The People We Don’t Want
We tweeted this last night as a teaser for our big exclusive. (Which is now hilariously being claimed by Paul Hutcheon of the Daily Record seven hours later.)
And it does now seem to be the case that the news is that the SNP are ending the Bute House Agreement and kicking out the Greens before the Greens do it first.
And what that tells us, for a starter, is that the SNP’s once-legendary skill in news management really is now well and truly on fire, as in “bin”.
What a shambles. And as big a bonehead as she is, you have to feel a shred of human sympathy for Maree Todd, sent out onto telly late last night to make an idiot of herself without any warning of what was coming down the line just a couple of hours later.
The move may be the first vaguely politically astute thing Humza Yousaf has done as FM, although it’s right in character to do it in such a hamfisted manner, barely 36 hours after he was waxing lyrical about the deal and how it would last a thousand years.
(He’s made it SUCH a central fixture of his leadership since day 1 that it was always going to be a complete riddy for him no matter what, but a slightly brighter bulb than Yousaf would have been a little more circumspect about it in recent days.)
The really interesting question now is whether feral potato Patrick Harvie will quit the (co-)leadership of his party if the Greens are the dumpees, not the dumpers.
If so then Yousaf would genuinely have done Scotland at least one valuable service in his tenure, although God alone knows which lunatic imbecile the Greens would replace Harvie with. We suspect, though, that the microscopic misogynist will cling on like a limpet to the only thing that gives his life any meaning or significance.
But given how furious the Greens are, the MORE interesting question is whether Anas Sarwar and Douglas Ross will have the wit to call an immediate confidence vote in the Scottish Government, which they would (just) have the numbers to win if the Greens supported them and Ash Regan abstained.
And it would be pretty wild for the Greens to back the SNP after saying this:
(We can’t see anything to lose for Sarwar and Ross. If they call the vote and the Greens DID back the SNP, the Greens would look completely absurd and the SNP would once again look totally beholden to them and Yousaf would have enraged his former allies and torpedoed his majority for nothing. The only issue for Ash Regan is that she’d probably be voting herself out of a job, but Alba are an opposition party and SHOULD want an election, especially since they keep correctly pointing out that the SNP have no plan for independence.)
We must admit we didn’t see a Scottish general election coming before the UK one, but it might just now be on the cards. It shouldn’t be long until we find out.
What a mess why does nt Useless just call an election early and give us a chance of getting rid of all the rot.
Given that Patrick Harvie is a List MSP, if the Greens party falls out with him, can they replace him on the list?
Same for Lorna Slater.
SNP are New labour through and through. They resisted the wind of change even when it became a hurricane. They both believe they’ll never be voted out and have a job for life. This change was down to self preservation, not listening to the voting public. Not soon enough for me and others.
(It’s too early for me to be more coherent)
Can’t see either Harvie or Slater ever resigning from any public platform, far less a profitable one.
It’s challenging to imagine any world in which they could hold leadership positions by virtue of talent, imagination or natural charisma.
They are both only in Holyrood by virtue of the closed list system and Ms Slater achieved her place because a more honourable Green politician left in disgust.
And yet, the evil that they have done will live on after them.
Congratulations on being on the ball Stu with your announcement last night. Braw!!
Well done Sir
Good Morning Scotland has just confirmed that the deal is dead.
Brilliant news. Good riddance.
Must admit, I whooped with joy when this was announced on the radio this morning.
Now get on with dualling the A9 and A96.
I would like to say the greens contribution has been “net zero” but they have emitted too much hot, toxic, gas in that time.
What happened in the meeting? Did Humza say –
I know your name … it is rumpel-foreskin
and in that moment, he disappeared in a puff (?!) of sulphurous smoke
now the rest of the cabinet can put on the ruby slippers and all the friends of dorothy can … whatever
– too early in the morning, only woke (dont use that word) because of a power cut
Looks like little Green martyrs Harvie and Slater left in a strop.
The tail that wagged the dog has now been docked.
Ditching the Greens disnae alter the fact that a weel-peyed colonial administration’s main purpose is tae haud back the independence movement; according to postcolonial theory it does this through introducing laws that make it ‘an implement of coercion’ (Fanon) whilst ensuring the plunder (offshore energy, freeports etc etc) continues. Which is what we see.
Suspect this will only facilitate the greens quest for a coalition with the future Scottish Labour FM. And it’ll destroy them too
red sunset @ 08.58
As far as I know, with the Additional Members System the Greens select their List by balloting their members.
Whether this means they could deselect them during a Holyrood sitting or not I don’t know.
I honestly don’t think Yousless thinks more than a week in advance. I don’t think he can. He is such a limited individual.
Why would anyone with a brain think it was going to end well going into a coalition with truly atrocious politicians like Harvie and Slater. Dumb and Dumber.
And then add in all the deviant perverted stuff to their rank incompetence. It is a fucked up mix that is for sure. These weirdos should never have been anywhere near power.
Too late for Yousless, the damage is well and truly done. Just like the Sturgeon SNP. Get them to fuck.
Watched the pair of them (Harvey and Slater) exiting BH earlier. He had a face like a skelped arse and she had her infamous rictus grin stuck in place.
Might grit my teeth and watch FMQs later. Should be fun.
@Ian McCubbin – I’ve apologised for my poorly worded post yesterday in the “Grooming Class” thread. It wasn’t pointing at your post, honest!
And so what. That’s like changing the bunting on a sinking ship.
Hilariously, Lorna Slater attacks Humza’s “cowardice” and “betrayal.”
That probably does Hapless Humza a favour, as his own leadership comes into question.
Re-arranging the deckchairs on the Titanic.
Don’t be surprised that after all the huffing and puffing is over with regards to the ending of the BHA, that the Greens still back the SNP in the chamber on unsavory policies and vice-versa.
One could even go as far to say that this is a ploy to make both parties appear more electable at the up and coming GE, for the Greens it gives them a principled stand on Climate Change, though in reality the Greens wouldn’t know what a principle was is if it jumped up and bit them on the arse.
For the SNP, it gives them the look to the outside world that they are not letting the tail wag the dog, and that Yousaf can be strong when he needs to be and voters will adhere to that, as many voters loathed Green policies other than Climate change.
Both parties are of course completely unelectable.
Could any of these “developments” have something to do with Scotland’s fake parliament having backed the principles of the Victims, Witnesses and Justice (Scotland) Bill?
The installation of a system that can effectively legitimise sending innocent people to prison under a false charge of rape could be rather convenient for the powers that be to remove permanently from the political arena political inconveniences under a veneer of “legitimacy”.
I guess that once this is installed, the “Bute House Agreement”, or an infiltrated SNP government for that matter became surplus to the British state’s requirements, so it can be finally dissolved.
It is always being said that every now and then the powers that be install a Labour government in n10 to pass legislation and policies so nasty that even the tories do not have the stomach to pass. Doing so would tarnish their reputation.
I guess we have just seen the exact same strategy applied to Scotland. What we have seen being passed under this Bute House Agreement and under Sturgeon’s unionist government are things not even the most loyal unionist parties could stomach to pass themselves without facing a wipe out at the following election. That is why this devolutionist version of the SNP and the poisonous agreement with the Greens came in so handy for the British state. I am of the opinion that, to stop independence, to pass all those horrible laws and to hand over the stone of destiny are precisely what Sturgeon and Yousaf were installed as “leaders” for.
Frankly, after seen how Dorrian embarrassed herself and her profession by handing blanket anonymity per life to potential perjurers and false accusers, after seeing how the crown agent, lord advocate and judges colluded to suppress information from the public, after seeing how Dorrian sent Mr Murray to prison on stupendously ridiculous and laughable arguments, after seeing the maneuvers of the former crown agent to bring a prosecution against Mr Salmond of fake charges and how swiftly he was moved out of sight and to a low key sheriff position somewhere else, after seeing the cost that previous malicious prosecutions inflicted on the taxpayers’ pocket but not a single judge ever being prosecuted or disciplined for it, after seeing the incredibly anti-democratic performances of the current lady advocate who did not hesitate in usurping control over the legislative power from the people of Scotland and hand it in to an English court and English judges, and after watching the previous lord advocate during the Keatings’ case also usurping control over Scotland’s legislative power and handing it to the crown, there is no room left to ever trust a Scottish judge making the right judgement on a false rape case without a jury ever again. In Mr Salmond’s case, it was the jury who actually delivered justice, so I guess that, since then, juries have become an obstacle for the powers that be, therefore they have to be removed. Justice for the people of Scotland is obviously collateral. What matters to the British establishment is how it can abuse Scotland’s powers and judicial structures to its own advantage.
To me, it is clear as day what this move is for: to facilitate and “legitimise” state sponsored political imprisonment. In my view this has been in the cards ever since the British establishment failed to imprison Mr Salmond on false charges.
This ramping up of regressiveness in democracy and abuse of Scotland’s legislative body as a wrecking ball directed against Scotland’s body of law just goes to confirm that Scotland is nothing but a colony. Scotland’s judicial system, executive and legislative powers are being systematically manipulated and abused against the people of Scotland to stop independence by force.
I totally agree with James Che: considering that, for as long as it abides by the Scotland Act, Holyrood is nothing but a branch of Westminster, and considering that a foreign crown is being allowed to usurp control of our executive and legislative power through an unelected Lord Advocate, and considering that it is the office of some crown rather than the people of Scotland who is controlling our crown prosecution service, I am not convinced any of the laws passed since 1999 under the Scotland Act are legally part of Scotland’s body of law. They are union laws.
However, what is crystal clear is that, by passing this law, the SNP and the Greens have demonstrated they are nothing but tools who have been working for the British state and against the people of Scotland all along.
It has been embarrassing to watch all those cowards who could not even bring themselves to do anything more than abstaining while they watched Scotland’s legislature being ripped to pieces and forced to follow England’s. Heavens, when they are so utterly hopeless that they cannot even find the effing backbone to oppose to something like that, what exactly are they useful to Scotland for?
@Oscar Taime
Nah, the Greens are toxic, no-one will touch them with a bargepole. Most were horrified that the SNP did this deal in the first place.
The talking heads in Stu’s (as usual) excellent article are laughable, as always. Sandi Thom – a one-hit has been fae aboot 20 years ago and of nae relevance whatsoever; Useless’ waffling and about turns, and as for Harvie, will he “quit” and survive outwith his current grifting livelihood or is he FOS as usual?
Well done Stu for as always being well ahead of the pack, proper investigative journalism, thank you for this; the MSM in Scotland is worse than Soviet Pravda and an epic fail.
One of the reasons the Sturgeons wanted the Greens in government was cuddles in the campervan. Humza is not interested in the campervan, so Greens are not so important.
On the timing coincidence or not?
“THE Scottish Government will publish the thirteenth white paper in its series laying out the case for an independent Scotland on Thursday.
Justice Secretary Angela Constance will spearhead the publication of the paper, which is to focus on policy proposals for the justice system in Scotland after a Yes vote.”
And there’s more as an old comedian used to say, though I can’t quite recall his name.
“Commenting ahead of publication, Constance said: “This next paper in the Building a New Scotland series will set out how independence would enable us to take more focused and creative action to address some of the most challenging justice issues facing our society.”
The Indy carrots are dangling one more don’t be fooled by them.
Feral potato! Microscopic misogynist! LOL!!!
Sadly SNP still chock full of britnat sleepers
Republicofscotland @ 09.58
That would have been Jimmy Cricket RoS, although compared to these clowns he was just an amateur as a comic.
…”feral potato”….
Here was I assuming FM questions are submitted in advance, and free speech absolutists on the opposition benches had decided to speak up, or forever hold their peace, on all the anonymous women..
Guess they’ll need to leave that one until another day, and run the risk of Greens taking vengeance on the devolutionists by calling for an emergency vote on udi in the interim

The SNP under Sturgeon and Yousaf, and the Greens under harvie and Slater have demonstrated beyond doubt that they are unionist parties working to preserve the union rather than ending it. So, once the Bute House agreement is over, what are the Greens going to do? Are they going to collude with labour to ensure there is no SNP minority gov and instead a labour government is installed in Holyrood in preparation for when labour enters n10 after the next GE?
Or will the British powers that be go for the jugular by forcing and rushing a Holyrood election ensuring there is not time for any independents for independence/Alba/ISP to organise?
The whole thing, specially the timing of it, stinks.
I cannot help but thinking this has all been by design to ensure unionists remain in control of Holyrood and majorities in Westminster. If anything, to me this is showing the British state is worried.
I have been wondering for quite some time what on earth has labour planned for Scotland when the British state is going to such lengths to ensure Scotland sends no anti-union majority to Westminster and Holyrood remains under unionist control.
It’s not Independence at risk here or the environment or freedom of opinion or any of the issues that concern the people of Scotland.
It’s the whole future of politics in Scotland thats at risk. No credibility No trust.
Career politicians are the death of democracy.
Sturgeon destroyed all the good will and trust of the people. There will never be anything like the people movement again.
And whoever takes over is going to spend their tenure keeping out of the glare. Trying vainly to gain trust.
I said this is what was going to happen in my post in your last article.
Cheery-bye fake Greens and puberty blocker pushing weirdos if they had done their job then they’d have forced Scotgov to make the off shore wind licenses benefit Scots.
It is safe to say that we are now far more likely than not to see an early HR election. That is good in the sense that we’d be rid of both SNP & Greens.
But a much-reduced period before May 2026 will do no favours for the Indy movement at a time when Alba, Salvo, ISP, Independents for Indy – and other groups – are unable to become the unitary fighting force it needs to be.
However, Indy will not progress until the remaining Indy supporting members of SNP have seen the light. Perhaps five years of a unionist coalition in HR, and five disastrous years of Labour in WM will focus the minds of ALL Indy supporters, including the blind and deaf still believing that SNP is an independence party.
If every cloud has a silver lining, ours may be that with only one bogeyman to concentrate on, a little patience, unity and incisive leadership may see many more converts to the cause, then Indy will become unstoppable.
Primary schools… they are going into primary schools.
Ignoring the Cass Review as it is not based in Scotland. Like ignoring a medical report on smoking and cancer because the smokers were not Scottish.
The SNPG has firmly entered the territory of child abuse. Absolutely no doubt about it.
It is revolting and sickening seeing their constant attempts to sexualize and pervert young children.
They want to destroy their minds, to destroy their bodies and to destroy their lives before they even start.
In the past I have wondered why this site was so focused on this subject but I can see why now.
This is deeply evil. Primary schools… wow. That is so wrong. The SNPG are really pushing the boundaries of disgust. They are a real danger to children, not an exaggeration.
“Ditching the Greens disnae alter the fact that a weel-peyed colonial administration’s main purpose is tae haud back the independence movement”
Absolutely, Alf. I seriously question the timing of the whole thing too. Now that effectively all the damage has been done and the SNP is effectively unelectable, what can possibly be the point in ditching it?
a. It is surplus to requirements because its purpose has been fulfilled
b. Ditching the agreement and faking a grievance for the Greens gives them an opportunity to cosy up to labour and deny the SNP a minority gov. This will install an overt unionist government in Holyrood in preparation for the upcoming GE, now that all the toxic legislation even unionists could not bring themselves to pass, is in place
c. To force a Holyrood election, and, without giving time to anti-union candidates to prepare for it, force a unionist majority into Holyrood for another 5 years.
When you look a the whole thing from distance, it seems pre-planned. I do not believe any of this has ever been spontaneous or random. It appears to follow a script. We are heading towards a unionist majority in Westminster and in Holyrood by design. They have been relentlessly working for this moment for the last 9 years. The SNP has been made unelectable by design. The Greens have been toxic by design.
I honestly fear what the British state has prepared for Scotland once Labour gets to n10. Whatever it is, it will be painful.
The SNP can be saved by 1 getting rid of the people who has put the party in the dire state its in 2 removing the Unionist Mr Foote as CEO 3 stating that the are now going to work with other parties like ISP and Alba to secure Independence 4 calling a Holyrood election now to held in Sept this years with the view of a Supermajoity.
Instead of doing the above the leadership will revert to there Tory nature and self interest will dick in they’ll all be attacking one another about who’s to blame.
More of the same. It’s all been trundling along quite nicely for the last few years from a Brit/unionist perspective.
Somehow just can’t envisage “Hapless Humza” handling a minority SNP administration competently. He’s always been confrontational as well as inept. Completely lacking in the political nous of wiley Mr Salmond who steered a successful and popular path in his time as First Minister. And also failing to inspire the fear which Ms Sturgeon and her husband used to keep their MSPs in line.
How unfortunate that we’re still left with the 5 year Parliament at Holyrood following the extension of tenure MSPs gave themselves during the Coronavirus redtrictions. And no future administration is likely to ever shorten their time on salary and expenses by returning to the original 4 year fixed term.
“That is good in the sense that we’d be rid of both SNP & Greens”
Substituting the SNP + Greens for a Labour + Greens or for a Labour + Tory government will do Scotland’s independence movement no favours whatsoever. They are all the exact same thing.
Considering this year there will be a GE, the timing of this stinks. It appears designed to remove the rug from under the pro-independence parties’ feet. They know they do not have enough funds and candidates to fight both elections at the same time.
Considering that under this BHA so much toxic legislation has already been put in place and so much money has already been wasted – in other words, irreparable damage has already been done – I cannot help but seeing this as another establishment move to stop independence.
Effectively, the agreement has fulfilled its toxic mission and therefore has become surplus to the British state’s requirements.
love to be around for when the DVDs get split …
link to
a thing I noticed in Harvie’s last TV appearance, but they all do it – when under pressure identity politicians start spewing “class issues” – wages, rents, housing (the shite they normally don’t care about) and get very tight lipped about their hobby horses; Harvie did all he could to avoid talking about the tranny stuff.
“net zero” is an odd meme, a forced meme – it is, technically, a bag of shite – an excuse to shovel a trillion or so to blackrock and their pals, to rip out western infrastructure, to promote growth by creating artificial, fake, “demand” … all the while china, india, africa are building coal fired power station and the american consumer the most wasteful wretch, the pentagon the biggest polluter
– no one is shutting that down but you REACTIONARY Scots bastards need to give up your notions of “decent roads” and all that far right shite
Mac 10.30am
Yes, and not a single whisper of any of this stuff this morning.
Parallel universe.
In the history of nations sometimes the right people appear at the right time. Sometimes the wrong people appear at the wrong time. In Scotland’s history timeline the right time came when the wrong people were on the rise for the wrong reasons.
I hope future generations of Scots have the two essential things needed for a turning point in their history.
HR election, get rid of SNP & Greens. Unionist coalition tears us down for 5 years, and we nod knowingly and grit our teeth. We gather, build and win the next one with our own indy coalition, without snp. This is the way!
dasBlimp @ 10.46.
Off topic, nice to see the Blimpster bobbing back into view.
There is a lot of merit in you’re analyses with regard your conclusion, it has a similar but parallel to what the Biden administration is attempting on Donald Trump, (like him or loath him).
The new politics seems to be about silencing the opposition, imprisoning them if necessary or if required break them financially,
If I may tentively suggest though that they are not ” Union Laws ” or the overall “laws of Britain”
They are laws under the Crown of England, fraudulently posing as “Scots law”
There is no Union since 1707 when the Scottish parliament came under Dissolution in England, by the Sovereign Westminster parliament of the Country of England, under the Crown of England,
The Crown Union of two kingdoms did not happen due to both acts, passed the English “bill of Rights” and the Act of Settlement,
There sits from the old Westminster House of Lords transferred to the new Westminster House of lord members of first English parliament under the Crown of England,
Nothing changed in WESTMINSTER PARLIAMENT OF ENGLAND, not even the building
The Crown of Scots does not sit as Sovereign in Westminster, along with the Crown of England, nor is it included in the main coronation of their monarch in England, they arrive in Scotland days or weeks later but never use the Scottish crown as that would remove the parliament of Englands sole Sovereignty of the Parliament in England,
The parliament of Scotland was dissolved in 1707 along with its all members, and its representation of all Scotlands Constituents.
When the Scottish peers entered Westminster parliament in 1707 it was as new members to the parliament of England, not one united kingdom parliament of Great-Britain,
That is why Westminster passes laws for England,
But two sets of colonial laws over the rest of Britain, through the rolled down devolved parliament from Westminster parliament, laws that are not ” Scots law ”
The supposed ( Union) is fraudulent and a hoax played upon Scots ” against any reality of Crown union and parliamentary union” between Scotland and England,
The Parliament of Englands acts the, Bill of rights, and The English Act of Settlement are still in force today as a crucial part of England Constitution, ( UK. Gov )
I suppose Sovereign Scots could just ignore any English Crown Court summons if they had the mind to envoke and Act on their Sovereignty.
Lord Cooper, said more or less the same regarding the Sovereignty of Scots in Scotland compared to where Englands parliament Sovereignty derives from,
And Englands Sovereignty Does Not derive from the Great- Britain parliament.
Mia, can you point me in the direction of a pro independence party?
“More of the same”
No, I do not think so. There has been far too much effort invested in attempting to remove Mr Salmond out of politics, too much effort made to silence dissent, too much effort made to suppress crucial information, to black out anti-union parties, to peddle toxic legislation and to make the SNP completely worthless and unelectable.
While doing all this, the powers that be have exposed themselves far too much, revealing that it is the crown and not the Scottish people who have control over the three powers, making Scotland at all practical effects a colony under absolute rule in this political union rather than a democracy. Absolute rule is a violation of the Claim of Right, and indirectly, the British state’s beloved treaty of union.
Police and prosecution service have been totally discredited in the process and revealed as nothing more than political tools.
The Lord Advocate position has been fully exposed as an anti-independence tool exclusively dedicated to usurp control over the legislative power whenever the threat of legislation which would facilitate an independence referendum entering a Holyrood with an anti-union majority, appears on the horizon.
Judges have been revealed as corrupt political tools to remove political dissent, to suppress information and to hide perjurers under a cover of anonymity.
The crown office has been revealed as an entity who manipulates the police in order to achieve prosecutions, even on flimsy charges and does not hesitate in moving across powers freely with no regard for the boundaries between those powers that should exist in a democracy.
It is far too much damage done if the British state simply wanted “more of the same”. The “same” cannot be anymore when all trust on political parties, parliamentarians, powers, police, prosecution service, judges and courts is all gone. The “same” cannot continue when people have realised Scotland is not a democracy and political parties are not working for the people, but against the people and against the expressed democratic will of the people.
No. the British state has risked this level of negative exposure and irreversible damage to the credibility of its “democratic” and “judicial” structures that there has to be something much bigger than “just the same” on the pipeline.
Whatever it is, they clearly need Holyrood and the majority of Scotland’s seats in Westminster under unionist control. This stinks at major legislative change that needs to be imposed on Scotland by force but has to be seen as being “approved” and “accepted” by Scotland.
We’ve had a good belly laugh in our house this morning BUT can’t see an immediate step that it is likely to be taken that will help the Scottish people escape the Union and regain the powers and assets that will solve our social problems.
Is there a majority in Holyrood that is likely to call for the standing orders to change so that a Holyrood election can be called? I don’t know, but the SNP and Greens won’t co-operate on anything, I imagine.
Looking to a Holyrood election, to restore the people’s power over the politicians there needs to be an umbrella organisation to cover all the independence candidates that is committed to that. Overnight I came up with a name for it – the Claim of Right group.
If they won a majority then the problem of voters being fed up because “all politicians are the same”, and of being powerless, would be solved. The Scottish constitution of “salvo” powers would be restored – NB these were powers over the judges as well so cases such as the Dorothy Bain ones would be unlikely ever to happen again. Bliss.
link to
zerohedge channels wings, see halfway down
“SNP members neither want nor need a vote…” (Humza)
And that, in a nutshell, shows the SNP’s loathing of popular opinion, and democracy.
I could add: that attitude typifies the so-called “independence” movement, which endlessly blathers about the “people’s will” but rejects the results of the actual vote on the 2014 referendum.
a massive gay banger of a torch song seems appropriate here –
link to
standing in the door of the pink flamingo
crying in the rain …
There are a few reasons Sarwar wouldn’t: unless it’s called in the six months before a fixed term election, a Holyrood snap election does not reset that fixed term. So any new government which formed would have less than two years.
The composition of that government is reason two: even though he’d be its First Minister, as current polls and politics stand it would probably have to be a Lab-Tory-Lib coalition, invoking Better Together. The electorate is not going to appreciate Deputy First Minister Ross and Finance Minister Cole-Hamilton.
And that brings us to reason three: Starmer doesn’t want that disrupting his 20-point lead. The Labour vote in Scotland might implode so hard that the SNP subsequently exceeds its 2015 and 2011 peaks.
“Mia, can you point me in the direction of a pro independence party?”
That is the only political party I know is standing on an abstentionist ticket for a Westminster election.
Then you have I4I candidates. They are not a political party, but they stand for independence and are determined to deliver it.
I am not quite sure yet about Alba’s stance to be fair. They are definitely strongly campaigning for independence, but I am not really sure if they will also stand on an abstentionist ticket in the upcoming GE. I don’t think they are, but I may be wrong.
The best move the SNP could do is to invite Ash Regan into the goverment.
He really missed an oppertunity there to both get himself off the hook and counter the top down criticisim.
If the members had been offered a (n emergency) vote he could have presented it as a return to democratic control, a step away from continuity AND avoided any blame no matter which way it went.
“Mia, can you point me in the direction of a pro independence party?”
Apologies, I meant ISP, not SSP.
SSP also stands for independence. But like in the case of Alba, I do not know if they are standing on an abstentionist ticket for a Westminster election.
you’ve spent the last months telling us how the SNP would be better off in a minority government passing laws a la Salmond did.
yet here we are now and you’re saying they won’t get a majority to govern and could be out the door.
it’s either worthwhile or it isn’t.
Scottish politics: must watch TV. Just when you think things *really* can’t get any more outlandish and truly absurd, another clown show day dawns, trumping the last. Incredible.
I guess this is what happens when the collective, ever-diminishing, cumulative political talent tends toward zero? Your average Sixth Form Common Room puts Holyrood to shame; absolute shower of dangerous idiots.
I always used to love the “Chimps’ Tea Party” at the zoo, when I was a nipper. Hilarious to watch the hamfisted chimps dressed up at a dinner table, gleefully flinging saucers, teapots and their own excrement at each other. Deja vu?
Ash Regan. Who she? Alex Salmond? Who he. An independent Scotland. Who will lead? An independent Scotland is generations away. Even your grandkids grandkids will never see it. Sorry to break the bad news to you.
The Greens would be a poisonous adjunct to any party in the future. If Labour entertains them, they are even more witless than the SNP, which is all but dead in the water now. If Labour wins, they will go with the equally poisonous Lib Dems. Heard some Labour hopeful spouting nonsense about how Labour did well with the Lib Dems in coalition. The Lib Dems now are not the same Lib Dems as then, laddie. The SNP, the Greens, the Lib Dems and Labour are all infected with ‘trans’ ideology – and that is toxic to any party that touches it. If the SNP, by some miracle, manage to limp on, they will be gone by 2026. That is what comes of appointing and electing people with too little life experience or political knowledge or legal knowledge. They were warned consistently and persistently, but they knew better. Hell men them.
The real reason revealed
Patrick Harvie white
Lorna Slater white
Maggie Chapman white
Ross Greer white and a wee nyaff.
Does this mean there will be no more badly dressed men screaming at women’s public meetings.
And whoever signed off on allowing the freaks anywhere near primary schools has to be publicly named.
Confused @ 11.45 am
I can never watch that video without the vision of Peter Kaye standing in front of his keyboard playing a few notes occasionally.
One of his many class sketches.
It’s probably on YT for those who do not remember it.
The SNP, The Green Party, Labour and the Tories that sit in Holyrood are a sub- office branch of the parliament of Westminsters parliaments laws of England,
Definately not Scots law” or , Union laws, or a the law one united kingdom of Scotland and England,
All laws passed since 1707 in Scotland are English colonial laws under The Crown of England by the statues, legislation of the parliament of England, and given royal assent by the monarch of England,
Whatever Humza Husaf, the Snp the Greens, the Labour party or Tory party say in the wee pretendy parliament in Scotland,
It cannot pass under these legal circumstances as “Scots law.”
That is why I mentioned the attempt by the parliament of England at the moment trying the second Hoax in fraudulently aiming to make a “new treaty” for Scotland with England and their own parliament branch office in Scotland,
I think this phrase is appropriate,
To fool me once, more fool me, to fool me twice, more fool you
Paul Hutcheon doesn’t get his leaks from the same grocer as Cleggy.
… and here was me thinking us English are just a bunch of spineless, supine, forelock tuggers. Thanks James.
“An independent Scotland. Who will lead?
Whoever the people of Scotland chooses.
“An independent Scotland is generations away”
Only if we continue playing the losers game by following the coloniser’s rules. If we force a change of rules to make the coloniser play the losers game instead, then an independent Scotland may be closer than we all think.
“Even your grandkids grandkids will never see it”
Only if we let the English crown to continue usurping our powers.
We have to find a way of removing that crown from the middle of our executive power so we can stop it usurping control over Scotland’s legislative body facilitating absolute rule over Scotland.
We also need to to stop the English crown office riding across our powers and manipulating our prosecution service and police for its own advantage.
We also need to release Holyrood from the Scotland’ Act straight jacket that is opening a back door for that crown to control our powers.
The moment we manage to do all that we will ensure that us, our kids, our grandkids and the kids of our grandkids will see Scotland’s statehood restored.
Ross is lodging a vote of no confidence.
Wow. Hell hath no fury like a LBGTQIA scorned. Will the angry Greens now bring down the Scottish government?
They could. There is certainly enough simmering hate and sense of betrayal to trigger a showdown, but they love their MSP salaries more.
That said, “Events, Dear Boy” could yet come into play. Interesting events ahead, methinks.
Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
Humza coud play a blinder by crashing the scottish government himself and calling first vote snp 2nd alba.
Shows renewed unity and could scupper the unionists before a general election
Given the current polls it could work and although ut seems
Meathead SNP crowing about progressive tax regimes encouraging immigration from England…
link to
Utter bullshit!!!
Pensioners wanting free prescriptions and a lifestyle only afforded to the extremely wealthy in leafy Cheshire, coupled with parts of Englandshire becoming too “culturally diverse” for their vanilla cultural attitudes.
Ever heard of “White Flight”?
Arsehole SNP trying to take credit for Scotland’s rural areas being depopulated of native Scots, all thanks to their progressive tax regime.
Try getting net Emigration to Zero then start crowing… idiots.
Indy for Scotland!
SNP Out!
In view of the Conservatives bringing a vote of no confidence in the present administration it’ll be interesting to see if Labour abstain again, as previously.
It could quite suit them to leave the inadequate Mr Yousaf, or his successor, hanging in the wind to totally destroy what remains of the formidably respected and competent SNP Mr Salmond left to she who shall not be named.
Ooooh boy. This is going to be *good*. Popcorn at the ready chaps! /chortle
Stu must be laughing his socks off and rubbing his hands with glee. Vindication with a capital “V”…
The day is still young indeed.
Anyone else watching Shogun and suddenly thinking “Hold on a minute!”
Lord Yoshi Toranaga faces imminent doom. His interpreter gets blown apart while freeing hostages and after she has made a deal to save her lover, an English Captain, in exchange for destroying his prize warship.
Lord Toranaga then uses this pain to spur on the English sea captain to restore the fleet and to help make future alliances to overcome what at first seemed insurmountable odds.
Its only at the end of the show, as one betrayer starts his Seppeku ritual does Lord Toranaga reveal…it was he who destroyed the warship..and it was he who helped get his interepreter killed…all for his long term plan of glory.
Is Humza a modern day Lord Yoshi Toranaga?…dont be ridiculous!
MI5 North Britain aka «Scottish Greens» consigned to political extinction?
A possible end to this deviation from the highway. link to ?
Well, I was going to write that Sarwar, Ross and Beth’s friend need to call a non confidence vote pronto, otherwise they will appear cowardly and give Humza a solidified position. Even if the motion is defeated it needs to be done. How can opposition oppose if they give the SNP a free pass?
Now I see Ross says he will lodge the motion. We will see if Labour manage to wriggle out of bringing down the SNP. Or if Beth convinces ACH to sit it out.
Whatever happens, we should get more clarity as to who among them are serious and who are brass necked chancers.
…challenging it could work but the snp must want indy
It’s disappointing but also astonishing to see so many people on here falling for the idea that today’s news represents a turning for the SNP, a step in the right direction towards rehabilitation, revival, and righteousness.
The SNP will spin it like that, for sure, but only a complete idiot would believe it.
The SNP is a very typical neocolonial administration and those who run it know that the party will cease to be useful to British State if the Scottish rabble stop voting for them. They’ll say and do anything to string people along.
But, let’s be clear, this is a party that is at the start of its irresistible journey into collapse. They haven’t reached free-fall speed quite yet, but it’s a long way down.
The SNP is fighting for survival, not recovery. More and more people are going to find out the truth, that it was hijacked and has been acting on behalf of the British State — making sure independence is never achieved — for the best part of a decade.
Based on performance so far it’s not remotely likely though is it.
A seismic change in Scottish politics and Scottish will is required and I don’t see that happening.
Very funny watching Harvie and Slater trying to explain why they’ve been dumped. Kids at secondary school could teach them how to handle breakups with more dignity. I suspect in the Greens case they know that not only have they been dumped they are probably going to be left on the shelf for many years to come.
Now if Ash can force Humza to resign we might get some adults back in the room. It’ll be interesting to see if Humza lets it go to a vote or runs the numbers over the weekend and settles on resigning rather than risk losing the vote.
If Humza does stay he will surely have to offer something to Alba, Fergus Ewing and other rational folk in the SNP to stay? Might Ash be about to get a seat in Government?
If Humza does go then who becomes the SNP leader? Can’t see Robertson getting much more MSP’s on board than Humza so perhaps its time for Forbes
I find myself completely unmoved by the breakup of the SNP and the Greens.
The political landscape is so utterly bleak, I cannot imagine any progress. Seven years of Sturgeon cemented nonsense right through the system – politics, education, law, health, media, charities, NGOs, everywhere.
I doubt any faces will change much for the better. There are no normal, competent, pragmatic people waiting in the wings. Climate emergencies, gender fluidicy, diversity and inclusion ahead of indigenous ability and track record.
I’d like to blame Westminster, the Crown, the colonisers, but the truth is for the last decade we have been the worst of the worst.
From the makers of ‘Failing Upwards’ comes a new picture – a dequel if you will – ‘Succeeding Downwards’ where (spoiler alert!) our hapless hero ends up throwing a grenade, running after it for…reasons…and then throws himself on it in a display of pointless courage. Before his mangled body expires, he declaims to his cowering dwindling band of true believers, “Yours for Scotland”, which they mishear as “Yousaf for Scotland” just as his eyes close for the final time. Thus is born the legend of the sleeping hero destined to awake one day and restore Scotland to his/her true destiny, ken like…
The End…no, it really is this time…sorry about that…
If the vote of no confidence on Yousaf succeeds, does that mean that the current Deputy First Minister, aka Shona Robison, will take over?
Or will Angus Robertson step in “to save the day” for the British state? Maybe as a FM he can call in another census.
Or will the powers that be catapult Shirley Ann Sommerville to the post to completely finish the SNP off as a credible party?
Or will Gilruth, since the US state department have already decided she would be a potential “future leader”, be parachuted to the post? Becoming FM would allow her to continue the re-purposing of our Primary and Secondary Schools into grooming units by flooding them with more LGBTIQIARTWCDEFGHJKLMNOPS+… nonsense.
Any of the four seems perfect replacement puppets who will obediently follow orders to keep down the lid on Mr Salmond’s case evidence and the whatsappp messages, will happily continue to pull the hand break on Scotland’s independence, will happily continue to destroy the social fabric of Scotland, and will obediently continue to facilitate the British state’s pillage on Scotland’s assets. Next in line of the assault on Scotland’s assets saga will be the “green” freeports.
We need all this shysters, the cowards, the perverts apologists and the Beth fan-base out of Holyrood NOW.
Youslaz was pushed into doing this.
He’s not got the brains to figure this out for himself.
The tide is turning. The cultist nut jobs have had their day.
Just cannae wait for Trump to come back and start sticking the boot into them over there too.
Sandi ‘I wish I was a punk rocker’ Thom? Another parachuted-in posh bugger who got ‘mummykins’ to release a début single which, despite a pretty intense (and expensive) PR effort, really didn’t get that far… “Middle Class Pish” to quote the late Alan Rankine’s instant (contemporaneous) dismissal of it and her upon hearing; possibly the first time I heard what duly became something of a catchphrase.
…There aren’t many people I can think of who might be more irrelevant and unrepresentative of the people of Scotland; especially within the music and creative industries. She certainly has no great wisdom to share, experience to typify nor does she set any kind of exemplar for the great unwashed.
People like her (and the frankly unpleasantly-entitled Iona Stylophone) are part of the problem, not the solution. – That is to say the over-privileged ‘nepo baby’ types parachuted-in to positions of note in public life and common narrative; positions that others might have earned and done better for the common good in – if it weren’t for third-rate queue jumpers. – Yousaf, Sarwar and others provide further example of this sort of thing.
Trotting folk like this out only digs the hole deeper!
There may be a number of ways of removing the Crown of England from Scotland, for it is the crown lending sovereignty to Westminster parliament that is lording over Scotland,.
The “bill of Rights”and “act of Settlement” of the parliament of old England which are still in force, in the new Westminster parliament today may be one of those ways,
1) As the treaty of union specifically states the new parliament of Great- Britain would be made up of a union of the respective two parliaments of Scotland and England.
Well the parliament of England under the the Crown of England and Queen Annes of England under the ” 1701 Act of Settlement” Declared and placed the Scottish parliament under Dissolution in 1707 from the treaty of union in 1707. Hence no union of Crowns or of parliaments between the two respective Countries as of that said date.
2) due to the Act of Settlement still being in force as a crucial part of Englands Constitution today, and that Westminster parliament derives its Sovereignty from that “Act” it also confirms Westminster parliament is the parliament of England,
Again, no union of parliaments between Scotland and Englands parliaments,
3) that the Crown is not a united or a shared crown of England and Scotland respectively is obvious as the Crown of England, under the 1689 bill of rights and the 1701 act of settlement resides as a “single crown” and single head of state of England in Westminster. Under the old parliament of England acts the bill of rights and the Act of settlement from prior to the Hoax treaty of union date. Securing the Crown of England (but not Uniting) both the Crowns to the parliament of England.
4) Queen Anne is said to have become Queen of Great – Britain due to the Act of union 1707, bringing the two kingdoms together and the two parliaments together officially,
As you can see this did not happen in either case.
The single Crown of England sits in the single parliament of single Country, the Country of England,
It is these two Old Parliament of England Acts still in force today and Queen Annes public declaration dissolving the 1707 Scottish parliament that have actually prevented the union of two parliaments and the union of two kingdoms.
The Crown of Englands jurisdiction and the crown prosecution at present can be removed from the kingdom and territory of Scotland.
The Crown of England has over-reached its territorial border of England for the past 300 years.
The legal ramifications of Scotland not acknowledging or using its Crown and England not ever excepting the Scottish Crown when presented / offered it, would leave This ex- kingdom of Scotland as the new Republic of Scotland since 1707.
So the other way to remove Englands Crown jurisdiction over Scotland is to declare ourselves a Repulic of Scotland since 1707,
They should never have got into bed with the Green Yoon Queers in the first place.
The greens have said they will vote against Yousaf in the no confidence vote.
Regan has written to Yousaf – will he offer her a cabinet role in Scottish Government?
Humza Useless really is spectacularly dim. Surely he knows the last time a politician bullshitted about a regime lasting for 1000 years – back in the 1930/40s – it didn’t end well.
I cannot help thinking Kate Forbes would not have put SNP through this mess.
No wonder the MSM was more worried about her than the current FM.
Sometimes a party is in too long and believes its own BS.
Certainly the case for Tories at WM and sadly fiscal rejuvenation and pragmatism from Forbes would have had WM worried but sadly it went as I expected.
With Greens standing in seats at a GE then the misses such as Mundell’s seat when a Green stood will become the norm.
Where was the spoiler alert?
I haven’t seen that episode yet!