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Wings Over Scotland

Well, that’s showbiz

Posted on March 22, 2024 by

Fashion is fleeting.

2020 seems a very long time ago, doesn’t it?

0 to “Well, that’s showbiz”

  1. sarah says:

    Ooft. That might be seen as a hurtful comment come April Fools Day.

  2. Casper1066 says:

    It seems a life time away….. Can’t believe we are on 10 years since 2014 vote. Achieved zero.

  3. Indy says:

    Sitting PM is -50. Did they poll Yousaf?

  4. Dorothy Devine says:

    Sarah , is ‘hurtful’ the same as ‘hateful’ then?? Surely not!
    But then it could make the 1st of April an even more extremely busy day for the Scottish Police Force than I had so far envisioned!
    Taking the Michael could be very entertaining indeed!

  5. Republicofscotland says:

    Sturgeon the Judas should be in prison for a very long time for crimes against Scotland and its people.

  6. sarah says:

    @ Dorothy Devine – “hurtful same as hateful?”.

    I could be wrong but I thought that the police guidance said that something could be a hate crime if the complainant’s feelings had been hurt.

  7. rogueslr says:

    Knock, knock
    Who’s there?
    Nicola who?
    Now that’s politics!

  8. Jon Drummond says:

    Nail gunned to a dead tree in Sodom for such betrayal does not seem unreasonable.

  9. Mark Beggan says:

    It ain’t over till the fat lady sings.

  10. 100%Yes says:

    Sturgeon isn’t FM but she pulling all the strings, lets hope WM is a wipeout for the SNP right of the Scottish map.

  11. Vivian O’Blivion says:

    Sturgeon is still twice as popular as Yousaf where it matters, among SNP voters. Sturgeon’s net favourability amongst that grouping is +69% against Yousaf’s +35%.
    I suspect this says more about SNP voters than anything regarding the individuals under consideration.
    Lists of the clinically gullible who fall victim to Nigerian Prince scams are marketed on the dark web. The vestigial SNP membership files should be worth a fair few bob.

  12. Andrew scott says:

    I read somewhere that mrs murrell is to campaign at the next general election
    Has she no shame?
    I bet useless did not welcome that news-he has enough trouble to deal with

  13. Hatuey says:

    A few more points south and she’s in Jeremy Hunt territory…

    And we all know she has a lot further to travel in that direction, right commuters?

    It must be miserable having those big clouds hanging over you like that. I lie awake if i have an opticians appointment…

    Where oh where are the police?

  14. Andy Ellis says:

    @Andrew Scott 4.08pm

    Has she no shame?

    I think we all know the answer to that question…..

  15. Alf Baird says:

    Dorothy Devine @ 2:44 pm

    “is ‘hurtful’ the same as ‘hateful’ then?”

    Colonialism is defined as “hateful racism” (Aime Cesaire). So that’s both ‘hate’and ‘racism’ millions of us Scots have been subjected to for ower 300 year, and still.

    Awbody caw the Polis!

  16. willie says:

    She’s in among her ” pals ” being in that list.

    And unless I am mistaken save for herself, the above listed sack of ferrets are all English politicians. Ah well you get judged by the company you keep, the policies you pursue, and Sturgeon is certainly now judged by that.

    A spell in Cornton Vale alongside her tran pals would now be the ticket for her.

  17. Stevie says:

    Only -44… I would’ve imagined -100 being nearer the mark (the the transnarcissist vote staying loyal to she/her who once-upon-a-time must be obeyed.

  18. twathater says:

    Surely that could be described as IRON Y

  19. TURABDIN says:

    In the YouGov ratings the «national» politicians are English, are they not then regional small fry viewed by convex lens.?

  20. Chas says:

    Is there a form that will have to be completed to report a ‘Hate’ Crime? If there is, where does anybody find it? Think of all the fun to be had in effectively tying up the Poileas in knots until the daft law is dropped. The real criminals will of course, redouble their efforts knowing that chances of their crimes being investigated, far less prosecuted, are minimal.

    I have been away for a week or so, but isn’t it reassuring to see that Baird continues to ignore everything going on in the world apart from his favourite topic…….. and managed to add a wee ditty from one of his favourite discredited academics to boot! Some people have real hobbies but not our Alfie Boy! Sad, but there you go.

  21. Republicofscotland says:

    So here I am waiting on my colonial news programme (STV news) at 6pm, when suddenly its shelved for a bit while we hear all about another parasitic royal who has the Big C.

    Of course this royal won’t wait weeks or months for treatment, no they’ll get the best of everything at the Edward VII hospital.

    When your country has NO news channels of its own you are forced to watch what your foreign neighbour who controls what you watch on terrestrial channels, but hey Scots will swallow whatever shite England dishes out to us, and we’ll also take whatever our own treacherous MSPs dish out to us as well, such as the Hate Crime Laws because 300+ years of English rule has left us utterly lacking in belief, what a sad state Scotland’s in.

  22. dasBlimp says:

    Ignored says:
    22 March, 2024 at 6:25 pm
    So here I am waiting on my colonial news programme (STV news) at 6pm, when suddenly its shelved for a bit while we hear all about another parasitic royal who has the Big C.

    We were subjected to the same report here in England. But I couldn’t care less, so I switched off the TV.

  23. Anton Decadent says:

    @TURABDIN. In the previous thread when I opined that council housing stock in Scotland should go to Scots who have been on the waiting lists for decades rather than people who blew into the country half an hour ago you replied, and I quote “Too much in-breeding is bad for the worldview.”

    On looking up the world cousin shagging league I saw that your neck of the woods are pros.

    link to

  24. Viscount Ennui says:

    So here is a question that might divide opinion:

    “If the psephologists can demonstrate that keeping the royal family in some form would assist independence by appealing to the current soft ‘No’s’, should the independence movement support that.”


  25. Republicofscotland says:

    “Is there a form that will have to be completed to report a ‘Hate’ Crime? If there is, where does anybody find it? Think of all the fun to be had in effectively tying up the Poileas in knots until the daft law is dropped.”


    Who are you trying to kid, you’ll be chomping at the bit come midnight on the 31st of March to stick in as many folk in here and other sites as possible, you Main and Ellis, the trio of Chinthe shites.

  26. James Jones says:

    Republicofscotland at 6:25 pm
    “So here I am waiting on my colonial news programme (STV news) at 6pm, when suddenly it’s shelved for a bit while we hear all about another parasitic royal who has the Big C.”

    Christ! There are some miserable, deluded and unpleasant characters on here who I believe epitomise the Indy movement and you’ve just summed them up. If that’s your response to this awful news because of your resentful, hateful, failing political views I’d like to pity you, but I can’t. Go to hell.

    “When your country has NO news channels of its own you are forced to watch what your foreign neighbour who controls what you watch on terrestrial channels, but hey Scots will swallow whatever shite England dishes out to us, and we’ll also take whatever our own treacherous MSPs dish out to us as well, such as the Hate Crime Laws because 300+ years of English rule ha”

    Wrong. You got the right to vote for a devolved government and you said, “These are my champions.” You cannot blame “English rule.”

  27. James Jones says:

    Republicofscotland at 6:25 pm
    “So here I am waiting on my colonial news programme (STV news) at 6pm, when suddenly it’s shelved for a bit while we hear all about another parasitic royal who has the Big C.”

    Christ! There are some miserable, deluded and unpleasant characters on here who I believe epitomise the Indy movement and you’ve just summed them up. If that’s your response to this awful news because of your resentful, hateful, failing political views I’d like to pity you, but I can’t. Go to hell.

    “When your country has NO news channels of its own you are forced to watch what your foreign neighbour who controls what you watch on terrestrial channels, but hey Scots will swallow whatever shite England dishes out to us, and we’ll also take whatever our own treacherous MSPs dish out to us as well, such as the Hate Crime Laws because 300+ years of English rule ha”

    Wrong. You got the right to vote for a devolved government and you said, “These are my champions.” You cannot blame “English rule.”

  28. Chas says:


    Your response to my post kinda misses the point and does not really make sense. Mind you, do any of your scribblings make sense?

  29. Republicofscotland says:

    “If that’s your response to this awful news because of your resentful, hateful, failing political views I’d like to pity you, but I can’t. Go to hell.”

    James Jones.

    I couldn’t give a monkeys about foreign royals, royals that has been robbing Scotland blind in one form or another over the centuries. Know your enemy and the royals are an enemy of Scotland.

    “Wrong. You got the right to vote for a devolved government and you said, “These are my champions.” You cannot blame “English rule.””

    News flash if you’d been paying attention you’d have noticed that Westminster will NEVER devolve broadcasting because it far too powerful a medium, and the SNP are not Scottish champions anymore.

  30. Viscount Ennui says:

    Apols to Alf if I am misquoting him but he posted a couple of years ago about Scotland re-discoverings its role as a maritime nation.

    It was compelling stuff.

    Innovative, achievable, and inspirational.

    Our peripheral regions are best with multiple infrastructural problems but also possess extraordinary beauty and landscape ‘assets’ that have global appeal.

    WTF has the current SNP done to promote and exploit all of this?

    They cannot even build a couple of ferries or support maritime links to Europe.

    The electorate wants good governance and we have had the exact opposite since AS stepped down.

    TBH I am bored by Scottish politics and the ineptitude of both government and opposition.

    Stu for FM? That would be a game-changer.

  31. John Main says:

    @RoS 6:58

    I heard the same news and wondered if you would be one of the scum making capital out of somebody’s illness. So no surprise that you are.

    Strange you haven’t responded to the biggest story of the day.

    The Orcs and the Covid Spreaders making common cause with Hamas in their quest to add a few more thousands of Palestinians to the body count. Rather than call for a compromise that delivers peace.

    The lesson is clear – let the likes of you get control of Indy and no mountain of innocent Scottish corpses will be too high for you as you pursue your utopian ideas of ideological purity.

  32. David Hannah says:

    Ten years on from achieving Net Zero.

    If I were Pan Macmillan; I’d be renegotiating the deal for Nicola Sturgeon’s upcoming fiction novel; ‘I can’t recall.’

    4 x £75,000 instalments. She’s already recieved payment one.

    4 police investigations. SUSPECT. Nicola Sturgeon. SHE/HER.

    She’s being protected by Dorothy Bain and Lady Dorian. Her two ugly sisters. They are protecting her criminality. We know she’s a criminal. Just look at her. She’s corrupt to the core. And Scotland needs to speak the truth.

  33. David Hannah says:

    Well said Republic of Scotland. I concur.

    Sturgeon the Judas. Should be in jail for a long; long; time!

  34. John Main says:

    Innarestin to see Rachel Reeves (shadow chancellor) leading the approval ratings at -6.

    She gave a big speech just this week in which she pointed out the impossibility of any economy ever taxing its way to prosperity.

    Somebody really needs to have a word in the shell-like of oor very ain wee pretendy fraudulent FM. He hasn’t yet got the message.

    Unless of course he’s not interested in our prosperity at all. Maybes his real priority is the extortion of our hard-earned to splurge on his wee pet personal projects.

  35. Alf Baird says:

    Viscount Ennui @ 7:43 pm

    “They cannot even build a couple of ferries or support maritime links to Europe.”

    Aye, its tragic how utterly inept the ScotGov is, almost as if they are intentionally trashing Scotland and holding back the independence movement.

    And its not as if they weren’t handed a nice wee Scottish Maritime Policy on a plate back in 2015, yet decided to totally ignore it, much as they have ignored numerous other urgently needed policy reforms to lift up oor fowk in order to concentrate on churning out mystifying laws which oppress Scots even more.

    Sensible folk might think they were just another colonial administration feathering their nests and building up their pension pots, taking the independence movement up a blind alley!

    link to

  36. Johnlm says:

    “… one of the scum making capital out of someone else’s illness”

    Is Genocide John going to accuse himself of virtue signalling?


  37. Geri says:

    Jings! Mention foreign TV shite shoved down our throats & look at the yoons go holiday daft..Whaaa, Whaaaa, Whaaa everyone hates us. Independence voters are all anti English..whaaaa.. Zzzz

    *Point sailed on past*

    Dullards. We don’t pay a TV licence fee to watch next doors telly, football, soaps, dramas, propaganda news, royalist bullshit, flasher newscasters, fake revisionist history & wanker news/ sports pundits.


    Imagine paying £150+ to be forced fed French telly then some eejit tells you to just turn it off if you don’t like it.

    4 NATIONS in the UK. Only TWO have broadcasting rights.

    Why is that? Should be the obvious question. Not a melt down.

    *Wonders now who else has the big C. Lizzie must be on a mission with auld nick*

    As for Sturgeon. It’s the flat earthers. Stands to reason they’d deny another reality.

    The Pampers brigade & fake environ-mentalist contingent. They know their bullshit is toast when the SNP are booted.

  38. Geri says:

    Viscount Ennui @ 7:43 pm

    “They cannot even build a couple of ferries or support maritime links to Europe.”

    You ain’t so great at aircraft carriers.

    The problem might just be the folks that draw these plans have never actually spent a day on the watter…

  39. James Jones says:

    @Colonial Alf at 8:27 pm.
    Or maybe the indie movement is just a bunch of shite hawks intent on feathering their own nests while blaming the English for everything to excuse their uselessness. That wouldn’t change with independence, hence it is in no one’s interest..

  40. John Main says:

    @Geri 8:37

    I don’t pay a TV license fee.

    It’s called having gumption, balls or just plain, old-fashioned integrity.

    If you don’t think something is right, don’t support it with your hard-earned dosh.

    Maybes you believe the endless greetin aboot the injustice of it all is worth the fee? I could believe that of you. Very easily.

  41. Geri says:

    Genocide John

    “Rather than call for a compromise that delivers peace.”

    They have. Did you miss it?
    Get out of Gaza.
    Stop expanding.
    Let aid through.
    Exchange prisoners.

    *Tumble weed*

    Then Israel executed their prisoners without trial.

    Your move…

  42. Mac says:

    What did you do during the genocide Daddy?

    The worst whore in the world is an honourable and decent worker compared to the total vermin who take a wage to excuse it. And I absolutely mean that.

    A phrase which I am no doubt butchering that keeps coming back is that ‘a brave man dies only once, whereas a coward dies many times, endlessly’.

  43. Geri says:

    Genocide John

    I don’t pay for that shite but some do & they want their local news. Not some royalist 1 hour special on a foreigners health scare.
    She’s not our monarch.

    She couldn’t point you out in a line up either, so please, put yer hankie away. She’ll be off to Harley Street. The best treatment OUR money can buy. No waiting. No being told it’s too expensive. No DNR notes. No being told it’s not available for her.

    It’s probably propaganda. Theres either a baby on the way, an engagement or an illness that’s always trotted out to bury a bad news story. Look, a squirrel.

  44. Geri says:

    “The Orcs and the Covid Spreaders making common cause with Hamas in their quest to add a few more thousands of Palestinians to the body count. Rather than call for a compromise that delivers peace.”

    Have you heard the Nazi shit straight from Trumps son in law?

    Gaza would be some real nice waterfront real estate once Palestine is cleared.

    Describing a population like a developer describing clearing some weeds..

    Absolutely shameful.

    But it’s NOT a genocide. No siree..

  45. Hatuey says:

    It feels like all hell is about to break loose in the world and it is now the case that it would be remarkable if we managed to avoid a massive war.

    It seems that the west wants to escalate as quickly as possible (before Trump takes over in November and starts dismantling everything) and we are going to find out who is bluffing and who isn’t very soon.

    The problem is there’s no Robert McNamara in the Whitehouse to translate events as they unfold into a language that decision-makers might understand. They think they are playing a game of ‘who blinks first’.

    One of the things we found out that we were wrong about after the Cold War was the belief that the Soviets were playing by the same, “rational”, rules of ‘escalation management’ that the West was playing by. They weren’t. Instead they had a bunch of red lines and if any single one was crossed they intended to throw everything they had at us.

    From their perspective, you see, throwing everything they had at us when certain lines were crossed was entirely “rational”. Their ultimate fear was that the west would launch a surprise attack and destroy their missiles before they had left the silos.

    The concept of a ‘limited nuclear war’, with increasing escalation and opportunities for negotiation at various stages, was not taken seriously by Soviet strategic planners.

    They also assumed they could win a nuclear war, where we all assumed such a war would effectively be the end of the world.

    Interesting how different people see the same things so differently, isn’t it…

  46. David Hannah says:

    The USA are saying it was Islamic State that carried out the Moscow attack. I am horrified because I don’t want war. The Euros are on in the summer. We don’t need Jihad causing threat to World Peace.

    It’s time that the United States and The Russians put down the weapons. And realised that the real problem is protecting our borders.

    If they spend as much time and money on protecting Europe’s borders there wouldn’t be terrorist attacks like the on in Russia.

    I have no reason to doubt it wasn’t Islamic State from Syria. It’s got their finger prints all over it.

  47. David Hannah says:

    link to

    Interesting that the Great Satan knew about the planned attack on the 7th of March…

    Location: Moscow, Russia

    The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.

    Actions to Take:

    Avoid crowds.
    Monitor local media for updates.
    Be aware of your surroundings.

  48. David Hannah says:

    Let’s hope it was Jihad… For all our sakes.

  49. David Hannah says:

    *And not the west. Because Western diplomacy will be in tatters if it turns out they carried out the attack. It already is.

  50. Young Lochinvar says:

    Everything has gone, or is going, to rat shit!

    Yup, I fell for it but now I’ll never forgive Nicola-the social engineer- Sturgeon.
    The SNP have become failures, a title all the more risible considering how pathetic the Unionists in HR are, Jack in Britannia rules the waves is and the sausage factory of pathetic troughing non entity losers inhabiting the Westminster “bubble”are.

    Reset urgently required- and it’s certainly not with self obsessed needy Engerlund; the rapaciously incompetent!

  51. Hatuey says:

    David Hannah, how do you know whose finger prints are all over it? Why don’t we let the investigators work it out?

    And when we do find out, as I think we will, don’t be surprised by the response.

    If I was to guess, I’d guess he knows who was behind it right now and is probably preparing a response.

    I think his response will shake the world.

  52. Geri says:


    Terrorism is a yanky tactic.
    A dead give away when Biden can state ‘it wisnae us’ before facts on the ground were even know.

    Of course we’ll be dragged in. The majorettes next door have been there meddling all along & are in cahoots with America. Raring to go with their fcked pot lid for the American Empire. Hoping for some scraps by the end of it like the scavengers they are.

    Ruskies have always been clear. No one will take Ruskie.
    The yanks think he’s bluffing. I don’t think so & China has also been clear where they stand. So that just leaves the Yanks student think tank committee to give Biden his next move to forget.

    Isn’t it funny that the yanks have a senile old git that should be forcefully removed, 404 has a leader that was the result of a coup, Sunak was parachuted in by his mates, Netanyahu is avoiding corruption charges & jail by clinging onto power ….it’s on P thats actually elected at the mo LOL

  53. Willie says:

    Terrible terrorist attack in Moscow. Utterly utterly evil. Inhumanity for all to see.

    And against this atrocity it seems that the Americans knew it was coming because at the beginning of the month they actually forewarned American citizens in Russia not to go near public places.

    So how did they know to issue this fateful warning. If they knew to issue the warning the US clearly knew an attack was coming.

    The Russians are right when they say they will exact retribution. This frankly could be their Pearl Harbour moment.

    And the perpetrators and the shadowy hands of foreign governmental involvement, they may just have reaped the whirlwind.

  54. Stoker says:

    What? No Reece-Mogg or that wee coke-snorting alcoholic “Scotsman”, Gove? A right pair of tadgers i would have put money on being right up among the top failures. Have they been keeping a very low profile recently? Have they both been sharing the same closet? Maybe that white substance on Gove’s nostrils yon time wasn’t cocaine after-all. Dirty bassa. LOL!

  55. Stoker says:

    Just thought of another one for my complaints list if they try and prosecute WOS. I know who the piece of filth was who vandalised the Catholic church in Ardrossan, back in the 1980’s, with white paint in 3ft-high lettering FTP.

    For those not in the know that stands for F@ck The Pope. My list is growing by the minute, and i’m just one person. Don’t open that particular can Mr. Plod. Because the warnings on that can are very clear and pretty much self explanatory. Like a Dybbuk Box, once opened, all hell will break loose. LOL!

  56. Ruby says:

    link to

    Leeds ‘compulsive liar’ jailed for fake rape claims

    Liam Smith’s lies resulted in his victims being interviewed by police and subjected to “degrading” forensic tests, Newcastle Crown Court heard.
    His victims said the “compulsive liar” had ruined their lives, caused trust issues and made several feel suicidal.

  57. stuart mctavish says:

    Chas @6:12pm

    I’m tempted to report the forms themselves as a hate crime – arguably designed to deny applications/justice if you fail to complete them in a timely manner* ..

    *Whether time bar clauses can retain their value in the internet age (when the form itself was only published on the most recent date it was opened) is another (potentially arbitrary) answer entirely

  58. Robert Hughes says:


    ” It seems that the west wants to escalate as quickly as possible (before Trump takes over in November and starts dismantling everything) and we are going to find out who is bluffing and who isn’t very soon. ” . That seems very plausible , H .

    The psychotic demons of destruction who engineered this proxy war are in a total funk at the spectacular failure it has turned-out ; they’ve tried everything in their lunatic attempt at regime change in R….a , and all it’s done is make that country stronger , more unified , it’s leader more supported .

    At the same time dealing a severe battering to E.U economies – check Germany ,FFS ! – and credibility . Something the U.S is rubbing it’s grubby hands in glee over . Where do you think Germany is now getting it’s energy supplies from ? Aye , that’s right .

    Without KNOWING who is behind this barbaric attack on civilians , we can be fairly sure the black hand of U.S malevolence is involved at some level . Maybe this event is related to your query the other day re Obomber’s peripatetic * put the kettle on , we’re about to start WW3 ; milk and two sugars please ” * diplomacy * . Maybe * Slick Dick * Obama was looking for a new personal chef . His previous two both having met watery ends

    Let’s never forget the central reason for the World being brought to the precipice of unprecedented carnage the refusal of the U.S Deep/Dark State to countenance any diminution of it’s Economic & Military hegemony .

    The threat to that dominance represented by the rise of BRICS is more than the bullies can handle , and it appears there’s NOTHING they won’t do to prevent the ( inevitable ) displacement of the Almighty Dollar as the boss currency .

    Caution – Terror ahead , The Dogs of War are off their leash

  59. Geri says:

    Well said Robert.

    They’re finished. No country will deal with thief’s who steal other countries reserves & fund genocide. Their spot at top dawg is ending & no one can claim it’s been great. They’ve been warring since before I was born & never knew when to stop.


    Trump will change absolutely nothing regarding Israel. His son in law can’t wait until the clearances are complete. He’d help them along if he could. Another nobody with zero expertise in anything allowed to advise eejits in power.

  60. Stuart Cullen says:

    As much as I enjoy a pile-on at Sturgeon et al’s expense, the 2024 poll appears to be a poll of the UK-wide populace, whereas the 2020 poll is Scottish only. Probably even in 2020, Sturgeon would have had a very negative net rating when looking at UK overall.

  61. Stoker says:

    @ Ruby, For most of my life i’ve been a believer in seriously stiff sentences for sex crimes (of any nature). Everything from flashing to rape and paedophilia. It has to be treated as seriously as murder or at the very least as serious as any violent attack. Because let’s face it, that’s exactly what it is. And there needs to be *consistency* right across the board.

    I’m a great believer in locking them away, scrapping parole eligibility for these crimes, and introducing in its place a condition that you must volunteer to medical castration etc before you can even be considered as “low risk” and for release. In my world this all would only take place *after* a stiff jail sentence was served.

    My views were reinforced tenfold when a niece of mine was raped aged just 14. She was never the same again after that and it all got too much for her and she hung herself.

    There is also no consistency in sentencing. I’ve seen rapists who have only raped once being given a sentence far greater than a rapist who had 5 or 6 victims to his name. We have to change the whole system on this issue in Scotland, from the police approach to the “Judges” and sentencing guidelines etc.

    And we also need a greater focus on what happens after sentencing. Serious crimes require those criminals’ “human rights” to be revoked the minute they are found guilty, in my opinion. Liberal society has a lot to answer for.

    There are far too many Lord Longford’s controlling what happens in our legal system. I think someone once called them “bleeding heart Liberals”. I know what i think of them, and it’s a lot stronger than that. But these days i’m not chancing being charged with a “hate crime”. 😉

  62. Republicofscotland says:

    Willie @ 5.08am.

    The Great Satan (US) and Zionists via YouCraine are behind the attack the (US) knows that all is lost in YouCraine so terrorism is all they have left.

    Its been know for years that the Great Satan is behind ISIS.

    Most of the (alleged) terrorists who carried out that attack are known to authorities.

    “The identities of four of the six alleged terrorists who carried out the shooting at Crocus City Hall have become known.
    1) Nasridinov Makhmadrasul 37 years old
    2) Ismonov Rivozhidin 51 years old
    3) Safolzoda Shokhinjonn 21 years old
    4) Nazarov Rustam 29 years old.
    All of them are citizens of Tajikistan.”

  63. Hatuey says:

    I wish Trump would do nothing, Geri, but he’s the biggest Zionist of them all.

    I think the Middle East has the potential to escalate to a regional war but not a world war. Most of the Arab governments are firmly pro-western (their money is in western banks) and couldn’t care less about Palestinians.

    And most of the military hardware they buy is intended for the purpose of keeping their own populations under control so I don’t see the situation changing.

    The war in the east is a very different kettle of fish.

    If it turns out the west played any part in this terrorist attack, I think you’ll see a response that changes everything. Everybody and his dog knows the US has close ties with Islamic terrorist organisations…

    Vlad is considered a moderate, as I understand it, and will be under huge pressure to respond to this decisively. The west seems to think it can openly conduct terrorist operations against his country (attacks on bridges, gas pipelines, etc.) but can they?

    How would we respond if it was the other way around? That’s a question that never gets asked enough.

  64. Ruby says:


    link to

    Leeds ‘compulsive liar’ jailed for fake rape claims

    These were all fake claims.

    It seems a bit too easy to make rape claims. This guy did it 7 times.

    Judge Penny Moreland said all the victims had spoken of their “agony” of having such serious accusations hanging over them as well as “reputational damage” even after the allegations were shown to be false.
    She also said his lies could have a serious impact on genuine victims of rape who may now fear they would not be believed.

    Really sorry to hear about what happened to your niece.

  65. Ruby says:

    Consider that the power of MeToo in 2018 stemmed not from our sympathetic feelings toward victims of sexual assault, but from a sense that allegations could be used to political advantage, that even the most powerful man might be toppled if credibly accused.

    The above is from this article.

    link to

    The Hate Crime Bill could be used for the same purpose.

  66. John Main says:

    @Hats says

    “Vlad is considered a moderate”

    Course he is.

    He’s been agitating for the strengthening of Russti window catches, and the ending of Siberian solitary confinements, for years now. And for all consignments of novocik to be put under lock and key.

    But he’s such a mild mannered, gentle soul, the rest of the Orcs just ignore him.

    It’s truly fascinating to see what passes for your “mind” at work though Hats. The western intelligence agencies that largely keep us safe from the worst excesses of Islamic nihilism got wind that something was in the air weeks ago. They even shared that intelligence with the Orcs, and were brushed off with the usual mix of paranoia, suspicion and reality denial that is the Orcs special gift to the world.

    Then, when what was predicted actually comes to pass, the Orcs seek to blame the west, and you pile on too.

    Classic Hats.

  67. Ruby says:

    Was it not proven during the Alex Salmond Trial that a woman made a false claim of rape? The one that wasn’t even in the building.

    The guy from Leeds who made false claims of rape 7 times was charged with ‘perverting the course of justice’

    It’s seem unbelievable that he was able to make false claims 7 times.

    You would think that after the third time or even the 2nd time someone might say ‘This is a bit suspicious why is this guy always being raped.’

  68. Geri says:

    “Vlad is considered a moderate”

    He is. Let’s face it, if some bugger repeatedly stiffed me on international treaties, stole all my reserves, blew up my gas pipes, seized property, sanction, sanction, sanction, tariffs, quotas & continually tried to install regime change while committing acts of war against me, I think I’d have nuked the fckr & been done with it a long time ago.

    & What for, exactly? Because they invented a bogey man to keep their own economy afloat & the industrial complex in jobs.

    That’s the Yanks problem. They’re miles away – unscathed from the perpetual chaos they create for the rest of us & nowhere is safe from them. I can’t wait until they are toppled. They’re our only threat to world peace & always have been. They’re demonic & only leave a trail of death behind them.

    Btw, I meant Trump will do nothing to stop this carnage. They’re the same as us. A two party state that’s two cheeks of the same arse & they’re that way because the demonic turds play in both camps influencing policy.

  69. Republicofscotland says:


    It shows us how deep Europe is in the grip of Atlanticists, some EU nations actually helped pay for those pipelines that the Great Satan (US) and Norway blew up, yet most EU leaders have stayed quiet on that especially Germany, and with YouCraine in mind when the Americans planned the coup against YouCraines democratically elected president, US State Department offical Victora Nuland said (she’s on record) F*ck Europe when European bigwigs complained that the coup would seriously hurt EU businesses.

  70. John Main says:

    @Geri 23 March, 2024 at 1:21 pm

    if some bugger repeatedly stiffed me

    Innarestin choice of language, Geri.

    I’m thinking maybes that video you watched of the 2019 G20 Summit was some kind of knock-off. If you still have the receipt you can always return it for a refund. Assuming you want to, that is.

  71. John Main says:

    @Republicofscotland says: 23 March, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Weird, isn’t it, how the closer a country is to Orc Central, the more strenuously it is determined to keep the Orcs out. It’s exactly as if familiarity with the Orcs breeds loathing and terror.

    But I digress.

    Your heart just doesn’t seem to be in it these days, RoS. It’s inexcusable and smacks of despairing apathy that you haven’t come up with a playfully deranged nickname for Norway, the wee, independent, sovereign, prosperous, EU-avoiding, high-defence-spending, serious country that the sane and rational people of Scotland most aspire to be like.

    I like “Orc Haters (Norway)” myself. It neatly sums up their attitude to the true villains of the ghastly situation unfolding on Europe’s eastern flank.

    Why not give Orc Haters (Norway) a try? I won’t mind at all.

  72. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 4.12pm

    Perhaps it’s a sense of ennui on the part of the usual suspects? It must be difficult keeping yourself permanently whipped in to such a lather about the Great Satan and the various Little Satans?

    I see RoS has dropped his default sign off about supporting and voting for Alba. Doubtless the party has proven insufficiently ideologically pure for him somehow? I can’t but think the leadership and members will be as relieved as I am to do without his support.

    Of course the light to some is an unwelcome friend. The Orc friends in here would of course be rightly ridiculed in most of the countries the majority of Scots purport to want to emulate.

    Their world view is about as popular, or as likely to be realised, as that of the sundry fringe nutter parties of yore, whether the Socialist Workers Party, Militant, RISE or whatever banner they’re frantically waving to distract from their ideological zealotry and political insignificance.

    I see you asked one of the other usual suspects elsewhere about what levels of support they actually thought they had. It’s striking that none of them ever answer, whilst simultaneously bloviating that mainstream opinions like yours or mine are somehow unpopular.

    It’s almost as if there’s no evidence we speak for most ordinary folk….other than swathes of polling evidence and actual election results based on platforms supporting those views of course.

    One might almost think these blow hards lived in a wee purity spiral all of their own, huh? 🙂

  73. John Main says:

    @Andy Ellis says: 23 March, 2024 at 5:20 pm

    I see you asked one of the other usual suspects elsewhere about what levels of support they actually thought they had. It’s striking that none of them ever answer, whilst simultaneously bloviating that mainstream opinions like yours or mine are somehow unpopular

    I think it was Adolf Whatshisface who opined that men will believe most strongly in that which is most strongly believed. I’m guessing he meant to include women too.

    That’s why I’m really keen to see all these ideas put to the test. Independents for Indy, for example. Or an entire election run by an Indy party on the promises of it being plebiscitary. Ash Regan’s idea.

    I recognise it’s a fatal weakness on here to ever admit to any uncertainty about anything, but I’m open to being persuaded on most things. But I will need real evidence. Not the echoes from within an almost empty silo.

    If Indy support is there, it is truly inconceivable to me, and frankly unbelievable, that no effective political movement will arise to lead it. That’s just not what happens in any other country in the world.

    Just as it’s inconceivable that every Indy politician finds himself or herself fatally compromised.

    Five and a half million people, and we can’t find 100 decent, rational, competent, patriotic, dedicated, incorruptible Scots to lead us to independent nationhood, with the support and backing of the majority of our people?

    Against no real opposition, other than words and suggestions?

    Does not compute.

  74. Hatuey says:

    Well, I’d love to argue about something with Andy and/or little John, my record is pretty solid on that front, but neither of them really say anything specific or of substance that it would be possible to challenge… it’s all really just petty name calling.

    RoS, Geri, myself, and others are very specific though. Specific is a luxury that we can afford. When it comes to things like the plausible genocide in Gaza, the war in the east, or any other subject, there are no restrictions on anything we can say and that’s simply not true for those who want to stick to the mainstream narrative.

    It must be shit being them.

  75. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 7.37pm

    The thing is Hats, when you’re specific about stuff it’s invariably a falsehood of ocean going proportions. Who can forget the confident predictions of the invasion of Taiwan, or Turkish troops intervening in Gaza?

    It’s great being on the right side: we get to point and laugh at the lack of reason of tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, people who don’t understand the meaning of the word genocide, and fluffers for Vlad and his Orcs.

    No woo-woo mentalism is too outlandish for the usual suspects. The fact they’ve made this place their wee echo chamber gives them a false sense that their fringe views are widely held or supported, when of course the opposite is the case.

    The only thing solid about you is the space between your ears.

  76. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main

    If Indy support is there, it is truly inconceivable to me, and frankly unbelievable, that no effective political movement will arise to lead it. That’s just not what happens in any other country in the world.

    Perhaps you’re right. There’s a real tension I think between those who insist that the solution to the lack of progress on indy is via non-parliamentary “cunning plans” or legal routes, or some general uprising of the folk, and those who don’t believe such a route is either plausible or perhaps even desirable.

    There’s little in our recent political or constitutional history that suggests to me the Scottish people is ready to ditch party politics and form some novel mass movement or “special purpose vehicle” with only one aim: attaining independence.

    Look at the numbers still supporting the SNP for example: hardly indicative of an electorate which is about to take to the barricades, whatever the usual suspects in here think!

    The way to make progress is to take the SNP down, and construct a pro-independence majority which can win a plebiscitary election. It’s not rocket science. It doesn’t require a silver bullet, cunning plans, a new mass movement….just some campaigning, some graft and a bit of a realism.

    A bit of an ask of some of those in here of course, but they’re hardly representative as their BTL effluent ammply attests.

  77. Hatuey says:

    More of the usual… instead of telling people what you think I said, why don’t you tell them what you think?

    You don’t actually say anything.

    As for “the confident predictions of the invasion of Taiwan, or Turkish troops intervening in Gaza”, it’s not true. Those predictions were made by Clayton Morris on Redacted. I merely relayed them.

    But please, say something. And don’t worry about being wrong. It really isn’t going to matter or upset anyone; you’re not that important.

    So, you seem to support Team Genocide, okay, that’s great, just say it and stop beating around the bush. Say it loud and clear — you don’t mind seeing innocent defenceless people in Gaza being massacred because supporting the US/West is all that matters to you. Say it.

    Again, in Eastern Europe, say it loud and clear — you are happy to see countless thousands of young men die in the meat grinder. We know you support it, we don’t know why since it doesn’t seem to help anyone, something to do with standing up for western democracy or something, all I ask is that you be honest and say it.

    That’s your bag, Andy. Say it.

    And the world is fucked because of unquestioning bootlickers like you. Say that too.

  78. David Hannah says:

    Willie says:

    “Terrible terrorist attack in Moscow. Utterly utterly evil. Inhumanity for all to see.

    And against this atrocity it seems that the Americans knew it was coming because at the beginning of the month they actually forewarned American citizens in Russia not to go near public places.

    So how did they know to issue this fateful warning. If they knew to issue the warning the US clearly knew an attack was coming.”

    This. The Americans knew it was coming. But chose not to share the intel with Russia. 116 innocent people slaughtered and the Americans said nothing. And did nothing. They let it happen.

    Really sinister. I hope there is high profile security for Germany at the Euros. Especially with Europe now flooded with guns. All thanks to the United States and YoKraine – the most corrupt country in Europe. Where are these weapons going, and into who’s hands?

    Exactly. NATO overreach. Joe Biden. Puppet. They are shameless. And they are going to hell. Hell on earth they are causing.

  79. Geri says:

    Republic 3:37

    Aye & businesses are going bust across Europe because of the soaring fuel costs. I’ve heard Germany is seething because their car industry is in tatters as China has now taken orders instead. Typical warmongering goons don’t give a crap about consequences.

    I hear the reason they have to go along with this American bullshit is because they’ll be cut off from trade otherwise while others worry if their reserves will be stolen next.

    I heard the Nuland tape. Shocking that America thinks it’s perfectly fine to rig other countries elections & who *they* want to install instead & it’s just taken as an everyday occurrence. That’s an act of war in every other walk of life for foreign interference. Those great bastions of democracy eh? They don’t know the meaning of the word.

  80. David Hannah says:

    “The identities of four of the six alleged terrorists who carried out the shooting at Crocus City Hall have become known.
    1) Nasridinov Makhmadrasul 37 years old
    2) Ismonov Rivozhidin 51 years old
    3) Safolzoda Shokhinjonn 21 years old
    4) Nazarov Rustam 29 years old.
    All of them are citizens of Tajikistan.”

    Putin will torture them. Slowly. None of them sound Muslim do they?

    Not a Bin laden bastard in there eh?!

  81. Andy Ellis says:

    @Hatuey 9PM

    I’m not afraid of being wrong. If I was I’d admit it. I don’t believe I am wrong. I don’t support what the Israeli regime is doing, but I don’t accept casual misuse of terms like genocide, nor am I moved by lackwits over emoting about situations they can do SFA about, when they de-prioritise or ignore any other conflict situation because for some reason only this one is supposed to matter. I’m just not buying it sorry.

    Nobody is going to impose a solution in Gaza: not the UN, not America, not neighbouring Arab states and certainly not Uncle Vlad or BRICS some of the usual suspects are so keen on fluffing for.

    I and the majority of right thinking folks support victory for Country 404. We’re not sorry for doing so. The only acceptable outcome for the current war is defeat for the RF, and full membership for country 404 of NATO and the EU.

    It’s just realism. If country 404 loses, we all lose. No democrat could or should think otherwise. Fascists need to be faced down now just as they were before. Those fluffing for them in here now are no better than those who did so in previous generations. They were contemptible then, they’re contemptible now.

  82. Geri says:


    Well said.

    As for this..

    “We know you support it, we don’t know why since it doesn’t seem to help anyone, something to do with standing up for western democracy or something, all I ask is that you be honest and say it.”

    Western democracy isn’t even an excuse anymore for these eejits. It doesn’t exist & never has. If there isn’t an American puppet in place there will be regime change regardless of what a population votes for. The world police know better. They’ve their own version of democracy is as well as what constitutes a genocide.

  83. Geri says:

    “Fascists need to be faced down now just as they were before. Those fluffing for them in here now are no better than those who did so in previous generations. They were contemptible then, they’re contemptible now.”

    You need to look in the mirror, sunshine. It’s you that’s seriously misguided.

    But give us a laugh – what has Ruskies done to you to upset you so much? Can you actually name something?
    Is it cause he doesn’t permit TRAs to run his military?

    I’ll wait.

    Genocide John can answer too. Also what, in your opinion, constitutes a genocide – cause a dictionary is pretty clear on what one is. Google is yer friend.

  84. Andy Ellis says:

    @Geri 10.16pm

    Being seen as misguided by you and the usual suspects in here is a badge of honour Geri. It’s akin to being seen as misguided by others on the wrong side of arguments and history. Russia is a clear and present danger to the maintenance of freedom and democracy everywhere.

    It wouldn’t be acceptable if their activities were limited to their own population and the ethnic and national minorities unfortunate enough to find themselves under Russian rule, but it’s even less acceptable when it’s exported. Again, it doesn’t matter whether it’s about Tsarist imperialism, Communist imperialism or modern day RF imperialism.

    As for all the WEF/Great Satan/ stuff, nobody serious takes the false equivalence between our own imperfect system and Uncle Vlad or Chairman Xi’s systems remotely seriously apart from fringe nutters like you and the other usual suspects. Same old, same old.

    Genocide doesn’t include every conflict where lots of people die. It’s not rocket science. Failing to use words accurately, whether relating to that or whether a man in a dress is an actual woman, has costs.

    I’d have thought that much was obvious, particularly to those supporting this site and its GC stance, but apparently not to some. Luckily most folk will be as contemptible of their moral cowardice as I am.

  85. Geri says:

    “Russia is a clear and present danger to the maintenance of freedom and democracy”

    Away & don’t talk utter pish.

    As always, a non answer.

    How many elections have they interfered in?
    How many puppet regimes have they installed around the globe?
    What regions have they wilfully destabilised?
    How many countries have they invaded?
    How many wars have they started?
    Whose assets have they stolen?
    How many military bases do they have outside of Ruskie?
    Have they ever used nukes?
    Funded a genocide?

    It appears your side does that. The whole internet knows that apart from you & Genocide John LOL.

    Let me help you, ya eejit..


    “In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group.

    These five acts were:
    Killing members of the group.
    Causing them serious bodily or mental harm.
    Imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group.
    Preventing births.
    Forcibly transferring children out of the group.

    Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.”

    You gonnie tell the UN they have it wrong?

  86. ross says:

    Haven’t checked but if that’s the UK ratings and the Scottish ratings being equated that’s quite a poor attempt to deceive.

    Wings I’d hope for better.

  87. Geri says:

    “Genocide doesn’t include every conflict where lots of people die. It’s not rocket science.”

    It obviously is for you.

    There are even I*raelis on telly describing them as animals that need exterminating & celebrating how many children they’ve killed that day as well as final solutions. Its Unarmed civilians they’re killing because they’re Palestinians.

    What a warped eejit you are. By your crazy definition you must be a holocaust denier too cause lots of people died there as well.

    Btw, When you claim you are a founding member of Alba, do you mean party founder or that you were amongst the first to join?

    It’s not the first time you’ve been caught not even knowing what their policies even are. Didn’t they vote against her beloved NATO? So who is it you think you speak for?

  88. Hatuey says:

    He still didn’t say a thing. All he said was what he was against.

    He managed a hypothetical that somewhat resembles a point (“If country 404 loses, we all lose…”) but all it revealed was how detached from reality he actually is.

    Well, in case nobody noticed, Vlad and the RF have systematically hammered country 404 into the precious soil over the last 2 years, despite the western supply of weapons, despite the sanctions, despite the terrorist attacks on things like bridges and pipelines, despite the cheerleaders, despite everything.

    Hundreds of thousands have needlessly died. It’s highly likely that whatever is left of country 404 — if anything — will be denied access to the sea. I’m not seeing the benefits of all this.

    And now we are all waiting for Vlad’s response to the latest terrorist attack. We have no idea what form that response will take, but if he has reason to believe the CIA was involved then it could be massive. We’ll soon find out.

    Meanwhile, the usual bootlickers are trying to convince us that this is all worthwhile because the national sovereignty of country 404 represents some sort of sacred facet of liberal democracy and world order. They have very short memories these bootlickers.

    Where was their respect for national sovereignty, democracy, and world order when it came to Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Cuba, Vietnam, etc., etc., etc?

    And there you have the gaping contradiction and hypocrisy of the West that the whole world sees, even if daft Andy Ellis and so many others inside the western propaganda bubble can’t see it.

  89. Geri says:

    “Meanwhile, the usual bootlickers are trying to convince us that this is all worthwhile because the national sovereignty of country 404 represents some sort of sacred facet of liberal democracy and world order. They have very short memories these bootlickers.”

    These bootlickers don’t even recognise Scotlands Sovereignty but are quick to rush in espousing the sovereignty of the biggest corrupt & far right Nazi country in Europe LOL!

    They wouldn’t even pass the test for EU entry if the EU abided by their own rules & not bend the knee to the yanks new golden child.

    Those eejits should go volunteer. They’re short of eejits like them.

    They espouse they’re on the right side of history. FFS, you don’t need any more proof than 404 taking a nazi war criminal to the Canadian parliament for a wee jolly.

  90. Robert Hughes says:

    Ignored says:
    23 March, 2024 at 11:37 pm
    “Russia is a clear and present danger to the maintenance of freedom and democracy”

    ” Away & don’t talk utter pish.

    As always, a non answer.”

    Hahahahahahahahahahaha .

    He actually said that ? Fuckin’ hell . Hahahahahahaha . Again .

    This has to be satire , right ?

    Andrex E + sidekick wee Johnny ” Show us the dead babies ” Main really are the ” comedy sensation of the year ” – any year .

    Atrocity-apologist #1 Ellis – so deeply in love with himself ( well, they say ” love is blind ” ) thinks he can camouflage his support for the MURDER of innocent civilian men women & children in a thicket of meaningless verbiage peppered with a few of his v limited stock of cliches/insults .

    Remember , this is the monkey who fulminates endlessly about the evils of ” Blood n Soil ” Nationalism but HAS NOT A WORD TO SAY about the extreme example of that taking place right now .

    Just like neither him nor idiot goatherder Main have ever addressed – never even acknowledged – the conditions , provocations , insane machinations that resulted in the invasion of U .

    Here’s a reminder …..

    The bad faith ( by the U.S ) regarding the Minsk Agreement – something the * West * signed but had no intention of honouring

    The U.S instigated Maidan overthrow of a democratically elected Government ( there’s that ” clear n present danger ” ) .

    The constant murderous attacks on the R-Speaking areas of U

    The installing of pliable puppet Agent Z – who, lest we forget won a * landslide * victory ON A [PLATFORM OF CONSTRUCTIVE ENGAGEMENT WITH R…..a – only to reverse that the moment he was installed , with the cataclysmic results we’ve seen unfold over the last two years .

    * Finally * . Neither War-Budgies Main/Ellis have ever answered the question …..what would the U.S do ( extremely unlikely , granted , but for talking sake ) if R…a attempted to place WMD on it’s Southern and/or Northern border – ie in Mexico/Canada ?

    You know the answer ; yet ,somehow R…a is supposed to just acquiesce to this – totally unnecessary – provocation/threat . Why-the-fuck should it ? Oh , that’s right , * Orcs * are subhuman , have no legitimate concerns whatsoever .

    Nursery-level propagandists for atrocity , hypocrisy and mind-numbing stupidity like Ellis n Main have shown their true colours : blue & yellow streaked with a nauseating shade of faeces brown .

    Great responses Hatuey n Geri

  91. Stoker says:

    @ Ruby on 23 March 2024 at 11:04 am

    Thanks for the archived link. Yes, the whole system change must include a very robust section to address folk like that. Even the ones who are not “compulsive liars”. Folk who may only cry wolf once. Like the one in Salmond’s case, if that is the only time she’s done it? These lowlifes make it even more difficult for the real victims to speak up.

    There is absolutely no consistency in this area of law either. There has to be a strong deterrent against folk like that but at the same time it has to be demonstrated that if you are a real victim of a beast then the system will stand with you side-by-side all the way.

  92. Andy Ellis says:

    @Geri 11.53pm

    I am indeed a Founder Member of Alba. I even posted proof of it for your tourette’s addled mate Ruby. Fact are chiels that winnae ding etc. doubtless there are a number of things in the party’s platform I might not agree with. Last time I looked the party didn’t demand slavish subservience and agreement with every policy: it’s not the SNP after all.

    I don’t agree with party policy on NATO: big deal. Lots of folk in Scottish Labour support independence, but they still stay in the party. Lots of folk in the SNP disagree with NATO and EU membership, but they stay in the party.

    Only extremists and tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists demand ideological purity: we see the results in Trumpist MAGA politics in the USA and Uncle Vlad’s homeland.

    If you can’t discern the difference between the Holocaust, the Armenian genocide, the Rwandan genocide, Cambodia’s Killing Fields, even the Holodomir in Country 404, and the loss of life in Gaza, it says a lot about your level of education: none of it good.

    As I’ve said before I obviously speak for the majority of Scots – whether pro indy or not – because all the available evidence shows they are broadly pro NATO, pro EU, and against the invasion of Country 404 and those perpetrating it. you can howl at the moon all you like, but you have precisely zero evidence to the contrary. If you and the other usual suspects did have such evidence, you’d be shouting it from the rooftops.

    Similarly with respect to Gaza, I’m sure the majority of people are against what the Israelis are doing, but again, there’s no evidence they believe the outlandish conspiracy theorising which is the stock in trade of the fringe zoomers in here.

  93. Andy Ellis says:

    @Geri 11.37pm

    It’s obvious you’re fairly ignorant about history and politics: even a primary school kid with learning difficulties would be able to navigate Google sufficiently for their Modern Studies assignment to come up with a list answering your queries.

    How many countries have they invaded?

    Here’s a wee starter for you: check out the list of countries Uncle Vlad’s homeland has invaded on Wikipedia. Even since the fall of communism in relatively recent times, they invaded Chechnya twice, Georgia once, and Country 404 twice.

    Under communism they invaded Finland, Poland, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Xinjiang, Poland, the Baltic States, Romania, Manchuria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Afghanistan.

    Ask yourself why our Eastern European friends don’t trust Uncle Vlad’s narrative of encirclement and fraternal co-operation. It’s not a sin to be as ignorant of the facts as your are Geri: it IS a sin to be as proud of it as you patently are.

    You gonnie tell the UN they have it wrong?

    Yes, I am going to tell them. I’m sure they’ll take as much notice of me as they will of you. It might have escaped your notice but the UN says lots of things that countries – including Uncle Vlad’s – take not a blind bit of notice of.

    I seem to recall the UN also condemned Uncle Vlad’s invasion of Country 404 and imposed sanctions. Are you gonnie tell them they got that wrang tae, Geri? I’m sure they’ll rectify their mistake as soon as you get in touch.

    Unless you’re advocating for some kind of world government which has the financial and military resources to impose its decisions, you’re still just farting against the hurricane. Performative emoting about dead babies isn’t going bring about peace.

  94. Ruby says:

    link to


    I used to know what rape meant but now I haven’t a clue. I would be pretty useless if asked to serve on a jury.

    They seemed to have changed the definition of rape to make it easier to report ‘rape’ and now they wonder why the conviction rate is so low when judged by a jury. Hence the reason for juryless trials.

    It’s very easy to claim rape and that is the problem.

    With regard to this fantasist who claimed rape 7 times.
    In this article it states:

    link to

    Prosecutors said Smith, 27, of Armley Ridge Road, Leeds, was a “troubled young man” who had a problem separating “fact from fiction” and may have made the damaging claims out of a “desire for attention”.

    The problem here is you can be a fantasists/compulsive liar who can’t tell “fact from fiction” yet your complaint to the police will be taken seriously.

    I reckon it’s true all these new laws

    stem not from our sympathetic feelings toward victims of sexual assault, but from a sense that allegations could be used to political advantage, that even the most powerful man might be toppled if credibly accused.

  95. John Main says:

    Well, a trawl of the comments has been a real learning experience for me this morning.

    “goatherder” and “war budgie”. Yup, I’m learning things, even if I have to sieve through tons of mince to find the new stuff.

    I see some calls for people to come out with their true agendas. Hows about the anti-Semites post their preference for the destruction of Israel and the extermination of the Jews? I mean, what other justifications can anybody have for support for best buddies Vlad & Hamas?

    I’m prepared to debate the ramifications of anybody’s secret desires if they are prepared to be honest about them.

  96. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis
    24 March, 2024 at 9:42 am

    @Geri 11.53pm

    I am indeed a Founder Member of Alba. I even posted proof of it for your tourette’s addled mate Ruby.

    Where did you post proof of your Alba membership for me?

    Why would you post proof of your Alba membership for me?

  97. John Main says:

    @David Hannah says: 23 March, 2024 at 9:24 pm

    You come across on here as more misguided than just warped.

    So it is worth my time correcting some of the misconceptions in your post.

    US intelligence services knew there was a heightened risk of a terrorist atrocity on Russian soil a couple of weeks back. They shared that information with the Russian government. The Russian government chose to dismiss the intel as a provocation.

    You have to understand that just because the regular agenda-pushers on here airbrush stuff out of existence, that doesn’t mean the stuff doesn’t continue in the real world. Thus if we take the Syrian civil war for example, Uncle Vlad is implicated up to his neck in the deaths of over half a million Syrians, and the expulsion from Syria of over 6 million refugees.

    That causes quite a bit of peevishness among the more extreme elements.

    I am grateful that western security services have the ability to keep us all safe from terrorists who usually choose to vent their vengeance on innocents who have nothing whatsoever to do with the original crimes.

    For example, the Manchester Arena bomb, the music festival in Israel, and now the concert in Moscow.

    Please don’t continue to apply pretzel logic to situations in order to find excuses to blame those you dislike.

  98. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis
    24 March, 2024 at 9:42 am

    @Geri 11.53pm

    I am indeed a Founder Member of Alba. I even posted proof of it for your tourette’s addled mate Ruby.

    I have not been part of this crazy debate. Why the need for Ellis pull me into it?

    Ellis posted a copy of the Ph D certificate online because someone suggested he was lying. I think it was Scott winding him up. I thought that was pretty sad.

    I have never questioned Andy Ellis’s or Craig Murray’s membership of Alba. Well I suppose I have but not that they were not actual members founder or otherwise.

    I did question Ellis’s claim that Stu hadn’t read any BTL posts for the last six years. I found that hard to accept he did claim that he had posted proof but he never gave me a link to that proof.

    I do not have tourettes just a well honed ‘Cuntdar’

    I can spot them a mile off!

  99. Geri says:

    Well said Robert.

    Franchise fanny is off his rocker.

    His brand of democracy is might equals right & regime change in the blink of an eye if there is any dissent in the ranks & fck what the population votes for – he knows better what they want.

    You’d have thought that eejit would’ve learnt from Iraq.

    Over a million killed, millions more displaced, creation of militant terrorists by yanks who have their war tentacles in every country & installing regime change for the maintenance of freedom & democracy. LOL.

    It only makes sense in his own head. He’s on the right side of history dontcha know.

    Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan – Invasion, occupation, destabilisation & no weapons of Mass destruction after all, but hey ho, it’s us tin foil hat wearers that’s on the wrong side of history . Look, a squirrel. It’s all a conspiracy & War criminals are heroes just installing *democracy* around the globe LMAO.

    Here’s a novel idea – why involve yerself & cheer on the yanks theft, occupation & domineering world view – leave countries to sort out their own problems. If their population want change they are more than capable of doing it themselves. They don’t need to world police turning up & reducing their country to rubble.

    They have a perfect example on offer right now. Halt funding & collaborating an ongoing Genocide. Issue Netanyahu his jotters. Time to remove a war criminal & throw him to the international court of justice to face war crimes & crimes against humanity as well as election interference in American politics – oh, wait… They’re not. They’re just doubling down. So they’re not the great bastions of freedom & peace after all.

    Ruskies have energy. Gaza has energy. Iran has energy. Iraq has energy. The yanks want it all. They needed it all. It’s all theirs & they couldn’t give a flying fck about peace & democracy or they wouldn’t have been on a mission to fck every country up while they had their moment as top dawg.

  100. Geri says:

    Btw “war budgie”


    Ruby re rape. Someone corrected me once regards the law. It’s penetration with a penis.

    I wouldn’t have a clue either these days TBH. There’s a concerted effort to rewrite the dictionary on all manner of words. Whether it’s plain older genocide or conversion therapy. It’s all gobbledegook to confuse.

    There should be a ban on people with a history of mental illness standing for election. The biggest waste of tax payers money spent on a lot of shite instead of being spent on real problems.

  101. Andy Ellis says:

    I wouldn’t have a clue either these days TBH. There’s a concerted effort to rewrite the dictionary on all manner of words.

    Says the individual trying to rewrite the definition of genocide.What a world we live in with such individuals unashamedly advertising their ignorance for all to see. 🙁

  102. Andy Ellis says:

    @Ruby 10.32am

    You may be right: the unreason of the usual suspects all tends to blend in to one after a while, so if it wasn’t you Im happy to set the record straight.

    It was doubtless one of the other carpet biters who asked for proof of Alba membership. It seems to be the kind of think that sends them quite over the edge, not that it takes much of course.

    Why that’s any different however to you asking for (and being provided) proof of Rev Stu’s comment about not having read BTL comments for over six years I don’t know. Doubtless it makes some kind of sense in what passes for your intellect.

  103. Ruby says:

    Franchise Fanny makes me laugh! 🙂

    So does ‘Franchise Fanny Fluffer’

    Everyone au fait with what a ‘fluffer’ is?

    I wouldn’t want you to apply for a job as a ‘fluffer’ on a ‘SNP funded pornographic art installation’ thinking it had something to do with cushions or fluffy dusters.

  104. Alf Baird says:

    Geri @ 11:08 am

    “Ruskies have energy. Gaza has energy. Iran has energy. Iraq has energy. ”

    And Scots have energy! Loads of it. That’s why we’re haud ticht.

  105. Andy Ellis says:

    @John Main 10.31am

    I’m prepared to debate the ramifications of anybody’s secret desires if they are prepared to be honest about them.

    Aye, good luck with that one amongst the usual suspects! Of course it is a truth universally acknowledged (other than by the usual suspects natch) that allowing bigots and nativists free rein BTL would sooner or later have led to outright white supremacism and racism which is openly espoused by contributors here, often with LIBERAL USE OF CAPITALS!

    It’s not hard to discern the between the lines anti-semitism and far left wedge issue politics operative with many of them of course, not that they have the intellectual honesty to admit it, but the open bigotry and racism is relatively recent. That’s what happens when you allow the loonies the key to the asylum: it makes Animal Farm look like an instruction manual not a warning.

  106. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis
    24 March, 2024 at 11:31 am

    @Ruby 10.32am

    You may be right: the unreason of the usual suspects all tends to blend in to one after a while, so if it wasn’t you Im happy to set the record straight.

    It was doubtless one of the other carpet biters who asked for proof of Alba membership. It seems to be the kind of think that sends them quite over the edge, not that it takes much of course.

    Why that’s any different however to you asking for (and being provided) proof of Rev Stu’s comment about not having read BTL comments for over six years I don’t know.

    Stop lying.

    No proof was providing re

    ‘Stu’s comment about not having read BTL comments for over six years I don’t know.’

  107. Andy Ellis says:


    The proof was posted on Twitter/X. If you lacked the wit or access to see it that’s not my problem, it’s yours.

    Feel free to approach Rev Stu for confirmation from the horses mouth however. It would seem an odd thing to lie about when he could so easily smack me down for it here.

    Unlike most of the usual suspects however, Stu actually cares about the truth and reality.

  108. Ruby says:

    Andy Ellis
    24 March, 2024 at 3:34 pm


    The proof was posted on Twitter/X. If you lacked the wit or access to see it that’s not my problem, it’s yours.

    There are currently 335.7 million accounts on Twitter/X which one did you post the proof on?

    Is the proof you posted for me about your Alba membership also there?

    Having problems posting links or are just telling more porkies?

  109. Andy Ellis says:


    I posted it on my account Rubes. Yes, the proof of Alba membership too. I linked to them at the time. If you missed it at the time, that’s just tough.

    Mind you I wouldn’t be at all surprised if I had someone like you blocked anyway. Indeed given your MO in here I definitely would if I knew it was your account. Such is life eh?

    Unlike others e.g. RoS who claimed to be Alba members, I’m posting publicly in my name, and on the Alba Edinburgh LACU Feacebook page and X/Twitter. Again, it would be a strange thing to lie about when it’s so public.

    Still, logic and critical thinking aren’t really your strong suits, or it would seem even possibe, are they?

  110. Republicofscotland says:

    “For example, the Manchester Arena bomb”


    Salman Abedi, was well known to the English security services and was even funded in part by them as a proxy fighter against Colonel Gaddafi.

    Israeli concert goers knew they were on stolen lands in which the UN has given the oppressed Palestinian people the right to take back all and any means including taking up arms.

    Moscow attack was carried by proxy US fighters via YouCraine IS or ISIS or al-Qaeda whatever you want to call them are Western/Zionist backed proxy fighters.

  111. Andy Ellis says:

    Nurse! NURSE! RoS has escaped and done one of his posts again. Bring the stronger stuff and the bigger syringe, OK?

  112. Geri says:


    Don’t they usually blow themselves up?
    Isn’t it suss some were caught on their way to 404.
    This has the yanks written all over it.
    Can’t win as soldiers on the battlefield – bring in the mercaneries & start attacking civilians.

    All to maintain freedom & democracy mind… Said no one but franchise fanny.
    An escalation onto nukes, for no apparent sane reason to anyone but the Mad Max yanks, is yet more clear provocation.

    This pair of fake uncle Alberts will be beside themselves with excitement cheering it on…

  113. Ruby says:

    His twitter handle is top secret.

    I tried everything I could think of



    no sign of any Alba membership or secret message from Stu on any of these accounts.

    Had I been successful tracking down his top secret twitter account I wouldn’t have been able to see his Alba membership or his secret message from Stu because ‘Franchise Fanny’ has me blocked!

    Anyone got any suggestions what other twitter handles I could try?

  114. Republicofscotland says:

    “Don’t they usually blow themselves up?”


    There are many different scenario’s that the English Security Services (ESS) play out, most of the time the perp/perps are killed it ties off the loose ends and stops the perp/perps spilling any beans so to speak. Injured Lee Harvey Oswald was taken away in a hearse and not an ambulance, his fate sealed.

    The (ESS) have informants who are (Muslims) in the Muslim communities they tell (ESS) personnel who in the Muslim community can be coerced or encouraged to fulfill attacks in the UK the people are usually loners or disgruntled at the UK government on its foreign policies etc.

    (ESS) personnel then contact them undercover offering the means to carry out an attack knowing fine well that they’ll be taken down just before or after the attack on some occasions they provide fake explosives and other equipment.

    The likes of the four supposedly 7/7 bombers who were coerced into carrying out a training programme that simulated an attack in London, the four men had no idea they were being set up.

    You never see a photo of them in the underground that they were meant to attack for they never entered the tube station, one or two of the men made it to Canary Wharf to try and inform the press of their predicament, but they were like Charles de Menezes (who couldn’t keep his mouth shut, he played his part in 7/7) shot dead in Canary Wharf.

  115. Stoker says:

    What’s the big deal about “founder member” status? I don’t see the perceived importance in those words. Maybe if it was true it might give the person claiming to be one a bit of an ego boost. But other than that i don’t get it.

    FFS! Even special branch, MI5, MI6, Green slime, UKGov spy’s, or whatever you want to call them ,get themselves embedded early on into political parties that pose a danger to their government and way of life.

    Alba was formed well before Salmond took over. So how can anyone be a “founding member”? Unless they were in on it with the bloke who created ALBA originally.

    Plus, i too tried to sign up as a “founding member” and to this day have not received any confirmation. It was farcical. I did a halfhearted attempt at chasing it up but whether it was down to shambolic organisation under the weight of demand or just piss-poor communications or whatever i truly couldn’t say.

    Anyway, i’m not one for political parties, i was only trying to help boost the numbers and give the SNP a bloody-nose so i decided just to let it go. No biggy! There’s lots more i can do to prove my dedication to the indy cause.

    Sleep well, Troops, goodnight.
    PS: Hope to see that big strange yellow thing in the sky again tomorrow. Makes you do all sorts of strange things like cutting grass and pulling weeds. Pure mental, so it is.

    I have, however, never let it get me down and i’ve been quite active on ALBA’s behalf, helping to deliver various materials etc etc. Not sure i will continue to do so though. For various personal reasons, not least of all having a ship-load of jobs that need addressing. I’ll see how time progresses.

    Change of topic, what’s this “goatherder” all about? Has that got anything to do with “The Men Who Stare At Goats”? LOL!

  116. Stoker says:

    @ Republicofscotland on 24 March 2024 at 7:36 pm:

    Just caught your comment before shutting down. Found it interesting. Where do you get your info from? Seriously! I’m not taking the piss, would like to take a swatch myself but if it’s from some BritNat “news” outlet i’ll give it a miss.

    I take it you are familiar with “The Miami Showband Massacre”? I’m of the opinion the SAS had a major role in that particular stain on The Butchers Apron. Disgraceful! Shame on the lot of them involved. Every one of them responsible, whether SAS or not, should have been held to account. It was a staged execution and the so-called “paramilitaries” did not act alone.

  117. Geri says:


    Given he sees nothing wrong with a bit of regime change & fixing elections it goes a long way to explain the complete fck up of their recent internal elections. I wondered if Roddys days were numbered when he mentioned the franchise on his show. Franchise fanny must’ve shat a brick sideways & seen to his demise.

    I don’t know all the players at Alba but it hasn’t been plain sailing. They need to be public on who is involved in that party because if Salmond is involved it’ll be littered with bad actors.

    I’ve never heard him ever being mentioned.


    Check out Lowkey on Danny Haiphong channel today. re I*rael interference in every media outlet & their agents. He gives an in-depth investigation to all their shady dealings & all the connections including to the BBC & all the money flowing.

    Wolfe & Hudson on economics & how the yanks are fcked & looking to shop around for what they can steal. China & Ruskies fulfill their shopping list just nicely. Surprise, surprise. The yanks hegemony coming to an end & how they abused their power through military intervention & threat.
    They deindustrialised but those two didn’t. Now the Magpies are looking to steal so it’s time for yet another war.
    It’s forbidden countries speak to each other if it’s not through the yanks.

    Jeffrey Sachs

    & Mercouris – for what’s really happening in 404.

    Dialogue works – is a great channel which gives various guest appearances from ex military, geopolitical commentators & ex CIA. I love channels like (& Danny Haiphong ) where they let their guests speak uninterrupted. How refreshing.

    Double Down News is good for Brit news.

    There are lots of channels on YouTube.

    Of course, goes without saying, they’ll all be tin hat conspirators by Uncle Albert & Franchise Fanny.
    Only their news outlets are legit. Everyone else’s will be shit. Obvs..

    Anyhoo, that’s just some that I find interesting.

  118. Geri says:



    As for the security services embedding themselves – no one needs to look any further than the fake blowing up of post boxes & the demise of McRae to know they’re active to any risk that threatens the UK state & it’s position or the fake allegations to Salmond. SNP was awash with eejits who had very little backstory as well as given positions in Holyrood.

    They did the exact same in NI.
    Plant themselves in amongst them & either gather intel or stitch them up as a fall guy.
    Sue Gray was just a lowly pub landlord LOL

    Only complete fools dismiss it all as conspiracy. Only need to ask those fools what exactly they have MI5/6 for if it’s just to twiddle their thumbs & ignore the YES movement that would strip it of it’s standing on the world stage from day one. Aye, just ignore the YES movement, lads. We’re no bothered with them. Said franchise fanny on the internet.

  119. ross says:

    How do people go from the article to Gaza?

    If people are dying and starving I highly doubt they care if it’s called genocide or not. It’s bad whatever you want to call it.

    Scots are supportive of NATO as a defensive alliance.

    SNP were right to change tack.

    We’re so parochial we’ll end up getting our pants in a twist over silly laws, both made by govt and sensationalised by the overopinionated, which will affect virtually nobody…

    This hate law is the next trans diversion. A decoy sucking the energy out of the grassroots. Don’t fall for it. It’s a crap law, granted, but get offline and feel if it’s really that big a deal. Potholes have more affect than this nonsense to the everyday person.

    We managed to get ourselves worked up over self Id to the extent independence is all but dead. I hope it was worth it

  120. Republicofscotland says:

    Stoker @8.37pm.

    Its just my own research, on the 7/7 event check out the Ripple Effect on YT.

    As for the Miami Showband.

    link to

  121. Stoker says:

    @ Geri, RoS, Ruby and anyone else…

    Thanks for the replies and the info etc. Will keep it for reading material. Too pissed off, about Rev possibly having to shut WOS down, to comment any further tonight. I’m away to do some Sudoku’s to try and take my mind off all of this.

    Goodnight, Troops!


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