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Wings Over Scotland

The Hammer Of The Fakehearts

Posted on January 18, 2016 by

Thanks to the Scottish Daily Mail, we’ve just spotted a piece by the Conservative MP Bernard Jenkin for City AM a few days ago. We had an inordinate amount of trouble getting the full article to display past the site’s incredibly over-zealous advert enforcer, so we’ve preserved it for posterity here.

There’s a gem in every paragraph. You’re going to like this one.


214 to “The Hammer Of The Fakehearts”

  1. HandandShrimp says:

    I see Bernard really has his finger on the pulse then. Where did he get his research material – reading tea leaves?

  2. yesindyref2 says:

    The sad thing is they guy probably believes the rubbish he wrote (ignoring the mistakes). Such ignorance.

  3. No no no...Yes says:

    A man with his finger on the pulse of the Union cadaver. Nothing more to add.

  4. David says:

    Chair of Constitutional Affairs Committee is clueless of constitutional issues. Standard.

  5. Sora Lochiel says:

    *wipes eyes*

    I hope he’s not as dumb about stuff he actually gets a say on.

    Oh, wait, he’s a Tory. What am I saying.

    Thanks for this little gem, I needed some hilarity this afternoon.

  6. One_Scot says:

    Obviously does not realise that just because you want something in your head to be fact, does not mean it is.

    The mans head is clearly full of broken bottles.

  7. Nation Libre says:

    Just WOW, how the hell does that piece of garbage make it into print

  8. DaveyM says:

    Badly-written nonsense.

  9. Colin says:

    The SNP “won all but 2 seats in Scotland at the 2015 General Election”……where did he get that figure? Kezia Dugdale?

  10. muttley79 says:

    Another indy referendum highly unpopular in Scotland fallacy TICK

    Bitter divisions and civil war in Scotland over independence TICK

    High oil price claim at the time of the last referendum, utter bullshit of course TICK

    Scotland being a subsidy junkie to England TICK

    Taunting Yes supporters with fainthearts jibe rather than bravehearts patter TICK

    SNP are anti-English TICK

    The SNP do not really support independence, they want Devo max?.. TICK

    Incomprehensible and outright barking assertion that a Brexit would make it even more difficult for an independent Scotland to join the EU, WTF? TICK

    Just how much more arrogant and patronising can you get (saying that he is a Tory MP)?..

  11. Dan Huil says:

    Excuse me while I lift my jaw up fae the flair. I think it’s great; these BritNats really haven’t a clue about Scotland. Scotland and England continue to drift apart politically.

  12. michael diamond says:

    What a load of old p**h,

  13. Vestas says:

    Its probably worth explaining to those of you not familiar with “City A.M.” that it generally makes the Daily Telegraph look like a centre-right publication.

    Its basically the lunatic fringe of the right-wing of the Tory party.

    ie barking mad.

  14. john king says:

    Quick lads he’s got us sussed, scarper, sharpish!

  15. pmcrek says:

    I started out with the noble intention of reading Mr Jenkins article but every sentence I read quickly became: “blah blah blah”.

  16. Proud Cybernat says:

    So, so out of touch.

    “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” — Aldous Huxley

  17. Kenny says:

    Has England maybe secretly annexed the south of Scotland (Fluffy’s seat), along with our sea border on the North Sea side (where the oil is), to get his figures?

    Or is Carbuncle maybe a secret member of the SNP?

  18. Sandra says:

    As Eric Morecambe aptly put it, “The man’s a fool!”

  19. Coorie Doon says:

    The man has his finger up the anus of the Union’s cadaver more like!

  20. Robert Bryce says:

    To this day I’ve still to come across this “Bitter division” in my workplace, home or friends & family. With the exception of a few nut jobs on social media, it just doesn’t exist (that I can see).

    Sure I’ve had robust exchanges with others over it but we’re still capable of sitting down and having a pint together. No one is at anyone’s throat here.

    It’s all bollocks.

  21. He is a Political Council member of the Far Right Neocon Henry Jackson Society,

    link to

    his political loyalty is not to the UK government but in promoting the agenda of the HJS.

  22. Dan Huil says:

    Is he Donald Trump’s speechwriter?

  23. One_Scot says:

    Can you imagine how much people like Bernard Jenkin will piss their self laughing if the SNP does not win a majority in May.

  24. David Balfour says:

    What a load of unadulterated guff. The polls don’t come close to supporting his nonsense claims.

  25. jimnarlene says:

    What parallel universe is he from?

  26. galamcennalath says:

    Well, if any Yoons out there believe that stuff and go on to set out strategy based on it, great!

    That is the best set of misinformation concerning the constitutional state of play in Scotland I have seen yet!

  27. Ah well, that was funny and the picture is great.

  28. mogabee says:

    Oh, he’s an “Essex” boy all right 😀 😀

  29. pa_broon74 says:

    I can’t even read that, its too full of shit. I normally don’t even comment here, I usually have nothing original to say.

    But, it needs said, that article is complete bum gravy.

  30. Suzanne says:

    I really did have to force myself to read that through to the end.

    His little world must surely be populated by little pink elephants. Stay down in London Town, Bernie mate. The pure unsullied air up here in Scotland would probably make your brain explode.

  31. CameronB Brodie says:

    Oh, FFS. This slavering numptie is actually chair of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee.

  32. Peter Mirtitsch says:

    WHere to begin, eh?

  33. Dr Jim says:

    Of course there are Scots who hate the English and the other way round English who hate the Scots

    Well who’s Fukcing fault’s that I wonder (Divide and rule Tories of all colours)

    People like Jenkin whether English or Scots are just odious people in any Nationality and that mouthful of Shite he’s just spouted proves it

    If I was to hate the English, he’d be the one I’d choose, If that makes me a Racist, Guilty as charged your Honour

    Typical Yoon though, no research, just made up crap

    What a little squint of a man

  34. Lesley-Anne says:

    Look out peeps, a man (I think 😉 ) from another universe has beamed down to planet Earth to tell fellow beings from outer space what to think about North Britain. 😀

    Perhaps he has seen his chance of *ahem* glory here and will soon be challenging Porky for the leadership of the Tory party in order to take his beloved party to the right of UKIP. 😀

  35. heedtracker says:

    “Placate the anti-English rage.” Yawn.

    For what its worth, City AM’s a give away rag, dumped on London buses, handed out by slave wagers at Tube entrances. And this is why.

  36. Peter Newling says:

    Yet another example of how so many at Westminster and Fleet Street “don’t get it”. I think that’s encouraging – I don’t like it when it seems events are being successfully manipulated by powerful brains in Whitehall.

  37. HandandShrimp says:

    Can you imagine how much people like Bernard Jenkin will piss their self laughing if the SNP does not win a majority in May.

    One Scot

    Aye – we must not be complacent. We need to work for that win and ensure Bernard has dry breeks and no smile.

  38. INDEPENDENT says:

    Stu, The piece is also in Chris Deerin’s Daily Mail column today.
    He is backtracking furiously, hiding behind a new phraseology.
    Englandsplaining! !!!!
    Unable to archive it.
    Beyond my ken.

  39. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Stu, The piece is also in Chris Deerin’s Daily Mail column today.”

    Yes, that’s what I meant by “thanks to the Scottish Daily Mail”.

  40. nycgype says:

    Just on the point of bitter divisions nonsense….it was definitely an interesting time. There were people I knew were 100% stick on’s in both directions. The majority of course Yes supporters – because I keep good company. The real surprise came from the small handful of folk I presumed to be stick on’s who swung the other way.

    What really offended me was those that pathetically swallowed the corporate media BS along with lame arguments based around the SNP and not liking Salmond. I really lost a lot of respect for friends I knew who fell into this category. There were others who applied some thinking and argued their cases who I still have a lot of respect for. I’m still going to share a pint with them…..mostly because if all of us together can move a few more in the right direction then it’s job done!

  41. ahundredthidiot says:

    Funnily enough, the only anti-country nonsense I have witnessed was a group of young men, in a pub in Bath, singing about how they wish Scotland would just fuck off…..and something about scrounging bastards.

    I took no offence, if I was English living in England I might think the same thing.

    Brave lads though, or drunk, Glasgow warriors had a half decent support in town……maybe they were feeling intimidated!

  42. Kenny says:

    Interesting comment by the Rev on the previous thread.

    “50/50 on the poll of polls right now, and climbing despite an oil price collapse. Already a comfortable majority among under-55s. Tick tock.”

    Surely, if we held an indyref2, and the result was a DEAD HEAT, 50.00000% YES and 50.00000% NO, the call would need to be for the side which has the majority in the young voters? Based on the premise that if the referendum were rerun a month later, a couple of NO voters would probably have died off and a couple of new YES voters would be added…

    In a way, reaching 50/50 is already a win. Because people go from NO to YES, not the other way around. And hope always wins over fear in the long-run (look at Communism in Eastern Europe — in many ways a disastrous phenomenon not unlike Toryism in Scotland!).

  43. Dcanmore says:

    Sadly that drivel is what people believe down here in Londonland, not because they’re thick, it’s because they wish it to be true. The South East has retreated into some quasi-empirical fantasy where everything is fine with the world apart from ‘over there’ on the opposite side of the Channel.

    Nobody talks of the stuttering economy, crippling national debt, incompetent over-borrowing government, asset stripping public services, failing industries; it’s like an asteroid about to come down and obliterate us all so out comes the fine china, Earl Grey and finely cut sandwiches and talk about the weather… denial in the face of impending doom.

    Useless idiots like Bernard Jenkin keep telling the sheeple that everything is alright, however he’s just another Tory crook looking out for himself … from Wikipedia: “In May 2009 Jenkin was reported by the Daily Telegraph to have used £50,000 in expenses in order to pay his sister-in-law rent on the property he uses as his constituency home.”

    I don’t know if anybody noticed but Virgin Care has taken over several NHS Hospitals in Kent last week in a £126million contract. It started with departments but now extends to whole hospitals. I feel a real chill blowing through England’s green and pleasant land these days.

  44. Wulls says:

    That is the funniest unadulterated pish I have read for ages.
    His grip on reality is tenuous at best.

  45. Bob Mack says:

    It has all been said. Apart from the fact that he is an obnoxious ,odious little git.!!!

    Just out of interest I listened to Westminster today and was amazed at the number of Ministers claiming that oil IS and WILL BE important for revenues.Funny that.I was told it was practically worthless now.

  46. ahundredthidiot says:


    Sorry, while Rev makes a case for a 50/50 poll, don’t forget the vast, vast majority of undecideds will vote for no change.

    I suggest, with no scientific research whatsoever, that 80% of undecideds go to ‘no change’, a bit like the polls upset in the GE for the Tories.

    But we’re still moving in the right direction, slowly.

  47. Donald mac says:

    There’s so much bollocks in that that even those on the union side will see right through the whole article. No need to worry!

  48. Fairliered says:

    If there is a prize for the greatest number of inaccuracies in a single article, Bernard Jenkin’s nonsense must surely win it.

  49. JLT says:

    Bernard Jenkin …Wow! Talk about a Walter Mitty character!

    Literally someone new to love and loathe at the same time. He’s right up there with Jim Murphy for wacky beliefs and perceptions.

    But seriously …talk about being out of touch! This is exactly the sort of nonsense that half of the politicians of the SE of England believe.

    For someone who is the chair of the ‘Constitutional Affairs Committee’, he seems to lack serious knowledge on something that he’s meant to represent, and lacks even further insight to it in what is happening constitutionally north of the border. Talk about blinkered!

    Well, he’s a new name to watch and a person to scour for when it comes to articles. This guy is a dream; not in the sense of the drivel that he writes, but for being a human barometer as to how the SE sees Scotland.

    I could almost swear that this was a wind-up, and that you had pinched it from BBC Scotlandshire as a way of testing us, Rev

  50. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Funnily enough, the only anti-country nonsense I have witnessed was a group of young men, in a pub in Bath, singing about how they wish Scotland would just fuck off…”

    In fairness I was very drunk that night.

  51. Valerie says:

    Small wonder it was in Deerins column. It will no doubt join his porn stash.

  52. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    I think Mr Jenkin hasn’t a fekin clue or that the by-line should be “as told by Willie Rennie” like the old football columns by Jim Baxter and Willie Henderson etcin the Evening Times and D Record.

  53. Taranaich says:

    Take a good look, Scotland: this MP only has the support of 14% of the Scottish electorate, yet his party decides everything to do with Scotland outside of Holyrood’s remit. Foreign policy, broadcasting, defence, international trade, the EU, you name it. And, by virtue of the fact his party holds the purse strings, his party decides Scotland’s budget.

    A lot of people who still punt the “SNP are anti-English” line happen to be Tories. Perhaps they have difficulty distinguishing between “English” and “Tory,” and thus, mistake a hatred of the Tories for a hatred of the English.

    But what I want to know is where this thundering buffoon is getting his statistics, considering they seem completely antithetical to every other set of statistics I’ve come across.

    “The SNP took all but two seats…” Is he not counting Dumfries & Galloway or something?

  54. heedtracker says:

    Bernie’s certainly a high toryboy

    Bernard Jenkin Retweeted
    Conservatives ?@Conservatives Jan 13
    We committed to English Votes for English Laws – and we’ve now delivered it. SHARE link to

    EVEL sprung on morning of 19th September 2014, having listened to Cammers grovel, beg, plead Scots to vote NO, to lead the UK, to a bettertogether tomorrow.

    As bullshitters go, its hard to beat a Westminster bullshit arteest, red or blue tory.

  55. Gizmo says:

    We can laugh but these are the people that run the UK, howling at the moon mad and utterly anti-Scottish. Its enough to make me cry, I still can’t believe we voted for a continuation of this.

  56. Capella says:

    Bernard Jenkin was pretty sharp when questioning Nicholas Macpherson on “Civil Service Impartiality and Referendums” in April 2014. I got the impression MPs don’t like civil servants taking the initiative. Sir Nicholas had some explaining to do (re leaking his advice to the Chancellor and other misdemeanors).

    link to

    So I don’t get the impression he is stupid by any means. There is probably another agenda at work e.g. Project Fear 2.

  57. galamcennalath says:

    ahundredthidiot says

    “… 50/50 poll … we’re still moving in the right direction, slowly.”

    I’m optimistic.

    Firstly, no Yes2 campaign has begun. Hopefully when it does it will target the sticky issues from Ref1 and focus on the high percent No groups effectively.

    Secondly, some persuasive situations are likely to develop ..
    Trident renewal
    WM hammering of renewables
    EVEL more often
    Scotland Bill failing on fiscal arrangements
    And, ongoing Tory austerity with no mandate

  58. carjamtic says:

    This piece could have been credited to any of them…..Red/Blue

    Published simply to offend at every level……

    propaganda….deja vu…..all over again 🙂

    We see you,little man and a pretty ugly sight it is.

  59. Donald Anderson says:

    He and the Morph are followers of the right wing Henry Jackson Society. Nuff said.

  60. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    When the virtually assembled crowd of Wingers read the contents of the article above…

    link to

  61. mealer says:

    Bernard Jenkins,eh? What a neep.

  62. liz says:

    What interested me in this article was Wm Hague saying one of the reasons to remain in Europe was so that Scotland wouldn’t leave the UK.

    They must be desperate to keep us

  63. James Barr Gardner says:

    I suspect this drivel penned by Bernard Jenkin has the hand of certain Spud Murphy in it, he didn’t have fecking clue about Scotland either.

    After all they are both chums in the Henry Jackson Society, and Spud no doubt filled Bernie in about Scotland with his delusional slant about the scotch (Scots)!
    Well? What did you expect from red and blue toalies bitter together, no surprises there! Westminster business as usual.

    Let’s give them something they really will understand, a totally massive SNP X 2 vote in May, show them how Hope will Triumph over Fear.

  64. Alastair says:

    O/T Anyone have the link to or details of any coverage of the leaders debate tonight at Dundee University Students Association. Ta

  65. Papadox says:

    Bernie the dolt!

  66. heedtracker says:

    Bernie wants Brexit, the big old vile sepratist that he is

    Bernard Jenkin ?@bernardjenkin Jan 13
    Business for Britain – East of England successful launch: we send £2bn per year to Brussels. link to
    6 retweets 3 likes

    But Brexit Bernie’s even freaking out Scotch toryboys.

    link to

    “Now you may object that would be irrational, but voters are not perfectly rational calculating machines. Nor should they be expected to be. In this instance, the picture would be one in which Scotland is being told by England to do things it does not want to do. That’s a prospect guaranteed to make Nats out of Yoons. Why, I could be tempted to vote Yes in such circumstances myself.”

    Toryboys just want to run their own country. Scots cringers take note.

  67. r esquierdo says:

    This man speaks from his waste expulsion pipe

  68. Nana says:


    link to

  69. Gary45% says:

    Aye that last paragraph.
    A Scottish business man said Blah Blah.
    Up here there were quite a few stories going around at the Referendum regarding Companies moving south if it was a yes.

    I personally know one or two, and if I saw them choking in the street, I would drive them over the border and leave them in their own Pish.
    If you live in the highlands you will see a drain cleaning company, dark blue and yellow vans, who were moving just over the border if it was yes. (Still happy to take the locals money.)
    To me they no longer exist.

  70. Alastair says:

    Leaders debate on now at

  71. Ruby says:


    link to

  72. Ruby says:

    link to

    Radio is better than the video

  73. Jim McIntosh says:

    Jenkins is a jobby, but as a staunch eurosceptic it’s in his interest to convince as many little englanders to vote to leave as possible.

    Perhaps he believes if he can rile them up enough against the Scots they might just vote to leave to piss us off. 🙂 🙂

  74. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    The Scottish Leaders’ Debate at DUSA is at the link below but I’m not getting the video displaying properly on my machine.

    link to

  75. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    The DUSA debate is also at this YouTube link but I’m still not getting watchable video on either, although the sound is ok.

    link to

  76. Kevin Roach says:

    Bernard I’m a bit of a bullshitter myself but I really love to listen to an expert. Please carry on!!
    What a fanny.

  77. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    The video seems to have been fixed. Now watchable.

    link to

  78. galamcennalath says:

    I must be a closet masochist. I read it again!

    You could have a poll on that. Take the most outrageous ten snippets and have a vote on which is the most hilarious!

    My favourite would have to be … “The SNP don’t even really want full independence.”

    A close second for me would be … “SNP threats of another referendum are not real threats, but attempts to placate the anti-English rage in their own party.”

    Talk about stand up comedy!

    Putting on a straight serious face for a few seconds. I do wonder who the intended audience was?

  79. Ruby says:

    I’ve given up on the DUSA debate. I’ll wait until it’s on catch-up so that I can fast forward at the waste of time sections.

    Something very dodgy about Brian Taylor’s mike! He’s blasting out and poor old Willie can’t be heard!

    Re the article I would argue that
    ‘Brexit makes Indy Ref more difficult for Better Together to win’

    Non EU membership made up a huge part of Better Together’s argument.

  80. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Nicola is definitely holding the mic too far from her mouth.

    Kez is coming over a lot louder. Strangely, her mic is further from her mouth than Nicola’s is. Wullie’s is around the same as Nicola’s.

    The guy on the mixing desk must be a anti-Lib yoon…

  81. Clootie says:

    …meanwhile back on planet Earth!!!

  82. Clapper57 says:

    Bernard Jenkin an English Nationalist , read his guff in The Guardian Sept 2014 – inciting EVIL oops meant EVEL .

    Same tired old moans i.e £1600 more spent per head on Scots blah blah blah “the growl in England is now a roar. “English votes for English laws” is now”

    The point of his article, in highlighting the unfairness to England, was apparently to ‘SAVE the Union’ , me thinks he has a rather warped method and use of words in his attempt to achieve this !!

    However I suspect he is but one of many who does not give a flying feck for those he probably considers as being ‘the rebellious scots’ and is probably of the belief that we should know our place within this English dominated union and put up and shut up, whilst the masters get on with real business.

    He seeks to suppress Scottish nationalism whilst promoting English nationalism . The hypocrisy and double standards are once again prevalent and alive in English Tory logic.

    And don’t get me started on John Redwood… there’s a English nationalist if ever there was one….not sure he’s that fond of us Scots though… he is EVIL.

  83. John D aka Ecosse-Nkosi says:

    Three paragraphs were enough, any of the adverbs or adjectives I thought on using to describe him were actually useful things.

  84. Alan says:

    If you thought that was funny try this one: Christopher Howarth: Why it’s wrong to claim that Britain leaving the EU risks Scotland leaving Britain

    The UK is a uniquely successful political arrangement, perhaps the most successful the world has seen. Rather than seek to avoid a Scottish referendum we should, Brexit or not, build on the UK’s achievements, renew its sense of purpose and Scotland’s invaluable part in it. Self-confidence is contagious: if we renew the strength of our conviction in the benefits of the UK and British civilization and its future, then Scottish nationalism will evaporate like the morning mist.

  85. Conservative Central Office. Parliamentary Party:

    VACANCIES – We need a few good men

    N.B. Impaired cognition & the political acumen of a cold mince pie no impediment to advancement. Apply within …

  86. Almannysbunnet says:

    Never heard of him until now. He is the son of a Lord, voted against reform of HOL. During the expenses scandal he had the biggest ever amount to pay back, over £63,000. Claimed £50k to rent his sister in law’s property as his constituency home. Basically a Tory scumball.
    Oh and the article shite of the purest form.

  87. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Right – after watching/listening to the DUSA debate…

    The guy on the mixing desk was a yoon or a rank amateur. I’m not even gonna discuss the video feed. Nicola’s, Wullie’s and Harvie’s mic levels were well turned down. They were at about 4 or 5. Harvie’s was eventually turned up to roughly the same as Kez’s.

    Kez’s volume was at what I would regard as ‘normal’, ie 6 to 7.

    Alex Johnstone was hitting the mythical ’11’, whilst Brian Taylor was so distorted , it must have been hitting 15.

    An amateurish, or politically influenced, effort at a livestream…

    Nil point, or ‘pwan’…

  88. msean says:

    Where do you begin with that rubbish? Clearly feeling rage that we Scots don’t do tory. “anti english rage”lol. News also that the SNP don’t want independence.

    Comedy gold.

  89. Macart says:

    MP for Harwich and North Essex and doesn’t he just show it. 😀

    Oh Jeez.LOL

  90. Tam Jardine says:

    That actually made less sense on second reading. Normally in these newspaper pieces you announce your view, build a case by listing arguements and backing them up using stats, quotes or whatever then reiterate or come to some kind of conclusion.

    He laid out his argument then there was just a load of old bollocks. This is causing me to reconsider the articles in Labour Hame (and that is saying something).

    Anyway: the simple response is that if your premise is self-evidently wrong then no amount of disconnected nonesense is going to back it up.

    Everytime I think of the EU referendum I think what a gift it is to the Yes movement. What do we need most after losing the referendum but retaining and building on our position? A bloody great big constitutional crisis, Made in England, to completely disenfranchise the entire Scottish nation, Yes voters and No; to ride roughshod over our democratic wishes and keep the National Question at the top of the agenda in Scotland whilst the rest of the UK focus on the EU.

    The timing could not be better. I am wondering about the range of the sweet spot where Scotland is dragged out against her wishes or England is kept in against her wishes… from where I can see if the remain vote in Scotland is about 65% then anything over a 50% leave vote in England would result in a constitutional crisis one way or another.

    This is the opportunity for the SNP to really mix it up and spell out where we want to, where we need to go as a country. To tell the EU what we want, loud and clear.

    Even if I believed we were better outwith the EU (which on balance I do not), the opportunity for supporters of Scottish Independence to win the day is too great. If anything a snap referendum after a vote to leave is going to be in much more favourable circumstances than in September 2014 as we would be faced with upheaval anyway, we would be leaving the EU anyway, the economic community would be gaping at us widemouthed anyway.

    The notion that the EU would NOT want Scotland to remain in the EU is baffling when you consider how pissed off they will be with Westminster for leading the UK out… the idea they would look the gift of Scotland WANTING to remain in and not do everything in their power to help us is insane. The chance to get one over on Cameron for wrecking the European project?

    The coldness of the EU in 2014 would, I am certain, be replaced by a thirst for revenge which the Scottish electorate provide- revenge by proxy.

    Putin uses the judo analogy- using the opponent’s strength, its weight against it, and this crazy hold is coming up.

    Or everyone votes to remain – in which case it is back to the drawing board.

  91. HandandShrimp says:

    If he is an Outy on the EU front then I guess we can look forward to more of this sort of thing.

    I expect the In side to start pushing the don’t break up the UK with an out vote as part of their Project Fear Mk2 whereas the Out lot will simply rubbish Scotland and Scotland’s place in the world if we are not part of the UK.

  92. Cuilean says:

    Jeezo! There was a ‘civil war’ in Scotland.

    And I missed it.


  93. Cadogan Enright says:

    RT at 9.05 this evening

    Poll figures for Scotland

    65% against EU exit

    54% for independence in this event

    67% think independence ‘inevitable’

    Also, between 8.30 and 9 there was an examination on the lack of real opposition views in the Western Media to the establishment on all matters – 2 worrying points here

    1. They were 100% right
    2. Alternative voices and ideas like this have to be sponsored by a Russian owned station as no Western Media source would allow the obvious truth to be spoken.

  94. MickCalder says:

    If this is the standard of quality to be expected from newspapers then it’s little wonder that their numbers are crashing through the floor.

    Thank God for Wings and actual journalism so I don’t have to be subjected to this kind of drivel.

    I’m off for a lie down now, reading that has given me a headache!

  95. defo says:

    BJ’s logic has certainly opened my yaks. Yous lot are on yer tod’s.
    I’m off to bulk buy Union Jack branded everything, and see if I can get on the winning team !

  96. defo says:

    This evo stic is ra business. BZZZZ

  97. Brian McHugh says:

    City AM?

    …By far the most coverage that ‘story’ (LOL :oD) got, is right here.

  98. Truth says:

    One of the best examples of someone ensconced in the south east and having no knowledge or understanding of anywhere outside of that bubble.

    He has such a high opinion of himself and such a superiority complex that he believes he understands the situation better than actual Scots, and worse, he professes to educate the rest of the ignorati in the south east.

    I hope he likes egg.

  99. Capella says:

    I think he is speaking to his English Tory electorate here. He is in favour of leaving the EU. He wants to convince them that the Scots won’t leave the UK because of this. So it’s OK to vote for OUT.

    After questioning Nicholas Macpherson (who is stepping down from the Treasury) his PASC report warned against allowing Civil Servants to publish their advice.

    “The Scottish independence referendum created exceptional circumstances, but that does not make it acceptable for parts of the civil service to approve the use of public funds to promote the agenda of one political party, to become personally aligned with one side or the other in the referendum debate. Referendums currently get no mention at all in the Civil Service Code. We suggest a limited change to the Civil Service Code to address referendums that will remove ambiguity about this. Our proposed wording reflects the advice of Leading Counsel. This change must be made before any future referendums, such as the possible referendum on the EU.”

    link to

    The Independent reported this in March 2015.
    link to

    I think his whole effort is aimed at an OUT vote in the EU referendum. Playing down the Scottish card is part of that agenda. Although you would think that the majority of English voters would be delighted to get rid of us after all the negative propaganda!

  100. Ruby says:

    It’s interesting to see how journalists get their stories.
    Magnus Gardam watched the DUSA debate and already has a story about what Willie Rennie said.

    It all seems a bit too easy. I can’t imagine you need much training to be a journalist these days!

    You don’t even have to be that good at typing. Ach perhaps Magnus was in a hurry to get a ‘scoop’

    ‘Kezia Dugdale, the Scottish Labour leader, Patrick Harvie, the Scottish Greens leader, and Tory MSP Alex Johnstone also took party.’

    I doubt if he’ll get many clicks on that story he’ll need to report what Nicola said to get the clicks.

    The headline is Willie Rennie’Fife would be better off without Amazon’

    ‘Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister, rejected Mr Rennie’s comments.

    “I’ll leave Willie Rennie to argue that folk at Amazon in Fife should lose their job,” she told an audience at Dundee University’

    Oh hang on it might get some clicks they’ll be UniTrolls claiming the SNP support tax evaders!

  101. Ruby says:

    Capella says:
    Although you would think that the majority of English voters would be delighted to get rid of us after all the negative propaganda!

    Ruby replies

    Especially when he’s telling them that Scotland relies on massive subdidies from England.

  102. dakk says:

    Bernard Jenkins-archetypal wet fart English nationalist who doesn’t even have the balls to admit what he is.

    That’s one of the things I like about SNP.It’s up front about it’s national identity and allegiance,and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with civic nationalism.

    Scottish,or otherwise.

  103. Capella says:

    @ Ruby
    I agree. But he is really saying we can’t leave the UK because we depend on English handouts. So it’s OK to vote OUT of the EU.
    * Nobody in Scotland wants another Referendum
    * The SNP don’t want a Referendum
    * They secretly only ever wanted Devo – not very max.
    * which is what they’ve now got.
    * So vote OUT of the EU and hang on to Scotland’s assets.

  104. Luigi says:

    I am so hoping for a tiny OUT majority vote in England, cancelled out by a healthy IN vote in Scotland. Highly unlikely, I know. 🙁 It would have to be a tiny English OUT vote, otherwise Scotland simply gets dragged out, but could you imagine the mayhem if the sweaties hadprevented the BritNats from leaving Europe? 🙂

  105. Ruby says:

    link to

    link to

    link to

    These are the stories the Herald have so far all about what was said at the DUSA debate.

    There is a story about what Cameron said on Radio 4 and another story about what was said in Parliament.

    Somehow I expect more from journalists than just telling people what was said on the internet or on radio.

  106. Brian McHugh says:

    Capella;”Although you would think that the majority of English voters would be delighted to get rid of us after all the negative propaganda!”

    You can’t generalise ‘English Voters’. They are extremely varied and many of them wish us well… some even support Scottish and English Indy.

    …but for the sizeable ‘Middle England’ crowd that I’m certain you are referring to, their mindset is one of superiority. Once you grasp that they see it as their position to feel ‘generous’, ‘sympathetic’ and ‘forgiving’ to Scotland… and every other country in the world to be honest, you understand they have no incentive to want rid of us… their superiority mixed with a dash of blasé, simply doesn’t motivate such strong feelings in them. They simply don’t care enough to be concerned.

  107. K1 says:

    Should the title no be: The Spammer ‘O The Scots?

    Unsolicited shit spread indiscriminately in the hopes that some mug will buy what he’s selling.

    We’re no anti-English, we’re anti-Wanker.

  108. Dr Jim says:

    Cameron’s spending 20 million on teaching Muslim folk to speak English, so does that mean as a share of the consequentials we get around 2 million
    I hope John Swinney was listening

    That would buy us a few actual extra teachers

    Thanks for that Davie

    @Luigi:10.07 Love it

  109. JPJ2 says:

    Please, please tell me that such a monumental ignoramus is not Chair of the Constitutional Affairs Committee.

  110. heedtracker says:

    My Slovene girlfriend’s asked me to go to see this lot. I want to see the Revenant

    Adam Tomkins Retweeted
    GU Dialectic Society ?@GUDialectic Jan 15
    @davidtorrance @johnmcternan @ProfTomkins debating TH Regrets Devolution next Wednesday. It’s gonna be brilliant: link to

    Its gonna be brilliant, apparently. Talk about UKOK pissing into the oncoming hurricane.

  111. ahundredthidiot says:

    Brian McHugh

    Absolutely spot on re middle England’s sense of superiority, backed up and accepted by 55% of the people of Scotland. Fealty inbred.

    If there is any shame to be had, that would be it. However, with each day, month and year that passes, that percentage gets smaller.

    Should there be an indyref2, I do not believe the turn out will be so high – maybe 2 or three percent lower than 2014. I would go further in suggesting those non votes would be dominated by previous no voters, a sort of fatigue factor in the face of a perceived popular demand.

    My only real worry, is in securing the holding of an indyref2 in the first instance.

  112. Grouse Beater says:

    Another neo-colonial contemporises the lyrics of Rule Britannia.

  113. heedtracker says:

    Adam Tomkins Retweeted
    GU Dialectic Society ?

    Just asked my Slovene girlfriend why Glasgow Uni Dialectic Society debate this week has no actual opposing opinion for their devo UKOK regrets debate but the answer is unprintable.

    Loosely translated, for Slovenian, GU special guests are a balanced display of great Britishness in their Scotland region, and noone else counts, ever, it must be true as their Scotland region is silly and anoying, and for ever British, so there. The clue’s in the name, because di in Slovene means one and two. Again, so there.

    David Torrance, Contemporary Historian and Political Journalist

    John McTernan, Former advisor to Tony Blair

    Professor Adam Tomkins, John Millar Chair of Public Law at the University of Glasgow and Scottish Conservative Parliamentary Candidate

    Its kind of like seeing how far right we can actually get in one room, ending with MacTernan.

    Be there or be square. UKOK

  114. Nana says:


    Mundell hints at EU early vote

    link to

    Glenn Frey of the Eagles has died aged 57years

  115. HandandShrimp says:

    Prof Tomkin was the case for devolution – presumably McTernan was against or Torrance or both of the latter.

    That must have been surreal.

  116. Effijy says:

    On APD, Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said: “This is one tax cut that Labour wouldn’t make, we would use that money differently.
    “We have evidence to show that every £1,000 used to cut air passenger duty supports about nine jobs, that is the Edinburgh Airport figure.

    Here we go yet again with Dippity Dug’s incomprehension of APD.

    Dippity doesn’t know that this Tax doesn’t go to the airlines,
    she doesn’t understand that by not cutting ADT she doesn’t generate additional funds, she wants to spend all of her imaginary fund on Education, and all of it on the NHS, and all of it on Welfare???

    The stupid women seems to be saying that if the Scottish Government does cut this Air Passenger Tax, in order to stimulate
    tourism and generate more for our economy than the tax delivers,
    we would lose jobs at Edinburgh Airport- because it would become much busier than it is now?

    Not only is Dippity and Labour completely brain dead, but what used to be called journalists now seem to be Union funded Zombies

  117. Auld Rock says:

    What a load of manure – best ignored – don’t give them the oxygen of debate.

    Auld Rock

  118. Nana says:

    Glenn Frey dies aged 67yrs not 57 as in previous post

    link to

  119. Brian McHugh says:

    ahundredthidiot;”My only real worry, is in securing the holding of an indyref2 in the first instance.”

    Nae worries. Its’ inevitable… just a matter of when. 😉

  120. Alan says:

    Tory infighting fun involving Jenkin in the Mail:

    Allies of George Osborne have been accused of smearing a leading Eurosceptic MP [Jenkin]– by reminding voters that he is a nudist.

    According to the Guardian:

    Another problem was the suggestion that MPs should also log what they do in their spare time – the various charities they support, for example. Bernard Jenkin was incensed. “If we go on a holiday to paint water colours, we would have to register that. Do we want to register everything we do?” Mr Jenkin was being a little disingenuous, as rather than being an aficionado of water colours, he is known as parliament’s most famous nudist. (A friend of mine has a house in Scotland near the Jenkins. Once, sailing round a lake, he discovered the entire family, from Lord Jenkin down, disporting themselves nude by the waterside. Not a sight anyone should have to register.)

    That’s reason enough for independence right there.

  121. Thepnr says:


    Should there be an indyref2, I do not believe the turn out will be so high – maybe 2 or three percent lower than 2014.

    Can you provide some justification for your belief? You are aware that the first Quebec Referendum in 1980 had a turnout almost identical to Scotlands at 85.6% whereas the second in 1995 was 93.5%.

    Quebecs poulation of 5 million is pretty much on a par with Scotlands. I’d suggest you might want to look again at the evidence for “your belief”.

  122. heedtracker says:

    HandandShrimp says:

    That must have been surreal.

    I think its upcoming. Staggering toryboy bias but maybe that’s how they debate at

    link to

    The week after Prof T’s taking me to the GU debate entitled,

    Hitler, hero to zero, or much misunderstood?

    Speakers are A. Hitler, M. Thatcher, Darth Vader, Pol Pot, Stalin, John MacTernan OBE.

    Bring a friend.

  123. afewhometruths says:

    Capella is right I believe. he may not believe this but it is surely what he wants his readers to believe. They know that even those disinterested in politics will be aware of SNP strength and may notice public comments. This is surely just spin and news management to avoid frightening the children, and maximise the brexit vote.

  124. Still Positive. says:

    Can’t explain it but think we will become independent by forces outwith our control – too many possibilities to mention. Someone on here a thread or two ago suggested a ref to confirm independence.

    Talking of Little Englanders: my son’s former next door neighbour (he lives in Surrey and suspected at that time the said neighbour was a UKIP supporter) flew a St. George’s flag from his garage and on the morning of 19th September it was at half-mast!

    We need folk like him voting to get rid of us.

  125. Thepnr says:


    While I’m at it, I may as well ask you to justify this statement:

    Sorry, while Rev makes a case for a 50/50 poll, don’t forget the vast, vast majority of undecideds will vote for no change.

    I suggest, with no scientific research whatsoever, that 80% of undecideds go to ‘no change’, a bit like the polls upset in the GE for the Tories.

    No scientific research whatsoever, well that’s noticeable, I’d had hoped you had noticed by now that people on here prefer seeing evidence of others assertions. Please start providing some, rather than your opinion which may or may not prove to be valuable.

  126. ahundredthidiot says:


    Haha, you’re funny

  127. heedtracker says:

    In light of all the relentless UKOK BBC bullshit dumped on Scotland, hour by hour, Happy Martin Luther King Day America.

    This is carved on the granite Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial, Washington, D.C.

    “We shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.”

    Its worth seeing.

  128. Thepnr says:


    So are you 🙂

  129. Inverclyder says:


    Re Glenn Frey being dead.

    Sad and all that for the fans.

    Watch both parts of the Eagles documentary.

    They would all have voted Tory they were that nice a bunch of blokes.

  130. ahundredthidiot says:


    On your first point, you are not comparing apples with apples with Quebec v Scotland – there is just too much to get into over this other than the headlines. I am aware of a small but growing percentage of no voters who are now sounding like apologists, so I think a small percentage would abstain next time around. That’s called personal experience.

    Second point, I offered evidence of the GE where the shy undecideds ended up voting Tory. I put no faith in the polls of the day, did you?

    Other than that it is clearly an opinion and a belief, a bit like I do not sit in judgement of the billions of people around the world who believe in a deity, supreme being, God etc.

    But you go right ahead.

  131. Inbhir Anainn says:

    I see that the Constituency office in Dumfries shared by Richard Arkless MP SNP, Aileen McLeod MSP SNP and Joan McAlpine MSP SNP has been vandalised by person unknown but that they may have been captured on CCTV footage. A brick has been slung at the front windowpane door.

  132. cearc says:

    Despite what he says, I am not at all convinced that Cameron does want to stay in the Eu or will doing more than a cursory campaign.

    Surely, if he wanted to stay he would be applying for monies from the resilience fund for the floods. He could then make a big thing of all this ‘better together’ EU money for the victims.

    So far he hasn’t.

  133. Which one is the 57th? says:

    Is it Fluffy, Liar or Morningside? Who’s hidden their membership card?

  134. Dr Jim says:

    Everybody presumes that the people who didn’t vote in the Referendum depending on what side you’re on were either split or NO or couldn’t care less

    But what if they were all complacent Yessers so overconfident Yes was going to win they just didn’t bother
    or were they, well what?
    Maybe it was a DUN DEAL they thought

    How would you commission a poll of people who didn’t vote, would they vote this time or would they not

    Poultice! are you reading this, get on it, find them

  135. Still Positive. says:

    @ cearc 11.56
    Totally agree. He should also be allowing EU Nationals to vote as happened in our indyref. I worked, as a teacher, with many other teachers who were EU Nationals married to Scots or Scots married to EU Nationals and it is imo totally unacceptable they don’t have the vote. Some EU Nationals have children born here and are settled with mortgages and jobs – they should be allowed to vote.

    That’s one of the reasons I think Cameron wants out – why would he be promoting a Bill of Rights when we have the ECHR which, we can all guarantee, is much better?

  136. dakk says:

    Dr Jim says:
    19 January, 2016 at 12:06 am
    ‘Everybody presumes that the people who didn’t vote in the Referendum depending on what side you’re on were either split or NO or couldn’t care less’

    I have one acquaintance who says she only voted No because she thought Yes would definitely win and she now fears for her grandchildren’s future.

    She has a comfortable public sector pension and I think she bought the gay Gordon’s guff,and succumbed to Project Fear at the time.

    I will never understand people.

    If only we were all as straightforward as the Glyph. 🙂

  137. Drew Sword says:

    Insomniac and I fill the late night/ early morning hours listening to Radio. Last night heard an interview on HARD TALK on BBC World Service with an englishman called Nigel Lawson.

    He said ‘ the Scots cannot have another referendum unless we the Westminster Government give them one. They have had their chance. No more referendums.’
    Lawson was then asked about the upcoming referendum on the UK leaving the EU.
    What would happen if he and his like minded friends against continuing membership lost the referendum and the British people voted to stay in the EU.
    ‘Well we would just keep fighting and when the British people realized they had been duped by the false promises of the Europeans we would certainly have another referendum and another until the people got it right.’
    The ravings were interrupted by the interviewer who obviously realized the asylum doors were open and he was dealing with an escapee.

  138. Kenny says:

    On the EU ref, Nicola should really come out and publicly ask the EU if Scotland can become the successor state to the UK if (1) UK votes to leave, followed by (2) Scotland votes for indy. I cannae think why she hasn’t done this for both (1) expediency and (2) pure cheek factor.

    O/T Just been reading a few choice excerpts from the McCrone Report… don’t think much has changed in 40 years:

    “An exchange rate of £1 Scots to 120p sterling within two years of independence therefore seems quite probable.”

    “Britain is now counting so heavily on North Sea oil to redress its balance of payments that it is easy to imagine England in dire straits without it.”

    “The country would tend to be in chronic surplus to a quite embarrassing degree and its currency would become the hardest in Europe, with the exception perhaps of the Norwegian kroner.”

    link to

  139. Still Positive. says:

    Dakk @ 12.30.

    I was always going to vote Yes but I did look at the economic argument and I decided that my public sector pensions ( 1 widow’s from Civil Service and the other a small teacher’s pension – I went into teaching in my mid-40s.) as well as my retirement pension were safer with an independent Scotland.

    I reckoned an independent Scottish government, committed to free personal care, would look after pensioners.

  140. call me dave says:

    Scottish Secretary David Mundell has called for a “reboot” of the relationship between Holyrood and Westminster.

    Mr Mundell said there should be an end to the “petty politicking and sniping” between Scottish and UK governments after the Scottish elections in May.

    link to
    He’d like to reboot Scotland back to 1955… Aye right! 🙂

    SNP x 2

  141. Al-Stuart says:

    Bernard Jenkin states in writing that Scotland relies on a

    …massive subsidy from England

    I am getting bloody well sick to the gills of these £74,000 a year Tory twits coming up with LIES, LIES and more LIES. Are we fu6k reliant upon subsidy from England. FACT -yes I know we all know this on WoS, but the too many voters don’t know the facts.

    Is there NOTHING we can do about Jenkin and his lies – and any other lying Red/Blue Tory toad from Westminster?

    Are there no rules or laws to stop people like Jenkin LYING to the public for his personal and political gain?

    C’mon guys, it is the mainstream media that is keeping that precious 5% swing vote in the NO camp. When if it goes to the YES side we WILL get IndyRef2 and we WILL win it.

    The MEDIA is screwing Scotland and keeping that 5% in the NO camp by utter lies and dishonesty.

    WE MUST TACKLE THE MEDIA or face another 20 years under the Tory Raj.

  142. Alan says:

    Not to be left out:
    Alex Massie: Yes, Brexit could very easily lead to the break-up of Britain

    Interesting that ‘unionists’ seem quite divided on the impact of Brexit on Scotland. I can’t stand “foaming river of blood” Massie but he actually talks some sense here compared to the clueless Jenkin and Howarth.

    The EU question, in this area, is not really about the EU at all. It’s about Britain. Voting to stay is not necessarily a declaration of faith in the EU but for many Scots it will be a proxy for a declaration of faith in the UK. The single greatest cause of nationalist sentiment is not anti-English animus (though that certainly exists) but, rather, the decline of the idea of Britain. I ask only this: would leaving the EU reverse that decline or exacerbate it? Eurosceptics would doubtless herald a new Britannic age post-Brexit; in Scotland these matters would, I am pretty sure, be seen differently.

    Based on the comments below Massie’s piece, Spectator readers seem to think it would be a win/win to get rid of Europe and the “whinging Scots”. Clearly there is a section of English voters for whom the “idea of Britain” has already come and gone. It never occurs to them in their proximity to the center of power that people on the periphery would have figured this out before they did and the realisation has only come to them as a result of others on the periphery experiencing the hard realities of the “decline of the idea of Britain”.

  143. Onwards says:

    cearc says:
    18 January, 2016 at 11:56 pm
    Despite what he says, I am not at all convinced that Cameron does want to stay in the Eu or will doing more than a cursory campaign.

    I think he does want to stay, but a half-hearted campaign suits him while negotiations are ongoing. It’s a dangerous game, but recent polls showing a LEAVE majority make it more likely to gain concessions in negotiations.

    I think the main factor for Tories wanting to remain in Europe will be the financial services industry in the city of London. There could be pressure for European firms to move their HQs to European countries, with a big loss in tax income and importance as a financial hub.

    Dangerous territory though. Allowing a LEAVE campaign to build up a head of steam could make it difficult to come back.

    It’s all pretty ironic. Scots got the full ‘better together’ treatment, and accusations of small minded xenophobia if we didn’t stay in the UK, where we really are controlled by London.
    Yet when it comes to Europe – a far less restrictive union of nation states – the mask quickly drops, and the English/British nationalism comes out.

  144. Al-Stuart says:



    Via: link to

    Christian May, Editor & Julian Harris Deputy Editor
    City A.M. Ltd.
    3rd Floor,
    Fountain House,
    130 Fenchurch Street,
    EC3M 5DJ

    FORMAL COMPLAINT: “CITY-AM” Breach of IPSO Rules – Your Misleading Article

    I refer to your publication dated 7th January 2016 and the article by Bernard Jenkin MP in which he stated – and you published – the dishonest and factually incorrect myth that Scotland relies on a…

    …massive subsidy from England”

    This is at best lazy, shoddy editorial procedure, and at worst the endorsement of a liar. It is a proven fact that Scotland has been a net contributor to the UK Exchequer for decades. Ergo if there is any subsidising, it it by Scotland to the UK/England.

    In terms of the Independent Press Standards Organisation* your publication of the words that Scotland relies on a “massive subsidy from England” is a de facto breach of the IPSO Editors’ Code of Practice

    1. Accuracy

    i) The Press must take care not to publish inaccurate, misleading or distorted information or images, including headlines not supported by the text.

    * link to

    It is evident from a screenshot of the City Am publication from 7th January 2016 that CityAM have breached the IPSO Code… link to

    I would be grateful if you will now correct this inaccuracy, and in a manner and prominence that matches that given to the original untruth perpetrated by Bernard Jenkin MP. Thank you.

    I look forward to your reply, and reading the appropriate IPSO required correction.

    Yours faithfully,

    Al Stuart.

  145. Kenny says:

    Further to what I wrote just above about Scotland being considered the successor to the UK inside the EU, if England decided to pull out but Scotland votes overwhelmingly to stay in, it is not really such a mad idea when you look at the figures.

    Scotland is THE major player in the EU when it comes to energy. This applies to both fossil fuels and clean energy. We have over 60% of EU oil production, own the largest oil reserve in the EU and have 33% of EU total hydrocarbon production. In terms of clean energy, we have 25% of the tidal energy, 25% of the wind power and 10% of the wave energy in the whole EU.

    And even inside the UK we have 61% of the sea area, 90% of the fresh water, 65% of the natural gas production, 96.5% of the crude oil production, 81% of the untapped coal reserves, 62% of the timber production, 92% of the hydroelectric production, 60% of the fish landings and, last but not least, 90% of the whisky industry.

    Of course, down sarf has the “City” and all the trillions of derivatives (snigger). But who is to say which member of the union has more going for it in terms of natural resources and what is more vital to the EU in terms of trade and investment?

  146. Al-Stuart says:

    Given that the media lies are what is keeping the 5% swing voters in the NO camp and thereby denying Scotland the opportunity of having a democratically elected government run the country (as opposed to the Tory Raj in Westminster with their 11 MP in Scotland) it is interesting to se how many complaints to the Independent Press Standards organisation are REJECTED…

    link to

  147. Still Positive. says:

    Al-Stuart last 2 posts. Agree. We need to get the McCrone report and Business for Scotland’s report as well as Standard and Poor’s assessment out to the wider public on the doorsteps.

  148. schrodingers cat says:

    scots look likely to vote massively to stay in the eu

    English are looking less likely, that’s a change

    54% would want indyref2, 52% say they would vote yes if we are pulled out of the eu against our wishes

    I suppose indyref2 could hang on the actual result of a brexit, if it is seen that the scare stories by the Westminster big business IN group materialise, then we should give time for that to happen before calling indyref2…
    if not, then we call indyref2 immediately, eg September

    mundell says june now,,,, I thought sept, I wonder why the hurry…?

  149. Still Positive. says:


    I had one of our younger SNP members down on Friday to borrow Andy Wightman’s book on land reform.

    He was in for almost 2 hours and we had a great conversation over many topics.

    However, I told him I voted to stay in Europe in 1975, although it has changed completely since then.

    I am going to vote to stay in this time only because we have a Tory government and I cannae imagine the ‘Bill of Rights’ will confer more/fairer powers than ECHR.

    After indy I would want a ref between EU and EFTA.

  150. Fergus Green says:

    O/T Random morning thought. How about the Archers theme for the English national anthem?

    Tum te tum te tum te tum…..


  151. Grant says:

    Bernard Jenkin MP
    Staring in

  152. Breeks says:

    I have some reservations about Europe, but I am very much pro the EU. I often wonder whether my reservations are the result of the same poisonous media we are subjected to, which scarcely has a good word to say about anything European. Just look at the UKIP slug we have as a Euro MP as a direct result of the BBC manipulation of the issues.
    One of the legitimate issues I have about Europe isn’t Europe at all, but how all roads to Europe seem to lead to Scottish Enterprise; an organisation for whom I have nothing but scathing contempt. Scotland would be well served by breaking up Scottish Enterprise and reexamining the fundamental principles and priorities of economic regeneration. Scottish Enterprise is rotten and their record of success is dismal at best. Commerce and quangos is a grubby concept, and rarely is it very enterprising.

    But back on Europe; I detest the Britexit ideology. It’s the plucky little Britain Knows Best arrogance that I cannot abide. Suppose the UK did exit to pursue its isolationist agenda, then suppose a few more nations did likewise, and suddenly we have the same European melting pot of collusion, distrust and skullduggery which kept Europe bickering and kicking off wars for centuries. It is inconceivable that WW2 is still inside living memory, and in that single respect alone, the European project has been a spectacular success. Europe was forged from the scrap of WW2, a new world was promised, and in Europe it was a grand idea which for once has actually achieved something and made the world a much safer place – in Europe at least.

    I want Scotland in. The EU creates things. The U.K. whinges and seeks to obstruct change. The U.K. is the rotten apple which wants to poison the barrel. I am left embarrassed by the UK “spoiled brat” mentality. It does not speak in my name.

  153. Davy says:

    Does Mr Jenkins secretly write scottish labours policy’s ? the content is very similar, total bolloxs with a side order of bullshit.

  154. Ghillie says:

    Bernard Jenkins comes across as spectacularly dense.

    And the poor wee scone is in for a rare sook in.

  155. john king says:

    “O/T Random morning thought. How about the Archers theme for the English national anthem?”

    Too late,
    Billy Connoly beat you to it. 🙂

  156. Ken500 says:

    It will be ironic if Scottish votes keep the rest of the UK in a Union they don’t want. After Scotland being cheated out of it’s Independence.

    Wait and hear the howls from the usuals suspects. All the promises of FFA, Federalism, Home Rule, Independence broken. Can’t think of any country being treated in any equal ‘Union’ the way Scotland has been treated. Scotland has been lied to and cheated forever under the UK Union. No country is ever treated under the EU Union the way Scotland has been treated by Westminster, where Scottish votes do not count. Westminster secrecy and lies. Westminster would never treat another European country the way they have treated Scotland. Taken resources secretly and illegal. Kept the McCrone Report secret and lied. Tried to destroy the Scottish economy. Taken the equivalent of a £220Billion Oil Fund from Scotland.

    Most of Westminster are lying criminals. Alcoholics and drug users. There should be random drug tests in Westminster. Brown and Blair be in prison. Where is the Chilcot Report after 7 years? It’s a scandal. The Leveson verdict was not implemented. The Banking Inquiry has been dropped.

    The EU costs Scotland. £1Billion but Scotland gets that back in CAP, Grants, shared Defence costs, biggest, nearest market (500million), negotiated trade treaty with US,India, China etc so there can be no unfair trade barriers. As part of the UK Scotland received the lowest CAP payment in the EU. The EU gave Scotland an extra payment and the Tories took it and gave it to the wealthier farmers in the rest of the UK. The EU has better social/employment Laws than Westminster. Europe has to deal with the migration crisis caused by US/UK and French policies in the Middle East and their irrational support for apartheid States and despot absolute Monarchies. Costing other EU States £Billions.

    Westminster takes £10Billon+ a year from Scotland. Trident/illegal wars, banking fraud and tax evasion. HMRC not fit for purpose. Westminster is taxing the Oil sector at 60% with the fall in price in should be 20%. Thousands are losing their jobs. Morev oil & gas has to be imported putting up the balance of payments deficit and the debt. Scotland pay £4Billion a year in debt repayments on money borrowed and spent in the rest of the UK. Scotland can’t put a tax on ‘loss leading’ drink or a sugar tax to improve health and save on healthcare, police, fire and social care, Scotland has extended social care, mitigated the ‘bedroom tax’, and funded Uni education etc.

    Weetminster should put Trident on the Thames and pay for it. Along with the 7 subs which need decommissioning. Hammond? Described Faslane as a ‘wasteland’. Thirty minutes from Glasgow, one of Scotland’s biggest cities and tourist areas. They intend wasting £10Billion? a year on Trident replacement – £170Billion. £5Billion a yearvis already being. spent. Disabled people are being bathed in paddling pools in England. It is utterly sickening and disgraceful, the way the vulnerable are being treated by Westminster. Cameron elected to protect the NHS and reduce the debt. NHS funding has been cut and the debt is increasing.

    Will the EU Ref bring Independence?

  157. Sassenach says:

    Fergus Green

    Billy Connoly beat you to it, unfortunately!!

  158. galamcennalath says:

    Capella says:

    “I think he is speaking to his English Tory electorate here. He is in favour of leaving the EU. He wants to convince them that the Scots won’t leave the UK because of this.”

    You are probably correct. The significance point therefore, is that this crock of shite was intentionally fabricated for that purpose, rather than being simply ignorant ramblings.

    That does confirm what we know about the WM mindset – they believe it’s OK to lie and have no reservations about doing so to win voters’ support.

  159. Ken500 says:

    In or out of the EU. Scotland is better off Independent.

  160. bjsalba says:


    One thing they never mention is the overall spending per person in England /Wales broken down by region.

    If those came out the proverbial s*@!t would really hit the fan.

  161. Ken500 says:

    Barrels of laughs.

    Nudist, half hung flags.

    ‘Debates’ where they are all in favour – of each other. That would be worth a laugh. or a cringe.

    Bernard Jenkins the king of swing. The gringe ‘parasitologist’. It just came up.

    If you want to insult a ‘Tory’ don’t call him a racist (UKIP). Just call him a nudist. That’s how they insult each other. Pig faced sucker allowed.

  162. Ken500 says:

    In Scotland with £10Billion+ Everyone could have a better pension. (UK) Pensions in Scotland paid by Scottish taxpayers cost £6Billion. (UK) pension/benefits in Scotland £16Billion paid by Scottish payers. By Taxes raised in Scotland. UK pensions paid in the rest of the UK – £72Billion – more pro rata. People live longer. Teacher’s pension paid by local Authorities, from Pension funds.

    Taxes rased in the UK. £515Billion Scotland raises £54Billion. Take £54Billion from £515Billion = £461Billion divide by 11 = £42Billion. The rest of the UK borrows and spends £90Billion? more.

  163. Luigi says:

    Inbhir Anainn says:

    18 January, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    I see that the Constituency office in Dumfries shared by Richard Arkless MP SNP, Aileen McLeod MSP SNP and Joan McAlpine MSP SNP has been vandalised by person unknown but that they may have been captured on CCTV footage. A brick has been slung at the front windowpane door.

    If that happened to a unionist party office, it would be on every rag’s front page and headlined by the BBC and ITV. Let’s see how much attention the corporate media give this one.

    (don’t hold your breath). 🙂

  164. ahundredthidiot says:

    The tories will be split over a UK euro exit and little England will be subject to their own project fear. I doubt the UK will exit, but wouldn’t bet on it. Either way, a smart Corbyn might want to take advantage of a divided conservative party for the next GE, but hopefully not, as this could entice some of our hard won votes back to labour.

    We would do well not to rely on mishaps outside of Scotland to assist our movement. The yesscotland campaign made tremendous ground by staying positive and conversing at the grass roots level – this is where we need to all keep working. As soon as we are consistently over 50% in polls, we need to be like a broken record in our message, polite and genuine, but repeat repeat repeat.

  165. HaggisHunter says:

    That was entertainment. Seriously if he believes his own side’s propaganda then we in Scotland are far more politically advanced and aware than this Tory MP stuck in his own Brit Nat bubble.

    O/T The BBC / LabServativeDem / Brit Establishment were defending Donald Trump last night, could it be that they know he is the next US president already?

  166. Paula Rose says:

    The interaction I’ve had with the various shades of No suggests that yes, they do believe their own side’s propaganda.

  167. Robin Barclay says:

    I have to use a put down that I read on here (I believe) which sums up this guy quite well –

    If brains wis dominoes, he’d be chappin!!!!

  168. Ruby says:

    Kenny says:
    19 January, 2016 at 12:57 am

    On the EU ref, Nicola should really come out and publicly ask the EU if Scotland can become the successor state to the UK if (1) UK votes to leave, followed by (2) Scotland votes for indy. I cannae think why she hasn’t done this for both (1) expediency and (2) pure cheek factor.

    Ruby replies

    They only answer questions if the UK Gov ask. The UK Gov won’t ask!
    I thought the whole thing with the EU, Barosso’s letter and commissioning the lawyers Crawford & Boyle was all very suspect.

    Article from Huffington post covering what was said at Economic Affairs Committee meeting when Michael Moore was interviewed:

    link to

    link to

    at 15.58.09

    Lord Forsyth of Drumlean: You said that you wanted the debate to be as informed as possible. One of the things that Mr Swinney said to us last week was that they had a difficulty in establishing what the position would be vis-a?-vis having to apply for membership of Europe or whether they would be allowed to remain in Europe because the Commission would only talk to Governments, and that the British Government were not prepared to engage on this issue. I find it a bit puzzling how you can reconcile saying, “We are not prepared to talk to the Commission as a Government about what the consequences would be”, with saying at the same time, “We want to have a fully informed debate”. Does Mr Swinney not have a point there?

    at 16.10.55

    Lord Lawson of Blaby: May I suggest, Secretary of State, that your position is totally unsustainable? Leaving aside for the sake of simplicity the people of the rest of the United Kingdom, I think you are letting down very badly the people of Scotland. You said in your opening remarks that Scotland is perfectly capable of being an independent nation. I agree entirely. It is a very fine country, perfectly capable of being independent. There are many independent countries in the world that have less going for them than Scotland. But you said that the important issue is the net consequences of independence—would they be favourable or unfavourable to the people of Scotland? How are the people of Scotland to judge this if you are not prepared to say what in your considered judgment the consequences will be? That seems to be a totally unsustainable position.
    You talked about the “real world of politics”. You are in the real world of politics and you are accustomed to general elections. The consequences of general elections are not nearly as momentous as will be the consequences of this referendum if it were to go for separation. Even in a general election, you would not let the other side in the debate make all the arguments about what the consequences of a particular choice would be and make no arguments yourself. You would not dream of doing that, yet this is the position you are taking up in the light of the Scottish referendum. I believe that to be completely unsustainable and I hope you will rethink.

  169. Nana says:

    O/T links

    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  170. Capella says:

    @ galamcennalath
    I don’t believe he is stupid. I think there is method in his madness and he has been working on this for some time.

    After the PASC questioning of Nicholas Macpherson (link above 6.32 pm) the committee recommended that the civil service rules be changed to include referendums i.e. banning civil servants from publishing their advice. The committee was talking about the Scottish referendum but it is clear that he meant the rule change to be in place for the EU referendum.

    Brian Wilson of course was delighted with Sir Nick’s anti-Salmond tactics.
    link to

    Sir Nicholas is retiring in April prior, no doubt, to taking up a bench in the Lords away from the hurly-burly of the EU referendum.
    link to

  171. I have never taken Tory MP Bernard Jenkins seriously, I suspect he knows as much about Scotland as I do about the back side of the Moon.

  172. Nana says:

    O/T links

    link to

    DEFENCE chiefs were described as “incompetent” after spending millions on a Middle East naval base that is too small for our new aircraft carriers.
    link to

    link to

    link to

  173. Flower of Scotland says:

    @Drew Sword 12.41am

    I accidentally came upon that Hard Talk episode too. Lord Nigel Lawson. Baron Lawson of Blaby. Ex Chancellor of the Exchequer in Maggie Thatcher,s Gov.

    Not the best thing to watch when you are heading off to bed!

    It just shows the “little englander” mentality. They own Scotland, didn’t you know?

  174. Robert Peffers says:

    Quite Frankly I much prefer the gobbledegook published by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, (Lewis Carroll). It makes much more sense than this poor effort from Bernard Jenkin.


    ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

    All mimsy were the borogoves,

    And the mome raths outgrabe.

    “Beware the Jabberwock, my son!

    The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!

    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun

    The frumious Bandersnatch!”

    He took his vorpal sword in hand;

    Long time the manxome foe he sought—

    So rested he by the Tumtum tree

    And stood awhile in thought.

    And, as in uffish thought he stood,

    The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,

    Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,

    And burbled as it came!

    One, two! One, two! And through and through

    The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!

    He left it dead, and with its head

    He went galumphing back.

    “And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?

    Come to my arms, my beamish boy!

    O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”

    He chortled in his joy.

    ’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves

    Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:

    All mimsy were the borogoves,

    And the mome raths outgrabe.

  175. Jim McIntosh says:


    Oh dear

    Suppose the UK did exit to pursue its isolationist agenda, then suppose a few more nations did likewise, and suddenly we have the same European melting pot of collusion, distrust and skullduggery which kept Europe bickering and kicking off wars for centuries.”

    Isolationist agenda – where have I heard that before, oh yes – “separatist agenda”
    Kicking off wars – Britain leaving will start World War III. Think I’ve heard that before as well.

    and elsewhere:

    Plucky little Britain Knows Best arrogance – translates directly to “uppity jocks, who do they think they are”.

    The UK whinges…spoiled brat mentality – yep, heard that about Scotland around September 2014 as well.

    Project Fear is still alive and well and is living close to you… out!!!

  176. Robert Peffers says:

    For those commenters claiming such as Bernard Jenkin, “disna get it”, may I helpfully suggest they never, ever, “had it”, in the first place.

    Laughably the numptie, David Cameron, who, in spite of the best, (lack of), education, that money can buy, still cannot tell the difference between the English Language terms:-

    “Britain”, “Great Britain”, “kingdom”, “country”, “The United Kingdom”, and, “The Country”.

    Yet he is now spending our tax money to teach the English language to immigrants. Does he not know there are several languages legally recognised in Britain? These include Welsh, Lowland Scots, Scots Gaelic, Ulster Scots, Irish Gaelic.

    He also advocates a new law to, “reassert the power of the United Kingdom Parliament Law over the EU”. Yet the numptie is not even aware that there is no such thing as UK Law.

    There are only English Law and Scottish Law and legally these are independent of each other. English Law is based upon the Monarchy being sovereign while Scottish Law is based upon the People of Scotland being sovereign. Thus, “Her Majesty’s Parliament of her United Kingdom”, has no legal sovereignty over Scotland. They have always just assumed they have full sovereignty but there is no legal evidence that they have.

  177. Tam Jardine says:

    Not sure how anyone else is feeling about the fault line that has been opening up- there has always been splits in the yes movement but the strength has come from living with differences and realising that common purpose is what gives us that strength.

    The list idea of electing vast pro-indy msp’s to Holyrood is a lofty ambition but in my view impossible. I am a member of the SNP and will vote accordingly no matter how dumb some think.
    But at the same time the greens and rise are welcome to set out their stall and try and elect candidates on the list.

    D’hondt is not perfect but it is hardly democratic to try and game it or deny representation to others (even unionists) through means I spent the last election deriding.

    so game on- it’s an election and elections are a dirty business. The day I consider Bella Caledonia or the Commonweal are somehow my enemies is a day I do not want to ever see and if we don’t start to draw back from this bollocks and start working out how to build concensus, how to grow and unite our movement then we will begin to do the damage the unionists have so far been unable to inflict.

    That’s my take on it. We must win a majority, an increased majority in May- I agree. But if the price is this schism growing wider it will be a hollow victory.

    This is a people’s movement- not the vehicle for egos and we need to start pushing forward regardless of this clear difference in tactics.

    The EU referendum is a massive opportunity. We need to start working on how to capitalise on it and how to keep our message fresh and relevant.

    anyway- that’s my grumbling over… just been bugging me and depressing me for the last few days

  178. Free Scotland says:

    Have I got this right?

    The person who holds the post of Chair of the Constitutional Affairs Committee is telling the public that the SNP took “all but two” of the available Scottish seats at the 2015 General Election?

    And this information has now been published twice, once by CITY A.M. and once by the Mail?


  179. Nana says:

    @Tam Jardine

    Feeling rather sad actually. I hoped all indy folk would stick together especially as the next few months will be fraught enough fighting the unionists lies.

    I’m also disappointed to see Mike Small has published emails between himself and James Kelly.

  180. Paula Rose says:

    @ Tam – seems to me to be a few egos with a handful of acolytes each, having a strop cos they can’t go outside at playtime.

  181. HandandShrimp says:


    I agree

    Mike and James don’t have to agree on what the best strategy is on the list vote but they should agree to disagree without rancour. We get enough of that from unionists.

  182. Janet says:

    Let’s be clear: Westminster will view an SNP minority govt this May as a victory, as it tries to break the Yes Movement open.

    Best answer remains SNP / SNP.

  183. Christian Schmidt says:

    Surely the easiest way to win a 2nd indy referendum would be to put Mr Jenkin in charge of the No-campaign!

  184. Legerwood says:

    I see Better Together has been fined £2000 because they failed to produce a report about all of their expenditure during the indyref campaign.

    Article about it in the on-line Herald.

  185. heedtracker says:

    This is a people’s movement- not the vehicle for egos and we need to start pushing forward regardless of this clear difference in tactics.

    Logic dictates, greens and rise, Bella Caledonia or the Commonweal should be going after the right in Scotland, not SNP, or at least hitting the tories a lot more than they’re hitting SNP.

    Green’s in particular have clear tory opposition to green policies across the UK.

  186. tartanarse says:


    Is it just my device or us Twitter broke?

  187. call me dave says:

    @Tam Jardine

    I think you echo the feelings and aspirations of many who post and read here.

    SNP x 2 we can sort out where we go from independence.

  188. NewportDee says:

    So many inaccuracies in one short article. The worrying thing is some readers will believe the guff he has written.

  189. Graham MacLure says:

    Free Scotland @ 11.30

    Have I got this right?

    “The person who holds the post of Chair of the Constitutional Affairs Committee is telling the public that the SNP took “all but two” of the available Scottish seats at the 2015 General Election?”

    Does The Chair of the Constitutional Affairs Committee knows something that we don’t?

  190. Petra says:

    @ Tam Jardine at 11:28am ….

    Totally agree with you Tam.

  191. Petra says:

    You wouldn’t know where to start with this propaganda piece from division amongst Scots, to the EU and MORE than anything ”its (Scotlands) Government relies on a massive subsidy”.

    I see that Al-Stuart (3:00am) is trying to do something about this ”PLEASE CAN FELLOW WINGS OVER SCOTLAND READERS JOIN ME IN MAKING A FORMAL COMPLAINT TO CITY AM?”

    Well done and thanks for that Al. It might be a good idea to send a copy off to IPSO too.

    Meanwhile we should think of constructing a concise article to put this nonsensical MYTH to bed for once and for all. This is probably the number one reason (other than the currency issue) for people voting NO for Independence. One generation of Scots after another being brainwashed (by people like Jenkin) for over 300 years now into thinking that we are too wee, poor and stupid to run our own Country. Having to suffer stories of Scotlands 8 billion black hole (or has it risen again?) whilst the Tories (Labour and Libdem) are standing, with their fingers up their noses, gazing into the bottomless black chasm that they have created … and in turn we have to fork out a 10% share of paying off the interest on THEIR debt.

    As to the EU? We were told that if we voted YES the EU would give Scotland short shrift.

    (100 Days To Go: Scotland to vote on independence, might risk EU, NATO membership)

    link to

    Scotland voted NO and we can clearly see now that all of their threats with regard to us voting YES are, conversely, coming to pass from job losses to potentially not being a member of the EU at all. Would the EU want to lose Scotland when we, with 1% of Europes population, contribute 25% of Europes tidal energy, 25% of wind power, 10% of wave energy, over 60% of EU oil production (largest oil reserve in the EU) and 33% of the EUs total hydrocarbon production?

    (Scotland cannot be thrown out of EU – Dr. Nicolas Levrat, head of the Institute of Global Studies at the University of Geneva)

    link to

    It also begs the question what exactly / how much does England contribute to the EU in comparison to Scotland?

  192. Macart says:

    @Tam Jardine

    Well said. 🙂

  193. call me dave says:

    Wa’s like us eh!

    Waiting times panic says Auntie in Scotland but when you look across the UK it’s not all bad news. Still, scorn will be spouted and SG bad.

    link to

    Anyhoo don’t get too upset.

    England figures 14th Jan 2016 (monthly now) remember when ‘Scottish’ labour demanded that Scottish figures be published weekly the same as in England.

    link to

    Wales: Not archived as the map disappears.

    link to

    N. Ireland:

    link to

  194. bjsalba says:


    Breeks says:
    19 January, 2016 at 7:06 am
    I have some reservations about Europe, but I am very much pro the EU. I often wonder whether my reservations are the result of the same poisonous media we are subjected to, which scarcely has a good word to say about anything European.

    Highly likely. I keep coming across snippets about the EU/Europe that I have heard not a peep about in UK media. It isn’t easy to find out more, but where I have been able to do so, it is obvious that what we hear has been – shall we say – modified somewhat.

  195. call me dave says:

    Another labour council leader decides to quit.

    link to

    Do you detect a trend here? (rhetorical)

  196. Petra says:


    @ Effijy says at 10:52 pm … ”On APD, Labour leader Kezia Dugdale said: “This is one tax cut that Labour wouldn’t make, we would use that money differently. “We have evidence to show that every £1,000 used to cut air passenger duty supports about nine jobs, that is the Edinburgh Airport figure.”

    Here we go yet again with Dippity Dug’s incomprehension of APD. Dippity doesn’t know that this Tax doesn’t go to the airlines, she doesn’t understand that by not cutting APD she doesn’t generate additional funds, she wants to spend all of her imaginary fund on Education, and all of it on the NHS, and all of it on Welfare???

    The stupid women seems to be saying that if the Scottish Government does cut this Air Passenger Tax, in order to stimulate tourism and generate more for our economy than the tax delivers, we would lose jobs at Edinburgh Airport- because it would become much busier than it is now? Not only is Dippity and Labour completely brain dead, but what used to be called journalists now seem to be Union funded Zombies.”

    As you say Effigy Kezia Dugdale doesn’t seem to have any idea at all of the economical benefits of cutting APD. Name of the game SNP Baad!

    Additionally when she spouts figures such as £4 here and £70 odd pound there she doesn’t seem to have taken into account that many Scots are paying through the nose for flights alone in comparison to the English.

    Many airlines don’t come to Scotland at all which means that as often as not you have to travel to England for a flight, another clear sign that we are Englands wee colony. Something that Kezia seems happy enough to comply with.

    As an example a few years ago I was fortunate enough to ‘inherit’ a 3 week holiday ownership (time share) in Madeira. Flights from Scotland are limited to using Easyjet from Edinburgh, Jet2 from Glasgow, Thomsons (when you can get them) and BA via Gatwick. The cost of flying from Scotland is extortionate such as this year BA (one stopover at Gatwick) is £406, Jet2 £355, Easyjet £325 and Thomsons £649 (closest to my dates). Flying from Manchester to Funchal on my dates costs £215. Monarch et all are charging a similar amount.

    In the past, to cut costs, I’ve driven to Manchester (plus car parking), flown to London and even flown to Bristol (and paid for pre flight B&B). The flights from England plus petrol, carparking or B&B costs are often far cheaper than flying directly from Scotland.

    I’ve mentioned Madeira but could list any number of times I’ve had to fly from England to go elsewhere and of course this applies, vice versa, to people, Worldwide, who want to visit Scotland which of course impacts on our tourism industry and business in general. It also means that tourists who want to visit Scotland ONLY often fly to England to get to Scotland generating more revenue for them (as I have done!).

    It’s high time KD and SLab got their act together. Got their thinking caps on and abacus out or is she still simply taking orders from Westminster to the detriment of the Scots … once again?

  197. Inverclyder says:

    Mention of Wings on the English Broadcasting Corporation site…

    Better Together fined by Electoral Commission over referendum spending
    link to

  198. schrodingers cat says:

    Ken500 says:
    It will be ironic if Scottish votes keep the rest of the UK in a Union they don’t want. After Scotland being cheated out of it’s Independence.

    Will the EU Ref bring Independence?

    I hope so, but the latest Scottish poll
    68% IN 27% OUT 5% DK

    for simplicity sake, if 2% of DK gives the Scottish in vote a total of 70%

    and assuming that scotland and the ruk have the same proportion of voters to entire population, 8.4% in Scotland, although scotlands population is slightly older on average

    also assuming the same turnout in Scotland and the rUK, although Scotland is generally higher

    then a 70-30% in favour of IN the EU is

    40%= 4 x 0.84% = 3.36%

    latest polls in the rUK are 47-53% for out

    we are very close to Scotland keeping England IN against their wishes, ironic, perhaps, but undesirable, a brexit may be our best chance for indyref2.

    indeed, the ruk needs to poll greater than 52% out to be assured of a brexit.

  199. Nana says:

    @call me dave

    Angus Robertson tweeted a labour councillor in Moray has gone over to the snp. Think I spotted the tweet on Monday.
    Twitter down at the moment so can’t check.

  200. HandandShrimp says:

    The £2,000 fine for Better Together did make me smile.

    I do hope Sevy devotes a whole story to it like he did Wings over on the Groan. Wouldn’t want to be accused of being biased.

  201. Paula Rose says:

    @ schrodingers cat – I would have thought a Scottish vote keeping England in the EU would also lead to a change.

  202. Broch Landers says:

    The Unionist Virtual Reality Helmet is a wonderful device. Even if it does mean constantly tripping over things in the real world.

  203. Effijy says:

    Petra says:
    19 January, 2016 at 1:03 pm

    @ Effijy says at 10:52 pm

    Thanks Petra, you have a very good point indeed about Scots air passengers having to pay more than our English counterparts.

    I watched consumer affairs programme yesterday where an English Couple booked up a cruise departing from Australia, and immediately advised their Australian Holiday companions to book up within the hour as they could get the identical cabin next to theirs.

    The Australian couple got their identical cruise only holiday
    for “1,700 less?

    The UK government allows UK Citizens to get ripped off and then
    permits the Scots to endure another tier of holiday pricing abuse.

    We are third class on a global scale and second class in the UK “

  204. Paula Rose says:

    Hold on – I’ve just noticed that piece of “writing” asserts that I am a
    “Corbynista-type anti-English radical” – that is news to me.

  205. Dr Jim says:

    Every pollster says they made an error in the GE because of their sampling methods, no problem with that it happens

    But even after the pollsters evidence of the mistake the Labour Yoons and the “Journalsts” still say……..Aye but it was still the fault of the SNP which must be definite evidence of the fact the Yoons still don’t know what to do

    Now they’re blaming the polls for folk not voting for them
    SNP Baad, Voters Baad, Pollsters Baad

    Who’s left? Hmm….

  206. schrodingers cat says:

    what happens if bt cant or don’t pay?, can we expect to see blair mcdougal make a guest appearance in the local clink brass band?

  207. K1 says:

    If it’s the ‘fine’ (electoral) you are referring to S’sCat, they already paid it.

  208. 10/30 says:

    Re Petra @ 1.03pm

    Last September our flight Glasgow/Luton/Luton/Faro return (eastjet) was cheaper than the direct flight from Glasgow to Faro return (eastjet).

  209. Lenny Hartley says:

    Petra 1.03

    I was in Siemens riep airport in Cambodia four years ago and there was a direct flight to Helsinki, funny how a wee country like Finland can have direct international flights and I could not even fly to Cambodia direct from Engerland nor even Vietnam.

  210. Tam Jardine says:

    Paula Rose

    For Bernie Jenkin you simply don’t exist- you are an impossible enigma. Independence supporters are meant to be umpteenth generation Scottish white middle aged male fitba supporters with chips on shoulders.

    ‘Anti-English’ must be the most abused and overused term in UK politics in the last 20 years. There is not a day goes by when I do not read tweets, online newspaper articles and below the line comments by the score where Scottish people are described as whinging, greedy, ungrateful anti-English subsidy junkies.

    This site, despite being the most high profile vanguard of the kind of person Bernie thinks he is erroneously describing provides guy few examples of any kind of anti-English xenophobia. If examples were readily available the press would be all over it. They are not.

    There are however an awful lot of people out there who are not only anti-Scottish but think that is a completely justified position. This is fuelled by politicians and journalists affirming it casually when chance arises: see Nick Robinson as a perfect example who deliberately and very publicly distorted the 100% justified criticism of his active campaigning for the UK establishment.

    We’ve been demonised Paula- like the reds-under-the-beds- we are the enemy now, and it doesn’t matter which part of the UK you are from or if you are a glamorous and coquettish sophisticate: people with narrow minds have created the movement in their own minds and it is much easier to think SNP=anti-English.

    If guys like Bernie understood the type of people that are actually in the campaign for Scottish independence that is too close to admitting that maybe in some areas we have a point. And that would never do.

  211. Effijy says:

    The thought has a ring of justice to it, but if Scotland’s vote to remain in the EU overturned England’s desire to rebuild their Empire.

    Please do recognise that when voting on general issues within Westminster, the Scottish MPs Votes in parliament only overturn the English MPs preference in 0.6% of occasions!

    In other word we are looking at odds of roughly 200/1.
    What the heck, give me £10 on it for the shear joy of supporting it.

  212. Andy-B says:

    Jeez oh, that’s a remarkably blinkered and short sighted report from Mr Jenkins, not only is it laced with inaccuracies, it’s rather insulting into the bargain.

  213. Andrew McLean says:

    Tam Jardine 2:31

    We’ve been demonised Paula- like the reds-under-the-beds- we are the enemy now,

    Sorry to bust your bubble Tam, but you and I and Paula et al we were always the enemy.

    Thru the ages we who fight for a free Scotland have been abused, ridiculed and punished dependant on the morals of the day, but isn’t it better to fight on the side of the Angels, than the deil!

  214. Ghillie says:

    Tam Jardine 11.28am 19.01.2016

    Well said Tam.

    I will be voting with my head and my heart.

    I truly wish to see everyone vote as their conscience and instincts guide them,whether that is for their party of choice or trying a tactical vote. And to be left in peace and respect to do so.


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    • sarah on Green Eggs And Bams: “Focussing on getting the hell out of this dreadful Union, there’s one thing that ALL Yes voters have to do…Mar 6, 22:06
    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Cheers GM, It’ll be a good night, even if there’s not that many of us. 🙂Mar 6, 21:59
    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: “Sorry Dan, I didn’t bother reading your ill-tempered, abusive and no doubt factually illiterate rant. Your belief that wind energy…Mar 6, 21:42
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “Thanks Sarah. No idea what kind of turnout to expect but the capacity of the function room is 100. 🙂Mar 6, 20:13
    • diabloandco on Green Eggs And Bams: “I’m with you too Breeks.Mar 6, 20:04
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Correct Breeks. I’m with you as well. Scotland has been hollowed out by successive Governments including the SNP led governments…Mar 6, 19:30
    • twathater on Green Eggs And Bams: “@ Breeks and 100% yes, YES there are many dullards and fuckwits out there who will continue to vote for…Mar 6, 19:28
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    • Hatey McHateface on Green Eggs And Bams: ““The Russtis are not our enemies” Phew, thank feck for that. So when one of their senior politicians calls for…Mar 6, 18:33
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    • Ian Brotherhood on Green Eggs And Bams: “No, Breeks, you’re not an ‘oddity’. 🙂Mar 6, 18:02
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    • Marie on Green Eggs And Bams: “Illogical hatred – indeed it is Helen.Mar 6, 17:37
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