The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

We are not afraid

Posted on September 14, 2014 by

Alert readers will remember that Gordon Brown, who is apparently some sort of former politician, has recently been spreading the completely baseless scare story that Scots would no longer receive organ transplants or blood transfusions from other people in the UK (and vice versa) in the event of independence.

On Friday night, before the Orange Order marched in the streets of Edinburgh with “NO POPERY” banners, a young woman with a life-limiting illness called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency climbed the face of Edinburgh Castle with oxygen strapped to her back and tubes up her nose. (The only cure for A1AD is a double lung transplant.)

This is what she did there.




And this was her message to Gordon Brown:

“You may have scared me and my family for a short time but as is the pattern from Westminster, your lies were uncovered and you failed to capture me in your disgusting web of deceit.

We have nothing to add to it.


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Oops, I forgot to wish you the very best with your venture Kendo. I’m looking forward to seeing it. 😉

Jim McIntosh

On the debate – Answering a question about the NHS Elaine spoke about a written constitution to protect it.

Ruthie replied “a written constitution doesn’t heal a broken leg”.

She just doesn’t get it, neither did the half of the audience who clapped her.

john king

Its too late for me Bob save yourself, she just had a new shed delivered when I was at work last week,
when she emailed me at work to say that was it installed , my workmate asked me what what size the shed was was and when I told him it was ten by eight, he said your out mate, at just that point, Irene emailed me to say the bed fits,

Btw dark sunglasses, s’all I sayin 😉



Ruthie says we were barricading the BBC today, we couldn’t get near the steps of the BBC today to barricade it even if we wanted to, because it had a line of riot police all the way along them, kitted out with bovver boots on.

Who the hell were they expecting to turn up today, the Orange Order or something.

john king

Bob Sinclair says
“I hope the missus isn’t reading your posts ”

Ive got your number MATE! 🙂


The ongoing attraction to independence is the realisation of our rights as citizens of Scotland ~


@ TJenny 7.55
Well I saw a face I recognised in Buchanan St, did a double take and shouted ‘Stu’ from about 20 yards away. The person turned round and all I could manage was a pathetic thumbs up, to which he waved back. I didn’t have my spex on, so I might be wrong. Or else the Rev has a doppelganger walking the streets of Glasgow. Worked for Monty, I’m told!


I think when they were told that a parade was approaching from Glasgow caz, they decided that it was obviously the Orange Order and so they had better kit themselves out for some warfare! 😛

jeremy the lawyer

Massively o/t but had a thought. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong but the base rate of interest is set by the bank of England, not Westminster. They must look at the strength of the pound on the whole. That means that when setting it they have to consider what is good for the currency. Surely they would want to devalue the pound by messing things up for an independent Scotland and thus devalue their currency. This link explains how rate is set. As far as I see it, that means that whether in the UK or out, Scottish mps have no say on what the interest rate is

link to

Am I right?


@ liz

I would like to think that a replacement postal ballot could be provided up to the last minute, but I suspect that would not happen.

I had to deal with a woman last week who had sent off her postal vote application in time for the deadline, in an envelope very slightly too large for the postage she put on it. There was therefore a surcharge, of only a few pence, but by the time her application had arrived for the second time it was decreed to have missed the deadline. She wasn’t registered in our area so I have no idea whether the emergency proxy form we sent her off with, and which she was going to deliver in person, was acceptable to them.

That isn’t the same as a ballot going missing in the post (it can be argued that she really should have checked the size of the envelope, or applied sooner), but some offices seem to be less helpful than others; I know of someone who was given incorrect information about eligibility for a proxy and now will not be able to vote.

jeremy the lawyer

Should say wouldn’t want to devalue the pound

john king

Aff tae bed workin the morra,
night all.


Would that be the bed recently installed in your wife’s new shed then John? 😛

James Caithness

Only three more days of the lies to go. The fourth day doesn’t matter cause the is (or supposed to be) an embargo, no more campaigning. I bet though that them from down south will keep going saying its only in Scotland that the embargo counts.

Hopefully come Friday we see the egg on their miserable pusses.


Douglas Alexander promises us jam tomorrow. The lady in the audience who was given the last word was exactly right. Why didn’t he give us jam yesterday?

Douglas has spun the story of of his mother so often now that people will be starting hate her. Why is he treating his mother so badly? I don’t want to be unkind, but why is his mother of any consequence to the debate anyway?

The green lady who wields a scalpel spoke of how badly nurses are paid, but I would like her to tell me how well she has done out of the NHS in Scotland and how much better she would be with privatisation of the NHS? Does she do private work in addition to her NHS work whilst relying on the NHS to be there for backup? If the surgeons took less there would be more money for the nurses. I don’t think her case would stand up to any scrutiny.

CameronB Brodie

John king
I know I was on about not using emotive language, the other night. It would probably have been more appropriate to caution against provocative language then, as emotive is what we need. A lot can happen in a day though.

This is the last televised debate before the vote, and Danny Alexander is flat out lying to the Scottish public, in the full knowledge that the Secretary of State of Health in England and Wales, no longer has any responsibility for providing public health services. He knows his own Shadow Health spokesman (Andy Burnham) has urged for privatisation to slow down in England & Wales.

Danny Alexander will also be aware that Labour want to harmonies the Scottish and English NHS services, and that that won’t matter much anyway, as the TTIP will ensure there will no longer be universal healthcare, free at the point of delivery. The British NHS will be turned into a profit generator for private insurance companies.

I simply couldn’t think of a more appropriate description for Danny Alexander, who was shameless in his lies.


A old Wings favourite here, “Amazing Grace”.

I hope you have a few minutes spare to listen to Scotland’s finest massed pipes and drums playing
“Amazing Grace” at a concert in abroad.


link to


Ruth Davidson said she was out campaigning rather than protesting at Pacific Quay.

Maybe she has a point there. 2000 people got some media coverage, but only 4 days to go, and does anyone think the BBC are going to change?

The NO campaign have got hundreds of leafleters up from England and Northern Ireland to help out.
We need everyone we’ve got to compete with that.

There are 2500 people in the Usher hall tonight – Hopefully the bands will be encouraging every single one of them to hit the streets !!


@liz @crazy-cat
A replacement postal ballot can be had up to 1700 on Thursday. After 1700 on Wednesday it has to be collected in person.
An emergency postal proxy can also be obtained upto 1700 on Thursday.

The Man in the Jar

@John King
Very sorry that i missed you. I departed PQ early as when I left Bothwell at around 1:30 I noticed an infestation of blue windcheaters with the No thanks logos. Apparently every one of them were bussed up from England and didn’t have much of a clue about the politics of the referendum. Our own guys were out as well though and they got a visit from Blair Jenkins.
I am so glad that I went to PQ. I got to meet and shake hands with Lindsay. I also shook hands with Prof John Robertson we had a short chat I thanked him very much for his hard work and presented him with a “BBC Bias – No Thanks” badge circa WGD 2014. And last but not least fellow wingers.

I see a nation rising!



If your doing three be careful to put the right slip in the right envelope…just saying.

Postal votes say to use black ink, I rather suspect the pencils are to stop people nicking the biros.


Thanks for the link Caz. I don’t know but every time I hear the pipes and drums the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! As for Amazing Grace itself that was my Gran’s favourite song, bless her. Oops must go, I’m welling up. 😛

Ian Brotherhood

@john king –

Sorry we missed you mister. I walked back to city centre with Thepnr and his lad, Ian. We saw (and heard!) your convoy arriving from t’other side of the Clyde. Must’ve been about 3.30.

And those drummers were just arriving as we left – wish I’d stayed now!

Ian Brotherhood

@The Man in the Jar –

Great to meet you at last!

Robert Peffers

@gerry parker says: 14 September, 2014 at 8:14 pm:

“They can be scanned when the absent voter list is loaded.”

Hi, Jerry, I think you misunderstand what I’m trying to say. It is a bit difficult to explain as there seems to be a certain amount of jargon used on the forms. I’ll try in normal English. I posted off my vote some time ago and it is only going part way across Fife. It should have been in Glenrothes by this time.

Upon checking if it had arrived the website says my pack has not yet been dealt with. By their description of : –
“Currently your postal pack has not been scanned. Please check back tomorrow as this information is not updated until after postal vote opening has been completed for the day.” It would thus seem they update the list on a daily basis. I’m unable to hear voices over phones and I live alone. It doesn’t leave much time to sort out my vote without phone contact. I’ll get a friend to phone on my behalf. The worry is, with Fife’s poor record, my problem may be the tip of a very big iceberg.

Free at 63!

We had a lady in the Yes shop last week concerned that some relatives up north had not received their postal ballots and when they enquired were told that they had been posted and should have arrived. As they live quite some distance from nearest polling station they asked for duplicates and were told that this was not possible. We told her to get in touch with their MSP for clarity.

gerry parker

PQ Photo 2
comment image

Sorry, having difficulty with 1 photo.

Ian Brotherhood

Don’t let’s disrespect Dougie Alexander’s Maw.

He gets well-edgy, mad glint in the eye, Norman Bates territory…eek! eek! eek!

gerry parker

Robbert, I understand. There are 2 processes going on here, both requiring manpower. When the Post Office gets involved to that can increase the delay.

hope it gets sorted.


@ Robert Peffers – Get your friend to phone Yes Scotland tomorrow – I know they are anxious that every Yes vote gets counted.

I’m sure they will get someone to sort it out.



“…I don’t know but every time I hear the pipes and drums the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!”

This piper will burn the hairs on the back of anyone’s neck. He is Cam MacCazi from the, Australia’s got talent show.

Grouse Beater

Edward: the Queen has not actually stated anything

Oh, yes she did.

Asking her Subjects to ‘think carefully about the future” isn’t a cry to vote Yes. It’s a command to be cautious. What need has anybody to be cautious regaining ownership of their country?

As it is, she broke the strict code, but then she’s been doing that ever since the SNP were elected. Royalty do not hold back on having their preferences known and respected. They just do it by means other than publically.

The only reason for the SNP to contain retention of the Queen in their manifesto was to subvert any chance she might have taken to block democratic progress if it threatened the continuation of the Windsor dynasty.


Met a veteran of the greenham common peace camp today at demo, she is english, lived in Scotland for 6 yrs and is voting YES.

Sadly, a couple of days ago she was subjected to intimidation by
some skinhead thug because of her YES badges,

Peter G

Nurses earn above the median wage for Scotland. they are very well paid for such a low skilled job.

The NHS would be in a far healthier state if the staff were not overpaid.


Remember the 2010 general election when at some English polling stations so many voters turned up during the last half hour and were refused the vote at exactly 10pm

With a huge turnout expected make sure you all vote early, we don’t want to lose any votes because of a last minute rush

CameronB Brodie

Grouse Beater
I don’t think we should forget that it was a succession of Her governments that colluded to suppress the McCrone Report. 😉


Is this who you mean JWil? 😛

link to


Sorry Leslie-Anne it’s not letting me post the link.


Dont recall this being linked – and couldn’t remember his name today Duh!

link to


wee pic from today with the baldy ones banner..

link to

Stevie boy

Onwards @ 9:22pm

I agree with u that we could have done some delivering today instead of going to Pacific Quay and I did wonder what would be best.

My family and myself ended up joining the mass convoy (at Cumbernauld) by accident and the atmosphere and occasion was incredible with people tooting and waving and flashing their lights. We then broke from the convoy and went into Glasgow and joined the march from George Square to Pacific Quay and the whole route through town was incredible as almost everywhere came to a stand still with people filming and cheering as we went past. I think it really showed a lot of people, hopefully undecideds as well, just what a massive movement we are and not as how the BBC portrays us to be.
Also the fact that it was on live screening and so many people put it on links to Facebook etc must have gave everyone a real boost when watching it.

To be honest I think it was very worthwhile.. but the time I lost personally when going, I’ll be making up for tomorrow with spending more time canvassing etc.

Today was incredible and so uplifting!

3 days left to finish the job!!



Thanks for that list of resources I’ve printed some out with the references on the back.

Grouse Beater

Cameron: Her governments that colluded to suppress the McCrone Report

Aye, and many another wee tweak to ensure the House of Windsor remains wind and watertight.


scotsbob – was just thinking about the polling stations’closing time of 10.00pm. Surely when the expected turnout is @ double the norm, they will stay open to accommodate any still queuing voters. Unlike that time down south when there were queues of voters unable to vote before polling stations closed at 10.00pm.

Ian Brotherhood

For Lindsay, and family, and her army of new friends:

Eminem, ‘Guts Over Fear’ –

link to


I’m sure X_Sticks will be able explain how it works.
You’ll find his details on Off Topic.

CameronB Brodie

I thought I’d imagined posting those links. 😉

I take it the filter doesn’t like Reddit links.

link to


Try these links JWil, hopefully they should work. 😉

link to

link to

link to

I think we should invite this guy over to be part of the celebrations the day we become an independent country in 2016! 😛


Will the results be announced as each count is completed,or do we get one announcement when all counts are completed?

CameronB Brodie

Perhaps it was a spoiler. 🙂

Robert Peffers

@liz says: 14 September, 2014 at 9:36 pm:

“Get your friend to phone Yes Scotland tomorrow – I know they are anxious that every Yes vote gets counted.

If the worst came to the worst, Liz, I could probably get to the poll with a bit of help and vote there. My real worry is that Fife is at it again. They have form. I’m disabled and have hearing problems but my brains work fine. I’m old but not in any way senile. What, though, if this postal vote thing is another Fife scam? Many will not bother checking if their vote arrived by using the on-line service? For that reason I intend to make sure there is no scam. Put it this way – I’m a bit deaf – but not a bit daft.

call me dave

Recommend this as a read.

link to


Anybody at the demo today tell me what the small thing in the sky
was, was it a toy helicopter, a drone or what.

Grouse Beater

Stevie: Today was incredible and so uplifting!

Wish I’d been there!

To be candid, I’ll miss these days when its over and discussion and argument, (not dispute) are muted. But I hope we can all participate in the best ways to renew our country, every single step of the way.

The entire journey has been inspiring, good to be alive.

Change of subject…

BBC TV’s The Village: almost every single line of dialogue could be a cri de coeur for Scotland’s independence.

“This will be now and always our village!!!”

Cheers and sustained applause from assembled villagers. Go on yersel, England.


Peter G what’s your agenda? Nothing low skilled about nursing….


Mealer I believe we will get each individual set of results announced.

call me dave

Radio 5 live if your interested Live from Glasgow just starting.



Decades ago turnouts of over 80% were very common. In the Feb 1974 election here in Dundee East we had a turnout of 82% without any problem at all. We need to ask all our supporters to vote as early as possible. Anyone in the polling station at 10 pm will be allowed to vote as the doors will then be closed.

Grouse Beater


The Prime Minister says the menace of the SNP must be destroyed- oh, wait, hold on, perhaps it was Isis.

They are monsters, says the government which happily condoned USA’s Shock and Awe.


Peter G says:

14 September, 2014 at 9:40 pm

Nurses earn above the median wage for Scotland. they are very well paid for such a low skilled job.

The NHS would be in a far healthier state if the staff were not overpaid.

What a lovely person you are, Peter. I hope that next time you have to go into hospital you remember to remind the nurses how low-skilled and overpaid they are. I find that the more I point out people’s inadequacies, the likelier they are to go out of their way to help me. Funny, that.

Jim McIntosh

@scotsbob -re voting cutting off at 10 pm exactly.

I was told by a YES Scotland rep that if there is a queue at 10 pm, a YES rep and a NO rep leave the polling station together and stand at the back of the line. Everyone in front of them gets to vote, anyone who turns up later doesn’t get to vote.


Lesley-Anne Thanks. That’s the one, but it was intended to be me giving you the link. I failed again.

It seems the guy might be more widely know than I thought.


@Robert Peffers
I have posted on the state of the Fife postal ballot openings in response to your complaint at 8:31, 8:50 and 9:23. In essence you and every other postal voter in Fife will have a 1 in 3 chance that your ballot has not been processed by now.

By tomorrow evening that should be down to 1 in 10 and by Tuesday evening miniscule, giving you and your helpers from Yes Wednesday and Thursday up to 1700 hours to get a replacement if needed.



If it was like the Calton Hill rally it would have been a drone operated by one of the photographers.


@Robert Peffers

I believe the first batch of PV’s cannot all be processed on the first day due to sheer numbers and so they are put through in smaller lots over the week.
Not sure if the part where they do the barcode scan occurs when the PV is processed but I’m guessing it does.

See previous post if this doesn’t answer your question.

Big Jock

I have been debating with some no people. I never really thought that they were all right wing until tonight. Even the so called left no vote are quoting right wing things about something for nothing etc.I had to sign off saying we are poles apart in what society we want. I now believe Yes are social democrats and No are right wing or soft right wing. Salmond was right it’s us against the Tories.


Oh dear, it’s all over folks we’ve lost

link to

Robert Peffers

On the subject of Sillers wanting a reckoning and Salmond wanting a celebration. How about we compromise and celebrate having a reckoning?


@ scotsbob –

Yet another thing from my briefing today: in our area at least, anyone who has joined the queue by 10pm will be allowed to vote. If there is room in the Polling Place, they will be locked in the building and then let into the Polling Station itself. If there is not room, there will be somewhere else they can wait. Voting will continue for as long as needed.

Anyone in the queue with a postal vote they want to hand in, however, will have to do that by 10pm, so we were asked to inspect the queues and get anyone like that to the front, if need be.

@ handclapping – thanks for the explanation. I’m going to be an expert by the end of this!

Stevie boy

Grouse Beater

Yeah I know what you mean.

Funnily enough I was thinking that today when at the demo.

Today was all about hope and what might happen.. the next big meetings come Friday will be about overwhelming joy and celebration.. they will be even better! 🙂



Thanks for that:)

Bob W

@Peter G

Such a low skilled job that a degree is required.


AN Surgent – Anybody at the demo today tell me what the small thing in the sky was, was it a toy helicopter, a drone or what

It was a helicopter, don’t know if it was police or press but it hovered above us for a good 5 mins, I took a photo of it but you can’t really make out whose it is. We all waved and sang at it tho

Grouse Beater

Stevie: come Friday will be about overwhelming joy

And the fascinating thing is…

.. that those who spread fear and loathing will experience it themselves when they realise their jobs are toast!


Big Jock,
After we get our independence and we are a normal,North European democracy,I will probably be considered very much centrist.Currently,in 21st century UK,I’m probably considered a commie.

Nana Smith

Night for Scotland

link to



Seen the helicopter but this thing was smaller, Marcia says it was
a press drone.


I was in the audience for the last BBC debate which was held in Stirling. There were indeed some very unsavoury right wingers on the NO side of the chamber. We had a practice debate before the show as a warm up on the police being armed (yeah… some choice eh)… and the views from that side were beyond the pale.



Thats michelle mone and piers morgan leaving, it cant get any better


Anyone wanting to follow the referendum results on Friday then this may be something like the timetable we can expect. 😉

link to

James Caithness

Does anyone else think that Nick Robinson looks like BILKO ?

Grouse Beater

Sacre Bleu!

I’ve just been asked to appear on French Arte TV to discuss the Referendum.

My cover will be blown!

Chic McGregor

Unspeakeable bravery. Saw her at the PQ and was humbled by her spirit.


Ach dinnae worry about it JWil. As soon you put your post up I had a sneaky suspicion that he was who were referring to. 😉

Grouse Beater

Caithness: Does anyone else think that Nick Robinson looks like BILKO?

That dates you, James!

Early tv comedy, and in black and white! But yes, he does look like his twin brother.


For all those who don’t have a polling card. I understand it you don’t need a card to vote, just take along some [good] ID and something with your name and address on it also.


Gordon Brown, “I have now been allocated an adjournment debate in the House of Commons for Thursday, 16 October 2014, which will set in motion our promise of delivering new powers to the Scottish Parliament.”

Oh goody we have been allocated 30 minutes by Westminster 4 weeks after the referendum if we vote NO.

James Caithness

link to

Bilko or Nick robinson

Ian Brotherhood

What Lindsay did will be the stuff of great song and poetry in decades to come. Darling, Lamont, McDougall and cronies will merit nothing more than some vulgar limericks.


@James Caithness

So THAT’s who he reminded me of! I knew I’d seen him somewhere before.

By the way, James, remember what Peter G says; tell the nurses how overpaid and underskilled they are; we all need to band together to keep them in their place.


BBC news story: the queen urges scots to think carefully. Show a short VT of her going into church…that’s strange, she says NOTHING! Oh wait…..a well wisher told the beeb that she said it. How the fuck does a pleb a: get near her Mage at Balmoral and b: stop the motor for a quick chat!

Ian Brotherhood

@Chic McGregor –

Oh FFS, you were there!? How come we didn’t meet? Were you at the WOS patch at all?


Grouse Beater

Gordon Brown, “I have now been allocated an adjournment debate in the House of Commons for Thursday, 16 October 2014, which will set in motion our promise of delivering new powers to the Scottish Parliament.”

Aye, with three MPs in attendance, and the Speaker’s deputy asleep.

Ian Brotherhood

@Peter G –

You’d better not say anything like that within earshot of Dougie Alexander or he’ll have the baws aff ye.


Aye well wee Gordo the magnificent may have been *ahem* allocated a slot to have his wee pretendy discussion but a) will he even turn up for it and b) what is the point AFTER we have already WON! 😛


Looks like it could be a long night with Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen, with 25% of the electorate declaring last. Could be all down to Glasgow

Grouse Beater

Surgent: Could be all down to Glasgow

Hmmm, hurrumph…


When I saw the police helicopter hovering today it reminded me of a police manual I once read. One tactic for dealing with demonstrations was to let a helicopter hover above a crowd.

This had two purposes, firstly to drown out the speeches, secondly people would leave because of the continual noise which they found irritating


@Lesley Anne

xoxo 🙂


Bought the Herald this afternoon.

Cover pages are waaaay to big for my windows, so has now been put in amongst my SaveThePars stuff for future grandchildren to see.

Have to say it was good read.



Or Edinburgh 🙂

Famous 15

O/T Up to now I have displayed my yes badge on my car without trouble. Today I parked in a posh
area of Edinburgh and found someone had spat on my car. The gob of spit was a distinct colour so if the spitting UKOK supporter in the New Town today reads this I ,with all humanity,ask them to go immediately to hospital for tests. You will not derive any benefit from an independent Scotland as you suffer from a serious illness which needs treatment.

I have now taken to displaying a large yes poster on the front passenger side and remove it if I park in a posh area!


XXX Kendo. 😉

ANS and Grouse you may be right, although I am still holding on, by my fingernails for a declaration around 3 a.m. for the 50% =1 figure being passed by YES! 😛


Deutsche Bank outed as a channel for sending drug money to Colombia:

link to

David Folkerts-Landau, Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank,friends with David Cameron:

link to

Why does the BBC not investigate that?

Wee jock poo-pong mcplop

“Long Night”…I’ve asked this elsewhere, but will there be an exit poll at 22.00 on Thursday by the broadcasters? Anyone know?

Of course if it is genuinely close, such a poll may not be helpful.

Big Del

There’s a coincidence, SUNDAY POST declare they are against a YES, and low and behold they have a journalist on SKY paper review tonight. cancelling movies and sports tomorrow.

Alex Smith

Five Sleeps to go!!


If it’s a tie and Glasgow’s last, we win. If Edinburgh’s last though…

Don’t think it’ll be a tie by that point, though.


What you sugessting Yaba, the BBC should investigate one of their own? 😛

Grouse Beater

Lesley-Anne: ANS and Grouse you may be right, although I am still holding on, by my fingernails for a declaration around 3 a.m. for the 50% =1 figure being passed by YES!

It’ll be impossible to sleep; I might do it early evening. I intend to have a bottle of best malt by my side. One way or another I will need it. And I’m a non-boozer.

Yabadabbado: David Folkerts-Landau, Chief Economist of Deutsche Bank,friends with David Cameron:

The Flaky Character of Deutsche Bank – grousebeater.wordpress

Dal Riata

Honestly, GIRFUYz BBC! Notice their ever-so-subtle promoting of the No vote: whenever showing scenes of Yes or No campaigners, or interviewing individual Yes or No voters, nearly always they will show the No voters first… to give the impression that No is the ‘right choice’ and is ‘on top of’ Yes, so to speak. A typical psy-ops operation.

Just seen the BBC give a brief mention of the protest outside PQ…”Up to a thousand protesters attended..” ROFL! “Up to a thousand” Really?…FFS! Yes, yes, aye, right ye are! The BBC under-reporting Yes numbers…? Wow! Who knew?!

Stevie boy

Grouse Beater

Yep, we can all sit back after a Yes vote and watch all the muppets eat their words and start the back tracking.

O/T When we win and the negotiating team is set up I think we should have a say in who that team consists of, maybe a petition set up or something. There is no way these people who have been constantly lying and disrespecting Scotland should then be fighting Scotland’s corner and arguing for our case.

They should be left out in the cold to rot!!


It’s not that big a surprise though BD SKY had an editor from the Scotsman on last night! 😉



Just hope I have the stamina, couldnt forgive myself if I fell asleep and missed the historic moment of being Independent, and to
make things worse its my birthday on the 18th and there might be
a few swallies during the day 🙂


Nice one Grouse. I’m trying to convince my partner that it would be a good idea to *ahem* acquire some *cough*light liquid refreshment for Thursday night/Friday morning. 😛

Grouse Beater

Dal Riata: Up to a thousand protesters attended..”

Aye, the BBC can’t help itself. They’ve been disseminating propaganda for generations, a habit impossible to kick.

And like any important person unable to resist compulsion they know sooner or later it will be their downfall.


Heh, I won’t be popping that cork till all the votes are in, but when I do…

…the party may last some time. 🙂


Totally OT.

The Australians are already signed up. Think how incredibly frustrating it must be for David Cameron, not being able to sign up to Gulf War III before Friday! 🙁


Man, you really do have a few problems there ANS, just make sure you VOTE first then get a few swallies down and do NOT do it the other way round. 😛

I have to admit Stevie, I agree with the First Minister about the Team Scotland being all encompassing. However, I have severe problems with the likes of Lamont and anyone from her Labour group, Davidson and anyone from her Tory group, Rennie and anyone from his Lib/Dem group being involved. I would not trust any of them as far as I could throw them!

Team Scotland, in my view, should be made up of people from all the parties and associations who help make 18th so memorable.


Well spotted, that’s exactly what I’ve been on about.
DO not fall for media bull shit.

I hate standing up for the monarchy, being that I’m a republican!
But I hate the media with an absolute passion and will not put it passed them to ‘tweek’ what some bystander may or may have not said just to fill in a blank in their own warped agenda

Grouse Beater

Stevie: They should be left out in the cold to rot!!

Obama made that grave error when he got elected – he promoted the worst, most corrupt banksters to government posts to save the economy. He presumed given a profound new task to pick up their turds would be their redemption.

Instead, the Republican party laughed long and loud.

Every time Obama tried to get into the car the bastards kangarooed it a few feet forward down the road, stopped to fool him he could get in, and then moving it on a bit more, laughing and jeering.

The humiliating thing was, it was his car they were driving.

Salmond is not Mandela. There are no ‘Truth and Reconcilliation Commission.’

For Salmond to trust these people with the reins of a new Scotland, their odious associations with fraudsters and liars, is a calamity in the making. I trust he only makes such offers of goodwill to shrink their status.

After the Referendum he should give them the finger.

Grouse Beater

There is no ‘Truth and Reconcilliation Commission.’

Big Jock

Yeh I hate to think this way but it would be a good idea if we all met up anyway. Surely if its a no we will be looking for some solace from each other. Anyway has there been any talk of a party. I think all the wings people should go and wear our nicknames to identify each other. Fingers crossed people we need to win this for all our sanity.

Ian Brotherhood

Anyone have footage of Sarwar and Lamont in Buchanan St today?

I saw them, at approx. 1.05, as I was going up to George Square – not sure if perhaps they’d just arrived, but they were being totally body-swerved by everyone. Sarwar in particular was practically chasing folk, trying to get them to stop and take one of his leaflets while wheeling away from anyone wearing Yes material (which, to be fair, must’ve been 70% of everyone passing him, heading to Argyle St)

Lamont (who is larger than you might think – I’d guess she’s 6ft 2ins or thereabouts) was standing alone, staring up towards the top of Buchanan St, frowning, as if blaming the Donald Dewar statue for her predicament.

It was quite a sight – anyone manage to record it?


Alex Smith says:

14 September, 2014 at 10:40 pm

Five Sleeps to go!!

What do you mean, five? There’s no way I’m going to bed on Thursday night.



‘My cover will be blown!’

Does that mean you’ll be on page 3?

Stevie boy


Imagine Gordon Brown being in Team Scotland!! God help us.. hold on to your gold folks or he’ll bloody sell it if he gets the chance.

Johann Lamont.. ‘if us Scots are not genetically programmed to make decisions’ then surely that includes herself!!

Jim Murphy.. someone making an omelette and he’d run for the hills. Sitting with his can of Irn Bru pretending he’s a true Scotsman.. tho we know he’s just a joke.

I still wouldn’t trust any of them.. even when we’re independent!!

Chic McGregor

I have physically been at most of the PQs but this one, due to indy duties up here I watched on the livestream.

We will have that pint together in an indy Scotland sometime though. 🙂



Good advice

AS said this morning that we would be celebrating on the 19th,
does that mean only the no`s will be going to work.

Grouse Beater

Lamont (who is larger than you might think – I’d guess she’s 6ft 2ins


What she has in height she lacks in intellect.

PS: If we are to rejoin the EU please use metric.


Regards Deutsche Bank , they have a facebook page and our Germans friends are having a go a dear Deutsche Bank

I may be wrong but I think someone is going to get a call from Frankfurt head office to find out why Deutsche Bank’s name is being bandied about like a cheap thrill

Deutsche Bank are not enjoying a good reputation just now, so will be trying to hunker down. The last thig they will want is some twat, a well paid twat of board level status in London, who is chums with Cameron, causing a stir.

Deutsche Bank is by no means squeaky clean, but German bankers in Frankfurt tend to be very very conservative, they like making money and keeping it, but not so keen on adverse publicity

Big Jock

My team Scotland. Mcwhirter TV media,Derek Bateman radio media,Ian Bell press media,Pat Kane Arts and Culture,Tommy Sheridan Social Justice….the list could go on. These are the people I want in team Scotland not Lamont or any current BBC staff.



Totally agree. I have a reall problem with the thought of any of the Scottish party leaders, their two ICs and the SoSfS having anything to do with the negotiation team.

I have absolutely no faith or trust in their intentions, never mind their abilities. Too much party and not enough people happening there for me.

Grouse Beater

Cearc: Does that mean you’ll be on page 3?

In which case I’ll be busted!

Thank you, friends. I’m here all week.

Stevie boy

Grouse Beater

I only pray that AS is only offering these numpties a job is to show solidarity and inclusion while we’re in this campaigning period.

Your right, after that I think we will all be showing these people the finger! 🙂

Big Del

Passing by the stall at Falkirk steeple today and stopped for a chat, and a wrist band. One of the girls, who is from my village, asked a passer bye if he had made his mind up or undecided. Fair question yes? The rant he went on was not needed, bordered on verbal assault. I intervened because, 1. He was shouting at a woman. 2. He said he had no information and “where does the money come from”. I offered him a WBB and I was told to “ram it”. My point here is, total respect to the woman and men who put themselves in the line of fire, I was only passing they spend hours there. I looked in their eyes and they are really tired. I thank you guy’s.


Can anybody find Grouse Beater a coat?


Hmm, I’m confused, and not for the first time I can tell you. 😛

Remind me here but was Shell not one of Cameron’s *assistants who said Scottish independence would be bad for business or was that just BP? 😉

This is from the Herald in August this year.

link to


Here are some videos I took from today’s BBC bias protest march 🙂

link to

link to

link to

link to

link to

link to

link to

So nice to meet all the lovely wingers today 🙂


@ leslie-Anne
I agree. All of the individuals listed and more have been active and complicit in a campaign that at its very core has been orchestrated to intimdate, misinform, lie toand disenfranchise the people of Scotland from making an informed decicion in this referdum. If this is not criminal, it should be.


O/T but drove past Scottish Parliament today and saw that tented village ready for global press conferences with fences and security is now established outside Holyrood — something big must be happening this week……


Isn’t it the official opening of Holyrood MoJo, I can’t think of anything else that is so important that it would require a press tent. 😛


Big Jock
Team Scotland..
I think we should let Stu take his pick. Nobody does it better.


If Stu did it FPJ then I think you can guarantee 100% that Lamont, Davidson, Rennie or any of their cronies would be in Team Scotland. 😛

Grouse Beater

Handclapping: Can anybody find Grouse Beater a coat?

No wish for many colours. White with blue buttons, BIG buttons, will do. And maybe gold epualettes. Yeah. Nice.

Stevie: Your right, after that I think we will all be showing these people the finger!

Mine hand will wear a rubber glove on it.

Ian Brotherhood

@Grouse Beater –

Lamont is an imposing character to be sure. Last time I saw that much make-up was at a Danny La Rue convention. (On the telly you understand, erm, eh, well, I don’t attend such gatherings. Often.)

Thinking back on it, her gait was rather manly, and she seemed to be bulging in the wrong places – ‘she’ was probably a stunt double/decoy.

Sarwar, however, was definitely the real deal – such fawning, panicked skittery would be hard to fake.

bookie from hell

I know 2 that have moved from NO to YES after David beckham came out for NO tonight


Just looking at Sky’s online paper front pages
The bulk of them have a front page piece on the queen ‘telling’ Scotland to think carefully

Which is strange as the Queen hasn’t actually said anything officially. So based on hear say, based on a supposed chat with a by stander.

But as pointed out above, there is no apparent video of the Queen actually speaking to a by stander

So would the press make it up? You bet your last pound sterling 🙂 they would

They have absolute zip and will grasp anything to attack independence

Grouse Beater

The Krankies have a better chance of creating a better society than any Unionist deceiver. At least they get friendly with those they screw.

(Might sell that one to Frankie Boyle)



“Team Scotland, in my view, should be made up of people from all the parties and associations who help make 18th so memorable”

Only those people that helped us secure a Yes vote should be in the negotiating team and should not include those duplicitous bastards that sought to denigrate the Scots at every utterance these last few years.
I don’t think we could trust them to not sell us out for one last chance at an ermine coat.


All this talk of Team Scotland, if Salmond stated that the likes of Johann Lamont, Gordon Brown etc would be banned from politics after a YES vote, the media would be shrieking dictatorship, one party state etc.


Preferably of sackcloth with ashes 😉


bookie from hell says:

I know 2 that have moved from NO to YES after David beckham came out for NO tonight

What the hell took him so long Bookie, I have had him down as a NO since day 1? 😉

Does his brain really work THAT slowly? 😛

Grouse Beater

Edward: So would the press make it up?

Another poster offered the plausible theory she never spoke at all.

After all, we got the statement second-hand, not confirmed by any person of the Royal Household, not a horse or corgi.


That must be their last desperate attempt using the queen, and beckham saying no will give the yes vote a boost. Honestlty an ex-england football player will sway the Scottish vote.


So that was the big name that BT were trailing. What a let down. I was worried in case it was Stuart Campbell…


I agree Colin. When the First Minister sets up Team Scotland we must only include people who for the vast majority of people had the best interests of the people of Scotland at heart. No one believes that anyone in the Labour,Tory or Lib Dem parties had that, they were more interested in delivering as little as possible to Scotland. THEY all had one ey on their cloaks of ermine. If any of them are included in Team Scotland they will, in my view, sell Scotland short!


So that’s 3 non-negotiables
No Trident
No debt if no Currency Union
No JoLa

So that’s 4 non-negotiables

Grouse Beater

the likes of Johann Lamont, Gordon Brown etc would be banned from politics after a YES vote,

I’d sentence them to clean up the M8, in both directions, in perpetuity. Bottles of truck driver pee, empty chip packages, fag packets, old mattresses. A never ending job. They will think themselves lucky.


handclapping says:

So that’s 3 non-negotiables
No Trident
No debt if no Currency Union
No JoLa

So that’s 4 non-negotiables

Erm … I’ll see your 4 non-negotiables HC and raise you 10 non-negotiables! 😛

No House of Commons
No political paedophiles
No BBC paedophiles
No House of Lords
No HS2
No HS3
No London Sewer
No Cross rail
No London underground
No London centric political parties

Castle Rock

@Big Jock

I would add Jeane Freeman and Robin McAlpine to your list. Think they would handle any position well

Big Jock

Yes Stu as government press secretary would be good. Forensic analysis of BBC output will still be required for the negotiation phase.



It took him a while to find Scotland on the map.


Sorry if this has been posted before, but here is another reason why the Great Gordo must NEVER be involved in Team Scotland.

link to

CameronB Brodie

Grouse Beater
Have you not heard Frankie Boyle has changed to Naw, as he doesn’t want to miss the opportunity of voting for the Tories, UKIP, Labour, the Lib Dems, the Orange Order, international finance and oil, etc., all in one go. 🙂

Big Jock

Cearc they asked him if he wanted a haircut he said no!


I would be starting my own no campaign if any of those deceivers
were brought in to negotiate Scotlands future.


Grouse Beater
Maybe one of the Corgis’ gave the press the tip off 😀


cearc says:


It took him a while to find Scotland on the map.

I know what caused the problem Cearc. Everyone keeps looking for Scotland but as we all know Scotland does NOT exist, it is just a county of Britain called North Britain. 😛


When they started wheeling out the banks and shops etc at the start of the week
It seems to have had the opposite effect they thought it would have had

People can now see through this


Huh, your 10 vanish with an X. Mine are problems even after the X.


Doffs hat to your superiority HC. 😉


IIRC if it was the one you were sporting at Fill the Hill it was an enviable hat. Duly honoured!

Grouse Beater

Cearc: all in one go.

Greedy swine!

Well, thanks again for the good company, friends. Am taking time off now to read the unopened Sunday Herald I bought and nurse a bloody toothache.

When it comes to political rapprochement remember W.C. Fields remark:

“I am free of prejudice. I hate all people equally.”

Good night – stay strong until the 19th, and be stronger thereafter.


There is a petition to have Scotland added to the internet drop down lists. 😛

link to

fred blogger

it is not often i say, this is a must see, in fact this is the only time i have. see if i’m right!
link to

Wales for Indy

O/T but, as every vote counts, I hope you will forgive me. A Wrexham FC (the oldest football club in Wales and the 3rd oldest in the world) fan who lives his Scotland has put a referendum poll on our fans website – Red Passion (its in the “Off Topic Chat” section; there’s also a separate thread with a general referendum discussion). He will cast his vote on the 18th for whoever wins the poll. At the moment “no” is winning by about 20 votes so we need some help. Registering for the website is easy, you just need an e-mail address and to agree to the terms and conditions.


Golly gosh, Tory rory’s concert on Saturday went with a BANG then! 😛

link to


Lesley-Anne says:
14 September, 2014 at 11:25 pm
handclapping says:

So that’s 3 non-negotiables
No Trident
No debt if no Currency Union
No JoLa

So that’s 4 non-negotiables

Erm … I’ll see your 4 non-negotiables HC and raise you 10 non-negotiables!

No House of Commons
No political paedophiles
No BBC paedophiles
No House of Lords
No HS2
No HS3
No London Sewer
No Cross rail
No London underground
No London centric political parties

Have you duplicated here. Is the House of Lords not the same as the London Sewer?


“Compilation of Parliamentary Financial Links to Private Healthcare”

link to


on the drone thing , I saw the guy carrying it as I left, so I think it was a supporter rather than press, you can get them pretty cheap now.

On the sour note I cycled up to govan to avoid the crowds on the way home up past the lodge and along paisley road, there were a few side streets up there absolutely bristling with naw posters and union jacks, not surprising really but a bit depressing none the less. no time for complacency.


Touchie Clootie. 😛

To be fair though I always thought the House of Lords was a care home for the elderly. 😀


Not only should the likes of Brown and Darling not be allowed to be in Team Scotland, they should be prevented from ever representing Scotland in any capacity at any point in the future.

As should anyone who votes no. I know the way people vote is supposed to be private, but on this occasion its an issue of national security – as Alex correctly pointed out last week, anyone who votes no is not part of the people of Scotland, is not part of Team Scotland and is therefore a ("Tractor" - Ed).

These people have no right to crawl back in after independence and try to get any public position in Scotland – no voters should be banned from representing Scotland either politically, in civil service, in any public office, and in sporting events.


Good thinking Clootie!
We can also roll
No political paedophiles
No BBC paedophiles
No London underground

I have to go to work in the morning so its Good Night from him.


Congratulations on everyone at PQ.

I watched on the live feed and cheered you all on. Wish i could have made it. Still saving some energy for Friday when we witness the re birth of our Nation. What a privilege.

Well done to all of you.

get your flags and posters up folks. Time to show the world our colours. Encourage everyone to do so. It does matter. My Unshiftable NO friend , the last guy i would ever try to change, chapped my door a few minutes ago to show me his YES Flags and posters.

I am flaberghasted . Astonished even.

What made him change ??

The whole YES thing. Wings Bella and the like. Stalls where folk laughed and chatted , he says no one thing did it , the whole lot wore away at him and he knew deep down he could never say NO to the question. No-one can

Should Scotland be a independent country.

There are many like him i am told.

He has shocked me and made me proud too. I tried for over a year to change his mind. Not a chance. Others gave up too. Wingers this will be happening everywhere.

And the more the merrier. 65+% and £20 at 25/1 . Put on a while back. The lassie at the counter laughed and said keep it to drown your sorrows. She went all YES weeks ago.

Friday is going to be some day.

CameronB Brodie

High noon in Dundee city center and the naz…nast…nationalist insurgency subverts No Better Together Thanks support of Scotland’s democratic voice, yet again. 🙂

DC Thompson are for Naw, aren’t they?

link to


‘When the First Minister sets up Team Scotland we must only include people who for the vast majority of people had the best interests of the people of Scotland at heart’

But the Greens and others in the yes campaign don’t agree with the currency union and things like Nato membership which Alex is going to negotiate after a yes vote, so I’m not sure they should be allowed to take part in the negotiations either.

In fact the Greens went as far as to say that Alex wouldn’t have a mandate to implement currency union and the other policies, which is a disgrace as Alex will have an indisputable mandate through the sovereign will of the people of Scotland in a yes vote – for all his policies.


Its looking like the media and press are digging themselves into a hole over the ‘what the Queen said’ story

Sky paper review came out with the line that press photographers were allowed closer to the Queen as she met the public, when they heard her talk.

One is wrong with this picture? Actually there are no pictures of it happening

Chic McGregor

You may have heard of the LIBOR, London inter bank lending rate scanadal? Of course, London based banks like Barclays and Lloyd’s featured heavily in that. But I wonder how many folk realise that Deutsche bank incurred the heaviest fine from the EU of all? At 725 million Euros, this was almost as much as all the other European banks put together.



Wow, that does look fun!

Kevin Evans

I wasn’t gonna throw names about for this team scotland thing but I have to after hear the comment about the greens – am not a green voter but since this campaign I have to say Partick Harvey has been excellent and he has come over as very trusting and sincere and am positive he has won a lot of favour and been part of a lot of people deciding yes .. So he must be part of this team.

CameronB Brodie


as Alex correctly pointed out last week, anyone who votes no is not part of the people of Scotland, is not part of Team Scotland and is therefore a ("Tractor" - Ed).

Have you got a link to that quote from the FM?


That’s a wee bit extreme.. Do you want a one party state?


You can never get enough teamGB bettertogether er what to call this then, we’re heading for the next Machitler or MacPutin, or worse, maybe a Yesapocalypse of communazis unleashing planet earth’s dark forces and pleasing all enemies of freedom, Australia style.

Its all certainly exposed the verbal inadequacies of some of teamGB’s biggest dickheads, like this shill.

link to

“Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair’s former head of communications, tweeted: “had my run-ins with BBC, but organised protests like the one going on now is beyond Tebbit, and not far off Putin. Vote YES for intimidation”.



Thanks for clearing that up.


Away and bile yir heed

Night yessers


I think you are wrong Leither regarding the Greens. Yes they are against X.Y and Z but that in itself is not a reason to prohibit them from Team Scotland. They are a useful ally to have inside Team Scotland. Whilst they disagree with some aspects of what the First Minister is looking for they do agree with others. That is where they can be useful. Let the Greens get involved in say the energy discussions for example. I’m pretty certain they would be able to push Westminster pretty hard on that aspect. Remember there are so many groups that are involved in fighting for a YES win but they are not all in agreement in all the aspects of what Alex Salmond is looking for. Just because a YES supporting group does not agree on one or two aspects of Alex Salmond’s plans is, in my view, not a reason to exclude them from Team Scotland, if anything it might actually be the reason to ensure that they ARE included.

CameronB Brodie

First headline on BBC Radio 4 news.

‘The Queen says Naw’



You aren’t fooling anyone

Ian Brotherhood

@Fred Blogger –

Cheers for the Cat Boyd link.

She’s a star.


cearc says:


Wow, that does look fun!

You noticed Cearc! 😛


‘Have you got a link to that quote from the FM?’

He said its Team Scotland v Westminster, and that the ‘people of Scotland’ are winning against the ‘Westminster elite’ – so by implication, no voters aren’t part of Team Scotland, aren’t worthy to be called the people of Scotland and, by definition, are therefore ("Tractor" - Ed)s.

Do you disagree with that assessment?

Chic McGregor

“Have you got a link to that quote from the FM?”

Think he might just struggle a wee bit on that one – bless. 🙂


‘They are a useful ally to have inside Team Scotland. Whilst they disagree with some aspects of what the First Minister is looking for they do agree with others’

So you’re saying they should be allowed in to negotiate on energy and the environment and stuff like that?

Fair enough, but it would have to be made clear to them that they couldn’t rock the boat or cause delay in the implementation of Alex’s plans like currency union and Nato membership, considering the fact he will have an indisputable mandate from the people of Scotland to implement them.


link to
Jim Murphy is clearly a WoS fan. Hi Jim. Really enjoying your slams on Graun CiF but to be fair, nothing beats hearing you rage CiF style live. If there’s a teamGB gong for standing on two irn bru boxes on pavements and raging at little old ladies who have the fackin gall to ask you a question, you’d be covered in them.

Jim how come you need two irn bru crates anyway?

Tam Jardine

O/T Missed PQ today but from the footage it looked great – enjoyed the singing of ‘cheerio, cheerio, cheerio!’ Well done to everyone who attended. I see even the BBC have had to admit there was more than 350 people though ‘at most 1000’ seemed like bullshit from what I could tell.

Just back from the big concert at the Usher Hall – magical stuff. Wonderful to see so many Yes supporters.

If I can paraphrase Elaine C Smith, she said something along the lines of:

“I don’t want to live in a country where Utopia isn’t even on the map. We may never get there but let’s weigh anchor and set sail!”

You can imagine how that went down with the thousands of Yessers in the audience. She really is a national treasure.


The Yanks have waded in now saying they would be happy to take Trident off our hands! No doubt nudged by their UK peers – just until they make a suitable place down south you understand! They are even saying there is a suitable sub base in Georgia.
The vultures – they circle.


Ian brotherhood

Your wrong about physical size of jola i was at junket last year she was also there she passed the rable i was sitting at with a skowl on her dace ( i kid ye not) would reckon under 5′ 7′

Re drones ive got one relatively cheap if i was not down in scarborough at bike racing would have been flying at demo dont get paranoid about them even the good guys have them now!!!


@chic mcgregor

If you live in Scotland but aren’t part of the ‘people of Scotland’, what are you?



Team Scotland v Westminster

Correct me if I am wrong – but I do believe AS invited AD to be on the team

so yeah I totally disagree with your assessment


Cummon guys. Theres lots of comments about Team Scotland. Box it til Friday. Until you get the keys to the door, its academic who is doing the decorating.

I would think that anything “divisive” discussed in the next few days is unhelpful to the cause and that all thought and effort should be directed at getting a massive turnout of Yes voters. There’s only 3 days to go. Bide your time.

CameronB Brodie

Perhaps you infer that which was not alluded to, perhaps you assume that which was not implied, perhaps you are a low-grade troll?

Now if you don’t mind, the adults are discussing grown up things. Toodle ooo the noo! xx

Paula Rose

Watch out darlings – I am the Green member of team Scotland, now behave.


“The Corruption of New Labour: Britain’s Watergate?”

link to


‘Perhaps you infer that which was not alluded to’

As Alex correctly said, no voters aren’t part of the ‘people of Scotland’.

So what are they, in your opinion?


Vote NO and see Scotlands future….

link to


‘Correct me if I am wrong – but I do believe AS invited AD to be on the team’

And I, and many others on here, are saying that he and Brown and others should not be allowed on the team.

Why should people who’ve shown themselves to be acting openly against the interests of Scotland, be allowed to negotiate on behalf of Scotland?

As others on here have pointed out, these people will be trying to get their ermine coats, they’ll try to sell us out in return for that if they’re allowed on the team.


I remember that Kestral, it was during the second debate if I remeber right. 😉 Mind you to be fair I think it may have been a wee bit tongue in cheek moment for the First Minister. 😀 I think he was having too much fun that night. As usual though Darling had had a sense of humour failure cause he failed to accept the offer. 😛

Paula Rose

I’m filing my teeth or do I ignore?


Clootie @11:39 pm
Is the House of Lords not the same as the London Sewer?

Apparently the sewage system of the Palace of Westminster is below the level of the main public sewer.
The waste is collected in two tanks in the basement (one for government motions and one for the opposition, perhaps) and every five minutes or so (depending on how many MPs are, er, sitting) is shot up into the sewer by compressed air.

It’s all true, the BBC said so:

link to

Ian Brotherhood

@LiquidLenny –

Okay, maybe I exaggerated (and she was wearing ‘sensible’ heels) but she’s not a ba’-hair either side of 6ft 1. A powerful specimen altogether…


Chill Paula. No need for your filed teeth … just yet! Boys will be boys and all that sort of thing. 😛


I want Patrick Harvie in! Keep Crash Gordon out!

Big Jock

Leither very amateur. Are you the kind no are recruiting these days? Or have they shortened basic troll training due to cutbacks!

CameronB Brodie

Why should people who’ve shown themselves to be acting openly against the interests of Scotland, be allowed to negotiate on behalf of Scotland?

Who says they will get anywhere near the negotiating table? Refreshments are normally prepared in a kitchen, are they not?

Have you got a link to that FM quote, btw?

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –

IMHO, complete your filing, then have at him, baws first…

Kevin Evans

Seconded about let’s wait till Friday


and the little billy goat gruff went, trippity-trap, trippity-trap…


All this talk of the Jola, I need to see her in the flesh, she sounds like a massive drag queen from the comments! She must have made a very scary teacher!

call me dave

There will be consternation and a great gnashing of teeth in Scotland about Mr Salmond’s team. ‘Teeth will be provided on the SNHS if required’.

There will be a sifting out of people that are unsuitable, resulting in very few, within an eclectic mix that are truly team Scotland material.

Remember keeping your cards close is vital in a negotiation. I doubt that many of the names mentioned by the FM will participate. Let’s see team Scotland certainly, but we have to win first.


Any word on The Sun coming out in support of either YES or NO yet?


Vivienne Westwood, designer, has come out as a YES supporter, along with her models on the cat walk, all sporting YES badges.

link to


‘Correct me if I am wrong – but I do believe AS invited AD to be on the team’

Yeah me and Lesley-Anne agree that Harvie should be allowed in to negotiate on energy and the environment as long as its made clear to him that he can’t cause any problems over Nato or the currency union negotiations – Alex will have an indisputable mandate to enact both those policies and, to be fair to Harvie, he won’t have any mandate to do anything, so he can think himself lucky to be part of such an historic team.


Yippeee – Stuey’s back on twitter – will he divulge his adventures of today, or make us wait ’til tomorrow? Hmm 🙂


‘Have you got a link to that FM quote’

I’ve already explained that quote, but let me try again.

Alex: “The people of Scotland are winning against the Westminster elite”

As the no voters are on the side of the Westminster elite it naturally follows that they are not part of the people of Scotland.

Do you get it now?

Big Jock

I honestly thought no agents were a thing of the past on here. We have outed that many I thought they had given up. Maybe Leither is actually Carmichael himself sounds like sort of mince he would spout.

CameronB Brodie

Who are you and why should I believe a word you say?

Link please.


Article from Wall Street Journal July 2014

link to

Paula Rose

Right teeth sharpened – Leither dear come hither.

David G

Here’s a handy link to images of the front pages of most of the UK papers

link to

Clicking on an image will open a page showing the rest of the front pages for that particular date.

Ian Brotherhood

@Paula Rose –


Might have to open that bag of roasted nuts I was keeping by for Thursday…

Ian Brotherhood

It’s the ‘mandate’ word…bit of a giveaway, no?

Chic McGregor

“If you live in Scotland but aren’t part of the ‘people of Scotland’, what are you?”

The implied premise in your question is wrong. If you live in Scotland, you ARE part of the people of Scotland.

However, if you are alluding to those who live here but do not, for whatever reason, consider themselves Scottish, then I would answer:

Honest/dishonest, evil/good, moral/immoral, beautiful/ugly, rational/irrational, etc.

Just like those who DO consider themselves Scottish.




‘The implied premise in your question is wrong. If you live in Scotland, you ARE part of the people of Scotland.’

Not according to Alex.


Think I saw him say he had around 800 e-mails and stuff to get sorted then off for some sleep. Don’t know where he is but if he’s only getting round to his e-mails now he’s been a busy bee. 😛

Ian Brotherhood

@Leither –

Thanks for clearing that up.


“The whole Westminster elite are losing the referendum campaign, and the people of Scotland are winning it”

The people of Scotland = yes voters
no voters = not part of the people of Scotland

I’m not too sure why independence supporters on this site are arguing against Alex’s point?

Ian Brotherhood

@Leither –

I’ll C your D and raise you a T.


‘It’s the ‘mandate’ word…bit of a giveaway’

A giveaway that I’m a supporter of Alex and the SNP?

Alex himself said in the debates that a yes vote gives him a mandate through the sovereign will of the people of Scotland to implement a currency union and the other white paper policies.

Are you saying he’s wrong?

CameronB Brodie

Have you tried Googling a link to find the FM’s quote?


L-A – I know and his reference to having a rollercoaster of a day – whew – tomorrow’ll be interesting methinks. 🙂

Off to bed now, nighty, night. (4 more sleeps)

Ian Brotherhood

@Leither –

Just for you. Some Norse wisdom –

link to

Bob W

What a coincidence, Leither posts his nonsense here at 11:41 pm, then Tellen1 posts this at 12:01 am on the Guardian site –

“And now various independence supporting websites are openly calling for no campaigners and no politicians and even voters to not only be banned from taking part in any ‘team Scotland’ negotiations after a yes vote, but to be banned from being allowed to represent Scotland in any capacity, because they’re apparently ‘("Tractor" - Ed)s’.”

Now that is really scary. 😉


‘Have you tried Googling a link to find the FM’s quote?’

I’ve told you what his quote is, if you want to find a link to it then copy his quote, paste it into Google and hit return, its really not hard.

CameronB Brodie

A mandate the Scottish electorate will have an opportunity to vote on in 2016. Have you got a point to make, or are you just killing time till shift change?


heedtracker says:
15 September, 2014 at 12:07 am
link to
Jim Murphy is clearly a WoS fan. Hi Jim. Really enjoying your slams on Graun CiF.
Does Tellen 1 + Murphy = Leither?


I think you may be right T Jenny, I hope so.We’ve been having far too much fun on here today, we need someone 😉 to keep us all in check. What is they say … when the cat is away the mice come out to play! 😛

Sweet dreams TJ 😀

Paula Rose

You know what my dear friends?

Do not feed, ignore etc

I am so full of love and positivity for the country that has welcomed me with open arms – I no longer do not liking.

Now we will win this for our children and make sure that they will live in a better world, and Leither – I could bite your head off, but that would be a loss – we are creating the future.

Tom Foyle

Tried to comment on a newspaper article regarding this, in which one numpty had called her a”Vandal who should be imprisoned.” But seemingly got blocked.
Off topic, I’ve been communicating with my son’s wife’s brother, Willie Young, recently. His last e-mail said that Stu is “A lib-dem voter who lives in England. He laughed at the Hillsborough disaster and 9-11.”
Needless to say, I put him right about a few things. Well, about quite a lot of things, actually. No doubt it’ll make not the slightest bit of difference, but I was fucking FUMING!! I found it hard to comprehend that, not only do people actually BELIEVE such poisonous shite, but that it’s dribbled out of their lips in the FIRST place! I mean, honestly, is that the mentality of SLAB? Well, obviously it is. You’d think they’d have at least a WEE bit of a brain.
The problem is, this is what we’re up against, and if thursday goes pear-shaped, eventually these dangerous fuckwits will end up in charge. How scary is THAT?! Now there’s no way I’ll get to sleep tonight. I wonder if the suicide rate will quintuple if it’s no?


‘A mandate the Scottish electorate will have an opportunity to vote on in 2016’

As Alex correctly points out, we’ll already have given a mandate to currency union and the other white paper policies if we vote yes.

The policies will already have been implemented by 2016, so we won’t need to give them another mandate then, and it would be too late anyway.

Ian Brotherhood

Some bedtime listening for our guest.

Make sure the ravens are asleep, big jug of warm mead, wrap that bearskin around ye…sorted.

‘The Vikings’ soundtrack, Mario Nascimbene –

link to

Bob W

@StevieMcB Maybe he’s angling for a position on ‘Team Scotland”, left right outside possibly.

CameronB Brodie

Paula Rose
I agree about not encouraging pests, but that line about the FM needed a swift kick in the nads, IMO. 😉


He does live in England, and does (or at least used to) vote Lib Dem.


‘that line about the FM needed a swift kick in the nads’

So you disagree with Alex when he correctly points out that the people of Scotland (i.e. yes voters) are winning, and, by implication, that no voters aren’t part of the people of Scotland.

Are you sure you’re an independence supporter?


Leither says:

‘Have you tried Googling a link to find the FM’s quote?’

I’ve told you what his quote is, if you want to find a link to it then copy his quote, paste it into Google and hit return, its really not hard.

The trouble is Leither that when people usually post on here quoting statements etc then the responsibility of providing the proof of the quote usually lies with the person who first quoted it.

Everyone on here understands that there so many people posting now that it is the best way of running the site. By doing things this way it makes life easier for everyone concerned rather than having everyone running off to search out something that may or may not have been said. So in the interests of harmony on here may I politely request that if you have a link to the site where this, at this point in time alleged, statement is made then please put it up. This will help cool the air that appears to be getting a wee bit heated over nothing.

Paula Rose

Oh he is rather bothersome – I’ll have to use the pest control option, Leither honey – either debate honestly or its bye bye time.


@ StevieMcB, I think you might be onto something by jingo.
Has anyone seen my Slovene girlfriend around CiF lately too? Its start of law term at Glasgow so its all hands to the pump but you’d think Adam would still have to time post 44 thousand words of constitutional bettertogetherness. I read all his CiF carefully here
link to
link to

Someone’s been fiddling with this one though:D

CameronB Brodie

Have you got a link? I am not prepared to debate a point that has been framed by a complete stranger to me, i.e. yourself.


Really misinformed here,according to the introduction in reporters we tried to colonise Paraguay.

Big Jock

Hi Tom oor Tommy Sheridan said yes 60/40 and I will trust him.No are miles behind that’s why the trolls are back. They need to invent some new nasty nat story. The irony is the BBC protest about something the BBC have done wrong. Is now being twisted to make it look like yes are bullying the BBC. You couldn’t make this stuff up.


“The whole Westminster elite are losing the referendum campaign, and the people of Scotland are winning it”

link to

Ian Brotherhood


I’ve just found out why Paula Rose is keen to discourage attention on ‘the guest’.

Paula, is this you and ‘the guest’, from some years ago? Hmmm?

link to


‘I am not prepared to debate a point that has been framed by a complete stranger to me’

I’m not ‘debating’ with you. #

I’ve presented a fact, if you don’t believe that fact and don’t believe what Alex said that’s up to you, I don’t care in the slightest either way.

Paula Rose




‘Leither honey – either debate honestly or its bye bye time’

In what way is stating a fact in the form of a quote from Alex Salmond, and now linking to that quote, not debating honestly?


David G,

link to

Love the layout on the Express…, I thought that they liked the queen?


This is extremely odd.

Alex clearly, and correctly, stated that “the people of Scotland” are winning the referendum.

For some strange reason I am being called a ‘troll’ for pointing out this fact by supposed ‘independence supporters’?!

Big Jock

Where are Rentokill when you need them! Nil by mouth.


link to
If you cant nod off

“Forgive my poor taste in injecting a note of referendum politics into what is a dreadful personal tragedy: but as proof of solidarity between the English and the Scots, how powerful a demonstration would it have been for the British Government to have flown David Haines back to Scotland only days before its people decide whether or not to vote for secession.”

Forgive my poor taste but its this mind set that we have to say goodbye to for ever, in four days time.

CameronB Brodie

As I suspected, the word ("Tractor" - Ed) didn’t slip the FM’s lips. It appears you are, in fact, making things up. Would you like to retract or modify your original comment?


People of Scotland =Yes/No/DK voters and these people are winning over the WM elites scaremongering as the polls show more Scottish people are moving to the yes side.


‘As I suspected, the word ("Tractor" - Ed) didn’t slip the FM’s lips. It appears you are, in fact, making things up’

I’d advise you to learn the meaning of the term ‘by implication’.

Let’s try again – if someone is a Scottish resident but is not part of the ‘people of Scotland’ and is designated as such by Scotland’s First Minister, what are they?


‘People of Scotland =Yes/No/DK voters and these people are winning over the WM elites scaremongering’

But no voters are on the side of the Westminster elite, so they aren’t winning the campaign and are therefore not part of the people of Scotland.


How can you be resident and not the people of Scotland.?It means everyone who lives here .


I see The Metro reckon that brave Mr.Cameron is off to Syria?

link to (bottom of page)

I bet he will just sit in his office and enjoy fine-dining really.

Paula Rose

Is’nt that lassie an inspiration to us all? Wow.

Stevie boy

David Beckham and the Queen supposedly coming out now and saying to vote No.

When will the No side realise that if anyone tells the Scots to do something.. they usually do the exact opposite!

Who or what will it be tomorrow.. Loch Ness Monster, Big Foot, Barney the Purple Dinosaur (I have a young’ish daughter)?!? Oh I forgot.. apparently the Tories are on the train up tomorrow.. oh well more votes in the bag.. I’m sure BT are trying to help us win this!! 🙂

CameronB Brodie

link to

Implications are inferred.

link to

Your inference assumes too much, me thinks.

link to

CameronB Brodie

Previous post for Leither (whoever that might be).

CameronB Brodie

Paula Rose
Yes, a total star Paula. I thought she got the sign in place to welcome the Orange Order. 🙂


Sounds like lawyers for no. Don’t feed the trolls,they’ll go away by Friday.


This prog on New Labour broadcast this morning is well worth a listen for insight on how Gordon Brown likes to operate (without consulting anybody) and ow Alistair darling has a history of being a big fibby fib fibber. I hope some of the tetering no’s heard it.

link to

Paula Rose

And they say there is something called the Scottish cringe – NO MORE.


Maybe Nessie again,but more likely to be another blow for Salmond’ poll so that the ‘poll narrative’ is kept to the empires storyline. The form says we’re due one lol.

Mary Bruce

Leither, to be honest, I can’t stand the thought of liars like Gordon Brown representing the people of independent Scotland, either. Also Murphy, Davidson(s), Darling, Sarwar, Alexander(s), Bailey. The thought of them having power over us is sickening.

However there are many innocent people out there who have voted no because they’ve been duped by the msm and Westminster. Don’t be too hard on them.


Amazing lady. Here she is giving her reasons for what she did. Maybe at PQ today? link to


I think Leither you are reading too much into what the First Minister said. When he talks about the people of Scotland, as he has always done, he has included everyone in that phrase. He has, as far as I am aware, never highlighted NO voters as some form of ("Tractor" - Ed)ous act. He knows that NO voters are voting for what they believe to be best for Scotland, in their view. We on the other hand are voting for what we believe to be the best for Scotland.

At the end of the day whether we are YES supporters or NO supporters we are voting for what we believe to be the best for Scotland. Therefore I do not think we can really say that by implication the First Minister was calling NO voters ("Tractor" - Ed)s. I do not believe that for one second. He is not someone who does that sort of thing, he has always been above name calling.

What you have to remember is that after the result, whatever it is, we have to all continue living together. How can we possibly do that if we have politicians going around calling directly, or by inference, the opposition ("Tractor" - Ed)s. That simply will never work, and the First Minister knows that.

It is not going to be easy, but after the result on Friday, bridges that were burned during the campaign are going to have to be rebuilt. That will take time but it will be done because we have the people on both sides of the debate who can rebuild these bridges. So when the First Minister says that the people of Scotland will win he is right but remember he is talking about the whole of Scotland not just those that voted YES.


This is my second post to the matter of replying to Lord Dannatt’s unwelcome support of the Bitter Together campaign. His long and emotional articles in the newspapers and on-line needed to be challenged and I have done so
link to


You are so right Cindie what an absolutely amazing woman. Not only amazing but truly truly INSPIRATIONAL! 😛

Stevie boy


Good post.

Yes that remarkable lady did speak at Pacific Quay today and I was proud to be there to listen to her.

What an absolute star she is.

Stevie boy

Sorry, Cindie (bloody fone)


Here is a photo of Lindsay under her banner with a big YES sign. On the right hand side Andrew Moore has her story, just totally awe inspiring. 😛

Three years ago she was told by doctors that she only had ONE year to live but THREE years later she is still here, STILL fighting. She was diagnosed with the lung disease Alpha-1 Antirypsen. she has 20% lung capacity and yet despite this she still managed to scale the rock in ONE hour to place her message.

link to


Insomniac for Yes signing in, FW1, bogie on solo mission, seek and destroy, over ?


I so agree @Lesley-Anne, a real living symbol for this campaign. So brave and gutsy to do what she did.

I saw some of the live feed and some of the pics and videos from PQ @Stevie boy. It looked incredible. So many wonderful events this weekend and so many wonderful people. This truly has been an unforgettable experience.

My son was in Aberdeen today and said it was fantastic, my daughter was in Edinburgh at the Meadows and I was in Inverness yesterday. I really believe it will be a yes now. And, from his comments in today’s Herald, so does Blair Jenkins. Just in case you haven’t seen it. This is the Herald link: link to

This is the link on FB: link to

CameronB Brodie

Eh? 🙂


lol! it’s okay, @Stevie boy, no worries 🙂

Paula Rose

Remain on landing pads all FW.



Carrier in position, welders on left, steady as you go…copy ?


As per me, 12 hours behing as far as Daily Politics goes as i watch the repeat at midnight, was it me or was big gub mcternan feart to act the big i am in case mr Sheridan tore him a new erse ?


@ Lesley-Anne

I think Leither is trying his very best to get someone to agree with his comments in a way that could be used against WOS / Yes on another site or somewhere it would do harm.

Best if we say nothing to him and get someone to remove him from the site.


Spotted Wee Blue Book reference up on Arthur Seat.
link to
Also noticed various WBB posters on the street on my walk when heading up to Arthur Seat.


Millions of eligible voters on thursday, yet a 54% – 46% Yes poll is not valid as the sample was 750 and not 1000, brilliant logic, talk about denial, apparently the BBC are not biased nor against Yes, and you can tell that to the 350 people outside their
HQ today…..been a fun day today.

The show of Yes support has been astonishing recently, the more people filling the town and city centres lessens the credibility of a vote fix, as the world would not believe it.

The images of thousands and thousands of Yessers all over Scotland must surely have given thousands more uncertain Scots the confidence to vote Yes.

There surely must be No voters looking at these events and thinking, ” am i on the correct side here “?

This is incredible.


What’s Lex doing with that Kryptonite? Pow! that’s that sorted.

Dear me, what is it with these YES supporting insomniacs? You should all be in bed like I a…. oh.

3 days and 20 hours of word to word combat, then it’s fatigues or about 48 hours solid drinking. Which do I prefer? Mmmm.


Right, im off chaps, insomniac for yes in bloody tired shocker !

Hopefully get a few hours kip next couple nights, wed night through till sunday i imagine will not produce much in the way of sleep.
65 hours is my longest stint awake, think this will be beaten this week !

If i am not back in an hour, i shall be a happy bunny !
Nite all.


The FM when referring to the people of Scotland, includes all of the people of Scotland whatever thier intention is regarding the referndum vote.

When he says “The whole Westminster elite are losing the referendum campaign, and the people of Scotland are winning it,” it is directly in the context of discussing Osbourne’s revealing that ‘plans to give Scotland greater autonomy, if voters decide to stay in the UK.’ which came ‘after one opinion poll suggested a narrow majority in favour of Scottish independence, in the referendum in less than two week’s time.’

In that one context the FM is simply stating a clear observable fact; the opinion polls for the very first time put the Yes campaign ahead. Westminster then ‘panic’ and come up with proposals to persuade Scotland not to vote Yes.

In that context the remarks are entriely appropriate, as they clearly articulate that there is a substantial movement toward Scotland winning the referendum against the clear opponents, which are Westminster. Our opponents are not No voters.

No voters are being informed by the media of the disasters that await a Yes win, same as Yes voters are. If as has been the case that more and more people of Scotland have moved toward voting Yes, then it shows increasingly that our opponents whose mouthpiece is the msm, is failing to convince a clear cut majority of so called No voters, which was thier starting position remember, of the case for the union.

When we vote, in our first past the post system, whoever has the majority wins. It’s that simple. If it is Yes, then…truly Team Scotland comes together, including all No voters. If it is a No (heaven forfend), then same respect applies, we on this side at least understand that many No voters may well have fallen for the propaganda that has been orchestrated by Westminster and will duly apply compassion on that front.

We have to live with each other after this. It is Westminster who has run this campaign of terror to skew the entire premise of the referendum. It was supposed to be for ‘the people of Scotland to decide’. It turns out the people of Scotland have been put through an unnecessary, disgraceful lying deceitful barrage of misinformation, obsfucation and downright twisted orwellian mangled double speak in the name of what? In the name of the retention of the great United Kingdom?

What has it shown us all…that there is no United Kingdom, the true state of the union has been shorn of all it’s pomp and pretense. The rhetoric has been of ‘losing’ Scotland’, of us being ‘subsidy junkies’, that we who support Independence, as a noble principle in and of itself, are a ‘virus’. That we are uniquely incapable of all the peoples of this planet of stewarding our own resources, and running our own affairs. That if it wasn’t for Westminster and it’s largesse, we wouldnae be in half as good a position as we are now!

It’s been nothing short of a revelation for many ordinary non political people in Scotland to see the underbelly of this great union; that prides itelf strutting about the world as the big democratic freedom loving mother of all parliaments, turn on it’s ‘own’ people. We are the other half of that great union, and how have they treated us? How have we realy been perceived all along, well that has certainly been made known and felt in these past few months.

We will not turn on ourselves. We will not rise to the bait of those who are setting about dividing us against ourselves in this country. This is Team Scotland.

Whatever happens, we will not be battling each other in the future, we will come together and we will find a way through whatever way the vote goes. We’ve been through worse and survived.

James Forrest

Hey lads and lassies who are still up …

A wee piece tonight from my football blog, On Fields of Green. This one is on independence, of course.

Two years ago a number of us, who the media had sarcastically called The Internet Bampots, fought, and won, a battle for the integrity of Scottish football.

We didn’t know it then … but we’d seen the dress rehearsal for Project Fear. The victory is one of the reasons I came to this campaign so confident, and in particular about our ability to change the landscape via social media.

This referendum has been the most inspiring thing I’ve ever seen in my life. I just read Butterfly Rebellion and I believe the sight of a dude on a bike chasing Labour MP’s up a street with the Darth Vadar theme tune is THE most quintessentially sublime and Scottish act of revolution ever.

Celtic fans call it a “jelly and ice cream” moment. What pleased me most, looking back tonight, was that a campaign the sports press said was built on hate was actually waged with kids snacks, party songs, a mock funeral and people going to football dressed as the Grim Reaper.

This campaign will be remembered for “Bow down to your Imperial Masters …” It’s beautiful, archaic, mental and sublime.

A Very Scottish coup if you ask me.

Joe Kinnear

Wonderful weekend and a truly brave effort by an amazing young woman that will not be bullied by the Westminster establishment and those on its gravy train.

All around Scotland the vibe and feel has been that of a gentle ‘people’s revolution’ – we see through their lies and corruption much like the people of Eastern Europe did to their tired and discredited political establishments around 25 years ago.

Stay positive, focused and try to get as many folks on board for Yes.

James Forrest

I should posted the link too of course 🙂

link to


@Leither (if you’re still around)
Alex Salmond is NOT the entirety of the Yes campaign.

What he says is purely his own view, and/or that of the SNP who are one of several parties who are mere individual “components” of the Yes campaign, and NOT the whole campaign itself.

The Yes campaign is bigger than the SNP or any single party within it.

That is all. End of story. Goodnight!

Anyways, back on topic.
Are there any other get-togethers planned before the 18th?
Really wishing I’d been able to get to the PQ one 🙁

Mary Bruce

I think you might be right about Leither, Colin. The media jumped on Jim Sillar’s day of reckoning comments, this could be someone looking for more of the same.

I find it fairly difficult to see why someone is spending so much time pursuing this line of debate unless they are trying to incite negative comments about no voters.

Socrates MacSporran

Wonderful thing insomnia. But for this, I would have missed James Forrest’s wee piece, which drew comparisons between the SFA’s reaction to the implosion of the old Rangers and the referendum.

As James correctly states, the “wee people” in Scottish football got the better of “We Arra Peepul” and, after the shenanigans of SDM and Craig Whyte, “old” Rangers died and the present-day tribute act was despatched to the lowest tier of Scottish senior football.

Now, had the power-brokers of Scottish football had their way, the tribute act under Charles Green, would have been allowed to carry-on playing in the top flight of the game up here. Rangers, like the big London banks, were too-big, too-rich and too-powerful to be allowed to fail.

The reality is, once Rangers weree liquidated, any new club which bought Ibrox and wanted to resume, should perhaps have ben forced to start again in Central League Division Two of the West Region of the Scottish Junior FA.

Instead, a fudge was cobbled together, whereby the tribute act was allowed to start again in the Third Division of the senior Scottish League – then, some partial re-organisation was carried out.

We didn’t maybe get everything we needed, or that was desirbale, but, we got some change and, things are certainly better.

The future of Scotland is, I would suggest, far-more important than the future of Rangers, either the now dead old club or the tribute act – but, I see similarities.

After we vote Yes, “old” Scottish Labour, indeed old “New Labour Scotland”, the “old” Scottish Tories and the “old” Scottish Lib-Dems will, like “old” Rangers, be dead.

But, we do not have a Third Division of Scottish Politics to which we can condemn them – far less a Scottish Junior Political FA.

They will have to reform and change. Indeed, once their reason d etre – Independence – has been achieved, I would suggest the SNP will also have to change.

So, just as the SFA came up with a new set-up, so must the broad church of Scottish political life.

I maybe do not see some within SLab being able to change – I certainly cannot see Crash Gordon being able to adapt his thinking and his way of working to the new reality of Independence. I hae ma doots about Jo-Lam and some of her inner circle, but, somehow, we have to get those who are capable of changing and working towards making post-Independence Scotland a real, functioning country.

Some of those on the No side will fade away, indeed, some on the Yes side may feel, having achieved independence, they might wish to leave it to other, younger talent, to take things forward.

However, as he leads the negotiations with rUK, Alex Salmond will HAVE to put together the best-possible Team Scotland, to get the best-possible deal from these negotiations.

Provided they realise – this is a one-time-only chance, to get things right and provided they accept the realpolitik that – post-independence, Westminster is a dead duck,to whom they have no further allegiance, then every Scot or every Scottish resident, is eligible to be part of Team Scotland.

Just as I am not always happy with the personnel in Gordon Strachan’s or Vern Cotter’s Team Scotland sporting sides, I might not be happy with Alex Salmond’s selections for his Team Scotland political side.

Provided, however, they genuinely “play for the jerseys”, I will support the selection. Indeed, as with WGS, so too with Wee Eck; we simply do not have enough talent that we can leave out any international class politicans.

We will need, for the political Team Scotland, players with experience of the English Premiership – Westminster and the Civil Service – some of whom we might not be sure about.

For their part, these chosen team members, must be prepared to roll up their sleeves and get stuck in, for the future good of Scotland.

However, that is for the future. For the next three days, we have to put-on, what Jock Stein called: “Scotland’s national dress”, our boiler suits and working clothes and get out there to secure the Yes win.

If we cannot do that, we will not need to worry about Team Scotland, because Team Westminster will rip us to bits post Thursday’s big match.

Mary Bruce

@James: “I believe the sight of a dude on a bike chasing Labour MP’s up a street with the Darth Vadar theme tune is THE most quintessentially sublime and Scottish act of revolution ever.”

He was truly magnificent. Comedy genius causing political devastation. The whole stunt collapsed in an instant, 100 MPs travelling all the way to Glasgow, their journey made pointless within 30 seconds of stepping off the train. Better than anything off the Thick of It.

The Man in the Jar

Man in a rickshaw wi a megaphone, a CD player(?) and a video camera trashing the Labour party. AKA Empire Biscuit.

380,793 “hits” in under three days. 🙂


New spex not required after all, it was Stu in Glasgow, he’s tweeted that some Dark Siders spotted him too …

bookie from hell

bfh—houston we have a problem —- better together

Nadine Dorries this week, who blasts Cameron over Devo Max: “Why are we paying for them to eat deep-fried Mars bars?”


Just thought you’d all like to know that the demonstration down at the BBC made the ABC news bulletin here in Australia. The commentator put the attendance figure at over a thousand. Certainly looked very impressive. Well done!

James Dow

The man in the rickshaw give him the order of Scotland with St Andrew Cross bars, So Scottish, so right, so creative.


@ bookie from hell says:15 September, 2014 at 3:32 am

bfh—houston we have a problem —- better together

Nadine Dorries this week, who blasts Cameron over Devo Max: “Why are we paying for them to eat deep-fried Mars bars?”

….And what’s wrong with eating deep-fried Mars Bars, Nadine Whoever-You-Are? You can even buy them here in Sydney at an Italian-owned chippy overlooking
Bondi Beach. Apparently, the Japanese tourists love ’em!


K1 @ 0213: ‘It turns out the people of Scotland have been put through an unnecessary, disgraceful lying deceitful barrage of misinformation, obsfucation and downright twisted orwellian mangled double speak in the name of what?’

Alec Salmond’s ego.


Shift change at 5am.

Another Expat

I’ve been thinking – as I do when most Wingers are still asleep.

Michael Gove has his work cut out for him this morning, whipping all those Tory MPs on to the Glasgow train. I wonder how many will show up?

And what will greet them? Pandas maybe?

Have another great day.


Mention of wbb in Herald – Campaigners out in their thousands for last few days:

“Kirsty MacLeod, 31, is from Stockbridge but attended university in Newcastle and then worked in London for a decade.

She admits the “Wee Blue Book” – from Wings Over ­Scotland website campaigner Stuart Campbell – almost swayed her with its economic arguments, but she returned to No as an emotional response. “I’d be gutted if it’s a Yes. I would cry,” she said.

It’s a good endorsement. Shows that heart can rule over head.


We shall overcome.Why aren’t we singing it?

john king

Lesley-Anne says
“Would that be the bed recently installed in your wife’s new shed then John? :P”

Dont slate it unless youve tried it, its really comfy in ma wee shed. 🙂

Famous15 @ 10.37

Dear sweet Jesus,
just when I think its safe to go back to porridge again then you write that,
Irene are there any kippers?
“who put you off your breakfast this time”?
It was Famous15,
totally ratted on! 🙂

There you go Croompenstien
Hot girl in video and me holding the left side of the wings banner as you look at it, thats me with the hat on. 🙂
thanks Icyspark
link to
Why didnt you come over and say hello?

Handclapping says
“Can anybody find Grouse Beater a coat?”

like this you mean?
link to

Liether says
“Are you sure you’re an independence supporter?”

Relax there pilgrim
you seem just a tad too keen to get people on this site to state that the victors get write the history,
maybe thats whats wrong with the world,
the vanquished expect to be given the bums rush,
Time to rewrite the rule book methinks,

On your way scoundrel.

Call me Dave (no the real one)
@05.56 on Scottish news, says
“if we vote yes there will be no way back”
Tell us Dave we’re all ears? so Scotland is that precious to your “family of nations” if we have the audacity to leave the family we’ll not have a welcome back if we (snigger) realise what fools we’ve been?

doesn’t sound like a very loving family to me Dave, good luck with that rice paper thin threat, you know you have NOTHING and resorting to childish threats is all you have left in your little box of goodies.

I pray by all that is holy that we are able to say on Friday,
Oh and by the way, dont hold your fucking breath!


Oh.And good morning to all you filthy,separatist scumbags out there! Ain’t it great to be so hated by such low life as the British establishment? We’re on our way to freedom.We shall not be moved!


John Beattie,BBC
Good morning John.Any comments on the Lindsay Sharp Story.Legend?

john king

Mornin mealer
you filthy seperatist scumbag! 🙂


Mealer @ 6:17 am
We shall overcome.Why aren’t we singing it?

I know what you mean, but I think that might be seized on by BT who would start screaming that that was the anthem of the US Civil Rights Movement and clearly a sign that the FM thinks he’s Martin Luther King etc. etc.

Here’s what has to be the most perverse use of that song ever (beware, it’s rather raucous and not a pretty sight either):

link to

That was four years ago: the then mayor of Stuttgart (one of the richest cities in Germany), the Chairman of Deutsche Bahn and various national and regional MPs along with a bussed-in rent-a-crowd were singing it at a demonstration a few weeks after these same people had used water cannon on thousands of protesters (many of them schoolkids and pensioners) who were peacefully protesting against the destruction of a park in Stuttgart to make way for the Stuttgart 21 rail project.
So the bunch on the stage were saying “we shall overcome” the people who are protesting against our multi-billion euro property development project. Quite breathtakingly unbelievable.



Separatist scumbag?

I’ll have you know that I’m a filthy splitist scumbag (Guardian followers only). 😀 LOL

Couldn’t agree more though, we’re on our way. 🙂

Iain Gray's Subway Lament

I notice there was a great deal more bullshit spouted by ‘better together’ with them crowing that while the PQ demo was going on they were leafleting so that somehow proves they are more in touch with the ground.

Fact 1 – Yes were still leafleting away just as we have been all these months and years in huge numbers. The PQ Demo although very big hardly required everyone involved in Yes to attend it.

Fact 2 – We don’t have to beg for leafleters to come from England and elsewhere. We’re getting them in vastly bigger numbers than No off the streets of scotland.

Fact 3 – The time to ‘boast’ about leafleting was months/years ago not in the final few days. Yes have delivered multiple different leaflets and papers by now to doorsteps right across scotland.

Robert Louis

So, here we are, 2 DAYS and 23 HOURS to go!

David Cameron has volunteered to come up ro Scotland today, to help us nail a bigger YES majority. We really should thank him.

This is Scotland’s time. The world is watching. The world is waiting. Now is our chance to re-take our place in the world, as a sovereign nation.


Just saw the pics from the event at Usher hall. Made my heart sing. 🙂

Paul Murphy

@Bookie from hell

Please can you give the details of Nadine Dorries quote there?

She’s my elected MP and I feel a nice letter to her from one of her constituents would be in order.

Robert Louis

Iain Gray’s Subway Lament,

Aye what the votenobordersnothanksukokbittertogether crew cannot fathom, is that despite the protest, the YES teams were still working flat out all weekend.

More volunteers than they could possibly imagine. Shows how disconnected they really are.



No one signs a cheque with a pencil.

USE A PEN when you vote.

It is odds on the NO Campaign WILL attempt to rig the vote,

using the Labour Party machine.



O/T BBC Radio 4 this morning (a little before 7) tried to be sort-of impartial as they discussed how businesses wanted to take a neutral stand. (I presume that complaints have been made by those selfsame businesses.)

However, they then brought out their tame academic and went into the “They’re a’ doomed if they vote YES” meme. Too little, too late. As far as I am concerned, it is the BBC that is doomed.


Can a bunch of ordinary Scots take on the entire London establishment and media and win their independence?





Would be awesome if this went viral !
link to

john king

Mealer says
“Can a bunch of ordinary Scots take on the entire London establishment and media and win their independence?”

Can I phone a friend?
Eh is the answer em YES?
Yep thats my final answer, YES! 🙂


John King,

So your the so and so who was ringing my phone when I was in the loo!

Well I’m glad you managed to make your own mind up, about time too.

bookie from hell

Paul Murphy

nadine quote was from the Sun On Sunday(English Version)

guido fawkes interview



Good question and easily answered – YES.

Its the one thing I’ve been most grateful to the Scottish government for over the past three years, their acting as a human shield for the electorate. They provided prudent, sensible government which gave the public faith that this was not beyond us. They gave us the chance to prove ourselves when no other would. And through this entire period they have taken the brunt of the most ferociously negative smear campaign in UK political history, allowing YES Scotland to get on with the job of reaching family, friends and neighbours.

The Scottish government gave the Scottish people the confidence and the space to hold this debate amongst ourselves and take on the establishment ourselves. They gave the people the space to make up their own minds and argue their own cases, organise ourselves, make our own events, make our own ways of reaching out, communicating, interacting. From this, I believe, will spring a new politics as well as a renewed nation.

But mibbie that’s just me. 🙂

Nana Smith

Post on twitter

Henry Charles Albert David Windsor 30 today.

Getting 10 million quid as a pressie!



Awww, bless.


Mealer says: 15 September, 2014 at 7:57 am

Can a bunch of ordinary Scots take on the entire London establishment and media and win their independence?

Yes by getting the vote out
and by protecting the vote on the ballot paper with a pen.

Ballot paper + Pencil + Rubber = NO vote

Think about it.


Nana Smith

Anyone know where Davy is setting up his begging bowl.

Behind closed doors or is he actually going amongst the public.



I wonder if he’ll get one of they cards with holes that you put the coins in?

Alastair Bishop


The best advice is to use a pencil. Pen can smudge leading to spoiled ballot paper.

Nana Smith


He took a wrong turn and went to Ireland instead….

link to


link to
Know your place Scotland. First CiF, God save the queen, and her fascist regime.

Last Monday in the yewkay!


Alastair Bishop,

It takes more than a smudge to spoil a ballot paper.

The criteria is whether there is a clear intention.



link to

“It’s not who votes that counts

but who counts the votes.”

Protect your vote by using a PEN.


So they were wrong about instant annhilation if we vote yes.

Ireland’s been independent for ages and the alien invasion has only just started. (Looks pretty containable anyway).


O/t sorry if mentioned but..
Newsnet Scotland have Petition to have
broadcasting devolved
brought under the control of the Scottish people.

link to


Posted on Graun. See if you can watch it without a lump in your throat, at least.
link to

Robert Peffers

@Grouse Beater says: 14 September, 2014 at 11:36 pm:

“Am taking time off now to read the unopened Sunday Herald I bought and nurse a bloody toothache.”

My old Grand Dad had advice about treating toothache, Grouse Beater. He said, “Tak a dram o a guid malt whisky”.

If asked, “Wull yon cure it Grand Dad”? he would reply, “Nay Laddie, bit ye’ll be muckle mair gled tae hae it”.

Mind you Grand Dad gave the same advice for everything from an ingrowing toenail to a bad attack of dandruff.



The idea that anybody could take out a rubber and a change a vote at the count is risible.


Scotland beware. Despite the efforts of this exceptionally brave young woman, all is about to be undone. I heard this morning that the NO campaign have secured the services of that intellectual giant David Beckham. Be afraid, be very afraid.


I don’t want to spoil my ballot paper, so I will use the provided blunt pencil but lean heavily to indent the paper. That way it can’t be changed.

Nana Smith


Oh no, has he taken our ball away?

Socrates MacSporran

Well – BT have tried everything else, so, why not bend it like Beckham.


@heedtracker Thanks for that reminder. Beautiful, it gets me every time I watch it.


Re ballot papers as Cearc says its intention during the Euro Elections one voter put “wank” against all but one and put “good guy” against the remaining candidate, his vote was allowed as he showed clear intent.

Just leaving Scarborough for home, cant believe how poorly informed people are down here they are for big shock Friday!

Caroline Corfield

Agree K1

Lost earlier comment in box, is site under attack?


Is the Queen up to speed? What an inane comment “to think carefully before making a decision”.

Many of us have been thinking about it for most of our lives and for those who haven’t there has been a long long campaign to think about it.

I suspect the Queen is getting her information from the metropolitan media who are trying to get up to speed.

bookie from hell


the worst hatchet job of Scotland so far

link to


An excellent and perceptive article in the Grauniad, bookie from hell @ 08.56.

In all the SNP mockery at the prospect of rUK, it seems nobody has thought of the possibility of rScotland.

Lesley-Anne in D & G has reported that 10 counties are solid for the Union, including D & G. What if these 10 decide, we want out of nationalist Scotland, we’re British, we want to stay in the UK.

Wouldn’t that be their democratic right?


@ bookie from hell, its just another British nationalism good etc

“Or vote yes and inevitably consolidate in power the SNP, a group of politicians who believe only in my country right or wrong, rich or poor. Things are economically bad, and unjust, all over Europe. Anger is understandable, and right. But please, don’t vote for people who will make things even worse.”

He means you and me and everybody, the working people of Scotland and we cant possibly allow them anywhere near running their own country. But as T Sheridan signs off his glorious speeches, could we do any worse than those feels in London!

Helena Brown

Bookie, had a look, which is naughty for me as I have banned myself from clicking. I have to say what a miserable sod that wee man is, he had to be supporting No, they are all miserable sods. Now why do you think that is, they after all say they are winning, could it be this is yet another lie.
Husband has come out with a really good reason for Mr Cameron’s vsit, he who says that this is for the Scots to decide. It is that he is here to prop up his ailing premiership so that he can say that he tried to keep the Scots when he concedes defeat on Friday. The reason for his accompanying crew is so he can throw some of the heat onto them to take it off him. What do you all think?


Lol, its always amusing when hardcore unionist nuts support an Ireland or India style partition. Do the British EVER learn anything from history


cearc says:15 September, 2014 at 8:36 am

The idea that anybody could take out a rubber and a change a vote at the count is risible.

That may be your idea – but it certainly isn’t mine.

Grouse Beater

BfH: the worst hatchet job of Scotland so far

I’ve read worse, but is yet another odious example of the arrogant colonial mind. “How can these people suppose they can run their own affairs? They are a region of England whose policies for rich and poor alike are egalitarianism personified?”

The writer – never heard of him and home to never again – shows not a scintilla of effort to understand what democratic structures are missing or undermined in Scotland, nor is there any acknowledgement that his country’s political system is corrupt, and its economic system rotten to the core

And like many another, he misquotes Orwell for his own vain purposes:

Orwell and Nationalism grousebeater.wordpress

Les Wilson

heedtracker says:

Probably the best version I have ever heard. Yes lump in the throat time.

Black Douglas

@bluedug the 👿

Regions dearie not counties, unlike Gloucestershire. 😀

Grouse Beater

The wee proto-fascists politicians coming out of their shell as expected.

They say if a Yes win by only a few points it will not count. Aye, send in the troops. Bombard the Scots with fried Mars bars.

Marker Post

Went to PQ yesterday, it was incredible.

Saw the debate last night too, format was so poor, the audience on both sides was too partisan, cheering every single statement from the side they supported. There was no follow-up from the chair, no attempt to explore any issues further. Can’t imagine that a single person could form any opinion as a result of last night.


Thoughtsofascot 0914, and how would you have prevented the partition of India in view of Jinnah’s demands?



well, if you are so concerned, I presume that you have registered as a counting agent in your area?

dennis mclaughlin

Everyone take a good long look at our Prime Minister.

He is a “Dead Man Walking”.

Good riddance from me :).


Jon Snow coverage Channel 4 wednesday, THE GREAT BRITISH BREAKUP! After all the work they’ve put in savaging Scottish democracy on their tod for years and years, its not a break up, its the great escape from UKOK liggers from hell.

link to should be Scotland’s national anthem.

Proud Cybernat

Shut the polling booth curtain, take your mobile and photograph your ballot paper with your X in the YES box.

Chris Baxter

Fellow Yessers, please do not indulge the silly troll if they return. They crave the attention. Ignoring them will drive them crazy.

Nana Smith

After a weekend of ukok neo fascism pouring out of every bettertogether orifice, this is the only counter there is

link to

Grouse Beater

For those concerened about the supposed, alleged, possible, maybe, could’ve, Chinese whisper of the Queen – there’s no hard evidence she uttered a word – have a read for light relief of:

Kermit’s Spawn grousebeater

Chris Baxter

@Bookie From Hell, 08:56

The more they attack, the better for us. The higher the hysteria level, the better for us.


Young tenant farmer and his wife told me yesterday that they are voting YES. This despite huge NO signs on neighbouring land. This could be replicated elsewhere. Also, re: anxieties we all have about the electoral process: will there be committed YES scrutineers as well as NO ones to ensure proper, fair counting and handling of ballots? I think worries about possible irregularities and dirty tricks are genuine, given the nature of NO tactics and the Westminster machine’s determination. Any hint of a rigged NO victory will be explosive.

Chris Baxter

The Queen’s input, or lack thereof, is irrelevant.

Socrates MacSporran

@Bookie from Hell

Must admit, I had never heard of CJ Sansom before (I don’t really do crime fiction), so, I Googled him.

Aye, I suppose, if you’ve donated just under £300,000 to Bitter Together, you have a vested interest in trying to get us to vote No.

Grouse Beater

Good morning all.

So, what naughty Unionist MP must we put in the naughty corner today? It’s rather crowded, isn’t it?

Grouse Beater

Socrates: never heard of CJ Sansom before (I don’t really do crime fiction)

Can’t be that good a crime writer if you have to make enquiries about him.


NO celebrities being trotted out AGAIN – Boyle, et al. People are getting really sick of this tactic. It will have a negative effect for NO.


link to

I LIKE Eck! Just comparing it all to “I like Ike” drives Britnats of a certain age wild with rage but we’re way beyond all their bettreotogether waffle now.

Grouse Beater

900 hits on this topic … might reach 1,000 before Wings puts up the next shock horror.

Alan Mackintosh

Goulashman, Yes, there are heaps of Yessers at the counts. WINGS, Yes Scot, SNP, RIC, Wom for indy, Greens, Farmeres, Gen Yes, Bus for Scot etc. We will be watching…

Will Podmore

Scottish people have the same rights as other UK citizens: equal rights to a UK-guaranteed pension, to help when unemployed, to fully-funded healthcare free at the point of need, and to minimum standards of protection at work, including a UK-wide minimum wage. Where there is no discrimination, there is no case for secession.
So to blame Westminster, not capitalism, is hitting at the wrong target. We need to change the structure of the economy, not change the scope of government.
The fight for a Scottish nationalism is a blind alley. It is divisive, setting worker against worker. Splitting the British working class, which is 95 per cent of the people, would benefit only the 5 per cent. We all have to address our real problem, not the Union but capitalism.
We need to unite the pro-unity sentiments of No supporters and the revolutionary sentiments of so many Yes supporters into one common struggle against capitalism. We all have to take responsibility for our country.

Grouse Beater

Been contemplating the tidal wave of hatred and fury aimed at David Cameron when the Referendum is won for Scottish democracy – his first attendance at PM’s question time.

Quiet! Quiet in the House! The Right Honorable member for Basildon Bond.

Mr Speaker, is the former Prime Minister here to collect his belongings, or merely keeping his seat warm for Mr Boris Johnson?

Uproar mixed with prolonged jeers and cheers from all benches.


Maybe the longest one yet.


Longest post I mean.



There are far more ‘yes’ registered participants than ‘no’. Each registered participant is entitled to the same number of counting agents.

Provided that the ‘yes’ groups have managed to fill their quotas we will be outnumbering no at least 2 to 1 throughout the process.

call me dave

Geez! Daily Express has two page spread news headline inside.

(death of Hitler 2nd May 1945) He man himself full page.
Funny old world init!

Wonder why? . . .Oh surely not!

Dr Ew

Last week was emotional. The weekend was emotional. Starting what is going to be an even more emotional week by reading this and I’m in floods of tears.

What a woman. What an inspiration. What a movement.


Honestly,don’t see why he has to resign because democracy will have been shown to have worked. Unless of course,he was expected to be undemocratic…


The Butterfly Rebellion.

A very apt description. 🙂

link to

I like it.

Private Fraser

Just watched a segment on BBC News in which the correspondant in Edinburgh interviewed a Herald journalist – which was stated as being “Pro-Independence” btw – to get the low-down on all the latest Referendum news. Sounds fair enough, doesn’t it? The journalist chosen? Why, Catherine MacLeod of course! That’s the Catherine Macleod who used to work as a media adviser for Flipper Darling, and is still listed as being his “close friend” on his Wiki page.

The first thing she did was to denounce the protest outside BBC at Pacific Quay, effectively libelling this essentially good natured crowd a dangerous rabble who’d shamed Scotland. She then gave a brief analysis of both sides’ arguments. The No sides’ by now tiresomely familiar “arguments” were soberly listed (the usual “we’re doomed” stuff, basically), with MacLeod describing them as being both “head and heart” reasons. She then expounded on the Yes sides’ arguments, which basically consisted, according to her, of Alex Salmond saying “everything’s going to be just fine”. In contrast to her sober listing of the No sides’ arguments, this was said with a distinctly sneering tone and barely concealed rolling of the eyes. Interview over! Even the BBC correspondent was visibly surprised at what she’d seen.


link to One of the most ferocious anti Scots democracy ranters going still clutching at rule Britannia straws.

All the dirty digger had to do was monster Scotland exactly like the broadsheets have done for years but he didnt.

link to

Grouse Beater

Macart: The Butterfly Rebellion.

To my mind somehow it doesn’t ring true attached to the Scottish character. Anyhow, its a variation on the ‘Velvet Revolution.’

The Thistle Rebellion, is more apt, or if you prefer satire, The Midges Bite Back.


“We need to unite the pro-unity sentiments of No supporters and the revolutionary sentiments of so many Yes supporters into one common struggle against capitalism. We all have to take responsibility for our country.”

Our country meaning the UK? Is Scotland not a country then because as far as I can tell you can’t have a country within a country? Also why is that people who follow this international socialist line don’t seem to have any solidarity with people in say the ROI, that their principles appear to stop at the UK border? More like Unionist first, Socialist second. I would say that sums up the Labour Party but they are not even socialists anymore.

Instead of us chopping up our lifeboat and then sitting in the cold waiting for the masses in the rest of the UK to save us, which they have shown no inclination to do, why don’t we do it ourselves? By doing this we can make a stand against big business and can hopefully inspire them and others to follow a similar path.


Alan Mackintosh,

Were you at the agents meeting yesterday? Garve didn’t attempt to get us all together introduce us to each other (unless it was before I arrived).

I am sending you a wee email, hope that’s Ok.

Nana Smith


What meeting? My hubby was waiting for an email from Garve over the weekend which he didn’t get.


The Midges Bite Back!

Give the man (grousebeater) a star.


@Will Podmore

You are right, we do need to take responsibility for our country. That’s I will be voting YES!

jackie g

Morning all,

Just though i would share this with you, two idiots in our office that i have been subjected to listening to for the past few months(one a Tory) have faces like sour plums this morning as even they have conceded that the NO camp have blown it big time and no visit from Dave will change that..keep the faith the end is near.



That’s WHY I will be voting YES!


Ok, getting a bit worried now. Where’s Stu? Is it just a lie in from yesterday’s party, or something more sinister? The wouldn’t… would they?


It was 4.00 yesterday. I particularly asked for the email. Some others knew Rod MacKenzie was there, maybe others?

I’ll email you as well at ‘paul’s’ address but must shower and break my fast first (not cereal).


@Grouse Beater

Aye, I’d go with that – ‘The Midges Bite Back’.

Hard to hit a cloud of constantly biting midges and that’s just how they’ve found it in the opposition camp. 🙂


Macart you beat me to it – what an article that is from Robin

PS the midges don’t bite back, the wee shits bite first


Today’s Herald is a very strong unionist organ. Headlines favour No the way they are edited, prominence to certain articles and much use of the pejorative. If they declare before the referendum, I would be surprised if it was other than Vote No.

It makes me wonder if the Sunday Herald’s pro independence stance with a much smaller readership, was the Herald Group hedging their bets no matter the outcome, enabling them to say “editorial freedom”.


That’s it then ,I have to vote no now because a millionaire former England captain wants me to stay.Not.

Get a grip,now they are really grabbing at straws in the wind.


Proud Cybernat
Unless you have a silent mobile that will not flash, suggest that you don’t!
In lo-light conditions the camera WILL flash – dead give away that you have used a camera of some sorts


link to
Check out John Lewis ad at start. Will John threaten people with prices rises of they vote Farage or would that be a ridiculous reputation trashing intervention in the democratic process, by one more super rich teamGBist?


I believe the Yes sign was removed from the Castle rock by Historic Scotland yesterday.

Grouse Beater

Will John threaten people with prices rises.

They now deny they ever said such a thing.

the Yes sign was removed from the Castle rock by Historic Scotland yesterday.

Inevitable. Another should be installed the day before voting day.


The Queen is impartial and non-political we are told.

This is a lie.

It was inevitable that her ‘innocent’ remark was going to be taken as a signal of her support for the Union by the media and Better Together.

Anyone with more than two brain cells can guess what the Queens position is going to be, but as usual it’s the biased media who have attempted to make political capital out of her remark.

Socrates MacSporran

Some discussion on here about Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch might not be a very nice man – few people who get to head mega-rich multi-national corporations apparently are nice people. It takes a certain cold determination and ruthlessness to get to the very top.

But, as more than a few of we older hacks are only too-willing to concede: he is probably the best of the media owners on the go today.

Now, that is in some ways a back-handed compliment, and, that almost-certainly makes him the best of a bad lot.

Murdoch began as a journalist, he believes in journalists. Certainly many of our number – Coulston and so forth, have repaid the trust he has given them badly. We may think he has manipulated opinion and events, but, he has never yet had to face a judge and jury.

I would rather work for a Murdoch title than for some of the other big media concerns, because, Murdoch backs his workers.

As a freelance, I have been hung out to dry by the likes of the record, when things have gone ape-shit. I have never been let-down by a Murdoch title.

As I said earlier. I don’t think he’s necessarily a nice man – I wouldn’t like to cross him, or his titles, but, if asked to choose between News International, Trinity Mirror, Daily Mail and General Trust, The Telegraph, Independent, Guardian or even DC Thomson, Johnston Press (who own The Scotsman), or Gannet (who own the Herald), or the BBC – I’d go for NI, the Murdoch outfit.

And finally, he hates the British Establishment, which is no bad thing.

Grouse Beater

The Queen is impartial and non-political we are told.

She knows full-well there’s a sizeable number of Scots republican, and that it’s only a matter of time before they make their voice heard.

I agree with those who say, rightly, having her in a Constitution is wholly at odds when it’s a constitution for sovereignty of the people.

Ian Brotherhood
Robert Peffers

@cearc says: 14 September, 2014 at 11:26 pm:

“It took him a while to find Scotland on the map.”

Nah! It took him a long time to pluck up the courage to ask his wife if he could offer his opinion. After he did it took her a while to explain what it was all about as he thought it was something to do with International football caps. Not to mention she had a bit of trouble getting the opinions of the rest of the WAGs to be able to form her opinion.


link to

Graun dudes ends with “mainstream politics thats left millions of people behind and when that happens shouldn’t be surprised we end up with a world turned upside down”

Three more days of Jacky Bird and co explaining how shite Scotland is.

Les Wilson

Maybe I have missed something, but has the REV been kidnaped or something, is he unwell?

Nana Smith

For what it’s worth.

When I went to my local shop yesterday the YES campaign was in the car park. I took the opportunity to ask them for a copy of the Wee Blue Book. I was told they didn’t have any as the demand for them was huge. One of the campaigners had even given his copy to woman who was still deciding and she had promised to give it back. The ultimate sacrifice.

It seems that there is a lot of knowledge about the existence of WBB which bodes well for this blog that they are getting the YES message out there.


OT but I have to say of all the celebs speaking out Brian Cox shines above all – intelligent, incisive and passionate and puts SLAB where is belongs – in the ground approx 6ft under! (and one of the best actors we have to boot!)


@ ger 12.11
Wow! Just read the posts in the link you supplied above – so damning of the Labour party of Tony Blair,it’s hard to believe that this wasn’t more widely known at the time (or since). Thanks. Reposting it for those who missed it above.
link to

Alan Mackintosh

cearc, yes I was there, with wee Norman on my shoulder

Andy smith

Just watched Russia today rip the piss out our glorious free press ..lovely .


link to from hells heart they’re striking etc

They;re using threat from Center of Policy Studies, founded by St Thatcher and Keith Joseph, lol

link to

Free Scotland

Remember this one?

Free Scotland

Chairman: Lord Saatchi of CPS, shock


@Les Wilson

According to a early morning tweet,The Rev is currently addressing a mahoosive tsunami of e-mails, tweets and pending posts brought on by a massive surge in unique page views for the website.



Les Wilson

kendomacaroonbar says:

Thanks Kendo, was just starting to be a bit concerned.
However, I completly understand the reasons you have given.
Good luck Stu, must be hard getting through all this stuff.


link to

Also CPS you’re doomed Scotland without us but this is so good they wrote Beckham saves the union twice in case we don’t get that Beckham and the Queen really love us. Always felt Becks love, me.

“A mass rally will be held on Monday night in Trafalgar Square. A mass rally will be held on Monday night in Trafalgar Square, while David Beckham has also added his voice to those hoping that Scotland does not decide to leave. In an open letter to voters, the former England captain said: “My sincere hope is that you will vote to renew our historic bond which has been such a success over the centuries and the envy of the entire world.”

Robert Peffers

@heedtracker says:15 September, 2014 at 12:07 am:

Ah! heedtracker, the answer to your question to Jim Murphy, “Jim how come you need two irn bru crates anyway?” will not be answered by Mr Murphy as he doesn’t do answers but I can give you the definitive answer. Jim’s feet are much bigger than his intellect.

Les Wilson

heedtracker says:

All this guff, forgets that we are suffering from doom overload, we no longer listen. Scots do not appreciate being bullied, and are turned off by those pushing this stuff, it is ALL about the needs of the UK and their pain if we vote YES. It is nothing to do with Scottish democracy.

It is ALL about them, and we now get that, big time.

fred blogger

i am of an age where i knew many ww2 veterans and some ww1 vets, including vets of the somme, burma, and dunkirk (my father in law was @ dunkirk and in the 8th army), my own father was an RE.
ALL bar none were staunch socialists.
a tory would not get over the threshold, and if once in, they said they were a tory, booted out in disgust.
the socialist revival emerged from ww2.
without it, the NHS et al would not have happened.
the labcondems, are, have, destroyed what our forefathers fought and died for, to line their pockets.
shame on them!


Sky parliament on now watch


Be Not Afraid…Follow Your Heart!

link to

Grouse Beater

Les: we are suffering from doom overload, we no longer listen.

A good point well made.

I skim over links to doomsters and those who threaten punishment if Scotland dares to ask for better. They are moronic, over-wrought, and undignified.

Instead, I alight on amusing developments – from ‘squeaky bum’ unionists (love that phrase) running around like headless chickens, to the squeak voice of Bend it with Beckham, intellectual giant, philosopher, and tattoo ambassador.

Free Scotland

In an open letter to voters, the former England captain said: “My sincere hope is that you will vote to renew our historic bond which has been such a success over the centuries and the envy of the entire world.”

From whence did David Beckham suddenly acquire the ability to produce complex sentences? This smells of Bullingdon, or (ahem) bull’s dung.



Hi, didn’t know that was who you were. We weren’t introduced!

I saw your comment just after I sent the email. Do you actually know any of the other people? Really or virtually?

Your comments on my email would be appreciated.


Historic Scotland removes Yes from Castle Rock.
The same body removed the cone from dukie’s statue in Glasgow and look what happened there.

Mind you Castle Rock is a wee bit bigger than the statue !

Grouse Beater

From whence did David Beckham acquire the ability to produce complex sentences?

Of more than two syllables.

Still chuckling…



Just in case you hadn’t worked it out, I was the disruptive with almost empty batteries!


Crash, Ah ah! he blames every one of us, heavy guitar riff, while airbrushing completely from Scottish history Labour in Scotland’s right to reign over us for ever and ever, amen. All rise

link to

Brown has stepped into the referendum debate so many times now for ‘the first time’ that it has become known as Brownhog Day.

Now that is good

R-type Grunt

Where is Stu?

Flower of Scotland

So SIR Tom Hunter after mulling things over for two years, doesn’t think either side have answered enough questions! YES have not answered the question of currency! He waits until three days before the vote and is really suggesting that people shouldn’t vote at all?

The SIR has maybe something to do with it!


No Thanks leaflet in the post this morning still peddling the ‘more expensive shopping’ lie, among other nonsense, using the Tesco UK vs Tesco Ireland graphic. Were they not told to cease and desist by Tesco? Is this a breach of rules that the Electoral Commission can rule on or is it just up to Tesco to challenge, again?

bookie from hell

Alexander’s statement is in a Better Together news release headed: “Risk to house prices in the event of separation.”

Interestingly, the main Better Together release does not mention the claim that Scottish house prices call fall by £31,000 on average

bfh–naefear till thurs an after

Grouse Beater

Salmond getting harangued by unionist reporters at airport but, as you’d expect, holding his own extremely well, and making sure he stays on message.

What a difference between him and the other elected representatives who refuse to answer questions.

call me dave

Saw this yesterday and smiled internally, this morning it struck me as being more than sour grapes, he actually thinks he can deny Scotland if the YES prevail.

Baron Robertson of Port Ellen

He said “Devolution will kill Scottish nationalism stone dead”.

Lord Robertson also said there could be questions over a slender Yes win this week.

Speaking to this the Herald in Edinburgh last week as polls showed the contest on a knife edge, the former defence secretary said he was not aware of any specific plans by the No campaign to challenge a narrow Yes result, but said legal challenges could “easily” arise.

He said: “The returning officer has said there can be no recount. If it’s very, very tight, you know, you’ve got a real constitutional crisis.

“I’m sure that they [the Yes side] are massively spending at the moment outwith the rules.

“[For example] we saw at the Islay show the massive marquee that they had, hiring in pipers and things like that.”

SNP MSP Humza Yousaf said: “David Coburn’s latest bizarre outburst shows the panic that is gripping anti-independence politicians as more and more people wake up to the opportunities of a Yes vote. The Edinburgh Agreement commits both sides to respect the outcome of the referendum and people in Scotland rightly expect politicians on both sides to stick to that commitment.”
Ah! ‘could easily arise’ shorry my mishtake!

bookie from hell

Kenneth baker–tory MP

“A yes vote would be a disaster for Scotland, but a no vote would be a nightmare for England,” the former home secretary said.


Here in Aberdeen the UKOK convoy of David Cameron’s imperial choppers are coming with our IMPERIAL MASTERS, can hear them just to south of Blairs.

They’re been tailed by these guys link to

Nana Smith

Of course it is all about them……

link to

Paul Murphy


The housing market scares are another red herring, recent research from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) points out:

“At a national level, the sales and demand picture was mixed. In London, the South West and the West Midlands, there was a significant dip in new buyer interest, but Scotland and Northern Ireland were noticeable exceptions, where buyer enquiries remain firm, with a net balance of 43% and 52% respectively.”

So more people looking to buy in Scotland and NI – no signs that the referendum is putting people off.

link to



Fantastic, Empire Biscuits, The Return.

Have you managed to get costumed ‘guards’ together?

Chris Baxter

The Unionists trying to shift the goalposts must be publicised massively. That could be the final push we need!

Archie [not Erchie]

A quiet Sunday in Aberdeen? You gotta be joking! Midday the flashmob took off and was reminiscent of Calton Hill complete with hovercam above the crowd. I was fortunate to be beside our own Winger, X-Sticks, as we held up large YES boards and the ultimate 100ft long banner to the delight of the crowd and media cameras. All day it was a cacaphony of supporting car horns,chanting & traffic chaos. I manned one of the 2 tables at the YES trailer and for 5 hours it was non-stop. At my table alone I could have cleared boxes of the WBB such was the demand.

My enduring moment over the weekend was a Celtic fan on his way back to Glasgow. We chatted, he needed a couple of WBB, we had a laugh and I said I was very impressed by the Yes support from his teams fans. He put a tenner in the campaign bucket. 🙂 On ya go wee man.


Derek Bateman in optimistic mood. I do believe I share his optimism this morning 🙂

” This is all the language of losers thrashing around for justification for defeat”

link to

Is it just me, or am I correct to sense the Tories are already preparing the ground to say that losing Scotland was all Labour’s fault and then directing the backlash in England against this humiliation at Labour? Thus guaranteeing a Tory victory in 2015?

Tîm Criced i Gymru

link to
Has Bitter Tugged-heather had to revert to downsizing it’s venues to a single-decker bus?!

3 days to go ALBA – as we say here in CYMRU/Wales:
Dal i fynd, dal i gredu!
Keep going, keep believing!


Also how much does it cost for a fleet of choppers to bring Cameron and Beaker to Aberdeen anyway and is it part of that waste of space Electoral Commision campaign spending limit? what a empty tub of nothing the EC turned out to be.

Youre not allowed political slogans with militaristic uniformed parades say Electoral Commision. Fcuk off say they lads at the lodge.

But for its worth, God is a YES vote because its pouring rain here in ABZ and all for the lord snooty comedy show with lots and lots of big splashy rich mantears.

Grouse Beater

Nana Smith: Of course it is all about them……

Ah, dear old BBC, mired in debts and distrust, feeling distinctly nervous in their security citadel.

The Pitch – BBC Scotland grousebeater.wordpress

Les Wilson

Ref the housing market, I would expect a fall initially in house prices, but after a short term drop, prices will rise as demand in Scotland will rise.

This will happen by way of demand, as many more high wage jobs enter or market. This is an evitability, the government will be in need of a lot of workers across the spectrum.

People WILL relocate to Scotland as a free society, expats, unhappy English seeking a more welocoming land than theirs is and and will be.
Prices will rise by demand.

Socrates MacSporran

From past experience, I would say, when the Rev seems to take a wee while to put up a new post, it is generally the prelude to an absolute cracker.

I can hardly contain myself.

Some comment on here about The Herald today. The blatant bias in favour of Bitter Together is getting more and more pronounced, the closer we get to Thursday.

I have a sad wee obsession to admit to. I love posting replies to John MacIntyre OBE’s pish. In the past couple of weeks, none of these have got past moderation – they simply do not appear, yet OBE is allowed to troll his cut and paste pish on a many times daily basis.

I know, we should not feed the troll, but, I reckon, if I do it, it saves everyone else.

Never mind. I have the personal e-mails of the Herald executives who are running the pro-Union bias. Once the campaign is over, on Friday, I shall e-mail them privately and will not miss them and hit the wall.

An old press box colleague of mine, one of the last of the old Mitchell Street Herald guys still working full-time tells me, he has the honorary title on a sports desk which has a distinct Celtic bias of: “Token Hun”.

I suppose, somewhere in The Herald, there must be a: “Token Yesser”. A guy I’d like to meet and buy a drink for.

Robert Peffers

@Valerie says: 15 September, 2014 at 12:07 am:

“The Yanks have waded in now saying they would be happy to take Trident off our hands! No doubt nudged by their UK peers – just until they make a suitable place down south you understand! They are even saying there is a suitable sub base in Georgia.

Now isn’t that a strange thing, Valerie?
I’ve been telling, anyone who would listen, just that for many long years. Only to be told by sundry, “Experts”, that it was not possible. Yet I was one of the first to set foot on the first nuclear powered submarine to come to Scotland. Joining HMS Dreadnought from the Pilot Cutter out by the Isle Of May as the boat headed for Rosyth Royal Dockyard. The reason being I had built, (and designed most of), the shore connections, fire and safety alarms required for supporting a berthed, or docked, Nuclear Powered Submarine.

I was later involved in the CCTV and other remote control gear for refulling a nuclear reactor and then involved in the RADIAC – (RadioActive Detection, Indication And Computation Lab.

There are no problems in berthing Nuclear Powered boats and the USA has full setups for dealing with both weapons & missiles. So the boat,(s), on patrol are not affected, Devonport can refuel them and the missiles and warheads could be unloaded from the submarines in the USA as the boat on patrol are coming home after patrol.

But I suppose the, “Experts”, know something I do not.

C Reid

I’m not a citizen of Scotland – so I have no vote.
I was born and lived my early childhood in Scotland – since then I’ve lived in the Rep. of Ireland. and held Irish citizenship.
Ive always told others who ask about my Scottish upbringing – “if Scotland becomes independant – I will humbly apply for Scotish citizenship”. I would be proud to hold a Scottish passport.

I really hope to see democracy in action and hope losing side have courage to accept the peoples stated vote.
Go n-éirí an tadh leat” – Good luck – Many here will be watching Thusday evening with great interest !

Chris Baxter

A brilliant quote from Derek Bateman regarding Brown:

He is promising what is not in his gift to deliver

Socrates MacSporran

Flower of Scotland @ 11.30

I live in Sir Tom Hunter’s home village. Ah kent his faither.

OK, fair doos, he does give every kid at the local primary school a free season ticket for the local swimming pool every year. However, he could have done far more good for his home village, had he diverted even one of the many millions of £s he has donated to Africa to his ain folk.

But, maybe then, he wouldn’t have “got his K” and become Sir Tom.


Beckham’s emergence should finally put the kiss of death on the NO campaign.


Was talking to some friends & neighbours over the weekend. One works for the NEL, and he said they’d been given a letter, not specifically saying “vote no”, but that much of their work depended on UK govt contracts, and there was uncertainty over the future of the NEL in the event of a yes vote.

The other works for North Lanarkshire Council, and he said this morning they all got letters saying the council supports a No vote. He said they all ripped their letters up! However, can/should the council be doing this?!


Have the liggers hit bottom yet? This great hair do thinks its all been so unfair but last week the Graun said even neo fascist local rags like the Press and Journal were all neutral too. Through the looking glass with the liggers.

link to

How Yes put us all in the frame for an unfair debate


Sorry,what/who is the NEL?

Grouse Beater

However, can/should the council be doing this?!

Absolutely not!

It is a flagrant breach of the democratic process both in spirit and in law. Individuals can not act over employees as if a single unit. Any implied threat of job loss is akin to blackmail.


@Socrates MacSporran

If you were the Scotland football team manager would you want players that couldn’t be trusted not to deliberately score own goals every time they played?

That is exactly what Wee Eck would have to guard against if he included the naysayers in his team.
You can’t expect a frothing at the mouth, british nationalist who has spent the last year or so denigrating the Scottish people, uttering lies, and using scare tactics at every opportunity, to suddenly turn overnight, in to team Scotland at the negotiating table of their previous masters.
I for one would be fervently against any use of these people in a iScotland negotiating team, they have shown themselves to be untrustworthy and chained to the unions apron strings.


@ I’veNeverSeenBraveheart, here in Aberdeen our unionist council sent everyone their last council tax bill with a letter stating Aberdeen was bettertogether with the UK. They said shut up vote no and its ok because SNP spent tax payers money on the White Paper so they could spend tax payers money on etc.

Unionist Aberdeen City council are basically bankrupt. Not bad really, for the Oil Capital of Europe. They want a tram now, like Embro.

Grouse Beater

Westminster is banging the drums of war … again, telling Scotland we must unite to beat terrorism.

‘The bitch that bore the runt is in heat again.’

Happily UK-USA terrorism is called spreading democracy.

Robert Peffers

@Leither says: 15 September, 2014 at 12:08 am:

“If you live in Scotland but aren’t part of the ‘people of Scotland’, what are you?”

Here, Leither, is the definition of, “The People of Scotland”.“Those of any colour, creed or country of origin who are mainly resident in Scotland and who are registered to vote in Scottish elections from that domacile”.

Go figure it out for yourself, Leither.


OT – Robin McAlpine on FIRE! The Butterfly Revolution.

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    • Paul B on Dreaming Of Perfection: “You’d also have a professional civil service to advise. And it’s not like who we currently elect don’t do all…Jan 7, 15:10
    • Geri on And Then What?: “They strike me that they’d vote against it for no other reason than someone took their toys from them &…Jan 7, 15:04
    • rogueslr on Dreaming Of Perfection: “Can’t find the exact quote but it’s along the lines you have more choice of candidates in Moscow West than…Jan 7, 15:04
    • Rev. Stuart Campbell on Dreaming Of Perfection: ““Vanishingly few folk are engaged in politics enough to attend hustings.” Then they’ll get the politicians they deserve. But when…Jan 7, 14:58
    • Andrew F on Dreaming Of Perfection: “I can. Sorry, but this is a wonderful idea that makes perfect sense in theory. In practice it will work…Jan 7, 14:58
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    • Peter A Bell on Where We Stand Now: “What a vast improvement this comment facility is! If I’d known this was here, I’d have commented before.Jan 7, 13:47
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