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Wings Over Scotland

Turn around, bright eyes

Posted on March 21, 2015 by


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  1. 21 03 15 07:44

    Turn around, bright eyes | Speymouth

65 to “Turn around, bright eyes”

  1. thewaterbeastie

    🙂 Genius…obscuring the mythical spring sunshine.

  2. Rigmac7

    Every now and then they fall apart……and it’s getting more frequent now 🙂

  3. john king

    “I don’t know what to do and I’m always in the dark
    We’re living in a powder keg and giving off sparks”

  4. Gillian_Ruglonian

    Chris, class as always 😉

    and John, you stole my line!

  5. Ken500

    The Axe murderer. The Tories have ruined the Oil sector. Just like Thatcher did. All that has been done is the tax which was increased 10% in 2011, (up to 80% ) has been reduced, Scotland has lost £16Billion in Oil revenues. Scotland is losing £10Billion a year to the Tories. £4Billion in Oil tax revenues, £1Billion illegal wars/Trident, £1Billion on ‘loss leading’ drink, £4Billion on loan interest charges. (Scotland doesn’t borrow or spend). Scotland could eradicate poverty. The ConDems are sanctioning and starving the most vulnerable and giving tax cuts to the wealthy, who caused the crash.

    Scotland raises £54Billion in Tax revenues. The UK raised £466Billion. The rest of the UK raises £412Billion (borrows and spends £90Billion more). The rest of the UK doesn’t pay enough taxes to pay down the debt. UK Gov borrowing is down but the National debt is increasing. People are borrowing more. (Mortgages, personal loans etc).

  6. Clootie


    Excellent once again.

    Ed Balls appears willing to accept the axe as if it were part of a baton relay race!

  7. Croompenstein

    Nice one Chris, should have put some cocaine specks on his collar 🙂

    It reminds me of an old public info film the one with the ‘mad bad axeman who is deep in sin outside the front door’

  8. Grouse Beater

    The questions asked by BBC’s interviewer to Salmond about his book were lifted straight from the No campaign’s list of handy disinformation and personal abuse that sticks.

    Dear old Aunty BBC won’t let up on the propaganda. (‘Aunty BBC’ – how that sobriquet stinks.)

    Salmond side-stepped them all, as one should – never give your enemies credibility – but as an elder statesman he was given little respect, almost as if interviewed by Wark when he became First Minister.

    For example, asking, “Isn’t this just another case of Alex Salmond is always right” should have been followed by, “We’d like to thank Alistair Darling and the Labour party for the quotation.”

  9. Marie clark

    Whoa there. That’s some picture to greet abody afore yir first cup of tea. Frightened the life oot o me.

    However, after said cup of tea, another look, and a great big smile.

    Oh well done Chris. Nail smack on the head as usual.

  10. Bugger (the Panda)

    Croompenstein says:
    21 March, 2015 at 7:45 am

    Nice one Chris, should have put some cocaine specks on his collar 🙂


    It reminds me of an old public info film the one with the ‘mad bad axeman who is deep in sin outside the front door’

    Jeez Croompenstein, where did you grow up watching TV, Transilvania?


  11. No no no...Yes

    Another great topical message. Spring has sprung, and so has the SNP.

    Apologies for going O/T so early:

    Miliband has been caught out,…again. After moaning about Tory hedge fund donations, guess who Labour is taking money from now? A Mayfair Hedge fund manager:

    Hypocrite. Can’t wait for this to discussed by Jim Murphy on Question Time next Thursday

  12. manandboy

    A reminder that 7 billion people now look at Scotland
    and shake their heads in disbelief.

  13. Ken500

    Alex Salmond will go down in history as the best leader Scotland has ever had on the road to fiscal autonomy/Independence.

  14. Bob Mack

    Snorry George,I now have “Wings”. I can soar above you and see the sun for myself.
    Great cartoon Chris.

  15. Grouse Beater

    Has anybody seen or heard a single newspaper editor or journalist, or any of the broadcasting companies demand to know of the Treasury why its officials broke ranks, tossed aside their code of practice, to utter seditious propaganda against both the British state and Scotland? No?

    Do they care?

    Or does anything go when it comes to undermining a nation?

  16. Soutron

    Somewhat off topic but I’ve been noticing in comments lately that we (as left-leaning, pro indy, progressives) who would proclaim to hate most of what the neoliberals stand for still frequently discuss macroeconomics on their terms.

    We need to change the narrative of the debate if we’re going to win it. Confusing state finances with those of a business or individual forces us to discuss policy within those constraints i.e. ‘Deficit bad’, ‘public spending dangerous’ etc.

    Have a read into modern monetary theory, it’ll alter your world view. Bill Mitchell’s blog is a good place to start:

  17. frogesque

    Lizzy Borden took an axe,
    Gave her mother 40 whacks.
    When she saw what she had done,
    Gave her father 41.

  18. Robert Peffers

    Testing: Testing.

  19. John H.

    That’s the briefest comment you’ve ever made Robert. 🙂

  20. Bittie Glakit

    All chancellors must go mad.
    Too many big numbers and big secrets.

    Here are some more frivilous pix.

  21. De Valera

    Here we have (excellent) satire, meanwhile on planet unionist we have this :

    Know your place sweaties!

  22. BJ

    The reference to bright eyes in Watership Down is very apt. We all know how that ended with the bully boys getting their come uppance.

  23. Luigi

    These brilliant cartoons by Chris Cairns should be published in the National (if they aren’t already – I only buy it occasionally). Greg Moodie’s cartoon strips are also fantastic, but Chris’s pictures always seem to just capture the moment perfectly. Genius.

  24. Grouse Beater

    “Testing: Testing” – That’s the briefest comment you’ve ever made, Robert.

    Aye, pity about the repetition. 😉

  25. John H.

    @ De Valera 9.30am

    It takes a particularly twisted mind to conclude that Nicola Sturgeon is a hypocrite because her parents bought their council house. Still if it frightens the population of Englandshire, job done.

  26. Philippa Whitford

    Nice NHS Surgeon Lady calling;
    If you have any £s left after supporting Wings, I would be grateful if you could support my Crowdfunder Appeal which only has 1 week left.
    This site set my NHS video on the way to viraldom and landing me in the situation whereby I am standing for Westminster. So please support me in my campaign to pitch Brian Doinohoe out of his “safe” seat!


  27. Grouse Beater

    De Valera: meanwhile on planet unionist we have this from the Mail

    That’s one outrageous piece of character assassination. And I see the pretendy journalist, Torrance, has his sweaty palms all over it. Shameful.

  28. Fiona

    @ John H.

    It is twisted but it is also traditional

    Can’t see how a charge of hypocrisy would frighten voters anywhere, however. Even if it were true it is what many expect and it doesn’t seem to bother them much

  29. Robert Peffers


  30. Robert Peffers

    Nice one Chris but seems there’s more than one would be axeman about.

    No doubt many here have heard of, “The Delphic Oracle” but few will have heard about, “ The LibDemic Oracle”. This present hallowed (Ahem!), Hollowed position is presently held by one known as, “Wee Willie Rennie”. The LibDemic Oracle has made the following predictions while being in his normal trance-like Oracular state : –

    “Only the LibDemic Party can prevent a return to the damaging, ‘See-saw’, economics of the past”.

    The LibDemic Oracle states that, “The Tories would cut recklessly and, at the other extreme, Labour would borrow too much”.

    The LibDemic Oracle states that, “The SNP are a risk to the UK economy”, and tells LibDemic delegates: “The Liberal centre ground prevents the see-saw crashing up and down. The Tories are hell bent on some ideological drive to reduce the size of the state cutting so far that our schools, hospitals and colleges are under real threat.”

    The Oracle announces while still in his usual semi-conscious Orbicular trance “Labour, who seemed not to have learnt the lessons of the last time they were in government, want to borrow billions more even though debt levels are at a record high and that’s the threat Britain faces. It’s a serious threat. The return to the see-saw economics that has damaged our country in the past.”

    The Scottish LibDemic Oracle also attacked the SNP’s economic plan, saying they would borrow even more than Labour. He proclaims, “Like Labour, the SNP argued for lighter regulation for the banks – just before they went bust. Like Labour, the SNP said that the UK government’s economic plan would fail – just before the economy started to grow again. And now, just like Labour they think the answer to high levels of debt is even more debt.”

    Finally, (we hope), The LibDemic Oracle says, “Liberal Democrats bring fairness where the Conservatives will not and economic competence where the Labour Party and the SNP cannot.”

    Don’t you just have to love that pompous self-opinionated wee LibDemic Orbicular wee Nyaff?

  31. De Valera

    I hadn’t realised Tank Top Torrance was writing a biography of Nicola until I read this “article”

  32. bookie from hell

    Journalists Daily Record & Mail must have a sweepstake to see what they can get by editor each day.

    GUY ADAMS must of thought,surely this won’t make it to the publishing stage

    He’s now a BritNat Hero

  33. Author_al

    De Valera,

    That Daily Hate article was vile, bordering libellous. Hatchet job doesn’t describe it enough. Nicola Sturgeon is someone who actively wants to make a difference and is the antithesis of self seeking Jim Murphy or calamitous Cameron. Obviously Scot Nos prefer to piss their economic resources into the Thames.

    Archive the link btw as I feel dirty having visited the Daily Heil site.

  34. Robert Peffers

    @John H. says: 21 March, 2015 at 9:17 am:

    “That’s the briefest comment you’ve ever made Robert”

    Sorry to tell you that’s wrong, John. My briefest ever comment on here was actually, “NO.”

    Mind you this was not the norm.

  35. Bob Sinclair

    De Valera

    I can’t wait for Nicola saying ‘I don’t know Torrance, but more importantly, he doesn’t know me’.

  36. Stoker

    Thanks Chris.
    Robert Peffers wrote:
    “Testing: Testing.”

    John H wrote:
    “That’s the briefest comment you’ve ever made Robert.”

    Grouse Beater wrote:
    “Aye, pity about the repetition.”

    Robert Peffers wrote:


  37. Midgehunter

    @ de Valera

    We don’t want people getting their computers sullied by the Mail so here’s the archive version. 🙂

  38. The Man in the Jar

    I am fair enjoying watching unionists outwith Scotland howling at the moon in sheer frustration. They can see what’s coming and there isn’t a damn thing that they can do about it. They can only stand on the sidelines and bellow like one of these pushy dads at an under sixteens football match. Long overdue!

  39. heedtracker

    Red Ed Balls will do exact same as blue tories but this is new low from UKOK neo fascism today at the Daily Heil. To be fair they’re usual morons only developing The Guardian’s Scots in kilts into incest and sadomasochist attack SNP meme but even for those Daily Heil perverts, seriously ew

    “Before that, she (Sturgeon) was regarded as a bruiser, loyal to the party, but chilly, antagonistic, and lacking popular appeal.
    Her nicknames were ‘Nippy Sweetie’ (Scots for a brassy, over-ambitious young woman) and ‘Gnasher’, which stemmed from the rumour — denied by Sturgeon — that she had once injured an unfaithful boyfriend in an intimate area during love-making.
    The public certainly seemed immune to her charms. ”

    Why are there so few women in teamGB politics, BBC, The Graun, Heil…?

  40. Stoker

    @ Bittie Glakit.

    Just looking at your wee compilations there and was inspired to think.

    Do you think you could rustle-up something along the lines of 4 bombs hurtling towards Scotland. And put the party logos of the 4 Unionist parties on those bombs. Or just one large bomb with all 4 logos on the same bomb.

    Portraying the image that the 4 Unionist parties are out to destroy Scotland with their allegiance to Westminster, their own policies and self interests and their devotion to WMD.

    Add the caption: Help protect Scotland’s interests – vote SNP

    Another wee suggestion; The map of Scotland would stand out more if it was covered with the Saltire.

  41. almannysbunnet

    So the daily mail has finally realized that Nicola is in fact the leader of the SNP? They then produce an attempt at character assassination with a woeful piece of xenophobic “journalism”. True to form though. Now they have a bogeyman and a bogeywoman. They could have saved ink and paper by just writing a version of that old racist ditty;
    Eeny Meeny Miney Mo
    Catch a Sweaty by the toe
    Never ever let them go
    Too wee, too poor, too stupido.

    In the end folks that is their argument, that’s all they have, pathetic really but we all know that and their’s the rub.

  42. HandandShrimp

    The Daily Heil article is fascinating, weird and creepy in equal measures….pretty much a standard Heil article really 🙂 However the comments are hilarious…shallow, irrelevant and completely deranged.

    We have to return 59 SNP MPs if for no other reason than to see the average Mail reader collapse in a frothing fury.

  43. Rigmac7

    Robert Peffers, this one’s for you 🙂

    Wee Willie Rennie runs through Aberdeen Toon,
    Being chased quite closely by Paddy Pantsdoon,
    Tapping passing donors, crying when he’s mocked,
    And all the ladies are in bed, avoiding Paddy’s clock

  44. ronnie anderson

    Ah remember ah time on this site where ah special room had to be created ( off topic ) for playing songs, noo the Rev’s created his own Playlist. Its gonna get funky folks.

  45. Capella

    Brilliant image of Gideon the Axeman. These Bullingdon Boys are as popular as Thatcher.

    The Daily Mail malevolent piece was despicable as we would expect and David Torrance was clearly the “consultant biographer royal”. Pity then, as a commenter pointed out, that he has been unable to unearth any real skeletons in Nicola’s past.

    I was surprised at how long the BBC/Labour/Establishment denigration of Scotland’s viability (GERS figures) has been trumpeted. An article by Craig Murray in March 2013 spells it out.

    He also in March and April called for the OSCE to be called in to monitor the press, calling on Alex Salmond to:
    “request the intervention of the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the OSCE to monitor the referendum and in particular to start immediately Phase 1 media monitoring. I am writing to Alex Salmond and to Chris Patten – both of whom at different times have been guests in my home -to seek a meeting on this issue of BBC bias.”

    Obviously nothing came of it. Two years on and Stu is still monitoring appalling media bias.

  46. carjamtic

    Re : Daily Mail

    As the Master of Wit & King of Repartee once said “F#%k Off Clown”

    Je Suis Nippy Sweetie

  47. The Tree of Liberty

    carjamtic, God, I haven’t heard that line in years. The Master of Wit & King of Repartee, brill.

  48. Robert Kerr

    We are all Nippy Sweaties now!

    I’ll get my coat . . .

  49. Joemcg

    Loved this one on the zoomer unionist threads, according to a lot of them Alex paid people to attend his book signings!! Comic genius.

  50. heedtracker

    HandandShrimp the Heil Bettertogether Heil CiF is really funny. England once owned half the planet don’t you know. My daily rant’s bad enough but what a bunch. Come back AleisAlbas, wherever you are in Glasgow uni:D

    null, 16 minutes ago

    Don’t believe the hype – she is widely loathed here in Scotland. Don’t forget they lost the referendum. But because they have an overall majority in Scottish Parliament they are still calling the shots (for now!). They’re being very clever at creating an aura of inevitability but the majority of Scots rejected their separator plans and still do. The Nats also flooded the pollsters leading up to the referendum as they were upset at always being told they were losing. They’re so stupid as to not realise that all they’re doing by loading the polling companies with rabid nationalists claiming to be undecideds is skewing any polls and rendering them meaningless!

    Freshword99, Southend,

    United Kingdom, 18 minutes ago

    There is already serious concern that the Scotish Region has been given privileges and rights that have not been offered to the regions in England. Why is this region privileged above the North or the Midlands or East Anglia or the South West and why did they have no say in all this? Were they ever asked? Did the House of Commons think that the other regions of the UK were lesser beings and not entitled to a referendum also. I suspect that if the Commons becomes so unbalanced that the SNP has the controlling vote the people who were never asked if they wanted the break up of the UK will go onto the streets.

    Outrageous democracy! Oh look, Daily Heil pervs have close ups of 13 year olds in bikinis!

  51. thedogphilosopher

    Heeeeeeeere’s Gideon!

  52. Woodcut Hetty

    I have to congratuate Chris on this very apt cartoon. To have had concentrate any iota of your being on this awful awful guy must have been quite a challenge.

  53. John H.

    @ Fiona 9.59am

    Hi Fiona. What I really meant was that the slightest thing concerning the SNP seems to upset the tories and their press.

    Nadine Dorries MP was on the Wright Stuff the other morning getting into a lather about the”frightening prospect” of the SNP working with Labour at Westminster.

  54. John H.

    @ Robert Peffers 10.18am

    Sorry Robert. I should have covered myself by saying “possibly”. 🙂 🙂

  55. badgerboydarling

    The England region of the UK seems to be crapping itself at the SNP coming to town if the demented batshit Daily Heil commentators and readers are anything to go by.

  56. YESGUY

    Cracker Chris.

    Bang on the money as usual. Superb talent and always leaves me with a smile.


  57. DerekM

    lol great stuff Chris right on the button with that one 🙂

  58. Robert Peffers

    @De Valera says: 21 March, 2015 at 9:30 am:

    “Here we have (excellent) satire, meanwhile on planet unionist we have this :

    Yeah! De Valera, I’ve been over there rumblin’ them up for quite some time today. Some of those Mail commenters would be in clink as dangerous extremists in any sane state in the World.

    They sure as hell are terrified to their wee English bootees of wee Nicola and it all pours out as hate and loathing. Thing is the level of sheer pig ignorance would be unbelievable if we were not already well aware of it.

    I’m still attempting to understand how they deduce that her hairdo when a teenager has the slightest relevance to her present circumstance?

  59. Robert Peffers

    @:Grouse Beater says: 21 March, 2015 at 9:41 am:

    “Testing: Testing” – That’s the briefest comment you’ve ever made, Robert.

    Aye, pity about the repetition.”

    Ah! But! It wasn’t repetition. There was something rather strange going on. Some posts just vanished and some claimed they needed a valid e-mail address. So there was more than one test and the initial one just said, “test”, another said “testing”, then, “Testing: Testing”. And I still do not know what was going on. It sorted itself out in the end.

  60. handclapping

    That’s not Ziggy Stardust! Its not even Watership Down, but its a bloody good cartoon.

  61. De Valera

    @ Robert Peffers
    Good on ye stirring up the Mail readers!

    Is this the best they can do to defend the mightiest union the world as ever seen?
    Having a go at someone’s haircut?

    Their union is well past its sell by date. The sun never set on the British Empire? Seems to me its about to.

  62. Gary45%

    Great cartoon as usual Chris.

    Looking forward to Smurph imploding on BBC FUDovision Q/T.
    It should be a good laugh watching him make a complete t*t of himself.
    Lets hope Dimbleby pulls him up when he says “The biggest party forms the government” line and then he will have nothing else to say.

  63. Chic McGregor

    Don’t laugh. I’m sure a future sun light deprivation (unless you pay) plan is already scheduled (giant screens in space) for right after when they have figured out to sell us the air we breath.

  64. Stoker

    @ Chic McGregor.

    You jest but the truth is i wouldn’t put ANYTHING past Westminster if they thought they could get away with it.

    There was a time not that long ago, in the grander scheme of things, when we had what was known as the “window tax” when people were charged according to the amount of windows on their property.

    This would result in a lot of people removing certain windows and bricking up the resultant spaces.

    So don’t give them any ideas Chic, it might just happen.

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