The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

The asymmetric war

Posted on March 20, 2018 by

We’re at the halfway point of our 2018 fundraiser, and the all-sources total so far is a thumpingly impressive £103,266 in just two weeks. But while that’s a tremendous sum, it’s sobering too.

Firstly because with an average monthly readership of  nearly 304,000 people it comes to an average contribution of slightly under 30p per reader. As with most crowdfunded ventures, fewer than 1% of the site’s users have actually backed it financially so far.

And secondly because for perspective, the average Scottish adult – independence supporters included – sends the BBC about £72 a year. (£323m from 4.5m adults.)

While obviously a minority of folk do boycott the licence fee, that still means that the average Wings reader gives the BBC 240 times as much money every year as they give Wings to fight it.

And as well as its own output, which is hugely financially incentivised in favour of the Union, the BBC is now using your money to directly fund Scottish newspapers hostile to independence by paying them to hire more reporters.

(It’ll then also massively amplify those hostile voices by featuring them on multiple daily “papers review” shows from which online media with readerships many times bigger are arbitrarily excluded, enabling the anti-independence outlets to dictate the political news agenda every day without having to sell a single copy.)

So, y’know, it’s a tough job.

We know that a lot of people simply don’t have cash to spare these days, and that’s fine. Never, ever, ever send us money you can’t afford. And we know that a lot of people contribute in other ways than financially, with story tip-offs and expert inside knowledge and the like, and that’s great too. We couldn’t do what we do without you.

But if the Yes movement’s media were funded to even a tiny fraction of the level that Yes supporters (however grudgingly) fund anti-independence media, it could truly bring about a Scottish political revolution.

So if you’re one of the 99% of people reading this who haven’t donated anything yet, all we’d ask is that you think about whether independence is important enough to you that it’s maybe worth kicking in £10 once a year – 19p a week – for.

David slew Goliath in the end, of course. But he needed the stones.

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  1. 20 03 18 11:56

    The asymmetric war | speymouth

613 to “The asymmetric war”

  1. Chas Clark says:

    Perhaps if you’d set a target of £250k you would have reached it by now? I wonder if many people see the target being smashed and assume their donation isn’t necessary?

  2. BigRD says:

    A worthy cause. Have some cash.

  3. fillofficer says:

    i reckon a good percentage of your readership are our opponents, who obviously need to monitor the groundswell & troll accordingly.
    i hope this wee reminder boosts yer coffers adequately enough to cover the publication of 1m new WBBs. much gratitude

  4. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    Could I suggest you promote a monthly Standing Order form, Stu.
    I give small to your annual appeal but I’d rather give a couple of pounds a month,which I’ll set about doing.

    Chas Clark’s post at 11.03 is probably close to the mark.

  5. Morgatron says:

    Stu and fellow readers.
    I am currently guilty of not dipping into my wallet (yet). The timing belt on Mrs Morgatrons car popped, but fear not pay day is on the Horizon and my annual donation will be deposited on the 30th – bloody 5 week pay month! I cant agree more, i know i get so much from this site and to all my fellow freedom wingers.

  6. Liz g says:

    Can I suggest putting bank details on the top of the main page.
    Then anyone who is in the bank can just stick some money straight in too.

  7. Vestas says:

    Personally I suspect you’d have got a fair bit more if the counter worked like indiegogo did last year – ie going above 100%

    Flatlining at 100% funded likely causes people to say “job done then, no point” & also removes the incentive to push that figure higher which probably motivated some people to contribute last year after the target was reached.

    I’ve mentioned it before to you (in terms of commissioning polls) but I think you’d do better running multiple fundraisers for a specific goal.

    Keep the annual fundraiser but maybe run a few more small ones during the year for specific purposes/etc.

  8. McDuff says:

    I have often thought about the money raised on this site and found it odd that with so many dedicated readers the sums raised were disappointing.
    It is the same with independence rallies, given that 1.6 million or so voted for independence the attendance was 5 to 10 thousand at most.
    This is really now or never time and those that want this country to be free must step up to the mark.

  9. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Could I suggest you promote a monthly Standing Order form, Stu.
    I give small to your annual appeal but I’d rather give a couple of pounds a month,which I’ll set about doing.”

    There’s always been a £2-a-month regular donation option on the Donate page:

    link to

  10. heedtracker says:

    Come on people, cost of a pint a month wont break the bank. Its the whole extraordinary power of Crowd funding.

  11. Gordon says:

    Fair enough, I’ve freeloaded enough. My tenner will be on it’s way this evening!

  12. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Can I suggest putting bank details on the top of the main page.”

    They’re already pretty prominently displayed on the Donate page, which is linked in the central links bar:

    link to

  13. Holebender says:

    I make a monthly payment by direct debit so, as with previous years, I do not make an additional payment during the fundraiser.

    There’s a “Donate” button at the top of the page for anyone who wishes to do likewise.

  14. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Personally I suspect you’d have got a fair bit more if the counter worked like indiegogo did last year – ie going above 100%”

    Yeah, it’s something I’ll be taking up with the new platform if we decide to stay with them.

  15. Breastplate says:

    All remember that this is our site too. Invest in yourselves.

  16. heedtracker says:

    Dave McEwan Hill

    Enjoying today’s Daily Record nothing coverage of the rolling high tory Brexit reneges on Scotland Dave? Not even a quote from the Colonel, for our Daily Record tories.

  17. Bruce L says:

    That is indeed sobering. Donation incoming on March payday, as planned.

  18. rongorongo says:

    Maybe Wings needs a Blue Peter Funding Thermometer with increasingly exciting sounding targets: “with £5 our cartoonist will be able to submit work in black and white – but for £50 he will deliver in full colour”

  19. Street Andrew says:

    Standing order timed to coincide with ‘Giro’ day sounds like a good idea.

    As an aside , but related, I discovered that SSE Hydro apply their direct debit discount to standing order payments also. (maybe all energy companies do likewise I don’t know)

    Monthly DD is a menace if you get money in weekly, fortnightly or four weekly increments, but Standing Orders can deal with that problem in many cases. (And sometimes discounts apply)

  20. neil bruce says:

    Just sent my donation to the cause.

    Would have been done sooner but kept rejecting
    my email as “already in use”. Don’t know if any
    others have had this happen, but it may be
    putting people off as I had to create a new
    email to get round this.

  21. galamcennalath says:

    I’m sure it would help if we had a date for ScotRef!

    Once that does happen I suggest Wings has another whip round. Maybe specifically to buy things like advertising, stickers, leaflets, books, badges, etc..

    How about some paid for targeted advertising on other sites …. google, Facebook, whatever … once we move into full all out campaigning.

  22. Desimond says:

    Get the Donate button the same size at least as the Sealand Gazette icon
    hashtag inyirface

  23. Cuilean says:

    If there is anyone in a house aged over 75, then that house does not have to pay for a TV license.Just apply for a 75 or over license.

    Our house is one such, so I happily paid Stu the cost this house ‘saves’ each year in license fees.

    Of course, when our circumstances change, hell with freeze over before the lying BBC receive one red cent from this house. I’d rather go to jail. Libertad!

  24. TheWasp says:

    I’ve been waiting on the donations easing a bit before I chip in. Still plenty time to help.

  25. Street Andrew says:


  26. wee bud says:

    Just donated after this reminder gave me a kick up the jacksy..

    I don’t contribute anything to msm or the license fee.. You must be doing something right Stu to get my hard earned cash !!

  27. t42 says:

    Have a fundraiser to buy targeted facebook ads via cambridge analytica.

  28. galamcennalath says:

    Stu, get a more credible sounding email address on your PayPal

    I have several email addresses on the same PayPal account, so can use any of them for payment/receipt.

    I really think you need a different one added 🙂

  29. Street Andrew says:

    galamcennalath says:
    20 March, 2018 at 11:57 am
    I’m sure it would help if we had a date for ScotRef!

    Nicola would be a fool to call Indyref2 before she knows she’ll get the result we want.

    Remember Alex tried that and look what happened.

    So no excuses. Keep doing the groundwork.

    Stu does. Day in day out.

  30. Flower of Scotland says:

    I cancelled my TV licence 6 months ago and I gave you a donation, Indylive, and the SNP. and monthly payments to a YES hub, the SNP and The National

    I’m going to set up a monthly donation to you now, Rev.

    I know folk who read Wings and don’t donate. I will remind them. It’s important! We have to do this ourselves because the British State will be well funded AGAINST us.

  31. Cuilean says:

    Pretty sure the Green Ink Gang visit your site but if we discount say 4,000 unique views to the Green Ink Gang types, that leaves 300,000 unique views. If they donated just £10 each, that’s Three Million Pounds!

    That is a sobering thought!

    It’s estimated the UK loses £55m down the back of the sofa, each year. (This is true. My nephew fell asleep on my sofa and lost £3.72 in change; to me!)

    So spill for the cause, fellow yessers!

    Mind, Stu, many folks will just think you don’t want or need any more cash as your target of just £45,000 was reached on Day 1.

    Remember The People v Alistair Carmichael Libdem MP? The Orkney Four raised £216,590 on Indiegogo which was 102% funded. I think they received more funds from other sources too, including The Rowntree Foundation.

    I think whatever you asked for, your readers would give you, as we trust you implicitly.

    But like most Scots, you ask for the minimum to get by.

    Once Indyref2 is called, whatever you asked for to help the YES campaign, you would get. Remember that. You have no idea how much you are loved and needed.

    Ask and you shall receive.

  32. Colinmg62 says:

    Just set up a monthly sub. This and The National are all that convinces me there are still some sane people in Scotland; and I’d sure as hell miss Wings far, far more than I’ll miss a few pounds. Keep calling the wicked to account; they need it, and so do we.

  33. Robert Louis says:

    Street andrew at 1211pm,

    Well, given the reluctance of the SNP and Scottish Government to even mention the benefits of independence, I think we might just have to wait a very, very, very long time, for the opinion polls to masgically move all by themselves.

    Alex Salmond almost won the referendum, his starting point was between 25-30% support. Currently we have around 47-49% support, before the campaign even begins, and in spite of four years of solid, 24/7 anti independence propaganda from the journalists paid liars at the BBC.

    Of course, we could just do nothing, and hope the polls move to 60% in favour, all by themselves.

  34. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    heedtracker at 11.40

    Pages 8 and 9 complete in today’s Record are a full on attack on Ruth Davidson and the Tories betrayal of Scotland’s fishermen as is the editorial.

  35. Reluctant Nationalist says:

    “…the average Scottish adult sends the BBC about £72 a year”

    Absolute pith and blithering mince pies. Peffers, tear this man a new arsehole, please.

  36. Robert Louis says:

    Re fundraiser

    Their is a real issue with the non-moving target on the fundraising page. To many, it looks like, ‘job done’.

  37. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    re Rev’s remark at 11.36 – I know that. Suggesting perhaps a prominent box daily on the front page so to speak

  38. schrodingers cat says:

    what about advertising stu?

    can beggars afford to be choosers?

  39. galamcennalath says:

    Street Andrew says:

    Nicola would be a fool to call Indyref2 before she knows she’ll get the result we want.

    Don’t agree with that view at all. Nicola is the First Minister of all of Scotland, not just the pro Indy half. She has to be seen to be acting in Scotland’s best interests.

    The present SG and Parliament have a mandate to call ScotRef should circumstances change significally.

    She also needs to respect the 2014 result. People voted NO for a particular shape of UK. That UK is melting before our eyes. Nicola’s judgement call has to be about when circumstances have changed so much that the UK voters chose has gone. That is a very qualitative and difficult appraisal.

    IMO it should be nothing to do with ‘winning is very likely’, it should be ‘does democracy necessitate’ the voters have their say.

    Remember Alex tried that and look what happened.

    We almost made it, but few believed we could initially, especially Cameron. I doubt very much if ‘could we’ or ‘couldn’t we’ had any bearing on Alec’s decision. He had promised it, and had to deliver.

    Nicola promised another if circumstances change, she too must deliver when that has clearly happened. Not quite yet, but soon.

  40. Reluctant Nationalist says:

    Money on the way soon.

  41. heedtracker says:

    Dave McEwan Hill says:
    20 March, 2018 at 12:28 pm
    heedtracker at 11.40

    Pages 8 and 9 complete in today’s Record are a full on attack on Ruth Davidson and the Tories betrayal of Scotland’s fishermen as is the editorial

    Why not their front page Dave?

    Its OK we all know why.

    DR’s schtick is quite interesting though, subtle even. In that they’re peddling the rolling tory fraud on Scotland, that the Colonel and her Scottish tories really are a different entity from the English tory, autonomous, free thinkers, rebels if you will, who, yes, may have let the Daily Record reader down this time but the fine Scottish tory party will always be there to defenderise us Scots, under the Colonel’s command.

    Reality, they’re just 13 more tory gits in Scotland.


    “Conservative MP for Moray Douglas Ross said: “It would be easier to get someone to drink a pint of sick than to pass this off as a successful deal.”

    We’re sooooooooooo lucky to have toryboys like Dougie.

  42. Proud Cybernat says:


    Alyn Smith MEP

    The Inner House of the Court of Session have accepted our appeal on the revocability of Article 50. Judgment here, statement to follow.

    link to

    Now – back to funding. Dig doon the sides of the sofa if you have to but let’s get a thumping WoS crowd-funder and, at least, beat last year’s figure.

  43. manandboy says:

    Cuilean speaks for me, Stu. Every word.

  44. Robert Louis says:

    Interesting watching Tory liar Michael Gove in the HoC just now, when talking of Scottish fishermen, he adopts a soft light Scottish accent, instead of his usual plumby English one.

    I know he comes from Scotland, but in reality, by his actions and deeds, he is as about Scottish as Nigel Farage.

    The Tory line now seems to be, ‘yes we sold out the fishermen yet again yesterday, but after the transition period, we really, really, really, cross our heart and hope to die, promise to stand up for them’.

  45. Charles says:

    I am sure Wings would never suggest it, but if every independence supporter cancelled their BBC subscription and supported pro Indy sites it would change the rules of the game.

    I cancelled my BBC fee on the lead up to Sept 2014, and have redirected it to other pro Indy causes. I have now subscribed monthly to Wings.
    Whereby I do not entirely agree with its opinion on everything, it is by far the most effective and influential Pro Indy site there currently is.
    It is hated by the establishment, the BBC, the Unionist MSM, its journalists, Unionist Social media, Unionist politicians, Rangers supporters and most importantly J K Rowling.
    …..Lets build a bigger rocket !

  46. Anonymous Coward says:

    What is your preferred donation method? The Charity Checkout page (so that it adds to the “official” total), or another method? Presumably direct bank transfer is the only option that eliminates all fees, so you receive the full donation rather than just a high proportion of it.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “What is your preferred donation method? The Charity Checkout page (so that it adds to the “official” total), or another method? Presumably direct bank transfer is the only option that eliminates all fees, so you receive the full donation rather than just a high proportion of it.”

      Yes, direct bank donation is the best – I include all sources in the total so I’m not very fussed what the CC page says – but whatever suits people is fine by me.

  47. Mark Harper says:

    I think the amount of people not paying the BBC in Scotland may be far greater than you think, perhaps you can do a wee survey? I haven’t paid since October 2013. Guy came to the house once, never been back. If they do come back I’ll be telling them I’m not interested in buying their product and closing the door.

  48. wull2 says:

    I love when someone thinks of their move and spoils there possible game..
    All I will say is smells fishy vote YES

  49. wull2 says:

    I hope Mark you have a sticker on your door, No cold callers including the BBC.

  50. yesindyref2 says:

    Excellent – and aware – article.

    Contributing time is important and valuable, still needs money money money.

  51. TheMadMurph says:

    Like Charles,

    I too cancelled my TV license in 2014. I have spent it, and much more, funding various YES causes but predominantly WoS.

    I miss very little due to the limitations of not watching live TV, and only after recent changes, am I restricted from watching BBC (no great loss).

    Any good drama from the BBC, end up on other platforms where I have unfettered access.

    I refuse to fund the anti-Scottish propaganda.

  52. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, every £10 pays for another X Wee Black Books.

  53. jfngw says:

    We definitely need enough cash to combat the BBC.

    The current story hails the Tories standing up against the UK on fishing, not the Tory Government unlike how they always preface their stories of the SNP government. They are heroes not betrayers going by BBC reporting, not long now till they turn it into a SNP bad story.

    Also note FM is going to China, now lets see how they handle this after the triumphant reporting of May’s visited.

  54. yesindyref2 says:

    Every Y £10 pays for another opinion poll which some media actually reports.

    Every Z £10 pays for a full page advert for Wings and the Wee Black Book in a unionist paper strapped for cash 🙂

  55. manandboy says:

    The investigations by The Observer, The Guardian and Channel 4, into Cambridge Analytica and others, have muddied the waters considerably where recent UK ballots including IndyRef14, are concerned.

    And since the harvested Facebook-based data is still ‘in the wild’, it can be used again whenever the next Independence Referendum, General Election or EU Referendum takes place.
    The integrity of the future results of any of these ballots cannot be guaranteed by anyone. Furthermore, in the current circumstances of the UK Government, the temptation to hire the services of Cambridge Analytica, if it meant keeping the UK intact or the Tories in Government, would be overwhelming.

    This must therefore have a bearing on the next Scottish Independence Referendum.

    It also means, in the language of the Court of Appeal, that the previous verdicts are ‘unsafe’, if it can be demonstrated that those ballots referred to above were subject to ‘interference’ as per the investigations into Cambridge Analytica, also referred to above.

  56. Robert Louis says:

    Of course, we could just do nothing, and hope the polls move to 60% in favour, all by themselves.

    Time is on our side. By natural wastage, opposition to independence fades every single day <evil cackle>.

    ~60% of under 55 are in favour of Scottish Independence.
    >70% of under 25 are in favour of Scottish Independence.

    Even with a shift from Yes to No as age obliterates the brain, there’s no leeway for naysayers to resist.

    Independence will come.

    The problem is will it come soon enough for something worth it still standing?
    I believe the BritNazis will destroy everything we cherish before accepting defeat.
    At that point nobody would care.
    I’m sure I wouldn’t.
    I’d be long gone.

  57. schrodingers cat says:

    i think tying the total raised into some kind of achievement graph is a good idea

    eg, £5000 = 2500 wbb2
    £10000 = 6000 wbb2

  58. schrodingers cat says:

    ~60% of under 55 are in favour of Scottish Independence.
    >70% of under 25 are in favour of Scottish Independence.

    50k of our young people leave scotland every year too

  59. Ken500 says:

    OK Ok will donate more.

    Will the ‘B’s’ on a freebee get the cobwebs out and loosen up the mothballs. Get some siller oot.

    Or perish the thought some of the unique readers are wrecking unionists. Trying to ruin the world.

    Prove yer noo a Tory – unionist. Empty your pockets give an donations. Less than a cup of coffee. Worth a lot more. Worth every penny sticking up for Scotland. Sock it to em Stu.

  60. schrodingers cat says:

    link to

    AN independent Scotland would likely be welcome in the European Economic Area, according to a leading academic based in Norway.

    Professor Christophe Hillion, from the Centre for European Law at Oslo University, said there were fears the UK Government would seek to neg-otiate opt-outs and preconditions from EEA rules – such as free movement of people – as part of any future application to join.

    He said such moves would “rock the boat” and risk making the arrangement “dysfunctional” for the three non EU members of the EEA – Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein.

    Hillion said he did not envisage major hurdles for an independent Scotland becoming a member of the European Free Trade Agreement as Scotland supported the benefits of single market participation.

    “What’s important is the general atmosphere in which the application to become an EEA state is made,” he told The National.

    “I have seen some discussions among the soft Brexiteers about the UK participating in the EEA but some of these discussions revolved around the questions of how to use the possible derogations [exemptions] that the EEA agreement foresee.

    “Starting a discussion about possible participation in the EEA by discussing how to derogate from its obligations would be a bad starting point.”

    He added: “If an independent Scotland is interested in being a member of the EEA it is important to make the point that EEA is about integration. It’s about participating fully in the internal market, without trying to find a way of not being bound by its obligations.

    “There is some level of scepticism about UK accession to the EEA as it would basically rock the boat and make the EEA quite dysfunctional at the expense of the three smaller EFTA states.

    “It could be very different in the case of Scotland – not simply because Scotland is a smaller country – but because a majority in Scotland voted Remain and thus to be part of the single market. So the general attitude and circumstances are different between where the UK is coming from and where Scotland is coming from.”

    Hillion is to speak to MSPs at Holyrood tomorrow evening on how the EEA option of single market access without EU membership works for Norway. He will also outline the impact of Brexit on the three EFTA members who are part of the single market via the EEA agreement.

    The event is being organised by the think tank Nordic Horizons.

    Lesley Riddoch, its director, and columnist for The National, said: “The impact of Brexit on small nations with indirect single market access has been ignored so far.

    “As one of Europe’s leading legal experts in the structures of the European Union we hope Christophe will rectify that and describe how access to the single market via the EEA “halfway house” works in Norway – the pros and the cons.

    “It’s an option the Scottish Government is also considering as it tries to plan Scotland’s post-Brexit future.”

    Ivan McKee, the SNP MSP who is sponsoring the event, said: “I’m delighted to be hosting Nordic Horizons’ timely debate. There’s so much we can learn from other small, successful countries – and important to know there are options other than hard Brexit”.

    EFTA membership has been put forward as an option to consider for an independent Scotland, most recently by the SNP MP Pete Wishart who said it could either be a step on the way to EU membership or a lasting arrangement.

  61. Glamaig says:

    O/T Radio Shortbread at lunchtime were framing the Cambridge Analytica story as a data privacy issue – no mention of its use in influencing elections apart from a brief mention of US Presidential in 2016.

  62. Ken500 says:

    Facebook has banned Cambridge Analytica. It is also being investigated. Their might be criminal charges but don’t hold yer breathe. The Tories – right wing were using it so there could be the usual cover up. Total fraud and elecoral fraud. Demanding money with menaces and blackmail. Breaking data Act.

    There might be somd hope. Sarkozy in bring investigated after 5 years. For taking £15million from Gaddafi – Libya. Just like liar Blair.

  63. Arbroath1320 says:

    While obviously a minority of folk do boycott the licence fee,



    Why that’s just pure … erm … shocking so it is. 😉

    It shouldn’t be allowed!

    String ’em up … that’s what I say. ;D

    Oh hang on a second … *checks bank account* … scrub that last wee suggestion. It doth appear that this household has no “requirement” to pay the BBC tax. 😀

  64. Capella says:

    The majority – 69% – get their news from TV. Of those, 70% get it from the BBC. So they are by far the greatest source of information, much of it false. But the numbers relying on TV are declining slowly.
    See OFCOM report on News Consumption Fig. 2.1:

    link to

    This site does a great job in exposing the lies and manipulation of the MSM. I have donated to the fund raiser and will think about a monthly donation as well. To defeat the Big Lie we have to demonstrate each important instance beyond doubt. Once the scales fall off they can never be pasted back on.

    I am hoping that this long cold war will soon be over. Then the bloggers we rely on for accurate information will host regular TV and radio shows or newspapers as they would in any normal country.

  65. Bob Mack says:

    Every religion around the world started by one person talking to others. Religion has billions of followers from that tiny seed. People have to hear a message that strikes home and inspires them to believe.

    We have a very powerful message. We will have a very powerful tool in the wee book. Now it is down to us. The Rev gas passed on much knowledge and will continue to do so. We must carry it forward without fear of favour. It takes courage certainly, but I always believe that faith in anything can overcome fear.

    Faith in our country and in ourselves. Faith that we can build a wonderful country fit for our young people in spite of all the obstacles that will be put before us. We are not promising Nirvana, but just that everybody will be treated with decency and concern.

    Belief is contagious, and if others join the fight because of your belief so much the better.

    In all honesty, I can think of no more important time in our recent history to push out that message.

  66. Dr Jim says:

    Being Scottish:
    RE Michael Goves Scottishness, just because you’re born in Scotland doesn’t make you Scottish, Humza Yousaf’s Scottish and iv’e got no idea or care where he was born

    A cat can have its kittens in your oven, it disnae make them biscuits

    I just love philsohpesy pholiripsy…sayings!

  67. heedtracker says:

    O/T Radio Shortbread at lunchtime were framing the Cambridge Analytica story as a data privacy issue – no mention of its use in influencing elections apart from a brief mention of US Presidential in 2016.

    That crew are struggling with Cambridge Analytica, very posh name too.

    BBC r4 gimp news this lunchtime just ignored it and wheeled out WW2, again. If only Churchill were alive today, he’d sort out the cunning bosh.

    But frightfully poash old Etonian Mr Nix explaining how to use prostitutes and secret cameras,is also ducked away from completely by the great beeb gimp network.

    Mr Nix is worth listen to. If only because you have to wonder how these shysters eye ball Westminster SNP. What you do is, you get prostitutes to do their prostitute thang and make offers that are too good to be true, secret film the reactions, and Bazinga! you got yourself a beeb gimp attack propaganda gold mine.

    link to

  68. JLT says:

    @ Street Andrew

    Nicola would be a fool to call Indyref2 before she knows she’ll get the result we want

    I wouldn’t be so certain on that, Andrew. If a second Referendum was invoked before the 29th March 2019, many Scots, while feeling frustrated at proceedings and yet, believe that they have no influence over politics at all, would jump at the chance to vote on something that could mean serious change.

    My wife bickers with me now and again wondering why I am always focussed on politics, when as she states ‘that I won’t be able to change anything. Not a thing!’. And yet, as I pointed out to her, if we have a second Referendum, what way would she vote.

    ‘For independence’ she replies.

    And there as I point out to her, is the reason why I not only keep one eye on the political situation of this country, but also enlightening her that she is wrong in not believing that she has the power to change everything along with the rest of her countrymen.

    Give the electorate a chance to change something and they may just do it!

  69. Padoir says:

    Stu, you’re absolutely right – we need to put our money where our mouths, hearts, hopes and ambitions are. Just signed up for the regular direct debit.

  70. CyberMidgie says:

    I’ve already donated, but please don’t hesitate to kick off another fundraiser when you get closer to the time for printing Wee Blue Books. I’ll have money for another donation by then.

  71. Liz g says:

    Manandboy @ 1.27
    Aye and ….Westminster will decide to have an enquiry,and to resist any and all referendums till it’s reported.
    All in the interests of the voter’s getting “the best possible outcome ” for their vote,of course!

    Everyone who wants a referendum about anything will just have to wait…. and wait….and wait
    Of course the Media will claim that all this is fall out from Brexit.

    Any referendum held in the mean time while not strictly illegal…. Westminster couldn’t possibly recognise…
    Because it’s the ” responsible ” thing to do.

    Even the ” Independent “Committee set up in Edinburgh to look specifically at referendums recommended we don’t have any more just yet till the fault’s have been fixed,so the result can be reliable….

    Bet that’s what they try next….fixed a re run of Brexit and stymied us (or so they think) in one go..

  72. geeo says:

    BBC…impartial, fair, honest…trustworthy..cuddly old Auntie..hmm..!

    Bullying BBC put us through hell’, presenters claim

    link to

    Perhaps not so much…!!

  73. heedtracker says:

    If you’re swithering a little on chucking in a few quid to the WoS er, pot, just ask yourself, are dudes like this and their colossal tory gimp press, really any better at running Scotland like a tory region or…

    link to

    Dyson in new euro jobs threat

    I’ll expand outside UK if we stay out, says cleaner king ? Factory in Malaysia is standing by
    by Jamie Doward

    Sun 5 Nov 2000 01.12 GMT

    Vacuum cleaner king James Dyson, the high-profile inventor and businessman, is set to reignite the debate surrounding the euro after threatening to expand his operations in Malaysia, rather than at his British factory, if the UK does not join the single currency.”

    And then,

    link to

    Britain would gain more from leaving the EU than it would lose, billionaire entrepreneur Sir James Dyson has said.

    The inventor said the idea that Britain could not trade successfully outside the EU was “absolute cobblers”.

    He said the single market did not work because exporters had to adapt products like his to cater for different languages and different types of plugs.”

    You can do this all day, gaze in awe at the filthy rich, sorry the great UKOK rich, who are either insane, bare faced liars, or both, as their beeb gimps joyfully lick their collective arse.

    Scotland’s answer to a nutcase like Dyson is ofcourse Sir Ian Wood.

    That wildly greedy UKOK Scottish tory crackpot used to spend a lot of his beeb gimp arse licking time explainerising how Scottish oil will be here for a very very long time and is a great engineering career prospect for bright kids today.

    Then this,

    link to

    Scottish independence: Sir Ian Wood issues warning over oil predictions
    20 August 2014

    Its his own predictions, the tory nutter is disagreeing with. But like I say, you can do this all the live long toryboy day:D

    Couple of quid a month?

  74. gus1940 says:

    Nobody has yet suggested that Cambridge Analytica were the ones who hacked the US Election but rigged it to look like the Russians.

    Nor has anybody suggested that setting up the Russians to blame for Salisburygate would be of benefit to Ukraine.

  75. Effijy says:

    I think you have missed the plot regarding the old Etonian boy
    Behind Cambridge Analitica.

    The Tories have the money to buy their services and they can pretty
    Much guarantee an election result by sending on line lies across the nation.

    They will now collaborate to ensure that they both go from strength to strength.

    I was informed that this type of process on a smaller scale was used by the Brutnats
    At our Indy ref .

    You can count on it for Indy ref 2

  76. Proud Cybernat says:

    “To defeat the Big Lie we have to demonstrate each important instance beyond doubt. Once the scales fall off they can never be pasted back on.”

    Righto then…

    link to

    Now back to WoS crowdfund-raising matters.

  77. heedtracker says:

    Nor has anybody suggested that setting up the Russians to blame for Salisburygate would be of benefit to Ukraine.

    There are loads of ways to do the Cambridge Analitica thing here in teamGB.

    Poor nice BBC lady. Such a shame, not enough beeb mullah for dresses.

    link to

    Me willing to bet a WoS donation, this is probably not Dame Jacky Bird OBE.

  78. galamcennalath says:

    Bob Mack says:

    Religion has billions of followers from that tiny seed.

    I agree with your general point about believe being contagious.

    However it is worth bearing in mind that no religion (I can think of) ever took off big time until an already powerful ruler decided to make use of it to achieve even greater control over people. A religion truly makes ground when it becomes the established faith of a state, or empire.

    So perhaps religions aren’t the best analogy.

  79. heedtracker says:

    Effijy says:
    20 March, 2018 at 2:29 pm
    I think you have missed the plot regarding the old Etonian boy
    Behind Cambridge Analitica.

    Could be. But a lot of it is all about the rolling Facebook monstering by all UK msm, led as per by the BBC.

    If you’re still a stinky olde The Graun reader, that crew are going mental at and over Facebook all the time, for example.

    Presumably its a lot like our tory beeb led gimp msm coming for RT and Alex Salmond, they have no control at all over them.

    Even worse, Facebook’s pinching a lot of their ad revenue. The Graun’s not got the stones to go paywall, so they’re probably really feeling it right up there phoney leftie fundament.


  80. Glamaig says:

    I’m assuming Cambridge Analytica could target individual constituencies from anywhere in the world and the cost, if it showed up in any election returns at all, would be Tory HQ expenditure and not constituency expenditure. Basically they could spend millions on a local campaign undetected? Thinking of the Gordon constituency in particular!

  81. D M Raine says:

    A wee donation.

  82. Oddquine says:

    This is my first, and probably only, post, because I’m feart of breaking the posting rules, but I do read pretty much every day, and particularly enjoy the btl comments. I have therefore set up a small monthly payment to show my appreciation.

    I hope I haven’t made any mistakes which will result in being killed by hammers(and my bank account being frozen as a result)

  83. yesindyref2 says:

    Red Arrows Hawk crashed at RAF Valley in Wales, conflicting reports that pilot ejected, one eye-witness said they saw a parachute, but another that there were two crew when it crashed (seemingly on the airfield). Best coverage on the Sun so far.

    link to

  84. heedtracker says:

    Blue Tory creep show in Scotland don’t actually need Cambridge Analytica. The system is rigged in their favour. Its nice that someone is sticking up for the red tories though. Blue tories would never consider using Cambridge Analytica services I’m sure.

    link to

  85. galamcennalath says:

    Glamaig says:

    HQ expenditure and not constituency expenditure

    The Tories certainly have form on doing that offline! Busing in activists to target constituents and paying the accommodation bills etc centrally. And they appear to have got away with it.

    If they could, no doubt they would do it online too! Most online advertising can target specific locations.

    However, I personally have never ever seen a political advert of any description online. Perhaps the BritNats know I’m a lost cost and not worth spending money on.

    There’s another aspect to all this I can’t get my head round … a statistically typical NO, Tory, and Leave voter probably isn’t a big Facebook or even online user. It’s young folks who are. There seems little evidence that young folks have been swayed to NO, Tory or Leave by devious online means.

    Or … maybe young folks have been swayed and there could have been even higher YES, anti-Tory, and Remain voting!

  86. heedtracker says:

    One for dear old Rock, in that ERS release, if he can keep his Rab Peffers fetish under control, for a minute.

    “Up to 1.8 million Scottish votes were ‘wasted’ in last year’s General Election because they had no impact on the result, according to ERS research. [2]

    The Electoral Calculus projections follow UK-wide analysis [3] predicting the Conservatives would win 40.5% of the vote and 297 seats, whereas Labour would win just 279 seats on 40.7% of the vote – resulting in a situation where one party wins the most votes yet the other party wins the most seats”

    Almost certainly the “influential election website Electoral Calculus,” is English. But you never know.

  87. Bobp says:

    So the “electoral reform society ” reckons that liebor could get more votes at the next election. Wonder how they came to that “conclusion.

  88. heedtracker says:

    Bobp says:
    20 March, 2018 at 3:00 pm
    So the “electoral reform society ” reckons that liebor could get more votes at the next election. Wonder how they came to that “conclusion

    Its an interesting example of the thrill of the hype, ERS says the influential election website Electoral Calculus, is influential.

    It’s run by one dude in London. Who is Martin Baxter?

    The site was developed by Martin Baxter, who is a financial analyst specialising in mathematical modelling.

    link to

    Maybe he’s a Baxter soup guy, from Forres.

  89. Bob Mack says:


    Religions overthrew empires. It is not about religion in any event,but rather the power of a belief system if disseminated correctly.

  90. Bobp says:

    Heedtracker. 3.07pm. Exactly, all these pollsters and societies seem to be owned or funded by establishment tory figures. In other words liars and manipulators of the truth.

  91. heedtracker says:

    Bobp says:
    20 March, 2018 at 3:38 pm
    Heedtracker. 3.07pm.

    Tis true. When you hear a beeb gimp go, “the influential IFS” and “the influential Office for Budget Responsibility,” right click googling them always, always! very quickly shows they are toryboy run, toryboy funded, then used to Project Fear the living shit out of us by their massed ranks of BBC shills

    Sir Jim Naughty’s adenoidal toryboy honking especially always kicks off with, you all hate the SNP and, the “influential OBR” says Scotland’s fucked.

    But Naughty ofcourse never says, and that crew of toryboys at the OBR are all ultra toryboy George Osborne’s baby.

    Makes sense though, if you’re a toryboy. This is what toryboy power in teamGB is all about, money, shills and bare faced bullshitters, like Naughty.

  92. Indy2 says:

    schrodingers cat
    liz g
    Robert Louis
    Robert J. Sutherland
    And a few more.

    These Trolls are choking the life out of Wings Over Scotland.

    They don’t come up for air, they don’t give anybody else room to air their views.

    Check the amount of time they are on here. It’s 24 hours a day,,seven days a week.

    It’s their way or it’s no way.

    Are they paid or unpaid Trolls,,,You decide.

  93. Highland Wifie says:

    Galamcennalath says:-
    “… a statistically typical NO, Tory, and Leave voter probably isn’t a big Facebook or even online user. It’s young folks who are. There seems little evidence that young folks have been swayed to NO, Tory or Leave by devious online means.”

    In fact I have it on good authority that it’s not young people who use Facebook but rather those in the 40+ age group (who seem young to some of us!) Given that this age group is less likely to vote Indy than younger voters I’m not sure if the above is true.

    I think it’s important that we are aware of as many influences as possible that impact all age groups. Just recently was talking to elderly friends who started to parrot the ‘that Alex Salmond not helping any’ because they had swallowed the RT stooges of the Kremlin narrative. Suffice to say they were a little surprised to discover that RT is not the big bad wolf they thought it was. The BBC on the other hand……

  94. Robert Peffers says:

    @Reluctant Nationalist says: 20 March, 2018 at 12:30 pm:

    “…the average Scottish adult sends the BBC about £72 a year”
    “Absolute pith and blithering mince pies. Peffers, tear this man a new arsehole, please.”

    If they do not know the truth now in spite of me nagging them for years they are just too bloody thick to take it in or, alternatively, they are Rock and the sock puppets supporters.

    The BBC collects the licence fee and as it is a, “Licence”, a.k.a, “permission to do something”, granted you by the Westminster Government, the BBC sends the money to the Treasury. Your licence fee is a payment to the Westminster Establishment to beam propaganda right into your home. You do not fund the BBC you fund the United Kingdom Government. The United Kingdom Government then makes an annual grant to the BBC to pay the BBC to fill your head with government propaganda.

    BTW: Independent broadcasters also must pay the government for permission to broadcast and part of that permission is that the independent broadcaster must agree to broadcast news and public service programmes, weather reports and Political Party broadcasts such as election advertising. Not only that but Freeview and SkybSky must carry the BBC programmes or they will not get a licence.

    And I am wasting my time posting all that as some numptie will never listen. Just as certain commenters will never pass a chance to claim the SNP are always doing nothing.

    You know who you are – so it is pointless naming and shaming them. They’re not too far up thread.

  95. heedtracker says:

    link to

    George Osborne, the Chancellor of the Exchequer of the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition formed after the 2010 general election, announced the body in his first official speech.

    He criticised the economic and fiscal forecasts of the previous Labour government, and announced that the OBR would be responsible for publishing these independently of government in future.

    The objective underpinning its creation was to provide an independent assessment of national public finances before the coalition Government’s emergency budget in June 2010, which outlined the size and pace of the fiscal consolidation plan inherited from the outgoing administration.[19] The role of the Office is to advise whether the declared policy of the Government is likely to meet its targets.

    The OBR was initially chaired by Sir Alan Budd who, along with Geoffrey Dicks and Graham Parker, formed the Budget Responsibility Committee.

    Budd had been a founding member of the MPC; Dicks was chief economist at Novus Capital and former chief economist of the Royal Bank of Scotland; and Parker headed up the Treasury’s public sector finances team.

    All of these guys are rich tory hedge fund dudes, like Strong and Stable Teresa’s husband. Dicks success at nearly bringing down the whole planet’s financial system at RBS probably speaks for itself.

    Only RBS could be destroyed by Dicks.

    That Osborne “formed” the OBR is very torboy too.

  96. Proud Cybernat says:

    Back to fund-raising – that’s what this posting by the Rev is all about. Let’s do this BIG!!!!

    No diversions. If you can afford it, chuck a few quid in.

    link to

  97. Thepnr says:

    Scrolling Scrolling Scrolling keep those fingers scrolling…

    Rawhide: The Blues Brothers

    link to

  98. Les Wilson says:

    Ref Cambridge Analytics, I notice with the BBC that when something “controversial” that may have an effect on Westminster, if anything is said about the issue at all, they delay their reporting. Behind other sources in the media.

    In this particular case, there was a BBC delay, but it was such a big issue that the delay could not be long otherwise they would look foolish. But nevertheless there was a delay in reporting it.
    so what is the reason behind the delay when it happens?

    Well, my own thoughts are that there will be a conference call, with BBC spin doctors, where they speak of doing as little damage as possible to their Westminster Lords and masters.
    Then they release what they think they will get away with.

    Case of today, when they are reporting the issue as a ” data protection issue” well and fine.
    But no mention of how the data was used across many elections pretty well world wide. They did not refer to it. That makes very suspicious of why?

  99. Cubby says:

    License fee = Poll Tax

  100. Ewen says:

    I have supported every fundraiser so far but I am completely skint this month. Sorry.

  101. heedtracker says:

    Awe, here’s toryboy Dicks. He’s not that much of tweeter though, too busy counting his lovely mountains of mullah hopefully.

    RBS was probably the greatest catastrophe to hit the world economy since the Wall Street Crash. Yet this RBS torboy looks like he’s been at his golf club all afternoon.

    Ain’t no psycho like a toryboy psycho right enough.

    link to

  102. galamcennalath says:

    Highland Wifie says:

    it’s not young people who use Facebook but rather those in the 40+ age group

    If you have it on good authority, then I accept it.

    So what is it young people spend hours a day doing as they stare into their phones feverously typing?

    Fashions change and I certainly don’t manage to keep up with them. I remember when our daughter was focused on MySpace. It is now a shadow of its former self. Perhaps Facebook is no longer for the favourite of the 20-30 group.

  103. yesindyref2 says:

    I don’t entirely buy in to the Wings 77th Brigade invasion, it’s too amateur and there are more important targets so if we do get any it’s the dross, but this could set a few pulses racing 🙂

    From Williamson’s “Modernising defence programme” speech:

    It will mean accelerating the development of our innovative 77 Brigade – those reservists and regulars who give us the ability to win the information war – so we create and counter the narratives so central to modern conflict

  104. heedtracker says:

    Are they paid or unpaid Trolls,,,You decide.

    I am paid! My driver’s honking me from my Wings over Scotland Bentley indy2.

  105. Capella says:

    @ Proud Cybernat – RT have the story. Perhaps they will refer the BBC to OFCOM to have their licence revoked?
    link to

    WoS isn’t alone in exposing the bias.

  106. Thepnr says:


    Posted this on the tail end of the last thread in response to BBC using “imaging” as a propaganda tool. This is blatant!

    @Proud Cybernat

    Regarding the BBC using imagery as a means of criticising Jeremy Corbyn without actually using words.

    I don’t think anyone who has ever saw BBC Breakfast introducing Nicola Sturgeon with this clip can ever forget it.

    link to

    Nor do I think after watching it again that anyone could believe that it wasn’t done deliberately. Why would anyone want to pay for this to be beamed into their living rooms is beyond me.

  107. yesindyref2 says:

    Mmm, they could do it as a training exercise for raw recruits all the same in which case, here’s the link, pay your way:

    link to

    Anonymous or 77th001, 77th002 …

  108. cctxt says:

    Just set up a monthly sub.

  109. Highland Wifie says:

    Apparently the youngsters use Instagram a lot but that info could also be out of date. As you rightly say it’s hard to keep up. My own kids are in their 30s now and I’m retired from the classroom so not so much contact with younger folk.
    Think I’ll have to make friends with some under 25s!

  110. wull2 says:

    The best investment wingers can make is a new mouse with a wheel on it so you can scroll past certain posts, or a donation to this site.

  111. heedtracker says:

    Wow! you really cant beat tory propaganda, beeb gimp style.

    link to

    Brexit: Michael Gove shares fishing industry ‘disappointment’
    1 hour ago

    BBC vote tory propaganda like this, is going to be quite hard to beat.

    So chuck in a couple of squid WoS readers!

  112. mr thms says:

    Here is a link to analysis of the recent ‘Consultation on a Draft Referendum Bill’.

    Section 5 includes several paragraphs about ‘The role of the media’ in the referendum..

    link to

    “5.54 The role of the media was a key concern for some respondents, with many believing that coverage of the previous campaign had been ‘biased’. This accusation was levelled at ‘mainstream’ print and broadcast media, with the BBC attracting particular criticism because of its publicly funded status and the obligations which that entailed in terms of providing a neutral, UK-wide service. Some respondents supported this claim of bias by referring to the work of academics and research conducted during and after the 2014 referendum campaign.”

    (continues to 5.63)

  113. Robert Peffers says:

    @Mark Harper says: 20 March, 2018 at 1:11 pm:

    “I think the amount of people not paying the BBC in Scotland may be far greater than you think, perhaps you can do a wee survey?”

    I believe you are right but really what needs to be done is for as many people as we can get together to bring a class-action against the BBC and the BBC’s licence fee enforcers.

    There is most certainly a case to consider. They are breaking Scottish Laws on a regular basis.

    In the first instance their enforcers are a private company outsourced to act on behalf of the BBC. Now the first thing to realise is that the BBC are themselves collecting agents for the Treasury. The licence fee is a payment to the government to receive live video broadcasts. To licence something means to give permission to do something.

    So in the first place the BBC are collecting agents for the treasury. The enforcers are agents for the BBC and neither of them are law enforcement officers but they do describe themselves as, “officers”, on the regularly sent threatening letters they send out.

    I have a thick file of such letters and every one of them threatens me with legal proceedings unless I pay up and that is specifically described as criminal under the Scots law of coercion.

    Secondly they have no legal right to come onto private dwellings except to make contact with the legal occupier as there is no English style law of Trespass under Scots law but there is against invasion of privacy and that making contact precludes investigation which is what their letters threaten they will do.

    Now, as it happens. I am well over the 75 years that entitle me to a free TV licence and there is no legal compulsion for anyone to tell the BBC, (or their agents), anything. Yet I have been stalked by these people and threatened by these people for some years.

    Call it what you like, harassment, stalking or illegal threats but the plain facts are that these people are masquerading as law enforcement officers, threatening, often vulnerable, people and demanding money with menaces, (threats of legal and/or criminal action).

    If it were a group of teenage gang members or other kinds of debt collectors their collars would have been felt years ago by real law enforcement officers.

    So why are these gangsters allowed to be harassing innocent people?

    Thing is I could get a free licence if I wanted one but I do not watch any live broadcasts. Yet I’m treated as a criminal by criminals.

  114. heedtracker says:

    These tories hate Scottish democracy but they’re pretty straight shooters on Brexit, like a beeb gimp alternative universe basically or, my enemies enemy is my friend style of wtf is really going on with our imperial masters.

    link to

    This one’s especially for you indy2xxx

  115. Proud Cybernat says:

    “”In December 2020, we will be negotiating fishing opportunities as a third country, an independent coastal state deciding who can access our waters and on what terms for the first time in over 40 years,” he said.

    “It’s important that all of us, in every area, accept that the implementation period is a necessary step towards securing that prize.

    “For our coastal communities it’s an opportunity to revive economically, for our marine environment it is an opportunity to be managed sustainably and it’s critical that all of us – in the interests of the whole nation – keep our eyes on that prize.” – Michael Gove

    So, the fishermen will finally realise their Nirvana in 2020. Honest guv! Promise.

    And the daftest thing is the fisher-folk will believe him.

    “Are we near the peak yet, da?”

    “Aye – it’s just over the next ridge.”

    “But da – you told me that at the last ridge.”

    “Aye – but it’s the next one – promise”.

    Now, where were we?


    Come on peeps. Just think what A MILLION WBBs will do for us!!!

  116. Geoff Huijer says:

    Finally, I managed to donate.

    Stu has always said “Don’t donate if you can’t afford it” & told that to me once before.

    But being in the same position today working as a Pupil Support Assistant in a Fife high school & relying on foodbank vouchers (the school gives me them; ironic eh) I was worried I would again be unable to donate. However, I sold three books unexpectedly so at last I can and have!

    Thank you Stu for the magnificant work you do & for your humanity (who remembers the Wings donation to the woman in Kidderminster who was fined £500 for stealing mars bars to feed her kids? I do and won’t forget).

  117. Capella says:

    If RT can have its licence to broadcast threatened then so can the BBC. John Robertson, G A Ponsonby, WoS and many others have catalogued the appalling lack of balance and impartiality in the BBC.

    The fact that the budget for Question Time comes out of the BBC Scotland pittance only adds to the charge sheet. Scots pay £320 m for an insultingly bad cut-price service. We would be better off pouring that money into other outlets such as WoS – which I do. But £320 m would provide a proper national broadcasting service.

    Stu published an article some time ago detailing the cost of the Irish broadcasting service. We can do what RTE does, produce our own material and also buy in programming from elsewhere – including the BBC if there is anything worth broadcasting.

  118. K1 says:

    Nana posted this link to Artist Taxi Drive, Chunky Mark on earlier thread I think. Here he is pointing out that the Daily Mail in late 2016 boasted about how Theresa May ‘was plotting with Cambridge Analytica to ‘mine huge amounts of data on voters’. Three months before the ‘snap election’.

    So in Essence CA was employed by the government in the lead up to the election and…as Liam O’Hare tweets out on Marks’ timeline::

    ‘Let’s not forget Cambridge Analytica is a mere offshoot of SCL group, which lists the Ministry of Defence among its clients. Board members include an array of Lords, Tory donors and ex-UK army officers. This is scandal that cuts to the heart of the British establishment’

    Here he is in all his fury, well worth a watch:

    link to

  119. ScottieDog says:

    FWIW I binned the Whitehall tv license this morning and will be making a donation to the site.
    I should have done it ages ago…

  120. What price Wings for another year,

    1 pint of lager a week for a year £180

    1 Costa Latte with extra shot a week for a year £150

    1 bottle of cheapish wine a week for a year £312

    1 fish supper a week for a year £322

    1 Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar 360G a week for a year £182

    1 packet Benson & Hedges Gold King Size x20 a week for a year £590

    Stuart has been arrested and imprisoned by false accusation his character has been maligned by false accusation,

    this is third world dictator assault on critical journalism,

    lesser mortals would have run a mile or taken the establishment dollar,

    people have paid a lot more than the price of a coffee on the road to their countries Independence,

    What price Wings for another year.

  121. Andy-B says:

    No nerve agent used on Skripal.

    “OFFICIAL -“NO Patient has experienced symptoms of Nerve Agent poisoning in Salisbury” – Stephen Davis – Consultant in Emergency Medicine Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust”

    link to

  122. yesindyref2 says:

    It doesn’t say that, it says only 3 patients have had significant poisoning. It’s countering the wild claims of 4o people affected, that’s all.

  123. Proud Cybernat says:

    LIVE from Pravda Quay
    with Union Jackie Kim Ono:

    link to

    Keep the fund-raiser going, peeps:
    link to

  124. heedtracker says:

    Has anybody seen Fluffie Mundell, I said HAS ANYBODY SEEN FLUFFIE MUNDELL?!

    Fluffie’s let the Colonel do the toryboy fish renege talking but you’d think the beeb gimps in Pacific Quay would be doorstepping Fluffie right the now, he is only Secretary of State for Scotland since 2015.

    It is interesting how planet toryboy sends a woman to do a Fluffie’s job.

    Also, ofcourse beeb gimps in Pacific Quay are NOT going to be doorstepping Fluffie.

    Beeb Scotland gimps really should though, Fluffie’s been building a toryboy Death Star sized UKOK Scotland region office for a whilee now.

  125. One_Scot says:

    Jeez, the quality of Trojan trolls on here is really going downhill. Probably just can’t get the staff these days.

  126. yesindyref2 says:

    In fairness that’s a bit ambiguous, it does say before that about the three, that no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning.

  127. heedtracker says:

    Hey indy2, would U like to join me for a little fish slap dancing?

    I’ll be the EU(John Cleese) You can be the Brexiteer toryboy guy:D

    link to

  128. Thepnr says:


    You got there just in time, I was going to point out what you have just done it saying that the letter does state:

    no patients have experienced symptoms of nerve agent poisoning.

  129. Scotspine says:

    Contributed on day 1 and will contribute again on pay day next week.

    Come on folks!

  130. yesindyref2 says:

    Yes, my apologies to Andy-B.

    I went back to see if the tweet was misqutoing the letter and found it was taking the one meaning, whereas all the “unbiased and intelligent” media was taking it the other way, even ones quoting it as a letter to the Times (i.e. no direct interview).

    Even though it’s last week’s news I’m sure Stephen Davies (who does exist I checked the NHS team), will be approached to clarify his remarks.

    I’m certain of that. They would want to be fact free full.

    Oh, what was that flying past my window? Must be spring.

  131. Andy-B says:

    yesindyref2 says:
    20 March, 2018 at 5:21 pm

    “It doesn’t say that, it says only 3 patients have had significant poisoning. It’s countering the wild claims of 4o people affected, that’s all.”


    That’s what I said, no nerve agent, it’s written in plain sight in the article.

    Do you not see the quotation marks?

  132. yesindyref2 says:

    Yes, sorry, your post must have crossed mine. I was too hasty.

    Just that one thing shows the need for a Wings to expose fake news, all the same 🙂

  133. frazm24 says:

    £25 (plus £1.25 processing fee) chipped in.Id give you more but tryinv to sqyirrel it away for a safety net ahead of the impending brexit clusterf*ck fallout taking hold.

  134. Andy-B says:


    No need to apologise.

  135. louis.b.argyll says:

    ‘.This is scandal that cuts to the heart of the British establishment..’

    And that’s why they’ll obfuscate and deflect and delay and blame Facebook and CA, who will capitulate, fearing loss of same establishment clients.

    So much for the power of the Internet, it’s the same old power, now online.

  136. heedtracker says:

    Interesting pop up Facebook ad just there.

    Raise money for a cause you care about

    HT because you recently posted in an event about fundraising, we thought that you might want to create your own fundraiser on Facebook. We can help you get started.

    Can’t get WoS on the Facebook list though.

  137. Nana says:


    If you want to understand EEA halfway house (which lets Iceland & Norway access single market outside EU & Common Fisheries Policy) tune into Nordic horizons tonight, 7pm for livestream of Norwegian EEA expert Christophe Hillion & KirstyS_Hughes fm @SCER_eu

    Brexit, Scotland & the EEA: The Nordic half-way house option

    link to

  138. yesindyref2 says:

    @ Andy-B: “No need to apologise.

    Yes there is, I cast doubt on your posting.

  139. Vestas says:

    @ louis.b.argyll 6:11 pm :

    “So much for the power of the Internet, it’s the same old power, now online.”

    Of course it is but the difference is that when things leak (they always do) then they leak to a far bigger audience.

    Personally I reckon if you put large chunks of your life online with FaceTwatterBooks etc then you can’t be surprised if someone saves/analyses what you (voluntarily) put online.

    Will be watching fallout with interest – at least we now know why the Tories needed a giant Russian squirrel. Double whammy of EU saying “sign here or fuck off” & “oh shit everyone now knows we did MUCH worse than buy a few seats”.

    Sort of reinforces my “inner cynic” about things though 🙁

  140. Meg merrilees says:

    Apparently Bertie Armstrong has summed it up beautifully:

    ‘In 2020 we will have one government which will give us sovereignty and one which will keep us in the CFP’

    He might be right, but I think it might be the Tory government that keeps the fishermen in the CFP and not, as implied, the SNPEE.

  141. Meg merrilees says:


    Just seen on my Tory MP’s twitter feed that David Mundell’s Mother has just died ( not sure whether today/yesterday).

    Has to be said, I was reading any comments Kerr had made re Brexit/Fishing/ the Article 50 Court of Sessions judgement.

  142. Capella says:

    More BBC bad news. Scot Goes Pop shocked by the BBC exec John Sweeney’s hostile attitude towards Alex Salmond. Alex interviewed him on LBC. Topic – photoshopping the picture of Jeremy Corbyn against a Kremlin backdrop. Definitely NOT photoshopped, says Sweeney.
    Jeremy always looks red and wears red clothes and lives in Moscow Central, as you know:

    link to

  143. Macart says:

    Has to be said, but it’s not been a good week for Ms May’s government. It’s all gone a bit Pete Tong in rapid fashion. As for our home grown variety? Their peg is beyond shoogly after the past couple of days. The next raft of promises should be good.

    Popcorn anyone?

  144. heedtracker says:

    Meg merrilees says:
    20 March, 2018 at 6:36 pm

    Just seen on my Tory MP’s twitter feed that David Mundell’s Mother has just died ( not sure whether today/yesterday).

    Thanks Meg. Very sad to hear that, no matter what his politics are.

  145. galamcennalath says:

    Meg merrilees says:

    it might be the Tory government that keeps the fishermen in the CFP


    The most likely ways to get the fisheries away from the EU are crash out with no deal (or have an iScotland in EEA but retaining fishery control like Norway does).

    The simplest way to avoid a border in the Irish Sea would be to leave with no deal and establish a hard border at the international border.

    An easy way to appease the DUP, keep their votes, and keep NI as a normal part of the UK would be to crash out.

    It would probably make winning a NO in ScotRef easier with a very hard Brexit.

    From a Tory perspective, this crash out with no deal option has a lot going for it!

  146. Michael Cameron says:

    While perks are obviously not everything this year’s aren’t great – I’m not suggesting iScot isn’t great but for those of us who already subscribe the offer is of little value.

  147. Dr Jim says:

    Phew! It’s OK folks the Tories have made another promise to the Scottish fishermen…they’ve promised to look at it later and make everything strong and stable and the best possible deal for the UK

    You know what? the fishermen have bought it again…but they’re angry..Oooh!

    The fishermen aught to take a wee look at the shipbuilders promises from the Tories, there’s barely enough of them left to build wee oary boats for the local lochs so they’re next..gavel down BANG! .. NEW SHIPS sold to the lowest bidder…now I wonder who it’ll be Hmm?

    In other news the Russians are coming, we heard that but now the Terrorists are coming and we’ve to watch our neighbours in case they do any mysterious van hiring or looking at their phones a lot

    God the fear! the fear!

  148. Iain mhor says:

    Ah! Public service announcement – Please list all Trolls
    Incomplete list is incomplete.
    For useful comparison also list Non-Trolls
    For greater clarity – suggest
    Column A “Good guy” & Column B “Wank”

  149. Lenny Hartley says:

    Indyref2 and others, we need to see the original letter to the times, it could be edited.

  150. Ken500 says:

    Norway is a totally different situation.

    The Tories have been taxing the Scottish Oil sector at 40% since Jan 2016. 30% + 10% supplementary. When the price had fallen. More before that from 2011. Too high Tory Tax when the Oil price had fallen. That is why Oil & Gas revenues has fallen. Losing Scotland 120,000 jobs and £Billions. The unionists have taken £Billions out of Scotland.

    The Greens keep on going on about Norway? Norway made it’s money from Oil industry. Not supported by the Greens. Norway is now making money using the sovereign fund to make money from poorer countries. Not supposed to be supported by the greens, reneging on their own policies

    The Greens have been supporting the Tories again in Edinburgh voting against land coming back into public use. They get funds secretly from landowners to stop land being used for essential roads and essential services. Campaigning against road building and essential green developments. Causing years of delays and wasting £Billions. Total hypocrites.They are in the landowners pockets. Causing total congestion on the roads so people cant’t get to work. Cycling about on the public purse remuneration, funded by public money.

    £Millions were wasted on the Trams. OAP’s are not allowed to use their (bus) passes on the Trams (only Edinburgh). The trams are running under capacity and more buses have to run. A total waste of public money. Edinburgh the wealthy City in Scotland supported by public money. The Trams should be costed £1 for 10 miles, £2 for twenty. £3 for thirty and £4 for forty. They now want to waste more on another route which no doubt will be totally mismanaged.

    Let the SNP sort Brexit out. They are savvy and capable. Know what to do. When to go for IndyRef.2 A central bank needs to put set up. Being done.

  151. mike cassidy says:

    Always good to remind yourself of the state broadcaster status of the BBC.

    Funded by the licence fee, my posterior!

    link to

  152. Faltdubh says:

    The Fisherman can GTF, they would overfish the seas and ruin them if given the chance.

  153. Cambridge Analytica have thrown Alexander Nix under the bus,he has been suspended,

    they are shocked and dismayed at recent disclosures and are going to hold an enquiry,

    an `independent enquiry` no less,

    watching Alexander at the Gov Committee he came over as very intelligent but also very arrogant/superior which you could see the members of the Committee didn`t like,

    he certainly didn`t make any friends and forgot he was dealing with the Brutish establishment who have great power to either promote or destroy,


  154. Jim Graham says:

    OK Stu I’ve done it. Stop shouting at me I am only wee.

    The fishermen will believe the Tories yet again because some of the Scottish Tories sneaked in the back door of No.10 and got a promise from Theresa that everything will be fine. So that’s all right then. They can also expect to get kicked in the soft dangly bits yet again when the fishing rights are traded for some special financial deal.

  155. Terry callachan says:

    Stop paying the BBC
    Set up a paypal account for free just type paypal into google or whichever search engine you use
    You can pay by direct debit to wings over scotland through PayPal by going to the wings over scotland website which asks if you have a paypal account and then it links you to the paypal website to set up the direct debit
    It’s very very easy
    Just do it
    Fiver or tenner a month or more if you can afford it
    What’s a fiver or tenner a month for saving your country

  156. Andy-B says:

    yesindyref2 says:
    20 March, 2018 at 6:20 pm
    @ Andy-B: “No need to apologise.”

    “Yes there is, I cast doubt on your posting.”


    No ones perfect, don’t be too hard on yourself. ?

  157. Ken500 says:

    Rhonda Grant can shut her face and stop bully people. She doesn’t have a clue. Useless.

    The work and effort Mark McDonald does for people on the spectrum. To raise wareness for those with additional needs and their families who often have difficulties with social contact and so called inappropriate ‘behaviour’ . A different sense of humour, Hard working and kind. These ignorant unionists should get diversity training. Dour insensitive opportunist freaks. Clear out the dump.

  158. Ken500 says:

    Get a room

  159. Indy2 says:

    I would have put a right few bob into the Rev’s fund,,

    But while this shower of Control Freaks are running the show, then there isn’t a hope in hell of me putting in a penny.

    schrodingers cat
    liz g
    Robert Louis
    Robert J. Sutherland
    And a few more.

    These Trolls are choking the life out of Wings Over Scotland.

    They don’t come up for air, they don’t give anybody else room to air their views.

    Check the amount of time they are on here. It’s 24 hours a day,,seven days a week.

    It’s their way or it’s no way.

    Are they paid or unpaid Trolls,,,You decide

  160. Legerwood says:

    Scott Finlayson @ 7.28pm

    Mr Nix has indeed been thrown under the bus by Cambridge Analytica. The US Congress want to question him again as does the Commons Committee. If he turns up as requested he probably will have lawyers with him so it is all going to become very expensive for him. Strangely cannot work up any sympathy for him.

    He did seem supercilious and condescending when he appeared in front of the Commons Committee but as time went on and the questions kept coming he seemed a bit less so.

    Nana, looks as if the warrant requested by the Information Commissioner is not as clear cut as CH4 news suggested at the end of the programme last night.

    Guardian reported during the day that Commissioner was still waiting for warrant and CH4 news tonight repeated that. The Commissioner, however, seems to have succeeded last night in getting Facebook people to leave .CA HQ last night.

    Bit confusing at the moment around this issue.

  161. Andy-B says:

    As some have already mentioned Stephen Davis is a genuine consultant at Sailsbury District hospital.

    However I doubt we’ll see him interviewed on tv anytime soon.

    link to

  162. jfngw says:

    Scots Tories ushered in to see May using the tradesman’s entrance, I think that sums up their role at WM.

  163. One_Scot says:

    Lol, lying bawbag does not even come close.

  164. Ken500 says:

    Obese Davidson is on the stinking bake off for charity. ‘Celebrity’ who are the kidding. The Tories are starving people to death. Getting £Millions from Russians for dinners. Tax evaders. Lying lowlives. Cutting children school dinners.

  165. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    I find it “interesting” that when a lady’s comment is ignored by everyone, she feels a need to repaste it, a few hours later.

    An insecure lady….

  166. Ken500 says:

    The Electoral Commision will have been getting rid of Facebook people who could have spilled the beans. So the Electoral Commission can get any evidence and cover it up. Bury it. For the Tories are up to their necks in it. Give them enough rope. The criminal dope on a rope.

  167. galamcennalath says:

    Totally OT. However I find it a fascinating insight into changing attitudes in Scotland. Perhaps just fashion really.

    Does it mean anything politically? Or expose national affiliation? Probably not! 🙂

    Top 100 boys’ and girls’ first forenames, Scotland

    When I think back to my school days, absolutely no one in the entire school had some of these names!

    No Janet, Mary, Barbara, Ann(e), or Lorna in top 100. My school was full of them!

    link to

  168. ronnie anderson says:

    No that ah comment oan Trolls post’s — but
    schrodingers cat
    liz g
    Robert Louis
    Robert J. Sutherland
    And a few more.

    I’ll contact the keeper of the toy box key’s John of the King tae lock them up if it make’s U take ah powder an ah don’t mean ah Askit .

    If you don’t want to contribute ah penny tae the Crowdfunder hiv U any auld broon hapennies , there’s value in that there copper .

  169. jfngw says:

    A Indyref must be closer than we think, Rep Scot reporting that the oil industry is in dire straits.

    After reporting on the brave Scottish Tories standing up to the UK government it was all downhill for Scotland after that, bad oil, bad health, bad buses.

    Strangely after the report on the Tories, no other party got to comment, only Tory MP’s, not like a SNP report when there will be three negative other party comments to follow the story.

  170. Ken500 says:

    The Russians are coming. Monitored by trawlers? Not blooming likely. They have a better run country. Nice people. They saved the West in the 11WW. 26Million died. Scotland does not even have boats to patrol it’s shores. Pays £3.5Billion+ for Defence. Including £1Billion for Trident.

    Hammond sat and smirked before a Westminster committee on Independence. Sneered at the idea, that Scotland could have a Navy. He said that it would take 3 years and £27Billion to get rid of Trident. Less than it costs. £10Billion a year. Then reneged and changed his tune. He said that Scotland would need to pay it. After the liars at Westminster dumped it in Scotland. Fallon wasted more £Millions at Faslane. Increased tax payers money on it.

  171. louis.b.argyll says:

    @Vestas 6.28,

    I agree,
    .. and’s creepy Tories hedge funds that underwrite most of the big Internet companies, by scamming us, while Tory members and City donors are creaming interest off lesser mortals pension funds.

    Maybe the next generation of social media will be less corrupt, maybe not.

  172. frogesque says:

    @Indy2 8.01

    Dinner fash yersel! Ahv lobbed the 50p odds of the new TV tax jist fer fowk like yez.

    £150.50 an worth every last groat!

    Indy or bust!

  173. Cactus says:

    A very merry welcome to you Padoir and many new Wingers.

    It feels real good to be a part of it.

    Wings Over Scotland.


  174. Ken500 says:

    The Tories deliberately ruined the Oil & Gsscsector. They banned onshore wind turbines in England. (Pickles). They cut investment in solar. Reneged in CCS at Longannet and Peterhead. Banned coal. Wasting £Billions on Hinkley Point. Fracked Gas in England production is tax free. Pays no tax.

  175. Macart says:

    Average monthly readership of 304k. Pretty damn awesome. 🙂

    You can see why elements of the meeja, unionist policy wonks and their support would like to see the site disappear.

  176. One_Scot says:

    ‘Strangely after the report on the Tories, no other party got to comment, only Tory MP’s, not like a SNP report when there will be three negative other party comments to follow the story.’

    I rarely watch the Yoon news, but did so tonight specifically just to see how events would be presented and criticized, and you are right, if this had been an SNPBad story it would have had everyone and their Granny decrying them.

    Clearly this is a planned strategy the unionist media are going to use to protect the unionists and the union.

  177. Cactus says:

    You saw Cairnstoon on Twitter.

    Scottish fisherpeoples… here’s your link:

    link to

  178. jfngw says:

    What is Davidson’s pitch on The Great British Bakeoff, ‘give generously to compensate the cancer victims whose benefits have been cut by the Tories’. Remember Davidson is not a Tory but an independent party with her candidates at WM, well that’s what all their election pamphlets claimed.

  179. Cactus says:

    Just to remind newbies… there is the ‘list’…

    “So if you’re one of the 99% of people reading this who haven’t donated anything yet, all we’d ask is that you think about whether independence is important enough to you that it’s maybe worth kicking in £10 once a year – 19p a week – for.”

  180. Breeks says:

    Cactus says:
    20 March, 2018 at 9:05 pm
    You saw Cairnstoon on Twitter.

    Scottish fisherpeoples… here’s your link:

    link to

    Just imagine that cartoon as a massive billboard poster in certain parts of the country….

  181. Fairliered says:

    Just set up a monthly subscription. It’s really easy, folks, and you know it makes sense!

  182. Bobp says:

    Every couple of months when I come up home to Scotland to visit my 85 yr old mum. When I sit and watch/listen to the garbage and blatant Scotland sh**e propaganda that passes for news on the BBC and stv, I go home on a high to Scotland
    and come away depressed after listening to all the Scotland is sh**e, Scotland are too poor, Scotland need England. What Scotland needs to do is f*****g WAKE up and throw off their shackles fgs.

  183. Cactus says:

    Indeed Breeks, target your audience, many cheers 🙂

    Add into the M8 / M74 / M77 / 07.04.18…

    HOME Scotland soon.

  184. yesindyref2 says:

    Hello SiU


    Are you YES yet?

  185. Bobp says:

    Cactus 9.17pm. Maybe 99% of Scots are the typical stereotype. And are f*****g tight ar**s

  186. heedtracker says:

    jfngw says:
    20 March, 2018 at 9:11 pm
    What is Davidson’s pitch on The Great British Bakeoff, ‘give generously to compensate the cancer victims whose benefits have been cut by the Tories’

    Fantastic money cant buy Colonel Ruth propaganda though. Just one of the varied msm ways planet toryboy slimes around and over political mindsets.

    If she gets it right, the Colonel will be scoped by the English tory vote. If she harumphs something mega cringy like, “I am Scottish but don’t worry, I haven’t stolen anything.” A lot of toryboys will be getting a funny feeling in their union jack y fronts.

    link to

    That story was planted by my Slovene girlfriend. He thinks Ruth’s too thick for the job. It really needs a forensic legal toryboy brain like,

    Adam Tomkins MSP
    Verified account

    Mar 19

    It’s essential that Brexit safeguards and does not undermine the Union of the UK’s four nations. The @ScotTories will always fight for this, including this week in Holyrood

    By essential, my Slovene girlfriend means essential for his rather wobbly political career. Get ready for the tantrums.

  187. Bobp says:

    Maybe english people are right, and 99% of jocks are scroungers.

  188. Cactus says:

    SO that would mean…

    2% per cent of Scottish people in, would double the current total.

    Sweet £X.

  189. wull2 says:

    Welcome to all the new readers of this site.
    Don’t be afraid to post, we do not bite, and it is not like School where we mark your post, it might be something that we might not have thought of, and trigger something in others minds.

    Most of us are of the YES people.

  190. jfngw says:


    Ah!, your Slovene girlfriend, I’m hoping for an imminent breakup and she returns to her beloved country. We all have to make sacrifices.

  191. scotrock (Not to be confused with any other rock) says:

    Just donated a wee bit. Please, if you can, donate. No matter the amount. It all helps. But only if you can afford.
    Hail Alba

  192. Cactus says:

    Make it happen Ian Croal ~.

    Cool as fuck.


    Yes 😉

  193. manandboy says:

    link to

    Man at centre of allegations about Facebook data breach is suspended pending full independent investigation.

    In a series of secret recordings broadcast on Channel 4 News Nix claimed credit for the election of Donald Trump. He told an undercover reporter: “We did all the research, all the data, all the analytics, all the targeting. We ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and our data informed all the strategy.”

    Revealing the firm’s system of erasing any digital footprint, he said they used a self-destruct email server.

    He added: “No one knows we have it, and secondly we set our … emails with a self-destruct timer … So you send them and after they’ve been read, two hours later, they disappear. There’s no evidence, there’s no paper trail, there’s nothing.”

  194. Dr Jim says:

    I don’t use facebook but considering these guys have been found to have been interfering in elections since 2014 I can’t be alone in wondering why Scotlands referendum is the only one not being mentioned

    I’m a paranoid cybernat of course coz ours will have defo not been interfered with eh

  195. galamcennalath says:

    I really really hope the Tories can be implicated in this Cambridge Analytica scandal …

    link to

    …. especially if it turns out to be in Scotland!

  196. heedtracker says:

    jfngw says:
    20 March, 2018 at 9:47 pm

    Ah!, your Slovene girlfriend, I’m hoping for an imminent breakup and she returns to her beloved country. We all have to make sacrifices.

    Course of true love never runs true or something. Prof Smirky is plannnig a palace coup if only because the Colonel is hopeless even a tad off script and quite thick too. Normally this is fine for your average toryboy stuffed shirt, sock puppet, braying fcukwit, halfcut shire tory etc,

    But as my Slovene girlfriend says, these are not normal times.

    So its either leader of the Scottish haha Cons, or Law Lord, either way the bigger the stink he makes UKOK wise in his Scotland, the neighbours back home will be just green.

    Little potted history of my Slovene girlfriends political career there.

    She’s also a really good kisser:D

  197. Cactus says:

    “David slew Goliath in the end, of course. But he needed the stones.”

    These 21stC days, David’s got a ‘brand new bag chainsaw’:
    link to

    Shake it.

  198. galamcennalath says:

    @Dr Jim

    I’m more suspicious of them being active in Scotland in last year’s general election.

  199. bobp says:

    I suppose we can all debate here till we are blue in the face about our independence/austerity/food banks, the eventual privatization of our SNHS.fracking , abolishment of the welfare state etc. The one thing that allowed all this to happen, was the 55% of PSB’s in September 2014.You voted to allow another country to inflict their austere economic hardship on Scotland , and her generations to come. AT the age of 65 it won’t affect me and my other half in what is left of our lifetime. We would have dearly loved to sèe our country independent. My heart goes out to every yes voter in Scotland .good luck and God bless you all. And as for you tractorius barstewards who sold our country out.I hope you and yours know nothing but pain and hardship from your maisters maisters in london

  200. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    Wonder if Cambridge Analytical “did all the research, all the data, all the analytics, all the targeting. Ran all the digital campaign, the television campaign and if it’s data informed all the strategy” for The MayBot’s ‘surprise’ 2017 GE?

    Also wonder if they did, was any of the massive increase in Viceroy Fluffy Mundells Scotland Office advertising spend just prior to this ‘surprise’ GE was to pay Cambridge Analytical for services rendered to BritNat Candidates in Scotland.

    The whole 3 BritNat Parties ‘paper candidate targeted opposition’ of key SNP seats strikes me as bread and butter stuff to an outfit like Cambridge Analytical.

  201. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    “These 21stC days, David’s got a ‘brand new chainsaw’”

    Aye Cactus but does he have the stones to use it?


  202. Cactus says:

    Just put on Ludovico “Elements” album on, on the headphones.

    Your turn Mr Fildes…

  203. Cactus says:

    You betcha Jockanese Wind Talker ~ 🙂

    iScotland soon.

  204. Gfaetheblock says:


    The book freakonomics has a fascinating chapter on the socio-economic reasons for the changes in popularity of given first names year on year. Worth a read

  205. Rock says:

    “But if the Yes movement’s media were funded to even a tiny fraction of the level that Yes supporters (however grudgingly) fund anti-independence media, it could truly bring about a Scottish political revolution.”

    The vast majority don’t read online media. 8,000 buy the fake “independence supporting” The National and all 8,000 are most likely hardcore independence supporters anyway.

    The Yes movement should have created a genuine pro-independence newspaper at the time the independence referendum was called.

    Rock (in a pre-referendum post in reply to a post by David McCann):

    “I have long believed that a free newspaper countering the No campaign’s lies is essential.

    Wings Over Scotland in written form in 8 pages would be more than enough.

    Ideally, distributed to every household on a Saturday evening or Sunday morning.

    Providing the truth on the week’s scare stories by the No campaign.

    We have very little time left now. We will never get the opportunity of independence again.

    I really hope that your offer will be taken up and a newspaper appear within the next couple of months.

    There are at least 30% committed Yes voters. I am sure many of them would be willing to fund a newspaper.”

  206. Jockanese Wind Talker says:

    It’s coming for a that Cactus 🙂

    You know it

    I know it

    We all know it

    Even ‘they’ know it

  207. jfngw says:

    As has been mentioned elsewhere, the Tories mendacity has been exposed but we need to widen our outlook and not allow Brexit to be only defined by the outcome for the fisheries. Focusing on only a single issue leaves you to being outflanked on this issue and being portrayed as the losers by the MSM.

    Time to highlight other areas that are negative to Scotland, they all need to be given a high profile. Don’t allow the MSM & Tories to box us in.

  208. Rock says:


    “One for dear old Rock, in that ERS release”

    “Up to 1.8 million Scottish votes were ‘wasted’ in last year’s General Election because they had no impact on the result, according to ERS research.”

    Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, that happens with your and Ken500’s beloved “first-past-the-post” system.

    Unlike you and Ken500, I strongly support Proportional Representation which is a fair and democratic system that gives a party roughly the number of MSPs it deserves.

  209. heedtracker says:

    Rock says:

    It doesn’t work Rock.

    People don’t watch the beeb gimp network for political info. They watch it to be entertained. That’s the beauty of having it all run and own by very right wing tories, they attach on to it all, their toryboy brainwashing.

    Its why Murdoch and the rest of that little if ancient clusterfuck of billionaires have got so rich, girls boobies and also, vote tory.

    Watch peoples eyes glaze over at Question Time for example. And that crew try to counter that eye glazing over thing, by having on celebs.


  210. galamcennalath says:

    jfngw says:

    Don’t allow the MSM & Tories to box us in.

    Yup. We need to drive the agenda. Get them on the back foot, reacting to each move of the YES side. Make them thinking, “what are they going to hit us with next?”.

  211. uno mas says:

    It´s all about roundtoits. Is it not?

    Lots of us had to get a roundtoit as I just did.

    Three figure sum (two pounds four and sixpence)contributed.

  212. heedtracker says:

    Unlike you and Ken500, I strongly support Proportional Representation which is a fair and democratic system that gives a party roughly the number of MSPs it deserves.

    Real issue Rock? where did over half a million SNP votes disappear to, for that last snap Teresa GE?

    Lots of Cambridge Analytical stuff going on at the moment but they presumably did not make six hundred or so thousand SNP voters simply disappear last year.

    Or did they.

  213. Cactus says:

    Only 14k left to go till £100K+ on the main page.

    Only 14 days to go, remaining…

    Two weeks is a long..


  214. Thepnr says:

    The Rev says:

    Email us about suspected trolls if you want. But don’t engage them in debate if you doubt their motives

    link to

    “Don’t engage if you doubt their motives”

    Simples eh! Not for everyone it would seem, mores the pity.

  215. Rock says:

    Robert Peffers,

    “If they do not know the truth now in spite of me nagging them for years they are just too bloody thick to take it in or, alternatively, they are Rock and the sock puppets supporters.”

    The aggressive verbal bully is at it again without provocation.

    What sort of recently bereaved father would make posts like this, a couple of days after a sad bereavement?

    Robert Peffers says:
    25 February, 2018 at 8:20 pm (The tunes of glory)

    ““Hope you’re doing ok Robert”

    Well not really, it’s going to take a very long time to get over this particular sad setback.”

    Robert Peffers says:
    25 February, 2018 at 9:23 pm (The tunes of glory)

    “Now please Wingers, nobody tell Rock about this wee web link when he clocks on tonight.

    It might upset him and we cannot have that now – can we?

    Well can we?”

    A very long time? It didn’t even take him two hours.

    Within hours of the sad deaths of his son and dog, he was back here attacking other posters in even more aggressive terms than before.

    There is no doubt now, at least to the smarter readers of this blog, that Robert Peffers is a nasty person in real life.

    Why don’t you start your own blog to flog your plagiarised knowledge?

    Apart from your sycophants, WOS readers know how to find the information they are looking for from the internet and don’t need your verbal diarrhoea.

  216. boris says:

    The BBC are sanitizing the recently revealed misuse of Facebook data by data-mining companies. I covered the subject before the 2014 Scottish Referendum advising that data-mining was fully operational within the “no” campaign force fully supported by the UK Civil Service.

    January 31 2014: Footage released of Guardian editors destroying Snowden hard drives – GCHQ technicians watched as journalists took angle grinders and drills to computers after weeks of tense negotiations – In two tense meetings last June and July the cabinet secretary, Jeremy Heywood, explicitly warned the Guardian’s editor, Alan Rusbridger, to return the Snowden documents.

    Heywood, sent personally by David Cameron, told the editor to stop publishing articles based on leaked material from American’s National Security Agency and GCHQ.

    At one point Heywood said: “We can do this nicely or we can go to law”.

    He added: “A lot of people in government think you should be closed down.”

    link to

    link to

    link to

  217. Cactus says:

    Hey Kim Perry ~

    I Love YOU.

    Mwah xx.

    Call me.

  218. jfngw says:

    My last post should read, ..leaves you open to being outflanked..

    I need a proofreader for my posts!

  219. Rock says:


    “Real issue Rock? where did over half a million SNP votes disappear to, for that last snap Teresa GE?”

    Don’t try to wriggle out, Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, I answered the question you asked me.

    Millions of votes are “wasted” under your and Ken500’s beloved “first-past-the-post” system.

    As for the half million SNP votes disappearing, they lost trust after Nicola spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.

    But then again, Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, you are living proof that not all people in Scotland are stupid.

  220. Dr Jim says:

    The MSM camp out on Theresa Mays doorstep in the hope of a whisper of anything, even Comrade Corbyn gets waited on hand and foot for a word, whilst in our far away country in the frozen north beyond the wall Scotlands First Minister has to use social media and Twitter to get a word in

    Arlene Foster of the DUP gets more media than Nicola Sturgeon who tops the polls in the UK for most influential woman and most respected politician in Europe next to Angela Merkel

    For God sake @Heedys unelected girlfriend is on the Telly more than Scotlands elected FM

    Something better democratically start changing soon before the other team start doing it their way

    And they wull

  221. Robert Peffers says:

    @yesindyref2 says: 20 March, 2018 at 5:21 pm:

    “It doesn’t say that, it says only 3 patients have had significant poisoning. It’s countering the wild claims of 4o people affected, that’s all.”

    Awa back and read it again. It categorically states that only three patients have been poisoned but not with a nerve agent.

  222. Cactus says:

    Nice one JC ~

    “What you do is valuable beyond money. Thank you”

    Thank you for you.


  223. jfngw says:

    Unionist referendum logic.

    We should respect the result of the 2014 referendum in Scotland.

    We can ignore the results of the 1997 & 2016 referendums in Scotland.

    The 2016 EU referendum was a UK vote, ignore the fact that only one Scottish MP voting for a referendum to be held in Scotland.

  224. Bill Hunter says:

    I’m using an alias and an alternative address here to preserve my privacy. I regret that I was not able to contribute to your annual appeal. I do contribute the paltry sum of £5 a month. I really wish I could contribute more. My income, however, is about £800 a month (I don’t receive any benefits); I pay my SNP membership contribution of £5 a month and £5 a month for Independence Magazine; I contribute £5 a month to Common Weal, and £5 a month to Wings, £20 to my church, and £85 a month to help support a refugee. That’s about 15% of my income.

    Believe me, I’m not boasting about how much I give. I do it because I have made choices, freely. I deeply care about the ministry of my church, Scotland and its independence (I believe that it’s the only means by which social justice can be gained by my country of birth), and the refugee to whose support I contribute.

    I very much value Wings and Stuart’s work, and I wish I could give more. I can’t give more. The sum I give is so small! I could give up my contributions to Common Weal and double my contribution to Wings, but I very much value the work of CW and want to give a little towards its support.

    So please excuse my lack of donating to your annual appeal, and the smallness of my monthly contribution. It’s my way of saying thanks to Wings, and to Stuart for the amazing research, and trustworthiness of the the reporting that you give us.

    • Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

      “So please excuse my lack of donating to your annual appeal, and the smallness of my monthly contribution.”

      As I’ve said many times – NEVER, EVER apologise for only being able to donate a wee bit. Every single pound is greatly appreciated. I really can’t state it often enough – we don’t want money that people can’t afford to spare. We’re doing okay. The more money we get the more we’ll be able to do but we’re not in any danger of going bust or anything and I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT want anyone ever leaving themselves short in order to send us cash.

      So thanks from the bottom of my heart for whatever it is you send us, Bill, but please please please please keep it in your pocket if you need it.

  225. boris says:

    Scottish 2014 Independence Referendum: “Better Together” Targets Voter ‘Tribes’ using personal data obtained from “Experian”. Full story:

    link to

  226. heedtracker says:

    Don’t try to wriggle out, Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, I answered the question you asked me.

    If you mean I cant be arsed with your nonsense Rock, then yes, I am wriggling out of it.

  227. schrodingers cat says:

    Robert Peffers says:
    20 March, 2018 at 11:11 pm
    @yesindyref2 says: 20 March, 2018 at 5:21 pm:

    “It doesn’t say that, it says only 3 patients have had significant poisoning. It’s countering the wild claims of 4o people affected, that’s all.”

    Awa back and read it again. It categorically states that only three patients have been poisoned but not with a nerve agent.

    actually, the letter doesnt make either point clearly, i could be taken to mean both senses. very poor english, i am none the wiser and would prefer to seek clarification

  228. Kangaroo says:

    link to

    An interesting take on the “fisherman’s friend”

  229. Cactus says:

    Do you like to dream…?:
    link to

    Step it up.


  230. Cactus says:


    Feel the freedom!

  231. Ken500 says:

    You little lizard Piss off. Go back to the rock you crawled out. The vote is totally manipulated under STV and D’Hondt. You little creep. That’s why they introduced to confuse the voters, so it would give unfair advantage. You simpleton. Get to hell, you scum bag. Do not mention any posts again. You dirty double dealing creep. Now get lost. You scummy Tory filth. You Masonic rat. Millions of votes are not wasted getting rid of Tory – unionists scum. Third rate rejects, No one can stand the sight of these criminals. These systems were introduced for that same reason. So the non existent Unionists Alliance could have three chances more than the SNP by standing 3 times more candidates,You piss taking cretin. Ie as usual 2 SNP candidates to 6 unionists. You dummy. Not introduced anywhere else. Except the NI piss taking hole. There would be an outcry if they were. All right to feck up Scotland though.

    That freak May has been manipulating the vote with the Analytic crook. Overspending on these criminals. To manipulate the vote andvgrt away with it again instead of going to prison. Along with the murdered Johnston. Low cretins. The lowest if the low.

    May has been using the illegal the trolling crooks fur unfair advantage. Oversoending, You game it the bastsrds are up to any fraudulent trick. Scum. Just like you. Now get to feck. Do not mrbtion by piers again you freak.

  232. Indy2 says:

    schrodingers cat
    liz g
    Robert Louis
    Robert J. Sutherland
    And a few more.

    If you lot are gettin paid “Per Post”, then you must be makin a fuckin fortune on here.

    As has been said, you are a shower of Control Freaks who are on here 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

  233. Meg merrilees says:

    Geoff Huijer @ 5.06pm

    Great to hear that you are still ‘lurking’ and so pleased that you have been able to donate. Hing on in there, things will get better.

  234. Rock says:


    “Don’t try to wriggle out, Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, I answered the question you asked me.”

    “If you mean I cant be arsed with your nonsense Rock, then yes, I am wriggling out of it.”

    Guardian reader with a Slovene (ex-)girlfriend, as everyone and their dog knows, you butt in into every single post I make with your usual waffle.

    Tomorrow you will ask the same question which I answered today claiming that I didn’t answer it.

    Like the BBC’s Nick Robinson.

  235. Indy2 says:

    The National:

    Confusion reigns over what has been agreed with Michel Barnier.

    link to

  236. heedtracker says:

    Indy2 says:
    20 March, 2018 at 11:50 pm
    schrodingers cat
    liz g
    Robert Louis
    Robert J. Sutherland
    And a few mor

    I’m No.1.

    Thanks indy2.

    If it makes you feel any better indy2, I know for sure that I’ll stop WoS btling on the day we’re all aiming at, nation state Scotland’s independence Day.

    The 4th of July, why not:D

  237. Cactus says:

    And then it was wiki wiki Wednesday.

    link to

    It’s a diggit once again.

    Don’t cha know.

  238. Rock says:


    “The vote is totally manipulated under STV and D’Hondt.”

    Overall, 10% of what you post is true, 50% is waffle and rants, 40% is fake news, in my humble opinion.

    They don’t use STV at Holyrood.

    The 2017 Westminster election resulted in the SNP losing 23 seats due to successful tactical voting by the unionists under FPTP.

    If your beloved FPTP were to be used at the next Holyrood election, the unionists led by Pravda GB and the black arts department of the British Establishment would make sure the SNP was almost wiped out of the Scottish parliament.

    In how may seats did the SNP get more than 50% support at the last Holyrood election?

    I strongly support the Proportional Representation system used at Holyrood which is a fair and democratic system that gives a party roughly the number of MSPs it deserves.

  239. Cactus says:

    Here is the other one:
    link to

    Born to be.


  240. Thepnr says:


    You happy now 🙂 🙂 🙂 Ignore means IGNORE.

  241. Rock says:

    Ken500 says:
    20 March, 2018 at 11:42 pm

    For the record, despite his post at 11:42 pm, I do not think Ken500 is a nasty person in real life.

  242. Rock says:

    Robert Peffers,

    “Awa back and read it again. It categorically states that only three patients have been poisoned but not with a nerve agent.”

    schrodingers cat,

    “actually, the letter doesnt make either point clearly, i could be taken to mean both senses. very poor english, i am none the wiser and would prefer to seek clarification”

    So does it “categorically state” it or it “doesnt make either point clearly”?

    One of you is obviously wrong. Which one of you?

  243. Hamish100 says:


    very nasty comments by you. its past your 2hr shift– bed

  244. Cactus says:

    See song number twelve of Ludovico’s ‘Elements’ album…

    Keeps reminding me of things like this (new readers:)
    link to

    What are we / they doing to each other?!

    You remembers.

    Changed times.

    New days.




  245. Cactus says:

    Back In Black!:
    link to

  246. Cactus says:






    Aye, changed days aye.


  247. William Wallace says:

    Indy2 says:
    20 March, 2018 at 11:50 pm
    schrodingers cat
    liz g
    Robert Louis
    Robert J. Sutherland
    And a few more.

    Pit the bong doon iy. Paranoia ripping through yir veins. Soon abody on wings will be on that list lol. Here’s a relevant wee tune fir you and your handler. 🙂 Shake that Paranoia

    link to

    Stop the Rock: Aye we can.

  248. Kangaroo says:

    Well here it is direct from the source Cambridge Analytica.

    “I do fundamental human drivers. When it comes to taking information on board, effectively our hopes and fears, and many of those are unspoken, unconcious… you didn’t know that was a fear until you saw something that just evoked that reaction from you…and our job is to drop the bucket further down the well than anybody else, to understand what those underlying deep seated fears, concerns are.”

    and the clincher

    “It is no good fighting an election campaign on the facts, because it’s all about emotion” – Alexander Nix CEO.

    If you recollect the last few campaigns have been won by the FEARs not the rational arguments.

    So a job for indy2 is to focus MORE heavily on the fears, and I am quite sure the commenters on here can list them all. We also need to determine the likely FEARs the other side will try to exploit and How to counter their arguments.

  249. schrodingers cat says:


    not interested

  250. Cactus says:

    The ready reckoner tables over on o/t were useful.

    The ‘magic number’ x 15 = envelope cutter+

    To go from five to five.


  251. William Wallace says:

    @ Kangaroo

    The antidote for fear is hope 😉

    Hope over Fear 🙂

    See you all in May (Not Theresa) 😉

  252. Dr Jim says:

    I never got picked, I’ve been relegated to the subs bench, my pro days are over

  253. yesindyref2 says:

    Good choice!

    Into the grooving

    come on

    ouch I need to find the 3 metre extension earphone lead just ripped them out my ears

  254. Dr Jim says:

    I’m puzzled, how does the SNP get the blame when the Crown office prosecutes thon guy for his bad joke, as far as I’m aware Nicola Sturgeon hasnae been given a crown

  255. Cactus says:

    Ah wanna do bad things to you…

    Only in the night.


  256. William Wallace says:

    Good morning my desert dwelling friend. 😉 I hope you are well and in good spirits.

    If we are talking ABBA here, this ane speaks to me.

    link to

    Can you hear the drums? 😉

  257. William Wallace says:

    @ YIR2

    Were you dancing like Madonna at the time? 😉

  258. Reluctant Nationalist says:

    Is that Mark Meechan, Dr Jim? Well, I suppose one could say that Sheriff Derek O’Carroll who found Meechan guilty was recommended for the role by the First Minister (and the Queen) a few years ago. But aye, it’s really nothing to do with the SNP that this O’Carroll man has a weakness for envelopes full of shekels.

    Will he live to regret his decision? Who knows.

  259. Kangaroo says:

    Willliam Wallace @ 1:02am

    I quite agree Hope over Fear. However from the horses mouth Fear works best.

    In my post at 12:53 it should have beena quote by Mark Turnbull not Alexander Nix.

    A copy of video is with the comment is here

    link to

  260. Ken500 says:

    You fucking liar under FPTP the SNP would have walked it. Every election, Thry did anyway but no one would have to put up with the 3rd rate unionists cluttering up and dumbing up the system. There lies. They would not be there to cause nuisance and trouble. Less able to gain influence by their criminality and lies. The SNP has to out vote them twice. The non existent Unionist Alliance. That does not declared expenses, give open accounts or register with the Electoral system. Breaks any manifesto promises or is non existent. Trying to prevent good SNP governance. Apart from the criminality of every unionist party. In electoral fraud expenses, lies and downright illegal manipulation, The electoral commission and these parties covering it up. Just a bunch of crooks.

  261. Nana says:


    FM will visit china next week
    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  262. Nana says:

    link to

    One in 7 EU companies moves supply chain out of UK
    link to

    link to

    link to

  263. Nana says:

    Stopping Brexit is the right thing to do. But that doesn’t mean it won’t hurt
    link to

    link to

    Podcast/ Sarkozy and the colonel’s cash / Return of the backstop
    link to

    link to

  264. Nana says:

    link to

    link to

    The Parent Company of Cambridge Analytica is SCL it’s got ex Tory Party Treasurer Tory Under Secretary for energy and climate change Old Etonians Tory Donors Privy Council Hard Right think tanks, lords, Sirs, unbelievable!!!
    link to

    link to

  265. Nana says:

    More on Cambridge analytica

    Roger Gabb, board member on at least four firms linked to Cambridge Analytica, SCL and Alexander Nix, has donated £717,950 to the … Conservative Party.
    link to

    link to

    link to

    link to

  266. Macart says:


    Mornin’ Nana.

    Yeah, just read the Politico piece on Spain/Gibraltar. Pretty much a who kew? moment right there.

    That’s not the end of it by a long ways. There will be more. (sigh)

  267. Ken500 says:

    More money wasted by the criminal justice system and the corrupt cops. Now there will have to be an appeal against the criminal prosecution to try and protect free speech and people having a laugh. Some people never learn and can’t take a joke. Can’t separate fact from fiction. Along with the corrupt, manipulating Press.

    Feck me they are trying to blame Nicola again. Is there no respite. The Scottish Gov is having to sort out the unionists appointed corruption in the moronic, masonic police for decades. A sledge hammer is needed. House back in the Met. Another unionist appointed sleeve bag. Fifty years of stinking Labour/Unionist and corruption. Now having to be weeded and sorted out. Attitudes changed. A monumental task,

    The sectarianism and moronic masonics fostered in the central belt for decades. Wasting public money, ruining the economy. Thugs and bigots just getting away with it. Unionists bias and corruption. Other people are paying for it. Drunken, racist thugs.

    Brainwashed from the day they were born. Crawling out from every rock. Extremely bad people, ignorant and uninformed. They should be the ones being collared and kept in cells overnight. Not innocent people having a laugh or a joke. Absolutely no threat to society or anyone else. At least minimum pricing is coming in May, after five years, to try and sort out the drunken disorder. The cops are supposed to and should be enforcing it,

    There is a link between drink/drugs and crime. There should be proper ‘one chance’ total abstinence rehab and counselling for people. One again the unionists collaborators are not providing it as they should be, Cutting the essential services budget allocation and instead building grotesque monstrosities no one wants. Not funding essential services properly. Too high class sizes and no additional needs support because of corrupt council collaboration and manipulation. Lesding to further trouble and expense further down the line, The unionists not up to the job but keeping out those who are. Candidates dragged in off the street. Breaking every code of conduct and electoral rule.

  268. Ken500 says:

    Never had anytime for Facebook. Never paid their taxes. Up to their neck with corruption. The internet is bad enough but sublime influence. The Tories etc are trying to glean all private data from the web. They are collecting so much nonsense if is almost unworkable but costing the world a fortune in survellience services. It could be spent on other more important, essential things. Like food and shelter for more people. Although absolute poverty is being tackled and deminished. Facebook and Suckerman should pay their share. Put their money where their influence is supposed to be. Better easier world connection is an improvement. The should still pay their dues. Now all the charity scandals. .

  269. Nana says:

    Good morning Macart, I echo your sigh.

    Every day shines a light on more misery caused by Westminster, what on earth is it going to take for people to finally snap and say enough already.

  270. Macart says:


    Not entirely sure the Tories do irony tbh. How and ever the greatest irony was the reaction of hardline Brexiteers like Reesmoog, who considers the situation totally unacceptable. Wonder if he’ll remember that next time the Scottish parliament are being ‘consulted’ over something Westminster has already made up its mind upon? Doubtful.

    That’s EXACTLY what it’s like though folks. That is what a one sided partnership looks like. That is what the population of Scotland goes through all day, every day since the political union came into being. Westminster isn’t used to being the ‘junior’ partner and doesn’t like it one little bit. But you lot out there? You get back in your box, because it’s entirely different in your case and because… reasons. OKAY?

    Or… you can say no. No, mainly today I feel like not getting back in my box. Mainly today, I don’t feel like having you manage MY resources on MY behalf. Mainly today, I will be looking to a government a damn sight closer to home to manage MY resources, MY economy and care for MY society. Mainly today, I’d rather have someone closer to home talk to our other neighbours because you’ve made a complete arse of speaking to the world on our behalf.

    The United Kingdom is far from united. It is not a country as defined by the Daily Mail or any other right wing media outlet. It is an asset management exercise driven and run by those who frankly couldn’t care less whether you existed or not. Don’t believe me?

    Whether politics is your thing or not, spend some time looking in on Scottish questions, PMQs, FMQs and listen to the language, the attitudes of the speakers. You don’t even need to understand the issues or legalities of the subject in question. Simply look at how Scottish government representation is being talked to, treated (mistreated) by our partners. Ask yourself how much of that could YOU take?

    You want to know why the United Kingdom isn’t as united or equal as some would claim, then see for yourself how your equal partner considers your contributions and your very existence.

    Or… you could continue to accept what Westminster government tells you. You could continue to think it’ll all work out for the best because sumbdy wi’ plums in thir mooth, and an immaculately pressed suit. Who went to the right schools and who is clearly waaaaaaay more important than you, says trusssssst in me. Jussssst in me.

    It’s up to you.

  271. frogesque says:

    @ Macart 8.21

    Take my hat of to you. That is exactly the problem and the solution.

    Why be a passenger on a mystery tour when you could be a driver and choose your destination?

  272. Dorothy Devine says:

    Frogesque , like that last sentence – should be on a billboard with a Chris cartoon attached.

  273. Abulhaq says:

    Scotland, a messed up, mixed up country that independence will not fix unless there is a fundamental change in social attitudes.
    Where there is anti-Catholicism, anti-semitism, Islamophobia and generalised racism may also exist.
    There must be greater truth about what kind of a country contemporary Scotland actually is. We need a bright light on the those dark corners of historic intolerance and prejudice.
    link to

  274. Terry says:

    Just to say I set up a standing order about 18 months ago. Apart from it helping to fund Wings it helps me too, because when I see a unionist front page or the bbc having a dig at scotland I think, “well at least I’m doing something to counteract this”. It makes me feel empowered, proactive and it’s more than worth worth it.

    I also contribute to the ongoing fundraiser and will do so again. Apart from the fact it’s the best value journalism you can get the unionists really fear Wings. The higher the total the more they froth. And I trust that every penny is well spent. The pen is mightier than the sword.

    Come on folks. You know you want to!!!

  275. Dave McEwan Hill says:

    John Pilger

  276. Breeks says:

    Nana says:
    21 March, 2018 at 8:13 am
    Good morning Macart, I echo your sigh.

    Every day shines a light on more misery caused by Westminster, what on earth is it going to take for people to finally snap and say enough already…

    What concerns me retrospectively is electoral jiggery pokery of Cambridge Analytica. The story emerging has profound ramifications, but Nix didn’t garner presence and influence overnight, nor indeed develop a track record of influencing political elections. It is vital to examine whether Cambridge Analytica, or indeed one of its “ghost” organisations was active here in Scotland in YESRef 2014, Brexit 2016, and May’s Dark Money GE in 2017. If I was an old Etonian shareholder in Cambridge Analytica, I’d be asking “If not, why not?” Nevermind Trump, this is very, very, important for Scotland.

    What concerns me looking forwards, – is the chronology of Brexit, and Michel Barnier’s agreements. It would appear Westminster is so dismally inadequate negotiating its own position that the EU is now setting the agenda, and leaving Westminster with a “take it or leave it” box to tick. It’s realistically all the EU can do, but the EU will do it very well.

    With every fibre, I believe it is absolutely imperative that Scotland somehow registers a sovereign interest in these negotiations as an urgent necessity, because Europe is bending over backwards trying to get the UK to engage, but since that process is failing so dismally, I think Westminster, (nevermind Scotland), will have a helluva job to get these benchmark agreements between Barnier and Westminster revisited.

    When Barnier reaches a stage of agreement, such as the Northern Irish situation, Westminster flap its gums and has a rethink, while Barnier consolidates the EU position in binding legislation.

    Whatever the SNP plan is regarding the Constitutional niceties of the power grabbing repatriated powers, they need to get a wriggle on, and principle needs established with an urgency befitting a state of emergency. If the EU won’t listen to us now, these agreements with Westminster are becoming legislated, and the chronology of our Internal UK Constitutional wrangles with Westminster is going to make reversing them a challenge.

    For example, with specific regard to fishing, if the EU has a deal with the UK over fishing, that agreement will pre-date Scotland’s Sovereign emancipation and will likely become a lawful reality which an emergent Scotland is obliged to inherit, and not be something which we would be free to negotiate.

    Scotland MUST secure interlocutor status in the Brexit negotiations, or at the very slimmest minimum, formally advise Barnier that UK Parliamentary Sovereignty is disputed. We MUST register our Constitutional stake in this before the deal is done. Europe is very proficient in its negotiations, a bit like a cable tie which closes in small increments but doesn’t relax its grip.

  277. Gavin Newlands SNP MP asks Matt Hancock TORY MP, The Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport about dealings between the Conservative Party and Cambridge Analytica,

    link to

  278. Meg merrilees says:

    Anybody else notice the irony on the BBC Scotland website page

    Female politicians speak out about twitter abuse and want a clamp down on abuse of women ( three photos – Ruth, Nicola, Kezia… subtle positioning, would be better if it was alphabetical or in order of their importance at Holyrood- Ah! that is how the BBC has arranged the photos)

    Headline on the next section
    Russian anger at spy attack response with a photo of Nicola and then the BBC tells us that Russia is particularly angry at the Scottish authorities. (Bullying tactics targeted on Nicola)

    Cambridge Analytica have nothing on these masters of influencing the truth.

    However, I do wonder if all this Cambridge Analytica is a double bluff – it seems so staged!

  279. Nana says:

    Does anyone here remember R Davidson’s comment before the GE stating she could guarantee at least 12 Tory seats. I can’t recall where I heard it or saw it written. How could she guarantee seats? How could she be so confident?

    A reminder from a while back

    Trump guru Steve Bannon’s secret trip to Scotland
    link to

  280. Phronesis says:

    @ Nana
    Great comments and such informative links as always.

  281. TheItalianJob says:

    @Macart at 8.21am

    Good post as usual and as are your posts on WGD.

    I don’t know how we overcome this Establishment dominance over every day Scots and get the message over of the disdain they have for Scotland and it’s people, MPs, MSP and MEPs etc.

    And now with the recent news of companies that are being used by the Establishment parties aka the Conservatives etc to influence voters by social media propaganda I despair for future elections including Indy2 being fair.

  282. sinky says:

    This morning’s North British newspaper has three benign stories n photos of Ruth Davidson and letters page two pro Tory on fishing sell out and one pointing out that both Tory and Snp supported Remain and CFP in referendum.

  283. manandboy says:

    The Tory Party spent a fortune on getting 12 new MP’s elected in the ‘snap’ GE2017. As we suspected, they were all just ’puppets’. Well, we have Mr Nix’s word for it. He says –

    “We have no secrets. They’re politicians, they’re not technical. They don’t understand how it works,” he said, when asked about whether he was forced to testify.

    He went on to describe how political candidates are manipulated.

    “They don’t understand because the candidate never, is never involved. He’s told what to do by the campaign team.” The reporter asks if that means the candidate is just a puppet, and Nix replies simply: “Always.”

  284. Les Wilson says:

    Cambridge Analytical.

    Having watched all the videos of the channel 4 sting, and the fact that BBC were stum about it well after all the other media were reporting it, was telling.

    Clearly they were concerned that these revelations may lead to their Lords and masters in Whitehall. However it is too big a story to be overlook for long, so the green flag must have been shown after positions were checked.

    However, knowing now that the Boss of the company, Alexander NIX, is an Etonian, he will likely be a dye in the wool conservative.
    Evidence has emerged that the Tories consulted the company 3 months before the last election.The company was also involved with the Brexit vote.

    They started election data work from at least 2013, subsequently worked underground on many elections worldwide. Even for the Trump campaign.More will come out.

    So with the Union at stake do we really believe that Westminster and other concerned entities would not deploy these tactics against Scottish independence. All I can say is, aye right!
    One of the most corrupt governments in the world, rigging an election or referendum is small fry to them.

    So should we in Scotland be concerned that such tactics were used against, in my view definitely yes they should be, few should doubt it. I hope the SNP start asking thorny questions over the high possibility that we were targeted by this company.

    The only time I would believe it did not happen, would be a signed document signed by the prime minister, The Queen, The EU president, The United nations, The pope,and God!
    Even then I would have the wording scrutinised down to the atomic particles in case of secret coding!

    Right now on Call K, it all seems normal, no need to worry, yady yady yah!

  285. galamcennalath says:

    Nana says

    link to

    Peter Bell spot on here. Davidson is just a vacuous shouty nonentity who would be nowhere without the media.

    It does all prove, however, that a fair chunk of the electorate is extremely gullible.

    I blame the media for that too. The role of a free media in a democracy is to educate, inform, and hold power to account. The media in Scotland do the exact opposite.

  286. IZZIE says:

    o/t Scotland in Union seem to be campaigning in our cities spoke to Inverness group said I was a wings lurker they were not flattering.

  287. jfngw says:

    I see some politicians that believe they have the right negotiation qualifications to run the country couldn’t even manage to organise a boat trip properly. All that intellect, so little knowledge.

    Surprised that Rees-Mogg didn’t win the day by spouting some long winded obscure English word to stun his nemesis at the dockside. He’s no Biggles then.

  288. galamcennalath says:

    should we in Scotland be concerned that such tactics were used

    Indeed. And I too hope the Scottish Government are investigating.

    However, I am even more about ‘WILL BE USED’ in ScotRef and Holyrood2021. If the techniques work then they will be used. Perhaps even by another company.

  289. manandboy says:

    My bet is that Cambridge Analytica has a contract with the Tory Government to oversee and manage the Brexit negotiations.
    This would explain why Davis has done nothing whatsoever in 20 months.
    It would also explain why May’s speeches on Brexit are completely lacking in detail.
    It also helps us understand why the UK electorate has been transformed in 20 months to the status of knowing nothing about what is really happening in politics in the UK.

  290. Liz g says:

    Just seen an interview with THE so called whistle blower of Cambridge Anilitica…..
    Either I am going insane (not impossible, by the way).
    Or this is a massive distraction…

    I read about this company and what they do year’s ago.
    What caught my attention was the – Cambridge – bit,I thought that the company was “from” Cambridge,and did wonder why an American campaign would hire a UK company.
    It was a story about the First Obama election!
    I canny mind exactly when but it was defiantly year’s ago,it could have been around the time we were being told that huge server’s in the US were capturing everyone’s data?

    So if I am right,and this information has been around for year’s….. Why Now and Why the Whistle blower?

    Don’t even get me started on Tesco Club card’s and the like, doing the same thing,as do debt collection agency’s, councils and the insurance company’s…. They All share/purchase/sell our information…. even the DVLA.

    This is no scandal, just a 21st century method of profiling.

    If the voter’s roll can be used to canvas, and the TV allocate air time,during campaigns.
    Why is it so surprising that computers can do it better?

    As for Honey Trap’s and mud slinging to see if something sticks….. While it’s disgusting and wrong…. It’s no exactly news that it happens!
    The only real issue that I can see is that “the public” need to be more aware of it,in all it’s form’s.
    And for that computers do it better as well!
    And a wee bit of personal responsibility,and demanding some privacy laws wouldn’t hurt either!

  291. galamcennalath says:

    IZZIE says:

    Scotland in Union seem to be campaigning in our cities

    Daughter saw them in Edinburgh about a week ago.

    So yes, they are actively campaigning.

  292. Ken500 says:

    Clinton used the illegal discredited methods. Between the devil and the deep polluted seas. Dross. Supporting worldwide war and terrorism for years. Illegally discrediting and illegally manipulating the electoral system breaking all the rules. Even evil tricks against reputable colleagues in her own Party. Breaking every rule and Law in the book. Still not brought to book. Responsible for total death and destruction in her own country. Responsible for death and destructive worldwide. An international terrorist.

    Emailing Saudi throughout the night for illegal contributions. A total crook. The Saudis responsible for terrorism worldwide. The most despot, autocratic monarchy in the world being illegally funded by taxpayers. Going bust and bankrupt.

    CIA/FBI and M15/6 totally out of control for years.

  293. starlaw says:

    what has Scotland in the Union got to offer, other than Trident and the Royal family. Everything else can be gotten elsewhere.

  294. Clydebuilt says:

    BBC Radio Shortbread

    Tavish Scot wants amendment to Scot Gov Islands bill. That Scot Gov maps should put Shetland in its Geographical location.

    What does this achieve
    1. Reduces detail for mainland Scotland & it’s islands . . Including Shetland.
    2. Gets it into people’s heads that Shetland is a long way from the mainland. Promotes independence from Scotland. Makes Scots feel that Shetland isn’t really part of Scotland.

    By about 7am I’ve heard a clip of Ruthless. And interviews of the 2 FibDem island MSP’s Liam McArthur & Tavish talking down the Scot Gov’s Island Bill, how it won’t be acceptable without their amendments. Nothing from the SNP.
    Nearly forgot Labour’s Monica Lennon pretending Sanitary Goods for women is her idea. Still nothin from the SNP. . .

  295. Les Wilson says:

    galamcennalath says:

    Yes you are right to be concerned, if they did use such data against us in 2014 ( a high probability!) then Westminster will still have the data supplied under lock and key. To be used again should it be needed.That need is coming soon.

    I have no doubt whatsoever that cheating us will be high on their agenda.The will not leave it to data, there are other ways too.
    People should not doubt it, they have too much to lose.

    We need planning for such issues, and perhaps blockchain voting would be one way to solve a lot of ways they could cheat us.

    See Gordon Ross talking about blockchain on youtube, and how Senegal used it very successfully, Surely if Senegal can do it, we can do it.

  296. Capella says:

    @ Liz g – there are issues such as funding and election campaign declarations to be answered. Carole Cadwalladr, Guardian journalist, has been reportinig the shady connections of this network of companies for some time.
    The American Richard? Mercer, who set up the company, said he donated their time to the Leave campaign. But they should still have registered this as a donation. Apparently, they didn’t.
    So it will grow arms and legs as more information emerges. I’m wondering what influence they may have had on the Indyref1 and last year’s snap election. Were the Tory MPs just “puppets”? They certainly seem to be. They do play on fears of the EU in the fishing communities of the NE.

  297. Bob Mack says:

    There are strict laws about sharing personal information without permission. Facebook broke those laws in giving information, and Cambridge Analytical broke the law receiving such information knowingly.

    Apart from that, they were also using the information to create subliminal advertising techniques on time lines of subscribers. This is also forbidden by law.

    When I was a youngster,various ice cream companies would flash a micro second message on the cinema screen to buy their product. It was very successful indeed. Subliminal messaging is a very dubious and devious technique, and that in effect is what this was.

  298. admiral says:

    Ross Thompson was apparently due to be with Rees-Mogg on the “throw a dead fish in the River Thames” protest but was “persuaded” by the Tory whips not to go.

    Who’d have thunk it?

  299. Proud Cybernat says:

    @ Abulhaq says:
    21 March, 2018 at 9:04 am

    “Scotland, a messed up, mixed up country that independence will not fix unless there is a fundamental change in social attitudes.”

    One thing at a time. Indy FIRST. While we have London dividing our population across various lines we will never achieve the “funadamental change in social attitudes” you desire. We must rid ourselves of the divisive influence of London Rule before we will even have a chance of achieving a better, less divided society.


    But even before that, there’s THIS:

    link to

    Only if you can afford it Wingers, chuck in some pennies. Every little bit(coin) helps. We’re STILL HERE. Let’s show them we’re STILL HERE. Let’s get that fighting fund together for ONE MILLION WBBs.

  300. Liz g says:

    Capella @ 10.20
    Apologies Capella, I have to pop out.
    Will write a proper reply to you later.

  301. Glamaig says:

    Call Kaye was interesting this morning. The ‘debate’ was steered towards the personal impact of data gathering and away from the elephant in the room, mass manipulation. I wonder if ‘Nick from Nairn’ was a plant, Kaye eagerly picked up his argument that ‘its alright, theres nothing to worry about, so what if your personal data is out there’ and that shaped the rest of the program.

    To me the BBC are going hard on this data privacy ‘issue’ for a reason, as a diversion from the real issue, which is mass manipulation of elections. That alone suggests its big. And it is striking that when they briefly allude to it, it is only the Trump election they mention, never any UK election or referendum.

  302. Ken500 says:

    The Official Secret’s act is being used illegally against the people. To corrupt Democracy. Used illegally by corrupt unionist Westminster to cover up their criminality. M15/6 are operating illegally against the people. Total corruption against the people. The criminal Press implemented and complacent in the conspiracy. Cohesive and enabling.

  303. Nana says:

    Re targeting voters

    That weapon is all about using information to corral populations, and (through playing to their psychometric biases) getting them to act on the basis of false information, to live in matrix #CambridgeAnalytica has created for target populations, at an individual level.

    Thread here

    So ‘microtargeting’ is just a means. This is the crucial difference people aren’t getting. Even the data for the microtargeting (derived illicitly it seems) isn’t as important as operating principle of #CambridgeAnalytica – it’s not campaigning, it’s a military grade weapon

    link to

  304. Alastair says:

    I think you may have sparked a wee reaction there with yesterdays post Stuart, judging by todays total. Well done you, and well done the contributors.

  305. Nana says:

    Last links for now.

    Unanswered questions about the poisoning of Sergei Skripal
    link to

    Chancellor suffers setback as Government borrowing rises in February
    link to

    link to

  306. manandboy says:

    link to

    This is the story which the Salisbury propaganda was trying to derail.

  307. TheItalianJob says:

    @Alistair at 11.08 am

    Yes. And well done Stu. Good running total for yesterday.

    Keep up the good work.

    We are all behind you.

  308. Jim Morris says:

    To go back to the post: 1% of 300,000 is 3,000. for 3000 to donate over £100,000 is an average of over £33 per person. The thanks to these is a big part of the appeal to encourage others to join in, rather that harping on about the paying of tax for broadcast media. Many of the posts comment on or refer to items already broadcast and so the fully understanding them involves access to them and therefore a T.V. Licence. My holding back of a contribution this time is a response to the earlier post with the headline Cupid Stunt. Some spoonerisms are amusing, this one was distasteful to me.

  309. manandboy says:

    SCL stands for Strategic Communications Laboratories, and it is about to become as well known as BBC.

  310. geeo says:

    Reading the “pint of sick” spewed out by usual suspect, late night troll, re FPTP, it is worth reminding ourselves that if Holyrood 2016 were FULLY FPTP then the SNP would have won 104(.5) seats out of 129, based on ACTUAL seats won % of FPTP constituency seats in said election.

    The troll thinks a fully FPTP Holyrood election = certain SNP defeat…!!

    Of course, the mistake people (of all sides) make, is that there will be no ‘next’ election at WM or Holyrood, under current constitutional arrangements, unless there has been another NO vote in an indyref, which is the NEXT thing to be voted on here.

    If (or rather,when, obviously) we vote YES, then the next election will be to decide the newly indy SCOTTISH government. However, 3 current parties will be missing from that election as they will be from another country.

    This is the huge elephant in the room, not mentioned in 2014 much, but totally relevent again.

    It is why the 3 unionist parties involved are 100% against an indyref, good old self preservation.

  311. Robert Peffers says:

    @Kangaroo says: 21 March, 2018 at 12:53 am:

    ““It is no good fighting an election campaign on the facts, because it’s all about emotion” – Alexander Nix CEO.
    If you recollect the last few campaigns have been won by the FEARs not the rational arguments.”

    Yep! And I’m no expert but –

    I know an unspoken, unacknowledged, subconscious fear widespread throughout the unionist Westminster Establishment.

    It is endemic and permeates the Establishment from Her Sovereign Majesty, the Queen of England, all the way down the serried ranks of the loyal unionists royalists to the absolute last disgusting bottom dregs of Butcher’s Apron waving knuckle draggers. These marchers through Scottish streets to the strains of stolen tunes played by their flute bands.

    They are, to the very last Britnat, absolutely terrified of the legally sovereign people of Scotland asserting their legal sovereignty and leaving their, “Little England”, a great deal more little without their traditional cash cow to prop their failing services led economy up.

    They know it and we know it and thus our job is to enlighten the many Scots who have been brainwashed to believe that Scotland really is wee, poor and stupid to run their own country.

    Let’s face it – all the evidence is now in place that, in the two partner United Kingdom, one partner is head and shoulders above the other in how it is being governed. All the best bits of Scottish life are in place because of Holyrood and all the horrors afflicting our people stem from the Palace of Westminster and the only flies in the ointment within Holyrood are caused by the likes of such as James Kelly who thinks himself very clever for defeating the SNP.

    Now look at the news:-

    Headlined as, Scottish unemployment rises by 5,000.

    The item has this tucked away at the bottom:-

    the Scottish unemployment rate is now the same as the UK as a Whole at 4.3%.

    Then there is this:-

    link to

    Why, though, had I to go outside UK media sources to find this item?

  312. schrodingers cat says:

    Bob Mack

    the problem isnt about who they share it with but who buys it.

    a genuine company selling goods and targeting customers is legal, ist it legal for people to buy such data to help political parties to buy such data?

  313. kinters says:

    Re Russian poisoning:

    I stand by my comments the other day that Ian Blackford should not have gave his 100% backing to a Tory Prime Minister on this matter.

    NOTHING has been proved yet, so he was basically accusing Russia of a crime that was still under investigation.

    Blackford is incompetent and underwhelming and should be replaced ASAP as leader of the SNP at Westminster.

  314. heedtracker says:

    Great coffee time links Nana!

    Coffee spoiled by just another slice of stinky olde The Graun UKOK pie. Its not the tories, its the “British politician” what did it.

    link to

    Britain’s politicians have again been found out for making promises to fishing communities that they can’t deliver

    The truth is that both parties have been opportunist – the Tories by pretending that CFP withdrawal was easily attainable, the nationalists by pretending they would give fishing communities what they want.”


    Why would these broadsheet professional liars ignore two big issues, that the Graun campaigned Leave very hard at the “fish folk” especially along the Buchan coast and Scotland voted Remain. A simple truth that the average Britnat ligger cant bear to even mention.

    UK in Scotland propaganda like the Graun is probably as insidious as the BBC.

  315. Bob Mack says:

    @schrodingers cat,

    Only if you have given permission for that usage. You generally have to tick an accept box somewhere. It sounds very like that control was ignored judging by the sheer amount of information harvested and shared.

    Besides that the Facebook has no indicator stating that the information would be used in such a fashion. It does I believe mention marketing, but this is not marketing. This was specific population control output according to the whistleblower.

  316. heedtracker says:

    Blackford is incompetent and underwhelming and should be replaced ASAP as leader of the SNP at Westminster.

    Please don’t have a fit kinters but who do fancy as SNP leader, if you dont like the current one? last time you said he was too fat for the job.

    So maybe someone in shape, with a great bod, great legs, nice arse perhaps?

  317. manandboy says:

    From Peter Jukes:
    So ‘microtargeting’ is just a means. This is the crucial difference people aren’t getting. Even the data for the microtargeting (derived illicitly it seems) isn’t as important as operating principle of #CambridgeAnalytica – it’s not campaigning, it’s a military grade weapon

  318. schrodingers cat says:

    soz, should read
    to help political parties to target voters and win elections and referendums

  319. manandboy says:

    From Peter Jukes @peterjukes
    So ‘microtargeting’ is just a means. This is the crucial difference people aren’t getting. Even the data for the microtargeting (derived illicitly it seems) isn’t as important as operating principle of #CambridgeAnalytica – it’s not campaigning, it’s a military grade weapon.

  320. manandboy says:

    oops, sorry for the duplication there.

  321. Legerwood says:

    Cambridge Analytica and EU Referendum Leave campaign.

    When Mr Nix appeared before the Commons Committee the first part of the proceedings was taken up with the issue of CA’s involvement in the Leave campaign.

    He denied CA were involved. Cue photo of the Leave Campaign launch with a member of staff of CA at the launch with members of the Leave campaign.

    His response: not a senior member of staff; we had had meetings with Leave but nothing came of it.

    One of the MPs produced Aaron Banks’ book and asked if Mr Nix had read it. No was the response.

    Then MP quotes from it where it states that .CA were involved in the Leave campaign.

    Mr Nix says he knows what it says but it is not true. Then why did you not sue or ask for a retraction. Waffle, waffle says Mr Nix.

    The return matches between Mr Nix and the Committee and Mr Nix and Congressional Committee should be interesting.

  322. Breeks says:

    Liz g says:
    21 March, 2018 at 10:00 am

    Just seen an interview with THE so called whistle blower of Cambridge Anilitica…..

    …I read about this company and what they do year’s ago…

    So if I am right,and this information has been around for year’s….. Why Now and Why the Whistle blower?

    That the Canadian with the pink hair Liz? Christopher Wylie? I first saw him in the Guardian article last Saturday.

    If these breaking stories were not coordinated between the Guardian and Channel 4, its some coincidence. Perhaps he’s been a slow burner, and it was him who initially put Channel 4 on the scent…

    I just hope it wasn’t the Guardian broke cover for the “scoop”, prompting C4 to broadcast their Sting prematurely, and critically, before the Information Commissioner had time to get her Warrant in place to break down the doors at Cambridge Analytica.

    That seems the one fly in the ointment in an otherwise excellent sting which seemed to covered all the other exits.

    Cambridge Analytical has just be caught red handed pretty much doing what Vlad Putin has been vociferously accused of doing ever since Trump was elected. Both Trump, and Putin, are going to be vindicated to some degree, and that just might, repeat might, leave a certain UK Prime Minister whom it appears has just engineered a diplomatic spat with Russia looking petulant, isolated, lacking judgement, and making yet another geopolitical boo-boo with the whole planet watching…

    I also smell a mighty pungent rat (sorry Rev) about the BBC trying to close this story down as a humdrum story about data protection. Be in no doubt, this story is absolute dynamite. I get the distinct impression the UK Establishment is currently shitting bricks about the process which has just begun to unravel.

  323. Bob Mack says:

    @Scroungers Cat,

    The process I have been informed was to have you fill in a personality test as a fun means of viewing what type of person you were. In fact,these results were then used to decipher your strengths,weaknesses,bias and other factors.

    The main point is that advertising and suggestions of sites to visit and friends to connect with were based on your choices but we’re purely for the benefit of a third party.

    You were effectively steered unwittingly in the direction the third party wanted you to go.

  324. Breeks says:

    Oh… and much as approve of the English NHS getting a pay rise, that pungent rat I smell could be a squirrel.

  325. Bob Mack says:

    @damn predictatext. Schrodingers cat of course

  326. r.esquierdo says:

    David never hit Goliath on the heid wae a stain. He hit Goliath on the stains wae his heid

  327. heedtracker says:

    schrodingers cat says:
    21 March, 2018 at 11:49 am
    soz, should read
    to help political parties to target voters and win elections and referendums

    But can whatever it is Cambridge Analwhatsitcalled actually make the 600,000+ SNP voters just not vote like in last years snap UK GE?

    Scotland endured at least a year maybe 18 months of BBC Scotland and Colonel led “we said no, we meant no!” tory and Lab fury. Which became hysterical after FM Sturgeon announced indyref2.

    BBC yoon rage is spectacular and culminated in that Teresa very bizarre, I’ve been out for a walk and have decided to hold a general election to strengthen my already strong majority. Also, I want to legalise fox hunting. Vote tory, vote the Colonel.

    So is that what it takes, what my Slovene girlfriend used to shriek btl The Graun, BBC led msm and tory thug bullying?

    Colonel Ruth and BBC Scotland fury, we said no, we met NO! thug bullying intimidated and scared away over half a million Scottish voters from the ballot box in 2017?

    Could be.

  328. manandboy says:

    So, where are we now?

    Well, we’ve had the post-Christian era and more recently, the post-Truth era.
    Now we have begun the post-Democracy era.
    Oh sure, we’ll still have going to polling stations to cast our vote, it’s just that from now on every referendum or election result will be utterly unreliable and steeped in suspicion.
    But then, let’s face it, under a Tory Party in decline, it was always going to be just a matter of time anyway.

  329. faolie says:


    But like others here, I regard this as a general donation. Once Nicola hits the #referendum2018 button, I’m in for specific donations, like, for example, for WBB2

  330. heedtracker says:

    But then, let’s face it, under a Tory Party in decline, it was always going to be just a matter of time anyway.

    It took Scandinavian countries almost 100 years to get to where they are today. Holyrood must be no.1 on the toryboy hit list. It would certainly be on mine, if I was a toryboy.

    Its funny tragic really, I voted Labour in 97 and also believed things could only get less Thatcher.

    What a fucking sucker I am:D

  331. Nana says:

    Amount spent went up in 2014/15

    An FOI request from September 2016 reveals that the UK Ministry of Defence has bought training and audience analysis from SCL group, the parent company of Cambridge Analytica. SCL also carries a secret clearance as a ‘List X’ contractor for the MOD.

    link to

  332. schrodingers cat says:

    Bob Mack says:

    Only if you have given permission for that usage.

    i think if you read the small print you will find that many social media do have the right to use your info for marketing.

    the point being made is for business to buy this info for marketing is legal, but that includes any joe bloggs buying the data for genuine marketing purposes then passing the info to eg, the tory party. at the moment, i think it is legal aslong as this cost appears on there election expense returns, (usually not and difficult to prove) the point is more whether it is morally right for some rich unionist, eg richard branston to provide a list of ip addresses and postal addresses to the tory government for paper and electronic targeting?

    in truth, public knowledge of such data mining tactics from social media is poor at best, mainly because it is a recent phenomena and legislation hasnt caught up yet,

    the legislation needs to focus on the buyers, not the sellers eg, present legislation doesnt put the onus on printers to keep to election expenses limits, that is the responsability of the election agent for the candidate

  333. Daisy Walker says:

    I’ll put some more money in a bit later in the month. Absolutely the best value for money for YES.

    As always, can’t thank enough; the Rev, the lurkers, Nana’s wonderful links, and the
    list of BTL regulars who’s constructive and informative comments form the backbone
    of this site.

    I scroll on by the disagreeables. And I only post when I have something (hopefully) meaningful to say. If only the disagreeables could be encouraged (or rationed) to
    show the same restraint.

    OT a question on some legal aspects of the constitution…. The ’emergency’ Henry the 8th Powers that TM intends to fall back on, how can they be imposed on Scotland given our status whereby the Crown in Scotland has a different legal duty? Anyone clarify.

    Cheerie to all, its coming yet.

    PS (Just this once I’m going to say this) oor fisherfolk… they didnae stand up fir their country, noo they dinnae hae a country to stan up fir them. There’s jellyfish wi mair backbone than them. Fairmirs next up fir a doe o their ain medicine.

  334. Robert Peffers says:

    @Abulhaq says: 21 March, 2018 at 9:04 am:

    ” We need a bright light on the those dark corners of historic intolerance and prejudice.”

    link to

    Yes! Abulhaq, and it is all there in Article of Union Number 2 of the very Treaty of Union of 1706/7 that gave birth to the United Kingdom:-

    “Artilce II. THAT the Succession of the Monarchy to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and of the Dominions thereto belonging, after Her Most Sacred Majesty, and in Default of Issue of Her Majesty, be, remain, and continue to the Most Excellent Princess Sophia, Electoress and Dutchess Dowager of Hanover, and the Heirs of her Body being Protestants, upon whom the Crown of Englandis settled by an Act of Parliament made in England in the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King William the Third, Intituled, An Act for the further Limitation of the Crown, and better securing the Rights and Liberties of the Subject: And that all Papists, and Persons marrying Papists, shall be excluded from, and forever incapable to inherit, possess, or enjoy the Imperial Crown of Great Britain, and the Dominions thereunto belonging, or any Part thereof, and in every such Case the Crown and Government shall from time to time descend to, and be enjoyed by such Person being a Protestant, as should have inherited and enjoyed the same in case such Papist or Person marrying a Papist, was naturally Dead according to the Provision for the Descent of the Crown of England, made by another Act of Parliament in England in the first Year of the Reign of their late Majesties King William and Queen Mary entituled An Act declaring the Rights and Liberties of the Subject, and settling the Succession of the Crown.”

    A few words of explanation of some of the less understood terms used in that Article of Union.

    It speaks of, “Great Britain”, which is the geographically largest island of the British Isles. It does not mean the entirety of Britain. It further refers to, “The Dominions thereof”, but these are Wales and Ireland for the likes of the North American countries of Canada and USA were the English Kingdoms colonies it 1706/7. Scotland was one of the only two equally sovereign kingdom partners signatory on the document and, in 1706/7 only Wales & Ireland were the Dominions of the Kingdom of England. Furthermore the Crown, (not Westminster), dependencies are not mentioned.

    Note that the succession claims are all by acts of the Parliament of England – not of Scotland and you will realise the real reasons for the Kingdom of England to have used undercover agents, bribery and corruption and military threats to force the treaty upon Scotland. The entire treaty was due to sectarian bigotry.

  335. Legerwood says:

    In the dim and distant past when snail mail was king and companies advertised via mail shots then professional bodies, unions and companies themselves could make money by selling the contact details of their membership. Something that the membership was not always aware of but when the practice did become more generally known then, if I remember correctly, steps were taken to stop the practice or at least give people an opt out.

    On the surface it has similarities to what has happened with harvesting data from Facebook but, big but, the sheer scale of the data harvested now, the stealth employed in the harvesting and the use to which the data was then put dwarves anything that happened in the past. Then it would be a mailing list containing tens of thousands of names which was then used to send mail shots selling insurance or hoovers. This situation now goes way beyond that.

  336. heedtracker says:

    PS (Just this once I’m going to say this) oor fisherfolk… they didnae stand up fir their country, noo they dinnae hae a country to stan up fir them. There’s jellyfish wi mair backbone than them. Fairmirs next up fir a doe o their ain medicine.

    Will ever know if they’ve changed from No to Yes?

    BBC Scotland teatime news had one explain on his boat, ” It is bad news but who else is there to vote for but tory up here.”

    It wasn’t a question.

    Jacky Bird smirked.

  337. kinters says:

    Heedy has appointed himself and Peffers as the Wings police “men”, I use the word “men” loosely.

    As usual I made a perfectly valid point that in my opinion Balckford is not up to the job and another vote should be held for a new leader at Westminster.

    But Heedy always has to take it a step further and put forward his threats and insults to people who happen to have a different point of view to that of the usual suspects.

    As has been said by many others on here, Trolls like Heedy and Peffers are choking the life out of Wings.

  338. Bob Mack says:

    @?Daisy Walker,

    This is a valid point. Henry 8 powers have always been used to update legislation or change it by degrees. It has never been used to completely rewrite legislation at Westminster.

    This brings us on to the next point. Henry 8 predated the Union as you say by some considerable time. The problem has always been that up till now the various politicians representing Scotland were of a Unionist hue and therefore had no interest in challenging the use of that device by their National Party.

    I do believe it is open to challenge in court and would form the test case for the Sovereignty of the Scottish people.

  339. heedtracker says:

    kinters says:
    21 March, 2018 at 12:44 pm
    Heedy has appointed himself and Peffers as the Wings police “men”, I use the word “men” loosely.

    I only asked who you think should be the SNP leader kinters. And do you think it should be someone with a nice bod, great abs maybe, great legs or at least not too fat perhaps kinters like what you say the current is.

    Hit the gym SNP Westminster, coach kinters wants you in shape for the hot seat:D

  340. schrodingers cat says:

    when indyref2 happens, they will do this again, no question. this is what we will be up against.

    we need to be smarter in our campaign methods and work to our advantage

  341. kinters says:

    Dicks like Heedy and Peffers and the rest of their wee gang do indeed fall into the category of “Warriors”.

    KeyBoard Warriors !!!

  342. Clootie says:

    Beware the Tory claims that they will “…take back full control of fishing”

    This does NOT mean that a Utopia awaits our fishing communities.
    It does mean that combined with the devolution games they can use it as a bargaining chip in Brexit talks. You have to own the land in order to rent it out.

    In the game – City of London versus Fishing access – who do you think will win!

    Full control terminology simply highlights their real plan.

  343. heedtracker says:

    Vote Colonel Ruth propaganda you just cant buy. What a really nice lady the Colonel is too.

    What kind of flour do you use when your baking tory cakes at home in north Britain Colonel and how many are Brits now dead and gone, thanks to the great tory austerity nightmare Colonel Ruth?

    link to

  344. Nana says:

    The PM is asked if “subverting the democratic political process in any country is totally unacceptable” by @ianblackfordmp who lists Conservative links to Cambridge Analytica and SCL

    link to

  345. kinters says:


    Are you a real Prick or are you one of those Computer Generated pricks?

    Why can’t you ignore posts you don’t agree with?

    Why have you and Peffers and Co got to reply with some snidey immature remark?

  346. Robert Peffers says:

    @Dave McEwan Hill says: 21 March, 2018 at 9:11 am:

    “John Pilger

    I assume, Dave, you intended to post this:-

    link to

    You have to leave the www. bit on the link, (only for YouTube), for it to work – but you must remove everything before the www. bit.

  347. heedtracker says:

    kinters says:
    21 March, 2018 at 12:53 pm
    Dicks like Heedy and Peffers and the rest of their wee gang do indeed fall into the category of “Warriors”

    Well I have already contacted my SNP MP here in Glasgow and told him to hit the gym kinters, special offer from Glasgow council too, so no excuses SNP fatties, Coach kinters wants you in shape for the top job.

    link to

    Come with me to Zumba class kinters?

    No idea what Zumba is but its fun to shout ZUMBA, kinters.

  348. heedtracker says:

    kinters says:
    21 March, 2018 at 1:03 pm

    Are you a real Prick or are you one of those Computer Generated pricks?

    A real Scottish prick to you pal.

  349. Robert Peffers says:

    @IZZIE says: 21 March, 2018 at 9:52 am:

    “o/t Scotland in Union seem to be campaigning in our cities spoke to Inverness group said I was a wings lurker they were not flattering.”

    Aye! IZZIE, but the mere fact they were not, “flattering”, (cough!),is all the proof you needed that you had indeed hit a raw nerve.

    Keep up the good work and don’t lurk – comment.

  350. kinters says:

    Heedy, you come across as a Total Wanker who was bullied at school and this is you “pay back time”.

    You feel safe in your wee darkened room.

    That is why NOBODY has ever seen you at ANY Rally in Glasgow’s George Sq.

    I don’t think you have ever set foot in Glasgow, never mind stay in it.

    IMHO you are a Dick !!!

  351. Dorothy Devine says:

    Heedtracker IGNORE THE CRETIN.

  352. Bob Mack says:

    Interesting to find that the MOD paid £190,000 to this company the months after the Scottish referendum. 77th Brigade perhaps?

  353. heedtracker says:

    link to

    Future PM Rees Mogg is probably not going to nuke those Russian blighters. Maybe just the odd skirmish, but not defcon whatever number it is the use to launch an all out nuclear strike. Hope everyone on their Trident subs is staying off the sauce throughout this ongoing Anglo-Russia war too.

    “Rees-Mogg is a co-founder, director and shareholder of Somerset Capital Management (SCM) – an investment management firm which specializes in emerging markets. SCM confirmed it runs a fund with a stake worth up to £60 million ($84 million) in Russia’s largest bank, Sberbank. The MP profits from the bank – through his position as a shareholder – that has been a target of EU sanctions since 2014”

    Rum, the lash, buggery, Churchill’s three great Royal Navy traditions. Hope we dont have to add nuclear apocalypse too.

  354. heedtracker says:

    IMHO you are a Scots Dick !!!

    Come on kinters, get your facts straight.

    See you at Zumba class?

  355. heedtracker says:

    Oh god. What a waste of lovely fash. Scotland, are we really not more capable of running Scotland than these toryboy f wits?

    link to

  356. Nana says:

    For those of you on twitter, follow Liam for up to date info re Cambridge analytica

    link to

  357. Robert Peffers says:

    @galamcennalath says: 21 March, 2018 at 9:58 am:

    “should we in Scotland be concerned that such tactics were used.”

    Concerned – of course but need I remind you to:-

    link to

    In this case, “The Bright Side”, is that in spite of all their dirty work at the cross-roads the support for Scottish Indy is slowly creeping up to the sudden tipping point and the resultant landslide.

    Which is, of course, why the Westminster Establishment, and its many minions, are getting increasingly, and more obviously, more hysterically active. The more active they become the more obvious their activities become and thus are counter productive.

    Never interrupt your enemy when they are in the process of destroying themselves.

  358. heedtracker says:

    So kinters you want shot of the current SNP Westminster leader, because he’s not in shape etc. I cant see a telly but I can hear BBC r4 vote tory lunchtime news and they are really struggling with our Ian’s PMQ’s, about how comes the Conservatives are so “intimately” involved with the Cambridge Anal stuff.

    Ah, its nothing to worry about everyone, giggle the toryboy guests and beeb r4 news gimp.

    I can also see twitter kinters. Why do you think oooooooold Jeremy Corbyn has, “missed six opportunities to ask the same question” kinters. Jezza is the actual HM Official Opposition leader too.

    Spooky, kinters.

    Wings Over Scotland Retweeted

    Peter Grant MP
    Verified account

    1h1 hour ago

    @IanBlackfordMP has prime minister looking as uncomfortable as I’ve ever seen her as he details the intimate links between top Tories and the owners of Cambridge Analytica.

    This was after Jeremy Corbyn missed six opportunities to ask the same question.

  359. Breeks says:

    May says to Ian Blackford at PMQ’s that “As far as she is aware, the Government has no current contracts with Cambridge Analytica…”.

    I’m convinced.

    I’m convinced that sounds like pretty authentic Orwellian 1984 Doublespeak.

  360. Ken500 says:

    Fishing protest farce. The fish was being discarded and dumped for years because fishermen should have been using bigger nets like Norway etc.

    Conservation measures had to come in because of this ignorance. Fishermen destroying their own industry. Westminster unionist policy which with the SNP did not agree. Many fishermen support the SNP and Independence. Those who brief nonsense get prominence and precedence.

    Another fishy tale. The total ignorance of these Tory stunts. Totally ruining the fishing industry.

    The problems were being so sorted out with (SNP) Scottish Gov representation. Richard Lochhead were sorting out the problem with EU with fishermen. Changing to bigger nets, aided by EU grants. Better conditions and increased quotas.

    Then people did not turn out to vote. It was raining all day? Apathy. Now look at the mess. Being messed around by Tories. Once again. Some people never learn. Tory two faced liars. Sold up the Thames on a banana boat. More fool them. Some want UK rule but don’t want to comply with UK Law or UK taxes.

    Period poverty pain. What’s this insult to female – bodily function. Embarrassing for women. Put it in without shouting out People should be treated with dignity. The campaign should be ensuring women and other people should have enough sustainence, support and revenues to provide and support purchasing for all their needs with respect.

  361. Alba 46 says:

    Really good article by Neil Clark on RT. He highlights the current state of the hysterical unionist out of control media in the uk. Good contributions from Craig Murray. Well worth a read.

    link to

  362. t42 says:

    Targetd Facebook ads will be great fun for the next fundraiser!
    Soft Nos would enjoy a fishermen cairnstoon.
    Entrenched Nos would enjoy a video on how to build self-esteem

  363. Daisy Walker says:

    For the folkies out there.

    The tune is from Pete Segers ‘last night I had the strangest dream’ which is on you tube and well worth the listen. the updated words are by moi.

    Last night I had the strangest dream
    A dream i’ve had before
    I’ve dreamed the powers in charge would lie
    Lie and take us to war

    And when the bombs and poisons fly
    when the people die
    They steal their oil and gas reserves
    The billionaires prize

    Last night I had the strangest dream
    I’ve seen this dream before
    a dodgy dossier would seem
    threats at our very door

    It wasn’t worth the paper writ
    it was a Bloody Lie
    and a million people in Iraq
    Never needed to die

    last night I heard the strangest dream
    I see it every day
    London lies in constant stream
    Fresh from the BBC

    And when the people show their doubts, show some self restraint
    The Bunting and the Flags roll out
    never allow no complaints

    Last night I had the strangest dream
    i’ve had this dream before
    I’ve dreamed the powers in Charge would lie
    Lie and take us to war

    And when the bombs and poisons fall
    when the people die
    They steal their oil and gas reserves
    the billionaires prize

    last nicht ah had the strangest dream
    A dream a’v kent afore
    A’v dreamt the powers fae London toon Lie
    and send Us tae war

    They blame the Russians, blame the poor
    the Muslims or the Jocks
    the medias their complicit Hoors
    they’d throw us all tae the rocks

    last night I had the strangest dream
    A dream I’ve had afore
    i’ve dreamt the powers fae London toon Lie
    And send Us tae War.

  364. Ken500 says:

    May is in it up to her neck. Everything folding in. Coming back to haunt the malicious Tories. She has lost more credibility. Will she or the Tories last the year. Doubt it. Wait until the May council election in the rest of the UK. A decreased Tory support. Ends it. The rats in the sacks. There will be anarchy. Getting it in the back. Totally discredited. Most of them are not up to the job. Promoted beyond their capabilities. Completely flawed frauds. Typical Tories. Not fit for any nation.

    Question about Analytica. Recorded. May lies again. Ian Blackford asks the questions that are received. Most folk are concerned about. Recorded for posterity.

    RT is doing a blistering job of throwing up the conspiracy of rigged elections and misuse of power etc.

  365. Robert Peffers says:

    @Clydebuilt says: 21 March, 2018 at 10:14 am:

    “BBC Radio Shortbread
    Tavish Scot wants amendment to Scot Gov Islands bill. That Scot Gov maps should put Shetland in its Geographical location.
    What does this achieve
    1. Reduces detail for mainland Scotland & it’s islands . . Including Shetland.
    2. Gets it into people’s heads that Shetland is a long way from the mainland. Promotes independence from Scotland. Makes Scots feel that Shetland isn’t really part of Scotland.
    By about 7am I’ve heard a clip of Ruthless. And interviews of the 2 FibDem island MSP’s Liam McArthur & Tavish talking down the Scot Gov’s Island Bill, how it won’t be acceptable without their amendments. Nothing from the SNP.
    Nearly forgot Labour’s Monica Lennon pretending Sanitary Goods for women is her idea. Still nothin from the SNP. . .

    So … All SNP BAAAD! then? Always the SNP’s fault then?

    What have The SNP ever done for us, then?

    So what is they do all day at Holyrood and all day and often half the night at Westminster – not to mention all those committees they are part of – Bloody wasters the lot of them. Better vote Labour next time then – see what they did with their around 80 years in office in Scotland ….

    Oh! Wait! Just what did the London Unionists do for Scotland since 1707?

    Here’s an example:-

    link to

  366. heedtracker says:

    How far Cambridge Anal/Conservative party connection really does go depends very much on how hard their beeb gimps are prepared to work to protect Teresa. Tories like this one are going to be very interesting to watch. Beeb gimp zone does seem rather panicky.

    link to

  367. Ken500 says:

    SCL. Led by the Royalty who are supposed to be impartial and non biased. Kept out of parliamentary matters. They are in deep with the Tories. A total corrupt Alliance breaking every UK/International Law at every level. It gets worse by the minute. Corruption right to the heart of the establishment making a mockery of Democracy. Absolutely shameful. Greedy psycho bastards for personal gain. Acting illegally. Killing and maiming millions of others. Total hypocrites. It is just beyond belief.

  368. heedtracker says:

    Awe. Its just a quizz explains the beeb gimp zone.

    link to

  369. Douglas says:

    Jings!!! Ruth Davidson is now considering going on Strictly Come Dancing it the chance comes up. I suppose her speciality dance will be the Quick Step!!! As they say, yeah cannae make this up!

  370. rongorongo says:

    The process I have been informed was to have you fill in a personality test as a fun means of viewing what type of person you were.
    This article has a pretty good description of what CA were doing with the personality tests – in the context of the US 2016 election. So far as I can work out, there steps were:
    1. Use the personality test to cross validate various psychological metrics with scraped Facebook profile characteristics – for a couple of hundred thousand American users – often ones who were paid to take the test.
    2. As an adjunct to this, scrape the profiles of the FB friends of each user. Giving at total of about 50 millions records.
    3. Use the resulting larger data set to build an implied psychological profile of the larger set. Overlay this with political data so as to find persuadable people on the left and right within marginal wards.
    4. Send out micro-targetted adverts encouraging right leaning people to vote for Trump and left leaning people to abstain from voting from Clinton (because the ads were micro targetted there was very little pressure on them to be at all accurate for either group.
    5. Hence persuade about 70,000 people, upon whom the election was swung for Trump.

  371. Proud Cybernat says:

    Totally O/T

    Camilla locked up?? Surely fake news??

    link to

  372. Robert Peffers says:

    @kinters says:21 March, 2018 at 11:44 am:

    “I stand by my comments the other day that Ian Blackford should not have gave his 100% backing to a Tory Prime Minister on this matter.”

    Ignoring the rather strange grammar – that comment is sheer claptrap.

    “NOTHING has been proved yet, so he was basically accusing Russia of a crime that was still under investigation.”

    Here you attempt to distort the truth and the logic. Yet you attempt to offer as your only evidence the salient point that indeed, “NOTHING has been proved yet …”.

    Thus the assumption that Mr Blackford is the accuser is totally illogical.

    The accusers are thus the United Kingdom’s current government for it is upon their fake claims of still unproven Russian involvement, of still to be proven use of a nerve agent, and, if used, that it was a particular nerve agent.

    Mr Blackford has thus nothing whatsoever to base his stance upon other than that being provided by the likes of
    Blundering Boris and the somewhat rather dishonest Theresa May.

    In the first place the international, “Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons”, (OPCW), only arrived in the United Kingdom yesterday and they state they oversaw the destruction of ALL of Russia’s Chemical Weapons stockpiles.

    No one has yet officially identified the poison used and that includes Portan Down, Furthermore a consultant at the Salisbury Hospital has categorically stated that only three persons are being treated for the effects of poison and that no one is suffering from Nerve Agent poisoning.

    Mr Blackford, is thus only going on what he was told by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of the United Kingdom.

    So, by concentrating upon Mr Blackford while airbrushing out Ms May and Jonson your target suggests you have, at least, ulterior motives, if not deliberate attempt, to show the SNP in a bad light, (and not for the first time).

    I suspect you to be a Rock Sock Puppet.

  373. heedtracker says:

    Every time you look, our imperial masters in action as

    link to

    On Sunday Rees-Mogg had warned the UK risked becoming a “joke nation”.

    link to

  374. Robert Peffers says:

    @r.esquierdo says: 21 March, 2018 at 12:10 pm:

    “David never hit Goliath on the heid wae a stain. He hit Goliath on the stains wae his heid.

    Aye! r.esquierdo, Yon fake News thingy haes been aboot a gie lang time.


  375. heedtracker says:

    Didn’t want to actually read stinky olde The Grauns thing on the Brexit fash carry on.

    But guess who’s been totally excluded from their whole tory renege thing here. Any decent hack worth his or her salt would at least give an SNP mention but this is where its at now, teamGB in Scotland attack propaganda wise. THey’ve even got Carbuncle as a voice of honest probity.

    link to

    Called to the House of Commons chamber as a result of an urgent question by Alistair Carmichael, the Lib Dem MP for Orkney and Shetland, Gove admitted the UK had not got what it wanted from the negotiations but said control of fishing waters had been delayed, not abandoned.”

    Ain’t not shyster like a FibDem shyster in his UKOK Orkney sinecure of unionista stuff.

  376. Macart says:

    Just …. the state of this.

    link to

  377. heedtracker says:

    Just …. the state of this.

    Wow! My Slovene girlfriend’s precious union, based on probably the biggest piles of tory lies ever, red and blue , deceit, threats, broken The Vow shysts, EVEL, hourly BBC Scotland SNP bad attack propaganda, you name it…

    And he came what was it third in Anniesland.

    Precious is an great word choice for tory carpet baggers like Prof Smirky right enough.

  378. Referendum1707 says:

    galamcennalath says:
    21 March, 2018 at 10:03 am
    IZZIE says:

    “Scotland in Union seem to be campaigning in our cities

    Daughter saw them in Edinburgh about a week ago.

    So yes, they are actively campaigning.”

    Why do I keep getting the impression that no one here is too bothered by that?


  379. Robert Peffers says:

    @kinters says: 21 March, 2018 at 12:44 pm:

    “Heedy has appointed himself and Peffers as the Wings police “men”, I use the word “men” loosely.”

    Predictable! Very predictable, Of course you do use the term loosely – as you do everything else.

    Sounds very familiar – rather like any other Rock comment in style. First of all neither heedtracker or I have made any attempt to prevent you from commenting or attempted to chase you from Wings. Yet you accuse both of us as attempting to police you.

    I only criticise your individual comments and that based upon their content only.

    You made unfounded accusations because there was no stated foundations for them from you. You stated only your personal opinion based upon your absolutely illogical perceptions.

    You got a detailed and logical critique of you obvious claptrap and you retort with even more personal attacks and totally illogical claptrap based upon even less evidence that makes no efforts to address the logical points that have been made.

    From the first post from you that I read on Wings I cannot recall one that was not been other than your personal opinion, with no supporting evidence, and always a criticism of the SG, SNP or an SNP elected representative and always without any substantial proofs other than your personal opinion.

    In this instance you claim an elected person is incompetent and you want that person removed. The people who elected that person are thus being attacked by you. As are the FM and SNP party officials who appointed him. Thing is, where is your evidence and/or proofs?

  380. Thepnr says:

    There are some things being organised in the coming weeks by YES supporters, here’s a few.

    THE stage is set for the largest and most visible demonstration of the resurgence of the Yes DIY movement so far this year.

    It will take place in Edinburgh on Friday when hundreds of protestors – some of them from the Yes movement, many of them not – form a human chain to tell the Westminster government that its power grab on Scotland’s devolved powers is simply not on.

    Hands Off Our Parliament, or HOOP for short, will take place outside Holyrood from 10am until 5pm and will feature an attempt at noon to encircle the Scottish Parliament with a living chain of hands as a symbolic gesture of protection.

    As of last night, some 650 people had indicated on the event’s Facebook page that they would attend the event, which should go a long way to making that chain possible.

    It’s a whole day of events, however, with which the organisers hope that the people of Scotland can demonstrate to Prime Minister Theresa May and the Conservative government that the Scottish Parliament is not a plaything that they can ignore.

    link to

    Following that will be the YesM8 bridges protest on Saturday, April 7 and last but certainly not least will be the All Under One Banner march for independence in Glasgow on Saturday, May 5.

    link to

  381. TheItalianJob says:

    @Thepnr at 4.22pm

    Thanks for the info and the links.

    Good reminder that the Independence movement is alive and well.

  382. yesindyref2 says:

    From your donate page and the sort code, it looks like it’s Santander you bank with. Worth putting that on the Donate page, as people should be able to payin cash direct to your bank account using the sort code and account number, but they’ll probably have to do it at a Santander branch, rather than any other bank.

    Individual fundraisers you could even supply a reference number for people to use, so they can get the appropriate perk. How you’d match up to their name and address, no idea, probably they need to put a second reference like posting moniker or tweet handle and email you. Or just use that as the reference.

  383. frogesque says:

    @ Referendum 1707 4.07

    Some of us are out there. Low key as yet but coming to a bridge near you.

    link to

  384. Proud Cybernat says:

    Keep it going, folks (if you can afford to, mind). We’ll need every one of those MILLION WBBs.

    link to

  385. K1 says:

    Tuning into the Praklis evidence at culture committee, yes it’s ostensibly about the FB breach, but it’s the app developers that are not vetted by FB. Well how could they? There are tbousands of them. Anyone can develop an app…so this has far reaching criminal implications…we’re talking about anyone accessing you and your entire contacts ‘life’ here. Dark web? Paedophiles? CA knew exactly what they were doing…they reached out to Kadogan. Now…what about Apple, Google et al…and all the apps on their platforms?

  386. yesindyref2 says:

    Ah, silly me, Santander is a bank where you can make cash deposits at the Post Office.

  387. K1 says:

    Ultimately the fault will lie with FB. They willfully ignored data protection issues and had an open door policy. They let the creeps into your living room.

  388. HandandShrimp says:

    Referendum 1707

    Why do I keep getting the impression that no one here is too bothered by that?

    From what I have seen of SiU they are a gift that keeps giving. I do not think a second No campaign is going to get someone like Darling to front it again. SiU seem to mainly be the more deranged anti-devolution (never mind independence) wing of the Tory Party.

  389. Macart says:


    Clearly Mr Tomkins doesn’t seem overly bothered about the actions of Westminster government undermining or endangering his precioussss, precioussss union.

    FFS! What an epic fail on the self awareness front. HIS party are the reason the populations of the UK are where we are today. He’s supposedly a professor you know.

  390. Robert Peffers says:

    @kinters says:21 March, 2018 at 12:53 pm:

    “Dicks like Heedy and Peffers and the rest of their wee gang do indeed fall into the category of “Warriors”.
    KeyBoard Warriors !!!”

    Hilarious! He/she/it gets more like Rock with every retort.

    No logic, no proofs, no anything except personal opinion and of course, “Argumentum Ad Hominem”. This entire bunch of trolls do not have the first clue of how to debate/argue anything.

    Perhaps I shouldn’t do so, but here is a cite where they might learn the beginnings of how to conduct themselves in a civilised manner in debate. Even if such as Wings is rather more informal than proper debate:-

    link to

    Laughably the very first of the 15 worst fallacies of debate/argument is Argumentum Ad Hominem and it is the very first weapon these clowns reach for. Just look up there /|\

  391. James Sneddon says:

    I’ve supported every fundraiser but due to events (illness and the miserly rate of benefits) I can’t this year. So going to pay 2 poonds a month happily. Though tbf I’ll miss getting the shiney new enamel badge. The point being when things are good I’ll support fundraisers, especially for the perks but when things are bad I’ll support anyway I can, perks or no.

  392. Bob Mack says:

    Craig Murray reporting his site has been hit by a DOS . Looks like state level hacking. Interesting

  393. Capella says:

    @ heedtracker 12.12
    But can whatever it is Cambridge Analwhatsitcalled actually make the 600,000+ SNP voters just not vote like in last years snap UK GE?

    Yes. The military use this technique to demotivate voters and persuade them to stay at home. Carole Cadwalladr’s articles in the Gaurdian last year spelt that out.

  394. Robert Peffers says:

    @kinters says: 21 March, 2018 at 1:03 pm:

    Are you a real Prick or are you one of those Computer Generated pricks?”

    Ever heard of Argumentum Ad Hominem, Kinters?

    “Why can’t you ignore posts you don’t agree with?”

    Why don’t you. Kinters?

    “Why have you and Peffers and Co got to reply with some snidey immature remark?”

    Why don’t you. Kinters?

    In any case even if our remarks were snidey – they most certainly are not immature – we leave that sort of thing to immature commenters who have no clues on how to actually debate/argue a case.

    Now, while Wings is not formal debate, the rules of good debate are, believe it or not, based upon the forums of Ancient Greece and there are well tried and tested.

    That Greek Forum thingy was roughly 8th century BC. and is regarded as coming to an end when Greece fell to the Romans, in 146 BC.

    I’m surprised you didn’t know that, Kinters,(he lies).

  395. yesindyref2 says:

    @Daisy Walker
    Most excellent 🙂

    @Macart / Heed
    Love this bit on that tweet:
    Labour’s Neil Findlay has an amendment down to that Adam Tomkins “wrecking amendment” – says any move to protect UK market should not be “at the expense of devolution”

    The Tories are doing a great splitters job, more power to their elbows.

  396. heedtracker says:

    Macart says:
    21 March, 2018 at 4:43 pm

    He is right about it being a precious union, at say the family or domestic levels of pretty much all our lives. But again, look at the level of propaganda UKOK political “union” takes to survive, just survive too.

    Tories like Prof Smirky are only fighting for the multinational City corps that suck Scottish resources and profit out and over Scotland.

    Prof T’s fighting for the status tory quo profit takers, that god given right of a tory minority to govern and own Scotland, while their appalling BBC Scotland mob endlessly try to brainwash us into voting against Scotland’s interests completely.

    Above all else, carpetbaggers like Prof T know the rewards for his brave service in saving his precious union, are really really tasty.

    Just ask socialist workers like Brown and Lord Darling.

    link to

    Mr Darling, who served as the Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2007 to 2010, will take up the role in January.

    His move follows former Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s appointment to an advisory panel at the global investment firm Pimco.”

    Just more famous tory BBC bullshit, dont mention he’s a Lord, don’t mention Pimco are just another giant multi trillion dollar US hedge fund.

    Endless, relentless BBC gimp propaganda and my BetterTogether Slovene girlfriend drools.

  397. Robert Peffers says:

    @kinters says: 21 March, 2018 at 1:16 pm:

    Tut! Tut! Kinters – can’t you read, (and comprehend), proper English?

    If Required I can translate that for you into both, “Scottish Standard English”, or, proper, “Lowland Scots”.

  398. frogesque says:

    A wee reminder for YESers going out and about to make sure you have back up, preferably someone who can video any disruption and not to go it alone.

    There are some nasty people out there quite capable of doing the physical and we don’t want anyone attacked.

    Be visible, be careful, polite, no booze and remember there is safety in numbers.

  399. Robert Peffers says:

    @Dorothy Devine says: 21 March, 2018 at 1:18 pm:

    “Heedtracker IGNORE THE CRETIN.”

    Nah! That hasn’t worked too well to date, Dorothy. They just change their nom de guerre and return in a different guise.

    Rest assured they will be ignored – but after the get their figurative erases weel skellpit.

  400. Robert Peffers says:

    @heedtracker says: 21 March, 2018 at 1:20 pm:

    link to

    “Rum, the lash, buggery, Churchill’s three great Royal Navy traditions. Hope we dont have to add nuclear apocalypse too.”

    After a long career as a civilian employee of Her Majesty’s Admiralty I can confirm that the nautical quote predates Churchill. It runs, “Rum, bum and baccy”..

    The reference to the first and last items apparently is to the free tot of rum issue and the duty free tobacco issue – I (cough!), have no idea what free issue the middle item refers to.

  401. wull2 says:

    If you see anything like your vote is not required, or a wasted vote as it is a walk in the park.
    Just go the poling station and vote YES.

  402. Dorothy Devine says:

    Mr Peffers , I sincerely hope you are correct but the juvenile disruptions are irritating and any response seems to give an excuse to the irritant.

  403. Macart says:


    They’re doing a grand job of it to be sure. That amendment was so obsequious and cringe ridden I had to look twice before I could believe he’d actually put in print ‘UK single market’.

    I mean… Jings! 😀

  404. heedtracker says:

    Yes. The military use this technique to demotivate voters and persuade them to stay at home. Carole Cadwalladr’s articles in the Gaurdian last year spelt that out.

    I’d go with that too Capella.

    The “we said no, we meant NO!” BBC hell fire that the whole of Scotland was subjected to, does seem well orchestrated, now at least.

    It seems to have been culminating up to their snap UK GE, Teresa decided on after going for a walk with her husband.

    But they were still reacting to the announced indyref2, announced last March.

    Beeb gimp NO indyref2 goes completely berserk at Scots, lousy day for their snap GE and a lot of frightened and worried SNP votes just do not go to the polling stations. Maybe some thought why bother, its a pointless election anyway, which it was.

    You can get a taste of BBC style tory yoon rage, especially among the late middle age well off here in Scotland. Are they emboldened watching BBC Scotland teatime news? Sure.

    Are they inspired and informed to rage at you that Scotland is too poor, that Scotland is really going backwards now with devo? Sure.

    How to counter military grade levels of terror propaganda, likes of which coming we’ve not seen anything like before, BBC style, indyref2?

    It is how Project Fear tory power and glory is flexed, in this union. In the next few years of UKOK BBC rule, it may even finally stamp out Scottish democracy completely or at least down to local gov levels of devo.

    But look at the tory cost, Strong and Stable lost her snap GE, if Labour were at least a half decent opposition, they should be looking at the end of the line.

  405. Macart says:

    Oh Jeez!

    Better and better. 🙄

    link to

    How do you apply satire to that?

  406. twathater says:

    Very interesting dissection of collusion between DUP ,SAUDI ,AND HM GOV over on In Car Gordon Ross

    link to

  407. yesindyref2 says:

    OT – defence
    HTF did I miss this at the time
    link to

    The average annual running cost for a Type 23 Frigate and a Type 45 Destroyer is approximately £11 million and £13.5 million respectively.

    From an article today and this:
    link to

    We have used the cost of the current in service Batch 1 Offshore Patrol Vessels as the basis of our planning which is £6.5 million per year.

    That’s running cost and wouldn’t of course include repair, refit, upgrade, but would presumably include maintenance.

    Data data I love data give me more data. Data.


  408. yesindyref2 says:

    I honestly think we have S007 at work and James Bond is an amateur in comparison.

  409. galamcennalath says:

    Many commenters on here have earned respect through positive and informed contributes. They therefore have also earned the right to engage in constructive criticism of their peers.

    The ‘pop ups’ who appear, contribute little, and disrupt discussion aren’t even worthy of criticism. They are background noise we need to just ignore.

  410. heedtracker says:

    Great US satire and its that old Etonian Mr Nix again, he’s a star in New York, he’s a star in LA.

    Has anyone ever heard of ProtonMail? Its lets you “cover your tracks.” Eton must be so proud of their old boys. The greater the old Etonian shyster, the higher he goes on their Facebook wall of great old Etonian shysters.

    link to

  411. Highland Wifie says:

    Just seen news of massive attack on Craig Murray’s blog site reported on Stu’s Twitter.
    Anyone still believe there’s nothing going on?!

  412. Ken500 says:

    More some some nonsense news. Can none of them do a bit of research. Go on the internet for five minutes. Ignoramouses. They would cause trouble in an empty room. Dumb or what.

    Defence and Foreign affairs are devolved. The Scottish Gov can’t say or do anything. Anything because people where lied to and vote NO.

    Imagine Fargue is throwing back fish, ignorant liar.

    McKay the liar. Gets really excited slagging of the Scottish Gov. Go and do some research.

  413. Dorothy Devine says:

    Well done STV for succeeding in SNP BAD not once but twice.

    First with the fury from the Russian Embassy in Edinburgh against Nicola Sturgeon and her ‘backing’ of Treeza and then Natalie McGarry the former SNP MSP. And of course Ms Davidson got her mug in there about abuse on Twitter.

    They really had to work at the Russian embassy – the smug face numpty of the interviewer

  414. Gfaetheblock says:

    Quite a charge sheet for mcgarry, stealing from food banks! Guilty or innocent, it is a disgrace this has taken so long to reach court

    link to

  415. One_Scot says:

    STV News there trying to tarnish and drag Nicola and the SNP into RussiaGate. What a bunch of wankers they really are.

    The Scottish media constantly trying to bring Scotland down. What a country to live in.

  416. yesindyref2 says:

    From Rev’s twitter and Phillip Sim 2 hours ago:

    Adam Tomkins’ amendment on protecting the UK domestic market is voted down by 31 votes to 97

    That’s 128, possibly the first time they’re actually all there 🙂

    65 amendments to go!

    More than the total number of Tories left in the whole of Scotland, after their disgraceful attempt at selling out S*******.

  417. One_Scot says:

    Basically we have a Scottish media actively trying to bring down its own Government for the benefit of another country.

    I honestly hope they can’t rig #ScotRef as I don’t think I can suffer much more of this shit.

  418. t42 says:

    BREAKING NEWS: Facebook know when their members are 6 weeks pregnant. A terrified young mum to be was BOMBARDED with ads for nappies and breast pumps not long after she posted her scan pics on facebook. “How did zuckerburg know?” She said. “I only thought my family and my bae would be interested. I might think twice before posting my scan pics up” she said.

    So far Mark Zuckerburg has refused demands from the bbc to publicly cry on camera. The facebook shareprice has dipped 4pct as people wondered what the fuss was about, then after people investigated further the share price went to where it was before.

    More shocking revelations to follow..

  419. mike cassidy says:

    Interesting German media articles on the Salisbury Incident.

    link to

    link to

    “I don’t see any preparations of this government to hinder Russian money flowing into the UK,” says the anti-corruption activist Roman Borisovich. If May’s government wanted to tackle the issue, it could limit the number of visas issued, revoke banking licenses from Russian banks and put an end to anonymous business deals in London. “They could inflict a lot of pain on Putin’s inner circle.” But he suspects that she won’t take such steps.

  420. Dr Jim says:


    I had to explain to a woman neighbour that when the First Minister refers to a *reserved matter* that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to talk about it, it means it’s a power she doesn’t have which is exercised at Westminster

    I’ve mentioned stuff like this before, there are people out there who don’t understand what certain terms mean all they understand is the constant harping of *why don’t you do something* and they don’t get it Holyrood doesn’t have all the power, they only have a toty wee bit

    The opposition use this lack of knowledge in the electorate

  421. Phronesis says:

    A labyrinth of information harvested from a trusted site.All involved culpable and facing very serious consequences either in the courts or on their share values. The taint and the same sanctions should extend to the political organisations who benefitted from the data mining to circumvent the democratic process.

    ‘If you’re Kogan, or Cambridge Analytica, expect lawsuits, public hearings and general regulatory hell. Maybe, in the extreme, jail time. If you’re Facebook, expect lawsuits, public hearings, and general regulatory hell. Maybe, in the extreme, the end of the firm as we know it’

    link to

  422. galamcennalath says:

    “EU leaders will issue a warning to Britain on Friday that it will only finally secure a Brexit transition period if it stands by its commitments on the Irish border and Gibraltar …. and reiterates that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed “

    link to

  423. President of America just tweeted,

    Verified account


    I called President Putin of Russia to congratulate him on his election victory (in past, Obama called him also). The Fake News Media is crazed because they wanted me to excoriate him. They are wrong! Getting along with Russia (and others) is a good thing, not a bad thing…….

    wonder if Boris and Theresa have seen it.

  424. galamcennalath says:

    Dr Jim @ 7:01

    Spot on!

    We have a media whose primary role is deflection, misinformation, and keeping voters in ignorance.

    The solution – make information available and trust people to work it out for themselves. Most will, eventually.

  425. yesindyref2 says:

    @galamcennalath / Dr Jim
    Yeah, I’d never actually thought that people might not even know what reserved matters meant, let alone what they are.

    Even while knowing that some people think the ScotGov are responsible for everything.

    Wood from the trees, back to basics!

  426. Glamaig says:

    Dr Jim
    21 March, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    yes Ive noticed the BBC always say ‘reserved’ and never ‘reserved to Westminster’, they might be hoping that a fair few people wont know what theyre talking about

  427. Glamaig says:

    Heard a Tory MP this evening calling for internet news to conform to the same ‘standards’ as the broadcast and printed media… hmmm

    Bad idea, wouldnt their standards to sink so low.

  428. jfngw says:

    @Dr Jim

    The media has no intention of explaining what reserved matters actually means. If fact they use it as a weapon to infer the SG is really just deflecting the issue, just used tonight by Rep Scot.

    The same with those demanding the SG does not give contracts to companies that don’t meet the criteria they what. As long as a company meets the law then there is no way to exclude them, the SG would be leaving themselves open to a court case if they did.

    Remember when the BBC News claimed it was ‘there mission to explain’, well rarely do I watch BBC News and find I am any wiser about the facts of most stories.

  429. Iain mhor says:

    Perusing your occasional “defence” proposals reminded me:
    What happened to our AWS capabity since the Nimrod cancellations?
    IIRC we were to get about 10 off the shelf Boing P-8 Posidon aircraft to be statiined at Lossiemouth c/w new facilities yada tada. Don’t recall costs but something like £200 mil per aircraft and £3 million a year maintenence or somesuch.
    This was to protect the “High North” – hah! Otherwise known as Scotland and the Iceland Gap.
    Haven’t heard a peep since, maybe I don’t pay attention!
    Just thought you might want to factor AWS into your project.
    (Apologies if I missed it already)

  430. Bobp says:

    One_Scot 6.24pm. You mean an English owned media pretending to be Scottish.

  431. t42 says:

    Facebook know what their members eat on a Friday night. This young man was BOMBARDED with pizza ads not long after posting his dinners for his pals to see: “I didnt know Mark Zuckerburg was looking at my cheese and ham, he can get his own pizza, why is he eyeing-up mine” he said, after we told him to be outraged.

    We can only guess how many more innocent victims have been tricked into watching an ad, but we’re certain its MULLIONS.

    Zuckerburg hasnt surfaced to face the FIRESTORM so we’re assuming he is hiding in a bunker feeling TOTALLY GUILTY, either that, or he cant be bothered to return our calls.

  432. Meg merrilees says:

    Scottish parliament vote 95 for 32 against.

    Continuty Scotland bill passed

  433. galamcennalath says:

    jfngw says:

    Media …. reserved matters actually means. If fact they use it as a weapon

    So do the BritNat parties. They campaign on reserved matters at Holyrood elections, and devolved issues at Westminster.

    The more confused and ignorant voters are, the easier they are to dupe!

    Having said that, I have always felt some politicians themselves aren’t sure, and there is no excuse for that! I used to reckon Margaret Curran was as confused about devolved and reserved powers as anyone could be! Not a Scoobie.

  434. galamcennalath says:

    Meg merrilees says:

    Scottish parliament vote 95 for 32 against.

    Good. That will give TMay another headache!

    32? I thought the Tories had 31 seats. What twat voted with them!?

  435. HandandShrimp says:

    Trump used excoriate in a Tweet?

    Seems improbable 🙂

  436. Clydebuilt says:

    Ch4 News England’s NHS Pay Rises

    The money to fund the rises is to come from the Treasury not NHS coffers.

    Will Scotland see a corresponding increase in funding through Barnett?

  437. harry mcaye says:

    Both STV and BBC Scotland News ignore Ian Blackford making Theresa May very uncomfortable at PMQs, when he listed all the tory links to the company that owns Cambridge Analytica. Channel 4 News lead with it! Once again, our sham broadcasters are exposed.

  438. Bob Mack says:

    @ Clyde built,

    Yes. Nicola already said full amount to be paid

  439. heedtracker says:

    C4 news also monstering Facebook for badness in politics. Its very bad say, with the whole of the UK msm together, lets shut Facebook down.

    What’s the difference between the spectacular BBC led vote NO vote tory propaganda pumped in to every telly and radio possible, across teamGB… and Facebook selling any info to shysters that want to send you vote tory vote No messages, on Facebook?

    other than evil and scary Facebook sucking on a lot of dying newspaper ad revenue.

    C4 also gives Rees-Mogg a long speech on how his ridiculous Thames fish throwing protest is actually about this Union with Scotland and he wants to support and protect the Scottish fash communities.

    Tory media gimps are only doing their UKOK thing, where Everyone’s got an agenda.

  440. Andy-B says:

    Craig Murray’s blog suffers a massive attack.

    link to

  441. yesindyref2 says:

    @Iain mhor
    Yes, stupidity over the Nimrod MRA4 which was actually just about ready to go in service. The first of the P-8A Poseidon for MPA is due to be delivered next year, intitial batch of 3 I think with another 2 ordered already, more later, they order in batches from production runs.

    But after that incident where apparently a Russian sub popped its periscope up near a fishing boat saying “catch me if you can” where 4 MPA from Norway, Canada, maybe Geramny and one other were asked for help, a few months later there were sightings of a Sentinel battlefield surveillance aircraft (modified Bombadier Express) with a peculiar flight path over SW Scotland and Argyll, and its thought it was testing out a software upgrade capable of detetcing periscopes, and perhaps more as well. Typically with the MOD the 5 were due to retire (2015?) but so far have been kept on.

    Apart from that there’s the Merlin helicopter which isn’t cheap, software upgrades very expensive, I reckon £100 million total each for new equivalent, that in combination with the T23 is reckoned to be one of the world’s best ASW platforms, problem being there’s rarely any in Scottish waters. Don’t know if there’s any land-based Merlins.

    Yes, Scotland would need probably 5 or 6 MPA likely the P-8A, perhaps building up from 2 or 3 fo them. Plus a few Merlins. We might inherit some T23s, maybe even some ASW ones, but with the difficulty and cost of building a quiet ship hence the T26 delays and costs probably, I doubt we’d go for a specific ASW frigate, probably a GP one with ASW ability in a modular fashion.

    ASW = Anti-Submaring Warfare
    MPA = Maritime Patrol Aircraft
    GP = General Purpose

  442. yesindyref2 says:

    @ Meg merrilees “Scottish parliament vote 95 for 32 against.

    31 Tories and 1 other – James Kelly?!?

  443. Thepnr says:

    galamcennalath says:

    32? I thought the Tories had 31 seats. What twat voted with them!?

    Mike Rumbles Lib Dem voted with the Tories.

    link to

  444. yesindyref2 says:

    Oh, and 1 abstension. No idea who.

  445. yesindyref2 says:

    @Meg merrilees
    Anyways, full credit to Labour and the LibDems who stayed the course, probably helped by Tomkins. Can’t have been easy for them. They will have given their support a boost by differentiating themselves from the Tories on such a vital issue for devolution.

    Doesn’t do us any harm either to push that gap as far wide open as we can.

  446. Ken500 says:

    If McGarry was a unionist she would have got an OBE.

    The unionist electoral fraud and embezzlement is an epidemic. Getting away with murder. Killing millions of people.

    The unionist crooks are getting away with murder and £Billions. Shafting the UK and the world to bits,

    Johnston is an corrupt criminal disgrace. He should be put in jail. The Russian saved the West in the 11WW. They defeated Hitler. 26Million Russians died. Their economy was devastated. . Johnston is a psycho bastard. Causing trouble the world over. An imbecile.

  447. jfngw says:

    I think I can see what the Tory & MSM agenda is now. They are going to use the Brexit vote as a propaganda instrument displaying the Tories as defenders of the interests of Scotland, and the SNP as being against Scotland. It has already been evident with the brave Scottish Tories on every channel defending the fishermen as they sell them out.

    The Pythonesque fish throwing episode was an example of this with Rees-Mogg claiming it was done to protect Scottish fisheries. I suspect Scotland rarely enters Rees-Mogg criteria for doing anything, he is doing it to retain Scotland as he probably sees it as England’s property.

    We need to ensure the agenda is wider than fishing, said that before, but we need to regularly remind everyone, Scotland voted by a large margin to remain. Also that the current SG is supporting the wishes of the majority, the exact opposite of what the actual Tory agenda is.

  448. galamcennalath says:

    Thepnr says:

    link to

    From article ….

    “The Nationalists say they have …. “

    …. and what ‘Nationalists’ might that be, I wonder? The Tory über British Nationalists, would seem most likely? Hard liners like Tomkins, nae doot?

    I think the days are well past when anyone can use the unqualified term ‘Nationalists’ on the presumption their text makes sense.

  449. Bob Mack says:

    Well folks. Are we heading for a Constitutional showdown ?

    I don’t think Nicola will be the first to blink.

  450. Ken500 says:

    @ James Sneddon @ 4.53pm


  451. Hamish100 says:

    Heard bbc radio etc promoting mightily concerned Tavish Scott MSP(good Nordic name) that Shetland is actually in a wee box on a map and it is all the Scottish Governments fault– yeh tavish when you were a Scottish Exec walla you signed off publications when you were there. Mind you that was ok cause it was the brits what done it rather than the Scots ok Scott?

    The brit state broadcaster is even more biased than it was in 2014

    It is controlling the debate- no pecky public shows unless the dimbleby twins are involved

  452. Dr Jim says:

    The Lib Dems are Tories ….The Unionist party

    East Dunbartonshire council where SNP were the largest party is being run by the Tories because the Lib Dems put them there, the SNP walked a couple of weeks ago because of the issues with Lib Dems and Tories and now the teachers of East Dunbartonshire are going on strike because of the way the Unionist party is running things

    Tory Labour Lib Dem a lot of names for a one purpose party
    and now I’m afraid closely followed by comrade Harvie and his Green shirts

    I never liked him but latest performances very disappointing bad attitude and self importanty

  453. Luigi says:

    I hear the screeching sound of British Nationalist heads rubbing together. Midnight oil burning tonight. 🙂

    Big legal challenge to the Continuity Bill imminent.

  454. Hamish100 says:

    tavish Scott doing a wee diversion from 1 of the lib dems supporting the tories courtesy of bbc state broadcaster

  455. Scott says:

    Nice to see the sharp increase in donations that followed this post. 🙂

    Let’s see if we can make it to 150,000 by the end of the fundraiser.

  456. Rock says:


    “You fucking liar under FPTP the SNP would have walked it. Every election, Thry did anyway but no one would have to put up with the 3rd rate unionists cluttering up and dumbing up the system.”

    More fake news but you still haven’t answered the question:

    In how many seats did the SNP get more than 50% of the vote at the last Scottish election?

  457. Rock says:


    “More money wasted by the criminal justice system and the corrupt cops.”

    Rock (30th April 2016 – “Generation and stimulation”):

    “I wish someone would take legal action against the bastards.

    But it wouldn’t work because the Scottish justice system is rotten to the core and the vast majority of lawyers, especially judges, are the lowest of the low.

    So called “human rights lawyers” included. They trouser hundreds of thousands while people starve in Scotland.”

  458. Iain mhor says:

    Ta for the info there. Yes maybe I did have a bit of a muddle with my acronyms ASW not AWS (Had AWACS in my head thinking of the Nimrod…maybe Airborne Warning System AWS is excusable) Anyway, If they are still pushing on with that and all the infrastructure and logistical support; I dare say we’ll hear “20 millionteen jobs to go at Lossiemouth if you vote Indy!”

  459. Rock says:

    geeo says:
    21 March, 2018 at 11:37 am

    “Reading the “pint of sick” spewed out by usual suspect, late night troll, re FPTP, it is worth reminding ourselves that if Holyrood 2016 were FULLY FPTP then the SNP would have won 104(.5) seats out of 129, based on ACTUAL seats won % of FPTP constituency seats in said election.”

    Another Nick Robinson type liar “but he didn’t answer my question”:

    geeo says:
    20 March, 2018 at 10:48 pm (Plenty more fish in the sea):

    “Here is a wee insight into FPTP at Holyrood.

    If the WHOLE 129 seats at Holyrood were decided by FPTP in 2016, based on the % of Actual FPTP constituency seats won, the SNP would have won 104(.5) seats out of 129.

    Kinda ruins your narrative, princess.”

    Rock says:
    20 March, 2018 at 11:47 pm (Plenty more fish in the sea):

    “That was before Nicola spectacularly squandered a once in a 1000 years golden opportunity by wasting more than a year flogging a dead horse – a separate deal for Scotland which was never going to happen.

    The 2017 Westminster election resulted in the SNP losing 23 seats due to successful tactical voting by the unionists under FPTP.

    If FPTP were to be used at the next Holyrood election, the unionists led by Pravda GB and the black arts department of the British Establishment would make sure the SNP was almost wiped out of the Scottish parliament.

    In how may seats did the SNP get more than 50% support at the last Holyrood election?”

  460. Bob Mack says:


    Your becoming repetitive—- For the last year.

  461. Scots patriot says:

    I very rarely post….because most of what I think is ,in the most part,more elequently put on here.
    Now,do me a favour and put a sock in the nonsense you spout!
    Do you really think that causing discourse,at this time in Scottish History,is conducive to our collective cause.
    I couldn’t care less what creed,colour,party politics or sexual preferences people have. If they are fully behind our biggest push ever for the return of Scottish Self determination,I stand shoulder to shoulder with them……..will I be shoulder to shoulder with you??

  462. Hamish100 says:

    rock– you forgot your tablets again. You’ve been a naughty boy!! Where’s my parrot gone!!

  463. North chiel says:

    Dorothy Devine @ 0616pm and onescot @ 0617pm. Ref. Colin Mackay & STV report on Russian criticism of our FM over her “ support” ( with caveat) for U.K. gov . Of course had our FM not shown support then Colin Mackay and Pacific Quay also would be highlighting our FM being “ called out” as a “ Russian sympathiser” by the same U.K. gov and the state propagandist MSM . Additionally they would also allege that Russia was actively supporting the SNP in the break up of the union.
    On balance I think our FM has handled this very capabley.

  464. Rock says:

    Robert Peffers says:
    21 March, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    “I suspect you to be a Rock Sock Puppet.”

    The bastard is at it yet again without any provocation.

    I have come to the conclusion that Robert Peffers is even nastier than Ruth Davidson whom I had previously considered to be the nastiest person in Scotland.

    Within hours of the sad deaths of his son and dog, he was back here attacking other posters in even more aggressive terms than before.

    Robert Peffers says:
    25 February, 2018 at 8:20 pm (The tunes of glory)

    ““Hope you’re doing ok Robert”

    Well not really, it’s going to take a very long time to get over this particular sad setback.”

    Robert Peffers says:
    25 February, 2018 at 9:23 pm (The tunes of glory)

    “Now please Wingers, nobody tell Rock about this wee web link when he clocks on tonight.

    It might upset him and we cannot have that now – can we?

    Well can we?”

    A very long time? It didn’t even take him two hours.

  465. Rock says:

    Robert Peffers says:
    21 March, 2018 at 4:16 pm

    “Sounds very familiar – rather like any other Rock comment in style”

    The liar pretends he doesn’t read my comments but knows the style of them.

    Robert Peffers, (15th March – 2018-03-15 Spinning down):

    “I wouldn’t know. I never read what he posts except someone else is quoting him or, like tonight,(oop! last night), when I read the last line in one of his posts and nearly choked laughing but I’ve no idea what he posted except for that last line.”

    The coward cannot answer the points I make so resorts to making snide references to me in posts addressed to others.

  466. Bob Mack says:


    I suggest you as our resident idiot check out the five stages of grief. What Mr Peffers is experiencing is completely normal after bereavement.

    You on the other hand are just a boorish oaf who is unworthy of any consideration. You are emotionally dead.

  467. heedtracker says:

    My Slovene girlfriends throwing a massive tantrum at eveeeeeeerybody today. What on earth could have happened today in parliament though, to make Prof Smirky to lose it like this?

    Adam Tomkins MSP
    Verified account

    3h3 hours ago

    More Adam Tomkins MSP Retweeted mandy rhodes

    No, I’m inviting him to test his legal opinion in the only place that can rule on it authoritatively, the UK Supreme Court. What’s he got to be worried about, if he’s so sure this #ContinuityBill is lawful?

  468. Rock says:

    Robert Peffers says:
    21 March, 2018 at 4:46 pm

    “Hilarious! He/she/it gets more like Rock with every retort.”

    The fourth snide reference to me without having anything to do with my posts.

    I guess the bastard gets nightmares because he is left speechless when I expose his pish about his “Britishness” until eternity even for the Irish and his pretendy “sovereignty”.

  469. Rock says:

    Highland Wifie,

    “Just seen news of massive attack on Craig Murray’s blog site reported on Stu’s Twitter.
    Anyone still believe there’s nothing going on?!”

    I have long advised the Rev. Stuart Campbell to get out of here to somewhere safe before the bastards get him.

    Rock (13th June 2014 – “To the editor of the Scotsman”):

    “Remember that you are now the 2nd biggest threat to the Establishment and they will do everything in their power to get you.

    My advice to you would be to move to Iceland – NOW – and carry on your work from there.”

  470. heedtracker says:

    Think my Slovene girlfriend is seeing other boys. Murdo and Adam, up a tree, k i ss i n g. That SS is purely coincidental but did anyone tell the toryboys of UKOK what Scotland voted Brexit wise?

    Adam Tomkins MSP Retweeted

    Murdo Fraser
    Verified account

    2h2 hours ago

    Let’s not forget, in all this discussion over devolution of powers returning from the EU, that the SNP want to hand every single one back to Brussels #ContinuityBill

  471. Rock says:

    Bob Mack,


    I suggest you as our resident idiot check out the five stages of grief. What Mr Peffers is experiencing is completely normal after bereavement.”

    Unprovoked attacks on others is his way of greaving? He must be a psychopath.

    Normal persons would take a back seat under such sad circumstances.

    I have hardly ever called anyone a troll or demanded that someone be banned.

    But for his own good, I think Robert Peffers should be temporarily banned from posting here until he has fully recovered from the sad deaths of his son and dog.

    He always wanted to have a blog of his own to post his vast knowledge. This would be the opportunity for him to start one, with support from the many followers he has.

  472. Ken500 says:

    @ get lost lowlife. Feck off under the rock.

  473. jfngw says:


    If Mr Tompkins is saying that Scotland voted to remain in the EU by ‘handing back powers’ then that’s what the people of Scotland chose.

    What the SNP want is for Scotland to be at the negotiating table having a voice in the formation/updating of these powers. Unlike the Tories, and the rest of the unionists, who want us to have to adhere to most of these powers but not even have a representative for Scotland (or the UK) at the table.

  474. Cactus says:

    Excellent comment from the main page Anonymous Winger…
    link to

    (between Wingers Robert Lowe & Derek Steele)

    Journey from no to Yes.

    Go findy.

  475. From a UK parliament tweet,

    `Lords wrap up for the night with the key headline that the govt is withdrawing its proposals for devolution after Brexit to reflect on other suggestions, notably this one:`

  476. heedtracker says:

    jfngw says:
    21 March, 2018 at 10:21 pm

    If Mr Tompkins is saying that Scotland voted to remain in the EU by ‘handing back powers’ then that’s what the people of Scotland chose.

    Yes Prof T is getting away with murder today. The whole day was presumably about trying to stop tory UK gov grabbing law that the EU has now and will hand over soon enough.

    Adam may as well be committing harakiri for his precious precious union on the floor of Holyrood, for all the difference it makes.

    But he cant even be honest about why he’s trying to stop Holyrood regaining EU law.

    Tbf, no tory is being honest about any of it.

    Check out these ferocious tories in Dundee. Why can they not even list the EU law making, tory UK gov wants to keep for London? Dundee is a pretty big farming town, Fife, up to the Mearns. Because that would be information and not tory propaganda.

    link to

  477. galamcennalath says:

    jfngw says:

    Scotland to be at the negotiating table having a voice in the formation/updating of these powe

    I read somewhere recently that it all comes down to two words. Either of these could be used to describe the relationship between devolved administrations and WM.

    The SNP/Scottish Government want the WM Bill to use AGREE in its text.

    The Tories want the WM Bill to use CONSULT In the text.

    The first implies equal partners. The second much less.

  478. Cactus says:

    Latest frae @WingsScotland Twitter:
    link to

    Aye point four definitely needs to happen Ciaran:

    We need tae take if aff the streets.

    Make it safer.

    For all.


  479. kinters says:

    Heedy and Peffers are now officially the Wings Over Scotland:


    Thou shall not pass !!!

    Between them and their wee gang of Trolls, they have frightened the shit out of anybody posting on here with an alternative view.

    Wings is reduced to the same couple of dozen posters, posting the same pish day in day out 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

  480. Dr Jim says:

    What have the SNP ever done for us Davie Boy Torrance appears on Scotland tonight to give us all his considered opinion on the Continuity bill which he agrees is a cross party decision by Labour, Lib Dems, Greens and SNP at the start of the show then ends up by stating it’s all an SNP plot

    Nicola Sturgeon must have Dr Strange type powers of Svengaliness to pull that off because the Welsh are doing the same thing, so if she was that powerful she wouldnae even need to be a politician at all, she could just peer into folks eyes and make them do anything she wanted

    Torrance is such a wee Tory toyboy child

  481. kinters says:

    Heedy and Peffers and your wee gang of Trolls,,

    “Gate Keepers” is shorthand for “a shower a bullyin bastards”.

  482. frogesque says:

    Aye Richt!

    It’s back again.

    Never mind, with Wesh and Scots Continuity Bills passed and the HoL telling May tae think again I think it’s turning out to be an interesting week.

  483. heedtracker says:

    kinters says:
    21 March, 2018 at 10:55 pm
    Heedy and Peffers and your wee gang of Trolls,,

    “Gate Keepers” is shorthand for “a shower a bullyin bastards”.

    I don’t know kinters, you inspired me to join the local Zumba classes.

    Come with me and get Zumbad kinters, looks fun:D

    link to

  484. Bob Mack says:

    Why don’t you Trolls go to a Britain first site instead. I’m sure you would increase the IQ level by at least one.

  485. Cactus says:

    Regarding the recent @WingsScotland twitter post:

    Consumption rooms at any and all costs.

    Vote Aye to get to it.

    The Caring City.


  486. James Barr Gardner says:

    I see the trolls are out tonight !

    O/T I see Tavish Scott, the Shetland MSP, who wants it to become illegal for government publications to put the UK’s most northerly islands in a box.

    Funny how he said feck awe aboot the skewed weather map of the UK, aye an’ feck awe aboot it bein used in the UK passport as well !

    Come tae that when wis the last time ye seen the Scilly Islands ?.

    Still mebbie Tavish hus a point ther’, naebody in Scotland is in a box noo ! Aye an’ ther’ no goin’ back ia box either!!!!!

  487. Robert Louis says:

    So now the continuity bill has been passed by OUR Scots parliament, will Theresa the lying English Tory go to court over it? Maybe the pretendy ‘supreme’ court in London, which was invented just a few years ago by Tony Blair. Can you imagine, a government going to court, saying ‘In England we decided to leave the EU, and we want to forcibly remove Scotland from the EU against its wishes.

    What nonsense. Scotland is not a freaking colony of England. Time these London Tory liars sniffed the coffee and woke up – Scotland did not vote for brexit, not even one constituency did, and in Edinburgh, where gobshi*e Ruth Lives, the vote was 75% remain.

    Scotland isn’t leaving the EU, if England wants to we’ll happily wave goodbye.

    Remember hands around the parliament on 23rd. Stop the Westminster power grab from the people’s parliament.

  488. Dr Jim says:

    @James Barr Gardner 11.04pm

    Nice to meet you sir, keep on posting

  489. Vince says:

    I know that these abusive guys like Rock, Indy2 and this new guy Kinters are trying to sicken everyone on this site. Well they are succeeding. I have been a daily reader since before indyref and was on the point of contributing to the revs fundraiser but the fact that he allows these agressive morons to behave in the way that they do means that this no longer a site that I want to be party to. I am sure there must be many more people like me but most will just walk away from here without saying anything.
    Good luck to all you good guys who remain on here in our search for independence

  490. Cactus says:

    From twitter, aye…

    Dead fish gimpboy, is CAUTION ~ Slippery When WANK!:
    link to

    The end of the UK union lullaby 🙂 😉 🙂

    Just like I’m.A.C.G.M.O.O.H.

    Drink up.

  491. heedtracker says:

    As a tory like Prof Tomkins makes a fool of himself again today, in his Scotland region, a fellow tory does same thing on global scale. Somebody really has to ask why just enough Scots think we are better off reigned over by planet toryboy.

    link to

  492. Cactus says:

    Slippery When Wet:
    link to

    Same thing.

  493. heedtracker says:

    Good luck to all you good guys who remain on here in our search for independence

    Thanks Vince and if a few scary clowns like Rock btl WoS have
    put you off comments btl, you know you dont actually have to read any of the rest and can still chip in.

    Price of a pint Vince?

  494. Cactus says:

    It’s wild in the streets.

    32 blue.


  495. Thepnr says:


    Sorry to hear you say that but totally understandable. I too wish the Rev would do something about this and am also sick of it.

  496. Cactus says:

    Regarding a recent poster from above…

    For every one of you, there are many others that like it.

    Tis a broad stadium friend.

    Midnight nears, again.

    38 blue.


  497. yesindyref2 says:

    @Bob Mack
    Sorry about that, went for a post-tea doze and woke up wondering why it was already dark tomorrow. Hey, I gained a day!

    The Acronyms are a pain, you get STOVL, VSTOL, V/STOL and the carriers and the F35B / F-35B / F35-B and the QEC / QE / POW are all one of more of these. Mmm.

    Apparently on an exercise, the skipper of one of the warships fitted wtih Sea Ceptor shouted out “Blow up that ASW”, and the first office dutifully blew up a Type 23. “No, I meant the Air Support Weather ballon.” Luckily they were using dummy missiles.

    I just made that up by the way, you can tell.

  498. Cactus says:

    Sticking with the theme:
    link to

    And SWW ‘in continuation’.


  499. yesindyref2 says:

    Oops, that should have been @Iain mhor, not Bob Mack. Takes me time to wake up.


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    • william campbell on Signal and noise: “It was pathetic to watch FM question time a couple of days ago. There she sat gurning behind Mr continuity…Mar 14, 18:46
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    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Mia – Clause XXV does not say that at all, it says that the respective parliaments shall void incompatible laws,…Mar 14, 10:51
    • Aidan on The tint of rose: “@Xaracen – there is no distinction between constitutional law and domestic law, constitutional law is domestic law by its own…Mar 14, 10:43
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