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Wings Over Scotland

The Homecoming

Posted on December 29, 2018 by
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I hope she is evicted from Downing Street.

By a braying mob

winifred mccartney

Brilliant, pure genius. They are coming home to roost in Scotland too – we are nearly there thanks in no small way to Wings and Wingers. Keep spreading the word everyone. Have a great New Year when it comes, here’s to Freedom.

Auld Rock

Not enough chickens as there are so many that they’ll blank out daylight.




Laying an egg. What a scramble. Complete and utter shambles. Total hypocrites.

Neil will enjoy Sweden. Living a life luxury at taxpayers expenses. Or maybe not. Hope they like foreigners. Hunt will go a ton in Japan. Living a life of luxury at taxpayers expense. Hope they like foreigners.

Crisis. People want to deport their own relations because they do not like foreigners.


Meghan will have to clear off because she doesn’t earn £30,000 a year. The migrant tax dodgers living it up on taxpayers money. A life of obscene, unwarranted luxury. Never out of the Church. Stateless head of State.


Maybe it was a chicken at the airport and not a drone?


“You awright, Hen?”

Les Wilson

Brilliant Chris, again!


She must be on the way out….she is already sitting at the wrong side of the desk!


Well done again Chris. A picture paints a thousand words.


That’s just fowl, but I likes it 😉

Donald anderson

It’s hard to sort therm thar Tory Chickens from the Labour ones.


They tried a drone, a man to Dover, but still they come.

ronnie anderson

And the moral of that Toon is dont count your chickens before the eggsit .

Great Toon Chris chicken shite everywhere .


Thanks, now I’ll have The Stones, Little Red Rooster in my head for the day!


Oi, you been peeking through my windaes for inspiration?

Bill Hume

I suspect the Scottish chicken will have ‘flown the coop’ before the year is out.



Love it.


Eggsactly correct cartoon for 2019.

Street Andrew

Loads of chickens, but the big bugger is the Turkey we call Brexit.

Gobble. Gobble. Money , Parliamentary time. Everybody’s patience.

High time it was stuffed.


She needs to look out the window, oh and no finger licking.


Starting the day with a good laugh, thank you Chris. The expression on May’s face!!

Here’s a thought, can you send your toon every week direct to Nicola? She could do with a laugh and it might give her, and the publicity team, some ideas.

Bob Mack

Coming home to roost right enough. Now the British are discovering it has been the French who have limited the number of asylum seekers coming in boats to the UK.
Major incident declared ,and those damned Europeans should be doing much more to protect the UK from asylum seekers and their flotilla.

Call in the navy—and do what exactly? Sink them in mid channel?

Brilliant depiction Chris. Oh my aching sides.

The UK is truly run by buffoons.

Jack collatin

It was a genuine ‘lost in translation’ diplomatic error.
I an effort to appease her, Tusk asked if she enjoyed playing parlour games at Christmas?
May, in her best poker face leered (the ‘leer’ May, being indistinguishable from the two Babychams May ‘Partee!’face, warned, ‘I’m very good at playing ‘chicken’, so be warned.
As a Good Will Gesture, Brussels sent her a live load of chickens to play with, one of the last livestock loads to cross La Manche.
Brilliant, Cairns.
But let’s not count our chickens, gang. The cock has not crowed thrice just yet.


That’s got Larry drooling!

She’ll not have dry hair with real egg shampoo either.


Clegg will have to go. Torquil will be pleased. Imagine all the foreign footballers whose spouses do not earn over £30,000. Out you go. Rangers and Celtic etc will be hammered. Their world coming to an end. Out with all the priests and church ministers. Foreign as well not earning over £30,000. Banished forever,

Crisis right enough. Let loose the two faced dragon. Armeggedon.

Tinto Chiel

A Scottish expression beloved by an old relative about an empty and boastful person:

“All her/his eggs are double yolkit”

Don’t count your omelettes, Treeza.


May, the wicked, delayed the vote to ruin everyone’s Christmas and New Year.


Brilliant as usual, Chris.

But look on the bright side! May will be surrounded by much more intellect than before.


Ayup! I think they will too. 😎

Neatly done Chris.

Bill McDermott

I am reading Fintan O’Toole’s ‘Heroic Failure’. It is a treatise on the reasons for the Brexit vote. Fintan puts it down to a combination of a superiority complex and a grievance complex amongst the English occasioned by their glorious victory over the Germans in two World Wars. In fact much of the argumentation is about the fear England has of the rise of the Fourth Reich – Europe in the fashion of Charlemagne, Napoleon and Hitler masked by the fact that England could do so much better in Empire 2.

# Can anybody help me here. I am missing Gordon Ross’s IndyCar ruminations. When I use the search engine in YouTube all I get is his last episode on October 25th.

CameronB Brodie

I hope that’s a swarm of British chickens. You do know the PM is hostile to Others?

Bringing Britain into being: Sociology, anthropology and British lives
link to

The Construction of Racism–the-construction-of-racism.htm

Culture, Prejudice, Racism, and Discrimination
link to


@ Bill McDermott – after a quick look I found “IndyCar featuring Gordon Ross” is on Facebook – it has November videos.


The eggs of course will all be stamped with the little lion. . . the British lion . . .


@ Bill – Facebook “IndyCar Gordon Ross” has December videos too.


There surely should be a few dead ducks in there, and are the chickens flying in from the west that new chlorinated American breed.

Giving Goose

Bill McDermott

Re the reasons behind Brexit – this needs to be extended to BritNattery in Scotland.
We do need to understand the deep seated neuroses that explains BritNattery.
Brexit and BritNattery are one and the same but expressed in a different way in Scotland.
Once understood it can be cured, like any mental illness.


Brilliant Chris, just brilliant.


@ Bill McDermott, I too miss him on YT, I don’t do facebook and YT videos are the only ones that don’t ‘buffer’ for me.

CameronB Brodie

Thing is, dealing with Britain’s structural racism was one of the key themes of my training as a town planner. So you can thank the Royal Town Planning Institute if I’m nipping your heads. It’s a funny old world.

Tackling the roots of racism: lessons for success

A review of what works in anti-racist initiatives.

Thirty years after the Race Relations Act, racism remains endemic in British society. How successful have policy measures been in addressing the causes of racism? What lessons can we learn from countries outside Britain? This book reviews the evidence and asks ‘what really works?’.

Drawing on the literature from a wide range of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology and psychology, the book makes direct links between the causes of racism and the successful interventions to combat it. It particularly highlights the need to understand micro ‘everyday’ racisms in order to tackle the macro structural roots of racism.

Topics covered include:

ethnic monitoring and the reproduction of racism;
elite racism in the media and among politicians;
anti-racist interventions at work and service delivery;
combating racism in sport, the arts and education;
social cohesion, diversity and local community initiatives;
multiculturalism and equal opportunities.

link to

P.S. I hope folk living in Scotland are feeling the multicultural warmth and spirit of equality embedded in British nationalism. No?

mike cassidy

She’s a Tory.

She’ll just feather her nest!


Excellent as always Chris. Will there be a ‘major incident’ with all those incoming chickens?

Have all those immigrant chickens have displaced the elephants? There are as many elephants in number 10 as there are chickens. It’s going to make 2019 a very interesting, though seriously bumpy, year.

Aye ready for whatever it brings.

Socrates MacSporran


Wrong terminology there old boy. Unionists don’t work with elephants in the room, the correct terminology for them is: “the 30,000lb gorilla” in the room.

First used when “The Queen’s XI got into a little tax difficulty.


G. Osbourne Hungarian grandmother. Migrant family


Murdoch the migrant family want people chucked out of Britain. The very cheek of it.


Selling their nonsense.

Proud Cybernat

Little point in the Maybot making a New Year’s Resolution – she’ll only go and break it within days.

Excellent as per, Mr Cairns.


How many of these chickens will become knights or Lords in the near future?


Some of these chickens are Irish. Some Scottish. A few French, German, Spanish. The Middle East chickens are catching up on the former colonies’ chickens from India, Africa and Hong Kong. Then the Australian, New Zealand and Canadian chickens.

Lurking out of sight are the offshore, tax haven chickens from the West Indies who never actually left.

Are there any chickens out there that the UK hasn’t robbed?

Socrates MacSporran

Surely one of the best examples of the Red and Blue Tories indulging in pot and kettle name-calling, is in today’s Guardian. I quote:

“The Labour party chairman, Ian Lavery, said: “It is insulting to those who make invaluable contributions to society that the Tories for years have continued to use the honours system to award their own Conservative grandees and party donors.”

So, he’s trying to tell us the likes of George Foulkes, Hellen Liddell and Jack McConnell DESERVED to be enobled!!!

Dr Jim

Look on it as an opportunity to sell eggs to everyone who doesn’t have….Oops everybody has eggs…..Bird shit fertilizer they could sell that, they could call it……. British Chickenshit


Chickening out of a vote to ruin people’s Christmas and New Year. Ducking and diving to deny democracy. Autocrats. Scared of the people.

robert alexander harrison

May:bloody hell where’d all these chickens come from I’m being buried in poultry.


@Socratese MacSporran

Heh! The idea that it’s a thing that can be bestowed really appeals to some folk. Mainly to those who can’t find any in themselves. 😉

vlad (not that one)

@ Bill McDermott
I don’t do facebook either but somehow it comes up OK on
link to

then just click on “videos”.



Well observed, I stand corrected. Gorillas. 30,000lb gorillas. There must be a roomful of them at least.

Maybe there’s an upside on the conservation front? 😉

Giving Goose

England’s economy returns poultry sums in revenue.

Independence is eggsactly what Scotland needs.

A. Bruce


You can still watch IndyCar Gordon Ross on facebook without being with facebook. I do, in fact I need my daily fix of IndyCar.


Listening to Tom Harris on bbc with some apologists for Brexit “..its the best we can do..” you can see in one how the Lanour Party ended up in the mess its in. Harris exemplifies all that is bad with labour. Now of course the fact that he was defeated in an election he can now pontificate on BCC scotchland (ongoing gig from his pals there) and write articles for the torygraph. What does this show? Too many Labourite MP’s were tories in red dresses. The said what they had to say to be elected into the Labour party and power.

SNP should guard against some have the same mindset.

Dan Huil

She has a lot of wattle. Her backside is a fluff – which also explains a lot.

Graeme McCormick

But no Scots Dumpies


The Guardian reporting that the UK Government is spending over £100 Million to lease additional ferries to help keep goods moving in and out of the UK post-Brexit.

Three companies have won the contracts to supply the ferries:
One from France
One from Denmark and
One from Britain.

Clearly the do not do irony.

Still the extra ferries will be useful to bring in our blue passports from the printers in France!

call me dave

I showed this to me ‘smart partner’ this morning and she didn’t get it at first…Jings! I had to eggsplain it! Then she smiled.

Not long to the chicken whatsit hits the fan.

Shurley shome eggsshellent fun to be had on this one. 🙂

CameronB Brodie

Are the values of Scottish ‘nationalism’ the same as those of British nationalism? Does the PM reflect Scottish morality, or does she pander to the cultural exceptionalism of non-practicing Anglicans? Does the Church of Scotland still support British xenaphobia nationalism?

The politics of nationalism and white racism in the UK


This paper considers the contemporary significance of white racism and its association with nationalist sentiment amongst a cohort late middle aged white Britons, using survey responses and qualitative interviews from the 1958 National Child Development Study. We have shown that although overt racism is very limited, a substantial minority of white Britons display ambivalent feelings which have the potential to be mobilised in racist directions. We argue against the view that disadvantaged white working class respondents are especially xenophobic, and show that racist views are not strongly associated with social position.

In exploring the clustering of different nationalist and racist sentiments amongst economic and cultural elites, and comparing these with ‘disenfranchised’ respondents with little economic and cultural capital, we show that it is actually the elite who are most likely to articulate ‘imperial racism’. By contrast, the ‘disenfranchised’ articulate a kind of anti?establishment nationalism which is not strongly racist. We also show that the elite are strongly internally divided, with a substantial number of the cultural elite being strongly anti?racist and committed to multi?culturalism, so generating strong internal factionalism between elite positions. Our paper therefore underscores how intensifying inequalities have facilitated the volatility and variability of nationalist and racist sentiment.

link to

Racism and Education: Coincidence or Conspiracy?
link to

Jung and Racism
link to


Where on earth is the yoke?


@ CBB – thx for the link to the study on referendums by the French Journal on British Studies. Voting on Independence and National Issues: A Historical and Comparative Study of Referendums on Self-Determination and Secession
Some interesting points.

…it was not after the Second World War that referendums began to be used when areas seceded from their parent states. Of the 56 referendums on independence since 1860, 50 have been held after 1944. But the vast majority of these (39 in total) were held after 1990.

In other words, in the former states of the USSR. Other points covered are voter eligibility and super majority as a blocking factor.

link to

Josef Ó Luain

Yet another cracker of a cartoon.Thanks.

CameronB Brodie

You’re welcome. I hadn’t actually had the time to look at it in any depth myself, so thanks for taking the time yourself. I’m relieved glad my intuition proved correct. 😉

CameronB Brodie

I wonder what the PM’s emotional state is right now? She was a remain supporter, yet she has turned an advisory referendum into a firm commitment to leave the world’s largest trading block, so as to empower Britain’s ‘spirit of free-trade’. Totally nuts and a whopping strategic catastrophe for Britain, IMHO. Her position must be bending her self-conception all over the place and her head must be totally fried.

An Ethics of Emotion?

Abstract and Keywords

Emotions, Kant would apparently agree with Freud, are not in our control. Moral commands are restricted to what is in one’s control. The moral will, which for Kant is the only unconditionally good thing in the world or out of it, is what matters. Moral worth depends on acting from duty, from respect for law in accordance with the Categorical Imperative. Our “principles of action”—what we try to do—are supposed to be for us to determine, even when “tender sympathy” is beyond our powers. But can we really make sense of respect for the moral law apart from our understanding of the empirical world of so-called “pathological” emotions? What, in the end, is “respect”? Is it too an emotion? Certainly, like emotions in general, it functions in Kant’s account as an attitude and a motive.

Keywords: ethics of emotion, Kant, Freud, moral commands, moral worth, moral law, pathological emotion

link to

Ethical Thinking Should be Rational AND Emotional
Morality requires both thinking and feeling.

link to

Emotions and Reason
link to


Ha ha! I see the room has some faux gold stuff in it, the desk looks a bit delapidated though.
The fact the Tories and their red Tory pals are so blatant with their dodgy honours is sinister.

Scotland’s window of opportunity is still open, and no need to endure the extreme cauld blast of wind from England’s extreme Brexit. People must be aware of that more and more as the last vestige of democracy crumbles at the hands of the Britnats at WM.

The Britnats at Holyrood will need to choose, they can’t work for the English government and the Scottish government after independence.


It is good to see TM at the other side of the desk, closer to the door.


Till March 2019, I reckon May will be walking on eggshells – in her stilettos.


Hells bells – Dunkirk the movie on BBC again. Do they not know the war (WW2) is over?


@Legerwood at 12:11 pm
I think we should be making our own arrangements.

According to this piece
link to
none of the rented ferries are coming anywhere near Scotland.

The contracts, we are told, are with Brittany Ferries, DFDS and Seaborne freight and relate to the transport of goods on routes in and out of Poole, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Immingham and Felixstowe.


Is the MSM pumping up the reporting of the trickle of migrants to the south coast of England a ruse to publicize what a great country it is & is to become even greater?
Someone ought to be sent to the Normandy beaches to forewarn would-be migrants to the folly of their ways.

Boy! Are they in for a nasty shock. Will perhaps end up starving, sleeping rough, being pissed upon daily by some of the indigenous population as a welcome.

What a future to look forward to.

terence callachan

A majority of the Scottish people living in Scotland voted YES to Scottish independence in 2014
A majority of people living in Scotland voted NO to Scottish independence in 2014

A majority of the Scottish people living in Scotland still support Scottish independence by Scottish people I mean people who would satisfy the rules for getting a Scottish passport if Scotland were independent
Using current British passport rules
Born in Scotland or one of your parents born in Scotland


Artyhetty says:

Britnats at Holyrood will need to choose, they can’t work for the English government and the Scottish government after independence.

Indeed. However, I would venture decision time will begin in the early hours of the morning after IndyRef2 and a Yes win has become clear.

What do they do? Some may u-turn, say they accept the will of the people, and express willingness to build a new Scotland. These will be the career centric chancers! Others will await the legal challenges, the heel dragging by WM, and hope against hope it will go away! They may campaign for yet another referendum on the ‘final deal’.

Personally, I just can’t see how anyone who fought hard against Indy could ever be trusted to stay on in politics. We need new people, both young and experienced to step forward to stand as elected representatives.



My sentiments entirely, especially the last paragraph.

Proud Cybernat

Saw Trevor’s name again – scrolled on by.


Following urgent discussions with the PM, the Home Secretary has now authorised the construction of gigantic posters to be attached to the cliffs of Dover, with the message:

“Just turn around please, and swim back, like a good chap. You are not welcome here!”


Don’t put all your Brexit’s in one Basket Case!

Isn’t it terrifying that such greedy, immoral incompetents running Westminster on behalf of the UK filthy rich are so terribly rich themselves?

The English Parties couldn’t run a bath between them.

Loved Frankie Boyle’s comments on the state of Westminster Politics and Brexit.

My favourite is the one where Better Withdrawal Negotiations have been conducted in HM Prison Cells.

Calling people like May, Johnson and Corbyn Politicians
Is similar to how the word Actor covers everyone from Al Pacino to Sooty!

At this time Labour are against everything that the Tories have delivered in Brexit but they don’t want a vote of No Confidence in their government and so they are willing to let them continue in government?

Labour want to leave the EU but don’t want May’s Brexit, a No Deal Brexit, and the EU demand there is no further negotiation on Brexit. Corbyn wants to keep all these “options” open?

These actions add up to Corbyn wants May and the Tories to stay in office and decide on Brexit just as long as Labour can mumble and moan in the side lines.

Pray God delivers Scotland from EVEL
as England’s Kingdom is done.
The Power and the Tory
Gone from Westminster
For Ever and Ever.


Proud Cybernat

This will make you really, really sick of Ooooooohhh Jeremy…

link to


Betty’s Honours list is a bit of a shambles again.

England Football Manager gets a gong for coming in 4th at the world cup?

1st, 2nd and 3rd Place all get medals nothing for a 4th in any sports tournament other than when England needs to clutch at straws and pretend the actually achieved something.

What should Croatia get when their nation of 4 million beats Betty’ best who have 55 Million to chose from?

How about Iceland who embarrassed them with 300,000 Citizens?

Harry Kane a good player yes, but a boy of 25 years gets a Betty Token for lifetime achievement?

The 21st Century and Scotland deserve better and time now to put all this nonsense in the annals of history where future generations can laugh at it.

Merkin Scot

“Calling people like May, Johnson and Corbyn Politicians
Is similar to how the word Actor covers everyone from Al Pacino to Sooty!”

But, that is exactly what these particular politicians are!


Just had a look at the ThisIsIt crowdfund, it’s now at about 104k, last I looked about 4 or 5 days ago it was at about 103k. The overall target I believe is 180k.

Does anyone know what happens to funds already contributed if it doesn’t get to 180k? Also does anyone know exactly what they’re going to do with the funds even if it does reach target?

link to

Soundbite cards –

link to

Socrates MacSporran

Merkin Scot

Good comment, shamelessly stolen from Frankie Boyle, if my memory is correct.


Trying to think of another country in the world where people come to live then tell you that you should be governed by another country, and that their culture is far superior. Not only that but a large proportion of those living there agreeing.

Image anyone trying this in France or Germany, I suspect they would get short thrift.

But I do note that a number of people who keep telling us online and in the MSM how bad Scotland is turn out not to be Scottish, they just want Scotland to be more like where they came from, effectively colonists.

Meg merrilees

Brilliant cartoon Chris and a Guid New Year tae ye!

Anybody read or head this item on the news?
The Queensferry Crossing is ‘improving reliability’ for transport between Fife and Edinburgh.

Apparently it has stayed open on 20 occasions when the old Forth Bridge would have had to close owing to high winds. Who would’ve thunk it!
Amazing to think such an ‘SNPee baad’ bridge could end up being useful and improving things for people….

link to

Socrates MacSporran

Sorry for my last comment, had not scrolled up far enough to see effijy had credited Frankie with that comment.

Jack Murphy

I’ve just noticed Phantom Power uploaded a new film four days ago:


Music,Food and New Friends from Around the World. ”
Just over two minutes in length.


link to


The mirror of no reflection… which means May is a ghost NOW.

Notice aussi that May has tanned (drank) that whole gifted bottle of Misty Isle gin frae Nicola and is using it as a lamp-base (by the curtained window.) Upcycling are we PM… things must be getting desperate.

Meanwhile, Jim Eggy Murphy sleeps in the middle drawer of the desk.

May must be perverted… she’s stroking the ‘chicken’s comb’.

Hey, these birds all look angry… some’day should make a GAME of it.

2019 calling… that’s the real HOMEcoming for iScotland too.

It’s the last Saturday of 2018 folks, have FUN!!!

CameronB Brodie

It’s probably just me being thick but I can’t work out how to ‘place my order’ on that site. Has it just scammed all my details?


Referendum1707 says

“Does anyone know what happens to funds already contributed if it doesn’t get to 180k?”

If you read the full page on your link, it tells you exactly how the money will be spent.


bjsalba says:
29 December, 2018 at 2:04 pm
“”I think we should be making our own arrangements.””

I had noticed that the ferries were all destined for ports along the Channel. Probably the SG should be making some similar arrangements but cost? Will Westminster help? Rhetorical question.

I am not sure but I heard on a CH4 news item that as a third party country post-Brexit there may be a limit to the number of trucks the UK can send to Europe per day/week. As I said not sure but if that is the case then the ferries are likely to be of more use for bringing goods into the UK than for exports.


@Referendum1707 / @Shinty
Some has already been spent, they’re getting researchers in and “branding”, according to that schedule on the page. I gave but will wait for actual results before giving again. It could be good but.

This one does seem worthwhile as a general “got a fre pounds spare”, as it tops up other funds like AyeMail (Lindsay Bruce)’s fundrasier, (martching funding up to £8,000 ir I remember rightly) and does stuff with YES groups – the front line of YES rather than some nebulous backroom operation.

link to

SIF – link to


I see how in an article that has nothing to do with the voting franchise the usual suspect with inititals TC is continuing unsuccessfully to try to stir up racial hatred and division against the “English”. Having previously quoted a discredited Ed Uni survey which didn’t even get the male / female YES vote right – there would have had to be 8 times as many females voting as males in Indy Ref 1 to get their WRONG figure.

What a miserable failure.


How to handle and manage a “crisis” or is it manufacture?
Don a yellow vest look determined, have a compliant enforcement agency with a high powered boat in the harbour buzzing around (should they not be on the high sea?) a compliant news media and hi-presto the BBC provides.
link to

Shysters the lot of them.


Hamish100 says:

Shysters the lot of them”

Protesters in Budapest last week were chanting “Factory of Lies” outside their state broadcaster’s building.

Has a certain ring to it, don’t you think?


Legerwood @ 4.45

That’s correct about the lorries. Even with the additional ferry runs, in ports other than Calais, it only scratches the surface of required volume.

So a lot less lorries, and the issue will be the length of time on other side at customs. The diversion is just to try and avoid the lorry park in Kent, a cosmetic exercise.

Also, as Bob Mack commented early in the thread, everyone can see how hard France works to try prevent migrants attempting the Channel. Now, as Brexit looms, France just doesn’t have the motivation of partnership working with a departing EU member.

Poor sods attempting the Channel though, in mid Winter?


In reference to the ‘Honours List’ I would refer you to the following: Mark yonder pomp of costly fashion. Round the wealthy, titled bride! But, when compared with real passion, poor is all that princely pride. What are the showy treasures? What are the noisy pleasures? The gay, gaudy glare of vanity and art. The polished jewel’s blaze may draw the wondering gaze, and courtly grandeur bright the fancy may delight, but never, never can come near the heart. Heartfelt words, courtesy of our eighteenth century bard, one Robert Burns. So what’s changed?



The problem you’re having is in trying to get a 45:55 Yes:No result. Bear in mind though that the result of that study is closer to 48:52 and might be due to a combination of voter remorse, as in some telling fibs having seen the way the No result went, and the concentration on voters actually resident in Scotland.

That said it might be that they deliberately didn’t weigh the results and if they had even amongst those born and living in Scotland the result would have been No. In other words they were stirring.

Iain mhor

@Hamish100 2:01pm
Re Dunkirk:
The answer being No – Because we just ended a FOUR year official “celebration” of WW1 Centenary, last month. (2014-2018) which was running concurrently with the 50th anniversary of some World Cup or other (2016) and a FOUR year official “celebration of the 75th anniversary of WW2 (2016-2020) and which will culminate in a great show of jingoism, coincidentally a couple of months before the Scottish Election (if we get one) But first, next year as part of the FOUR YEAR 75th “celebration” of WW2, the spotlight turns on anniversary of the D-Day landings in time for Brexit and Indy2 (?) So get the Xmas decorations down and the bunting up for that extravaganza.
Thereafter, in time for any subsequent Scottish Election, there will be an 80th Anniversary year of WW2 to enjoy ad-infinitum.

Two World Wars (and One World Cup) Lest We Forget

Ian McCubbin

I hope she experiences real unrest in England as hse is further alienating ordinary folk from the political system.
They will eventually rise up.


That study is shite. It had this:

“Male 53.2% YES, 46.8% NO (in your dreams)
Female 43.4% YES, 56.6% NO (about right)”

link to

There would have had to be 8 times as many females voting YES as males voting YES, to get the actual result of 44.7% YES.

I did this at 1.43 am on 18th December, so many may have missed it. I emailed The National, but got no reply even. Read this, and my next 3 or 4 postings.

link to

That “study” had one and only one purpose – to be divisive, even dividing males from females FFS, let alone the dreaded “English”. How it got by the usually decent but biased CCC I have no idea, it’s a disgrace, and a shame to them and the good names they have like Keating and others.


Correct that (though it’s also nearly true), it should be:

“There would have had to be 8 times as many females voting as males voting) in Indy Ref 1)”

Which would be good news for unattached males considering it was an 84.6% turnout.


If there is unrest in England there will be a UK wide clamp down and potentially an emphasis on brutal suppression away from the real hotspots as a lesson in subservience. So remember when you’re getting your head kicked in by Policemen wearing Army boots who’s accents aren’t local that it’s all for the greater good and avoids harming people or their friends far closer to the seat of power.

Think it’s unlikely? Consider what emergency powers might be invoked if Brexit goes sour and that any faith in the ability of Police Scotland has been systematically undermined by a party who have no direct control over it.



Throughout the entire survey the result you get that is never touched on is the 48:52 one I mentioned.

Why do you think Davidson and the rest were so keen to float about how postal votes won the day?
Why do you think there were no exit polls?
Why are postal votes never tallied separately?

A back of the envelope guess was 30:70 for postal votes alone.


Valerie says:
29 December, 2018 at 6:00 pm

Re lorries. I found this blog written by a former trade negotiator with WTO.

It sort of confirms what I said about possible limits on trucks and drivers.

link to

I just wonder how much of this has dawned on the powers that be and the haulage industry?


Bill hume 8.53am re the ‘scottish ‘chicken’ having flown the coop. Dont think so bill, our wings(holyrood) will have well and truly been clipped by then.

Tom Busza

Legerwood @ 7.29 pm

LSE link reminds me of days prior to UK joining Common Market. I was working for a freight forwarding company at the time, dealing with international air and road freight. Back then, road movements to and from Europe (and beyond) were controlled by permits (limited numbers) and various conventions. Looks like we’ll be back to those bad old days.
1224 permits per year for UK trucks to Europe? That’s 23.5 trucks per week. And only if the UK driver is duly attested will he/she be able to move his truck to Europe.
Boy, I can see UK’s GDP going up to atronomial heights!

Nice picture of Berridale Braes in Sutherland though.


Orri 7.08pm. Yes as a child of mixed scottish irish parentage who grew up in ireland through the war/troubles. I saw the nasty side of the uk’s English army aided and abetted by their ‘scotch” lackeys. And believe me these scum will kick/or worse ,the heads in of any innocent protesters on mainland uk who dare to protest westminsters extremist policies.


Orri all these c***s on here talk shite. I saw my ma cowering in her chair (I was 16) when these brit bastards kicked our door in ,in derry in 1969. So f**k all you english apologists on here. TC. Your wasting your time trying to convert these Ars****es mate. They deserve all thats coming their way.


Lift this yolk from our shoulders peeps


That is more like Nicola announcing that the next independence referendum will not be held before 2640 AD.


Look carefully at the mirror for the reflection of the poster at 9.26 pm.




You’re wasting your time as well and if there are any arseholes posting on Wings then you and TC are at the front of the pack.


Fuckin’ disco lights shining on me.

Look to Ra Orb.

Be fluffy 😉

North chiel

Tom Buza @ 0806 pm just to let you know as any “ North Chiel “ will tell you that Berriedale Braes is in the County of Caithness !

Tom Busza

North chiel

Of course it is in Caithness, a very senior moment on my part. Lost count of the how many times I’ve driven over that stretch of A9.
Dunno where I got Sutherland from, must have been reading about it.
My sincerest apologies to all people from the Land of the Cat.


Ahm an animal:
link to

Sometimes all we have is music.


We’re on our way:
link to

As ever, one means well.


Here’s one for the PM:
link to

We must be getting real close to indy NOW.

Can ye feel it building…


In fairness, Berriedale is quite close to the border!

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