The shoogly peg
Posted on
October 07, 2017 by
Chris Cairns
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Lol just lol !
Nice one Chris
Shouldn’t there be a new one alongside labelled “Ruth”?
She doesn’t look well at all.
I imagine it would be a huge relief to Teresa May to have the power removed.
She has alot to reflect on, the lives lost and ruined.
BBC currently giving lots of airtime to Ruth in defence of May, making it out though without being explicitl that it’s just sexism and these men can’t cope with strong woman.
Laughed so much I has a coughing fit.
Oh dear, Kim Jong Ruth, getting headlined on BBC news, this was predicted.
Predictably, she’s a ‘contender’ They say..
Ruth is a fascist, bursting to get out.
They couldn’t make a bigger mess. Just appalling. Every which way. Dragging down the Scottish (UK) economy so they can break the Law and tax evade. They haven’t got a clue.
Just remember, those bit of tory in-fighting we hear about are the absolute tip of the iceberg. It is full on war within Tory HQ and at Westminster.
Even if Theresa, the woman who happily takes financial help from disabled, terminally ill and homeless people, hangs on for a while, she will go.
No political party can continue when the supposed leader is so heavily undermined at every turn. It is now only a matter of time.
All of this, however, is merely a reflection of the long term schism that has existed within the Tory party for decades regarding Europe. John Major, remember, had his ‘hands tied’ by his own party regarding Europe, and eventually resigned, in order to make his point.
The Tory party is split down the middle on the EU, and the entire UK is being sacrificed with brexit, merely to keep the Tories together. The Tories are EXTREMELY polarised, pro and anti EU. It is one sick freaking joke, and more fool the people of England and the Labour party for falling for it.
Brexit isn’t about what is good for the UK, it’s about what is good for the Tory party. The whole world is telling them it is madness and economic suicide, but still they carry on, whilst the UK economy goes down the freaking toilet day by day. Those responsible, together with their brexiteer Labour party enablers, will never be forgiven.
Ghillie 7.48am. Ghillie tories dont do reflections, they dont have souls.
That shoogly peg is as supportive to May as Gove was to Boris. I had to laugh out loud this week when I heard Gove on the radio giving May his full support. Cabinet meetings must be like a vipers’ nest, all the while trying to negotiate Brexit. What an omnishambles.
It would appear that The BBC intends to drown out any coverage of The SNP Conference with the rantings of our un-beloved not so diminutive Col. Davidson.
YouGov polling showed that 49% of people thought May’s speech went “badly”, as opposed to just 15% who thought it went “well”.
That will be the 15% who have’nt heard yet.
brexit is falling apart and Mrs May is falling apart.
The US have imposed further tariffs on Bombardier, the US was and is the tories big hope for brexit.
Anything Mrs May touches turns to dust, long may she be in post.
The First Minister must say no to the tory power grab and put the case to the Scottish Parliament to reject
Pile the pressure on the uk, take a leaf out of Catalonia book on independence, defiance works!
I cannot fathom this nonsense in the media about Colonel Ruth Gadafti becoming PM. Seriously, the only way to make that happen, would for her to be made a peer, then to be nominated for the tory leadership contest, and then to be selected.
Besides, it is all about David Davis and that fat, ignorant oaf Boris Johnson.
It is akin to saying Theresa May could become president of the USA.
I am aware that a peer has been PM before, but that was in a different era. The Tories would not last long with an unelected peer as the Prime Minister, and besides Gadafti has zero grasp of Westminster or EU politics, despite her bluster.
I genuinely would happily pay her one way rail ticket to London for her is she did become PM, but it just isn’t going to happen in the real world. My opinion is that it just gives license for the likes of the blatantly biased and propagandist BBC to interview her and promote her heavily, in the full knowledge that of course she won’t be tory leader.
Besides, as we all know up here in Scotland, she crumbles, and shows how superficial her grasp of issues are, when asked anything remotely resembling difficult questions.
Calum McKay at 0834,
Exactly, when our enemy (Westminster) is wounded, go for the jugular (metaphorically).
As John Paul Getty junior is reported to have said (although I don’t know how true it is), ‘The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT it’s mineral rights’.
And while the US piles on justified anti-sunsisy tarifs, our ruling party’s ‘best chums’ rub their hands with glee.
When yir peg’s this shoogly it’s time tae hop the twig. She’ll be a gonner soon. Then Ruthie’ll need a new act. Ah wonder who’ll write her lines for her then? Actually, who cares?
But the hook was meant to be ‘Strong & Stable’
If Davidson ever did become a contender for PM the UK media would turn the spotlight on her, she’d be shown up for what she is, and everyone in London would say:
“Why did we think she was so good?”
And the answer will be, because it is what BBC Scotland told you.
Er, Should read..anti-‘subsidy’ tariffs.
It’s early..
I am a card carrying member of the SNP, i have never voted for a London government in my life, and i was born 65 years ago
I want out of the european union as its called, but we all know its just a larger political union and has been for years, in its present form it does not work, its undemocratic as its run by a few imbeciles who the people have never elected to the offices they hold, and now these same people think they can dictate to all member states and threaten them if they don’t go along with their orders, remember these people where not elected by us, we had no say about them, you can elect your MP, but you cannot stop these people from ruling you, they are put into power by their own kind to keep them all on the gravy train and keep the rest of us down, lets get rid of them and start again and get back to a common market without political powers, remember a union is supposed to be about equality for every member, no union will survive when most of its members are dictated to by the few, even the russians came to learn that valuable lesson, and russia is better for it
@Robert Louis
Don’t tell John Paul Getty but the meek just denied drilling rights to the rich and placed an eternal moratorium on it.
He’s wrong.
It’s a Rd white and blue shootgly peg
And Shoogly peg means Shoogly peg.
What more could anyone else need to know???
BritNat George Galloway on RT just now states as fact:
“The conference season is over”
BritNat Labour just want to ignore anything truly Progressive (like the SNP) lest any more of the electorate see them as the charlatans they are.
mike d says:
7 October, 2017 at 8:22 am
Ghillie 7.48am. Ghillie tories dont do reflections, they dont have souls.
Like vampires you mean? Bloodsuckers. Good thought , mike d!
I’ve got the image now from Polanski’s Dance of the Vampires. A hall of mirrors empty of substance.
The perfect metaphor for Tory policy and the neoliberal experiment.
Don’t get the Ruth is a contender thing. She isn’t an MP and isn’t likely to become one in the timescales playing out. Also, I don’t think she is all that good. The moment the questioning gets tough she either flounders or legs it.
Ruth has had an easy ride from the Scottish media. That would not be the case in Westminster. Also the Westminster party is bag of rabid ferrets.
Simon Curran says:
BBC currently giving lots of airtime to Ruth in defence of May, making it out though without being explicitl that it’s just sexism and these men can’t cope with strong woman.
Have you noticed that any story on BBC about the Col no comments are allowed I bet there will be plenty on the SNP this weekend with the FM being slagged off by the Unionst brigade.
David Caledonia says:
7 October, 2017 at 9:07 am
[….. of the european union ……. in its present form it does not work, its undemocratic as its (sic) run by a few imbeciles who the people have never elected to the offices they hold,…]
I agree with much of this, but take issue with ‘imbeciles’. I think the word you are looking for is ‘megalomaniacs’.
Och, the wumin is dae’n a grand job of steering us to IndyRef2!
Can anyone doubt that the Tories will, one way or another, play a significant part in Scotland achieving independence?
Seriously, it’s a hard choice. Do I want all the Brexit nonsense to just stop, or do I want a chaotic car crash which will invoke IndyRef2?
What I definitely don’t want is a general election, a Corbyn government, a soft staying in single market Brexit, and no prospect of Scottish Independence for many years! That, is the worst of all worlds.
The EU has 10% influence over member states. With 28 members and more queuing up to join. 400million people must be deluded then.. ‘Forced against their wishes to the shackles of the EU’ One of the biggest and best free trading association for common good in the world. Free and equally trading conditions. Good social benefits. Working hours directives. Good working condition directives. Maternity leave and social benfits directives etc.
It costs Scotland nothing and brings in £Billions in benefit. Investment Grants, Renewable grants etc, Scotland has benefitted £Billions from EU membership. The cost for each country are minimal for benefits received. The cost of administration for 400Million people are negligible. Extremely small. It was formed after 11WW to stop wars and starvation in Europe which has been extremely successful. The bigger it become the more sway and influence it holds in the world. Against corrupt regimes etc. Malpractice tax evasion etc. The only financial objectives is to keep VAT and corporation equal for the sake of the equal free trade.
To reject a Westminster Gov. Then reject the EU. Defies logic.
@David Caledonia
I feel that Theresa probably wants to keep away from hooks.
It’s never going to happen, but can you imagine Field Marshall Davidson being in charge of Brexit negotiations? It might make me a bad person, but I’d pay to see that.
The UK Government is more of a comedy show than Yes Minister. I mean that literally. If the script writers came up with a sketch where PM Jim Hacker was speechless through a coughing fit, had a comedian hand him a P45 on live TV, and have his fuzzy felt slogan fall to bits, they’d have written it out as too slapstick.
There is one helluva “through the looking glass” jinx affecting the UK at the moment, and unfortunately I include Scotland in that. We have the tail of democracy wagging the dog of sovereignty, everybody wants to look the other way, and our pro Independence Government is apparently unwilling to promote our Independence Escape Pod until after the Brexit meteor strikes, but says “don’t worry! It’s all under control”…as the rabbits, foxes, squirrels, and deer all run past me…
Is it me? Am I the one out of sync? Because what I see is Brexit, a monumental catastrophe and act of reckless economic, political and cultural self harm, having provided Scotland with the Democratic opportunity to say NO. For once we actually got it right, together, and actually said NO, emphatically, and gave ourselves CLEAR DIVISION from the rest of the UK,- we gave ourselves the premiere quality, cast iron mandate and justification to pit the Sovereign powered, democratically expressed, emphatic will of Scotland against the diametrically opposed, undemocratic, un-mandated, act of unparalleled reckless, bigoted, chaotic, stupidity ever devised by Westminster. And this? This is the time we choose to back pedal and downplay Independence??? I’m sorry. You’ve really, really lost me. Me no understandy.
If I had the money, training, or knowledge of protocol to do it myself, I would petition both the UN and the European Court of Justice as a single citizen, and ask them to make a ruling on whether Scotland’s inalienable Sovereignty is worth the UNESCO Memory of the World parchment it’s written on.
I dare say I probably should canvas the whole country for their advice on whether I should or I shouldn’t do it, but then again, what would be the point? A democratic yay or nay would not have any bearing on the technical legal legitimacy or otherwise of Scottish Sovereignty. I would merely be clarifying a matter of record, not changing a thing. A bit like checking Scotland’s birth certificate.
See I believe in a legal constitutional contest between one singular momentary enactment of Sovereignty, and the democratic votes of a million people, democracy makes the most noise but it is Sovereignty which wins as the top trump, and commands the binding legitimacy and secures recognition. It hurts to say it, but I believe that’s perhaps the one last issue both Spain and Catalonia might currently agree upon.
Scotland HAS the power to throw the kill switch on Brexit, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
Just for curiosity, it might be an enlightening revelation at the SNP conference to have Europhiles stand on one side of the hall, and EFTA Brexiteers stand on the other side. In my naivety, it might explain a few things.
Good one. Its hard to imagine a weaker conservative leaderene than this bizarre character. Imagine a non tory UK BBC media creepshow, she’d be gone in a flash.
Yesterday’s beeb r4 gimp network pumped out Teresa and her what the country needs is CALM leadership.
Mike Gove’s given her his full backing too.
We are so fcuked.
Thanks again proud Scotbuts.
It appears to myself that the promotion of Ruth Davidsons defence of the PM in all the media has a side-effect of Davidson also saying “just in-case May does quit, I’m standing here waiting to take over”, i.e. LOOK AT ME
Robert Louis says:
7 October, 2017 at 8:35 am
“I cannot fathom this nonsense in the media about Colonel Ruth Gadafti becoming PM……. The Tories would not last long with an unelected peer as the Prime Minister, and besides Gadafti has zero grasp of Westminster or EU politics, despite her bluster.”
Hmmm…’grasp’? I’m not sure she could grasp her own buttocks(?)
But you might have to admit she has all the intellectual hallmarks of a ‘great’ leader of a party that has always been highly suspicious of anybody showing signs of intelligence.
Think you need to go back a thread @David Caledonia says at 9:07 am and @Street Andrew says at 9:49 am.
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“They appear to have realised that the only policy of an independence movement should be independence, and everything else is the business of normal politics once that goal is achieved.”
It doesn’t matter if you are Pro EU or Anti at the moment as these are just the “squabbling factions” Stu describes.
Indy first.
England’s Electorate will always decide what the decision will be for you while we are in the UK Union.
I assume that’s what you mean when you say you’ve “never voted for a London government in my life” David, you’ve got the Govt. that England votes for?
Its also been interesting watching the red tories in Scotland go very easy on the rolling tory catastrofuck too. Funny that. “For the good of the country” waffles a big fat unemployable shyster, wondering what to do when the JK Trolling money runs out.
Blair McDougall?Verified account @blairmcdougall 20h20 hours ago
More Blair McDougall Retweeted New Statesman
For the good of the country I hope it’s Rudd. For the good of the Labour Party I hope it’s Patel.
What do you get if you cross Nigel Farage with 65 years of BBC Europhobic Propaganda?
Answers on a postcard to the David Caledonia competition.
Who in their right mind would want the job of PM with the disaster of Brexit unfolding and the country heading for oblivion, full scale war in the tory turds party and nobody with the guts or the brains to sort out the shambles.
Class Chris. Just class.
O/T but not by much.
From the Guardian today. Read it.
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And see laid bare the damage that was done, and the ammunition handed to the unionist parties, by all those who could not be bothered to turn out to vote for the SNP in the GE apparently because the election was not about independence.
Everything is about independence. It does not have to be stated.
It is especially about independence when the 3 Unionist parties campaigned on a platform of ‘No to a second indyref.’ That is the time to turn out in droves to say Yes to a second indyref. And to record that Yes you vote SNP. But no.
It is the time to turn out when the timing of a second indyref has been announced and the Holyrood parliament has endorsed it. Instead the vote for the SNP fell.
Instead people stayed at home and now every columnist writes about how an indyref is off the agenda. And more than a few SNP members seem to have bought into that proposition.
Read it and weep.
Colonel Ruth just needs to be made a Lordette and that’s it, she’s the next Prime Minister of teamGB.
Colonel Ruth’s a BBC Scotland propaganda production too, so that crew of spivs and con artists will be thrilled to UKOK bits.
Has it really been less than a year, since Donaldo won back trust?
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Davidson is the ‘pop idol’ politician. The mediocre individual manufactured by MSM to get to number 1.
The polishing of the turd in the extreme.
Whether the EU is good for Scotland or no can only be decided by the Scots after independence, don’t get involved meantime with English xenophobia. Wan thing at a time!
If Boris is the next PM, Davidson is toast! so don’t knock Boris too much!
Read it and weep.
Or laugh. Good old Severin’s just about had enough of this SNP carry on.
Haven’t seen or heard anything from Arlene in support/defence of THeresa May.
Empty bottles make the most noise and I suspect (t)Ruthless is trying her best to get noticed by the PM and gain some extra brownie points, after all her success in Scotland helped the Tories snatch defeat from the jaws of victory at the recent GE.
Of course Col. Harrison would have to give up her honorary title as head of her battalion since as MP/PM she most definitely could not wear two hats at once – not even on a head her size!
Great cartoon Chris – as ever you catch the essence perfectly.
Noticed this on the BBC N.Ireland website – apparently the Red Hand lot have asked to be taken off the Home Office list of proscribed ‘terror’ organisations and will find out within 90 days if they have been successful. If so, other loyalist organisations may also apply.
Wonder if this was part of Arlene’s dirty deal?
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The polishing of the turd in the extreme.
English upper classes like jocks like Colonel Ruth. The army certainly does ofcourse. They take pleasure in jocks like this, feeling both superior and having their arses licked but not having to actually do anything to justify it. Its just natural. Very pleasant young women. Could be this generation’s Margaret, if only she was English.
@David Caledonia
The EU is not undemocratic at all. The main decision making bodies are the Council of Ministers, which is made up of government ministers from all the EU countries, and the EU Parliament which is directly elected by all EU citizens.
The body that gets the most flak from our lovely fascist press is the EU Commission, however it is only the civil service of the EU, its job being to implement decisions of the Council and Parliament. The commissioners are appointed by the various governments, and are out in the open for all to see, unlike the top UK civil servants, who are a shady bunch that nobody knows much about, but who wield enormous power.
Ok, it’s not perfect, but I think it’s unarguable that it’s been a power for good in Europe.
Behold your next teamGB PM! Another day at the beeb gimp coalface farts along
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Tory rebels should ‘put up, or shut up’ – Ruth Davidson
So there.
Its interesting to compare and contrast photo choices by tory press like the beeb and the Graun today.
The Guardian makes Nicola Sturgeon look like a drunk stotter, beeb gimps make Colonel Ruth look, well fantastic.
Great British UKOK propaganda in its Scotland region glory, at its strongest?
Are we being hard wired to hate one and love the other for a UKOK reason, tory UKOK hackdom:D
She’s got a deck of cards in her other hand ready for shuffling.
Maybe there’s a joker waiting to be played
Sack Boris Johnson and reshuffle cabinet, senior Tories to tell May
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Didn’t May once refer to herself as a Bloody difficult woman?
The question remains just who could the Tories actually replace her with, I don’t see anyone credible candidate
among that bunch of Tory MPs at Westminster Bojo, Davis, Rudd?
I don’t think any of them are any better than May.
As for Davidson if she were ever to be persuaded or pressurised into standing in the next general election
as the potential prime minister.
She knows full well that her shortcomings would be found out very quickly- just as May has been – by the electorate in England.
That’s why I think she got her excuse in first by stating at a fringe meeting at her party’s conference that she doesn’t want the job.
Just listening to beeb r4 tory creeps bashing on and on about more bankster pull outs from Barcelona. They’re quite a slutty bunch, banksters.
Not beeb gimp network news though, RBS will still be Project Fearing Scotland, from er, its Amsterdam HQ, via Pacific Quay gimps, in Glasgow.
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The Tory Cabinet keep on saying that they are “right behind the Prime Minister.”
Aye, right.
So were Brutus, Cassius et al “right behind Julius Caesar.”
Nice cartoon, Chris.
Just had a read through of the SNP’s conference agenda. Word searched it for “independence”. Not on the main agenda.
Did the same for sovereign. It gets a mention in the relevant context for a fringe meeting ( as does independence outside the EU):
” will Scotland be better able
to tackle them as a sovereign nation or as
part of the historic union?
• Mark Littlewood, Director General IEA
• George Kerevan, Journalist and
Commentator, former SNP MP
• Pete Wishart MP, SNP Westminster
Constitution Spokesperson”
Eh? We are already a sovereign nation even as part of the UK – even if the UK Govt and SNP Scot Govt don’t want to recognise that and respect that.
Breeks, you’re needed, my friend.
The Agenda was entirely predictable, safe and the usual wishy-washy, Tories bad, we are wonderful WM devolutionists.
The highlight of my read through the SNP conference agenda. Exhibitors include: The BBC.
Talk about the BBC having a brass neck. Titanium or chromium more like.
So much for the SNP standing up to the BBC.
This is the best I’ve felt about the SNP for a couple of years.
The SNP are bloody funny, in a Theresa May sort of way.
manandboy says:
7 October, 2017 at 8:33 am
YouGov polling showed that … 15% thought [May’s speech] went “well”.
Cough, cough.
YouGov polling showed that … 15% thought [May’s speech] went “well”.
Was that their cadaver branch?
Welsh Sion
We now that 15% of the population are a bit mad
Just a question of when she goes. If she cared about anyone but herself she would resign. The Tory chaos rambles on.
Does Carrel think 50% of people in Scotland who support Independence should be ignore. Certainly not a diplomat.
Voters not going out to vote. Someone else will do it for them. ‘The little red hen’. Could not be bothered to put a cross on a piece of paper. Giving the unionists plenty of ammunition. They know who they are. A lesson learnt. Letting the Tories in in Scotland keeping the Tories in power lingering on at Westminster. Destroying the Scottish economy. Only the good work of the SNP keeps at the helm. The good governance steering to a safe haven.
Nice one, Chris.
@Legerwood 10.15am
Message for Sevvy
What a lot of barely reheated sloppy hash.
Money for old rope.
No one on the 1922 committee would give Ruthie babe the time of day.
Stalking horse anyone?
I don’t understand this Ruth adulation from the South either, but they haven’t had the bellyful of brittle, false hypocrisy out on tank manoeuvres that we have had.
‘ In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king’
Sure the BBC will receive some forthright views and opinions at the SNP Conference. They claim they enjoy feedback. The journalists to be found huddled in some corner in case they have to justify. account or apologise for their lies. They don’t like interacting with the public who they despise. Multimillionaire tax evaders fleecing the public. Breaking regulations by the minute. In deed at some Conferences they need body guards. The non impartial BBC. £3.7Billion for nonsense.
The BBC is at the SNP Conference to broadcast on BBC2/Parliamentary Channel. They are legally bound to show it. Uplofting it will be. Especially for those attending. Packed out and excelerating especially for those attending. A brilliant time for Independistas. People come from far and wide. Abroad. The SNP have support worldwide.
This morning.
Yougov puts SNP 17 points ahead. Peter Murrell has just tweeted it too.
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Valerie says:
7 October, 2017 at 11:27 am
I don’t understand this Ruth adulation from the South either, but they haven’t had the bellyful of brittle, false hypocrisy out on tank manoeuvres that we have had.
They love the loyal jock thing. It goes all the way back too, British Empire reign of fascist terror, Scottish soldiery was their Empire jack boot sadly.
Its why there used to be so many Scottish regiments. And its probably why Gordon Brown closed them all down, no longer serving the UKOK purpose in Scotland. A nascent state like his Scotland region, with a very deep historic military heritage is not exactly helpful when youre desperately trying to close it all down.
looks a bit shaky from here
Will Laura Keunsberg get BBC bodyguards for SNP conference?
Its probably being discussed by assorted beeb gimps right the now, if only because it is a terrific smear, for tory attack propaganda like the beeb. Laura certainly didn’t need beeb bodyguards from the tories. I think I’d burst out laughing if I saw any beeb gimp in the flesh.
That steel armour wall surrounding the tory conference in Manchester was really impressive too.
Literally peeing my pants. On BBC just now some eejit discussing Catalonia pointed out that in scotland after the No vote there were many benefits delivered via the vow – good god.
Nicolas been watching Braveheart – Hold. hold. One way or another she will go for it. Meantime we educate ourselves and work hard to persuade others. Stu s previous post was spot on – one issue and one issue only. Fed up of those who stir things up for their own elitist ends. It’s a country of our own we need – not a pack of egotistical divas
Anyone seen this ?
Put in your own phrase and watch it fall off the wall behind Theresa…!!
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@ Heed
Yes, you’re right, history is littered with examples of jocks only too willing to lick imperialist arse, and money is generally a feature.
I see Murdoch is getting steamed up by the charity umbrella group, ThirdForce news, running a poll on whether St Oliver of Neil, is a good appointment.
Gave me a chuckle, especially as the current figures are conclusive.
*Murdo* why does my Kindle default to a disgusting, wrinkly right wing billionaire???
I see Murdoch is getting steamed up by the charity umbrella group, ThirdForce news, running a poll on whether St Oliver of Neil, is a good appointment.”
Good old Murdoch, one of planet earth’s greatest perverts, with his fascist goons.
BeLEAVE in Britain, 23rd June 2016. Sun’s lechers and masterbators in Scotland had their own headline:D
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Heedtracker says:
7 October, 2017 at 11:40 am
Valerie says:
7 October, 2017 at 11:27 am
I don’t understand this Ruth adulation from the South either, but they haven’t had the bellyful of brittle, false hypocrisy out on tank manoeuvres that we have had.
The English electorate also bought what Farage was selling. Perhaps it’s a character weakness, or maybe a servile Scottish sycophant flatters their faith that all is well with the Union.
Street andrew 9.34. Very well put.
Remember Ruth Davidson stood on National TV and called Brexit and the Brexiteers in her party liars
Now she claims it’s good for the country, which country would that be, not ours! and it also shows Ruth Davidson as an even bigger liar than her party because at least the Brexiteer liars are defending their position whereas Ruth Davidson only defends the position she’s told to defend
Goldilocks Independence and the “I’m no votin fur it if it’s no perfect” group of people
Independence first, then you can heat it up if it’s too cold, or cool it down if it’s too hot but at least you’ll have it to enable you to do that coz you’ve not got a plate of Independence at all at the moment never mind a spoon to stir it with
It would seem the britnat media, especially the bbc, is increasing its usual anti-Scottish propaganda just before the SNP conference. They realize this conference has much significance. I hope the SNP comes out fighting and gives a radical boost to all pro-indy supporters, not just SNP supporters. If ever there was a time for Scotland’s independence movement to take a lead, it’s now.
Great image once again Chris.
Enjoying the comments all! The Tory, red Tory UKOK is such a mess, I dread to think what would be happening in Scotland if the Britnats were in charge right now. Well, I guess we all know.
UntRuth just takes the biscuit, what an embarrassment. Looks like the Brutish Bullying Corp are continuing their propaganda story and giving untRuth all the attention to distract from the fact we have an SNP government in Scotland, not a Tory one!
Who gained most seats in June’s GE in Scotland. Oh yeh, it was Labour, oh wait, it was the tories, says the fascist media.
SNP, who are they.
Valerie says:
7 October, 2017 at 11:53 am
@ Heed
Yes, you’re right, history is littered with examples of jocks only too willing to lick imperialist arse, and money is generally a feature.
It paid well though, really well. I’m from just outside Aberdeen, and all the way up the beautiful Deeside valley’s and glens, there’s thousands of post British imperial victorian and edwardian mansions and villas, all with that odd tinge of the British Raj, and whatever styles the various colonialists decided they wanted to take back from their colonies.
And you know what, it still like that today, on royal haha Deeside.
@ Valerie – ta for the ThirdForceNews poll info Should Neil Oliver have been appointed NTS President”
Vote early, vote often.
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Good cartoon. Sadly, Mrs May won’t be dithering for much longer.
Latest from Catalunya:
Catalan President Carles Puigdemont now plans to address the Catalan parliament on Tuesday at 18:00 local time (17:00 BST). He will deliver a report to the Catalan parliament on Tuesday about the political situation.
The Tories should be renamed The Shoogly Peg Party!
My only cavil to another fine political cartoon is you don’t bring out May’s nastiness enough. She’s deplorable but we know those lining up to take her place are worse.
Your weekend reading:
Putting the ‘ass’ back in compassion: link to
‘Blade Runner sequel’ – take a camp bed: link to
Catalunya and MSM:
Dreadful, dreadful BBC !
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The caption? “Protesters wave Spanish flags at a demonstration defending unity on Wednesday.”
Appalled. (But not surprised.)
MayBots peg even mair shoogly noo??
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“Germany and France will reportedly refuse to talk about a post-Brexit transition deal until the UK settles its so-called divorce bill with the European Union.”
“The two countries are set to reject one of the key proposals made by Theresa May in her Florence Speech, according to reports in the Financial Times.”
So the SNP have a 17% poll lead. That must infuriate the hostile MSM. A lot of their newspapers are on a shoogly peg.
Listening to Any Questions on R4.
Audience just laughed out loud when Andrea Leadsom defends Treesa by saying: ‘ we are incredibly lucky to have her as a PM’… cue loud laughter….
Meg merrilees 10.25am. These would be the same paramilitaries in collusion with the uvf,who in the past few days have driven 4 catholic families out of the Cantrell close mixed housing estate ulster. Tory scum have a lot to answer for.
Looking at BBC reporting of Catalonia and Brexit I just get the feeling that long after England is out of the EU the BBC will be plaintively making noises about the EU, but who will care, who will listen?
test test test.
As the pressure on the UK Government approaches intolerable, we can expect to see a mushroom cloud of Downing St Press Office generated fake news, bare-faced lies, and every dirty trick in the British Governments handbook of Imperial and Colonial treachery.
The clocks are ticking. One of them is the British Brexit time-bomb.
O/T. Prof. Michael Keating Director of the Centre on Constitutional Change at the University of Edinburgh, was interviewed re Catalonia this morning on BBC radio Scotland . He pointed out that there is a majority against Independence in Catalonia.
Once again no mention of the 770E3 votes confiscated, or the 25% that typically don’t vote in Spanish elections.
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Keating’s organisation should be renamed Centre for Preventing Constitutional Change.
Goes back to the fact that if Spain are so certain there is a majority against Indy, then let them vote in a ‘legitimate’ referendum.
Of course BBC London in Scotland wouldn’t report anything that flies in the face of the establishment
Remember @Meg merrilees says 10.25am and @mike d says at 1:24 pm.
“These would be the same paramilitaries in collusion with the uvf”
The UK like Spain will need an intimidatory paramilitary force.
It wouldn’t be the Bwitish way if these weren’t legal.
May and the Tories being so desperate to cling to power means the DUP can take the piss with impunity.
” Breeks @12pm, I don’t understand this Ruth adulation from south south” .This looks like a ruse by the state propandists to ” big her up” on a UK wide basis to hoodwink the Scottish electorate into ” accepting her” as a ” shoo-in” as First Minister at the next Holyrood election”. The narrative being that she is ” in the frame” to be UK Tory leader, and when she ” misses out” then she should be “given “the ” consolation prize” of FM.
Of course she has absolutely zero chance of being Tory leader outwith their ” Scotland fiefdom”, as she is not from the public school background ” Oxbridge landed gentry stock” or has the necessary ” corporate big business background / city of London connections” .In fact she is nowhere near the ” class required” to be on a European or world stage.
In actual fact we have our own genuine European class leader in our own First Minister, who is ” head& shoulders ” above both May & Davidson ( and shows it every day in the Holyrood chamber), and the rest of the ” branch office managers”. Wouldn’t they just love to have her as leader of a London run unionist party. There is only one ” champions league” politician in Scotland and that is Nicola Sturgeon. ( and that is why the unionist state propagandists at Pacific Quay and English controlled ” Scottish press” attack her incessantly.).
Ruth Davidson couldn’t ” lace her boots” and she knows it . If you can’t compete Ruth then yes perhaps you should go down a league ” south of the border, to play .
Legerwood @ 10:15,
Sevvy’s descent from journalist to propagandist continues, it seems. A vile attempt to (metaphorically) knife Peter Murrell in the back being only one part of it. Nicola also heading for the exit, according to him. Truly appalling BritNat shit-stirring.
To me though there is one particularly odious aspect to all this, and that is the mileage he seems to be able to muster from the SNP Westminster contingent, who give the impression (via Sevvy’s representations anyway) of having collectively lost their bottle.
This “wait until 20whenever sometime mebbe” stuff apparently emanating from some people who seem to have got rather too fond of staying in a place “whaur they’re nae fur lang bidin in” is what is really unsettling people. Maybe that’s Sevvy’s precise intention, of course, but there shouldn’t be anyone in the SNP leadership giving him an iota of assistance.
Maybe now is still not the time to give a precise date for indyref2, but I hope everyone from Nicola on down at the conference makes it very clear indeed that the SNP have very much not lost the bottle, and they’re not going to wantonly throw away this historic opportunity with Brexit to achieve our independence.
(And as an added bonus, it might even shut up at least one serial moaner on this site.)
“Whooopty duh, but what does it all mean Basil?!” – Austin Powers
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Robert J. Sutherland
The ‘Semiotic Kid’ talks shite for a living. Best ignore.
Robert J Sutherland
I prefer to believe that Carrell has misrepresented Blackford.
The implications of believing otherwise are really appalling. I am not going there pending further evidence. Carrell is not a trustworthy source.
For those who missed it, a cracker from Donna Babington – was posted at some ungodly hour!
For our casual readers, there is an easy way to spot one type of troll. They start out by assuring you that they have been a member of the SNP for years and years, then proceed to spout all sorts of characteristic twisted UKIP dross. (Usually involving hating foreigners in some form or another.)
The idea presumably is to convince you that yer typical SNP/indy supporter is the kind of unwashed right wing moron beloved of BritLab fiction.
Well, every movement has its share of idiots and chancers, I guess, but the SNP and the yes movement at large are not copycat Scottish versions of the Kippers. Not even close.
Craig Murray @ 15:24,
I am hopeful you are right, Craig, for exactly the reason you give.
the latest poll results for the SNP send a signal….Be Bold Nicola!
Robert J. Sutherland
Just because I was rude Robert, doesn’t mean the odds are against me being correct, as well. The man has an outlook that I can’t relate to (i.e. BritNat) and he’s not slow to censor opinion he disagrees with. Not a trustworthy individual, IMHO, and I doubt he would acknowledge his ethical practice stinks.
Ian Brotherhood
I know a lot of the stuff I post is ‘out of orbit’ Ian but I see your role as a translator of ideas into practice. Does that make any sense and hopefully not sound too pretensions?
@Craig Murray
As the Rev says, read between the lines. What does Blackford not say.
The Grauniad has glued some quotes from Blackford together with some padding, and not necessarily in the right order.
I would agree with Craig and Jock
Severin is as partisan as Farqhuerson or Martin. The article is an exercise in disinformation and the picture of Nicola coughing is, given what happened to May, just bizarre. It isn’t even a high resolution picture. They have had to trawl the net to find something they can shoe horn in rather a relevant picture of a previous SNP conference.
This is propaganda not news.
@Ian Brotherhood..
Ya big sook
Shoogling with Murdoch
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When Scots cease thinking like Brits and more like Europeans we will have taken a hammer to the system. We were Europeans before we were British. We need to ‘reculer pour mieux sauter’. But then my take on the Scottish independence issue is far from ‘orthodox’.
Robert J. Sutherland at 3.13
Sevvy was never a proper journalist. He previously wrote for the Scotsman.
He still owes me £15 for the cheque he bounced on me for staying at my hotel when he came down to something about Polaris debris in the Holy Loch and why the Loch was needing cleaned. I sent the bounced cheque to the Scotsman and they kindly sent it back to me.
I still have it.
On Ruth Davidson being a draw for the younger voters and Tory popularity in Scotland.
13% went for Tory at the GE election and a polled showed 10% would be Tory in the SGE. Then the latest YouGov and Survation polls for Scotland she Tories in 3rd place.
Dave McEwan Hill @ 16:29,
The Scotsman used to be a half-decent paper once, didn’t it? =grin=
Pity I didn’t know that story before. At one of the recent-ish electoral counts he happened to arrive in the refreshment queue right after me, and I had to resist a strong temptation to make some cutting remark about his various misrepresentations, but had I known your tale at the time I fear I would have been unable to resist asking him in a very loud voice when he intended to pay DMH’s long-overdue hotel bill! =laugh=
Ach, but maybe as a poor journalist he was living off food banks at the time. All the fault of the SNP, of course. As we know.
Funny USA Orange Hitler satire anyone? If one thing sets BBC gimp network apart from US tv, apart from beeb gimps telling planet Earth the BBC is the greatest broadcaster ever, its that beeb gimps do not dare satirise Teresa, or any of the toryboy’s at all.
And then you can apply beeb gimp no tory satire ban to Teresa’s special relationship with Orange Hitler too. BBC r4 tory creeps have certainly being doing sterling work selling Orange Hitler as a real stand up dude and a UKOK best friend too.
It is ofcourse not because Pres Trump is going to be Project Fearing it like a maniac for teamGB, indy ref2.
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Orange Hitler also stalked Grumpy tv’s Selina Scott, older WoS readers might recall.
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Robert J Sutherland @ 3.13
Agree with you. When I read the piece it was almost a ‘painting by numbers’ bit of journalistic hackery. Number 1 – mention losses at GE. Number 2 – mention apparent division, illustrate with quote, real or imagined. Number 3 mention husband of NS etc etc.
Job done and piece becomes click bait central – last time I looked there were over 2,000 responses.
@David Caledonia says: 7 October, 2017 at 9:07 am:
“I am a card carrying member of the SNP,
Aye! So am I.
” i have never voted for a London government in my life, and i was born 65 years ago”
I’ve voted for people to be members of a London based Government but my votes were always for an SNP candidate and I was born over 80 years ago.
“I want out of the european union as its called, but we all know its just a larger political union and has been for years, in its present form it does not work, its undemocratic”
Your claim it is undemocratic is utter claptrap and you offer no evidence to back up your claim. Each country, including Scotland elects MEPs – Here’s a clip of one such Scottish MEP getting an almost unheard of standing ovation in the EU debating chamber:-
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Everyone in that chamber is an elected MEP, (There are translators and Civil Service people there too but they do not vote or debate for they are employees).
” … its run by a few imbeciles who the people have never elected to the offices they hold,d “
That, and what follows it, is absolute crap and not a word of it is a true statement.
I can only assume you are confused between the EU, (European Union), and the EC, (European Commission).
The clue is in the two titles The EC people are commissioned, they are thus paid employees who make no decisions and have no votes on anything. They are, in fact the EU’s Civil Servants.
The EU is a parliament which is not only completely democratically elected but is, furthermore, also run by consensus.
Consensus means that every individual member state, (including the UK), has the power to veto any EU decision.
In other words every member state must agree to every EU decisions. For if they do not agree they have automatically used their veto and no matter what the decision was about it cannot be implemented.
The rest of what you claim is sheer and utter claptrap. It just isn’t so.
However I reproduce it below and perhaps someone else might be able to make sense of it:-
” … and now these same people think they can dictate to all member states and threaten them if they don’t go along with their orders, remember these people where not elected by us, we had no say about them, you can elect your MP, but you cannot stop these people from ruling you, they are put into power by their own kind to keep them all on the gravy train and keep the rest of us down, lets get rid of them and start again and get back to a common market without political powers, remember a union is supposed to be about equality for every member, no union will survive when most of its members are dictated to by the few, even the russians came to learn that valuable lesson, and russia is better for it!”
Except for this remark:- The main reason for the EU was to end the never ending wars that had beset the main central and Northern European nations from the dawn of time. Thus the EU has worked very well and the only European wars since the end of WWII have involved either Russia itself, the USSR or the former USSR territories.
My gut feeling is after a dead cat bounce Ruth Davidson as potential PM would be great news for Scottish independence. She is liked down south, loyal to the cause, photo opportunistic, is relatively young, has made a good impression on HIGNFY.
However once the spotlight is on her a lot of things would be exposed by an English media in contrast to the easy ride she gets from a compliant Scots media. If the English media exposed her for what she is, then that would discredit her and the Scots Tories who have promoted the cult of their glorious leader.
heedtracker @ 16:57,
I found it richly ironic that on the R4 news this lunchtime there was some Belfast union rep right in the very heart of DUP territory bleating about Bombardier being threatened by Boeing and calling on the EU to “do something” about it! (Since obviously no-one else could.)
Though the BBC were kind enough to also point out that Boeing were planning to employ several thousands of people in England. No conflict of interest with the unions there then.
The Brexit hypocrisy rises to stratospheric levels when you mix Corbyn’s paymasters with the DUP. A toxic cocktail indeed.
But just a teensy foretaste of how we in Scotland are going to be royally stuffed if we are stupid enough to stick with the Brexitannian Empire.
No way does TRuthless want to be in power as the PM at the very point where Scotland is going to be shafted royally by Brexit.
Don’t forget she even said recently if there was another ref on Brexit she would support Remain.
No way the tories could retain their deal with Arlene and co if tRuthless is in power.
Carrell attends the Conferences. Sure it takes much patience from holding back from giving them a telling out, but they would just make propaganda with it. They hang about huddled together keeping out of the way with sneers on their face. They are not happy at the tremendous atmosphere. That gets them back. They despise people. The don’t believe ordinary people can join together to make their world better. Cynical and out of touch.
Someone once had an exchange of views with a FT journalist in the street. A bit of a one sided rant really. In the nicest possible way. From the Clearances to Thatcher onwards. Until Devolution bring improvement. An Oxbridge numpty. Ever so nice (but dim?) sometimes on the BBC. He agreed Scotland got a bad deal but never types that. Murdoch pays the tune.
Peter Murrel arranges the chairs and make sure everyone gets a seat in the pack out halls. Doing all to help. So down to earth. It is really impressive. No grandeur or airs and graces. They are so down to earth. The elected Reps just mingle and speak with everyone. Alex Salmond is a favourite. Many want to talk with him. If he is not there many are disappointed. Nicola is so popular. It is amazing. Everyone just joins together. It is really interesting with much to do. Various talks with many groups.
Prof Michael Keating – Aberdeen Uni advises the Scottish Gov on Independence. Sees the benefits of self governance. (YES?) Has studied the Catalonia situation. Printed books in Catalan.
It must have been difficult to vote for an SNP candidate consistently over the last 65 years. During that time there were more than often no candidates standing for which to vote. Unionist propaganda and total subsidy lies. M15 and the Official Secrets Act saw to that.
Memory lapse?
Just switched on the TV to watch Reporting Scotland but seemed to be Tory aka Ruth Davidson Party political broadcast. One reporter said the Tories are enjoying a resurgence in Scotland and it is all down to Ruth Davidson.
Obviously not seen the polls or have seen them but hoping we have not.
I love your style and I’m probably the last you would expect to haul anyone up for their form of expression, BUT. Sorry to get all PC but I think “Orange Hitler” is perhaps a bit crass and insensitive to history.
Gonnae no do that?
@Street Andrew says: 7 October, 2017 at 9:49 am:
” … I agree with much of this, but take issue with ‘imbeciles’. I think the word you are looking for is ‘megalomaniacs’.”
I really do not want to be unkind, Street Andrew, but David is a seriously mixed up person. He quite obviously has confused the EU, which is a democratically elected parliament that furthermore operates by consensus. i.e. any member state can veto any EU parliament motion and kill it stone dead.
David seems to be under the impression that unelected people make EU decisions and force their views upon EU citizens.
The people who carry out EU decisions are from the EC, (European Commission). They are paid employees doing WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO DO by the democratically elected European Parliament.
I assume David means such as José Manuel Durão Barroso. Who was the President of the EC, (not the EU). He was a Portuguese politician although many people, such as Daily Record readers, seem to think he was Spanish. I think that was because the Daily Wrecker, kept quoting him, (wrongly), as saying Spain would veto a Scottish request for an EU Membership.
It has been a form of Westminster anti-Europe propaganda, since before there was an EU, to deliberately confuse the voters about the EU and the EC. If you went by such propaganda you would think the EU was an unelected dictatorship that ruled with an iron fist.
It is not only a democratic parliament but runs by consensus and cannot compel member states.
Which is why, in spite of the Westminster claims that an independent Scotland within the EU would have to adopt the Euro is demonstrably utter pish.
How could that be true when there are nine EU states that do not use the Euro – Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.
What is more Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and The Vatican City have formal agreements with the EU to use the euro as their official currency and issue their own coins.
Kosovo and Montenegro have adopted the euro unilaterally, but these countries do not officially form part of the eurozone and do not have representation in the European Central Bank (ECB) or in the Eurogroup.
The truth is that the Euro is just another internationally tradable currency. That is it is a commodity bought and sold on the open market.
May and Trump both will be gone within two years. Other multimillionaires will have their hand in the till. Enough is never enough for these greedy low life’s. They have troughed on public money for years.
Legerwood @ 17:42,
Oh, I though RepScot had switched support to BritLab as their main challenger to the SNP – they “won” the UKGE, after all, didn’t they? =grin= But after the Sarwar/Leonard ferret sack fight maybe the BBC’s wee northern outpost has reverted to Rude Gal as its Great White Hope.
It’s getting exhausting now trying to follow all its pathetic wind-vaning.
O/T I don’t know if Wingers have seen this letter from a victim to a Spanish policeman who engaged in violence last week and to the King of Spain
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Murdoch sacked Johnstone from telling lies was not best pleased. The biggest liar in the world sacks someone for telling liars? There could have been a reconciliation. For more crookery. There is not honour among thieves. (Johnstone’s Wikipedia). Many can’t see Johnstone as PM because of the skeletons in the cover. The Press would have a field day. He wouldn’t last long. Could be out on his ear permanently.
@ScottieDog says: 7 October, 2017 at 9:55 am:
@David Caledonia
Dear God! How many loonies are there on Wings?
That rant by David Caledonia is the biggest load of total pish posted to Wings in years. There isn’t a word of truth in the entire diatribe.
Whether motivated by ignorance or mendacity is neither here nor there. Pish is pish and that was total pish.
The truth is that the EU is a 100% democratically elected Parliament, That it also gives every member state a turn at holding the EU Presidency and every member state has a veto on all EU Parliamentary decisions. You cannot get more democratic than that,
Furthermore David not only claims these people are unelected but that they force EU decisions upon member states and citizens.
First of all the Non-elected people are NOT EU members they are EU employees – that is why they call then Commissioners – they get paid as employees.
As to the use of force – The Westminster lie machine, while claiming that the EU forces member states to use the Euro fails to mention that the UK, a founder member, and eight other member states DO NOT USE THE EURO because the EU cannot force them to do so.
There are also several non-EU states that use the Euro with the EU’s permission and several that do so without the EU’s permission. Quite simply the EU works by consensus and not by force.
No wonder Scotland cannot get her independence when there are so many bloody fools with totally idiotic beliefs.
@Richardinho says: 7 October, 2017 at 9:59 am:
“I feel that Theresa probably wants to keep away from hooks.”
Aye! Richardinho, but does she want to also keep away from crooks and comic singers?
Robert Peffers @18:17
Is this true, that in the week of the SNP conference, there will be no SNP guest on the Andrew Marr Show?
see here
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Ffs Chris, on first thoughts I thought that was Rikki Fulton!
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(see that bit at the start where he’s on the piano)
That was him that burped, it wasnae me.
This is lovely waahtur.
Mibbies a wee ½.
What do we make of this?
ScotParl voting intention (list):
SNP: 35% (-7)
LAB: 24% (+5)
CON: 23% (-)
GRN: 6% (-1)
LDEM: 6% (+1)
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BBC scum dont speak for Scotland, Never will speak for Scotland,And never have spoke for Scotland. Dont pay their tax.
The shoogly peg…
What was her hook held up with before it came ‘aff the wa’?
Sticky-back-plastic per chance?
Nae holes, she was never pegged to the board in the first place.
I. N. D. E. P. E. N. D. E. N. C. E.
@ Andy-B 7:31 pm
I think its a result of people still thinking the List vote is a second choice. Way back at the start of the Scottish Parliament I remember the message being that the constituency vote was for choosing your MSP, and the ‘list’ vote was for choosing the GOVERNMENT you wanted.
That message seems to have been lost, and the BBC/Unionist parties probably want it to remain lost. Public information adverts are needed.
I see it is the usual Pravda crap from the BBC. The other parties get sole focus for their conferences but Marr has Davidson and Torrance on to counterbalance the SNP conference coverage. Did he have Corbyn on when May was on? Was May on when Corbyn was on?
Hit the off button folks the BBC are not worth a candle.
@Croompenstein (4.24) –
You know what would me cope much better with my impatience with the SNP?
Just one, public, categoric and unequivocal pledge that the SNP is doing everything it can to keep Scotland in the EU.
Not EFTA, not the Customs Union, not just access to the Single Market, I mean the two letter “E” and “U”. Not rubber band membership where we bounce out and bounce in again on an EFTA magic carpet, but proper EU citizenship where I get to keep my European Passport, and the Saltire joins all those other flags outside EU facilities.
See I have this very dark thought growing larger in my head that all this procrastination about a referendum has nothing to do with the polls moving, has nothing to do with the Brexit deal which we could pretty much write for ourselves right now, but it COULD be a cynical attempt by Brexiteers in SNP clothing, playing games and running interference to delay any decisive constitutional action until Brexit for Scotland is inescapable, capitulate to the Brexit deal which they have secretly always wanted, but cunningly put all the blame for it happening onto Westminster, and laugh up their sleeve at all the Europhiles, EU citizens, Foreign Nationals who have been hoodwinked into believing Scotland’s defence against Brexit was fought on a pro-EU ticket which made the Union untenable and Independence inevitable.
Because if that is the case, and the SNP is setting up Scotland’s Remain voters to go down with SS Great Britain but survive last minute by jumping into an EFTA lifeboat, then I promise, as a committed EU citizen I will do my best to make that betrayal blow up in both of your faces.
The SNP has a SOVEREIGN MANDATE from the Scottish Electorate to Remain in the EU, and I want to see a commitment from the SNP that staying in the EU is their primary Brexit priority.
It has NO sovereign mandate to abdicate sovereignty, nor arbitrarily compensate the grievous loss of EU citizenship with some ersatz deal with EFTA.
Don’t waste you breath and my time with Barusso type platitudes that the EU has said we need to reapply, or join the queue which EFTA can magically shorten… The EU after the Brexit vote said a great deal about the UK and a great deal about Scotland.
They said if Scotland wanted to remain in Europe our wishes should be respected, and a holding pen status could be devised to make safe our EU membership while we dealt with our constitutional readjustment to sovereign independence. When Alyn Smith got his standing ovation it was for NOT abandoning Europe. It was not for rolling over with Westminster, capitulating to Brexit, and cutting a deal with Norway.
Now I know, that to some extent Verhofstadt and Juncker were both shooting from the hip after Brexit, but that same shooting from the hip has proven to be remarkably accurate and prescient in virtually every aspect of Westminster’s Brexit, from the divorce bill that the UK needs to settle, from the collective negotiations through Michel Barnier, through illegality of unilateral trade deals, – the whole Brexit deal it has taken Westminster two years to figure out was right there, in those preliminary comments from Guy Verhofstadt and Jean Claude Juncker.
I will take a lot of persuading that I misunderstood that when they made reference to a holding pen status for Scotland, they were discussing Scotland’s EU membership held in stasis until Scotland addressed the constitutional finalities of our freshly emancipated sovereignty.
I am quite clear in my recollections that downgrading Scotland’s EU membership to mere access to the Single Market was an unforced concession from the SNP, which threw me at the time, when it seemed quite obvious to me that Scotland exercising its constitutional sovereignty to remain in the EU was the all conquering lever which would prize the damned Union apart and set Scotland free. We wouldn’t even need another referendum because the Brexit majority was more than adequate for our requisite expression of sovereignty..
So you better come clean SNP. Are you genuinely fighting for Scotland to remain in the EU? Or are you stringing us Remain Yessers and EU Nationals along with promises of EU bargains, when the reality is you plan to sell us out, roll over with Brexiteers, shed some crocodile tears and try to sell us on an EFTA booby prize, while you stand back and blame Westminster for making it all happen?
Come on all you SNP conference goers. I want somebody to say the right things to me.
Breeds , don’t know where you get the idea that EFTA is the booby prize, so your happy that we may have WTO rules with our biggest market whereas if we are in EFTA that is not necessary the case!
Thoughts Wingers?
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Ok ok I fucking got it Man crashes car in westminster st It’s not a terrorist incident ( they knew that within hours why the fuck are News Broadcasters still rabbiting on about it .
Woman climb’s buckingham palace gates Its not a Terrorist Incident.
Slow news day eh.
The BBC is still London Centric. Saw good letter in local paper which pointed out that in Scotland all three opposition parties are given plenty of airtime to regularly attack the SNP yet in UK wide political coverage on BBC or ITV or Sky news bulletins the SNP is rarely given an opportunity to comment on Tory or Labour Westminster announcements.
Thursday’s BBC Question Time programme, which is the most influential political TV programme, was just the latest example where a Tory supporting panellist was allowed to attack the SNP / Scottish government without the right of reply. As the third largest party in the House of Commons, and second largest in the UK in terms of membership, the SNP should be given a weekly representative out of the five panellists on Question Time.
Also, the BBC and Sky newspaper reviews quote the right-wing Tory press ad nauseam, which allows them to set the political agenda, but never the papers or online outlets that support independence.
That why broadcasting should be devolved.
It’s time the SNP seriously challenged the BBC / Sky on these issues if they want fair coverage.
Ian Brotherhood
P.S. Ian, ya big sook. ?
Oops, the ? was meant to be a smiley.
Lack of originality and ineffective delivery. That’s exactly what the next campaign needs to avoid.
It’s the EEA that gives the freedom of movement, not the EU. Your EEA passport would be as valid as an EU one.
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Andy-B at 7.31
It’s the list intention. We are 17 points ahead on the FPTP. Those figures would give us 66 seats
The FPTP also shows Tories dropping.
Actually the problem with the list system is that many people think the list is for them to vote for their second choice which is not the object of it at all.
I wouldn’t use a list. I would gather Constituencies into groups and use total FPTP votes cast over them for the various parties to provide what is presently provided by the lists so the voters would only have to vote one.
Alternatively an agreement should be reached between the independence supporting parties (SNP,Greens, SSP, Labour for Indy) to agree a parcel of candidates on an SIC ticket which means that the overwhelming SNP vote wouldn’t have a lot of damaging effect on the list independence vote.
ben madigan at 8.20
That is exactly what she should be doing. The Labour vote in Scotland is hugely reliant on Scots/Irish vote in the Central belt and respect between Scotland and Ireland keeps them to our cause. They don’t like Union Jacks
@ronnie anderson
Yes, but the police evacuated all bars and restaurants in the ares just in case. Luckily for my boy and his girlfriend, down for a weekend in London, they stopped off first for a drink in Camden. Some of us have a personal interest in the news.
So that’s it?
If its not EFTA it’s the WTO?
And EEA Freedom of movement is the same thing as an EU Passport?
So what you’re telling me is the SNP isn’t doing a fucking thing to keep Scotland in the actual EU?
Perhaps we should conduct a poll of WoS contributors.
The question is: when considering the winning of Scotland’s independence, what are all the prior conditions that you personally are placing before you will guarantee your YES vote in a second indyref?
Let’s flush out all our own special, different conditionalities that must be accepted upfront in the proposition before it would be acceptable to individuals!!!
Let’s see how much of the ground available to us we can cover over with our personal ‘red lines’. Let’s see how much of the potential vote for Yes we can split in advance.
In efta we have access to single market and free movement of peole.
And just as important unlike in EU, efta countries are free to make their own trade deals with3rd party countries.
So should the uk be out of single market as looks likely we could offer them a free trade deal to protect our existing cross border trade.
“Can the EFTA Member States also sign bilateral free trade agreements?
Yes, the EFTA States are not obliged by the EFTA Convention to conclude preferential trade agreements as a group. They maintain the full right to enter into bilateral third-country arrangements.”
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To rule this out is short sighted, as the rev said in previous column the FIRST PRIORITY is independence, anything else can be sorted once we achieve independence. Contrast us arguing with catalonia.
Bickering just makes the goal further away and reminds me of judean peoplse front/ peoples front of judea argument in life of brian.
“So you better come clean SNP. Are you genuinely fighting for Scotland to remain in the EU? Or are you stringing us Remain Yessers and EU Nationals along with promises of EU bargains, when the reality is you plan to sell us out, roll over with Brexiteers, shed some crocodile tears and try to sell us on an EFTA booby prize, while you stand back and blame Westminster for making it all happen?”
Over and over and over again. Yawn, you really should change the record. I’d rather listen to Nicola Sturgeon than you when she says she want’s Scotland to remain in the EU.
I also believe she and her government are doing everything possible with what powers they have to try and achieve this. Who are you to demand the SNP “better come clean” and just why do you doubt her?
Lenny Hartley @ 20:18,
WTO is a straw man for an independent Scotland, since whatever happens, if we are free it won’t be that. For the UK maybe, but that’s the whole point of IR2, to have our own definitive choice beforehand.
EEA/EFTA is the booby prize compared to full EU status, since it strips us of all our voting rights as a full member, yet costs us near as much. Whatever else you care to believe, those are undeniable facts. EEA/EFTA may be one way to implement the promised temporary holding pen, but the SNP has never stood for any election on EEA/EFTA, only EU.
So Breeks is not unreasonable to want that electoral promise re-confirmed. Like him, I have always suspected this business originates from an underhand rearguard action by some in the SNP and elsewhere who were on the losing side in the EURef, and somehow can’t get over it.
Anyway, what genuine supporter of independence wants England to decide our future international status for us before we are able to do so properly for ourselves? Presumably only those who know they would lose again if we had another referendum after independence anyway.
I am pretty much demanding that there is a bit of paper with a box for me to tick Yes to independence against.
Does that count as a precondition?
That’s Regional
This is Constituency:
Constituency vote:
SNP 42%
Labour 25%
Conservatives 25%
Liberal Democrats 5%
@Breeks / @RJS
There’s undoubtedly some in the SNP doing an anti-EU thing, probably most of those who want Indy Ref 2 put off until after 2021 on the sneaky basis we’re out of the EU then, so they wn (and Indy possiblu loses completely).
But the EU decision isn’t made for sure yet, and can’t be made for sure yet, as we don’t know what the EU reaction will be to the ScotGov actually setting a date for IR2, which they can’t do until after the Brexit terms (or none) are agreed, which will probably be next September.
But having said that, the likes of Breeks – and yourself – making your voices known in a robust fashion is – needed – to keep the SNP on track.
Alex Clark @ 20:50,
It’s damn difficult ground to bat on. Nicola has to do her utmost at the moment to keep the (whole) UK within the single market, because it makes life a whole lot easier for an independent Scotland afterwards.
But from the outside, given the current “reset” on indyref2, it could look like something else. Comments from people promoting something very different from existing well-established SNP policy just add to the confusion. So it can’t do much harm occasionally to remind everyone what the actual overall plan still is.
It might even save us all a lot of argy-bargy over this issue that’s getting a bit trying for all concerned.
HandandShrimp @ 8:53 pm
You said: “I am pretty much demanding that there is a bit of paper with a box for me to tick Yes to independence against. Does that count as a precondition?”
Me too. Its the only ‘must-have’ on my agenda … until after the celebratory party!
You don’t fucking get it.
You have Scotland, the sovereign people of Scotland saying Scotland stays in Europe. You have the rest of the UK, who are not sovereign over Scotland, saying that Scotland will be removed from Europe against its will.
Scotland has a democratic, sovereign argument to remain in Europe, and the law is on our side, so International recognition WOULD follow, while Westminster has to blag Brexit without any mandate in Scotland, without any legitimate sovereignty to overrule us, and without electoral representation to govern us, and with no power to remove a sovereign Nation from Europe against its will. It is they who would destroy the Union, it wouldn’t even be us who carried the responsibility for it.
With douche bags for opposition in Holyrood and even bigger douche bags obstructing us in Westminster, we have the perfect, perhaps unique and even unrepeatable, combination of circumstances to legally and justifiably test the bogus Act of Union to its permanent and irremediable destruction, and WIN Scotland’s Sovereign Independence AND full EU Membership.
We stand on the brink of Scotland’s constitutional deliverance and sovereign emancipation, but then along come the SNP and squeaks “Oh never mind about Brexit, EFTA will be fine”.
… Face slap.
I need to find a brick wall somewhere and run as fast as I can right into it. And when I come round I’ll do it again. Maybe I’ll go to Catalonia and have a Spanish riot cop punch my head in. Maybe after a more slaps and head injuries I’ll be dumb enough to join the SNP.
Who’s going to break it to all those Yessers with EU stars on their flags and bumper stickers that the SNP has had a cunning brainwave? I could fucking weep.
EFTA/EEA is not a booby prize and a damn site better than nothing.
EFTA/EEA means:
1. EU nationals can remain in Scotland, free movement of people still applies which works both ways.
2. We would still be in the single market.
3. They may be some political/votes advantage to be gained in that Fisheries and agriculture would be under sole control on the Scottish government and not the EU.
4. Access would be easier we would be accepted very shortly after applying, we do not need the support of Spain. That is certain.
5. We would be free to decide our own terms with rUK so free trade with our “biggest partner” could continue unhindered.
6. It’s a lot cheaper, can’t put a sum on it but will be sure to look it up in future.
There is a downside.
We have no elected MEP’s and no say on making EU law decided in Brussels.
I’d be very satisfied with the “booby prize” compared to what it is I’m currently facing and that is zero by remaining with the UK.
Do we really need to be going this time after time?
I’d say there’s a strategy, but it’s foolish revealing the hand too early. But that doesn’t stop the SNP voicing its divisions on EU / EFTA / anything really, having noisy arguments about it, so the MSM can say “SNP divided”, and take their eyes off the overall ball. The tactics of misdirection, now you see it, now you don’t!
Meanwhile I sincerely hope Breeks wears a helmet!
@Ronnie Anderson –
Had a boss once, in the pub game. He was a ham-fisted scam artist and a humourless fud, a huge fan of The Rangers, did the whole funny-handshake routine with folk applying for a job (p/t bar work!) and really strained to disguise his dislike of foreigners (esp those of colour) because the business he was in charge of catered for many students.
Anyway, this dude very rarely enthused about anything, but I remember him getting all glassy-eyed and actually *smiling* when talking about London. So far as he was concerned, it was the actual *centre* of civilization. I’m not joking.
For people like him, a RTA in London is no mere RTA. It is a priori special, uniquely interesting and important just because it happened in the wonderful metropolis. He’s the sort who would’ve been glued to the telly today, cursing imaginary foes.
In 2005 I had good reason to believe a relative was in London on 7/7. There was a horrible period of silence before we got confirmation that the person was alright, so I sympathise with anyone who was concerned by the ‘news’, but otherwise? most of us, including Londoners, no longer pay much attention to the hysterical pish being blared out 24/7 by a MSM which is always keen to fan fear and panic.
It doesn’t have to be the ScotGov takes the sovereignty issue to court, it could be a Scottish version of Millar, with enough money or a crowdfund.
@Alex Clark
It’s not an easy one. Comparisons have been made with Norway, with a conclusion that though Norway pays less per capita than the UK, it’s “not that much”. But it totally misses the point that Norway is a volunatary contributor to some EU programs, it could just save the money by not taking part. Clearly they’ve decided there’s economic benefit to taking part, as well as making them “good guys”. Costs for EFTA are very small, it only has some silly figure like 96 employees, and a low but sufficient budget.
I would just like Independence in whatever wrapper it comes in EFTA AFTA OFTA Three bags full sir
I don’t need an ice pole and a bag of midget gems with it or I’m going in a huff, because once we get it that’ll be the time for phase two and another discussion that I’ll look forward to having because at the moment folk are arguing about something we don’t have and that’s the how long is a piece of string argument without the string
stewarth 8.44
The question is: when considering the winning of Scotland’s independence, what are all the prior conditions that you personally are placing before you will guarantee your YES vote in a second indyref?
What a right load of total numpties. According to some Wingers, the SNP isn’t doing this, the SNP isn’t doing that, The SNP isn’t doing anything at all.
Cobblers Awls! Everything the SNP does is done for independence and it always has been and it always will be until we are independent.
And who is it that keeps on telling us that, Wingers?
The Tories, Labour Party, LibDems, BBC, ITV, the MSM and Old Uncle Tom Cobley an’ all, an’ all, and Uncle Tom Cobley an’ all.
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RJS if we are members of the EU , its probable that trade with England and its dominions with be under WTO rules. That’s what I was saying, think about the coming Indyref2 , if we say that we are going to join the EU we will be told Spain will veto, we will have to join the Euro , the same lies again. as well it’s likely by then the Brexit deal will be known and we will be told we will lose tariff free access to the UK single market or whatever there calling it then. With EFTA none of these will stick and we still have control of fisheries.
I fully support a referendum during the first term of an Indy Parliament on whether to apply for full EU membership , but first we need to get Indy.
Thank you to those who cleared up my query.
@mike cassidy
Me too!
Had enough “whataboutery” to last me several lifetimes.
The corrupt Westminster political system will never be defeated
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I think Breeks @ 8.08 pm makes an undeniable point. The Scottish people voted to remain in the EU, and Scottish people are sovereign. It makes a mockery of that sovereignty for the Scottish parliament, or the Scottish government, to overturn that vote as if it – parliament or government – were sovereign, and not the people.
It doesn’t matter if that Scottish government or parliament like the vote or don’t like it, they are bound by it.
What makes it worse is that both the Scottish government and the vast majority of the parliament, including all the main Party leaders, across all the divisions, recommended to the Scottish people that they vote in favour of remaining in the EU. Because that was in Scotland’s best interests.
It is unbelievable how all of them – to a man, and a woman – reneged not only on that recommendation, but also on the outcome of the vote in Scotland. Suddenly, they all – to a man and a woman – decided that staying in the EU was no longer in Scotland’s best interests.
In that regard the only conclusion that can possibly be drawn is that if they were telling the truth before the Brexit referendum, they are telling lies now. Or vice-versa. Either way – and I am very sorry to say it – they are not to be trusted. Not because I don’t want to trust any of them, but because they have all made themselves incredible – un-believ-able – by their arbitrary changes of position.
They have all done so many back-flips that we, the people, do not know where the whole lot of them (these current politicians of ours) are coming from or going to, or what they are going to say next. No one can tell any more when or where the next U-turn is going to be,
Which means we don’t know any longer what road we are on, or which direction we are heading in.
What we do know is that none of them (this present crop of political leaders) genuinely believes in the sovereignty of the Scottish people. The people clearly voted for Scotland to remain in the EU, and the politicians who had recommended that outcome, turned round to the people and said ‘Stuff you! You’re not getting it!’ They did so to a man, and to a woman.
Lamentably, even the leader of the Party whose decades-long policy with regard to Scotland in Europe was wonderfully endorsed by the people’s vote effectively turned round and said that. The people had not given the Scottish government a mandate to compromise with what the Scottish people had voted for, but it was presumed that the government was entitled to do so.
Well, it isn’t.
Make no mistake about it, this is a constitutional crisis. The utterly paradoxical and truly terrible thing is that the totally undemocratic Westminster Tories are acting as if what they call ‘the British people’ (OK, maybe it’s a code word for the people of England, but that’s not the point) are sovereign in Britain. They keep saying ‘the people voted for it, therefore we have to do it.’ The will of the people trumps all!
Meanwhile, the Scots, who actually invented the doctrine of popular sovereignty back at the beginning of the 14th Century, are being told, even by their government at Holyrood, that their will doesn’t count. They are sovereign any longer. It is the government that is sovereign, and if it wants to compromise the people’s will, that is what it will do (and is doing, apparently, by its own admission).
So Westminster – actually, unbelievably, the Westminster Tory Party – is acting on Scottish principles (which no Westminster government, Tory or otherwise, has ever believe in). And the Scottish government – horror or horrors! – is acting on Westminster principles. For the Westminster principle is that ‘the Queen/ King in parliament is sovereign’.
Which means in practice that the parliament is sovereign, since the monarch is a formality who no longer counts. She simply acts as an automatic rubber stamp to whatever the Westminster government manages to get through its parliament. In the end, so long as it can control its parliamentarians (which it does very nicely, thank you), it is the government that is sovereign inside the parliament.
I am heartbroken to say it, believe me, but in regard to the EU referendum, to my great sadness the Scottish government has acted as if English, Westminster constitutional principles apply here.
They do not.
And we should not let them away with it. As I said, this is a constitutional crisis on a fundamental matter, and it is very worrying.
At one level, it seems our European citizenship is being taken away from us against our will. This is bad enough, because there are rights involved, and they are being taken off us against our will. At another level, still deeper and even more worrying, the basic premise of the Scottish Constitution – the sovereignty of the Scottish people – is being torn to shreds.
We cannot / must not allow ourselves to be ignored and made a fool of in that manner. The logic behind this even puts the result of an independence referendum in jeopardy. Even if we win the vote, the government of the day could turn round and say they are not bound by the result. Because the Scottish parliament can override the Scottish people, as is happening right now before our eyes.
Counter-arguments against Scotland remaining in the EU can be put up, of course. They may sound reasonable, even sensible, not least because they are invariably pragmatic. But there lies the problem: not one of these arguments is constitutional.
The point about having a constitution is that you have to stick by it. You can’t play fast and loose with it, as Westminster always has done. That is why Westminster has never wanted a written constitution, so that whoever is in power can tweak it any way they want, to suit their own interests.
That is something we do not want in an independent Scotland. One of the big reasons for independence is to get out of that mess, and live in a decent country built on a firm foundation, where people’s rights are defined and fully respected. At the moment, our membership of the EU is the only thing that gives us any guarantees in that regard. They may not be perfect, but at least they are there.
The Brexiteers felt threatened by these rights, and did not want to be controlled by them. Hence. ‘Take Back Control’. I don’t think we want anything of that kind in an independent Scotland.
I certainly want an independent Scotland, but I don’t want one in which a Scottish government can act as arbitrarily as Westminster can. I want proper constitutional governance, and that means exercising watchfulness over any creeping abuse of power. That includes holding a government – a Scottish government, any government – accountable to a properly set out anbd endorsed written constitution.
What is happening under our noses in regard to the outcome of the EU referendum in Scotland does not augur well for that. Again, it gives me no pleasure to say that, and I am reluctant to do so (not least because of the way those opposed to independence can twist such material to their own rotten advantage), but the truth must be said.
On this issue, which should have been straightforward, the Scottish government has not covered itself with glory.
Even pragmatically, I believe their failure to stick to the simplest and most basic of principles, has not served the cause well. If they stuck to what they recommended and what was their long-standing policy anyway, I believe we would have been well on the way to independence by now. But even that really does not matter, and is not the point,
Compared to the fundamental constitutional issue that the Scottish people are sovereign, and that the Scottish government must respect their sovereignty, it is nothing at all. And, in any case, merely a speculation.
It is the constitutional issue that is really important. Not just in regard to our EU membership, but also in regard to the whole of our future. We all want independence, and should unite unreservedly around that purpose. But we also have to think hard about what kind of Scotland we want our independent Scotland to be.
I look forward to a genuinely constitutional future.
And one that is genuinely international. I have no desire to become a ‘little Scotlander’. Nor do I want a ‘Take Back Control’ Scotland which sets itself up on the Westminster model. We have to shed the remains of our Britishness, with its inward-island mentality, and become real Scots again.
Scotland was always a European nation. Until 1707, at least. Becoming independent means becoming a modern nation, but it also means becoming once again, in a modern and forward-looking form, what we always were.
We are not England, far less a mini-version thereof. We have to become once again ourselves. That means dropping that pseudo-Englishness, which always held us back, and taking up once more our European destiny. With all the exciting challenges that offers us. And with our whole heart.
It also means getting rid of that little English veneer, which distorts our true face.
Westminster corruption is so well practiced and there is nothing Scotland can do to change it. Best to get out
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@Robert Peffers
You and I can argue over which colour of Kilts we’ll wear when we celebrate Independence
Although yours better be the same colour as mine or rows could ensue
“Should Scotland be an independent country?”
It’s a YES from me.
Yesterdays article on Wings makes a great deal of sense. Why is anyone arguing about something that is not in our control without Independence first?
We do not have the power to choose to stay in the EU no matter how sovereign the people are as some argue. One thing rules ALL the sovereign people of Scotland as stated by 55% to 45% in 2014 that they CHOOSE Westminster to use sovereignty on their behalf.
Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle of the UK constitution. It makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can create or end any law.
Generally, the courts cannot overrule its legislation and no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change. Parliamentary sovereignty is the most important part of the UK constitution.
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Get more than 50% of the electorate on our side and no one will ever dispute the “sovereignty of Scotland’s people” and then we will be Independent and still sovereign.
Re squabbling over what the SNP is/isn’t doing…
There must be many, like me, who don’t give much of a toss what the MSM says about NS/SNP generally, or this conference specifically.
I’m not a member, but remain one of those who supports NS because I believe she’s ‘for real’. Right now, she’s providing the closest to ‘calm leadership’ any party could wish for, possibly because she hasn’t backtracked on any of her statements post-Brexit referendum or GE.
She’ll deliver a great conference speech, as aye, but the point is that she doesn’t have to. So long as abody can hear Tories and SLabbers tearing off one another’s baws in the background, she can say pretty-much whatever she likes.
Oh aye, and it’d be just *perfect* if Scotland beat Slovenia tomorrow night, with conference watching.
@Wull –
Once again you nail it Wull.. excellent post
I am NOT a seperatist, I AM a democrat..
For those of you who’ve missed it, the Bonny Prince Poser vote:
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@ Ian Brotherhood Monday 5pm to 7pm George Sq Support Catalonia , i’ll be there.
BBC r4 10 o’clock went headline tonight with demo’s in Spain just now, all telling or asking Catalonia to stay Spanish. Its extremely creepy considering how exact same BBC reprobates have buried the Spanish police violence only last weekend.
@Ronnie Anderson –
Received and understood!
If I can do it, ye’ll see me.
SNP Manifesto,
(Everything else is just the wailing of hyenas in the dark)
Right to a Referendum,
We believe that independence offers the best future
for Scotland. However, Scotland will only become
independent when a majority of people in Scotland
choose that future in a democratic referendum – it will
not happen just because the SNP wants it to, or because
there is an SNP government.
At the same time if there is a clear demand for a
referendum no politician has the right to stand in the way
of the people of Scotland to choose their own future.
We believe that the Scottish Parliament should have the
right to hold another referendum if there is clear and
sustained evidence that independence has become the
preferred option of a majority of the Scottish people
– or if there is a significant and material change in the
circumstances that prevailed in 2014, such as Scotland
being taken out of the EU against our will.
In the next parliament, we will work hard to persuade
a majority of the Scottish people that being an
independent country is the best option for our country.
We will listen to the concerns of people who voted No in
2014 and seek to address them. The case we make will
be relevant to the complex world we live in today.
Here’s someone saying peak snp is yet to come – maybe.
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@Ben Madigan thanks for the link
Yup #scotref remains on the table.
@Breeks – nobody can judge our sovereignty, it’s not up for debate, real power cannot be given, it must be taken
Oh, and almost forgot to say, the bbc are unionist stakeholders.
That, ladies and gentlemen, is the “rule of law” in a nutshell and is fundamental to the respect of universal human rights.
@yesindyref2 says: 7 October, 2017 at 9:04 pm:
“But having said that, the likes of Breeks – and yourself – making your voices known in a robust fashion is – needed – to keep the SNP on.”
Utter pish!
No one needs to, “Keep the SNP on track”, as the entire unionist supporters keep telling us on the Westminster Propaganda machine:-
The SNP are all about independence and are thus not doing the day job.
The bloody unionists fake news knows better than the fake indy supporters.
There is far more SNP BAAD! pish on Wings these days than there is on the Westminster Propaganda machine.
That peg loosens even more. Reality Brexit is so far from what the Leave campaign promised there has got to be a ref2 for teamGB. But then if they can have one…
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Constitutions are not infallible, Spain for example has had several.
The law is not set in stone, it’s what politicians make it and in a democracy the people make the politicians.
The people are sovereign, regardless of what other institutions repeat loudly & often & hope you will buy into.
@Robert Peffers talks: “Utter pish!”
Indeed you do Robert, as always.
Good Nite all see’s you’s EEFA
Aye, but demanding that the SNP shows it’s hand, else it renages on a part of a manifesto is, not a strategy.
The SNP is playing blind in a game it did not want to play.
Because we’re not a nation-state we have no jokers to play, while Westminster has an infinite supply of stupidity.
Well said Breeks…the SNP knew that the high water mark of electoral politics Westminster style was reached when they got 56 mps. Those 56 were ignored and treated like shite during their tenure. The English media made sure they were relegated to an absurd sideshow. We amber light at that point for dissolving the Union was then glowing in the dark pit of the palace of Westminster.
The EU referendum result was the green light to pull the plug. The change in material circumstances that meant that Scotland’s sovereignty as an equal partner in the defunct and corrupt union should be asserted and protected, and the Union dissolved, based on breach of our sovereign and legal EU membership, with our very prosperity being threatened by English stupidity and arrogance.
During the inevitable and predictable decimation of the SNP during the GE, instead of fighting for our Independence, which to be honest was totally unnecessary, as we had the sovereign and democratic mandates in the EU REF, the Scottish Parl elections and the GE one already to assert it..the SNP took the unbelievable decision to fight on the basis of their record as a protest party at Westminster.
We lost half a million votes as the ‘YES’ voters could see the capitulation being played out in front of them. When was the last time any politician in the SNP has demanded the Act of Union be dissolved?, because it needs to happen and soon. We don’t need another bent referendum. We are not poor old Catalonia. We are democratically in favour of a supposed self governing party and we have voted to keep our EU membership.
I have lost patience with the SNP and the mealy mouthed apologists within it, who keep postponing the inevitable Brexit fuck up which will inevitably undermine our cause forever. ‘Loyal’ party members on here are entitled to see me and others such as Breeks as backbiters or worse…but I have allegiance to the cause of an Independent Scotland and will have no hesitation in leaving the SNP, and I know many others who will also, if they don’t start to talk about breaking the Union not trying to manage our fate like it was a branch party dispute.
@Lenny Hartley says: 7 October, 2017 at 9:54 pm:
” … if we say that we are going to join the EU we will be told Spain will veto, we will have to join the Euro , the same lies again.”
Oh! Please – Not that pish again, Lenny.
Tell you what – why don’t you go and find a verifiable instance of Spain actually saying they will veto any Scotland requests to either remain or become an EU member?
It is absolute rubbish. Why would the European Country with the largest fishing fleet in Europe effectively bar itself from fishing in Europe’s largest fishing grounds?
If either Scotland was still in the UK and the UK out of the EU or Scotland out of the UK and not in the EU then Scotland could, under the international law of the seas, prevent European states from fishing inside Scottish fishing grounds.
Spain relies heavily upon fishing. Here’s an interesting cite to a documentary evidence.
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“Constitutions are not infallible, Spain for example has had several.
The law is not set in stone, it’s what politicians make it and in a democracy the people make the politicians.
The people are sovereign, regardless of what other institutions repeat loudly & often & hope you will buy into.”
Inclined to agree, Jock. A “one and indivisible” Spain is Francoesque claptrap. A constitution must be open to amendment by democratic process: it can never be a straight-jacket set in stone.
As for Scotland, I believe our sovereignty is clear but it’s something we have to assert, not wait on the validation of another country which wishes us ill.
I’m hoping conference is bold and inspiring.
Rajoy rejects any possibility of mediation talks over Catalonia says BBC.
I see the wailing & gnashing of teeth around over the SG ditching the EU in favour of EFTA or somesuch in flagrant betrayal of sovereign this & mandated that etc.
The tail is wagging the dug here.
Item : the Prime directive of the SNP (apparently) is Independence, it’s what a 2nd referendum is to be hung on (apparently)
Item : a majority of the Scottish electorate wish to remain in the EU.
Now, the electorate who wish to remain in the EU are not neccessary all of the electorate who wish independence.
What was it? 64% for the EU & 45% for Independence. Something like that.
So unless the argument is now that the EU issue is above the independence issue and we need two referendums and or ‘Indie & EU’ Indie & No EU and any other combination like Pokey hats with monkey blood or without?
How does the SG square this? How do they seperate the EU issue from their Prime Directive. Because they govern for all of Scotland, no?
Well, they could argue with Westminster to ditch Brexit, to give Scotland a N.I type deal or in the name of the wee man, can we at least get EFTA?
See EU remainers (but not neccessarily independenistas) we’re trying hard, real hard and not a mention of indie!
But, Maybot says no. Sorry, we tried, you saw that.
Oh, by the way, we’re having a referendum on independence shortly, just if you’re interested. It’s maybe a way you can get some of that EU integration you want – no pressure, just sayin like…
Anyway, my tuppenceworth. Tail canny wag the dug.
@Jock McDonnell
The sovereign people of Scotland voted NO in 2014 and all we need to do is change that to a Yes. You’d some some would not like that to be the facts. Yet they are.
Talk of constitutions and sovereignty are meaningless without majority support of those that are claiming they have sovereignty. Let’s work towards getting a majority in support of Independence.
If the “people are sovereign” then they will make the decision whether Scotland becomes Independent or not. Really simple really.
Everything else is an irrelevance.
Dave Hill here again in excited anticipation. Did I see somewhere that the SNP was going to show the match tomorrow night on the big screen in the conference hall?
Ken 500 @ 9.53 am Well said =)
The EU ain’t perfect and I’m not happy with their response to their Catalan citizens to date (HUGE and restrained understatement!), but I do still have faith that the EU IS an organisation that the World needs and that has done and will still do ALOT of good (another understatement!)
‘TM has alot to reflect on,lives lost and ruined’
Mike d @ 8.22 am ‘Ghillie, tories don’t do reflections, they don’t have souls’ Mike, I live in hope. Miracles do happen
Street Andrew @ 9.34 am : Tories: vampires waltzing around a room of empty mirrors
THAT image fits!
If Holyrood was a FPTP the unionists would be wiped out. They used their corrupted systems to impose on Scotland. Totally undemocratically. The usual one rule for them another for everyone else’s. The unionist’s propaganda press never point that out. Or Davidson got in on a fluke. The Greens let her in. If people really support Independence they should go out and vote SNP/SNP. The best way to show support. They are the only Party who support it.
The Polls are not worth a fig, Manipulated and abused to try and influence the result. Depending who is paying. They have broken regulations and been censored many time, but keep repeating the same mistakes. They should be put in prison. What happen to the Tory (one) was charged for expenses fraud. They were all at it. £Millions of Illegal funding. Totally illegal.
Jock McDonnell
Constitutions that lack a respect for human right are indeed fallible – see Spain. That is why I support a written constitution for Scotland, that incorporates the “Right to Development” as a core tenant. This would help achieve a balance of negative and positive rights – “freedom from and freedom to”.
I don’t know it all and there are bound to be hidden pitfalls and niggles, but I don’t see iScotland having much of a problem shaping a more inclusive future than Westminster ever could. Or would ever want to.
@Dave McEwan Hill
Yes, I think it was a tweet from Peter Murrell along the lines of “Oh wait, we have a big screen”.
Good luck tomorrow, enjoy, finding out the mood around the conference would be very interesting. Listening is good, I think.
Peffers read my post again , I did not say that Spain will veto, I said the that they , the MSM, project fear et al will say that.
@North chiel says: 7 October, 2017 at 11:42 pm:
“Rajoy rejects any possibility of mediation talks over Catalonia says BBC.”
Yes, North Chiel, and Rajoy & the Spanish monarchy hard line/strong arm tactics are the very best tool in the Catalonian independence weapons magazine.
The violent reactions cannot be ignored by the EU, EEC, UN or indeed any World democracy worthy of the name. They may attempt to turn blind eyes but those violent scenes will never be expunged. The one of the beautiful brave lady with blood running down her face on the Rev Stu’s article will live in my mind forever.
The letter from the lady whose daughter was dragged away by her hair is an example of the resolve of Catalans. Such resolve could only be defeated if Spain were to wipe the whole of Catalonia out and they would be even more foolish to so attempt.
Basically, and diplomacy within the EU may do so quietly, neither the EU or UN, and more so the Council of Europe, could come out of this unscarred by doing nothing.
I have lost patience with the SNP and the mealy mouthed apologists within it,
Just stick to diletante prick spotting dude. SNP have brought Scotland so close to nation statehood, and yet all wet farts like you do is, well you know the rest.
Where’s that delight Rock tonight too:D
Iain mhor @ 11.42 pm
BRILLIANT comment !
You, very wittily, voiced my thoughts and understanding of how the SNP are, stage by stage, tackling the situation Scotland finds itself in.
AND are persistantly moving us closer to Independence.
The political situation right now is like shifting sands and there are so many players involved, each with the ability to change that scenario again and again.
History will record the awesome dexterity of the SNP Government in negotiating this incredibly volitile political scene going on just now. AND that the SNP governed Scotland so well in the midst of it all.
Dave McEwan Hill, have a wonderful time at Conference! Like your plans, good luck
So, in the SH we’re getting some early signs of what this conference is about, as it said on the in months ago – Brexit. Headline: “Sturgeon vows Scotland will pay to let EU citizens stay after Brexit” (£72.50 for a special ID card), and this quote from Sturgeon (which is just a repeat of what she’s always said):
“Brexit against our will is a clear illustration of what can happen to a country that does not control its own affairs. And that looming threat is why I believe that Scotland should have a choice on its future once the terms of the Brexit deal are clear.“.
That could soothe a few fevered brows.
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@Lenny Hartley says: 7 October, 2017 at 11:55 pm:
“Peffers read my post again , I did not say that Spain will veto, I said the that they , the MSM, project fear et al will say that.”
Hartley, – I have no need to read your post again – I, as usual, got it right the first time of reading. The point was there is no need to give such lies the oxygen of repetition, after repetition after repetition.
Either you are fooled by the Westminster brainwashing or you are not. My reading of Wings certainly shows me that there are those here who most certainly have been brain washed and who keep returning to the same lies and themes – the point is – why are they doing so?
Over the past months there has been an ever increasing SNP BAAD! theme from certain commenters who all make claims of supporting independence.
The aspersions being cast are that the SNP are reneging on independence. Nothing could be further from the truth – even the unionist are absolutely sure of the fact that the SNP have one cardinal raison d’être INDEPENDENCE, we live it and we breath it and we always have.
It would be a fatal mistake to hold a referendum before the time is right. Nicola Sturgeon, (in fact she is in no way a one woman band – there are teams of advisors covering every field including those of legal, sovereignty and politics.
You didn’t actually think the FM did it all by herself did you?
Let me put it this way for you – should I trust the political party that has brought us this far – or should I believe the negativity of commenters on Wings?
@yesindyref2 says: 8 October, 2017 at 12:22 am:
“That could soothe a few fevered brows.”
Why would it, yesindyref2? It is almost exactly what the SG and SNP have been saying all along.
Bar the wee bit about paying for EU citizens – which, in itself is being explained here badly. We are, until after a UKexit all EU Citizens. The really hilarious bit is that if Westminster takes us out of the EU those, “White Settlers”, from the Kingdom of England countries will not then be EU citizens and thus not need paid for.
@Clootie says: 8 October, 2017 at 12:27 am:
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Yon’s a richt belter, frae Ronnie/Ninja.
Abilns it wullna mak it tae the meja’s tap twinty, but.
Westmidden wull see tae that.
Peffers @ 12:29
Utter Pish
@Robert Peffers: “It is almost exactly what the SG and SNP have been saying all along.”
which is almost exactly what I said, I quote myself in the posting you replied to:
“(which is just a repeat of what she’s always said)”
Didn’t you understand that bit?
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No comment needed.
@yesindyref2 says: 8 October, 2017 at 12:59 am:
“Didn’t you understand that bit?”
Oh! Aye! Of course I did.
What I didn’t get was how people on Wings, and there are lots of them, who have been slagging off the SNP for months can now very suddenly change there tune on, “that bit”.
For any not certain what the “Sturgeon vows Scotland will pay to let EU citizens stay after Brexit” is about, I think it’s this though I stand to be corrected:
“36. We recognise the cost of the new scheme will be important for EU nationals. The UK intends to set fees at a reasonable level. We will publish further details in due course.”
link to
Y’know there’s a real enemy out there and there’s a caricature of one at the top of this thread. In reality she’s not really funny and neither are those she directs.
Maybe worth thinking about.
The only divisive nationalism I’ve experienced in my entire life has been at the hands of Westminster government and unionist establishment orthodoxy. They ARE the dark face of nationalism.
Elitist, patronising, arrogant, ignorant, isolationist and intolerant. The ideology of me myself and I. Their idea of perfection? New and more interesting ways of selling the idea that the politics of self is somehow acceptable to the public. That greed is good. That poverty, want, disability is somehow a personal choice and that its ok to exploit and alienate those who experience same. No, I feel no unity with the Tory idea of ‘Britishness and belonging’.
Just to be perfectly clear. I will never ‘belong’ in that union and mainly because I care. Anyone who cares about the less fortunate and the ‘other’ in our society doesn’t belong in a Tory Britain. A Tory’s idea of a ‘United’ Kingdom.
The Tories and their unionist support are the darkest of nationalist movements. Their tools of choice are public manipulation via intimidation, fear, division and violence. Their aims purely self serving and disregarding of the many (their disposable assets).
This really shouldn’t be a difficult choice for anyone with a shred of conscience or humanity. All that is required, is that good people do nothing.
Personally, I’m not big on doing nothing. I’ve been unemployed. I’ve cleaned human shit from toilet walls, dug ditches, cleared scrub land, tended bar, worked in kitchens, minded doors, re-educated myself and then took a different road. I’ve never been comfortably off. Never had a new motor, owned a home or clothed myself from posh stores. Never had posh hols (or in fact many hols at all) and I’ll never walk by a bod in need. I reckon I’ve been lucky… so far. (heh)
There’s always, ALWAYS, someone worse off than you. Your Tory and Tory lites don’t give a shit.
Who’s the bad guy?
@ Robert at 12:29am …… “Ever increasing SNP Baad theme from certain commentators…..”
Spot on Robert and it’s now becoming increasingly clear who they are and what they’re up to.
Constant debate about sovereignty, EU / EFTA is getting us nowhere. The focus should be on actually getting our Independence, not confusing the matter by jumping the EU / EFTA gun. Not attempting to sow the seeds of doubt about Nicola Sturgeon / the SNP. Nicola Sturgeon has repeated constantly that when the Brexit situation is made clear, and if not favourable to the Scots, they will get the opportunity to decide their own future, that is to remain with the Brexiting rUK or bail out. I don’t know about anyone else on here, but I haven’t heard her state otherwise recently.
The sovereignty issue will be resolved when we get our Independence. We’ll get our Independence via the SNP and no one else. Running the SNP down on here means that our chances of getting our Independence are weakened / lessened and don’t THEY know it.
Before this last GE there was one and only one Scottish Conservative MP, and he has held as a result, UK Governmental office. Michael Moore was strong enough to resist that and keep his principles, same can’t be said about his successor, and enough said about the current holder.
But that leaves 12 Conservative MPs from Scotland, used to our values, and thrust into London, not as tourists, but as part of the UK Parliament.
I wonder if they’ll spend all their time in the bars, restaurants and wine bars around Westminster, or will they venture into other areas of London on a looksee visit to see the poverty and deprivation that exists in parts of the richest part of the UK?
They’re the ones on trial, all 12 of them.
Michael Moore was of course a LibDem as is Carmichael, didn’t make that clear.
Standing ovation for Wull at 10:02.
I don’t recall any BTL comment on Wings being as important, or indeed eloquent, as what Wull has just said.
Alex Clark says:
7 October, 2017 at 11:43 pm
“Talk of constitutions and sovereignty are meaningless without majority support of those that are claiming they have sovereignty…”
You are utterly, utterly wrong. The principle of Scotland’s sovereign constitution is bigger and more permanent than any of us, irrespective of whether we find ourselves in a majority or minority in believing it.
Read what Wull said at 10:02, read it again, and keep reading it until the penny drops.
There is nothing wrong with being wrong folks. It’s how we learn to be right. Stop falling out with each other and keep your eyes on the prize.
That is all
You’re totally wrong about that your Riccartonness!
Ha ha ha
Ofc I am.
That’s why you see me arguing the toss day and night just to prove a point.
Oh wait – you don’t.
That’s you
Points are for pricks
Here’s a wee suggestion – a compulsory day of humour. Anyone who doesn’t have some bit of humous in their postings is a rat fink or something.
I try my best in Aff – Topic most days. I leave the highbrow stuff to you mad fkers.
Some mess yir ah making btw.
Couple of weekend The Guardian headlines, considering the endless SNP bad unionist propaganda by this crew alone, are any of them even remotely accurate or just another day for the morass of britnat professional tory liars?
Spanish prime minister refuses to rule out suspending Catalonia’s autonomy
Mariano Rajoy says he ‘would like the threat of an independence declaration to be withdrawn as quickly as possible’
Sturgeon urged to delay Scottish independence vote until 2020s
SNP leaders call on first minister to focus on Brexit and fighting austerity as party gathers for conference
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The EU’s Response to Catalonia was a Poor Show. Scotland Should Now Offer to Mediate
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Theresa May under pressure over ‘secret advice’ on halting Brexit
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How Brexit Could Force UK Farmers To Lower Standards To Compete With US Meat Market
Video here
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May signals possible demotion of Boris Johnson – report
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This is the state of EU trade with the world in 2017. Read about our trade agreements:
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What a hypocrite
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Petra @ 1.58 am
I agree, you have a very serious point there and I do find the persistant and repetitive running down of the SNP undermining in nature. Whether it is meant in good spirit or not is hard to tell.
ANYWAY the good news is that John Swinney, speaking ahead of his opening speech to the Conference has said that the SNP are the only party firmly focused on the priorities of the people of Scotland, protecting Scotland’s interests and ensuring Scotland’s voice is heard
And the Deputy First Minister says that the SNP will continue to make the strong case for Scotland to have in our own hands all the powers that we need to build an even better country for the future
Wish I could be there. Have a great time folks. You are shaping our future. Thank you =)
Whoo! Lots of good reading Nana! Thank you
Good morning Ghillie. I’m looking forward to the conference.
The SNP. Where would we be without them. That’s the question folks should be asking themselves. Imagine if we had Slab or Davidson in charge. Stuff of nightmares.
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One more link
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Wull at 1002pm,
Great comment. very well said.
Indeed Nana =)
Very interesting articles this morning, especialy from the LSE: SNP Peak yet to come. They got that right! Some of it I had to challenge though.
Looks like Teresa May’s peg just got a whole lot more shoogly if she’s been fibbing to the queen. Never liked her choice of footwear but am, as so many times before this, glad I’m not in her shoes!
Jings, lots more reading to do =)
Conference starting soon! Enjoy
Am I the only person who thinks that most of the TV advertising during the day is of dubious morality and suggestions of conning the gullible?
As one in my 8th decade living alone my TV is on permanently to combat silence and I am being driven to distraction by the non-stop advertising of assorted funeral plans and the glories of Equity Release which are obviously the latest rip-off schemes devised by the spivs in The City together with the ongoing PPI Consultancy cons.
Do those who keep plugging the funeral plans have no care for the effect that their ads have on old folk like myself who cannot be cheered up by being constantly reminded of their mortality.
I couldn’t believe it when I heard it but one of the Equity Release ads actually advises viewers to release equity in their houses to pay off their existing mortgages.
This continuing all day assault by the city con men carries on the fine tradition of previous dodgy money spinners such as:-
Debt Re-schedulers who actively recommended borrowing more.
The even more lucrative Pay Day Loans at interest rates in the thousands per cent.
The most ridiculous one was the great Gold Scam at which I couldn’t help smile at the sheer nerve of the perpetrators whereby they ran non-stop ads persuading mugs to sell their gold to them at criminally low prices, waited a couple of years then swamped us with ads trying to persuade the mugs to buy gold from them as an investment.
Is there no way that the advertising authorities can clamp down on schemes being advertised which perhaps are legal but are decidedly dodgy with little benefit to the mugs who fall for the ads?. – one only has to examine the sheer volume of such ads and the cost to see just who is benefitting and it is unlikely to be the mugs.
Gus 1940
Tune into the live stream of the Conference
Or stay here and chat amongst friends =)
Nana’s reading list will keep us all occupied for hours, and our brains super sharp !!
Actualy I’ve just realised, Nana’s reading list is the NEW SUNDAY PAPERS
Ahead of the conference First minister says
link to
Rowley ‘SNP have Scotland on the austerity conveyor belt. Cut the Councils budget £1.5Billion since 2011? Over 7 years. While Scotland budget has been cut by Westminster, in a union he supports 10% a year since 2010. When his Tory buddies can to power. now £3Billion a year. Over Taxed the Oil & Gas sector. Leading to the downturn. Taxed at 40% since Jan 2016 his Tory mates. Losing thousands of jobs. £4Billion+ a year (£28Billiin+ ) Trident £1Billiion wasted. To keep workers employed at Barrow on Furness. Paying £Billions a year on debt repayment. Not borrowed or spent in Scotland. £3Billion on tax evasion courtesy of his Tory mates. The list is endless. £20Billion+ a year lost to Scotland.
Aberdeen City Council. Labour Party (minority councillors 9still ruling the roost). Along with their two jobs Tory buddies. £1.2Billion in debt. Illegally sold the City on the Stock Marjet. Willy Young the biggest crook. Spent £200Million on a grotesque monstrosity. No wanted of absolutely no values. Causing further traffic chaos. unbelieviable. People avoid the town. Do not venture in. Built a white elephant Conference Centre. £300Million of public money. 10 minutes away from another ill used Conference centre. 5 mins away from a intended site of anew £50million Football Stadium that can be used as a Conference centre.
The damage Labour has down to the City and the area.Along with their Tory/LibDem buddies is immeasurable. An appalling disaster. Labour has wasted more the £1.5Billion in Aberdeen alone. Since 2011. Cut Education and essential service. Refused a Gift to pedestrianise the City. Vandalised an Art Gallery and Music Hall now beenshut for years. Wasting borrowed money like there is no tomorrow. In league with their Tory/unionists pals who they buy off with public money for support.
Minimum pricing voted through in 2012. Except by Labour. While the wee bleating heart liar give the attention seeking solo performance. It Gas taken five years how many extra people have died in Scotland. Unnecessary avoidable early deaths. Unionists kill people. Still up to four month (court decision) until the final judgement is finally made. The Tory whisky industry manipukatatir who evade tax. Major companies tax evade make vast profits and pay no tax at all.
Like every thing Labour do a complete and utter shambles. Corbyn will be no better. From one bunch of total incompetence to another. Since 1928 and before. Illegal wars,tax evadion and financial fraud. All above the Law. Blair and Brown should have been in jail. Gove defended Blair when folk tried to impeach him. A cable of crooks. Imagine the Trades Union leaders pulling the string. Once again another bunch of crook worth watching. Some don’t even defend their own members. Betraying them at every opportunity. They financed the illegal wars. Killing too many. Absolutely appalling. ‘Socialists’? Some of them don’t like foreigners. Bigoted and racist. The leaders can be found disobey their own rules, Manipulative. Hypocrites. The Press are scared to go after them. They have so much power.
The Sun is claim support for May in a (ridiculous rubbish – no regulation) Poll. She got 26% The highest % were the don’t knows on 29%.
What else can be said? The beginning of the end for the upholders of the Brenglish state.
Brexit has opened a chasm across the better at each others throats south of the Tweed.
Corbyn is a Westminster centrist with a red tag, that’s all. Same incorporating Union remains with londonisation power grab still intact.
May is just a centrist with a blue tag!
Either… Or, nae difference!
Ghillie @ 9.04am
Where is the SNP Conference “live stream”. Have looked on SNP website – can’t see anything
Forget that – just found it(I think):
link to
Marr not pushing Colonel Harrison, but she is still waffling and basically talking Jackie Baillie. The nervous laugh getting a good work out too. Proud of her team but no mention of racist, bigoted homophobic gypsy haters. Well done Marr, ya wee brown nosing yoon.
John Edgar says
Excellent. I like that.
Brengland too.
As Corbyn says, “the regions and nations of England” … he had in mind, of course, Brengland where all the Brenglish live, even the Welsh, Scottish and Irish ones.
Davidson blah, blah, blah says nothing. Think we have reached peak Tory only way is down for the anti-Scottish party.
Marr starting on Nicola already, she wafts him away with ease excellent stuff.
See a poll getting big coverage in the Sun showing poor SNP figures. Then saw it was commissioned by Scotland in the Union.
However some of the “conclusions” drawn over a range of questions makes a point. These are all questions about the “day job”issue in which the SNP gets continual unbalanced, dishonest media coverage. Which rather makes the point. This is not the battlefield we should be fighting on.It is their battlefield and they have all the troops.
Our battle field is “Yes. We can” and the opportunities in the new country we will build.
Well done Harry Shanks! Quick work!
I was going to direct you back to Nana’s link @ 7.23 am =)
mr Anas Sarwar says that under his leadership there would be no truck with independence
He’s starting to sound like a babu ie clerk in the imperial civil service. Like Davidson a redundant character left on stage as the curtain descends on the mega scam that was Ukania.
@Macart asks: 8 October, 2017 at 1:36 am:
“Who’s the bad guy?”
Brilliant post, Macart, it hits several big nails all with one whack.
Breeks, calm down, pal.
Wow, never seen Andrew Marr firing so many questions in quick succession at anyone. Ever. If that was Theresa May she’d have been given a far easier ride
Andrew Marr talks to failure Ruth Davidson and says We love you we love you come to England and we’ll love you more
Then he talks to Winner Nicola Sturgeon and says You’re a failure you’re a failure and nobody wants you anymore
Balanced and fair I thought!
Brilliant. The SNP have a. Brexit plan. They are supporting the public sectors workers/bodies paying any fees for them Great. Could they set up a fund to pay expenses for those who are stuck. When the posts are illegally changed by the liars in Westminster. It would be minimum but would sock it to the crooks in Westminster. Trying to destroy the Scottish economy. Everytime people are really worried about something. The SNP come up with an answer and put away the stress and anxiety. It is great the way they operated. They always come up with the goods. Minimum pricing, mitigating austerity, (universal credit payments have been mitigated etc.) They find a way around it in every way possible.
Remember the ‘three day week’ and the ‘winter of discontent’. Thanks to the trade union leaders and their Labour mates. People couldn’t even get buried. Rubbish everywhere. What a complete and utter shambles. Chaos everywhere. Corbyn was delighted. The rent and wages control. The only problem it didn’t work. A total farce. It turned into shambles. Everyone was harder up in inferior accommodation. Building a few houses might have helped. Not in Glasgow. They demolished the City. Instead of renovation some of it. Demolished communities. Torn up. Ideology. 50 years of lying Labour. Collecting votes by the shedload. To lie and destroy the economy while they troughed in luxury at Westminster.
Most of them (politicians) used public money to become the new slum landlords. ‘Invested’ in speculation and property. Two homes, a country pile and two jags. They were so conceited, arrogant, and self serving they couldn’t see what they had down wrong. So blinkered and self serving. Steal etc. ‘Make it a Castle’. Lofting it over everyone else. Self seeking psycho bastards.
Scotland experience toxic unnecassary (deliberately) imposed poverty. The equivalent of £Billions of revenues going down to Treasury to line London S/E. Even a small amount would have relieved the hardship, but no respite at all. In anyway shape or form. Just the totally destruction of the whole Scottish economy, by lying racists and bigots at Westminster who did not care a damn and acted totally illegally. Used MI5 and the Official Secrets Act to impose the unnecessary poverty.
Tony Benn left £5Million mostly gained from the public purse or unearned inheritance. He did pay £1Million? In inheritance tax. He did pay 20% (after expenses). Maybe gifted some away. After destroying the Scottish economy.
@yesindyref 5am
Wholeheartedly with you on that, too much negativity is bad for your health, if you don’t have a laugh then you’ll die miserable
Although there are one or two I’d be happy to see go painfully and horribly
See, humour is good!
@Macart (1.36) –
Hear hear.
@Petra says: 8 October, 2017 at 1:58 am:
” … Constant debate about sovereignty, EU / EFTA is getting us nowhere. The focus should be on actually getting our Independence, not confusing the matter by jumping the EU / EFTA gun.”
I, very unusually, had a long lie this morning having been unable to sleep until around 03:00 am. When I awoke I was still feeling sleepy so switched on the bedside alarm/radio.
The BBC Jockland Sunday crew were pushing hard the very same false mantras that the Wings Anti-SNP faction have been harping at for months.
Not until much later did the BBC Jockland news report what Nicola said on the Marr anti-Scottish programme this morning and what was it Nicola said?
Just exactly what you say, Petra, and I repeated below, ” … Nicola Sturgeon has repeated constantly that when the Brexit situation is made clear, and if not favourable to the Scots, they will get the opportunity to decide their own future, that is to remain with the Brexiting rUK or bail out.”
Then, of course, BBC Jockland continue to make big play of the Jim Sillers mantra the Wingers SNP BAAD brigade have been pushing to damage the cause of independence.
There is only one path to Scottish independence and that path is via the SNP and Scottish independence. As to matters such as sovereignty and whatever alliances for Scotland post-independence the salient point is exactly that – they follow independence they follow independence for we plainly are only exerting our legal sovereignty after we reclaim our independence.
Sovereignty is the prize re-gained by independence. It is not the path to regaining our independence.
SNP conference is on BBC Parliament from 2 until just after 4 pm if you can’t use alternatives like livestream. It’s also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
Of course Tory party Conference was on Parliament channel all day and on Sky and other BBC channels.
As you know, BBC is pure State Propaganda.
There’s nothing happening on the Livestream feed though they say it is from 10.00 am. anyone got a link to the Conference? BBC are only doing a broadcast after the event it seems – not that I would watch that anyway.
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Andrew Marr. (Don’t watch it – would not give it energy in anyway shape or form) Toxic.
Andrew Marrs reportedly say we love you Ruth come down here and save us!!! From the self made storm. Go down with the sinking ship. Get in with the DUP illegals. Racist, bigoted homophobic. Get in there Ruthie’ or words to that affect. Davidson seizing up the prospects. A nice new free apartment, an advance in salary. A total betrayal of any principles. ‘
What’s not to like’ Ruthie. A wee seat in the back benches. No policies. A good old booze up all day long. Hanger on with the ‘influential?’ chums. Influence totally exaggerated beyond importance. Jumped up little wouldbes Totally promoted beyond their capabilities. They have so few members. Who would join a unionist Party? No more standing up and asking ridiculous ‘Questions’ once a week. Will the girlfriend go for it? People wait for it with bated (thanks John) breathe. Or does anyone give a damn. Good luck, good riddance and goodbye. Another one hits the dust. Roll up Murdo Fraser another habitual liar. Racist and bigot.
Marr should maybe do a bit of genuine research and stop lying. She only got elected on a fluke. The Greens let her in.The old non impartial BBC. Groaning to a creak. No even worth a 10% of the £3.7Billion cost. Marr on his £1Million non declared salary of public money. Not responsible to the public, the viewer or representative. Such biased nonsense.
BREAKING NEWS! Sturgeon repeats what she has been saying for the last year.
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John edgar 9.22am,brenglish. I like that!
Robert Peffers, good start to the day =)
What you said
Marcart too. Heartfelt and true.
Been waiting since 10am, but nothing yet on Livestream!
@Dave-MacEwan-Hill,B reeks,Yesforindy2,Wull,Robert luis,
lets have a bit positivity today,there are enough `out there` trying to harm Nicola and the SNP,
Positive, meaning.
a desirable or constructive quality or attribute.
PS,and shorten the posts FFS.
Sorry for just responding to the EU v EFTA discussion yesterday. But the following may be relevant.
Enjoying the assumptions of EU v EFTA
So what IS the actual difference?
Let’s understand the current situation of being a full member of the EU
Being a full member of the EU, means access to the EU single market within a customs
So what does that mean? Well any goods manufactured or produced in one member state
Can be transported to another member state, without any due process, such as customs. In effect a company in Dundee can have their goods transported easily to Dusseldorf, in the same way it can transport to Dunstable.
Because of this, supply chain networks have been developed and grown so much, that the majority of industry in the UK base their production models on them. Components ca be transported within 24 hours within any part of Northern Europe.
This has also seen an explosion of air cargo movements by truck from and to air hubs in Europe (e.g. Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Brussels, Liege )
With the UK leaving the EU, without any deal, then all that will grind to a halt!
So what about EFTA?
Well the UK could join the likes of Norway, Iceland and Switzerland and be a EFTA member.
But this will also raise its own problems as the free flow of goods that we currently have will cease, as all goods will have to be processed through customs in the UK as well as the EU. Currently HMRC are struggling to cope with goods imported from outside the EU and are currently planning a replacement for the system that deals with declarations, but note the model they are basing the new system is based on the UK being in the EU!
An additional point to note is that EFTA includes origin rules. That means that only goods that are wholly produced or manufactured within the EU or EFTA member state will be allowed to have EFTA preferential rates of duty.
Currently if a company imports a component from outside the EU, the duty is paid once and the goods are deemed to be in free circulation within the EU.
This means that UK companies can distribute goods that include non EU components or goods made outside the EU , without any problem
But if the UK becomes part of EFTA, then any goods that include non EU components or are complete non EU goods will have to pay duty twice, once on import into the UK and again on entry into the EU.
As for being outside the EU and EFTA, which the right wing politicians think the UK should be then it falls back on to WTO regulations, which means full duty rates that the UK really does not have any control over – in short , a complete and utter nightmare!
@Nana says: 8 October, 2017 at 8:12 am:
” Imagine if we had Slab or Davidson in charge. Stuff of nightmares.”
I can think of worse, much worse, Nana.
What if the mantras of Sillers and that mob, that do not even have an MP or MSP to their name but seem to get lots of BBC gimpery, were to ever gain a foothold?
Time, perhaps for Sillers to give up his SNP card and join his actual fellow travellers way over there on the extreme left.
“One more link”
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And that one is a belter, Nana. It is exactly what I’ve been saying about the Council of Europe, EU and UN about their perceived silence since the Catalan situation boiled over.
All three organisations will see their own raison d’être end if they allow he Spanish government to follow through with their chosen suppression of democracy.
The Council of Europe, EU and UN will find themselves without a raison d’être. If they fail to uphold their own most basic principles then they have no reason to exist.
Did everyone clock the tweet on the Rev’s feed –
Alex Salmond is interested in being involved in buying “the Scotsman” from Johnston Press.
He thinks Scottish press needs more diversity.
Industry sources think that the circulation would slump even more if he was involved.
Aye, right!
Timing on hold until Brexit is clearer ! Now that is realpolitik.
Do shoot until you see the whites of their eyes. The mad charge of the Red and Blue Tory Brexiteers will lead to chaos. The EU has the final word and the signals pronounce doom for the Brenglish state.
We build up, hammer home the carnage about to bed all and show there is another way out of worse-together.
Let the Anglo-state kill itself from within. There is no external enemy to energise the masses in standing firm for Queen and Country!
The denouement begun by the end of empire is finally hitting the home counties so to speak. Dissolution from within.
Bi glic, says a Gaelic saying. Be wise.
Like the Habsburgs, Hohenzollerns and the Romanovs, the Windsorian GB -UK state is going down. Its internal contradictions and past legacies have caught up with it.
When chaos breaks out dahn sat, then we north of the Tweed act.
John Edgar
No offence BUT…
You have inadvertently explained a Donald Trump word that had us ALL stumped.
How many times has said “Bigly” … and we’re going to do this ‘bigly’ etc…
Now we know, he was quoting his gaelic speaking mother who was actually telling him to
‘Be Wise’ i.e.’ Bi gli’
So the next time he uses it, we’ll know he’s telling us all to be less stupid and wise up!!! Thankyou…
Didn’t watch Marr but the buzz seems to suggest it was the usual sycophantic crawling pish from Marr when interviewing Davidson.
Truly a “State” broadcaster :/
Wull @ 10.02 last night.
Agree with much of what you have said regards sovereignty of Scottish people.
Nicola was excellent after the outcome of the EU vote, but did not keep the pressure up, did not withdraw the 56 MPs and the toxic press and bbc have been at it ever since, whilst austerity is kicking in.
You play the westminster game, and they win! It’s tories for most of the time, labour get in for a short while but little changes, the tories get back in, a cycle, two faces of the same coin.
You don’t win by comprimising or becoming complacent with the british!
Whenever Nicola meets Mrs May, it’s a one sentence discussion ‘We are not signing up for brexit, Scottish people vote against it and I will put that case to our parliament, good morning.’
The way forward is no compromise with the uk, working with Welsh labour is embarrassing and futile, I do not see the logic, british institutions and parties are not our friends!
The future for any Scottish Government trying to manage devolution under continued austerity and brexit is absolutely grim. Let’s analyse what that means, trying to manage rising costs / expectations on public services, e.g. NHS, police, education and other council services with reduced income, a dwindling pool of workers and an aging population. This will be in the glare of a uk that has lost face to the EU, but to keep face at home (England), they will scape goat Scotland.
Time is crucial, the SNP must come up with key announcements next week that show their resolve on the sovereignty of the Scottish people, how they will reenergise the ‘entire’ YES movement and how they will take the fight to britain.
The uk government will pull the rug out from underneath anything worthwhile or positive the Scottish Government proposes. The press and bbc will continue to support the uk government and undermine our government and Scots confidence. I’d prefer to go down fighting now, let others manage devolution it’s a westminster’s policy, a poisoned chalice and a dead end, independence is only viable option for Scotland!
AUD at 8.21. I agree its time the snp started attacking the bias of the state broadcaster.Sure the media will say its whingeing and snp bad,but the evidence is in front of all our eyes,so snp start calling these liars out for what they are,and stop turning the other cheek.
I hear a lot of Scotland voted to remain in the EU so that’s what we must go for
But the way I see it is Scotland did not vote to remain in the EU we voted for the UK to remain in the EU, which is not exactly the same thing, now as it looks like that is not gonna be possible then surely any other option is open for discussion.
personally at this point in time I don’t care if we go for EFTA, EEA full EU membership, in or out of Europe altogether so long as we get out of this fu@@@ng union as fast as humanly possible everything else is secondary to me
“Nicola was excellent after the outcome of the EU vote, but did not keep the pressure up, did not withdraw the 56 MPs and the toxic press and bbc have been at it ever since, whilst austerity is kicking in.”
The 56 MPs elected at the 2015 Westminster election were elected on a Manifesto promise of making “Scotland Stronger at Westminster” That Manifesto also contained the following: “It is a vote to make Scotland’s voice heard at Westminster more loudly than it has ever been heard before. And it is a vote for more progressive politics”.
Withdrawing the 56 would have shown Nicola Sturgeon (and the SNP) as people who betrayed the trust of the electorate and lied in their own Manifesto. That could have dealt a death blow to the Independence movement.
Truly a “State” broadcaster :/
Classic beeb gimp fuck you Scots. Just like not showing the Slovak match.
Meg merrilees
Yep I saw that too
link to
It would be great to get a mainstream paper reporting openly and fairly with no lying headlines, smears by insinuation etc etc. People will read it. I’m glad the National is there and I buy it but its never going to reach that many people, it is seen as too specialist.
Best of all Brian Wilson and Jill Stephenson might get their P45s!
mike d says:
8 October, 2017 at 11:24 am
AUD at 8.21. I agree its time the snp started attacking the bias of the state broadcaster.
No party anywhere attacks the press. Its just not the done thing, in any democracy.
Only dictators attack their media,its all about free speech, freedom of expression.
UKOK media don’t speak for or to you, don’t buy their shite. That’s democracy.
And that’s why we will always be plagued by BBC attack propaganda/balanced unbiased reportage:D
Or, what happens when they come for you because they don’t like your stuff.
‘Withdrawing the 56 would have shown Nicola Sturgeon (and the SNP) as people who betrayed the trust of the electorate and lied in their own Manifesto. That could have dealt a death blow to the Independence movement.’
Can you tell me the changes brought about by or name one success the SNP MPs or any Scottish MP have made since 2010?
Has Scottish questions changed or brought about a difference to the lives of Scots?
I can think of none.
Westminster is a dead end where we as a colony send delegates.
I can think of no benefit Westminster brings to Scotland, on the contrary,mit brings pain and subjugation!
Omg, the awful, utter shame of watching Trump at a rescue centre for Hurricane Maria.
After getting bored of selfies with the crowd, he spotted supplies, and started throwing hand towels into the crowd, like they were dogs.
Then when he sits down to speak, it’s embarrassing drivel, telling Puerto Rico how they have affected his budget so badly.
A Category 5 hurricane, hardly ever heard of.
A disgusting excuse for a human.
Another Union Dividend said at 8:21pm last night:
“……..That why broadcasting should be devolved.
It’s time the SNP seriously challenged the BBC / Sky on these issues if they want fair coverage.”
CATALAN NEWS could show the people in Scotland how it’s done,without the Apron Strings to State Broadcaster Mother Madrid RTVE.
“Catalan News is a subsidiary of the Catalan News Agency (Agència Catalana de Notícies, ACN).
The ACN news agency, which has been successfully operating since 1999, is organized in a strongly interconnected territorial network all over Catalonia.
Counting on the expertise of more than 70 highly-qualified and experienced professionals, ACN delivers multimedia journalism in all areas.
The ACN belongs to the Catalan Broadcasting Corporation (CCMA). The ACN headquarters is located in Barcelona with delegations in Madrid and Valencia as well as in Brussels.
Building on the long-term experience of this broad and well-organized territorial network and on the professional know-how of a multinational and multilingual team, Catalan News can provide first-hand, high-quality information from around the country for an international audience.”
The BBC in Scotland and their bosses in London BBC HQ are planning Scotland should be granted a ‘Dedicated Channel’.
That’s nice of them. NOT. Their behaviour in recent years has put an end to that……….
Catalan News.
link to
Catalan News on-line:
link to
@Dr Jim
I’ve always thought Andrew Marr very fair. Reminds me of a time I was at a fair, watching a guy at the three shells game winning money. Every so often someone else would come along and lose. As I wandered off smiling a guy said “Take your picture for 50p to remind you of your day out and I’ll send you a great picture”.
“Aye sure”, I said.
“Can you tell me the changes brought about by or name one success the SNP MPs or any Scottish MP have made since 2010?”
Offhand, none.
I wholeheartedly agree that our MPs waste their time in Westminster where they are ignored or laughed at. They should not be there. I would bring them home in a flash.
That, however, was not my point. My point is that the SNP have to take the electorate with them. They must have support for withdrawal from Westminster. They did not, and do not, have that.
Davidson having a pop at Johnston on TV! Tories still in open civil war! The turmoil continues, yet the conclusions from the msm are limp.
Such attacks from one party member to another seem to be glossed over by the msm. The Tory party is at war!! At war basically over Brexit, not primarily with May.
We need to see the context. They all are in agreement with its internal policies and legislation on austerity, hitting the weak and vulnerable and disabled.
It us their self-imposed foreign policy adventure,Brexit, that is causing the carnage.
What an irony!
The very sinews of the decrepit Westminster set up are being rent asunder. -even Corbyn’s red-blue Westminsterites are for exit!
The eruption will increase when the whole edifice collapses. There is yet no definitive outcome in detail on the Brexit landscape or the future. All is in a swirl.
When proposals are finalised, the EU pronounces. If, and more likely when the proposed details being submitted by Davis or his successor are known, the hard Brexiteers like Johbston, Gove or Rees-Mogg will initiate insurrection from within the Tory party.
So far, it has been a phoney war along the “elites” of England with the Scots Tiries looking on and waiting to be told which faction to join!
The Tory-Ukippers and the English working classes threw away the bespoke deal they had within the EU as members.
Now they are dreading the consequences ad onlookers awaiting the judgement of the 27.
Such irony! Such come-uppance! Well deserved!
Peter Murrell has just emailed out a link for the live conference broadcast from 2.00 pm. It’s on their website, Facebook and Twitter feeds.
This is the website link Nothing up yet though:
link to
And here is the twitter account.
link to
I’ll be out at 2.00 so will miss it. Hope to catch up later.
John Edgar
8 October, 2017 at 12:36 pm
Westminster is in the throes of the most monumental political f*ck up in history while the rest of the world including us looks on in disbelief. This alone is a reason to end the Union and disassociate ourselves from it. This mess is not of our making, we dont have to be dragged into it! I hope more people start to see that.
Boris Johnson is just one sensible speech away from being PM.
In other words, Boris Johnson will never be PM, even if the remainers on that fated back board at the Tory conference can be rearranged to spell out:
More like an omnipresentshambles.
Time to cast that lifeboat adrift and wish them well.
If you take the SNP MP’s away from Westminster. There is no one to speak for Scotland. The majority would want them there to support the Scottish Parliament. They have saved Scotland £Billions. Hear the subsidy lies lately? They put a stop to that even among the most ignorant arrogant conceited Tories. Liars. Mogg. They do not dare sneer at Scotland. They get a mouthful.
“Axe the old guard”, say a headline in the msm dahn sath. May is being exhorted to axe the old guard in the Tory party.
Does that start with her and the present Cabinet? Who will be left? The Labour leadership is full of old guards as well. The Lib Dem leader is an oldie too!
These sayings are like the sphinx, we all read into it what we want.
Theresa May once said the Tory party was seen as the “nasty party”. Many though she was being repentant indicating change.
Now we see with its present policies that it was an affirmation. She was glorifying the party for being “nasty”.
Let us await and see who is axed. As the average age of the Tory membership is on the old spectrum, who will scream first?
When a party starts to thrash out at its members and officials, the party is over.
One yoon party down. No doubt Labour will follow. Its tensions and turmoils are simply below the surface just now dahn sath. In the “branch” it is open skirmishing among the two contenders for “leadership” of the branch.If the two “old guardians” of Windsorian Britishism go, will there be a military coup?
Recently, some old guard general said that a Corbyn victory would lead to “intervention” by the armed forces.
The current ructions in the Brenglish parties caused by Brexit are no dormitory bun fight!
Watch this space!
Yes, just got that email too. I’m very disappointed that Livestream are not streaming. I even tried Periscope because they streamed SNP Conference before.
So missed John Swinney,s speech! Feeling really disgruntled about lack of SNP Conference coverage! There was lots of coverage at last Conference.
BBC showed all other parties conferences all day.
link to
‘That, however, was not my point. My point is that the SNP have to take the electorate with them. They must have support for withdrawal from Westminster. They did not, and do not, have that.’
Why not lead the electorate? Ask them their opinion on it whilst giving the independence view, more importantly, ask westminster to justify itself to Scots. Doing nothing solidifies the status quo and condones.
Participating at westminster has not worked to date, if something does not work change it!
Withdrawing or the threat of withdrawing our MPs from westminster signifies the union is not working. Even the tories concede the union is not currently working.
westminster and those attending it from Scotland, from any party, is out of sight and out of mind from the electorate. People are not idiots, they look at Westminster and contrast it with Holyrood where minister are accountable and conclude what a waste of time westminster is. Sadly, unionist parties, particularly the tories are dragging Holyrood down the westminster road.
I do not support the SNP for them to manage devolution for London rulers with a colonialist mindset!
@ 1.11pm.
Withdrawing MPs could very possibly lead to direct rule from London. Right up the British Nationalists’ street I would suggest. After all, the EU Withdrawal bill is a blatant attempt to neuter Holyrood’s powers as it is. No doubt the longer term intention is abolition of Holyrood altogether or, at least, making it nothing more than a talking shop.
“Meanwhile, businesses have continued to announce their departure from the Catalan region amid the ongoing political uncertainty.”
A typical BBC lie of omission – one of their favourite ways of distorting reality. Justified with the weak excuse: “We were only summarising a complex situation”.
Contrast it with the actual reality as reported by Catalan media: “Catalan business and knowledge minister, Santi Vila, said the company relocations referred only to legal HQs, and that none of the companies would be moving their facilities or employees out of Catalonia.”
The benefits of TV. Catalonian (Spanish) TV is not good. Non impartial propaganda. The end result is that Catalonian politicans have now had two illegal Referendum both of which they have losted. Yet claimed a 90% victory on a 43% Turnout. A total complete and utter farce. Chaos. Now wondering what to do next. In limbo. Appealing to others to sort the mess of their own making. Now asking for conciliation and talks. Trying to dig themselves out of the hole they have got themselves in. Mucking up people’s lives. They know they do not have a majority. Even trying to hid the results.
A majority helps which certainly doesn’t concern many Spanish politicians. Just manipulate the vote.
Hope Murray keeps a hold over the £75,000. Not good at maths. Publically denouncing the SNP and tearing up the membership. When he didn’t get what he wanted. Selected as a candidate over everyone else. Another (illegal) Ref immediately. Very honourable? Yet a great left wing? Independista. Or a glorious opportunist. The right decision?
Anne Bruce says:
8 October, 2017 at 11:51 am
“Withdrawing the 56 would have shown Nicola Sturgeon (and the SNP) as people who betrayed the trust of the electorate and lied in their own Manifesto…”
I actually agree with you there Anne, I would not have done so until there was supporting majority for it. Or, alternatively, the governance of the UK became dysfunctional after Scottish MP’s taking their seats in Westminster cited the ascendancy of Scottish Sovereignty over a particular issue, any issue, but let’s say it was Brexit, where Scotland articulated a decision by democratic majority, for Scotland to remain in the EU, and thus, that enactment of Scottish Sovereignty would serve as a decree that all legislation and procedures relating to Brexit were deemed inapplicable to Scotland, and Scotland be exempt from Brexit, and Brexit negotiations might only proceed on the basis that Scotland was exempt.
Westminster could have been a playground for the SNP for months if not years, and the paralysed UK Government driven to distraction. (As if we’d have noticed).
I would then sit back munching my Parliamentary popcorn, and enjoy the spectacle of Westminster tying itself in knots to articulate precisely how they, with no Scottish mandate, scant electoral representation in Scotland, propose to circumvent the democratically expressed will of Scotland’s sovereign people. If any credible case emerged, I would then crucify any and all formal attempt to subjugate Scotland’s popular sovereignty in a Constitutional courtroom, thus tearing the Act of Union to shreds for its lack of substance and legal competence.
The SNP does not have to depart from Westminster to make Westminster’s Parliamentary Sovereignty untenable, and create a Constitutional crisis for the UK from which Scotland would emerge at best as an Independent Sovereign Nation, and at worst, a recognised Sovereign Nation in a transitional confederal UK.
Scottish Sovereignty is robust, proven, and authentic, and has a recognised origin, definition, chronology, and provenance spanning from one century to the next. The UK’s Parliamentary Sovereignty is built upon the irreconcilable paradox of a popular civic sovereignty becoming one with a singular divine Sovereignty. Such a thing cannot be done. It is not possible. The Union is a con, professing to do a thing that cannot ever be done, and only ever made possible in the first place by threats, coercion, bribery and intimidation, followed by three centuries of powerless compliance by a Scottish population denied the protection of, and right to enact their popular sovereign birthright.
The sooner the debate about Scottish Independence becomes a test case between Scottish Sovereignty and UK Parliamentary Sovereignty, the sooner the imposter is revealed in all its ignominy, and the legitimate authority to govern Scotland is vindicated and restored to us Scots.
You know what the Catalans have which we don’t? It is vision, and creative self belief. We Scots have been lied to and cheated for so long we no longer have any faith in justice ever serving our ends. We grow up believing we were born to lose, and perhaps that is where effect of this UK Union is at its most corrosive. It gets us while we’re young.
But you’re not getting off the hook Anne.
“…would have shown Nicola Sturgeon (and the SNP) as people who betrayed the trust of the electorate and lied in their own Manifesto..”
How does that square with an SNP government advocating Remain, winning Remain, then turning into EFTA Brexiteers?
@ Flower of Scotlqand. Has John Swinney already given his speech? The only thing I can find – after a great deal of searching using their search facility – is the BBC recorded coverage (i.e. not live – presume they want to edit out the bits they don’t think it good for us to hear):
link to
But I won’t watch the BBC version.
Odd that the SNP are not streaming it themselves. They did in previous years.
Re the snp conference. It starts at 2pm.
link to
link to
BBC Parliament tv scheduled to show the SNP conference from 2pm.
However it’s American Politics
Oh Wait!
Here it is just starting.
link to
‘Axe the old guard’. There will be no one left. Average age Tory Party members 72. 100,000 members. The same membership as the SNP. In a 10 times population. (Electorate)
The SNP speeches will be on the internet etc. Just be a little patient. Nicola speech will definitely be on TV. The speeches do not cover the atsmophere which is great. So uplifting and exhilarating, especially for the doubters. Great folk.
Ask Westminster to account to the Scots. They have been Illegally hiding the accounts for years. Why? Keeping it under the Official Secrets Act. They have been publishing fantasy accounts for years. They have never published a full and fair account. Just a lot of made up manipulated ‘growth’ etc which never happens. Or likelihood of this or that. Just total manipulation. Along with the debt. A second set of under the counter books. Hiding their total incompetence. Clinging to power. A total disaster.
Excellent Nana… I’ll go with the you-tube stream.
You can also get the video from the SNP conference here:-
link to
The Conference is on the Parliamentary Channel. Live? Lord Provost of Glasgow. Eva Bolander.
John Swinney on.
@Calum McKay says: 8 October, 2017 at 11:20 am:
“Nicola was excellent after the outcome of the EU vote, but did not keep the pressure up, did not withdraw the 56 MPs and the toxic press and bbc have been at it ever since, whilst austerity is kicking in.”
Perhaps the reason you don’t understand why the FM didn’t withdraw the 56 MPs is because you, and Wulls, just do not understand what sovereignty is and how it works.
“You play the westminster game, and they win! It’s tories for most of the time, labour get in for a short while but little changes, the tories get back in, a cycle, two faces of the same coin.”
Which has absolutely nothing to do with sovereignty.
” … You don’t win by comprimising or becoming complacent with the british!”
Pish! First of all they are NOT, “THE”, British. They are the actually called, “The United Kingdom”, but that itself is pish!
Westminster is the de facto Parliament of the country of England and not even the parliament of the United Kingdom.
Do you know what the term, “de facto”, actually means. Calum?
Do you know what the Term Britain Means, Calum?
Do you know what the term, “British”, means, Calum?
Westminster factually runs itself as the country of England’s parliament and there is no longer an actual United Kingdom that was formed only by the two, equally sovereign, kingdoms of England & Scotland.
Thus, when Westminster divided up the former United Kingdom, (Note it was NOT Britain they divided up), as four unequal devolved countries but retained Westminster as the parliament of the country of England but have held no elections to allow the English to choose their Members of the Parliament of England they assumed they had sovereignty over the Kingdom of Scotland.
That is what we have today – A Westminster Parliament that calls itself both, “The United Kingdom Parliament”, and, “The British Parliament”, when it factually, and legally, is neither.
It is elected by all the people of the former United Kingdom but it runs itself as the, unelected as such, Parliament of the Country of England and it introduced EVEL, (English Votes for English Laws), regulations to enforce that English domination upon Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland.
So it legislates for England using English Law and bars all others from voting upon what it chooses as England only matters yet not one MP in that House of Commons was elected to the Parliament of England for there is no such actual parliament.
It also means that the powers they devolved to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are factually assumed powers of the Parliament of the country of England and thus their only formed kingdom partner in the United Kingdom is now being treated by That de facto parliament of England the same as the country of Wales that the Kingdom of England annexed in 1284 and what remains of the English province of Ireland that the English Kingdom annexed in 1542, but the Kingdom of England have never legally annexed the kingdom or country of Scotland ever.
As to sovereignty – the Queen of England is legally still sovereign of the three country Kingdom of England but not of Scotland for the people of Scotland are still legally sovereign.
So legally the MPs elected by English, Welsh and N. Irish constituencies are legally exercising the sovereignty of the Queen of England and the MPs elected to Westminster are legally exercising the legal sovereignty of the people of Scotland not either that of Nicola Sturgeon nor of the SNP or Scottish Government.
So the only way for Nicola Sturgeon, the SNP or the SG, to be delegated the legal sovereignty of a majority of the people of Scotland is by a referendum asking us to do so. That is specifically to withdraw the MPs we elected and delegated to Westminster to withdraw from Westminster.
Got it NOW Calum? It really is that simple – as we, the people, are legally sovereign then only we, the people, have the legal right to order our elected and delegated representatives to withdraw from Westminster. No other power can legally do so.
So there you go – the stuff you posted is a load of misinformed pish!
Capella – yep if you ain’t there you ain’t watching it, Livestream gone missing, BBC won’t watch them, unless it’s live and not tampered with. U/tube ? Type in SNP first thing up Scott Arthur we all know who he is and it’s not the SNP fan club . The email from peter Murrell gives you a link to an App that asks you for your either 4 or 6 digit code to access the app .
In my humble opinion get a f/n grip who is overseeing this bloody shambles, I understood the SNP are having a conference, a lot of folks can’t attend but would like to keep up with what’s going on , If I set out to make sure coverage was limited, I couldn’t have done a better job.
If there is access well bloody well promote it , I f/n give up . And don’t any wise arse try and defend this bloody useless effort , it’s there for all to see Or Rather it isn’t forgive the pun .
Breeks @ 11.51 am
I guess it all boils down to power and support – or the lack thereof.
The Scottish Government doesn’t have the power to make Westminster’s Parliamentary Sovereingty untenable (a Parliament that’s just about to have its sovereingty eroded by its own MPs and run pretty much as a dictatorship) and the SNP does not – yet – have the support of a majority of the electorate.
Some Scottish Independence supporters also want to be outwith the EU. There’s a circle that needs squaring; the SNP has to take account of them. Solved by a question about EU membership in a future Independence Referendum, perhaps?
What the Catalans also have is a free press and their own TV channels that don’t tell them every minute of every day how useless they and their country are. In Scotland, the negativity from MSM and BBC is relentless. That has taken its toll.
John Swinney currently playing a blinder, at the SNP conference.
The Armadillo is heaving.
link to
John Swinney speaking live on this link
Hi Robert Graham.
See the link I gave at 2.13pm.John Swinney’s on…
link to
It’s on Parliamentary Channel live. Turn a knob on a TV dial. For goodness sake.
Or phone a friend or relative? Find a neighbour. Or move. Dial up to outer space.
“You know what the Catalans have which we don’t? It’s a vision and a creative belief.”
That vision and creative belief relates to, in the main, the fact that they have their own broadcasting services / newspapers. That’s what they have that we don’t have. They, the Catalan Independence movement, have the public capacity to, for example, ‘out’ online manipulators .. highlight that they are trying to confuse issues / lying to the readers, such as on their equivalent of Wings.
We have people on this influential pro-Independence site attempting to encourage readers not to buy our Independence supporting newspapers and not support the only party, SNP, that has the power to get us our Independence. Can you imagine anyone get away with that in Catalonia? They wouldn’t last for five minutes because they wouldn’t put up with such people who attempt to destroy their vision and belief system. They’d be kicked off of their forums, ASAP.
£20,OOO to attract career changers into the teaching profession!! as a retired teacher this is an inspired move. The profession needs those with experience in life to teach our young people and to show them university is not the be all and end all.
John Swinney just saying that: ” we meet today to rededicate ourselves to independence, the best … for our country”
Hall packed.
A9 to be first electric highway.
Create a national investment bank, citizen’s income, a nation ambitious for itself.
standing ovation.
What a difference the SNP has made to Scotland. It’s like a miracle. Folk just love them.
SNP Conference is LIVE on YouTube now:
link to
No other Party could have a Conference like they do. They do not have the numbers.
No other Party has even scored 50% at a GE.
The Labour landslide victory after the 11WW was 45%
@mike d says: 8 October, 2017 at 11:24 am:
“I agree its time the snp started attacking the bias of the state broadcaster.”
Get real, Mike d. The FM and the SG are doing their job and doing it rather well.
Thing is it is NOT their job to be attacking the BBC or anyone else for that matter. That is with the exception of all other political parties within the parliamentary systems of which they, the elected members, were elected by us to serve in.
The SG MSPs, the elected MPs and MEPs are members of parliamentary systems and must abide by the rules of those legislatures.
However, the SNP as a party are the members and it is our job, as a Political Party to do the attacks upon the media or indeed anything else that we find to be unacceptable. That also applies to all other activists who are members of other political parties or indeed members of none.
That means organs like Wings, Wee Ginger Dug and the rest of the YES movement throughout Scotland. So the SNP party conferences with delegates from the Branches and Constituency Associations can, and will, do such attacking but all the elected people must take an oath, or affirmation, of loyalty to the Queen, (in effect the state). Effectively that makes them part of the state and there are codes of practice they must observe.
It is all too easy to sit on yer arse and say Nicola/The SG/The SNP/The YES movement or whatever should do something but – that’s the rub – we foot-soldiers are the ones who should be on the front line but there is no reason the parties, (like at conference), cannot be offering leadership.
I believe the YES movement has already sent that message out to the troops – didn’t they say a wee while back, something along the lines of, “don’t wait to be told – just get out there and do it”?
I’m sure someone will be along soon to tell us the exact words.
@Robert Graham,
what fricked medium should they promote it on,
Jesus H Corbett that`s the big problem,
we cannot promote anything because we do not have a fair Scottish Media,
we have yoon gimps infesting all our modes of communication,
we have yoon gimps infesting all our national institutions,
we have yoon gimps infesting this fricken blog.
Mike Russell speaking now about Brexit.
EU not good in a crisis. However, after two wars, the EU was created for peace.
That is at the heart of Brexit.
3 steps UK must take:
1 minimum continuing m/ship of single market and customs union
2 insist EU nationals position resolved without further delay
3 Withdrawal bill cannot proceed as it is, clause 11 must change
Tories have no mandate to take away our EU citizenship from us.
Duty to get the best for Scotland, best choice of independence in Europe.
Snp conference on live now freeview channel 232
I have said it before.
The SNP do not have to be aggressive in ‘attacking’ the bias of the BBC.
A sharp joke from Nicola Sturgeon about Marr playing good cop with Davidson and bad cop with her would have made the point perfectly about the lack of impartiality.
Its not rocket science, people.
Humour will feck them up every time.
Well, though I’m not watching, from Tom Gordon’s report in the SH I’d say Sturgeon got it pitch perfect on Indy both in her speech to the Conference, and on Andrew Marr. As did Swinney from the one comment by him reported.
May get yer jaicket glaikit ,yer saicket
Just as well Nicola’s around about. Looking a bit male.
Andrew Marr and Alistair Darling Tarred by the same brush. Left wing university pretend hippies who adapt to the Westminster establishment profile.
link to
Eh a great campaign get sidelined starting an attack on the BBC.
Get membership and get a resolution going. See how far it goes?
The SNP have already set up committees on public service broadcasting. Gaining evidence. Holding them to account. Pointing out the inconsistency. The BBC isn’t working. No one believes them or listens to them anymore. On a downward path. The SNP just gets stronger and Independence support increasing.
Salmond on Sunday LBC discussing now – is NS right to hold off indyref2 until brexit is known.
@Scot Finlayson says: 8 October, 2017 at 2:49 pm:
” … we have yoon gimps infesting this fricken blog.”</i.
Oh" Jings! Crivvens! Michty Me! They waddna dae a thing like yon, Wad thay?
According to SH?
Nicola said, ‘the BBC probably needs a reality check’.
People with Science and Maths degrees are being rejecting for teacher training because they do not have Higher English. (O’Level) They have held high posts in industry but want a career change.
Ken 500 totally agree people without higher maths can enter teaching (unless criteria has changed) I think SG should introduce a literacy criteria which does not necessitate knowing Shakespeare or poetry enough to regurgitate under exam conditions.
Was out visiting my wee pal and he had his tv on channel 232.
It had Brewer on and his, (cough!), guest was Mike Russel.
How even the most rabid brainless unionist could watch that travesty of a interview without being aware of the extreme unionist bias is totally unbelievable.
As far as I can see it was so very evident that any person not already an extreme unionist must be aware extreme BBC bias.
It must certainly make not yet committed voters question how much truth there is in anything BBC Scotland attempts to propagate.
There will always come a point when such bias becomes self defeating and I believe the BBC are well past that point and their own downright lies, omissions, deflections and half truths are now coming back to now discredit them.
@ Robert Graham 2.16 . Not ah cheep out of me. SNP creating they’re own telephone box all lines on a loop & we the People haven’t got the ex directory number.
I did read somewhere about a Inclusive SNP Gov, or did I dream that phrase .
Goal Scotland!!!
Teresa’s bestie Orange Hitler, until it comes the US protectionist economics, which could close down Bombardier in NI, Orange Hitler really does go after the US media.
But does it win any votes? maybe.
Donald J. Trump?Verified account
NBC news is #FakeNews and more dishonest than even CNN. They are a disgrace to good reporting. No wonder their news ratings are way down!
7:47 am – 4 Oct 2017
ronnie anderson and Robert Graham
you can watch and listen to the SNP conference on these links. ( it’s finished for this afternoon- don’t know if there’s an evening session, poss. not ‘cos higher up the thread it says that they are watching the match on a big screen)
link to
link to
seems lifestream was ‘off air’ technical fault/sabotage – who knows?
O/T Sorry cant bear to watch/listen how is Scotland doing
The SNP Conference video does seem to be working at the link below. My browser had some trouble playing it as it said there was a script busy. But I clicked continue and it does seem to work though taking a long time to get started.
link to
BBC has no video that I can find. Just a written account of John Swinney’s speech with a snipe from Ruth Davidson at the end. Appalling third world service from he State Propaganda Generator. Don’t suppose they are showing the football either.
The GTC are so up themelves they don’t even recognise college lecturers with decades of experience teaching highers as being suitable candidates for schools. Many college lecturers would be happy to teach in schools given the crap conditions they currently endure.
Excellent goal by Griffiths there – c’mon Scotland
Hey izzie ~
Scotland 1 Neighbours nil
I’m listening.
link to
@ izzie – Stu is abviously watchng the football. see his twitter feed for updates. Scotland have scored a goal and Slovenia not AFAIK.
@ izzie
We are 1-0 up but, it’s another nail biting affair.
It’s hauf time izzie ~
Scotland holds the lead against our international neighbours.
Come seven o’clock… let’s do this!
Hello the 9 to 5 Monday club.
@Robert Peffers
What you say about the BBC is spot on but it’s how the BBC is perceived by the wider public that really matters. A nation of people unable to spot blatant lies and political propaganda when it’s being rammed down their throats on a daily basis is a nation of people who don’t deserve to have control of their own affairs. In short, they are a nation of people with no ambition who must have everything decided for them by their colonial masters.
@ Meg Merrylees.
Meg that fact is we have to wait on other Wingers posting links to the conference. I did hear Jordi McArthur say that Livestream ( kevin ) didn’t get a press pass .
Thanks fellow wingers not strong enough to watch live – veteran of Argentina 78
wow, the BBC Website doesnt even have a mention of SNP conference (UK’s third party) never mind any video. You literally wouldnt know it was on unless you read down to the third paragraph of the second article on the Scotland page where it is mentioned as an aside.
I’ve been hammering on about this since Brexit occurred and now it’s here……This is NOT a spoof
“The Great British Haggis” comes in a box wrapped in Red White and Blue and printed on the side it announces it’s from “Stably Quality Foods” and produced with the “Finest British Ingredients”
Do I really need to shout about what’s coming next now that our protected Scottish branding status is no longer protected by that terrible EU that are so undemocratic
Those thieving Bastirts down south are going to steal everything we’ve got and call it theirs, just like they’ve always done
Ken 500 4.44 and Izzie @ 4.50
This web site sets out the entry qualifications for entry to studying for a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE). Note Higher English and Higher Maths are required for Primary and Secondary teachers.
As you will see College Lecturers have their own Teaching Qualification. Having this qualification does not mean they can teach in Secondary Schools. The style and content of teaching in Secondary Schools and in Colleges is quite different.
link to
Note: O Levels are/were the qualifications in England – in Scotland it was O Grade until Standard grade was introduced in the 1980s.
Someone retraining to be a teacher who has a degree and related experience in industry is likely to have Higher English and possibly Higher Maths since the former at least has always been a requirement for University Entry and if they have a Science degree then Higher Maths too. Universities that have teacher training courses may have additional requirements.
“Huge Spain unity rally in Barcelona”
Of course, the BBC has never described the pro-independence Catalan rallies attended by more than a million people as “huge”. Only one of “at least 350,000” qualifies for “huge” when you are lying scum like the BBC.
It’s just the same old “don’t leave us, we love you” tactic unionists deploy as their last throw of the dice. It always follows the previous tactic where they send in armed thugs to crack open your skull with a steel baton.
I hope the Catalans tell them where to stuff their “love in” and declare independence on Tuesday.
So SKY news just now, showed their presenter in Sauchiehall street doing a box pop, regarding the possibility of an indy ref. Every single person (4) they showed was firmly opposed to another indy referendum. One person asserted that Britain is Britiain, another asserted ‘we are stronger together’,.. etc… etc… you get the idea.
It’s called propaganda.
When so-called ‘journalists indulge this kind of propagandist sh*te, they deserve every piece of criticism they get. Then they all scratch their heads and wonder why nobody trusts them anymore. Journalists nowadays in the mainstream media are just paid liars.
Thank goodness we have the internet so we can get the truth.
Is it over yet? Hopefully I won’t have to take any interest in footie for another four years.
By that time mibees well have a Scottish team playing for Scotland, not second rate also-rans.
It’s the Scottish national team, what were we thinking, getting our hopes up.
I quote from BT news site (spotted via Google) ….
” Labour may back paying for single market access after Brexit – shadow minister
Jenny Chapman said it may be in the UK’s best interests to have an arrangement that “involves some sort of payment” for access. “
I’m gobsmacked. Did anyone ever even fantasise that the UK could get access to the European single market without paying!?
I just cannot understand why that is either news or worth reporting. Perhaps more worrying is why did a shadow minister consider this worth saying?
Out on goal difference!
We always find a way. 2-2
Out on goal difference…seem to have been saying that since the Yugoslav game in 1974. We have made that a speciality of ours.
The late equaliser conceded to England and the insipid draw at home to Lithuania were wot dun it. The draw with Lithuania in particular…not sure the side as they are now would play that badly. 6 game unbeaten run is a bit of a novelty though.
Hey Ho!
@call me dave
Monday’s headline: Another blow for Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland fail to win crucial match.
They’ll be celebrating that result at the BBC tonight.
The link I posted does provide the conference video although it stops occasionally and has to be nudged forward to get going again. But worth it so far for John Swinney’s and Mike Russell’s speeches. Great and positive atmosphere.
link to
BBC are third world service – no maybe 4th world by now. Banana republic would probably have telecomms links but censor political opponents like UK.
Driving home in car just now and the news on R4 300,000 in Barcelona demonstrating against independence, different from last weeks “violent” demonstrations.
I thought people were queuing to vote – it was the Spanish police who were violent – fancy the bbc not telling the truth.
Anglo press left and right, can you actually tell the difference, is full of puff about Davidson coming to the rescue of the Tories. The UK is institutionally superannuated and bankrupt. The North Brit Davidson riding to its rescue is the stuff of pantomime. Look behind you Theresa!
Ref the conference, saw Nicola initially, but expected her on at the end to rally the troops, but seems she didn’t.
I missed it live on BBC Parliament tv, but had recorded it.
It shut down before the end.
I had assumed Nicola had been cut out, so someone tell me if she was on or not.
BBC, scum either way.
Skintybroko says:
8 October, 2017 at 5:52 pm
The GTC are so up themelves they don’t even recognise college lecturers with decades of experience teaching highers as being suitable candidates for schools. Many college lecturers would be happy to teach in schools given the crap conditions they currently endure.
Here is an update on the conditions College Lecturers ‘endure’
College lecturers and pay
From 2016
link to
From 2017
link to
College Lecturers can get GTC registration but they need to have the FEDE – think I have the acronym correct. This does not allow them to teach in Secondary Schools – different qualification, different training and different style of teaching.
I thought people were queuing to vote – it was the Spanish police who were violent – fancy the bbc not telling the truth.
Britnats keep saying the clue’s in the name, BBC British propaganda wise.
So where’s the Spain clue in the name then BBC? Imagine a beeb gimp network that actually had the stones to say out loud, ofcourse BBC is 100% against the Catalonian indy campaign because if it succeeds, its going to be a great encouragement to our rebellious jocks.
Not very catchy though:D
The so called Corbyn effect is illusionary. The labour blairites are lurking in the shadows waiting to take over from the 68 year old when his age fully sets in and when gophers fully supports Brexit.
Prog liberal Graun puts the Britnat boot in again, probably Severin
Scotland’s a shithole,
“The SNP will spend this week blaming all this on London, Brexit, the Tories and austerity, in some cases with justice, even though Scotland still gets about £1,400 more a head from the Treasury than any other part of the UK. But these days the blame game can only take the SNP so far. It is a party of government.”
You can guess the rest.
Imagine a Scottish democracy, not plagued by English tory media, like the Graun.
Always some interesting things buried away in articles: “Sturgeon said the precedent set in the 2014 vote, which had been agreed by both the UK and Scottish governments, was the “best way to do it” ”
link to
heh heh
“I have lost patience with the SNP and the mealy mouthed apologists within it, who keep postponing the inevitable Brexit fuck up which will inevitably undermine our cause forever.”
Rock (27th August – “Underneath the Goodyear blimp”):
“Scotland was on the verge of independence immediately after the Brexit vote.
The unionist parties were without leaders and completely lost, the SNP had 56 out of 59 MPs and 50% of the vote, the EU’s eyes were (favourably) on Scotland.
But Nicola squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.
The result: Nicola outsmarted by the collusion between Saints Theresa and Ruth on one hand, and Corbyn on the other, fall in SNP support from 50% to 37%.
It is my prediction that there will be a “snap” Brexit and the SNP will be caught napping and unable to hold a second independence referendum.
Or another “snap” Westminster election with the SNP again losing support.
Despite the pretendy “sovereignty” and boasting of the clueless pompous armchair pundits posting here, Scotland is again as far away from independence as ever.
If they succeed in neutralising the Rev. Stuart Campbell and WOS, independence will be “stone dead” for at least 620 years.
For the avoidance of any doubt, my mantra has long been and remains:
“Always vote, and always vote SNP only until after independence.””
heedtracker says:
There is such consistency to the widespread BritNat narrative. If you were a conspiracy theorist you would say it must be coordinated and complies with a grand plan.
– Scotland sucks
– Oil is a burden
– SNHS sucks
– Scot. Education sucks
– SG wastes money on ‘silly’ projects
– SG fails to raise taxes to fight austerity
– SG want to privatise services
– SNP are losing their majority
– Nicola is unpopular
– People are fed up voting
– IndyRef2 has been permanently cancelled
– Scot. will accept the Brexit England wants
– Etc etc
Jeez, this morning Marr was positively breathless as he tried to tick all the SNPBaaad boxes on the bingo card he had been issued.
Three quite high tories crap all over Scotland. Ligger Neil’s a huge fan of UKOK tory’s fav history Neil Ferguson, who’s as close to fascist as its possible to get without goose stepping round the studio.
Its at the end, 46min, one of the great tory frauds Portillo explains how, unlike Spain “we don’t have a constitution that defends us against Scottish independence”
Neither the Ligger or Ferguson point out why UK has no constitution and how hard the tories have always blocked one, because they’re beeb gimps and its not how the BBC works.
link to
Dr Jim @ 6.22pm
You said: “‘The Great British Haggis’ comes in a box wrapped in Red White and Blue.”
I am becoming increasing concerned at threats to the Scotland brand on products that are truly, and internationally recognised, as of Scottish origin. And given my interest, I checked out this example: what Dr Jim said is (regrettably) right. This is NOT A SPOOF!
Its also not being done by a company based outside Scotland seeking to take advantage but by Stahly Quality Foods Ltd which is based in Glenrothes, Fife.
This from its web site:
“The Great British Haggis: The latest addition to the Stahly haggis family is the Great British Haggis. Made, of course, with the finest traditional ingredients, this modern take on the original Scotch Haggis is DRESSED TO APPEAL TO A WIDER AUDIENCE (my emphasis). In a smart new coat of red, white and blue with a subtle hint of tartan to retain its proud Scottish heritage, the new Great British Haggis is a very modern version of a very traditional product.”
I assume by ‘dressed’ it means the use of the colours of the Butcher’s Apron rather than a Saltire or the use of a term that states the actual provenance i.e. Scotland.
However, the company’s web site (link to ) also states:
“Thanks to three generations of the Stahly family, Scotland’s national dish can now be enjoyed around the world.” Except now attributed not to being Scottish but to being ‘British’!! This seems to suggest that something branded as Scottish is now a detriment to exporting.
Reminds me of a recent written complaint I made to Marks & Spencer (to no avail, of course) concerning its online shop for food and drink where it sells whisky. The whisky page on its site (see link below) refers to four categories of whisky based on country of origin. It lists four: (i) India; (ii) Ireland; (iii) England; and (iv) Great Britain. The four whiskies listed it the ‘Great Britain’ category are all from Scotland.
See: link to
Whilst this may not be a joined up conspiracy, there is a trend here towards denying a Scottish origin in marketing of our products that cannot be ignored.
And then when these companies tell the British Nationalist press how very well their newly British-branded products are selling at home and in export markets, the implication will be promoted that ‘Scotland’ on the label doesn’t sell as well any more! And so the downward spiral continues.
In the context of the EU, many food and drink producers across Europe have worked hard to protect their brand and geographic attribution: here is a company in Scotland now marketing one of our most traditional products as “British”. What next of what gives Scotland a precious distinctiveness in the world is to labelled “British”?
For the avoidance of any doubt, my mantra has long been and remains:
“Always vote, and always vote SNP only until after independence.””
Sure it is.
Same ol same ol britnat stuff in Scotland 2017, Rock. Usually you guys pile in with “I voted YES last time but never again.” Rock and his troll train, of thought. Good to see you team up with that diletante prick spotter too Rock, along with Colin A too. All of you really hate the SNP but really want indy.
What ever next on the Rock troll train:D
Robert Peffers,
“Sovereignty is the prize re-gained by independence.”
You re-gain something if it has been lost, stolen or gifted away.
If it has been lost, stolen or gifted away, you don’t currently have it.
If you don’t currently have it, you cannot currently exercise it.
To all the “numpties” who claim that the Scottish government does not need the UK’s permission to hold an independence referendum, it does. Remember the Salmond-Cameron agreement?
I can say with 100% confidence that Saint Theresa is not going to give permission to Nicola to hold another referendum before Brexit has been completed.
I can say with 99% confidence that Nicola will not dare defy Saint Theresa.
If she does, the recent events in Catalonia will look like a picnic in comparison.
The fascist British state is far far worse than the fascist Spanish state.
The worst part of it, more than half of Scots will be on the side of the fascist British state.
After all the Irish and Scots will remain “British” until judgement day and beyond.
heedtracker @ 17:37,
Orange Hitler attacking (some of) the media may well work with his “base”, since his way-out position is reinforced by right-wing media which these people also mostly watch/listen to.
Doesn’t work though with the rest of the public-at-large, since they can see that outlets such as CNN, although they obviously don’t like him in the least, also adhere to high standards of reporting. And the facts keep revealing OH to be a blowhard loser.
If only we had considerably wider media plurality here, and journalism that wasn’t so fatally compromised.
PS: Nicola Sturgeon’s speech did get a decent mention on CNN news earlier today. Getting international exposure then – good. Maybe someone should encourage the channel to expand their coverage here…
Right now Stuart and Tam BBC radio . . . Are doing their best to turn Scots against Gordon Strachan. . . I can’t think of a non swear word to describe these two PUKES.
When the anthems were being played , Richard Gordon talked over the entirety of “Flower of Scotland” immediately followed by the Slovenian anthem when he was silent.
Next sentence of course was this one: “She stated: “That precedent is there and that is the one we should seek to have used when we look at these issues again.””
I always think Sturgeon and others give more to STV / ITV than dear old Beeb. I wonder why! Poor Andrew (s).
Robert J. Sutherland says:
8 October, 2017 at 8:30 pm
heedtracker @ 17:37,
Republican’s get almost exact same fluff job from American media as do the tories from the BBC here. Actually, tory hard core bias is probably worse in the yewkay today.
Trump’s hated by liberal America and the American media is still a business, that wants to sell to middle class USA.
Tory creep show ofcourse has sussed all that out decades ago BBC wise and gets everyone to pay a beeb gimp tax.
Check that Andrew Neil This Week link to 5th Oct. Pure BBC tory propaganda, written by, edited by, filmed by, presented by, guested with, very hard core tories and we have to pay them for their troubles.
BBC is so corrupt here now, its clearly a case of them all holding the thin blue tory line, as Portillo’s,
“we don’t have a constitution that defends us against Scottish independence”
Who the fcuk is Portillo’s “we” and when will the beeb gimp line fold?
Let’s get independence before the next World Cup, see how that might shake things up.
Rock 8.25
That about sums it up.
McDuff says:
8 October, 2017 at 8:47 pm
Rock 8.25
That about sums it up.
It does doesn’t it. Its peak Rock terrorising tonight. Must be a conference going on somewhere, in Scotland, that’s got the trolls all antsy like this.
Rock’s got all antsy in his pantsy:D
O/T maybe just saw this on Stu’s twatter feed
Theresa has a cold and called brave for carrying on a speech… I seen people with no fucking legs dragged to pip assessments. Fuck off
I can’t be arsed with the tabloid witch hunt of football managers. Scotland have just had a 6 match competitive unbeaten run, 7 if you include the match against Canada. The best run for 20 years against some decent teams.
Yes Strachan has made mistakes. He took to long to recognise that Griffiths is class and too long to include one or two others in the team. However, they are scoring goals and clearly enjoy playing as a team. Is this the time to change or can this develop further?
RJS, yes, saw the CNN headline re Nicola’s statement. Although as we know, there is no change, no news. So, they opened with a ‘Sturgeon says May us weak’ line, which was fresh.
Have noticed that CNN is careful to quote sources, even check their balanced debate, as they go, LIKE PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO.
Worth a listen / watch (Sturgeon on Peston) the full 4 mins
link to
from 5.25 to 9.30
(forgot to strip http://)
I thought that Brewer’s interview with Michael Russell, and that with the pair of studio guests afterwards, both very interesting.
Taking the latter first, the ex-strategist for the SNP was seemingly one of those wanting to wait till 2021 and a “new mandate”, and the motive seemed to be that a win for the SNP at that point would make a refusal of a Section 30 order impossible for the UKGov to refuse. Which is probably true were it to get to that, but it seems like a very passive and risky strategy to me, relying as it obviously would on the hard realities of Brexit bringing a sufficient number of people to the SNP for the party to regain a majority in Holyrood despite a system designed to prevent precisely that. (Even though we’re maybe a bit wiser now about how the voting system works.) The strategy also seems to anticipate a re-run of the failed “protect Scotland” policy of the last UKGE in 2021. Hmmm.
And there’s the rub. How to interpret the result of the last UKGE? Did the SNP lose more ground than expected because the BritNats cashed in on a widespread antipathy to independence, or because the SNP focussed exclusively on “the day job” and failed to motivate enough supporters to vote for something more inspirational?
Brewer made the fair point that just because the SNP have stopped talking about independence, that doesn’t stop the opposition from bringing up the issue. But the SNP have played a blinder with the “reset”, because the BritNats can’t continue to bang on and on about “independence”, since that would simply make them look more and more like swivel-eyed obsessives.
So no diversions possible, Brexit is well and truly in the spotlight, and as a consequence the Tories are already slipping back (despite what Rude Gal’s English admirers may think). Corbyn, if he doesn’t bow to the increasing pressure for free trade/customs union, will end up the same way.
But though that’s working right now, I don’t see how that can possibly be sufficient on its own to carry the SNP all the way to 2021. There needs to be rather more “leading from the front” before then.
More on that anon…
“Same ol same ol britnat stuff in Scotland 2017, Rock. Usually you guys pile in with “I voted YES last time but never again.” Rock and his troll train, of thought. Good to see you team up with that diletante prick spotter too Rock, along with Colin A too. All of you really hate the SNP but really want indy.”
Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex?)girlfriend, why do you spend so much time on this blog if you don’t have much respect for its author?
heedtracker (9th February 2017 – “A division of principles”):
“Rock, whatever you’re up to on WoS, listen up, the author of Wings over Scotland is not the messiah and he’s not going to win ref 2.”
“If anyone can tip the balance in favour of winning, it is this site and its author.”
Nicola was there at first. They go and meet and greet the people etc when their present is not too necessary. Then they go through the resolutions put up for consideration. It a recognised pattern.That’s what the Conference is really about. Including the important, major speeches.
Everyone congregates around the halls and cafes. There are lots of other groups (Greens CND etc) holding events and discussion in the other adjacent rooms. There is a programme. Often they are packed but people can usually get in. Better to arrive early. Alex Salmond draws a massive crowd. He is really popular.
As the Ministers meet and greet and mingle. Anyone can talk to them about any concern. They are really kind, considerate and down to earth. No airs and graces at all. That is why they are so confident and happy even with the MSM abuse. They just disregard it because of the support and welcome they get. Every SNP Independista should go to a Conference once. Make the effort. Anyone can go alone and hook up with others. They go around all the towns. Inverness, Aberdeen, Perth, Glasgow. They need a suitable venue.
Nicola will close the Conference. Make the last major speech. It will definitely be on TV. If folk can work out the time it will finish. The time might be on the internet. Record it. Or if possible get someone to record it.
They can be busy doing interviews and things but people can watch them. The camera operators and the lights. If they want. It is a bit of an experience. Very uplifting especially for an Independista. To see they are not alone in any way shape or form. The people are really nice and interested. Friendships form. A person from elsewhere was delighted to speak to Nicola. Over the moon. Loved the SNP. Many have great respect for Alex Salmond. They see him as a honest man who has always stuck to principles. He is adored in the NE. The NE temporarily lost a great politician because of Davidson, who has never achieved anything for anyone. Hope she makes Westminster and fails the course. In the shark infested waters. Lowlives.
me @ 21:25,
Sorry, that should read ” … denial of a Section 30 order impossible for the UKGov to maintain”.
Keep Gordon Strachan. The players like him, and he has got them playing like a team. And the recent results are outstanding. Fantastic, in fact. We didn’t quite make it – so what? That’s not on account of what is happening with the team right now.
Gordon is doing a great job with what he’s got. And he speaks like a real Scot. Straightforward. I was talking to a Nigerian friend today, and he told me he loves listening to Strachan’s interviews. And I know others who say the same.
Guess who doesn’t like him?
People who don’t want Scotland to succeed. They are the people who want him out, because they know he has got something very good started here, and they don’t want to see him build on it. They would rather see it all fall to pieces.
If we had made it tonight to the play-offs it would have been extraordinary. It was always a long shot, and the fact it didn’t happen shouldn’t be considered a failure in any way. On the contrary …
If you look at the record, scoring two goals against that defence, in Slovenia, was already a fantastic achievement. So too was what the players managed with so little possession … Don’t listen to the moaners, Gordon – stay with us!
@RJS “2021”
As well as that bit of my link above, worth watching from
11.39 for the mandate, and 12.20 for the “choice”.
I’ve listened to the bits a few times, and it does it for me
@Jack Murphy says: 8 October, 2017 at 12:19 pm:
“CATALAN NEWS could show the people in Scotland how it’s done,without the Apron Strings to State Broadcaster Mother Madrid RTVE.”
I’m only going to say this and no more. You can all draw your own conclusions of what the motive for Jack’s post might be.
Catalonia is an autonomous region of Spain. Scotland is far from being anywhere near as autonomous as Catalonia.
For starters all broadcasters in the United Kingdom, including the independents on Freeview, paid subscription TV, satellite and cable must get a licence from the Westminster Government de facto Parliament of England to broadcast.
The authority that checks out and prosecutes licence evasion is THE BBC and of course the BBC are neutral when it comes to prosecution of offenders after all how could the BBC have an axe to grind.
Not only that but all viewers must also get licenced, (permission), to receive broadcasts. Do you really imagine that Westminster would grant such a licence?
It is not clever to make odious comparisons, but Hey! Aything goes when its SNP BAAAD! time.
Pained by result in Ljiubliana and would like to have had a Slovenian girlfriend to comfort me.Still would.
Strachan has probably brought enough to the team to be given support to continue the progress made.
The loss of Scott Brown and Stuart Armstrong in midfield could have cost us?
All Brewer speak about is Independence. He is probably scared he gets his jotter. He will probably get them for being so boring. Losing viewers. Like a sieve loses water. Very presumptuous, insulting person.
They go on and on about not having a Referendum. Then go on and on about having a Referendum. They misquote folk and try to stir up trouble. Set folk against each ither about any slight defined difference or others. While the unionist are crashing and burning. Tanking the economy in the most malicious way. Had to laugh at Rennie seeking help. After the ConDem catastrophe which made all this happen.The Tories took them to the cleaners and they deserved it. ‘Hey Mike let’s help bail us out’. Not likely. The electorale rules criminal. Cheating and lying to win a vote and getting away with it. The double barreller is a brut.
‘The Pillars of Peace provides a framework for assessing the positive peace factors that create peaceful societies. The taxonomy also forms an ideal base for measuring a society’s potential for peace. These positive peace factors can also be used to assess how supportive the underlying environment is towards development, as they are positively associated with developmental outcomes and therefore the fulfillment of human potential.
The Pillars of Peace provides the ideal benchmark against which to measure the performance of the broader aspects of social development and a country’s overall resilience when confronted with social upheaval
The Pillars of Peace is an eight-part taxonomy which consists of:
A well-functioning government;
A sound business environment;
An equitable distribution of resources;
An acceptance of the rights of others;
Good relations with neighbours;
Free flow of information;
A high level of human capital
Low levels of corruption
THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC IMPACT OF VIOLENCE WAS $14.3 TRILLION In 2016, Equivalent To 12.6 Per Cent Of Global GDP.
link to
Denmark, Iceland , Portugal, New Zealand, Austria are the top 5 most peaceful countries in the world.
link to
Applying that particular lens, UKOK scores zero on almost all the Pillars of Peace. UKOK is at war with itself, its neighbours, is one of the most unequal countries in the western world,it’s networked to other countries who are engaged in warfare against civilian populations (warfare is the business model).The decision making of the WM elite (but not enlightened) has diverged from the long term interests of society and is irreconcilable with an ethical return on investment.
Scotland is aspiring to be the best it can be- it doesn’t need permission from WM.
An autonomous Scotland is imperative.
“If anyone can tip the balance in favour of winning, it is this site and its author.”
Don’t back down Rock, or did your terrorising go a little too far this evening. That’s the problem when you try to use terror in politics Rock, you have to keep getting more and more terrifying, then it gets into comedy.
Maybe you really can frighten Scots to death Rock and away from ref2, btl WoS.
I had one ear to Brewers shortbread radio this morning about 09:30..ish as Catalonia was being discussed, it was bad,bad,bad no chance of illegal vote being accepted, King spoke, Madrid etc etc.
Catalonia not autonomous etc etc by an expert guest. They would not be recognised by the UN also bad but the guest then said
“not like Scotland though in 2014 if they had voted YES they would have been recognised by the UN within three days” Jings!
I’m sure I heard a gasp at PQ…then the moment was gone!
Some folk just have no confidence. Stand at the back and do what they are told. They can just about access the Internet. To troll nonsense but not to access information. They would rather stike to their intrenched out their out of fashion beliefs. Than move with the times. Intransigence. Nothing is possible, nothing is possible. Well Yes it is. They do not know it all. At all. Sulking doom rakers,
When you see the involved focus young folk it inspires.
@Calum McKay says: 8 October, 2017 at 1:11 pm:
“‘That, however, was not my point. My point is that the SNP have to take the electorate with them. They must have support for withdrawal from Westminster. They did not, and do not, have that.”
Stop talking twaddle, Calum. The SNP are the hardest working members in the House of Commons. Each of them spends more time actually working in the Chamber and you only need to look at the Westminster Internet coverage of the Commons to see that in operation.
When the division bell sounds there isn’t a crowd of lobby fodder trailing out of the subsidised bars and eateries to vote as they are told because the SNP contingent are in the debating chamber taking part in the proceedings. The commons records made by Hansard prove the point.
Anything goes when it’s an SNP BAAAD! drip! Drip! Drip!
@Calum McKay says:8 October, 2017 at 1:11 pm:
“I do not support the SNP for them to manage devolution for London rulers with a colonialist mindset!”
If that’s what you call supporting the SNP I most certainly do not want to read your comments when you are not supporting them.
Fear might be the yoon winner though. Who in this country actually has a clue what Catalonia is really about? That’s the great power of tory BBC propaganda, keeping us in the dark.
This looks nice.
link to
@Robert Graham says: 8 October, 2017 at 2:16 pm:
” … for your either 4 or 6 digit code to access the app .
In my humble opinion get a f/n grip who is overseeing this bloody shambles”
Stop talking pish! Robert – those 4 or 6 digit codes are for official delegates from branches as it informs on the message from Peter.
Heseltine on radio 5 there suggesting the possibility of a GE before Brexit but being about Brexit.
Brexit becoming increasingly unpopular in ‘the country’ and Tories will be left holding the baby he is implying.
Sovereignty lies within Westminster (the power doesn’t lie with the people) so Tories need to moderate and more Brexiteers dying every year and younger folk are more likely to support Europe.
So 4 years on British public opinion changes so change the deal!!
@Brian Doonthetoon says: 8 October, 2017 at 2:26 pm:
“Hi Robert Graham.
See the link I gave at 2.13pm.John Swinney’s on…”
link to
Oh! No! Brian, he doesn’t want to know that information.
If he knows that he won’t be able to then run the SNP down.
yesindyref2 says:
Nicola was crystal clear on constitutional issues.
Peston proves himself head and shoulders above Marr as an ‘inquisitor’. His questions got straight to the nub of important matters, and avoided daft sidetracking questions based on media fake news.
Seems a long time since I’ve seen a political interview of this quality from the BBC.
Couldn’t watch the game after Slovenia’s second goal.
Well done Scotland anyhow. Good set of results and if injury time goal v England could have been avoided we would have been in the playoffs.
Anyhow keep strong people. Well said Ken500, Headtracker and Robert Peffers for keeping the threads well on line. Lots of others I skip past but not these three stalwarts.
Thanks again to you all for keeping the record straight on what the SG i.e. the SNP are all about and how well they are doing for Scotland.
As for the three other so called parties Labour, Tories and LibDems they know where they can put their so called policies for Scotland.
At 2pm the Conference was being broadcast on the Parliamentary. Channel. Just press a button.
Some folk are so grumpy. No patience.
Nicola made a point on Peston, completely intentionally, I have absolutely no doubt ….
She said something like, in regard to the right to choose their future, “the people are sovereign whether it’s in Catalonia or Scotland”.
That, of course, is a direct challenge to the way WM views the issue of who is sovereign.
Sovereignty gets discussed on almost every thread on WoS. It interesting to hear the First Minister’s take!
As to the interview with Michael Russell, I found it encouraging that he was very emphatic that SNP policy remained an independent Scotland within the EU. “No if’s or buts.” So those promioting EEA/EFTA as a desirable end goal in its own right, for whatever reason of their own, are clearly divergent from that policy. Silence might be more advisable.
He also made the reasonable point that EEA/EFTA might be a necessary waypoint in order to protect our interests in circumstances not of our own devising, and I for one am relaxed about that possibility given the above firm assurance.
Brewer challenged Russell on the timing of indyref2, and there was clearly a difference between his position and that of Ian Blackford, despite his typical politician’s refusal to concede, given the likely “split!” headlines. But Brewer could only pursue that tack because Blackford et al foolishly gave him the ammo to do it in the first place.
Eminently reasonably, Russell pointed out that the Brexit process was currently so incoherent that it was impossible to have any specific policy at the moment.
But that made me consider some of the possible different outcomes:
+ lacking EU agreement, UK is forced to concede it will drop out to WTO. Then indyref2 will surely be on by end 2018. Such an extreme exit can’t be justified without also conceding a referendum, since to refuse would be a democratic outrage. Before then, there could also be a constitutional challenge over the Power Grab.
+ Brexit is off, because the English Establishment, and business interests in particular, can see the looming precipice and do a last-minute swerve from it, eg. via a 2nd EURef. With public opinion hardening against leaving, given the far better sense of realism about what the consequences really would be, Remain could win, and the diehard Leavers get stuffed. In that case, indyref2 is off indefinitely, since the direct justification is gone.
+ For similar reasons as above, the Establishment engineer a free trade/customs union deal for the UK, and face down the diehard Leavers. With serious repercussions for the Tory Party in particular. (A custom deal, not EEA/EFTA since the UK is too big for those.) The most tricky outcome for indyref2, since in that case there is little to differentiate Scotland from rUK unless SNP/Yes major on full EU membership, based on the 2016 EURef result. (And the sometime argument that it was a “UK” referendum is either pure sophistry or an outright Unionist trope.) But that blurring of the distinction could possibly also cause an indyref postponement, depending on public reaction at that point, which alas so far has been disappointingly passive.
So given the gamut of possible outcomes that may unfold over the next year, it’s not surprising that the SNP are having to wait and see, and do so more than they, as well as we, might like.
The folk who come on Wings night after night repeating the same garbage about how they hate the SNP
Do they really think that’s going to make me hate the SNP too
or do they think folk reading this site will hate them if they happen to be SNP members or supporters
It’s not likely is it, so why like parrots do they squawk the same noise like demented lonely Goblins over and over
and the answer is
@Robert Peffers –
You’re much-loved by many, well-respected by others, and acknowledged as ‘an important voice’, even by those who disagree with you.
I am one of the ‘many’ but I must ask this of you – please stop using words such as ‘faction’ when referring to those WOS regulars who voice disquiet about the SNP. It suggests a shared purpose and/or co-ordination of effort for which there is not the slightest evidence.
SNP conference has demonstrated unity despite uniformly negative MSM coverage – this place needn’t provide a source of imaginary rifts for hungry presstitutes.
Nicola made a point on Peston, completely intentionally, I have absolutely no doubt ….
She said something like, in regard to the right to choose their future, “the people are sovereign whether it’s in Catalonia or Scotland”.
The peoples “right to choose their future” is something I totally agree with. They made that in 2014, she seeks a different result now which I also am totally in agreement with.
The First Minister was speaking on ITV’s Peston On Sunday as SNP activists gathered in Glasgow for the party’s conference where she stated: “There is a sense that because of the uncertainty of Brexit, because things feel to be up in the air right now, it is premature to effectively set a date right now, we need to let the dust settle.”
I would reckon that the ”dust should have settled” by autumn of 2018. Still on course.
@ Robert J. Sutherland says at 9:25 pm ….
I totally agree with you Robert that it would be far too risky waiting until 2021 to hold a Referendum and why would we? The deadline for Brexit is March 2019 with a transitional period of 2 years: Maybe. Westminster and Holyrood Unionists are making it more and more difficult for Nicola Sturgeon to succeed in carrying out the day job between austerity cuts and constant demands to financially mitigate Westminster policies. How bad could that get over the next 4 years, especially as we know that many EUNats are already leaving the country which is going to impact greatly on our NHS/Social Care, Universities and so on. If the situation with our NHS, education, economy, employment, etc, worsens this would most definitely influence people to support the Union, as Nicola would get the blame for the downturn, IMO, not Westminster or the initial impact of Brexit.
Then there’s the issue relating to EUNats voting in a future Referendum, one in which the majority it would seem will support Independence. Will voting rights end for them in 2019 or 2021? Even if it was 2021 Westminster could pull the rug between 2019 to 2021, so we can’t rely on that.
You say, ”And there’s the rub. How to interpret the result of the last UKGE? Did the SNP lose more ground than expected because the BritNats cashed in on a widespread antipathy to independence, or because the SNP focussed exclusively on “the day job” and failed to motivate enough supporters to vote for something more inspirational?”
Isn’t there at least a third scenario Robert and that is that it was a General Election, not an Independence Referendum, with a focus on Labour trying to hammer the Tories with a great deal more gusto than we’ve seen since Blair tried to oust Major? Isn’t it entirely possible that many people lent Labour their vote? Something that some like Alan Bisset actually considered doing and as we know people like Cat Boyd carried through with.
Someone mentioned earlier that our SNP MSPs at Westminster were a waste of space or words to that effect. There are a number of examples that I could use to argue the case differently, but for one consider what Alyson Thewliss has been / is doing. It was she that first highlighted the disgusting Rape Clause that led to Ruth Davidson being put through a great deal of ‘discomfort’ and left with a tarnished reputation. She’s now taking this issue to the DUP and if she succeeds on getting them on side will scupper the UK Government’s horrendous two child tax benefit cap and rape clause altogether. And if the DUP don’t side with her there will be repercussions for them in NIreland with the Electorate.
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This is really worth listening to if you have the time. Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, prior Secretary General of the EU Convention, who was heavily involved in formulating Article 50 gives evidence on the Article 50 withdrawal negotiations.
link to
louis b argyll @ 8.47
Do it quick enough, we might even get to host it ..
Keep Gordon Strachan, dump the ludicrous pink strips and the comedian that thought we deserved them.
@The Italian Job said
‘Anyhow keep strong people. Well said Ken500, Headtracker and Robert Peffers for keeping the threads well on line.’
Well said yourself Italian Job!
I see the Guardian View piece is par for the course, negative and full of factual inaccuracies.
Getting pasted below the line they switched comments off after only about 100 kicks in the testimonials.
@ galamcennalath saysat 10:35 pm … ”Scots are sovereign.”
Nicola made a point on Peston …. She said something like, in regard to the right to choose their future, “the people are sovereign whether it’s in Catalonia or Scotland”…… Sovereignty gets discussed on almost every thread on WoS. It interesting to hear the First Minister’s take!”
Nicola Sturgeon has stated that the Scottish people are sovereign on a number of occasions. Some people on here just ignore that fact. Seem to suffer from either selective memory syndrome or hidden agenda syndrome.
@ Ian Brotherhood says at 10:50 pm …. ‘Robert Peffers …. I must ask this of you – please stop using words such as ‘faction’ when referring to those WOS regulars who voice disquiet about the SNP. It suggests a shared purpose and/or co-ordination of effort for which there is not the slightest evidence…. ”
Ian I reckon that most of us on here believe in Freedom of Speech, know that the SNP aren’t perfect but don’t you think it a bit strange that a number of people posting on here now do nothing ELSE but run the SNP down? Never seem to have a bad word to say about Unionist politicians or even find the time to post an informative link. In other words they use this site for no other reason than to point out to everyone on a daily basis that they think the SNP are Baad. Why would they do that? Why the focus on the SNP?
@ Robert J. Sutherland at 10:39pm ….”But that made me consider some of the possible different outcomes.”
I posted a link earlier in relation to Lord Kerr of Kinlochard discussing the Article 50 withdrawal negotiations, Robert (It hasn’t appeared yet). He covers some of the points that you have outlined in your post.
TM’s pearl necklace.
What does reptilian genitalia looks like ?
Less frequent in popping by for a wee look BTL, but some things it seems will never change. Old dogs and all that.
Abusing fellow commenters isn’t a good look, whatever way you deek at it.
It kind of screams ‘Superiority Complex’.
TM & JC will be glued to NS speech, looking for policies to steal
It’s a cracker. Peston let her speak, asked the questions, and Sturgeon clearly wanted to answer in full. Peston shames Marr who just wants his own agenda, Peston just wanted answers. And yes, I think if Sturgeon had been reading Wings over the last two or three weeks she couldn’t have done better to address all the genuine concerns around. And she really went all out to do so. Worth people watching in full, but for the hasty like me:
Sturgeon on Peston just before the conference.
link to
from 5.25 to 9.30, 11.39 for the mandate, and 12.20 for the “choice”.
Canary reporting EU in discussions with Labour amid fears of Tory collapse. Nicola’s ‘wait and see’ strategy now unassailable.
I posted on here earlier but it still hasn’t appeared. Breaking it up to see if that makes a difference.
The First Minister was speaking on ITV’s Peston On Sunday as SNP activists gathered in Glasgow for the party’s conference where she stated: “There is a sense that because of the uncertainty of Brexit, because things feel to be up in the air right now, it is premature to effectively set a date right now, we need to let the dust settle.”
I would reckon that the ”dust should have settled” by autumn of 2018. Still on course.
@ Robert J. Sutherland says at 9:25 pm ….
I totally agree with you Robert that it would be far too risky waiting until 2021 to hold a Referendum and why would we? The deadline for Brexit is March 2019 with a transitional period of 2 years: Maybe. Westminster and Holyrood Unionists are making it more and more difficult for Nicola Sturgeon to succeed in carrying out the day job between austerity cuts and constant demands to financially mitigate Westminster policies. How bad could that get over the next 4 years, especially as we know that many EUNats are already leaving the country which is going to impact greatly on our NHS/Social Care, Universities and so on. If the situation with our NHS, education, economy, employment, etc, worsens this would most definitely influence people to support the Union, as Nicola would get the blame for the downturn, IMO, not Westminster or the initial impact of Brexit.
Then there’s the issue relating to EUNats voting in a future Referendum, one in which the majority it would seem will support Independence. Will voting rights end for them in 2019 or 2021? Even if it was 2021 Westminster could pull the rug between 2019 to 2021, so we can’t rely on that.
You say, ”And there’s the rub. How to interpret the result of the last UKGE? Did the SNP lose more ground than expected because the BritNats cashed in on a widespread antipathy to independence, or because the SNP focussed exclusively on “the day job” and failed to motivate enough supporters to vote for something more inspirational?”
Isn’t there at least a third scenario Robert and that is that it was a General Election, not an Independence Referendum, with a focus on Labour trying to hammer the Tories with a great deal more gusto than we’ve seen since Blair tried to oust Major? Isn’t it entirely possible that many people lent Labour their vote? Something that some like Alan Bisset actually considered doing and as we know people like Cat Boyd carried through with.
I posted on here earlier but it still hasn’t appeared. Breaking it up to see if that makes a difference.
This is really worth listening to if you have the time. Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, prior Secretary General of the EU Convention, who was heavily involved in formulating Article 50 gives evidence on the Article 50 withdrawal negotiations.
link to
All the negativity and attacks on SNP are not to put people off the SNP but to put people off posting on Wings.
Destroy the website in other words by driving folk away.
@ Cactus , I’m buying you a pint brother. much love tae you.
@Petra (11.33) –
I assume you’re excluding obvious trolls.
If so, is Robert Peffers referring to a group which you or anyone else would be able to identify? i.e. actual names? Would you feel comfortable with ‘fingering’ specific commenters as being part of such a ‘faction’?
All I’m saying here – the use of the word ‘faction’ in relation to regular WOS contributors is divisive, aggressive and, ultimately, self-defeating.
Robert Peffers can speak for himself, and so can you.
A ‘faction’ cannot.
@ Alex Clark says at 11:41 pm …. ”Petra … All the negativity and attacks on SNP are not to put people off the SNP but to put people off posting on Wings. Destroy the website in other words by driving folk away.”
A bit of both I would think Alex and there’s different strokes for different folks. In other words they use a number of different approaches in their attempts to scupper our chances of winning the next Referendum. The two biggest threats to them are the SNP and Wings and don’t they know it. Genuine supporters should not be put off posting on here, but rather start posting in their droves to combat their intentions.
This should put the wind up the Unionist movement, if they get it off of the ground.
‘A Scotsman to buy the Scotsman?’
‘Alex Salmond is allegedly working with a consortium to buy the Scotsman newspaper with a view to it helping to re-balance the Scottish mainstream press by reporting more sympathetically on Scottish independence and, presumably, the SNP….’
link to
Have been a member of the SNP since the 1950’s.
They are very enthusiastic to gain Independence for Scotland but prefer not to fall off a cliff as exemplified by Brexiteers.
Vote YES and encourage yer Maw et al to do so also!
@ Ian Brotherhood says at 11:52 pm …. ”Petra …. ”I assume you’re excluding obvious trolls. If so, is Robert Peffers referring to a group which you or anyone else would be able to identify? i.e. actual names? Would you feel comfortable with ‘fingering’ specific commenters as being part of such a ‘faction’? All I’m saying here – the use of the word ‘faction’ in relation to regular WOS contributors is divisive, aggressive and, ultimately, self-defeating. Robert Peffers can speak for himself, and so can you. A ‘faction’ cannot.”
I’d need to go back and read Robert’s post Ian but as far as I’m concerned a faction can refer to a group of, bunch of or whatever and as far as I can make out there is a ‘group’ or ‘faction’ of people on here trying to undermine this site and the independence movement overall. It stands to reason that a site as influential as this would attract such people and not all would be ‘obvious trolls’. Most are far smarter than that.
‘Get to that job interview free and on time. Scotrail, the UK’s best rail service, offers free travel to unemployed and new-starts.’
Scotrail Alliance are offering two free return journeys per month to job-seekers and will cover the cost of the first month’s travel to a new job so that they can survive until that first salary payment at the end of the month.
”…This story brought a wee lump to my throat. I didn’t greet, I’m a Scot! Seriously, what a brilliant idea. I wonder if any of the rail companies south of the border have similar schemes or would get you there on time anyway? Surprise me….”
link to
Still trying to post this. Two links to an official SNP site. I wouldn’t have thought that this would have been a problem?
link to ]
United we stand,
divided we fall.
Dont know who said it but you lot better think hard about it. Ive seen great posters going against great posters and its not in the interest of our independence goal. please please get yer sights on the one target.
Our mutual friend always says Peace Always. think about that.!!!
@ Smallaxe. big smile
@Petra –
To be clear – I object to the labelling of an un-named group of WOS contributors as constituting a ‘faction’.
That word should not be used lightly.
Robert Peffers, as we all know, is not someone to use terms ‘lightly’, and that’s why I asked him not to use it in relation to fellow WOS contributors.
Thought the Peston/Nicola interview was excellent. Can’t compare with Marr as i don’t have a tv hence NO BBC.
She has been consistent throughout since June 25th last year.
Wait and see what the Brexit deal is then give the people options so they can vote on what is the best deal for Scotland.
Working back from March 2019 – end of the Article 50 withdrawal period- 6 months or so takes us too a year from now.
As she said, ‘I think in about a year’s time we will know what the Brexit deal is”.
Meanwhile with each passing day, the Tories and Labour are losing the plot, especially in Slab..
Meanwhile, the SNP will get on with running the country to get us into the strongest place while we are specifically tasked, by the FM, with getting on with Independence.
Sounds like a good strategy to me.
Can’t imagine for one minute that a pragmatic and sensible politician like Nicola, and her advisors, have not got an emergency plan to enact in the event of a Brexit ‘Walk out with no deal’ scenario.
The long game of politics is all very well and good.
But after that Scotland match,it’s just too ‘out there’
Embdy goat any propofol,or can sumdy just get me sectioned?
Petra @ 11:36,
Aye, I hadn’t forgotten the “UK focus” effect on the Scottish vote in a UKGE. That I think was on top of whatever else was happening.
2015 was unusual in that respect, since it was a complete departure from what had gone before. People voting in a UKGE as they had voted in a ScotGE, and in no small measure. Plenty of reasons for a special case, but I guess we all took it for granted the mould was truly broken. But it reappeared, if in somewhat crocked form, this time, not least because of the distraction of Corbyn as you say.
I’m hoping that events since, and yet to come, will help disabuse folk of the notion that the Islington Messiah will amount to anything at all for us here. It would be a great shame if a younger generation have to go through yet another cycle of dashed hope in Labour before they wise up as we have done.
Like you, I think 2021 will be too late. It’s a high-risk strategy – although voting might be different from a UKGE, proponents seem to have forgotten too readily that a majority in Holyrood is extremely hard to achieve. It’s also too passive and thus likely to be self-defeating. Signs look bad, so the brakes are put on some more, people then get more dispirited at the lack of progress and drift away, so the signs look worse, etc…
Thanks BTW for your link to Lord Kerr’s recent evidence at Holyrood. It seems to lead to a report that hasn’t been published yet, but I’ll be sure to try again. It promises to be quite interesting!
Well I’ve tried to post this on numerous occasions tonight, to no avail. It contained two links to Alison Thewliss’s site. I’m now beginning to wonder if the use of a particular word is blocking it, so will try again without the links which happen to contain the same word.
Someone mentioned earlier that our SNP MSPs at Westminster were a waste of space or words to that effect. There are a number of examples that I could use to argue the case differently, but for one consider what Alyson Thewliss has been / is doing. It was she that first highlighted the disgusting R*pe Clause that led to Ruth Davidson being put through a great deal of ‘discomfort’ and left with a tarnished reputation.
She’s now taking this issue to the DUP and if she succeeds on getting them on side will scupper the UK Government’s horrendous two child tax benefit cap and r*pe clause altogether. And if the DUP don’t side with her there will no doubt be repercussions for them with the NIreland Electorate.
link to
Reading up the thread to catch up on the evening’s posts…
interesting to read your 4 scenarios.
I’m drawn to number two – Brexit is off!
We know that Treesa has asked for private information on whether Article 50 can be reversed. Lord Kerr has ALWAYS maintained that it can , and he wrote it – so he should know.
Perhaps, in desperation to preserve the Union at all costs, they may consider ending Brexit.
May is already injured and will have to go soon, but in the mean time can fall on her sword – as it were- by reversing Article 50.
She might even become a hero in the process – unlikely!
If we don’t leave the EU then the Scottish Gov has no material change of circumstance to warrant a 2nd Indy Ref.
I wonder just how much influence Truthless has since she’s now spouting about how she would campaign for Remain in another ref – yet this week has also said ‘ the country has voted to Leave’ … as a smokescreen?
The UK’s clearly NOT going to get a good trade deal from Trump, the 300% tariff on Bombardier is a clear indicator there and that won’t please Arlene either so TM could lose her bought majority pretty quickly. Businesses are getting anxious and they fund the Tories.
If they’re going to cancel it will have to be soon – damage limitation! Hmmm!
Robert J. Sutherland says:
As to the interview with Michael Russell, I found it encouraging that he was very emphatic that SNP policy remained an independent Scotland within the EU. “No if’s or buts.” So those promioting EEA/EFTA as a desirable end goal in its own right, for whatever reason of their own, are clearly divergent from that policy. Silence might be more advisable.
He also made the reasonable point that EEA/EFTA might be a necessary waypoint in order to protect our interests in circumstances not of our own devising, and I for one am relaxed about that possibility given the above firm assurance.
Im not sure that promoting efta in its own right is the correct way to describe this view robert, more a tactic to win indyref2, also telling people to be silent…….. really? good luck with that, i’m sure salmond will heed yer command. lol
thing is, with a yes vote, immediate access to the single market is a must, I think even brexiteers are beginning to realise how important this is, I havent heard anyone on wos say that an indy scotland should Not be in the single market so i dont get why you dislike the idea of tying indyref2 directly to immediate efta/eea single market membership?
it is a point that everyone agrees with? whats the problem?
we can call it a staging post, a point on our way back to the eu, indeed, it is the eu who have said we would need to rejoin as a new country etc, (i dont think this would be a long process)
but the point is well made, we dont know how the next few months will pan out, if corbyn comes round to supporting staying in the single market (norway isnt keen for the uk to be an efta member)
how do we put forward a distinct policy to encourage folk to vote yes?
i think nicola is playing this well, how forcably we punt eu membership in indyref2 really depends on what happens elsewhere.
@ Ian Brotherhood says at 12:45 am …. ”Petra – To be clear – I object to the labelling of an un-named group of WOS contributors as constituting a ‘faction’. That word should not be used lightly. Robert Peffers, as we all know, is not someone to use terms ‘lightly’, and that’s why I asked him not to use it in relation to fellow WOS contributors.”
OK Ian I get the message and as Big Phil posted on here earlier ”Peace Always” … and a winning Referendum in 2018 … ”smiley.”
@ Robert J. Sutherland says at 12:53am ….”I’m hoping that events since, and yet to come, will help disabuse folk of the notion that the Islington Messiah will amount to anything at all for us here. It would be a great shame if a younger generation have to go through yet another cycle of dashed hope in Labour before they wise up as we have done….”
Well that’s my fear too now, Robert. The Tories are imploding and if Boris gets elected that’ll finish them off up here, imo. It’s Corbyn that we’ll have to watch: Have to ensure that we get the word out there that he’s keen on dragging us all out of the EU too and then there’s Trident of course. John Pilger makes some interesting points about him. All talk and no action?
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An article about Lord Kerr in the National. He discusses this nearer the end of the video.
‘Article 50 author Lord Kerr says Westminster is trying to break Scotland’s devolution settlement.’
link to
I see that the bookies show Johnston as favourite with Ruth Davidson in second place for Leadership. We know that she’s made it quite clear that she doesn’t want the job (because she canny dae it) but could she be forced to take it on? I would LOVE to see that happen!
In the National: ”On a poll on the Conservative Home site, she was second favourite (behind Boris) among party members to take over. As much as she may not want it, if it’s her or Boris she may not be allowed to stay where she is.
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‘Nicola Sturgeon said the BBC needs a ‘reality check’.’
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If they’re going to cancel it will have to be soon – damage limitation! Hmmm!
next week, is a big staging post, we will find out if the eu is willing to proceed to the next stage in negotiations and transitional trade deals.
we will also hear treezas response
if she lasts that long. I got the impression that the suspected coup was designed to ensure that no response to the eu came from westminster next week, but it looks like it failed and treeza has survived the weekend
@ Meg merrilees says at 1:09 am … ”Reading up the thread to catch up on the evening’s posts…RJS. Interesting to read your 4 scenarios. I’m drawn to number two – Brexit is off! We know that Treesa has asked for private information on whether Article 50 can be reversed. Lord Kerr has ALWAYS maintained that it can, and he wrote it – so he should know.”
Lord Kerr says that they have until March 2019 to pull out and if they want to rejoin will have to start from scratch and won’t get any of the concessions that they had previously. May et all will know that, so if that’s the plan the sooner they do it the better, for example before more banks bail out.
The whole thing is going absolutely pear-shaped but can you imagine the repercussions if they do pull out Meg? Riots in the street, the Tories utterly divided and at war with each other and the rise of UKip … rearing it’s ugly head again.
I hope this doesn’t happen because Brexit has been like Manna from heaven for us. The best chance we’ve ever had of getting out of this horrendous Union.
@Petra –
Not easy to navigate threads these days.
We must stand together, no matter.
MeV Merrilee’s 1.09
I don’t know that reversing Brexit is enough to stop Indy ref 2 now Meg.
Scotland has it’s material change because we are told we had to abide by England’s vote,that’s a very big difference from 2014s equal partnership.
We were not allowed…… Allowed mind ye… arrange a deal according to our own vote!
Brexit also clarified the Scottish Parliament and the Sewell convention position.
And Brexit has already done damage to the Scottish economy.
Then to add insult to injury we can’t stop Brexit but England and only England can
Then England gets to change it’s mind and once again we have no say
This is not the Union Scotland voted for……well you know and I know that’s exactly what it was and has always been
But they denied it and punted a completely different Union.
So for those who bought in to that Union we need to be sure they still want this one….this materially changed one.
But the main reason is that even if Westminster call’s off Brexit….. They don’t get the terms and conditions they had….the ones we voted to keep.
And they are almost certainty no going to get better one’s.. So they mucked up our membership therefore we should be asking Scotland if we should be negotiating our own?
Doesn’t matter which way ye cut it Meg we need to make sure have our say about all of this or we will never be heard again.
@Meg merrilees
Yes, seems about right to me. What she said to Peston was a shot across the bow for May “best way to do it”, implying that Indy Ref 2 will go ahead with or without an S30, which goes back to those famous “next steps” interrupted by the GE and then put on hold. The “Brexit off” option is a tricky one as it would almost certainly rule out Indy Ref 2 before 2021, my guess is that then the SNP stand on a manifesto of “Indy Ref 2 in this parliamentary session” on the basis of “Look what nearly happened with Brexit when we don’t control our own destiny”. I’d say that should get all Indy supporters back together, including the Leavers and those fed up back in June, and could be a winner for both election, and Ref.
Interesting and very open days.
Oops correction, not the bookies rather a poll on the Conservative Home site.
Time I got off to bed, lol, and wonder what tomorrow will bring. My landline telephone is totally defunct, I’m unable to get onto the Internet for hours on end and then all of a sudden it’s on again. Don’t know what to make of it. Anyway nightie, night night folks.
@Liz g
Sorry, posted mine before yours appeared. That could well be a material change, and perhaps support for Indy would rise when people see very clearly what a midden the UKG made of things.
Excellent and poignant post from ” Liz@ 0145″ . All WOS posters should take note of what Liz has stated here and why the Independence referendum must proceed.The ” two Kingdom union” has now been well and truly exposed as a complete and utter ” sham”.
@ Ian Brotherhood says at 1:45 am … ”Petra – Cheers. Not easy to navigate threads these days. We must stand together, no matter ?”
Yeah cheers to you too Ian. Next year we’ll be popping that cork all over Scotland and saying cheers … slàinte mhath …and thank the Lord we’re out of it.
@ Petra
The word you are using in relation to “r**e” clause will be what is holding your post up.
I once used the phrase “raising your head above the pa****t” and that was held in a moderation queue. The filters are quite strict.
Was watching prof of economics Steve Keen’s talk at the UK Green Party conference fringe event the other day (.think it’s still behind his paywall). His debunking of mainstream economics would be a valuable asset to the YES campaign.
His economic views are pretty close to prof murphy’s with some caveats and as an Aussie he is very ‘ to the point’
I pay a small subscription to fund his work because his affiliated university are bowing to the corporates and freezing him out.
Here’s a link..
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He has plenty stuff free on YouTube anyway.
One of the papers he mentions about taxation is a rather interesting one by an American fed chairman in the 1940s. It demonstrates the completely different view of government finance to the neoliberal one we have today.
The paper is titled “taxes for revenue are obsolete” and the extract is worth a quick read..
link to
In short spending precedes taxes (in a country with its own currency)
Mr dog food seller’s single neutron would never cope with things like this of course
So, many here won’t want to hear it, but it is important people know. Interviewed on the BBC TV this morning (between 0730 and 0800), NS said (and I paraphrase) ‘The Uk is leaving the EU, I know it and regret it, but I accept it, but we need to retain membership of the single market and customs union.’
So, their we have it, NS just confirming what Iain Blackford said over a month ago on a BBC interview, that regarding the UK leaving the EU ‘we accept it’ – meaning the SNP/ScotGov. That phrase ‘we accept it’.
I know people don’t like to hear this, but that does NOT sound to me like a FM standing up for Scotland remaining within the EU. Their was no ‘but Scotland does not want to leave’, or ‘the Scottish Government will fight it tooth and nail’. No, none of that. Scotland did not vote to merely ‘remain in the single market’, it voted to stay in the EU. The vote was very clear, Scotland to stay in the EU.
I do hope (and I know some on here think anybody who questions the SNP message is a tr*ll), that the SNP policy on EU membership for Scotland is spelled out absolutely crystal clear in the FM’s speech on Tuesday. We need ABSOLUTE clarity, no dubious phraseology, so people like myself know what is happening. If the SNP policy has now shifted to merely ‘remaining in the single market’, then so far as I would be concerned, it is not ok.
From what I hear in that interview, it just will not do. Not at all.
@schrodingers cat
“Thing is, with a yes vote, immediate access to the single market is a must, I think even brexiteers are beginning to realise how important this is, I havent heard anyone on wos say that an indy scotland should Not be in the single market so i dont get why you dislike the idea of tying indyref2 directly to immediate efta/eea single market membership?”
I agree with that tactic and it is perhaps why the SNP have been mentioning the words ‘single market so much. IMHO there’s more certainty that we will have SM membership than EU membership. I wouldn’t imagine Spain would make our life very easy in the aftermath of last week.
Yoon comentariat will pull in all sorts of ‘EU experts’ to tell us that Scotland’s path into the EU wont be straight foreword.
The question for business owners will be ‘do you want to be part of the single market or do you prefer years of uncertainty?
@Robert Louis
She can’t keep Scotland in the EU as part of Brexit, only after independence can we apply to join. That seems to me to be quite clear at the moment, I’m sure the EU told her that too.
‘but we need to retain membership of the single market and customs union’
This is the more important line to me, because its looking more and more like Brexit won’t deliver this either.
@Robert Louis
“So many here don’t want to hear it”
Am I missing something? There was never any stopping it. Foreign affairs is a reserved matter.
Three things to remember near as I can see.
1. Its not a question of are we leaving. Its a question of how quickly we can gain full status i.e. Going into a theoretical holding pattern for fast track ratification. (Remember, there is no precedence for this circumstance), but in any interim we would be technically out of the EU.
In short, we’d be in the same situation we’d have been in had we voted for independence in 2014.
2. Brexit is underway. It has a very high probability of happening and its a matter of soft or hard (steady now). A50 has been activated and concludes in March 2019 with possible (yet to be negotiated) extension for the UK RE: handover period. Any number of political event permutations could occur in the next two years which could make an utter arse of wild speculation.
3. The ONLY thing the Scottish government can do besides looking to build some European consensus from ALL our population is to give us the opportunity to choose for ourselves via another indy ref and only then when a. the opportunity presents itself, b. necessity drives the issue c. when all the FACTS are known on the final Brexit deal d. preferably when we can win
OR some mix of all of the above.
You could fill chasms with what we DON’T know about the constitutional and legal fallout of this galactof**k and not even the ‘experts’ have a clue what’s coming next. NO PRECEDENCE means just what it says on the tin.
Lastly we really, really need to focus on the prize here. The prize is independence. Without it, there’ll be no choices for anyone. There’ll be NO EU holding pattern, NO EFTA, NO constitution, NO control of our economic choices or any other damn thing.
People not exercising their democratic right in June put a huge fucking spanner in the works for the Scottish government and they can’t act without the confidence of the people. You use your democracy or you lose your democracy. Plain fact is, people didn’t get out to vote and get behind a government they’re hoping will bail them out when the shit hits the fan.
I get it. People are tired of big issue votes. They’re suffering from voter fatigue. All sorts of different reasons. Well we better get over those issues rapidly, because if we don’t, there are others who WILL be more than happy to crap all over our right to choose and make some choices for us. Choices folk may not appreciate.
To recap: The SNP can only advocate membership of the EU and offer us the opportunity to vote FOR it. The ‘EU out’ damage has been done. Only UK gov can currently retain membership of the EU and it’s safe to say that horse has well and truly bolted. The Scottish government do NOT have competence over foreign affairs (that’s reserved last time I checked). IF we want the holding pattern and a fast track back in to protect our new Scots, or retention of access to the single market, then INDEPENDENCE and returning control over foreign affairs to our parliament is pretty much it.
Robert Louis,
How very selective of you =)
It’s like a kid’s playground on here lately. Where is the tolerance and kindness, and what gives anyone on here the right to call another poster names. Frustration can cause folk to write something in the heat of the moment and on reading it back may not be what the person meant. How can any winger be absolutely certain someone else is a ‘troll’ or whatever.
If you don’t like what you see then scroll past and let the owner of this site decide who gets to post.
New readers are not going to want to stay here for fear of being labelled or shouted down should they say something someone else considers out of turn. It’s easy enough to state your disagreement with a posters words without the insults.
I’ve been on Wings a long time and try to catch up with threads and what I’m seeing nowadays is a turn off. Are we going to pull together or fall apart.
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New ‘£5billion’ North Sea oil field discovered in Moray Firth basin
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@Robert Louis
The difference between the BBC’s interviews with Sturgeon and ITV’s are like night and day, the ITV let her speak, the state BBC try to make her say what they want.
Sturgeon on Peston this Sunday (ITV):
link to
Key bits for Indy Ref 2 are from 5.25 to 9.30, 11.39 for the mandate, and 12.20 for the “choice”.
Count gone up on youtube from when I found it last night from 190 to 442, maybe 12 mine as I rechecked it!
For goodness sake good politicians have to accept the political reality. Even if they do not like it or do not agree. If outside forces come. Along to cause trauma. If England and Wales have voted out of the EU and are determined to go out of the EU. Scotland is in a Union with the rest of the UK because a majority of people voted for it, even though they were lied to do it. Then a skilful politician has to accept that position and move on and find a way around it. That is exactly what Nicola’s and co are doing. They are obviously finding ways to pay public sector workers, essential workers public body fees. That is the first right step. To keep them here and reassure them. A hardship fund for those who incurr extra expense when the posts are changed by Westminster would be good.
Don’t know why people get so hung up in EU membership. In circumstances not of Scotland’s making. Efforts have to made to keep things as much the same for the economy. . If it’s EEA/EFTA or ZATBY or ASEBTY. If it gives nearly as much rights as the necessary full rights. Then that’s what will be. If Scotland wants full membership in the future Just go for it.
What is more Important. Independence or EU membership. Or no EU membership and no Independence. Or Independence and as near as full EU membership. Is temporally giving up some EU rights worth Independence. YES.
Is Independence the main goal. Or full EU membership which might not be possible in any case because of outside forces.coming to play. People who voted NO.because they were lied to and deceived.
In Nicola accepting the situation. That is being a realist. In life people often have to compromise that is the reality. Going lalalala and banging on the table full EU membership. Nothing else. Will not suffice. That is just impossible. The SNP /others as the elected Gov need to find a solution.
What’s more important full EU membership or Independence. (With top class associate status. Who knows it might turn out to suffice for the time being) until full status is reached again.
It is not Nicola’s fault people keep voting NO. They decide that.
It is really getting boring obtuse people with obvious alternative motives. They didn’t get an e-Mail reply and it ruined their business. Really. Nothing to do with poor management or anything. Or why didn’t they get up and go and see someone for information. Pathetic. Choosing to blame the SNP for all that is happening. When the are the main one’s as usual who have to sort out the mess. Not of their own making.
Banging away on the keys every which way. Just imagine them. Screwed up in their own venom.. Always getting to their main point. It’s always SNP fault. When it’s not and never has been. It has nothing to do with them. It is not of their making. Scotland has never had better governance ever.
Independence is more important than full EU membership. Even for some totally committed Europhiles. If comprise has to be because of outside forces, so be it. The Tories can rot in hell for what they have done. There is no bigger lowlives on the plant. A bunch of decrepit old ‘B’s. They would ruin the countries future as long as they are alright. Still the same. They never change. Although it looks like they are dying out. Ruth Davidson is on a wing and a prayer. To oblivion. Or get the gas mask out.
Robert Louis 8.01am. Agree completely, We should not be “accepting” Scotland being dragged out of the EU against its will.
yesindyref2 says:
Indeed. The contrast was amazing.
Peston did a proper interview asking very pertinent questions then allowing an answer.
Marr, as I said on a comment last night, just frantically ticked boxes on the SNPBaaad Bingo card he had been issued. Framed questions from fake news then became frustrated when the answers weren’t what he had been charged to get.
Jock McDonnell says:
9 October, 2017 at 8:17 am
@Robert Louis
“She can’t keep Scotland in the EU as part of Brexit, only after independence can we apply to join. That seems to me to be quite clear at the moment, I’m sure the EU told her that too”…
….Another timely quote there from José Manuel Barrosa.
Looks like I do have to spell it out, and hope that no Unionists are watching.
IF the SNP adopt the English doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty overruling the popular sovereignty of the Scottish people, and in the immediate context that means Holyrood’s servile capitulation to Brexit, thus allowing the population of a Nation that is not Scotland to decree and force Scotland to do a thing it has specifically voted against, then the SNP is guilty of the same unconstitutional, incompetent in law, and inappropriate misappropriation of Scotland’s inalienable sovereignty as the 18th C Scottish Lords and nobles who signed away a Scottish Sovereignty which was never theirs to sign away.
Unless the SNP retraces it’s steps quickly and picks up the cudgels for defending Scotland’s sovereign choice to remain in the EU, and fight it on the chosen battleground of national sovereignty, then our “Scottish Government” is no different in deed or intention from the Parcel of Rogues in a Nation described by Rabbie Burns.
IT DOES NOT MATTER whether Scotland’s Brexit vote can be ascribed to Scotland alone, or a vote for the whole UK to remain. It makes no difference whether the sovereign voice of Scotland decided Scotland should remain, or the UK should remain, both interpretations create the same constitutional crisis whereby Westminster has to respect Scottish sovereignty or subjugate it, and in so doing, and in either eventuality, tear apart the Act of Union.
It also DOES NOT MATTER whether the EU will demand Scotland reapplies for membership, or is granted transitional status to shepherd our full membership through a new process which has no precedent, or any other process or consequence that might be mooted.These are parameters for Europe to decide, and Scotland to respect, and both to negotiate to resolution, but this too has NO bearing upon Scotland’s sovereign decision to remain. It is not the membership we defend, it is the choice we defend – our sovereignty!
Thirdly, it also does not matter whether there is a democratic majority of Independence or against it. It’s irrelevant. The constitutional breach that would tear the Union apart is not Scotland’s democratic choice to terminate the Union, something which has no mandate or majority, but our sovereign choice to remain in the EU, which has both. That gives Scotland all the democratic credentials we require to make our stand around sovereignty and defend the choice we made. England and Westminster cannot overrule Scotland’s adopted sovereign position, thus whether or not the Union survives, or ends, is a choice for Westminster to make, not Scotland. It is for Westminster to choose whether to proceed with Brexit and subjugate Scotland unlawfully, or abandon Brexit and concede for the first time in 300 years to the effective veto of Scottish sovereignty over Westminster’s Parliamentary Sovereignty.
For the love of God SNP, even if you cannot get your heads around the sovereignty thing, let me put it in terms you maybe will understand. If you go ahead with your blind pursuit of a Scottish referendum which has no constitutional foundation greater than a sub-sovereign regional opinion poll, and you have in the process abandoned EU membership but bought votes from EU citizens and Europhiles whom you conned into believing that your intention was to defend Scotland’s EU membership, then the Unionists will portray the SNP as the 21st Century Parcel of Rogues who not only sold out Scotland’s sovereignty like the Lords and Nobles of 1707, but also sold out Scotland’s European citizenship too.
It strikes me that even Better Together on their worst day could gain purchase on the undeniable truth of it, and if you want battle on for your precious referendum knowing that such an electoral landmine is waiting for you, then you’ll have nobody to blame but yourselves for what is going to happen.
IT IS NOT TOO LATE to rethink, but we are well in to the eleventh hour. Please listen. Please listen.
the only good thing about wee Ruthies appearence’s on TV is that her constituants get to see who they voted for .
Apologies if this is O/T, but I have always been curious about this.
Liz 1:45am
“Then England gets to change it’s mind and once again we have no say
This is not the Union Scotland voted for……well you know and I know that’s exactly what it was and has always been
But they denied it and punted a completely different Union.”
Say for arguments sake that the Articles of the Treaty of Union back in 1707 had been followed as intended, then how would Scotland be treated as an equal in this United Kingdom?
I understand that due to differences in population, the elected representatives sent to Westminster will always be outnumbered by the number of elected representatives sent to Westminster by the RoUK and therefore any decisions affecting Scotland will be outvoted by the RoUK, so the Scottish voice will always tend to be drowned out.
Would it be a case, for example on major issues such as defense, trade, economy, health etc, then the Scottish representatives vote would be weighted to be worth, say ten times more than a RoUK’s representatives vote to overcome the differences in population. Or would some other method would be used?
I really appreciated your thoughts and comments on this.
Nana @9.03: amen to that.
@Yesindyref2: was just going to thank you for posting that Peston clip last night when you reposted this morning. I wouldn’t have seen it normally and was impressed with his politeness and his asking of the right questions and listening to the FM’s answers. And was there actually some genuine respect and regard for the UK’s ablest politician too?
I remember Pesto as a rather annoying foppish figure when he was in the BBC but, as other posters have commented, what a difference in his manner from the often snide, disrespectful conduct of the State Propagandist’s “journalists”.
Nicola’s Brexit policy. Until Scots vote for self determination, we have to accept what WM do. Nicola has always said that her first option to push for is a special single market arrangement for Scotland, the second is to campaign to keep the whole UK in the single market, and failing those two to call IndyRef2 so Scotland can chose its own course.
Never changed.
The first stood very little chance and doesn’t even get mentioned now.
The second is perhaps the policy of some Tories, and Labour seem to have jumped on it to make political capital. IMO the Tories won’t stay in the single market. Nicola said expects the same yesterday. This now seems unlikely unless there is a change of government.
And the third is the option the Tories are likely to deliver. May’s Florence speech was off at a tangent. Today May is going to tell the EU the ball is in their court – though it’s not clear where she expects them to kick it. We hear the negotiators won’t talk about Ireland or divorce bill in this fifth round. They aren’t even trying.
It looks increasingly sensible to assume the Tories don’t have a deal to propose because they don’t want a deal at all. And so events will trigger IndyRef2.
Although Nicola won’t discuss a precise timescale, she did say the choice needs to be made before March 2019, possibly late 2018. Wasn’t that the plan all along?
Douglas @9:37
A Union of Sovereign equals would be a confederal arrangement like Europe, where individual nations have a sovereign veto, and decisions are made through consensus. When one nation respects another, it respects its power to say no.
If it is too lop sided, and a bigger nation is frustrated by the veto of a smaller nation, then the confederacy can be abandoned by a sovereign choice to leave it.
Never now watch political because they are just so boring nonsense. Would not give the pathetic cretins the energy. Just constant mistruths and incessant lies. They can’t even do a bit of five to ten minutes basic research. For basic information. Regurgitating old nonsense. Time and time again. Does not make it fact. It just makes folk annoyed and angry. Won’t even give them the oxygen.
Only watch when Nicola/SNP on. Once a year?
What a laugh. Ruthie sitting there all smug taking in the adulation about her so called great achivements. Nothing but lies. All the work?she has had to do. Asking ridiculous questions every week. Forgetting to add the Tories are polling back down to third. (After all the hard work?) Will probably go lower as the mess plays out. She is only elected on a flawed PR system by a fluke. Imposed by unionists. The Greens let her in. Seating there all smug taking it all in. Like a wee emperor. On a throne. Usual full of her own importance,
Then Yasmina let it ripp about what was really happening and the Tories position in Scotland. The racist, bigot councillor. The DUP agreement etc. How useless they were. Giving it Lardy. YES take that. Preston has to go to an adds break? Conveniently. Wish she had got in about unionist imposed PR system. Under FPTP none of the unionist would be there. It would be a wipe out of the pompous ignoramouses. . Nadine’s face was a pictures. Pompous and arrogant she could not get a word it. Know all. Was loving it. They don’t know where to look. It fair makes them quiet. Destroys all their fantasies.
The. Nicola getting them telt. They couldn’t get a word in. Brilliant. Take that you ‘phycho bastards’ They are terrified ever time the SNP appear.
Imagine Mharia Black and some others in the corridors of power. Getting them telt. Mogg is terrified of her. Loves her. Totally feart. He used to take every opportunity to goad the SNP. No longer. Scotland still has a few aces up their sleeves.They don’t tangle with Joanna Cherry. She wipes the floor with them. Or of course Alex Salmond they are all feart of him. Such a pity he is gone. They didn’t tangle with him. He knows his stuff. Outside in. Inside out.
That that useless dumpy took him out. All smug and happy. Or voters sitting on their hands did and let a lot of useless self seek Tories in. Who will do nothing for their communities. Most of them are total misfits. No fit to stand for election. Never mind be voted in. They broke the electoral code on fit and responsible people. Gave false declaration. Having bern dragged in off the street. Most of them should be in jail.
But the oil is finished…
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Poor wee Scotland, how will we ever cope with the burden of even more oil?
Aye, right!
BAE will announce the job cuts later this week, dealing a blow to the UK manufacturing
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It’s a sad truth: on Brexit we just can’t trust the Treasury
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Links for SNP conference
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Marr is totally over rated. Why he is still there is a mystery? He doesn’t not know his stuff. He once did a programme supposed to be about world history. It was so pathetic and amateurish it was embarrassing. An extravagance. Goodness knows how much it costs. A renegade Labour plant from the Labour Mafia years. Still prevalent in in BBC (especially in Scotland) . The Labour Mafia tentacles are still there briefing against Scotland. Every association. Everywhere you look. 25% of the population. They got their (early) patronage from Labour Party membership and miked it for all it was worth. Like the masons. Many of them are despite declaring as ‘socialists’. Like a recurring pain. The only thing that outplays their incapabilities is their greed. Communist/Socialists a joke. They make other people’s lives a misery. Illegally financing illegal wars.
BBC a job for life. Not matter how boring and untalented. Why don’t they rotate a bit and let some more interesting knowledgeable folk in. It is supposed to be a public broadcasting show. The same old one’s rotation. On vast salaries. They are interviewing folk,doing dancing shows, doing quizzes, doing travel shows. The same one’s. Not them again. For years and years and years. Most of them are pathetic, boring and annoying. It just makes folk angry and switch off. The same old overpaid prima donnas. No good drama. Why don’t they limit contracts to five years. Then get in Sin new folk. Or are they too lazy. They obvious do not have to keep up their ratings. They can’t be bothered. Half of the BBC budget. £1.8Billion goes to manage the estate.
Some Trade union bosses (illegally used their members money embezzled in to finance illegal wars. ‘International Socialist’ ? International warmongers. They have blood on their hands. They gave Blair money to kill millions of people. They are the scum of the earth. Keep the red flag flying. Aye right stenched in blood.
These people care nothing about others. Watching the carnage they could have prevented from their penthouse. Just their greedy manipulating selves. A fifth column of total and utter badness. Totally promoted above their capabilities. Some of them are ignorant dinosaurs.
It is a shame young folk are being draw in but they will learn. As events unfolds, The hard way. Just try ‘three day’ weeks. The ‘winter of discontent’. The dead could not get burned. Rubbish everywhere. A total disgraceful shambles of intransigence and greed. The rent and wage cap. Everyone ended off worse off in inferior accommodation. That was a brut, They soon got shot of that.
There are one’s like Crowe who would not give Blair a penny, but spent the TU money on the members as it should be. Good for him. Not financed a totally corrupt Party in every way shape an form warmongering psychopaths. Most of them should be in jail.
Oh no, not more oil discoveries, what are we going to do with all that stuff?
Give it away for free to the sassenachs.
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( many on here dont want to know ) Do yous clowns start your day’s with a chorus of Hi Hoo’s . The Many on here have heard FM/Fergus Ewing/Ian Blackford & comprehend what they have said unlike you clowns that have a different interpretation of the Scottish tongue .
The little unionist’s ‘Hope not unionists are listening’ Aye right away and boil yer held. No one is listening to yer nonsense
Blaming the SNP because a business failed by not gettig an return of an e-mail. What a load of nonsense. Nothing to do with mismanagement or any responsibility. So screwed up. Determined to put the boot in, anyway, using any excuse. it’s pathetic. Get lost. Whimpering on. Me, me, me. I’m so important listen listen to me,me, me. Typical self seeking know all Tory. Get lost. People who don’t give a damn about Independence of the EU. Just want to make. capital and sling mud against the SNP. For alternative obscure reason. Not getting a return of an e-Mail. Have you ever heard the like.
Doing the best job for Scotland it has ever had.
The people of Scotland let the SNP down not the other way round
The FM announced a path she would offer Scotland then the powers of darkness had a GE in which Scotland didn’t support the SNP and chose to support the sectarian racist English domination route which lowered the SNP strategic power, yet still we have folk complaining that with no Royal Flush up her sleeve the FM should just get them telt
We don’t live in a democracy and folk should bear that in mind when demanding our FM do stuff they want after suffering a degree of loss of support which the English immediately seized on as a weakening of support for Independence whether true or not
Asking the FM to overrule and ignore loss of support for her proposition by the people would be seen and used as evidence of a dictatorial attitude and she could lose even more support because of it
Frustrating and annoying though it is our parliament has no power except the power of the people in Scotland, that’s what gives the FM an undeniable mandate to do what’s required but as long as there are enough Unionists and cringing sectarianists giving legitimacy to their cause the FM might as well be shouting at a wall
She can’t knock on every door in Scotland and make them see sense if they don’t care to accept that sense
I fear it has begun – the elusive Tory plan for Brexit appear to be unfolding. Across the msm we hear that May has made generous concessions and talks have stalled because of EU stubbornness. It’s bullshite and the loyal msm are feeding it to the gullible UK voters.
The Florence speech is framed as concession. Eh!? I see none,
The EU have been consistent and open in their framework and agenda. The UK appeared to accept the key points – divorce bill, citizen,s rights, and Ireland – in the first couple of rounds.
Now, the UK seem to be entering the fifth round unwilling to discuss the bill or Ireland. That cannot be a negotiating stance, that is a derailing tactic!
I sense sabotage and intent to blame the breakdown on the EU.
Take this article in the Indpendent …
” The Prime Minister has already appeared to bow to the pressure by sending out a “no more compromises” message to the EU, ahead of the resumption of the negotiations today.
With Britain refusing to give ground on the so-called divorce bill – and EU leaders digging in on guaranteeing EU citizens’ rights – they are not expected to end the stalemate. “
What compromises has the UK made?
Give ground on the divorce bill? As far as I can see no specific figure has even been suggested by either side.
And the last paragraph in the article …
” The prime minister will update MPs on the situation this afternoon, making clear to EU leaders that – after the concessions in her Florence speech – “the ball is in their court. “
That is just complete nonsense aimed at a UK audience. From an EU and negotiating stance, it just doesn’t even make any sense.
It’s like the Leave campaign all over again. A lot of gullible people are going to be sold complete fiction,
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@ galamcennalath
You are spot on. I hope we are ready, in all senses, because ‘no deal’s is coming. The Tory mood music is changed by saying the ball is in EU court. It means the right wing fanatics have won, and whether May wants it, is irrelevant.
May is a broken puppet controlled by the likes of Redwood, JRM and BoJo, it’s a nightmare. They are saying we have made too many concessions, and time to leave. It means cliff edge, instant Armageddon, because it will show just how shit this country’s political state really is.
@galamcennalath 11.23: yes I fear FOBO approaches (the Flounce Out and Blame Option), ably assisted by a compliant media.
Long-term economic carnage all round but the interests of the mad Tory Party must be paramount at all times, don’t ya know?
Looks like the Catalans are about to bottle out. France saying they won’t recognise an UDI. EU offering no support whatsoever.
We are on our own.
Autumn Conference is also LIVE NOW [Monday] on YouTube Channel:
link to
Stand by for orders from British nationalists demanding we all hing oot a Butcher’s Apron frae oor windaes.
@Valerie @Tinto Chiel
Daily Express … ” A TORY BREXITEER blasted Emmanuel Macron and EU chiefs saying they are “stringing along’ the UK over Brexit. “
The UK as the victim! Laugh or cry?
But, yes, I reckon that is the plan … poor reasonable honourable decent UK being forced out by the nasty intransigent vindictive EU.
Workies in the house right now, installing new windaes. Blaring some commercial radio station, no idea which one, but it’s utterly mind-blowingly bad.
It’s been years since I tuned-in to Clyde or West FM or suchlike because I used to work in local radio and it scarred me permanently, cannot stand the ads and muzak. They are expertly designed to *annoy* your heid – the proof of how effective it is is that we can all remember ads from thirty, forty years ago no problem.
Many of the target voters we need to reach are immersed in this, and similarly awful telly broadcasts 24/7. It’s never-ending, full-on brainwashing shite, but it’s worth revisiting from time to time just as a reminder of what we’re up against.
And there we have it.
EU just this minute, said the ball is entirely in UK court if they want negotiations to move forward.
A50 triggered in March, 2017, and stalemate by 9th Oct, 2017. Who still thinks this isn’t what was always planned?
Really hoping Salmond has been advising on this outcome, and we are ready. As I said, effects will be felt very quickly. £ will tumble again, and jobs will now vacate quicker, as the employers finalise their plans to move.
BAE in Warton axing 1000 jobs. Northern powerhouse, eh?
The majority of Catalonians did not support it. The vote was manipulated. They were against it. Now Snr big shot Catalonia President will pay the price. Prison. No messing in Spain. On they go. He has had the economy in bits for ever. Fighting over £4Billion contribution to the poorer regions of Spain. Greedy beyond belief. Spain is made up of autonomous provences. They do what they like but have to make a contribution to the overall administration. Like London S/E declaring bankrupt and doing what it likes.
Catalonia was a major player in the bank crisis. The crash happened mainly on the Costas. Housing crash. Holiday homes. Pozzi crooked fraudulent schemes. Inflated prices. In Catalonia, Barcelona too people lost their live saving, pensions in crooked Pozzi schemes. Defraud millions of EU citizens and foreigners. The Catalonia politicans are as crooked as the rest of Spain, Embezzling public money etc. They let down the people. They has in this case too. They had two illegal referendums that they lost. No where to go or hide now, They will set the Law upon them for the trouble they have caused. No doubt of that.
Douglas @ 9.37
That’s the point Douglas. The 1707 Treaty was never fair or workable.
It only makes sense if you owned land in both countries,and only insofar as it was convenient not to have to travel between Edinburgh and London to align the law’s.
It was a con on the actual people from day one.
And as you have worked out the numbers alone make it impossible to work fairly in a democracy.
Dr Jim @ 11.22 am
Agree completely with what you wrote..
Those who say they want independence had one job to do at the GE in 2017 and that was to vote for the SNP thus showing their support for a second indyref.
The FM had set out the timetable and Holyrood endorsed it. The GE interrupted the next step in the process but it provided an opportunity for those who want independence to demonstrate their support for a second indyref especially so when the 3 Unionist parties were campaigning explicitly against a second indyref.
What an opportunity missed. Instead people stayed at home or voted for other parties thus handing the Unionist side a stick with which to beat the SNP and they have used it at every opportunity.
“Spain has vowed to do ‘anything within law’ to stop Catalonia breaking away”
That’ll be the law of Spanish nationalist Madrid.
Coming next: Westminster has vowed to do anything within the law to stop Scotland breaking away. The law according to British nationalist Westminster.
The way I see things with these EU negotiations is that I can’t see any satisfactory deal from the EU that will please or satisfy those who voted to leave the EU.
And when the Brexit disaster does hit the UK, we can expect to see Corbyn trying to make political capital out of it by conning people into believing that he would have negotiated a better deal.