You don’t get to do this
85.1% of the Scottish electorate voted against the Conservatives in May. Scotland has a Tory government anyway, because of how England voted, because Scotland is part of the UK and so doesn’t get to choose its own governments. The people who ensured that could happen don’t get to whine about what that Tory government does.
So do everyone a favour and shut your mouths today, No voters. We warned you until we were blue in the face. This is what you wanted. This is what you got. Suck it up.
One of your best ever statements and you are exactly correct.This is what they voted for; it’s just a shame that those of us who didn’t are afflicted by their choice.
However, they have voted for independence by indirect means, so they WILL suck it up in the next few years.
An omnishambles budget from the nasty party for the benefit of the westminster elite and the richest in society.
“Don’t blame me, I voted Yes!”
Arseholes tits and bums
..and Labour saying that voting No is not incompatible with criticising Osborne – as McDougall is saying – is a calumny.
McDougall and his ilk told us the Welfare State was safe per se with a No vote – nothing more, nothing less.
I will forgive any No voters who accepts they were gullible and made a mistake.
Those who were instrumental in the No campaign of lies, scaremongering and insincere promises, such as Blair MacDonald, are completely beyond forgiveness. There is nothing they can ever do to redeem themselves … and certainly not challenge or complain about the inevitable consequences of their actions.
They were warned, repeatedly, so they don’t get to say anything, they have no right, esp when they are the ones that have done this to Scotland. In 8 months we would have been free of this and I for one will never forget and I will never forgive!
All you blue tories, red tories, teeny, weeny lib tories and brainless Record readers, this is your day.
Today is the day your imperial masters get to thank you for your adoration by sinking you up to the lower edge of your upper lip in the rose smelling sh**e of the rich establishment.
Oh and by the way – today’s news from Gideon is the good bit… 🙁
A reminder of the kind of rampant corruption that the westminster elite happily indulge in while they are shamefully attacking the disabled, the poorest and most vulnerable in society.
The Independent ?@Independent 5 hours ago
George Osborne’s family reportedly ‘struck a £6m property deal’ with firm based in tax haven–reports-10373416.html
A sad position we are in at this moment but we can only keep going and trust we will win in the end
Labours now the Gum Mummpers Party You,s voted NO, now live with it.
Mr McDougall and those just like him ensured this would happen, that the events of the past nine months took place. Darling, Cameron, Carmichael, Moore, Rennie, Davidson, Murphy and Lamont and the whole weight of establishment machinery which supported them.
What happened today is entirely down to their actions, their lies, their false pledges, their intimidation, their othering and their manipulation. There will be no forgetting of those actions, or the party politics they practiced throughout a people’s referendum. There will be no forgetting the willing aid of the media either. A bill of goods was sold with that willing aid and the product was rotten to the core.
To folk who voted no? This can still be set straight with your help, but make no mistake it won’t get any easier the longer the current situation continues. Next time, and there is going to be a next time, vote yes and help rid us of these people and their poisonous politics.
Well said,not long before they start bleating to the Scottish Government about it,but they believed effing Cameron and voted no,so the Scottish Government can’t help as much as they would like to.
Mr McDougall has fake career-driven empathy – nothing else.
Agree and well said.
Just had my oldie in laws in who changed their minds to yes after reading Wee Blue Book last year.
Can’t underestimate how important Wings and Stu are.
It’s late yes,but converted no voters will be welcomed into the yes camp. Doesn’t mean you have to vote SNP,it means you think Scotland would be better off making its own budgets with a government that Scots elected themselves,whatever party it elects.
The cheek of the man.
All yesser’s in this house. I’m afraid I can’t understand the logic or thinking of a no voter. Perhaps now they are thinking ‘what if’ and wishing they could be given a second chance…Well, you no voters out there, you wanted it and look what we got.
Giddy, your budget is flawed. Public sector workers stuck with 1% for another four years after years of real term cuts. Scunnered.
Aye Midgehunter just wait for the b*****d in the high power speed boat to speed past your lip, UURRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH.
Auld Rock
Chitterinlicht says:
8 July, 2015 at 2:58 pm
Agree and well said.
Just had my oldie in laws in who changed their minds to yes after reading Wee Blue Book last year.
Can’t underestimate how important Wings and Stu are.
Totally agree. I was given my wee blue book from a boy dressed up as Braveheart outside the Yes shop in Elgin. We sat in wetherspoons that evening and devoured it. I remember feeling oddly empowered and angry with what we had /have been putting up with. We felt that if everyone read it, it would be a landslide victory.
Perhaps a 2nd Ed for the next ref?!
Steve Bowers says:
8 July, 2015 at 2:24 pm
Arseholes tits and bums
Cher sang that didn’t she?
Vomit inducing Red tory unionists in action but I thought he’d go down the blue tory unionist track
Murdo Fraser ?@murdo_fraser 17m17 minutes ago
@nicolasturgeon @alanroden How much would welfare have to be cut by if we had Full Fiscal Autonomy?
If we’d had Full Fiscal Autonomy. Come on Bliar, you’re fellow UKOK stuffed shirt’s way ahead of you.
Macart @ 2.53. Chapeau Sir.
The sheer brass neck o some o these no voting types is something to behold.
The first one to moan to me about it better watch out. They were telt, time and time again and widnae listen. How do you like them apples now numpties.
McDougall has a brass neck complaining. During the referendum he and his Labour cohorts became the voice of the Tory Party in Scotland.
Over and above that, at the last election Labour activists in Perth were asking Labour voters to vote Tory in order to keep the SNP out. You can’t canvass for the Tories one day and complain when they win then impose their Draconian policies the next.
Nothing in this budget to help the oil industry, expect more job losses to come.
Shiregirl 3.10
Aye,We’ll need an updated Wee Blue Book for the next referendum.But not until then.In the mean time,we all need to help the SNP with canvassing so we know exactly which houses need a Wee Blue Book.
Well said Stu.
Sick to the stomach of the Tories and their f**k you attitude. I was watching Camerons face during some of the budget and he had his “earnestly concerned” face on. This would be for public consumption. Inwardly I would bet that he was ROFLHFAO.
Just think where we would be right now if Scotland had voted Yes. Not sitting with our heads in our hands thinking “how the fuck” I`ll bet.
Do you think the argument will be that this is all the fault of the SNP? Was that the purpose of the survation poll and yesterday’s Daily Record article.
Ah but remember Rev,
It was the bad SNP that let the tories in.
The Daily Record said so!
I just checked how much worse off you would be if you are on £10k a year and it’s £1272 per year cut in Working Tax Credits for a single person, over 25, working over 30 hours per week. That’s a 13% cut in income.
Here’s my workings:
Salary: £10,000
WTC Basic Element: £1940
30 Hour Element: £800
Maximum WTC for single person working 30 hours or more is: £2740
Current WTC income threshold: £6,420. Taper: 41%
New WTC income threshold: £3850. Taper 48%
Current WTC withdrawal calculation would be:
(£10,000 – £6,420) x 0.41 = £1467.80
Therefore current WTC calculation would be £2740 – £1467.80 = £1272.20 per year
If we take the new figures from the budget for £10,000 salary:
Future WTC withdrawal calculation based on new budget figures would be:
(£10,000 – £3,850) x 0.48 = £2,952
Therefore WTC will be £2,740 – £2,952 = £0
For a single person, over 25, working more than 30 hours per week, on a salary of £10,000: Under the new system from today’s budget you will get ZERO WTC where as at the moment you would get £1272 per year.
This is a massive cut in working people’s income and will no doubt send thousands more into working poverty. 🙁
Typical BBC, Politics Scotland interviews Mundell and Murray before interviewing Stewart Hosie. In fact we were 45 minutes into a 60 minute program before we heard from the party that holds 95% of the seats in Scotland.
“galamcennalath says:
8 July, 2015 at 2:30 pm
I will forgive any No voters who accepts they were gullible and made a mistake.
Those who were instrumental in the No campaign of lies, scaremongering and insincere promises, such as Blair MacDonald, are completely beyond forgiveness. There is nothing they can ever do to redeem themselves … and certainly not challenge or complain about the inevitable consequences of their actions.”
Totally agree.
I think it’s only fair Stu to point out that over 60% of folk living in England didn’t vote for a Tory government either.
It was the electoral system wot done it Guv.
BBC Scotland are in ‘top form’ today with their Budget coverage.
I’ve had BBC 2 on since 11am.
Politics Scotland started at 14.30 and as at 15.10 it would appear that The SNP does not exist.
The studio pundits are Douglas Fraser and Alf Young both long established BT supporters.
So far we’ve had clips of Osborne and Harman, interviews with Fluffy and Murray plus a few comments from the London correspondent. Just after 15.00 they changed tack to PMQs and we got the first sign of the existence of The SNP with a short question form Kirsten Oswald on EVEL followed by a long diatribe from Cameron on same.
Following that we’ve has some TUC guy on College Green, some financial pundit and its back to Alf Young.
At last at 15.16 we get Stewart Hosie – so The SNP actually exists.Good performance by Hosie and at 15.21 its back to some bird from the IEA.
15.25 Jeremy Purvis for the LDs.
Wind up of program with Alf Young again.
It’s interesting but not surprising that they chose not to show Stewart Hosie reply to the Budget on the floor of the House – it nust mean that he was on fire again.
Perhaps I should have watched The Parliament Channel.
Isn’t our unbiased BBC Scotland wonderful – I wonder what the coverage on Misreporting Scotland and Scotland 2015 will be like and who they have on as pundits.
galamcennalath says:
8 July, 2015 at 2:30 pm
I will forgive any No voters who accepts they were gullible and made a mistake.
Those who were instrumental in the No campaign of lies, scaremongering and insincere promises, such as Blair MacDonald, are completely beyond forgiveness. There is nothing they can ever do to redeem themselves … and certainly not challenge or complain about the inevitable consequences of their actions.
Well said, we need those misguided NO voters who were duped – if they don’t have any regrets yet, they soon will (no need to rub it in). The blue tories are actually doing what they said they would, so at least we know what we are getting. It’s those dirty, lying red tory barstewards that I can’t stand. Hell mend em.
Hosie was indeed on fire, well worth a watch on the Parliament stream online
gus1940 says:
8 July, 2015 at 3:33 pm
Isn’t our unbiased BBC Scotland wonderful – I wonder what the coverage on Misreporting Scotland and Scotland 2015 will be like and who they have on as pundits.
With 56 out of 59 elected MPs, they have no right to ignore the SNP. No feckin right at all.
spot on as usual ,,,they don’t have one ounce of integrity ,,, this is my thoughts summed up re Unionists link to
BMCD was paid handsomely to support this. A mercenary now greetin’ at the carnage he and others have caused. Indeed, suck it up big boy, you know how to do that.
Too depressing, I think the analysis of what this means will be even worse
Anyone care to let us know what the courts judgement on Carmichael means going forward?
So it turns out Blair MacDougall is thick.
He would be better keeping his thoughts to himself.
Hard right unionist Scotland propaganda machine kicks in
The Budget 2015: Osborne announces a new ‘National living wage’
OMG Kate Devlin
link to
“The Chancellor said that the rate would be introduced next April at £7.20 an hour, with a view to rising to £9 an hour by 2020.”
What the WTF does “with a view to” mean anyway? fcuk all.
Well, nerves are indeed getting frayed under this government’s stringent (is that the word?) regime.
I have read many times of regretful No voters, but never actually met one in person. Until today. About ten minutes ago, to be precise.
Bantering (as one does) about the cost of my shopping with a local shopkeeper, he went on to mention the budget, the welfare cuts etc… and then suddenly blurted out (without even knowing my own views on the matter) with real feeling: OH MY GOD I WISH I’D VOTED “YES”…
All is not lost, folks.
Yep! Pretty much agree with what you’ve written, Stuart.
And for McDougall to bitch about it …well, hypocrisy and contempt spring to mind when I hear one of the BT leaders decide to opinion on what thee key Unionist party is about to spring on the people…
Oh wait hard core toryboy shyste “with a view to” means, “to announce and pledge” in/by 2020
link to
£9 living wage announcement goes further than SNP pledge
8 Jul 2015
Murdo Fraser MSP
The Chancellor’s pledge to introduce a compulsory living wage of £9 an hour by 2020 goes further than SNP plans – despite nationalist pleas to devolve the issue.
Nationalist pleas?
Thanks again proud Scot buts
Dear McBlowhard–should’ve voted YES.
i have seen some two faced shit in my time but this takes the biscuit.
Spot on yet again Stu –
If only wings had a front page spread –
Hope the National follows similar line – It bloody well should !!
with regard to: Murdo Fraser ?@murdo_fraser 17m17 minutes ago
@nicolasturgeon @alanroden How much would welfare have to be cut by if we had Full Fiscal Autonomy?
My response to questions like this is that I would be willing to accept almost any cuts made by a Scottish government as:
1/ they would be made by OUR elected representatives, as opposed to a govt. we didn’t vote for;
2/ they would probably be necessary for the good of the people of Scotland;
3/ they would not be made in order to make a few obscenely rich people richer;
4/ they would be tempered with humanity, and;
5/ if we felt that none of the above applied, we would be able to vote out those who made the cuts.
I feel that we need to address this question as there is a view (amongst NO supporters) that Indy supporters believe that an Independent Scotland will be an SNP-ruled land of milk and honey.
Most of the YES supporters that I know have no illusions on that score and realise that Independence will not be easy at first, but will be a beginning towards creating a new way of doing things.
Also it should not be taken for granted that the SNP will rule an Independent Scotland (an idea that many dislike, even if they would support Independence) as our first order of business, after we settle on a constitution, will surely be a Free and Fair Election based on individual party policies.
These concerns need to be addressed as they have repeatedly been used as justification for maintaining the “Union”, and we need to convert every single naysayer that we can.
Sorry, didn’t mean to go on so long.
No hard feelings towards the scared and gullible No-voters who were duped. But Blair McD, as one of the main architects of the fear campaign that persuaded them, really should go stand in the corner and haud his wheesht now.
Yea could somebody on twitter ask mince for brains up there if he had actually read the tories plans before jumping in bed with them.
Reminds me of the old saying, ” If you do not like my principles, I have others!”
Very correct in his case, probably all of Slab too.
Blair McDougall et al can say what they like now. They stood shoulder to shoulder with the Tories (still do) and knew that the Scots, historically, had been subjected to one, in the main, Tory Government after another so it could happen again. And eh! Has he conveniently forgotten? … They backed the Tories in relation to austerity measures too.
My heart just goes out to the children living in this country, UK wide. They have no say … no voice …. but are being subjected to a living nightmare. Many going to bed at night having had nothing to eat for hours on end: maybe even all day. Lying freezing in bed in the winter. Parents at each others throats, and theirs, due to depression and anxiety. The misery list is endless. The politicians had the power to do something about this but chose not to. The children … 1 million .. 2 million .. are only statistics to them.
People like Cameron, Osborne and IDS, millionaires, should spend 6 months, at least, working on a low paid or zero hour contract job and see how they get on. They wouldn’t last for five minutes. ‘We’re in this together’ they say. What’s that? The hell they’ve created for working class families in this country: a haven for millionaires.
McDougall said we’d all be ‘Better Together’ as part of the Union. Ten months later and he’s changed his mind. Too late for the suffering millions now … McDougall, Broon, Lamont, Darling, Murphy, Curran etc etc.
I love it! Another Labour half wit who used lies, deception and threats to sway the unsure and con a NO vote from them. Screaming from the rooftops, in indignation, at the party HE and his kind placed firmly into power on May 15th.
Get a grip ya mad rocket!! We’re in a septic union of your choosing and less than 9 months later you think we’ve all forgotten !!!! Just like we forgot all the previous lies from Unionists, especially the ones which promised us something if we stayed. Like a bunch of braying , jeering morons, thinking they’ve won the turf war because they have more on their team?
Looks to me like it’s YOU who’s forgotten what we did to your party…… your Union is next!!
According to the BBC,
link to
“Alistair Carmichael hearing set for September”
So much for technicalities.
My heart aches for the pain that’s going to be inflicted. But I cannot abide this ill deserved smug whining from Scottish labour and No voters in general. If you voted no because you didn’t like Salmond then that was foolish; it was never about Salmond. If you voted No because you thought labour would win so why bother, then that to was foolish; Miliband with his milquetoast persona was never going to be PM. If you voted no because you really believed in being British and Scottish, then frankly you have no business complaining about the tories winning. In the end they all voted to have Westminster decide Scotland’s fate regardless of who won. All this pain and misery is on them.
Having the brass balls to try and claim that it’s not that bad really, and would be worse if we were independent, while moaning about it at the same time is really taking the piss.
Nicola’s speech to LSE in March is worth a re-read, interesting section on in-work benefits:
“Take the personal tax allowance, for example a lot of attention is paid to the fact that people begin paying 20% income tax at £10,000 a year. And that’s right the personal allowance is important. But we pay far less attention to the fact that a working single parent faces a 65% deduction rate when they earn just over £3,000 a year. And actually, if you receive universal credit, and pay income tax, a £600 increase to the personal allowance in the coming budget which I’m certainly not arguing against would boost your income by £42. But the same increase to the work allowance would boost your income by £390.”
link to
Usual high and mighty cyber Britnat sneers and jeers example here. Not happy, you voted SNP, its your own fault.
link to
Smith Commission gave you power and glory to hike taxes on Scots, so put them up or shut up.
“Neil Lovatt ?@neiledwardlovat 9m9 minutes ago
Tory tax cuts today give SNP a great opportunity at HR to increase income tax and negate the tax and spend cuts…..
Will they? If not why?”
So it begins. How thrilled red and blue tory boys must be with their THE VOW fraud on Scotland?
THE VOW author Professor Smirky not saying much, for now
link to
What’s next? Homeless hungry people heading for the workhouse?
My God it’s gonna be awful when people kick back.
Party political broadcast on radio Scotland this evening
circa 0430pm for Ian Murray SLAB .Disgraceful the amount of “airtime”
given in view of the fact that “Scottish” labour have just 1 seat in Scotland.
No doubt it will be “business as usual” tonight on the propaganda news channels
In Scotland with 3 unionists to 1 SNP “discussing” the budget
Remember the famous ‘wheel’showing how to keep the independistas out?
We had Labour activists out in Pertshire and elsewhere,entreating their supporters to vote Tory.
Well you got them, and today you live with the consequences.
The problem is, we have to as well.
The Man in the Jar says at 3:21 pm
”Sick to the stomach of the Tories and their f**k you attitude. I was watching Camerons face during some of the budget and he had his “earnestly concerned” face on. This would be for public consumption. Inwardly I would bet that he was ROFLHFAO.”
Did you see IDS standing to the side grinning and nodding his head off like a donkey? Some (many) people will be lying in bed tonight crying their hearts out. Worst still we’ll no doubt see the suicide rate rise dramatically now. It would make you sick.
Thanks for that ‘Better Together’ team.
Its time the SNP put devolution of Broadcasting back on the agenda.
Note that Osborne’s projected minimum wage rise to £7.20 next year still falls short of the Scottish living wage which is currently £7.85.
“Voting No doesn’t mean NO Change”
Remember that one
They’ve changed it to worse
I suppose they kept their word there
“Oh no! Oh, look what’s happening! Gasp, guys you can’t do thaaaat with the budgeeet…. it’s pure meeeean…! Better together remember???”
Fuck off the entire lot of you, you transparent, trough-swilling, money grabbing moral vacuums. You’d throw your own mums under a bus for a pound coin and a sniff at lordship.
It puzzles me what the red Tory Tuba player is blowing off about. he knows as well as I do the Labour promised to be “tougher on welfare than the Tories”
A blowhard windbag that is full of sh*te.
Excellent article. Absolutely nails it.
Those last lines should be printed large, and LITERALLY rammed down the throats of the whinging cringing NO voters, who wanted to stay tied to London rule.
“We warned you until we were blue in the face. This is what you wanted. This is what you got. Suck it up”
It would NOT be happening, if clowns like Blair McDougall, and his unionist RED TORY cabal had not ensured Scotland voted to stay shackled to the corrupt undemocratic union.
I truly, truly feel sorry for those who are hard up, and now suffering under these evil barsteward English tories.
Hold on a minute.
You can’t have a 1% Public Sector pay rise cap for another 4 years, and a £9.00 per hour “living wage” by 2020 if you’re on minimum wage.
Molliblum @4.03 “All is not lost”
Indeed. Three of my circle of friends have today informed me that they will be changing their NO vote to YES at the next referendum.
We still need to be enforcing the message though!
Yip spot on if you voted no in the indy ref, and Osbornes cuts hit you then tough titty.
But I’m all for giving folk a second chance, so when the next indy ref pops up (and it will sooner than you think) redeem yourself and vote yes.
Sinky says:
8 July, 2015 at 5:21 pm
Its time the SNP put devolution of Broadcasting back on the agenda.
Note that Osborne’s projected minimum wage rise to £7.20 next year still falls short of the Scottish living wage which is currently £7.85.
I understand the living wage is calculate with reference to Working Tax Credit and other benefits. Strip out WTC etc. and the Living Wage has to be recalculated to reflect that loss in ‘income’.
This further undermines Osbourne’s faux smoke and mirrors generosity.
Just keeping saying to those that you know voted No. “This is what YOU voted for”. They did and should not be allowed to forget it.
My aim is to shame them into changing their mind through pointing them in the direction of Wings where I hope they can be educated.
Should have saved the poll until next week Rev, I feel a shift in voting intention in another Independence referendum could be underway.
link to
It is budget day, isn’t it?…..
I must be in a different dimension. I just listened to bbc Scotland wittering on at length about some hapless terrapin farm manager in North Korea being killed because he didnt feed the reptiles enough. Eh?
And before that, banging on (no pun intended)about the Scots Govt (read SNP bad) witholding data about fish farmers here shooting seals to ptotect stocks.
So instead of the budget, we get Squirrels or as a variation today, terrapin and seals.
Fig leaf their embarrassment at helping with the no vote and getting the tories in, try and damage SNP and effect folks employment prospects in the Highlands.
You couldn’t make it up……
Hi Chic.
If you go to the link below and scroll down, you’ll see the “Don’t Blame Me” badges we’ve been producing since just after the referendum.
link to
Off to the shops wearing all my yes badges and ‘end tory rule’ and snp badges, just in case I even vaguely ever, (urgh!) resemble a no voting tory, red, blue, pink with white spots, ("Tractor" - Ed)s the lot of them.
Nice hard hitting post Stuart.
Stick it to that bat fastard.
The daft bandit has brought back road tax.
It was abolished by Winston Churchill in 1937 so that motorists couldn’t claim that they owned the roads.
Now I’m going to have a longer explanation about why I’m using a bike and how it’s a good thing for people in cars that I am.
MolliBlum says:
8 July, 2015 at 4:22 pm
“No hard feelings towards the scared and gullible No-voters who were duped. But Blair McD, as one of the main architects of the fear campaign that persuaded them, really should go stand in the corner and haud his wheesht now”.
I dunno I can extend my sympathies to any no voters sorry. I sent them article after article, and one at least even had the Wee blue book, but no, they chose for their own self interest, to vote no. Some are extremely well off, sickens me to the core.
Let us stop moaning we new this was what would happen we predicted it in May 2014, ok it is not a Tory/UKIP majority only a Tory majority – same result. Would somebody please do an Indy poll on the 15th July. Please!!!
I’m pretty sure the Westminister elite have a dirty little secret they’re hiding from us, speaking of that it reminds of The All American Rejects!
We need to focus on the EU referendum now, because Cameron’s promised to hold that.
Many, many no voters are, by nature, risk averse. The entire Better Together campaign focussed around exploiting that.
Many people thought that by voting no things would stay the same, some people even thought things might get better – after all, were they not told how much they were valued? Glasgow was promised billions was it not? Jobs were to be protected, powers were to be devolved etc etc.
This budget will be a hard lesson for many no voters, especially those who are vulnerable or economically disadvantaged. The last thing these no voters need is to be attacked for their naivety.
Yes there are many no voters who are affluent, financially secure and likely to have benefitted from this budget. But let us not forget those for whom this budget is devastating news. Save your anger for those involved in the Better Together campaign who knew exactly what they were doing when they exploited people’s natural fear of change.
The Record ‘view” on Gideon’s budget, left me having to sit down until my blood pressure returned to normal, my eye stopped twitching and my fists stopped clenching involuntarily.
link to
I notice that in this budget insurance tax has increased from 6% to 9.5% so increased premiums for everyone.
I don’t remember the Tories mentioning in their election manifesto that they were planning this. I wonder why not.
Although it’s a big hike, it is getting very little mention on the news.
For a bit of cheer on a bleak day – but also relevant! Radio Scotland 6pm news carried a story on Monday about the reliance of Europe on imports of fish. If it had to rely on its own stocks, they would only last a few days.
“When would we run out if we didn’t import our fish?” the presenter asked. Presumably she meant when would UK run out, this being the BBC, but the researcher from the New Economics Foundation, went down a different route. Europe would run out in a few days, UK “as a whole” would keep going until mid-September and Scotland would be sustainable indefinitely, she stated!
Oh no! She wasn’t supposed to say that! Cue the surprised presenter: “Oh right, so Scotland is actually sustainable at the moment if we kept all our own fish?” (and note the presenter’s immediate insertion of “at the moment” as if this couldn’t possibly be something permanent). The researcher confirms this and she’s not done yet. 83% of the fish stocks consumed in the UK come from Scotland, she manages to get in. Doh, that’s the place that’s too wee and too poor to fend for itself.
The truth slips out in the strangest of places. It’s here link to at 2hrs07mins44secs and worth a listen to relieve today’s misery for a few short minutes.
It’s official then
Budget good, SNP pointless, Hospitals bad, SNPs fault,
Poor wee seals are being shot to protect bad Salmon that are no use to us, SNPs fault,
If we hadn’t voted bad SNP the Lib Dems would’ve saved us all
SNPs fault,
Princess Anne visits the Kelpies that’s really really good, in a deferential tone, thank goodness the SNP didn’t turn up and spoil it (PHEW)
Andy Murray’s British again and all’s right with the Empire
Arise and give thanks to the BBC for all our news
And LO we huv been telt
To Blair vote Naw McDougal – yer a twa faced cunt!
I just heard the insurance premium tax is going up as well but I don’t get any extra income to cover it thank you very much. That is another kick in the teeth. Being a 24/7 carer I am dependent on car to transport a relative who suffers from both Dementia and Alzheimer’s. To those that voted Naw – yer a shower of greedy selfish cunts and I hope you choke of yer own Tory and Brit Nat bile.
Oh not to mention that a few younger members of the clan will have employers who can now turn round and tell them that they have no legal requirement to increase their wages. I will have tell them no I cant drive you into your work today, when they miss the buss that is, as I have nae money for petrol thanks to the Naw voting cunts.
I will be reminding a few folk tomorrow “Dinnae blame me I voted Yes!”
Well said Rev. There should be no letup in reminding the No voters of their complicity in this.
@Iain More
To really get to them wear your Yes badge and get them to initiate the dialogue.
That gets the thought process going.
As per usual McDoughball is one of the first greeting, this is what you brit propagandists wanted with your scurrilous and laughable “Better Together” campaign so no complaining! The Oaf was quick enough to take the Tories Shilling when it suited him. No-Voters you have been had bigtime thats what happens when you listen to the likes of Darling/Brown/McDougall-no good will ever come out of anything they do!
Notice Mr Osborne has cut corporation tax.
Was there not another political party that said it would do that and were ridiculed for it?
Pinching other party’s policies, bad boy, George. Baaad.
Och, cannae be that bad surely?
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Lets GTF as soon as poss plz.
Roger Mullin speech
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Feeling today for the Daily Record. How can they actually blame this on the SNP? They’ll try,of course,and their fragile credibility takes another hit.
How can they attack this budget without increasing SNP support? They’ll try,of course. We should get a laugh or two over the next day or two.
Anybody got a really cheap source for 5ft Saltires? We keep getting asked for them in our Forward shop. We should all get them up now. Mass identification is a very powerful political tool.
Has Bella turned into Better Nation?
I’ve just had a very polite comment vanish from their ‘Tapps Aff’ article.
I simply made a comment stating I was worried about the direction they are taking with recent articles.
I never even mentioned that I think they are becoming a ‘splitist’ site, with all their Green, split the SNP vote at Holyrood, articles.
@ Simoh at 6:52
Thanks for sharing that with us Simoh. It really did cheer me up. If only everyone would do this and get the truth out there.
They can always console themselves with Ian Smart’s words of wisdom “Better a 100 years of Tory rule than independence”
That said, if they prefer this sort of thing wouldn’t have been better for all concerned if they had just toddled down to Miss Whiplash’s dungeon for a bit R&R and given the rest of us a chance to run the country in the best interests of the Scottish people.
Can everyone please do the budget calculator and post their results. The figures match my earlier calculations based on what was stated in the budget today, so can vouch for its accuracy. It only takes a minute.
Here’s the link: link to
e.g. I will be £1302 worse off next year
If you don’t wish to give away the figure then please state how much worse off you are as a percentage, so on £10,000 (example) I will be 13% worse off next year.
What is insurance but “pooling” and “sharing”? The Scots fell for it? Let’s hike the tax by 58% and tell the propaganda boys not to mention it.
To all No voters, no preaching and no spin, take a close look at what is happening, is this what we all want for our children, the future generation?.
Here is a random quote from a twitter feed.
“They told me I’d be £500 worse off in an Indy Scotland. Now I’m gonna be £1200 a year worse off”.
Interesting, and slightly O/T…
Came across this just now, when I was doing a Google Image Search for something else.
link to
Yeah, just used the calculator and my income likewise took a nose dive.
But, y’know pooling and sharing? Strangely I don’t feel like sharing with rich folk and next week I might even like to pay a bill or shop somewhere different from certain well known freezer shops. 🙁
To IainMore@6,58pm,
I feel your pain. As a ex carer for my brother who has since died from Cancer, these cheeky vote no bastards make my blood boil. A more insecure uncaring shower of fucking self centred selfish bastards you will be hard pressed to find almost anywhere.
Put simply they are a shower of uncaring cunts.
Maybe we should do what the ANC did?
A great budget for Labour’s Morningside heartland. Who is his false sympathy aimed at?
Used calculator. Daughter will be £1,274 worse off next year. Certainly not relishing passing that information over to her when she comes in from work!
To IainMore@6,58pm,
I feel your pain. As a ex carer for my brother who has since died from Cancer, these cheeky vote no bastards make my blood boil. A more insecure uncaring shower of fucking self centred selfish bastards you will be hard pressed to find almost anywhere.
Put simply they are a shower of uncaring cunts.
I cannot say for sure whats worse? The softs no’s who could not see what we could and fell for the lies hook, line and sinker, or the hardliners who simply do not give a flying fuck about anybody about themselves. If everything’s hunky dorey with them then stuff everyone else. It’s as simple as that. They don’t give a toss about anyone else except them and their’s.
Stuff the lot of them.
To add to the misery remember that the Tories will probably also win in 2020 given the state of the opposition
This could well be our selling point for pushing Scotland towards the exit door of the Union.
I remember McDougall and co jumping up and down and cheering the NO vote that they delivered. They also delivered Tory policies for at least a decade and by the sound of the current Labour leadership contest it will be Tory policies for a generation regardless of which party is in power.
I could weep (once again) at the lost opportunity for the people of Scotland. Never forget what “Scottish Labour” has inflicted on their fellow countrymen when they chose Westminster dominance over their own nation.
…what cretins they are for not joining the YES campaign and choosing instead to be be the Tory front men and betray a nation using Tory funds.
The should walk every street in Scotland begging for forgiveness at every door.
I am old enough to have learned, with all budgets, the devil is in the detail.
OK, we know there are a lot more bad points than good in what Gideon came up with, however, I have a nasty feeling, once the experts get around to cutting through the civil service speak and really analysing Osborne’s proposals – we will find things a lot worse than we think they are right now.
I reckon it is all part of a bizarre Tory plot to drive us out of the Union, while demanding an unrealistic price from us to do this.
The Establishment shut down the British Empire when the natives became too-revolting to keep, maybe that’s the stage we’ve got to – I hope so.
You know, i was having a think. Lizzie the first opened a hospital in Glasgow, and then i read this,
link to
We would be F****d if it wisnae fir that family,unless Kezia would stand in.
We can’t stuff the lot of them else we will never win. Let’s stuff the 15% or so of Tories who will never change.
The rest are up for grabs, our job now is to grab them.
O/T Update about Carmichael.
The ‘The People Versus Carmichael’ team just posted:
1 new Announcement:
Trial dates set for legal debate!!!
The case bought by 4 Orkney constituents against their MP, ‘ the People versus Carmichael’ has got its dates set by the Court of Session. The trial will take place in Edinburgh on the 7th and 8th of September and will initially focus on points of law that can only be determined by the judges of the Electoral Court.
Both sides need to lodge papers outlining their argument in advance. The case is funded by contributions made by 3,973 individuals who have given an incredible £61,503 to the campaign through the crowdfunding website Indiegogo. People can still contribute and any excess funds that we raise will go to the food banks made necessary by the policies of the Coalition Government.
A spokesperson for the campaign said,
‘We are not allowed to comment on the merits of the case whilst it is before the courts. We are very glad that dates have been set so that we have a clear idea of what is going to happen. We are particularly pleased that attempts are being made to stream the proceedings live to Orkney and Shetland so that justice will be done in public with us, his constituents, able to see what is happening.
The best outcome for us is that Mr. Carmichael resigns today so that a by-election can take place as soon as possible. This would mean that whoever represents us in the next session of Parliament has a clear and undisputed mandate. The campaign is supported by people across the political spectrum who want to see higher standards in our public life. We are greatly encouraged by their ongoing support that has made what we are doing possible.”
Be careful what you vote for.
(I’m not one to say ‘I told you so,’ but…)
For me the worst are the hardliners without any shadow of a doubt. These are the people who did not want Scotland to have more powers let alone independence. Imagine it, Scottish people who do not want their own country to have more powers even as part of their beloved union. People that think the system in place just now is fit and proper. They are ("Tractor" - Ed)s in my book. As you say bugsbunny they are only thinking of themselves and what is in it for them. They are an absolute disgrace and should be ashamed. Cowards like that in time will probably start lying about how they voted in the referendum.
Even with a Westminster full of the best and brightest politicians, instead of self serving hypocrites and spongers, working together in the interests of all of the countries of the UK it would still be inferior to a Scotland in command of its own destiny. This ultimately will be the same for Northern Ireland and Wales as well.
@ Simoh at 6:52
Mulling over the comments, good catch Simoh!
Haven’t got to grips with the budget yet, been out all day but it’s not going down well it seem’s. No surprise to most on here but maybe food for thought if you voted NO.
Tories unleashed for the first time in 19 years all you younger ones, live and learn. All you older ones, “Here’s Georgie”
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I am sick of hearing people here complain that the colour of austerity we got didn’t match the colour of austerity they voted for.
@ Macart:
“Mr McDougall and those just like him ensured this would happen, that the events of the past nine months took place. Darling, Cameron, Carmichael, Moore, Rennie, Davidson, Murphy and Lamont and the whole weight of establishment machinery which supported them.”
You forgot about Broon. It’s easily done. Even Miliband forgot to thank “The Man Who Saved The Union” (and Cameron’s job) at the Labour conference just days later.
I’m still convinced that if Broon is remembered at all it will be as The Most HATED Man in Scotland. Oor very ain Benedict Arnold, no less. Some legacy…
I looked into the Livestream tonight and there was a guy interviewed and as far as i could make out, his question was did these Islands actually belong to Scotland. He was asking i think that, does this court have the jurisdiction to even hear this case.Seemingly thrown out without explanation.
Makes me wonder though, would like to hear the facts.
This man has absolutely no shame.
He is not a lawyer is he?
I don’t think he lives in Scotland, but if he does he is THE lowest of the low of Scottish society, just beating Ruth Davidson.
In my view of course.
@ gus1940:
“Isn’t our unbiased BBC Scotland wonderful – I wonder what the coverage on Misreporting Scotland and Scotland 2015 will be like and who they have on as pundits.”
To be fair, they are trying to stem the tide of history.
(What a bunch of Canutes!)
I have been flying the Saltire outside my house since 20th September last year. I changed it to the YES Saltire on 8th May after the SNP victory.
I have had YES car stickers on the car since last year, I wear YES badges on my t-shirts and jackets every time I go out. I wear my YES wrist bands all the time. And the YES banners are up in the windows. I wear YES badges on my overalls when I am at work on the rigs. It is my main topic of conversation.
My whole world is now Yes voters and NO voters. I will not settle until we are an Independent Nation.
I have never stopped campaigning. I also hope that every NO Voter that has to walk by my YES Saltire, hangs their head in shame.
And that they seriously consider voting YES, after seeing the error of their ways.
@Linda McFarlane says: 8 July, 2015 at 4:59 pm:
“What’s next? Homeless hungry people heading for the workhouse?”
What workhouse would that be, Linda?
At least in Charles Dickens time they had either the Workhouse, Poorhouse, Debtor’s Prison or as the last resort, The Vagrancy Act so the courts could sentence them to the hold of a prison ship to the colonies.
The Unionist Establishment just either starves them to death, lets them die sleeping in a shop doorway, leaves them to die without medical care or to drink/drug themselves to death. If all else fails then they either shoot them, “by mistake”, Taser them to death or they mysteriously die while in police/prison custody.
The History of the, “Poor Laws”, is indeed grim. The Poor Laws were repealed in 1937 and the local council’s took over running the, “Poor Houses”, and, in many cases these continued under different names until the start of the Welfare State in 1948. The Vagrancy Acts were still in force in the late 1990s.
Here’s a bit about one documented notorious Workhouse at Andover: –
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Rock, you ain’t no lover of Scotland’s “Judicial system”.
I agree sir.You may know of this site or not, but i feel it is worth highlighting.
link to
If/when we gain our independence we are going to drag this lot kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
Stack: Stick it to that bat fastard.
Always worth a chuckle:
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@ smithie at 9.17
If the interviewee was this fellow –
link to
– he has an interesting outlook on life, but has made no noticeable headway with his campaign.
(I did read about the question you mention, but even though it was quite recent, I have already forgotten whether it was the bold Captain or not, since I couldn’t recall his name at the time.)
This also happened today. Honestly the public are truly being shafted every which way.
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Thar’s a cracking find Simon, yar to be shure!
“The truth slips out in the strangest of places. It’s here link to at 2hrs07mins44secs and worth a listen to relieve today’s misery for a few short minutes.“
The calculator says I’ll be slightly better off, that amount will be being donated to the local food bank
One of my friends, a disabled single mum, is looking like being almost a couple of grand worse off – the impact this is going to have beggars belief
Also, bear in mind that calculator doesn’t even take into account the extra kick in the teeth from the changes that will be introduced from 2017
@chris kilby
Too damn mad when typing. I had his name in mind when I began, but all that went out the window as the post went down. I just wish those ‘people’ had a conscience, or a sense of guilt like the rest of us mortals, but they don’t. What they have is the ready sound bite to deflect or project blame. A bit of faux outrage whilst they look for a scapegoat to shoulder their responsibility.
Could not the SNP declare in its manifesto for 2016 that a majority for the party is Indyref2 and that Scotland will henceforth be independent from Westminster?
You missed the best part, Rev: when someone directly asked him whether he preferred this to independence, Paul Sweeny jumped in with “Not only in principle, in practice #indy would lead to greater austerity than this.” (because apparently there is NOTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD WE CAN CUT but public services.)
Blair responded with “quite so let’s have a grown up debate” and linked to the government’s oil report. Evidently, then, he DOES prefer this to the apparent certainty that independence would lead to “greater austerity.”
We voted No, and instead of facing the massive cuts, we “only” have to put up with a “disgraceful” Tory government. Beggars can’t be choosers, Mr MacDougall: you voted No because the risk of a Tory government was preferable to Scots taking responsibility for themselves.
I don’t know why we’re bothering with his false outrage: the man gleefully quoted from Tory MPs, took Tory money, and spoke at a Scottish Tory conference. His entire election campaign was about attacking the SNP instead of the Tories. That he only now criticizes the Tories, when there’s nothing his party can do to stop them, lays bare his mendacious, cowardly, pathetic self.
Better together my fuckin arse our engineering base is being destroyed before our eyes and not a fuckin peen from unionist press .52 to go at my work and I know of countless others in the West of Scotland and up north
Our oil industry is dying before our eyes and we are slagging off that fat prick get a fuckin life and get off our knees.We don’t react now there will be nothing left.The only country in the world to have oil and get poorer.
Kevin meina ,correct
@smithie says: 8 July, 2015 at 8:52 pm:
” … We would be F****d if it wisnae fir that family,unless Kezia would stand in.”
Dinna be silly, Smithie, the ainlie thin Keezia kin open is her overactive gob.
Total stupidity. I’m well off; Gideon makes me better off and guarantees that my pension will rise with the “Triple Lock”. My daughter is poor and disabled; Gideon has made her poorer and guaranteed that half her income is frozen for the next 4 years whatever happens to inflation, the cost of food or fuel.
Its a bloody good thing for my daughter that I’m not a Tory. For her sake I hope I can avoid popping my clogs till Scots become an independent nation and we look after those that can’t.
@smithie says: 8 July, 2015 at 9:17 pm:
“I looked into the Livestream tonight and there was a guy interviewed and as far as i could make out, his question was did these Islands actually belong to Scotland. He was asking i think that, does this court have the jurisdiction to even hear this case.Seemingly thrown out without explanation.
Makes me wonder though, would like to hear the facts.
I may be wrong, Smithie, but my usually good memory tells me this guy is a real loony who inhabited a tiny wee northern Isle and declared it not part of Scotland.
Is this the guy?
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@ Crazycat 9.35 I met him today inside the Court I missed his appeal to the Judge, another auld guy asked me what my intrest in the case was (A contributer to the crowdfund) he said he was a subject of the Queen, but he did agree Scots were Soveriegn go figure lol.This case brings oot the crazies (nae pun intended.
@Paula Rose 10.01
I have been debating that with myself for a while. Obviously we cannot count our SNP MPs as that election was fought as ‘not a vote for independence’. But perhaps in 2020.
However, I have this unshakeable belief (not backed up by anything more than a gut feeling ) that we will get our independence by other (legitimate) means before then.
I am absolutely gutted with tgis budget. I work 30hrs a week and my salary is 10500 which is terrible. I have 2 teenage kids this budget really helps me. Living wage an extra £10 a week but will lose more in tax credits thanks Osborne you twat.
I hope all the no voters are happy.
Hi Paula Rose.
Re your most recent comment at 10.01pm.
This is most of a post I did on a couple of Facebook pages a wee while ago, in response to a ‘debate’ going on about the merits of UDI.
Simple: Scotland’s and England’s parliaments created the UK by the Treaty of Union. The English parliament then dissolved itself. The Scottish parliament was NOT dissolved (because there would have been riots in the streets), and was reconvened in 1999.
Thus, the only remaining party to the Treaty of Union is the Scottish parliament. There is NO ‘English’ parliament, although, through the Tories’ EVEL plans, the UK parliament seems to think it is also the English parliament. WRONG!
The major difference between the two parliaments at the time of the Treaty of Union was that, in England, sovereignty had been passed from the monarch to the English parliament in 1788/89, England then becoming a constitutional monarchy.
However, in Scotland, and almost uniquely in the civilised world, sovereignty was with the people of Scotland, claimed in the Declaration of Arbroath (1320), and confirmed by The Pope, who was the equivalent of the United Nations at the time.
Sovereignty of the people of Scotland is still the case, as outlined in the link below.
Therefore, if the SNP went into next year’s Holyrood election campaign, with a manifesto pledge to dissolve the Treaty of Union, if circumstances dictated that it was best for the people of Scotland, I believe international law would support the premise that the people of Scotland were, in essence, saying, “Scotland should be an independent country”, if the SNP had a majority in the post election parliament.
The 1953 court case (as outlined in the link below) confirms the sovereignty of the people of Scotland.
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“Rock, you ain’t no lover of Scotland’s “Judicial system”.
I agree sir.You may know of this site or not, but i feel it is worth highlighting.
link to
If/when we gain our independence we are going to drag this lot kicking and screaming into the 21st century.”
We need to drag them out kicking and screaming now, only then we can become independent.
If Carmichael is found innocent, all hell must break lose.
Both Carmichael and the judge(s) who found him innocent must be forced to resign.
The people of Scotland are “sovereign” aren’t they or is that just pedantry and hot air?
The truth is we plebs can never be “sovereign” under this rotten system.
@ ronnie anderson
So was it Captain Calamity? Robert Peffers has also suggested it might be, but since you’ve actually met him, you’ll be able to enlighten us 🙂
Robert Peffers says: @ 10:17pm.Ha ha Robert spot on man,how do we shut it though. bye the way sir, i posted earlier about someone saying that there is no evidence in law that the Shetlands actually belong to Scotland, any thoughts??
I think they should wait until two days before the Holyrood election then make a vow,as a tactic,it has been known to work on at least one previous occasion. 🙂
On a really ghastly teamGB tory boy day of triumphs, the Duke of Buchlue or whatever opens this £1,000,000 pile of shite, and no doubt toasts Chancellor Osborne for all those juicy tax breaks.
Its like the 18th fcuking century Scotland, proud Scot buts.
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Murray fae wester hailes on BBC2 saying “one of the most powerful devolved parliaments in the world” shite AGAIN!! and the SNP rep saying nothing. FFS.
Ronnie, i clicked onto livestream this afternoon to catch up on to how things were progressing and lo and behold some grey haired “Chap” popped up and said a few words. Wiz it you???
“We can’t stuff the lot of them else we will never win. Let’s stuff the 15% or so of Tories who will never change.”
A while back you were insisting on this:
“Embrace the NO voters, even the Tory ones if you hope to reach your ultimate goal.”
When I was saying:
“Target and embrace the ones who can be persuaded.
Do you seriously believe that spending limited resources on persuading Tories in Scotland to vote for independence is a good idea?”
And then you started calling me a troll:
“Still trolling I see”
But it seems belatedly you have come to the same conclusion as me!
@Robert Peffers 10.32pm
That’s him.
Cometh the hour, nae probs sir.
@ Smithie 11.06 Aye it wiz me the guy in the grey jaikit, wie the Wings badge oan
Watching Duncan Smith with gleeful, but manic smile with arms held high and clenched fists whilst Osborne was twittering away made me ashamed and totally disgusted.
What future do our children have where the working classes are treated with absolute contempt by these rich boys who don’t have to look for where the next penny is coming from.
It’s always the innocent that suffer and 500,000 kids and rising living in poverty is not acceptable in the 21st century in one of the so called richest and most developed countries in the world.
I really, really hope that when the SNP release their manifesto for 2016 that referendum No. 2 is there.
Our people are doing an exemplary job down in Westminster, but not matter how good their arguements are they are never going to win.
Lets get them home and start to build our Country so that we can look after our people rich or poor, young or old in the compassionate and caring way that we Scots want.
ronnie anderson,
“he said he was a subject of the Queen, but he did agree Scots were Soveriegn go figure lol”
“Sovereign” my foot.
“Where the hell is that “sovereignty” if 71% of the people want Carmichael to resign but he refuses to do so?
Or is the judge who will almost certainly find Carmichael innocent who is actually “sovereign”?
By the way Ronnie, this is not an attack on you, as Paula Rose will be quick to say.
It is an opinion that in reality we plebs have no “sovereignty” whatsoever.
As a point of information – how many countries have a devolved parliament?
@ handclapping 10.24.
Like you I am a better off pensioner although all my income comes from the government and it’s index linked. So we will not get poorer and the votes will be guaranteed.
I really feel for your daughter. My second son lives with me because he cannot afford to live elsewhere. He will benefit from the rise in the Personal Tax Allowance but so will we and many others not on the breadline.
I despair sometimes of the future.
But, as my user name suggests, the future is an independent country.
Rock you have takin some shit, just want to say you are not alone.
C’mon guys, Osbourne has agreed a ‘living wage’ of £9 per hour. What? By 2020? So that means not only is £9 per hour then eroded by inflation but it won’t really fall under their remit since they could be out of office by then. This sounds to me like a pseduo sweety for the working poor.
And what about those who can’t work…. the disabled, sick, unemployed, single parents. A budget for ‘working people’ seems to completely ignore them to the point that they are considered negligible. If you don’t ‘generate’ hard £, you don’t count!
And the worst part is that Osbourne is a like that kid Damien with a pair of scissors, he ain’t even really got started and he’s enjoiyng every ounce of pain inflicted!
So true
So very true as many will concur.
Hi Rock.
Can I suggest you read, then comment on, my post at 10.47pm?
Interested in your take on it…
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@ Crazycat 10.35 Stewart Hill ( captain calamity) is the guys name .Gavin interviewed him before I came out. I spoke to him inside the court I did,nt know who he was at that time, but he was dismissed as having no part in the proceedings.
@Paula Rose.
I replied to to your earlier post at 10.01 but it got lost in the ether or Rev’s rules.
I believe we will get our independence without another referendum.
Just a gut feeling.
@ Still Positive I agree but to do so we must be clear in our use of language and understanding of history. We have the economic argument for 50% of our people – some need now to understand that we are all British – all be it from different parts of the archipelago (a Greek word) xx
@ ronnie
Thanks – he’s certainly committed to his cause, even if it is a bit eccentric. I think we need people like him (though I wouldn’t particularly welcome his success). I would say that, of course.
Re T-shirt.
Originally, my idea was wordage like ‘We Don’t Want To Have To Say We Told You So” (Or something like that) at the start of the indyref campaign.
Someone on line suggested “Don’t Blame me…” Which was a similar message but more succinct if a different tense making it hard to use pre-result.
However the tense problem was circumvented in the way that slogan appeared on our local Kirrie ‘TV Ad’ for on line media during the last year of the campaign (at the end of the ad).
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After the referendum, some local Yes campaign members were in favour of getting T-shirts made just for us (The picture is a photoshop production, the T-shirt has never actually existed).
However, the consensus was that that would at that time antagonize No voters too much, so was decided against.
However, perhaps the appropriate time is now so I probably will get a few printed for those who still want it locally.
Chic dear – available in Kirrie? I would like one please xx
I should also point out, just remembered, that on a previous occasion I posted it someone, I can’t remember who, responded that they had T-shirts for sale with that message but a different design of course.
Might have been on Wings. Search?
As a Scottish Conservative and Unionist, I am delighted with the budget (and the referendum result).
Keep up the good work George!
Nana Smith @9.38pm
What an utter, shocking disaster. I’m enraged. Looks like our EU representatives are another bunch of troughers in bed with the TTIP lobbyists. I cannot for the life of me see what has induced such voting, as the whole thing favours American corporations and disadvantages us. And all the negotiations have been in secret.
I feel the will to live slipping out of gear sometimes. We desperately need some good news. But from where? Pluto, on the Glorious 12th?
Will let you know if I get round to ordering any.
So, the morning after…and here we all are, still in Tory Scotland, Better Together, One Nation.
Very much looking forward to indignant howling from all those who were conned. It would be nice to hear one – just one – of those who ‘reluctantly’ voted No (McLeish, for example) taking to the airwaves to admit as much and beg forgiveness.
Clootie says @8.49
“The should walk every street in Scotland begging for forgiveness at every door.”
Only if they do this!
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Unionists will be the first ones howling for the SNP Scottish Gov to mitigate the cuts when they
voted for a Westminster/Unionist Gov that made them.
If you want Independence and a better run Scotland. Do not vote Green. They are untrustworthy. They renege on their own policies. They collude with Unionist/ Landowners, often (secretly) funded by them, against the majority wishes and the public interest. They waste £Million/Billions of public money that could be better spent on relieving poverty, the elderly, education or healthcare.
Vote SNP/SSP/Tommy Sheridan for Independence and a better Scotland
Dugdale and Davidson are twa unelected, inexperienced lassie who are being used by others, who should know better, as a mouthpiece. A form of abuse. They should go and get a proper job and get some experience. If they can find one.
Iain Duncan Smith, a Catholic Minister, cut tax credits for those with more than two children. Waving and cheering and orchestrating the howling Cons for policies that will affect women and children and the most vulnerable in society, the most. Increase the North/South divide and increase the gap between rich and the poor. Sanctioning people and starving them to death. Cold, hungry, worried people get sick. Cutting much needed maintenance Grant for students. A man of no faith. A non believer? It is unbelievable. A lying hypocrite with no principles.
‘the rich man and the eye of a needle’. ‘Suffer little children to come unto me’ The prable of ‘the fishes’.
Alistair Carmichael being wriggly on GMS @ 7.14…
Get the Little Blue Books printed now for Holyrood. Now. There is no time to waste. Thanks a Billion Rev Stu. A man of truth and principle. There are some good guys. That gives us hope.
If the carry on in Westminster doesn’t increase the Independence vote, there is no tomorrow. Demographics will.
Notice there are only 22 retweets 8 likes – 30 in all on the Blairshite Statement. Not a popular guy.
Blair don’t miss a meal or a photoshop opportunity
I would have thought the red Tories would be quite happy with the budget. It’s right wing, and has a fake living wage pledge. It’s basically the Labour manifesto 2015.
And Blair can fuck right off with his feigned outrage, he stood on a Tory platform using Tory money to push a Tory agenda.
The Oil industry is still taxed at 55% and people are losing their jobs. While (foreign) Multinationals (making vast profits) tax evade through the City of London and pay no tax. They give back-handers (bribes) to Osbourne and his associates, keeping them in power to raid the public purse. The North/South divide. Two different tax systems/rates which benefit Westminster and London S/E and the Banking fraudsters. The Tory/Unionist Party.
Agggh Gee Whiz !
GMS . Ian Murray
Q ” So what should the Scotttish Gvt do following this budget ? ”
IM ” Waffle about what he has proposed in WM and how wonderful IM is”
We all know the answer is a simple ” F@@k All ! ”
These Onionist are still under some illusion that we do not have a scoobie !
As for BBC they are now questioning Onionists with a ” Tone” that suggests they are trying to sound even handed but allow the interviewee to spout any crap without challenge .
At first it seams like the BBC have been listening , but naw they have just changed the tone a bit !
This actually verifies the reality of their Bias !
An we are a zipped up the back !
ArtyHetty (6:32 pm) says:
“I sent them article after article, and one at least even had the Wee blue book, but no, they chose for their own self interest, to vote no. Some are extremely well off, sickens me to the core.”
Funnily enough, I did give one No-voter in my circle a copy of the WBB… and asked them to pass it on after reading, explaining that it was much in demand and hard to come by (my local Yes hub was rationing them!). Instead they kept it, and said they hoped to sell it at profit on Ebay later. That mentality – the “self-interest” you mention – sums it up, really.
wee sandy (5:45 pm) says:
“Three of my circle of friends have today informed me that they will be changing their NO vote to YES…”
Well – that’s definitely something to be cheerful about!!!
EVERYBODY KNEW that a No vote meant more Tory rule.
It was inevitable sooner or later. It was probable sooner. And, sooner it was.
Many aspects of the referendum are difficult to come to terms with but for me, more than anything, why were so many people willing to opt for Tory rule?
Hardcore Tories and BritNatz I understand – that’s the way they want things. However, rump Labour voters who voted for Tory rule, WTF?
Well one thing is a certainty the Tories do what it says on the tin TOXIC TORIES
Taking money from the poor to give it to their rich mates:
George Osborne to slash social security payments by £46bn in next five years
The £93bn handshake: businesses pocket huge subsidies and tax breaks
My own personal belief, built up over almost 70 years, is that the only good Tory is one like Thatcher… deceased.
Tackety Beets says
Yes but BBC won’t challenge the Unionists by saying well why didn’t you voted for full economic powers for Scottish Parliament?
Particularly as Ian Murray as usual attacked Scottish government saying they haven’t done enough on affordable housing and should use (limited) Income Tax powers to give better Welfare policies in Scotland.
O/T James Kelly has an interesting take on Jockophobia in the Sunday Times polls which they just happened to forget to mention in their article…
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Tackety Beets says:
“GMS . Ian Murray”
Heard that. “Waffle” is right.
And, what is he doing being interviewed anyway? Who is he supposed to represent? Scotland voted SNP, England voted Tory – Labour and what opinions they have are of absolutely no relevance for many years to come.
Swinney came on and spoke sensibly. The economy needs more higher paid jobs. The budget did nothing to develop that.
Tackety Bees (08:03 am) says:
Q ” So what should the Scotttish Gvt do following this budget?”
IM ”Waffle about what he has proposed in WM and how wonderful IM is”
Haha – yes, that’s his speciality. He loves to say how hard-working he is, how much he’s done for charity, and how he understands everything because he grew up in a single-parent family in Wester Hailes…
Whenever he starts on that one, I’m reminded of the old joke about the woodman carrying an axe into the forest… and some of the trees whispering “but look – it’s okay – the handle is one of us!”
The Tory/Unionists still dumping nuclear on Scotland and making Scotland pay for it. Trident and illegal wars, Making folk sick. Sanctioning the vulnerable and starving them to death, all over the world. Westminster gets away with murder. Banking fraud and tax evasion keeping Westminster Unionists bloated. Cutting inheritance tax for 1 in 39 £Millionaires in London. Osbourne printing money (QE) because he doesn’t raise enough taxes in the rest of the UK to cover it. Increasing the debt.
The Scottish Gov will have to do all it can to mitigate the cuts, while Westminster Unionists, Scotland didn’t vote for, wastes Scottish revenues on nuclear waste and illegally spends Scottish revenues on illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion. No taxation without representation. Scotland has no full democracy.
The Captain Calamity case is relevant in that it highlights that land ownership in Scotland isn’t the absolute some would have you believe. He bought an island only to discover he couldn’t declare it independent. If you like the Highland Clearances were based on a misappropriation of communal land by the then leader of a clan. The imposition of a concept of English law on Scotland. As usual they didn’t trouble themselves with actually changing our laws to reflect. The concept of Crown Estate is also subtly different in Scotland or similar in that the monarch is now simply the nominal head of the state. In Scotland that was always the position.
The laws of trespass in Scotland reflect the concept that what you own is the right to use the land and it’s disrupting those activities and property damage rather than simply being there that’s the crime. In fact one of the reasons the Liberal party had such a tight grip in part of Scotland was by confiscating land and passing title on to those living on and working it.
Just listened to a bit of GMS after 8 segment, with Gary Robertson interviewing John Swinney.
Going by the number of interruptions and talking over John Swinney, Gary wants to work in a shoe shop, as that was all I could hear from Gary (‘what about working in a shoe shop’ repeated as mant times as he could)
Is Gary Robertson thinking about leaving the BBC to work in a shoe shop?. Would you buy shoes from Gary?
Doe Gary have a shoe fetish?
Maybe we should start a campaign of emailing or tweeting GMS every time a Labour politician comes concerning the Tories or cuts, pointing out that Labour campaigned to keep us in the UK knowing there would be Tory Governments and Tory policies would be foisted on Scotland.
I don’t mention England because Labour created their own problems there and it is not for us to fix it for them.
And as others up page have commented on, while we,re distracted with the UK budget,& EU distracted by Greece crisis, they other Bastards MEPs put the seal on TTIP.
When Scotland becomes Independent, the Scottish Gov must address the EU as a matter of emergency, but in the meanwhile dont be allowing those American companys to get a foot in the door of our Public Bodies,those that are contracted for just now ,shouldnt be renewed.
Due to the lack of msm reporting into the CSA scandal I am posting this link from 2014.
Not enough people are even aware that elected representatives were abusing children to such an extent.
Simon Danzuk has had to take a break from the enquiry as it has taken such a toll both on his marriage and his health, such is the vileness which he has seen and heard.
There is a youtube video with Bill Maloney of Pie’n’Mash films where he talks about the refurbishment of Westminster & Buck house. He says it is not because of crumbling and decay to the buildings but in order to cover up what he says are crime scenes.
This government & past governments are complicit in the cover up of the most serious crimes against vulnerable children so tell everyone you know.
Is it enough to bring down this vile government, I don’t know but it bloody well should.
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Orri: Land ownership in Scotland isn’t the absolute some would have you believe. He bought an island only to discover he couldn’t declare it independent. If you like the Highland Clearances were based on a misappropriation of communal land by …
Land Reform Bill & Clearances:
link to
Ronnie Anderson@ 8.56am, I second that. I also noticed this morning that Sky News were touting the NEW minimum wage of £9 an hour as if it was happening today. I despair for those who look no further than the headlines, I also despair for those faced with less money than the pittance they get already. I do remember arguing with Labour Supporters regarding the minimum wage, not that the original sentiment to raise the pay of those few who were working in places where they really were paid a pittance, but it became the norm to pay everyone possible this and it has made the lives of the working poor worse. Then of course we have the other bit of swindling by Labour, working tax credits, more people than ever became dependent. It would have been better ensuring that everyone was paid properly as before than this.
Took me a while to work out Scottish Labour’s aspiration for Scotland is to be Wales.
Helena: I despair for those who look no further than the headlines
State broadcasters do the work of the state, they set the news agenda, decide what is topical, and what should be edited or deleted. Then they decide on the length of time for any given subject or interview.
There is nothing more stupid and insulting to viewers than a journalist bringing an interview to a sudden end because time has run out – in a 24 hour news show!
By the way, are you not bored to tears with the obligatory daily medical scare? It’s all based on a magazine format.
Grouse Beater
It would be useful if more people read Scotland & Scotsmen, a speech given by American, Henry George, at the City Hall in Glasgow, February 1884, on land ownership in Scotland.
It would make people weep or be very angry, I go for the latter.
Why is Osborne confusing the Living Wage (which already exists) and the Minimum Wage? I have assumed that he is actually talking about the minimum wage and that the use of the work ‘living’ is a re-branding spin exercise (i.e. Independence changed to Separation). Am I wrong ?
Orkney/Shetland came to Scotland as a dowry? When Scotland was an Independent country.. 13C? ‘Maid of Orkney’ mother Margaret? married the King of Norway. The islands came to Scotland as a dowry then. Around 1270? The ‘Maid of Norway’ was the heir to the Scottish Crown, through her Scottish mother. The ‘Maid of Norway’ died, off Orkney in a storm when she was six coming back to claim the Scottish Throne. After Alexander the 111 died at Kinghorn, Fife when galloping back to hs 2nd French wife. Heading back to Falkland Palace? He was thrown from his horse on the beach.
Edward 1 (hammer of the Scots) was sort out for legal advice and appointed John Balliol as King and use him as a puppet Toom Tabard. ‘Empty shirt/jacket’ – stripped of regalia- Edward held Balliol captured in London. That’s when all the trouble started. Edward introduced taxation (a tithe 10%) for all property owners, Introduced a register – ‘Raggy man’s roll – and conscription for his wars in France. Normandy. Edward was French? Spoke French/Latin. French/Latin was the language of the Court? That’s when the trouble started. The Scots revolted. Rebellion. People in Scotland has been fighting for Independence every since.
Orkney/Shetland are in Scottish waters and depend on the Scottish Gov/taxpayers Substainance. They have a 100mile exclusive fishing zone radius of home ports (EU policy) in Scottish waters. The Oil industry is dependent on Scottish waters, mainland and support. Aberdeen/NE. Helicopter fights base. Orkney/Shetland depend on Scottish taxpayers. Orkney/Shetland has poor internet links? Get more LBB printed and shipped up there before the Holyrood Elections 2016.
There is Oil in the West to produce. Liners, frigates, turbines and supply vessels could be build on the Clyde without the Faslane nuclear base which prevents industrial development on the Clyde. Faslane could be a Navy base.
Thatcher introduced the Poll Tax in Scotland and illegally and secretly took all Scotland’s Oil revenues south. Put a D notice on it. Kept secret for thirty years under the Offical Secrets Act . It created unemployment and devastation in Scotland to make herself and her associates richer. It ended up with 15% interest rates and 3million unemployed (pro rata higher in Scotland) in the UK. Tony Blair/Brown illegally and secretly took all Scotland’s Oil money for illegal and kept the McCrone Report secret for 30 years. Under a ‘D’ notice. The Officials secret Act. Westminster is corrupt.
Brian Powell says:
“Took me a while to work out Scottish Labour’s aspiration for Scotland is to be Wales.”
Yes. 🙂
@ Robert Peffers says at 9:26 pm
”The Unionist Establishment just either starves them to death, lets them die sleeping in a shop doorway, leaves them to die without medical care or to drink/drug themselves to death. If all else fails then they either shoot them, “by mistake”, Taser them to death or they mysteriously die while in police/prison custody.”
You failed to mention a couple of categories Robert. Those who freeze to death, in the main, at home. Research statistics for England and Wales highlight that an elderly person dies every 7 minutes from the cold. No data with regard to Scotland but you can take it that with our weather the figure is much higher. And then suicide with the Scots, especially young males, being at the highest level in the UK.
It looks as though all of these dire figures will rise dramatically now and maybe that’s part of their plan. It’s early days with us having to put up with these Nazi demons running the show for at least another five years (unless we get our Independence). What next? Their next move …. next Tory policy …. euthanasia for the sick and elderly?
@ Ken500 says 7:09 am ”Iain Duncan Smith, a Catholic Minister, cut tax credits for those with more than two children. Waving and cheering and orchestrating the howling Cons for policies that will affect women and children and the most vulnerable in society, the most. ….. ‘the rich man and the eye of a needle’. ‘Suffer little children to come unto me’. The parable of ‘the fishes’.
Ken did you hear one of the SNP MPs (forget his name) yesterday in the Commons go ballistic about a person who’s having a third child, due to being raped, having to prove they were raped before getting paid child benefit? Absolutely horrendous. Can you imagine the pain suffered by someone who has been raped then having to face the absolute humiliation of being subjected to this? And if the mother wants to keep this a secret, the child later finding out due to the mother receiving child benefit for them: that third stigmatized child. ‘Suffer the little children’ right enough.
I reckon Osborne who has a 2:1 in History is totally obsessed with the subject. Obsessed with taking us back to the Victorian era.
@Brian Powell – With you on that point Bro’
“Assimilation is the game”
“If you’re very good, we might give you some Cricket !”
Hague covered up the Westminster child abuse Report. He has now left Government? To cover up, his cover up, orv was he involved, as some abusers have since died. Thatcher was told by the Police and said, ‘Boys will be boys’. It is really shocking the authorities did nothing about it.
Edwina Currie covered it up. A whole floor of the Brighton, Grand Hotel – Tory Conference – was used for abuse. The IRA bombed it. Thatcher survived. John Redwood’s?wife was injured. Wheelchair bound. There should be empathise with others..
Tony BlairBrown secretly and illegal took Scottish Oil Revenues for illegal wars and banking fraud.
@ Ken500
It was Norman Tebbit’s wife, Margaret, who was injured at the Brighton bombing and had to ise a wheelchair.
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All the shenanigans in politics at the moment, has brought three things to my mind that have reinforced my views.
1, Westminster is a totally corrupt institution, there is now no doubt of that.
2, There is no partnership between the countries of the Union, it is undoubtedly English run, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland have literally no impact on the path of the UK Government.
3, The EU is similarly corrupt, just see the underhand way they sneakily passed TIIPS. How they have treated Greece, blackmail, threats, propaganda were all in place. Totally anti democratic.
So in my view we need out of both, they are run by the elites for the elites, not the people. We need to keep an attachment to Europe and the rUK for business reasons. Going forward we need to find a way to formulate a sensible path for Scotland.
A path that encompasses our ideas and aspirations, being under the thumb of Bankers across both entities will never see us lift our heads with pride. There has to be a better path for us, we are a clever nation, we will find a way, but we really need to start now.
So we slash and burn benefits and tell them they’re getting nearly a tenner and hour instead of lying in their beds til lunchtime.
So we tell them they’ll get devo-max and a federal Scotland if they vote NO then we lie endlessly at them via the BBC that that’s what we’ve given them.
So we wreak havoc in the middle east then terrify them with endless memorials for the victims of the revenge attacks we brought on them.
Reigning over teamGB’s not exactly rocket science.
They are a disgusting red/blue/yellow tory crew what reign over us.
How come they never hold a minute’s silence for the possible million Iraqi people alone that have died horrifying deaths because of the UK war machine or is that not how Westminster works?
TTIP is a trade agreement to stop US multinationals having access to EU markets, when EU companies cannot access US markets because of the use of US taxes, patents and trade barriers to stop free competion by EU companies. Scotland/EU could make £Billions out if it, trading with the US markets, which it already does. A Scottish disaporia.
No company can make government privatise the NHS. The Scottish Gov has contol of NHS and funds it. The Scottish Gov could just pass a Law. Or not give consent in the public interest. Use the human rights Act under Scottish/UK/ EU Law.
EU countries use their Constitution to outweigh EU Law.
Redwood was shook up when the ceiling came down
The working credits cut is higher (of higher value) than the wage increase. So the most vulnerable will be worse off. Cut more. That is the trick. Abuse. The wealthy gain the most (pro rata).
The English working class vote Tory
I have been using a similar message in some of my letters in my local papers, those who campaigned with the Tagainst
#Orkney/Shetland became part of Scotland in 15C
I have used a similar message in some of the letters to my local newspapers about those who campaigned alongside the Tories against Scottish Independence.
I pointed out that no one in the Labour party can complain about what the Tories are doing to Scotland and its people, because that’s they campaigned for.
We were told that we are better together so let them explain that to those who are going to find themselves futher impoverished!
In a statement on the budget this morning George Osborne said
(fingers in ears) La La La La La not listening
In a sing song manner
Labour Spokesgit echoed the Chancellors views and then abstained from speaking further except to say SNP Bad
Lib Dem Spokesgit said it’s the SNPs fault, had Scotland voted properly we could have been in power and saved the world
The Greens Caroline Lucas didn’t make the interview as her bike ran out of bio degradable diesel
JK Rowling sent an owl to complain about being Gnat Bashed
#Orkney and Shetland came to Scotland in 28May 1469 as part of a dowry from Christian, Danish King as part of his dowry for his daughter marriage to James 111 of Scotland.
@Ken 500
It has always been my opinion that Hague was involved.
Cast your mind back a few years or so when Hague was Foreign Secretary….Cameron put a gag on the press who were aware of a certain ‘something’ that, if released, would bring the Government down. Next thing you know, Hague’s departure from the post of Foreign Secretary was announced. He was given the post of Leader of the House (I think?) until his leaving date.
Something smells.
As someone once said*:
In democracies you don’t get what you want; you get what you deserve.
(*I’ve heard it attributed to many, including Aldai Stevenson but I doubt the veracity of this.)
Scotland has a ‘right to roam’. Anywhere safely
The Human rights legislation has a ‘right to property’. No one can take your property (even land) without reasonable compensation. (often disputed)
@ ‘Lallander Peat Worrier’
In the UK land is exempt from tax. (Excempt from Inheritance tax) To keep farms together. Larger farms are more productive. To produce enough affordable food. Stop people starving. One of the reasons the EU was formed – to prevent wars in Europe – after 11WW people in Europe were starving. The EU Common agriculture policy was implemented to stop starvation in Europe.
Non productive land could be taxed? People (foreign) buy estates to evade tax. The value of the Estate goes up and when it is sold it is tax free. Land has a much higher value with planning permission. Economic development of land produces wealth and taxes. Taxes which go to the local authorities (council tax) and the Gov., to pay for Gov/local public services.
In democracies you don’t get what you want; you get what you deserve.
Slave wage democracies are not very nice places to be, for the profit takers and the ripped off. But we get by eh.
There was not a huge amount of no voters amoung the less well off people in Scotland. The largest group of no voters were the “im doing ok just now thank you” middle class who have forgotten how to care about their fellow Scots.The sad thing is..that they wont realise what they have done untill they fall on their own selfish arse’s.
Its a shame we have to go through this terrible period until we have our sovereign freedom back.
The Greeks have the upper hand. The Eurozone will have to agree on their terms. Or take down the Eurozone/world economy down, costing much more. If Merkel doesn’t agree she will take down the German economy. The Greeks hold the Ace.
Merkel refused the UKraine a loan and thousand of people died near German Borders. Germany needs Russian gas there is a pipeline through the Baltic Sea. Historically it was the German and Italian governments who caused poverty and deprivation in Europe.
No one knows who voted YES and who voted NO. The vote is secret, for a reason. Wild accusations are unhelpful and hearsay. Hearsay is not allowed in the justice system.
ALDO Say hello to the other Tory voter in Scotland will you! @Extinct.
The SNP Rep Should say Scotland has had to spent it’s revenues on Westminster decisions. Trident/illegal Wars, tax evasion through London, London banking fraud. Scotland tax revenues is used for that. When Scotland is accused of having more spending from Westminster. (lie) It is paying for UK Gov flawed decisions. If it was instead spent on the Scottish economy, Scotland would have been better off.
Andrew Neil still doesn’t get it. BBC not good at elementary Maths. The tax credits lost have a higher value than the increase of wages for the most vulnerable, disproportionately, women and children on low incomes. The wealthy are much better off through the tax cuts by comparison.
The BBC is a disgrace and Channel 3 and 4 should be cut.
Lol, Orkney & Shetland has been part of the human story of Scotland for eight thousand plus years.
@Smithie says: 8 July, 2015 at 10:56 pm:
” … i posted earlier about someone saying that there is no evidence in law that the Shetlands actually belong to Scotland, any thoughts??”
Indeed I have. There is absolutely no doubt that the Northern Isles legally belong to Scotland. Shetland & Orkney both became part of Scotland in 1468.
Christian I, king of Denmark and Norway, was facing bankruptcy but agreed a dowry for his daughter’s marriage to James III. However, facing bankruptcy, he couldn’t pay up and agreed to forfeit both Orkney and Shetland to Scotland in lieu of the agreed dowry. Both Orkney & Shetland were thus legally bought and paid for by Scotland.
BTW: The Viking heritage of the islands is largely also a myth. Genetic testing proves the gene pool is mainly identical to the rest of Scotland as the Viking rulers were, more or less, just a ruling elite who treated the native islanders as their serfs under the Viking/Norseman/Norman feudal system we still have in force at Westminster today. The Vikings kept themselves aloof and did not interbreed with their serfs/villain underlings.
There are No voters who are happy with the result even now as they have plenty money or a good nest egg and personally will never have to worry about food banks or homelessness. Good luck trying to convince those people to stop being selfish. Will never happen. It’s ingrained into British culture.
@ Ken’s correct about the Northern Isles, they were pledged for a cash payment for the waddin of his daughter to James III which cash-strapped Christian couldn’t pay.
Watched Duncan Smith’s juvenile performance dancing on the graves of the poor in the Commons, truly the only good Tort’s a deid yin.
Carmichael being pressed by Gary Robertson couldn’t possibly comment on the attempt to un-seat him, he did however remind his constituents of all he had done for him! Should be called Smee, smee who did this & smee who did that.
I do not understand why Carmichael is even trying to defend himselfe he has already admitted he lied and was responsible for the whole thing he should only be going to court to be sentenced i mean where are the so called technicalities when he has confessed his guilt? I just hope the judge does a proper job no milarkay
Brian: read Scotland & Scotsmen, a speech given by American, Henry George
Good reference, Brian. I know the speech, the ‘vengeance is coming’ section for raping the land and banishing the people stays in the mind.
And I like your wry comment about Scotland as Wales in Labour’s eyes.
@Paula Rose says: 8 July, 2015 at 11:23 pm:
“As a point of information – how many countries have a devolved parliament?”
No, Idea, Paula Rose, but I know one that most certainly has no devolved parliament – England”.
In fact England has no elected parliament whatsoever but instead calls it’s parliament the United Kingdom Parliament but the UK Parliament commissioned a paper, (written by a couple of self proclaimed experts), that claimed this, “The Treaty of Union, “extinguished”, the Kingdom of Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of England as the United Kingdom”.
This is quite obviously a very deliberate lie and has absolutely no basis whatsoever in international, European Union, English or Scottish law and there is no such thing as United Kingdom Law. Only UK Parliamentary passed laws.
Thanks for the link Nana. Yes the general public would go absolutely berserk if the true facts about ‘elite’ paedophile rings were exposed.
The BBC knew about Jimmy Saville from at least the early seventies and then afforded him one opportunity after another to get his hands on children. Who allowed this to happen and why?
John Lydon discussing (sa) vile: A deleted interview carried out by the BBC with John Lydon – when the subject of Jimmy Savile comes up….
link to
John Lydon on Jimmy Savile and BBC
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I also notice that some videos that I had saved previously relating to paedophilia have been removed from youtube now such as links to Harriet Harman et al and the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) group ….. Labour Deputy Leader Called For Incest And Child Porn To Be Decriminalised!
Lots online about ‘Operation Ore’, Thomas Hamilton and so on. One link leads to another with regard to paedophile rings in Scotland. Not surprising when you take into account that Scotland has become a paedophile haven as it’s the ONLY country in the Civilised World, other than the Netherlands, to hold onto the archaic Corroboration Law thanks to people like Rennie, Lamont and Davidson.
The following is a video that hasn’t been removed yet of Andrea Davison outing the ‘elite’ paedophile rings. The Westminster cabal charged her with ‘mock’ crimes, she went on the run and is in hiding.
‘Former British Intel Operative Andrea Davison, on the run for exposing child sex abuse.’
‘No ‘inquiry’ into political paedophilia, historic or otherwise, has any credibility unless Andrea is allowed back into the country, the bogus and laughable conviction against her quashed, and her evidence presented – including her mass of documents revealing ‘elite’ paedophiles stolen by the police and still held by them years later.’
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‘Andrea Davison was an ex Arms to Iraq investigator who had direct access to No10 Downing Street and more importantly should have been a “Star Witness” at the Chilcot Inquiry (Iraq Inquiry) but was never called, despite the fact that she did give evidence at the previous Scott Inquiry (held in camera).
Maybe it is time to expose this elusive lady whose knowledge could easily bring down not only the current Prime Minister and his government but also many of the past PM’s and other senior MP’s and members of the House of Lord’s…… who is she?
I think it is better for the lady herself to describe who she is rather than for me to enter into a pile of dribble and so here are her very own words and her story with the title being: Arms Spooks and Danger dated 1st July 2010: Dr David Kelly and Andrea Davidson have several things in common both were experts on Biological Weapons and both were involved in the arms that went to Iraq and WMD’s and both were whistleblowers.
Andrea was an intelligence adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq and also gave evidence to Scott Inquiry into Arms to Iraq, It was her whistle blowing to the then opposition leader Neil Kinnock that revealed that the then Conservative Government were selling arms to Iraq. In December 2009 she was getting a file together to send to the Chilcot enquiry.’’
@Paula Rose says: 9 July, 2015 at 12:22 am:
” … we must be clear in our use of language and understanding of history. We have the economic argument for 50% of our people – some need now to understand that we are all British – all be it from different parts of the archipelago (a Greek word) xx”
Indeed we are all British, Paula Rose, even the those from the four United Kingdom countries and particularly those from the United Kingdom country of England that has no elected parliament of its own. They too are British.
Earlier somebody was asking about the availability of YES supporting T-Shirts.
If you care to google ‘yes scotland shop’ you will find a web site called ‘zazzle’.
There you will find literally thousands of YES related products including T-Shirts of every colour under the sun with every slogan you can imagine.
I would caution that the prices on the site are, in my opinion verging on the extortionate.
Does anybody know if this site is connected to The YES Campaign or any part of it or is it just some individual(s) cashing in on the suppport for YES?
I regularly get to listen to people tell me how it’s a great thing the country is headed in this direction and how it needs to start upping nuclear deterrant, bring in a USA-style three strike rule for criminal scentencing, capital punishment, cut benefits, etc. These people are not uncommon. All while the continued spiral downwards for millions happens. It’s no great secret what many people are suffering, even from the most right wing voter who tries to avoid anything that might damage their point of view. It’s just that the people who influence politics the most and make up the side of society that lives in comfort don’t care at all. They don’t care about you and they don’t care about anyone who goes to a foodbank or is on the margins. They only care about themselves. They will keep voting and promoting the current way or more extreme versions of it all their lives no matter what.
I get the feeling in years to come you could pile up starved bodies like cordwood and they’d still have excuses or reasons for them not to care or change their beliefs and politics. The part of humans and society that knitted them together and provided empathy as a balance and check against one part or person of the tribe from being too selfish is dead and gone.
@ Ken500 says at 11:51 am ”No one knows who voted YES and who voted NO. The vote is secret, for a reason. Wild accusations are unhelpful and hearsay. Hearsay is not allowed in the justice system.”
Ken we’ve got a fairly good idea as to who (sections of society) voted yes and who voted no. Lots of research data online to that effect. If we analyse the findings it may help us to know who to target when canvassing and so on in future.
We often consider statistical data posted on Wings, and comment on it, so why not from elsewhere?
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Petra that’s a great post with good links. I have noticed a lot of links has vanished from google, maybe because of the enquiry but somehow I have a feeling the ‘security people’ are taking off the stuff they don’t like.
Scottish Conservatives extinct? 14.9% of the population – that’s plenty of breeding pairs!
The whole thrust of the argument being put forward in this thread is wrong though. It supposes that if you choose to be a part of an organisation rather than separating from it then you can never, ever again criticise the way in which that organisation is run. This only works if there is conclusive and absolute proof that the alternative (separation) would have been better. No such proof exists – and McDougal clearly believes it would have placed us in a worse position. He is entitled to that view.
@Ken500 says: 9 July, 2015 at 7:09 am:
“Iain Duncan Smith, a Catholic Minister, cut tax credits for those with more than two children. Waving and cheering and orchestrating the howling Cons for policies that will affect women and children and the most vulnerable in society, the most.”
IDS is as false as Dolly Parton’s false front but is a great deal more sinister. He has always flown under a false flag and he has falsified his educational achievements which are basically approximately nil.
Read the below links and wonder how such a totally lying, corrupt, con-artist ever got past the first hurdle of the Tory candidate selection process.
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@Aldo says: 9 July, 2015 at 1:14 pm:
“Scottish Conservatives extinct? 14.9% of the population – that’s plenty of breeding pairs!”
Are you familiar with the Scottish expression : –
Robert, your own party went from 19.9% support to very nearly 50%. Anything is indeed possible!
The Scottish tories’ moment will come when the SNP starts using its new powers to tax people at a higher rate than rUK. This is when the “low taxation / small state” message will really start to gain traction again in Scotland.
Of course, the SNP might bottle it and leave the new powers gathering dust on a shelf. But that in itself carries risks for them.
There is no credible statistical complete evidence of the complete category who vote YES or NO or their reasonsThere are only relevant small samples of speculated samples. To do a relevant comprehensive would be so vast, it would be too expensive. Basically the slips would need to be analysed properly. A massive task. The votes are secret for a reason. The data is just not available.
The Pollsters often wrongly analyse the information.
The Polls can give an indication of simplistic questions. Who voted YES or NO in an area. The % of the electorate who voted, because of their results in each constituency. The demographic in each constituency, but not how each and everyone voted.
The East has a different demographics from the West. The amount of people who have settled in Scotland. growth areas, no of population. The NE voting N0 eg as an effect on the vote % (wise). The N/E voting No would have less effect than the central belt because of a smaller residential population (pro rata) 1/4 the population base by comparison, compared to Edinburgh Glasgow and the central belt. The no/yes vote would have been influence by large turnout, compared to the General Election.It is misleading to say just people voted on hearsay evidence.
The Polls were misleading and their predictions were wrong. The analysis was flawed. There was an investigation. The YES/NO analysis could also be flawed. There were many retired people helping and canvassing. A high proportion of young folk are (less pro rata of the population ?) are notoriously less interested in politics. More older people likely to vote?, as a percentage of the pop.
Eg a sample could be two people of a certain category. One could answer YES. The other NO. The result would be 50/50. So the Pollsters would come to the conclusion all in that category would vote 50%/50% YES/NO. People in another place in that category for other reasons would vote 40/50 and 10% less would vote because there’s less of that category in that areaThe Pollsters did not analyse the result correctly and they could have analysed the categories incorrectly.
Aldo: This is when the “low taxation / small state” message will really start to gain traction again in Scotland.
Small state, low taxation means excessively business friendly, fewer democratic rights, and weak government, everything corporations hope for in their ideal world.
Scots are strong on democracy, hard on incomer culture.
Orkney passed to Scotland in 1468 when King James III married Margaret, daughter of King Christian I of Denmark/Norway and Sweden, for a dowry of 50 000 Rhenish Florins.
The Islands were to be returned when all the money, plus interest was repaid. The following year, 1469, when no money was forthcoming, the Shetlands were loaned for a further 8 000 Rhenish Florins. No further payments from the Danish/Swedish Crown was forthcoming, and under the terms agreed upon, after two years of no payments, in 1470, just like a pawn shop, they became the property of the creditors, i.e. Scotland.
So Captain Calamity can go and fuck himself, shit stirring Saxon Scum.
And business friendly means more jobs, more economic activity and more tax revenue – which can then be spent on hospitals, schools etc.
Conservatism can be either selfish or altruistic – just like socialism.
Ref posts above on Paedo Files etc
I often wonder what was in the files Willie MacRae had ?
Now he would have them over a barrel with that little number.
Even or especially in the 60’s
The Alistair Carmichael thing is a witch hunt by local SNP / Yes supporters who, not happy with having 56 / 59 seats in Scotland, wish to further destroy the opposition.
The man leaked a memo he believed to be in the public interest. He then lied I believe to cover this up. The problem seems to be the lie and not the leak itself. Okay then, what about all the porkers the SNP told during the indyref? These lies were potentially far more destructive than the covering up of a leak. Can we expect mass resignations and election reruns on the nationalist side?
The court will clear him and that’ll be the end of it. Those who crowd funded the whole thing will wish they’d spent their money on a fish supper.
Aldo: And business friendly means more jobs,
No, again.
Never guaranteed – outsourced to China, India, or people replaced by machines. Plus profits taken outside the UK, foreign investors to be satisfied, and thus avoid UK tax.
Try again.
Aldo: The Alistair Carmichael thing is a witch hunt by local SNP
The Tory governments wants you working hard, not frittering you day away farting in the wind.
Grow up!
Looks pretty much like a witch hunt to me, Grouse. Purely politically motivated. The reason I know this is that they aren’t crowdfunding court action against their own side – who told laughably big whoppers through most of 2013/14.
Regarding your comments about private industry, yes, you have a point about outsourcing etc. But as a general rule, business friendly means more business and the advantages that go with it. Nothing can done if a particular job is rendered obsolete by machines / computers. If we find ourselves being ditched in favour of another country, we need to ask ourselves how we can be more competitive i.e. business friendly, in order to win them back / perform better in the future.
Everything is built on private industry. We must nurture it. Too often, labour and the SNP both give the impression of being anti business / anti profit / anti aspiration. This is why we need conservatism.
Aldo: Looks pretty much like a witch hunt to me, Grouse.
I wonder if Jamie Murray is winning at doubles today?
Hi Aldo.
You seem to be fixated on the (alleged) lies that the SNP told in the referendum campaign.
Would you care to list any of them?
Hi peeps.
Re: T-shirts, mentioned many hours ago.
Check out this link:-—t-shirt.html
Aldo , you are totally farting against thunder !
Who lied in 2013/14 ?
Most on here probably never noticed and quite frankly my dear don’t give a F@@k .
We were all too busy on line re-searching FACTS on iScotland , whilst the Onionist MSM & BBC were spouting their ” facts” to their selfish punters.
Cheersh big earsh !
Aldi says ”what about all the porkers the SNP told during the indyref”
Can you give examples?
Brian Doonthetoon,
“Hi Rock.
Can I suggest you read, then comment on, my post at 10.47pm?
Interested in your take on it…”
“Sovereign” my foot.
“Where the hell is that “sovereignty” if 71% of the people want Carmichael to resign but he refuses to do so?
Or is the judge who will almost certainly find Carmichael innocent who is actually “sovereign”, rather than us plebs?
In which case the establishment is “sovereign”.
In reality, we the plebs have no sovereignty whatsoever.
Perhaps you or Robert Peffers (in no more than 20 words for god’s sake) could explain what rights the Declaration of Arbroath gave to the plebs.
Paula Rose,
“Rock you have takin some shit, just want to say you are not alone.”
“So very true as many will concur.”
The only problem with your gloating, Paula, “honey”, “dear”, is that Smithie wrote that in my support!
What a hypocrite you are.
Calling for a truce on an old thread while attacking on the other.
Ken is absolutely right about the Green hypocrites.
Hello Aldo,
I would also be interested in you listing examples of when the SNP lied previously. I must confess however, to being at a loss trying to understand how the SNP lying previously, in your opinion, somehow negates what is happening with Alistair Carmichael currently. You seem to have the same flawed reasoning skills as poor old Michael White, the man with the world’s most ridiculous moustache.
I distinctly seem to recall an article posted on here recently in which it revealed that supporters from different parties condemned the actions of Carmichael. So clearly it is not just the SNP who have a problem with him. Nor equally could you possibly know who has contributed to the petition to state matter of factly that it is solely down to the SNP.
Maybe I have got it wrong though and you know all the people and their political allegiances as after all you somehow possess the incredible foresight to tell us the outcome of a scheduled court hearing two months before it is heard.
Perhaps I am being a bit harsh on you Aldo but to quote the great Francis Forbes Clunie: “It’s the first hard lesson in a hard man’s game, the most important one you’ll ever learn: Never give a sucker an even break!”
@ Nana Smith says at 1:14 pm ”Petra that’s a great post with good links. I have noticed a lot of links has vanished from google, maybe because of the enquiry but somehow I have a feeling the ‘security people’ are taking off the stuff they don’t like.”
Westminster have been removing ‘undesirable’ data from politicians Wikipedia pages, trying to push through public surveillance, wanting to implement ‘gagging’ legislation and doing away with legal aid (for the poor). The word dictatorship comes to mind.
Nana I’ve got a massive list of politicians / councillors / mayors and so on, of all political persuasions, who are on the sex-offenders register: too lengthy to post on here. It would be interesting however to find out through research if this profession is more prone to paedophilia than any other and if so try to identify the cause …. being sent to boarding school at an early age? If you haven’t seen them already Nana the youtube videos of Annie Mahon ex-MI5 agent / whistleblower are very interesting too (not about paedophilia).
@ Tackety Beets says at 4:26 pm ”Ref posts above on Paedo Files etc I often wonder what was in the files Willie MacRae had? Now he would have them over a barrel with that little number. Even or especially in the 60’s.”
It has been mentioned that he was about to expose paedophile ring / s and the data was contained in the files that went missing from his car. How the authorities can make out that a man who shot himself twice in the head was then able to hide his files and throw his gun many metres from his car is beyond me.
@ ken500 at 3:07 Thanks for replying to my post at length Ken (presuming it was mine) however I think we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this one.
Salmond lied about EU legal advice that didn’t actually exist.
John Swinney said he met with Bank of England officials. No such meeting ever took place.
The entire SNP / Yes campaign told people Scotland was a net contributor to the UK. It wasn’t and still isn’t.
They said the oil is a bonus to Scotland. Utter rubbish – it’s 15% of our economy.
Scaremongering about a no vote – saying the NHS would be cut or privatised. Investment into the NHS is set to increase in real terms and it remains firmly in public hands.
Had the majority believed these lies, no court on earth could have cleaned up the mess.
Not much to say except read the back pages of WOS .
Or as the current generation would say , Eff off or keep up !
Aldo Shmaldo: Salmond lied about EU legal advice that didn’t actually exist.
Heard this lie umpteen times. You are a liar.
Troll off!
Keep up with events, Aldo!
link to
“We detailed the events in a post at the time. The “infamous” exchange in a TV interview with Andrew Neil went like this:
NEIL: Have you sought advice from your own Scottish law officers in this matter?
SALMOND: We have, yes, in terms of the debate.
NEIL: And what do they say?
SALMOND: You can read that in the documents that we’ve put forward, which argue the position that we’d be successor states.
(All emphasis ours.)
Unionist accusers tend to quote only the first two lines, leaving out the third and fourth ones which provide the crucial context: Salmond referred, explicitly and absolutely truthfully, to advice which the Scottish Government had already published, and whose existence was therefore a matter of record and beyond dispute.
Whenever asked if there was further, unpublished, advice, he declined to answer – in keeping with both UK and Scottish Government standard policy of keeping both the existence (or not) and detail of such advice confidential. It’s a straightforward matter of visible, empirical fact that he told Andrew Neil no lies whatsoever.”
We dont need another rigged referendum, we need the snp to put in their manifesto, the dissolution of the treaty of union!.