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Wings Over Scotland

Stories of the week, 26-1-14

Posted on January 26, 2014 by

The top five most-read stories on Wings Over Scotland in the last 7 days.

1. The bully pulpit
The Scottish Daily Mail “unmasks” some devilish “cybernats”.

2. Walls come tumbling down
The scare stories of Project Fear begin to crumble.

3. Eleven words of truth
The UK government’s latest propaganda paper starts well.

4. A frightened man
Jim Murphy MP demands nobody be allowed to challenge the No campaign.

5. To a grouse
The poem so good that we published a poem.

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Calum Craig

Is this going to be a regular feature?

Calum Craig

(I think it should- would be good for new readers.)


Rev, are thinking of starting a weekly Top of the Poops?


“You” know who I mean? Typo careless I’m afraid.

Calum Craig

“I reckon we’ll make it regular. Don’t know about using the word “poops”. Kinda gives the wrong impression.”

This is why we need a “like” or “vote up” type button here.

Ian Brotherhood

Since WoS started, has there been a better week for the Yes campaign? (I don’t mean in terms of stats, fundraising etc – just the general MSM vibe.)

If there has been a better one, I don’t remember it.


Good idea, Rev. Might also be useful to have a TOP 10 Monthly articles as we move into the home stretch. Just an idea.


your right again ian brotherhood, terrific last week.


@Ian B

‘Since WoS started, has there been a better week for the Yes campaign? (I don’t mean in terms of stats, fundraising etc – just the general MSM vibe.)’

Probably not. The circus fascist clowns of the Daily Heil, mixed with the usual foot shooting from the goofy No campaign, has made it a popcorn viewing week on WoS. I appreciate though that those who were so rudely door stepped by the those trash tabloid goons probably do not feel like that.


As a new reader, could I suggest a top 5 jokes of the week.
eg Sarwars socialist credibility, now he’s sending his kid to a private school. Slabs Dianne Abbot.


Please oh please let them come to my door.


This is why we need a “like” or “vote up” type button here.

.No, we really, really don’t.


@Paul – I doubt they’ll knock on mine, it has a giant Yes Scotland sticker on it, hah.


i care deeply for the poor but i will not vote to repeal the bedroom tax. i care deeply for the poor but refuse to send my children to the school they use. i care deeply for the poor but i will support a right wing elitist government charging your children thousands of pounds for the education i got for free. Anus Sarwar.


I think the end of the week “Best of WoS” is a great idea.

Calum Craig

No, we really, really don’t.

I made that comment because Stu’s comment made me laugh. So, yes it would be quite frivolous to have like buttons a la Facebook.

Having said that, when I get to a thread late (when it’s posted weekday daytime typically), I do want to read through the comments as well as the post. But, if there are already 100+ comments I’m probably not going to bother. It would be quite useful to be able to rank the comments in order of vote ups so I could just read the top/ most popular posts.

Just IMHO.

Schiehallion! Schiehallion!

That was the week that wos?


It just turns the comments threads into a popularity contest. I’ve seen people thumbs-up comments on other boards that just way “what he said”. How pointless it that.

It also means there’s one more thing to think about when reading the comments threads. Do I “like” this or not? Life’s too short.


Aye the NO campaign must be spinning like a top, as one scare story after another has bit the dust and it certainly didn’t help to find their top propaganda outlet “our state broadcaster the BBC” has been caught out being BIAS in their favour.

Good week.

I wonder who’s turn as a Westminister minister, to come up NORTH and scare the natives this week, well it certainly wont be Cameron.


That was the week that wos?

Wins thread.

Old mikey

Bruv’s computer has been kaputski since Wednesday, but should be sorted by Tuesday coming.As an avid ‘winger’ he asked me for an update. Told him he’s missed some of the best and not to panic and just stay cool.

Murray McCallum

Zips are more efficient than buttons. Though buttons have their place.

Flower of Scotland

I THINK ” the end of week BEST OF WINGS is a great idea ! I feel part of a communion of people wanting INDY . I am surrounded by Tories , Lib Dems and labour folk where I live . So it’s great !

Calum Craig

Life’s also too short to wade through 100+ comments on a thread that was posted hours previously but I haven’t read yet.

I’m open to suggestions as to best approach this situation as it happens to me a lot.

Quinie frae Angus

Yes, I agree with Yesitis: the “Best of WoS” at the end of every week is a great idea.

Can’t wait for Rev Stu’s next fundraiser launch to add another bung to “pay some of Campbell’s wages”. Would be great if it all added up to even more the next time, to give even more impressive stats for the next MSM stitch-up, that will inadvertently give Wings free advertising. This is such fun! You must have got a whole load of new readers this week, Stuart, since many DM readers must have looked up the site to find out what it was all about. It’s almost beyond parody – that the DM is so out-of-touch with what Wings is all about that it would actually promote the site!!!

Hi there, new readers. Welcome to our wonderful, intelligent, insightful, informative, and thoroughly inclusive community! Educate yourselves and enjoy the ride.

ronnie anderson

@Morag 10.25 aye am wey you morag,nae like button,s, am like,in the releive fae the jack boot oon ma neck,ah dont want tae be the erse end on the like,s comment,s, oops ah pooped.


I’m open to suggestions as to best approach this situation as it happens to me a lot.

Skim it and read the substantial posts by people whose posts you know you like? Or just read the ones that say “Scottish Skier” and “Taranaich” at the side? (No offence to anyone else, just what occurred to me.)


Morag: That was The Week That Was – you’re showing your age. I still have an LP of same!


Look, I was quoting Schiehallion, don’t blame me!

ronnie anderson

Hows about a Wings score, on how we think we ve done at the end of each week, naw high,s low,s.


I have the Daily Mash on my mobile, and they produce usually a funny annual or so. The No Nutters are almost beyond satire.I am sure many of us would be happy to buy a book/kindle of the month’s most ridiculous and actionable stories and lies, And more glean the Daily Heil and Guardian for Scottophobia and vile hate, that we could share with any don’t knows. Just an idea.


Good idea, a column on ‘socialist’ of the week. Having a look at Sarwar, Darling, Davidson, Brown, Murphy, Alexander etc and see what pies they’ve got their sticky little fingers into while taking a look at their constituency and voting record (pro war, pro nuclear, pro austerity, pro bedroom tax, pro ATOS).

Calum Craig

“Skim it and read the substantial posts by people whose posts you know you like?”

Aye, pretty much what I do. Always think I must be missing some good comments though…

Calum Craig

Oops, forgot to close my italics there.


Murray McCallum said: Zips are more efficient than buttons. Though buttons have their place.


Murray McCallum

Something about pantomimes make me krankie.

What a strange old week. Had a bit of everything.

Creag an Tuirc

It’s a shame that this week the BoE Governer is meeting the Scottish Government to tell them they can’t use the pound, well, that’s what that Pat Boyle guy told Ivan McKee earlier today on Sky. I would like to be a fly on the wall at that meeting 🙂

Ian Brotherhood

Hey, non-Twittering fellow Cybernats – orders have come from on-high!

Ian Brotherhood

Okay, sorry, that’s a dead link…you’ll get the ‘message’ soon enough.


In case anyone hasn’t noticed, the Scotsman is reporting-not in their headline of course-that ICM shows SNP at 43 % for EU election up from 29% last time in 2009

[…] comes in a week, by the way, where the Daily Mail launched a despicable attack on prominent Yes voters on Twitter for “abuse” that amounted to little more than salty […]

Ivan McKee


That has to be one of the worst headlines even. SNP on almost double the slab vote but the story is about ukip getting to 7%

Another 2% drop in the slab vote and they would only get 1 MEP. (With 4 for the SNP) Now that is a story.

David McCann

Meanwhile over at Aljazeers link to

call me dave

“For Blair McDougall, head of Better Together, and the leaders of all the pro-UK parties, today’s poll is a definite wake-up call.”

link to

Patrick Roden

The Daily Record mentioned the 5% increase in the Yes vote, but didn’t seem to know that No had also had a 5% reduction.

Not in the least surprised, but it just shows that they are still not ‘getting it’ and think they can still take the Scots for chumps.

Note to Alistair D, Blair McD, DR, The Scotsman, BBC/ITV…please continue doing what you are doing: treating the Scottish Public like they are ‘zipped up the back’

It doesn’t play well with us and is making people angry.

They are then looking for the reason why you are lying.

When they find the other side of the argument, known around these parts as the truth…

They inevitably become ‘Yes’

Thomas William Dunlop

I’m bored. Is it no time for the Balkanisation of Scotland scare stories to come out again (Glasgow variety)?


Y’know the full weight of Westminster unionist establishment has been lined up against the pro independence vote…

… and they’re losing ground.

All that machinery, all that media supremacy and they’re losing ground. We’ve got something to offer, its as simple as that. Its better than just hope, or a wish list, its yer actual future.

Independence guarantees a government you vote for.
Independence guarantees a constitution enshrining the rights and responsibilities of the citizen and their public servants.
Independence guarantees a reprioritisation of tax and spend toward the needs of the populace. Oh and that government you vote for? If they don’t deliver they are directly accountable to you.

On those three points alone I’m voting YES. The opposition CANNOT promise to deliver the government Scotland votes for. They will not promise a written codified constitution protecting the rights of the electorate. They dare not hand the sovereignty, the power over to the people they represent. Can’t have folks getting ideas above their station.

The past week has been a car crash for them. In fact since the turn of the year they haven’t had a good one. Two polls back to back delivering bad news. A Labour win in Cowdenbeath, but marred by doorstep polling which showed a positive leap for an independence vote. People are beginning to get IT. A vote for an independent Scotland is a vote for where and how you wish to be governed, not who. Its a vote for something which CAN be delivered. A Scottish parliament addressing Scottish problems and answerable to a Scottish electorate.

Still waiting on Westminster/BTs guarantees of what a NO vote delivers.


DotScot domain update in the Herald

link to

G. Campbell

Labour MSP Kezia Dugdale has strengthened her party’s socialist credentials by writing an article for today’s Scottish Daily Mail. It’s titled “TWITTER AND A THREAT TO BAYONET ME”.

“Recently, someone on Twitter decided to inform me that they would like to see what I looked like on the end of their bayonet. If someone had threatened me like that in the street, they’d have been arrested.”

Shocking language, I’m sure we can all agree. Here’s the offending tweet from over a year ago.

link to

So Kezia clearly has quite a good memory, and 15 months counts as recent. But, hey, what’s this. Here’s a similar comment from 4 months ago.

“The debate will go on in the sense there is a large number of wounded still to be bayoneted.” – Labour MP Ian Davidson on independence supporters.

Has Kezia condemned these shocking remarks yet? And if she hasn’t, why not?


Can you start a regional section please? Here in Aberdeen, the Press and Journal belts out incredible vote NO Scotland stuff daily like it’s written/edited by Darling, MacDougal, Cameron, Lamont…


M Curran on GMS after 8 on Ed’s populist balls up.

Fergus Green

G Campbewll at 7.31. Next time Kezia D. posts on the Courier website (under the name of DAWN), it might be worth asking her thoughts on Davidson’s remarks.

G. Campbell

Aye Kezia Dugdale, Ian Davidson, Danny Alexander, Margaret Curran, Johann Lamont, Anwar Sarwa, Jackie Bailey, Ian Gray, James Kelly.

Remember the attack by Ian Davidson on Isabell Frazer, the attack on the wounded,

Kezia Dugdale, A joke of a politician negative, negative,negative That’s why we need a change in Scotland.


GMS 8:15 this morning

Magrit Curran!

Has oor Magrit been tae ELOCUTION LESSONS sounds affa like it?


Anyone recall Angus Roberston saying the SNP wouldn’t stand in the UK2015GE if it was a Yes?

link to

If Scots vote for independence their MPs should all quit, says Tory peer

Next hint about the contents of the joint statement?

Would certainly be the only sensible thing.

The Man in the Jar

@scottish skier
That link to the Herald made me laugh. What is Lord Foulkes on?

“Any legislation to set up a new Scottish parliament in an independant Scotland has to be approved by the UK parliament”

What part of the word “independent” is it that he doesn’t understand?


Red baws backtracking to blue baws already.

link to

Ed Balls says 50p tax rate will be temporary

Well that was quick.

Bill McLean

I see Kenny Logan is supporting a legal bid to allow expatriates (????) to vote in the Independence referendum.
He lives in London I believe! Is he currently unemployed?
Is he trying to raise his profile? Will we be watching “The Gabby and Gobby show” ere long?

scaredy cat.

@ Scottish Skier
If ever there was a reason not to vote Labour in 2015, this is it. These guys will surely drag their heels in any negotiations. Anything to hang on as long as possible.


Ed Balls says 50p tax rate will be temporary

Well that was quick.

He should try and grow a pair.


What an absolute belter of a week. The articles, threads and comments going so fast it’s almost impossible to keep up. I take that as a good sign though and no doubt, with all the additional free publicity supplied by the MSM, things are only going to get even more frenetic.

More and more people that I meet are all familiar with WOS.

My local paper shop now return more of their newspapers at the end of the day. Hardly surprising when things move so fast that even spokespeople for BT cannot keep up to date with the changes to their propaganda. The papers are practically out of date as they leave the presses this week.


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