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Wings Over Scotland

The Giant

Posted on October 13, 2024 by

It’s hard to write an obituary for someone you can’t quite believe is dead.

But we must look the truth in the eyes, and it is so.

Alex Salmond would have wished to die, some decades from now, in the country he fought for all his life, and preferably not before it had recovered its independence. But if he was to depart this life in a foreign land, where could be more apt than Macedonia – the birthplace, after all, of Alexander The Great?

Or to be more precise, North Macedonia, because as everyone who ever spoke to him would tell you, Salmond’s command of historical detail was as meticulous as his grasp of political detail. He loved to share his knowledge of history, which was as deep as it was wide, with anyone in earshot. You could passingly mention some obscure figure and then be treated to an extensive and captivating lecture that would be the envy of any professor of the subject, and it was best to abandon any hope of getting a word in edgeways for the next half-hour or so.

I would not presume to elevate myself to the level of his friend. We met in person only four or five times, when he interviewed me for his TV show and at last month’s “10 Years On” event in Glasgow, and over some long lunches in Bath’s grand Royal Crescent Hotel and the city’s equally fancy Ivy restaurant. Alex loved the finer things in life, none more so than good food and drink in company, and if he took you to lunch it was advisable to write off the rest of the day.

But he treated everyone as a friend either in fact or in waiting. In truth he just loved people. In the hours since his passing we’ve been retweeting innumerable personal anecdotes from those who knew him well or met him in passing, and he treated everyone in the same warm and courteous way, be they the great and the good or a random stranger, and whether an ally or an opponent.

He had countless opportunities and ample justification to retire quietly and enjoy his remaining years relaxing in the verdant peace of the Aberdeenshire countryside. Instead he tirelessly dashed around the country and the globe, talking to anyone who would listen, in grand metropolitan theatres or wee church and village halls in the middle of nowhere, in any circumstances and at any hour.

(It wasn’t unusual to get a phone call from him well past midnight, often from a car on the way to or from yet another far-flung engagement, with some dramatic revelation or tip-off, or the details of an ingenious new plan or project.)

Nor was it from a lack of options. Salmond was what Scots call a “lad o’pairts”, who succeeded in every field he entered throughout his life, from oil economist to politician to live chat-show host and TV presenter.

His “controversial” RT show – controversial only because the small-minded and visionless drones in control of the country’s domestic broadcasters failed to provide it with a more mainstream outlet – invited figures from every part of the political spectrum and gave them the space to speak properly in a way long since lost to current-affairs TV, because he believed in the ideal of open and civilised political discourse.

Much of the commentary since his death has focused on the assertion that he was “divisive”, a criticism of extraordinary idiocy to make about a politician. Division is the key intrinsic nature of politics – the voting chambers of the House Of Commons are actually called the Division Lobbies – and as such is inescapable, but it was in reality the polar opposite of Salmond’s approach.

He sought consensus and co-operation at every turn, seeing it as the only basis for a healthy future, even to a fault – I had a good few arguments with him that it was time to withdraw Alba’s olive branch to the SNP, but he exhausted every last possibility of unity, however remote, in the face of the most extraordinary provocation.

His fortitude, of course, in the face of the grotesque conspiracy against him which formed much of that provocation, was perhaps the most heroic achievement of his life. As someone subjected to only the tiniest fraction of what he endured by way of false accusation, I can attest to the huge stresses it places on you, and a lesser man would have been crushed to dust by not only the pressures of a trial but the heinous and painful betrayal of his unworthy successor (whose name and face will not soil this article) and his treacherous former colleagues.

The SNP had the breathtaking audacity to cry crocodile tears on Twitter about their “former leader” – a fact nobody reading the party’s website would know, since every trace of his name was erased from it years ago.

The SNP’s current caretaker, who also issued a minimal generic acknowledgement through gritted teeth last night, would doubtless approve of our redactions of the above image, because he’s been at the very heart of the subsequent desperate attempts to conceal that betrayal.

Indeed, Swinney’s last act in relation to Salmond was a cynical attempt to use the Scottish Government’s monetary muscle to crush his claim against them before it could be heard in court, knowing that Salmond had been financially ruined by the cost of his defence against the false allegations assembled by the party.

But were we to list the full catalogue of gross, unforgivable and criminal injustices done to Alex Salmond by the SNP in the last years of his life (and which surely contributed to shortening it so cruelly), this article would never end, and it is the eternal fate of those who achieve true greatness to be stabbed in the back by jealous failures.

And let’s be in no doubt that we lived in the presence of a true great. We should not let familiarity and contemporaneity dull the fact that we shared a timeline with someone every bit the equal in Scotland’s history of Wallace and Bruce. Alex Salmond spilled no blood, but changed the nation in ways that will never be undone, however wretched the machinations of the pygmies who inherited and squandered his legacy.

I am hugely proud and grateful to have known him even a little. We first spoke when he stepped in after the BBC had had Wings’ YouTube channel closed down, publicly intervening with no less than the corporation’s Director General and swiftly bringing about the channel’s restoration when all other avenues had run into a brick wall.

It was an act typical of a man who also offered both public and private support of all kinds to numerous other campaigners, including Craig Murray and Dave Llewellyn, and countless worthy causes.

Again, we’ve retweeted many testaments to that effect since yesterday afternoon. He was never slow to come to the aid of those who needed it, seeking neither credit nor quid pro quo, and never scared to say unpopular things if he thought they needed to be said or to champion unfashionable causes, not just those currently in the fancy and favour of the chattering classes.

He wasn’t infallible and he wasn’t a saint, nor did he ever claim to be either. Those who have qualified their memorials with weasel words judging him by the pious standards of a different and less honest time deserve only contempt. The road Alex Salmond walked had no mercy for the weak and every one of them would have fallen by the wayside after half a dozen steps in his shoes.

But strength was only one facet of his personality. His humanity – a vanishing quality in politicians – was a greater one, as was his indefatigable positivity, and perhaps most of all his irrepressible and generous sense of humour and fondness for some good old-fashioned Scottish flyting.

(I recall one late-night phone chat with him and his ever-present right hand Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, where we were pondering some events or other and he contemplated aloud if there was a graver error for a politician than resigning too soon. “Coming back too soon?”, I replied, and he laughed uproariously for about three minutes.)

I can’t begin to offer comfort to all those who had the good fortune to know him far better than I did, and who will be feeling his loss even more acutely than the rest of us – most particularly and obviously his wonderful wife Moira, who I finally had the great pleasure of meeting in Glasgow last month – save to say that Wings will do everything in its power in the days and weeks and months to come to help secure the justice and vindication that he didn’t live to see for himself.

He was very fond of quoting that other mighty and world-renowned Scot Robert Burns, and someone sent us some lines last night that are all we have left to say about his sudden, tragic and unbearably untimely passing.

“An honest man here lies at rest,
As e’er God with His image blest:
The friend of man, the friend of truth;
The friend of age, and guide of youth:
Few hearts like his, with virtue warm’d,
Few heads with knowledge so inform’d:
If there’s another world, he lives in bliss;
If there is none, he made the best of this.”

Goodbye, Alex. Our hearts are sore without you.

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I can’t believe it either. There must be a fair bit of rejoicing going on behind a lot of these po-faced expressions of sympathy and condolence.

bob mcpherson

Hi Morag I wouldn’t let those fuckers in to my mind right now when grieving for Alex.

Patsy Millar

Thank you. Still can’t believe it and the tears are never far away but your words give some comfort.

Rose Ford

?No words

Thomas Potter

R.I.P. Alex Salmond
A Giant amongst pygmies.


RIP Alex Salmond.


Nicely done.
A sair day.

Mist From Marseille

“…to say that Wings will do everything in its power in the days and weeks and months to come to help secure the justice that he didn’t live to see for himself.”


Put the GRR stuff on the back burner because now we have something really worthwhile to fight for and we need someone to lead the fight.

IMO, that someone is YOU.


the right for women to exist IS something worth fighting for.


The man himself knew that women’s rights are a ‘really worthwhile’ thing to fight for. Like all decent people, Alex could campaign on several things at once.


I’m heartbroken. A great tribute to a giant of a man. I and I’m sure many others will join you to ensure that he receives justice.


Love the Burns quote, quite the tear jerker…


A lovely tribute Stu. The best politician of our age and he will be much missed.


Beautifully said, Reverend.

And “his unworthy successor (whose name and face will not soil this article)” . Thank you for that.


Well put. RIP

I read this and I agree

“It’s time for the rest of us to step up”


Fine piece


I never knew the man, but feel he’s a grievous loss to Scotland. The towering figure in Scotland’s drive to independence.
I hope his dream is fulfilled.

R.I.P. Alex.


Thank you.


A lovely tribute to a great man, Glad to hear that you’re still on board.

John Traynor

Beautiful words. God bless him.


Apologies for the repost.

The biggest piece of work right now is to ensure that Alex Salmond (if the family will allow) has a state funeral that both reflects the greatness of the man, and enables the full expression of respect and national grief that people have the right to express.

MMW, there is deep resistance to this. Anything which is likely to visually and inarguably demonstrate the scale of national respect and engagement with the issue of independence that exists is not in the interests of our overlords.

There will need to be campaigning on this. I don’t often go in for hyberbole, but there are people who would very much prefer that he and his legacy just quietly disappear.

Scots have a right to mourn and pay respects to Salmond, and they have a right to do that collectively and publically.
I would ask, if Stuart were willing, that we use Wings to that effect.


Am I alone in thinking Alex should be given whatever the Scottish state can muster by way of expression of national grief and respect?
Let’s keep the British state well out of it


There isn’t a single spine left in the Scottish government who could declare a state of mourning with any sort of legitimacy.

You can’t feign respect for someone you tried have imprisoned until death with false charges dreamt up by munter fantasists.

The truth is that there currently is no Scottish state, and to be honest I mistrust anyone who thinks they need some permission from the state to do such a thing as grieve.


I’m not asking permission to grieve I just think the collective expression of grief and respect should be wholly Scottish


Wholly Scottish, sure, but I can’t see how any involvement of those who put an attempt on his life and liberty can leave anything but a bad taste in the mouth.

Anyone in a position to offer Salmond a state funeral would do so out of joy, relief and celebration, not mourning.


To be clear, by state, I mean Scottish state. Think about it.


Yes, the state that not too long ago attempted to imprison Salmond for falsified crimes, the stress of which undoubtedly accelerated his death and soured at least half of his final years.

The killer should not organise the funeral.

The people can mourn, but there is no Scottish state representation of the people at the moment, so any state involvement in mourning would amount to little more than an expensive jig on the grave of their enemy.


Decision should rest with his family
But if it is to be a public or ceremonial affair then I let’s keep it away from the Union-jackery of the British state

I understand your reluctance to allow those who tried to put him away to benefit but they would also be forced in to a very public acknowlegement of the man and his greatness and in the eyes of the public that would be a step towards his exoneration and some rehabilitation of his reputation


A political opponent. A giant of a man. RIP. Condolences to his wife


A lovely tribute

Such sad news. Our thoughts are with his family, friends, colleagues and many supporters.

Even for those who may not have agreed with his politics, Salmond was a rare form of politician in these times. Capable of galvanising a party with belief and purpose. Able to express his views with genuine belief , passion and statesmanship.

As sad as this news is, it would be sadder yet if those behind his victimisation from his former party escaped justice.

(posted on other thread but more fitting here)


Beautifully put. A fitting eulogy for a fine man.
Have nothing but contempt for the current SNP. I welcome the ground that’s coming up to meet them.

RIP Alex. Scotland’s best friend.

Scott Watson

I’m deeply saddened that Alex never lived to see the dream he campaigned and advocated so hard for his whole life realised.

He also never got the justice and vindication he so rightly deserved.

His contributions to Scotland can’t be denied. I hope the name ‘Alex Salmond’ goes down in the history books and he’s remembered for many years to come. Will we ever see his like again?

Pauline Smith

Brokenhearted. Platitudes from those unfit to tie his shoelaces won’t be forgotten, nor will the lies they told. They’d have seen him die in jail. I hope most sincerely Rev. that you can take up the mantle in place of Alex to finish the fight on his behalf. Not only did those toom tabards betray him, they bured independence in the process.


So sad, He was unique among politicians in that what he tried to do was for the benefit of the people of Scotland and not for himself or his cronies….He’ll be sadly missed….


Thank you for writing this. We owe him a great debt for changing so much for the better. This cannot be the end.

John C

<i>He sought consensus and co-operation at every turn, seeing it as the only basis for a healthy future</i>

Possibly the last major UK politician to do so, & in fact few politicians in the UK in my lifetime have done so successfully. Blair did for a time, Charlie Kennedy did post Iraq til his party got rid of him, John Smith tried to but mostly it’s empty platitudes about ‘creating consensus’ from the likes of Cameron, Sturgeon & Starmer.

Salmond was also the last time a social democrat sat in the office of First Minister. True, he had major flaws such as his pandering to Trump over the golf course he wanted to build. Still, that period of his minority government & then up to 2014 is extraordinary for transforming Scotland. He understood how devolution worked, its limits & how to work within them to get the most out of what he had while at the same time, putting massive pressure on Westminster parties to get more. Taking the opportunity given to him by Cameron to make the referendum a binary question rather than including a Devo Max question was incredible. Taking support for independence from the low 20% to 45% was astonishing, and had he had a workable answer to the currency question I’m sure that Scotland today would be independent.

Hindsight’s a wonderful thing but I wish he’d never quit. He had to though having put everything on the result, and for a short while it seemed Sturgeon might kick on and build upon what Salmond did but sadly, we know how that turned out.

His death is a tragedy & he’ll be missed. I only hope now that David Davies uses his position & his power in the Commons to push on trying to get to the bottom of the conspiracy against him & finally Salmond gets some sort of justice.

And as for all those people crawling out the woodwork to call Salmond all the names under the sun, many of them care nothing for independence or even care about what he did. Hell, a decade ago many of them were still in primary school, but they knew they couldn’t defame him when alive but now he’s dead they can get away with it. These are Sturgeon/SNP/Green/Trans activists or loyalists & the gloating over Salmond’s death is something I hope comes back to haunt them.


Shedding tears all day
Every time I read another tribute
What a loss

When we will see his like again
That fought and died for his wee bit hill and glen..

And we all know who stood against him
From the might of the British establishment to the minnows who, for the moment, will remain nameless


Started off gutted last night, now moved onto heartbroken. As someone else said in Twitter, he was the only person I can call my hero, despite my generally cynical heart…

clive thomson

That’s beautifully put.

Mark Harper

A true son of Scotland


Thank you, Rev. In my house we felt gutted at the news although we never met Alex – we recognised his greatness. He truly is on a level with Wallace and Bruce.

Like them he achieved a great deal. Scotland’s escape from the Union is at the centre of all politics and in all our minds. Because of Alex, it is no longer a fringe cause.

May I suggest that, if not already happening, you and the other doughty fighters set up regular meetings to construct a powerful process that will achieve our escape.


A very brilliant article as ever! RIP Alex Salmond


Very sad time.


Excellent tribute Stu. The Burns’ poem was very apt.
My heart was so warmed after watching the video of his chat with you at the IMAX a few weeks ago, and I was hopeful for the future of the Alba party with him at the helm.
How sad it is this day to realise what we as a nation have lost.
RIP Alex


A great man in every way. His death a dreadful shock.
The last few years have been very depressing. I had given up on seeing independence in my time and was reduced to waiting impatiently for those who conspired against Alex to be exposed and publicly disgraced. Now I fear even that hope is knocked.


Well said Rev.

A fantastic tribute to the greatest Scottish patriot.

Garavelli Princip

As fine and worthy an obituary of this great man that I have had the privilege to read.

And as true and portentous a promise to secure justice as I could hope for.

Every power to your keyboard.

Colin McKean

? I listened to ‘Scotland Speaks’ this morning, aired just before he passed. Tasmina’s ditty about people no longer with us brought a tear to my eye. RIP ‘Eck. ?


I’m generally the sort of person who is ambivalent when somebody I’ve never met dies. However, this time it has hit me in a way I just don’t really have the words to express.

I only wish I could have met him.


Lovely tribute, Stuart.


A great man much maligned. Cried when I heard the news.

Jim Bo

Thank you for this tribute Stu. Finally a fitting one for the great man. RIP Alex.

Valerie Gauld

Thank you for this fitting tribute. We will not see his like again. I was glad to have been at last month’s event in Glasgow, now doubly so. He was equally adept and at home dealing with top flight politicians and discussing farming with Doric speaking locals in the North East, (where I am from). Feeling so terribly sad today.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Valerie Gauld

Drinking Jura and crying. Scotland will be running out of hankies and whisky. All the best Eck. We will try to get justice for you, and independence for Scotland, with all our hearts.


Was just absolutely devastated when I heard the news, I wish I’d had the chance to meet the man. I never bothered with voting until the referendum but Alex gave the country a new confidence in itself and pride. It will be impossible to replace him and yesterday I felt as though the dream of independence might have just slipped out of reach without him to hold the SNP accountable and show there’s another way. I’m sure he has inspired a whole generation along with myself and I will do what I can to keep the dream alive in his memory.

Marion Plunkett

A devastating loss Stu. Thanks for this tribute x

Last edited 2 hours ago by Marion Plunkett
Stuart MacKay

Time to rename the Queensferry Crossing?

John C

Just seen Stu’s post about what Jo Maugham has posted. Apart from the horrible gloating, he shows no understanding of how trials work or the concept of being found not guilty in a court of law.

link to

Maugham, like many TRAs, are loving Salmond’s death. They saw him not just as a hate figure but a threat as after all, he was one of the few UK politicians willing to call out trans ideology.

However I’m unsure whether a lawyer acting like this is a wise thing. True, he’s a tax lawyer but seeing how the Good Law Project is nothing more than an enormous grift to scam money out of people, including Trans men and women I only hope it all comes crashing down for Maugham sooner rather than later.

Ian Stewart

A really good summary Stuart. Condolences to those who knew Alex as a friend as well as his family.

Glenn Boyd

Thank you Stuart for a magnificent and heart-felt tribute to a peerless man! I recall my surprise upon seeing Alex, out campaigning on the platform of Partick undergound station.”Hello, I’m Alex Salmond”, smiling warmly and proffering his hand to all. There were no cameras, no cynical hacks, simply Alex at his best and we all smiled in appreciation. It was clear this was a man of people like us……. No airs and graces, no arrogance, simply decency, openness and intelligence. Rest in Peace Sir.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Glenn Boyd

An obituary worthy of the man. Thanks for writing this, you’ve done him proud. His loss is unfathomable and heartbreaking. He was one of us in so many ways. RIP Alex, and thank you for everything.

Alice Timmons

Thanks for saying this, Stuart, because I just don’t have the words to express the enormity of this loss. May those who hounded burn in their own helfires.

Eleanor Reilly

We’ll never see his like again, more’s the pity. His name will never be forgotten.

Lewis Moonie

Perfectly put Stu. You captured the essence of our friend so well in these few paragraphs.
RIP Alex.

Alisdair Mclean

A true lad o pairts. I never met the man but today I feel as if a fond member of my family has died. This is a loss to the independence movement but I feel we must redouble our efforts. Alex, Winnie Ewing and Margot MacDonald and others will live on in our hearts and our memories. We owe it to Alex and these other icons of the independence movement to continue the fight.


“Scotland is a Country not a County”.

Alex’s last public words for us all to read.

Scotland has lost a true champion and I’m not ashamed to admit, I just can’t stop crying, I never thought his sudden death would have hit me so hard, I only met the man once and what an experience that was.

Deepest condolences go to Moira, to his clan and life long friends,

We mourn with you.

He’s indeed “A man’s a man fir aw that”.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Craig
David Hannah

That was a beautiful tribute. I’m devastated. Independence was the best of times, the very best. Where everything seemed possible. No flowers of Scotland were born to bloom unseen, he said in his book. Rest in peace Alex Salmond. Alexander the great.


Beautifully put Stu


Good lad Stuart. Excellent.


Thank-you for this, Rev Stu. A sincere and beautiful tribute, very touching to read.

There is a youtube video of Alex’s speech yesterday, testament to his statesmanship and humanity and also the high regard in which he was held.

Hopefully this youtube link will work. Very poignant to watch so here is a transcription of his summing up.

Leadership, Cultural Bridges and Legal Frameworks in Post -Cultural Reconciliation

“To reconcile differences, you need a legal framework. You need a situation where people are prepared to say ‘that is the treaty or agreement or understanding’.

You certainly need leadership because usually to get that framework in place requires the leaders of various parties or countries or factions to go beyond their own particular interest and try to understand the interests of the other side.

And I do think very strongly you need the cultural bridges, and Northern Ireland, which we might come to later, would be a very positive example of how cultural understanding has helped promote a peace which seemed so elusive for so long.

My general message is: respect for legitimate democratic aspirations leads to good outcomes. Disrespecting it in one way or another, and often surprisingly, can lead to bad outcomes for everyone. Thank-you.”
Alex Salmond 12 October 2024.

(from 15:30 minutes in)


Fitting words Stu, thank you… Alex Salmond was a collosus of our, and to be fair, all of Scotland’s time…

He will be very fondly remembered and very sadly missed…

RIP Alex and thank you for giving us hope and for daring us to dream

Last edited 2 hours ago by Gaavster
Doug Bryce

Thanks for giving us all a dream that will never die. Hail Alba

Anne Gorman

I had the great privilege of seeing you both in action, last month, at Scotland Speaks. You were both in sterling form. He was my hero and it pains me to see and read the utter p**h coming out of the keyboards of those who sought to end his days, in a jail cell. They brushed his numerous achievements from the history of the SNP, a disgusting act if ever there was one. I hope that legally, in some respect, the court action can continue. If not, there’s obviously parliamentary privilege in the shape of his good friend, David Davies. I hope he uses it to expose the whole cabal, if he needs to!
RIP Alex, yi were a bonny fechter. ?

Graf Midgehunter

A very fine and heartfelt tribute to A.S. from the Rev. Yes, Alex was great, a giant.

Yesterday the doors to Walhalla opened for him, yesterday he became immortal.

Veronica Morrison

All of us who saw the inestimable qualities of Alex Salmond, now in shock at his untimely departure are on the brink of such a witnessing of affection and gratitude which will surprise the world.
Alex Salmond never plotted against anyone in all his life, of that I am sure. He plotted for and gave his last breath to obtain freedom, acknowledgment and peace for Scotland and for our people. My gratitude will never dim for all he achieved.

Linda McFarlane

I am finding it hard to find fitting words.
I met him at a fundraiser for independence in 2013. He was kind, warm and so impressive.

He deserves Justice. His name will live on while the names of his accusers wither.

Bob Mack

There are many descriptions of the word hero, but perhaps the most apt is that he was a man who made history, rather than just watching it happen around him.

A monumental loss to us all.


Thanks for this Stuart. Whilst I have never met you or Alex, I get the feeling that he liked and respected you and I believe your words would mean more to him than those said or written by 99% of his political peers

Alex’s passing has hit me more than that of anyone else that I didn’t know personally. A titan who should be remembered by all Scots. No other Scottish politician has come close to him in my lifetime


A most poignant, and heartfelt eulogy for someone who deserved such a honest testament. No words today except – thank you. But I send my deepest condolences to you who I believe WAS recognised by this man as ‘your friend’.

You were a very HUGE part of his fight for freedom from this dishonest union. In his parley with you on stage, it was quite obvious he was grateful for your contribution to IndyRef1. You’re too modest to dare call yourself a friend, but given his attitude to you, I’d suggest you were – and more.

I feel such a sadness for his family and those who were close to him. They will be devastated. As will those outwith his family but who knew his humanity & his personal tendency to help where he thought he could. Many, many people will be TRULY mourning his passing and I’m so very sorry that such a good person is lost to you and to Scotland. Requiescat in Pace, sir.xx


A fitting tribute to a man who always played fair no matter how rigged the game was.


The SNP truly does have a death wish. Around me a see branches closing with no office bearers and no quorums but still they think they have a chance in 2026. They think Swinney is their saviour!!

Their only hope was unity with Alba now i see no chance and they want none.

I can only assume those plants are working to strangle the party and in return they hope to receive a seat in the HOL for their efforts at some point in the future.

They may well destroy the party as required but the UK has a reputation for not paying debts.

I guess Alba is now the only choice and a lot of work.

I look forward to an indy scotland with a statue if Salmond overlooking the parliament.

Arthur Martin

God speed Boss. The fight goes on.

[…] The Giant […]


Very well said Stu – even though it must’ve been a very difficult one to pen.


An excellent and moving tribute to a great man.
And great to hear you plan to keep the pressure on those who tried to taint his name

Black Joan

Thank you, Rev.

It is surely quite remarkable that there was so swift and genuine a tribute from the Duke of Rothesay (aka the King, in England) to this great Scottish statesman who spent his lifetime campaigning to end the United KINGdom.

Any of the third-rate malevolent entities who tried to crush him and who would deny him a state funeral in Scotland, or a fitting memorial, should bear that in mind.


Nice words Stu. We honour him by continuing, by never letting the dream die.

Christopher Quinn

Beautiful piece, thank you.

Frank Waring

Thank you..

panda paws

Scotland has lost its most formidable politician ever, a leader who can rightly be named amongst Wallace and Bruce. Too many have died before Scotland has regained its rightful place in the world but this one hurts and hurts sore. To the end he was talking about and praising Scotland and that is how we should remember him. A true patriot, a colossus of a politician and a man to whom we owe so much.

The dream will never die. Scotland is a Country, not a county.


This brought me to tears. Beautifully put.


A lion amongst lice. A thinking, breathing emotionally intelligent colossus compared to the second rate dullards who tried to destroy him. They tried to pull him down and he rose above them. Stu I have read so many snide obituaries of our greatest leader that I thirsted for your take. My broken heart was healed somewhat by your reference to the fact that our great Alexander died in Macedonia speaking up for Scotland while his and our snivelling betrayers turned up to glorify Starmer’s sop taking shop. Alexander the Great versus Dugdale the dafty, Swinney the snide , and Sturgeon the sellout. I say all this as someone only convinced to vote yes by Salmond’s advocacy of the case.

Bolton Lad

Just for context, I’m an Englishman who thinks that Scotland’s futures is best served as part of the Union. But I strongly feel that it’s an issue that should be decided by Scots, and Scots alone.Having said that I mourn the death of Alex Salmond, arguably the most complete and accomplished politician of the last fifty years. His treatment by the SNP is beneath contempt. Hopefully, they will all get what is coming to them.Alex Salmond – a giant amongst pygmies.Rest in peace.

Last edited 1 hour ago by Bolton Lad
wally jumblatt

Who would want a state funeral organised by an unloved state apparatus. Let his family organise the funeral and let the people line the streets.
Even then Police Scotland would stick their noses in.

Bob Beattie

Great tribute!

Michael Laing

I too was absolutely disgusted by that SNP ‘tribute’ which I saw posted on Facebook, and in my comment on it I used similar words to yours regarding the SNP’s ruining of Alex’s reputation, erasing of him from its history and trashing and squandering of his legacy. Absolute hypocrisy on stilts. They haven’t a scintilla of shame.

David Taylor

I just hope someone somewhere decides to carry on with his legal action against the ("Tractor" - Ed)s somehow ( as in you Stu)
I will gladly contribute to any sort of crowdfund for this and for a Scottish state funeral as befitting the man..he was Scotland for all of us … Heartbroken and angry

Ian McCubbin

Such a fitting summary of him as a man, politician, and statesman for Scotland and the world.
Live on in our hearts and the cause he fought so long and hard for.


the Burns is very fitting I dint know it. finally shed the tears that have been choking me since I heard the news. We should remember his constructive positivity as we go forward as the best way to honour his work for Scotland.

Andy Ellis

From your lips to God’s ears Stu. We should all resolve to use our sense of deep sorrow and outrage at what was done to Alex and support the campaign to ensure justice is not only done but seen to be done in relation to the wretched political pygmies and ingrates within our own movement who contributed to this.

Alison Ross

I’ve never cried over the death of a politician before but Alex was a good man! He was a giant! Let’s hope the truth will out soon. RIP


Thank you for always being honest and highlighting the evil that Alex was up against and for always protecting his honour from viscious lies .
I have followed Alex’s political carreer very closely from the early 70’s and proud to say he never gave me cause to doubt his honesty or his commitment to Scotland ‘s cause .
Your tribute to him on the page could not be more fitting or said more elequently .
That is a comfort to myself and I’m sure many others who knew the worth of Alex Salmond and are now heartbroken.
For me he has been and still is Scotland’s rightful leader.. and in his memory I hope many wrongs can be righted !

Graeme Wilson

Although I’m disbarred from connecting with you on X, Rev Stuart. This is a beautiful tribute to Alex, may he rest in peace ??

Alan Thomson

I hope you will be able to co-operate with David Davis to get some justice for Alex Salmond against those who conspired to try to jail him.

Andrew F

Well written, fitting tribute.

Sadly the world is again at war. The powerful global elite against the rest of us, even though they work tirelessly to try to make us hate each other.

Very much looking forward to this:

“…secure the justice and vindication that he didn’t live to see for himself.”

PS: Just today after hearing the news, I thought Craig Murray would have achieved so much more if he had just come straight out, all guns blazing, naming names and shaming right in the faces of the guilty. What’s the worst that they could have done to him? Put him in jail? And what percentage of the public still has no idea who the real villians are.


It feels like a death in my own family.


I’m awa for a greet.


A lovely tribute Stu and the choice of poetry at the end has words so utterly apt.

We were so very lucky to have him.


A dark day. I was in my local shop when someone mentioned it yesterday. The people around me weren’t pro-indy types, but all did seem to acknowledge him as something of an icon.
i never met him, but his political acumen was inspiring, and he certainly motivated me to vote YES in 2014. Sincere condolences to Alex’ family and close friends.. ?

Big Jock

Tragic. The last 5 years must have taken its toll on him. Gone , but like Wallace, Bruce, Burns and Winnie, never ever forgotten.


Bellacaledonia – “his shadow side!!!” A pox on you

When I think of Sturgeon, Swinney, Loyd and Robertsons I smell sulpher.

Ian Brotherhood

Transcription of the Afshin Rattansi tribute, as broadcast last night on RT.

Off-Topic Scotland | Alex Salmond – a tribute by RT’s Afshin Rattansi (


I do not think we will see his like again. He was a political giant and all we are left with are a bunch of grifters, who would struggle to get a job in real life.


Way back in 1982 I found myself at a Scotland vs East Germany match (we won but it was dire) and in the same seating as us were John Smith and a host of labour up and coming aspirants.

Just along from that was a 20-something economist who looked like he’d escaped from a young tories conference he was so out of place.

My dad asked someone “who’s that?” and got the reply from John Smith – “That’s Alec Salmond, he’s a man to watch”.

Not wrong.

bob mcpherson

“Wings will do everything in its power in the days and weeks and months to come to help secure the justice and vindication that he didn’t live to see for himself.”
I’d be very happy to contribute to any funds needed. Thank you for this heartfelt tribute Stu. My tears had just begun to dry but now in full flow again.

David Beveridge

The Gaffer was a true giant, certainly in the top 3 greatest ever Scotsmen. Those who tried to destroy him would struggle to get themselves noticed on Lilliput in comparison. History will remember him while at the same time saying, “John who?… N_____ Who?…”

agent X

R.I.P Alex.

The Scottish Information Commissioner requires disclosure of Scottish Government legal advice on failed freedom of information appeal.

The Commissioner’s decision requires that information be disclosed by 26 October 2024.

For all their weasel words let’s see if the SNP Government now comply.

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    • joolz on The Giant: “The man himself knew that women’s rights are a ‘really worthwhile’ thing to fight for. Like all decent people, Alex…Oct 13, 17:03
    • Neth on The Giant: “Decision should rest with his family But if it is to be a public or ceremonial affair then I let’s…Oct 13, 17:03
    • agent X on The Giant: “R.I.P Alex. The Scottish Information Commissioner requires disclosure of Scottish Government legal advice on failed freedom of information appeal.The Commissioner’s…Oct 13, 16:54
    • David Beveridge on The Giant: “The Gaffer was a true giant, certainly in the top 3 greatest ever Scotsmen. Those who tried to destroy him…Oct 13, 16:54
    • bob mcpherson on The Giant: ““Wings will do everything in its power in the days and weeks and months to come to help secure the…Oct 13, 16:44
    • Vestas on The Giant: “Way back in 1982 I found myself at a Scotland vs East Germany match (we won but it was dire)…Oct 13, 16:43
    • bob mcpherson on The Giant: “Hi Morag I wouldn’t let those fuckers in to my mind right now when grieving for Alex.Oct 13, 16:42
    • John on The Giant: “I do not think we will see his like again. He was a political giant and all we are left…Oct 13, 16:42
    • Ian Brotherhood on The Giant: “Transcription of the Afshin Rattansi tribute, as broadcast last night on RT. Off-Topic Scotland | Alex Salmond – a tribute…Oct 13, 16:42
    • shug on The Giant: “Bellacaledonia – “his shadow side!!!” A pox on you When I think of Sturgeon, Swinney, Loyd and Robertsons I smell…Oct 13, 16:41
    • Big Jock on The Giant: “Tragic. The last 5 years must have taken its toll on him. Gone , but like Wallace, Bruce, Burns and…Oct 13, 16:39
    • ScottieDog on The Giant: “A dark day. I was in my local shop when someone mentioned it yesterday. The people around me weren’t pro-indy…Oct 13, 16:38
    • Willie on The Giant: “A lovely tribute Stu and the choice of poetry at the end has words so utterly apt. We were so…Oct 13, 16:35
    • GordyA on The Giant: “I’m awa for a greet.Oct 13, 16:35
    • Cuilean on The Giant: “It feels like a death in my own family.Oct 13, 16:33
    • Andrew F on The Giant: “Well written, fitting tribute. Sadly the world is again at war. The powerful global elite against the rest of us,…Oct 13, 16:31
    • Alan Thomson on The Giant: “I hope you will be able to co-operate with David Davis to get some justice for Alex Salmond against those…Oct 13, 16:30
    • Graeme Wilson on The Giant: “Although I’m disbarred from connecting with you on X, Rev Stuart. This is a beautiful tribute to Alex, may he…Oct 13, 16:29
    • Kathleen on The Giant: “Thank you for always being honest and highlighting the evil that Alex was up against and for always protecting his…Oct 13, 16:27
    • Alison Ross on The Giant: “I’ve never cried over the death of a politician before but Alex was a good man! He was a giant!…Oct 13, 16:25
    • Gman on The Giant: “Yes, the state that not too long ago attempted to imprison Salmond for falsified crimes, the stress of which undoubtedly…Oct 13, 16:24
    • Platinum on The Giant: “the right for women to exist IS something worth fighting for.Oct 13, 16:19
    • Andy Ellis on The Giant: “From your lips to God’s ears Stu. We should all resolve to use our sense of deep sorrow and outrage…Oct 13, 16:19
    • Dodds on The Giant: “the Burns is very fitting I dint know it. finally shed the tears that have been choking me since I…Oct 13, 16:19
    • Garrion on The Giant: “To be clear, by state, I mean Scottish state. Think about it.Oct 13, 16:17
    • Ian McCubbin on The Giant: “Such a fitting summary of him as a man, politician, and statesman for Scotland and the world. Live on in…Oct 13, 16:13
    • David Taylor on The Giant: “I just hope someone somewhere decides to carry on with his legal action against the traitors somehow ( as in…Oct 13, 16:12
    • Michael Laing on The Giant: “I too was absolutely disgusted by that SNP ‘tribute’ which I saw posted on Facebook, and in my comment on…Oct 13, 16:08
    • Bob Beattie on The Giant: “Great tribute!Oct 13, 16:08
    • wally jumblatt on The Giant: “Who would want a state funeral organised by an unloved state apparatus. Let his family organise the funeral and let…Oct 13, 16:04
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