The end of the process
Posted on
November 29, 2022 by
Rev. Stuart Campbell
Wings Over Scotland is a (mainly) Scottish political media digest and monitor, which also offers its own commentary. (More)
Neverendum indeed.
That’s the problem with Sturgeon having one leg shorter than the other. The steps he takes means she goes round in a circle, so the process has no hope of ending.
Oops. I meant she. I think.
Geri, I have replied to your comments on the previous post. Stu’s output is very fast now – wonderful!
It reminds of the movie Kramer verses Kramer.
Dustin Hoffman has the couple’s son as they go through divorce.
He tells the son “You better eat your diner I made or else”
The boy doesn’t.
The boy says he wants ice cream from the fridge with Dad warning
“Don’t you dare open that fridge door” or else.
The boy opens it and stretches for the ice cream.
Dad says don’t you dare take that carton out or else,
Then don’t you dare take the top off that carton, or this time…
Then don’t you dare put that spoon in there or you’ll know about it.
If you put that spoonful in your mouth you’ll regret it.
The boy eats what he wants and Dad shuts up.
It’s SNP all over- next year referendum,
Next year we will ask for a referendum
Next year we will take it to court
Next year if there is a major change we will have a referendum
Next year regardless we will have a referendum
In two years time we will use the Westminster election to sound out a referendum
Well that is if England say we it’s going to be a referendum.
Crying Woolf – SNP have been howling at the moon for too many years.
Well that’s yet another remix of the “All The Things She Said” track.
But just how many more will it take for the Simple Minds to finally realise this purveyor of waffle fails to back up what she says.
13th of March 2017, that was just before she lost the plot… and just before May met Sturgeon in Glasgow for a little chat, telling her “Now is not the time!”.
Imagine letting Theresa May humiliate you like that in a Glasgow hotel of all places — if only someone had handed Sturgeon an iron in that moment…
That’s when we should have been doing all this defacto referendum stuff, though, back then when the proverbial iron was hot.
Instead of a hopeful future for our kids, we got “Stop Brexit” and gender reform. Jesus.
Anyone that expects this crackpot to arrange a defacto referendum is as thick as two planks.
“SCOTLAND MUST HAVE CHOICE OVER FUTURE”, Aye and we must have “CHOICE” in who is going to lead us into that future. Sturgeon has proven herself to be a coward and a liar in the intervening period, a liability the country can no longer sustain.
Scotland’s right to sovereignty is being hived off by the SNP HIERARCHY with nary a hint of dissent from the spineless hypocrites who sit in Holyrood courtesy of the SNP vote.
STURGEON’S duplicity is there for all to see, we need tae campaign for her removal. SCOTLAND GET AFF YOUR KNEES!
Hi Merganser says at 10:02 pm.
You typed,
“That’s the problem with Sturgeon having one leg shorter than the other. The steps he takes means she goes round in a circle, so the process has no hope of ending.”
Reminds me of,
What’s the difference between a duck?
One of its leg is both the same.
What’s the difference between the other duck?
It’s got one leg less too many.
2017 was also when Alex Salmond was pushing for IndyRef2 to be held in September 2018.
This is when the Murrell’s evil plan was hatched,, Salmond had to be taken out the equation.
Because if Salmond had got his way, it would have brought an end to the Murrell Grand Plan of Devolution for ever more and the pushing through parliament of Sturgeon’s baby,,, reform of the Gender Recognition Bill.
Sturgid’s compromised power of recall was there for all to see during her evidence to the Fabiani Fiasco.
Good to see the latest SNP St Andrew’s Day card has her on the front again this year – what did that cost to produce and distribute?
Her record in office does not make for good reading.
She’s managed to destroy the SNP
Destroyed the YES Movement.
Destroyed our hopes of Scottish Independence.
Destroyed every department in the Scottish government that she has had control over, including health and education.
She’s the most incompetent First Minister Scotland has ever had.
The woman is a human wrecking ball.
But through all those failures, she still rules supreme.
And we still need to dance to her tune.
Absolutely baffled.
Scotland must have choice over future…but apparently there’s no rush.
Each of us, a cell of awareness, imperfect and incomplete;
Genetic blends with uncertain ends, on a fortune hunt that’s far too fleet.
You can choose a ready guide in some political voice;
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
You can choose from phantom referendums and ‘be-kindness’ that can’t kill.
I will choose a path that’s clear: I will choose freewill and prosecuting a case against the Union with England Act 1707 that’ll make Permanent Waves in the community of internationals as we Exit Stage Left.
The trouble with Sturgeon is that she has now gone full circle and become Thatcher, the woman she supposedly hated and got into politics to combat. Thatcher was pathological and had to be dragged screaming away from the levers of power. Sturgeon is the same. She is a needy narcissist, whose whole personality would crumble away from the spotlight. A lonely political zealot teen who got into politics at 16, she has finally found all the teen playmates, in the form of her young gay friends (never looks happier than when waving from the top of a gay pride float), she did not have back then, all the approbation and attention.
She’s known nothing but politics and Machievallian behaviour for her whole adult life, setting her whole heart on getting where she is now, comfy with her wee deranged teenbrained female cabal, and silenced guys she loves stepping on. It’s the only job she’s ever done she’s had any measure of success at. And that’s how she measures it – personal success, not what’s good for the country. Leaving would destroy her. She’s completely mad.
It’d have been a nice touch to add a photo of Ian Hamilton KC.
Or other notable Scots each year instead of the FM.
I appreciate someone who will pull up fucking liars regardless of how much power they have assumed
Sturgeon loves power, so she sides with power and defers to power. Everything else about her is bullshit. it is an extreme case of two things. The first is utter contempt for the general punter. the second is self-advancement. They are laughing at us while they round on folk from any quarte, at the moment folk who are serious about independence, r who threaten to interfere with their grift. In the furture they will control even that. have you witnessed recently sturgeon occassional performances in parliament? She is hardly ever there. She turns up occasionally knowing the subjects at hand, just like westminster, and pats off the tame questioning. The committees are a joke. The place is deid already. it has already been closed down
Hoppy Birdy to Andy Ellis. You don’t look a day over 73.
@No idea 11:36pm
Well that’s a good post. Well done! And somebody has to explain to me, why the food bank wants tinned potatoes and not the 56Kg potato bags from the farmers for nothing. I guess that’s too complicated.
Time is too short to waste
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Did this guy grow up in dreghorn?
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Time is too short to waste
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@ George: “why tinned potatoes for the food bank?”
They use less electricity to heat up.
It’s bloody awful that we live in a country where our poorest have to eat tinned and processed food instead of real food.
I loathe and despise the SNP “leadership” for keeping us in this nightmare. How dare they inflict this hell on people?
A wee chink of light…. I saw a tweet of an interview with Sir Curtice.. of Britnat Polling fame.
He (of all people) was arguing (almost passionately) about why its not what Scotland gets to spend, but about getting a say on how it is spent.
In its own small way, it was a significant earthquake.
Instead of reading the ‘Scots are too insignificant to worry about it’ script, he was trying to get it through to the English audience, the reason why our cause is not going away. He was trying to educate them and rally them… and in the doing so, he was actually making the case for Indy.
That is new ground. And in the same day, another English political pundit… the one who did all the Brexit tweets (sorry cannot recall his name) tweeted about denying the Scots a vote on Indy = Colony Status, and was stupid, and wouldn’t work ( I am of course paraphrasing).
England spreads/hides all the blame of her actions on ‘British’… can’t really do that if its England v Scotland with no distractions…. and they’re the baddies. Not a comfortable feeling for them.
How did that meme go again… first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
They’ve stopped laughing, and it looks like they will have a divided house if it comes to fighting.
The ground is beginning to shift folks.
@Sarah 12:36pm
Thanks for the explanation. I have only been here 10 minutes in this locale. But already I have struck up relationships with farmers. Their Job is to feed the people. We bought tinned potatoes today and will hand them to the foodbank. But the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Courtesy of a dysfunctional Scottish Parliament.
“I will choose freewill”
It is crystal clear that the independence process is going nowhere as long as that woman and her sycophants retain their iron control of the SNP.
When push comes to shove you can’t eat raw tatties. At least out a tin they’re cooked even if they are cold.
Fresh Tatties are a bugger for going to seed so fast.
Aye Sarah – it’s tragic. It seems Bonnie Scotland has ruined her landscape for the benefit of next door. We can keep warm this winter by fkn waving at our energy being thieved. We may not have escaped a fuel cost crisis but we sure as shit would’ve had an emergency fund for the down times & meter & standing charges abolished. It’s pig sick Sturgeon didn’t even attempt to get us out as freedom of information proved. She sat on her arse while rome burns.
Besides Sturgeon being loathsome for betrayal I’d like to also nominate Mike Russell. What a feckin disappointment he turned out to be. He had EU citizens greeting real tears on his twitter feed cause they had to leave & he was bullshitting all this time that indy would be soon. Just round the corner..jeez! No wonder they stopped thier wee tours talking absolute bollocks in town halls all the while knowing hee-haw was being done!
Interesing to dig this out. But it simply rings into focus the utter spin that we’ve told these last eight years.
Surgeon is a liar and an utter betrayer. Says one thing, does another, she is an agent of the British establishment.
We need to get rid of her and her freeloading team. We must remove and replace the utterly corrupted SNP.
On a different track I see China is now Britain’s enemy with China presenting a systemic threat. .
Here’s a copy of a statement made this week by Prime Minister Sunak
On Monday, UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that the “golden era” of UK-China relations was “over,” adding that Beijing posed a “systemic challenge to our values and interests.”
Certainly shaping up the way the rhetoric, sanctions and hybrid war against Russia shaped up
And greatisn’t it to think how Great Britain can now add China yto its list of countries that we can kick their ass.
War with Russia, hard line against the EU we’ve left, and now China on our radar
Time now to sup up our Britannic greatness as our living standards and economy soars dowm the stank. Enjoy folks, this is what you voted for.
Willie says:
30 November, 2022 at 4:10 am
Time now to sup up our Britannic greatness as our living standards and economy soars dowm the stank. Enjoy folks, this is what you voted for.
The farcical thing is, I read something a while ago about the US Military, and how strong and prepared for war it was… in it’s own words.
The yardstick was preparedness to be fighting two major engagements in different parts of the world at the same time. They all rated themselves very low. The mighty airforce has a lot of aircraft, but many aren’t airworthy or battleready, the army and marines are struggling with recruitment, and while the Navy is ok, it’s limited say, for a battle central in a big landmass.
Now in fairness, that could be a load of rubbish, both strategic disinformation or a ruse to keep up defence spending.
The point is, that’s the US.
Who and what are the UK ready to fight? There is no way that even the Falklands Task Force could be put together, there just isn’t the capacity. With both China and Russ having hypersonic anti shipping missiles large enough to be described as Aircraft Carrier destroyers, your UK carriers, assuming they’re not broken down again, are pretty much going to be incredibly vulnerable make or break targets.
The UK, without US backup, isn’t going to scare anyone, except as a psychotic threat to escalation.
I can’t help but wonder too, with so much NATO armour and equipment now scrap metal in Yookraine, or overweight and bogged to the axles skittering about in mud, that the West has put all it’s eggs in one basket and after decades in the Middle East is all geared up for a desert theatre, and might now lack appropriate versatility to fight in mud/ snow etc.
I would hazard a guess there are some huge research grants going into defence, hypersonic missiles, air defence, countermeasures, drone warfare, armour, artillery… There really isn’t very much evidence of anything proving decisive against the Russ. HIMARS maybe… until they’re gone.
Drones are pretty scary. Terrifying already, but they’re in their infancy.There will be nowhere to hide or run away to.
I honestly don’t know the extent to which it’s bluster, but from what I’ve seen, a lot of western military hardware is considered over engineered and overpriced junk, and there’s a Lancet missile with it’s name on it.
There’s a new Abrahams tank, seems very hi-tech, but I haven’t much about it, good or bad. Not in Yookraine I hasten to add.
What I think we’re seeing in Yookraine which simply wasn’t a factor in the Middle East, is a war where attrition is a factor, “after” all the shiny hi tech stuff has been smashed. Frankly there are ominous echoes of WW2 where German military tech came unstuck against brute force and production numbers.
Those Iranian doodlebug type drones are the same low-tech approach to hi-tech and very difficult to counter because it doesn’t have much of a brain to disrupt.
How much do you invest in armour that won’t be around after a couple of weeks? I think the West may be a bit complacent because most of it’s gear survived the Middle East intact for long periods. It’s a different kind of war when you’ve gotta replace it and it’s crew.
The West builds itself for a first round knockout. I think the Russ are prepared to survive round one, and go 12 rounds. China? No idea. Rumoured to be testing hypersonic jets, not just missiles.
We should not be picking fights with these people. It’s stupid.
It really is very simple. Who is keeping Scotland under England’s jackboot? Nicola Sturgeon. She is now the biggest roadblock to Scotland escaping England’s chains.
The SNP, the do nothing party.
Wullie and Breeks above,
Indeed. China is of course getting completely out of order, and that needs addressed. But the grandstanding of Westminster in regards to China, is beyond laughable. If I were the China ambassador, invited to the foreign office, and they started banging on about human rights and democracy, i’d just say one word, Scotland. The people of Scotland clearly voted by a massive majority in favour of a democratic referendum on independence, but London is blocking it.
The brass neck of the red or blue English Tories lecturing ANY country on human rights is now a complete joke. Neither party will respect Scottish democracy, so have no right whatsoever to lecture other countries on ‘respecting human rights and democracy’.
It is however, interesting to note, that protests against covid controls in China have been going on for a very long time. Interesting then, that both SKY, ITV and the BBC all merrily lined up to make it their number 1 news story on Monday (as if it had just started), just in advance of the unelected English colonial dictator Sunak, making a speech about it.
Do none of the so-called ‘journalists’ have any self respect?? All falling in line to suit the English government of the day. Utterly pathetic, and only shows yet again, why we simply cannot trust or rely on the mainstream media.
Don’t know the answer, but is there also a danger here of disempowerment starting to project all our current woes onto the figure of one person? I’m unable to disagree much with any of the above comments, but what is the direction of travel here? A call for crucifixion? Understandable. I just wonder, though, how far does the buck really stop with a ‘devolved’ first minister? Maybe it does. And even the headless chicken nature of the party? Lamentable, aye, mebbe, and hard not to despair. Really hard not to despair, especially when a clear route so clearly laid out exists. But, we *all* have to be ready for it if it is to work, not just the SNP.
Someone must’ve gifted Sunak a screwdriver set & he’s pissed off they’ve bent.
Not much into wars & warfare but from what I’ve read & heard they’re pissed they’re moving away from trading in the US$
The US is skint & the people are getting pissed now they’re wasting billions on war & achieving nothing.
They’re looking for a war cause they owe China a lot of money – they ran up tick they can’t pay but tbh it could be as simple as the wind blowing the wrong way. Warmongering barstewards – didn’t take Sunak long to slip into GI Joe mode.
They’re a systemic challenge to our values & interests – do they listen to us & we’re right next door!
In short: despair is never an answer.
There’s no jurnos left (excluding bloggers). They’re just typists now. Typing out the memo.
I think it was 22 newspapers in Scotland & only one was Scottish. All the rest are foreign owned.
I wonder what the lesson is that each time, after I posted my two comments above, not one, but two comments about how 2022 has knocked the whole world into a new historical era interjected themselves, lol. Instant rhetorical karma!
To paraphrase Rents…
“Some hate the Unionists. I don’t. They’re just w**kers.
We, on the other hand, are GOVERNED by w**kers. Can’t even find a decent political party to be governed BY!
We’re ruled by wokist a***holes.
It’s a SH*TE state of affairs to be in, folks, and ALL the “Happy St Andrew’s Days” in the world won’t make any f**king difference.”
Robert Louis
The Chinese guy at the UN ripped the NATO guy a new arse when he was quoted as saying China must condemn *you know who* for pain, suffering & breaking international law.
*We have taken note of relevant remarks. Chinese people can fully relate to the pains and sufferings of other countries because we will never forget who had bombed our embassy in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. We need no lecture on justice from the abuser of international law. As a Cold War remnant and the world’s largest military alliance, NATO continues to expand its geographical scope and range of operations. What kind of role it has played in world peace and stability? NATO needs to have good reflection*
The yanks & Brits have zero self awareness when they try take the moral high ground.
This is a serious post because I think that many of us are caught in a bit of a dilemma.
IF we are to support the route outlined by Mr Campbell on these does, does it mean that we should ‘wheesht for indy’ since any fair critique of Sturgeon’s appalling record is likely to diminish support for not only the SNP, but the Greens who keep her dreaful administration in office?
Drug deaths, prison deaths, A&E wait times, children’s mental health, the dramatic decline in eucational and care standards, the ferry fiasco, malicious prosecutions of Salmond and the Rangers administrators, BiFab, the smelter debacle, gender twaddle, etc etc.
Just ignore those and effectively state that by gaining independence and giving more power to the SNP this will lead us to the sunlit uplands???
It seems to me that ALBA is the only sensible option in that sense but they will never get the support we need, thanks to NS.
Seriously, do we wheesht for indy??
A bit of light relief.
Watch Sturgeon getting telt following ‘Zero Tolerance'(violence against women) event where attendees instructed NOT to discuss single sex spaces or the definition of a woman.
Brilliant woman.
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Viscount Ennui
I call your attention to Step 2 in link to – less than 24 hours ago
Upon the secure establishment of independence, a new general election will be called immediately.
The SNP would no doubt love to transition to a one-party state but chances of that are slim indeed. Even if it did happen the problems you list would bring down any government in any normal country.
Zero Tolerance probably wouldn’t want to discuss this either. Especially not in front of Sturgeon.
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‘Transgender paedophile, 25, who identified as a woman won family’s trust to groom 14-year-old girl and got her pregnant’
” IF we are to support the route outlined by Mr Campbell on these does, does it mean that we should ‘wheesht for indy’ since any fair critique of Sturgeon’s appalling record is likely to diminish support for not only the SNP, but the Greens who keep her dreaful administration in office? ”
That’s a kinda weird interpretation of the post , Monsieur Ennui .
What’s outlined in the previous post and the question asked in this one is the HOW of progressing Independence and the WHY enquiring of SNP sloth and cowardice in relation to the former , respectively .
Part of the task is separating the – admittedly abysmal – record of Sturgeon/SNP GOV from the question of what they as the Government of the day and ( unfortunately ) the only entity in the position RIGHT NOW – can/should be doing .
Their record as it stands is another reason why waiting two years on some vague , half-arsed ” we’ll call the next G.E a P.E ” * plan * is such a terrible idea ; their record is bound to get worse , given the wayward trajectory of the entire Nu SNP * project * , the manifest incompetence of those in senior positions and the deluge of negative press that will be unleashed as the next G.E approaches . An election in which the Scottish Question will loom large , with Unionist Parties vying to outdo each other in their , ….strong determination to stand firm against the Separatists – or some such bulldog bollocks
2 phrases keep comings to mind
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he/she does not become a monster
I have no doubt Nicola, like many others, started off with the best of intentions and then gradually over time and treatment, gradually became seduced by fame, fortune and fawning so that what she was fighting for was forgotten.
Gradually over time, the focus turned, the attention diverted, the ultimately, the priorities became something else entirely.
The problem we all have now is process.
There is no clear way of getting rid of Nicola Sturgeon or SNP leadership or useless head MPs and MSPs. Its a closed shop of self preservation.
Any hope of a suitable replacement with radical ideas and earnest intentions has been extinguished as all possible candidates cut down and sidelined over recent years.
Any hope of a radical Youth Wing coming through to highlight a need for change have been replaced with a radical one issue Youth Wing it seems.
Until change at the head of Government and head of the Party happens, then only a new Party would possibly save the day but that wont be Alba and I cant see anyone else on the horizon with Alex’s talents and sheer force of personality leading a new fresh charge.
In other words, we’re fucked unless….those MPs at Westminster suddenly remember why there are there and use their platform…sorry, im just getting silly now…
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Shame on all these ‘women’ saying nothing!
Someone commented ‘There sat Mridul Wadhwa a fully intact male.
For all we know every single ‘woman’ at that meeting might be a fully intact male.
Nally Anders 8.50am
In the video you posted, Nicola Sturgeon said it is men who commit violence against women.
Was it not Sturgeon who tried to cave her girlfriend’s head in with an iron?
More lies from Sturgeon.
She really does hate ALL men.
They don’t call her the “Virgin First Minister” for nothing.
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Too true.
Ennui @8:37am:
If the SNP were as convinced as you that independence would result in them being given “more power” (in perpetuity) they’d be haring it towards the door.
I think they think they’ll have power for longer by NOT doing so.
Stuart MacKay says:
That’s a kinda weird interpretation of the post , Monsieur Ennui .
Stuart, I am not disputing the Rev’s strategy at all but rather questioning the implications of handing power to what I believe to be a tyrannical regime.
Even if a GE is held immediately after independence, the glory of that achievement would profer huge kudos on Sturgeon at al and would power them to an overwhelming and very dangerous working majority.
Sturgeon would regain her position as a martyr having ‘sacrificed her post’ for the sake of the nation.
The key is wresting power from the current SNP hegemony. NOW.
The only men Sturgeon likes are those who are certified 100% gay,,,and those who have signed up to have their dick cut off.
And if Sturgeon had her way, she would ban all Rallies and marches,,except for Gay Pride Rallies.
She loves nothing more than being front and centre of a good old Gay Pride Rally.
The STUC leader speaks out.
“IT should be for the Scottish Parliament to decide “whether and when” indyref2 is held – despite the Supreme Court’s ruling that it does not have the power to do so, the Scottish Trades Union Congress has said.
The intervention from the STUC – which represents some 540,000 working people from trade unions across Scotland – comes after the UK’s highest court ruled that legislating for a second independence referendum was outwith Holyrood’s competence.
In the wake of the court’s unanimous decision, the SNP Trade Union Group (SNPTUG) – which represents some 14,000 members within the party – called on the STUC to “reaffirm its support for the right of the Scottish people to decide their constitutional future”.
“The decision of the Supreme Court is historic. It confirms that at present Westminster, and only Westminster, is the arbiter of the constitutional fate for the Scottish people. The so-called voluntary union between Scotland and England is no longer voluntary,” Ramsay added.
“It’s longstanding policy of the STUC that it should be for the Scottish Parliament to determine whether and when to hold a second referendum. This remains the case.”
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@Ruby (9.32) –
Thanks for posting that link.
Do we know that woman’s name and/or what organisation, if any, she belongs to?
Really encouraging stuff.
Hahahaha, do forgive the chortle (schadenfreude I believe would be the correct term) a few weeks ago the SNP Twittler youth get Stuart banned from Twitter (again) to their great glee.
Not so gleeful now I would fancy.
A great stream of articles filled with daggers and darts and aimed squarely at the correct targets. Keep it up Stuart you’re making my old heart sing again.
The betrayer needs heckled for more than just this but it’s a start, well done that woman.
“AN anti-self-id activist has interrupted a speech by Nicola Sturgeon at a charity event promoting the end of male violence against women.
The heckler shouted “shame on you” at the First Minister while stating that women had been raped “by males who have self-[identified] as women”.”
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‘Sturgeon was heckled as she delivered her speech. As organisers tried to stop her, a woman shouted at the first minister: “Women campaigning for women’s rights is not against trans people. Shame on you. You are letting down vulnerable women in Scotland not allowed to have their own spaces away from any male.
The woman, who said that she had supported trans rights for 30 years, said: “I’ve received rape threats, death threats from men who self-ID as women. Women are being assaulted because they are standing up for women’s rights. Shame on you. You have fermented this culture in Scotland. I see you and thousands of women in Scotland see you too.”’
Looks like the Tories are the champions of women’s rights!
Although the incident where the young vulnerable woman was raped by a ‘transwoman’ happened in England and Eddie Izzard putting on a dress and automatically becoming a she also happened in England where the Tories are in power.
As a unionist Scotland cannot have a choice through the devolved administration as it signed that right away in the Scotland Act. Scotland can have a choice when polls show a majority support for independence of around 60% over a 1 year period and then the UK government would grant a section 30 order to allow a legal referendum. The SNP only cater for their own diehard supporters and have failed to move the 47% vote forward in the last 8 years with dismal Tory governments in power. Scotland will never get an independence referendum as long as the current incompetent SNP goverment is in power.The people you need to move over to voting YES see how bad the SNP are and harden on the NO vote.
We know when the process ends – when her and her odious husband no longer rule the SNP as their personal fiefdom.
Of course Mr Marmalade & his fragrant wife will have to be removed from the “succession” before that happens….
Robert Louis says:
30 November, 2022 at 7:30 am
…. If I were the China ambassador, invited to the foreign office, and they started banging on about human rights and democracy, i’d just say one word, Scotland.
If I’m not mistaken, that’s in part what Willie MacRae’s Scottish UN Committee used to make headway back in the 80’s; that the state of democracy in Scotland left the UK Government and NATO in no position to point the finger at the Soviets.
But the “Parliament” envisioned in 1998, even when described as an Assembly, was still a more potent democratic institution than what Sturgeon’s unconstitutional capitulations have done to Holyrood.
Holyrood began as a tug of war between Scotland and Westminster, but Sturgeon buckling to Westminster has pretty much eclipsed Holyrood’s potency to speak up for Scotland’s Constitutional Rights. Westminster has won the tug-of-war, and Holyrood is now the Trojan Horse they always intended it to be, and it was Sturgeon who handed it to them.
The irony is, Holyrood has now swung too far the other way; it is PATENTLY a Trojan Horse for Westminster’s colonial encroachment, and if that put’s Holyrood’s integrity in jeopardy, Westminster will need to rewind the screws a couple of clicks, or Holyrood will be swept aside as an irrelevant sideshow.
I’m all for Holyrood’s impeachment. Holyrood is now more essential to Westminster than it is to Scotland.
The longer we are held in this prison like union, the more I feel I can relate to the Palestinian cause.
“Israel has turned to its global allies in desperation, urging them to help stop a Palestinian bid at the United Nations for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice on the Tel Aviv regime’s occupation of Palestinian territories.
In a letter on Tuesday, Israeli prime minister, Yair Lapid, urged 50 heads of state, including those of the UK and France, to pressure the Palestinian Authority and prevent it from promoting a relevant resolution passed at the General Assembly in November, according to a report by Reuters.
The resolution, approved by a UN committee, asks the ICJ to “urgently” weigh in on Israel’s “prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of the Palestinian territory,” which it said were violating the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination.”
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The offender, whose name was recorded as Danielle-Rose Gemini by Leicester Crown Court, was jailed for nine-and-a-half years.
Leicestershire Police – who said the 25-year-old identified as a woman at the time of the offences – were not able to give a current gender identity.
Orton was referred to as a male in court and was charged under that gender.
It’s unusual for a transwoman to be referred to as a male. What has happened.
robertknight at 8.10am. My favourite soliloquy. Got the T-shirt too.
Not yet.
There seems to be suggestions that she was chucked out of the meeting.
Know anything about where ‘Zero Tolerance’ gets it’s money?
Johnny @ 9.45
In one sentence you have summed up what Sturgeon is all about.
The last thing she wants is independence. She has even taken out insurance against it happening, namely:
1 In the court case by saying the result of a referendum would be meaningless.
2 In the de facto referendum, by saying the same thing through the mouths of Tony Giugliano and Mhairi Hunter.
She has done everything she can to prevent a successful ‘yes’ vote – split the movement, alienated half the population (the women) with the gender nonsense, stuffed the one person who was most able to deliver it, chosen the wrong election and it’s terms, fail to make a strong case …you can add the rest.
But she was still not sure she could prevent a ‘yes’ vote, hence the way out if it happened.
It is the retention of power at any cost which she craves. She has indeed become a monster, worse than the one she is pretending to fight.
If people don’t wake up to this soon, we are doomed to either a ‘no’ vote, or a ‘yes’ vote which has no teeth whatsoever.
The real enemy is staring us in the face, and people are falling for her con trick. It’s time to stop the monster or go under.
Just launched, the St. Andrew’s day declaration from Alba party and Alex Salmond.
Read and sign here;
link to
A shiver ran through SNP ranks looking for a spine to run up..
After that kick-the-dog pronouncement from the anglo «Supreme Court», the idea of a Scot, why are those Nat mps!!!!! still stuck to those Westminster benches….a very bad case of nervous flatulence perhaps?
Just what does it take to galvanize these people?
Alan Austin says:
30 November, 2022 at 10:14 am
Scotland can have a choice when polls show a majority support for independence of around 60% over a 1 year period and then the UK government would grant a secton 30 order to allow a legal referendum.
Wow – a self-confessed Unionist with the same fantasy as the SNP – that the British state would let democracy trump self-interest.
Stonewall Director manipulated MSP….what a surprise
link to
Geoff Anderson says:30 November, 2022 at 11:24 am
Stonewall Director manipulated MSP….what a surprise
link to
Your actually trying to state a bloggers personal opinion are “facts” ?
Scotsrenewables says:30 November, 2022 at 11:06 am
Wow – a self-confessed Unionist with the same fantasy as the SNP – that the British state would let democracy trump self-interest.
Well get out there and get the numbers required instead of projecting your own invented conspiracy theories. Do you remember us having a Referendum in 2014 or not ?
Republicofscotland says:30 November, 2022 at 10:27 am
The longer we are held in this prison like union, the more I feel I can relate to the Palestinian cause.
Your clearly ill , in which way are you in any way not free to live your life , Scotland is nothing like Palestine have a effing word with yourself. Some words from Stewart McDonald the SNP MP for Truthful facts. Stewart McDonald, the Glasgow South MP, tweeted that “we must shun talk of being imprisoned or shackled” as he warned that the independence campaign was “not a liberation struggle, but one of democratic, social and economic renewal and empowerment”. link to
Sheev Palpatine
For anyone familiar with the Star Wars films, Scotland has its own Palpatine pulling all the strings at the moment. And there is no sign of a Luke Skywalker to stop her.
The Empire is winning with Nicola in charge.
Quotes from C-3PO in film ‘A New Hope’:
‘This is madness’; ‘We’re doomed’.
Both true under Sturgeon. Whether it’s yes or no it doesn’t lead to independence.
One final quote for Blah Blah B. ‘Don’t call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease’
Geri says:30 November, 2022 at 2:45 am
Besides Sturgeon being loathsome for betrayal I’d like to also nominate Mike Russell. What a feckin disappointment he turned out to be. He had EU citizens greeting real tears on his twitter feed cause they had to leave & he was bullshitting all this time that indy would be soon. Just round the corner..jeez! No wonder they stopped their wee tours talking absolute bollocks in town halls all the while knowing hee-haw was being done!
The same Mike Russell who wrote in his own book the SNP would privatise the NHS. link to
This time last year I had a fairly lengthy discussion on these pages with @Hatuey WRT the most likely route to getting Independence back on track.
My view then was that the only realistic hope was a rebellion withing NSNP, when as few as 8 rebels voting against the administration would result in a minority ‘gov’.
A lot has happened since then, of course, the plague has ended, the war has started, the great energy savagery (rip-off) began in earnest and is now in full swing, the SC ruling and faux outrage a la sturgeon, and NSNP being forced into full defensive mode over GRR – (but see clips provided by @Robbo & @Ruby).
We’ve seen many false dawns in recent years, but 2022 has shown many cracks starting to appear at HQ. In addition to the above events there are loud rumblings of discontent at WM and the GRR rebellion a few weeks ago. MSM is beginning to report some uncomfortable truths, and the public is starting to take on board the warnings from WoS and elsewhere.
When, as is inevitable, Sturgeon and her clique disintegrates, there must be an issue or an event that triggers that downfall and for a multitude of reasons, it could happen in the coming weeks. Nobody can be unaware of catastrophic across the board failings in every area of policy, or of the numpties that have been put in place and are responsible for these failings.
She cannot show ‘weakness’ by watering down GRR – not if she wants to keep the greens on board – yet if she does go ahead, then there could be an even bigger rebellion in the ranks. When splits appear HR and WM, then fighting friendly fire on two fronts may be the time when more MSPs and MPs grow a pair and recall Killer Howe v Thatcher: –
“The time has come for others to consider their own response to the tragic conflict of loyalties with which I have myself wrestled for perhaps too long”
And even if this admin. does remain in place over Christmas, we head straight into the January fuel crisis mk2, as pointed out in my comment on the previous thread.
Stewart McDonald?
The fluffed of beach towels now the owner of the Yes movement?
Gies a break!
EBOK 12:08
The road to independence involves a leap through the fiery hoop of faith.
Too many seem fearful of what they might find on the other side.
Too many seek belt and braces guarantees.
Too many are simply not up to the task.
Too many like bread and circuses.
Geri Re Suffragette flag.
That’s just the thing. Many thanks.
sarah says:
30 November, 2022 at 12:36 am
@ George: “why tinned potatoes for the food bank?”
They use less electricity to heat up.
It’s bloody awful that we live in a country where our poorest have to eat tinned and processed food instead of real food.
Cheeses wept, talk about middle class Guardianistas concepts of poverty! This one’s right up there with “Who would be serving us our coffee in Pret?”
Tinned food IS real food: it’s good enough for most fruit and veg and has the advantage of a long shelf life without the need for a fridge (until it’s opened).
Furthermore, if you’re coming home from a ten/twelve hour shift and haven’t the energy to go peeling and prepping food, tins and packets have the advantage of being able to get something good and nutritional in you. Whilst processed food is a fair call from all the crap that’s in it, demonising all tinned food is the surest sign of being out of touch with how the vast majority live.
Ottomanboi says:
30 November, 2022 at 12:31 pm
“The road to independence involves a leap through the fiery hoop of faith. Too many seem fearful of what they might find on the other side.”
Yeah. Because Brexit worked-out well didn’t it.
It shouldn’t go understated that when it comes to Human Rights, Scotland is prepared to jail a journalist for crimes which can’t be specified, based on nothing but the whim of a Judge. That stinks a lot more than is being reported.
Shame on you too ECJ.
Someone tell me why the Courts are so terrified to hear an appeal?
I’ve no evidence for saying it, but it stinks of collusion and “you scratch my back”. Justice must be “seen” to be done, so there ought to be even more scrutiny into Craig Murray’s treatment.
All very unsatisfactory.
Can’t lie, I was once an ardent supporter of Europe, and want to be again, but after Catalonia, Yookraine, Craig Murray…. I’m still pro Europe, but much less ardent about it.
Breeks says:30 November, 2022 at 12:43 pm
It shouldn’t go understated that when it comes to Human Rights, Scotland is prepared to jail a journalist for crimes which can’t be specified, based on nothing but the whim of a Judge. That stinks a lot more than is being reported.
Shame on you too ECJ.
Someone tell me why the Courts are so terrified to hear an appeal?
I’ve no evidence for saying it, but it stinks of collusion and “you scratch my back”. Justice must be “seen” to be done, so there ought to be even more scrutiny into Craig Murray’s treatment.All very unsatisfactory.
Can’t lie, I was once an ardent supporter of Europe, and want to be again, but after Catalonia, Yookraine, Craig Murray…. I’m still pro Europe, but much less ardent about it.
Your clearly also very confused on how the law works , Judges don’t make judgements on whims they make judgements on the law and its clear your own issue is that you just don’t understand how the law works , help here for you though from the Scottish courts own website. link to
Who is Joe?
Biden perhaps?
Was this “mandarin ” just taking the pith ? If not it sort of ends the arguments on whether the SNP or WM holds control over the Scottish Civil Service. link to
Merganser – glad it helped!
Mark Boyle.
I don’t think that was the intention but let’s be honest, tinned stuff isn’t nutritional & it’s sickening if it’s
There shouldn’t be food banks. Period. Scotland is a wealthy country more than capable of providing a better standard of living if we weren’t being robbed of it to fund another countries government.
Do not see the connexion?
Brexit was a manifestation of backward looking Little England’s post imperial delusion.
Having faith in the idea of Scotland as a sovereign state, something else entirely.
Scots have had it too easy in their comfort blanket UK.
Time they got out more and tested the alternatives.
An exhilarating «bumpy» ride, not for the timorous.
Alf Baird.
It would be much appreciated when you have time, if you could read the context of this information provided by the INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED RESEARCH, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, regards the Parliament ofGreat Britain, and speech purported to be given by the Queen in her address to opening the parliament.
Third Parliament of Great- Britain. Third session, begins 9/4/1713.
Can you see some serious contradictions to Scotlands parliament history of Union dates. And ratifications compared to Englands parliament history of Union date and ratifications,
Its not a long piece,
These are digital copies from the original: History and Proceedings of the House of Commons, Volume 4, 1706 -1713.
Re China needing addressed.
It’s beyond time that people should realise that the UK and the US have NO right to
interfere in another countries processes.
The people themselves have to rebel and should be supported in doing so.
Change can only come from within, it cannot be imposed
Slogan for Indy
In An Independent Scotland… we can put the Heating Back On!
Also, mind Mike Russell’s 11-point roadmap to achieving a Scottish Independence Referendum.
Joe says:
30 November, 2022 at 12:51 pm
Your clearly also very confused on how the law works , Judges don’t make judgements on whims they make judgements on the law and its clear your own issue is that you just don’t understand how the law works…
You clearly weren’t paying attention to what happened.
Listening to Rishi Sunak PM today at PMQs, its crystal clear that he’s just another Boris Johnson type only slightly better dressed and with combed hair.
His responses to some important questions asked by opposition party MPs were met with blatantly formulaic responses, with very few direct answers. Sunak used Boris Johnson tactics in throwing figures around to prove his points, but we all know that Johnson did the exact same when PM, and it turned out that most of the figures banded about by Johnson were false.
The SNP’s Ian (Scotland won’t stand for it) Blackford, asked Sunak about how does Scotland find itself a way out of this union. Sunak’s response was typically formulaic in that we should respect the 2014 indyref result, and that look how good the UK government did on the Covid vaccine rollout.
Daisy Walker @1.42pm.
Aye Daisy that’s very true, and that’s just the beginning of what we could do.
By 2017, the SNP was totally captured by the rainbow warriors. No way, no how were we getting to push for independence, no matter how bad it was to get. Sorry, but that is the plain truth. So few appear to see the links between the ‘trans’ issue and independence – that is, the pushing of the former at the expense of the latter, except as a distraction. It is not a distraction. For them, independence is the distraction. These wokerati never had the slightest intention of bringing in independence.
Nicola Sturgeon is really panicking now because she can see perfectly well that the ‘trans’ issue has split her party, the independence movement and Holyrood, and, above all, it has the potential to make her look bad. Alec Salmond had to be removed from the front-line because he was, and remains, an impediment to the bigger picture. Does everyone think that it is all a coincidence? Of course it isn’t. Is she panicking about independence? I think not. Still enough of the faithful think she’s the bees knees. She is, however, panicking about the GRA Reform Bill not passing because she knows she will be brought down the minute it hits the buffers. The people behind this stuff are utterly ruthless.
Look at the Denton’s Document and weep. It is all there in black and white. If anyone is addled enough to believe that independence will come if only the GRA Reform Bill is pushed through without too much dissent, think again. Queer Theory dominates the ‘trans’ discourse nowadays, and QT demands that ALL prohibitive laws be torn down. The GRA Reform Bill is just the beginning. Does anyone really believe, given those facts, that they will allow independence to derail their plans? If you do, you’re living in Cloud Cuckoo Land. If you think this is just a women’s issue, you are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land. We ain’t seen anything yet. Both women and independistas are fighting an existential fight and it is totally interlinked. For independista females, the fight is two-fold. Unless we all understand that, neither anti GRA Reform people nor independistas have a snowball’s chance in hell if defeating these absolute b******s, and, as for those of us who are in both camps…
Sturgeon puts party before country. Occasionally she spews out some vague promises on referenda and independence but only if she thinks the party will benefit from it. The polls seem to be showing a decline in support for the SNP as independence support stays constant. People are catching on.
James Che says:
30 November, 2022 at 1:25 pm
Can you see some serious contradictions to Scotlands parliament history of Union dates.
Read a fair bit, but I’m not sure what I’m looking for. I think I’m reading Ye Olde Worlde Hansen…
Somebody seems to be pockling the muster, claiming more pay for soldiers than he has, more horses than he feeds… Someone else in a (veterans?) hospital seems on the pockle by offering treatment to non veterans…
What’s niggling you specifically JC?
Did Blackford reply that we should look at the 2014 referendum where the London parties guaranteed Scotland to have the most powerful parliament in the world and that No would guarantee Scotlands place in the EU.
Scot Gov is so powerful that Westminster controls our nation and claims to have the right to reject anything that we wish to achieve.
Is Scotland still in the EU as Vowed?
Was Boris found dead in a ditch as he promised when he couldn’t leave the EU when requested.
The mismanagement of the Covid crisis saw thousands of unnecessary deaths and Europes highest death toll. His he claim this a Tory success?
It was the Doctors and Nurses that came through with Covid even though they were vastly undermanned, underpaid and subjected to the deadly virus without PPE.
The Tories were too busy handing out contracts to their donors.
We have insulting pay increases that have driven Doctors and Nurses to their
First ever strikes as they have to use Foodbanks set up in hospitals.
Does anyone in SNP know how to fight back.
Call them out as the corrupt liars they are and be thrown out of the house every day.
Joe @11.54am.
I normally wouldn’t response to such utter bollocks, however, McDonald is a well known UK government puppet, he’s also in the pockets of the Israeli’s (via Shia Masot) though he’s not the only SNP MSP/MP in their pocket.
link to
McDonald is such a Whitehall lackey that his extensive actions on behalf of his Westminster masters earned the pr*ck the highest medal of honour you can receive from (404) McDonald even got it presented to him somewhere near Westminster or in one of its halls.
Lorna Campbell says:
30 November, 2022 at 2:51 pm
Nicola Sturgeon is really panicking now because she can see perfectly well that the ‘trans’ issue has split her party, the independence movement and Holyrood, and, above all, it has the potential to make her look bad.
I don’t think it needs to be anything specific. At the risk of overdosing on cliches, the walls are closing in as more and more chickens come home to roost.
Don’t misinterpret what I’m saying, the National reported how the Believe in Scotland crowdfunder had raced past £50k, but actually it’s been a wee bit slow kind of race, I don’t know when it started but it’s been a couple of weeks anyway, and their target is £100k.
Actual donations are being matched, £1 in is matched by another, so the real total is around £32k, less than a third of the total.
I don’t wish them any ill will myself, these folks are still Yessers, but I rather suspect it’s hitting home just how much of damper Sturgeon has become on people’s enthusiasm. People don’t like being taken for mugs, and that missing £600k will need to be answered for sooner or later.
That lass crying “All aboard the Gravy Bus” was I think, trying to be funny, but not a soul was laughing.
link to
Breeks says:
30 November, 2022 at 6:53 am
‘We should not be picking fights with these people. It’s stupid.’
I’ve recently watched John Pilgers disturbing 2016 film/documentary ‘The Coming War on China’.
I don’t recall if it’s been discussed on Wings since, but it’s hard-hitting from the outset. Even if only half of it is authentic, and much of it seems to be based on verifiable evidence, it belies the notion of balance in foreign affairs reporting – as if it were ever so.
And if any of the madmen out west really believe in never-ending war as a solution to anything or that nuclear wars are winnable, then goodbye planet earth.
The Pilger film can be viewed on Netflix/You Tube.
Effijy says:30 November, 2022 at 3:15 pm
Scot Gov is so powerful that Westminster controls our nation and claims to have the right to reject anything that we wish to achieve.
“We” link to
“The Tories were too busy handing out contracts to their donors.”
Seems it was going on everywhere link to also link to
“Does anyone in SNP know how to fight back.”
Go out and convert No’s to Yes’s its the only thing that will really ever progress Indy.
Not being flippant re this –
Daisy Walker says:
30 November, 2022 at 1:42 pm
Slogan for Indy
In An Independent Scotland… we can put the Heating Back On!
– It’s cold, people can feel it, every household in Scotland, and this time last year it wasn’t an issue.
When you can feel it, when yesterday it was fine…. then it’s not just a slogan, it’s a reality. A real, achievable, doable, reality.
Scotland, the energy capital of Europe, getting shafted with the highest energy prices in Europe – thanks to Westminster and Brexit.
Let’s Get Indy, and Get the Heating Back On.
Breeks says:30 November, 2022 at 2:31 pm
Joe says:30 November, 2022 at 12:51 pm
Your clearly also very confused on how the law works , Judges don’t make judgements on whims they make judgements on the law and its clear your own issue is that you just don’t understand how the law works…
You clearly weren’t paying attention to what happened.
On the contrary its well observed and documented what happened whereas you only paid attention to other people telling you what happened, those are not the same things. link to
Lorna Campbell @ 2.51
An interesting read and some valid points.
I have a slightly different take on it. I don’t think the SNP was captured by the Rainbow Warriors. Nicola wouldn’t let herself be captured. More likely I think that she could see the usefulness of them in her strategy to prevent independence. You and I actually arrive at the same point on this when you say there was never any intention to bring in independence.
I think she is happy to split her party as it suits her purpose, and she will continue to use it to entrench her position. She gets rid of the dissenters and replaces them with more Nicola worshippers.
It has a huge impact on the independence movement generally because it alienates so many normal thinking people, not just the 50% of women voters. If she was genuinely interested in achieving independence she would not have linked that so closely with the trans issue.
She had to get Alex. Salmond out of the way, as he was a genuine independence seeker. Job done.
I agree she is not panicking about independence. She had ensured that could not happen whilst she is in charge, by saying in the Supreme Court that any referendum would have no effect (just in case the Court let her have one}.
And now by trying to slip under the radar the comments by Mhairi Hunter and Toni Giugliano which completely undermine the effect of a Yes vote, which she would fall back on in the unlikely event a Yes vote won.
So I think she is just using the Trans issue as a means to an end – and enjoying all the feathers she is rustling .and not caring about the impact on women this would have.
The sad thing is that so many people cannot see her for what she is. If or when they do it will be too late. Independence will have been kicked into the long grass, and women’s rights will have been shredded.
joe is entirely correct in that if you want independence you need to convert more NO voters into YES voters. Not seeing any of that going on and speaking to other YES voters who agree with no does not move the current 47% YES voters up to the required 51% + to gain independence. Also the SNP government have no plan or guidance how to convert more NO voters to YES voters so no referendum in the next 30 years. SNP government is the problem YES voters need to solve to ever getting near a referendum.
Lorna Campbell says:
30 November, 2022 at 2:51 pm
‘She is, however, panicking about the GRA Reform Bill not passing because she knows she will be brought down the minute it hits the buffers. The people behind this stuff are utterly ruthless’
The GRA Reform Bill WILL pass Lorna, but I don’t see that as sturgeons’ problem. The bill will pass because the English labour party has instructed Slab to support it, and they will. Add on Lib support and you will see that it won’t fail.
The problem for Sturg is dissent from within. If the number of rebels increase, particularly if including an MSP returning from maternity leave, then a raft of other policies, which may not have the support of the ‘opposition’, may be voted down.
Those pushing behind Sturg may seem powerful at the moment, but they are not numerically strong and once she goes, just watch those dominoes fall.
link to
Wow… That was quite a heckle… Round of applause from me.
Just spoke to friends who were at a meeting in Lochgilphead with Brendan O’Hara and Jenny Minto, MP and MSP respectively for Argyll and Bute.
My friends have stuck with the SNP all along, though sympathetic and understanding of my defection to ALBA. Now they are enraged and mystified by the SNP’s response to the SC judgement, utterly disgusted by the Keith Brown interview and the pathetic promise of a party conference ‘next year’
(They were however impressed by ALBA bringing forward an emergency conference – OPEN TO ALL INDY SUPPORTERS – just 10 days from now, on December 10th)
They asked Brendan O’Hara why not a Holyrood plebiscite election and, interestingly, he seemed open to the idea and agreed nothing should be off the table. (Minto was a waste of space and had to leave early for the ferry)
Others at the meeting also had difficulty understanding the party’s lack of action, and my friends felt a palpable undercurrent of anger and disappointment in the audience.
My feeling is, Sturgeon has maybe taken the sheeplike behaviour of her followers too much for granted this time. I think she may be in the process of making a career-critical mistake.
Bring it on! Make sure you chat to all your SNP friends and, if the seeds of doubt are not already there, plant them.
There WILL bbe a change in SNP policy and attitude before Christmas or I think they are finished. Get the party grassroots emailing and kicking up a fuss, NOW
I missed this yesterday.
“A truly shocking episode” for Pete Wishart as he inadvertently promotes Alba on the front cover of The Notional.
link to
And whilst here I may as well give a bump to that latest 5 min vid of Scot, Danny MacAskill on his hols in America.
The lad seems to be taking a few more tumbles these days… He’s probably just getting old like me.
Though I’m still bang up for a battle of the Dans as was wheeling round Auld Reekie on my blue skywayed Scotia BMX before he was born! It’s just we had shite cameras back then which took aw oor pocket money and a week to get the pics back from Boots, only to find 99% of the pics were out of focus blurs…
link to
The only reason there’s any debate or discussion about using Holyrood elections for plebiscitary purposes is down to Wings. And it was also Wings that debunked the false claim that there was no mechanism to force a Holyrood election.
A lot of people won’t like that, but it’s true…
Let’s have a toast for the douchebags
Let’s have a toast for the assholes
Let’s have a toast for the scumbags
Every one of them that I know
Let’s have a toast for the jerk-offs
That’ll never take work off
Baby, I got a plan
Run away fast as you can
Brexit in a nutshell
link to
The Nicolson story is a squirrel in a teacup intended to distract us from the cowardly antics of Nicola and the SNP leadership.
Breeks @4.39pm.
Yes more power to that woman, the betrayer stood there with her mouth shut because she was in an indefensible position, what a bloody cheek Sturgeon the Judas who has campaigned to reduce REAL women’s rights speaking at an event to stop abuse to women.
What was rather troubling about the attitude of the other women in the video of the woman scolding the Judas, was that they sat quiet in a kind of apathetic state, either unaware or they don’t care that the Judas is eroding their hard fought for rights.
This kind of questioning by Joe Public, of Sturgeon, is needed on why she won’t resign to trigger a Holyrood election to further the indy cause, the shallow, egotistical sociopath would probably take to her heels, or call for her handlers to intervene.
link to
@ Geri at 1.09: I love baked potatoes – butter and cheese, or baked beans, or tuna and yogurt, or with a salad. So your suggestion of a 56lb sack from a local farmer is my idea of “real” food – and green as having no food miles, and the farmer getting a proper price straight in their pocket.
That’s why it is such a shame that people have to have tinned veg instead – yes, it has some nutrition but it is dull always having tinned food, and there’s none of the other advantages referred to above.
Laydees and genelmen it appears we have 2 new recruits for arsehole of the year to compete with our usual resident arseholes , we are so truly blessed that WOS encourages these arseholes to come out from under their bridges to assail us with their superior knowledge and critique , Stuart Campbell can have a nice long holiday in the knowledge that the site will be well policed by the combined corrections available through the talking arseholes
Hatuey says:
30 November, 2022 at 5:10 pm
The only reason there’s any debate or discussion about using Holyrood elections for plebiscitary purposes is down to Wings. And it was also Wings that debunked the false claim that there was no mechanism to force a Holyrood election.
There is a mechanism for effecting a new election, that’s never been disputed, but there isn’t one to turn it into a “de-facto referendum”.
The sole purpose of an election is to elect individual members, and that’s it. You cannot repurpose legislation to mean something it doesn’t.
Even if 50% + 1 is reached in favour of candidates supporting a declaration of independence, the purpose of the election remains as is. ie Not a referendum.
Please stop talking about a Holyrood election amounting to a plebiscitary election. It won’t be, unless and until the Scotland Act is amended to that effect.
“But, but, but…it’ll show the world” – no it won’t, because the purpose of elections is only to elect individual members on manifestos that aren’t legally binding in the first place.
We do not elect the Government or FM in Scotland, ever. That’s entirely down to the chamber where members vote how they choose, not on behalf of us.
Democracy ends when the members take their places in the legislatures – thanks for your vote, who are you?
If the people want a referendum, we can organise one ourselves.
If the people want a public petition in support of and/or against independence, we can organise one ourselves.
If the people want to prosecute a case averring breaches of Union with England Act 1707, we can do that too.
An excellent speech by Neale Hanvey from the real Scottish independence party, the Alba party.
“Opening the Westminster Hall Debate today (Wednesday) on a further independence referendum for Scotland ALBA Westminster Leader Neale Hanvey MP will state:”
A couple of excerpts.
” Margaret Thatcher in her memoirs, stated that “as a nation, they [Scotland] have an undoubted right to national self-determination”. (The Downing Street Years, Margaret Thatcher).
And John Major when Prime Minister who said about Scotland “As I have said before, no nation could be held irrevocably against its will.” (“Scotland In The Union – A Partnership For Good” 1993).”
“Scotland’s separate constitutional tradition is perhaps best summed up in the view expressed by Lord Cooper in the case of MacCormick v Lord Advocate that “the principle of the unlimited sovereignty of Parliament is a distinctively English principle which has no counterpart in Scottish constitutional law”.”
link to
Everything I’ve read says canned & frozen veg are as good as fresh.
Tinned potatoes however are awful.
Made into a potato salad with mayonnaise & chives – still awful
Mashed with butter – still awful
Fried with onions – still awful.
Smash slightly better.
I would be lost without my tins of
tuna, baked beans, corn, tomato soup & tomatoes.
A few years ago I shared my super quick & nutritious soup recipes here on Wings for folk in a hurry. I might do that again. My last tin of canned potatoes might go into one of my soup experiments.
Ruby says:
30 November, 2022 at 6:38 pm
Everything I’ve read says canned & frozen veg are as good as fresh.
Tinned potatoes however are awful.
Made into a potato salad with mayonnaise & chives – still awful
Mashed with butter – still awful
Fried with onions – still awful.
Smash slightly better.
I would be lost without my tins of
tuna, baked beans, corn, tomato soup & tomatoes.
A few years ago I shared my super quick & nutritious soup recipes here on Wings for folk in a hurry. I might do that again. My last tin of canned potatoes might go into one of my soup experiments.
I love tinned tatties, but couldn’t eat a whole tin.
Talking of tinned products and nutritious recipe, here’s one I remember from ‘Grub On A Grant’
1 tin tuna
1 tin sweetcorn
1 tin mushroom soup
Mix and cook in the oven @ 180C for 30mins, topped with bread and cheese.
@ Dan . 5.06
Yl have clocked this from the Art-formerly-known-as Wish ….
” A truly shocking episode. I write for the National on what all this means. You don’t want to miss it….. ”
Were you truly shocked ; did it turn out you did want to miss it ?
I looked around for shock , couldn’t find it , so decided to give it a miss .
Guess we’ll never know ” what all this means ”
( I was wondering , is John Nicholson made of paper mache ? )
@ Breeks says:30 November, 2022 at 12:43 pm
“I’ve no evidence for saying it”
C’moan Breeks. Don’t be all apologetic like that.
Just lie through your teeth.
@twathater says:30 November, 2022 at 6:14 pm
Laydees and genelmen it appears we have 2 new recruits for arsehole of the year to compete with our usual resident arseholes
You thinking like I am thinking TH?
The poster likening Scotland to the land formerly known as Palestine?
The poster prefixing his claims with “I’ve no evidence, but …”?
Uh oh. Don’t say we actually have 4 new recruits in our midst!
@ Ruby
You should try pumpkin soup. It’s da bomb with a bit of chili flakes through it, although I suspect it may become a bit repetitious for me as so far only worked my way through one of the 6 *Crown Prince pumpkins I grew this year.
I started with the smallest one and am working my way up to the two basketball sized ones that weigh 6kg each…
Grew a load of decent leeks this summer which is a first for me.
But questioning my mental health as also grew sprouts under my own volition! WTF, why would someone sane do that.
* Crown Prince is widely acclaimed to be one of the tastiest gourdes. It’s sweet, almost like a cantaloupe melon, and nothing like the shitey tasteless watery orange ones the size of spacehoppers that folk use for carving into lanterns.
As Robin McAlpine wrote, the bairns should be using neeps here in Scotland, and not giving up tradition and falling inline with the US trick or treat folly.
link to
@Ebok says:30 November, 2022 at 3:35 pm
I’ve recently watched John Pilgers disturbing 2016 film/documentary ‘The Coming War on China’.
I don’t recall if it’s been discussed on Wings since
That’s 6 years ago then, Ebok.
Since then the Chinese have cost the world trillions of dollars and millions of lives lost through their new flu, so I guess we could say that as they started it, they will be getting what they deserve.
What? You still believe Covid was just one of those things?
The war has been discussed on Wings BTL. The hot, shooting war will start prior to Xmas 2022, so less than 4 weeks away.
Alert readers will know to what I refer.
@ Dan says:30 November, 2022 at 7:17 pm
As Robin McAlpine wrote, the bairns should be using neeps here in Scotland, and not giving up tradition and falling inline with the US trick or treat folly
That’s a very good point. Look at it carefully enough, and you realise that Scotland (and England) have long since been culturally colonised by the USA.
As has much of Europe and the rest of the world.
It is only because this colonisation of ideas, language, politics, popular media and historical re-interpretation is so comprehensive that people hardly even notice it any more.
Leek & Potato Soup. New super fast recipe.
Chuck a packet of frozen leeks into pot
add some frozen garlic if you want
a stock cube veg or chicken
boil it up (around 5 mins) check packet
oops nearly forgot to say add water.
lastly add the tinned potatoes with the brine
boil until potatoes are hot.
Whizz it up with your stick blender.
Hey presto the soup is ready.
Add some frozen parsley before serving.
(heat of soup will defrost parsley)
If you want to serve it cold you could add some milk and call it vichyssoise
It it doesn’t taste too good cut up some large squares of toast and top it with cheese and grill till cheese melts. (see french onion soup link to
Everything tastes better with grilled cheese.
Don’t forget the ground pepper.
PS The tinned potatoes maybe taste shit but they only cost 35p for a 550 gram tin.
For quick soups it’s handy to have frozen herbs. Iceland do coriander, garlic, chilli & ginger. I haven’t as yet used the ginger. Waitrose & Sainsbury’s do frozen parsely & basil.
All very handy.
Who wants to spends hours fiddling about with parsely & coriander?
Main with the fishing rod out.
Ignore this dildo.
Him and his other “names” dominating every thread since the Rev returned.
Probably not even contributing to the Rev’ fundraiser.
On here on a freebie, off the backs of others who are paying the Rev.
In the end people will cancel monthly payment if these clowns are going to dominate proceedings.
I for one will not pay a monthly payment so these pricks can swan on and take over for free.
Fuck off ya Wanker.
What’s with the aggression is an exchange of views not the best use of btl?
If Main Ellis Chas Joe are going to dominate proceedings,,,then tell Rev you are going to cancel your monthly payment.
These pricks are on here for free,,,and taking over your website.
Watch the World Cup show and the thing is run by English bastards.
Every fuckin voice you hear is fuckin English.
Trying to watch Argentina against Poland,,, and English commentator tells us the ball was cleared by the Man City defender. Fuckin hell,,,he is an Argentinian defender.
The detested English bastards running the World Cup programmes remind us of Ellis and Co,,, they have taken over proceedings.
Good evening, Scott.
“You cannot repurpose legislation to mean something it doesn’t.”
That’s interesting. What’s your favourite colour?
(Nobody talked about repurposing anything btw.)
@Rab Davis says:30 November, 2022 at 7:52 pm
There wis me thinkin the Rab wis short for Robert!
Tell ye whit tho Rab.
If ye’re gonna post,,,get yer facts richt afore ye start.
Did ye watch ra gemme yester e’en? A cracker o a score, naws?
It’s not just the Westminster government that hides results from their polling on Scottish independence using taxpayer’s cash because the polls show Scots want out of this prison of a union.
“A LEADING polling company has denied claims it was carrying out secret polling on Scottish independence.
Scottish folk star Eddi Reader claimed on Tuesday she had given her views to an interviewer working for Ipsos Mori – only to be told the research would not be published.
The firm has told The National it is investigating Reader’s complaint and confirmed the research, which aimed at taking a snapshot of “public sentiment in Scotland” would be published next week.
Just took part in a IPSOS poll on Scottish politician opinion.
I got into a wee conversation, the researcher told me that so far, over the past few days, all called say YES! To Indy.
They asked their supervisor 4 publish date : “it’s not gonna be published, just opinion research””
link to
If Sturgeon wasn’t such a treacherous shit, we’d have dumped this ball and chain prison by now, we still can if Sturgeon the Judas resigns, maybe her MSPs will finally grow a pair and take their snouts out of the taxpayer’s trough long enough to compel her to stand down.
Main, Ellis and Co on here to disrupt proceedings.
Different “names”,,,One Arsehole.
Hey Ruby, you can grow your own coriander and a lot of other herbs for that matter. Growing plants, especially for food is very therapeutic for the soul, and sadly so many folk seem to have given up this aspect of self-sufficiency.
My basil plant is still hanging in there on the window sill even in this dark and inclement Scottish weather.
Have just planted out a couple of dozen seed garlic cloves last week for next year’s crop. Made a couple of small trenches and filled them with rich compost from my wormery, then pushed each clove in a couple of inches below the surface.
And if you think growing foodstuffs is boring, then you should try my home grown and made blackcurrant syrup with a decent sized nip of vodka!
Was speaking to a very switched on farmer a couple of days back, we often talk about all sorts of stuff, but he was saying that a couple of the local big farms that just churn out crops year in year out have exhausted their soils to the point the yields are now noticeably lower. If these farms embraced a bit of know how on sustainability and actually looked after the soil and keeping it healthy their yields and profit for the effort would be much improved. But they just won’t listen and continue with the same old routine of endless ploughing and spraying fertilizer…
The absurdity of Brexit, is a symptom of being held against our will in this Kafkaesque union, the sooner we ditch this onesided undemocratic prison of a union the sooner Scotland will start making progress. You can’t let a foreign country steal the profits from your assets and hold reserved matters over your country and its people and still expect it to prosper, it can’t be done.
A countries government needs all its levers and powers and income from ALL its assets to function properly and prosper, attempting to do it with one hand tied behind their backs the government will fail.
“A SCOTTISH firm has revealed how it was forced to abandon all trade with Europe after Brexit hammered the “nail into the coffin” of its export business.
Andrew Duff, who runs butchers MacDuff 1890, said it’s now easier to export to Hong Kong than it is to Europe.”
link to
Has Scotland, Wales or N Ireland not got any football commentators or pundits that could have worked on BBC it ITV on world cup games.
The English bastards were having none of it,,,they decide who we hear on commentary and they decide who the pundits are.
It was always going to be full English every time.
As is true in every aspect of Scottish life.
Seems like we have a few extra naysayers these days.
Is Joe the racist guy that used to go on about natives and immigrants?
@Dan 8:15
Why have we got an SNP minister for rural affairs who never mentions such things and a “green” party that seems to have never heard about it.
Hatuey says:
30 November, 2022 at 8:07 pm
Good evening, Scott.
“You cannot repurpose legislation to mean something it doesn’t.”
That’s interesting. What’s your favourite colour?
(Nobody talked about repurposing anything btw.)
Are you very, very drunk?
A ‘referendum’ style election to Holyrood isn’t possible in law.
As I stated, even if 100% of votes were cast in favour of candidates in support of ‘declaration of independence’, the votes only elect individual members, not the policy proposed.
50% + 1 won’t send a message to anyone, as the purpose of the election isn’t to do that. [just to ask – would 50% + 1 be required for each candidate too?]
Plebiscitary election to Holyrood cannot happen unless and until the Scotland Act is amended to allow for it to be so.
Manifestos aren’t contracts – you can’t force members to introduce legislation off the back of them.
We the people can lawfully conduct a referendum.
We the people can lawfully run a petition.
We the people can sue for breaches of Union with England Act 1707.
We the people can’t vote in elections to Holyrood for independence to be the outcome. Elected Politicians aren’t obliged to listen to their constituents. They set the legislative agenda, not us.
Anyone promoting ‘plebiscitary election’ to Holyrood should cease and desist, as it’s a non-starter in law. And they’re fucking stupid if they can’t see that.
@ KT Lorimer
TBF to Mairi Gougen, if you scroll down her feed she does tweet a fair amount about better farming practices.
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@ Hatuey says:30 November, 2022 at 8:23 pm
Is Joe the racist guy that used to go on about natives and immigrants
Can you be more specific?
Constant drizzle of posters on here, daily going on about natives and immigrants.
Is it only racist when you say it is? Asking for a logically thinking rationalist.
Perhaps you could increase your credibility by telling us what legal qualifications you hold?
Rab Davis says:
30 November, 2022 at 8:21 pm
Has Scotland, Wales or N Ireland not got any football commentators or pundits that could have worked on BBC it ITV on world cup games.
The English bastards were having none of it,,,they decide who we hear on commentary and they decide who the pundits are
I watched the Portugal/Uruguay game the other night and one of the commentators was Scots.
Sick of your racist crap, just calm down.
“Scottish independence: New poll suggests Yes four points ahead after Supreme Court ruling”
“The Redfield & Wilton Strategies poll of 1,000 people finds 49 per cent of Scottish respondents would vote yes and 45 per cent no if there were to be a referendum tomorrow, with 5 per cent saying they did not know.”
link to
Poor James Kelly won’t like that… it seems to corroborate with the view that there’s been virtually no movement over the last few years.
As I explained last week, it’s likely that for every former “no” voter that crosses over to support Indy, there’s probably a former “yes” supporter that’s so dismayed with Sturgeon and her priorities that they throw in the towel.
It’s actually quite an achievement to suppress support for independence like that, given the shit we have been dragged through as part of the UK since 2016. Academics will puzzle over all this in years to come. It’s quite remarkable really, when you think about it.
You still Sturgeon’s number one fan?
Are you a little Englander by any chance?
I would say aye.
It’s not an option for everybody, but if you’re in circumstances with no electricity from time to time, try making yourself a rocket stove from tin cans.
They first started cropping up in Africa, made with the tins from food aid. In drought areas or desert, especially in refugee camps, the amount of wood available is a problem. A rocket stove vastly reduces the amount of fuel needed, and time taken walking for miles to source it.
It burns solid fuel, but very efficiently. Provided they are dry, a few sticks or kindling roughly about the size of a fist will pretty near boil a kettle or pan of water. There’s very little ash left, but obviously there’s a wee bit smoke, so you’ll need to be outside, or if you’re brave, have a chimney.
I reckon about 2 fistfuls of sticks will be enough to cook the tatties. And I mean sticks.Be prepared and have a bit stock of dry stuff. Wet sticks can work, but it gets less hot and it all takes longer to cook stuff.
They’re kinda catching on now, and you now see some proprietary makes for barbecues etc, but the science is very simple to make your own. A wee bit experience, and you can knock something rough up fast in a crisis, or take a bit of time and make one that’s robust and gonna last a few firings.
If the kindling you have is dry and good for burning, you’re still probably gonna be faster on a gas ring, but not really by much. There’s no drama
Cooking a stew is doable, but hard work, you need a pile of wood to keep the fire going for a couple of hours It’s easy to get distracted then it goes out. Better just keeping it simple 1 pan stuff, tatties, or a frying pan, / kettle.
Biggest down side is mess… bottom of your pans / kettle get sooty, and soot can travel everywhere.
Been there, done that, and it’s amazing how much shit doesn’t seem so bad when you can still have a cuppa and a hot meal, while you’re working out what to do for lighting.
This guy’s a bit fussy and American, but you don’t need to do everything as he says. But it is quite a decent demonstration. But don’t call it a Hobo stove. That just makes it sound nasty, when it’s actually a clever wee thing.
link to
Possibly one for Joe to respond too.
link to
@Scott says:30 November, 2022 at 8:32 pm
A ‘referendum’ style election to Holyrood isn’t possible in law
So what? “Law” is what those in power say it is, if necessary retrospectively changing “Law” to lend legitimacy to actions. If nobody has to power to stop these actions, and the consequent changes to the “Law”, then the new “Law” stands until revoked.
even if 100% of votes were cast in favour of candidates in support of ‘declaration of independence’, the votes only elect individual members, not the policy proposed
So what? If these individual members have made a solemn vow to enact the policy, and are then voted in on that basis, there is a not unreasonable expectation that the policy will be enacted. That’s the democratic covenant.
Manifestos aren’t contracts – you can’t force members to introduce legislation off the back of them
And there’s the fatal flaw in what passes for present-day democracy. However, as this is a one-off event that is under discussion, and assuming the plebiscitary nature of the election is clearly communicated to the Scottish electorate beforehand, then again, I think it entirely reasonable to expect that the policy will be enacted.
Or, to put it another way, my imagination won’t allow me to visualise a scenario where an overwhelming Scottish vote in favour of those standing on the plebiscitary ticket will result in SFA happening once the new ScotGov is in place.
Unless, of course, they are all being held incommunicado under house arrest.
Scotsrenewables says:
30 November, 2022 at 4:44 pm
‘My friends have stuck with the SNP all along, though sympathetic and understanding of my defection to ALBA… (They were however impressed by ALBA bringing forward an emergency conference – OPEN TO ALL INDY SUPPORTERS – just 10 days from now, on December 10th)’
They seem like a group of friends you’d WANT to have a discussion with about Indy/Sturgeon/Alex Salmond etc: folks with whom you could air a point and listen to alternative views without constant nit-picking from the side-lines by amateur wise guys.
The National Assembly next Saturday promises to be a great gathering from all parties and none. As yet, no announcement of speakers, apart from Alba top brass, but I’m really hoping for a wide range of input from the likes of Tommy Sheridan, Sara Salyers and especially from up and coming young speakers with fire in their bellies.
To book places, here is the link: –
link to
Actually, I’ll be honest, Scotsrenewables, I can confirm that there’s a lot of truth in what Scott says with regards to the Scotland Act.
It does actually go further than most think and say that basically no aspect of the election process or anything that goes on in parliament can lead to the replacement of the Scottish Parliament, Westminster’s sovereign right to rule, etc…
The plebiscitary election idea, though, is simply a means by which Scottish people would be able to express their opinion. Nothing actionable necessarily follows from it — we simply get to do something Westminster is determined to prevent; express our collective opinion on whether we want to remain in the UK or not.
If we aren’t a colony then we are a country, and if we are a country in a voluntary union then why on earth wouldn’t we be “allowed” to gauge and consider our collective opinion on such matters?
And by the same token, ideas on what the result might inspire or lead to are entirely hypothetical. Everything about the future is, from a philosophical standpoint.
It will be just like any other referendum really, when you boil it down. They’re all advisory and speculation about what might happen afterwards is just that, speculation.
So you can stand down, Scott.
@Dan says:30 November, 2022 at 8:52 pm
Possibly one for Joe to respond too
I can’t get the media to play, so wasn’t able to follow the detailed reasoning explaining how Scotland’s rich resources are going to be divvied up between us all post Indy.
So I guess I am still taking that aspect of Indy on trust for now.
It did occur to me though – the richest, largest country on the planet is Russti land. Less than 150 million of the lucky buggers. Each of them must be on average amongst the richest people on the planet.
Or, does the “have faith” and “stands to reason” trope just not stack up in the harsh light of day?
I am going to continue with my insistence that we need to have it clearly explained to us how Indy will make us all richer. I kinda think that will play well with your stereotypical avaricious Scot. It certainly works for me.
Dan says:
30 November, 2022 at 8:52 pm
Possibly one for Joe to respond to.
link to
Hahahaha…nice one Dan.
Let’s get her booked for next Saturday. McCabe for FM?
Was listening to Colonial theory – decolonisation today.
It fits Sturgeon & Co to a tee.
Sturgeon has peaked. The revolutionist reaches compromise with the establishment & then it becomes the establishment.
I think the Pampers Brigade came along at the same time to create the perfect storm for pissed off Yessers thinking she’s doing fk all & a welcome distraction for her hitting brick walls. She’d no where to go because Holyrood is the colonial masters domain & they impose restrictions to keep it that way.
The only way out of this is decolonisation & through International law to end the treaty of Union at the source with absolutely no referendum because those too are always rigged in favour of the colonial master who runs it in a domestic setting so it’s rigged to break the rules in thier favour to promise everyone the world & then quickly snatched away again after the vote. We seen this with Devo max & the vow – breaking Purdah – who you going to call? The colonial masters electoral comission?
The Scottish government can’t get us out & politicians can’t get us out either because later down the line they too would become captured & the exact same cycle begins.
Rab Davis says:
30 November, 2022 at 8:50 pm
You still Sturgeon’s number one fan?
Are you a little Englander by any chance?
I would say aye.
And I would say you are an English Tory arsehole who is not quite as clever as he thinks he is lol.
Sent to Ben Macpherson my MSP
As a 50 year old who’s never voted anything other than SNP could you explain to me as my MSP, in simple language what is wrong with the wings over Scotland article on dissolving parliament and using the resulting Scottish election as a plebiscite for independence? I’ll publish your response in the wings over Scotland website comments. I’ll also publish this email and let the readers know if there is, as I expect, no response.
Mungo Armstrong
@Hatuey says:30 November, 2022 at 9:09 pm
If we aren’t a colony then we are a country
It’s not binary.
We could be a region, in fact, many of those on the anti-Indy side would say that we are.
You need a better argument than the colony/country cul-de-sac.
It will be just like any other referendum really, when you boil it down. They’re all advisory
FFS. So if we get an Indy Ref, and if Yes wins, that’s just advisory?
You need a better argument than that one too.
Rab Davis says:
30 November, 2022 at 8:21 pm
Has Scotland, Wales or N Ireland not got any football commentators or pundits that could have worked on BBC it ITV on world cup games.
The English bastards were having none of it,,,they decide who we hear on commentary and they decide who the pundits are.
It was always going to be full English every time.
As is true in every aspect of Scottish life.
Ally McCoist has commented on all these
Rangers TVITV World Cup matches, champ:Portugal v Ghana
Netherlands v Ecuador
France v Denmark
Portugal v Uruguay
and is slotted in to do the commentary for the Costa Rica v Germany match tomorrow.
And yes, he was utterly sh*te at it as usual.
Hatuey says:
30 November, 2022 at 9:09 pm
The plebiscitary election idea, though, is simply a means by which Scottish people would be able to express their opinion. Nothing actionable necessarily follows from it — we simply get to do something Westminster is determined to prevent; express our collective opinion on whether we want to remain in the UK or not.
Not arguing with you there Hatuey. We just need a clear, unambiguous vote that shows a majority of sovereign Scots want independence.
Nothing will automatically follow from that vote, but it gives us the absolute right to take whatever further steps are necessary
@Rab Davis
i imagine the Rev and quite a few others would be entirely unconcerned if a racist piece of shit like you slung his hook Rab. You’re a disgrace to the movement and all right thinking Scots, whether pro or anti independence. I’d say you needed help buy psychos like you seldom take advice.
If the Rev wants to improve BTL discourse he’d be better of banning you and telling you where to shove your contribution.
@ Breeks at 8.52: making a cooker out of tin cans.
Having watched that video I thank heaven that my mother gave me a Kelly Kettle – boils 3 pints of water in a double-skinned chimney on a handful of dry heather/seaweed/twigs. I should buy the pan stand to go on the top as then I could heat soup/fry an egg etc.
I would never be able to make a tin can cooker – I’d be in A&E due to lacerations, punctures etc etc!
John main says:
However, as this is a one-off event that is under discussion, and assuming the plebiscitary nature of the election is clearly communicated to the Scottish electorate beforehand, then again, I think it entirely reasonable to expect that the policy will be enacted.
Or, to put it another way, my imagination won’t allow me to visualise a scenario where an overwhelming Scottish vote in favour of those standing on the plebiscitary ticket will result in SFA happening once the new ScotGov is in place.
Unless, of course, they are all being held incommunicado under house arrest.
Manifestos are wish-lists only. You cannot force a member of Parliament to introduce a Bill. You can vote in the next election for somebody else as a means of repercussion if they don’t.
People can think they’re sending a statement if they vote for ‘pro independence’ candidates, but all they’re doing is electing an individual. That’s the sole purpose of elections to the Scottish Parliament. The election cannot be repurposed to mean something it doesn’t in law
A plebiscitary election will only happen if expressly stated as such in law, which it isn’t as it stands.
Your lack of imagination isn’t the issue here, it’s the lack of understanding of what the law actually fucking states about elections to the Scottish Parliament.
Deal with facts, not feelings, and we might get somewhere as a nation.
Ebok says:30 November, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Possibly one for Joe to respond to.
link to
“Hmm… this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.” Page not found, Apart from Phantom Power being a propaganda unit which part of this don’t you understand ? link to also link to
I love growing stuff. You’re so right. It’s very therapeutic. I’m lucky I have a huge garden so bought a few greenhouses & some raised beds & had my own wee allotment area going. All great & I’d be in my own wee world. Growing tatties, carrots, caulis & a whole host of fruit..faithfully following ever allotment Chanel on the internet lol..
Uggh! – Then the slugs & pests arrived. Then the rodents. Then disease. Slug slime trails all over my strawberry tower!
& I’m done with the strawberries! Grapes are a wasps paradise Lol
I asked on a popular allotment channel about it..
‘Aye hen – when you plant stuff yer just ringing the dinner bell!’
I looked at all my hard work munched tae hell as wee Benji bunny was chewing the vines off my peas & the tops of my carrots & was like ‘now I get a fkn warning that I’ve just laid on a prize banquet’ LOLZ!
I’ll stick to flowers until I can get past the wildlife..
It was funny cause on the same forum someone ranted ‘ppl like you shouldn’t have an allotment! We wait years to get one & they always give them to some pr*ck like you! Fkn grow up or ship out!’
‘Umm, I’m in my own garden, mate’ lol!
O/T: crowdfunder is now at nearly 25% £6,237.
It is iScot’s 8th anniversary today, St Andrew’s Day – I hope they survive to see their 9th anniversary.
Regarding the Fussball-WM, last time that I checked, Scotland weren’t involved – and the Welsh had S4C to turn to – so there’s no reason for them to have any Scottish input. Is Graeme Souness not part of the punditariat, though?
Regarding farming; some farmers are switched on, but the large-acreage ones seem to be less so – somewhat short-sightedly, in my view. I’m trying to investigate organic certification so’s I can give things away with paperwork, but I think it’s way too expensive to justify for a wee garden.
Regarding Danny MacAskill; I hadn’t seen the San Fran footage – thanks – but I have heard him talking on the radio over the last couple of days, talking about practicing at ground level before moving up, broken kneecaps (I’ve done that; same one, twice). I think that the falls appearing on film suggest that he’s a bit more relaxed about things than he might once have been.
John Main: “We could be a region”
It’s all coming out tonight, isn’t it…
Hatuey says:
30 November, 2022 at 9:09 pm
Actually, I’ll be honest, Scotsrenewables, I can confirm that there’s a lot of truth in what Scott says with regards to the Scotland Act.
The plebiscitary election idea, though, is simply a means by which Scottish people would be able to express their opinion. Nothing actionable necessarily follows from it — we simply get to do something Westminster is determined to prevent; express our collective opinion on whether we want to remain in the UK or not.
If we aren’t a colony then we are a country, and if we are a country in a voluntary union then why on earth wouldn’t we be “allowed” to gauge and consider our collective opinion on such matters?
And by the same token, ideas on what the result might inspire or lead to are entirely hypothetical. Everything about the future is, from a philosophical standpoint.
It will be just like any other referendum really, when you boil it down. They’re all advisory and speculation about what might happen afterwards is just that, speculation.
So you can stand down, Scott.
It won’t be like any other referendum, because it isn’t one. It’s an election that serves one purpose and one purpose only – to elect members, not policy. The policy bit comes later, when all the office holders are in situ and the chamber consents or not. We the people have no further say on matters.
I won’t “stand down” on this matter. There’s no provision in law for elections to be referendums, as you admit yourself, so stop talking about them being so ‘just because we say they are’. You and others make yourselves appear to be really fucking stupid tubthumpers and Market Square heroes.
Okay Joe,
I’ll post this again seeing as repetition seems to be your thang.
link to
But even if these past figures we’re focusing on are inaccurate one way or another, are you not hanging on to the past. Recent developments show that any past stats on generation are going to pale into insignificance with the new proposed offshore generation developments to come.
Maybe as a highly skilled stats guy / gal you could explain how the Ossian block was recently auctioned off with a generating potential of 2.6GW, only for a few months later that figure to strangely increase to potentially generate 3.9GW, which is as I’m sure you’ll know, over a third more than was originally stated. It rather reeks of something hooky with the initial survey to keep auction price down. Plus there’s no way wind generation tech could miraculously increase efficiency by over %33 in a few months or it would be all over the news.
Plus if you add a third generation potential onto all the ScotWind auction blocks the overall future generation stats will be even higher, natch.
But also, as a highly skilled stats kind of guy / gal can you explain and produce figures on the benefits of Scotland being in the union.
I’d like it explained to me how Norway seems to have done quite well over the decades with the management of their oil and gas industry, likewise their ship building industry seems pretty good too, which really grates when you compare them to Scotland’s.
I don’t know, it’s almost like those running the uUK haven’t got a fucking scooby about how to run the State for the benefit and well-being of those that live here.
And on other things that haven’t performed well… why are we not all driving around in British Leyland Maxi or Marina mk15s made out of British steel. I’ve been hankering after a new Scottish built Hillman Imp since my teenage years of owning that frugal little 875cc all alloy SOHC engined car. The original eco motor…
Hatuey says:
30 November, 2022 at 8:44 pm
It’s actually quite an achievement to suppress support for independence like that, given the shit we have been dragged through as part of the UK since 2016. Academics will puzzle over all this in years to come. It’s quite remarkable really, when you think about it.
I could not agree more and I suspect that the main failing has been down to the polarisation of the electorate cauused by the appalling mismanagement of the country. ‘Aggressive nationalism’ based on good performance would sway the middle-ground voters but to screw the country, blame WM for all of our self-made ills, and then claim that things will be better with indy will only work for the real die-hards.
Oh, and the tokenism that seems now to prevail also fools very few.
Whatever you may think of AS at least he ran things pretty well and voters still believed that the rule of law applied north of the border.
My guess is that NS is compromised in some powerful way by the English establishment and dare not step out of line.
I detect one or two shots being fired across her bows at the moment from a media that was until recently rather supine. There may be more to come.
Nurturing the political impasse is what they do very well and not even NS can alter that.
I could be wrong but didn’t Holyrood have the powers to hold advisory referendums on any subject it liked (other than the constitution) in the Scotland Bill & then again later in Smith’s recommendations to keep it?
Under public pressure, even Thatcher had to abandon the Poll Tax.
Why is there hardly any public pressure on the biggest tractor in Scottish history?
How could the vast majority of independence supporters have been so completely duped by her?
After independence support had reached 50%?
And Brexit had happened?
She even got away with the theft of £600,000 of independence supporters’ funds.
When will the duped genuine independence supporters wake up?
Who can really wake them up and how?
The Rev. Stuart Campbell has spelled out a process whereby Scotland can again decide on independence.
But is not going to happen because it depends on MSPs and it is not in the personal interests of “independence supporting” MSPs to seek independence.
The independence campaign can only move forward if it does not depend on corrupted politicians.
Perhaps Wing Over Scotland could run a nationwide competition to select a non politician leader of the independence campaign who can then make a fresh start?
It’s a pleasure to join you Rev.
Geri says:
30 November, 2022 at 10:31 pm
I could be wrong but didn’t Holyrood have the powers to hold advisory referendums on any subject it liked (other than the constitution) in the Scotland Bill & then again later in Smith’s recommendations to keep it?
Scottish Parliament does have the power to hold referendums, but not one on the union with England without permission from the King & Privy Council, per Scotland Act.
Any legislation introduced for a referendum is separate to the law governing them. As far as I see, nowhere does it restrict referendums to advisory level only, that would be a matter for the legislation specific to the referendum in question.
Referendums (Scotland) Act 2020 received Royal Assent on 29th January 2020. link to
My understanding of Wings idea is that it’s an advisory election. Who cares who is elected to the chamber. It’s only the result we are looking for. After the vote it would be enacted by going external to confront the powers that be of the mood of the nation denied a proper referendum so now you take a look at it.
All We’re looking for is the result – not to enact it in Holyrood.
Didn’t this happen in Kosovo? The International bodies granted it as a valid & didn’t act unlawfully. We’re only trying to do the same thing. Ppl are still voting duds to Holyrood – that’s irrelevant cause they’d still be pro unionists or pro indy. It’s just the results of a glorified opinion poll we need so we know the mood of the country. He’s not proposing to use that result to enact anything in parly.
Derek 10.07pm
England are only involved in a few games overall.
Scottish commentators and pundits could take games that don’t involve England.
But according to you we are too stupid to handle anything like that.
Do you think that if only Scotland qualified that every game would have been covered by Scottish only commentators and pundits?
Would it fuck
The fuckin English bastards would flood the place with their commentators and pundits.
With snowflakes like you accepting any shit they put our way,no wonder they walk over the top of us.
Fuck England.
For accuracy I must correct the increased figure I gave in my post for the Ossian block down 0.3 from 3.9 to 3.6GW.
That vodka and blackcurrant quaffed earlier must have really melted my napper.
link to
Now I’m not a stats guy but still think a near to a third increase is significant when we are talking about such huge sums of revenue from future generated power over the course of the contracts.
You are really living ‘the good life’. I don’t have the patience for fresh parsley & coriander. I grow beansprouts and that’s it.
I do not like blackcurrant. A friend of mine drinks pernod & blackcurrant. That is nasty and so is Ribena. I’m not too keen on vodka either but if there’s nothing else I’ll force it down with some diet coke.
Do you do ginger cordial? I love that! I haven’t tried it with alcohol I like it with sparkling water.
I also like ginger sweets but they are bloody expensive. £5 for a bag of ginger gummy bears in Lakeland.
Well, that escalated quickly, didn’t it?
Where did I say that?
What, on my non-existent telly?
“But according to you we are too stupid to handle anything like that”
“With snowflakes like you accepting any shit they put our way,no wonder they walk over the top of us”
Ooops. Must’ve upset the gods of computeryness. Insert quotes to which I replied…
All Wings is doing is conducting a glorified opinion poll based on a clear message that if Yes wins it will have a clear mandate to proclaim Independence & take the result to the international community to recognise it.
Nothing would be going through Holyrood. It’s bypassing its restraints completely.The International community can then recognise it as legit or not cause all legitimate avenues have been closed. We’ve not lost anything. Duds are still elected to Holyrood to run mundane shit while we await the International communities judgement on the matter.
Geri says:
30 November, 2022 at 10:48 pm
My understanding of Wings idea is that it’s an advisory election. Who cares who is elected to the chamber. It’s only the result we are looking for. After the vote it would be enacted by going external to confront the powers that be of the mood of the nation denied a proper referendum so now you take a look at it.
All We’re looking for is the result – not to enact it in Holyrood.
The result will be 129 MSPs elected and that’s it.
It doesn’t matter what they promise in their manifesto, what matters is what happens after they are elected. The public don’t get to decide which Bills are presented – even if the member presenting it says it’s on behalf of their constituents, it isn’t.
Elections to Holyrood don’t decide actual policy, only which members have the privilege of deciding which Bills proceed to law.
Plebiscitary elections aren’t possible, unless the law changes to make them so. It’s just another ‘shiny shiny’ for the hard-of-thinking from those shepherding them.
If we the people want our voices heard on a single issue, we the people can organise our own referendum. If the winning threshold is reached, we petition the King to uphold the expressed will of the people. If he refuses, we can seek his removal.
Elections are the expressed will about individual members and nothing else – try bringing a court case after the next Scottish Parliament on the grounds that ‘they said it was a plebiscite, so why aren’t we independent?’ – it won’t even make it to proof.
Just an aside but this was also Christine Grahame warning during indyref..
‘we don’t need to have a parliament. All we have to do is for Independent Scots to take to the streets & declare thier Independence & there’s nothing you, or anyone hear can say otherwise! We did it & we’ll do it our way!’
Ooooft! Go Christine! That shut the chamber up lol..
After the glorified opinion poll & the declaration – an immediate election would be called.
It doesn’t matter who is elected to parliament. They’re still pro indy or pro unionist.
We can’t hold our own referendum – it’s just been outlawed. WM would shut it down Catalonia style. It’s now unlawful & what councils would run it?
It’s effectively what your proposing but using the election as the method. Unionists can’t shut down councils or ban ballot boxes for a legitimate GE election.
If bad actors end up in Holyrood it doesn’t matter. They’ve used the manifesto ticket o get in so thier election counts towards a Yes or No.
Geri says:
30 November, 2022 at 11:30 pm
After the glorified opinion poll & the declaration – an immediate election would be called.
It doesn’t matter who is elected to parliament. They’re still pro indy or pro unionist.
We can’t hold our own referendum – it’s just been outlawed.
So we’re having an election to enable another election after a declaration that won’t be lawful? I’ll need to vote early and often that day for sure.
Moving on…
We the people can organise a referendum or petition about the union.
There’s no law preventing that, but the Scottish Parliament itself can’t legislate for one to be held on the union with England without the Scotland Act being amended.
We the people have the same power as the legislature to effect change, it’s just that Parliament is the conventional route, but not the only one. We the people are a sovereign body – Parliaments derive power from us via Union with England Act 1707, not internal rules that place the people outside permanently until elections.
Joe says:
30 November, 2022 at 9:52 pm
Ebok says:30 November, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Possibly one for Joe to respond to.
link to
“Hmm… this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.” Page not found, Apart from Phantom Power being a propaganda unit which part of this don’t you understand’
Hey Joe,
You should’a gone to Specsavers: that was Dans quote from 8.52pm.
Of course, you have …err… ‘edited’ my full comment which was: –
Ebok says:
30 November, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Dan says:
30 November, 2022 at 8:52 pm
Possibly one for Joe to respond to.
link to
Hahahaha…nice one Dan.
Let’s get her booked for next Saturday. McCabe for FM?
But mea culpa, I didn’t put Dans quote into inverted comma’s when responding to the very funny clip he posted.
Are you another nit-picking amateur wise guy intent in disrupting the rapport that exists between the vast majority of well-intentioned contributors to this site, whose primary motivation is to see Scotland free itself from chains that bind?
As for the propaganda thing, Hey Joe, didn’t yer maw tell you, EVERYTHING is propaganda, it’s all phoney (BD), and that I do understand.
I don’t believe any of it, btw, everyone lies, even if just a little, but you just go ahead, take your pick as to what whoppers you wanna believe.
No Scott,
We’re having an election to conduct an opinion poll.
In the event of Yes winning..
After the vital part (the result) is known we declare Independence & transfer the whole shabang to the International courts to rule on – citing the UN clauses Wings provided. We’ve declared Independence – they can rule to recognise it.
If England is pissed – then offer a legitimate route for Scots to consider.
Then an election is held to elect members to what would now a proper Scottish parliament. There is no Scotland act – it’s gone. Finito! Over.
What your proposing will never happen. It’s against the law to hold a ref, there’s no means to conduct it & no one to host it. Chucky wouldn’t care. Apparently the SC have declared Thier in a Union with themselves. It’d just go on for decades. How can you sack the king with no authority to do it?
This has to go International for ruling & the method used is brought about as a last resort, M’Lord.
We tried asking nicely & following democratic process – they refused. Look *holds Yesser opinion poll aloft* it’s the will of the ppl to end the internationally recognised treaty with England. The sovereign Scots have spoken*
Then it’s over to them..
This is also where the vital works of *the moon howlers & fanciful unicorns* comes into play. Liberation & Salvo. If the International courts require being up the arse of the treaty of Union then we need thier expertise to argue the bones of it.
*Moon howlers not my description btw. Just to the ones who think that outdated 1707 pish is irrelevant. It isn’t & it won’t be. Especially now they’re claiming we relinquished our Sovereignty. They can prove we didn’t.
Geri says:
1 December, 2022 at 12:33 am
No Scott,
We’re having an election to conduct an opinion poll.
In the event of Yes winning..
After the vital part (the result) is known we declare Independence & transfer the whole shabang to the International courts to rule on – citing the UN clauses Wings provided. We’ve declared Independence – they can rule to recognise it.
If England is pissed – then offer a legitimate route for Scots to consider.
Then an election is held to elect members to what would now a proper Scottish parliament. There is no Scotland act – it’s gone. Finito! Over.
What your proposing will never happen. It’s against the law to hold a ref, there’s no means to conduct it & no one to host it. Chucky wouldn’t care. Apparently the SC have declared Thier[sic] in a Union with themselves. It’d just go on for decades. How can you sack the king with no authority to do it?
FFS, this like being back in school trying to teach pupils who don’t want to listen to anything but their own thoughts.
The purpose of elections is only to elect members. You can’t make something it isn’t if there’s no provision in law to do so, but pretend away if that’s your thing.
As for your assertion about a referendum being unlawful, it isn’t. I could run it as a private enterprise, you could run it, but the Scottish Parliament cannot legislate for one without permission from the King & Privy Council*. A private referendum can still be presented to the King as the expressed will of the people. Same with a public petition.
Claim of Right Act 1689 shows that you can sack the King (& Government) if there are grounds to do so and the people wish for it to happen. That’s the law in Scotland.
The only law that binds Scotland to England is Union with England Act 1707.
If we prosecute a case against the King for breaches of purpose and intent of the Union with England Act 1707 by his Parliament in London, then the law must side with us and not him.
During the ‘John Nicholson’ debate in HoC, David Davis spoke to a speaker of “this place” from the reign of Charles I which predates the union, and not a single Scottish MP challenged that remark. “this place” didn’t exist then, but it proves that English MPs think it was business as usual and a continuation of the English Parliament.
*Privy Council includes Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, Stewart Hosie, Angus Robertson & Ian Blackford (and surviving Presiding Officers, FMs & Lord Advocates) who all have the right to call a meeting and advise the monarch – have any of them ever done so on the grounds that the Scottish people said something collectively, like the Brexit vote or ‘the mandates in HR elections that aren’t real mandates, because they only come from within the chamber once Parliament is in session’?
Geri says:1 December, 2022 at 1:14 am
This is also where the vital works of *the moon howlers & fanciful unicorns* comes into play. Liberation & Salvo. If the International courts require being up the arse of the treaty of Union then we need their expertise to argue the bones of it.
The International Courts will just laugh and ignore you. Lawson will be hoping he doesn’t get 100K Signatures because that will mean hugely embarrassing himself trying to take the matter any further.
Can you give me the reference to where it says that in the 1689 Claim of Right please?
How can an 18yr old document contain any reference to Scots when it predates the Union?
The modern day version emits to include Scots *Sovereignty*. They dispute that part & do on the HoC website.
So, in the eyes of the King we have our own government, we can sack them & we can choose another best suited our needs by the democratic process they’ve provided – what’s your problem Mr & Mrs Privy Council? Be off with you – would be the obvious answer.
& Yes I do tend to fk up the thier/they’re, Sir. My bad! Lol I always see it after its bloody submitted. Tsk! 100 lines I Must proof read. *Gathers jacket for the walk of shame to remedial corner* ;p
I don’t think learned professors & other prominent ppl would be laughed at, Joe.
They can’t do any harm & as everyone is attacking them they must be doing something right?
Geri says:
1 December, 2022 at 2:34 am
Can you give me the reference to where it says that in the 1689 Claim of Right please?
How can an 18yr old [sic] document contain any reference to Scots when it predates the Union?
The modern day version emits to include Scots *Sovereignty*. They dispute that part & do on the HoC website.
So, in the eyes of the King we have our own government, we can sack them & we can choose another best suited our needs by the democratic process they’ve provided – what’s your problem Mr & Mrs Privy Council? Be off with you – would be the obvious answer.
The whole purpose of the legislation, which remains extant to this day, was to sack James VII and hand the Crown over to William & Mary with the t&cs, including the Claim of Right, attached.
It is a fundamental part Scotland’s constitution that exists to this day. And as it forms part of the treaty and both ratifying Acts, it is also a fundamental part of the UK constitution.
Read it for yourself here: link to
The ‘modern Claim of Right’ as agreed in principle in HoC isn’t the same thing – it was an attempt to use the terms expressed within the legislation outwith it (repurposing things doesn’t work in practice), as a means to what, only they know. The vote wasn’t binding in any way and those who keep referring to it are stupid cunts, imho. “We agree that CoRA1689 is the law” was the de-facto outcome and hardly news to anyone.
Laws have specific purposes, and meaningless votes do too, but wasting parliamentary time seems to be the only outcome there, along with all the other non-binding motions and debates that take place on a daily basis.
Thanks for that.
Why do you think the privy council hasn’t asserted that right in the house of commons by the likes of Alex & Joanna?
As you’ll be aware, I’m no expert. I don’t profess to be but you’d think the ones that are would’ve reinforced it at every opportunity they had to shut up the chumps who think we’ve just wandered in off the street & sat down in thier parliament uninvited? Both Joanna & Alex were there as part of the 56.
Hatuey @5:26 pm
Unless and to extent Nadine Dories revelations were Sandy hook or covid related it was all, as Kemi Bad-enoch might observe, hubristic outrage mongering – right up to the bit where David Davis read his spur of the moment point of order from a script (about a lack of apology seconds before!) at which point it became evident that something is fundamentally broken.*
Worse yet, the correcting nature of the upper chamber must also be compromised (if the cover up of excoriating reports is to be believed, and outrageously extrapolated) so the only way to be sure of restoring integrity would be to assume guilt by association and remove all peers placed there on the recommendation of PMs who sacked/ were sacked by their predecessor/ successor (ie rather than in an election)..
Fortunately, thanks to the recent UKSC decision, and deference to HOL not being a reserved matter, Scotland has a faster and less controversial alternative
*not by accident might hindu symbolism decorate the walls of number 10
Dan says:30 November, 2022 at 10:28 pm
Okay Joe,
I’ll post this again seeing as repetition seems to be your thang.
link to
From you own link “Over the past decade it has been thought that Scotland has about 25% of the Offshore Wind Potential for all of Europe. However, this week Unionist Think Tanks and politicians have been attempting to undermine the potential Scotland has. Yet the SNP themselves stated this themselves” link to
Having 6% of Europe’s Wind capacity is a long way from the 25% the SNP previously claimed and the same nonsense Alba are still trying to hang onto. I’m sure the truth will come out in time though whoever is right but the SNP now admit its certainly not 25% and that admission itself destroys your Alba information. link to
You continue to show us “Volumes of electricity” but not “taxes received from electricity which only come from profits but many of the companies producing windpower are newish companies and have invested heavily in Wind generators whose cost will be getting depreciated over many years and via the profit and loss account eat up any profits made and in many cases mean some are lossmaking, Taxes to Scot Gov only get made by companies making profits not losses.This will be the case ongoing for many years as those companies keep on investing in more and more actual new plant. And of course any profits being made right now already get paid to Scot Gov anyway via Corporation tax, VAT, and employees income tax..there isn’t a “Windpower Tax” All the taxes the Scot Gov already receives of course can be already found on the Scot Govs own website. link to
Electricity companies only pay in auctions for windfarms what they think the acreage is worth, that’s how actions work and there is no point in overpaying as there is no shortage in Scottish coastline where windfarms can be sited. Quite a different situation to the cost of Sea Acreage in say the Bay of New York which is a very busy sea route for trade and much of the other usable space has already been sold for windfarm use. Anyone who beleive’s Scotland could get the same prices in Auction for Windfarm Sea Acreage that are made for Windfarm Auctions in the Bay of New York clearly need their heads examined or are just trying deliberately to deceive people (ie Kenny MacAskill) Just think it through. link to
While this is still at the top…
Just to say thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
You’re right, the ppl who quote the modern day claim of right ARE stupid cnts & really should make clear which one they’re referring to as it can cause confusion. One disputes Sovereignty while the original absolutely does not.
So it was a precondition to the treaty of Union. Non negotiable – this is our terms to joining your shitshow?
Another you could maybe help me with is if the Scottish parliament *was reconvened* why was there a Scotland Act at all with reserved matters? Cheers for any help..ta.
All fascinating stuff…