The Tory Variant
Posted on
June 05, 2021 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Nailed it.
It says so much about politics here that someone like Douglas Ross can get ‘elected’ and by so few votes. Mind you, there seems to be a dearth of talent across the parties these days.
Seems like D.Ross just exists to make Sturgeon look good, which takes some doing.
Isn’t it time to go full anti-lockdown? The Portugal thing is crazy, and entirely predictable.
False positives enabling the Dictator to slow down moving down the tiers.
Seems to me people with other conditions are catching Covid whilst in hospital. This is then flipped to portray people out in the community contracting Covid, and then being hospitalised.
Sturgeon loves all this doesnt she? She’ll never get to exercise such power again (hopefully), and she’ll use any excuse to keep her fun-time going.
@Geoff Huijer
Indeed. The one thing of which we have an abundance of is third-rate politicians, both at home (Holyrood) and abroad (Westminster).
Thanks again Chris for your Saturday morning satire – always a bright start to the day.
DRoss – a glaikit wee boy – moan a minute. Geoff is right there is a dearth of talent especially in the tories and labour.
Still just taking instructions from London – what principles will I have today – how can I embarrass the SNP while they are really just embarrassing themselves. Could stand it if he was the same in WM about the Tories but of course they are doing everything right!
Maybe we should inform the WHO about the Scottish Variant of COVID.
Not necessarily any greater risk to health than any other COVID, but a very stubborn and long term infection, likely to cause complete paralysis in Government, the indefinite suspension of any conversations mentioning the word Independence, a blanket ban on political rallies unless they’ve won the league that year, and resulting in the uniquely Scottish phenomenon of voting in Elections being completely viable but voting in a Referendum is flatly ruled out, postponed indefinitely due to,… err,…the risks to public health.
Scottish COVID. – Nicola’s salvation.
@ Rev Stu How about reposting this (for bigger audience) or writing something yourself on this?
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Self isolating in an hotel because he’s Douglas Ross?
Anyone else would be self-isolating at home.
Good one Chris. Though hopefully you’ll be able to draw another cartoon about a party leader in an Edinburgh hotel sometime.
Come unto me little children and get your dose of Soma.
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Just a little prick, my dears.
I see Colin Dunn’s Twitter account no longer exists – does anyone know what happened there? It is yet another disturbing event in Nicolavia (the country formerly known as Scotland)
A message for David Paisley
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I too am more than a little worried about Colin Dunn’s Twitter account. He does outstanding work for the Yes movement.
Charles Hodgson
The “Portugal thing” is a narrative entirely manufactured by the UK government and the media. People here are pretty upset over the way the country is being portrayed and it won’t be forgotten quickly.
Letting thousands of fans fly into Porto, drink the place dry over two days, gather in huge crowds, not a mask in sight was idiotic beyond belief and the locals are going to pay the price in bodies. The politicians have no clue – just like it’s been throughout this pandemic.
With the voices of the concerned falling on deaf ears, why is it the resignations in the SNP have not caused much of a ripple.
Is it being covered up or ignored.
I’m not informed with politics as most here, but it seems that Nicola has become bigger than the party and therefore untouchable?
Nice one again Chris
Funny how the law judges certain things or situations not in relation to other comparable things and situations, but in terms of the thing in isolation from these comparable other things. I.e. in exactly the opposite manner from that in which people actually live their lives.
Imagine being told to accept that £30 is a fair price for a tin of a particular brand of baked beans because you cannot take into account the price of other comparable tins of beans.
I know Portugal was a UK Gov decision, but there has never been a punitive Covid restriction that NS that wouldn’t agree with. In fact, I can imagine her in ecstasy as she contemplates the suffering and inconvenience of travelers rushing back to the UK to avoid isolating.
As Wayne Campbell would put it, she is a psycho hose beast.
Stuart McKay @ 9.10.
There’s never been a pandemic. Scroll down.
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Responding to a question by a journalist, she (Sturgeon) said: “Humza answered a question about, ‘should a parent in level two take their kid to the soft play in level one’.
“It was in the context of that question that he was making the point..”
I do believe the point has been made, in a Scottish court, that there is no such thing as “context”.
Robert Hughes.
Keeping myself deliberately busy, means I am just catching up with you’re posts from yesterday.
Wow is all I can say, you both leave me and many others here standing in the dust.
No snp small talk for you two,
No restrictions to being stuck in a box.
No standing in front of the counter talking in the sweetie shop for you two,
No going over the same old, same old record,
J.o.e. Leaving government school early obviously taught you to think for yourself.
A joy to hear thinking that was the start of Scottish enlightenment and that led to changes around the world.
I for one am stuck in a rut in through a very poor education and being caned, strapped, and stood in a corner or outside the class room pretty much every day for being nearly completely deaf and not being diagnosed, it was considered as not paying attention.
I did not learn my alphabet until I was 11 years old. And when I did, I locked my in the family bathroom with a dictionary.
Obviously learning does not necessarily come through one official academic route. And we can chose to learn in a alternative fashion and outside the stereotype box, I chose art as a language, and being able to read body language through my deafness, not many people can spin me a tall story without their body language giving them away,
Not much use on here though.
Yon Jason Leitch has managed, pretty much single-handedly, to wreck ‘the most petty and ill-informed sports programme on radio’.
He should be on Off The Ball in about 15,20 minutes, and there’s no way he can avoid some very awkward questions over this ‘fan zone’ in Glasgow for the Euro finals.
Anyone’s guess what pish he’ll come out with today…
@ Paul McRae and Patsy Millar: Dan 10.41 p.m yesterday posted a link to Phantom14 that said Colin Dunn’s twitter has been suspended [or similar] after trans activists complained about Women won’t wheest on his site.
Regarding the sinking school: Still no word from Mr Swinney and his ‘Head of Outcome Agreement Unit’. We were expecting two, maybe three reports to be issued. Nothing has arrived and Mr Swinney’s gone. No-one knows where he is.
It’s been a long wait, hasn’t it – almost seven years? The trouble with these reports is that Mr Swinney cannot redact them, he cannot submit a holding reply and he cannot submit blank pages either. He doesn’t even have a Lord Advocate to make excuses for him and so he’s cornered.
It makes me wonder why he didn’t just listen to the advice of the whistle-blower back in 2014. How much would it have cost to fix back then – perhaps very little. How much is it going to cost to fix now? Can it be fixed now?
Why doesn’t someone just ask him: Is this school safe Mr Swinney…yes or no? Is that not what Holyrood is supposed to be for?
If this refusal goes-on any longer, there is a plan B to ensure their release within 24-hours. Plan B was suggested to the Teaching Unions several months ago. Are they thinking about it? I hope they are.
Kipper for breakfast.
As said above, you do glaikit fabulously CC.
WoS btl must continue, if for nothing else than as a testament to the ongoing decline and fall of civilisation.
Thank you James .
Sad to learn of what sounds like an awful early * education ” experience , glad to learn it has not prevented you becoming a thoughtful , intelligent , well-informed adult .
For my part , I left school at 15 ( showing my age now ! ) and though I done pretty good academically , I couldn’t get out quick enough , the school – Bellarmine in Pollok – being beset by a culture of violence , by and against pupils and teachers and that terribly self-defeating attitude of being * slagged * if you took an interest and done well in the classrooms .
As far as venturing into areas not strictly relevant to Independence , that’s,at least partially , more a reflection of the stasis we’re in at this time , with zero progress being made , in fact more accurately , going backwards , with little sign of that changing anytime soon + there’s only so much you say about the characters of the Sturgeon Cabal before it becomes dulled and meaningless by repetition .
Currently too the Covid factor is having such an effect on everything , including our aspiration , it simply can’t be ignored . It would be remiss to do so .
I can tell you I’ve enjoyed and been educated by your recent posts on the detail and implications of our baleful , unresolved participation in the Treaty of Union , and by your comments generally .
Similarly with J.o.e’s thought and articulation thereof .
It’s great that there is still such robust and stimulating BTL commentary going on here , despite the absence of Mr Campbell .
I keep expecting Sturgeon to learn sign language so she doesn’t have to share the spotlight with the woman at the back of her.
As far as Marion Miller is concerned what we need is a thousand people outside Holyrood – chanting that trans women are men and have us all arrested and clog up the courts forever since they are nonsensical anyway – just look at Craig Murray possibly going to jail and Garavelli and Wark laughing all the way to the bank.
Just a Little Ribbon
A Little Ribbon
Just a Little Ribbon
A Little Ribbon
It’s just a little Ribbon
Tied to a tree
Can’t put truth in a Noose
it will always break free
And Women Won’t Wheesht
For Misogygy
And they sure ain’t going away.
Just a little woman
A little woman
Just a little woman
A little woman
Just a little woman
Arrested and put in the Docks
But women won’t wheesht
The truths gonna talk
Gonna hold up the sky and make the earth rock
and we sure ain’t going away
Just a little ribbon
a little ribbon
Just a little ribbon
a little ribbon
It’s just a little Ribbon
Tied to a tree
Can’t put truth in a Noose
it will always break free
And Women Won’t Wheesht
For Misogygy
And they sure ain’t going away.
Dave Somerville says
” I keep expecting Sturgeon to learn sign language so she doesn’t have to share the spotlight with the woman at the back of her. ”
Hahaha, very good Dave .
I’m expecting her to abolish all traffic lights and replace them with systems of Virtue Signals
Covid numbers in Glasgow have been rising daily since
the Police decided football fans mob rule should take over
the city.
Funny who no one dare mention any connection to that?
With drinks and drunks inside this weekend it will continue to rise.
The Euro matches will escalate it further but who dares to admit its out of control again?
Have a listen to this doctor. It’s only 2 minutes.
Compare with the endless dribble of pish we’ve been getting from Leitch and his ilk.
Why is it so fuckin difficult for some people to see what’s happening?
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Covid waves come splashin’ in:
A third is comin’, says oor Queen.
Then, efter that, wi’ three ahin’t …
Sixteen afore … tae mak’ Nineteen …!
Wave efter wave, it’s like the sea:
It widnae stap for auld Canute1
It willnae stap for You, or Me …
‘Cos it maks sure she’s no fun’ oot,
Oor ain wee Nic, oor Covid Queen,
Wha’ plans aheid her ‘Sweet Sixteen’,
Till ‘Yes’ becomes an aul’ has-been …
And she achieves her woke-filled Dream.
Her hope’s tae bury Scotland’s past,
Covid her means tae haud her fast:
Nineteen waves maks sure o’ that!
Whiles she gets a’ her lines aff pat
Each time she’s oan the telly up,
So independence goes quite belly-up!
Or so she hopes, and thinks, but NO:
Scots fowk arise! An’ mak’ her go!
For if yer best freen’ is a virus,
An a’ aroon’ ye are but pirates,
Yer ship will sink, amid’ the waves
Ye ha’e yersel’ unleashed, wee maw,
Wi’ a’ hauns lost, in wattery graves …
For freedom can’t be wheashed awa’!
Ye’ll droon yersel’, wi’ a’ yer crew,
As time will tell ye’re a’ untrue
Tae those wha’ voted, in guid faith,
Fur freedom, no’ fur this eternal daith
That you embrace, like it’s salvation,
Tae strang’le the life-blood oot wir nation,
An’ haun’ it ower tae yer ain-style Misses,
Mere imitations o’ ‘Queen Narcissus’!
An oxymoron, you may say,
But that’s whit maks Queen Narc-Nic’s Day:
Look at New Scotlan’, that she has spawned,
Noo that she thinks her day has dawned!
Queens are female, Narcissus male!
Admit the combination, or ye’ll get the jail:
The distinction, by law, has been abolished –
A’ Scots are neutered – they’ve become androgynous!
Time wis – lang syne – ye wid fail Latin or Greek
In Scotlan’s schuls, for sic an obvious error.
But that’s a’ gan, noo it’s “Scotlan’ the Freak”
Wi’ a’ Scots reined in, by oor ain wee Terror!
Reined in, reigned on, there is a limit
Which Sovereign Scots will take.
They’ll blaw ye oot the watter, or sink yeez in it,
When they discover that you, dear Queen, are fake.
Get oot o’ here, ye Horny Dreg:
Like Holy Wullie, ne’er lift a leg
Again! Except tae jump quick oan yer bike
An’ aff tae Dreghorn, or tae Hell, tae hike!
Are election vict’ries whit, at first, they seem?
No’ when tae Covid tied, or yon Nineteen.
Tae waves and waves, as if unending,
With independence parked and pending.
It can’t go on like this for ever.
When they awake the Scots will sever
All their ties to all who lied
Who for self, and pelf, denied
The truth for which they lived and died.
Will they be toast, or mince, or worse,
Those who pretended to be First?
Those who deceived to get their way,
Imposed their night, erased the Day?
Redactors of the Truth, please hear
A Day of Reckoning’s always near!
The waves you trustaed can’t be waived away
They’ll come to haunt you on that Day.
Whit got ye there, will be yer ain undoing:
Short-lived cheers turn quick tae long-lived booing.
For you’re like Tony, turn-coat Blair
Who turned Clause Four to get him where
He aimed to be. And what a smile
He had. But only for a short-lived while,
And now that look has gone, become so gaunt …
Resembles you, Queen Nic, as shadows flit and haunt,
Scowl out, from underneath that outward frown,
What ill’s within, and underneath, your crown?
And as you contemplate these waves
Remember power never saves.
Short-lived, it drives folk mad, insane
And strangles love, yet love, alone, remains.
But that Scotlan’ might arise
For love, an’ Scotlan’, never dies.
I see Joanna Cherry is ‘taking an interest’ in the Marion Millar case.
Front page of The Herald today.
Meg merrilees says:
5 June, 2021 at 2:03 pm
I see Joanna Cherry is ‘taking an interest’ in the Marion Millar case.
Front page of The Herald today.
I don’t think it’s just Joanna Cherry taking an interest…
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Maybe the Genderwanks are about to be introduced to Scotland’s Nemo me impune lacessit philosophy, (No one provokes me with impunity)…
Anybody can put a video up on Twitter or Instagram. That doesn’t make it true. Did you research the guy behind the video like the last one?
I don’t think you did because I see a certain Simone gold in the hashtag.
He’s only bothered to have a Twitter account for the last six months and the website it’s only for months old. His content is one topic, and one topic only – the anti-vacc agenda. He lists membership of the Institute of functional medicine and ILADS on his profile.
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Dr Sam White is a quack spouting pseudoscience and misinformation.
Ian Brotherhood asks:
‘Why is it so fuckin difficult for some people to see what’s happening?
Ian, this is the question haunting me and many of my friends, as we watch our loved ones and friends signing up enthusiastically to the loss of their freedoms, the deadly (in some cases) effects of the jibjab, the brain-dead, moronic parroting of the mainstream lies etc.
Like they’ve joined a cult or something?
Very very weird.
@Balaaargh –
You’ll forgive me if I don’t respond after this.
You’ve made it plain that you’re not interested in any serious ‘discussion’ about any of this. You seem to view it as some kind of intellectual parlour game, a debating session with points awarded.
One way to make sure you get the last word is for me to ignore you from now on.
So that’s what I’m doing.
You win B – well done!
Stuart MacKay says:
5 June, 2021 at 9:10 am
Charles Hodgson
Letting thousands of fans fly into Porto, drink the place dry over two days, gather in huge crowds, not a mask in sight was idiotic beyond belief and the locals are going to pay the price in bodies. The politicians have no clue – just like it’s been throughout this pandemic
Really? Can you direct me to the ‘bodies’ which have resulted from any of the mass gatherings for which similar predictions were made? Rangers celebrations, BLM protests and other assorted mass demonstrations, crowded beaches etc?
You’ve never discussed anything. You’ve posted appeals to emotion and pseudoscience and tried to pass it off as a common sense response to some kind of conspiracy. You take things at face value because it suits your narrative. Cahill, Fuellmich, Gold et al are as bad as Wakefield and will live out their days shilling their vitamins and fundraisers.
I watched your poorly researched videos and they are laughable. Meanwhile, you didn’t even answer my question.
This is the result of the anti science agenda.
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Next time you complain about vaccines for children, maybe have a rub of that scar on your arm from the BCG or think back to the cube of sugar you were given.
These guys are not anti-vaxxers or conspiracy theorists.
The implications are immense. As ever, the rule ‘follow the money’ would seem to be the reason for preferring the new vaccines over using Ivermectin, despite the evidence actual treatment in medical settings in the real world.
Search youtube for (Wings won’t let me post the link):
‘Dr Bret Weinsten (Ph.D) & Dr Pierre Cory (M.D.) discuss Covid, Ivermectin & The Crime Of The Century.’
Balaaargh, have a watch of the video above.
I’d LOVE to hear your refutation.
“Ivermectin would then help to save lives and reduce suffering until the majority of the population can be vaccinated. Failure to use a cheap, safe drug that reduces the severity and duration of infection as well as the risks of death and transmission seems incomprehensible.”
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Ian B @3.08
Sorry Ian, Balaaargh@2.35 beat me to the response.
I had a quick look at his site, surprised he isn’t promoting the elixir of youth.
Its up to yourself how you deal with this, I’ll take the tried and tested medical route. And before any howler starts with the “lack of time in testing the new vaccine” I’ll just say, the worlds best scientists all got involved, hence the speed in making the vaccine.
There are many benefits in getting the vaccine, Bluetooth compatibility, Bill Gates micro chip. I am now writing this without using my hands, only using thought, amazing.
Also travelling, just get the IP address of the hotel you are going to, stick your tongue in the USB, voila you travel through the webisphere. When I get the second vaccine next week, I’ll be able to get a return journey.
Hope this clears everything up.
Funny how the “worlds best scientists” are all on the payroll of big pharma, who have a massive financial interest in promoting their own vaccines.
Must be $Trillions, rather than $Billions. Why on earth would they lie?
Too busy having a barbecue with family to watch it now but ivermectin is not recommended for a very good reason – all of the studies showing it was effective as a treatment were too small. One larger trial with mild covid patients found no statistical significance. There are still large trials either just started or about to start.
Unfortunately, the research used in the article you linked above has already been rejected.
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Just let my GP prescribe me Ivermectin, and I’ll start to take when I feel the first symptoms. Oh, hang on, my Doctor isn’t allowed to do that.
Very f*cking strange.
Balaaargh self-selecting the trials he prefers.
Try not to poison yourself with your barbecue, sounds like you’ve got enough crap in your system already
@ Ian Brotherhood
Thanks for those links, very interesting.
Something which should be relatively easy to find out, and should actually be a matter of public record….
In which year, and for what reason, did Ivermectin become Unlicenced within the UK? Because it wasn’t always.
From what I can glean it appears to have been withdrawn between 1995 – 2000 ish – and sadly, if true, means we have a new generation of Doctors with no clinical experience of using it and seeing if it is effective or not.
Incidentally ‘unlicenced’ does not mean a doctor is not allowed to prescribe it, its just that when they do, they have to inform you that it is unlicenced. Also, it appears (in NHS Scotland) that GP’s are no longer allowed to prescribe it, it has to be a Consultant.
Someone said recently – in relation to the GRM/Sex Presentation Lobby – that Big Pharma have more money to invest that the arms industry…
In relation to this question, ‘Something which should be relatively easy to find out, and should actually be a matter of public record….
In which year, and for what reason, did Ivermectin become Unlicenced within the UK? Because it wasn’t always.’
I can find nothing on the internet re it becoming Unlicenced. Nothing in the papers, nothing in the medical journals, or the science journals. Nowt. Particularly nothing which would provide the date when this happened.
And that complete absence of info – which should be in the public domain as a matter of routine – is very interesting.
However, there are much better investigators of tinterweb on here who might like to give it a go.
Simply TransEquine yersel and Self ID as a horse to get your hoofs on Ivermectin for routine parasitic treatment purposes.*
*Disclaimer: Fuck knows if it will do you any good for covid but at least you’ll not have worms.
OT… Any techies on?
Why, when the weather warms up a few degrees and the sun comes out, why does my digital reception go to blazes?
My Internet Data is all mobile data, and comes and goes at random, which is bloody annoying, but even the TV becomes unwatchable.
The Data is garbled, but when the TV starts to “chirp” with the lousy signal, it seems to be on a frequency that irritates the dog’s hearing, and he’s off outside. Won’t stay anywhere in earshot. It’s like fireworks on bonfire night in reverse… keep your pets outdoors when the telly’s on.
Why oh why is Digital Data so delicate, and what causes it’s decay? Having your digital receiver in one spot works fine one day but not the next. WHY? Nothing has changed at my end. Is it atmospheric? Is the service provider running on less power? Is it cloud cover? Is it the radiation interference of direct sunbeams? Is it time for another blood sacrifice to the gods? What???
What exactly is it I’m trying to tap into? Is it like a radar, upset by topography? Is it wavelength like a radio signal? What is it, and what is it vulnerable to? Can I put some kind of aerial up to help reception? Does having the receiver higher up help? Is the signal upset by any particular building fabric? Would it help if the dongle was outside? Do I need a direct line of sight with a transmitter?
It feels like I need a PhD in Witchcraft just to work out why the arrangement is trouble free one day, but an absolute lottery the next. There are too many random variables which defy a definitive understanding of why the signal comes and goes, strong one moment, and gone the next.
But fk me, it’s annoying.
I know, I know, get a landline… but I’m rural, and that’s not really an option.
If I just knew the enemy…. Maybe there’s some highly radioactive Chernobyl survivor who’s on the run, hiding from the authorities and some days he strays too near the house and disrupts reception, but he has to keep moving or they’ll find him if he stays in one spot too long. Maybe one of the pigeons which loiters in the vicinity is magnetic…
I can’t figure it out…. but I hate the poxy little reception dongle with such a passion these days… I’m going to do it a mischief one day… lol
Oh yes, does the physical temperature of the dongle matter? Should I keep it in the fridge?
Questions, questions….
@aunty flo
My own reasoning is that to take a clear look at whats happening and the actual facts v narrative would basically implode their fairly cozy world view and reveal something much darker and uglier.
In fact the real world we have now, if you rip off the facade, is utterly terrifying and it much easier to cling to fairly ridiculous official narratives than it is to face it.
Thats why the PR people and shills are necessary. They are here to provide people who want to believe the official narratives with something to cling to. Like there is actually a real organic argument for the government and media version of this.
Without exaggeration I think that if you took the average person and sat them down and made them look and listen to all the evidence of how our civilisation actually functions, actual history, the stated and suggested designs of the upper echelons of power all in one go about 80% would be in need of some kind of psychological help.
That’s not to say that I know a great deal myself.
Disturbing tangent – For a possible glimpse into the dark mind of our financial elite a look at the work by artist Cleon Peterson is illuminating especially given that he has been commissioned by old hyper wealthy banking families more than once.
This is the same financial elite whose organisations are giving us climate fear and the gender ‘transitioning’ of children.
@ Breeks
I have no hardline connection. I only use my 4G mobile phone on a fifteen quid a month pay as you go sim, and tether it to my laptop for internet connection.
I’m out in the sticks so very few use the same service provider so it is not overloaded.
The neighbours are all Luddites (some so behind the curve they are of the Both Votes SNP ilk) still paying over the odds for shitey BT hardline which is “essential” coz their lazy kids spend nearly every waking hour on the Playstation or X Box which hammers data use.
Where was I going with this… Ahh yes, the only time I have had poor service was when on the AUOB marches when presumably loads of folk in the crowd were using the same provider and the local mast was struggling to cope with the request load.
If your issue only happens when the weather is good, maybe you live next to a desirable beach where loads of punters rock up when it’s scorchio and put load on the system as they continually post updates on their lives on Arsebook or Twits.
Belaargh has won fuck all. He’s still an idiot who defame his opponents because he has no argument only BBC links.
Only an idiot can’t see the way Government keeps promising things and when the public fall for the promise they compromise themselves and the Government moves the goalposts and makes fresh demands.
Belaarg. You are a Kapo.
The one none of them dare to touch or acknowledge is the discrepancy between the statements made by the WHO and the literature of Public Health England on the PCR ‘test’ and how we are using it to gather ‘case’ numbers.
@Sarah, thanks for the reply.
All the lockdown fanatics are still trying to create the impression that people are dropping dead in the street from flu. Give up with the cheapskate BBC fear porn. Wonder what the weather and the livings like in Portugal. Are they as oppressed as we are?
Joe. The PCR is the enemies main weapon. Without its bogus results they have nothing.
The PHE and WHO content you posted is the PCR equivalent of the fold out pamphlet that comes with electrical appliances which state “no user service parts. Contact your dealer for service”. Following your logic, toasters would be illegal.
Your link was a vitamin salesman who is a major donor to the oldest anti-vaxx organisation in the US. Global research, with its 20 year history is a home of anti-science, 9/11, anti-Semitic, and every other type of conspiracy propaganda under the sun.
It is so disreputable as a source that it is banned from Wikipedia. Wikipedia!
Pixywine’s research is so poor, he hasn’t even noticed that I don’t use BBC links.
And jimuckmac can’t even the proper definition of a pandemic. You guys are actual conspiracy nutjobs.
@ Charles Hodgson (3.39) –
Thanks for mentioning that link.
This seems to be it here…
Very long, but really eye-opening stuff.
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Why don’t you list all the trials here then. Show your working.
Btw, I’m not a lockdown fanatic. Never have been. But nobody ever bothered to ask.
My links were straight from the WHO and PHE. I don’t think I have ever posted anything by Global Research.
I don’t speak for pixywine or jimuckmac and they don’t speak for me.
All this post at 5:20pm does is underline what I have been saying – you will simply not address it outside of diversionary bullshit.
Get a real job FFS
I wouldn’t recommend keeping your dongle in the fridge, you might get an accumulation of moisture on it, which may result in short circuiting when sticking it back into the socket.
Although you may be protected if you have had both Bluetooth and microchip vaccines.
On the poor internet situation, I think Dan covered the issue pretty well regarding popular tourist areas using up the Wi-Fi etc.
Maybe there is an unforeseen issue with the vaccine compatibility, i.e Pfizer maybe not working well will BT, AZ not working with well with Microsoft etc. If only the vaccine scientists had spent more time on the internet compatibility side, rather than howling at the moon, according to the Flat Earth Downhill Mountain Bike club, we might not have these problems!!!
Something for those dwelling in rainbowland.
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«It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels»
Saint Augustine
Fundraiser for Marion Millar’s legal fees.
It’s already at £6,330 of £10k target after two hours.
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Surely all the old and vulnerable people that chose to get “the vaccine” will have had both their jags by now.
An indication of mortality rates by age in Fig 2a & b
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Is it still the case that the average age of folk dying because of covid is a couple of years higher than average age of life expectancy?
Top Tips for avoiding the jail in NuScotland.
Want to make a statement that you support women’s right but are scared the rozzers will show up if you hang a certain tri colour ribbon?
Accidentally buy 3 huge beach towels in green, white, and purple, and make sure to wash them all on the same day.
They’ll look the business hanging on your washing line to dry in the front garden. 😉
Well that didn’t take long.
£10,933 raised of £10,000 goal
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Your interpretation of the links is genuinely laughable. There’s no discussion with someone who builds a straw man from their own misinterpretation. Dr Morag Kerr’s words about PCR tests clearly apply to you too.
And an ad hominem about being jobless. Another example of you showing how little you know.
Baaalargh, there’s no Covid 19 pandemic, the four nations of the U.K. downgraded Covid 19 from the High Consequence Infectious Disease Register (HCID) because of it’s ‘low mortality rate’, if you go refer to this register you will find the SARS virus is still on it and killed 700 in the U.K.
When Sturgeon says 10,000 have died in Scotland from Covid 19, she is lying through her rotten little mouth.
Robbo – Delighted as well.
I think this is going to be the gamechanger in Scotland. The SNP, especially sturgeon and humza yusuf, have got to own this . As they caused all this division.
If I was david paisley I would be very worried about being sued in the very near future. And the other anonymous complainer.
I see marion’s “gofundme” page is down.
Wonder why ?
I hope this comes back to bite gofundme on the arse.
The wokeratti must be very ,very worried. Good.
Lobbyists can not outfight people power.
Again – no addressing the issue which is the WHO and PHE echo Kary Mullis when advising against using PCR on its own.
Robert Hughes,
Thank you for decent well thought out reply,
I had thought that no one had paid attention re my posted comments on the reality and facts of the treaty of the union,
The suspicion that an awful lot of Scots were going around like spirituals dead people called Zombies was causing a bit of panic within me.
I thought I was going to have to learn body language from a whole new perspective.what with the Snp dragging their feet, absent minds and dull cranium responses, others going around arms held in front of them being injected in Qs..
Joking aside,
You’re self and j.o.e and one or two others will be the ones that help see the rest of us through some pretty tough times ahead into new thought processes that come from within us, Rather than the teachings of thought patterns to the million over airwaves and internet as behavioural science.
GoFundMe have withdrawn Marion’s fundraiser. I assume money will be refunded to pledgers but she’ll need to find a new platform. Over £12k when I last saw it. I’m afraid this is what we are up against. But Women Won’t Wheest.
Hi Astonished.
I’m getting “Campaign Not Found”.
I wonder if it could be because it reached its goal so quickly?
Just checked her Twitter. Read about what’s happened at the link:-
link to
@ panda paws
When I donated earlier, I was offered the opportunity of increasing my donation to give GoFundMe a tip. I declined, because they have form for this sort of behaviour and I have no wish to reward them. I’m now really glad I did that, even though it would have been a trivial sum.
Balaaargh says:
5 June, 2021 at 5:25 pm
Why don’t you list all the trials here then. Show your working.”
There are none so blind as those who will not see. This a big enough survey for you, Blaargy boy?:
“In Mexico City, after a spike in cases in December, the city’s Ministry of Health created a home-treatment kit for residents. The city’s metro population is 22 million.
At the time, the head of the Mexico City Ministry of Health, Oliva López, said told reporters her agency had determined “that there is enough evidence to use in people positive for SARS-CoV-2, even without symptoms, some drugs such as ivermectin and azithromycin.
Beginning Dec. 29, people who tested positive for COVID from an antigen test and who were experiencing at least mild symptoms began receiving one of the government’s ivermectin-based treatment kits, TrialSiteNews reported
The Mexican government then began a study to track the impact of the early treatment of COVID with ivermectin on the city’s population.
The study tracked 200,000 people, dividing in two cohorts — those who received ivermectin and those who did not.
Through a phone-call-based monitoring system and hospital data on admissions for COVID-19, the researchers found a reduction of between 52% and 76% in hospitalizations for those who took ivermectin compared to those who did not.”
link to
I’ve just replied to the email notification I got from gofundme. The email address is:-
This is what I sent:-
Thank you for your £10.00 donation to Marion Millar Legal Fees
Your removal of this crowdfunder is blatant misogyny.
I will be contributing to no more “gofundme” crowdfunders.
I’m off out to get pished in a pub with real people. Enjoy your self-selecting little back garden barby,Blaargy, and keep your potentially infectious neighbor’s far far away.
The rest of us will continue living our lives, you smug paranoid little pishfart
Glinner has his take on the Marion Millar gofundme fiasco.
link to
Ha! I’ve just received a fobbing-off reply from the “GoFundMe Customer Happiness Team”, after I also complained about their taking the page down.
The reply said that my mail had been sent to an unmonitored inbox, but within seconds they sent another email to say they had received my message and would be dealing with it.
Another pertinent story, from today’s Scotsman.
link to
The First Minister who claims to be a feminist says nothing.
I think it must be pretty obvious that these so called ‘trans-activists’ are out to cause trouble.
These dangerous hate filled ‘trans-activists’ are causing transphobia.
Marion Miller’s paypal link:
link to
No fresh comments since 8.14?
This is a tester…
Eh, Ian, weird for a Saturday night…
Specially after the Marion Millar gofundme fiasco.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Dodgy shit…
@Ian Brotherhood 5.21: finally finished that long interview with the experienced and much-cited doctor and Ivermectin advocate Dr Kory.
Strange that such an effective, safe and cheap drug, whether used as a prophylactic or therapeutic treatment, should be ignored or blocked by the medical establishment obsessed with experimental vaccines of doubtful efficacy whose long-term effects are as yet unknown.
@Pixywine: thanks for making me aware of those Dark Horse video clips. At first I found the rather pedantic male/female set-up a bit nit-picking and off-putting but gradually the merits of such an approach became clear.
I was dans le jardin planting a couple of hundred beetroots seeds.
Breeks was probably out walking the dongle looking for a signal…
Defo get the feeling over the past couple of weeks there is significant pushback happening with many organisations distancing themselves from the rather over zealous lobbying activities.
I think they may have over-reached with sneaking this out under the radar, and the wider public are waking up to it now.
Archived Telegraph article.
“Stonewall ‘exodus’ begins as Ministry of Justice officials say it has ‘lost its way’”
link to
@TC –
I had to leave it about halfway through but will keep going.
The scientific ‘method’ can be wearing at times, aye, but at least we know these people are thorough. That’s surely what’s needed right now, and the questions they’re raising can’t be ignored.
(Unless you’re someone like ‘Balaaargh’, obviously…)
A broken clock is always right twice a day.
“WOS was so successful because Mr Campbell was happy to take on uncomfortable issues and forensically deconstruct the bullshit.”
Sadly, this is the age where everyone becomes an expert by reading Facebook on the toilet. Critical thinking and research is about more than pasting links from “alternative news” sites like spiked-online and sharing Ben Garrison cartoons. Deconstructing bullshit involves looking critically at the messenger as well as the message. Is the source credible? What is the background here. Is this some fringe rando? What’s the motive behind the post?
And I have to correct myself. J.o.e. did NOT post a link to, that was cirsium. See, I’m not perfect and I’m big enough to admit when I made a mistake. I’m still waiting for ottomanboi to back up his claim that there have been worse pandemics this century or even confirm he washes his hands.
J.o.e. didn’t post that link, he made the claim that COVID was in Barcelona and Brazil in 2019. Great headline from Reuters but as the Rev has REPEATEDLY pointed out, you need to keep reading and not take the headline at its word. When you read further into the detail and do your own research, you find that these were un-published, un-peer reviewed pieces of work when the story was annuonced. And the peer review comments since then are not particularly flattering. The Brazil raw data has only just been released, it should be interesting to see the analysis when actual experts have reviewed it but the authors have confirmed that the results aren’t applying new information to existing results but rather unfreezing samples and taking them to labs already doing COVID-19 tests so they can’t rule out contamination.
And this is a point that you all miss time and time again: there is no binary right or wrong here. We’ll never know the root cause for this pandemic. What’ll happen is a group of scientists will coalesce opinion around a certain hypothesis but without definitive evidence, no conclusion will be reached. For jimuckmac’s benefit, a pandemic is not a UK gov declaration of what is a highly infectious disease. A pandemic is an epidemic of a disease which has crossed multiple international borders and is present across the globe in multiple continents. There is also a view that it must also be non-seasonal, it must still be prevalent in a country even if it was not the expected season.
Do you know what makes this so tiresome? There’s always another claim. The virus doesn’t exist; it can be cured with drug X; masks don’t work; masks will kill you; it’s just a flu; the govt is trying to install a new world order; the vaccine isn’t a vaccine; the vaccine changes your DNA; the vaccine is experimental; the vaccine contains a chip which will monitor your movements; Bill Gates makes billions off vaccines; the tests are wrong; the vaccine is gene therapy; the government are hushing up deaths; it came from China; it didn’t come from China; you won’t get a job without a vaccine passport; now a BANKING LAWYER is going to save you! And you tell ME to get a grip? 😀
I asked before, if the vaccine is BS then do you really think they would roll it out first to white people? It’s a lot more expensive to cover up and go to court fighting compensation here than it is in Africa, South America or most parts of Asia.
Of course big pharma are in it for the money, they’re a business. Oh, and both AstraZeneca and J&J vaccines are being sold at cost and most developed countries have over-purchased but state the excess will go in to the COVAX scheme. It it our responsibility to make sure our politicians follow through on that.
It really grinds my teeth that those greedy, corrupt motherfuckers in Westminster are going to milk the vaccine rollout as this massive british success after everything they’ve done to make it worse. The tories are in power for the decade and I also have little confidence that Sturgeon will take positive action. I have some sympathy for the experts that we have to put our faith in because they’ve never done it before. They only have their numbers and graphs and compare them to something which happened 100 years ago. And they have gotten things wrong at times. Not helped by the blond clown who has made a career out of failing upwards.
I hate “lockdowns” because they are a symbol of failure. Failure of governments to act for the protection of their populations. Failure of people to adhere to simple rules of hygiene. And a failure of individuals having some thought for the welfare of your fellow man. I struggled to understand how Adam Tomkins went from Indy-supporting socialist to Tory MSP and yet I feel I’ve watched it unfold on these pages.
I miss the Rev and I hope he is able to move on and be successful in whatever he decides. But empires always fall and WoS is dead. You’re welcome to all the pseudoscience, conspiracy bollocks, NWO fearmongering and all-round batshit quackery masquerading as intelligent debate. It’s not my legacy you’re harming. You are the drunken auld wankers in the pub corner that nobody wants to talk to, heads stuck up their own arses talking about great histories of poverty poets and playwrights this nation has produced and deluding yourself you’re just like them. Feel free to reply, I can assure you I couldn’t give a shit (bbq was quite nice thanks, Charlie) and I guarantee I won’t see it.
To the sensible people, I wish you well. I’m already on other Indy sites (except WGD for obvious reasons). Maybe we’ll even meet at the Alba party conference. I’ll be the one without the tinfoil hat.
Oh, and Breeks? If your post about signal was serious, have you looked at using a mobile wifi hotspot instead of a dongle? Depending on house construction, 4G signals might struggle to maintain a solid connection. That way you can have the hotspot by the window for a better signal. Vodafone do one for £50 PAYG but there are other options.
…well, seeing as I introduced him so neatly there, it seems only proper that I should now thank Balaaargh for his lengthy contribution to tonight’s debate.
Thank you kindly sah, and goodnight to you!
Hey Blaargy boy, in the torrent of verbal diaorreah above, I note you don’t mention Mexico and Ivermectin. What a fucken surprise. You only show you are guilty of what you accuse others off – a closed mind.
You don’t think pharma companies that spend millions on vaccines wont step on cheap alternatives that will prevent them making huge profits, and acknowledge that politicians on the take have an interesting obeying their paymasters. Keep living in your pathetic dreamworld. I’m an Alba member too, I know the Sturgeon conspiracy against Salmond was real. So do you, presumably, you just chose to believe this partucular strain of BS. Lots of us know better, barby boy.
Is this for real?
link to
I was reading about it last week. Some girl won the first prize and now has 1 million dollars or approx £750,000 to put towards her university education.
Apparently each week there will be 4 prizes of 1 million$ and there is a secondary lottery for school kids which awards the winner about $500,000 which they can use for their school education etc.
@Meg –
Mind blown…
Blaargy Barby Boy, you know who didn’t have “randomised control tests”? Darwin, Einstein, Galileo, Newton. Maybe you’d like to dispute their Science?
Or maybe we should just get fucken on with applying the best treatment we have to treat ill people? Are you comfortable with people dying, or do you want to get with acknowleding the best available evidence existing and save lives, like *right now*?
What harm would utilising a perfectly safe treatment cause anyway?
What are you? Sturgeon and Fauci’s bitch?
Get the fuck off this page you fucken numbskull, you should be ashamed.
I find it really frightening what is happening, the ”power” the members running the radical trans agenda seem to have in Scotland. My home country has stopped them in court from changing the laws – they wanted the word ”woman” disappear from people’s vocabulary and in any piece of legislation passed – but here in Scotland while there is ”frenzy” in forums, social media debating this issue, very few are raising their voices in public and this is precisely which is badly needed and as a matter of urgency.
What can be done to help Marion and the few women who are fighting to prevent this country from being taken over by the trans collective? She is facing two years in jail, what is this madness?
That fraud posing as Marion Millar to scam people out of their donations and steal some of Marion Millar’s crowdfunding for legal support is a new low, even for the Wokeratti.
There’s fighting dirty, and then there’s being absolute slime.
On the up side however, I think they’ve been getting away with it long enough, and the world is beginning to react. Ian Lawson is talking about crowdfunding a fighting fund to pursue the the troublemaking shit stirrers for malicious prosecution, and suing the shit out them.
It sounds a fresh idea, but it should really have started with the Alphabetties.
I read about an English guy working up here with a Scottish
boss who was verbally degrading him for being English.
I obviously condemn such actions but the guy got £13,000 in
compensation for his boss being racist.
I recall a few years back with the tables turned a Scot put in a
Claim to the court as some English colleagues continually gave
him verbal abuse for being Scottish.
He was always referred to as a Sweaty Sock Jock.
The case was thrown out as Scots are not a race and it’s only rhyming slang?
I don’t like my nation being second class not the laws working against us!
@Charles Hodgson 5 June, 2021 at 8:12 am
“Isn’t it time to go full anti-lockdown? The Portugal thing is crazy, and entirely predictable.
False positives enabling the Dictator to slow down moving down the tiers.Seems to me people with other conditions are catching Covid whilst in hospital. This is then flipped to portray people out in the community contracting Covid, and then being hospitalised.”
LOL another conspiracy theorist, your own lack of ability for not being able to understand complex issues around Virus transmission a conspiracy does not make. Only 45% of the nation have had the second Jab and latest Indian Varient is not protected against by only having one jab, we have a long way to go. Latest variants are also affecting younger people then previous ones. “Seems to me ” doesn’t make anything true, why on earth would people only be getting infected in Hospitals when people are mixing in public, in Pubs, in Homes and in recently non essential shops ? Thankfull Anti Vaxxers and unstable conspiracy theorists are still the minority but it does expose how easy it is to infect your heads with invented garbage.
@Effigy 6 June, 2021 at 8:00 am
“The case was thrown out as Scots are not a race and it’s only rhyming slang?”
Feel free to show your evidence of this incident , but you can’t do that because you just made it up didn’t you ? Anyone can see this is just complete BS you just invented , is it just the attention you seek ?
Breeks 5 June, 2021 at 4:20 pm
“Oh yes, does the physical temperature of the dongle matter? Should I keep it in the fridge?
Questions, questions….”
It’s probably your own Head you should keep in the fridge, it would do us all a favour”
That still doesn’t address the issue of how we are using PCR to build the statistics (and therefore ‘response’) versus advice from the WHO, PHE and the statements made by Kary Mullis.
The incorrect use of PCR could be responsible for the justification of lockdowns and therefore the temporary use authorisation of these vaccines that are still in the trial stages.
Its quite a big deal.
link to
‘MarionMillar’ #WomenWontWheesht
Good morning all ?
I want yo let you know that so far we have doubled my target and I also have a pledge of a further £10,000 from a sister accountant.
The tras did not win at all.
I hope these cretins take comfort in knowing that anything left over will be split between my
boys local charity, a downs syndrome charity, @ForwomenScot and the @ALLIANCELGB
I want to thank you all for your kind donations and beautiful messages of love and support and a special thanks to the women who although are scared to speak publicly have took the time to DM me”
Should anyone care to Google the ‘sweaty sock Jock’ slur , they will find it has indeed been reported to the police and has indeed been in court. It also has been reported in various unionist rags as in the Telegraph and the Daily Mail also by the BBBC.
For those of you who don’t give a damn , have a lovely sunny Sunday.
@JimuckMac 5 June, 2021 at 6:39 pm
“Baaalargh, there’s no Covid 19 pandemic, the four nations of the U.K. downgraded Covid 19 from the High Consequence Infectious Disease Register (HCID) because of it’s ‘low mortality rate’, if you go refer to this register you will find the SARS virus is still on it and killed 700 in the U.K.
When Sturgeon says 10,000 have died in Scotland from Covid 19, she is lying through her rotten little mouth.”
Christ another shite talker. Sturgeon doesn’t make the figures daftie , the figures are produced by dozens upon dozens of Statisicians from “Registers of Scotland” who unlike you are all highly qualified individuals and have no political cross to bear and just produce proper data built from Registered actual Death Certiicates lodged in Scotland, those Death Certificates are only ever filled in by thousands and thousands of properly qualified Doctors across Scotland of which none are taking part in some big secret plan across the whole World to invent a Pandemic. Now go and sit in the stupid corner beside Pixywine.
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@JimuckMac 5 June, 2021 at 6:39 pm
“When Sturgeon says 10,000 have died in Scotland from Covid 19, she is lying through her rotten little mouth.”
link to
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@James Che
Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate your contributions also.
While we need experts, academics and professionals who have adhered to educational requirements and stuck to the beaten path for our general society to function, they are not well placed to take a step back and be properly critical of the system that is treating them fairly well.
I share Roberts experience with regards to school and initially I tried to get through it all and gain something out of it but in the end I was practicing shooting a longbow in woodland when I was supposed to be doing my exams. I never regretted that. In fact I should have done more of it as im still not very good.
Being given such a bleak early view of how the system is less than perfect puts us in a better position to face up to situations like this. I’d honestly hate to be doing my waking up now.
Don says:
6 June, 2021 at 8:55 am
It’s probably your own Head you should keep in the fridge, it would do us all a favour”
Sturgeon in the freezer? Ooft! Bit drastic Don, but it’s a solution of sorts I suppose.
Still obsessing over TOARIES!! while the corrupt lying bastard Nicola Sturgeon squats in Bute house, continuing to lay waste to law, justice and freedom without any fear of the consequences.
I really could not give a shit about Douglas Ross, he’s an irrelevance, until people grow out of this ridiculous TOARY!! obsession and turn their fire on the real evil in Scottish politics nothing will change.
And if you want to go on about covid, how’s about looking at the dribbling moron Humza Yousaf who sturgeon has imposed on the country as health minister during the biggest pandemic in living memory. That’s the real story here, not some irrelevance quarantining in a hotel.
Don 8.41
What is not made up is that an English PM agrees that Scots are ” vermin and should be exterminated”. Just think about these words. Would he have so readily expressed the same view of the Irish or Germans or French or Americans…, of course he wouldn’t , that kind of degradation is reserved solely for Scots.
@Dorothy Devine 6 June, 2021 at 9:06 am
“Should anyone care to Google the ‘sweaty sock Jock’ slur , they will find it has indeed been reported to the police and has indeed been in court. It also has been reported in various unionist rags as in the Telegraph and the Daily Mail also by the BBBC.”
Nice attempt at diversion , if not why not actually just post a link to the actual case concerned in the first place for all to see if the result was as stated ?
link to
“Nicola Sturgeon’s husband refunded money to ex-SNP member as donations scandal row deepens”
J.o.e 6 June, 2021 at 8:59 am
“… therefore the temporary use authorisation of these vaccines that are still in the trial stages.”
Vaccines are NOT in “trial stages” dickie.
Vaccine safety
Is the NHS confident the vaccine will be safe?
Yes. The MHRA, the official UK regulator authorising licensed use of medicines and vaccines by healthcare professionals, has said these vaccines are safe and highly effective.
The NHS would not offer any COVID-19 vaccinations to the public until it is safe to do so.
As with any medicine, vaccines are highly regulated products. There are checks at every stage in the development and manufacturing process, and continued monitoring once it has been authorised and is being used in the wider population. link to
lol fuckin hell. The 77th must’ve dropped their recruitment standards somewhat.
McDuff 6 June, 2021 at 9:35 am
“What is not made up is that an English PM agrees that Scots are ” vermin and should be exterminated”. Just think about these words.”
More braindead Nationalist fantasy shite , provide any proof Johnson actually agrees with that but you can’t. Allowing a pre-stated comedy poem from a well known writer to be published in something you are Editor of doesn’t mean you have to agree to the words involved at all, it shows in the belief in freedom of the press and also belief in free speech. Not pulishing it would be called censorship. Its why certain Mohammed cartoons are still being published in France ie because open societies allow free speech and not censorship of everything becausean a small inwardly looking self anal gazing minority get butthurt at everything they neither have the IQ to understand or simply don’t like.
J.o.e 6 June, 2021 at 9:54 am
“lol fuckin hell. The 77th must’ve dropped their recruitment standards somewhat.”
Says J.o.e the fully qualified conspiracy theorist and anti vaxxer. No wonder the Ref had to get away from you people, imagine what mixing with you lot has done to his mental health of over the last 10 years. Good luck to him on that too.
@Brian Doonthetoon – “Deputy FM John Swinney has insisted that police are not investigating the issue”.
There is obviously an investigation going-on then. The Police don’t want to do it, but they’re having to do it. How long has this taken them, so far?
Then it has to go to the COPFS who will determine if Peter Murrell can be charged. The only question I have is: who is more bent – Peter Murrell or the COPFS? Hence, the chances of success are close to zero.
What a mess of a country we now all live in. Isn’t it staggering that we voted for this?
You have to admire folk like Marion Millar for standing up to it and it’s about time our Police did the same.
One thing’s for certain, the SNP know we voted for them and they know that they are in charge for another 5-years.
In the meantime, Liz Truss is out doing trade deals with the rest of the world which will benifit Scotland more than all at Holyrood will do.
I am not a Tory and the Tories we have at Holyrood are a dreadful bunch of dishonest and unaccountable no-users. But, credit where credit’s due.
You must have missed the “authorized for emergency use” that governments agencies gave the vaccines. That removes any liability that the companies might have and transfers it to the government.
So now that tens of millions have been vaccinated it’s reasonable to conclude that these vaccines are as safe as any other. The companies fill outcome data for every adverse reaction encountered from fever through to, unfortunately, death. In a sense the covid vaccines are probably the most studied but the regulations will come later once the numbers have been crunched.
So, you’re sort of not wrong but this is still a large trial and it’s still on-going.
Shocked 6 June, 2021 at 9:27 am
“Still obsessing over TOARIES!! while the corrupt lying bastard Nicola Sturgeon squats in Bute house, continuing to lay waste to law, justice and freedom without any fear of the consequences.
I really could not give a shit about Douglas Ross, he’s an irrelevance, until people grow out of this ridiculous TOARY!! obsession and turn their fire on the real evil in Scottish politics nothing will change.
And if you want to go on about covid, how’s about looking at the dribbling moron Humza Yousaf who sturgeon has imposed on the country as health minister during the biggest pandemic in living memory. That’s the real story here, not some irrelevance quarantining in a hotel.”
Well as much as it pains me to agree, you are correct 100%. Have never Voted Tory and never will but this huge obsession with the Tories is exactly what the SNP have deliberately fostered over the last decade to allow themselves to do virtually nothing of any good or often worse decison making than the Tories themselves in many cases.
SNP themselves were happy to stand with the Tories to Vote down their own singular manifesto promise the SNP were actually voted into power on. Doesn’t doing that ring any alram bells ..anything else that they campaign on that they don’t really want too ? link to
While all the time doing EXACTLY the same things as the Tories.
link to
SNP were actually imposing 7.1% Austerity on us in Scotland by their own choice when the Tories were only imposing 1.8% Austerity over the whole UK at the time. “Spice” is the Scottish Parliaments own Data office. link to
Im starting to find the ‘foaming at the mouth’ style of writing to be oddly endearing
Retro reminder from 2016 of where the PM’s priorities lie.
“A pound spent in Croydon is of far more value than a pound spent in Strathclyde”
(30 secs)
link to
Same as it ever was…Wakey wakey Scots and get off your knees.
There’s a reason that over the course of this 300 year supposedly “equal” Union the population of The Kingdom of England has increased from approximately 5 to 10 times that of the Kingdom of Scotland.
It means that our “equal” partner in this Union has benefited from garnering all the positive economic advantages that go with that disparity in our respective population growth rates.
That shows consistent breaching of the Treaty of Union as no constituent part of the UK should have an economic advantage over another.
The fact that over the years all Westminster Governments have shown no political will to implement policies to redress this growth rate disparity is proof that Scotland is not well served or an equal partner in this Union.
link to
“Much of the time there need be no conflict between trans rights and women’s rights, but much of the time does not mean always. No one, I think, wishes to roll back the protections rightly afforded to trans people but a policy which, in essence, expands the definition of womanhood to a point at which it ceases to have any meaning merits much more scrutiny than it has hitherto received.
If it has not received that scrutiny it is, I suspect, because many voters do not believe the Scottish government seriously proposes that men can be women and, not only that, but women no different from those born female. Yet that is what the SNP propose.”
England can’t afford independence but they should try it out instead of sponging off every other country.
Shocked. 9.27am
Spot on.
Of course Sturgeon is our real enemy.
She and her fake husband are sexual deviants, (as is her closest ally Pat Harvie)
They sit in Bute House thinking up evil ways of suppressing any feelings of normality in Scotland.
They chip away at our Civil Liberties, until eventually you find yourself triple checking everything you say or do.
Scotland really is a shit place to call home at this moment in time.
I have given up with Scottish Politics and UK Politics, I just can’t be annoyed listening to their bullshit anymore.
The majority of Scots voted Sturgeon back into power, so I’m going to let them get on with it.
Sturgeon was given the job of leading Scotland to becoming an independent nation in 2014, and she has done anything but.
Sturgeon has never wanted Scotland to become an independent nation, she wants to govern over a Eutopia for every sexual pervert from around the world.
And if you print anything suggesting otherwise, she’ll nail you, she’ll finish you off, just ask Alex Salmond.
After reading that Ian Lawson had his donation to the ringfenced fund returned, we decided to see if our donation of £200.00 could also be returned ( we had bank statement, thank you letter from Jim Henderson dated and signed). The donation was returned to the bank account within 2 days.
I tried to donate this to the Marion Millar crowd funder yesterday, but the transaction was terminated (fund was about £10,000 then). I would still like to donate to her legal costs but in view of all the attacks on the lady, her accounts and her crowd funders, I am not sure how to do this.
I would be glad to have some reliable information as to where to go next.
As we are both elderly OAPs, about the only thing we can usefully do is to donate when and where we can.
Dave Somerville
Sturgeon, Murrell and Harvie may well be the deviants you allege; that, however, is irrelevent in the bigger picture – which is her failure to progress the cause of Independence.
Such allegations are also a case of playing the person rather than the ball, so perhaps better to lay-off the salacious allegations and attack the real crime – her failure as the perceived leader of the independence movement.
Sadly, with a Scottish media which seems happy to let her have her way, due to the lack of a viable alternative, getting this message across and getting action will be difficult.
However, she cannot keep Scotland locked down for ever. Pro-Independence marches will return, and that is when we will hopefully begin to see ALBA emerging as the true voice of Independence and overwhelming the present SNP and their Green fellow travellers.
When that day arrives, the Tories will have real problems to contend with.
Thank you Brian Doonthetoon that is a very interesting article.
I totally agree with the following.
The reaction from people in Scotland is
‘You can’t be serious’ or perhaps it’s ‘aye right pull the other one’.
“If it has not received that scrutiny it is, I suspect, because many voters do not believe the Scottish government seriously proposes that men can be women and, not only that, but women no different from those born female. Yet that is what the SNP propose.”
Ian Brotherhood @12:08am
Education is so genteel. How about cash, guns and beer, link to
Of course the real issue is the lack of trust and free stuff, which Americans love, is really more of an olive branch than a bribe.
@Stuart MacKay
An olive branch would be an explanation on:
1 – how the methods of accumulating statistics on covid i.e PCR for case numbers and deaths is at odds with guidance by public health bodies such as the WHO
2 – an explanation of why, if these vaccines are so safe that companies are not prepared to take liability themselves and instead put liability on the public
3 – a halt to the misrepresentation of people who are not entirely convinced that an industry with a murderous track record and financially compromised politicians are putting public health and safety first and foremost as some kind of slavering conspiracy nut.
4 – a fair televised debate with the numerous experts and industry insiders who have voiced heavy concerns for what is going on.
In the absence of this we have people being paid to take these shots. That’s not an olive branch.
General comment:
The idea that im to be comfortable with the long term health effects of an injection that the manufacturers won’t accept financial liability for is one of the most stupid fucking things ive ever considered.
Socrates MacSporran 6 June, 2021 at 10:54 am
“However, she cannot keep Scotland locked down for ever. Pro-Independence marches will return, and that is when we will hopefully begin to see ALBA emerging as the true voice of Independence and overwhelming the present SNP and their Green fellow travellers.
When that day arrives, the Tories will have real problems to contend with.”
I’m sure that is what you like to think , but they won’t. There is only one reason the SNP and Sturgeon are not progressing Indy and that is for the exact same reasons as they always have been the ones they have still been sucessfully conning you on.
link to
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I have a problem.
I’m finding it impossible to accept that ‘transwomen are women’.
Nicola Sturgeon, David Paisley, Kirsty Blackman etc can chant ‘transwomen are women’ until the cows come home but that isn’t doing anything to change my thinking.
Transwomen are transwomen. Even if like Caitlyn Jenner they spend £millions on surgery my thinking stays the same Caitlin Jenner is a transwoman.
If trans people & their activists are not happy with that then I am sorry but there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.
Sure they can force me to say ‘transwoman are women’ but that doesn’t mean I believe it.
Stuart MacKay,
I agree that there are trust issues involved with the Covid vaccine amongst many people, however it may be a bit of stretch to believe that the prize giving is an olive branch.
The prime minister of Great Britain thinks the Scots are a race of people,,….even if it is from an obvious racist colonialism mind set. He thinks they should be exterminated as a race of people,
J.o.e 6 June, 2021 at 11:28 am
“The idea that im to be comfortable with the long term health effects of an injection that the manufacturers won’t accept financial liability for is one of the most stupid fucking things ive ever considered.”
The idea that someone might refuse to have an injection that hundreds of millions of people in the world have had successfully and is now proven to save lies when affected by Covid is one of the most stupid fucking things i’ve ever considered.
The idea that someone might prefer a company that could go bust to “promise” to pay out compensation instead of a government that won’t go bust and therefore can’t avoid making payouts is also one of the most stupid fucking things i’ve ever considered. But Scotland is obviosuly full of stupid fucking people.
link to
lol attempts at spin.
If these vaccines are safe then lets see the shareholders stake their money on it.
If not, don’t expect me to stake my long term health.
Easy fucking peasy.
Ooops I think I’m on the wrong forum.
Sorry to interrupt the discussion about Covid vaccines.
You probably are.
For the people who don’t see my point:
Get yourself an account with a brokerage, very easy these days, and start to put savings into the companies making these vaccines.
All the liability falls on the public. The profits go to the shareholders.
There is nothing to be afraid of.
Unless of course they have broken the law.
What you scared of?
Thanks for your link @ 9.11 confirming my statement of Sturgeon claiming there have been over 10,000 Covid deaths in Scotland up to the 30th May 2021.
I will now provide you with the following.
Scottish hospital deaths for the year
2016 = 28,422
2017 = 28,521
2018 = 28,604
2019 = 27,860
2020 = 27,967
Where are those 10,000 excess Covid deaths?
As I stated previously, Sturgeon is lying through her rotten little mouth.
Breastplate says:
6 June, 2021 at 11:47 am
You probably are.
Sorry Breastplate I made a mistake.
TODAY. Craig Murray’s wife writes to Lady Judge Dorrian:
link to
I understand that we see things differently when it comes to government restrictions and vaccines regarding Covid.
This is a political website and to me and many others, perhaps even you, actions and rhetoric surrounding this coronavirus became political almost instantly.
I genuinely don’t mind if you disagree.
Breastplate says:
6 June, 2021 at 12:12 pm
I understand that we see things differently when it comes to government restrictions and vaccines regarding Covid.
This is a political website and to me and many others, perhaps even you, actions and rhetoric surrounding this coronavirus became political almost instantly.
I genuinely don’t mind if you disagree.
I neither agree or disagree with you re Covid vaccines.
Not something I am interested in at the moment hence the conclusion that I am on the wrong forum.
J.o.e, Breastplate,
You need to read the small print “more of an olive branch than a bribe.
My point is that if government wanted to try and rescue the situation and persuade more people to get vaccinated they’d be fools to bribe people if there really were issues with the vaccine as that would make the situation irretrievable for the rest of time.
Having said that I agree with J.o.e that the current problems are all about shitty data, avarice and incompetence. After this crisis is over, root and branch reform is needed across large swathes of government including the likes of the WHO as all seem no longer fit for purpose.
JimuckMac@11.54 and the rest of the hard of thinking.
Overall deaths are down on the previous years for the simple reason, lockdown = reduced exposure to other infections, accidents of all types, road traffic, muggings etc, old folk falling in the street, people with half a brain understand this, its like crime figures being down during lockdown, its not rocket science.
Please feel free to keep posting nonsense, its good entertainment.
Don’t you get dizzy chasing your tail all day?
I agree with you on a couple of things.
1 This used to be a site dedicated to Independence. Not vaccines and anti-vaxers . Sad.
2.A thousand years from now when an archaeologist digs up the remains of a trans-woman and tests the DNA he will say “this was a man.”
Men in frocks are never women.
However they are welcome to dress and behave however they like, as far as I’m concerned.
At the end of the article Brian Doonthetoon posted at 9.40 (
link to, there is a statement that all the people who have had refunds from the SNP are non-members.
Does anyone fancy proving that wrong?
(I had my contribution returned; I’ve never been a member, so am not even a disgruntled ex.)
‘oooohhhh look at all these anti-vaxxers talking on this scottish politics blog about their conspiracies’
Yeah, coz this is an issue outside of Scotland and clearly doesn’t affect Scots.
I find myself hoping that these kinds of comments are made by people with an outside agenda and not the honest opinions of honest people.
Otherwise I find myself being sympathetic to the elitist idea that we need less dumb bastards running around
The fact is its not the conversation outside of the sphere of scottish politics that bothers you (even though it is and is probably the most serious situation to face Scots probably ever) its that you people do not like seeing opinions that cast shade on your own views on the subject.
Be fucking honest now.
Stuart MacKay,
I’m not sure you can pass off the incentives as an olive branch in any way whatsoever.
I’m guessing that the chance of a reward outweighs their reticence to get the vaccine in the first place.
I find it difficult to look at it as some sort of prelude to arbitration but rather a simple appeal to our baser instincts of monetary greed.
Of course, I accept that I maybe wrong.
J.o.e 6 June, 2021 at 12:55 pm
“Yeah, coz this is an issue outside of Scotland and clearly doesn’t affect Scots.”
When it all sounds too stupid to be true J.o.e. thats because it is , unfortunately people like you swallow it all too willingly and then try to convince others of the same.
link to
Gary45% 6 June, 2021 at 12:42 pm
“JimuckMac@11.54 and the rest of the hard of thinking.
Overall deaths are down on the previous years for the simple reason, lockdown = reduced exposure to other infections, accidents of all types, road traffic, muggings etc, old folk falling in the street, people with half a brain understand this, its like crime figures being down during lockdown, its not rocket science.
Please feel free to keep posting nonsense, its good entertainment.
Don’t you get dizzy chasing your tail all day?”
link to
Are you suggesting that the unintended beneficial consequences of lockdown are so good that we should leave it in place indefinitely?
The cartoon is about a wee tory quarantining in a hotel
The title is a play on the covid situation
The entirety of our politics for the last year and for years to come it seems, including the ability to hold any kind of referendum, has been based on the covid situation.
We have been economically damaged because of the government response to this.
Yet ‘this site used to be about Scottish politics’.
We don’t need vaccines. We need urgent distribution of brain cells.
Thick c*nts
Breastplate 6 June, 2021 at 1:19
“Are you suggesting that the unintended beneficial consequences of lockdown are so good that we should leave it in place indefinitely?”
And who anywhere has ever suggested this ? Absolutely no-one.
What ridiculous lengths you all go to to try to satisfy your own confused heads.
@J.o.e 6 June, 2021 at 1:21 pm
“The cartoon is about a wee tory quarantining in a hotel”
The Cartoon is nothing other than an Ad Hominem “Dog Whistle” to the pack as always for an attack on the Tories to try to direct the small minded’s thoughts away from other tough facts staring that them in the face instead.
link to
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Exactly. Socrates mcsporran and the rest of the sturgeon enablers simply don’t get it. Sturgeon is all about sturgeon enriching herself and gaining as much power and control as possible. “Independence”, whatever the hell that is supposed to mean, is nothing but a carrot to keep dangling at the enablers.
The enablers are completely incapable of looking at anything without gazing wide eyed through the lens of independence. When I read some of the drivel on here by people who are incapable of understanding what is going on I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Sturgeon, Murrell and the rest have spent decades doing a number on people to achieve this state of affairs, as they know it will stop these people noticing what’s really going on. It’s like a giant ball under the cup game and the enablers pick the wrong cup every time. Out thought, out flanked and made into a bunch of mugs at every turn.
Indy marches, obsessing over a second referendum and hitching into the Alba wagon are a waste of time. The support for independence just isn’t there because sturgeon has done nothing to advance the case as it was never her objective. The same people marching up and down the country waving flags at each other is a pointless exercise. The unfortunate truth is that Salmond has been completely outflanked by Nicola Sturgeon and he has to shoulder some of the blame for this. He believed the hype of his disciples and thought he’d win lots of seats and then “hold sturgeons feet to the fire” in parliament. What utter nonsense. Instead of dicking about and trying to play politics he should have taken sturgeon out and sent her to jail where she belongs. Once sturgeon was off the table then he could have tried to get back into politics. As long as sturgeon remains in Scottish politics Alba and Salmond are going nowhere.
People need to wake the hell up and realise the only way politics in Scotland are going to improve is when sturgeon and the rest are gone and rotting in jail. Dribbling on about independence while ignoring what’s really going on is not going to achieve that. All you are doing is falling into the trap that sturgeon has set you. The focus needs to be 100% on destroying sturgeon and then rebuilding from the ground up.
Scottish hospital deaths
You cannot compare Hospital deaths year on year, it does not really tell you anything. The wards were cleared prior to the virus taking hold and some of these people died at home, hospice or care home. You have to look at the total deaths, declared covid deaths and excess deaths to compare. Even then if you can work out the real figures for 2020/21 there will be further deaths in 2022/23 from cancers being missed as one example.
You can’t afford independent thought, that is why you read the telegraph.
Jack Murphy 6 June, 2021 at 12:11 pm
“TODAY. Craig Murray’s wife writes to Lady Judge Dorrian:
link to”
So Fecking what ? God bless the attention seekers.
link to
And a further point, we all know that Sturgeon and Murrell have stolen the indy fund money. It is as clear as day what has happened yet I bet that some of these she has stolen from will end up giving her a pass because she promises to spend £600k on an upcoming indy campaign. Sturgeon once again playing the indy ball and cup game to get away with her crimes. What a bunch of gullible mugs.
From a newspaper report. “She strongly rejected allegations the £600,000 had “gone missing”. Sturgeon said: “I’m not concerned about the party’s finances.”
Clearly she isn’t.
Breastplate @1.19.
Certainly not, I was simply stating the obvious for the hard of thinking.
So using your train of thought, all roads should be closed, because we cannot drive at the speed we want.
A wee serious question, are you allowed to use scissors?
Try giving up looking at the pictures in the Mail, Torygraph, Express and the rest of the right wing gutter press.
I’ll guarantee you’ll become a better person.
Would folk kindly stop conversing with Don, its patently obvious he’s a state actor, so no amount of reasoning with him will make one iota of difference.
I asked you a simple question as it sounded to me like you were extolling the virtues of lockdown, maybe you thought it an unfair question based on a false inference.
Nevertheless, the question gave you a chance to explain your position more clearly.
Unfortunately you seemed to have instead resorted to tarot cards to read my past present and future.
Allow me to tell you that you have no grasp at all, of what I’m thinking as evidenced by your comment.
Dontcha just love the Yoon troll tag team approach? So Flippin obvious. They certainly like to support each other lol. Straight out of the old imperial handbook dealing with the natives lol.
James Che. says:
6 June, 2021 at 11:40 am
The prime minister of Great Britain thinks the Scots are a race of people,,….even if it is from an obvious racist colonialism mind set. He thinks they should be exterminated as a race of people…
Aye, but that’s because he assumes we’d be leaving him Scotland in our last will and testament.
Nevermind. I’m sure we’ll all be fully indoctrinated by the BBC and the forced removal of Scottishness won’t hurt. They’re sending the Duke and Duchess of Somewhereshire up to Balmoral to soften us up and “strengthen the Union”.
Don’t know how you convert peasants into Unionists driving past them at 100mph in your Range Rover, but maybe it’s the thought that counts. (Ssshhh. Keep it to yourselves, but between you and me, I think it’s more to boost the morale of the Unionist troops still holding on in Unionist enclaves).
Sending Kate and William Windsor (that’s an English prince and his wife, just in case you didn’t recognise the names), but I think the strategy of sending them to Balmoral as a Concert Party is essentially the same idea as sending Vera Lynn out to Burma back in WW2.
It will typically be followed later up with a politically obtuse, racist and colonial BBC sit-com… “It Ain’t Half
HotCold Ma’am” starring Gunner DRoss and Ruth La-De-da Davidson.RepublicofScotland,
I agree that Don is Unionist to his core and no debate will shift him in his thinking no matter what it is but I would still argue it needs rebuttal for the people who read his bilge, it’s not about him.
Of course, there is a chance he can derail the comments but I would argue that people like Don are also necessary for debate.
Right now, there isn’t much happening on here anyway.
So England’s Met police spied for years on Scottish anti-nuclear groups, and in some cases infiltrated them. The scumbags used dead children’s names to worm their way into the Scottish anti-nuclear groups.
Of course it doesn’t help that your own government decided to protect the Met spies and their vile activities in Scotland.
“The Scottish Government refused to have a public inquiry. Instead ministers agreed to a review by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Policing in Scotland (HMICS), which victims of spycops boycotted.”
link to
I doubt very much that Don is a unionist, who comments in here like your average unionist Scot that’s sceptical of Scottish independence.
Don says:
6 June, 2021 at 1:36 pm
Are there any Scotsman or woman alive who can read that letter and not feel sick to their stomach?
I’ve been in a few Hell-holes around the world and things like this do happen, but the day they happen here and folk are flippant about, then I think there is something fundamentally wrong with that arbitrary way of thinking.
I suspect that Lady Dorian’s judgement on Craig Murray came via James Wolffe, John Swinney, Nicola Sturgeon and Dani Garavelli. Welcome to the new Scotland we all tragically voted for a few weeks ago.
Breastplate says:
6 June, 2021 at 3:22 pm
Why don’t you just try answering Don? If he produces evidence, then you produce your more convincing evidence? Don’t just call him a Unionist. That’s the sort of meaningless jargon that we use in Scotland nowadays and it doesn’t do anyone any good.
I would definitely say that Don is a Unionist but I’m not convinced at all that he/she/it is Scottish.
Captain Yossarian,
I’m guessing you are saying that because you didn’t follow the multitude of evidence thrown Don’s way when he first appeared.
If you are interested in the slightest as to why Don is a complete arse, you can check back.
“So England’s Met police spied for years on Scottish anti-nuclear groups”
And, along with MI5, continue to spy upon on the SNP, the SSP, the Scottish Greens, ISP, ALBA, Yes groups, Wings, etc. etc. etc. and any other group considered a threat to the British State’s hegemony in Scotland.
Are we surprised? Be more surprised if they weren’t doing it!
robertknight 6 June, 2021 at 4:30 pm
“And, along with MI5, continue to spy upon on the SNP, the SSP, the Scottish Greens, ISP, ALBA, Yes groups, Wings, etc. etc. etc. and any other group considered a threat to the British State’s hegemony in Scotland.
Are we surprised? Be more surprised if they weren’t doing it!”
So you actually have no evidence at all of any of this actually being true ? No wonder the Nationalist movement is in such a mess.
Captain Yossarian 6 June, 2021 at 4:12 pm
“Why don’t you just try answering Don? If he produces evidence, then you produce your more convincing evidence? Don’t just call him a Unionist. That’s the sort of meaningless jargon that we use in Scotland nowadays and it doesn’t do anyone any good.”
The problem is I can produce irrefutable evidence Nationalist authorities endorse themselves but all He/She/It can provide is childlike denial and Ad Hominem attacks. 🙂
Breastplate says:
6 June, 2021 at 4:21 pm
I don’t know who Don is. All I am saying is that he is producing all the evidence at the moment and all you are doing is calling him a Unionist.
May I presume then that his evidence was stronger than yours? I am saying that because his evidence is still there……and yours isn’t.
I don’t agree with the guy a lot of the time either, but he can argue his case better than most.
“Are we surprised? Be more surprised if they weren’t doing it!”
Agreed Robert Knight, but it doesn’t do any harm to point it out every now and then.
Captain Yossarian,
Don has told us that Scotland can’t afford independence, he equates self determination with something you must have enough money for.
I have pointed out to him that this is ridiculous in the extreme and have asked him at what point in its bank account does any country lose its right to make decisions?
He continues addressing constitutional questions with an abacus and doesn’t seem to have the wit to understand why this is wrong.
Maybe you will have better luck, so be my guest.
Captain Yossarian 6 June, 2021 at 3:59 pm
“Are there any Scotsman or woman alive who can read that letter and not feel sick to their stomach?
I’ve been in a few Hell-holes around the world and things like this do happen, but the day they happen here and folk are flippant about, then I think there is something fundamentally wrong with that arbitrary way of thinking. ”
Sorry but Craig Murray the infamous Conspiracy Theorist knew what he was doing and had plently of warnings and still didn’t think too much of his family at that point, its a wonder he has managed to avoid ending up in Jail a long time ago, the SNP wouldn’t touch him with a bargepole when he wanted to stand for them years ago with good reason. Wait until he gets to Jail and starts playing up the Julian Assange mental illness card.
“I suspect that Lady Dorian’s judgement on Craig Murray came via James Wolffe, John Swinney, Nicola Sturgeon and Dani Garavelli. Welcome to the new Scotland we all tragically voted for a few weeks ago.”
Wanting to “suspect” something is true doesn’t mean that it is , lets not forget Lady Dorian was the one woh spoke out against Salmond evidence being redacted in the Holyrood Enquiry. Wolfe has been labelled corrupt many times but at other times and also in his resignation he stated the judgements made were often not from himself , maybe from his deputy who now has resigned too ? It all smells fishy.
Marion Millar’s Go Fund Me page closed down, because some of the wokies complained about it, everyone will get their money refunded.
Republicofscotland 6 June, 2021 at 3:02 pm
“Would folk kindly stop conversing with Don, its patently obvious he’s a state actor, so no amount of reasoning with him will make one iota of difference”
In other words you cant provide any actual answers either and are just trying to run away and hide with the accusation of “State Actor” jeez how pitiful is that just because you have no actual real knowledge yourself ? Sort of typical for all the mantalists hiding away in bunkers like this just swapping fantasy sh*t among each other to make yourselves all feel better.
Face the facts the Rev has told you , its OVER the reason the SNP and Sturgeon are not pursuing a case for Indy is simply there is no case to be made so they have taken up the fallback position of just keeping deceiving gullble voters for as long as they can until the truth finally hits home. You really should go away and do the same as the Rev and and try to live your lives instead of making up complete bollocks for the rest of it
Breastplate 6 June, 2021 at 4:48 pm
“Don has told us that Scotland can’t afford independence, he equates self determination with something you must have enough money for.”
There you go again with your continual lying , show where i have said Scotland couldn’t be independent (but poorer) for that ?
But you can’t because i haven’t , you really are full of complete utter Bullshit who still after 10 years can’t understand your own countries economics 🙂 Pitiful.
President Xiden 6 June, 2021 at 1:43 pm
“From a newspaper report. “She strongly rejected allegations the £600,000 had “gone missing”. Sturgeon said: “I’m not concerned about the party’s finances.”
“Clearly she isn’t.”
Of course she isn’t worried , she will just argue its been used in pursuit of Indyref2 ie in campaigning to stay in power because if they had lost the last election there would be no Indyref2 at all. It will be easy for them to argue they spent it in pursuit of Indyref2 because what “Ringfenced for Indyref2” was never actually defined, it could mean any sort of spending barely related to Indyref2 and people will struggle to prove otherwise. If anyone thinks this lot could nearly send a former FM to Jail and get away with it then “losing £600K” is Childs play.
Hey Don, you post a lot and you’ve certainly torn the arse out of that lse link. but you didn’t respond to this from the other day.
link to
Plus maybe you could add your take on my post from earlier today too while you’re at it.
link to
Don – The purpose of our legal profession is ‘public protection’ and there are supposed to be precedents which justify near enough everything they do. I understand that the precedent in this case was that jigsaw identification of the alphabet women had been carried-out by a number of people and it was not Craig Murray’s writings that enabled that to be done; it was the writings of, amongst other folk, Dani Garavelli.
Dani Garavelli has not been charged. She, in fact, has just been given a job at St Andrews House. No more late nights drinking gin for her then. (not on the account of writing anyway)
So, you see, some folk get away with it and are in fact rewarded for it. Others can die in Jail. It’s therefore arbitrary and we shouldn’t have an aritrary justice system, should we? Students get sent to Scotland to study Law, not some arbitrary ‘Swinney’s Law’ or ‘Garavelli’s Law’? Wouldn’t you agree?
I see the Channel they call Scottish Television
is showing yet another friendly English men’s football
international while Scotland’s men are playing at the same time.
I use the term men’s as they show English women’s matches and youth matches.
The work Scottish means they can’t show the English Test match that is also on.
That’s BBC only.
I was going to watch the Test Match Cricket but I have good quality paint made in
Scotland drying so I’ll keep an eye on that.
Captain Yossarian 6 June, 2021 at 5:15 pm
“Don – The purpose of our legal profession is ‘public protection’ and there are supposed to be precedents which justify near enough everything they do. I understand that the precedent in this case was that jigsaw identification of the alphabet women had been carried-out by a number of people and it was not Craig Murray’s writings that enabled that to be done; it was the writings of, amongst other folk, Dani Garavelli.
Dani Garavelli has not been charged. She, in fact, has just been given a job at St Andrews House. No more late nights drinking gin for her then. (not on the account of writing anyway)
So, you see, some folk get away with it and are in fact rewarded for it. Others can die in Jail. It’s therefore arbitrary and we shouldn’t have an aritrary justice system, should we? Students get sent to Scotland to study Law, not some arbitrary ‘Swinney’s Law’ or ‘Garavelli’s Law’? Wouldn’t you agree?”
There is a big difference in real Journalists publishing names inadverently in different contexts becuase of normal court reporting because they didn’t know who the accusers were at the time that a “blogger” not a Journalist writing conspiracy stories with clues that would help all his readers work out who the accussers were , he had warnings and just ignored them because he thought he was untouchable. I remember James Doleman did the same and the court accepting it was done in a different context and not deliberate, Craig murrays actions were deliberate and thats where the difference lies. Perhaps you could ask this guy how he managed to work out the names ? From other Activists writing “Jigsaw “stories maybe ? link to
@Don – One last thing; Wolffe always used to remind me of Tom Hagan in The Godfather. He was a trained lawyer and worked for Corleone as his ‘Consigliere’. That meant ‘fixer’. He just got things done, whatever the cost.
In that environment, being a trained lawyer meant nothing. It was window-dressing. It was Tom Hagan who was responsible for the race-horse losing its head and so he bacame very adept at it.
So far, Wolffie has tried to put one man behind bars and failed; he has tried to put another man behind bars and it looks like he has succeeded this time. Best to get-out now because folk are getting pissed-off with him.
Don – There’s a difference, but it’s not as profound as you are suggesting.
It’s the equivalent of killing someone on purpose, or as a result of a dangerous game that has gone wrong.
Archived link to The Times article Don posted.
link to
Dan 6 June, 2021 at 5:15 pm
Hey Don, you post a lot and you’ve certainly torn the arse out of that lse link. but you didn’t respond to this from the other day.
link to
Correct Jim Rogers doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about, why should he ? …and you actually think Indy posterboy the Natioanlist fake propagandist does ? LOL.
“In comments broadcast in a radio interview, Andrew Wilson – who chairs the party’s Growth Commission – conceded that any future economic case for independence should not include North Sea oil revenues”
link to
or see link to
Ruby@11.35am. I agree totally with your view.
Dan 6 June, 2021 at 5:15 pm
“Hey Don, you post a lot and you’ve certainly torn the arse out of that lse link.”
and yet for most it still hasn’t sunk in yet ?
Perhaps this from Partrick Harvie will sink into you head finally too ?
link to
Captain Yossarian 6 June, 2021 at 5:33 pm
“@Don – One last thing; Wolffe always used to remind me of Tom Hagan in The Godfather. He was a trained lawyer and worked for Corleone as his ‘Consigliere’. That meant ‘fixer’. He just got things done, whatever the cost.
In that environment, being a trained lawyer meant nothing. It was window-dressing. It was Tom Hagan who was responsible for the race-horse losing its head and so he bacame very adept at it.
So far, Wolffie has tried to put one man behind bars and failed; he has tried to put another man behind bars and it looks like he has succeeded this time. Best to get-out now because folk are getting pissed-off with him.”
Oh come off it yur quoting a work of fiction now and just because you want to beleive in a conspiracy story doesn’t mean it exists the way you think it doesn’t whether the many cock ups can be made into a nice story or not, aand there were certainly plenty of 100% politically diven cockups for sure. The big tell will eb who they will replace them with because I doubt Roddy Dunlop woudl touch the job with a bargepole considering his scathing comments on what has went on already. Maybe the SNP are recruiting in Eire or NI to get another patsy.
Don – “and there were certainly plenty of 100% politically driven cockups for sure”. That’s exactly my point; Tom Hagan was good at it and James Wolffe isn’t so good.
Don says: at 5:39 pm
“…Jim Rogers doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about, why should he ? …and you actually think Indy posterboy the Natioanlist fake propagandist does ?”
Ok, if in your opinion Jim is clueless, can you tell us your qualifications and credentials so we can weigh up whether the opinion of Jim Rogers or yourself is more worthy of listening to.
The Indyposterboy link is to an image capturing what yer man said. If you claim it is fake, then here’s a link so you can here it from the horses mouth.
link to
British diplomats have been told by the PM not to refer to Scotland as a country, instead they’ve to use the term UK, in the first of many changes to keep Scotland chained to this f*cked up vile union.
The diplomats are to be discouraged from mentioning the term Four Nations as well.
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Okay, I’ve torn the arse out of the Control F search function but think I’ve located a decent start to folk rebutting Don’s LSE link, and the following posts in that thread debunk the usual pish that Scotland with our very healthy resource to population figure is uniquely unable, amongst all the other countries on this planet, to succeed on our own.
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Maybe someone can @ Jim Rogers on the twitter and let him know Don reckons he’s clueless and was talking pish in that interview.
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@ Ruby at 11.35: you are correct. They can pass a law saying that black is white or 2+2 = 5 but it doesn’t make it true. Transwomen are transwomen.
How did Clive James know the names of the Alphabet women?
I would suggest it could be in the same way as Craig Murray, Dani Gravelli & everyone who attended the trial or knew someone who attended the trial.
“Can the public attend the trial?
Yes, but as with all court cases it will be on a first come, first served basis. The courtroom holds 90 people but the majority of these spaces are taken up by the media. There may be room for about 30 members of the public but the exact number of spaces could fluctuate from day to day.”
There is no law that prevents the 90 people who attended the trial passing the info on to friends & family by word of mouth and these friends a & family passing the info on to their friends & family and so on & on.
We could have a situation in Scotland where men are being sent to jail for posting information that everyone already knows.
I suspect everyone who is interested knows the name of the Alphabet women and they haven’t had to figure it out using ‘jigsaw identification’
@ Don
And I note you still haven’t addressed or given an explanation for the 300 year long population growth disparity between the two Kingdoms that make up the UK, and the lack of political will by Westminster to implement policies to correct that trend which breaches the Treaty of Union, in that no constituent part of the UK should have an economic advantage over another.
Don is a very suck and bitter puppy.
Don’t feed him.
I only know the name of ONE of the alphabet liars, and that came from googling who attended a certain meeting on a certain day in a certain place. Certainly not from anything Craig Murray posted. He just identified who several of the CONSPIRATORS are. There is no injunction against that.
Don doesn’t have an effing clue who they are either. The man talks a load of shite.
Don can fuck off.
Or if you want to be more accurate transwomen are in fact men.
Can’t be bothered with newspeak.
@Dan – maybe the population disparity is because smart, qualified folk, young folk and folk with gumption are queuing-up to leave Scotland just now. They don’t want to stay here any longer and that is what leads to a population disparity.
Captain Yossarian says: at 7:00 pm
“…Maybe the population disparity is because smart, qualified folk, young folk and folk with gumption are queuing-up to leave Scotland just now. They don’t want to stay here any longer and that is what leads to a population disparity.”
Nice try, but that doesn’t explain 300 years of divergence with no Westminster policies implement to address the issue.
@ Margaret Eleftheriou on 6 June, 2021 at 10:36 am.
Hi Margaret, hope you see this. Marion’s crowdfunder was taken down after complaints from unknown sources. But what i can tell you is that Marion has stated they currently have enough to be getting on with (circa £30,000).
She has asked folk to hang on with their donations as she’s waiting on others who have been through similar tactics with Gofundme getting back to her with how to go about setting something up. That was the last tweet i seen from her this afternoon.
She also profusely thanked everyone for their donations so-far and all the support she’s had from everyone. If i hear anymore, and no doubt others will too, i’ll post her info/donations page on here. Keep an eye open on the WOS comment threads if you don’t do Twitter. Stay tuned to WOS!
@Dan – It’s been happening for 300-years and nothing has changed. In fact, it is getting worse.
Westminster did try and many UK companies are located in Scotland too. But, ever since Holyrood opened its doors, that stopped.
Because our edducational standards are just about average nowadays – nothing special anyway – the overseas opportunities are drying-up too.
Holyrood is just managing the decline of a once fabulous country. All they understand is tourism. Anything and everything else is too complex.
You are on an oil platform off the coast of Libya? I worked in that country too and, believe me, I’d rather work there than here.
If anything efforts were made to lower population during that time.
They knew back then that demographics = destiny.
The single best thing anybody can do for their nation is to have children who are taught to love their nation and uphold their traditions.
That’s why the wokees hate any hint of that kind of thinking and do what they can to put everything before the development of a productive family unit.
Family, community, nation.
Kryptonite to the international corporate elite and their useful idiots.
Thanks a lot for this info. I shall indeed hang on to the refund in the hope that it will now be used for a better purpose (I mean than to line Murrell’s pockets).
@Captain Yossarian 7:15pm
Don’t take the bait. I had an interesting lunch and conversation today with long term friends in Dundee. Went to see my 90 year old Dad. The only thing that keeps me from crossing the border. I thought it was just me but I am behind the curve on where the Scottish professional class actually are. The nub of the conversation was the reduction of social migration in Scotland. It was through education that poor working class families like ourselves progressed. That route has gone. Not surprisingly the key issue for them was the right to spend their money as you see fit. Usually on education. The brain drain is coming. And before anybody criticises me. I grew up in Dundee. 8 of a family in a 3 bedroomed Council semi. Dad a jute spool winder.
@ Captn Yossa
Good to see you acknowledge there has been a significant and detrimental to Scotland population growth disparity, and also that Westminster has failed to deal with this over the course of the Union.
It’s a pretty shit system of government if London Rule can’t sort something out in a few hundred years though, especially when it is in the political remit of the Treaty of Union for them to do so.
The relatively recent reconvening of the Scottish Parliament where devolved powers are administered does not have all the tools and functions to address the problem, when all the major influential powers ares still reserved to Westminster.
Aye, I clocked that you had worked in Libya. The huge water tunnel project to irrigate the desert was something that has interested me for various reasons.
On the subject of investing in building infrastructure to develop the viability of a country, I noted that Egypt had changed tack with austerity and invested in building a massive fish farm.
2mins 30secs
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Plus they have significantly developed growing vegetables in greenhouse in the desert too.
It’s amazing what can be achieved when your politicians are more focused and not just busy scheming to make money for themselves and their mates, or constantly finessing their social media profiles with additions of colored flags and pro-nouns…
Hi Captain Yossarian at 7:15 pm.
You actually typed,
“Because our edducational standards are just about average nowadays – nothing special anyway – the overseas opportunities are drying-up too.”
Was that a tilt at the windmill of educational standards?
The one that gets me is the scattergunning of apostrophes, where the apostrophe gun should have been left in the holster.
Your – belonging to you.
You’re – you are.
What former Journalist and Grampian TV presenter Ron Thomson referred to as “the aberrant apostrophe” is still alive and well.
I think, for the next week, I will highlight examples of the aberrant apostrophe here, not to cause offence but in the pursuit of education.
Because I am a…
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Capn Y .
Not digging you up for a typo – we all make them , but this is a cracker ….” edducational ” .
Spot-on J.o.e .
Rather than apologetic , defensive platitudes about ” Civic Nationalism ” , how about trying to encourage pride in saying ” I’m a Scottish Nationalist ” ie I wish Scotland to be an independent nation ?
Family , Community , Nation
Is anything more important to our well-being and quality of life ?
Don @ 5:06pm,
Again you utter buffoon, you mention my country’s economics when it is completely fucking irrelevant.
At least try ffs, to understand your own position you imbecile.
It was entertaining at first that you put your ignorance on show for us all to have a chuckle but now it is just rather tedious.
Westminster is governing Scotland without authority and this must be challenged by our elected representatives. Scotland has not given the Tories a democratic mandate in decades and the only authority they can claim to have over Scotland is via the Treaty of Union which they have traversed many times over and is no longer valid, particularly in relation to Brexit. Even the English monarch is monarch only by consent as the Claim of Right allows the Scottish people to choose how they wish to be governed and who should have authority over their affairs.
However, we need someone who is willing to stand up for Scotland and assert our rights. As is abundantly clear, Nicola Sturgeon is not that person. She is a person of no substance, acting as a submissive to London rule, and proving singularly unable to protect our nation and our rights as a people.
Even with reference to the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom is a union of two nations and to refer to such as “one nation” is factually incorrect. It should be noted that upon dissolution of the Union there will be no remaining United Kingdom. Scotland would have as much right to claim the title “United Kingdom” as England would.
The Treaty of Union is unravelling through Brexit, its legal basis has been removed, and hence the desperation of Westminster. The Scottish people are a considerable inconvenience to England’s continued exploitation of Scotland’s resources. This has been the case since the signing of the Union, resulting in the Clearances and all the other harms which have come to us through this unholy “alliance”, right up until the present day with Westminster’s attempts to subjugate Scotland entirely.
Onnyhoo, to change tack considerably…
I was carrying out a bowel evacuation and had Radio 2 on in the bog.
Is it not the case that film scores have become the new “classical music”?
The first that caught my ear was Hans Zimmer’s “Pirates Of The Caribbean” then, at the end of the show, John Williams’ “Star Wars”.
Comments arising?
Brian Doonthetoon says:
6 June, 2021 at 8:01 pm
Brian – engineers cannot spell to save themselves. Forgive me, it was only what you would call a ‘typo’. I’m not the only culprit by the way.
Tannadice Boy says:
6 June, 2021 at 7:43 pm
I grew-up in Glasgow where there were ‘Tenement Toms’ and ‘Bungalow Bills’; I was a Tenement Tom.
I went to study engineering at University where there were 140 students in the engineering faculty. Almost all were Scots, with a small handful of English.
Interestingly, there was only one woman and she was from South Korea.
Nowadays, it’s about 30% women. I don’t know the percentage of Scots, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s down at around 30% too.
So, the social mobility we had in the late 70’s/early 80’s is gone now and Scots kids are greatly disadvantaged by that.
Captain Yossarian 9:28pm
True our education was based on numbers not words. I remember an entitled lecturer failed the entire engineering degree course on an essay about the have and have nots. Overturned by the exam board. No surprise. We all have different talents. But I scored the highest mark at 45%. Because I was the living embodiment of the have nots. Still failed though. I will pick up your sinking schools story when you have more information. An engineering story I am interested in. A Unionist and an Independence guy joining forces to protect our children. The new world of the SNP
If we’re talking about soundtracks for films, I was always partial to Ennio Moricone, I particularly like ecstasy of gold. I loved the Vangelis soundtrack for bladerunner and Memories of green was a favourite.
It depends on your mood, I suppose.
Gary45. So best for the human race to remained locked up forever. That way we stay safe from the big bad world.
Ruby. Covid is entirely political. And so are you.
For as long as she can get away with it Sturgeon will use covid 19 as an excuse to kick Independence into the Elephant grass. The big issue right now is the virus being used as a Trojan Horse in order to institute the Green New Deal which means bye bye to life as we’ve known it. There’s no getting through to shills like Gary45 or Ruby Fireproof Jim et Al but the readership need to know that there are Two sides to the covid argument not just the one sided propaganda in the mainstream media. People should be suspicious of one Government line politics and covid 19 is entirely political in nature.
Only a lunatic thinks “lockdowns” saved lives. Damn your eyes you lockdown Queens.
I’ve been basically in a kind of war mentality over this for quite a while. My direct family are all absolutely on top of what’s going on which is a blessing.
My wives family, large and from a very poor country, have had a difficult time of it with even worse information than we get here, a murderous health care system and the fact that employers have absolutely massive control over employees since if you lose your job you are finished for all intents and purposes.
Her friends brother died of covid at 25. Poor guy was weakened from leukemia and had to work at a bar. Months after it the doctor, who is on good terms with my father in law, mentioned that it wasn’t so much the covid that killed him but that he gave up when he knew he had it and wouldnt eat and was too scared to sleep. The ventillator finished him off.
Then her father got diagnosed with it on a PCR test along with breathing difficulties. I said – its probably from wearing a mask all day, every day at his work. He goes into hospital and is forced to wear a mask 24 hours a day there. Worse still the food is poor and the it was forbidden for people to bring him in vitamin supplements.
I told him to take his mask off every time doctors werent around, and got the family to smuggle in strong lemon juice with honey along with certain other vitamins. Next PCR test came up negative.
Had a call with him on video and he and the other 3 patients in the room all had their masks off, their flasks of lemon and honey and were singing folk songs together quite happily.
It was probably some sort of problem caused by the mask wearing. But heres the thing – what absolute fucktard gets people with breathing difficulties to wear a mask while trying to recover in hospital from breathing problems? And who does this while feeding them poorly and not allowing any supplements or any other natural boosters?
Its medical malpractice. At best
Now basically that very large family and their friends are getting savvy to it and a few of them have been in hospital and all have gotten better very quickly – basically by ignoring the orders from doctors that make no sense.
Now we are up against it when it when it comes to the so called vaccines. Im being neutral in the sense that im not suggesting any particular course of action but im making sure they understand the problems in the narrative. We have offered setting up anyone who doesnt want to feel pressurised into taking the shot with remote work based in the UK. Will see how it goes
The mental stress its caused my Mrs has been helped that I keep things as positive as possible but its hard. I can only imagine the different struggles others have had much worse than mine.
Its looking forward thats the hard part and staying positive in the face of calls for people who are smart enough to see through this to basically become 2nd class citizens.
I can see me very shortly going door to door looking for people who are in the same boat and trying to develop some sort of community. Would be good to know any doctors and nurses who are on top of this who can be hired to help out. It will be especially important to give emotional and physical support to those parents who are terrified for their kids.
As for the people who are going along with this – I once said on here that humanity is splitting into 2 distinct groups, those who can think for themselves and have sense of their own sovereignty and the others who are basically for all intents and purposes brainwashed drones who will never be reached and will end up siding with tyranny against us in their cowardice.
Its a harsh reality we have facing us.
Just had a look to see what was going on with Covid19 in NZ to date.
17 cases in border isolation. No cases within the community. Total cases since outbreak 2639. Deaths 26.
The vaccine used here is Pfizer. I’m 72 & have yet to get a vaccine. As there are no cases in the community. I will hold fire for now getting one till I travel overseas. I’m not planning to do that for a while yet.
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@Captain Yossarian says:
6 June, 2021 at 9:28 pm
“Brian – engineers cannot spell to save themselves.”
Think engineers are bad? Try PC Support bods… 🙂
Jie.Thankyou for sharing your experience. My wife and children are with me on this covid swindle. Wife opted our youngest out of testing otherwise she probably be quarantined at the drop of a PCR hat. Strange as it may seem to the officious lockdown police on here no one has dropped dead in class yet.
I see Tony Blair back in the news again doing his best to split society down the middle with vaccine Apartheid. I was called a conspiracy theorist and flat earther when I warned of this early on. I’m pleased to see some wingers are considering events as they unfold more soberly. I fear for the future because I know a little History and I recognise the Geopolitical trajectory. I suspect the Governments will step over a line and receive a growing public backlash but given that a certain amount of backlash is factored into the psyops being waged against us it may prove to be too late.
Sorry meant Joe not whatever my phone spelled.
Saffron robe 9.10
You wrote: “ Westminster is governing Scotland without authority and this must be challenged by our elected representatives. Scotland has not given the Tories a democratic mandate in decades …
… apart from in the Independence referendum when Scots voted to remain part of the U.K. and hence Westminster being the senior parliament?
There is no doubt, as a great communicator, that Nicola Sturgeon has done well out of the pandemic where it’s success was down to the people overwhelmingly consenting to lock down requests.
Now that light is at the end of the tunnel with vaccination and people are tired to being continuously locked up, a more direct approach will need to be taken to stop the virus for flaring up and taking hold in parts of the country.
Now that she has to do some real work and provide real leadership, will Nicola Sturgeon be able to do it?
With Glasgow had to endure over 3 weeks at Level 3 than everyone else and case numbers in Edinburgh is on the up, it look like she will be having issues in the weeks to come.
” … apart from in the Independence referendum when Scots voted to remain part of the U.K. and hence Westminster being the senior parliament? ”
The tragic mistake made in 2014 ( though let’s not forget a majority of native Scots did not make it ) is something we have to live with until such times as sufficient numbers of minds are changed .
What it wasn’t though was an endorsement of the Tories , had it been would they not still be getting they arses kicked in Scotland . Only the idiocy/pathological vanity of Sturgeon’s ” Both Votes SNP ” stupidity allowing them to creep in by the back door . To suggest it was is disingenuous to say the least
Pixywine + J.o.e . If sides have to be chosen , I’m on yours
” their “
Feck !!
” had it been ( such an endorsement ) they would not still be getting their arses kicked …..”
Kenny MacAskill and Independence within the UK:
Does anyone know, has the Interim Leader of ALBA had anything to say about this? Was he consulted before K MacA penned his Scotsman article?
What are the implications for ALBA? Can’t think that they’ll be good ..
Sensibledave says: at 7:23 am
“… apart from in the Independence referendum when Scots voted to remain part of the U.K. and hence Westminster being the senior parliament?”
Aye, but events dear boy, events…
There’s the material change in circumstance since 2014 with the 2016 EU leave vote.
Plus Ruth had this to say on mandates and democracy.
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PacMan says:
7 June, 2021 at 7:56 am
…Now that she has to do some real work and provide real leadership, will Nicola Sturgeon be able to do it?
I haven’t been around this site for a number of weeks (surprised it’s still going, actually) but I see James is still his laughably eccentric self:
James Che. says:
6 June, 2021 at 11:40 am
“The prime minister of Great Britain thinks the Scots are a race of people,,….even if it is from an obvious racist colonialism mind set. He thinks they should be exterminated as a race of people,”
James, you might claim to be able to see inside the UKPM’s head, but to your audience, it looks like he’s living inside yours. For your own sake, man, get some professional help.
Oh, and help with punctuation as well…
You’re right J.o.e@6.59pm, transwomen are MEN. Determined at conception. They may try to compel my speech but they won’t compel my thoughts.
Brian Doonthetoon says:
6 June, 2021 at 9:17 pm
The first that caught my ear was Hans Zimmer’s “Pirates Of The Caribbean” then, at the end of the show, John Williams’ “Star Wars”.
Comments arising?
Don’t know about Pirates of the Caribbean, but Hans Zimmer scored Gladiator, and I thought that was possibly one of the best music scores for a movie that I can bring to mind.
Some of Howard Shore’s music in Lord of the Rings I think might qualify as “classic” too, but throughout Gladiator, I don’t think Zimmer put a foot wrong throughout.
The opening scenes, with Zimmer’s music, Lisa Gerrard’s lilting voice which almost evokes some Arabic prayer, as your eyes are treated to an archeologists wet dream of Roman Legions deployed on the eve of battle, ..I don’t think cinema has ever gotten it so “right” ever before.
And then, he goes and does it all again with a Wagner-esque anthem as they fly over the Coliseum and enter Rome in all it’s Imperial majesty. Powerful stuff…
People will have different tastes of course, but I don’t think many will disagree that Hans Zimmer really clicked and showed himself a master craftsman on the Gladiator soundtrack.
John McNab says:
7 June, 2021 at 9:08 am
I haven’t been around this site for a number of weeks (surprised it’s still going, actually) but I see James is still his laughably eccentric self:…
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John McNab, some background reading for you… 😉
Orwell could have been writing about She/Her and her subjugation to the transcult,
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten,
every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed,
every date has been altered.
And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute.
History has stopped.
Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
Scottish government cosying up with big business. Read this update:-
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Further background:-
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susanXX says:
7 June, 2021 at 9:09 am
You’re right J.o.e@6.59pm, transwomen are MEN. Determined at conception. They may try to compel my speech but they won’t compel my thoughts.
I’m quite happy with the term ‘transwomen’ but it stops there.
I have a great deal of compassion for people who are trans. It must be a terrible predicament to be in.
On saying that the behaviour of trans-activists like David Paisley etc are souring my feelings towards trans people.
Transwomen are transwomen and that is a fact.
Any reason why transwomen can’t have their own transwomen only spaces, transwomen only sports?
Any reason why transwomen can’t be proud to be transwomen?
Transwomen have a whole different set of problems from women.
A couple that spring to mind are:
1. I don’t have to find a way to tuck my cock in.
2. I take a size 4 shoe. I don’t have the problem of finding a size 11 pair of high heels.
I say good luck to transwomen but a big no no to saying transwomen are women.
@ Ruby
Welcome to NuSport…
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Hi Dan.
Following on from your last comment and link. From Graham Linehan…
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Very slowly people are beginning to see sense
“Caitlyn Jenner opposes transgender girls competing in girls’ school sports”
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Caitlyn Jenner is being accused of being a transphobe. 🙂
Men competing in women’s competition was foretold here,
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Sometimes things have to be put into their proper perspective.
I am not an African male. Im a Northern European male.
I could spend a fortune on altering myself with surgery, hair implants etc in order to look like a fine African man.
However I would be a Northern European man who has made efforts to create a superficial illusion. Africans could be expected to treat me like the laughable tosser I am if I did this. As for the rest of the people the best I could expect is some kind of wary sympathy. It would be perfectly understandable if people did not have confidence in my mental health.
The idea that government would step in legislate that my illusion should be accepted as reality is nothing short of tyranny.
But its worse than that.
Not only do I have the government enforcing the illusion, I also get to take up the grievances and complaints of Africans as if they are my own.
In fact I have a whole new set of grievances on top of that because im trans-black who are even more oppressed than just being black.
I would not be black. Nor trans black. I’d be a white guy with mental problems.
That’s why I try not to use any of this terminology as it opens the door to madness and the acceptance of government mandate of pretty much anything once reason has been deliberately divorced from reality.
But thats the thing – the people pushing this know its bullshit also. They know you know its bullshit. Its to get you to submit mentally, emotionally and spiritually which is what will happen if you allow yourself to give in to their demands.
People should go down the rabbit hole of where, when and why this stuff originates. It is quite an eye opener.
I predict that a Scottish public official will come out as a M.A.P (minor attracted person) within the next 3 years. We will be expected to accept that as normal also. Of course im using their language for effect here.
Any reason to think people wouldn’t take advantage of something like self-id to make their life easier/benefit financially?
Where does She/her get her ideas from?
Anyone seen the film ‘Strange Bedfellows’?
‘In the small Australian town of Yackandandah, Vince owns the local cinema and several other businesses, and is having trouble paying his taxes because his ex-wife got everything. The news of a new tax benefit for homosexual couples gives Vince an idea: he and best friend Ralph, a mechanic, can claim to be a couple and receive the benefits’
Sport is only one of the problems with self-id and the dictat that ‘transwomen are women’.
There is the big issue of ‘transwomen’ in women’s prisons.
Pixywine, Joe et all
As seen with Alex Salmond, parts of the Scottish parliament wanted to send an innocent man to jail where he would possibly die.
The potential for loss of liberties is strong as we transition to the next phase of this pandemic and is something that needs to be kept an eye on. If they are willing to do it with a high profile figure like Alex Salmond, do you think they care about the like of us?
You are not helping anyone with this nonsense about vaccines. Move on and see the big picture.
Seemed to be a good day in court for Craig today. IMHO, the bastards are looking for a dignified way out. Keep the boot on their throats Craig.
Thanks for the advice but ill keep using my head on all issues and not selectively.
Nice try, Breeks at 9.41 am, but that reports that BJ as a magazine editor, published a poem. It’s not a declaration of his views, or thought processes. Are you James’s spokesman now?
John McNab,
When Boris rubber stamped the poem to be published he left the door open for scrutiny of his decision.
It’s unsurprising that he is accused of bigotry or racism because of it.
Any news on Craig Murray yet?
Jimuckmac can you expand?
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“Lady Dorrian told the lawyers she and her colleagues would issue their decision in the matter on Tuesday and continued Murray’s bail.”
J.o.e says:
7 June, 2021 at 11:52 am
Sometimes things have to be put into their proper perspective…
Germaine Greer said something similar, along the lines that she could wear a fur coat and floppy ears if she liked, but it wouldn’t turn her into a cocker spaniel.
For the SNP, I think the damage is done.
The more “normal” people who tune in to the nonsense of transgender self ID, – and that’s now happening, the more stupid and gullible Sturgeon’s government is going to look. Sooner or later, they’re going to get their time in the spotlight Jo Swinson style… link to (Beads of sweat posting a YouTube link… will it work?
Furthermore, by hanging on like dangleberries, all of these gullible fools are going to blight and discredit the chances of re-establishing the momentum of any YES Campaign which manages to get going, in spite of the SNP’s attempts to bog it down.
In fact, if Sturgeon now starts any IndyRef Campaign, I think her own toxicity and emerging stupidity might actually sink it’s chances.
Perhaps the best chance for Scotland, and sorry folks, it’s got a 2026 “best before” date on it, is to work towards the “inverse” supermajority just squandered by Sturgeon, whereby ALBA soundly defeats the SNP in the Constituency vote, and all the “both votes SNP” wallopers are left to fight for List Seats with the Unionists.
That’s a big ask for ALBA on current trajectory, but that’s the point. The current trajectory is changing, and I think ALBA has a lot more to look forward to than the SNP. But more and more people need to muster beneath ALBA’s banner.
If people want Independence delivered through a Holyrood mechanism, the formula dictates a dominant pro Independence Constituency Party augmented by a dominant List Party.
The silver lining to that general cloudiness might be that Sturgeon bugs out sooner than 2026, as she realises the ground is shifting beneath her. The Legal Profession managed to persuade her to fk off and choose another line of work, so hopefully the YES movement can do it too.
There are various other options and permutations, but as far as I can judge, they all look rosier prospects with Sturgeon and her creepy coterie simply gone, and the sooner the better.
Thanks Ruby.
John McNab says:
7 June, 2021 at 12:49 pm
Nice try, Breeks at 9.41 am, but that reports that BJ as a magazine editor, published a poem. It’s not a declaration of his views, or thought processes. Are you James’s spokesman now?
Not at all John. You just came across as ignorant and ill informed about the incident’s origins, and being a helpful kinda fella, I posted you a link which might address that ignorance and leave you better informed.
You’re welcome. 😉
Breeks says:
7 June, 2021 at 1:22 pm
J.o.e says:
7 June, 2021 at 11:52 am
Sometimes things have to be put into their proper perspective…
Germaine Greer said something similar, along the lines that she could wear a fur coat and floppy ears if she liked, but it wouldn’t turn her into a cocker spaniel.
For the SNP, I think the damage is done.
Neither Germain Greer’s or J.o.e’s argument would be an argument against self-id that would be an argument against the 2004 Gender Recognition Act.
That would be a whole different argument.
I prefer to keep it simple and accept that gender dysphoria exists and that transwomen are transwomen but not that transwomen are women.
Breastplate at 1.06pm
Breeks at 1.29pm
The censorious posturing of those who seek to be perpetually offended. You pair sound like the ‘Victorian Dad’ cartoon in the Viz magazine, who weekly confiscated racy magazines in order to guard against arousal to unseemly lubricity.
Except, he has the saving grace of being humorous, whereas you pair are a mutually anilingual cult of Scottish pseudo-exceptionalism and virtue signalling.
John McNab,
Oh well, if it was just meant to be funny, I suppose we could get Alf Garnet, Love thy neighbour and the Black and White Minstrels back on tv.
Breeks .
Like you , I’ve wondered whether looking to ANY Party as a vehicle to Independence is really the most viable option, but having joined ALBA and been encouraged by it’s clear divergence not only in regard to the SNP ( non ) strategy in achieving our goal , also in social policies , I’m willing to continue that support for the foreseeable .
One condition of that support is unequivocal adherence to total Independence , no compromise , no backsliding , no ” Independence within the UK ” settling for second best .
Full Independence or nothing .
Also , like yourself , I have grave doubts a Referendum can be won ( in the unlikely event we’re ” granted ” one ) with NS still in place .
In darker moments I wonder if a 2nd IndyRef can EVER be won , irrespective of who is in leadership position . If the franchise is similar to 2014 winning is even more unlikely , though I appreciate it would be fraught with difficulty to limit the franchise .Hence , to return to the original point , is the Referendum route optimum ?
As much as many of us here have very little time or no time for Gordon Brown here is another racist comment by Boris Johnson towards Scots that he made in the spectator in 2005, to quote BJ.
Gordon Brown becoming prime minister one-day was outrageous, not just because he is gloomadon-popping interfering high tax complicator of life, but mainly because he is a Scot, and government by a Scot is just not conceivable in the current constitutional context,
James Che,
John McNab will be along any minute now to tell you it wasn’t bigoted in any way because somebody somewhere thought it was funny, so it doesn’t count.
Saffron Robe,
The only Authority they can claim to have over Scotland is via the treaty of the union.
How can they possibly hold that position of Authority?
No Scots was asked to join the treaty of the union,
And therefore No Scot joined the treaty of the union,
The supposed representatives of Scotland were not chosen by Scotland’s population.
They were chosen by the English queens side and representatives.
They received payment from England for their duties to England BY England, not Scotland.
The complete transactions for the the treaty of the union was solely an English contract.
The contract named The Treaty of the Union holds the signitures of those whom entered into this 1707 contract.
IT does not hold ours. Or any Scot in 1707.
But it is lovely to know that Britain is run by a prime minister that shows racism towards minority ethnic groups don’t you think? :- )
Well, what I got from the appeal hearing is that Roddy Dunlop, Craig solicitor nailed Dorian to the mast. He highlighted the fact that there’s massive public opinion out there that this trial is a political one. If that ain’t a shot over the bow I don’t know what is. The two muppets either side off Dorian did not comment at all during the hearing, me thinks they are no longer wanting to be a part of this political show trial and letting Dorian hang herself. Dunlop also highlighted to the court that if the appeal is refused (they are handing down their decision tomorrow at 10) they are fighting this all the way. Dorian and her muppets did sound very nervous indeed. Happy days.
Thanks for the update JimuckMac.
Interesting take as to why a no jury system is fatally flawed. Craig would have walked if a jury had been present.
Dorian’s specialist knowledge of Alex’s trial should have precluded her from sitting in judgement on this one.
Of course it’s political.
Delighted to hear they’re fighting it all the way.
This from Wildcat Haven.
My apologies if this story has already been covered.
Wildcat Haven ( are trying to preserve safe areas for the wildcat but have come up against the SG.
The SG is intent on clear felling large areas of Clashindarroch jeopardising the most significant pop of wildcats in existence for a wind farm which could be built elsewhere. WH tried to get the financial agreements between the developer Vattenfall and the SG as this information should be publically available but it is not. The information commissioner agreed with WH`s legal appeal and forced the SG to release some of the information.
WH says “we always suspected that the reluctance to release this information suggests they have something to hide. The documents we have received only confirm our suspicions. We are still scrutinising the documents but these are the key points”
They show that there is a deal whereby the more turbines at the site the greater revenue received by the SG. No real surprise that it is profit that`s the major driver.
Vattenfall staff have evidently been training the SG regulatory agency (such as on how to assess landscape and visual impacts). So we have a case of the developer training government staff who are supposed to regulate them!!!!
Vattenfall is also paying for SG “liaison” staff. Discussions between them are not being recorded formally but noted only as “action points”.
Negotiations on a revised land arrangement for the Option Extension have not yet been concluded but commercial terms have been agreed. This means that Vattenfall is now proceeding with the application without a land lease in place. You couldn’t make it up.
in summery , we have the almost unbelievable situation where a developer is training SG staff who are supposed to be the regulators, they are having cosy discussions with SG officials that are not formally documented , and most bizarrely of all, Vattenfall are embarking on a potentially million pound project without even a landlease deal in place. In short this stinks and it suggests that somebody senior in government has already given Vatenfall the assurances they need.
We are getting closer and closer to the truth and shining a light on something that was intended to be buried. What is clear, is that the pop of wildcats at Clashindarroch is being betrayed by the SG government for profit. Scary thing is if we had not found the wildcats there and launched this campaign , the wildcats would have gone without anyone even knowing they were there. Thankfully with your support we can expose and ultimately stop what the government seemed determined to push through the destruction of the most important wildcat population in existence.
There we have it, secrecy, buried information and strange practices. The hallmark of the government of Scotland
It would be extremely surprising if BJ ever said yes to a referendum for the Scots people being as he displays such intense dislike for that minority race of people.
Changing the subject.
Yesterday I was reading UK Parliament, Hansard, Scotland: independence, Debate Tuesday 24yh June 2014,
Interesting to look back and see what worries they highlighted for themselves and from their perspective.
IT is also interesting to see how they would tie up the settlement if Scotland should vote Yes, and how they planned to eliminate any Scot from having any meaningful say in the matter,
Certainly has echoes of 1707 all over again.
A preplanned Westminster Version of Scotland. To have its hands tied behind its back before we even negotiate terms.
Could you imagine the delibrate concessions the SNP and the Scottish government would have made on our behalf nowadays.
I am so glad now that the representatives in 1707 made an legal error in 1707 by not allowing the Scots to know they were negotiating a private contract between themselves (the representatives).
For when this contract should be terminated what a lot of money those family names and descendants will have to pay back.
Awfully glad we the Scots never put an X to it.
Nally Anders,
Dunlop and Dorian also had a full on battle over whether this was a civil case or criminal. This did seem significant to them both but that part went over my head on the reasons why. Dunlop also ripped into Dorian in regard to the system of judges overseen this trial and I think this plays a part in Craig’s appeal. If it had been a jury trial Craig, would have walked. The three judges did seem stunned.
A few questions before I make a judgement,
Whom gave the land lease to Wildcat Haven?
If it is to become protected as a site for wildcats will that exclude the ability of locals from entering and using this land.?
Is the wildcat haven registered in Scotland as Scottish or is it registered in England?
Does the Wildcat Haven intend in the future? or is it at present part of the collaboration to rewild Scotland programme.?
Is the wildcat foundation collaborating with re forest Scotland?
I know about turbines as I had to research this for my employment,
But I know nothing about wildcat haven so would appreciate all the above information from you.
James Che,
I presume Wildcat Haven is none other than
Wildcat Haven Enterprises
Company Number 09664321
102 Bowen Court
St. Alsaph Business Park
St. Alsaph
Andy Wightman was sued by them a couple of years ago for defamation (I contributed to his defence fund). You can probably find more information about them and the case in the links to the court judgements in this blog post.
link to
@ Nally Anders at 3.10
My understanding, though I have not been able to find explicit statements in eg the Contempt of Court Act 1981, is that Dorrian is presiding over the trial because the alleged contempt was of her court, rather than in spite of that fact.
The two additional judges are there to provide some sort of balance (ahem).
I signed a petition for Wildcat Haven quite a while back and receive updates only concerning the wildcat. The information they have provided I assume is accurate as they would be open to litigation if false.
My corncern is for the future of the wildcat and the apparant reluctance of the SG to release information regarding these turbines and it’s relationship with Vattenfall.
Hi McDuff.
RE: wildcats.
I posted the links this morning at 10.18.
link to
As this thread is nominally about D Ross and the conservatives in general, I can’t help but notice that the theme has been ignored after the first few posts.
Personally, I believe in an Independent Scotland, but not under the group of villains who wield power at present.
Remember that when Independence arrives at least 30% of the Scottish electorate will be conservatives they will be conservatives and Nationalists and Independence will not be achieved or made to work without their help.
So leave off with the insults and remember the patriots who fought first for Independence were known as the “Tartan Tories” at a time when Labour and the unions ruled Scottish politics and tried their hardest to turn this country into a Soviet style republic.
O/T “Ringfenced” refund: Jim Henderson will be refunding my donation this week. He was able to distinguish which of my donations made in March and April 2017 was for that fund rather than for the May 2017 General Election.
Second O/T: there is a Holyrood petition PE1876 set up by MurrayBlackburnMackenzie about the need to record accurately the sex of people charged with r*pe/attempted r*pe. See Kings over Spotland.
Instead of arguing with Don with his old click bait nonsense. Get your new info ,so we can beat him a little more.
My copy on order.
link to
sarah says:
7 June, 2021 at 5:35 pm
Second O/T: there is a Holyrood petition PE1876 set up by MurrayBlackburnMackenzie about the need to record accurately the sex of people charged with r*pe/attempted r*pe. See Kings over Spotland.
I think if you were to make a guess as to the sex of a rapist you would be 99.9% correct every time.
It would also be interesting to record if they were transexual or claimed to be transexual.
robbo says:
7 June, 2021 at 5:41 pm
Instead of arguing with Don with his old click bait nonsense. Get your new info ,so we can beat him a little more.
What would be the point of convincing Don to vote YES if he lives in Sussex?
Stuart MacKay.
Thank you for the link, much appreciated.
The purpose of asking if there was any collaboration between re foresting Scotland, re wilding Scotland and wildcat haven is the contradiction on the safety of the wildcat,
The second issue is how Scottish land is being reappropreated for usage that results in vast areas of Scotland of limits to the Scottish people.
Re Wilding Scotland has on a television program stated its wish to introduce wolfs, big cats and bears into Scotland, if this goes ahead, Wildcat haven can kiss goodbye to any survival of the Scottish wild cat,
I have twice come face to face with the Scottish wild cat on the west coast of Scotland, a sight to behold for such a rare creature,
But if the bigger cats are being introduced they see small mammals, dogs and cats as prey, and this happens in countries that have larger breeds of cats.
Even if the trees were to remain that wildcat haven refers too, big cats are just as agile at climbing trees while hunting, the populations of wildcat would soon disappear especially in winter when food sources are scarce.
It would be contrary to the natural wildcats survival. And a bigger predator with the same skill sets.
The second issue almost speaks for itself as more and more of Scotland is becoming out of bounds to the natural inhabitants of Scotland through big estates and court case beginning restrict the right to roam.,, large conservation and protected areas, the rest is consumed by rights of ways and old roads falling foul of land grabs that adjoin farms and gardens then Councils reapportioning public land to themselves which they later sell of for profit for the Council coffers.
All in the land and it’s natural nature of hundreds and possibly thousands of years is going through a change for financial gain, and ideology of a few.
I am surprised that wildcat haven have not protested the introduction of bigger predertory cats and wolfs to save the wildcat populations before the issue of wind turbines even arose, as the introduction of re wild Scotland came first.
link to
“While some police forces said they record the fact if someone identifies as transgender, this information is not placed on the ADR, which provides only male or female options. Transgender status is stated only if the person is a victim of transgender hate crime.”
If transwomen are women then how can they be victims of a transgender hate crime?
I suppose a crime is a transgender hate crime if the victim says it is.
Ruby @6:11
No point tilting at the windmill that is Don.
There are those in Scotland to whom if you said Independence was a certain way to secure a brighter future for Scotland and that independent studies from the EU, UN, WHO, World Bank confirmed it, would still vote ‘No’.
Some people don’t want to be educated, they’re secure and content in their ignorance. (Comes from living in the Yookay where you’re subject to the mushroom syndrome on a daily basis).
“Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to require Police Scotland, the Crown Office and the Scottish Court Service to accurately record the sex of people charged or convicted of rape or attempted rape.”
link to
For those interested, here’s the latest from the Marion Millar case: link to
Link not working (for me anyway)
@Saffron Robe @ 6 June, 2021 at 9:10 pm
‘Even with reference to the United Kingdom, the United Kingdom is a union of two nations and to refer to such as “one nation” is factually incorrect. It should be noted that upon dissolution of the Union there will be no remaining United Kingdom. Scotland would have as much right to claim the title “United Kingdom” as England would.’
If you really want to build the Yes vote and change the minds of the undecided, you need to start by getting your basic facts right.
It’s the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, consisting of the three internationally recognised countries occupying the largest of the British Isles, along with the part of Ireland that has not declared itself independent.
So if Scotland goes its own way, there will still be three countries left in the UK. I’d write them out for you, but maybes you have more in common with the hated English Tories than you know, and don’t like to bother yourself about other small countries that you don’t consider to be important.
FFS. How can you claim to be a supporter of Scottish Independence when you don’t even know what it is you want to be independent from?
Link working again
I’m not on Twitter or fb, gfm down , can anyone point me in right direction for donating , I’m old and a technophobe.
James Che
Sadly in much of it’s range the Scottish Wildcat has interbred with feral domestic cats so the likes of lynx and wolves are probably the least of it’s worries.
There might be the nice side-effect of the lynxes and wolves eating the feral cats so in a weird way re-wilding might actually be beneficial. It’s probably going to be a “Yellowstone-type situation”. When the wolves came back they ate all the elk – well the old and the sick ones. With reduced grazing, the forest, particularly along the waterways, started regenerating which lead to an increase in beavers, salmon, birds etc. So it’s not all lose-lose. Numbers could go down but the quality is likely to increase.
This is rather nice, and covers a lot of the issues:
link to
There are more than 35 wildcats left in Scotland that’s for sure, I saw one a few years back while out hill walking.
It sat on an old stone moss covered tumbling wall running through the forestry, fast asleep in the sun, it looked about three to five years old, and was in good health,
The unexpected meeting caused it to spit and snarl at me while it’s back arched and it tail stuck straight up like a well endowed toilet brush. I slowly backed off, an as soon as I moved it took off like it had a rocket up it’s behind,
This of course was miles and miles away from the wildcat haven in what used to be a large forestry commission forest. Nearer the north east Grampians.
We had one that came into our bedroom window once when we were kids, when we went to bed the cat took off around and around the walls like a motorbike on the wall of death, hanging on to the wallpaper, scraping its way up curtains, and lampshade to eventually diving for cover under the bed, after hearing us kids screaming, my dad scurried us out the room and leaned forward to opened the window wider, then closed the bedroom door.
We all sat on the stairs waiting for it to find the exit it had got in by. My dad worked for the forestry commission and we lived in the actual forest.
Either the wildcat haven people are not very quiet and observant or they are looking in the wrong places, No offence meant to them personally.
Stoker @7.16pm.
Thanks for the link, which includes this.
” support from women and men in Ireland, England, Wales, Australia, France, Germany, china, Italy, Japan, Spain, America and Brazil who have inundated me with the most amazing pictures and kind words ?There is no stronger force than sisterhood.”
It make me wonder what the international community now think of Scotland, as we career towards a totalitarian state where freedom of speech is under threat and where women and girls rights are being eroded right in front of our eyes, under Sturgeon the Betrayers tenure.
Stoker says:
7 June, 2021 at 7:16 pm
For those interested, here’s the latest from the Marion Millar case: link to
This story is gaining world-wide interest.
Very bad for Scotland to be seen as a country that denies freedom of speech.
“The two muppets either side off Dorian did not comment at all during the hearing, me thinks they are no longer wanting to be a part of this political show trial ”
Jimuckmac @2.43pm
The other two were present to give a sense of fairness and parity to the proceedings, when in reality that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Take a look at this Jim, the scheming and planning is in full flow.
“Specialist courts in Scotland should be set up to deal with the most serious sex crimes, a review has recommended.
One suggestion is for cases to be heard by a single judge with no jury.
The review, led by Lord Justice Clerk Lady Dorrian, is part of a shake-up of how Scottish courts deal with rape and other sexual offences cases.”
link to
Carol Neill says:
7 June, 2021 at 7:32 pm
I’m not on Twitter or fb, gfm down , can anyone point me in right direction for donating , I’m old and a technophobe.
Marion has tweeted the following:
MarionMillar’ #WomenWontWheesht
I have been inundated with offers, thank you all so much ?
will be organising a crowd justice in the coming weeks.
Thank you all again for all your donations, love and kind messages.
The support all over the world has been overwhelming …
Someone tell Sturgeon her Stasi tactics are liable to impact negatively on the remnants of the Scottish tourist industry, as the news is traveling far and wide…
Regarding the sinking school: I received an Email from the forensic MSP from Dumbarton on Saturday morning. We are all waiting on engineer’s checks which prove this school is safe or unsafe once and for-all. She was saying that nothing had arrived.
I think the school’s unsafe and so do many others more distinguished than me, but I want to know what Holyrood’s men and women think and so I presume do the parents and teachers.
She suggested asking SAS (the new Education Minister). I said: “No thanks, let’s ask the Secretary of State for Scotland and the Teaching Unions. Both have been fannying around on the sidelines, doing nothing, for long enough”.
I received a message from a chap I know in the Middle East about 4-hours ago. He said this would have been a Police matter years ago, anywhere else in the world. What kind of honky-tonk country is that you live in?
So, I contacted the Secretary of State and the Teaching Unions and told them that. I also contacted the Institution of Civil Engineers and told them: “This is what happens to whistle-blowers in Scotland…they want you to hang yourself from a tree…are you listening…what are you going to do about this?” Actually, they’ve been pretty good.
Ruby says:
7 June, 2021 at 7:55 pm
Beltrami is a decent lawyer Ruby. I’ve dealt with them and always found them to be straight and that is not something you can take for granted these days. So, Marion Millar has chosen well. Good luck to her.
Not looking an argument here but I find it interesting that people can be hyper aware of the erosion of women and girls rights (perfectly correctly) and be relatively oblivious to the dismantling of all our rights when it comes to health, economy and personal sovereignty.
You do know that the trans cult and the covid narrative originate from the same globalist corporate sewer. Right?
People who can push for kids to be irreversibly harmed for profit and social goals are somehow to be trusted in other matters that show all the signs of total fraud?
Im trying to work out what the limiting factor is when considering this possibility and I always land on the horrific scale of it being so overpowering many normally rational people’s faculties cease to function properly.
Again im trying to figure out the key phrase to unlock this mental block:
‘They are trying to take away your ability to see your football team’
‘They might find the excuse to horrifically alter your young son against your will but he will still have totally lost all his health rights anyway’
‘Its men who are doing it – and women are the biggest victims’
‘Its feminists who are doing it – and the trans community are the biggest victims’
‘Its the Nazis – and its Jews who are the biggest victims (as always)’.
‘Its the catholics – and Rangers fans will suffer most’
Any suggestions would be helpful. There has to be that 1 key phrase that will unlock the right preprogrammed emotional response since clearly basic stats and logic won’t cut it.
it’s = it is.
its = belonging to it.
Proud Pedant signing off for now.
link to
J.o.e says: 7 June, 2021 at 8:27 pm
I’m not trying to troll you on this one but I think you are looking too much into this.
We live in an age where people and glued to social media on their phones. You take a walk anywhere and you will see people, especially the young, walking, eating with their coupons in their mobile phone. This shortens peoples attention span. They wouldn’t be able to read a broadsheet newspaper article, never mind a book.
As others have said, you take any cause at the moment and frame it in the context of trans, climate change or people of colour and everybody will be foaming at the mouth, shouting and bawling.
I don’t know if people are just eventually going to get sick of it but the only way I can see definite change is when social media companies are treated as publishers and fall under the subsequent legislation that traditional media have to abide by.
A petition to stop Humza,She/Her and Police Scotland allowing men who commit rape to self id as woman,
the courts will charge them as woman and their rape will be classed as being commited by a woman.
`Collecting signatures
PE1876: Accurately record the sex of people charged or convicted of rape or attempted rape`
link to
Republicofscotland 7.51pm.
Sturgeon laying the ground work to go after Salmond again on new trumped up charges. This time without the inconvenience of a jury.
Re wildcats.
I was bought up in an isolated forested area with not another house around us for miles never mind no access roads to our house with lochs either side of us,
If you’re raised in amongst the land of wildcats let me assure you, you easily can tell the difference between them and a feral cat,
Their stance, their broad head and chunky build the thick coat even in summer, the eyes are even different as well as mannerisms, and ears are held in a unique way above the head, both feral cats and wildcats can have tufts on their ears.
And the confidence of the wildcat in their environment is not as nervous as as feral cats.
I have seen Feral cats now I have moved to the countryside with a slightly higher population, they hold less compact muscles on their bodies, they hiss and spit and growl but do not do the low rumbling snarl of wild cats,
Their feisty if caught, but this stops after a few weeks and will feed with other cats in daylight while humans are around at a distance.
A true wildcat is unforgiving. It thinks nothing of attacking the same way as a cornered badger does and does not mind something being three times its size as an obstacle, months after being captured,
My ex father in law was a gamekeeper, and he had a few run in’s with them.
Wildcats are not wildcats if they are to be bred in captivity for even a few generations, they become accustomed to close contact with humans and the smell of humans on the food and cages,
@ robertknight on 7 June, 2021 at 7:22 pm
Sorry, Robert, no idea what’s happening at your end but ‘Ruby’ and ‘Republicofscotland’ have shown us the message content. Hope this helps!
@ Republicofscotland
Precisely! I had similar thoughts. Also, UKGov running around signing inferior deals with Norway & Iceland etc isn’t, as most folk on Twitter seem to think, so much about the “trade deal” but more as an ally to be used against Scotland come the Ref if we ever get one IMO.
Carol Neill says on 7 June, 2021 at 7:32 pm:
“I’m not on Twitter or fb, gfm down , can anyone point me in right direction for donating , I’m old and a technophobe.”
Please see Republicofscotland & Ruby’s posts shortly after your own post, the 2 of them together pretty much cover all the content from Marion’s Twitter tweet. Also, keep watching the WOS btl threads over the coming weeks as i and many others will post links to the crowdfunder her lawyers are setting up.
@ Captain Yossarian
Yes, Beltrami’s office is a reputable one. Just a shame she didn’t have the old master himself representing her. Scotland & The Court would be left in no doubt what a laughing-stock they’re becoming. (Anyone wondering what this is about just google Joseph Beltrami – His reputation is legendary.)
Their = belonging to them
theirs |ð??z|
possessive pronoun
used to refer to a thing or things belonging to or associated with two or more people or things previously mentioned: they think everything is theirs | a favourite game of theirs.
They’re = they are
there |ð??, ð?|
1 in, at, or to that place or position: we went to Paris and stayed there ten days | [ with infinitive ] : at the end of the day we are there to make money | [ after prep. ] : I’m not going in there—it’s freezing.
• used when gesturing to indicate the place intended: there on the right.
• at that point (in speech, performance, writing, etc.): ‘I’m quite—.’ There she stopped.
• in that respect; on that issue: I don’t agree with you there.
2 used in attracting someone’s attention or calling attention to someone or something: hello there! | there goes the phone.
3 (usu. there is/are) used to indicate the fact or existence of something: there’s a restaurant round the corner | there comes a point where you give up.
1 used to focus attention on something: there, I told you she wouldn’t mind!
2 used to comfort someone: there, there, you must take all of this philosophically.
No donations to the Proud Pedant required.
More from Graham Linehan. What’s going on in the minds of The Independent’s editors?
link to
Some days it’s hard to believe the absolute train wreck of Sturgeon’s stint as FM. I mean, just pft… fucking hell… And that’s the “pinch me I’m dreaming” kind of fucking hell….
I mean, how the fk can these any of these alleged Independentists sit down face to face and feel in any way, and I mean ANY way, buoyant about their absolute dereliction of responsibility and their miserable, wretched, betrayal of Scottish Independence?
I dunno, are they doped up on drugs and happy pills? Are they somehow sleeping at night or are they plagued by insomnia brought on by guilt and stress because they’ve so thoroughly fked up Scotland’s emancipation on the back of their monumental incompetence?
If I was sitting there in Sturgeon’s position, I promise you, by now you’d be hiding the key to the Whisky Tantalus and checking the top drawer of the bureau for a loaded revolver…
We’re worried about Gordon Brown meeting Prince Whatshisname was all about? Or what Boris Johnson has planned for Scotland?
Aye right. Nobody mention the gargantuan elephant in the room of Scotland’s hopeless First Minister’s blatant and determined betrayal of Scotland’s interests. So utterly incompetent it simply defies credible belief that it is incompetence.
Hi Stuart McKay.
Check out this blog.
link to
Or the front page:-
‘It’s shite being Scottish’
link to
@ BDtt
A’m huvin two SelthID ass a xpurt speler n gramatolojist coz ra scool wood ownly gived masel a D fur da Engleish. 🙂
Forgive me Brian for I have sinned. Yesterday whilst multitasking under the influence of a couple of tinnies of cider, making my dinner, and responding to Don, I posted the following with a couple of howlers.
“…here’s a link so you can here it from the horses mouth.”
What penance is due? I’d appreciate if said penance could be carried out whilst I’m sleeping as spent the day up and down ladders re-slating the ridge of my roof and I’m fuckin knackered.
Hi Dan.
I’m more interested in aberrant apostrophes, rather than typos. Typos happen. Aberrant apostrophes are more insidious.
@ Brian
Don’t you dare chase off Breeks with your stasi-like aberrant apostrophe phobia!
I get your OCD though, today whilst slating I had to remove the odd rogue Welsh slate from my traditional conservation area Scottish slated roof!
The thought crossed my mind that by doing so I was probably committing a hate crime, because in NuScotland my action could be deemed as blood and soil nationalism and racist.
I should have been all about civic slating and made my roof a collage with flat stones from all over the world.
Brian Doonthetoon @11.09
Yes Brian, I did catch the ‘Aftermath’ some days ago which I read with an ice cold hand encircling my heart.
The thought occurred… Are we in fact not too wee and not too poor,just too ‘stupid’?
I required to take refuge in strong drink.
Not at all. Thanks for the comment.
I agree with you about the hype on social media. However im not actually on social media at all. I even got rid of my Gab account because it was american centric and felt like it was killing brain cells though i do appreciate what they are doing.
My concerns for this legitimately come from official sources, historical trends and actual thought.
If we want to look at hype and misinformation go no further than your TV set.
With all the people walking about with phones that can connect to the internet im in a state of shock at just how uninformed people are and how obvious and in their face the problem is.
The fact that people think someone is making a ‘big deal’ out of being expected to risk their health on a product shareholders wont risk their money on is absolutely breath taking.
An industry infamous for its illegal murderous activity and callous disregard for life, mixed with politicians you wouldn’t trust to make a cheese sandwich promoted by a media who has lied about virtually everything important from independence issues to major wars, to economic crashes and the bailing out of bankers at the expense of the public…and its ‘making too much of it’ to be very much on the suspicious side?
There is nothing good, and I mean absolutely nothing, that can come from a public so passive and uncritical.
Sturgeon is the least of our problems when we seem to have zero instinct for our health and self preservation.
Do people really need to run face first into every single obvious upcoming disaster, fraud and swindle before they realise its there?
Sorry, rambled on. Cheers
Did someone give Dan a copy Eats, Shoots and Leaves?
because tribalistic, ritualised combat enacted as entertainment – fixes all problems.
COME ON SCOTLAND! in the EuropeanVision Kickball tournament-games
– Nicola has pledged to apply for a section 31 before the start of the tournament; this, if allowed, will permit Scotland to play in the England half; once covid is over and the economic reconstruction completed, a section 32 will be further applied for which will ask boris for permission for our players to shoot at the england goal. A crowfunder for 600K will be established to ringfence the money to pay for all this, and Alyn Smith will act as ballboy and backscrubber in the communal bath – “Lets play a game called BARRYMORE!” – he will squeak enthusiastically.
… “ring-fenced” they said … it was “ring-piece” that it was really all about …
Scotland – time to get fucked, again.
All goal tallies will be done by postal voting and counted in a pub in Braintree, Essex. If Scotland miraculously beat England, they will be rebranded as BRITAIN UNITED, coached by Neil Oliver and sponsored by Tesco.
the Scotland team will play “taps aff”/skins – AS THE JERSEYS HAVE ALREADY BEEN SOLD
boom tish
try the veal
John Main @ 7.23pm
John, you are wrong!
The United Kingdom is a Union formed by the uniting, in 1707, of the kingdom of Scotland and the kingdom of England to form one kingdom of Great Britain. There are only two signatories to the document. One representing the kingdom of Scotland and one representing the kingdom of England.
At the time the document was signed, the kingdom of England consisted of the country of England and the Principality of Wales.
Following the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284 Wales was annexed by England. In 1542 Henry V111 made Wales part of the Realm of England giving the Welsh political representation at Westminster and he also became king of Ireland.
James the V1 of Scotland inherited the throne of England and the throne of Ireland on the death of Elizabeth becoming James 1 of England and king of Ireland. He was responsible for the Union of Crowns in 1603.
Then in 1707, the political union of Great Britain was created by the union of the parliaments of Scotland and England.
Ireland was part of a personal union of crowns and did not join a political Union with Great Britain until 1800 when the state was was referred to as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
This changed in 1922 when the Irish Free State was formed, and subsequently the Republic of Ireland.
Since 1949 only the ‘Province’ of northern Ireland has remained in political union forming the Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
It was Theresa May who began talk of four countries within the union which until then been officially described as a union of two countries, one principality and one province.
However, I reiterate, that whether there are four countries or two countries, provinces and principalities – there are only two signatories on the Treaty of Union i.e. Scotland and England.
It is a voluntary Union and an internationally recognised Treaty and if either signatory choose to end the Union the signatories of the treaty would revert back to two separate, sovereign kingdoms ruled by one Monarch so there would be no
remainder of the UK only Scotland and England but England would rule Wales and N. Ireland unless those states seek independence.
Interestingly, Boris Johnson who is now trying to hang on to Scotland, is thought to be requesting that from now onwards we refer to the single country of Great Britain and make no mention of the four countries within one state. Not sure that will catch on.
By the way, John, we don’t want to be independent from anyone, we just want to be independent as we were for centuries prior to 1707 and will be again.
Likewise, by becoming independent, we would not be seceding from the Union, we would be ending the Treaty of Union and returning to our Sovereign, independent nationhood.
Sorry for the long post.
Re Marion , thanks all , I’ll keep looking
The problem Boris Johnson has with trying to extinguish the countries of the UK, is that to deny the Scottish people of their Scotland, is also to deny the English people of their England.
Do you see the problem yet Mr Johnson?
Breeks , I don’t think the English have noticed and many are quite happy being British.
Yes and no, Dorothy.
Britishness when it augments their Englishness is fine. It’s a gift.
Britishness which obliterates their Englishness will provoke more controversy. It’s a theft.
Brian Doonthetoon
Got it already¸ thanks. There are 50 blogs and youtube feeds from the likes of Phantom Power. All but 10 have posted something since April and a lot are very active. link to has the full list.
Always on the lookout for people to add though. As long as it’s not a professional news org or excessively woke, which is why I couldn’t bring myself to add Bella Caledonia. Anything pro-indy is fine. I try to avoid NGOs since they’re likely to be dependent on the SNP in some way and so don’t add much other than repackaging the official line. Yes Common Weal, I’m looking at you. That’s as far as I got on an editorial policy but nothing is cast in stone.
I do wish the Scottish Scaremonger would post more often, link to They’re hilarious.
But Scotland won’t be taken out the EU against our will…
link to
#QuitMoaning & #UseTheMandate
link to
I was under the impression that Marion had tied the ribbon to the fence. I was wrong.
From the comments:
“The second point is.. the ribbon is tied tae a chain link fence and not as been reported “tied roond a tree”. Marion didn’t put the ribbon oan the fence, she posted a photie of it.”
Breeks , good point.
That`s a whole week of Brent crude being priced at over $70 per barrel,
more than 1,000,000 barrels produced per day from our waters,
that`s $490,000,000 in one week.
Regarding the school that’s sinking: I think we have some pressure now and so I’ll add the following:
In September 2014 I walked into the offices of the Scottish Government’s largest partering law firm and said: “That school you’re building in Aberdeen will start to sink. I have just been sacked for complaining about it. I’m a whistle-blower and so you’d better get it checked quickly while there is still time”.
I paid him over £20k, waited for 8-months, and found-out that he had done nothing. He hadn’t asked anyone and so the school was built and the mistake was built-in along with it. All I could do was wait to see if it started sinking, or not. I was hoping that it would start to sink, the lawyer was hoping that it wouldn’t. It started to sink straight away, before it was even opened.
If you cast your mind back to the Edinburgh Sick Kids Hospital when a mistake was made during construction; it was on the face of it a fairly trivial mistake – ventilation from memory. Jeane Freeman recognized the mistake straight away. She got it checked and published the results. She got the hospital fixed and finally opened. The union involved, UNISON, supported her and the public ended-up paying a high price financially, but the hospital was fixed and is now safe to use.
John Swinney’s in charge of this school and he’s a different kind of parliamentarian all-together. If he can do something that will save his neck, he will do it and if that means keeping 450No kids in a school that isn’t safe, he’ll do it. If it means covering-up design checks, he’ll do that too. There is practically nothing he will not do in the pursuit of his own survival.
Many people have lost there jobs now because of this. I have lost my livlihood altogether and yet John Swinney and his wee Glasgow lawyer remain seated at their desks like two ticking time-bombs; as much use to Scotland as the plague.
I received an Email from a senior engineer, an American guy, that I worked with before. He has advised me on this case throughout and his view is that in most countries in the world, the USA included, the Police would have been called-in years ago.
I think this is going to end soon and it is thanks to two London based charitable organizations. So, for all of you dedicated seperatists – have a think about that. It’s all about honesty and accountability. Jeane Freeman had that and John Swinney doesn’t. Who you are governed by in Scotland, do you really know them well enough to trust them, and who protects you in law?
Prince William has stated that the English Women’s football
team will do the nation proud in the upcoming international tournament!
Their first game is against Scotland.
And they want him to live here to save the Union? FFS
Wonder if Andrew follows their under 16 team?
Here is a leader, possibly THE leader, of the fantasy trans gang.
link to
link to
Her book ‘From Transgender to Transhuman: A Manifesto On the Freedom Of Form’ is available in pdf online, but the title itself is revealing.
Sorry, but you’re also wrong, but you’re not the only one.
1707 saw the creation of the Kingdom of Great Britain and Parliament of Great Britain.
1801 saw the creation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland and the Parliament of the United Kingdom.
The use of the term “united’ in the 1707 acts was descriptive, appearing in some versions in the original lower case “united”, and did not form part of the official title of the State until 1801.
Any confusion here is simply resolved by reference to the titles of the parliaments.
It is a common misunderstanding perpetuated by those who, if they could, would have us believe the UK has been in existence since the Romans left these isles.
As it is, the UK in it’s current form is barely a century old. But try telling that to those who can’t even distinguish between England/Great Britain/Yookay.
Captain Yossarian says: ‘seperatists’
For a guy who has such a lot of faith in English Nationonalists – sorry ‘British’ – doing right by Scotland, you seem to be spending rather a lot of time here, lobbying us ‘seperatists’ to support your case.
The British Government is one of the most corrupt in the world, or didn’t you get the dodgy dossier?
But they’ll be happy to blow stoor up yir arse, if it helps damage the Indy Movement.
Folk on here are well aware, deeply concerned, and trying to do something about the current State Corruption that Nicla has instigated… ably helped by British Civil Servant – Leslie Evans… line manager of COPFs employee Crown Agent – David Harvie.
I’ve always found engineers – the good ones – to have oodles of common sense – quite how you conflate current Scot Gov corruption with Westminster sainthood and perfect efficiency – defies reason.
One thing is certain, our chances of finding out, evidencing and bringing corrupt officials out of power and into justice, are a lot better when they live, work and answer to the people in their own country.
Good luck with your case, by the way, it does sound like you’ve been extremely brave and conscientious.
@Daisy Walker
Similar to my thoughts. Conflating corrupt Scottish politicians with the prospects of independence as a whole, as if Westminster is populated by moral upright individuals, is quite a stretch and not a mistake made by someone who can think clearly.
Daisy Walker says:
8 June, 2021 at 10:47 am
Daisy – as a Scottish engineer I wish you were right, but you’re not right.
I don’t expect anyone on these pages to support me; I’m just giving you an example of what happens in 21st century Scotland.
The sad facts are that approximately 40No Scottish parliamentarians, councillors, civil-servants and lawyers have all known about this for periods up to 7-years and have done next to nothing.
The only people who have taken any action to resolve it are London Charities. That, sadly, is a fact.
So, when Nicola Sturgeon tells you that we are ‘lucky to have these people’ you can think back to this example and think to yourself: ‘maybe we’re not lucky to have them…maybe if we had some honest folk instead then we would all be getting along much better’.
link to
Early life is the most useful section in wikipedia
@J.o.e – and what should we do about the school? Fix it….or just leave it?
@Captain Yossarian
I’ll leave that to your judgement since you are an engineer and know the case.
@J.o.e – The Scottish Government employ engineers too. My only question to you is: ‘Do you think this would happen anywhere else in the UK?’
@Captain Yossarian
I have no idea.
If your angle is that the SNP are cabal of corrupt and incompetent clowns beyond belief and need removing from power then we are brothers in arms on that. In fact I would probably say I have an even more deeply negative view of them than even you.
If the idea is to conflate that sorry group with the idea of national sovereignty itself then I must say that its pretty flawed reasoning
@J.o.e – We appear to be in near total agreement then. My only point of divergence is that we are, at the moment, far from anything resembling a democracy.
I gave my MSP an example this morning from KSA and we are nowhere close to matching them. That shows you the extent of the problem, doesn’t it.
@ Captain Yossarian
Re. The School. I asked this about a week back but you didn’t really answer the question.
“This should never have been allowed to happen. Even when I built a small extension, ground type assessment and a drainage percolation test were required to determine the appropriate foundation and soak-away specifications.
Was this school build you often refer to similar to the one where a lack of wall ties caused a wall to come down, in that there was self certification of work by contractors rather than external building control officers checking key elements of the work?
The way I see it is that either the proposed and approved technical specifications and design of the school on that particular site that were passed prior to the build commencing were wrong. Or the work carried out during the actual build did not adhere to or conform with the approved specifications.
Any news this morning about the Judge Dorrian trial?
Scottish Conservative Party Councillor and “Award winning business woman” adds alleged drink driving at nearly 3 times the legal limit, and without car insurance to her list of accomplishments…
link to
Meg merrilees 2.16am
Meg, you may well be acurate with all your historic data and dates – but you miss the point.
Language and meaning develop over time. The term “United Kingdom” has become the name of the area of land/sea that is the United Kingdom.
If you believe you can “reeducate” people around the world to understand your definition of the term United Kingdom – then good luck with that.
Given that most folk here and abroad understand that the UK is place rather than a thing – then they will have no problem understanding that the Scots might want to leave the United Kingdom – but even if they did, what would be left would still be the United Kingdom (i.e. its just a name) (in the same way that if Catalonia were to become independent from Spain – Spain would still call itself Spain – and so would everyone else.
I hope that helps.
Meg Merrilees & Robert Knight
Thank you for your replies.
I don’t know that either of you has clarified things though.
There exists a place called Wales occupied mostly by a race of fine people who call themselves the Welsh. They have a distinctive and ancient culture, heritage and language.
The same can be said for Northern Ireland.
Any discussion of the future of the UK after Scotland becomes independent has to accept the fact of these place’s existence and acknowledge the reality that if Scotland is the great benefactor to the UK that so many on this blog claim, both Wales and Northern Ireland will be impoverished by Scotland’s departure.
I’ll leave out the Isle of Man and the Channel Isles for now.
This reminds of No Country For Old Men. As one of the characters says, “If it’s not a mess, it will do until such time as a mess comes along”.
My first post was in response to Saffron Robe who claims that the issue of Scottish Independence is a matter for discussion between only England and Scotland.
I think that’s a simplistic idea. The reality is far more complex.
No doubt somebody will tell me that Scottish Independence will be like a failed marriage. You walk out and go back to yer Mam’s. Or perhaps you kick hubby out and change the locks on the doors.
I don’t see it being like that at all. All of us here will be long dead before Scotland finishes paying the bills for leaving the EU. ScExit will be just the same.
Dan – The original design was correct. It was designed by a well known consultant who I have worked with several times before and they kept a close eye on it. All the groundworks were finished and the site was tested for ‘bearing capacity’ and all the rest of it and it was satisfactory. Pretty good, in fact.
A mistake was then made which meant that the soil conditions were re-set and this design would no longer work. Let me explain:
Many people don’t realize that a building is supported by quite a thin layer of soil under the building. That layer might be 6m – 8m deep, for example. The key thing is to keep that layer of soil dry. If it becomes waterlogged, then it softens and it loses its ability to support the weight of the building. The building then settles, or ‘subsides’.
The ground contained ‘artesian layers’. The only thing you need to do with them is leave them alone. The contractor mistakenly cut-through all of them down to a depth of 5m and blocked them. He didn’t think at the time that it was a mistake, but it was. This was done in the summer time when the weather was dry, but in the winter time, the situation is entirely different and more problematic.
Because of this, in winter-time, floods of groundwater are making there way to the surface. So, water which should remain underground harmlessly and never be seen, is now making its way to the surface and this is causing great damage.
So far, the building hasn’t cracked. But this process scours away soil incrementally. It is worse in the beginning, during the first winter, but it goes-on relentlessly and, sooner or later, the building will fail.
We spoke the other day about Design Standards and the Standard governing this type of work calls for an expert check to be carried-out as soon as this is noticed. The reason for that is so that we do not end up with a structural failure.
These checks have been done, many of them, but the results haven’t been released by John Swinney. That’s the problem. Some honesty and accountability is required and that is a step too far for him.
If you built your extension on dry soil and then that soil became waterlogged, then there is a good chance your extension would sink and that’s what we are talking about here.
You’re an engineer and so will understand this. It was a mistake and when that happens you need to stop and re-evaluate. That was never done. Hence, they’re in a right mess.
John Main says:
“I don’t see it being like that at all. All of us here will be long dead before Scotland finishes paying the bills for leaving the EU. ScExit will be just the same.”
Other opinions and points of view exist.
EG. link to
Meg merrilees.
Robert Hughes.
It is good that facts on the treaty of the union are discussed on here as the ending of that treaty having been discussed in 2014 by Westminster in the month of June let’s everyone here see how Westminster would expell to much say from Scotland in the negotiations ,(I posted link above.)
Like J.o.e. I get a bit frustrated when people are not fully thinking for themselves,
You’re descriptions of the treaty of the union is pretty thorough and is very good in as far as it looks at the treaty of the union from an England parliament point of view, and the mentioning of what is fact.
However I am absolutely amazed that the middle bit of these historical facts goes ignored and unrecognised by anyone here in Scotland,
We never voted on it, we did not select the representatives, we were not involved with the debates and discussions, we did not sign a signitured or even an X, to enter into the treaty of the union, Scotland rioted against it,
IT is make believe, the facts in us joining the treaty in 1707 in history are being skimmed over here to fit a 300 year old narrative that has never been true or accurate,
[ logic dictates ] if the question was never put before the Scots in 1707, DO YOU WANT TO JOIN ENGLAND AND SCOTLAND TOGETHER IN A TREATY?
If the Question was not asked, how do you receive an answer Yes?
In the 2014 referendum we were asked, ( yes we the Scots were actually asked) Do you wish To remain? In the treaty of the union.
So I will run this scenario past you.
If I was asked by my neighbour “Do you want to take a train journey to London, and I answered yes, then got on the train, that’s an agreement.
If however I was never asked the question above, I could not have agreed to boarding the train to London “
The same logic is applied to 2014,
If we did not join the treaty of the union in 1707, because we were never asked.
We cannot be asked if we want to remain in the treaty of the union in 2014. [The question is void by logic]
Some of you may think this James che is a nutter looking for loop holes,
Well I will agree with you whole heartedly if anyone here can find the historical paperwork, that the English and Scottish Parliaments put the[ question ] to the Scottish people in 1707 regarding joining the treaty of the union,
How the historical statistical paperwork in Scotland and England parliaments from 1707 should display the results of the vote to join the treaty of the union either way.
Could anyone here deny that England’s parliament paid the Scottish representatives that signed the treaty of the union?
Could anyone here provide statistical historical evidence that the Scottish people were asked to select the Scottish representatives and paid them for that duty when the treaty was completed?
There is nothing in the 1707 treaty that supplies any fact based historical records regarding the Scots joining the treaty of the union.
The only fact based historical records with regards the involvement of [actual people of Scotland ] to the 1707 treaty of the union was resistance and riots after the treaty had been signed in secret.
Logically and legally the historical recorded evidence shows the Scottish people were kept separate from the signing the Treaty of the Union.
Scot Finlayson says at 8 June, 2021 at 9:38 am
“That`s a whole week of Brent crude being priced at over $70 per barrel, more than 1,000,000 barrels produced per day from our waters, that`s $490,000,000 in one week.”
Here’s some math. Multiply $490,000,000 by 52 gives you $25,480,000,000, or 25.48 trillion USD.
But the entire GDP of the UK was “only” 2.829 trillion USD in 2019. It was a bit less last year.
So something like 20 trillion USD could be going missing each year. Talk about the crime of the century. No need to worry about the ring-fenced £600,000 any more. Or the falling down school for that matter. Find even a fraction of the missing money and we can build new schools everywhere.
So Westminster wastes £8,300 per minute on Trident, the weapons which they’ll never use are nothing more than a Westminster phallic symbol, that says we’re a nuclear power, no matter how much its cost society.
Not only are vast amounts of taxpayer cash wasted on these obscene weapons that can never be used, the odious weapons are placed in Scotland, a colony of England. We have no say whatsoever over these deadly weapons, Westminster has the say on where the weapons of mass destruction ae placed in their Scottish colony, and with utter contempt for the Scots the weapons are roughly 30 miles from Scotland’s most populated city.
With the story in the press today revealing that Westminster buried nuclear waste in Scotland, and Willie McRae paid the ultimate price for knowing this and he was going to out the info, and with the private firm in charge of fighting fires at the nuclear base in Scotland drastically cutting back its staff, even though there’s been multiple fires at the site, and the revelations from the whistleblower Mr McNeilly, that the nuclear base is an accident waiting to happen and the report which showed at least “500 incidents” at the base, its just a matter of time before our Scottish colony is impacted by a disaster from this nuclear base that we have absolutely no say on.
John main.
How is it you only view some paperwork with authoritive signitures on it as our financial responsibility,
Where is our agreement and or our financial agreement to the treaty of the union from the Scots in the first instance.
If we did not sign, and were not asked the question.
The Scottish people have no obligation to even negotiate with England Westminster.
And England’s Westminster actually has no legal foundation to hold the Scots to the treaty of the union,
It can however legally hold the representatives ( it paid for in 1707 ) under financial obligation for reimbursement and compensation and their descendents maybe. This includes the EU contracts it made.
England’s Parliament in 1707 paid men it choose in Scotland to sell the country of Scotland to themselves,
Anyone see anything wrong yet?
An solely falsified English contract.
TODAY.Craig Murray on Twitter:
“Judgement is here.
Leave to appeal to the Supreme Court is refused by Lady Dorrian.
Imprisonment is suspended until 6 July while we apply direct to the Supreme Court to hear the appeal.”
The EU has removed English as its working language and replaced it with French, oh how I wish we could remove it and replace it with Gaelic, after centuries of having Gaelic beaten out of Scots, destroying a countries language is one of the vital steps to creating a colony as is destroying and replacing its history, and of course the colonised folk in this instance Scots, lose their sense of identity.
A prime example of this is, just about everyone in Scotland knows how many wives King Henry VIII had, but very few Scots will know how many King Malcom’s of Scotland there were.
Scots have had their history greatly diminished which is very important in realising who you, are and where you came from, our once independent nation is now reduced to nothing more than an asset stripping colony, and our people (though not all) are apathetic towards doing anything about it, they prefer to embrace a foreign countries lifestyle.
We become the Aboriginal, or Inuit, or North American indigenous folk, who’ve had their cultures and histories supplanted as well.
Has Lady Dorrian got her eye on Wolfe’s vacant Lord Advocate’s job by any chance?
Got to pass Sturgeon’s initiation test by showing blind loyalty instead of truth and justice.
Embarrassed to be Scottish.
@Captain Yossarian 12:56pm
You have articulated the technical case of the problems associated with school very well. It’s now a matter of public record. It shouldn’t be this difficult for people in power to accept that a solution is required. Especially when we are dealing with the safety of young children. You have my support in your endeavour to remedy the situation. Your action is typical of the very best of Scottish Engineering.
Captain Yossarian
So what’s the “failure mode” for the building? Will it simply sink and crack or could the water so undermine the foundations that the building might actually (partially) collapse?
I’d guess the rebar in the concrete would prevent the latter since it’s also presumably designed to withstand earthquakes.
@ Captain Yossarian
Cheers for more technical info.
So the site was initially surveyed which identified that the ground characteristics could be problematic, yet the proposed build went ahead anyway with a structural design that acknowledged and catered for those specific conditions.
If that is the case then scrutiny of critical elements of the groundwork should surely have been an imperative obligation.
But as I asked, was assessment of these works to be carried out as self-certification by the contractors, or external building control / design engineers, so as to ensure these key elements were carried out in a satisfactory manner that adhered to the constraints of the planned design.
You say the contractor made the mistake, that points to them making the error, but are they wholly responsible if they were not fully informed of the specific remit their work involved?
I understand that the ground mechanics will alter if it is too wet or too dry. How about as a solution the kids get a pond built on or near the site which is fed from the ground and rainwater water, but flow is controlled by sluices that maintain the optimal moisture content of the area the school is built on to best managed the potential for subsidence.
Captain yossarian.
Of course these engineering problems happen else where, I can think of a football grounds that collapsed killing many when the seating area was to capacity and failed when people moved forward,
Scotland has not got a great record but neither has England, these failures are across Britain as a whole.
Captain Yossarian,
How old is the school now and what is/was the expected lifespan?
@Stuart MacKay – Either may happen and it can be slow, or very quick. It is analogous to the situation you find in sink-holes where the soil suddenly collapses revealing a huge crater underneath. Such a crater can exist right under a building for months or years and no-one will know anything about it. The soil above the crater ‘arches’ to transfer the load from the foundation or floor to the good soil each side of the crater and it is only when the crater becomes too large that the soil ‘arch’ collapses and the hole opens-up.
Something as dramatic as that may not happen of course, but the gradual sinking of the ground and softening of the ground will go-on relentlessly until there is a failure. People imagine that the first sign of failure will be a hairline crack or something benign, but it may be much worse than that
What I have been warning them about from day-one are the processes of ‘water inundation, soil collapse and subsidence’ and that, sadly, is what we are seeing.
I grew-up in a tenement and, in Glasgow, a number of them used to subside each year. It is something that modern Design Standards have almost eliminated, but you need to follow the Design Standard. If you don’t do that, then you are breaking the law and, despite this having been reviewed by numerous Scottish lawyers, I am still not convinced that any of them appreciate that.
The trouble in Scotland is, if you try and follow the Design Standard, it can cost you your job and no-one will protect you from that. That is my bone of contention at the moment.
It was a simple mistake. Who knows what an artesian layer is? Tannadice Boy is a more senior engineer than I am and I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t know either. You just don’t come across them very often and I cannot remember them being explained to me in my engineering classes. But they do exist and the contractor was warned about them by the design engineers and so the contractor made a mistake, but it was not an entirely innocent mistake.
It’s like the Challenger Space Disaster we spoke about the other day. I’ve been put in a position these past seven years where I have been made to prove that this building will fail and I’ve done that. Not only have I proved it will fail, but I have watched it fail. I’m just waiting on John Swinney now.
Google ‘artesian layer’ when you have time. The pressure inside them can be almost mains pressure and so you cannot just block them and expect nothing to happen.
How can Scottish Justice be blind and unbiased when Lady Dorrian is allowed to sit in judgement on Craig Murray’s leave to appeal against a judgement which she handed down.
Surely, in any right-functioning legal system, she would have been kept well away from the appeal.
In this case, she really has been judge, jury and executioner.
It’s like that line in (I think) Weir of Hermiston: “ye’ll get a fair trial – then we’ll hing ye.”
Socrates MacSporran says:
8 June, 2021 at 2:40 pm
How can Scottish Justice be blind and unbiased when Lady Dorrian is allowed to sit in judgement on Craig Murray’s leave to appeal against a judgement which she handed down.
Surely, in any right-functioning legal system, she would have been kept well away from the appeal.
Yes, you are right. Sadly, Scotland does not have properly functioning legal system.
Scotland seems to be a failed state even before it becomes a state.
TODAY. Iain Lawson has something to say re Mr Murray’s conviction and sentencing
link to
Dan says:
8 June, 2021 at 2:10 pm
The contractor is responsible for the design as it was a Design and Build Contract. But, the Scottish Government checked this element of the design after I complained about it and they said that, in their opinion, it was fully compliant and nothing to worry about.
Hence, Design Liability should lie with the contractor as you say but, in this case, it lies with the Scottish Government. They’ve needlessly taken the problem off the contractor and it now rests with them.
The Contractor was informed of the artesian layers many times and so he is not innocent. He was told that he made a mistake and he didn’t get it checked. Mind-you, Scottish Building Standards were told twice and they did nothing either and that, for me, is the bigger problem. These are the engineers that we all trust to keep us safe from the traps of a dangerous building. They’re not thorough enough, are they?
I think the same thing happened at Edinburgh Sick Kids where the Scottish Government ended-up having to pay the contractor to correct his own mistakes?
I think these artesian layers have to be drained into a large underground holding tank and from there into the piped storm sewage system at a steady measured rate of discharge. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution to this and it really needs to be investigated and designed by experts.
Personally speaking, anyone who can read and understand a Design Standard knows this building is entirely wrong but designing a solution is for the experts.
Maybe Lady Dorian is the Roland Freisler of the Scottish Peoples’ Court and, following her merciless destruction of Bolsheviks, is looking forward to promotion to President of the Peoples’ Court from a grateful SNP Fuhrer.
Anything is possible!
@Breastplate – 6-years old and has a design life of 60-years.
Captain Yossarian,
Dorian is a disgrace. The pretence that this was non political is absolute garbage.
The judiciary need a good clear out.
Random question… just thinking out the box. 😉
Say, for arguments sake Holyrood was shut down or even suspended by Westminster like Stormont, (never happen I know), or, say it was impeached for Sturgeon’s unconstitutional impropriety and her cowardly and undemocratic acquiescence to Scotland’s colonial subjugation, and thus disavowed as a legitimate “government”, – would Scotland’s democratically elected Government then revert to the Westminster contingent of Scottish MP’s where 47 out of 59 MP’s favour an Independent Scotland?
Westminster can call a snap election if they dare, let them, because the result of such a plebiscite Election would be first past the post… and if it happened today, you’d have 79% of Scottish MP’s in favour of Independence. Some would call that emphatic.
Do we actually need Holyrood and Sturgeon’s heavy foot on the brake at all?
Just impeach the pretendy wee Holyrood Assembly, and it’s pretentious wee Sturgeon, and just go straight for Westminster’s jugular…
And if you choose to look upon subservient and docile Holyrood as Westminster’s puppet government, I’m not even remotely bothered about shutting it down. It won’t exist in an Independent Scotland anyway. The building will, but the institution won’t. (Though if you need a volunteer to drive the bulldozer, here I am).
News from Central Edinburgh.
All the tourist gift shops have massive posters in every window & door saying ‘SNP have abandoned tourist trade. Government assistance required to save jobs.’
They are yellow and from afar they appear to be posters promoting the SNP.
RepublicofScotland 1.51
You wrote “The EU has removed English as its working language and replaced it with French, oh how I wish we could remove it and replace it with Gaelic…”
… I’m sure the 98.1% of Scots that don’t speak Gaelic will be thrilled to hear that.
You also whinged “We become the Aboriginal, or Inuit, or North American indigenous folk, who’ve had their cultures and histories supplanted as well.”
… except none of those folk had their own referendum to decide their future and None of those folk have their own parliament that can make law for their country. Apart from that … its exactly the same!
Give it a rest RoS, you keep trying to tell everyone what brilliant, proud, intelligent, creative and innovative folk SCots are in one breath – and then effectively dismiss them as moronic, disinterested downtrodden, sunserviant supplicants the next – which is it fcs?
jeez … *subservient
link to
Iain Lawson makes a sobering read.
Breeks says:
8 June, 2021 at 4:11 pm
link to
Iain Lawson makes a sobering read
He certainly does.
I predict massive trouble ahead.
There are so many things bubbling away below the surface.
Craig Murray case
Marion Miller case
Self id
recording sex of rapist
Alex Salmond returning to court
massive unemployment
Royals becoming political.
Missing funds
Ooops I missed one very important thing from my list
No IndyRef2.
> Google ‘artesian layer’ when you have time.
The wikipedia page on artesian aquifers has some nice diagrams, link to
So if I understand it correctly, puncturing the confining layers lets all that water escape and could wash the foundations out from underneath the building, hence subsidence or actual collapse – I guess if you dropped a big building into a 5m hole the results wouldn’t be pretty.
Stuart MacKay says:
8 June, 2021 at 4:34 pm
Yes – you’ve got in one.
Another way of looking at it is if you cut a meter of copper piping out of the section that supplies your bath tap…..would you expect the water to just stop…..or would it run all over the place and wreck your house.
Hence what you describe as washing the foundations out is correct and is due to a process called ‘scour’ where water at pressure is forced through the soil washing away sand and silt and causing the soil to soften and then collapse.
Craig Murray.
Today we all got to see, just how corrupt Scotland has become at the hands of Nicola Sturgeon. There we have it. It has now been passed into an English court (the pretendy ‘uk’ ‘supreme‘ court in London, England.
Mibbes those in charge can see just how wrong this is, and understand that the ONLY way to secure justice for Craig is OUTSIDE of Scotland. Maybe Lady Dorian did him a favour.
Seriously, if you are in the SNP and haven’t left the SNP and joined ALBA yet, at what point WILL you wake up? Just look at what is happening. Golden opportunity after golden opportunity and NS does nothing to secure independence. Excuse after excuse, coupled with INTENTIONALLY divisive policies, designed to disrupt and split the indy movement. All the while the Scottish courts get used to pursue politically directed malicious prosecutions.
You might think Nicola was doing it deliberately, and you would be right. Look at it all, and you quickly realise, none of this is an accident. Trying to jail innocent Alex, Delaying indy forever and a day. This IS the plan, all the while masquerading as seeking independence.
The turncoat of all turncoats, Nicola Sturgeon. Mibbes she has been promised a peerage, or, as rumoured, a cushy job at the UN.
The Scottish courts didn’t wash their hands of Craig Murray today, instead they washed their hands of justice. And that should worry ALL of us.
John Main…
You might want to look at former states in Europe whose constituent elements have regained their former status in the past 30 years.
The Republic of Slovakia and Czech Republic for example, or any of the states which together made up the former Yugoslav Republic.
The Kingdom of England absorbed the Principality of Wales by enactment in the Parliament of England of the Laws in Wales Acts of 1535 and 1542. Thereby making de jure what had been de facto since the time of King Edward I of England, i.e the conquering of Wales by England’s kings and subsequent English rule.
The pocket-kingdoms on the island of Ireland had been similarly conquered by England’s kings, as Lords of Ireland, until King Henry VIII of England took it upon himself in 1541 to expand his realms, by the stroke of a quill, and extend to Ireland the status of Kingdom, and to himself that of King of Ireland.
Scotland was on occasion defeated militarily by England, the last occasion by Cromwell’s forces with the assistance of numerous nationalities, including Scots themselves, but was never fully conquered and held by England in the way Wales and Ireland had been.
Instead, the Parliament of Scotland agreed via international treaty with the Parliament of England to unify both independent, sovereign states to form a single Kingdom of Great Britain, with a unified Parliament of Great Britain. (A proposal first suggested by James VI, King of Scots, on his succession to the thrones of England and Ireland as King James I. A proposal rejected by the Parliament of England. James went so far as to style himself King of Britain and to commission a Union Flag, but the design was altered in Scotland and never really caught on).
In 1801, the Parliament of Ireland agreed through treaty, (“international treaty” would be stretching it given the Kingdom of Ireland was effectively a satellite state of the Kingdom of England), with the Parliament of Great Britain to unify the Kingdom of Ireland and the Kingdom of Great Britain to form a United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, with a single Parliament of the United Kingdom.
Therefore the ‘pedigree’ of the constituent parts of the UK are quite distinct.
In 1921, when the Irish Free State and British Province of Northern Ireland were created, there was a suggestion that the Royal Coat of Arms have the Harp of Ireland removed, that the Union Flag have the Cross of Saint Patrick removed, and that the title of the State have the word “United” removed. None were done on the grounds of costs and perceived loss of status.
Therefore in the event of Scottish independence, strictly speaking the blue of the Cross of Saint Andrew should be removed from the Union Flag, the name of the state(s) should revert to the Kingdom of Scotland and the Kingdom of England & Northern Ireland. (The Royal Arms would remain unchanged provided Scotland did not become a republic).
However, if 1921’s events and the Royal and Parliamentary Titles Act 1927 are anything to go by, on the grounds of cost and perceived loss of status, the Kingdom of England & Northern Ireland would likely still refer to itself, albeit incorrectly, as the UK.
The treaty of union 1707.
This in fact DID create the United kingdom of Great britain.
For example, article 3.
“That the United Kingdom of Great Britain be Represented by one and the same Parliament, to be stiled the Parliament of Great Britain..”
Article 4.
“That the Subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain shall from and after the Union have full Freedom and Intercourse of Trade and Navigation to and from any port or place within the said United Kingdom…”
Article 5.
“That all parts of the United Kingdom for ever from and after the Union shall have the same Allowances, Encouragements and Drawbacks, and be under the same Prohibitions, Restrictions and Regulations of Trade and lyable to the same Customs and Duties..”
So the United Kingdom was formed by the treay of union of 1707.
It is a very common mistake for some people to believe that the entry of N.Ireland (partition) was the point at which the ‘United Kingdom’ was created. but that is not true. Thus, on your current ‘britishy’ passport it says The United Kingdom of Great Britain and N.Ireland. Since, of course n.Ireland was added on later, without consulting Scotland.
The actual treaty of union is ONLY between Scotland and England. The later acts (not international treaty) of the Westminster parliament do not and cannot alter the nature of the articles which were agreed to by both Scotland’s and England’s parliaments in 1706 and 1707.
And talking of parliaments, as correctly pointed out by others above, the people of Scotland were NEVER consulted about the treaty of 1707. In Scotland in 1707, most people did NOT have the right to vote. It was the landed gentry, the lairds, the lawyers and clergy who got to make decisions and vote.
Nobody should ever claim that the people of Scotland agreed to the 1707 treaty, because they never got asked. They did however make it clear they did not agree. A few days after its signing by the bribed (by England) members of the Scots Parliament, the articles of union were burnt in the centre of Glasgow and violent rioting against the treaty lasted for months all across Scotland.
The people of Scotland NEVER wanted it and still don’t.
Too many folk seem to fall for the very English unionist view of the 1707 treaty, a view which makes false assertions and aims to deceive. Just like the English officials did in 1707, and have done to Scots for the last three hundred plus years of this cursed, unwanted, undemocratic, so-called ‘union’.
@John Main,
would that not be 25 billion instead of trillion.
Archived article on The School.
link to
Aside from the issues being discussed.
If anyone is interested, the satellite view of Brimmond Primary School in Bucksburn, Aberdeen shows what we’re up against with regard to the folk we empower to approve designs to be built with taxpayers’ money.
Jeezo, if you asked a range of people to have a think and draw a primary school building, it would surely be someone right out on the edge of sanity that produced that clusterfuck of utterly needless over complexity.
Just because CAD software has lots of functions it doesn’t mean you need to use every single of one of them when you draw what should be a simple, efficient, low maintenance, and cost effective building.
Zoom out and hunt around and zoom in again and see if you can find any other building that comes close in terms of superfluous pish and complexity of design.
Dan, maybe the geometry teacher had a hand in the design and we’ll have a spate of world class geometricians who were able to find out where the doors were?
“except none of those folk had their own referendum to decide their future and None of those folk have their own parliament that can make law for their country. Apart from that … its exactly the same!”
The referendum was an exception, and Westminster the hub of our English colonial masters laws making, will not let that happen again, they got too much of a fright, the Scottish colony is far to important to lose.
As for our own parliament, its a deception and illusion to fool the masses in Scotland into thinking that we actually govern ourselves, we don’t, for we don’t have independence which would allow all the levers of that a government needs to really run a country.
Just as important is that we have an FM who doesn’t want to see Scotland become an independent nation, the daily charade played out between Westminster and Holyrood is for our benefit, its a pantomime, in which Sturgeon and Johnson point the finger at each other as we in the Scottish colony watch on apportioning blame on one or the other.
Two votes SNP allowed dozens of unionist MSPs back into Holyrood to resume the status quo. A helluva lots of Scots can’t even see this that Sturgeon doesn’t want to upset the balance at Holyrood.
The Scottish colony has been plundered for 300 years, from the Malt tax, to North sea oil and it will continue until such times that Scots wake up, or until we’ve been subsumed by a foreign countries culture so much, that they’ll be no way back.
As for our language Gaelic, yes very few folk now speak it, that’s what happens when the language is suppressed, and beaten out of children in order to force a foreign language on them.
Dan – I wouldn’t get too ferocious about the design; it was designed by one of the best architects in the country. Pretty well-built too and the kids love it, it just contains one crucial mistake.
You understand that well enough and you work on an oil platform. What does John Swinney and Scotland’s past two Heads of Building Standards find so complex about it?
That’s what I cannot understand.
@ Gordon Currie
Aye, well just for the craic whilst ma dinner is cooking, I SelfID as a geography teacher and architect and took a google earth trip on the same latitude over to the northern tip of Denmark and on to Sweden to take a swatch at their building designs.
Results were as I expected, namely simple and efficient with the architects clearly managing to lay off the shrooms for the duration of completing their designs.
@ Yossa see above. I disagree. The architect has produced and overly complex design which ignores basic longstanding engineering principles. It’s a school, not a space station.
@Scot Finlayson says: 8 June, 2021 at 5:38 pm
@John Main,
would that not be 25 billion instead of trillion.
Yes Scot, it most certainly would.
My apologies. Yet more evidence that my math heid doesn’t work in the heat.
I’m off for a lie down.
@Captain Yossarian 6:31pm
You have put in some exceptional posts today. Engineering is in good hands in Scotland at the moment. I think you can answer your own question about Swinney and building standards. I am retired now and no longer have CEng status. But I in contact with many current practising engineers. So how many signatures do you need to get Swinney to publish the Engineering reports on the sinking school?. This is one of these issues that won’t go away. We don’t compromise on safety.
@Tannadice Boy – Thanks for that. I’ll ask the forensic MSP for Dumbarton if you don’t mind: ‘How many signatures do I need to get Mr Swinney to publish the Engineering reports on the sinking school?’
I’m not a natural contributor to this website and I expect you guessed that ages ago. However, the contributors have undoubted spirit and gumption and I expect that is one of the reasons Stuart Campbell was reluctant to give it up.
Personally speaking, I doubt if there is an engineer alive that disagrees with me, but I’ll give all at Holyrood, Scottish Building Standards, Aberdeen City Council and Hub the opportunity to prove me wrong.
Keep looking in, in the days ahead and I’ll let you know how I’m getting-on.
RoS 6.23
“The referendum was an exception”! Yes sir. It is the only time the “people of Scotland” actually had the opportunity to express their will. Here on wings, folk claim all the time to be speaking on behalf of the “people of Scotland”. Most of they time they don’t. The referendum is the only result that matters … that’s democracy in action. All the rest is bull crap from those whose opinion didn’t constitute the will of the “people of Scotland”.
No one cares what happened in 1707. Only what folk voted in for in 2014.
As I may have mentioned before, Yessers need to figure out why, when Westminster has been run by Tories for donkeys years, the people of Scotland are not voting for Independece.
For what it’s worth, “England bashing”, tory bashing, Brexit bashing, whinging and grievance are all negative and unattractive characteristics and, evidentially and demonstrably, don’t work.
One minute you claim NS is saint and saviour – the next, allegedly, you claim she is the devil incarnate, a YOON stooge heading a corrupt government, leading corrupt senior ministers, a corrupt judiciary and a corrupt police force!
…. and it’s all Westminster’s and the Tories fault!
Give me a break!
@Captain Yossarian 7:18pm
Absolutely I will look in. This is an apolitical issue. Your are from Glasgow and I am until recently from Dundee but with similar backgrounds. However we are both professionally engineer trained. And the discipline of an engineering degree course and subsequent development prepares you for this eventuality. I have got the tea shirt. I can’t tell you how many sleepless nights I have had over expensive design mistakes. Swinney is an Insurance salesman. The difference.
Talking of sink holes, it should be possible to find live footage on the internet of this spectacular car park collapse on Monday.
Giant sinkhole swallows cars in Jerusalem hospital parking lot
Pit opens up outside Shaare Zedek Medical Center apparently after tunnel collapses, taking with it vehicles; no injuries reported
7 June 2021, 3:48 pm
Screen capture from video of a sinkhole that opened in the parking lot of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem, June 7, 2021. (Twitter)
A large sinkhole opened in the parking lot of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem on Monday afternoon, swallowing a number of cars and prompting emergency services to scramble units to the area.
Seven fire trucks rushed to the scene. There were no injures in the incident.
The sinkhole is believed to have been formed as a result of nearby construction work for a new route at the entrance of Jerusalem. A tunnel under construction, which also runs underneath the hospital and parking lot, appeared to have partially collapsed, according to Hebrew-language media reports.
Police said they received a report of “a collapse” in the parking lot of the hospital.
Video shared on social media showed cars tumbling into a pit that grew in size as its walls collapsed.
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The hospital had recently opened a new parking lot able to accommodate several hundred vehicles. However, the pit appeared to have opened in the area of the old parking lot, near the pay station at the exit.
The Fire and Rescue Service said that in addition to the seven fire trucks that were sent to the scene, a special rescue unit was also dispatched to search for any people who may have been trapped inside vehicles that dropped into the hole.
“For what it’s worth, “England bashing”, tory bashing, Brexit bashing, whinging and grievance are all negative and unattractive characteristics and, evidentially and demonstrably, don’t work.
One minute you claim NS is saint and saviour – the next, allegedly, you claim she is the devil incarnate, a YOON stooge heading a corrupt government, leading corrupt senior ministers, a corrupt judiciary and a corrupt police force!”
Union/Westminster bashing is what I’m doing, its not ugly, its not unfair, and its certainly not negative. Scotland IS an English colony, no matter how you or others want to dress it up that’s a fact, I’m not English bashing I’m merely pointing out the bleedin obvious.
As for Sturgeon I’m not alleging anything, its already well know the evidence is out there for those that care to look for it and digest it, that Sturgeon doesn’t want an indyref, she’s quite content to govern in our Scottish colony.
@Tannadice Boy – I’ve just sent it off to Jackie; 5-minutes ago. I’ve asked her to take all advice she needs from the Institution of Civil Engineers, who have been pretty good so far.
@Tannadice Boy – I’ve just sent it off to the forensic MSP for Dumbarton; 5-minutes ago. I’ve asked her to take all advice she needs from the Institution of Civil Engineers, who have been pretty good so far.
Hi Republicofscotland.
This may support your argument…
link to
Hi Brian yes I’ve read that and commented on as well, Murray exposed what wasn’t meant to be seen the dark side of the SNP/Scottish Government, including that she doesn’t want independence, and that is because she’s quite content to rule as a big fish in our small colonial pond known as Scotland.
@Captain Yossarian 8:05pm
I am surprised how slow Labour have been to pick up on this issue. It’s an open goal. Suppressed engineering reports in a supposedly open and transparent Holyrood. Every single MSP will be culpable if anything happens in the meantime. Including new MSPs who should all understand safety. I am glad you have Institutional support. Sometimes it’s raw gut stuff. Hundreds of CEng signatures is a potent argument. However I will leave it in your capable hands.
So the sinking school is an Aberdeen City Council venture – that’s the Tory and Labour Cooncil who have hawked the Councils future liquidity by issuing bonds immediately repayable in the event of Scottish independence to finance unwanted white elephant projects.
I believe they are ‘Aberdeen Labour’ and still suspended since 2017 after they disobeyed Dippity Dugdale’s instructions not to form a coalition with the Conservatives and apparently despite Anas Sarwar saying “he believed the nine were performing well” the UK Labour party’s disciplinary body said they would remain suspended until the local elections in 2022.
So it is a Barney Crookit and Crew build is it Capt.?
@Jockanese Wind Talker 8:27pm
Normally this is where Stu butt’s in and says, Be more alert. Read the whole thread the sinking school is where?
Jockanese Wind Talker – I understand that the SNP were in charge when it was built in 2015, but then Barney and Co took over a year or so later.
Barney and Co carried-out their own checks in May 2018, along with Hub, and have buried the results. They don’t want you to see them. That usually means the school didn’t pass, it usually means it failed.
Believe it or not, the only expert opinions that have been published have been published by me. I don’t get paid….everyone else does get paid.
@Jockanese Wind Talker 8:27pm
And the answer is it’s in Scotland. Last time I checked that was the responsibility of Holyrood.
@Tannadice Boy – There is involvement of all of the political parties. The SNP Council built the school, but they were replaced by a Labour/Conservative coalition. Hence, neither the SNP, Labour or Conservative Parties will be clear of accountability when the inevitable happens and that’s been my key problem. Plus, folk who were once Councillors are now MSP’s, several Council employees are now with Education Scotland…..get the picture?
One of the agancies helping me called the situation ‘putrid’ and he was not someone who would use language like that lightly.
What it means in a practical sense is that nothing gets answered, whether that be by MSP’s, Councillors, Hub or Building Standards. I think Building Standards have simply been instructed not to respond to me.
Several Directors of engineering companies in the private sector have lost their jobs because of this, but no-one has lost their job in the public sector. In fact, some of those who I would say were most negligent have managed to gain promotions. It used to be called ‘vested interests’.
“Normally this is where Stu butt’s in and says”
“butt’s in” requires no aberrant apostrophe.
The correct term is “butt in, interrupt or intrude on a conversation or activity: sorry to butt in on you.” so it should be “butts” with no aberrant apostrophe.
Happy to educate. The Proud Pedant.
Ruby says:
8 June, 2021 at 4:34 pm
Ooops I missed one very important thing from my list
No IndyRef2.
The more fronts she is having to firefight on the better…
@Captain Yossarian 9:17pm
So I am going to repeat myself. The SNP are the governing party. They have the wherewithal to solve this problem. Non publication of engineering reports is not the way ahead.
Dorian’s refusal of leave to appeal certainly adds a lot more weight to this being a malicious prosecution by judiciary of Scotland.
Face them head on Craig, we will stand by you.
Patience maybe bitter but it’s fruit is sweet.
See, what gets me is that I paid attention in Primary 6 + 7, so I learned what apostrophes were for. And how they were used in literature. So, like Ron Thomson (whom I mentioned in an earlier comment) misuse of the apostrophe winds me up!
So I try to educate, without targeting any individual.
@Brian Doon the Toon 9:19pm
You haven’t been listening. People who have been educated at Engineering Degree level are superior in Mathematics and Numeracy. We all have different talents. English has never been the talent of any enginering undergraduate I have ever known. I will keep going in supporting protecting schools from falling down. You keep going with apostrophes. One of us will make a difference.
The problem with Self gender ID and so on…
link to
Nearly 5000 signed but could do with more,
`A petition to stop Humza,She/Her and Police Scotland allowing men who commit rape to self id as woman,
the courts will charge them as woman and their rape will be classed as being commited by a woman.
`Collecting signatures
PE1876: Accurately record the sex of people charged or convicted of rape or attempted rape`
link to
Hi Tannadice Boy.
I am, this week, only picking up scattergunning of the ‘aberrant’ apostrophe. Nothing against engineers. I possess my plastic card issued by the Engineering Council in the early 80s.
@Tannadice Boy – Agreed. The problem is the SNP don’t communicate and neither the Labour nor Conservative Parties put them under any presure to communicate. That’s the vested interest that’s going-on and which one neutral observer called ‘putrid’.
That was said by a chap who has assisted many cases like this one. In this case, the information was all there from day-one; it has never changed and yet it has been made impossible to bring to an outcome due to a blanket refusal to communicate.
Believe me, I have written literally hundreds of Emails to my MSP, who is Labour, to another MSP who is Conservative and to John Swinney himself and virtually every single one is ignored.
A spirited intervention from the Teaching Unions would have helped and from the Secretary of State for Scotland would have helped too but there has, to this point anyway, been a muted response from both.
I received a response from the ICE there. I’ll say one thing about them: they communicate. You may not get everything you want from them, but they are professionals and will give you an answer in a case like this well after working hours.
@Brian Doonthetoon 9:41pm
I have supported you in the past. But the fact you have belittled the case of the sinking school with apostrophes worries me. I never got a plastic card. As a CEng it was a rolled up certificate in a degree scroll. And it was difficult to obtain. It was your peers that awarded the certificate. You must be talking about your Tesco points plastic card?.
@Captain Yossarian 9:42pm
Well we have been reduced to apostrophes. Not going to help in a FAI if the school fails. I worked on Murphys Law. I am sure you know what that is. I think I will book a helicopter at 550 per hour on standby. We are not that far from the border. It’s getting hopeless here.
She’s lost the powerful Tartan tat sector?
It can’t be long now.
See you Jimmy!
No tourists is neither fan, dabby, or indeed dozy.
The poor dealers in tat will just need to sell a Ferrari or two, to make ends meet.
Breeks says:
8 June, 2021 at 9:19 pm
Ruby says:
8 June, 2021 at 4:34 pm
Ooops I missed one very important thing from my list
No IndyRef2.
The more fronts she is having to firefight on the better…
“good time to be pressuring”?
Heads up to all the expert engineers. A reminder that politicians and lawyers didn’t build the school, because they do politics and lawyering and generally know fuck all about engineering or building.
Architects, engineers, and builders came up with the 12 million quid design, won the tender, and built the thing.
If there’s an issue it’s those guys that fucked up because they either didn’t design it correctly, or didn’t build it as per their own approved to site specifications, or didn’t stop building when key technical elements of the build were compromised due to groundwork issues and implement contingencies to remedy the situation.
It’s doubtful Mr Swinney was on site 24/7 sporting a hi viz jacket, steel toecap boots, and a hard hat ensuring all the work was kosher and to plan. That would be the project manager’s(s’) job(s), with particular added onus and responsibility on them when the entirety of the works were being self certified and not having external observers in attendance whilst critical elements of the build process were occurring to make sure they were compliant to approved plans.
Many industries utilise a “Stop The Job” policy which can be initiated immediately when safety and or quality of work are found to be compromised. Work stops instantly until matters are rectified.
Instead of deflecting and casting blame on “The Government”, the engineers and builders could admit they screwed up and face the consequences of their negligence.
Maybe us taxpayers should bring a damages case against those that were actually paid to design and build it so we can recoup all the time officials have had to spend trying to investigate and resolve the situation those contracted to build the thing have caused.
Ruby says: at 10:43 pm
“good time to be pressuring”?
I have a plan so that we can remain anonymous but have maximum effect. 😉
@ Robert Louis
No, Robert, I’m sorry but you are mistaken there about the Union Treay of 1707. Robertknight covered this in this earlier post at 10.32 am – it is indeed true that the Treaty refers to a united kingdom several times, but, as he says, it is only doing so in a descriptive sense – the same Treaty is perfectly explicit when it unambiguously states that the newly created unitary state will be called the Kingdom of Great Britain.
There has never been at any time a state or country called the United Kingdom of Great Britain. The word ‘United’ was indeed only added to the official name in 1801 for the reasons he gives.
Aberdeen City Council was a Labour administration propped up by a small group of Tories from 2012 to 2017 @ Captain Yossarian says at 8:38 pm so would have commissioned this work.
@Tannadice Boy says at 8:51 pm my take is this:
ACC should have paid for an external third party QS and QA/QC sign off of ALL parts of the school build was completed/installed as designed if their own staff (Clerk of works types) weren’t doing so and refused to release payment until ‘completion certificate’ issued by their QA/QC/QS.
ACC consistently make an arse of anything they touch and then blame Holyrood and claim “Central Belt bias” by the SNP/SG.
If Scottish Government are aware and are covering this up then agree that is not right and the folk responsible should get run out.
If brown envelopes changed hands or ACC fucked up tendering, contractor control or contractual agreements so that there were/are no penalty clauses in place to make the principal contractor put this right at their cost due to the error then again folk should get run out and made personally responsible for the loss of taxpayers monies.
Hugh Jarse says:
8 June, 2021 at 10:31 pm
She’s lost the powerful Tartan tat sector?
It can’t be long now.
See you Jimmy!
No tourists is neither fan, dabby, or indeed dozy.
The poor dealers in tat will just need to sell a Ferrari or two, to make ends meet.
I don’t think she ever really had them.
Word on the street is that the tartan tat merchant’s are Tories that is why I was surprised to see all their shops plaster in yellow SNP noose’s.
No tourist’s and on top of that the High Street is going to be closed for 7 months.
Nooses sounds funny. Perhaps the plural is noosi!
@Dan 10:45pm
But politicians do know about cover ups. And that’s the underlying problem. Engineers make mistakes but we are trained to own up. An Insurance salesman never owns up. Sorted it for you the difference. There will be no hiding place for them or him if this school fails. Angry parents on the rampage good luck with the pedantics.
Dan says:
8 June, 2021 at 10:51 pm
Ruby says: at 10:43 pm
“good time to be pressuring”?
I have a plan so that we can remain anonymous but have maximum effect. ?
“battle may be lost but not the war”
Some thoughts on the sentence imposed on Craig Murray.
‘Law Versus Truth’ link to
Tannadice Boy says: at 11:05 pm
“But politicians do know about cover ups. And that’s the underlying problem. Engineers make mistakes but we are trained to own up. ”
You’d like to make it all about the politicians to deflect away from the real underlying problem which is supposedly the underground works which are apparently compromised, yet were covered up by the engineers and builders doing the work even when an apparent issue was identified.
I asked Captn Yossa earlier whether the build was self certified or had external building control / engineers audit key elements of the work.
He replied:
“The contractor is responsible for the design as it was a Design and Build Contract. But, the Scottish Government checked this element of the design after I complained about it and they said that, in their opinion, it was fully compliant and nothing to worry about.
Hence, Design Liability should lie with the contractor as you say but, in this case, it lies with the Scottish Government. They’ve needlessly taken the problem off the contractor and it now rests with them.“
Grouse Beater says:
8 June, 2021 at 11:13 pm
Some thoughts on the sentence imposed on Craig Murray.
‘Law Versus Truth’ link to
Thank you Grouse Beater for the interesting article.
If no jury is needed in rape cases why would a jury be needed in any other cases?
James @ 1.05 pm
I have never stated that the Scots joined the Union or accepted an invitation to join the Union.
The facts are that in 1603 James V1, King of Scots, inherited the throne of England and Ireland.
He moved his court to London and caused the Union of Crowns of Scotland and England. James V1 of Scotland became James 1st of England and called himself the first king of Great Britain.
Were the sovereign Scottish people asked if they approved of their Monarch doing this – I very much doubt it.
There were a few attempts to try and Unite the two countries but they were unsuccessful until the Treaty of Union in 1707 when a political union of the parliaments of Scotland and England was created and a single parliament based at Westminster was formed.
I have never denied, nor ignored the fact that the people of Scotland were not consulted. They were not and I agree with much of what you say.
Yes there were riots in Edinburgh.
As preparation for the new united parliament both the old parliaments of England and Scotland had to be dissolved.
The old English parliament was dissolved but the old Scottish parliament was only adjourned as it was felt unsafe for the Scottish politicians to walk about in Edinburgh and travel to the final meeting of the old parliament.
This fact was highlighted at the opening of the newly devolved Scottish parliament, May 12th,1999, when Winnie Ewing uttered the immortal words:
“The Scottish Parliament, adjourned on the 25th day of March in the year 1707, is hereby reconvened”.
John Main @ 12.55pm
Please go back and read my original post as that explains the position the people of Wales find themselves in. Once more Welsh people are aware of their status they may well want independence as well.
Sensible Dave @ 12.44
I’m not concerned with what the general population think we should call the countries of England plus Wales and N.Ireland as they are already described by the name The Kingdom of England – I’m sure HM the Queen would quickly explain that to you should you fail to grasp the historical explanation provided above.
I do not disagree with you, however, that it is most likely to be called the UK but that might create a constitutional consternation as Elizabeth 11 rules over England Wales and N.Ireland and the populace of those countries are her subjects who live in her Realm of the kingdom of England.
Oh, and by the way, as Queen of Scots she would have to be referred to as Elizabeth 1. We are not her subjects as the Claim of Right asserts that the people of Scotland are Sovereign.
Robert Knight @ 10.32
I think you need to re read my first sentence:
The United Kingdom is a Union formed by the uniting, in 1707, of the kingdom of Scotland and the kingdom of England to form one kingdom of Great Britain. I then go on to say that it became the UNITED KINGDOM of Great Britain and Ireland in 1800 (1801).
Not sure where you think I am wrong but if it makes you happier I will willingly insert the word ‘current’ into my first sentence i.e.
The CURRENT United Kingdom is a Union formed by the uniting, in 1707, of the kingdom of Scotland and the kingdom of England to form one kingdom of Great Britain.
The unwritten constitution of this UK of GB and N.I. is a can of worms.
Dan says:
8 June, 2021 at 10:45 pm
I was the Project Manager and I was sacked for complaining that it would never work. My point is that I have been proven correct. Whether the school can be fixed or not is dependent entirely on what these Scottish Government reports say and we have to assume that they are being withheld for a reason. My reports were mixed; some said it could be saved, a few said it couldn’t.
Not one engineer out of the 45No recommended we do nothing. That was in 2017 and Holyrood has done nothing since then. What has changed is that the deterioration has been allowed to continue and what appeared feasible then may not be feasible now.
Let me clarify that my position these past 7-years has been needlessly brought about by all at Holyrood. Sure, it has been primarily the SNP, but the Labour and Conservative Parties have covered it up too and the Teaching Unions have been a great disappointment.
What is true in every country in the world is that in the event of an accident, this situation will change entirely.
You’re an engineer and engineers are trained to think differently. In Toyota’s car plants in Japan, any worker can push a button and stop the production line if they see something is wrong. That is because the cost of not doing that can be so high. That’s the way you work too, isn’t it?
Holyrood parliamentarians do the opposite and if anyone pushes the button in Scotland they will be hanged from a tree. That is a fundamental difference and it is the reason that many do not want to work here any longer.
We will wait for a few days to see what these reports say, Dan. These reports MUST be issued and I can foresee a real public crisis of confidence in all concerned after they are issued.
Is our wacky Lezzy Leader still alive?
If so, those rumours of her catching an incurable Covid virus must be false.
Ah well, we can only live and hope.
It’s our only chance of moving the Indy cause forward.
Think. Drink. Post?
Swinneys card seems to be marked as something less than excellent by the OECD’S imminent report.
And Shirley certainly won’t be taking the blame. She probably thinks it’s reserved!
It is. For those with £.
I’m half expecting Third world status.
And so the Covid Queen goes on and on, ruining people’s livelihoods and making their lives a misery. She is a power tripper; her psychopathy making her unable to let go and strangling a nation longing to be reborn.
Many thanks to all those commentators who took the time to explain the background to the Treaty of Union: Meg Merrilees, Robert Louis, James Che and Robert Knight to name but a few. I know there is slight disagreement over details, but the essence is the same. I don’t have the patience to explain things so well.
And I concur entirely with the Republic of Scotland regarding weapons of mass destruction. Basing these illegal, morally reprehensible and environmentally catastrophic nuclear weapons in Scotland is not just an affront to the Scottish people, but to the whole of humanity.
Anyone that wants to find out anything about scotland, just go online and google in National Records of Scotland
Read and research at your leisure
I am particularly interested in what was called the radical wars, on 6th April 1820 a group of people gathered at Clyde Square Greenock, they where protesting about the imprisonment of a few of the radicals in scotland, this happened all over scotland with some dire consequences, and this was all down to the english parliament btw.
Anyway, 8 people where shot dead at Clyde Square that day, oldest 88, youngest a young boy of 8 years.
There is a little memorial to all the people who where murdered, its just off clyde square half way up bank street, its a nice little thing to go see, but its also a reminder of mans inhumanity to man…………
Nothing changes !
Meg merilees 1.05
You wrote “ I do not disagree with you, however, that it is most likely to be called the UK but that might create a constitutional consternation as Elizabeth 11 rules over England Wales and N.Ireland and the populace of those countries are her subjects who live in her Realm of the kingdom of England.
Oh, and by the way, as Queen of Scots she would have to be referred to as Elizabeth 1. We are not her subjects as the Claim of Right asserts that the people of Scotland are Sovereign.”
Nope, you’ve still not got it. If Scotland became independent, the rest of us in the U.K. would carry on and change nothing.
You use terms like “she would have to be referred to as …” . Says who? You? Who would’be someone no longer a citizen of the U.K.? No Meg. You are living in la la land,
Briandtt, if you insist on pedantry could you please sort out the one which irritates me?
LOOSE instead of LOSE – ta!
And the usage of FLOOR when someone means GROUND – ta twice!
Juries tend to be biased.
Lady Dorian believes judge led trials are better because judges are never biased!!!
@Dan 11:27pm
It is open transparent Government I want Dan. If the reports were already published we wouldn’t be talking about it. Discussion, solutions and remedies would be confined to the Engineering Journals where they should be. It is really that simple.
@Captain Yossarian 11:59pm
Your sacking would appear to yet another example of Fundamental Attribution Error. I thought companies were getting better at avoiding that, apparently not.
Today’s jury members are too thick to understand corruption and an abuse of power? Or maybe it’s actually that they are too smart and able to recognise shady things that the powers that be would rather stay obscure. The Scottish government wants the power to get rid of anyone they choose. Sounds familiar?
Judge Jury and Executioner.
No way is this acceptable. If they get away with this, it’s only a matter of time until something even worse materialises. We are at the thin edge of the wedge folks. Who would have thought it would come to this, but as history shows, it can happen very quickly once you drop your guard. Scary stuff.
Looking forward to the cinematic sci-fi blockbuster
The Sinkhole Of Yossarian
Flippancy aside ……the whole stramash sounds like a epic arse-covering exercise and you are to be commended for your efforts to see malpractice exposed and the safety of children be the main priority Capn .
It just appears at times that your own negative experience with this has coloured your entire perception of EVERYTHING in Scotland .
Bad things happen everywhere compadre .
Hi Dorothy Devine.
lose |lu?z|
verb (past and past participle lost |l?st| ) [ with obj. ]
1 be deprived of or cease to have or retain (something)
loose |lu?s|
1 not firmly or tightly fixed in place; detached or able to be detached: a loose tooth | the lorry’s trailer came loose.
floor |fl??|
1 the lower surface of a room, on which one may walk: a wooden floor.
• the bottom of the sea, a cave, or an area of land: the ocean floor | the valley floor.
ground 1 |?ra?nd|
1 [ in sing. ] the solid surface of the earth: he lay on the ground.
• [ mass noun ] a limited extent of the earth’s surface; land: an adjoining area of ground had been purchased.
• [ mass noun ] land of a specified kind: my feet squelched over marshy ground.
Just as the SNP has expunged all knowledge of its most famous and notable FM Alex Salmond, so the Tory government at Westminster has expunged all knowledge of the 2014 indyref, well at least to foreign nationals that want to become UK citizens, who need to sit a test, and are provided with a handbook on UK history, or should I say English history as most of the info focuses on English history.
But as I said and will continue to say Scotland IS a colony, of England’s, and like any long term colony its an afterthought.
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It’s unworkable I know… But I feel like it’s the YES movement which needs to be holding an inquiry into the the absolute wrecking of Scottish Independence and supine complicity with Scotland’s unconstitutional subjugation.
Just because Scotland is not yet an Independent Nation should NOT mean that Scotland is denied the full spectrum of defence and protection of it’s sovereign state interests. And even if Scotland’s defences were improperly compromised, then shouldn’t these very improprieties be white hot flash points of contention? Just because our toothless Scottish Government won’t contest these unconstitutional improprieties, their failure should NOT be left to stand as the final word on Scotland’s subservience. We don’t actually need the SNP or Sturgeon as Scotland’s defence Counsel.
Is it possible that we articulate the parts of our Independent Scots Law which aren’t compromised by Unionism, corruption, or bias, and sponsor our own “Civic” Judicial Inquiry into the dysfunctional unconstitutional mess which Sturgeon has presided over? …An “Elliot Ness Untouchables” type Inquiry which doesn’t report to Westminster or Holyrood, nor worries what the Unionist Press makes of it’s conclusions… It reports to it’s sponsors. The Yes Movement.
There is a move afoot, described by Iain Lawson, to create a fighting fund, or more accurately a fighting back fund, intended as war chest to sue the instigators of malicious troublemakers who conspire to sully the name and reputation of decent people, and have the instigators themselves face their own day in court and suffer consequences for their false allegations.
I would heartily welcome that, but I think the notion is in it’s infancy. What we need is a YES Movement that is greatly empowered and more proactive when it comes to protecting itself as a progressive franchise. We need a YES Movement which is able to defend itself, and on it’s own initiative, formally challenge any party or component engaged with actions or activities likely to hurt the interests of the YES Movement or indeed, compromise Scottish Independence.
My own ALBA sympathies are no secret, but nevertheless, the rift between the SNP and ALBA is not going away, perhaps ever, and this ticking time bomb by itself might warrant the setting up of a YES Movement Commission to function as dispassionate arbiter and peacemaker.
We don’t need to hear less from Joanna Cherry and Lawyers for Indy, we need them hitting the turbo boost, and giving the YES Movement a degree of it’s own constitution, and some teeth of it’s own…
And suddenly, while arrived at by an altogether different route, there it is again… The need for Scottish Constitutional Senate acting (provisionally) as a second chamber to shadow the conduct of the Scottish Government.
As Craig Murray awaits his appointment with HMP Scotland, for reporting the truth, and Stu Campbell, Mark Hirst, and David Llewellyn are/were all targeted by the COPFS under orders from you know who, a second AUOB activist Gary Kelly, besides Manny Singh, who was imprisoned on the orders of you know who, is to go on trial for organising and holding a AUOB march in Aberdeen.
Sturgeon the Betrayer is petrified of the AUOB because she can’t control them. It would appear that the best way to negate those that seek Scottish independence is to imprison them, or to blacken their character, or in Mr Keating’s case oppose them in the courts using Scottish taxpayers money.
Anyone who still believes that this FM wants to hold an indyref ever, is stark raving mad.
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@Tannadice Boy – Sent an hour or so ago to the forensic MSP for Dumbarton. Thanks to the assistance of yourself and others yesterday, I think we are now much closer to a resolution. More progress has been achieved in a day yesterday than has been achieved in the past several years.
“Following yesterday’s advice from among others the Institution of Civil Engineers, can you proceed as follows and let me know the Scottish Government’s position by the end of today please?
“To provide the xxxxxx design review of 2018 and the xxxxxx design review of 2021 into the safety of design of xxxxxx School in Aberdeen”.
If there is no progress, or insufficient progress, by the end of today then I will submit a formal complaint on the professional ethical conduct of Scotland’s Head of Building Standards, xxxxxx, to the Institution of Civil Engineers and I will do that tomorrow.
On a general point; this is happening in Scotland and so the Scottish Government are responsible for it. It is a matter of ‘public life-safety’ and for that there is a 24-hour response time”.
I would hope that the Deputy First Minister, Secretary of State for Scotland and the two Teaching Unions will find common purpose and coalesce to ensure that this information is made available without any further delay.
Brilliant idea . We ABSOLUTELY need something very like what you’re suggesting . At the moment it feels like Scotland is wholly unprotected , the proverbial lamb being circled by ravenous wolves
To complicate matters some of the predators are dressed like sheep
We need protection/defending not only from the threat from the ” South ” , also from the internal colony monkeys
So Westminster’s Gerrymandering of constituency seats will see England pick up another 10 MPs, meanwhile Wales and Scotland will lose 8 seats.
Its doesn’t matter a jot in my opinion, because like Welsh MPs Scottish MPs are at Westminster to give off the notion of democracy to the colonies of Scotland and Wales, both colonies MPs affect nothing of any significance at Westminster, but their presence keep the colonist back home placated.
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Looks like Edinburgh University is ruled by the misogynistic transcult,
Leader of Edinburgh Council, SNP`s Adam McVey, wants unisex public toilets,
Edinburgh is changing from the Capital of Scotland into the Capital of the World Wide Woke.
@Captain Yossarian 9:49pm
Sounds excellent to me. This course of action should not have been needed in the first place. Hopefully common sense will prevail and the reports will be published unredacted. I will obtain and read these reports. This case is interesting to me from an Engineering viewpoint. The wider Engineering community will benefit in learning about these uncommon situational factors.
@Scot Finlayson
Edinburgh is not the town I knew. The buildings are the same but it’s now a globalist woke zoo that I don’t recognise as Scotland.
This is something I have talked about on here very recently.
Scots need to stop seeing the political arena as the be all and end all of their ability to act.
A multi spectrum approach involving business, legal action etc that does not require a certain number of arses on benches
Did anyone check what was on the land before the school was built?
Maybe if you dig deep enough, you’ll find it had Iceberg Lettuce growing on it.
Time to get back to actual matters regarding Scottish Independence.
Does the FM announce her pronouns at the Covid briefings? Or are her pronouns only for particular targeted pre-election videos?
Incredible. There can only be one objective – stop the AUOB marches before they begin again.
I’m always sceptical of the conspiracy side of things, but damn, every day it gets harder and harder to ignore.
So the Lord Advocate who sits in on Scottish government cabinet meetings, as well as giving legal advice to the current Scottish government (we all know how that goes) has apologised to previous RFC directors, and has handed over millions of pounds of Scottish taxpayers money to them.
Craig Murray suggests that the four year long witch hunt of Alex Salmond by she who cannot be named at the hands of a 22 strong Police Scotland group who scoured the earth for any significant and insignificant dirt on Mr Salmond, used up around £10 million pounds of Scottish taxpayers money in doing.
Then of course there’s the hundreds of thousands of pounds of Scottish taxpayers money that went to Mr Salmond as a pay out after the courts declared the Scottish governments process as tainted and bias.
No one has been sacked, no one has been reprimanded, all these and many more disgraceful practices have by the Scottish government and the COPFS, have been answered with I’m/we’re sorry.
Briandtt, hope those that can’t tell the difference are reading and learning!
Stuart MacKay says:
9 June, 2021 at 11:21 am
Incredible. There can only be one objective – stop the AUOB marches before they begin again.
I’m always sceptical of the conspiracy side of things, but damn, every day it gets harder and harder to ignore.
Wee tweak in the perspective… Can you imagine the Democratically elected Catalonian Independentists being silenced, stitched up, and put in jail by a flawed and asymmetrically biased judicial process presided over by Oriol Junqueras?
Sensible Dave @ 7.42 – Final comment.
When Scotland becomes independent she will be called Scotland, while remaining geographically part of the island of Britain.
What the population of the remainder of Great Britain and N.Ireland wants to call itself is not our issue – legally you will be ‘the Kingdom of England’ possibly with ‘and Northern Ireland’.
You can always hold a referendum to finalise what you want to be called or the Monarch of the time could sign a request from your newly formed parliament to call Her/His Majesty’s Realm the ‘United Kingdom’. Most likely people will still say that they are travelling back to the UK or ‘Blighty’ after their holiday abroad. However, like Croatia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka or Zimbabwe etc., people do get used to their new name. Good Luck.
As for styling HM The Queen Elizabeth 1 in Scotland, surely you know that post boxes in Scotland do not bear the EllR cypher simply because because the Scots don’t accept that the current monarch is the second Queen Elizabeth, as Queen Elizabeth I never ruled over Scotland when she reigned over England and Ireland. Our Queen then was Mary, Queen of Scots whose son James V1 inherited the throne of England and was known as James the V1th of Scotland and James 1st of England.
And now to quote the legendary Smallaxe:
Peace always.
Pac man. Don’t insult my intelligence. You have already lost your freedom.
Why is the sentencing judge sitting on Craig Murrays appeal? When did that become a thing in the Scottish courts?
@ Republicofscotland on 9 June, 2021 at 11:27 am
Pretty much sums it up. The only thing missing from your post is the amount those *RFC blokes got. If memory serves me correctly it was £10 million each (total = £20m).
I may be wrong here but as far as i’m aware there has never been a Scottish compensation claim issued anywhere near that amount previously to 2 individuals. It’s sickening and at the very least heads should have rolled but as you said, nothing. Disgusting!
We can only hope a future party put into power will change the laws and go after every one of those responsible, starting with Sturgeon, Murrell & Evans for malicious prosecutions or something. Put the threat of jail over their heads for a change.
I still believe Salmond is being far too soft/kind for his own good. He should be going after those responsible for the fake rape accusations. And include Sturgeon in that for her constant disregard for the official Court findings. I know i certainly would.
Other than child abuse & murder there is no worse crime than rape. Does Salmond realise just how close these scumbags came to destroying his life with a heavy jail sentence for something that never even happened? And i wouldn’t put it past those involved to try again.
And all of this because of Sturgeon’s immature insecurities. And the best ever opportunity for us to take back our right of self-determination totally ruined due to the Murrell’s focussing on covering their own backs in all of this. Nobody will ever convince me she was parking everything to “focus on the pandemic.”
We had a ‘Health Minister’ but Sturgeon shoved her aside at the first realisation the situation would help make her own devious objectives more convincing. As i said way back, Sturgeon & Murrell seen the whole situation as the perfect way to lift Sturgeon out of Salmond’s shadow whilst Evans seen it as the perfect way to get rid of Salmond once & for all for her London masters.
This is an interesting read.
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Well the SNPs Westminster leader Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford, who sacked Joanna Cherry from the front bench, used his questions at PMQs today not further Scottish prospects (Heaven forbid) but to chide the PM on cutting foreign aid. As usual the absolute irrelevance of having Scottish MPs was laid bare for all to see, when Johnson as usual just gave a meaningless reply to Blackford.
Sinn Fein learned a long time ago that Westminster is a shibboleth of unionists that has England welfare at its forefront, and the so called Home nations come a distant second. Sinn Fein realised that there’s no point in sending MPs to Westminster doing so would only give Westminster an air credibility that it is a fair and democratic institution, when in reality there’s only a very thin veneer of credibility holding it up.
Sensible Dave,
The treaty of the union is one of the biggest scams in recorded history. From its process of conception to having both sides of representatives being on the same payroll of the English parliament,
Who cares what happened in 1707?
We do, unionists don’t.
As they would be more inclined to loose prestige around the world, financial deficits, places to park and bury nuclear waste, a great training ground for war practices, And training experiments like the poll tax, colonialism practices, how to own both sides of a scam, etc etc,
We the people of Scotland care very much as we are the ones living in Scotland that are on the receiving end of the 1707 scam.
This continuing saga and the vindictive vendetta against Indy supporters I believe can be laid squarely at the occupant of Bute house , either Sturgeon is the stupidest politician on the planet or she is carrying out the orders of the British state with gusto
Everyone who voted SNP in the last election I wonder what you thought you were going to get in return because it certainly is not by any stretch of the Imagination Independence ,
I believe Alex is making a mistake in being reasonable with Sturgeon I hope he goes for the fkn throat and brings her and her cabal down , we will be presented with a bill for the biggest political fk up in Scottish history and not one person is sacked not a single one why ? .
I hope the first Indy march after all this farce of house arrest is right past and in front of Bute house and they demand their money back the £600.000 ringfenced fund that has disappeared .
Stoker @1.12pm.
Yes its a substantial amount of Scottish taxpayer cash that’s been paid out for malicious prosecution by the COFPS, that zealousness by them continued with Alex Salmond and Craig Murray, the latter who reported on the formers case with great accuracy and truthfulness is about to see the inside of a prison cell for his efforts. It would appear that reporting the facts are now seen as a criminal offence in Sturgeon’s Kafkaesque Scotland.
As for Salmond’s leniency towards Sturgeon, I can only imagine that he put independence ahead of his own personal justice, for now at least. We must take into account Craig Murray’s lawyers remark, in which he said we must take this appeal out of corrupt Edinburgh, which says it all. Salmond may well be biding his time to see if Sturgeon’s house of cards collapses, or maybe he has another plan that he’s keeping to himself.
A possible chink light for Craig Murray.
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‘I believe Alex is making a mistake in being reasonable with Sturgeon I hope he goes for the fkn throat and brings her and her cabal down’
I believe Alex Salmond is being reasonable in general. This is purely optics for the people who can’t see past the surface – basically most of the Scottish electorate.
He has to be the reasonable benchmark from which everyone judges the SNP.
If he appears to be aggressive, while a large amount of women seem to consider him to be a Scottish Weinstein, he will more easily be painted as such – and they will certainly attempt it.
He is playing the best tactical game to be played right now. He isn’t the one getting in the way. Wee fuckface and her gang are. That has to be maintained because the longer it does the lower down the IQ ladder the obviousness of the situation will permeate.
Sturgeons cult has to deflate first and foremost.
I do not have that level of control, but then I would never make it as a leader or any kind of politician.
Breeks @12:33pm
Alas, I cannot and that’s the problem. If you cast your mind back to when the Rev. started talking about the conspiracy and even then after the trial and the inquiry were over I still had the feeling that this was all about perspective. The notion that everybody here is a political anorak of some form or other left me thinking that perhaps this was all a storm in a bubble – a glass half empty / half full situation – a fight between the pro-Nicola faction and the pro-Alex faction and the truth was somewhere in the middle.
Fast forward to yesterday and “Willie” over on Iain Lawson’s blog mentions the books by Frank Kitson on suppressing separatist movements. Then today there’s the news of the rather tardy prosecution of the Aberdeen AUOB March organiser over paperwork irregularities and now the bloggers are evil pronouncement from Craig Murray’s appeal judge.
So even if you were utterly impervious to the idea that this is all being run to thwart independence either by the UK government or some cabal of aging, trans-humanist hippies from California or both. Even if every fibre of your being was thinking, no , this cannot be happening there is the increasing realisation that it is happening and exactly for the reasons you used to think were impossible.
Interesting times 😎
Lisa has been cleared! (but I will still make sure I do not ever set foot on Abertay University; that place is too backwards for 21st century Scotland).
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You asked earlier about what statement could be made to get the majority to see the light and see the SNP for what they really are.
The quick answer is there isn’t one and the reason is that all the muck slinging over bigotry, QAnon, trump supporters, etc. etc. is intended to close off large areas where debate could be possible but then that might lead to awkward question and so it has to be declared off-limits on pain of becoming a social outcast and even losing your livelihood.
There’s an interesting book, “Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade” by Robert Cialdini. It’s the sequel to his best seller “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” only part way through but the basic idea is that you can frame the situation well in advance and so set the tone of any upcoming debate.
To give an example from the book. A charity got a news story published how some survey showed that people who were thoughtful and conscientious tended to donate more. Then the following week the charity phoned people in the area where this story was promoted and compared to a control group these people donated more.
Whether this social science stuff passes the smell test is neither here nor there. Even it has the possibility of working then it’s likely to be put into practice by people with deep pockets and an agenda.
So there’s no magic key to unlock the collective consciousness and get people to open their eyes. They’ve already been told to keep them closed or suffer the consequences.
Stuart Mackay @11.21am.
Stuart is it conspiracies surrounding the political and judicial scene in Scotland that you are skeptical about? or just conspiracies in general.
Here’s a few that supposedly turned out to be true.
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“Nope, you’ve still not got it. If Scotland became independent, the rest of us in the U.K. would carry on and change nothing.”
Insert Slovenia instead of Scotland, and Yugoslavia instead of UK, and the above could’ve been penned by a Serb in 1990.
Deluded or conceited? Take your pick.
I’m very much a “never attribute to malice that which is easily explained by incompetence” kind of guy. Also I try to take a thoroughly scientific approach. If you have a theory (in the strict scientific sense) which fits the current known data and can be successfully used to predict future events then “the truth” does not really matter.
So on one hand we have “Nicola is incompetent” and the other we have “Nicola is an MI5 agent”. So normally I’d go for the former but after the past couple of days it’s getting harder and harder not to flip over to the latter as it would have been better at predicting the prosecution of AUOB organisers and certain judges pushing the party line because they want to get promoted and need a certain signature to get it.
Stuart MacKay @4.40pm.
Thanks Stuart for your thoughts on the subject, though I’d say that no matter the theory, scientific or not, the truth always matters.
Well, without getting too philsophical, what is “truth”? When it comes to understanding humans pretty any theory that works is good enough. So “Sturgeon as sufferer of impostor syndrome” vs “Sturgeon as arch-villain of UK Empire” is pretty much a coin-toss at this point as either seem to fit the picture rather well given the observable facts.
However you’re right. The truth is important. Not sure something along the lines of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission might be needed for a newly independent country but certainly some kind of investigation is required to draw a line under what’s been happening. After all we’ll need something to put in the history books instead of:
“Once upon a time the people of Scotland were unhappy and decided to leave the caring embrace of the benevolent United Kingdom and the guidance of her Royal Majesty”.
Also the garden is going to need a pretty thorough weeding.
Aunties getting hot flushes, apparently England are in an upcoming football tournament, and the runes are good.
Shame we didn’t qualify.
@Tannadice Boy – As you know, I asked the forensic MSP from Dumbarton to respond to this in 24-hours as worldwide, and Scottish, safety law requires. She replied that she’s too busy.
Believe it or not, Scotland’s Head of Building Standards is not a Chartered Engineer. I found that astonishing. The ICE told me that today.
I’ll complain tomorrow about the ‘Head of Outcome Agreement Unit’ whose only job these past 5-years has been to get this case resolved. I’m working on it now.
robertknight says:
9 June, 2021 at 3:38 pm
…Deluded or conceited? Take your pick.
It’s literally both. It’s deluded conceit which asserts the Treaty of Union created England as the Superior State and Scotland the lesser, where forever after, Scotland exiting the UK would be and act of secession, leaving jolly old England to carry on as before as the Continuer UK. That’s just not what is said in any of the black and white wordy things… NONE OF THEM.
You can try and unilaterally alter the deeds of your house and change it’s legal boundaries from where they are to where you’d like them to be, but it won’t cut any ice with lawyers, because when push comes to shove, the only deed that matters is the old original one the Solicitor has locked away in the safe.
The Treaty of Union has two signatories, Scotland and England, signed up as Constitutional Equals. Thus Scotland (or England) cannot “leave” the UK, because their exit from the Treaty of Union would end the United Kingdom, with the two component Kingdoms going separate ways as Constitutional equals, with neither a Successor or Continuer State created.
England, after the UK is no more, can call itself whatever it likes, but just because it might self ID as the UK Continuer State, that doesn’t mean it actually is.
Where it gets a lot more complicated, and where (I’m sorry to say), a lot of Independentists are getting it wrong, is that Scotland might end the Treaty of Union and walk away debt free. Buckle up folks, because I don’t think that’s correct.
I don’t think it’s correct, because I think it is based on the same deluded and misguided principle that Scottish Independence would be an act of secession, with the Continuer State soldiering on and taking on the entire debt burden. If we are in a Treaty of Equals, (spoiler alert, we are), then I think that means Scotland in or out of the Union has a degree of collective corporate responsibility to bear.
It is my firm conviction that Scotland would, and should, shoulder a per capita share of UK Debt. That’s the bad news, however it’s bad news with important silver linings.
First, Scotland shouldering it’s rightful portion of UK debt has the reciprocal consequence that Scotland would be entitled to it’s rightful portion of UK assets. Those assets or shared ownership of said assets thus becomes Scotland’s collateral.
That’s complicated, because how does Scotland extract it’s 8.6% (or whatever) share of an indivisible asset? Who the hell wants an 8.6% stake in Trident? Do we partition the Falkland Islands? I think it can only work like a mix between a divorce and a sequestration… If an asset cannot be split, (like a house say), then the house gets sold to pay the parties their share, but to avoid disruption and inconvenience is often sorted by one party buying out the other’s share.
Where Scotland and England might stand after all this heavyweight horse trading is anyone’s guess, and while that’s perhaps a little alarming, there will be a massive incentive for both nations to reach an amicable compromise… in theory.
The other silver lining, is also quite complicated. Forget the Unionist blurb and all it’s denigration of Scotland’s wealth, GERS and all that crap. Scotland is, and will forever remain, a very wealthy slice of top quality blue ribbon real Estate, boasting a prime location and bedecked with eye watering resources. That’s just a fact. We might capitalise on it, or we might royally screw it up, but the wealth and resource IS there.
An Independent Scotland that is stinking rich in resource, stepping out into the big wide world with it’s own currency is going to see the value of that currency skyrocket. Everybody will want their stake in a burgeoning Scottish Nation, and the value of Scotland’s “hard” currency will devastate Scottish exports because foreign currencies will find Scottish Exports extortionately expensive.
Scotland MUST stop that happening if it wants to continue exporting the likes of Whisky and Scottish brand food, and that is where it might very well be in Scotland’s profoundly best interests to have it’s runaway buoyancy kept in check by a fair sized D-E-B-T functioning as a counterbalance.
The irony of that is that back in 2014 the Unionists were laughing at Scotland and England having a currency Union, but the simple truth is, a currency Union which linked the runaway buoyancy of Scottish Currency with the reciprocal tailspin in the value of former UK currency, (don’t forget that’s Sterling having just lost 8.6% of everything, and 96% of it’s oil), would actually have benefitted both economies as an interim arrangement which allowed both economies time and stability to disentangle themselves.
It is bewildering, because there is such a tsunami of disingenuous and deluded misinformation sloshing around the dissolution of the Union, which has never been nailed down to the factual realities. But Scotland needs to grow up, find it’s self confidence, and be assured that when the Union breathes it’s last, Westminster will NOT be dominating the narrative or debate, nor will it be dictating the terms of dissolution.
For Scotland, Independence is the formula which delivers empowerment, and I gotta tell ya, it is IMPERATIVE that Scotland has competent Leadership to manage that empowerment, and get it right. I hope with every fibre of my being that Sturgeon is nowhere in the picture.
For that dinger to be in charge of Scotland’s exit negotiations would actually be the one nuclear option which might conceivably make me think twice about Independence. It is so important it CANNOT be left in her feckless hands.
‘ the rift between the SNP and ALBA is not going away, perhaps ever, and this ticking time bomb by itself might warrant the setting up of a YES Movement Commission”
Breeks, with the greatest of respect(which I do have for you), listen to yourself- this kind of talk is straight out of the handbook of The People”s Front of Judea.
I’ve faced up to this choice long ago- and I have to seriously ask myself what is more important. I either accept the possibility of an independent Scotland with the caveat that it’ll be an SNP woke dictatorship or I accept the status quo.
Those two choices are all we’re ever going to get.
Anything else is a quixotic pipe dream.
Meg merrilees,
Re my comment yesterday and your reply, Just catching up on some past comments so hope you accept my apologies .
All the issues spoken about, are interesting to say the least, and I have no wish to down anyone who willingly debates the treaty of the union,
You’re take on it is just as interesting as mine, and any others here on that topic,
it is a situation that may arise quicker than we think or judge, there is an awful lot of political nonsense being challenged in England just now, and Ireland is one of them, and the MSM is taking a few knocks with the public, along with finger pointing for PPE contracts, and others all seemingly unaware that globally bigger players wish to weaken the UK and dismantle the Houses of Parliament, starting with the how many lords are in the House of Lords that could be reduced in numbers to perhaps re moving parliament and dividing it up to separate sites,
Standing alone Scotland would have a fight on its hands, but this is not the case with all the undercurrents going on regards to Westminster itself and global plans for Britain, Westminster is fighting for its survival but keeping it under its hat,
The treaty of the union should be more discussed more, here in Scotland by its people, as changes around the world may take on a impact for the UK, with most of nations that make up Britain have a strong sense of disisociation from London rule, including parts of England.
It may not come about how we imagined.
However as with everybody else here we pray that it will not be negotiated with the present snp leader.
Stuart MacKay 9 June, 2021 at 4:40 pm
“So on one hand we have “Nicola is incompetent” and the other we have “Nicola is an MI5 agent”.
Remember not that long ago Sturgeon stated on TV and to Parliament i beleive that she knew of no previous claims of Salmonds behaviour ?
Liars should resign.
link to
Republicofscotland 9 June, 2021
A possible chink light for Craig Murray.
link to
But Craig Murray labels himself a “journalist” doesn’t he ? Or is it only when it suits ?
On the off chance you had enough/any friends as a child Don to play good guys vs. baddies type games, were you ever picked to be a ‘cowboy’?
Is it possible to switch off at the end of your shift, and stop being a cunt ?
Strictly business, or full Kool aid?
So many questions, but then your an interesting case.
@Captain Yossarian 6:18pm
At the risk of incurring the wrath from other site users I have replied but think alternative tactics need to be used.
The Statutory Obligation to respond lies with the Minister responsible not a backbencher. If you feel you are getting the run around and are convinced, in the public interest, that the building is not safe. Approach the Health and Safety Executive under their Whistle-blower mechanism. You can either do this with anonymity or with your real details. Testimonials from engineers who worked on the project would be helpful. That would be the fastest route to resolution.