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Wings Over Scotland

Quoted for truth #49

Posted on April 15, 2014 by
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Peter A Bell

Good to know that others are reaching the same conclusion that most of us did a long time ago.

Robert Louis

You know, somebody needs to break it gently to all these political commentators in England, that the reason for the negativity from better together, is because their is NO rational positive case for the union from a Scottish perspective.

The treaty of union only ever came about due to bribery and threat of military action by the English against Scotland. It was half baked then, and it’s half baked now. Nobody in Scotland benefits from it.

This is why when people down south ask to hear the positive arguments to keep Scotland in the union, all they hear is silence, rapidly followed by ‘you can’t, you won’t, you shouldn’t’ and other assorted patronising anti Scottish nonsense.


Were David Cameron a less traditionalist kinda Conservative, you would take him for a Scottish independence sleeper, planted at the heart of the English establishment under deep cover long ago with the mission one day to destroy the Union

Wis there no someone on here saying stuff like this way back?



HEAR HEAR!! Couldn’t have put it better myself 🙂

Looking forward to more shining examples of utter madness

ronnie anderson

Ah wunner if they laddies in Gullane could make me a xxxl

Metamorphose suit of a wee couris timorous beastie,

wan up on John Kings Wings polo shirt,dont be jelious John

nae danger of me putting a Morph suit on lol.

Good find Rev.

Alan Macd

Matt Norman is the sole reason i pop over to the independent site, albeit for food related articles.
The guy makes alot of sense and doesn’t mince his words.

Arbroath 1320

Talking about quotes for truth folks might like to know who the panellists are on tonight’s Referendum Debate from Kirkwall on BBC2 at 9PM.

For the Independence side we have Angela Constance and Lesley Riddoch.

For the *ahem* union we have Brian Wilson and *ahem* Alistair Carmichael.

Tissues at the ready folks I think there’s gonna be a lot of tears in tonight’s programme. I just hope the local hospital’s A&E department in Kirkwall has been put on alert to expect Alistair Carmichael sometime between 9 and 10 PM tonight! 😉

Murray McCallum


Blair McDougall and Alistair Darling are charismatic political geniuses. Their brass roots campaign will soon be fully polished to shine like gold, or something equally attractive.

I’m also not so sure that Blair McDougall wasn’t Eugene Terre’Blanche’s campaign manager in his run for mayor of Soweto on the Apartheid Now And Forever platform.

Alfresco Dent

@ Robert Louis

Absolutely spot-on!


they haven’t managed to create fear amongst yes voters so now they’re try to create an overconfident yes support leading to less yes voters turning out due to the belief that it’s a done deal


@ Arbroath 1320

Is there not a pattern to the timing of these BBC debates. Im sure the last couple followed closely the latest Westminster scare.

I think we can be sure this will be another one that goes nowhere near the richer fairer society we could create or the protection of the poor and disabled narrative.


Now that is an observation.

No what they won’t listen and will blunder on


just waiting to watch Cameron fight to the last drop of his Fruit’n’fibre – or something along these lines he quoted


Pat 6.44pm

There is not a Yes voter I know who would even think about not turning out to vote.

Imagine how you would feel on 18th September 2024 when the BBC aired the “How our hero David Cameron saved this wonderful union a decade ago.”

Prime minister Boris Johnston and his deputy Nigel Farage will lead the tributes to brave Dave.

Thats why all Yes voters will turn out even if the polls were showing 90% Yes.

Rob Smith

Agism from Ipsos mori.Today is the 3rd time they have asked me to take part in a poll, but each time when they hear I am over 55, they refuse to include me. Today I asked them why and was told it is because they find it difficult to get people over 55 yrs to participate. Correct me if I am wrong,but aren’t .the older generation the most likely to vote

The Rough Bounds

I suppose my house is like thousands of others; every time one of those ridiculous scare stories comes out, whether on radio or TV or whether one of us has just returned from the shops with a report of what the newspaper headlines are saying, we just give a collective groan and shake our heads in disbelief.

Sometimes we laugh out loud. The one about an independent Scotland somehow being responsible for poor third world countries becoming even poorer, with presumably more people than ever starving in their mud huts was the winner for me…until the one about our fisheries being better cared for within a UK legislation framework. That one was a real LOL. Priceless!


This piece by Matthew Norman can be added to Alistair Darlings C.V. as the latest failure in a political career littered with disasters.


Pat – I don’t ever see an event that would cause YES voters to not turn out for the vote. However, NO voters……

In two taxis today. Commenting on the weather I said that I hoped it was good weather like this on Ref vote day.

First Taxi driver – Aye, it would be good.
Me – so you’re a YES voter then?
Taxi driver – No, we cannae afford it and the oil will run oot but I’ll not vote and instead, take the day off to have a picnic with the family!
Me – if you still think we can’t afford it – check out the WOS site and be informed.

Second taxi driver – same-ish opening gambit from me and yes it would be nice from driver.
Me – so you’re a YES vote then?
Driver – well, I’m not sure. But if I can’t decide, I wont vote!
Me – have a look at WOS site – full of info that you’ll never hear on the BBC or read in the papers.

Boy, do I ever regret not taking some of those ‘Aye Right’ cards at the counting house. 🙁


but each time when they hear I am over 55, they refuse to include me

Are you sure it’s not because they get too many people over 55?

Normally, due to using disredited landline only polling, MORI struggle to reach the younger age groups and C2DEs, but get far too many, commonly more conservative and pro-union, older voters. They pretty much always have to down-weight the over 55’s quite heavily, but up-weight every age group below that due to a lack of respondents.

It’s why all the polling companies bar them stopped landline alone a long time ago; misses huge chunks of the population. Also why MORI is a consistent sore thumb outlier for Y/N.

bookie from hell

Andrew Neil’s quote is pretty stunning

link to


The closet the No campaign leadership has come to ‘purest genius’ is when they were next to a pint of Guinness.


They’ve got us down as idiots and fearties. Even that Blair McDougall’s twitter account page photo is absolutely absurd. Black and white 1960’s United States civil rights demo photograph lifted by Tory paid head of Project Fear who daily and desperately lies about, denigrates and attacks new democracy for Scotland in September? What a great big fool the man is. At least the big buffoon’s not started quoting Martin Luther King, yet.


Perhaps I am banned by the BBC. That would make me chuffed, that would. 🙂

Calgacus MacAndrews

Derek Bateman is in fine form with his latest “Navy Lark” post.


Rob Smith – I too have had a couple of phone calls from Ipsos Mori in the last couple of weeks, they didn’t want to know when I said I was (lets say over 55) they didn’t say which age group they were targeting, just apologised and hung up.

Roddy Macdonald

Benedict Brogan also fairly puts the boot in to Better Tgether in The Torygraph:

link to



Big pat on the back for you. I remember when you first started suggesting the Tories would benefit from a YES win.

Rob Smith

@ scottish_skier, annie
I did specifically ask why the over 55’s were not allowed to take part, and his reply was, they find it difficult to get the older age group to participate.Whether this guy at the other end of phone was giving me the correct answer or not, I don’t know.


Matthew Norman – great quote.
We do still have some journalists around.

jingly jangly

O/T Been talking my bro, Strange as it may seem he has an email with Jingly Jangly in it. (its an Arran thing)

To stop any confusion we will call him Jingly Jangly 2,

Jingly Jangly 2 has been selected to be in the FT Referendum Panel, as he is an “undecided”.

There are 2 Yes, 2 No and 4 Undecided’s on the panel and they have to report their feelings on the campaign now and again. He said he got a call from a bloke tonight and was asked about the respective campaigns, and when he mentioned that YES are proactive and No are invisible, the bloke on the phone said that’s what everybody else is saying 🙂

Jingly Jangly 2 has been asked to try and find out from local Better Together people why they don’t have feet on the ground and he will also contact the local YES Campaign and find out what they have planned in the next few months.
He is getting enthused now and might even go to a public meeting or two!!!. I will keep in close touch with him and get updates on how things are going with the panel.

Jingly Jangly (1)


Rob Smith – sorry. That doesn’t compute. If IPSOS MORI are finding it harder to get the older age group to participate, why then would they refuse you, if you are indeed in this age group, from participating? Computer says ?*!??? Or in modern parlance WTF> 🙂


BBC One Show tonight ‘ Billy Bragg’ as guest – watch on I player when you can.

Credit where credits due. The BBC in England provide an impartial view of young Scottish Referendum voters.

Focus on Glasgow Youth meeting Blair YES & Blair NO in the city.

Decent questions from the youth of Glasgow.

See who you think the kids warm to and who tries to be too clever over student fees etc. The clue is the big bag of hot air.

Even in this one side comes across as positive and one negative.

I’ll let viewers work it out.

Obviously this piece was not orchestrated by Pacific Quay thus the impartial outcome and result.


@Murray McCallum
“I’m also not so sure that Blair McDougall wasn’t Eugene Terre’Blanche’s campaign manager”.

If Blair Mcdougall’s eyes get any blacker, he will be thrown into Edinburgh Zoo to double as that female Panda that has had a problem trying to breed. That big male panda isnae fussy. I knew he was good for something.


caz-m – await the wrath of Bugger(the panda) any minute now……………..


I think Lord Robertson’s Forces of Darkness speech was a tipping point. A Damascene road moment where people went “Hang on – this isn’t just silts it is silts on nonsense.


Gosh, is this new server working or what? Comment posted in the blink of an eye. 🙂


@Rob Smith

Sounds like the guy on the phone didn’t know what he was talking about. MORI will contract a call centre to do the poll questioning – it’s not their own staff. Ergo the folks asking the questions don’t know anything other than the script they are given.

[…] Quoted for truth #49 […]


HandandShrimp – ‘stilts’ even. 🙂


I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help thinking theres a striking resemblance between Blair McD and a certain Mr Griffin (and I don’t mean the Family Guy one)

Arbroath 1320

bunter says:

@ Arbroath 1320

Is there not a pattern to the timing of these BBC debates. Im sure the last couple followed closely the latest Westminster scare.

I think we can be sure this will be another one that goes nowhere near the richer fairer society we could create or the protection of the poor and disabled narrative.

I think you might be right bunter, but not the coincidence of BBC arranging to hold their debates closely after latest NO scare stories. I think it is more a case of Westminster *ahem* arranging their latest scare stories to coincide with the BBC debates.

If memory serves me right I think the BBC did say they would be holding these debates at monthly intervals. If there is any coincidence then it can only come from the actions of Westminster in my view.


rab_the_doubter – you mean Blair McD looks like Nick Griffin on steroids. 🙂


Couldn’t help but laugh at Kristen Tingles debating partner,on Scotland Tonight last night,when she stated that despite being a ‘no’? voter.She found the most positive vibes were coming from the YES camp.If he’d hit the table with his glass any harder,he’d have been in danger of looking soiled.
Aye Kristen,we need more ‘no’ voters like you.Keep up the good work. ;-]


Now now, T Jenny, I would never imply that he was taking Steroids.

Bugger (the Panda)

Having just read the excellent article on Business for Scotland, concerning North Sea Fishing Rights given away. It was Ted Heath who did the dirty, not Maggie.

I suppose Ted could have been Maggie in Drag, or even the other way round?


Mori phoned tonight to ask the missus how she’ll vote.
Yes, she said.
Oh, how certain are you you’ll vote?
A 10, she said.
They clearly weren’t convinced, or something.
Because, I’m sure I’ll vote.
Because I always vote
Yes, always
Yes, always…European, Uk, and Local. I always vote. I always have
Community council, yes. Referenduum…yes…definately.
No, I’m sure. TEN.

When they get answers they don’t like…they cross examine.
As of tonight…I’m deeply dubious about the Mori methodology


This site is in serious danger of becoming Glaswegian clique.
Rev,can we please have a reply button?

Bugger (the Panda)


I wouldn’t touch Blair McD, even for the last stick of bamboo in the World.

I have my standards, he has none.


C2DEs? Seen this a few times now and not a clue what it means. I’d have been useless at Bletchley Park.

Bugger (the Panda)

I do have a Polar Bear or two on speed-dial.

Come September they’ll be needing to stock up for the winter.


“Budding star for YES; very calm Danny McGee giving it back to Hammond at Thales”.

Totally agree with you gordoz, Danny McGee saved Scotland today from the nuclear fall-out from the bombs that the UK government dropped on us.

I think we have to hunt down Danny McGee and invite him onto Wings as a special guest.

Well done Danny, I hope you gave undecided voters the confidence to come out as strong YES voters.

It’s amazing the power that one sentence can have.

Murray McCallum

I try to learn from political strategists like Blair McDougall.

Just the other day he was trying to convince folk to vote No because glasses of beer were going to be three times the size in an independent Scotland.

I think he was implying Scottish blokes weren’t strong enough to lift them up or something. More negative campaigning!!


C2DEs? Seen this a few times now and not a clue what it means. I’d have been useless at Bletchley Park.

Socio-economic grading. Used as a weighting method by pollsters to try and get what is a representative sample.

link to

This group (working class etc) are much more strongly pro-indy. Landline phones particularly uncommon though (mobile much more common and if you are not so well off, why pay for a mobile and a landline), hence MORI have trouble reaching them. Ergo, MORI polls look better for No.


bookie from hell
Link doesn’t work for me. Any other way? Thanks.

call me dave

“Budding star for YES; very calm Danny McGee giving it back to Hammond at Thales”.

Who? What! Where! I’ve been out all day just catching up, fill me in please.


For some people though, the scare stories ARE working.
Some people will still listen to voice of authoritah which is the BBC. They still trust it and still believe it. They don’t question the paper lies, especially when they echo what the BBC are saying.

It’s all well and good us sitting on here, preaching to the converted, but doesn’t make a blind bit of difference to some.

Leaflets and mailshots aren’t enough, we need to get out and TALK to REAL PEOPLE.

ronnie anderson

@Roddy McDonald,7.46, read that B Brogan piece,some of the comments anti Scottish bile overflow,But one GLD & the
Westmoreland question,nice to see that some people south of the border find Ignorance is bliss,westmoreland PMSL

Murray McCallum

I wonder if this is the quote bookie from hell was referring to?

link to


scottish_skier says
C2DEs? Seen this a few times now and not a clue what it means. I’d have been useless at Bletchley Park.

Socio-economic grading. Used as a weighting method by pollsters to try and get what is a representative sample.

link to

This group (working class etc) are much more strongly pro-indy. Landline phones particularly uncommon though (mobile much more common and if you are not so well off, why pay for a mobile and a landline), hence MORI have trouble reaching them. Ergo, MORI polls look better for No.

You do realise vast swathes of Scotland have no,or limited,mobile coverage?
Why pay for a mobile you can only use in major conurbations?

Bill McLean

Scottish_Skier – Yes! I remember! Are you still forecasting about 62% YES – with your record i’ll feel more confident if you are!



Remember Referendum Debate Tonight BBC2 9pm.


British spirit in force.

link to

Murray McCallum

“Budding star for YES; very calm Danny McGee giving it back to Hammond at Thales”.

link to

Phil “the power” Hammond also scurries off and doesn’t stand and answer questions. This is shown at the end of the short clip.


@Bugger (the Panda)

Brilliant! LOL.


Bugger (the Panda)
Ted Heath also bottled political decentralisation, restructuring of personal taxation (local income tax) and local government reorganisation.

Then again, the £ was awfy shoogly at the time. He smiled a lot and sailed a yacht though.


Murray McCallum
Thanks for the suggestion, which worked, but was this not said some time ago?

bookie from hell

seanair it’s the Murray Mccallum link

I he’s basicly after a NO vote scottish parliament might get lees power

bookie from hell

sorry I never realised it wasn’t said recently

Arbroath 1320

I’m confused.

According to dear, dear, dear Blair McD if Scotland was independent the all the students from England would be entitled to free tuition. Call me thick…you’re thick… but I thought that this would only be the case if an independent Scotland was part of the E.U. So does this now mean that Blair McD now accepts that an independent Scotland will be part of the the E.U. after all?

As a result of the confusing picture laid out by Blair McD tonight I have a question for Blair. With you now claiming that English students will get their education for free in an independent Scotland does this mean that you and your bosses messers Darling, Brown, Milliband,Balls,Osborne and Cameron now accept unconditionally that an independent Scotland WILL become a full member of the E.U. 🙂

call me dave

Murray McCallum

Thanks for that.


If they get any closer, they’ll be havin this debate in Carmicheal’s livin room.



Yes stilts, although silts is what all this nonsense does to the debate 🙂


Has Andrew Neil been injected with some sort of truth serum?


You do realise vast swathes of Scotland have no,or limited,mobile coverage?

True, but most people live in areas with coverage, i.e. the densely populated central belt and coastal areas along the east coast towards Aberdeen etc.

link to

Also, pollsters are not using mobile only. ICM still do landline but combined with mobile for UK polls. They also do online panels.

Pollsters have moved to online panels as internet access is now much more prevelant than use of landline telephones. Many people (myself included) don’t use their landline other than for broadband or recognised callers. Hence the move to online polling which can be completed with smartphones as well as traditional PCs.

All approaches to sampling for polls have issues. It’s sticking to one, dying method that is MORI’s problem.


@ caz-m
is somebody recording this to put up on YouTube so us poor buggers who don’t get BBC Scotland (our licence fee pounds at work!) can throw things at the computer later? 🙂

Nana Smith

A friend sent me this earlier today.Not sure if its been posted already.

link to


I can’t even get any BBC page to load tonight for some very strange reason.


Wings is really flying now. It’s good for us but I think that’s just a bonus. It makes it really friendly for new readers wanting to have a look round and maybe search for articles on particular topics.

There are sites I never go to because the pages (usually ad-ridden) load so slowly. Often I click on a link and when I’ve got nothing after several seconds I just close the tab again.

This upgrade is going to give Wings an important Darwinian advantage in the race to September. People who click a link are going to get the content almost immediately.


I wonder if this is the quote bookie from hell was referring to?

link to

When did Andrew Neil make this comment, where is the source for it?

Ian Mackay

Well, at least David Cameron is right sometimes:

“I don’t think we’d ever succeed in saving the Union by frightening Scots to say you couldn’t possibly make it on your own.” [2008]

link to

The PM’s view obviously didn’t reach the self-styled Project Fear, did it? And they wonder why the Union is in trouble?


Went along to a Yes for Socialism meeting here in Dundee this evening. Tommy Sheridan was one of the two speakers. Talk about a packed meeting. People standing all around the walls must have been a few hundred people there. Couldn’t see the speakers but heard their speeches.

Watched the audience. Lots of nodding heads from the crowd. Complete range of ages but nice to see many younger (to me anyway) at the meeting. It reminded me of meetings in the 1960’s and very early 70’s. Hugh Kerr the former MEP gave a good comment to the meeting.


This upgrade is going to give Wings an important Darwinian advantage in the race to September

Absolutely agree. The site is noticeably much faster tonight.

If we plot a graph of visitor numbers and extrapolate, do you think the current hosting will take us right up to referendum? If the Rev needs more cash, I know some of us would be willing to chip in a bit more to make absolutely certain.

Colin Dunn

@ bookie from hell says:
“Andrew Neil’s quote is pretty stunning”

There’s an indyposterboy poster for that . . link to


“Taxi driver – No, we cannae afford it and the oil will run oot”

It’s amazing that people still have this attitude when Scotland is actually a richer country per capita than the UK, the media have a lot to answer for.

Murray McCallum


The quote from Andrew Neil was some time back. The source is quoted here link to


watching the debate – Alistair Carmichael what a fart

Jim T

@Rogue Coder 9:13

Have a look for a wee program called Get_iPlayer. It’s primarily designed for Linux but there is a Windows installer.

Quaint dos box interface, but worth the effort learning the script to get it to download the BBC programmes from ALL UK regions. Covers radio too. You are exhorted to be a good citizen and delete the files yourself after the “normal” BBC availability period.

If your moniker is indicative of your skills, you’ll find it a breeze to use 🙂


It’s amazing that people still have this attitude when Scotland is actually a richer country per capita than the UK, the media have a lot to answer for

In my opinion, there has never been a more successful propaganda war waged in history. We were all brought up to believe in the myth of subsidy, and it is reinforced every single day by the media, whom – to be fair, are equally as brainwashed and probably don’t even realise what they are doing half of the time.

It takes time to reverse this conditioning. What we’re seeing in Scotland now is a revival of optimism and hope, started by devolution and the success that the SNP have made of Scottish Government (Labour hardly covered themselves in glory, but I’ll give Donald Dewer a bloody big salute). This has empowered many Scots to believe in themselves and a better future. And that self belief has created the greatest grassroots campaign that the country has ever seen.

But don’t be too hard on the folks who haven’t been awakened yet. There’s still time to unplug Scots from “the Matrix” of Westminster fog and lies. All it takes is patience – and some of Ivan McKee’s graphs 🙂

Paul Kelly

I see the latest Union fundraiser is going pretty well. 🙁
link to


Marcia contrast that with a no meeting at Stirling uni tonight where a auditorium designed to hold hundreds had an attendance of around 20.
The unionists’ are right to be worried.

Jim T

@Rogue Coder

here’s the windows installer link:
link to


Rogue Coder, not sure where you have come from, but you are good.



the questions after the speech tell me there is growing support from what I would class as the ‘Labour voting’ section of the electorate. Quite uplifting it was to hear.


@ Jim T
Cheers Jim, I’ll check it out! I just switched my x86 box to a clean install of OS X, so I’m a bit lacking in apps 🙂


James123 – I replied to that with ‘but if you think that the oil will run out soon, how will we cope as it will also run out if we’re still in UK?
Taxi driver reply: But we’ll have more people to spread it around!
Me: So oil will run out but if we stay in UK when the oil runs out, there will be more people with less money to go round. Hmm. Interesting arithmetic going on there.
Said Cheers, paid and decanted. 🙂


Lesley Riddoch on form in tonight’s debate

Jim T


There’s an OS X version too

link to

Robert Peffers

O/T :
Got the real Youtube clip up and running now: –
Bit the Rev doesn’t like plus :-

Or Google Youtube Better Together Lies.
I put a wee plug for WOS at the end now too.

If the idea is reasonable I’ll do it as a series.
I Shouldn’t be short of BT lies to make a series ;-))
There’s plenty of them about.

I would be thankful for any feedback – good or bad.


@Robert Peffers – like it , particularly with the writing passing over the screen at point of answers – hits the nail on the head at the point its needed – great work


The Kirkwall audience statement that bemused me was the Colonel Blimp type saying that the Royal Navy would be denied the use of that great naval base Scapa Flo. To my knowledge the nearest Royal Naval surface ship to Orkney is 600 miles away.

Arbroath 1320

Paul Kelly says:

I see the latest Union fundraiser is going pretty well. 🙁
link to

Oh Jeez Paul, I nearly spilt my cuppa over my keyboard with that one! 😛


BBC – “Panda is artificially inseminated at Edinburgh Zoo”

There’s a joke to be had at the expense of the Tories, but good taste prevents me from making it.

Oh… too late 🙂


Robert Peffers
Liked it, though you are taking on an awfy lot of work if you want to cover all the Better Together lies. 🙂

Arbroath 1320

Famous15 says:

The Kirkwall audience statement that bemused me was the Colonel Blimp type saying that the Royal Navy would be denied the use of that great naval base Scapa Flo. To my knowledge the nearest Royal Naval surface ship to Orkney is 600 miles away.

I heard that statement but then had an outer body experience cause I couldn’t believe that he had actually said that. As far as I’m aware the last time Scapa Flow was used by the Royal Navy as a naval base was erm during WWII! Maybe Colonel Blimp had just been defrosted by the Better Together crowd specifically for tonight’s *ahem* debate. ;P

Flower of Scotland

O/t I got this reply about the Northern Echo interview with J Lamont , from Richard Simpson MSP
Glad you read the northern echo
But before replying specifically can you assure me that you are one of my constituents your email was unclear and parliamentary rules are strict.
However I welcome your interest
labours further devolution proposals are in ‘Powers for a purpose’ link to
I certainly believe that anything which damages the rest of the UK and especially the North East and North West of England such as the proposal to cut corporation tax to keep it 3% below rUK is a beggar my neighbour policy to which I won’t subscribe. Indeed whatever dubious benefits accrue to we Scots from separation are most likely to be at the expense of rUK eg breaking up UKs defence forces will weaken the UK.


@RogueCoder – you mean the Tories would have to be artificially inseminated to catch up wi the pandas 🙂


Stumbled across this from a St Andrews University history professor Colin Kidd.

link to

Don’t know if this is a wind up or for real.

Paula Rose

But where would you find a Tory donor twenty 14 – they won’t even pay for their BT campaign!


So after Orkney vote NO BBC debate tonight I learnt, Orkney sits in massive wind energy zone but hardly producing any green energy thanks to Westminster and even if Orkney did produce to anywhere near the 14% EU RENEWABLE AVERAGE, they cant export without connectors to mainland, of which there may be one coming in a decade, pending Westminster deciders. And there are still NO voters in Orkney!

Bloated Carmicheal bluff/bluster/waffle, Wilson is a Labour in Scotland liar to the core and if they win in September, we deserve everything we get.


Why does the BBC’s Douglas Fraudster keep banging on about a deal to be done on nukes. Does he not read the papers and watch the……..oh, actually he probably does and that’s his only source of info.


Sad to hear of the death of the former SNP MP for Banff, Hamish Watt.

Robert Peffers

@twenty14: The getting the text in sync is the hard part with interview clips. There isn’t a lot of room on the title tracks of the editing program. The questions and replies come close together and you have to leave gap between any two text blocks. It never works quite the same if you have to insert a solid block of text between the two events. Thanks for ther feedback.

Tartan Tory

I’ve come to the conclusion that many conservatives in Westminster have quietly accepted that Scottish independence is going to happen…. eventually. So in light of this, perhaps it’s best to LOOK like you are trying to avoid it, whilst secretly planning for it to work in your favour beyond the referendum. They know they can’t afford a Trident replacement, but they can’t be seen to compromise on such an important (world stage) deterrent. Meanwhile, the MoD is screaming for an increase in funding for traditional forces. So, post a Yes vote, they can ditch Trident, blame iScotland, spend more on traditional forces and come up smelling of roses with a more secure political majority.


@Paula Rose – Paula maybe they carry a Tory Donor card and in cased of death there ” little swimmers ” are passed on to others.

Think very soon we’ll be visiting the Capital’s Zoo to view a Tory ( saved from exstinction by rich Grandees )

A bit like the snow leopard

Robert Peffers


;-)) Ouch! I’ve no intention of covering ALL the BT lies. I’ve only got three big computers, a PVR and a couple of video recorders.

The thing is, while it is easy to find the lies, it’s not so easy to get video clips of those who tell them and text pages just don’t have the same effect. Lets see how it goes. Tomorrow I’ll start trawling through Youtube and other clips for suitable video footage. Thanks for the feedback.



Just when you think EBC Scotlandshire can’t get any worse they do.

James Cook: Shambolic, amateur, allowed Wilson to run the show his way. Kept asking bumpkin if he wanted to add anything while patronising Lesley Riddoch. Total sycophantic shambles from EBC.

Lesley was the star of the show whenever she was allowed in. Angela Constance, nice lass.

Some of the audience were dynasores and bussed in from planet zog or maybe they were acquaintances of Bubba’s. Any good questions/comments from audience were snuffed out between Bubba and Wilson’s gibbering. James Cook P45 in the post.

Tîm Criced i Gymru

Paul Kelly @ 9.40
Ha! Just seen their symbol for the Border Rally! They’ve made an unfortunate choice of image – reminds me more of the Bovver Boots and Brit skinheads of the ’70s I remember running riot along Rhyl prom and High Street!


Robert Louis in the thread here had it spot on. We’ll never hear the positive case because they know there isn’t a compelling one. If they had a winning argument that they could use then by this desperate stage they’d have used it instead of looking increasingly unhinged.


watching Brewer’s fayre on Newsnight- amazing how they’re now talking about if’s and when – as opposed to never



James Cook is a joke, I’ll always remember his “So is independence a daft idea?” question to the guy from the IFS, and the time he went to Dundee to gauge opinion and completely failed to find one supporter of independence in an SNP city!


Two heroes today

A) Danny McGee – gutsy move. Strong values in a young man willing to speak his mind in his place of employment. Real integrity – Well done.

B) Lesley Riddoch – A from the heart performance. A genuine attempt to take the debate to a higher level. She describes a Scotland I would like to see.

Robert Peffers

@ Tîm Criced i Gymru: “Ha! Just seen their symbol for the Border Rally”.

Does this numptie not know Hadrian’s Wall has not been the border since the Roman’s left?


James123 – Dundee is an SNP City – then I’m deffo going to the WOS night out there in May. 🙂


@tartan tory(10.41)

The scenario you mention is probably not far off the truth, and to be perfectly honest, if they want to blame iScotland to help them get off their own hook, I can live with that as the prize is well worth it.

I actually would welcome that scenario as even when we are our own country, the loss of nukes from the Ruk is a good thing not just for these islands but the whole world.

I have no desire to see Ruk in major trouble financially when we go, I like to think I am better than that, and the trident replacement cash saved could be better spent on the citizens of Ruk.

Whether they get it spent on them is another question, but at least the voters down south will know who is responsible for it going straight to London instead of them.

Paula Rose

( a song for TJenny on off-topic )

Arbroath 1320

Is it me or is something missing in one of these photos? 🙂

Arbroath 1320

Think it helps if I put the link up…DOH 🙂

link to


O/T but a giggle. The most popular comment on the Benedict Brogan article in the Torygraph, has just been removed. I wonder if it was because I suggested it showed the confidence and maturity of the British/English psyche? That would give me a big head. 🙂


Scapa Flow is a large natural anchorage in the heart of the southern Orkney isles. Lyness on Hoy was the actual base. I remember seeing HMS Lion at Lyness as a kid. However that was a very rare later visit, Scapa ceased to be used by the navy in the early 1950s. It hasn’t figured in the RN’s plans for 60 years. It most certainly doesn’t figure in any future plans. The UK navy simply doesn’t have enough ships. Back in the early 1950s when Queenie did her Coronation review at Spithead I think she had to wave to about 300 ships.


Does this numptie not know Hadrian’s Wall has not been the border since the Roman’s left?

Isn’t that one the yomp from Carter Bar to the Tweed? At least more geographically informed.


Paula Rose – Thank you – that was evocative and lovely. I’ve heard much mention of Michael Marra, usually in reference to his niece(?) Jenny Mara, Slab MSP, but never actually heard the man himself. Now along with not ever having been to Dundee I hope this doesn’t make me an unacceptable Philistine. (FYI I’ve never been to all sorts of places inc Aberdeen and Inverness).

Jim Bo

@TJenny- I still have some of those flyers left over from The Counting House- unbelievable I know. You’re welcome to have some if you like. Sounds like Edinburgh’s cabbies need educated and I know you take more cabs than me.


There are more songs about Dundee, further up the thread.


Luckily as top dog, big Blair doesnt have to report in for an Annual Review this year…his boss if he had one could just read the above out and sigh.


Lyness naval base is being converted to a commercial hub, mainly related to offshore renewables. Works are happening on site at the moment.

john allan

Why is labour not telling the English, they don’t actually subsidize Scotland. Its about making sure you beleive where to wee to pour to small.

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