The world's most-read Scottish politics website

Wings Over Scotland

Sweet Violets And Turkish Delights

Posted on February 05, 2021 by

Alert readers from last night will notice that we’re currently running our first fundraiser since June 2019. It’s not one of our proper annual ones, in fact it’s basically just a joke at the expense of the Twitler Youth, but if anyone does want to kindly buy us a small treat of some sort it’ll be most appreciated. Click the pic to donate, if it would amuse you.

(The fundraiser is also to mark the one millionth reader comment on Wings. Jings.)

We’ll be back with some normal Scottish politics news shortly after noon, when we’re expecting to know the outcome of Martin Keatings’ court case over Section 30 powers. Should be a pretty interesting day.

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Bob Costello

If the result is that the Scottish government does not need the permission of the British government to hold a referendum, it will be interesting to see just how Sturgeon gets out if that one

Andrew Davidson

Oi oi what’s that working without salary for 7 months?

This isn’t a joke fundraiser any more.


Output has been top quality of late Stu. Also a pleasure to speculatively check wings for a new article and find the second or third of the day. I guess if you’re the only outlet actually covering the major stories in Scottish politics you’ve got your work cut out. Keep up the good work please.



12 hours ago I heard from a friend with connections to
Crosshouse Hospital that members of staff had been stabbed.

I looked on line repeatedly but both police and press would only
say two incidents are being investigated.
Don’t go to the hospital or Portland St.

So has a deranged knife man head into town and the police don’t care
to inform the public to get indoors and lock up.
Do not approach anyone on route.

Got to love the Daily Redcoat who immediately contacted a Labour Party official
a failed candidate to hear if he thought this was a concern?

Pleas do advise me but why can’t the police just tell the public what had happened
not even 12 hours later?

Giesabrek (the original)

That’s my 2 year subscription paid Stu! Doubt spend it all at the pub this weekend… oh, right, pandemic and all…


Worth every penny Stu though I can’t afford as much as I’d like to.

Nally Anders

Of late you’ve been firing on all cylinders. Brilliant stuff Stu.
Happy to contribute.

David F

Who posted the millionth comment? It must have been one of the early ones on the previous thread.

And I wouldn’t give the Twitlerites so much as fifty quid’s worth of satisfaction. I genuinely think you should spend some of the fundraiser challenging that Sheriff’s ruling. It’s completely wrong in law. Did you actually bother lodging defences?

Grey Gull

Glad to donate and having a wee laugh at some of the other donors. Some of you Wingers have a wicked sense of humour ?


We discussed the case at our ISP Zoom meeting last night. We’re fully expecting it gets kicked up to the Supreme court. Which will be a win for Martin note and will almost certainly have to end up there anyway. Both govts basically want it to fail.


Also, these Twitter posts are hilarious. The authors and their ilk just can’t handle that wings makes an argument based on presented facts. They don’t like the argument so they completely ignore the facts presented. Anyone independent minded enough to take said facts and make up their own mind is a heretic.

Alf Baird

Here’s some interesting legal advice:

“As a matter of law, a referendum is not a required part of the process of becoming independent (McCorkindale and McHarg 2020).

So, no need to depend on a referendum, and there are other better options, such as:

Plan A: Scotland Majority of National Party MP’s withdraw Scotland from UK alliance.

As our ‘National Party’ MP’s are unwilling to implement Plan A, despite being given three successive Scotland majorities:

Plan B: Plebiscite election on independence in May’s national election and using either total constituency vote or total regional list vote as stated in any (serious) national party’s manifesto, and take that result to the UN for recognition.

(the latter is currently proposed by Solidarity and is being considered by ISP).

Contribution on its way.

King Boab

You should tell the twittler that he has to collect the cash in person and he’ll have to spend even more to come and collect it.

Alf Baird

Iain Lawson Yoursforscotland moving into high gear:

link to

tricia young

Love the wingers humour, some of the names that have donated have made me laugh. Your blog is the only honest news in Scotland. I’m looking forward to the Keatings outcome which hopefully will cause a stramash. Donated, enjoy.


Why not find a job ya lazy cunt?


I’d donated on the last post so surprised at the Rev’s note on this one.

I expected a broad bearded man in Bath to be a real ale drinker by the yard.

Now I’m concerned to see he drinks Turkish Delight flavoured Gin?

Is this Trans issue getting to him?


Jonathan Marshall

Get a life James

katherine hamilton

Good to see you doing what you’re told for a change. I told you not a few days ago to stop being a naughty boy and get a wage. OK a one off. OK it’s for drink. OK it’s for sweeties.
As usual brilliant analysis- drink and sweeties= food.

Couldn’t agree more. You can can come off the naughty step.

true scot

sorry it’s not more but happy to donate. I hope a little pile of cash will give you some space to breathe and enjoy – and hope you still get some time for a bit of gaming. The spice of life! The dissonance between what I read here and elsewhere on the media is scary. These stories are the biggest in Scotland – but I can only read about it here, and that has rocked my faith in aspects of this country. I worry that she and her husband will outrun the consequences of what they’ve orchestrated and the stink of it won’t make it further than the political fringes. I now picture her like Macbeth – deperately trying to outrun her own doom and hold on to power – and hold on to her career. To me it seems to be primarily about her career. Even having delivered independence I believe she would step down quickly ‘with a heavy heart’ then a few months later announce ‘with a heavy heart’ that she’s accepted a role as _______ in ______ and would be relocating to ______ . I look at the SNP – the governing party – and I don’t see the sinew and stamina to succesfully take us out of the union and do all of the things that need done to make us succesful. There should be an endless stream of thought on the challenges and solutions of independence. I’ve no particular axe to grind with regard to transgender but it seems a ridiculous thing to spend so much time on – and I do struggle to see how people can’t see that those rights are at the expense of women’s rights. (so perhaps I am axe grinding a little bit..) Especially with the desire to allow people to self identify. It’s naive. It assumes that everyone’s desire to self identify is healthy and there should be as few barriers in place to allow that as possible. It’s unfair to characterise the entire trans community as having nefarious reasons to change gender – but it’s worse to ignore the consequences of removing all legal barriers for those that do. And there I think most of us see the danger more in the male -> female trajectory. There’s less seperating the races of the world than the sexes of the world but good luck trying to identify as a different ethnicity. The SNP are not alone in signalling virtue around the trans debate – it’s almost virgin territory to make a bold statement in, but the SNPs focus has been captured by all of the wrong issues. I just pray that, as was the case with the procedures that were applied to ‘former ministers’, The Hate Crime Bill is not made to apply retrospectively or most of the above will open to the charge of ‘wrong think’. Be well.


Donated as promised.


I am not sure if I know how to post a link on here – last time it just blocked the whole post so I think I am effing it up somehow.

Anyhoo this page tells you how to leave a comment to your donation just to add to the fun.

(((link to

Village Idiot

I’d just donated 50 quid to Wings the other night as well. Will need to do it again I suppose.

steve ellwood

Donation for Irn Bru and licorice all-sorts sent 🙂

Daisy Walker

What do they call £50 quid in horse racing terms? Is it 1/2 a pony.

Anywho, delighted to contribute.

And I just know that all these contributions will be a reasurance to the claimant, knowing that his award is firmly in the bank. Smiley thing.


@Effijy says:
5 February, 2021 at 8:10 am
“Pleas do advise me but why can’t the police just tell the public what had happened
not even 12 hours later?”

It’s fairly normal practice when it comes to police investigations. The police have already stated there is no threat to the wider community. As the crash on the A76 is classed as “serious”, that normally means either injury or possibly death, but it could be part of the investigative process as the incidents may be linked.


As Declan sits at home this morning watching this unfold in front of him, nursing his 50 pound note and the 300 pound hole in his bank account, it must be of great comfort to him knowing that has he has put 3,206 pounds in Wings coffers in just a few hours. It is just getting going by the looks of it.

The counter was spinning so fast it is difficult to keep up though.

Fantastic job Declan – it has been a real win-win. If of course ‘win’ means ‘lose’ in your case.

Eileen Carson

Please don’t shut the fundraiser before next week, when I get funds in my current account ta! Can’t have the sweet shops in Bath going out of business can we.

Tannadice Boy

Donated. Keep up the good work Stu. Honesty will pay off in the end.

Nally Anders

Hey Declan, ‘actions have consequences’. ? (laughs)

Daisy Walker

Turns out £50 = 2 pony’s in racing terms.

Anyway 2 little pony’s coming your way…

and I think they’re bringing all the other little pony’s with them.


Hope you don’t mind receiving a donation from a Conservative voting, Brexiteering, British Unionist.
Really enjoy your journalism.
Keep it up.


I refuse to contribute to this unless you pledge to spend a reasonable chunk of the final payout on heroin. Drug dealers have suffered in this pandemic too.

Geoff Anderson

link to

Nice new banner headline on Web page
“let’s make the Holyrood election a plebiscite on Independence”

Colin Alexander

Stu Campbell

You have 28 days to appeal the decision, if you want to. You can also apply for recall of the decision if one of the appropriate circumstances apply.

It may be helpful to POLITELY ask the Sheriff for a note of the reason/s for his or her decision.

link to

Scot Finlayson

The sweet shops and dentists of Bath will be well chuffed with the fundraser.

David Gray

Fundraiser page blocked me from donating. Will try again later.

Colin Alexander

Stu Campbell

Is what you received a Sheriff’s Order, not the (final) Decision?

I suggest you ask for an explanation for the Order to pay £50. Maybe you failed to comply with the Sheriff’s Order?

So, the case MIGHT not yet be finished.

Saorsa Cat

Dec has also set up a “chip in” it’s still sitting at less than £500.

It’s the principle that matters though ?


See that Peter T Murrell has just donated. That’s awfully magnanimous of him. Then again, he’s got loadsamoney.

Go easy with our donations on that exotic Turkish Delight gin Stu. We don’t want you to be too full of Eastern promise.

Eileen Carson

Jeezo just commented that you didn’t demote your brightest in favour of the teaboy and someone actually commented “Well how’s the teaboy going to get experience”! Seriously fighting for Scotland which would you pick for the justice brief, a knowledgeable/experienced QC or a failed drama student? I despair of the Nicola Fanbase they really don’t have the requisite brain power.

seoras macaiodh

Donated earlier this morning.
Used the Referendum Fund in the tax haven.
Where else do you think it went ?
Think they used it to fund daft lad(d)ies buying 50 notes ?
More power to you, man.
Enjoy funding those artisanal businesses.


Thanks Beeker but don’t you think the Police
should have informed the wider community that
a man who has stabbed 2 members of the medical
staff at the hospital is on the lose?

No one knew where he went and by what means.
No one knew if he would stab anyone he passes.

It’s got to be a duty of care to advise the public of the
severity of the situation and that the culprit is at liberty.

There has been an incident. Don’t go to Crosshouse Hospital
seems to be leaving out the danger to the public.

If he has left the hospital and it’s covered in armed police,
that would be the only place where you were safe from him.

The Scottish establishment have become too good at not informing
the public about what goes on. That cannot be right.


Happy to donate towards the cause.

Stu, might I suggest investing in a Gin making kit, you can use what little down time you do have and spend it creating different flavours of your favourite tipple.

James Horace

Keatings case: FAILED

Colin Alexander

Simple Procedure

My understanding of SP is that:

During the case it is conducted via Sheriff’s Orders.

After the case has been decided the Sheriff sends out a Decision notice within (14?) days. The Decision will explain how the case has been decided by the Sheriff.

The Claimant and Respondent, then have 28 days to appeal. If no appeal is received within 28 days, a Decree is then sent out.

Decree is the final step by the court and the case is closed.

Eileen Carson

Just dawned on me that The National is stirring up a firestorm [mostly against Joanna tbh] today, then I realised ‘Now Scotland’ launch today and the National are promoting the Yes Challenge. Can’t be too confident can they? Does it cost to join the Yes Challenge and who’s behind it, anyone?

Davie Oga

Colin Alexander says:
5 February, 2021 at 10:42 am
Stu Campbell

“You have 28 days to appeal the decision, if you want to. You can also apply for recall of the decision if one of the appropriate circumstances apply.”

Let the fucker have his joy for 26 or 27 days, then appeal on a point of law.


The decision to award the claimant 50.00 is unlawful as the respondent’s use of the image is covered under the
“fair deal” exemptions contained in sections 29,30,& 178 of The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Escalate! Drag it out as long as possible and see if you can get the bumpty to spend more money.


English local elections in May to go ahead as planned.

Glasgow racer

Stuck a few pounds in Rev.

And good luck Martin Keating.


Guys, forget chasing the judge and Declan.

The Rev has enough on his plate.
They are both insignificant to anything important.

If the Judge says it’s £50 for searing the F it.

Martin’s sovereignty case is due, Craig’s conclusion,
the Salmond stitch up is reaching boiling point and we
are very close to an election.

These issues matter!


OT There are a few FOI replies on the Scottish Governments website.

Scot Finlayson

@Eileen Carson,

Joanna tweeted her column in The National today,

Joanna Cherry: `Attempts to smear or intimidate won’t make SNP any stronger.`

her column doesn`t hold back apart from naming people outright.

Daisy Walker

Geoff Anderson says:
5 February, 2021 at 10:20 am

link to

Nice new banner headline on Web page
“let’s make the Holyrood election a plebiscite on Independence”

Sorry Geoff, disagree. I’m glad its there, but its not THE headline, and its not in in the text… its also not very big.

And since I’m being picky, the language used is not very strong. Its like its a wish, not a commitment. eg, Lets give everyone a start up grant when they leave school, yes that’s nice. Lets do that…

They are a political party, they have 2 main selling points to get themselves elected and established (3 if you count ‘we are not the snp’ as one).

List only and Standing on Holyrood Election being Plebiscite for Indy.

And I know there are voices in the party saying, but we’re only on the list, so we can’t win a majority of seats, so it would lose’. In which case that principle can be used for each and every policy you want to implement.

Try it and see, we want to save the NHS… but we’re only on the list, so we can’t take a majority of seats, so we will lose.

Just imagine if 2.5 million Yes voters, vote ISP on the list, because they are standing on Plebiscite for Indy Manifesto.

It would establish the principle on an international stage… and the next big election is the GE.

But you cannot sneak it in, as a wee bi line, with weak wording ‘lets have a …, oh yes, lets’. Its insipid and the opposite of inspiring.

Your members trying to stear it down this path – you might want to have a good look at them and direct them back to the snp. They have lovely carrots, do a good line in legal aid too if you can get on the payroll.

Peter Murrell

I was going to bung in half a million. Thought it was “available at a moment’s notice” but it turns out it’s “woven into the accounts”.



Happy to Chip into the fund


Chucked in a couple of quid. Enjoy your pink gin


Stu, not spending any on the local brew…Bath-tub gin.

Eileen Carson

Harassment Complaints inquiry witness coaching spend: FOI release

link to are we believing this?

Andy Ellis

@James Horace 11.12am

Based on what…..?

Link please!

I thought it wasn’t even published until 12 noon?

Johnny Martin

Andy Ellis @ 11:37am:

Follow link through tweet here….

link to

Daisy Walker

Folks if you have a wee look at Joanna Cherry’s twitter you will see the most disgraceful slur on her by a Chris Duffy.

Mandy Rhodes highlights it (and how disgraceful it is), and that he’s apparently in or supports the SNP.

Dixon inform

Only too glad to chip in to any fundraiser Stu.

And look forward to contributing to the majority Wings fundraiser in the near future.

And I would forget about that little pest who reported you.

Stuart MacKay

Since Wings is at the million comment mark and it looks like it will be a busy weekend I’ll throw this in here now. I ran some scripts to scrape all the comments from the Wings archive from Jan 2020 to the end of Jan 2021 and put together a few stats which you might find mildly interesting:

link to

Just for fun I put together a list of the Top 10 posters for each month, which you can find on the second page in the spreadsheet. This was mostly for morbid curiosity to see the “Cameron B Brodie” effect – which turns out was quite significant, particularly when you think of the length of his posts. There also a few names you might recognise who have moved on to “another place”.

There are not many insights or conclusions to be gained other than to say that the number of people getting involved is increasing and January was the busiest month in a while.

Johnny Martin

So annoyed.

The SNP/ScotGov should have been testing this through the courts years ago. All of a piece with the rest of the ‘hee-haw effort’ put into preparing the ground for independence.

I hope folk reflect on that rather than sneering at Martin Keatings for doing something that the alleged party of independence should have been doing years ago. This is no way justifies the hopeless inaction; quite the opposite as the SNP should have been turning up in court saying ‘we want this tested and mean to go ahead, so it’s no hypothetical’. That this has not been done is a disgrace.

Don’t turn up looking for my vote now promising you’ll bother your arse post-May because I have no reason to believe you based on past performance.

Eileen Carson

@Daisy Walker He’s the @SNPStudents National Secretary!!!

Wee Chid

Joanna Cherry’s article link to

mountain shadow

Keatings case kicked out. Judge won’t answer as case is premature.

If the SNP had passed a referendum bill in the last seven years then she would have looked at it, however, without a legal bill being passed by Holyrood and given Royal Assent, she ain’t going to make a decision.

200 odd smackers down the pan and not one step further forward.


Martin’s case was to have a ruling announced at 12 noon today?

If someone in the pocket of Westminster says we are not a Sovereign
nation then when did we vote on that topic to end it?

If we are supposed to be an equal partner in some kind of corrupt union
then we will have the same right as England when they said Scotland would
be removed from the EU with a YES vote while they could remain in.

Conversely if they leave the EU we can separate from them and remain in the EU.

Being equal we can now have our 300 year turn of having all U.K. revenue directed here.
We can claim and land or sea in England as our own.
The U.K. Bank of England is ours then
and our MP’s powers are multiplied by 10 to give our country an equal voice.

Can we go straight to the EU courts and forget about what pretends to be justice in the U.K.?

Grey Gull

Thanks Johnny @ 11.38.

Just need someone to translate all the legalese.


Update on The Scottish People Vs The UK Government on Indyref2

Confidential until 12 Noon.

As we expected in this first round, the ruling of Lady Carmichael did not go in our favour. But neither was it a silver spike through the heart. It is a highly appealable judgement.

While she may have dismissed the case on the hypothetical, academic, premature, it is clearly done on a neutral basis, and indeed in keeping with other cases of this nature.

As I have said many times before – it is very unusual in this type of litigation to get an opinion in the outer house and it almost always ends up in the inner house.

I note that she rejected pleas 3, 6 and 7 of the Lord Advocate. Pleas 3 and 7 was the contention of the Lord Advocate that this case should have been brought by Judicial Review, and even if it had been brought by Judicial review, it would then have been incompetent. She repelled both of those suggestions. Meaning that our methodology in this case is the correct one.

The 6th plea in law was also repelled, namely that granting the declarators we asked for would have been “inconsistent with the constitutional structures established by the Scotland Act 1998. Again, thumbs up for the procedure.

So the Lord Advocates arguments have taken a serious bruising as well. So not all bad news.

It is interesting to note that in no less than two places in her opinion she mentions allegations of “unlawfulness” (141) and “unlawfulness or abuse of power” (25/2).

It is also interesting to note that there is no mention of the announcement of the 11 point plan from the SNP the day after the hearing, which for all intents and purposes rendered all of the pleas in law for the defenders, meaningless.

This means, that as a matter of course, it appears she believed she had no choice but to dismiss because she didn’t have all of the necessary information to move it from one column (hypothetical, premature, academic) to the other column (not hypothetical, not premature, not academic). This is purely a technical issue, which would not have been an issue if the Scottish Ministers had been more forthcoming in terms of the 11 point plan, lending weight to the fact that its release less than 24 hours was not done under the purest of intentions.

But Lady Carmichael cannot be held responsible for something which was not divulged to her. She can only opine on what she sees in front of her, and you will all recall that I have already raised the issue of the 11 point plan released a day after the hearings and whether the Lord Advocate of SGLD already knew about that plan before arguing at the hearings during the two previous days.

All-round one has done, is to show the public that the uncodified constitution of the UK is a bit like waving your open hand in front of your face. You can blur things in the short term, but eventually, you realise that there are still gaping holes that you can see daylight through it.

The Advocate General and Lord Advocate have done everything they can to blur the lines in this case but the gaping holes in the constitution are there for everyone to see, and now they are on public display. The institutions of parliament which are supposed to represent the people are in fact deeply flawed when the electorate is deliberately blocked from trying to ask a reasonable question about their own constitutional future.

It was, for all intents and purposes a neutral ruling because she did not have available to her, all the information she required to rule, and from first glance the ruling is highly appealable, especially considering the release of the 11 point plan, conveniently delivered to the public after the hearings.

What we need now is a referral to a higher authority and that comes in the form of the inner house of the court of session, and as I told you before, this was the expected next step – we’re in better shape than we thought we would be.

So, I’ve already instructed that process to commence and it’s off to the inner house we go.

All the best,


Glasgow racer

Count down to Keating’s result.

10, 9, 8, 7…

Jacqueline McMillan

Off to the Inner House


Update on Peoples Action on Section 30

Confidential until 12 Noon.
As we expected in this first round, the ruling of Lady Carmichael did not go in our favour. But neither was it a silver spike through the heart. It is a highly appealable judgement.

While she may have dismissed the case on the hypothetical, academic, premature, it is clearly done on a neutral basis, and indeed in keeping with other cases of this nature.
As I have said many times before – it is very unusual in this type of litigation to get an opinion in the outer house and it almost always ends up in the inner house.

I note that she rejected pleas 3, 6 and 7 of the Lord Advocate. Pleas 3 and 7 was the contention of the Lord Advocate that this case should have been brought by Judicial Review, and even if it had been brought by Judicial review, it would then have been incompetent. She repelled both of those suggestions. Meaning that our methodology in this case is the correct one.

The 6th plea in law was also repelled, namely that granting the declarators we asked for would have been “inconsistent with the constitutional structures established by the Scotland Act 1998. Again, thumbs up for the procedure.
So the Lord Advocates arguments have taken a serious bruising as well. So not all bad news.

It is interesting to note that in no less than two places in her opinion she mentions allegations of “unlawfulness” (141) and “unlawfulness or abuse of power” (25/2).
It is also interesting to note that there is no mention of the announcement of the 11 point plan from the SNP the day after the hearing, which for all intents and purposes rendered all of the pleas in law for the defenders, meaningless.
This means, that as a matter of course, it appears she believed she had no choice but to dismiss because she didn’t have all of the necessary information to move it from one column (hypothetical, premature, academic) to the other column (not hypothetical, not premature, not academic). This is purely a technical issue, which would not have been an issue if the Scottish Ministers had been more forthcoming in terms of the 11 point plan, lending weight to the fact that its release less than 24 hours was not done under the purest of intentions.

But Lady Carmichael cannot be held responsible for something which was not divulged to her. She can only opine on what she sees in front of her, and you will all recall that I have already raised the issue of the 11 point plan released a day after the hearings and whether the Lord Advocate of SGLD already knew about that plan before arguing at the hearings during the two previous days.

All-round one has done, is to show the public that the uncodified constitution of the UK is a bit like waving your open hand in front of your face. You can blur things in the short term, but eventually, you realise that there are still gaping holes that you can see daylight through it.
The Advocate General and Lord Advocate have done everything they can to blur the lines in this case but the gaping holes in the constitution are there for everyone to see, and now they are on public display. The institutions of parliament which are supposed to represent the people are in fact deeply flawed when the electorate is deliberately blocked from trying to ask a reasonable question about their own constitutional future.

It was, for all intents and purposes a neutral ruling because she did not have available to her, all the information she required to rule, and from first glance the ruling is highly appealable, especially considering the release of the 11 point plan, conveniently delivered to the public after the hearings.
What we need now is a referral to a higher authority and that comes in the form of the inner house of the court of session, and as I told you before, this was the expected next step – we’re in better shape than we thought we would be.
So, I’ve already instructed that process to commence and it’s off to the inner house we go.

All the best,


Eileen Carson

Fabulous news! SNP’s loss is Joanna’s gain

Joanna Cherry QC
Delighted to announce I’ve been appointed Vice-Chair of Westminster
. Lovely to have the support of my cross-party colleagues & a privilege to deputise to the
most distinguished feminist & author of the #EqualityAct.
Quote Tweet
Harriet Harman
· 2h
Thank you to all MP & peer members of @HumanRightsCtte for your work at this #covid challenging time. And particularly grateful to @joannaccherry for stepping up as Deputy Chair; unswerving commitment, Scot perspective & top lawyer!”

Jacqueline McMillan

David Oga 11.16

Deffo worth a shot if Stu wants to do that.

Bread and fishes 🙂 🙂 😉

Davie Oga

“Can we go straight to the EU courts and forget about what pretends to be justice in the U.K.?”

Scotland has been out of the EU for over a year due to the inaction of, and corruption within the SNP. Its over. We are isolated, under the complete control of England. The current fraud in Bute House has no intention to deliver independence, and no qualms working with the British security estate in order to destroy her opponents. Her chosen successor has similar notions of cooperation.

Independence will never come through the SNP as currently constructed no matter how much we want it.

James Horace

Still nothing from Nicola on the threats of violence against Joanna Cherry?

I am really excited to find out who it was. Alyn Smiths counter report (which was quickly dismissed) was interesting, and from what Jo said in todays column, it may all be very closely related.

Dixon inform

What next after Keating’s case.

Look forward to your opinions Rev.

Bit of a downer

Jacqueline McMillan

Kilmarnock tragedy

MAN responsible

Bob Mack

The 11point plan is meaningless thus does not affect the judgement. The plan isexactky that. A plan which would not affecr determination.

She is basically saying that the Scottish government come up with competent legislation in order to judge the viability agsinst the pursuers claim. No legislation,no win.


Davie, Are we now out with the reach of the European Court of Human Rights?

Davie Oga

Eileen Carson says:
5 February, 2021 at 11:51 am
@Daisy Walker He’s the @SNPStudents National Secretary!!!

He’s in Armagh. Not on his life would he abuse a female Sinn Féin parliamentarian in the manner he has Joanna Cherry. Literally, lol.


Bought you 2g of sweet green bud 🙂

Stuart MacKay

Eileen Carson

What a massive poke in the eye for the SNP and extremely embarrassing.

It’s clearly a divisive move since the implicit assumption that she is there to settle in rather than settle up but, hey, anything that highlights the intolerance and misogyny of the Woke is OK by me.

Jacqueline McMillan

He’s in Armagh and went to Warwick. Gets about doesn’t HE

Davie Oga

Effijy says:
5 February, 2021 at 12:24 pm
Davie, Are we now out with the reach of the European Court of Human Rights?

Yes and no. Unlike European Court of Justice, Nothing the ECHR decides is binding on national governments. The UK government has also indicated that it plans to replace The Human Rights Act with alternative legislation.

Eileen Carson

Davie Oga says:
5 February, 2021 at 12:24 pm
Eileen Carson says:
5 February, 2021 at 11:51 am
@Daisy Walker He’s the @SNPStudents National Secretary!!!

He’s in Armagh.

Aye via the Uni of Warwick!!

Craig Jones

Joanna Cherry is one of our competent MPs and see no reason why anyone would want to hound her out of office.

Eileen Carson

Stuart MacKay says:
5 February, 2021 at 12:28 pm
Eileen Carson

What a massive poke in the eye for the SNP and extremely embarrassing.

Agreed BUT she will have more info at her fingertips!


“Can we go straight to the EU courts and forget about what pretends to be justice in the U.K.?”


While not (yet) an exact analogy, the Sturgeon “government” has parallels to the État Français (French State) set up at Vichy, France in 1940 following German occupation.

Is not the current Hollyrood State lIke Vichy?,

It has an unchallengable leader, is subservient to the leader of a foreign state; tries to supress local nationalists and disidents, is economically conservate, perverts the justice system and has an intolerant cyber quasi-fascist arm: the “twittler youth”.


I hope the good peeps of Wings keep the jelly babies and turkish delight tuck shop going.

As for the Banana Republic of Scotland, I fucking despair at the sheer blatant corruption that could even make Trump blush.

People – you have to make your voices heard. Is CORRUPTION what you want to vote for?

This is going to take a peoples’ revolt.
What’s the chances of the people, en masse and up front, refusing to participate in an election unless demands are met to weed out the corrupt politicians and force a plebiscite election? Like an Election General Strike – a non compliance revolt.

I really think something fucking massive has to happen, led by the people, otherwise it’s voting fodder for more corruption.

Jacqueline McMillan

The thing is the populace don’t have a fucking clue what’s going on and if they did they wouldn’t care head in sand not really

No Gods and Precious fan dam DICK GAUGHAN who refused to take part in BBC shite

Jacqueline McMillan

No Gods (And Precious Few Heroes)
Dick Gaughan

I was listening to the news the other day
I heard a fat politician who had the nerve to say
He was proud to be Scottish, by the way
With the glories of our past to remember
“Here’s tae us, wha’s like us”, listen to the cry
No surrender to the truth and here’s the reason why
The power and the glory’s just another bloody lie
They use to keep us all in line

For there’s no gods and there’s precious few heroes
But there’s plenty on the dole in the land o the leal
And it’s time now to sweep the future clear
Of the lies of a past that we know was never real

Farewell to the heather in the glen
They cleared us off once and they’d do it all again
For they still prefer sheep to thinking men
Ah, but men who think like sheep are even better
There’s nothing much to choose between the old laird and the new
They still don’t give a damn for the likes of me and you
Just mind you pay your rent to the factor when it’s due
And mind your bloody manners when you pay!

And tell me will we never hear the end
Of puir bluidy Charlie at Culloden yet again?
Though he ran like a rabbit down the glen
Leavin better folk than him to be butchered
Or are you sittin in your Council house, dreamin o your clan?
Waiting for the Jacobites to come and free the land?
Try going down the broo with your claymore in your hand
And count all the Princes in the queue!

So don’t talk to me of Scotland the Brave
For if we don’t fight soon there’ll be nothing left to save
Or would you rather stand and watch them dig your grave
While you wait for the Tartan Messiah?
He’ll lead us to the Promised Land with laughter in his eye
We’ll all live on the oil and the whisky by and by
Free heavy beer! Pie suppers in the sky! –
Will we never have the sense to learn?

That there’s no gods and there’s precious few heroes
But there’s plenty on the dole in the land o the leal
And I’m damned sure that there’s plenty live in fear
Of the day we stand together with our shoulders at the wheel
Aye there’s no Gods

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Written by: Brian McNeill / Hamish Henderson. Isn’t this right? Let us know.
Sent by Stephane. Did you see an error? Send us your revision.

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Love That Know Baby Yeah

Jacqueline McMillan

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Night owl

Jacqueline McMillan 3.16.

A Person of No Interest To The SNP (A Wummin)

Happy to donate Stu!
(Can you tell Pete Wishart I want that £5 back he borrowed)

James Barr Gardner

Mony a mickle maks a muckle.


I thought that the crowd funder was a joke at first, but it looks like it’s a real one after all. Decent sum stumped up. Keep up the good work Stuart. So many people rely on you.

PS – can’t wait to find out who the 30 year old man being charged is. Please please make it ‘you know who’.

Carol Neill

Declan blench here I don’t want it anymore ‘
That made me Laff
I’ll leave the politics and legal stuff to those who are more informed than me


Stu economy,

I love this thread, I really do.

Declan is symptomatic of what is wrong with his warped, me, me, me, trans-down-your-throat wokerati.

Without doubt there are a significant minority of traumatised human-beings going through gender change surgery and what must be a Hellish experience. Several of we despised heterosexual nationalists have friends who have gone through that journey.

But if we were to steal the wokerati’s fundraising money and infiltrate their trans organisation to ensure trans people were jailed, there would be Hell on Earth.

Yet if these roid-raged nasties have done exactly that to the Scottish Independence movement.

Bunch of nest-space stealing cuckoos.

So now for the karma…

link to

Declan has piggy-backed off of Wings and managed to raise £650 from 26 tran-sisters in 24 hours.

Wings has raised £8,098 from 392 TRUE Independence supporters in 24 hours.

Ironically Declan the Magic Midas Man, makes shite £50 notes out of £300s.

He just uploaded a picture of the world’s smallest reptile on his Twitter page.

Hey Declan, we know you’re reading this, how d’you like them apples 🙂


Whip the followers up into a frenzy and then ask them for money – sounds familiar.

Brian Doonthetoon

beflox – care to elucidate?

Which followers?

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