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Wings Over Scotland

The Big Sleep

Posted on April 09, 2021 by

If you still can’t see it, you’re probably never going to wake up.

But have a little think about those highlighted words this morning anyway.

503 to “The Big Sleep”

  1. Peter Glasgow says:

    I’ll never vote for a british unionist party but I can’t say I ‘want’ to actually vote for NS and her SNP.

  2. Milady says:

    So she would prefer what…a Devo max pact with Anas? Sheesh.

  3. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Sturgeon now needs to step down she is not putting the country first.

    I am sure there are many more competent people within the party who could drive the SNP to progress independence.

  4. Patsy Millar says:

    Going from bad to worse if that’s even possible!

  5. P says:

    NS is not for independence, it’s obvious.
    She lies every day about it in some shape or form.
    And her cult espouse the same views demonstrated daily by their devotion to “the lie”.
    Ditto her MPs and MSPs – but they know she lies and that’s much worse.

  6. Mighty S says:

    This is our future if NS remains FM. She’ll gain a minority or majority and sit with arms crossed for the next 5 yrs ignoring the Yes movement and AS – just for spite.

    Another 5yrs being held hostage by the SNP. *groan

  7. The brainwashed will agree with her, they won’t EVER disagree with Nickla. I don’t even want to give SNP my 1st vote. I’m past caring if unionists get in, or not. I must be a Yoon now.

  8. M_Alc says:

    Personal feelings about another human > realising lifelong dream of independant nation ????
    “The Leader is good, The Leader is great…”
    The Simpsons really do have a thing for everything don’t they?

  9. Eric McCue says:

    I predicted that here a few days ago. She said as much a week before. This allows Salmond to paint her as a ("Tractor" - Ed) to the cause.

  10. H Scott says:

    In plain sight.

  11. crisiscult says:

    Don’t get mad, get even. However, activists waiting to get even and we’re un-activated so far. Let’s get moving. I’m sure Wings must have some ideas and we’re also still waiting for Alba to sort out more promotion, leafleting etc. 4 weeks folks!

  12. She’s coming across as one petty, hate-filled little minx. Happy to put her vendetta over what’s best for her country, sulking like a 5 year-old who didn’t get the doll she wanted for Christmas just because her former mentor wasn’t jailed for the rest of his life.

    This woman is dangerous.

  13. Captain Yossarian says:

    Glad your computer problems are sorted-out. That’s fabulous news. Remember the mouser. You want a male cat, a tough guy, a mongrel. You’ll get-on well and he’ll clear that joint of yours of all rodents within a couple of days.

  14. somerled says:

    Anybody voting for the Sturgeon Nazi Party is a conplete mug. She is openly saying she doesn’t want Independence any time soon. She wants to be FM for 5 more years then quit and someone else take over SNP.

    peter-if you say you will ‘never’ do something, it proves you have a closed mind.

    Best thing for this election is an SNP complete fail. If you wont vote for one of the 3 main unionist parties (even the useless lib dems) then spoil your paper.

    We get a coalition government & maybe Alex Salmond can be part of it (without Sturgeon), use the full tax raising powers & benefits system and fix Scotland’s problems.

    Let Alba party grow and in 5 years, if enough people still want Indy, then it will happen.

  15. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Do we know where and when she made these comments?

    It’s not clear from the Hutcheon article.

    Was it just a wee cosy conflab with her favoured scribes?

  16. Fran says:

    If there was 129 indy msps elected she still wouldn’t go for it. If polling was 75% yes, she would be digging out her book of excuses to find one.

  17. Mosstrooper says:

    So in Northeren Ireland we have Nationalists and Unionists talking to each other, even if strained but they do talk. While here in Scotland we have the leader of the SNP ( who nominally believe in Scottish independence) refusing to even CONSIDER talking to the leader of another Party who believes in Independence for Scotland.
    We are truly through the looking glass now. This woman is delusional to a dangerous degree.

  18. Richard says:

    Could NS tactics be that She knows if seen to be too closely aligned with AS it may hit her in the elections ? But of course after the elections I would imagine and hope she would work with Alba if necessary

  19. Ruby says:

    Very strange behaviour!

    Behaviour you would expect from the wronged wife but not a political colleague.

    Would we understand this ‘bunny boiler’ behaviour better if there weren’t two super injunctions in place?

  20. Paul Patience says:

    Well she’s gone full New Labour (it’s use or no one, willing to see the nation on fire at the Tory alter rather than e yet a coalition).
    It’s now begging for some one to do her as Hitler in the famous Der Untergang bunker scene.

  21. The nose ringed rainbow unicorns that are dictating SNP policy will not want any deals with Alba,

    they will deal with Sarwar or Harvie who are both in thrall to the misogynists and woke ideologists.

  22. McLaurin says:

    Hoi Yossarian, they’re rats not mice. And they’re Stu’s pets. The SepaRats, which he’s been looking after for years.

  23. Astonished says:

    She has got to go. And I think she will be gone by May.

    More and more folk are waking up to her absolute yoonery.

    She has destroyed the SNP. And long term SNP politicians must see the honeymoon is over. They will be worrying about their jobs. Labour were destroyed for not delivering in a political heartbeat. The same could happen to the SNP.

    If she does survive as leader after May and refuses to push for independence then there will be an uprising of SNP members (the ones that are left) and this in turn will lead to SNP politicians HAVING to do something.

    SNP campaigning has fallen off a cliff. However it is the extreme lack of money that will do for her.

  24. Dinny Vote SNP says:

    Look, she wins, indy gets put back in drawer, until at least 2025 and on with the assault on female spaces and free speech. We vote SNP1, we endorse that and give her a mandate to do exactly that. We get enough? ALBA2 list seats to deliver some leverage, she ignores it. What then? That is my big worry. However, it is a start, from a standing start and a late run, so it will take time, and gradually – ever so, people will come to realise that ALBA is here, not going away, and fighting every day to get the drawer prised open and shining a light continuously on the devolution cosy slippers brigade. The msm can’t hide this, it will be in plain sight. The balance will inexorably swing our way, so we have to hold our collective nose, vote SNP1 and hope enough ALBA2 votes fill the place with freedom fighters. This is not going to be easy or quick, unless there is a huge surge to ALBA.

  25. Daisy Walker says:

    So, who is that message aimed at? Who is the target audience?

    No Voters? While they might applaud, it will not make them vote SNP.

    Brexit Remain voters who are currently losing their businesses? Hmmm, not sure it converts them to SNP either.

    Oh, I know who that statement is aimed at… Indy Supporters who currently intend to vote for the Supermajority.

    If the Britnats cannot stop Alba and Alex, then they have got to get Nicla to spike the SNP Constituency vote.

    If I were an SNP Constituency Candidate (and not part of the Woke clique) I would be extremely worried about now, and making very genuine (and discrete) reach outs to Alba canvassers. They are going to need our help to get elected folks.

    The good thing is, it will make it so much easier for them to cross the floor to Alba once elected.

    No wonder Nicla looks so isolated – she’s burning through her colleagues at Ozzy bushfire rates.

  26. @nairnkev says:

    What vexes me most is we are right now expected to participate in an election whilst in the midst of an easing lockdown of a global pandemic and not a referendum, why wait the two plebiscites are essentially the same process.
    Surely the tools required to get us out of the pandemic are more numerous with independence than remaining shackled to this UK.
    Now is the time for action, were all goosed otherwise.

  27. Dan says:

    So she had worked very closely with Alex for almost 30 years but now she won’t.

    link to

    A predominantly female jury in a court of law also found Alex not guilty of all charges.
    It looks like she is now putting her personal prejudice above politics.

  28. McLaurin says:

    But on topic – I have been swithering about voting SNP on the constituency vote after Alba came on the scene.

    I’m dialling back my position to a spoilt constituency vote again after seeing this and the increasingly unhinged elements of the SNP support dis Salmond for having the baws to push for Indy.

    Minority govt here we come…

  29. ScottieDog says:

    And probably (for once), tactically astute. They can then say they were given an overwhelming mandate (helped along by Alba) to add conditionality to indyref2 – ie when THEY were satisfied that it was over – which it never will be.

    Anyway, onward to 2026..

  30. Donibristle says:

    Let’s not forget there’s a couple of court cases going on.
    That might have something to do with her negative attitude to Alba, Scottish Independence.
    With a bit of luck she’ll be locked away where she can’t prevent Independence from happening.

  31. Giesabrek says:

    Sturgeon tries and fails to jail an innocent Alex Salmond. Salmond has said he’s willing to work with Sturgeon and the SNP to achieve independence, putting aside the fact that some of them were involved in the plot to jail him, because he has put country well ahead of his own justified personal feelings.

    Meanwhile the person who tried to jail him refuses to even talk to him to achieve independence. She is a nasty, bitter person who is completely unfit to be FM and needs to resign ASAP so we can have a FM who puts independence at the top of their priorities.

  32. Luigi says:

    NS is certainly a great communicator and apparently in an unassailable position at present. But shallow – no real substance. Rather like a female Tony Blair. Y’know, that once great Labour PM, who pushed his luck too far and is now despised by all but a small band of New Labour fanatics. How the mighty can fall. Take note, Nicola.

  33. Dinny Vote SNP says:

    Going by her statements above, when ALBA fills the opposition benches her position becomes untenable – she has to go!

  34. Giesabrek says:

    Dan says:
    9 April, 2021 at 10:04 am
    So she had worked very closely with Alex for almost 30 years but now she won’t.

    link to

    A predominantly female jury in a court of law also found Alex not guilty of all charges.
    It looks like she is now putting her personal prejudice above politics.
    You would think she would be very happy that her “friend and former mentor” was acquitted of all charges, unless of course she wanted him jailed…

  35. Alan D says:

    link to

    That was a complete failure to manage expectations. Establishing a tipping point at 12%, claiming there’s a core of 12% behind the Salmond party and a potential 26% of the electorate.

    600,000 votes.

    Aye, right.

  36. Ian Mac says:

    Her ego knows no bounds. If the situation was such that Alba held a balance of power, or enough seats to make the difference, then her ego and personal vendetta is irrelevant. What would be relevant is the wishes of the electorate and that of the independence movement as a whole. Not her petty factionalism which has decreed that she and her gerrymandered party are in charge of absolutely everything.

    If she can’t pledget to act in the best interests of Scotland, whatever alliances or discussions that might involve, she is not fit for office.

  37. Captain Yossarian says:

    link to

    This story describes Nicola Sturgeon and her government and it gives us all a window into what the next 5-years holds:

    This was from back in 2016. I remember the whistleblower was convinced the design of this school was wrong; a mistake had been made and the building would inevitably start to sink.

    He was called to a meeting a few days later by the Scottish Government, who were in crisis mode. They told him: ‘We’ve checked this we are the Government….you’re just some mid-ranking guy….this school is OK…..just go home, forget about it and don’t contact us again’. No minutes were taken and the whistle-blower had to minute the meeting himself. A Scottish Advocate lawyer was at the meeting though and he witnessed it.

    The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is one of the largest and most respected professional institutions in the world. Wherever they are, members can contact the ASCE and their team of experts for advice on matters like this. So, in late 2017, the whistleblower contacted them and this problem became one of the most talked about issues of 2017 on the ASCE forum. To put it bluntly, the experts agreed – ‘get this school sorted-out quickly, or it will start to sink and crack’.

    2017 seems like a long time ago now, doesn’t it.

    The advice and opinions of the ASCE experts was sent to the Scottish Government and to the teaching unions. Neither responded – just think about that for a minute. Engineering experts were discussing the safety of this Scottish school all over the world from England and Australia to the Middle East, the Far-East, Africa, India, Europe, North and South America and Canada and many of these experts thought it was an emergency, but no-one in Scotland was even discussing it?

    So, the whistle-blower contacted his MSP again, who is one of the best MSP’s at Holyrood, and she arranged another meeting with the Scottish Government. This time the meeting lasted for 3-hours. Again the whistleblower had to minute the meeting himself. The Scottish Government said: ‘OK, we understand you….let us sort it out with the City Council and we will get back to you’. That was 2-years ago and they have done nothing.

    The whistle-blower thought that he was being taken for a mug and so he complained to the Secretary of State for Scotland. As a result, the school has now been checked by an expert team of Edinburgh engineering consultants. That has all happened within the last 2 or 3 weeks. From experience, checks like these usually take 2 or 3 weeks and so the results are due any day now.

    It’s a sad indictment of Holyrood when the Secretary of State has to intervene, isn’t it? It is even worse when the Scottish Government employees, who cause these disasters, are either moved sideways or promoted and those who try and prevent them are deprived of work and the means to make a living year after year, ad infinitum, but that’s what happens nowadays. That situation should vex the folk at Holyrood but, believe me, it doesn’t.

    ‘Whistle-blowers’ – please do listen to them and see that they get some protection. They are hardly ever wrong and they don’t step forward for nothing. It’s too late for this school of course and if the whistle-blower is right, and everyone so far thinks he is right, then where do you think that leaves the Scottish Government and their lawyers right now?

    This is not a political rant and, in fact, every political party at Holyrood knows about this and all have been equally useless. It is meant to demonstrate just how far away Holyrood is from being an honest and accountable government which is in charge of everything that goes-on and can govern in a manner which is fair to all and free from vested interests. It’s just not happening, is it.

  38. Grahame says:

    Nicola and her cult is making it very hard for me to continue to hold my nose and vote SNP in the constituency. She’s a British agent isn’t she ?

  39. Ian Mac says:

    Also interesting to note that she can shower favours and jobs on the Greens in order to make a coalition which keeps her in the driving seat, but not one with a party actually dedicated to independence. The Greens, as they have made clear, are indifferent to independence, as well as appearing not that bothered about green issues. What they are interested in is the patronage of jobs and the illusion of power.

  40. Janice Hamilton says:

    Well now we know. If anybody who reads Wings was giving NS the benefit of the doubt, she’s now put her cards on the table it would seem. She seems hell bent on losing support. I wonder why…
    This is such a massive opportunity. If NS were a true believer in Independence, she would seize this opportunity with enthusiasm.
    I think the AS endorsement on the constituency vote might save the SNP from losing a lot of voters, who would otherwise spoil their ballots. I am finding it difficult to accept voting SNP on the constituency, though I will definitely vote Alba on the list.

  41. Not exactly straining every sinew to deliver independence, is she? In fact, she’s been outed as a fraudster by AS. She’s OK for now, as it won’t register with the gullibles until well after 6 May.

  42. Stephen says:

    Sturgeon is acting like a child.
    She is sulking.
    She would rather jeopardise everything than swallow her pride and act in the national interest.

    An apt analogy would be when you used to pay for an hour on the boating pond.
    Come in number … you’re time is up.

  43. Craig P says:

    Ruby says:
    Very strange behaviour!
    Behaviour you would expect from the wronged wife but not a political colleague.

    There is a saying, that we come to hate a person we have done wrong to.

    There is surely a bit of that going on with Nicola Sturgeon and her attitude to Alex Salmond.

  44. mr laing b. french says:

    I think she’s committing political suicide… but not for her , FOR SCOTLAND! That women has a grudge and in her position shouldn’t be carrying that around. She has only one simple fkn job INDEPENDENCE instead she has fk ups as long as my arm which I may add was not what she was voted in for. RESIGN IF YOU HAVE ANT DECENCY IN YOU STURGEON RESIGN!

  45. auld highlander says:

    Bought and sold etc springs to mind.

  46. Neil Mackenzie says:

    It’s gotten perilously close to the stage that Scottish Independence is to the parliamentary SNP what Socialism is to the parliamentary Labour Party.

    It’s sickening to realise that but it’s happening.

  47. Morgatron says:

    Everyday just gets a little more depressing. Where has all our hope went. Ti think we Trusted them . Sad days indeed. PS best Only Ones song by a country mile that title.

  48. Liz says:

    I had already decided not to vote SNP 1st.I realise this might have an adverse result for Alba but what indy supporter in their right mind could vote for that vindictive bitch.

    As someone else said, she will take any vote as a victory for her ‘leadership’.

  49. Allium says:

    Even her devotees must admit that so far, Nicola is having a poor election campaign. I know she can’t go about her usual selfie woman of the people stuff, but the whole atmosphere feels off at the moment. The new policy initiatives have fallen flat, and she has an air of darkness around her that is quite off-putting. Many of her colleagues have become openly nasty and actually abusive online, which is pretty shocking to see.

    That doesn’t mean that she won’t do well, it might be that this is the golden rosette on a dog era, and she doesn’t have to try. Maybe the cult are that strong and numerous, and so blinkered that they see independence in the near future and they will show up in droves. Or maybe their love for her is all they need. Idk. But it feels like a very strange election.

  50. Ian Mac says:

    Evidently she herself believes in the cult of St Nikla, as portrayed in that hilariously inept 1984 video, as well as the embarrassingly stupid T shirts. I wonder how big her shoe and wardrobe collection is. Not big enough, obviously.

  51. Duchess of Puke Street says:

    All I want to know is has agent Shirlie apologized yet?

  52. dandydons1903 says:

    She is a wrong-un and needs removed. Cannot trust a word Sturgeon says about indy.

  53. aulbea1 says:

    The vilification that Alex Salmond has faced his entire political life; ns avoided through selling Scotland out & taking the q u den’s shilling. But that does shield her stench of corruption.

  54. Anna says:

    Guaranteeing her and Peters job for wee while yet. The people can wait. No hurry.

  55. John Martini says:

    Is it true that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

  56. Ian says:

    ‘Nicola Sturgeon says independence referendum will be delayed past 2023 if pandemic holds’.

    So what she’s saying is that the SNP needs to rely on the UK to get past Covid. But after that she wants –

    ‘A key part of an SNP fourth term would be seeking a joint agreement with the UK Government on a second referendum.’

    Toddlers having a tantrum make more sense than this.

  57. aulbea1 says:

    I believe Mr Alex Salmond will be giving n s
    a call come May 7 via Holyrood’s internal phone system.

  58. DanDLion says:

    Who is Nicola Sturgeon really? She certainly doesn’t sound like a Scot with any interest in Independence, so why does she think leading the SNP is the job for her?

    Is she really that vain she can’t/refuses to see the divide she alone has created? Or is she there on purpose, well aware of her action, playing us all?

    History will be anything but kind to this woman. What an absolute disaster she’s been.

  59. Wee Willie says:

    I don’t see the point of voting SNP if you want rid of Sturgeon. You are simply giving her five years of more power. She will no doubt go at the end of the term, and be parachuted into a big job of her choosing outside Scotland. She will have taken all those who voted for her as complete and utter mugs.
    There is no evidence going by her past record that the lives of ordinary Scottish people will be any better at the end of her tenure. Much better in my opinion to thwart her by not voting SNP in the constituencies. Mess the whole parliament up. It doesn’t matter if it’s a complete dog’s breakfast. Scotland needs a new start,perhaps Alba is it,perhaps not. After more than 300 years it’s worth waiting a few years more to get it right.

  60. John Green says:

    I think her statement shows we are powerless, all we can do is build the Alba party for the future. To do so we should hold our nose and vote snp1 and Alba 2, at the next election we will be voting Alba1

  61. Cuphook says:

    “What if that other voice we all know so well responds by saying, ‘We say no, and we are the state’,? Well we say yes – and we are the people.”

  62. Bob Mack says:

    Surgeons behaviour and actions as the Scot heading the fight for Independence is inexplicable unless you start to look at unpleasant possibilities.

    People have died for Independence. She can’t even bring herself to have a discussion with a potential ally to set Scotland free.

    Patriot? My arse.

  63. true scot says:

    Chasing the high of independence through the dirty needle of the SNP. (That’s a statement so film & media studies it reminds me of the SNP party political broadcast I dry-heaved my way through this week.)

    SNP have made the calculation that they don’t need Alba at all.

    SNP will either have a majority or will form a coalition with (or just use) the Greens who will maintain a share of the vote because, you know – climate and stuff.

    Alba gains likely to hit the unionist opposition, and while it will make for a fun FMQ’s to have anyone from Alba in there – what will it change if they are not kingmakers?

    And on the unionist side the sight of George Galloway schmoozing his way around like some sleazy 70’s french pop star on yet another comeback tour, while fun – would cheapen Holyrood even further. (That hat – jeez, some people should not be allowed in TK Maxx unaccompanied.)

    And yet here everyone is saying SNP on the constituency vote. You all know what the SNP is doing to this country and what it will do with a majority.

    I know people have been marching through the desert for so long they can’t bear to let go of the sight of the holy land – but you need to face the fact that Nicola Murray is the SNP for a long while to come and she has this country worshiping at her feet while – with a smirk – she intones the words ‘Indyref2 …let’s leave it till 2024 after all’.

    She’s saying that right in the middle of an election campaign – because indy supporters are not her audience, and she has your votes in the bag – wake up!

  64. McHaggis69 says:

    “More and more folk are waking up to her absolute yoonery.”

    Well thats true undoubtedly, but there’s a *huge* majority of SNP members still treat her like the messiah.

    The real problem for her and the SNP is the quality and activity of remaining members. There’s a shit-ton of them who are nowhere near as ‘active’ than those who are leaving. A massive swedge of women adore her and support her, but wont go out delivering leaflets or donating money. They are entryists who support NS as a strong female leader. They dont give a real shit about independence. As the accounts show – as well as recent and still live crowdfunders – people are not dipping in their pockets to actually fund the SNP.

    This will be the ultimate downfall. Party finances.

  65. Ian Brotherhood says:

    This all reminds me of a Gary Larson ‘Far Side’ cartoon from, oooft, must be 30 years ago.

    The baker is standing at his cash register.

    Behind him, leaning on a broom, is his young assistant, a big fat dude. He’s not actually brushing anything, just standing there, and he has crumbs all around his mouth.

    The baker is scratching his head, staring at the till-reading, and he’s saying “I just can’t figure out what’s happened to my profits…”

  66. sarah says:

    GOOD piece of news on Alba fundraiser: a donation has just been made by Iain Lawson “on behalf of an SNP MSP who asked me to do so”.

    🙂 🙂

  67. I’m not in a position to give much, but I’ve contributed to the Alba Party crowdfunder. It’s well past half-way towards its target. Let’s get it over the line, folks!

    link to

  68. Cringe says:

    From the Daily Redcoat:

  69. true scot says:

    Sorry Nicola Murray = The Thick of It, which I watch quite often – I was of course referring to our beloved leader Sturgeon.

  70. Anna says:

    The similarities with Boris Johnson are becoming ever clearer. !

  71. Mark Boyle says:

    Made up my mind – it will be Andy Doig for the constituency vote and ALBA for the lists. The SNP have blown it for me.

  72. winifred mccartney says:

    At the last leaders debate NS was adamant she would work with any party for the good of Scotland – now it seems that was a lie. DRoss continues to get flak because he said he would not work with indy supporting parties.

    I gave her the benefit of the doubt during the allegations against AS since I tried to imagine if I were a boss and someone came to me with allegations about my best friend or relative and thought well you really would have to put the allegations above friendship or relationships. That was until I heard the ridiculousness of the some of the allegations and the fact that they came from the ‘inner circle’ and that they ‘colluded/exaggerated’ I mean supported each other and if any person of any age had not experienced some of these – brushing against in a close or lift, calling heels ‘killer heels’ then I would ask them what convent they have been in, these are certainly not ‘sexual assaults’ until Garavelli, Smith and Wark got hold of them and worked themselves into a frenzy about getting rid of AS for good.

    AS has been subject to more scrutiny than any other politician, the press the media etc have been looking for something all his life and found nothing – some people are familiar especially with close friends and people they know well – as far as I know it is not a crime. Whereas telling a man he can be a woman or a woman a man is a total lie and is criminal as well as all the angst you put on young people who are just discovering their identity and dont’ need any more pressure from profiteering big pharma and their supporters who gladly take their money eg LibDems.

    NS is being shown for what she is and it is not nice. She is just as mad as hell because the plot did not work. I hope one day it will be revealed in all its gory detail.

    I hope the Alba party hold the balance of power or better still are the official opposition.

  73. McHaggis69 says:

    Question –

    How do you think Nicola would react if – say – we get to 2023.
    Alex Salmond stands down from Alba after forming the party and getting it established. Joanne Cherry takes over as leader (having defected from the SNP shortly after the 2021 Scottish elections).

    The main weapon Nicola has against Alba is removed. Whats her strategy then?

  74. Mr Blue Sky says:

    I used to think that those who claimed Sturgeon does not actually want a 2nd referendum and independence were tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, but now I am not so sure…….

    It seems her plan is to run Scotland (badly) whilst subsidised by Westminster, and blaming them for all Scotland’s woes.

    I think she would shit herself if she actually had to make decisions and be accountable for them.

    Yet thousands of seemingly intelligent Scottish voters are prepared to “hold their nose” and vote SNP, in the desperate belief and hope that it will be different this time. It’s a bit like battered wife syndrome.

  75. PaulaJ says:

    Jason Smoothpiece says:
    “I am sure there are many more competent people within the party who could drive the SNP to progress independence.”

    ‘Competent’, but too spineless to stick their heads above the parapet at present? Not encouraging, is it?

  76. Hugh says:

    Where does the information come from?

  77. Jim Bo says:

    It’s not even that she’s cutting off her nose to spite her face. At least that’d show her up as being the stubborn/ selfish / un-changing person that we know her to be.

    It’s much worse than that as this just shows she doesn’t want Independence full stop.
    What a brutal predicament we find ourselves in.

  78. EdinScot says:

    She really is so blatant about not even trying to trick voters with indy for this May’s election. She just gets angrier and more dictorial as each day passes. So much for Blowhards’ we could hold a referendum in late 21. As if they would. They’re not even joined up in what theyre putting out there.

    Ive said before, her stance of not working with Alba isnt sustainable if we get a super majority. She will be facing on coming storm from people who want independence.

    Her cosy relationship with the unionist msm makes total sense. She has kicked indy or even holding a referendum out the park as long as she is First Minister.

    When you become the problem. Its time for you to go. She is the road block to independence. Its never be clearer.

    So much damage to her self from someone who had all the aces in the pack is quite something to behold. Truly inept. As Alec Salmond said yesterday the very thought of leaving our recovery in the hands of those incompetetents down at Westminster and hoping upon hope that Scotland will recover is not on. Its even more urgent to go for independence and put our economic recovery in our own hands.

    Shes making it very very hard for people to vote for her party. I just cant .

  79. true scot says:

    The SNP use analytics to trawl social media and they perform sentiment analysis. That’s not tinfoil hattery – I have knowledge.
    It’s the same techniques used by google / facebook etc – and it’s partly why the SNP have such a stonking annual software bill. Software like that (i.e. google “AI based sentiment analysis”) is not cheap – but it works.

    They can literally read the mood of the country on a daily basis by pulling in social media feeds and asking questions of it which are thrown up on the screen with nice word clouds, pie charts, bar graphs etc For example they can show instances of key words – for example SNP1 / independence / tory / galloway / sturgeon / salmond etc ad infinitum and measure whether their instance goes up and down based on announcements they’ve made / things that have happened.

    They can find instances where positive or negative words are in the same sentence so they don’t rely on false positive readings – for example, show instances of ‘sturgeon’ where the word ‘witch’ is in the same sentence – or the word ‘strong’ – or indeed ‘show instances of ‘krankie’ which will show negative perceptions. It’s how they know that it’s safe to push out a dangled referendum to 2024.

    They’re not brave – they are just better informed than any other political party in Scotland.

    The SNP are totally ahead of the game there, and have been for a long time.

    They chart their course using sentiment analysis as a radar – so if Nicola Sturgeon says she doesn’t need Alba or Alex Salmond – she’s not being brave or taking a principled stand – she’s making a statement because sentiment analysis and traditional polling tell her how brave it is safe to be.

    And never forget – if you vote SNP1 and get an SNP majority, and they spread their tendrils further into family life – without ever once mentioning any of those policies in a manifesto, and indyref2 keeps riding over the hill almost out of sight ..well – like they say about traffic – you’re not ‘in’ traffic – you are traffic.

  80. Tone says:

    From what she says, the Salmond/Alba scheme even if successful will not deliver convincing enough evidence to support even an informal bid for an Indyref.

    I fear she is right, so given the need for reformation AND independence, the only practical approach will be to vote the SNP out to get the reformation underway, then use the time until the next election to create a new party around a clear and compelling case for independence.

    Today,I would signal to the Tories that I might well vote for them … but would need persuading by promises of help to clear out the augean stables(plus of course some extra dosh for e.g. infrastructure projects….. ). And, if I could also signal to Labour and Libdems that an anti-SNP lab/con/SD coalition within Holyrood would also get my vote, I would.

    Anyway, I suspect that this line of thinking is shared among the majority of Scots both at home and abroad, and will manifest itself not in the polls, but in the results.

  81. John Martini says:

    The scottish no party and lady no no look like they are all show show.

  82. Stuart MacKay says:

    McLaurin @10:06am

    If you vote SNP on the constituency then you’ll put Sturgeon in an impossible position. The party on one side along with the “independence is just around the corner” optimists and Alba on the other. So what’s she going to say when that supermajority of MSPs are all there, staring at her. She’d rather die than work with Alba and that’s exactly what will happen.

    Revenge is a dish best served cold.

  83. T.roz says:

    This is really testing a fair few people about voting SNP. We are now entering a political environment where Alba are going to become constituency and list party. Because to many the SNP just reek of establishment

  84. Bob Mack says:

    Hold ,Hold has morphed into Retreat ,Retreat.

    We want the battle. Our leader does not.

  85. Merganser says:

    Donibristle @ 10.07

    I think you have hit the nail on the head. Nicola is obviously incensed by the new court proceedings. I still have hope that the civil case will be the key to her downfall. Do you know any more details of the proceedings?

    I believe they are being brought against the permanent secretary. She and Nicola will be petrified at what is going to be revealed to the court and may well be published for all to see, hence the behaviour now being demonstrated.

    Rev. Can you you help with any details of these proceedings?

  86. MorvenM says:

    I see Nicola is now putting forward 2023 as a best case scenario for an independence referendum, with an option to delay it even further, using Covid as an excuse.

    Not even waiting till after the election to kick the referendum into the long grass again. She must be feeling very sure of herself. Pride before a fall?

  87. James Che. says:

    Surely it would just be NS you would Vote out, the rest of the snp would be much easier to handle with a strong alba vote,
    Just take out the king pin, or queen pin in this case

  88. James Che. says:

    She’s the leader in opposition to the independence movement, doing all the mouthing of in the media.

  89. John Green says:

    Everyone talks about the snp,at the moment they are lost to us,we are powerless to change them.all we can do is build a party for the future yes movement. I believe that party is the Alba party.

  90. dramfineday says:

    Or as Cromwell (love or loath him) put it : “Weeds and nettles, briars and thorns, have thriven under your shadow, dissettlement and division, discontentment and dissatisfaction, together with real dangers to the whole”

    Face up to this, or step aside Ms Sturgeon.

  91. K1 says:

    Click on the box, that is a link, it’ll take you to the archived copy from the Daily Record. That’s to Hugh.

  92. Stephen P says:

    I think that these comments were given to the SPJA Scottish Parliamentary Journalist Association.

  93. Jim Bo says:

    @Ian Brotherhood

    Yes I remember that Larson cartoon very well and very apt indeed. It’s amazing, you can find a Farside cartoon to fit pretty much any scenario.
    Do you remember the one with the St Bernard walking through the mountains with a bog roll under his chin?
    I thought this was perfect in the immediate aftermath of Brexit.

  94. Al Hunter says:

    Well, I now you’ve got me wondering if the good people of her constituency will actually vote for her at all now? The SNP might very well get their majority without her if she keeps this up!

  95. Heaver says:

    So she’s trying to get ALBA supporters to not vote SNP 1.
    You know what? Just to fuck her off, I’ m going to vote

    SNP 1, ALBA 2.

    (Though if I lived in her constituency I’d vote Sarwar 1, ALBA 2).

    If we can get a supermajority the union is over, and she’s in so much trouble she can’t stop it.

  96. katherine hamilton says:

    I think we all know this already. It is mere (more) confirmation. The plan has to hold fast. Give Alex what he wants. SNP1, ALBA2. Get him into the place with some like-minded colleagues. Then the shit will really hit the fan. Don’t give her what she wants, a minority government with the Greens..Give her a majority and call her bluff. It’s only with this outcome the fun can really start.

    I still think her shit will hit her fan from next week. 3 weeks to the election and her current MSM pals will turn on her. Baiting Alex has been a bit of fun for them, like the old days. It’s still her they want to get.

    There really is no alternative. So soon into this dire campaign the other parties remain so unelectable as an alternative government as to be beyond belief.

    Steady as she goes. She’ll get hers eventually.

  97. de brus says:

    This is about AS being toxic in the eyes of most voters, nothing else. And I’m not defending anyone by pointing this out, it’s just blindingly obvious to anyone who actually follows politics and isn’t clutching at straws for something negative to write.

  98. Wee Crabbit Bas says:

    That’s Mad Cow disease in action. How bittersweetly ironic would it be to see the FM continue her ‘reign’ in a refreshed parliament with a sizeable indy majority, only to be found out subsequently for crimes and misdemeanours, by association or otherwise, and forced to resign whilst in office. Would it help or hinder the cause for the committed majority that was left? And who would/will replace her, if AR has challengers?

  99. Neil H says:

    Incontravertable proof (were any more needed) that for Sturgeon, SNP is about her only, without so much as a nod towards Independence.

    It was always going to be that if she dug those heels in, she would get stuck. She has taken the movement for granted: if only the rest of the party had the balls to bring her down.

  100. holymacmoses says:

    This is one of my favourite quotations ever from Nicola Sturgeon.
    It is from today’s Daily Record and is part of the quoted by Mr Campbell

    Sturgeon is clearly totally self-deluded.

    She is telling the readers that Mr Salmond is ‘simplistic’, ‘superficial’ and ‘lazy’ in comparison to her.

    She also said: “You can vote for somebody that is offering serious leadership, recognising that you have to do the hard work to overcome challenges, or you can vote for folk who want to offer deceptively simplistic soundbites to actually quite complex challenges.”

    The sooner she is diagnosed, the better

  101. Fred says:

    I was completely flamed a couple of days ago when I raised Sturgeon’s absolute refusal to talk to Salmond as a major hurdle. An issue that would affect all of us detrimentally if it wasn’t ironed out should Alba be successful.
    I don’t expect an apology – but I do hope people now see what I was attempting to articulate.

    Don’t think it’ll matter now anyway. The latest poll sees Alba still trailing at 3% which won’t be enough to pick up a anything if things stay the same 6th May.

  102. katherine hamilton says:

    Oh and a third cheer for Gary Larsen, cartoonist extraordinaire. My favourite is………………. Oh shut up. You’ll be here all day!

  103. Cath says:

    Milady: So she would prefer what…a Devo max pact with Anas?

    Yes. I believe this is actually what we have right now. An SNP-unionist pact that a bit more devolution will be delivered, of the damaging kind, eg more complex and difficult to administer benefits but with no actual power or finance to do anything with them. Independence has been punted as never happening – they know this generation, for all their apparent pro Indy sentiment have no fire in their belly, no fight, and will go along with the SNP and whatever “more devo” or “referendum in a few years” guff they come out with. The SNP support now is from the kind of people who were New Labour types before; don’t rock the boat types.

    You can see from the cosy consensus now in the media, on the dull “debate” shows, within the SP parties that is the case. The desperation from all of them to rid Scotland of the leaders of the *real* independence generation – the one willing to fight for it – is clear. It’s been fascinating watching the various videos and interviews with Alex over the past few days. He’s the only one genuinely talking about transformational change, what needs done with our institutions, how to fix things and independence: real independence, not just pretendy nice words about it. I want to be hearing similar debate from all our politicians and media.

    The pact is already here. Expect it to be firmed up after May if Sturgeon is back in, and the war on genuine independence supporters to worsen.

  104. Iain says:

    Nicola still has to be approved by parliament as the first minister. If she does not have a majority then others may feel that a scalp could be taken. Here is hoping.

  105. Socrates MacSporran says:

    When the Leader of the SNP says categorically – she would not contact the leader of another pro-Independence party, to discuss Independence, when parliamentary arithmetic demands this happens – then that person cannot remain as Leader of the SNP.

    When are enough SNP members going to see through this charlatan. We will never get Independence, so-long as she remains Leader of the SNP.

    She simply does not want it, and does not appear to believe in it. She has to go.

  106. PhilM says:

    My God…this is one leader that is crying out for defenestration*.

    (*By ‘defenestration’ I mean ‘quietly and politely asking NS to leave through ground-floor French Windows whilst being courteous and commendably solicitous for her psychological and physical well-being and making sure she arrives home safely after being driven there by a female taxi-driver who used to work for the Samaritans’).

  107. holymacmoses says:

    Fred says:
    9 April, 2021 at 11:39 am
    I was completely flamed a couple of days ago when I raised Sturgeon’s absolute refusal to talk to Salmond as a major hurdle. An issue that would affect all of us detrimentally if it wasn’t ironed out should Alba be successful.
    I don’t expect an apology – but I do hope people now see what I was attempting to articulate

    Your statement is a far-lesser version of Macbeth’s wishful thinking when he was on the parapets waiting to be treated like a pin cushion

    Out, out, brief candle!
    Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
    And then is heard no more. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.

  108. Papko says:

    If you ask me.
    This Alba party is 2% about independence and 98% about Alex Salmond and his place in the spotlight.

    The purpose of the D’Hondt voting system is to give a proportionally representative outcome.

    Based on your first vote, this reflects in the amount of MSPS you get.
    Just look at the outcome for all of the Holyrood elections.

    The notion that you can somehow game the system where every SNP voter gets two votes in flawed.

  109. Lenny Hartley says:

    Im not surprised, she attempted to send Salmond to jail to stop him coming back into Holyrood, a little matter of democracy wont matter to her.
    However, whether Alba makes a difference this election or not, im sure they will get a couple of seats and if not at least there is a place for disaffected SNP MSP’s to move to after the Election, they cant all be part of the Cult can they?
    I think a few eyes will be opened after the Evans or subsequent cases.
    Sturgeon might think she is untouchable, not when Indy Supporters take to the streets and the SNP have a proper Conference again, the vast majority of SNP members I know the length and breadth of Scotland are not happy bunnies, im talking about the activists, not the voting fodder who still think the sun shines out her arse, most of those ones I know may be members of the SNP but I have never seen them at a branch meeting or a march, or canvassing, leafleting etc.
    They certainly will not be at conference , it will be a bloodbath. Thats why they will use Covid as an excuse not to have any physical Conferences as long as they can get away with it, but her time is coming. Im not Discounting Alba making a splash yet, the GRA and HCB are not in the public’s awareness as yet, they will be in the next few weeks.
    Interesting times.

  110. Craig Macinnes says:

    I’m doing my bit to try and build ALBA for the future. We aren’t going away no matter what happens in this election. I’m lucky I can in all good conscience vote for a candidate rather than for party as such this time around in Michelle Thomson. This means my votes will be MT1 ALBA2. Not really sure what else to do but ALBA have injected hope again within the independence movement which until they arrived in the scene was moribund. As for Ms Sturgeon I think she’ll be gone within the year.

  111. holymacmoses says:

    Is this Westminster calling again?
    Papko says:
    9 April, 2021 at 11:47 am
    If you ask me.
    This Alba party is 2% about independence and 98% about Alex Salmond and his place in the spotlight

  112. Fraser MacKintosh says:

    Some time ago a story was going round Clackmannanshire that a woman who was a solicitor in Stirling had let a female client down badly and had been taken to the cleaners for this. The unionists in Clackmannanshire took great pleasure in pointing out that the woman solicitor was NS. It was rumoured that the Law Society was involved. Can anyone throw some light on this or was it some story which just grew and grew.

  113. alzyerpal says:

    The solution is simple.

    After the election, in which Alba secure a decent amount of seats, every MSP (and MP) of a genuinely Independent mind (see what I did there 🙂 ) leave the SNP and become #ALBA MSPs.

  114. 100%Yes says:

    Remember the quote “Independence isn’t about one person” its only ever been about one person Nicola Sturgeon. I said it yesterday and the day before and I’ll say it again today, there is nothing in haven or on this earth that could make me vote for this lying woman. What has she done to further the cause of Independence, Mr Salmond hit the nail on the head nothing. I would rather wait a further 5yrs because the SNP didn’t a majority because they wouldn’t work with the Alba Party than vote for the SNP knowing that in 5yrs well still be in this union and history would have only repeated it’s self again from 2016. I’m not daft to 1 vote for the SNP or 2 to believe a single word this woman says.

  115. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Every person (I especially include politicians) who claim to support the Right of Self Determination should be united in that pursuit. The admirable sacrifice of AFI and the ISP for that cause received admiration from all who support Independence.

    Those who support the Union do not hesitate. Aberdeen Councillors, Better Together. Ian Murray’s seat, Christine Jardine’s seat. The alternative vote on every council election.

    People of every Party and none walk together under AUOB. One issue Unites them – The Right to Self Determination.

    I do not want to start from square one as only the Unionist win by having even more time to further undermine Holyrood.
    Give Sturgeon the one thing she doesn’t want – your contingency vote. However you are doing so for only one reason and that is to put a strong ALBA Party contingency in Holyrood. To build that Party for the future. Alba MSPs will ask the one question she tries to ignore – Independence.

    The Supermajority is the fastest and most effective route to Independence.

    SNP constituency
    ALBA on the Regional list

    ( I would be tempted by Bonnie Prince Bob if I lived in Edinburgh I must confess)

  116. Willie says:

    Vote her out.

    Max the Alba vote. Get them the 32 seats.

    With her gone, and maybe a couple of other selected targets, gone too, the supermajority will prevail.

    It’s as simple as that. Vote her out.

  117. Andy says:

    Sturgeon has to be defeated at the polls.

    A vote for the useless, impotent Sarwar is the way to make sure Sturgeon never appears in the Scottish Parliament ever again.

    You aren’t voting FOR Sarwar,,,you are voting AGAINST Sturgeon.

    And what a difference it would make if Sturgeon was removed from the scene altogether.

    Sarwar in the Constituency Vote and ALBA in the List vote.

  118. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Do we know who actually advises NS?

    I don’t mean the SPADS as such. (From what we learned about them via the harassment inquiry they don’t appear to be particularly bright.)

    Who is her Alastair Campbell?

    Two calamitous decisions in as many days – the awful PPB from t’other night, and now this display of petulance.

    Is she starting to believe her own ‘Great Leader’ schtick or is someone encouraging her?

  119. dexey says:

    What is happening about the £600,000?

  120. avocado devil says:

    i see guido has the scoop in price philip before the BBC gets there

    there goes the news agenda for a while…

  121. robbo says:

    Papko says:
    9 April, 2021 at 11:47 am
    If you ask me.
    This Alba party is 2% about independence and 98% about Alex Salmond and his place in the spotlight.

    The purpose of the D’Hondt voting system is to give a proportionally representative outcome.

    Based on your first vote, this reflects in the amount of MSPS you get.
    Just look at the outcome for all of the Holyrood elections.

    The notion that you can somehow game the system where every SNP voter gets two votes in flawed.


    The stupidest comment of the day has arrived.

  122. Breastplate says:

    If you are an Alba supporter logic dictates that you vote SNP 1 and Alba 2.

    Irrespective of what Nicola Sturgeon says, the SNP run out of track in May 2026.
    If they haven’t secured some sort of plebiscite or equivalent by that time, then they will be perceived (perception is incredibly important) as a massive failure by the majority of their supporters, including most of the Nicolytes on WGD but not all of them of course.

    Alba will profit from any perceived failure or inaction on independence by the SNP in the next term of Holyrood and will help motivate and remind the SNP of their raison d’etre.

    To maximise Alba on the regionals, we need to put our emotions aside and vote SNP 1.
    Allowing emotion to rule your decisions is not logical, it’s as simple as that.
    SNP 1 Alba 2 is a strategy based on logical assumptions and arithmetic not our wants and desires.

  123. avocado devil says:

    sorry “on prince philip”

  124. MrRocknRoll says:

    A #Supermajority of pro independence in Holyrood. The majority of the people of Scotland in favour of independence. Yet this nasty and spiteful woman can just say NO? Surely this can’t be right?

    Other news, Prince Phillip just passed away!

  125. Daisy Walker says:

    Alba is looking to take as much of the Indy/SNP LIST vote share as possible.

    This does not hurt the SNP.

    I don’t normally speculate on the validity of the Polls – but given what’s at stake (and low polling for Alba, gives token respectability to the TV’s refusing to allow Alex onto leadership shows…), then in this case I’d suggest we treat them with suspicion.

    A question, how many SNP members – supported the NEC coup? That might give us an incication of the percentage membership likely to have transfered their second vote to Alba.

    I do think, Alba need to get more visual now, not in stages. But that is also up to us. (Message to self, step away from the keyboard).

    Incidentally Chalk is brilliant, since the rain washes it away…. Complaints of litter/vandalism become null and void.

    If there is to be a voters ‘rout’ of high heid yins in the SNP, then for Max the Yes to work, it can only be a very select few, and it cannot become a policy directly attributed to Alba.

    So the key rout targets need to be identified, as does the tactics of who to vote for instead of them.

    The flip side to that, is the damage Nicla is doing to her own side, we really, really will have to actively support the good guys/gals, on the Constituency within the SNP – or Nicla will sabotage their chances.

    Max the Yes means exactly that, as does Country before Party.

    And one further thought for the day, I don’t think the Britnats can fiddle all the seats, but I do suspect they can fiddle one or 2. We could spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to vote to get rid of Nicla and or Robertson – only to find our efforts meaningless, as the games already rigged.

    To that end, ballot security. Given that the votes will not be counted on the night – what public access security options are available? What’s the set up, and do we/Alba need volunteers to staff the holding bays/counting areas?

  126. John McNab says:

    The sound of pennies dropping among the credulous has risen to a cacophony! Nicola Sturgeon isn’t about this nebulous, undefined concept of ‘independence’!! Who’da thunk it? The SNP wasn’t, isn’t and won’t be about ‘independence’. They don’t want it. They just want the idea of it for as long as they can convince people, who really shouldn’t be enfranchised, to vote for them.

    And, Alex Salmond’s “Alba” party isn’t the answer either…

  127. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Prince Phillip has died.

    Queen will step down brace for King Charles.

  128. David Nemo says:

    I keep seeing comments about how folk won’t be voting SNP1 or only doing so reluctantly, however haven’t we gotten to the stage with the current SNP government that people should be setting aside independence/unionist views and thinking of what is currently best for the country? Because it’s obviously not an SNP government led by Sturgeon as evidenced by her multitude of failures, skullduggery and dictatorial behaviour which have been discussed at length here and in other fora.

    Obviously longer term independence supporters think the path forward is indy, and unionists think its union but, RIGHT NOW, the current SNP government led by Sturgeon are a cancer infecting and destroying so much of Scotland. It’s clear all Sturgeon believes in is herself. Her actions in surrounding herself with a cabal of incompetents and no marks mean that the government has no quality or depth, and there are apparently very few within the ranks of SNP MPs/MSPs with the backbone and integrity to question her and the goings on.

    And for all those shouting “get back in yer box ya yoon bastard’, I’m no fan of any party and, having met many, have an extremely low opinion of most politicians, who as a group are a self serving bunch, with a very few exceptions from a variety of parties.

    Time for a reset, let’s do what’s best for the country right now, then argue about the future.

  129. Breastplate says:

    Jason Smoothpiece,
    If they believe that the Queen is better for the Union then she’ll keep the shiny hat on.

  130. Ian says:

    The SNP won’t try hold a referendum until after Covid crisis has passed (2023+), yet the Cop26 UN Climate Change Conference is planned to go ahead in Glasgow from Nov 1 – 12th. Thousands coming to Scotland from around the world, and although centred around conferences in Glasgow, many attendees will be staying throughout Central Scotland.

    So a referendum is delayed/cancelled despite it being a low Covid risk event, whereas Cop26 is planned to go ahead, despite introducing a much higher risk of Covid complications. But of course Cop26 provides Sturgeon with a chance for her favourite activity – grandstanding (and will no doubt act as a job interview for her bigger personal goals). At least her priorities are clear to see.

  131. Breastplate says:

    John McNab,
    Have you got an answer?

  132. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Jason Smoothpiece

    The Queen will never abdicate, stepping down for Charlie is not an option.

    However, it is often the case that when one half of a very-close and loving, long-standing marraige dies, the survivor does not hang around too-long.

    Charlie’s day is coming, and that will be bad news for Baw Jaws – I don’t expect Charlie will be as-easy to handle as his mother was.

    ‘Chooky Embra” dying is one very-big squirrel, however. What are they trying to hide?

  133. Red says:

    Phil dying (rest in peace) and the funeral, etc. is going to suck all the oxygen out of what passes for the election campaign.

    We know the MSM isn’t going to give Alba a fair shout anyway. So it’s up to us.

    Be upbeat, be positive, be optimistic. VOTE ALBA FOR SCOTLAND. Tell your friends. Pass it on.

  134. Breastplate says:

    Ian @ 12:20,
    It’s these sort of inconsistencies that won’t do the SNP any favours.

  135. Sharny Dubs says:

    Sturgeon/SNP are no longer about independence.

    They are all about rainbow wokeness.

    Hate crime Bill, gender “equality”, chicks with dicks in woman’s safe spaces.

    As if it needed pointed out.

  136. Doug says:

    Duke deid. Britnat bbc immediately bungs on the english national anthem. The National immediately removes comments on it from their website. No doubt Nicola Sturgeon will be desperate to be first in line to send her condolences.

    Britnats will demand Scotland postpones it s election. Duck’s deeth brings “nation” together. Scotland pukes.

  137. tartanfever says:

    I don’t understand the logic of the ‘lets give her and the SNP a majority and call her bluff’.

    A supermajority at Holyrood of Independence parties isn’t a guarantee of anything.

    Sturgeon has said so many times the only way to a legal referendum is to be granted a S30 order by Westminster. Thats it, end of.

    She isn’t going to change that approach, it’s crystal clear.

    If someone can point me to the evidence that shows the contrary, I’m all ears.

  138. 100%Yes says:

    I’ll mark in my dairy nothing important happened today.

  139. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Union Jack fest coming our way now.
    Alex will be asked how heart broken he is and to confirm he supports the Royals.

    I guarentee it will go on for weeks.

    It’s not personal. I just hate that entire circus of elitism.

  140. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Socrates MacSporran

    I think you are right she knows she cannot as Charlie will be a mess.

  141. Dan Fyffe says:

    I can only imagine that the people who say they will go against Alba’s stated tactic of voting SNP1 have no interest in Alba succeeding. The first step has to be to get an effective voice into the parliament – that will guarantee the end of Sturgeon.

    I have to be convinced again about independence, but I have no doubt this woman is probably the greatest threat to our freedom we have faced for centuries. She must be removed.

  142. lothianlad says:

    29 years ago today I was, like many, excites at the prospect of Independence thatnks to the sterling work of the SNP. It was the uk GE.

    29 years on and ALex is still punching away for the good of Scotland. an actress has assumed the role of SNP leader, and we are as far away from indy now as then.

    Im so pleased Alex is still fighting for Scotland. we shall prevail.

    The house of Windsor is crumbling despite the propaganda. jimmy saviliies pal died today.

  143. Breeks says:

    Seems no matter which way you cut it, next Holyrood Parliament is doomed to having a Unionist Majority.

    Since ALBA will be the only Independence Party with any integrity, the population of Scotland is going to be shafted yet again by Devolutionist Union Party masquerading as an Independence Party, with the most noble and worthy cause of Scottish Independence “led” by a fraudulent lying charlatan.

    A fraud kept in office on a disingenuous promise she has no intention of delivering upon, and kept out of jail by a corrupt Civil Service colluding with a corrupt Crown Office, and flattered on a daily basis by the rotten BritNat Propaganda Machine which screwed Scotland out of it’s Independence in 2014, and which Sturgeon bunged £3 million to keep afloat.

    Still feel like Scottish Independence is in a safe pair of hands?

    The British Establishment does….

  144. Alf Baird says:

    Nicola Sturgeon and her cabal will not be able to ignore Alex in the Holyrood chamber and any exchange will readily demonstrate how different ALBA is to the SNP when it comes to the core matter – independence.

    Though maybe indy voters in Glasgow Southside will do the decent thing there and vote NONE 1 / ALBA 2.

  145. Cath says:

    Phil dying (rest in peace) and the funeral, etc. is going to suck all the oxygen out of what passes for the election campaign.

    Given Alba was getting no publicity, at best, or pelters from all sides at worst, that probably won’t play too badly for them: they’ll just carry on as planned. I can’t really see Charles becoming King, tbh. I suspect they’ll skip a generation and go to William, the “yoof wing”, but who knows?

    Either way, it’ll give Sturgeon endless excuses: can’t have a referendum while country in mourning for Prince Philip (2021). Would be rude to hold a referendum while the Queen is so clearly still in bereavement (2022-23); a coronation year would be absolutely not the right time, raise all the Union Jacks (2024) if the Queen dies, that’s another 2 years of national mourning in which a referendum would not be appropriate etc, etc… there will always be an excuse not to hold a referendum or push for independence, if that’s what you’re looking for.

  146. Famous15 says:

    The Duke of Edinburgh loved to visit Fife and did so often.

    He had a great love in Scotland.

    Peace be with him.

  147. tartanfever says:

    Ian @ 12.20pm

    ‘But of course Cop26 provides Sturgeon with a chance for her favourite activity – grandstanding (and will no doubt act as a job interview for her bigger personal goals). At least her priorities are clear to see.’

    My take on this is she has been played. COP26 was ‘awarded’ to the UK, Boris decided it should be held in Glasgow, Nicola went along with it. Expect riots and unrest. As more time passes without any serious climate change action, these gatherings attract more unrest. Claims will come thick and fast from unionist quarters about ‘bad Scotland’.

  148. maureen says:

    Who would ever have thought that it would be Sturgeon herself pushing us back in the box. Still can’t get my head around how she sold us a lie and that people are still buying it.

  149. Doug says:

    @Famous15 12:34pm

    What was her name?

  150. David R says:

    Great to see that having women at the top makes for a gentler politics.

  151. Breeks says:

    Ian Brotherhood says:
    9 April, 2021 at 12:03 pm
    Do we know who actually advises NS?

    Don’t think anybody would own up to it.

  152. Willie says:

    No doubt a loss to a fairly disfunction family the death of a parent is always hard.

    But for the rest of us it’s going to be a wall to wall media bombardment about the death of Prince Phillip.

  153. James says:

    Papko: “The notion that you can somehow game the system where every SNP voter gets two votes in flawed.”

    Bollocks. The 3 x Yoon parties have been ‘gaming’ the Scottish electorate using this system since the parliament opened.

    Let’s have some proper representation.

  154. Famous15 says:


    Now,now. Pronouns?

  155. Breastplate says:

    Normal people when promised something by someone will expect it to be done if they trust you.
    They will more than likely allow you additional time to fulfil that promise, however, most people will not allow you an inordinate time.
    The more time that passes without fulfilling a promise will result in less faith or trust that it will ever be done.
    People tend not to be overly patient with people they don’t trust.
    Time and trust are both important commodities that the SNP are running out of.

  156. McLaurin says:

    Tried to get away from the Phillip-fest on the radio. Even 6 Music is playing the same fawning guff as all the other BBC stations. 6 Music!!!

  157. boris says:

    Assisting their efforts with donations exceeding £1.3million, is Ferring Pharmaceuticals a company that markets drugs used in gender-identity clinics to delay puberty.

    The party has already upset feminists, who worry that the “extreme trans-ideological” policies in its manifesto will put vulnerable women at risk.

    link to

  158. James says:

    SNP/NONE vote 1. ALBA vote 2

  159. Mark Boyle says:

    @Famous15 says: 9 April, 2021 at 12:34 pm

    “The Duke of Edinburgh loved to visit Fife and did so often. He had a great love in Scotland.

    Peace be with him.”

    What he loved most about Scotland was blowing as much of the wildlife as possible with a twelve bore.

    Still, he did provide a few good laughs in his time, such as standing behind that BBC TV reporter who was reporting on some visit and pulling “oh really?” faces as she made shit up to the camera about what he was “hoping to accomplish by this visit,” rather than it just being part of the annual Royal rubber chicken circuit with various Commonwealth politicians.

  160. Pete Roberts says:

    Until Charles came along it was traditional for the Prince of Wales to join the UGLE freemasons (a kind of behind closed doors social club for the UK establishment organisation where all kinds of crookery goes on) and be fast tracked to the top position in that order. Charles refused (rightly IMO) to do this and from that point on he was vilified by the UK establishmant media for stepping out of line.

    My feeling FWIW is that he would make a fairly decent job of being king but the UK population having been relentlessly brainwashed on the subject for half a century I’m not expecting much in the way of rational debate on the subject

  161. dandydons1903 says:

    Phil the Greek has kicked the bucket I see. Sturgeon and all the other unionists will be beside themselves with grief.

  162. The Dissident says:

    Why would anyone bother advising her? She never listens to anything anyone tells her:

    Don’t make the procedure retrospective – Whitehall

    You are not qualified to investigate this – Police Scotland

    You should signpost the complainants to qualified advocacy and support services – Police Scotland

    We don’t want to involve the police – Complainants

    Your procedure is unlawful – Salmond’s solicitors

    Your defence will fail – External counsel (even before they knew about MacKinnon’s full involvement with complainers)

    Give us all the evidence – Parliamentary Committee

    Give us the legal advice – Parliamentary Committee

    Give us the legal advice now – Parliament

    Give us the legal advice or else – Parliament (again)

    Evans, Lloyd and Murrell are not fit for office – almost everybody except themselves

  163. Ian McLaren says:

    Ah Daisy Walker:

    “If I were an SNP Constituency Candidate (and not part of the Woke clique) I would be extremely worried about now, and making very genuine (and discrete) reach outs to Alba canvassers. They are going to need our help to get elected folks.”

    Does this perspective extend to the carpetbagging Angus Robertson in Edinburgh Central? Viva Bonnie Prince Bob!

  164. Astonished says:

    Firstly Sturgeon had to amend her ‘voting carrot’ of vote SNP twice and get indy. As ALBA forced her hand by declaring negotiations should begin on 7th May.

    Sturgeon is no political strategist, in fact the more I think of it – she is a political lightweight. Mr Salmond on the other hand…

    Anyone’s death is to be regretted ( no man is an island… etc ) however the batshit crazy yoonery which accompanies it might just push a fair few to our way of thinking.

    I do think sturgeon is in danger of losing her seat and that will worry her more than hubby going to the pokey.

  165. Willie says:

    Wouldn’t like to be living in Northern Ireland but Phill’s funeral will without doubt cause an absolute outpouring of rioting.

    They’ll have the place looking like war torn Bosnia with news like this.

    create more rioting

  166. dandydons1903 says:

    And the serfs of England.

  167. Willie says:

    They say Nicola Sturgeon is planning a National Address to express the nations condolences and to announce a period of mourning.

    Campaigning may also be suspended as a mark of respect.

  168. Alan McHarg says:

    If Alba don’t get list seats because the SNP didn’t do well enough in the constituency vote then independence will be removed from the agenda until at least 2023.If you truly want independence, and as much as I hate to say it because I hate the thought of voting SNP/NS as it will be seen as an endorsement of her governance/policies, I intend to follow Alex Salmonds/Alba’s strategy and vote SNP1 & Alba 2. Before Alba arrived on the scene I had decided to spoil my paper as I couldn’t vote for a party that has tried to destroy the independence movement, silence and jail its greatest advocates. Now I see independence that bit closer and the thought of seeing NS being held to account and shown up for the charlatan she is on a daily basis its a price worth paying. Alba will be in direct opposition to her unsavoury policies whilst pushing independence. I think it will make her position untenable. I do see some elected SNP MSP’s crossing to Alba after the election as a safe way to show NS what they think of her management. It really is worth the hating of yourself for lending your vote. If Alex can stomach it for Scotland then so can I (knowing its my last SNP vote in over 30 years).

  169. Frazerio says:

    Its her Ed Miliband moment. When he effectively said he’d prefer the tories were in power than a Labour/SNP coalition.

    I expect we’ll see Sturgeon eating a square sausage roll really badly quite soon.

  170. Breastplate says:

    Ian McLaren,
    I would like to believe that there may be SNP defections to Alba after the election but that may be wishful thinking but we will find out in the subsequent months.

  171. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Alf Baird 12.32 pm


    The Southside pluggers will be on your case soon. How dare you. Lmao

    The priority is getting the list vote up folks Get that list percentage up from 49% to day 60% then who knows?

    ALBA ON LIST. Let Sturgeon squirm on her own against Sarwar.

  172. lothianlad says:

    ED milliband moment for sturgeon indeed! She has been found out!!

  173. T.roz says:

    Very sad day, all gamekeepers should get 30 days off work and grouse shooting suspended this season, as a mark of respect.

  174. Charles Hodgson says:

    My wife was in our local chippy in Edinburgh. The topic of conversation initiated by the owner was Sturgeon and her destruction of the economy through lockdown. It was agreed by all who were there that she hates pubs, the food and entertainment sectors, football. Everyone was dropping contempt about her.

    The Polls must be wrong.

  175. A2 says:

    I am afraid there is little choice but to go through another 5 years of no indi, given that, the bigger the majority now , the more obvious it will be that the SNP arn’t interested in delivering.

    That’s what it’s going to take for notional indi supporters to realise. There’s not much to be done but make the best of a bad situation.

    What I’m seeing on social media is that a lot of indi supporters have swallowed the “self confessed sex pest” line hook line and sinker and won’t countenance any support for any Alba candidate or even listen to anything they have to say.

    The only “positive” way I can see forward is is a big majority for SNP followed by no indi movement and disillusion among the faithful who actually want it. Infinitely preferable to a small majority or minority govt where the blame can be put elsewhere on not enough power.

  176. Daisy Walker says:

    Re voting for Robertson… Honestly folks, how about wait a bit until nearer voting day to make that decision.

    If it looks like Alba will take over 50% of the previous SNP LIST seat votes, then tactically voting on the Constituency – on a very few, select, seats is possible.

    If folk start planning to do that willie nillie, all over the place, then the Supermajority will be screwed.

    Re Prince Philip – I do not think he was a nice man, but in fairness to him, he wasn’t responsible for Andrew.

    As much as they will use his death to stop campaigning, I don’t think wall to wall coverage of ‘st’ Philip is going to play well with a Scottish audience. Rather the reverse.

  177. Cath says:

    It was agreed by all who were there that she hates pubs, the food and entertainment sectors, football

    In my wilder conspiracy moments I can’t help thinking she just doesn’t want people meeting in real life before May for fear of certain information spreading. Pubs in Glasgow have been totally shut since October now.

  178. Charles Hodgson says:

    Alba 2 is easy, its SNP 1 that I cannot stomach. The Party under Sturgeon and the wokies is repulsive. I don’t think I’ll be able to do it on the day, much as I want to trust AS advice.

  179. Morag says:

    If you had told me, five years ago, that in 2021 I would be voting SNP only very reluctantly, as a tactical vote, when I would rather be spoiling my ballot paper, I would have laughed in your face.

  180. Red says:

    tartanfever – we are all being played.

    If there was a climate emergency caused by man-made CO2 the last thing you’d do is fly thousands of people across the globe for a 5 star shindig and preening session. You’d do it on Skype.

    Groups like XR are no threat to TPTB, they’re doing their bidding. Chairman Mao had his nutty student wing, woke global corporations slobbering at all the money to be made through a multi-trillion pound mandate for decarbonisation (of the West, their sweatshops in China will keep pumping out pollution) have easily manipulated Tarquins and Tamaras with £1400 iPhones screaming at plebs for the sin of wanting to be able to go to Benidorm.

    Cath – I don’t think it’s a good thing for Alba, and on a personal level I don’t want to let Alex Salmond down.

    I have never seen anyone treated like this in Scotland in my entire life. They tried to make him spend the rest of his days rotting in jail for made up crimes. They have slandered him, called him a rapist, called him a narcissist, called him a Russian infiltrator. They’ve attacked his friends, his family, his allies and his livelihood. Literal murderers have been given a fairer press.

    All because he loves Scotland and wants us to be free.

    Alba isn’t “about” Alex Salmond, but I still don’t want to see his enemies – the worst people in Scotland – smirking and laughing at him – at us – after all he’s suffered for his country.

    We need this man, he fights. So we’re going to need to help him in any way we can. Pass it on.

  181. Ken says:

    Is Sturgeon not going to talk to Salmond, or is she not going to talk to Alba? Is this SNP policy or Sturgeon’s personal issues with Salmond getting in the way? That’s indefensible.

    What if Salmond stepped down as *leader* and a new Alba leader was replaced; would Sturgeon talk to Alba? Again, indefensible if she won’t.

    And if Sturgeon is displaced would a new leader be so reluctant? Hmm….

  182. Garavelli Princip says:

    Willie says:
    9 April, 2021 at 12:50 pm
    “They say Nicola Sturgeon is planning a National Address to express the nations condolences and to announce a period of mourning.

    Campaigning may also be suspended as a mark of respect.”

    Let me get this straight:

    An ancient Greek immigrant ‘royal’ parasite pops off the public payroll, and we are meant to weep and wail, and suspend democratic processes that we hope will lead to national liberation, and ultimately a Republic of Scotland – and our alleged ‘leader’ joins in the mourning porn, and bids us do the same?

    What kind of state-subversive organisation (for that’s what we need) does St Nikkla lead exactly?

  183. PhilM says:

    It’s all very sad I suppose about the Queen’s royal consortium…but think for a moment how I’m feeling…I was named after him!
    So…I’m going to open an online book of condolences for myself which I hope will be signed by the whole nation. When accessing this online book, you will find a link to a fundraiser that hopefully will cover my psychotherapy expenses.
    Please think about contributing…I’m actually more than a little sad today…and probably tomorrow too!

  184. Charles Hodgson says:

    Cath, I’m convinced that’s it. She doesn’t want the ‘steamie’ to meet up and spread, not COVID, but the truth about her and her behaviour and policies.

  185. Alastair Naughton says:

    That’s it! I was going to spoil my constituency ballot paper after the Hamilton Report came out, but several activists I respect, and indeed Salmond himself, persuaded me to change my mind. But now this! I am back to spoiling my paper, and this time NOTHING will make me change my mind. It makes not one jot of difference if the seat falls to the Tories or the SNP, the latter aren’t going to protect us from the the former anyway, so what is the point of their continued existence?

  186. John Thomson says:

    If we vote her back into HR we only have ourselves to blame, we should all know by now after 6 long yearss, the lies and deceit that has come from not only her but her Gov and we have absolutely nothing to show for it.

    Sturgeon, Swinney and Yusaf must lose their seats or we lose Indy and women lose so much more than just their rights

  187. John Martini says:

    Current projections suggest no seats for alba and a majority for the snp.

    Is that a failure? No. I think it was expected. The aim of Alba was to expose sturgeon for what she is.

    Mission accomplished.

  188. ScottieDog says:

    Oh dear, here comes 48 hrs of media insanity.
    Today’s title was very fitting Stuart. You haven’t been near Buckingham palace by any chance?!

  189. John McNab says:

    Breastplate at 12.21pm:

    Yes. Forget about it; put it to bed. There’s absolutely no need for it and it bogs down civic and political life.

  190. Cath says:

    Cath – I don’t think it’s a good thing for Alba, and on a personal level I don’t want to let Alex Salmond down.

    I agree entirely Red. I’ve never seen anyone treated the way he has been in Scotland either and it’s chilling. He made an interesting point on that Twa Auld Hieds interview about approaching people with experience as economics, lawyers etc who were supportive but didn’t want to stand for parliament in the current political climate. And who can blame them. He then talked about the way Joanna Cherry – a hugely respected QC who had come into politics with all her experience had been treated. He, of course, has been treated worst of all. And I have no doubt whatsoever if Sturgeon gets back in with a majority, it will all be ramped up: getting rid of juries already being talked about, no doubt for next time around. He’s amazingly brave to be putting his head over the parapet as he is, and he is the only person standing up and challenging the direction Scotland is going in. He needs the independence movement behind him.

    This election feels absolutely critical for Scotland. I wish I could trust there were decent people in the SNP who might step up and do the right thing, but fear there are nowhere near enough.

  191. John H. (The original one) says:

    Another link in the chains holding us has gone with the death of Prince Philip. Though I sympathise with the queen in her personal grief, I can’t help feeling that when her turn comes, which can’t be very long now, then that will be the end of an era. Charles or even William can never command the respect that the old queen had.
    So, another reason for Scotland to stay in this so called union will have gone.

    As far as Sturgeon is concerned, I’ve been thinking recently that she is trying to lose the SNP votes to stop ALBA. The fewer seats the SNP get then the less chance of her having to face Alex Salmond at Holyrood. Scotland and her people don’t even come into it. It’s all about her.

    That’s why we mustn’t take the bait. Vote SNP with your first vote, and ALBA with your second one. Let’s thwart her little plan.

  192. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    link to

    Iain Lawson blog

  193. Margaret E says:

    I can’t access the Alba crowd funder. Message says it is unavailable. Anyone know why?

  194. McDuff says:

    This is a clear declaration that she has no intention of ever persuing independence which is quite extrordinary from the party of independence.
    Are those spineless SNP MP/MSP’S who have remained silent now going to stand up to Sturgeon or defect to Alba?

  195. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “The Big Sleep” appears to have been quite a prophetic title given the news.

  196. Cenchos says:

    As a mark of respect to Prince Phillip, the FM has announced that Indy Ref will be postponed until 2039.

  197. Doug says:

    @ScottieDog 1:17pm

    Nice one. The Rev as ever is ahead of the curve.

    Meanwhile road users in Norfolk sigh with relief.

  198. Doug says:

    @Margaret E 1:27pm

    Just googled crowdfund alba and got there quickly. Just over £34,000

  199. maureen says:

    HOLYROOD parties are announcing their campaigns are suspended following the death of Prince Philip aged 99.

    Buckingham Palace announced this afternoon that the Duke of Edinburgh, the longest-serving consort in British history, passed away peacefully at Windsor Castle.

    The duke and the Queen were married for more than 70 years and Philip dedicated decades of his life to royal duty. He officially retired from public engagements in the summer of 2017.

    READ MORE: Prince Philip: Duke of Edinburgh dies aged 99 at Windsor Castle

    The Scottish Tories, Scottish Labour, Scottish LibDems and SNP have all confirmed campaigning will be suspended following the news.

    Following the announcement, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon paid tribute to the royal family on Twitter. She wrote: “I am saddened by news that the Duke of Edinburgh has died. I send my personal and deepest condolences – and those of @scotgov and the people of Scotland – to Her Majesty The Queen and her family.”

    Shortly after Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross confirmed his party would suspend its campaign.

    He said in a statement: “In the middle of a political campaign, this is a reminder of what’s most important in life.

    “We have lost a tremendous public servant who for decades served his Queen and country. My heartfelt condolences are with Her Majesty and all of the Royal Family.

    “We have suspended our campaign effective immediately.”

    Scottish Labour’s Anas Sarwar also announced their campaign would be suspended, and said: “Scotland is today mourning the loss of a dedicated public servant who contributed so much to our country.

    “My thoughts are with Her Majesty the Queen following the death of her beloved husband and the entire Royal Family, and on behalf of the Scottish Labour Party I offer our sincerest sympathies.

    “Prince Philip had a deep love for Scotland and we will now come together as a country to remember his life and mark his distinguished career.”

    In a tweet, the SNP announced they would follow suit.

    Reform UK Scotland and All for Unity confirmed they too would stop campaign work.

    The Scottish Greens and Alba are yet to confirm whether they will suspend campaigning.

    Alba leader Alex Salmond released a statement saying: “On behalf of the Alba Party, my condolences go to Her Majesty the Queen. The Duke of Edinburgh was the longest serving consort in history and no-one can question that record of public service.

    “The Duke of Edinburgh Awards gave hope and purpose to generations of young people. On a personal level I found Prince Phillip direct and forthright but always welcoming and with a fine, enquiring mind.”

    More to follow

  200. Republicofscotland says:

    I hope ALBA gain quite a few seats on May 7th, of course the BritNat media always have ALBA on a low percentage figure. There’s no point in buying any news rags for the next few days as they’ll be filled with what a wonderful guy Prince Phillip was. Today is a great day for democracy.

    Sturgeon is actively showing that she doesn’t want an independent Scotland by acting this way.

  201. PhilM says:

    Does anyone know if there’s going to be a few national days of moo-erning?

  202. Doug says:

    @maureen 1:32pm

    Sad to hear about such sycophancy. Not in my name!

  203. maureen says:

    Margaret E says:
    9 April, 2021 at 1:27 pm
    I can’t access the Alba crowd funder. Message says it is unavailable. Anyone know why?

    Hope this link works for you
    link to

  204. Harry mcaye says:

    Just checked the TV schedules for today. No news predicted to happen across Scotland today as both teatime programmes ditched for wall to wall coverage of a 99 year old man’s death.

  205. Anton Decadent says:

    Tangent but re the selfie queen, in her own constituency of Govanhill she wouldn’t speak to anyone who brought up the problem of imported organised crime groups and the trafficking of women for the sex trade. The premises for the brothels were provided by Pakistani slum landlords and the clientele came mostly from the Pakistani community. You can see why this could not be discussed, several protected species working together to break the law and make money via the exploitation of women. There is collaboration in the area between Romanian, Kosovan and Pakistani organised crime groups in a number of areas including trafficking and organised fraud. The same people smearing Alex Salmond for crimes he was cleared of spent over a decade covering up crimes against women on a far greater scale.

    In 2014 womens rights groups organised a march through Govanhill in protest at the spiralling sexual assault figures in the area which had become unsafe for women to walk through. Thousands attented this march but plans for a follow up march were shelved after the organisers were reminded that accusations of racism can ruin a persons social and professional lives. Whilst giving witness evidence in a stabbing in the area the detective told me that Govanhill was, and I quote, “the epicentre of crime in Glasgow”.

    A woman I know moved into the area from another European country and moved to the West End as fast as she could, she told me that she had lived in a number of European countries and had never felt anywhere near as unsafe in any of them as she did in Govanhill. Now that she’s out of it though she takes part in the glossing over of its problems because not to do so could harm her career progress. I spoke to another woman who had also moved into the area from another European country and she also moved out after being repeatedly followed home but after she was out remained involved in the campaign for the people who followed her home. Of the people I personally know who campaign for Govanhill as the vanguard of Scotlands socialist revolution not a single one of them choose to actually live in the area, actually I did speak to one woman, a social worker, who had bought into the area from somewhere else and she told me that Govanhill had actually massively improved because previously it had been, and I quote “a no go area because of Pakistani gangs”. When I disagreed she told me that she had been given this information via her social work colleagues so it was unassailable as far as she was concerned. A couple of years later I spoke to someone who works in the mental health sector and they told me exactly the same thing and when I asked where they got this information they also told me that it was official policy within the charity they worked in. I spoke off the record with a traffic warden re Govanhill, it’s the Wild West there with regard to traffic laws, anything goes, and they told me that they will not go into the area because any time they do so they are accused of racism and targetting and fear for both physical violence against them and losing their career through false accusations of racism.

    I’ve seen Patrick Harvie swanning through the area dressed like Truman Capote, I’ve also seen the bosses of charities (political groups) walking through the area. I know of one NS supporter who moved to Glasgow from another Scottish city and stated that he hated both the city and Glaswegians but found his people in Govanhill from where he lobbies online on behalf of NS and against AS.

    There’s a trans activist who only moved to Scotland two years ago who has moved to Govanhill and has demanded that an empty property valued at a starting price of £700,000 be donated to them and their radical friends or they will ruin through smear anyone who buys it and develops it as housing. Re their friends, the other one who gets the most airtime moved here from Northern England.

    TLDR, I know, but Govanhill is like Scotlands Portland, NS is useful because of whatever hold it is they have on her but as soon as they have enough power they’ll demand that she resign. Until then they’ll back her to the hilt.

  206. handclapping says:

    She has to be at daggers drawn with Salmond otherwise the UK Electoral Commission will step in and invalidate all Alba party votes as being the SNP in disguise.

    We’ll have to see what happens after the election

  207. Effigy says:

    Now is not the time to suspend the campaign!

    Betty showed she is England First before Scotland every time.

    Phillip doesn’t have a vote up here so it doesn’t change the
    desperate need for Change in Scotland.

    Sorry but little sympathy for suppressors of the Scots!

  208. Liz says:

    This may not be the time Alba succeeds, I hope they get a decent number of seats, but at least theyvwill mow be in the mix and we may have to wait longer for true success.

    Lets face it, if NS gets back in, indy isn’t happening anyway.

    I agree re Alex S, his treatment has been beyond appalling. A less stronger person would have packed it in by now.
    NS is a despicable

  209. stonefree says:

    “Sturgeon will stop at nothing to get her picture in the paper….Argggggg”
    says Phil the Greek

  210. ahundredthidiot says:

    Anybody in Glasgow Southside who wants Independence for Scotland MUST vote for the nearest competition to NS.

    If that is Sarwar and ScotLab – so be it.

    Hold your nose and do it.

    NS simply must go, but something tells me Glasgow Southside will have an UNUSUALLY high number of Biden style postal votes.

    Watch out for ‘outbreaks’ and ‘clusters’ in that constituency over the next few weeks to pave the way/explain away the high numbers of postal votes (with 85% going to NS).

    Never underestimate Whitehall.

  211. Republicofscotland says:

    The news, they’ll be no news for a while as we are subjected to a full on onslaught of British media propaganda, on the life and times of Prince Philip, watch out for the eternally annoying royal arselicker Nicholas Witchell pop up everywhere, expressing in his sombre tones of how the nation loved Philip.

    Quick pass the sick bucket.

  212. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Liz 1:41pm

    Think winning. The Unionists want to destroy morale before polling picks up. Don’t help them!

  213. Doug says:

    @Effigy 1:40pm

    Well said.

  214. Jack Murphy says:

    TODAY on Yours For Scotland Blog.[Ian Lawson]

    ———Life begins on the other side of despair——

    “A Guest Article from Denise Findlay in advance of the Women’s Conference…”

    An excellent piece from Denise.
    A must read.

    link to

  215. Mist001 says:

    “Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted that she was sending “my personal and deepest condolences – and those of the Scottish Government – to Her Majesty The Queen and her family”.

    Ms Sturgeon has sent a message of condolence to the Queen following the announcement and flags are flying at half-mast on Scottish Government buildings.”

  216. Heaver says:

    If you don’t vote SNP 1, a list SNP creature will displace an ALBA candidate.

  217. alan_b says:

    Characteristically prescient article title by the Rev, though.

  218. Republicofscotland says:

    Effigy @1.40pm.

    I agree, auld Queen Lizzie purred with delight when she found out that no had won in 2014. she’s not my queen, she’s England’s queen, I want an independent Scotland to be a republic, not some f*cked up ruritanian state, where royals drain away the public purse as in England.

  219. Hugh Jarse says:

    Flegs at half mast at Wankworthy hall ?

  220. Captain Yossarian says:

    Back to the subject of cats, Rev. My wife’s an expert and I spoke to her an hour ago about your problem. You can get Bungalow-Bill cats and you can get Tenement-Tom cats and, for rodent removal, you need a Tenement-Tom…..Understand?

  221. Cenchos says:


    Nicholas Witchell has been admitted to hospital suffering from a severe case of priapic sincerity disorder.

  222. lothianlad says:

    for those politicians who are showering the airwaves with condolences’ for Jimmy Seville’s pal…..lets not forget that the president of the WWF slaughtered thousands of animals in the name of sport!

    his CV isn’t looking that great

  223. Liz says:

    There are several list seats up for grabs. Not voting SNP in some constituencies, may have little effect.

    I used to be in Eastwood, the SNP guy came 2nd in the constituency vote and still didn’t qualify for a list seat.

    I’ m scared that the SNP will get a maj with the Greens, Alba would be cut out.

  224. Lenny Hartley says:

    McLaurin Not surprised at the Bbc but i have had to turn off Manx radio. The station i listen to most of the time as they have remembered their a crown colony. Even the Internet is full of it, think i will be turning off all communication devices for the foreseeable , where are my CD’s again?

  225. Jason Smoothpiece says:

    Some on here may not agree with me but I think to cheer everyone up I would say we need an emergency royal wedding to cheer everyone up.

    We could have cake and sing like English folk.

  226. Cath says:

    My wife’s an expert and I spoke to her an hour ago about your problem.

    Do people not realise the rats are pets? I’ve seen a fair few folk suggesting cats as a solution. Anyway, is the problem not sorted yet, Rev?

  227. Alan Thoms says:

    In the workd of realpolitik why would Sturgeon pick up the phone and talk to Salmond? She knows that he can do nothing to stop her forming the next Scottish Government. It’s doubtful whether he will be an MSP..Only the electorate can stop the Sturgeonaught and it doesn’t look as if they have the guts to do it. Voters always get what they deserve.

  228. Doug says:

    Just found/played my old 45rpm Sex Pistols “God save the queen”.

    Remember 1977 and the britnat establishment stopping it getting to number one?

    Now where’s my Stiff Little Fingers “Alternative Ulster” single?

  229. Captain Yossarian says:

    Do people not realise the rats are pets? I’ve seen a fair few folk suggesting cats as a solution. Anyway, is the problem not sorted yet, Rev?

    Cats are excellent pets too, Cath…..and they don’t put you out of business.

  230. Effigy says:

    Keep an eye on this over the weekend.

    I was appalled obviously at the Grenfell fire and such
    great loss of life but on passing 2 different Scottish Fire
    and Rescue Stations, I noticed the Saltire was removed
    and the Butchers Apron flag put up at half mast?

    What? The Scottish Flag at half mast doesn’t count as a mark of respect?

  231. Republicofscotland says:

    Jason Smoothpiece @2.03pm.

    How would that cheer anybody up watching a bunch of state funded chinless parasites prance around in clawhammer jackets quaffing champagne and eating Quails eggs, while we listen to the narration of Nicholas Witchell on who the nonentities are and what designer dress or jacket they are wearing.

    I’d rather gouge my eyeballs out with toothpicks than be subject to that excruciating torture.

  232. robertknight says:

    Recent polls are having the effect of making me reconsider SNP 1 ALBA 2.

    It seems Sturgeon’s SNP will form a majority without the need for me to endorse gender-woo-woo, hate speech and give the thumbs-up to an executive, judiciary and media who are so bent they’d be on a par with any 70’s Eastern Bloc regime.

    So unless there’s a shift in the polls, it’s back to back to SPOIL 1 ALBA 2

    And Sturgeon, you can GIRFUY!

  233. Daisy Walker says:

    Very sad news. Philipa Whitford has tweeted in support of both votes SNP.

    I was extremely dissapointed at her lack of support for Joanna Cherry’s sacking.

    Looks like she’s been nobbled. No longer one of the good’uns.

    Don’t see her turning any of her medical qualifications on the Gender Child abuse drugs either.

  234. James says:

    Nothing like a royal death to unite the nation – gawd bless them all!

    The scotch election should be cancelled to show respect, after all the royal family paid for all those hospitals and bridges out of their own pocket so they could be named after them.

    All together now! “Rule Brittania….” etc etc

    Who’s next on the list for the royal gravy train….form an orderly queue please.

  235. Doug says:

    @Daisy Walker 2:29pm

    You’re right. Philipa thinking today is a good day to bury bad news?

  236. Hoonose says:

    In the last few days, I have made a few remarks on Facebook mainly to find out the attitude of the younger generation to Alex Salmond.
    In 2014, most of the under 25s were not active participants in Scottish politics, neither had they a clear idea of the contribution AS has made to the independence mouvement. Today, our young generation is the real driving force towards a new Scottish outlook. However, they have been misled by and about Nicola Sturgeon who is making quite a good fist of using this power to make the future work for her own ego.
    We have to admit that she misled us all, causing us to waste precious years in hoping that she was going to deliver a master plan for independence.

    We must not let it happen again at this crucial point. We must be relentless in turning on the neon lights each time NS. and the SG make ridiculous remarks like today’s front page on The National, that she will be the motor to independence.

    We all need to follow WoS’s example and keep putting it out there, ad nauseum and as necessary to counteract the bad, untrue publicity on Alex Salmond and ALBA.

    Do we have young, dynamic young people to help with the positive, truthful image of the New Scotland?

  237. WeeChid says:

    If she isn’t out before the May election I’m not voting SNP in the constituency. F**k it.
    If she gets in and Alba don’t do well I’m giving up on independence altogether. It’s dead and won’t happen in my lifetime.

  238. Alan Thoms says:

    I think Prince Philip had a genuine affection for Scotland. Obviously the feeling is not reciprocated by some posters on here. The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme benefitted many young Scots.

  239. Alan Thoms says:

    One of Prince Phillip’s quotes to a Scottish driving instructor. ” How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test”

  240. robertknight says:

    Alan Thoms @2:36

    No disrespect to the late DofE, but awards scheme was Kurt Hahn’s brainchild.

  241. Mist001 says:

    I don’t know how it is on the ground in Scotland but online, it’s shockingly bad how poorly Alba is running its social media campaign. I’m reading absolutely nothing, anywhere about it, there are no sponsored ads, nothing. If it wasn’t for this site, I would never have known about their crowdfunder which as I predicted a few days ago, is going to fail to meet its target.

    Their social media presence (or lack thereof) is so bad, I suspect that it might be on purpose.

    Is Alba just a toothless lion, designed to frighten the horses but not intent or capable of doing any real damage?

    Are we being scammed again?

  242. Jason Smoothpiece says:


    Got you going there mate.

    I am not a Royalist I hide it well.

    I was being funny, honest.

  243. Breeks says:

    Dan says:
    9 April, 2021 at 10:04 am
    So she had worked very closely with Alex for almost 30 years but now she won’t.

    Work with him?

    After what she’s tried to do to him, I’d be surprised if she could look him in the eye.

    Then again, stabbing Scotland and the YES community in the back and swiping their cash doesn’t seem to phase her at all. Maybe there’s nothing in there capable of feeling embarrassment.

  244. JGedd says:

    Cats are excellent pets too, Cath…..and they don’t put you out of business.

    Jings, we’re not going to have another split on here are we? Cats v rats?

    We’ve got enough to deal with – days, if not weeks, to endure of unctuous prattle about a nearly-centenarian popping his clogs, not to mention Queen Nicola donning her tiara for the humble address on behalf of the nation. Well, she doesn’t speak for me on that, or anything for that matter.

    She does get the lucky breaks though, a royal drooping off the perch to wipe the memory of that disturbing, Orwellian PPB? Someone up there must like her. (Rex Mundi or Angra Mainyu? Depends on your religious perspective.)

  245. Geoff Anderson says:


    “With friends like you…”

  246. katherine hamilton says:

    So “campaigning” will stop, will it, aye. Did it start? Dull. Dull. Dull. No-one will notice. Won’t stop the papers, though. Come on Nicola! Salmond’s a bastard! Yae. That won’t stop. Op-ed’s ain’t campaigning.

  247. Willie says:

    Jeepers but the television is going in to royal family melt down.

    This funereal jamboree is cranking up already to an absolute obscene Rule Britannia frenzy. Fawning and obsequious every cringeworthy tribute imaginable will be paid to this belligerent old man never short of a racist quip.

    Even the piccannies we will be told will be in mourning whilst the loyalists in Belfast will be burning buses in tribute. It’s truly boak inducing.

    I wonder though if Meghan will be allowed to attend the funeral. Or will this be a step to far.

  248. Aunty Flo says:

    Never mind his countless huntin’, shootin’ and killin’ trips to Scotland, I can’t get this picture out of my head – ‘Prince’ Phil rampaging across Africa with his huge gun, blowing the hell out of numerous endangered species, e.g. the white rhino, for fun and to satisfy his bloodlust.

    And the obsequious flunkies who call themselves journalists have the temerity to hail him posthumously as some kind of environmentalist trailblazer!


  249. Harry mcaye says:

    Mist100 – Many people, like me, will have donated directly to Alba in their first few days. I’ve also set up a monthly direct debit. So I haven’t donated to the crowdfunder, where you’re obliged to donate extra so the party gets the full amount of your donation. They are doing exceptionally well. Compare with Angus Robertson struggling to get 120 supporters after several weeks.

  250. WeeChid says:

    Alan Thoms says:
    9 April, 2021 at 2:36 pm
    “I think Prince Philip had a genuine affection for Scotland. Obviously the feeling is not reciprocated by some posters on here. The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme benefitted many young Scots.”

    just the actual working class Scots he hated then?

  251. John Martini says:

    You need better marketing like extinction rebellion.

    Why not occupy an oil rig and reclaim it for the kingdom of alba?

    How about some strategic banners at the royal funeral?

    Seize the mace in holyrood and declare a new king.

    The possibilities are endless.

  252. Republicofscotland says:

    Aunty flo.

    Yeah I’m pretty sure Phil the Greek put the Bengal tiger on the endangered species list all by himself, well Mounbatten might have helped him. He and his government influencing son Charlie boy, (Spiderweb letters), shot and killed at least 50 boars in one day.

  253. Robert Graham says:

    Oh well if anyone should feel more than a bit pissed off it’s Alex Salmond it wasn’t him that tried to get her imprisoned it was Princess Nicola and she still hasn’t managed to successfully cover her tracks , maybe a wiser move would be to keep your trap shut dear .

    The investigation about where the money is seems to have stalled , no updates no further news how long does it take to check a balance sheet ? .

  254. Luigi says:

    Prince Philip RIP. Its a shame only 30 people will be allowed to attend the funeral – right?

  255. Ottomanboi says:

    The D of E, yet another tragic victim of Covid?
    Did he get the jab?
    And him only 99!
    Life really sucks!

  256. Luigi says:

    Dear Nicola, when did “Neverendum” become “Nevereferendum”?

  257. Mia says:

    She needs to go. She is no longer fit to act as FM nor leader of a democratic pro independence party. She has done nothing, NOTHING in the last 7 years that prove that she is either a democrat or pro independence.

    #An individual who is not prepared to accept the will of the people of Scotland, is not fit to take a seat in our Parliament or call herself FM. If the people of Scotland elects a supermajority for independence, it is her duty as a representative of the people of Scotland to act upon it. If she can’t because of her own misplaced and overblown pride, stubbornness or loyalties lying elsewhere, then it is time for her to go. She is no longer of use to the people of Scotland. We vote people in to represent US, not to represent themselves and further their interests or those pulling their strings at the expense of the interests of the people of Scotland.

    Show her the door and hand her the p45. She deserves nothing more.

  258. Luigi says:

    Almost a king. Almost a centenarian. Never quite made it big man RIP.

  259. Beaker says:

    @Doug says:
    9 April, 2021 at 12:28 pm
    “The National immediately removes comments on it from their website.”

    If you’ve seen some of the posts on Twitter I’m not surprised. There’s a difference between criticism and outright abuse.

  260. John McNab says:

    RepublicofScotland at 1.58pm

    How do you square your somewhat intemperate and incorrect remarks with the fact that there’s a significant monarchist faction within the secessionist tendency?

  261. Republicofscotland says:

    The death of Phil the Greek is a prime example of why Scotland needs to become an independent nation again. Right now as part of this union everything stops because a foreign countries prince consort has died, our very important Scottish elections are put on hold why?

    Then we have the foreign owned newspapers and tv channels which will carry all aspect of Phil the Greeks cossetted life from day one until today and we have no say in the matter.

    What other country would put up with that, what other countries politics would grind to a halt just because an old privileged foreign royal died.

    We should all feel like the character in Edvard Munch’s Scream painting at having to put up with this BS.

  262. lothianlad says:

    For those in any doubt about the brit establishment and the DoE, Watch a you tube clip called ‘the house of Windsor and the new world order’.
    I wont link it but, it is truly disgusting what they get up to.

  263. Republicofscotland says:

    John McNab.

    Secessionist, don’t you mean independent?

    If other independence minded folk want to support the royals that’s fine by me I don’t. Dissolving this horrendous union comes first so we are on the same team there, and that’s what matters.

  264. Cenchos says:

    So election campaigning paused while Grand National goes ahead.

    Just about says it all.

  265. Robert Graham says:

    By the looks of it Mist001 is running his own get ALBA campaign from I believe outside Scotland , best of luck pal I will just add you to the posters that I scroll past if that’s ok .

    Nothing personal

  266. Alf Baird says:

    Alan Thoms @ 2:36 pm

    “The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme benefitted many young Scots.”

    My recollection is DoE was mainly a cultural ‘badge’ for the more privileged private or grammar school bourgeoisie. Kids fae the schemes, many holding down part-time jobs, often had less opportunity or resources to ‘volunteer’ and travel. DoE was more something for the elites to add into their applications to elite universities.

  267. Bugger Le Panda says:

    2023 at least until Covid is gone.

    Has the Flu ever just gone away?

    I think Covid might be int
    the same structural group?

    Anybody help me out here.

  268. Cadogan Enright says:

    Stu – from this post I deduce you know nothing about politics….

    What do you expect NS to say FGS?

    “Yes I am doing a coalition with this person who has been demonized and will take the flack just before the election”

    – catch yourself on Stu

    The first 2 paras are far more significant. Here in Ireland we have coalitions between parties all the time who before the election have sworn never to work with each other – but after the election it is always “the people have spoken”

    grow up

    SNP – constituency
    Alba – list

  269. John McNab says:

    RepublicofScotland at 3.30pm.

    No, I mean secessionist. There’s no credible political agitation for independence in what is currently administratively recognised as Scotland.

    PS Why have you got a lower case ‘s’ on ‘Scotland’ within your pen-name? What will Ian Blackford think?

  270. StuartM says:

    “SNP sitting with a projected 70 seats and Greens with 12.”

    The worst possible outcome would be for the SNP to be returned with an absolute majority or a majority with Green support and have Sturgeon remain in control for the next 5 years. A far better result would be for the Greens to be wiped out and the SNP needing Alba to govern.

    Time for some tactical voting. In the constituencies of the worst offenders vote for the candidate most likely to defeat them, whether that other candidate be Tory, Labour or LibDem. My hit list – Sturgeon, Swinney, Robertson, Humza for starters. Feel free to add more. If we can decapitate the Sturgeon cabal that’s a bonus. Even if some of them sneak back on the List, if they can’t hold their own seat their credibility is shot.

    The other priority is to eliminate the Greens. The SNP may be off limits for now but the Greens are fair game. Alex should launch an all-out assault on them for their hypocrisy on independence and their woke agenda.

  271. Robert Graham says:

    Christ there’s an election campaign under way Gee you might have told me I haven’t noticed , apart from tossing SNP crap in the bin along with the takeaway flyers .

    Anyone seen this money that’s resting in some account ? The father Ted defence hasn’t been swallowed has it ? I thought it was a long shot at the time but then again expect anything from this current SNP management apart from the truth that is .

  272. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Does anyone in Scotland in the 21st. Century still think someone can be born to Rule over them?

    The Royal Family is just another business set up to stay in power forever, accumulate wealth but not actually deliver anything, a bit like the SNP really

  273. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Alan Thoms (2:36) –

    ‘I think Prince Philip had a genuine affection for Scotland.’

    Yes, he surely did.

    Same way those of us lucky enough to have private back gardens occasionally feel thankful.

    So what?

  274. Mikey d says:

    Whatever happens this holyrood election, by the next GE in may 2024, Alba will be a household name in Scotland and uk wide. No ifs no buts, lets make it a plebiscite and end this farce of a union once and for all before we become a region of greater england.

  275. Republicofscotland says:

    John McNab.

    “There’s no credible political agitation for independence in what is currently administratively recognised as Scotland.”

    Is that so, Scotland is the elder of two nations in this unfit for purpose union, and I’ll have you know that the majority Scots voted yes in 2014, and will do again when the opportunity arises dead Greeks or no dead Greeks.

    As for Blackford, he’s more one of yours, (He’d be better off with you at Denison or GCHQ) than ours, and my user name, for your information is meant to be just one big long word with a capital at the start.

    Anyway today is a glorious day.

  276. John Martini says:

    This is the timeline for the plandemic. Still 2 more years to go.

    link to

  277. WeeChid says:

    Bugger Le Panda says:
    9 April, 2021 at 3:33 pm
    2023 at least until Covid is gone.

    “Has the Flu ever just gone away?

    I think Covid might be int
    the same structural group?

    Anybody help me out here.”

    Agreed. It’s never going to just “go away” and we will have to get used to a new normal.

  278. Ottomanboi says:

    Prince Philip, aka Phil the Greek was a scion of the very Hellenic sounding house of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg and had the typical mediterranean blue eyes and blond hair too.
    End of an era of carpetbagging Danish-German aristos looking around for a job.

  279. Breastplate says:

    Cadogan Enright,
    I think it’s important to report that she gave an unequivocal reply of “no” rather than stick to the tried and tested “I have no plans to work with …..” which she had initially said.

    She has left herself no middle ground, which I would suggest is tactically naive.

  280. Stoker says:

    That latest bitter tantrum from Sturgeon has cost her my second vote. I no longer care about the “both votes SNP” in my region. This time around i will vote SNP x 1 & ALBA x 2 and i’ll be encouraging others to do likewise. She’s made it clear, if there was any doubt remaining, that she truly is a nasty, vindictive, self-centred, immature piece of shit. We as a movement need to accept this and start building to create a stronger force because we cannot afford to rely on her standing down or all those supposedly good snp members doing something about her.

    On my quest i’ll be informing everyone i come across of the woke agenda being driven by the snp & greens and supported by the LibLabCons. And the only way to protect womens’s rights as well as promoting indy at the same time is to vote for the SNP on the constituency ballot and for The ALBA Party on the list ballots. I’ll paint a very clear picture that it is imperative the snp’s woke guidance teachers, “The Greens”, are destroyed if you don’t want weirdo’s turning up in female safe spaces such as public toilets & changing rooms etc. I’ll also be telling them how easily they can now be prosecuted for a hate crime if they so much as just questioned someone’s “right” to self-ID and opt to use traditionally female safe areas.

    Sturgeon & her woke allies need destroyed, wiped out, and replaced by true indy folk. Disowning AUOB parades whilst attending “Rainbow” parades, disowning our pro-indy bloggers whilst pumping MILLIONS into Unionist Britnat propaganda rags, feeding the public lies about “parking” everything to focus on pandemic whilst pushing Crime Bill & gender agendas as Scotland’s Covid death tally surges over 10,000 are not the actions of someone who believes in Scotland’s self-determination never mind prioritising it.

    There’s a whole lot more i could have added to that wee list of questionable activities but i just can’t be arsed anymore. Even typing this i’m restraining myself from saying what i truly want to say about her & Murrell because if i don’t restrain myself i will end up being arrested. Here, for those interested is the rest of that article about the scummy administrator. Note also her attempt to encourage votes for her partners in crime, “The Greens”. link to

    BTW, the slimy scumbag that she is is pushing her caveat that indyref will only take place if pandemic appropriate. But notice how it doesn’t have a problem with running this election to secure her own position? And as for her OTT brown-nosing about Phil the parasites death, suspending campaigning, sending condolences and speaking for “all” of Scotland? She doesn’t speak for me. Yes she has to act Statesmanlike but all she had to do was send her condolences from her & her gov and just left it at that. We need a strong campaign based on no more excuses, deliver/focus on indy or get out sort of thing.

  281. Beaker says:

    @Alf Baird says:
    9 April, 2021 at 3:32 pm
    Alan Thoms @ 2:36 pm
    “The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme benefitted many young Scots.”
    “My recollection is DoE was mainly a cultural ‘badge’ for the more privileged private or grammar school bourgeoisie.”

    Bullshit. I took part in it and I have working class background, as did many people who participated at the same time. There was a lot of work involved over several months and it gave a sense of achievement.

    Youth organisations all take part. The “privileged” group accounts for a tiny minority, and anyway, it’s good they get involved as it teaches self-reliance.

  282. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Normally I would accept that the pollsters have too much to loss by manipulating data, Howevet just about every blog I read, ever political contact I have, almost every person I meet talks of voting ALBA on the list.
    Money is tight for many people yet the fundraiser is building steadily and is still on target 2/3rds raised in half the allotted time.

    All these factors and I am being told every day that the Green vote is going up. The Labour vote is going up. I don’t believe it. I do believe the SNP list vote is going down, as it should, but I’m not buying it.

    The cannot hide it forever. Stick to the plan.

    One Million wasted list votes in 2016 (1,000,000 votes wasted to benefit Unionists)

  283. HYUFD says:

    RepublicofScotland Try Australia, Canada and New Zealand where the death of Philip is also dominating the news, as the Queen is still Head of State there too and he was her husband.

    It is also the main news in the USA, France etc

  284. Albert Herring says:


    That Edvard Munch bloke was really crap at drawing spaniels.

  285. Republicofscotland says:

    I’m such an old cynic that it wouldn’t surprise me if Phil the Greek has taken one for the team, to allow very bad news to be buried, and to allow Whitehall more time to find a way to defeat the possibility of a supermajority at Holyrood.

    Just a thought.

  286. Jontoscots20 says:

    Mist001 says:
    9 April, 2021 at 1:54 pm
    “Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon tweeted that she was sending “my personal and deepest condolences – and those of the Scottish Government – to Her Majesty The Queen and her family”.

    Ms Sturgeon has sent a message of condolence to the Queen following the announcement and flags are flying at half-mast on Scottish Government buildings.”

    My sharp as a tack former Tory 90 year old Mother-in Law said in response “Where are the people of Scotland in that statement” exactly.

  287. WeeChid says:

    Stoker says:
    9 April, 2021 at 3:51 pm

    “Yes she has to act Statesmanlike”

    Aye, when it suits her. She’d be scared of the flack but she is so unstatesmanlike when she is slagging off Alex or begging her wee woke brigade to stay with the party.

  288. Republicofscotland says:


    Yes but those countries have their own media channels I doubt they’ll be giving it the round the clock shite that we’ll be exposed to here in Scotland. A country without its own media channels.

  289. WeeChid says:

    Jontoscots20 says:
    9 April, 2021 at 4:02 pm

    “My sharp as a tack former Tory 90 year old Mother-in Law said in response “Where are the people of Scotland in that statement” exactly.”

    Actually, I’m fine with that because she doesn’t speak for me – especially on this occasion.

  290. Andy says:

    ahundredthidiot 1.44

    “Anybody in Glasgow Southside who wants Independence for Scotland MUST vote for the nearest competition to NS.

    If that is Sarwar and ScotLab – so be it.

    Hold your nose and do it.”

    Excellent Post.

    You know it makes sense.

  291. Republicofscotland says:

    Albert @3.57pm.

    I get it Albert, nice one.

  292. STEVEN ELLIOTT says:

    Independence is less important to Nicola than personal grievance but not less important to AS – this is not what most indies think – a sure fire way of losing members to Alba… this will hurt the SNP

  293. Fannybaws says:

    ‘Dismissing Salmond’s recently suggested tactics of legal action, mass demonstrations or unauthorised plebiscites as “not credible”, she went on: “The way we overcome Westminster opposition to a referendum, helpfully, is also the way we win the referendum, which is continuing to persuade people, to win people’s confidence and trust, and build that majority support for independence.”

    “That’s what the SNP under my leadership has actually been doing over the past couple of years.”

    Does she honestly even believe this shite herself?

    link to

  294. Stoker says:

    @ Anton Decadent on 9 April, 2021 at 1:39 pm

    Re your post on “The Selfie Queen”. Good read! Interesting! Thanks!

  295. Stoker says:

    @ WeeChid on 9 April, 2021 at 4:04 pm:

    Aye right enough, good point!

  296. Republicofscotland says:

    F*ck me, I had to jump onto RT news to find a news channel that wasn’t displaying Phil the Greeks mug shot, at least the obscene ruritanian hysteria hasn’t infected RT yet.

  297. Ottomanboi says:

    Re «covid», Sars-Cov-2, is a Coronavirus, a group to which the common cold virus belongs, for which, incidentally, there is no vaccine.
    There are no «cures» for these pathogens as they will exhibit variation after activation by contact with a living organism. Viruses are inert until they find a host.
    A host with underlying health problems will experience more severe symptoms than a healthy one.
    A vaccine mitigates symptoms, it does not prevent re infection.
    Death as a direct causation of contact with such a virus is rare. Death occurs as a result of poor general health, respiratory problems being particularly significant especially in an ageing population.
    Health is a personal matter, one of common sense, not a domain for official diktat. Indeed until 12 months ago it was actually that, personal.

  298. ephemeraldeception says:

    Lets hear it for that great public servant prince Philippe. So some choice quotes from the man himself;

    “I don’t think a prostitute is more moral than a wife, but they are doing the same thing,”

    To Scottish womans institute : “British women can’t cook” might have been speaking about English maybe….

    Oh he really loved exploiting Scottish property but the rest? – To a scottish driving instructor “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”

    Poor taste and poor judgement was a hallmark. “That’s a nice tie … Do you have any knickers in that material?” asked to Annabel Goldie, former Tory leader of vassal run part of UK.

    To Scottish policewoman in Stornaway “You look like a suicide bomber.” (she was wearing a bullet-proof vest)

    Oh and again he must have loved Scotland “It’s a pleasure to be in a country that isn’t ruled by its people.” (speaking in Paraguay)

    “Only a Scotsman can really survive a Scottish education.”

  299. John Martini says:


    You took part in it because you were the privileged working class who despise the rest of them.

    Your type sold out the working class to neo liberal labour.

  300. Career Politician says:

    And this will be why she is going to have to step down after the election… Or else expose the SNP for what it really has become; a gravy-train.

  301. Mikey d says:

    Republicofscotland 3.44pm, aye i’ve opened a nice merlot.

  302. Patrick says:

    Why on earth would anyone who can think for themselves vote snp ?

  303. Doug says:

    Beaker says:
    9 April, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    @Doug says:
    9 April, 2021 at 12:28 pm
    “The National immediately removes comments on it from their website.”

    If you’ve seen some of the posts on Twitter I’m not surprised. There’s a difference between criticism and outright abuse.

    Aye, and the deid duck’s numerous racist comments were just quaint jokes. FFS, even in death monarchists demand hypocrisy from the rest of us. The deid duck deserves to be abused.

  304. robertknight says:


    link to

    (Sorry, don’t know how to archive)

  305. Michael B says:

    The plans for dealing with Philip’s death, which have obviously been in place for years, were given the code name Operation Forth Bridge…..because, like painting the bridge, they never bloody end!

  306. John Martini says:


    Here is the timetable. The plan was brought forward. The pandemic is another neverendum

    link to

  307. Mikey d says:

    F**k sturgeon, we dont need an indy ref in 2024, we need a plebiscite election by Alba.

  308. crazycat says:

    @ Jontoscots20 at 4.02 and WeeChid at 4.06

    Unfortunately, the quote you referred to is incomplete; she did take it upon herself to speak for us:
    link to

  309. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    I’ve just been transported back to the 1950’s. The BBC have switched off all programmes to transmit 12 hours of DofE.

    They have lost their minds! We also have the grovelling from Politicsl Parties. I’ve known many good people who are no longer with us. The World didn’t stop for their respects.

    The Palace “sets” official mourning!

    I just didn’t care earlier. Now I am pissed off having Pathe News dictates imposed on me.

  310. James Brown says:

    Ross, Sarwar, Rennie and the Baroness can rest easy knowing that with First Minister Sturgeon in charge, the Union has never been in safer hands.

  311. WeeChid says:

    Alf Baird says:
    9 April, 2021 at 3:32 pm
    Alan Thoms @ 2:36 pm

    “The Duke of Edinburgh Awards Scheme benefitted many young Scots.”
    “My recollection is DoE was mainly a cultural ‘badge’ for the more privileged private or grammar school bourgeoisie. Kids fae the schemes, many holding down part-time jobs, often had less opportunity or resources to ‘volunteer’ and travel. DoE was more something for the elites to add into their applications to elite universities.”

    That’s how i remember it. It was always the non Scots speaking kids from the private houses who took part. I’m sure there must have been some sort of cost involved that kept the scheemies oot.

  312. Clavie Cheil says:

    FFS We are in for weeks of it. Nauseating insulting Royalist drool.I dont think I need to elaborate any further. Except to say. We will have weeks of being told by Nic the Sycophant Witchel that the Greek isn’t Greek at all but Best of Bwitish.

    I am not high enough up the Brit Nats food chain to get away from it all and breaking Stasi Sturgeons Covid 19 travel restrictions. I wonder how far I could get to get away from the slobbering English Royalist drool before Sturgeons Stasi put a stop to it.

  313. ahundredthidiot says:

    Don’t you just love electric billboards….

    DofE puss everywhere – 1984 style.

  314. beflox says:

    It doesn’t take long reading through these comments to see why Campbell openly distances himself from the commenters on here. What a shower, seriously …

  315. Craig says:

    I have a possible solution for those are struggling to vote SNP 1 & ALBA 2.

    If the Constituency vote is for the following, Nicola, Humza, John Swinney and Angus.

    You can spoil your ballot paper or vote for a different candidate as someone has suggested for Glasgow Southside and vote ALBA on the list.

    If none of those names appear on YOUR ballot paper, then you can hold your nose and vote SNP 1 and ALBA 2.

    When you think about it, the last elections, SNP only gained 4 seats on the list, isn’t it worth it to ensure that those 4 names are never voted into Holyrood again?

  316. Alastair Ewen says:

    Hey Stu

    This was a pretty short post from you. How can I be sure it wasn’t written by a rat?

  317. ahundredthidiot says:


    I can certainly see why he would keep his distance from you (since you insist on being a commentator)

  318. WeeChid says:

    TheSNPLeftMe says:
    9 April, 2021 at 4:45 pm
    Same here, up until recently I had only a digital radio or my collection of DVD for entertainment. Regular listener of R4 Extra, which has no news normally. today all the scheduled programmes are off for at least a 12 hour news bulletin on the death of one 99 year old man FFS. On the same day the BBC had a headline about 10,000 Scots having died of Covid – and we are supposed to mourn this overprivileged auld git. One less royal mouth for the nation to fee IMO.

  319. Republicofscotland says:

    RobertKnight @4.39pm.

    You’re being generous to Sturgeon, in your link it says 2024 or BEYOND, what’s the betting that beyond wins the day. Like Alex Salmond says, on day one of Holyrood having a supermajority for indy talks should be opened up with Whitehall on dissolving this ghastly union.

  320. Republicofscotland says:

    Anyway there’s no guarantee that Sarwar will oust Sturgeon come May, so unfortunately it will need to be SNP1 and ALBA2, for if we don’t vote SNP1 then ALBA candidates might not get the list votes needed.

    Just haud yir nose fir this wan vote.

  321. ahundredthidiot says:

    trying not to be judgmental here, but if you thought you were watching the masterchef final tonight

    EH EH

    back to back state sponsored deid royal coverage

  322. ben madigan says:


    “ONE of England’s most notorious welfare cheats has died at the age of 99, WWN can report.

    Hailed as hero among the welfare cheating classes of Britain, it is believe the Greek born welfare king has made millions out of his schemes and funded his lavish lifestyle which included castles, yachts and cars, all on the taxpayer’s dime.” . . . .

    link to

  323. Kcor says:

    The good voters of the Glasgow Southside constituency could make it unnecessary for her to need to call Alex Salmond by voting her out of parliament.

  324. Mikey d says:

    Ben madigan, ooh you are awful, but i pmsl.

  325. Daisy Walker says:

    the SNP is suspending campaigning for a week due to Phil the Greeks passing.

    Bonny Prince Bob – is not.

    And Alba, should do a token effort for a few days, then campaign like buggery – The BBC and co, will not be able to keep schtoom about their very existence and condemn them in mock outrage at their lack of royal respect – the 2 are polar opposites. Be fun to watch them tie themselves in knots trying.

    Its the best advertising Alba could get.

  326. Tannadice Boy says:

    I have said before after Stu’s January 2015 survey on the Royal Family. I have seen no evidence that public perception has changed. Impact on the Independence movement if you ignore this evidence who knows. The basic fact is the Royals are important to Scotland not by much but enough to make a difference. You’all have left your brains by the black bin. Let’s hear it for Queen Nicola or President Von Der Leyen. Great stuff we are sure to win.

  327. 10/30 says:

    Received a nice letter this morning informing me that my pension is being increased by nearly three quid a week. Been managing ok on what I’ve got so was thinking of diverting the extra amount to ALBA….gives me a little satisfaction knowing the UK gov. is helping finance them.

    link to

  328. McDuff says:

    We vote SNP we get Sturgeon who is a unionist.
    You don’t vote SNP you you get a unionist.
    Feels like there has been a plan.

  329. Daisy Walker says:

    Re SNP taking the week off… once again, to whom does that send a message?

    No voters, going to be so appreciative that they will suddenly vote SNP? Don’t think so.

    Or Yes voters, scunnered and disheartened about the whole campaign and seriously thinking of not turning out to vote for anyone? Hmmm? Yes, rather think its this lot.

    Nicla’s playing a belter on behalf of Britain, one way or another.

  330. Baxter1967 says:

    Would’ve thought Duke of Edinburgh to be popular on this site as the personification of anti woke .
    Also had an exemplary war record blasting Nazi ships, so for me not a bad bloke when all said and done.

  331. James Barr Gardner says:

    Craig says:
    9 April, 2021 at 4:54 pm

    I have a possible solution for those are struggling to vote SNP 1 & ALBA 2.

    When you think about it, the last elections, SNP only gained 4 seats on the list,…..

    These 4 particular list seats are all in very strong voting areas, torys are not going waste their list votes this time.

    Hence the appearance of George the Cat who will scoop up these votes.

    How many other stealth independent tories are going to pick up on gaming D’Hondt in the Borders and Highlands ,that and along with the Bitter together lot pooling and sharing votes. These 4 seats that the SNP will lose if it does not take the planks out of both eyes.

  332. Karen says:

    Doesn’t actually say anything. “No plans”, “I have a feeling”, “Pressed whether she had a plan, she said no”. Plans change, feelings change, other people could be sent instead. Absolutely meaningless!

  333. Mikey d says:

    Beflox 4.53 why dont you go and be flox yourself.

  334. WeeChid says:

    Baxter1967 says:
    9 April, 2021 at 5:41 pm

    Another one under the misapprehension that the woke movement is left wing. It isn’t. It’s a middle class faux left wing movement with some religious far right attitudes – including transitioning being considered much better than actually being gay.

  335. Kcor says:

    Rev. Stuart Campbell says,

    “If you still can’t see it, you’re probably never going to wake up.”

    Comment number 1:

    Peter Glasgow says,

    “I’ll never vote for a british unionist party but I can’t say I ‘want’ to actually vote for NS and her SNP.”

    If folks stick with Peter Glasgow’s stupidity, we will get 5 more years of Sturgeon.

    The Rev. Stuart Campbell had very smartly advocated an SNP deal with the Tories supporting Brexit in return for a Section 30 order for an independence referendum.

    That too was met with the same stupidity – ‘can never make a deal with the Tories’.

    I am afraid Rev. Stuart Campbell the vast majority of Scots are “never going to wake up” to the consequences of re-electing Sturgeon.

    It is beyond them to understand that at times it might become necessary to “vote for a british unionist party” to prevent a greater evil – re-electing the corrupt lying criminal Sturgeon who has turned the SNP into a “british unionist party”.

  336. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Trust Kcor – what could go wrong!

  337. Carol Neill says:

    Who knew ma maw was a yoon
    Apparently ‘ so Phil the Greek has finally pegged it ‘ was not an appropriate response to ‘ sad news from Windsor ‘
    I still have much work to do
    Rip Phil didn’t know you , you didn’t know me que sera

  338. ALANM says:

    @Daisy Walker 5:33

    Correction: Nicola Sturgeon to suspend mudslinging operations for seven days but promises to make up for lost time a week on Monday. And that’s ironic because under the SNP’s hate crime laws, her new male role model, Philip could’ve ended up doing time in jail after referring to East Asians as “slitty-eyed.”

  339. Tone says:

    re Baxter1967 at 5.41:

    “Would’ve thought Duke of Edinburgh to be popular on this site as the personification of anti woke ….”

    And,as an honorary Scottish Duke he looked after his wife, who is and will still be the Real Queen of Scotland [either side of Indy, btw…]

  340. Kcor says:

    Giesabrek says,

    “You would think she would be very happy that her “friend and former mentor” was acquitted of all charges, unless of course she wanted him jailed…”

    She wanted him jailed because his comeback would have put pressure on her to do something about independence instead of grandstanding on everything else.

    Despite Alex Salmond having been cleared, she has been publicly questioning the verdict of the jury and all but claiming that he is guilty.

    She seems pretty sure of getting a majority – which could be because of ALBA supporting a constituency vote for the SNP.

    The only way to bring her down to earth is to make her and her most obnoxious sycophants lose in their constituencies.

    Even if some of them get back by “gaming the system”, SHE WILL BE OUT because she is not on the top of the Glasgow list.


    Vote for Labour (Sarwar) in the Glasgow Southside constituency.

  341. Fred says:

    Mia says:
    at 3:19 pm
    “She needs to go. She is no longer fit to act as FM nor leader of a democratic pro independence party. She has done nothing, NOTHING in the last 7 years that prove that she is either a democrat or pro independence.”

    That’s most people’s opinion here, but it’s not sinking through to the wider public unfortunately. The latest opinion poll now has her up by 3% with Salmond now officially the most unpopular leader in Scotland.

  342. Cenchos says:

    ‘If you want a picture of the near future, imagine Nicholas Witchell mewling on the telescreen—interminably.’

  343. Dan says:

    On a positive note, at least if Stu can botch up his rodent gnawed computer wiring he should at least be safe form racist critique by oor Phil…

  344. Johnny Martin says:

    Just took part in a Panelbase poll which had a number of interesting questions in it. I wonder if our host has one out in the field…..?

  345. Kcor says:

    AYRSHIRE ROB says,


    The Southside pluggers will be on your case soon. How dare you. Lmao

    The priority is getting the list vote up folks Get that list percentage up from 49% to day 60% then who knows?

    ALBA ON LIST. Let Sturgeon squirm on her own against Sarwar.”

    Says the Sturgeon plugger.

    Admit it ROB from AYRSHIRE you are that sister of Sturgeon, whose toy she murdered.

    You want her to stay.

  346. Derek says:

    A very prescient title, as it turns out!

    I wonder what Stavros has been defrosted to hide…?

    Now, about that republic…

  347. Kcor says:

    Mia says,

    “She needs to go. She is no longer fit to act as FM nor leader of a democratic pro independence party. She has done nothing, NOTHING in the last 7 years that prove that she is either a democrat or pro independence.”

    Come on Mia, it is nothing to do with poor Sturgeon, the buck stops with the British State, as you told us a million times.

    Anyway, if that is at least one person who has woken up, that must be good news.

  348. Carol Neill says:

    I’ve put myself into overdraft but I’ve given eck another wee punt , anything to get her out
    How she can claim to be female ( nah I’m not going to say it ….

  349. ahundredthidiot says:

    I thought the loony unionists would be at home greetin intae their beer, but naw, some of them are on here, still petrified at what’s coming down the tracks.

    Stand Together SNP 1 ALBA 2

    (unless your Glasgow Southside, naturally – get her oot!)

  350. Republicofscotland says:

    So Phil the Greek immigrant who lived a life of luxury at the taxpayers expense is to get a full gun salute at Edinburgh castle.

    Our families which have lived and died in Scotland for generations, some will have fought to liberate Edinburgh castle from English kings troops in the past, yet they would never get a gun salute.

    The British establishment runs deep in Scotland, and its enablers are never more apparent when they crawl out the woodwork on occasions like this to pay homage to their masters.

    Scotland will never flourish without independence that’s clearer than ever.

  351. Breastplate says:

    Mist001 @2:42pm
    I’m going to predict that the Alba crowdfunder will reach its target in the allotted time.
    When it does, I’m going to claim to be an expert on absolutely everything.

    Or perhaps being right about one thing doesn’t necessarily make me an expert on anything.

    I wonder what train of thought would be considered reasonable.

  352. Carol Neill says:

    I’ve asked my maw and brother to donate to Alba rather than giving me cash for my upcoming bd , sorry m&s primark here I come

  353. Sir Fortescue Wankworthy says:

    I say,

    I do remember in a magazine interview back in the eighties, that Phillip DoE stated that should he be reincarnated he wished to come back as a killer virus to help us out with depopulation. Very community spirited of him One must say.

    Not one single mention of this on the wireless or the televisual appliance. Not a jot.

    For goodness sake, it was obviously something he was passionate about.

    Aunty Beeb, can we please get some recognition of this great man’s words.

    Now good day to you.

  354. Liz says:

    Re popularity.
    Maybe it will take 5 more years of Sturgeon for the worshippers to see the facts.

    God forbid but you cannot force people to see what they refuse to do.
    It was like when the feeble 50 were voted in, I despaired but it turned out to be the last chance they were given before SLAB collapsed.

    It’s like the Proclaimers say, we always wait too long

  355. Socrates MacSporran says:

    Tone @ 6.02pm

    Mrs Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor is NOT, and hopefully never will be: “Queen of Scotland.”

    She is, however: “Queen of Scots.” There is a subtle difference in the two titles. As Queen of Scots, she can, at the discretion of the Sovereign People of Scotland, be removed from that office.

    However, with her other title in the United Kingdom: “Queen of England,” she is assumed to hold that position “by the Grace of God<" and cannot be removed from office other than by death.

    That's maybe one to keep uop our sleeves, if England says we cannot leave the Union. The People of Scotland tell the Queen of Scots – "Dissolve the Union, or lose your job as Queen of Scots."

    Now, if Holyrood passed that decision, it would be new underwear all round at Westminster. Unlikely to happen under the current SNP leadership, however.

  356. cirsium says:

    @Ottomanboi, 4.31

    A vaccine mitigates symptoms, it does not prevent re infection.

    A vaccine gives immunity to infection and prevents transmission. The current injections (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) do not give immunity to infection nor do they prevent transmission. They are experimental treatments designed to mitigate symptoms to prevent hospitalisation and death. They were given emergency approval on this basis (the clinical trials are not finished yet).

  357. Carol Neill says:

    Sir, lol

  358. wee monkey says:

    “use the full tax raising powers & benefits system and fix Scotland’s problems.”

    Found that £600k yet?

    Where do you think the money would go???

  359. Sensibledave says:

    Ok, so it’s up to me to offer a different perspective.

    In an election, the Leader of a Party chooses a strategy that they believe will win them the most votes. I can’t recall another Prime Minister, or someone of similar status, offering a leg up to the chances of another party with offers of a pact/alliance/whatever for something that will happen after the election.

    Whatever your political views are, it is incredibly naive to believe otherwise.

    Moving on, Alex Salmond has been an incredibly successful politician and almost single handedly propelled the SNP and Scotland the the cusp of Independence. However, regardless of the legal outcome of the various trials, he has not survived with his personal credibility fully intact. Remember what his own lawyer said about him? Do you really expect a female First Minister to cosy up to him?

    When the campaigning really gets into full swing, the gloves will be off (both sides) it is not going to be pretty.

    Has it occurred to anyone above that Alex Salmond may prove to be liability to the cause of Independence? Perhaps Ms Sturgeon has come to that conclusion?

    Anyway, for those of us that are neutral on the subject of Independence, and watching with popcorn from the sidelines, we can’t wait to see s**t show that is on its way.

  360. Shug says:

    Herald front page nicola not calling a ref anytime soon

    Money on she has changed sides. Sorry to see it but there you go

  361. Big Jock says:

    Och well. I heard her talking about Alf Garnet’s passing in glowing terms. No not that Alf Garnet the real Greek one. This woman loves Britain and its little England racist royal family. She loves to give the MSM a sycophantic obituary love bomb.

    She is the darling of the Herald and the Daily Record. She is even better than a born unionist to them. She is nationalist they gave tamed. Made her betray her own people. The Brits really love a turncoat.

    Like the jock lackies of the empire. She is being used , but laughed at as an empire navvies slave behind the scenes.

    If there is one thing patriotic Scots loathe. Its one of their own betraying them. She will pay a heavy price for her sell out.

  362. Pogrom69 says:

    Big Jock @ 7:46. There is an old saying that a turncoat is the worst enemy. And NS is definitely in the turncoat cohort. That said, it’s still got to be SNP 1 / Alba 2.

  363. Big Jock says:

    Pog I am worried that an SNP majority will do as it pleases. Its a difficult one for most of us. She seems to have no care for anyone but herself.

  364. WeeChid says:

    Tone says:
    9 April, 2021 at 6:02 pm
    re Baxter1967 at 5.41:

    “And,as an honorary Scottish Duke he looked after his wife, who is and will still be the Real Queen of Scotland [either side of Indy, btw…]”

    Does that include all the cheating he did on her? Aye, nice man- buddies with Saville, I believe.
    She’ll never be Queen of Scotland – never has been and never will be.

  365. Breeks says:

    Don’t see the fuss about the SNP stopping campaigning for week.

    Sturgeon hasn’t campaigned for Independence these past six years and counting…

  366. John Jones says:

    re Baxter 1967
    obviously been reading the unionist propaganda,
    Phil spent most of the war shagging his way round Rosyth in Fife and dodging his security guard.

  367. Carol Neill says:

    Woohoo my mothers just given a grand to Alba despite her being a yoon

  368. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    Just passed several UJ flying houses. Flags at half mast (aaarrrggghhhh)

  369. holymacmoses says:

    How are the police doing with the inquiry into Mr Murrell’s missing monies?

  370. Dan says:

    @ holymacmoses at 8:18 pm

    Word on the street is that the PoPo are busy dealing with chalking and misgendering incidents…

    #ClimateEmergency #ProNounEmergency

  371. Republicofscotland says:

    “How are the police doing with the inquiry into Mr Murrell’s missing monies?”

    They’ll have downed tools today and their butchers apron socks will be at half mast, on orders from Lord Advocate via the chief of police.

  372. Heaver says:

    Carol Neill @ 8:10

    Now that IS an interesting piece of news, this slow news day. Was it straight to ALBA or thru the fundraiser website?

  373. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi Sensibledave at 7:36 pm.

    You typed,
    “However, regardless of the legal outcome of the various trials, he has not survived with his personal credibility fully intact. Remember what his own lawyer said about him? Do you really expect a female First Minister to cosy up to him?”

    I had a telephonic chat today with a woman who is standing for election, representing Alba. She was an office-bearer in the SNP until recently.

    She stopped looking into WOS around a year ago, when Rev Stu started to expose what was going on within the SNP. She couldn’t believe what she was reading.

    However, since the winter, she has realised that Rev Stu was right all along; the SNP no longer supports women’s rights so she moved to Alba, ASAP.

    NS has a highly developed sense of her own importance (or lack of) to WOMEN.

  374. Charles Edward Stuart says:

    Stuart i have been following and reading your site for a very long time, i was told sometime back from a good source and friend within the s.n.p. that someone at a high level within the s.n.p. was a member of Mi5, at the time i could not comprehend that this could happen or was true but i have no doubt now who that person is and it is obvious by her actions and if she is not then they have something on her. Sturgeon and all her troughers should be removed as soon as possible she will not work with a party determined to get independence for Scotland but wil work with a party that only favours it. the greens also need to be cleared out alond with thier trans/woke nonsense i hope alex gets as many seats as possible as this paliament needs disinfected from top to bottom.

  375. ian murray says:

    I fully understand Nicola’s position
    She can not offer any support to the ALba Party.She is facing a party that is looking to take votes away from the SNP.
    I mentioned previously that she could not support an ALba 2 strategy as she had SNP candidates running for list positions
    And if we could just remember this is politics folks all it takes is a quick visit to the dentist and the world is back on its head again
    The proof of the pudding will be when the election is over, whether what she says now is what she will be saying then

  376. Frank Gillougley says:

    Oh fuck it. I am back to spoiling my constituency vote with the words, ‘independence, not a corrupt dictatorship’.

    Where I am, the evil incumbent Ursula of The Little Mermaid (Fiona Hyslop) is sitting on a 10,000 majority.

  377. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    And I’ll stick this in here, for those wondering about ? constituency and ALBA Region.

    Hi StuartM says at 3:35.

    You typed,
    ““SNP sitting with a projected 70 seats and Greens with 12.”
    The worst possible outcome would be for the SNP to be returned with an absolute majority or a majority with Green support and have Sturgeon remain in control for the next 5 years. A far better result would be for the Greens to be wiped out and the SNP needing Alba to govern.

    Time for some tactical voting. In the constituencies of the worst offenders vote for the candidate most likely to defeat them, whether that other candidate be Tory, Labour or LibDem. My hit list – Sturgeon, Swinney, Robertson, Humza for starters. Feel free to add more.

    If we can decapitate the Sturgeon cabal that’s a bonus. Even if some of them sneak back on the List, if they can’t hold their own seat their credibility is shot.
    The other priority is to eliminate the Greens. The SNP may be off limits for now but the Greens are fair game. Alex should launch an all-out assault on them for their hypocrisy on independence and their woke agenda.”

    I would add Shirley-Anne Somerville to your list.

    I did mention, a couple of days ago,
    “I read that there are some who are uncomfortable with ‘SNP 1 / Alba 2’, in case that gives the SNP a majority, without needing support from any other party.”

    link to

    I would also point out that just because the SNP doesn’t win all the constituencies in a region, doesn’t mean they will achieve a “list” seat.

    In NE Scotland, in the 2016 Holyrood election, the SNP won 9 out of the 10 constituencies. They got NO list seats.

    In Mid Scotland & Fife, the SNP won 8 out of 9 constituencies. They got NO list seats.

    In Lothian, the SNP won 6 out of 9 constituencies. They got NO list seats.

    In West Scotland, the SNP won 8 out of 10 constituencies. They got NO list seats.

    Therefore, there is no guarantee that if NS is defeated by Sarwar, she will get in on the list.

    Thus, we have to spread the word to be clever with our constituency votes.

    In Perthshire North, the primary opponent of Swinney is Murdo Fraser. OK, I know, but this next session will probably be his last so it might be nice to send him into retirement with ONE election victory to be chuffed about. What it needs there is enough SNP and Labour voters to vote for Fraser to get Swinney out. SNP majority in the 2016 election was only 3,336.

    In Glasgow Southside, it really needs enough disaffected SNP voters and Tory voters to switch to Labour. The combined Labour and Tory vote in 2016 was 8,794. NS had 15,287. So, I guess around 3,300+ SNP voters have to vote Labour to try get her out.

    In Glasgow Pollock, Humza Y won with 15,316 votes. Labour and Conservatives together got 11,487. So, around 1,915+ SNP voters would have to vote Labour, along with as many Tories as possible, to get HY out.

    Dunfermline… Shirley-Anne Somerville won with 14,257, taking the seat from Labour. The combined Labour and Tory vote was 15,496. There were also 3,156 Lib-Dem votes. So if enough Labour, Tory, Lib-Dem and SNP voters plumped for Labour, SAS would be out.

    Lastly, Edinburgh Central, where Mr Dempsie is standing for the SNP. Ruth Davison/Susan Calman (anyone seen them in the same room, at the same time?) won the seat for the Tories with 10,399. SNP attracted 9,789. Labour’s figure was 7,546. Greens got 4,644. Lib-Dems, 1,672.
    So the total vote against the SNP was 24,261. If just the Labour, Green and Lib-Dems – 13,862 – voted for Bonnie Prince Bob, bot the Tory and Mr Dempsie would be cancelled. What’s not to like?

    If these SNP candidates were defeated, it would make it less likely that the SNP would have an overall majority.
    Then it’s “GAME ON!”.
    BTW: my source for all the numbers was:-
    link to

  378. Carol Neill says:

    No idea but i just know I’ve lost on a grand !!

  379. MaggieC says:


    Just a reminder about the Alba party’s Women’s Conference which is being held on-line tomorrow from 12.00 pm till 2.00 pm , This is open to all Women even if you’re not a member of the Alba Party .

    “ Any woman can join in to listen to our discussions which will cover gender-proofing all our policies to ensure women are front and centre in all our policy considerations. This will be an all-women safe space event. “

    Link to sign-up page for this event ,

    link to

  380. Gary Dollard says:

    Big Jock says:
    If there is one thing patriotic Scots loathe. Its one of their own betraying them. She will pay a heavy price for her sell out.

    Pogrom69 says:
    9 April, 2021 at 7:51 pm
    Big Jock @ 7:46. There is an old saying that a turncoat is the worst enemy. And NS is definitely in the turncoat cohort. That said, it’s still got to be SNP 1 / Alba 2.

    And therein lies the problem. No matter how corrupt and arrogant Sturgeon and the SNP are, you will keep voting for them.

    And they know it.

  381. sarah says:

    @ Carol Neill – it is very sweet of you to give your birthday monies to Alba. Well done. And what a lovely Mum you have!! 🙂

  382. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Breastplate says:
    9 April, 2021 at 6:53 pm

    Or perhaps being right about one thing doesn’t necessarily make me an expert on anything.

    I wonder what train of thought would be considered reasonable.

    Acurately telling when the next train from Glasgow will arrive in Edinburgh.

  383. John H. (The original one) says:

    Some people might have missed Socratese post at 7,19pm.

    “Mrs Elizabeth Mountbatten-Windsor is NOT, and hopefully never will be: “Queen of Scotland.”

    She is, however: “Queen of Scots.” There is a subtle difference in the two titles. As Queen of Scots, she can, at the discretion of the Sovereign People of Scotland, be removed from that office.

    However, with her other title in the United Kingdom: “Queen of England,” she is assumed to hold that position “by the Grace of God<" and cannot be removed from office other than by death.

    That's maybe one to keep up our sleeves, if England says we cannot leave the Union. The People of Scotland tell the Queen of Scots – "Dissolve the Union, or lose your job as Queen of Scots."

    Now, if Holyrood passed that decision, it would be new underwear all round at Westminster. Unlikely to happen under the current SNP leadership, however.

  384. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Carol Neill.

    Gid stuff. Well done yer ma.

    Mist001 will be most disappointed lol

    I think it would be direct as I think you can only do £500 a pop on crowdfunders.

  385. Jim says:

    I know it is very difficult for many to consider voting SNP at the moment but if we don’t take our feelings out of it, we are doing what Sturgeon is doing.

    If people don’t vote SNP/spoil their vote, the SNP will gain more seats on the list, and squeeze out Alba.

    Voting SNP 1 Alba 2 gives Alba the necessary foothold.

    Taking emotions out of it, this is the best way forward.

    This is standard Sturgeon bluster. Come May 6th, if Alba get in, she is going to have to deal with people like Salmond, McCaskill and McEleny. They will not kneel down and worship like the MSM. When she is getting a showing up in front of her own party on the independence issue day in and day out, she might have a change of mind about taking that call, or the party might have a change of mind about her leadership.

    We need to get Alba in there, because they will pull SNP MSPs over to them after the election, and can prepare to become a fully-fledged constituency party in 2026. Then it’s good night SNP, unless they ditch Sturgeon.

  386. Fred says:

    “ Has it occurred to anyone above that Alex Salmond may prove to be liability to the cause of Independence?”

    I don’t think you’re wrong Sensibledave – although it’s too early to tell.
    In the latest opinion poll, published in the Daily Record yesterday, he scored the lowest – below Johnson(who’s stake has actually risen in Scotland).
    When asked, voters stated he was “ untrustworthy, dishonest and disingenuous”.
    Long term he may be able to win some hearts and minds, but it’s not an opinion that’s going to be overturned anytime soon.
    Besides, the Alba vanity project is looking much more like a damp squib now, and if it fails to pick up a single seat (which is entirely likely) I can’t see him hanging around – so your question might be irrelevant anyway.

  387. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Totally off-topic (but too significant for “off-topic)…

    I heard today, that the complainant who alleged a ‘knee-grope’ in the back of a car, which contained the driver, AS, the complainant and her husband, had a wee problem in that her husband refused to be a witness for the prosecution.

    It’s a’ gonna come oot in the wahsh…

    Yi need a lang spoon ti sup wie a Fifer…

  388. Saffron Robe says:

    In other words she has no intention of pursuing independence in the best interests of the Scottish people. Success in nearly all fields is about compromise, but Nicola Sturgeon is unable to compromise and put the nation before herself. It seems to me that she is no longer governing by consent.

  389. beflox says:

    Direct from the “Rev”‘s keyboard :

    “Fewer than 1% of the site’s readers post comments. That means the comments give you an inaccurate picture of the overall readership, and things that might go down well within a small group of dedicated activists don’t sound so good to people who’ve come to the site looking for information to help make up their minds.”

    That’s right everyone – he knows you’re a bunch of gullible, ill-informed morons who will lap up anything he says and then fall over yourselves to put money in his (or, more recently, Alba’s, pockets).

    You’re welcome.

    Have a nice night.

  390. cynicalHighlander says:

    Last donation at 12.24 pm. today.

    link to

  391. Carol Neill says:

    Heaver says:
    9 April, 2021 at 8:27 pm
    Carol Neill @ 8:10

    Now that IS an interesting piece of news, this slow news day. Was it straight to ALBA or thru the fundraiser website

    It means I’m not getting a bloody birthday present ?

  392. Carol Neill says:

    Heaver says:
    9 April, 2021 at 8:27 pm
    Carol Neill @ 8:10

    Now that IS an interesting piece of news, this slow news day. Was it straight to ALBA or thru the fundraiser website

    It means I’m not getting a bloody birthday present ?

  393. Carol Neill says:

    I never submitted it twice !!!!

  394. de brus says:

    Hi cynicalHighlander

    It’s quite alarming that with just 6 days left they are still approximately 14k short of the 50k target … that’s less than Wings raise in a single, annual, fundraiser.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, please, someone …

  395. Strathy says:

    An article in Scottish Legal News yesterday, written by a group of retired senior lawyers who have held high office in Scotland – ‘Who will watch the watchmen?’

    ‘When did Crown Office, our state prosecutors, become our state censors?’

    ‘The number of such [contempt of court] orders and the manner in which Crown Office exercises this policing role must now be brought under some form of oversight. It should not simply be a matter for somebody in Crown Office to fire off their “concerns”, to remind the recipient of the enormous penalties and to suggest that the publication in question should be edited to reflect the Crown Office view.’

    link to

  396. Odin says:

    Well, this is ironic. I seem to recall just a week or three ago the SNP saying that anybody in the party linking to this very website could get slung out of the cult. It’s like raaaayyyyiiinnnnn on your wedding day…

    link to

  397. Big Jock says:

    I have gone from not voting at all. To voting SNP1 and Alba2. Now I am back at spoiling vote 1 and Alba 2.

    I have simply had enough. I can’t vote SNP, and I actually think its counterproductive for Nicola to get a majority.

    What a fucking mess!

  398. Red says:

    The concern trolling about Alex Salmond being a “liability to independence” is quite funny.

    Not as funny as charismatic chucklemeister Eddie Murphy’s smash hit 1988 sidesplitter Coming To America, but I suspect it shares the comedic technique of one guy playing multiple roles.

    When you think of garbage, think SNP.

  399. Al-Stuart says:


    What’s the protocol for reporting abusive trolls please?

    Beflox is clearly and abusive troll.

    I am all for “robust” debate, but just get weary of the trolling from these people who come on Wings just to troll. I think the most irritating thing about Beflox is he/she/it is lazy, humourless and doesn’t even try. They just troll and troll and troll.

    The post I wanted to make was to let Wingers know about the Twa Auld Heids and Alex Salmond interview.

    Many will already have seen it, but if not, it’s a pleasure to listen to a genuine leader with decent, cogent arguments on how Scotland can be a better country and why we should be seeking to become Independent.

    Also one Auld Heids did mention the Trans cult. An interesting rejoinder was given…

    link to

  400. Mikey d says:

    Fred ‘ below johnson ( who’s stake has actually risen in scotland).’
    Must be all those southern ex pats then.

  401. Al-Stuart says:

    Apologies for the earlier link where you would need to scroll down to the Twa Auld Heids interview with Alex Salmond. Just shows the disruptive effect of trolls polluting lines of thought.

    Here is the direct and excellent interview…

    link to

  402. Mikey d says:

    Al-Stuart. Yup, i think this website should be called ‘trolls over Scotland’.

  403. BLMac says:

    She sounds like Ed Milliband.

    He said he’d refuse to work with the SNP even if it meant Labour could then not be able to take up the government.

    Now I have to try hard to remember what the bacon sandwich eater looks like…

    Same fate.

  404. beflox says:

    Al-Stuart says:


    What’s the protocol for reporting abusive trolls please?

    Beflox is clearly and abusive troll.

    I am all for “robust” debate, but just get weary of the trolling from these people who come on Wings just to troll. I think the most irritating thing about Beflox is he/she/it is lazy, humourless and doesn’t even try. They just troll and troll and troll.

    You’ll find that his “protocol” is clearly spelled out on the page I alrea

    The interesting thing is, Al-Stuart, that no one even needs to try when it comes to pointing out how dumb and ill informed you lot are.

    And it you think Campbell isn’t aware of it, then you really need to sit and have a good long think about why you think this blog exists.

  405. Anne Marie D says:

    This ramming down the throat of Britishness only reinforces why I have never felt British. EVER. It is insufferable that the entire public life is at a standstill. I not in mourning and I certainly DO NOT want my First Minister to give any condolences on behalf. She can speak for herself but not on behalf of me.

    Some of us are insulted by the very concept of royalty, especially British royalty and its discriminatory history. An independent Scotland should start again on this score.

    By all means his family are saddened but what has that got to do with the rest of us. I honestly can’t stand this whole shitshow. FFS get me out of here.

  406. Carol Neill says:

    Ach just leave the trolls alone , they provide amusement

  407. beflox says:

    Al-Stuart says:


    What’s the protocol for reporting abusive trolls please?

    Beflox is clearly and abusive troll.

    I am all for “robust” debate, but just get weary of the trolling from these people who come on Wings just to troll. I think the most irritating thing about Beflox is he/she/it is lazy, humourless and doesn’t even try. They just troll and troll and troll.

    You’ll find that his “protocol” is clearly spelled out on the page I already mentioned. It clearly tells you to ignore trolls, and not call them out. But, spelling it out clearly wasn’t enough for some people.

    The interesting thing is, Al-Stuart, that no one even needs to try when it comes to pointing out how dumb and ill informed you lot are.

    And it you think Campbell isn’t aware of it, then you really need to sit and have a good long think about why you think this blog exists.

  408. crisiscult says:

    Just catching up on happenings today. I don’t understand the Alba party funder. I paid a donation through the website a week ago and was told by Chris Mceleney that they are separate funds.

    Anyway, there seems a lot of hopelessness around Wings comments that has replaced the optimism of a week ago. People need to get off their arses and start getting the word out.

  409. beflox says:

    Mikey d says:
    9 April, 2021 at 5:44 pm
    Beflox 4.53 why dont you go and be flox yourself.

    I would, but I think my sides have just split (yeah I nicked that from Blackadder II)

  410. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    De brus

    Another fecking clown that doesn’t understand how these things work.

    Also numnuts the Alba party are getting donations direct and also a monthly lump sum of doe from direct debits at least £25k min a month I’d reckon as conservative est on 5000+ members
    5000 might be an understatement.

    You have a nice day yoon.

  411. BLMac says:

    I’ve just emailed my local MSP with a copy of that graphic.

    What I said is:

    “If this is true, I can see no point in giving the SNP my vote. I may as well go back to voting Labour. They don’t want independence either.

    I want independence, not party political games or personality feuds.”

    I suggest a few more of us do that. Let the SNP know they do not own our votes.

  412. Big Jock says:

    The pessimism is the SNP getting 53% on the 1st vote , and 44% on the second. Its the utter stupidity of the SNP loyal. The last few polls have shown a pattern of voting without understanding the consequences.

    I fear their stupidity is terminal.

  413. Don says:

    @lothianlad 9 April, 2021 at 3:26 pm

    “For those in any doubt about the brit establishment and the DoE, Watch a you tube clip called ‘the house of Windsor and the new world order’.
    I wont link it but, it is truly disgusting what they get up to.”

    LOL who knew that Phil popping it would encourage all the weirdo
    compiracy theorists out ? You think that Youtube conspiracy theory vidoes are real FFS ?

  414. Andy says:

    Ref. The comment above about lurkers like myself not posting. The way I see it I may not post but I have convinced a number of people to vote for Alba. I have also encountered people who are delighted that Alba are standing on the list. Their is a considerable amount of voters who are angry at Nicola for the regressing of independence during her tenure as leader and I am quietly confident of at least double figures for the Alba party.

  415. de brus says:

    AYRSHIRE ROB says:
    9 April, 2021 at 9:36 pm
    De brus

    Another fecking clown that doesn’t understand how these things work.

    Also numnuts the Alba party are getting donations direct and also a monthly lump sum of doe from direct debits at least £25k min a month I’d reckon as conservative est on 5000+ members
    5000 might be an understatement.

    You have a nice day yoon.

    FFS it was a genuine question. I’ve no idea if that’s a lot or not.

  416. Big Jock says:

    I am not voting for another 5 years of waiting. Right now I am not voting SNP. Simply scunnered. How dare Nicola think she can piss our futures against a wall. I am not giving her another mandate to sit on her throne.

    Its our country and we decide , not her and Murrell.

  417. Lothianlad says:

    Don….. clearly you believe everything that you receive via the brit nat media and daily record.

    Wake up and get an education you fucking arsehole!!!
    Wierdis like you think diana died in an accident. Away and such another loyalist cock!

  418. Lothianlad says:

    Don… suck!

  419. Mikey d says:

    The only opinion poll that will count,is the one on thursday
    The 6th of may.

  420. Don says:

    @Alf Baird 9 April, 2021 at 3:32 pm

    “My recollection is DoE was mainly a cultural ‘badge’ for the more privileged private or grammar school bourgeoisie.”

    Of course it was, there is a recollection of it from a couple of them here link to

  421. Red says:

    de brus says:
    9 April, 2021 at 9:10 pm
    Hi cynicalHighlander

    It’s quite alarming that with just 6 days left they are still approximately 14k short of the 50k target … that’s less than Wings raise in a single, annual, fundraiser.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, please, someone …

    I’m an optimist. You basically have to be, to stick with Scottish nationalist politics for decades.

    The fundraiser will hit its target. Heartening to see the high number of small donations. Most people are in some degree of financial anxiety due to the lockdowns, and fear of bad news to come.

    I’m not sure if crowdfunder is the best platform (I’d literally never heard of them before kicking a few quid Alba’s way), and I don’t think Alba are there yet with digital. Room for improvement.

    Setting up a new party and making any sort of impact is hard. NASA landing on the Moon in 1969 with slide rules and chewing gum hard. Nigel Farage, whatever you might think of him and his Arthur Daley coats, made it look deceptively easy. People forget he toiled on the fringes of political crankery for decades before the Brexit Party made a splash.

    The steady flow of defectors to the good guys proves Alex is on to something. I don’t think we’ll be waiting for decades to see results.

    Unless you’re currently being chased by hungry leopards or something, fear is a useless emotion. The best advice for life is tell the truth and try to do your best, every day. I’m voting Alba because it’s the right thing to do. If others disagree, I don’t care.

  422. Lothianlad says:

    Plenty of unionist lurkers sneaking onto thus site now rev.

    Sturgeon must be worried. .. she sent in don! Lol

  423. de brus says:


    Before you go calling people “clowns” you may want to;

    a. Learn how to form a sentence,

    b. Learn how to spell,

    c. Come up with a more convincing argument than something based on what you “reckon”.

  424. Mikey d says:

    Lothianlad 9.45pm. What! You only now realised that don is an arsehole?.

  425. de brus says:

    Red says:

    I’m an optimist. You basically have to be, to stick with Scottish nationalist politics for decades.

    Agreed – with that and the rest of your post. Thanks for the lengthy reply.

  426. ALANM says:

    Rev Stu has my sympathy for having a mouse lurking behind his wall but Scotland currently faces a much more significant vermin problem, namely a cuckoo in the nest.

  427. Don says:

    Lothianlad 9 April, 2021 at 9:45 pm

    “Wake up and get an education you fucking arsehole!!!
    Wierdos like you think diana died in an accident. Away and such another loyalist cock!”

    Go on then share you infinite knowledge on how Diana really died, entertain us, you know you want to.

  428. Odin says:

    Beflox, I do admire your use of a name for a drug used to treat diarrhoea. Clearly doesn’t work for your mouth. 🙂

  429. Lothianlad says:

    As soon as he posted I knew he was an areshole. Probably one of the woke brigade going through a severe sexual identity crisis! Why else would he support sturgeon?!

  430. Daisy Walker says:

    @ BDTT at 8.38pm

    Really interesting figures Brian, certainly food for thought.

    Seriously tempting in my area – Swinney.

    And honestly, if I were in Nicla’s constituency – I don’t think I could vote for her. Actually I’m certain I could not.

    What you are proposing – could only work in specific and very few areas, otherwise it would bugger up the whole Max the Yes procedure.

    I think we have a difficult task ahead of us, getting the greater voting public up to speed about voting SNP1 and Alba 2.

    To then introduce – ;oh but don’t vote SNP1 in the following areas’ is likely to damage the first message.

    My own personal compromise (at this time) is I will not assist Swinney in any way, however I will assist another MSP SNP candidate nearby.

    Likewise, I think Nicla is doing her own version of ‘encouraging’ tactical voting against the SNP all on her own. It might not need any assistance from us Political anoraks.

    Far too many moving parts with DeHont. As soon as you change one aspect, it knocks everything else out of kilter. What Alex has proposed only works because of a ‘perfect storm’ set of conditions.

    Hopefully there will be more visible progress from Alba in the coming weeks and more trustworthy polling nearer the day.

    Interesting figures though, good to mull it over.

  431. Confused says:

    God Bless Big Phil, he will be in heaven tonight looking down, having fun with all his pals – Jimmy (Savile), Louis (Mountbatten)

    – if Dame Nicola wants to shut down Holyrood as a mark of respect, then it is surely justified.

    I, for one, will not resent the loss of Masters Golf coverage, to be yet again reminded – dead old man, still dead.

    Special Branch, right now, are probably destroying his porno collection, which is true loyalty.

    Now, if the Queen died, would that not be brilliant as they could have – OMIGOD – a DOUBLE FUNERAL!!

  432. Heaver says:

    @ Carol Neill

    If she’s got that much money going spare to spend on what her beloved daughter truly desires, then she’s also got a wee bit extra for something she thinks her beloved daughter truly needs.

    Bated breath here.

    And give her a big wet sloppy thankyou from me too.

  433. beflox says:

    Odin says:
    9 April, 2021 at 9:53 pm
    Beflox, I do admire your use of a name for a drug used to treat diarrhoea.?

    … and yet you haven’t worked it out.

  434. Lothianlad says:

    Confused….. 100% on the money!

  435. Lothianlad says:

    Dear old English queen must be sad. Losing a husband and cousin at the same time !

  436. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    de brush

    I’m not here to sook up to you or any other unionist. If you don’t like it find a brit flag loyalist forum to frequent.

    I thought the sentences were quite tame to say the least. Clown, I like clown Especially blue nosed clowns, they’re the funniest.

  437. Willie says:

    Yes and how is Political Plod getting on investigating the missing SNP money.

    No doubt as well as they got on investigating complaints of Jimmy Saville and the paedophile ring. Suspect we’ll not hear anything from Police Scotland. They’re rotten thru and thru just like the Crown Office.

    Similar in fact to the now defunct Ulster Constabulary who knew who needed investigated and who didn’t. And so, don’t expect anything from the missing money. Police Scotland and the Crown Office can spend many many millions investigating Salmond, trawling hundreds and hundreds of people fruitlessly trying to drum up evidence, but the missing £600,000 no chance.

    Folks need to bear in mind who and what the Police are – and they’re not impartial defenders of people rights. Quite the reverse.

  438. Odin says:

    Beflox, pick your own heavy-handed, self-satisfied ‘political’ analogy about what you think you are curing here with that name, cos I can’t be bothered. 🙂

    ‘Beflox Tablet is a prescription medicine that is used to treat bacterial infections of the skin, soft tissues, bone and joints. Beflox Tablet is also used to treat various respiratory tract infections including bronchitis and sinus, to treat bacterial infections in other parts of the body including, urinary tract infections, kidneys, stomach, intestines, and ears, to treat sexually transmitted infections, such as, gonorrhoea, to treat typhoid fever and infectious diarrhoea, and to treat certain potentially fatal infectious diseases, including, anthrax and plague.’

  439. Mikey d says:

    Confused 9.55pm. I’d have to go and get another bottle of merlot to celebrate. Bring it on.

  440. Lothianlad says:

    Don… ya loyalist hunt!!!

    Diana died in a car accident, didn’t you know???

    Willie macrae shot himself in the head and threw the gun out the window!

    Surely you know that ya think loyalist bastard!

  441. Kenny says:

    I would have no hesitation whatsoever in voting for Murdo Fraser to get Swinney out. At least Fraser spoke courteously to Alex Salmond when the latter gave evidence at the Harassment Committee hearing.

    I would heartily endorse Bonnie Prince Bob and I would even hold my nose and vote Labour in Glasgow Southside.

    In my own constituency, I am voting for a small pro-indy party. In compensation, I am voting for Alba on the list. If Scots vote SNP, it is like we are paying ourselves for the rope being used to slowly hang us for another five years.

    Even if the SNP win all the seats at Holyrood, they will do zilch for independence. As for suggesting that Nicola Sturgeon leads any campaign for independence, I shudder at the consequences of what that campaign will look like. I suspect it will turn many decent and upright members of the 45 to vote NO.

  442. Edward MacD says:

    Now Sturgeon has decided to recall the Scottish Parliament, due to the death of some fake prince. She continues to insult Scots by siding with Unionism.

    There is no way anyone should vote SNP, better off with the Greens and Alba.

  443. Lothianlad says:

    Don….. I meant you were a THICK loyalist bastard in my last post!

    Damb predictive text! 😉

  444. Dan says:

    @ Daisy

    John Swinney appears to still be ranked 2nd on Regional List for Mid-Scotland & Fife.
    Eva Comrie was ranked 1st but as she has moved to Alba, rather than Swinney move up, it looks like Stefan Hoggan-Radu has replaced her in 1st ranked position.

    link to

    And on mentioning Eva…

    link to

  445. cynicalHighlander says:

    @beflox says:
    9 April, 2021 at 9:57 pm

    Odin says:
    9 April, 2021 at 9:53 pm
    Beflox, I do admire your use of a name for a drug used to treat diarrhoea.?

    … and yet you haven’t worked it out.

    HAhaha working diarrhoea out!!!!!

  446. boris says:

    The inclusion of such a radical programme of change in the manifesto, without discussion with or approval of party members breaks new ground for a Party which is at sixes and sevens as to the direction it intends to take the nation and there are many in the Party who are very unhappy with the leadership. But the force is apparently with other organisations.

    link to

  447. cynicalHighlander says:

    Looks like Sturgeon has been taking advice from Kenny F.

    link to

  448. de brus says:


    Just because you don’t understand what someone is saying, or asking, on here (no matter how simple) doesn’t mean they are a unionist or anything else you happen to oppose. It just means you’re a moron.

  449. AndyMcKangry says:

    Sturgeon appears very keen now to show her true colours.
    The SNP are now becoming the party of bonkers policies-GRA
    They really don’t want independence-Won’t even speak to Salmond or Alba about it and will kick the can down the road for ever.
    Now wants to have a day of mourning for a bonkers, bigoted, racist!!
    It’s a sad day for family and friends when a loved one dies. Why people who never knew someone, especially someone of Phil’s character want to join in, has always been something I just don’t get.
    It’s like people being offended……..they have an agenda!!!
    Thank goodness for Netflix, Amazon Prime and Sports channels. Cooooncil telly is full tonto royal mourning, it’s like the USSR in the 70’s!!

  450. Stephen says:

    Is it possible that Sturgeon is compromised and is being worked from the back by establishment forces?
    This is the danger when the leader has as much apparent baggage as she has.

  451. stonefree says:

    @ AndyMcKangry at 10:36 pm

    To give the illusion of caring and that you’re a caring person

    Honesty would be a answer similar to Keith Richard’s one on Diana’s death which was
    “I didn’t know the chick”

  452. Ian Spruce says:

    Edward MacD @ 10.11

    Prince Philip was actually the Prince of Greece & Denmark but relinquished those titles so that he was able to marry Princess, now Queen, Elizabeth II

  453. cynicalHighlander says:

    Something very strange going on at the ALBA crowdfunder!

    Earlier was this link to 9th April

    Now link to 8th April

    Very weird!

  454. Pogrom69 says:

    “Gary Dollard says:
    9 April, 2021 at 8:41 pm
    And therein lies the problem. No matter how corrupt and arrogant Sturgeon and the SNP are, you will keep voting for them.
    And they know it.”
    Yip, that’s totally understandable. It’s counter intuitive for Alba supporters to be voting SNP but I see that as just a tactic for this round. Next time I suspect, and hope, they’ll be going head to head and the gloves will be off.

  455. Red says:

    de brus – you’re welcome mate

    Boris – I have literally nothing against the gays. I still enjoy the music of George Michael and Elton John. I don’t mind wearing a pink tie. I watched Priscilla: Queen of the Desert.


    Hasn’t this pandering to tiny minorities gone way beyond Necessary, passed Reasonable in the rear view mirror, and is now deep into Crazytown?

    Homosexuals are not an oppressed minority in Scotland, they’re a privileged minority. They’ve got all the rights heterosexuals do, plus all the government funded lobby groups, plus the cops on the lookout to arrest anybody who hurts their fee-fees. Nobody else has such disproportionate representation in the Scottish Parliament, which increasingly resembles a Frankie Goes To Hollywood video, but with uglier extras.

    I like Frankie Goes To Hollywood an all, but Holly Johnson wouldn’t make a good elected official and neither do most MSP’s. There’s a common thread with the wokeist entryists – they’re not first and foremost people who want independence who happen to be gay/BAME/whatever. They seem to see themselves primarily as gay/BAME/whatever activists who happen to mention independence around election time.

    I sure could use a vacation from this
    stupid shit

  456. Odin says:

    cynicalHighlander, I wasn’t going to touch that ‘working diarrhoea out’ ‘joke’ with a bargepole. Chuckling. It’s not something that ever needs working out; quite the opposite.

  457. Robert graham says:

    Ok cynical what are you seeing that most people have missed ?

  458. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Robert graham

    Dates and times the latest link for me went backwards to previous day’s donations.

  459. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Looks like an increase of £20 in 2.5 hours but the donations add up to more than that @Robert graham

    That’s the difference in the 2 links I see.

  460. crazycat says:

    @ cynicalHighlander at 11.03

    There do seem to be technical (or other) issues somewhere; for some hours it was stuck, with the last recorded donation at 2.31pm today. When I refreshed the page a few minutes ago, another one at 3.06pm appeared in the list, and the total had duly increased.

  461. Big Jock says:

    Recalling parliament is utterly pathetic. Sturgeon is pandering to unionists and royalists.

    I really despair at the people leading our nation. Sean Connery was the most famous Scot in living memory. I don’t recall anything of note for him.

  462. Saffron Robe says:

    As a republican, Nicola Sturgeon does not speak or act on my behalf. Mrs Battenberg is no friend of Scotland, nor of the common good. Of course, England may retain their monarchy if they so wish, that is their right, but the only positive future for Scotland is as an independent Scottish republic.

  463. cynicalHighlander says:

    @Big Jock

    Didn’t he electrocute that big man or was that Ursula Andress in Goldfinger?

  464. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    ALBA fundraiser

    I haven’t seen the problems being reported!
    It has been clocking up steadily all day and still is?

  465. Odin says:

    ‘Big Jock says:

    I really despair at the people leading our nation. Sean Connery was the most famous Scot in living memory. I don’t recall anything of note for him.’

    Ah, but Sean mentioned hitting women decades ago, so automatically anything he ever said or did in his entire life was invalidated by small-minded feminist manhaters. He would be off Nicola’s Christmas card list for sure. That was genuinely the female Scottish media angle: he was Scottish but better off forgotten as scum. Feminist columnists actually wrote that sort of worthless shit when he died. Incredible what people who will never do anything with their worthless lives will do to spit on somebody male who achieved a lot, eh?

    (Cue drivel about condoning violence against women, etc)

  466. TheSNPLeftMe says:

    link to

    This was quite recent. I don’t see the issue?

  467. Odin says:

    Reds under the bed. Fucking incredible.

    link to

  468. Hatuey says:

    As soon as you assume the SNP won’t do a thing towards achieving indyref2, you free yourself from the dilemma of voting for a bunch of people that you really can’t stand.

  469. Kcor says:

    Brian Doonthetoon says,

    “Thus, we have to spread the word to be clever with our constituency votes.”

    Good analysis and that is what I have been saying for a while.

    I eagerly await the Rev. Stuart Campbell’s detailed analysis for every constituency and region, which hopefully will be presented before the deadline for postal votes expires.

  470. ReturnOfTheBodySnatchers says:

    Is it possible that Sturgeon is compromised and is being worked from the back by establishment forces?”

    I wondered that myself when I was going through the different stages of denial on my Nicola Sturgeon truth journey over the past couple of years and came to the conclusion that this is, in my opinion, someone going over and above what they would have to do if they were compromised. The continued smears and innuendo, including after Alex Salmond’s acquittals suggest to me that she is doing this of her own volition.

  471. ReturnOfTheBodySnatchers says:

    “Is it possible that Sturgeon is compromised and is being worked from the back by establishment forces?”

    I wondered that myself when I was going through the different stages of denial on my Nicola Sturgeon truth journey over the past couple of years and came to the conclusion that this is, in my opinion, someone going over and above what they would have to do if they were compromised. The continued smears and innuendo, including after Alex Salmond’s acquittals suggest to me that she is doing this of her own volition.

  472. Ian Brotherhood says:

    @Saffron Robe (12.03) –

    Hear hear.

    I’ve been falling out with Twitter ‘friends’ over this.

    Nicola Sturgeon is entitled to speak for herself, her party, and her ‘government’, but she is absolutely not entitled to speak for ‘the Scottish people’.

    This isn’t a party-political issue.

    It’s as clear as anything can be – no-one can claim to speak on behalf of ‘the Scottish people’.

    It’s the other way around.

    The ‘Scottish people’ decide who speaks for them.

    If I’ve learned nothing else from this place – from Stu, Peffers, Smallaxe, Tinto Chief, Mia, Lumilumi, Daisy, Panda, Vronsky, and so so many others I can’t even begin to list (although I obviously just did!) – it’s that you do not, ever, under any circumstances, allow anyone else to speak ‘for’ you without their clear permission.

    Sturgeon crossed that line today, knowing it would get international attention.

  473. Meg merrilees says:

    Odin @12.23
    I think it’s fair to say that Alex must look at NS and “not recognise the person he sees now.” unquote!
    Does she not realise that the faults you find most in others are the ones you have worst in yourself.
    And how she pontificates now, so assured is she that her view is widely agreed and welcomed by people.

    Pride comes before a fall!

  474. Robert Graham says:

    I was just wondering why your so curious about the ALBA fund raising page Cynical ?

    I would only go to it if I was making a donation , or I was attempting to make a point which one was it ? A point or a donation ?

    Questions about the whole set up and who is actually funding ALBA have been raised on more than a few occasions by contributors to WGD who are attempting to dig up some dirt and therefore rubbish the whole idea of another Indy party,

    Just asking like because I am interested as to why you are curious and felt the need to post what was probably just a simple matter of the site being slow to update the donations received its not a major problem so why make it one .

  475. Kiwilassie says:

    Fraser MacKintosh says:
    9 April, 2021 at 11:50 am
    Some time ago a story was going round Clackmannanshire that a woman who was a solicitor in Stirling had let a female client down

    Here’s the story here.
    link to

  476. crazycat says:

    @ TheSNPLeftMe at 12.14

    There was a period of a few hours when no new donations were being displayed and the total was not rising.

    That appears to be sorted now.

  477. crazycat says:

    @ Robert Graham at 1.06

    I would only go to it if I was making a donation , or I was attempting to make a point

    I’ve had it open in a tab all day so that I can cheer myself up (or not, as the case may be) by watching it increase! I do that with Wings fundraisers too.

    So, like cynicalHighlander, I noticed it had stuck early this afternoon. I hoped it wasn’t anything to do with royal mourning, and it seems to be ok now.

  478. Hatuey says:

    On the Sturgeon tweet about the Duke of Edinburgh, we can assume Salmond would have said something similar if he was FM. I don’t see the big deal. It’s the sort of crap politicians are required to do all the time. If they don’t do it, they get attacked by the MSM.

    What I found quite sinister today was the way that every BBC radio channel was basically hijacked to pump out the same broadcast for several hours — we are a nation mourning, the Duke was an intellectual genius who had read everything, with a heart of solid gold, etc.

    It’s crazy what the herd is expected to put up with in this country.

  479. StuartM says:

    link to

    Prince Philip’s most outrageous public moments
    During his decades-long career as a working royal, Prince Philip always had his own unique style, and it led to headline-making moments.

    Daniela Elser

    APRIL 10, 20213:56AM

    Prince Philip: Master of the public gaffe

    For decades and decades during his career as a working royal, the Greek-born Prince who married a future Queen managed to regularly hit the headlines for putting his (bespoke shod) foot firmly in his mouth.

    With the sort of regularity that must have perturbed even his long-suffering wife, the Duke of Edinburgh’s blazing lack of tact was an enduring feature of his life as a working royal.

    While his love for Queen Elizabeth has never been called into question, his apparent ambivalence toward public life (and the great unwashed masses) was reflected in decades of decidedly un-PC quips, witticisms and asides, often uttered during official events and tours.

    With the Prince passing away, it would be impossible to remember his legacy without looking back over some of his most famous gaffes.

    Buckle up kids. This is going to be a bumpy ride

    Speaking to the General Dental Council, 1960: “Dontopedalogy is the science of opening your mouth and putting your foot in it, a science which I have practised for a good many years”

    Speaking at the Scottish Women’s Institute, 1961: “British women can’t cook.”

    When shown art during a trip to Ethiopia, 1965: “It looks like the kind of thing my daughter would bring back from her school art lessons.”

    Speaking on American TV about the Windsor family’s finances, 1969: “We go into the red next year … I shall probably have to give up polo.”

    During a visit to Canada, 1969: “I declare this thing open, whatever it is.”

    When asked about visiting the Soviet Union, 1969: “I would like to go to Russia very much – although the bastards murdered half my family.”

    To Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner: “It’s a pleasant change to be in a country that isn’t ruled by its people.”

    Speaking during an official trip to Canada, 1976: “We don’t come here for our health. We can think of other ways of enjoying ourselves.”

    Accepting a gift from a woman in Kenya, 1984: “You ARE a woman, aren’t you?”

    To a British student during visit to China, 1986: “If you stay here much longer, you will go home with slitty eyes.”

    When asked his thoughts on Beijing during a tour of China, 1986: “Ghastly.”

    During a visit to the city of Xian in China, to a group of British exchange students, 1986: “If you stay here much longer you’ll all be slitty-eyed.”

    Asked if he would like to pat a koala, Prince Philip responded: “Oh no, I couldn’t. I might catch a ghastly disease.”

    At a World Wildlife Fund meeting, 1986: “If it has got four legs and it is not a chair, if it has got two wings and it flies but is not an aeroplane, and if it swims and it is not a submarine, the Cantonese will eat it.”

    When asked if he would like to touch a koala while in Sydney in 1992: “Oh no, I might catch some ghastly disease.”

    While chatting to a fashion writer Serena French, 1993: “You’re not wearing mink knickers, are you?”

    Chatting to a British man during a visit to Budapest, 1993: “You can’t have been here that long – you haven’t got a pot belly.”

    To a group of businessmen in the Cayman Islands, 1994: “Aren’t most of you descended from pirates?”

    While speaking to female solicitor: “I thought it was against the law these days for a woman to solicit.”

    Shouting at the Queen, from the deck of the Britannia, while she spoke to their hosts on the quay during an official visit to Belize, 1994: “Yak, yak, yak; come on get a move on.”

    Of daughter, Princess Anne: “If it doesn’t fart or eat hay, she isn’t interested.”

    In a conversation with a Scottish driving instructor, 1995: “How do you keep the natives off the booze long enough to pass the test?”

    Addressing German chancellor Helmut Kohl during a speech, 1997: “Reichskanzler.” (Which was actually Hitler’s title …)

    While speaking to a British student who had hiked in PNG, 1998: “You managed not to get eaten then?”

    While inspecting a factory in Edinburgh and spying an old-fashioned fuse box, 1999: “It looks as if it was put in by an Indian.”

    After presented with a hamper of goods form the American south by the American Ambassador in London, 1999: “Where’s the Southern Comfort?”

    When he asked politician Lord Taylor of Warwick, whose mum and dad are Jamaican, 1999: “And what exotic part of the world do you come from?” To which Lord Warwick replied: “Birmingham.”

    During a visit to Cardiff, to children from the British Deaf Association, who were standing near a Caribbean steel band, 1999: “If you’re near that music it’s no wonder you’re deaf”.

    Speaking to a group of female politicians at a Buckingham Palace party in 2000 whose name tags had ‘Ms’ on them: “Ah, so this is feminist corner then.”

    Spying two robots bumping into each other at a science museum, 2000: “They’re not mating are they?”

    When offered some fish by Rick Stein, 2000: “No, I would probably end up spitting it out over everybody.”

    To a guest in Berlin after the Queen had just opened the new $32 million British Embassy in Berlin, 2000: “It’s a vast waste of space.”

    Reflecting on his role as a working royal: “Any bloody fool can lay a wreath at the thingamy.”

    In a curiously prescient aside, 2000: “People think there’s a rigid class system here, but Dukes have even been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans.”

    To Elton John, who lived near Windsor, 2001: “Oh, it’s you that owns that ghastly car is it? We often see it when driving to Windsor Castle.”

    Speaking to Aboriginal elder William Brin in Queensland, 2002: “Do you still throw spears at each other?”

    Address a 14-year-old member of a Bangladeshi youth group, 2002: “So who’s on drugs here? … HE looks as if he’s on drugs.”

    To the Aircraft Research Association, 2002: “If you travel as much as we do you appreciate the improvements in aircraft design of less noise and more comfort – provided you don’t travel in something called economy class, which sounds ghastly.”

    The Duke of Edinburgh speaks with child, Andrew Adams, at a space travel display.
    The Duke of Edinburgh speaks with child, Andrew Adams, at a space travel display.Source:News L

    The royal told the 13-year-old he needed to lose weight if he wanted to become an astronaut.

    Speaking to a 13-year-old named Andrew Adams who wanted to go into space: “You could do with losing a little bit of weight.”

    While chatting to a young fashion designer at Buckingham Palace, 2009: “Well, you didn’t design your beard too well, did you? You really must try better with your beard.”

    To a young female police officer wearing a bulletproof vest, 2002: “You look like a suicide bomber.”

    Speaking to Susan Edwards, who is blind and wheelchair-bound and has a guide dog, 2002: “Do you know they’re now producing eating dogs for the anorexics?”

    To businessman Atul Patel at a Palace reception for British Indians, 2009: “There’s a lot of your family in tonight.”

    After being told that then-President Barack Obama had just met with the British, Chinese and Russian leaders, Prince Philip asked: “Can you tell the difference between them?”

    To a 25-year-old woman wearing a dress with a zip on its front during a Jubilee event, 2012: “I would get arrested if I unzipped that dress.”

    While meeting a Filipino nurse at a hospital, 2013: “The Philippines must be half empty as you’re all here running the NHS (National Health Service).”

    Chatting to Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, who was shot by the Taliban for campaigning for girls’ education, 2013: “(Children) go to school because their parents don’t want them in the house.”

    During an event to mark the 50th anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme, 2016: “Young people are the same as they always were. They are just as ignorant.”


    He won’t be missed by plenty of people around the world. Arrogant bigoted entitled git.

  480. John McNab says:

    Stuart M at 6.24am:

    Who are you going to obsess over now he’s gone?

  481. Heaver says:

    We pay for them, the royal parasites, and we pay for the bbc. All this forelock tugging and fucking up the broadcast schedules is just to show us plebs whose in charge. Same with recall of the diddy parliaments. It’s obscene.

    That said, a fascinating blog post from

  482. WeeChid says:

    Hatuey says:
    10 April, 2021 at 1:55 am

    It’s like f*****g North Korea. Tried to tune into the drama on 4 extra this morning and the shite is still being churned out.
    I’d imagine there will be at least a week of this when auld Betty shuffles off.

  483. AYRSHIRE ROB says:

    Hmm to a 25 year old woman at 2012 Jubilee event wearing a zip fronted dress.

    ” I would get arrested if I unzipped that dress” That’s fine , that’s just banter from the Puritans eh.

    But if you’re AS according to the “wrongspeakers” saying “It must have
    been the killer heels that did it” as bit o actual banter, when a lass set off an alarm with pair of shoes is Outrageous! Disgusting and he must be condemned as sleazy, sexist and it was disgraceful behaviour.

    ” Banter” will be a banned word and action in Humza Yousaf’s new Scotland order.

    Beware lads and lassies!

  484. akenaton says:

    Ah, Old Phil reminds me of the days when we still had a sense of humour……Fuck, what a sad lot we have become. Irony is dead.
    Anyone remember when we could still laugh at ourselves? The present political situation in Scotland would provide acres of material.

  485. Colin Alexander says:

    As the parties that claim to believe the people of Scotland are sovereign have paused their political campaigning out of respect for an unelected so-called “sovereign” monarch’s personal bereavement,

    I hope they will also pause collecting money from the plebs. Maybe the late Duke of Edinburgh will leave them a bequest in his will for bending the knee to the UK Crown.

  486. Willie says:

    Amazing isn’t it. Parliament is dissolved. We are in the throws of an election campaign and the old Chookie Embrace croaks it at nearly a 100 years of age.

    And what happens then.

    Well the Scottish Parliament is recalled to pay tribute to this great wonderful man. An Uber democrat not, who lived in extreme wealth, and who respected not piccaninnies and slant eyed people the world over, and and whose wife purred when she heard the Scottish Independence referendum had not succeeded, I look forward to Nicola Sturgeon’s obsequious tribute to him.

    And better still, all political campaigning is to be suspended as a tribute to this great man who wiped his shoe of the people who now pay tribute to him.

    Ah the world is one big shite sandwich and Nicola is just going to take a big piece in her display of fealty.

  487. akenaton says:

    I believe in an independent Scotland, but dancing on graves really is not a good look. The old boy was the last of a breed willing to make sacrifices for their country. He pointed a finger at the idiocies political and personal. We should all be thinking in these terms.

  488. Aunty Flo says:

    MaggieC says:
    9 April, 2021 at 8:41 pm


    Just a reminder about the Alba party’s Women’s Conference …”

    So, we are having special conferences now for people with particular genitalia? Wow. I think that’s called sexism, isn’t it?

    When is the Men’s Conference taking place?

    So, I am wondering, will we also be having separate special conferences for people with particular skin colour as well? White, black, brown, yellow, pink, freckled etc?

    Or … would that be deemed racist?

    Hey, why not have special conferences for different religious beliefs too? Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Atheists, etc


  489. Cudneycareless says:

    I’m sure there will be the same outpouring of grief when Peter Murrell no longer exists.

    Play the ball not the man.

  490. akenaton says:

    Aunty Flo…. Don’t worry, soon there will be just a women’s conference, as men will be deemed unfit for office….political or personal.

  491. Dan says:

    link to

    One thing I noticed in Iain’s post, and have seen elsewhere is the figure of 128K SNP list votes in Mid-Scotland & Fife region.
    I think that is an error as real figure was 120K.
    Also of note in the second link but not the first are the 1000 odd Solidarity votes.

    link to

    link to

  492. Baxter1967 says:

    He blasted a Nazi ship out the ocean in WW2

    So so played his part in eradicating the most evil tyranny in history.

    Forget the politics, the man did a service for humanity.

  493. Dan says:

    Further to my previous post re. Mid-Scotland & Fife.
    RISE (1073 votes – 0.4%) and Scottish Libertarian Party (650 votes – 0.2%) also stood in that region.
    So combined with Solidarity’s 1049 votes (0.4%) that accounted for 1.2% of Pro-Indy votes not cast for either SNP or Greens.

    link to

  494. Big Jock says:

    The Royal family represent class and privelage. Class and privilege are the reasons why Britain(England). Is such a screwed up unequal society.

    I will not mourn the passing of someone I have no connection to, nor for the end of that institution. This is not dancing on anyones grave. Its saying I have no personal grief, nor should I have to.

    It means nothing to me. He was an old racist and a philanderer. I had two grandfathers who fought in Burma , the war is irrelevant to the kind of men they were. They never talked about it.

    The reason he lived to 99 is because poor people paid for his position. With their taxes, sweat , labour and short lives.

  495. Fred says:

    Heaver says:
    “10 April, 2021 at 7:04 am
    We pay for them, the royal parasites, and we pay for the bbc.”

    I cancelled my TV license at Christmas saving nearly £160 a year – and giving me complete satisfaction that I’m not contributing to another wokist cult.
    It’s incredibly easy to do, and the only thing I’ve missed out on that I would have liked to have seen was the Charles Kennedy documentary shown on BBC Alba a while back.
    Other than that I’m fine with Netflix and Prime and not watching ‘live’ tv – in particular Sturgeon’s daily goon show.

  496. StuartM says:

    @ John McNab

    I never obsessed about Philip or any of the other Saxe-Coburg-Gothas. I was merely pointing out what a disgusting excuse for a human being he was and the hypocrisy of the current fawning obsequiousness. Now kindly fk off.

    @ akenaton

    Phil the Greek wasn’t laughing at himself and sneering at others doesn’t equate to a sense of humour.

  497. John Main says:


    I’m thinking like you. The list of jokes provided by the other po-faced contributor above had me laughing out loud. Amazing how a BTL comments section that is so uniformly hostile to current, right-on lunacy as practised by the Wokerati can suddenly go all PC.

    But to be serious for a mo. Lots of undecided, centrist, potential SNP and potential Alba voters will be reading here to see what the hard-line Scottish Independence supporters are posting today from behind their bedroom curtains and nicknames.

    Seems like only yesterday the mantra was country before party. Today, for some, the urge to slag off a dead stranger beats any consideration of what may be best for the cause of Scottish Independence. You know, that tedious and unexciting chore of selling the idea that Scottish Independence supporters are serious, grounded, mature adults to the other Scottish adults who as yet remain to be convinced.

  498. Kiwilassie says:

    Imagine my delight, (NOT) when I opened my mail box here in New Zealand to find a begging letter from the SNP to contribute to their party’s fight at this election.
    In Sept 2014 I joined the SNP & donated $100 I was prepared to pay for the subscriptions of unwaged people also, at that time.
    I thought Nicola had the same desire as Alex had, in Scotland getting her Independence. Now I know differently. She is an imposter & is for more devolution, not Independence.

    I dislike her so much now I can’t even bear to hear her speak.
    What she has put Alex through is unforgivable.
    She now reminds me of Margaret Curran. A stair heid lassie. with a mouth that is so common that no decent Scot would wish to be associated with her.

    She has injunctions on what can’t be published in the papers of behaviour that the police was called into.
    I can tell you this. Alex Salmond is an angel in comparison to Nicola Sturgeon. If she didn’t have the LA in her pocket she would be finished in politics.

    She say’s Alex isn’t suitable for public life, I say the person that isn’t suitable, is herself.
    She’s the type of lassie I wouldn’t have as a friend, whilst still living in Scotland. She to me is nothing but a town bike, not just with men but women also. Nicola. The truth will come out & people will see the pathetic person you really are.

  499. Big Jock says:

    John. What makes you think we give a toss about how our opinions are perceived.

    Are you saying we should not comment on something , because it may offend the 5% of nationalists who may be royal fanatics?

    If you want sychophancy stick with the BBC. I really don’t care two jobs if people are offended by my commentary on the royals. They are a corrupt festering racist institution.

    Deal with it.

  500. Shaza says:

    5%, and what difference has 5% ever made to anything.


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