When we’re gone
As we’re writing this, our YouTube channel remains dead. We’re still trying to navigate through YouTube’s awful maze of robotic guards to reach a human being, and while at least two newspapers – The National and the Scotsman – have asked the BBC for a comment, none has been forthcoming.
The mainstream media’s attacks on this site in the last couple of years have included getting our Twitter account shut down in 2016, getting me arrested, having all of Wings’ electronic equipment confiscated by the police and now killing our YouTube channel full of crucial documentary evidence, most of which isn’t available anywhere else. (On top of an endless catalogue of smear stories and hatchet jobs, of course.)
Now, we’re not planning on going anywhere, but in the face of such a concerted and increasingly sinister assault aimed at silencing us, we also can’t make any guarantees that Wings itself will continue to survive. WordPress may prove as fragile in the face of malice as Twitter and YouTube have.
So in case we fall victim to another unexpected technical/censorship catastrophe, or suddenly commit “suicide”, you might want to strengthen the rest of the team.
Paul “Wee Ginger Dug” Kavanagh is a top-class polemicist and commentator, so as you’d expect he never gets on telly. His current fundraiser is going well, with significant additional donations away from the main page, but could still use a shove to make sure he can actually continue to live in the UK in the coming year.
James Kelly of Scot Goes Pop! is a keen-eyed statistical analyst. For some baffling reason he’s chosen to run his annual fundraiser by tacking it onto the end of last year’s so there’s no real way of knowing how it’s doing, but if he couldn’t afford to eat he’d be a significant loss to the Yes movement online.
Marky Booth is an inspiring young investigative journalist whose output has already been featured on Wings, and who digs where Scottish newspapers fear to tread. Recently the victim of a heinous robbery which cost him his laptop among other things, we’re going to need people like him fighting fit and properly equipped.
Then there are our tireless chums at AyeMail, led by the indefatigable Lindsay Bruce (who’ll also be sending out all your Wings fundraiser perks in the next couple of weeks, as the Wee Blue Notebooks finally arrived from the supplier on Friday). They’ve always got excellent projects on the go, and their latest is a very worthwhile effort aimed at delivering a million leaflets and other campaign materials to Yes groups.
And finally, the superb Phantom Power should need no introduction, as we’ve run many of their superb high-quality movies on Wings, but their latest series – Nation and Scotia – are a step up in scope, and have the potential to be a hugely persuasive force when the next indyref comes round.
We know that’s a lot of things to ask you to put your hands in your pockets for at one go. But if you can manage a few quid for just one or two, that’ll help keep the Yes media strong for the coming times, no matter what might happen. We need them all.
Stu hope you are not planning on crashing your car then shooting yourself then when you have passed away throw your gun away.
If you are going to commit the worst case of suicide throwing the gun away is litter pure and simple, typical Nationalist.
I am outraged and shocked at the blatant censorship of your excellent work.
Please keep me informed of updates and anything else I can do.
The common weal must be upheld.
Keep safe, Stu. And beware dodgy door knobs.
Hang in there Stu.you’ve got them rattled!
….. I’d avoid bottles of after shave aswell!
Have you been watching the film Defence of the Realm again?
Worrying stuff.
A question, rather than a comment – how many other YouTube channels / videos use clips from the BBC? How many people have posted videos from BBC shows? Think of the clips from comedy etc. Has the BBC pursued each and every one of them? If not, the matter isn’t copyright but censorship.
Have already cancelled my BBC DD and contacted my MSP about this and demanded the issue is raised in Parliament immediately after summer recess.
I have worried about you for some time, Stu. Hope you are taking a few minor precautions, such as running a dashcam in your car.
This is something that the SNP and Greens should be challenging the BBC on. This is getting way beyond serious
You need to buy all other domain endings (wingsoverscotland.net, info etc)
Have mirror sites hosted in separate places with some not using wordpress
I am sure others in the indy brigade know more than me but it seems wise to have several domains and many mirrors it is harder to take lots of sites down
Signs of life at The Scotsman? At least they are asking the question.
All these sites deserve support, of course, but there is no doubt that their output will be in line for the memory-hole treatment if they are seen as posing any sort of threat. Wings is simply the biggest and most influential, so they come for the Rev first.
Look after yourself, Stu.
Is that Willie McRae’s car?
keep well clear of salisbury
Don’t worry you are not going anywhere. That is a cert. Any shut down will just mean another start up. There is no way Wings is going. Just start up again. They are losing big time and they know it. The phycho bastards will not win. They are just messing in their own nest. Losing support faster than a sieve loses water.
There will be a Independence soon. Great big job for Rev Stu. Honourable status.
Do not let the bastards get you down. You are not going. Anytime. You are a hero.
Just let them lose out big time. Snivelling little creeps. Lying hypocrites.
@Coinneach Albannach
It sure is.
Protest planned – keep this in the public eye. Let the Powers That Be know that this won’t go unreported.
I cannot tell you how many times I have tipped my hat to you, and the fact that you can take everything they have thrown at you with such humour and never waver from Scotland’s cause is testimony to the giant among men that you are.
I will always be indebted to you for the work you do on behalf of all of us. Thank you.
It was a Ford Escort that Willie McRae had I think. The car in the pic above is a Volvo 240 saloon
I have asked my MP for help for Scottish Independence sites after that blatant attack by the UK State Propaganda unit, the BBC.
Others might do the same.
I cancelled my British Tax (license) last year.
The UK Propaganda media have already reported that the Tory UK Government are going after alternative media and will try and shut us down.
There will be an increase funding for Wee Ginger Dug and Wings as well.
Scotsman JP, Herald, BBC going down the tubes.
Not really surprised Stew,
The state knows that a second independence referendum is coming, and “Wings” is too influential in the run up to it, to leave you with freedom of access to counter their misinformation.
Aye, the dirty tricks department never went away.
Technos – work on this please, where is the best secure mirror site for Wings? Where can videos be safely hosted? Unabated Yes supporter gratitude for all time for a workable suggestion.
Any shut down. Will just mean a start up. Support increasing.
Any move against you will increase visibility and support – they will be unwilling to take that step.
For fucks sake stay safe man. That’s all that matters.
Skozra @ 11:30,
I believe that was the very Volvo which Willie McRae was found in, or close by it.
Many thanks Stuart, and be sure to know that you played an amazing innings.
More than I can say for myself.
Out first ball for a duck, me.
Mibbee see you in the big pavilion in the sky some day eh ?
The fight is now real. The British state does not want anybody thinking about Scottish independence, they do not want anybody seeing their duplicity and lies.
The BBC is state run and funded. This is state censorship, no more, no less.
The BBC are a blight upon Scotland. They and their pernicious license tax need boycotted by anybody who supports freedom of thought and speech, regardless of their views on independence.
Hey REV STU, how about, just to effectively ‘rub their noses in it’, re-running some of their dodgy behaviour, with re-loaded videos. Maybe Nick Robinson lying for the BBC and British state on national TV for starters. a kind of ‘f’ you to the BBC and their lying apparatchiks.
Meanwhile we should channel our anger as in the article above, plus make sure that we use this to strengthen our resolve. Bring it on, BBC liars, you WILL lose.
Let’s go onto YouTube rite now and report ALL political materials from the BBC, THE TORIES AND EVEN ruth the mooth. Anything we can find report it as spam or misleading. Let’s bombard them with so much shit thay won’t be able to see daylight!!!!
If any postcards arrive purporting to be from you in sunny Spain, Argentina or Timbuktu, we’ll have the finest detectives on the job.
We know what your position is with regard to a passport so they cannot fool us!
Well deserved list too…
Skozra 11:30am
That is 100% Willie Macrae’s car. He drove that Volvo from the centre of Glasgow, after his tyres having been slashed, causing him to delay his journey from the morning until much later. In turn, that meant he would arrive in Inverness-shire when it was dark or getting dark. There he met his end. In his VOLVO.
Skozra – seriously? Even in 1985, I don’t think any lawyer would be driving a Ford Escort. His volvo is well documented.
Take care Rev. I’ll get the knife into the piggy bank and do my best to support at least 2 of them.
It has been suggested in the past (in the laughingly titled ‘Scotsman’ newspaper, no less), though never confirmed, that MI5 in Scotland are based in the building next door to the lying BBC at pacific quay.
Would anybody in Scotland be surprised? (rhetorical question)
Source : link to archive.is
This was the final straw for my wife agreeing to cancel paying the licence fee. We’ll give the money to OUR media instead.
As to whether or not that is Willie’s car is in dispute. There were reports of 2 identical cars picked up by 2 seperate recovery companies, which were reportedly quite a distance away from each other.
So much respect for this and the other listed sites who seek to inform us and do the job that our media refuses to.
Any pretence of democracy on these islands has been abandoned. Big Brother Channel rely on subscriptions; anyone still compliant please cease now. Future indyref is the target here – with wos and others silenced, they think we’ll simply have to believe the state line. All in conjunction with USA and Russia trying to destabilize Europe so they can more easily carve the world up between them.
Freedom of speech is a journalist warcry for every occasion.
Could Ofcom help in this situation?
Like so many others on here and elsewhere I am pure ragin so ah am!
I came across this from Truly Scottish TV last night on Twitter Stu. If you have not already seen it then perhaps they might be worth a wee chat to. It appears they may have a way to circumnavigate the corrupt BBC and their blatant anti independence attack on you, Peter Curran and others we have not yet heard about.
link to twitter.com
Worrying times eh! What can we do to fight back?
How about trying to find out what it would cost to take BBC to court? (Choices-censorship, defamation & probably other stuff too that I’m too angry to think of just now.)
You could have the biggest ever crowdfunder if 50,000 of us gave a tenner to give you a fighting fund of £1/2 million. Personally I’d give a lot more because you represent our sanity in this mad, mad world of ours & you can’t put a price tag on that.
They already hate you for having the biggest annual funder (and a greater readership) but, just like the Carmichael Must Go fund, this is an exception. BBC are banking on you not being able to do anything but WE can’t take this lying down.
You are the spearhead but this action attacks all indy supporters & what we all stand for. We are all being silenced & the union is worried which tells me we’re ahead in the polls by a reasonable amount no matter what the media is saying to put us down
So by my reckoning a crowdfunder is really get them even more worried.C’mon Stuart give it some thought please-we need to be able to support you in this.
OOPS ! Maroon Volvo 240 saloon belonging to Willie McRae it was then
Ooh,things are starting to get serious.This was the final nudge I needed to cancel the tv tax,they don’t make it simple and straightforward do they.
@Coinneach Albannach says: 29 July, 2018 at 11:23 am:
” … Is that Willie McRae’s car?
Indeed it is – but is it where it was at the time of the incident or later.
There are claims, with some credible statements that the police first took the car away from the scene as they had not had any evidence of bullets in the drivers brain. This was only discovered after Willie was in the hospital.
The claim is that the real reason the gun was found at a distance was not that Willie shot himself in the brain and then decided to throw the gun away from the car but that the car was removed by the police and then brought back and placed a distance from where it was removed and where the gun had been found.
One thing for sure is that the public are never going to be told the truth and I’m fairly certain that will be the case.
Anyway – I did a wee YouTube search for a Brian Taylor series of lectures he had given at the BBC College of Journalism. It was decidedly anti-SNP/Independence and I was totally out of luck but did find another lecture by Brian Taylor:-
link to youtube.com
While Brian talks a good story I’ll leave Wingers to make their own minds up if the lecture quoted facts by Brian fit the practice as exhibited by the BBC and by Brian himself.
I’ll keep my own views to myself – at least for the time being.
See what you think BTW it is a long and convoluted
loa… Err! lecture.The phantom power fundraiser closed on the 19th, only half way to the target but you can donate directly, link on their page.
Remember this site has been nominated among other high profile sites for an award as most influential. I think it is the 2nd most recognised site in UK?
There simply MUST be other political sites linking BBC clips.
This really is a sickening turn of events. We know the state are running scared, but it’s of little comfort right now.
Of course all this takes place to avoid discussion in the House of Commons. I hope those involved in the industry — and that includes trades unions recognise that there is the right wing are trying to purge voices that are pro-independence and / or dare I say it in England left wing type voices.
The BBC, Sky, Telegraph, Mail, Express are working together in their attempt to move pro-brexit. After all it is what we want – isn’t it.Can the EU be involved ?
From Wikipedia
Media freedom in the European Union is a fundamental right that applies to all member states of the European Union and its citizens, as defined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as well as the European Convention on Human Rights.[2]:1 Within the EU enlargement process, guaranteeing media freedom is named a “key indicator of a country’s readiness to become part of the EU”.[3]
Media freedom, including freedom of the press, is the principal platform for ensuring freedom of expression and freedom of information, referring to the right to express value judgments and the right of allegation of facts, respectively. While the term media freedom refers to the absence of state monopoly or excessive state intrusion, Media pluralism is understood in terms of lack of private control over media, meaning the avoidance of concentrated private media ownership
MEP’s, MSP’s, MP’s get the finger out and help fight this discrimination and political bias.
The Scotsman seems to be the only paper or broadcaster prepared to stand up and be counted.
“Two YouTube channels featuring pro-independence content have been disabled reportedly due to copyright strikes from the BBC.
The channels have allegedly been suspended with no warning……..”
The Scotsman Archived:
link to archive.is
Have any ‘names’, pro-indy or otherwise, publicly stated support for WOS since yesterday?
I am glad I cancelled my Tv licence, wish I had done it sooner. No one should condone state censorship or financially support it.
Pro independence voters should be contacting their MPs or MSPs to voice their concerns. When you think about it, the BBC is supposed to be a public service and it’s contents are controlled by fair usage.
But it would seem that if you support Independence and pay your licence fee, you are not entitled to see anything that shows the BBC in a poor light.
Since they top the league for Scotland is sh*te news, it could be they are cleaning house because they don’t want people to have a known access point to view their bias especially as it is looking more likely that there will be a 2nd referendum based on the Brexit outcome
( advisory of course which the Westminster Gov can’t stop from happening ) giving it the same credence as the Brexit vote.
I honestly think if Wings over Scotland’s other websites get shutdown, it will only strengthen the resolution of Pro Indy supporters to pursue their right to be heard through other outlets. The last thing they will do is get back in their box.
The McCrone Report kept hidden for years. Iraq, Lockerbie and Dunblane kept secret for 100 years under the Official Secrets Act. How much more proof is needed of a cover up.
Memorial plaque to Willie Macrae in Israel.
link to kkl-jnf.org
According to Wiki, “He authored the maritime law of Israel and was an emeritus professor of the University of Haifa. After his death a forest of 3,000 trees was planted in Israel in his memory.”
@Robert 12:02 For some reason I can’t post links here, but go to youtube and type in “03.04.2012 BBC Conference: Brian Taylor” and I think you will get the lecture you’re looking for.
@skozra says: 29 July, 2018 at 11:30 am:
It was a Ford Escort that Willie McRae had I think. The car in the pic above is a Volvo 240 saloon.
Nope! That’s Willie’s Volvo and that is the photo in the newspapers at the time.
Here is an extract of the facts:-
This is scary what have you done recently that would percipitate
this action at this time? Years ago there was a drama called ‘Scotch on the Rocks’ about establishment figures infiltrating an activist group. At the time I thought it was far fetched, silly me.
Can I also recommend a subscription to the IScot magazine. Also everyone should email their MO/MSP complaining about this censorship. It has nothing to do with copyright.
The National has coverage.
RT will have coverage broadcast around the world.
The BBC will look even more like a propaganda unit.
Cameron/Clegg sent in the robocops to trash the Guardian Mail room. Greenwald/Snowden revelations of worldwide CIA/M15 illegal surveillance. The only paper of any independence of editorial. Still pressured by the Westminster control freaks.
Cameron and Clegg voted out. Where are they now? At Wimbledon. Milking the public purse of consortiums.
Interesting to see the Scotsman ran the story as well. The Herald hasn’t so far, nor has that gatekeeper of democracy and freedom of the press – the Scotsman.
I suggest all those with logins to the MSM start commenting on any thread remotely appropriate, like anything to do with “freedom of the press”, “freedom of speech” and keep on going.
And going.
And going.
Because next it will be the Scotsman, the Herald, the Guardian, The Times, whoever offends the establishment in any way, large or small.
Reading the latest report from a Westminster committee on the need to legislate against “fake new” I.e. Not official state news…plus the BBC actions we should all be very worried. It is not just the Indepedence movement that will be the target. It will be anyone out of step with the state.
Never trust the BBC…they are the propaganda agents of Westminster/ Whitehall.
If Yahoo refuse to see reason is it possible to hit Yahoo with misuse of copyright claims for Unionist sites that use the BBC in exactly the same way that the Indy political sites do? If we can’t use the BBC why should the SiU, or even the Tories or Labour?
Well overdue Wings has Its own Webpage that is Not reliant on Outside Sources
I know you have probably thought of all of these but I decided to chip in the ideas anyway, just in case.
I would definitely consider backing up all your evidence, as soon as you can get access, to another location. Keep that location secret. One of the Cloud Storage Services, like Mediafire, upload the data with anonnymous alpha-numeric names for each password encrypted zip-file.
I hope you get your data released soon and get back on the air. I might also consider another Video upload site, like Vimeo, or even getting your own server. I know that might be expensive for you but maybe a crowd fund could help maintain it, so you can host your own videos and also secure your backups.
Just a few ideas I hope some of them help. All the Best.
Damn, I meant ” that gatekeeper of democracy and freedom of the press – the GUARDIAN”
The UK state (including the BBC arm of it) is becoming ever more scared and paranoid, and in the run up to Brexit they’re going to become ever more dirty.
Post Brexit, all the cards are in the air and they’re already talking about sending in the army. After March, I strongly suspect that’s what will happen and it won’t be an unplanned result of a no deal Brexit if it happens – rather, the no deal Brexit is part of the plan for an authoritarian state it seems increasingly clear a large number of far right nut-cases who’ve been allowed far too close to power want to happen. It’s not yet inevitable – I’m sure there are wiser heads who absolutely don’t want that – but I’m increasingly feeling gloomy about them winning. And if that’s what happens, Scotland is truly fucked. Well, the UK is truly fucked, but Scotland and Wales in particular. Any last hint of free media and the chance to dissent will be lost with that post Brexit scenario.
It is significant that this has occurred while Holyrood is in recess and within days of the start of WM recess meaning that if it is kept out of the broadcast and print media the general public except for users of the attacked site will remain blissfully unaaware of this assault on free speech.
Incidentally how many people south of the border are aware that there have been 4 AUOB marches/rallies in Scotland this summer with each attended by 10s of thousands?
Well said Rev.
‘People in positions of power usually find it harder to give up their patriarchal, racist, condescending , insulting uses of language, whereas disempowered people find it harder to stand up for their own rights…Hegemony depends on the consent of the masses’ (Norman Fairclough, Critical Language Awareness).
The YES movement has embedded co-production of knowledge,a breadth and depth of communication that defines emancipatory discourse, an explication of the truth. The BBC is not any interested in any of the above and is signalling its own demise in political commentary. Support for all indy sites is vital until Scotland declares independence. Those who repress information and have invested heavily in manipulating democracy should reflect on the return on their investment- the YES movement is in very good health and Brexit is not an option for Scotland the country.
Just cause like that I’ve sent a wee e-mail to RT and Al Jazeera about this situation and the State censorship now being undertaken by the BBC.
@Myself –
Pat Kane has tweeted concern about Peter Curran being shut down but hasn’t mentioned this place…
Anyone seen comment from anyone else?
OK, that’s a couple of posts on the Herald about it, the National will hopefully keep covering it themselves. I’ll leave Grun because it’s a pain, and others like the Express, DT and even BBC till later over the next few days. Any more Wingers doing this?
And there’s decent reporters out there on Twitter that some Wingers have the “ear” of or at least the Tweet – any chance of you bending their ears a bit?
I suggest using “Freedom of the Press” because like it or not, Wings Over Scotland is a part of the media, the online media.
And let’s keep going for weeks – until Holyrood and Westminster are back, as gus1940 it’s some “coincidence” that this happened now they’re in recess. And yes, get SNP MPs / MSPs onside with this – even if they don’t like Wings, it’s an assault on freedom of expression.
Also start reporting the likes of the Conservative Party and others who use BBC channels on youtube to illustrate their articles.
It is in the Scotsman. The National.
It will be on RT broadcast around the world,
It is in the Scotsman. The National.
It will be on RT broadcast around the world.
Another unionist own goal. Bringing more support.
Gus I know many Scots who are unaware of the AUOB marches.
Keep going Stu we will support Wings as much as we can.
It is getting really quite sinister now. I suppose we should have known. The last referendum was conducted under the veneer of ‘love’ for us. Now it will be no holds barred and very dirty – they have seen what they can get away with.
You have been a lightning rod for the worst of the Yoon criticism which has made it easy for the rest of us. Yet they still cannot diminish your influence, stay safe Stu.
And maybe consider legal action, the noisier and the more publicity for such action in court, the better. I daresay the BBC can be a “co-respondent”. Deep pockets would be needed to follow through, but perhaps even raising the action and getting a hearing date would be enough – and cheaper.
I suggest a petition and also a visit/ email to your local MP.
If hostile groups are using the system of reporting to shut down parts of the Internet – shut it down, shut it all down. That’s the game in town. All – or nothing.
I have emailed my MP regarding this asking him to complain if not I take it that he agrees with BBC doing this to only pro independence sites.
The other thing of course is FOI requests to Yahoo, and other service providers, plus the BBC itself. The more the merrier. Swamp the b*st*rds. They shall not pass!
Keep fighting the good fight against the brit pests. No doubt that they are panicking big time and this is a sign of their real desperation.
Tweeted this last night:
‘Would you be prepared to attend a rally at BBC Pacific Quay with the specific aim of encouraging unhappy staff to walk out in protest at the most recent developments re WOS? If so, please RT.’
It’s been RTd 283 times so far.
For those who may have missed it, Ronnie Anderson’s comment and link from previous thread…
‘I have long since said on Wings & other Yes sites WE need to take the BBC to Scottish Law Court , there is a many examples of their Bias to Scottish Independence & the SNP if we dont challenge the BBC in Court then we will have to suffer the consequences.
Rev nows the time to put a Crowdfunder up as I’ve called for many times , if WOS don’t no other Yes body could .
Playing catch up here folks , so’s forgive me if anybody else has posted similar.
Re the BBC demo on the 11Aug I hope to get that expanded to take into account STV’s Bias reporting , they have been left out of the equation for far to long , lets shake the whole of Pacific Quay up by force of numbers .
link to facebook.com
Share Share then Share some more .’
The Westminster committee ‘fake news’ is primarily against the Brexitees using Facebook etc to abuse personal data provision. It is against Cambridge Analytica buying custimer details from Facebook to target them, against data protection provision. Illegal activities of Arron Banks and Dominic Cummings which has gone on without censor. Vote Leave Director. Breaking illegal spending limits and other activities.
@ Guardian ‘plucky little committee’ report.
Damian Collins chairman is in a feud with Dominic Cummings about ‘fake news’ brexiteers illegal overspending and activities.
They say that, for numerous reasons, governments push for war when their economies are at risk of economic collapse. Well, here’s a thought:
The UK failed to start a USA-Russia fight recently. If they can’t start WW3, what’s the next best thing – Cliff Edge BREXIT? It would certainly give em the perfect excuse to impose martial law (indefinitely if necessary), do away with the troublesome celtic parliaments, stop IndyRef2 in its tracks and provide some space and time to regain control for the gigantic task of restructuring a USA-style economy.
Could it be that they are pushing for a BREXIT fall, simply to regain some control, of sorts?
I think this is all part of a plan to push the the independence supporters to the point of violence and that will give the state the excuse to really crack down on them more openly but they fail to remember how that turned out in Ireland
If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever. George Orwell
Intimidation is what this is. There are now so many instances of the rap-on-the-door-at-midnight attacks on Indy leadership that we have to conclude the dark actors are abroad.
I already do support the sites listed and iScot and The National. I cancelled my TV licence decades ago.
But if more cash is needed to mount a challenge in the courts to this political discrimintion and attack on freedom of speech then I will contribute.
There are over 200,000 people reading this blog. £10 from each would fund a campaign to end this harrassment.
Good luck Stu and don’t let the bastards get you down (to coin a phrase). Keep on posting articles on BBC output but with a big red CENSORED header.
Maybe by Monday it will all be reinstated all as the result of a technical fault.
See those paranoid national type of people tut!
It is interesting that behind the scenes there are individuals actually discussing that free speech aint allowed -unless of course they agree with what’s said then that’s ok. Who are they? where do they originate from? BBC? Police, Secret service,ex Army, Tory government?
im sure Ruth Davidson will call for normal service to be resumed being ex BBC – oops.
How much the BBC are spending on “protecting” their copyright cannot be information relating to newa, art or literature. A FoI request on the cost, and the circumstances in which they attempt to protect their Precious from others profiting from it could be worthwhile.
The beeb are proudly reporting the need for ‘tougher laws’ on ‘fake news’. No irony intended of course! It’s what the British always do to manage crises and challenges to their rule. ‘Events, dear boy, events’ as Big Mac used to say. An ‘event’ will eventually show up which they can steer to their advantage. Since they control the levers of power. In this case, the Cambridge Analytica stuff and Russian hacking. They will use justifiable fears about such issues to clamp down on critics like Wings.
And another thing. USE the Unionists. I don’t do Twitter but the more moderate of tweeters who aren’t blocked, a Tweet such as
“What do you think of the action of closing down the Youtube account with BBC clips of pro-Indy websites only, whereas the Conservatives still have their channel open?”.
Same for the likes of Alex Massie who has the media eye.
there will be no violence other than by toady’s of the state.
Hi from Tassie:
The westminster government and establishment must really be worried now, hence desperate action. Independence has the numbers now and only needs declaration for the vote. The numbers grow despite the underhand actions of msm and westminster. God bless Scotland and bring Independence soon.
Love to you Stuart and all Wingers and fighters for a self governing Scotland.
Now I’m getting seriously worried; looks like London (plus Fluffy) and media are thinking “Okay; Spain got away with it versus Catalonia, let’s see what we can get away with here while almost nobody’s looking”. I’ve taken note of the alternative sources, just in case there’s a blackout, but praying this lifeline to truth and sanity holds. All best wishes for you, Rev.
To those suggesting we contact our M.P. can I just say I’d rather bang my heid aff a brick wa’ ;D
Some folks ken who ma M.P. is … for those who dinnae he’s the wee tea boy (Junior Grade) who jumps every time Feartie shouts “where’s my cup of Earl Grey boy!”
Sunniva says:
Our definition of fake news is quite different theirs, of course.
We consider fake news to be made up lies, usually for the purposes of propaganda.
However in their newspeak, fake news means any information or news originating online and disagreeing with line taken by the traditional broadcast or printed media.
I think there are those that dislike the casual friendliness of things like the AUOB marches and the good relationship we have with the police. They would love to spoil that.
We should resist violence, it just lets those who like violence rise to the top and that is never a good thing. We fight the BBC. Their stock is nothing like it once was. It is not hard for to believe that the BBC are tainted.
Now shown on Edinburgh evening news
I have nade official complaint to the BBC about it and if everybody else did it perhaps you can flood out their complaints department.
Number is : 03700 100 222*
option 1
option 3
Clog them up and they have to give in.
I suspect one of the Tory Gov officials to be leaning on the Beeb to lean on You Tube would be one Chloe Smith MP (Minister for the Constitution) …you know…the Gov Minister who kickstarted the debate ‘Supporting the Union’ last week at Westminster.
Is a legal challenge feasible? Should we start to crowdfund?
It’s a dark day when seriously disturbing and sinister UKGov state sanctioned censorship, is actually being discussed and when a journalist is talking about their own safety possibly being at risk in a so called democracy.
Scotland must escape this Kafkaesque nightmare. We have far right Tories and their Labour pals taking a wrecking ball to Scottish democracy, with all the levers of dodgy money and power.
The media is the first thing they take control of, though it’s been happening for a long time as we all know.
The Brutish Bulldog arrogance is alive and well, their jaws lock to get what they want.
Well they ain’t getting to ‘keep’ Scotland. They can take England back a couple of centuries if that’s what people want, but Scotland is a modern, forward looking, life affirming democracy, and this is 2018, Brutish Bullies, hands off Scotland and hands off our journalists!
Stu, I would recommend SPIP instead of WordPress. Solid CMS, made by a tight community of developers and translators seriously engaged with freedom of information. I’ll gladly offer you the needed space in one of my servers, located in an independent data center, in the US. I can even help you with the migration. Times are getting tougher, be cautious. Your voice is much needed. Cheers
Hope you don’t mind Dave but I’ve just tweeted the contents of your last post.
This period of Scotland’s history was always going to happen.
No EU to defend us and the wrath and hatred of the British establishment closing in.
They are attempting the Ulsterisation of Scotland, which they are failing to understand, Scotland is no Ulster and the arming of fanatical loyalists will push the final nail in the coffin of their union.
Arbroath 1320 @ 1-59pm
…and I’ve just registered my complaint!
As by their discriminating tactics,
so we can fairly protest.
We demand the BBC censorship to cease.
Our representatives will proceed to uncover the BBC decision making process that created this discrimination.
Tougher laws on fake news would see the BBC closed down
There are BBC clips all over youtube. I don’t like to clipe but somebody called Billy, gravatar an St George flag, has uploaded a Peter Cook and Dudley Moore clip and it’s been there since 2008.
Sorry Billy but your account will be suspended.
link to youtube.com
Something else to bear in mind is that with the possibility of a snap General Election increasing by the Tory Cabinet infighting mouthful, the media anti-Labour rhetoric is ramping up like there’s no tomorrow – clearly with the hope there WILL be no tomorrow for the Labour Party. Anti-Semitism is just one being used right now.
Now even though on opposite sides of the fence regards Independence, that – the media bias and dirty tricks – that – is – common – cause.
Please never stop!! I for one will keep donating. We can’t ever let them win!
Maybe it’s time to come home pal, eh?
Now that the rain’s finally back on, ye ken..
“Is a legal challenge feasible? Should we start to crowdfund?”
If you take on the BBC you are taking on WM Gov. – waste of precious funding.
Frankly, I’d rather crowdfund a Stuart Campbell College of Journalism for our youngsters to learn what real journalism is about and not (for the most part) the pish our MSM churn out daily. (Subject to the Revs approval of course)
Coincidence that this has happened now that the Scottish and UK Parliaments are in recess and no friendly MSP\ MP can raise the issue?
However they will certainly be making enquiries behind the scenes. Not Murdie, though.
Reminding ourselves of our friends and allies is indeed a sensible precaution in these difficult times:- link to yeswecan.scot Being prepared for the worst means that we will be better able to cope with whatever happens!
The point of that last posting I forgot to make, is that it’s often easier to fight someone else’s cause as you can’t be accused of being partisan. So for people who despise Labour to point out bias against Labour, or Labour who are against Independence as a party (though not by members) can;t be accused of pro-Indy bias if THEY take up the cause of pro-Indy sites being targetted.
It’s kind of like elves stopping fighting dwarves, and hobbits coming out of holes in the hill to fight alongside big strapping men and women to fight the Dark Lord and his orcs and goblins and subverted Black whatever they’re called, Riders.
Common cause against the evil forces of the subverting establishment.
@Colin Stuart
Spain didn’t get away with it. In case you haven’t noticed Rajoy is no longer in power. The European arrest warrants have been withdrawn, and I suspect that in the not too distant future all those Catalonians in prison will be paroled – or something similar.
It took me a while to figure it out, but I now see that the EU does not do confrontation or crackdown. That does not mean they take no action. They use different means.
I am pretty sure that SNP/ScotGov get it. Westminster/Tories do not.
Anyone willing to put money on who will prevail?
On line trolls are mainly right wing unionists. Candidates. Ignoring Codes of Conduct. Another own goal. Chloe Smith.
I have just read a tweet from Martin Keatings peeps and YES he too has been “attacked” by the corrupt BBC!
Here’s a copy of a letter he has written to the Director General of the BBC.
link to facebook.com
Keep investigating, Rev. The fact that the bbc and other britnat media outlets hate WOS is a sure sign of its effectiveness.
WOS is without doubt a highly important part of the pro-indy movement – and don’t the britnats know it!
Support for the Rev and WOS is stronger than ever. The other pro-indy sites listed are also important and deserve support too.
IAB says:
29 July, 2018 at 1:48 pm
Is a legal challenge feasible? Should we start to crowdfund?
Not so sure.
A legal challenge would suit the Establishment fine. They would be more than happy with that response. What better effect than to bog key players down in lengthy court battles when they could be far more effective fighting other battles? A lengthy court battle would not help the cause for indy. Far better to arrange peaceful protests IMO.
Bogging down opponents with lengthy court actions is a common American deep state tactic.
I’ve just tried to use the BBC’s own complaints system to
complain about the lack of coverage of the shutting down of Wings YouTube account. As I was unable to provide a web address for the item I was complaining about (their lack of coverage of an important event for Scotland) I could not take the complaint forward. I think this will need to be a letter to Pacific Quay. Could as many people as possible complain by letter specifically asking for a personal reply.
I am at last investigating what I need to do to keep my TV running without paying the Licence Fee. I’m sick of them all. I will be along to the protest on 11th August.
Like everyone else I worry for your safety. They – the mock Jocks and their British controllers – hate you because you are not craven. That hatred is truly dangerous because these people view force as being justifiable when they are the ones using it.
I know you will take any steps you can to safeguard Wings. In the meantime I will give support to the other Indy sites.
Your country needs and values you. A pox on those who would do you ill.
Willie Mcrae had a volvo at the time he was murdered.
Oh, and by the way, if you had to change links and all that on all articles, it should be possible using some sort of global change – like grep I think it is. Someone should be able to take your archives and change them, after testing, in not much more than milliseconds.
A quick google (5 seconds) also found this:
link to kinsta.com
“How to Bulk Upload Files to WordPress Media Library via FTP”
I vaguely remember Kinsta as being interesting.
In case anybody hasn’t noticed WGD has produced an excellent attack on this disgraceful assault on free speech.
Can’t access following Twitter feeds
Pat Kane
Dan Maudsley
Peter Geoghegan
Craig Murray website error 502 bad gateway
The Nazi book burning in 1933 comes to mind.
Ostensibly led by Hitler’s ‘students’, any literature hostile to Naziism, was to be destroyed by fire.
It was doubtless in Ray Bradbury’s mind when he wrote ‘Fahrenheit 451’, which is the temperature at which paper burns.
Montag is the main protagonist, a professional ‘fireman’, a civil servant, whose job it is to hunt down and burn printed books, which are forbidden in Bradbury’s version of dystopia.
Montag becomes disillusioned with his job, holds on to some books and starts to read.
He escapes and joins s resistance movement, each member of which has memorised a classic book, and acts as storyteller to the young, ensuring that ideas, freedom of thought and action, and creativity of mind continues.
It may be argued that the BBC is indulging in a selective form of ‘book burning’.
Wild eyed Brit Nats and liars can still access the BBC back catalogue, but not WoS, and presumably through time while there is not a Parliament in session to stop them, all Pro Scottish Independence and anti-Brexit sites will be muffled.
Well, taking a non-combustible leaf out of Bradbury’s oeuvre, I intend to ‘do a Montag’.
From now on in until WoS regains access to publicly owned archives, I intend to relay verbatim Brewer’s, Taylor’s, and Campbell’s broadcasts, and SNP Badness, with comments, and hopefully post it on sites on the ether.
They are a totalitarian state now; an Iron Heel Oligarchy which demands, through its Anglo Scots mercenaries, our subservience as a conquered colonised grouse moor.
I wonder, should Stu join the NUJ?
You don’t get me I’m part of the Union?
He certainly needs to look at his personal safety.
I expect that JK Rowling and other word peddlers will be outraged by this State censorship of Free Speech and will take to Facebook big time in Stu’s defence.
That will be shinin’ bright.
There is no doubt the the Anglo Establishment knows that Scotland will be Free, and well on the way to being EU member 28, replacing Merrie England, by April 2019.
Tomorrow morning, I’ll start with the 2 ½ minutes of News Where You Are on the fatuous little 3 ½ hours of hegemony from England at Breakfast time.
On the question of sending troop North to quell the rebellious Scots.
No need. They’re already here.
As I write, they are expanding Faslane to berth RN’s entire submarine fleet.
It is planned to barrack 5000 submariners, build a brand spanking new Submariners College, and doubtless garrison thousands more marines to secure the beefed up WMD complex in the ‘relatively remote’ lump of rock 500 odd miles from London.
If we Scots try anything they’d be speeding up the Clyde in gunboats at the drop of Boris’ hat.
Someone mentioned that Stu’s Muffling reminded them of the BBC ‘Scotch On The Rocks’ series.
It comes as no surprise that this BBC series, based on a novel co-written by Douglas Hurd, yes THAT Douglas Hurd, Maggie’s Foreign Secretary, fires the neurons and synapses in your Long Term Memory.
Set in the ‘Seventies, the SNP is emerging as a serious political force(threat even) and a ‘Scottish Liberation Army’ rises up and takes Fort William.
The BBC showed it once, to uproar. It might give the Sweaties ideas, doncha know?
Although they have subsequently denied it, BBC destroyed the tapes, ‘burnt’ them, if you like.
I observed a few weeks ago that WM and the Brit Establishment are going on to a ‘war’ footing.
The BBC is, was, and always will be the Propaganda Wing of the Brit Establishment
Well, it’s time we left the English to get on with it.
We’ll need to build a big wall at Gretna across to North Berwick.
We’re on our way, we’re on our way, to happiness uh-uh.
I just wanted to say thanks to Stuart for giving a plug to the Scot Goes Pop fundraiser – it’s much appreciated. (And I agree it was a daft decision to use last year’s funding page!)
From memory it’s possible the likes of Vestas might be able to help with that. Stuff it all on pen drives or removeable hard disk, voila. Send by post!
I still haven’t managed to find the time to install a home Linux environment after all these years, and I’d need to refresh my Perl knowledge, so probably unable to help even when I am past the busy time of the season.
Rogue Coder perhaps?
Just read the article in phys.org tech section about the ‘UK Lawmakers recommend tougher rules on facebook’. ‘Interim report’ by the HOC’s ‘medaia committee’ released today apparently.
The report is sinister in the extreme. Here you go.
“Social media companies can no longer avoid oversight by describing themselves as platforms, because they use technology to filter and shape the information users see. Nor are they publishers, since that model traditionally commissions and pays for content”.
“We recommend that a new category of tech company is formulated, which tightens tech companies’ liabilities, and which is not necessarily either a ‘platform’ or a ‘publisher,” the report said. “We anticipate that the government will put forward these proposals in its White Paper later this year.”
They want to protect democracy in the UK apparently! :-0
Always use a bad thing to make an even better good thing out of it, that’s my motto.
Nil Carborundum! Don’t let the buggers grind you down.
And I’m off to do some work.
Came across this over on Twitter peeps.
18th of October
BBC Birthday Party
Mass Organized Cancellation of the TV Licence
Think that would make a lovely wee birthday prezzie for the corrupt BBC don’t you think?
Stuart I’m being TOTALLY serious when I say that it’s high time that you employed bodyguards and took further measures to protect yourself, in whatever way you can. Nothing is fullproof but these suggestions could cut down on the risk factors. Nicola Sturgeon has been named as the most dangerous woman in Britain. You’re no doubt considered to be the most dangerous man: a real threat to the State.
You carry a very heavy burden on your shoulders, mostly on our behalf. You’ve been subjected to what can only be described to be, at the very least, constant “harassment”, which must be dragging you down. Their objective of course. What WE must do now is support YOU. I don’t know what’s going through your mind right now, however I’m sure you must be considering all of your options. The options will no doubt require financial backing. “Options” that you may not be able to discuss online, share with us, however we don’t need to know how the money is being spent. We trust you and know that ultimately every penny will be used on behalf of the Independence cause. PLEASE get a fundraiser up and running now. One that will run until Indyref2. We need you on our side, now more than ever, contesting MSM propaganda. Fighting for a free and democratic Scotland.
And yes we should all make a real effort to support all those who are working their butts off on our (and our precious children / grandchildren) behalf too. Meanwhile take care of yourself, Stu X
There is fake news, there is lazy journalism, there are plain lies and then there is the unbiased professional BBC.
BBC, prostitutes of the State, worse than a street whore who at least openly plies her trade without favour.
Making common cause with the Labour Party on anything is not a good idea. If they were in power at this time they would be just as likely to undermine free speech to undermine the cause of Scottish independence. They are fully co-operative with the Tories in promoting their common desire to extinguish Scotland. I am appalled that anyone would consider joining forces with them. They believe in the two party British State and wouldn’t piss on Scotland if it was on fire.
indy caravan on PQ anyone?
Mmm, that’s 5 articles now on the H I’ve put a different posting on about this, in some sort of context. Do you think they’ll notice? It’s been useful to be able to make reference to the East coast newspaper having covered it. But has the Herald so far …
Edinburgh Evening News is also reporting on this.
Concluding sentence:
“The Scotsman have approached the BBC for comment.”
link to archive.is
Jack Collatin, Scotch on the Rocks was partly filmed on Arran around 1972. The book is freely available , will need to read it again one day. Just checked you can get the book on amazon for a penny, plus P+P
Take a couple of days isolation from the electrical world.
Not even a phone.
We’ll all be here when you get back.
@Arthur thomson
Sure, but they’re NOT in power at the moment, and if the right-wing media has anything to do with it, they never will.
Indy doesn’t have to stand “shoulder to shoulder” with them, just point out the anti-Labour bias in the media of which there is plenty. That illustrates OTHER bias.
Also, everyone should click on the ‘Scotsman’ link in Stu’s piece.
Give em a spike to think about strength of feeling
A couple of peeps above have mentioned legal challenges, so I disappeared for a few minutes to look at the 1998 Human Rights Act and found something whose significance I never quite appreciated until today, which, given the period and the context of its enactment, makes me wonder if someone has had a hand, a Red Hand, in the takedown of Stu’s channel.
For jaded readers…check the words near the end between the KLAXON…
Human Rights Act 1998
Schedule 1
Part 1
Article 10 Freedom of Expression
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers. This Article shall not prevent States from requiring the licensing of broadcasting, television or cinema enterprises.
The exercise of these freedoms, since it carries with it duties and responsibilities, may be subject to such formalities, conditions, restrictions or penalties as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society, in the interests of national security, (KLAXON explodes furiously) territorial integrity (KLAXON ends) or public safety, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, for the protection of the reputation or rights of others, for preventing the disclosure of information received in confidence, or for maintaining the authority and impartiality of the judiciary.
There you have it…territorial integrity. If the sovereign people of Scotland decide to campaign for the de-integration of the territory of Gweat Bwitain, then the ends of democracy under the 1998 Human Rights Act legitimate the stifling of the media and the democratic norm of freedom of expression but only for those ‘rebellious Scots’.
This authoritarian sleight of hand hidden away in the schedules will not affect your ability to buy and consume as much cereal as you wish…
(*the govt cannot be held legally accountable for interruptions to availability due to Brexit-related panic buying. Further practical advice can be found in the 300-page leaflet “Foraging for all the family: simple tips on how to assemble the ingredients for Crunchy Nut Cornflakes” by Tom Gallagher illustrated with five basic Kung Fu moves by Jill Stephenson, and 296 pages of graphs and appendices by the K***n H***e.)
Good luck. Thank you for all you do and thanks for this info
Actual link for that as I agree:
link to scotsman.com
and the Edinburgh News one:
link to edinburghnews.scotsman.com
Is it too early yet for us to think about sending the BBC a huge Thank You card for all the “amazing” work they have done recently in pushing the cause for Scottish independence?
We are finally seeing the true colours of the BBC.
Not red, white, and blue for Jolly Old Blighty, but piss yellow for back stabbing cowardice.
Not sure if it has been raised on here yet. Sorry if it has.
Is it feasible for people, individuals, to set up their own YouTube channel and allow access to all pro Indy groups to post to them en masse?
Luigi@1.15 pm
Thoughts are my thoughts too on the shambles of Brexit – there is no reason for it to be a shambles unless they want it to be.
Wider reading/watching on how I eventually decided that was the most likely reasoning involved discovering who Bill Browder was, and how the whole of the western media plays to the same tune, and why this might be so.
For the the BBC to shut down legal platforms in a discriminatory way is an absolute outrage – the nonsense about fake news is a white wash – do we all really believe everything we read? Can we not decide ourselves the origin of the information and decide ourselves the trustworthiness of it?
The question is why do they want to control news, why are they so concerned about what news we get? Only one reason, to ensure their version is the only version. WoS, and other Indy sites, has been invaluable in opening eyes so we see exactly how much the official narrative is warped to only one view, and not a good view. Long may their exposure continue.
We only need the background of who is reporting, what their affiliations are, why they are reporting whatever news, their reasons etc. No voices need to be silenced, for our ‘protection’, it is naive to think any institution is automatically a trustworthy source (as I have found out in recent years! I could myself amongst the naive, however sceptical, though becoming enlightened).
Wings Over Scotland stall . The Wings volunteers contributed £100 to WGD ( Paul Kavannah ) yesterday ( much shaking of hands & hugging Nae kissing ) lol .
RogueCoder will receive his contribution this week . ( fek who needs ah Caribbean holiday )
Rev re Lolliesmum’s post & my previous post you have to give serious consideration to a Crowdfunder to get the BBC into Court or as you have indicated the Information Shops will close its doors & we cant afford any one Pro Yes site to close , more so Wings Over Scotland .
As with Lolliesmum I stand ready to put my hand in my pocket to defend WOS , in the past U have picked your Legal fights as they were presented to U & the Wingers got behind U lets get the ball rolling & take this fight to them post haste .
Arbroath1320 says:
29 July, 2018 at 3:26 pm
Is it too early yet for us to think about sending the BBC a huge Thank You card for all the “amazing” work they have done recently in pushing the cause for Scottish independence?
(never interrupt your enemy…
Saw this from Average tweeted 17 hours ago:
“when Growth Commission assumes £2.4bn of spending “allocated to Scotland” takes place elsewhere, they assume that (e.g.) no Network Rail, HMRC staff, BBC or nuclear decommissioning activity take place in Scotland”
and he (those ilsands) says “The £2,600m figure is arrived at by a combination of sweeping assertion, ‘rounding-up’, double-counting and – most worryingly of all – an obvious error by the #GrowthCommission in interpreting the GERS data.”
“interpreting the GERS data”. And he assumes they “assume”.
Oh dear, oh dearie dearie dearie me, look who’s talking 3. And on top of that, he can’t even get his figures consistent (2.6 or 2.4?).
On a totally disconnected matter I noticed this on youtube:
link to youtube.com
Wonder how all this is going down in Europe? They must know what the English Broadcasting Corp are now doing by now. We are also European citizens, we should expect some support from that direction as our rights are being eroded.
All of a sudden the BBC finds that the contents of its public service news output are not for sharing with organisations that analyse it from an independence support perspective. Copyright means owned by the BBC and not by the licence payers or the public that it is supposed to serve.
The open, no fear, free speech approach of the big online media providers is gradually being eroded by recognition that they can earn hassle free profits from the 90+% trivial banality output that causes no discomfort to the billionaires that really run the “democratic” world we live in. That democracy is one where free speech is only such until it tells the truth too often to a growing number of incrementally better informed people.
In Scotland that growing number is now pushing the critical mass to the tipping point where the floodgates open so wide that the desire for a better world for the many, not the few, cannot, any longer, be contained.
@ yesindyref2 2:48 pm :
“From memory it’s possible the likes of Vestas might be able to help with that. Stuff it all on pen drives or removeable hard disk, voila. Send by post!”
I doubt Stu needs archive storage/help from but if he does then he certainly knows where & who I am
Online storage is cheap as chips these days and can be paid for in just about anything you want – including cryptocurrencies. Ditto VPNs and other services. Thing is though boys & girls if I know this then you can bet the people in Cheltenham do as well.
I saw people suggesting Iceland for “bulletproof” servers.
I’m afraid not, Iceland rolled over a couple of times for Russian intelligence/police in the ’00s around the time of the financial crash. Most of the IT/comms/gaming companies have or have had links to some *seriously* dodgy Russian money over the years. The kind of money that doesn’t get argued over in courts; its dealt with more directly if you get my drift
Panama is bulletproof legally but connectivity is expensive as it’ll have to be with a local company.
I’ve already asked someone I know at Google if they’re aware of the shitstorm that’s going to head their way over this. He’s passing it up the chain but he is technical not management, he doesn’t work for YouTube & its the weekend.
Disclaimer – Vestas has always strongly suspected Google was initially “seeded” with technology/money from an NSA project called “Semantic forests” which was talked about on usenet way back when the USA were trying (and failing) to introduce the Clipper chip to comms equipment in the early 90s.
After all – what better way to surveille a population than to have it submit its search requests to you?
Tinfoil hat? TBH I’m not sure of anything much these days so its presented for your consideration.
I’m just reading that a number of others have been “gagged” now. We”ll have to keep on top of this. Keep a list. Instead of flying saltires (we won’t stand out as Indy supporters) at Propaganda Pit on the Clyde we should carry banners with the names of those who are being targetted and advertise the propaganda techniques that they use, and examples thereof.
It would help if people with their own shows, such as Alex, George Galloway and James O’Brien could get the word out there too. Some may not support independence, but will support freedom of speech. Then there’s a number of sites used by Smallaxe that we could contact.
And when the time comes, when Indyref2 is announced, call in the Polish group (forget the name – was on Craig Murray’s site – will he be targetted next?), who monitor elections, in particular MSM bias.
This attack on social media and the internet in general is not about fake news it’s about real news, real news is the problem for our government, that’s why they’re trying to shut down sites like Wings Over Scotland and others
I’m not saying there’s no fake news on the internet nor am i saying there’s no real news on the MSM the difference is the government can’t control what goes out on the internet and that’s the problem they’re trying to address.
For our childrens sake lets hope they don’t succeed
They will not succeed. It can be beamed in from anywhere. It will come back to haunt them. The Ballot Box is secret. There will be an election soon.
Thanks, I was thinking more of the mass URL changes that would be needed if article had to change to link to somewhere else than youtube. I think I meant regex not grep – shows how rusty I am!
Luigi says:
29 July, 2018 at 3:46 pm
Arbroath1320 says:
29 July, 2018 at 3:26 pm
Is it too early yet for us to think about sending the BBC a huge Thank You card for all the “amazing” work they have done recently in pushing the cause for Scottish independence?
(never interrupt your enemy… ?
consider my lips sealed and this suggestion was NEVER mentioned!

And of course, from the Westminster funded and controlled BBC, their has been ZERO comment. I think that tells us ALL we need to know.
Of course in the background, senior BBC liars will be meeting their Tory lying counterparts, to discuss just how they will ‘spin’ this on Monday. Nobody at Pacific Quay will say anything, while they are waiting on the ‘official line’ to come from their handlers in London/Thames house.
Let nobody be in any doubt, the BBC is not your friend, it is an extremely well-funded manipulative lying state apparatus, cleverly designed to appear as a regular broadcaster.
In one respect, it is good that they have done this, because at last, what the BBC truly is, is out in the open. There is no turning back. The whole world now knows just how corrupt and anti democracy the BBC is.
Know your enemy. Let’s all where possible, fund the pro indy sites in the article above, and demonstrate our power. Then join the PEACEFUL demo at Pacific Quay.
Do Not be provoked to violence as that is EXACTLY what they want. Also watch out for MI5/special branch ‘agents provocateurs’.
In any other country in the world, the likes of the propagandist BBC, working against a country like Scotland, would be either run out of town, or in jail.
On the upside, we must be winning.
There is no question that the British state apparatus, and its ancillaries, is moving into consolidation mode in preparation for a brutal Brexit. Proposals in certain quarters that advocacy of the ‘dismemberment’ of the ‘United Kingdom’ or threats to its territorial integrity should be considered treasonable are indicators of a revanchist nationalism skulking in the political undergrowth.
We may well have had a mere glimpse of what this system is prepared to do in order to preserve its ‘integrity’.
The final stages of colonialism tend to be the messiest.
Rev you probably know that I like tech but useless at it. So I do not know if this is helpful for you, taken off comments today from Craig Murray’s site (do not think he will be offended) in case you see something helpful in it.
Reply ?
July 29, 2018 at 15:55
Contrary to popular belief, the internet is the largest sink-hole ever devised by man.
To download the video, go to the Youtube link, copy the url, and paste that url into a program called Youtube-DLG, which is a GUI front-end to youtube-dl, which are to be found here:
link to softpedia.com
and here:
link to mrs0m30n3.github.io
Pennies at the ready when needed.
Bbc tougher laws on fake news. Theres someone in a glass house throwing stones.
@ yesindyref2 4:00 pm :
“Thanks, I was thinking more of the mass URL changes that would be needed if article had to change to link to somewhere else than youtube. I think I meant regex not grep – shows how rusty I am”
Well I’m not a webmonkey so I’d do it by having a subdomain for videos.
Then just change the A record in the domain zonefile which resolves the subdomain (url if you like). Set a low TTL on the entire domain (30 minutes) and you can switch to other servers where the data is located rapidly by pointing the A record to the associated IP address. Your videos are down for 30 minutes max while the TTL for DNS resolution expires.
Of course that doesn’t address the basic problem of how to get them to play inside the wings website – AIUI the video plugins for wordpress are “interesting” to say the least. Can always link them without a plugin of course.
Lots of ways to skin a cat & if I were to give Stu any advice it’d be to build a skeleton website on a fairly platform agnostic package just in case. I’d be surprised if he hadn’t considered/already done that though.
He’s clearly got WAY too much time invested in current site to move it all but maybe start having a look at how to keep some current discussions/articles online on a more basic site should he have “hosting issues”. That way he can at least adjust the zonefile to point at new server fairly immediately.
I’d recommend he sets the TTL for DNS resolution on the wings domain to no more than an hour in any instance. An hour is short but not that unusual.
Lenny Hartley says:
29 July, 2018 at 3:11 pm
Jack Collatin, Scotch on the Rocks was partly filmed on Arran around 1972. The book is freely available , will need to read it again one day. Just checked you can get the book on amazon for a penny, plus P+P
Lenny, now we know the derivation of the scatological euphemism; ‘to spend a penny’.
Personally if I were to ‘spend a penny’ on shit, it wouldn’t be on Hurd’s Penny Dreadful.
Worth reading.
link to weegingerdug.wordpress.com
Robert Peffers @ 12:19,
I take it that Willie MacCrae was right handed , or was he ?.
CEO BBC Scotland
Just if anyone wants to email her.
Extraordinary action by the British Broadcasting Conservatives – the decision must have been taken at a high UK level in the organisation, maybe with political influence and work – must reflect a high level of confidence or anxiety or both. It’s time to start doing some serious work on the current work of the dark state and its certain active involvement in indyref 2.
Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I did get concerned on the recent AUOB Bannockburn March to see a photographer taking head and shoulders mugshots hundreds of people – strange activity for a freelancer or regular photographer for newspapers – even stranger when I asked him who he was working for and he came back saying nobody and asking why I wanted to know – and, when I said laughingly I had been wondering if he worked for MI6, he said I was clearly mentally ill and needed treatment – maybe he was right, but it still left me wondering about the involvement of the secret state and GCHQ in 2014 and since then, including the Stu Campbell experiences, and what they might get up to along with Police Scotland during the next couple of years. Anybody else had their photo taken recently on indyref marches, or am I just a bit unbalanced?
Former Scottish Conservative MP dismisses ‘Dark Money’ claims
A former Conservative MP has insisted there is “no secrecy” around donations to the party after accusations of so-called Dark Money.
Ex-MP Peter Duncan, who resigned as an SUAT trustee 10 days ago, denied the group was trying to evade scrutiny.
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Andrew Reid @ 5.11
Did ye no take a photo of him right back?
You would have been perfectly entitled to and his response would mibbi have told ye more!
Andrew Reid says:
29 July, 2018 at 5:11 pm
You should have taken his photo.
A sudden appearance of the police would then give the game away.
Andrew reid
If you see somone taking a pictures and you are not comfortable take a picture of them
@ Scott 5:02 pm :
“CEO BBC Scotland
Just if anyone wants to email her.”
Don’t waste your time.
She’s from a community (and time) where every Sunday she’d have heard the pope described as the antichrist & where the same teachers she had in primary school told her at Sunday School that the dinosaurs they taught her about during the week at school didn’t exist and were faked.
I know as I got the same shit up there as late as 1982. She drank the kool-aid as yanks say. I didn’t.
She’d be a better fit for BBC NI, but then again what’s the unionist gameplan except stir up sectarianism as usual? I mean that’s what England did in every colony it owned…..
I know – trouble is, on the day you don’t think about doing that until afterwards, and then it’s too late, but I did wonder if the same guy had been taking hundreds of photographs of yessers in Inverness yesterday. Whether the activities on that occasion were innocent or not, the bigger question raised by Stu Campbell’s current youtube experience and what happened with the Met last year is what the security services are up to in relation to indyref developments – what services are they providing currently and whose security are they protecting? All I’m saying is that I’m not seeing anything about this anywhere and it would be good to have it pursued.
Those who are not of an Indy persuasion should reflect:
First they cam for the Socialists, and I did
not speak out-
Because I was not a socialist.
Then the came for the Trades Unionists, and I did
not speak out
because I was not a Trades Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did
not speak out
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me- and there was no one left to speak.
link to bbc.co.uk
have a look. Have your say.
Re someone taking photos – it’ll be Special Branch or another Met Police group tasked with political surveillance. They’ll be at all the marches photographing everyone they can – SOP since the 70s miners strike.
Maybe time to instruct everyone on marches to take pictures/video of said suspected coppers & point them out to others to do the same?
Single people on marches/demos doing this are likely (IMHO) to have unpleasant experiences whereas many doing the same in the march, well its unlikely the cops would be able to grab all the phones & they’d get filmed trying….
Brexit: No withdrawal agreement without a “backstop” for the Northern Ireland/Ireland border says EP Brexit Steering group @guyverhofstadt
Hamish 100
Think you’ll find that link to BBC Trust is out of date. BBC Trust don’t exist any more. A case of BBC lost trust?? ha ha
Cast your mind back, 5 years, 10, 20 years and political commentary then, and “Letters to the Editor”, and then consider the content of the comments here. Astonishing. Consider the BBC refusing to allow comments by Scots on it’s website. and now the YouTube gagging of Wings, Peter Curran, and Keating. Astonishing.Consider Rev Stu publicly stating that he, with reference to past such incidents, that he will not be committing suicide. Astonishing.
I”m for a Wings fundraiser if for no other purpose than a statement of intent that we are up for a fight to assert our independence. £10 x 20,000 donations is a serious financial resource.
No point though in pursuing the BBC in court w.r.t YouTube since the BBC are state funded.
@Az says: 29 July, 2018 at 11:51 am:
” … That is 100% Willie Macrae’s car. He drove that Volvo from the centre of Glasgow, after his tyres having been slashed, causing him to delay his journey from the morning until much later. In turn, that meant he would arrive in Inverness-shire when it was dark or getting dark.
You were correct to this point but Willie didn’t die in his Volvo. He was alive when found and taken to hospital. A nurse was washing the blood from behind Willie’s right ear and discovered the bullet hole.
X-rays revealed a bullet in his brain and severe brain damage and, with permission from his family, his life support was switched off and Willie died in #Hospital
Then, fairly recently evidence has been revealed, but may not be provable, that the police had the Volvo removed, by a local company from the scene believing it was just an accident.
When it was discovered at hospital that Willie had been shot, they had the car quietly taken back to the scene but it is now being claimed that they did not put it back in the exact place and this is being claimed as the reason the gun was found some distance from the car.
Other evidence, by a retired policeman, claims the gun was actually originally found outside the car but partly underneath it in a burn and the car was straddling that burn.
All a bit too convenient and rather late in being revealed. and that, in itself, is very, very suspicious.
I cannot say I knew Willie well but I had met him several times and he was a bit of a hero for me. Willie was A really great guy and a great orator.
@June says: 29 July, 2018 at 11:59 am:
” … Could Ofcom help in this situation?”
Don’t know if you know the truth, June, but Westminster did away with the BBC Trust that the Westminster Establishment chose the members for. They replaced it with OFCOM – I’ll give you one guess who chooses the members for OFCOM.
Vestas says:
29 July, 2018 at 5:27 pm
@ Scott 5:02 pm :
“CEO BBC Scotland
Just if anyone wants to email her.”
Don’t waste your time.
She’s from a community (and time) where every Sunday she’d have heard the pope described as the antichrist & where the same teachers she had in primary school told her at Sunday School that the dinosaurs they taught her about during the week at school didn’t exist and were faked.
I know as I got the same shit up there as late as 1982. She drank the kool-aid as yanks say. I didn’t.
She’d be a better fit for BBC NI, but then again what’s the unionist gameplan except stir up sectarianism as usual? I mean that’s what England did in every colony it owned…..
Vestas, that would make an interesting FOI.
How many Catholics, Jews and Muslims are involved in broadcasting, presenting, editing and script writing at the Current Affairs departments of BBC Scotland, and STV?
How many are the products of a CoS upbringing?
Could it really be down to Kirk ‘brainwashing’ in the 60’s and ’70’s?
Wee boys pledging allegiance to the queen and the ‘country’?
I leave it to others.
naina tal says:
29 July, 2018 at 6:02 pm
Hamish 100
Think you’ll find that link to BBC Trust is out of date. BBC Trust don’t exist any more. A case of BBC lost trust?? ha ha
Thanks naina tal– sorry about that to all WOSsupporters.
You would think the BBC would remove fake web pages.
Mind you most of the trust were lawyers, from Edinburgh Public school and that ilk.
Willie Mcrae’s car, Willie “allegedly” shot himself in the head and for good measure pointed the gun again at his head andshot himself a second time, a miraculousfeat of you ask me.
Of course Mr McRae, had the goods on Westminster and was about to reveal something spectacular, he was shadowed by Special Branch operatives.
I am shocked at what has happened over the last couple of days. Although I do not often post here, I do follow it regularly. Keep doing Stu what you are doing. You are a great source of honest information. I greatly value your input.
How can we help?
Could we set up You tube channels under different names and you
upload your videos?
Maybe lines from Proclaimer songs …just a thought.
If we create hundreds of channels and keep changing them each week
@ Jack Collatin at 6:40pm …..”Vestas that would make for an interesting FOI. How many Catholics, Jews and Muslims are involved in broadcasting ……”
Taking into account around 50% of Scots support Independence, what percentage of people involved in broadcasting are of that ilk? Do they get questioned about their political persuasion at interview and is there a blacklist? Answers on a postcard. Clue = yes and yes.
@Andrew Reid: as Vestas says, photographing of marchers/demonstrators is commonplace by surveillance services and I noticed a good few photographers yesterday. Hard to tell the motivation of the person behind the camera but your guy sounded rather defensive.
Sometimes when I was snapped during strike demonstrations it was done quite pointedly to try to intimidate you. I’ve even been asked to “Smile!” in a sneering way.
It would be naïve to think that some of the more articulate, regular posters here have not become of interest to the spooks also.
re Willie MacRae: I remember a few years ago someone tried to look into the case again. I read with anticipation the entire account of the new findings, only to discover it was just another white wash, nothing to see here.
Sadly for Willie MacRae and his family there will be no justice. Just like countless others before him murdered by the state.
Another tragic story in Scotland’s hidden past.
Hi there,
I work for a small web hosting company in Edinburgh. We are very much pro independence and I am one of the Yes Bikers.
We have over 20 years of experience with web and video hosting so please drop me a line if we can assist in any way
Hail Alba gu brath
Go on then, one more, from two ago:
link to youtube.com
Save Our Scotland Xx.
Gaun for a double-down:
link to youtube.com
Willie McRae took a chance.
Ye wonder as well if they’ve just pulled the public link to the Wings channel OR HAVE THEY ACTUALLY ALREADY DELETED THE ENTIRE Wings BACK-CATALOGUE..?
Who turned the quickening up to 11 like?!
Oh my Godness!
The ‘Dam Busters’ strike again!
Security review. Got the T shirt. The media and the establishment go hand in hand. As soon as they think there is a possibility of change, i.e., independence, the empire is crumbling and your adding to it. Then censorship is their first weapon they use.
In 2004 the CIA immediately closed down my hot-mail account and my web site because of what was in my email to a New York newspaper. I opened another account and the same thing happened. I bite the bullet and contacted Mr. CIA directly and explained about what I do.
Sometimes it’s better to throw a bone and show them the consequences as well.
Endeavour to proceed.
Disgusted by this attack and censorship on your YouTube page by the poison that is the BBC. Seems that there are many out there with good IT skills that wish to help you. I hope they can and I wish you well.