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Wings Over Scotland

The Abyss

Posted on December 31, 2023 by

It’s rather apt that this happened on the last day of the calendar. Because it truly is the rock-bottom moment in the grotesquely sullied history of the Scottish National Party.

We’ve heard that line somewhere before, haven’t we?

“You can’t leave us! You’d be a useless, worthless failure without us!” is exactly the line that the British establishment and media used on us throughout the indyref campaign. And it’s just as big a lie coming out of Humza Yousaf’s mouth as it was from theirs.

Public support for independence hasn’t dropped by so much as a millimetre during the SNP’s year of disgrace. The first poll of 2023 had Yes on 47%, the last was actually two points higher at 49%.

The story for the SNP in the last 12 months, of course, is somewhat different.

Yousaf knows his party is a busted flush, so just like the “Better Together” campaign of 2012-14 he squeals that we can’t survive without him.

But the data couldn’t be any clearer – people still believe in independence, and will still vote for it if the opportunity should ever somehow arise. They’re deserting the SNP in droves precisely because in the nine years since the resignation of Alex Salmond the SNP have done absolutely nothing to give them that opportunity.

Every day, thousands more people finally realise they’ve been conned, and their votes for independence used only to push through massively unpopular policies, disastrously mismanage domestic governance and feather the nests of a whole army of the useless and the worse than useless, who settle comfortably on their fat UK salaries and pensions then turn round and blame the voters for the SNP’s dereliction of duty.

(Ah yes – only by having no clue about how to achieve independence can we do it.)

And they demand that we vote them in for another five years of ineffectual bleating, claiming not to have any credible plan for independence but that “next year’s General Election is our chance to ensure that Scotland’s voice is heard at Westminster and maximise our influence over what will remain a failing and turbulent UK”.

Yeah, because that’s worked so well since we sent 56 SNP MPs out of 59 down to the House Of Commons in 2015, hasn’t it? They’ve really made Scotland’s voice heard and maximised that influence, eh? We’ve never had it so good!

But why would they fight for independence when they’d be putting themselves out of an £87,000-a-year job (or over £100,000 if you’re a committee chair like our old friend Pete Wishart) – along with all the dozens of pals and boyfriends and scumbag woke activists they hire as “researchers” at our expense – and kicking themselves out of all the cosy Westminster clubs?

(Nicolson, incidentally, was hailing his private driver in that pic, not a cab.)

In a previous life, Wings used to enjoy a 1981 arcade game called Venture, by Exidy. Its primitive hardware didn’t allow the screen to be flooded with hordes of enemies to provide a challenge, so it instead adopted a clever method of creating difficulty.

Each treasure room you raided only contained two or three baddies, who weren’t especially direct or competent in their attacks. But when you shot them with your bow and arrow they disintegrated very slowly, and their bodies remained lethal to the touch, blocking your route or trapping you in a corner until every last pixel had dissolved.

Crucially, if you shot them again in an attempt to hurry things up, the cadaver would be refreshed to its newly-dead state and begin disintegrating again from the start, usually causing a fatal delay to your progress as the time limit expired and inescapable, indestructible “Hall Monsters” appeared to kill you.

And monsters are apt here, because Friedrich Nietzsche famously said “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster… for when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”

The SNP have been gazing into the maw of Westminster for almost a decade, and they have become the monsters they beheld. Like Scottish Labour were before them, they are the primary obstacle in the way of Scottish independence, and now they’re speaking the same language too, out of exactly the same self-interested desperation that so spectacularly failed to work for the Feeble Forty against the 2015 tsunami.

Those of us who still want to see independence achieved in our lives can only hope that they meet the same fate Labour did in 2015, because every single one of them who survives next year’s general election is another corpse blocking our path, stopping the indy clock for five years at a time as they guard their own treasure of wages and expenses and pensions and nepotism and status and patronage.

And as they plead with us to keep them in the lifestyles to which they’ve become so very well accustomed, we can see the face of the abyss.

Happy New Year when it comes, readers. In 2024 we have some grim work to do.

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Patsy Millar

Depressing but totally accurate. Anyway please keep up the fight in 2024 and all the best for you in the coming year. With many thanks for all your hard work.

Eddie Munster

Happy New Year for 2024 everyone lol

Ian McCubbin

Well put Dtj in every detail.
Only way for independence jiw is with Alba or ISP.
The more that join these parties and fleet candidates in 2026 to Holyrood the sooner we become independent.
Westminster election is no longer necessary as seen by Nicolson et Al.


The crazies who post btl in The National will be in hyperventilation mode when they see this. I personally have no tears left for the SNP, they have completely sold out. The truth of that will become ever more apparent as the year unfolds. Have a good one Stuart

Cameron Lochiel

I’m hardly one to comment on looks, but he really does look the epitome of thick


Sad, true and deadly accurate.

I loathe them more than labour. Their downfall can’t come soon enough.


Don’t vote for British parties. Don’t vote SNP.

Support Scotland’s Cause.

Spoil your ballot paper and vote: #EndTheUnion


However, I do think there is work to be done.
I think things are so bad that something or other has to give. SNP have been raining mistakes all year, the drains are blocked with lies, deceit, theft, dishonour, disgraceful policies and above all, a surfeit of real idiots who don’t have a clue and have no brains to learn. There will be a flood: I’m sure of it.
It’s clear how many SNP are on the gravy train and I’m not sure people are going to vote for them. I do think if there could be independent INDEPENDENCE candidates rather than any party (and it saddens me that Alba isn’t gaining the support it deserves) I reckon they will get voted for.
Whitford is near to us and is, like Sturgeon, one of the hugest disappointments.
The whole world is in a bad place at the moment and it behoves Scotland to help herself while the rest are trying to save themselves without finishing off the planet.

Thanks, as per usual, for all the research, hard work and depressing analysis you undertake on a daily basis to keep us all informed. I do hope you spend time with friends keeping yourself sane and optimistic. I sometimes think I am really selfish wanting you to continue. You have a wealth of talent and I’m sure would be successful in so many, many areas of life and yet you stick to your commitment to Independence.
Thanks a million
All the very best for you (and therefore for all your readers) for 2024. It will be a better year

Dundee Scot

Hmmmm …. we all seem to agree the SNP is corrupt, inept and useless. And paying only lip-service to Independence.

Concurrently, Alba/ISP is polling 2%. Nowhere near power, and no guarantee that, if they got a sniff of power, their politicians wouldn’t become as corrupt, selfish and careerist as their SNP ancestors.

Geoff Anderson

Best line
“every single one of them who survives next year’s general election is another corpse blocking our path”

Lorna Campbell

Gosh, those analogies really hit home, Rev. I have believed for a number of years now that there can be no independence with the SNP, or with the SNP in power as it is now. Unlike the Irish situation with the Irish Independence Party, I think we might just be able to do it without resort to arms. I pray we can.

Firstly, the Independence party of Ireland had to be removed, although that happened only after the death of its leader, Redmond (please note that I am not advocating any such thing in relation to the SNP). The rise of Sinn Fein saw force of arms enter the equation. What we need to have in Scotland is an orderly and peaceful transition to either another party’s leadership or that the SNP itself transforms itself back into the party of independence.

These are the only viable ‘transitions’ that Scotland needs. The GRRB cannot, even in a putative independent Scotland, be revived. If there is even a hint that it will be, independence is dead, because a large part of the female vote for independence will not coalesce around such a possibility.

Why this was not foreseen is down to, I believe, the absolute non-acknowledgement that females have any rights whatsoever. Only an administration that actually believed that females of all ages did not matter a jot could have done what it did. Not only did that administration (the previous one + this one together) completely dismiss all female concerns in Scotland (concerns that turned out to be prophetic) but in the whole of the UK.

All those men in the independence movement who turned their backs on females in the vain pursuit of independence via the SNP/Greens, and all those other men and women in Scotland, and in the UK, who supported deviant members of their own sex in the pursuit of the overturning of all female rights because they were too cowardly or too virtue-signalling or too misogynistic cannot ever be trusted again. They will be reminded at every opportunity of what they did to females, to children of both sexes and to homosexuals and lesbians. They deliberately abandoned us all. No, we won’t forget. Nor will we forget the men who stood up for us.

Alf Baird

An accurate synopsis, Rev, and fully endorsed by postcolonial theory which confirms that the dominant national party in whom the people placed their faith “lacks the courage at the decisive moment” to proclaim independence; instead of breaking colonialism the party elite “come to a friendly agreement with it” (Fanon). This is what “sickens the movement” and has led to the present “rupture”, and it all lead back to the Sturgeon & Yousaf et al. door.

The SNP leadership “lacking in any innovation” to free the people is therefore totally responsible for the fact Scotland’s people today still remain subject to colonial procedures; indeed, in line with postcolonial theory the leadership are fully signed up and paid for colonial administrators and thus become part of “the watchdogs of colonialism” in seeking to hold back the movement and oppress the people.

The national party leadership are rightly “condemned by their own hypocrisy” (Cesaire).


I wonder how well a “none of the above” candidate would do? If elected, wouldn’t do anything or go to London; you’d have to choose the seat carefully though.


I don’t listen to Humza Yousaf, because he’s a nasty and thick racist.

Did he say anything about “white people” this time, or is he now pretending not to despise the Scottish people?

How come the SNP welcomes racists? Don’t they have enough problems with the perverts and thieves?

David Hannah

I’ll be spoiling my ballot unless my MP is one of the Alba 12.

No way I’ll ever vote for Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf’s SNP.

Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

David Hannah

Phillipa Whitford has achieved nothing for our cause. I hope keeps her hands off the healthy breasts of young women with gender dysphoria. As for John Nicholson he looks ebineezer scrooge and the ghost of Christmas to come.

John Thomson

You def give me hope for my grandkids just a bloody shame I won’t be around to see them enjoy the benefits of a free scotland


A Monstering of the SNP (fake Indy) Monsters, how very apt and timely. The good news as it looks like it will be a Spring Election and the beginning of the end of Self id before Indee motley crew and a fresh May start for self determination at last!

Lorna Campbell

Just wanted to say: thank you all at Chez Rev for your unceasing and hard work on our behalf. You are an oasis of sanity in a desert of madness, gross stupidity and self-interest. You all and the other bloggers deserve an honour for what you do, but there will be none coming your way until we do achieve independence. Even then, guess what? All the cowards, sheeples, deluded, mad, psychopathic and utterly selfish and self-centred will emerge grinning into the light and declare that they had always supported independence, had always supported female rights, had always been there for us all. Have a great New Year, Rev and Co and lang may yer lum reek on other folk’s coal. Sorry, can’t mention coal these days, but you get the gist. You are all, all of the bloggers and commentators, our heroes and heroines.

David Hannah

Phillipa Whitford. A doctor that lies. A Doctor that’s not truthful about her party political aims. I certainly wouldn’t trust her in a private hospital. She’d carve you up. Like she’d carve up the Independence movement for dollar signs in her eyes.

You’re a disgrace Phillipa. And you’re on your way out. Bought and sold for English Gold. Scotland says no to your gender self ID. Keep your hands off our children you opportunist freak.


As a counter…don’t ever spoil your ballot. It’s an historic anomaly that we the people get to choose our govt. As truncated as democracy and its supporting democratic principles are, our ancestors fought and sometimes died for these rights.
If you think I’m being pompous right now, then you really ought to see my mahogany Venetian-glass cabinet where my exquisite collection of powdered scented eighteenth century wigs are housed…now THEY are pompous…

Ronnie McNeill

All I want is my country to be the same as every other country! Why oh why is it so difficult?

James U

As accurate a summary of what Scotland’s predicament is on the last day of 2023 as you will find. That 2024 will see us 10 years on from Indyref #1 and in all that time the SNP has not moved Scotland a single inch closer to independence should make every true Indy supporter pray that the SNP is decimated in upcoming elections. They are the REAL barrier to Scottish independence and the sooner that barrier is removed, the better the future of Scotland becomes.

John Moss

Here’s to a better 2024!

Marie Clark

What a very accurate but depressing read Stu. I don’t know how you manage to remain sane among gender woo woo nonsense, and the utterly venous and useless politician, of all parties. I now don’t have faith in any political party, and no one to vote for. How bad is that, after all the suffragettes had to go through to gain the vote for women. Makes me sick to the pit of my stomach.

Anyway, a guid New Year to a’body when it comes.


Pilger dead – another “good guy” gone. I remember as a kid seeing his documentary “palestine is still the issue” and, as we see, it still is.

Likewise, for us – “independence is still the issue” – all else follows, nothing much really matters, it’s window dressing, feng shui in the titanic bedrooms.

if you lack the imagination to realise the life you could have lived, there is an actual crib, a read across … you need to watch all of this – you will weep

link to

meanwhile the anglo calls you subsidy junkie even as he robs you, and the pillage never stops, new things to steal – “We will be the Saudi Arabia of wind power”, says ukgov

but who is we, exactly? (hint : it does not include you, ya fuckin dick … it’s me, toby, josh, all the cunts I buggered at eton, the city boys, the aristos, about 5000 people total = the UK … not you, “it’s a club and you aint in it”, all anglo p0ofs, and tory paedos, “le vice anglais” ) – never fear these degenerate scum, for all they are are masonic bumboys, probably r4ping kids over the checkerboard tiles. I wish this was hyperbole/satire, but reality too quickly pops its head in …

link to

the westminster occupation government are here to steal everything they can, and amazingly, we have an entire tr4itor class of people who wave their fucking flag while they do it.

– we should never fail to point out the disgusting political cuckoldry of the “anglo scot”, giving away all you have to the “anglo saxon master race” and allowed second class status, despite being filthy celt subhumans, to ride on the coat tails of the greatest men, country, people, only people, on earth, is a small price to pay for the privilege

these people fucking hate you, they despise you, see you as second class “near english”-men at best; their nation has never done any philanthropic thing in its entire existence, has stolen much of the world’s wealth, including ours, and generally doesn’t do the “right thing” unless it has a gun at its head. They have been on the wrong side of every war in history, barring one exception, which needs a longer discussion (the arsonist wants credit for handing over the fire extinguisher) – and yes, the fuckup of palestine is all on them (as is kenya, nigeria, india and half the world).

there is no escape from the union while the “democratic process” is a westminster constructed maze with NO EXIT and we are led by “mice” who are happy to stay in their lane. This is a national liberation struggle, and we need someone who can take us out of this doomed, linear thinking. In short, we need an “overman”/(ubermensch) – and it ain’t humza, who should go back to fiddling the vat, or filling teeth, whatever it is he did.


Stu was the coming car crash stupidity or the result if a planned outcome


Truly, there ought to be a bloodless coup within the SNP hierarchy, bloodless because its leaders are so anaemic and cadaverous.
In that they have much in common with the the majority inhabiting the casket labelled British politicians. Coincidence?
Coups are generally the work of the «lower ranks», the young lions whose fangs and claws are keen for action thus far «denied».
Are there any young lions in Scotland at the moment? If so let them be unleashed.


To paraphrase the saying of a prominent Muslim leader of a previous decade,Nicola and Peter are the great charlatans whereas Humza is the little charlatan.


We are focusing upon the wrong target.

The enemy isn’t the puppet-du-jour lining their pockets and sitting as First Minister of Scotland. Replace her, replace him, hellfire, put a Golden Retriever in the job; the “system” will just deliver another paradox of a “leader” who relies upon power given to him from London, and treats Scotland’s Constitution as illegitimate.

The con isn’t the liar, the real deception is the “parliament” itself.

Impeach these f’kers for their Constitutional infidelities, collapse the disgrace that is Holyrood in the process, and begin again from scratch… Return Scotland to it’s default factory settings; a Constitutionally Sovereign nation where Monarch and Government serve the people.

Every facet of Scotland’s government and constitution has been corrupted and compromised by 300+ years of subordination, indoctrination, and cultural deconstruction suffered upon our Nation under the heel of Westminster. Left in control, Westminster will NEVER facilitate Scotland’s exit from the Union, but WILL obstruct and sabotage the mobilisation of those who want Independence. If you believe otherwise, you are being dumb and naive.

Switch Scotland off and on again, and run the boot sequence line by line as we “reload” Auld Scotland’s sovereign Constitution, and eradicate every vestige of colonial interference and subjugation.

Assemble a 21st Century Convention of the Estates to address Scotland’s current Constitutional emergency, and place power back in the hands of Scotland’s people, but minus the colonial tendrils of London rule, such as the Scotland Act.

Sturgeon betrayed us. Yousaf is in the process of betraying us. But they are mere pawns. Even were we to install another true patriot, like another Alex Salmond, or even William Wallace himself, they would not be allowed to deliver Scottish Independence through any “UK” process.

Scotland MUST step outside the parameters being dictated to us by London and Uncle Tam BritNats.

Yousaf / Sturgeon / whoever…. They are a distraction… a puppet. They are not relevant.

If it takes us a year, or two, or 8 years to rid ourselves of these parasites, that means another year, two years, or 8 years that the Union has survived, and another 1, 2, or 8 years where we have achieved NOTHING.

Impeach the betrayers of Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty.

Robert Hughes

The total lack of self-awareness in that statement by Phillipa Bucket truly smacks the gob .

” Obsessing ” – hahahahahaha . What , like obsessing over fckn correct pronoun protocol ; ” being kind ” to aggressive psychos displaying their stunning & brave characters by punching defenceless women , allowing the Idiot Greens to dictate ludicrous bound-to-fail policies etc , STONEWALLing everying to do with Independence and making a complete shambles of everything else : that kind of obsessing ?

Nu SNP have turned the Party from a ” broad church ” into a gay disco : all mirror balls , anonymous sex , * poppers * & repetitive , mechanised beats . Though if wee-not-that-free Katydid Frauds gets her shot at stalling Independence an * interesting * hybrid music could arise . Kirk House . Hell ? Yea

Bring on the Disco Inferno .

Humza’s Halfwits are marching to different beat/ing . The sooner the better


Private driver?!

Neil Mackenzie

Have you seen the comments on the source article of that ‘The National’ story? If you copy the address from the archive page top bar and paste it to the browser address bar, you can read the comments left by subscribers.

The first comment trashes The SNP as the vehicle for independence and is followed by shocked and appalled reactions that it got hundreds of ‘likes’ or ‘up-ticks’. The total ‘likes’ as I write stands at 532.

John M Rudkin

What amazes me is that with so many mps and smps that there has never been any super stars emerging as new leaders of an Independent smp party they have all just adhered to the NUSNP party line and dumbed down independence they seem to have lost their fight and passion for Independence yet before the referendum there was plenty of mps and smps that we could completely put our trust in to fight for Independence its sad to see the snp party turn into the labour party of old and more interested in their own position and status than fighting for Independence for the people of Scotland

John H

I, like many others, once had great faith in Nicola Sturgeon. Those 56 seats in 2015 didn’t just appear by magic. After coming so close to achieving independence the previous year we thought that Nicola would do it this time. But she betrayed us, there is no other word for it. She took a strong and still optimistic YES movement with a massive SNP majority in Westminster and, deliberately I believe, destroyed it.

She divided us against each other with insane and unworkable policies, which she pushed through relentlessly. She turned friends into enemies. Then there was that private meeting with Theresa May. I would give a lot to know what passed between them that day.

Nevertheless, the independence movement still survives. The polls show independence at 49%. I believe that with the right leader and sensible policies, that 49% could quickly become 60%. But we will have to look elsewhere other than the corrupted SNP for that. In time, soon I hope, we will have that leader. One must emerge, to get us away from a greedy and corrupt Westminster that allows children to starve, and the poor to freeze.

In the meantime I intend to do as I have always done, talk to people and try to persuade them that we can and should run our own country.

Incidentally, I have always believed that we were cheated in 2014. They used any means that they thought necessary to defeat us, because they were desperate and needed our resources. Nothing has changed to this day.


Excellent analysis again, Rev, for which many thanks.

Philippa Whitford. On the plus side she goes to Palestine to assist in breast cancer operations etc, or so I have read.

But she has stayed silent all these years whilst Joanna Cherry was having a truly miserable time at Westminster being cold-shouldered by her SNP colleagues. Did she ever pop in to Joanna’s office and try to cheer her up?

And why has she not pressed for different policies on independence? And opposed all the internal party shenanigans?

@ Neil Mackenzie at 2.00 re upticks on the National’s article reporting Yousaf’s deflating New Year message of “more of the same”. It is now 538 [includes mine]. Thanks for drawing our attention to this very encouraging change in the comments and support for SNP-critical views. There are very few anti-critics comments and very little support for those comments. This is a turnaround from even a couple of weeks ago, I think. A new dawn for 2024?


‘Concurrently, Alba/isp is polling 2%. Nowhere near power and no guarantee that, if they got a sniff of power their politicians would’nt become as corrupt, selfish and careerist as their Snp ancestors’.

And you think scottish london labour wont?.
I spoke to my pensioner bro in law in scotland last night, a previous snp voter for decades, is now going to vote labour, as i told him, sadly you’ll deserve all the pain and hurt that is coming your way in spades. There is no helping a people or a country who wont help them selves.


Which is why indyscotparty’s policy of Abstention is the only viable answer. Only by staying in and working in the constituency can you not be subsumed by the blandishments of the malign Metropolis.

Note Alba has not come to that position. Tick Tock Alba because you will be easy targets in the GE.


I was at a Xmas party in Northumberland, not far from the border. The host, a barrister, said he hoped Scotland would leave the union. But, he added, gloating, we (the English) will keep the wind and oil power – and also the nuke subs. And the Scots can sod off.
Nice one!
Happy New year to Wings and hoping for better things in 2024.


Absolutely spot on Rev, I couldn’t have put it better myself.

2024 will pop up very shortly it will be a GE year, in which we MUST remove as many SNP MPs from Westminster as possible by voting them out.

We MUST vote for the Alba party come the next GE, hopefully by the time the GE comes around more folk will have woken up and realised that the SNP is no longer a party for Scottish independence, its now become a party for careerists, grifters, and factions within it, that have very unpopular agendas that they want to force upon the Scottish public.

Vote Alba, Join Alba.

David Hannah

Kate Forbes and Fergus Ewing will be taking Humza Yousless down on the next week. According to big bird.

I hope so. I love Ash Regan. Our Leader in Holyrood. The leader the SNP doesn’t have.

Kate Forbes will be fantastic for the SNP. She’s Christian and general all round nice person. Fergus Ewing is the son of Winnie. They will steady the sinking ship and get rid of the Greens and weirdos and grifters. They will sieze control and reclaim power from the outgoing MP block. None of whom will deserve to be representing the SNP again. Kate Forbes will ensure they won’t be on the gravy train anymore.

I think that. Cross dressing Fetish candidates on all female shortlists. Like Amber Roberts, another Fetishisht freak prompted by that fat hogg that sits next to Blackford. It’s good to know there’s plans behind the scenes to recraim the SNP from Ali Baba. And the forty thieves.

David Hannah

The year of gender is over.

Kate Forbes is coming.

She’s coming to take down the Lord Advocate. She’s going to tear apart the twin roles.

She’s coming to remove your protection Nicola.

Your going down.



Good posts from Lorna Campbell and Breeks.

Aye, it’s depressing and will continue to do so until we Scots put our independence front and centre.
Oh, we’ll turn out for marches with a flag on our shoulder and a dug on the lead, and we’ll join the world in marching for Black lives, or Palestine or yon climate change thingy…
It’s like that’s all we can be pushed to do. Stay within the lines. Act politely. Stick within the rules.

Doesn’t matter that we’re being screwed over on the daily by the blood-sucking energy companies, or that we don’t get deliveries if we live 20 miles north of Aberdeen, or that we’re gonnae be paying hundreds more for our petrol when Grangemouth gets sold (and that’s IF we get it delivered from England), or that your flat/garden is gonnae be built on by unscrupulous companies within that new Freeport you find you now live in.
I’ve long given up on a political exit from the Union. WM will always find a way to change the rules to suit them.
Same with going through the courts. If WE don’t consider Scots law as the highest in our land…why should WM?

My wish for 2024 is for Scotland to be a beligerant hostage, unwilling to sit down or to shut up. For us to protest at everything to do with the Union and everyone who enables it. To boycott, to sabotage, to strike, sit in and anything else that’ll bugger up WM raping our resources and our wallets.
Compliant Scots rebelling is the LAST thing WM needs. They’ve proven themselves to be utterly inept at coping with ‘normal’ life – haven’t they?

But aye…it’s just a wish.

Other than that, I wish you, and the Rev aw the best for the new year.


“The Yes movement can only be strong when the SNP is successful”

Right. If that is the case, why did the party leadership and the parasite hangers on have been working so bloody hard for the last 9 years to make the SNP unsuccessful?

Was it to weaken the Yes movement? Because if the assertion above is correct, then this is the only reasonable conclusion one can reach.

It would be nice for Yousaf to explain that incongruency. But he does not need to bother. The evidence represented by the actions of the SNP for the last 9 years points to this. Under Sturgeon and now the continuity candidate, the SNP has become the leg iron that has deliberately forced the Yes movement to a painful standstill position for 9 long and agonising years.

Interestingly, these 9 years have been the years during which the UK state has been at its weakest politically.
Only an absolute fool would believe that to be a coincidence.

One could say that, for those 9 years, the SNP was at its most successful acting as a political machine pursuing one only objective: winning elections. But transforming those victories in any kind of move towards independence was never an objective of this post-referendum version of SNP, therefore becoming the British state’s best new friend.

This change in allegiance by the SNP saw the Yes movement, purposely deprived from any momentum and any actual leadership, leaving it at its weakest.

The scale of the uselessness of the SNP leadership since November 2014 to capitalise on opportunities to progress independence lies bare in front of us to see. It is impossible to deny it.

Political parties can have the occasional useless leader. But what is staggering, and frankly unbelievable unless there is a hidden agenda, is that a useless leader on the level that Sturgeon has been, followed by an even worse successor, have been allowed to remain “in control” of the party for 9 long years and hardly no one of the over 100 MPs and MSPs have actually risen a finger, never mind their voice, to actually expose and chuck these fraudsters out.

In just a few months, with no clear political opportunities to exploit and with a support for independence starting at around 23%, Mr Salmond achieved with 6 MPs far, far more than the unbelievably useless Sturgeon ever did with 56 MPs, for two years, when she was handed support for yes over 50%, a very strong party with popularity in the increase, predictions of a landslide for the SNP in the upcoming GE even before she actually got the job, and a wave of opportunities ready to fall on her lap, one after another, without her having to even lift a finger for them to materialise.

Was it a coincidence that the most unbelievably useless pro-independence leader in Scotland’s history, a “leader” who consistently and continuously mistook the break pedal for the gas one, a “leader” who was so incompetent that instead of capitalising on every mandate she was given, every majority and every opportunity at her disposal, proceeded to waste them fabricating a myriad of imaginary obstacles and cheap excuses and who was so incredibly inept that used each one of those opportunities to score own goals rather than launching proper attacking strategies, was put in control of the SNP at that precise point in history?

Again, only a complete fool would believe such a thing.

You do not need an IQ higher than average to realise that, for the last 9 years, the SNP “leadership” have been using the party as a weapon against yes movement to stop independence. And we all know who the entity that benefits the most from the independence movement not having a political vehicle, is. Don’t we?

Information is power. The information that will give the yes movement most power is the realisation that it does not need the SNP. In fact it does not need any political party which is open to be infiltrated by the British estate, USA apparatchiks, toxic political elements who will use it as a trojan horse to progress their sick agenda, and parasitic careerists only seeking to secure a paycheck and the perks of ministerial cars and seats for as long as possible. The Yes movement does not need any political entity who is determined to apply the breaks. 9 years of breaks have been more than enough.

What is now called SNP can and WILL be bypassed, and about time too. The SNP ceased to exist on the 14 November 2014. The more people in the yes movement realise of this and deny the vote to the current fraudsters piggy-backing on Mr Salmond’s achievements as SNP leader, the better.

They say you reap what you sowed. Well then. It is about time the fake SNP reap what they have been so industriously sowing for 9 years: distrust, contempt and the realisation from voters they have been taken for fools.

I suppose congratulations are in order to Sturgeon, Yousaf and the other devolutionist plants. Because wasn’t the destruction of the SNP as a party of independence to thwart its threat to the British state and the crown all what Sturgeon, Yousaf, Sweeney, Russell and the rest of the bandwagon of gravy train riders and covert devolutionists have been frantically working for during the last 9 years?

I think it is about time we give them what they have been working so hard for: Let’s eject each and very single one of all the SNP charlatans both in Westminster and Holyrood out. The sooner we do that, the sooner the yes movement can rid itself of this inconvenient leg iron which has been killing the momentum of independence for 9 years.


“Kate Forbes will be fantastic for the SNP. She’s Christian and general all round nice person.”

David Hannah.

Forbes has no plan for Scottish independence bar keeping on asking Westminster for an S30, she revealed this during the SNP leadership hustings.

More recently Forbes has become a BAP member.

If you ask me there’s no one left in the current SNP worth saving at Holyrood or Westminster, all the half-decent ones retired at the last Holyrood elections or jumped ship after. The SNP’s (2015 onwards) credibility is all but gone.



One of the greats who stood up for truth and justice died yesterday in London John Pilger was 84 years of age, his wise words will be missed in the coming years.

“BAFTA winner Pilger was renowned for countless investigations, particularly into the plight of Aboriginal Australians, American and British foreign policy and the ulterior motives of big business. A towering figure in his field, never afraid to express controversial views, Pilger is understood to have been battling illness since early 2023.”

Educate yourselves.

link to

Stuart MacKay

Support for independence is as strong as ever so why isn’t this being translated into points for a political party, or any political party?

Has there been a poll that tries to find out why the desire for self-determination is not manifesting itself in any of the currently available avenues?

Could it be that the populace is actually waiting for a pro-independence, fiscally conservative, no Scot left behind, competent, anti-sound-bite party to empty the troughs and wring a few necks?

Business as usual, with the usual suspects, simply isn’t cutting any ice, so what is everybody waiting for?


Happy Hogmanay folks & don’t waste your vote on #SNP next year as you will only encourage them to keep on lying.

Alf Baird

Republicofscotland @ 3:56 pm

“Forbes has no plan for Scottish independence”

Aye RoS, anyone content to function as a colonial administrator will never lead the people to freedom.

We should also remember that colonialism is a crime and hence that ‘a people’ subject to colonial procedures remain the victims of crime.

The sickening realisation of a compromised national party leadership perfectly fits the long-established postcolonial theory template; it is this realisation of an oppressed peoples’ colonial condition that remains most urgent:

link to


Let’s be clear. Politics or should I say the disfigured system of governance that is supposed to reflect western democracy is a malign sham.

The parties are infiltrated and misshaped into creations that deliver little save preserve the statu quo and the interests of the elites.

Labour, Tory, and now SNP, what do they deliver. Indeed Bach in the 60s / 70s there was an establishment plot to take out through force Harold Wilson’s administration.

Democracy is a sham, a facade, it is there to dissipate people’s choice.

The analogy of Orwell’s Manor Farm is a good one. The revolution brought change but the change was only temporary. And now like then when man looked at pig, and pig at man, the standard of husbandry for the animals is become poor. Declining living standards, little to no say, that where we are whilst the elites rule.

This we need to change. Our farm is run rotten and it does not need to be this way.

Lorna Campbell

Mia: yes, indeed, the SNP leadership, has, since early 2015, been in the hands of people who have little to no interest in independence. That is where it has all gone wrong. To boot, at least some of the top notchers in the SNP pre 2014, were obviously owned by the British State or were devolutionists in disguise. I believe that Alec Salmond knew this, or suspected it, at the very least, and I think he knew, when he tried to resurrect in dependence by trying to talk to Nicola Sturgeon that the party was already in the hands of people who’re trying to delay independence forever and a day.

That the party fell so completely to the Greens and the SNP ‘woke’ brigade is an indication of just how malleable it had become in relation to independence, supposedly its core policy. We should all take that as a dire warning that we were suckered. If we let our guard down, we will be suckered again by people who are ready to deceive us all over again and who actually flatter to deceive. Anyone who says: oh, we can compromise with the British State, is a liar. We can’t. Neither can we compromise with those within the SNP and Greens who are ready to adopt every policy in the book except an unequivocal stance on independence. Compromise is for after you win Being magnanimous is for after you win. Too many remain within the ranks of the SNP who would sell us out all over again. Women, too, don’t give one fraction of an inch till the GRRB is buried six feet under because that is still on the books, too.


I can remember chatting to an English friend around 2015 who had the not uncommon attitude of “all politicians are lying cheating scum who cannot be trusted” and I argued that SNP politicians were different because they were fighting for a bigger cause – indepdence…

Well, he was completely right in that case, we can only hope Alba don’t fall down the same abyss as the SNP.


I’m fortunate in that I have Neale Hanvey as my MP. Unfortunately, FPTP and SNP fielding a candidate against Neale means we’ll likely have a labour MP after 2024.
Never mind having pyjama day, think I need a pyjama year with the prospect of the professional labour troughers returning to Westminster. Just imagine the calorific hippo that is blair macdougall becoming your MP. :'(

The SNP simply can’t be trusted. They should be renamed the garden party given the number of plants they have. Maybe Fish can sing their anthem.! Punting on the cam…

KT Lorimer

UK General Election

A black saltire (marker pen) across the ballot paper –
A giant X

Write on it – End The Union

Even better use a postal ballot give them warning of what is coming.


Cumberland, Northumberland, Westmoreland and Durham were at onetime subject to the Scottish crown. David I was present at the laying of the foundation stone of Durham cathedral. The isle of Man was also once Scottish.
Anglocentric versions of history are shy of mentioning these facts.
Scots ought not to be.

Anton Decadent

When you gaze long into the abysmal they’ll have you cancelled, try to send you to prison, have you sent to prison etc.

Wishing a happy and productive 2024 to everyone when it comes.


For 100 years the English have voted Labour then Tory and Tory to Labour and the country has been driven into the ground by Westminster politicians focused on keeping the rich powerbrokers happy with a greater and greater percentage on the nations finances.

For over 50 years the gap between rich and poor has been extended and never more so than under this Tory cabal.

In Scotland SNP has let mandate after mandate slip away without a wimper.

I suggest the best way for the U.K. to remove the embedded corruption in Westminster is to vote for no U.K. party but a sea of independents who care about their constituents and will vote only for what is good for the electorate and not the elite.

Alf Baird

Willie @ 4:38 pm

“The analogy of Orwell’s Manor Farm is a good one.”

Not necessarily. We need firstly understand postcolonial theory to appreciate our ‘condition’ and its only ‘remedy’ – liberation.

Even Orwell did not comprehend the condition of Scots nor the ‘Union’ hoax; just as those on the Left focus on matters of socialism versus capitalism which does not take account of an oppressed peoples’ primary need for national liberation from a colonial and hence racist system.

link to


I agree with Humza’s message down to “vote for what you believe in”. After that it is all lily-livered waffle. Vote Alba, ISP or spoil your ballot (sad as that is regarding the suffragettes’ fight).


Phillipa spouts the DROSS that has been the constant mantra of the snp over the last 20+ years including during Alex Salmond’s leadership,


whilst WE the politicians sit on our well paid padded comfortable arses and do sweet fuckall

It is NOT the job of normal people to CONVINCE folk about the benefits of independence THAT is the job of politicians and political parties who have the means and finances to do so

I challenge anyone within this blog or within the broader independence movement to produce educational or fact based information that ANY politician or political Party has created or published to show people how independence would be beneficial for Scotland and Scots

WHERE is the long promised Scots gers report to EXPOSE the lies of WM
WHERE is the long promised rebuttal unit to publicly challenge and EXPOSE the lies and corruption of the broadcasters , media and WM
I could go on pointing out the LACK of ANY independence related information from politicians or independence supporting political parties, but the ONLY educational information,graphs or reports comes from individual indy supporters like indyposterboy Colin Dunn, YET those individuals receive no assistance or help from any of our SUPPOSED independence politicians or parties to CONVINCE the voters

David Hannah

I wish everyone good will and abundance for 2024. Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.

The only person I wish ill. Is Nicola Sturgeon. The betrayer of Scottish Independence. The destroyer of the SNP. And all round general fraudster. I wish for justice for her political crimes.

I won’t forgive. I won’t forget. I won’t be voting SNP. I’ll be spoiling my ballot from here until all eternity when I see SNP.

Unless I’m ordered to vote SNP from my leader. Alex Salmond. I will not vote SNP.

Happy new year folks. Leave the pain in the past.

David Hannah

Agreed. It’s not our job to convince people to vote Independence. Us normies. It’s the nationalist leaders. None of them have ever chapped my door. We normies will have to fight for our freedom. It’s time to take back control of our nation. And be nation once again.

Tinto Chiel

@Turabdin 4.55: true, David I was present at the laying of the foundation stone of Durham Cathedral.

Somewhat later (!), psychopathic Cromwell used the structure as an early example of an extermination camp for Scottish prisoners following the battle of Dunbar, to which can be added his atrocities at Drogheda and Dundee:

Ironically for a “republican”, he had a lot in common with Edward I of England.

Antoine Roquentin

No guilt should be involved in refusing to vote. Why should people vote and encourage proven-incompetents and chancers to live the “sweet-life” at Westminster on the strength of their ballots? I might also add that it matters little for whom you or I vote, as we’ll end-up with the party the English electorate decides to support in enough English constituencies.

Refusing to vote may well be the first pro-active-step towards our self-affirming empowerment. Those oft mentioned people who fought to get us the right to vote in the first place, would understand our motivation very well, I’m sure.

Tinto Chiel

Hope this archive page works:

link to


Scot Finlayson

8, wasted, years of Obama and America voted for Trump.
Biden/Harris will do the same for Trump next election.

All those wasted years of Sturgeon will do the same for SNP.

Only chance SNP had was electing Ash or maybe Kate as leader.

But they chose a Sturgeon puppet and woke ibecile.


The constant broken promises on Independence and retaining our EU membership has caught up with the SNP and there is only one person to blame Sturgeon, she chose the path of Money and Fame above all else. As leader of the SNP she ruled with a fist rather than corporation, she chose not to increase support for Independence but to destroy it and calling all who supported Independence cybernats and keyboard warriors. The grand tour became about Sturgeon rather than the continuation of achieving Independence, she ended up seeing the Indy supporters as her enemy rather than sole reason for her being, she made herself so excluded in her head to the point that anyone with an idea that went against heir’s, she would fix them for good and proper. Every day she showed us how she was a unionist rat by removing our national flag so she could attend Cop26, to appearing on national TV saying she was a British citizen and would remain British even if Scotland won Independence, which she knew would never happen while she was leader. Both me and the wife will have a Gin and Tonic at 12am and our new years resolution will be to see the SNP finished for good and proper, I hope every single ("Tractor" - Ed) loses their seat and I can’t wait to watch on TV every single one of them voted out one by one.

I hope after the Alba makes no gains at Westminster Mr Salmond see good sense and steps down and allows Ash Regan to take over the party, Its time for Mr Salmond to realize Sturgeon destroyed his carer and its beyond saving with the electorate.


I am afraid we have the watch the anp crash and burn. It is necessary as pretty much none of the current crop of MPs are up to the job.

The job of an MP requires integrity and none of them spoke up either before or after the salmond case and that makes them guilty by association.

SNP members and reps all know who woman H is it is no secret, they know it was nonsense dreamt up to silence salmond and they did nothing.

They are simply unfit for the job so they must go.

If they remain they will of course be open to blackmail by the uk security services for their involvement and therefore can’t be trusted going forward.

I would have been delighted if Humza had risen to the job and taken a fileting knife to the culprits but no he has continued to protect them so again, forever compromised.

Frank Gillougley

Last time i voted, i spoilt the paper. How anyone can vote for these authoritarian imbeciles, and to keep on doing so, is beyond me. Yes Rev, I’m afraid it’s the abyss right enough. Interesting word choice by Humza the bearded oaf (a James Cleverly default bloke second hand car salesman look-alike?) as he asks for SNP supporters to ‘re-dedicate themselves to the cause. Oh Fuck. How risible is this. Do these public school wallahs really think that people are that stupid, and don’t remember John Reid now Baron hawhaw of cardowan or whatever extolling the labour party supporters to ‘re-double’ their efforts (whatever that means). What a load of absolute bollocks and some. So yes Humza, having given this my utmost consideration, I have decided that I am going to re-dedicate my life to you, you knob end. As if.


Shug @ 8.18.

It seems that everyone knows the identities of the Alphabetties. Except that is of the most important group of people: the voters.

This is Scotland’s enduring shame, and will be a millstone round its neck until a way is found of getting the facts made public. The people will then see the the appalling standard of their representatives at Holyrood and Westminster.

KT Lorimer

I suspect the identity of the alphabetties will become known soon.


They don’t marry their boyfriends or girlfriends because you can no longer employ your spouse at Westminster. Mind you, I suppose it’s the same with the other parties.

Ali Clark

Well that’s a bit of a downer… but what’s the worse that could happen next year? How about the the absolute unlikely but…

…what if, after the General Election Humsa’s small bunch of luckers end up part of the balance of UK power!

Most unlikely but guess what… I won’t be surprised! Labour’s lead is as strong as mist. Temperature changes and it’ll start to evaporate. Throw in a pesky scandal / mis-step / wobble and who knows where it’s at. A few SNP snouts will survive on nostalgia and electoral indifference.

I’m sure the scenario’s absurd but…


Did anymore come out about the MPs that had an affair during covid??

It seems to gave gone very quiet. Why would the MSM go so softly on this when the tories were catching pelters


I notice the herald has an article about calmac again. What catches my eye is the picture of the ferry. It appears to have veen doctored to make it look more rusty than normal.

Tut tut

Herald manipulating a story

Mark Beggan

Lang may yer lum reek. (Fuck the Greens)


“Antoine Roquentin says:
31 December, 2023 at 6:47 pm

Refusing to vote may well be the first pro-active-step towards our self-affirming empowerment.”

It isn’t refusing to vote; rather stating your refusal to vote for any of the available candidates.

Brian Doonthetoon

Happy New Year Rev Stu and Abdee!

Brian Doonthetoon

And a Hogmanay choon fur yiz.

link to

bluegrass banjo

at least another 7 years before something changes

scottish labour in power will have shown no dramatic change scotland

it will feel like tory party still in power


Philippa Whitford is such a disappointment.
No wonder she is stepping down.
Her words must choke her after all she has said from her pulpit at AUOB.

Did she think people voted SNP & gifted them SIX mandates to maybe, sometime, in a timeframe suitable only to THEM was the option being offered on the ballot at elections for the past 10 years? I don’t fucking remember it!

I do remember there would be a ref if we were being dragged out the EU against our will.. then the Fuhrer changed it to when the Brexit deal was known – then she changed it again to wait until we were officially out..
& Then it fucking changed again
& then again..


Dumbza can get to fck with the abusers route. I’ll take my chances. At the rate the SNP & Greens are moving – Buffalo Bill would be in the presiding officers chair before we knew it & FMQs are make-up & beauty #GRWMs! LOL!


*Put the fcking Lotion in the basket!* LOL

Jeez – roll on 2024..


And…lest we forget…

Philippa saying we are obsessed.

Who continually sold it as just around the corner? The SNP did.
Who told us to *Be ready* umm, Philippa Whitford did.

I don’t think it’s not having a ref that’s scunnered people. It’s the fact that 10 YEARS have sailed by & not a fcking thing has been done. No prep, no strategy, no international guidance, nothing in Westminster. Zero in Holyrood. Zero at branch. Zero at conference. A big fat zero of nothingness. Not even a proxy devolved new power.

56 MPS
A membership of over 125K
Six mandates
An annual following of hundreds of thousands at AUOB marches throughout the year.
A sold out Hydro
& £600k of OUR MONEY missing..

Be fucking ashamed of yerselves instead of bleating to yer fanzine we’re obsessed. Ya eejit.

Roll on 2024. The first wave of Spring cleaning is in order.

John will be following you out the door tae.

David Holden

Happy new year to our host and all who post in here in good faith. I hope 2024 will see the SNP crash and burn so the grown ups can get on with working on getting us out of the UK.


Ignored says:
1 January, 2024 at 4:46 am

…I don’t think it’s not having a ref that’s scunnered people. It’s the fact that 10 YEARS have sailed by & not a fcking thing has been done. No prep, no strategy, no international guidance, nothing in Westminster.

For me, it’s Brexit.

One sovereign entity of the United Kingdom voted for Brexit, while the other sovereign entity voted against it, and thus, Brexit was properly undeliverable without the unconstitutional subjugation of one nation’s will by the other.

Properly addressed, the Brexit result should have been adjudged a stalemate, and the status quo, that is the UK remaining in Europe, should have been the default position.

Had England taken offence at Scotland’s effective veto over English sovereignty, then the onus was on England to end the Treaty of Union, affect it’s own departure from Europe, but to leave Scotland in Europe, albeit in emergency negotiations to improvise an expedient appendix to Article 46 which recognised Scotland as a Continuer State, not a Seceding State.

To cut a long story short, either Brexit failed because Scotland was recognised as sovereign, or Scotland’s sovereignty was ignored, and thus Scotland’s ejection from Europe was unlawful.

In either condition, the Treaty of Union was now untenable and could not properly survive; not with one Nation in Europe while the other was not, or, not where the will of one sovereign nation subjugated the other in an alleged Union of Equals.

Scottish Independence, and indeed continuous EU Membership, was right there in the palm of our hands in 2016; constitutionally legitimate, lawful, backed by an emphatic democratic mandate, with the onus and culpability for the demise of the Union laid entirely at England’s feet.

All Sturgeon had to do, (though in truth, if better organised, we could have swept Holyrood and it’s notorious Scotland Act into the gutter), but all she had to do was stand firm and defend the Claim of Right whereby the sovereignty of the Scottish people was sacrosanct, and Scotland was once again an Independent Nation.

That is Sturgeon’s most heinous betrayal of Scotland; she abdicated the defence of Scotland’s constitutional rights and facilitated Scotland’s unlawful and unconstitutional subjugation at the precise moment when Scotland’s Independence was in the palm of our hand. The is the greatest betrayer of Scotland since Toom Tabard John Balliol, or the craven wretches of 1707.

That she is a liar, a fraud, a despicable conspirator who plotted to destroy an innocent man, a deceiver, and apparently some kind of thief or embezzler, and someone who has done untold damage to Scotland through dark liaisons with Scotland’s enemies, is as nothing beside her betrayal of our Nation and her contempt for the Claim of Right.

Burn in Hell Sturgeon, or alternatively, in the spirit of Leonidas, King of Sparta, cursing the betrayal by Ephialtes the hunchback, “May you live forever“.

It is now 2024. A guid new year to all. My lament about Brexit is not to dwell on the past, but for sake of our Nation, we must better learn the critical path to Independence and be sure footed in every step we take. We must never again forfeit victory when our feet are already over the Finish line.

Sturgeon, Humza, Holyrood, Westminster,…. It is all the same mistake. Let 2024 be the year we recognise that mistake and at last, find our way.


We must know what victory means, but we must also know what means victory.


Sorry, disjointed…

I further neglected to say that we overlook the significance of 56\59 seats in Westminster.

Jesus H Christ. If we cannot turn a mandate like that into a sovereign constitutional initiative, then we are impotent beyond belief, and we cannot offload the blame when we administer defeat upon ourselves.

Who the fk was in charge? Oh….

We just cannot afford to miss these open goals. They are too infrequent an occurrence. We cannot have a t(raitor) like Sturgeon, or a dunce like Yousaf, as our “leader”. Not now, not ever.

Robert Hughes

Breeks @ always , in this instance 7.35

Brilliantly described , B . We may never know what motivated that nasty , useless piece of work to betray our country in the way/s she did : whether a plant from day one , * comprised * whilst in office or simply a pathologically self-centred individual who got a taste of/for power and was never going to jeopardise it by taking what had been handed to her on plate by Brexit and the succession of fckn shambolic , feeble , wet tissue paper English PMs ( and the cow had the monumental egotism and gall to boast about having outstayed them , and be applauded by her flock of pathetic sheep for doing so ; her idea of ” success ” , FFS ) and using these optimum , never to be repeated circumstances to , finally , definitively liberate Scotland from the shackles of * Union * . She never even tried .

Anyway , enough about her , she’s the Past . History will be her judge .

Her equally useless heir won’t last long , though there doesn’t appear to be any better prospect within Nu SNP that could replace him . So be it , if that Party won’t save itself , why should we ?

My own sense is that our * salvation * won’t arise from any Political Party , that system itself is obsolete , too easily infiltrated/corrupted . I’ll vote for ALBA given the opportunity , but TBH I can’t see them doing what’s necessary eg taking the fight to our opponent , changing the rules of engagement to favour ourselves and not only * risking * confrontation , actually relishing the prospect . Let’s see if they can manifest the requisite strength and unbending will . In the interim , we should get behind SALVO & Liberation.Scot AND ” Peter Bell’s ” #ScottishUDI . Anything that furthers our aspiration in concrete ways .

Happy New Year to all genuine Independence supporters here & elsewhere : may 2024 be a good year for y’all .

As for the apologists for the atrocities we’re witnessing daily in G..a , the dumb-as-fuck , flag-wavers for poxy ( sic ) wars , the so-called Independence supporter who can’t see further or deeper than their own bank accounts …..they can get to fuck . And stay there , cocooned in their tiny little world . History will also be THEIR judge .

Dorothy Devine

Robert Hughes , heartily concur with your last paragraph.

Wingers , it is 2024 a fresh start , let’s work for Scotland’s freedom.

May it be a good year for all – with the exceptions being those mentioned by Robert.

Robert McAllan

I agree and am with duncanio, ENDORSE YOUR BALLOT PAPER: # END THE UNION!!!


All the very best Stu.


Shug @ 22.11

Could the silence on alleged Coronavirus restriction breaches be down to interdicts in Scotland/injunctions in England ?
I also seem to recalk reading that the injured spouse who originally raised the matter had since stated, possibly under pressure from their religious community, that they did not wish to make an official complaint.

stuart mctavish

KT Lorimer @9:25pm

What a start to the year that would be, for better or worse!

Might even save the prettiest heads in legal having to wrap any hangovers around the presumed guilt of intended jigsaw identification (or accessory to same) for making the observation that AI must know who they are already (or will do one day, regardless) – and leave them to focus everything on the compensation I must be entitled to in consequence


James Che

The fact that Westminster and Hollyrood unionist require a vote to end the union is nothing but a ruse,
As Scots never voted to join the 1707 union, so therefore were never in it is a Scam Scotland rhetoric.

And those Scots that entered into Westminster were not from the already 1707 dissolved parliament of Scotland.

I fail to see the connection ties, politically between Scotland and England other than a high propaganda agenda from down south.

James Che

A Happy and prosperous new year To Stu, to Chris and all wingers,
Raising our glasses to toast a new independent Scotland,

James Che

A Happy and prosperous new year To Stu, to Chris and all wingers,
Raising our glasses to toast a new independent Scotland,

Let us remember Scotland did not vote to join the treaty of union,
Therefore do not require a vote to leave.


A guid new year to all Independistas.
Should be an interesting 2024.


It’s 9 months now since 20 police cars and over 60 police officers cordoned off the street around Nicola Sturgeons home with a view to confiscating 2 mobile phones, 2 laptops and a few boxes of files.

Have the police, the government or their accounts actually done anything with these items?

How many years will it take to look at where £600K has gone or will it be dragged along as a scandal until the general election has passed.

With Badness Mone being given over £200 million for useless PPE equipment and her husband having Isle of Man and international accounts what chance do the authorities have of recovering the money from one of their own.

Starmer won’t close the Lords to remove these clowns.
He won’t chase the corrupt Tory handouts and he won’t close the tax avoidance and off shore loopholes that the elite and media owners need to grow their wealth exponentially to the detriment of the working classes and the poor.

Nice to know that the U.K. has enough money to join the USA led war against the Houthi.
Add it to the Iraqi, Libian, Ukraine, and Israeli wars and they can always close the NHS, stop benefits and increase taxes further to pay for it.


A Guid New Year to one and all.

Its bad enough that Scotland is being swamped by Engish folk moving North, now on reading the news, we are now to be swamped with their Devil Dugs as well, XL Bully dugs, it just a matter of time until one of them kills someone.

Alan C

The ‘union’ should have ended in 2016 as soon as the referendum result was known. I fear another opportunity that good will never happen again. The chance was there and not taken. Effing depressing.


Happy New Year to everyone.
Thanks to the Rev for your continued input.

Sad day when John Pilger passed.
After reading about him, I then had to mute one of our own “journalists”, Ruth Wishart, who knows nothing about anything.

We’re living in dangerous times but as always, I hope for the best.


Rev wrote: “But why would they fight for independence when they’d be putting themselves out of an £87,000-a-year job (or over £100,000 if you’re a committee chair like our old friend Pete Wishart) – along with all the dozens of pals and boyfriends and scumbag woke activists they hire as “researchers” at our expense – and kicking themselves out of all the cosy Westminster clubs?”

And you can add to that all the “rewards” they receive from [place organisation of choice here] for promoting whatever that organisation represents. Just like John Lamont who gets considerable backhanders from the private medical industry. And Lamont (who only gets several thousand) is just one of the very small fry in a pond full of far bigger fish (who get 5 or 6-figure sums). You can bet your last that certain self-serving SNP turncoats will be receiving their own wee Westminster perks too.

Graf Midgehunter


All the very best wishes to the Rev, WOS and Scottish independence folk from the heart of the EU.

England and its politicians are now so far gone and irrelevant for the rest of Europe that the chances of a re-entry are almost gone for the near future.

Scotland however does have a completely different reputation in Europe. Apart from the beautiful scenery, history and culture, it’s recognised as a separate entity which, should it want to, be able to join either the EU or EFTA.

What does irritate and confuses most Europeans is the inability or lack of guts from the Scots to stand up and just take their independence.

Nobody doubts that Scotland would be welcomed but “Just do it”

30.Jan.2020 was the day when Scotland should have taken its first step to being a free nation again.


SNP MP Dr Philipa Whitford?

Well, there’s nothing much i can add to the Wingers who have already passed judgement on her in the btl comments other than to say she truly is a piece of garbage. Well seeing she’s standing down. She was one of those in the SNP under Salmond that gave me confidence in where we were going as a movement etc. Especially when i compared our representatives with those of a Unionist bent. And just like Skanky Sturgeon before her, she has revealed her true colours for all to see. I hope the rest of her life is spent in abject misery because *that* is exactly the life the current SNP troughers have condemned us to. And that will *NEVER* be forgotten nor forgiven.

Andy Storrie

Humza is only doing what his London handlers are directing him to do. His whole career is the SNP has revolved around the act of deliberately alienating people from the main vehicle for full autonomy.

It is therefore absolutely incomprehensible as to why Alec Salmond doesn’t simply fart in Humza’s direction in order to knock little London boy off his perch, as that’s all the guy would need to do in order to dislodge this insulting blockage.

Two of Alex Salmond’s toe-nail clippings wrapped up in a dirty sock would carry more gravitas than this lousy London puppet.


Wet Pishfart (Pete Wishart) says on his X feed (Twitter):

“The only route to independence is through the SNP and the SNP will only achieve Indy when we consistently get support for Indy over 50%.

Anyone else ever notice how that FUD never goes on to explain how the current SNP would actually achieve that ultimate goal once they do consistently get over 50%? He’s a soundbite serpent, a snake in the grass. Salmond has forgotten far more about politics than that spineless liar will ever know.

And just for the record, as a matter of interest, isn’t it quite telling that Wet Pishfart made that comment 2-days ago and, so far, it has only gained 12 likes. Wonder how many of those were from his colleagues &/or his other anonymous Twitter (X) accounts? LOL! And he can’t fall back on the old, well it’s the season etc because social media doesn’t stop for the holidays. Truth is, he’s as popular as a Tory PM in Scotland. Folk are catching on to these self-serving Skanks. And not before time.

Garavelli Princip

“Incidentally, I have always believed that we were cheated in 2014. They used any means that they thought necessary to defeat us”.

No doubt about, including a rigged franchise, postal votes and other dirty tricks.

For example, there is a prominent Indy-minded KC in Edinburgh (yes there are one or two) who will tell you that with likeminded compatriots, followed the ballot-box uplift from various polling stations under police escort, and witnessed these being diverted to destinations that were NOT the official counting places, only for them to re-emerge some hours later to be delivered to the count.

We can surmise what took place in the missing hours.

And how did the Baroness know what was going on in the postal vote before the actual referendum day.

Scotland – real Scotland – voted YES.

We were robbed by Perfidious Albion – which immediately announced EVEL.

They just love taking the piss out of lesser nations.


As the price of electricity in Scotland rises today in a country swimming in energy sources, spare a thought for those poor MPs in the English HoC, they will get a rise of £6000 quid this year taking them up to £92,000 pounds, a rise of 7.1%, no doubt the SNPs MPs especially Pension Pete Wishart will be very pleased with the rise.

Meanwhile the (NCA) National Crime Agency has frozen Michelle Mone’s bank accounts, the NCA also found £3 million quid in her Coutts account and that too has been frozen.


Graf Midgehunter 2.47pm. ‘ what does irritate and confuse most europeans is the inability or lack of guts from the Scots to stand up and just take their independence’

No! Just a lack of intelligence, its called Jockholm syndrome.


Someone tell Pension Pete and the rest of the SNP crew.

Scotland has been de jure independent since 2015, when a majority of SNP MPs were elected to the HoC.

A Privileges Committee Report states that the UK parliament only exists as long as Scottish MPs show up to the HoC.

link to


Humza Yousless’ New Year message to Scottish independence supporters…

It’s shite being leader of the SNP!
We’re the lowest of the low!
The scum of the fucking Earth!
The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash, that was ever shat into Scottish politics!
Some people hate the Tories, I don’t! They’re just wankers!
You, on the other hand, are governed by wankers!
You can’t even find a decent party to be governed by!
We’re a shower of incompetent arseholes!
It’s a shite state of affairs to be in folks, and all the bullshit I can spout won’t make any fucking difference!


Scottish independence will never be delivered by the Scottish or British party political systems. There are no mechanisms within those systems to change “ownership” of the country (but plenty to prevent it).

Independence can be achieved supported *by* the party political systems, but only if used by the politicians therein as a means to independence above all. Thanks to the work of Salmond’s SNP, we were nearly there. Sturgeon prevented it. Don’t want to speak for the man, but as someone who came closer than most to beating the Old British State, I think Salmond knew this.

There needs to be some general clarifying across all that would have an independent Scotland: there is one goal, it is regaining the self determinative authority of this country, all work should be informed by and evaluated against that goal Whether you are a champagne socialist (hi Mike), a trans rights activist, or even a tartan tory, if you situate yourself in the work towards independence, job one is achieving it, after that, you do you.


“No doubt about, including a rigged franchise, postal votes and other dirty tricks.”

I believe that to be the case, there was no way Westminster was going to allow Scotland to leave the “union” in 2014, we must take our independence.

“Before the Scottish “Riggerendum” a Judge (Richard Mawrey) warned in March 2014 “Scrap postal votes or elections will be fixed”.[1]

Yet mysteriously the Judge missed two vital possible cause of postal vote rigging – a private company with a Tory MP on the board being put in charge of postal votes for areas covering more than 13 million votes, binning thousands of votes with the Electoral Commission not incuding these postal vote rejected papers in their official rejected paper count.

Allegations of counting fraud started just after polling stations closed, when before the official count had started for the Scottish Referendum the leader of the Scottish Tories, Ruth Davidson, slipped up on national TV as she revealed Better Together knew the outcome of the postal vote results – despite the official count not even started yet.[2]

Who gave the Better Together parties access to the postal vote packs being opened?

A private company with Tory MP Peter Lilley on the board was very quietly given contracts and money from councils across Scotland, before the referendum in 2013, for the Tory MP’s company to take charge of an expected 20% of the vote – postal votes – without informing the nation of this new setup. SNP councils were so desperate to put Tory MP Peter Lilley in charge, the three SNP controlled Tayside councils all chipped in together to give Idox Elections one big Tayside contract, in May 2013, with Nicola’s mother – Provost of North Ayrshire SNP controlled council – which also put Idox Elections in charge of postal votes.”

link to

Chris Downie

As much as I can’t stand the thought of the cold, dead hand of the Labour Party taking a win in Scotland again, I can’t wait to see the look on the faces of Peak Wetfart and co. when they receive their ‘Portillo Moment’ at the next election.

David Hannah

Phillipa Whitford knows she’s been rumbled. And Joanna Cherry is loyal to women’s sex based rights over Independence. An honourable cause. That’s why she’s staying in Westminster. She probably feels she has more influence over effecting change on that issue than on Independence.


Chris downie 4.43pm , yes, then the brit media will be trumpeting Scotland has ‘rejected’ independence once more. TF i dont buy or watch their Lugenpresse or tv anymore.


BBC in Scotland pushing the following tripe:

“Ex advisor: The SNP faces its biggest challenge in 20 years”

It then goes on to say that “Sturgeon’s former chief of staff, Liz Lloyd, says the party still has some way to go to show it has recovered from Ms Sturgeon’s resignation..”

Here’s a message for Liz Lloyd and her pals at the BBC, especially Sarah Smith & Kirsty Wark:



Wise words of wisdom indeed.

Ian Brotherhood

Does the wee ‘x’ thing work as a block?

If so, the comments guidelines need updated so that we can let people know. A lot of folk were scunnered away from this place because of specific characters – if they know they can ‘block’ without any hassle then they may well return.

Happy New Year abody!



Republicofscotland posted:
“No doubt about, including a rigged franchise, postal votes and other dirty tricks.” and “Before the Scottish “Riggerendum” a Judge (Richard Mawrey) warned in March 2014 “Scrap postal votes or elections will be fixed”.”

Add to that what the Electoral Commission or those responsible for the Electoral records (can’t remember which) stated before the 2014IndyRef. That there was currently something like 2 million mistakes on the electoral register but they expected that figure to rise to “about 7 million by the time Scotland’s independence referendum takes place.”

Apart from the obvious concern that there was that many “mistakes” on the register in the first place i couldn’t help but think FFS how can they predict such a number? The whole article just stunk to high heavens. It reeked of jiggerrypokerry . Still to this day i can’t get over reading that.

A lot of others would have seen and read it too because i can remember it getting spread all over social media etc. I often wonder how much truth was in it. Strangely, i’ve never seen any articles since stating that these “mistakes” have been rectified. Maybe that could be the basis of a good FOI enquiry for someone?


@ Ian B, it doesn’t work for some folk, myself included. I tried it on one person but i could still see their comments posted after i X-ed them. LOL!


Ian Brotherhood @ 18.00

At the moment, all it does for me is become a larger, green X and cause a red “ignored” rectangle to appear on the right of the post, Ian.
All the strange & endless posts from those I’ve clicked continue to require to be skimmed past.


I see the Zionist trumpeter Stephen Fry has been rewarded with his own game show on ITV called Jeopardy, loyalism to an odious cause is often rewarded such as with Susan Calman hosting her own tv shows such as he aptly named The Lie (aka the union) and Secret Scotland not to mention her lucrative tv ads. Not forgetting Neil Oliver who called folk who want to liberate their country (Scotland) from colonisation by the English via independence, a cancer being made President of the NTS.

Calman might not be Sturgeon who is the worst of all the treacherous b*stards in Scottish history, but she like Oliver and many more are a disgrace to Scotland.


A Happy and healthy belated New Year to ALL genuine independence supporters and a plague on the houses of the Proud Scot But arseholes who will never stop kissing the engerlish ring piece

I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiments of REPURPOSING our votes as PAB says, I have had numerous arguments with him on his past snp sturgeon apologist posts BUT on this #EndTheUnion voting proposal I agree with him TOTALLY,

The only thing that I would add to that message is to incorporate #SSRG,SALVO,LIB.SCOT,ENDTHEUNION# into the hash tag message, that way people who maybe interested in collectively REPURPOSING their vote to show their disapproval and disgust at politicians and political parties may want to know what the other named groups aims and aspirations are, it may also lead to a greater understanding of how ALL Supposed SCOTTISH politicians over hundreds of years have betrayed Scots and Scotland by NOT utilising our SOVEREIGNTY


Sven, i’m trying an experiment to see if it works the other way. To see if X-ing someone means that they cannot get to see your posts rather than it preventing you from seeing their posts. I’ve temporarily X-ed you prior to compiling this comment. Let me know if you can still see this. I will wait for up to 30-minutes, given the usual time delay for comments to appear on-thread, for you to reply. If you reply within that time then it doesn’t work that way either and i will un-X you. LOL!


A leading member of Westminster-financed, Scotland in Union, Agent Provocateur, (possibly Agent P) is an English-born, prolific twitterer, who bad-mouths Scotland’s independence movement. Circulate this info. link to


Stoker @ 18.39

Delighted to say that I can certainly view you, Stoker.

James Jones

So, New Year’s Day and commenters are still clinging to the same old nonsense which has been shown to be either wrong, nonsensical, fantasy or combinations of the same.

Saying the Indy movement doesn’t need political representation – only in desperation because that hasn’t worked out – and the still-minority should somehow just ‘take’ independence. How?

Saying, “We wuz robbed,” (the sore losers whinge) and redirecting every Scottish failure to “London handlers.” Nothing will change unless Scots take responsibility for an unconvincing campaign and a failing devolved government.

Saying “all of Europe’” wants Scotland to become independent and “Nobody doubts that Scotland would be welcomed” to the EU. Kidding yourselves.

Saying ‘a Privileges Committee Report states that the UK parliament only exists as long as Scottish MPs show up to the HoC’. I guess this refers to the phrase, ‘neither House can perform its functions without the unimpeded services of its members,’ but that is in reference to the available disciplinary measures designed to ensure that members CAN operate. If members choose not to attend Westminster (like Sinn Fein – cue Geri repeating the irrelevance that “they’re not Scottish so…”) the UK Parliament continues, and it brings us back to the first point; without political representation there is no prospect for independence.


Oh well, it doesn’t work that way either. At least we know. 🙂


Stoker @ 19.05

All I can suggest is that, possibly, if a sufficient number of “ignores” are made about any particular commentator perhaps that results in a suspension of the privilege of posting for a time.
Glad to see us both visible.


James Jones says on 1 January 2024 at 7:02 pm:
“So, New Year’s Day and commenters are still clinging to the same old nonsense… Saying, “We wuz robbed,” (the sore losers whinge) and redirecting every Scottish failure to “London handlers.”

So, New Year’s Day and Bullshitting BritNats still clinging to the same old nonsense. Here’s a fact for you, Jessie. Going into the last few days of the referendum the Yes side took the lead in every poll so the Unionists shat-a-brick and got together to decided to break The Edinburgh Agreement by introducing a bribe called “The Vow”.

Alex Salmond, to quite a few folks dismay, refused to pursue that matter legally because he feared us being tagged “sore losers” etc. He also, wrongly, told indy folk not to bother about the BBC etc. He now knows he got that wrong. So go and take a right good old royal f@ck to yourself and take your lies and bullshit elsewhere. Pathetic attention-seeker.

By the way, you BritNats certainly have a brass neck whinging about indy supporters using the “we wuz robbed” excuse, eh? After-all, that’s what the rest of us have to listen to after every single English/Brit sporting failure. LMAO!


Look who is shouting her mouth off in the National. None other than the ‘loveley’ Liz Lloyd. Has this woman no shame or humility?

Make the best of it Liz. There’s a great big legal action coming down the road, and nowhere for you to hide. Perhaps you will then crawl under the stone where you belong and keep your unwanted face out of sight of decent people.


@ Sven on 1 January 2024 at 7:11 pm

Ditto! 😉

Goodnight, Troops, enjoy the rest of your evening.

James Jones

Immature responses and collusion to block posters who don’t share your view will not convince ‘No’ voters. Seems like a counter-productive approach, doncha think?


James Jones says: 1 January, 2024 at 8:11 pm

Immature responses and collusion to block posters who don’t share your view will not convince ‘No’ voters. Seems like a counter-productive approach, doncha think?

Ah, the old Queensferry rules, play by the book, be the nice guy and lets have a fair fight?

Well, dear boy, this ‘fair fight’ means allowing individuals to post lies, cynical negativity and total distortion of the truth like “The Vow” without any challenge.

Anybody who gets gas-lit like that needs their heads seen to.

Ian Brotherhood

@James Jones (8.11) –

‘Immature responses and collusion to block posters who don’t share your view will not convince ‘No’ voters. Seems like a counter-productive approach, doncha think?’

I don’t know, but I’ve clicked the ‘X’ on yours as a wee tester.

Happy New Year!


James Jones

Damn, I won’t be able to educate Ian Brotherhood in the error of his ways, – I mean debate articles of Scottish Independence and possibly come to a mutual understanding or an enlightenment on either side. Stu, you did this. It’s no way to get a majority. Still, from what I understand, the minority are going to somehow declare unilateral independence anyhow.


” the UK Parliament continues”


Pray tell James Jones how does that work? it certainly wouldn’t be a UK parliament it would be England/NI/Wales parliament.

Infact as it stands there are no Labour/Lib/Dem/Tory MPs from Scottish parties at Westminster for there are no such parties registered with the Electoral Commission, these branch offices of English parties MPs in Scotland wouldn’t be required to walk out because they don’t exist as Scottish parties.

The majority of MPs from a REAL Scottish party such as the SNP (though they to have betrayed Scotland) would be all that’s needed to walk out and take their place at Holyrood in the first steps to dissolving the union.


James Jones 1 January, 2024 at 9:18 pm

Damn, I won’t be able to educate Ian Brotherhood in the error of his ways, – I mean debate articles of Scottish Independence and possibly come to a mutual understanding or an enlightenment on either side. Stu, you did this. It’s no way to get a majority. Still, from what I understand, the minority are going to somehow declare unilateral independence anyhow.

You’re not interested in Scottish independence, you just want to troll. That’s fair enough as this is the site has a laissez-faire approach to BTL moderation but just be honest about it.

Ian Brotherhood

Starting later this week, Off-Topic Scotland will be doing a regular page featuring the best btl comments from this place.

There are just too many names to mention. You know who you are and, for whatever reason, you can’t or won’t start up your own blogs. That’s understood.

But the content is too important to be ignored. Thousands of brilliant comments and links remain unseen by potential Yes supporters.

Unfortunately, some folk won’t come here because they’ve been put off for this or that reason, and often it’s because of the trolls who’ve taken turns infesting this place for the past decade. Those trolls are just doing their job and are not going to leave us alone. Indeed, if Twitter tonight is anything to go by, they’re on a war footing.

So, it’s just to let you all know – OTS will be gathering the best of your stuff. It will be plainly labelled, appearing twice, thrice weekly, here: link to


The machinations of the SNP.

“The value of Scottish taxpayers’ guarantee to metal magnate Gupta is £586 million

The F.T. reported the Scottish Government provided a guarantee of £586 million to Sanjeev Gupta’s company GFG Alliance as part of the company’s purchase of the Lochaber smelter.

The figure was made public for the first time after a two-year transparency battle.

The Scottish Government now estimates the net present value of the remaining guaranteed payments at £285.9m.

The revelation comes after ministers were slapped on the wrist for withholding the information from the public, with opposition leaders labelling it a “dodgy deal” and claiming the SNP was “desperate to avoid scrutiny”.”

link to


Does anyone on here- regardless of their views-believe that your First Minister genuinely has any interest-at all-in Scottish independence ? I wish you well…


Rev, in case you hadn’t spotted it, there is another school sex questionnaire problem requiring your attention.

Kirkwall Grammar School planned to issue the survey to 12 year olds and upwards. The survey included under the heading “Support”, links to – lots of entirely unsuitable stuff on there e.g. “Bondage: BDSM and Bondage for Beginners”.

A parent complained and the survey was defended by the school, Orkney Islands Council, and the school’s parent council. What the hell do they think they are doing?

The survey was issued on 5th/6th December but NOT to the S2 group – a small victory but surely it must be possible for parents to take the school, Council, Scotgov to court for pushing this kind of material?


I don’t know where your coming from Tommo but you obviously don’t read the comments.


Tommo says:
1 January, 2024 at 10:16 pm

Does anyone on here- regardless of their views-believe that your First Minister genuinely has any interest-at all-in Scottish independence ? I wish you well…

Are you that bored that you ware asking a question that you already know the answer to just in the vain hope that somebody engages with you?

James Jones

So anyone who believes that breaking up the Union would be unwise, or doubts Scotland’s preparedness, must be dismissed as a troll? Congratulations, you’ve managed to convince Stu to let you say, “La, la, la, I can’t hear you!” in lieu of a rational counter-argument. You’re building an echo chamber. Stu’s privilege, of course.

James Jones

”’the UK Parliament continues’

Really! Pray tell James Jones how does that work? it certainly wouldn’t be a UK parliament it would be England/NI/Wales parliament.”

Oh boy, it shouldn’t be this difficult. If Scottish representatives didn’t present themselves in the HoC Scotland wouldn’t have UK representation; it would have no say in decisions. I know you think Scotland should have a blocking vote but that was never the deal.

Ian Brotherhood

@James Jones –

Just to let you know that I can still see you posting stuff but the wee red ‘ignored’ sign makes me discombobulated so I can’t make out what you’ve written.

Not sure if this will be welcome news for you but it is what it is.

Happy New Year!


Alf Baird

James Jones @ 8:11 pm

“your view will not convince ‘No’ voters”

Anti-Scottish No voters can take a hike.

Billy Carlin

willie 31 December 2023 4.38pm

“Democracy is a sham, a facade, it is there to dissipate people’s choice.”

Correct you are one of the few people on here who really gets it – Democracy Is An Illusion – Voting is admitting that you are an idiot – an imbecile – hence why the country is divided into WARDS as in mental wards (and why Government means Mind Control) because you have proven that you are not fit to run your own – Never place an x on a ballot paper as per the Freeman Legal Services website etc.

The same goes for the people keeping quoting the Magna Carta, The Declaration of Arbroath or any Declaration or Treaty or Constitution etc that are NOTHING to do with them or anyone else and only relate to those who actually signed those documents. They are NOTHING to do with any man or woman who has NOT signed them in wet ink themselves – totally against contract and trust law and cannot be forced upon any man or woman without their CONSENT and any government or court etc who tries is operating corruptly and enforcing a scam Mafia system on the people via fear and force.

We the people in any of these documents have NEVER been to do with the ordinary men and women who were always serfs to the Barons etc and NEVER even had a vote and had to go and do the fighting for these Barons and Kings etc who were the “people” these documents were really drawn up for.

These Mafias have created an Illusion of democracy – divided everyone by politics, religion, sex, colour, gender etc to keep the people divided and fighting each other and keeping them struggling and in debt and working to pay off that debt so that they are too busy and uninterested in researching what is really going on and who is behind it all because these Mafias are scared of the 99% getting together to deal with them and create a better system for everyone instead of the one just now that is benefiting the 1%.

That is what the book The Wizard of Oz was all about – The Straw Man, Tin Man, Cowardly Lion etc and it was the tiny annoying dog Toto – which means In total, all together (Latin in toto) – that exposes the weedy ordinary man behind the curtain controlling this scam illusion of democracy and freedom. The Flying Monkeys represent the corrupt Bar Association lawyers etc that control this scam illusion on behalf of these Mafias.

As per my video on my William Woods Youtube channel The Democracy Illusion Everything Is WAS A Corporation this scam system was Foreclosed (SHUT DOWN) in 2012 and there has been a Universal Cleanup been going on since then to deal with the corrupt people running it all as per my video and the legal documents linked under my video and also as per that Freeman Legal Services website as well. Most of you an both sides of the “independence” argument are fighting to stay part of that scam system – no other country has actually ever gained any independence so far still owned and controlled by the same Mafias and until you all understand all of this you are never going to get anywhere but into the NWO Communist One World Government that these Mafias are trying to set up just now.

James Jones

Alf Baird at 11:53 pm

“No voters can take a hike.”

That’s a silly attitude because unless you can persuade the ‘No’ voters to change their minds nothing will change. Or do you have another plan?


James Jones

**Oh boy, it shouldn’t be this difficult. If Scottish representatives didn’t present themselves in the HoC Scotland wouldn’t have UK representation; it would have no say in decisions. I know you think Scotland should have a blocking vote but that was never the deal.**

1. Scotland has NO say anyway. 533 English to 56 Scots, remember! As Scotland has already sent 56 MPs & who’ve squandered SIX mandates – we have no representation in Westminster anyway . They all mock & enjoy the Bain Principle. We’re already not there anyway but the HUGE difference they think we’ve overlooked is that the whole treaty depends on it. No Scotland = No UK & therefore no UK parliament. Even their beloved Thatcher said so. NO ONE could stop us leaving. No English politician & NO English party would ever stand in our way.

2. There’s a document called the treaty of Union between TWO kingdoms that shall be known as the Parliament of Great Britain from this day forward.

When Scotland refuses to take their seat – there is no parliament of Great Britain. There is no United Kingdom. There’s only England. Wales & NI aren’t Kingdoms. Scotland isn’t in a treaty with them either.

3. The English may like to carry on as normal & in complete arrogance…but the International community won’t. The UN wont. Neither will the EU, NATO & every other international organisation. Scotland has terminated the parliament. Taken their baw away hame. Parliament is fucked as they’d say in Strangers bar.
Didn’t you read the dire warnings by the Supreme Court? You may halt a ref in a wee diddly branch office – for now. You won’t halt an entire nation who doesn’t vote yoon. The English may be skewing the votes but that will soon change when someone with a spine changes the franchise on constitutional referendums like every other country does & fck off with upsetting anyone. They’re not Sovereign Scots. They’re migrants from a hostile nation & tampering the vote in plain sight.

& In further crisis, Chuckies position would be on a shoogly peg too. It’s his parliament Scotland has walked out of – terminating his position here & depending on what big ears has to say, he may go to a vote too. LOL

As republic points out – the Yoon parties are not a registered political party in Scotland. They shouldn’t even be in Holyrood collecting a wage from the cheap seats & making the gaff untidy. It should be a super pro Indy parliament & the elections changed. It’s an English apparition on Scottish soil.


Got to agree that votes are rigged and those that do get elected are bought off.
The SNP existence in the HoC is an embarrassment.

Alternatives will take years to become established and could turn out as debauched as the current bunch.

Our reliance on others to save us, is mad.

Only by refusing to comply with the system, making their job too expensive to perform, stressing it till it collapses; will produce change.

The coming financial upheaval offers opportunity, but not if we help them tick their boxes, pay their taxes, obey their rules.

Their system only works because we comply.


Just picked this latest statement by Doug Barrowman who thinks he and his wife Baroness Mone are being maligned.

” Barrowman said: “I understand why the British public feel angry but their anger should not be directed of Michelle or I [sic]. Yes, Medpro made a profit – which was in line with the margins made by other providers of PPE”

Quite a confirmation that his wife’s £40m ( or 35%) profit was what the other VIP suppliers made.

The fraud is billions?


James Jones said;

“If members choose not to attend Westminster (like Sinn Fein – cue Geri repeating the irrelevance that “they’re not Scottish so…”) the UK Parliament continues, and it brings us back to the first point; without political representation there is no prospect for independence.”

That may have been true for the Irish situation, but it is not true for the Scottish one.

A debate/investigation into the matter of Scottish representation in the UK Parliament was undertaken by the Lords Privileges Committee in 1999, because of a Bill that was being considered to deprive hereditary Lords from sitting in Westminster.

They were asked to investigate because of a concern that the Bill’s restriction might breach the Treaty of Union’s Article XXII regarding how its two sovereign partners would be represented in the Union’s parliament.

During its debates, the committee made a number of observations, a key one of which was that without adequate representation of the Scots in the Commons, the Union’s parliament would be legally unable to function, because that would be a clear breach of that Article.

Scottish representation in the Union’s parliament is mandatory because the Union obviously does not belong to England alone, and England therefore hasn’t the authority to govern the Union on its own. I think it’s well past time our MPs forcefully told them that!

If Scotland’s MPs withdraw from the UK parliament, the parliament would have to close since no decisions could be legally passed by it if one of the Union’s two partner kingdoms was not adequately represented. The parliament would not ‘continue’, at least not legally!

What constitutes ‘adequate’ wasn’t discussed, but it certainly implies that Union decisions must be joint decisions of the two partners or they could not be valid as Union decisions. It blows a hole through the idea that England’s MPs can pass Union legislation on their own, or without the majority approval of the Scots MPs.

From Article XXII;
“Forty Five Members to represent Scotland in the Parliament of Great Britain.” “Scotland”, not “Forty Five constituencies”. England’s MP numbers weren’t stated, but were asserted to remain at their then current numbers.

In my view, if enough Scots MPs withdrew to bring the remaining Scots MPs below 45, the Treaty would clearly be breached, and the Union parliament would lose its authority to govern the Union, or any part of it.

Scotland’s participation in Union governance doesn’t mean just sitting at the back being constantly overruled by England’s ten to one majority.

England’s ability to overrule Scotland at the merest whim, on a numeric basis that has nothing whatsoever to do with sovereignty, constitutions, or even sound democracy, fundamentally destroys the basic point of Scotland being ‘represented’ in the first place.

There is no legitimate justification for England’s MPs being able to ‘outvote’ Scotland’s MPs on any matter.

The Union is a fraud, and always has been.

Geri’s “they’re not Scottish so…” is actually correct, because Scotland was one of the two Principals of the Treaty of Union, which is the only Treaty of Union relevant to the Scots. Ireland was not a Principal of that Treaty, so the comparison is meaningless.


James Jones
Ignored says:
1 January, 2024 at 10:54 pm

Oh boy, it shouldn’t be this difficult. If Scottish representatives didn’t present themselves in the HoC Scotland wouldn’t have UK representation; it would have no say in decisions. I know you think Scotland should have a blocking vote but that was never the deal.

Well, true but not true.

Scotland is sovereign, and if Scotland elects to end the Treaty of Union, there won’t be a United Kingdom any longer. It will cease to exist. There will be an England and a Scotland, but NOT a Continuer UK state.

The Union only survives at all on the “presumed” consent of Scotland, presumed by default. If Scotland ever removes its consent, the Union is at an end.

Spoiler alert, Scotland did withhold it’s consent; over Brexit, and in a formal democratic referendum with recognised franchise, and thus Scotland’s Brexit subjugation was contrary to International law and of course, Scots Law. Once we rid ourselves of Vichy puppets, fools and t(raitors), the first competent Assembly we set up, (likely to be a reconvened Convention of the Estates), will be able to end the Treaty of Union as a mere legal formality.

The Treaty of Union is irredeemably and irremediably breached. What’s done cannot be undone. All Scotland needs to find is leadership with adequate courage to shake the Union to pieces.

That the Union enjoys a stay of execution is down to the issue of a “demonstrable” majority of Scots in favour of ending it. That is why Westminster cannot allow a referendum to happen and stop it at all costs. We saw that manifest in their “once in a generation” bullshit, and all the hot air about “accepting the result”. They are absolutely terrified of a second referendum. Their cheating and lies won’t work twice… (we must hope).

Ending the Treaty of Union by declaring it breached is “in the net” so to speak, it is beyond redemption, but there might be a complication in Scotland if lawful and contractual Independence won by Legal process was not supported by the majority. That wouldn’t save the Union, but could be messy and disruptive for our “new” Scotland. As prudent and cautious people, it matters that the legal judgement would be in tune with the majority. It’s a tiresome frustration for many of us, but there is sound reason in the thinking.

That is the current state of the Union, in other words, perilous and hanging by a thread.

Westminster can bluster all it likes, subverting democracy, indoctrinating the population, engineering social immigration, and spreading disinformation about Scotland’s Constitutional Sovereignty and the potency of the Claim of Right. But for all that, Westminster cannot prevent Scotland ending the Treaty of Union.

The fate of Scotland lies in Scotland’s hands, not Westminster’s, and more and more Scots are waking up to that essential truth.

Unionists can deny or obfuscate about that truth, but they cannot change it. They cannot re-write the Treaty of Union, they cannot erase the Declaration of Arbroath, it’s Papal recognition, nor the 1328 Edinburgh/Northampton Treaty… Scotland ”… “shall belong to our dearest ally and friend, the magnificent prince, Lord Robert, by God’s grace illustrious King of Scotland, and to his heirs and successors, separate in all things from the kingdom of England, whole, free, and undisturbed in perpetuity, without any kind of subjection, service, claim or demand.”

Nor can they obliterate the Claim of Right, nor remove it from the tapestry of UK government.

These gobshites flock here like midges, to confuse and annoy us with their delusions and disinformation, but just like their BBC and Unionist MSM, ultimately, they are only fooling themselves. Scotland’s paperwork and sovereign Constitution is quite in order.


Could someone visionary and capable enough instigate a Coalition of “Independent Candidates for Independence” who represent the people of Scotland who have lost all faith in the Political parties with common manifesto of independence as soon as legally possible and not taking Westminster seats offering a clear separation voting option. Every deposit I am sure could be easily crowd funded


I just did a massive, steaming Humza.

Don’t go into the bog for the next 20 minutes lads.



It says Ash Regan follows him, @HilzFuld, on Used To Be Twitter.

I find that hard to believe. I won’t link: I read as far as – ‘false narrative that Israel is committing some made up genocide.’

Could it be a set-up?


Red @ 12.32.

Made me giggle foolishly, that one did, Red. Even should the ‘ignore’ function ever work, I promise you’re one I’ll never be using it on.
Happy New Year.


” If Scottish representatives didn’t present themselves in the HoC Scotland wouldn’t have UK representation; it would have no say in decisions.”

James Jones.

Scottish MPs have no say in decisions now, of course the HoC is by design a very English institution, Scots votes make no difference and we know it.

In anycase there’s not an International Treaty in the world where one party (namely Scotland) has to ask the other party (England) for permission to dissolve the treaty.

The truth of matter is that the union only survives because the MPs we send to Westminster put their own self-interests ahead of the nation of Scotland, as every Scots knows (some deny it to themselves others are House Jocks making a good living from it) there is absolutely NO CASE FOR THE UNION for Scotland, the sooner we end the union the sooner Scots can start to try and shape a more fairer and progressive Scotland. Of course the right people need to be in office first, and England’s security services and their compliant House Jocks will do everything in their powers to stop this happening.



I believe that is ISPs stance.

They were ridiculed on twitter for their stance on not taking their seats if they won by *supposed* indy folks.

Aye, like taking our seats already makes shit happen. Not! We’re as well not there.

Drives me mad when 56 turned up to WM & started acting like they owned the place & wondering where their offices were & taking up Labour benches for a laugh. We weren’t supposed to be staying. It was clear then that Sturgeon was there for the long haul.

Anyone standing would have to be happy not collecting a wage & working at their normal job + constituency. It’d certainly sort the wheat from the chaff of who is serious & easy to do & four job hustle English MPs can’t complain. It seems the standard they all have side jobs.



The Papal recognition always gets them going. LOL

‘It was just a letter’

No. It was a sealed declaration to an international court. No different from today’s UN in upholding international law.

Just putting it out there cause yoons tend to have a predictable script they follow from some roaster who knows hee-haw about Scotland & her sovereign position.


When legislation is passed in Westminster the Scottish votes influence the outcome in 0.6%
of occasions.
Roughly speaking that would be once in ever 200 Bills that are passed.

I also understand that Westminster claimed to have disagreed with around 3% of EU legislation that was passed so they had to take Scotland out of the EU as we can’t have foreign nations ruling over us.

I recall a Brexit debate in Westminster that saw SNP stand to share their thoughts with the house and every Tory MP walked out.

There is no point in sending Scottish Independence MP’s into that place to be ignored or insulted devoid of any positive or meaningful outcome.


I’m surprised that Black has told the truth here, she’s standing down at this GE so one less grifter to oust, still there’s plenty more SNP grifting careerists that we need to vote out come the next GE.

“SOME SNP MPs have grown too comfortable in their roles and “absolutely love” being at Westminster, Mhairi Black has said.”

The MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South said that life at Westminster – with the plots, politicking, and late nights – changed people so they are “not normal anymore”.

“But she also told Times Radio that some of her SNP colleagues seemed to have grown too comfortable in their lives as MPs.

“I’ve seen folk who you would have thought would have been the first one marching to the Border with a claymore but now absolutely love being in London. I wouldn’t have expected that,” Black said.”

This is the problem we send these people down to Westminster to do our bidding and to plan a route out of this rancid union, but they become far too comfortable in their positions, blinded by the bright lights of London, and their own greed, they forget why we sent them down there in the first place.

Solution stop sending MPs to the foreign parliament in England that way they won’t disappoint us. This applies to Alba as well, if elected Alba MPs should walk out at Westminster for their presence in the HoC make absolutely no difference to what occurs in the chamber.

By not sending MPs to Westminster there’s zero chance of those MPs becoming corrupted by the Westminster system and letting us back home down.


This English guy has racked up thousands of miles travelling back and forth from England to Scotland to bring at least 30 English outlawed Devil Dugs to Scotland.

Its just a matter of time until a Devil Dug kills someone in Scotland, the more Devil Dugs in Scotland there are the more likely it is to happen, the SNP government seems quite content for English Devil Dugs to flood into Scotland, mind you the SNP seems content to see Scotland flooded with English folk as well.

link to


Its not cuts galore everywhere in Scotland.

“Running costs for Humza Yousaf’s Government will rise by £30m at the same time as taxes are being hiked and services slashed.

Taxpayers will be billed £721m next year to fund the administration despite being asked to tighten their own belts.

A budget document shows that the cuts do not apply to the Government’s operating costs for 2024/25.

These bills relate to staff pay, maintaining buildings, procurement, finance, legal services, and HR.

Central services are also provided for over thirty public bodies outwith the core Scottish Government.

The total cost will rise from £691m this year to £721.6m in the next twelve months.

So-called “corporate” running costs will enjoy the biggest rise from £179.1m to £200.8m.”


Why is he being allowed to do that?

All dogs need vaccinations & microchipped & come with relevant documents. His *self vetting* means diddly squat. He’s not a vet or can predict their temperament.

WTAF is the point of Police Scotland? Those dogs could have heroin up their arses FFS.


Sven, thanks pal all the best to you and yours too


English Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, better known in England as Hunt the C*nt in English NHS medical circles is to get really tough on the less fortunate.

“Universal Credit claimants could risk losing free prescriptions thanks to a new rule change introduced by Jeremy Hunt.

During his Autumn Statement, the Chancellor outlined changes to benefits in order incentivise those on Universal Credit to get into work.

If a claimant does not find work within 18 months of receiving support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), their benefits will be pulled.

This means that those in receipt of Universal Credit will also lose access to other freebie benefits, such as free prescriptions and legal assistance.”

If only Hunt the C*nt was as tough with those companies dodging/evading corporation tax.


Does anyone on this or any other independence blog believe that ANY politician will reintroduce the convention of the estates,it has been SPOKEN about for years with the usual VAGUE promises banded about BUT again NO movement NO preparation , NO date given , but even if it did see the light of day our politicians have made it quite clear it will consist of the greater good of Scotland, the middle and upper class who are currently (running) RUINING Scotland, our senior police officers who cannot locate their own arses even with both hands never mind £600,000, members of the judiciary who are so intelligent that they don’t know that MEN have a penis and WOMEN have a vagina, or maybe members of the business class like laldy moan who will supply improper PPE to our health service at greatly exorbitant costs and barefaced lie about it, or maybe it would include the likes of horsebox Mike who wants to introduce PRIVATE health care alongside his grandiose plans for Scottish Land

Or maybe we could have a proper people’s assembly where REAL INDIGENOUS SCOTS can monitor these arseholes and hold them to account
I think politicians would be excited at that prospect or maybe that’s why we still don’t have a convention of the estates

Andrew scott

Re “devil dogs”
If the fools in scotgove had gone along with westmonster these creatures would not have been allowed here
I suggest that anyone attacked by a devil dug should sue scotgov


How the f*ck the Zionist murderers will go about defending genocide of the oppressed Palestinian people will be one for the history books.

“International Criminal Court (ICC) has scheduled a hearing next Thursday, Jan. 11 for South Africa’s lawsuit accusing Israel of genocide in Gaza.

Israel has confirmed it will appear in Netherlands next week to defend against the charges.”

Meanwhile the Great Satan’s (USA) aircraft carrier the USS Gerald R. Ford is fleeing the Eastern Med, its just dawned on them that the giant white elephant aircraft carrier is a sitting duck near the Levant shores.


Anyone thinking of voting for the millionaire knight of the Realms party Labour (Sir Keir Starmer) should know that more aggressive privatisation of the NHS is on the cards.

Too bad for England and Wales, from the frying pan (Tories) to the fire (Labour) but Scots have a choice here, we can vote for the Alba party a party that wants to see Scotland independent, but like any party we need to make sure it delivers on its promise to dissolve this vile union.

Lets get Alba MPs into Westminster in good numbers at the expense of the grifting careerists SNP MPs, ideally I’d like to see Alba MPs (if they get elected in good numbers) walk out of the HoC for good.

“As the death toll of Israel’s genocide in Gaza climbed above 30,000 this week according to observers EuroMed Monitor, Wes Streeting used an Israeli private health data company as his shining example of successful ‘entrepreneurialism’ – ie privatisation – in the NHS as ‘a source close to Mr Streeting’ briefed the media about his plans to ‘throw open the doors’ of the NHS to more private corporate provision if Labour gets into government.

The ‘source’ told the i:

Labour will encourage the spread of new technologies so private sector “innovators” have a clearer route to get their product into the NHS…

The best example on the tech side of ‘opening the door to entrepreneurs’ is where you’ve got a company or innovator of a product which works really well on the NHS. There’s an example of some at home kidney tests made by which were first sold into the NHS in 2021

But the link – and the Labour trolling of those outraged by the Gaza slaughter – goes much further. is owned and run by Yonatan Adiri, former Chief Technology Officer for the whole of Israel and an adviser to then-Israeli PM Shimon Peres. Adiri’s interests are not limited to private healthcare tech. His published works include Terror in the Court: Counter-Terrorism and Judicial Power in the Israeli Case Study and Counter Terror Warfare: The Judicial Front (2008), written for the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (2005).”

link to

David Hannah

Mhairi Black waded into the Alex Salmond Conspiracy. She came out in support of the alphabetties. Proven fucking liars in the high court. And now 3 lost court cases and counting for the Scottish Government and the cabal:

link to

“I can’t imagine the horror of the experience the complainants are having just now.”

The MP added: “The Scottish Government did make a mistake in terms of how they actually implemented this policy, and it’s actually quite refreshing I think to see, the first minister in particular, put her hands up and sincerely say, ‘yeah we could do better’.

“And that’s what the point of this inquiry should be, to figure out how can we make sure that this kind of mistake never happens again.

“And instead what we’ve had is just this barrage of conspiracy theories, attacks on our institutions, of clear political agendas taking precedence over what is a very serious issue.”

David Hannah

Mhairi Black has thrown her colleagues under a bus.

Stephen Flynn. She had nothing nice to say about him. Apart from the fact he’s “baldy.”

Well I agree with her there I have to say.

I hope she enjoys queuing up for her dole money. I suspect her job in the chippy will have gone to an immigrant working illegally in the third sector. Or a teenager with more political clout than her.

Thanks for destroying Scottish Independence Mhairi Black. You’ve got all the redeeming qualities as an orphanage on fire! Take your yellow hair. And yellow fever back home! And keep Flowjob out our schools. No more Gender!

David Hannah

Mhairi Black, bumping her gums! Like she always does. With the finest Columbian kit kat on offer. Allegedly. Her palms are slippier than a fish in the chip shop.

Out of the pan and into the fire. A massive bin fire.

David Hannah

Nicola Sturgeon will ensure that you never work for the SNP again. You’ll not be getting a seat in Holyrood. Now that you’ve criticised the cult leader… But I respect that you’ve finally woken up.

If only you’d woken up years ago instead of KILLING the Independence Vehicle.


All these roasters can parrot out with as much *WM is mean* or *My colleagues are charlatans* as they like to the brain dead but to normal, sane ppl, we see them bleat because they were an utter FAILURE.

They had ONE job to do. ONE.

That didn’t involve cosying in, becoming mates, complaining about the riff raff down there or attacking the very voters who gave them a job way above their payscale.

Kit Kat Clattie is obviously having a pop at Cherry. The only educated one amongst them. She’s not seen the light – skanks can still *pish next to me* in her world.

Naw, she’s realised no one gives a shiny shite if she goes.
She’s about as popular now amongst the indy movement as a dose of the clap with her gobshite attitude. The good people of Paisley put her on notice after the Jeremy C*nt incident with Labour Joe. She walked right into that one cause she’s as thick as shite she was being played.

She has no adoring fans. Cherry on the other hand has plenty – from both sides of the border & although it’s not indy that has her attention – at least she has spent her time well humiliating BoJo & the Tories closing parly to fighting women & gay rights.
Clattie Kit Kat has achieved ZERO.

Billy Carlin

Geri 2 January 3.17pm

“The Papal recognition always gets them going. LOL

‘It was just a letter’

No. It was a sealed declaration to an international court. No different from today’s UN in upholding international law”

Both sides of that are totally wrong as usual – It was a GRIEVANCE DOCUMENT to the REAL Mafia owner of Scotland, England and most of this planet by the Barons of Scotland grovelling for Bruce to be their overlord on behalf of the Pope – the Pope granted their wishes for Bruce to rule Scotland on the Vatican’s behalf.

When Wallace was captured by the English and was condemned to death the French King appealed to the Pope for him to intervene and stop that death sentence and the Pope refused that appeal – of course Wallace attacking he Abbeys and churches etc did not help this.

When the English Barons forced King John at the point of many swords in 1215 to sign the Magna Carta the Pope annulled that document because in 1213 King John had already signed a Charter handing over his Kingdom and Empire to the Vatican binding his heirs for all time.

The big link to all of these and more is that the Vatican already owned and controlled most of the planet back then via their Cestui Que Vie Trusts, Doctrine of Discovery etc going way back before the start of the Roman Empire hence why all of these Kings/Queens and Barons etc had to go to the Pope for his blessing for anything major – everything legal is Vatican SCAM Admiralty Law and nothing to do with real law.

As I have said above none of these Declarations, Treaties, Constitutions, Magna Carta etc have anything to do with the ordinary people and they are all totally against Contract and Trust Law as is everything that the Governments, Councils, Courts etc do as well and all based an fraud and deception – the people were serfs to these Kings and Barons etc back then and they are still serfs to them and the Vatican today via the All-Caps name – CAPITIS DIMINUTIO – on their SCAM Birth Certificate, Bank Card, and everything official from these organisations and everything that you have registered to them including your kids as per The Wizard of Oz and my video as per my other comment above and that Freeman Legal Services website etc.

These Mafias NEVER got rid of slavery – they just sneakily enslaved EVERYONE without them realizing it and anyone claiming that any of those Declarations, Constitutions, Magna Carta etc relates to them is consenting their own enslavement.


My point was that it was the UN of its day.

Regardless of corruption. We see the same today with the yanks regarding the UN – rendering them next to useless.

International treaties are recognised in law.
Scotland never surrendered her Sovereignty to English rule or agreed to become subservient.


Jesus Stu, just tell us what the fuck the x does. Puhleese.


@ Ian Brotherhood 10.04pm Ian I’m not sure that everyone knows that OFF TOPIC SCOTLAND is another independence blog, I didn’t know about it until the other day, when people were talking on here about o/t I assumed they were talking about off topic posts on WOS , I would say that it is a worthwhile endeavour and people should support it and contribute to it, the more truth telling independence blogs there are the more chance people will get involved

Ian Brotherhood

@twathater (3.16) –

Off-Topic Scotland is very quiet btl compared to here, as most other independence blogs are. Very strict moderation, no roasters tolerated. So, it’s a catch-22 – less discourse, lower profile, but free of the usual pests. As we all know, that’s a difficult balance to strike.

Happy New Year!


link to


I agree the SNP have been taken over by the loony left, but its bonkers to think they are all MI5 plants.

But I also agree that your best chance was in 2014 and Sturgeon et al have really buggered things by not making more progress with Brexit and Boris.

John Main

@twathater says:31 December, 2023 at 5:58 pm

I challenge anyone within this blog or within the broader independence movement to produce educational or fact based information that ANY politician or political Party has created or published to show people how independence would be beneficial for Scotland and Scots

That was 48 hours ago, and no takers that I can find.

The usual suspects on here really will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid ever showing us the money.

Even though a child could tell you it’s the fastest and surest way to build Indy support.

Oh well, I don’t suppose things will be any different in 2024.


Ignored says:
3 January, 2024 at 3:16 am
@ Ian Brotherhood 10.04pm Ian I’m not sure that everyone knows that OFF TOPIC SCOTLAND is another independence blog, I didn’t know about it until the other day…

I didn’t know about it until right now. 🙂

Blogs are the “modern” equivalent to the magazines and dead-wood Press we grew up with, and it’s healthy to have a spectrum of opinion so you can find a niche you’re comfortable to visit regularly.

I just ignore the tedious trolls who’ve damaged the BTL atmosphere here, but it’s sad, (though not surprising), to hear that it impacts on wider readership. I’m content to leave banning and moderation to the Blog owner’s discretion. I say it’s tedious, because people engaging with these trolls aren’t uncovering anything new, just re-hashing old topics which were already stale a decade ago.

Are they really in denial that the Claim of Right exists? Really? Yawn! You can only lead a horse to water so many times before you feel like drowning the beast for its obstinate idiocy. But then you realise, that is the reaction these trolls are deliberately trying to provoke.

I actually like Wings because it can be fiery at times, and discussions can generate both heat and light. But an intense disagreement between Independentists holding different perspectives is much more enlightening than some fool being baited by a troll. Please understand I use the word “fool” lightly, because I’ve often been that fool myself.

I see that Off-Topic blog has only been running since June, but bravo, it looks interesting.

My own activity has been suppressed lately; new job, horrendous accommodation problems, checkered internet access, and a five hour commute back and forward to work for a while… Jesus our country is so fkg dysfunctional, no wonder there’s a housing crisis. Been a long dark tunnel, (these past few years actually), typically with nothing left in the wage packet, but I think I’m through the worst of it… maybe, but a lot of my affiliations have been starved of attention for some time. Must try harder…

The Independence fire still burns as bright as ever, but frankly these new Woke Cretins and arseholes in the SNP are far more tedious and disruptive than the worst of our resident troll-spawn. They’re the ones throttling the life out of Independence, not the trolls.

What’s disheartening isn’t people holding a different opinion from me, but besides the obvious loonies and infiltrators , that there are clever, articulate people “over there” who are simply not smelling the coffee. They remain spellbound by something… something I dunno, something that blunts their judgement. I can’t tell if they are permanently lost to us, or not. I fear they could be.

I see that mouthpiece Mhairi Black is slagging off her chums. Just can’t help herself, or maybe there’s been an uncomfortable penny drop… A rare moment of lucidity… Yeah, you’re right. Who am I kidding? She’s totally oblivious to the damage she’s done. When escorting a bloke in a frock called Flow-Job into a primary school doesn’t ring any alarm bells, then there’s something fkd up in your head. When you’re that big an idiot, FFS, please put the gun down and step away from the Saltire.

But as with all our SNP underachievers, it’s not what they’ve done that grieves me most, but what the bastards didn’t do. Instead of terminating the Union, these troughing wankers have strengthened its grip on Scotland and done tremendous damage to our Constitutional credentials.

Ignorance of the law is not a defence. These failures are unforgivable.

John Main

@ Breeks says:3 January, 2024 at 7:39 am

just re-hashing old topics which were already stale a decade ago

Breathtaking arrogance – or something else – elitism, or entitlement maybes.

Anybody who wasn’t around or showing interest a decade ago can just do one. Maybes the unlucky so-and-so’s were still in primary school, or living abroad. Whatever, they’re not needed or wanted for Indy. Seriously?

Unbe-fecking-lievable attitude, IMHO.


David Hannah says on 2 January 2024 at 9:18 pm: “Thanks for destroying Scottish Independence Mhairi Black.”

Says the BritNat lackey who repeatedly posts direct links to the Unionist media when he’s not making racist rants about “immigrants”.

You know, i’ve got a distant relative i’ve not seen in about 45-years called David Hannah, he’s got brothers named Peter, Robert and Derek. I hope to f@ck that’s not you. I’d die of shame, ffs!

Do you even know the consequences of posting such unarchived links? You not only prevent an unedited record from being kept of said article but you also help them to survive by bringing in much needed advertising cash due to clicks etc, new readers and possible new subscriptions.

You also disrespect the efforts the rest of us make to archive all links to keep an accurate record of what was said. But even more than any of that is you are rewarding them for their part in helping to destroy our 2014IndyRef. So although you are 100% correct about Mhairi Black, don’t overlook your own hypocritical part in all of that.


Given the very high profile of this blog, its support for independence and Alex Salmond and its habit of uncovering things the mainstream media would rather we did not know about, it is an absolute nailed-on certainty, 100% guaranteed, put your life savings on it, that there are commenters here who are not ‘authentic’ shall we say.

No one gives a fuck about people with different opinions but that is not what we are dealing with here. Banning is pointless as they will just reappear as someone else. For them it is a job, literally.

Allowing individuals to block them however is a personal choice but the function does not work or has not been activated so it is moot. All it would do is save you some scrolling time, a lot of scrolling time sadly these days…

Maybe this is their cunning plan, to make it easy to spot regular Wings readers BTL as they will be the ones with the huge muscly index fingers. Make it easy to identify us when they round us up and ship us to internment camps for reeducation or worse.


Fascinating listening to Alastair Crooke talking about the UK here (amongst other things).

Saying Britain is essentially a busted flush politically speaking. And how by resisting accepting one defeat it inevitably leads to another and another…

It really does feel like this now. It is as if all the leaders, the people of stature and integrity, are gone and those who did have it have been smeared and attacked in the most foul manner imaginable… Corbyn, Salmond etc..

So what remains standing is total shit. Your Johnsons, your Goves, bilking us for the benefit of dogs like Michelle Mone while Rome burns.

We are fucked.


The degenerate party (Scottish Greens) will stand more candidates in this years GE, Slater and Harvie have already cost the taxpayers a fortune with their madcap schemes that have failed, as have the SNP’s (post 2015) subsidising Gupta’s smelter and the ferries debacle spring to mind.

Like the SNP’s MPs, we really don’t want this lot representing us in a foreign country’s parliament.

Vote Alba, Join Alba.

“THE Scottish Greens are aiming to run in more seats at the next General Election than in 2019, its leaders have said.

The last General Election saw the pro-independence party put up candidates in 22 constituencies.

While the first-past-the-post system means the Greens are highly unlikely to win a seat, the presence of a party candidate on the ballot paper could affect the arithmetic in tightly-contested constituencies.”


English nuclear subs are so rotten that the English MOD struggles to keep one in service at all times, these rusting nuclear buckets are kept in Scotland, and if we’re being honest are nothing more than Westminster phallic symbols kept in an attempt to prop up a now miniscule power around the globe military wise.

In the article the usual SNP grifters complain about them being in Scotland, with their usual blah blah blah independence shite being spewed, but their Judas boss Sturgeon sold us out on indy and that treacherous act keeps these rusty radioactive tin cans in Scotland.

Oh and the English government is spending billions to replace these tins cans with new ones at huge expense to the taxpayer.

link to



**Are they really in denial that the Claim of Right exists**

Even NuSNP doesn’t or they’d have kicked up laldy at the Supreme Court nonsense instead of sitting on their arse & attending coronations like they were all too eager to do.

I can’t remember if it was Sturgeon who said they weren’t sure if Scotland was sovereign or not or if it was Wishart. It was *too ambiguous* FFS!
Maybe someone can confirm who it was.


I wonder how the English are going to afford Nuclear power stations? I demand they come up with a detailed report on the economic costs & where the money is coming from.


Alf Baird

Stoker @ 8:40 am

“Thanks for destroying Scottish Independence Mhairi Black.”

Yes, Nationalist politicians are clearly lacking in knowledge as well as courage. Senior legal advice contained within previous Westminster reports proves the former, the national party’s ‘petrifaction’ at the ‘decisive moment’ (Fanon) confirms the latter.

We would think a ‘lawyer’ might know that the UK parliament cannot legislate for Scotland without Scottish representation. Tho mebbe thay dinnae lairn treaty or constitutional laa in Scotland ony mair? We would also think that nationalist politicians would ken their only purpose is to free the people?

The Articles of Union limit the power of the UK parliament as condition of the Treaty; the right to representation at Westminster from Scotland remains a fundamental condition of the Treaty; the UK parliament therefore remains subject to the superior (i.e. sovereign) power of the Treaty’s signatory parties, that is the sovereign kingdoms of Scotland and England; either of whom may permanently withdraw their representatives from the UK parliament, following which the Union Act would be repealed.

link to


Geri 10.52am

It’s possibly not the quote you mean but a BBC News report by Andrew Black on 11 February 2013 has this:

“Scotland’s deputy first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, told BBC Scotland “The UK government’s position is staggeringly arrogant…Ms Sturgeon described international law on state succession as “ambiguous”, adding: “These are matters that will be settled as they have been in international precedents by negotiation and agreement.”


Britain a busted flush someone says. Well I do agree. Everywhere you look you see the signs of decay and decline. The economy, living standards, the reduction after reduction in public service, the signs are everywhere and there is without doubt more to come.

But for some they have milked the system dry, sucked the wealth out of the country, destroyed the economic vitality and have presided over the decline that we now see all around.

The fleecing of the country is now an art form as the rich get richer on the back of a once strong economy. But thieves fall out or as the drug baron do they set up some small beer patsies to take the fall and provide cover for the big ones.

And so it is with the odious greedy Conservative Baroness Mone and her equally odious husband Doug Barrowman.

New to the big beast club, or thinking they were new to the big beast club, it seems that that after picking up a bit of what in truth is the small change of what is now admitted to be £60 million, they have been getting flack for lining their pockets from the establishment.

With all the hallmarks of being set up as patsies to take the heat away from the real story which is what was filched out of the the £13 billion spent on Covid supplies, or the filling of boots from things like the Post Office and Horizon scandals, the two bit playing Johny come Latelys are now outraged that they are being fingered whilst the big beats run free.

And so it has come to pass that only two days ago Mr Barrowman issued the following statement –

“I understand why the British public feel angry but their anger should not be directed of Michelle or I [sic]. Yes, Medpro made a profit – which was in line with the margins made by other providers of PPE”

And in those last closing words he issued the thunderbolt that he knows what the margins of all of those supply the government were and that they were in line with what he and his wife through Medpro made.

How on earth could he know what all the other suppliers margins were. This admission more than suggests that there was some form of price cartel, some form of price fixing. It cannot suggest anything else and it more than suggests that the hand of government ministers were part of the caertel. ( Well when you have a VIP Lane system it would aside of anything else suggest that selection for those and such as those ws the oder of the day )

So, with Barrowman’s simple admission why is he not being asked how he knew the margins of the other suppliers. Who told him its a simple question.

Moreover, if he and his wife made what is now admitted to be £60 million profit ( and a figure suggested to actually being more than that of nearer £100m ) on a relatively peppercorn contract for £197 million, what on earth has been paid in respect of the billions of other contracts.

So yes, Barrowman and Mone are a couple of Glasgow hairy’s on the make who are now being sacrificed. And they know it as the dissipate assets. But they are only the very smallest tip of the iceberg of corruption that is now impoverishing British society.

And we used to laugh at the Latin American banan republics of old run by shysters.

So here’s a proposal for a New Year resolution. What will you do about it? Nothing, just take it?


International Law, so called, is ambiguous by design. The design is confected by the strong. Checkout the IL on space exploration. Lots of fine words signifying essentially «finders keepers». Bad when «powers» are involved, worse still when private corporations headed by megalomaniacs stake their claims.
The American wild west all over again.



Thanks but thats going too far back to the one I was thinking of.

I wasn’t that long ago. I think, but could be wrong, it was during the Keating’s case? One of them said it proving we have absolute dummies in charge of Holyrood.


The Tories helped themselves to nearly £300 billion from the treasury during COVID. It was brought up by Labour at one of the PMQs & Sunak said it was written off. He’d not be looking for it to be paid back. Basically saying it was over & to forget about it.

As far as I know Government tenders would have a cap. That’s how Mone would know how much to max out an invoice. They would hardly undercut their fellow Tory so they’d probably all submit the same figure. Barrow man is only throwing everyone under the bus with that statement. i.e; They all tendered the same so go after them too..

There’s no honour amongst thieves.


wakey wakey jobseekers … !

– get out of your wankpits and start hustling for the big bucks, extend your horizons beyond universal credit and forget about the jackpot of disability allowance, for the tory weasels are shutting that scam down (don’t grift the grifter party!) as they need the money to spend on kiddie porn, weapons for israel and graft for their pals … (hopefully also legal bills when they get dragged to the IC for abetting genocide)

this is a beaut; maybe they should have advertised for this a bit earlier

link to

just remember to say at interview – “women can have penises” and if asked any hard questions (like evidence of any technical expertise in the role) say “I can detect transphobic hate in this room and I do not feel SAFE” – and efter that, the joab wiz mine. It all works out, you wouldn’t want functioning infrastructure built by bigots and white white white racists, would you?

– it could be a tough competition as they say the ferries guru has thrown his hat in and is favourite. Remember the ferries clusterfuck disaster area “identifies” as a roaring success, which is by now a legal definition. For all the money wasted on those ferries, I think they could have bought everyone in the western isles a jetski.

you too can be the homer simpson of faslane …

link to

NBC suit and geiger detector supplied; any additional lead shielding, you supply yourself. Incremental in-death benefits and a state supplied lead coffin. You should already have fathered offspring for this role.

the salary on offer here shows what their priorities are

link to

– just remember at interview to make crude chinese stereotypes and keep asking about “launch codes”. You will be thoroughly vetted for this role, this means asking if you are a communist, homosexual or a nazi. If you are a communist homosexual, you get the job – and if you are a nazi, you get offered the vetting spooks job.


John Main,
Every aspect of your pitiful argument against a country making its own decisions has been addressed, you’re refusing to listen.
Logically, emotionally, psychologically, politically, geopolitically, financially and morally, Scotland wins the argument.

Of course, you can say the mismanagement of Westminster would be better than the mismanagement of our very own government as you are entitled to do but it just doesn’t hold water, does it?

The UK isn’t just freefalling into a debt that will burden generations to come, it’s accelerating the downward spiral with every decision that it makes, they have proven to be completely incompetent when it comes to the UK and entirely destructive when it comes to Scotland.

The UK National debt is hurtling towards £3 trillion, it will break that threshold and continue to deeper depths as they have no way of stopping it.
The UK has maxed out every credit card they have had, the bills are piling up and there’s nothing else to take to the pawn shop. The gas and leccy have been switched off and we’re just simply treading water, waiting for the repossession.

Your red, white and blue tinted spectacles have made you blind, yet you have the chutzpah to utter “show us the money”.

Wakey, wakey, John and a happy new year to you.


This rabid right wing shower of b*stards will stand candidates in Scotland, (what other country would allow these vile b*stards to stand, only in Scotland) the only benefit of this to the indy movement is that these odious creatures will dilute the Tory vote.

Reform UK is the Brexit party by another name it was renamed Reform UK in 2021, oh and Farage is on record saying f*ck Scotland after we voted to stay in the EU.

link to

“REFORM UK have said they will stand a candidate in “every single” Scottish seat at the General Election.

At a press conference in London on Wednesday, party leader Richard Tice said that Reform UK will look to fight the election in all 57 Scottish constituencies.

He insisted that there would be no deal-making with the Conservatives to stand down any candidates in any seats across the UK.”

Graf Midgehunter

And of course has something to keep us happy and 🙂

link to


They shouldn’t be allowed to stand if they’re not registered in Scotland.

The time for allowing foreign political parties to stand in Scotland without registering should be over. Surely something should be done in Holyrood & the electoral commission.
We are NOT one nation. We are two separate countries.

With the mass migration comes the mass scummy political parties.

Ian Brotherhood

@Breeks –

If you fancy doing your own ‘column’ on OTS, just contact Rab –



**After Nigel Farage spoke, journalists were cleared from the hall in Westminster so prospective parliamentary candidates could be addressed privately on strategy by the party’s head of media, and by the former Tory MP Ann Widdecombe, then a Brexit party MEP.**

What were they doing in WM? None of them are elected. So who gave them permission to launch a political party in the premises of parliament?

That other eejit, Robinson, was invited there too at one stage.


Re Space exploration and the background to international law as envisaged by one of the the big guys.

“According to a 2022 report, whose contributing authors hailed from the U.S. Space Force, Defense Innovation Unit, and Air Force Research Laboratory:

While the United States space industrial base remains on an upward trajectory, participants expressed concerns that the upward trajectory of the People’s Republic of China . . . is even steeper, with a significant rate of overtake, requiring urgent action. The fundamental tonic is to mobilize still greater energies with an enlarged vision and broader set of policy as our nation did in 1962. Specifically, the U.S. lacks a clear and cohesive long term vision, a grand strategy for space that sustains economic, technological, environmental, social and military (defense) leadership for the next half century and beyond. A North Star vision for economic development and human settlement in space should be bi-partisan, multi-generational, and inspirational to ALL WHO EMBRACE AMERICA’S VALUES»

Excerpt From
A City on Mars by Kelly Weinersmith

The terrible reality is spawned.

Dundee Scot

The Scotland you’ll get after “independence” is the same Scotland you have under the current SNP administration, but without the UK subsidies that keep the economy afloat; incompetent, secretive, authoritarian, woke and corrupt.

Remember: the SNP was put into power by the votes of the same hate-filled fanatics who today yelp for Alba/ISP/whatever fringe movement. If they were so wrong before, why should anyone trust what they say now?


The Trolls must be starving, desperate even? Hardly anyone feeds them anymore. (LOL)

Graf Midgehunter


The trolls just come and go like the Kamikaze Yoons diving in with Better together diarrhea. 🙂

When they get to the laughing stock phase, they get swapped for some new fervent recruit. Flies last longer..!


*hate-filled fanatics*

Wot? Like putting asylum seekers onto flights to Rwanda & Brexit?

Or is that *patriotism*?


john ferguson

My uncles some KIA and POWs suffered for the right that we would be free. Therefore I will never betray their sacrifice by giving my vote to any of these unworthy cretins.

Dundee Scot

If Alba supporters were intellectually honest (they aren’t, BTW) they’d admit that their movement is largely fueled by hatred–class and ethnic hatred–of the English.

What’s sad is that a case can be made for Scotland becoming independent. However, that case can’t be made by hate, that case can’t be made by those stupid enough to have supported the SNP they now denounce.


Dundee Brit

“The Scotland you’ll get after “independence” is the same Scotland you have under the current SNP administration,..”

I understand that this might be a difficult subject for you emotionally to the extent that you believe what you feel comfortable believing but to evidence what you have said is nonsense, we only have to show the slow-witted among the Unionists that different SNP governments do thinks differently, such as the contrast between Alex Salmond’s SNP Government and Nicola Sturgeon’s Government for example.

For your argument to have any traction, you would need to demonstrate that any and every pro independence government (faux or otherwise) will have and want, exactly the same outcome.

I understand completely that there will be no attempt by you to address reality, you will simply concern yourself with the warm fuzzy feeling that being a Unionist with no responsibility or accountability gives you and you will continue to poo poo the idea of self determination for the only country in the world that you hate.

Yes, yes, you’re a proud Scot but…


Breastplate – don’t feed it, that’s what it wants….

Robert Louis

What an excellent summary of just how twisted those in the SNP have become, especially those feeding from the English trough in London. What a cosy, cosy life those no-hopers have all made for themselves. Independence must wait, whilst the SNP MP’s feather their bulging bank and pension accounts for another five years of doing nothing – I mean, some of them like Chris Laws SNP MP, have castles to heat, the poor souls.

Not one of them has a shred of integrity left. Not one. Seduced by baubles and riches in London, just like ‘pretendy-scottishy’ Labour famously were. They are no good to us. They all need to go.

Though they cannot themselves admit it, or even (more likely) recognise it, they have indeed become the monsters in London, they so much despised. To hell with them all.


I agree up to a certain point.
Unionist arguments need to be aired and they need to be addressed, no matter how ridiculous they are but I would have to add that rebuttals are for readers who might be looking for answers or guidance.
I do not believe for one minute that the Unionists are genuinely interested in debate however that does not mean we should not debate but I do concede that it should be only occasionally.
Also, it’s a bit more fun.


@ Breeks 7.39am another cracking post sir and obviously one which some (ahem) people are envious of, just think what popularity and respect some people could achieve if instead of constantly demeaning and denigrating Scotland and Scots they instead focused on the positivity of Scotland becoming an independent country and participated in promoting ideas and ideals on how to move forward with that target

BUT I suppose you have to be unselfish and caring to promote ideas that could be beneficial and positive to everyone irrespective of class or position, unfortunately THEIR job does not permit compassion or empathy, their target is to keep Scotland and Scots hogtied to a vile and despicable union
As you said in an earlier post these deluded fools are no more than annoying midges

bluegrass banjo

prince andrews recent return to mainstream royalty might hit a rock next few hours

District Executive for the Southern District of New York, Ed Friedland

“The unsealing should begin today, only the documents pertaining to the Does that there is a hold on will be held until after the 22nd.

Dundee Scot

“Breastplate,” the burden of proof is always on those pushing for a change. Namely, YOU. And those like you who were so wrong about supporting the SNP.

Prove that 2%-in-the-polls Alba can attain power.

Prove that the same political class will “next time for sure” be honest when and if they achieve power.

Show us the path to independence, without resorting to insults and personal attacks.

These are just a few of the pretty basic questions involved in meeting the burden of proof. Even people whose brains barely muster enough energy to keep themselves breathing, should attempt to answer these questions.

Scot Finlayson

Said by founder of SNP nearly 100 years ago,

“The enemies of Scottish Nationalism are not the English, for they were ever a great and generous folk, quick to respond when justice calls.
Our real enemies are among us, born without imagination.”

Or as Malcolm X explained in his speech `The House Slave and The Field Slave`.

It`s the British nationalist Uncle Tams that are holding Scotland back.

John Main

@Breastplate says:3 January, 2024 at 1:13 pm

you have the chutzpah to utter “show us the money”

Thanks for your response and a happy new year to you too.

I see you are channeling Breeks and his belief that if something was proved 10 years ago, then it never needs to be looked at again.


As I pointed out, 10 years ago umpteen Scottish voters didn’t have a vote, cos they were kids, or cos they lived somewhere else. Politics is nothing if it’s not articulating your vision, over and over again, and then over again a few more times, cos every day somebody will be encountering your vision for the very first time.

Also, 10 years is a long time. Before Brexit, Covid, The War, and the accelerating breakup of the EU, for example. Before half a million New Scots swarmed in to enjoy our public services.

Before the New Pretender was fraudulently shoehorned in to tick the DEI boxes on the SNP/Green checklist, and prepare the way for another million or so New Scots.

Soz, BP, but you have a lot of apathetic, apolitical New Scottish voters to convince. I really would show them the money, otherwise they’re probably all going to vote Labour.

BTW, what’s Scotland’s share of the £3 trillion UK debt? 10% sound fair? OK, I’ll rephrase. 10% sound like the portion iScotland is going to get stitched up with, fair or not?

That’s another factor in the money equation that people really need to be shown.

Alf Baird

twathater @ 5:55 pm

“THEIR job does not permit compassion or empathy, their target is to keep Scotland and Scots hogtied to a vile and despicable union”

Yes, ‘indirect rule’ (Lagard) depends on the more privileged assimilated native groups oppressing their own people and protecting the interests of the colonizer. Which helps explain the rather segregating function of private (colonial) schools from whence most of our elites are drawn, and where the values of the colonizer are stressed. And there “are no human values in colonialism” (Cesaire).

“Colonialism is based on psychology” (Aime Cesaire) and understanding this allows us to better comprehend the behaviour of a colonized people, and in particular the elite and privileged native groups who reject their own liberation and who act as “watchdogs of colonialism” to prevent the rest of the people from being free.

Colonialism is always “a co-operative venture” with native elites (Frantz Fanon).


John Main,
I agree with much of what you say although the situation regarding voters favours the people with the power to influence those voters, those in charge of the propaganda, the experts in manipulation.

Personally, I can only appeal to the voters who allow logic to dictate their decisions, as I have said, there is no hope of me influencing the likes of Dundee Scot, ASA or Chas, their emotional attachment to any Unionist standpoint will overpower logic at every turn, hence the calls not to feed the trolls.

Regarding Scotland’s share of the National Debt and no sign of deceleration, surely it’s an argument to leave sooner rather than later, no?


Show you the money?

*Asked & answered*

Dan has repeatedly even given you a long list of resources + direct trade post indy.

Scotlands share of UK debt?

*Asked & answered*

We had zero say on what those eejits in London spent it on. (Royals/Trident /Foreign invasion & interference etc)
& Scotland already pays. Deducted annually through your beloved wanking mag, GERS.

Where is GERE?
Where is England’s economic plan?
Where is England getting the money from?

Will Wales & NI sustain the lifestyle they’ve become accustomed to?

Young people aren’t daft. The UK is shite. Even more so now with Brexshit cutting off their opportunities.

I’d say the Burden of Proof is with the UK.

It’s shite.
Everyone knows it’s shite.
The English government are LIARS, thanks to Better Together.
If we were Better Together we’d be better already eh?
Trouble for yoons is that it isn’t.
You can’t polish a turd. It’d still be a turd.

Tick tock.

SNP is a political party that can be voted in or out.
Independence is our own parliament with our own decisions = forever.

John Main

@ Breastplate says:3 January, 2024 at 7:21 pm

Regarding Scotland’s share of the National Debt and no sign of deceleration, surely it’s an argument to leave sooner rather than later


And the ongoing dilution of the franchise with New Scots is another argument to leave sooner rather than later.

I would go down the plebiscitary election route, starting with WM in 2024. WM is the best place to try it, as it really doesn’t matter what brands of MPs Scotland returns. So WM is the perfect arena in which to try it.

Plus, IMO, it will take more than one attempt for the Scottish voters to get the idea into their heids. If at least one Indy party makes the 2024 GE a plebiscitary one, with all the publicity that will attract, it sets the scene for the following election when the idea could really go viral, and really count – HR in 2026.



**The ALBA Party believe that every single election should be used to seek a mandate to begin negotiations for Independence, not yet another mandate for a referendum.**

Wakey, wakey… A mandate to begin negotiating for our exit.


South Africa, now France the tide might be turning against the Zionist murderers.

“The French ambassador to the United Nations says that France will support the International Court of Justice’s decision on South Africa’s genocide case against Israel regardless of the outcome.”

link to


Re my previous comment it looks like Turkey is onboard as well, Karim Khan better get his finger out, or resign and let someone with courage and integrity prosecute the Zionists.

“Turkey has officially backed South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, which accuses the state of genocide in its ongoing war on Gaza.

Turkish foreign ministry spokesperson Oncu Keceli said in a statement that Ankara welcomes the South African case, which says Israel has violated its obligations under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.”

link to


John Main said;

“BTW, what’s Scotland’s share of the £3 trillion UK debt? 10% sound fair? OK, I’ll rephrase. 10% sound like the portion iScotland is going to get stitched up with, fair or not?”

John, 10% of the UK’s so-called debt is no more than a first stab in the dark at a guess of what it might be, and only when ALL of the actual fiscal flows between the two kingdoms have been properly accounted for by proper independent accountants will we know what that figure will be, and it is entirely likely that the figure Scotland owes to England is negative! Yep, it’s entirely likely that England ends up owing iScotland £Billions.

And any divvying up of the UK’s debt must be accompanied by a parallel divvying up of the UK’s assets, and that figure is even more obscure! The figures for those assets are suppose to be published on a regular basis but HMT got very coy about them in the years preceding IndyRef-1, and they haven’t been published since, as far as I know.

Not that I think the UK’s HM Treasury has properly recorded all of those flows in the first place; being vulnerable to accountability has never been a trait of the English establishment.

Your £3 trillion figure is grossly exaggerated, the last figure I’ve seen of the real national debt was about £1.2 trillion a week or so ago. On top of that, even if iScotland was liable for some of that debt, it would only need to repay it if England itself also repaid it. Because of what that ‘debt’ represents it isn’t really debt, and it really doesn’t need to be repaid, and if it was repaid a lot of people who’d receive those repayments would get very upset about it, since they are primarily savings, and they’d have to find somewhere else less safe to put them.

You should acquaint yourself with Professor Richard Murphy’s blog, Funding the Future; he has a lot to say on the matter of the UK’s so-called national debt.

Scotland is not liable in any case for any debt it didn’t incur, didn’t ask for, didn’t benefit from, or incurred on its behalf but not spent by it.

Not only that, Westminster already conceded during the 2014 Indyref campaign that the rUK would retain full liability for the UK’s debt after Scotland left the Union.



“BOOM” both barrels! Well shot-down!


Looks like the strategy in the Middle East conflict will take a different direction if some parts of the Israeli government had their way :

link to

Big Jock

Surely 2024 can’t get any worse than the last year. Some may fear the re-emergance of Scot/Labour. I see it as the necessary poison to kill off the nearly dead SNP. From then on it’s 5 years of disappointment, for those voting Labour. Then the gradual process of rebuilding a decent independence party. It’s going to take a few elections to do so.


Luke Littler the ’16 year old’ playing with a full grown beard. lol.


John Main says:

Plus, IMO, it will take more than one attempt for the Scottish voters to get the idea their heids. Really 🙂

Pal,the 2016 Brexit vote was a one time attempt vote. There was No rerun.

The End of the UK Union question is exactly the same.
Stay in UK Union? Or
Leave the UK Union?

There is no referendum – the question is simply: vote to leave the UK? or vote stay in the UK?

After that… negotiate the withdrawal.. that is all. No drama.



Well said & I believe they will owe us Billions.
They’ve taken billions from the North Sea alone & Scotland has absolutely zero to show for it. We didn’t reap the rewards or benefit from it.

5 million population didn’t spend it.

Slabber & Tories made sure we remained in slums & squalor while they refurbished Londons skyline. Euro tunnel, Wembley, Canary Wharf, Tower London, Buckfast palace etc, ect.

Prestigious sums of money BoJo said – along with his Croydon insult to Scotland they were more deserving.

They’d never make restitution. Yet supposed Scots worry that England will be robbed of a quid in change ..


As for the 77th Brigade commenters, for every one you know, there is a ‘replier’. Look at who are the serial repliers… it is quite interesting.


John Main said;

“BTW, what’s Scotland’s share of the £3 trillion UK debt? 10% sound fair?

Well :-()… sounds about right based on iScotland retaining the same 10% of UK Assets accrued since 1707…

Bank of UK being the Bank of England Assets. Gold Reserves, Foreign Currency Reserves etc, etc, etc. Then there are the UK Treasury Global Assets. The UK Diplomatic and Foreign Office Assets… MoD Global Assets all that stuff. Just like Brexit. The UK left with a Withdrawal Agreement. Scotland will leave the UK Union with a Withdrawal Agreement…


Xaracen says: and then John Main says…

Is a 2014 rerun conversation of project fear doubt.. built on doubt and about doubt.

One small problem guys? Brexit 2016.

Brexit created a definitive Legal precedent for a UK members process on leaving a Treaty of Union.

Unionist speculation and doubt.. built on Unionist speculation doubt and about Unionist speculation doubt – will not wash. Here are the facts

link to


A chat board chats – who knew LOL!


So how long will it take for the snp to kick ash regan’s bill into the long grass.

When they do, it will be another sign that the party has been infiltrated to the point they are incapable of operating


correction… it is now…

Geri says: Xaracen says: and then John Main says…

Any other doubt merchants .. built on doubt and about doubt UK patter planning to join in? 🙂


The ‘feel-good’ articles are coming out telling us that food inflation is falling. The reality is that food inflation is 27% more than it was two years ago.

link to

Prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages rose by 9.2% in the year to November 2023 according to the latest Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers’ housing costs (CPIH).

This was the eighth consecutive month of falls in food inflation, down from 10.1% in October and a recent high of 19.2% in March 2023, which was the highest annual rate seen for over 45 years.
The latest food and non-alcoholic beverage inflation rate is the lowest since May 2022.

The easing in the inflation rate was driven by bread and cereals prices, which fell by 0.8% between October and November 2023, compared with a rise of 1.9% a year ago.

Although the rate at which food prices are rising has slowed, they remain high.

The overall price of food and non-alcoholic beverages rose around 27% between November 2021 and November 2023. In the 10 years prior to this, overall food and non-alcoholic beverage prices rose by 9%.


Pacman @ 10.04

A bit closer to the election – and petrol prices will soon start to ‘fall’ too!


@ Rev Stu could you please put up a link to OFF TOPIC SCOTLAND in your Scottish Politics box to help identify the blog

John Main

@Xaracen says:3 January, 2024 at 8:30 pm

Because of what that ‘debt’ represents it isn’t really debt, and it really doesn’t need to be repaid


Here’s a wee link:

link to

And a wee quote:

“In 2022-23, we expect debt interest spending to total £83.0 billion. That would represent 5.2 percent of total public spending, and is equivalent to £1,900 per household and 2.5 per cent of national income”

Spending cold, hard, Scottish taxpayer’s cash to pay interest (indefinitely) on a debt that doesn’t exist? Something doesn’t stack up.

Show me the £1,900 I’m stumping up this year!

A couple of further points.

The £3 trillion is Breastplate’s figure, not mine.

[in response to some other comments] Holding out the Brexit divorce agreement as an example is piss poor logic, because it cost the UK an arm and a leg, because the UK will still be paying out well into the 2050’s, because iScotland can’t welsh on its share due to wanting to appear mature and responsible prior to re-joining, etc.

And lastly, cos there’s a persistent strand of the Indy movement that believes in its bones that declaring Indy from Brussels was a bad thing – Brexshit in other words.

And that’s a very poor look – Indy supporters greetin over the downsides of Indy!

John Main

@PacMan says:3 January, 2024 at 10:04 pm

The reality is that food inflation is 27% more than it was two years ago


If you don’t actually know what inflation is in a fiscal context, maybes stay away from posting about it?

My own view, as we come up to the 2-year anniversary of the start of The War, is that our western governments have generally done not a bad job of insulating us from the worst of the knock-on effects so far. That situation may not continue in 2024, as the ME Front shows every sign of escalating out of control.

I see the usual suspects on here every night cheering on developments that will badly effect Scotland, whether independent or not.

It’s just not feasible that they are unaware of how negatively we will all be impacted if they get what they want.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:3 January, 2024 at 8:19 pm

Innarestin, naw?

One country has a huge Muslim population.

The other country, ditto.

Fascinating to see our own future direction signposted so clearly.

Maybes the French should have a referendum or something. Haha, I crack me up.


MaryB says: 3 January, 2024 at 11:04 pm

Pacman @ 10.04

A bit closer to the election – and petrol prices will soon start to ‘fall’ too!

Petrol prices are falling:

link to

It will be interesting to see what happens to the price after the UK election & US Presidential elections.


John Main says: 4 January, 2024 at 7:40 am

@PacMan says:3 January, 2024 at 10:04 pm

The reality is that food inflation is 27% more than it was two years ago


If you don’t actually know what inflation is in a fiscal context, maybes stay away from posting about it?

My own view, as we come up to the 2-year anniversary of the start of The War, is that our western governments have generally done not a bad job of insulating us from the worst of the knock-on effects so far. That situation may not continue in 2024, as the ME Front shows every sign of escalating out of control.

I see the usual suspects on here every night cheering on developments that will badly effect Scotland, whether independent or not.

It’s just not feasible that they are unaware of how negatively we will all be impacted if they get what they want.

You must be very rich if you are not worried about or affected by inflation.

I’m not sure your spin is going to convince many though as even the gullible Tory Daily Mail posters are wising up to the fallacy of these glossy inflation figures.

Ach well John, do keep it up. What is it they say, God loves a trier.

Dorothy Devine

IanB , thanks for the link to OTScotland – to my delight it bounced into my inbox this morning


At the time the Parti Québecois seemed to be leading Québec to independence some international lawyers were consulted who came to the judgment that Québec had no justification for «sécession» from Canada as the province had its own legislature, the French language was protected and there was no oppression caused to the citizens.
When the chips are down the international set may be relied upon to stick with the established order.
That is why nationalists need to get on with the task without too much reference to international lawyers and their controllers.


The suicided Jeffery Epstein’s black book names begin to appear in public as a judge clears the road for them to hit the public domain. The first tranche has already been released, they’ll be a few well know coupons diving for cover.

Stephen Hawking! WTF.

“PAEDOPHILE financier Jeffrey Epstein was ready to reward one of his victim’s friends if they could “prove her allegations false” – including that Professor Stephen Hawking participated in an underage orgy, court documents have revealed.

The names of more than 170 people who were either associates, friends or victims of Epstein are set to be made public following a US judge’s order last month.

The first tranche of documents was released on Wednesday evening with high-profile figures such as the Duke of York and former US President Bill Clinton featuring heavily.”

link to


The SNP’s fanzine having a go at the only person ever to give us the chance to ditch this rancid union. So what if Salmond has a piece of the Stone, in my opinion he deserves it, the English stole the Stone from Scotland and brave Scots stole it back again, only for the puppet Yousaf to hand it back to England for the foreign monarchs coronation albeit they returned it after the pomp filled ceremony.

Mr Salmond denies having a piece of the Stone.

“ALEX Salmond has rebuked claims that he possesses a piece of the Stone of Destiny after a former Scottish secretary said he had “stolen” it.

According to files released earlier this month by the National Records of Scotland, the former first minister was given the fragment by professor Neil MacCormick, whose father helped finance the stone’s return to Scotland from Westminster Abbey in 1950.

The files showed Salmond was told he could keep the artefact by the Scottish Government’s top official Sir John Elvidge in 2008.

Elvidge, then permanent secretary, agreed the stone fragment “need not be surrendered to Historic Scotland”.”


The millionaire knight of the realm, Labour leader, and eternal staunch supporter of the genocide in Gaza Sir Keir Starmer accidently speaks the truth for once is his miserably life.

“Keir Starmer will say the British public is “right to be anti-Westminster” in a speech on Thursday morning.

The UK Labour leader will say in a speech in the west of England that the public is right to be “angry about what politics has become.””


Re whether or not Eck has in his possession a fragment of The Stone of Destiny.

I think it is fairly well-established now, the stone which sat under Charlie’s chair at his Coronation is not and never has been the real Stone of Scone. It is, instead, the plug off the stank at Scone Abbey, mistakenly stolen by the daft Norman knights big Eddie I sent north.

So, it matters not a jot. Any way, Scotland’s real Stone of Destiny is the curling stone which Rhona Martin delivered to win the curling gold medal in Salt Lake city in 2002.

Dorothy Devine

Socratesmacsporran, I believe that to be absolutely true and defy anyone to contest your information.


4 January, 2024 at 9:35 am

When the chips are down the international set may be relied upon to stick with the established order.

See professors James Crawford and Alan Boyle, leading experts on international law.

They said

The Treaty of Union is irrelevant

Scotland ceased to exist in law

It was merged into an enlarged England

It has no international personality in its own right

It cannot revert to pre-1707 independence

All that is decades old and has already been discussed here on Wings yonks ago but still I think it’s a fine example of the ‘international set’ sticking with the established order/giving the client what they want. We never did find out how much the UK Gov paid Crawford & Boyle for their legal advice.


Thank you Stu.

Happy New Year!


I’ve got two new audio books both pretty depressing & scary.

Gavin Esler-Britain Is Better Than This

It reveals fundamental flaws in core institutions, including the media, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It draws on events such as the MP expenses scandal, Brexit, ‘Partygate’ and the farcical premiership of Liz Truss, as symptoms of a great nation at a turning point yet unsure of which way to turn

James O’Brien-How They Broke Britain

Something has gone really wrong in Britain.. 🙂 LOL

Our economy has tanked, our freedoms are shrinking, and social divisions are growing. Our politicians seem most interested in their own careers, and much of the media only make things worse. We are living in a country almost unrecognisable from the one that existed a decade ago. But whose fault is it really? Who broke Britain and how did they do it?

It’s scary because I see us heading full steam towards fascism.

1984 here we come.

Humza ain’t gonna save us.

Thanks NO voters.


I love the new ‘ignore’ thingy. I gives me a warning just not to go there.

I’ve now decided to ‘ignore’ everyone who is responding to those I am ignoring.

A lot of ‘red & green’ on my time line.

Red & Green should never be seen?


Just out of interest where did that phrase ‘red & green should never be seen’ come from?


We are living in a country almost unrecognisable from the one that existed a decade ago. James O’Brien

A decade ago! That would be 2014 when ‘we’ voted against independence.

Basically No voters gave Westminster ‘carte blanche’ to do what they like with Scotland and the 2016 vote gave them a 2nd ‘carte blanche’ to do what they like with the UK. They took back control.

Do we predict a riot or will we all just be accept everything that’s coming to us?

Ian Smith

It’s not just Britain, Yes/No is irrelevant.

Look at the division in America. Germany openly discussing banning the main opposition party. Large Spanish demonstrations in Madrid every night, unreported and hidden from us. Regular riots in France. Russia and Ukraine in trench warfare. National medias everywhere in lockstep over the official covid narrative.


If you pay you expect to get full value for your money.
Out there, there are as many opinions as $$$$ can buy.
The dissident rarely gets rich.
Anglo-American law, upon which the self styled international reposes is a nice little earner as nothing is carved in granite.


I’m making up for lost time so you can expect many posts!

I’m so happy that my ‘PMT’ has come to an end. 🙂 🙂 🙂

The good thing about the ‘red & green’ is you can ignore me.


Remember ‘red & green’ should never be seen.

Just click the X.


The degenerate party (Greens) will not like this one little bit, as Yousaf looks to gain funds for the SNP via this mans contacts.

“THE Scottish Government asked a controversial tycoon who shunned the SNP under Nicola Sturgeon to help arrange a dinner with business leaders at a five-star hotel.

Brian Souter, who campaigned to keep a ban on teaching about LGBT in Scottish schools, is a former party donor who broke away from the SNP in 2014 when Sturgeon took over but has never publicly said why.

The social conservative tycoon, one of Scotland’s richest men, was one of the party’s largest donors under Alex Salmond.

The move could cause tension with the SNP’s partners in Government the Scottish Greens, as co-leader Patrick Harvie had been a harsh critic of Souter, alongside LGBT charities.

And now, Politico reports that a Freedom of Information (FOI) release shows that Souter has been courted by Humza Yousaf’s aides, who asked him to help organise a dinner to repair ties between business and government.”

It costs a fair few quid to run a GE campaign, and we know the treacherous SNP are skint, so I reckon that the SNP will get into bed with anyone if it benefits them, in this case I’d say GE funds are their primary target.

Would the SNP throw the Degenerate party (Greens) under the bus to have a majority of SNP MPs at after the next GE? too right they would, they’d throw their grannies under the bus to keep their lucrative taxpayer funded positions.

“The emails, which have not yet been published on the Scottish Government’s website, reportedly show that senior advisers to the First Minister liaise with Souter to arrange a dinner in Edinburgh in the summer of 2023.”


The Israeli ambassador to the UK said.

“Tzipi Hotovely – who last month dismissed the notion of a two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians – said in an interview with LBC’s Iain Dale that “every school, every mosque, every second house” must be targeted in the conflict.”

And they have targeted them killing at least 25,0000 Palestinians mostly women and children using such weapons as dumb bombs and White Phosphorous bombs, the latter illegal under International law.

These Zionist monsters, and their aiders and abettors must stand trial for the ongoing genocide in Gaza.


4 January, 2024 at 12:34 pm

If you pay you expect to get full value for your money.


In the event of Brian Souter donating to the SNP what will he expect.

I’m wondering if in view of current events in schools if voters will be less judgemental of Brian Souter?


If Souter gets in bed with Yousaf that’s even more reason to never vote SNP.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:4 January, 2024 at 10:13 am

So what if Salmond has a piece of the Stone

Not the first time you’ve posted on here with your concerns about the monarchy, our historic line of kings and queens, their burial places, etc.

And now you’re posting about the “Stone of Destiny”, duly capitalised to give this lump of rock, genuine or not, the respect due from a hard-boiled royalist and monarchist.

Is there something you need to tell us? Don’t be shy!

New year, new handle. KingdomofScotland sounds braw.

John Main

@PacMan says:4 January, 2024 at 8:21 am

What is it they say, God loves a trier

OK, I’ll try again.

It’s quite possible for prices to be 27% higher than they were two years ago, but for inflation to be 6% or whatever.

Just as in your car, it’s quite possible to be going twice as fast as you were a minute ago, yet to be traveling at a steady speed with no acceleration.

Think of it as the difference between the rate of change of a measured quantity and the value of the measured quantity.

OK, so I’ve tried, the rest is up to you. Here’s what you posted earlier:

The reality is that food inflation is 27% more than it was two years ago

Naw, it’s naw.

Prices probably are though.

Tinto Chiel

Ruby @12.37: “Just out of interest where did that phrase ‘red & green should never be seen’ come from?”

“……except on an Irish colleen” goes the saying (other versions are available).

Actually, if you’re a bit red-green deficient like me, in certain conditions the colours can appear similar. I was at a football match a few years ago in poor light before the floodlights were switched on when, for a few seconds, Hamilton Accies turned into Celtic: quite alarming.

Jim McIntosh

OK, I haven’t been here for a wee while. Can someone tell me what the wee cross after the posters name is for. I can’t remember seeing that before. Why does it go ? or ? when you click it.


“Just as in your car, it’s quite possible to be going twice as fast as you were a minute ago, yet to be traveling at a steady speed with no acceleration.“

The London supporter doesn’t understand Physics either.

Good grief !

I blame the teachers.

bluegrass banjo

a winter election will really piss off UK electorate


The genocide enabler and English PM Rishi Sunak has hinted that there won’t be a GE until the second half of the year, this will surely give the murderous Zionists and their backers Sunak being one of them, enough time to exterminate two-million Palestinians in the world’s largest open air prison known as Gaza, mind you Starmer is a loyal Zionist puppet so the Zionists win no matter who squats in Number Ten.

Scots need to dump their bellicose neighbour England ASAP.

Down with the union.


No doubt he’ll be causing it in hell as well, he and Kissinger will have a lot to talk about down there.

“Frank Kitson has died.
In 2015 the family of Patrick Heenan served a writ on him for his policy development and tactics. The deliberately slow legal system of impunity has meant he did not see final justice in a court but the tenacity of Mary Heenan and families like hers ensured his deplorable actions and their victims will never be forgotten.”

link to


I don’t think Souter would give them a penny.
He’s bound to know the poisoned dwarf is still in charge.

He should fund Alba & Salvo instead.

Wouldn’t that be a hoot? LMAO!

Off you pop, Dumbza. Thanks for date night..

James Che


It is a interesting fact of history that Scotland never made Queen Anne Queen of Scots in Scotland.
There is no date, time or place provided for this event happening in Scotland,
She was coronated queen of England, France and Ireland in 1702.

It is also a interesting fact that England made her Queen of Scots by a vague unsupported letter sent up to Scotland from a person in England, according to Xaracen,

I would have assumed being as the two kingdoms were still separate kingdoms and governments and parliaments in 1702 it would require Anne queen of England France and Ireland to have required the appropriate Ceremony and Coronation in the kingdom of Scotland.

The Scottish Oath taken in “England” by “Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland barely has any authority attached to it if any in the jurisdiction and kingdom of Scotland.


**The Treaty of Union is irrelevant

Scotland ceased to exist in law

It was merged into an enlarged England

It has no international personality in its own right

It cannot revert to pre-1707 independence**

Absolute bollocks.
The treaty is still live & it was never a territorial union. If we merged we’d not have separate laws & institutions.

This bollocks could easily be challenged. I doubt UK gov would have Scotland separated on their website if we were all one England.
I hope those two have been officially removed from ever giving advice on int law. A treaty is a legal contract. They’ve not provided an update.

I’m not familiar with Quebec but it would depend if the French sold it. I know they sold a few of their American colonies to America. Louisiana for example.

stuart mctavish

RepublicofScotland @1:49

Bodes well if they have it on same day as Ash’s referendum 🙂

Dundee Scot

There are about 8 billion people on Earth.

There are only five people (of those 8 billion) who believe that Scotland is already independent (but that Scots just aren’t aware of it!).

Sadly, this blog is infested by those five.

Whose utter ignorance is exemplified by “Geri,” who doesn’t know how France lost Quebec (they didn’t sell it, they lost it in the Seven Years War), and doesn’t seem to be willing to spend 10 seconds to find out.


@James Che;

James, you have seriously misrepresented what I said! I did NOT say England made her Queen of Scots, I denied it!

You said;
And she was never coronated as queen of Scots,

There is a vast difference between between “England” sending a (letter to Scotland) making her queen of Scots from England.

And The Scots making her Their queen under the appropriate Coronation in Scotland,
it was not up to The kingdom of England to make queen Anne, queen of the kingdom of Scotland, even by letter,
That required the people of Scotland,
Scots could simply consider the letter from England as a “lie” without the evidence.

This is a important issue for Scotland with regards as to wether she was actually queen of Scots in 1706/ relation to her authority over the treaty of union, and given Royal assent to that treaty,
Queen Anne of England never bothered to be coronated Queen of Scots in Scotland

So the presumption that England pre union could make a Scottish monarch by sending a letter to Scotland, or that a parliamentary union of two parliaments had proceeded is propaganda.

You said;
So it is important that you can provide the time and place Scotland made her Queen of Scots.

I replied;
“Scotland made her Queen of Scots in principle in 1689 when the Convention of the Estates offered the Scottish throne to William and Mary, establishing a new royal line, and she did the rest herself in 1702 by;

a, being ‘next in line’ for both thrones,

b, being still alive when her predecessor died, and,

c, taking the Scottish Coronation Oath in a formal event in front of credible official witnesses.”

That was in London. A letter was then sent to the Scottish Parliament explaining what had taken place, and indexed as ‘Letter from the Queen’ in the online Records of the Parliament of Scotland. Despite that site still being unable to display the documents themselves, the headings in its expandable index are still visible, and that is how it labels that letter. It was not as you described it, ‘England made her Queen of Scots and sent a letter’.

The Scottish Parliament accepted the letter as credible and accepted that Anne was now Queen of Scots. I didn’t copy the letter, so I can’t refer to any of its content, but if the Scottish parliament was happy with it, why should you not be? They at least had the great benefit of living in the times and understanding in much more detail and relevance how the political undercurrents were flowing, and who they were dealing with than we ever will.

I also pointed out that coronations are not a legal requirement for a monarch to take the throne and exercise his or her duties and powers. Oaths do that.

Alf Baird

Geri @ 2:28 pm

“He should fund Alba & Salvo instead”

Yes, plenty of anti-colonial literature coming out of Salvo which helps inform Scots what independence really means (i.e. decolonization) and why it is necessary (liberation from oppression); tho the national parties have yet to figure it out which explains their inability to find the remedy:

link to

James Che


I am entirely happy with your response and your confirmation and clarification and have no Objections to your assertions regarding the requirement that “Oaths do that”

As I have found the Coronation of Queen Anne 23rd April and various other dates that month recording her Coronation whereby she swears and Oath…. “to govern the people of England and dominions thereto belonging according to the Statues in parliament agreed and the law and customs of the same”

During the coronation and Ceremony to make her a monarch Queen Anne does NOT take the Scottish Oath.
So she was never confirmed or made Queen of Scots in and from England or in Scotland,

You will find this information in the following sources,

The book of Court, Coronation Ceremonies, Queen Anne.

The Gazette.
The Heralds.
The London post.
The postman.
And Miss Banks MS No 9297 of Addl MSS British Museum.

If you would like the No’ s of the or pages year in 1707 newspapers then I will provide you with most of them where I am Able.

James Che


Cerroct to last line date given, read as 1702.

Dundee Scot

James Che is, as usual, completely wrong about Queen Anne’s succession as Queen of Scotland.

The Scots Parliament of 1703 was called in Queen Anne’s name, the government was that of the Queen’s high commissioner, and the first act this parliament passed was the ratification of Queen Anne’s authority in Scotland. See the article on the Scottish Historical Review at link to This parliament’s acts were considered legal only if they received the assent of Queen Anne’s high commissioner, acting in her name and by her authority.

Thus the Scots Parliament (repeatedly) acknowledged Anne to be Queen of Scotland–at the time. Thinking people should accept this over somebody’s ravings on a blog 300+ years later.

Alf Baird

Dundee Scot @ 4:42 pm

“Thinking people should accept this over somebody’s ravings on a blog 300+ years later.”

‘Thinking people’ don’t see any evidence of the Windsor’s ever being crowned in Scotland either, hence Scots are aye rendered subordinate to the English Imperial Crown.

Its nae wunner Scots fowk want leeberation fae Imperial rule and an end to the ‘Union’ colonial hoax.


I see the world expert on “gibberish” has expressed a view on Ash Regan’s proposed Bill. Dear Pete has written and spoken volumes of gibberish in his time as an MP, so he must feel well qualified to pass this sort of comment. Pete “gibberish” Wishheart strikes again.

Anyting he can’t get his brain to understand is gibberish to him. Which means practically everything. How on earth has he managed to pull the wool over the eyes of so many voters for so long?

I. Despair

A bit of good New Year news for Rosie Duffield MP: link to

Dundee Scot

Alf, the Scots Parliament in 1702 did not believe that Anne had to be crowned in Scotland to be Queen of Scotland. They accepted her ascension to the throne of Scotland.

I should add that many Scots monarchs, including Margaret I, were NEVER crowned in Scotland–or “crowned” at all. Other monarchs had their coronations delayed. James I, for example, became monarch in 1406, but was not coronated until 18 years later.

BTW at Anne’s coronation she swore an oath as “Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.”

The Scots Parliament (repeatedly) acknowledged Anne to be Queen of Scotland–at the time. As did other nations, and historians for 300+ years. Thinking people should accept this over some lunatic ravings on a blog 300+ years later.


F*ck me, I didn’t think the SNP fanzine (National) could fall any further but they have, the news rag has signed Owen Jones as a columnist.

Two others are also joining the team are Rhoda Meek, who has written articles for the news rag, and on off columnist Caitlin Logan.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:4 January, 2024 at 1:49 pm

the second half of the year, this will surely give the murderous Zionists and their backers Sunak being one of them, enough time to exterminate two-million Palestinians in the world’s largest open air prison known as Gaza

Oh dear, somebody is not very good at arithmetic. It’s not nearly enough time.

So just maybes, that’s not the plan at all.

BTW, the world’s largest open air prison is the RF. TBQH, they’ve owned that one since the days of the Czars. It’s a matter of national pride for them – so every time they change their style of government, they retain the correction camps, the barbed wire, and the dodgy catches on their upper floor windows.


Stuart McTavish.

This is why there needs to be a clear out at Westminster and Holyrood, of the supposedly independence parties who in reality don’t support independence.

“It is disappointing that one SNP MSP and one member of the government has approached me to back it. Independence should be front and centre of all parties who claim to be pro-indy.”

Said Ash Regan.

Brian Doonthetoon

Why are contributors here persisting in using the made-up word “coronated”? There is no such word.
A monarch is “crowned” during a coronation.


‘Coronated’ is fine by me.

The Scottish Crown was not placed on the head of our imposed monarch. He was not ‘crowned’ King of Scotland.

Neologism is an everyday phenomenon.

Robert Hughes


O Jones – the token ” Lefty ” allowed on MSM , inoffensive , bland , * Progressive * ( haha ) and oh-so-niiiiice being given prominence on that ridiculous excuse for an ” Independence supporting newspaper ” ( hahahaHA ) comes as no surprise .

It’s all part of the intent to sabotage the desire for Scottish Independence by promoting an endless parade of dilutions/distractions/dysfunctions , and , specifically , to further the seamless morphing of the SNP into an indistinguishable replica of New Labour . That process is just about completed .

All that remains now is for them to find a way to excise the word ” Independence ” from their lexicon completely and normalise the perception that the SNP is a valued part of the happy family of British Political Parties . They’re almost there .


How the UK media kept on pushing the beheaded Israeli baby lies without one shred of evidence to back it up.

Remember we Scots are subject to the UK media lies on a daily basis, this is why you can’t believe one word that the UK MSM prints or reports on, with Scotland in mind.

“In subsequent days, journalists at the scene in Israel continued to investigate the validity of the beheaded babies story. A French journalist in Kfar Aza reported that nobody had mentioned beheaded children to him.

Meanwhile, Oren Ziv, a prominent Israeli journalist, highlighted he had not seen any evidence to support the claims before adding that Israeli soldiers and the army’s spokesperson remained unable to confirm the allegations.

The White House quickly walked back on Biden’s earlier claim. It reiterated he had not in fact seen evidence of the beheaded babies he was convinced of less than 36 hours ago, making clear that the president’s comments were merely repeating Israeli news reports and officials.

However, there was little detectable appetite from the British media to change tack and report on this clarification in the ongoing story.”

link to

John McGregor

If Useless has a pair o haw maws he should deselect every MP in his party of Corrupt Fraudsters n Embezzlers n Deviant lovers


Robert Hughes.

Jones turned against Corbyn after he (Owens) was invited to give a speech at the Jewish Labour Movement, Corbyn then came under and unprecedented attack from all establishment quarters that he was anti-Semitic.

An Al Jazeera investigation exposed that the JLM was working with Israel to remove Corbyn as leader of the Labour party. Owen’s is beholden to the JLM that’s why he pulled out the Stop the War Coalition to prevent British military intervention in Syria.

Here’s a bit more info on Jones.

link to

Andrew scott

Anyone else thinks the photo of useless thinks he is wondering HTAF have i ended up in this Sh1t??


A twist to the current saga about the Beast Epstein:

link to

The Jeffrey Epstein list of associates unsealed by a US judge has reignited suspicions the pedophile financier was an asset for Mossad, the **** intelligence agency.

****’s former prime minister Ehud Barak was identified in the bombshell dossiers Wednesday night. He served as PM from 1991 to 2001 after serving in the IDF for 35 years, rising to Chief of the General Staff.

While he is mentioned only fleetingly in the new files – an Epstein victim asked whether she’d ever given Barak a massage – there has long been speculation surrounding his relationship with the financier.

Barak met with Epstein some 36 times and was pictured entering his Manhattan townhouse with a scarf around his face in 2016. Young women were seen coming in and out of the residence that same day.
Former **** spies have gone on record stating that Epstein’s international sex trafficking was a honeypot entrapment operation – gaining valuable ‘kompromat’ material to blackmail political and business elites.

Alf Baird

Dundee Scot @ 6:33 pm

“The Scots Parliament (repeatedly) acknowledged Anne to be Queen of Scotland”

Anne was entirely absent from Scotland and disloyal to the nation, a disloyalty extending to many of those corrupt individuals sitting in the Scots Parliament (as is the case even today).

Anne never visited Scotland as monarch, so not much interest in our country and its people we may deduce. Her loyalty self-evidently lay elsewhere:

“As I know my heart to be entirely English, I can very sincerely assure you there is not anything you can expect or desire from me which I shall not be ready to do for the happiness and prosperity of England.”

She was never monarch of anything but England and its ‘possessions’, same as all the rest since.

John Main

@Republicofscotland says:4 January, 2024 at 7:39 pm

you can’t believe one word that the UK MSM prints or reports on

Copy that RoS, loud and clear.

with Scotland in mind

Haud oan then. Are you saying the MSM CAN be believed, just not when it’s reporting on Scotland?

So for the beheaded baby. Was that reported in the UK MSM then? Cos if it was, then you’re saying it IS true, unless it was a Scottish baby, in which case you’re right, it’s NOT true.

So, … must have been a Scottish baby then.

I think.

See the body count figures. Reported in the UK MSM day after day. Is it OK if I don’t believe them?

Take your time to untwist your pretzel logic, if you can, before answering.

John Main

@ PacMan says:4 January, 2024 at 8:18 pm

Aw naw, they’re coming for our daughters!

Been a while since that one was last doing the rounds. Weimar Germany if I recall, so best part of a century ago. Some of the distinctive artwork is still around online, if anybody wants to get really stuck in.

In more recent decades, it’s been much more those “on the opposite side” that have been in the frame. They’ll defo be glad to get back to operating under the radar.


Totally off topic I know, for which I apologise, but I feel compelled to give vent to my anger having seen the concluding episode of Aian Bates vs The Post Office. I realise there is an ongoing inquiry into the affair but if Vennells and others in the know do not do jail time at the end of this there is no justice. So many lives ruined financially and psychologically, and in some cases lost, all to keep the snouts of fat cats in the trough. Absolutely disgusting

The court case was a step in the right direction but only involved 500+ of those affected and after legal costs the plaintiffs only received circa £20k each, a pittance for what they endured. They should have been awarded costs as well which were huge due to the lies and duplcity of the PO. All those affected, probably in their thousands, should have all their financial losses made good and also receive damages for what they have suffered recompensed. It us not acceptable fir Vennells and others to hide behind the corporate veil. They knew early in this saga what was really happening and should be held to account both in terms of criminal prosecution and financial liability for the damage they have caused.

The Post Office monopoly should be removed and competition introduced. After this I would avoid the PO like the plague if I had an alternative. I would like to think something like this would not have happened in an independent Scotland, or at least have been nipped in the bud, but when you look at the hapless SNP I doubt it.


Robert Hughes 7:34pm

Spot on!

A unionist writer (he is no jurno) for a unionist rag.
& They wonder why the arse has fallen out of their print run.
The last infiltration complete.
Lest we forget this rag cancelled real indy writers like Tasmina & Salmond in favour of unknowns & woke shit. It deserves to go to the wall. I don’t even click links to it now.

David Hannah

Scotland needs Kate Forbes. I have never wanted someone to get the job more than her.

Matheson will be sacked this week. Kate Forbes has been talking NHS.

Will Dumza bring her into the cabinet to stave off a rebellion?

Will our soup taking SNP MPs in Westminster. Also known as the self preservation society. Make their move. With Riki 2 snacks now saying time for an early general election?

I want these bastards gone more than the next man.

But, we need action now. The only person I can think of who is capable of uniting the country is Wee Free, Free Port loving Kate Forbes. She’s been quoting Commonweal Recently.

She’s not thick. She’s going to bring everyone together. I believe she wants Independence.

Calling Kate Forbes. Who is a Pro Life, advocate of banning buffer zones. And defender of reproductive rights for women. She’s a, Wee Free Christian Mother, who believes that marriage should be between aan and a woman. And yet. Will defend to the hilt gay rights.

Unlike Dumza who dodges gay marriage votes.

She’s everything this country needs to take these woke scumbags down.

Calling Kate Forbes. Freedom of speech. Freedom of thought
And free will. Save our country. Thank you.

David Hannah

I should also add a further thought. It’ll be good to have an adult human female. Woman. Walk up the steps of Bute House with her children. God bless you Kate. And your family.

I don’t mind that she’s signed the deal for the free ports. Obviously it came through inexperience. In the future. Free ports will be torn up with Independence. Well take our country back.

I don’t mind that her highlander husband is a tory. I don’t have anything wrong with Tories. I know they are rich and I a poor. But if we can get them to work for us and share the wealth and listen to us to society better for all. Then everyone can get on for the best part.

Scotland needs Kate Forbes to tear up “the deep recesses of management” as quoted this week. And gut. Every single level or corruption. That’s not value for money. It’s time for austerity on the elite political class.

I could not think of anything worse than some neo con wokie taking over Scotland. And carrying on the greens insane agenda.

KATE Forbes. I implore you to take those bastards down now. And strip the rot from the head.

I’m not naturally Tory. Like your husband. But we need both of you in a Bute House to bring the whole country together.

Get that bastard Humza out now. And strip the Scottish Government and civil service of the Byres Road gentrified mafia.

Do it now Kate. Do it. Monday morning. Kick that bastards fucking door down and day.

The games up Patrick!


Ignored says:
4 January, 2024 at 5:45 pm
I see the world expert on “gibberish” has expressed a view on Ash Regan’s proposed Bill. Dear Pete has written and spoken volumes of gibberish in his time as an MP, so he must feel well qualified to pass this sort of comment. Pete “gibberish” Wishheart strikes again.

In fairness, too many big words in it, and it probably is gibberish to Pete, but once the nurse explains it all to him, in about 18 months time, he’ll wake up thinking it’s a great idea and adopt it as frontline strategy.

Pete’s a “Good guy / Wank” type of fella. Thinks in binary, with very little recall.

Bit of a goldfish, (apologies to goldfish everywhere). How he managed a music career, fk knows. Maybe Stephen Ridley taught him his piano in a one hour lesson, and he just played the same chords for every song forever after.


Is there any difference between the views of Katie Forbes & those of Brian Souter?

I wasn’t in Scotland during the time of Section 28 so I don’t know much about it.

Gay people mainly gay men and have always been part of my life and I didn’t consider them to be any different to anyone else. I had gay best friends, gay bosses, gay flat mates, loads of gay work colleagues etc

Sure I was aware there were some gay men who were misogynists. The ones who claimed ‘to smell fish’ when women were around. For the most part I hadn’t a problem with someone being gay.

However things have change and now the ‘misogynistic gay men & women’ are the ones that are now causing me problems and making we wonder if ‘the repeal of section 28’ wasn’t a mistake especially in regards to what is currently being taught in schools.

I’m wondering if ‘the repeal of section 28’ hasn’t led us to where we are now.

I believe the ‘GRA 2014’ was a big mistake and I’m now wondering about ‘the repeal of section 28’


Happy New year Stu. Thanks for keeping me sane.

I only hope Alba stand in my constituency, speaking as a former SNP activist, who could never vote for it again.

If Alba can’t stand, I will spoil my ballot paper, as in:

“No males in female sports, prisons, wards, toilets, all same-sex places.

A man cannot be a lesbian. He’s straight, laughing at you.

Giving puberty blockers to children is medical ABUSE and a future scandal.

Men cannot breastfeed a wean! etc”

Ditch the SNP misogynistic, child & baby abuse ennablers.

I may be some time in the voting cubicle!

Only Alba will protect woem and children and only it has an actual plan to get indy. Pete Wishart et al are gaslighting us all

That’s why the media protects the SNP. It knows it is a unionist Trojan horse.

Well played MI5.


Not Ignored

Only Alba will protect women and children and only it has an actual plan to get indy.

I’m not hearing much from Alba regarding their plans to protect women & children.

My view (which I keep repeating) is as long as men can change sex there can be no protection for women & children.


From Joanna Cherry, lets see how it gets on.

“NEXT week I will be introducing a private member’s bill at Westminster designed to give the Scottish Parliament the power to amend the role of Scotland’s law officers including dividing the role of the Lord Advocate into two separate jobs. One as head of Scotland’s prosecution service, and the other as a minister of the Scottish Government and its chief legal adviser.

The present Lord Advocate performs both roles and legal scholars and politicians are becoming increasingly concerned that this may give rise to a conflict of interest.”

In my opinion only the machinations of a couple of LA’s has kept the likes of Sturgeon the Judas out of prison.


A link to my previous comment would nice, apologies for that.

link to


Same sex attraction aka homosexuality is a matter of biology.
«Gay» is a matter of ideology, an «alien» import originating in the peculiar social conditions of the USA. American culture is fundamentally «puritan».
Puritans obsess about sex.


Sturgeon the betrayer of Scotland says her flagship children in care policy is slipping back, the Judas had the chutzpah to add.

“The former SNP leader added: “Even if that means holding my own party to account on this, I will do that because having made a long-term promise you’ve got to stick with it.””

Long term promise..hmm now where have I heard that from the betrayer of Scotland before?

There’s something Tony Blair-esque about Sturgeon, Blair feels no shame maybe that’s it.

link to


In order to inform myself about section 28 I’ve been reading this:

link to

The Scottish millionaire businessman Brian Souter privately funded a postal ballot as part of his Keep the Clause campaign, which he claimed returned 86% support for keeping the clause,

Is this an earlier example of Holyrood ignoring the views of the electorate?

Gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell stated that “Brian Souter’s support for Section 28 is the moral equivalent of the business-funded campaign to maintain racial segregation in the Deep South of the USA in the 1950s.” Tatchell said that Souter’s campaign was “hateful” and that it is clear that he was using his vast fortune to try to keep a cruel and “bigoted law” intact.

Sound familiar?

Those opposing ‘86% of the Scottish electorate’ were bigots & similar to members of the
‘Ku Klux Klan’


Yousaf cuts budget to councils for “supersponor scheme” that’s seen tens of thousands of folk from a nasty Eastern European nation flood into Scotland.

“We have provided £13.2 million to local authorities to support the accommodation needs of people fleeing, £30 million is also being distributed to local authorities to support them.

The ever delusional Alex Cole-Hamilton says the nasty Eastern European country is on the verge of winning.

The folk from the country even had their own minister in the SNPs Ian Gray, no such graces have been extended to any other group such as Afghans, Syrians, Iraqi’s, Palestinians and Yemeni’s, infact strict new Westminster immigration laws means that many folk hoping to arrive in the UK have no chance whatsoever, unless of course you are from this Eastern European failed state.


not ignored
5 January, 2024 at 10:44 am

Same sex attraction aka homosexuality is a matter of biology.
«Gay» is a matter of ideology, an «alien» import originating in the peculiar social conditions of the USA. American culture is fundamentally «puritan».
Puritans obsess about sex.

Puritans obsess about sex. Good point.

I’ve just been looking at the following. Why you ask? I’m just wondering if I should explain. I could be getting myself into deep water.

Is Allah beyond gender?
Allah is beyond gender. Allah is no man, no woman. Allah has no spouse or children. But the Quran was revealed (ph) in Arabic, and linguistically, Allah’s referred to as he, which is the masculine pronoun howwa in Arabic, throughout the Quran.

Is Allah a female deity?
In Islam, Allah is not depicted as male or female — Allah has no gender. Yet Allah has traditionally been referred to, and imagined by many, as a man. Some Muslim women have begun to refer to Allah with feminine or gender neutral pronouns.

I’m just wondering about your claim that gay is an import originating in the peculiar social conditions of the USA


In the «Islamic» world that stretches from Morocco to Indonesia same sex attraction is discreetly quite «at home» when, however, wrapped in the colors of the gay rainbow it becomes considerably less so.
Those shouty advocates from AngloAmerica do no one a favour. Besides, to many it smells of old style colonial superiority.
When in Rome etc.


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Mostly Ignored.

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What is that Republicofscotland?

I’ve just discovered that if you have someone marked as ignored you can’t copy their post.

Yes I have ‘Republicofscotland’ marked as ignored.

Why you ask? It’s because I am giving those who respond to those I am ignored the ‘X’


Not Ignored
5 January, 2024 at 11:13 am

In the «Islamic» world that stretches from Morocco to Indonesia same sex attraction is discreetly quite «at home» when, however, wrapped in the colors of the gay rainbow it becomes considerably less so.
Those shouty advocates from AngloAmerica do no one a favour.

Those shouty advocates from AngloAmerica do no one a favour.

Well I don’t know about that. The more they shout the more they bring these issues to our attention and the more people start to question their ideology.

link to

James Che

Dundee Scot.
4th January 4: 42 pm.

I will keep my response to your comment brief and simple.

If Queen Anne did not include the Scottish Oath during her coronation in1702.
She never came to Scotland to become coronated as Queen of Scots or the kingdom territory of Scotland

She was not ever confirmed as Queen of Scots except by magic assumption of presumption by England.


Not being Muslim, although knowing rather more about it than many of my age, the nature of the Islamic divinity is a matter for scholars. A Wiki on «allah» gives a reasonable overview of the word. Note. the word and its variants are pre Islamic, and is used by non Muslims.
The foundation myths of the USA are derived from a fundamentalist Protestantism. Its ideology has been termed Americanism and has an element of millenialism about it; America the unique, the blessed, the best ever. Hubris is its major characteristic.
Gay culture is awash with it as is its handmaid Woke.


link to

That’s James Che now got my X.

Is she ‘bovvered’?

Probably not!

I have to be extra careful I don’t want any more PMT.

James Che

Queen Anne coronated in 1702 as Queen of England, France and Ireland.

She Was never made queen of the kingdom of Scotland or the Scots .

This is important in relation to her authority over the Scottish side of the treaty of union in picking the commissioners of Scotland,
In given Royal assent on behalf of Scotland under and using the Scottish Seal.
And never used the Scottish Sceptre to do so,

It was the Duke of Queensberry that used the Scottish Sceptre in 1706/ 07.


Not Ignored
5 January, 2024 at 11:58 am

Not being Muslim, although knowing rather more about it than many of my age, the nature of the Islamic divinity is a matter for scholars.

You certainly know more about Islam than I do but that wouldn’t be hard as probably everyone and their granny knows more about Islam than I do.

I have become more interested because we have a Muslim first minister & a devout Christain who seems interested in the job.

Am I correct in thinking you blame Protestantism for the state we are in re ‘gender ideology?

That seems a bit strange.

Disappointed that no one answered my earlier question regarding the views of Brian Souter & Katie Forbes.

Let me extend that question to include Muslim thinking re the issue of ‘gender ideology’

Is their a difference between the views of Brian Souter, Katies Forbes & Islam?

Dundee Scot

James Che says:

Don’t bother to go any further. Everything he writes is utter nonsense.

1. When being crowned, Anne specifically said she was being crowned as Queen of Scotland.
2. The Scots Parliament repeatedly recognized her title as monarch.
3. The Duke of Queensberry wielded the scepter in the 1703-07 Scots Parliament as the Queen’s High Commissioner, her representative in Scotland. His authority was derived through her, as Queen–further evidence that she was Queen of Scotland and acknowledged as such.

“Rev.” Stuart, aren’t you ashamed that your blog has become the go-to place for the James Ches and Alf Bairds of this world?

Anton Decadent


A few years back I criticised Owen Jones in a comment under one of his articles in the Guardian and in response not only was my comment deleted but my IP address was blocked. He is a globalist and a perfect choice for the National.

Re the Stop The War Coalition, that was initially a coalition of groups with the noble aim of stopping the unjust wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Socialist Workers Party though was approached by the Muslim Brotherhood which offered to provide numbers for demos if given a 50/50 power split in the STWC with the SWP. Other member groups, some of which contained people who had fled Islamic fundamentalism, objected pointing out that this was a particularly hardline branch of the MB based in Pakistan and that the SWP should decline the offer. The SWP instead mobilised its members, put it to vote, won the vote and expelled some of the groups which had objected, others resigned and the STWC became a front group for the Socialist Workers Party and the Muslim Brotherhood. In that timescale if you look at the placards being held at SWP demos and Islamic fundamentalist demos in England it is the same typset and layout etc.

@Ruby, which is your favourite era, Silverfish or Ruby?

Brian Doonthetoon

coronated – NO!

crowned – YES!

The nearest I could find to “coronated” in my various dictionaries was “coronet”, which is a small CROWN, worn by minor royals.


@ Ruby at 10.45

which he claimed returned 86% support for keeping the clause

What was the turn-out/return rate? My household used our ballot papers to light the fire.

Wikipedia says that 31.8% of valid votes were returned (link to, so rather than the government ignoring the electorate, I would suggest that the electorate ignored Mr Souter.

Alf Baird

James Che @ 11:52 am

“She was not ever confirmed as Queen of Scots except by magic assumption of presumption by England”

Yes James, and here the colonizers “most absurd prejudices are explained and justified; and, as if by magic, the moon is turned into green cheese” (Cesaire).

Similarly the colonizer seeks to justify the existence of a ‘Union’ which was only ever a colonial hoax designed to capture Scotland and dependent on bribing native elites, then and now.

British Crown and British Union – illusions both – like a moon made of cheese; yet some Scots, even supposedly bricht mynds, aye swallow it!

Alf Baird

Dundee Scot @ 12:32 pm

“When being crowned, Anne specifically said she was being crowned as Queen of Scotland.”

Did she? This does not alter the fact her and successors were only ever crowned with the English crown in England, and an assumption made as monarch of England’s ‘possessions’.

She also said this:

“As I know my heart to be entirely English, I can very sincerely assure you there is not anything you can expect or desire from me which I shall not be ready to do for the happiness and prosperity of England.”


This article could equally well be called the abscess going by the tone of the comments….


5 January, 2024 at 12:42 pm

@ Ruby at 10.45

which he claimed returned 86% support for keeping the clause

What was the turn-out/return rate? My household used our ballot papers to light the fire.

Wikipedia says that 31.8% of valid votes were returned (link to, so rather than the government ignoring the electorate, I would suggest that the electorate ignored Mr Souter.

Interesting! Why did your household do that?
Wasn’t there an option to vote against.

Would it be fair to say your household weren’t that bothered about section 28?

31.8% sounds like the normal turnout for local elections.

Why would this poll be judged differently to local elections?


5 January, 2024 at 1:04 pm

This article could equally well be called the abscess going by the tone of the comments….

I’m not getting what you mean Gordon. Could you possibly elaborate on what you mean by the tone of the comments. ie give a few examples

Cheers Gordon.


As I said I wasn’t here during the time of the Section 28 debate so I am just now catching up. Obviously the current problems in schools is having an influence on my thinking.

Various other arguments were also used in support of Section 28 which are summarised as follows:

That promotion of homosexuality in schools undermined marriage;
That Section 28 prohibited only the promotion, not the legitimate discussion of, homosexuality;
That Section 28 did not prevent the counselling of pupils who were being bullied;
Proponents also pointed to various polls in an attempt to demonstrate that public opinion favoured keeping Section 28

That all sounds fair enough.

I could vote for that. Particularly this:

That Section 28 prohibited only the promotion, not the legitimate discussion of, homosexuality;

I think we might need a Section 28 to prevent the promotion of ‘transgenderism’ in schools.


@ Ruby at 1.10

I suppose we weren’t that bothered about the clause; I was pleased when it was repealed, but it wasn’t an issue I campaigned about. We used the ballots as firelighters in order to avoid giving credence to Souter’s “referendum”; he’s a bigot in many ways and I didn’t want to encourage him by implying that he had validity. I can’t remember if we would have had to pay postage to return them.

The turn-out for local elections is a disgrace; it’s the level of government that most directly affects people’s lives, yet they make the least effort to choose their representatives.

Local elections are formal, though, and have an electoral roll. Presumably Souter used that to send out his ballots (I don’t think the option to decline being on the public register existed back then, so everyone’s name will have been available to him; I think we had a ballot each, so he must have known how many people lived at each house), but unlike the Strathclyde water supply referendum, there was no official recognition.

Dundee Scot

Except in Alf Baird’s fevered imagination, there was no legal requirement in 1702 (or today) that a Scots monarch had to be crowned in Scotland, with the “Scottish crown.” See link to fr more.

In fact, Alf Baird’s imaginative absurdity would disqualify most of Scotland’s monarchs.

Taken seriously (which it shouldn’t be) Alf Baird’s imagined criteria (crowned in Scotland, with the Scots crown) would mean that for most of the last 1300 years, Scotland hasn’t had a monarch.

James Che simply lies about well-known facts. Alf, when caught in a lie (e.g, Anne’s coronation oath), quickly shifts to absurdity.
They both embarrass the cause they purport to support.


link to

That’s Alf got my X now!

I have to be fair I can’t be seen as having favourites.


Long and short if your not prepared to wear the scottish crown and follow scottish traditions you are a pretender.

Royal behaviour suggests they take the view the scottish crown is lesser or subservient to the English/British one.

End of story feel free to jog on.

Strangely Have a soft spot for Charles who has been seen to have a desire to do the right thing but if he thinks we are lesser beings, jog on


5 January, 2024 at 1:40 pm
I can’t remember if we would have had to pay postage to return them.

No idea what the current situation is regarding unstamped mail.

A number of years ago I received notification from Royal Mail telling me I had a letter that required me to pay the postage + a fee. So I paid the £1.50 or something like that online, stamps were probably 26p at the time. I was furious when I got the letter and it turned out to be some Labour Party election leaflets. I don’t know if I was a one off or it Labour send out all their election leaflets with stamps. It’s one way of cutting down on costs.

Might be worth checking out what happens now re unstamped mail & returning all
unsolicited mail to the SeNder’s Postal address. 🙂

PS. I am a bigot. Well according to Sturgeon I am.


I asked Google about unstamped letters. This was dated 18 Mar 2022

In most cases, the receiver will pay a fee that equals the price of the stamp for the letter, but it can also happen that they need to pay a surcharge for insufficient postage for the unstamped letter. If the receiver refuses to pay, the letter will be returned to you as the sender.

They don’t tell you in advance who the letter is from. Had I known it was from the Labour Party or any political party I wouldn’t have paid the fee.

Ian Smith

Regarding the lack of appearances by royalty in Scotland, you can just as easily demonstrate that few Scottish politicians give any regard for the Highlands and islands, the Borders, etc.

Their own local power bases and wherever the national movers and shakers hang out is all that interest them.


He’s not even PM yet, and the millionaire knight of the realm, Labour leader, and genocide enabler Sir Keir Starmer is rolling back on promises he made.

“Labour has dumped its pledge to withdraw charitable status from private schools.

Confirming that the pledge had been scrapped, Starmer told LBC today that “I understand why parents work hard to send their children to private schools”.”

link to


@ Ruby at 2.20 and 2.30

I recently had Royal Mail put a card through the letter-box saying that I had to pay £5 for something with insufficient postage. I did pay this, thinking it would be a parcel I was expecting*, but it turned out to be something trivial, with no postage paid at all. So I notified the senders and they refunded me. It was still annoying, though; most of the £5 will have been a handling charge.

*I had gone to the sorting office hoping to find out what it was, but the online information about their opening times was wrong, and they were only open between 8 and 10 in the morning, so I’d missed them.

James Che

Alf Baird.

As I have been promoting for a while the concensus on how a monarch is verified as a monarch in Britain,

First is ceremony
the Oaths required.
The anointting,
And the actual coronation -Crowning

Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland under took all these requirements to make her, and pronounce her queen of England, France and Ireland.

She did not include the “Oath” to Scots, nor go through the ceremonies of Scotland, get anointed as Queen of Scots become Coronated/ crowned as queen of Scots,
Further more Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland actually abdicated her rights from the crown and throne of Scots and kingdom thereof by not going through any of the correct procedures required.

England as a separate state and kingdom could not create her as monarch of Scotland to a separate kingdom,

I always found it interesting that Scotlands old parliament of the three sister estates offered the Scottish Crown to England without Scotlands nation instantly becoming a republic of Scotland.

John Main


So we have 2 pretenders now?

At least with Yousaf we could get shot of him. Strangely quiet on that front though. Maybes we’re all feart of the ‘R’ word.


James Che said;

“I always found it interesting that Scotland’s old parliament of the three sister estates offered the Scottish Crown to England without Scotland’s nation instantly becoming a republic of Scotland.”

And when exactly did Scotland’s old parliament of the three sister estates offer the Scottish Crown to England, James?

No-one offers a crown to a nation, they offer them to individuals. In William of Orange’s case it was Scotland’s Convention of the Estates which offered it to both him and his wife Mary jointly, and not Scotland’s old parliament; that had ceased to exist when James VII fled to France.

Offering someone a crown doesn’t render the crown’s country a republic, James, otherwise when King James VI+I was offered England’s crown in 1603, England would have become a republic, and Scotland would have become one when he left for London never to return!

James Che


I note you grasp at all possibilities to hold onto the union,

I think you will note that I was playing with an interesting Idea, rather than making a precise statement regards republic of Scotland,

I was however more precise regarding the Oath taken by Queen Anne of England, France and Ireland,
And gave you the information on where you could find the Coronation of Queen Anne,
Where by she does not take the Scottish oath during her Coronation in England,

I wont nit pick though, as you may have missed that bit of info if youwere busy,

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