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Wings Over Scotland

This what now?

Posted on August 19, 2022 by

At least try to keep your story straight, lads.

(Properly oldschool batshit-mad Telegraph article here, by this guy. Trailer here.)

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Mark Boyle

Dan says:
5 September, 2022 at 7:32 pm

Just tucking in to my crayfish and chanterelle mushroom gumbo

Fking Guardianista! :p


@ Boyle

Au contraire! Y’all may think dat, but tiz actually the free locally sourced scran available to the nativist forager. 😉
Paying for crappy imported food, are you some kind of moonhowler…

Brian Doonthetoon

I registered with this afternoon with no problem. I should point out that I’m using an ancient version of Firefox – 66 (for various reasons), which causes problems on some sites so I use Brave for the problem sites.

Got my confirmation email ok and carried on regardless.

link to

Mark Boyle

Dan says:
5 September, 2022 at 8:07 pm

@ Boyle

Au contraire! Y’all may think dat, but tiz actually the free locally sourced scran available to the nativist forager. ?


Industrial strength fking Guardianista!

link to

Getting ever closer to the abyss of saying at an unguarded moment “Actually, I think Lorna Slater has a lot of valuable insights to give, actually …” and flirting with flexitarianism.


Nowt like being accused of being a Guardianista by a bloke who continually posts direct links to… The Guardian.

Link archived for you.

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The only thing I use “newspapers” for is lighting the fire. Or maybe putting under my motorbike when cleaning the chain with kerosene (which then lights the fire even better!).

But on the subject of Ms Slater, maybe she gets her ideas on human biology from the recently discovered crayfish that can reproduce itself as has multiple sets of chromosones. Proper transcrayfish that one.

John Main

@Dan says:5 September, 2022 at 7:32 pm

“Just tucking in to my crayfish and chanterelle mushroom gumbo”


You won’t catch me joining in, but some people will accuse you of cultural appropriation.

If Mark Boyle was paying more attention, he would have realised that is not the behaviour of a fully paid-up Guardianista.


I intentionally didn’t use the word ‘rate’. The UK is the 7th worst in the world (not Europe) when it comes to a crude count of covid deaths. When you adjust for things like population size, age, etc., you get into complexities around exposure levels, case rates, geography, demographics, testing, and other factors.

It’s perfectly normal and rational to measure health outcomes in terms of mortality. We do it with a multitude of other diseases and conditions all the time.

As for Truss being so disastrous that she boosts support for independence, it’s hard to imagine her being any worse than Boris but, even if she is, as long as Sturgeon remains, I doubt if it will make much difference.

With a less obnoxious and more committed leader, it’s easy to imagine support for independence would be significantly higher, and that’s the real point I was making. Instead of doing everything possible to marginalise and neutralise the grassroots, for example, a leader that galvanised and mobilised them could change the complexion of everything in a matter of weeks.


Dan says:
5 September, 2022 at 7:32 pm

@ Ruby

City life and lack of foraging opportunities in Auld Reekie sounds harsh and restrictive on the diet.
Just tucking in to my crayfish and chanterelle mushroom gumbo! ?

Aye it’s harsh nae carrageen, nae dulse, nae whelks, nae crabs, nae berries, nae nuts, nae souries, nae turnip fields where you can ‘pick up’ a nice tumshie to make into a Halloween lantern, nae crab apples for ‘the dooking’ & having covered in toffee on a stick. Ever tried toffee carrots?

All there is here is ‘Supermarket Dumpster Diving’ and I’m too short for that malarky.

Never mind there’s always the brochan.

Your dinner sound delicious & very haute cuisine. Who says there’s no such thing as a free lunch!

PS Any idea what Dr. Pita Chipolata is on about saying I will be grateful for the attention of an attractive frozen carrot? The mind boggles!



Got any wild asparagus up your way?

That would have gone nicely with your
crayfish and chanterelle mushroom gumbo.


if Westminster just declares the UK is a unitary state where does that leave Salvo


John Main says: at 8:57 pm

You won’t catch me joining in, but some people will accuse you of cultural appropriation.

Is that you gone full moonhowling nativist roaster John, and shunning civic nationalism and embracing all the culture and delights that comes with it?
Crikey, what’s left to eat if we cannae munch pizza, curry, kebabs, Kendal mint cake, or even frogs without being cultural appropiationists…


Twelve Conservative MPs are planning to submit letters of no confidence in Liz Truss to force a leadership election and get Boris Johnson back as leader by Christmas.

Graf Midgehunter

Liz Truss
The Jockstrap of the Nation


UK Government has a website advertising the help available during the cost of disaster capitalism crisis.

link to

In the Help with transport costs section, we have more proof of their ‘This England’ attitude.

Bus passes

In England you can get a bus pass for free travel when you reach the State Pension age.

If you’re disabled then you may be eligible for a disabled person’s pass if you live in England.

In Scotland, concessionary travel is available to those aged 5-22, 60+ and anyone in receipt of Disability Benefits (PIP/ADP/DLA etc)

link to

You’d think that Parliament would insist on its Executive providing information relevant to the whole of the UK, not just for the country that has the highest population and number of seats in both Houses.


@ Sarah and Brian thanks for the heads up I eventually managed to register myself and my wife tonight on Liberation.Scot , At Brian I have been driven to distraction attempting to coordinate my font sizes and page sizes on my firefox browser ever since a recent upgrade altered them


WOW a typical TORY SCUM link to


@Christopher Pike

Re my earlier comments about the demonisation of salt see this post by Scots doctor Malcolm Kendrick:
link to

The relevant passage is as follows

“Excess salt consumption has been blamed by some (Ed: for high blood pressure. However, even if you take the more dramatic figures, we are talking no more than 5mmHg. Indeed, the effect of reducing salt intake on people without high blood pressure is about 1mmHg, at most

‘Almost all individual studies of participants with normal blood pressure (BP) show no significant effect of sodium reduction on BP.’ 1

Which would mean that the effect of raising salt intake would be almost zero. So, if it is not salt, what is it? A magic hypertension fairy that visits you at night? Could be, seems as likely as anything else.”


Malcolm is also critical of the “saturated fat causes heart disease” meme as are a growing number of other doctors and researchers. Look up Dr Michael Eades, Dr Aseem Malhotra, Dr Jay Wortman, Gary Taubes, Professor Tim Noakes.

Rab Davis

I’m wondering how Liz Truss slipped through the net to end up leader of the English Nationalist Party.

A quick check tells you she attended the West Primary school in Paisley from 1979 to 1985.

She is an ex member of the Libdems.

She was anti-Nuke.

She was anti-Royalist

She was an EU Remainer.

She ticks non of the boxes usually required,,,which is,,, dyed in the wool, blue blooded Tory who is firmly grounded in the home counties and is preferably a right wing English racist.

So then you have to ask why?

Is this dud really just marking time until Boris magically reappears on the scene, to once again become the English Prime Minister?

Ian Brotherhood

Yesterday I asked why Chris Whitty isn’t in jail.

Today, it’s this roaster. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer.

Here he is saying that he was duped into approving the vaccine. He went with his ‘instinct’ in allowing it all to proceed – ‘they convinced me’.

The bastards are trying to jump ship because they know it’s all over.

link to

Robert Hughes

Ian B .

Enter the Vx equivalents of the SNP MSM/GERS Bias Rebuttal Squad

Rebut this MFs !

We await Chris Witless’ apologia with breath unbated .

Aye – as predicted , the fuckers who were * immune * to any/every plea for caution ( immune also from any medical/legal liability ) are now trying to tell us they were against mass , indiscriminate vaccinations , irrespective of age , state of health , need , all along .

Wur ye aye ?

They acted with criminal irresponsibility , all they could see were $$$ and didn’t give a fuck about anything else .

Jail the lot of them


Personally, I’m 40/60 about Cameron, but firmly believe May, Johnson and Truss are expendable scapegoat Prime Ministers “sold” the idea of promotion way above their ability by personal greed, and either oblivious or simply indifferent to the fact their primary function is to carry the can for a Neoliberal Establishment of disaster capitalists who envy 19th century employment practices and relative privileges of the wealthy.

The “Establishment” is orchestrating a reversal of evolution of UK society that is quite deliberate in causing harm, calamity and despair to the poor and middle income little people who possess assets these parasites now want to hoover up. The bastards know it’s going to be painful and massively unpopular, suffering is part of the formula, which is why they require some throwaway dumbf__k cretin to occupy the hot seat and carry the can if and when it all kicks off.

The “real” face of the Establishment won’t be seen until it’s “safe” to come out the shadows, and until the poor are so indoctrinated they are once again resigned to hopeless, pointless existence, so that they’ll reconnect with their servile, zero employment rights, forelock tugging ancestry which grovelled before their “betters” for pennies, beer, and a roof over their heads.

The illusion isn’t the post of an “honourable” Prime Minister. The real illusion is the function and purpose of Parliament itself; perhaps a bigger con suffered upon the whole UK than the remarkable con of the Treaty of Union suffered upon Scotland.

Democracy? A mechanism of mind control and mass manipulation to rival any religion.

It “is” a secular religion. Once the people have faith it exists, the details no longer matter no matter how absurd they appear. 21st century Democracy can lead your crusade to smash the infidels in precisely the same way as Christianity did in the 12th and 13th Century. Funny enough, it’s even the same Holy Land.

We are all seen as pawns to these bastards, but Scotland can, and must, start playing by it’s own rules. Their greed, and Tory democracy is weak here in Scotland. There is “something” about Scots that is resistant to their manipulation. They can be driven out.

Our weakness is a pernicious infiltration, bringing with it alien values which do not belong here, but which are already taking root. Look at the madness of property values displacing your younger generations. Does that feel Scottish, or caused by Scottish society to you? Or is it a Tory greed that’s beginning to fester here?

We are being watered down. It really is Independence or bust.

John Main

@Breeks says:6 September, 2022 at 11:31 am

“Democracy? A mechanism of mind control and mass manipulation to rival any religion.

It “is” a secular religion. Once the people have faith it exists, the details no longer matter no matter how absurd they appear”

Naw, Breeks, it’s naw.

Any “sovereign Scot” and her mates can start a new political party, stand for election, publish a manifesto, canvas for votes, etc. etc.

It’s been done before in this country (Labour). It’s being done now in other countries.

It takes years, maybes decades of hard graft, poverty (sleeping on somebody else’s sofa, no doubt), disappointment, hard knocks and a skin like a rhino. It needs a dash of ability, enthusiasm, and a ginormous will to win.

It can’t be done by sniping from a laptop in a bedroom.

It can’t be taken to a near critical mass, then handed over to the “professionals”, who will then use it to ensure their careers, pensions and honours. Indy did that last time – look how it turned out.

If you really believe democracy is finished, then they have already won.


@ Breeks at 11.31 “It really is independence or bust.”

Spot on, as ever, Breeks. Now, how are we going to get that into the thick heads of the SNP MSP/MPs so they force the Scots gov to act decisively and rapidly?

Scot Finlayson

The total collapse of the Roman Empire was proceeded by 6 different Ceasars in last 10 years.

Robert Louis

Sorry for going O/T.

Folk need to check this US – based, but reputable article. The money markets are now suspecting that the UK will need bailed out by the IMF!!!

Link to articles

link to


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The UK is utterly, utterly f***ed by these Tory liars. We need independence NOW, TODAY.

Robert Louis

And, just to say, I reckon Truss will devalue the pound.

Mark Boyle

Scot Finlayson says:
6 September, 2022 at 12:09 pm

The total collapse of the Roman Empire was proceeded by 6 different Ceasars in last 10 years.


In 1827-37, we had seven PMs – Liverpool, Canning, Goderich, Wellington, Grey, Melbourne and Peel.

We’ve had four PMs in the last ten (Cameron, May, Johnson and now Truss). Par for the course.

Back in 1922-32 there were four different PMs over six terms (Lloyd George, Law, Baldwin and MacDonald) and in 1892-1902 four over five (Salisbury, Gladstone, Primrose and Balfour).

During the years we supposedly “never had it so good”, there were five PMs in ten years – Churchill, Eden, MacMillan, Douglas-Home and Wilson!

John Main

@Mark Boyle 12:54

Whoa there, Mark.

Go easy with the facts. They are not always welcome.

Mark Boyle

Speaking of which …

“A group in Tayside has scrapped the role of period dignity officer after facing a backlash for appointing a man.”

link to

The fact the man in question just happened to be an SNP trougher of course is not being raised by the BBC. Ho hum.

No mention either that he’d chucked in the towel an hour earlier.

James che

The exploitation of the treaty of the union by the UK parliament has taken it beyond its original bounderies of international treaty that was set down in 1707.

The first notable morphing is the presumption that under the treaty of the union that the invention by Westminster that it is Sovereign over Scotland,
This of course is merely their projection of a wish to come true, rather than reality,

The old english parliament of Westminster had claimed sovereignty over the people of England by dictatorship,
But the old English parliament closed its Sovereignty doors in its creation of the treaty of the union, and their is no reference in any article in the treaty of the union that actually states the newly created british parliament or the treaty of the union would be sovereign,

Brain washing Scotland by saying it often enough from Westminster as a wish list does not make it so legally.

But when it comes to legal treaties Westminster has ample experienced recorded history in breaking treaties

Westminster can only attempt to make a feeble false claim of sovereignty by mouth, of it rule over Scotland if it

1: If it Had mentioned this as a article in the 1707 treaty of the union, which it does not.

2: if Westminster had not breached the treaty of the union. Which Westminster has carried out more than once.

3: with an agreed Separate Constitution to be retained in Scotland from Englands under the Treaty of the union articles by the Old English Parliament and under the new creation of a British parliament it is very difficult legally for the British parliament to to Claim Sovereignty over Scotland without breaching the treaty of the union further.

4: Perhaps the elephant in the room for Westminster is to prove its falsified claim over Scotland. At one time it may have dubiously came from the Treaty itself in a under some preconceived deceitful method,
However the elephant mentioned, is for Westminster to prove its sovereignty through the treaty of the union which it has breached many times,
If they claim their sovereignty comes from ( that) source of the treaty of the 1707 treaty of the union,
The treaty of the union has to be intact. Not breached.

5: The exploitation and Colonialism of the Treaty of the union by the Westminster British Government and ( then) the later the bilateral UK Westminster Government indicates Westminster has waivered its claims of Sovereignty over Scotland by breaching the treaty of union , But also while under the new Created British parliament it wiavered its rights of Sovereignty over Englands people.
As it closed its sovereign doors of the old English parliament to create the British parliament, which is not sovereign over Britain due to agreeing Scotlands Constitution [ Laws, Religion, and Education, to remain in Scotland ] and “the Claim of Right”in the 1707 Treaty of union .

6: to ignore or alter these very Articles breaches and ends the Treaty of the union,

7: The other question that arises of concern, Is that the cancelling out the two parliaments of Scotland and England before the British parliament can or could come into being cancels the agreement to become a British Parliament,
Englands old Westminster, would be illegal in running Englands parliament as well as a corresponding British government,


New PM – a musical interlude? “meet the new boss, same as the old boss” ? – or try this :

link to

there’s an old bestiality joke – the foreign legionaires and camels; they all run out into the desert at midnight to shag a camel …

– the new guy asks them : why do you RUN?

“so you don’t get an UGLY one!”

I feel a bit the same about tories – it’s all at best micro-gradations of darkest evil. Now we have a new one.

Boris seemed to be incompetent – but would you want a competent tory in charge?

This is a club for psychopaths, who despite being organised, hate each other on a personal level almost as much as they hate the poor. Angry people, who want to “take it out on someone”. In such a vicious knife fight as a leadership contest the person who can come through is the least hated, the “big beasts” taking each other out.

– who would be the “least hated” among a gang of tories? Well, the weakest threat, i.e. the most useless.

And I have to say Liz Truss gives me a vibe of being spectactularly dim.

She seems to have a script memorised, and failing that a set of standard, focus group tested buzzwords and phrases e.g. “tax cuts”. She can barely do this, even given that she will have a cohort of people – researchers, speech writers, strategists, assistants – who are packaging it all up and squashing it into soundbites.

Not that any of these ideas is good, or “solves” anything; when weak people want to succeed and be popular, they tend to just agree to everything; about a millisecond after she sits down she will be surrounded by lobbyists from all important factions trying to get her to approve whatever “really evil plans” they could never get away with before.

– this is bad, but it is no worse than say – a leader who is driven mainly by her own convictions, that e.g. woke-pish must be thrust upon us. Conviction, no-conviction politicians, it’s all bad if you lack empathy for the public (the psychopathy takes care of this) and also intellect, which means you will always be manipulated by subtler minds.

Her “ideas” –

– “energy independence” translates as – pump the north sea for every fucking drop and start building nuke power plants (which the chinese will have to build, even if we are at war with them). Fracking might even make a comeback – a spectacularly stupid idea for a small country, even more so as it is nett-energy-negative, the wells deplete very quickly and all it serves to do is allow bankers to make loans (and their bonuses).

– “tax cuts” : it’s a stupid concept, for the rich people the tories represent do not pay tax (there are so many ways to dodge this, it’s all turnkey, a setup, if you have the dough) – what “tax cuts” means is simply class war; an attack on the poor. Tax cuts means you lose public services, which the poor use; rich people don’t and they hate the idea of anyone getting anything “for free” / “living off my taxes” – for the poor, for every £1 you gain in a “tax cut”, you are probably losing £3 in public service provision.

– “cost of living” : looks like another “worst possible plan” – a bailout for energy companies and some long term LOAN for the consumer.

On Scotland, PMs have to be clever in their use of propaganda, flattery, dirty tricks and “the back of the hand” to keep enough of the people placated or conned, so the cash cow can be milked dry. It’s a balancing act – but when you crassly display your contempt like she has, even the dimmest Scot sees he is not “an equal partner in the union”. When support for indy gets to around 70% even postal vote rigging won’t work, so it is really dangerous.

Still, could be worse – the Finns voted in a teenage girl to be their PM, who “runs” the country inbetween tik tok videos, vodka shots and being indaclub – and she is joining NATO despite Finland having stayed out of it for so long. What could go wrong? GIRLPOWER – HATERZ!

“The First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstruous Regiment of Women”

– I don’t like this guy, but maybe he had a point; “stopped clocks” and all that.


IanB @ 9:35am
Come now, are you suggesting that these people in authority weren’t following the science? (that suited them).


Robert Louis @ 12:49pm,
I think Unionists should explain what currency we are going to use in the future UK.
Chocolate coins might work.

Although, why stop there, perhaps they should explain how all the aspects of a future UK economy is going to fare?
They do like to pose those questions to others.


Interesting stuff on economics all of a sudden, with credible enough sources referring to the need for an IMF loan and the UK economy crumbling to ‘failed state’ levels. The smart money is shorting Sterling.

Most advanced countries in Europe and elsewhere are struggling right now in one way or another but, unlike the others, the UK’s problems are exacerbated and confounded by the insanity that was Brexit.

I won’t argue — it’s the UK’s sovereign right to be stupid and stupid people have every right to behave stupidly. We call that democracy. But stupid is expensive and now it’s time to pay.

Of course, if would be a good time for Scotland to ditch and distance itself from the rotting UK corpse, taking its vast energy resources and everything else with it, but…



By way of a preemptive strike, let me point out that there’s no point in any stupid person arguing with me on Brexit. Stupid people don’t know they are stupid. I’ll wager that nobody here has ever met a stupid person who complained about being stupid.

It’s the way of things…

Christopher Pike

Hatuey says:
6 September, 2022 at 4:02 pm

Most advanced countries in Europe and elsewhere are struggling right now in one way or another but, unlike the others, the UK’s problems are exacerbated and confounded by the insanity that was Brexit.


This is what happens when you create unnecessary barriers with your larger trading partner. Perhaps we shouldn’t repeat that same mistake again?


Christopher Pike says:
6 September, 2022 at 4:25 pm

This is what happens when you create unnecessary barriers with your larger trading partner. Perhaps we shouldn’t repeat that same mistake again?

Is this an argument for Scotland to remain in the UK or for iScotland to join the EU?


Christopher Pike says: at 4:25 pm

This is what happens when you create unnecessary barriers with your larger trading partner. Perhaps we shouldn’t repeat that same mistake again?

But perhaps if would be prudent to take the lifeboat rather than go down with the insane in charger of the sinking ship that is the UK?
England is a net importer of rather a lot of important things as society needs to function. Scotland is a very different animal in that regard. Ergo we have a UK Union made up of two constituent parts with diverging interests so why should one get dragged down by the other.
England needs to grow a set of baws and become independent.

Gordon Currie

What a fantastic metaphor for the Truss die-nasty, a thunderstorm soaking the ERG diehards.


Ian(Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford up to his old tricks as usual. For the SNP any GE will be about gaining MPs not independence.

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@ pikey 4.25pm it’s no wonder you are a yoonionist with such a negative defeatist whinging attitude , you should be a high heid yin in sturgeon’s camp
So your arsehole chums in your tory parasitical scum party who have made a total fuckup for the rest of us by lying to people who can’t think further than the next get me out of here or the drag queen pish should be rewarded and saved by a resource rich country and nation

So pikey perhaps you could point out ALL these fabulous trade deals that your yoonionist hero’s were going to get to replace the 500 million EU market
WHY do yoonionist bots like you always think that Scots will do the same things and think the same things as YOUR colonial masters , is YOUR mother england going to refuse to buy the things we sell them , are they going to source them elsewhere , if they do tough shit we will find new markets and to coin a phrase we will Take Back Control


Jason could have kept his job as ‘period dignity officer’ if he had just self-ided as a woman.

I haven’t got the foggiest clue what a ‘period dignity officer’ actually does.

It couldn’t have been very important if they will now manage without one.

This whole period poverty thing just seems ridiculous.

What about toilet roll poverty, elastoplast poverty, soap poverty, hot water poverty and all the other poverties?

Would it not be better just to increase wages, benefits, pensions etc?

It’s a sad state of affairs when women can’t even afford £1 a month for tampons.


Christopher Pike @ 4:25pm,

I agree. Scotland should make all the decisions regarding trade or anything else for that matter.
Sooner would be better.


Christopher Pike,
I also think England should stand on its own two feet.

If they feel it necessary to boycott Scottish oil and gas, I’m pretty sure we could find other people to buy it.

Ian Brotherhood

So the Head Girl did it after all.

Right, Mark, where’s that tenner?

😉 🙂 😉

John Main

Maybes some bright spark would like to rank the following events in descending order for their effects on the UK/Scottish economies:

1. Brexit

2. Covid

3. The War (don’t mention The War!)

Anybody? Any overachievers? Hatuey?

[Hint. Try reversing the order. That’s right folks, compared with Covid and The War, Brexit hardly registers. But we’re not here to learn stuff, eh Hatuey?]

As I and plenty of others have pointed out. If you are dead cert that leaving an oppressive, centralised, imperialist union is such a bad idea, why would you hang about on here?


Nobody voted for the war
Nobody voted for covid

Brexit on the other hand……

John Main

It’s certainly an intriguing idea that Brexit weakened only the UK. Even the EU happily acknowledged that the UK was a net contributor. Hard to see how it ever could have been otherwise. Hard to see otherwise how the UK’s “divorce bill” will still be being paid long after all of us are deid.

Yet somehow, we are expected to believe that the loss of that generous income stream has been painless for the EU.

Strange how not only the pound has tanked. The Euro has also. Meantime, the dollar is soaring. It can’t be anything to do with US energy security and growing US energy exports due to fracking. Somebody has already dissed fracking as a waste of time just up the thread.

Meantime, the people who post on here about how Scotland subs the UK big time, never seem to be able to join the dots to when the UK used to sub the EU big time, and consider where the UK got that money from.


Oh dear, she’ll have to find a new cushy number for her Toyboy now – sorry if that isn’t ‘kind’

link to


@John Main
Causes of the current economic/price crisis?
How about profiteering? Energy companies are making record breaking profits at the moment – where do you think that profit comes from if not from over charging customers and under paying their workers compared o how much they are producing.

John Main

@Roger 6:22

Demand for energy exceeds supply. Prices rise as a result.

Get demand down, or supply up, or both. Prices will fall.

Nobody can profiteer when there’s a glut of what they are trying to sell.

Get supply high enough, or demand low enough, like what happened to the oil supply during Covid, and the price can go negative, i.e. the supplier had to pay the customer to take the oil.

Or just do what the Russkis do with their excess gas, set fire to it. Why not? It’s worthless.


A boring cunt from Edinburgh says:
6 September, 2022 at 6:15 pm

“Meantime, the people who post on here about how Scotland subs the UK big time, never seem to be able to join the dots to when the UK used to sub the EU big time, and consider where the UK got that money from.”

Every £GBP in existence was initially borrowed from the Central Bank.

People & businesses don’t create new money, only the Government can.


The world laughed heartily at Brexit. Just when the laughing was about to stop, covid came along and the UK opted for ‘herd immunity’. Stupid is funny, I get it.

However much the stupid amongst us argue otherwise, Scotland withdrawing from the UK Union is incomparable to Brexit. It’s more stupid to suggest they amount to the same thing, up there with arguing that Britain’s colonies would lose out on imperial preference if they opted to manage their own affairs.

Within a year or two of independence, Scotland would either be back in the EU or a member of EFTA. Both would welcome a country with vast energy resources at a time when energy resources are in high demand. All the presumed barriers to trade with the smouldering corpse down south would, therefore, of course, disappear in an instant.

Ian Brotherhood

@Hatuey (7.41) –

You reminded me of that great Bob Monkhouse gag:

‘They laughed when I said I’d become a comedian. They’re not laughing now!’


George Ferguson

@Hatuey 7:41pm
You used to argue with intellectual coherence and then you disappeared for a few months. Now it’s like reading posts from a different person? Just in case you missed it. Scotland sold their energy resources, including the latest 7billion debacle by the Scot Gov. Name one Generator the Scot Gov own? We have no interest in the supply chain either. I am off to watch Celtic vs Real Madrid. A Scottish team in Europe until someone buys them and they move to England or Europe.

Ian Brotherhood

@George Ferguson (7.59) –

What a game so far!



John Main says:
6 September, 2022 at 7:33 pm

@Roger 6:22

Demand for energy exceeds supply. Prices rise as a result.

Get demand down, or supply up, or both. Prices will fall.

price is NOT determined solely by supply and demand. That’s a massive over-simplification. Price is also determined by PROFIT and energy companies are currently making massive profits. Happily for them, they can just blaming the TOTAL increase in price on the war. Theu expect consumers to swallow this and bear the cost of sanctions while they profiteer. People need to get a better understanding of what’s going on.</b?

George Ferguson

@Ian Brotherhood 8:31pm
Yup great game so far. Hope the 2nd half is as good. Put a few quid on Celtic at 7 to 2. Not that I am Celtic fan but support Scottish teams in Europe including Hearts and Rangers. My team sent home to think again!. We only got beat 7 nil!.

Mark Boyle

George Ferguson says:
6 September, 2022 at 8:51 pm

@Ian Brotherhood 8:31pm
Yup great game so far. Hope the 2nd half is as good. Put a few quid on Celtic at 7 to 2. Not that I am Celtic fan but support Scottish teams in Europe including Hearts and Rangers. My team sent home to think again!. We only got beat 7 nil!.

The Dundee United result was just the latest in a long line of wake up calls for Scottish domestic football cheerfully ignored by the beaks because so long as the Old Firm is happy, all is well in Brigadoon.

They’ve even let a jumps for goalposts team – Tower Hearts of Glasgow – take part in this year’s Scottish cup FFS, which was fine when they were drawn away in the first round, but once they got a home draw in the second and didn’t have a ground to play Cumnock in, they were forced to withdraw – fking 19th century stuff. This nation’s football is a laughing stock.

Dorothy Devine

Roger, the group now bleating about ‘being kind ‘ infuriate me – I will try being kind when they try being sensible.

Meanwhile, should they wish to appoint another Period /Menopause officer they should consider appointing either a doctor or someone who has experience of periods/menopause and that would be, say it loud and proud, A WOMAN, AN ADULT FEMALE.

George Ferguson

@Mark Boyle 9:16pm.
It’s 3 nil Real Madrid I have lost my money. If you are asking me that blazers control Scottish Fitba I would agree. Evidence, when was the last time Scotland qualified for a World Cup? Nobody takes responsibility. Perhaps we are a Nation that lacks leaders either political or in Sports.

Scot Finlayson

Eddie Izzard first female leader of Brutish Labour ?

Caligula had a horse made a consul/MP, every one applauded.

woe , woe and thrice woe.

Ian Brotherhood

@Scot Finlayson (9.55) –

Anything – be it political or Hollywood aspirations – that keeps Izzard away from Scotland is to be applauded.


Naw its no .It’s jist boyle hates everyone.

All the leagues are relative in most countries. Celtic and Rangers dominate because they have the best teams and larger support and better revenues from sponsors- end of.

It’s not any different from England , Spain, Germany France etc. The bigger teams dominate. Man Utd , Man City Chelsea and Arsenal have dominated past 20 years . In Spain, Real Madrid and Barcelona . In Germany mainly Bayern Munich .

I could go on.

Yer talking shite boyle


George Ferguson – 1998 in France . So what ?

I wiz there. Also wiz there in 1990 in Italy. That’s when Scotland qualified 5 times in a row .

If you want tae blame somebody about state of football now and it being dominated by big billionaires and corps the blame that arse at SKY

George Ferguson

@Robbo 10:09pm
Congratulations I was looking for an alert reader. 1998, I wasn’t there, work commitments. I should have been there. I wanted to be there with my fitba mad son but it didn’t happen. I blame myself. Tomorrow the same son resigns his A and E training number. Me and Humza can go toe to toe on this issue about why? And the BBC can cover the debate. My son should just go. There is no reasoning with the SNP. Absolutely hopeless.


Scotland’s ‘not proven’ verdict is set to be scrapped, if the proposed Criminal Justice Bill is passed.

Nictating Sturgeon said scrapping ‘not proven’ was “firmly intended” to improve access to justice for victims of crime, proving that logic isn’t her strong point.

The verdict is only announced at the end of a trial, so how this will improve access to justice is beyond my comprehension – she’s basically questioning every verdict of ‘not proven’ since ‘not guilty’ was added to the list.

‘Not proven’ & ‘not guilty’ mean the same thing at all times – acquittal

Those who peddle the myth that ‘not proven’ means ‘guilty, but not enough evidence to convict’ really need to give their heads a wobble. [Somewhat ironically, Alex Salmond was himself guilty of using that line in the Chamber when First Minister]

link to

Ian Brotherhood

Coverage of Scottish football – at whatever level, be it men’s or women’s, on radio or television – provides one of the very few opportunities for Scots to hear fellow Scots talking about anything in ‘real-time’.

George Ferguson

@Ian Brotherhood 10:48pm
Because we love our country. And we support Scottish teams. Especially our national team. But that love has been hijacked by the SNP into a troughers paradise. Keep playing the Independence card for another 100k. We are at the end of their game.

Mark Boyle

robbo says:
6 September, 2022 at 10:05 pm

Naw its no .It’s jist boyle hates everyone.

All the leagues are relative in most countries. Celtic and Rangers dominate because they have the best teams and larger support and better revenues from sponsors- end of.

It’s not any different from England , Spain, Germany France etc. The bigger teams dominate. Man Utd , Man City Chelsea and Arsenal have dominated past 20 years . In Spain, Real Madrid and Barcelona . In Germany mainly Bayern Munich .

I could go on.

Yer talking shite boyle

No, I am not talking shite, it’s just you are Old Firm supporting scum.

No other league in the world has two clubs dominating c/o religious prejudice turned into a “game” – not even Northern Ireland.

Since the creation of the Scottish football league there has only been THREE seasons where neither of the Old Firm has failed to win one of the domestic trophies. No other European league has the same fiasco. Not in England, Spain, Germany or France.

Old Firm muppets like to invoke Spain, but as well as Real Madrid and Barcelona, Athletico Madrid, Valencia and Deportive La Coruna have won the league over the time since Aberdeen were the last non-Two Cheeks side to win the Scottish league.

The Bundesliga has saw not only Bayern Munich, but Borussia Dortmund, Kaiserslauten, Stuttgart, Werder Breman and Wolfsburg take the top honours in the same time since Aberdeen.

In England, there has been not only Man Utd, Man City, Chelsea and Arsenal, but Liverpool, Everton, Leicester, Leeds and Blackburn Rovers … in the same time since Aberdeen.

Even the farrago of the French league has still saw Paris St Germain thwarted by Auxerre, Bordeaux, Lens, Lille, Lyon, Marseilles, Monaco, Montpellier, Nantes in the time frame since Aberdeen.

Not any different? No, just Scotland. Bigotted, backward Scotland, where the sleight of hand is regarded as the right and proper way of “the natural order”, the land where “the Rangers’ penalty” has become the joke of Europe.

No wonder the English run rings around us. We can’t even organise a game of football without trying to fix it for our wee “gangs”.


Mark Boyle says:
7 September, 2022 at 12:15 am

No, I am not talking shite, it’s just you are Old Firm supporting scum.

Did Albert Kidd make ye cry in ’86?


Ruby said

“It’s a sad state of affairs when women can’t even afford £1 a month for tampons.”

How about addressing the “razor poverty” for us males? There’s not only the cost of razor cartridges but also shaving soap and aftershave balm to deal with razor burn. Have you seen the cost of razor cartridges? In Aus they’re $A14 for a pack of 10.* They’re the most shoplifted item and the damn things are so valuable they’re encased in theft-proof containers.

We males have to shave every day whereas females only use tampons a few days each month. Sadly even growing a beard doesn’t liberate us from the tyranny of daily shaving. Unfortunately the hairs don’t grow where they’re supposed to and you still have to shave your upper cheeks and lower neck to avoid looking like the Wild Man from Borneo. I’m betting that most men spend more on shaving supplies than women do on tampons. I just checked my local supermarket. Tampons are $3.90 for a pack of 16 or 2 packs for $6. Cost of razor cartridges at 1 cartridge/week is 4x$1.40=$4.60/month. So unless women are using more than one pack of tampons per month they come out ahead of us.

* Guys do what I do – ditch the cartridges and use a double-edge razor, shaving brush and a good shaving soap. Instead of paying $14 for 10 cartridges I can buy 100 DE blades for that same $14. I recommend changing blades once a week but even if I used a new blade every day it’s still cheaper than cartridges and with some practice you get a better shave.

Ask around your older relations and they probably have an old Gillette DE razor in a drawer, or you can buy new. Aldi here had a special on a Schick DE razor and blades for $20 – the razor’s fine, the blades not so much. Get a boar bristle shaving brush and an inexpensive shaving soap – I hear you can still get Palmolive shaving sticks in the UK, if not the Turkish brand Arko works well.

Get some alum for soothing razor burn and minor blood spots. It’s used as a flocculant in water treatment and home swimming pools. I bought 2 kilos for $19 and dissolve it in water, it’s enough to last me for 10 years! Look for “aluminium double sulphate” or “aluminium sulphate” in the contents description. For advice on shaving technique refer to the wet shaving forums Badger and Blade and Shave My Face.


StuartM says:
7 September, 2022 at 2:09 am

We males have to shave every day whereas females only use tampons a few days each month

We really don’t – I haven’t bought a razor for 15+ years. I trim my beard with the clippers I use to cut my hair.


Will nobody spare a thought for those enduring the cost and trauma of dealing with ear hair woes.
Back in the day as a child I always recall wondering what the heck Victor Kiam was on about in those adverts, but not now. 🙁
Hmm, ponders if I could train one of these invasive species crayfish to trim lug and nose hair with their claws…


“Nicola Sturgeon has announced a rent freeze for public and private rented properties as part of efforts to help people struggling with rising bills… The first minister’s government is to table emergency legislation banning evictions during winter and freezing rents until spring.” (BBC)

If she can freeze rents and ban evictions, why can’t she do something useful like freeze energy bills and stop them cutting people off?

Utterly useless.

Mark Boyle

Dan says:
7 September, 2022 at 9:12 am

Will nobody spare a thought for those enduring the cost and trauma of dealing with ear hair woes.
Back in the day as a child I always recall wondering what the heck Victor Kiam was on about in those adverts, but not now. ?
Hmm, ponders if I could train one of these invasive species crayfish to trim lug and nose hair with their claws…

Well everyone knows crayfish are just gay lobsters (hence why Guardianistas love them), so there’s bound to be some with hairdressing qualifications, although they’re being rapidly pushed out by invading Turkish lobsters which burn their victims ear and nasal hair without warning before dumping one metric tonne of styling gel on their heads.


Possibly for the first time ever on here I feel out of my depth…


Somewhat edgy stuff from an MSM journalist last night.

link to

Andy Ellis

Possibly for the first time ever on here I feel out of my depth…

There’s a fair few puddles around after yesterday’s rain right enough. 🙂

James Che

Magna Carta, and Bill of Rights are and were created by the english parliament.

Scotlands equivalent Is “The Claim of Right” created for the original purpose of helping The english parliament claim that king James had abdicated his Throne from both England and Scotland, for he was king of Scotland and England.
Without the Claim of Right written into the Treaty of union William and Mary of Orange could not become the new sovereign queen of England they wanted, Not not sovereign in Scotland due to the Claim of right wrote into the new treaty,
the Scottish parliament in Scotland created it to be part the treaty of the union articles and agreement,

It has to continue in all its glory without the English parliament or the British parliament nor the Uk Parliament altering and implying their own self interpretation.

For without recognising it as a written part of the treaty of union, from Scotlands Parliament.
There is no treaty of union,


Thanks for that, Andy.

Interesting that you regard people inserting homosexual crustaceans into their orifices as mere puddles but I always knew you were sorta woke.


James Che

The Claim of Right asserts a number of issues,

It enunciates more clearly than the Magna Carta or the Bill of Rights the Constitutional principle that in Scotland the Monarch is bound by law, and therefore not Sovereign in Scotland.

It enunciates some basic principles of Due Process that are in danger of being forgotten today.

With regards Judicary. In short it gives the Scottish judicary protection against discretionary interference by the executive with financial and other conditions of appointment and tenure, it remains a important element in Scotlands Constitutional separation of powers.

The Claim of Right declares that two judicial decisions of the lords of Session were Contrary to Law.
One of these had held that [p] ersons refusing to discover [disclose] what are their private thoughts and judgements in relation to points of Treason or other mens actions are guilty of Treason.
The investigory Bill and powers going/ gone through the UK parliament may legitimately by demand under the Claim of Right for Scotland not just see Westminster reap the harvest of information. Under the terrorism act section 19.
As to harvesting our data it may turn out to have been a illegal breach already taken.

The Claim of Right that as it is written into, and a integral part of what created the treaty of the union, for it to go forward and progress to become British parliament in Westminster thereafter with the Monarch States that the nation of Scotland is Sovereign. And Parliament is nothing more than represenatatives in Scotland.

Due to the Claim of Right in the treaty of the union, the retention of Scots law as Separate, and the church to be retained separate, along with Scottish education We observe Scotlands nation is Sovereign from Westminster parliamentrary Sovereignty, and Sovereign through the Claim of Right in the treaty of the union to charge the Monarch in Scotland if they break our Laws,

Interestingly and although it may not have been originally intended there is an ability to bring the British parliament under Scots Law regarding the treaty of union, depending on wether the British/UK Westminster parliament is Claiming to be Sovereign or the Monarch in England.


Doing away with Scotland’s Not Proven verdict?

Is that Sturgeon the pioneering guru of Legal reform? Or just Scotland being eased closer to Stage 2 convergence criteria for a unitary “UK” Law?

(Stage 1 being a UK Supreme Court).


@ Chas

Got anything to critique or counter this proposal as a means to start addressing UK calamity?

link to

James Che

This leaves you wondering what in what roll the Scottish Judicary feels it has to bow to the Supreme court for a decision on referendums,

For it does not relate any word/ing in the treaty of the union towards any referendum,
However the British parliament has announced a long time ago it would be protect all that was in the treaty of union between Scotland and England.
And failed miserably in its exploitation and Colonial overlord effort as protector.


Does anyone recall giving informed consent to create a mandate for the Scottish Government Administrators of Devolved Powers to proceed with the ScotWind auctions?

James Che


That would breach the treaty of the union,

We must remember that the Devolved Scottish Government is in fact an extension of Westminster, under the permission granted by Westminster, under the laws, Statues and legislation of Westminster, so therefore not a Scottish Parliament legally.
It is adminastrive in governing body and , with restrictive Allowances in finance and defence.

It is not within the remit of anyone working or acting as a member in that particular parliament relegated to Scotland under Westminster legislation or Statues,
wether a lawyer, barrister, a QC, the first minister or Civil servants to change or alter Scots Law,
or to reinvent the treaty of the union by make Scots law subordinate to Monarchy. By Swearing an oath to the Queen unless the Scottish devolved parliament IS the British branch parliament,

This is back door method to Altering Scots Law, through the devolved parliament. English laws stealthily over lying Scots Law, breaching the treaty of the union.

NS and anyone working from the devolved government is employed by Westminster indirectly by the oath they give before being allowed to sit or join as a member.
We have two Westminster governments and legal entities within Scotland, running Scotland under English laws, statues and legislation,

The devolved british government to Scotland has to come to a close,
If we vote for anything in Scotland first it should be a referendum on wether we wish to continue with the devolved Scottish Government.

James Che

The devolved government in Scotland is actually a metaphorical and legal method of controlling Scottish independence.



I have been saying for a long time it is all about MONEY and have been derided by the BPHB for doing so. Some will now begin to realise that perhaps I am correct.
Isn’t it great to see Che still boring every one to death on his/her/it’s favourite subject, that very few are remotely interested in. Apart from the other hard of thinking nutters, of course. He/She/It never provides any remotely possible solution but it is all so unfair.
‘Wings’ simply gets worse with every passing day. Not the fault of Rev Stu. The fault lies with the majority of contributors. Anyone for porridge?


link to

Maree Todd hints at Scottish smoking ban

At Holyrood’s Health and Care Festival, the minister for public health reaffirmed the Scottish Government’s commitment to tackling smoking, alcoholism and childhood obesity, and hinted at a possible smoking ban.

What are the SG currently doing to help people who want to stop smoking?

I remember reading in the Allen Carr book ‘The Easy Way to Stop Smoking’ that loads could be done to help people to stop smoking but the government had a vested interesting in people smoking due to tax.

The SG haven’t been able to do much about alcoholism & drug addiction so I doubt they will do much about nicotine addiction especially if they would have to find another source of revenue.

I suppose it would be easy enough for the current SG to do this if their pocket money from Westminster stayed the same regardless of cigarette sales.

If the current SG banned the sale of cigarettes they would probably have to employ a load of extra police officer to control smuggling. Maybe even set up border control.

If the GRA doesn’t finish the SNP I reckon banning the sale of cigarettes just might.

James Che

Not so long ago, many contributed to old words in the old Scottish language,

Is it possible for all of us with a good memory to work and construct another list,
One that possibly names the titles of instances that the treaty of the union has been breached or broken,
I know a few,
perhaps, abolishing Scots laws should come first, as some were altered almost immediately after the treaty was signed,

Scots law of Treason = abolished in 1708.
Poll tax ? What year was that?

How many others co you know?

Mark Boyle

James Che says:
7 September, 2022 at 5:46 pm

Not so long ago, many contributed to old words in the old Scottish language,

Is it possible for all of us with a good memory to work and construct another list,
One that possibly names the titles of instances that the treaty of the union has been breached or broken

The only thing broken round here is that record you keep bloody playing.


Chas says:
7 September, 2022 at 5:40 pm
‘Wings’ simply gets worse with every passing day. Not the fault of Rev Stu. The fault lies with the majority of contributors.

What are you going to do guys Chas is not happy with your contributions?


I’m wondering

1. Why Mark Boyle keeps reading James Che’s posts?

2. Why Chas keeps reading Wings?


Chas says: at 5:40 pm

I have been saying for a long time it is all about MONEY and have been derided by the BPHB for doing so. Some will now begin to realise that perhaps I am correct.

It’s all very well saying it is all about the money, which is also a view John Main puts forward too.
If it’s all about the money then this really needs sorted sooner rather than later due to the way things are going.
But rather than you moaning about being derided about holding that view, why not ignore those folk that you feel deride you and instead work away at putting forward or supporting a position that actually helps promote folk being better off.
I asked in my post to you is what Alex Salmond states in the linked to article a realistic proposal when compared to Truss’s strategy?


Dan says:
7 September, 2022 at 1:18 pm

Somewhat edgy stuff from an MSM journalist last night.

link to

That is quite something! Every reply is very interesting.

Iain Macwhirter
Indeed. She’s still smarting over Salmond’s acquittal. Perhaps she’ll get Lady Dorian to retry him.

Denise Findlay

Interestingly double jeopardy still applies to the ‘not proven’ verdict – which is a relief as Sturgeon is evil enough

PS What are the ScotWind auctions?


A reply to Iain MacWhirter

And did you too put down your pencil and close your notebook when the Defence gave evidence? No? Let’s read your report then please.

There’s a huge story just in that fact alone.

Craig Murray didn’t put down his pencil but he got jailed.

James Che


Nice one, chas, I like it.
All you people that mainly contribute to wings over Scotland for more than a decade, along with myself are the problem,

Theres just too much discussion going on about what old things tie Scotland to Westminster parliament,

Theres to much discussion identifying problems an seeking solutions to the british Snp.

Theres is to much emphasis on discussion how Scotland could be prosperous, with funds in our bank if we were not bound to a treaty of union,

There is to much discussion on drugs,

There is to much discussion on child poverty,

There is to much discussion on the topic of Scotland by the Scots,

All these problems an many more we are going through in Scotland right now, and each one of us perhaps can contribute by what we have learned and share with each other, I learn something new nearly every day because I want to.

You Do not have to linger here if you have decided you know everything on Stu’s site already, that your beyond learning one new concept to an old problem,
That your head is full to bursting with intelligence compared to others here.

For you There seems to much discussion on why we are in the position we are in at all,
From your point of view we dont have be, its not as if we are bound to these old problems by signing up to a treaty 300 years ago.

I can here you now, No theres no such thing, were not here fighting for a independent Scotland really, were just here for a chat, like we can do on face book or twitter,
Stu didn’t start this site to support Scottish independence,
Na. He’s not interested in his long time supporters and contributors,

If you do not want in depth discussions on why we need to gain independence from the treaty of the union in Scotland,

What is your purpose for being here?
What solutions have you provided that can be carried forward, with guaranteed success to Scotland independence from the treaty of the union,

Because Scotland does not need independence from anything else,

Nice one Chas, you’ve fairly got a grasp of the situation in Scotland, haven’t you.

James Che

The only thing preventing Scotland being Totally independent.



Sep 5
Word going around FCDO staff is that Truss is going to throw far more public money than anyone had anticipated at the energy companies to freeze people’s energy bills – to prevent a haemmorage of support for the war in redacted.

and there’s this

link to

People all over Europe are starting to resist the NATO proxy war.

James Che

I am trying to remember your solution too, for coming out of, and ending the treaty that would make Scotland independent from the actual……..treaty?
Was it the repeated brick wall method?


Any proposals for the new dream team to revive independence once Nicola and her clique of MI5 fans, (the ones the keep lining her up with great policies like gender, rent freezes, and the sundry other diversionary policies) hit the buffers and Nicola gets a golden ticket for her work.
Might as well start thinking now

Robert Hughes

Is it ” all about the money ” when the Scotland Football/Rugby team are playing . When Andy Murray is competing . Or any other Scottish Sportsman/woman . What is the Hampden Roar expressing ?

What about when you listen to …..Simple Minds , Primal Scream , The Blue Nile ( best band ever to come out of Scotland BTW ) Runrig etc . All about the money ?

And literature : Alasdair Gray , James Kelman , AL Kennedy , William Mcllvanney , Ali Smith , Ian Rankin et al . Does it not feel a bit , well… familiar ,kinda Scottish : recognisable ?

People’s finances are important – obviously – and no one wants ( or should be ) struggling , stressed tae fuck about making ends meet . But maybe we all have to settle for less * things * , commodities , stuff we’ve been told/sold is worth working our arses off for ?

Is it really all about the money ?

James che

Robert Hughes.

Wether a fan or not The Proclaimers,
Money in some form or another makes the world go around, but no,
Not every thing can be about money, .

I was listening to an old pop star of their day, sing Beautiful Dreamer, while looking out my window at the rain,

A Serene and beautiful moment,

Tinto Chiel

“Breeks says:
7 September, 2022 at 4:17 pm
Doing away with Scotland’s Not Proven verdict?

Is that Sturgeon the pioneering guru of Legal reform? Or just Scotland being eased closer to Stage 2 convergence criteria for a unitary “UK” Law?

(Stage 1 being a UK Supreme Court).”

Have to say the same thought occurred to me, Breeks. Particularly sad when an (admittedly low-grade) Scottish lawyer has anything to do with legitimising Tony Blair’s pretendy “Supreme Court” (God, why this obsession with American terms?). Surely referring any final judgement of a Scots court to another legal authority is a clear breach of the Treaty of Union?

Och, I know the ToA has been breached innumerable times but call me old-fashioned/a thrawn bastard.

James che

Robert Hughes,
By the way I know that Stephen Foster wrote that piece of music,

But rather the comment was about the world and music combined & entwined to make a perfect moment without it being anything to do with money.

James che

Tinto Chiel,

Is it legal for her to change Scots law under the unbrella of the British devolved government,

As that is the laws of westminster interfering in Scots law.

Big question?


It gets worse and worse. Is there anything N Sturgeon and her cronies WON’T do to damage Scotland?

Rhetorical question, I’m afraid.


Robert Hughes

Your post had me in tears, especially as everyone you mentioned did what they did for absolutely nothing! You are obviously a true Scottish patriot and a proud member of the BPHB.
When your argument relies on emotion rather than practical, hard facts you lose. Sure, you will get support from your fellow romantics and dreamers but they are in the MINORITY currently in Scotland. Patriotic guff is not going to change the mindset of the current MAJORITY of the electorate who need to be convinced of WHY Scotland needs INDEPENDENCE and how it will ultimately benefit them. More cash in their pockets might help!


You say the same crap in umpteen posts every week. The solution is very simple. Convince the electorate to put an X on YES in a ballot box. 300 year old Treaties, Colonialism, Sovereignty etc ad nauseum simply do not cut it. You are boring. Have you nothing else to do?


I posted a couple of weeks ago what SOMEBODY in Scotland needs to do and present this to the electorate. I cannot be arsed repeating it.


I am certain you wake up each morning thinking ‘who shall I annoy/argue with/bore today? I am equally certain that you start with the individual who stares back at you in the mirror.

Robert Hughes

Tell us then Cha Cha Chasbo . What’s yr price , how much do you want * Scotland * to give you ? £5000 a week ok ?

How much are you prepared to pay for an Independent Scotland : would you be happy to take , say , £20 a week less in yr income ? £10 ? a Fiver – gotta be worth a fiver surely Chas ?

If it’s all about the money then YOU lay it out for us . Tell us how you’ll – convincingly – demonstrate to people they’ll be better off if Scotland is Independent . What’s the plan Stan ?


@ Robert Hughes: it is so depressing having these negative and/or personally unpleasant commenters btl. Might a mass appeal to the Rev via the Contact button be worth trying?

Voices for Independence: I think you are the brains behind this. If so, thank you – it is a great resource and source of positive vibes due to all the truth-speakers who are working so hard to get us free.

Ian Brotherhood

@sarah (10.33) –

They’re useless fannies, not worth bothering about.



Roll up! Roll up! The new firmware update is ready. For those concerned about side effects, we’ve got you covered;

“They have not released those data publicly, although at the June FDA meeting, Pfizer presented preliminary findings in eight mice, given BA.4/BA.5 vaccines as their third dose.”

link to

Those mice probably cost around 2 dollars each. The whole trial maybe cost 500 dollars. This is a company that has already made tens of billions and just took another order from the US government for 170 million doses.


sarah says:
7 September, 2022 at 10:33 pm
@ Robert Hughes: it is so depressing having these negative and/or personally unpleasant commenters btl. Might a mass appeal to the Rev via the Contact button be worth trying?

Whenever folks say “it’s all about the money”, they mean it’s all about the money – for them.

There’s no need to be depressed by the negative naysayers. They’re just trying to say something controversial to raise a reaction, but abuse and cynicism is all they can rise to.

I know it’s a terrible sweeping statement, but there’s something English about it. I’m not saying all English are the same, but look at English sport; when England are winning, they’re “without equal and the best team in the world”, but when they lose, they turn on their own team in a heartbeat, with vicious nastiness which must be incredibly disheartening to their own players.

I’m not meaning it in a bigoted way that’s anti English, but the Germans don’t do it, the French don’t do it, and I can’t think of another Nation which is so fickle about it’s loyalty as England and English “supporters”. They can’t seem to help themselves.

I think it’s also a characteristic of the English Press, hateful towards everybody, but never more vicious than when it turns on it’s own. It builds them up to knock them down mentality.

I mean yes, they’re typically rude and disrespectful to their opposition, but they save the real vicious stuff for their own. In my younger days when I played a bit of rugby and went to Internationals, I used to think it must be horrible to play for England because of the pressure of the “fans”.

Notably, Scotland doesn’t do it either. We all love Scotland on the up, but when Scotland is not doing well, as is often the case, there’s usually humour in the criticism rather than toxic nastiness. The Scottish Press is nasty-ish, but then, we know it’s not really a Scottish Press.

I’m not saying it about all English people, but it’s a peculiarly English trait to infect themselves with misery, and when you hear Scots whining like that, it’s very often those who’ve been in the South too long or been susceptible to the negativity , or funnily enough, you can see it in squaddies in the Army.

I don’t know these negative commenters from Adam, but that’s what see in their comments, and it truly is the easiest thing in the world to scroll on by and never read a word of their shite. Lol


Robert Hughes

Not surprisingly, you fail to grasp my point.

It is not the likes of me, you or the bulk of readers of this blog that have to be convinced that they would be better off in an Independent Scotland. The MAJORITY of the electorate are still currently AGAINST Independence. It is them that have to be targeted. What Political Party in Scotland is doing anything to set out any meaningful accurate financial/economic information on how things could be?
You, and the rest of the BPHB, can bleat on about patriotism, how unfair 300 year old treaties are etc, but ultimately, this will not change the mindset of those that need changing.
There are a lot of people in Scotland worried about soaring costs in fuel, energy, food, you name it. If they had more cash in their pocket they might be less so.
The SNP continually promise to provide ‘papers’ setting out their stall on various financial/economic matters. It is they that have to convince the electorate, not me.
You cannot eat patriotism but, if you are not in the BPHB, you are not really a true Scot and are in fact a troll, a Unionist or some other agitator.
What a mess we are in.


link to

Jason Grant to take legal action as axed Tayside period dignity officer considers suing for sex discrimination

He added: “If Jason was not a man, would he have been dismissed from the role?

I suppose what he means is if he didn’t identify as a man.

I doubt a transwoman would have been dismissed.

My questions regarding this are

1. Why do we need to pay £36K pa for a period dignity officer?

2. Why was the post not advertised as for women only? Ooops No that wouldn’t have excluded men.

3. Why do we need to pay for folk to have free tampons?

The whole thing is very strange.

Yes I agree Jason has been discriminated against and that will cost us more money.

“The partnership said absolutely nothing whilst Jason came under constant attack from all around the globe.”

Weird that Jason thought it was appropriate for him to take the job. Didn’t he realise that it could be a tad controversial.

Robert Hughes

” Not surprisingly ” you trot out your usual banal , worthless * observations * .

You really love that stupid name you give anyone with a deeper interest/insight into what Independence is about , don’t you . Did you come up with that name all by yourself , or did a 10 year old schoolboy help you out ?

Your big revelation here is , wait for it ……the SNP are not doing enough , fuck me , WOW , move over Mr Chomsky , Chas has found the smoking gun . It’s like the End Of History never happened .( It didn’t . It just carried on getting weirder n more demented )

I’ll ask again , what’s YOUR solution . No point stating the blindingly fckn obvious ie SNP * inadequacy * , without stating what YOU would do ; or are you content to whinge about everything without telling us what should be done .

So , what’s the Chasterplan ?


Chas says:

It is not the likes of me, you or the bulk of readers of this blog that have to be convinced that they would be better off in an Independent Scotland.

Does that make Chas a member of ‘The Bonnie Purple Heather Brigade’?

Since Chas is not happy with our posts can I request that Chas leads by example and shows us the type of post he would like to see here on Wings.


Robert Hughes says:
8 September, 2022 at 8:31 am

” Not surprisingly ” you trot out your usual banal , worthless * observations * .

You really love that stupid name you give anyone with a deeper interest/insight into what Independence is about , don’t you . Did you come up with that name all by yourself , or did a 10 year old schoolboy help you out ?

Chas is not the only one using the stupid name.

Ellis has added it to his repertoire of stupid names.

Not sure about the other two.


Breeks says:
8 September, 2022 at 7:22 am

I know it’s a terrible sweeping statement, but there’s something English about it. I’m not saying all English are the same, but look at English sport; when England are winning, they’re “without equal and the best team in the world”, but when they lose, they turn on their own team in a heartbeat, with vicious nastiness which must be incredibly disheartening to their own players.

The English have a really fragile sense of identity:

– they can’t deal with the fact that not everyone likes their country, its people or its policies.

– they really like to fight each other when Saturday comes, with the same nutjobs joining together in fighting foreigners if it’s an international match.

– automatic deference towards those they’ve been told are their betters pervades English society – the class system will always exist down there, because they’re thick as fuck in that regard.


Oi! Stop giggling at the back!

link to

It’s not funny. They’re relentless in their determination to make Scotland a laughing stock.


link to

Liz Truss is trying to block Scotland’s Gender Recognition Act reforms

link to

Gender reform is a dog’s breakfast, says policy expert

link to

At last, there’s a champion for women’s rights

link to

Pissed Off Trannies (POT)Left Over 60 Bottles of Piss Outside the EHRC

Amazing that ‘women’ can piss in a bottle

Spot the VPL under the flowery dress.


It really is quite pointless trying to debate/argue with the terminally thick.

Alf Baird

Robert Hughes says:
7 September, 2022 at 7:16 pm

“Is it ” all about the money ” ”

Yes, you are largely ‘on the money’ here Robert because the indy question at the end of the day really has little to do with money, and rather more to do with culture and values people hold.

The difference in the way Scotland and England and hence Scots and English people vote to a large extent also appears to reflect the two dominant moral views in politics (Lakoff 2016), in that:

1. Conservatives tend to believe that the rich are moral and not only deserve their wealth, they also deserve the power it brings, whilst;

2. Progressives moral view has citizens caring about each other and acting responsibly.

This division implies that people vote and act in line with their values, not necessarily what is in their best interests; Brexit was a good example of that, as was the ‘no’ vote in 2014.

We know that peoples’ values reflect and are determined by primarily their dominant culture, so it is the latter that is decisive. And here we might remember the severe cultural impacts of colonialism which includes cultural assimilation, the removal of ethnic/national identity and, in this context the Scottish ‘Cutural Cringe’ and its adverse psychological effects on the oppressed ethnic group.

Independence is therefore a ‘cultural emotion’ (Fanon). It disnae maitter how poor or rich folk may be in an independent Scotland, what determines the wey fowk vote is their dominant culture (and/or assimilated culture) and its associated values. Which is why the subject of ‘culture’ features so highly in my research on the matter:

link to

And yes, The Blue Nile is for many of us Scots progressives the “best band ever to come out of Scotland BTW”.

Scot Finlayson

Was Boris Johnson not against fracking,
wonder if that`s why they got rid of him.


Ruby says:
8 September, 2022 at 9:10 am

Pissed Off Trannies (POT)Left Over 60 Bottles of Piss Outside the EHRC

I wonder if the EHCR wakes up every morning and wonders what the actual fk the UK has actually been smoking.

When some people want to protect human rights in a world where others (like UK) want to take human rights away, speaking as a human, there’s something wrong with the arithmetic of attacking the people who want to protect them.

Yeah! Down with human rights! Let’s have more invasion of privacy, more imprisonment without trial, less control over Genetically altered food and big Pharma … Err…

Can’t help but wonder that the reason they attack the EHCR is the the same reason they attack women. It’s a bullying / cowardice thing. The good guys typically don’t return fire and resort to violence when provoked by dysfunctional lunatics having a tantrum.


Does anyone have a list of who owns the UK energy companies

Robert Hughes

Cheers Alf . And Sarah , James , Ian , Breeks .

It’s unsurprising people have different/differing ideas about what Independence means ; but if you think it can all be reduced to how people can be * better off * – as if the ONLY meaning of ” better off ” is having a few quid more – what will you say when it can’t be shown – in advance – that they will be . When , in fact , they might not be

We all , myself included, THINK Scotland would be better off – in every way , including financially , being Independent ( how could it be worse under permanent Red/Blue Tory rule ? ) , but it can’t be PROVEN that it would : particularly in this globalised Economy currently run by people you wouldn’t trust to give you the correct time of day if asked and subject to regular , unforeseen * shocks * .

So if you’re * selling * Independence on promises of financial gain , you’d better be sure these gains are guaranteed .

The truth is ……you can’t . No one can .

Ian Brotherhood

@Robert Hughes (10.30) –

Well said.

The naysaying fearties need a richt guid slap. They’re holding us all back. Tim’rous cowerin beasties shonuff.


I won’t be the only one who is happy to be described as ‘a dreamer’ when it comes to independence. Hardship could always be imposed somehow by a vindictive neighbour, but it would be worth it just to be able to tell them to fuck off and leave us be.

The English keep voting Tory and there’s nothing we can do about it. The fact that they’re toxic in Scotland and have been for nigh-on seven decades is justification for a complete split.


It’s difficult to keep up with what’s going on re human rights & also easy to get ECHR & EHRC mixed up.

The Pissed Off Trannies piss on the EHRC but are currently big fans of ECHR.

link to

The controversial Bill of Rights has been ‘shelved’ and people are thrilled

link to

Truss vows to scrap remaining EU laws by end of 2023 risking ‘bonfire of rights’

link to

Liz Truss’s New Economic Adviser Wanted To Scrap HS2 And Abolish The Equality And Human Rights Commission

link to

European judges block deportations to Rwanda

Yesterday Boris Johnson opened the door to leaving the convention altogether to make it easier to remove illegal migrants and foreign criminals

(And, realistically, ECHR withdrawal is unlikely. The Good Friday agreement, which Johnson professes to support, is based on the UK remaining committed to the convention, and the UK eventually agreed to include ECHR commitments in its Brexit deal with the EU.)

Mark Boyle

Scot Finlayson says:
8 September, 2022 at 9:39 am

Was Boris Johnson not against fracking,
wonder if that`s why they got rid of him.

‘If we could frack effectively and cheaply in this country, that would be possibly a very beneficial thing. I’m just, I have to say, slightly dubious that it will prove to be a panacea … I would much rather that we focused on the things where we are brilliant, and where the environmental damage is really minimal … Tell everybody who thinks ‘hydrocarbons are the only answer and we should get fracking’ and all that, offshore wind is now the cheapest form of electricity in this country – and of course it’s entirely clean and green.’

Anyone with any appreciation of history knows that the shale hydrocarbons industry are glorified Ponzi schemes. They promise ludicrous returns, but are forever begging for grants, first from governments who see decades of tax revenue ahead along with employment galore, and then from a never ending series of investors anxious to throw good money after bad.

The amount generated from the fracking itself is never enough to sustain the business, but with a few old fashioned accountancy trick and a lot of bluff you can keep people suckered in. It relies on the premise that energy sources – unlike most consumables – can generate profits for decades or even centuries, and thus are worth the investment risk (more to the point, woe betide those who do not invest when their competitors have and it all comes off…).

Scotland should know better than most what happens upon the collapse of the shale hydrocarbon industry. West Lothian is scarred with the mounds that are monuments to the follies of the past.

Mark Boyle

Robert Hughes says:
8 September, 2022 at 10:30 am

Cheers Alf . And Sarah , James , Ian , Breeks .

It’s unsurprising people have different/differing ideas about what Independence means ; but if you think it can all be reduced to how people can be * better off * – as if the ONLY meaning of ” better off ” is having a few quid more – what will you say when it can’t be shown – in advance – that they will be . When , in fact , they might not be

We all , myself included, THINK Scotland would be better off – in every way , including financially , being Independent ( how could it be worse under permanent Red/Blue Tory rule ? ) , but it can’t be PROVEN that it would : particularly in this globalised Economy currently run by people you wouldn’t trust to give you the correct time of day if asked and subject to regular , unforeseen * shocks * .

So if you’re * selling * Independence on promises of financial gain , you’d better be sure these gains are guaranteed .

The truth is ……you can’t . No one can .

Blah blah blah, blah blah blah – all the logorrhoea doesn’t disguise the hard fact that people put food on the table and a roof over their head first in their priorities than shortbread tin sentimentalism – the luxury of those who don’t need to worry about such things.

Do you think it was a coincidence that it was the SNP’s ‘IT’S SCOTLAND’S OIL!’ campaign that caused Scottish nationalism to first take off as something more serious with voters than a wee protest vote to piss off the English?


Robert Hughes says:

So if you’re * selling * Independence on promises of financial gain , you’d better be sure these gains are guaranteed .

The truth is ……you can’t . No one can .

That is absolutely spot on. Didn’t the ‘Better Together’ lot make that mistake in 2014.

I like to keep it simple (Kiss) either you do or you don’t have faith in the people of Scotland to make the best decisions for the country or you don’t.

I’m not looking for any political party to spell out what will happen in the future.

Sure political parties can say what they might do in an iScotland but then they will have to wait and see if we’ll vote for them or not.

All the BritNat parties & the current SNP should they decide to stand in an iScotland would probably have a very hard time winning votes.


“….the SNP’s ‘IT’S SCOTLAND’S OIL!’…”

is one reason out of many why we obviously WILL be better off….
Oil revenues alone are currently circa £6,000,000 PER DAY to Wateminster….


Blah blah blah, blah blah blah – all the logorrhoea doesn’t disguise the hard fact that people put food on the table and a roof over their head first in their priorities than shortbread tin sentimentalism

I’ll put Mark down as another who has added PBHB to his repertoire of dodgy names.

If the debate concentrated on the hard facts of people putting food on the table & heating their homes the ‘Better Together’ side would be laughed off the stage.

Looks like a Trade Unions protest march heading for Holyrood.
Thursday is a good day to head for Holyrood.
It’s a shame that it’s absolutely pouring down!

Robert Hughes

Oh great , we now have Marky Boilin’point’s * contribution * to the debate . Yr shaping-up to be WOS’ Angry Old Man . Don’t look back in anger Marky , all those days carrying Tam Sheridan’s bag were not in vain . Vive La Devolution .

” It’s Scotland’s Oil ” may have got more people to think about Independence ; just one problem ….turned out it wasn’t Scotland’s oil . It was/is International Corporations’ oil .Neither did it make a blind bit of difference in 2014 .Maybe we could reformulate that slogan next time .

” It’s Scotland’s Wind , Wave , Solar ” *

* We just have to wrest it from the current ownership of the same International Corps that own * our * oil . That should be easy enough eh ?

* Shortbread tin sentimentalism * .Is that the best you can do ?

You sound exactly like the pricks who wrap themselves in Union flags whilst telling us about the evils of Nationalism


Oil is energy, and it costs energy to do anything at all. Barrels of oil is our real unit of energy – and extracting oil from the ground, costs energy.

If it costs a barrel of oil to extract a barrel of oil, then it’s not worth doing as you cannot come out ahead. There is no point. Fracking is supposedly worse, it is energy-negative, but almost no one will tell you this.

FRACKING, how dumb is it ?

– see above (so it gets done for “other reasons”)

– fracking is “capital intensive”, i.e. it needs lots of money, lots of loans from wall st – this is how they make their money, so they are happy. That this creates yet another toxic debt timebomb doesn’t matter to them because there are so many others, and when the balloon goes up, they will fly the gulfstream to their private estate in New Zealand

– US reporting about the success of fracking should be regarded as just as accurate as their reporting on other matters, i.e. lies for public consumption

– normal oil wells have a bell shaped depletion curve, fracked wells do not – they are bell shaped to halfway then “fall off a cliff”; so they go offline really quick

– the USA is a big place and if you frack in the middle of nowhere, it might not be so bad, but for small countries, it matters. People think they “pump steam” but its not merely this, its a chemical cocktail (secret, as it is proprietary information) but includes lovely stuff like hyrdofluoric acid (- what Heisenberg dissolved the body with in Breaking Bad). Contaminating groundwater is a seriously dumb thing to do and impossible to clean up.

– you know, for they are hypcrites, fracking will NOT be done in the tory voting South East; if anyone applies for a fracking license in Virginia Water, next to Wentworth, you know it won’t happen. So it will happen in all the “places that do not matter” – the North, Scotland. Fracking in Scotland given its vast energy resources is triply insanse.

This Truss is one real dumb b1tch – lets do this mad thing to keep the bankers and tories happy, but fucks the north (fuckem) all to solve a fake energy crisis we could fix real easy … day one and she is making Boris look good.

This energy crisis is being presented as an economic problem which just happened; but politics and economics cannot be disentangled. Turkey is not suffering energy supply problems – because they don’t give a shit about sanctions on Vlad. Instead the whole of europe goes along with the evil american plans, plans actually coming from a tiny group of stupendously evil people. And the biggest joke is – the russ-gas is coming to europe but via China, and with a hefty markup. How dumb is that?

All of this bullshit could have been avoided if Mr Z phoned Mr P months ago and said

“Vlad – we are not joining NATO – no worries bro”

– and all this shit just stops. Now the streets are full of dumb cunts with their little ukie flags bleating about “democracy for the ukie” while moaning about their heating bills; join the dots, fuckers. An argument against “democracy” perhaps; BTW there are conditions you need to have for democracy to work, and none of them are satisfied.

Nuclear energy – that’s a whole ‘nother; nuke energy generation was just used as a front for the weapons program, it also helps to hide the huge costs of a weapons progrem, the industrial and technical infrastructure is vast. Odd facts – the reactor design which became the standard only did so because it was small enough to get on a submarine; Freeman Dyson said these types of reactors were “intrinsically dangerous” – he also helped design a -safe- type of nuclear reactor back in the 60s, but no one was interested in it as it had no utility for weapons.

– maybe they will build the nuke power plants in Scotland and send the electricity south, pooling and sharing.

Now we await the starting pistol to “rend our garments and cry to heaven …”

Robert Hughes

Confused @ 2.03 Even by yr own high standards , that’s a belter .

Too many targets bullseyed to single any one out , so , let’s just get ready for the Great Lamentation : can you hear that ? It’s the onset of 40 days and 40 years of weeping n gnashing of teeth , because a 96 year old woman has died , no doubt , ” peacefully , at * home *, surrounded by her devoted family ” , presumably Prince Charmless Andrew will be allowed out the dungeon to join in the wailing .


Robert Hughes and Confused I am immensely entertained and edumacated by your explosive posts , it ALMOST makes the existence of the GRUMBLERS on WOS bearable , just look at it as being kind and compassionate , if they were not on here GRUMBLING they would be outside playing in the traffic where they might end up getting hurt

Lenny Hartley

Confused, spot on, agree entirely

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