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Wings Over Scotland

The last gasps

Posted on October 12, 2015 by

The media seems to have more or less spent its load about Michelle Thomson for now. Having spent most of last week clutching at ever-more-tenuous straws to keep the story alive, it finally petered out over the weekend with a particularly desperate stab at reporting the SNP to the Electoral Commission over claims it worked too closely with Business For Scotland during the referendum campaign.

Triggered by a demented Nat-hating pet-shop manager who may be familiar to social media users for his overpowering obsession with both BFS and this site, it’s based on recent allegations from the Sunday Herald that SNP chief executive (and Nicola Sturgeon’s husband) Peter Murrell had expressed some opinions to BFS over their management, which have now been frantically spun up into a claim that the SNP and BFS were “co-operating” in the campaign.


This could in theory be the Electoral Commission’s business because there were rules governing spending limits which applied if two or more registered participants worked together. Scottish Labour have described the allegations as “hugely serious”, which cynical readers may feel is as good an indicator as any that they’re total horse parts.

The Electoral Commission appears to agree, telling the Herald that it “did not believe the revelations warranted an investigation”, but is obliged to look into the complaint anyway. We may be able to save them some time.

The key line concerns the BFS emails leaked to the Sunday Herald:

“It emerged that Mr Murrell had told BFS, which made a pro-enterprise case for independence, that he believed Ms Thomson and chief executive Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp had similar roles and that he ‘does not think that we need both of you’. Ms Thomson later saw her consultancy payments stopped, although she was allowed to keep her title.”

In other words, the end result was that BFS spent LESS money after hearing Mr Murrell’s opinion, by virtue of stopping Mrs Thomson’s consultancy payments. If there was any risk of BFS and the SNP being deemed to be combining their spending, then the outcome of Mr Murrell’s intervention – if it was indeed a factor in the decision at all – was to lessen that danger, not increase it.

We do sympathise and empathise with the gentlemen of the press, and the fact that they’ve been driven to embrace the “SNPout” nutter fringe. Things have been slow of late, and unlike us they can’t just take a half-day when there are no real stories – you can’t put newspapers out with only eight pages in them.

And once you’ve already had Ian Smart, Mike Dailly AND Brian Wilson pontificating and speculating furiously on the basis of nothing at all, we suppose it’s too late to worry about either scraping the barrel or jumping the shark, and you just have to take whatever old rubbish you can lay your hands on.

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It’s gonna be a long six years, but worth it.

[…] The media seems to have more or less spent its load about Michelle Thomson for now. Having spent most of last week clutching at ever-more-tenuous straws to keep the story alive, it finally petered out over the weekend with a particularly desperate stab at reporting the SNP to the Electoral Commission over claims it worked too closely with Business For Scotland during the referendum campaign.  […]

Graham Harris Graham

So Ms. Thomson isn’t going to Barlinnie after all then?

Perhaps it’s Cornton Vale where they take less serious offenders?

Or maybe the only loss of her privacy is when BBC’s serial stalker, Glenn Campbell chooses to hound her like a springer spaniel with a boner, outside her constituency office?

Wullie B

Would that be the same Brian Wilson, who left the SNP 30+ years ago as they werent left wing enough and who is rabidly anti SNP, and founded the pro Labour rag West HIghland Free Press or as us locals know it as the Breakish Beano and was sacked a matter of months ago for his written thoughts, he gets no credence from me and many other islanders


Terrible isn’t it. Nicola has kept her maiden name. They don’t have any children. They have a posh coffee making machine. And now, it turns out, Mr Murrell knows Gordon McIntyre-Kemp. Scandalous.

Hoss Mackintosh

Rev Stu,

one of the funniest things I came across on Twitter was Micheal White (supposed Journalist of the Gruan) citing Kevin Hague as some kind of economic guru and not just some demented pet-shop owner from Edinburgh.

Kevin is in a kind of orgasmic frenzy today on Twitter as all the Britnat Press run with his scoop on BfS – as if they would not run with a SNP Bad story anyway.

However a good excuse to post this again – I love this song – really catchy!
link to


Labour just keep plummeting to new depths of Pathetic.

I can see their few remaining activists being used to follow anyone who holds office in the SNP camp, in hope that one of them might drop a piece of paper in the street.

They could then claim SNP re-cycling strategy is in melt down.

Hazard Danger on Glasgow Streets due to SNP barricades.

Police turn blind eye to Major offence by SNP candidate.

Are Scottish Government top secret files being left lying around on city streets.

I’m sure that clueless Labour and the UK media could feast on something like this for weeks on end.

How could anyone who can read consider voting for these
ridiculous red tory creeps?


Truly I have never seen such poor winners. Despite the media asking about a 2nd referendum nearly EVERY SINGLE DAY, the SNP have moved on and are focused on governance and getting the most out of the Vow so that we have the powers the Scottish Parliament needs within the UK. But these nutbags can’t talk about anything other that a vote that took place over a year ago, and which they won.

Even if by some stretch of their mad, fevered troll brain hallucinations there was some collusion between the SNP and BfS that broke electoral commission rules, it obviously didn’t do them any good. Why constantly replay the referendum that you won? Jesus, just imagine how batshit crazy they would have gone if they had lost.


At some stage the MSM will collectively sit up, realise they have been a bunch of twats, and take an injection of integrity.
I wouldn’t like to be dangling by the nuts though.
Mr Hague is the sort of person the media love…… Demented, harmless, a bit eccentric.
Thing is their half life is usually measured in column inches.
There has to be a reason he still gets listened to.
Probably the same reason as willie Rennie.


So in a nutshell (literally), its suddenly dawned on them that for all their shit stirring, no one is currently being investigated for anything and no one is going to be summarily hung drawn and quartered at their command?

They do also at this point realise just how this makes them look don’t they?


During the ref. campaign BT supporters were keen to point out the lack of support for Wings by The SNP.

Surely the answer to that was obvious to any sentient being – namely to avoid the sort of nonsense being excreted by this idiot and his complaint to The EC.

ronnie anderson

Where,s this Kevin Hague,s shop in Edinburgh I,ll phone him up an order ah ton of Carping Bait.


I have read a few of Mr Chokka’s blogs and he is a dab hand at the powerpoint graph approach to statistics (and all that overpowering love of statistics entails 🙂 )

I think the most salient point I am left with in reading the blog is a desperate desire to be seen as a voice of reason when everything is run through like a stick of rock with a SNPbad Unionism that would do an Orangeman proud. Mr C may think he hasn’t got it in him to do the bigotry thing but I think he is in the Nile up to his neck. He has suppressed his impulses which leads to paranoia….as Melanie once sang rather splendidly about.

I am not saying that Mr C is wrong…just that he may be 😉

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I’m curious.

If this financial *ahem genius is such a *cough* whizzkid then what the hell is he doing running a pet shop in Edinburgh surely he should be running a massive financial institution in the City of London! 😀

John J.

Since the Sunday Herald sacked its editor a couple of weeks ago I wondered if it would change its pro independence editorial policy. Sadly it seems that is going to be the case.

It’s becoming harder to justify the 30 quid a month I pay for my subscription to The Herald in the face of their all out assault on the SNP. I’ll be watching developments closely.


I looked at Mr Hague’s blog before and he makes a few reasonable points but the whole premise of his pro-union economics is things remaining as they currently are after independence.
And the argument that Scotland needs to be subsidised, so we should stick with a union that doesn’t work for us.

Thomas William Dunlop

A tail of snakes and bladders



Last week 2 closures in Scotland were announced both by companies hq’d in you know where both of which reek of the possibility of asset stripping – Scotherbs and Johnson Matthey Batteries.

The Scotherbs one is particularly interesting as a little googling makes clear.

Googling ‘Scotherbs’ tells us that this Scottish Firm employing 60 was only taken over last year by a firm called Langmead based in you know where who just happened to be in the same herbs business.

Googling ‘Langmead’ throws up several bullshitting entries of how wonderful it ‘will’ be for Scotherbs after the takeover.

Now surprise, surprise Scotherbs is being closed down barely a year after the takeover and production moved to you know where.

How many times has this or something similar happened in the last 50 or 60 years – take over a competitor in Scotland, let it run on for a while and then shut it down and move production to you know where.

Apart from just reporting the closures our supine media are as expected mute.


ronnie anderson

‘order ah ton of carping bait’

If you phone Kevin Hagues pet shop could you mibbee ask him if he can order me in a pig.Ahm feeling a bit lonesome.


There is a lot of tory media opportunities for Vote NO red/blue tories out there in medialand but its often mixed messages.

So, dull Q&A just finished at rancid Graun for tory BBC favourite, “Niall Ferguson webchat – as it happened. The celebrated historian, back in the public eye with a biography of Henry Kissinger, joined us for a live webchat”

Glasgow far right tory UKOK unionist, bashed out tons of very hardcore Project Fear stuff but asked to predict the future of the world, oor Nial says that’s impossible but

“The next president will have to work much more effectively with Congress to address the country’s fiscal imbalances, tangle of regulation, chronic rule of lawyers, and erosion of civil society. We saw in the 1980s that strong presidential leadership can achieve great things. I hope we can see that once again.”

Usual toryboy double speak but if you’ve got the chops for it, red and blue tory media is your route to fame and fortune.

link to

Toryboy world confused yet?

[…] The last gasps […]

donald anderson

ronnie anderson says:
12 October, 2015 at 2:07 pm
Where,s this Kevin Hague,s shop in Edinburgh I,ll phone him up an order ah ton of Carping Bait.

Phone him up and ask if he’s got fat balls.

Alan Knight

Hope you guys don’t mind… this is an appeal.

I’m just letting people know that I’ve started a fundraising campaign to produce a documentary about BBC bias, based on GA Ponsonby’s book ‘London Calling – how the BBC stole the Referendum’.

link to

For those interested, please check the link for more information. I feel that we must continue to spread the word about our corrupt mainstream media.

Thank you in advance, much appreciate any support.


well i wonder what nonsense they will pull out next ,shock horror people know people scandal outrage SNP badd.

Good job by Peter i have to say well spotted fella and sound advice,and as you say Rev if it was indeed a factor as they might have come to the same conclusion and were looking for conformation by seeking advice,sounds like good business practice to me.

I see no reason why the EC should bother with this except maybe to tell the onions to stop wasting their time.

Dr Jim

Maybe they think it will make us just Give Up

And that shows the height of their intelligence

Bruce L

Hague told me that it was entirely personal between him and MT. Apparently he’s been on the receiving end of her ire more than once.

CameronB Brodie

Don’t worry folks, Fraser Nelson is looking out for the poor, who are being failed by the SNP. His pall Andrew Marr has shown him the way and David Cameron’s reforms are progressive.

Couple of fannybaws.

PS: Sturgeon repeated the well-worn trope that the poorest have suffered the most under David Cameron’s austerity. In my paper review earlier on in the show, I said the reverse was true: since he came to power the poorest have done the best, and the richest the worst. The precise opposite of what you normally hear. And here’s the proof – not a picture any PM should be proud of because there as so many losers. But it shows that the richest, not the poorest, have had the worst of the Cameron era so far:-

link to

@ Andrew Marr
How many wealthy folk have been sanctioned by the DWP and ended up committing suicide? There is a big difference between not being able to continue live in a manner to which one has become accustomed and not being able to sustain life.

P.S. I thought Fraser Neslson’s tags quite revealing.

Andrew Marr, Nicola Sturgeon, SNP, SNP fail


From reading it the complaint isn’t just that BfS and the SNP worked together. It’s that they crossed the line from that into BfS being simply a front for the SNP so they could spend more than the law allowed.

The argument rests on misconstruing a criticism that BfS were wasting money paying two people for essentially the same job into orders to sack one of them. Something that obviously wouldn’t be needed if the SNP were really in control.


We’ve got to get this done
link to



A couple of different takes on the issue of poverty which you may find interesting.

The first is a headline from the BBC website (no idea how to archive)only at the end do they say he is from Edinburgh.. 😕

Scottish academic Angus Deaton has been awarded the Nobel economics prize for 2015 for his analysis of consumption, poverty.

The link below is from a programme from BBC2 by a well know Swedish professor dont be put off he is very entertaining and gives a good insight into the stats behind global poverty well worth watching. 🙂

link to



As mentioned on a previous thread, the SNP has been in government since 2007. They are the Government, not some useless, air-headed, fairy land party wannabes like the Greens – and the Holyrood elections are next up.

The Labour Party must have some sort of plan to deal with the last GE result and will be looking to regain some ground somehow.

Expect more of this from all of your opponents, all of the time – until polling day.

Is the SNP’s treatment really any different to the treatment that any other government get in the run up to an election? People need to not get into a froth every time their favoured party is the target for criticism.

I expect the SNP’s record in Government on Health and Education will be big targets (whether you think that criticisms are fair or not). I would also expect the SNP’s position on Trident, NATO, immigration, the EU, Taxes, Oil prices, Universal benefits, etc, will also attract attention. Similarly, now the SNP has the power to increase Welfare payments – what I have the done? I also expect the SNP to get continued side swipes about their Westminster MPs (the “55”!) – what have they done, what have they achieved, have they changed politics in Westminster as promised? Are the SNP cohort at Westminster really any different to any other party’s? etc, etc.

Again, it doesn’t matter whether you think the SNP is bomb proof in each of these areas – they going to cop some flak regularly and often from all sides – including the media.

That is the way it works – and if people here are going to avoid a heart attack over the next few months – then they need to understand and deal with that.

Andrew McLean

Should the electoral commision not be looking into this scary lot, apparently they were paid by the taxpayer to campaign for No, Civil service independant aye right, next you will be telling me the BBC is impartial, maybe imperial but never impartial, and as the link shows, were those buggers not working together!

link to

Andrew McLean

If you liked the tractors above here is some more!

link to


O/T check out the comments on the BBC EU article. Weighted 30-1 in favour of leaving. Whoever said the English weren’t nationalists?

I can see a landslide to leave Europe once the right wing papers get started with their daily propaganda.


Given the support in Scotland for the SNP, can you imagine, just for second, how powerful this party would become if the press actually got behind them, or even just Scotland.

We would be a nation again in no time.

But we’ll just have to do this the hard way, convincing mentally ill, brainwashed, backward looking, afraid of change, unionist out patients, that we can get along just fine on our own, without our English masters.



Go get some coffee darling


sensibledave says:
12 October, 2015 at 3:28 pm

That’s just your usual sensibledave stuff, trying to duck away from the fundamental movement towards full independence in Scotland.

Monstering SNP BBC style is not surprising anyone. Although it is very creepy just how concerted and coordinated the BBC led assault on Michelle Thomson has got going, from their ferocious Ashley Madison slandering, to whatever it is they’ve decided she did to vulnerable families in the furtherance of her evil and cruel £100+ million property empire.

Dear oh dear sensibledave or, Funny how rule Britannia britnats seem to ignore any of the above.


And sensibledave, be a good girl and get orri one too

Make it strong and sweet

Colin Rippey

The Electoral Commission appears to agree, telling the Herald that it “did not believe the revelations warranted an investigation”, but is obliged to look into the complaint anyway. We may be able to save them some time.

From the actual article that the above link navigates to:

A spokeswoman for the Electoral Commission said: “We have received a complaint and will be looking into it in line with our usual procedures.”

What part of the article did you infer that the electoral commission did not believe the revelations warranted an investigation

It’s interesting how you terms such as “demented” to describe people who offer differing views from yourself.

Of course the fact that there are several other comments on this article that also use the same term, you have served your purpose; label others with derogatory terms and your “followers” will pick up on it and use too. And thus into the Internet echo chamber “demented” goes forth, “oh you can’t use what that guy says as an argument ’cause he’s demented”.


Could it be the same Kevin Hague?

Kevin Hague, who runs the PetPlanet and Greenfingers internet retailers … Kevin Hague is chief executive at M8 Group,

Why I think it is.

Company facts
M8 Group
Consumer website operator
Company website
3-yr av sales growth
49.83% pa
2010 sales ‡£10.6m
2007 sales £3.2m
2010 staff 63
Founded 2003
Location of HQ West Lothian

MJS Dundee

Partially O/T

Just a thought on getting students from deprived backgrounds into Scottish universities – in relation to that link above.

I wonder if the Scotland-England comparison is even valid.

Scotland has a far higher proportion of Old Universities than Englandshire. No secret that old universities tend to require higher entrance grades than average or that they tend to attract far higher numbers of overseas graduates than average.

Almost a half of students @ St-Andrews are from overseas and entrance qualifications are as tough as it gets. If you add no deprived city hinterland from whence to draw possible locals from – then it’s no real surprise that StA doesn’t look great in terms of number of entrants from deprived Scottish backgrounds as a proportion of the overall annual student intake.

Similar arguments can be made for Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh – albeit that they do have natural city hinterlands in which to particularly target local entrants from deprived backgrounds.

There’s a sort of irony here, that if you’re extremely good at attracting talent from overseas then by definition the relative numbers from deprived Scottish backgrounds will be lower. Paying overseas students do a great deal to maintain and improve quality for domestic students.

Anyhow, seems to me that we need to be very careful on how we interpret some of the numbers out there. The gross Scotland Vs. Englandshire comparisons don’t seem particularly valid to me – I doubt we’d hear about them at all if the numbers weren’t prima-facie good for general Scotland-bashing & SNP Bad. And the last time I heard, the denizens of Englandshire were not being feted for having the most educated workforce in Europe (that would oorselves as it happens).

Sure as blazes we can do something to improve access to univ for those from deprived backgrounds, but we’re wasting our time looking at the Univs – by that stage it’s far too late, the damage is already done. And hence the wise and correct focus (imo) by the SNP govt on early years in particular and schools.

CameronB Brodie


Premature announcements of the eclipse of nation states under ‘globalization’ and ’empire’ stand exposed as the 21st century’s first economic crisis underlines their continuing importance. A predominantly cultural study of nationalism was unable to resist the ‘globalization’ thesis. Focusing on selected Asian cases, this book argues that nationalisms have always contained political economies as well as cultural politics. Placing nation-states centrally in our understanding of modern capitalism, it challenges the ‘globalization’ thesis. Rather than eclipse, nations and nationalisms have undergone changes under the impact of neoliberalism since the 1970s.

Classical 20th century developmental nationalisms emphasised citizenship, economy and future orientations. Later cultural nationalisms – ‘Asian values’, ‘Hindutva’, ‘Confucianism’ or ‘Nihonjiron’ – stressed identity, culture and past orientations. Amid neoliberalism’s flagrantly unequal political economy, not primarily concerned with material production or productivity, they glorified static conceptions of ‘original’ cultures and identities – whether religious, ethnic or other – and justified inequality as cultural difference. In contrast to the popular mobilizations which powered developmental nationalisms, cultural nationalisms throve on neoliberalism’s disengagement and disenfranchisement, albeit partially compensated by the political baptism of newly enriched groups. Extremist wings of cultural nationalism in some countries were a function of this lack of popular support.

link to

Nationalism paradoxically has always had an aspect of universality–the great national revolutions certainly were experienced as levers for transforming all of humanity. The collective imaginaries which today are redrawing the boundaries between communities are widely seen as transnational, no longer contained by state boundaries in their claim to actual universality. But are they? Radhika Desai brings to this enterprise her own profound insights into contemporary forms of cultural nationalism, and in her choice of contributors has succeeded admirably in clarifying the similarities and contrasts between the nationalisms of old and today.

Kees van der Pijl, Department of International Relations, University of Sussex

Even CBI members appreciate the significance of nationalism and are happy to profit from it while working actively to prevent Scotland’s independence. Hypocrites.

Here in Edinburgh we have a unique perspective on the study of nationalism. The recently established national-level democratic institutions, along with the independence debate, give you a first-hand view of the cultural, historical and political background of nationalism.

link to


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It seems clear that Peter Murrell had a direct influence on that decision (there may even be questions as to whether his influence means he would have been considered as a “Shadow Director” under the Companies Act (2006)).

Seems I assumed, stupidly, that the Rev’s link was to the actual complaint rather than the newspaper report of it.

The complaint was based on the idea that Peter Murrell was in actuality in charge of BfS simply due to them taking advice from him.

Iain More

I met Nicola Surgeon at Glasgow Uni. She was obviously influencing me then even when I thought I was under the 8influence of alcohol, SNP BAD obviously! Setting aside the fact I was pro Indy before she was twinkle in her mithers eye but it doesn’t make for an SNP BAD story.

Bob Mack


The problem for independence supporters is people like yourself.
You are incapable of seeing the blindingly obvious even when it is pointed out to you.

You have your view of the state of things and nothing or no-one can change it. You justify your views by trying to belittle or challenge the intellect anyone who disagrees with your summation. That is arrogance.. It is not enough to say you are impartial. You also have to BE impartial

David McDowell

Why is it that whenever there is a complaint about something to do with the SNP they are suddenly “obliged to look into it” but when it is a complaint about some dirty trick by some cheating Unionist toerag they are not “obliged to look into it”?

The latest case in point is the scurrilous lies to parliament by Dugdale. Why are they not “obliged to look into” those?

Salmond was forever being accused and constantly referring himself to the standards committee. What is the point of having a standards committee if it only investigates when someone decides to report themselves?


And thus into the Internet echo chamber “demented” goes forth, “oh you can’t use what that guy says as an argument ’cause he’s demented”.

Do you watch BBC Scotland teatime news for example Colin Ripley? Try a Jacky Bird style teatime monstering of Michelle Thomson MP last week and a giant studio close up photo of Thomson, Jacky Bird’s relentless, “police, investigation, corrupt, vulnerable people, SNP bad, Thomson investigation, law society struck off, more fraud” and on and on old Jacky chuntered.

“Demented” doesn’t even close but they might pull it off, hardly democratic though, the BBC trying to overthrow the democraticly elected government of Scotland, is it Colin Ripley?

Anyway, BBC Scotland attack hysterics aside, is it worth even mentioning how all the usual NOT demented red and blue cyberBritnats have leapt on Thomson Colin Ripley and so on…




With the benefit of hindsight, it is now possible to see IndyRef14 for what it was, viz Independence conceived – in the ‘womb’ of the Scottish Nation. Independence is now part of the Scottish national consciousness. It is inside us.

Prior to Indy14, most Yessers, like myself probably, thought we were about to witness the actual birth of Independence. No hindsight is required to know that didn’t happen.

A modicum of insight is required however, to distinguish between conception and birth. What Scotland needs, and has, is the certain belief that Independence will be born. Date of Birth to be decided.

The Unionists cannot destroy Independence conceived. But they can try to persuade us to give it up. That is the object of the Unionist propaganda war.

Carrying Independence to birth is being made difficult for Scotland, as, everyday, voices with Westminster accents, tell us ‘to give it up’.

We must continue to resist, steadfastly.

Always vote SNP to protect Independence.

De Valera

Just like the three Tory Parties, our MSM don’t know anything else other than ‘SNP bad’. They are now at odds with half the electorate, how long can it continue?

We will not be moved and neither it seems will they, which one of us will be left standing?

CamweronB Brodie

No, I’m certain now. I want your children. 🙂


OT – Breaking News

Date set for legal challenge to Ali Carbuncles election.

Judges have set a date to hear evidence in a legal challenge to the election of the former Scottish secretary Alistair Carmichael.

A four-day election court hearing will take place at the court of session buildings in Edinburgh from 9 November.


Alasdair Macdonald

I see that a Labour MP has tweeted that Mr Jeremy Hunt’s Chinese born wife should have stayed in China. Imagine the fait shock if one of us supporters of independence had made such a racist comment! Ms Dugdale and the ever constructive (not) Ms Baillie should be asked to comment in the Scottish Parliament, or is raising issues which are not devolved only the prerogative of the opposition and the msm.?

Also, I note that Ofcom has decided that to refer to Scotland as Jockistan on the BBC, is justified. This now provides Scottish Labour with an alternative to the ‘nat-friendly’ S*******.


I really don’t know why anyone on here reads The Guano.


Maybe the establishment realise they live in glass houses and the SNP now have a pile of stones to return.

Maybe the establishment realise they just looked desperate and foolish.

Maybe the establishment realise they no longer have an effect on voting intentions. Or a negative effect.

Maybe they have burnt out and are still in bed.


Alasdair Macdonald @ 5:09 pm

Ofcom has decided that to refer to Scotland as ‘Jockistan’ on the BBC, is justified.

Is there any reason why every piece of anti-SNP/Scotland propaganda cannot, in replying, be described on every occasion as ‘a bog-standard smear by Unionists’.


Relevant to this is a posting on Herald late September (by JP) where he pointed out that BfS were late with their companies house annual return (a few days), and were almost overdue with their accounts. I’ve kept my eye on that and the annual return was put in on the 8th Oct, and accounts 2 days late on the 2nd Oct. No fine for late annual return, £150 for late accounts. But they’re in, and it’s not unusual for companies to be late (especially if restructuring), I’ve done it a couple of times for different reasons (no penalty, I successfully appealed).

In this case looking at filing history, there’s been a lot of change, a lot on the 8th, and the latest was registered office. To file online you need ID and password and verification code, and perhaps these got mislaid in the moves of office, and personnel, hence the lateness.

Is it unusual for changes in personnel? I don’t think so, BfS is moving on after the ref, perhaps some officers are returning to their own businesses which, like a lot of Indy supporters, perhaps got a bit shall we say, neglected, during the long Ref campaign (cough, splutter).

I’m getting there – what is very noteworthy is the attention BfS is getting from the media and anyone who can try to throw “mud” at it. Conversely this means that the Unionists have identified BfS as a very valuable resource to Indy that they would like to discredit, as much as they are able.

Which means BfS is deserving of our support, not so much financially perhaps, as in other ways.


According to the article in the Herald when details of the email emerged last week a source at the EC said it did not think it warranted an investigation. Once the complaint was lodged then they said they would investigate it according to their normal procedures.

But as with most Herald articles the best bit comes last. A spokesperson for Business for Scotland said that during the referendum they had worked closely with the EC to ensure all their procedures were in line with EC regulations relating to the conduct of the referendum.

As usual Labour sound and fury signifying nothing much.


ahundredthidiot @ 3.57
Heedy @ 3.58
Bob Mack @ 4.32

… you all miss the point! I am just the messenger. Is there anything that you actually disagree with in my post?

The SNP is not going to get away with playing the wee underdog thingy any longer. The SNP has been the government for 8 years. It swept the polls at Holyrood and in the GE. It is now there to be shot at – and shot at you will be – just like any other government.

Most here cannot write the word “Tory” without an uncomplimentary adjective to accompany it. Every ill, every complaint, everything that doesn’t work and everything that is wrong in the country is deemed to be the government’s fault. Every Tory MP is an uncaring scumbag – and so too is every Labour MP or MSP. In fact everyone other than an SNP MSP or MP is a lying, cheating scrumbag – but heaven forbid if anyone has a pop at the SNP about anything!

Its all very, very hypocritical.

The SNP needs to get on the front foot and sell to the populace what it has done, and will continue to do. So, I would be interested to know, what would commenters say are the SNP’s 3 greatest achievements for the population of Scotland in the last Holyrood Pariament? That is surely where the Manifesto has to start?

Chin up!


Even more than that, Jackie Baillie has said “this is very serious”. Considering she’s one of the main spokespeople for Labour in S*******, perhaps people listening to her will be able to draw their own conclusions about how much, exactly, she is serious herself. Or relevant.

Bob Mack


I take it that what the Tories are proposing for this Parliament you find acceptable ? Can you name me a “decent ” Tory who voted against the measures going through which inevitably hurt the most disadvantaged in our Society ?. In a few years they will be reintroducing slavery,poor laws,and whatever else the enlightenment of Victorian times abolished..
They are deliberately creating a” them and us” Society.
Masters and and poor. Almost Dickensian.
Then again perhaps you agree with them.


Many students in Scotland go to college (HNC/HND) and then to 2nd year at Uni. Or return as a mature student. Or leave at 16 to do an apprenticeship. Skilled tradesmen often earn more than graduates. Many students in the South do a Foundation year. The system is different but students in Scotland pay less fees. Polytechnics in England became Unii.

Fraser Nelson know full well, so does Andrew Marr (as he admitted) but still they keep up the pretence.

Kevin Hague a poor grasp of figures. The so called 12% deficit is an result of 10% which is borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK being added to Scotland’s account. Scotland lost the equivalent of a £220 Oil Fund because of Westminster secrecy and lies. Illegal wars, tax evasion and banking fraud. Facebook made vast profits in the UK and paid £4k in tax. HMRC is a joke.

Scotland raises £54Billion+ in tax and gets £50Billion back. £466Billion is raised in taxes in the UK and £90Billion is borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK. Take £54Billion from £466Billion = £412Billion (raises in the rest of the UK) divide by 11 (11/12 of UK pop) = £39Billion (pro rata).

Scotland raises £54Billion, the rest of the UK raises £39Billion (pro rata) but borrows and spents £9Billion more (pro rata). Scotland get £9Billion it doesn’t borrow or spend added to it’s accounts as a deficit by Westminster.

How could BT have raised £4.5Million in funding for the Referendum when the agreed spending limit was £1.5Million


Thinking about it, I’m sure during the Referendum that WOS has given some excellent advice to Better Together, so perhaps someone should complain to the Electoral Commission that the Rev was adivising Better Together, so WOS and Better Together were clearly “working together”.

Hmm, what’s that hammer doing …


David McDowell @ 4:36 pm

You wrote “Why is it that whenever there is a complaint about something to do with the SNP they are suddenly “obliged to look into it” but when it is a complaint about some dirty trick by some cheating Unionist toerag they are not “obliged to look into it”?

… a perfect example of your one-eyed, partisan, bunker mentality!

As an example, very recently, the Police “looked into” a case – purely because Tom Watson decided to publicly accuse an ex Tory Minister of some heinous crimes of the most sickening type – whilst he was suffering from cancer – because he, Tom Watson, personally, was convinced of his guilt and went public.

I have no axe to grind either way in this instance – other than for due process to take place, rather than one man destroy the reputation and memory of a man who did not have the opportunity to defend himself before he died – leaving a grieving widow to wonder what has happened to her.

Perhaps if you read the MSM with both eyes open, you might see that all parties and all politicians get “done over” from time to time. I am not saying it is right – just that it happens.

For you to suggest otherwise is just immature twaddle.



Here you go, fill your boots!

link to


Bob @ 5.51

I note that you didn’t answer my question Bob …..


yesindyref2 says

“this means that the Unionists have identified BfS as a very valuable resource to Indy that they would like to discredit, as much as they are able.”

Spot on, as much as I think other issues are just as important, we must win the economic argument if we are to persuade the doubters and switchers and imo along with Wings, Business for Scotland was the most influential non SNP information outlet.

And it is essential we have those non SNP voices.


sensibledave says@5.40
You all miss the point …of my bog standard anti SNP rant.

Helena Brown

Senseless Dave, two things, as you haven’t much of a clue as to politics here in Scotland living as you do in the Southern Kingdom and have a different view on things from all of us it will come as a shock to you that most people dislike your point of view, of course we have the imported Tories, we have some home grown ones. What we really do not like are liars, such as Labour, Scottish Branch who cannot utter one sensible word in opposition. Who rather than pointing out how things can be improved, spend their entire time shouting SNPBAD. It got so tiresome that so many of their support deserted them, that and the fact they were standing side by side with the Tories.
You want to know what the SNP should be using as things which they have done well since 2007 as the starting point of their manifesto. Well no brown envelopes used at the beginning of projects. When projects are entered into they set the budget and a time scale and usually these come in at the right price and one time, our new Bridge over the Forth being one. Anyone who has lived in Scotland for any time will tell you that it is palpable the difference in the feel of the country, we are hopeful for the first time in 300 years, losing the Referendum has simply been put aside till the next one. The only blot on our landscape is Westminster and those, dearest you voted for. Now I could write a book on what they have done, and none of it good.
Nice to see and Englishman though not using rude words and being constructive.


the problem is the public do not see things like Wings do
I know people who work for Scot Rail who think the Scottish government privatized it when the franchise was taken over by Abelio
They believe the Daily Record and the BBC message
This is a significant barrier unless Wings gets a wider circulation



Straight enough comparison. Did the press apply equilibrium in their attacks on the following 2 Scottish MPs?

Michelle Thomson
Alistair Carmichael

Both, innocent until proven guilty, but the press are there to do a job.

Equal, or one sided?

Answers on a postcard please


The SNP has mitigated the ‘bedroom tax’ so disabled people are not thrown out of their adapted homes. Have to move three times and get bathed in paddling pools in England.. Their house is given over to pensioners who do not have to pay the ‘bedroom tax’. A complete and utter disgrace.

The SNP has maintained prescriptions for the sick and has maintained personal care for the elderly so they can stay in their own homes. Rather than pay £600 a week for a residential care home or £600 a day for hospital care. The SNP has increased Funding for NHS. It is being cut in England – Hospitals are now £1Billion in debt. Doctors in England are having their salaries cut and junior doctors are being expected to illegally work 90+ hours a week and are threatening to go on strike.

The SNP has increased funding for nursery care and mitigated welfare cuts from Westminster £100Million a year. The SNP has limited student fees and raised Grants and loans for students. Nicola Sturgeon cares that’s why people vote SNP.

Jim Thomson

O/T – that Carmichael thing …

Anyone know the outcome of today’s hearing? Has a date/location been set for the next step?

For anyone able and willing to contribute (possibly, again) here’s a reminder of the link to the fundraiser page link to

De Valera

The example of Tom Watson is a UK wide issue, what our complaint is about is the Scottish based media attacking our desire for self determination.

Many of us, myself included, will consider voting for other parties than the SNP after independence is achieved. But until then the SNP are the besr vehicle to achieve this.

Our media know this and that is what they are attacking. The SNP are in no ways perfect, but for now they are the best we have. Question and disagree with them by all means, but what we have seen lately is unworthy of serious journalism.


Why did Hague destroy the Report he was given on child abuse by Westminster MP’s. The BBC did not broadcast a Report about Saville.

Where’s the Chilcot Report?


yesindyref2 @ 5.56

… I’ve had a look – nothing really there other than a load of useless Press Releases – here are the latest 20 SNP “achievements” apparently:

1. SNP welcome Labour U-turn
2. SNP welcomes progress on gender equality for 2016
3. UK’s response to refugee crisis laid bare
4. SNP MP to question VW on emission fixing scandal
5. 800,000 will lose out due to Tory budget
6. Labour MPs must back SNP in anti austerity vote
7. SNP back UN gender equality campaign
8. ‘Overwhelming support’for Scotland to remain in EU
9. FM ‘Eyes on the prize’ of unprecedented third term
10.SNP urge Dugdale to resolve Trident chaos
11. Tory rhetoric sets tone for immigration debate
12. MSP visits Serbia to see impact of refugee aid
13. SNP MPs return from Syrian refugee visit
14. Welcome for Abusive Behaviour Bill
15. New report shows true cost of Tory tax credit cuts
16. Questions for Cameron on drone strikes in Syria
17. SNP retain huge lead over divided Labour
18. SNP welcome offshore UCG moratorium
19. New stats show renewable energy strength
20. Opportunity for cross-party unity on Trident

Help me out here YI2 – unless you want me to take the first three on the list as the SNP’s greatest achievements!?!?


To me it reads like a load of non-stories produced by a “media department” of the type seen in “In the thick of it”

8 years in government YI2! What are the SNP’s three biggest achievements for voters in Scotland?

Bob Mack


There was no question to answer. You are merely stating what you believe.

If you care to look back over history,you will find that there have always been rogues in Parliament It attracts narcissists who revel in the power of authority.

You write to me as if to a child. I have long and extensive experience of dealing with all sorts of people,some good some bad. Until you can show me a comparison between what the SNP have done in power for malevolant outcomes against the Main Parties, especially the Tories,then you are merely whistling against the wind.

I am afraid your off the cuff bonhommie does not cut it.
You are a Tory in all probability, which leaves further discussion fruitless if not pointless.


The SNP are constructing the new Forth Crossing, the AWPR, the Borders Raiways and improving the rail link between Glasgow and Edinburgh, cutting the journey time, These projects are being completed on budget and on time. Compare this with the Unionist constructed Holyrood building and the Tram Project. Total shambles,

Brian Powell

Alex Thomson to put out his ‘programme’ on Land Reform on Thursday, to coincide with the Conference, his words.

I’m guessing if the Reforms don’t entirely change Scotland immediately he will claim it doesn’t work.

I now look on the Brit TV and newspapers as the ghosts from some Chinese Tale, who haunt and hang around the living because they envy their life force!

Grouse Beater

I don’t think Labour’s Scottish branch yet realise how the public perceive their efforts to ‘stop the SNP wasting time on a second referendum’ – their sole repetitive moan.

So far, the public perceive the opposition as a bunch of third-rate newspaper vendors who don’t have a constructive policy between then that will advance the cause of Scotland’s economic or democratic health one inch.

All they peddle is innuendo, idiocy, and smear campaigns.


To be fair endless stories on ‘SNP government competent, yet again’ must get wearing.


@Jim Thomson

9th Nov for 4 days.

Can I remind folks that the troll SD hasn’t had his bowl of cereal today.

Grouse Beater

Muscleguy: Endless ‘SNP government competent, yet again’ must get wearing.


Maureen Luby

Alistair Carmichael – next step

link to


sensibledave says:
12 October, 2015 at 5:40 pm

The SNP needs to get on the front foot and sell to the populace what it has done, and will continue to do. So, I would be interested to know, what would commenters say are the SNP’s 3 greatest achievements for the population of Scotland in the last Holyrood Pariament? That is surely where the Manifesto has to start?

I think that’s a fair enough point.

For me it would be:

1. Huge investment in infrastructure, completing and upgrading motorways and railways after years of underinvestment.
New Southern General and new Forth Bridge on time and under budget, without lumping extra charges on future generations through PFI

2. Crime levels at record lows – partly due to maintaining 1000 extra police officers.

3. Maintaining free personal care for the elderly despite a large rise in costs. This along with free prescriptions & hospital charges could also be classed as extra spending on health.

One more: The general political awakening of the Scottish population and increase in expectations. We are getting extra powers because of the referendum that we wouldn’t otherwise be getting. Limited for now, but it’s another step forward, and people expect and demand more, especially more economic powers.
There is a general feeling that we are moving forward with the SNP, not remaining at a standstill. It’s the aspirational vote.

Curious to know what your top 3 are ?


Better Together broke purdah rules in the referendum with their “vow”. The electoral commission has done nothing. They are a British institution and therefore biased in favour of the union. I have no confidence in what they say.

Re. Admission of poorer students to our universities, why are our stats compared to England’s? Why is Scotland compared to England on everything? Personally, I don’t much care how we compare to England. What about all the other countries of the world, what are they doing?


Helena Brown @ 6:09 pm

Whato Helena, my wee, one eyed partisan (in response to your senselessdave jibe!)

1. Not living in England doesn’t seem to stop most commenters here passing judgement on the English, the politics of the majority of English folk or the politicians represented by those folk. A wee bit Hypocritical?

2. The “SNP Bad” victimhood wears really thin Helena. Point me to where on this site I can see where commenters have complimented the politics or politicians of the Tories or Labour? Point me to any Tory policy that Nicola Sturgeon supports. “Tory Bad, “Labour Bad” “NON SNP BAD” is a constant theme here. A wee bit hypocritical?

3 “Nice to see an Englishman though not using rude words and being constructive.”

Thank you! Despite the obviously “playful” comments sometimes directed at me, I know that most commenters really do appreciate the insights that I am able provide!

… must run Helena, the Butler has the night off – and I can’t trust the under Butler to make my gin sling properly.

Big Jock

Mcwhirter,Mckenna & Hassan. We are calling you out.

We know you read Wings. We are not calling you out because we are narrow minded nationalists, and blind to any SNP faults. No it is because you said that you would criticise the SNP on their record. But all we see is serial stalking of one Mp over an alleged property deal, before she was an MP.

This is not news nor is it political analysis. It’s a witch hunt. A shameful petty ill informed public assassination. Three weeks of hounding and grovelling in manure, have produced the square root of hee haw.

Is this what you have come to. The journalism of News Of The World.Remember when journalism was following a story. Now the narrative is make up the story, dig for evidence and smear. Then when no evidence transpires. No apology for ruining an Mps career and leaving them defenseless of public vilification.

The message from us indi supporters is this. We stick together through thick and thin. We don’t need fair weathered supporters. Independence cannot happen with a divided movement.

Go home to Labour and leave Scotland to those that truly want it.

David McDowell

Big Jock at 6:55pm

Whilst The National is paying the likes of McKenna to write articles they won’t be getting another red cent from me.


Bob Mack @ 6.19

You wrote “I am afraid your off the cuff bonhommie does not cut it. You are a Tory in all probability, which leaves further discussion fruitless if not pointless.”

Hmm! had you being following my missives a little more closely Bob over the last year or so, you will have read that I am indeed someone that votes Tory most of the time. Indeed, on balance, they most closely reflect my approach to life and politics. However there are many things they say and do that I am opposed to – and that is the difference between the relationship I have with them – and most people here’s slavish, acceptance of the tablets down the mountain from SNP head office.

For instance, I am a Republican at heart. I see no justification whatsoever for people to have inherited power and status (monarchy or House of Lords). However, And on the other hand, I see no better system, anywhere in the world, that has produced a “Head of State” position that I would prefer. So pragmatism rules so to speak.

I am very unsure about the Tory’s current plans on the Welfare cuts, increased Living Wage, lower Taxes meme – and, as yet, remain to be convinced.

See Bob, I think for myself and I tell it like I see it – whether that is supporting or criticising government policy. Within the two major political parties in England, it is accepted that people with different views operate within the same party. But where is that difference in the SNP? Who is on the right? Who is on the left? Where are the disagreements and shades of opinion?

It feels like SNP policy is more like a religion – rather than a collection of free thinking adults discussing things openly and honestly sometimes.

Bob Mack


Your last post proves my point entirely. Your abilities do not match your ambitions.

David McDowell

Cal at 6:47pm wrote:
“Better Together broke purdah rules in the referendum with their “vow”. The electoral commission has done nothing.”

Yes, Cal, but when a trumped-up “complaint” is made about someone in the SNP the electoral commission is “obliged to look into it”!

How come they aren’t “obliged to look into” the outrageous breaking of purdah during the referendum?!!

Grouse Beater

Is there any reason the cockroach that flattens itself to get under Wings door and scuttles around the site hasn’t be squished by the vermin exterminator?

After the Referendum the Better Together group returned home, certain Scotland would return to normal – or that’s what they thought. ‘Project Fear’

Wonderful piece of understatement from author, Joe Pike.


Very good, at least you looked, that makes you practically unique. Yes, the usual PR fluff, mostly. Going further backwards:

23) link to (+ RET which I think is now on all or nearly all ferry routes)

29 is a future one, but 30) link to

Mmm, maybe the media page isn’t the best. From memory, there’s the Small Business Bonus scheme where they extended the scheme started by Lab / LibDem. But a better page:

link to


SNP is the centre, neither left or right. It just does the right thing.

The SNP is funded by it’s members not Banks or Corporates.

The Unionists Parties are funded by Banks, Corporates and non Dom tax evaders. Ashcroft etc. All the Unionist Parties are in massive debt which is underwritten for favours by wealth individuals. Cash for honours etc.


@ sensibledave

The three greatest achievements? Do you watch too much telly?

That statement sums up your whole so called argument. A school playground taunt.

Sadly, this is what we have come to expect from ukokers.

If unionist supporters wish for their respective parties to be in government at Holyrood, then maybe they should put up people who are competent and capable of the job instead of the poor standard that we see.

Everyone on here wants their country to do well dave, do you?


@sensibledave “1. Not living in England doesn’t seem to stop most commenters here passing judgement on the English”

That’s crap SD, unionist agitator crap. Sometimes you come across to me as genuine, but that slur blows it.

Bob Mack


Honestly my friend ,get a grip.
I think you should check Hansard to find the last time the Tories voted in significant numbers against the Party. Same for Labour,or any other Party.
You are trying to allude that the Membership of the SNP are unable to think for themselves ,but rather toe a Party line.
How arrogant can you be.
I know the diversity within the SNP at branch, regional and other levels.

You clearly do not ,but as usual make your own presumptions, which in your eyes are facts.

Very wrong and very full of self importance Dave.

Bob Mack

Re Sensibledave,

John Ruskin once said ” A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel” How true.


Sensible Dave is out again recruiting more members for the SNP with every post. The 77th must be having a night off Syria!

Grouse Beater

BBC moving worrying close towards becoming an “arm of government”

Sir Christopher Bland, who chaired the BBC between 1996 and 2001, said the Chancellor’s plan to offload spending priorities onto the broadcaster could have consequences for the broadcaster’s relationship with the state.

Rather subtly and unattractively it draws the BBC closer to becoming an arm of government which is always something that the BBC and government have resisted,” he told BBC Radio 4’s World this Weekend programme.

link to



All the news reports tell us “British Economist Angus Deaton” wins the Nobel for economics.

Bet he’ll be Scots then, thinks I.

Wiki entry – link to – Scots!

And I heard tonight the Yes side for the EU is using the apron in their literature. Not my flag. No red in my flag.

Dan Huil

The unionist media, especially unionist newspapers, have crossed their own narrow-minded Rubicon. They have permanently attached themselves to a dying cause; indeed through their arrogant behaviour they have greatly contributed to the downfall of both themselves and the unionist cause. Delicious.


@ David McDowell

How come they aren’t “obliged to look into” the outrageous breaking of purdah during the referendum?!!

1. “Purdah” was mandatory only for the Scottish Government, I believe.

2. The UK Government “undertook” to observe it but was not obliged to.

3. Better Together, as merely a registered referendum particpant, was under no obligations (but not in a position to promise anything either).

4. The Daily Record wasn’t even a registered participant (and neither was Gordon Brown).

5. The leaders who “signed” the “Vow” did so as party leaders, not as the Government (which only 2 of them were part of), so they aren’t covered either.

Or something like that.

De Valera

Think of it this way sensibledave, we believe in the SNP because the SNP believe in us.

David McDowell


Tell me something I don’t know.
And none of negates my point: how come the electoral commission is only “obliged” to act if it’s a complaint against the SNP?


Angus Deaton wins Nobel prize for Economics.
Born and educated in Edinburgh.

David McDowell

Colin Rippey at 4:07pm

The Rev has ripped you a new one at 7:23pm.


Most here cannot write the word “Tory” without an uncomplimentary adjective to accompany it. Every ill, every complaint, everything that doesn’t work and everything that is wrong in the country is deemed to be the government’s fault. Every Tory MP is an uncaring scumbag – and so too is every Labour MP or MSP. In fact everyone other than an SNP MSP or MP is a lying, cheating scrumbag – but heaven forbid if anyone has a pop at the SNP about anything!

Its all very, very hypocritical.

Oh the drama. Sensible, toryboy world has made England and in particular the south of England rich. Scotland cannot be allowed to run itself because…

I leave you sensibledave to complete that sentence.

PS, cheating scrumbag a topical slam from you sensibledave? I like it.


@ David McDowell

They’re only “obliged” to act if one or more of their rules could have been broken. The Vow, for all that it was shameless, disgraceful and devoid of redeeming features, did not break the lop-sided, biased rules. So the EC concluded they had no grounds on which to investigate (I don’t remember whether it even got as far as their having to announce such a conclusion; did anyone formally ask them to investigate?).

Similarly, they have concluded that Jackie Baillie’s complaint doesn’t warrant an investigation, and I expect they will soon make a similar ruling about Kevin Hague’s.

The extent to which they have to “follow the usual procedures” will depend on how obvious it is that there is no infringement.

Dr Jim

Half my family are English so I’ll pass judgement on them just as they do on me

The English side of my family are complete and utter Numpties
and they say the same about me

But they all agree on one thing Scotland’s the best for holidays even with that terrible Sturgeon woman who they think is only one step up from Cameron

It’s a start


Colin Rippey 4.07pm
Not really on the ball today,are you? Some might even describe you as a fucking idiot.I take a different view.I think you’ve simply failed to read the thing properly before commenting.We all make mistakes sometimes.You just need to focus on your work and try to do better.I hope you don’t get your wages docked.


‘demented Nat-hating Pet-shop manager’ LOL! 😀

Grouse Beater

Do people who create television commercials with pseudo patriotic taglines such as ‘This is Yorkshire!’ understand viewers in Scotland think, ‘Who gives a shit?’, or, ‘Oh, aye, right.’? Doesn’t do much to sell the product.

Colin Rippey

rom the part where it says those exact words, you fucking idiot. There’s a reason they’re in quote marks.

Ha ha, you’re as demented as your nemesis.

David McDowell

crazycat at 8:21pm

Except the “vow” did break the purdah rules and the electoral commission did nothing about it.


link to^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

It looks as if Kevin Hague reads Wings. I spotted Paula Rose’s highheel on one of his screengrabs.

Perhaps he could answer my question. Kevin you said people on Islay have to be flown to the mainland when they break a leg. I found that a bit far fetched so stopped reading your blog at that point. You also said that the hospital laundry had to be flown to the mainland.

If you can categorically confirm that the above points are true then I might re-consider my opinion. Do people on Islay have to be flown to the mainland if they break a leg?

David McDowell

Colin Rippey at 8:32pm

Typical. Not man enough to admit a mistake and apologise.
Are they born like that or do they learn it as they go along?


I note that Ofcom has decided that to refer to Scotland as Jockistan on the BBC, is justified.

Please tell me that above just isn’t true?

If it is, I’m afraid Shiteland and Ofcom can both go and take a F*** to themselves!

Colin Rippey

The article
After detail of the email emerged last week, sources at the Electoral Commission said they did not believe the revelations warranted an investigation

However, it confirmed that it would now examine a complaint from Kevin Hague, the economics blogger and businessman who has previously claimed Bfs is a “front” for the SNP.

A spokeswoman for the Electoral Commission said: “We have received a complainy and will be looking into it in line with our usual procedures.”

What you wrote:
Triggered by a demented Nat-hating pet-shop manager who may be familiar to social media users for his overpowering obsession with both BFS and this site, it’s based on recent allegations from the Sunday Herald that SNP chief executive (and Nicola Sturgeon’s husband) Peter Murrell had expressed some opinions to BFS over their management, which have now been frantically spun up into a claim that the SNP and BFS were “co-operating” in the campaign.

This could in theory be the Electoral Commission’s business because there were rules governing spending limits which applied if two or more registered participants worked together. Scottish Labour have described the allegations as “hugely serious”, which cynical readers may feel is as good an indicator as any that they’re total horse parts.

The Electoral Commission appears to agree, telling the Herald that it “did not believe the revelations warranted an investigation”, but is obliged to look into the complaint anyway. We may be able to save them some time.

Sorry but you’re CLEARLY trying to imply that the Electoral Commission did not believe the COMPLAINT raised warranted an investigation.

That’s what this entire article is designed to imply, that the complaint does not warrant an investigation.

Grouse Beater

The No campaign pair got hundreds of fake passports printed as part of a Scottish-English border stunt, to highlight how Scots might need passports after independence. “It was a mad idea, which we stopped just in time”, said one Labour member. “The UK government was fucking up the passport system at the time”. ‘Project Fear’ Joe Pike

Hoo haar! 🙂


link to

Better link.

Colin Rippey

@David McDowell
Not had any comments from either of you two before, you must have plucked up the courage from somewhere I guess?


Rev. Stuart Campbell says:
12 October, 2015 at 8:53 pm

“It looks as if Kevin Hague reads Wings.”

Obsessively. Comments too.

Ruby Replies

Is he more or less obsessed than AhDinnaeKen?

Does he post under the name Kevin Hague.

What about AhDinnaeKen does he post here?

Do either of them use the name Sensible Dave?


Colin Rippey, your writing style is very like complainant Kevarage himself. Why not drop the pretence?

Paula Rose

@Ruby 8:41 – I’m afraid I got my heel caught in his blog logic a few months back and seemed to have caused his blog to be unobtainable for a while via twitter. Been blocked ever since – but of course I still read his tweets whenever I want to.


Colin Rippey

You are misrepresenting Stuarts article as it clearly states the Electoral Commission are ‘obliged to look into the complaint anyway’ whether they think it warranted or not.

Rev Stu said he would save them time during their investigation by giving them the facts.

Now apologise dammit !

David McDowell

Colin Rippey at 9:10pm

You must be blind. I have had hundreds of comments published here and all over the internet.

Colin Rippey

You’re confusing me with someone else, not me.

Misrepresentation is in the eye of the beholder.

I guess we’ll all find out how warrantless the complaint is if we get to find out what the electoral commission responds with.

Colin Rippey

@David McDowell
Sorry, I was being facetious (and a bit narcissistic) when I meant I’ve never seen you comment to me on here, but I’m sure that will now happen in the future.

Colin Rippey

@Rev Stu
I’m implying that because it’s the truth, you halfwit

I guess we’ll see if anything comes of the complaint then.

Might be an idea to get a “The Electoral Commission, who are they and why they’re anti-Scotland” draft article written, just in case.

Andy Borland

The SNP’s 3 greatest achievements?

1) Scottish Labour isnt in power.
2) Scottish Tories aren’t in power.
3) Scottish Lib Dem’s aren’t in power.


Paula Rose

Just popped in with a comment for Ruby but lovely wee Colin Rippey is here! Hi honey how are you?

Colin Rippey

@Rev Stu
In all seriousness to you, I did actually read the Herald article but for some reason “didn’t actually see the bit about warrantless” before I posted the first comment.

I don’t know why you feel compelled to answer every “attack” against the SNP or other pro-independence group, sometimes I think if you highlight something it’ll get more traction than it normally would.


The comment from non-sensible dave@7.06pm, who says it feels like ‘SNP POLICY is more like a religion’, makes little sense, but let’s see….It is a tad bizarre to use words like ‘feel’, when mentioning ‘policy’ and contradicts the oh so pretendy balanced, objective speak that you, s. dave, normally attempt to employ in commenting on WoS.

Fact is, SNP ‘policy’, is based on modern, forward thinking, level headed planning. It is life affirming, not life destroying, not perfect but a million miles better than your selfish, self seeking right wing, cronies within the halls of westmonster. These ‘policies’ that you refer to, if we can try to make sense of it, are exactly what your rainbow tories have no intention of ever even thinking about, never mind actually putting into practice.

An attempt to equate SNP competence in government, with some kind of religion, appears innocent perhaps, but it is dangerous by implication.

I for one will be keeping an eye on where next, the demonising of the SNP, via the media, tries to steer peoples views and thoughts.


Colin Rippey says:
12 October, 2015 at 9:52 pm
You’re confusing me with someone else, not me.

You write like Kevarge and you’re clearly more than a little determined to win this one for Keverage. Which is odd as you unionists keep accusing YES people of cultism. Cut the shit and debate. You’re a successful business man, almost certainly via a big cash donation to get you started/took over the family biz, your blog is all about how SNP are economic liars and charlatans and it’d be great to see you present all that here.

You could be all kinds of nemesis’s , nemisi, to all WoS readers kind of thing and even answer economic stuff what you think none of us can understand because we’re all so stupid and gullible.

Hoss Mackintosh

Jeez – what a Britnat zoomer.

No way will the electoral commission will uphold this complaint as they have already ruled it out.

He may be Kevin Hague after all as he has the same arrogant and strident mentality.

Paula Rose

Um – look, it seems to me that many are missing the point.

If Scotland is subsidised and incapable of running its own affairs – then fair enough we need to be part of the UK.

But I see nothing that suggests that to be the case.

So we have a load of people outwith Scotland worried that they will sink without us.
But if Scotland gets on with being a successful economy it will naturally look to its neighbours in the British Isles as a place to invest.

I’m sure London can look after itself.


He may be Kevin Hague after all as he has the same arrogant and strident mentality.

Oh Hoss, why cant you be intelligent, vote tory, vote No, like a Kevarage upper middle class person, a real Brit?

Hoss Mackintosh

That has reminded me what a great asset Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp was for the Yes campaign.

Here is the Man in Tweed in action…

link to

I wonder why he never seems to get invited onto STV or the BBC anymore.?
In fact did he ever get invited on to any BBC Scotland programs at all – ever?
Strange that!

Perhaps we should complain to the EC about BBC bias?

Dave McEwan Hill

Paula Rose at 10.24

“If Scotland is subsidised and incapable of running its own affairs – then fair enough we need to be part of the UK.”

If Scotland, which has an abundance of resources and an abundance of clever, hard working people, is subsidised and incapable of running its own affairs that is obviously the fault of the constitutional union it is trapped in.

Some folk seem to believe the union has been such a boon that we are a now a beggar nation


Colin/Kevaverage: Do people on Islay really have to fly to the mainland when they break a leg?

What about the laundry are there no washing machines on Islay?


I’ll never simply accept Scotland needing subsidies from the rUK whilst still part of the union and under it’s control as meaning we couldn’t organise ourselves better post independence. Not that I accept it to be true in the first place.

Paula Rose

Dave McEwan Hill my point xx


Eh? As far as I know the hpsital on Islay is still open:

link to


link to

I can’t believe the amount of stuff KevAverage has for sale on his Pet Planet.

You can even buy Ferret & Rat Shampoo and the good news is it’s been reduced to £2.29

Dreamcatchers & Floral Hanging baskets for rabbits are down to only £2.99


yesindyref2 says: They might have a hospital on Islay but according to KevAverage they don’t do laundry or broken legs.

Colin Rippey

@Paula Rose
Err, who are you?


Ah right, I found and read the article.

He doesn’t know much about “whisky duty” if he thinks it’s all paid by end consumers “Duty income is generated by the consumers buying the product”, does he? He needs to look up “excise duty” and “bonded”, and do a little reading. Well, a lot of reading.

Colin Rippey

You seem to have a bit of a fetish for kevarage, why don’t you go interact with him directly on his blog, or are you afraid to leave the comfort of this place?


yesindyref2 says:

I think he might be a bit of a bampot but he does sell really nice kilts for dogs

link to

That’s a good price much cheaper than Amazon. These are just the thing for YES dogs. He would probably sell more if had a YES badge & Saltire embroidered onto the wee jacket.

Colin Rippey

He doesn’t know much about “whisky duty” if he thinks it’s all paid by end consumers “Duty income is generated by the consumers buying the product”, does he? He needs to look up “excise duty” and “bonded”, and do a little reading. Well, a lot of reading.
And what would that reading tell us about how much revenue an iScotland would generate from whisky duty? Where else would whisky duty come from other than the consumers within an iScotland?

Sandy Henderson

Kevin Hague. – Has he been eating the budgie seed again?


Colin Rippey. 10.08

‘for some reason didn’t actually see the bit about warrantless’

Not exactly contrition,but it’ll do .


That dog kilt is really cool! I almost wish we had a dog as well as our cat.

@Colin Rippey
If you’re really interested, and I’m sure you are, try those keywords and also “EU”, “bottling” and “cross-border”. There are probably other keywords as well, I forget now since I spent a couple of days researching it a few months or more back but you could always search back through my postings here, there and elsewhere, there’s only about 30,000 of them. Not all under this name of course. All in the cause of Independence where my research is free. I don’t do research for unionist bloggers.

Happy reading !

Colin Rippey

So that’ll be a no then?

An iScotland would generate excise duty revenue from whisky purchased within iScotlsnd.

Any whisky exported from iScotland would not generate any excuse duty, as there is no duty levied on exports.

That’s the current situation for the UK too, whisky exported to France does not generate any excuse duty.

Or are you saying this is false?

Paula Rose

Colin Rippey Hi honey xx


@Colin Rippey
I’ve given you my answer, errr, Colin?

If you’re really interested you’ll do a little work, rather than expecting others to do it for you.

Meanwhile I get a great laugh reading some of the unionist blogs, but then I’m into fiction, Sifi and Fantasy. The BT website was a real hoot.


Colin Rippey says:
12 October, 2015 at 11:43 pm
You seem to have a bit of a fetish for kevarage, why don’t you go interact with him directly on his blog, or are you afraid to leave the comfort of this place?

Thanks for the invite Kevarage. Chocablog’s not really for interaction, its worth reading though as its interesting to see how right wing British nationalism presents facts and stats, without ever actually stating why Scotland is where it economically is or the economic potential of Scotland free of the control of near on 600 English MP’s, near on 1000 unelected Lords etc

Scotland may or may not want full independence Kevarage but we do want devo-max. The Vow fraud is historic rip off and the only way out is independence.

Do you see what The Vow fraud’s really done Kevin? You’re a clever chap, you can look at SNP polls with anyone interacting on your blog.


link to

Excellent analytical piece which, imo, answers every question or accusation raised.


What I don’t understand is why people respond to Sensible Dave.

It makes the forum too Scotsman like for my taste.

I can scroll past ‘Sensible Dave’ easily enough but if the whole thread is taken over by ‘Sensible Dave’ then I just give up reading all posts.

I suspect this is what ‘Sensible Dave’ wants and what worked for the ‘Sensible Daves’ on The Scotsman.

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