The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

We are not afraid

Posted on September 14, 2014 by

Alert readers will remember that Gordon Brown, who is apparently some sort of former politician, has recently been spreading the completely baseless scare story that Scots would no longer receive organ transplants or blood transfusions from other people in the UK (and vice versa) in the event of independence.

On Friday night, before the Orange Order marched in the streets of Edinburgh with “NO POPERY” banners, a young woman with a life-limiting illness called Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency climbed the face of Edinburgh Castle with oxygen strapped to her back and tubes up her nose. (The only cure for A1AD is a double lung transplant.)

This is what she did there.




And this was her message to Gordon Brown:

“You may have scared me and my family for a short time but as is the pattern from Westminster, your lies were uncovered and you failed to capture me in your disgusting web of deceit.

We have nothing to add to it.


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I’d have to agree that if Westminster gets even a hint of a chance at rigging the vote, it’s almost certain they’ll take it.
They have far too much to lose to play by the rules. And we all know that vote rigging is no big thing for them, they have the resources to do it and they’ve used them before.

While we’ve been assured that the security around the voting and counting process makes rigging impossible, it never hurts to take extra precautions.
The system depends on humans after all, and humans are fallible.

Hope for the best, but plan for the worst – That way you avoid nasty surprises.

Just my take on the situation…


Some better together people came round my street, asking if we where voting, and what we where voting. They knew everyone’s names. Could they use that information to commit electoral fraud, by voting for people who don’t intend to turn up?

Nana Smith

I wonder how many brown envelopes are changing hands in Aberdeen this morning.

Flower of Scotland

Wouldn’t it be an idea if after a YES vote ( hope it’s YES ) that we had a mass campaign of non payment of the BBBC license. If we all cancelled our payments how could they prosecute us all! We need unbiased reporting on the negotiations that will follow to turn a YES vote into Independence.
If anybody says they’ve cancelled already, I haven’t. I need to listen to all the biased crap to come out of the BBBC!



The National Engineering Laboratory in East Kilbride.

It used to be in the Department of Trade and Industry and was sold off in Thatcher’s time to the German company Siemens. Owned now by another German company TUV.

It is much reduced from its glory days when it employed about 1200 people and was employed in engineering research and development projects covering many disciplines and in international work. It is highly dependent now on research into oil industry projects mainly on sophisticated flow measuring equipment.

My last knowledge of it is that it was trying to get away from being UK government dependent funding and from what I have heard, without much success.

It has recognition world wide in the oil industry with its R&D work, running conferences and sitting on technical committees. I would say it is one of Scotland’s assets and it is essential that it is retained in an independent Scotland. It was one of the first organisations to be involved in the development of wind turbines and in wave generation projects.

Nana Smith

Its certainly been fascinating watching UKOK shills lying at Scotland over and over for years but compare this bettertogether grincher now trying to bullshit he’s a neutral, whine about protest against BBC bias and stuff what actually happened, a few day back even.

link to


link to

History’s written by the winners but you haven’t won yet oh wise and sage with great hair columnist Torrance.


I have been visting this site for a long time on a daily basis but have never commented until now. Every time I read comments on the BBC I quickly come here to calm me down.

I just want to thank everyone for their enthusiasm, humour and hard work towards ensuring we get a YES this week. All my immediate family are voting YES – one who started out as a no has already posted her vote and another don’t know is now a definite YES (I think the week blue book I gave her helped!).

We need to win on Thursday as we have gone passed the point of no return. As the woman on the recent debate said we are now living in the No result and we deserve better than this.



The National Engineering Laboratory in East Kilbride.

It used to be in the Department of Trade and Industry and was sold off in Thatcher’s time to the German company Siemens. Owned now by another German company TUV.

It is much reduced from its glory days when it employed about 1200 people and was employed in engineering research and development projects covering many disciplines and in international work. It is highly dependent now on research into oil industry projects mainly on sophisticated flow measuring equipment.

My last knowledge of it is that it was trying to get away from being UK government dependent funding and from what I have heard, without much success.

It has recognition world wide in the oil industry with its R&D work, running conferences and sitting on technical committees. I would say it is one of Scotland’s assets and it is essential that it is retained in an independent Scotland. It was one of the first organisations to be involved in the development of wind turbines and in wave generation projects.


We’ve only got a few more days of putting up with the Brit Nat offensive- hopefully.

I, for one, will never buy or read any of the MSM papers again.

I linked on to that Guardian article and gave up at once – it’s the same old doom and gloom dross.

All of these papers are establishment and maybe we’ve only got as far as we have because Scotland has always been a bit below the London bubble vision.

They couldn’t in their arrogance believe we would want to leave their world.

Robert Kerr

NEL was the National Engineering Laboratory” at East Kilbride.

Sold to the Germans by the Tories in 1995. Asset Stripping of Scotland in preparation of Independence? Or just badness?

In honesty the owners Technischer Überwachungsverein are world class safety engineers.

link to


Here it be said that the (soon to be ex) politician Jim Murphy will now be known as Two-Crates Murphy.

there I’ve decreed it 🙂

Whatever the last gasp of the British Establishment will be, it will certainly be illegal. Win at all costs now.


What is going on with this blog? It’s playing silly B****rs



Thanks,didn’t know about that,sounds like an important set up.

Caeilte Reid

Friends from Ireland watching

be brave Scotland – few more days !!

Go néirí an t-adh libh


Over 1,000 comments on an article on WoS. Does the MSM get anything like that? The little speech balloon with the number in it is too smalll to cope. Brilliant.

Grouse Beater

For me, the most satisfying sight are unionists who cannot believe they are being rejected after all they have not done for Scotland. We should be grateful for nothing. We should be grateful for 300 years of subservience, second-best, and an ingrained inferiority.

Why are we rejecting them?

Oh, the humanity!



The blog goes to a new page of comments every 500. Click ‘Older comments’ after the last comment to view the previous ones.



many thanks.

Pam McMahon

I need some information please. Could somebody tell me who decided the rUK was to be the “continuing state” with regard to the EU and Nato? Scotland is a nation, and has been for over 1,000 years. It has membership of all organisations and has treaties with exactly the same countries and under the same conditions as rUK. So, can somebody point me at the legal opinion used to decide that Scotland was suddenly not a successor state, and England,Wales and Northern Ireland were? Thanks.


Jim Murphy will now be known as Two-Crates Murphy.

That’s a good flow through. Not Socrates ->> Twocrates. A lesson on bad philosophy.


@JWil, after the page reaches 500 comments a new page replaces the previous one, if you want to look at previous comments, there is a green coloured ‘Older comments’ link at the bottom left hand corner of the current page.


You got there first Icy… 🙂


Has the Revs head exploded as he tries to work out how many posts he needs to cover his experience of listening to Gordon Brown last night?

Grouse Beater

Pam: can somebody point me at the legal opinion used to decide that Scotland was suddenly not a successor state

I stand to be corrected, but ‘UK’ is an English construct, not a Scottish composition, onbe we agreed to as part of a union, or to be more accurate, as part of a trading treaty.

In addition, the UK has to assume liability for all debts accrued under is tenure, therefore, it is the continuing state. Scotland having removed itself from its governance.

Our own administration takes the not dissimilar line, on independence we are the same but different, hence re-entry to the EU and NATO should not be a complex matter.



Thanks for the info. I thought I had lost continuity with my comment. There is always a simple answer. Computers are my technical black hole.


Why do we need a better press and tv in Scotland? Because I have just watched Brazil’s Globo TV report about the referendum, from their team based in London.

They relied on the UK media for their own report, not realising or not caring that the UK media is biased against Scotland. They have been fooled, as we were, into believing that the BBC are honourable.

Globo did not do any proper investigating, simply used footage of the queen shaking hands with a man in a kilt, and of the Orange Order walk in Edinburgh. All very picturesque, but all just a sideshow.

It is annoying and depressing to see the lies of the UK media being reported as truth in Brazil. I suppose I’ll have to try and point them in the right direction, but they’ve got their own presidential elections going on right now.

P.S. Yes, she is almost always called the “rainha da Inglaterra/Queen of England” on the news, and yes, England and Britain are interchangeable terms!


Pam, all the info about how Westminster says Scotland is extinguished is explained and rebutted on this story from Wings last year. link to


I watched a documentary on TV last night about the collapse of East Germany. It’s like watching Scotland. Reality just hasn’t dawned on those in charge, because they’re no longer in charge but think they still are. The Labour ladies and gentlemen haven’t realised they’re irrelevant background noise.

Dr JM Mackintosh

David Beckham and other celebrities leading a rally from Trafalgar Square!
Says it all really – they cannot even be bothered coming up to Scotland to make their case for the Union.

Fearless? – No.

Betty Craney

Didn’t have time to go through all the comments but I think our Rev Stu was at Shawlands Aye for Art …it popped up on my FF newsfeed this morning …can’t do linky things..maybe someone else can help !

call me dave

Prof Curtis and an. other who published a recent poll in Sunday Times. On J.Beattie programme BBC Scotland.

Prof gives his spin on probability of the sample of 1000 people being accurate 95 times out of 100.

Sunday times man confirms a decline in pessimism after 2nd debate and it looks like it stopped last week and now it’s too close to call.

However DK’s likely to break 2:1 for YES.

Curtis warns about the Dk’s being perhaps ‘quiet NO’s’ (just for balance) Aye right.

Prof says polling.

ICM do land lines and mobiles
IPSO land lines
TNS face to face

Still looks like close NO win. Sunday Times man

Curtis says it’s the ‘economy’ and more YESSERS must be convinced about that to win.

Socrates MacSporran

Colin @ 12.03pm

I can well understand your disquiet at the possibility of former Team Westminster players scoring deliberate own goals when “transferred” to Team Scotland.

This, of course, cannot happen internationally in football, but, at club level, it doesn’t happen when a player faces his former club – professional pride kicks in and they do their best for their new masters.

As both sides have made it plain – Independence is forever, once we vote Yes, the Alexanders, Brown, Carmichael, Darling, Lamont, Murphy etc – anyone invited to be a part of Team Scotland, HAS to realise – they no longer have any loyalty or link to Team Westminster; their job is to get the best deal they can for Team Scotland.

Team Scotland will have won and, as the winners, will write the history, so, for their place in history, they have to do their best for Team Scotland.

Some will surely refuse to serve – I will, for instance, be amazed if Crash Gordon has anything to do with Team Scotland. He will probably do a De Gaulle and sulk on the side lines, waiting to be recalled to sort out the mess he hopes accrues.

Several on the Labour side will probably choose not to serve, but will spend the time between now and 2016 ensuring, when SLab comes to fight the 2015 Holyrood elections, it is they who are running that campaign.

Some we will not want, they have already demonstrtated they are not up to it.

But, we will need team members who know how Westminster operates and can deal with the Sir Humphreys who will seek to make our start as the re-born nation of Scotland as difficult as possible.


I think that Team Scotland should involve political titans like Pamela Nash, Sheila Gilmore, Jimmy Hood, Brian Donohoe and Gemma Doyle. To name but a few of the greatest minds of their generation.

call me dave

Peter Kellner

U-gov poll late Wednesday evening with a very large sample poll to look forward to.

Curtis says another three polls to come as well as U-gov poll on Wednesday.

Cameron etal + masters of the empire have been pressured to move… says Prof.

Peter G

I refer you to the St Mirren/Celtic match in 1986 where Celtic supporters in the St Mirren team threw the match to allow their real loves to win the title. Some of them have even admitted doing so in print but have never been punished by the GFA.

There is no place for ("Tractor" - Ed)s being involved in any way post Yes. How can you put any faith in the people who still lie over Iraq, lie over 1979, lie and lie and lie to scare US into voting to exterminate Scotland?

Truth and reconciliation can only work when people tell the truth. The anti-Scots are incapable of doing so and must never be forgiven or forgotten.


This imagine caught my eye on the BBC homepage for Scotland [img] link to [/img]

I wonder if that is meant to be Scotland after a No vote…begging…and being given badges.

Robert Peffers

Molly says: 15 September, 2014 at 1:05 am:

“How can you be resident and not the people of Scotland.?It means everyone who lives here.”

No Molly it does not. No more than the claims of such as Stairheid Mags”, who told us that if Scotland left the, “UNITED KINGDOM” they would stop being British.
Fact is the United Kingdom is British but it is not all Britain. How many times have you heard Cameron say he is the PM of Britain? He is factually the PM of the United Kingdom. There are 8 different countries in Britain. Four of them only are in the United Kingdom. There are four countries in Britian that are not members of the bipartite UK

For the purpose of the referendum the definition of, “The people of Scotland is, “” Those, of any colour, creed or country of origin who are mainly domiciled in Scotland and registered to vote in Scottish electiuons from that domicile”.

If they are not registered to vote they are not included for the purposes of the referendum.


I can’t shake off a feeling I’ve had all morning.

It’s the feeling a sailor has on a ship which has only a short distance to go before it reaches harbour, but he knows there’s an enemy submarine out there somewhere.


Here’s the BBC’s reply to my complaint about Nick Robinson lying on the news.

Dear Mr xxxxxxxxx

Thanks for contacting us.

The BBC’s Political Editor Nick Robinson asked Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond two questions at his press conference on Thursday 11th September. The first question centred on the tax implications of RBS moving its legal headquarters to London; the second on why voters should trust a politician rather than businessmen.

Nick Robinson’s report showed the second question on trust, with a script line noting that Mr Salmond had not answered that point.

Mr Salmond’s answer on tax was lengthy. Since it was not possible to use it in full in a short news report, a series of clips were included making his central points – the job implications of the re-location of RBS, the accusation that the Treasury broke rules by briefing market sensitive information and his request that the BBC should co-operate with an enquiry. In addition Nick Robinson’s script pointed out that the First Minister said there would be no loss of tax revenue.

The BBC considers that the questions were valid and the overall report balanced and impartial, in line with our editorial guidelines.

Thanks again for contacting us.

Kind Regards

BBC Complaints

Robert Peffers

@JWil says: 15 September, 2014 at 12:25 pm:

“What is going on with this blog? It’s playing silly B****rs”,

No, Wil it isn’t. When it gets too many posts it scrolls and starts from a new point. However the older posts are not lost. If you look at the end of the comments and before the comments box you will see a link to , Older Comments. I think this is the second scrolled page for these comments.


manandboy, a great analogy

“It’s the feeling a sailor has on a ship which has only a short distance to go before it reaches harbour, but he knows there’s an enemy submarine out there somewhere.”


manandboy says:

“It’s the feeling a sailor has on a ship which has only a short distance to go before it reaches harbour, but he knows there’s an enemy submarine out there somewhere.”

Indeed. It wouldn’t surprise me if they have something nasty to wheel out at the last minute.

Let’s hope if they do, it backfires like so many of their initiatives so far!


Greannach says:
15 September, 2014 at 1:19 pm
Here’s the BBC’s reply to my complaint about Nick Robinson lying on the news.

Nick Robinson’s question was a slightly redacted version of the question Sir Robin Day asked Defence Secretary John Knott in 1982 after which Knott removed his microphone and left the studio.

As with Day on Knott, Robinson’s question was an attempt at belittling Alex Salmond and in addition, the tone of the question was contemptuous.

link to

As for the BBC’s reply to Greannach, clearly the customer is never right . Such is the attitude of the Unionist Establishment, blue or red.


Robert Peffers,
I was replying to Leither who was trying to ( I think) make a point about Alex Salmond , excluding people.

I wasn’t talking specifically about the Referendum , just when AS talks in general about ‘ the people of Scotland’, I assume he means everyone who lives here.

Nana Smith

This is not the time to build rancour at those we disagree.Democracy will sort out who does what.

In these last few days let us keep cool,cheerful and positive. We can win this but aggression will not bring victory.

Stu ,I have met people like the lad on your train who lose support for our cause by confusing volume with clarity. There is enough conspiracy thinking going about without me suggesting that sometimes such people are in the opposite camp .They certainly appear on this site barking their stirring nonsense from time to time.

Robert Peffers

@Pam McMahon says: 15 September, 2014 at 12:33 pm:

“I need some information please. Could somebody tell me who decided the rUK was to be the “continuing state” with regard to the EU and Nato?”

That’ll be the same ones who decided to make the United Kingdom, (it is, after all called a Kingdom – not a country), should cease to be a bipartite union of two signatrory kingdoms and to divide it instead on the lines of Countries. That is the three countries of The Kingdom of England and the country and kingdom of Scotland. Then to retain for itself, (Westminster), the position of the de facto parliament of the country of England parliament.

So now, instead of an equally sovereign biparrtite union of kingdoms, we have the de facto parliament of the country of England devolving England’s powers to the other three countries and thus they claim to have, “Extinguished the Kingdom of Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of England as, The United Kingdom”.

Reference –
link to

call me dave

Good analogy but we will make it safely I’m sure.
Here’s real a good story.

San Demetrio was a British motor tanker built in 1938 for the Eagle Oil and Shipping Company.[2] In 1940 she was damaged by enemy action in mid-Atlantic, abandoned by her crew but later re-boarded and successfully brought into harbour.

She was the subject of a 1943 feature film, San Demetrio London.

Here’s the real ship (for 30 seconds) after docking.

Merchant seaman brave men then.

call me dave

No sound ? But link below

link to


Grouse Beater @ 12.38pm says, ‘re-entry to the EU and NATO should not be a complex matter.’

Pure delusion.

Numerous EU officials have already pointed out the flaws in Scotland’s putative application, mostly recently Ollie Rehn. Politically, Spain, Belgium and Italy will oppose Scotland’s entry into the EU in order to discourage their own separatist movements. Procedurally, Scotland cannot apply to join until the formalisation of independence. The FM has announced the date of independence pre-emptively as 26th March 2016. But the agreements between the Scottish and British governments do not mention that date. Why will the British government comply with Salmond’s timetable?

As for NATO, the Scottish demand to be a nuclear free member is both hypocritical and inconvenient to the Alliance, which is nuclear, particularly in so far as Scotland’s demand damages the British contribution to NATO. Does NATO need the Scottish Armed Forces, which don’t exist? No. Does Scotland need NATO? Yes. In view of the difficulties Scotland intends to cause to NATO, why will NATO accept Scottish membership on Scottish terms? Indeed, what if the members of NATO reject Scotland as a member?

M Mackintosh

@Greannach 1.19 pm
I got exactly the same reply (word for word) to my complaint. “the overall report balanced and impartial” ? Maybe in BBC land.

Black Douglas

That bluedug the 👿 far cracks me up 😀 😀 😀

Mad Jock McMad

Pam – in simple terms the UK Parliament exists as a result of a parliamentary union by Treaty.

If Scotland votes ‘yes’ then it is the consdered will of the people of Scotland to end the treaty, a considered will which is always paramount(means – no other parliament, House of Lords, legal body or Queen of Scots can top it).

Scotland then has two choices; seek a negotiated termination of the Treaty with the recalled Parliament of England and Wales (preferred option) or simply repeal the Scottish 1707 Act of Union unilaterally and walk away.

The EU will see both new states as successor states to the original member state (see Czech Rebuplic and Slovakia) and both will negotiate new terms of continuing membership.

Once you understand this you can understand why Cameron and Miliband are so intent in pretending this is not the case because a new, recalled English and Welsh Parliament (aka rUK Parliament) will have an anti-EU bias if the UKIP / Tory side wins the day, as is currently projected. You then may have the interesting prospect of the rUK Parliament refusing to renegotiate its terms of EU membership and filing to leave the EU instead which could mean rUK outside the EU by 2018 and 2020 at the latest.

In the meantime it appears the SNP have already been having pre-joining discussion with EU member states to smooth an independent Scotland’s entry into the EU.


@M Mackintosh

After a Yes win, it will the the Scottish Government’s decision as to whether the BBC’s behaviour has been “balanced and impartial” and to take that into account when planning broadcasting post independence. Let’s hope the BBCs chickens come home to roost then, somewhere outside Scotland!


A friend from OZ here, Oh how I hope Scotland votes YES. Wishing you a big and outstanding win.
Fingers crossed, the world is watching.


Won’t let me post again

Response to Les Wilson on housing here:

link to

Robert Peffers

@David says: 15 September, 2014 at 12:42 pm:

“P.S. Yes, she is almost always called the “rainha da Inglaterra/Queen of England” on the news, and yes, England and Britain are interchangeable terms!

Whoa! David, you are missing the real point of the matter.

The, “United KINGDOM”, describes exactly what it is – a bipartite united, “Royal Realm”. The Treaty that formed it only has two signatory KINGDOMS but contains four countries as the 1706/7 Kingdom of England had annexed both Wales & Ireland before 1706/7.

Since Westminster decided we should be devolved they have made that bipartite Union of Kingdoms into a union comprised of four countries with their own parliaments. However, by retaining Westminster as the de facto parliament of England it has now become The Parliament of the country of England devolving the powers of the country of England to the three subservient devolved parliaments.

Reference : –

link to

Note that the lone Tory MP from Scotland claims that the Treaty of Union, “Extinguished”, the Kingdom of Scotland and renamed the Kingdom of England as, “The United Kingdom”.

There is not a mention of either, “country”, or of the two kingdoms being other than equally sovereign in the Treaty of Union..

Robert Peffers

@Betty Craney says: 15 September, 2014 at 12:51 pm:

“… it popped up on my FF newsfeed this morning …can’t do linky things..maybe someone else can help !”

Hi, Betty. To do links just highlight the link address by selecting it with your cursor. Then, copy it and move to your comment, paste it into your comment on here.

There are copy & paste buttons under the heading EDIT in the bar at the top of your browser. There are also keyboard keystrokes that you can use.

Highlight, that is select the link, then press Ctrl+C to copy the link. Then go to your comment here and use Ctrl+V to paste the link within your comment at your cursor’s position.

Hope that helps, Betty.

Robert Peffers

@call me dave says: 15 September, 2014 at 12:52 pm:

“Prof says polling.

ICM do land lines and mobiles
IPSO land lines
TNS face to face.

And the Prof knows full well that the poorest of the poor, the homeless and many others too do not now have land-lines in their homes. That pay-as-you-go mobile phones are unlikely to be contacted by pollsters and face-to-face surveys don’t get done in vast sprawling housing estates.

For example I have a three computer, three TV monitor and a PVR connected to a land-line but, having hearing problems do not get voice phone calls. These are taken by my answer/recorder/FAX machine that directs the callers to FAX my phone Number, email my email address or text my mobile-phone. To date no one from a polling company has bothered re-calling me by FAX, e-mail or text.

That’s the big missing link that Prof Poultice knows but doesn’t mention. It is also why the SNP were told they were way behind Labour in the opinion polls for the last Holyrood election but romped to a landslide victory in the real poll.

I’m very aware of the mood on the streets and picked up the surge of YES voters before it started to peak. I think we are way ahead but such gut feelings should never be trusted too much.

Robert Peffers

@Greannach says: 15 September, 2014 at 1:19 pm:

“Here’s the BBC’s reply to my complaint about Nick Robinson lying on the news.”

Yes I got it too – word for word – having done many such complaints against the BBC I could have written it for them. As I’m sure could several old stagers in the YES and/or SNP movement.

Tell you another thing – Salmond will no more give up on a continued campaign for independence if by chance there was not a YES victory. We old campaigners have, after all, stuck with it throught the lean years and suffered the defeats and kept going. If we hadn’t there would be no campaign now. This particular Genie has escaped from the magic bottle and in no way is that genie ever going back into captivity. There are too many newer converts to the cause now and unlike we old warriors they still have their health and vigour. Nothing succeeds like an idea whose time has come.

Betty Craney

@ Robert Peffers @ 2.41.

Thanks for your info,’re a star. I’ve been using my i-pad but I’m going to dig out my neglected laptop and use that instead .

Robert Peffers

Molly says: 15 September, 2014 at 1:35 pm:

“I was replying to Leither who was trying to ( I think) make a point about Alex Salmond , excluding people.”

I appreciate that, Molly. I used a well worn definition of, “The people of Scotland”, as it not only signifies that the people of Scotland need not be genetically Scots and need not actually be in Scotland when they claim their voting rights.

It also highlights the simple fact that if they otherwise meet the definition but have failed to register as voters it is their own choice to exclude themselves from setting Scotland’s future and if they don’t like the choices made by those who do, they have no right to complain about it.

I’m pushing 80 and have been a political activist since boyhood. I saw the landslide to Labour post WWII but even that pales into the background compared to this present awakening of the people of Scotland of YES, NO and Don’t Know. The thing I attempted to highlight is the very small number of the people of Scotland now falling into the little mentioned group, “CCL”, (couldn’t Care Less). Never in my life have there been so few of these in Scotland.

[…] We are not afraid – Scttish Independence […]


@ Robert Peffer

I met a CCL today. He told me he will not vote in the referendum because it will make no difference to his life either way. According to him all politicians are liars and the only thing that counts is self reliance. He denies that things have ever been any different (he was not a young man) or ever could be any different. I tried to point out that we are not voting for politicians but that was not a distinction which meant anything to him at all.

I made no impact whatsoever on his stance and I don’t know what more I could have said.

So he is one of what might be a small number of people who will not vote, it seems.

Socrates MacSporran

Peter G – are you sure you’re not a closet No supporter, with that slight distortion on what happened on the final day of the 1986 league campaign.

Yes, Celtic hammered St Mirren, and yes, several of the St Mirren team were Celtic supporters. Indeed, legend has it Frank McGarvey of St mirren joined-in Celtic’s lap of honour.

However, to suggest these Celtic supporters playing for St Mirren threw the game is a foul slur on their professionalism.

And, in any case, even if Celtic had won, it still required Hearts to do no worse than draw at Dundee to win the title.

The fact Dundee beat Hearts is what gave Celtic the title, not any supposed match-throwing by St Mirren players who supported Celtic.


What we need to start doing is playing them at their own game otherwise we will lose
by a small amount

We need to get it out there that if its a no we will have to pay for prescriptions and council tax and tolls on the bridges will also have to come back due to the shortage caused by the barnet formula being scrapped

This will counter any loss of money the no camp will claim in the shops

Really cant understand why we are not saying that already

Peter Smith

Why would you “yes” guys and girls want to join the Euro?? Norway hasn’t! They keep their oil for their own benefit. You should do likewise. Same thing regards NATO – an independent Scotland would no longer have to sacrifice its wealth and the lives of its young in an endless series of wars based on a”pack of lies.” Best wishes to a true freedom from England, Corporations and the “International Community” on voting day.



BBC Scotland taking Dan Snow (slightly) to task on his celebrity bash in London to ask Scots to vote NO.

Why in London he was asked when the action is in Scotland? Mumble mumble.

Don’t you think this its a reason for Scots to be angry? More of the Same with London telling us what to do? Mumble mumble.

Really disappointed that Blair Jenkins let BBC Scotland off the hook today by saying that the bias was not orchestrated from higher up. It was due to mistakes from those lower down the pecking order.

Robert Peffers

I’m just listening to that numptie Cameron making what he and the BBC think was an impassioned plea for Scots to vote NO to an independent Scottish Parliament. I’ve news for both Cameron and The BBC. I have just suffered a great deal of insults from a seriously ignorant, uneducated and insulting idiot who is much challenged by his own command of his own native language.

The string of insults began with the first words and continued to the last word. Here, for his and the BBC’s information, are a few indisputable facts they obviously do not understand. The UNITED KINGDOM is not a country. Please sound out the Letters Mr. Cameron U-N-I-T-E-D is spells, “united” and it means two or more things joined together. Now sound out the other word in the title you quite obviously failed to understand K-I-N-D-O-M and that word spells out, “Kingdom” and that word means a ROYAL REALM. A Royal Realm, Mr. Cameron, is NOT a country. Thus when you ignorantly attempt to tell me it is your country or that it is our country you insult MY COUNTRY and thus you insult every Scot and you insult me.

It thus follows that when I cast my vote for YES I am NOT voting to split up any kind of country nor am I voting to split up a United Kingdom for Scotland will still be in that Kingdom and that kingdom is the one agreed by, “Article I”, of the bipartite Treaty of Union, and as Scotland is retaining Her Majesty Elizabeth Queen of Scots, that United Kingdom will remain intact. It is that United Kingdom’s parliament, as agreed in, “Article III”, of the Treaty of Union I am choosing to leave.

As will the three country Kingdom of England that contains your country of England. That is because when any bipartite union of equals ends then the Status Quo Ante is a return to two independent country’s parliaments. Now, Mr. Cameron, you know the correct meanings of the words, “Kingdom”, “Country” and “United”. May we move on to the next batch of insult you ignorantly chose to shower upon we Scots? Once more your grasp of your own native language has exposed the abysmal standard of your rather expensive English education.

You mention, “GREAT BRITAIN”, and you fail to understand what that is a geographic term. It actually applies to the largest island in the British archipelago. The, “Great, in the term, “Great Britain” has no further meaning. It contains only Scotland, Wales, and England and there is no other form of greatness implied. Thus when you tell me my vote for independence will prevent me from being British you further insult me, my nation, my kingdom and my country.

For the advancement of your education, Mr. Cameron, here are the historic facts. The Country now known as Scotland was first recorded as a single country by the invading Romans in 54 BC and they called it Caledonia. To the south, in the country they occupied, they gave it the name, Albion. It would be some 500 years before the Romans left south Britain and their place be taken by the invited Anglo Saxon tribes who eventually gave that land the name, “Angle Land”. Thus, Mr Cameron, my country, Scotland”, is a much older country than your country, “England”. Then you further insult me, my fellow Scots and my Country by arrogantly telling me I would cease to be British. You are obviously so badly educated that you think your Kingdom is a country and it is called Britain, England and the United Kingdom interchangeably and that, Mr Cameron, is perhaps the greatest insult of all. Goodbye Mr Cameron, please close the door at the border when you leave.

Whatever made you imagine that coming to my country and insulting it, my fellow Scots and myself would endear you to us all?


Black Douglas says at 1:58 pm:

‘That bluedug the ??? far cracks me up.’

You’ll be splitting your sides after this one, laddie.

The Wee Eck has already under-pinned Scottish poverty.

How? By ensuring the dependence of the Scottish banking system on London. Salmond’s refusal to set up a Scottish central bank means the banks currently headquartered in Scotland will lack a lender of last resort in independent Scotland. Now, you can’t run a banking business without a lender of last resort with very deep pockets. To counter this problem the Scottish banks need to move to where most of their lending book is anyway, rUK. This will lead to job losses in Scotland, and a lending policy which reflects economic conditions in rUK rather than the needs of Scotland.

Brilliant, no? Salmond tells his SNP groupies that Scotland will become independent from the UK while doing things that increase Scottish dependence on the UK. You lap it up.

Gotta love the man.


The Uk government britain can’t change this result no matter what they do, i have a good awareness and i have traveled the length of scotland, glasgow to edinburgh to dundee to aberdeen. I have seen the results it will be yes, yes is everywhere (house, shops social media) with a handful of no’s scattered about the place. Although all along the motorways theres is no thanks billboards all the same in design definitely not put up my the people of scotland I’m sure.

Will Podmore

Meanwhile, back in the real world, the new Institute for Fiscal Studies study shows that Scotland will be better off staying in the Union than it would be outside it. A breakaway Scotland faces a deficit of 2.9 per cent in 2018-19 even if it follows current UK government tax and spending plans. This would force Salmond to make even deeper spending cuts or to raise taxes even more.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies says, “an independent Scotland would need to implement bigger spending cuts (or more tax rises) than the UK as a whole or try to borrow more. This means that it would likely be harder rather than easier to protect the NHS.” The Scottish government actually plans to cut NHS funding by 1.2 per cent in 2015-16, while in England NHS funding is planned to increase by 4.4 per cent in the same year. Alex Neil, the Scottish health secretary, did not challenge these figures,
NHS spending in England will have risen by 4 per cent in real terms between 2009-10 and 2015-16. It will have fallen by 1 per cent in Scotland. Between 2002-03 and 2009-10, health spending per head rose by 43 per cent in the UK as a whole, but only by 29 per cent in Scotland. So the NHS is not safe at all in the SNP’s hands.
The biggest scare story of them all is that voting No would mean perpetual Tory rule over Scotland. For the May 2015 election, UKIP needs to keep only half its current 15 per cent level of support to do the Tories down. Polls consistently show that Labour is most likely to win, in a close contest.

Tom Foyle

Blue Dog:

Nuclear-free NATO members? Scotland wouldn’t be alone.
The reason for not setting up a central bank is obvious.
And if the banks are run in a half-decent fashion, unlike English-run institutions, there would be no need for a lender.


Was it impossible for the “authorities” to have considered leaving the sign in place, if only to applaud the courage and resilience of a young lady in her determination to counter the haverings of a completely dishonourable politician hell bent on frightening the life out of the most vulnerable in our society in order to score political points in a referendum.
I’ll wager the lads who were ordered to remove it would have had their opinions too.
Gordon Brown, the man who stole your your pension.

James Dow


Rob Saunders

On a point of information: a double lung transplant won’t “cure” Lindsay’s A1AD, nor will the liver transplant she will probably have afterwards. It will alleviate the worst of the symptoms, but A1AD is a genetic condition so every cell in her body has the mutated gene. I heard her speaking at an A1AD UK Support Group social event last week. I don’t think anyone who met her would use the adjective “life-limiting” about her condition, though I know what you mean (I have it too, but no serious symptoms so far).

[…] me dijo ella. En la concentración también se quejaron del trato de este suceso, solo lo publicó Wings Over Scotland. ¿Lo debía haber cubierto la BBC o los otros medios escoceses? Otra vez […]

Derick fae Yell

In case anyone doesn’t know, Lindsay was close to death this year.

She got her new lungs, due to the generosity of her donor and family.

Today she climbed solo, without oxygen, for the first time.

I’m greeting.

Gordon Brown, pathetic slave, can get himself away to fuck

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