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Wings Over Scotland

The Fifth Columnist

Posted on October 15, 2023 by

This is the end of Humza Yousaf’s speech to the SNP conference today.

And if you examine what those words mean, the conclusion couldn’t be clearer.

Because below are the resolution and its amendments.

(Click pics to enlarge.)

And the only two resolutions Yousaf DIDN’T support are, conspicuously, the two that make the entire strategy work. Let’s do them in reverse order.

Amendment G, amusingly submitted by Pete Wishart, is the one requiring a majority of votes, not seats, for a mandate for independence. We’ve been over this a thousand times. There is NO chance – none WHATSOEVER – of either Westminster or (more importantly) the world community regarding a majority of seats won on, say, 37% of the vote as constituting a democratic expression of support for independence from the people of Scotland.

(And they’d be quite right, because it means 63% of those who voted were against it. If you get 26 points less than the other side, you lost.)

We already HAVE a majority of MPs. We’ve had a majority of MPs since 2015, and it hasn’t taken us a single step closer to independence. The idea is manifestly farcical.

So Amendment G is the necessary “ideological” condition for any possibility of victory, while Amendment F, from Joanna Cherry, is the practical one, because it stipulates the inclusion of votes for other pro-indy parties in the calculation.

That’s necessary because the SNP has never, even at the absolute height of its pomp, won more than 50% of the vote in any election. It’s a very long way short of that height now, so restricting the strategy to SNP votes alone basically guarantees its failure.

(Imagine the SNP recovered to somewhere near its peak – we know, but just for the sake of argument – and got 47% of the vote, and the other indy parties got just 4%, and the UK government was able to point at the SNP manifesto and say “Look, you said they had to be votes for YOU specifically, and you didn’t get enough, so sod off”. What possible reason, other than nakedly cynical party self-interest, is there to reject the votes that could push you over the line?)

Even the SNP’s own voters know that.

So let’s not beat around the bush here – Amendments F and G comprise the difference between a credible strategy and a joke with certain failure baked in. By successfully blocking them, the “First Activist” has given away his hand.

Yousaf isn’t just useless. He’s something far, far worse than that: a saboteur.

0 to “The Fifth Columnist”

  1. Ian McCubbin says:

    You are absolutely right Rev.
    Every activists outside SNP sees this Alba saying unite for Independence is the only way. If Alba gets 5 seats ISP 1 and Greens 3 Humza Uselsess ‘s way gets failure again on his reckoning if he does not alter the motion.
    Let’s hope Alba rising by Holyrood election enough to take that and then go the declare on majority vote.

  2. twathater says:

    Its a pity the election is so far away I would love to see the voter reaction to this pish and waffle , as others have said this lot of MORONIC ARSEWIPES are now desperate to lose

  3. George Shanks says:

    The SNP are now nothing more than a protest party, virtue signalling nonentities. Student politicians who have never grown up. Happy to tell us what they are purportedly against but unable to say what they are for.
    It would appear that a large majority of elected SNP MSP’s and MP’s are more concerned with protecting their salaries, allowances, expenses and pensions than in actively campaigning for independence.
    Bought and sold for English gold….

  4. George Ferguson says:

    I am reminded of the Marcus Aurellis quote on Stoicism. If an object blocks your path then that is the way ahead. But that he meant remove the blockage. The SNP is the blockage. Contortion of policy to effectively achieve nothing. Been going on too long. Get rid of them and start again.

  5. Livionian says:

    What an absolute joke.

    To be honest this strategy isn’t going to be necessary, The way things are going I predict the SNP aren’t even going to win a majority of seats at the next election. Then hopefully there is an internal review of how much of a shambles of a strategy this was and somebody who isn’t useless can adopt the last two amendments for the election after.

    Not that I’m going to vote SNP in either, mind

  6. Luigi says:

    Sigh. I really don’t think Humza is smart enough to have figured this one out. Is he just doing what he’s been told as usual? If so, who is instructing him? The man at the wheel doesn’t seem to have a clue what he is doing, and what is going on, so who is the backseat driver?

  7. Mark Beggan says:

    Mea Culpa Scotland!

  8. My heart was broken
    My heart was broken
    Sorrow, sorrow
    Sorrow, sorrow

  9. Captain Yossarian says:

    I have respect for Alex Salmond as do most on these pages. All in all and for all his faults he was good for the Country. However, he is an unpopular public figure. I read some time ago that he was on a par with Prince Andrew in Scotland for unpopularity. That may have been caused in part by Sturgeon saying: “Because he’s found not guilty doesn’t mean to say he’s innocent” (or something like that). That sort of stuff seeps into the public psyche and is fairly indelible. So, that means that the current incarnation of Alba may win a few list seats at Holyrood, but that’s all. I know that many in the Independence movement want to cut all ties with the SNP, but Humza’s drawing you all in close, isn’t he. What alternative do you have? It took the SNP decades of hard graft before they were trusted and won seats and for Alba it will be the same. Alex Salmond isn’t a magician.

  10. Geoff Anderson says:

    I think the strategy should be vote for whoever is SECOND in a SNP seat. We are stuck in the Union for several election cycles with a slow decline in the SNP fortunes as the gullible keep nibbling the carrot.
    Let’s end it in one election and then Unite after that and shock the Unionists.
    The troughers just want a last pension top up and the new Cult trash just want to wet their beak before the Ponzi Scheme collapses.

  11. Mike Fenwick says:

    My honest apologies to Rev Stu – lesson learned how NOT to post on here! Post amended and I hope still acceptable.

    I am NOT asking anyone to buy into this – but perhaps keep an eye open for an alternative, which is slowly buiding, With the site owner’s agreement, I’ll use this extract from a post elsewhere on social media to offer an insight:
    I have always known it would take time for my fellow Scots to fully understand why I believe the Declaration of a Sovereign Scot would prove to be important. I hope these short(ish) posts help.

    It requires us to think – and crucially to ACT – differently. Words – without action – remain just words.

    The words “Self Determination” will be heard in speeches, will appear in blogs and newspaper articles, and be part of media debates. But always – just words.

    Crucially however, the words – Self Determination – also appeared here. This is an extract from the judgement of the Supreme Court on the 23rd of November 2022:

    86. The Advocate General does not dispute that the United Kingdom recognises and respects the right of self-determination in international law.

    Starting nearly 2 years before those words appeared – individually signed Declarations have been lodged at the HQ of the UN, and more recently made known to 17 UN Member States, and has always made reference to international law.

    Each Declaration is a signed statement that the individual signing no longer consents to the continuation of the Treaty of Union – a Treaty that can only be adressed within international law

    The Declaration of a Sovereign Scot initiative does use words – but it was from its very beginning, and it will continue to be – an ACT of Self Determination. Yes – words, but put into action!

  12. John Thomson says:

    Bring Alex Salmond back, yes hard work will be involved but who else would you trust

  13. JockMcT says:

    What bothers me is that they genuinely are that stupid. They believe their own tripe, and will fiddle all the way down. We need to move on. Scotland United, if it stands a chance, has to ignore the SNP and it has to go route one, no begging for yet another referendum and handing the ball and the game over to our colonial overlords…It has to be a straight declaration and then make it happen, no messing. Route 1.

  14. Dan says:

    If Joanna Cherry’s Amendment F is supposedly the practical one, then why didn’t it also include Pro Scottish Independence candidates who are not Party affiliated?
    It’s clear Party politics has become compromised and all Parties have their pros and cons, and with that being the case the might of the mainstream media can easily be wielded to taint Parties and their respective candidates during a campaign.
    But if genuine respected non Party affiliated Pro Scottish independence candidates stands in their constituencies then they may be a more viable option for the electorate to vote for.

  15. George Ferguson says:

    @Captain Yossarian 5:53pm
    Phew! Alex Salmond and Prince Andrew in the same sentence. You have surpassed yourself Captain. Are you one of the paid SNP disruptors on this blog? The 400k on IT went somewhere. Alex Salmond up against a hostile MSM and an a vindictive SNP. Found innocent on all criminal charges by a jury of mainly females. Fact! The SNP without a dedicated woke microphone will struggle. And Scotland will be a better place.

  16. Robert Louis says:

    So, it is now abundantly clear, that the SNP leadership is a London stooge. The role is to act as a ‘lightning rod’ for Scottish pro independence sentiment, but to ensure it never actually happens. You canm see how London would want such a strategy. They do not want to ‘stifle pro independence voices, but just do enough to ensure folk feel like they can vote SNP to get independence, only to find out that it can never quite be achieved.

    It is now quite clear, for those who seek independence, an SNP vote, is a WASTED vote.

    The SNP leadership are happy to just keep things as they are, whilst constantly telling Scots that it is THEY (and only THEY), who can lead us to independence.

    What a fraud.

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the ("Tractor" - Ed) moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”

    Quote often ‘attributed’, and based upon, the many writings of Roman philiospher, Marcus Tullius Cicero.

  17. 100%Yes says:

    For me last week Labour conference was a golden goose for the SNP to attack the Labour party acting all red, white and blue for the Union. Then up here the man who speaks with one voice is Keir Starmer, asking the Yes Voters to go back to the RedTory.

    That pathetic show of unionism in England by the Labour party calling out to Tory voters, had my piles retracting for a fight. If I’d been in charge of the SNP at their conference I would have been calling to the 50% who now support Independence and given them a firm plan on how independence is going to be achieved and thus giving them a reason to vote for the SNP and a solid reason why the RedTorys should be reject. The SNP would have been then able to rely on upwards 50% of the electorates votes, what party wouldn’t want that?

    It doesn’t take a genius to realize something is wrong here, why are the SNP already admitting its going to lose 20+ seats. What I’ve always known of all political parties is when they are in trouble they never admit defeat, but say lets wait and see what happens at the election. Even if the SNP win 29 seat its not a win, its a massive loss.

  18. Captain Yossarian says:

    George – I see Dan’s back.

    Regarding the popularity of Alex Salmond – it’s from YouGov:

    Like: 7%
    Dislike: 48%
    Neutral: 18%

    The popularity of Rishi Sunak, by the way, is somewhere between 30%-40%.

  19. ronald says:

    The SNP could simply put out a press statement AD INFINTUM .

    Congratulations to Mr Pishfart for getting closer to that press statement they never made .

    F the SNP

  20. Chic McGregor says:

    You are being manipulated SNPers. Majority seats is a designed banana skin to scupper an indyref for a few more years.

    Mr Wishart is for once on the right side of the debate but perhaps his previous renders him a safe enough Cassandra for that message by the Brit apparatchiks.

  21. AnneDon says:

    This whole strategy (if we are to dignify it with such weight), is to get the non-SNP indy voters to vote SNP and give them another five years suckling at Westminster’s teat , while telling us what we already know – The British state winnae wear it.

    If even Comfy Slippers Pete baulks at it, we really know it’s wrong.

    The only “Scottish United” campaign the SNP leadership clique recognise is “everybody vote for us – that’s unity!” But that’s no longer good enough for the rest of us. They’ve let us down too often in the past seven years, and there’s no going back for many of us.

  22. George Ferguson says:

    @Captain Yossarian 6:42pm
    I am surprised that someone that is aware of the pile on and the power of the Establishment doesn’t get the correlation between that and popularity. The new Chief Constable is settling in well, a bit feisty apparently. Bodes well for a correct decision on you know what. I am aware Dan is back and I am happy about that. He is a contributor that you can have a disagreement with and the following day its forgotten about. The super ordinate goal of Indy takes priority.

  23. Gordon Keane says:

    So I take it the Cherry and Wishart amendments didn’t go thru?

    And it has been asked over and over again, what will SNP do when Westminster says “No” or simply ignores SNP?
    Well, we did get a bit of an answer, when they say if London refuses their demands, SNP will use the following Holyrood election to then ask for the same thing again!

    And as has been said, we already have the majority of SNP MPs. At present, we have 46 MPs who are pro Independence.
    We already have that mandate the First Minister says he wants next year.
    So why does he need to wait for the next General Election
    and why not go ahead and invoke a Mandate we’ve already given him, for example the much trumpeted October Referendum?

    This what we had a year ago ……
    “A second Scottish independence referendum will be held in October next year, the Scottish Government’s Constitution Secretary has said.  
    SNP MSP Angus Robertson said that a 16-month timescale was “realistic” and that the vote would allow the people of Scotland to “vote on independence.” 
    It was all over the Media back in June of 2022.

    However with Nicola Sturgeon resigning the way she did,she must have been well aware that would put an end to such a vote taking place. Some might wonder at that point, in fact!
    Going to the (English) Supreme Court didn’t help either. It was a disastrous ploy, and was always going to go against Scotland.
    Nicola would have known that too.
    Yet SNP just want us to keep with this same failed policy!
    Any wonder, many are now very suspicious of SNP, these days.

  24. Merganser says:

    So, Scott Fitzgerald, a.k.a Pete Wishart, having rubbished Humza’s strategy, says we should unite behind it. What a flexible bloke he is.

  25. Captain Yossarian says:

    George – I am a Rangers supporting Unionist and so, in contributing to Wings over Scotland, I am a prime target of the cack-handed pile-on tag-team. That said, there are no hard feelings.

    I have written in many times saying that the Fabiani Inquiry was the first domino to fall and everything else that comes along behind that is now unstoppable. What happened there should embarrass the whole country.

    Anyway, I found out about Monsieur Clement a week ago, via my MI6 agent in Riyadh. It made me immensely happy to know that I knew before everyone else.

  26. Mia says:

    “We’ve had a majority of MPs since 2015, and it hasn’t taken us a single step closer to independence”

    That despite getting 56 out of 59 MPs did not get us anywhere closer to independence cannot be blamed on the number of seats. The blame must be put exactly where it belongs: the parliamentarians misusing those seats.

    It is not the majority of the seats what has failed us. It is the backsides misusing them and the “leader” managing them because they were never used as anti-union seats. For the last 8 years, they have been used continuously as pro-union seats.

    We have been voting for anti-union majorities since 2015. But the truth is we never got anti-union majorities. What we got is more pro-union majorities disguised as anti-union ones to trap our vote.

    The use of a real anti-union majority of seats to revoke the treaty of union has yet to be tested because we never had one and will never have one for as long as that majority is SNP.

    The people of Scotland never cast a vote to enter this union. In fact, Scottish self-serving parliamentarians forced Scotland into this union despite rejection from the public. To overrule that rejection, the crooks even denied the public the opportunity of having a GE to elect their first round of representatives in Westminster. The crooks voted themselves in.

    This union was never democratic nor intended to be.

    If a vote from parliamentarians only was enough to force Scotland in, then it stands to the obvious it is enough to end this union too. But for that to work it is necessary those holding Scotland’s seats are actually determined to withdraw from Westminster, reconvene the old Scottish parliament or hand the powers to Holyrood, and then revoke the treaty of union.

    The Irish show us the way. They did not need a majority of the vote either, just a majority of the seats and determined MPs to deliver independence.

    The SNP as a vehicle for independence is dead. A majority of SNP seats will take us nowhere. But if the majority of seats is from an anti-union party, like ISP/Alba, the result might well be different.

    I do agree with you. A majority of the seats is not democratic and does not necessarily represent the majority of the vote in Scotland as it did not represent the will of the majority in 1706 either.

    But the UK is not a democracy. It is a parliamentary democracy.

    In this “parliamentary democracy”, by design, Scotland’s vote does not count for anything and never will. We have seen this in the EU ref and parliament after parliament after parliament after parliament in Westminster. So why bother demanding democracy to satisfy an state that has absolute contempt for Scotland’s democracy? That I do not understand.

    It is my personal view that demanding a majority of the vote as mandate for independence, is missing a critical fact: a majority of the public in favour of independence is not and never was necessary to continue the treaty of union, in the same way it has never been necessary to start or end any other international treaty.

    The treaty has been violated multiple times since its conception. Yet, our parliamentarians chose to turn a blind eye every single time. Every violation of the fundamental principles of the treaty made it null and void. This means our parliamentarians are the only obstacle forcing us in this union despite violation after violation of the treaty. The SNP were no exception.

    I think we need to establish clearly what it is that we are seeking here:

    1. are we simply pursuing Scotland’s secession from “Great Britain” as some form of quasi-self-determination, so Scotland renounces to all its rights as a signatory of the treaty of union, England can automatically retain the continuator state status for free and, by retaining the treaty of union intact, the current line of succession to Scotland’s crown is preserved?

    2. Or are we seeking proper independence for Scotland which can only come from revoking the treaty of union and separation of “Great Britain” into its two founding states?

    If what we are seeking is option 2, then we do not need a majority of the public vote. We only need Scotland to send a majority of MPs elected on a mandate to and willing to withdraw from Westminster and unilaterally revoke the Treaty of Union.

    The treaty of union is an international treaty like the current trade agreements with Australia, New Zealand, and even the one with the EU. We will never be given the chance to vote to exit any of them either.

    The division of Czechoslovakia into Slovakia and the Czech Republic did not require a vote from the electorate either. It was just a vote from the legislature. Yet, it was accepted by the world over.

    Frankly, I cannot see what right any other country that is not Scotland has of rejecting the majority of Scotland’s parliamentary representatives, elected on a mandate to do so, revoking a toxic treaty they entered, despite being rejected by the majority of the public, 300 years ago and which has been violated countless times ever since.

    But if what is being sought is to downgrade Scotland from being an equal partner to acting as if it was just a region of Greater England, then sure, a majority of the vote “to secede” will be necessary.

    There is also another important difference between routes 1 and 2:

    Route 1: yes, we need Westminster to accept the result

    Route 2: we do not need Westminster to accept it because Westminster is a by-product of the union and therefore subordinated to the two original parliaments who ratified the treaty of union.

    Why on earth would anyone want to put Scotland through the pain and humiliation of pursuing route 1 and renounce to all what it legitimately has right to when we have route 2 to our disposal?

    That is something I do not understand (nor accept) and I never will.

  27. James Che says:

    Aye it would seem that all parties in the devolved government to Scotland has a purpose,

    If one trojan horse party does not stop the idiots voting for a continued union colony,

    Then we have posh stallion trojan horse dressed up in blue that wants to keep cart horses in red that don’t actually labour, and the liberated demostration horses that keeps being fickle and green clad horses that are more concerned with the mares and foals,
    And a new horse that has failed to get out the starting gate,

    Is this it ?

  28. George Ferguson says:

    @Captain Yossarian 7:17pm
    Generally I confine myself to the boundaries of Scotland and that’s enough to be getting on with. Occasionally I involve myself in Global affairs wrt to the impact of such events on Scotland. Dreading the opening of the Energy futures market tomorrow. It’s going to get a lot worse but you know what I am hoping to say. The rugby is on.

  29. Ruby says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    15 October, 2023 at 7:17 pm

    Anyway, I found out about Monsieur Clement a week ago, via my MI6 agent in Riyadh

    I would love to hear more about your MI6 agent in Riyadh.
    Sounds intriguing!

  30. Frank Gillougley says:

    ‘…the more votes WE win…the closer the day will be…’
    This endless ever-reducing infinity regurgitated for the last umpteen years is just plain insulting. It is beyond satire. However, I have to say, twathater’s phrase, ‘MORONIC ARSEWIPES’ comes pretty close to capuring SNP zeitgeist.

  31. Ian Brotherhood says:

    That hashtag I was on about last night #Gazagenocide

    Patrick Henningsen is talking about it now via 21st Century Wire. It was his idea, they started sharing it last night, were aiming to get maybe 100,000 X/Twitter posts.

    It hit 1.1 million, was top of the trends in the US and UK but someone had a wee word and it vanished. It’s still top trending in other countries, apparently.

    Now it’s had 2.5 million posts but still isn’t showing for us.

    Powerful players are trying to shut down whatever ‘free speech’ we have.

  32. Ruby says:

    I’m at a loss of things to say about the SNP.

    It’s well past time they should have been taken to the vet and put down.

    As for Scotland I have no idea what will happen to us. Currently it looks as if we are up shit creek without a paddle with a population so easily manipulated that they believe a woman has a penis and don’t even know if they live in a colony, a country, or an ex-country now legally know as Lesser England.

    The only thing that keeps me going is the idea that we might get a ‘Posie Parker’ style party here in Scotland.

    I wonder why that possibility is never discussed.

    I get the impression it is not fully appreciated how women feel or maybe it is.

  33. Johnlm says:

    Just another unionist party.
    Who cares.
    I might tune in to watch the standing ovation for the Great Leader on Tuesday tho’.

  34. bluegrass banjo says:

    which first ?

    indyref2 – 900/1

    middle-east-conflict solved – 4/5

  35. Ruby says:

    George Ferguson says:
    15 October, 2023 at 7:45 pm

    @Captain Yossarian 7:17pm
    Generally I confine myself to the boundaries of Scotland and that’s enough to be getting on with

    I agree with that idea George.

    I saw the ‘Free Palestine’ protest here in Edinburgh and my thoughts were

    ‘We can’t even free ourselves how are we expected to free Palestine?’

    However I expect Humza & the SNP will be on the case.

  36. Corrado Mella says:

    This is a blatant attempt by a desperate man to force the hand of the part of Scottish electorate that supports Independence to vote SNP “otherwise it will be a wasted vote” to then abuse it to push more woke and divisive policies to finish Scotland for good, leaving behind a wasteland that his BritNazi masters will hoover up.

    It’s cynical beyond reprieve, twisted beyond abhorrent and sickening to death.

    If it’s an idea of his own making, he’s horrid.
    If he’s blackmailed into this and doesn’t speak up, he’s a coward.

    There’s nothing redeeming beyond this.

  37. Dan says:

    @ Ian B

    Killing Joke’s music may be a tad hard for many. (At least for me it drowns out the near constant industrial humming from the “planet saving” air sourced heat pumps as we enter winter…)
    But to be fair they have always been pretty on the money with regard to certain subjects over the many decades they have been on the go.

    Hard to believe their album Pylon was released 8 years ago…

    New Jerusalem:

    Fragmented communities
    Staring at their screens in silence
    All night surfing till the dawn
    Everyone´s hooked on online porn
    All the people indifferent to torture
    The media gives the thumbs up
    To the Gaza slaughter
    Shallow no attention span
    No empathy for the common man

    In Iraq a quarter of a million dead
    How do you feel about being misled
    The number one surveillance state
    Zero regulation and there´s no debate
    More lies manufactured enemies
    Divided nations need a common foe
    A hornet´s nest created by the west
    A new world order is the only goal
    Look what we´ve become
    Brainwashed Britain look what we´ve become
    New Jerusalem New Jerusalem

    Another twat in the number ten flat
    Dancing to the tune of Goldman Sachs
    Another knob got the top job
    Selling out to corporations
    Culture adult entertainment
    Calibrated to dumb down
    Big Brother said strictly come dancing
    And everyone was dancing ´round and ´round

    In Iraq a quarter of a million dead
    How do you feel about being misled
    The number one surveillance state
    Zero regulation and there´s no debate
    More lies manufactured enemies
    Divided nations need a common foe
    A hornet´s nest created by the west
    A new world order is the only goal
    Look what we´ve become
    Brainwashed Britain look what we´ve become
    New Jerusalem New Jerusalem

  38. Dundee Scot says:

    The independence movement should reverse how they’re going about this.
    They should push for a referendum giving the rest of the UK a vote on whether they want Scotland to stay in the UK.
    Many people in the UK are sick and tired of listening to what (in their eyes) is constant SNP complaining, corruption, incompetence and begging for more money.
    Undermine support for the Union in England and Wales, not just Scotland. Make the case that the UK would be better off without Scotland. The SNP’s known corruption and incompetence would help, not hinder, the cause of independence.
    Once the “better off without Scotland” case is made, Westminster will be more ready to accommodate Scots demands.

  39. Muscleguy says:

    Demand demand demand and we will scweam and scweam and scweam if we do not get them.

    After that we will go back to managing devolution for you.

  40. robertkknight says:

    Troughers ain’t gonna vote to remove the trough, so the SNP ain’t gonna vote to remove the annual injection of >£1.2 million of Westminster wonga.

    Vote Devolution! Vote SNP! Vote Green!

    Vote Independence! Vote ALBA! Vote ISP!

  41. George Ferguson says:

    @Ruby 8:27pm
    I think Scotland should have an even hand in this localised conflict about to escalate into a Regional War. I think Humza has done very well so far. It must be difficult for him with personal interests at play. He is wrong in his amoral equivalence judgment though. The UK has sent 2 Royal Navy ships both non combatant hospital and accommodation ships. The small Marine contingent is their for protection and evacuation purposes. Its not OK for him to say I am not military strategist. Back to the Rugby the world can wait for us auld guys that have seen this situation many times over.

  42. Ron Clark says:

    Westminster elections are a total irrelevance.

    They have absolutely nothing to do with Wokism, ferry fiascos, NHS, education, Genderism.

    Westminster is to make you feel as if you have some sort of input in UK politics.

    We all know we have no input whatsoever into UK politics.

    We are the standing joke down there, so tge smug English bastards can show us how superior they are to us mere scumbags.

    Unless the voting priorities change to include ALL independence supporting parties, then it is a total waste of your time going to vote.

    In 2015 we voted in FIFTY SIX SNP MPs and we actually went in the opposite direction from winning independence.

    In 2011 we had SIX SNP MPs and won the right to have a referendum on Scottish independence.

    So it doesn’t matter one iota how many indy MPs we have sitting in that midden in the English (spit) capital.

    It is a total irrelevance.

    Thr only good thing to come out of an SNP thrashing will be the troughers are kick out on their arses, no doubt to let a new batch of Yoon troughers in in their place,,,and on and on the Westminster merry-go-round goes on.

    The best thing indy supporters have to look forward to is trying to get something put in place in time for the next Holyrood election, where All indy parties come together and take the majority vote.

    Only then we can move forward.

  43. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Dan (8.38) –

    Thanks for that, very interesting.

    I’m not familiar with Killing Joke but I’ve just found them on YT and am playing ‘Eighties’. The singer looks familiar but the song isn’t. Great video though.


  44. Robert Hughes says:

    Mia @ 7.23

    Excellent post .

    To insist we have to adhere to scrupulously democratic standards in order to obtain our Independence and end a 300+ years long confidence trick that itself was not remotely democratic and has shackled us to this so-called ” Union ” , * forged * into some kind of divinely-ordained , irreversible fait accompli – conveniently , greatly favouring the * senior partner * – is to submit to the rules of our opponent – the very people who are actually denying us our democratic right – as a sovereign Nation , to determine our own fate .

    As you say , though , it’s all academic until such times as we have representatives that have the will to at least use this scenario ( a majority of seats ) to cause a bit of disruption , bring some – chronically lacking – energy and defiance to the situation : it would get the people of our country’s attention , if nothing else . But we don’t have such representatives . Yet

  45. Ruby says:

    George Ferguson says:

    Back to the Rugby the world can wait for us auld guys that have seen this situation many times over.

    Enjoy the rugby George and maybe get an early night so that you have lots of energy tomorrow to think about all our problems and for all the babysitting & grandpa duties you might be called on to do.

    I hate watching sport I can’t understand why people get so excited about it.

    Maybe I should be jealous that I’m missing out.

    Tomorrow I’ll be doing some sport myself. I’ll put on my ‘cossie’ & goggles and swim up & down up & down up & down the pool until I feel I have done enough to merit a nice coffee & large piece of carrot cake. Looking foward to it already.

  46. Ruby says:

    Ron Clark says:
    15 October, 2023 at 9:16 pm

    Westminster is to make you feel as if you have some sort of input in UK politics.

    We all know we have no input whatsoever into UK politics.

    Agreed it’s all just a set-up to kid us on that Scotland isn’t an English colony.

    I suppose it’s quite clever either that or 55% of folk living in the colony are pretty dumb.

  47. A Scot Abroad says:

    Just in practical terms, it strikes me that Yousaf’s proposal of 29 SNP seats at the next Westminster election giving the Scottish government a mandate to negotiate for independence is a bit of a dud, because London aren’t going to negotiate, particularly as after the next Holyrood election, there’s not going to be an SNP government in Edinburgh. London will just ignore him.

    This is all good.

  48. Ron Clark says:


    I would say there are far more than 55% of Scots who qualify as “pretty dumb”.

    For proof, read the comments BTL on the National.

  49. Ian Brotherhood says:

    For those on X/Twitter, there is a ‘space’ open right now with Patrick Henningsen and others.

    It should be visible on your Twitter page, top right-hand corner. Clicking to join as a listener doesn’t mean you have to speak.

    (Henningsen seems to be doing these things 24/7 right now.)

  50. A Scot Abroad says:

    Mia, at 7:23pm

    “…. The treaty of union is an international treaty like the current trade agreements with Australia, New Zealand, and even the one with the EU.”

    the Treaty of Union was an international treaty for about 6 months (and hundreds of years before truly international bodies). A minute after both England and Scotland ratified it via separate Acts of Union in two Parliaments, it became completely irrelevant, because it was a Treaty between two parts of the same nation. Meaningless, in an international sense.

  51. Ruby says:

    A Scot Abroad says:
    15 October, 2023 at 10:29 pm

    Just in practical terms, it strikes me that Yousaf’s proposal of 29 SNP seats at the next Westminster election giving the Scottish government a mandate to negotiate for independence is a bit of a dud, because London aren’t going to negotiate, particularly as after the next Holyrood election, there’s not going to be an SNP government in Edinburgh. London will just ignore him.

    This is all good.

    Run out of flame-baits?

    You said all that on the previous thread.

    London don’t give a shit about Scotland the country, the colony, the ex country now called Lesser England whatever mandate, ‘government’ the colony has.

    How can it all be good when your colonial set up only has support of 55% of the electorate.

  52. Captain Yossarian says:

    Ruby – My MI6 man in Riyadh is based at the British Embassy. He passes-on classified transfer information (re Monsieur Clement) via satellite from the V12 Aston. Can’t really tell you any more than that. Sorry.

  53. Ruby says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    15 October, 2023 at 10:57 pm

    Ruby – My MI6 man in Riyadh is based at the British Embassy. He passes-on classified transfer information (re Monsieur Clement) via satellite from the V12 Aston. Can’t really tell you any more than that. Sorry.

    Fuck me! You should change your moniker to ‘James Bond – Shaken Not Stirred’

    What about the sinking school any update?
    Are the FBI on the case now?

  54. A Scot Abroad says:


    you are clearly on some form of deranged hair-trigger. Anyone who has even the slightest difference of opinion to you is accused of “flame-baiting”.

    That doesn’t work with me, dearie. Calm

  55. Captain Yossarian says:

    Ruby – On the “sinking school” – You are not authorized. I only speak to Commander Dan. Sorry.

  56. Ruby says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    15 October, 2023 at 11:21 pm

    Ruby – On the “sinking school” – You are not authorized. I only speak to Commander Dan. Sorry.

    Commander Dan? Is that the name of your doctor?

  57. Alf Baird says:

    Ruby @ 10:16 pm

    “I suppose it’s quite clever either that or 55% of folk living in the colony are pretty dumb.”

    According to postcolonial theory, a ‘colonial mindset’ (i.e. internalized racism) explains anti-independence sentiment among an oppressed native group. For the anti-independence non-native settler, blocking another peoples liberation is racism. In both respects the anti-independence vote vote is the outcome of colonialism/racism.

    “Racism is…a consubstantial part of colonialism. It is the highest expression of the colonial system and one of the most significant features of the colonialist” (Albert Memmi).

    In a colonial society racism is institutionalized, normalized and internalized, a sine qua non of colonial life. Scots are subject to it every day. “Each move of both the colonialist and the colonizer is the source of the extraordinary spread of racism in the colonies”.

  58. Derek says:

    Dinnae feed the troll.

  59. Ruby says:

    A Scot Abroad says:
    15 October, 2023 at 10:55 pm

    A minute after both England and Scotland ratified it via separate Acts of Union in two Parliaments, it became completely irrelevant, because it was a Treaty between two parts of the same nation. Meaningless, in an international sense.

    Not just a flame-baiter but someone who just makes shit up and posts it here BTL on Wings.

    Why not have yourself a nice cup of horlicks and get yourself off to baw baws.

    Baw Baws for Lord Naw Naws

    Nightie night Naw Naws.

  60. Derek says:

    Regarding Killing Joke, I’ve seen them. Jaz Coleman was involved with the New Zealand orchestra for a while, wasn’t he?

    In the meantime…

    link to

  61. robertkknight says:

    Lord Naw-Naw says at 10:55pm

    “England calling… England calling… England calling. This is the Norfolk station broadcasting on the ten meter to one meter band. A minute after both England and Scotland ratified it via separate Acts of Union in two Parliaments, it became completely irrelevant, because it was a Treaty between two parts of the same nation”.

    link to

    “The fundamental cause of the continued misunderstandings since 1707 has been the continuing failure of the Westminster Parliament, and its advisers and draftsmen, to appreciate that the Union was made by a treaty within international law and merely ratified by the parliaments of the two uniting states under their domestic laws, so as to put themselves out of existence and create a new sovereign state in lieu. The Westminster Parliament could possibly repeal parts of the two ratifying Acts, but that would leave the Treaty standing because it is part of international law affecting Britain and the whole world, and not merely part of domestic law.

    It is clear that any political development which requires reconsideration of the Treaty and relative Acts of 1706-07 will require careful and anxious thought to avoid repeating or compounding mistakes of the past. It is not at all a simple matter”.

    David M Walker was Regius Professor of Law in the University of Glasgow from 1958-1990

    Yet more Brit-Nat propaganda being broadcast from (the idiot) abroad.

  62. David Hannah says:

    Steve Clarke’s Scottish national football team have put Scotland on the map tonight.

    Absolutely heroes.

  63. David Hannah says:

    Humza’s adopted the self sabotage strategy. He’ll do what he’s told. He’s a disgrace to Scotland.

    The worst thing about it all is he’ll leave with a gold platet pension. That really sickens me.

  64. David Hannah says:

    The Irish Independence Party 2.0.

    Soon to be replaced in entirety by Alex Salmond’s Alba Party. God bless our leader Alex Salmond. I love the man I wish him the best of health and thanks for the inspiration.

  65. James Barr Gardner says:

    The 2 UK aircraft carriers were built for defense ? In times of natural disasters they would be deployed in aid emergencies ?

    They have never been used to help the weak and dispossessed.

    The UK ruling elite lie, constantly !

  66. charlie says:

    Dan says:
    15 October, 2023 at 8:38 pm
    @ Ian B

    Killing Joke’s music may be a tad hard for many. (At least for me it drowns out the near constant industrial humming from the “planet saving” air sourced heat pumps as we enter winter…)
    But to be fair they have always been pretty on the money with regard to certain subjects over the many decades they have been on the go.
    >I interviewed Killing Joke for a fanzine many years ago. Good people and they meant what they said, but maybe a bit too full on for me to live their lifestyle. I just wanted Thatcher out. Good live band and I have no idea where I’m going with this.

    Except Humza is finito. Have a good UK pension scheme from Westminster and put a few of the gravy train into the House of Lords, because the SNP will need the money. Bah!

  67. Anton Decadent says:

    Re Killing Joke, Fire Dances album was released forty years ago this year, I remember reading reviews in NME etc. Same as Derek I also saw them live thirty years ago.

    Let’s All Go (To The Fire Dances)

    On our way to the fire dances
    Let’s all stay on our feet so
    In the market here we are then
    Sing a song for sixpence oh!
    Time keeps ticking – tick tick tock
    Can’t stop now just keep on pushing
    I’ve got a feeling something’s changing
    I’m gonna find this feeling somewhere

    Let’s all go to the fire dances

    Take the future in your hands now
    Let’s do this dance forever
    Teacher teach me something new please
    Sow the seed god speed the plough
    Basic ways to simplify me
    Sun is shining in your favour
    Push push me till i get there
    I’m gonna find the human somewhere

    Turn the pages time goes backwards
    Pay the piper to play your tune
    You and me in a dance forever
    Summer nights and music – oh!
    Fill your cup and don’t say maybe
    Sun is shining in our favour
    Let’s be human – oh so human
    On your way to the fire dances

  68. twathater says:

    HERE is the future history of Scotland and Scots unless we waken up and TELL politicians WE decide who votes in our constitution

    link to

    Does anyone think the Aborigines believe in civic nationalism, OR if given the choice would they have been so generous towards their colonisers, have the se ttlers and inco mers earned the New Australian title

  69. Willie says:

    This latest conference once again reinforces how voting SNP is a vote against independence.

    W The SNP are dead to independence. Dead andddead against they will deliver nothing.Ther are nothing short of band of troughers taking the English shilling They need to be gone. And soon they will be gone.

  70. Breeks says:

    Mia says:
    15 October, 2023 at 7:23 pm

    …. The blame must be put exactly where it belongs: the parliamentarians misusing those seats.

    Agreed Mia, that, and a pernicious campaign of wilful disinformation and indoctrination; propaganda designed to erode Scotland’s self confidence.

    The captive’s profound determination to escape is amply demonstrated by his willingness to cut off his own foot, but don’t lose focus… all that’s actually required is simply to unlock the shackle.

    I suppose it’s a variation on Occam’s Razor; why do we strive to bewilder ourselves with contrived mechanisms, thresholds of support and benchmark achievements? Just end the damned Union by the shortest, most expedient technicality, and the Union is amply dead?

    “Know” that we can do this, believe we can, then prepare the ground for International Recognition. No more distractions or detours.

    Sadly, what defeats us is “leadership”, or lack of it, and inadequate guile to outthink the subversive elements who have successfully infiltrated and derailed the SNP.

    However, to be fair to ourselves, Scotland has no media, nor indeed homeland security type organisation to defend Scotland’s interests from insurrection and treach ery. Not only is Scotland compromised from the outside, but our nations self defence mechanisms are largely non existent.

    If there are only three steps to freedom, Scotland can rely on categoric assurances there are four.

  71. Alf Baird says:

    twathater @ 3:01 am

    “Does anyone think the Aborigines believe in civic nationalism, OR if given the choice would they have been so generous towards their colonisers, have the se ttlers and inco mers earned the New Australian title”

    Postcolonial theory tells us that ongoing cultural assimilation and with that the perishing of indigenous native culture/identity, or liberation (i.e. independence), are the only two possible outcomes for a colonised people.

    Scots remain locked in the former category, and are now being more rapidly driven in that direction by co-opted SNP/Scots colonialists and a colonizer seeking to make the indigenous people a minority in thair ain laund.

    Various colonial methods may be employed in the destruction of a native people, including:

    – limiting housing and/or made unaffordable for the young
    – Low pay means young native people cannot afford bringing up a family
    – promoting and incentivising in-migration, mostly from the colonial ‘mother country’
    – imposing, via state education and media, ideologies (e.g. lifestyle, gender) which inhibit family development
    – plus the usual array of cultural imperialism policies promoting only the culture/values, language and identity of the colonizer

    Many indigenous native peoples around the world seeking self-government have suffered from such ‘colonial procedures’. Careful analysis here suggests the Scots are nae different.

    link to

  72. Captain Yossarian says:

    Derek – Everyone and anyone is allowed to post on here. Because you disagree with the majority, it doesn’t make you a troll.

  73. Effijy says:

    The last poll on Sunak was 24%.

    That knocks me for 6 how the English still with the economy, inflation, mortgage rates, the NHS, public services all broken due to a series of corrupt lying incompetent leaders they won’t more of the same.

    We must cut all ties with the lot of them.

  74. Johnlm says:

    Mysteriously, there were no technical problems with Radio 4’s Keith Brown interview on morning news today.

  75. Ruby says:

    I don’t fully understand what this Aboriginal voice to parliament entails and why any aboriginal person would vote against it.

    I certainly see quite a lot of similarities between the Indigenous people of Australia and Scotland.

    One thing that has always struck me is the similarities between the Indigenous people of Australia, America & Scotland vis a vis drug & alcohol problems.

    Being colonised can destroy your soul.

    As for the Indigenous people of Scotland we are in a very similar position to that of the Indigenous people of Australia.

    If the Australians (that’s the real Australians & not the new Australians) got their voice to parliament like the voice we Indigenous Scots have it would be of no good it would just be a kid on set up to try to prove the New Australians weren’t colonisers.

    Another article about Australia
    link to

    Australia’s referendum result dents republican movement

    Aboriginal leaders have announced a week of silence to reflect on “the role of racism and prejudice against indigenous people”.

    At the same time Australians are going totally insane giving women’s rights to men.

  76. Luigi says:

    If you manage to get a mickey mouse degree and aren’t smart enough to build an honest, professional career, then get into politics. Learn how to use buzz words and kiss the right backsides, and who knows? The sky’s the limit. You could earn more than you can count and a comfy lifestyle will dampen any sense of guilt and wrong-doing. It’s a no-brainer.

  77. Dan says:

    The Aborigines’ plight reminds me of Midnight Oil and Diesel and Dust album.

    The Dead Heart

    We carry in our hearts the true country
    and that cannot be stolen
    We follow in the steps of our ancestry
    and that cannot be broken

    link to

    Off out to continue restoring my old hoose. Maybe if all the warring cunts put more time and effort into sorting stuff instead of blowing shit and people up we’d all be in a better place.

  78. Ruby says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    16 October, 2023 at 7:41 am

    Derek – Everyone and anyone is allowed to post on here. Because you disagree with the majority, it doesn’t make you a troll.

    The question is why would you want to post on a site where you disagree with the majority?

    The only conclusion I can come to is you want to cause trouble.
    You enjoy flame-baiting and taunting people. You were quite happy to spam the site 24/7 for a period of two years with your posts about a ‘sinking school’.

    Why would you do that and not post on a Unionist supporting site or a Rangers fan site.

    What I think is you have so little respect for the majority of people who posts here you thought ‘Fuck them I’m going to spam their site 24/7 for two years about this sinking school stuff’

    It looks to me as if ‘the sinking school saga’ is all just some grievance because you got fired and blacklisted from every firm in the UK.

    Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

    I am not calling you a troll I am calling you a flame-baiter a trouble maker and the worst sexist misogynistic pig I have ever come across.

  79. Captain Yossarian says:

    Ruby – It all depends upon whether I am right or wrong. If I am right, I am due an apology from a hell of a lot of people. Would you not agree? So, I would wait. We may get an answer today.

  80. Xaracen says:

    A Scot Abroad said;

    “the Treaty of Union was an international treaty for about 6 months (and hundreds of years before truly international bodies). A minute after both England and Scotland ratified it via separate Acts of Union in two Parliaments, it became completely irrelevant, because it was a Treaty between two parts of the same nation. Meaningless, in an international sense.”

    You’ve got that completely arse-backwards, ASA.

    The Treaty had no relevance prior to ratification, it was just a bit of paper, a potential agreement, not an actual one. On ratification, the Treaty didn’t lose relevance, it gained it, because it acquired its own sovereign power, the power to bind two governments into one, subject to its terms.

    The Treaty didn’t merge the two kingdoms, it only merged their governments. Their territories, laws, constitutions and sovereignties remained intact except for specific agreed exemptions. There were no exemptions regarding territories and constitutions, and neither partner gave up their sovereignty to the other. They only agreed to joint governance and some trade agreements, and a specific one-off agreement on the monarchical succession.

    The Treaty never became irrelevant, because it holds the authority that binds the two kingdoms together via common governance, because the two sovereign Treaty Principals together gave it that authority via joint agreement and joint ratification. Nothing else binds them, because nothing else could. No Treaty, no Union. As long as its authority is recognised, it is by definition an international treaty.

    When we end it, two separate sovereign kingdoms will reappear.

    The Great Crime of the Union is that the English partner refuses to recognise the sovereign authority of its Scottish partner, presuming itself to have higher authority than it can properly justify, by claiming the Westminster Parliament, over which it has almost exclusive control, to be the sole owner of sovereignty in the Union, and that Scotland is thereby a subordinate partner to England, not an equal one. This is a lie.

  81. Red says:

    Something doesn’t add up here.

    Humza Yousaf is the most Scottish man who has ever lived in Scotland. This is a person who eats, sleeps, breathes, sweats, digests, vapes and excretes everything Scottish, from every sparkling pore of his perfectly Scottish being.

    Humza has been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather. To live off the land. To go into coalitions that would make a billy goat puke.

    As a poor, working class Scottish boy at Hutchey Grammar School, Humza used to dream of one day being able to spell “Independence for Scotland”.

    How can it be that the living epitome of Scottishness, the guy Professor Tom Devine asks for help on his Scottish history homework, could make such a decision?

    The answer is that Humza Yousaf has a plan so brilliant in its amazing Scottishyness, so daring in its braw Caledonianness, that he and Fatima Joji can’t tell you what it is right now.

    In case the English (Rishi Sunak) find out.

  82. Ruby says:

    link to

    Outside the venue, this prick.

    At the time, Rowling shared a video of one young man with a microphone shouting “F*** you” at the women.
    She wrote: “Inside the venue: women from 35 different countries discuss their sex-based issues and concerns, including the harassment and intimidation they face from men. Outside the venue, this prick.”
    “To prove his point that the female fear of male harassment is groundless, he got up early to bellow ‘f*** you’ at a group of peacefully assembling women. Is he genuinely that thick?”

    The protester numbers dwindled after Humza Yousaf, the first minister, condemned the behaviour, saying that men shouting at visiting female campaigners was “a bad look” and that “peaceful protest is OK, abuse is not.”

    How much is this prick paying the Times & the Time for this type of press coverage?

  83. Captain Yossarian says:

    Ruby – One final word on the sinking school. I intend to shut-up about it until I have a result and I suggest you do the same. I have written to my MSP and copied in another 4No MSP’s earlier this morning, requesting an answer today. Can I suggest we leave it at that for now? The subject is not a secret of course, but constant vapid, tittle-tattle of the type you engage in is not going to help.

  84. Dorothy Devine says:

    Does anyone actually bother their arse with the instructions given by Stu regarding disrupters or trolls as some would call them?

    They are busily trying to close the best independence supporting site , with the best investigative journalism available.

    I understand there are those who think they must refute every piece of repetitive ordure- but really , just scrolling on by is a better method.

  85. Southernbystander says:

    Ruby, but would you really want a hall of mirrors, an endless echo chamber? Wouldn’t that be incredibly boring and people would never have their sensibilities jolted and even, heaven forfend, modified for the better? It’s called being alive in the world surely?

    And you could blame the Rev in a way for you irritation – his articles these days attack the very thing unionists also dislike – the SNP. It is therefore even more likely some of them will end up here.

  86. Captain Yossarian says:

    Ruby – To my MSP at 07.35, 16/10/23: …….”I have lost hundreds of thousands of pounds in earnings; that situation must now be brought to an end and I am satisfied _________ understands that.

    This has been 9-years of my life wasted. Can you make sure this case is resolved on my behalf and do it now, please? As I see it, it has been a failure of Government to protect the public interest.”……

    So, let’s just give it a rest?

  87. Red says:

    I saw footage of Humza Yousaf explaining, with great emotion, how important Scottish independence is to him personally.

    It’s very compelling and everybody should watch it.

    Unfortunately the Unionist media or the 77th Brigade appears to have doctored the interview and replaced every mention of Humza saying “Scottish independence” with an AI generated voice saying “Gaza”. If anybody can find the original, please let me know!

  88. TURABDIN says:

    The Scottish nationalist answer to this «shilly shallying» ought not to be more repartee of the «says you» kind but something rather more threatening. Let your imagination play as to what the circumstances might require.
    Enough hot air has been wasted.
    The mega bulldozer of enforced globalization waits for no one not even the imperial residue in London.

  89. Johnlm says:

    I miss Yossarian since he decided to stop posting on this site 2 weeks ago.

  90. Bob Mack says:

    They really do not have a clue about how to gain Independence.

    It isn’t a priority. What is a priority is how to make your supporters believe you are trying to achieve independence in order to keep the party afloat.

    Playing the shell game with peoples aspirations can only end one way.

  91. Mike Fenwick says:

    xaracen at 9.33 – Well said!

    In a post somewhere up there ^ I posted this extract from the UK Supreme Court:

    86. The Advocate General does not dispute that the United Kingdom recognises and respects the right of self-determination in international law.

    Starting well before those words were ever spoken, and the position of the UK stated and acknowledged in the UK Supreme Court, and now a matter of permanent public record – the Declaration of a Sovereign Scot initiative was started – and has been signed by individual Scots in ever increasing numbers from every part of Scotland.

    Every individually signed Declaration of a Sovereign Sct is an ACT of self determination. An ACT (not words in a blog, not words in a post on Facebook, not words in a newspaper, or spoken in a speech and forgotten) – it is an ACT of Sovereign Scots from all over Scotland – made known to the world via the UN and 17 UN Members.

    The Declaration of a Sovereign Scot initiative has stated its purpose from the very beginning – to regain the independence of Scotland by ending the Treaty of Union – not by words but through ACTION!

    As I said in that post above – I am NOT asking anyone to buy into this – but I do stongly suggest that an initiative which is steadily gaining support across Scotland is worth being aware of!

  92. Ruby says:

    Southernbystander says:
    16 October, 2023 at 9:45 am

    Ruby, but would you really want a hall of mirrors, an endless echo chamber?

    It’s always the same excuse for Unionist flame-baiting.

    Could you look up the meaning of taunt and flame-bait then get back to me.

    What I am currently looking for is an answer to a very simple question from Union supporting posters.

    I want to know what they think Scotland is

    1. A country
    2. A colony
    3. An ex country now referred to legally as Lesser England.

    It seems impossible to get an answer to that.

    I think the best I got was that Scotland was a series of small villages and the people spoke English with a dodgy accent and couldn’t spell for shit.

    I would very much appreciate posters telling me why they favour the Union or having Scotland as part of their Union but there is never any of that. All we get is Scotland is shit, you’ll never get independence na, na, na, na, na. Show us the money ha! ha! ha! you can’t.

    I am also pretty interested in what ‘Southernbystanders’ think about their lot. Do they want Scotland to stay in the Union and for what reason. Are they happy that they don’t have a devolved parliament like Scotland. How do they feel about Brexit, Women’s rights, the Tory Government, Starmer and everything else we share while Scotland is being colonised by England. Are you happy that you are the majority and are making all the decisions for ‘Scotland Your Colony’?

    Are you for example quite happy that almost half of the Scottish electorate do not want to be part of your precious Union colonised by England?

    All that would be very welcome and not just all the usual stuff about Scotland being crap.

    What is Britishness?
    What do you need to pass the Britishness test?
    What is meant by ‘The English’ as in accusations of anti-English.

    I don’t imagine I will be getting many answer to these questions all focus will be back on just how shit Scotland is.

    However if you are happy to answer my question you could maybe slip in an answer to the following

    What is a woman? 🙂

    Maybe make if a ‘What is an English woman’ and make it two answers in one.

    Cheers have a nice day..

  93. Captain Yossarian says:

    Johnlm – Forgive me. The better posters on here post on a range of subjects, be it Gaza, Faslane, the Fabiani Inquiry, military hardware, Alex Salmond. Look at Dan – he regularly posts on heat pumps and making soup. There is nothing wrong with that, you do not have to be a Nationalist and I contribute. Ruby is fixated on the subject of a sinking school and she nags me day after day. I explained earlier that it is coming to a conclusion, an outcome if you like, within the next few days – maybe today. Ruby will no doubt find out in her own sweetie-wife way what that outcome is. It might be a story of national importance, or it may be absolutely nothing. Who knows? I’m just waiting to hear the outcome.

  94. Shark says:

    The SNP leadership aren’t that stupid (to believe this is a credible goal, and ask of the UK govt), even if they did achieve a majority of seats, it’s much worse than that. Losing 40% of seats would be sackable/resign time in any other party and it has been for less, e.g. Corbyn. So this majority of seats is simply a distraction to stay at the helm and fool the people. Humza gets up and declares a majority and how successful that is, and the sheep believe it. The remaining SNP members and sheep are worse now than the Labour sheep, they used to criticise in 00s. But many Nats and
    Scots aren’t going to fall for it me thinks. And even worse, this position encourages all unionists to vote tactically and reduce SNP MPs further. Alba are an irrelevance and there’s no way the majority of Nats can bless Scotland United, not a chance. Until the SNP becomes a centrist-left party once more with Kate/etc at the helm, it’s days are very cloudy.

  95. PacMan says:

    Southernbystander says: 16 October, 2023 at 9:45 am

    Ruby, but would you really want a hall of mirrors, an endless echo chamber? Wouldn’t that be incredibly boring and people would never have their sensibilities jolted and even, heaven forfend, modified for the better? It’s called being alive in the world surely?

    And you could blame the Rev in a way for you irritation – his articles these days attack the very thing unionists also dislike – the SNP. It is therefore even more likely some of them will end up here.

    Dry your eyes.

  96. David Hannah says:

    I’ve booked up flights to Germany in the moment. I’m in the UEFA ballot for tickets could be anywhere. Planes trains and automobiles. Last night belonged to Steve Clarke.

    Tomorrow we can celebrate as tournament participants in the friendly against France.

    Get Peter Martin on the radio for more commentary. The Tartan army are coming down the road!

  97. Southernbystander says:

    I ain’t crying

  98. Den says:

    @Captain Yoss, you have labelled Ruby a “she” why you think she is a women? I’m not so sure personally. I have a mate Ruby and he is a bloke (real one) .

  99. PacMan says:

    Southernbystander says: 16 October, 2023 at 11:35 am

    I ain’t crying

    At least Anglo Ellis brought more entertainment when he was here with his missionary work enlightening us savages.

    Och well, well here’s a wee ditty to cheer you up

    link to

  100. PacMan says:

    It’ll be interesting to see how this courtcase and others like it was financed:

    link to

  101. sarah says:

    @ Dorothy Devine at 09.42: Rev’s “instructions re disrupters or trolls…”

    I know, Dorothy. The quality of our lives and this site would be hugely improved if people stuck to the point of the articles and totally ignored all attempts to disrupt the purpose of this site.

    @ Mike Fenwick: your Declaration and the Salvo/Liberation initiative are very valuable indeed. I wish that there could have been a representative on each section of the Chain of Freedom on Saturday to collect signatures for both the Declaration and the Edinburgh Proclamation. That would have added many thousands. It really is down to we the people to get something done and to change the political system that currently has us handcuffed and voiceless in the corridors of power.

  102. Red says:

    The Jamie Hepburn Experience (and Independence Master Plan)

    1 – Employ Jamie Hepburn
    2 – Employ Jamie Hepburn’s relatives
    3 – Employ Jamie Hepburn’s pals
    4 – Fill up Jamie Hepburn’s pension
    5 – Give Jamie Hepburn a chauffeur driven car
    6 – Watch Jamie Hepburn trying to read a speech without eating his own snotters
    7 – ???
    8 – Independence!

  103. Sven says:

    Den @ 12.09

    I’m pretty sure that our very own “Little Gem” has often advised us that in contradistinction from those she refers to as, “chicks with dicks” she is the original model of woman.
    Just with a bit of an ongoing obsession with certain posters and subjects.

  104. Robert Hughes says:

    @ Red .

    ” ‘scuse me while I kiss Indy goodbye ”

    You think Jimi Hepburn can play the guitar with a carrot ?

    Maybe he could join Screaming Lord Wishart’s WM based * combo * aka Ermine’s Hermits ; get his maw in to play bongos n his 2nd cousin removed on triangle .

    If there are any Hepburns left that haven’t secured a gig within the In Dependence Industry they could be usefully employed standing outside venues shouting at ( real ) women to ” fuck off ” and/or waving ” * Trans * Rights ” placards in the faces of pensioners n threatening to throat-punch TERF toddlers .

  105. New horizon telly says:

    link to

  106. Ruby says:

    Sven says:
    16 October, 2023 at 1:10 pm

    Den @ 12.09

    I’m pretty sure that our very own “Little Gem” has often advised us that in contradistinction from those she refers to as, “chicks with dicks” she is the original model of woman.
    Just with a bit of an ongoing obsession with certain posters and subjects.

    Guilty as charged!

    You’ve got the “chicks with dicks” bit wrong I refer to them as ‘woman with cocks’

    Another one of my questions is one that was asked on Twitter

    Why can’t a woman have a cock?

    No idea if this is or isn’t on topic or if I am or not considered a troll.

    QFMD ……

    If trolls are easily recognised and Stu don’t want no trolls then surely the simple solution would be to ban the fuckers!

    Asking me to not feed the trolls is a big ask.

    WTF does Den want to know if I have a cock or not? Does he think this is a dating site?

  107. Ruby says:

    Captain Yossarian says:
    16 October, 2023 at 9:42 am

    Ruby – One final word on the sinking school. I intend to shut-up about it until I have a result and I suggest you do the same.

    You can suggest ’till the cows come home


  108. Ruby says:

    Fantastic contribution from ‘Southernbystander’ not even a echo in this echo chamber.

    Why am I not surprised?

  109. Southernbystander says:

    Ruby, some of us do work y’know and I’ve just got in!

    For the record, I am not a unionist and support Scottish independence, not from any kind of principled stance really but over time I have come to think it is for the best. So your questions for unionists don’t apply to me. I have already said what I think about the colony question.

    As for what the English think, pretty sure I have tried to summarise this before but for the record:

    Like any big heterogenous group, there is no one view and it really is a mistake to think English politicians represent what people in England think accurately any more than the SNP does in Scotland, but anecdotally from my perspective as someone who has lived here all my life and who does discuss the issue with people quite often, I would summarise the different attitudes to Scottish independence thus (in very, very rough order of popularity):

    1. Up to the Scots but it isn’t a question I am much concerned about because there are far more pressing things to worry about and I will never have any influence on it anyway.

    2. Up to the Scots but didn’t they have a referendum not that long ago? But whatever, let there be another one if it can settle the question.

    3. All-in-all, we would probably be better off as autonomous nations (this is me)

    4. They had a referendum so give it a rest for a while.

    5. I believe in the union and am a proud Unionist and we are better together and will actively campaign for that.

    6. Totally in support, Scotland is a much more progressive nation and if I were a Scot I’d want the hell out of this sick union and shitty England.

    7. For God’s sake just go and stop whinging about everything so bring another referendum on.

    6. I hate the fucking jocks, so just fuck off.

    On the question of an English devolved parliament, most people couldn’t give a damn about it and see it as just another layer of bureaucracy for those on the gravy train.

    Most people do not see Scotland as a colony of England. Most people do not think Scotland is just ‘North Britain’, let alone ‘Greater England’, and are perfectly aware it is a different country within a political union.

    Many would still be emotionally sad at the break-up of Great Britain.

  110. Red says:

    Robert Hughes says:

    But we can be proud that the Scottish Government has comprehensively ended poverty in the Jamie Hepburn and Jamie Hepburn Adjacent demographics.

    If Oor MSP’s hud tae slum it in the private sector, maist of them would be tea boys and office juniors.

    To be this well paid for being this useless, you used to have to go tae Eton.

  111. Ruby says:

    Southernbystander says:
    For the record, I am not a unionist and support Scottish independence,

    Not exactly what you would call riveting stuff Southernbystander but hey thanks for answering.

    Most people do not see Scotland as a colony of England. Most people do not think Scotland is just ‘North Britain’, let alone ‘Greater England’, and are perfectly aware it is a different country within a political union.

    Lucky them! I live here I don’t know if this place is a colony, a country or an ex-country.

    Lesser England not Greater England.

    After reading your post I think the answer to your initial question

    ‘Ruby, but would you really want a hall of mirrors, an endless echo chamber?’

    Would be yes please.

  112. Southernbystander says:

    Echo chambers can send you deaf you know, and the point is, the simple answers I suspect you want Ruby, don’t exist, and yes they may therefore be boring. But don’t worry, I post only rarely and that won’t change. I do read the blog regularly though because it can be, er, diverting.

  113. Ebenezer Scroggie says:

    Abu Humza is such a berk!

    First, he totally confuses the enormous difference between a General Election and a Referendum.

    Secondly he fails to recognise that a majority in the House of Commons would require SNP to win 326 seats, not 29.

    What a prick he is!

  114. Andy Anderson says:

    If you read a book called Duan Hauden by Alfred Baird and carefully read the Salvo.Scot website you will learn that Scotland can legally leave the union by a mantid Scottish MP’s ending the treaty.
    What the SNP is proposing is a vote trawl. They are inky to get a majority of MP’s in 24. They are in the poo.
    However the action to end the Union by a majority of MP’s is valid. To make it acceptable we would need to do this. Firstly ensure that all independence supporters understand the right to leave so that they can answer questions and rebutt attacks. Secondly before a vote we will need to ensure that the whole Scottish electorate understands that the treaty allows us to depart if we have a majority of MP’s. This is to validate it is a well understood policy and to remove I Did Not Know comments.
    We know the approximate date of the 29 election so we have a campaign date. If we build on this we may be able to repeat 2015. The election could be earlier of course.
    The political vehicle for this should probably be Alba as the SNP is declining. The best party based on published policy is the ISP who understand we need a liberation movement, will not send MP’s to Westminster and support Salvo.

  115. Andy Storrie says:

    It is unnecessary to keep on repeating how useless the SNP have become, Mr Campbell. The whole country can now see that the Party is in London’s possession now, and that London plants are going to be activated within the SNP for the purposes of alienating the public away from full autonomy.

    London is in panic mode over the real numbers in Scotland who are now recoiling away from what can only be described as a disloyal dumpster fire. What London politicians have done to this island since 1997 is totally unforgivable. They inherited a pristine nation with a reasonably healthy population, only to turn the place into a scene from the Walking Dead.

    It should stand to reason, therefore, that the attention should be trained on a united movement comprised of all Scots who are sick to the back teeth of London’s disloyalty and it’s devotion to bankers above everything and everybody else. London even have a huge chunk of British housing stock away to the whole world because it was good for bankers and their balance sheets.

    By continually dwelling on the SNP, valuable momentum is being diverted away from where it should be concentrated on.

    Two world wars for our people to be treated like shite by a bunch of lazy bastards who have scarcely done a day’s work in their spoon-fed lives!! Tae f*** wae the shite bags. Enough is enough. We’ve had 30 years of this disloyalty and abuse rammed down our throats, and we could do much better for our dear people once the dead hand of London has been removed from our wind pipe.


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    • GM on Green Eggs And Bams: “Will maybe pitch up Ian. Curious to put faces to names etc and have a craic with like minds.Mar 6, 21:48
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