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Wings Over Scotland

Hurrah for the Secretary of State! 83

Posted on April 03, 2013 by

It’s just been brought to our attention by an alert reader that we’ve been shamefully failing in the months since the signing of the Edinburgh Agreement to give credit where it’s due to Scotland’s champion in Westminster, the Rt. Hon. Michael Moore:

“Stephen [Williams, Lib Dem MP] is clearly a strong liberal voice for young people. We should be helping him build an unstoppable momentum for permanent change following the Independence Referendum next year, where another Liberal Democrat, Michael Moore, has secured the right of 16 and 17 year olds to vote.

What with that and Jenny Marra MSP apparently being single-handedly responsible for the ending of the split-tickets fiasco on ScotRail (1hr 41m), it looks like we owe all the Unionist parties a big vote of thanks today. Our gratitude is literally unmeasurable.

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News in brief 28

Posted on October 15, 2012 by

So that’s that, then. There’s going to be a referendum on independence, with no legal challenges. The entire Scottish media’s about to be choked with analyses of the 30-paragraph agreement signed today by Alex Salmond, David Cameron, Nicola Sturgeon and Michael Moore, so we’re going to aim for the most concise one.

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The short version 20

Posted on October 10, 2012 by

(The long version can be found here.)

You’ll read it here first 39

Posted on October 10, 2012 by

If you’re interested in Scottish constitutional politics, you can save yourself a lot of time and angst by reading Wings Over Scotland. The mainstream media has agonised all year over procedural aspects of the independence referendum, but we came right out and called it when some people were still sleeping off their Hogmanay hangovers:

“We’re going to nail our colours to the mast and make a plain assertion – the referendum WILL happen, and it WILL be conducted on the Scottish Government’s terms. We suspect that in the interests of appearing reasonable, Alex Salmond will concede either the inclusion of 16/17-year-olds on the franchise or the involvement of the Electoral Commission – but not both – and the UK Government will ultimately grant the Section 30 order necessary to remove any possibility of legal challenge.

(Also, after a great show of pretend reluctance and protest, the Scottish Government will accept the UK Government’s insistence that the referendum must comprise just a single question, because that’s what the SNP actually wants – it just wants the Unionist side to be the one that rules out the popular devo-max option, rather than itself, and helpfully the Unionists are playing right into nationalist hands there.)

For all the heat and fury, it will be so. You can quote us on that.”

Nine months later, guess what?

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    • Muscleguy on The People You Most Suspected: “I work in a secondary school in a poor area. Trans is non existent. There are boys with long hair…Nov 14, 13:37
    • Muscleguy on The People You Most Suspected: “We have ISP who are dead set against this assault on the rights of Women and Girls.Nov 14, 13:23
    • Muscleguy on The People You Most Suspected: “And the Scots Tories gave their people a conscience vote and half of them backed it too.Nov 14, 13:21
    • Muscleguy on The People You Most Suspected: “Only Independence an achieve that. The Scottish Nonce Party is too big a tent to survive post Independence. The only…Nov 14, 13:20
    • Oneliner on The People You Most Suspected: “America has Trump, Scotland has FrumpNov 14, 13:03
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    • James on The People You Most Suspected: “Well, that’s one explanation of what’s happening. Try looking somewhere different perhaps, maybe not the ‘BBC’?Nov 14, 12:22
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