The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

This is our trumpet

Posted on March 01, 2012 by

We hope you’ll forgive this very brief self-indulgence, but we’re pretty chuffed about it and we just wanted to puff out our feathers for a moment.

February saw Wings over Scotland continue a trend which has seen our viewing figures double every month since we launched last November. Last month we had over 20,000 unique visitors, and page views soared well past 50,000 for the first time, with a series of records also broken for readership of individual stories.

We’re thrilled that a blog which backs up its assertions with sources and facts has already made a modest impact in a very crowded blogosphere, and hope our audience continues to grow. Thanks to everyone who’s visited and to all the people who’ve recommended us to others. We now return you to your normal programmes.

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8 to “This is our trumpet”

  1. Bugger (the Panda)

    Keep going

  2. MajorBloodnok

    I was alerted to this site just a few weeks ago and it is evident that places like this are the antidote to the lies and negativity of the mainstream unionist media.  There is clearly a great thirst for the truth (or at least more objectivity) which otherwise we are being deliberately denied access to elsewhere.  Surely, if the union was so great we'd get that message from them instead?
    Knowledge is power, so keep up the good work!

  3. Alex Grant

    Well done Stu,
    Keep the good work!

  4. Peninsula

    Keep at it. There's a hungry audience out there. 

  5. Longshanker

    Impressive. Congratulations.Genuine tip of the hat.

  6. Patrick Stirling

    Over 50.000! braw, that's good news.

  7. douglas clark

    That is an impressive growth rate, well done.

  8. TYRAN

    Good work, WOS

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