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Wings Over Scotland

Somebody walk us through this one

Posted on April 19, 2015 by

The Sunday Times front page today reports (although in fact we can’t find the story anywhere on its website or in its iPad app) the 8,745th “intervention” by Gordon Brown in Scottish politics, the thing which is at least notionally still his actual day job.


We’re going to need someone to explain to us why even the punch-drunk inhabitants of Scottish Labour HQ could possibly imagine that to be a good idea.

And we don’t even mean in the broader sense of “What’s going to be achieved by dragging the Raging Clunk out of his dank crypt in a disused Fife coalmine to bellow at a tiny hand-picked audience of bewildered pensioners again?”

What we mean is this:

1. Brown is the man most closely personally associated with “The Vow”.

2. Indeed, he gave his express personal guarantee that it would be delivered.

3. But then worryingly begged Scots to sign a petition to make it happen.

4. Scottish Labour’s own official current position, stated just five days ago, is that the Smith Commission proposals which were the mechanism for delivery have suffered a “brutal betrayal” at the hands of their Vow partners.

5. So now they’re going to wheel out the man whose promises turned out to be worthless and ask people to believe him again? Huh?

Even if you take Scottish Labour entirely at their own word and in the blindest of good faith, any shreds of credibility the former PM might have had have been torn away. He’s been exposed as a powerless nobody, and won’t even be a backbench MP after the election, so can’t even pretend at any influence.

Don’t get us wrong – WE haven’t believed a word Brown said for years. But we get that we’re not Scottish Labour’s target audience.

It’s just that this time we can’t even begin to imagine who they think the lumbering old dinosaur still holds any sway with, given that Labour themselves are screaming from the rooftops that his last solemn pledge wasn’t worth a damn. Can anyone help?

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173 to “Somebody walk us through this one”

  1. gordoz says:

    Gordon Brown the sequel (Again & Again III)

    The ‘Undead’ resurrect – Who Knew ?????

  2. gordoz says:

    Wait a minute –

    Is he not the Postal Vote maestro ??

    This is beginning to make some sense.

  3. 1971Thistle says:

    The Guardian

    Every word he says

  4. Malcdrac says:

    But it’s Gordzilla, It’s a no brainer!

    Seriously though, who is going to believe a word he says now anyway?

  5. Bugger (the Panda) says:

    Brown will only give scripted interviews and “barn stormers” to vetted party members and vetted press.

    This will dutifully be spun to whatever McBeth’s Witches stirring the cauldron of bile, shite, hate and lies against the SNP, want.

    No one will ask him about the VOW, or stolen pension funds, unregulation of The City and Banks, illegal wars, failed neocon economic policies, child poverty and a million more mere bagatelles he was into up to his oxters.

  6. Quentin Quale says:

    Raving Doctor tries to bring dead body back to life. Jim Murphy swinging from patronising to full-attack mode. Jeez, we’ve got Frankenstein as well as Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. What work of literature will they parody next?

  7. Kevin Evans says:

    The fool of a man has lost all credibility. If this is there ace card there about to find out we ain’t in a card game anymore and were not gambling on Scotland’s future in some sort of high stakes poker game.

    The rules have changed and so has the game. It’s not Texas hold um anymore where bluffing is a relevant means to win the chips. We’re now in full on battle in a team sport called politics where half of the other team were against is now been sent off the field for an early bath.

    I knew I shouldn’t have watched match of the day the morning.

  8. Peter A Bell says:

    With friends like Gordon Brown and David Cameron, British Labour in Scotland hardly needs enemies.

  9. gordoz says:

    O/T – Apologies – for anyone from Argyll & Bute.

    Interesting assault on SNP bunker in Dunoon ?

    Non Aligned Forward Shop – Dunoon.

    Its about postal vote tampering ridicule.

    link to….html

  10. chalks says:

    Sorry to be pedantic, but, it isnt browns job anymore, he is no longer an MP, they all ceased being MPs in March I think, cant remember the exact date.

  11. galamcennalath says:

    I keep wondering what will be sprung upon us in these last few weeks in an attempt to stop the SNP.

    As Stu points out, it can’t be Federal Brown being rolled out, again … can it?

    He has credibility only among the most loyal (gullible) of Labour supporters. How could anyone believe he has sway over Yes voters/SNP converts? Seems odd. But then again, odd behaviours now seems Labour’s North British branch’s trademark these days.

    As for “brutal betrayal” of Smith. I got the impression Labour were responsible for their fair share of the watering down!

  12. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Sorry to be pedantic, but, it isnt browns job anymore, he is no longer an MP, they all ceased being MPs in March I think, cant remember the exact date.”

    Hence “notionally”. Nobody ELSE is representing the people of Kirkcaldy right now.

  13. steveasaneilean says:

    As the Panda says

  14. Valerie says:

    Go, bring him out of that dank crypt, it will get us more volunteers on the street.

    Do it, Slab!

    Bring him out so Nicola can ask WTF happened to our Home Rule.

    Do it, do it, do it

  15. JaceF says:


    Did Cameron ban outlander in UK?

    link to

    From a SPE perspective, your meeting with Prime Minister Cameron on Monday will likely focus on our overall investment in the U.K. – with special emphasis on the jobs created by TOMMY COOPER, the importance of OUTLANDER (i.e., particularly vis-à-vis the political issues in the U.K. as Scotland contemplates detachment this Fall), and the growth of our channels business with the acquisition of CSC Media Group this week position us as the 5th largest commercial broadcaster. Even relative to our colleagues/competitors, I think our story is unique and special (because of the size, scope, and recent nature of our investments).

  16. Truth says:

    It’s quite simple really.

    Gordon Brown intervening allows them to plausibly rig the election.

    The problem they now have is whether the general public would agree with this plausibility in the same way as they allegedly did with the referendum.

  17. Ken500 says:

    Brown destroyed the Labour Party in Scotland.

  18. Gavin Barrie (Jammach) says:

    It’s like the scene in Reanimator, where the squished dead cat is brought back to life using the glowing green goo. It hisses and spits and mewls pathetically before it dies again.

  19. heedtracker says:

    link to is what boomed out of the BBC 24/7 after the last last great Gordon intervention.

    So whole week before May 7, If you don’t vote SLabour you’re not the “real people” of Scotland. The silent “real people of Scotland” will be silent no more, also giant Gordon whoppers like you lose your UK pension too, is my guess. Hey don’t knock Crash intervention, it worked last time.

  20. Louis B Argyll says:

    Like the point about Jekyll n Hyde…

    Watch this space…

    The image makers, and that extends to wardrobe departments too, will be creating a WOLF IN SHEEPS’ CLOTHING.

    Gordon will be wearing a jumper, the retired look. Vulnerable, like his target audience.

  21. StevieMcB says:

    Alex Salmond on 5live just now

  22. ronald alexander mcdonald says:

    I’ve heard Scottish Labour have found Lord Lucan and are bringing him back to lead their campaign.

  23. Proud Cybernat says:

    Stupidity on stilts.

    Never interrupt your enemy… etc, etc….

  24. The Man in the Jar says:

    Brown – The abominable No man!

  25. steven luby says:

    Headline grabbing lies & msm just love him for it. We have to remember Brown will never be questioned…..job done.

  26. Cruachan says:

    …..and there’s still Mr Darling to to be wheeled out in the next two weeks ????

  27. Anne Lawrie says:

    Postal voting starts tomorrow. Result will be overwhelmingly in favour of labour(wonder why?). Gordie takes all the glory & ensures a seat in the Hol as a reward. Starting to get very angry!

  28. Robert Black says:

    O/T From The Sunday Times today (link to :

    ‘OFFICIALS at Buckingham Palace are warning that the Queen must not be dragged into political wrangling after the general election amid fears that David Cameron or Ed Miliband might attempt to use her as a “prop” to “legitimise” a government that lacks a majority.

    ‘Sources close to the royal household said last night that neither leader should approach the Queen to form a government until they are sure they can command the confidence of the House of Commons.’

    More pressure on Miliband to deal with Nicola.

  29. One_Scot says:

    He is being puppeted into position to ‘explain away’ Labours unexpected postal vote landslide.

  30. angelswithdirtyfaces says:

    “He’s a real nowhere man
    Sitting in his nowhere land
    Making all his nowhere plans for nobody”

  31. Macart says:

    He’s not there to combat the SNP IMV, (frankly that’s beyond him), no I reckon he’s there simply to stop the haemorrhage of even the die hard voter. That and of course claim credit for the surge of Labour support from postal votes. 😉

    He won’t be seen on the streets, he has no power or influence in Commons and every promise he made to the Scottish electorate during the referendum has turned to ash. Never mind the disgrace of his tenure as PM, his recent foray into our lives and our future is a complete and utter disgrace.

    History will not favour or recall this man kindly in our culture.

  32. Ian Brotherhood says:

    Bawbag Broon was in Ardrossan a couple of weeks ago to see Katy Clark, so some of us went along to greet him. Didn’t get much of a sniff, he was wheeched in.

    But if he’s back again with this last-minute preacher-man shite, we should ensure that wherever and whenever he lumbers into view he’s told in no uncertain terms to GTF. No niceties at all – just fuck right off. Loud and clear, every chance he gives us.

    To that end, let’s test our collective resources by tracking the windbag every day from now until May 7th – whenever he breaks cover, we’ll be ready.

  33. Mosstrooper says:

    More movies featuring The Brown One;

    The Creature from the Black Lagoon, IT, The Blob, The Body Snatchers, Mummy. I’m sure you, dear readers can give us many more.

  34. Pam McMahon says:

    Hey, if you’re a dying body like the Labour party in Scotland, you will hook yourself up to any apparent life support system offered, even if it is pumping carbon dioxide rather than oxygen into your beleaguered lungs.

    They should have signed the “Do Not Resuscitate” form when they had the chance.

  35. desimond says:

    Mr Brown…as one who has been there…can you confirm its not always the biggest party who gets first go at forming the Govt…theres a good chap..

    Brown has a false sense of reverence from Media..its like hes looked on like the former US Presidents who retain the title Mr President after leaving office. Still his £12m ‘charity’ fund helps while away the hours no doubt.

  36. Mosstrooper says:

    Ooo! Ooo! “The Resurrectionists”

  37. Karmanaut says:

    Presuambly it’s aimed at the subsection of Labour voters who still don’t know what’s going on – pensioners.

    Brown will certainly try to scare them into voting Labour. So, pensions and NHS. “We delivered the Vow,” he’ll say, “But now the SNP want to scrap your pension and cut your NHS.”

    They bring him out because they know his lies become top story on the BBC news, who won’t challenge them.

    It means we have to work harder on the doorsteps.

  38. Capella says:

    Interesting find re Outlander! Looks like it was pulled because of the Referendum. But why has it remained off the broadcasters agenda? Amazon Prime have the rights since March but they are not broadcasters so most people will not see it. Censorship .

  39. Not entirely O/T.. as this was in the “Vow”… which, as noted, was personally guaranteed by
    Brown. It is also against the recommendations of the Smith Commission…

    Not sure where the ‘home rule’ is in blocking the SNP’s Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead from leading key fisheries talks at EU tomorrow, where “predominant policy interest” in this is for Scotland’s interest.

    The UK Minister for the Marine Environment, George Eustice, is unable to attend.
    The UK Government have confirmed that instead an unelected Tory peer with no involvement with Fisheries – Lord Rupert Ponsonby de Mauley – will lead for the UK.

    Happy with this Mr Brown?

    link to

  40. Spout says:

    “..we can’t even begin to imagine who they think the lumbering old dinosaur still holds any sway with..”

    I’ve met a few.

    He has gravitas and charisma to these folk – incredible as that sounds.

    Although these folk are invariably comfortable faux-socialists stuck in the past unable to vote “Tory” but for whom the Labour Party has become the acceptable/disguised face of Tory-ism.

  41. G4jeepers says:

    The puppeteers, skillfully maneuvering the slavering beast so as to make it appear sentient.

  42. Fiona says:

    I think it is precisely the same mistake the Labour party made with Jim Murphy. They think that “plutocratic, warmongering neoliberal scumbag” translates to “Political heavyweight, highly respected by the electorate”.

  43. DerekM says:

    Ah the last throw of the dice for north branch ,a bit earlier than i expected but the state they are in it does not surprise me in the least.

  44. gerry parker says:

    @ Gordoz

    link to

  45. Jim Thomson says:

    @Gordoz 11:07

    The link’s not working – page been pulled?

  46. Almannysbunnet says:

    There is a much bigger danger than the clunker! This right here is the game changer labour has been waiting for. It has even tempted me to vote for Ed. This is serious folks 🙂

    link to

  47. pussy nancy says:

    Let this coward make one last bumbling fool of himself! That’s the only thing he will be remembered for anyway. I’m quite looking forward to the laugh actually. Gordon Brown never stops digging a hole for himself he just starts drilling!
    He is so mentally twisted, that when he dies, they won’t be able to bury him they’ll have to screw him into the ground!
    Disgusting individual!

  48. Helena Brown says:

    Well he has several failures to his credit. He destroyed the Final Salary Pension in this country, he sold gold at a ridiculous price because he telegraphed that he was selling it. He did played the Tories at their own game, the one they wanted him to play and ended up with egg on his own face and the excuse for the Tories to hurt the ordinary person in the street. His latest failure is much closer to home, for all his machinations he failed to keep Tesco in Kirkcaldy. Time for Gordie to disappear from Politics before he makes a bigger erse of himself that he has done.
    I will give the Tories their due, and that is for a Party marked Stupid what does it say about a Party who has fallen into all their traps. Miliband is being played like a fiddle by them.

  49. boris says:

    It appears 200,000+ voters have not transferred from the register used for the referendum and the one compiled under the new personal registration system. If only it were possible for a team to identify the names of those that dropped off and the reasons why. Assuming 16-18 year olds make up a significant number. Might be other patterns would surface. eg 6 names same block of flats

  50. stewart fae stoney says:

    All that labour have got Broony regurgated, he lied to us before and he will do it again. time to move forward with a more forward thinking philosophy as the existing main parties have tried and failed, Stand up Nicola your time has come

  51. Jim Thomson says:

    @Anne Lawrie 11:23am

    I had an interesting chat with an SNP organiser about that. My suggestion that we should discourage postal voting was dismissed on the basis that Labour have always been very good at getting people to register for it and that they got a high percentage response (not going to get into tin-foil hat arguments here).

    He suggested that if SNP could increase their PV share of the ballots issued, that it was almost a guaranteed vote for SNP because PV returns are always a high percentage of those sent out to voters.

    Maybe we’ve just been missing that trick all those years.

  52. Mealer says:

    The purpose of the forthcoming Brown intervention is to give the Labour Party lots of headlines and prime time TV coverage at a crucial stage in the campaign.Its like an extra half a dozen party political broadcasts for Labour.Its about bolstering the resolve of the “Labour til I die” (which usually isn’t that far off) contingent.It will be effective among that part of the Labour support but could be counter productive among swing Labour voters.

  53. Onwards says:

    Did Brown ever save his local Tesco branch?

  54. Fiona says:

    Umm..”swing labour voters”? What is that then? Seems to me that if you are only moving in one direction you are not “swinging”

  55. Murray McCallum says:

    “Can anyone help?

    No, I wouldn’t wish to insult your intelligence. As you say, we are not SLABs target audience.

  56. YESGUY says:

    No shock there Stu.

    Dead LIEbour party bring in Zombie Broon to gain votes.

    What afunny wee pretend party the LIEbour are.

  57. gerry parker says:

    @ Jim

    Gordoz link.

    link to

  58. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    @Robert Black

    Pretty damn funny watching the Queen’s pitiful flunkies panic about her role as a rubber stamp. She doesn’t get a say, it’s down to the voters and the electoral arithmetic. If they keep it up they will just highlight how uncomfortably close to power Charlie boy and Queen Camilla would be when it’s their turn. Not a wise move, to say the least. 😉

    The westminster bubble twits still don’t seem to grasp that we aren’t interested in a coalition and we will deal with every issue vote by vote. If it’s reasonable progressive policy and it’s good for scotland then it’ll get through. If it’s yet more austerity and red tory stupidity from Miliband then it’s going fucking nowhere. Unless it’s backed by the tories, just like Iraq was, lest they forget.

    It will hardly end well for wee Ed Miliband if he ends up begging to be saved on most votes by a far-right nasty party of tories not that noticeably different from UKIP.

  59. Grouse Beater says:

    The biggest mystery for me about Brown is how somebody so obviously unable to relate to people in any natural way, in emotion chronically crippled in his dealings with people, should feel he is the very person to appeal to a nation and win people over to his point of view by sheer force of his ‘personality.’

  60. Katie MacDonald says:

    Just watching the politics show Scotland…. don’t you just hate Gordon Brewer????

  61. Capella says:

    That Gilligan piece in the Telegraph is a remarkable example of projection. He appears to believe that the rUK is a bastion of reason and common sense and that Cameron, Clegg, Miliband and Farage are intellectual giants!

    “In Scotland this spring, national emotion appears to be sweeping all before it, and the SNP has been able to create an impregnable parallel reality. Enormous chunks of what was once a sceptical, questioning country are about to take part in mainland Britain’s first faith-based election.”

  62. Democracy Reborn says:

    Was reading a review on Amazon of Tom Bower’s book “Gordon Brown : Prime Minister.” It seems to sum up Brown perfectly:-

    “Brown was more than a ferment cave of boiling magma, but in fact temperamentally unfit for public office. I am not a fan of bullies and this book basically tells us Brown was/is a childish, selfish, Messianic, hubristic, egotistical, power-hungry bully.”

    Good to see though that the bullying trait among Labour leaders is continuing in fine form. ‘Smurph, Smurph, are you listening?….’

  63. frankieboy says:

    The whiff or ermine keeps Gordy going…just one more declaration of loyalty to the Establishment should secure it.

  64. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:

    On the subject of Brown, I doubt his supposed replacement Kenny Selbie is too keen for Crash Gordon to keep sticking his oar in. Every single time Brown has it’s just made Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath that much more favourable for the SNP to win as the Ashcroft polls have shown.

    People DO actually remember Brown’s lies from the referendum. Even Kenny Selbie will know that Selbie is hardly the reason that the biggest swing to the SNP has occurred in what was Brown’s seat. Almost nobody knows who Selbie is. They sure as fuck know who Brown is though. 😀

  65. Neil says:

    It’s been posted before where the subject is that embarrassment Brown but always worth another listen.

    link to

  66. fred blogger says:

    woman climbs ediniburgh castle rock, remind me again what that was about.
    i/we suffer from selective long term memory syndrome, my arse!

  67. JayR says:


    All the EU-national eligible to vote in the referendum will also be off the register for the general election. But I’m sure there’ll be more fraud to rig it in favour of the unionists

    Look out for bin bags full of SNP and Green postal votes.

  68. Grouse Beater says:

    If you hope to convince people you’re more of a Scottish patriot than the SNP why contradict that by leaving half your surname in the English idiom?

    Should it not be ‘Dugglen‘?


  69. Wullie says:

    Could someone please insert a copy of The Laughing Policeman. Gordon Brown. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha etc etc. Preferably as No 1 post or any time mention of him is made.

  70. desimond says:

    “Oh just shut the fuck up!”

    I just found myself shouting at the telly as Kezia hits 6 in a row for failing to answer a direct question.

    Even Gordon Brewer is shaking his head at this ranting car crash of an interview

  71. Iain Gray's Subway Lament says:


    I guarantee Outlander will be a huge hit when it’s shown ‘officially’. 😉

    The broadcasters are hardly going to pass up a sure fire ratings winner forever.

  72. Socrates MacSporran says:

    I see Deputy Dug has been to the same brain-washing classes as James Francis Murphy BA Politics (failed): shout, shout, then shout louder; ignore the question – keep shouting.

    I now Big Dim Jim is a self-serving chancer. Deputy Dug scares me, I don’t know what she is, other than someone who has been over-promoted.

  73. GrahamB says:

    Kezia has been astonished on Brewer’s show several times so far but has anyone been counting the number of times she mentioned the SNP – sometimes she got it in two or three times in the same sentence! Rattled?

  74. Fiona says:

    Milligan is a moron; not worth reading his stuff, IMO, unless it happens to appeal to your sense of humour

  75. Stonefree says:

    This will be considered a bit extreme,but not without a certain merit.Brown’s Personal Guarantee is that therefore he is liable should it not be ” honoured”
    So draw his sorry arse into court,the concept of 50,000+ small claims landing on his doormat would do for a starter.
    Seriously think about it!!

  76. Calgacus says:

    Completely agree with Katie, I hate Brewer’s ignorant interruptions, his deliberate misunderstanding of perfectly clear answers but most of all I hate him for his obviously biased stance.

    Just another trougher, helping his imperial masters suppress our nation.

  77. desimond says:

    Finger in air maths time..

    Labour..Just how much will it cost to establish who are the rich pensioners who dont deserve the Winter Fuel Allowance?

  78. Fiona says:

    Apparently politicians are allowed to lie and there is no legal recourse. The remedy is in the ballot box, and we are already doing all we can on that. Be satisfied with that, I think

  79. Clootie says:

    O/T Scottish Politics today

    Is Kezia on drugs? She ignored every question with a “SNP bad” rant. If she had spoken any quicker I would have had to record it and play it back at half speed.

    The question she was asked was where the promised cuts would fall. The cuts are in their manifesto. Department cuts outside the protected departments – she just ignored the question and went off on another rant.

    The other question “laughed off” was the prospect of lower welfare caps around the country. Now you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that won’t be in London.

    p.s. The Kezta assessment of voting intent is superior to all of the polling companies. Labour will hold all their seats!

  80. Mrs Grimble says:

    @Capella – No, don’t think Outlander has been censored from mainstream TV because it might stir Scots to revolution. Amazon is currently in a war with Netflix; don’t know how much they paid for the series, but it certainly would have been more than the BBC or ITV could srape up from the backs of their sofas. And Sky has probably already blown its entire budget on Game of Thrones.
    Anyway, Amazon is currently pushing it hard to all Kindle owners, regardless of whether they’re signed up to Amazon Prime or not. And lots of older folk who are likely to postal vote have Kindles. So…..

  81. Clootie says:

    desimond says:
    19 April, 2015 at 12:11 pm
    “Oh just shut the fuck up!”

    It wasn’t just me then 🙂

  82. Fiona says:

    Labour will hold all their seats!

    It is quite sweet, really. Like a puppy who just “knows” that it is going to get the whole bar of chocolate

  83. heedtracker says:

    BBC r4 on the hour news really putting the boot in now with, you must vote Tory England or most dangerous women in teamGB will shut down giant English infrastructure projects, also get your cheap as chips Loyds Bank shares tory voters. Cheap bank shares, social housing flogged for fcukall, is really not ConDem’s buying votes, with tax payers money at all.

    Its interesting just how political bias at our corrupt BBC grows like a rampant cancer during teamGB democratic elections, and their own Project Fearing 2 farting out of Pacific Quay too obviously.

  84. gordoz says:

    @ Gerry Parker – Cheers for that info 🙂

    O/T – Apologies – for anyone from Argyll & Bute.

    Big Machine kicking in now – Remember dont ask Q’s of the Establishment !

    Interesting assault on SNP bunker in Dunoon ?

    Non Aligned Forward Shop – Dunoon.

    Its about postal vote tampering ridicule.

    link to

  85. TYRAN says:

    I can already see this guy as obligatory headline news on BBC Scotland and STV for no actual reason at all; giving all these uncontrollable block chopping kung fu hand gestures that he does.

  86. Onwards says:@ 11:50 am

    “Did Brown ever save his local Tesco branch?”

    Nope, it shut, despite his “Vow” to keep it open. When Tesco announced it would shut, Brown withdrew some of his offered sweeteners to keep it open, but offered others to them to delay closure until mid – May.

    Brown – ” I’ve thrown my full support to ensure it stays open”
    Reality – It’s shut, closed, defunct, gone, finished, for sale …..

  87. ryan wilson says:

    A matter of time before our state broadcaster devotes a ridiculous amount of airtime to moribund Broon. Hot-air time!

    Another free party political broadcast for the Labour party covered by the license fee.

  88. seanair says:

    He made a big fuss about it but Tesco went ahead anyway in deciding to shut the Kirkcaly store. Haven’t been in Kirkcaldy recently so don’t know the situation.
    Be like Tesco, ignore him.

  89. Kenneth Shaw says:

    Uriah Heep Returns….at a newspaper near you .

  90. mr thms says:


    the Telegraph article you linked to, says..

    “The authors, nationalist activists from Argyll, first suspected the existence of the “McTernan Plan”, as they call it, on the night of the count.”

    Who are the “nationalist activists from Argyll”?

    link to

  91. DerekM says:

    i wish people would stop going on about the PV it will not happen in Scotland this time,this is not a 2 choice referendum ,so the tories and libs are just going to sit back and let labour win seats that could cost them a shot at another 5 year coalition i dont think so.
    I am more worried about England and the potential to prop up the lib dem vote ,its a lot easier to cover with 50 mill people that half will not bother getting off their backsides to go and vote.
    Of course this means Labour getting screwed but that would fit with what has happened in Scotland.

    Better together haha yea for who Labour you zipped up the back idiots.

    i have already resigned to the possible chance we will be facing a con/lib government in westminster with the labour party in disarray as they try to choose a new leader i so hope i am wrong.

  92. gordoz says:

    Sorry to hear about Tom McCabe’s passing; former Labour MSP & finance minister(seemed like a decent bloke & J Swinney thought a lot of him).

    After watching Ms Dugdale today you really wonder how they will replace dignified people like Mr McCabe from their current ranks.

  93. gordoz says:

    @ mr thms

    I know ?

    Remember, the state supporters don’t require facts.

    (Don’t they just get in the way of a good message ? – SNP BAD)

  94. desimond says:

    Gordon Brewers snidey “Could you vote to bring down a Labour government” questioning to Stewart Hosie …

    At what point will the Establishment realise all Unionist parties at westmister are the same to us and we couldnt care less who is in Government making an arse of it?

  95. tartanthing says:

    While canvassing yesterday it was apparent that the staunchest Labour voters are still those whose only media engament is via TV & Newspapers. It is they who are likeliest to vote & vote Labour.
    I had a good chat with a retired couple whose questions epitoismed MSM. I asked about net access, yes the had it. Have you heard about a site called Wings? No. Well, they do now.
    It’s only one couple but their questions were symptomatic one of our biggest issues. How to turn the ‘Grey Vote’ to our favour.

    PS if you have seen episode 5 of Outlander you will soon understand why it hasn’t made it’s way to predominant TV.

  96. jethro says:

    Don’t forget that the SNP won a council by-election in Gordon Brown’s own constituency just a few weeks ago.

    And that was before he failed to deliver on his ‘vow’ to keep his local Tesco open.

    If he does intervene for the first time (yet again), will he be in favour of more cuts or against them? Or will he be in favour and against them at the same time just like his pals Jim, Kezia and Mags?

  97. thomaspotter2014 says:

    SNP manifestpo launched tomorrow-TV/MSM full of Gordon Brown VOW 17 on all channels

    Job done!

  98. Alan McHarg says:

    If this election is rigged by labour, and accepted without question as democracy then the 7th May 2015 will be the final nail in the coffin of democracy. Democracy died in Scotland on 18th September 2014 when our independence was taken by the might of the British establishment and its servile minions in Scotland.

    No taxation without representation. If democracy no longer exists then that only leaves dictatorship and it’s little friend tyranny. The Bruce, Wallace, Washington, Gandhi and the other nations of the commonwealth have shown us the way.

    “Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the dictatorship”. – Bruce Coville

    “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”
    ? Thomas Jefferson

  99. Mealer says:

    Fiona 11.30
    A swing labour voter is one who voted Labour in 2010 and SNP in 2011.

  100. Clydebuilt says:

    Labour are obviously targeting that section of the electorate who might vote LAbour and crucially think Brown is still the PM.

    O/T. Did anyone notice that The DailyRecord was given the accolade of being Scottish Newspaper Of The Year. For it’s coverage of Scottish politics before and after the referendum………plus awarded The Front Page of the year for “The Vow”
    Maybe not a surprise , amongst the sponsors we have The Scottish Whisky Assoc. plus Diageo

  101. James Barr Gardner says:

    Pseudochristos Broon is in for a big disappointment if he thinks that he will manage a second Lazarus stunt, its a one shot only, liebore is dead! It only worked the last time due to fear and ignorance, a lot has changed since September, the People of Scotland know that the bittertogether mob are in it for their own selfish ends. Broon thinking that he will re-resurrect the dead makes a person wonder if he is not quite right in the head or perhaps something more sinister. Remember there are more damming events to be revealed, wastemonster and it’s henchmen are desperate to conceal their crimes.
    Vote SNP, Hope over fear, Scotland will be free.

  102. Joemcg says:

    Highly suspect with PV fraud and now Toom Tabard getting wheeled out. I would recommend a wee bet at good odds that Murphy Curran Alexander and probably bayonet Davidson will all save their seats.

  103. Fiona says:

    @ Mealer.

    Wasn’t entirely serious, but there is a serious point

    Seems to me that Labour and MSM assume those are “swing voters”: but it seems at least as likely to me that they are now core SNP voters, if are to judge by the polls. I could be wrong: but so could they 🙂

  104. desimond says:

    The big question of the day …Whats happened to tbe original wee boy in tbe NatWest “So they could have me!” advert?

    Thats more interesting than anything Scottish Labour is raising.

  105. chris kilby says:

    Shouldn’t that sub-heading read “Ex-PM hopes to counter the SNP tide”? What a Canute!

    (If Brown’s such a surefire vote-winner, why isn’t he standing, hmmm…?)

  106. Dr Jim says:

    British National Party, National Front, Orange Order,

    Ed Miliband, refuses to deal with Scotlands Elected Representatives but during the Referendum was happy to collaborate with all of the above to suborn democracy

    We cannot allow parties who want to break up Scotland to Govern

  107. chris kilby says:

    “Can anyone help?”

    Labour’s beyond help. If it was a horse someone would shoot the poor thing. Can’t wait till May 7th and we can put Labour out of our misery.

  108. James Dow says:

    Gordon Brown would be a shoe in for Grandmaster of the world wide sociopath lodge. And the really funny thing is Gordon would be the first to agree, wouldn’t you Gordon? for I know you are aware of your condition. How could you not be? I am presuming he I curious enough to follow Wings. Please reply Gordon.

  109. One_Scot says:

    ‘i wish people would stop going on about the PV it will not happen in Scotland this time’

    I don’t know about anyone else, but that has definitely put my mind to rest. Phew, thanks for that.

  110. David McCann says:

    Somebody walk ME throught this one.
    Daily Record – Scottish Newspaper of the Year!.
    The VOW. Scoop of the Year.

    link to

    Im going to be sick!.

  111. Joemcg says:

    Dr Jim-the orange order march that was allowed to go ahead in the capital the Saturday before the vote (funny that)passed my dads house on the royal mile and was absolutely enormous. It took THREE hours to pass my fathers window and there was a definite air of threat and menace. Never seen so many union flags in my life. I observed police leaders telling Asian shopkeepers to take down saltires and lion rampants that were hanging outside their gift shops, it was an utter disgrace. I’m convinced the establishment will NEVER let us go.

  112. Luigi says:

    A re-emergence of the vile creature from the black Lagoon was to be expected. However, if he has already surfaced so early, still almost three weeks before the GE, this is a clear indication that Scottish Labour are in meltdown.

    What are their internal polls telling them? What happened to the DR Survation poll (should have been out by now)? Oh Dear, things must be looking pretty bleak for the red tories.

    No excuse to take our feet off the pedals, however – that would be a fatal mistake. The pressure must be maintained. Everyone should take the amazing polls as a sign of what can be achieved, if we all work hard, not something that we have achieved already (cos we haven’t). Not there yet, folks, three more weeks slog to go. Hang in there. The postal votes will probably knock us back a bit, but we can still overome this if we keep working.

    So remember folks, for the GE, it’s all to play for, but so far we have achieved nothing.

  113. David says:

    There used to be a time when a politician could berate like a preacher and get away with it. That time is over and Jim Murphy, Gordon Brown, Douglas Alexander are finding out the hard way that their demographic appeal only remains strong among those of a certain age who are unable or unwilling to look online for alternative points of view. They might want to cry foul and try and claim that the online information is unreliable but savvy online younger folks look at a variety of sources and then come to their own conclusions. The better version of the truth is out there online and even some of the over fifties, the over sixties, the over seventies and beyond are now on that same journey that can put the BBC and the printed media into that place of dimished significance, diminished importance and very much diminished credibility that it so deserves to be in.

  114. scott says:

    Is this not the man who was going to save the world he soon corrected that,Brown will be to busy working out how he will be able to make money how his friend Tony makes it.
    Just watched a right rant from Dugdale,I wonder if her father was giving her a bit of advice after that show.

  115. Gary says:

    I think this is based on a misunderstanding. The target audience are the remaining Labour voters.

    It would be impossible to rebuild the party while still haemorrhaging voters, members and activists to SNP. The ‘Clunking Fist’ of Gordo is Scottish Labour’s version of ‘reassurance advertising’. ie we haven’t forgotten you, or the vow etc.

    Gordo is necessary as he was associated with the vow, not too closely associated nwith Better Together and, as an ex-MP, is disposable so can lie to his heart’s content.

    Newsbites, soundbites and brief appearances in front of vetted, faithful unionists. Everything is, and will be, thrown at this. Millibland, Brown, even getting Scottish politics on UK TV for God’s sake!!

    I predict the best will be saved for last, though. Gordo will do some last minute fisting by clunking all over the place on TV with his own PBB company (BBC)

  116. McDuff says:

    I do have concerns about postal votes as there has been absolute silence about the police investigation into Ruth Davidson`s comment on the numbers before polling had closed on the 18th Sept.
    Also silence on the investigation into the supposed bomb threat made by “better together“ on its office in Cumbernauld during the last days of the referendum.
    Something smells decidedly fishy.

  117. Albie Bogart says:

    So if they’re bringing Gordon in, does that mean Jim’s redundant?

  118. HandandShrimp says:

    A gift for Greg Moodie and his Gordon Sleepy Now meme

  119. Cag-does-thinking says:

    Oooft, that picture of the Jim Murphy in the Telegraph doesn’t show his best side… O/T well done to those doing the mass canvas in East Renfrewshire, you were out there and very visible on Saturday. It is noticable how few posters and cars are out there for the Labour party this time around and just how many Yes stickers are still attached to cars and vans.

    On the SNP and postal voting I do think the party needs to do a bit more effective strategy and work into the “getting the vote out there” part of the party machine. As I have seen locally we don’t lack activists. We do lack good effective literature on things that are important to voters.

    In ER there have been far more mail drops from the Labour party for Murphy than there have been for the SNP (indeed I am surprised at how little we got from the Tories so far as this used to be their seat but that is their problem).

    The point is that however many lies Labour tell in their leaflets, it needs a good rebuttal by the SNP and I’m not knocking the SNP but here we had a similar problem with the message during the referendum and the vote in ER was lower than nationally. Note that if you don’t get good effective leaflets out when the postal votes are being made then you can’t blame the voters if they don’t vote for you.

  120. Casper1066 says:

    Jaws, Jaws2, Jaws3, = Who cares. Brown has had his day.

  121. Brian Powell says:

    One message that should be hammered home concerning another brown ‘intervention’ is just how much we are at the ‘mercy’ of Westminster.

    Even if taken a face value and there was a one party betrayal of what we were promised, it highlights in neon lights the Tories are always going to be there.

    t’s a stark practical example of what was warned during the referendum; what is ‘given’ can be be ignored or taken away.

    Labour can’t ensure that won’t happen. They can’t be trusted to speak for us to stand up for us.

  122. Jamie Arriere says:

    I think that headline is completely the wrong way round – Scottish Labour are fighting to resurrect Brown, and they’ll need the full supply from Longannet to do it.

    When Longannet closes… *doffs cap*

  123. Effijy says:

    I’m off on one again!

    Brown Gravy Train, the man who sold off the nation’s gold reserves a few months before the price of gold tripled.

    The two faced creep that bad mouthed old age pensioner Gillian Duffy behind her back. That microphone let the country see what type of monster he really is.

    Gordo who raped peoples private pension pots of £millions .

    Cyclops who broke purda and promised a vow that could not be constitutionally delivered. Who then tried to say a few trifling powers was near home rule, a near federal state?

    He would guarantee delivery, although he is retired and without
    power, and he then has the nerve to start a petition for others to deliver what he promised?

    My worst crime against this profiteering sponger is the “charity”
    he started in his own name. The one he takes £10,000 per week from in expenses, on top of his parliamentary expenses.
    Which companies put £3,000,000 into his charity, what did they get from him for this money?

    Do you think he put any of this cash into the Food Banks in Fife?
    No he didn’t. It’s all for Gordo!

    I wonder if any of the companies who signed up to profit for his PFI scheme that provided £50 Billion of new Hospitals and Schools that will eventually cost the tax payer over £300 Billion with the massive interest rates that he agreed to?

    He was a key player in the Labour party that introduced tuition
    fees, removed the 10p tax rate, robbed Scotland of 6,000 square
    miles of its maritime waters, and threw in 6 Oil Rigs for good measure.

    Do you need me to repeat that his lack of controls over the Banking sector on his shift, and which lead to the economic collapse of the UK?

    If the incompetent thieving git dares to show his face in public
    it will inevitably be in a small locked room with doped up
    party members, a Daily Rancid puppet, and a BBC Camera.

    This creature knows that he can’t walk the streets of Scotland without being confronted by those that continue to pay the price for his, and Labour’s right wing policies.

    God has given him a jaw that drops as soon as he tells a Lie!
    Just watch, if he dares ever to show face again!
    the disaster that he and his party

  124. rongorongo says:

    The proper journalist’s question for Andrew Gilligan – most particularly as someone who has previously been on the receiving end of an establishment smear campaign – is this: “What are the mechanisms by which the Scottish referendum outcome could have been significantly affected by postal voting fraud?”

    That is a pretty fair and neutral approach:Look at how the voting mechanism actually works, talk to the people who run it, look at the details of the existing cases of postal vote fraud and so on. If you can show no plausible mechanism for fraud then you have debunked the conspiracy theory properly and yay for the Telegraph. If you do identify a plausible mechanism then you have something to investigate in your search for the truth.

    Interested readers can search back for a discussion thread on WOS from a few weeks ago where the topic was discussed in detail.

  125. Effijy says:


    I missed out the part in Broon Gravy Train’s CV where he backed
    Blair up on the illegal war in Iraq and recovered Zero Weapons of Mass Destruction.

    What are a few hundred British fatalities, a few thousand innocent
    Iraqi murders, the destruction of that nation’s infrastructure and the waste of £Billions out of the UK economy?

    Didn’t he recently say that he expects to pick up $500,000 from a visit to the USA? Wonder why he could make so much so far down the line? He must have done something very supportive for them?

  126. boris says:

    link to

  127. Effijy says:

    Sorry again about Broon Gravy Train’s CV.

    How foolish that I didn’t list his completely unfounded threats that everyone in an Independent Scotland would no longer be allowed Blood Transfusions and everyone waiting for an organ transplant would die when taken off the alleged UK list.

    In the 3 part sage of just how incompetent this lying B****d
    is, did I mention that he is a well known Bully Too?

  128. Capella says:

    Don’t forget New Labour’s predilection for PFIs. The latest Max Keiser discusses:
    link to

  129. heedtracker says:

    “What are the mechanisms by which the Scottish referendum outcome could have been significantly affected by postal voting fraud?”

    I had a referendum postal vote and had no clue my vote would be opened and examined in front of reps from either side, when it arrived at Aberdeen City Council town house.

    So all kinds of concerns stem from that but simplest one for starters is…

    What the WTF is the Electoral Commission peoples’ point in wasting my time with TWO seal-able postal vote envelopes, one containing the ballot paper and the other containing that envelope with the polling station address, when the moment my sealed TWO envelopes arrive, they are then immediately both opened and checked by god only knows who?

    So next week, could it be red and blue tory reps standing by and watching my pointlessly sealed ballot paper opened and enabling them to read and record my vote, then take it all back to red and tory boy HQ, where they decide if and how to react, with Vote SLabour for THE VOW 2 no doubt?

    You dont need MI5 spooks to cook up the referendum sampling farce. Any moron could’ve invented vote “sampling” and no one is responsible. Even Ruth Davidson explained to BBC viewers how it’s done on the night of Sept 18 and that’s why she knew result, long before it came out.

    So even the EC’s 2 sealed postal vote envelope waste of time is a complete utter democratic farce, a giant con and waste of paper.

    Welcome to teamGB democracy.

  130. Lollysmum says:

    Seems that Murphy is aping the actions of Cameron. He staged a so-called rally yesterday on Glasgow’s Buchanan Steps (yes the steps Labour want to tear down). Close up photo showed a decent crowd but the wide angle showed it didn’t include any ordinary people. Just Labour bods holding signs.

    Strangely, it was held at 7am in the morning. Anyone would think they were trying to avoid the public 🙂 Just like Cameron with his rally in a barn at the Royal Cornwall Showground near Wadebridge last week.

  131. JLT says:

    Oh …the fun we could have with Brown …if only someone with integrity can actually get near him and ask him some rather difficult questions.

    No way am I betting the house on this one …especially when it comes to our ‘wonderful and impartial’ cast of newsreaders from the BBC or STV …let alone our ‘highly respected’ journalists of the mainstream newspapers.

    So …Brown to get an easy ride by being given questions such as ‘what the Union means to us’, ‘what Labour stands for’ …and ‘what he just had with his cup of tea’.

  132. Lollysmum says:

    The people of Ayrshire Demand- a RIC event from Indy Live

    Jonathan Shafi speaking now.

    link to

  133. K1 says:

    Ah yes Lollysmum, you mean this ‘rally’ that he tweeted about yesterday:

    link to

    Murphy is a Chancing Underhand Nasty Thug.

  134. Kevin Evans says:

    This will backfire.

    The referendum it was lab/lib/Tory all better together. This time the libs and Tories are out for blood too. They’ll get there digs in at broon.

  135. Blair paterson says:

    I was on holiday last July I was in Rothesay I went to Dunoon for the day and I visited theS.N.P. Shop i spoke to one of the 5 people there and I said the yes vote would lose because the powers that be would rig the vote the man who I spoke to said that Britain had granted independence to other countries ., I asked him how many of these other countries had oil and gas ? At least one old chap agreed with me i told them that I blogged on wings over Scotland and the chap I had made my point to said he did as well I think he said he wasDave Mcewan Hill I wonder how he feels now about rigged voting

  136. handclapping says:

    Members of a particular Parliament cease to hold that office at 1700 on the day that Parliament is dissolved. This last Parliament was dissolved on 30 March 2015 so all our ex-MPs have been without pecuniary refreshment for the whole of April and its probably begining to hurt, unless of course you are living off your own “office” charity.

    They wheeled out Broon 3 times for the by election that they lost in Kirkcaldy, Tesco Kirkcaldy is shut and the last time he was down the High St he was heckled. He may play big in Bearsden but he’s cack in Kirkcaldy now.

  137. Robert Peffers says:

    @Louis B Argyll says: 19 April, 2015 at 11:18 am:

    “The image makers, and that extends to wardrobe departments too, will be creating a WOLF IN SHEEPS’ CLOTHING. “

    Should that not be, “A Sheep in Wolf’s clothing”, Louis?

    And seeing as the wearer is male should it not be, “A sheep in wolf’s drag”, which is quite another wee mental picture altogether.

  138. John Gibson says:

    I’ve always been very skeptical of conspiracy theories, but when ‘Truth‘ wrote –

    “It’s quite simple really.
    Gordon Brown intervening allows them to plausibly rig the election”

    – that’s exactly what sprung to mind when I first heard rumour of another Broon intervention. And I can’t lose the feeling that the pre-referendum one served the same purpose.

    Have to admit swearing at the telly myself as Kezia resolutely refused to answer what was asked. She reminded me of Anas Sarwar, with her tangential stream-of-concious monologues.

    SNP bad.

  139. Davie Park says:

    It’s all very simple; they know that the Scottish press pack eats from Brown’s arse-cheeks. They know his intervention guarantees hours of TV coverage and they know, despite everything, that some folks still believe whatever the BBC broadcasts.

  140. Dr Jim says:

    Oil at $64 today and projected to rise

    The independent Dr Jim research foundation which is as accurate as any other stupid organization says world oil prices will reach $80 by September 2016 and $100 by March 2017
    Anyone who disputes this forecast is completely wrong and cannot be taken seriously
    Estimates for these figures are not verifiable just as nobody else’s are

  141. Robert Peffers says:

    @Robert Black says: 19 April, 2015 at 11:24 am

    ” … ‘Sources close to the royal household said last night that neither leader should approach the Queen to form a government until they are sure they can command the confidence of the House of Commons.’

    More pressure on Miliband to deal with Nicola.”

    Now that’s a very interesting legal point but is not the intervention of, “Sources close to the Royal Household”, already a serious intervention by the Royals”?

  142. ClanDonald says:

    What is it about these Labour big wigs like Murphy, Danny Alexander, Gordon Brown, they all gie me the heebie jeebies, it’s not just #CreepyJim that’s creepy, I reckon Broon out creeps him, #CreepyBroon, eeeuuuggggghhhh, pure heebie jeebies, man…

    Just can’t understand why the southern media think they have gravitas or are in any way admirable.

    They all have a creepy, culty, faux-religious thing going on too, I find it difficult to identify one single genuine Christian quality about any of them.

  143. Tom Thumb says:

    On postal votes

    Can’t find the % of the English electorate that voted by post in the 2010 GE .

    Anyone Know ?

  144. I think this tactic could be best described as “clunking at straws”

  145. David Agnew says:

    How does one resurrect the unpopular branch of UK labour? If anything they tried up til now could have worked, it would have worked. It didn’t work because it doesn’t work.

    The only thing that can save Scottish labour is when they have the balls to dissolve it and reform as an entirely independent party. Something they really should have considered when Blair and Brown started shifting the UK party to the right.

  146. Aceldo Atthis says:

    The tragic irony of Brown saving the Union is that the English middle classes hated and rejected him in 2010 precisely because he’s Scottish.

    They’ll never admit that, but we all know it’s true.

  147. orri says:

    Sounds like the Queen won’t get out of bed to spout any old crap put in her mouth by the Conservatives, or Labour for that matter, if it has no chance of getting passed. So all the scheming by the right wing press, backed ably by agent Murphy, to somehow add credibility to the party with most seats forming or holding on to government despite being unable to govern in the strict sense of being unable to command the house rather than a lack of competence.

  148. JayR says:

    There’s a few folk who work at the Glasgow Electoral Registration Office I know of who have lots of Better Together stuff on their Facebook profiles.

    And we’re supposed to be fine with these folk opening any SNP postal votes in their wee offices over the next few weeks?

  149. Robert Peffers says:

    @Capella says: 19 April, 2015 at 12:01 pm:

    “That Gilligan piece in the Telegraph is a remarkable example of projection.”

    Anything from Gilligan is much more akin to an example of fantasy than projection. He exists more in the imagined World of, “Alice Pleasance Liddell”, (who inspired Lewis Carroll), than in the world of Alex Salmond of the SNP.

  150. HandandShrimp says:

    We should all simply point at Cameron and laugh

    link to

  151. YESGUY says:

    Hungover Slightly still.

    The amount of drivel being pumped out to rUk about us Scots is very worrying.

    First we’re Nazi’s. seperists and the like but now they are using different terms like extremist and talk of annexing parts of Scotland.

    What kind of underhand tactics are coming next….?

    This lot are supposed to represent our wishes. WM is more and more a totalitarian dump .

    New word for the day is “SCOTAPHOBIA” Says it all.

    This is the level the pathetic Govt are in this country. Worse than the referendum and all you Nawbags caused this.



  152. Thepnr says:

    @Tom Thumb

    On postal votes
    Can’t find the % of the English electorate that voted by post in the 2010 GE .
    Anyone Know ?

    Figures below are for the UK electorate and not the English postal votes in 2010.

    “- Almost 7 million postal votes were issued -15.3% of the entire electorate. Despite the new rules on personal identifiers, together with the need for electors to reapply for a postal vote, this is more than three percentage points above the level at the 2005 general election. Only in Northern Ireland, where different regulations apply, was there a decline in postal votes issued.

    – 83.2% of those with a postal ballot returned it. By way of contrast, only just over six in 10 of those electors required to vote ‘in person’ did so.

    – The number of postal votes at the count was almost one in five of the total. In the North East region of England more than a third of all votes were cast by post.”

    link to

  153. Robert Peffers says:

    @desimond says: 19 April, 2015 at 12:11 pm:

    “I just found myself shouting at the telly as Kezia hits 6 in a row for failing to answer a direct question. Even Gordon Brewer is shaking his head at this ranting car crash of an interview”

    I thought Brewer was suffering the same thing as myself. I was also shaking my head but it was the sheer speed of Dugdale’s talking. It was like a Machine gun on speed and it gave me a sore head. Such a speed of talking is quite often a sign of sheer blind panic.

  154. carjamtic says:

    ‘The Girl With The Tartan Tattoo’……….is on our side,All will be Well 🙂

  155. JLT says:

    Robert Peffers says:

    Now that’s a very interesting legal point but is not the intervention of, “Sources close to the Royal Household”, already a serious intervention by the Royals”?

    LOL …I think you and I have discussed and debated this at some point in the past, Robert.

    Personally, I believe that the Queen, whom through her advisors and other official bodies, promote the idea that the Queen holds no power, when in fact, she is the power in these islands. After all, every PM in waiting needs to go to her to ask for permission to setup a government in her name.

    If she wants to send out a little warning to the main Unionist parties, then I honestly believe she will do so through her advisors and other official bodies.

    However, yes …I do agree with you in that principle. LOL

  156. manandboy says:

    Brown may catch all the attention and grab all the headlines, but the real bet is the postal voting. Even Brown on wall to wall TV isn’t going to garner 800,000 ballot papers.

  157. manandboy says:

    Is it just me, or has the UK dropped off the radar, to be replaced by ‘our country’.

    Eg. Unionist speak for ‘Independence’ has become ‘destroy our country’

  158. Gary45% says:

    Someone made a comment earlier about Broon resurrecting the dead.
    I will not be surprised if a very large number of liebore postal votes will be from people who died years ago.
    Who can we trust to check the validity of the said votes?

    The Establishment can say and do anything they want, and we the electorate have to accept what they say.

    Democracy ( aye right).
    The one eyed monster rears his ugly head.
    Nightmares man nightmares.

  159. Fiona says:

    Excuse me, but on the issue of the Queen’s speech: is not absolutely established that she doesn’t make a speech which is likely to be defeated? Has that happened in the last hundred years? Has it ever happened?

  160. Tom Thumb says:

    Thanks for that thepnr

    Just wanted to see if it was about 20%. The same as us in the referendum.

    If it was that would have been roughly 10 million postal votes !

  161. Thepnr says:

    @Tom Thumb

    Sorry, I missed the breakdown by not reading far enough in, only the summary. What you seek is in that paper linked to above. Table 7:

    Table 7: Postal voting in 2010
    Postal ballots issued %electors with postal ballot Change2001-5

    England 6,096,006 15.9 +3.1
    N. Ireland 16,001 1.4 -1.0
    Scotland 511,413 13.2 +5.1
    Wales 372,586 16.4 +3.7

  162. Patrician says:

    My attempt at being a zoomer:

    link to

  163. Robert Peffers says:

    @JLT says: 19 April, 2015 at 4:49 pm:

    “LOL …I think you and I have discussed and debated this at some point in the past, Robert.”

    Aye!JLT, a do believe we have.

    “Personally, I believe that the Queen, whom through her advisors and other official bodies, promote the idea that the Queen holds no power, when in fact, she is the power in these islands.”

    My usual good memory has failed me as to what I filed the information under but I seem to remember the decision of who is summoned to, “Her Majesty’s presence”, in order to command them to form, “Her Majesty’s Government”, is taken by, “Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council”.

    This rather shadowy body seems to be rather not often mentioned in detail. If you want more names then ask The Rt Hon Nick Clegg as he is their President and the list of members is here : –
    link to

    It really may surprise you.

  164. Robert Peffers says:

    @manandboy says: 19 April, 2015 at 4:57 pm:

    “Is it just me, or has the UK dropped off the radar, to be replaced by ‘our country’.

    Eg. Unionist speak for ‘Independence’ has become ‘destroy our country’”

    It is not just you and I’ve been pointing to that going on since way before the referendum. By far the worst offender is Cameron.

    I have been pointing out that the whole essence of the Union case has always been that the UK is a country that used to be called the Kingdom of England. If we stop them and make them prove their claims every time they do it their case will crumble to dust. It relies on the public accepting it as true.

    If anyone doubts it, then why is the Westminster parliament actually the Country of England Parliament? Why are no members elected to run England?

    The answer is because every MP elected to an English constituency is an unelected as such member of the parliament of England and they now want to stop other members of the UK parliament barred from voting upon English Matters. If Scots do not stop them they are sleepwalking into the actual United Kingdom of England.

  165. Paula Rose says:

    @ Robert Peffers

    Um how many privy councillors does it take to change a lightbulb?

  166. Robert Peffers says:

    @The Rev Stu.

    Oh! Man you’ve given me a real dose of the Heebie Jeebies.

    I live in Kelty in the Cowdenbeath & Kirkcaldy Constituency. I live in an ex-mine under-manager’s cottage within a couple of hundred yards from what was, around the end of WWII, the largest single source of coal in Europe.

    In the 1960’s I could see many pitheads including the Aitken, Lindsey and Mary pitheads and bings from my windows.

    So when you wrote, “What’s going to be achieved by dragging the Raging Clunk out of his dank crypt in a disused Fife coalmine”. My blood ran cold and I’m still, “chittering”, yet.

  167. boris says:

    Patrician says: My attempt at being a zoomer

    Your understanding of the “open door” that is postal voting is accurate. What is needed is a comparison of two consecutive electoral roles. Extracting the dropouts and identifying the reason for the fall off would allow a vote reckoning so that fraud might be identified. I wonder if it would be possible to get hold of the 2 most recent rolls in computer form so this could be done. Achievable using the internet.

  168. john McLean says:

    Just saw an article in Sunday Pail with Jim ( the memory man ) Murphy…aka the saviour of stupidy…..wearing a red t shirt with an exhortation ! to ban zero hour contracts .. maybe …just maybe when the nutball & his party admit being the instigators of this injustice & correcting it ….we might beleve it has a social conscience……PS l saw it in the pub…refuse to waste my money buying it or my time reading lt prefer good fiction

  169. Patrician says:

    @boris, the rolls, or abridged versions, are as far as I know available for sale by local councils.

    Something I find interesting is: it is being reported 200,000 votes won’t make it into the new voter’s roll. Now, that is an interesting number.

  170. Connor McEwen says:

    Lord Ashcroft,Member of Privy Council,of the POLL author

  171. Chris Sewter says:

    I met him once. Just something seemed wrong at time. You know what I mean, you just get hair on back of your neck stand up and you think to yourself that is someone I wouldnt trust to tell me the correct time. I would check my own watch.

    Fair enough maybe he was a tad p*ssed off at me as my GM was a labour councillor but never managed to talk me into agreeing with labour party pish. Doubt that it had anything to do with me having an SNP badge

  172. Brian Doonthetoon says:

    Hi YESGUY.

    You forgot that we Scots are now, also, regarded as ‘insurgents’.

  173. Will Podmore says:

    Effijy rightly attacks Brown for backing Blair up on the illegal war in Iraq.
    The SNP rightly denounces Labour’s support for NATO’s illegal war on Iraq, but never mentions the SNP’s own support for NATO’s illegal war on Libya.
    When in NATO, you have to end up backing NATO’s wars, so an independent Scotland in NATO could not help to end wars.
    Sturgeon backed NATO’s illegal attack on Libya claiming it would ‘protect the Libyan people from Gaddafi’s regime’. But who would protect the Libyan people from NATO?
    I look forward eagerly to seeing here similarly passionate denunciations of the SNP’s warmongering.


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