with the scottish greens or the SSP.

It’s not as if there were many other Yes voices appearing on the BBC anyway so it’s not a massive blow to them to ignore yet more of them.

You want to do something about the BBC then you start a grassroots campaign on finally ending the BBC’s unfair TV TAX.

It has the merit of not only being the right thing to do and fair but also of getting a great deal of support from outwith the 45 who will also support ending the BBC’s unfair TV TAX.

There is simply no earthly reason whatsoever that a State broadcaster in 2014 should be allowed to force people at the point of fines and imprisonment to pay a tax just for having a TV. Which is what the license fee actually is and does.

The solution is quite obviously to have the BBC change to a subscription based model so that those who do not wish to pay for the BBC, or simply cannot afford to pay for the BBC, are finally given the CHOICE to do so without bullying and harassment from the State with the threat of fines and imprisonment.

Finally changing the BBC to a subscription based model would also have the benefit of being far cheaper to implement than the unfair TV TAX. It would also stop the farcical situation where thousands of prosecutions and so much court time is wasted with enforcing this State broadcasters ridiculous and outdated TAX system.

I know for a fact there are many who would support a large and dedicated grassroots campaign on ending the BBC’S unfair TV TAX because you don’t need to be a Yes supporter to see the fairness in finally ending it and it would be changing the BBC for the better for EVERYONE.


Kenny fyi: tv license withdrawal has been covered by wings.

link to

Robert Peffers

@Salt Ire says:14 October, 2014 at 10:56 am:

“Couldn’t agree more. So many pro-indy groups on Twitter and Facebook link to the original articles and generate traffic for the pro-union press it depresses me. link to needs to become the norm, not the exception.”

May I point out there is a FAQ on archive today @ –

link to

That may answer some people’s questions.


We can boycott the BBC and get all our news and entertainment on line, it won’t make a bit of difference if the no voters are still viewing and reading. We are going to need a TV station with lots of interesting, entertaining and newsy programmes. This is probably totally unrealistic as I imagine the start up costs are colossal and it would have to attract a lot of viewers in order to secure enough advertising to cover running costs. I just hope there are people out there with the knowledge, experience and resources considering this at the moment. Is this a forlorn hope?

Bugger (the Panda)

STV, Scotsman, was the BBC represented (forgotten so easily) with fingers in their ears.

Keep it up suckers.


Welcome back Stuart, I hope you managed to clear your head, and can see a definite way forwards for WoS.
Even if a 100,000 of us stopped paying the propaganda tax, it wouldn’t change how the BBC operate at all. (I’ve not paid for 20 odd years btw)
However, if this could be bumped up to seven figures…
And how ? Educate the disenfranchised north AND south of the ‘border’.
How many of our southern neighbours are scunnered by Westmidden, and their MSM mouthpieces ? Particularly the BBC. 1% ? 10% ? More ?
A concerted campaign, eg Those who comment on MSM websites could finish each comment, on whatever subject, with a line about the actuality of non-payment, or a link to such.
Bring down Auntie ? Hardly ! But we can still rattle the besom, and open a lot more eyes to her mendacity.

BTW I can recommend a good Joiner (me) if your feeling the draught.
For those of us who don’t ‘do’ Twitter, please tell all mate. Bizarre.


We need direct peaceful action. An organised campaign of sit-ins will do the trick.

Robert Louis

I see the Westminster ‘debate’ on Scottish devolution, has turned into the joke we all expected. The entire focus has been one topic ‘English votes for English laws’.

They really just do not get it, down there. They think it is back to normal, pretend Scotland doesn’t exist, etc.. etc.. etc.. followed by some patronising nonsense about what they will ALLOW Scotland to have control of.

Honestly, give it a week or two more of this crud from London, and we’d get a majority for independence no bother at all.

It is a disgrace, that David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, have all decided the debate is simply not important enough for them to even bother turning up. Labour haven’t even provided a person who knows what the debate is about, with Sadiq Khan, who can barely pronounce the word Scotland, never mind discuss it.

Un freaking believable.


Great message from the Rev. Very good debate all round from posters on here. Nice to have things back to somewhere near normal.

I’m feeling re-invigorated already. Cheers all.


“But it’s perhaps time that the supporters of independence spent less time shouting angrily about media bias, because anger wins few converts”


Welcome back.


Hi all, first time I’ve posted since the 18th, and I’ve disengaged a little in disappointment. This talk of boycotting the BBC has me thinking though. Will it work? If the goal is to win the vote in May, in 2016 and in the next referendum, then surely the Yes side needs to engage those who are only getting their news from the MSM. Many people will not trust internet sources or have no access.

If a boycott is to work, it needs to be accompanied with a campaign to explain to EVERYONE why. Maybe a mass demonstration of people explaining why – a social media campaign with people’s TV license refunds photographed along with a explaination, or publicly burning TV license renewal forms as a couple of possible ideas?

Advocating for devolution of broadcasting is likewise vital. If the SG can legislate to ensure impartiality (backed with an independent charter for broadcasting or similar safeguards) then things might be very different next time. Different models for state broadcasting exist – here in Australia for example we have 2 state-sponsered channels, one wholly funded from the federal government and the other part-funded through advertising – but we don’t pay for them other than through our taxes.

I won’t pretend I’m not devastated by the result, but I do think that with the vastly increased political engagement in Scotland this is just the end of Act 1. The fact that ‘The Vow’ will not be delivered (political realities of the rUK will ensure that) just means biding time. The ‘rise of UKIP’ means everything is up for grabs on 70515, and I hope and pray (and believe) that the people of rUK are starting to wake up to themselves and the dire political situation we have all lived in for far too long. Scotland, you may have lost the battle but history will show that YES is the right way to go. Keep heart, and keep fighting.


Welcome back Rev, good idea about blanking the BBC, political parties aside, others invited on who are pro indy should kindly decline.



The Devolution Discussion at the House of Commons regarding the “Vow” has been skewed by unionist politicians into an England based discussion, combined with the West Lothian question the SNP MP’s are furious. David Cameron failed to show up, and William Hague chairs the meeting.

No reason or excuse was given as to why David Cameron didn’t show up, slurs have been thrown in the direction of the SNP, whilst Margaret Curran laughs on the front bench.

Les Wilson

Welcome back Stu, you are bang on the money, we need to plan carefully for the future. In mind of that, should (hopefully) another chance soon arrive, we NEED independant monitors in place.

If this had not been in the power of Westminster in the past, and truth had been in play, we may not have had so many sore heads right now.
Also, we should not be meek next time, it may be that we, play near the wire to combat the Unionist deceit across the board.


Welcome back Rev hope you are refreshed and raring to go, you have been sadly missed.

Watching EBC parliament (sound off). There was a shot of Sadiq Khan talking utter PISH about Poor Engerland, with the terrifying sight of Magrit in the background, I don’t know whether she is having a good laugh or a ceasure but she looks very distressed, not a pretty sight.

We then got a shot of the TOLLY second eleven half back line HAGUE, Carbuncle and Mundell, three craws sat upon a wall.

All we get is ENGLISH MPs asking questions about ENGLISH votes for ENGLISH laws.

Time to dump this corrupt bunch of wasters and shysters, and their propaganda (publicly funded) propaganda unit, we are being treated as a joke.

Jim McIntosh

@doug daniels @1:24pm

“Some folk need to read Stu’s article a bit more carefully, because he does not say politicians should refuse to cooperate.”

I think we did read Stu’s article, it doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything he says. This IS a discussion forum, some of us think blanking the BBC totally is the way to go. You may be right, or others may be right, but it’s bouncing the ideas about (brainstorming if you like) that may give us the right way to deal with the MSM.

iain taylor (not that one)

Similarly, but not the same, my paperwork arrived at lunchtime to open a current account with Airdrie Savings Bank.
For 30 years I used Nationwide, and so far as I know they stayed out of the referendum debate, but I want to do my wee bit to help build strong, local banking.
Next step will be to switch all savings to ABS and/or Scottish Building Society.
Third step will be to try to move my mum’s finances in the same way – I have a power of attorney, so it’s a little more complex.


To paraphrase arch Unionist Mr Churchill …. That was just the end of the beginning.

Let’s set the heather on fire and keep it burning brightly over the next few crucial years!

Mission Possible.

Change the media landscape.
Hound the Unionist over their promises.
Show them for the liars they are when they deliver nothing.
Get the Red Tories out of Scotland.
Elect a strong pro-Indy government in Holyrood.

Chic McGregor

Thanks for that. I sussed out the potential undermining US fracking motive of the Saudi’s, but again took that to just be a wee ‘reminder’ of OPEC’s power ante summit.

Didn’t know IS oil was getting to market, I assume it is officially sanctioned and must being third party laundered (Turks?).

Robert Peffers

@Anne Donohoe says:14 October, 2014 at 11:02 am:

“I notice that Alan Bissett and Jim Sillars have already refused to take part in mainstream media post-indy events. The only thing that worries me about this is that we end up talking to ourselves.”

Here’s a wee point for you, Anne. I’m an old disabled guy and I have a wee papillon bitch that was trained at an early age as a befriender to visit homes, hospitals and hospices.

Now I don’t get around too much these days but, as I speak to everyone & anyone when I’m out with the wee dog and the wee one is a great conversation starter as she goes to everyone with her tail wagging and her taking ways, we are never done speaking with people.

Just speaking with people and turning the subject to politics, (we don’t hide our YES badges. etc), it is surprising how many people are eager to ask questions on all aspects of the political scene. Seems the casual method often scores where the more campaigning one puts some people off.

Another factor is that being a pensioner & disabled myself encourages disable & older people to ask me if I’m not worried about, this, that or the other factor that concerns them. Rather as if projecting their own fears upon me.

Even so I had a couple of those I had already assured and shown that the UK Government had published that the pensions they had contributed to all their working lives would be honoured as they, (the pensioner), had a legal contract with the UK NHS to provide their pensions.

Fear, though, is a very strong motive and some people cannot over-ride an unreasoned fear. Think of those with arachnophobia – their brain tells them that the ordinary wee insect in their bath is harmless but their unreasoned fear just won’t wear the reasoning and panic takes over.

I had one nice old lady crying because she couldn’t stop herself voting NO after some rat knocked her door at the last minute and told her the UK would stop paying Scottish pensions.


Perhaps it depends on how newspapers collect revenue from ads on their pages. If it’s from impressions (e.g. 1p per view) – a visit to the media page – then it could almost be a good idea to swamp the pages with visits so that temporarily the newspapers’s revenue increased, but after a month or two the advertisers’ analytics would show that this did not result in sales, so making, e.g., the Record a bad and expensive place to advertise.

If it’s on click-thrus (e.g. 5p per click) – click on an advert and go to the site, then either don’t click, or click and don’t buy.

If it’s an affiliate scheme, then don’t buy, no effect either way generally on visits. Same for special joint promotions.

One problem is it builds the traffic per unique visit / page view, and that makes advertising there more attrative and perhaps cost more hence more lucrative for the newspaper. It can also affect page rankings on search.

Sorry for the waffle, others may have a better knowledge, I’ve just looked at it from the POV of revenue from sites (not worth it in my case). I did get a couple of small cheques from Amazon years ago though, but don’t update the sites any more.


The other possible approach is a positive one – in the spirit of YES. Pick the best printed media website, e.g. Sunday Herald, and actually encourage links to it. Perhaps also the Herald as it seems to be questioning Labour, and perhaps its own stance on Labour, and is moderately even-handed.

Their analytics will show Wings as the originating URL for a lot of visits, and it might encourage them to become even more pro-indy or more even-handed at least.

It might even encourage them to seek out an advertising link, with revenue for Wings …


I’m a believer in knowing your enemy. I skim all the “dumbed-down” dailies (Mail, Express, DR) and the Scotsman. I’m in a situation where I get them FREE second-hand, a price reflecting their value.

It is clear the DR in particular is not letting up – yesterday’s had Kezia Dugdale doing a “No means No” spiel and a claim the HoF rally only had an attendance of 7000. The others reported 6000.

The Mail & Express simply insult your intelligence. No change there then.

The Scotsman is pretending to be a bit more even but is obviously still anti-Indy. I generally zoom in on the letters page in a vain attempt to gauge the mood of the naysayers as they are always the most heavily featured. The stamp duty change is attacked – the wealthy predicting it will “ruin the recovery” somehow… The oil price drop is mentioned, smug No voters declaring this illustrates “SNP economic fantasy”. It seems a lot of them truly believe that with independence, the entire economy was to be based exclusively on oil revenue. We need to change a lot of minds.

When I get my hands on them, I expect today’s lot to follow much the same narrative.


Hi guys and Welcome back Stuart .

Regarding TV detector vans .

I spent many years as a signaler in the Army. The system work by using THREE individual units. triangulating to find the target withing about 10/20 feet.

if they use only one or two vans then it is impossible to get a direct fix. Anyway TV vans are a hoax used to scare viewers. A pretty clever gimmick

Only by ADMITTING YOURSELF can you be fined for not having a license . So tell them you don’t watch live TV anymore and close the door. Job done.

Douglas Mackay

Great Article.

Having our own, non biased media is the only way we can pick up the kind of momentum required to see this through. I take my hat off to all the pro-active individuals who are designing, building and marketing new Scottish media channels. I would like to see big business supporters of Yes get behind this and look at financing models to guarantee they compete with other channels in Scottish homes.


People really need to get on Facebook, even if you hate it, it is invaluable, and moves very fast. There is a FB page that grew hugely after the 19th, called Active Resistence to the license, a UK wide group. I know what Yesguy says is confirmed by that page – the detector vans are a gimmick. It’s Capita who send the goons round, and the page is very good on all the legalities and how to handle yourself.


Good summary. Yes, the Scotsman, particularly on Sunday, does carry some surprisingly good articles pro-Indy even, and occasionally even pro-SNP. Comments are appalling. Thing is they’re either from south of the border, or from not genuine average NOes, but from screamingly anti-SNP, anti-ScotGov, anti-Indy, and represent probahbly 0.01% of the electorate. If that!

Another suggestion from me, by the way, is to link to articles / comments ONLY to pro-indy articles. Again, the newspaper web analytics would highlight this if, for instance, a normal article had 5,000 page views, but a pro-indy one had 100,000. It might encourage more pro-indy articles. Page views talk, and revenue talks louder.


Good to have you back Rev. I’d just about had enough of the anarchic fallout(s)on here without you at the helm.

Anyway, great article. Agree with direct action against BBC,….but don’t agree with disengagement tack. We need to engage fully and in a challenging way.

You say don’t give them the oxygen of having an opposition. Well, remember Gerry Adams being voice synced and the refusal by the BBC to engage with the IRA. …That worked didn’t??

We must verbally and publically attack the BBC. In addition a nation wide refusal to pay tv licences must be launched a la Tommy Sheridan days of the Poll Tax. A high profile refusal to engage financially with the BBC will bring all kinds of unwanted attention to the real reasons for the protest.

The SNP and Indy parties must challenge the BBC judicially in regard to unfair and unjust representation on the news, programming, phone-ins ,whatever it takes in legal civil disobedience.

People were not keen so long ago for demos etc. but the recent few weeks has shown what revolutions the world over have proved… that getting out there in the face of the oppressors galvanises and mobilises action quicker than sitting staring at a screen.

I believe that the media won the Referendum by allowing a tokenistic YES narrative…if we don’t engage at all…the silent majority will remain unmoved and uninformed in its bigoted , ignorant self interest. Let’s make the walls of the city shake!

ronnie anderson

@Manandboy 12.06. Serupticious recordings are not evidence in a court of law (re your Switch of TV ).

Just done pay the TV licence fee . I,m on my FIFTEENTH LETTER, SIX VISITS AT THE DOOR,TWO DETECTOR VANS. My relpy is SEND A COURT SUMMONS ( thats the BBC to take me to court NOT CAPITA) challenge the BBC directly NOT a AGENT.

Prof John Robertson University West of Scotland report on BBC BIAS print it & submitt that as Evidence in your defence, therafter quote Radio/TV programs with BIAS & there are plenty to choose from.

Thats what the HOPE over FEAR RALLY was about to stand up & be counted,anyone Summond to Court ( I doupt it very much ) post up TIME/DATE/COURT & you will have support, I have no problem standing in a court in defence of someone in the same position as myself & tell the Court as such. People,s in Nth Ireland havent payed TV licence fee for 30 yrs because of Bbc Bias. If some of our ferrets on here could put a freedom of information request on all 4 Country,s payment of Bbc Licence Fees maybee,s the REVon behalf of us all.

Btw welcome back Stuart a few weeks of a Sea view now with no Window a clear view Pay the bloody window cleaner, but I must say they window cleaners in Bath are taking dept collection to far.


Welcome back Stuart – this blog was getting like a facebook replica at times.

On the BBC. I am seriously pissed with those apparently on ‘our’ side, who state quite freely that there was/is little or no bias from the BBC.

The question is – is there something in the media/BBC water, that makes some immune to the effects of the crassest and most overt propaganda ever seen in this supposedly freely democratic country?

What will it take for the Scottish Government to decriminalise the BBC Licence set-up? Could they, for example put a token sum; ‘a-penny-day’ on say, the council charge, to pay for the news and culture side of all products listened to and viewed by Scots? This then being negotiated with the provider of such programs on a value for money basis and paid for by the SG, if deemed worth it?

Time we got rid of the ridiculous in-heritage we’ve been bestowed with and overdue that we started rattling their establishment cage.


We lost the referendum by just under 400,000 votes.
And remember, 15% of the eligible electorate failed to vote.

Most of us are aware that, in Scotland, there is a certain
element who will never vote for anything other than the Union,
regardless of how correct and convincing the arguments are.
I’m talking about the billy bigot brigade who still frequent
the 17th century.

Now, I don’t know what their numbers in Scotland are (by that
I mean the ones of voting age) but for arguments sake lets just
say that its the 400,000 difference. We are then left with the
other 15% who never voted AND the possibility of all the others
who only voted ‘no’ out of fear etc. These are all possible Yes
supporters and voters. They are there for the convincing of.
They need to be convinced, they need to be won over.

It is with this in mind that I believe our political and
organisational leaders (but only the best of speakers) should
be, with a no nonsense hardball approach, appearing on and in
all forms of media to sell the truth and expose the lies and to
convince and convert all of those potential believers to the cause.

Meanwhile, we footsoldiers can play our corresponding parts by
hitting these Unionist establishments where it hurts, in the
pockets. We stop subscribing to the corrupt BBC, we stop buying
Unionist newspapers, scrap your ‘Sky’ subscription and find
other ways to shop which avoids using pro-no establishments such
as Asda & Sainsbury’s etc. There is a whole range of things we
footsoldiers can be doing to play our part – even if you can
only manage to commit yourself to one of these actions.

Let our leaders convince and convert from the TV studios and
newspaper pages while we continue to convince and convert from
ground level whilst taking positive law abiding action to help
ensure the failure and destruction of the Unionist cogs.


Sorry for posting again. I just looked at the main page of the Herald website and it’s worth looking at. I have to take back what I said the other day about the Herald slipping back. It did do the NO thing “but only if substantial powers devolved” just befreo the Ref, but perhaps it is serious about that after all. Not pro-indy, but pro-devo-max / “substantial”.

Craig P

Better Together boycotted town hall and community meetings as they didn’t want their arguments exposed unmediated. Yes Scotland boycotting the BBC turns that around and makes the BBC a unionist echo chamber – but will this force more people into proactively finding out more? Getting the alternative message out in the most effective way has to be the aim. But aye, definitely don’t pay the TV license.

Re oil price drop. One thing is for sure – had we voted for independence, the BBC, Daily Record, etc would now be blaming independence for the drop in prices.


@Rev Stu’:

Utter bollocks, of course. No revolution ever came from within the system.

Hmmm… I partly disagree with this, historically speaking. USSR crumbled from inside. Spain’s dictature ended peacefully when Franco died. French revolution was partly supported by nobles. They are at least several other examples of ‘systems’ transitioning more or less abruptly from one state to the other (Thom’s ‘catastrophe theory’).

That’s an epitome of the unending strife between those who hold that when you want to reform an organization, you have to be part of it and work from inside to change it, or those who hold that changing things from inside is a waste of time and you have to slash and burn everything before reconstructing afresh. Each case is different. Mileage may vary.

Bugger (the Panda)

@ Stoker

200,000 votes from No you Yes was all it would have taken.

Robert Peffers

@Alistair Sheehy Hutton says: 14 October, 2014 at 11:09 am:

“That’s right up their with spoiling your AV referendum ballot papers because you wanted a Unicorn instead.”

Well, Alistair, like everyone else you are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. However, I always have believed that anyone with a brain should engage it and consider matters from all angles, including that of an opponent, before deciding to adopt a best course of action.

For example, if offered the chance to enter a boxing ring to do three rounds with the Heavyweight Champion of the World, I would wonder what his motive was for making that invitation and would, (respectfully), obviously reject it. I might, though, engage him in a contest to see who could do the cryptic crossword in the shortest time if I knew he was semi-literate.

So much for your claim that, “You cannot change the system without engaging with the system”.

Cadogan Enright

Fáilte ar ais

My wife discovered an wireless ‘dongle’ that lets you run your TV from your IPad – on this technological basis we are planning to write to our local papers and the National media explaining our refusal to pay the TV licence. We only has had TG4 and Alba tuned in anyway for the kids apart from news. We switched to Al Jazeera, RT and other outlets for news ages ago. QUESTION would it be worth writing to the BBC board of governors letting them know? Or use a copy of that letter as our letter to our local media?

ALSO I am suprised that no-one has taken a judicial review against EITHER the conduct of the referendum OR BBC coverage during the referendum period – surely there must be some YES lawyers out there?

schrodingers cat

Conan_the_Librarian says:

I’m not sure that you could convince any prospective MP/MSP not to appear on the telly…

think this is true

if this is to work, some of the other ideas on this thread need to be looked at

if there are people who can speak to the bbc, we need to know who and those not sanctioned should be taken to task by us on social media

“The SNP and other political parties have a responsibility and duty to engage with the media, of course, especially when in government, even if that media shirks its own responsibilities. But nobody else does”

with regards the news media, do we stop posting on eg the guardian btl?

if we do post, what do we post eg

“newspapers which offer column space to a single Yes voice amid an ocean of massively skewed and virulent pro-Union propaganda as a token show of fairness, every time an independence campaigner appears on a this site, it allows the this site to feign impartiality, thereby justifying the rest of its coverage. When criticised for bias, it can simply say “Nonsense – look, we had X and Y on last week from your side, so we must be balanced”.”to that end we would discourage YES supporting journalist to contributing to this site and also to commentators osting below the line also?

just some ideas, any thoughts?


I think the snp should campaign in the borders of England, the constituency that contains Berwick being an obvious target, then we are a “national” party. How then do they squirm out of giving us equal representation. Better still if we put forward progressive policies as we do in Scotland then we truly put the cat among the pigeons.


It appears that what is certain is the Saudi Arabia is selling oil and knock down prices and on long term contract. Why? It may be something to do with ISIL selling oil very cheaply to buy arms and maybe also something of the tail wagging the dog with the USA, to make their shale oil extraction uneconomic?

I thought the Americans had destroyed almost all oil refineries within ISIL control?

I am not sure the selfsame Americans are ready to import crude oil again. They brag everywhere they are almost self-sufficient. I heard the oil price was low just because there was an obvious overproduction, partly caused by the general slump, partly by the reduction of the overall consumption due to more efficient equipment (vehicles).

People really need to get on Facebook, even if you hate it, it is invaluable, and moves very fast.

Even under torture, I wouldn’t join Facebook! 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Rob Outram says:14 October, 2014 at 11:13 am:

“We get the media we deserve. If we feed it and give it oxygen it’ll thrive.”

The media is rather like a sewer. You only get out of it what you put into it. It will, though, most likely stink and attract rats. However, if you maintain it properly and treat the contents correctly, then the contents work wonders on roses and yield great result on the vegetable crops.


Welcome back, Stuart. You are like a hurricane blast of fresh air. Long threads were sometimes aimlessly maundering on while you were gone and sometimes descending into pointless tiffs.

As to the MSM problem, I like your style. I have not contributed to any media revenues for quite some time and even cancelled the Sunday Herald after only a few weeks. Having been persuaded against my better judgement to take up buying newspapers again I found the Sunday Herald’s supposed support for independence wholly unconvincing and stopped the order with the local shop three weeks before the referendum.

As to engagement with BBC I am all for independence supporters boycotting appearances etc., as long as some way is found of making public as widely as possible that the reason is BBC bias. Other than that, if there continues to be interaction, then those who appear should be more robust in dealing with the BBC and in the face of hostile questions being directed only to one side, for instance, they should point this out politely and firmly or even with pointed humour. Meek acquiescence with contemptuous treatment creates the wrong impression of weakness, I’m afraid.


The vote was lost by 200,000 votes ie if 200,000+ more (of those who voted) had voted YES. The Referendum would have been won.

Ashcroft Poll showed 25% of No voters – 500,000 – voted No because of the VOW.


Thank God Wings is back, I didn’t know what to think recently! But after being in George Square on Sunday, I think we need a mass “DevoMax” rally in every city to push maximium devolution through.

Bugger (the Panda)


That is the point I was making, the Saudis’ tail are trying to wag the USA’s dog?


Stuart, any idea on your future plans for fundraising for yourself. You are far too important to be sidelined. Just let us know …we’ll have you funded for another year in just a day LOL



Ooops! Sorry I missed the point. I read and replied to your comment while dozing in a TGV, my brain was certainly awry.

Then we concur! Great minds think alike! 😉


Hi and welcome back Rev, you and a focal point for leadership have been badly missed.. 🙂

The time for resignation and apathy is IMO over. We need targets and projects to concentrate folks minds.

And to help us on our way here’s one of your favourite “Windows” songs:

“I can see clearly now the pane has gone”

Double meaning… 😉


Hi and welcome back Rev, you and a focal point for leadership have been badly missed.. 🙂

The time for resignation and apathy is IMO over. We need targets and projects to concentrate folks minds.

And to help us on our way here’s one of your favourite “Windows” songs:

“I can see clearly now the pane has gone”

Double meaning… 😉

link to


Panda said,
“200,000 votes from No to Yes was all it would have taken.”

Yes, Panda, I recall reading that on another thread.
And its a point you made very well. It reinforces one of the
points I was trying to make – it is all still to play for.
It is achievable and not as hard as some would have us believe.

The most important factor is that we are all pulling in the
same direction, organised and hitting back bigger and stronger
than ever before.

This experience has taught us all a thing or two, we know just
how dirty they will play. It is now up to us to counter that
style of play with a law abiding combative style of our own.
Throw the gloves in the bin and start taking action.

Make the Unionist establishments pay as we convince and convert.

Mark Coburn

How much would it cost to run adverts promoting Bella/Wings/Newsnet on the telly?

Just curious.


RE oil price, I posted a link to an article on this on presstv
link to
Some of those commenting think that John Kerry visited Saudi Arabia recently and demanded the oil price be dropped as a means of harming both the Russian and Iranian economies. Saudi seems happy to keep the price low for 2 years. The effect on our economy is presumably just “collateral damage”.
Not being involved in these international discussions means that our Scottish government has no control over what is happening. Possibly the UK gov did know which would explain their campaign predictions about oil at $80 a barrel for the next two years. Our state media have no interest in finding out.


TV license gone, tabloids dropped day after referendum


Mark Coburn
Local radio might be cheaper, and I think they’re networked as well.


Glad you have returned Stu and hope you are replenished from your very well earned holiday.
Re your comment “flushed out where everyone’s loyalties lie”. Too true and unfortunately for me I now know 90% of the clientele of my business are’No’ voters.Hundreds of them whom I have to pander to all day,every day.How the F__k did my life come to this living hell.I seriously think I might need anger management counselling or crystal meth or something.


You have to look at the Herald politics sub-section page at the moment. It’s wall to wall with articles which, basically, help the Indy cause. Just two minor exceptions.

Scot Finlayson

Can we target the companies that advertise in the pro westminster/union papers.
Maybe with the threat of a boycott from the pro Scotland consumers they might take their advertising budget elsewhere.

A united pro Scotland voice in boycotting certain companies could give us powers to effect change in the media`s editorial. But it must be a united voice.

Boycotting was very successful in ridding South Africa of Apartheid.

Empire Biscuits

I was asked to go on the BBC 3 times for 3 different programs to be aired after the ref to do with the Empire Strikes Back video we did. I refused all three times but they showed it anyway. 1 time I gave them a wild goose chase and said if they wanted to interview me they had to meet me at the rally on George Square. Finally got the BBC to film the fact the rallys were happening. Ironically the program was called “the revolution will be televised”! What an Orwellian name for a BBC program. I gave them a 30 minute interview then refused to sign the release form. Just to wind them up and waste their time. Wish I’d thought to record them myself and put it up on youtube so we’d have the content rather than them. Next time


Wasted an hour and half watching the parliament debate on Scottish devolution which was actually a debate on EVEL.
The Speaker had decreed that 4 speakers were to have unlimited time for their remarks. These were, William Hague, Sadiq Khan, Gordon Brown and Michael Moore. Everyone else was limited to 6 minutes. David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg, the signatories of “The Vow”, were unaccountably absent.
There was much sneering and jeering aimed at the SNP MPs, including obnoxious sneers from the Speaker. Viewers from Scotland witnessed a tawdry apology for democracy carried out with the arrogance and contempt we have come to expect.
After many speakers had waffled on about England’s problems, Pete Wishart got his 6 minutes. He was, as usual, sharp and to the point. But a more unsatisfactory forum for debating Scottish affairs could hardly be devised.
I hope we are out of that circus soon.
Btw you don’t have to go to the BBC to watch either parliament. Go direct to:
link to
link to

schrodingers cat

while the nos controled the tv and the newspapers atl

yes controlled btl in the newspapers

are we being asked to stop posting btl in newspapers and bbc articles and to get on the case of everyone who is not a politician, who post articles atl or appear on tv?

do i now castigate tenthred for posting btl on the guardian?

i think some clarification would be appreciated rev


Why doesn’t the SNP go ahead with a written constitution of some kind and ask all willing to put their name to it and sign it – fuck Westminister – we’re on our own now

Suzanne K

Great stuff Stu! Just a quick question. Does Press Reader count towards sales or is it an anonymous app?


The BBC suggested that the SNP could not take part in a UK wide debate with the Westmonster parties as they did not contest any seats in England? Simple, there were a number of areas in England where there was support for getting rid of Scotland.

Why don’t the SNP enter a candidate with a mandate that they should have their wish, that Scotland would never again vote on English matters, and we would ensure that Scotland only has access to the cash that it generates, so no subsidy junkies in the North for them to worry about.

We get to the TV Debate as a Nationwide party,we take some votes away from the right winger parties, particularly labour, and all is well.

Robert Peffers

@Conan_the_Librarian says: 14 October, 2014 at 12:18 pm:

“I’m not sure that you could convince any prospective MP/MSP not to appear on the telly…

Have you lot learned nothing? Here is a cut & paste of what The Rev Stu actually said, “today we go further, by suggesting that Yes supporters have no relationship whatsoever with the BBC.”

Now correct me if I’m wrong but besides the BBC, and to lesser extent STV, there are such news outlets on terrestrial TV as Al Jazeera, CITV, Sky News and RT. I’m not watching any TV except if I’m in friends houses and I’m well up on the news. Anyway, what news programmes do to gather news is exactly what they have done for many years now. They gather it from the many News Agencies such as Reuters : –

link to

Go on, try it for yourself and here’s their, “Home, (UK), politics section : –

link to

Now we know all of us can get the news from the agencies just like BBC or STV gets their news.

That, though, is not the problem we give them by not taking part in their actual programmes for their viewing figures are gained from the extras such as their reporters, interviewers and foreign correspondents and the opinions and the personal contacts they make with political figures and public opinions. The things like Leader debates and interviews, statements from party leaders and so on.

Bet you have all asked the same question as I have, “Did the BEEB searched out just the few NAYSAYERS in the town of ?*&^%> to ask about independence”? Starve the BBC of such extra content and we cut off the oxygen they need to survive. Their news becomes bland and dry and viewers go elsewhere.


TV licence non payment facebook page
some cracking videos here
link to

Jay R

So I’ve rejoined the SNP (and this time I’m not letting my membership slide!), cancelled the TV license, and continue to buy NO newpapers. But, I have an important question for anyone on here who is really up to speed with technology.

Since the vote I haven’t, and never will again, check the BBC website. But what about if I check free to view online Unionist/enemy newspapers? Is there any way that my doing that could generate them any revenue in any way? DO NOT want that



Indeed. All other western economies (except Norway) benefit from lower oil prices, since energy is still a major line in the ledger.


Welcome back Stu – hope you enjoyed your rest.

I was buying the Sunday Herald on the weeks leading up to the referendum.

I didn’t care if it was a commercial decision as it would be read by folk who didn’t use social media and they could read a different opinion.

But I agree with John, last Sunday was a joke.
Two disparaging articles one sneeky about Nicola and her husband – a nameless source etc, one in-your-face – disgraced politician Tommy Sheridan etc.

Make no mistake Tommy Sheridan is like marmite but the establishment are scared of him – he reaches out and can speak to lots of different folk and he is believed.

And the last insult – the new exciting revamped SLAB – independent etc,

Don’t think I will be buying it again

Lenny Hartley

Welcome back Rev, got to say that you have been missed, what with no Telly, no papers and not listening to any UK Radio stations, I need wings more than ever.

I didn’t even know that the Scotland game was on last Saturday until somebody mentioned it.

Not so good at the current affairs questions at the famous Ormidale quiz but hey ho, Ive remembered that I like reading 🙂

Robert Peffers

@Muscleguy says:14 October, 2014 at 1:08 pm:

“Part of the problem of course with the new Indy media is that they are not broad news sites.”

Then use this link to a news agency. News agencies are where the MSM & Broadcasters get their news from and you can get it before they distort it to suit their own agendas.
link to


This is one of Stuart’s best articles to date in my view.

Every independence supporter should heed his excellent advice to the last letter.

As I have said before, the ONLY reason we lost the referendum was the BBC.


The BBC deny us of seeing
1. Our National Football team.
So Scottish kids being brought up in households that can’t afford Sky Sports don’t get to see the National Team

2. Culture there isn’t a single TV slot with Scottish culture. The only reason I know of the Corries is I’m old enough to remember them on the telly. Has anybody heard of Runrig, heard they’re pretty good.

So no national sport, No Scottish Culture.

The BBC they’re only good at encouraging Scots to vote against their best interests.


Alistair Sheehy Hutton,

“You cannot change the system without engaging with the system.”

That statement could not be further away from the truth.

As soon as a Labour MP enters the rotten to the core Westminster system, all his/her principles disappear at a stroke.

He/she then works tirelessly to preserve that system, as we just saw during the referendum campaign.


Manda Kilt,

“The Sunday Herald has a different editor from The Herald. He is Richard Walker. I believe he has autonomy over content.”

Over content maybe, but not over the money.

One day’s pro-independence stand with an equal say to the opposition funds six days’ undiluted anti-independence poison.

Don’t buy the Sunday Herald until and unless the Daily Herald takes a balanced stand.

Robert Peffers

@yesindyref2 says:14 October, 2014 at 5:59 pm:

” Local radio might be cheaper, and I think they’re networked as well.”

I wonder if we could qualify to use the community channel?

Doug Daniel

Jims McIntoshs: “I think we did read Stu’s article, it doesn’t mean we have to agree with everything he says.”

No, some people clearly didn’t, because there are comments criticising an idea (politicians joining in the boycott) which wasn’t presented in the article…

Doug Daniel

Clydebuilt – that’s an excellent point about kids not getting to see the national team on TV. I tend to think I’m maybe being a bit of a moan when I complain about it, and expect people to tell me I could just go to a pub; but you can’t tell a kid to go to the pub to watch the football.

It’s just like the way kids tend to support English Premiership teams instead of Scottish teams these days. You can’t support teams you’re never getting to see. It’s a situation that needs to change.



I didn’t comment on that Sunday Herald one because I didn’t know what to make of it. The guy was a Labour reject apparently, but for me if it worked, then next ref who knows, Labour could come out for Indy as they should have this time – a disappointment to me. This is interesting though:

“In addition, the statement calls for the Scottish party to be “fully autonomous” from UK Labour and equipped with the power to appoint its full-time officials and write its own constitution.”

At the least it’s more dissention within Labour, and that’s good. It was a curious SH though, makes me wary too.


Not a great deal of support coming from Buckingham Palace for the 45% of (dejected) Scottish voters, purrhaps, HM Queen Elizabeth the First of Scots, should offer some solace and advice?

After all we were around 200,001 of becoming her ‘lot’, as QE(1) and that’s only around 4.67% of all those Scots who were registered to vote. Not a word however, seems quite unseemly!

Dr JM Mackintosh

Good to have you back Rev. Hope you had a good holiday – certainly well deserved after your hard work.
We did have an outbreak of discord from the Judeans while you were away but hopefully it has now settled down. If not you can give them a clip on the lug.

I fully support your boycott of the BBC as it is completely pointless trying to complain against them – best to ignore them and cancel your TV licence.
I have put many complaints into the BBC over the last few months which were all pretty pointless as you just get the same bland responses. I mainly just did it to vent my anger but you told me it was pointless and you were correct. I have one last complaint left which I am trying to follow up as I spent some time on it. I am not expecting any result but I am just annoyed that they are trying their best to bury it.

However, earlier today after picking up the phone to call Ofcom and the BBC trust about the debates issue, I just put it back down down again. Finally realised it is a totally pointless exercise.

It does upset me as I grew up with Auntie Beeb and I now feel totally betrayed by her. I may as well be watching Canal+, RT, RTE or CNN – the BBC is a foreign TV channel to me now.

We urgently need our own TV and hopefully the Dateline Scotland guys and their friends will be able to get something up and running.


Hi Stu

I am a bit of a newbie on here, i have been thinking about the issues re the DR etc. We are still giving out leaflets etc at our Yes stall in Kilmarnock every Saturday, surely some of the smarter posters on here could draft a leaflet which we could all copy, highlighting their bias,and downright lies, then distribute these from Yes stalls / shops. It may not reach out to everyone, but lets start the fight here.

I started buying the Sunday Herald 2 Months ago, and intend to continue doing so, however i do it in the hope the owners see that a pro independence paper can be a great sucess here in Scotland, and realign the daily Herald likewise.


From Scotsman:

“THE giant Cygnus gas project will create or secure almost 1,500 Scottish jobs and pump more than £1 billion into the UK economy, according to a report published to mark the start of drilling at the North Sea site.

The study by Oxford Economics for part-owner Centrica, released today, found that the scheme will add £1.29bn to the UK economy and support more than 4,820 skilled jobs during its five-year construction period.”

No comment needed.


Good article Rev. I’m an expat Scot – followed Indyref obsessively and am gutted by the outcome. Equally infuriated by the media. Have stopped my daily trawl of BBC, Guardian, etc etc. – no further traffic from me. I’m a bit thirsty for my news fix – but am waiting for ‘Wings’ and others to consolidate their plans. The old media – have lost the plot – I wonder if they realise this yet?

another highlander

Since the referendum I have not watched any of the offerings from the bbc or bought a newspaper except the Sunday Herald.
There must have been many Yes voters lurking within the bbc at P.Q., who were the individuals who manipulated the broadcasted propaganda, surely he/they must be exposed for what they are. The atmosphere in there must be really sour.


Final tally:
YES: 44.7 per cent. 1,617,989
NO 55.30 per cent, 2,001,926


86% = 3,619,915

100% = 4,209,203

4,209,203 / 1,617,989 = 38.4% of the electorate voted yes.

4,209,203 / 2,001,926 = 47.6% of the electorate voted no.


Use your printers. Print good articles/blogs that tell the truth. We need to expose Westminster and the mainstream media for what they are. While they continue to focus on immigrants and benefits, we can highlight the cost of wars, nuclear weapons and corporate welfare for example. Make people think about what they are buying when they pay for a newspaper, or make them think about the political system they voted for.

It won’t help to be in peoples faces about this, print them and leave them on trains, buses, waiting rooms or really any public place where people might have a second or two to have a read. Even hide them inside newspapers 🙂 (And use recycled/second-hand paper where possible)

I might do this even if no-one else does.

[…] The dust of the independence referendum is showing a distinct unwillingness to settle. Almost a month from the vote, alien observers would be hard pushed to identify Yes as the beaten side. SNP membership has more than tripled, and that of the Scottish Greens and SSP (much) more than doubled, in three weeks. The moribund Labour Party in Scotland has slumped in both Holyrood and Westminster polls. Newspaper sales figures continue to fall after not a single daily or national newspaper in the country backed the choice of almost half of the population.  […]


This will be the first and I hope the last time I ever agree with Blair Mcdougall

While yes were protesting outside BBC
And hoding parties in George SQ
We were on phones and talking to undecideds

We have to learn from mistakes


I like your thinking and I might just develop an idea or two myself.

Years ago, when I used to subscribe to the Scots Independent, I would deliberately leave it behind on trains, ferries, buses and countless other places once I was done with it. I would even smuggle it into my local library and then discretely place it in amongst the libraries own papers on the paper rack. Doctors and Dental surgery waiting rooms are also ideal locations.

From time to time, when I was a wee bit more flush, I would order 2 or 3 extra copies from my local newsagent and spread them around the various pre-arranged locations.

I also kept a wee record of where i left them so as to avoid
duplication or hitting the same place twice in a row. Then when
i ran out of “drop” options i would simply start again.

Occasionally i would get the opportunity to take one or two further afield if i was going to be travelling any distance from
home. And when i did that i always made sure i left it in what i
would consider to be the most appropriate place where it was
going to be possibly read by as many people as possible.

It was fun, simple and gave me a real buzz that i was actually
physically doing something worthwhile for the cause – helping to
educate the ignorant and bring them over to the cause.

Once again, i like your thinking, you’ve got my mind working overtime.


RE: Atypical_Scot posted at 9:50 am

Your figures are wrong. 4,285,323 were registered to vote, but only 84.48% of that registered voter tally were declared: 3,619,915.

YES: 1,617,989 plus NO: 2,001,926 adds up to 3,619,915, which means that 665,408 registered voters either did not vote, or their vote was voided as spoiled, or something somewhat iffy, apart from voter apathy which given the interest at every level seems very unlikely indeed, has happened.

665,408 votes is 15.53% of the registered voter list.

What if they were all YES votes? Where did the ‘86% turn-out’ figure come from – the declared vote of 3,619,915 is actually 84.48% of the total registered vote. What’s the story behind those 665,408 who registered but their votes don’t appear in the actual turn-out total of 3,619,915?

Atypical_Scot says:
15 October, 2014 at 9:50 am
Final tally:
YES: 44.7 per cent. 1,617,989
NO 55.30 per cent, 2,001,926


86% = 3,619,915

100% = 4,209,203

4,209,203 / 1,617,989 = 38.4% of the electorate voted yes.

4,209,203 / 2,001,926 = 47.6% of the electorate voted no.


Welcome back. Great to be reassured that the Ref outcome was because of the BBC & all those papers. Also glad it had nothing to do with 2 wasted years of campaigning on behalf of ‘No’& the vision of a Socialist Utopia. UDI – for Fife, that is the cry. Yea – right.

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    • Insider on The same old tricks: “Well said Andy ! I wish Alf would realise how much harm his constant spamming of every discussion does to…Jan 17, 17:13
    • Mia on The same old tricks: ““That’s obviously nonsense” Remind me again what the response from Ms May was to the request? “Now is not the…Jan 17, 17:01
    • Andy Anderson on The same old tricks: “Sorry Aidan, what you say is not correct. There was no territorial union, there was no legal and judiciary union,…Jan 17, 16:56
    • Andy Ellis on The same old tricks: “If only you had any ideas of your own Alf rather than regurgitating inapplicable post colonial theory talking points like…Jan 17, 16:42
    • Alf Baird on The same old tricks: “The role of the colonizer ‘is to make any prospect of liberation for the native seem impossible’ (Memmi). Aye, yer…Jan 17, 16:37
    • Alf Baird on The same old tricks: ““The Treaty of Union agreed the terms for the union to be entered into” Thank youJan 17, 16:26
  • A tall tale

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