Quoted for comedy
The Herald, 5 December 2013:
What poor Mr Greatrex oddly neglected to offer any explanation for, of course, is WHY these academics would suddenly be “twisting the facts” to produce “misleading” evidence. Since they were all on his side earlier this year, after all, it seems unlikely that they’re diehard nationalists pushing a political agenda.
The only sane explanation is that, like all intelligent people, they’ve reassessed their position in the light of new facts and come to a new conclusion. It’s telling that that exercise in basic rationality has made Mr Greatrex so angry.
Tom Greatrex is an arse …on his principles i winna bother tellin ye’s why.
Can only be labelled as truth if it’s a BT lie… now that makes sense
Have we checked Yes Scotland’s email, to be certain they weren’t bribed?
Labour get angry when someone decides to think for themselves. Nothing new there then!
The NO Campaign is disintegrating before our eyes.
It seems that the White Paper has actually been a turning point. It has become the point of comparison and academics are now using it as a benchmark to critique the No camp’s position. The European and External Affairs committee this morning being a good example. The Labour MSPs were desperately grabbing at straws trying to get the profs to support Better Together’s contentions but the academics were adamant there would be no problem getting into the EU and NATO. Not what the no camp want to hear.
Renewable report yesterday, NIESR debunking the IFS report’s figures on ageing today.
All good news for Yes.
Comedy is Derek Bateman likening Johann Lamont to ‘a Borgenesque classy political operator’
Now this is good news – and yes the chap in question is a particular politico self promoter.
So whit is it BT, were they telling the truth then or now?

Car crash, knives out for the leadership and vultures beginning to gather. The white paper is the turning point and there’s not a damn thing BT can do to stop the drip drip of information getting into households. Not on EU, currency, defence or energy, its all going to come home in the next ten months. Along every street, through every door, by phone, by social media, by internet and by canvassers.
The other shoe is about to drop and its our turn.
Oh well Mr Greatrex – you’ve always got United with Labour … or maybe you haven’t ?
see last thread
ah yes, Balmoral Paths, then a safe seat, then spout shite
It has drawn a furious response from Better Together supporters, with Labour energy shadow Tom Greatrex accusing the team of being ‘highly misleading’ and ‘twisting the facts’.”
Of course neither he or any one from the Better Together H.Q. have ever “twisted the facts” about independence have they………responses on a postcard please to Tom Greatex…….
Sorry for being so quick with another post and being slightly O/T but thought this was rather telling about the future of Holyrood if a NO vote wins next year.
So despite Better Together “partners” all claiming to be singing from the one song book about post referendum powers we can see from this article that the pro independence side are correct in their assumptions. We have not even had the referendum yet and Westminster is REMOVING powers from Holyrood. I guess they are really upset at being upstaged by Holyrood over the issue of renewables!
Just watching the autumn statement with Neil and chatting to the IFS chap of 50 years prediction into the future of Scotland’s finances fame. Both having a laugh and a joke at the history of OBR forecasts, invariably wrong, when the IFS chap suggests, forecasting is a mugs game. I thought the IFS based it’s findings on the OBR, no?
Article today in the uni website:
“Is an independent Scottish electricity system good for renewable energy and Scotland?
An analysis of the effect of recent UK government policy decisions on nuclear energy suggests that Scottish consumers could face lower prices in an independent Scottish electricity system.
link to abdn.ac.uk
Surely that wouldn’t be a Labour Party politician attacking the impartiality of an academic would it……?
I mean after the stushie about Robison’s questioning the impartiality of a BT academic on the 5 Millions Questions….they are surely not that stupid…..
Oh right…..silly me I forgot it’s Scottish Labour we’re talking about
Yep, spotted that and started posting it around masel’. The buggers are so arrogant, they couldn’t even wait till after the referendum. Tactically speaking, that’s what’s known as a howler. In one stroke they’ve confirmed everything most of us have ever posted about the faults of devolution and Scotland’s likely treatment post a no vote.
Epic fail.
The rules are simply this… Anyone who disagrees with Better together are lying bastards, anyone who agrees with them is the wisest man in Christendom.
Logical consistency don’t enter into it.
The UK will have one of the lowest pensions and the highest pension age in Europe. This is called Better Together.
“… they’ve reassessed their position in the light of new facts and come to a new conclusion.”
Why on earth don’t Scottish Labour take that principle on board and reassess their own position? They seem lumbered with dogma and a non existent “Scottish” party structure that is hemorrhaging both membership and support.

Well at least we now have ONE reason why we are better together, Westminster can still call all the shots over those upity Scots!
As you say………EPIC fail!
Please sir can I have some more?
A real Windsor Davies moment:
Does kinda throw devo max/more powers into the bin though doesn’t it?
How can you expect additional powers when they’re busy removing or amending those you already have?
O/T Malcolm Chisholm half-heartedly rehashing some anti-independence rigmarole at FMQs.
Whether his heart’s in it or not, it’s a pitiful sight.
May I suggest a great way of promoting the “Wings Over Scotland” website.
I downloaded the Wings logo with the web address on it and made it my desktop background. Then if you personalize the desktop and set the background to “Fill”, then the whole page is taken up by the logo.
You then disable hibernation and also the sleep.
You now have a huge permanent advert for Wings and it can be seen by anyone passing your computer.
It is also a fantastic looking logo.
Logo link:-
Would you put up a link to Wings logo with web address on it.
The writing’s on the wall everybody! If this is their attitude now God help us if there is a no vote! Scotland must vote YES!
…………….The mother of Parliaments! There is an additional word which could be inserted easily into that quotation

I’ve sussed it!
They are REMOVING powers from Hollyrood now so that when we all vote NO, 100% No that is, next year they can then start to return these powers to us claiming that we are getting more powers, completely ignoring the simplest of facts that the powers being returned are the same ones previously removed………SIMPLES!
This change of tune from the academics surely will help to persuade more undecided Scots, to vote YES.
If the information can be put before them, slowly but surely the BT camps plan of austerity and negativity will be there undoing.
After watching George Osborne, smugly, boast that his plan is working, and that another £4 billion pounds will need to be cut from expenditure, the big picutre finally comes to light.
A no vote will lead to unimaginable suffering not just in Scotland but in Northern England, due to immense cuts, Scots cannot afford to sleepwalk into a no vote and terrible austerity, disguised as proud to be British.
It’s interesting, there are two polar camps emerging in England.. Those who are bitter opposed to Independence and a growing number who are seeing Independence as a way to fight Westminster.
Don’t forget, it works both ways. Many of us have regular contact with family in England. We all have the same concerns about Westminster. We all worry about the same things, mortgages, education, energy and banks. (to name a few)
There has been an increasing number of English people saying ‘Go for it. Shake the tree’. There are even a few on Wings who live in the South but are interested in the debate.
Perhaps we are missing a trick by not getting more of them on side.
This is not a Scottish / English fight.
This is a Scotland / Westminster fight (with everything that Westminster represents – Elite, privilege, establishment, banks, Tories)
Truth will prevail against hegemony.
@caz-m Its a good idea.
Another idea is for anyone who posts in other places, use a Wings Avatar (similar to mine)
Imagine the viral effect of loads of people appearing on other blogs using a Wings sign. If anyone wants a ‘set of wings’ I have loads available.
I notice that better together are crowdsourcing their phone canvassers:
link to bettertogether.net
our post just arrived, and included in with all of the junk mail was…a card/leaflet from the gov about how to access the white paper…lucky I usually throw out junk mail as a pile!
Remember to go through the junk mailshots and ads put through your doors folks!
Robert Bruce,
That could be fun telling everyone to vote Yes.


I notice that better together are crowdsourcing their phone canvassers:
Now it would be dreadful if some of those horrible nasty cybernats signed up to do BT canvassing for them…..
Feeding them dodgy made up canvass returns……using the call to encourage them to vote YES…..re-directing them to Wings, Bella et al….
It would be very naughty and bad so nobody should do it….ok
It’s all over people. The Krankies have come out for No.
link to bigissue.com
@ Wingman 2020
I cant find the Wings logo with website address that I am looking for. So hopefully Rev or someone else will put up a link for it.
The idea is to start spreading the word. Every little bit helps the cause. From all of us.
I think it’s such a bad idea it deserves a top-level post warning yes campaigners *not* to impersonate abrasive, insulting Better Together canvassers, interrupting people’s dinner with cold calls.
It’s called Dick McWhittington because instead of walking from Gloucester to London, he walks from London to Glasgow. A pro-independence message? We’re not going into the details of that in the pantomime. Alex Salmond can sod off ’cos I don’t want it. We don’t live in Scotland so we won’t get to vote and I don’t think it’s fair.
Is Jimmy Krankie not Johann?
Its ok folks panic over, Im sure I heard they are “Swing” voters
has anyone bought any of the merchandise from Rev’s shop link? Cafepress get quite dodgy reviews. I’m wondering if I’m better off using the artwork, getting something printed myself, and donating to his fund? Also, I think the web address needs to get wider circulation. I was surprised so many people had come here from links in comments in news article – one positive of visiting MSM sites.
Taken from Rev’s photos logo.
link to twitpic.com
@ Mary Bruce – O/T Re your question a few posts ago

link to wingsoverscotland.com
Loch Ness holds
1 trillion, 668 billion, 490 million gallons of wet stuff.
Total estimate of oil produced and anticipated [Variable] is
2 trillion, 273 billion, 200 million gallons of black stuff
Its estimated that it was about 50/50 a few years ago with oil produced and whats left but as new finds come on line the figures change.
So to give your son an idea of impressing his class then the answer is the longest, deepest piece of water in Scotland could be drained and filled with the amount of oil already produced then drained and filled again with the oil waiting to be taken out.
Any dispute of these figures will mean being struck off my Christmas Card list
Look at the attached short vid of wings and consider using the last screen shot as a logo or screen saver.
link to youtu.be
Apologies for going O/T
This week the spiv phone calls from the Insurance company have steeply escalated – 4 in 2 days so far.
They all try to paint a gloomy outlook/ mindset and I wondered if there just might be a connection to a political desperation? Like BT mobilising reserve possibilities from a different marketplace?
Anyone else experiencing this?
Did Lamentable Lamont state in FMQ’s something along the lines of ‘its all about the benefits of independence’ Which I thought strange as , well isn’t it stating the bleeding obvious and was it a Freudian recognition that Scotland would benefit from independence
In case your local public library hasn’t a copy. The No campaign’s latest swing voters, in their own words –
The Krankies’ joint autobiography condensed
Utterly chilling words to haunt you for the rest of your life
link to storify.com
Without a vote the Krankies are hardly No voters just disgruntled ex-pats.
You highlight a very good point. All these “Whats the costing?…how much, tell us how much?” questions by Lamont and Darling and Co. reminds me of the old cross-examination adage “Never ask a question that you don’t know the answer to!”
The NO Campaign are playing, or indeed are being reduced to playing, a very dangerous game: Not only may they be reinforcing users mindsets by subliminally using the term independence but also daring to give an open goal for a YES campaigner to score into.
Which is nice!
I remember a few years ago an English acquaintance of mine was coming to stay in a hotel in Edinburgh and enquired what a “Full Scottish Breakfast” was.
I explained that if he was lucky it was like a “Full English” except you got black pudding, potato scones and maybe some clootie dumpling, but if he was unlucky it would include a naked floor show by the Krankies. How prescient that was.
@ joe kane
Joining those other heavyweight deep thinkers –
Sharlene Spittieri
James Morton
John Barrowman
Eddie McGurk (of the Thistle Stinkies – me thinkies)
Alex McLeish
YES must be doing something right; by dodging this lots support
The Krankies?
Aren’t they on the opposition benches in Holyrood?
I was sure…
Thanks Kendo..
The logo I am looking for is the original one with the wings spread open and the web address along the bottom of it.
No seoc but if solar panels are as effective as the calls I get then there will be some sunshine or at least daylight in an Indy Scotland

Thanks for that I do try sometimes.
Yes folks I do know I AM very trying as well!
Now it would be dreadful if some of those horrible nasty cybernats signed up to do BT canvassing for them…..
What are you saying…….surely you are not suggesting that any of us “too wee too poor too stupid” cybernats would consider hijacking such an illustrious event as this for our own ends? I mean how could we none of us knows how to use a phone!
Thanks Kendo..
But the logo Iam looking for is the original one with the wings spread wide open and the web address along the bottom of it.
When the Krankies get back to Australia they could maybe ask the aussies if they want to rejoin the UK?
Send me your e-mail address to kenmcdonald1@btopenworld.com and I’ll mail the very thing back to you.
You might find something here.
link to bobwar.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
O/T but for people concerned about undue influence on their children re the indy debate – the GTC sent me this link about guidelines -I haven’t read through it but it might be useful.
link to educationscotland.gov.uk
Thanks Kendo..
Would you put it up on here as a link, so everyone else can get it for downloading. cheers.
Just in case it is overlooked there is a related document here which can be used to point teachers in the right direction i.e. straight down the middle with no bias.
link to educationscotland.gov.uk
Dr. David Toke, what a spliffing name!
O/T Dont know if this makes anybody else angry.
Just to counter the ‘Embassies’ question which is often raised. ie ‘better UK international representation’
Business for Scotland contacted 20 UK world embassies, none had anything planned for St Andrews day (despite some having St Georges day events).
Thats right – 20 Embassies worldwide / 0 events for St Andrews day
Money well spent ? / Better Together eh ? Taxation without representation ?
link to businessforscotland.co.uk
Seasick Dave – thanks for that, I particularly like this:
Head teachers and heads of establishment should seek clearance and
guidance from Directors of Education if they receive requests for Referendum related activities by outside bodies before agreeing to them.
They also said in their email if parents were worried about perceived influence they should do the following-
As this is an employment issue, our advice is to contact the headteacher in the first instance and if there is not a satisfactory resolution at that stage, it should be escalated to the local authority, GTC Scotland cannot be involved at this stage.
@Stuart Black.
Dr. Detoke. Does he help you stop spliffing?
News of another turnaround :
link to bbc.co.uk
Cross border scientific reseach promoted by UK Govt. Obviously it couldn’t happen with an independent Scotland.
It has been a source of joy and relief to me that the artists, writers, comedians, musicians and thespians (I said thespians) who support Yes are by and large people whose work I have loved and bought through the years. The ones ranked on the No side are by large people I have no particular attachment to…one or two exceptions, I liked Barrowman in Torchwood and I have always liked Texas and I’m not going to stop liking their stuff because I disagree on a political point. However, it is not a test that is being to any great stress so far.
No idea how do do that..will look up dropbox/skydrive and see if I can play this thing.
“The Independence Prospectus “Scotland’s Future” proposes a network of 70-90 overseas offices”. I’m updating my CV and although I can very nearly speak english I am ruling out a posting to London. Washington would be OK, Bahamas would be nice, Australia – not if wee Jimmy Krankie is big there !
So are the Krankies, Australian Citizens these days?
Are they paying tax on this Panto windfall? ( see what i did there?)
Seems while they dont want an Independent Scotland,
They dont want Australia that much either: Krankies
re earlier post about embassies and St Andrew’s day (Gordoz), I’d have to confess that my experience of British Embassy was that they had an event for Burns’ night, but not St Andrews, and yes they did something for St George and of course Queen’s Birthday. Not aware of a St David’s day event.
I didn’t find the embassy was noticeably underselling Scotland at, for example, Queen’s birthdays, but rather it is BBC world that undersells Scotland abroad very noticeably, and has been very culpable in damaging Brand Scotland for most of my lifetime abroad. I remember just one little anecdote, by no means something isolated, but very annoying, was a couple of years ago trying to find out a Scotland qualifier result (against Lithuania) on the same night England played. BBC world covered only the latter (I mean they actually talked about it). The Scotland result wasn’t even shown on the graphic for that night’s results in the bulletin I saw, I do not tell a lie.
You may say, who cares, it’s only football, but it’s indicative of the brand promotion BBC world does of Scotland. As I said above, I wasn’t aware of a particular underselling of Scotland in the embassy, although I must say that general experience abroad in many countries is that Whisky and Tartan may be known as Scottish, but many people even in fairly educated circles do not know it is a partner in a union. Britain and England are synonymous and have been since the Union I believe.
Arbroath 1320 says
” “twisted the facts” about independence have they………responses on a postcard please to Tom Greatex…….”
I think you meant replies on 650 pages didnt you?
The Trams are up and running. Good news.
The ConDems have abandoned the Renewables programme for more expensive energy projects over the long term.
A planned tidal Humber? Project £9Billion was cancelled as too expensive. Dinard has had a Tridal power energy station since the 1960’s. A nuclear power station is now planned in the UK in Devon? It is close to the sea and estimated to cost £15Billion, without decommissioning and storage costs. Nuclear Plants built in France/Finland are years late (7) and £Billions over budget.
The solar buy-back has been reduced from 42p to 21p. People whose chikdren had left home, and had disposable incomes were often the one’s who invested in solar panels. They are now unwilling to invest because they will not get the invest back in time.
The Westminster Renewables policy is a shambles. Electric cars are much cheaper to run.
Scotland is surplus in fuel and energy, exports 25%. Consumers pay a higher cost because it is colder. If consumers in Scotland paid as per source, as utility companies wanted, Scottish consumers could have lower bills, equal to the rest of the UK. Higher energy costs in Scotland leads to higher public spending.
The Krankies are actually too wee.
“The Krankies are actually too wee.”
And too stupid, remember that one.
“Twisting the facts”. Wasn’t it Greatrex who twisted the facts over the Royal Paths fiasco several years back. – and tried to blame it on the SNP at Holyrood!
“but if he was unlucky it would include a naked floor show by the Krankies. How prescient that was.”

Yea thanks for that,
I’m getting enough sleep anyway,
anything that gets me up in the middle of the night screaming is cool
Just had a horrible thought – wee Jimmy being big down under!
Thanks Archie [not Erchie]!