Great drawing, you captured Mundell’s glaikit face perfectly.
What’s with the left handed driver?
6 years ago
For all Trump cares, Mundell might well be our FM. He has the awareness of a brick.
Les Wilson
6 years ago
Excellent Chris, covers it very well.
6 years ago
Stayin’ alive Mundell eh…
They’ve nae gbaws.
6 years ago
Can you find Cairnstoon Hamish…?
Click to enlarge.
6 years ago
C.C. 🙂
I especially like ‘ Orange Jobby’ !!!
Robert Louis
6 years ago
For all his faults and their are many- Trump will recognise Mundell for the snivelling wee suck up toadie that he is, straight away. Seriously, why is he even meeting him? Supposedly representing the ‘uk’ Government in Scotland or some such rubbish. I do not doubt Mundell literally pleaded to be ‘allowed’ to take part in the Trump visit, and, rather than be allowed to participate down in London at the proper ceremonies, was told, he could get to meet trump, up in Scotland for a few minutes afterwards. F*****g pathetic.
Honestly, in all history if you ever wanted to find a true weasel of a man, then many might think they have found him in Mundell. Zero personal integrity, zero self respect. A nothing man. A truly pathetic excuse for humanity. happy to sell out Scotland for his masters in England.
With any luck fascist Trump will take him home with him to the USA as a pet lapdog or whipping boy.
6 years ago
Oh aye Cactus!
There’s oor Hamish =)
Marker Post
6 years ago
I saw a placard in George Square yesterday, “Trump has shit hair”
Brian McHugh
6 years ago
Trump is too coward to meet Scotlands First Minister. He is an intellectual dwarf next to her.
6 years ago
Robert Louis, the picture you conjure for me is from ‘Aliens from Mars’ (very hi brow me) when the ‘lap dug’ ends up with his head on the body of a wee jappy dog 🙂
(sorry folks this is a pretty old niche kids’ film ref but hey it fits!)
6 years ago
Mundell does not even earn the title ‘Toom Tabard’.
Fails even faint praise.
What a shame. Where did that poor wee ladie lose hisself?
Street Andrew
6 years ago
Beautiful, Chris.
6 years ago
I like Tangerine Tube. Quality title. Chris has been honing his skills. It’s almost photographic.
Robert Peffers
6 years ago
@Thepnr says: 14 July, 2018 at 7:15 am:
” … What’s with the left handed driver?”
Aiblins yon Trump gadgie mun bi corrie jukkit, (Perhaps that Trump fellow may be left handed).
BTW: the term Corrie derives from the large Borders Family Carr who were predominantly left handed.
Spiral staircases in their Borders seat homes were built left handed. The reason being that if they had to defend the fortified dwellings the right handed spiral staircases would be a handicap to their use of swords in their left hands but being built left handed they were a handicap to the attackers.
6 years ago
@Robert Louis
It was more that nobody in ScotGov wanted to meet and greet and nobody they would trust from ScotGov not to bail him up either. So Fluffy the Toady got the gig instead. Protocol etc.
Still, it seems the White House has assumed a Yes vote in IndyRef2 is a given.
I registered for an Aquarium discussion group yesterday and they actually had Scotland as a country. I was most pleased.
Ian McCubbin
6 years ago
Robert Louis puts it beautifully. Fluffy is the epitome of the crawling weasel. All he will show Trump is the weakness in some Scots.
He (Trump) will do well to not underestimate the resolve of the majority of us.
Great cartoon such a laugh.
Robert Peffers
6 years ago
@Brian McHugh says: 14 July, 2018 at 7:45 am:
” … Trump is too coward to meet Scotlands First Minister.”
Well, Brian, I would venture a guess that he didn’t get the chance of an invitation from the Scottish Government to meet with the First Minister.
I’ll explain my reasoning – Trump’s visit is actually not an official state visit by the POTUS but a private business trip by Trump. As such there is no duty upon the SG or FM to officially formally greet a visiting head of state.
The FM has been quite open about her feelings about Trump and has been quoted by the media as expressing her feelings that Trump is no friend of Scotland.
How can such a genius, sex God, diplomat and modest man be so misunderstood by so many (…so many relates to this side of the pond of course)
A self made millionaire who started in business with a meagre $20million gift from his father….how many of us could have achieved success from such a difficult foundation.
6 years ago
Ian McCubbin says:
14 July, 2018 at 8:34 am
Robert Louis puts it beautifully. Fluffy is the epitome of the crawling weasel. All he will show Trump is the weakness in some Scots.
He (Trump) will do well to not underestimate the resolve of the majority of us.
Great cartoon such a laugh.
Agreed. Remember when Spitting Image depicted David Steel as a sycophantic toady for Michael Owen? By some accounts the depiction destroyed his credibility and ended David Steel’s career, but you’d have to wonder how Spitting Image would depict the likes of Mundell.
[…] Wings Over Scotland
The bag carrier
Read the full article::
Wings Over Scotland
The […]
James Westland
6 years ago
Good point re Spitting Image. It was great in the 80s with Thatchers cabinet. Theres a massively richer vein of material to mine now. Would love to see them do it again
6 years ago
Lampooning Trump is fun. He sets himself up for it. However he holds the US presidency. Nicola Sturgeon rather than having a day out in Glasgow might have shown some diplomatic, statesmanlike nous by meeting the guy, explaining to him why his mother’s homeland would be a much better place as an independent state and teach him a bit of history on Scoto-english relations. Not too hard really. Could be ‘fun’ getting to know the guy.
Better the devil you know than the one you disapprovingly turn your nose up at.
Personally, I’d love to have a chat, put him ‘right’ about the MidEast and other things the US has got messed up and that a certain hawkish Hilary Clinton might have made even worse.
Breeks, @ 8.54 am there are no levels of degradation to which our Brit Nat Uncle Tom politicians won’t stoop for money.
Mundell’s latest public grovelling to the New World Order does inspire us to literary comparisons.
Uriah Heep Dicken’s sycophantic arsehole, wringing his’wery ‘umble’ hands and bowing to his betters, for money and the promise of elevation to the Elite Club.
Mundell is Lewis Carroll’s slythy tove in ‘Jabberwocky’.
Like the modern day not very talented Dim But Nice Tory Boys,he will do anything for money no matter how humiliating, or insulting to our country in the eyes of his fellow Scots.
Like Gorgeous George before him who crawled on hands and knees in a pink leotard lapping up milk from a saucer, or Kezia fucking off to the jungle to drink penis wine for dosh when she was supposed to be serving the citizens of Scotland, or Mum 2B Davidson whoring herself on TV shows, Mundell, with astonishingly little skills or basic human qualities is used by May and the London Elite to act as this megalomaniac’s batman and gopher.
Tories will do anything for money except serve the people of Scotland.
A Master Class in Arse licking and defeat.
6 years ago
The BBC snd CH4 are interviewing anti Trump protestors, BBC radio Scotland are advertising the time and place of the Demos.
Normall treatment of anti war and independence demos is for the camera to focus on some eccentric, with camera angles that downplay the turnout.
Why are anti Trump protestors being treated differently from any other protestors that I can remember.
6 years ago
‘Mars Attacks!’
That was the film where Fuffily Mundelly ended up with his head on a wee dug’s body.
Abulsag, you are so wrong.
Nicola Sturgeon is showing the world it IS possible to be true to your beliefs and to have integrity, even in the highest positions in politics.
Calum McKay
6 years ago
Top line in Mundell”s job description is:
“must have the ability to suffer humiliation in silence, brown nose, ditch your principals, endure long periods of isolation and sell your country down the river whilst mumbling incoherently.”
And doesn’t he do his job just brilliantly!
schrodingers cat
6 years ago
I had this concern after he was elected and thought nicola was unwise to have made the comments she did before he was elected.
however, nicola spoke out very clearly saying that sometimes you need to stand up for what you believe in.
with hindsight, i think she was and is right. principles matter.
wrt trump, making an enemy of the most powerful person in the world is not something you do lightly, but i dont think trump coming out against indy scotland will lose us any votes. he has become a figure of fun, if anything, i’m betting the unionist hope he keeps schtum. he is now a liability and a vote loser
Archbishop of Dork
6 years ago
Being a caddy is temporary promotion for Fluffy. A change from the ignominious routine of being Theresa May’s tartan footstool.
6 years ago
NS is damned if she dose and damned if she doesnt meet him.
I am guessing damage limitation wins the day with a no meet, but it doesnt have to be done discourteously, i think she is on the money with this one – again.
6 years ago
Our principal has no principles. Our Governer General will know his place and will not share locker room talk with The Donald. Wait! No I will not stray or grope around territory that could be a minefield.
I cannot escape the thought that the best way to upset an egotist is to ignore him.
6 years ago
fat fingers, wee phone!
Highland Wifie
6 years ago
Re. anti Trump protestors Clydebuilt says ‘BBC radio Scotland are reporting the time and place of the demos.
This in contrast to a complete blackout of any information about independence marches. On the day only mentioned on traffic news as a march that may cause delays. Question what turnout we might have if we got that kind of publicity.
Brilliant cartoon again Chris. Got Mundell’s obsequious mug perfectly.
You get to choose your politics in an Independent country:
We don’t have different politics in Scotland we only have one, either you’re for Scotland or you’re for the UK and anything inbetween is a pretendy excuse for being a British Nationalist
The folk who start discussions with *I would support Independence but* usually followed by references to Nicola Sturgeon or finance or *the future in doubt* are just making up excuses to buy themselves time to come up with their own reason to convince you to buy into the UK status quo because you either believe a country should be run by itself or you don’t, whoever is in charge of that country at any given time would be a matter for the people of that country to vote on when you’re a proper country like every other country
The counter argument for the UK is simply you don’t want the people of your own country to have a meaningful vote thereby denying democracy, because to believe in the UK version is to believe that England by right should maintain a voting ratio of ten to one over Scotland in perpetuity thereby always, always denying Scotland a legitimate say on anything, and that’s dictatorship in anybodies language
Big countries with military ambitions always want to be bigger and will happily absorb every other country they can if they think it’ll make them more powerful or even seem more powerful and those bigger countries will always tell the smaller countries they would be doomed to penury or violent destruction without their larger protectors being the benevolent dictators that they are, but when you take a look around the world you see that the only people doing the destroying are those bigger countries by gobbling up everything in sight and then sucking them dry to feed the original big country
Where does it end? well it ends by telling the big country with it’s military showy offy ambitions NO I’ll join up with a whole load of other countries who don’t subscribe to that idea thanks and in the case of Scotland there’s 27 of them just across the water and a whole bunch of them to the north of us as well across another bit of water who don’t want to take us prisoner and threaten us with all that unpleasant stuff, and I know there are is the argument of defence that the British Nationalists always come back to but I have to counter that one by saying the future of defence isn’t a big bomb or a big gun anymore, get with the program, the future of defence is a bunch of laptops and a bunch of geeks
I think the most inventive country in the world, Scotland, has both and I’m very confident in my children and grandchildren to continue to make that so, whereas left to much of my generations apathy we really would be doomed
It’s not a risk it’s an adventure…….. Vote YES
6 years ago
Nicola will tread lightly and have Trump right under the thumb. Just like the rest. Support education and the NHS and the special relationship Scotland has with the world. Over 10% of US voters are of Scottish decent, Enough to swing an election. A powerful lobby in Washington. Friends world wide. In the EU etc. 40million diasporia. .
Doubt Trump even noticed Mundell. The amount of people leaving the plane. Hunners. It was like a tardis. Spilling over. A right carry on with a buggy load behind. For a two night stop. Totally over the top. Trump has invested £Millions in Scotland. Puts it on the map. Brings a lot of tourists and cruise vessels. Lots of Americans visit Scotland. Looking for their ancestry. Many people from Scotland have US connections.
Trade and give aid. Do not invade might be relevant, Stop and refuelling on the way to Russia and the Kremlin. Should be an Interesting outcome. Jaw jaw not War War. The warmongering unionists. Killing and maiming millions in the UK and abroad. Sanctioning and starving people, causing the worst migration crisis in the world since the 11WW. Now their Brexit mess. They are despicable. An International disgrace, The sooner they are gone the better. The Trump just another short term distraction.
6 years ago
@Robert Peffers 08:26 “the term Corrie derives from the large Borders Family Carr who were predominantly left handed”.
That’s interesting I hadn’t heard that one, I always thought it came from the much older Gaelic “cearr, left or wrong hand”.
Alba Woman
6 years ago
Drawing of their truly gorgeous faces magnificent.
The left handed staircase is actually better for a right handed attacker. The reasons it’d be chosen would be to suit the defenders who retain the advantages of unfamiliarity if the attackers haven’t fought left handers or on that kind of stairs.
Dave McEwan Hill
6 years ago
Marker Post at 7.45
Saw this from Des Clarke this morning “Trump flies up to Scotland on Hair Farce One.”
6 years ago
@Robert Peffers
My father used to say corrie haunit in his Ayrshire accent because I have always used my left hand a lot, but not to write. I’m old enough to have had left handed writing discouraged at school. I tend to use tools left handed.
I had heard the tale of the Border’s castle with left handed staircase. Since I realised it would advantage both left defender and right attacker I wondered if the design was more a statement of ‘celebration’ of the family’s left handedness in a world where it must have been considered negative/suspicious/bad.
Socrates MacSporran
6 years ago
Anent the Tangerine Tube’s visit to Scotland. In the lead-up BBC Shortbread showed clips from President Eisenhower’s weekend visit to his apartment in Culzean Castle.
That apartment was given to Ike, for his use during his lifetime, in thanks for his work as Supreme Allied Cmmander in WWII. As such it was as much his property as Trump Turnberry is the current POTUS’s property.
But, the then Secretary of State for Scotland was not ordered down there to greet Ike, and, of course, we didn’t have a First Minister then.
He was left to get on with it and pretty-much left alone apart from the obligatory photo-ops for the press.
That visit was before Dallas, after which security around POTUS was ratched-up several notches, but, at the end of the day, in both 1959 and 2018, the presidential visits to Ayrshire were private affairs, so why all the kerfuffle.
A 30-vehicle motorcade FFS, he could have got off Air Force One waved to the crowd, got onto Marine One and been at Turnberry in less time and with a lot less fuss and bother.
Of course, unlike Ike, who was a simple soldier, accepting the call to serve his nation, the Tangerine Tube has an ego the size of Alaska and wants the world to know He’s Da Man.
6 years ago
History will judge whether Trump visiting Scotland but failing to meet with Scotland’s elected Government is a snub for Scotland as the BritNats will portray it, or yet another monumental diplomatic faux pas by the Americans. There’s probably more than a hint of both.
It’s a bit like GERS figures. They can be twisted to say whatever you want to say, but it would appear safe to say that where South Britain stands with the Americans, whereas Scotland would rather stand with Europe. The BritNats would have us Scots feel threatened by that “bleak” possibility, but for my part, I’m completely relaxed and more than happy about it.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
Had to drive to Monkton to pick up a pup for the Mrs, what a waste of money Traffic Cones every 10/15yds & Police on 12 hour shifts to protect his plane /helicopters ect.
BTW Police Scotland your officers are exposed to the SUN no shelters , wee Gizbo’s would come in handy should that Muppet come back to Scotland .
I actually now believe that time’s up on Mumbles and Preggers. They have tried and tried and tried and relentlessly promoted them but they are still only at the giddy heights of about 24% in the polls (and I hardly believe that).
Carlaw and the Professor don’t fit and I can’t see anybody else.
Saw a generous interview with Richard Who? on STV the other night. Are they going to run with him again for a bit?
We surely go into the final contest as favourites.
6 years ago
a carrier bag is more useful than this bag carrier
6 years ago
I am sure Mr Mundell in preparation for his meet and greet (both meanings) had a tasty morsel in his beard ready to pass round with the canapes
Socrates MacSporran
6 years ago
High Heid Yins such as the Tangerine Tube have to meet and greet so-many people in the course of a day, they cannot possibly know who is next up for the formal handshake and maybe, if they are lucky, the picture.
So, they have jobsworths ready to whisper in their ear, something like: “The small lady in the big hat, carrying the hand bag, she’s the Queen of England, has been for 66-years; she’s met 11 previous Presidents, so be nice Mr President.”
Wonder what was whispered in his ear when he looked out of the window of Air Force One and saw the Viceroy waiting for him.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
ronnie anderson says:
14 July, 2018 at 11:45 am
Had to drive to Monkton to pick up a pup for the Mrs, what a waste of money Traffic Cones every 10/15yds & Police on 12 hour shifts to protect his plane /helicopters ect.
BTW Police Scotland your officers are exposed to the SUN no shelters , wee Gizbo’s would come in handy should that Muppet come back to Scotland .
For those interested Sunday 8pm channel 4 tells the story of the capture of the 51st HD at St Valery during the Dunkirk retreat.
More Scottish soldiers sacrificed for the greater westminster good, told by the soldiers that were their.
6 years ago
Robert Peffers @8:26am
The Corrie fisted Borders Clan is Kerr another branch being Ker, both had houses in the Borders Ferniehirst and Cessford (now a single wall ruin). The name is still pronounced “Carr” in the borders, hence Deborah Kerr the actress pronounced Carr. In the 1200’s some of the family moved South to Northampton and changed their name to Carr keeping the same pronunciation. WE were on the Government side at Culloden as you will see if you look up Wikipedia.
I am of the same name but an ardent SNP supporter and one who was there when Winnie Ewing won Hamilton.
6 years ago
Terrific cartoon. Sums it up so well.
call me dave
6 years ago
Nicely drawn cartoon and wee Hamish there too. 🙂
James has an updated article piece on the latest poll in The National.
Marches in Catalonia today to demand freedom for politicians jailed by the Spanish Fascists.
Despite all that is going on here we should spare thought for our friends in Catalonia.
Disgraceful situation continues over there.
6 years ago
I think it would have been wiser for our glorious leader to try and exploit The CombOvers visit – to guarantee an even-hand at least from the US on the independence issue – but it seems she needs to virtue signal to the identity politics pseudo-left.
Which makes me glad – I mean, when we “do a catalonia” and then the UK deep state “does a Spain” on us – she can simply pick up the phone and call on … 200 trannies to come and fight our corner. Which ain’t nuthin – they are certainly capable of crazy violence when roused.
– And the Scottish legions cried out not for “FREEDOM ! ALBA ! ” – but “I am what I am” and “I feel love” … the UK army lay defeated on the plain of Salisbury, the paras, the gurkhas, the SAS, their battle honours stripped from them, bodies impaled on long spears … our schiltroms proud, the air faintly wafting poppers and the techno skirling among the smoke … some of the captured were taken off to a crystal meth party, never to be seen again …
– maybe Nicola took a sensible middle ground, as she often does – she didn’t meet him but she kept mostly quiet on the issue. I trust our leader though – she is savvy and makes few mistakes (- how many opponents have she and Big Lexo before her seen off?)
Petras is usually bang on the money – read the first section, at least (Background to empire building)
– the guy’s clearly a ret … “special” in the modern way – he looks like he would have trouble filling in a form – but he’s been done on TERRORISM – because he had a lot of “stuff” in his house which COULD have been used to MAKE A BOMB … uh huh … then there’s a bunch of stuff on his computer, including the obligatory NAZI (home-run!) stuff … so there you go – proof by association, the new legal high bar. Okay, its hard to feel sympathy for this guy, but read down and here’s the kicker –
Jurors heard he was “quite proud” he was part of the Scottish Defence League and travelled with others from the far-right group to a white pride rally in Manchester in 2015.
Our spooks are well-capable of fitting people up for psychological operations, or “winding up the nutter” and letting him actually do stuff, or swoop in to arrest him just before he does. The “guilt by association” trick always works well in the papers – no one reads carefully anymore – scottish nationalists, eh? – just a bunch of terrorists. We need to watch out for this kind of carry-on – there will be more of it as indyref2 approaches.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
For anyone who may be asking
About Attending a Service For
Mitch,, There will be no service
Just a Celebration of his Life
Mitch Organized his Own End of Life
Arrangements, He did not want any
Fuss, No speeches No nothing
Only For people to Have a Celebration
of his Life, All he asked for Was
Chris the Piper to Play
Flowers of the Glen for him
And Elaine Page’s Memories,
So we would Appreciate that Everyone
Honor his Wishes, And Please
Come help Celebrate his Life
And his Commitment To Indy
6 years ago
@ kangaroo
Robert peffers earlier explanation regarding the “corrie fisted” saying which footsoldier up the page correctly picked him up on , is in error and the saying does come from the gaidhlig for left handed.
I do enjoy much of roberts knowledge on scottish history and folk tales and explanations but it is very much narrowly “teutonic” based rather than inclusive of the older and greater “Celtic” and very much post 14 th century scotland rather than inclusive of pre.
Robert J. Sutherland
6 years ago
I was a wee kid in primary school when we were ushered down to the North Deeside Road to wave our wee Union Jacks to Ike and the Queen as they were driven past on their way to Balmoral.
Changed days indeed, in so very many ways. Not least, though, in the character of presidents.
I don’t know about protocol, but an intelligent and astute Pres would surely have jumped at the chance to meet that very interesting political character and pleasant person, our FM. How better to get a grasp of what’s going on here from someone at the very centre of things? “Meet-and-greet”, isn’t that what the visit is supposed =cough= to be all about?
It’s a mark of the man that he would rather play golf with that useless nobody, Fluffy, and whatever other fawning acolytes he can muster.
(Oh, and BTW, “Toom Tabard” was an outright insult, not a faint compliment.)
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
Alba 46 Land was made available for a War Memorial by the People & Mayor of St Valery to erect a the Memorial . The war graves commission didn’t want to know
6 years ago
People can come across the Royals accidently on Deeside. Just by coincidence passing by, frequently in the area. The protection squad hardly noticed. Recognised by the short haircuts and the shiny shoes. Barbours and pinstripe suits.
The Police have gone totally over the top. Trump came in and out of Scotland with hardly any notice. He is just one person. Now with an entourage of hunners. What a carry on. The jet is at Aberdeen airport. (Sons) Two globemasters flew into Scotland. Full of navy seals. They might have a swim among the eyesore turbines. If yer dinae laugh yer would greet. Up pops the whales.
Nicola’s off on the other March. Already on the Calendar schedule.
6 years ago
O/T Don’t forget to vote in Scotland’s first ever World Cup final, it’s iScot v Doctor Who get your vote in and give them a wee boost. Might earn them a wee write up in the National and garner some welcome publicity.
There is a fine war memorial at St.Valery, Ronnie, War Graves Commission or no. It’s on the bluff to the NE overlooking the town.
Also, a couple of years back when the Tour de France cycle race was passing through, on the coast nearby there was another monument (to a sunken French navy ship, I seem to recall) consisting of a ship’s gun and three flagpoles, one each flying the Tricolore, the Union Jack and the Saltire. The English commentators (or course) hadn’t an earthly as to why the third.
I think both are correct. You would have noticed the WE in my earlier post. I am a Kerr, and the stairs are left handed. I am left footed but right handed as is my daughter, but I have a left handed son. Probably just coincidence but I like to think otherwise.
If you notice the reference above then it suggests that ker means left handed. I think this is probably a llalands spelling version of the Gaelic as at some point Gaelic was spoken in the borders and further south too. Gaelic was largely erased in the borders and the central belt probably as an aftermath of Culloden, don’t hold me to that though, Mr Peffers might have more info.
6 years ago
Belgium 1 poms 0 5mins in. Good
6 years ago
We met some Americans in Scotland on a long dreamed for holiday. Their surname was Kerr, whose ancestors had come from the borders. My mother said to Mr Kerr “you’ll be left handed then”.
Turns out he was, and seemed to think my mother was some kind of seer!
This was in the mid 90s and she then went on to tell us about how back in the day, the Kerr’s/Carr’s in the borders being left handed and their staircases going the wrong way and that this helped them in battles.
Not sure how true, but a good story and impressed the Americans lol.
Chris Cairns
6 years ago
To Katherine Hamilton (and anybody else for that matter) prints (and originals) are available through my website ( It’s a very old collection on there at the moment because I’ve been too lazy and been on too many holidays to update it. But any print can be ordered on request using the email on the website.
Chick McGregor
6 years ago
Trump’s just annoyed that the plan for the UK to become the 51st state has been scuppered by Brexit real politik.
Never mind, 19th hole is almost as good.
Robert Peffers
6 years ago
@Kangaroo says: 14 July, 2018 at 1:13 pm’:
” … The Corrie fisted Borders Clan is Kerr another branch being Ker, both had houses in the Borders Ferniehirst and Cessford (now a single wall ruin). The name is still pronounced “Carr” in the borders, hence Deborah Kerr the actress pronounced Carr.”
First of all the clan system was the Highlands & Islands. The Borders extended family system was similar but known as Family, not clan and the Ker, Kerr, Carr were all various branches of the same extended families. I have cousins both Kerr & Carr and both trace their roots back to the Kerrs/kers.
If you study lowland/borders Scots language you will find great variations in the spellings even of surnames. My own family, being farmers, have records going back to the 1600s due to land ownership and/or tenure.
When tracing the family tree we found there was a gap in the information but after much digging around old parish records the link was found. The early links were from the Tay coast of Fife, at Balmerino, (seat of a now ruined 13 century Abbey). In the records was a birth date for a son with the surname Peffers. The link was the marriage records for a make with the surname spelled differently but with the exact date of birth from a farm in Fife, near Kincardine. Checking other old records there was an amazing number of different spellings. Peffers, Pefers, Pephers and even pfeiffer, (mibbies the German branch of the Family)
Anyway a bit or research found that in the time when the people were mainly illiterate only the clerics could read & write but there was no standardised spelling. So the parish priest/minister wrote down the name the illiterate person told them verbally and, of course, the teller could not spell their own name. So all the variations of similar sounding names were probably all from the same original family.
It doesn’t surprise me that the war graves commission didn’t want to know about any sort of official memorial cemetary at St Valery.
The evacuation through Dunkirk was an unmitigated disaster for Britain
although to get 300,000 men out out was a miracle.
To get so many out has always been portrayed as a great victory but the overall picture the foray into Europe was an unmitigated military disaster.
To have an official war grave at St Valery would have meant recognising failure and they couldn’t countenance that. After all it was only jocks who Wellington characterised as expendable.
6 years ago
Doubt the plan has ever been for the UK to become a 51st state as that’d give us input into the the decision making process. Being some kind of protectorate is more like it. A much better arrangement than the EU where we might actually have to negotiate or compromise rather than just leave it all to the big man. At least for some of us.
Les Wilson
6 years ago
Alba 46 says:
About time the 51st Highland division story came out.
They held the Germans just long enough for “The Dunkirk miracle” to happen,before running out of ammo, and being surrounded by 3 sides,sea on the other, by German troops and panzers they had no option but to surrender.
My dad was only 16 years old, having lied about his age, he joined up at 15 years old. So I know very well what happened, they were sacrificed by Churchill to allow as many English troops to evacuate as possible.
However,my dad escaped after capture, he was recaptured and escaped many times and had many adventures in France, Spain and North Africa. Most were unfortunately taken back to German work factories.
He got the military medal, from the King at Buckingham palace.
Was a PTI for a while after that, and when the war was in late stages he ended up being a translator in French
for the American’s as he had self learned fluent French during his adventures.
He always said Churchill had a lot to answer for. I look forward to the ch4 documentary to see if some truths are told.
Lenny Hartley
6 years ago
Re 51st Highland Division. May I recommend “Churchill’s sacrifice of the Highland Division” by Saul David for those who want to read an in depth view of the 51st in 1940.
Looking forward to the Channel 4 program , will be interesting one way or the other!
6 years ago
Great toon as usual Chris. Spot on.
Big fearty Trump skitters off surrounded by his many bodyguards, LOL.
Again , i think your scottish historical perspective is based mainly on pro teutonic and post 14th century rather than the older and larger celtic systems which are the bedrock for much of scotland as we know it.
schrodingers cat
6 years ago
re robert peffers area of interest
lowlands, lallands, constitutional politics, post 1500,
there is nothing wrong with that, indeed it fairly normal for historians to prefer certain areas of history.
6 years ago
And also the link to one of paul kavanghs excellent articles about gaidhlig once being spoken in the borders.
Where the language was once spoken , so did the culture including the clan system prevail and it wasnt till the introduction of the norman french feudal system that ended this in parts of scotland post 12th century
6 years ago
Abulhaq says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:13 am
Lampooning Trump is fun. He sets himself up for it. However he holds the US presidency. Nicola Sturgeon rather than having a day out in Glasgow might have shown some diplomatic, statesmanlike nous by meeting the guy,
Aye lets meet someone who detests you, who greets like a wee boy to Teresa May. Looks like Albuhack is not the only comedian around. Maybe he’s really Mundell?
6 years ago
Hi schrodingers cat.
Sorry if you are mistaking me but im not saying there is.
What im saying is robert largely ignores the older celtic traditions and re brands scottish history in a more teutonic fashion for example giving his version of where corrie fisted comes from which i dont agree with , and saying there was no clan system outside the western highlands which isnt true.
His very own south east of scotland was conquered by gaelic clans which is why it became a part of scotland , and wouldnt be part of scotland today if the likes of kenneth macalpin hasnt invaded south east scotland 6 times and burned dunbar to the ground.
The great battle at carham entrenched the south east borders as part of gaelic scotland , hence many of the gaelic place names survive today and symeon of durham recorded great gaelic lords ruling as far as the tyne in the late 11th century.
No offence was certainly intended by saying robert is very pro teutonic in his historical opinion of scotland , im simply offering an alternative to what he is saying.
6 years ago
Hope you do another run on Hamish toys. Let us know. Disappointed I never bought one when they first came out.
schrodingers cat
6 years ago
our understanding of early history in these islands in currently undergoing a complete overhaul. mainly due to genetic testing.
gaelic is now proposed to be the bronze age language of ireland, scotland, wales, england, france, portugal and galicia.
the linga franca of the tin trade.
with the advent of iron, influences from greece and turkey were responsable for the change from q celtic to p celtic in the area we call today france.
from 500bc onwards, tribes of gauls and belgians invaded britain, bringing p celtic and early germanic belgian to these islands. This early germanic language was confined mainly in the southeast but also into the lowlands of scotland.
see dunfries, river Aa, torwald etc. in irish and scots early manuscripts they are refered to as belg, (firbolg) and laterly as saxobrit
cf, Selgovae with Belgovae
this very early germanic introduction to lowland scotland is possibly an early precursor of what we now recognise as scots(lallans)
6 years ago
Òran Bagraidh is a poem about some of the Gaelic clans in the southwest, but so many texts have been lost that we have little documentary evidence of the nature of society in the southeast of the country. Place-name evidence from the southeast shows the presence of Gaelic communities there too.
6 years ago
The Scottish first minister led Scotland’s largest ever LGBT event in Glasgow this afternoon. Leaves me wondering where was oor Ruthie when all this was happening? Trump Turnberry perhaps?
6 years ago
BBC news going the extra 500 miles today to talk down Nicola and the Scottish Government (yes really). Spending more time on that than talking about the ginger baboon playing golf.
6 years ago
@ greannach
Thanks for that pal.
I think a lot of the problem was the norman french takeover in the lowlands circa 12th century during the davidian revolution , which resulted in kings like william the lion becoming more french than the french , then the subsequent language change to english 14th century onwards by the nobility and administration led to gaelic being marginalised.
By the reformation a pro english group came to power in edinburgh intent on preparing scotland for union ,the persecution of the gaidhlig language and culture intensified and the destruction of much of scottish historical records by both the english and anglified scots left us with the confusion and ignorance we have today , and the two nation myth of scotland.
6 years ago
Best Trump Protest Banner Proclaimed:
“We have enough Orange Bigots of our Own”.
Thank Scotland’s God that we only need to listen to English Football Commentators one more time now that they are OUT of the World Cup.
We just need to hear how great they are before the France Vs Croatia Final, at Half Time, and of course after the match.
They are the strangest nation on earth!
After they had been well beaten by tiny Belgium, their commentator put forward that everyone in England would have settled for 4th Place at the beginning of the tournament??
I though hearing “Its coming home every 2 minutes for weeks on end, and words like “We are going to win this, “This Cup is Ours”, etc seem to contradict that fallacy.
The English don’t even know what they were saying, but not to worry, the are going to win the European Championships in 2 year time and the world cup in 4 years time??
Are Belgium, France and Croatian not being allowed to enter?
Maria F
6 years ago
The arrogant expression of Trump in that cartoon is a masterpiece!
6 years ago
Kudos to Nicola Sturgeon for standing up for human rights and shunning the vulgar individual who occupies the White Hose currently.
He would be better employed memorising the words of his own Statue of Liberty which welcomed countless immigrants to the US, including his own mother and grandfather:
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
6 years ago
New poll tomorrow for the Observer has the Tories dropping 6% and UKIP rising 5%. Nobody could have seen that coming LOL.
The latest Opinium poll for the Observer puts Labour on 40%, the same score as last month, but four points ahead of the Tories who have dropped by six points since early June to 36%. The fall in Tory support would appear to be the result of Conservative supporters who backed leaving the EU turning to Ukip, whose support has shot up by 5pts from 3% last month to 8%.
May’s leadership ratings have also nosedived, while those of Jeremy Corbyn have remained stable. May’s net approval rating – when the number of people who disapprove of the way she is leading the country is subtracted from the number who approve – has tumbled from -8% in June to -24% over a turbulent political period of just five weeks.
She is now well behind Corbyn who is on -12%, little changed from -13% last month.
And I was looking forward to Saturday and inevitable toon of The Great Bluster meeting our local District Commissioner. And thank you Chris there it is. Now – the feather be-decked pith helmet our DC rightfully deserves? Don’t try to tell me that colonialism has died out. We see it day-in, day-out emerging from the Westshambles Parliament.
Maria F
6 years ago
Abulhaq says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:13 am
“Nicola Sturgeon rather than having a day out in Glasgow might have shown some diplomatic, statesmanlike nous by meeting the guy”
The “guy” did not come to Scotland in official business, but rather to enjoy himself. The guy came to play golf in his property, not to be bothered with more official visits. So let him play golf and amuse himself.
Now, the question really for me is what on earth Mundell was doing tagging along. He is just an MP. He is not a member of the Government of Scotland. Was he invited to play golf and make a fool of himself? was he sent by her English masters to finish the “negotiation” that clearly May didn’t finish? or rather he invited himself to make trump feel “welcome” and give his own Britnat interpretation of current Scotland’s business?
Isn’t fascinating that none of the English tory imperial masters felt in a position of strength to come up here, strut their stuff in our country and continue the back-licking of the POtUS?
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
There needs to be a public inquire into why the LGBT rally appointed Nicola Sturgeon as Honour’y Presidency when there’s Mundell / Ruthie / Dugdale to choose from within the LGBT community , might be because there’s nae expenses tae claim LoL .
Ah widve included wee Wullie Rennie in the above but as wee aw know he’s ah fanny oanyhows .
schrodingers cat
6 years ago
long post for a warm lazy sat evening
thomas says:
What im saying is robert largely ignores the older celtic traditions and re brands scottish history in a more teutonic fashion
no, he merely points to the time period in history which he is interested in, where such terms were in use. i find no fault in the points he made. Culturally and genetically, Robert is probably as “celtic” as any highlander. so are most englishmen btw
for example giving his version of where corrie fisted comes from which i dont agree with ,
i know this as corrieducht and the word ducht (sp) is the same word the americans use when they say, put your “dooks up”
it is of germanic (anglo saxon/belg) origin
and saying there was no clan system outside the western highlands which isnt true.
I agree with this. the clan system (clann=children) is a tribal/familiar/pateral/matriarchal system. It was once the basis for society across the whole of europe. it isnt a highland invention, it was the result of social evolution across the world.
as such, it was as much an anglosaxon lowlands cultural meme as it was a highland gaelic one. the difference being that due to scotlands isolation and remoteness, this type of society endured much longer here, and in some parts (macphees and other tinkers) still endures today.
eg, anglosaxon (scots/lallans) communities in lowland scotland in the 5th,6th,7th,8th centuries were just as clannish as highlanders, feasting halls, champions portions etc, even their ornamentation is now termed celtic.
when comparing these same groups of people in the 15th 16th and 17th century to those in the south of england, they may speak different dialects of the same germanic language, but socially and culturally they are much more like the highland clans than they are londoners.
isolation, remoteness and living in close proximity to the gaelic highland clans meant they missed out on romanisation, normanisation etc, hence their continued attachment to a clan like society.
btw, the border reivers were very successful clans
as to gaelic in the lowlands, as i have pointed out, from 2500-500bc, gaelic was the language of all britain. after the ironage invasion in 500bc, p celtic (gaulish) and germanic (belg) were introduced.
by 1st century AD when the romans arrived, the southwest of scotland spoke cumbric (belg areas probably spoke a hybrid germanogaulish) but brythonic and cumbric, while being P celtic languages) are far closer to irish and scots gaelic than they are to gaulish
60% gaulish words are cognate with german
40% cumbric/brithonic words are cognate with german
30% of gaelic words are cognate with german
thats how we know that gaelic split from a common language shared with german about 2000bc and gaulish about 1000 bc. and that P celtic influence in britain is a much later event.
subsequently, gaelic influence in lowland scotland has ebbed and flowed throughout the centuries, ayrshire and galloway much influenced by irish settlement. kenneth macalpine’s endevours you mentioned also influenced the retention/reintroduction etc of gaelic.
malcolm canmore’s marriage to queen margaret probably cemented these germanic (lallans/anglosaxon) speaking peoples into the scots identity.
history isnt a contact sport, but politics is, gaelic and lallans are dying, even the saltire is removed as a brand and denigrated as a separatist symbol by scots unionists.
People like Robert Peffers, and yourself Thomas,are fighting for the continuation of our varied culture, a deliberately neglected culture, scotland has and has always had a varied culture. all strands should be cherished.
lallans and gaelic are not dying languages and cultures, they are exterminated languages and cultures.
there is a difference
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
Capella 6.34 Purloined to share in Yes pages ,ah’ll put it back effter
Robert J. Sutherland
6 years ago
Les Wilson @ 16:20:
They held the Germans just long enough for “The Dunkirk miracle” to happen
they were sacrificed by Churchill to allow as many English troops to evacuate as possible.
Sorry Les, I don’t know what your dad told you, but you’re repeating a confusion that has appeared here before.
There were two actions happening at the time of Dunkirk. The first was the perimeter defence of Dunkirk (and incidentally to that, another “last-ditch” defence, this time of Calais, which could not be withdrawn). These troops were necessarily sacrificed in order to make the withdrawal possible, and knew very well of what they were asked. An unpleasant but necessary military fact of life.
These actions of the BEF did not involve the 51st (Highland) Division, as some unfortunately seem to persist in believing.
The second action was that of the Highland Division, an entirely different situation. The Division was under the command of the French Army, and had originally been part of the infantry support of the Maginot Line around the Hackenberg Fortress. Once the panzers broke through to the west of the Maginot defences, the French Army pulled troops back to cover the breach, including the HD. They were in action in defending the Somme and were pushed back with the French.
Lines-of-communication troops, which included parts of the newly-landed 52nd (Lowland) Division, were withdrawn back to ports such as Dieppe and Le Havre, due to the imminent danger of being cut off. The HD could have done the same, but Churchill ordered it to remain with the French, because he feared that a withdrawal would be further demoralising for the already-demoralised French and give them an excuse to capitulate. So the HD were eventually driven back, still under French command, to the coast much further south (and nowhere near) Dunkirk, where the shoreline is predominantly high cliffs rather than sandy beaches.
With panzers and field artillery eventually dominating all the high ground, no ship could safely enter the harbour of St.Valery and the HD were trapped with nowhere to go and no relief possible.
So can we please once-and-for-all bin this “brave defenders of Dunkirk” myth. There were brave defenders of Dunkirk, and thst mustn’t be forgotten either. But it most certainly wasn’t the HD.
As for the upcoming TV programme, what that is actually about we’ll just have to wait and see. From past experience, the HD might not get even a mention, or only a passing one.
Lenny Hartley‘s reference is a valuable summary of the entire HD experience in 1940, and well worth a read.
Incidentally, if any of you care to visit the Hackenberg Fortress, which is near Thionville by the border with Luxembourg and eminently worth a visit, in the museum there, among all the other exhibits, is a mannequin dressed in an HD uniform. So the French there haven’t forgotten us either.
6 years ago
A golden opportunity was missed with the Trump visit. Scots being so high and mighty, holier than all the rest, how residually Calvinist, in the face of an existential-political ‘challenge’. They are reputed, media stuff, fake news whatever, not to ‘like’ each other, all the more reason to beard the man on home territory, shmooze and enlighten him particularly regarding his ancestry. If world leaders are willing to engage with Trump, why not Sturgeon? She looks petty and conventional, signalling how ‘virtuous’ she/ we all are. Scotland the unbrave? Scotland the going nowhere?. Scotland the snowflake? Scotland the rather pathetic?
Scotland and its nationalist leaders need to engage with the world as it is, not how they might wish it, in their pink and fluffy dreams, to be.
6 years ago
Trump is a cunt
6 years ago
@ schrodingers cat.
Quite a long post to reply to , especialy in the short format of wings but i will try and answer your main points one by one.
1.”no, he merely points to the time period in history which he is interested in, where such terms were in use. i find no fault in the points he made.”
Dont agree. He clearly implied the clann system was highlander only and i disagreed with him. Giving a false interpretation of history does no one any favours and this most certainly was a faulty point made.
2.”Culturally and genetically, Robert is probably as “celtic” as any highlander. so are most englishmen btw”
I havent argued any race theories. The celts werent a race as you know they were differing groups of people linked with language and culture.
3.”i know this as corrieducht and the word ducht (sp) is the same word the americans use when they say, put your “dooks up”
it is of germanic (anglo saxon/belg) origin”
never heard the term corrieducht and im from scotlands largest population centre in the central belt.Further all languages borrow especially english so not sure your point . It still doesnt prove roberts theory nor negate mine on the origination of corrie fisted.
4.”as such, it was as much an anglosaxon lowlands cultural meme as it was a highland gaelic one. the difference being that due to scotlands isolation and remoteness, this type of society endured much longer here, and in some parts (macphees and other tinkers) still endures today.
eg, anglosaxon (scots/lallans) communities in lowland scotland in the 5th,6th,7th,8th centuries were just as clannish as highlanders, feasting halls, champions portions etc, even their ornamentation is now termed celtic.”
There were no anglo saxon communites in lowland scotland as a generalisation . There were anglian communities in what is now the south east borders and the south coast of dumfrieshire which were taken by the scandinavians and gaelic scots post 9th century , no one knows what happened to these communities for certain but they most certainly didnt speak a language called scots.
5.”btw, the border reivers were very successful clans”
tell robert he says they didnt exist.
6.”as to gaelic in the lowlands, as i have pointed out, from 2500-500bc, gaelic was the language of all britain. after the ironage invasion in 500bc, p celtic (gaulish) and germanic (belg) were introduced.”
not sure about that.
Celtic came to these islands with the urnfield culture sometime between 1200 to 700 bc , king eremon in 1015 bc was listed as the first milesian gaelic king of ireland so surely the original proto celtic never mind gaelic would have came here no earlier than 1200 bc?
7.”60% gaulish words are cognate with german
40% cumbric/brithonic words are cognate with german
30% of gaelic words are cognate with german
thats how we know that gaelic split from a common language shared with german about 2000bc and gaulish about 1000 bc. and that P celtic influence in britain is a much later event.”
to be fair mate i think most people into history are familiar with the common origins of europes indo european languages.
That gaidhlig and english are distantly related doesnt make them the same language so no sure of your point here.
8.”malcolm canmore’s marriage to queen margaret probably cemented these germanic (lallans/anglosaxon) speaking peoples into the scots identity.”
you said that to me on here before and i dont agree with that.
margaret was half hungarian half saxon who spent her formative years growing up in europe and there isnt any evidence she spoke anglo saxon.
Her brother was rejected by the anglo saxon witan as heir to the english throne because he couldnt speak saxon , and when they fled to scotland very few saxons came north with them.
Rather than their saxon identity being cemented into scotland , its more likely they were absorbed into gaelic scotland and margaret is mostly famous for changing the traditions of scotlands gaelic church which wsas to flourish for centuries yet.
King aldfrith of northumbria is a classic example of this , an anglo saxon king brought up at the scottish court. He didnt cement his saxon identity into scottish life , scotlands absorbed him into gaelic life where he became a fluent gaelic speaker and many of his poems are still recorded in gaelic today.
9.”People like Robert Peffers, and yourself Thomas,are fighting for the continuation of our varied culture,”
i agree.
That doesnt mean we cant have a civilised discussion or disagreement over history or politics nor that i cant pick him up on his constant teutonic view of scotland and its history.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
ABULHAQ Given your name why dont you apply for a visa here
On the subject o the anti trump rally in Edinburgh today.
Funny how the MSM were falling over themselves to tell us where and when to meet etc.
Contrast with the Indy rallies where reporting was minimal and begrudged.
No in street vox pops asking why folk wanted a free Scotland etc.
Guid tae see pensioners for Indy in the meadows plus the Edinburgh YES hub plus English Scots for Yes etc.
Guid turn oot but dwarfed by the sheer scale and passion o the YES AUOB rallies.
6 years ago
I see Nicola’s Twitter page is a cauldron of hate from our Unionist friends A gem from the Blue Sea of Ibrox…presumably pastor at his local church because no doubt that is exactly what Jesus would have typed.
What I have noticed with sturgeon she happily goes to every other religion but the Protestant one and that don’t need to be the OO just Protestants in general and the daft cunt talked about equality for everyone in Scotland fucking muppet needs to look at her constituency
That is relatively mild compared to some of the others. No doubt JK’s staff are working overtime filing this lot in their folder.
6 years ago
@Capella 6.34
Post of the day. 🙂
6 years ago
Is it Rock? Colin Alexander? Either way he is a wee yoony troll for all to see.
6 years ago
@Macart @8:04
Aw Sam I thought I’d clinched it @ 7:31… 🙂
6 years ago
@ ronnie anderson – welks! 🙂
6 years ago
The English fans at my work couldn’t even be bothered watching the game today. Total change from last week when football was coming home.
If Scotland made it to forth in the world we would be celebrating for a week. With the Belgian fans.
6 years ago
Croopenstein 7.31
Abulhaq appears to be the same.
6 years ago
It was a close run thing. 😀
6 years ago
Not sure why people are getting in a right fankle about who should meet Trump. He’s been here several times before, it’s not his first visit.
He’s met The First Minister before, Alex before her and had plenty of discussions with MSP’s. Though oddly never needed a mad cavalcade before.
That fucking arsehole Obama was here too if anyone remembers. A round of golf, a statement that Scotland should not seek independence (he was very much against it) and then a jaunt over to Estonia – There to make a proclamation praising a small nation’s independence on its anniversary and how successful small independent nations were and it’s such a great thing being independent, everyone should try it (he is all for it) Except Scotland though, Scotland can go fuck itself.
Quite frankly, I have heehaw regard for any of the retarded fuckwit American Presidents who come here. They can holiday and golf all they want. But once you’ve met one and realised he’s a retarded fuckwit you’re not in a hurry to meet him again. No-one from Scotland’s Parliament who has met him previously was in a tearing rush to waste time on him.
Why would they? Has anyone actually listened to his previous statements to Scotland’s elected politicians? Away and dig them out. Quite frankly The First Minister is acting in the height of diplomacy, for the simple fact there was no official statement telling him to get himself hunted.
6 years ago
Great cheers to the holiday boy, he’s once again produced a brilliant cartoon.
Spare a thought to us Finns. After the tangerine tube leaves you, he’ll come to our smallish independent country to meet Putin.
After Trump and Putin said they want to have a f2f meeting in Helsinki, Finland, most of ordinary Finns go ‘oh shit, we don’t want either of them here’. But you can’t really say no… So these two near dictators are going to mess all Helsinki traffic, and some supine journalist and YLE (our public broacaster) will be having a hard on about having these two near dictators in our city. Never a nary opposing view will be allowed to get out…
Send the Trump baby balloon here, we need it. We also need a Putin balloon, but he’s no baby.
Jaysis, the world is one scary place. I grew up during the Cold War, I was young when the Berlin Wall fell, when Gorbatchev ended the Cold war, hopeful, free, all was great in the 1990s. Now we’re back to the old bunker mentality.
*bangs head on wall*
6 years ago
@ Macart – aw shucks 🙂
6 years ago
“Jaysis, the world is one scary place. I grew up during the Cold War, I was young when the Berlin Wall fell, when Gorbatchev ended the Cold war, hopeful, free, all was great in the 1990s. Now we’re back to the old bunker mentality.”
I hear that lumi and ditto. Forehead near permanently bruised after the past few years tbh.
Ian Brotherhood
6 years ago
Did anyone else hear that wee slice of snideyness on Shereen’s show this morning?
Twas Tom Harris along with the other guests and they were discussing Trump, the demos etc. Other male guest said something about how he’d probably be joining the demos if he was younger (no idea what age he is) and later, Harris said he’d also have participated ‘if younger’. Shereen stepped in, asking ‘what is this about age? what’s that got to do with it?’ whereupon the guest who wasn’t Harris referred to David Mamet and quoted him, saying ‘if you don’t protest before you’re 30 you don’t have a heart…if you protest after you’re 30 you don’t have a brain.’ Cue much laughter from all present…
We’ve discussed this programme before right here and there have been suggestions that Shereen’s show is more-or-less ‘scripted’. I’m wondering if that wee exchange this morning is a reaction to the very obvious prevalence of older citizens on, e.g. the AUOB marches?
6 years ago
Ghillie says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:47 am
“Nicola Sturgeon is showing the world it IS possible to be true to your beliefs and to have integrity, even in the highest positions in politics.”
“True to your beliefs” like standing “shoulder to shoulder” with Saint Theresa and the “ghastly” Boris Johnson as they declared war on Russia after a false flag operation?
6 years ago
ronnie anderson says:
14 July, 2018 at 7:32 pm
“ABULHAQ Given your name why dont you apply for a visa here”
Hypocrites complaining about President Trump being racist, what do you have to say about ronnie anderson’s comment?
6 years ago
Clydebuilt says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:45 am
“The BBC snd CH4 are interviewing anti Trump protestors, BBC radio Scotland are advertising the time and place of the Demos.”
The majority of posters here are on the same side as the BBC and CH4 regarding President Trump.
The same anti-SNP, anti-Scotland, anti-independence BBC and CH4.
Gullible idiots.
No wonder Scotland is still a colony of England after 311 years when the poorest countries in Africa got rid of their English masters in less than a 100 years.
6 years ago
lumilumi says:
14 July, 2018 at 8:41 pm
“After Trump and Putin said they want to have a f2f meeting in Helsinki, Finland, most of ordinary Finns go ‘oh shit, we don’t want either of them here’”
100% populist fake news.
Have you got any opinion poll supporting this?
What is wrong with Presidents Trump and Putin trying to achieve better relations between their countries and in the wider world?
The neocons and Scotland’s English masters obviously don’t want that.
Interesting to see so many Scottish independence supporters on the same side as Saint Theresa and the neocons.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
9.47 U never know Abulhaq might want to visit Vegas but ah widnae put ah bet on him getting ah visa
6 years ago
Ronnie anderson. No, he might get a cage.
6 years ago
There have been far worse leaders who have visited the UK than Trump and have attracted similar, if not bigger protests.
Strange how they don’t seem to attract as much media attention as Trump currently has over the past couple of days?
6 years ago
Pacman.maybe its because they didnt want to privatise our NHS
or sell us chlorinated chicken.
Ian Brotherhood
6 years ago
Okay…own up…
Who gave Rock the blue Smarties?
6 years ago
I wonder if we clubbed together and bought some ‘Immodium’, it might just help Rock (and Abulhaq)?
6 years ago
Calvin has been a fuckin irrelevance in Scotland for quite some time, ask 100 people on Buchanan Street about Calvin & they’d answer Klein.
Alex Salmond did indeed engage with Trump & that of course ended badly. Humiliated Theresa May should have told the Potus to fuck-off & save what’s left of her reputation.
6 years ago
A bit of topic but i had a rather disheartening exoerience
today and then an hour later a more uplifting one and all to do with independence in a small town in the middle of the limousin france(eymoutier).I was working at a car boot/market and was speaking to two couples(scottish)who have holiday homes in the town and the subject got round to independence.The two woman were unbelievably hostile towards nicola sturgeon and therefore independence the two guys were very quiet.Although i live in France i am a memeber of the SNP and made it clear i would be backing her decisions.I also said if i had known then what a i know now i would have stayed in Scotland.I would also never move back to the UK as things one of the woman seemed to be anti eu also.There was a defenite cooling of the conversation after that and they moved on.
It left me on a bit of a downer so my daughter and boyfriend turned up and i went for a walk.I then bumped into a couple a scottish guy and his wife who was northern Irish and they were all for independence.We had a good chat about various aspect of the independence movement,economy,history ect and it lifted the spirits no end.Its very clear we are fighting over 10-15% of the population as both sides are very deeply entrenched and are not for changing.
It was a bit sqtrange as i have lived in France for nearly ten years and have only met Scottish people at this particular market and the majority of woman have been very hostile re independence and the guys very quiet.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
Ian Brotherhood it wiznae me it must hiv been ah big boy an he’s run away
6 years ago
Ian. Any scots indy supporter would be shouting it from the rooftops to a fellow nationalist. These ‘quiet’ guys are obviously castrated follow the unionist wife sorts.
6 years ago
@ Ian – I know people who have holiday homes in France similar to those you describe. They have done well out of the Thatcher reforms. They do not want to contemplate higher taxes, especially tax on investments or property.
It used to be called an “I’m all right, Jack” attitude. That was when we used to think selfishness was a bad thing. Some of us still do value community cohesion above individual get-rich-quick greed.
6 years ago
Ian. And it will be interesting to see after brexit if these union loving wives will find it so easy to go to french car boot sales after brexit.
6 years ago
IN. Then again they will be like the sly sleekit minority of scots brexiteers who go abroad and tell everyone, we voted to remain”.cowardly lying sh””e. Who will tell us all after indy. Oh i voted yes.
6 years ago
In..should be ian. Apologies.
6 years ago
The cartoon says to me ” two cheeks of the same arse coming together with an incredible stench of bullshit”. I’m still amazed at where all the Tories have sprung from as two days in a row Radio Scotland could not get one Tory the length and breadth of the land to go on radio and discuss the “dirty money” scandal, then silence from the “hate” party when their core voters decided to confront and abuse worshippers during one of the hate marches.
6 years ago
@ Rock, 9.22pm 14.7.2018
You know nothing about Finnish history or our present politics or mindset, so do not patronisingly tell us what’s what. Just pipe down, aye.
“What is wrong with Presidents Trump and Putin trying to achieve better relations between their countries and in the wider world?”
Let me tell you something. We have a fucking 1000 mile fucking land border with Russia. I find all the Brit scare stories about big bad Russia laughable. You have no idea. That’s why tablod press can whip up all kinds of frenzy, to hide domestic problems.
Anyway, back in the late 1930s Hitler and Stalin divvied up the “buffer states”. My country was supposed to be for the Soviet Union (Russia), only, they couldn’t take it, thanks to those pesky Finns who defended their own independent country.
Do you see why a Finn might still feel a bit wary when two fascist superpower leaders meet in my country. Not just any superpower leaders but these particular ones. One is wily, essentially a dictator, basing his power in nostalgia, popularism, nationalism, and pseudo-democracy; and the other one is the same, except stupid.
Ian Brotherhood
6 years ago
@Ronnie Anderson –
Or maybe we could lob them some Viagra, then they’ll not bother us, at least for a wee while…
6 years ago
Well said, you put him in his place, he’s clueless at the best of times, just ignore his ignorance.
6 years ago
O/t I see tory business minister andrew griffiths has resigned after sending lewd texts to two female constituents.details to follow tomorrow on the ebc and the “scottish” meedja .lol. Thank f**k it was’nt an snp member.they’d be getting the rack ready.
mr thms
6 years ago
lumilumi @ 11:21 pm
Funny and scary at the same time
6 years ago
26Million Russians died
83,000 Finns
Since 1980/90’s Glasnost/Perestroika. Gorbachev/Yeltsin/Putin the Russia (USSR) pop has halved, 150Million people have gone to self governance and self determination. Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, other eastern bloc states. German unification. All helped by the EU. The Russian (USSR) pop has halved. It was 300Million (on par with US). Now the Russian pop is 150Million. Putin has increased prosperity and reduced poverty. He is extremely popular in Russia with rating of 80% because of it.
Trump and Putin are meeting to try and stop and cut nuclear proliferation. Cut NATO weapons on the Russian borders. Threatening Russia. Trump wants to cut the US Defence spending. The highest in the world (pro rata) and unaffordable. The UK/US and France have been bombing the Middle East for years. Reneging on promises. Illegally killing and maiming millions of people. On Russian borders. Causing chaos. Causing the worse migration crisis and human misery since the 11WW. Destabilising the world and costing £Billions.
Defence spending
Saudi Arabia (33 million pop) $66Billion
US (328 million pop) $611Billion
China (1.3Billion pop) $228Billion
Russia (150Million pop) $69Billion
UK (66Million pop) $47Billion Shared Defence cuts with the EU saved £Billions,
6 years ago
Your obvious love of Putin has clouded your judgement on most other things/. As for defence spending some will be based on perceived threat either internally or externally.
Please stop telling us how many people were killed in WW2 in the Soviet Union . We know the human sacrifice of individuals and the extreme measures the soviets put in place to ensure victory. We know Stalin murdered millions of his own people and had a peace pact with the Nazis.
Putin and Trump are dangerous but they fear China more.
Reluctant Nationalist
6 years ago
I think what Sturgeon chose to do with the pride rally was quite good. I mean, it’s just a game, but this way I get to infer that she thinks Trump’s beneath her, which he is. He’s beneath everyone, but that’s beside the point.
Reluctant Nationalist
6 years ago
It wouldn’t matter if Nicola had met with him, anyway. He’s only got eyes for one man.
Bottom line is that Trump, the most powerful person in the world, is a TOTAL IGNORAMUS. So how do we all get round this?
TAKE NOTE FOLKS. He knows nought about history: And he knows nought about geography (hence not knowing where and whom he is bombing for whatever reason).
He knows nought about ANYTHING at all. Seemingly he is incapable of reading in fact. Aspergers? Whatever the case God give me strength.
His eyes are on making a financial deal and on rooting out beautiful women. Grab their you know whats. Twenty years of ruling the roost over the Miss Universe pageants. The pageants included Miss USA and Miss Teen USA. Say no more.
Here we have it. An absolute MORON is now ruling the world.
He has no compassion for the suffering or the dispossessed, even although his ancestry (four grandparents and his mother) and two of his three wives came from elsewhere. He’s a blinkered bl**dy moron.
Mrs May leader at Westminster is now on her knees to him (and continues to hold his VERY WEE hand). The erseh*le. Begging him. Please Donald give us your chlorinated chicken, beef full of hormones and destroy our NHS. Please Donald. Do it. Tell us how to cage children too. Use aluminium foil? Cheap or what?
So what do we do now folks?
If you voted NO before do your homework and help us to get out of this.
6 years ago
How is it that auld golfin’ saying goes again…
You drive for show
You putt for dough
Notice there doesn’t appear to be a putter in DT’s collection.
Maybe the nasty man will putt by playing Mundell like SO: link to
Just like the purple beastie.
Golf, croquet?
6 years ago
I don’t think he would manage croquet, far too complicated a game.
6 years ago
Just to say, I went to the demo in Edinburgh. Thoroughly enjoyed it. The other thing I enjoyed was reading that whenever his Trumpness is on the phone to Theresa, they can’t discuss anything serious as he spends all his time moaning about Nicola Sturgeon.
6 years ago
Whit a Roaster, Liam Fox from E.K (to E.K’s embarrassment) castigates anti-Trump demonstrators. A crook & tosspot who should have been jailed. A man who tells lies about his age will lie about anything!
Dorothy Devine
6 years ago
Big coverage in the Guardian ‘ close to ten thousand people” marched agin’ Trump in Edinburgh – I’m sure there was another march on another day which had somewhat greater numbers which the Guardian didn’t bother covering.
I wonder what Trump thought of the Sec. of State Against Scotland.
6 years ago
Liam Fox saying the protesters were an embarrassment to themselves.
Trump is a divisive figure, a strategy which is working for him so far and someone who is used to protests against him, so I don’t think the Don will be too bothered.
Now, I hate to get personal, but I know some good EK people who are actually related to Liam Fox by blood, and believe me, they are embarrassed about that.
Dave McEwan Hill
6 years ago
It should be remembered that it was actually Jack McConnell that had a “cosy” relationship with Donald Trump which Alex Salmond inherited. That didn’t last long.
6 years ago
Kenny MacAskill in the Herald …
“… an early second referendum on independence is even less likely than one on Brexit. The Tories won’t allow it and after Catalonia any attempts to circumvent Westminster consent are doomed to fail.”
That’s a rather depressing view of Scotland’s situation! Needless to say I disagree and hope Nicola does too.
Keep saying it. Trump is a confidence trickster. He is a chameleon who can change his colour in a flash. He can be blunt and disorientating to suddenly become mellow, or disarming and affable then suddenly ruthless when it comes to the take down. He is the epitome of a wheeler dealer who belongs in a used car lot or an estate agents, but somehow he has scammed his way into the job of US President.
I am absolutely no fan whatsoever of Hillary Clinton, but nobody has summed Trump up more succinctly than she did when she Tweeted that you shouldn’t give the Nuclear red button to somebody you can bait on Twitter.
Trump is popular with the US rednecks who buy into his Farage style populism and appeal to the more bass human instincts of fear, hatred and mistrust. Trump needs an enemy or his modus operandi simply doesn’t work. Without creating a bad guy, he has no leverage. He is a living caricature of Orwell’s Big Brother Organisation in 1984, – there is always an enemy, but it doesn’t matter who the enemy is, or even if they are real. It is a necessary component for mass control of the people.
6 years ago
Some people have difficulty with facts. Would rather believe Murdoch and the right wing Press and start world War 111. Stalin 1930 to 1950. Try living in the present. Stop harping back to other times. Instead of living in the past. The UK has been killing and maiming millions and destabilising the world, More than Russia or China where they are trying to improve their economy. Take people out of poverty which they have done.
Why would anyone fear China? They are not the warmongers. The US/UK and France have been for the last 100 years, they have cause the conflicts in the Middle East etc. It is just appalling what they have been doing and the effect There is no excuse. China has been invaded twice. By Britain and Japan.
Trump wants better relations with Russia, China etc. If he can succeed or the regime M15 and CIA will not let it happen. CIA/FBI being called out in the US. For their criminal activities. The worst surveillance in the world. Clinton et al were acting as mercenaries in the Middle East for the Saudis for money. The most absolute despot monarchy in the world. Along with the apartheid State The Balfour Agreement. Trying to deflect from that. Churchill was stealing Iranian Oil in the 1950’s. Put the PM who wanted a share in jail and restored the Shah.
All US Presidents have been crooks Hypocrites and niot what they seem. Same as in the UK. Westminster crooks. They are the worst. Killing and maiming millions. Right on Russian borders. If Clinton was President there would be more conflict on the Russian borders. Along with Johnston. That imbecile. That did not happen because Trump did not go along with it. Going for talks instead.
Putin supported Scottish Indepenence. Having supported the Indepenence and self determination of millions of others. Did not go along with Cameron’s’ lies and deceit. Cameron and his cronies caused all the Brexit mess. They are sanctioning and starving people in the UK. People are being denied food and dying. The basic human rights. The should be marching about that. Westminster unionists caused the migration into Europe and the human misery. Then used it to cause Brexit. The enemy is within.
Trump is a convenient distraction from it and could be gone within three years, The unionists could still be causing trouble for ever after. If they had more migrants coming to the UK. It is because the Westminster unionists caused it. They are responsible but deny people their basic human rights. They are despicable. Migrant and refugees are treated badly in the UK. Kept detained in cages for years. Citizens are being deported illegally. It is about time the Scottish courts started dealing and preventing it. They have recently. Trump’s ‘crimes’ are nothing compared to other US President’s who have been lauded. Complete lying hypocrites. Kennedy who illegally dumped nuclear on Scotland, Two Bush Reagan, Clinton, Obama et al. All of them just as bad but lauded.
6 years ago
I cannot find the actual wording as most reports of Liam Fox select bits.
I heard a clip in which he described Trump as the “leader of the western world”.
I snorted at that one. Leaders who harangue, berate and tell lies and then deny they said them do not lead for long.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
Marr on Sunday with Tereza May .
Much of the White paper/Common Rule book is from the Mansion House speech ( which was rejected by the EU) . Whats that you say, keep making the same mistakes hoping for a different outcome.
Hurry up Nicola, the longer we stay in Bedlam the more likelihood we’ll end up mental ourselves .
6 years ago
I think those big inflatable Trump babies are ridiculous, so does my wife, and neither of us know what they’re supposed to mean. And if I was a protest attending type that would have put me off going. They’re just childish to anyone who doesn’t understand their significance, and that’s me and persumably a lot of other people since generally I’m politically aware.
Whether I’m right or wrong, and Trump in himself is largely an irrelevance to getting a YES vote, it’s a message WE need to keep in mind – themes, tropes, memes whatever, are all very well to those in the know, the few thousands, but others take them at face value only. Hamish for instance is great, he’s staring at me as I’m typing this wondering what I’m on about noo, but nobody outside of Wings would understand why!
6 years ago
Saw this tweet on WoS twitter. It sums up everything which is wrong with journalism right now, and how to get it right!
Sally Claire
My fave tutor at uni had a great journalism 101 lesson: “If someone says it’s raining & another person says it’s dry, it’s not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out of the f**king window and find out which is true.”
6 years ago
Jings, see how easy it is to give the wrong idea. In the context of Chris Cairns’s cartoon, Hamish is perfect along with John Bull, I think everyone would get the significance easily, and a picture as they say tells a thousand words.
But stuck on my desk?
I need another cuppa tea.
Robert Peffers
6 years ago
@thomas says: 14 July, 2018 at 5:00 pm:
” … Hi robert , but the clan system wasnt just the highlands and islands.
At one point it was all over scotland before retreating to the highlands and islands so that by the mid 18 th century that was all that remained.”
Indeed so but the Celts were themselves immigrants – or were they?
The aboriginal residents in what became Scotland were the Stone Age peoples who once lived where what is now the North Sea now is. We call it Doggerland. It was originally claimed they were only wandering Hunter Gatherers who wandered North in Summers and wandered back south in Winters but as the Ice Age retreated north they remained in the North.
Problem with that theory is the discovery of large permanent settlements like those discovered at Howick in Northumberland. The Hunter Gatherers co-existed with the first farmers who settled down and farmed.
The other problem with the older theories is that the Celts really didn’t eradicate those aboriginal Britons as our gene pool is mainly from the aboriginal Britons. The Celts didn’t invade but came as mainly teachers and religious preachers and we know them as the early saints. The native Britons adopted their language and their culture and the so called Celts are the actually the aboriginal Britons. Those early Celtic Saints were Holy men and many are known to be celibate and lived as hermits.
An amazing discovery was made near the Howick archaeological dig. A local genetics test found a local woman who was directly descended from remains dug up at the Howick Stone Age settlement. Just think on that for a moment – her family had been living in the local area since the Stone age.
Modern archaeology is finding evidence that proves beyond doubt that what has been taught as our history in the past is bunk and history teaching hasn’t quite caught up with the real facts as yet.
Just yesterday I came across an item on the internet quoting from an English newspaper. It was claiming the, “Amazing”, findings that, in their local area there were two women who had paid for personal genetic tests in an effort to discover their family origins. They were, “Amazed”, to find they were not genetically “English”, but descended from Native North Americans yet as far as their family history went back they were English.
There were no theories offered as to how that could be. Yet a survey carried out in the Scottish Northern Isles some time ago had found a fair percentage of Native North American genes in the gene pool. There, though, there was a ready and proven explanation. The Hudson Bay Company in Canada had recruited, “Bay Boys”, in the Scottish islands for a very long time.
“The Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson’s Bay was incorporated on 2 May 1670, with a royal charter from King Charles II.”
Now “Bay Boys”, were not invaders of North America who attempted to kill off the native Americans. They converted the natives to Christianity, married native American wives and it is historic fact that when a Bay Boy died in North America the Hudson Bay Company sent their wives and Children, “Home”, to their families in Britain — to a land they knew nothing about and in the Scottish Northern Isles these family members history was recorded.
That is just one likely explanation for the, “English”, women of North American descent. However, there were many other examples of native North American’s being brought to Britain since the Americas were colonised. Some old teachings have been proven to be claptrap but the old teachings are hard to eradicate even among academics.
Reluctant Nationalist
6 years ago
@ Breeks: “…somehow he has scammed his way into the job of US President.”
I like to think it’s more of a booby prize, or even a non-refusable favour in lieu of paying what he owes after a life of monumentally expensive depravity.
Naughty kids’ bedtime warnings will never be the same again.
“If you don’t behave, one day you might be the POTUS.”
Maria F
6 years ago
Abulhaq says:
“Scotland and its nationalist leaders need to engage with the world”
What makes you think they are not?
From where I am standing, there is much more to the world than Trump.
6 years ago
Bobp says: 14 July, 2018 at 9:50 pm
Pacman.maybe its because they didnt want to privatise our NHS or sell us chlorinated chicken.
if so, given the level of coverage over all the political spectrum of the media, that is telling.
6 years ago
Interesting how Labour and Tories are now so interested in devolving power down from Holyrood to more local power. Being cynical it crosses my mind is that they can’t get into power at Holyrood but can work together at local level to thwart the SNP, as is being proven across Scotland currently.
Also it is not being more democratic as the turnout at local elections is woeful. This is how you have parties like UKIP gaining some power, lack of interest by majority, minority get votes out, you end up with an extremist MEP.
6 years ago
Read the same story at several sources and still don’t understand what TMay is supposed to be saying!
She has warned Tory rebels seeking to derail her latest cherry picking plan, that they could be left with “no Brexit at all”.
To me that reads like she is threatening to simply cancel Brexit.
But no, I suspect she means a no deal Brexit.
FFS!! Does that mean she is actually threatening them with the very thing they want!?
My own brain really hurts trying to understand the workings of Tory brains!
This latest plan, does anyone think it can be anything more that a rough starting point as far as the EU is concerned. It certainly isn’t an acceptable nor workable plan. So why is TMay getting away with her stance? Marr should have torn her to shreads (to use the language of the Express) this morning. Yet he took her seriously.
Brian Powell
6 years ago
I’m trying to work out why Kenny MacAskill would say that, what purpose he has in saying it. He has turned into another Jim Sillar, there is no direction in his arguments.
6 years ago
Dodo: a large extinct flightless bird with a stout body, stumpy wings, a large head, and a heavy hooked bill. It was found on Mauritius until the end of the 17th century
Tory brains: see Dodo
6 years ago
What might have been had wisdom and Scottish practical common sense prevailed.
Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon received the President of the United States Donald Trump at Bute House, the First Minister’s official residence.
The communiqué issued after the private meeting described the encounter as an animated exchange of views on matters such as world trade and immigration. The First Minister made a strong case for Scottish independence which the President listened to with interest particularly given his Mother’s Scottish heritage.
The First Minister presented the President with gifts reflecting the Gaelic culture of Scotland which now enjoys support from the Scottish government after centuries of neglect.
The US President’s next meeting is with the Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.
Brian Powell
6 years ago
If power was devolved from Holyrood to Councils, the Councils would be sitting ducks for control from Westminster.
But of course as with all things Labour can’t see what’s coming.
6 years ago
@Brian Powell
I’m not convinced Labour would care, Holyrood was designed to be their fiefdom. It didn’t work out as planned, they’re looking for another plan.
6 years ago
@ Galamcennalath – is Kenny McKaskill one of the small select band of “former” SNP ministers (plus Jim Sillars) who are MSM favourites when an anti independence/SNP quote is needed? Which is an everyday occurrence.
Or is he acting as a “lightning rod” as Alex Neil was doing during the last election campaign, i.e. expressing a contrary view?
Don’t see why they can’t just ask the present incumbents for an opinion, or would that grant them the “oxygen of publicity” (Thatcher’s phrase).
Radio Scotland is on full damage control today casting slurs on Nicola Sturgeon as Health Minister not implementing a Labour report on reforming the SNHS along the lines of the English reforms.
Good luck with that one.
6 years ago
Once Scotland is independent and we receive POtUS on an official state visit, that may well be the case.
There is much that is puzzling about Kenny McAskill and it goes back a long way.
6 years ago
The unionists councils are part of the problem. They have their own agenda. To mispend public money like the is no tomorrow. Then blame others. Borrowing and spending and getting into debt. Mismanaged public money. Wasting it. Building offices and shops and underoccupied hotels. When there are shops and offices already sitting empty. Instead of building houses and schools. Cutting funds allocated to public services to waste on groteque monstrosities of no value. Totally against public wishes. They are a disgrace and part of the problem. They have created. They just want more public money to be wasted against the public wishes. Giving them even more control will be a disaster. Putting homeless in prison rather than building affordable house etc. Costs more.
The Westminster unionists mismanaging Scottish funds, revenue and taxes. Ruining the Oil & Gas, fishing, farming and other sectors. Wasting Scottish revenues on illegal wars, nuclear and gross mismanagement. Costing Scotland £Billions and thousands of jobs. Sanctioning and starving people. Just appalling. Denying people the basic right to food and shelter.
Trump was on a private visit. That is why Nicola did not need to meet him. Get over it.
6 years ago
From Stu’s twitter – comment on BBC Scotland dredging up an ancient health report to smear the FM:
The MSM,the unionist establishment and their representatives like Rock and Abulhaq are losing this current debate big time.
Robert Peffers
6 years ago
@thomas says: 14 July, 2018 at 6:24 pm:
” … I think a lot of the problem was the norman french takeover in the lowlands circa 12th century during the davidian revolution … “
Let’s just get this correct, Thomas. I’m not the one attempting to compartmentalise Scottish history to one particular time period to suit a particular theory.
I’m the one looking at the whole and complete, (as far as can be currently proven), picture. There are several, already disproven older theories that just do not hold up under current evidence.
I’ll briefly highlight some. “The Scots really are Irish”?
Yet more recent archaeological digs on the more difficult to get to Sea Stacks and the harder to access Scottish Islands have found artefacts that pre-date those from Ireland that the, “Scots came from Ireland”, theory was based upon. Carbon dating does not lie.
The more reasonable theory is the common sense one that, as the seas and rivers were the superhighways of the times, the Tribes known as the Scots lived all around the shores of what we now call the Irish Sea and they then penetrated inland through the dense, almost impenetrable, Great Caledonian Forest that was the natural environment that covered the whole of Scotland.
The existence of the very large, “Middens”, composed of sea shells around Scotland’s coasts proves the point that the Scots were tribes that inhabited the shores around both what became Scotland & Ireland. After all there is only around 23 miles between Scotland and Ireland at the narrowest point.
If the waterways were the easier to navigate areas than the forests then common sense says humans would use the seas and rivers rather than hack their way through forests full of dangerous wild animals and would live, as we know they did, on food from the seas and rivers.
There isn’t a square foot of Scotland that was not artificially created by humans to make habitable and most of the barren wasteland that is now modern Scotland resulted from humans being driven out to make way for sheep. Our Highland glens and Southern Uplands once supported far larger populations than they do today and yet some would fight to keep those lands barren believing that was Scotland’s natural habitat – it isn’t. Fence off an area to keep out sheep and deer and the enclosure will soon revert to the forest it once was.
6 years ago
@Dave McEwan Hill
I can’t make McAskill out. He does have a voice in the MSM, and perhaps that’s the point, he can get the odd quote in with the other critical stuff, and will still be there when it’s important, i.e. near the actual date of Indy Ref 2. Or he’s bitter because he was sacked by Sturgeon. He does go way back with Salmond though. Shrug.
ronnie anderson
6 years ago
Capella Nicola not implementing was mentioned in Holyrood debate i think the message to Labour was to get elected & form a Gov & implement their own report .
There’s no free ride in the SNP:If you’re good for the party you’re in, if you’re not you’re out
Kenny MacAskill is from a different era in politics when times were a little easier and slacker and politicians could coast from time to time, like the Labour party do all the time so sometimes some ex politicians get grumpy when they’ve gone out of favour and have a moan in the newspapers about not being loved enough, but Nicola Sturgeon demands 100% all the time from everybody including herself
The FM is driven 24 hours a day in everything she does all for her vision of Scotlands potential and if you work for the SNP under her leadership you have to graft or you’re gone, it’s that simple
The media and the opposition try to portray her as some sort of tyrannical obsessive dictator, she’s not she’s just totally focussed 100% of the time on her work for Scotland and expects everybody else to do the same
You never hear Michelle Thomson complain about her ex boss
and likely you won’t hear Shona Robison complain either
Not easy being an SNP anything when every single British entity is after your head, so you have to be pretty tough and that means casualties from time to time and sometimes the casualties don’t like it
6 years ago
Scotland’s FM is not responsible for reserved matters so no point in being civil to an arsehole like Trump, there is nothing to be gained from such a meeting.
The inflated Trump balloons have upset Trump & will be shown all over the world, therefore superb.
Rab MacLaren
6 years ago
“After all there is only around 23 miles between Scotland and Ireland at the narrowest point.L
12 miles actually!
6 years ago
There will be a GE. The Tories will lose to get them out of the mess. A complete shambles. The next lot will be as bad. People do not know whether to laugh or greet. Cameron caused it. Another Tory/unionist scandal. Lining their pockets and embezzling public money. £Trns in debt. Just a disgrace.
In Trump’s U.K. Visit, Some See ‘Infomercial’ for Money-Losing Golf Resort; link to
Flower of Scotland
6 years ago
I used to leaflet for Kenny MacAskill decades ago in West Lothian. I always thought he was a good guy. He was one of the 79 group with Alex Salmond on the left.
I don’t know what happened to him, but in my mind I’m very disappointed with him. He is like Sillars. Grumping all the time about SNP policies. He would be better shutting up!
Robert Peffers
6 years ago
@Abulhaq says: 14 July, 2018 at 7:23 pm:
That is probably the most hilarious Unionist pish I’ve read in a very long time indeed, and, believe me, I’ve read a great many hilariously pretentious unionist comments of recent years.
6 years ago
@Dr Jim / @Flower of Scotland
The SNP Conference NATO debate in 2012 was one of the most hotly debated issues ever for the SNP, as Robertson backed by Salmond and others moved for the SNP to change from its stance of backing “Partners for Peace” (PfP) in NATO, to full membership. Remember Finnie resigned from the SNP after.
McAskill’s speech was one of the most passionate, and very strong too, he took no prisoners criticising the other side of the debate. In the event it was won by a very small majority which took a long time counting. And yet he was going against his own ideals for the sake of Independence, and even though membership of NATO would win few YES votes, the PfP stance would in my opinion have kept a lot of people on a NO. Defence is something we take for granted, and PfP would have given Better Together a massive axe to use against Indy Scotland.
So for me there’s no doubting his YES credentials, he put himself very much second to the cause of YES, and went for it like a bull in a china shop. It’s why I’m prepared to defend him – if he needs any defence at all of course 🙂
“Perhaps the most influential speech came from Kenny MacAskill, the Justice Secretary. He opened with a wry reminder that he was scarcely in the pocket of the United States (as the man who released the Lockerbie bomber from prison.)
But then it was passion, emotion. He had marched with CND, he said. He had lobbied and cajoled for nuclear disarmament. He was “tired of marching”. He wanted independent power in order to bring about change. The chat after the debate was that he may have won the day with his powerful pitch. ”
I agree.
6 years ago
The irony of that, by the way, is it’s likely all Grun’s Sevvie’s fault the stance changed from PfP to full membership, and a factor in the rise of support for Indy rose from 25% to 45%, as he persecuted Robertson and the SNP about the NATO issue. Let’s hear it for our Sevvie 🙂
6 years ago
A personal and quite possible cynical view of McAskill and co with their anti-SNP sniping.
People who go into politics are like everyone else. Regardless of their motivations, they are compensated for their role with a salary. If they leave politics then they go to another profession that offers a similar level of salary.
That’s all very well if you had a profession before you entered politics that offers a similar level of pay you can fall back into or are able to go into a new one due to your previous political experience. What happens if that doesn’t happen?
I can’t help but feel that the House of Lords isn’t only a reward for politicians as a reward for towing the British establishment line but also to stop them from undermining it in the form of not stopping them from biting the (British establishment) hand that feeds them?
If this assumption is correct it is a good form of control by the British establishment to stop ex British politicians from spilling the beans, so to speak. There is no way that the Scottish government could implement this because because they would be rightly criticised for trying to buy silence.
Here’s A Few Incredibly Scottish Signs Telling Donald Trump He’s A Wee Shitebag; link to
Queen Elizabeth II is a ‘fantastic & amazing woman,’ Trump says after UK trip; link to
liz g
6 years ago
Re Trump
Here’s a thought….
As POTUS or even ex POTUS,how can he ever visit his Golf courses again,in an Independent Scotland without the consent of the First Minister and or the Scottish government?
So while that’s Nicola ….
And even when it’s someone else, having brought our Government home and mair tae the point “within slapping distance” and given the strength of feeling about him coming to Scotland ,I don’t think Auld Trumpy boy will see his Golf Courses again!
His best hope is to sell up before Holyrood get round to land reform and foreign ownership of Scotland!!!!
As “they” say them that laugh last laugh the longest…
6 years ago
The MSM nonsense, They can’t even google a few facts. What a bunch of complete useless incompetents. Havering total nonsense.
Here’s what the UK media isn’t telling you about the violent riots in Derry; link to
Theresa May Said Donald Trump’s Told Her To “Sue The EU” And Refuse To Negotiate Brexit; link to
German minister warns Trump against unilateral deals with Putin; link to
6 years ago
It’s just the normal BBC Scotland news output. Decide the story you want then go and look for anything that will confirm your story, it’s simple. They don’t even need to look outside to see if it’s raining, it is what they say it is as far as they are concerned (referencing someone else’s post regarding journalist training).
auld highlander
6 years ago
Smallaxe, re the wee queenie wifie, trumpy is just erse lickin.
The Yanks do have a thing about the “Queen of England”, I daresay Trump is no different.
6 years ago
That opinion poll in todays Observer has a very surprising result (at least to me) to the question:
Q:EUR9. Earlier this year the Prime Minister said, in relation to Brexit, that “no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal for Britain”. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Excluding don’t knows and neither agree or disagree, then across UK 72% Agree 28% Disagree. In Scotland only, 56% Agree 44% Disagree.
I guess it shows that people can be brainwashed by a single slogan if it’s said often enough, pretty scary how easily the public can be manipulated.
I’d be tempted to agree though. I guess for people if the UK is going to pay, then it needs some benefits for that payment, so a bad deal is the worst outcome.
auld highlander
6 years ago
Aye indeed Smallaxe, the trumpies did not follow etiquette as he failed to give her a wee bow and she failed to curtsy. Oh the shame, smirk.
Just as well he never gave her a wee pat on the behind.
6 years ago
You’ll not be surprised that I strongly disagree.
No deal has to be the baddest of all bad deals.
The people will pay all right if it’s a No Deal and it’ll cost them a hell of a lot more than any contribution that might have been paid to the EU from their taxes.
Cost to business of customs transactions £20 billion, 800,000 job losses, 9% lower GDP ect ect. No deal will be very costly indeed.
ICYMI: Brexit Balls Up! It’s fun to watch, but does anyone actually know what’s going on?; link to
6 years ago
Booger! I put in the new free SSLforfree cert a few days before expiry on a minor website but forgot to restart Apache. Slap slap. Oh well, only a few hours lost.
6 years ago
Has another sleeper mole been activated.
Is it getting near the end game.
Tell everyone you know to vote YES this time.
6 years ago
Yes indeed, but that’s for not having SM / CU.
I’d say if there was another question about Brexit about the type of Brexit, a majority would want a soft Brexit with a “good” deal – or staying in the EU completely.
It’s as always the actual wording of the question.
6 years ago
Here’s news of part of Ireland’s preparations for a No Deal Brexit just released.
Ireland to move oil reserves from UK over Brexit – Sunday Independent
DUBLIN (Reuters) – The Irish government is planning to move 200,000 tonnes of its oil reserves from Britain as part of its Brexit preparations and will sign off on the move this week, Ireland’s Sunday Independent newspaper reported.
The stories of the UK running out of food in the shops and petrol or medicines in the event of No Deal within a week or two might not be as exaggerated as some may think.
Peter Mandelson joins Brexiters in attack on May’s EU ‘humiliation’; link to
6 years ago
200,000 tonnes is apparently 1.4 million barrels of petroleum, and that’s refined not crude oil. Ummm, quite a lot of money!
Yeah, it’s a reminder that in the autumn I’ll have to look at getting stocks of some stuff for business to see me through the disruptions 🙁 🙁
Cashflow will be a booger. Stupid effing Tories, who’d have ’em?
6 years ago
It’s a loaded question, who would ever say they wanted a bad deal as opposed to a totally unspecified deal (in this case no deal is a bad deal, but it’s not how the question is phrased).
Bit like asking do you want no independence rather than bad independence. pretty much guarantees the answer you want.
6 years ago
The No deal question is dumb. If the bad deal required us all to wear our underpants on our heads and stick pencils up our nose then you could argue that no deal would be better.
In order to determine whether no deal is better than a bad deal you have first to define the bad deal. The bad deal could be worse or better than no deal. If you assume that the bad deal is very, very bad then of course no deal might be the better option.
Pride comes before a fool as Nicola Sturgeon ignores Donald Trump’s visit to lead equality parade; link to
6 years ago
Piers Morgan and Nigel Farage are a couple of racist little Englanders.
Morgan and Farage are Trumps first point of contact when in comes to anything regarding British Politics.
6 years ago
Public enquiries are set up to delve into the areas of a scandal that the politicians want them to reveal, and avoid the areas that they want the public kept in the dark about. Hence there is rarely ever any prosecutions of those at the top of government/industry as a result. Want they will find is some middle ranker to pin the blame on if it is felt a head needs to role.
Jockanese Wind Talker
6 years ago
“The stories of the UK running out of food in the shops and petrol or medicines in the event of No Deal within a week or two might not be as exaggerated as some may think.” @Thepnr says at 1:06 pm
It is all part of the Tory plan I think unfortunately
No Deal Brexit
Impose state of emergency
Close Holyrood
Mundells beefed up Scotland Office now officially the “UK Government in Scotland” will become our defacto Government (think Vichy France).
Then it’ll be “God save the Queen and her Neo-Fascist Regime”.
Many Scots are ignorant of Scottish history, partly because it was not taught properly at many schools for decades. Nevertheless, there are loads of people with a very good knowledge and interest.
Like any topic, there are different angles and there are many historians who disagree with each other. One has to read different historians to form your own view.
Robert Peffers appears to have a good knowledge but his is but one view among many, although on Wings he does seem to be predominant and this is an observation, not a criticism.
When the BREXIT vow comes out, that’s when you know the establishment panic level has finally gone critical. IMO there will be a signed promise to deliver SOFT BREXIT MAX.
(with bells on). 🙂
Whether BREXIT is good or bad, the UK (ahem) voted for it and that’s what many people want. The full Monty. What they will get will be a watered-down version: BREXIT in name only. When the people realise they have been duped, that the UK will transform from being a member of the EU to being a colony of the EU all hell will break loose.
Heck, it may even persuade me of these disappointed Scottish LEAVE voters to support independence again. 🙂
6 years ago
@ Yesindyref2 @ 10:04am ….. “Trump in himself is largely an irrelevance to getting a YES vote.”
I reckon Trump will be a main player as soon as Indyref2 is announced. He’ll be extremely vocal in his opposition and will no doubt make all kinds of cataclysmic threats towards Scotland. There’s no way that he’ll want to see us remain in the EU / out of the UK and with the ability to rid ourselves of Trident. On a positive note Trump’s “interventions”, when the time comes, could get right up Scottish noses. We’ll see.
People like Abulhaq seem to think that Nicola was wrong in not seeing Trump. The fact is that Trump didn’t want to acknowledge her, no doubt at the behest of T May et al. And we all know what that’s about.
Foreign direct investments in the US have fallen by a third since Trump took over.
Why is it people concentrate on investments in the same way you look at debts ? You look at public debt instead of private debt the debt that matters ?
Investors chase profits not ideological purity. A growing economy with innovative investment in public infrastructure is fertile for attracting FDI. Building sustainable growth through high employment with stable prices with good wages and appropriate productivity improvements and strong rule of law is fertile for attracting FDI. Investors don’t go on strike under these circumstances they are knocking down your door to invest to steal all of that aggregate demand.
People choose to ignore Foreign Portfolio Investment, which represents foreign investments in a nation’s financial assets which bear no interest in an underlying productive activity in the real sector of the economy. Driven by unregulated financial markets and the four freedoms.
It includes purchases of shares, corporate and government bonds, and other local currency-denominated assets which are typically easier to liquidate than assets created by FDI. Real estate is included in this category if held for speculative purposes, although it is less liquid than the array of financial assets that the ‘hot’ money is attracted to.
Clearly, this capital can be withdrawn very quickly and can be the source of financial instability and we’ve seen first hand the problem it causes with house prices.
If these type of investors don’t like say Corbyn’s tax policies they will start a run on the £ that is ideologicaly driven. They will try and destabilise a left wing government as much as possible.
Capital controls function to limit the extent of the currency depreciation when a currency is under attack from ‘hot money’ speculators.
If targeted to short-term capital transactions (‘hot money’) they counter the speculative flows that might destabilise an exchange rate and force a nation to run down its foreign exchange reserves.
You don’t want those you love the four freedoms. You love stockholm syndrome that gives power away to some unelected entity that you can serve.
For example, China prevents foreign funds from investing directly into its capital market. It also has quotas on the use of short-term foreign debt that its domestic banks can engage. They know the consequences if they don’t.
Those that love the four freedoms and stockholm syndrome say that the financial markets will always subvert capital controls, but the reality is different. Speculators know full well that such controls stop their damaging behaviour.
Otherwise, why would investors and speculators cry bloody murder whenever capital controls are mentioned as a possibility?
While it is usually claimed that imposing such controls would automatically cut a country off from access to international capital markets, plunging the nation into autarchy, the experience of various countries that have imposed capital controls in recent years disproves this claim.
Indeed, the evidence shows that countries that employed constraints on surging capital inflows fared better than countries with open capital accounts in the recent global financial crisis.
In fact, it is often forgotten that the Bretton Woods system was ultimately derailed precisely by speculative capital flows that threatened the exhaustion of the foreign exchange and/or gold reserves of nations running external deficits.
It is also the case, that it was only capital controls that gave any semblance of currency stability during the fixed exchange rate period, especially in the various European arrangements that followed the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971.
They also claim that a nation will run out of money if foreign investors lose confidence in the government, or, more to the point, dislike the policies it is pursuing.
This is also false.
No foreign investor funds a sovereign currency-issuing government. As long as that government does not borrow in a foreign currency it is financially sound.
As long as they do not allow the neoliberals to cause a crises like they have just done in Argentina. The first 2 things the neoliberal government did in Argentina was stop capital controls and borrowed in US$.
In February 2010, the IMF released a research paper – Capital Inflows: The Role of Controls – where they argued that under certain circumstances “capital controls … is justified as part of the policy toolkit to manage inflows”.
The IMF concluded that short-term speculative surges can compromise sound macroeconomic management – by pushing the exchange rate up and undermining trade competitiveness.
They also acknowledged that:
… large capital inflows may lead to excessive foreign borrowing and foreign currency exposure, possibly fueling domestic credit booms (especially foreign-exchange denominated lending) and asset bubbles (with significant adverse effects in the case of a sudden reversal).
FDI which “may include a transfer of technology or human capital” can “boost long-term growth”, but the flows associated with FPI – “such as portfolio investment and banking and especially hot, or speculative, debt inflows — seem neither to boost growth nor allow the country to better share risks with its trading partners”.
Another IMF article (June 2016) – Neoliberalism: Oversold? – concluded that short-term capital flows have questionable legitimacy and that:
Among policymakers today, there is increased acceptance of controls to limit short-term debt flows that are viewed as likely to lead to—or compound—a financial crisis. While not the only tool available—exchange rate and financial policies can also help—capital controls are a viable, and sometimes the only, option when the source of an unsustainable credit boom is direct borrowing from abroad.
Which asks the question why a nation would ever allow unfettered FPI. Driven by unregulated financial markets. One of the four freedoms free movement of capital ?
Why anybody would want to support a type of democracy that allows the neoliberal gloablists to depoliticise their decisions, thus reducing the political costs of unpopular policies, by ‘scapegoating’ international institutions (such as the European Commission) or simply by blaming ‘the markets’ is beyond me.
In my own view it is insane and not democracy at all it is what George Monbiot has written about for decades and nothing more than state capture. When the poachers become gamekeepers.
Yet, here we kicking and screaming wanting to protect the four freedoms and state capture either by unelected technocrats or hedge funds and investors.
Of course the very same people will tell you that they can reform the EU within and Jeremy Corbyn will reform the EU. Which is nothing more than pure delusion free movement of capital is one of the four freedoms and we know what the EU thinks about those.
The lazy Greek, the dim witted Irish, the hot bloodied Italian, The sleepy Spanish, the commie french or the nationalistic scot just won’t cut it anymore.
Great drawing, you captured Mundell’s glaikit face perfectly.
What’s with the left handed driver?
For all Trump cares, Mundell might well be our FM. He has the awareness of a brick.
Excellent Chris, covers it very well.
Stayin’ alive Mundell eh…
They’ve nae gbaws.
Can you find Cairnstoon Hamish…?
Click to enlarge.
C.C. 🙂
I especially like ‘ Orange Jobby’ !!!
For all his faults and their are many- Trump will recognise Mundell for the snivelling wee suck up toadie that he is, straight away. Seriously, why is he even meeting him? Supposedly representing the ‘uk’ Government in Scotland or some such rubbish. I do not doubt Mundell literally pleaded to be ‘allowed’ to take part in the Trump visit, and, rather than be allowed to participate down in London at the proper ceremonies, was told, he could get to meet trump, up in Scotland for a few minutes afterwards. F*****g pathetic.
Honestly, in all history if you ever wanted to find a true weasel of a man, then many might think they have found him in Mundell. Zero personal integrity, zero self respect. A nothing man. A truly pathetic excuse for humanity. happy to sell out Scotland for his masters in England.
With any luck fascist Trump will take him home with him to the USA as a pet lapdog or whipping boy.
Oh aye Cactus!
There’s oor Hamish =)
I saw a placard in George Square yesterday, “Trump has shit hair”
Trump is too coward to meet Scotlands First Minister. He is an intellectual dwarf next to her.
Robert Louis, the picture you conjure for me is from ‘Aliens from Mars’ (very hi brow me) when the ‘lap dug’ ends up with his head on the body of a wee jappy dog 🙂
(sorry folks this is a pretty old niche kids’ film ref but hey it fits!)
Mundell does not even earn the title ‘Toom Tabard’.
Fails even faint praise.
What a shame. Where did that poor wee ladie lose hisself?
Beautiful, Chris.
I like Tangerine Tube. Quality title. Chris has been honing his skills. It’s almost photographic.
@Thepnr says: 14 July, 2018 at 7:15 am:
” … What’s with the left handed driver?”
Aiblins yon Trump gadgie mun bi corrie jukkit, (Perhaps that Trump fellow may be left handed).
BTW: the term Corrie derives from the large Borders Family Carr who were predominantly left handed.
Spiral staircases in their Borders seat homes were built left handed. The reason being that if they had to defend the fortified dwellings the right handed spiral staircases would be a handicap to their use of swords in their left hands but being built left handed they were a handicap to the attackers.
@Robert Louis
It was more that nobody in ScotGov wanted to meet and greet and nobody they would trust from ScotGov not to bail him up either. So Fluffy the Toady got the gig instead. Protocol etc.
Still, it seems the White House has assumed a Yes vote in IndyRef2 is a given.
I registered for an Aquarium discussion group yesterday and they actually had Scotland as a country. I was most pleased.
Robert Louis puts it beautifully. Fluffy is the epitome of the crawling weasel. All he will show Trump is the weakness in some Scots.
He (Trump) will do well to not underestimate the resolve of the majority of us.
Great cartoon such a laugh.
@Brian McHugh says: 14 July, 2018 at 7:45 am:
” … Trump is too coward to meet Scotlands First Minister.”
Well, Brian, I would venture a guess that he didn’t get the chance of an invitation from the Scottish Government to meet with the First Minister.
I’ll explain my reasoning – Trump’s visit is actually not an official state visit by the POTUS but a private business trip by Trump. As such there is no duty upon the SG or FM to officially formally greet a visiting head of state.
The FM has been quite open about her feelings about Trump and has been quoted by the media as expressing her feelings that Trump is no friend of Scotland.
Captured Trump’s ‘Mussolini expression’ perfectly!
And there oor wee Hamish keekin owr the bankin’.
It is a puzzle!
How can such a genius, sex God, diplomat and modest man be so misunderstood by so many (…so many relates to this side of the pond of course)
A self made millionaire who started in business with a meagre $20million gift from his father….how many of us could have achieved success from such a difficult foundation.
Ian McCubbin says:
14 July, 2018 at 8:34 am
Robert Louis puts it beautifully. Fluffy is the epitome of the crawling weasel. All he will show Trump is the weakness in some Scots.
He (Trump) will do well to not underestimate the resolve of the majority of us.
Great cartoon such a laugh.
Agreed. Remember when Spitting Image depicted David Steel as a sycophantic toady for Michael Owen? By some accounts the depiction destroyed his credibility and ended David Steel’s career, but you’d have to wonder how Spitting Image would depict the likes of Mundell.
[…] Wings Over Scotland The bag carrier Read the full article:: Wings Over Scotland The […]
Good point re Spitting Image. It was great in the 80s with Thatchers cabinet. Theres a massively richer vein of material to mine now. Would love to see them do it again
Lampooning Trump is fun. He sets himself up for it. However he holds the US presidency. Nicola Sturgeon rather than having a day out in Glasgow might have shown some diplomatic, statesmanlike nous by meeting the guy, explaining to him why his mother’s homeland would be a much better place as an independent state and teach him a bit of history on Scoto-english relations. Not too hard really. Could be ‘fun’ getting to know the guy.
Better the devil you know than the one you disapprovingly turn your nose up at.
Personally, I’d love to have a chat, put him ‘right’ about the MidEast and other things the US has got messed up and that a certain hawkish Hilary Clinton might have made even worse.
Breeks, @ 8.54 am there are no levels of degradation to which our Brit Nat Uncle Tom politicians won’t stoop for money.
Mundell’s latest public grovelling to the New World Order does inspire us to literary comparisons.
Uriah Heep Dicken’s sycophantic arsehole, wringing his’wery ‘umble’ hands and bowing to his betters, for money and the promise of elevation to the Elite Club.
Mundell is Lewis Carroll’s slythy tove in ‘Jabberwocky’.
Like the modern day not very talented Dim But Nice Tory Boys,he will do anything for money no matter how humiliating, or insulting to our country in the eyes of his fellow Scots.
Like Gorgeous George before him who crawled on hands and knees in a pink leotard lapping up milk from a saucer, or Kezia fucking off to the jungle to drink penis wine for dosh when she was supposed to be serving the citizens of Scotland, or Mum 2B Davidson whoring herself on TV shows, Mundell, with astonishingly little skills or basic human qualities is used by May and the London Elite to act as this megalomaniac’s batman and gopher.
Tories will do anything for money except serve the people of Scotland.
A Master Class in Arse licking and defeat.
The BBC snd CH4 are interviewing anti Trump protestors, BBC radio Scotland are advertising the time and place of the Demos.
Normall treatment of anti war and independence demos is for the camera to focus on some eccentric, with camera angles that downplay the turnout.
Why are anti Trump protestors being treated differently from any other protestors that I can remember.
‘Mars Attacks!’
That was the film where Fuffily Mundelly ended up with his head on a wee dug’s body.
Abulsag, you are so wrong.
Nicola Sturgeon is showing the world it IS possible to be true to your beliefs and to have integrity, even in the highest positions in politics.
Top line in Mundell”s job description is:
“must have the ability to suffer humiliation in silence, brown nose, ditch your principals, endure long periods of isolation and sell your country down the river whilst mumbling incoherently.”
And doesn’t he do his job just brilliantly!
I had this concern after he was elected and thought nicola was unwise to have made the comments she did before he was elected.
however, nicola spoke out very clearly saying that sometimes you need to stand up for what you believe in.
with hindsight, i think she was and is right. principles matter.
wrt trump, making an enemy of the most powerful person in the world is not something you do lightly, but i dont think trump coming out against indy scotland will lose us any votes. he has become a figure of fun, if anything, i’m betting the unionist hope he keeps schtum. he is now a liability and a vote loser
Being a caddy is temporary promotion for Fluffy. A change from the ignominious routine of being Theresa May’s tartan footstool.
NS is damned if she dose and damned if she doesnt meet him.
I am guessing damage limitation wins the day with a no meet, but it doesnt have to be done discourteously, i think she is on the money with this one – again.
Our principal has no principles. Our Governer General will know his place and will not share locker room talk with The Donald. Wait! No I will not stray or grope around territory that could be a minefield.
I cannot escape the thought that the best way to upset an egotist is to ignore him.
fat fingers, wee phone!
Re. anti Trump protestors Clydebuilt says ‘BBC radio Scotland are reporting the time and place of the demos.
This in contrast to a complete blackout of any information about independence marches. On the day only mentioned on traffic news as a march that may cause delays. Question what turnout we might have if we got that kind of publicity.
Brilliant cartoon again Chris. Got Mundell’s obsequious mug perfectly.
You get to choose your politics in an Independent country:
We don’t have different politics in Scotland we only have one, either you’re for Scotland or you’re for the UK and anything inbetween is a pretendy excuse for being a British Nationalist
The folk who start discussions with *I would support Independence but* usually followed by references to Nicola Sturgeon or finance or *the future in doubt* are just making up excuses to buy themselves time to come up with their own reason to convince you to buy into the UK status quo because you either believe a country should be run by itself or you don’t, whoever is in charge of that country at any given time would be a matter for the people of that country to vote on when you’re a proper country like every other country
The counter argument for the UK is simply you don’t want the people of your own country to have a meaningful vote thereby denying democracy, because to believe in the UK version is to believe that England by right should maintain a voting ratio of ten to one over Scotland in perpetuity thereby always, always denying Scotland a legitimate say on anything, and that’s dictatorship in anybodies language
Big countries with military ambitions always want to be bigger and will happily absorb every other country they can if they think it’ll make them more powerful or even seem more powerful and those bigger countries will always tell the smaller countries they would be doomed to penury or violent destruction without their larger protectors being the benevolent dictators that they are, but when you take a look around the world you see that the only people doing the destroying are those bigger countries by gobbling up everything in sight and then sucking them dry to feed the original big country
Where does it end? well it ends by telling the big country with it’s military showy offy ambitions NO I’ll join up with a whole load of other countries who don’t subscribe to that idea thanks and in the case of Scotland there’s 27 of them just across the water and a whole bunch of them to the north of us as well across another bit of water who don’t want to take us prisoner and threaten us with all that unpleasant stuff, and I know there are is the argument of defence that the British Nationalists always come back to but I have to counter that one by saying the future of defence isn’t a big bomb or a big gun anymore, get with the program, the future of defence is a bunch of laptops and a bunch of geeks
I think the most inventive country in the world, Scotland, has both and I’m very confident in my children and grandchildren to continue to make that so, whereas left to much of my generations apathy we really would be doomed
It’s not a risk it’s an adventure…….. Vote YES
Nicola will tread lightly and have Trump right under the thumb. Just like the rest. Support education and the NHS and the special relationship Scotland has with the world. Over 10% of US voters are of Scottish decent, Enough to swing an election. A powerful lobby in Washington. Friends world wide. In the EU etc. 40million diasporia. .
Doubt Trump even noticed Mundell. The amount of people leaving the plane. Hunners. It was like a tardis. Spilling over. A right carry on with a buggy load behind. For a two night stop. Totally over the top. Trump has invested £Millions in Scotland. Puts it on the map. Brings a lot of tourists and cruise vessels. Lots of Americans visit Scotland. Looking for their ancestry. Many people from Scotland have US connections.
Trade and give aid. Do not invade might be relevant, Stop and refuelling on the way to Russia and the Kremlin. Should be an Interesting outcome. Jaw jaw not War War. The warmongering unionists. Killing and maiming millions in the UK and abroad. Sanctioning and starving people, causing the worst migration crisis in the world since the 11WW. Now their Brexit mess. They are despicable. An International disgrace, The sooner they are gone the better. The Trump just another short term distraction.
@Robert Peffers 08:26 “the term Corrie derives from the large Borders Family Carr who were predominantly left handed”.
That’s interesting I hadn’t heard that one, I always thought it came from the much older Gaelic “cearr, left or wrong hand”.
Drawing of their truly gorgeous faces magnificent.
Truly brilliant Chris 🙂
The left handed staircase is actually better for a right handed attacker. The reasons it’d be chosen would be to suit the defenders who retain the advantages of unfamiliarity if the attackers haven’t fought left handers or on that kind of stairs.
Marker Post at 7.45
Saw this from Des Clarke this morning “Trump flies up to Scotland on Hair Farce One.”
@Robert Peffers
My father used to say corrie haunit in his Ayrshire accent because I have always used my left hand a lot, but not to write. I’m old enough to have had left handed writing discouraged at school. I tend to use tools left handed.
I had heard the tale of the Border’s castle with left handed staircase. Since I realised it would advantage both left defender and right attacker I wondered if the design was more a statement of ‘celebration’ of the family’s left handedness in a world where it must have been considered negative/suspicious/bad.
Anent the Tangerine Tube’s visit to Scotland. In the lead-up BBC Shortbread showed clips from President Eisenhower’s weekend visit to his apartment in Culzean Castle.
That apartment was given to Ike, for his use during his lifetime, in thanks for his work as Supreme Allied Cmmander in WWII. As such it was as much his property as Trump Turnberry is the current POTUS’s property.
But, the then Secretary of State for Scotland was not ordered down there to greet Ike, and, of course, we didn’t have a First Minister then.
He was left to get on with it and pretty-much left alone apart from the obligatory photo-ops for the press.
That visit was before Dallas, after which security around POTUS was ratched-up several notches, but, at the end of the day, in both 1959 and 2018, the presidential visits to Ayrshire were private affairs, so why all the kerfuffle.
A 30-vehicle motorcade FFS, he could have got off Air Force One waved to the crowd, got onto Marine One and been at Turnberry in less time and with a lot less fuss and bother.
Of course, unlike Ike, who was a simple soldier, accepting the call to serve his nation, the Tangerine Tube has an ego the size of Alaska and wants the world to know He’s Da Man.
History will judge whether Trump visiting Scotland but failing to meet with Scotland’s elected Government is a snub for Scotland as the BritNats will portray it, or yet another monumental diplomatic faux pas by the Americans. There’s probably more than a hint of both.
It’s a bit like GERS figures. They can be twisted to say whatever you want to say, but it would appear safe to say that where South Britain stands with the Americans, whereas Scotland would rather stand with Europe. The BritNats would have us Scots feel threatened by that “bleak” possibility, but for my part, I’m completely relaxed and more than happy about it.
Had to drive to Monkton to pick up a pup for the Mrs, what a waste of money Traffic Cones every 10/15yds & Police on 12 hour shifts to protect his plane /helicopters ect.
BTW Police Scotland your officers are exposed to the SUN no shelters , wee Gizbo’s would come in handy should that Muppet come back to Scotland .
I actually now believe that time’s up on Mumbles and Preggers. They have tried and tried and tried and relentlessly promoted them but they are still only at the giddy heights of about 24% in the polls (and I hardly believe that).
Carlaw and the Professor don’t fit and I can’t see anybody else.
Saw a generous interview with Richard Who? on STV the other night. Are they going to run with him again for a bit?
We surely go into the final contest as favourites.
a carrier bag is more useful than this bag carrier
I am sure Mr Mundell in preparation for his meet and greet (both meanings) had a tasty morsel in his beard ready to pass round with the canapes
High Heid Yins such as the Tangerine Tube have to meet and greet so-many people in the course of a day, they cannot possibly know who is next up for the formal handshake and maybe, if they are lucky, the picture.
So, they have jobsworths ready to whisper in their ear, something like: “The small lady in the big hat, carrying the hand bag, she’s the Queen of England, has been for 66-years; she’s met 11 previous Presidents, so be nice Mr President.”
Wonder what was whispered in his ear when he looked out of the window of Air Force One and saw the Viceroy waiting for him.
ronnie anderson says:
14 July, 2018 at 11:45 am
Had to drive to Monkton to pick up a pup for the Mrs, what a waste of money Traffic Cones every 10/15yds & Police on 12 hour shifts to protect his plane /helicopters ect.
BTW Police Scotland your officers are exposed to the SUN no shelters , wee Gizbo’s would come in handy should that Muppet come back to Scotland .
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This cartoon is just amazing on so many levels. Do you do prints or something. I want a copy for the wall. How can I buy one?
Folk are being too hard on Fluffy, it’s not every day you get promoted from teeaboy to bag lady.
The Devil has all the best dunes. Or Menie of them anyway.
Great toon Chris. 🙂
On leaders?
Personally? I’m good with the FM we’ve got. 🙂
Said in a Janet from Dr Finlay voice:
“Welcome to Northern Britain, you Magnificence. I’ve made you a lovely cup of tea and a wee scone. Carry you bags, sir?”
O/T 51st Highland Division
For those interested Sunday 8pm channel 4 tells the story of the capture of the 51st HD at St Valery during the Dunkirk retreat.
More Scottish soldiers sacrificed for the greater westminster good, told by the soldiers that were their.
Robert Peffers @8:26am
The Corrie fisted Borders Clan is Kerr another branch being Ker, both had houses in the Borders Ferniehirst and Cessford (now a single wall ruin). The name is still pronounced “Carr” in the borders, hence Deborah Kerr the actress pronounced Carr. In the 1200’s some of the family moved South to Northampton and changed their name to Carr keeping the same pronunciation. WE were on the Government side at Culloden as you will see if you look up Wikipedia.
I am of the same name but an ardent SNP supporter and one who was there when Winnie Ewing won Hamilton.
Terrific cartoon. Sums it up so well.
Nicely drawn cartoon and wee Hamish there too. 🙂
James has an updated article piece on the latest poll in The National.
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Marches in Catalonia today to demand freedom for politicians jailed by the Spanish Fascists.
Despite all that is going on here we should spare thought for our friends in Catalonia.
Disgraceful situation continues over there.
I think it would have been wiser for our glorious leader to try and exploit The CombOvers visit – to guarantee an even-hand at least from the US on the independence issue – but it seems she needs to virtue signal to the identity politics pseudo-left.
Which makes me glad – I mean, when we “do a catalonia” and then the UK deep state “does a Spain” on us – she can simply pick up the phone and call on … 200 trannies to come and fight our corner. Which ain’t nuthin – they are certainly capable of crazy violence when roused.
– And the Scottish legions cried out not for “FREEDOM ! ALBA ! ” – but “I am what I am” and “I feel love” … the UK army lay defeated on the plain of Salisbury, the paras, the gurkhas, the SAS, their battle honours stripped from them, bodies impaled on long spears … our schiltroms proud, the air faintly wafting poppers and the techno skirling among the smoke … some of the captured were taken off to a crystal meth party, never to be seen again …
– maybe Nicola took a sensible middle ground, as she often does – she didn’t meet him but she kept mostly quiet on the issue. I trust our leader though – she is savvy and makes few mistakes (- how many opponents have she and Big Lexo before her seen off?)
Petras is usually bang on the money – read the first section, at least (Background to empire building)
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This one is interesting in a disturbing way
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– the guy’s clearly a ret … “special” in the modern way – he looks like he would have trouble filling in a form – but he’s been done on TERRORISM – because he had a lot of “stuff” in his house which COULD have been used to MAKE A BOMB … uh huh … then there’s a bunch of stuff on his computer, including the obligatory NAZI (home-run!) stuff … so there you go – proof by association, the new legal high bar. Okay, its hard to feel sympathy for this guy, but read down and here’s the kicker –
Jurors heard he was “quite proud” he was part of the Scottish Defence League and travelled with others from the far-right group to a white pride rally in Manchester in 2015.
Our spooks are well-capable of fitting people up for psychological operations, or “winding up the nutter” and letting him actually do stuff, or swoop in to arrest him just before he does. The “guilt by association” trick always works well in the papers – no one reads carefully anymore – scottish nationalists, eh? – just a bunch of terrorists. We need to watch out for this kind of carry-on – there will be more of it as indyref2 approaches.
For anyone who may be asking
About Attending a Service For
Mitch,, There will be no service
Just a Celebration of his Life
Mitch Organized his Own End of Life
Arrangements, He did not want any
Fuss, No speeches No nothing
Only For people to Have a Celebration
of his Life, All he asked for Was
Chris the Piper to Play
Flowers of the Glen for him
And Elaine Page’s Memories,
So we would Appreciate that Everyone
Honor his Wishes, And Please
Come help Celebrate his Life
And his Commitment To Indy
@ kangaroo
Robert peffers earlier explanation regarding the “corrie fisted” saying which footsoldier up the page correctly picked him up on , is in error and the saying does come from the gaidhlig for left handed.
I do enjoy much of roberts knowledge on scottish history and folk tales and explanations but it is very much narrowly “teutonic” based rather than inclusive of the older and greater “Celtic” and very much post 14 th century scotland rather than inclusive of pre.
I was a wee kid in primary school when we were ushered down to the North Deeside Road to wave our wee Union Jacks to Ike and the Queen as they were driven past on their way to Balmoral.
Changed days indeed, in so very many ways. Not least, though, in the character of presidents.
I don’t know about protocol, but an intelligent and astute Pres would surely have jumped at the chance to meet that very interesting political character and pleasant person, our FM. How better to get a grasp of what’s going on here from someone at the very centre of things? “Meet-and-greet”, isn’t that what the visit is supposed =cough= to be all about?
It’s a mark of the man that he would rather play golf with that useless nobody, Fluffy, and whatever other fawning acolytes he can muster.
(Oh, and BTW, “Toom Tabard” was an outright insult, not a faint compliment.)
Alba 46 Land was made available for a War Memorial by the People & Mayor of St Valery to erect a the Memorial . The war graves commission didn’t want to know
People can come across the Royals accidently on Deeside. Just by coincidence passing by, frequently in the area. The protection squad hardly noticed. Recognised by the short haircuts and the shiny shoes. Barbours and pinstripe suits.
The Police have gone totally over the top. Trump came in and out of Scotland with hardly any notice. He is just one person. Now with an entourage of hunners. What a carry on. The jet is at Aberdeen airport. (Sons) Two globemasters flew into Scotland. Full of navy seals. They might have a swim among the eyesore turbines. If yer dinae laugh yer would greet. Up pops the whales.
Nicola’s off on the other March. Already on the Calendar schedule.
O/T Don’t forget to vote in Scotland’s first ever World Cup final, it’s iScot v Doctor Who get your vote in and give them a wee boost. Might earn them a wee write up in the National and garner some welcome publicity.
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ronnie anderson @ 14:22,
There is a fine war memorial at St.Valery, Ronnie, War Graves Commission or no. It’s on the bluff to the NE overlooking the town.
Also, a couple of years back when the Tour de France cycle race was passing through, on the coast nearby there was another monument (to a sunken French navy ship, I seem to recall) consisting of a ship’s gun and three flagpoles, one each flying the Tricolore, the Union Jack and the Saltire. The English commentators (or course) hadn’t an earthly as to why the third.
But the French locals had clearly not forgotten.
British Nationalists heads exploding today trying to invent reasons to hate the First Minister for saying *gonnae no hate folk*
Thomas @1:59pm
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I think both are correct. You would have noticed the WE in my earlier post. I am a Kerr, and the stairs are left handed. I am left footed but right handed as is my daughter, but I have a left handed son. Probably just coincidence but I like to think otherwise.
If you notice the reference above then it suggests that ker means left handed. I think this is probably a llalands spelling version of the Gaelic as at some point Gaelic was spoken in the borders and further south too. Gaelic was largely erased in the borders and the central belt probably as an aftermath of Culloden, don’t hold me to that though, Mr Peffers might have more info.
Belgium 1 poms 0 5mins in. Good
We met some Americans in Scotland on a long dreamed for holiday. Their surname was Kerr, whose ancestors had come from the borders. My mother said to Mr Kerr “you’ll be left handed then”.
Turns out he was, and seemed to think my mother was some kind of seer!
This was in the mid 90s and she then went on to tell us about how back in the day, the Kerr’s/Carr’s in the borders being left handed and their staircases going the wrong way and that this helped them in battles.
Not sure how true, but a good story and impressed the Americans lol.
To Katherine Hamilton (and anybody else for that matter) prints (and originals) are available through my website ( It’s a very old collection on there at the moment because I’ve been too lazy and been on too many holidays to update it. But any print can be ordered on request using the email on the website.
Trump’s just annoyed that the plan for the UK to become the 51st state has been scuppered by Brexit real politik.
Never mind, 19th hole is almost as good.
@Kangaroo says: 14 July, 2018 at 1:13 pm’:
” … The Corrie fisted Borders Clan is Kerr another branch being Ker, both had houses in the Borders Ferniehirst and Cessford (now a single wall ruin). The name is still pronounced “Carr” in the borders, hence Deborah Kerr the actress pronounced Carr.”
First of all the clan system was the Highlands & Islands. The Borders extended family system was similar but known as Family, not clan and the Ker, Kerr, Carr were all various branches of the same extended families. I have cousins both Kerr & Carr and both trace their roots back to the Kerrs/kers.
If you study lowland/borders Scots language you will find great variations in the spellings even of surnames. My own family, being farmers, have records going back to the 1600s due to land ownership and/or tenure.
When tracing the family tree we found there was a gap in the information but after much digging around old parish records the link was found. The early links were from the Tay coast of Fife, at Balmerino, (seat of a now ruined 13 century Abbey). In the records was a birth date for a son with the surname Peffers. The link was the marriage records for a make with the surname spelled differently but with the exact date of birth from a farm in Fife, near Kincardine. Checking other old records there was an amazing number of different spellings. Peffers, Pefers, Pephers and even pfeiffer, (mibbies the German branch of the Family)
Anyway a bit or research found that in the time when the people were mainly illiterate only the clerics could read & write but there was no standardised spelling. So the parish priest/minister wrote down the name the illiterate person told them verbally and, of course, the teller could not spell their own name. So all the variations of similar sounding names were probably all from the same original family.
Ronnie Anderson at 2:22
It doesn’t surprise me that the war graves commission didn’t want to know about any sort of official memorial cemetary at St Valery.
The evacuation through Dunkirk was an unmitigated disaster for Britain
although to get 300,000 men out out was a miracle.
To get so many out has always been portrayed as a great victory but the overall picture the foray into Europe was an unmitigated military disaster.
To have an official war grave at St Valery would have meant recognising failure and they couldn’t countenance that. After all it was only jocks who Wellington characterised as expendable.
Doubt the plan has ever been for the UK to become a 51st state as that’d give us input into the the decision making process. Being some kind of protectorate is more like it. A much better arrangement than the EU where we might actually have to negotiate or compromise rather than just leave it all to the big man. At least for some of us.
Alba 46 says:
About time the 51st Highland division story came out.
They held the Germans just long enough for “The Dunkirk miracle” to happen,before running out of ammo, and being surrounded by 3 sides,sea on the other, by German troops and panzers they had no option but to surrender.
My dad was only 16 years old, having lied about his age, he joined up at 15 years old. So I know very well what happened, they were sacrificed by Churchill to allow as many English troops to evacuate as possible.
However,my dad escaped after capture, he was recaptured and escaped many times and had many adventures in France, Spain and North Africa. Most were unfortunately taken back to German work factories.
He got the military medal, from the King at Buckingham palace.
Was a PTI for a while after that, and when the war was in late stages he ended up being a translator in French
for the American’s as he had self learned fluent French during his adventures.
He always said Churchill had a lot to answer for. I look forward to the ch4 documentary to see if some truths are told.
Re 51st Highland Division. May I recommend “Churchill’s sacrifice of the Highland Division” by Saul David for those who want to read an in depth view of the 51st in 1940.
Looking forward to the Channel 4 program , will be interesting one way or the other!
Great toon as usual Chris. Spot on.
Big fearty Trump skitters off surrounded by his many bodyguards, LOL.
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The man that had the cheek to say that John McCain wasn’t a war hero.
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Trump the cowardly draft dodger. Money talks right enough.
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May contain footie.
England 0, nil, nowt, f-all gubbed by Belgium. 2
@ robert peffers
Hi robert , but the clan system wasnt just the highlands and islands.
At one point it was all over scotland before retreating to the highlands and islands so that by the mid 18 th century that was all that remained.
For example the macdowalls are a well known clan from galloway.
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Again , i think your scottish historical perspective is based mainly on pro teutonic and post 14th century rather than the older and larger celtic systems which are the bedrock for much of scotland as we know it.
re robert peffers area of interest
lowlands, lallands, constitutional politics, post 1500,
there is nothing wrong with that, indeed it fairly normal for historians to prefer certain areas of history.
And also the link to one of paul kavanghs excellent articles about gaidhlig once being spoken in the borders.
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Where the language was once spoken , so did the culture including the clan system prevail and it wasnt till the introduction of the norman french feudal system that ended this in parts of scotland post 12th century
Abulhaq says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:13 am
Lampooning Trump is fun. He sets himself up for it. However he holds the US presidency. Nicola Sturgeon rather than having a day out in Glasgow might have shown some diplomatic, statesmanlike nous by meeting the guy,
Aye lets meet someone who detests you, who greets like a wee boy to Teresa May. Looks like Albuhack is not the only comedian around. Maybe he’s really Mundell?
Hi schrodingers cat.
Sorry if you are mistaking me but im not saying there is.
What im saying is robert largely ignores the older celtic traditions and re brands scottish history in a more teutonic fashion for example giving his version of where corrie fisted comes from which i dont agree with , and saying there was no clan system outside the western highlands which isnt true.
His very own south east of scotland was conquered by gaelic clans which is why it became a part of scotland , and wouldnt be part of scotland today if the likes of kenneth macalpin hasnt invaded south east scotland 6 times and burned dunbar to the ground.
The great battle at carham entrenched the south east borders as part of gaelic scotland , hence many of the gaelic place names survive today and symeon of durham recorded great gaelic lords ruling as far as the tyne in the late 11th century.
No offence was certainly intended by saying robert is very pro teutonic in his historical opinion of scotland , im simply offering an alternative to what he is saying.
Hope you do another run on Hamish toys. Let us know. Disappointed I never bought one when they first came out.
our understanding of early history in these islands in currently undergoing a complete overhaul. mainly due to genetic testing.
gaelic is now proposed to be the bronze age language of ireland, scotland, wales, england, france, portugal and galicia.
the linga franca of the tin trade.
with the advent of iron, influences from greece and turkey were responsable for the change from q celtic to p celtic in the area we call today france.
from 500bc onwards, tribes of gauls and belgians invaded britain, bringing p celtic and early germanic belgian to these islands. This early germanic language was confined mainly in the southeast but also into the lowlands of scotland.
see dunfries, river Aa, torwald etc. in irish and scots early manuscripts they are refered to as belg, (firbolg) and laterly as saxobrit
cf, Selgovae with Belgovae
this very early germanic introduction to lowland scotland is possibly an early precursor of what we now recognise as scots(lallans)
Òran Bagraidh is a poem about some of the Gaelic clans in the southwest, but so many texts have been lost that we have little documentary evidence of the nature of society in the southeast of the country. Place-name evidence from the southeast shows the presence of Gaelic communities there too.
The Scottish first minister led Scotland’s largest ever LGBT event in Glasgow this afternoon. Leaves me wondering where was oor Ruthie when all this was happening? Trump Turnberry perhaps?
BBC news going the extra 500 miles today to talk down Nicola and the Scottish Government (yes really). Spending more time on that than talking about the ginger baboon playing golf.
@ greannach
Thanks for that pal.
I think a lot of the problem was the norman french takeover in the lowlands circa 12th century during the davidian revolution , which resulted in kings like william the lion becoming more french than the french , then the subsequent language change to english 14th century onwards by the nobility and administration led to gaelic being marginalised.
By the reformation a pro english group came to power in edinburgh intent on preparing scotland for union ,the persecution of the gaidhlig language and culture intensified and the destruction of much of scottish historical records by both the english and anglified scots left us with the confusion and ignorance we have today , and the two nation myth of scotland.
Best Trump Protest Banner Proclaimed:
“We have enough Orange Bigots of our Own”.
Thank Scotland’s God that we only need to listen to English Football Commentators one more time now that they are OUT of the World Cup.
We just need to hear how great they are before the France Vs Croatia Final, at Half Time, and of course after the match.
They are the strangest nation on earth!
After they had been well beaten by tiny Belgium, their commentator put forward that everyone in England would have settled for 4th Place at the beginning of the tournament??
I though hearing “Its coming home every 2 minutes for weeks on end, and words like “We are going to win this, “This Cup is Ours”, etc seem to contradict that fallacy.
The English don’t even know what they were saying, but not to worry, the are going to win the European Championships in 2 year time and the world cup in 4 years time??
Are Belgium, France and Croatian not being allowed to enter?
The arrogant expression of Trump in that cartoon is a masterpiece!
Kudos to Nicola Sturgeon for standing up for human rights and shunning the vulgar individual who occupies the White Hose currently.
He would be better employed memorising the words of his own Statue of Liberty which welcomed countless immigrants to the US, including his own mother and grandfather:
New poll tomorrow for the Observer has the Tories dropping 6% and UKIP rising 5%. Nobody could have seen that coming LOL.
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And I was looking forward to Saturday and inevitable toon of The Great Bluster meeting our local District Commissioner. And thank you Chris there it is. Now – the feather be-decked pith helmet our DC rightfully deserves? Don’t try to tell me that colonialism has died out. We see it day-in, day-out emerging from the Westshambles Parliament.
Abulhaq says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:13 am
“Nicola Sturgeon rather than having a day out in Glasgow might have shown some diplomatic, statesmanlike nous by meeting the guy”
The “guy” did not come to Scotland in official business, but rather to enjoy himself. The guy came to play golf in his property, not to be bothered with more official visits. So let him play golf and amuse himself.
Now, the question really for me is what on earth Mundell was doing tagging along. He is just an MP. He is not a member of the Government of Scotland. Was he invited to play golf and make a fool of himself? was he sent by her English masters to finish the “negotiation” that clearly May didn’t finish? or rather he invited himself to make trump feel “welcome” and give his own Britnat interpretation of current Scotland’s business?
Isn’t fascinating that none of the English tory imperial masters felt in a position of strength to come up here, strut their stuff in our country and continue the back-licking of the POtUS?
There needs to be a public inquire into why the LGBT rally appointed Nicola Sturgeon as Honour’y Presidency when there’s Mundell / Ruthie / Dugdale to choose from within the LGBT community , might be because there’s nae expenses tae claim LoL .
Ah widve included wee Wullie Rennie in the above but as wee aw know he’s ah fanny oanyhows .
long post for a warm lazy sat evening
thomas says:
What im saying is robert largely ignores the older celtic traditions and re brands scottish history in a more teutonic fashion
no, he merely points to the time period in history which he is interested in, where such terms were in use. i find no fault in the points he made. Culturally and genetically, Robert is probably as “celtic” as any highlander. so are most englishmen btw
for example giving his version of where corrie fisted comes from which i dont agree with ,
i know this as corrieducht and the word ducht (sp) is the same word the americans use when they say, put your “dooks up”
it is of germanic (anglo saxon/belg) origin
and saying there was no clan system outside the western highlands which isnt true.
I agree with this. the clan system (clann=children) is a tribal/familiar/pateral/matriarchal system. It was once the basis for society across the whole of europe. it isnt a highland invention, it was the result of social evolution across the world.
as such, it was as much an anglosaxon lowlands cultural meme as it was a highland gaelic one. the difference being that due to scotlands isolation and remoteness, this type of society endured much longer here, and in some parts (macphees and other tinkers) still endures today.
eg, anglosaxon (scots/lallans) communities in lowland scotland in the 5th,6th,7th,8th centuries were just as clannish as highlanders, feasting halls, champions portions etc, even their ornamentation is now termed celtic.
when comparing these same groups of people in the 15th 16th and 17th century to those in the south of england, they may speak different dialects of the same germanic language, but socially and culturally they are much more like the highland clans than they are londoners.
isolation, remoteness and living in close proximity to the gaelic highland clans meant they missed out on romanisation, normanisation etc, hence their continued attachment to a clan like society.
btw, the border reivers were very successful clans
as to gaelic in the lowlands, as i have pointed out, from 2500-500bc, gaelic was the language of all britain. after the ironage invasion in 500bc, p celtic (gaulish) and germanic (belg) were introduced.
by 1st century AD when the romans arrived, the southwest of scotland spoke cumbric (belg areas probably spoke a hybrid germanogaulish) but brythonic and cumbric, while being P celtic languages) are far closer to irish and scots gaelic than they are to gaulish
60% gaulish words are cognate with german
40% cumbric/brithonic words are cognate with german
30% of gaelic words are cognate with german
thats how we know that gaelic split from a common language shared with german about 2000bc and gaulish about 1000 bc. and that P celtic influence in britain is a much later event.
subsequently, gaelic influence in lowland scotland has ebbed and flowed throughout the centuries, ayrshire and galloway much influenced by irish settlement. kenneth macalpine’s endevours you mentioned also influenced the retention/reintroduction etc of gaelic.
malcolm canmore’s marriage to queen margaret probably cemented these germanic (lallans/anglosaxon) speaking peoples into the scots identity.
history isnt a contact sport, but politics is, gaelic and lallans are dying, even the saltire is removed as a brand and denigrated as a separatist symbol by scots unionists.
People like Robert Peffers, and yourself Thomas,are fighting for the continuation of our varied culture, a deliberately neglected culture, scotland has and has always had a varied culture. all strands should be cherished.
lallans and gaelic are not dying languages and cultures, they are exterminated languages and cultures.
there is a difference
Capella 6.34 Purloined to share in Yes pages ,ah’ll put it back effter
Les Wilson @ 16:20:
Sorry Les, I don’t know what your dad told you, but you’re repeating a confusion that has appeared here before.
There were two actions happening at the time of Dunkirk. The first was the perimeter defence of Dunkirk (and incidentally to that, another “last-ditch” defence, this time of Calais, which could not be withdrawn). These troops were necessarily sacrificed in order to make the withdrawal possible, and knew very well of what they were asked. An unpleasant but necessary military fact of life.
These actions of the BEF did not involve the 51st (Highland) Division, as some unfortunately seem to persist in believing.
The second action was that of the Highland Division, an entirely different situation. The Division was under the command of the French Army, and had originally been part of the infantry support of the Maginot Line around the Hackenberg Fortress. Once the panzers broke through to the west of the Maginot defences, the French Army pulled troops back to cover the breach, including the HD. They were in action in defending the Somme and were pushed back with the French.
Lines-of-communication troops, which included parts of the newly-landed 52nd (Lowland) Division, were withdrawn back to ports such as Dieppe and Le Havre, due to the imminent danger of being cut off. The HD could have done the same, but Churchill ordered it to remain with the French, because he feared that a withdrawal would be further demoralising for the already-demoralised French and give them an excuse to capitulate. So the HD were eventually driven back, still under French command, to the coast much further south (and nowhere near) Dunkirk, where the shoreline is predominantly high cliffs rather than sandy beaches.
With panzers and field artillery eventually dominating all the high ground, no ship could safely enter the harbour of St.Valery and the HD were trapped with nowhere to go and no relief possible.
So can we please once-and-for-all bin this “brave defenders of Dunkirk” myth. There were brave defenders of Dunkirk, and thst mustn’t be forgotten either. But it most certainly wasn’t the HD.
As for the upcoming TV programme, what that is actually about we’ll just have to wait and see. From past experience, the HD might not get even a mention, or only a passing one.
Lenny Hartley‘s reference is a valuable summary of the entire HD experience in 1940, and well worth a read.
Incidentally, if any of you care to visit the Hackenberg Fortress, which is near Thionville by the border with Luxembourg and eminently worth a visit, in the museum there, among all the other exhibits, is a mannequin dressed in an HD uniform. So the French there haven’t forgotten us either.
A golden opportunity was missed with the Trump visit. Scots being so high and mighty, holier than all the rest, how residually Calvinist, in the face of an existential-political ‘challenge’. They are reputed, media stuff, fake news whatever, not to ‘like’ each other, all the more reason to beard the man on home territory, shmooze and enlighten him particularly regarding his ancestry. If world leaders are willing to engage with Trump, why not Sturgeon? She looks petty and conventional, signalling how ‘virtuous’ she/ we all are. Scotland the unbrave? Scotland the going nowhere?. Scotland the snowflake? Scotland the rather pathetic?
Scotland and its nationalist leaders need to engage with the world as it is, not how they might wish it, in their pink and fluffy dreams, to be.
Trump is a cunt
@ schrodingers cat.
Quite a long post to reply to , especialy in the short format of wings but i will try and answer your main points one by one.
1.”no, he merely points to the time period in history which he is interested in, where such terms were in use. i find no fault in the points he made.”
Dont agree. He clearly implied the clann system was highlander only and i disagreed with him. Giving a false interpretation of history does no one any favours and this most certainly was a faulty point made.
2.”Culturally and genetically, Robert is probably as “celtic” as any highlander. so are most englishmen btw”
I havent argued any race theories. The celts werent a race as you know they were differing groups of people linked with language and culture.
3.”i know this as corrieducht and the word ducht (sp) is the same word the americans use when they say, put your “dooks up”
it is of germanic (anglo saxon/belg) origin”
never heard the term corrieducht and im from scotlands largest population centre in the central belt.Further all languages borrow especially english so not sure your point . It still doesnt prove roberts theory nor negate mine on the origination of corrie fisted.
4.”as such, it was as much an anglosaxon lowlands cultural meme as it was a highland gaelic one. the difference being that due to scotlands isolation and remoteness, this type of society endured much longer here, and in some parts (macphees and other tinkers) still endures today.
eg, anglosaxon (scots/lallans) communities in lowland scotland in the 5th,6th,7th,8th centuries were just as clannish as highlanders, feasting halls, champions portions etc, even their ornamentation is now termed celtic.”
There were no anglo saxon communites in lowland scotland as a generalisation . There were anglian communities in what is now the south east borders and the south coast of dumfrieshire which were taken by the scandinavians and gaelic scots post 9th century , no one knows what happened to these communities for certain but they most certainly didnt speak a language called scots.
5.”btw, the border reivers were very successful clans”
tell robert he says they didnt exist.
6.”as to gaelic in the lowlands, as i have pointed out, from 2500-500bc, gaelic was the language of all britain. after the ironage invasion in 500bc, p celtic (gaulish) and germanic (belg) were introduced.”
not sure about that.
Celtic came to these islands with the urnfield culture sometime between 1200 to 700 bc , king eremon in 1015 bc was listed as the first milesian gaelic king of ireland so surely the original proto celtic never mind gaelic would have came here no earlier than 1200 bc?
7.”60% gaulish words are cognate with german
40% cumbric/brithonic words are cognate with german
30% of gaelic words are cognate with german
thats how we know that gaelic split from a common language shared with german about 2000bc and gaulish about 1000 bc. and that P celtic influence in britain is a much later event.”
to be fair mate i think most people into history are familiar with the common origins of europes indo european languages.
That gaidhlig and english are distantly related doesnt make them the same language so no sure of your point here.
8.”malcolm canmore’s marriage to queen margaret probably cemented these germanic (lallans/anglosaxon) speaking peoples into the scots identity.”
you said that to me on here before and i dont agree with that.
margaret was half hungarian half saxon who spent her formative years growing up in europe and there isnt any evidence she spoke anglo saxon.
Her brother was rejected by the anglo saxon witan as heir to the english throne because he couldnt speak saxon , and when they fled to scotland very few saxons came north with them.
Rather than their saxon identity being cemented into scotland , its more likely they were absorbed into gaelic scotland and margaret is mostly famous for changing the traditions of scotlands gaelic church which wsas to flourish for centuries yet.
King aldfrith of northumbria is a classic example of this , an anglo saxon king brought up at the scottish court. He didnt cement his saxon identity into scottish life , scotlands absorbed him into gaelic life where he became a fluent gaelic speaker and many of his poems are still recorded in gaelic today.
9.”People like Robert Peffers, and yourself Thomas,are fighting for the continuation of our varied culture,”
i agree.
That doesnt mean we cant have a civilised discussion or disagreement over history or politics nor that i cant pick him up on his constant teutonic view of scotland and its history.
ABULHAQ Given your name why dont you apply for a visa here
Mind come back & let us know how U got on lol.
On the subject o the anti trump rally in Edinburgh today.
Funny how the MSM were falling over themselves to tell us where and when to meet etc.
Contrast with the Indy rallies where reporting was minimal and begrudged.
No in street vox pops asking why folk wanted a free Scotland etc.
Guid tae see pensioners for Indy in the meadows plus the Edinburgh YES hub plus English Scots for Yes etc.
Guid turn oot but dwarfed by the sheer scale and passion o the YES AUOB rallies.
I see Nicola’s Twitter page is a cauldron of hate from our Unionist friends A gem from the Blue Sea of Ibrox…presumably pastor at his local church because no doubt that is exactly what Jesus would have typed.
What I have noticed with sturgeon she happily goes to every other religion but the Protestant one and that don’t need to be the OO just Protestants in general and the daft cunt talked about equality for everyone in Scotland fucking muppet needs to look at her constituency
That is relatively mild compared to some of the others. No doubt JK’s staff are working overtime filing this lot in their folder.
@Capella 6.34
Post of the day. 🙂
Is it Rock? Colin Alexander? Either way he is a wee yoony troll for all to see.
@Macart @8:04
Aw Sam I thought I’d clinched it @ 7:31… 🙂
@ ronnie anderson – welks! 🙂
The English fans at my work couldn’t even be bothered watching the game today. Total change from last week when football was coming home.
If Scotland made it to forth in the world we would be celebrating for a week. With the Belgian fans.
Croopenstein 7.31
Abulhaq appears to be the same.
It was a close run thing. 😀
Not sure why people are getting in a right fankle about who should meet Trump. He’s been here several times before, it’s not his first visit.
He’s met The First Minister before, Alex before her and had plenty of discussions with MSP’s. Though oddly never needed a mad cavalcade before.
That fucking arsehole Obama was here too if anyone remembers. A round of golf, a statement that Scotland should not seek independence (he was very much against it) and then a jaunt over to Estonia – There to make a proclamation praising a small nation’s independence on its anniversary and how successful small independent nations were and it’s such a great thing being independent, everyone should try it (he is all for it) Except Scotland though, Scotland can go fuck itself.
Quite frankly, I have heehaw regard for any of the retarded fuckwit American Presidents who come here. They can holiday and golf all they want. But once you’ve met one and realised he’s a retarded fuckwit you’re not in a hurry to meet him again. No-one from Scotland’s Parliament who has met him previously was in a tearing rush to waste time on him.
Why would they? Has anyone actually listened to his previous statements to Scotland’s elected politicians? Away and dig them out. Quite frankly The First Minister is acting in the height of diplomacy, for the simple fact there was no official statement telling him to get himself hunted.
Great cheers to the holiday boy, he’s once again produced a brilliant cartoon.
Spare a thought to us Finns. After the tangerine tube leaves you, he’ll come to our smallish independent country to meet Putin.
After Trump and Putin said they want to have a f2f meeting in Helsinki, Finland, most of ordinary Finns go ‘oh shit, we don’t want either of them here’. But you can’t really say no… So these two near dictators are going to mess all Helsinki traffic, and some supine journalist and YLE (our public broacaster) will be having a hard on about having these two near dictators in our city. Never a nary opposing view will be allowed to get out…
Send the Trump baby balloon here, we need it. We also need a Putin balloon, but he’s no baby.
Jaysis, the world is one scary place. I grew up during the Cold War, I was young when the Berlin Wall fell, when Gorbatchev ended the Cold war, hopeful, free, all was great in the 1990s. Now we’re back to the old bunker mentality.
*bangs head on wall*
@ Macart – aw shucks 🙂
“Jaysis, the world is one scary place. I grew up during the Cold War, I was young when the Berlin Wall fell, when Gorbatchev ended the Cold war, hopeful, free, all was great in the 1990s. Now we’re back to the old bunker mentality.”
I hear that lumi and ditto. Forehead near permanently bruised after the past few years tbh.
Did anyone else hear that wee slice of snideyness on Shereen’s show this morning?
Twas Tom Harris along with the other guests and they were discussing Trump, the demos etc. Other male guest said something about how he’d probably be joining the demos if he was younger (no idea what age he is) and later, Harris said he’d also have participated ‘if younger’. Shereen stepped in, asking ‘what is this about age? what’s that got to do with it?’ whereupon the guest who wasn’t Harris referred to David Mamet and quoted him, saying ‘if you don’t protest before you’re 30 you don’t have a heart…if you protest after you’re 30 you don’t have a brain.’ Cue much laughter from all present…
We’ve discussed this programme before right here and there have been suggestions that Shereen’s show is more-or-less ‘scripted’. I’m wondering if that wee exchange this morning is a reaction to the very obvious prevalence of older citizens on, e.g. the AUOB marches?
Ghillie says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:47 am
“Nicola Sturgeon is showing the world it IS possible to be true to your beliefs and to have integrity, even in the highest positions in politics.”
“True to your beliefs” like standing “shoulder to shoulder” with Saint Theresa and the “ghastly” Boris Johnson as they declared war on Russia after a false flag operation?
ronnie anderson says:
14 July, 2018 at 7:32 pm
“ABULHAQ Given your name why dont you apply for a visa here”
Hypocrites complaining about President Trump being racist, what do you have to say about ronnie anderson’s comment?
Clydebuilt says:
14 July, 2018 at 9:45 am
“The BBC snd CH4 are interviewing anti Trump protestors, BBC radio Scotland are advertising the time and place of the Demos.”
The majority of posters here are on the same side as the BBC and CH4 regarding President Trump.
The same anti-SNP, anti-Scotland, anti-independence BBC and CH4.
Gullible idiots.
No wonder Scotland is still a colony of England after 311 years when the poorest countries in Africa got rid of their English masters in less than a 100 years.
lumilumi says:
14 July, 2018 at 8:41 pm
“After Trump and Putin said they want to have a f2f meeting in Helsinki, Finland, most of ordinary Finns go ‘oh shit, we don’t want either of them here’”
100% populist fake news.
Have you got any opinion poll supporting this?
What is wrong with Presidents Trump and Putin trying to achieve better relations between their countries and in the wider world?
The neocons and Scotland’s English masters obviously don’t want that.
Interesting to see so many Scottish independence supporters on the same side as Saint Theresa and the neocons.
9.47 U never know Abulhaq might want to visit Vegas but ah widnae put ah bet on him getting ah visa
Ronnie anderson. No, he might get a cage.
There have been far worse leaders who have visited the UK than Trump and have attracted similar, if not bigger protests.
Strange how they don’t seem to attract as much media attention as Trump currently has over the past couple of days?
Pacman.maybe its because they didnt want to privatise our NHS
or sell us chlorinated chicken.
Okay…own up…
Who gave Rock the blue Smarties?
I wonder if we clubbed together and bought some ‘Immodium’, it might just help Rock (and Abulhaq)?
Calvin has been a fuckin irrelevance in Scotland for quite some time, ask 100 people on Buchanan Street about Calvin & they’d answer Klein.
Alex Salmond did indeed engage with Trump & that of course ended badly. Humiliated Theresa May should have told the Potus to fuck-off & save what’s left of her reputation.
A bit of topic but i had a rather disheartening exoerience
today and then an hour later a more uplifting one and all to do with independence in a small town in the middle of the limousin france(eymoutier).I was working at a car boot/market and was speaking to two couples(scottish)who have holiday homes in the town and the subject got round to independence.The two woman were unbelievably hostile towards nicola sturgeon and therefore independence the two guys were very quiet.Although i live in France i am a memeber of the SNP and made it clear i would be backing her decisions.I also said if i had known then what a i know now i would have stayed in Scotland.I would also never move back to the UK as things one of the woman seemed to be anti eu also.There was a defenite cooling of the conversation after that and they moved on.
It left me on a bit of a downer so my daughter and boyfriend turned up and i went for a walk.I then bumped into a couple a scottish guy and his wife who was northern Irish and they were all for independence.We had a good chat about various aspect of the independence movement,economy,history ect and it lifted the spirits no end.Its very clear we are fighting over 10-15% of the population as both sides are very deeply entrenched and are not for changing.
It was a bit sqtrange as i have lived in France for nearly ten years and have only met Scottish people at this particular market and the majority of woman have been very hostile re independence and the guys very quiet.
Ian Brotherhood it wiznae me it must hiv been ah big boy an he’s run away
Ian. Any scots indy supporter would be shouting it from the rooftops to a fellow nationalist. These ‘quiet’ guys are obviously castrated follow the unionist wife sorts.
@ Ian – I know people who have holiday homes in France similar to those you describe. They have done well out of the Thatcher reforms. They do not want to contemplate higher taxes, especially tax on investments or property.
It used to be called an “I’m all right, Jack” attitude. That was when we used to think selfishness was a bad thing. Some of us still do value community cohesion above individual get-rich-quick greed.
Ian. And it will be interesting to see after brexit if these union loving wives will find it so easy to go to french car boot sales after brexit.
IN. Then again they will be like the sly sleekit minority of scots brexiteers who go abroad and tell everyone, we voted to remain”.cowardly lying sh””e. Who will tell us all after indy. Oh i voted yes.
In..should be ian. Apologies.
The cartoon says to me ” two cheeks of the same arse coming together with an incredible stench of bullshit”. I’m still amazed at where all the Tories have sprung from as two days in a row Radio Scotland could not get one Tory the length and breadth of the land to go on radio and discuss the “dirty money” scandal, then silence from the “hate” party when their core voters decided to confront and abuse worshippers during one of the hate marches.
@ Rock, 9.22pm 14.7.2018
You know nothing about Finnish history or our present politics or mindset, so do not patronisingly tell us what’s what. Just pipe down, aye.
“What is wrong with Presidents Trump and Putin trying to achieve better relations between their countries and in the wider world?”
Let me tell you something. We have a fucking 1000 mile fucking land border with Russia. I find all the Brit scare stories about big bad Russia laughable. You have no idea. That’s why tablod press can whip up all kinds of frenzy, to hide domestic problems.
Anyway, back in the late 1930s Hitler and Stalin divvied up the “buffer states”. My country was supposed to be for the Soviet Union (Russia), only, they couldn’t take it, thanks to those pesky Finns who defended their own independent country.
Do you see why a Finn might still feel a bit wary when two fascist superpower leaders meet in my country. Not just any superpower leaders but these particular ones. One is wily, essentially a dictator, basing his power in nostalgia, popularism, nationalism, and pseudo-democracy; and the other one is the same, except stupid.
@Ronnie Anderson –
Or maybe we could lob them some Viagra, then they’ll not bother us, at least for a wee while…
Well said, you put him in his place, he’s clueless at the best of times, just ignore his ignorance.
O/t I see tory business minister andrew griffiths has resigned after sending lewd texts to two female constituents.details to follow tomorrow on the ebc and the “scottish” meedja .lol. Thank f**k it was’nt an snp member.they’d be getting the rack ready.
lumilumi @ 11:21 pm
Funny and scary at the same time
26Million Russians died
83,000 Finns
Since 1980/90’s Glasnost/Perestroika. Gorbachev/Yeltsin/Putin the Russia (USSR) pop has halved, 150Million people have gone to self governance and self determination. Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, other eastern bloc states. German unification. All helped by the EU. The Russian (USSR) pop has halved. It was 300Million (on par with US). Now the Russian pop is 150Million. Putin has increased prosperity and reduced poverty. He is extremely popular in Russia with rating of 80% because of it.
Trump and Putin are meeting to try and stop and cut nuclear proliferation. Cut NATO weapons on the Russian borders. Threatening Russia. Trump wants to cut the US Defence spending. The highest in the world (pro rata) and unaffordable. The UK/US and France have been bombing the Middle East for years. Reneging on promises. Illegally killing and maiming millions of people. On Russian borders. Causing chaos. Causing the worse migration crisis and human misery since the 11WW. Destabilising the world and costing £Billions.
Defence spending
Saudi Arabia (33 million pop) $66Billion
US (328 million pop) $611Billion
China (1.3Billion pop) $228Billion
Russia (150Million pop) $69Billion
UK (66Million pop) $47Billion Shared Defence cuts with the EU saved £Billions,
Your obvious love of Putin has clouded your judgement on most other things/. As for defence spending some will be based on perceived threat either internally or externally.
Please stop telling us how many people were killed in WW2 in the Soviet Union . We know the human sacrifice of individuals and the extreme measures the soviets put in place to ensure victory. We know Stalin murdered millions of his own people and had a peace pact with the Nazis.
Putin and Trump are dangerous but they fear China more.
I think what Sturgeon chose to do with the pride rally was quite good. I mean, it’s just a game, but this way I get to infer that she thinks Trump’s beneath her, which he is. He’s beneath everyone, but that’s beside the point.
It wouldn’t matter if Nicola had met with him, anyway. He’s only got eyes for one man.
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Bottom line is that Trump, the most powerful person in the world, is a TOTAL IGNORAMUS. So how do we all get round this?
TAKE NOTE FOLKS. He knows nought about history: And he knows nought about geography (hence not knowing where and whom he is bombing for whatever reason).
He knows nought about ANYTHING at all. Seemingly he is incapable of reading in fact. Aspergers? Whatever the case God give me strength.
His eyes are on making a financial deal and on rooting out beautiful women. Grab their you know whats. Twenty years of ruling the roost over the Miss Universe pageants. The pageants included Miss USA and Miss Teen USA. Say no more.
Here we have it. An absolute MORON is now ruling the world.
He has no compassion for the suffering or the dispossessed, even although his ancestry (four grandparents and his mother) and two of his three wives came from elsewhere. He’s a blinkered bl**dy moron.
Mrs May leader at Westminster is now on her knees to him (and continues to hold his VERY WEE hand). The erseh*le. Begging him. Please Donald give us your chlorinated chicken, beef full of hormones and destroy our NHS. Please Donald. Do it. Tell us how to cage children too. Use aluminium foil? Cheap or what?
So what do we do now folks?
If you voted NO before do your homework and help us to get out of this.
How is it that auld golfin’ saying goes again…
You drive for show
You putt for dough
Notice there doesn’t appear to be a putter in DT’s collection.
There’ll be an analogy in there somewhere…
Mundell the Mulligan.
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Maybe the nasty man will putt by playing Mundell like SO:
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Just like the purple beastie.
Golf, croquet?
I don’t think he would manage croquet, far too complicated a game.
Just to say, I went to the demo in Edinburgh. Thoroughly enjoyed it. The other thing I enjoyed was reading that whenever his Trumpness is on the phone to Theresa, they can’t discuss anything serious as he spends all his time moaning about Nicola Sturgeon.
Whit a Roaster, Liam Fox from E.K (to E.K’s embarrassment) castigates anti-Trump demonstrators. A crook & tosspot who should have been jailed. A man who tells lies about his age will lie about anything!
Big coverage in the Guardian ‘ close to ten thousand people” marched agin’ Trump in Edinburgh – I’m sure there was another march on another day which had somewhat greater numbers which the Guardian didn’t bother covering.
I wonder what Trump thought of the Sec. of State Against Scotland.
Liam Fox saying the protesters were an embarrassment to themselves.
Trump is a divisive figure, a strategy which is working for him so far and someone who is used to protests against him, so I don’t think the Don will be too bothered.
Now, I hate to get personal, but I know some good EK people who are actually related to Liam Fox by blood, and believe me, they are embarrassed about that.
It should be remembered that it was actually Jack McConnell that had a “cosy” relationship with Donald Trump which Alex Salmond inherited. That didn’t last long.
Kenny MacAskill in the Herald …
“… an early second referendum on independence is even less likely than one on Brexit. The Tories won’t allow it and after Catalonia any attempts to circumvent Westminster consent are doomed to fail.”
That’s a rather depressing view of Scotland’s situation! Needless to say I disagree and hope Nicola does too.
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Keep saying it. Trump is a confidence trickster. He is a chameleon who can change his colour in a flash. He can be blunt and disorientating to suddenly become mellow, or disarming and affable then suddenly ruthless when it comes to the take down. He is the epitome of a wheeler dealer who belongs in a used car lot or an estate agents, but somehow he has scammed his way into the job of US President.
I am absolutely no fan whatsoever of Hillary Clinton, but nobody has summed Trump up more succinctly than she did when she Tweeted that you shouldn’t give the Nuclear red button to somebody you can bait on Twitter.
Trump is popular with the US rednecks who buy into his Farage style populism and appeal to the more bass human instincts of fear, hatred and mistrust. Trump needs an enemy or his modus operandi simply doesn’t work. Without creating a bad guy, he has no leverage. He is a living caricature of Orwell’s Big Brother Organisation in 1984, – there is always an enemy, but it doesn’t matter who the enemy is, or even if they are real. It is a necessary component for mass control of the people.
Some people have difficulty with facts. Would rather believe Murdoch and the right wing Press and start world War 111. Stalin 1930 to 1950. Try living in the present. Stop harping back to other times. Instead of living in the past. The UK has been killing and maiming millions and destabilising the world, More than Russia or China where they are trying to improve their economy. Take people out of poverty which they have done.
Why would anyone fear China? They are not the warmongers. The US/UK and France have been for the last 100 years, they have cause the conflicts in the Middle East etc. It is just appalling what they have been doing and the effect There is no excuse. China has been invaded twice. By Britain and Japan.
Trump wants better relations with Russia, China etc. If he can succeed or the regime M15 and CIA will not let it happen. CIA/FBI being called out in the US. For their criminal activities. The worst surveillance in the world. Clinton et al were acting as mercenaries in the Middle East for the Saudis for money. The most absolute despot monarchy in the world. Along with the apartheid State The Balfour Agreement. Trying to deflect from that. Churchill was stealing Iranian Oil in the 1950’s. Put the PM who wanted a share in jail and restored the Shah.
All US Presidents have been crooks Hypocrites and niot what they seem. Same as in the UK. Westminster crooks. They are the worst. Killing and maiming millions. Right on Russian borders. If Clinton was President there would be more conflict on the Russian borders. Along with Johnston. That imbecile. That did not happen because Trump did not go along with it. Going for talks instead.
Putin supported Scottish Indepenence. Having supported the Indepenence and self determination of millions of others. Did not go along with Cameron’s’ lies and deceit. Cameron and his cronies caused all the Brexit mess. They are sanctioning and starving people in the UK. People are being denied food and dying. The basic human rights. The should be marching about that. Westminster unionists caused the migration into Europe and the human misery. Then used it to cause Brexit. The enemy is within.
Trump is a convenient distraction from it and could be gone within three years, The unionists could still be causing trouble for ever after. If they had more migrants coming to the UK. It is because the Westminster unionists caused it. They are responsible but deny people their basic human rights. They are despicable. Migrant and refugees are treated badly in the UK. Kept detained in cages for years. Citizens are being deported illegally. It is about time the Scottish courts started dealing and preventing it. They have recently. Trump’s ‘crimes’ are nothing compared to other US President’s who have been lauded. Complete lying hypocrites. Kennedy who illegally dumped nuclear on Scotland, Two Bush Reagan, Clinton, Obama et al. All of them just as bad but lauded.
I cannot find the actual wording as most reports of Liam Fox select bits.
I heard a clip in which he described Trump as the “leader of the western world”.
I snorted at that one. Leaders who harangue, berate and tell lies and then deny they said them do not lead for long.
Marr on Sunday with Tereza May .
Much of the White paper/Common Rule book is from the Mansion House speech ( which was rejected by the EU) . Whats that you say, keep making the same mistakes hoping for a different outcome.
Hurry up Nicola, the longer we stay in Bedlam the more likelihood we’ll end up mental ourselves .
I think those big inflatable Trump babies are ridiculous, so does my wife, and neither of us know what they’re supposed to mean. And if I was a protest attending type that would have put me off going. They’re just childish to anyone who doesn’t understand their significance, and that’s me and persumably a lot of other people since generally I’m politically aware.
Whether I’m right or wrong, and Trump in himself is largely an irrelevance to getting a YES vote, it’s a message WE need to keep in mind – themes, tropes, memes whatever, are all very well to those in the know, the few thousands, but others take them at face value only. Hamish for instance is great, he’s staring at me as I’m typing this wondering what I’m on about noo, but nobody outside of Wings would understand why!
Saw this tweet on WoS twitter. It sums up everything which is wrong with journalism right now, and how to get it right!
Sally Claire
My fave tutor at uni had a great journalism 101 lesson: “If someone says it’s raining & another person says it’s dry, it’s not your job to quote them both. Your job is to look out of the f**king window and find out which is true.”
Jings, see how easy it is to give the wrong idea. In the context of Chris Cairns’s cartoon, Hamish is perfect along with John Bull, I think everyone would get the significance easily, and a picture as they say tells a thousand words.
But stuck on my desk?
I need another cuppa tea.
@thomas says: 14 July, 2018 at 5:00 pm:
” … Hi robert , but the clan system wasnt just the highlands and islands.
At one point it was all over scotland before retreating to the highlands and islands so that by the mid 18 th century that was all that remained.”
Indeed so but the Celts were themselves immigrants – or were they?
The aboriginal residents in what became Scotland were the Stone Age peoples who once lived where what is now the North Sea now is. We call it Doggerland. It was originally claimed they were only wandering Hunter Gatherers who wandered North in Summers and wandered back south in Winters but as the Ice Age retreated north they remained in the North.
Problem with that theory is the discovery of large permanent settlements like those discovered at Howick in Northumberland. The Hunter Gatherers co-existed with the first farmers who settled down and farmed.
The other problem with the older theories is that the Celts really didn’t eradicate those aboriginal Britons as our gene pool is mainly from the aboriginal Britons. The Celts didn’t invade but came as mainly teachers and religious preachers and we know them as the early saints. The native Britons adopted their language and their culture and the so called Celts are the actually the aboriginal Britons. Those early Celtic Saints were Holy men and many are known to be celibate and lived as hermits.
An amazing discovery was made near the Howick archaeological dig. A local genetics test found a local woman who was directly descended from remains dug up at the Howick Stone Age settlement. Just think on that for a moment – her family had been living in the local area since the Stone age.
Modern archaeology is finding evidence that proves beyond doubt that what has been taught as our history in the past is bunk and history teaching hasn’t quite caught up with the real facts as yet.
Just yesterday I came across an item on the internet quoting from an English newspaper. It was claiming the, “Amazing”, findings that, in their local area there were two women who had paid for personal genetic tests in an effort to discover their family origins. They were, “Amazed”, to find they were not genetically “English”, but descended from Native North Americans yet as far as their family history went back they were English.
There were no theories offered as to how that could be. Yet a survey carried out in the Scottish Northern Isles some time ago had found a fair percentage of Native North American genes in the gene pool. There, though, there was a ready and proven explanation. The Hudson Bay Company in Canada had recruited, “Bay Boys”, in the Scottish islands for a very long time.
Now “Bay Boys”, were not invaders of North America who attempted to kill off the native Americans. They converted the natives to Christianity, married native American wives and it is historic fact that when a Bay Boy died in North America the Hudson Bay Company sent their wives and Children, “Home”, to their families in Britain — to a land they knew nothing about and in the Scottish Northern Isles these family members history was recorded.
That is just one likely explanation for the, “English”, women of North American descent. However, there were many other examples of native North American’s being brought to Britain since the Americas were colonised. Some old teachings have been proven to be claptrap but the old teachings are hard to eradicate even among academics.
@ Breeks: “…somehow he has scammed his way into the job of US President.”
I like to think it’s more of a booby prize, or even a non-refusable favour in lieu of paying what he owes after a life of monumentally expensive depravity.
Naughty kids’ bedtime warnings will never be the same again.
“If you don’t behave, one day you might be the POTUS.”
Abulhaq says:
“Scotland and its nationalist leaders need to engage with the world”
What makes you think they are not?
From where I am standing, there is much more to the world than Trump.
Bobp says: 14 July, 2018 at 9:50 pm
if so, given the level of coverage over all the political spectrum of the media, that is telling.
Interesting how Labour and Tories are now so interested in devolving power down from Holyrood to more local power. Being cynical it crosses my mind is that they can’t get into power at Holyrood but can work together at local level to thwart the SNP, as is being proven across Scotland currently.
Also it is not being more democratic as the turnout at local elections is woeful. This is how you have parties like UKIP gaining some power, lack of interest by majority, minority get votes out, you end up with an extremist MEP.
Read the same story at several sources and still don’t understand what TMay is supposed to be saying!
She has warned Tory rebels seeking to derail her latest cherry picking plan, that they could be left with “no Brexit at all”.
To me that reads like she is threatening to simply cancel Brexit.
But no, I suspect she means a no deal Brexit.
FFS!! Does that mean she is actually threatening them with the very thing they want!?
My own brain really hurts trying to understand the workings of Tory brains!
This latest plan, does anyone think it can be anything more that a rough starting point as far as the EU is concerned. It certainly isn’t an acceptable nor workable plan. So why is TMay getting away with her stance? Marr should have torn her to shreads (to use the language of the Express) this morning. Yet he took her seriously.
I’m trying to work out why Kenny MacAskill would say that, what purpose he has in saying it. He has turned into another Jim Sillar, there is no direction in his arguments.
Dodo: a large extinct flightless bird with a stout body, stumpy wings, a large head, and a heavy hooked bill. It was found on Mauritius until the end of the 17th century
Tory brains: see Dodo
What might have been had wisdom and Scottish practical common sense prevailed.
Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon received the President of the United States Donald Trump at Bute House, the First Minister’s official residence.
The communiqué issued after the private meeting described the encounter as an animated exchange of views on matters such as world trade and immigration. The First Minister made a strong case for Scottish independence which the President listened to with interest particularly given his Mother’s Scottish heritage.
The First Minister presented the President with gifts reflecting the Gaelic culture of Scotland which now enjoys support from the Scottish government after centuries of neglect.
The US President’s next meeting is with the Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.
If power was devolved from Holyrood to Councils, the Councils would be sitting ducks for control from Westminster.
But of course as with all things Labour can’t see what’s coming.
@Brian Powell
I’m not convinced Labour would care, Holyrood was designed to be their fiefdom. It didn’t work out as planned, they’re looking for another plan.
@ Galamcennalath – is Kenny McKaskill one of the small select band of “former” SNP ministers (plus Jim Sillars) who are MSM favourites when an anti independence/SNP quote is needed? Which is an everyday occurrence.
Or is he acting as a “lightning rod” as Alex Neil was doing during the last election campaign, i.e. expressing a contrary view?
Don’t see why they can’t just ask the present incumbents for an opinion, or would that grant them the “oxygen of publicity” (Thatcher’s phrase).
Radio Scotland is on full damage control today casting slurs on Nicola Sturgeon as Health Minister not implementing a Labour report on reforming the SNHS along the lines of the English reforms.
Good luck with that one.
Once Scotland is independent and we receive POtUS on an official state visit, that may well be the case.
For now though NS position is on the money
There is much that is puzzling about Kenny McAskill and it goes back a long way.
The unionists councils are part of the problem. They have their own agenda. To mispend public money like the is no tomorrow. Then blame others. Borrowing and spending and getting into debt. Mismanaged public money. Wasting it. Building offices and shops and underoccupied hotels. When there are shops and offices already sitting empty. Instead of building houses and schools. Cutting funds allocated to public services to waste on groteque monstrosities of no value. Totally against public wishes. They are a disgrace and part of the problem. They have created. They just want more public money to be wasted against the public wishes. Giving them even more control will be a disaster. Putting homeless in prison rather than building affordable house etc. Costs more.
The Westminster unionists mismanaging Scottish funds, revenue and taxes. Ruining the Oil & Gas, fishing, farming and other sectors. Wasting Scottish revenues on illegal wars, nuclear and gross mismanagement. Costing Scotland £Billions and thousands of jobs. Sanctioning and starving people. Just appalling. Denying people the basic right to food and shelter.
Trump was on a private visit. That is why Nicola did not need to meet him. Get over it.
From Stu’s twitter – comment on BBC Scotland dredging up an ancient health report to smear the FM:
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The MSM,the unionist establishment and their representatives like Rock and Abulhaq are losing this current debate big time.
@thomas says: 14 July, 2018 at 6:24 pm:
” … I think a lot of the problem was the norman french takeover in the lowlands circa 12th century during the davidian revolution … “
Let’s just get this correct, Thomas. I’m not the one attempting to compartmentalise Scottish history to one particular time period to suit a particular theory.
I’m the one looking at the whole and complete, (as far as can be currently proven), picture. There are several, already disproven older theories that just do not hold up under current evidence.
I’ll briefly highlight some. “The Scots really are Irish”?
Yet more recent archaeological digs on the more difficult to get to Sea Stacks and the harder to access Scottish Islands have found artefacts that pre-date those from Ireland that the, “Scots came from Ireland”, theory was based upon. Carbon dating does not lie.
The more reasonable theory is the common sense one that, as the seas and rivers were the superhighways of the times, the Tribes known as the Scots lived all around the shores of what we now call the Irish Sea and they then penetrated inland through the dense, almost impenetrable, Great Caledonian Forest that was the natural environment that covered the whole of Scotland.
The existence of the very large, “Middens”, composed of sea shells around Scotland’s coasts proves the point that the Scots were tribes that inhabited the shores around both what became Scotland & Ireland. After all there is only around 23 miles between Scotland and Ireland at the narrowest point.
If the waterways were the easier to navigate areas than the forests then common sense says humans would use the seas and rivers rather than hack their way through forests full of dangerous wild animals and would live, as we know they did, on food from the seas and rivers.
There isn’t a square foot of Scotland that was not artificially created by humans to make habitable and most of the barren wasteland that is now modern Scotland resulted from humans being driven out to make way for sheep. Our Highland glens and Southern Uplands once supported far larger populations than they do today and yet some would fight to keep those lands barren believing that was Scotland’s natural habitat – it isn’t. Fence off an area to keep out sheep and deer and the enclosure will soon revert to the forest it once was.
@Dave McEwan Hill
I can’t make McAskill out. He does have a voice in the MSM, and perhaps that’s the point, he can get the odd quote in with the other critical stuff, and will still be there when it’s important, i.e. near the actual date of Indy Ref 2. Or he’s bitter because he was sacked by Sturgeon. He does go way back with Salmond though. Shrug.
Capella Nicola not implementing was mentioned in Holyrood debate i think the message to Labour was to get elected & form a Gov & implement their own report .
It’ll be a long long wait .
There’s no free ride in the SNP:If you’re good for the party you’re in, if you’re not you’re out
Kenny MacAskill is from a different era in politics when times were a little easier and slacker and politicians could coast from time to time, like the Labour party do all the time so sometimes some ex politicians get grumpy when they’ve gone out of favour and have a moan in the newspapers about not being loved enough, but Nicola Sturgeon demands 100% all the time from everybody including herself
The FM is driven 24 hours a day in everything she does all for her vision of Scotlands potential and if you work for the SNP under her leadership you have to graft or you’re gone, it’s that simple
The media and the opposition try to portray her as some sort of tyrannical obsessive dictator, she’s not she’s just totally focussed 100% of the time on her work for Scotland and expects everybody else to do the same
You never hear Michelle Thomson complain about her ex boss
and likely you won’t hear Shona Robison complain either
Not easy being an SNP anything when every single British entity is after your head, so you have to be pretty tough and that means casualties from time to time and sometimes the casualties don’t like it
Scotland’s FM is not responsible for reserved matters so no point in being civil to an arsehole like Trump, there is nothing to be gained from such a meeting.
The inflated Trump balloons have upset Trump & will be shown all over the world, therefore superb.
“After all there is only around 23 miles between Scotland and Ireland at the narrowest point.L
12 miles actually!
There will be a GE. The Tories will lose to get them out of the mess. A complete shambles. The next lot will be as bad. People do not know whether to laugh or greet. Cameron caused it. Another Tory/unionist scandal. Lining their pockets and embezzling public money. £Trns in debt. Just a disgrace.
Vote SNP/SNP. Vote for Independence.
Don’t be deceived – Secret trade talks at the heart of Trump visit;
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In Trump’s U.K. Visit, Some See ‘Infomercial’ for Money-Losing Golf Resort;
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I used to leaflet for Kenny MacAskill decades ago in West Lothian. I always thought he was a good guy. He was one of the 79 group with Alex Salmond on the left.
I don’t know what happened to him, but in my mind I’m very disappointed with him. He is like Sillars. Grumping all the time about SNP policies. He would be better shutting up!
@Abulhaq says: 14 July, 2018 at 7:23 pm:
That is probably the most hilarious Unionist pish I’ve read in a very long time indeed, and, believe me, I’ve read a great many hilariously pretentious unionist comments of recent years.
@Dr Jim / @Flower of Scotland
The SNP Conference NATO debate in 2012 was one of the most hotly debated issues ever for the SNP, as Robertson backed by Salmond and others moved for the SNP to change from its stance of backing “Partners for Peace” (PfP) in NATO, to full membership. Remember Finnie resigned from the SNP after.
McAskill’s speech was one of the most passionate, and very strong too, he took no prisoners criticising the other side of the debate. In the event it was won by a very small majority which took a long time counting. And yet he was going against his own ideals for the sake of Independence, and even though membership of NATO would win few YES votes, the PfP stance would in my opinion have kept a lot of people on a NO. Defence is something we take for granted, and PfP would have given Better Together a massive axe to use against Indy Scotland.
So for me there’s no doubting his YES credentials, he put himself very much second to the cause of YES, and went for it like a bull in a china shop. It’s why I’m prepared to defend him – if he needs any defence at all of course 🙂
@Ian Brotherhood says: 14 July, 2018 at 10:26 pm:
” … Who gave Rock the blue Smarties?”
Who he?
Oh, forgot a URL for that:
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“Perhaps the most influential speech came from Kenny MacAskill, the Justice Secretary. He opened with a wry reminder that he was scarcely in the pocket of the United States (as the man who released the Lockerbie bomber from prison.)
But then it was passion, emotion. He had marched with CND, he said. He had lobbied and cajoled for nuclear disarmament. He was “tired of marching”. He wanted independent power in order to bring about change. The chat after the debate was that he may have won the day with his powerful pitch. ”
I agree.
The irony of that, by the way, is it’s likely all Grun’s Sevvie’s fault the stance changed from PfP to full membership, and a factor in the rise of support for Indy rose from 25% to 45%, as he persecuted Robertson and the SNP about the NATO issue. Let’s hear it for our Sevvie 🙂
A personal and quite possible cynical view of McAskill and co with their anti-SNP sniping.
People who go into politics are like everyone else. Regardless of their motivations, they are compensated for their role with a salary. If they leave politics then they go to another profession that offers a similar level of salary.
That’s all very well if you had a profession before you entered politics that offers a similar level of pay you can fall back into or are able to go into a new one due to your previous political experience. What happens if that doesn’t happen?
I can’t help but feel that the House of Lords isn’t only a reward for politicians as a reward for towing the British establishment line but also to stop them from undermining it in the form of not stopping them from biting the (British establishment) hand that feeds them?
If this assumption is correct it is a good form of control by the British establishment to stop ex British politicians from spilling the beans, so to speak. There is no way that the Scottish government could implement this because because they would be rightly criticised for trying to buy silence.
Brexit is the big picture.
Northern Ireland vote jolts already disunited Kingdom;
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Here’s A Few Incredibly Scottish Signs Telling Donald Trump He’s A Wee Shitebag;
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Queen Elizabeth II is a ‘fantastic & amazing woman,’ Trump says after UK trip;
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Re Trump
Here’s a thought….
As POTUS or even ex POTUS,how can he ever visit his Golf courses again,in an Independent Scotland without the consent of the First Minister and or the Scottish government?
So while that’s Nicola ….
And even when it’s someone else, having brought our Government home and mair tae the point “within slapping distance” and given the strength of feeling about him coming to Scotland ,I don’t think Auld Trumpy boy will see his Golf Courses again!
His best hope is to sell up before Holyrood get round to land reform and foreign ownership of Scotland!!!!
As “they” say them that laugh last laugh the longest…
The MSM nonsense, They can’t even google a few facts. What a bunch of complete useless incompetents. Havering total nonsense.
Here’s what the UK media isn’t telling you about the violent riots in Derry;
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Theresa May Said Donald Trump’s Told Her To “Sue The EU” And Refuse To Negotiate Brexit;
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German minister warns Trump against unilateral deals with Putin;
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It’s just the normal BBC Scotland news output. Decide the story you want then go and look for anything that will confirm your story, it’s simple. They don’t even need to look outside to see if it’s raining, it is what they say it is as far as they are concerned (referencing someone else’s post regarding journalist training).
Smallaxe, re the wee queenie wifie, trumpy is just erse lickin.
auld highlander,
That’s wan well-licked erse, ma friend.
The Yanks do have a thing about the “Queen of England”, I daresay Trump is no different.
That opinion poll in todays Observer has a very surprising result (at least to me) to the question:
Q:EUR9. Earlier this year the Prime Minister said, in relation to Brexit, that “no deal for Britain is better than a bad deal for Britain”. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Excluding don’t knows and neither agree or disagree, then across UK 72% Agree 28% Disagree. In Scotland only, 56% Agree 44% Disagree.
I guess it shows that people can be brainwashed by a single slogan if it’s said often enough, pretty scary how easily the public can be manipulated.
Apologies if already posted:
The Imodium to Trump’s logorrhea;
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British PM May warns rebels: Back me or risk ‘no Brexit at all’;
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Full text: Donald Trump-Theresa May press conference;
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I’d be tempted to agree though. I guess for people if the UK is going to pay, then it needs some benefits for that payment, so a bad deal is the worst outcome.
Aye indeed Smallaxe, the trumpies did not follow etiquette as he failed to give her a wee bow and she failed to curtsy. Oh the shame, smirk.
Just as well he never gave her a wee pat on the behind.
You’ll not be surprised that I strongly disagree.
No deal has to be the baddest of all bad deals.
The people will pay all right if it’s a No Deal and it’ll cost them a hell of a lot more than any contribution that might have been paid to the EU from their taxes.
Cost to business of customs transactions £20 billion, 800,000 job losses, 9% lower GDP ect ect. No deal will be very costly indeed.
ICYMI: Brexit Balls Up! It’s fun to watch, but does anyone actually know what’s going on?;
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Booger! I put in the new free SSLforfree cert a few days before expiry on a minor website but forgot to restart Apache. Slap slap. Oh well, only a few hours lost.
Has another sleeper mole been activated.
Is it getting near the end game.
Tell everyone you know to vote YES this time.
Yes indeed, but that’s for not having SM / CU.
I’d say if there was another question about Brexit about the type of Brexit, a majority would want a soft Brexit with a “good” deal – or staying in the EU completely.
It’s as always the actual wording of the question.
Here’s news of part of Ireland’s preparations for a No Deal Brexit just released.
Ireland to move oil reserves from UK over Brexit – Sunday Independent
DUBLIN (Reuters) – The Irish government is planning to move 200,000 tonnes of its oil reserves from Britain as part of its Brexit preparations and will sign off on the move this week, Ireland’s Sunday Independent newspaper reported.
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The stories of the UK running out of food in the shops and petrol or medicines in the event of No Deal within a week or two might not be as exaggerated as some may think.
Peter Mandelson joins Brexiters in attack on May’s EU ‘humiliation’;
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200,000 tonnes is apparently 1.4 million barrels of petroleum, and that’s refined not crude oil. Ummm, quite a lot of money!
Yeah, it’s a reminder that in the autumn I’ll have to look at getting stocks of some stuff for business to see me through the disruptions 🙁 🙁
Cashflow will be a booger. Stupid effing Tories, who’d have ’em?
It’s a loaded question, who would ever say they wanted a bad deal as opposed to a totally unspecified deal (in this case no deal is a bad deal, but it’s not how the question is phrased).
Bit like asking do you want no independence rather than bad independence. pretty much guarantees the answer you want.
The No deal question is dumb. If the bad deal required us all to wear our underpants on our heads and stick pencils up our nose then you could argue that no deal would be better.
In order to determine whether no deal is better than a bad deal you have first to define the bad deal. The bad deal could be worse or better than no deal. If you assume that the bad deal is very, very bad then of course no deal might be the better option.
It is a foolish question.
Pride comes before a fool as Nicola Sturgeon ignores Donald Trump’s visit to lead equality parade;
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Piers Morgan and Nigel Farage are a couple of racist little Englanders.
Morgan and Farage are Trumps first point of contact when in comes to anything regarding British Politics.
Public enquiries are set up to delve into the areas of a scandal that the politicians want them to reveal, and avoid the areas that they want the public kept in the dark about. Hence there is rarely ever any prosecutions of those at the top of government/industry as a result. Want they will find is some middle ranker to pin the blame on if it is felt a head needs to role.
“The stories of the UK running out of food in the shops and petrol or medicines in the event of No Deal within a week or two might not be as exaggerated as some may think.” @Thepnr says at 1:06 pm
It is all part of the Tory plan I think unfortunately
No Deal Brexit
Impose state of emergency
Close Holyrood
Mundells beefed up Scotland Office now officially the “UK Government in Scotland” will become our defacto Government (think Vichy France).
Then it’ll be “God save the Queen and her Neo-Fascist Regime”.
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Many Scots are ignorant of Scottish history, partly because it was not taught properly at many schools for decades. Nevertheless, there are loads of people with a very good knowledge and interest.
Like any topic, there are different angles and there are many historians who disagree with each other. One has to read different historians to form your own view.
Robert Peffers appears to have a good knowledge but his is but one view among many, although on Wings he does seem to be predominant and this is an observation, not a criticism.
When the BREXIT vow comes out, that’s when you know the establishment panic level has finally gone critical. IMO there will be a signed promise to deliver SOFT BREXIT MAX.
(with bells on). 🙂
Whether BREXIT is good or bad, the UK (ahem) voted for it and that’s what many people want. The full Monty. What they will get will be a watered-down version: BREXIT in name only. When the people realise they have been duped, that the UK will transform from being a member of the EU to being a colony of the EU all hell will break loose.
Heck, it may even persuade me of these disappointed Scottish LEAVE voters to support independence again. 🙂
@ Yesindyref2 @ 10:04am ….. “Trump in himself is largely an irrelevance to getting a YES vote.”
I reckon Trump will be a main player as soon as Indyref2 is announced. He’ll be extremely vocal in his opposition and will no doubt make all kinds of cataclysmic threats towards Scotland. There’s no way that he’ll want to see us remain in the EU / out of the UK and with the ability to rid ourselves of Trident. On a positive note Trump’s “interventions”, when the time comes, could get right up Scottish noses. We’ll see.
People like Abulhaq seem to think that Nicola was wrong in not seeing Trump. The fact is that Trump didn’t want to acknowledge her, no doubt at the behest of T May et al. And we all know what that’s about.
This is excellent !
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Rev should post this on this site
I’ve read over 300 economic papers and studied the accounting between treasuries, central banks and commercial banks.
And nothing brings it together like this in layman terms for the last decade.
I dream every day of having an economic summy like this in Scotland.
Has there been a poll suggesting that SNP support is rising again? I must assume their is as the BBC has upped its attack mode to defcon 1 again.
Get ready for SNHS, education and police FOI stories rearing their head imminently.
Foreign direct investments in the US have fallen by a third since Trump took over.
Why is it people concentrate on investments in the same way you look at debts ? You look at public debt instead of private debt the debt that matters ?
Investors chase profits not ideological purity. A growing economy with innovative investment in public infrastructure is fertile for attracting FDI. Building sustainable growth through high employment with stable prices with good wages and appropriate productivity improvements and strong rule of law is fertile for attracting FDI. Investors don’t go on strike under these circumstances they are knocking down your door to invest to steal all of that aggregate demand.
People choose to ignore Foreign Portfolio Investment, which represents foreign investments in a nation’s financial assets which bear no interest in an underlying productive activity in the real sector of the economy. Driven by unregulated financial markets and the four freedoms.
It includes purchases of shares, corporate and government bonds, and other local currency-denominated assets which are typically easier to liquidate than assets created by FDI. Real estate is included in this category if held for speculative purposes, although it is less liquid than the array of financial assets that the ‘hot’ money is attracted to.
Clearly, this capital can be withdrawn very quickly and can be the source of financial instability and we’ve seen first hand the problem it causes with house prices.
If these type of investors don’t like say Corbyn’s tax policies they will start a run on the £ that is ideologicaly driven. They will try and destabilise a left wing government as much as possible.
Capital controls function to limit the extent of the currency depreciation when a currency is under attack from ‘hot money’ speculators.
If targeted to short-term capital transactions (‘hot money’) they counter the speculative flows that might destabilise an exchange rate and force a nation to run down its foreign exchange reserves.
You don’t want those you love the four freedoms. You love stockholm syndrome that gives power away to some unelected entity that you can serve.
For example, China prevents foreign funds from investing directly into its capital market. It also has quotas on the use of short-term foreign debt that its domestic banks can engage. They know the consequences if they don’t.
Those that love the four freedoms and stockholm syndrome say that the financial markets will always subvert capital controls, but the reality is different. Speculators know full well that such controls stop their damaging behaviour.
Otherwise, why would investors and speculators cry bloody murder whenever capital controls are mentioned as a possibility?
While it is usually claimed that imposing such controls would automatically cut a country off from access to international capital markets, plunging the nation into autarchy, the experience of various countries that have imposed capital controls in recent years disproves this claim.
Indeed, the evidence shows that countries that employed constraints on surging capital inflows fared better than countries with open capital accounts in the recent global financial crisis.
In fact, it is often forgotten that the Bretton Woods system was ultimately derailed precisely by speculative capital flows that threatened the exhaustion of the foreign exchange and/or gold reserves of nations running external deficits.
It is also the case, that it was only capital controls that gave any semblance of currency stability during the fixed exchange rate period, especially in the various European arrangements that followed the collapse of the Bretton Woods agreement in 1971.
They also claim that a nation will run out of money if foreign investors lose confidence in the government, or, more to the point, dislike the policies it is pursuing.
This is also false.
No foreign investor funds a sovereign currency-issuing government. As long as that government does not borrow in a foreign currency it is financially sound.
As long as they do not allow the neoliberals to cause a crises like they have just done in Argentina. The first 2 things the neoliberal government did in Argentina was stop capital controls and borrowed in US$.
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@ Footsoldier
That’s the great thing about Peffers – his posts provide impetus to go off and learn more yourself.
In February 2010, the IMF released a research paper – Capital Inflows: The Role of Controls – where they argued that under certain circumstances “capital controls … is justified as part of the policy toolkit to manage inflows”.
The IMF concluded that short-term speculative surges can compromise sound macroeconomic management – by pushing the exchange rate up and undermining trade competitiveness.
They also acknowledged that:
… large capital inflows may lead to excessive foreign borrowing and foreign currency exposure, possibly fueling domestic credit booms (especially foreign-exchange denominated lending) and asset bubbles (with significant adverse effects in the case of a sudden reversal).
FDI which “may include a transfer of technology or human capital” can “boost long-term growth”, but the flows associated with FPI – “such as portfolio investment and banking and especially hot, or speculative, debt inflows — seem neither to boost growth nor allow the country to better share risks with its trading partners”.
Another IMF article (June 2016) – Neoliberalism: Oversold? – concluded that short-term capital flows have questionable legitimacy and that:
Among policymakers today, there is increased acceptance of controls to limit short-term debt flows that are viewed as likely to lead to—or compound—a financial crisis. While not the only tool available—exchange rate and financial policies can also help—capital controls are a viable, and sometimes the only, option when the source of an unsustainable credit boom is direct borrowing from abroad.
Which asks the question why a nation would ever allow unfettered FPI. Driven by unregulated financial markets. One of the four freedoms free movement of capital ?
Why anybody would want to support a type of democracy that allows the neoliberal gloablists to depoliticise their decisions, thus reducing the political costs of unpopular policies, by ‘scapegoating’ international institutions (such as the European Commission) or simply by blaming ‘the markets’ is beyond me.
In my own view it is insane and not democracy at all it is what George Monbiot has written about for decades and nothing more than state capture. When the poachers become gamekeepers.
Yet, here we kicking and screaming wanting to protect the four freedoms and state capture either by unelected technocrats or hedge funds and investors.
Of course the very same people will tell you that they can reform the EU within and Jeremy Corbyn will reform the EU. Which is nothing more than pure delusion free movement of capital is one of the four freedoms and we know what the EU thinks about those.
You can’t just keep on ignoring what’s going on in the US and the UK
You can’t ignore why it is happening and why populism is on the rise everywhere.
Giving people labels just won’t cut it anymore. You have to recognise the reason for both is a failed economic system of supply side Jesus tosh.
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The lazy Greek, the dim witted Irish, the hot bloodied Italian, The sleepy Spanish, the commie french or the nationalistic scot just won’t cut it anymore.