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Moodievision: We’re The Opposition

Posted on July 08, 2015 by
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Of crimes against Rock, Politics and Karaoke.

Great stuff!

Robert Bryce


Swami Backverandah

They might consider themselves as having some influence, but the reality is they’ve been right royally fecked by the EVEL-Lovin’ Tories.

Pam McMahon

What a brilliant epitaph. Stake through the heart for the bloodsuckers of Scottish Labour.
Well done.


Excellent! And guest appearance from Stu!

Doug Daniel


I couldn’t stifle giggles any longer at that bit.

Nice cameo from yourself, Stu.


Great! Embro festival, Broadway. Must be such a relief for SLab to have a great future on stage. Curran up in space, Carmicheal up in court Sept 7, Fluffy Mundell guest star witness. It’ll run and run. Two UKOK thumbs up. Parp.

ronnie anderson

Rev Rev Ah wuld sue that Moodie lot fur deformation of character, that depiction of You is no vile enough.

On second thoughts, dont bother they,ll only ask fur ah Crowdfunder for their legal costs. Their no daft they know the Power of Wings on Crowdfunding he he.

Great Gone Guys N Gal,s, keep it up.

Joe Middleton

Brilliant! Ha, ha, ha! We need to get this going viral.


Oh that’s genius. 😀

Love the guest appearance Rev.

James Barr Gardner

Absolutely Superb! Hard to pick the best bit as it was all great.

Anne Bruce

Brilliant! For me, the best one yet.

Stuart, you looked braw!

Tony Little

Ah, But Davidson on the separatist banjo solo! Classic


Great, well done! Loved the pop-up Stu!

So when’s series 2? We want more, this can’t be the last (Sob, sob).




Brilliant! Very well done. I wonder what today will bring in ukok, can’t wait.

Bill McDermott

Greg, I think you missed a trick by not featuring one, James Kelly, MSP. He seems to be the one they put up to say the daftest things that no half sensible person could admit to. His latest outing was earlier this week on the Sarah Smith show when he was up against James Dornan to explain how the Labour Party would have avoided the ferry tendering process.

According to him, governments can go to public tender and design it so that Calmac can win the bid!!!

I think his brother is a lawyer as well. Obviously it doesn’t run in the family.

Bill McDermott

Sorry, I should have said this was the funniest yet.



Yes, they are the opposition in Holyrood right now but somehow I get the feeling the Tories might beat them into 3rd position in 2016. I find that idea hilarious. Not that I have any positive feelings for the Tories either – six of one, half a dozen of the other lot.

As for the Westmidden, Labour might be the official opposition, but our guys and gals are behaving like the effective opposition.


That’s a rare bunnit you’ve got on Reverend. We saw Kevin Spacey come out the back of the Old Vic wearing a white bunnit, he’d say beret, but when they make “How Scotland Was Won” the movie blockbuster after independence 2020…


Stu would make a good extra in Outlander 🙂



[…] Moodievision: We’re The Opposition […]

Chic McGregor

Best laugh yet.


Also I booked Alan Cochrane’s cheap seats for Orkney and Shetland v. A Carmichael, Sept 7. Cockers still in rehab after May 7. “Do you Alistair Honesty Carmichael, swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

link to

Help me Rhona.

Les wilson

Sorry, but welfare has just been nuked.


Best one yet.

Les wilson

Excellent work Gregg and crew! Loved the Rev’s look Ha Ha.


Brilliant – keep up the good work.

Re Jackie T-rd’s recent doc on ‘The Fall Of Scottish Labour’ I presume that the recently unemployed and other participants received nice wee cheques for participating.

Is there any way that we can find out how much they were paid and if said payments were at the normal rate for similar appearances.


Stu., loved your walk-on part. Though it was too quick.

Was that a bagpipe under your oxter or some poor wee cat getting squished? 🙂

P.S. WELL DONE GREG and your team. That video would be sad if it wasn’t so funny – and true.

Does anyone wonder if Scottish Labour watch the Moodievision? Kind of wince at the thought. Must be hard knowing you have been so utterly rumbled by the voters and given the Royal P45 in the Fundament.


O/T. Re :the budget……..normally does a spokesman for the third largest speak immediately after the Leader of the Opposition……….right now we’ve got a Tory backbencher waffling on and Stewart Hosie hasn’t spoken….


I for one don’t think I can live without MoodieVision.

My grief is at least as bad as it was when Dateline Scotland shut it’s curtains.



schrodingers cat

I dont think this is a wrong tactic by slab

they have lost the socialist/left wing vote, that started to happen in 2011, 31%, then 2015, 25%, last poll i saw was lab on 19% for next year. How many left wing/socialist unionists are left in their support?

10% ukip/libdems
15% tories,
slab are not targeting these supporters, neither are we

they are targeting the remaining 25% of the population who voted no and still voted labour in may.

btw, this is the same demographic that the YES camp are chasing. we still need to convince another 10% to cross the floor

i noticed that pensions were left alone by osborne…


Andrew Tyrie – Member Treasury Select Committee. Ignorant, lying, arrogant, pompous and out of touch.

Stewart Hosie Brilliant

Osbourne furious



Been listening to Osborne, name to claim a 2:1 degree in History, spouting on the budget and of course hitting those on low paid work the hardest. Hellish.

Reading from papers that his economists have scribed for him. A member of the Tory party that the NI, Scots and Welsh didn’t vote for, nor did two thirds of English people for that matter.

You couldn’t make this up.



My bairns thought so too and particularly liked the Ewok

paul gerard mccormack

loved it.
only one criticism though.
how come i could make out what Kezia actually said once or twice?
that’s not right.

love the Magritte airhead that is mcintosh. spot on. airhead.


Greg N Gang ……… Best Toon yet. Larded me socks aff!


Moody Moonie does it again

Hits on the target, right on the button. Moanie minnies.

Barrels of fun

Did you see the Nanny outfit? Carriage pram. £40Million? £400Million fortune. Economising?

Barrels of fun

Brian Doonthetoon

That has to be my fave of the series.

Davidson on the banjo – and Rev Stu’s cameo!

10/10 8=)

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

LOL! 😀

Classic stuff from Greg and the gang.


Just Fab! Laugh out loud funny…you’ve excelled yersel’ here Mr Moodie…it’s because it’s so tragically true what they have become: the chief mourners of the dead socialists society.

All they ever talk about is the past…senti-mentalists, all grief and anger.

Socialism never left me, the party that reflected those values…abandoned Scotland and the rUK to the living hell that we now find ourselves a part.

Thanks for sharing and keeping us all sane amidst the insanity of the times we’re living through.


Did someone say there was an ewok? Damn, missed that…

just need to watch it all again. 😀


So how much was that lowlife cybernat Campbell paid for his cameo role and did he declare the earnings to taxman?

Sorry, just trying to pre-empt the DR headline tomorrow.

Great stuff Greg. I’ll miss the weekly laugh.

Socrates McSporran

Absolutely brilliant – Ian Davidson on banjo – I nearly wet myself.

The best yet.

fred blogger

yep encapsulated, they actually believe they’ve done nae wrang and they’re victims.

Paula Rose

O/T but just to let you know – Harley-Davidson bikes + music all day in Brechin on Saturday. Hung the last of the bunting today – must remember to wear jeans next year rather than a skirt, so many accidents could have been avoided.

Tackety Beets

Sorry Paula my memory is failing me but was Arthur Davidson ? of HArley Davidson fame ….Is that event in celebration of him being from your area ?

I wonder How many out there know the Scottish connection ?

What a great video .
The likeness of the characters add too it .
Well done , you light up a dull day , Thank you .



Paula Rose

@ Tackety Beets – Indeed, Grandpa Davidson had a wee smithy just along the road.'s Fred Titmus

Satire and humour aren’t necessarily the same things. Please don’t confuse the two.


Great stuff Greg, should be on the big screen at T in the Park.


I hope you got paid an appearance fee for that Rev lol

Great video, it’s really weird the emotions I get watching Moodievisison, getting that stabbing feeling in my heart knowing that they assisted Westminster in the pillaging of Scotland and laughing at the same time.

Excellent work Greg and Co

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