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Wings Over Scotland

The Great Unmasking

Posted on November 26, 2022 by
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George Gannon

Talk about masks slipping. This one’s been blown off the bloody hinges.

Dave M

I wondered if Chris would also be returning! Welcome back ?

Mark Boyle

What’s this? Nine thirty in the morning and no comments to this? Are the usual suspects too busy sleeping off the previous night’s binge on supermarket own brand alcoholic beverages to fuel their “careers” vomiting up the same conspiracy theories and crackpot rantings at the world daily?

Oh well, may as well do the honours – welcome back Chris!

And yes, nice take on the much missed Trog (Wally Fawkes) – even Thatcher admitted that his Flook strip was the best sartirical commentaries on the events of the day in print.

Geoff Anderson

Welcome back


Great! He’s back! 🙂 HMP Northern TerriTories

frank gillougley

That really is a belter.


Very classy and truly classic! Absolutely one of the most intelligent and perceptive of political cartoonists!


Unionism truly is Orange.
link to
Psychological warfare machine.

Christopher Pike

“A SECTION 30 order granted after a pro- independence win in a de facto referendum would “honour democracy”, the convener of the SNP ’s policy group has said.

However Toni Giugliano, the SNP’s policy development convener, told The Scotsman that a pro-independence majority could “start negotiations” with the UK Government and result in the granting of a Section 30 order.”

Another mandate for the gullible.

link to

Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

Linda McFarlane

So scary true Chris. So glad to welcome you back.

Jockanese Wind Talker

Welcome back Chris, nicely done.

“Unionism truly is Orange.” @Ottomanboi says at 10:00 am

Aye this is Londons rallying call to the “No Surrender” knuckle draggers in Scotland who will terrorise the public to defend their fetid Union even though they have just been legally downgraded to Second class citizens by the SC.

Westminster will not give up Scotland’s resources without a fight, that fight will be dirty and looks like they’ve found their boot boys (and will use Frank Kitsons playbook), makes sense that Polis Scotland hired all those Ulster types as senior officers now.


Welcome back Chris, another stoater, the mask has more than slipped it’s been removed completely, and what’s behind it isn’t a pretty sight.

Alison Ross

Welcome back Chris!


Ottomanboi @10am.

I recall Foster at the front of an O/O march in Cowdenbeath, she’s such a lovely person…not.

link to

Robert Louis

Great for Chris to be back. However…..

However, I am normally quite well tuned to things, but I have not got a clue what this alludes to, or indeed who the faces belong to. Forgive me, it is a Saturday. Anyone willing to explain for those facing similar unparalleled cognitive limitations today??


Robert Louis.

I think it’s John Bull first with his smiley face, (its false, a mask) and as the mask is removed, the true John Bull is exposed

John Bull is the national personification of England.

Robert Louis

Republic of scotland,

Thanks. Boy I am slow today…

Robert Hughes

Robert Louis

Behind the avuncular John Bull personification of England lies the authoritarian reality of State power . That’s my reading , anyway

Storming return , Chris


Another face of «the beast»
link to
Ya gotta admit these Unionist ladies got big balls.

Robert Louis

So a great cartoon, Scotland enslaved by England, and its assets stolen on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the English red and blue tories from little britain, whine on about democracy and ‘human rights’ all around the world*

*Except in Scotland.

This is what the English did over and over again all over the world. Colony after colony. wealth stolen, cultures destroyed, and languages mocked. Scotland is England’s last colony. Time these barstweards were booted out of Scotland for good.

Graeme Hampton

I was wondering if the band was truly getting back together. Lovely to see cairnstoon again

Robert Hughes

@ ROS ….. didn’t see your reply to Robert Louis before posting my own

John Johnstone

Great to see Chris back.

Bob Mack

The more things change the more they stay the same.

stuart mctavish

To be fair to John Bull/Scot Squad, according to testimony yet to be declared defamatory (including her own) in Canada’s emergency inquiry, the whole shambles ushering in the police state was ordered by a Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced bouquet) type character alleged to have been running its privy council (and not, say, Paris, Beijing, Washington or even the pink news after all) – so great to see that good/bad/fair cop looks like he might be about to start roaring with genuine laughter too.

dave mcpherson

welcome to the colonies Chris.


Got your pre-Christmas long-weekend break sorted yet Chris? Italy will be a quieter place than usual during this World Cup sadly. Just a thought…
Welcome back!


@ Robert Louis: the Supreme Court’s decision has put Scotland in captivity [they think].

The cap badge in Chris’s cartoon says “HM Prison”.

On the nail.

Jim Thomson

Really good to have you back, Chris 🙂

Robert Hughes

Ottomanboi says:
26 November, 2022 at 10:47 am
Another face of «the beast»
link to

” Ya gotta admit these Unionist ladies got big balls. ”

And necks of solid brass .

Big Arlene is shaping-up to be the Norn Irish version of Gordie The Broon eg a has-been wannabe ” Influencers ” .

Two * characters * in search of a play .

Looks like wonder ( bra ) kid Laydee Mone is set to be the sacrificial goat for the select Tory Billion Dollar Covid Bonanza/Plunder rap. Well , she’s Scottish , so , expendable .

Dido is probably making another dreary album

Couldn’t happen to lovelier person . Bet she ” does a lot for charidy “


It’s a great picture that gives emphasis to the bipolar attitude of England towards Scotland… we are equal partners and jolly good chums until we attempt to leave the Union — at that point we are imprisoned and our chums are transformed into prison guards.

Sturgeon wouldn’t have any trouble reading this one. Her cosy peaceful-coexistence pact with the British State and its MSM unraveled the minute she started talking about independence and plebiscitary elections — all of a sudden Alex is on mainstream TV and everyone is gunning for her…

Great new beginning, Chris and I much prefer these sort of cryptic ones.


@Robert Louis

“Scotland is England’s last colony.”

Don’t forget our Welsh cousins!

Adam Price, the leader of Plaid Cymru, titled his book: ‘Wales: The First and Last Colony’.

From which one might suspect that he expects Scotland to be freed before his beloved homeland.



Christopher Pike @ 10.08.

The Toni Giugliano comment.

Well there you have further confirmation of the utter uselessness of the proposed Plebs Biscuity election. No doubt the watering down of what it would achieve will drip steadily out, but the mugs will still fall for it.

Robin McAlpine sums it all up in his latest article.

It reminded me of the person asking for directions.

Can you tell me the way to independence? Answer: I wouldn’t start from here.


Who would you put behind the sturgeon mask

stuart mctavish


Pls excuse my misinterpretation which I’d like to pretend came from having more history with nurses in uniform than prison officers.

With that in mind, would love to see more cartoons about contemporary prison planet full of nurse batshit imagery (from one flew over the cuckoos nest) but fully appreciate why such perverted reasoning might be construed as being a bit too selfish/ optimistic these days.


The Great Unmasking – but not just John Bull’s benevolent face of colonialisation.
Nicola Sturgeon was been unmasked by Alex Salmond (without actually acusing her of deliberately undermining Independence) and by Robin McAlpine where he points out exactly what she has been doing.
I wondered what effect these two items would have on the WGD. I haven’t read it recently but went back and looked at the latest piece of writing, thinking there might be a little spark there that not all is well.
I got as far are this sentence and gave up:
“There will be a special conference of the SNP early in the New Year – just a few weeks away now – to plan for that historic election.”
I can’t add anything to that!


Ottomanboi says on 26 November 2022 at 10:00 am
“Unionism truly is Orange.
link to
Psychological warfare machine.”

Arlene Foster really needs to keep her scabby bigoted Catholic hating sectarian BritNat mouth shut and stay the f@ck out of Scottish politics.

Also, has anyone else noticed the BBC in Scotland coincidentally pushing the ‘Norn Irn’ crap too? With their repeated showing of their documentary: The War Next Door – Scotland and the Troubles.

It has just recently finished its 4th or 5th rerun. It was first shown on BBC ONE Scotland, then on BBC2, then on BBC ALBA and it has now been shown once or twice on that other ‘Mickey Mouse’ “Scottish” channel BBC Scotland.


Unionism, the soi disant «High Court» and its «judgment» and Hubris.

[Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one’s own competence, accomplishments, or capabilities]

Imperialist Hubris
«Functioning empires produce a form of consciousness that I call imperialist hubris. Racism is often a major component of such imperialist hubris. The population of the imperial country deems itself RACIALLY SUPERIOR to the populations of the countries it dominates. Thus domination becomes a prerogative of racial superiority and harm inflicted upon the racial inferior is of no moral consequence. EXCEPTIONALISM is another frequent component of imperialist hubris. The imperial society regards itself as exceptional: It is different from and better than other societies, and therefore not bound by the same rules that apply to the latter. In order to provide exceptional benefits to the world, the exceptional country must escape the constraints of international law. PARANOIA, or a sense of looming peril, is often a third element of imperialist hubris. Imperial paranoia suggests that civilization is threatened by an enormous danger against which imperial domination is the only realistic safeguard. Empires may have unfortunate consequences, but a sturdy empire is absolutely necessary to forestall global chaos or worse. IGNORANCE and disinterest in the rest of the world is a final ingredient of imperialist hubris. Ignorant people focused entirely on their own lives will believe virtually anything spoon-fed to them by the corporate-controlled mass media»

I think many will recognize the symptoms.

Robert Hughes

@ Grouser

” I got as far are this sentence and gave up:
“There will be a special conference of the SNP early in the New Year – just a few weeks away now – to plan for that historic election.”
I can’t add anything to that! ”

Someone posted a link on the previous post to WGD’s punctuation mark rearranging * new * article . Like you , I wondered if there was any sign of a functioning , critical mind emerging : also like you , I stopped at that exact point you quote .

Hopeless , and hopelessly STILL propagating the same unmitigated pish

Rab Davis

Stoker. 12.46pm

This was set up months ago, it was with our very own Baroness Tank Commander Davidson.

Her and Arlene Foster were going to tour the whole UK, telling everyone of the benefits of the Union.

I don’t know what’s happened to Ruth the Mooth.


Right for those who haven’t E-Mailed, or if you prefer to write to your SNP/Green MSPs, if you have them that is, here again is the link to do so. Again either enter your postcode to see which MSPs are yours or scroll down through them till you see your region under a MSPs name (an indy one that is SNP/Green) and click on the little envelope next to their picture.

link to

And the other link (below) is the Rev’s excellent article on how we can exit the union using a Holyrood election, of which you should outline to your SNP/Green MSP.

link to

I know it’s a long shot, but we MUST explore every avenue, and the SNP/Green MSPs hold the key to a democratic way out of this prison like union that we are in. The FM wants to wait a whopping two-years for the next GE and attempt to use it as a plebiscite, even then there’s no guarantee that it will happen, but we control a Holyrood election, which if the SNP/Green MSPs follow the Rev’s excellent plan would see us hold a Holyrood election next year as a plebiscite.


Found this article lurking way down deep in the MSN.

‘Nicola Sturgeon’s plans are ‘simply nuts’ says her former law professor’ link to

There are a few juicy parts worth savouring, such as:

“I fear we must accept our failure to teach our student Nicola Sturgeon much about democracy. But I take comfort from the words of the traditional Scots legal apprenticeship indenture, where it states that we, the qualified professionals, need only teach the young ones ‘insofar as they are capable of learning’.” Sturgeon’s former law Professor.

And this:

“But SNP insiders expressed fears that it was the First Minister who had committed a major “strategic blunder” by asking the court for a ruling on whether she had the power to stage another vote.”

“They said the five justices’ unanimous verdict that she did not, and Ms Sturgeon’s de facto referendum ploy, threatened to set back the independence movement by decades and could even be “terminal”.”

Would love to know who the SNP “insider” was that gave that quote.


According to Ashlene Foster, the SNP is anti-Indian!!!
Can anyone enlighten me…what this can possibly mean?
Has Angus Robertson left Tendulkar out of his Top 10 All-Time Cricketers?
Did Nicola Sturgeon not make it to the end of A Suitable Boy?
Did Ambassador Alyn ‘Tilt’ Smith leave PM Modi off his Winterval card list…by accident?
So many possibilities but what did Ashlene mean? The suspense is killing me…


@ Rab Davis says on 26 November 2022 at 1:29 pm:

“I don’t know what’s happened to Ruth the Mooth.”

Like all Scottish Unionist politicians, Rab, great at organising controversial events and snidely provoking BritNats into action. But when the chips are down these cowards run a mile and do everything possible to distance themselves from it. Shitebags, the lot of them. And ‘The Mooth’ is the queen of them, a smouldering sack of rancid festering excremental offerings. Her and Arlene, 2 peas in a pod.


Our FM Nicola Sturgeon said on finding out the UKSC ruling.

“Now that the Supreme Court’s ruling is known and de facto referendum is no longer hypothetical, it is necessary to agree the precise detail of the proposition we intend to put before the country,” Ms Sturgeon has said.

“She added: “I can therefore confirm that I will be asking our National Executive Committee to convene a special party conference in the new year to discuss and agree the detail of a proposed ‘de facto referendum’.”

link to

If as she says the SNPs NEC will convene a special party conference in the new year, it must be put to her that a Holyrood election using the route where she resigns to trigger a new Holyrood election that can be used as a democratic plebiscite on whether to stay or leave this onesided union is the best and quickest option. As the Rev has pointed out unlike a GE election our 16 and 17 years can vote in a Holyrood election.

Why wait two more years for a GE where Westminster controls the shots and will probably shoot a plebiscitary GE vote down, when we have a perfectly viable and democratic route via a Holyrood election with the added benefits of 16 and 17 years being allowed to vote in it.

James Che


Nice to see you have returned .


I might be picking this up wrong but it sounds as though for the SNP’s Tony Giugliano, that a win in a GE de facto plebiscite, which is a whopping two-years away, might lead to the UK government coming around the table and issuing a S30.

” Toni Giugliano, the SNP’s policy development convener, told The Scotsman that a pro-independence majority could “start negotiations” with the UK Government and result in the granting of a Section 30 order.”

link to

Tinto Chiel

What Willie said @ 9.29 a.m. on the previous thread was strangely prescient of Chris’s cartoon, particularly this bit:

“As an arm of the British state, and if you look at the complexion of the senior officers being ex RUC, ex National Crime Agency, Ex Military Police, ex Military intelligence, you’ll see how Police Scotland is so similar to the late foul apartheid era South African Police Force. (but Salmond, Hirst, Murray, Singh, Ferrier and many more tells us that already, and this latest political intervention tells us that independence marches are set to be banned.”

Nice cap badge detail, Mr Cairns.

James Che


It is also nice to see you have returned to wings along with many others,
I read some of you’re posts elsewhere on other sites, did not agree with everything you said, but a lot of common sense in some of your writings that were thought provoking

We suspected others of reading Wings but stopped commenting due to verbal abuse as a constant.
Now Stu is back it has calmed down considerably. It is pleasant to read everyones comments and thoughts again regardless wether we all agree.

Welcome back to all, Chris, Stu, Mia and many others, you have been missed as the voices of Scotland.


I’m utterly lost for words with this, we all know fine well what and who Stewart McDonald represents, here’s a clue it’s not Scots or Scotland.

“THE winners of the SNP’s annual awards have been announced.

Winners were celebrated during the party’s St Andrew’s Day dinner, which took place at the Glasgow Marriott hotel last night.

Westminster MP Stewart McDonald was voted as Parliamentarian of the Year, just days after being named as the ‘Best Scot at Westminster’ at The Herald’s Scottish Politician of the Year awards.

Earlier this year he was also named ‘Best Scot at Westminster’ at the Holyrood Magazine Political Awards.”

link to

James Che


A lot to ask a busy man with this blog, research and a family life,

But I was wondering wether you would consider a regular Weekend break for yourself by simply posting some of your wildlife photographs for weekends.

James Che


That is insinuating a Scot is a visitor to Westminster rather than a part of the political system of Britain,
It implies a Scot is from a different country.

Chris Cairns

Hello all – and thanks for the kind words. Feels a bit weird this, given my valedictory of just over a year ago – and not a huge amount having changed since then.
But perhaps the need for Wings has actually never been greater. He is, after all, the Francis Urquhart of the Yes movement – necessary for ‘keeping the troops in line, putting a bit of stick about, making ’em jump’ 😀
Anyway, from Dobbs to Longfellow: let’s be up and doing!

Jerry Carroll

Yaaay Holiday boy is back too!!


Welcome Back, Chris.

As the “indyninja on twitter ” says :


Sturgeon is responsible for this.

Let’s never forget this.


Well drawn Chris and well said too. Welcome back.


Hopefully the penny has now dropped or soon will for those who supported Nicola’s Plebs Biscuity election as a means to salvation.

The cat was out of the bag when Mhairi posted her tweet in September. It’s now running down the street after Toni Giugliano’s comments.

Even the readers of the National are posting comments of disbelief.

8 years of pounding round the track and they thought the winning post was in sight only to be told it was just a warm-up lap and they will soon be starting the real race.

A real independence movement can only start when all the SNP troughers in both parliaments are consigned to the rubbish bin, with Nicola at the bottom of the haep


All bets here of when “Holiday Boy” will take his First Holiday…

Welcome back Chris, Tis grand tae see ye back here again, your political drawings have been sorely missed.


First we have Toni Giugliano, the SNP’s policy development convenor hoping that a win in de facto GE which is a whopping two-years away, will lead to nothing more than the Westminster government issuing an S30, now we have a campaign group which has launched a fundraiser to take on 20 SNP seats at the next General Election, Scotland In Union, (though it should be called Scotland in Prison for that where it is within this onesided union) it will have access to abundant “Dark Money” and a whole two-years to get organised.

Meanwhile our FM could easily hold a Holyrood election next year as a plebiscite, and save all of us two more years of pain and misery, as we wait for the next GE where our prize if we win a de facto GE will be the hope that Westminster feels some sort of compassion, or some form of democratic guilt and agrees to issue an S30 order.

The above option just isn’t acceptable, that’s why we need our SNP/Green MSPs to do the right thing and stand up and be counted, and compel our FM Nicola Sturgeon to resign and trigger a Holyrood election.

They MUST do it they MUST compel Sturgeon to resign, if they care about Scotland they’ll do it. Our FM MUST resign for the good of Scotland, she knows it’s the right thing to do, her MSPs must know it’s the right thing to do, and we know it’s the right thing to do, it MUST be done.

link to

Graf Midgehunter

As commented by a couple of other folks above, Robin McAlpine has written an article about how on earth Nicola S. managed, through utter incompetence, to bring the road to independence to the edge of destruction.

Read it and understand why happy-clappy marches won’t get you Indy.

If you’re going to march, then get a 100.000 of you to Bute House and Parliament, right to the heart of where the Sturgeon cabal sits. Make damm well sure they know why you’re there and that any of the MSP cowards that don’t start to speak up will be rhetorically tarred an’ feathered.

link to


Interesting link, Stoker @ 1.31pm

However, Alistair Bonnington’s opinions are simply those of the Unionist establishment, so his criticisms of Sturgeon are typical of a Unionist perspective eg. ‘our law won’t allow her to keep holding referendums as regularly as she wants.’

As well as the absolute star prize for unconscious irony – that her definition of democracy was ‘nothing more than the dictatorship of the majority.’ Wonderful. I look forward to more ‘enlightening’ attacks of his which blow up his own argument. Presumably it’s more democratic to have a ‘dictatorship of the minority.’

Vivian O’Blivion

Robin McAlipine raises an interesting point in his latest blog regarding how the British State are likely to dismiss any outcome of a Plebiscite election advantageous to us.
The turnout for IndyRef I was extraordinary high (84.6%) in comparison to a typical UK, GE (67.5%).
Taking a typical turnout for a Westminster GE in Scotland, we would require to achieve 76% of the vote just to match the 2,001,926 No votes in 2014.
“We won!”
“Yeh, so what! More people voted No in 2014. Get back in your box Jocks.”

Going for a Holyrood, Plebiscite would be more likely to expand the turnout by focusing on the constitution and avoiding the inevitable media chatter of an impending “Starmergeddon”. Also, the Holyrood franchise is greater.
With increased focus and enthusiasm, we could push voter turnout from a typical Holyrood level (63% in 2021 was an all time high), closer to a referendum level.
A 80% turnout would only require 58.5% of votes to match the 2,001,926 No votes in 2014.
Conversely if we went for a Holyrood Plebiscite and didn’t manage to raise the turnout beyond 63%, we would require 74% of the vote to match the 2,001,926 No votes from 2014.


Welcome home, Chris.

How illuminating. The most shocking revelation that Scotland has no right to self-determination is swept under the carpet.

A one day wonder.

No mention of the shattering of the lie that Scotland was an equal partner in a voluntary union by the BBC.

We saw England’s oppression for just a moment. A glitch in the matrix. A rent in the curtain, then the curtain of silence descends again.

I would have had a cartoon of John Bull sweeping the Act of Union under the carpet.

Angry? Anger does not come close to describing my feelings.

But I will never, never, never, vote SNP again, as this happened on Sturgeon’s watch. Although she was not watching. She was sleeping.

Wake up, Scotland.

See the SNP for the Toom Tabard it has become under Stureon & Blackford. Both devolutionists to their stubby finger tips.


Good to have you back, Chris. Better than ever. Do one like that for two-faced Stewart McDonald SNP MP. See The National for his picture after being awarded a MP of the year prize last night by his fellow SNP tractors.

John Walsh

I’m afraid we are lost in the reality that Sturgeon being advised badly has us in a continuous default position of arguing amongst ourselves.
There are people in the independence movement that would rather enjoy smelling the farts of unicorns than face the fact that constitutionally we are down a cul-de-sac. And until the Sturgeon’s step aside nothing is going to happen. In 2 years time all the hard work people have done for the cause will be lost to apathy.
And The BWITISH establishment will have won.
‘A once in a generation’ Opportunity squandered by a fearty. NuNewLabour will eat away at SNP seats. Gleefully assisted by their MSM colonial friends .


Vivian O’Blivion says:
26 November, 2022 at 3:23 pm

….Taking a typical turnout for a Westminster GE in Scotland, we would require to achieve 76% of the vote just to match the 2,001,926 No votes in 2014.
“We won!”
“Yeh, so what! More people voted No in 2014. Get back in your box Jocks.”

Thing that gets me, and Alex Salmond picks up on it, is going to Court to present the case for “getting permission” is just the wrong way to go about things.

Be bold. Implement the Claim of Right, enact Scotland’s sovereignty, hold your referendum or plebiscite, DO IT, then the onus is on “them” to find a way of stopping you or overturning the result.

Let “them” test the Claim of Right in Court when all the paperwork, treaties and precedents, vindicate Scotland’s Constitutional integrity, and where King Charles III can be called as expert witness.

Best not to let Bain or Sturgeon run our defence right enough…


OSTRACISED BY SNP- Alex Salmond, Jim Sillars, Kenny MacAskill, Neale Hanvey, Joanna Cherry, Mark Hirst, Robin McAlpine, Joan McAlpine, Craig Murray, Wings, Ian Lawson, Barrhead Boy, Tommy Sheridan…..who else?

INVITED IN BY SNP – Murray Foote (author of the vow) Many young woke who are more interested in gender politics…and most of them don’t even seem remotely interested in independence…who else?


Ach, seeing as Stewart MacDonald is mentioned “winning” “awards” and there may be new readership what with with Wings getting airborne again. Here’s a bump of a classic old article and one wonders how he hasn’t been booted oot the SNP like some were.

link to


JGedd says:26 November, 2022 at 3:22 pm
Interesting link, Stoker @ 1.31pm
As well as the absolute star prize for unconscious irony – that her definition of democracy was ‘nothing more than the dictatorship of the majority.’ Wonderful. I look forward to more ‘enlightening’ attacks of his which blow up his own argument. Presumably it’s more democratic to have a ‘dictatorship of the minority.’
Haven’t you got your Majorities” and your “Minorities ” mixed up here ? link to

Andy Ellis

Great to see Chris back and coming out of the chocks like his legs were coiled springs propelling him down the tracks.

As for some of the comments above, isn’t the whole point of winning a majority in a plebiscitary election the fact that by demonstrating a clear majority for independence, in response to a clear plebiscitary mandate requested by pro-independence parties, EVERYTHING else falls away.

We don’t need to bother about Claims of Right, Conventions, confirmatory referendums.

The moment the count reaches 50% + 1 votes for pro-independence parties, Scotland becomes de facto independent. No ifs, not buts, no maybes.

All that is left is to negotiate the details of the divorce agreement and the de jure part of independence.

Obviously it would be better if we had a convincing pro-independence % for independence, but lets’ face it the chances of us obtaining “Norway 1905” levels of support are not that great.

The higher the number, the easier the post vote ride will be, but British nationalists and Scottish unionists are in no position to cavil at a close result given the precedent of brexit, or the 1979 referendum. What is sauce for the goose, is sauce for the gander. If 52% is good enough for brexit, it’s good enough for independence too. The Yes side didn’t reject the 55% to 45% vote in 2014.

We just need an independence movement with the balls to take rather than ask.


Direct link posted by Joe to unionist rag archived.

link to


I thought using the Westminster plebisitary election to get a coalition with labour to get permission was a joke, but at a recent meeting I was told it is to be Nicola’s plan.

It is a plan to fail

I am now convinced she has been ‘got at’ and is working the delays in return for protection.

The delaying and failures will continue until the movement collapses.

Unless the MPs and msps move against her it is over


About indytruckdavy,…..who i like,
He recently said Nicola Sturgeon looked “shaken” after her speech the other night.

Then wen’t on to say how depressed he was at the low turnout at
the rallies claiming Scots “could’nt be arsed about thier own

Followed that with rants about Alex Salmond and alba party,a good
way to foster the unity we need right now.(not)
maybe i can help him.
Why did she look shattered,
Because of the ruling?…maybe but i dont think so.

Because she’s lossed the crowd…hmmm! a distinct possibilty is’nt
it davy?
You see that kind of thing is likely to happen when u ignore the
yes movement for years and try to put It’s leader in jail.

Being in thrall to a political party (labour) is why we are still in
this mess.
Being in thrall to a party leader is just stupid!

People are voting SNP not Nicola sturgeon…we all know why.

If you want loyalty u have to show some old chap.
However! all is not lost…Oh no not yet!

Her only job now is to try to unite all independence supporters and
parties and bloody quick too… like before the miserable tory christmas that,s heading our way.

If not then the goose is well and truly cooked Ours as well as the
The snp can never win this alone!

Stopping slagging off fellow independece supporters might make sense


Republicofscotland says:26 November, 2022 at 2:20 pm
I might be picking this up wrong but it sounds as though for the SNP’s Tony Giugliano, that a win in a GE de facto plebiscite, which is a whopping two-years away, might lead to the UK government coming around the table and issuing a S30.
And you think this is likely ? There will be no true “de facto referendum” it will merely be a “Vote SNP to keep the dream alive or else don’t blame us plan” to keep Sturgeon and Her own pals in their jobs and to try to kill off other Indy opposition at the same time. Do take the time to read Robin McAlpines excellent Blog where he explains where Sturgeons “De Facto Referendum” will actually end up. Read it twice, read it three times , keep on reading it till the truth actually sinks in for good. link to


Of course there is the small matter of the missing ring fenced cash. She’d need that for a referendum.

Where the hell is it?


Andy Ellis @ 4.50

Have you read what Toni Giugliano says it means for the SNP?

Just the authorisation to get the begging bowl out again.

No thanks.


Something about a picture and a 1000 words come to mind.


Write, post, blog, shout, whisper, any way you think most influential just demand all pro independence MPs must leave, walk out of, Westminster now. Let the public reaction show itself. I think we all maybe pleasantly surprised by it.

Grahame Case

Good to have Chris back! Remember going to his house during the referendum to pick up wee blue books



indytruckdavy, here’s a guy who get all his news from the MSM and then repeats it on YouTube, as if we haven’t had enough listening to it from the MSM ourselves he has to repeat it every single F*cking day. If he had fleas, they wouldn’t hang around to long he’s so boring. Shouting unity then calling for everyone to vote SNP 1&2. If I had to listen to him, I’d pull every single hair out of my body just to avoid his screeching voice.

I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t been a Blairite all his life and joined the SNP after 2014. If he F*cked off, I don’t even think Ross would know he’s gone he certainly doesn’t leave an impact on anyone after he’s spoken.

Robert Louis

ANY REAL government on being told by an English court that the country they rule is in fact held captive by England would view such news as an EMERGENCY. So, what does Sturgeon do, talks about getting a party conference set up in the new year. That is only start the organising sometime next year.

Am I missing something? WHY not do it now?? How long does it take for the SNP to organsie such a conference? Why the delay, yet again. And what does ‘in the new year mean?? January, April? July? And that is just to organise it, not actually hold it. More deliberately vague nonsense that sound like firm action from Sturgeon, and the SNP faithful do seem to be falling for it all over again.

If SNP diehards cannot at last see how much they are being played, then they really must be thick.

No, this week is when to act. Not next year sometime. It isn’t even December yet, for goodness sake.

I ask again, WHY THE DELAY SNP????

In 2024, it will be, ‘vote SNP to give us a clear mandate for indyref2, which Westminster cannot refuse‘ (They will, already have many times and CAN again!).


“And you think this is likely ?”

Joe @5pm.

No I don’t think it’s likely, I think it will be an exercise on electing SNP MPs that will lead to nothing, my comment was one of surprise that the SNPs Tony Giugliano thought it would be good if it led to the possibility of the Westminster government contemplating about issuing an S30.

I did it express the disgust at the thought of this in my 3.17pm comment, but obviously you didn’t read it.

James Che

SNP in reverse, is PNS

How appropriate,

Party Nicola Sturgeons,

No need to include the independence groups or meet up with them.

Robert Louis

Tony Giugliano is yet another SNP roadblock to Scottish independence. Feart to stand up to English bullies. What an absolute waste of space. Why is he in the SNP??? Certainly not for Scottish independence. Good career though. Well paid.

James Che


It sounds like a labour plan, leading on to a federal Britain, an not a straight Scottish independence plan,

Andy Ellis


Have you read what Toni Giugliano says it means for the SNP?

Just the authorisation to get the begging bowl out again.

No thanks.

I heard some “noises off” that Toni had been bumping his gums, but he rarely has anything of value to add. He’s the prime example of folk captured by the SNP machine who are very much part of the problem, not part of the solution. A serial failure that nobody should let within a country mile of power.

It is earnestly to be hoped that Sturgeon will have been politically defenestrated well before any plebiscitary election, but that can’t be guaranteed by anyone but the SNP membership and they show no signs of independent thought.

The movement as a whole needs to ensure that the SNP can’t try to dictate terms in the run up to any such election, whether at Westminster or Holyrood. It already appears from what Beaker Greer said that the Scottish Greens plan to field a full slate of candidates in any such election, therefore the only way forward for the Yes movement as a whole is to insist that the addition of ALL votes for pro-indy parties in future general elections are ipso facto votes in favour of independence.

We don’t need Nicola or her her of thinking wing-person Mairi Hunter spouting ill-informed, politically autistic pish about a majority in plebiscitary election being (yet) another mandate for a referendum. We get a majority, and we’re independent. Simples. We don’t need Mairi Hunter’s brain farts muddying the waters.


We are all assuming a General Election is about 2 years away.

I’ve looked at some of the economic forecasts and projections for the next two years; things go from grim to dire, and it would be easy to make a compelling case for Sunak going sooner rather than later.

A May ‘23 election would throw a cat amongst the pigeons, wouldn’t it…

Derick fae Yell

Hunter can be excused as an imbecile with the brains of a tattie scone, but Giugliano is a glove puppet with his Mistress’ hand up his erse. He speaks the words she/her cannot.

If they do this Plebiscite to request a S30 please massa please sir massa shite, again – it’ll begin to get annoying


Andy Ellis says:
The moment the count reaches 50% + 1 votes for pro-independence parties, Scotland becomes de facto independent. No ifs, not buts, no maybes.

Andy, I usually agree with what you say most of the time but 50% + 1?

Come on, Andy, live in the real world, please! Anything that close and the troops will be across the border before you can shake a fist. The UK doesn’t do democracy – at least not when it comes to preserving/protecting their own self-interest.


Yay, much missed! Welcome back Chris.

Andy Ellis


Either we live in a democracy or we don’t.

People don’t get to ignore results of votes because they are close. There are occasions when super majorities are accepted or imposed. I can even see the the rationale for such hurdles in relatively small congregations of voters, say in a parliament or congress. There’s a logical case to be made for asking for (say) a 2/3 majority in a 100 member Congress for a Constitutional amendment as in the USA.

The case for super majorities or other hurdles in electorates of many millions is much weaker IMHO, nor is it very common in history or practice of referendums. The Montenegrin vote for indy imposed a 55% hurdle, which they narrowly achieved. There is actually a stronger case to be made for hurdles which insist on a minimum turnout %, rather than a minimum % of the vote cast.

In practice, the international community isn’t likely to be too phased by a turnout unless it is freakishly low, say <50% of the eligible electors. Given that the turnout in 2014 was 85% from memory, I don't think it'll be an issue. Similarly in the event of a plebiscitary election: it will only be an issue if the turnout was freakishly low.

Also worth pointing out that the Quebec referendum in 1995 was agonisingly close for the PQ. 49.42% voted for indy, 50.58% against in a 93% turnout. Just over 54,000 votes won it for the No camp there, out of 4.6 million valid votes cast.

I don't think we should be conjuring the ghost of violence. In the end however, no people which is content to see its democratic rights overturned and which fails to oppose that by any and all possible means deserves to be independent. Ask our Irish friends.

There's a reason why so many people abroad who have it much harder than we do look askance at Scottish timidity. Nobody has jailed our leaders and bludgeoned our grannies on their way to vote as Madrid did in Catalonia. All we seem able to manage is Sturgeon doing her usual: calling for another mandate.


Andy Ellis @ 5.54.

‘Heard some noises off..’

Take the trouble to read exactly what the policy development convener of the SNP ( that’s Giguliano’s job ) has said without contradiction by any of the SNP hierarchy. Place that alongside what Mhairi Black said without contradiction in September.

Sounds a bit stronger than gum bumping or farting, but dream on if it makes you happy.


Damn. We’ve lost Big Doddie Weir guys.

MND took a close relative. I hate it.


Hatuey@ %.55pm.

I doubt we’ll see a GE until the end of 2024, the Tories have a large majority and I doubt they’ll want to risk that. Sure, the cost-of-living crisis will get worse, dare I say before it gets any better. Holding off for another two-years will possibly be the plan, by then things will be pretty bad, a good time to be in opposition and allow Labour under the Red Tory Sir Kier Starmer into number ten.

However, there’s no need for Scotland to still be a prisoner in this onesided union if the Rev’s plan is followed through, a plan where Sturgeon resigns, and we hold a Holyrood election next year, on the one question of whether to stay or leave this union. Sturgeon is unlikely to voluntarily resign, so we need her SNP MSPs and the Greens MSPs to try and compel her to, to put country before self-interest, we elected them to bring us independence now is their chance to fulfill that, to give back the trust we gave to them by electing them.

If the above happens then we could hold the election next year, and the added bonus would be that 16 and 17 years old would also be allowed to vote (they can’t vote in a GE) the younger generation appears to be more proindy.

The downside to this is that Niola Sturgeon more than likely won’t put country before self-interest, I know it’s a long shot, but I’m hoping her MSPs and the Green MSPs will remember why we elected them in the first place, and that they’ll have the decency to compel Sturgeon to resign to save the country, it’s all on them they can redeem themselves or they can be vilified in the annuls of Scottish history, I really hope it’s the former and not the latter.

Incidentally, have you E-mailed your SNP/Green MSP if you have them, to explain this via the Rev’s excellent link below.

link to

And here is a list of all the current Scottish MSPs (below) enter your postcode in the box provided to see which one/ones represent you, if they are SNP/Green then E-Mail them, outlining the way out of this union in the above link.

link to


Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater to remain as ministers after Green members vote on it.

“SCOTTISH Green members have voted to allow Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater to continue as party leaders while holding ministerial posts.

A motion to an online Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) called for a requirement for holders of “major office posts” in the party to step down if they are appointed to government.

However it fell after nearly two-thirds of members who voted – 65% – refused to support it, with 26% in favour and 9% abstaining.

Harvie and Slater became the first Green politicians anywhere in the UK to enter government following the signing of the Bute House Agreement with the SNP last year.”

link to


To all the not-so-wise heads advocating for 50% + 1 in a plebiscitary election for Holyrood.

In case it’d escaped your attention, there’s still the matter of electing PO & FM, as well as the need for a supermajority in the chamber in favour of starting the divorce negotiations.

And there’s no mechanism for 50% + 1 having effect at Westminster, either.

UKSC decided that Scotland’s status is a matter of law, not politics.

If you want independence, petition the court. Make the case revolve around Union with England Act 1707, it’s intent and effect…job done on multiple breaches and blatant misinterpretation. Remedy sought: repeal & reparations.



Robert Louis 5:37pm

Because they’re making shit up as they go along. They have no plan, they never had a plan & they’ve no plan going forward other than just more of the same, to give them another 5 years power to think about it.

Why so long for her to organise a conference?
To organise the participants of course. Just like her GRA bullshit – They’ll have to be pre-approved & swear allegiance to the cult of Nicola & look busy for elections.

The only route to Independence is to get rid of Sturgeon.
No it’s, no buts. No more bullshit of ‘just one more mandate’ As shown by various Freedom of Information reports – she did hee-haw with the ones she had.

I don’t see any way out until Scotland has a clear out & reconvenes the real Scottish parliament. Even when Sturgeon is served her jotters it still doesn’t remove the Westminster appointed suits, bad advisors & bad actors that actively work against Scotlands interests on every fecking thing. Rearranging the seating will make no difference.

stuart mctavish

I dunno about Scots politician of the year, whether the tranny bollocks is an excuse to collapse Hollyrood for a defacto referendum, or even if the Boris Bull intends to dethrone Sunak and trigger a GE in the new year but I do know that not only was it great to wake to a Chris Cairns cartoon but appearances can indeed be deceptive and, thanks to the efforts of the quite brilliant Lord Advocate, there now appears to be absolutely nothing to stop Ross Greer bringing forward a referendum bill for 19 October 2023 with the question:

“should Scotland reject jurisdiction of the UKSC”

Andy Ellis

@ 7.18 pm

Mairi Hunter….is that you?


Mhairi actually, but Hunter is right.


I think the Independence movement should peddle back & start right at the beginning again – the tried, tested & true method that lead to us nearly doing it. NO fucking ‘owner’ of the yes movement. Not party political & careerist & grow the movement again from the grassroots up & various assemblies across the country.
The Yes movement didn’t bother with protest because the rot was allowed in yrs ago to just scunner people. We should never have allowed that to happen.

Andy Ellis

Mhairi actually, but Hunter is right.

There would be a first time for everything, but this isn’t it….or weren’t you paying attention?

link to



It’s there in the rules.

Extraordinary elections..

3 A 2/3rds majority


But Andy, it’s no good saying the SNP talk rubbish and then going on to support their proposals.

Do you think Giuliano is right or wrong in what he has said? Think carefully before you answer.

Andy Ellis


Which part of Rev Stu’s explanation are you having problems with?

Would a diagram help?

Brian Doonthetoon

It’s quite simple.

He have to get rid of NS to free the pathway to Independence.

She is the block. And that guff that Tony G came out with proves it.

The SNP are shafting us.

Brian Doonthetoon

He = We


Andy Ellis

Do you think Giuliano is right or wrong in what he has said? Think carefully before you answer.

He’s wrong. We don’t need a confirmatory referendum after winning plebiscitary elections.

Such a referendum would be entirely redundant. Little better could be expected from milquetoast devolusionists. The leisurely pace of their special conference amply demonstrates the SNPs commitment to indy, as does the fact they have made no moves to precipitate immediate Holyrood elections.

Meg Merrilees

Hatuey – Let’s pray that Sunak doesn’t decide to go walking in the welsh hills at Easter-time then! Theresa May might just make that private suggestion to him as a surefire way to catch
Nicola off guard.
It sure as hell caught her out last time!

Meg Merrilees

Robert Louis @ 5.37
Imagine if Zerlensky had decided to hold a conference in two months time in Ukraine as Putin tried exactly the same tactic i.e. Ukraine is really Russian, don’t be silly.


Andy Ellis @ 9.04. ‘ Such a referendum would be redundant’


Giuliano is the SNP Policy Development Convener, and he has come out with complete rubbish but it is at this moment uncontradicted SNP policy. At a stroke he has exposed the myth of what people were told the plebiscitary election would achieve.

He has simply confirmed the rubbish that Mhairi Mairi quite contrary came out with in September, also uncontradicted.

If the SNP continue to maintain this line I just hope you will withdraw any support for their suggested plebiscitary election.

Even if they try to resile from this position, I would not trust them for a second. They are capable of the highest levels of deceit, as their record shows over the past 8 years.


Perhaps the SNP are just testing the waters to see what they will get away with? It’s the same old tactic – get one of your dopes to start the dialogue (deny any knowledge and intention) and then plan to get away with as little action as possible. Same old same old.

Chris Downie

Unionism in the 21st Century really is a joke… An English Tory party more extreme on the neo-liberal scale than any before them, supported by a DUP party who are to the right of UKIP, with a TUV fringe who are to the right of the DUP… Topped off with the Orange Order, Western Europe’s equivalent of the Ku Klux Klan. Such a delightful, positive case for, as Snarlene Foster would call it, “tha Yun Yin!”

James F. Mcintosh

Surely now that we are a colony the various sports in Scotland should desist in the international arena after all the likes of Essex or Yorkshire don’t have teams competing in international competitions?


Meg: “Theresa May might just make that private suggestion to him as a surefire way to catch Nicola off guard.”

Not that it would matter. If the plebiscitary election goes ahead, and it’s a big “if”, they’re more or less telling us that success would merely provide them with another mandate.

They’re basically begging the UK Government to throw them some sort of bone right now and that speaks volumes.

I don’t think that’s likely though. Without our oil and resources, the UK/England is completely finished — even with our resources at their disposal, they’re screwed. They can’t afford to risk it.

Which means they are more like to throw mud than bones. It could get interesting in the next few days and weeks. I won’t be in the least surprised if there’s damning “leaks” and revelations in the pipeline…

Andy Ellis

@Merganser 9.45 pm

If the SNP continue to maintain this line I just hope you will withdraw any support for their suggested plebiscitary election.

It’s not “their” idea, it’s the movement’s idea. The SNP appropriated it and as usual they are a day late and dollar short. They have to be disabused of their pretensions that they can dictate on what terms it is held.

If the movement becomes a creature of the SNP, we’re all fucked anyway.


Robin McAlpine: “there was absolutely zero chance of a referendum at least until after the terms of the Brexit deal had been negotiated – it was never realistic to expect people to vote to leave the UK at least until they knew what kind of UK they were leaving. We had to be patient.”

I’m not sure I agree with that. The inverse argument also carries weight; if you know you’re on the wrong bus going to a destination you know don’t want to go to, why wait until it gets there before you try and get off?

What I am sure of is that Salmond would have worked out the best way to capitalise on Brexit. He obviously knew how to force an election in Holyrood and conjure up a referendum, as his recent STV interview makes clear…

Robin again: “Was this really all about nothing more that inserting herself front and centre in the world news agenda after Brexit? I still don’t have a better explanation.”

He got that right. That’s what everything is reduced to with Sturgeon — Covid, COP, the war in the east, Brexit, independence, everything. It’s all about Nicola getting attention and trying be liked or something. Government by selfie. It’s grotesque.

North chiel

“ Graf midgehunter @ 0319 pm “ This sounds more like it . The Yes movement should now demand a a Holyrood “ Defacto” election . Sturgeon should resign her “devolved” government now and a MAJORITY VOTE count for the restoration of ALL POWERS of STATEHOOD to HOLYROOD should be her sole MANDATE for re election . A DECLARATION prior to polling day that a majority vote for Independence parties over unionist parties would also END The TREATY of UNION of 1707 , should be unequivocally stated by the FM .


Good to see you back Chris!


Would I be correct in saying Nicola has managed to create the position that even if we all voted for independence, if we were asked, it could be deemed illegal and therefore Nicola would not accept it.

An interesting for the snp to find itself


Andy Ellis says:26 November, 2022 at 10:38 pm
@Merganser 9.45 pm

If the SNP continue to maintain this line I just hope you will withdraw any support for their suggested plebiscitary election.

It’s not “their” idea, it’s the movement’s idea. The SNP appropriated it and as usual they are a day late and dollar short. They have to be disabused of their pretensions that they can dictate on what terms it is held.If the movement becomes a creature of the SNP, we’re all fucked anyway.
True but if Sturgeon tries to use a GE as a “Defacto Referendum” that will really just means ” Vote 2 votes SNP to keep us in power like every time before” they will lose disastrously anyway because the polls tells us Indy within the wider whole Scottish nations minds in very much lower on the priority list and the SNP will simply get judged on its years of failures when Yoon’s campaign on those issues and highlight the SNP’s huge number of failures in its tenure of 15 years plus. Focussing on
the one single issue alone would be a huge mistake link to


I see the boss is getting the band back together … nice.

The CIA discovered that the best method of getting information over to people is cartoons (graphic novels) – so there are all these sabotage and assassination manuals created for illiterate 3rd worlders; and you thought the watchmen or sandman was “edgy”. Consider La-La garrotting Tinky Winky with a car aerial …

A graphic novel new wee book would be great; anything beyond a tweet for most folks requires modafinil these days. The writers and readers series dealt with complex subjects this way (they were marxists, but the books were okay).

idea for a cartoon :

Rishi Sunak as Navvid of Still Game fame – but dressed as a Supreme Court judge

NAE REFERENDUM FUR YOU – ya jakey bastards
if it wisnae for the english paying your tax credits you widnae even afford the buckfast and the heroine

There is a pretty good comic strip called the Boondocks – worth a look; one of the characters is UNCLE RUCKUS

– now this is a black comic strip, set in the “projects” with black characters and Uncle Ruckus is black too.

But – Uncle Ruckus is a virulent anti-black racist who loathes, despises, utterly hates “n1ggers” and on the flipside idolises “the white man” in ways that would embarrass a stormfront skinhead … he also believes he is not a black man, but a white man trapped in a black man’s skin because he has a skin condition which he hopes will be cured.

– the comic potential is obvious, and they do it well. The serious point is -obviously- internalised racism, the colonised mind, but the jokes are good, which is most important.

link to

I think there are multitudes of “Uncle McRuckuses” in Scotland; the professional class, media, law, politics – almost the entire middle class. And they get to spew their poison, unrestricted (since the rev chucked it) without challenge, and what is worse – no one openly LAUGHS at them.

Unionism is indefensible – and its “reasons” are ever diminishing (the tories can run the economy; broad shoulders, pooling and sharing) – the only real reason you can defend it is to say



Andy Ellis says:26 November, 2022 at 6:20 pm

Either we live in a democracy or we don’t.

Indeed Andy , don’t you see the rather obvious problem we have at this time ?
link to


Shug says:27 November, 2022 at 12:22 am
Would I be correct in saying Nicola has managed to create the position that even if we all voted for independence, if we were asked, it could be deemed illegal and therefore Nicola would not accept it.
An interesting for the snp to find itself
A more interesting situation is why the SNP/Sturgeon has made no real attempts to refute any of the claims made here, in fact it seems from the comments Sturgeon did make that she merely confirms what it in this report? link to

Alf Baird

Confused @ 12:51

“Unionism is indefensible”

And unlawful:

link to


Lol @ “the Francis Urquhart of the Yes movement”

He couldn’t possibly comment, of course…


Joe: “Indeed Andy , don’t you see the rather obvious problem we have at this time ?”

The article you linked to is from May, and quite a lot has happened since then.



Hatuey says:
27 November, 2022 at 1:36 am
The article you linked to is from May, and quite a lot has happened since then.
Nothing much has improved in the situation at all the majority og the Scottish Population is more interested in Scotland’s Public Services at this time than Indyref.
Can you say why the Sturge didn’t try to deny anything on this report wasn’t true ? She has all the access to Scot Gov data that she needs to why not just provide the proof it wasn’t true ? link to


Nothing much has “improved” the situation? Are you taking the piss?

We’ve had about 8 prime ministers since then and as many recessions, every one worse than the previous one.

You guys got a new manager yet?


@ 100%Yes and jockmcx I have to agree with 100%Yes indytruck davy is another sturgeon sycophantic apologist from the paypal paul stable of apologists, everything he says or promotes is snp shite and his audience appears to lap it all up

Another one who verges on the apologist spectrum is indycar Gordon, he actually has a lot of good ideas and promotes energy resources but then he spoils it by making excuses for sturgeons gross ineptitude and incompetence


Eva Comrie of ALBA posted this on her twatter

eva comrie IndyLawyer
here’s a pitiful wee tale; Scotland’s FM blocked my personal account; she’s now blocked @albaequalities
and @AlbaClacks
too. All three advocated SNP support in last year’s SP21 election and also in the council election this year. #ScotlandUnited seems a long way off.

FFS a FM who not only detests anyone showing up her incompetence and stupidity, but instead of interacting with the person to explain her motivations for doing things she blocks the individuals sites, imposter syndrome right enough I wonder if she taught comfy slippers
BTW I emailed my snp reps as encouraged, my MP is fully supportive of sturgeon the betrayer and my MSP didn’t respond as normal which was no surprise as he’s probably up niclas arse and couldn’t see the email

Robert Louis

All my life, it was accepted common knowledge that should their be a simple majority of pro independence MP’s elected to Westminster, then Scotland would become independent. Indeed, it was actual SNP policy. I genuinely believed (and I think London was scared) that when the SNP returned their first overall majority of Pro indy MPs to Westminster the union would be at an end.

When that election result happened, it was NOT unionists who argued it wasn’t the case, it wasn’t Westminster who argued it wasn’t the case. I remember it very clearly, it was Nicola Sturgeon who said that it was not the case, and did not mean independence. She was the one who said so first.

You see, all along, she has created barrier after barrier to independence. Our biggest enemy is not Westminster, it is Nicola Sturgeon, who is holding Scotland back.

So far as I and many other folk are concerned, Scotland is already independent, but the barstewards in England are using illegal rulings and imagined English ‘constitutional’ nonsense to prevent it.

If, following the ruling at England’s invented pretendy ‘supreme court’ (which is wholly and completely in breach of the treaty and acts of union of 1706 and 1707), their is a majority of indy MPs returned from Scotland, it should be the end of the union, as was ALWAYS the case.

If Holyrood is not allowed to deliver it, then it MUST be via another route. It is called democracy, and I am sure as hell not gooing to tolerate some lying thuggish UNELECTED Tory cabal and their puppet pretendy English court in London to tell me Scottish democracy does not exist or matter. Scotland voted for indyref, yet a silly pretendy English court says, ‘no ye canny’.

All this machination about counts and percentages and so on, is in my eyes hogwash. You take a stand and deliver on it, THEN and only THEN do you put England in the position of having to actively block it. It makes them look bad. Westminster has MP’s who are elected to represent Scotland England Wales and N.Ireland. If the majority from Scotland want independence, then it is clear that is what WILL happen.

More than anytime in Scotland’s history we need a real leader. Nicola Sturgeon has shown herself to have the political nous of a nematode, she has to go.

This just cannot be allowed to drift. This cannot go on. Scotland wants out of this cursed undemocratic union, and we want England to stop stealing our wealth and assets to line their pockets.

So far as I am concerned, this will only get worse and deteriorate. We will not be kept prisoner by these UNELECTED red and blue Tory English barstewards, and we need action. Not sometime next year, not in 2024, but now, and if the SNP or Sturgeon are too feart or lazy, then they should get out of the way, and stop wasting our time.

We will NEVER get independence playing by England’s rules.

Viscount Ennui

Wales sets up own public energy firm after Scots Gov blows plan
link to

Sums up the SNP’s incompetence.

Andy Ellis

@Joe 12.52 am

Indeed Andy , don’t you see the rather obvious problem we have at this time ?

As pointed out by someone else above, I see a problem with using a poll from May 2022 as any kind of evidence. Even if the findings still hold, there won’t be a referendum next year, and was never likely to be one, so the point is moot.

Plebiscitary elections – as many including this site have been saying for an extended period – are far preferable at this point anyway.

As for you 12.37 am argument, that only holds if the SNP manages to strong arm the whole movement to treating them as the torch bearers and only “valid” votes for the purposes of counting towards independence.

Many people – including former members like me – will never vote SNP under any circumstances, so we better hope that there’s a full slate of pro-indy candidates come plebiscitary election time. The Scottish Greens have already said they will field a full set of candidates, so they can hardly complain if Alba, ISP, SSP etc. do likewise.

Alex Salmond may well be right that a single pro-indy movement candidate in each constituency would be the best solution, but we can’t afford to be purists and let the best be the enemy of the good. The SNP are never going to co-operate with Alba and other parties.


RE. Sturgeon and NuSNP not working with Alba, this has long been the case. “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time“…

Eve of Holyrood 2021 Election.
Sunday morning blood pressure warning! (contains pics of She / Her / Burner of Mandates, along with other comical sound bites)

link to

Colin the Keelie

Robert Louis

I agree with all the other criticisms of Nicola Sturgeon but, it was under Alex Salmond over twenty years ago that the SNP abandoned the majority of MPs mandate in favour of a Holyrood indyref. A policy then continued under Swinney, Salmond and Sturgeon.

A doubtful policy that has finally been confirmed to be begging bowl politics as Holyrood has no legal right to hold indyrefs without WM permission.

Salmond got an indyref partly because he got a Holyrood SNP majority but also because the UK was very confident of winning – by hook and by crook as it turned out. The Edinburgh Agreement was a worthless piece of political theatre that the UK was able to breach with impunity.

So, I am not casting doubt on his desire and commitment to independence but merely stating I think the indyref policy has been over twenty years of SNP failure – beginning with Salmond.


“The SNP are never going to co-operate with Alba and other parties.”. So very true.

The SNP are skint, and I am led to believe, desperately so. The only people who’ll attend another SNP stage-managed conference are the payroll.

The result of the conference will be, I predict, yet another ‘Give the nuSNP transcult yet another Westmonster mandate and we’ll GUARANTEE a section 30 referendum’. Once they’re elected…(you know what will happen).

I think the penny is beginning to drop among the upper echelons of the Sturgeon transcult. That folk are no longer willing to swallow this hogwash.

So the choice for the transcult is stark; co-operate or get off the gravybus. I have no idea which way they’ll jump.

I, honestly, think either choice will lead to their well-deserved demise.

We must never forget what they did to Scots to feather their own nests.


Viscount Ennui’s 8:34 am link to Herald archived.

link to

Quite a lot of direct links to unionist’s rags being posted btl lately.
Heads up that this just gives these papers page hits to sustain the control they hold.
Obviously unionists will be happy to post direct links to generate traffic, but true supporters of Scotland returning to self-governance shouldn’t be posting direct links or clicking on those links.

Now obviously the NuSNP bunged the unionist press some serious taxpayers’ dosh recently to sustain the papers’ failing economic situation.
On that note re. the question of whether the NuSNP are supposedly pro Scotland returning to full self-governance… Why would they fund influential organisations that are not supportive of their supposed main political aim…
When someone shows you who they are, best believe them the first time”…


«they peddle a fantasy version of British nationalism that pretends the nation can return to its former colonial glories»

link to

«Colonial nostalgia can be most obviously seen in the hubris of Whitehall officials who, following the 2016 referendum, dubbed Britain’s reengagement in the world ‘Empire 2.0»

Empire#2 = Great England #1


Quick question..

What’s the legal position with publishing emails on socmed that have a privacy statement on them?

Lots of us Have had emails from MPs and MSPs saYing they will never work with ALBA

It would be goid to be able to publish these in response to all the wailing crap about all working together.

Can we, or do we risk prosecution?


Colin the Keelie,

The first past the post (FPTP) system is rigged. The English parties get all the airtime. And newspapers. It took a ‘political tsunami’ to change that.

In 2010 the SNP got 20% of the vote and almost no airtime. Labour got over 42% of the vote and almost all the airtime to pooh, pooh all SNP policy without interruption.

The independence message would have been drowned.

In 2015 the SNP got 50% of the vote and all the seats bar 3. This result was thrown away by Sturgeon and her transcult.

What ‘political tsunami’ happened between 2010 and 2015 to cause such an unprecendented shift in Westmonster voting?

And who was responsible for this unique ‘political tsunami’?

Independence is now front and centre of every Scottish election.

One man is responsible for this. Can you name him?

I think you’ll know the answers to my questions. I’d still like a reply. Thanks.

Viscount Ennui

Dan says:
27 November, 2022 at 9:34 am

Viscount Ennui’s 8:34 am link to Herald archived.

Just to make clear once again that appropriate scrutiny and criticism of the SNP does not a Yoon make.


@ Viscount Ennui at 9:48 am

I didn’t say it was. What I actually posted was also a reminder that links should be archived by pro-Indy folk to save giving unionist papers page hits, and also to preserve the content of the article like Stu does on this site. It has been known for certain newspaper articles to be pulled or edited so best to have them saved.


And in case anyone thinks we should stick with a section 30 order – you must be mad.

However, the FPTP system now works in our favour. The independence message is out there. The yoon parties are utterly discredited.

A united ‘YES’/Scottish independence/dissolve the union (call it what you like) candidate – Should they win a majority of seats for westmonster. Independence begins. The MPs instead of going to London go to Holyrood.

This will result in immediate international recognition.

Negotiations shouldn’t take long – Scotland will have no debt and ALL the major assets. We’d be loaded.

Anyone who tries to thwart this plan is not interested in independence. And we all know who’s busy trying to thwart this plan.

P.S. Nicola Sturgeon was in charge of the indy campaign in 2014. This explains a lot. And also explains her subsequent choice of ministers and staff.

P.P.S. I like the plan. Especially the bit about reparations. Please join.

George Ferguson

@Dan 9:18 am
The news that has got me reaching for the Amplodipine is the Welsh Devolved Government going for a renewable vertically integrated State owned energy company. We are being asked to believe that the Scot Gov do not have the devolved powers?. How come the Welsh have?

Ps Welcome back Chris.

Rab Davis

If all these Treaties are being broken,,, and the Supreme Court is nothing more than a front for the English government,,,then why are great minds like Joanna Cherry not leading the charge and taking our case to some international body?

Why are we all scrambling about helplessly, unable to find a way out of this conundrum?

None of us are international constitutional lawyers, so all we do is chip in with our own ideas as to how we escape the clutches of the detested English bastards.

Where are all our deep thinkers,,,and what, in their opinion, is their plans to get us moving in the right direction?

Because if Sturgeon has her evil way, all we will be doing at the next UK General Election is electing 57 SNP MPs to sit on their arses until 2029.

As I’ve said before,,, Sturgeon’s long term plan for her SNP MPs is deliberately set out to take us well in to the 2030s.

And by all accounts,,, it’s unfolding before our very eyes.

She is running rings round the lot of us.


Maybe if Cherry and Co spent less time on Westminster committees, and more time fighting for Scottish independence, we might actually start getting some where.


I just been talking to my wife and to be honest I probably should do it bit more often. I said to her, we’ve had all these rallies and what have we heard from the SNP leader, wait until next year, my wife’s reply was “it’s the weekend” you can’t argue with logic, no way am I telling her that.

What so hard for Sturgeon to understand that the Gas and Oil along with all of Scotland assets are going to be essential to Scotland being a successful country which in return would benefit our people.

I have no idea how this useless woman keeps getting away with let’s wait until the UKG does something before SNP or its leader does anything. The former FM has more options on the table than Nicola Sturgeon could take 12 months to dream about.


@ George Ferguson

Well the article touches on the subject of whether the powers to do so are held by the Scottish Administration of Devolved Powers. Hmm, but they surely must be… or how could Sturgeon state she was going to setup a power company…
One last time… “When someone shows you who they are, best believe them the first time

And as there may be new readership these days I’ll tack on some power related links.

Scotland currently generating all the power we require and exporting more than that amount.

link to

GB Grid using gas burnt in Combined Cycle Gas Turbines located in England to produce power.

link to

But look where the gas being burnt actually originates from. The big volume line at Easington Langeled is from Norway. Whilst the 3 lines at St Fergus combine to a similar amount.

link to


Andy Ellis says:
27 November, 2022 at 9:00 am
@Joe 12.52 am

May was only 6 months ago , voters minds don’t change that quickly on the big issues that matter as noted here Sturgeon and the SNP solved none of the big issues that lost us the Indyref last time around , these things matter to voters and they will never Vote for Indy until they get real answers to them. link to

Robert Hughes

@ Twathater

” here’s a pitiful wee tale; Scotland’s FM blocked my personal account; she’s now blocked @albaequalities
and @AlbaClacks
too. All three advocated SNP support in last year’s SP21 election and also in the council election this year. #ScotlandUnited seems a long way off. ”

And Alex & ALBA are intimating we should do so again eg support SNP in the next GE . They better find a 3rd cheek to turn, the other 2 have been slapped . Are they serious ?

Maybe they mean LIFE support for the terminally ill SNP ? Even if it survived , what quality of life would it have ? It’s brain severely damaged , it’s heartbeat a faint murmur , it’s limbs paralysed .


Genuinely surprised anyone still thinks Sturgeon/SNP will deliver anything other than more failure . The UKGE as Pleb Election is a total non-starter , WM/Brit State will laugh at it – rightly : even presuming it was clearly understood by Scottish voters a vote for the SNP was a vote for Independence , and the election was a success on that understanding , what next ?

Yip , that’s right , yet one more * undeniable * S30 will be ….eh ….denied . Despite what the Party droogs say , it’s easy for the Brit State to say ” No ” . The easiest thing in the world .Just two little letters ; though they might well exert themselves to use two little words instead – ” Fuck Off ”

We need to get it straight in our minds – this SNP are not , ever , going to * deliver * Independence – they’d struggle to deliver a letter , even if they were led by the hand to the front door of the addressee .

Rather than supporting the current SNP , the only thing we can hope to do is , somehow , strive to prevent * them * destroying whatever hope for Independence remains


Dan says:27 November, 2022 at 10:15 am @ George Ferguson

Scotland currently generating all the power we require and exporting more than that amount.
You really should stop parroting Sturgeon’s and the SNP’s lies to the people of Scotland Dan , the woman is a lying harridan.The SNP were caught lying and had to admit they were lying with numbers. Producing more electricity than we need during the sleeping hours when we cannot use it can’t just be transferred to the peak hours during the day when we do actually need it. The amount of that night time generation that can be used for pumped Hydro schemes is very small compared to what is generated during the night when it can’t be used. link to also link to


The SNPs Deputy Leader Keith Brown appeared on the BBC’s Sunday show this morning, in which, when asked by Martin Geissler, as to why the SNP needed to wait two-years to hold a de facto indyref, and not just collapse Holyrood or have the First Minster resign as soon as, to trigger an election at Holyrood, Brown said that they couldn’t because on both proposals they needed a three-quarters majority to do so, and they don’t have that.

I wonder if that’s correct, or is Brown playing this down to string it out for two-years.

Geissler, of whom I’m no big fan, but sometimes he’s on the money, also said to Brown, why are you waiting till the Spring to hold a conference about this, why isn’t it being held much sooner, is the FM just stalling for time Geissler said.


Astonished says:27 November, 2022 at 9:57 am

Negotiations shouldn’t take long – Scotland will have no debt and ALL the major assets. We’d be loaded.
Its truly hard to believe that 8 years after the Indyref that so many people are still completely clueless of truthful facts. Our own SNP led Scottish Government already Publish that Scotland gets properly credited with all Scotlands own Tax revenues and explains how those go to the Scot Gov here on the Scot Gov Website, the people who continue to peddle such lies instead of properly understanding what their own Government tells them can only be incredibly dense or mentally ill, which is it ? link to

link to

George Ferguson

@Joe 10:37pm
Agreed we are an Energy Rich country. But the question is “Who owns it?”. We have an opportunity to at least start the process of bringing critical energy resources back under public ownership. Hats off to the Welsh.


Republicofscotland says:27 November, 2022 at 10:39 am

Geissler, of whom I’m no big fan, but sometimes he’s on the money, also said to Brown, why are you waiting till the Spring to hold a conference about this, why isn’t it being held much sooner, is the FM just stalling for time Geissler said.
The same could be asking of why the SNP and Sturgeon didn’t answers the questions put on this recent report instead of Sturgeon saying “Speaking from Bute House, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who admitted independence did not guarantee economic prosperity for the country” link to


Dan @10.15am.


If I were you I’d just ignore Joe, I will from now on, he/she’s been rumbled.

FullFact is headed by

Tory Party donor and AnneFreud Centre Chairman Michael Samuel.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:27 November, 2022 at 10:39 am

why are you waiting till the Spring to hold a conference about this, why isn’t it being held much sooner, is the FM just stalling for time

Well, to be fair to all involved, I guess that like most of the rest of us, ScotGov is already in “Xmas Mode”, i.e. plans made, journeys organised, tickets booked, mental foot off the throttle, coasting down to 2 weeks of late nights, late mornings and far too much consumption.

Not saying I am supporting this, so don’t start on me. Guessing this is the reality though. It’s 4 weeks today, FFS!

Be honest. Outside of the retail, delivery and hospitality industries, are the rest of us not fully intending to do the same?


@ Joe at 10:37 am

I’m no shill for Sturgeon or the NuSNP, but that’s live energy data I’ve linked to so not some middle of the night surplus generation crap you’re hinting at.

link to

Is Joe your real name or is it Sam.

link to

George Ferguson

@John Main 10:55pm
True to an extent. Christmas run up and don’t forget the World Cup for fitba fans like myself. However The Scot Gov is an organisation that should never sleep. But frequently they do.


George Ferguson says:27 November, 2022 at 10:51 am
@Joe 10:37pm
Agreed we are an Energy Rich country. But the question is “Who owns it?”. We have an opportunity to at least start the process of bringing critical energy resources back under public ownership. Hats off to the Welsh.
We are not an energy rich country when Petrol and Diesel vehicles start to get phased out from 2030 onwards and the Oil price plummets due to lack of demand , try to learn real facts instead of parroting endless propaganda. There are also no plans whatsoever to renationalise power industries or any other Industry for that matter with Independence , in fact if anything more Scottish Gov Assets will be sold to the private sector if you follow Mike Russells pronouncations. Eire has private Healthcare with only 30% getting it free and the other 66% paying for it via private health insurance.
link to
Its strange you think Indy will mean renationalised Industries when the SNP had been giving Scotland’s energy Generation Capacity away themselves to companies based offshore (perhaps they own those companies themselves) link to


Dan says:27 November, 2022 at 11:02 am
@ Joe at 10:37 am

I’m no shill for Sturgeon or the NuSNP, but that’s live energy data I’ve linked to so not some middle of the night surplus generation crap you’re hinting at.

Unfortunately all you were quoting were meaningless links on a Subject you just clearly don’t understand properly.

George Ferguson

@Republic of Scotland 10:54pm
Spot on ROS.


George Ferguson says: at 10:51 am

@Joe 10:37pm
Agreed we are an Energy Rich country. But the question is “Who owns it?”. We have an opportunity to at least start the process of bringing critical energy resources back under public ownership. Hats off to the Welsh.

Duly noted you’ve agreed with Joe there George. As an engineer you should no he was spouting shite yet you allowed him to get away with it.


Republicofscotland says:
27 November, 2022 at 10:54 am
Dan @10.15am.

If I were you I’d just ignore Joe, I will from now on, he/she’s been rumbled.FullFact is headed by
Tory Party donor and AnneFreud Centre Chairman Michael Samuel.
and what pitiful false excuses are you going to provide for the SNP admitting themselves their data was just complete fabricated crap ? link to

John Main

@George Ferguson says:27 November, 2022 at 10:51 am

Agreed we are an Energy Rich country. But the question is “Who owns it?”. We have an opportunity to at least start the process of bringing critical energy resources back under public ownership.

It’s an absolutely critical obstacle to growing support for Yes that we don’t all have a crystal clear understanding of the mechanics of how this will happen.

Do we nationalise the lot, and prepare for 20 years of political and economic isolation, possibly even with hostile armed action by actors taking back “what is rightfully theirs”?

Do we pay market price to the current owners? How is that funded? ScotGov borrowing, with 20 year’s of Scottish tax receipts being directed towards paying off the loans?

Who do we borrow from? The World Bank, EU or China? The latter is very fond of lending money to former colonies, but they extract a high price, and not just in hard cash.

There is not one barrel of oil, one cubic foot of gas, or one kWh of electricity coming out of Scottish territory that is not already bought and paid for. The idea that the current owners, immense multinationals, and sovereign governments, will just kiss that goodbye while wishing us good luck is moonhowling.

Your average Scot is savvy enough to understand both that a mechanism for the legal transfer of ownership is needed, and that the mechanism should be plausible and understandable, in terms of the pro’s and con’s to iScotland.

Describe and communicate that mechanism, be honest about the likely outcomes, and watch support for Yes soar as individual Scots realise the personal financial benefits post-Indy.

Continue with the “have faith – we can sort all that out later” trope and watch Indy support flat-line for the foreseeable future.


@ Republicofscotland: “Keith Brown said…they needed a three-quarter majority” to collapse Holyrood.

Sigh. I have just emailed Keith Brown to explain the route via the FM resigning etc.

I told him I had emailed the FM, Todd, Roddick and Burgess already. None have replied, of course…


JOE 10:52
An independent Scottish state would have a unique land border with a state whose leaders may wish the former to fail.
There is sufficient evidence from history and contemporary anglo media attitudes to give credence to that.
Experts in any field are cheap. They are expert only when they say things establishment media approve.
If independence depended on an immediate better standard of living there would be fewer sovereign states on the planet. That is not what independence is about.
The contemporary SNP has turned what ought to be a broad scale existential matter of freedom into a narrow one of economics within a préexistant globalist model.


Joe – did you pull the weekend shift ?

Never mind.

As we all keep saying ” The lies are not going to work this time”.

Hence the reason westmonster and Sturgeon are trying to stop us voting.

Keep this up and I’ll be asking for a ban.


So there’s Joe denying the actual live energy data for the UK geographic area from various supportive sources…

Why are they laying HVDC cables to connect Scottish geographic areas to England. Is England sending surplus energy to the Scottish hills and sea areas to power those big fans.
Jist fuck off with your pish.
Aye, I’m jist a clueless idiot so I am. But that makes we wonder how on earth an idiot like me was piloting one of the ROVs that was integral in the engineering process of putting first of the subsea infrastructure on the seabed in oil fields west of Shetland.


Dan says:27 November, 2022 at 11:07 amGeorge Ferguson says: at 10:51 am

Duly noted you’ve agreed with Joe there George. As an engineer you should no he was spouting shite yet you allowed him to get away with it.
Dan your own SNP Scot Gov publish on the Internet for the whole world to see its own information that states Scotland already gets 1005 of all its own Taxes from all its own Natural Resources right now , why not sit down with your wife and get Her to explain it properly to you ? Scroll down the linked page to get the full Index of Taxes and incomes received link to

stuart mctavish

Breeks yesterday @4:21 pm

Another issue to fall out the Canada inquiry was quite how important the master’s ‘Tools‘ are to the master’s governance – so in country where ****s are not only good great and right, and some seriously bright diamonds can literally have you dancing in the mud to the idea the name might not be a put down*, it surely pays great workmen well to be careful not to abuse or blame them.

In that respect, Nicola and the Lord Advocate deserve huge thanks for delivering more fantastic new tools in the form of forcing UKSC precision on reserved matters. In particular its confirmation that, unlike the question ‘should Scotland be an independent Country’, matters relating specifically to Scots Law cannot be reserved because they were never ceded to Great Britain, or its sovereign Parliament, to begin with.

Accordingly, an extremely sharp edge for any cunts persuaded by the argument that Scotland is/was colonised by a perfidious partner – over and above the opportunity to call out any failure to use the new tool (or explain in full the advantage keeping it sheathed) – might be the possibility of incorporating skills based redundancies into those impeachment proceedings you like to champion if Sovereign Scots’ permission to reject UKSC jurisdiction is not sought pronto.. 🙂

link to


Dan says:27 November, 2022 at 11:21 am

Aye, I’m jist a clueless idiot so I am. But that makes we wonder how on earth an idiot like me was piloting one of the ROVs that was integral in the engineering process of putting first of the subsea infrastructure on the seabed in oil fields west of
What on earth has that got to do with YOU personally being unable to understand the Data properly your own SNP Government and its own Economic Advisors at Holyrood publish on the Internet for ALL readers across the whole World to properly understand ? You think you know more now that the SNP and the Scottish Parliaments own Advisors ? link to

Viscount Ennui

George Ferguson says:
27 November, 2022 at 11:03 am

@John Main 10:55pm
However The Scot Gov is an organisation that should never sleep. But frequently they do.

8 years is a f*cking long nap.

John Main

Completely off topic, or is it?

In the year ending (YE) June 2022, long-term immigration into the UK was estimated at around 1.1 million. This is an estimated increase of 435,000 compared with the YE June 2021 (628,000)

One downside of the myopia brought about by focusing only on Scotland is that the bigger picture is ignored.

I would say we don’t need to worry too much about what percentage of that 1.1 mill headed directly to Scotland.

But we should worry very much indeed about how many indigenous residents are/were displaced by that 1.1 mill, and across the non-existent border into Scotland. How many of these people were lucky enough to take a huge cash sum from sale of their pathetic hovel in central London and exchange it for a big, comfortable, executive house in Scotland, pricing locals out of the market as they did so?

Make no mistake. Immigration on this level is no accident. It compares with Merkel’s political decision to allow similar numbers into Germany in 2015, yet it is receiving just a tiny fraction of the MSM coverage we saw in 2015.

The implications of policies like this on Scotland’s demographics are profound. The implications for being able to achieve any sort of pro-Indy majority in the face of population shifts like these are profound.

The clock is ticking.


@ Dan or any other tech person: Could you please put links to today’s paper and press release on here?

Salvo/liberation are charging the UK with theft of Scotland’s resources. The case will go to the International Court of Justice in due course.

It has only just clicked with me that there is absolute, irrefutable proof of the argument that Scotland owns its resources, and the UK does not. [And also that Scotland is legally distinct from England.]

That proof is that there had to be an Act to transfer those 6000 square miles of seabed from Scotland to UK in 1999. If UK already owned Scotland’s territorial waters there would have been no need.


Arlene Fosters rant’s about the SNP being anti-Indian is due to this:

link to

FREE trade negotiations between the UK and India pose a “very real risk to affordable drug prices” and could see access to lifesaving medicines curtailed, Scotland’s Health Secretary has warned.

Humza Yousaf called on UK ministers to provide assurances that “nothing in the proposed Free Trade Agreement [FTA] with India will be allowed to jeopardise access to affordable medicines for NHS patients in Scotland and indeed the rest of the UK”.

In a letter sent to UK Trade Secretary Kemi Badenoch on November 15, and seen by the Herald, Mr Yousaf said the Scottish Government “has been clear that the protection of the NHS is a red line and that our public health service must not be threatened by UK Government trade deals”.

As to her new pro-Union “Together UK Foundation”, it isn’t pro-Union but pro Brexit UK which will inevitably mean shafting Northern Ireland unionists as their existence is incompatible with Brexit as seen with the UK border in the Irish sea.


“Act” – what I should have said was that the PM needed Donald Dewar to agree before passing the Act.


Joe says: at 11:28 am

“What on earth has that got to do with YOU personally being unable to understand the Data properly your own SNP Government and its own Economic Advisors at Holyrood publish on the Internet for ALL readers across the whole World to properly understand ? You think you know more now that the SNP and the Scottish Parliaments own Advisors

Why are you continually using the term “your SNP government” and not using the term “our SNP government”.
I didn’t vote for the spineless incompetent shower of charlatans the NUSNP has become.
Plus I don’t call them a government either, for they are only the administrators of devolved powers. And their actions and the data they produce with assistance from their advisors eg GERS pish should actually suit a unionist down to the ground, because only a fucking idiot thinks what they are doing has any true motivation for returning Scotland to actual self governing status.

So in a way, yes, with my life experiences and technical background I think in certain areas I do actually have more of a clue than some of the inept or calculating twats producing some of the crap served up to us.
What’s your background and credentials?

@ sarah

link to


Colin the Keelie says:
27 November, 2022 at 9:25 am

I think the indyref policy has been over twenty years of SNP failure – beginning with Salmond.

I’m inclined to disagree with you Colin, but at the same time, confess you might be right, but only because I don’t actually KNOW what Salmond had in his mind.

Yes, Salmond did concede to a Section 30 Agreement, no argument there, but I think there is a very big argument whether Alex Salmond felt constrained the Scotland Act in anything like the way Sturgeon has capitulated and surrendered to London rule.

It is my firm conviction Holyrood was, from the outset, given a split personality. The Institution was set up and codified by Westminster, and Westminster’s Scotland Act, which “presumes” Westminster is thus the sovereign entity. However, the people elected to the Assembly are put there as delegates representing the Sovereign people of Scotland. That’s Scotland’s sovereignty delegating them power, not Westminster.

I’ve written an argument about this, and described it with the use of red and white pigments.

link to

The point is, whereas Sturgeon hasn’t the brains to strategise her way over, under, or through the Scotland Act , because she’s bought into the notion that Westminster is sovereign. So with her in charge, it’s Game over Scotland.

Back when Alex Salmond was “conceding” a Section 30, I firmly believe the constitutional nature of Holyrood was still ambiguous, and signing up to a Section 30 was a good idea for political expediency, because the “red” sovereignty of Scotland’s MSP’s trumped the white sovereignty of Westminster’s colonial beachhead. Salmond had his “get out of jail free” card.

Salmond didn’t paint himself into a corner, but instead used the Scotland Act to his advantage. Alex Salmond’s Section 30 actually meant instant International Recognition for Scottish Independence from London if YES won the vote. That wasn’t a concession, that was actually quite a coup!

Sturgeon very much DID paint herself into a corner, sold out Scotland’s sovereignty which gave her a Constitutional way out, and has squandered the last eight years treading water, lying about it, and playing for time. She’s stuck and doesn’t know what to do.

Salmond was / is the real deal, Master Strategist.
Sturgeon is a charlatan and a dunce, and not a very honest one.


Andy Ellis @ 10.38 pm ‘ Their referendum’

Time to face reality. It’s because they have appropriated it that it has become ‘theirs’. And they have the power to dictate what type of election it will be, and when, and proscribe what the result will mean. no matter how much you, I, or anyone else rails against it.

They have said it will be a General Election, the next one. Not Holyrood which would have an advantage for a favourable result.

And now they are sending out the message that if it succeeds it will achieve … nothing. Not independence. Only the right to ask again for a referendum. That is the prize – and at what risk?

It’s sheer and utter madness and yet another con trick.

How are you going to ‘disabuse the SNP of their pretensions’?
I’m happy to join in with anything that has a chance of doing this.

George Ferguson

@Dan 11:07am
A polite way of disengagement was my intention. Of course I don’t agree with him. But life is busy just now.


Merganser says:
27 November, 2022 at 12:36 pm

How are you going to ‘disabuse the SNP of their pretensions’?
I’m happy to join in with anything that has a chance of doing this.

Liberation.Scot is a start.

link to


Sarah @11.13am.

It looks as though Keith Brown is ignoring this possibility to exit the onesided union.

Viscount Ennui

Lot of talk about NS for obvious reasons.
I suspect that history will apportion more blame to Swinney.
He is the machiavellian influence who convinced NS to politik the whole charade.
Stuff every civic institution with lickspittles. Look at the education and care inspectorates. Totally subservient to ScotGov. Look at the ombudsman. Merely a government outpost. SQA? NHS? All dominated by those who support Nicky.
True governance has collapsed under a soviet-style hegemony and that is why the reality of what is happening has to be suppressed.
Scotland is screwed, from the top down.
That, I believe, is why we will never get independence (at least not in my lifetime).
Our nation is not in all honesty under the cosh from WM but from within. We are sh*t because those who have power are sh*t.
Thank you Mr Swinney.

James Che

Breeks the Scotland Act Breeches the Treaty of union.


Republicofscotland says:
27 November, 2022 at 1:15 pm

Sarah @11.13am.

It looks as though Keith Brown is ignoring this possibility to exit the onesided union.

People talk about unity, but how can people ally themselves to this hubristic shutting down of perfectly viable options?

The SNP are serial offenders for shutting down good and viable options, barring discussion, ostracising dissent, and ploughing on regardless with their own doomed and ill-conceived misadventures.

Scottish Independence has been forced to carry these time wasting duds for eight long years, and it has cost us eight long years of dreadful stagnation and stalled momentum.

That just isn’t good enough. Are we meant to keep following until they fuck up Scotland’s chances of Independence completely? Why? Because it’s the “loyal” thing to do?

Sorry. My loyalty is to Scotland. Not Sturgeon the Feckless and her F-fail deadbeats.


Merganser says on 27 November 2022 at 12:36 pm: “It’s sheer and utter madness and yet another con trick.”

I disagree, Merganser. It’s not “madness”, it’s designed to achieve *exactly* what the self-serving Sturgeon & Co want it to achieve. And that is to ensure the continued places at the Westminster trough for Pete ‘Cosy Feet’ Wishart and crew. And to continue the illusion over Scotland’s electorate that seats in Westminster somehow give Scotland a powerful voice.

Yes, it’s another blatant pulling of the wool over the eyes of the public so that Sturgeon’s Stonewall Nonces Party can continue in power imposing their not-so-secret gender agenda. And anything else they may have hidden up their sleeves.

They’ve been riding the surging waves ticket of independence to impose policies that would never even see the light of day in as far as getting public support goes. Sturgeon & Murrell must be held accountable for that. But how? That’s the real question.

Any plan for indy that includes the co-operation of Sturgeon & Co and their bedfellows, the Greens, is never going to happen. She’s proven numerous times what an inept control freak she is.

One sure way not to participate is to do what she has already done, to monster Alex Salmond and let it be known she would never work with him again. She’s a major hindrance to our right of self-determination. She’s a national embarrassment, established failure and an inept disgrace.

At least Alex Salmond, for all it was worth, delivered what he promised, an IndyRef. Sturgeon on the other hand has delivered baby boxes and a ruling on Scotland’s right to self-determination from England’s Supreme Court. A Court of the country that cannot afford to lose its cashcow Scotland.

Take a bow, Sturgeon, you professional failure.


@ Republic: “Keith Brown ignoring the possibility” of triggering an election.

Either he is a foot soldier who only accepts what his officer says no matter how useless said officer is, or his salary depends on him not understanding the possibility.

George Ferguson

@John Main 11:13pm
So at a cost of 80 billion to Nationalise the Scottish energy infrastructure and return pre privatised assets back to public ownership. What to do?. Firstly just taking them back without the market value is an absolute non starter. Nobody will ever invest a pound in Scotland again. Secondly a funding model to pay the market valuation will have War Bond status. Thirdly the option of the Government setting up state ownership of new Energy Projects and taking the opportunity to grant licences and investment accordingly. Thereafter the Government take control of current market assets on an opportunistic basis when public finances allow. Just like any other market player. This may be a slow long term solution. However it is a practical option.


Its worrying to see so many former Independistra’s starting to follow the Trump methodology. link to

After all the SNP themselves made it very clear previously, its not hard to work out Sturgeons pretend Referendum was just more Lies to try to control the narrative. link to


James Che says:
27 November, 2022 at 1:49 pm
Breeks the Scotland Act Breeches the Treaty of union.
Hahahhahahahha And how in your crazed mixed up mind did you arrive at that interpretation James ? Feel free to back your assertion up with factual evidence which of course would be hard to do considering all the leaders of Independence supporting parties adhere to what was put into law via the Scotland Act. Perhaps you should try to actually read it yourself first instead of beleveing what other people tell you all the time.


James Che says:
27 November, 2022 at 1:49 pm

Breeks the Scotland Act Breeches the Treaty of union.

Yes, I believe it does too, but there are a lot of things which breach the articles of Union but yet the Union survives.

That situation is grossly unfair on Scotland. Scotland’s Claim of Right should have been used as a Constitutional guillotine a long time ago.

But it wasn’t, and using it now will come as a cold-turkey shock to the system. I think Alex Salmond saw the Section 30 route as less of a shock, but quite safe constitutionally because when push comes to shove, the Claim of Right trumps the Scotland Act.


Sturgeon has it all wrong. She’s allowing the Scotland Act to trump the Claim of Right.


Dan says:27 November, 2022 at 12:00 pm

“Gers Pish” LOL Oh Dear Oh Dear. link to

also link to

I spent many years publishing statistical and financial reports for one of the biggest companies in the UK , whats YOUR background in the same line of work ? Lets be honest and just state that its Zero.


Dan says:27 November, 2022 at 12:00 pm

So in a way, yes, with my life experiences and technical background I think in certain areas I do actually have more of a clue than some of the inept or calculating twats producing some of the crap served up to us.
LOL clearly false when our/your (choose your own preference of pronoun) SNP Scottish Government itself is the Data provider and Authority for all the numbers published on the Scot Gov’s own website. All you have to do to see that is too look at the URLS at the top left hand side of the SNP Scot Govs own financial report page , can you manage to do that for yourself ? You can find those URL’s underneath the “Published Date” top left hand corner here link to

ie this URL link to

Also if you scroll all the way down to the Q and A section of that SNP Scot Gov page you will find this ” Q: Who produces GERS?

A: GERS is produced by Scottish Government statisticians. It is designated as a National Statistics product, which means that it is produced independently of Scottish Ministers and has been assessed by the UK Statistics Authority as being produced in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics. This means the statistics have been found to meet user needs, to be methodologically sound, explained well and produced free of political interference.”


@ Joe

If you’re so fucking good at comprehending and analysing data and stats, how come you rocked up on here trying to punt your pish about Scotland only occasionally exporting a surplus of energy at night.

Producing more electricity than we need during the sleeping hours when we cannot use it can’t just be transferred to the peak hours during the day when we do actually need it.

link to

When the live data in my linked to post from various energy sources proves that is not the case.

link to

It’s the middle of the day so how the fuck does your purported expert level stats analysis skill set explain the nearly 5GW being exported from Scotland to England at this moment.

link to

Ergo you’re jist one of those stats guys / gals that selectively only uses data that suits your agenda.


Aye, GERS pish, even yer man Hague stated it wouldn’t accurately portray the economics of an independent Scotland.

link to


And here’s some hourly and daily updates of GB Grid system transfers.

link to

Jist the 128GWh from Scotland to England over last 24 hours.

link to


Joe says:
27 November, 2022 at 2:38 pm

A: GERS is produced by Scottish Government statisticians. It is designated as a National Statistics product, which means that it is produced independently of Scottish Ministers and has been assessed by the UK Statistics Authority as being produced in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics.

Yeah! All you silly, silly people! Imagine thinking Government statisticians and a statistics authority would actually lie to you in statistics which were “.. conceived as a political, not as a statistical, exercise”, invented by the then Secretary of State, arch Tory Ian Lang, to “undermine the SNP and the other parties”, saying “this initiative could score against all of them”. Nothing dodgy about those statistics.

Trust “Pronouns Joe”. He knows everything and anything and he’s absolutely not a gullible science denying gobshite who’s spent “many years” churning out this crap statistics which some bloke in a big company swore were absolutely true, cross his heart, and hope to die.

What’s next? Don’t tell me you lunatics actually believed the McCrone Report. Deary me. Your oil’s worthless. Everybody knows that.

Right you are Joe. Where’s the raw data so we can check the figures Joe? You know, just to check. Oh aye, and where Englands GERS? Just to check stuff on a like for like basis. You clearly the man with these figures at your fingertips, so do share.


I’d like Joe to supply the stats to debunk this.

link to


@ Breeks

It’s like groundhog day, so I’ll save you the typing for when that lse blog gets linked too. It was Don back then…

link to


Breeks says:27 November, 2022 at 3:56 pm
What’s next? Don’t tell me you lunatics actually believed the McCrone Report. Your oil’s worthless. Everybody knows that.
Do you mean the real McCrone Report or the invented version ? Let McCrone explain it himself. Just Google “Radio 2 Gavin McCrone Interview” and let him explain it to you if you can concentrate for the short 30 minutes required.
Breeks says: Right you are Joe. Where’s the raw data so we can check the figures Joe? Oh aye, and where Englands GERS? You clearly the man with these figures at your fingertips, so do share.You know, just to check.
You can find all the Raw Data where everyone else finds it ..on the SNP Scot Gov website, do you need someone to hold your hand to be able to do that ? Its also explained here by the Scottish Parliaments own Economic Advisors link to

Englands “Gers” are here link to
You can also find Margaret Cuthbert the SNP’s own favourite Nationalist Economist on this Video clip explaining how she spent 10 years with Her Husband Jim checking all the Gers data Herself here to save folk like you from having to do it. link to

So you think Alex is wrong too then ? link to

Dorothy Devine

Jings! Another one to scroll past.


Dan says:
27 November, 2022 at 3:29 pm
Aye, GERS pish, even yer man Hague stated it wouldn’t accurately portray the economics of an independent Scotland.
Why do you continue to ignore what Alex Salmond Himself tells you Dan are you trying to suggest Alex doesn’t know what he is actually talking about himself ? link to

And also trying to deny what 22 Scottish MSP’s and the SNP’s own favourite Senior Nationalist Margaret Cuthbert is also telling you on this clip from this Holyrood committee meeting ? link to How on earth can you can continue to deny the truthful facts when you can see the Video and their own lips moving , what you are is a truth denier.


Dan says:
27 November, 2022 at 4:08 pm
I’d like Joe to supply the stats to debunk this.

link to

Much better than me , here are the Scottish Parliaments and SNP’s own Economic Advisors at Holyrood Debunking it for you. link to

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