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Wings Over Scotland

We’re the fire in the sky

Posted on September 11, 2014 by

I had a night off this evening, readers. Poker and banter and laughs (and a Chinese takeaway) with some chums, a quick stop-off to chat a bit of strategy with the Wings Fulfilment Department and then home. I was just a few yards away when a song came on the stereo and I had to change my mind. I stomped on the accelerator, turned the volume up so loud it was distorting my sense of smell and gunned it out to the hills on the edge of town at full tilt just to feel the cool night breeze and release the pressure.

This one’s for all of us.

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  1. 11 09 14 01:02

    We’re the fire in the sky | FreeScotland

187 to “We’re the fire in the sky”

  1. Morag says:

    Good. You need to unwind. Just don’t make me listen to that….

  2. fred blogger says:


  3. liz says:

    Hi Rev, I’m glad you had a night off.

    We’ve been chatting to ourselves on the previous thread.

  4. John Walsh says:

    What you have for grub? I am an insomniac and bloody hungry. You deserve a night off , ok spill the beans . Mmm toast and beans.

  5. Dinnatouch says:

    Sorry, Oasis only get better for me when I switch them off.

  6. goldenayr says:

    Glad to hear it dude.

    We aw need time aff.

    The offer still stands.

  7. big jock says:

    Aye Rev not a big fan of Oasis but each to his own.Always found them a bit samey.

  8. Gallowglass says:

    RBS to headquarter in London?

  9. Geoff Huijer says:

    Well deserved night off.

    Hope the poker went well – we’ve had some ‘gamblers’ up here today…

  10. gerry parker says:

    Prefer the Kinks myself.

    great driving music.

  11. UncleBob says:

    Can’t sleep. It’s getting to me. Help

  12. msean says:

    RBS 84% owned by UK government,they dae whit their telt.

  13. mogabee says:

    I’ll have to dig that out for the car tomorrow as I’m the only cat that’s still up!

    Sounds like you recharged…raring to go?

    I am starting to get the jitters…in a nice way, as there is such crazy momentum in the air now, folk just want posters, badges etc and we can’t keep up.

  14. AndyC says:

    My first reaction was to close and empty my bank account, but realised this is exactly what ‘THEY’ want….a run on the banks!
    Head, back and zip again.
    Leave it where it is…it can be sorted later!

  15. msean says:

    I guess there will be a flood of account closing,run on the bank stuff,all uk gov fault,will be projected on the SNP of course. Still voting yes.

  16. Onwards says:

    RBS statement – what a joke – It is the UK government talking to itself !

  17. Black Douglas says:

    So lets make this perfectly clear the nationalized RBS along with the moraly bankrupt Lloyds moves a plaque and a monkey to sit in a one roomed office in London and call it their headquaters to enable them to use the facilities of the Bank of England!

    link to

    Just another piece of state sponsored fear mongering that will not effect anyone who either works or banks with them. 😡

  18. Chris Silver says:

    aye and Clydesdale announce the same threat just coincidence like . Wonder what that liability will mean to rUK if they go belly up given the 10% reduction of the economy and increase of imbalance to balance of payments would it be a good thing to move to rUk and not somewhere doing slightly better ?

  19. Morag says:

    After walking round a fair old chunk of the north-west Borders over the past few years, in the last 2 weeks bearing Wee Blue Books, here’s my inspirational track for the campagners.

    link to

  20. liz says:

    O/T -guardian headline -Scottish independence could create mortgage drought – and I kid you not 90% of the comments are – oh piss off.

    Even non-Scots comments are starting to say WTF – there is the lone BT voice and the majority are just laughing.

    Folk saying – yeah right I’m going to believe what bankers are saying.
    One poster – what else are we being told is not true – seriously I think some of our rUK cousins are waking up.

    Will the guardian recover from this – I’m not sure

  21. CameronB Brodie says:

    Thanks for sharing. 😉

  22. Fat boab says:

    Sorry, have I missed something or is this the biggest story so far to hit the debate??

    link to

    and let’s not get into discussions about ‘ends justifying means’ at the moment – We can talk about that a wee bit later maybe, OK?

  23. Marcia says:


    BT internal polling has Yes ahead in Aberdeen, Dundee and Glasgow.

    link to

    It would be nice to hear about all the West Central Council areas.

  24. manandboy says:

    And so the message boys from the neo-liberal machine known as Westminster, have come and gone.

    Apart from the usual UK Gov glove puppets i.e. the media,
    hardly anyone noticed they were here.

    Whatever they said, what we heard was like –

    “Westminster doesn’t give a fruck about you Scots or your little independence tantrum.
    Just vote No and stop being a pain in London’s arse. Scotland is just a footstool for English feet,
    and that’s the way it’s going to stay.

  25. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Its worth reading this to get a idea of hard these people are prepared to lie, not just about Scottish democracy but their own roles in trying to destroy it.

    “The Scotsman in Edinburgh, owned by Johnstone Press, has been more obviously unionist in tone, while the other two big city titles, the Dundee Courier and Aberdeen Press & Journal, have pursued a largely neutral course.”

    and even more disgraceful lies from one the most aggressive anti independence in Scottish local press shurley

    “Damian Bates, editor of the Press & Journal, said: “We are simply providing as much info as possible and encouraging readers to make sure they don’t miss the opportunity to make their voice heard.”

    When P&J failed to get city council Wullie Young elected at the last Holyrood byelection in Aberdeen, they then proceeded to attack Alex Salmond because they decided he was a threat to school children in Aberdeen, over and over, for days after. The owner of the P&J is worth over £800 million.

  26. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    After emigrating in 1952 I returned to Scotland as a piper in the Rat’s of Tobruk Memorial Pipes and Drums to perform in the Tattoo. During our stay we competed in the Perth Highland games. on the way there we shared a bus with a Highland Regiment that had just returned from Iraq to play in the Tattoo, they were not competing but came along to support us. On arrival as I had struck friendships with some of them I joined their group. We wandered around following the Pipe Major until suddenly he sat down and the rest followed, this was it this was he selected place for the tribe. The respect for their PM was palpable it might just as well have been hundreds of years ago with a clan chief and his followers. Getting comfortable a few refreshment were in order and wee drams were shared. Inevitably

  27. west_lothian_questioner says:

    Have they gone away? Safe to come out now?

  28. Embradon says:

    Sounds like an evening well spent.

  29. Brian Sherry says:

    We can’t run from who we are,our destiny chooses us…….deal me in Yes……all in.

  30. Les Wilson says:

    ref banks moving, let them go with the proviso they cannot come back.
    There will be a lot of money made in our New Scotland, and they will just have excluded themselves, and we get rid of roulette game banks at the same time.

    Suits me fine to be shot of these risky entities, others will come and replace them, and will adhere to our Banking rules.

  31. tombee says:

    It has been a strange day today. I saw a guy on the telly who looked like that John Prescot, you know the old guy who was Tony Blair deputy prime minister in the last labour Go. He who got caught with his pants down in Admiralty House was it?. It couldn’t have been him though, could it?. He’d have had to have been in Westminster to sign on for his 300 quid for the day. That’s amazing too, because I think I recall him wanting to disband the House of Lords and said he’d never sit in it. Well like I said, it’s been a strange day today, I think he wants the Scots to vote no so he can keep his 300 quid a day the auld blaw bag. Vote YES on Sept 18th.

  32. Fat boab says:

    Heedtracker at 01.32

    Good comments.

    I posted the same link to the Guardian article 10 minutes earlier (but as a newcomer I’m still in moderation, so no probs with that.)

    Anyway, whilst agreeing with what you say, I think what is much more important in Greenslade’s piece is his claim that The Sun is on the verge of declaring for YES.

    Can’t abide Murdoch. Can’t abide his nasty little rag. But —- – if it helps towards indy????

    Ends and means ? Debate.

  33. msean says:

    If independent,can we establish by an act of parliament,our own new bank of Scotland as a central bank,or do all those other banks think we will be depositing revenues with banks who didn’t believe in Scotland?

  34. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    After emigrating in 1952 I returned to Scotland as a piper in the Rat’s of Tobruk Memorial Pipes and Drums to perform in the Tattoo. During our stay we competed in the Perth Highland games. On the way there we shared a bus with a Highland Regiment that had just returned from Iraq to play in the Tattoo, they were not competing but came along to support us. On arrival as I had struck friendships with some of them I joined their group. We wandered around following the Pipe Major until suddenly he sat down and the rest followed, this was it this was the selected place for the tribe. The respect for their PM was palpable it might just as well have been hundreds of years ago with a clan chief and his followers. Getting comfortable a few refreshment were in order and wee drams were shared. Inevitably the conversation touched on where they had just returned from, and then I sensed it, looking on the faces of some of them which had suddenly become older, heads dipped, eyes averted, in that half space not quite vacant, fighting back tears, their minds engaged elsewhere I was enveloped in their space, the empathy and compassion overwhelming, I have never felt more Scottish in my life, and then a deep primal anger arose in me for it occurred to me that had I not left Scotland these damaged warrior’s could be my son’s, traumatised, altered for life and in the prime of that life. From my perspective I can think of no better reason for Scottish Independence than that none of Scotland’s son’s or daughter’s should ever again be sacrificed on the whim of some maladjusted egomaniac I am sure that if any other Scot had been sitting on the grass with me the reaction would be the same for those young men could just as easily be their son or brother. I still think off them and hope that parts of their memory have been overwhelmed by amnesia.

  35. James Dow A voice from the diaspora says:

    It was the 2005 Tattoo my oversight.

  36. Jeannie says:

    Will advise RBS in the morning that if there is a Yes vote I’ll keep my account open but if there’s a no vote, I’ll defo close it.

  37. Kevin Evans says:

    I remember reading this and thought some might find it amusing taking into account the last few days


    I am a citizen of the United States of America. Our government has been overthrown. Our elected President has been exiled. Old white men wielding martinis and wearing dickies have occupied our nation’s capital.
    We are under siege. We are the United States Government-in-Exile.
    Our numbers are not insignificant. There are over 154 million adults among us, and 90 million children. That’s 234 million people who did not vote for, and are not represented by, the regime that has placed itself in power.
    Al Gore is the elected President of the United States. He received 539,898 more votes than George W. Bush, But he does not sit tonight in the Oval Office. Instead our elected President roams the country without purpose or mission, surfacing only to lecture college students and replenish his stash of Little Debbie’s Snack Cakes.
    Al Gore won. Al Gore, President-in-Exile. Long live El Pres-idente Albertooooooo Gorrrrrrrrrrre!

    So who, then, is the man that now occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? I’ll tell you who:

    He is George W. Bush, “President” of the United States, The Thief-in-Chief.

    It used to he that politicians would wait until they were in office before they became crooks. This one came prepackaged. Now he is a trespasser on federal land, a squatter in the Oval Office. If I told you this was Guatemala, you’d believe it in a heartbeat, no matter what your political stripe. But because this coup was wrapped in an American flag, delivered in your choice of red, white, or blue, those responsible believe they’re going to get away with it.
    That’s why, on behalf of 234 million Americans held hostage I have requested that NATO do what it did in Bosnia nnd Kosovo, what America did in Haiti, what Lee Marvin did in The Dirty Dozen:
    Send in the Marines! Launch the SCUD missiles! Bring us the head of Antonin Scalia!
    I have sent a personal request to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan to hear our plea. We are no longer able to govern ourselves or to hold free and fair elections.

    We need U.N. observers, U.N. troops, U.N. resolutions!

    Dammit, we need Jimmy Carter!

    We are now finally no better than a backwater banana republic. We are asking ourselves why any of us should bother to get up in the morning to work our asses off to produce goods and services that only serve to make the junta and its cohorts in Corporate America (a separate, autonomous fiefdom within the United States that has been allowed to run on its own for some time) even richer. Why should we pay our taxes to finance their coup? Can we ever again send our sons off into battle to give their lives defending “our way of life” — when all that really means is the lifestyle of the gray old men holed up in the headquarters they seized by the Potomac?

    Oh JesusMaryAndJoseph, I can’t take it! Somebody pass me the universal remote! I need to switch back to the fairy tale that I was a citizen in a democracy with an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happy Meals. The story I was told as a child said that I mattered, that I was. equal to every one of my fellow citizens — and that not a single one of us was to be treated differently or unfairly, that no one was to wield power over others without their consent. The will of the people. America the Beautiful. Land that I love. Twilight’s …last… gleaming. Oh, say, can you see — are the Belgian peacekeepers on their way? Hurry!

  38. Taranaich says:

    I took my night off on Sunday, probably should’ve had one tonight as well. Nonetheless, I have to say, the complete onslaught from the UK media is just so all-encompassing, so profoundly biased, so irrefutably partial to the No campaign, that it’s impossible for anyone to say otherwise. The undecideds will see, and I’d wager a good chunk of Nos will realise just how warped it is that the views of 50% of the electorate are completely unrepresented in the media – and wonder why that is.

    link to

  39. h_johnny says:

    What do you good folk the next strategy should be from Yes? We have to hold these corrupt bankers to account for trying to obstruct democracy. Personally i think BT being in bed with the banks again is going to rebound on them bigstyle.

    Do any of you know anyone that are starting to change their mind due to the bank scare stories?

    There should be massive anger from these fear headlines, they will stop at nothing. I am even starting to think they would rig a vote. that’s how dastardly they are! Is that too paranoid?

  40. @Taranaich

    Aye the scaremongering is backfiring as it just becoming laughable and some of those doing it are realising it now.

    NHS and TTIP

    link to

  41. AndyC says:

    Breaking news….Russia has detonated an A-bomb today (just a test/threat!?)
    The powermongers are all well agitated today, aren’t they?
    What a shower of shit in control of our world!
    We as a nation can be so much better than this.
    What happened to democracy…was there ever such a thing//or is it just a delusion…created by the power meisters?

  42. The Man in the Jar says:

    I trust that the car had a full compliment of tyres. 😉

  43. john king says:

    See where your going with that Stu but oasis is not my scene
    E.L.P on the other hand,

    My wife woke up and said why doesnt Wings start a party after independence.

    My wife is incredible,
    Rev stu would stroll into the parliament,
    Ah quite fancy masel as a cooncillor. 🙂

  44. Oregon Scot says:

    First post.
    Nice to see no one is downhearted because of a manipulated poll in The Daily Record.
    If the YES side is to go an attack against the banks and huge corporations that have come out for no look no further than BP.
    They are going to get hurt real badly in the US courts soon

    link to

    They already got a small taste..this one could cost them $18 BILLION.
    And they were complaining about an iScotland being bad for business.

  45. Onwards says:

    What do you good folk the next strategy should be from Yes?

    Agree that the bank threats have the potential to backfire.
    Everyone is sick of the bluffs and blackmailing.

    We need to remind voters the banks are not Scottish-owned anyway.
    And even if we lost a few back-office jobs, that would be dwarfed by the huge independence boost from new opportunities.

    For campaigning, I reckon we need to keep hitting traditional Labour areas hard. Red YES posters everywhere.

    These folks are the key, and they are ready for a fresh start.

    We need to make clear that a Yes vote is from the head AND the heart.

    And if we bottle it, we will probably never get another chance.

  46. john king says:

    Andy C says
    “Russia has detonated an A-bomb today”

    an A bomb?

    Thats a ,eh, blast from the past,
    that Krushchev up to no good again?
    next he’ll be making pals with Castro. 🙂

    Geoff Huijer says
    “we’ve had some ‘gamblers’ up here today…”

    we’ve had some ‘cardsharks’ up here today…

    fixed that for you Geoff!

    Gallowglass says
    “RBS to headquarter in London?”

    Did anyone bother to ask if they need a hand with their packing?
    they’re not going sound the same when they’re call The Royal Bank of!

    Black Douglas says
    “So lets make this perfectly clear the nationalized RBS along with the moraly bankrupt Lloyds moves a plaque and a monkey to sit in a one roomed office in London and call it their headquaters to enable them to use the facilities of the Bank of England!”

    “One roomed office in London”

    Well thats the profits buggered then,
    they’ll get a single garage in Southwark (if they’re lucky)
    for half a mil.

    Manandboy says
    “Apart from the usual UK Gov glove puppets i.e. the media,
    hardly anyone noticed they were here.”

    Agreed Manandboy,
    Cameron goes to a sanitized company building where the staff have to sit quitely and listen to that clown, no street walkabout where he might (shock horror) come into contact with ordinary Scots who might just tell him what he can do with his pound, oh no!

    Moribund oth goes to a closed shop meeting with again hand picked nodding dogs and once more gives the ordinary man in the street a wide berth,
    so like you say, unless you had seen the motorcade with the requisite number of motorcycle outriders (driving ordinary motorists out of the way of the important man) in keeping with the incumbents status, you wouldnt have bloody known anything had happened,

    I wonder if they brought their own oxygen with them?
    and had lackies open doors so they wouldnt have to touch them with their own hands, (you never know what sweaties been touching it before you)

    The Man in the Jar says
    “I trust that the car had a full compliment of tyres. ”

    (Nice one)
    No but they did get some nice breeze blocks in return. 🙂

  47. john king says:

    My wife says she saw Camerons bottom lip quiver, please please tell me thats true?

    She also told me a heart rending story of a no voter in Dundee (eh?)who the young canvasser had to hold her hand while she cried in anguish about the possiblilty of a YES vote, not so funny, if thats a lie shame on them,

    If on the other hand its true, may they burn in hell for putting such fear into people shame on them, shame on them!

  48. macart763m says:

    Yeah, we were always better. 🙂

  49. davidb says:

    @ Marcia

    I stated it before. On the 19th, if we are Yes, I will be partying. But that weekend I will be doing my homework and the money I have saved will be moved to Scottish owned, Scottish headquartered Banks. My premium bonds will be sold off and the money invested in my own country.

    I learned on a brief accidental visit to a radio propaganda “news” program – I changed channel quickly – that Mr Cameron said he loved his country more than his party. I am not sure why he doesn’t understand our viewpoint then. I love my country with all my heart. My country is not a region of England. My country is Scotland.

  50. LetsGo says:

    The hills and country around Somerset can be particularly beautiful and relaxing.

    A very good choice to end the evening after so much recent stress.

  51. bunter says:

    Might have to spend this morning venting my anger at these crooked and corrupt so called Scottish banks seeking to threaten and bully Scotland as to how to vote.

  52. john king says:

    Poor wee Lindsey Sharp has been conned into making a daft statement about athlete funding asking “if the Scottish government can provide the same level of funding as the UK why dont they do it now”?

  53. chalks says:

    Martin gilbert of aam for a yes. Great news.

  54. Capella says:

    Why not crowd fund a Scottish Central Bank? Then all the branches of RBS could be reallocated to the Scottish Bank, HQ in Edinburgh?

  55. notWullieRennie says:

    Prescott interviewed, giving it yeah I knew it was gonna be close. If you remember the last time… er(changes subject).

    What time would that be John, 1979 and the 40% rule? What an imbecile.

    Uncertainty and risk, why does no one mention the £22000 every man, woman and child owes in Britain thanks to Darling and Osborne.

  56. macart763m says:

    The banks have two choices, two futures.

    On one hand they leave and watch as Scottish customers leave them en masse and wish them a fond (or not so fond) farewell. They will incur massive costs and become yet another feature on the city and FS landscape of London or wherever. Or they stay and compete for who has the honour of becoming Scotland’s own central bank supporting one of the worlds hardest future currencies. I’ll have no truck with a bank that fails to support the people.

    Their choice, but as S&P said, the Scottish financial sector could stand to trim some fat. They know where the door is and they should mind it doesn’t hit them in the arse on the way out.

    Or to put it another way, its time for them to shit or get off the pot.

  57. Juteman says:

    Project Scare on steroids across all media this morning. We knew this was coming, but i hope the non political can also see it for what it is.

  58. heraldnomore says:

    Do I hear John King humming Fanfare for the Common Man?

  59. Another Expat says:

    There is plenty of time between now and 2016 to set up one or more banks in Scotland. The advantages would include cheaper, up to date IT systems and the ability to put branches where the customers are,all of which helps to keep costs down.

  60. Giving Goose says:

    Very disappointed in Lynsey Sharp. Stating that in the event of Independence she will have to consider who she runs for. Proud Scot? Hopefully she will look back on that statement with some embarrassment.

  61. KM says:

    It’s good (to be free) by Oasis might be more appropriate (;

  62. bunter says:

    These banks have aligned themselves with project fear, with the timing of their statements. A YES vote changes nothing for them as they fine well know that there is 18 months of negotiations before indy and that a CU is probably gonna happen.

    They are a disgrace to democracy and we should let them know what we think.

  63. schrodingers cat says:

    1 year ago, it took 3 months to deliver all of the yes leaflets
    today we will finish the no 5 leaflet, (kirsty)in 5 days.
    this is the last of the leafleting
    canvasing from now on.
    this is where the wbb is most useful

  64. Capella says:

    I have no idea who Lindsay Sharp is but I do know that Scottish athletes currently go south to play for English clubs because there is so much more money there. One reason is that TV rights go to SKY who plough millions into sport in England.

  65. TYRAN says:

    Ripley, I’m scared!

  66. Kevin evans says:

    An economist on TV last night clearly stated the world today we use banks like Santander/loyds that are NOT based in the UK. The world and money is not just one country anymore. The Bank of England and high street brand banks are two completely different things all together. There are no branches with the name “bank of England”. RBS is no different today than ladbrokes the bookies moving from one shop to another. But am sad to say most folk won’t realise this. Shame on the establishment for pumping people full of fear. Awful.

  67. Capella says:

    Peter Nicol, squash champion, switched to playing for England because he had no financial support in Scotland compared to six figure support in England.
    link to

  68. Airdrieonian says:

    Lynsay Sharp = stereotype

  69. Indy_Scot says:

    It looks like the BBC, ITV and Sky are going to tell lies and scare stories for the next seven days. If they destroy Scotlands future, they will never be forgiven.

  70. Cag-does-thinking says:

    I think it’s probably time for the Yes campaign to think about the logistics, getting our voters to the polling stations, organising transport and making sure as many Yes voters get out there. Every vote counts and every member ofthe family you can get there means that Tory landowner with the No signs up is outnumbered. The strength is in the breadth of support the Yes side have so it’s important that we do that Labour thing (I mean back in the day when Labour had it’s own solidarity) of making sure people get a lift to the polling station.

    There was a debate quite a while back on the size of Scotland’s financial sector and I’m sure I read at the time that if RBS and Lloyds moved their name plaques to London it would actually benefit Scotland and lumber rUK with the risk should (heaven forbid) any of them errm screw up again. What may now be a problem for them is that brands such as Bank of Scotland and Royal Bank of Scotland (Itself effectively run by the UK government so it’s odd that they don’t mention that’s who it is that is running back to London) have a lot of business to lose in Scotland by cutting those ties. Scots have long memories. Either RBS will eventually become a Scottish asset or it will get sold off to a City pal of the UK government at which point the Scottish public will desert it in droves. I hope it is the former but it was one A Darling that was in charge when BoS effectively was taken over by an English bank and that is how the majority of Scots see it nowadays.

  71. aldo_macb says:

    I gave the Wee Blue Book to an undecided to read. Next time I saw him he says he has made up his mind to vote Yes. Result!

  72. john king says:

    Heraldnomore says
    “Do I hear John King humming Fanfare for the Common Man?”

    No more like this, (on the 19th) 😉
    link to

  73. Capella says:

    Can these banks legally becalled “of Scotland” if they are HQd in London?

  74. donald anderson says:

    Couldnae make oot a word. Whit language is that?

    If I wuz wi’ the RBS I would take my credit elsewhere to some other bank crook.

    Jackie Burd completely lost it with Alex Salmond last night and needs counselling about her manic obsession with an Independent Scotland. Does she bank her career money with the Royal Bank of North Britain?

  75. Famous15 says:

    Booooooooooooo.Its déjà vu all over again. There must be a Referendum coming up?

    The one good thing is that tipping points apply to scare stories too.We are at the point where BT cannot say anything without being laughed at.

  76. heedtracker says:

    BBC breakfast extreme vote NO but costs of RBS leaving alone not reported at over a billion. Now John Lewis is putting the boot in, they’re threatening price hikes or “diverging prices” So usual unionist con for John Lewis, “we’re neutral but vote no for John Lewis.”


    Guardian said pound rallies itself after new poll for NO win and love bombing yesterday but its not moved. Another day of bare faced liars in action.

  77. Famous15 says:

    .”You’ve taken that too far Jimmy”


  78. For repitition purposes –

    LESS than 10 per cent of RBS SHARES (ownership) IN 2007-08 were held in Scotland. !!

    Less than 40 per cent of RBS SHARES – before the crisis – were held in GB.

    When MORE THAN 60 PER CENT of RBS shares were held – OUTWITH GB – at what point (ever) was RBS ownership in Scotland.?

    Where did our money GO – when Krash and Dipshit Darling BAILED-OUT RBS with our taxes.?

  79. Anne says:

    If there were a good Scottish bank that genuinely cared for its customers I would move my assets there. If the dim distant past I used to bank with Girobank, which had many benefits. Needless to say it was privatized. So there is a niche for a good bank that focuses on its core business as opposed to playing roulette with its investments and paying its managers obscene amounts of money.

    • donald anderson says:

      The RBS was a Jacobite bank formed in 1725. It is now owned mainly by the English Parliament.

      The Trustee Savings Bank was a Scottish organisation nationalised and moved to London, then privatised as Lloyds cannibals. The Hanoverian Bank of Scotland was totally ruined by Halifax Building Society who destroyed the old marble and oak panelled branches for tatty chipboard Petticoat Lane Barrow Boy type dodgy spiverry.

      The Scottish working class put small amounts for their waged every week in to these Trustee accounts. The English WC used Building Societies and had a tradition of “Boaght Hooses” which is only a generation or two old in Scotland. Families in England inherited these properties which helped them on the housing ladder.

      All of Scotland’s de-Nationalised industries came under London control and came back as privatised English companies, such the shipyards and Caledonian Railway works, etc.

      Why worry? Capitalism goes where the money is and other financial institutions will soon fill the gap, causing the Unionist companies to regret their vindictive and illogical spoof decisions.

  80. john king says:

    Reporting Scotland @ 7.56
    Labour activists posing for the cameras
    do labour have so few people to turn out for them they have to trot out htesame faces again and again
    dear wee Claire Lally front and centre AGAIN

  81. andy howie says:

    Hang on. They are moving their holding company only (sky are reporting). That means if they need a bail out then the BOE have to do it. To quote the Sound Of Music, so long farewell…

  82. john king says:

    Jackie lieing bint Bailie
    200.000 jobs (hoping no one gets the sotto voce word POTENTIALLY) at risk,
    just turned up the volume for you there Jackie.

  83. Clootie says:

    The NeoLiberal Cartel of the titled, the wealthy and the London political class have the most to lose from this vote.The next group to suffer are those who have aligned themselves to the elite for reward/position or favour.

    Now look who is telling you all these scare stories – the very people who have the most to lose!

    They will only retain control by fear if we permit it. We do still have good people at every level of society. Unfortunately the current system favours those who put self interest above society.

    The agenda has been to slowly push the right wing agenda forward in stages – Thatcher/Reagan – New Labour – UKIP etc
    Every year we continue with the current model it will get worse as the “good” people are pushed aside from the leadership roles.

    Things will only change it we push through the first hurdle and take back control of the nation next week. I hope Scotland is the catalyst for change in the other regions but change will not happen via Westminster.

  84. john king says:

    sally bagmanson at it again
    telling us a reporter will look at oiul “Scotlands biggest single asset”
    ARROOOGGAAHHH wrong the biggest asset Scotland has is its people oil is a bonus!

  85. November13 says:

    Linsay Sharp is a nice lass but misguided she is a die hard Rangers fan.So to her Scotland is just part of her majesties Royal Britania.Like a lot of athletes they have team GB drummed into them as the only show in town.They don’t understand that London was funded by us the taxpayer in Scotland and we didn’t get a single stadium or benefit.Yet we paid for our own games and London came and took the credit.We have a velodrome and good venues now because of the Scottish government.If it was down to Westminster we would still have he haw.Lindsay will come and go like other athletes it’s about legacy and what the generation behind will get.Saying you have to train down south is in itself admitting Scotland doesn’t get funding and needs its own governing body and Olympic team.It’s admitting England gets all in this screwed up country.

  86. john king says:

    reporter says “exploration is at an all time low”

  87. H says:

    Nice you are hearing the music wings maybe make You all little less angry 🙂

  88. heedtracker says:

    RBS have got to drop the Scotland but, nice BBC lady says lets monster “oil central to nationalist cause!” when in fact its obviously central to unionist con, not much left, massive uncertainty, so many variables vote No.

  89. john king says:

    I really must take off the boxing gloves when Im typing sorry 🙁

  90. john king says:

    H says
    “Nice you are hearing the music wings maybe make You all little less angry :-)”

    Spit it out! and then get lost

  91. Jim says:

    @Gallowglass says:
    RBS to headquarter in London?
    Fuck RBS, there I said it, now I feel better!

  92. Sinky says:

    Alex Salmond on Radio Scotland has letter from RBS saying no jobs moving and pointing out that there was a UK Treasury leak to BBC over the RBS statement prior to the official Stock Exchange announcement.

  93. john king says:

    Helen Obsequeous Liddell dripping cringe.

  94. bunter says:

    Salmond giving GMS a kicking big time re BBC misinformation on banks.

  95. biggpolmont says:

    Whit another night off! I am sure that you had one off last year too. Next you will be wanting a whole weekend!

  96. heedtracker says:

    BBC Breakfast’s incredible attack on YES. Worth a watch for historic scale of BetterTogetherBBC propaganda. It was always going to be bad but its off the scale now, Labour Baroness Liddle given full unchallenged blast, from SNP brought in the Thatcher government in 79, John Lewis is threatening etc.

  97. Jim says:

    Breaking news, Salmond gets talked over and heckled by BBC Scotland reporter!

  98. November13 says:

    Can’t wait for the next poll showing yes miles in front.Salmond definitely has something up his sleeve.Also expect the sun to come out for yes by the weekend!Remember folks the Survation poll was state sponsored the timing gave the game away.

  99. bunter says:

    Yup, huge BBC kicking by salmond.

  100. westie7 says:


    The business interviewer on breakfast news led the JohnLewis guy seamlessly into stating prices would be higher in Ind Scotland. Blatant or what.
    Of course prices would be different, up/down as unpredictable as Westminster fiscal policy

  101. Jim says:

    What’s the bets Loise White does the same to John Swinney?

  102. Betty Boop says:

    Good grief, Helen Liddell, talking nonsense on BBC Breakfast. Apparently the banks need to be somewhere where there is strong banking regulation – she’s got a short memory! Banking arrangements are old news, for goodness sake. They keep peddling that thousands of jobs will go – really! So, they won’t be using the staff they already have in their London offices for their less than noble investment arms?

    Anyway, RBS are apparently writing to their own staff to tell them that their jobs are safe.

  103. Juteman says:

    Well done AS. About time the BBC got a kick up the arse.

  104. john king says:

    Aldo MacB @ 7.52

    I wonder just how many people have been turned to yes by that book
    I have myself had three people alone who WERE no voters who said they are now yes, one voter at a time Aldo, one voter at a time. 🙂

  105. heedtracker says:

    He’s back and thats my UKOK limit for the day. A giant No Thanks banner appeared this morning on way in and it was a shock to see in Aberdeen.

    link to

    “The vote is about secession from England and Mr Cameron epitomises all that the Scottish people viscerally loathe about England. The cunning and duplicitous Mr Salmond is using this to his advantage. But if they do vote to leave, I believe they will suffer a fate of which Aesop warned in one of his most famous fables. The frogs complain so much that Zeus replaces benign if boring “king log” with “king stork” who, you will remember, gobbled them all up!”

  106. davidb says:

    Actually. I’ve been coming here for a couple of months now. I love this site. Its funny. Its uplifting. I have visited lots of links – and passed a few on to others. Its been inspiring.

    But what is this site for? Is this just a campaign to lead an opinion poll for a weekend? I read for weeks about opinion polls showing Naw ahead. It was explained that on the ground canvassers were seeing Yes ahead. The polling methodology was dodgy. The polls didn’t pick up the patriotism of people who gave up on politicians long ago. Those criticisms all still apply.

    I initially asked questions here about polls. How could they be wrong? I got kind words, but had nagging doubts. Then one day I read an academic article about mass hysteria. The need for people to feel like they belonged to the herd even when they disagreed with the groupthink personally. I looked for the link – I did send it to the Rev but I don’t have it ( started on Boing Boing ). My eyes were opened. I understood the mismatch between poll results and peoples true opinions. I have not asked a single question since about polls.

    So here today I feel a wee bit of a hangover on this site. I sense that there is a bit of disappointment – and much much discussion of polls.

    You have not spent weeks, months and some of you lifetimes trying to top a survation opinion poll. I understand – now that its mass hysteria – the psychological impact good polls have. But this campaign is about our National self determination. You are seven days from the day we get to carry out the biggest opinion poll ever. You know the feeling on the ground. You can see the flag of our country. You can smell the revolution in the air. Hope. Polls are a side issue. Forget them.

    Don’t be downhearted. The opposition is in freefall. We are in this to regain our rightful place in the world as a free people. So until the 19th focus on only one poll. Indeed, why not just report the polls ( because MSM propaganda sure as hell will manipulate them ) but refrain from discussing them at all. Scot Pop is the site for poll dissections.

    In seven days we get the chance to free our country by marking a cross in a box. Most of the other communities to escape the empire endured beatings, imprisonment and worse. We get biased media and some dodgy opinion polls. Poor us. Its all propaganda. Let’s just get on with this. Get out there and campaign.

    Yesterday I sheepishly put on a Yes badge as I went about my work. I got some snide comments. I was advised to cover it up in one place. But by the end of the day I was doing my bit again to convert. To speak to people about the actual vote. I still know lots of disengaged people. I still know lots of diehard No’s. And I am helping others I hope, to hope.

    Forget opinion polls. Fight!

  107. Colin Church says:

    Need more of the same from Mr Salmond and the whole YES campaign. Call them out as complicit Union mouthpieces. They got it from a treasury source, caught red handed. Hayley well and truly stumped. No real questions just repeat scares. PQ will be busy on Sunday.

  108. Robert Peffers says:

    @Onwards says: 11 September, 2014 at 12:52 am:

    “RBS statement – what a joke – It is the UK government talking to itself !”

    Come on guys & girls. These institutions setting up Kingdom of England head offices is GOOD news. Here’s why – each one of them has given in to the fact that there certainly is going to be a YES win and independence will follow.

    When Scotland is independent any company operation in Scotland will have to maintain a registered Head offices actually situated in both Scotland and England.. Furthermore if Wales were to become independent they would need one there too.

    You must legally have a registered office for tax purposes and that is to both pay tax to that countries treasury and to claim tax relief on losses. It is also required to come under the government controls legally imposed upon firms operating in each country.

    So guys & girls these companies have accepted they are going to be operating in two independent countries – That is good news – not bad.

  109. Les Wilson says:

    As I have heard it said, “Why are banks only Scottish AFTER the failed?”
    Good question eh!

  110. Jim says:

    Maybe they want a run on the RBS, I know if I had cash in there it would be coming out today.

  111. No no no...yes says:

    I’m sure everyone here will be telling voters that the NO campaign have asked big business to come out in the final days and spread a new level of fear and panic. All of this is deliberately designed to prevent voters from excerising their democratic right to run their own country. Fortunately, most will see through this tissue of lies, but the some may fall for it.
    Agree with a previous comment that we need to concentrate on labour supporters, they know it makes sense to vote Yes to get their party back in 2016.
    Stand firm folks,it will get worse still, they have so much to lose.

  112. heraldnomore says:

    Cheers John, that fair cheered me up amongst all the doom merchants on our airwaves today. There’s a CD in the car that just might be getting a right good blast later.

  113. john king says:

    Famous15 says
    “Its déjà vu all over again. ”

    Wow, now why did I just get the feeling I had read this before?
    again? 🙂

  114. Posted this in the other thread but wanted to make sure as many see it as poss, so apologies. Lets make the BBC and the Banks pay.

    I have this morning complained to the BBC for their total BIAS in favour of the UK GOV/BT/No Campaign, citing all the journalists and politic and news programmes. I also told them that there are over 1.3 million yes voters who have signed the declaration to vote yes which equates to aprox £150,000,000 of lost TV Licence fee to the BBC.

    I used the phrase ”Withdrawing my implied right of access”. I went on and told them that we are well versed in the ways of the social media and internet as out campaign is using it. All the information on not paying the licence fee is being passed around. The internet is a brilliant tool to educate in how not to pay the TV Licence from the legal standpoint.

    link to

    link to


    We now must all tell the banks who have declared that they will move from Scotland in the event of a YES vote, that we will be removing our money from them. Nearly 2 million people demanding their money (in cash) will cause a run on the banks and a crisis for the Bank of England and the UK Gov.
    Friday the 19th if I don’t get what I hope for I will be going to Clydesdale bank and Bank of Scotland and withdrawing my money.

  115. Robert Louis says:

    Well, another fun morning in Scotland, with the banksters who destroyed our economy, telling us how to vote, with thinly veiled threats.

    However, there is a fundamental problem I have with all of this, at what point in a supposed democracy, do we allow bankers and big business to tell us how to vote? Would we see banks telling us how to vote in a general election? I think not, yet somehow this is being presented as just dandy up here in Scotland. It’s not on. Not for one second.

    The good news however, is that the Scots voters by and large are not falling for any of this, in fact it may even galvanise the YES vote even further. The Scots have shown time and time again, that they can see through this crud.

    Don’t forget, Westminster and the media tried all this in 2007, to try to prevent the SNP being elected for the first time, it didn’t work. They tried it again in 2011, and it didn’t work – in fact it seemed to have the opposite effect. Now, here we are in 2014, and we see the same strategy being employed by the banksters, Westminster and the biased media. It won’t work, for a very simple reason, the Scots voters are not as daft as Westminster and the Labour party think they are.

    So, take heart, we have the winning arguments, we know Gordon broon is lying through his teeth, and the presence of the three loathed Westminster stooges yesterday will only have increased our YES vote. Even people posting comments from down south have been laughing at the obvious desparation of David Cameron. If they can see right through it, I’m sure Scots voters will too.

    We always knew the BBC were London establishment puppets, and they have been chuntering out propaganda against independence for at least two years now, whilst dressing it up as ‘balanced’ coverage. They have nailed their colours firmly to London’s mast, and whatever the result, it will not be forgotten. We always, knew every lie and dirty trick would be used by London. They did it in 2007, 2011 and now they are doing it again. It doesn’t work.

    So let’s stay focussed on the message of what we can achieve with independence, where the people of Scotland actually run the affairs of Scotland, instead of governance by remote control from London.

  116. JaceF says:

    Yay, if the banks are going to move and we have no CU does that mean my mortgage is effectively paid off? It is after all created out of thin air and it debt money, this is fantastic news 🙂

    Joking aside or perhaps not if we do have to have our own currency I think we should call it the Groat, it would be a petro currency and the rUK would have to report that the pound is worth less than a Groat.

  117. paul gerard mccormack says:

    Banks? Bankers? Bonuses? What, are we bonkers?

  118. anton le grandier says:

    Charlatans,frauds and rip-off merchants……………and the politicos are much worse than Oasis 😉

    Seriously,I see todays headlines are full of,wait for it,DOOM!!!!!!!”Dont do this or we’ll go here,dont do that or we’ll go there”……………..”See,yon survation poll shows”……….yeah,but wasnt the data for that collected before the Yougov poll?Didnae hear that on the BBC.Ahh yes,the BBC.While we are all aware of their bias the last few days since the Yougov poll have seen levels of outright baloney I never thought I would see so blatently displayed.Its as if they just dont care or the minimal internal censorship has disappeared and the beast is out in all its awful regalia.British to the bone.Nicholas Titchell telling us that while the monarch is above politics and will not favour either side a Yes vote would be a matter of “deep sadness for her Majesty”.Well,lizzie doesnt need to intervene-she has the BBC to do that for her.Stand fast oh hardy travellers!!there are rough seas ahead but,beyond the gloom,lie the sunny uplands of hope where a free people may………pet cute kitties and….the lion lies down wi the anaconda………and,ok you get the picture.

  119. Jim says:

    They want a run on the RBS for another panic headline.

  120. heedtracker says:

    Can’t resist, ligger on left says

    “On top of that the SNP, which would doubtless rule the roost in the aftermath of a vote for independence it would rightly be seen to have brought about, is still no party of the centre-left. Backed by tax avoiders, hedge funders, privateers and Rupert Murdoch, its central economic policy is to cut corporation tax 3% below the British rate to attract capital to Scotland.

    It’s a classic recipe for a race to the bottom”

    link to

    Ligger on the right says

    “In my book – Making it Happen – I quoted one of his senior colleagues at RBS who said the following. The man who built the modern RBS, who created its culture, and then groomed Fred Goodwin, is there right in front of us “hiding in full view”.
    Please remember that next time you see Sir George Mathewson rolled out on the BBC or elsewhere. The Nationalists are so cocky, so contemptuous of the risks and the economic damage that awaits millions of people as a result of their schemes, that as one of their main witnesses for the defence they tout the man who made Fred Goodwin. It is incredible.”

    At the very least Scottish democracy’s certainly brought heart warming UKOK unity in England.

  121. Robert Louis says:


    Very well said. Quote of the year, possibly the decade,

    “Forget opinion polls. Fight!”

    As an aside, I think people who come here need to be aware that we do get concern trolling happening on this site from time to time. This is a sign the BT and Westmidden mob, are ‘fishing’ to assess if they are having an effect. Don’t fall for it. (if you don’t know what ‘concern trolling’ is, google it).

  122. heedtracker says:

    oops, that thing about Salmond made Godwin is here

    link to

  123. gordoz says:

    UK Labour crack troops crossing the border into Scotland today.
    Mass British Labour MP march in Glasow, early supports suggest some 100MP’s will be on manouvres in Glasgow city centre. Dear God they cannae miss a jolly that lot.

    Lets hope they steer clear o’ the bars or the police will be busy (track record – Eric Joyce / Mike Watson etc).

    Whatever happens please keep it civil guys if your protesting, dont need the state broadcaster blowing any action out of all proportion.

    Personally I would ignore their Jaunt to ‘North Britain’ for what it is – an embarassment to the voters in Scotland.

  124. john king says:

    anton le grandier

    You lost me at the point

    “Ok you get the picture”. 🙂

  125. Robert Louis says:

    Looks like we are in for another nice day in Edinburgh again, although it is a bit misty right now.

    A great day to make the positive case for independence. Let’s not get dragged down to trying to argue against better together nonsense, as that just legitimises it. 🙂

  126. Betty Boop says:

    @ John King, 7:52am

    John, that Wee Blue Book is working on those who read it. It opens eyes and confirms to many undecided voters a lot of what they instinctively know already.


  127. Robert Louis says:


    Honestly, there is f all point in standing shouting at these people, nobody cares about them, aside from London media luvvies.

    Time can be better spent winning voters.

  128. Thepnr says:

    @Robert Peffers

    I agree that the banks moving headquarters to London is good news. It also kills stone dead one of the Unionists arguments against a currency union.

    “Who would be the lender of last resort?”

    Well the the answer is now clear, the Bank of England of course.

  129. Robert Louis says:

    Meanwhile, there are two very interesting articles on Newsnet Scotland, that are worth reading. Bizarrely, David Cameron wrote to the editor of NNS, to ask for her support!!

    link to

    The other piece is an expose of Paul Krugman, the guy who wrote the rubbish and offensive piece in the NY times the other day – well worth a read.

    link to

  130. gordoz says:


    Spot on – polling is a deflection from real politik. It is easily manipulated and relies on a great ammount of trust from the general public.

    Look at whats happening right now : the UK esablishment and old boys network including the entire BBC and much of STV all Scotlands paper media and BIG international business are 100% behind NO.
    Polling companies rely on future business from all of the above; so.. where do the loyalties lie ?

    I have tried several times to be engaged by polling companies (joined but never selected for 1 single political or indy ref poll). My wife was part way through a recent random ‘UK biassed / very leading’ phone poll and
    then suddenly dropped when answering a certain question due to non correllation with demographic targets ??

    I think too many get excited by polling undertaken companies with interests.

    Canvass returns and the streets are where its at – get out knocking the doors of the undecided – get those revisits complete. Thats how we wil win this.

  131. bookie from hell says:

    I’m taking notes of companies with outrageous statements,if NO wins we will have a massive movement of protest,boycott.BBC number 1 on list

  132. Desb says:

    Switching between BBC and SKY since yesterday, and it is a persistant attack on Salmond and the YES. It was all about Scotland already lost 2 Billion and more and more BIG Business leaving, and now… SPORT will suffer, even Murray been quizzed. Baroness Liddell (Labour and Previous Secretary)…All mouthing repeat repeat. This is an overdose of Brainwashing and those not convinced have never been blasted with so much negativity. We cannot be complacent about this. Salmond and YES campaigning need to take serious action. This new media attack is rousing anti Scottishness and further attack. The NO are on the offensive not the defensive. Dont underestimate the opponent, but, we have to make sure this is a YES and nothing but a YES victory

  133. gordoz says:

    @Robert Louis

    Agree Robert 110% as Frankie Boyle says ! 🙂

  134. Robert Peffers says:

    @Les Wilson says: 11 September, 2014 at 1:52 am:

    “Suits me fine to be shot of these risky entities, others will come and replace them, and will adhere to our Banking rules.”

    Ach! Keep the heid, Les. All these firms are doing is getting ready for an independent Scotland AND an independent three country Kingdom of England.

    They are legally required, in all independent states, to have a registered office in those states. This is for tax purposes. No independent state is going to allow a company to do business in its state, make profits there, then pay tax on those profits to another state.

    Furthermore each independent state needs to have legal controlls over the companies doing business in their state. That was why, when RBS got into trouble, they were bailed out by the USA, Australians and by the UK. Fact is that ALL companies operation in an independent Scotland will be legally required to have a registered office in Scotland.

    Think about it! How would, for examples, ASDA, TESCO, John Sainsbury, BP, The Bank of England and all other UK wide companies pay their Scottish taxes to an independent Scottish Treasury after independence? How could a Scottish government impose Scottish legal regulations upon companies?

    Here’s a wee example for you – ASDA is part of the USA company, “WAL-Mart”. Do you imagine that the profits made by ASDA are taxed by the Federal USA treasury? Of course not. The company thus has registered head offices in every country in which they do business. Don’t you remember the outrage when certain international companies, including, “Amazon”, were tax evading by claiming tax relief in countries with the highest tax relief and
    paying the tax in countries with the lowest tax rates.

  135. Ken500 says:

    Bit of a racket like the few companies declaring NO. They are the worst run companies in economic history. Only handouts and bribes to Westminster and their associates keep them alive. Economic principle, ethics and good business practice destroyed by Westminster greed and corruption. All in together a bunch of lying crooks. Most of them should be in jail. Wasting £Billions of public money, while the vulnerable are being sanctioned and walking to food banks to keep them alive.

  136. gordoz says:

    Guys check out the picture on Revs twitter feed about the arrival in Scotland (at Border) of the said British MP’s coming to convert the Scots to ‘Proud Scots’

    It is a cracker

  137. Robert Louis says:


    Best not say, 110%, you may incur the wrath of Limmy 🙂

    link to

  138. Macart says:

    I’m feeling the need to go all Tarantino on the media this morning.

    Wherever you look its fear and smear. I’m hoping the rest of the electorate having the same reaction as I am. Which is to say that the 18th can’t come round quick enough.

    Strangely I don’t react well to either intimidation or condescension.

  139. John H. says:

    I’m sure that people in housing schemes all across Scotland will this morning be checking their shares portfolio to see if their millions are safe.Aye right!

    I also will be contacting RBS to tell them that I will close my account in the event of a No result.I look forward to some new genuinely Scottish banks springing up after independence.

  140. Ken500 says:

    Scotland can easily establish a Gov controlled Bank, regulated better than London Banks. That would not be hard. People from Scotland have been involved in Banking all over the world for ever. Scots have a reputation for honesty and being canny.

    Martin Gilbert the head of Aberdeen Assets Management, the largest investment fund in Europe is a YES supporter.

  141. Nana Smith says:

    Wow terrific response to the ‘doom’ merchants.

    link to

  142. msean says:

    At least we know now what Osbourne was up to yesterday lol. Economics might suggest that a gap now exists for a trusted bank in Scotland. Also,don’t forget,as a percentage of the taxpaying population,Scots own part of the majority tax payer owned RBS.

  143. gordoz says:

    Ahh Limmy – loved it (not seen that one before)

  144. On a lighter note –

    Lately, this keeps rattling round my head –
    A wee song my father loved from the Irish tenor Josef Locke, regarding defections of RBS and their treacherous like ;-

    # In some Abbysinian French Dominion
    I will do my bit, and fall for the flag, if I must,
    And so, I go to fight a foreign foe
    Where I, may find, there are hearts more kind
    – than I leave behind,
    Goodbye – Goodbye – I leave you all a last GOOOOD-BYE.#


  145. No no no...yes says:

    I can just see the BBC headline tonight, “100 more jobs in jeopardy as English MPs join their Scottish counterparts in a bold attempt to save vital careers.” One source said, “This is serious, Alistair and Dougie are really worried, big Jim Murphy said his constituents and the egg man didn’t miss him so ours won’t miss us either. Our House of Lords colleagues have given us a good price for our accomodation,and it will be great to get tips from them about career progression.”

  146. John H. says:

    @msean –
    “Scots own part of the majority tax payer owned RBS”.

    According to John Redwood, all we own is the debt.

  147. Nana Smith says:

    Interesting tweet…

    link to

  148. fred blogger says:

    WM want to continue to be able to flog off OUR assets unheeded in job lots.
    @ least “one piece @ a time”.
    if the uk govt that wern’t elected, was a car would you buy it?

  149. manandboy says:


    link to

    Privatisation of the Scottish NHS: TTIP and independence

    (Mike Lean aEmail Address, Graham Watt a, Hugh Bishop b, Anne Mullin c, Kenneth Barker d, on behalf of 51 signatories)

    Neil Bennet (Sept 6, p 843)1 has given stark warnings about irrevocable future privatisation of the National Health Service (NHS) as a result of the proposed Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

    This is an even more serious issue for Scotland, as people decide how to vote on its independence on Sept 18, 2014.

    The Scottish NHS would inevitably be drawn into TTIP and privatisation, because the TTIP agreement is with the UK Government in Westminster.
    There is no opt-out possible for the currently devolved Scottish NHS.

    The planning behind UK involvement in TTIP appears to go back to Margaret Thatcher’s Centre for Policy Studies in the 1980s, designing reforms to open up public services for privatisation.2

    Throughout, either Westminster has not thought about implications for NHS Scotland and the devolved health administrations in Wales and Northern Ireland, or
    has considered TTIP a covert vehicle for forcing the privatisation agenda.
    Either way, Scotland has no voice in matters of great importance to its people.

    For the same reason, Plaid Cymru (Welsh party) has urged the UK Government to make the Welsh NHS exempt from TTIP.3

    The NHS in Scotland is now very different from that in the rest of the UK.

    It is increasingly under threat because of funding cuts from Westminster.

    The plan for the UK to enter TTIP,
    without an opt-out clause for NHS Scotland,
    is symptomatic of the way Scotland has been treated in general,
    and an even more potent reason for Scottish people to be able to elect governments with full economic and bargaining powers through independence.

    We declare no competing interests.

  150. Luigi says:

    I’m taking notes of companies with outrageous statements,if NO wins we will have a massive movement of protest,boycott.BBC number 1 on list

    In that awful scenario, Pacific Quay is almost certain to become a focal point for mass demonstrations against the establishment. They have brought this upon themselves.

  151. gordoz says:


  152. Meindevon says:

    I have just emailed RBS and asked whether the statement means the closing of their Massive HQ in Edinburgh,selling off of the property, Scottish redundancies, sackings etc. or is it just a registering of a brass plaque in England. I said the media were implying the first scenario, which could be damaging.

    I await a reply.

  153. Les Wilson says:

    Robert Peffers says:

    You are of course right Robert, I was just getting spitting angry about all of these institutions and would personally like to see them outa here and replaced with something better and more stable.

    It was their concerted timing for the Unionist camp, that really pissed me off. As you know, the mileage the MSM get is just wonderful for them, but not for our democracy.
    Sorry, I am still seething this morning at all the airtime and biased reporting of yesterday.

  154. Ken500 says:

    Boss of Santander dies. They keep it in the family in Spain. The Spanish Mafia.

    The Tory Banking Mafia. A life of their own.

    Will Scotland get it’s 10% cut. Or will the computer say NO. Osbourne the Banking mess.

  155. John H. says:

    @Les Wilson –
    No point in getting angry Les.Get even next Thursday.

  156. Oregon Scot says:

    THis is my second post my first disappeared under moderation.
    Please I am a 49 year old Scot who now lives in Oregon USA.
    Been a nat since my first political thought in Banffshire.
    Its a long way from Hamish Watt to what the SNP is today.
    The Unionist onslaught is all they have if we hold firm like the schiltrons at Bannockburn it will all dissipate ( all of course mentally).
    My family for the most part are still in Banffshire..yes it exists.
    Oh that I could be home right now!

  157. Les Wilson says:

    Robert Peffers says:

    Sorry, just to add, it just makes me more determined as it should all of us. When we win this, it will be truly historic. Reminds me of Bannockburn, with even bigger odds against us. ( cannot resist the comparison )
    If we get a YES, against these odds we can be truly proud, so we can rise to do it.

  158. Robert Louis says:

    Oregon Scot,

    Welcome. Don’t worry about the moderation system, it’s due to this site being under near constant cyber attack.

  159. Jim says:

    FFS, will Louise White stop heckling John Swinney, this is a question answer session with John Swinney and the public not Louise White.

  160. Les Wilson says:

    John H. says:

    Don’t worry John, nothing would make me stay away from doing that. Just cannot help getting passionate about it.

    Oh, where are my tranquilisers LOL!

  161. Robert Louis says:

    Oregon Scot,

    Just think, you could come home for the independence day celebrations in 2016 – the biggest ceilidh the world has ever seen. Fly into the UK, leave from the new independent Scotland following independence day. A great stamp (if they do them) for your passport.

  162. Ken500 says:

    John Lewis will lose 10% of it’s trade. No RBS or BP. Worse businesses in economic history.

    A properly supported NHS/Education system. Everything to gain.

  163. Colin Church says:

    The only way out for BBC is a YES. They will say “only joking, let’s move on”. A NO will lead to a long backlash, poll tax like revolt.

  164. David Stevenson says:

    Enjoyed listening to Alex Salmond rip into Hayley Milne this morning. Took no prisoners and stated multiple times that he was sure some of the errors in early news bulletins re Lloyds and RBS were inadvertent and that the point that no jobs were under threat was made. You could hear HMs voice cracking and sense her shock at being verbally skewered. AS also highlighted that the BBC website cited a Treasury source for their RBS leak. A terrific response to the GMS anti-Yes attack.

    Danny Ale

  165. Oregon Scot says:

    I really do think this Black Wednesday nonsense is their final furious attack they think it will carry the day.
    They are wrong. been to many sites and our fellow Yessers will carry the day.
    Alex and Nicola need to do a bit of attacking though.
    Why now after the Unionists have broken the rules shouldn’t they just say “OK have it your way we will go Euro”!

  166. Jim says:

    David Cameron loves his country, yes Dave we know you love England but what about us?

  167. Jim says:

    “RBS confirms London HQ move if Scotland votes Yes”.

    They are still running with that headline even though we know it is a pure unadulterated shite!

  168. Robert Louis says:

    Oregon Scot,

    The Euro isn’t possible, and isn’t needed. To enter it, a country needs to have been within the ERM for a period of at least two years, and then provide evidence of compliance with certain EU financial requirements. besides, the pound belongs to Scotland anyway.

  169. Jim says:

    The scum says Lloyds will move it’s headquarters to London when we know their headquarters are already in London. WTF

  170. fred blogger says:

    even without ttip the NHS will still be privatized.
    see the vids of dr lucy reynolds on the health and social care bill/act, below.
    link to

  171. Jim says:

    Some muppet on BBC criticising Swinney saying he will have to rob peter to pay paul to protect the NHS in an Independent Scotland, wtf does he think we are doing now because of the block grant being reduced through the privatisation of the NHS in England.

  172. Edward says:

    If Royal Bank of Scotland leave Scotland and move to England
    can they not be done under trades description?

  173. Oregon Scot says:

    Robert Louis:
    But would not even beginning the process take away some of the Fear Factor from the banks.
    They cannot say OMG Euro lets flee as many of their assets/customers trade in the Euro?
    The pound thing just looks absurd even over here were the ultra conservatives support the union.
    As it is it seems likely to normal people that we will be able to use the pound but it does give a big stick for the NOers to beat us with.

  174. Jim says:

    Are radio Scotland filtering out all the yes voters from calling in?

  175. MacBee says:

    Stuart Braithwaite had a good suggestion, super furries link to

  176. Jim says:

    Question, If you are living in Scotland and are planning on staying in Scotland, why would you move your ISA to an institution in England? Do you actually give a fuck about the country you chose to make your home?

  177. Jim says:

    Anybody see the picture of two jags with better together written on his hand? Prescott can’t remember what fucking side he is on and needs a reminder written on his hand, probably a bit of thread tied to a finger on his other hand, utter muppet!

  178. wee_monsieur says:

    7:50 am
    I think it’s probably time for the Yes campaign to think about the logistics, getting our voters to the polling stations, organising transport and making sure as many Yes voters get out there.

    Yes Hamilton have arranged four people carriers done up in Yes insignia, along with a raft of private cars. Loads of volunteers. Sorted.

  179. john j says:

    Good Morning Scotland this morning With Hayley Miller in the studio and Gary Robertson out doing Vox pops. Hayley Miller interviewing Alex Salmond was an absolute disgrace, constant interruptions and talking over the FM in an aggressive and belittling tone.
    Ms Miller is a car crash of an interviewer at the best of times with hesitations, repetitions and streams of ‘ums’ and ‘ahs’ and ‘you knows’ while dropping leading questions to the BT campaigners but interruptions and agression when interviewing the Yes side. Why the Hell are we paying a licence fee for this kind of bias from the BBC.

  180. Sue says:

    Prescott knows which side he’s on – he just can’t remember what they are called this week 🙂

  181. john king says:

    sue @10.51

    love it. 🙂

  182. Marie clark says:

    morning chaps and chapesses, had a bad start to the morning. Walked into the kitchen and my much beloved had the TV on. What did I spy, AGRH! JABBA THE HUT, too much to bear so early and I hudnae even hud the cereal, swift exit from kitchen.

    Seriously folks, come on, forget all the rubbish about the banks and John Lewis, it’s a distraction. Are we not just dancing to their tune instead of our own. Let them rant and rave and foam at the mouth. Come on people rise above it, don’t lose sight of the big prize. It’s there waiting for us one week today. Hold steady.

    After we win is time enough to deal with the BBC, MSM banks,lying politcians. Shoulders to the wheel time.

    I’m old enough to remember 1979 and the outrage felt by many of being robbed. In 1997 there was a great feeling in the air that we would all vote for our parliament to be reconvened. It’s there again now that feeling in the air. You can almost touch it.We cannae lose it now.

    My oldest grandaughter asked me the other day about what would I say about these businesses and banks threatening to leave Sccotland. My answer, one word. Cheerio. We are a very talanted and innovative people. We will manage just fine.

    Hold steady now boys, we are almost there.

    To quote davidb foget opinion polls. FIGHT.

  183. Marie clark says:

    apologies for typos, getting a bit carried away.

  184. Gary says:

    If it makes you feel good then shouldn’t this song ALSO be banned for political reasons?

  185. Michael McCabe says:

    If Anyone deserves a night off it is Rev Stu. Here is my song that I play when I want to release the pressure. link to Vote Yes.

  186. Rock says:

    Robert Louis,

    “The Euro isn’t possible, and isn’t needed.”

    If we wanted to, we could use the Euro without a currency union, just as we can and probably will use the Pound without a currency union.

    My prefered solution is No currency union, no share of the debt. We can and will continue to use the Pound as long as it suits us. Without a currency union, we can dump it when we want to.

    Scotland will not be bullied by anyone, if we are brave enough to vote for independence that is. If not, we will deserve all the bullying we will inevitably get from Westminster.


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