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Wings Over Scotland

The deconstructed Lamont

Posted on April 21, 2013 by

A few days ago, our mole in Scottish Labour HQ sent us the first draft of Johann Lamont’s speech to the Scottish Labour conference. Oddly, a few lines seem to have gone missing from the version delivered to the hall yesterday afternoon.


Here’s the full original text, so you can see what Johann was really trying to say.

Conference, I want to start by saying thank you. Thank you to my family. Thank you to everyone in this hall. And to the many people beyond it, who have gone out of their way to support me as we re-build our party. This is not a job I aspired to – but it is a job I relish. Every bit of it. And it is wonderful to be in Inverness on such a beautiful weekend defying those who say that the sun will only shine after September 2014.

“I may need to do some more work on my metaphors. I think I’ve just conceded the referendum, which probably wasn’t the best opening, I’ll distract you with a joke. Hold tight, here comes the high point.”

And I want to thank my deputy Anas and my old friend Margaret Curran for their support too. I have asked them both to go on a charm offensive. Anas can supply the charm and Margaret can play to her strengths too. Margaret and I have been making jokes at each others expense for years… but in all seriousness, Margaret’s friendship and support has made a huge difference to me on the last year.

“Her position on my suggestion of devolving income tax is mumble mumble.”

The early days of my attendance at conference were dominated by our anger, revulsion and determination to Margaret Thatcher and the Tories out of office. Never then did I imagine that one day I would be addressing a Scottish Labour Party conference as leader in the week when she was buried. Her death has reminded us all of the damage she did to our country, the pain she brought to too many people throughout this land and the legacy of division she has left.

“Now that 1979 is back…”

I have been struck by the dignity of the communities, the miners, the shipyard workers, the steelworkers as they recalled the vandalism she wrought. I also remembered the truth, not just that her era was ushered in by the SNP bringing down a Labour government,

“Definitely the SNP, with their 11 votes, rather than 65 million people in a free and democratic election 34 years ago, and the three we got thrashed in after that, which are somehow the SNP’s fault too.”

but that it was our failures as a party, when we divided against each other that allowed her to prosper. We will never allow that to happen again. I am not asking anyone either to forget or forgive what Thatcher did. We never will. But I also remembered that Nelson Mandela, after 27 years jailed on Robben Island, forgave his jailers before he walked out to freedom.

[Don’t know about this one, readers. It either means “I actually DO forgive Thatcher”, or “Nelson Mandela was a pussy”. Not sure which.]

And it made me think this conference. Let our party, let our movement be shaped by our political heroes not by villains.

Let’s define ourselves by what we are for, not what we are against. Because our vision of how our country could and shall be is so much richer than the narrow, negative views of our opponents.

“Much like the previous lines about Nelson Mandela and Margaret Thatcher, I lack so much self-awareness that I truly don’t see what’s funny about that sentence following the previous one.”

Last year when we met in Dundee our job was to breathe life into our party. We had been badly beaten. We had to change, and we have changed and will continue to change.

“Some of those serious, significant changes include mumble mumble.’

And the result was that in the local elections, from Aberdeen to Edinburgh, Stirling to Renfrewshire –  and yes of course in Glasgow – the Scottish Labour Party had stunning victories.

“We lost the popular vote in council elections for the first time in our history, and are now further behind the SNP in council seats than we’ve ever been. Apparently that’s what we class as a victory now.”


Our party is changing. Changing how we do policy, changing how we communicate, changing how we select our candidates. Our new General Secretary Ian Price will see through that change and I have every confidence that together we will deliver a modern 21st century party that truly represents the people of Scotland.

“Called the SNP.”

I know we still have a long way to go but I believe we can achieve our goals for Scotland. We have breathed life into our party when many of our opponents had written us off.

“In the most recent opinion poll we were two points LOWER than we were during our epic humping by the Nats in 2011, and trailed them by 19 points rather than the 16 they beat us by two years ago. Another stunning victory!”

This year I believe our job is to breathe life into Scottish politics. Currently we are trapped in an argument of narrow nationalism. The SNP have chosen to use their majority, not to reform and improve Scotland, but to put Scotland on pause until the referendum.

“Except for all the stuff they did in an attempt to reform and improve Scotland – minimum pricing, anti-sectarianism laws, same-sex marriage – even though those were all controversial bills likely to cost them support in the run-up to the referendum.”

The bedroom tax they don’t see as an opportunity to show how devolution can protect Scots from a Tory government. Not a chance to help people. Instead they see it as an opportunity to be aggrieved. I ask them to abandon that now. I pledge to work with the SNP to protect the poor and vulnerable from the injustice of the bedroom tax.

“I’m lying, of course.”

We can protect them and we must.

“Right up to the point where we’d have to actually do anything about it.”


Scotland can stand united against the Tory cuts and I call upon the SNP to work with us.

“Just not by doing anything that would enable us to banish the Tories from Scotland forever if we chose to, rather than having them imposed on us by English votes six years out of every ten.”

If they truly believe in social justice we can work together. But sometimes I ask what is their case? Well if you are a tax exile the SNP will tell you they will cut tax in an independent Scotland. If you are Rupert Murdoch they say come to Scotland because you will pay less.

“It’s better for Rupert Murdoch to pay tax in another country than it is for him to pay tax in Scotland and bring thousands of jobs to Scotland.”

At the same time as they say Scotland will be a tax haven for the rich, they claim we will have Scandinavian levels of public spending. Scotland will be a low tax, debt free, high public spending country.

“Even though in reality the SNP have never said they’d lower taxes overall, or that they’d increase public spending, and have never claimed anything even remotely close to that we’d be ‘debt-free’. In fact, they’ve repeatedly said we’d inherit a share of the UK’s enormous and growing debt.”

Rupert Murdoch and Tommy Sheridan will embrace – and I’ll be a size ten with George Clooney on my arm. It doesn’t add up. What the Nationalists are having isn’t a conversation with the people of Scotland, it’s an attempt to chat Scotland up. And let me tell you conference. Their chat up lines are mince and the people of Scotland are going to give them a helluva knockback.

“And in fairness, if there’s one thing we’ve become world-leading experts on in the last six years, it’s getting knockbacks from the Scottish public.”

Their story doesn’t stack up. But what is our story? What is my story? I grew up in Anderston with my heart in Tiree. My family were crofters married to the land, my father a merchant seaman wedded to the sea. I saw in my upbringing the beauty of our land and felt both the warmth of community and the harshness and brutality at times of trying to make a living here.

I had the privilege to grow up in a family of love, but one where my mother always reminded me that what we ate, what we wore, where we lived, was all the product of the sweat of my father’s brow earned at sea. And I respected that.

“Which is why I want London to control our fisheries policy.”


I grew up in a world of respect for hard work and where people were valued. And I saw the unfairness of a world which did not value work back. A father who retired without a pension. A father whose employer cared not for him after he left, but who was in his dying days cared for by a National Health Service, the Labour Party’s great creation, an expression of our collective belief that individuals deserve better.

“A National Health Service which is already independent in Scotland – somehow without having collapsed in flames – but which is being dismantled and privatised south of the border at terrifying speed (a process begun by Labour) with dire financial consequences for the Scottish one.”

And I grew up in a family that did not feel hard done to, did not blame others or feel entitled, but one that thirsted to improve ourselves and the people who we called neighbour. As a child of Anderston, a child of Tiree I was never of a generation that could expect a university education yet I got one not because it was a Scottish tradition – but because Labour made that a Scottish tradition if I worked hard enough. That the likes of me, if we were good enough, could get there. That is the Labour tradition.

[Sorry, readers. We can’t for the life of us work out why Johann thinks Labour were responsible for universities. It can’t be because they made tuition free, because Johann’s firmly against that. We’ve failed you here.]


And we could marry that Labour tradition to another Scottish tradition, and I could sit by my mother in a public library and study for my Highers as she studied for her Highers, studying by her daughter’s side for no other advancement than her own intellectual pride.

“If there are still any public libraries left by the time a Tory goverment we didn’t elect is finished closing them by the hundreds, while Labour sits impotently by and watches.”

And what did I decide to do with that university education? I decided to use it to throw open the gateway to others that had been a dream for me through education. I did it in schools where I met children as I had been. Working class, proud, eager, but blighted by the joblessness of Thatcher’s Britain.

“Thatcher. Thatcher. Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher Thatcher.”

I did it in schools where children didn’t have the privileges I had in Anderston. The privilege of a mother and a father who got you out of your bed in the morning. The privilege of parents who knew the value of education. I did it in schools where it was an achievement for some children, simply to get over the door in the morning.

I did it to look into the eyes of those children who didn’t have the benefit of the working class values instilled in them and search for an ember of hope – something to be breathed upon, to be cherished, to be made aflame and something we could fight together to burn against the dying of that light before they were even fully formed.

“Hope on this occasion taking the form of the prospect of thousands of pounds of debt by the age of 21.”

That was my call to public service. I went back to one of my old schools recently. The old building completely rebuilt by a Labour government. The dilapidated houses I looked out upon from the staff room now re-built thanks to a Labour government.

“…at a cost that will cripple our children, and their children, because we paid billions of pounds over the odds so that we could keep it off the books and conceal the fact that we were bankrupting the country.”


But the fear of decay returning as the slump continues. Our national shame, Conference, is that Margaret Thatcher might be long gone, but there are still children in this country whose chances of success are as bad now as those of the children I taught then. That has to change. And that is why we exist.

“To make it harder for them to get to university.”

To fight injustice. As Nelson Mandela said: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” And so, friends, when we go into the next Scottish election we will have plans not just to change education over one term but a vision which will look forward twenty years. Because if our schools, colleges and universities are to be the best in the world we need that length of vision.

“We need that length of vision because that’s how long we’ll still be paying for the last bunch of schools we built.”

And we will not pay for opportunity for some while denying opportunity for others. The savaging of the college system to fund universities has been a disgrace. A con for people wherever they are learning – at school, college or university. I want and, we need….  a Scotland which has all education open for all. I want us to return to a policy of lifelong learning. That is not just a matter of social justice, it is also an economic imperative in a fast changing world.

Let others talk of an oil boom. Our greatest resource will always be our people and if we are to give people the chance to fulfil their potential it is a second education boom we need in Scotland. We will make Scotland a fairer more just country. That is why we seek power.

“We seek power in order to create an ‘education boom’ by, um, charging students thousands of pounds for higher education they currently get for free.”

Conference, this weekend we have published the interim report of our devolution commission. I believe it is a good piece of work.

“Opinion elsewhere in the party is somewhat divided.”


It is radical and challenging

“Everyone else hates it, and the people who wrote it are backing away from it so fast they’re outrunning bullets.”

and I am grateful to everyone who contributed to it whether they represent Scottish Labour in our councils or in Europe, at Holyrood or Westminster, trade unions or party members.

What it is – is the starting point of where we agree how devolution is to be developed. What it is not is an attempt to appease the SNP. I am well aware that you don’t appease lions by throwing more Christians at them. And I will not walk an inch down the road to independence.

We will have plenty of time to debate it throughout the party and we will consult with all of Scotland on it. But let’s do that within this context. Our debate is not power for power’s sake, it is to ask where best should power lie to make the best of people’s lives.


And there are two principles within it that I am determined to protect. One is to deliver power to our people not to institutions. The current SNP government is one of the most centralizing since Margaret Thatcher. This isn’t just a question of devolving power from Westminster to Holyrood but beyond to the people best placed to make the best of people’s lives. I want to reinvigorate democracy at council level and beyond.

“We’re never going to win a Holyrood election again.”


And the second point I make is this. Sovereignty lies with the Scottish people. We choose to be in partnership with our neighbours and that means we should be respectful to our neighbours because this is a partnership. And so I do not want a settlement that reduces Scotland’s influence in Westminster one iota.

“I don’t want Ian Davidson threatening to beat me up.”

Let us be clear what is on offer here. The SNP want to separate ourselves from the United Kingdom but allow Westminster to retain all power over our currency, our interest rates, what we can spend, what we can borrow without one Scot at Westminster to put Scotland’s case.

“Which is exactly what happens now.”

I want Scotland to play our full part in our partnership, with full Scottish representation at Westminster. That is what is in Scotland interests and that is why we are the party of Scotland.

The SNP say we are on a home rule journey. Pity they didn’t join us when we started it. Labour created the Scottish Parliament because we believe in devolution. And we have continued to lead the debate on devolution. We have begun a dialogue with the people of Scotland about what powers the Scottish Parliament should have.

“They’re not getting to vote for any of them, though.”

But conference, can I tell you today what powers I really want? They are the powers Alex Salmond already has. The power over Scotland’s education. The power over Scotland’s health service. That way we shape the schools that will give every child an opportunity to reach their potential. That way we support the colleges that will give people a chance to learn the skills needed to get a decent job. That way we will build the universities that will pass on the knowledge to the people who will drive our economy in the future.

“…as long as they can afford the tuition, of course.”

That way we will provide the care for the sick and the elderly they need and deserve. That way we can empower our children to make healthier choices.

“But we were the only party who refused to back minimum pricing, so if they want to choose to destroy their brains with dirt-cheap booze instead, that’s fine with us too. Makes it easier to get them to vote for us.”


We know it is not the Union that prevents us from achieving our ambitions for Scotland.

“Except in all the areas reserved to Westminster, where it is.”

So why do we have to wait until after the referendum to get on with realising them.

The man Alex Salmond put in charge of our schools, Mike Russell, said in a recent speech that he wants to bring about a change in education that will transform schools. But he said that he can only do it after independence. Well, if he can’t bring about that change now, my message to him is to move over and let someone else who can get on with the job.

[We’re not sure which up-and-coming SNP minister Johann is recommending for promotion here.]

Because in the Labour Party we know how to get on with the job. Labour in government had a childcare strategy within months of coming into office. We introduced child tax credits to supplement child benefit. We introduced paternity and extended maternity leave. We lifted hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty.

We don’t need the Council of Economic Advisers to tell us what a difference investing in education and childcare can make. I know only too well as a teacher and a mother. A few weeks ago, Alex Salmond stood on his conference platform and promised a childcare revolution. Yet he made the same promise of 600 hours care for 3- and 4-year-olds as he had made in 2007. Six years on and families are still waiting.

“Mind you, they still have 63 more hours of childcare – a 15% increase – than they did when Labour were in power.”

Only 1% of two year olds will be guaranteed early learning and care. We are massively behind the rest of the UK never mind other countries in the world. Families of pre-school children need help and action now. Families of primary school aged children need help with out-of-school and wrap-around care. Is Alex Salmond concerned about the families who pay more for childcare than they do a mortgage? Or was it a cynical attempt to persuade the women who oppose him to change their minds when we want to change women’s lives?

“Even if he does something good, Salmond’s probably evil.”

Conference, you can make up your own mind but this time I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt. If he is serious about supporting the families who are struggling with childcare costs, then let’s make it happen now.

I challenge Alex Salmond to meet me next week and to bring his budget – and I will work with him to ensure we can deliver the childcare that a modern family needs. We have worked up proposals. I am sure he has too. We can agree what our priorities should be and how we are going to deliver it within his budget.

“I’m inexplicably under the impression that Alex Salmond needs or wants my advice or help to get a budget through Parliament.”

I came into politics to ensure people could achieve their full potential. That is why I joined the Labour Party. Changing people’s lives for the better is what we are in the business of.

“Particularly really rich people.”


Because what is exciting conference is that we can change lives, and people can change their own when they are empowered to do so. Last year I saw community ownership first hand when I visited the Galson Estate Trust on the Isle of Lewis. You would be surprised and impressed by what community organisations like Galson are delivering: house building, developing renewables, reversing population decline and reinvigorating their area.

Community ownership of assets is a powerful vehicle to tackle not just social injustice and inequality but it also delivers economic growth. It gives power to the people and allows them to transform their communities. It was a Labour Executive that brought in the Land Reform Act. It has allowed remarkable progress to be made in the number of communities that now own their land. But despite that Scotland’s land ownership patterns are significantly out of line with what is the norm in most of Europe and much of the world.

Just 16 owners have 10% of Scotland’s land and get tax breaks for doing so. Land reform has stalled under the SNP. If we want to have any real hope of changing the current patterns of land ownership in Scotland, then we have to be bold. We have to be radical. Conference, Scottish Labour will commit to extend rights for community purchase of land and for those rights to be available across Scotland.

If it is in the public interest, communities will have the right to purchase land, even when the land owner is not a willing seller. Now that is a power worth devolving.

“Wait a minute – this sounds like an actual unequivocal concrete commitment to do something specific. Who the hell left it in here?”

Times may be hard but we can still make change happen. Last year, I started a debate about what our choices should in a time when money is tight. People asked why I made that speech in September. I will tell you why. Because we know, what every family in the country knows, that times are hard. That until there is economic recovery there are choices to be made.

We know, what the SNP admit only in private, that the finances are poor and that with an ageing population the demands on those finances will increase. I believe we need to be honest about the challenges we face because only by being honest can we be true to the values we all hold.

“Those values in full: too wee, too poor, too stupid.”


I was told at the time by some that I was right but that it was bad politics. Well I think that to wait until the day after the referendum to tell the truth about where we are is rotten politics. I believe the only sort of politics which is good politics is honest politics.

My ambition is to marry the debate we have in the Scottish Parliament, in the TV studios and in the newspapers, with the lived reality of the people we represent. When I called for an honest debate about spending priorities, many criticised me and misrepresented my motives.

“Many criticised me and represented my motives exactly accurately.”

Conference, let me tell you why I said what I said. A few weeks before, I met with a group of care workers who told me about their experiences of the job. Good people who work hard at a difficult job for little reward. They explained how they were asked to ‘task and go’. That they were instructed not to speak with the people they cared for because they had to be in and out in 15 minutes.

They told how difficult they found that process because it goes against their instincts to care and help. I was convinced that the truth about their working lives and the lives of those they cared for was not something that could be finessed or ignored. We could not pretend that this system was working. It made me realise it was obscene for politicians to celebrate policies which bore no relation to what was happening on the ground.

It is time politicians were honest with the public about hard choices. We can’t afford a cartoon debate when older people are being tucked up in bed by six o’clock because it fits in a carer’s pressured schedule because of pressured budgets.

The SNP claimed I was attacking the principle of universal benefits, which I was not.

“Although I could see why people thought I was, when I precisely echoed the language of the Tories by saying Scotland couldn’t be ‘the only something for nothing country in the world’.”

What I was asking was the central question for anyone who believes in social justice, how do you deliver social justice in a time of scarcity not a time of plenty. And their response revealed to me two truths about the SNP.

We start with the needs of the people. We develop policies which we believe will help meet those needs. And then we try to communicate it. The SNP are the other way round. They start with a slogan. The slogan is the parent of the policy and people’s needs come last.



That is why in this country Alex Salmond says we have free personal care but in truth we have vulnerable and elderly people getting fifteen minute visits from carers who are instructed not to talk to them because a conversation would take up too much time. Free personal care says Salmond – but the carers told to say nothing to a pensioner in need. He has got the slogan but he is not funding the policy and people are suffering.

“We would fund it properly by diverting money from mumble mumble.”

And let me talk about one of the great achievements of a Labour government – the introduction of concessionary travel. The bus pass is a great thing. But it doesn’t really work if there isn’t a bus to get on. That is happening around the country. Services cut. Just this week, in one part of my own constituency we were told that people will not have a bus in their area after 6 o’clock at night.

That’s why I want a debate about our nation’s priorities.

As Nye Bevan said: “The language of priorities is the religion of socialism.” And as the late Campbell Christie, a great and principled trade unionist, said: “Contentious issues such as the continuation of universal entitlements must be considered openly and transparently, rather than in the current polarised terms”.

I agree. That is why I asked Professor Arthur Midwinter – a leading public finance expert – to conduct an evidence-based review of what as a nation we can afford. But what happened when I asked for that debate? I was publicly derided by the SNP.

“And pretty much everyone else on the planet.”

And then what did we find out? John Swinney sees there is a crisis in public spending– in private at least. The Scottish cabinet will talk amongst themselves about the spending crisis we are facing while they deny it in public. Why, John Swinney even questions the affordability of the state pension in a separate Scotland. Well let me tell him, Labour is keeping the pension he thinks we can’t afford.

“Maybe, if Professor Midwinter says it’s okay.”

And I make this pledge to the people of Scotland. I will be straight with you about what we can and cannot do. We won’t say one thing in private and then tell the public something we know to be untrue. Because we know the reality of people’s lives and they deserve the truth. The biggest issue for people right now is the economy. People are hurting. Unemployment is unacceptably high.

“I am REALLY irritated that unemployment in Scotland has been falling for several months, is at its lowest level in several years, and is lower than that of the UK, but I’m buggered if I’m changing this speech now.”

Growth is too slow. Many of those lucky enough to stay in a job find themselves forced to accept reduced hours. Many of those finding a job for the first time are accepting temporary contracts. For too many, wages are falling and prices are rising. This is the real world.  It needs to change.

“I think you can change the world NOT by controlling your own country’s defence, welfare, foreign aid, taxation and spending, but by handling drink-driving law and Air Passenger Duty and leaving all the serious important stuff to the English.”


We need an economy that works for the many, not the few. We need an economy that equips us to compete with the emerging powers of China and India. We need an economy fit for the twenty-first century. We won’t be able to do this with a low skill, low wage economy.

“My plan to compete with the high-skill, low-wage economies of China and India is mumble mumble.”

Participating in a race to the bottom will mean finishing bottom of the race.

“I think ‘bottom of the race’ is a thing. I was an English teacher.”

This is not the view of the Conservatives or SNP.  Both are wedded to the failed economic policies of the past. They both are oblivious to reality.

The Conservatives haven’t changed – they are still committed to rewarding those at the top, while the majority are left to feel the pain. This month people earning over a million pounds a year received an average tax cut of £100,000 – a policy for millionaires signed off by a cabinet of millionaires. These are Ruth Davidson’s priorities: they are not mine.

“My party refuses to say whether it will reintroduce the 50p tax rate, or repeal the bedroom tax, and supports spending tens of billions of pounds on nuclear weapons while slashing the welfare budget and continuing to vigorously support workfare.”

Alex Salmond favours a low tax and lightly regulated economy. He spoke of the need for lighter-touch regulation of financial services just before the crash.

“Whereas Alistair Darling was actually in charge of regulation of financial services just before the crash.”

He thinks that the way to attract global investors to Scotland is with ultra-low corporation tax. This is extreme short-termism: the economy will be weak if it is not built on strong foundations. When making long-term investment decisions, what firms want is a skilled and educated workforce.

This means skills at all levels – not just graduates.  It means investment in basic and intermediate skills – areas where we compare badly with our major competitors, and is a major reason for Scotland’s low levels of productivity. This is why the SNP’s cut of 120,000 college places is not only unjust – it undermines our long-term economic potential.

“Although in fact there are more college students in full-time study than ever before, and most of the lost places are on ‘courses’ lasting under 10 hours in total, which almost certainly means the actual number of hours of college education is rising despite severe funding challenges.”

David Cameron and Alex Salmond don’t realise that the era of “trickle-down” economics is at an end. We need an economy that works for people – not against them. We need an economy built from the “middle out” – not from the “top-down”. The key factor in economic growth is the strength and size of the middle – inequality encumbers growth!

Ken Macintosh and Cathy Jamieson are working hard on developing Scottish Labour’s alternative economic strategy. This will not just be for one parliamentary term.  They are focussing on how we can build a Scottish economy that meets the long-term challenges.

“Ken Macintosh is our best numbers guy.”

They will be examining how we can build an economy from the “middle”, our approach to taxation, how we will meet the productivity challenge, ways to strengthen Scottish business and exports, and building sustainable financial services.

Labour’s enduring cause is to help and protect the most vulnerable – to make sure that the old, the sick and poor have some serenity and dignity in their lives. Our mission is to right the social arithmetic: to give a voice to the voiceless, hope to those who feel all hope has gone, and security to those who feel insecurity. We will never walk past on the other side.

“Or as my colleague Tom Harris put it, ‘We weren’t set up as some sort of charity to help the poorest in society – the long-term unemployed, the benefit dependent, the drug addicted, the homeless’.”

There is no greater cause than child poverty – its existence diminishes us all. A child is not to blame for the circumstances into which they are born: as a society we have a moral obligation to ensure that every child can fulfil their potential. Progress in reducing child poverty in Scotland has stalled under the SNP.  Today, as I speak, 27 out of 32 local authorities have council wards where over 20 per cent of children live in poverty.

“The number of those local authorities controlled by Labour, often for generation after generation, is mumble mumble.”


The spectre of rising child poverty looms for the first time since the early 1990s.  This should be treated as a national emergency, but it is not! The SNP, instead, choose to ignore reality. Three weeks ago, in this very hall, Alex Salmond delivered a speech in which he referred to Iraq ten times,  independence twenty-five times but the word poverty was never spoken.

“I, on the other hand, am delivering one in which I refer to the SNP 22 times and Alex Salmond 13 times (compared to only two for the Tories), but socialism just once.”

The difference between him and me is very simple.  He entered politics to erect borders, while I came into politics to tear down barriers.

[We’re unable to satirise this line any further. Apologies.]

Alex Salmond is no friend of the poor. Under Labour, substantial progress was made in reducing child poverty: we are rightly proud of this, but we must now meet the challenge of today. That’s why I charged Jackie Baillie and Drew Smith with ensuring social justice is woven into the fabric of everything we do. Their Challenge Paper, published today sets out our policy priorities, offers many of the answers that the SNP choose to ignore.

[We can’t find this ‘Challenge Paper’ published anywhere. We’re keen to read these priorities and answers. Anyone?]

Conference I didn’t come into politics to debate the constitution. I came into politics to end poverty. Today though, we find a Scotland suffering from the Tories failed economic plan, and an SNP administration who couldn’t care less about protecting Scotland from it. An SNP administration happy to spend thousands of pounds commemorating historic battles and cutting college places.

“Unlike the UK government that’s planning to spend tens of millions of pounds commemorating historic battles, of course. Also, do you actually have to SPEND money to cut college places? That seems quite a bad deal. We should look into that.”

And in that you can see why they don’t get what is great about Scottish history. Our greatest moments weren’t when we out fought our neighbours – it was when we out-thought the world. Our enemy is poverty with all the evils that brings. Alex Salmond would have you believe that the enemy is our neighbours.

“Although what he actually said was ‘Scotland shares ties of family and friendship with our neighbours on these islands which never can be obsolete’, the cunning wee bastard.”

He wants to have a debate with David Cameron, but he won’t debate me.

[Can anyone find us evidence of Lamont offering to debate Alex Salmond?]

That’s because he wants to deceive people into thinking this is a question of Scotland versus England. It isn’t. This fight is Scotland versus Salmond and it is one Scotland is going to win. I make this solemn promise to you: I will do everything in my power to restore honesty to politics.

“As I can only speak for or wield any influence over Labour, my goal can only be to restore honesty to Labour. Which must mean that Labour is currently, um… look, who wrote this keech?”


We in this party, this movement, will fight for this country we love.

“The UK.”

Let me tell you what my job is about. It is about making sure this party responds to the needs of Scotland. It is about fighting privilege and inequality wherever we find it. It is about fighting poverty and opening up opportunity for all. It is about creating a fairer, better, more prosperous Scotland. It is about leading Scotland. And that, conference, is a job I am minded to do.

“Go on, run it over in your mind a few times. ‘First Minister Johann Lamont’. How does it sound? Wait, come back!”

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Michael Heron

It’s *charm* that Sarwar brings???

If I had a million guesses as to what his value is, that wouldn’t have been one of them.


I don’t know if anyone ever noticed that Margaret Thatcher and Harold Macmillan had virtually the same eyes (spookily so). I have come to the conclusion that not to be outdone Johann has modelled herself on Stuart McCall in an effort to seem capable and effective. 


And I will not walk an inch down the road to independence.”
You only have a job because Scotland walked a fair way down the road to independence, Johann.

Chic McGregor

The actual speech is so full of self-delusion and projection it is akin to the spoof Tina Fey did on Sarah Palin.  Comedy gold.

Chic McGregor

Handandshrimp says:
21 April, 2013 at 12:14 pm
I don’t know if anyone ever noticed that Margaret Thatcher and Harold Macmillan had virtually the same eyes (spookily so).
And Caligula allegedly.  Mind you MacMillan was old, one nation, tory, even Keynesian.


This sums up Labour policy

dundee bloke

God sake it goes on a bit eh

Seasick Dave

Are there any parts of that speech which connect to reality?
Still, Brian Taylor thought that it was a good speech.

Dave McEwan Hill

Fabulous. Should be made into a leaflet.
It’s a Francie and Josie thing. Every time I see Ms Lamont I think of sausages.

dundee bloke

Here’s something worth reading, MARY LOCKHART chair of the Co-Op party and lab list for euro candidate has come around to supporting the YES campaign
link to


Poverty is a shroud politicians like Lamont like to wave but do nothing about. Labour were in power for 13 years and inequality broadened. They did not tackle child poverty, they did not address health inequalities and they did not nothing to stop privatisation. It was Labour lest we forget that introduced Atos to the scheme of things to grind the faces of the poor into the dirt.
They did suck up to bankers and financiers though. Ed and Ed look, talk and dress like Management Consultants.
Honesty? There is so much self delusion in New Labour that they wouldn’t recognise honesty if it slapped them in the face with a kipper.


‘Scottish’ Labour’s ‘Truth’ Team springs into action again. Here’s a recent tweet from Labour greasy-pole climber Johanna Baxter (usual PC health warning applies):
“True. RT. @holyrooddaily: Sarwar says while Salmond’s conference speech “was all about him”, Lamont’s was all about Scotland”.
Given the ‘Truth’ Team’s record, interested readers might just want to check for themselves and, fortunately, Salmond’s conference speech is helpfully reproduced here:
link to

Seasick Dave

Dundee bloke
That’s an excellent wee article by Mary and couldn’t have been easy for her, bearing in mind her background.
Hopefully it will encourage others to shed the scales from their eyes and see that we are being afforded a lifetime opportunity to change our lives for the better.


PS sorry my last was a bit of a rant – I had a flash of annoyance when I read her speech. Hypocrisy sticks in the thrapple like cold porridge.


During conference season it’s good to have this to hand as an antidote:
link to

dundee bloke

Seasick dave,
in the article she mentions all the contradictions of believing in one thing while being a party to the reverse- the YES camp ARE winning this debate and hopefully by sept / oct this year the polls will come to reflect that — even labour for independence got a mention on this mornings bateman programme on radio Scotland  

dundee bloke

O /T But I’ve just been alerted to this, the No Scotland mob are trying to rig the postal vote
link to


Imagine this for one moment.
Johann Lamont goes to America to deliver key note speeches at Princeton et al as First Minister of Scotland.
Now that would be a reason to reverse devolution!


I haven’t seen the footage, so I’m wondering…did she get a standing ovation? Did anyone time the applause? Were any clapometers broken?


I have a number of points to make.  Firstly, regarding the photo of Lamont at the top of the page, she looks like she is offering someone a square go.  Secondly, it is now beyond dispute that SLAB and Lamont are utterly obsessed by the SNP and Salmond to an hilarous extent.  Related to this is Lamont’s comment: “We had to change, and we have changed and will continue to change.”  The problem with this comment is the only noticeable change from SLAB is their intensification of Nat bashing.
Thirdly, how can Lamont claim Labour is leading the debate on devolution when they dismissed the second question option in the referendum, and her own party is openly divided over devolving income tax?  Lastly, the rhetoric on the ‘border issue’ shows that Lamont is a British Nationalist.  There is no socialism involved in her politics.  Their primary goal is the retention of the current British state at all costs.  That is why they were so indifferent to the widening gap between rich and poor under the last Labour government.            

dundee bloke

Seasick Dave,
This maybe is the start of those polls — based on visits to various web sites- from Yes to an Independent Scotland
comment image


Poverty is a shroud politicians like Lamont like to wave but do nothing about.
Watching Johann Lamont, I’m always reminded of Christopher Hitchens’ condemnation of Mother Teresa: “She was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty”.


If I want to vote anti-SNP I can vote Tory. Just what is Lamont’s Labour for?
On child poverty, by the way its calculated, Broon’s genius was to realise that he could improve his child poverty statistics by making most of us poorer. Way to go wee man!

Robert Louis

Someone above mentioned the First Minister’s speech to Princeton a few weeks ago.  It is definitely worth a read the whole way through, as it clearly demonstrates the intellectual capacity of Salmond.
Read it and compare it with the speech above, which was delivered by a semi literate halfwit, promoted beyond her abilities by the Labour party.
The Princeton speech by Alex Salmond, First Minister of Scotland;
link to


A quick word count of the text of Johann Lamont’s speech from the Labour in Scotland website. I’ve counted the frequency of several words in the text.
SNP/Nationalists = 23
Labour = 21
Tory/Conservatives = 4
Lib-Dem = 0
Party Leaders.
Salmond = 13
Miliband = 0
Cameron = 2
Clegg = 0
It’s a regional leader’s speech for Labour in Scotland and the SNP get mentioned more than Labour themselves and Labour’s leader doesn’t even get a name check.
The social security cuts are being driven from Tory controlled Westminster but the Leader + Party total mentions for the SNP is 36 while the Leader + Party total mentions for the Tories is only 6. Miliband doesn’t even get acknowledged.
It’s quite obvious that Labour in Scotland view the SNP as the greater threat than the Tories but that’s because they’re not looking at the impact of Tory policies on the people of Scotland but the impact that an SNP victory will have on their chance of troughing it in London with a career path which ends in a £400 daily attendance allowance at the House of Lords and the Title, Ermine Collar and the flunkey serving tea which goes with it.


the reaction to her speech at the back of the hall:


jim watson

What it is not is an attempt to appease the SNP. I am well aware that you don’t appease lions by throwing more Christians at them.”

So the SNP are lions – anyone want to suggest what animal that makes the labour party in Scotland?
“Our national shame, Conference, is that Margaret Thatcher might be long gone, but there are still children in this country whose chances of success are as bad now as those of the children I taught then.”

Surely she wasn’t that bad at teaching…
“A few weeks before, I met with a group of care workers who told me about their experiences of the job. Good people who work hard at a difficult job for little reward. They explained how they were asked to ‘task and go’. That they were instructed not to speak with the people they cared for because they had to be in and out in 15 minutes.
They told how difficult they found that process because it goes against their instincts to care and help. I was convinced that the truth about their working lives and the lives of those they cared for was not something that could be finessed or ignored. We could not pretend that this system was working. It made me realise it was obscene for politicians to celebrate policies which bore no relation to what was happening on the ground.
It is time politicians were honest with the public about hard choices. We can’t afford a cartoon debate when older people are being tucked up in bed by six o’clock because it fits in a carer’s pressured schedule because of pressured budgets.”

Can anyone, honestly or otherwise, tell me how many times this issue has been raised since September? I honestly cannot recall therre being any debate around this issue. If it cannot be ignored I am sure I would have heard something about it and that debate would be ongoing…anyone?

Quinie frae Angus

@Robert Louis
Wow, thanks for drawing our attention to that Princeton speech. You’re right, the intellectual gulf between the FM and Ms Lamont just couldn’t be any wider, could it?
I get so cheesed off at all the anti-Salmond stuff. He is by far the most intelligent and insightful leader of his generation. 
So, he’s made mistakes. Who hasn’t? 
I take my hat off to him, I really do.
The idea of someone as bitter and short-sighted as Ms Lamont leading this country of ours is a terrifying thought.


That is the stuff nightmares are made of


Johann Lamont wants a debate.


Cheers for that. Quite possibly the scariest thing I’ve seen, ever.


muttley79 says:
21 April, 2013 at 2:05 pm

“I have a number of points to make. Firstly, regarding the photo of Lamont at the top of the page, she looks like she is offering someone a square go”
Correction! She looks as though she came second in a square go and is still suffering the bitterness.


@dundee bloke

So I’m not the only one sad enough to note such things.

There’s something very fishy about better together facebook. They don’t show pics of who likes as per yes Scotland, they hide the link to like stats which Scotland do not (although easy enough to get) and weirdly, their likes rate is highly variable.

YesScotland show steady, rising interest in terms of new likes/day. There are some peaks and troughs, but a solid, growing baseline of e.g. >200/day recently minimum.

In contrast, BT likes grow in massive fits and starts. Can zoom up to 500/day one  day then plunge back to less than 50 the next. In fact if you remove these weird peaks, the ‘natural’ baseline is 1/4 of that for YesScotland.

I’ve noticed BT tweets ‘begging’ people to like the BT site. This could partly explain it. Either that, or they are buying likes. That would not surprise me at all.

One final thing is BT are liked most by 18-24s. In contrast, YesScotland is 18-35, suggesting the former has a much narrower following. This probably ties in with fact they only seem to have ‘youth reps’ on their campaign and that’s largely it; recently it’s mainly ‘young joe tells us how he loves the UK’ etc. No offence to younger folks – good to have them involved – but on the doorstep adults listen to adults. The younger reps are only good for talking to people of the same age.


“I have been struck by the dignity of the communities, the miners, the shipyard workers, the steelworkers as they recalled the vandalism she wrought.”
I’ve heard it say that Labour actually cost more jobs in the mines than Thatcher ever did.
Is this true?

Triangular Ears

@dundee bloke, I’ve reported that Better Together postal vote thing to Na h-Eileanan Siar’s electoral registration officer asking if incitement to commit electoral fraud is an offence and if the content of that image would fall under that.  The text would appear to me to be doing that (the winking smiley at the mention of postal votes and family and friends living here, and how this is presented as an alternative to buying a “cheap house” here)…

The Man in the Jar

He wants to have a debate with David Cameron, but he won’t debate me.
Should read “but he wont lower himself to debate me”
In all honesty we all know that Lamont would run a mile from a debate with Alex Salmond. I wish that they would debate for the comedy value alone. As one of her predecessors put it “Bring it on”

Vincent McDee

Trying to answering Rev’s [We can’t find this ‘Challenge Paper’ published anywhere. We’re keen to read these priorities and answers. Anyone?] 
Nuthing from the Baille/Smith though, maybe an oversight.
link to
Labour’s Policy Commissions have produced short ‘challenge papers’ on these topics – setting out the challenges on each topic, along with key questions to help start your debate.

All of these papers can be found and discussed online on Your Britain:
Britain’s role in a post-2015 development vision
A British Investment Bank: Making it a reality
21st Century NHS and social care: delivering integration
Childcare: What matters to parents and children?
The Housing Crisis: House building and a private rented sector that works for Britain’s families
Our Buses and Railways: Giving communities more of a say
Tax avoidance: Tax havens
Vocational education, apprenticeships and the role of job guarantees in tackling youth unemployment
Protecting workers: Including the role of agency workers, the living wage, and Gangmasters Licensing Authority
Young people and politics: Making a fresh start
Your Britain is now ready to receive submissions and comments in response to these challenge papers. Be the first to get involved and let us know what you think.


@triangular ears – well done on that keep us updated if you get a response.

Albert Herring

I think Salmond should eventually agree to debate Darling. I’ll greatly enjoy seeing Darling becoming more and more heated and incoherent, until his eyebrows fly off and his head explodes.

dundee bloke

More evidence of they way things are going 
link to

dundee bloke

Triangular ears,
that’s great hope something comes from that


You should have summarised it as follows:
“Johann said some emotional and vacuous claptrap.  The End.”

dundee bloke

scottish_skier says:
21 April, 2013 at 3:14 pm

@dundee bloke
So I’m not the only one sad enough to note such things.
Sadly no 


Returning to the concept of honesty, Johann told an interviewer that she was not aware of John Mann’s comments regarding Vitol and therefore could pass no comment on the matter. In doing so she is asking us to believe that she as leader of Labour in Scotland did not speak to anyone in the Labour Party regarding, or even ask an aide to look into the background of, an issue that has been bouncing around for a couple of weeks. Details of Taylor and Vitol were covered in both the Guardian and the Herald and the Telegraph reported Mann’s views back in Sept last year. 
If her claim is true it rather begs the question as to whether she has anything other than a passing interest in politics.
I will do everything in my power to restore honesty to politics.
My arse!


Hi Rev, i think this is what Johan Lamont was talking about although im not sure which paper specifically focuses on ‘ensuring social justice is woven into the fabric of everything we do’

link to

dundee bloke

Triangular ears, things are moving on that tweet message, here’s the trade unions for Independence

Trade Unionists For Scottish Independence shared Great Things Start With Yes‘s photo.
20 minutes ago

Please share this as widely as possible. We need to ensure that as many people as possible get sight to this attempt at fraud.

I suggest a large fine for those people falsely registering their presence for voting

Bobby Mckail

Watched this “Speech” yesterday i recommend the NHS should substitute this “speech” for general anesthetic. Though on reflection after reading it here i nearly lost the will to live, so drop the recommendation bit.


Regards the Better Together Facebook ‘likes’ surges.
Now this is real sad, but revealing. I also check out the numbers of likes on the respective Facebook pages (Better Together and Yes Scotland) on a daily basis (usually three or four times a day), seeing as it only takes a minute.
Here`s how the last few days have gone:
Yes Scotland  (April 18th)  Better Together
32, 055                           27, 874
32, 088                           27, 886
32, 199                           27, 913
32, 212                           27, 915
                    (April 19th)
32, 323                           27, 931
                    (April 20th)
32, 483                           27, 959
32, 545                           27, 961
32, 647                           27, 969
                    (April 21st)
32, 775                           28, 388
32, 819                           28, 517
So, quite a wee leap there today for Better Together from yesterday to today. Yes Scotland slow and steady and always ahead.
I know, eh. Sad.

Dave McEwan Hill

I understand they finished by singing the Red Flag. Shouldn’t that have been the White Flag? Or, seeing the state Labour in Scotland is in, should it not in fact have been the Red Cross if that organisation has a song


funnily enough…link to
the mind boggles!

dundee bloke

Dave McEwan Hill, 
there is a song for the red cross, god save the queen


Didn’t bother reading J-Low’s tosh but love the pics — few things cheer me up more than seeing Labourite BritNats in the sewers of misery.  Notably that dumbkoff Anas Sarwar is the only one having a good time… that says it all.  Sarwar is about as thick as they come, and I now believe he’s dumber that J-Low.

More pics PLEASE


@Dave McEwan Hill says:
21 April, 2013 at 4:48 pm

I understand they finished by singing the Red Flag – was that this version Dave – “The working class can kiss my (fill in blank with word of of choice) I’ve got a party job at last”?
They surely couldn’t have been trying to sing the real version could they? The tory baskets.


Thought Blair had Clause IV and the red flag surgically removed from New Labour

Kenny Campbell

One thing that strikes me about the Labour party is , where is the youth, the beauty or even the convincing. It seems to be a party made up of folk with faces like a crabs bus ticket. 
Always sneering, moaning and wailing. The fact that the SNP get so many mentions at a Labour conference tells us all the political landscape has changed hugely, lets hope its forever.


You talk about J Lamont and A Sarwars tv, interviews as being a “car crash”, to me
it was more like a supersonic plane crash with debris flung all over Scotland.
What happens if J Lamont becomes ill, or becomes pregnant (!!!!!!??), who takes over Q/T? hopefully it would be A Sarwar, can you imagine the outcome !.
Regarding J Lamont,s Tiree (I spell it the old way= TYREE) connections, I am
fortunate to be married to a Tyree lass,and still have relations living on the
Isle of Tyree, I am aware of some of the Lamont`s living there, but have no knowledge of what regard Joanne is held, probably mild indifference as I think 
she left at a young age, must check that out next time I go “home”.
To conclude, don’t let Joanne`s association with Tyree put you a visit to Tyree,
you will find that a period away from the rat-race will do you the world of good.


I was milling about yon Twitter earlier when I noticed that the ever, lovely Rayleen Kelly (daughter of Terry) had made a brief appearance on the Rev’s Twitter feed. I then found myself reminded of her wee walk on role in the Paisley Burns Statue stooshie. A particularly depressing early example of the Bain Principle at work. Details in the link below for those unfamiliar with the sorry tale. 
link to

James Morton

Johann lamont – doesn’t she look tired


It wasn’t just the old imagination then? She did actually try to defend the report of the commission whilst claiming the the ‘only’ powers she wants are the ones already enjoyed by Alex Salmond. And all in the same speech.
Its official – Vote no get nothing.

douglas clark

OMG really, or joking?
Apparently not:
link to


No it’s not a joke. She used to be a councillor in Paisley but lost her seat ending the Kelly political dynasty. 

Triangular Ears

@dundee bloke, I’ve also contacted the Electoral Commission now, on both their UK and Scotland contact addresses.  I just want their views on this too.  If I get any responses I’ll let you know…


A rather professional looking banner at the Celtic game today. Mmm…?
link to


@dundee bloke
Thanks for the link to the article in the record, see Sarwar quoted below,

Meanwhile, deputy Scots Labour leader Anas Sarwar vowed to “reveal the facts” about independence.
He launched a new “truth team” to hold the Nationalists to account as the first part of Labour’s campaign.
He said it would be followed by a “specific Labour case” for the Union.
He added: “When we launch the campaign, we will do so with a compelling Labour case that has at its heart a vision of a strong and confident Scotland, playing its full part in the United Kingdom.”

One must assume that The Truth Team has now been launched and therefore it is also fair to assume that the “specific Labour case” was actually to devolve income tax.

That plan went well, don’t you think?

Dave McEwan Hill

Yes the Sectarian game is being played against us and I think we’d better point out that that is exactly what it is as soon as possible.
Be useful to find out who exactly was behind that banner.


  It’s a Green Brigade banner so it’ll have been paid for by supporters of Irish freedom and Scottish serfdom. Probably john reid gave them a bung.   Bunch of bigots and stinking unionist hypocrites all!   Nice to hear them belting out their pro-IRA songbook without being arrested under labour’s anti-terror laws.  
Why does lament and before her grey think that being a teacher in the 80’s gives her some sort of sainthood?  They went on strike for a year during my O grades for the sole purpose of lining their own pockets and sod my education.  Scum then and still scum now. 

dundee bloke

Triangular Ears, great that would be good. Best just to stick a post on the labforindy face book page though.


No it’s not a joke. She used to be a councillor in Paisley but lost her seat ending the Kelly political dynasty.   
Not exactly up there with the Kennedy political dynasty in America.  😀


Just to hark back to Scottish_Skier`s suggestion of Better Together begging (or buying) likes on their Facebook page.
The likes have gone up from 27, 969 to 29, 474 over a thirty hour period. So, 1,500 Facebook likes compared to Yes Scotland going from 32, 647 to 33, 082 over the same thirty hour period.
Something fishy?
I`d say so.

Patrick Roden

McHaggis says:
22 April, 2013 at 12:43 pm

link to
OMG that has got to be the worst picture I have ever saw of Johann Lamont.
Is it just a very bad angle/lighting, or is she completely knackered?
Dear oh Dear !


The scottish public are a canny lot and do take time to consider things.  After 3 days, The Scotsman’s online poll question ‘Is Johann Lamont a credible candidate for first minister’ had her languishing up to a dizzy 23% affirmative at best from the start..  Drinking my coffee this morning there has been an overnight surge in confidence as she seem to have miraculously added a 30% to that figure.  There has been approx 1400 votes and 1200 saying yes.
Perhaps its the miracle Slab have been waiting for…..

Dave McEwan Hill

Is there a link to that online poll?
It seems similar to another one I remember from the same stable on which the undead came out in the wee small hours and voted. 


When I started reading this I thought the bits in italics were a parody of the Lamentable’s speech.
It was only when I got to the bit about her childhood etc. that I realised it was real (because I’d seen a clip of that bit online).

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