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Wings Over Scotland


Posted on July 26, 2012 by

There seem to be a lot of things disappearing from the Scottish media today. First the interesting Robbie Dinwoodie story on Olympic football in the Herald does the Bermuda-Triangle routine, and then we see this odd piece in The Scotsman. It opens powerfully, promising to refute (or at least contest) one of the commonest and most compelling arguments made in favour of independence:

“ED MILIBAND has attacked the SNP’s suggestion that Scots face a choice of either independence or Conservative rule from Westminster as the Labour leader made his latest intervention in the referendum debate.”

We’ve read the rest of the short article three times now, however, without being able to locate a single sentence in which Mr Miliband (pictured in the piece as the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang) refers to said choice in even the most oblique passing manner, far less “attacks” it. We’re rather keen to hear the official Labour answer, too. Can any eagle-eyed readers help us out?


  1. Juteman says:

    I didn’t get it either, but i liked one of the comments re Milliband meeting Lamont.

    Champagne Socialist meets Buckfast Socialist, 🙂

  2. Rev. Stuart Campbell says:

    “Champagne Socialist meets Buckfast Socialist”

    The funniest part of that is the use of the word “socialist”.

  3. Juteman says:

    They are both Socialists, Stu.
     The word ‘Socialist’ simply means Unionist, Neo-Liberal, power mad scum when applied to Labour in Britain.
    It has nothing to do with Socialism.

  4. megabreath says:

    another cack-handed attempt from the lamentable Scotsman(sic) to puncture the independence debate.lamont?Silent but deadly?Give me strength.Will we ever get any grown up politics from the no camp?Answers on a postcard plz to “independenceisevil sayyestoservility”,Milliband Towers,the Cayman Islands.

  5. Doug Daniel says:

    Ed Miliband really should just leave Scottish independence the hell alone. Still going on about the date? Really? Everyone has accepted it’ll be in Autumn 2014. Even David Cameron. Miliband actually makes Cameron look like he knows what he’s talking about, in fact.

    (I say everyone, but of course, Ian Smart is one of a few who doesn’t even accept the referendum has already gone long past the point of no return…)

    Incidentally, the article is apparently written by “ANDREW WHTIAKER”, which I found amusing. 

  6. ronald alexander mcdonald says:

    Any political articles in The Anti-Scotsman concerning Independence are 97% lies.

    They have moved from the gutter to the sewer.  They are just as bad as The Mail or Telegraph.      

  7. Neil Jn says:

    You’re right. Not a single reference linking the opening lines and the body of the article. It looks like the Scotsman has just shoehorned in what they wish someone from the ‘No’ campaign will say at some point in the future, whilst giving these two numpties another chance to say ‘boo’.
    Reporting in this way can be positive in the longer term. The more the mainstream press behave in this way the more the Scottish population will look elsewhere for the truth.

  8. YesYesYes says:

    Johann Lamont is no spring chicken. I’m sure that even she herself would be the first to concede that. She is 57.
    So could someone in Scottish Labour inform Ed Miliband and/or The Scotsman that the reason there is substance in the SNPs “suggestion”, is that the last time the Tories won a British general election in Scotland, Johann Lamont hadn’t even celebrated her second birthday. 

  9. YesYesYes says:

    Disappointed, but not surprised, that no one (particularly no male) from Scottish Labour hasn’t rushed to Johann Lamont’s defence so far. Gallantry really is dead. The truth is, of course, that Johann Lamont wasn’t even conceived the last time the Tories won a general election in Scotland.

  10. Peninsula says:

    The Scotsman is just a farce now.  I’ve also noticed how little credibility it has amongst the wider public; much less than it used to.  

    The comment sections are just ridiculous,and their online poll results fluctuate widely, often from hour to hour.

    Didn’t WoS have a blog on their crazy independence poll a few months ago?  The whole thing was a total shambles.

     An embarrassment to Scotland that this rag has pretensions of being a quality daily

    Sales and profits are at a critical level now. It might not be around much longer if the pattern continues.  

  11. TYRAN says:

    First time visiting The Scotsman for ages. Currently has entry after entry of this in the comments…  


    (^ That bottom bit is in Chinese text rather than me typing question marks)

  12. YesYesYes says:

    Great photograph btw. On another day, it would invite some irresistible one-liners for a caption competition. Like, for example:
     ‘Don’t be upset son, this is a much nicer number 10’.
    Or, ‘Jimmy Krankie snubs Ed Miliband after his offer to her of her own very special Bute House’.
     Or, my personal favourite, one for Daily Mail readers and  Scottish Labour loyalists, ‘Ed Miliband helps out the authorities at Dungavel as another asylum seeker makes a desperate bid for freedom’.

  13. James Morton says:

    It’s a box ticking exercise.

    Come up to Scotland – say something to attack SNP – check
    Say something to enthuse about the status quo without mentioning the “U” word – check.
    Photo opportunity with Lamont – check


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