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Wings Over Scotland

The stamp of authority

Posted on August 25, 2018 by
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Just retire and take up gardening. More productive. Instead of putting your foot in it every time. Digging a bigger hole. Corbyn the joke. What a shambles. How useless. Beyond belief.

Robert Peffers

The rakes lack of progress, no less.


After the turnout he received in Wishaw he is standing on more than rakes. He must now know that Scotland is a lost cause.

Robert Louis

The problem with Labour and a few politicians in Scotland (cough, cough) is they no longer seem to have the courage of their convictions. Labour, rather than standing up against the Tories are constantly scurrying around checking what their ‘focus groups’ think about things. As a consequence, policies which they say they believe in get dropped.

This is why we have Labour apparently relying upon’ through the looking glass’ political policy. They oppose nuclear weapons, but voted for more of them in the form of trident. Too afraid to literally argue their case and stand up for what they say they believe in, the merely pretend to still believe in things like nuclear disarmament, whilst voting for more nukes.

They then jump through hoops trying to somehow legitimise their contorted thinking.

And, so we have the sh*tefest that is brexit. Labour should be fighting tooth and nail to keep the UK in the EU simply because brexit as anybody can see, is quite literally stupidity on stilts. It will make ALL workers in the UK much, much poorer. But rather than stand up for what they ostensibly believe in ‘internationalism’ and ‘solidarity with workers’, they bend this way and that, actually voting WITH the Tories on brexit.

That is what becomes of a political party, when it pays too much heed to polling instead of actually making the case and arguing for what they supposedly believe in – their so-called ‘founding principles’. They should be pointing the direction and actually LEADING, shaping opinion rather than meekly following, bending in the political wind, this way and that.. That is what has become of Labour. And as a result, nobody takes Jeremy Corbyn seriously.

Looking at the demise of Labour, it is easy to be smug. But, I think the temptation to politically bend this way and that, exists for ALL political parties. Founding principles placed on the back burner of convenience, waiting for opinion to drift the right way, rather than shaping it. It can happen to any political party over time – EVEN HERE IN SCOTLAND.

Dave McEwan Hill

Good post, Robert Louis at 7.51

“Founding principles placed on the back burner of convenience, waiting for opinion to drift the right way, rather than shaping it. It can happen to any political party over time – EVEN HERE IN SCOTLAND.”


On Trident, there’s an International March and Rally against it at Faslane on 22/9/18.

The fundraiser is at link to
The Scottish CND website is, and on Twitter there’s #NaeNukes2018.


What the ‘Press’ should be doing instead of colluding with the establishment. Is investigating why a civil servant can usurp the power of the Scottish Gov. Carrying out an ‘investigation’ that the Gov knows nothing about for months. The civil service is supposed to be a servant of the elected Scottish Gov and a servant of the people. Paid for by Scottish taxpayers. Not a duplicate unelected monstrosity. A total waste of taxpayers money. There should be an investigation into this.


McCluskey is funding them He wants Trident for jobs in Barrow in Furness, Some trade union leaders are pulling the strings. The puppet will not stand up for what is right. Courage of convictions? Forget it. Some trade union leaders funded the illegal wars. The financial fraud and tax evasion. Blair/Brown. The Brexit scandal. Losing £Billions and thousands of jobs. Some people never learn.


He’s a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody..

A real waste of space of a man but I liked him in Yellow Submarine.. 🙂

Jack collatin

A four day all expenses paid holiday in Scotland just before WM Re-opens.
Corbyn must be pissing himself laughing at the Branch Office.
I hope that those kids who joined Momentum and doled out their Cash to Corbyn now realise that this tired old man in Oxfam Tweed jacket is not the New Socialist Messiah.
He is a tired old chancer.
As for that Dick Leonard shuffling about two steps behind the Great Leader, has any Branch Office member got faith in this man?


…the rake has a purpose

[…] Wings Over Scotland The stamp of authority Read the full article:: Wings Over Scotland The […]


Useful tools stood on by a useless tool


Labour are supporting Brexit. When polls show the majority want to remain. That’s how ridiculous. Beyond belief. Young folk who supported Corbyn want to Remain. Beyond belief.


Rake’s !
I see what u did there CC
Scotlands Hogarth

Les Wilson

Smart thinking there Chris, hit the right spot too!

Ha Ha Ha!


Forget Corbyn, who’s gunning for Salmond?


Are you aware that if Mr Corbyn wished he would have a case against you under the Discrimination amended,for sexual harassment. “You stupid boy”

STOP! That is also sexual harassment Captain Mainwaring.

I kid you not. Read the act.


Nice one Chris.


Insight as usual from Chris is spot on and Robert Louis’s view adds incredibly to how far political parties can fall if they forget why they were created!!!

Dr Jim

Do we think Labour are clever enough to be making absolutely sure they can’t win an election or are they really just that bad at politicking

In either case why would anybody vote for them at all if they’re that devious or that stupid

Jason Smoothpiece

Kind of sums up the Labour leadership rather well.


25 August, 2018 at 7:51 am

……And, so we have the sh*tefest that is brexit. Labour should be fighting tooth and nail to keep the UK in the EU simply because brexit as anybody can see, is quite literally stupidity on stilts….

Even supposing the Labour Party was backing Brexit through genuine conviction, they are the “official” opposition at Westminster, and their function is to test the resolve of the incumbent government. Who else is there to speak for the 45% of the electorate who require “somebody” at least to represent their arguments in Parliament?

I repeat, even if Labour supported Brexit on principle, the past two years should read like a litany of Labour’s constructive awkwardness, testing every government assertion, demanding evidence and proof of every material Brexit issue, and pressing the Government at every step along the way to demand the position on Brexit was robust and thoroughly tested.

Brexit is the greatest ill-considered leap into the darkness of economic uncertainty, with existential ramifications to the United Kingdom itself, which will test the UK Constitutional status to destruction, and leave the UK as an object of International ridicule, and yet the Labour Party has been an indolent, listless and inert passenger throughout the entire Brexit debacle.

What deservedly bad luck for the UK that the worst ever Conservative Government in history happens to coincide with the equally worst possible and hopelessly ineffective Labour opposition. It seems everybody and their Granny can run circles around the current UK government, make safe and certain their own interests and leave the hapless UK outmanoeuvred every time.

Everybody and their Granny that is, except Scotland…. with every possible thing in our favour, a heaven-sent definitive Constitutional watershed fallen in our lap, but yet which timidly frets about the minutely small print of Brexit.

It would seem such “deserved bad luck” might indeed be a very British phenomenon.


It’s quite a revelation that the unionist parties in Scotland will accept whatever a deal Brexit delivers than say anything that they believe could be construed as being pro-independence. They are trapped in a dichotomy of standing up for Scotland or their party, currently the party loyalty is winning.

When Brexit turns into a disaster for Scotland, they are the ones that will carry the burden of responsibility for not putting their constituent futsure first.


Ayup. That pretty much summed up his visit. 🙂

Bob Mack

I think it was John Steinbeck who said.”Man is the only varmint who will lay a trap, bait it, then step on it himself”

Mr Corbyn rather proves that observation.

Tinto Chiel

Funny image, Chris.

“Forward with Labour”, indeed.

Donald anderson

What an eejit. The following was immediately blocked by one of the Yes groups.

Donald Anderson They stole all the Scottish Trade Unions in 1974, as well as the SCWS. The only Scottish Union left is the EIS and that is only because we still have a separate education system.

Now they are selling off the “S”TUC buildings in Woodlands Glasgow to developers, just as they did with all the SCWS assets, including farms and factories.

Dick Leonard has never done a day’s work in his life and went straight from College to a Tame Union Bureaucrat’s job. The Tame Unions are now cash machine for the Lumpen Pairty.

If you are persistent enough to “contract out” of paying the political levy to HM Labour party the money will go to a “political fund”. Guess where that is spent?
Unable to post comment. Try again


How the ‘Press’ can be so, so out of step with public opinion in Scotland. Beyond belief. Misfired.

Go get ’em Alex.

ronnie anderson

Corbyn ah rake of ah man and ah political Hoe .

Dorothy Devine

I see by the headlines in the herald that the blood suckers are having a field day – I await the more in sorrow than in anger declarations.

I woke pissed off , I remain pissed off with the hideous media of Scotland.

Leask , Clegg and Foote awa an bile yer heids.


The road to having your very own Ermine coat:

Start working in factory.
Join Union
Join Labour Party.
Hang about with mate who is Shop Steward.
Become junior Steward.
Become Shop Steward.
Become Convenor.
Become Labour Councillor.
Become Labour MP.
Become a Red Tory.
Become a Peer.

Then sell your soul to become a part of the english establishment.


How is it that the Record gets all this detail? Has it paid the alleged complainant? A corrupt civil servant? Policeman?
The whole thing stinks. The alleged offences took place in 2013. Why wait till just before a possible Inde2 five years later before complaining.


Brexit press attack Corbyn in England In Scotland Brexit and unionist press attacks Salmond.

There is no free press only a media run by offshore Rightwing billionaires with their own agendas
The sort Tompkins, Davidson look up to.


Labour MPs are very good at taking it in.
The Hoe Ho Party of North Britain.

The latest Labour tool for spreading manure across Scotland,
and he is holding a rake.

O/T Saturday mornings I take a peek at a pensioners Daily Hail.
I well knew our Alex would be up for their Jack Boots coning in
From all directions.

Well the fascist facilitator never lets you down when it comes to SNP bashing.
Pages 1 to 11 jam packed with stitch up Eck.
As many of their readers have dementia or are just demented, they threw in some
Refresh Alex/SNP Baad segments on pages 18 and 21.

In world war 2 when the paper supported a Nazi Alliance, they never devoted as many as
13 pages to the war.

Well done Alex. Another medal for you to wear on Independance day!


Corbyn seems totally irrelevant in Scotland. He doesn’t understand the political environment. The Labour Party is so discredited now I doubt it can recover. Another victory for the right wing press in the UK.

These rakes could have tags on them “Tory Party”, “BBC”, “Daily Mail” etc.


I need help please!

Can someone define what is meant by sexual harassment?

I think I might have a case against many former employees and colleagues funnily enough these incidents all happened in December around the time of the office Christmas parties.

I was thinking that women might be protected from any accusations of sexual harassment until I read the Asia Argento story. I may have to give a lot of thought to making accusations of sexual harassment as I am not 100% sure that I am completely innocent.

I have to confess that I have asked men in kilts if they were true Scotsmen. Am I guilty of sexual harassment?

I have played postman’s knock & truth or dare which did lead to sexual harassment or at least I think it might. You can see that I do need help to keep me on the straight and narrow.

Way back before the SNP were in power when I was a student I did do some waitressing work in places like Prestonfield & Bute House and I am pretty sure that I could come up with plenty incidents of sexual harassment.

I would also like to hear from anyone who may also have doubts about their innocence re sexual harassment.

How would you say I am guilty of sexual harassment in French.
Je suis Alex Salmond.

Robert J. Sutherland

Robert Louis @ 07:51:

They should be pointing the direction and actually LEADING, shaping opinion rather than meekly following, bending in the political wind […]

Excellent post there from start to finish, RL, with sound advice for all.


Sick of all these bigots from N. Ireland infecting Scotland with their sectarian virus.


Have BBC Scotland explained in detail how Brexit is going to affect the people of Scotland.

Dominic Raab told us of potential food and medicine shortages.

I wonder which story got in the way of this Brexit nightmare?

Oh that’s right, the Alex Salmond story.

BBC Scotland letting the people of Scotland down again.


As we all know on here this is beyond party political it all comes down to which is the best form of governance for Scotland is it Holyrood or Westminster.

I too am a bit sick of all the SNP Baad and Sturgeon this and that on here the cold reality is the SNP are the only vehicle that can give us any choice in our governance so they get some things wrong, at least they are close enough for us to affect policy.

It should always be Holyrood or Westminster who will provide the best future for Scotland to thrive and help our young folk succeed.

Robert Peffers

@Robert Louis says: 25 August, 2018 at 7:51 am:
” … It can happen to any political party over time – EVEN HERE IN SCOTLAND.”

But then you would say that, wouldn’t you?


Ruby says: @ 25 August, 2018 at 11:41 am

I need help please!

Can someone define what is meant by sexual harassment?

How would you say I am guilty of sexual harassment in French.
Je suis Alex Salmond.

I’m not really sure where you are going with this post but it sounds like you are downplaying sexual harassment because it is Alex Salmond. Would you do the same thing if it was some Tory Sleazeball or Donald Trump where accused of something similar?

What may have been acceptable at a time in the past is not acceptable now and should not be tolerated in a movement which has one aspiration to turn Scottish society into one where individual human rights and dignity are paramount.

Wait until the evidence come out and judge whether AS is guilty or not. If he is guilty then the book has to be thrown at him.

Robert Peffers

@Dave McEwan Hill says: 25 August, 2018 at 8:07 am:

” … It can happen to any political party over time – EVEN HERE IN SCOTLAND.”

But then you two too would say that, wouldn’t you?

Bob Mack


What a can of worms is there to be opened under what constitutes harrassment of any type. Some are fairly obvious of course, but occasionally there are blurred lines.

True story—I was at a works night out ,and one of the girls asked one of my mates ( who was a great dancer and did amateur productions), if she could do the dirty dancing routine with him. He taught her a few extra steps and later on did the routine with her to everybody’s enjoyment and amazement.

The next day everybody including some of the guys told her how sexy and erotic her routine was. After two days she reported two of the guys for this type of remark, and they had to face the allegation of harrassment.

They thought they were being funny. She did not. Who was in the right? Depends I suppose on the intent.

Dan Huil

The Great British Nationalist Rake Off

Robert Peffers

@Ken500 says: 25 August, 2018 at 8:08 am:

” … The civil service is supposed to be a servant of the elected Scottish Gov and a servant of the people. Paid for by Scottish taxpayers.”

You are wrong there Ken500. Part of the Civil Service at Holyrood serves the Westminster Government and are employed by the Westminster government.

Remember the stooshie when the then leading Westminster Civil Servant in Scotland, “Sir Peter Housden”. being accused of, “Going Native”, by the Westminster Civil Service:-

link to

Another lot serve the Scottish Government and are employed and paid for by them.

Now if nothing else the simple concept of the English/British/ United Kingdom Civil Service that the Scots are, “Natives”, and thus a separate, and less worthy, less superior, species, from the more civilised and sophisticated English/British/ United Kingdom Civil Service, is a somewhat strange, insulting and frankly abusive, concept.

We need out of this abusive, insulting, unequal union.

Henry Fraser

Hahaha! Just zoomed in on the ‘Richard Leonard’ rake. Brilliant!

Robert Peffers

@Jack collatin says: 25 August, 2018 at 8:18 am:

… As for that Dick Leonard shuffling about two steps behind the Great Leader, has any Branch Office member got faith in this man?”

Err! Jack, should that not read, “have NOT any Branch Office member got faith in this man”.?

It strikes me that they all seem to have faith in him. If they don’t they have a strange way of showing it.


I take your point.
I think there is a fairly clear distinction between sexual assault and “harassment“.
If you look at a lot of the tv programs and movies from 40 years ago sexual comments and “touching“ by both sexes especially in comedy was common. It was of its time.
I would hate to be a young person today as old fashioned flirting could be construed as sexual harassment.

Robert Peffers

@Abulhaq says: 25 August, 2018 at 9:20 am:

… Forget Corbyn, who’s gunning for Salmond?”

The Westminster Establishment – they are, after all, the same bunch of right wing leaning rainbow coloured Tories. They always have been. The concept of there being different parties is only for the sake of fooling the voters. When there are only two main parties the elections become no more than a, “Buggin’s Turn”, exercise:-

link to

Think about this for a moment – an opposition MP is paid the same rate as a government MP and I’m not sure of how Government Ministers compare to shadow Cabinet Ministers in their respective remuneration, but they all get the same perks and expenses.


All the papers in Scotland today screaming one headline, ignoring “real” news, such as the Brexit impact advice papers, UK maybe not being able to go WTO on a no-deal without complex negotiations first, etc. etc.

I suspect the drive here is to ensure committed and “soft” No’s and the hard of thinking believe in his guilt even after the allegations are proved false, a la the Michelle Thompson smear. This will no doubt take up to 18 months, ensuring he is discredited/silenced if the IndyRef2 trigger is pulled in the interim.

The Roasters on social media have already pronounced guilt, as they did with Thompson (and Neil Hay in my own constituency in 2015). With the dead tree press joining in, I fear the damage to his credibility already done.

If the allegations do have substance, like Mark McDonald he’s destroyed as a political voice and they’ll constantly use this as stick with which to beat supporters of independence.

Arthur thomson

As per usual, Corbyn is going around muck spreading in his ever so soft spoken voice. He needs to be more careful with his tools but slapstick is his thing. He promotes his image of being disheveled, inept and accident prone to obscure the reality that he is a mealy mouthed idealogue.

Day in, day out uses his Slab tools to lie to Scotland with the carrot that they will rake it in if he ever gets into power. With a bit of luck the media will skewer him on anti-Semitism.


Excellent image again Chris, and the damage is not limited to himself or his faux socialism, the Labour party. I see the ground is blank, there’s nothing to rake, not even soil. The Britnats in power have laid waste to the earth beneath our feet, but they will be off, away to live in an Eden in rEU.

Re;R.Peffers@12.31, and D.M HIll & R.Louis;

True enough. The thing is there is only really one party that is Scottish, the others as we know are branches of the London based UK parties.

Also Robert Peffers, people are though, sadly, fooled by the Britnats, I know people who will not hear a word said against the Labour party, even when their Labour council cuts their wages in a renewal of contract, same hours, a third less money, NE England. Bizarre. Get me a stick they should say! Leader of Labour council awarded huge wage rise at the same time.

Grouse Beater

I thought of ‘The Rake’s Progress’, Chris, and then thought about fetching my coat! Corbyn is endlessly howler prone. I wonder how much of that persona is down to a life cloistered in London and on the back-benches, forever the rebel, never the leader?

Your essential weekend reading:

Sex – A Very British Smear: link to
‘The Guardians’, a review of rural life: link to


scunner says:

The Roasters on social media have already pronounced guilt, as they did with Thompson (and Neil Hay in my own constituency in 2015). With the dead tree press joining in, I fear the damage to his credibility already done.

Ruby replies

All these Roasters sitting in judgement of Alex Salmond & Mark MacDonald may well live to regret their actions as it seems to me it is all too easy to accuse someone of ‘sexual harassment’.

It might be their turn next. They should perhaps read the following quote:

‘Then they reminded Jesus that adultery was punishable by stoning under Mosaic law and challenged him to judge the woman so that they might then accuse him of disobeying the law. Jesus thought for a moment and then replied, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her.’

I’m quite amazed that people especially men are not asking for an exact definition of sexual harassment to protect themselves.

I have doubts about Nicola Sturgeon I think she may be just too hardcore of a feminist aka a Feminazi and on top of that I think she is a little bit too ‘holier than thou’

I find this an extremely interesting topic and I really regret that I am not a skilled writer.

Ian McCubbin

Lovely as in like Michael?

ronnie anderson

Grousebeater [ a very british smear ] great read Grouse , i’ve posted it on various Yes pages & would hope people share it widely .

Meg merrilees

Danny @12.08

Have a look at the main BBC homepage. The Alex Salmond case has dropped off the radar already.
More concerned about suspicious death of a couple in Egypt – but there again, another squirrel to distract from Brexit.

The N Ireland page is taken up with the Pope’s visit and Wales is going on about ambulances.

No mention of Brexit unless you look at the political pages – on the BBC Scotland politics page the BREXIT news hasn’t been updated since the 23rd August.

Still headline news in Scotland and of course the DR breach of confidentiality is top of the bill. Titillation – that’s all the news is concerned with now.

Let’s hope this is resolved truthfully and fairly quickly for all concerned.



Nicola Sturgeon is not a “Feminazi”. What a disgusting thing to say. She is a woman who has not forgotten about other women despite getting to the top in her career.


Morven, hear hear.

This has nothing to do with Nicola, so why bring her into it in the first place?

She’s responding to this in her capacity as ‘First Minister’ of Scotland, how else was she ‘supposed’ to respond Ruby?

And what exactly do you mean by ‘holier than thou’ in this context?

Over to you you Ruby says.


Meg Merrilees 9.02pm

And not a peep in the Daily Record about the approaching Brexit nightmare.

They also went for the “Salmond exclusive”.


MorvenM & K1

Lets agree to disagree. I have my opinions and you have yours.
Sorry if that upsets you.


Asking you to clarify exactly what you mean by a ‘statement’ you made doesn’t signify ‘upset’ Ruby. It’s a perfectly straightforward question. We haven’t discussed anything to arrive at agree/disagree conclusions Ruby.

If you are not prepared to elaborate on your opinions or even defend them…why post them?

Here’s an opinion I actually have about what you actually wrote: shit stirring for no apparent reason at all. Go figure. Sorry if that upsets you. 🙂


Found some amateur footage of the Jeremy from today:
link to

The Jeremy is irrelevant to Scotland.

Awe ra best Chris.


K1 says:
26 August, 2018 at 12:18 am
Asking you to clarify exactly what you mean by a ‘statement’ you made doesn’t signify ‘upset’ Ruby. It’s a perfectly straightforward question. We haven’t discussed anything to arrive at agree/disagree conclusions Ruby.

If you are not prepared to elaborate on your opinions or even defend them…why post them?

Here’s an opinion I actually have about what you actually wrote: shit stirring for no apparent reason at all. Go figure. Sorry if that upsets you.

Ruby replies

Oh Fuck right off!


‘How would you say I am guilty of sexual harassment in French.
Je suis Alex Salmond.’

He’s not ‘guilty’ of anything, you’ve ingested the msm’s mediafest and smearing attacks on him, in effect perpetuating this utter crap that’s going around with this type of comment and then you ‘go for’ Nicola:

‘I have doubts about Nicola Sturgeon I think she may be just too hardcore of a feminist aka a Feminazi and on top of that I think she is a little bit too ‘holier than thou’

Based on ‘what’? You were simply asked to explain yourself Ruby. But you can’t or won’t?

I don’t ‘agree’ with your ‘opinion’ that Alex is ‘guilty’ of anything. I don’t agree wi your ‘opinion’ that Nicola is how you describe her at all. You think you just get to come out with this crap and have no one notice you’re ‘smearing’ of her and backing up of the ‘allegations’ about Alex?

Right back at ye Ruby.

Liz g

Ruby @ 9.13
Ruby Replied…“Oh fuck right Off”…
But what did Jesus say ?


Love this thread, it has everything in it, in it Cameron B ~ 🙂

Aye now default to toon.

iScotland soon.

Aye aye.


ps, ahm gonnae bookmark “The cereal offenders” thread for ever more…

All has been explained, thx to Liz g, K1 and all ye Wingers xx.

Back tae the MUSIC!

“Tae learn…”


Here we go then for all PJ fans…

He may speak but, but he can’t say, he the GER-a-May.

Talkin’ aboot the Jeremy:
link to

ps keep posting Juan, excellent stuff, LOVE yer passion.


That’s Haddow’s now closed (re member them like Edinburgh)

Tis past 10pm now.





Know what ah mean:
link to

Ye aught to hear the rest of Mark’s early songs, anna fitba fan is he.

“We’re gaun round tae Haddows.”

On the west end scene.

Good guy.

Liz g

Cactus @ 11.36
Have fun



How about you take some time to think about what I wrote and if after a couple of weeks you still think I am a shit stirrer I might get around to trying to explain things to you.
Then again I don’t really like you that much so I may not bother. You seem very aggressive and angry.

As it stands I am not overly concerned if someone on the Wings forum thinks I am a shit stirrer as it would be easy enough for me just to give this forum a miss.


Liz g says:
26 August, 2018 at 2:21 pm
Ruby @ 9.13
Ruby Replied…“Oh fuck right Off”…
But what did Jesus say ?

Ruby replies

I don’t know perhaps he said you should stop trying to be such a smart arse!


I’m not a Christian but,

Jesus said;
Judge not that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again and why behold thou the mote that is in thy brothers eye but consider not the beam that is in thine own eye?


‘Oh Fuck right off!’ qualify’s as ‘angry and aggressive’?

Me asking for clarifications on both those comments doesn’t.

The rest of your comment is immature nonsemse.

Liz g

Ruby @ 7.41
Oh I’m so thankfull he just wants me to stop trying to be a “smartass “.
I was terrified he’d want me for a Sunbeam…
Lighten up Ruby for goodness sake…
We’re all on the same side here..are we no ?

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    • agent X on The Joker: “Front page of The National online COMMENT Photo of Trump. Mhari Black: The powerful are taking money from the poor…Feb 8, 11:48
    • Captain Caveman on The smirking scorpion: “Being told “no one likes you” by you is beyond ironic, love. Imbecile.Feb 8, 11:45
    • gregor on Seeding the briar patch: “BBC (07/02/25): Trump says he is revoking Biden’s security clearance: “JOE, YOU’RE FIRED,” the Republican added… He said Biden “could…Feb 8, 11:40
    • Captain Caveman on The Joker: “Scotland seemed to do quite well for itself for very significant periods post-1707. I will concede, though, lately not so…Feb 8, 11:39
    • Alf Baird on The Joker: “Woke is bad news for any people, but Scotland’s ruination started with its annexation and imposed colonial rule from 1707,…Feb 8, 11:37
    • Hatey McHateface on The smirking scorpion: “MSM reporting the Baltic States have begun the 48-hour process of disconnecting from the BRELL electrical supply and distribution network.…Feb 8, 11:33
    • Geri on The smirking scorpion: “Yer like parasites. Everything has to be yours while you devour the host then have to wonder why no one…Feb 8, 11:26
    • Captain Caveman on The Joker: “I’m sure Farage is giving lefties everywhere VERY bad dreams, and rightly so. Time’s up.Feb 8, 11:24
  • A tall tale

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